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Intro) Hello! My name is Cali and I will be your receptionist trainer! Please follow me!
1) Hello! My name is Cali and I will be your trainer for this session!
2) Your job as a receptionist is to check in/out guests at the hotel. You also will have to deal with trollers and exploiters along the journey!
3) Once I begin, you will be asked V questions.
4) Please answer them to your best ability!
5) Remember, if you miss III grammar mistakes, you will be kicked! So try your very best!
6) If you get most of the questions right, you will pass! I will also perform a troll encountering test to see how you react to a troller.
7) If you fail this session, please do not worry! There is always a next time! Thank you for your cooperation!
8) When I begin asking you the questions, please answer them with complete sentences and correct grammar!
9) Let’s begin! Are you ready?
10) Alrighty!
1) What is your greeting?
2) If there is a troller what is are your first impressions?
3) If there is an exploiter, what would you do?
4) What are you not allowed to do when you are checking guests in/out?
5) How do you know when someone has the suite gamepass?
X) Grammar Strikes: I am sorry to say, but you have failed this session due to max grammar mistakes! Don’t worry, there is always a next time!
Troll Test:
1) Good Job! We will now move on to the Troll encounter test!
2) Another part of your job is to deal with trollers and exploiters!
Do you have any questions or concerns for this part of the session?
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Regards; Team

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