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I believe it's something from this sort. See, the game shaytan plays here is to make us go for the opposite of husn al-dhan, soo' al-dhan (سوء الظن). It happened once that I met an imam who was with another sister in his office, so I had I gift for the imam and also one for that sister because she was present at the same time who I thought was a student. But then when I presented the gift to her through him he immediately said, "oh, btw this is my wife!" which never came to my mind! In the hadith the companion saw the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) with another woman when it was dark [the main reason is here ] The companion wouldn't be able to verify who that woman is because it was dark. Even though it was the prohpet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) he still asked the man back and told him that this is my wife just so that man won't be affected by the devil's whispers later. OF course Satan will always try to trick us, and he's got tons of tricks of which we need to be aware.
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