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Ok, so I stan for Gaga and I recently saw all this drama about 5SOS. Not a fan of them, my sister is (she's 10) though I've seen some interviews and I thought they were okay before I knew about all this drama. I just wanna share my opinion as someone who is very interested in music/pop culture/media. Btw, I did a lot of research on this so don’t think I’m misinformed or don’t know all the story because I do, it’s not difficult to lol.

They need to know how much this is going to affect their careers. Their singles did okay and so did the album but that doesn't mean in anyway that they've “made it”. So it’s sickening to see this groupie drama, hearing how they ignored some fans, promised a bunch of stuff and didn't deliver. I don’t respect an artist/band that don’t respect their fans and choose groupies over them. And even worse, blame them for talking about the drama instead of their music, which is the band’s fault. They shouldn't be fucking girls and then disposing of them like they’re objects. Don't give me that crap about how "oh, they're teenage boys, they're horny". I'm sorry but I don't know any guys my age that fuck girls all the time and dispose of them like that, that's no way to treat women. And don't be slut shaming. It annoys me how some fans are slut shaming those girls because hello? 5SOS seem to be fucking their way through each country they perform in so, yeah.

Those fans are the people that have bought your albums, spread the word about you and support you and without them, you’re nothing. It doesn't even matter if you’re the most talented person on earth or your record went fucking diamond. The fans are the ones that are making you successful. No amount of apologies or follows on Twitter will fix the shit you've done. And when they confront you on it, don’t block them or say crap like “Oh I have friends who are girls”. That's a lot of friends you've got there. Who in god's name would believe that? They basically think their fans are fucking stupid. Do they not know that most fans are old enough to know the stuff they're doing backstage with their "friends"? If you can’t take criticism then find a different career cos that’s basically what the music industry consists of.

5SOS have these adoring, dedicated fans but they are just fucking shit up and taking advantage of them, pretending they're fucking angels and knowing that some of those fans won't believe the "rumours" and do whatever they say and believe whatever they say.

They’re just starting out. Yes, they were a band for years and had a debut single out in 2012 but only in Aus and NZ. Their WW debut single was this year. So they can’t be acting like dicks at such an important time in their career, they can’t just think they can ignore fans and be like “Oh we have plenty of other fans cos we’re so big”, um no. I know you can’t meet every single fan but ffs, 15 fans and you can’t be bothered? What kind of attitude is that? A load of fans sleeping outside on NYC streets for days, while some fans were very young to do so and you fuck off out the back? Fans waiting for hours to see you and you just get in the car and ignore them cos you got a few groupies with you? Laughing when a fan calls another fan fat? Nice. Real nice.

Even if 1D pulled shit like that, that would ruin their careers and they’re the biggest band in the world. You’re their opening act so have several seats and don’t think for a second that you can get with any of this. Shit like that spreads like wild fire. People will easily find out. 5SOS have plenty of time in the day to "have a bad day" but once they’re in front of fans, they can’t because those fans will remember a bad experience. That could have been those fans’ only chance of meeting them. No one cares if you thank fans everyday on Twitter, that doesn't mean shit. Actions speak louder than words. Go out and fucking try thanking them in person. Or at least stop blaming them for talking about the shit you do to ruin your career. Own up to what you've done or stop doing it all together and treat your fans right or stfu, you choose.

If 5SOS don’t get their shit together, their fans will fuck off and leave them to fade. It’s happened before and it could happen to them next. They need to remember that you’re never secure in this industry, ever. It doesn't matter if you've got 10 fans or 10 million fans. Appreciate the fact that they're all helping you. The fans determine your expiry date. Treat them well or you’re gone.
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