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Name: Lightdapple
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Elder
Appearance: White molly with small ginger patches and dark green eyes. (
Personality: Soft spoken and meek, many wondered how the molly came to admire the more outgoing and outrageous Snakewatcher, and seems to have held a genuine love for him that they mutually shared. But, after the tragic passing of her mate she seems to be nothing but a shell of her former self, though is still recovering bit by bit, as she at least now makes sure to groom herself and more willing to talk to others as of now, especially seeming to enjoy playing with the young kits.
Backstory: Lightdapple didn't take to having kits a bit later in life, falling in love with Snakewatcher, who was a former rogue who joined the clans just for the sake of protection. The two seemed to have held a genuine appreciation and love of each other, with Snakewatcher usually looking forward to just greet his mate when coming back from their journeys and kind of acting annoyingly lovey dovey. The two already had one other kit before Vixenfrost and Buzzardblaze, though the small kit died fairly early old, with the grief almost breaking Lightdapple, though at the time she at least had Snakewatcher and her friends to help her through the loss. When she lost Snakewatcher, she was of course heart-broken, and eventually suffered a major nervous breakdown and several smaller ones as the days went on, eventually formerly retiring as an elder before her kits were even apprenticed, and wasn't really present in their lives- though trying to be when they graduated into warrior-hood.

Name: Slickwhisker
Clan: Thunderclan
Appearance: Gray tabby tom with white patches and green eyes.
Personality: Snarky and a bit of a dick, Slickwhisker isn't the most enjoyable cat to be around... And like Vixenfrost, he seems to lie a lot to attempt to get out of duties he doesn't wish to do- and unlike his former apprentice, he doesn't even attempt to pull his own weight either, though nowadays is actually showing a semblance of responsibility in hunting patrols, even if his catches are measly.
Backstory: The mentor of Vixenfrost, she was given him in attempt to actually try and get him to learn responsibility... And though Vixenfrost seemed to have observed his behavior and adapted from it, he surprisingly did teach her a lot- though usually teaming up with other mentors to do so.
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