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What is narration?
Narration is storytelling.
Narratives answer the question "what happened" to a particular person, place and time.
They focus on the plot.
What is plot?
Plot is the sequence of events in a story.
It consists of the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution which are in the plot diagram.
Why do we write narratives?
They are meant for entertainment but the really good ones are written to make a point.
A group of people who would understand something out of reading a story.
The reason why the author wrote the story.
Order and Point of View
Narratives are ordered chronologically
They also have to have a complete plot
They are told from a clear perspective which part of one point of view.
Descriptions are very important!
They make the setting and characters come alive.

Exemplification Notes
Monday, November 5, 2018
1:49 PM
Exemplication Mode of Writing
Giving a For Instance
When you define something, you simply state what something is.
When you exemplify something, you give an illustration of what is going on.
Examples are specific items or instances that can be taken to represent a whole group or big idea.
Examples show you what something means instead of just telling you.
Why Do We Cite Examples?
They make general concepts easier to grasp.
They make abstract ideas more specific.
They clarify exactly what you mean.
They support an argument.
Sufficient and Representative Examples
Sufficient examples show that you have enough examples to cover all the aspects of the subject.
You may need to provide multiple examples for it to be sufficient.
Representative examples show that your examples fairly and accurately support the point you're making.
Writing an Exemplification Piece
Your purpose and audience will determine the types of examples you use.
You need to take into account how much your audience already knows or doesn't know about your subject.
You will need to think about what information you will need to provide for your audience to understand your purpose.
Organizing Exemplification Pieces
If you are writing a paragraph or open ended response that uses examples to prove a point, you have to write a TEAEAC.
Topic, Evidence, Analysis, Evidence, Analysis, Conclusion
The introduction will introduce the topic being discussed in the essay as well as the thesis statement.
Each example is typically discussed in its own body paragraph.
The conclusion reminds the reader of the statement or idea that the writer was trying to prove through their use of examples.

Process Analysis
Guided Notes Sheet

What is Process Analysis?
· A process is any series of actions that produce an end result.
· When you analyze a process (or do a process analysis), you break down the process into a number of steps in order to
· 1. Tell the reader how to do something OR
· 2. Explain how something is done.

What is the purpose of a Process Analysis?
· To explain how something works
· To explain how something is made
· To show how to do something

Types of Process Analyses
· Directive Process Analysis-Tells the reader how to do something (audience is expected to actually do it).
· Explanatory Process Analysis-Tells the reader how something works or is made (audience is expected to learn about it)

Composing a Process Analysis
· Break the process down into steps.
· Figure out the best order in which you will present those steps for the reader.
· The most common orders are: start to finish (chronological), a cycle, and most to least important (or vice versa)

Purpose & Audience
· You must consider if you are writing a directive or explanatory process in order to determine why you are writing.

· Who are your readers?
· What do they already know?
· What do they need to know?

Stating Your Point
· A good process analysis has a point to make—a THESIS
· Your thesis should clearly and concisely tell the audience what the process is and why it is being analyzed.
o Remember the three Cs! (Context, Claim, Consequence)

Just A Few More Tips
· Transitions are key.
o They let the reader follow the steps with ease
· Pronouns matter.
o Directive—second person, “you”
o Explanatory—first or third person, “I, he, she, it, they”
· Write in the present tense.

Comparing and Contrasting
When you Compare, You discuss points of similarity between two subjects.
When you Contrast, you discuss points of difference between two subjects.
When you compare and Contrast, you look at different aspects about the subject to discuss what is similar and different about them.
Purpose for Comparing and Contrasting
Teach Something New
Clear up a Misunderstanding
Make An Argument
Purpose and Audience
Always Consider Your Purpose (What argument are you making about the subjects?)
AND Audience (Who would want to learn about these two subjects?)
Stating Your Point (Thesis Statement)
Remember the 3 C's (Context-2 subjects you are writing about, Claim-Points of similarity and difference about them, Consequence-Whether the similarities or differences are being emphasized.)
Example: Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are different in terms of their relationships and career paths, yet similar in terms of their product endorsements, making them similar role models for women today.
Organizing An Essay
Point By Point(Organizes Ideas By Aspect Or Category)
Subject By Subject (Discusses All Aspect Or Categories About One Subject And Then Discusses The Same Aspects Or Categories About The Other Subject)
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