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10 Apex Legends Updates Coming! Ranked Mode, XP Events, Stat Tracker, Mirage Buffs + More!
Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video. Today we are going to be going over 10 updates that will most likely be coming to apex in the near future. Before I get into this, I want to let you know that these updates aren't the ones that you guys have most likely heard about a ton of times on a bunch of different youtube channels, like the new character wattson, map changes, and the new l star weapon. These are 10 smaller features that I thought you guys would like to know about. Obviously not all of these changes have been 100 percent confirmed but I strongly believe that a majority of these updates will be coming, at the latest, in season 2. So what I did was I went through all of the dev replies on the apex reddit and picked out the most interesting and important topics about future updates and changes that the developers discussed on the reddit. Lets get right into it. Starting off with a Leaving Penalty. This feature was previously added but was taken out quickly and a developer said that the feature is meant to stop teamates from immediatly leaving after they are downed. SO this means that if you leave before your teamates die in multiple games in a short period of time then you will get a 5 minute cooldown before you can start another game. However the dev said that it doesn't mean you have to wait until the 90 second respawn banner timer is over. On to the next feature, this is one that I have been wanting for a long time. When you open up a deathbox the armor doesn't immediately appear and it takes a few seconds which can be very annoying when you want to switch out armor during a gunfight. The developer said that he can't make any promises but he will make sure it is on the list. I really want this to be fixed soon because I notice it all the time. On to the next update, you have probably heard about this one before, a dev said on reddit that Mirage is likely to get tuning buffs (while Wraith and Lifeline get some gentle nerfs ;), but Mirage is unlikely to get any sort of major rework. However, a different dev replied that he can't comment on any specific changes to Legend balance changes - but in general the reality is buffs and nerfs are both useful tools when it comes to ensuring balance. Im hoping that this means that mirage's ultimate or passive will get a slight buff but lifeline and wraith wont be nerfed. The next feature is about the performance when using Bloodhound's ultimate. This is about how some people can get heavy fps drops and lag when using bloodhound's ultimate. A developer said that it will be addressed and they have a potential fix in the works. The next dev reply is in response to someone's question if there is a set number of legends that will come out in the future. The dev said that We have plans to work on Apex for years to come, and internally we have a lot of Legends in various states of development. There is no magical "max roster" number or anything, but being that this is a character based battle royale I don't see us stopping any time soon. Which is very good to hear because I would be very dissapointed if they stopped adding legends at a certain point. On to the next one which is about a much needed addition for stat tracking. Somebody asked Can you provide any commentary on the potential to see more stats? Such as total wins? and the dev said that they have heard the feedback loud and clear. Which means that if they have actually heard the feedback then there will be a better stat tracker in game for total wins and kills in the near future. Hopefully at the latest, in season2. The next update is about if there are going to be more colorblind mode settings added and the dev said We've made some improvements (sorry, no details) that you can expect to see by Season 2. The next feature is about a ranked mode. Someone asked if they had plans on adding a ranked mode and the dev said We have definitely spent a lot of time thinking about for the future of Apex. As mentioned earlier we did envision Apex as a game that is competitive at its core during development and we have great interest in helping elevate that aspect of the game in the future. Which most likely means that in the future they will be adding some form of ranked mode or possibly skill based matchmaking. The second to last update is different types of events. Someone asked Any plans for another bonus XP event or challenges before Season 2? and a community manager replied Challenges no. Another bonus XP event is definitely possible. Personally I think they will definitely have a new xp event before the end of season 1 and another at the beginning of season 2. The last update is about player collision that effects how people drop. A dev said It is still fixed locally, but our recent patches have been made for very specific things only. I thought a more general patch would be made sooner, but I was wrong (I just write code, not build/organize releases). Which means they have fixed player collision but it just hasn't been added but will be added in the next general patch, which will prevent certain squads from getting a advantage or disadvantage when dropping due to colliding with other teams. Thats it for this video, make sure to comment down below which feature you are most excited for, I am definitely most excited for a ranked mode and better stat tracking. If you guys enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button and if you are new to the channel, make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification bell for daily apex content. Its been your boy sethly and Im out.
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