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Notes -

Tips for carrying
- Win lane
- Reaction roam
- Not doing a reaction roam, you will lose
- check mini-map 2-3 seconds
- Control vision
- being fed you should CONTROL vision
- deawarding and warding helps you win games and stops losing games
- Buy pink and sweeper
- Protecting your lead - DONT Die
- a singles death when fed causes vision loss

Back Timings
- Back after kill
- back when the wave is pushing towards me. Enemy wave is past halfway into your side of the map
- When returning to lane from back, push the lane for a dive

Losing lanes
- trade and push wins losing lanes - only in gold below (RISKY)
- trade and push is good for even or winning lane
- DONT PUSH the lane
- WAIT FOR THE WAVE TO PUSH INTO THEN (it will take time)
- Dont let the enemy chunk you down for some cs
- no risky cs, wait for the wave to push in no matter how long it takes!
- When losing lane, dont push the wave
- if the enemy is freezing, call jg to bust the freeze
- Essentially when losing lane - Play like a little bitch!
- probe for cs but not if they have a trading stance (stand on dying cs)
- goal is to have high health and cs under turret
- have the wave push towards you when losing lane

Octopus Theory, Rotations, Mid game
- Octopus Theory: method to get map control
- ward everything behind and horizontal to you. Areas that you control!
- Rotation - arriving when the wave hits the turret
- Mid game plan -
- take drag
- bot turret
- lane swap and take turrets

Priority, win lane and win game -
- Crash the wave into their turret (4 reasons and outcomes)
1) Take the Chicken camp
2) allow the jg to invade
3) push and roam (come from behind?)
4) Tower Dive
- Win soloq games
- help teammates from throwing
- When to build defensive
- If the enemy has a one shot potential
- defensive item build into something optimal

Diamond eyes -
Every lose is your fault due to not making winning plays
Dont die!
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Regards; Team

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