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- European storm petrel (the smallest seabird)
- Family Dipodidae (Jerboas)
- African grass owl
- Lesser sooty owl
- Silkie Chicken
- Beautiful Chicken Breeds
- Call Duck
- Button Quail
- Hookbill duck
- Muscovy Duck
- Magpie Goose
- Screamers ( Anhimidae )
- Osprey ( this fish hawk is a fish eater that can fly with a large fish held vertically to its torso for streamlining)
- White cougar
- White jaguar
- White leopard
- White lion
- Melanistic Asiatic Lion (dark brown with nearly black patches, kinda like a dark Abyssinian)
- Aquatic Genet
- Black necked swan
- New World porcupines (tree and North American porcupines)
- Margay ( Leopardus genus, smaller than ocelot, larger eyes, shorter face, longer legs and tail, spends entire life in trees, can climb down head first due to rotatable ankles, females have only two tests and has unusual mating calls)
- Kodkod (Leopardus genus, smallest cat in America’s, small head, large feet, thick tail, sometimes melanistic, terrestrial but a good climber)
- Laotian Flying Squirrel
- Gerbils, Sand rat’s and Jiirds
- Kea
- Pouched rats, climbing mice, Malagasy Mice, white tailed mice
- Martens of the Martes Genus
- Monitor Lizards
- African Golden Cat
- Olive thrush - an African robin
- King Eider - An arctic Duck
- Thick-billed murre - The largest of the Auk and an even more convincing imposter for a flying penguin if it stood up straight.
- Rakali (An otterlike Australian water rat)
- The Hydromys (cousins of the Rakali)
- Yellow Sea Snake (Hydrophis spiralis) - Largest sea snake lives ore-shore
- Otter civet (Cynogale bennettii) is a semiaquatic civet native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
- Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus Kanchil) - the world’s smallest ungulate
- Water chevrotain - The largest of the mouse deer and also the only African Chevrotain
- Bobook owl - An Australian Owl
- Moonrats and gymnure (ratlike relatives of hedgehogs)
- Fiordland penguin - A New Zealand penguin that are known to wander into jungles.
- African pygmy squirrel - The smallest squirrel, endemic to Cameroon. Size of a mouse
- Prevost's squirrel - A colorful squirrel
- Indian Giant Squirrel - A Large technicolored Squirrel
- Lykoi Cat - A US cat breed that looks like a Hollywood werewolf!!
- Red Giant Flying Squirrel - One of the 14 species in Borneo, including the tail it’s four feet long. Prolly the largest of them all.
- The Japanese giant flying squirrel (ムササビ musasabi, Petaurista leucogenys) - 2 ft from top of the head to the tail tip
- Bhutan giant flying squirrel - A South East Asian flying squirrel that’s among the enlarges. Dunno the exact size
- Golden-rumpled elephant shrew - Largest of it’s kind. Dwells in Northern coastal areas of Africa. Builds several nests to avoid danger and really knows how to distract predators for the neck with the Booty 😏
- Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat - A fruit bat with unique facial coloring
- Painted bat (Kerivoula picta) - A Pretty Orange and Black Asian bat
- Perodicticinae - African lorises

* EXTINCT ( search by † )

- Pakicetus
- Ichthyolestes (close relative of pakicetus)
- Regisaurus (ratty mammal like reptile)
- Moschowhaitsia (badgerlike mammal like reptile)
- Vegaviidae (distantly related to ducks and geese)
- Castrocauda ( The Jurassic “Beaver”)
- Didelphodon (Large omnivorous Mesozoic marsupial otter)
- Vitana Sertichi ( Large Mammal Madagascan herbivore of the Late Cretaceous)
- Repenomamus ( A large 3 foot long mammal predator that weighs 25 pounds that is proven to be a dinosaur eater.
- Mesungulatids ( generally large sized herbivores or omnivores, being among the several Mesozoic mammals deviating from the classical insectivore stereotype. They are among the dominant mammals in Late Cretaceous south american assemblages, and among the most derived species present.)
- Giraffidae - Trust me, there are a lot of Bizarre looking cards there :D
- Potamotherium - A Otter-bodied primitive ancestor of pinnipeds
- Puijila-Another primitive pinniped that was even more otter like.
- Titanoides - A herbivorous swamp mammal of the pantodont genus that looks like a weird bear.
- European Ice Age Leopard
- Basilosauridae (besides Basilosaurus and Dorudon)
- Beezlebufo
- Paleopatadoxia (Large, almost fully marine afrothere with backhoe bucket shaped jaws and ate seaweed and sea grasses. Can swim and dive underwater but can’t descend into or live in the depths. Spends time floor walking like a marine hippo)
- Metatherians other than marsupials
- Anagaloidea
- Australosphenida (distant cousins to monotremes)
- Adapiscoridulidae (non placental Paleocene eutherians)
- Smok wawelski (theropod-like Late Triassic archosaur
- Steropodontidae and Kryorctes (Cretaceous platypus and Echidna)
- Dichobunidae ( Basal ungulates That May have resembled long tailed chevrotains and were rabbit sized)
- Rahonavis (a Flying birdlike theropod)
- Condylarth ( an order of extinct placental mammals, known primarily from the Paleocene and Eocene epochs. They are considered early, primitive ungulates.)
- Prionosuchus (the largest amphibian to have ever swam the earth. Looks like a crocodilian axolotl)
- Palaeoloxodon ( a giant elephant that has beaten the Paraceratherium as the largest land mammal ever)
- Lysorophia (order of aquatic Carboniferous and Permian tetrapods within the extinct subclass Lepospondyli. Lysorophians resembled small snakes, as their bodies are extremely elongate.)
- Eorhynchochelys ( A lizard-like stem turtle with a toothless beak and a wide and flat-ribbed body that had no shell. The skull also has a single pair of holes at the back. )
- Pachypleurosaurs (fully-aquatic lizard-like ,fish-eating, Triassic sauropterygian reptiles. They were long-bodied with small heads, long necks, peg-like front teeth are widely spaced, paddle-like limbs, long deep tails and were 7.874 inches to 3 feet 3.37 inches in length.)
- Mimotona (a genus of early insectivorous lagomorph that lived in Late Paleocene of China.)
- Mesosaurs ( Semi aquatic reptiles that resembles long limbed platypus lizards with heron like toothed jaws)
- Patriofelis (a cougar-sized otter-like oxyaenid that could swim and climb)
- Halszkaraptor escuilliei ( A duck-like, and sized semi-aquatic dromeosaur)
* Chamitataxus - A Miocene North American carnivorous badger genus. Though little is known of its size and other features, it is speculated that it may have a keen sense of smell, firm jaw grip, and the ability to hear far and low-frequency noises.
* Cyrnaonyx - A Pleistocene mostly-crustacean eating otter from Europe: France, Germany, Netherlands, Southern England and probably Italy. It spent more time swimming.
* Ekorus
* Megalictis
* Oligobunis
* Sthenictis
* Teruelictis
- Ursavus - A Small bear with a tail,that is surprisingly not an amphicyonid
- Pantolestidae - semi-aquatic, otterlike non eutherian mammals from the Late Cretaceous to the Oligocene
- Palaeophis colossaeus - A giant Cretaceous Sea Snake
- Deinogalerix - Giant spineless Italian hedgehog that looks like a possum or solenodon.
- Chapalmalania altaefrontis - A giant South American procyonid
- Icthyoconodon - An early Cretaceous gliding, fish-eating, slightly bat/pterosaur-like mammal that lived near the coast. Also kinda looks like Belfry from Tamberlane
Miracinonyx trumani - A speedy cheetah-like feline genus from North America
Miracinonyx inexpectatus - A more cougar like cousin
- Lurdusaurus - A semi-aquatic hadrosaur That May have lived like a hippo
- Palaeopleurosaurus - a small semi-aquatic Jurassic relative of the terrestrial tuatara
- Tanystropheidae - There are many more tanystropheus relatives in there
- Thylacinidae - There are some unique relatives there
- Thylacoleonidae - Thylacoleo relatives
- Microleo - A thylacoleonid that was the size of a ring tailed possum
- Leaellynasaura - the fuzzy, proto-feathered long tailed Aussie-Antarctic ornithopod
- Nemicolopterus - A sparrow sized pterosaur genus. Smallest pterosaur in the world
- Silvacola - A Shrew sized North American Hedgehog
- Anteosaurus - Largest predatory non mammal synapsid
- Acrophoca longirostris (swan-necked Seal) - a 5ft Long Late Miocene basal relative of the earless monk seal that had a long flexible neck is is no that well adapted to swimming as modern pinnipeds, so spent time in nearshore coasts.
- Mekosuchinae - A subfamily of terrestrial Cenozoic crocodiles
- Chigutisauridae - Family that the Koolasuchus is in
- Weigeltisauridae - Gliding reptiles from the Late Permian to the Early Triassic
- Machairodonts other than the stock species
- Hupehsuchia - Icthyosaur relatives that look like they’re trying to be shaped like Glaucus sea slugs
- Thalattosuchia - Marine Mesozoic crocodiles
- Baurusuchidae - Late Cretaceous, South American terrestrial crocodiles
- Metriorhynchinae and Geosaurinae - Metriorhynchus relatives

- †Younginidae
Icthyosaur cousins that look like sea varanids

Purussaurus - A giant South American caiman and the Largest Cenozoic reptile.


* ~ Gullinbursti (Norse boar mount with a glowing pelt (described as golden) and the ability to run better than any horse, as in through air and water)
* ~ Sæhrímnir ( A boar that is always eaten and served, but always resurrects itself after the ordeal and continues to provide substinance throughtout it's life )
* ~ Shug Monkey ( Acreature that has he head of a monkey and the body of a shaggy black dog. My interpretion will make it a baboon like creature with dog torso and a long shaggy dog tail for balance)
* ~ Two-toed Tom ( A massive alligator of legend with only two toes due to the rest lost the rest to a steel trap. Terrorizes the animals and swamp residing humans of the Alabama-Florida border in the Southern U.S. He cannot be killed ugh guns OR dynamite and is evidenced by two toed tracks found in 1980s)
* ~ Axe-handle hound ( A North American nocturnal, foraging canine with short, stubby legs. It's torso and head resembles an axe blade and handle. Eats unattended axe handles that it seeks from camp to camp)
* ~ Teakettler ( A small, cat-eared dog with stubby legs. Very shy and rarely seen, only walks backwards and produces steam from it's mouth when it vocalises, a high pitched noise similiar to a real tea kettle. Thrives in Minnesota and Wisconsin)
* ~ Agropelter ( A mythical fearsome critter that has a slender wirely body, a villanous ape face and muscular whiplash-like tentacles for arms. It lives in coniferous forests of Maine and Oregon, sheltered within the hollow trees. Aggressive towards intruders and throws branches and splinters at them like she'll projectiles from a 6 inch gun, which it gains by snapping them off the trees it lives in. Feeds on woodpeckers, hoot owls, high holes and dozy (rotten) wood. Pups are rared in Feb 29 and always comes in odd numbers (1,3,5,7,.....) )
* ~ Gajasimha ( A SEAsian mythical  creature that has the head of an elephant and the body of a lion. My interpretion is similar but with the lion body being very bulky and large, the elephant head being maned and mammoth/mastodon like. A Leonine Baku)
* ~ Ophiotaurus ( A bull and serpent hybrid of Greek Mythology with power-granting entrails. Can come in various interpretion but my Interpretion will have it be having the lower body be a snake and the upper half be a bull, but with fangs, forked tongue and a throat to belly lines.
* ==>Oh man, Daisy and Hissy are gonna be at each other's throats (Then again, they're owner is too angst-y to let that happen, even if they are just friends, which 
* ~ Calygreyhound ( wildcat head, cervid body, eagle front talons, antlers or horns, leonine or bovine hindlegs, lion or poodle tail. Rarely depicted with eagle wings. )
* ~ Snallygaster ( A winged dragon beast that looks like a hybrid of a reptile,avian and cephalopod with a sharp-toothed metallic beak and tentacles. 
* Sometimes cyclopian
* Flies silently in the sky and snatches it's victims by air.
* Stalks the hills surrounding Washington, D.C and Frederick County, Maryland. )
* ~ Dwayyo ( werewolf-like but spends more time on all fours, size of a bear, hairy, bush tailed, partially bipedal and canine. Arch enemy of the Snallygaster)

* ~ Piasa (native anerican dragon. Large as a calf, scaly,  has antlers, red eyes, has a tiger beard (sideburns), looks horrible, slightly manlike face, and a long tail that can wind around it's body and ends with a fish's tail.

* ~ Latiche ( An ghostly, infantile or childlike (in appearance) swamp creature that dwells the bayou of Lousiana, U.S. Said to be the soul of an unlawfully baptized infant or a kid (has to be a kid) raised by alligators. Upsets boats and attacks travelers.)

* ~ Jaculus ( An small arboreal dragon or serpent that ambushes it's prey from the trees and causes serious wounds with it's blows. Has wings and occasionally front limbs. )
* ~ Tannin ( A twin tailed Sea Serpent from Canaanite, Phoenician, and Hebrew mythology that is a symbol of chaos and evil )
* ~ Bune ( A mighty and strong, talking three-headed dragon ( either griffonlike, canine, humanoid, or draconian each in appearance) that is the duke of hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his control that gather in tombs, all claimed by changing the place of the dead. Is also a suave guru that can make men wiser, more eloquent and even rich and answers all questions truthfully, with an attractive highly voice.)
* ~ Campe ( A female dragon sphinx from Greek Mythology that guards Tartarus. Has the head and bust of a woman, the body of a black-winged, "crooktalon sickle clawed dragon" and a scorpian's stinger filled with lethal venom. Also has snakes around her ankles and a sickening belt of fifty predatory mammals around her waist )
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