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Ramses,Tragedy,Pistolero,Stromox,Berserker,Shiwan,Rednuht,R4,Kerby,ScyThe,Moix are the people who got insulted by abs during tourneys by refing & hosting.Not pretty sure whos gonna get insulted next tourney.When we (Defender) were playing versus arabian warriors i do really remember that you said "Defender is playing fairly coldfire is crying , hosters are not even cheating” and now u changed ur thoughts i guess.You still should be thankfull to refs that they haven't dqed you for cheating. -Round 3 finals - Semi Finals
and many more gyazos..
Referee:(After bot user loses to abstract 3-4 times retardly)I will give you guys an empty server we will see if there will be bots after i send party to abstract.Sincever there will be bots i will disqualify abstract.
Bots appear.
Dissappears when we go new.
Referee:We will just go new.
I would be shamed to upload shit and insult Pistolero & Stromox on it.
Keep it going and don't forget that you have got banned for cheating a month ago! (Including you & ThA)
Also isn't it a big suspicion that "tex" (the old abs member) left the abstract even you won the tourney of that week,and after that he joined the clan that got beaten by Abstract (Defender).
Explain ur shit to ur members , noone is that idiot in that community who can take those types of excuses (Referee,Hosters helping). -Actually got no words for that,its ur and ur clans personality who can take this normal :) -Logging ips. - Logging ips. -Ddosing Veterans players. -Logging ips.
That type of toxic guy who makes religion jokes, logs ips and insults ref n hosts is trying to look like he haven’t done anything is also fun.
Could be more believeable,trustable if you’d be a simple guy who just plays his game instead of destroying
others stuff by raiding tourneys , by losing mass to your second team with fake nicknames , by ddosing people for nothing.
Even we did not cry that much on last week even tho Vanator made you win and Harmony&Pasam was in a hidden room in Abstract Teamspeak.Just take the “L” and look ahead tho.
The official winner of this tournament is us , Veterans.As you can see on the challonge and by the ranks given on oat.No need to lie to people or find excuses.
-Reuploading Kaizen's deleted comment.
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Regards; Team

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