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You can find the whole presentation, with subtitles on the keynote here:

My Notes:

In drieghan you can get 20FS from an item there, they plan to upgrade that to 40 stacks
K/D ratio of Mystics across last year was about 7th-10th place out of all classes
Out of the 100 best geared korean players 41 are Mystics, only 6 are DKs
O'dyllita is the next big region and planned for Winter
Fadus will be changed to be a tier above sausans
Polly Forest will be reworked to be like Gahaz
Ash Forest will be buffed to be like Hystria, And scyria ruins
Current plan is to have a recommended AP of 310 and DP of 400 (that is not a typo)

Conquest war rework..
Won't just be a reduction in the number of notes
more details to follow

New Pve content - Altar of Blood
Horde style gamemode
You use your own gear tho
for 3 man parties
There will be a new UI for both PC and console
Imagine Window's start menu, just in game
And now to the loli in the room

Support role, few skills but strength comes from how easy they are to use
specialize in healing and protecting
main skillse are called "Hop" "Come out, come out", "Get well"
Come Out, Come out for example discovers all hidden enemies in an area
(aka flare, but against ninjas)
Shai characters will have Master level Gathering and alchemy from the character creation on
Shais can make a Bonfire
(that will have some sort of impact somehow)
Shai is weaker in pvp than other classes, but will hold her own in PvE
They are build as a support character
Shai will get a donkey as a start mount
that will have special skills
You can start pre registering Shais on the website
pre customization on the 12, early costumizaztion on the 19th
worldwide (PC)

New goal is one class/year
Next class is based on middle east region (scimitar)
early test for the class was a Rhutum character

Great sea -
Wont be another monster hunting update
Introduction of water currents and wind directions
You can hire a crew for your ship
New ships will be introduced
New island will be added.
Each with a unique theme and story
The truth about Patrigio will be on one of those islands
new ship - Panokseon (Armored Ship)
NPC crew allows you to fire cannons while manning the ship alone
That's all the interesting stuff
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Regards; Team

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