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The 5 major peninsulas of Europe include the Scandinavian Peninsula (Norway and Sweden), Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal), Balkan Peninsula (Greece and maybe countries around it), Apennine Peninsula (italy), and Jutland Peninsula (Denmark and bit of Germany)
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created to provide protection and counter the threat of Communist aggression for former allied nations. Has weakened over the years and instead is complimented by the EU.
Warsaw Pact- USSR's version of NATO. Was a similar military alliance but no longer exists since the fall of the USSR
Greece is the birthplace of democracy, specifically the state of Athens which was the first democracy
Scandinavian mountains in Norway and Sweden have great big fjords
Pyrenees mountains are the mountain range that divide Spain and France
The Netherlands have many polders or reclaimed land by diking of draining the water from
Dikes- large banks of earth and stone created to hold back water
Bog- wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body. Popular in Ireland called blanket bogs and raised bogs
Geyser- a hot spring in which water boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air. A very popular and old geyser is located in Iceland
North Atlantic Drift- current of warm water from tropics
Westerlies- pick up the warmth from the North Atlantic Drift (which is an ocean current that warms Europe) and carries it over to Europe
Mistral winds- cold, dry wind from the north. Is received in the Mediterranean coast of France.
Imperialism is when one country takes over another country economically and politically, European countries did this often especially with countries in Africa.
Industrialization is the development of industries in a country on a wide scale, occurred in Britain as it became big with machines and automobiles
4 Political Units of the United Kingdom are England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
EU- European Union. An organization of democratic European countries committed to working together for peace and prosperity. promotes free trade and communication along the 28 member nations. Some problems facing the EU are the wide development gap between eastern and western European countries, not all members adopting the Euro, and the issue of maintaining culture identity in the member nations. Some countries not using the Euro include Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Some members of the EU are wary of former communist states (eastern Europe) becoming members because they believe they're less prosperous and less industrial.
Main cause of conflicts in Europe is Nationalism???

India is located on a peninsula called the subcontinent
Monsoons- annual seasonal change in the strongest winds of a region. It causes humid continental climate and rainfall in areas of south asia. The climate of India is tropical wet and dry. Rainy season during summer, dry season is long though.
Green Revolution- the introduction of High yielding variety (HYV) of seeds and increased use of fertilizer and irrigation methods.
(a period during which agriculture increased its yields because of improved agriculture technology. Began in the 1950's with introduction of high yield crop varieties (specifically wheat and was developed by scientists) leading to an increase in food production. This also increased the use of chemical fertilizers and irrigation also adding to improving India's agriculture)
Civil Disobedience- active refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government or international power. Popularized by Gandhi and his followers.
Gandhi was a leader who led India to independence from the British. He lead with respect and honor and used civil disobedience to fight the British. Allowed the partition of India to happen in 1947 finally winning independence from British rule
South Asia grows fast because of the many families they have???
South asia is home to 22% of the world's population and India has over a billion people in their population.
Know about population pyramids and climographs
Hinduism 4 tenants=
1. Caste System is unchangeable until you die, Bahrain on the top (priests and academics); Kshatryia on second to top (warriors and kings), Vaishya on third (merchant, landowners); Sudra (consumers, peasants, and servants), and on the bottom, Untouchables (street sweepers, latrine cleaners
2. Reincarnation- cycle of being born, dies, then reborn as another thing
3. Moksha- final release into material existence, after death person stays dead (much to do with Ganges River)
4. Karma- deeds in one's life that affect your social position in the next life
(also dharma- moral duties to god, family, society or everyday duties of life)
Buddhism tenants (aka four noble truths)=
1. suffering and sorrow are part of life
2. cause of suffering is people's selfish desires
3. if you don't want sorrow then stop wanting things
4. eight fold path is the way to stop wanting stuff
eight fold path-
Sikhism tenants (5 K's)=
1. Kesh- allow hair to grow naturally, keep hair up with turbans
2. Kengha- small wooden comb worn by baptized Sikhs
3. Kachera- undergarment worn by baptized Sikhs (boxer shorts)
4. Kara- bracelet worn by baptized Sikhs
5. Kirpan- cermonial dagger worn at all times by Sikhs

Arab- mostly associated with speaking arabic, more cultural than anything else. Can be any religion but most are Muslims
Zionism- belief that Israel belongs to the Jewish people
State- has sovereignty, territory, population, and government recognition
Nation- group of people with a common culture
Stateless nation- ethnic group, religious group, or other group that is not majority population in any nation state. Lack sovereignty and official territory. Not represented as nations. Example is the Kurds
Nationalism- ideology that involves an individual becoming attached to one's nation. Proud of country no matter what it does.
Intifada- uprising where Palestinians fight against Israel occupation
P.L.O- Palestinian Liberation Organization, formed to give Palestinians and fight for self determination
Sunnis are the larger of the two groups, they represent 85% of muslims. They believe that the Prophet's companions have leadership, rely on the consensus of religions and religious scholars, and don't believe Muhammad was named successor. Most are said to be more calm.
Shi'a's are the minority and believe that Muhammad named Ali as successor, Muhammad's family has sole claim to legitamate leadership, and relies on authoritative teaching of Muhammad's descendants. Most are also said to be more extreme.
The U.S. has interest in the SWANA region because of its strategic location, oil, and to prevent manufacturing and stockpiling on WMD's
The country that is an ally of the U.S. is Israel and is also considered to be most western
Study Israeli vs Palestinians

8 stages of genocide- look at study guide paper
Subsistence Farming- self sufficient farming where farmers focus on growing enough food to feed them and their families
Sahel- Transition zone between desert of North Africa and tropical savannah of South Africa. Mostly tropical, marks shift from desert to tropical forests and also marks shift from Muslim to christian culture.
Belgians favored Tutsis and put them in charge of Rwanda
Main reasons for Berlin Conference and Scramble for Africa were for European powers to claim territory in Africa so they could then

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