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so i chose to do a topic that i liked and could give an opinion on even tho i'm not supposed to be biased but when have i ever listened and plus these are more interesting when i give my opinion. so i chose to do the articular on kids these days dislike to writing but when i saw this the only thing that came to mind was, they don't hate writing they hate what they are writing about, and i thought that people gave adult the freedom of speech but they never did for kids in and out of school, kids are afraid to stand up o adults because they can over power them but that should not be the reason, kids are told at a young age not to talk back to adults because its rude and disrespectful, but it should not be just adults it should be everyone, same goes for adults. kids aren't given the option of what they want to write or talk about they are told to write and talk about things that disinterest them, give a kid a topic they don't like and tell them to write about then tel tell to write about anything they want, see want one is better or more interesting to read. i have to ask whats the point in having to tell a kid that they have to write about something they don't like, that's not going to lead them on a writing path that's going to lead them off that path because they will fear that they have to write about something that disinterests them so much that they don't want to even try it. i chose this topic because 1. it wrong 2. i actually quite like t write so i had to pick it because i could stand up to it, this articular is important because most adults now think we all hate to write so they make us write as a punishment but they just haven't seen us write something we like they are skipping to conclusion with out the beginning or middle, its like a story in that way, you have to know the full thing to understand it.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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