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)Write a program to create a class with name Student whose data members are name, enrollment no, age, branch and semester and members functions are putdata () and getdata(). Create two objects, take data for objects and print detail.

2)Define a class BOOK with the following specification:

Members of the class BOOK are --




total_cost(): A function to calculate the total cost for N number of copies, where N is passed to the function as argument

Input () : function to read Book_No, Book_title, price

Purchase() : function to ask the user to input the number of copies to be purchased. It

Involves total_cost() and prints the total cost to be paid by the user

3)Write a Python class to find validity of a string of parentheses, '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']. These brackets must be close in the correct order

4)Imagine a tollbooth at a bridge. Cars passing by the booth are expected to pay Rs. 50/- toll. Mostly they do, but sometimes a car goes by without paying. The tollbooth keeps track of the number of cars that have gone by, and of the total amount of money collected. Model this tollbooth with a class called TollBooth. The two data items are a type int to hold the total number of cars, and a type double to hold the total amount of money collected. A constructor initializes both of these to 0. A member function called payingCar() increments the car total and adds 0.50 to the cash total. Another function, called nopayCar(), increments the car total but adds nothing to the cash total. Finally, a member function called display() displays the two totals. Include a program to test this class. This program should allow the user to push one key to count a paying car, and another to count a nonpaying car. Pushing the $ key should cause the program to print out the total cars and total cash and then exit

5)Create a class called employee that contains a name (a string) and an employee number (type long). Include a member function called getdata() to get data from the user for insertion into the object, and another function called putdata() to display the data. Assume the name has no embedded blanks. Write a main() program to exercise this class. It should create an array of type employee, and then invite the user to input data for up to 100 employees. Finally, it should print out the data for all the

6)Write a program to maintain the record of movies, one record of movie contain movie name, actor or actress, movie rating, production house, more than one record can be inserted by a operator and all records should be displayed to user only.

7)Create a class that includes a data member that holds a serial number for each object created from a class. That is the first object will be numbered 1, the second 2 and so on. When each object is creating, its constructor can examine this count member variable to determine the appropriate serial number for the new object. Add a member function that permits an object to report its own serial number. Then the main () function that creates three objects and queries each one about its serial number. they should respond i am object 2, and so on

8)Create a class that imitates part of the functionality of the basic data type int. Call the class Int (note different capitalization). The only data in this class is an int variable. Include member functions to initialize an Int to 0, to initialize it to an int value, to display it (it looks just like an int), and to add two Int values. Write a program that exercises this class by creating one uninitialized and two initialized Int values, adding the two initialized values and placing the response in the uninitialized value, and then displaying this result

9)Create a class Polar that represents the points on the plain as polar coordinates (radius and angle). Create an overloaded + operator for addition of two Polar quantities. "Adding” two points on the plain can be accomplished by adding their X coordinates and then adding their Y coordinates. This gives the X and Y coordinates of the "answer.” Thus you'll need to convert two sets of polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates, add them, and then convert the resulting rectangular representation back to polar

10)Imagine a publishing company that markets both book and compact disk versions of its works. Create a class publication that stores the title (a string) and price (type float) of a publication. From this class derive two classes: book, which adds a page count (type int), and CD, which adds a playing time in minutes (type float). Each of these three classes should have a getdata() function to get its data from the user at the keyboard, and a putdata() function to display its data. Write a main() program to test the book and CD classes by creating instances of them, asking the user to fill in data with getdata(), and then displaying the data with putdata()

11)Start with the publication, book, and CD classes of previous exercise. Add a base class sales that holds an array of three floats so that it can record the dollar sales of a particular publication for the last three months. Include a getdata() function to get three sales amounts from the user, and a putdata() function to display the sales figures. Alter the book and CD classes so they are derived from both publication and sales. An object of class book or tape should input and output sales data along with its other data. Write a main() function to create a book object and a tape object and exercise their input/output capabilities
12)Write a Menu-Driven program for Stack implementation which support following

List of Operations:

1. Push

2. Pop

3. Peep

4. Traverse

5. Exit

Input format

Push 5





13)Write a Menu-Driven program for following operations on Queue (Linear):

1. Enqueue

2. Dequeue

3. Exit

Input format

Enqueue 5



14)Write a Menu-Driven program for Singly Linked List which support following operations

List of Operations:

1. Insert at start

2. Insert at end

3. Insert After item

4. Insert Before item

5. Insert at Specified index

6. To get node count

8. Search item

9. Delete operation

10. Exit

15) Write a Menu-Driven program for binary search tree under the following operations

1. Insertion

2. In order traversal

3. Post order traversal

4. Pre order traversal

16)Write a Menu-Driven program for graph under the following operations

1. Graph Initialization by user

2. Display vertex

3. Display edges

4. Add vertex

5. Add edge
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