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1. Kim Soyei, yang sepertinya sebentar lagi bakal berubah fc jadi Kim Bora. yeah, another Kim. kenapa pilih MS karena aku menghindari kelas Arith sama Charm, aku gak bisa mantranya tuh, meskipun udah ada how to spell nya tetep aja belibet lidahku wkwkwkwk

Bucinnya Lee Hongbin, bukan karena ngebiasin aja, soalnya pernah coba ngebiasin yang lain, tapi lihat Hongbin selalu senyum senyum sendiri :"

Baik Kim Soyei maupun mundanenya tidak suka dikekang, ini juga salah satu alasan putus sama akak Bean :" akak Bean mulai terobsesi dan aku mulai risih, yahh begitu

Sifat, bagaimana ya, aku taunya aku egois, keras kepala, emosian, moodyan, kebanyakan taunya sifat jelek sih, sifat baik mungkin masa bodoh/? wkwkwkwk tapi kadang kalo ada apa apa juga aku pikirin sampe sakit sih

Keinginan, apa ya, masih bingung sama ini, aku tuh ada rasa ingin balikan, tapi terkadang gak ingin, begitu juga dengan akak Bean, ada rasa galau, gamon, dan gak cocok sama yang lain, tapi kalo ditanyain "beneran mau balikan?" kitanya kayak diem lama gitu, masalahnya sifat kita satu sama lain juga gak akan berubah, aku akan tetep gamau dikekang, dia akan tetep mau aku perhatiannya ke dia seorang :" gatau, gatau, ah gatau ah

2. Seru banget lho di Ravenrow, cuman ini room yang sampe saat ini bikin aku sedih mau keluarnya.. bukan, bukan karena ada prkjihoonz, aku sering sama dia juga di kamar lain, tapi ini beda, mungkin karena Meggie dan siapa itu satunya lagi, dan karena kak Ryvernya sendiri, bener bener berasa i got another family aaaaaa aku berlinang air mata wkwkwkwk

3. for the second grade Kim Soyei, you've wasting 4 months for nothing, galleons habis, gak naik grade, jobless, males kelas, males challenge, mau jadi apa kamu hah?! jangan diulangin lagi ya Soyei xD

4. Kalong sekali ya kakak kamarnya, disaat kamar lain mengharuskan istirahat cepat, kamar kita malah aktif di malam hari wkwkwkwk dibanyakin aja remindernya, jadi di tag tiap mau kelas gitu, biar kalo ada anak yang kayak aku gitu keinget terus kalo ada kelas wkwkwkwk

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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