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Stalker John

Maybe John is a stalker and just hasnt spoken to them(whoever we deicde) and he gets caught once and kills them in a panic

maybe, hes like the 'quiet kid' and admires them from afar until he snaps and starts stalking them
would it be all three of the boys? or just the striders, or just one of them?

im not sure what do you think?

im not sure. i like the idea of john stalking one of the striders then the other (and maybe jake) find out and confront John, making him either panic or plot twist, "we want to join".

yessss Jake wanting to join in after John gets fully caught and John trying to stalk both but he cant alone. I say one time even sneaking into the apartment and just watching them hang out and sleep sort of thing

Sometimes they switch, like one day John would watch dave and Jake would watch dirk and the next day theyll switch. and maybe, theyll write down little notes about the day, what the striders wore, what they did, who they talked too. ohh!! what if when they sneak into the house to watch them, they find out that the strider twins are a little closer to each other behind closed doors than they are out in the open

would jake be the more violent one, or john? thats the usual set up, but i finally like the idea of jake being the one that has a the more, 'gentle' side of 'hes mine and mine alone' like he would hurt and kill if it came to it, but its not the main thought. he just wants the attention and when he gets it, its perfect

I think John would be the one that escalates faster since hes been in it longer and i think John would only kill if they make like very obvious moves on them or someone hurting them.
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