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why do i have to do this, i hate this, this is so stupid. my dad says that we waste money while he buys like a bajillion speakers that cost like 1000 each. now on a friday im stuck help him complain at my mother and i have to do research on some dumb friking daisy chain for no reason. i mean can he not do this himself or does he not have time too because he is wasting more money. a daisy chain is so easy can his brain just not comprehend how to connect one amplifier to another one by justing using two wires. i was thinking today i would relax since i got all my homework finished and won semi-finals at the speech contest at school. i also had field day today and my body is super sore. why do i have to live this life, what do i get out of it. most of my best friends are toxic. home is not the happiest. the happiest times of the week is tuesday and thursday. you know why? because my dad goes to the office. he comes back at 5:00 but thats enough time to relax. the only things that come out of his mouth is complaints. he asked my sister why the tv wouldnt play songs automaticly and she tried to convince him and he didnt belive her and then he called the company and asked them and well they told him why and then he told my sister she didnt defend her side enough. but he told her to stop arguing with him and go to her room and my sister is very good at debating and defending her side. she got an award at school for being good at defending her side and using GOOD EVIDENCE. the only evidence my dad has was how it was a "smart tv"
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