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Notes -

a :: approbatur
a- :: non-, un-
-a :: Forms the partitive case of nouns, adjectives, numbers and some pronouns
-a :: Forms the short form of the first infinitive of verbs
Aabraham :: Abraham
Aada :: Adah (biblical character)
Aada :: female given name, currently popular in Finland
Aadam :: Adam
Aadolf :: male given name
Aake :: male given name
aakkonen :: A letter (symbol in an alphabet)
aakkonen :: In plural, (aakkoset) an alphabet
aakkosellinen :: alphabetical
aakkosellisemmin :: comparative form of aakkosellisesti
aakkosellisempi :: comparative form of aakkosellinen
aakkosellisesti :: alphabetically
aakkosellisimmin :: superlative form of aakkosellisesti
aakkosellisuus :: alphabetical order
aakkoset :: alphabet, ABC (ordered set of letters used in a language)
aakkoset :: elements, rudiments, ABC (basic tenets of an area of knowledge)
aakkoshakemisto :: alphabetical index
aakkosittain :: By alphabetical order, alphabetically
aakkosjärjestys :: An alphabetical order
aakkoskeitto :: alphabet soup
aakkoslaji :: case
aakkosnumeerinen :: Alphanumeric
aakkosnumeerisemmin :: comparative form of aakkosnumeerisesti
aakkosnumeerisesti :: alphanumerically
aakkosnumeerisimmin :: superlative form of aakkosnumeerisesti
aakkostaa :: to alphabetise/alphabetize, to arrange in alphabetical order
aakkostaminen :: alphabetisation/alphabetization (process of arranging into alphabetical order)
aakkosto :: alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
aakkosto :: alphabet (non-empty finite set of symbols accepted by a given language)
aakkostus :: alphabetisation
AA-liike :: The Alcoholics Anonymous (movement)
aalloittain :: In waves
aalloittainen :: Taking places in waves
aalloittaisuus :: waviness (quality of coming or occurring in waves)
aallokas :: Wavy (full of waves)
aalloke :: wavelet
aallokemuunnos :: wavelet transform
aallokko :: swell
aallokko :: waves
aallonharja :: crest of a wave
aallonjohdin :: waveguide
aallonkorkeus :: wave height
aallonmuodostus :: wave formation (process of creating waves, either by natural causes or by a moving vessel)
aallonmurtaja :: breakwater, jetty
aallonpituus :: wavelength
aallonpituusalue :: A wavelength band or a band of wavelengths
aallonpohja :: the lowest point or level
aallonpohja :: trough of a wave
aalloppi :: Any pipe that carries waste material away, e.g. a drain or an exhaust pipe
aallota :: To wave (usually once, violently or quickly)
aallotar :: water nymph
Aallotar :: female given name
aallottaa :: To corrugate, make (sth) wavy/rolling/swelling/undulating (e.g. paper)
aallottaminen :: act of producing waves
aallottaminen :: making (sth, e.g. paper) wavy / rolling / swelling / undulating, corrugating, corrugation
aallotus :: corrugation
aaloe :: aloe
aalto :: outbreak (sudden increase)
aalto :: wave
Aalto :: Finnish surname
aaltoallas :: wave pool
aaltoalue :: Short form of aallonpituusalue (wavelength band), used mainly of radio wavelengths and in compound terms
aaltoenergia :: wave power
aaltofunktio :: wave function
aalto-hiukkasdualismi :: wave-particle duality
aaltoileva :: wavy
aaltoilevammin :: comparative form of aaltoilevasti
aaltoilevampi :: comparative form of aaltoileva
aaltoilevasti :: wavily
aaltoilevimmin :: superlative form of aaltoilevasti
aaltoilla :: To wave
aaltoilu :: waving, the movement of waves
aaltoinen :: wavy
aaltojuotos :: wave soldering
aaltolevy :: corrugated plate
aaltolevy :: wave plate
aaltoliike :: wave motion
aaltoluku :: wavenumber
aaltomainen :: wavelike
aaltomekaniikka :: wave mechanics
aaltomittari :: scallop shell moth (Rheumaptera undulata)
aaltomuoto :: waveform
aaltonen :: diminutive form of aalto
aaltonen :: wavelet
Aaltonen :: Finnish surname
aaltopahvi :: corrugated cardboard
aaltopelti :: corrugated iron, corrugated sheet
aaltopilvi :: wave cloud
aaltopituus :: alternative form of aallonpituus
aaltoputki :: waveguide
aaltorintama :: wavefront
aaltosulje :: A curly bracket, brace (symbols "{" and "}" )
aaltosulku :: A curly bracket (symbols "{" and "}")
aaltosulkumerkki :: A curly bracket sign
aaltotutkimus :: wave research
aaltovektori :: wave vector
aaltoviiva :: tilde
aaltoviiva :: wavy line
aaltovoima :: wave power
aaltovoimala :: A wave power station, wave power plant, wave farm
aaltoyhtälö :: wave equation
aamen :: amen
aami :: An old unit of volume, 157.03 litres
aamiainen :: breakfast
aamiaisaika :: breakfast time
aamiaishetki :: breakfast time
aamiaismajoitus :: bed and breakfast
aamiaismurot :: breakfast cereal
aamiaistaa :: To have breakfast
aamiaistapaaminen :: breakfast meeting (early meeting in which breakfast is served to the participants)
aamiaistunti :: breakfast hour (break of work, usually shorter than one hour, allowed for eating breakfast or sometimes lunch)
Aamon :: Amon
Aamos :: Amos
aamu :: morning
Aamu :: female given name
aamuaskare :: morning chore
aamuateria :: breakfast (first meal of the day, eaten in the morning)
aamuerektio :: morning erection, morning glory, morning wood
aamuhartaus :: lauds, matins, morning prayer (short divine office held in the morning)
aamuhetki :: early-morning hour
aamuhämärä :: dawn, morning twilight
aamuihminen :: morning person
aamuinen :: taking place in the morning
aamuöinen :: Taking place during small hours, or wee hours
aamuisin :: In the morning
aamujumalanpalvelus :: morning service
aamujuna :: morning train
aamukahdeksan :: eight in the morning, 8 a.m.
aamukahvi :: breakfast
aamukahvi :: morning coffee (cup of coffee drunk early in the morning)
aamukampa :: The remaining last days of anything
aamukampa :: A "morning comb"; a comb in which every tooth represents one remaining morning in the military service - every morning one tooth is removed. The comb can then be displayed to younger soldiers for their envy
aamukaste :: morning dew
aamukirkko :: morning mass
aamukylmä :: morning cool
aamulehti :: morning paper
Aamulehti :: Finland's second-largest daily newspaper, published in Tampere
aamulenkki :: morning run
aamulepakko :: cave nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea)
aamulähetys :: morning program, morning broadcast
aamulla :: at morning
aamullinen :: Occurring in the morning
aamulämpö :: morning temperature (body temperature in the morning)
aamulämpötila :: alternative term for aamulämpö (body temperature in the morning)
aamulämpötila :: morning temperature (atmospheric temperature in the morning)
aamulypsy :: morning milking
aamunavaus :: morning assembly (joint meeting at the beginning of a working day, chiefly held in schools, the purpose of which is to orientate the students to the working day, to share information or to deliver a message which may have ideological or religious content, depending on the country)
aamunkajo :: dawn (the first light of the day which appears some time before the sunrise)
aamunkoi :: dawn, sunrise, break of day
aamunkoite :: dawn, daybreak, first light, cockcrow
aamunkoitteessa :: at dawn
aamunkoitto :: dawn, daybreak, break of dawn; sunrise
aamunraikas :: fresh as the morning
aamunsarastus :: dawn, daybreak
aamuntorkku :: late riser
aamunvirkku :: early riser
aamupahoinvointi :: morning sickness
aamupala :: breakfast
aamupalvelus :: matins
aamupäivä :: (late) morning, forenoon (part of the day roughly from the beginning of working hours to midday)
aamupäiväinen :: Taking place during the morning half of the day
aamupäivisin :: In the mornings (habitually taking place during the morning half of the day)
aamupäivätoiminta :: In Finnish comprehensive schools (peruskoulu), an optional non-curricular activity offered for the 1st and 2nd year students before the beginning of the school day. This allows working parents to bring their children to school in a time that fits their working hours
aamupuku :: morning dress, morning suit (men's formal attire worn during the day)
aamupuoli :: The part of day or night which is close to the morning, i.e. roughly the time from midnight to noon
aamurukous :: morning prayer (individual's prayer that is read in the morning)
aamuruoka :: breakfast
aamurusko :: light of dawn (change in the colour of the sky) before sunrise
aamuruuhka :: morning rush hour
aamusella :: In the morning
aamusumu :: morning mist, morning fog
aamutakki :: dressing gown
aamutähti :: morning star
aamutohveli :: morning slipper
aamutorkku :: late riser
aamutorkku :: morning nap
aamutossu :: slipper
aamutuima :: early morning
aamutuimaan :: Early in the morning
aamu-uninen :: sleepy in the mornings
aamu-unisuus :: morning sleepiness
aamu-uutiset :: A morning newscast, morning news
aamuvarhain :: Early in the morning
aamuvarhainen :: early morning
aamuvarhaisella :: Early in the morning
aamuvartio :: morning watch
aamuvirkku :: early riser, early bird, morning person, lark (one who wakes early)
aamuvoimistelu :: morning calisthenics
aamuvuoro :: morning shift
aamuyö :: small hours (period from midnight to dawn)
aapa :: A type of open swamp
aapasuo :: minerotrophic bog; a type of open swamp
Aapeli :: male given name
aapinen :: primer, ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet)
aapiskirja :: A primer or an ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet)
aapiskukko :: A rooster with a raised pointer stick in one foot - a symbol of learning and wisdom used since 1700's primarily in ABC books
Aapo :: male given name
Aappo :: male given name, a variant of Aapo
aaprotti :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
aaprottimaruna :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
aari :: 100 square metres, are
aari :: an Aari
aari :: the Aari language
aaria :: aria
Aarne :: male given name
Aarne :: The letter "A" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
aarni :: treasure
Aarni :: male given name
aarnialue :: primeval forest
aarnihauta :: A place where a treasure is said to be hidden
aarnihokko :: great curassow (Crax rubra)
aarnihonka :: A tall and old pine tree
aarnikotka :: griffon, griffin (mythical animal)
aarniluppo :: A species of lichen, Bryoria nadvornikiana
aarnimetsä :: alternative form of aarniometsä
aarnio :: a hidden, buried treasure
aarnio :: thicket
aarniohauta :: A buried treasure
aarniometsä :: primeval forest
aarnipuu :: A tall and old tree
aarnitoko :: black dwarf hornbill (Tockus hartlaubi)
aarnituli :: A will o' the wisp, especially one that burns over a hidden treasure
aarnivalkea :: A will o' the wisp, especially one that burns over a hidden treasure
Aarno :: male given name
Aaro :: male given name
Aaron :: Aaron (biblical figure)
Aaron :: male given name
aaroninparta :: Aaron's beard, Saxifraga stolonifera
aaroninsauva :: wild arum (Arum maculatum)
aarpora :: reamer
aarporata :: to ream
aarre :: treasure
aarre :: treasure trove (hidden tresure, subsequently discovered)
aarre :: treasure trove (valuable discovery)
Aarre :: male given name
aarreaitta :: treasury (collection of valuable artistic or literary works)
aarreaitta :: treasury (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored)
aarrearkku :: treasure chest, treasury
aarrehauta :: A buried treasure
aarrekammio :: treasure chamber
aarrekätkö :: treasure cache
aarrelöytö :: treasure trove (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered)
aarresaari :: treasure island
aarretuli :: alternative term for aarnituli
aarrevalkea :: alternative form of aarnivalkea
aarteenetsijä :: treasure hunter
aarteenetsintä :: treasure hunting
aarteenkaivaja :: treasure digger
aarteenmetsästys :: treasure hunt
aarteisto :: treasures
aasa :: áss (one of the gods of the Æsir)
aasainusko :: Asatru, Ásatrú (neopaganistic religion which aims to revive the belief in, and worship of, the Æsir)
aasi :: donkey, ass (Equus asinus)
aasi :: stupid person
Aasia :: Asia (continent)
aasialainen :: Asian
aasialainen :: An Asian person
aasialaisuus :: The quality of being Asian
aasianharlekiini :: broadbill (bird of the genus Eurylaimus)
aasianhaukkanen :: falconet (any of the small falcons of the genus Microhierax)
aasianiibis :: ibis (bird of the genus Pseudibis in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills)
aasianiibishaikara :: painted stork, Mycteria leucocephala
Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue :: Asia-Pacific
aasianjokipääsky :: white-eyed river martin, Pseudochelidon sirintarae, Eurochelidon sirintarae
aasiankalliokyyhky :: hill pigeon, Columba rupestris
aasiankalliopääsky :: dusky crag martin, Ptyonoprogne concolor
aasiankeisarikalastaja :: crested kingfisher Megaceryle lugubris
aasiankiitäjä :: fork-tailed swift, Pacific swift, Apus pacificus
aasiankilpikierto :: Asian moonseed, Menispermum dauricum
aasiankirjotikka :: fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)
aasiankiuru :: oriental skylark, oriental lark, small skylark (Alauda gulgula)
aasiankoskikara :: brown dipper, Cinclus pallasii
aasiankääpiöhaukka :: white-rumped pygmy falcon, white-rumped falcon, Polihierax insignis
aasiankääpiöorava :: black-eared squirrel, Nannosciurus melanotis
aasiankääpiösorsa :: cotton teal, Indian pygmy-goose, Nettapus coromandelianus
aasiankukaali :: greater coucal, Centropus sinensis
aasiankultakissa :: Asian golden cat, Pardofelis temminckii
aasiankultakutoja :: Asian golden weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus
aasianleijona :: Asiatic lion, Panthera leo persica
aasianlumivarpunen :: snowfinch, (any of the four passerine bird species in the genus Montifringilla which were formerly classified in their own genus Pyrgilauda)
aasianlumivarpuset :: The genus Pyrgilauda
aasianmangrovemedestäjä :: copper-throated sunbird, Leptocoma calcostetha
aasianmarmorimurri :: long-billed murrelet, Brachyramphus perdix
aasianmedestäjä :: sunbird (bird of the genus Leptocoma in the family Nectariniidae, the family of sunbirds)
aasianmetsäpyy :: hill partridge (bird of the genus Arborophila)
aasianmutakala :: pond loach, dojo loach, oriental weather loach, Japanese weather loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae, native to East Asia, sometimes used as an aquarium fish)
aasiannakkeli :: chestnut-bellied nuthatch, Sitta castanea
aasiannorsu :: Asian elephant, Elephas maximus
aasianpalmukiitäjä :: Asian palm swift, Cypsiurus balasiensis
aasianpalokärki :: white-bellied woodpecker, Dryocopus javensis
aasianpensaskiuru :: rufous-winged bushlark, Mirafra assamica
aasianpikkutikka :: grey-capped pygmy woodpecker, Dendrocopos canicapillus
aasianpöllökehrääjä :: frogmouth (bird of the genus Batrachostomus)
aasianpääskykahlaaja :: oriental pratincole, Glareola maldivarum
aasianpyhäiibis :: black-headed ibis, Threskiornis melanocephalus
aasianrakonokka :: Asian openbill, Anastomus oscitans
aasianrilli :: oriental white-eye, Zosterops palpebrosus
aasianrääkkiäinen :: Swinhoe's rail, Coturnicops exquisitus
aasianräystäspääsky :: Asian house martin, Delichon dasypus
aasiansatulahaikara :: black-necked stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
aasiansieppokerttu :: A bird of the genus Seicercus of the family Phylloscopidae (separated from Sylvidae, the Old World warblers)
aasiansieppokertut :: The genus Seicercus of the family Phylloscopidae (separated from Sylvidae, the Old World warblers)
aasiansininärhi :: dollarbird, dollar roller Eurystomus orientalis
aasiantoko :: grey hornbill (bird of the genus Ocyceros)
aasiantöpökerttunen :: the genus Urosphena
aasiantöpökerttunen :: stubtail (any of the three passerine birds in the genus Urosphena)
aasiantöpökiitäjä :: silver-rumped soinetailed swift, Rhaphidura leucopygialis
aasiantörmäpääsky :: pale sand martin, Riparia diluta
aasiantrogoni :: trogon (bird of the genus Harpactes)
aasiantupsuhäntäpiikkisika :: Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus macrourus
aasianturturikyyhky :: spotted-necked dove, Streptopelia chinensis
aasiantöyhtötikka :: rufous woodpecker, Celeus brachyurus
aasianuikkukana :: masked finfoot, Heliopais personatus
aasianuuttukyyhky :: pale-backed pigeon, yellow-eyed pigeon, Columba eversmanni
aasianviheltäjä :: mangrove whistler, Pachycephala cinerea
aasianvihervarpunen :: yellow-breasted greenfinch, Carduelis spinoides
aasianvilliaasi :: kulan, Equus hemionus
aasianvillihevonen :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii
aasianvuoripeippo :: Asian rosy finch, Leucosticte arctoa
aasimainen :: asinine
aasimaisempi :: comparative form of aasimainen
aasimaisesti :: asininely
aasimaisuus :: asininity
aasinajaja :: donkey driver
aasinkorva :: Syngonium auritum
aasinmaksaruoho :: A plant, Sedum burrito
aasinpotku :: own goal, backfiring
aasinsilta :: pons asinorum (Euclid's fifth theorem)
aasinsilta :: An awkward transition from one topic to another
aasintamma :: she-ass, jenny-ass, jenny (female donkey)
aasiori :: jackass (male donkey)
aasta ööhön :: from A to Z
aatami :: Adam
Aatami :: Adam (first man, according to the Bible)
Aatami :: male given name, equivalent of Adam
aataminaikainen :: Really old, antediluvian
aataminomena :: Adam's apple, thyroid cartilage, laryngeal prominence
aataminpuku :: birthday suit (nakedness)
Aataminsilta :: Adam's Bridge
aate :: An ideology
aatehistoria :: history of ideologies
aatekilpailu :: ideas competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive general idea for a construction project, often for an area or zone rather than an individual building)
aateli :: nobility
aateliike :: ideological movement
aatelinen :: noble (belonging to nobility)
aatelinen :: nobleman, noblewoman (member of nobility)
aatelisarvo :: noble rank
aatelisherra :: nobleman
aateliskalenteri :: calendar of nobility (listing of the members of noble families)
aateliskartano :: noble estate (large estate owned by a nobleman, often originally granted as privilege by the)
aateliskartano :: The main building of such an estate, even if separated from the original land ownership
aatelismies :: nobleman
aatelisnainen :: noblewoman
aatelisneiti :: noble-miss
aatelisneito :: noblewoman
aatelisnenä :: A type of nose associated with nobility i.e. a relatively tall nose with a more or less visible hump
aatelisrouva :: noblewoman
aatelissääty :: nobility (nobility as an estate of the realm)
aatelissuku :: noble family (family that belongs to nobility)
aatelisto :: nobility
aatelisuus :: nobility, nobleness (quality of being of noble birth)
aatelisvaakuna :: A coat of arms of a noble family
aateliton :: commoner (not of noble rank)
aatella :: alternative form of ajatella
aatelma :: alternative form of ajatelma
aateloida :: To ennoble, raise to the nobility/peerage
aatelointi :: ennobling, ennoblement (making one noble)
aateluus :: nobility, nobleness (quality)
aateluus velvoittaa :: noblesse oblige
aatemaailma :: ideology (doctrine, body of ideas)
aatepiiri :: sphere of ideas
aaterakennelma :: ideology, system of thought (body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group, especially one that has been organized to a theory)
aaterikkaus :: richness of ideas, richness of thought
aatesisar :: ideological sister (female ideological companion)
aatesuunta :: current of thought, ideological current
aatetoveri :: co-ideologist, ideological companion
aateveli :: ideological brother (male ideological companion)
aatevirtaus :: current of thought, ideological current
Aato :: male given name
aatonaatto :: eve's eve (day before an eve)
aatos :: thought
Aatos :: male given name
aatra :: plough
aatra :: ard, scratch plough (simple plough)
aatteellinen :: Ideological; adhering to an ideology
aatteellisemmin :: comparative form of aatteellisesti
aatteellisempi :: comparative form of aatteellinen
aatteellisesti :: ideologically
aatteellisimmin :: superlative form of aatteellisesti
aatteellisin :: superlative form of aatteellinen
aatteellisuus :: The state of being ideological
aatteeton :: unideological
-aatteinen :: -minded
-aatteinen :: -thinking
aatto :: eve
Aatto :: male given name
aattoaika :: An unspecified period before an eve, when preparations are made for the celebration
aattoaika :: opening hours on an eve
aattoilta :: eve's eve; the evening of an eve, particularly the evening before juhannus, joulu or uusivuosi
aattopäivä :: eve day, eve
aattoyö :: eve night, eve's night (night of an eve, particularly the night before juhannus, joulu or uusivuosi)
Aatu :: male given name
aava :: open, wide (featuring a very large open area, especially sea)
aava :: open sea
Aava :: female given name
aavameri :: A rare spelling of aava meri, ("high seas, open sea"), used principally attributively in genitive singular, as in aavanmeren laivasto
aave :: ghost (spirit of a dead person)
aavejuna :: ghost train (supernatural manifestatiopn of a train)
aavekaupunki :: A ghost town
aavekipu :: phantom pain
aavekuva :: ghost image (undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system)
aavelaiva :: ghost ship
aavemainen :: ghostly
aavemaisemmin :: comparative form of aavemaisesti
aavemaisempi :: comparative form of aavemainen
aavemaisesti :: eerily
aavemaisimmin :: superlative form of aavemaisesti
aavemaisin :: superlative form of aavemainen
aavemaisuus :: ghostliness
aavempi :: comparative form of aava
aavesärky :: phantom pain
aavikko :: desert
aavikkoalue :: desert area
aavikkogundi :: Val's gundi, Ctenodactylus vali (rodent found in parts of northern Sahara)
aavikkohaukka :: saker, saker falcon (Falco cherrug)
aavikkoiguaani :: desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
aavikkoilmasto :: desert climate
aavikkoilves :: caracal (Caracal caracal)
aavikkoinen :: desert, barren (consisting of, or like a desert)
aavikkojerbo :: jerboa, desert rat
aavikkojäniskenguru :: Lake Mackay hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes asomatus)
aavikkojuoksija :: cream-coloured courser, Cursorius cursor
aavikkokaniini :: desert cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii
aavikkokauppiasrotta :: desert woodrat, Neoroma lepida
aavikkokehrääjä :: Egyptian nightjar, Caprimulgus aegyptius
aavikkokenguru :: desert rat-kangaroo (Caloprymnus campestris)
aavikkokerttu :: streaked scrub warbler, Scotocerca inquieta
aavikkokettu :: fennec (Fennecus zerda)
aavikkokissa :: African wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica
aavikkokiuru :: desert lark, Ammomanes deserti
aavikkokiuru :: Ammomanes (genus of birds in lark family)
aavikkokultakontiainen :: Grant's golden mole, Eremitalpa granti
aavikkokultamyyrä :: Grant's golden mole, Eremitalpa granti
aavikkokultarinta :: Sykes's warbler, Iduna rama
aavikkomara :: Chacoan mara, Dolichotis salinicola
aavikkopikkumarsu :: southern mountain cavy, Microcavia australis
aavikkopöllö :: Hume's owl, Strix butleri
aavikkopäästäinen :: Crawford's gray shrew, Notiosorex crawfordi
aavikkopussimäyrä :: desert bandicoot, Perameles eremiana
aavikkopyy :: Amnoperdix (genus of birds consisting of two species)
aavikkopyy :: sand partridge, Ammoperdix heyi
aavikkorotta :: A desert rat or jerboa, especially the lesser Egyptian jerboa, Jaculus jaculus
aavikkosiili :: long-eared hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus
aavikkotaipaani :: inland taipan, small scaled snake or fierce snake, Oxyuranus microlepidotus
aavikkotasku :: desert wheatear, Oenanthe deserti
aavikkotaskurotta :: desert pocket gopher, Geomys arenarius
aavikkotrappi :: Arabian bustard, Ardeotis arabs
aavikkotulkku :: Bucanetes (genus of passerine birds consisting of two species)
aavikkotulkku :: trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus
aavikkotylli :: greater sand plover, Charadrius leschenaultii
aavikkounikeko :: desert dormouse, Selevinia betpakdalaensis
aavikkovarpunen :: desert sparrow (Passer simplex)
aavikoittaa :: to desertify (to cause to become desert)
aavikoitua :: to desertify (to become desert)
aavikoituminen :: desertification
aavin :: superlative form of aava
aavistaa :: To anticipate; to have a feeling that..., have a premonition of
aavistamaton :: unexpected, unforeseen
aavistamatta :: unsuspectedly
aavistamatta :: unsuspectingly
aavisteleminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, aavistella] ::
aavistella :: To have a hunch, to have a funny feeling
aavistuksenomainen :: premonition-like
aavistus :: premonition, intuition
aavistuslähtö :: false start
abaattinen :: abasic (lacking the ability to walk)
abakaviiri :: abacavir
abaksiaalinen :: abaxial (facing to a direction away from the central axis of an organism)
abakteriaalinen :: abacterial (not caused by bacteria, characterized by lack of bacteria)
abakterielli :: Alternative term for abakteriaalinen
abaloni :: An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English)
abasia :: abasia (inability to walk)
abatasepti :: abatacept
abatsi :: abachi, obeche, wawa, ayous, samba (Triplochiton scleroxylon)
abbedissa :: An abbess
abbotinsukeltaja-antilooppi :: Abbott's duiker (Cephalophus spadix)
ABC-ase :: ABC weapon (atomic, biological or chemical weapon of mass destruction)
abdikaatio :: abdication
abdikoida :: To abdicate
abdominaali :: abdominal, ventral (of or pertaining to the abdomen)
abdominaalimigreeni :: abdominal migraine (variant of migraine)
abdominaalinen :: abdominal
abduktiivinen :: abductive
abduktio :: abduction (wrongful, and usually forcible, carrying off of a human being, especially by aliens)
abduktio :: abduction (form of argument)
abduktio :: abduction (movement which separates a body part from the center line of the body or a limb)
abduktoida :: To abduct
abduktori :: abductor (muscle which serves to draw a part out)
abeetalipoproteinemia :: abetalipoproteinemia (rare autosomal recessive disorder, lack of beta-lipoproteins in blood)
aberraatio :: aberration
aberrantti :: aberrant
abessiivi :: abessive
abessiivisija :: abessive case
Abessinia :: Abyssinia (historical name of Ethiopia)
abessinialainen :: Abyssinian
abessinialainen :: Abyssinian (breed of cat)
abessinialainen :: Abyssinian (person)
abessiniangenetti :: Abyssinian genet, Genetta abyssinica (carnivore of the family Viverridae - civets and relatives, found in moorland, grasslands and sub-desert areas in Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti)
abessinianleijona :: Masai lion, Panthera leo roosevelti
abhaasi :: An Abkhaz
abhaasi :: The Abkhaz language
abhaasin kieli :: Abkhaz language
abhaasinkielinen :: Abkhaz (expressed in Abkhaz language)
abhaasinkielinen :: Abkhaz-speaking
abhaasintaa :: to translate into Abkhaz
Abhasia :: Abkhazia (a region/country in the Caucasus)
abhasialainen :: Abkhazian
abhasialainen :: Abkhaz (person from Abkhazia)
abi :: A candidate for the matriculation examination
abikoliitin :: A type of electrical connector for small diameters of electric wire which are attached to the end of the line by pressing
abikopihti [usually in plural] :: A pair of pliers designed specially for pressing electric connectors to the ends of conductor wires, see abikoliitin
abiogeneesi :: abiogenesis
abioottinen :: abiotic
abiotrofia :: abiotrophy
abiristeily :: A cruise organized for the last year students of one or more high schools (lukio). This type of cruises are often organized by the students of the Finnish high schools located conveniently to the cruise harbors
abiturientti :: A student on the last class of a high school, a candidate for the matriculation examination
abivuosi :: A student's last year in high school (lukio)
ablaatio :: ablation
ablatiivi :: ablative
ablatiivinen :: ablatival
ablatiivisija :: ablative case
abnormaali :: Abnormal
abnormi :: abnormal
abnormiteetti :: abnormality
abnormius :: abnormality
abo :: abo
abolitionismi :: abolitionism
abolitionisti :: abolitionist
aboraalinen :: aboral (located away from the mouth)
aboriginaali :: Aboriginal (original inhabitant of Australia)
aboriginaaliheimo :: Aboriginal tribe
aborigine :: Aborigine (aboriginal Australian)
abortiivinen :: abortive
abortinvastainen :: antiabortion
abortoida :: To abort (a fetus; to cause a premature termination of a fetus)
abortoiminen :: abort, aborting
abortointi :: abort
abortti :: abortion, induced abortion (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus)
aborttiklinikka :: abortion clinic (medical facility that specializes in abortions)
aborttilainsäädäntö :: abortion legislation
aborttipilleri :: abortion pill (drug that induces abortion)
aborttitabletti :: Alternative term for aborttipilleri
abraasio :: abrasion
abrahamilainen :: Abrahamic
abrakadabra :: abracadabra (used by performing magician to indicate the moment of performing a magical trick or illusion)
abrakadabra :: abracadabra (complicated technical or other jargon)
abrakia :: abrachia (congenital absence of arms)
absenssi :: absence
absessi :: An abscess
absidi :: apse (semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar)
absidi :: vestibule of a double skin tent
absiksimabi :: abciximab
absintti :: absinthe, absinth (strong alcoholoc beverage)
abskessi :: abscess
abskissa :: abscissa
absolutiivi :: The absolutive case
absolutismi :: absolutism
absolutismi :: the ideal of abstaining from the consumption of alcohol
absolutisti :: absolutist (one who favours an absolute government)
absolutisti :: teetotaler (one who drinks no alcohol at all)
absolutistinen :: absolutist
absoluutio :: absolution
absoluutti :: absolute
absoluuttinen :: absolute
absoluuttinen lämpötila :: absolute temperature
absoluuttinen nollapiste :: absolute zero
absoluuttisemmin :: comparative form of absoluuttisesti
absoluuttisesti :: absolutely
absoluuttisimmin :: superlative form of absoluuttisesti
absoluuttisuus :: absoluteness (state of being absolute)
absorbanssi :: absorbance
absorbentti :: absorbent
absorboida :: To absorb
absorbointi :: absorption
absorboitua [physics, + illative] :: To be absorbed into
absorptio :: absorption
absorptiokerroin :: absorption coefficient
absorptiometria :: absorptiometry
absorptiospektri :: absorption spectrum
absorptioviiva :: absorption line
abstinenssi :: abstinence
abstinenssioire :: Alternative term for vieroitusoire
abstrahoida :: To abstract, make an epitome/a general concept of
abstrahointi :: abstraction
abstrahoitua :: To be abstracted, be generalized
abstrakteimmin :: superlative form of abstraktisti
abstraktein :: superlative form of abstrakti
abstrakti :: Abstract (free from representational qualities)
abstrakti :: Abstract (apart from practice or reality; not concrete; ideal; vague; theoretical; impersonal)
abstrakti :: Abstract (difficult to understand; abstruse)
abstrakti algebra :: abstract algebra
abstraktijulkaisu :: abstract publication (publication publishing abstracts)
abstraktimmin :: comparative form of abstraktisti
abstraktimpi :: comparative form of abstrakti
abstraktinen :: abstract
abstraktio :: abstraction
abstraktisesti :: alternative form of abstraktisti
abstraktistaa :: A variant of abstrahoida
abstraktisti :: abstractly
abstraktistua :: To become abstract
abstraktisuus :: alternative form of abstraktius
abstraktius :: abstractness (quality of being abstract)
absurdeimmin :: superlative form of absurdisti
absurdein :: superlative form of absurdi
absurdi :: absurd
absurdimmin :: comparative form of absurdisti
absurdimpi :: comparative form of absurdi
absurdismi :: absurdism
absurdisti :: absurdly
absurdisti :: absurdist
absurditeetti :: absurdity
absurdius :: absurdity
abulia :: abulia
abuulinen :: abulic
abyssaalinen :: abyssal
abyssinen :: alternative form of abyssaalinen
acajoupähkinä :: cashew nut, acajou
aceh :: Acehnese, Aceh (Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia)
adaktylia :: adactylism (congenital absence of fingers or toes)
adamantaani :: adamantane
adamantiini :: enamel (hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
adapaleeni :: adapalene (medicine used topically to treat skin conditions)
adaptaatio :: adaptation (process of becoming adapted)
adapteri :: adapter
adaptiivinen :: adaptive
adaptoida :: To adapt
adaptointi :: An adaptation; the process of adapting
adaptoitua :: To be(come) adapted
adaptoituminen :: adaptation
addikti :: An addict
addiktio :: an addiction
addiktoida :: to addict (to cause to become addicted)
addiktoitua :: to addict (to become addicted)
addiktoiva :: addictive
Addis :: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia's capital city)
Addis Abeba :: Addis Ababa (capital of Ethiopia)
Addisonin tauti :: Addison's disease
addisonismi :: Addison's disease
additiivinen :: additive
additio :: addition
addukti :: adduct
adduktiivinen :: adductive
adduktio :: adduction (movement which brings a body part towards the center line of the body or a limb)
adduktiovääntökoe [pathophysiology] :: adduction test (test for determining the condition of a joint by examining its movements)
adduktori :: adductor (muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body)
adekvaatisti :: adequately
adekvaatti :: adequate
adekvaattinen :: alternative form of adekvaatti
adekvaattius :: adequacy
adeniini :: adenine
adeniitti [pathology, jargon] :: adenitis (glandular inflammation)
adenoblasti :: adenoblast (embryonic cell that can develop to form glandular parenchyma)
adenofibrooma :: adenofibroma (benign glandular and fibrous neoplasm)
adenohypofyysi :: adenohypophysis
adenoidektomia :: adenoidectomy, adenotomy
adenoidiitti [pathology, jargon] :: adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoid)
adenoidinen :: glandiform
adenokarsinooma :: adenocarcinoma
adenolipooma [pathology, jargon] :: adenolipoma (benign lipoma of a gland containing both glandular and fat tissue)
adenolymfooma :: adenolymphoma (benign tumour of the salivary glands)
adenomatoidi :: adenomatoid (of or pertaining to adenoma)
adenomatoidikasvain :: adenomatoid tumor (benign mesothelial tumour of the genital tract)
adenomatoidinen :: alternative form of adenomatoidi
adenomatoosi :: adenomatosis (type of cancer)
adenomatoottinen :: adenomatotic (of or pertaining to adenomatosis)
adenomyomatoosi :: adenomyomatosis (condition)
adenomyoosi :: adenomyosis
adenooma :: adenoma
adenoosi :: adenosis (benign swelling, scarring or enlargement of the lymph glands)
adenosarkooma :: adenosarcoma (uncommon form of cancer)
adenosiini :: adenosine (a nucleoside)
adenosiinideaminaasi :: adenosine deaminase
adenosiinidifosfaatti :: adenosine diphosphate (a nucleotide)
adenosiinimonofosfaatti :: adenosine monophosphate
adenosiininukleotidi :: adenosine nucleotide
adenosiinitrifosfaatti :: adenosine triphosphate
adenosiinitrifosfataasi :: adenosinetriphosphatase
adenosyytti :: adenocyte (secretory cell of a gland)
adenotomia :: adenoidectomy
adenotonsillektomia :: adenotonsillectomy
adenotonsilliitti :: adenotonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids)
adenovirus :: adenovirus
adenylaattideaminaasi :: AMP deaminase (enzyme)
adenylaattisyklaasi :: adenylate cyclase, adenylyl cyclase (enzyme with key regulatory roles in essentially all cells)
adenyylisyklaasi :: alternative form of adenylaattisyklaasi
aderinsukeltaja-antilooppi :: Ader´s duiker, Cephalophus adersi (species of antelope)
adessiivi :: adessive. In Finnish adessive can indicate adjacency, indeterminate location, property, ownership or means of doing something. The ending of the adessive case is -lla (with back vowels (takavokaali) or -llä (with front vowels (etuvokaali))):
adessiivisija :: adessive case
adheesio :: adhesion (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance)
adheesio :: (abnormal union of surface by the formation of new tissue)
adheesiomolekyyli :: adhesion molecule (protein on the surface of a cell that helps the cell stick to other cells and to its surroundings)
adherenssi :: adherence (extent to which a patient continues an agreed or proscribed treatment plan)
adherenssi :: adherence (attachment of bacteria to the surface of cells)
adherentti :: adherent (having the quality of clinging or sticking fast to something)
adhesiini :: adhesin (substance that facilitates adhesion of bacteria on their target cells)
adhesiivinen :: adhesive (sticky; tenacious, apt or tending to adhere; clinging)
adhesiiviotiitti :: adhesive otitis, adhesive otitis media (condition in which abnormal adhesions develop in the middle ear as a result of an inflammation)
ad hoc :: ad hoc (for a particular purpose)
adiabaattinen :: adiabatic
adiadokokineesi [anatomy, medicine] :: adiadochokinesia, adiadochokinesis (inability to perform rapid alternating movements)
adipiinihappo :: adipic acid
adipiinihapponitriili :: adiponitrile
adipolyysi [anatomy, medicine] :: adipolysis (process of converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)
adipolyyttinen [anatomy, medicine] :: adipolytic (converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)
adiponitriili :: adiponitrile
adipoosi :: adipose, fatty (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat)
adipoosinen :: alternative form of adipoosi
adiposyytti :: adipocyte
adjektiivi :: adjective
adjektiiviattribuutti :: adjective attribute
adjektiivijohdos :: adjectival derivative (derivative, or derived word, which is an adjective)
adjektiivikantainen :: deadjectival (deriving from an adjective)
adjektiivilauseke :: adjective phrase
adjektiivimäärite :: adjective attribute
adjektiivinen :: adjectival
adjektiiviryhmä :: Alternative term for adjektiivilauseke
adjektiivisesti :: adjectivally (in a manner of an adjective)
adjektiivisuus :: adjectivity (state or condition of being an adjective])
adjunkti :: adjunct
adjutantti :: An adjutant
adjuvantti :: adjuvant (enhancing effectiveness of a medical treatment)
adjuvanttihoito :: adjuvant therapy (secondary treatment for cancer given after the primary treatment in order to remove residual microscopic disease)
administraatio :: administration
administraattori :: administrator
administratiivinen :: administrative
admittanssi :: admittance
adneksiitti :: adnexitis
adolesenssi :: adolescence
adolesentti :: adolescent
adonis :: Adonis (beautiful man)
adoptio :: The adoption of a child
adoptioisä :: adoptive father
adoptioäiti :: adoptive mother
adoptiolapsi :: adoptee (adopted child or a person who was adopted as a child)
adoptioperhe :: adoptive family (family into which an adoptee is adopted)
adoptiosisarus :: adoptive sibling
adoptiovanhempi :: adoptive parent
adoptoida :: To adopt (a child)
adoptointi :: adoption
adoraalinen :: adoral (located near the mouth)
adorantti [fine arts] :: orant, orans (image of a person with hands up in prayer)
adpositio :: adposition
adpositionaalinen :: adpositional (of or pertaining to adpositions)
adrenalektomia :: adrenalectomy (removal of one or both adrenal glands)
adrenaliini :: adrenaline
adrenaliitti :: adrenalitis (inflammation of one or both adrenal glands)
adrenarke :: adrenarche (maturation of the cortex of the human adrenal glands, typically occurring at age 6 to 10, causing some physical changes in both girls and boys)
adrenerginen :: adrenergic (containing or releasing adrenaline)
adrenerginen :: adrenergic (having the same effect as adrenaline or epinephrine)
adrenogenitaalinen :: adrenogenital (of or pertaining to excessive production of androgen hormone)
adrenogenitaalinen oireyhtymä :: adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)
adrenogenitaalisyndrooma :: adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)
adrenokortikaalinen [anatomy, pathology] :: adrenocortical (of or pertaining to the adrenal cortex)
adrenokortikotrooppinen :: adrenocorticotropic, adrenotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)
adrenokortikotropiini [anatomy, medicine] :: adrenocorticotropin (hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, regulates metabolism by regulating the cortex of the adrenal gland)
adrenokromi :: adrenochrome
adrenoleukodystrofia :: adrenoleukodystrophy (degenerative genetic disease)
adrenolyyttinen :: adrenolytic (that inhibits the effect of adrenaline)
adrenomedulliini :: adrenomedullin (peptide associated with a tumor of the adrenal medula)
adrenoreseptori :: adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptor (site in the surface membranes of cells innervated by adrenergic neurons)
adrenotrooppinen :: adrenotropic, adrenocorticotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)
adressaatti :: addressee
adressi :: petition, address
Adrianmeri :: The Adriatic Sea
adsorbentti :: adsorbent
adsorboida :: To adsorb
adsorbointi :: adsorption
adsorboitua :: To be(come) adsorbed
adsorptio :: adsorption
adsorptiokromatografia :: adsorption chromatography (method of chromatography in which a solid adsorbing substance serves as the stationary phase)
adstringentti :: astringent (substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood)
adstringoiva :: astringent (having the effect of drawing tissue together)
adsukipapu :: azuki bean, adsuki bean
adukipapu :: alternative form of azukipapu
adulaari :: adularia
A-duuri :: A major
advektio :: advection
adventismi :: Adventism
adventisti :: An Adventist
adventti :: The four weeks right before the Christmas, the Advent
adventtiaika :: advent (period)
adventtikalenteri :: Advent calendar
adventtikirkko :: divine service of the Advent
adventtiseurakunta :: Adventist congregation
adventtisunnuntai :: Advent Sunday (the first Sunday of Advent, i.e. the fourth Sunday before Christmas)
adventtisunnuntai :: Sunday of Advent (together with an ordinal number, any of the four Sundays of the Advent)
adverbi :: an adverb
adverbiaali :: adverbial
adverbiaalinen :: adverbial
adverbiaalisemmin :: comparative form of adverbiaalisesti
adverbiaalisesti :: adverbially
adverbiaalisimmin :: superlative form of adverbiaalisesti
adverbiaalisuus :: adverbiality (condition of having characteristics of an adverb)
adverbinen :: adverbial
adverbisesti :: adverbially
adverbisuus :: alternative term for adverbiaalisuus
adversatiivinen :: adversative
adversatiivisemmin :: comparative form of adversatiivisesti
adversatiivisesti :: adversatively
adversatiivisimmin :: superlative form of adversatiivisesti
adversatiivisuus :: adversativity
advokaatti :: advocate
aedeagus :: aedeagus
aeolinen :: alternative form of eolinen
aerobatia :: aerobatics
aerobic :: aerobics
aerobicata :: alternative form of aerobikata
aerobikata :: To do aerobics
aerobikkaaja :: One who does aerobics
aerobikkaus :: aerobics (form of exercise)
aerobikki :: aerobics
aerobinen :: aerobic (as opposed to anaerobic)
aerobiologia :: aerobiology
aerobiologinen :: aerobiological
aerobiologisemmin :: comparative form of aerobiologisesti
aerobiologisesti :: aerobiologically
aerobiologisimmin :: superlative form of aerobiologisesti
aerobiontti :: aerobe (organism that needs oxygen to survive)
aerobioosi :: aerobiosis
aerodontalgia [dentistry] :: aerodontalgia
aerodynaaminen :: aerodynamic
aerodynaamisemmin :: comparative form of aerodynaamisesti
aerodynaamisempi :: comparative form of aerodynaaminen
aerodynaamisesti :: aerodynamically
aerodynaamisimmin :: superlative form of aerodynaamisesti
aerodynaamisin :: superlative form of aerodynaaminen
aerodynamiikka :: aerodynamics
aeroelastinen [aerodynamics] :: aeroelastic
aeroelastisuus :: aeroelasticity
aeroembolia :: air embolism, aeroembolism (condition caused by bubbles of gas in vascular system)
aerofobia :: aerophobia
aerofobinen :: aerophobic
aerofotografia :: aerial photography
aerogeeli :: aerogel
aerogeofysiikka :: aerogeophysics (branch of geophysics based on airborne measurements of the Earth's surface)
aeromekaniikka :: aeromechanics (branch of mechanics dealing with gases)
aero-otiitti :: aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure)
aerosinuiitti :: aerosinusitis (sinusitis resulting from change in barometric pressure)
aerosoli :: aerosol
aerosolifysiikka :: aerosol physics (study of physical properties of aerosols)
aerosolipakkaus :: aerosol package
aerosolipullo :: aerosol can
aerosolipurkki :: aerosol can
aerosolitölkki :: aerosol can
aerostatiikka :: aerostatics (study of gases in equilibrium)
aerotropismi :: aerotropism
afaatikko :: An aphasic person
afaattinen :: when a boy is chasing a girl on the PIE (P(an)-I(sland) E(xpressway)) inSingapoe
afakia :: aphakia (absence of the lens of the eye)
afar :: Afar (language)
afar :: An Afar (person)
afari :: Afar (person)
afarinetelänapina :: Australopithecus afarensis (extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago)
afasia :: aphasia
afebriili [pathology, jargon] :: afebrile (having no fever)
afemia :: aphemia
afereesi :: apheresis
affekti :: affect
affektihäiriö :: affective disorder, mood disorder
affektiivinen :: affective
affektiivisesti :: affectively
affektiivisuus :: affectivity
affektikohtaus :: alternative term for affektikouristus
affektikouristus :: affective spasm (spasm triggered by powerful emotion, especially fury; usually affects kids younger than 6 years)
affektilabiilisuus :: affective lability (tendency to get affective spasms)
affektinen :: affective
affektio :: affection
affektisesti :: affectively
affektisuus :: affectivity
affenpinseri :: affenpinscher, Affenpinscher (breed of dog)
afferentti :: afferent (carrying towards)
affiini :: affine
affiinikuvaus :: affine transformation
affiinimuunnos :: affine transformation
affiininen :: affine
affiksi :: affix
affiniteetti [chemistry, medicine, computing] :: affinity
affisio :: lesion
affisioida :: To affect (to infect or harm a part of the body)
affrikaatta :: affricate
afgaani :: Afghan hound
afgaani :: afghani
afgaani :: an Afghan
afgaani :: the Afghan language, or Pashto
afgaaninvinttikoira :: Afghan hound, Afghan
Afganistan :: Afghanistan
afganistanilainen :: Afghan
afganistanilainen :: An Afghan person
afganistaninpiiskujänis :: Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small rodent)
afganistaninpika :: Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small rodent)
aflatoksiini :: aflatoxin (any of a family of mycotoxins produced by molds of the Aspergillus genus)
afonia :: aphonia (inability to speak)
afoninen :: aphonic (of, relating to, or exhibiting aphonia; unable to speak)
aforismi :: aphorism
aforismikokoelma :: A collection of aphorisms
aforisti :: aphorist (person who writes or recites aphorisms)
aforistikko :: aforisti
aforistinen :: aphoristic
afrasia :: aphrasia (condition of being unable to speak)
afääri :: A commercial affair
africanis :: Africanis (breed of dog)
afrikaaneri :: An Afrikaner (member of an ethnic group of northwestern European ancestry and associated with southern Africa and the Afrikaans language)
afrikaani :: alternative form of afrikaaneri
afrikaans :: the Afrikaans language
afrikaansin kieli :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikaansinkielinen :: Expressed in Afrikaans language
afrikaansinkielinen :: Speaking Afrikaans
afrikaansintaa :: to translate into Afrikaans
afrikandi :: An Afrikaner
afrikanhanhi :: Egyptian goose, Alopochen aegyptiaca
afrikaniibishaikara :: yellow-billed stork, Mycteria ibis
afrikanistiikka :: African studies, Africanistics
afrikankalliopääsky :: rock martin, Ptyonoprogne fuligula
afrikankapustahaikara :: African spoonbill, Platalea alba
afrikankastanjasirkku :: cinnamon-breasted bunting, Emberiza tahapisi
afrikankeisarikalastaja :: giant kingfisher Megaceryle maxima
afrikankielilepakko :: Woermann's bat, Woermann's fruit bat, Megaloglossus woermanni
afrikankääpiöhaukka :: African pygmy falcon, pygmy falcon, Polihierax semitorquatus
afrikankääpiöorava :: African pygmy squirrel, Myosciurus pumilio
afrikankäärmekaula :: African darter, Anhinga rufa
afrikankukaali :: Senegal coucal, Centropus senegalensis (bird in the cuckoo order)
afrikankultakissa :: African golden cat, Profelis aurata
afrikankyttyrädelfiini :: humpback dolphin, Sousa teuszii
afrikanlauluhaukka :: dark chanting goshawk, Melierax metabates
afrikanlinsanki :: African linsang, oyan, Poiana richardsonii (viverrine living in the jungles of central Africa)
afrikanmanaatti :: African manatee, Trichechus senegalensis
afrikanmarabu :: marabou, Leptoptilos crumeniferus
afrikanmerikarhu :: South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus)
afrikanmetsäpäästäinen :: Olivier's shrew, Crocidura olivieri
afrikanmetsärotta :: Jackson's soft-furred mouse, Praomys jacksoni
afrikanniittyrotta :: Natal multimammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis
afrikannorsu :: African elephant, Loxodonta africana
afrikanpalmukiitäjä :: African palm swift, Cypsiurus parvus
afrikanpalmunäätä :: African palm civet, Nandinia binotata
afrikanpelikaani :: pink-backed pelican, Pelecanus rufescens
afrikanpiikkisika :: Cape porcupine, Hystrix africaeaustralis
afrikanpingviini :: jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersus
afrikanpurorotta :: Issel's groove-toothed swamp rat, Pelomys isseli
afrikanrakonokka :: African openbill, Anastomus lamelligerus
afrikansaksinokka :: African skimmer, Rynchops flavirostris
Afrikan sarvi :: The Horn of Africa
afrikansatulahaikara :: saddle-bill stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
afrikansivettikissa :: African civet, Civettictis civetta
afrikansuopöllö :: marsh owl, Asio capensis
afrikansuorotta :: African shaggy rat, Dasymys incomtus
afrikantupsuhäntäpiikkisika :: African brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus africanus
afrikantöyhtöhyyppä :: black-headed lapwing, Vanellus tectus
afrikantylli :: Kittlitz’s sand plover, Charadrius pecuarius
afrikanunikeko :: woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinus
afrikanvaris :: pied crow, Corvus albus
afrikanvilliaasi :: African wild ass, Equus africanus
Afrikka :: the continent of Africa
afrikkalainen :: African
afrikkalainen :: An African
afrikkalaisamerikkalainen englanti :: African American Vernacular English
afrikkalaisuus :: state or quality of being African
afro :: afro (hairstyle)
afro- :: Afro-, African (of or pertaining to Africa)
afroaasialainen :: Afroasiatic
afroamerikkalainen :: African-American, Afro-American
afroamerikkalainen :: African-American, Afro-American (person)
afrodiitti :: aphrodite (mineral)
afrodiitti [pathology, archaic] :: A person with atrophic genitals[1]
afrodisia :: aphrodisia (state of sexual desire)
afrodisiakumi :: aphrodisiac
afrokampaus :: afro (hairstyle)
afrokommunismi :: Afrocommunism (communism as applied in Africa)
afromusiikki :: African music (music or music style originating in Africa)
afrosentrismi :: Afrocentrism
afta :: aphthous ulcer, oral ulcer, aphtha
aftainen :: having aphthas or oral ulcers
aftoosi :: candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)
aftoosinen :: having the medical condition of candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)
agaatti :: agate
agaave :: agave
Ašgabat :: Ashgabat (capital of Turkmenistan)
agakonna :: cane toad, marine toad, Bufo marinus (now Rhinella marina)
agalmatofilia :: agalmatophilia
agama :: agama
agape-terapia :: agape therapy (form of therapy based on Christian love for others, promoted by the Pentecostalist movement)
agba :: agba, Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum
agenda :: An agenda
agentti :: agent (person or firm authorized to perform certain action on behalf of another)
agentti :: agent
agenttifilmi :: spy movie, spy film
agenttikirjallisuus :: spy literature
agenttipartisiippi :: An agent participle; a verb form that allows the property of something being a target of an action to be formatted as an adjective-like attribute
agenttiromaani :: spy novel
agenttitoiminta :: espionage
agentuuri :: agency (office or place of business of an agent)
agentuuri :: agency (relation between a principal and his agent)
agentuuriliike :: agency (office or place of business of an agent)
agglomeraatio :: agglomeration
agglomeraatti :: agglomerate
agglutinaatio :: agglutination
agglutinatiivinen :: agglutinative
agglutinoida :: To agglutinate
agglutinoiva :: agglutinative
aggregaatti :: internal combustion engine generator
aggregointi :: aggregation
aggressiivinen :: aggressive
aggressiivisemmin :: comparative form of aggressiivisesti
aggressiivisempi :: comparative form of aggressiivinen
aggressiivisesti :: aggressively
aggressiivisimmin :: superlative form of aggressiivisesti
aggressiivisin :: superlative form of aggressiivinen
aggressiivisuus :: aggressiveness
aggressio :: aggression
agitaatio :: agitation
agitaattori :: agitator (one who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others)
agitatorinen :: agitative
agitoida :: To agitate (people to support or to be opposed to sth)
agitoija :: agitator
agitointi :: agitation
aglykoni :: aglycone
agnostikko :: An agnostic
agnostinen :: agnostic
agnostisesti :: agnostically (in an agnostic manner)
agnostisismi :: agnosticism
agnostismi :: agnosticism (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable)
agnostisuus :: state or quality of being agnostic
agonia :: agony, death struggle
agora :: agora (marketplace in Classical Greece)
agorafobia :: agoraphobia
agraari :: agrarian (person who advocates the interests of farmers)
agraari :: student of agriculture
agraari- :: agrarian
agraarinen :: agrarian
agraaripolitiikka :: agrarian policy
agraaripuolue :: agrarian party
agraarisuus :: state or quality of being agrarian
agraarivaltio :: agrarian state
agraariyhteiskunta :: agrarian society
agrafia :: agraphia
agro- :: agro-
agrobiologia :: agrobiology (branch of biology)
agrologi :: agrologist
agrologia :: agrology
agronomi :: agronomist
agronomia :: agronomy
aguti :: agouti (long-legged rodent of the family Dasyproctidae)
ahaa :: aha
ahaa-elämys :: aha moment
ahaggarinkivitamaani :: Hoggar hyrax, Heterohyrax brucei antineae (subspecies of yellow-spotted rock hyrax endemic to Hoggar highglands in Algeria)
ahah :: Same as ahaa
ahava :: cold wind
ahava :: weather-beaten skin
ahavoida :: alternative form of ahavoittaa
ahavoittaa :: to chap (of wind or sunlight, e.g. lips: to tan or blow dry and parched)
ahavoitua [e.g. of lips, due to cold and dry wind] :: To (get) chap(ped)
ahavoitua [of a fish when off water, due to cold and dry wind] :: To dry up/out
ahdas :: cramped
ahdas :: narrow
ahdashenkinen :: narrow-minded (having restricted or rigid views, being unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdashenkisesti :: narrow-mindedly
ahdashenkisyys :: narrow-mindedness
ahdaskatseinen :: narrow-minded
ahdasmielinen :: narrow-minded
ahdasmielisesti :: narrow-mindedly
ahdasmielisyys :: narrow-mindedness
ahdasnäköinen :: narrow-minded, narrow sighted (having mentally a narrow view)
ahdasnäköisesti :: narrow-mindedly
ahdasnäköisyys :: narrow-mindedness
ahdasrajainen :: close-minded, doctrinaire, dogmatic, hidebound, illiberal, inflexible, intolerant, narrow-minded, partisan, pigheaded, rigid, stubborn, unpersuadable (unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdasrajainen :: tightly limited (having narrow bounds for movement)
ahdasrajaisesti :: dogmatically, illiberally, inflexibly, intolerantly, narrow-mindedly, partisanly, pigheadedly, rigidly, stubbornly (in a maneer which is unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdasrajaisesti :: Within tighly defined limits
ahdasrajaisuus :: The property or state of being ahdasrajainen, in all senses
ahdata :: To load or unload (cargo)
ahde :: hillside, bank, embankment
ahdekaunokki :: brown knapweed, brownray knapweed, Centaurea jacea (herbaceous perennial plant native to dry meadows and open woodland throughout Europe)
ahdelauha :: wavy hair grass, Deschampsia flexuosa
ahdettu :: turbocharged (having a turbocharger)
ahdin :: supercharger (inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine)
ahdinko :: plight, distress
ahdinkotila :: plight, distress (state of being plighted or distressed)
ahdinmoottori :: supercharged engine (engine equipped with a supercharger)
ahdinparta :: A seaweed, Cladophora glomerata
ahdistaa :: To constrict, strangle, (of a shoe) pinch
ahdistaa :: To bait, heckle, hector
ahdistaa :: To chase, pursue
ahdistaa :: To harass, pester, badger
ahdistaa :: To irritate, vex, annoy
ahdistaa :: To (op)press, push, pressure
ahdistaa :: To worry, distress, bother
ahdistaja :: tormentor
ahdistava :: distressing
ahdistelija :: molester
ahdistelija :: stalker
ahdistella :: To harass
ahdistella :: To molest (sexually abuse)
ahdistelu :: harassment
ahdistua :: To get anxious/nervous (about = elative), start feeling disturbed/uneasy, give in to one's fears, give one's anxieties full rein
ahdistuneesti :: distressedly, anxiously, uneasily
ahdistuneisuus :: anxiety
ahdistuneisuushäiriö :: anxiety disorder
ahdistunut :: distressed, anxious, uneasy
ahdistus :: angst
ahdistus :: anxiety
ahdistushäiriö :: anxiety disorder
ahdistusneuroosi :: generalized anxiety disorder, GAD (anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry which may interfere with daily functioning)
ahdistustila :: anxiety, angst (state of being anxious)
ahdos :: Collective noun for sheaves of grain arranged on beams (parsi) for drying
aherrus :: toil, grind, labour
ahertaa :: To work hard, apply oneself (to a task), hustle, labour/labor, toil
ahertaja :: one who works hard, labours much, toils
ahjo :: forge, furnace
ahkera :: industrious, hardworking
ahkeraliisa :: busy Lizzy, balsam, impatiens (Impatiens walleriana, syn. Impatiens sultanii)
ahkerammin :: comparative form of ahkerasti
ahkerasti :: diligently, studiously
ahkerimmin :: superlative form of ahkerasti
ahkeroida :: To work hard, apply oneself (to a task), hustle, labour/labor, toil
ahkerointi :: toil (labour, work)
ahkeruus :: industriousness, diligence, industry; work ethic (tendency to work persistently)
ahkio :: type of toboggan or sledge without runners, suitable for carrying goods or people in deep snow, usually drawn by a man or a reindeer
ahma :: wolverine (Gulo gulo)
ahmaista :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahmaisu :: gulp
ahmatti :: glutton (voracious eater)
ahmatti :: gourmand
ahmattimainen :: gluttonous
ahmattimaisuus :: gluttonousness, gluttony (quality of being gluttonous)
ahmia :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahmija :: gobbler (one who eats food very quickly, without decorum)
ahmiminen :: binge, binge eating (eating disorder, often as symptom of bulimia)
ahmiminen :: devouring, gobbling, wolfing (action of eating large amounts fast)
ahmimishäiriö :: bulimia
ahminta :: gorging
ahnaasti :: gluttonously
ahnaasti :: voraciously
ahnas :: gluttonous
ahnas :: voracious
ahnastella :: alternative term for ahnehtia
ahnastelu :: gluttony
ahnastelu :: greediness
ahnaus :: gluttonousness
ahnaus :: voraciousness
ahne :: greedy
ahneempi :: comparative form of ahne
ahneesti :: greedily
ahnehdinta :: hoarding
ahnehtia :: To be greedy for, be eager for; to crave, lust after, desire
ahnehtia :: To hog, hoard
ahnehtia :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahnehtija :: Agent noun of the verb ahnehtia
ahnein :: superlative form of ahne
ahneus :: greed, greediness
aho :: glade (grassy open or cleared space in a forest, especially one that is a result of slash-and-burn cultivation)
Aho :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Aho :: Finnish surname
Ahola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ahola :: Finnish surname
aholeinikki :: many-flowered buttercup, Ranunculus polyanthemos (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
ahomansikka :: wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca
Ahonen :: Finnish surname
ahoniitty :: A glade which is large and rich enough to serve as source of hay for cattle
ahonoidanlukko :: A plant, Botrychium multifidum
ahopaju :: A willow, Salix starkeana
ahovahakas :: butter waxcap, Hygrocybe ceracea
ahrain :: alternative form of atrain
-ahtaa :: Forms momentane or semelfactive verbs
ahtaa :: to cram, stuff, fill, pack full
ahtaa :: to supercharge (to increase the power of an internal combustion engine by compressing the inlet air)
ahtaa :: to turbocharge (to apply a turbocharger to increase the air pressure in the intake manifold of an engine)
ahtaaja :: longshoreman, stevedore (worker who loads and unloads ships in a harbor)
ahtaalla :: in dire straits, hard-pressed, in difficulties (in a difficult position)
ahtaalle :: into dire straits, hard-pressed, into difficulties (into a difficult position)
ahtaaminen :: Action noun of the verb ahdata, stevedoring
ahtaampi :: comparative form of ahdas
ahtaasti :: crampedly, narrowly (without much room)
ahtauma :: constriction
ahtaus :: crowding, congestion, throng
ahtaus :: tightness (condition of not having sufficient space)
ahtaus :: stevedoring, stowage (action of stowing, especially of cargo)
ahtausliike :: stevedoring firm
ahtaustyö :: stevedoring work
ahtauttaa :: To have (cargo) loaded or unloaded, have/make someone (= allative) load/unload (cargo)
ahtauttaa :: To make (more) cramped or narrow
ahtautua :: To become/get narrow(er)
ahtautua :: To pack, crowd (into = illative)
ahtautuma :: alternative form of ahtauma
ahteri :: bottom, butt, hindquarter, behind
ahteri :: stern
ahti :: An act in the passion play
Ahti :: male given name
Ahti :: The god of depths, water, and fishing in Finnish mythology
Ahtisaari :: Finnish surname
ahtisaarna :: A sermon given during the Holy Week, the topic of which is taken of the Passions of Jesus
ahto :: action noun of the verb ahtaa ‎(“to cram, to turbocharge”)
Ahto :: A variation of Ahti, name of the god of the depths, water, and fishing in Finnish mythology
Ahto :: male given name, a rare variation of Ahti
ahtoilma :: The compressed intake air of a turbocharged engine
ahtojää :: pack ice
ahtopaine :: manifold pressure, intake pressure, boost pressure (in a turbocharged engine, the air pressure in the intake manifold, increased above atmospheric pressure by the turbo)
ahtoutua [of ice] :: To become packed
ahven [colloquial, in compounds] :: bass
ahven :: European perch, Perca fluviatilis
ahven [in compounds] :: perciform; short for ahvenkala, see e.g. seeprakirjoahven
ahven :: Percidae (taxonomic family in the order Perciformes)
ahven :: perch (any fish in the genus Perca)
Ahvenanmaa :: Åland
ahvenanmaalainen :: Of or pertaining to Åland
ahvenanmaalainen :: A person from Åland
ahvenanmaanlammas :: Aland sheep (breed of sheep native to Aland Islands)
ahvenheinä :: water weed, aquatic weed (unspecified weedy aquatic plant, used e.g. of ahvenvita, järvisätkin)
ahvenkala :: perciform (a fish of the order Perciformes)
ahvenkalat :: the order Perciformes
ahvenruoho :: pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus peltatus)
ahvenvita :: clasping-leaf pondweed, perfoliate pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus (globally widely distributed perennial aquatic plant)
Ahvo :: male given name
ai :: oh!
ai :: ouch!
aiai :: alternative spelling of ai-ai
ai-ai :: aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
aidanne :: Freely growing hedgerow
aidanvieri :: The side of a fence
aidas :: An individual piece of wood from which a traditional pole fence is made
aidaskääpä :: A polypore, Gloeophyllum sepiarium
aidata :: To fence (in), build a fence around, enclose with a fence; to corral, hedge, pen
aidoimmin :: superlative form of aidosti
aidoin :: superlative form of aito
aidoittaa :: To fence
aidommin :: comparative form of aidosti
aidompi :: comparative form of aito
aidosti :: honestly, really
aie :: An intention, intent
aiemmin :: earlier, hitherto (before now or a stated point of time in the past, up to this or that time)
aiempi :: Earlier
aiennus :: The act of bringing forward (in time)
aientaa :: to bring forward (to make occur earlier)
Aigeianmeri :: The Aegean Sea
aihe :: motif (recurring or dominant element in a work of art)
aihe :: reason, cause
aihe :: topic, subject, theme
aiheellinen :: justifiable
aiheellisemmin :: comparative form of aiheellisesti
aiheellisesti :: justifiably, properly, reasonably
aiheellisimmin :: superlative form of aiheellisesti
aiheellistaa :: To justify (to make or prove an action necessary)
aiheenmukainen :: thematic (relating to, or having a theme or a topic)
aiheeton :: unnecessary
aiheettomammin :: comparative form of aiheettomasti
aiheettomasti :: unnecessarily
aiheettomimmin :: superlative form of aiheettomasti
-aiheinen :: -themed
aihelma :: The motive of an artwork
aihepiiri :: subject matter (that which is made the object of thought or study)
aihetodiste :: A piece of circumstantial evidence, normally used in plural (aihetodisteet) circumstantial evidence
aiheuttaa :: to arouse, awaken, stir up
aiheuttaa :: to cause, bring about, bring to pass
aiheuttaa :: to give rise to, inspire, induce, call forth
aiheuttaa :: to produce, make, create
aiheuttaa :: to result in, lead to
aiheuttaja :: cause
aiheutua :: To be caused by, be brought about by, lead/follow/result from, be due to
aiheutua :: To grow/arise/flow out of, originate in/from, derive from
aiheutua :: To accrue (from = elative, to = allative)
aiheutus :: causing
aihio :: billet (semi-finished length of metal)
aihio :: motif (short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work)
aihio :: work in progress, unfinished work (any work that is not finished)
aihki :: A very old and slowly grown pine tree
Aija :: female given name
aijai :: ouch!
aika :: quite
aika :: appointment (arranged meeting)
aika :: time, moment
aika :: time (temporal distance)
aika-ajo [auto racing] :: qualification; often used in plural
aika ajoin :: from time to time, periodically, at intervals
aikaansaada :: To accomplish, work out, achieve, get something done
aikaansaada :: To cause, generate, set off, do
aikaansaamaton :: inefficient, unproductive
aikaansaannos :: accomplishment
aikaansaannos :: achievement
aikaansaapa :: alternative form of aikaansaava
aikaansaava :: efficient, productive, competent
aikaansa edellä :: ahead of one's time
aika-avaruus :: spacetime
aikaavievä :: time-consuming
aikaavievimmin :: superlative form of aikaavievästi
aikaavievämmin :: comparative form of aikaavievästi
aikaavievästi :: In a time-consuming manner
aikadilaatio :: time dilation
aikadilataatio :: time dilatation
aikaero :: short for aikaerorasitus ‎(“jet lag”)
aikaero :: time difference
aikaerorasitus :: jet lag
aikaeroväsymys :: jet lag
aikailla :: To waver, dawdle, vacillate, hesitate
aikailu :: loitering
aikainen :: early
aikainen :: genitive + ~ ; from the times of
aikainen :: genitive + ~ ; taking place during
aikainen [in transitive singular] :: done; in the expression saada aikaiseksi ("to get something done")
aikainen lintu madon nappaa :: the early bird gets the worm (same meaning)
aikaisemmin :: earlier
aikaisempi :: comparative form of aikainen
aikaisheteisyys :: protandry
aikaisin :: superlative form of aikainen
aikaisin :: ahead of time
aikaisin :: early
aikaisintaan :: Not before, not earlier than, at the earliest
aikaistaa :: To move (temporally) ahead, move up, make earlier
aikaistua :: To become earlier (to be going to take place, happen earlier)
aikaistus :: The act of bringing forward (in time)
aikajana :: timeline
aikajärjestys :: chronological order
aikakausi :: age, era
aikakauslehti :: periodical, magazine (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
aikakone :: time machine
aika kultaa muistot :: memories grow sweeter with time
aika lailla :: quite a bit, considerably (of a considerable amount)
aikalainen :: contemporary (person)
aikaleima :: timestamp
aikalisä :: A time-out
aikaluokka :: tense
aikamatka :: time travel
aikamatkailu :: time travel
aikamatkustaja :: time-traveller
aikamatkustus :: time travel
aikamies :: adult man
aikamoinen :: quite a, quite some
aikamuoto :: tense
aikana :: Used postpositionally in the structure genitive of the definition of the period + aikana + eventual possessive suffix, which is translated into English as: during or within + definition of the period
aikanaan :: eventually, in due time, in due course
aika näyttää :: time will tell
aikapalkka :: rate (wage calculated in relation to a unit of time)
aikapalvelin :: time server
aikapommi :: time bomb
aikapula :: zeitnot
aikapula :: lack of time, shortage of time
aikasarja :: time series
aikasarja-analyysi :: time series analysis
aikaskaala :: time scale
aikataulu :: schedule
aikataulu :: timetable
aikatauluttaa :: to schedule, slate
aikauttaa :: To time (the detonation of an explosive device, such as a mine or grenade)
aikautus :: timing
aikavakio :: A time constant
aikaväli :: timespan, interval (period of time between two events)
aikavyöhyke :: time zone
aikayksikkö :: unit of time
aikeissa :: about, with the intention/intent of
aikmofobia :: aichmophobia
aikoa [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will do
aikoinaan :: at one time, once
aikomus :: intent
aikuinen :: adult
aikuinen :: adult (person)
aikuisdiabetes :: adult-onset diabetes; diabetes mellitus type 2
aikuisempi :: comparative form of aikuinen
aikuiskoulutuskeskus :: A learning institution principally serving vocational training needs of adult population; variety of terms are used of similar institutions in the English-speaking world, e.g. center for adult learning in the US
aikuismainen :: adultlike
aikuistua :: To grow up, mature, reach maturity, become an adult, come of age
aikuisuus :: adulthood
aikuisviihde :: adult entertainment
Aila :: female given name
ailahdella :: To waver, vacillate, have mood shifts, (of somebody’s mood, emotions and opinions) to change unpredictably, suddenly or rapidly (in a continuous manner)
ailahdella [physically] :: To shift, move about, rise and fall, come and go, rock from side to side
ailahdus [of emotions] :: A sudden change
ailahtaa [of mental mood, emotions] :: To change suddenly or rapidly
ailahtaa [of mental mood, emotions] :: To find expression suddenly/rapidly, be expressed/manifested
ailahtelu :: shift of moods
ailakki :: A campion, a flower of the genus Silene
Aili :: female given name
ailurofobia :: ailurophobia
aimara :: An Aymara
aimara :: Aymara (language of South America)
aimo :: An intensifier, used to emphasize quality in a positive sense
Aimo :: male given name
aina :: always
aina :: The string in the upper or lower edge of a fishing net or seine
Aina :: female given name
ainainen :: constant, perpetual, eternal
ainaiseksi :: alternative form of ainiaaksi
ainakaan :: connegative form of ainakin, used always with the negation verb ei; see ei ainakaan
ainakin :: at least
ainakin :: for one (as one person among other people)
aina kun :: every time, whenever
ainavihanta :: evergreen (plant)
aine :: essay (written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject, especially on written as part of one's schoolwork)
aine :: matter, material, substance
aine :: subject (particular area of study, especially one thought in a school)
aineellinen :: corporeal
aineellistaa :: to materialize
aineellistua :: to materialise/materialize
aineellistuma :: abstract (something that concentrates in itself the qualities of something else)
aineellisuus :: materiality
aineenvaihdunta :: Metabolism
aineeton :: intangible, immaterial, incorporeal
aineettomampi :: comparative form of aineeton
-aineinen :: As headword of compound terms only: consisting of the type of substance as defined by the modifier
aineistaa :: To materialise/materialize
aineisto :: material (texts etc.)
aineistua :: to materialize/materialise, become material
aineistuma :: alternative form of aineellistuma
-aineksinen :: As head word of compound terms only, consisting of ingredients such as defined by the modifier
ainemäärä :: amount of substance
aines :: ingredient, constituent
aines :: material
ainesana :: material noun
ainesosa :: ingredient
ainevirsi :: alternative term for graduaalivirsi
Aini :: female given name, variant of Aino
ainiaaksi :: forever (for all time, for all eternity); chiefly used in contexts where something or someone is gone for ever
ainiaan :: always (at all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually)
Ainikki :: female given name
aino :: only, sole
aino :: Ainu
Aino :: A heroine in the Kalevala
Aino :: female given name
ainoa :: only (having no siblings)
ainoa :: only, sole
ainoastaan :: only, just, alone
ainokainen :: only child
ainokainen :: singleton (single object)
ainu :: an Ainu
ainu :: the Ainu language
ainunkielinen :: Ainu-language, Ainu-speaking, Ainu (of Ainu language)
ainuntaa :: to translate into Ainu language
ainut :: only
ainutkertainen :: Unique (one that occurs only once)
ainutkertaisempi :: comparative form of ainutkertainen
ainutlaatuinen :: unique (without equal)
ainutlaatuisempi :: comparative form of ainutlaatuinen
aioli :: aioli
aiolinen :: Aeolian
aion :: aeon
aion :: eon
aioni :: eon (very long period of time)
aioni :: eon
Aira :: female given name
Airi :: female given name. Variant: Aira
airo :: oar
airokala :: giant oarfish, king of herrings (Regalecus glesne), in Finnish the name species of the family Regalecidae
airokala :: oarfish (any fish in the family Regalecidae)
aironveto :: stroke of oar
airopari :: A pair of oars
airue :: herald
airut :: A harbinger, omen, messenger
airutkuvio :: An ordinary (standard geometric design in heraldics)
ais :: A-sharp
aisa :: pole (of a cart or wagon)
aisa :: shaft (one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle)
aisankannattaja :: cuckold
aisapari :: bedfellow
aisata :: To bark (strip the bark from a tree) partially, in order to speed up drying of the wood
aisaus :: barking (stripping the bark from a tree)
aisti :: sense
aistia :: To sense
aistiharha :: hallucination
aistihavainto :: sensory perception
aistikas :: tasteful, artistic, charming, cultivated, cultured, delicate, elegant, exquisite, judicious
aistikkaampi :: comparative form of aistikas
aistillinen :: sensual
aistimus :: perception
aistin :: sensor, sense organ (organ)
aistinelin :: sense organ
-aistinen :: As headword of compound terms only, having senses of the type defined by the modifier
aistiton :: senseless (having no senses, sensory organs)
aistittomampi :: comparative form of aistiton
aistittomin :: superlative form of aistiton
aita :: fence
aitajuoksu :: hurdling
aitajuoksu :: In the names of specific events hurdles
aitalikusteri :: wild privet, common privet, European privet, Ligustrum vulgare
aitaorapihlaja :: A species of hawthorn (Crataegus flabellata var. grayana, syn. Crataegus grayana)
aitaus :: An area surrounded by fences; a yard, corral
aitio :: A box in a theatre etc
aito :: bona fide (authentic, genuine)
aito :: real, authentic
aitoa :: To run hurdles
aitoamerikkalainen :: all-American
aitohunajakukka :: lacy phacelia, purple tansy, Phacelia tanacetifolia (annual herb used as cover crop, to attract bees or as ornamental plant)
aitoja :: A hurdler
aitojalohaukka :: falcon (any of the birds of prey in the genus Falco)
aitokana :: Any bird of the family Phasianidae, including e.g. turkeys, grouse, pheasants, partridges and Old World quails
aitolehti :: true leaf
aitolepakko :: vesper bat (member of the Vespertilionidae family of bats)
aitomaksasammal :: any liverwort of the family Jungermanniales
aito murtoluku :: proper fraction
aito osajoukko [set theory] :: proper subset
aitopihta :: noble fir, Abies procera
aitosammal :: Any member of the moss subclass Bryidae
aitososiaalisuus :: eusociality
aitosypressi :: A graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress or Tuscan cypress; Cupressus sempervirens
aitotumainen :: eukaryotic (of or pertaining to Eukaryota)
aitotumainen :: eukaryote (any of the species belonging to Eukaryota)
aitotumallinen :: eukaryote
aitous :: authenticity
aitovieri :: alternative form of aidanvieri
aitovyötiäinen :: long-nosed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Dasypus)
aitta :: granary (fertile area especially suitable for farming); used normally with a modifier as in ruoka-aitta or vilja-aitta
aitta :: granary or other unheated farm storehouse of relatively firm build, used as a storage of various goods which are relatively valuable and not too voluminous. Compare with lato and vaja
aituri :: A hurdler
aivan :: exactly, precisely
aivan :: indeed
aivan :: totally
aivastaa :: to sneeze
aivastella :: To sneeze (repeatedly)
aivastus :: sneeze
aivastuttaa [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-person singular = to feel like having to sneeze
aivastuttaa :: To make sneeze
aivastuttava :: Causing one to sneeze, errhine
aivastuttavampi :: comparative form of aivastuttava
aivastuttavin :: superlative form of aivastuttava
aivina :: heckled flax
aivoödeema :: cerebral oedema
aivohalvaus :: stroke
aivohermo :: cranial nerve
aivoinfarkti :: stroke
aivoitus :: A thought, idea
aivokalvo :: meninges
aivokalvontulehdus :: meningitis (inflammation of the meninges, usually caused by a virus or bacteria)
aivokammio :: ventricle (one of the four cavities of the brain)
aivokasvain :: a brain tumour
aivokirurgi :: brain surgeon
aivokoppa :: A braincase
aivokudos :: brain tissue
aivokuolema :: brain death
aivokuollut :: brain-dead
aivokuorenalainen [anatomy, pathology] :: subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex)
aivokuori :: cerebral cortex
aivokuorukka :: putamen
aivokurkiainen :: corpus callosum
aivokuume [colloquial, originally medical jargon] :: encephalitis
aivokäyrä :: electroencephalogram
aivoleikkaus :: brain surgery
aivolisäke :: pituitary gland
aivolisäkkeen etulohko :: anterior pituitary gland, anterior pituitary, adenohypophysis
aivolohko :: A lobe (division of the brain)
aivomato :: cerebellar vermis
aivoneste [physiology, colloquial] :: cerebrospinal fluid, brain fluid
aivonesteviemäri :: cerebral aqueduct
aivopaise :: cerebral abscess
aivopestä :: To brainwash
aivopesu :: brainwash
aivopähkinä :: brain-teaser
aivopoimu :: gyrus (ridge or fold on the cerebral cortex)
aivopuolisko :: cerebral hemisphere, hemisphere
aivoriihi :: brainstorming session
aivoriihi :: think tank, brain trust, kitchen cabinet
aivorunko :: brain stem
aivosairaus [pathology, neurology] :: encephalopathy (any of various conditions affecting the brain)
aivo-selkäydinneste :: cerebrospinal fluid
aivoselkäydinneste :: cerebrospinal fluid
aivosähkökäyrä :: electroencephalogram
aivosilta :: pons of the brain
aivosirppi :: falx celebri
aivosolu :: brain cell
aivosto :: brains (collectively)
aivosyöpä :: brain cancer
aivosyylä :: brain wart
aivot [anatomy, always plural] :: brain
aivotoiminta :: brain activity
aivoton :: brainless
aivotärähdys :: concussion
aivotrusti [lb, fi, rare] :: brain trust
aivottomampi :: comparative form of aivoton
aivottomuus :: anencephaly
aivotulehdus :: encephalitis
aivoturso :: hippocampus
aivovamma :: brain damage
aivovaurio :: brain injury, brain damage
aivoverenkiertohäiriö :: A stroke, cerebrovascular accident
aivoverenvuoto :: cerebral hemorrhage
aivovuoto :: brain drain
ajaa :: several other forms of movement
ajaa :: to run, execute (a computer program)
ajaa :: to advocate certain idea
ajaa :: to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport
ajaa :: to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
ajaa :: to force into a certain state
ajaa :: to herd (animals) in a particular direction
ajaa :: to operate a device
ajaa :: to shave, cut
ajaa karille :: to run aground, strand
ajaantua :: To drift
ajaa partansa :: to shave (to cut the facial hair)
ajaa takaa :: to chase
ajaa takaa :: to pursue
ajaa ylinopeutta :: To exceed the speed limit; to speed
ajaja :: A driver
ajaja :: A rider
ajallaan :: according to timetable
ajallaan :: in its time
ajallinen :: temporal (relating to time)
ajanhaaskaus :: waste of time
ajan henki :: zeitgeist
ajanhukka :: A waste of time
ajaninkuusi :: Jezo spruce, Picea jezoensis
ajanjakso :: timespan, period of time
ajankohta :: A point in time; date; also other time-related terms may apply
ajankohtainen :: current
ajankohtaisempi :: comparative form of ajankohtainen
ajankohtaisin :: superlative form of ajankohtainen
ajankohtaistaa :: To make current, timely or urgent
ajankohtaistua :: to become current
ajankuluke :: pastime
ajankuva :: zeitgeist
ajankäytön suunnittelu [time management] :: The process of allocating time for various tasks
ajanlasku :: chronology (science)
ajanlasku :: Common Era
ajan merkki :: sign of the times (symbol of an era); often used in plural in Finnish
ajanmukainen :: up-to-date
ajanmukaistaa :: To modernize
ajanmukaistua :: to be modernized
ajanotto :: Timing (instance of recording the time of something)
ajanottolaite :: chronograph (device which marks or records time or time intervals)
ajantasainen :: up-to-date
ajantasaistaa :: to update
ajantasaistus :: update
ajan tasalla :: up to date, updated, posted
ajanvaraus :: appointment
ajanviete :: pastime
ajanvietteellinen :: recreational
ajanvietto :: recreation
A ja O :: alpha and omega; also capitalized and with definite article: the Alpha and the Omega (the first and last; the beginning and end)
ajastaa :: To time (to choose the time for)
ajastaika :: year
ajastin :: timer
ajastus :: timing (setting a timer)
ajatar :: An evil spirit in Finnish folklore
ajatella :: To think about
ajatelma :: aphorism
ajateltavissa :: thinkable, conceivable, imaginable (capable of being conceived or imagined)
ajatollah :: ayatollah
ajaton :: timeless
ajattaa :: To have something driven (by someone)
ajattaja :: One who makes someone to drive
ajattelematon :: ill-advised
ajattelematon :: unthinking, inconsiderate
ajattelemattomuus :: thoughtlessness
ajattelevainen :: thoughtful (demonstrating kindness or consideration for others)
ajattelija :: thinker
ajattelu :: thinking, thought
ajattelutapa :: way of thinking
ajatteluttaa :: To make think
ajatteluttaa :: To puzzle, perplex
ajattomampi :: comparative form of ajaton
ajattomin :: superlative form of ajaton
ajatuksekas :: thoughtful (demonstrating thought)
ajatuksekkaampi :: comparative form of ajatuksekas
ajatuksekkaasti :: thoughtfully
ajatuksellinen :: conceptual
ajatukseton :: meaningless
ajatukseton :: thoughtless
ajatus :: A thought
ajatuskartta :: mind map
ajatuskatko :: A short blackout of memory
ajatuskoe :: thought experiment
ajatuskulku :: train of thought (flow of thoughts)
ajatus on tärkein :: it's the thought that counts
ajatuspaja :: think tank, brain trust, kitchen cabinet
ajatusrikos :: thoughtcrime
ajatusviiva :: dash (typographic symbol)
ajatusvirhe :: aberration (reasoning error)
ajautua :: to drift (somewhere)
ajautuma :: drift (instance of being drifted)
ajelehtia :: To drift
ajella :: to drive, motor (in a casual manner or for recreation)
ajella :: to shave
ajelu :: A ride
ajeluttaa :: To have something driven by someone (repeatedly and/or indifferently)
ajettua :: To swell; used of swelling of body parts due to injury or disease
ajettuma :: swelling
ajo :: chase
ajo :: driving
ajoaika :: drive time
ajoaika :: run time
ajoaine :: propellant
ajoankkuri :: sea anchor, drag sail
ajoharjoittelu :: driving practice
ajoissa :: in time
ajoittaa :: To date (to determine the age of)
ajoittaa :: To time
ajoittain :: Once in a while, from time to time, at times, occasionally, periodically
ajoittainen :: intermittent
ajoittua :: To be dated (located to certain time)
ajoitus :: dating (measurement of age)
ajoitus :: timing (regulation of the pace, especially that of the occurrence of a series of events.)
ajoitus :: timing (synchronization of the spark plugs)
ajoitus :: timing (time when something happens)
ajojää :: drift ice
ajojahti :: chase, coursing (sport of hunting an animal by chasing it)
ajojahti :: witch-hunt
ajojahti :: manhunt
ajokas :: A horse or reindeer used for work or transport
ajokas :: Eelgrass, a seagrass of the genus Zostera
ajokeli :: driving conditions
ajokki :: A motor vehicle
ajokki :: An animal used in transport
ajokki :: The vehicle the animal pulls
ajokoe :: driving test, driving exam
ajokoira :: hound
Ajokoirat :: The constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs
ajokortti :: A driver's license, driving license
ajoluiska :: ramp (inclined surface)
ajomies :: beater
Ajomies :: the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer
ajomiina [military, naval] :: A drifting mine
ajoneuvo :: A ground vehicle (excluding trains and such)
ajoneuvovaaka :: A weighbridge
ajoneuvoyhdistelmä :: Any truck/tractor + trailer/semi-trailer combination; a tractor-trailer
ajopiirturi :: tachograph
ajopäiväkirja :: A driving log or logbook of details of using a motor car, especially one made for the taxman to record private and job-related driving
ajoporo :: A reindeer which pulls a sledge
ajopurje :: flying jib
ajopuu :: driftwood
ajopuuteoria :: A rejected historical theory according to which Finland involuntarily fought alongside Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union
ajorata [roads] :: carriageway
ajos :: abscess
ajotie :: (pihatie, i.e. only if the context indicates it's a private road leading to a building) driveway, (UK also: drive)
ajotie :: road, roadway, pavement
ajovalo :: headlight
aju :: sweetfish, ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)
ajuri :: driver
ajuri :: A person who drives
ajuruoho :: thyme (plant of the genus Thymus)
akaatti :: agate
akallinen :: Having a wife; married
akamprosaatti :: acamprosate
akan :: Akan (West African language spoken mainly in Ghana and Ivory Coast)
akana :: In plural (akanat), chaff (inedible parts of a plant whose seeds are eaten as grain)
akana :: The husk of a grain
akani :: alternative spelling of akan (West African language Akan)
akankaali :: bugleweed, bugle, ground pine, carpet bugle (any plant of the genus Ajuga in the family Lamiaceae)
akankanto :: wife carrying
akansieni :: shaggy parasol (Macrolepiota rhacodes)
akantappaja :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
akantappokone :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
akantti :: acanthus (ornament)
akantti :: acanthus (plant)
akanvirta :: eddy (current of water running back, or in an opposite direction to the main current)
akarboosi :: acarbose
akasia :: acacia
akateemikko :: An Academian (follower of Plato's filosofy, a Platonist)
akateemikko :: An academician (member of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature)
akateemikko [rare in current usage] :: An academic or academian (member or student of an academy, college, or university)
akateeminen :: academic
akateemisemmin :: comparative form of akateemisesti
akateemisesti :: academically
akateemisimmin :: superlative form of akateemisesti
akateemisuus :: academic
akatemia :: An academy, as any high-quality place of learning
akatemia :: An academy (a school or place of training in which some special art is taught; as, a military academy)
akatemia :: An academy (a society of learned men united for the advancement of the arts and sciences)
Akava :: A trade union confederation representing employees with university- or other high-level training in both public and private sector; its full English name is "The Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland (Akava)"
aškenasi :: Ashkenazi
akettaa :: To (practice) combat in urban areas
Akhilleus :: Achilles (greek mythical hero)
Aki :: male given name
akileija :: columbine
akilleenkantapää :: Achilles' heel
akilleenkantapää :: Achilles tendon
Akilles :: Achilles (Greek mythical hero)
akillesjänne :: Achilles tendon
akka :: woman; wife; hag, witch
akka :: hag, crone (old woman)
akka :: queen, bitch
akkalansaame :: The Akkala Sami language
akkamainen :: sissy
akkautua [colloquial, derogatory, of an organization, branch or similar] :: to become dominated by women
akkautua [colloquial, of women] :: to grow older
akklimatisaatio :: acclimatization
akklimatisoida :: To acclimatize (to make used to new climate)
akklimatisointi :: acclimatization (making acclimatized)
akklimatisoitua :: To acclimatize
akkommodaatio :: accommodation
akkreditoida :: To accredit (to send with letters credential, as an ambassador)
akkreditointi :: accreditation
akku :: An accumulator, rechargeable battery
akkukäyttöinen :: battery-operated, battery-powered (of an electric or electronic device, getting its operating power from a rechargeable battery)
akkulturaatio :: acculturation
akkumulaatio :: accumulation
akkumulaattori :: accumulator
akkumulatiivinen :: accumulative
akkumuloida :: To accumulate
akkuna :: alternative form of ikkuna
akkusatiivi :: accusative, accusative case
akkusatiivisija :: accusative case
akkusatorinen :: Accusatorial (of or pertaining to the system of a public trial in which the facts are ascertained by the judge or jury from evidence presented by the prosecution and the defence)
akkusähköauto :: battery electric vehicle (type of electric vehicle)
akmiitti :: aegirine
akne :: acne
akoittua [colloquial, of a man] :: to get married
akoittua [colloquial, rare, of a woman] :: to get old
akolyytti :: acolyte (Catholic Church: one ordained to carry the wine, water and lights at Mass)
akonitiini :: aconitine
akordi :: accord, arrangement, composition, settlement
akordi :: chord
akridiini :: acridine
akro- :: acro-
akrobaatti :: acrobat
akrobaattinen :: acrobatic
akrobatia :: acrobatics
akrobatiavoimistelu :: acrobatic gymnastics (competitive gymnastic discipline)
akrofobia :: acrophobia (fear of heights)
akroleiini :: acrolein
akroleiinihappo :: acrylic acid
akromaattinen :: achromatic
akromaattisuus :: achromaticity
akromegalia :: acromegaly
akronyymi :: acronym
akropolis :: acropolis
Akropolis :: The Acropolis
akrosomi :: acrosome
akrosyanoosi :: acrocyanosis
akryyli [in compounds] :: acrylic
akryyli :: plexiglass, polymethyl methacrylate
akryyliamidi :: acrylamide
akryylihappo :: acrylic acid
akryylimaalaus :: acrylic painting
akryylinitriili :: acrylonitrile
akseleraatio :: acceleration
akseleraattori :: accelerator
akseleroida :: To accelerate
akseli :: axle, axis, shaft
Akseli :: male given name
-akselinen :: axled, shafted
akselinlaskija :: axle counter
akselisto :: axles collectively
akselivallat :: The Axis Powers
aksentti :: accent (e.g. foreign accent)
aksentti :: accent (mark or character)
aksenttimerkki :: accent mark, accent (diacritical mark showing accent)
akseptantti :: acceptor, drawee
akseptata [banking, dated] :: To accept a negotiable instrument, such as a check, bill of exchange etc
akseptaus [commerce] :: acceptance
aksepti :: acceptance
akseptoida [banking, archaic] :: To accept a negotiable instrument, such as a check, bill of exchange etc
akseptointi [commerce] :: acceptance
akseptori [physics, chemistry] :: acceptor
aksessorinen :: accessory
aksiaalinen :: axial
aksiaalitaso :: transverse plane, horizontal plane, axial plane, transaxial plane (any plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts)
aksiisi :: excise tax
aksiniitti :: axinite
aksiomaattinen :: axiomatic
aksiomaattisemmin :: comparative form of aksiomaattisesti
aksiomaattisesti :: axiomatically
aksiomaattisimmin :: superlative form of aksiomaattisesti
aksiomaattisuus :: The property of being axiomatic
aksiomi [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
aksioni :: axion
aksiooma [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
aksolotli :: axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
aksoni :: axon
aksoplasma :: axoplasm
akti :: act
aktiivi :: active
aktiivi :: activist
aktiivi :: Active voice
aktiivi :: Any other personal verb form than the fourth person
aktiivihiili :: activated carbon
aktiivihiilisuodatin :: activated carbon filter
aktiiviliete :: activated sludge
aktiivinen :: active
aktiivipalvelus :: active duty
aktiivisemmin :: actively (instructive form of aktiivinen)
aktiivisesti :: actively
aktiivisimmin :: superlative form of aktiivisesti
aktiivistaa :: To make more active
aktiivistua :: to become more active
aktiivisuus :: activity
aktiiviupseeri :: frontline service
aktiivius :: activity
aktinidi :: actinide
aktinium :: actinium
aktinoidi :: actinide
aktinoliitti :: actinolite
aktinomykoosi [pathology, jargon] :: actinomycosis
aktio :: action
aktivaattori :: activator
aktivismi :: activism
aktivisti :: activist
aktiviteetti :: activity (pleasure or entertainment)
aktivoida :: To activate
aktivointi :: activation
aktivoitua :: To become (more) active
aktivoitumisenergia [physics, chemistry] :: activation energy
aktuaali :: (ajankohtainen) current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuaali :: (todellinen) real
aktuaalinen :: (ajankohtainen) current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuaalinen :: (todellinen) real
aktuaalistaa :: to actualize/actualise (to make actual)
aktuaalistua :: to actualize (to become actual or real)
aktuaari :: actuary
aktualisoida :: alternative form of aktuaalistaa
aktualisointi :: actualization
aktualisoitua :: alternative form of aktuaalistua
aktuelli :: (ajankohtainen) current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuelli :: (todellinen) real
Aku :: male given name
Aku Ankka :: Donald Duck
akupunktio :: acupuncture
akupunktuuri :: acupuncture
akustiikka :: acoustics
akustinen :: acoustic
akustinen basso :: double bass
akustinen kitara :: acoustic guitar
akustisemmin :: comparative form of akustisesti
akustisesti :: acoustically
akustisimmin :: superlative form of akustisesti
akusto :: battery
akuutti :: acute
akuuttiaksentti :: acute accent (diacritic mark ( ´ ))
akuuttinen :: acute
akuutti vatsa :: acute abdomen
akvaario :: aquarium
akvaattinen :: aquatic
akvamariini :: aquamarine
akvarelli :: aquarelle
akvatinta :: aquatint
akvaviitti :: aquavit, akvavit
akvedukti :: aqueduct
ala :: area of work or study
ala :: branch or sector (of business, studies, etc.)
ala [in working life, in science] :: field
ala- :: under-, sub-, lower, nether; inferior
ala-arvoinen :: base
ala-arvoinen :: inferior (of quality)
ala-asema [electrical engineering] :: A substation (site where electricity is transformed and/or regulated for local distribution)
ala-aste :: Elementary school, primary school; the first six grades of the comprehensive school
alabasteri :: alabaster (variety of gypsum)
alabasterinen :: alabaster (made of alabaster)
aladobi :: head cheese [US], brawn [UK] (meat jelly cooked from the head of a pig or calf)
aladobi :: meat jelly
alaheimo :: A subfamily
alahuone :: lower house of a parliament
alahuuli :: lower lip
alaikäinen :: underage
alaikäinen :: infant (underage person)
alaikäinen :: minor (underage person)
alaikäiseen sekaantuminen [law, obsolete] :: statutory rape (act of sexual intercourse by an adult with a minor who is below the age of consent)
alaikäisen väkisinmakaaminen [law, obsolete] :: statutory rape
alaikäisyys :: infancy (state of being minor)
alaikäraja :: minimum age limit
alaindeksi :: subscript
alainen :: subject to or under [often as a latter part of a compound word]
alainen :: A subordinate
alaisuus :: state of being subordinate; no direct English equivalent
alajärjestelmä :: A subsystem
alajuoksu :: sill plate, sole plate, bottom plate (bottommost wall plate on a wall)
alajuoksu :: downriver (section of a river that is towards its mouth from the observer)
alakajetto :: subglottal cavities
alakansi :: An orlop or orlop deck (the lowest deck of a ship)
alakerta :: A lower store; downstairs
alakieli :: flash (language created by a repressed minority to maintain cultural identity)
alakieli :: A low-pitched string in a stringed instrument
alakierre :: backspin
alakkain :: one below another
alakkainen :: alternative form of allekkainen
alakohta :: subsection
alakohtainen :: sectoral, sector-wise, sectorwise (of or pertaining to a sector)
alakonjunktio :: inferior conjunction
alakoulu :: grades 1 to 6 of the Finnish peruskoulu; similar to US elementary school
alakäsite :: hyponym
alakulo :: melancholy
alakuloinen :: blue
alakuloinen :: in low spirits
alakuloinen :: melancholy, as of being sad
alakuloisempi :: comparative form of alakuloinen
alakuloisuus :: melancholy
alakulttuuri :: subculture
alakuu :: waning moon
alakyynelpiste :: inferior lacrimal punctum (lacrimal punctum of the lower eyelid)
alalahko :: suborder
alalaji :: subspecies
alaleuanluu :: lower jawbone, mandible
alaleuka :: lower jaw, mandible
alaleukaluu [lb, fi, anatomy, skeleton] :: mandible
alalla :: on the game (working as a prostitute)
alaluokka :: The lower class (in school; in the society)
alaluomi :: The lower eyelid
alamaa :: downhill
alamaa :: lowland
alamaailma :: criminal underworld
alamaailma :: netherworld, underworld
alamainen :: subject (a citizen in a monarchy)
alamitta :: The minimum allowed length of a fish that can be caught
alamittainen :: [of fish or crabs] Too small in size
alamäki :: decline, declivity (downward slope)
alamäki :: descent (drop to a lower status or condition)
alamäki :: low part of a slope
alamäki :: the part of a slope which is downhill from one's current position
alamäkiajo :: downhill biking, downhill cycling
alaniini :: alanine
alanko :: lowland
alankomaalainen :: Dutch, Netherlands (of or pertaining to the Netherlands)
alankomaalainen :: A Dutch
Alankomaat :: The Netherlands
Alankomaiden Guayana :: Dutch Guiana (colonial era name of current Suriname)
alanne :: depression
alanne :: lowland
alanurkka :: lower corner
alaonttolaskimo :: An inferior vena cava
alaotsikko :: subtitle
alapää :: bottom (the lowest part)
alapää :: genitalia, genitals
alapaine :: diastolic blood pressure
alapuoli :: In adessive, ablative and allative cases, used postpositionally to signify "at, from or to the underside", or underneath, under or below
alapuoli :: The underside of anything
alapuolinen :: downstream; often used postpositionally in adessive, ablative and allative
alapuolinen :: lower, bottom, underneath; often best translated into English with a prepositional structure (being on the underside of something)
alapuolinen :: sub-
alapurenta :: underbite
alaraaja :: lower limb
alaraja :: lower boundary
Alarik :: Alaric (Visigoth king)
Alarik :: male given name of Germanic origin
alarmismi :: alarmism (production of needless alarms)
alarmisti :: alarmist (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause)
alaruumis :: lower body
alas :: down
alas :: downward
alas [followed by a nominative] :: down with [e.g. in demonstrations]
alasajo :: shutdown, especially a step-wise process of stopping a system such as an industrial process or a business in a controlled manner
alasaksa :: The Low Saxon language
alasaksi :: the Low Saxon language
Ala-Saksi :: Lower Saxony
alasaranoitu :: bottom-hinged (having hinges on the bottom, as opposed to having them on top or on the side)
alaselkä :: lower back (lower part of the back, consisting of lumbar and pelvic region)
alasin :: anvil
alasin :: incus
alasinluu :: incus
alaskanhusky :: Alaskan Husky
alaskanpiiskujänis :: collared pika (Ochotona collaris)
alaskirjata :: to write off, write down
alaslaskettava :: fold-down
alaspäin :: downwards (from a high position to a lower one)
alasti :: naked
alastomampi :: comparative form of alaston
alastomin :: superlative form of alaston
alastomuus :: nudity, nakedness
alastomuuskulttuuri :: nudity culture
alaston :: nude, naked
alaston :: A naked person
alastonkuva :: nude (picture)
alastonuinti :: skinny dipping
alastulo :: A dismount (last part of gymnastics routine)
alastulo :: A landing
alasuku :: subgenus
alasuojus :: jockstrap
Alatalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Alatalo :: Finnish surname
alati :: always
alatoopi :: head cheese [US], brawn [UK] (meat jelly cooked from the head of a pig or calf)
alatoopi :: meat jelly
alatunniste :: A footer (line of information at the bottom of a page)
alatusten :: one below another
alatyyli :: vulgar or obscene language
alatyylinen :: Said of a written or oral expression, vulgar (obscene)
alava :: low-lying
alaviite :: footnote
alaviitti :: Alawite (member of a Shia sect)
alaviiva [typesetting] :: underscore
alavirta :: downstream
alavirta :: Used postpositionally to signify "downstream of", or below
alayksikkö :: unit of area
alba :: An alb; a long white gown worn in various Christian ceremonies by the priest or the parishioners, especially in a confirmation by the people who are being confirmed
albaani :: Albanian (person)
albania :: The Albanian language
Albania :: Albania
albanialainen :: Albanian
albanialainen :: An Albanian
albanian kieli :: The Albanian language
albatrossi :: albatross
Albert :: male given name
albertanvalkokuusi :: white spruce, Picea glauca var. albertiana
Albertiina :: female given name
albiino :: albino
albiitti :: albite
albinismi :: albinism
albumi :: An album
albumiini :: albumin
aldehydi :: aldehyde
aldoosi :: aldose
aldriini :: aldrin
ale :: ale
ale [short for, alennusmyynti] ::
Ale :: male given name
alehalli :: discount store
alekkain :: alternative spelling of alakkain
Aleksandra :: female given name
Aleksandria :: Alexandria, an ancient city in Egypt (other Alexandrias are spelled with "x" also in Finnish)
aleksandriitti :: alexandrite (type of chrysoberyll)
Aleksanteri :: male given name
Aleksanteri Suuri :: Alexander the Great
Aleksei :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Алексей
Aleksi :: male given name
Aleksis :: male given name
aleksitymia :: alexithymia
aleksityymikko :: A person suffering from alexithymia
aleksityyminen :: alexithymic
alemmaksi :: comparative form of alas
alemmas :: alternative form of alemmaksi
alemmuudentunne :: feeling of inferiority
alemmuus :: inferiority
alemmuuskompleksi :: inferiority complex
alempana :: lower, down, below (located farther below)
alempi :: (physically) lower, under-, nether; (socially or physically) inferior
alempiarvoisuus :: inferiority
alendronihappo :: alendronic acid
alenema :: drop, fall, decline (amount lost in height)
alennus :: abasement
alennus :: degradation
alennus :: discount
alennushalli :: discount store
alennusmerkki :: flat symbol (♭)
alennusmyynti :: sale (at lower prices)
alennustavaratalo :: discount store
alennustila :: degradation, abasement
alentaa :: To degrade, demote, abase, humiliate (a person)
alentaa :: To lower, downgrade, decrease, reduce, diminish
alentaa :: To slash, mark down, bring down (prices)
alentava :: humiliating, condescending
alentava :: improper
alentava :: shameful
alentava :: Something below one's dignity
alentua :: to descend, come/go down, move downwards
alentua :: to lower
alentua :: to stoop, condescend, lower oneself
alentuminen :: condescension (act of condescending, courtesy toward inferiors)
alentuva :: condescending
alentuvainen :: condescending
alentuvaisemmin :: comparative form of alentuvaisesti
alentuvaisesti :: condescendingly
alentuvaisimmin :: superlative form of alentuvaisesti
alentuvammin :: comparative form of alentuvasti
alentuvasti :: condescendingly
alentuvimmin :: superlative form of alentuvasti
alerion :: An alerion (eagle depicted without legs and beak)
aleta :: To descend, come/go down, move downwards
Aleutit :: The Aleutian Islands
aleutti :: An Aleut (native inhabitant of the Aleutian Islands)
aleviitti :: Alevite (member of a Shia sect)
Alex :: male given name
alfa :: alpha; the Greek letter Α, α
alfahajoaminen :: alpha decay
alfahiukkanen :: alpha particle
alfahydroksihappo :: alpha-hydroxy acid
alfa-kierre :: An alpha helix
alfalfa :: alfalfa
alfanaaras :: alpha female
alfanumeerinen :: alphanumerical
alfasäteilijä :: alpha emitter
alfasäteily :: alpha radiation
alfauros :: alpha male
Alfred :: Alfred Nussi
Alfred :: male given name
Alfred Nussi [vulgar, humorous] :: A fictitious person who may be blamed for petty thefts
algebra :: algebra
algebrallinen :: algebraic
algebrallinen geometria :: algebraic geometry
algebrallinen kokonaisluku :: algebraic integer
algebrallinen rakenne :: algebraic structure
algebrallinen ryhmä :: algebraic group
algebrallinen sulkeuma :: algebraic closure
algebrallinen topologia :: algebraic topology
Alger :: Algiers
Algeria :: Algeria
algerialainen :: Algerian
algerialainen :: An Algerian
algiinihappo :: alginic acid
algologia :: algology
algoritmi :: algorithm
algoritminen :: algorithmic
alhaalla :: [static] at the bottom
alhaalla :: [static] down below, below
alhaalla :: [static] downstairs
alhaalla :: [static] down there/here
alhaalle :: Expresses movement to a spatially lower position:
alhaalta :: from below
alhainen :: ignoble
alhainen :: lowly
alhaisin :: superlative form of alhainen
alhaiso :: common people, rabble
alho :: dell (small and usually wooded valley); vale, dale
ali :: beneath, underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something):
ali- :: under-, sub-
Ali :: male given name
aliarvioida :: To underestimate
aliarviointi :: underestimation
aliarvostaa :: To undervalue
aliavaruus :: subspace
alibi :: alibi
alidiakoni :: subdeacon
aliedustettu :: underrepresented
aliedustus :: underrepresentation
alieni :: alien, extraterrestrial
alifaattinen :: aliphatic
alifaattinen yhdiste :: aliphatic compound
alihakemisto :: subdirectory
alihankkija :: subcontractor
ali-ihminen :: subhuman
Aliina :: female given name, variant of Alina
Aliisa :: female given name
alijäähtyä :: To supercool; to undergo supercooling
alijäähtyminen :: supercooling
alijäämä :: deficit
alijäämäinen :: deficient
alijättiläinen :: subgiant
alikasvos :: undergrowth
alikehittynyt :: Pertaining to something that has failed to develop and is thus underdeveloped or backward
alikersantti :: The lowest NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces
alikääpiö :: subdwarf star
alikriittinen :: subcritical
alikulku :: underpass
alikäytävä :: underpass
alilämpö :: hypothermia (medical condition)
alilämpöinen :: (medicine) algid
alilämpöinen :: hypothermic
alilämpöisyys :: algidity
alilämpöisyys :: hypothermia
aliluutnantti :: The lowest officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is sub-lieutenant
alimmainen :: undermost
alimmaksi :: superlative form of alas
alin :: lowest, undermost
Alina :: female given name
alinen :: under, underlying
alinomaa :: constantly
alinomainen :: continuous, incessant
aliohjautuminen :: understeer
aliohjautuva :: understeering
alioikeus :: A principal trial court or court of first instance (the lowest level in a court system, on which most criminal and civil lawsuits are first judged)
alipaine :: underpressure
alipaineinen :: Having too low gas pressure
alipainetauti :: decompression sickness, bends
alipaino :: underweight
alipainoinen :: underweight
alipalkattu :: underpaid
alipalkatumpi :: comparative form of alipalkattu
alipalkkainen :: underpaid
aliravitsemus :: undernutrition, undernourishment, malnutrition, emaciation (the state of being undernourished)
aliravittu :: undernourished
aliravitumpi :: comparative form of aliravittu
aliresursoitu :: under-resourced
aliryhmä :: subgroup
Alisa :: female given name
alistaa :: to dominate, subject, subjugate, subordinate
alistaminen :: Domination, subjection, subjugation, subordination
alistaminen :: Repression, oppression, tyranny, bullying
alistaminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, alistaa] ::
alisteinen :: subordinate
alistua :: To accommodate oneself, (reluctantly) resign oneself (to give up one's views etc. by adjusting them to other views), defer, acquiesce
alistua :: To submit, give in, yield, surrender (to a person)
alistus :: subjugation, subordination
alistuskonjunktio :: subordinating conjunction
alistussuhde :: hypotaxis
alistussuhde :: subordination
alistuva :: submissive
alistuvainen :: alternative form of alistuva
alistuvammin :: comparative form of alistuvasti
alistuvasti :: submissively
alistuvimmin :: superlative form of alistuvasti
alisuorittaja :: underachiever
alisuoriutuja :: underachiever
alisuoriutuminen :: underachievement
alitajuinen :: Subconscious, below the level of consciousness
alitajuisemmin :: comparative form of alitajuisesti
alitajuisesti :: subconsciously
alitajuisimmin :: superlative form of alitajuisesti
alitajunta :: subconscious, subconsciousness
alitsariinipunainen :: madder (dye, clour)
alitse :: by beneath, by underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something):
alittaa :: To beat (a time record)
alittaa :: To pass underneath, go under
alittua [sports, of a time record] :: To be beaten
alittua :: To be passed underneath, be gone under
alituinen :: continuous, incessant
alituisemmin :: comparative form of alituisesti
alituisesti :: constantly
alituisimmin :: superlative form of alituisesti
alitus :: The act of passing underneath
alitus :: The beating of a time record
alityöllisyys :: underemployment
alityöntö :: subduction
alitäyttää :: to underfill
aliupseeri :: A non-commissioned officer; an NCO. The NCO ranks in the Finnish Army are alikersantti, kersantti, ylikersantti, vääpeli and sotilasmestari
aliurakoitsija :: subcontractor
alivalottaa :: To underexpose
alivalottua :: To be underexposed
alivalotus :: underexposure
aliverkko :: subnetwork
alivoimapeli :: In ice hockey, a penalty kill
alivuokralainen :: boarder (one who pays for meals and lodging in someone else's house)
alivuokralainen :: subtenant, lodger (one who rents from a tenant)
alkaa :: To initiate, set in, be initiated, originate, be originated, take its origin
alkaa [auxiliary, + infinitive/+ illative of 3rd infinitive] :: To begin (to do something), start (doing something)
alkaani :: alkane (saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2)
alkaen :: as of
alkaen :: from on (often used with ages, e. g. vuotiaista alkaen)
alkaen :: since
alkaja :: One who starts; beginner, starter
alkajaiset :: opening, opening event
alkajaisiksi :: for starters
alkali :: alkali
alkalimetalli [inorganic chemistry] :: alkali metal
alkalinen :: alkaline
alkaliparisto :: alkaline battery
alkaloidi :: alkaloid
alkaloosi :: alkalosis
alkaminen :: starting, beginning, onset
alkamisaika :: time of starting, beginning
alkamishetki :: time of beginning, starting time
alkeellinen :: basic
alkeellinen :: primitive
alkeellisemmin :: comparative form of alkeellisesti
alkeellisempi :: comparative form of alkeellinen
alkeellisesti :: primitively
alkeellisimmin :: superlative form of alkeellisesti
alkeellisuus :: primitiveness
alkeeni :: An alkene (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds)
alkeet :: (always plural) basics, fundamentals; the ropes
alkeis- :: basic, elemental, fundamental, rudimentary
alkeisfunktio :: elementary function
alkeishiukkanen :: fundamental particle, elementary particle
alkeishiukkasfysiikka :: elementary particle physics
alkeisjuuri :: radicula
alkeiskoppi :: unit cell (in a crystal, the smallest repeating structure of atoms from which the structure of the complete crystal can be inferred)
alkeiskurssi :: elementary course, basic course
alkeislehti :: cotyledon
alkeissilmu :: plumule
alkeistumallinen :: prokaryote
alkeisvaraus :: elementary charge
alkeisvarsi :: hypocotyle
alkemia :: alchemy
alkemisti :: alchemist
alkio :: element, member (of a set)
alkio :: embryo
alkiokalvo :: embryonic membrane
alkiolainen :: Adherent of alkiolaisuus
alkiolevy [embryology] :: embryonic disk
alkionkehitys :: embryonic development
alkiorakko :: embryo sac, embryonic sac
alkkarit [pluralonly, colloquial] :: underpants
alko :: A liquor store, bottle shop
alkoholi :: alcohol (intoxicating beverage that contains ethanol)
alkoholi :: alcohol (organic compound containing a hydroxyl functional group)
alkoholidehydrogenaasi :: alcohol dehydrogenase
alkoholijuoma :: alcoholic beverage
alkoholikäyminen :: alcohol fermentation
alkoholimyrkytys :: alcohol poisoning
alkoholinkäyttö :: drinking (of alcohol)
alkoholiongelma :: drinking problem
alkoholipitoinen :: alcoholic (containing alcohol)
alkoholipitoisuus :: alcohol content
alkoholirikos :: alcohol crime (criminal act involving illegal production, trade, distribution or retail of alcohol)
alkoholismi :: alcoholism
alkoholisoitua :: To become addicted to alcohol; to become an alcoholic
alkoholisti :: alcoholic (person addicted to alcohol)
alkoholiton :: nonalcoholic
alkoksidi :: alkoxide
alkometri :: A breathalyzer
alkovi :: alcove
alku :: A start, beginning, inception, incipience
alku :: When used as modifier in compound terms, first, prime, primeval, primordial etc
alkuaan :: originally, initially, at first
alkuaika :: starting time
alkuaine :: A chemical element, element
alkuarvo :: initial value
alkuasukas :: native, aborigine, aboriginal
alkueliö :: protist
alkueläin :: protozoan
alkuerä :: qualifier, qualifying round
alkuhärkä :: An aurochs, Bos primigenius
alkuideaali :: prime ideal
alkuihminen :: prehistoric man
alkuilta :: early evening
-alkuinen :: beginning with, that begins with
-alkuinen :: of origin, -origin
alkuinen :: See -alkuinen
alkujuuri :: root, source
alkukala :: ostracoderm
alkukantainen :: primitive
alkukausi :: early season
alkukehto :: cradle; the place of origin
alkukesä :: early summer (an inexactly defined period covering the first few weeks of the summer)
alkukevät :: early spring
alkukieli :: original language
alkukieli :: protolanguage
alkukirjain :: initial letter
alkukohta :: starting point
alkukristillinen :: early Christian
alkukuva :: preimage
alkulima :: protoplasm
alkulintu :: Archaeopteryx
alkulohko :: qualification group, group; also other terms may be used, depending on sport (in a tournament with multiple participants, any of the divisions into which the original participants are divided in order to select the participants to the finals)
alkuluku :: prime number, prime
alkulukulause :: prime number theorem
alkulukupari :: twin prime
alkumuodostelma [dancing] :: set (initial or basic formation of dancers)
alkumuodostelma :: initial setting, arrangement or setup
alkunilviäinen :: monoplacophoran
alkupala :: An appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre (small, light first course)
alkuperä :: origin
alkuperäinen :: Original
alkuperäisempi :: comparative form of alkuperäinen
alkuperäiskansa :: aboriginal/native/indigenous people; First Nation, First Nations [Canada]
alkuperäiskappale :: original
alkuperäiskieli :: original language
alkuperäluokitus :: appellation (indication for wine that describes its geographic origin)
alkuperämaa :: country of origin
alkupiste :: starting point, base
alkupotku :: kick-off (opening sequence of any event)
alkupotku [rare, soccer] :: kick-off
alkupuoli :: first half or a more vaguely defined first part of anything, like of a period of time, semester, holiday, trip etc
alkupuolisko :: first half of anything, like of a period of time, semester, holiday, trip etc
alkupuolisko [sports, informal] :: first half (period of a game before the half-time)
alkuräjähdys :: The Big Bang
alkuruoka :: An appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre
alkusanat :: preface
alkusointu :: alliteration
alkusoitto :: overture, prelude
alkusyksy :: early autumn
alkusynty :: abiogenesis
alkutalvi :: early winter
alkutekijä :: prime factor
alkuunpanija :: beginner (one who puts something in motion)
alkuvaihe :: early stage, early phase
alkuviikko :: Any of the first weeks of a longer period of time
alkuviikko :: Some cases are used adverbially to produce expressions similar to English "early week", see alkuviikolla, alkuviikosta
alkuviikko :: The beginning of a week, usually understood to include Monday and Tuesday
alkuvuosi [in the plural] :: The first years of a period
alkuvuosi :: The early part of a year
alkydi :: alkyd
alkydimaali :: alkyd paint
alkyylihalidi :: haloalkane, alkyl halide
alkyyni :: alkyne
alla :: beneath, underneath, below
alla [static] :: under, underneath
allakka :: almanac
Allan :: male given name
allantoiini :: allantoin
allapäin :: down, crestfallen (depressed)
allas :: basin
allas :: pool, tank
allas :: reservoir
allas :: tub
allastaa :: To equip with a basin, normally as a precaution against damages that may be caused by leaking liquids
allastelakka :: A dry dock, drydock
allatiivi :: allative
allatiivisija :: allative case
alle :: less than:
alle :: (expressing movement) under:
alleeli :: allele
allegoria :: allegory
allegorinen :: allegorical
allegorisesti :: allegorically
allekirjoittaa :: To underwrite, accept
allekirjoittaa :: To sign, subscribe, underwrite
allekirjoittaja :: signer
allekirjoittaminen :: signing (to write one's signature in a document)
allekirjoittanut :: yours truly, I
allekirjoitus :: autograph
allekirjoitus :: signature
allekkain :: one below another
allekkainen :: One below another
allelopatia :: allelopathy
allergeeni :: allergen
allergeeninen :: allergenic
allergia :: allergy
allergialääkäri :: allergist (physician who specializes in treatment of allergies)
allergikko :: allergic person
allerginen :: allergic (having an allergy)
allerginen :: allergic (of or pertaining to allergy)
allerginen :: allergic (excessively sensitive)
allerginen nuha :: allergic rhinitis
allergisempi :: comparative form of allerginen
allergisin :: superlative form of allerginen
allergisoida :: to make allergic
allergisoitua :: To become allergic to something
allergisoiva :: allergenic (having the effect of an allergen)
allergistaa :: to make allergic
allergistua :: alternative form of allergisoitua
allergisuus :: allergicity
allergologi :: allergist (physician who specializes in treatment of allergies)
allergologi :: allergologist (scientist who studies allergies)
alleviivata :: To emphasize, underline, underscore
alleviivata :: To underline, underscore
alleviivaus :: underscore, underline
alli :: long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)
Alli :: female given name
allianssi :: An alliance
alligaattori :: alligator
allikko :: puddle (small pond of water, usually in the middle of an ombrotrophic raised bog)
allisiini :: allicin
allit :: flabby skin or flesh under upper arms
allitteraatio :: alliteration
allofoni :: allophone
allokaatio :: allocation
allokoida :: To allocate
allokointi :: allocation
alloktoninen :: allochthonous (found in a place remote from the site of formation)
allomorfi :: allomorph
allopaattinen [homeopathy] :: allopathic
allopatia [homeopathy] :: allopathy
allotropia :: allotropy
allyylipropyylidisulfidi :: allyl propyl disulfide
Alma :: female given name, cognate with English Alma
almanakka :: almanac
almanakka :: calendar
almandiini :: almandine (gemstone)
almikki :: solenodon
almu :: alms
aloite :: initiative
aloite :: private member's bill; short of edustaja-aloite (proposed law introduced by a member of a legislature who is not acting on behalf of the executive government)
aloitekyky :: initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)
aloitekykyinen :: enterpriser
aloitekykyinen :: person who has initiative
aloitekykyinen :: venturous
aloitekyvytön :: lacking in initiative or drive (of a person)
aloitekyvyttömyys :: lack of initiative, dependency (state of dependence; a refusal to exercise initiative)
aloitella :: To start, begin (gradually, indifferently)
aloittaa :: to go ahead
aloittaa :: to start, begin, commence
aloittainen :: sectoral
aloittaja :: One who starts; starter, beginner
aloittamaton :: Not started
aloitteellinen :: Having initiative
aloitteellisuus :: initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)
aloitteikas :: A person having initiative
aloitteikkaampi :: comparative form of aloitteikas
aloitteikkain :: superlative form of aloitteikas
-aloitteinen :: Having an initiative (ability to act on one's own)
aloittelija :: A beginner
aloitus :: A start
aloitus :: A faceoff
aloituskodoni :: start codon (codon that instructs protein synthesis to begin)
aloitusmaali [sports, ballgames] :: opening goal (the first goal of either of the teams)
aloituspiste :: faceoff spot
aloitussyöttö :: A serve or service in a ball game
alokas :: A recruit, rookie (newly enlisted soldier)
alokasaika :: rookie time
alokasmainen :: rookie-like
alokasmainen :: trivial; especially of an error
aloke [phonology, acoustics] :: onset
alottaa :: aloittaa
alpakka :: alpaca
alpakka :: nickel silver
alpakkainen :: Made of the wool of alpaca
alpi :: A plant of the genus Lysimachia
Alpi :: male given name
alpiininen :: alpine
alpinismi :: alpinism
alpinisti :: alpinist (mountaineer)
alpinisti :: downhill skier
Alpit :: the Alps
Alpo :: male given name
alppi :: alp
alppihiihto :: alpine skiing, downhill skiing
alppikauris :: alpine ibex, Capra ibex ibex
alppikärhö :: alpine clematis (Clematis alpina)
alppikuusama :: alpine honeysuckle (Lonicera alpigena L.)
alppimänty :: mountain pine, Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata
alppimurmeli :: alpine marmot, Marmota marmota
alppinaakka :: alpine chough, Pyrrhocorax graculus
alppiniitty :: alpine meadow
alppinisti :: alternative form of alpinisti
alppiorvokki :: a cyclamen
alppiruusu :: rhododendron (genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae)
alppisembra :: Swiss pine, Arolla pine; Pinus cembra
alppitorvi :: alphorn
alta :: from under, from underneath, from beneath
altainorapihlaja :: A species of hawthorn, Crataegus korolkovii
altavastaaja :: An underdog (somebody thought to have slim chances to win)
altimetri :: altimeter
altimetria :: altimetry
altis :: exposed, endangered, vulnerable
altis :: ready, inclined, disposed, prone to (having a tendency, preference, likelihood, or disposition)
altis :: sensitive (responsive to stimuli)
altis :: susceptible (likely to be affected by something)
altistaa :: To endanger
altistaa :: To expose
altistaa :: To predispose
altiste :: exposure agent
altistettu :: predisposed
altisti :: violist, viola player
altistua :: To be exposed (to = allative)
altistuminen :: exposure (condition)
altistus :: exposure
altistusaika :: exposure time (to radiation etc.; not photography)
altitudi :: altitude
altruismi :: altruism
altruisti :: altruist
altruistinen :: altruistic
altruistisempi :: comparative form of altruistinen
altruistisesti :: altruistically
alttari :: altar
Alttari :: the constellation Ara, the Altar
alttein :: superlative form of altis
Altti :: male given name
alttiimpi :: comparative form of altis
altto :: alto
alttohuilu :: alto flute
alttoklarinetti :: alto clarinet
alttosaksofoni :: alto saxophone
alttoviulisti :: violist, viola player
alttoviulu :: viola
alttoviulukonsertto :: viola concerto
alue :: area
alue :: field
alue [mathematics, topology] :: domain
alue [music, as headword in compound terms] :: register (range of a voice or instrument)
alue :: band (wavelength band)
alue :: region
alue :: reserve; usually as head word in compound terms (tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose)
alueellinen :: regional
alueellisesti :: regionally
aluehallintovirasto :: regional state administrative agency (official translation); regional branch of the state government of Finland executing all legislative implementation, steering and supervision functions in the regions
alueittainen :: regional
aluejohtaja :: regional leader
alueliitos :: annexation
aluemeri :: territorial sea
alueministeri :: regional minister
aluemurre :: dialect (variant of language used in a geographic region)
alueorganisaatio :: local organization
aluepoliittinen :: regional policy (of or pertaining to regional policy)
aluepolitiikka :: regional policy (a policy that aims to developing less developed regions of a state, usually by transferring funds from richer areas to the poorer ones)
alueraja :: territorial border
aluesairaala :: regional hospital (in Finnish healthcare system, a hospital serving a region of typically about 100,000 people. For most demanding care, they rely on the better equipped central hospitals, or keskussairaala)
aluetaloustiede :: regional economics
aluetiede :: regional science
aluetutkimus :: area studies (interdisciplinary research pertaining to a particular geographical or cultural region)
aluevedet :: territorial waters
aluevesi :: territorial waters; normally used in plural (aluevedet)
aluevesiraja :: sea frontier
aluke :: primer
aluksi :: first, in the beginning
alumiini :: aluminium, aluminum
alumiinifolio :: aluminum foil
alumiinifosfidi :: aluminum phosphide
alumiinihydroksidi :: aluminum hydroxide
alumiinikloridi :: aluminum chloride
alumiininen :: aluminic
alumiinioksidi :: aluminum oxide
alumiinisulfaatti :: aluminum sulfate
alumiinisulfidi :: aluminum sulfide
aluminaatti :: aluminate
aluminoida :: To aluminise/aluminize
aluminointi :: aluminizing
aluna :: alum
alunaliuske :: alum shale
alunen :: underlay (anything underlaid)
alun perin :: originally, initially
alun pitäen :: originally (as it was in the beginning)
alus :: subject
alus :: underlay (anything underlaid)
alus :: vessel, craft, ship (vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space)
alusastia :: A bedpan
alushame :: An underskirt, petticoat (skirt worn underneath another skirt)
alushame :: A slip (light female underwear worn under skirt or dress)
alushousut :: underpants
aluskasvillisuus :: undergrowth, underbrush
aluskimono :: An under-kimono
aluslakana :: bottom sheet (part of bedding)
aluslakana :: muotoiltu ~ : fitted sheet
aluslehti :: underleaf
alusmaa :: A dependency (territory)
alusta :: platform (something that serves as a base)
alustaa :: to format
alustaa :: to initialize (to format a storage medium, to prepare any hardware for use)
alustaa :: to initialize (to set an initial value)
alustaa :: to lecture, to give a presentation, particularly with the purpose of serving as basis for discussion
alusta alkaen :: from scratch
alusta alkaen :: from the very beginning, from the outset, from the inception, from the word go, from the get-go
alustaja :: beginner (someone who sets something in motion)
alusta lähtien :: From the beginning
alustaminen :: initialization (act of setting an initial value)
alustaminen :: initialization, formatting (formatting a storage medium like a hard disk or memory)
alustaminen :: presenting (act of giving a presentation)
alustava :: rudimentary, undeveloped
alustava :: tentative, preliminary, introductory
alustavasti :: tentatively
alustus :: formatting (preparation of a mass storage medium)
alustus :: introduction (a short presentation of a subject, followed by a more in-depth discussion)
alusvaate :: A piece of underwear
alusvaate :: lingerie (women's underwear, especially seductive ones)
alusvaate :: underwear, underclothes, underclothing
alv. :: value added tax
alv :: value added tax
ALV [taxation] :: arvonlisävero; [British] VAT, Canada and US sales tax, Australia and New Zealand GST
Alvar :: male given name occasionally borrowed from Swedish
Alvari :: male given name
alvejuuri :: wood fern, buckler fern (fern of the genus Dryopteris)
alveolaarinen :: alveolar
Alvi :: male given name
Alzheimerin tauti :: Alzheimer's disease
amalgaami :: amalgam (alloy containing mercury)
amalgaamipaikka [dentistry] :: amalgam filling
Amalia :: female given name
Amanda :: female given name
amantadiini :: amantadine
amanuenssi :: A museum assistant
amanuenssi [higher education] :: A teaching assistant
amanuenssi :: An intern, a medical intern
amarantti :: amaranth (seeds of Amaranthus hypochondriacus as foodstuff)
amarantti :: amaranth (shade of red)
amarantti [lb, fi, botany] :: alternative term for revonhäntä
amarantti [lb, fi, botany] :: Prince-of-Wales feather, prince's feather (Amaranthus hypochondriacus), cultivated for its seeds
amaryllis :: amaryllis
amatoli :: amatol
amatööri :: amateur
amatöörimäinen :: amateurish
amatsoni :: amazon
amatsoni :: Amazon parrot (parrot of the genus Amazona)
amazonianpuumuura :: Amazonian antshrike, Thamnophilus amazonicus
amazonianvyötiäinen :: greater long-nosed armadillo, Dasypus kappleri
amazoninmanaatti :: Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis)
ambi- :: ambi-
ambidekstria [rare, medicine] :: ambidexterity (property of being equally skilful with both hands)
ambient-musiikki :: ambient, ambient music (music that put an emphasis on tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure or rhythm)
ambigrammi :: ambigram
ambiofonia :: ambiophony
ambiofoninen :: ambiophonic
ambitio :: ambition
ambivalenssi :: ambivalence
ambivalentti :: ambivalent
ambivalenttinen :: ambivalent
amblyopia [pathology, medical parlance] :: amblyopia
ambra :: ambergris
ambra :: The term keltainen ambra refers to amber [fossil resin]
ambrosia :: ambrosia
ambulanssi :: ambulance
ameba :: amoeba
amebamainen :: amoeba-like
ameloblasti :: ameloblast
amenorrea :: amenorrhoea [British], amenorrhea [US]
amerikanankerias :: American eel (Anguilla rostrata)
amerikanenglanti :: American English
amerikanhaapa :: American aspen, Populus tremuloides
amerikanhalava :: shining willow, Pacific willow, whiplash willow, Salix lucida
amerikanhaukkanen :: forest falcon (any of the small falcons of the genus Micrastur)
amerikanhummeri :: American lobster, true lobster, northern lobster, Maine lobster, Homarus americanus (species of clawed lobster from the western Atlantic Ocean, from Labrador to New Jersey)
amerikanhuuhkaja :: great horned owl, Bubo virginianus
amerikanismi :: Americanism
amerikanjalopähkinä :: butternut, white walnut, Juglans cinerea
amerikanjääkuikka :: great northern diver (Gavia immer)
amerikankelasköynnös :: bittersweet (Celastrus scandens)
amerikanlehmus :: American linden, basswood, Tilia americana
amerikanmuikku :: cisco (North-American fish related to vendace, “Coregonus artedi”)
amerikanmustapoppeli :: eastern cottonwood, Populus deltoides
amerikanorapihlaja :: Copenhagen hawthorn, thicket hawthorn, Crataegus intricata
amerikanpihlaja :: American mountain ash, Sorbus americana syn. Pyrus americana
amerikanpiiskujänis :: American pika (Ochotona princeps)
amerikanpika :: American pika (Ochotona princeps)
amerikanplataani :: sycamore, American sycamore, American planetree, occidental plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis
amerikanpunamänty :: red pine, Pinus resinosa
amerikanpyökki :: American beech, Fagus grandifolia
amerikanrauta :: An old-style North American car
amerikansamoalainen :: American Samoan
amerikansuomalainen :: Finnish American
amerikansuomalainen :: A Finnish American person
amerikansuomi :: Finglish; also American Finnish (a variant of Finnish spoken by Finnish immigrants in North America and their descendants)
amerikantaikapähkinä :: A species of witch hazels, Hamamelis virginiana, American witch hazel
amerikantelkkä :: Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
amerikanviiriäinen :: new world quail, quail (any bird of the family Odontophoridae)
Amerikan yhdysvallat :: The United States of America (official name of the USA in Finnish, used mostly in formal and diplomatic contexts)
amerikium :: americium
amerikiumdioksidi :: americium dioxide
amerikka :: American (American English spoken with strong local accent)
Amerikka :: America (continent)
Amerikka :: America (USA)
amerikkalainen :: American (very often of or relating to the USA or its people)
amerikkalainen :: American (a person from the USA)
amerikkalainen jalkapallo :: American football
amerikkalainen pesäpallo [sports, archaic] :: baseball
amerikkalaisittain :: In the American way
amerikkalaistaa :: to Americanize (to make American)
amerikkalaistua :: To become Americanized
amerikkalaistuminen :: Americanization
amerikkalaisvastaisuus :: anti-Americanism
ametisti :: amethyst
ametistihapero :: species of brittlegill, Russula amethystina
amfetamiini :: A common-language term used of methamphetamine, especially when used as (illegal) drug
amfetamiini :: amphetamine
amfibinen :: amphibious
amfiboli :: amphibole
amfiboliitti :: amphibolite
amfiteatteri :: An amphitheater/amphitheatre (outdoor theatre from the classical period of ancient Rome)
amfolyytti :: ampholyte
amfora :: amphora
amhara :: Amharic (language)
amiini :: amine
aminoetikkahappo :: aminoacetic acid
aminohappo :: amino acid
aminohippurihappo :: aminohippuric acid
aminokapronihappo :: aminocaproic acid
aminolevuliinihappo :: aminolevulinic acid
aminosalisyylihappo :: aminosalicylic acid
aminovaleriaanahappo :: aminovaleric acid
amiraali [butterfly] :: red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
amiraali :: admiral
amiraaliperhonen :: admiral (butterfly)
amis :: A person who attends one
amis :: A vocational school
amisviikset :: Thin, unkempt mustache such as sometimes grown by teenagers when trying to look older; teen mustache
Amman :: Amman
ammateittainen :: profession-wise
ammatillinen :: occupational, vocational
ammatillistaa :: To professionalise
ammatillistua :: To be(come) professionalized
ammatinvalinnanohjaus :: vocational guidance (the act or process of counseling a young person in choosing a vocation)
ammatti :: occupation, profession
ammattiajaja :: professional driver
ammattiala :: professional field
ammattijärjestö :: trade union
ammattikalastaja :: professional fisher
ammattikieli :: jargon, argot
ammattikirjailija :: professional writer
ammattikorkeakoulu :: university of applied sciences, (dated) polytechnic
ammattikoulu :: A vocational school
ammattikoululainen :: A student in a vocational school
ammattikoulutus :: professional education
ammattikunta :: A profession (practitioners of an occupation collectively, especially of one requiring great knowledge and skill)
ammattilainen :: professional, pro
ammattilaistaa :: To professionalize
ammattilaistua :: To become professionalized
ammattilaisurheilu :: professional sport
ammattiliitto :: A national trade union typically representing employees within a branch of industry. Typically so called blue collar and white collar employees are organized in separate unions
ammattimainen :: professional
ammattimaisempi :: comparative form of ammattimainen
ammattimaisesti :: professionally
ammattimies :: craftsman (professional in a trade which requires a specific skill, such as a mason, carpenter)
ammattimies :: expert (person with extensive ability in a given subject)
ammattimies [rarely, by extension] :: professional
ammattimies :: tradesman (skilled manual worker, such as electrician or plumber)
ammattiopisto :: vocational school
ammattioppilaitos :: vocational school, trade school
ammattiosasto :: A local chapter of a trade union; lodge (US)
ammattislangi :: argot, jargon, vernacular (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a certain field or profession)
ammattisuoja :: occupational immunity
ammattitaidoton :: unprofessional
ammattitaito :: professional skills of a person as a whole
ammattitaito :: workmanship (skill of an artisan or craftsman)
ammattitaitoinen :: qualified, professional
ammattitaitoinen :: skilled
ammattitappaja :: contract killer, hitman, hatchet man (a person whose profession is to kill people)
ammattitutkinto :: vocational examination
ammattiurheilija :: professional athlete
ammattiyhdistys :: A trade union or labor union, especially a local association that organizes employees within a plant or a company
ammattiyhdistysliike :: trade union movement (the trade unions collectively)
amme :: bathtub
ammennus :: scooping
ammentaa :: To gain benefit or influences
ammentaa :: To scoop, draw, ladle
ammis :: alternative form of amis
ammoin :: Very long ago, in the time immemorial
ammoinen :: ancient, age-old
ammoliitti :: ammolite (gemstone)
ammollaan :: wide open, agape
ammoniakki :: ammonia
ammoniakkihiippo [mushrooms] :: nitrous bonnet (Mycena leptocephala)
ammoniitti :: ammonite (cephalopod)
ammoniitti :: ammonite (explosive)
ammoniumfluoridi :: ammonium fluoride
ammoniumkloridi :: ammonium chloride
ammoniumnitraatti :: ammonium nitrate
ammoniumperkloraatti :: ammonium perchlorate
ammoniumsulfaatti :: ammonium sulfate
ammoniumsulfidi :: ammonium sulfide
ammottaa :: to be wide open, be agape
ammottava :: gaping (wide open)
ammu :: A moo-moo (cow)
ammua :: To moo
ammuminen :: mooing
ammunta :: mooing
ammunta :: shooting
ammus :: bullet, projectile
ammuskelija :: shooter (especially a criminal)
ammuskella :: To shoot around
ammuskelu :: shooting (with firearms)
ammusvarasto :: magazine (ammunition storehouse)
ammuttaa :: To order a shooting
ammuu :: moo!
amnesia :: amnesia
amnestia :: amnesty
amniosenteesi :: amniocentesis (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid)
amnioskooppi :: amnioscope
amnioskopia :: amnioscopy
amobarbitaali :: amobarbital
amok :: amok
amoraalinen :: amoral
amorfinen :: amorphic, amorphous
amoriini :: amoretto, cherub
ampaista :: To shoot, to soar (to move very quickly and suddenly)
ampakiini :: ampakine
ampeeri [physics, electronics] :: ampere
ampeerimittari :: ammeter
ampiainen :: A wasp
ampiaispesä :: wasp nest, vespiary
amplitudi :: amplitude
amplitudimodulaatio :: amplitude modulation
amppari :: wasp
ampu :: blast, detonation, explosion
ampua :: To shoot (+ partitive = wounding; + genitive-accusative = killing)
ampuilla :: To shoot (casually)
ampuja :: A shooter
ampulli :: ampoule
ampuma-ase :: firearm
ampuma-aukko :: loophole (slit in a castle wall)
ampumahaava :: gunshot wound, bullet wound
ampumahauta :: trench
ampumahautakuume :: trench fever
ampumahiihto :: biathlon (winter sport)
ampumarata :: range, shooting range
ampuminen :: shooting (using a weapon)
amputaatio :: amputation
amputoida :: To amputate
amputointi :: amputation
amuletti :: amulet
amurinkorkkipuu :: Amur cork tree, Phellodendron amurense
amurinleopardi :: Amur leopard
amurinvaahtera :: A species of maple, Manchurian striped maple, Manchu snakebark maple, Acer tegmentosum
amurinviini :: Amur grape, Vitis amurensis
amusia :: amusia
amylaasi :: amylase
-an :: (case suffix) A suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-an :: Forms the impersonal indicative present forms of verbs that include back vowels (a, o or u or i or e with a, o or u - compare -än), appended to the infinitive
-an [possessive] :: A variant for the third-person suffix -nsa, see the usage notes below
anaali- :: anal
anaalinen :: anal
anaalirauhanen :: anal gland
anaaliseksi :: anal sex
anaalisesti :: anally
anaalis-retentiivinen :: anal-retentive
anaalitappi :: A butt-plug
anaaliyhdyntä :: anal intercourse
anabaptismi :: Anabaptism (doctrine)
anabaptisti :: Anabaptist (Christian of the Radical Reformation of 16th-century Europe, or a present-day follower of similar beliefs)
anaboli :: An anabolic
anabolinen :: anabolic
anadrominen :: anadromous
anaerobinen :: anaerobic
anaerobisesti :: anaerobically
anafylaksia :: anaphylaxis
anafylaktinen :: anaphylactic
anagrammi :: anagram
anakoluutti :: anacoluthon
anakoluuttinen :: anacoluthic
anakonda :: anaconda
anakronismi :: anachronism (something that seems to belong to a different time)
anakronistinen :: anachronistic
anakruusi :: anacrusis (unstressed syllable at the start of a verse)
analemma :: analemma
analfabeetti :: An analphabet
analgeetti :: analgesic, painkiller
analgeettinen [medicine, jargon] :: analgesic
analgesia :: analgesia
analogia :: analogy
analoginen :: analogue, analogic, analogical
analsiimi :: analcime
analsiitti :: analcime
analysaattori :: analyzer
analysoida :: To analyse/analyze
analysointi :: The process of analysing
analytiikka :: analytics
analyysi :: analysis
analyytikko :: analyst
analyyttinen :: analytical
analyyttisesti :: analytically
anamneesi :: anamnesis
anamnestinen :: anamnestic
anamorfi [lb, fi, mycology] :: anamorph
ananas :: pineapple
ananaskirsikka [fruit] :: A cape gooseberry
ananasöljy :: ethyl butyrate
anapesti [poetry] :: anapest
anarkia :: anarchy
anarkinen :: alternative form of anarkistinen
anarkismi :: anarchism
anarkisti :: anarchist
anarkistinen :: anarchistic
anastaa :: To take possession (of something) without the owner's permission, seize, grab, steal, purloin, annex, usurp
anastaja :: One who steals
anastigmaattinen :: anastigmatic
anastus :: theft, appropriation
anatomi :: anatomist
anatomia :: anatomy
anatominen :: anatomic
anatomisesti :: anatomically
Ancylusjärvi :: Ancylus Lake (historic phase of the Baltic Sea)
andalusiitti :: andalusite
andante :: andante
andesiitti :: andesite
andienisomuura :: undulated antshrike
andienvyötiäinen :: hairy long-nosed armadillo, Dasypus pilosus
Andit :: The Andes
Andorra :: Andorra
andorralainen :: Andorran
Andreas :: Andrew (the Apostle)
Andreas :: male given name
androfobia :: androphobia
androgeeni :: androgen
androgeeninen :: androgenic
androgynia :: androgyny
androgyyni :: androgyne
androgyyninen :: androgynous
androidi :: android
andrologi :: andrologist
andrologia :: andrology
androloginen :: andrological
Andromeda :: The Andromeda
Andromeda :: The constellation Andromeda
Andromeda :: Andromeda
ane :: Indulgence [pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory, after the sinner has been granted absolution]
aneeminen :: anemic
aneemisesti :: anemically
anekdootti :: anecdote
anella :: To beg (submissively, e.g. mercy)
Anelma :: female given name
anemia :: anemia
anesteetti :: anesthetic
anestesia :: anesthesia, anaesthesia
anestesia-aine :: anaesthetic/anesthetic
anestesiologi :: anesthetist, anesthesiologist
anestesiologia :: anesthesiology, anaesthesiology
anestesiologinen :: Pertaining to anesthesiology
aneurysma :: aneurism
anfangi :: A void in a stone wall, serving as impost for an arch
anfangi [typography, calligraphy] :: initial (distinguished initial letter of a chapter or section of a document)
angelologia :: angelology
angervo :: a plant of the genus Filipendula
angiina :: tonsillitis, angina tonsillaris
angiogeneesi :: angiogenesis
angiografia :: angiography
angiogrammi :: angiogram, angiograph (X-ray image of the blood vessels)
angiokeratooma :: angiokeratoma (benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries)
angiotensiini :: angiotensin (any of several polypeptides that narrow blood vessels)
anglikaaninen :: Anglican
anglismi :: An Anglicism (word or feature borrowed from English to another language)
anglismi :: An Briticism, Anglicism (word or figure of speech used in Britain exclusively or primarily)
anglisti :: Anglicist
anglistiikka :: Anglistics
angloamerikkalainen :: Anglo-American
anglofiili :: anglophile
anglonormanni :: Anglo-Norman (language)
anglonormanni :: Anglo-Norman (person)
anglonormannilainen :: Anglo-Norman (of or pertaining to Anglo-Normans or their language)
anglo-normannilainen kieli :: Anglo-Norman (language)
anglosaksi :: An Anglo-Saxon person
anglosaksinen :: Anglo-Saxon
Angola :: Angola
angolalainen :: Angolan
angora :: angora (hair of angora rabbit)
angoravilla :: angora wool
angsti :: angst
anguillalainen :: Anguillan
anhydridi :: anhydride
anhydriitti :: anhydrite
ani :: very, extremely
ani :: ani (bird of genus Crotophaga in the cuckoo family)
aniharva :: extremely few; used often like a noun
aniharvoin :: extremely seldom
aniitti :: A powdery ammonium nitrate explosive
anikäki :: An ani
aniliini :: aniline
animaalinen :: animal
animaatio :: animation (technique)
animaattori :: animator
anime :: anime
animismi :: animism
animisti :: animist
animistinen :: animistic
animoida :: To animate
anioni :: anion
anis :: anise, aniseed (seeds used as spice)
anisherkkusieni :: wood mushroom (Agaricus silvicola)
anismalikka [mushrooms] :: Clitocybe fragrans
anisnuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius odorifer
anisoli :: anisole
anisruoho :: anise (the plant Pimpinella anisum)
Anita :: female given name
Anitta :: female given name, variant of Anita
Anja :: female given name
anjovis :: anchovy, especially European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)
ankanpoika :: duckling (young of a duck)
ankanpoikanen :: duckling
ankara :: barren, austere, desolate (landscape)
ankara :: harsh, hard, strict (person)
ankara :: harsh, sharp, fierce (weather, winter)
ankara halla :: hard freeze
ankarampi :: comparative form of ankara
ankarasti :: harshly, hardly, strictly
ankea :: dismal, dreary
ankea :: narrow, pressed
ankeampi :: comparative form of ankea
ankerias :: eel (any fish in the order Anguilliformes)
ankerias :: European eel, eel (species Anguilla anguilla)
ankeriaskala :: Any fish in the order Anguilliformes (true eels)
ankeriaskala :: In plural (ankeriaskalat), Anguilliformes
ankeriasmainen :: eel-like
ankeriasmonni :: airbreathing catfish (any fish of the Clariidae family)
ankeroinen :: A type of nematoid worm
ankka :: canard
ankka :: domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica)
Ankkalammikko [humourous] :: The Swedish Finland (Finland's Swedish speaking minority as an ethnic an cultural entity)
ankkuri :: anchorman, anchorwoman (final runner in relay race)
ankkuri :: anchor (something that serves to provide a fixing point)
ankkuri :: anchor (tool to hook a vessel into bottom of the sea)
ankkuri :: TV anchorman or anchorwoman
ankkuriköysi :: rode (rope)
ankkuripaikka :: An anchorage; a place for anchoring
ankkuripeli :: A capstan or windlass used to weigh the anchor in a ship
ankkuritalja :: cat (strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship)
ankkurivarustus :: An anchor, as used to refer to the anchoring gear of a ship as a whole
ankkuroida :: To anchor, as to hook a ship to the bottom of the sea or to fasten other object in a fixed spot
ankkurointi :: anchoring
ankkurointimaksu :: An anchorage; a fee charged for anchoring
ankkuroitua :: To moor
Anna :: female given name
Anna :: Anna (biblical prophetess)
Annala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Annala :: Finnish surname
Anna-Liisa :: female given name
anna olla :: let it be (o leave something to follow its natural course)
anne :: gift
Anne :: female given name
Annele :: female given name, a less common form of Anneli
Anneli :: female given name
annella :: To give (indifferently, repeatedly)
Anni :: female given name
annihilaatio :: annihilation
Anniina :: female given name
Annika :: female given name
Annikki :: A forest goddess in Finnish mythology
Annikki :: female given name
Annina :: female given name
anniskella :: To tipple, to retail alcohol for immediate consumption at the premises of the seller
anniskelu :: a saloon, pub or other establishment licensed to sell alcoholic drinks
anniskelu :: dispensing, serving (sale of alcoholic drinks for consumption at the seller's premises)
annoona :: cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
annos :: dose
annos :: portion
annos :: serving
annosmittari :: dosimeter
annostaa :: to dose (to prescribe a dose)
annostella :: To apportion (to divide into portions and distribute)
annostella :: To dose
annostelu :: dosage, dosing
annostelulokerikko :: pill dispenser
annostelureitti :: route of administration (path by which a drug or other substance is taken into the body)
annostus :: dosage
annosvuoka :: ramekin (small dish for baking in oven)
annuiteetti :: annuity
Annukka :: female given name
Ano :: male given name
anoa :: anoa
anoa :: To ask, request, plead, beg, implore, entreat, petition, solicit
anoa :: ~ virkaa = to apply for a post/job
anodi :: anode
anodisoida :: To anodize
anodisointi :: anodization
anoja :: applicant
anoja :: petitioner
anoksia :: anoxia
anomaalinen :: anomalous, anomalistic
anomalia :: anomaly
anomus :: an application, a plea, a requisition
anonymiteetti :: anonymity
anonyymi :: anonymous
anonyymisti :: anonymously
anopikset :: Mothers-in-law; mothers, whose children are married with each other
anopinkieli :: snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata, originally West African herbaceous plant commonly used as houseplant)
anoppi :: mother-in-law
anoppila :: mother-in-law's home
anorakki :: anorak, parka
anoreksia :: anorexia nervosa
anoreksia :: anorexia (loss of appetite, especially as a symptom of disease)
anorektikko :: an anorectic, anorexic
anorektinen :: anorectic
anorexia nervosa :: anorexia nervosa (serious eating disorder)
anortiitti :: anorthite
ansa :: A booby trap
ansa :: A trap
ansainta :: earning (of money)
ansaita :: To deserve, merit, be entitled to, be worthy of (+ infinitive or a noun)
ansaita :: To earn, make, win, gain (money)
ansaitsematon :: undeserved
ansaitsematon :: unearned
ansakuoppa :: trapping pit
ansari :: greenhouse
ansaripetopunkki :: A predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis
ansas :: truss (structure made up of one or more triangular units made from straight beams of wood or metal, which is used to support a structure as in a roof or bridge)
ansastaa :: to entrap, trap, ensnare, snare, trammel (to hunt animals by setting traps)
ansatsi :: embouchure
Anselmi :: male given name
ansio :: income
ansio :: earnings (wages, money earned, income)
ansio :: merit
ansio :: virtue
ansioitua :: To merit
ansiokas :: meritorious
ansioluettelo :: curriculum vitae
ansiosidonnainen [social security] :: earnings-related
ansioton :: Having no income
ansioton :: undeserving
ansiotulo :: earned income
ansoittaa :: To trap (to set traps)
ansoitus :: trapping
Anssi :: male given name
antaa :: To consent to have sex (with = allative)
antaa :: To distribute, hand/pass out
antaa :: To give; to allow; to present, donate; to issue
antaa :: To grant, confer
antaa [transitive + genitive + infinitive] :: To let, allow, permit
antaa anteeksi :: to absolve (to remit a sin; to give absolution for a sin)
antaa anteeksi :: to forgive (someone = allative); to condone
antaa ilmi :: to blow the whistle, inform, report
antaa kaikkensa :: To bring it, to give one's all (in a particular effort)
antaa opetus :: to teach someone a lesson (to punish someone)
antaa periksi :: To give up, give in, cave, surrender
antaa periksi :: To budge (to change one's opinion)
antaa potkut :: To fire (to terminate the employment of)
antaa selkään :: to whip (for punishment)
antaa selkään :: to bash up, beat up, give somebody a spanking, tan someone's hide
antaa turpaan [idiomatic, + allative] :: to beat up, batter, bung (to hit someone in the face)
antaa ylen [formal, idiomatic] :: to regurgitate
antaa ymmärtää :: to imply, hint, insinuate, suggest tacitly (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement)
antagonismi :: antagonism
antagonisti :: antagonist
antagonistinen :: antagonistic
antaja :: giver
antaminen :: consenting to have sex
antaminen :: distributing, handing/passing out
antaminen :: giving; allowing; presenting, donating; issueing
antaminen :: letting, allowing, permitting
antarktinen :: Antarctic
Antarktis :: Antarctica
antasidi :: antacid
antasidinen :: antacid
antaumuksellinen :: dedicated, devoted
antaumus :: dedication, devotion
antautua :: to surrender, capitulate (to give oneself up into the power of another)
antautuminen :: surrender
anteeksi :: antaa anteeksi = to forgive, condone
anteeksi :: pyytää anteeksi = to apologize, ask for forgiveness
anteeksi :: beg your pardon, pardon
anteeksi :: sorry, excuse me/us!
anteeksiannettava :: forgivable
anteeksiantamaton :: inexcusable, unforgivable
anteeksiantava :: forgiving
anteeksiantavaisuus :: forgiveness (readiness to forgive)
anteeksianto :: forgiveness, pardon, remission, expiation, atonement, propitiation
anteeksipyyntö :: apology
anteeksipyytelemätön :: unapologetic
anteeksipyytelevä :: apologetic
anteeksipyytävä :: apologetic
antefiksi :: antefix (vertical blocks which terminate the covering tiles of the roof of a Roman, Etruscan, or Greek temple)
anteliaampi :: comparative form of antelias
anteliaasti :: generously
anteliaisuus :: generosity, munificence
antelias :: generous
antenataalinen :: antenatal
antenni :: antenna, aerial (device)
antennimasto :: antenna mast
Antero :: male given name
anterogradinen :: anterograde
anti :: offering, issue (of shares, bonds etc)
anti :: the achieved outcome or result (of a meeting etc.)
anti- :: anti-
antiaine :: antimatter
antiatomi :: antiatom
antibakteerinen :: antibacterial
antibiootti :: antibiotic
antibioottinen :: antibiotic
antidepressiivi :: antidepressant
antiderivaatta :: antiderivative
antidootti :: antidote
antifasismi :: anti-fascism
antifasisti :: antifascist
antifeminismi :: antifeminism
antigeeni :: antigen
antigeeninen :: antigenic
antigoriitti :: antigorite
antiguabarbudalainen :: Antiguan and Barbudan
Antigua ja Barbuda :: Antigua and Barbuda
antihistamiini :: antihistamine
antihiukkanen :: antiparticle
antiikin Kreikka :: Ancient Greece
antiikin Rooma :: Ancient Rome
antiikki :: antique
antiikki :: A group noun for antiques or antiquities (old pieces of furniture or other items)
antiikki :: The Antiquity, classical antiquity (the age between Homer and the Middle Ages)
antiikkinen :: antique (old, used especially of furniture and household items; out of date)
antiikva :: Roman typeface
anti-inflammatorinen :: anti-inflammatory
antikapitalismi :: anticapitalism
antikapitalisti :: anticapitalist
antikatodi :: anticathode
antiketju :: antichain
antikliimaksi :: anticlimax
antikliini :: anticline
antikoagulantti :: anticoagulant
antikodoni :: anticodon (mirror image of a codon)
antikommunismi :: anticommunism
antikommunisti :: anticommunist
antikommunistinen :: anticommunist
antikommutatiivinen :: anticommutative
antikristus :: antichrist
antikvaarinen :: antiquarian
antikvariaatti :: antiquarian bookshop
Antillit :: Antilles
antilooppi :: antelope
antilooppijänis :: antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni)
antimateria :: antimatter
antimet :: gift, treat; used only in plural and with a genitive attribute in expressions such as:
antimitoottinen :: antimitotic
antimoni :: antimony
antimonipentafluoridi :: antimony pentafluoride
antineoplastinen :: antineoplastic
antineutriino :: antineutrino
antineutroni :: antineutron
antinominen :: antinomian
antinomisti :: antinomian
antioksidantti :: antioxidant
antipasto :: antipasto
antipatia :: antipathy
antiperspirantti :: antiperspirant
antipodi :: antipode
antiprotoni :: antiproton
antipyriini :: phenazone
antisankari :: antihero
antisemiitti :: anti-Semite
antisemiittinen :: anti-Semitic
antisemitismi :: anti-Semitism
antisemitistinen :: anti-Semitic
antisepti :: antiseptic
antiseptinen :: antiseptic
antisosiaalinen :: antisocial
antistaattinen :: antistatic
antistaattisempi :: comparative form of antistaattinen
antistaattisin :: superlative form of antistaattinen
antisykloni :: anticyclone
antiteesi :: antithesis
antitoksiini :: antitoxin
antitromboottinen :: antiplatelet
anto :: delivery, output
antofylliitti :: anthophyllite
antoisa :: fruitful
antolainaus [banking] :: lending (the business of granting loans to the customers)
antologia :: anthology
Anton :: male given name
antonyymi :: antonym
antosyaani :: anthocyanin
antrakinoni :: anthraquinone
antraniilihappo :: anthranilic acid
antraseeni :: anthracene
antrasiitti :: anthracite
antropofagia [scientific] :: anthropophagy (act of eating human flesh)
antropologi :: anthropologist
antropologia :: anthropology
antropologinen :: anthropological
antropomorfinen :: anthropomorphic
antroposofi :: anthroposophist
antroposofia :: anthroposophy
Antti :: male given name
Anttila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Anttila :: Finnish surname
Antto :: [rather rare today] male given name
Antton :: male given name
Anttonen :: Finnish surname
Anttoni :: male given name
antura :: sole
anturi :: sensor
Antwerpen :: Antwerp (city and province)
Anu :: female given name
anubispaviaani :: olive baboon, Papio anubis
anus :: anus
anusvara :: anusvara (Sanskrit diascript)
A-oikeudet :: A-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 80% of alcoholic content by volume)
aortiitti :: aortitis
aortta :: aorta
aorttaläppä :: aortic valve
ap :: a.m., (in the morning, before noon)
ap :: morning (hours roughly from the beginning of the working hours to the noon)
apaattinen :: apathetic
apaattisempi :: comparative form of apaattinen
apaattisesti :: apathetically
apašši :: dated form of apassi
apaja :: A fishing water; normally used in plural (apajat)
aparaatti :: apparatus
apartheid :: apartheid
apassi :: Apache
apatia :: apathy
apatiitti :: apatite
ape :: food
ape :: horse feed
apea :: melancholic, dejected, depressed, dispirited, blue, sad, moody (on a low spirit)
apeampi :: comparative form of apea
apeksi :: An apex
Apenniinien niemimaa :: Apennine Peninsula, Italian Peninsula
Apenniinit :: the Apennines (mountain range)
aperitiivi :: An aperitif
apeus :: moodiness, gloominess, melancholy
apeutua :: To become depressed
apheli :: aphelion
apikaalisilmu :: apical bud
apila :: clover
apilanlehti :: cloverleaf, trefoil (leaf of a clover plant)
apilapelto :: cloverfield
apina :: ape
apina :: monkey
apinaihminen :: apeman
apinamainen :: simian, apish
apinamaisempi :: comparative form of apinamainen
apinamaisin :: superlative form of apinamainen
apinanleipäpuu :: baobab, Adansonia digitata
apinarokko :: monkeypox
apinoida :: To mimic
apinointi :: aping
aplikoida [art, textiles] :: to applique
aplodeerata :: To applaud
aplodeeraus :: applauding
aplodi :: applause
apnea :: apnea
apoentsyymi :: apoenzyme
apogeum :: apogee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the largest distance from the center of the central body)
apokalypsi :: apocalypse
apokalyptinen :: apocalyptic
apokromaattinen :: apochromatic
apokryfi :: apocrypha
apokryfinen :: apocryphal
apokryfisuus :: alternative form of apokryfisyys
apokryfisyys :: apocryphalness
apologeetta :: apologist
apologeettinen :: apologetic
apologia :: apologia
apomagmaattinen :: apomagmatic
apoptoosi :: apoptosis
aposematismi :: aposematism
apostoli :: apostle
apostolinen :: apostolic
apostolinen uskontunnustus :: Apostles' Creed
apostrofi :: apostrophe (punctuation mark)
apostrofi :: apostrophe (sudden exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something)
apoteema :: apothem (the distance from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to one of its sides)
apotti :: abbot
apotti :: guardian (superior in a Franciscan monastery)
apottiluostari :: abbey
apottius :: abbotship
appaa :: To eat ravenously, to devour
appela :: father-in-law's home
appellatiivi :: A common noun
appelsiini :: orange (fruit)
appelsiinimarmeladi :: orange marmalade
appelsiinimehu :: orange juice
appelsiininkuori :: orange peel
appelsiinipuu :: orange tree
appendisiitti [pathology, medical terminology] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
appenzellerjuusto :: appenzeller
apperseptio :: apperception
appi :: father-in-law
appivanhemmat :: parents-in-law
applikaatio :: application
applikoida :: To apply (to put something in its right place, like medicaments to a diseased part of the body)
applikoida :: To applique
applikointi :: application
applisoida :: alternative form of applikoida
apposen :: completely; used only to strengthen the word auki or its synonyms
apposen auki :: wide open
appositio :: apposition
appositio :: appositio
appro :: Short form of approbatur, used mainly in spoken language
approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the lowest passing grade
approbatur :: The shortest university syllabus in Finland
approksimaatio :: approximation
approksimoida :: To approximate
aprikoida :: To think, ponder
aprikointi :: pondering
aprikoosi :: apricot
aprikoosihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula risigallina
aprikoosipuu :: apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca
aprikoosiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius armeniacus
aprillata :: To April-fool
aprillaus :: April-fooling
aprilli :: April fool
aprillipila :: April fool
aprillipäivä :: April Fools' Day (April 1st)
apriorinen :: a priori
apriorisuus :: apriority
apro :: Same as appro, approbatur
a propos :: apropos (regarding or concerning)
apsidi :: An apsis, apside (either of the points in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet where it is closest or furthest from the sun)
apsis :: An apse (architectural element)
aptameeri :: aptamer
apteekkari [pharmacy] :: pharmacist
apteekki :: pharmacy, drugstore
apu :: A helping hand
apu :: An aid
apu :: A relief
apu :: A remedy
apu :: A rescue
apu [as a modifier in compound words] :: Auxiliary, additional, accessory
apu :: A service
apu :: assistance
apu :: A support
apu :: help
apu- :: additional, auxiliary, assistant, secondary etc
apua :: help!
apua :: oh no! oh God!
apuehdokas :: paper candidate
apukieli :: auxiliary language
apulainen :: As a former part of compound (as the stem apulais-) signifies associate, deputy, vice-, under-
apulainen :: assistant, helper
apulais- :: associate, deputy, vice-, under-
apulaisjohtaja :: deputy director
apulaiskaupunginjohtaja :: deputy mayor, vice mayor
apulaisohjaaja :: assistant director
apulaisoikeusasiamies :: deputy ombudsman
apulaispääministeri :: deputy prime minister
apulaisprofessori :: associate professor
apulaissheriffi :: deputy sheriff
apulanta :: artificial fertilizer
apulause :: lemma
apumies :: hand (unskilled manual worker in subordinate postion, often to a skilled worker)
apumies :: helper (one who provides assistance for another person)
apumoottori :: auxiliary engine, auxiliary motor (motor or engine that provides reserve or additional power to the main source of propulsion, such as for sailship or bicycle)
apumoottorillinen :: auxiliary (equipped with auxiliary motor)
apuneuvo :: aid
apuneuvo :: resource
apuohjelma [software] :: utility program
apupyörä :: one of a pair of training wheels
apupyörät :: training wheels
apuraha :: grant (quantity of money given by an institution to a qualifying individual or group of individuals to support their academic or artistic work etc.)
apuraketti :: booster rocket, auxiliary rocket
apuri :: helper, aide
apuri :: sidekick
apusana :: particle
aputuomari :: assistant referee
apuva :: A variant of apua
apuverbi :: An auxiliary verb
apuviiva :: guideline (light line, used in lettering, to help align the text)
apuviiva :: ledger line
apuväline :: ancillary; tool (something that serves an ancillary function)
ara :: macaw (various parrots of the genus Ara and some closely related genera)
araalia :: alternative form of aralia
arabeski :: arabesque
arabi :: Arab
arabia :: Arabic (language)
arabialainen :: Arabian, Arabic
arabialainen :: Arabian (breed of horse)
arabialainen :: Arabian (person of Arabian origin)
arabianaavikkokiuru :: Dunn’s lark, Eremalauda dunni
arabianbulbuli :: white-spectacled bulbul, Pycnonotus xanthopygos
arabianhevonen :: Arab (horse)
arabiankahvi :: arabica (Coffea arabica)
arabiankeihäsantilooppi :: Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx)
arabiankerttu :: Red Sea warbler, Sylvia leucomelaena
arabian kieli :: Arabic (language)
arabiankielinen :: Arabic, Arabic language (written or expressed in Arabic)
arabiankonnapääagama :: Arabian toadhead agama, Phrynocephalus arabicus
Arabianmeri :: The Arabian Sea
Arabian niemimaa :: The Arabian Peninsula
arabiansusi :: Arabian wolf (Canis lupus arabs)
arabiantaa :: to translate into Arabic
arabiantari :: Arabian tahr, Arabitragus jayakari (species of tahr native to Arabia)
arabiantiira :: white-cheeked tern, Sterna repressa
arabiantikka :: Arabian woodpecker, Dendrocopos dorae
arabiantimali :: Arabian babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabiemiirikunnat :: Emirates (short for Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat - United Arab Emirates)
arabiemiirikuntalainen :: Emirati (of, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates)
Arabiemiirikuntien liitto :: United Arab Emirates
arabiemiraattilainen :: Emirati (of, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates)
arabihaukka :: barbary falcon, Falco pelegrinoides
arabikevät :: Arab Spring (pro-democracy movement in Arab countries)
arabikumi :: gum arabic (edible substance taken from one of two species of sub-Saharan acacia trees)
arabimaa :: An Arab country
arabinoosi :: arabinose
arabisti :: An Arabist
arabistiikka :: The study of the Arab culture
arabivastaisuus :: Anti-Arabism
aragoniitti :: aragonite
arakidonihappo :: arachidonic acid
araknofobia :: arachnophobia
araknoidea :: arachnoid mater
aralia :: aralia
Araljärvi :: The Aral Sea
aramea :: The Aramaic language
aramealainen :: Aramaic
aramealainen :: Aramaic (person)
aramean kieli :: Aramaic (language)
arameankielinen :: Aramaic, Aramaic language (written or expressed in Aramaic)
aranen :: parrotlet (miniature parrots of the genera Forpus, Nannopsittaca and Touit)
arapaima :: arapaima
arastaa :: To be shy/timid towards
arastella :: To avoid
arastella :: To shy
arastelu :: hesitation
arasti :: timidly, shyly
aratti :: parakeet (any of a number of parrot species in several genera)
araukaria :: Araucaria
arava :: A loan subsidized by Arava [see etymology]; also aravalaina
arava-asunto :: A flat or home financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravahuoneisto :: A flat financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravajärjestelmä :: A system for financing social housing run by Arava, a special purpose government agency
aravalaina :: A loan granted within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravalainoittaa :: To grant a loan within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravalainoitteinen :: financed by Arava
aravalainoitus :: financing provided or subsidized by Arava
aravana :: silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (freshwater bony fish commonly kept in aquaria)
aravatalo :: A residential building financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
Aravirta :: Finnish surname
arbitraasi :: arbitrage
arbitraatio :: arbitration (form of justice where the concerned parties designate a person whose ruling they will accept)
arboretum :: arboretum
arboristi :: arborist (practitioner of arboriculture)
arbuusi :: watermelon
areena :: arena
areiolainen :: Arian (of or pertaining to Arius; or Arianism)
areiopagi :: Areopagus (the supreme judicial and legislative council of ancient Athens)
areiopagi [figuratively, rare] :: Any court or body that has the ultimate power to solve an issue
arempi :: comparative form of arka
arenti :: tenancy
aresti :: arrest, custody (confinement or detention of a person)
arfvedsoniitti :: arfvedsonite
argaali :: argali or mountain sheep, Ovis ammon
Argentiina :: Argentina
argentiinalainen :: Argentinian
argentiinalainen :: An Argentinian person
argentiinanvyötiäinen :: southern long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus hybridus)
arginiini :: arginine
argon :: argon
argonautti :: Argonaut
argon-fluorihydridi :: argon fluorohydride
argumentaatio :: argumentation
argumentoida :: To reason (to examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss)
argumentointi :: argumentation
argumentti :: argument (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason)
argumentti :: the argument of a complex number
Arhippa :: male given name
arho :: sandwort
Arho :: male given name
Ari :: male given name
arina :: The grating on the floor of a fireplace
arinakääpä [mushrooms] :: Phellinus igniarius
ariosofia :: Ariosophy
aristaa :: 3rd-pers. singular + partitive = to be sore
aristaa :: To be shy/timid/bashful with (usually as a lasting feature of personality)
aristaa :: To be (very) careful with (something because it's sore), handle (very) carefully (something because it's sore)
aristava :: tender (sensitive or painful)
aristella :: aristella silmiänsä: to be careful with one's eyes (e.g. to protect them from sunlight etc.)
aristella :: to be shy, be bashful, be timid
aristella :: to be very careful with, handle very carefully (in a continuous manner)
aristokraatti :: aristocrat
aristokraattinen :: aristocratic
aristokraattisesti :: aristocratically
aristokraattisuus :: aristocracy
aristokratia :: aristocracy
Aristoteles :: Aristotle
aristua :: To become tender, sore
aristus :: pain, sore
aritmeettinen :: arithmetic
aritmeettinen keskiarvo :: arithmetic mean
aritmeettisesti :: arithmetically
aritmetiikka :: arithmetic
Arja :: female given name popular in the 1940s and the 1950s
arjalainen :: Aryan
arjalainen :: An Aryan
arka :: sensitive
arka :: tender, sore
arka :: timid, shy, bashful
arkaainen :: archaic
arkadi :: arcade
arkailla :: To draw/hang back, shy, withdraw, retire; to be shy/timid/bashful
arkaismi :: archaism
arkaistinen :: archaic
arkaistisesti :: archaically
arkaistisuus :: archaism
arkajalka :: tenderfoot
arkala :: A figurative place where noncourageous, fearful and timid people live, used only in idioms
arkaluonteinen :: sensitive, touchy, delicate (of an issue, capable of offending, upsetting or hurting)
arkaluontoinen :: alternative form of arkaluonteinen
arkana :: arcana
Arkangeli :: Archangel (city)
arkatunteinen :: touchy, oversensitive, thin-skinned (easily offended)
arkatunteisuus :: touchiness, oversensitiveness (property of being easily offended)
arkebuusi :: harquebus, arquebus
arkeeinen :: Archaean (of, or relating to the geologic eon from about 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago)
arkeoastronomia [astronomy, archaeology] :: archaeoastronomy
arkeologi :: archaeologist
arkeologia :: archaeology
arkeologinen :: archaeological
arkeologisesti :: archaeologically
Arkhimedeen kappale :: An Archimedean solid
Arkhimedes :: Archimedes
arki :: ordinary or non-special days in life
arki :: weekday
arkielämä :: everyday life
arkikielinen :: colloquial
arkinen :: everyday, ordinary
arkipäivä :: weekday
arkipäiväinen :: everyday
arkipäiväinen :: prosaic
arkipäiväistää :: To make something ordinary, mundane
arkipäiväistyä :: To become ordinary, become mundane
arkipäiväisyys :: commonplace, ordinariness
arkipyhä :: midweek holiday
arkisin :: on weekdays
arkisto :: archive (place for storing earlier material)
arkistoida :: To archive
arkistointi :: archiving
arkistointi :: filing
arkistonhoitaja :: archivist
arkistua :: To become mundane
arkisuus :: mundaneness
arkki :: An ark (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant)
arkki :: Any of the species belonging to the domain Archaea
arkki :: A sheet (of paper etc.)
arkki- :: arch-
arkkiatri :: An archiatre/archiater. In Finland, the highest honorary title given a physician; there may be only one archiater at a time
arkkibakteeri :: archaebacterium
arkkidiakoni :: archdeacon
arkkienkeli :: archangel
arkkiherttua :: archduke
arkkiherttuatar :: archduchess
arkkihiippakunta :: archdiocese
arkkikonna :: archvillain
arkkimandriitta :: archimandrite
arkkipiispa :: archbishop
arkkisimpukka [mollusks] :: An ark clam; any clam in the family Arcidae
arkkitehti :: architect
arkkitehtoninen :: architectonic
arkkitehtonisesti :: architectonically
arkkitehtuuri :: architecture
arkkitranseemi :: an architranseme
arkkityyppi :: archetype
arkkityyppinen :: archetypal
arkkiveisu :: broadside (printed lyrics of a folk song or ballad)
arkkiveisu :: song printed on a broadside
arkkivihollinen :: archenemy, nemesis
arkku :: chest (box)
arkku :: coffin
arkkupakastin :: chest freezer (stand-alone freezer unit shaped like a chest)
arkkuvaate :: pall (heavy canvas laid over a coffin)
arkontti :: archon
arktinen :: arctic
arkullinen :: chestful
arkunkantaja :: A pallbearer
arkuskosini [trigonometry] :: arccosine
arkuskotangentti [trigonometry] :: arccotangent
arkussini [trigonometry] :: arcsine
arkustangentti [trigonometry] :: arctangent
arkuus :: tenderness, soreness
arkuus :: timorousness, shyness
armada :: armada
armagnac :: Armagnac (brandy)
armahainen [dated, poetic] :: alternative form of armas
armahdus :: pardon, amnesty
armahtaa :: To pardon, reprieve, grant amnesty to
armahtaa :: To have mercy/pity on
armahtaa :: To redeem
armahtava :: merciful
armahtavainen :: merciful
armainen :: dear (loved; lovable)
armanjakki :: Armagnac (brandy)
armas :: blessed, pleasing, pretty
armas :: dear, beloved, cherished
armas :: darling, sweetheart, dear
Armas :: male given name
armastella :: to make love
armeija :: army
armeija :: military
armeijakunta :: corps
armeliaisuus :: mercy (tendency toward forgiveness, pity, or compassion)
armelias :: merciful
armenia :: Armenian (language)
Armenia :: Armenia
armenialainen :: Armenian (of or pertaining to Armenia)
armenialainen :: Armenian (person)
Armenian apostolinen kirkko :: The Armenian Apostolic Church
armenian kieli :: Armenian (language)
armeniankielinen :: Armenian, Armenian-language (expressed in Armenian language)
armeniankielinen :: Armenian-speaking
Armi :: female given name
armias [dated, poetic] :: merciful
armillaari :: armillary sphere
armo :: grace
armo :: mercy
armoinen :: merciful
armoistuin :: alternative form of armonistuin
armoitettu :: gifted
armokuolema :: euthanasia
armollinen :: merciful
armollisesti :: mercifully
armollisuus :: mercifulness
armomurha :: euthanasia, mercy killing
armonaika :: grace, respite
armonisku :: coup de grace
armonistuin :: mercy seat
armoton :: ruthless, unrelenting, pitiless
armottomasti :: mercilessly, ruthlessly
armottomuus :: ruthlessness
arnikki :: arnica, particularly the species Arnica angustifolia or Arctic arnica, narrowleaf arnica
aro :: A watery, marshy place; lowland covered by grass, see references
aro :: steppe
arohilleri :: steppe polecat, Mustela eversmanii
arojuoksija :: plains wanderer (small quail-like bird in the monotypic family Pedionomidae, endemic to south-eastern Australia, Pedionomus torquatus)
arokettu :: corsac fox, steppe fox, Vulpes corsac
arokissa :: manul, Pallas' cat, Otocolobus manul
arokotka :: steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
Arola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Arola :: Finnish surname
aromaattinen :: aromatic
aromaattinen hiilivety :: aromatic hydrocarbon
aromaattinen yhdiste :: aromatic compound
aromaattisuus :: aromaticity (property of having a distinctive, pleasant smell)
aromaattisuus :: aromaticity
aromataasi :: aromatase
aromaterapia :: aromatherapy
aromi :: aroma, flavor
aromikas :: fragrant, spicy, aromatic
aromikkuus :: fragrance, spiciness, aromaticness
arominvahvenne :: flavor enhancer
aromiterapia :: alternative form of aromaterapia
aromurmeli :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
aromuurahaiskäpy [zoology, dated] :: ground pangolin, Manis temminckii
aronia :: chokeberry (plants of the genus Aronia
aroseepra :: plains zebra, Equus quagga
arotundra :: steppe-tundra
arovuokko :: A snowdrop windflower. Sometimes also called wood anemone in English
arpa :: lot (for example dice)
arpajaiset :: An activity in which the participants pay a fee and by that obtain a partially or fully random possibility to win a prize of monetary value
arpajaiset :: lottery, draw, raffle
arpakuutio :: A die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
arpalippu :: lottery ticket
arpeuma :: scar
arpeuttaa :: scar, cicatrise
arpeutua :: to cicatrise (to form a scar or cicatrix)
arpeutua :: to scab, to grow a scab (of a wound, to get covered by a scab)
arpeutua :: to scar (to become marked by a scar)
arpeutuma :: scar
arpi :: scar
arpikudos :: scar tissue
arpinen :: scarred
arpisempi :: comparative form of arpinen
arpisuus :: scabbiness
arpitaani :: Franco-Provençal, Arpitan (Romance language)
arpoa :: To hesitate, vacillate, shilly-shally
arpoa :: To draw lots, to raffle, to cast lots
arrakki :: arrack (East Asian liquor)
arrakkipunssi :: A liqueur based on arrack, neutral spirits and flavorings. Originates in Sweden and mostly not known outside Nordic countries. There's no established English name for it, but "arrack liqueur" might be a good bet
arroganssi :: arrogance
arrogantisti :: arrogantly
arrogantti :: arrogant
arrowjuuri :: arrowroot
arseeni :: arsenic
arseenikiisu :: arsenopyrite
arseenitrioksidi :: arsenic trioxide
arsenaali :: arsenal
arsenaatti :: arsenate
arseniitti :: arsenite
arsenikki :: arsenic trioxide; also arsenic (oxide of arsenic; formula As2O3)
arsenopyriitti :: arsenopyrite
Arsi :: male given name
arsiini :: arsine (AsH3)
arsina :: arshin, or Russian cubit (71.12 cm)
arteesinen :: artesian
arteesinen kaivo :: artesian well
artefakti :: An artifact, as a man-made object
artenomi :: A person who has completed a bachelor's degree in applied arts in a polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu
artenomi :: This degree
arteria :: Artery
arterioskleroosi :: arteriosclerosis
artesaani :: artisan
artikkeli :: An article (object). Rarely alone, used mostly in compound words:
artikkeli :: An article (story, report, or opinion piece)
artikkeli :: An article (part of speech)
artikla :: article (section of a legal document)
artikulaatio :: articulation
artikuloida :: To articulate, to speak clearly
artikulointi :: articulation
artisokan pohja :: artichoke bottom
artisokka :: artichoke, Cynara scolymus
artisokka :: Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus
artisti :: artist
artistinen :: artistic
artistisuus :: The quality of being artistic in the sense of "relating to or characteristic of art or artists"
Arto :: male given name
artoteekki :: art rental shop
artriitti :: arthritis
artrometri :: An arthrometer
artroosi :: osteoarthritis
Arttu :: male given name
Arttur :: male given name
Artturi :: male given name
arubalainen :: Aruban
arunnauraja :: spangled kookaburra (Dacelo tyro)
arvaamaton :: unpredictable
arvaamattomampi :: comparative form of arvaamaton
arvaamattomasti :: unpredictably
arvaamattomuus :: unpredictability
arvailla :: To guess (repeatedly, continuously and/or indifferently)
arvailu :: act of guessing
arvailu :: guesswork
arvata :: To guess
arvaus :: a guess
arvelevainen :: cautious
arvella :: To believe, suppose, think
arvelu :: conjecture
arveluttaa :: (+ partitive) To look dubious/questionable/suspicious/shady to
arveluttaa :: (+ partitive) To look unreliable/untrustworthy/undependable
arveluttava :: dubious, doubtful
arveluttavuus :: dubiousness, doubtfulness
arvettua :: To scab
Arvi :: male given name
arvio :: An estimate, assessment
arvioida :: To estimate, evaluate, determine, judge, assess, appraise
arvioida :: To grade, mark (accomplishments at school)
arvioija :: critic
arviointi :: criticism
arviointi :: evaluation
arvioitsija :: alternative form of arvioija
arvioittaa :: to let evaluate or estimate, have estimated or evaluated
arvioituttaa :: alternative form of arvioittaa
arviolasku :: estimated bill
arviolta :: approximately
arvo :: prestige
arvo :: rank, standing, title
arvo :: value, worth
Arvo :: male given name
arvoasteikko :: scale (of values)
arvoinen :: worth
arvoisa :: honored
arvoisuus :: worthiness
arvoituksellinen :: enigmatic, cryptic, mysterious, puzzling
arvoituksellisuus :: mysteriousness
arvoitus :: conundrum, brain-teaser (difficult question, puzzle or riddle)
arvoitus :: mystery (someone or something with an obscure or puzzling nature)
arvoitus :: puzzle, enigma (anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of)
arvoitus :: riddle, puzzle, enigma (a verbal puzzle or mystery)
arvojoukko :: range
arvokas :: dear
arvokas :: dignified
arvokas :: expensive, pricey
arvokas :: precious
arvoketju :: value chain
arvokisa :: A top-level sports event such as the Olympic Games, World Championship games or national championships in some sports; no single clearly established English equivalent
arvokkaampi :: comparative form of arvokas
arvokkuus :: dignity
arvokkuus :: worth
arvollinen :: worthy
arvomaailma :: values, value system (the set of values that directs the actions of an individual or a group of individuals)
arvomerkki :: insignia
arvonalennus :: impairment, write-down, revaluation
arvonalentuminen :: impairment, write-down, revaluation
arvonimi :: honorific (word that conveys esteem or respect when used in addressing or referring to a person)
arvonimi :: title of a person (prefix or suffix added to a person's name to signify veneration, position or qualification)
arvonlisävero :: A value added tax. In some countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, possibly others) this kind of tax is called goods and services tax
arvonta :: lottery
arvo-osuus :: book entry
arvopaperi :: security, bond
arvopaperistaa :: To securitize
arvopaperistaminen :: securitization
arvopaperistua :: to become securitized
arvoposti :: registered mail
arvosana :: A grade, score, rating
arvostaa :: To appreciate (to view as valuable)
arvostaa :: To revere, to venerate (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion)
arvostaa :: To value, appreciate, think much of (to regard highly; to hold in high esteem)
arvostaa :: To value, to prize (to hold dear)
arvostaa :: To venerate (to treat with great respect and deference)
arvosteleva :: critical
arvostelija :: critic, reviewer
arvostelija :: examiner (person who marks an examination)
arvostella :: To attack, criticize/criticise, disparage, (find) fault (with)
arvostella :: To evaluate, appraise, assess, judge
arvostella :: To review, criticise/criticize, critique
arvostelma :: judgement
arvostelu :: As a modifier in compound words, critical (relating to literary criticism)
arvostelu :: criticism
arvostelu :: The process of giving grades in a learning institution etc
arvostettu :: distinguished
arvostettu :: eminent
arvostettu :: recognized, recognised
arvostettu :: respected
arvostettu :: valued
arvostetumpi :: comparative form of arvostettu
arvostus :: appreciation (increase in value)
arvoteoria :: value theory
arvoton :: worthless
arvottomampi :: comparative form of arvoton
arvottomuus :: worthlessness
arvovalta :: authority, prestige
arvovaltainen :: prestigious
arvovaltaisuus :: prestigiousness
arvuuttaa :: to quiz (to make somebody guess, to ask questions to which another person has to guess the right answer, as in a guessing game)
as :: a flat
asap [office slang] :: As soon as possible, ASAP
asbesti :: asbestos
asbestikangas :: asbestos cloth
asbestoosi :: asbestosis
As-duuri :: A-flat major
ase :: gun
ase :: weapon [also figuratively]
aseapu :: military aid (in the form of weapons)
asebutololi :: acebutolol
asediasulfoninatrium :: acediasulfone sodium
aseellinen :: armed (carried out using weapons)
aseenkantaja :: henchman (loyal supporter)
aseenkantaja :: squire, armourbearer (one who carries armour for another)
aseenkanto :: bearing of arms
aseenkantolupa :: firearms license
aseenkäsittely :: weapon handling
aseenkäyttö :: use of weapon
aseeton :: unarmed
aseettomuus :: The property of being unarmed
aseidenriisunta :: disarmament
aseidentuonti :: import of arms
aseidenvienti :: export of arms
-aseinen :: -armed (with a weapon)
aseistaa :: To arm, supply with arms
aseistakieltäytyjä :: conscientious objector
aseistakieltäytyminen :: conscientious objection
aseistamaton :: unarmed
aseistariisuminen :: disarmament
aseistariisunta :: disarmament
aseistautua :: To arm oneself, supply oneself with arms
aseistautumaton :: unarmed
aseistautuminen :: arming, acquisition of weapons
aseistautunut :: armed (meaning that the person has armed him-/herself - compare aseistettu)
aseistettu :: armed (meaning that someone else has armed the person than the person him-/herself — compare aseistautunut)
aseistus :: armament, weaponry, munition
asekauppa :: gun store
asekauppa :: weapons trade
aseklofenaakki :: aceclofenac
aseksuaali :: asexual person
aseksuaalinen :: asexual
aseksuaalisuus :: asexuality
aselepo :: A ceasefire, truce, armistice
aselepolinja :: armistice line
asema :: drive
asema :: post
asema :: state, position, situation
asema :: station
asema :: status (person’s position or standing relative to that of others)
asemakaava :: A city plan or town plan, which shows in detail each lot, positioning of buildings on the lot, traffic areas etc
asemalaituri :: platform (for railroad passengers)
asemapiirustus :: A layout (map or drawing of construction site)
asemapäällikkö :: stationmaster (person in charge of a railroad station)
asemasota :: trench warfare
asematyyppi :: position type
asemenot :: military expenditure
asemo :: A pronoun
asemoida [marketing] :: To position
asemointi :: imposition
asemointi :: positioning
asemosana :: pronoun
asenne :: attitude
asennoitua :: To take a stand
asennus :: installation, installment, setup
asenokumaroli :: acenocumarol
asentaa :: To install
asentaa :: To set up
asentaja :: mechanic, mounter, assembler, installer, fitter (one who installs, mounts or assembles something)
asenteellinen :: prejudiced, biased
asenteellisuus :: bias
asento :: Attention! (used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position)
asento :: A position, posture, pose, stance
asento :: attention (state of alertness in the standing position)
asentoaisti :: proprioception
asepalvelus :: Military service
asepromatsiini :: acepromazine
aseptiikka :: Protection against infections
aseptinen :: aseptic
aseptisuus :: The property of being aseptic
aseriisunta :: disarmament
aseseppä :: gunsmith
aseseppä :: weaponsmith
asessori :: assessor
asetaatti :: acetate
asetaldehydi :: acetaldehyde
asetamidi :: acetamide
asetarsoli :: acetarsol
asetatsoliamidi :: acetazolamide
asete :: bill of exchange, draft
asete :: embouchure
asetehdas :: weapons factory
asetella :: To set (to arrange type)
asetelma :: An initial setting
asetelma :: A still life, as a motif of a painting
asetelma [often, in the plural] :: The situation or position (of several parties concerned, in connection of each other)
asetelmamaalaus :: still life (painting)
aseteollisuus :: weapon industry
asetildenafiili :: acetildenafil
asetin :: applicator
asetofenatsiini :: acetophenazine
asetofenoli-isatiini :: acetphenolisatin
asetofenoni :: acetophenone
asetoheksamidi :: acetohexamide
asetohydroksamiinihappo :: acetohydroxamin acid
asetoni :: acetone
asetonidikarboksyylihappo :: acetonedicarboxylic acid
asetoniperoksidi :: acetone peroxide
asetonitriili :: acetonitrile
asettaa :: To arrange, compose, organise/organize, coordinate
asettaa :: To pacify, appease, calm, quiet (down), soothe, placate
asettaa :: To put, place, set, (move into) position, locate
asettaa :: To set up, found, institute (usually as an administrative order)
asettaa kyseenalaiseksi :: call into question (to cause to be questioned, to introduce doubt regarding)
asettaja :: setter (one who sets)
asettamaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, asettaa, c=ill] ::
asettautua :: To place oneself
asettelija :: setter (one who sets)
asettelu :: layout
asetti :: saucer
asettua :: to calm/quiet/simmer/settle down, compose/collect oneself, cool off
asettua [of bleeding] :: to stop (bleeding), coagulate, clot, dry up
asettua [of weather] :: to abate, subside, dwindle (down), weaken
asettua :: to settle down (to live somewhere)
asettua :: to take up a position, take a stand/stance
asetus [European Union law] :: regulation (self-effecting legislative act, which requires no further intervention by the Member States to become law)
asetus :: decree, commandment, edict; ordinance, rule
asetus :: setting, (pl.) configuration (especially of a computer program)
asetyleeni :: acetylene
asetyyli :: acetyl
asetyylidigitoksiini :: acetyldigitoxin
asetyylidigoksiini :: acetyldigoxin
asetyyli-isovaleryyli-tylosiinitartraatti :: acetylisovaleryltylosine tartrate
asetyylikoliini [neurotransmitter] :: acetylcholine
asetyylikoliiniesteraasi :: acetylcholinesterase
asetyylikoliinikloridi :: acetylcholine chloride
asetyylikysteiini :: acetylcysteine
asetyylisalisyylihappo :: acetylsalicylic acid
asetyylitransferaasi :: acetyltransferase
asevarustelu :: rearmament
aseveli :: brother-in-arms
asevelvollinen :: draftee, conscript (one who is drafted into a military service)
asevelvollisuus :: conscription, draft [US]
asevelvollisuusaika :: military service time
asevoima :: armed forces
asevoimat :: armed forces
asfaltoida :: To pave with asphalt
asfaltointi :: The process of paving
asfaltti :: asphalt
asfaltti-ihottuma :: road rash (injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces)
asfalttinen :: asphaltic
asfalttitaltta :: asphalt chisel
asfyksia :: asphyxia
asia :: thing, matter, issue, business
asiaankuulumaton :: Inappropriate, inapposite
asiaankuulumaton :: Irrelevant, beside the point, extraneous (to the subject); inappropriate
asiaankuuluva :: Relevant, pertinent, (having a) bearing (on), concerning, connected (with), tied in (with), applicable, suitable, to the point/purpose
asiainhoitaja :: chargé d'affaires (diplomat, ranking below an ambassador)
asiakas :: customer, client
asiakaskunta :: clientele, patronage, customer base (body of clients of a professional or a business)
asiakaslähtöinen :: customer-oriented
asiakaspalvelija :: customer servant
asiakaspalvelu :: customer service
asiakasrekisteri :: customer register
asiakastyytyväisyys :: customer satisfaction
asiakirja :: A document
asiakkuus :: customership
asialista :: agenda
asiallinen :: matter-of-fact, proper, appropriate, businesslike
asiallisesti :: properly, appropriately
asiallisuus :: relevance
asiamies :: An agent (one who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him)
asianajaja :: An advocate (person who argues the case of another, such as a lawyer in a court)
asianajaja :: A barrister (lawyer with the right to speak and argue as an advocate in court)
asianajajan salassapitovelvollisuus :: attorney-client privilege, legal professional privilege, solicitor-client privilege (legal doctrine that protects certain confidential communications between a lawyer and his or her clients)
asianajo :: advocacy
asianajotoimisto :: law firm, in which at least one of the lawyers is an asianajaja
asianhaara :: circumstance (circumlocution; detail)
asianmukainen :: appropriate, suitable (fitting to the situation or problem)
asianomainen :: relevant, concerned, proper
asianomistaja :: Injured party (complainant in a crime case)
asianosainen :: A party
asiantuntemus :: expertise (great knowledge in a particular field or hobby)
asiantunteva :: adept, expert
asiantuntija :: expert, adept
asiantuntijatodistaja :: expert witness
asian vierestä :: off the mark, out of context, beside the point, moot (not correct or appropriate)
asiasanasto :: A glossary (list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms)
asiasisältö :: subject matter (matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion)
asiaton :: inappropriate
asiattomasti :: inappropriately
asiattomuus :: inappropriateness
asiayhteys :: context
asidofiili :: acidophile
Asikainen :: Finnish surname
asikloviiri :: aciclovir
asioida :: To act as agent/on commission
asioida :: To take care of pressing matters, run errands, be busy
asioida :: To transact/do business
asiointi :: running errands
askar :: chore
askare :: A chore (daily routine task), normally used in plural (askaret or askareet)
askaroida :: To busy
askarointi :: busying
askarrella :: to craft, to make handicrafts (used for light work, such as making a scrapbook)
askarrella :: to do chores
askarrella :: to provide, supply, deliver
askarruttaa :: To occupy, keep occupied
askarruttaa :: To puzzle, perplex
askartelija :: hobbyist
askartelu :: activity
askartelupaperi :: construction paper
askeesi :: asceticism
askeetti :: An ascetic
askeettinen :: ascetic
askeettisesti :: ascetically
askeettisuus :: asceticism, austerity
askel :: step (kinematics: change of position effected by a motion of translation)
askel :: step (music: interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale)
askel :: step, pace (advance or movement made from one foot to the other)
askel :: step, pace (distance covered in a step)
askel :: step (proceeding; measure; action; act)
askel :: step (small space or distance)
askele :: alternative form of askel
askelfunktio :: step function
askelittain :: stepwise, step by step
askelittainen :: stepwise (proceeding one step at a time)
askellaji :: gait (horse's way of moving)
askellin :: stepper (fitness training machine)
askellus :: gait
askelluslaite :: stepper (fitness training machine)
askelma :: rung (of ladder)
askelma :: step (of stairs)
askelmittari :: A pedometer
askelmoottori :: A stepping motor
askelmuutos :: A step change
askelpalautin :: backspace (typewriter key)
askelpalautin :: backspace (computer key)
askelpari :: pace (distance covered by taking two steps)
askeltaa :: To step
asketismi :: asceticism
aski :: A small box, case or carton
askiitti :: ascites
askites :: ascites
Asko :: male given name
askorbiinihappo :: ascorbic acid
Aslak :: male given name mainly used in Lapland
Asmara :: Asmara (capital of Eritrea)
Asmo :: male given name
asosiaalinen :: asocial
asosiaalisuus :: The property of being asocial
asparagiini [amino acid] :: asparagine
asparagiinihappo :: aspartic acid
aspartaami :: aspartame
aspartaattiaminotransferaasi :: aspartate transaminase
aspekti :: aspect
Aspergerin oireyhtymä [neurology] :: Asperger's syndrome
aspi :: staple, hasp (a U-shaped metal fastener)
aspiriini :: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid
aspiriini :: aspirin (pill containing acetylsalicylic acid)
aspiroida :: to aspirate (to produce an audible puff of breath. especially following a consonant)
aspiroida :: to aspirate (to inhale so as to draw something other than air into one's lungs)
aspiroida :: to aspirate (to remove a fluid by means of suction, especially from a cavity in a clinical operation)
Asser :: Asher
Asser :: male given name
Asseri :: male given name
assimilaatio :: assimilation
assimiloida :: To assimilate
assimilointi :: assimilation
assimiloitua :: To be(come) assimilated
assistentti :: assistant
assistentuuri :: assistantship (position)
assonanssi :: assonance
assosiaatio :: association
assosiaatiolaki :: associative law
assosiatiivinen :: associative
assosiatiivisuus :: associativity
assosioida :: To associate with
assosiointi :: associating, association
assosioitua :: To be associated with
assyrialainen :: Assyrian
assyrialainen :: an Assyrian
assyriologi :: assyriologist
assyriologia :: assyriology
Asta :: female given name
astaatti :: astatine
astahtaa :: To step
astalo :: an item that is not designed as a weapon, but is used temporarily as a weapon for some reason, ex. a hammer used to murder someone
astatiini :: astatine
aste :: degree
aste [everyday usage] :: degree, degree Celsius (short for celsiusaste)
aste :: grade
aste :: order
asteekki :: An Aztec
asteenikko :: An asthenic person
asteeninen :: asthenic
asteikko :: scale
-asteinen :: degree (used only in compounds)
asteittain :: gradually
asteittainen :: gradual
asteittaisesti :: gradually
asteittaisuus :: gradualness
astelevy :: A protractor
astella :: To step, pace
astelu :: stepping, pacing
astemitta :: protractor
astenia :: asthenia
astenosfääri :: asthenosphere
asteri :: aster (a plant of the genus Aster)
asterikasvit :: The taxonomic family Asteraceae (formerly Compositae), commonly known in English also as aster, daisy or sunflower family
asteriski :: asterisk (symbol *)
asterismi :: asterism (group of stars that forms a visible pattern but is not an official constellation)
asterismi :: asterism (star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals)
asterismi [typography] :: asterism (rarely used symbol consisting of three asterisks placed in a triangle (⁂))
asteroidi :: asteroid
asteroidi :: astroid
asteroidivyöhyke :: asteroid belt
astevaihtelu :: A type of apophony or mutation of consonants found in Finnic languages. Normally translated as consonant gradation into English
asti :: (distance) all the way from
asti :: (distance) up to, all the way to
asti :: (temporally) since
asti :: (temporally) until
astia :: A bin (container used for storage)
astia :: A container, a vessel or a receptacle (item in which objects or materials can be stored or transported)
astia :: A dish (vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food)
astiahuilu :: vessel flute
astiallinen :: Having a dish
astiallinen :: The amount contained by a dish (plate, cup, etc.)
astian maku [idiomatic, colloquial] :: something foul
astianpesijä :: dishwasher (person)
astianpesu :: dishwashing
astianpesukone :: dishwasher
astianpesuvesi :: dishwater
astiapyyhe :: kitchen towel, dish towel (towel for wiping dishes)
astiasto :: service (set of dishes or utensils)
astiasto :: tableware
astin :: A step (of stairs)
astinlauta :: running board (narrow board serving as a step beneath the doors of some cars)
astinlauta :: stepping stone (something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere)
astma :: The chronic respiratory disease Asthma
astmaatikko :: An asthmatic person
astmaattinen :: asthmatic
astmainen :: asthmatic
astraalinen :: astral
astrakaani :: astrakhan
astrakaaniturkki :: astrakhan (fleece)
astro- :: astro-
astrofobia :: astrophobia
astrofysiikka :: astrophysics
astrofyysikko :: astrophysicist
astrokemia :: astrochemistry
astrologi :: astrologist
astrologia :: astrology
astrologinen :: astrological
astrologisesti :: astrologically
astrometria :: astrometry
astronautiikka :: astronautics
astronautti :: An astronaut
astronomi :: astronomer
astronomia :: astronomy
astronominen :: astronomical
astronominen hämärä :: astronomical twilight
astronominen yksikkö :: astronomical unit
astronomisesti :: astronomically
astua :: to step on, tread on, pace, stride
astua :: to mount, serve, breed, cover, sire
astua :: to enter
astuja :: One who or which steps
astunta :: gait
astuttaa :: To have (an animal) mounted/served/bred (by another animal), to make (an animal = allative) serve/mount/breed (another animal)
astutus [agriculture, breeding] :: service
asu :: appearance, looks
asu :: attire, dress, suit
asu :: form, figure, shape, build, structure
asu :: package, packaging (in advertising)
asu :: wording, phrasing, discursive form
asua :: To live, reside
asuin- :: residential
asuinalue :: neighbourhood
asuinalue :: residential area
-asuinen :: dressed
asuinkelpoinen :: habitable
asuinpaikka :: residence, place of residence, habitation, homestead (place where one lives)
asuinrakennus :: residential building
asuintalo :: building of residence
asuja :: dweller, inhabitant, denizen
asujaimisto :: population
asujain :: A denizen (inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in)
asukas :: resident, inhabitant
asukasluku :: A population, as the count of the number of residents in a given area
asukaspuisto :: residential park
asukastiheys :: population density
asukki :: dweller, denizen, inhabitant, often an unwanted or temporary one
asumaton :: uninhabited
asumiskelpoinen :: inhabitable, habitable
asumiskelvoton :: uninhabitable
asumistuki :: housing allowance (form of social security, paid to qualifying low income tenants to support them in their reasonable housing costs, normally consisting of rent)
asumus :: tabernacle (in 1933 translation of the Bible, the portable tent used by the Jewish before the construction of the temple of Jeusalem)
asumus :: dwelling
asunnoton :: homeless
asunnoton :: a homeless person
asunnottomien asuntola :: homeless shelter (building set up to provide for the needs of homeless people)
asunnottomuus :: homelessness
asunto :: apartment
asunto :: residence
asuntoalue :: residential area
asuntoalus :: houseboat (vessel, such as a barge, used as a dwelling)
asuntokauppa :: apartment deal (instance of buying or selling an apartment)
asuntola :: boarding house (boarding school building where students live during term)
asuntola :: dormitory, dorm (building which houses students etc.)
asuntola :: hall of residence (building for university students to live in)
asuntolaina :: mortgage, home loan (loan taken to finance purchasing of residential property, in which the property acts as collateral to the loan)
asuntomessut :: housing fair (A trade fair with main focus on residential construction and home decoration)
asunto-osakeyhtiö :: A legal entity for ownership and management of a residential building similar to housing cooperative with the difference that Finnish asunto-osakeyhtiö is legally a corporation. The shares are divided into lots, each of which entitles the owner to occupy one apartment. The number of shares in each lot is usually proportional to the area of the flat. The official legal translation of asunto-osakeyhtiö into English is "Limited Liability Housing Company"
asuntorakentaminen :: residential construction (industry, activity, branch)
asuntotuotanto :: residential construction (the total amount of residential construction in a given area within a given period of time)
asuntovaunu :: A large and well-equipped camper [US] or caravan [UK]
asuntovaunu :: A mobile home, trailer (a trailer designed for permanent living)
asustaa :: to dwell, reside
asuste :: accessory (article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves)
asuttaa :: To inhabit, people, populate, settle, colonise/colonize
asuttaa :: To (re)locate (make someone live/reside somewhere)
asuttaja :: settler, colonizer
asuttava :: habitable
asutus :: settlement
asutuskeskus :: center of population
asuuri :: azure
asuurinsininen :: azure
asvaltoida :: alternative form of asfaltoida
asvaltointi :: alternative form of asfaltointi
asvaltti :: alternative spelling of asfaltti
asvaltti-ihottuma :: alternative form of asfaltti-ihottuma
asvalttinen :: alternative form of asfalttinen
asvalttitaltta :: asphalt chisel
asymmetria :: asymmetry
asymmetrinen :: asymmetric
asymmetrisesti :: asymmetrically
asymmetrisyys :: asymmetricalness
asymptootti :: asymptote
asyyli :: acyl
ataksia :: ataxia
ataraksia [medicine, philosophy] :: ataraxia, ataraxy (peace of mind, tranquillity, calmness)
atarakti :: An ataractic (drug that is used to tranquilize; a tranquilizer)
ataraktinen :: ataractic (having a tranquilizing effect)
atari :: professional and habitual crime
atari :: professional and habitual criminal
atavismi :: atavism
atavistinen :: atavistic
atavistisesti :: atavistically
atavistisuus :: The property of being atavistic
Ateena :: Athens
ateenalainen :: Athenian
ateenalainen :: An Athenian person
ateismi :: atheism
ateisti :: atheist
ateistinen :: atheistic
ateistisesti :: atheistically
ateistisuus :: atheisticness
ateljee :: atelier
ateria :: meal
ateriakuljetus :: meals on wheels (service in which food is delivered to those unable to cook for themselves)
aterin :: silverware (US: forks, knives and spoons)
aterin :: A piece of silverware
aterioida :: To have a meal
ateriointi :: dining
aterooma :: An atheroma
ateroskleroosi :: atherosclerosis
atk :: information technology, IT
atlantinmerilahna :: Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama
Atlantin valtameri :: The Atlantic Ocean
Atlantti :: The Atlantic
atlanttinen :: Atlantic (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean)
atlas :: atlas
atlaskarhu :: Atlas bear, Ursus arctos crowtheri
atlasleijona :: Nubian lion, Barbary lion, Atlas lion, Panthera leo leo, (extinct subspecies of lion)
Atlasvuoret :: Atlas Mountains
atleetikko :: athlete
atleetti :: athlete
atleettinen :: athletic
atleettisuus :: The property of being athletic
at-merkki :: at sign, at symbol
atmosfääri :: atmosphere
atolli :: atoll
atomaarinen :: atomic
atomi :: as a modifier in a compound signifies atomic
atomi :: atom
atomi- :: atom, atomic
atomiaika :: The Atomic Age
atomiase :: atomic weapon
atomienergia :: atomic energy
atomifysiikka :: atomic physics
atomikausi :: The Atomic Age
atomikello :: atomic clock
atomimalli :: atomic model
atomimassa :: atomic mass
atomimassayksikkö :: atomic mass unit
atomioppi :: atomism
atomipaino :: atomic weight
atomipommi :: atomic bomb, A-bomb
atomireaktori :: atomic reactor
atomismi :: atomism
atomistinen :: atomistic
atomistisuus :: The property of being atomistic
atomiteoria :: atomic theory
atomivoima :: nuclear power
atomivoimala :: nuclear plant
atomivoimalaitos :: nuclear power plant
atomiydin :: atomic nucleus
atonaalinen :: atonal
atonaalisuus :: atonality
atoopikko :: An atopic person
atooppinen :: atopic
atooppinen ekseema :: atopic dermatitis (hereditary skin disease)
atopia :: atopy
atorvastatiini :: atorvastatin
ATP :: Association of Tennis Professionals
atrain :: trident, or other resembling fishing tool with any number of prongs, e.g. a gig
atria :: a meal
atrium :: atrium (central room in Roman homes)
atrium :: atrium (square hall lit from above)
Atro :: male given name
atrofinen :: atrophic
atropia :: atrophy
atropiini [poison, pharmaceutical drug] :: atropine
atsalea :: azalea
atselaiinihappo :: azelaic acid
atsidotymidiini :: zidovudine, azidothymidine
atsimuutti :: azimuth
Atso :: male given name
atsoospermia :: azoospermia (absence of live sperm in the semen)
atsoväri :: azo dye
atsteekki :: An Aztec
atsteekki :: In plural (atsteekit), the Aztec people or the Aztecs
atsteekki :: The Aztec language (also atsteekin kieli)
atsteekki :: The genitive plural case (atsteekkien) as well as compound forms (atsteekki-) can be used as an equivalent to the English adjective "Aztec"
atsuriitti :: azurite
attasea :: attaché
Atte :: male given name
attentaatti :: assault, especially a politically motivated assassination or an attempt to it
atto- :: atto-
attosekunti :: attosecond
attraktiivinen :: attractive
attraktiivisuus :: attractiveness
attraktio :: attraction
attraktori :: attractor
attribuutio :: attribution
attribuutti :: attribute
attribuutti :: attribute, qualifier
atulat :: tweezers
au :: ouch
aubergiini :: aubergine, eggplant (Solanum melongena)
auder :: haze
audienssi :: audience (a formal meeting)
audiofiili :: audiophile
audiovisuaalinen :: audiovisual
audismi :: audism
auditiivinen :: aural
auditoida :: To audit
auditoija :: auditor
auditointi :: audit
auditorio :: auditorium (large room for public meetings or performances)
auditorio :: lecture theatre, auditorium (similar room for giving lectures, especially one with pitched floor)
auer :: haze
auervaara :: casanova, Don Juan (promiscuous, philandering man)
aueta :: to open (to be opened)
augiitti :: augite
augmentatiivi :: augmentative
augmentti :: augment
August :: male given name
auguuri :: augur
aukaisija :: opener
aukaisin :: opener
aukaista :: To open
aukaisu :: opening (act)
aukea :: open (of land, clear of obstacles for vision, such as trees)
aukea :: clearing (area of land devoid of obstacles to vision, such as trees)
aukeama :: The length of two printed pages which are visible at the same time; spread
aukeaminen :: The process of opening
aukeampi :: comparative form of aukea
aukean paikan kammo :: agoraphobia
auki :: broke, busted
auki :: on, turned on
auki :: open (not closed or locked)
auki :: untied, unbuttoned
auki :: up in the air, open (not yet resolved, finished, answered, decided or certain)
aukile :: fontanelle
aukinainen :: Free (unobstructed)
aukinainen :: Open (that which is not closed)
aukio :: clearing, glade, meadow
aukio :: plaza, square
aukiokammo :: agoraphobia
aukiolo :: of an office, business or similar, the state of being open for public
aukiolo :: short for aukioloaika
aukioloaika :: opening hours
aukko :: gap
aukko :: hole
aukko :: opening (something that is open)
aukko :: aperture
aukkoinen :: holey
aukkokohta :: hole
aukkosuhde :: f-number
aukoa :: To open (repeatedly)
aukoa päätään :: to criticize, nag, jest, oppose (to be negative in one's speech)
aukoton :: Solid; having no holes, both in physical and abstract sense
auksidi :: frigate tuna (species of fish in tuna family, Auxis thazard)
auktorisoida [dated, formal] :: To authorize
auktorisointi :: authorization
auktoritaarinen :: authoritarian
auktoritatiivinen :: authoritative
auktoritatiivisuus :: authoritativeness
auktoriteetti :: authority
auktoroida :: alternative form of auktorisoida
auktorointi :: alternative form of auktorisointi
Aukusti :: male given name
aula :: lobby (spacious reception area, especially in a public building)
Auli :: female given name, a short form of Aulikki
auliisti :: helpfully, willingly
Aulikki :: female given name
aulio :: abutilon
aulis :: willing, helpful
Aulis :: male given name
aulius :: willingness, helpfulness
auma :: spirit energy (In comparison to mana, being life energy)
auma :: stack
aumattu taitekatto :: mansard roof
Aune :: female given name cognate with English Agnes
Auno :: male given name
aunus :: The Olonets Karelian, a language or a variety of the Karelian language
aura :: aura
aura :: plough
aura :: wedge (group of birds flying in a V-shaped formation)
Aura :: A municipality near Turku in Southwest Finland
Aura :: A river in Southwest Finland
Aura :: An alternative name for Otava
Aura :: female given name
auraaja :: plower, plougher
aura-auto :: snow plow (vehicle)
aurata [skiing] :: to stem, snow plow
aurata :: to plough
aurata :: to snow plow (to clear roads, etc. using a snow plow)
auraus :: ploughing/plowing
aurauskulma :: toe (the alignment of wheels)
aurikalsiitti :: aurichalcite
auringonhattu :: echinacea, purple coneflower (any of the nine herbs of genus Echinacea)
auringonjumala :: sun god, solar deity
auringonkilo :: sunshine
auringonkukka :: sunflower
auringonkukkaöljy :: sunflower oil
auringonlasku :: A sunset or sundown [US]
auringonnousu :: sunrise
auringonotto :: sunbathing
auringonpaiste :: sunshine
auringonpalvoja :: sunbather
auringonpalvoja :: sun worshipper (one who worships the sun)
auringonpalvonta :: heliolatry (religion and sunbathing)
auringonpalvonta :: heliotheism (religion)
auringonpilkku :: sunspot
auringonpimennys :: A solar eclipse
auringonpistos :: sunstroke
auringonpurkaus :: solar flare
auringonsäde :: sunbeam, sun ray
auringonsuojakerroin :: sun protection factor
auringonsuojavoide :: sun lotion
auringonvalo :: sunlight
auringonvarjo :: sunshade, parasol
auringoton :: sunless
aurinko :: As a modifier in compound terms (in nominative or genitive singular) signifies solar, sun- or helio-
aurinko :: A sun
aurinko :: The Sun
Aurinko :: the Sun
aurinkoaika :: solar time
aurinkoauto :: solar car
aurinkoenergia :: solar energy
aurinkohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula solaris
aurinkoinen :: sunny
aurinkoisemmin :: comparative form of aurinkoisesti
aurinkoisesti :: sunnily
aurinkoisimmin :: superlative form of aurinkoisesti
aurinkoisuus :: sunniness
aurinkokaha :: solar collector
aurinkokala [rare, Anglicism] :: sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae)
aurinkokansi :: sundeck
aurinkokello :: A sundial
aurinkokenno :: solar cell
aurinkokeräin :: solar collector
aurinkokerääjä :: solar collector
aurinkokeskinen :: heliocentric
aurinkokeskisyys :: heliocentrism
aurinkokuivattu :: sun-dried (dried in the sun as part of a process of e.g. conserving foodstuffs)
aurinkokuningas :: mandarin (self-centered leader)
aurinkokunta :: solar system
Aurinkokunta :: The Solar System
aurinkokurki :: sunbittern (species of bird, Eurypyga helias, the sole member of the family Eurypygidae, found in the tropical regions of the Americas)
aurinkokylpy :: A sunbath
aurinkolasit :: sunglasses
aurinkoöljy :: tanning oil (oil-based product used as sunscreen)
aurinkomonninen :: Burgess' cory, Corydoras burgessi (small tropical fish, kept as aquarium fish)
aurinkopaneeli :: solar panel
aurinkopaneeli :: solar thermal collector
aurinkopari :: solar cell
aurinkosuoja :: sunblock (strong), sunscreen (weak)
aurinkotuuli :: solar wind
aurinkouuni :: solar oven
aurinkovakio :: The solar constant
aurinkovarjo :: sunshade
aurinkovoide :: suntan lotion, suncream
aurinkovoimala :: solar plant
aurinkovuorokausi :: A solar day
aurinkovuosi :: solar year
Aurora :: female given name
Aurora [Roman god] :: Aurora
auskultaatio :: auscultation
auskultantti :: student teacher
auskultoida :: To train (as a teacher)
auskultoida :: To auscultate
auskultointi :: auscultation
aussi :: An Aussie
aussifutis :: Aussie rules (Australian rules football)
austeniitti :: austenite
Australia :: Australia
australialainen :: Australian
australialainen :: An Australian
australialaistaa :: To Australianize/Australianise
australianenglanti :: Australian English
Australian liittovaltio :: Commonwealth of Australia (formal name of Australia)
australianpähkinä :: macadamia nut, bauple nut, Queensland nut, nut oak (Macadamia integrifolia)
australiansotka :: hardhead (Aythya australis)
autarkia :: autarchy (condition of economic self-sufficiency)
autekologia :: autecology
autella :: To help, repeatedly or in a little way
autenttinen :: authentic
autenttisesti :: authentically
autenttisuus :: authenticity
autere :: haze
autereinen :: hazy
autio :: desolate, uninhabited
autioin :: superlative form of autio
autioittaa :: to devastate, depopulate (to deprive of inhabitants)
autioitua :: To become deserted, uninhabited, desolate
autiomaa :: wasteland, desert
autiompi :: comparative form of autio
autiosaari :: desert island (uninhabited island)
autiotalo :: An abandoned house
autiotupa :: An unlocked hut or cabin in the wilderness, free for anyone to spend the night
autismi :: autism
autisti :: An autistic person
autistinen :: autistic
autius :: desolation, desolateness
auto :: car, automobile
autoala :: automobile industry
autogiro [aircraft] :: autogiro
autohälytin :: car alarm
autoilija :: motorist, someone who drives a car
autoilla :: To drive a car
autoilu :: motoring (act of driving car)
autoistua :: To start to have more cars (meaning that its people have or use more cars)
autokaista :: car lane (lane meant specifically for cars, as opposed to e.g. bicycle lane)
autokaista :: drive-through (arrangement for providing drive-through service)
autokatos :: carport
autokefaalinen :: autocephalous
autokorrelaatio :: autocorrelation
autokoulu :: driving school
autokraattinen :: autocratic
autokratia :: An autocracy [system of government in which power is held by one individual]
autoktoninen :: autochthonous (found in the site of formation)
autokulkue :: motorcade
autokuski :: driver, motorist
autolautta :: ferry
autoletka :: A line of cars
autolyysi :: autolysis
automaatio :: automation
automaatti :: automaton
automaattikivääri :: automatic rifle
automaattinen :: automatic
automaattiohjaus :: autopilot
automaattisesti :: automatically
automaattistaa :: to automatize
automaattistua :: To become automatized
automaattisulake [lb, fi, technology] :: automatic fuse (small circuit braker used to protect electrical installations from overcurrent in a way similar to traditional fuses)
automaattisuus :: The property of being automatic
automaattivaihteisto :: automatic transmission
automatiikka :: automatism
automatisoida :: To automatize, automate
automatisointi :: automation
automatisoitua :: To become automatized
automekaanikko :: An auto mechanic
automobiili :: automobile, car
automyyjä :: car seller
autonasentaja :: An auto mechanic
autonkuljettaja :: motorist
autonomia :: autonomy
autonominen :: autonomic
autonominen :: autonomous
autonominen hermosto [neuroanatomy] :: autonomic nervous system
autonrengas :: car tire
autonrämä :: Literally "wreck of a car"; a jalopy
auto-onnettomuus :: car accident
autopesula :: car wash (place or room where cars are washed)
autopilotti :: autopilot
autopommi :: A car bomb (automobile loaded with explosives to be used as a bomb against external targets)
autopommi :: A car bomb (bomb installed in an automobile to kill the occupants)
autopurkamo :: car stripper bay, car dismantler (scrapyard specialized in dismantling cars)
autoradio :: car radio, car audio
autoritaarinen :: authoritarian
autoritaarisuus :: The property of being authoritarian
autoritarismi :: authoritarianism (form of government)
autoritäärinen :: authoritarian
autoritäärisyys :: alternative form of autoritaarisuus
autosomaalinen :: autosomal
autosomi :: autosome
autotalli :: garage (place to store a car, etc.)
autotehdas :: car factory, automobile factory
autoteollisuus :: car industry, automobile industry
autotermiitti :: A person who steals parts from abandoned cars
autotrofi :: autotroph
autotypia :: autotypy
autourheilu :: autosport
autovakuutus :: auto insurance, motor insurance
auts :: ouch!
auttaa :: to help, assist, give assistance, lend a hand
auttaja :: A helper; one who helps
auttamaton :: incorrigible
auttava :: helpful
auttava :: helping, one who helps
auttavainen :: helpful, a person wanting to help
auttavaisuus :: helpfulness
auttavasti :: passably
autti :: ravine, gorge
autuaallinen :: blessed
autuaallisuus :: blessedness
autuaan tietämätön :: blissfully unaware
autuas :: blessed, blissful, glorified
autuus :: bliss
auvo :: bliss
Auvo :: male given name
auvoisa :: happy, euphoric
avaaja :: opener
avaamaton :: unopened
avaari :: Avar (A North Caucasian language)
avaimenperä :: key fob
avaimenreikä :: keyhole
avain :: code (set of rules for converting information)
avain :: key
avain :: clef, used especially in compound terms
avainasema :: key position (crucial or decisive position)
avainhenkilö :: key person
avainkaulalapsi :: latchkey kid
avainkehys :: keyframe
avainketju :: key chain (chain onto which a key may be attached)
avainkilpi :: keyplate (plate on a door that contains the keyhole)
avainkimppu :: bunch of keys
avainkoodi :: keycode (code that serves to unlock)
avainkortti :: keycard
avainkysymys :: key (to a problem)
avainlaji :: key species
avainnippu :: bunch of keys
avainpelaaja :: key player
avainrengas :: keyring
avainromaani :: key novel
avainärsyke :: key stimulus
avainsana :: keyword
avaintekijä :: key factor
avaintodistaja :: key witness
avainviulu :: keyed fiddle, nyckelharpa
avajaiset :: opening, opening ceremony (formal commencement)
avajaispäivä :: opening day (day when an opening ceremony of anything is held)
avajaisseremonia :: opening ceremony
avajaistarjous :: inaugural offer (special offer to celebrate the opening of a commercial establishment)
avanne :: ostomy
avanne [pathology, medicine] :: fistula (abnormal opening from one organ or vessel to another, usually natural, but sometimes fistula is also used of a surgically produced connection)
avantgardismi :: avant-gardism
avantgardisti :: avant-gardist
avantgardistinen :: avant-garde
avanto :: A hole in ice, either man-made or natural
avantosukellus :: ice diving
avantouinti :: ice swimming
avara :: spacious, roomy
avarakatseinen :: broad-minded, tolerant
avaramielinen :: open-minded
avaramielisesti :: open-mindedly
avaramielisyys :: open-mindedness
avarampi :: comparative form of avara
avarin :: superlative form of avara
avarrin :: expander
avarruskone :: reamer
avartaa :: To expand, enlarge, widen
avartua :: to expand, enlarge, widen
avaruudellinen :: spatial
avaruudellisesti :: spatially
avaruus :: space
avaruus :: spaciousness
avaruusaika :: space age
avaruusalus :: spaceship, spacecraft
avaruusasema :: space station
avaruusgeometria :: space geometry
avaruuskapseli :: space capsule
avaruuskulma :: solid angle
avaruuskävely :: space walk (activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space)
avaruuslaboratorio :: skylab
avaruuslaiva :: spaceship
avaruuslentäjä :: Neutral term for a member of the crew of a spaceship, astronaut or cosmonaut
avaruuslento :: space flight
avaruusluotain :: space probe
avaruusmatka :: space trip
avaruusmies :: spaceman
avaruusohjelma :: space program
avaruusolento :: An extraterrestrial alien
avaruusolio :: extraterrestrial, alien
avaruuspuku :: space suit
avaruusraketti :: space rocket
avaruusromu :: space junk
avaruussää :: space weather
avaruussukkula :: space shuttle
avaruustekniikka :: space technology
avaruusteknologia :: space technology
avaruustiede :: space science
avaruusturisti :: space tourist
avaruustutkimus :: space science
avata :: To disenchant
avata :: To disentangle
avata :: To establish
avata :: To inaugurate
avata :: To open
avata :: To switch on
avata :: To turn on
avata :: To unbuckle
avata :: To unbutton
avata :: To uncork
avata :: To undo
avata :: To unfasten
avata :: To unhook
avata :: To unlock
avata :: To unstrap
avata :: To untie
avata :: To unwrap
avata tuli :: to open fire
avattava silta :: movable bridge (bridge that can be opened, usually to allow watercrafts to pass)
avauma :: alternative form of avautuma
avaus :: An opening (in a game)
avaus :: The act of opening
avauserä :: opening period, opening half, opening round (first segment in a sports contest such as ice hockey or boxing which is divided in two or more segments)
avausjakso :: opening episode (first episode of a TV series, overall or for a season)
avausjakso :: opening half
avausmaali :: opening goal
avausottelu :: opening match, opening game (the first game or match for a team or individual in a series, season, tournament etc.)
avauspäivä :: opening day (day when something, especially a conference, exhibition, tournament or similar event begins)
avauspotku :: kick-off
avauspuhe :: opening speech
avauspuheenvuoro :: opening statement, opening argument, opening speech
avautua [of a bandage] :: To come undone/untied/unfastened
avautua [of a bud] :: To open, unfold
avautua [of a landscape] :: To spread out
avautua :: To open up, open one's heart, put out one's innermost feelings, be forthcoming/frank/direct/candid/straightforward, speak one's mind, bring others into one's confidence
avautua [of a shop] :: To open to the public, become available for use, permit access, afford entrance, receive customers, start business
avautua :: To (come) open, open out/up
avautuma :: opening
avec :: vis-à-vis, date, company
avennin :: reamer
aventuriinikvartsi :: aventurine
avi :: regional state administrative agency; see aluehallintovirasto
AVI :: aluehallintovirasto (regional state administrative agency)
aviaario :: A birdhouse or a large birdcage
aviisi :: newspaper
avio :: A marriage, mostly used in certain expressions
avio :: As a modifier in compound terms (avio-), marital or married
avioehto :: Prenuptial agreement
avioero :: A divorce
-avioinen :: -gamous
-avioisuus :: -gamy
avioitua :: To get married, marry ((to) someone = genitive + kanssa)
avioliitto :: marriage (close union)
avioliitto :: marriage (joining of two (or more) parts)
avioliitto :: marriage (union between people, most often a man and a woman, that creates a family tie and carries legal and/or social rights and responsibilities)
aviollinen :: marital
aviomies :: A husband (a man in a marriage or marital relationship)
avioneuvoja :: marriage counselor
avioniikka :: avionics
aviopari :: A married couple
aviopuoliso :: A spouse
aviorikos :: adultery
aviosiippa :: spouse
avioton :: extramarital, adulterous
avioton :: extramarital (taking place outside marriage)
avioton :: illegitimate (born to unmarried parents)
avioton [rare, nonstandard] :: unmarried
aviovaimo :: feme covert
aviovaimo :: married woman, wife
A-vitamiini :: vitamin A
avittaa :: alternative form of auttaa
avitus :: help, boost
av-kääntäjä :: A subtitler (someone who translates subtitles for a living)
avo- :: bare- (without clothing in a part of body)
avo- :: open, dehiscent
avo- :: open-
avoauto :: A convertible [US] or cabriolet [UK] car body type
Avogadron luku :: Avogadro's number
Avogadron vakio :: Avogadro's number
avohaava :: open wound
avohakkuu :: clearcutting (forestry practice)
avohoito :: non-institutional care
avohoito :: outpatient care
avoimemmin :: comparative form of avoimesti
avoimempi :: comparative form of avoin
avoimesti :: openly
avoimet ovet :: open house, open day (casual event where an institution is open for inspection by anyone interested)
avoimimmin :: superlative form of avoimesti
avoimin :: superlative form of avoin
avoimuus :: openness, transparency
avoimuus :: sincerity
avoin :: free
avoin :: open-minded
avoin :: open
avoin :: unlimited
avoin :: vacant
avoin joukko :: open cluster
avoin joukko :: open set
avoin kirja :: open book (naively open person)
avoin markkina [often in plural] :: open market
avoinna :: open
avoin tähtijoukko :: open cluster
avoin yhtiö :: general partnership (form of partnership where partners are jointly liable for the partnership's debt)
avojaloin :: barefooted (without shoes on)
avokado :: avocado
avokas :: moccasin
avokaulainen :: having an open neckline
avokonttori :: open plan office
avokätinen :: munificent, lavish (very liberal in giving or bestowing)
avoliitto :: A cohabitation, a voluntary arrangement in which two persons (of different or same sex) live together in a marriage-like relationship without being legally married
avolouhos :: open-pit mine
avomaa :: field (as opposed to hotbeds and greenhouses)
avomaa :: open land
avomaankurkku :: cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
avomeri :: high seas
avomielinen :: open, open-hearted, frank, candid
avomies :: Male partner in a cohabitation; a common-law husband
avomurtuma :: Open fracture, effraction (bone fracture due to which the bone breaks the surface of the skin)
avonainen :: open
avonaisuus :: openness
avopari :: unmarried couple
avopeli :: open game
avopäin :: bareheaded
avopäinen :: bareheaded
avopokeri [poker] :: stud poker
avopuoliso :: A partner in cohabitation
avorauhanen :: exocrine gland
avorioriisi :: parboiled rice
avosetti :: avocet (a bird of the family Recurvirostridae)
avosetti :: pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
avosuo :: treeless bog
avosylin :: with open arms
avotakka :: An (open) fireplace, as opposed to a fireplace that is equipped with a door
avotuli :: open fire (uncovered fire)
avovaimo :: female partner in a cohabitation; wife in common-law marriage
avovesi :: open water, open sea (expanse of water distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
avovesi :: open water (water area free from ice)
avovesi :: open water (water area free from vegetation)
avovesikausi :: open water season (ice-free period)
avu :: virtue, commodity
avuliaisuus :: helpfulness
avulias :: helpful (person)
avulsiivi :: click
avunantaja :: accessory, accomplice (contributor to an offense)
avunpyyntö :: A request for help
avustaa :: To abet (to contribute to an offence/offense)
avustaa :: To assist (someone = partitive)
avustaja :: assistant, aide, auxiliary; sidekick (person who assists or helps someone else)
avustaja :: attendant (one who attends)
avustaja :: crew (non-actor members of a theatrical or film production)
avustaja :: aide, aide-de-camp, adjutant (officer who acts as assistant to a more senior one)
avustaja :: paralegal, legal assistant (lawyer's assistant)
avustaja :: second (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
avustaminen :: assistance
avustettu :: assisted
avustus :: grant
avustus :: public assistance
avustus :: relief, aid
avustusjärjestö :: aid organization, humanitarian organization, relief agency
avustusoperaatio :: relief operation
avuton :: helpless
avuttomasti :: helplessly
avuttomuus :: inability, incapacity, ineptitude
Ay :: An unofficial abbreviation of avoin yhtiö
ay-liike :: Short for ammattiyhdistysliike
ayrshirelehmä :: Ayrshire (one of a breed of cattle from Ayrshire)
ayrshirerotu :: Ayrshire cattle (breed of dairy cattle originating from Ayrshire in south west Scotland)
azerbaidžan :: The Azeri language
Azerbaidžan :: Azerbaijan
azerbaidžani :: Azerbaijani, Azeri (language)
azerbaidžanilainen :: Azerbaijani
azerbaidžanilainen :: Azeri (Azeri person)
azerbaidžanin kieli :: Azerbaijani, Azeri (language)
azeri :: An Azeri person
azeri :: Azerbaijani (language of Azerbaijan)
azerin kieli :: Azeri, Azerbaijani (language)
azerinkielinen :: Azeri, Azeri language, Azeri speaking (written or expressed in Azeri)
azerintaa :: to translate into Azeri
Azorit :: The Azores (island group)
azukipapu :: azuki bean (annual vine, Vigna angularis, and its bean)

bää :: baa
böö :: boo! (exclamation intended to scare someone)
B :: lubenter approbatur
baana :: road
baari :: bar (public house)
baari :: bar (unit of pressure)
baari :: cafeteria (restaurant serving simple food and usually having the right to serve medium strength beer, see keskiolut)
baariapulainen :: bar attendant
baarijakkara :: bar stool, barstool
baarikaappi :: bar (closet containing alcoholic beverages)
baarikeittiö :: bar kitchen (type of kitchen in which the kitchen area is separated from dining room by a bar counter)
baarikärpänen :: bar fly
baarimestari :: bartender
baarimikko :: bartender
baarinpitäjä :: barkeeper (person preparing and serving drinks at a bar, especially one who also owns the bar)
baaripöytä :: bar table (relatively high table suitable for sitting around while seated on a barstool)
baaritiski :: bar, bar counter (counter over which drinks and snacks are served at a bar)
baarituoli :: bar stool, barstool
baasis :: basis (starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis)
baasis :: (rare) basis (underlying condition or circumstance)
baathisti :: Baathist, Ba'athist (supporter of a Baath party)
baba :: baba, babka (type of cake)
babesioosi :: babesiosis
babirussa :: babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
baby :: baby (term of endearment)
baby :: baby (very young human)
babylonialainen :: Babylonian
babylonialainen :: A Babylonian person
Babylonin riippuvat puutarhat :: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World)
babysitter :: A babysitter
bagatelli :: bagatelle
bagatellisoida :: To regard as a bagatelle; to belittle, ridicule, disparage, disdain, detract
bagatellisointi :: The action of the verb bagatellisoida; belittling
Bagdad :: Baghdad
bagdadilainen :: Baghdadi, Baghdadian
bagelrinkeli :: bagel
bahai :: Bahá'í, Bahai (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh)
bahailainen :: Bahai (of or pertaining to Bahai Faith)
bahaismi :: Bahá'í Faith
bahaisti :: Bahá'í (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh)
baha'i-usko :: Bahá'í Faith
bahamalainen :: Bahamian
bahamanhutia :: Bahamian hutia, Ingraham's hutia Geocapromys ingrahami (rodent endemic to the Bahamas)
bahamansupi :: Bahaman raccoon, Procyon lotor maynardi
bahamasaarelainen :: Bahamian
bahamasaartensupi :: alternative form of bahamansupi
Bahrain :: Bahrain
bahrainilainen :: Bahraini
Baijeri :: Bavaria
baijerilainen :: Bavarian
baijerilainen :: A Bavarian person
baijerintunnelimyyrä :: Bavarian pine vole, Microtus bavaricus; an extinct species
baijerinvuoristovihikoira :: Bavarian mountain hound (breed of dog)
baikalinhylje :: Baikal seal Phoca sibirica
bailata :: To party
bailaus :: partying
bailausmusiikki :: partying music
bailut :: party
bairdintapiiri :: Baird's tapir, Tapirus bairdii
baitata :: To imitate, copy, ape
baittari :: copycat
baittaus :: imitation, aping (act)
bakeliitti :: Bakelite
baškiiri :: A Bashkir
baškiiri :: The Bashkir language
Baškiria :: Bashkiria
bakkanaali :: bacchanal
bakteeri :: bacterium
bakteerifloora :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism)
bakteerikanta :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism)
bakteerikasvusto :: bacterial growth
bakteerimyrkky :: bacterial toxin (toxic substance produced by bacteria)
bakteeritartunta :: bacterial infection
bakteeritauti :: bacterial disease (disease caused by bacteria)
bakteeriton :: abacterial, sterile
bakteerittomuus :: The state of having no bacteria
bakteeriviljelys :: bacterial culture
bakteriofagi [microbiology, virology] :: bacteriophage
bakteriologi [biology, microbiology] :: bacteriologist
bakteriologia :: bacteriology
bakteriologinen :: bacteriological
bakteriologisesti :: bacteriologically
bakterioplankton :: bacterioplankton (bacterial component of plankton)
bakterisidi :: bactericide
Baktria :: Bactria
bakulovirus :: baculovirus
balagaani :: (building for folk theater performances)
balagaani :: (archaic) temporary storage building
balalaikansoittaja :: balalaika player
balalaikka :: balalaika
balalaikkakonsertto :: balalaika concerto
balalaikkamusiikki :: balalaika music
balalaikkaorkesteri :: balalaika orchestra
balaniitti :: balanitis
balanopostiitti :: balanoposthitis
balansoida :: To balance
balansointi :: balancing
balanssi :: balance
balanssiteoria :: balance theory (motivational theory proposed by Fritz Heider that conceptualizes the cognitive consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance)
baldakiini :: baldacchin, baldachin (canopy suspended over an altar, throne, pulpit, bed etc.)
Baleaarienmeri :: The Balearic Sea
Baleaarit :: Balearic Islands
baletinopettaja :: ballet teacher
baletti :: ballet
balettiesitys :: ballet performance
balettikoulu :: ballet school
balettikoulutus :: ballet training
balettikuoro :: ballet choir
balettimestari :: ballet master (person responsible for the level of competence of the dancers in a ballet company)
balettimusiikki :: ballet music
balettipantomiimi :: ballet-pantomime, pantomime ballet (style of ballet developed by Paris Opera in mid 1800's, characterized by extensive use of mime along with dance)
balettiryhmä :: ballet group
balettisarja :: ballet suite (ballet music arranged for presentation by an orchestra in a concert)
balettitanssi :: ballet dance
balettitanssija :: A ballet dancer
balettitanssijatar :: A ballerina (female ballet dancer)
balettiteatteri :: ballet theater
balettitossu :: ballet shoe, ballet slipper (shoe designed for ballet dancing)
balettitulkinta :: ballet interpretation
balettityttö :: ballet girl (young female ballet dancer)
bali :: The Balinese language
Bali :: Bali (island)
baliisi :: balise
balilainen :: Balinese
balilainen :: A Balinese person
balin kieli :: The Balinese language
balinkielinen :: Balinese, Balinese-language (expressed in Balinese)
balintiikeri :: Bali tiger, Panthera tigris balica
balinvuoristokoira :: kintamani (Balinese breed of dog)
Balkan :: The Balkans
balkanilainen :: Balkan, Balkanic, Balkanian
balkaninhevoskastanja :: common horse chestnut, horse chestnut, conker tree, Aesculus hippocastanum
balkaninmyyrä :: Martino’s snow vole, Dinaromys bogdanovi
balkaninnäsiä :: Daphne blagayana
balkaninsieppo :: semi-collared flycatcher, Ficedula semitorquata
balkanintiainen :: sombre tit, Parus lugubris
balkanintunnelimyyrä :: Thomas’s pine vole, Microtus thomasi
balkanisaatio :: Balkanization
balkanisoida :: To balkanize
balkanisoitua :: To become balkanized
balkanisoituminen :: Balkanization
balladi :: A ballad (song, poem or romantic pop song)
balladipelimanni :: ballad musician
balladirunous :: ballad poetry
ballerina :: ballerina (female ballet dancer)
ballerina :: ballet flat, dolly flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballerinakenkä :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballerinatossu :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballista :: ballista (military engine)
ballistiikka :: ballistics
ballistiitti :: ballistite
ballistinen :: ballistic
ballistisesti :: ballistically
balsa :: balsa (wood)
balsami :: alternative form of palsami
balsamiviinietikka :: balsamic vinegar
balsamoida :: alternative form of palsamoida
balsamoija :: alternative form of palsamoija
balsamointi :: alternative form of palsamointi
balsapuu :: balsa tree, balsa, Ochroma pyramidale (tropical tree with very lightweight wood)
Baltia :: Baltic (areas on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, commonly understood to consist of the territories of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and often Kaliningrad Oblast)
Baltian jääjärvi :: Baltic Ice Lake (historic phase of the Baltic Sea)
Baltian meri :: Baltic Sea
baltti :: A Balt; a Baltic person
balttilainen :: Baltic
balttilaisuus :: The property of being Baltic
balustradi :: A balustrade
bambu :: bamboo
bambuhai :: bamboo shark (shark of the family Hemiscylliidae)
bambukeppi :: bamboo stick
bambukori :: bamboo basket
bambulepakko :: common thick-thumbed bat, Glischropus tylopus
bambulepakko :: thick-thumbed bat (bat of the genus Glischropus endemic to SE Asia)
bamburuoko :: bamboo cane
bambusauva :: bamboo pole
bambusauva :: bamboo ski pole (ski pole made of bamboo)
bambuvapa :: bamboo rod (fishing rod made of bamboo)
bambuverso :: bamboo shoot
bamlata :: To speak
banaaleimmin :: superlative form of banaalisti
banaali :: banal
banaalimmin :: comparative form of banaalisti
banaalistaa :: to banalize
banaalisti :: banally
banaalistua :: To become banal
banaalius :: banality
banaani :: (fruit) banana
banaani [Internet slang] :: a ban
banaanijäätelö :: banana ice cream (ice cream flavored with banana or artificial banana flavor)
banaanikauppa :: banana trade
banaanikerttuli :: bananaquit, Coereba flaveola (New World passerine bird, the only species in the family Coerebidae)
banaanikotelo :: banana case (small case for carrying an individual banana for lunch etc.)
banaanikärpänen :: common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
banaanilaatikko :: banana box (box or case of bananas)
banaanilehto :: banana grove
banaaninkuori :: banana skin [UK], banana peel [US]
banaaninviljely :: banana cultivation
banaaniorava :: plantain squirrel, Callosciurus notatus
banaanipistoke :: banana plug
banaaniplantaasi :: banana plantation
banaanipotku :: banana kick
banaanitasavalta :: banana republic
banaanivaltio :: banana republic
banaaniviljelmä :: banana plantation
banalisoida :: To banalize
banalisointi :: banalizing
banalisoitua :: To become banal
banaliteetti :: banality
bandanahuivi :: bandana (large, often decorated kerchief)
banderolli :: banner (large sign constructed of fabric)
bandiitti :: bandit
Bangladesh :: Bangladesh
bangladeshilainen :: Bangladeshi
bangladeshiläinen :: alternative form of bangladeshilainen
banian :: banyan (Ficus benghalensis)
banianviikuna :: banyan, banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis)
banja :: Russian banya
banjisti :: banjoist, banjo player (one who plays a banjo)
banjo :: banjo
banjomonni :: banjo catfish, aspredinid (fish of the family Aspredinidae, a small South American family of catfishes)
banjosoolo :: banjo solo
banketti :: banquet
bankrotti :: bankruptcy
banksinmänty :: jack pine, Pinus banksiana
banneri :: banner
bansku :: banana
bantengi :: banteng, Bos javanicus
bantu :: Bantu
bantukieli :: Bantu language (any of the hundreds of related languages of Bantu family spoken in central and southern Africa)
bantustan :: bantustan
baptismi :: baptism
baptisti :: A Baptist
baptistikirkko :: Baptist church
baptistisaarnaaja :: Baptist preacher
baptistiseurakunta :: Baptist parish
baraali :: bharal, blue sheep (caprid of the genus Pseudois)
baraali :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur
barbaari :: barbarian
barbaariheimo :: barbarian tribe
barbaarikyyhky :: ringneck dove (Streptopelia risoria)
barbaarimainen :: barbarous, barbaric, barbarian
barbaarimaisesti :: barbarically
barbaarimaisuus :: barbarousness
barbaarinen :: barbaric
barbaarisesti :: barbarically
barbaarisuus :: barbarity
barbaarius :: barbarism
Barbados :: Barbados
barbadosinsupi :: Barbados raccoon, Procyon lotor gloveralleni
barbadoslainen :: Barbadian
barbaria :: barbarism
barbarismi :: barbarism
barbenlanguri :: Phayre's leaf monkey, Trachypithecus phayrei
barbi :: A barb fish
barbi :: The Barbie doll
barbituraatti :: barbiturate
barbituurihappo :: barbituric acid
bardi :: A bard
bareesi :: barège
Barentsinmeri :: The Barents Sea
baretti :: beret (only in military use)
barista :: barista
baritoni :: baritone (male voice)
baritoniaaria :: baritone aria
baritonikitara :: baritone guitar
baritonilaulaja :: baritone singer
baritonisaksofoni :: baritone saxophone, bari sax
baritonisolisti :: baritone soloist
baritonisoolo :: baritone solo
baritonitorvi :: euphonium
baritoniukulele :: baritone ukulele
barium :: barium
bariumpuuro :: barium meal (peparation of barium sulfate which a patient ingests to allow clear radiographs of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum)
bariumsulfaatti :: barium sulfate
Barnabas :: Barnabas
béarnaisekastike [gastronomy] :: béarnaise sauce
barni :: barn (minuscule unit of area equal to 10-28 square metres)
barokki :: baroque
barokkiaika :: The baroque period
barokkihuilu :: traverso, baroque flute
barokkikaappi :: baroque cabinet, baroque cupboard
barokkikitara :: baroque guitar
barokkikonsertto :: baroque concerto
barokkimusiikki :: baroque music
barokkinen :: Baroque (from the Baroque period)
barokkioboe :: baroque oboe
barokkipoikkihuilu :: baroque flute, traverso
barokkipuku :: baroque costume
barokkisello :: baroque cello
barokkisolisti :: baroque soloist
barokkitanssi :: baroque dance
barokkitrio :: baroque trio
barokkitrumpetti :: baroque trombone
barokkituoli :: baroque chair
barokkityyli :: Baroque (style of the baroque period as expressed in art, architecture and music)
barokkityylinen :: Baroque-style
barokkiurku ] :: baroque organ
barokkiviulu :: baroque violin
barokkiyhtye :: baroque ensemble
barokliininen :: baroclinic (describing an atmospheric system in which the isobars are at an angle to the isopycnals or isotherms)
barometri :: Any indicator
barometri :: barometer
baronetti :: baronet
baroreseptori :: baroreceptor (nerve ending that is sensitive to changes in blood pressure)
barotiitti :: barotitis, aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure)
barotrauma :: barotrauma
barrakuda :: barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
barreli :: A barrel (the unit of measure)
barrikadi :: barricade
Bartholinin rauhanen :: Bartholin's gland
baryoni :: A baryon
baryoninen :: baryonic
barysentrinen :: barycentric
barytoni :: alternative form of baritoni
barytonilaulaja :: alternative form of baritonilaulaja
baryytti :: barite
basaaliganglio :: basal ganglion
basaari :: bazaar
basaarikauppias :: bazaar trader (shopkeeper in a bazaar)
basaarimyymälä :: bazaar shop (shop in a bazaar)
basaliooma :: basal cell carcinoma
basaltti :: basalt
basalttinen :: basaltic
baseball :: baseball
base-hyppy :: base jump
basenji :: Basenji
basettiklarinetti :: basset clarinet
basettitorvi :: basset horn
basilika :: basil [herb]
basilika :: basilica [church]
basiliski :: basilisk
basilli :: bacillus
basilli :: germ
basillikauhu :: bacillophobia, germaphobia (fear of microbes)
basillinkantaja :: alternative term for taudinkantaja
basisti :: bassist
basistivitsi :: bassist joke (any of a category of jokes where the target of ridicule is the alleged stupidity of the bassists)
baskeri :: A beret
baski :: a Basque
baski :: the Basque language
baskikansa :: Basque people
baskilainen :: Basque
baskilaisuus :: The property of being Basque
Baskimaa :: Basque Country
baskimaakunta :: Basque province (any of the seven provinces of Spain and France which belong to the Basque Country)
baskimaalainen :: of or relating to the Basque Country
baskin kieli :: the Basque language
baskinkielinen :: Basque (relative to the Basque language)
baskivähemmistö :: Basque minority
basmatiriisi :: basmati rice
bassaminkaijamahonki :: African mahogany, Lagos mahogany, Khaya ivorensis
bassetti :: basset hound
bassi :: bass
basso :: bass guitar
basso :: bass (voice)
bassoaaria :: bass aria
bassoalue :: bass register
bassoavain :: bass clef
bassobaritoni :: bass-baritone
bassokaiutin :: woofer
bassokitara :: bass guitar
bassoklarinetti :: bass clarinet
bassolaulaja :: bass singer
bassoääni :: bass sound
bassoääni :: bass voice
bassorooli :: bass role
bassorumpu :: bass drum
bassosaksofoni :: bass saxophone
bassosäädin :: bass control
bassosolisti :: bass soloist
bassoviulu :: double bass, bass viol
bastardi :: A bastard (especially a child of a nobleman and a common woman)
bastardijänne :: baton, baton sinister
Bastilji :: Bastille
bastioni :: bastion
bataatti :: sweet potato
bataattilaatikko :: sweet potato casserole
batenlepakko :: Bate's slit-faced bat, Nycteris arge (African species of bat)
batiikki :: alternative form of batikki
batikki :: batik
batisti :: batiste
batistinen :: made of batiste
batonki :: baguette (the type of bread)
battarismi :: cluttering, battarism
batyskafi :: bathyscaphe
baudi :: baud
bauksiitti :: bauxite
bavarois :: bavarois (pudding)
bavaroise :: bavarois, also bavaroise (dessert)
bavaroise :: bavaroise (drink)
bébé :: A type of cake; a pastry cup with a creamy filling and topped with sugar icing
béchamelkastike [gastronomy] :: béchamel sauce, white sauce
B-duuri :: B-flat major
beagle :: beagle (dog)
bearninkastike [gastronomy] :: Alternative term for béarnaisekastike
beat :: A beat (in music)
beatmusiikki :: beat music
beatnik :: beatnik
Beaufortin asteikko :: the Beaufort scale
beaujolaisviini :: Beaujolais
beauty box :: A small bag for one's makeup and accessories
bebee :: Alternative term for bébé (type of cake)
bebop :: bebop
Bechterewin tauti :: Bechterew's disease ; ankylosing spondylitis
becquerel :: becquerel
bedlingtoninterrieri :: Bedlington terrier (breed of dog)
beduiini :: bedouin (member of various nomadic Arab peoples)
beduiiniasu :: bedouin costume
beduiiniheimo :: Bedouin tribe
bees :: alternative form of beesi
beesi :: beige
beessi :: alternative form of beesi
beeta :: beta (Greek letter)
beetahajoaminen :: beta decay (nuclear reaction in which a beta particle is emitted)
beetahiukkanen :: beta particle (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction)
beetakaroteeni :: beta-carotene
beeta-karoteeni :: beta-carotene
beetalaktamaasi :: beta-lactamase
beetasalpaaja :: beta blocker
beetasäde [nuclear physics, dated] :: beta ray (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction)
beetasäteilijä :: beta emitter (radioactive substance emitting beta particles)
beetasäteily :: beta radiation
Beetlehem :: alternative spelling of Betlehem
begonia :: begonia
beguine :: beguine (dance and music)
behaviorismi :: behaviourism/behaviorism
behavioristi :: behaviorist
behavioristinen :: behavioristic
beibi :: baby (attractive woman)
beige :: beige
beige :: beige (color)
beignet :: beignet
Beijing :: Beijing (alternative form of Peking)
beisa :: beisa, East African oryx, Oryx beisa (species of antelope native to eastern Africa)
beisa :: gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella (species of antelope native to southern Africa)
belangerintupaija :: northern tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri (tree shrew native to SE Asia)
belemniitti :: belemnite
beletti :: Any viverrid in the subfamily Hemigalinae of the family Viverridae, the family of civets
beletti :: banded palm civet, banded civet, Hemigalus derbyanus (civet found on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra, and the Malayan peninsula)
Belgia :: Belgium
belgialainen :: Belgian
belgialainen :: A Belgian person
belgialais- :: Belgian; belgialainen as used as modifier in compound terms
belgialaissyntyinen :: Belgian-born, Belgian born
Belgian kuningaskunta :: The Kingdom of Belgium
belgianpaimenkoira :: Belgian shepherd, Belgian sheepdog, Belgian Sheepdog (breed of medium-to-large-sized herding dog)
Belgrad :: Belgrade (capital of Serbia)
belgradilainen :: Belgradian (of or pertaining to Belgrade)
belgradilainen :: Belgradian (person from Belgrade)
Belize :: Belize
belizeläinen :: Belizean
belizeläinen :: Belizean (person)
belladonna :: belladonna
belutši :: Balochi language
bemari :: A beemer (BMW car or motorcycle)
bemari :: A soldier in the B health class
bemari :: Soviet BMP-1 or BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle
bemari :: The B health class
benediktiini :: Benedictine (of or pertaining to Benedictine order)
benediktiini :: Benedictine (liqueur)
benediktiini :: Benedictine Order
benediktiinikirkko :: Benedictine church
benediktiinilikööri :: Benedictine (liqueur)
benediktiiniläismunkki :: alternative form of benediktiinimunkki
benediktiiniläisnunna :: alternative form of benediktiininunna
benediktiiniluostari :: Benedictine cloister
benediktiinimunkki :: Benedictine (monk)
benediktiininunna :: Benedictine (nun)
benfotiamiini :: benfotiamine
Bengal :: Bengal
bengali :: Bengali (language)
Bengali :: alternative spelling of Bengal (region of India)
bengalinkettu :: Bengal fox, Vulpes bengalensis (species of fox endemic to Indian peninsula)
bengalinkissa :: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
Bengalinlahti :: The Bay of Bengal
bengalintiikeri :: Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
benguelandelfiini :: Heaviside's dolphin, Haviside's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
benigni :: benign
Benin :: Benin
beniniläinen :: Beninese
benitoiitti :: benitoite
Benjam :: male given name
Benjamin :: Benjamin (Biblical figure)
Benjamin :: male given name
benjihyppy :: bungee jump (instance of bungee jumping)
bennettinpuukenguru :: Bennett´s tree kangaroo, Dendrolagus bennettianus
bensa :: gas, gasoline, petrol
bensa-asema :: gas station, petrol station
bensasyöppö :: gas guzzler
bensatankki :: alternative term for bensiinitankki
bensiini :: gasoline (US), petrol (UK)
bensiiniasema :: gas station [US], petrol station [UK], filling station
bensiinigallona :: A gallon of gasoline
bensiinikortti :: gasoline card (credit card valid only on filling stations of a certain chain)
bensiinikortti :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline)
bensiinikuponki :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline)
bensiinikuponki :: gasoline coupon (promotional coupon that entitles the holder to free or discounted gasoline)
bensiinikäyttöinen :: gasoline driven
bensiinimittari :: gas pump [US], petrol pump [UK]
bensiinimoottori :: gasoline engine
bensiininkulutus :: gasoline consumption
bensiinipula :: gasoline shortage
bensiinisäiliö :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (storage container for gasoline, especially one installed as part in a permanent structure or one forming such structure in itself, but also in vehicles)
bensiinitankki :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles)
bensiinivero :: gasoline tax
bentoniitti :: bentonite
bentos [marine biology] :: benthos
bentsaldehydi :: benzaldehyde
bentseeni :: benzene
bentseenitioli :: thiophenol
bentsiini :: bensiini
bentsodiatsepiini :: benzodiazepine (any of a class of psychoactive drugs, structured upon diazepine)
bentsoehappo :: benzoic acid
bentsofenoni :: benzophenone
bentsofuraani :: benzofuran
bentsoli :: alternative term for bentseeni
bentsonitriili :: benzonitrile
bentsoyyliperoksidi :: benzoyl peroxide
bentsyylialkoholi :: benzyl alcohol
bentsyyliasetaatti :: benzyl acetate
bentsyylikloridi :: benzyl chloride
bentsyylipiperatsiini :: benzylpiperazine
benttinen :: benthic
benzokaiini :: benzocaine (local anesthetic)
berardinvalas :: Baird's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii
berberi :: A trench coat
berberi :: Berber (language)
berberi :: Berber (person)
berberiapina :: Barbary macaque, Barbary ape, magot, Macaca sylvanus
berberiini :: berberine
berberikieli :: Berber (language)
Bereniken hiukset :: The constellation Coma Berenices, the Hair of Berenice
bergmanilainen :: Bergmanian (of or pertaining to Ingmar Bergman, an influential Swedish director, writer and producer)
beriberi :: beriberi
Beringinmeri :: The Bering Sea
berkelium :: berkelium
Berliini :: Berlin (capital of Germany)
berliiniläinen :: Of or pertaining to Berlin
berliiniläinen :: Berliner (native or inhabitant of Berlin)
berliininlehmus :: A lime or linden, Tilia moltkei
berliininmakkara :: A mozzarella-style large sausage in natural casing containing chiefly finely ground pork and pieces of lard, spiced with black pepper, coriander, nutmeg, caraway, chili, onion and ginger
berliininmunkki :: A round doughnut glazed with pink sugar topping
berliininpoppeli :: A poplar, Populus x berolinensis
bermudalainen :: Bermudian, Bermudan
Bermudan kolmio :: a Bermuda triangle (area where things mysteriously disappear)
Bermudan kolmio :: Bermuda Triangle (area in the Atlantic Ocean)
bermudasortsit :: alternative term for bermudat
bermudat :: Bermuda shorts
bernhardilainen :: Saint Bernard (ßwiss breed of large dog)
bernhardilaiskoira :: Saint Bernard
bernhardilaismunkki :: Bernardine (Cistercian monk)
bernhardinkoira :: alternative term for bernhardilainen
berninpaimenkoira :: Bernese Mountain Dog
Bertta :: female given name, cognate to English Bertha
Bertta :: The letter "B" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
berylli :: beryl
beryllium :: beryllium
berylliumfluoridi :: beryllium fluoride
berylliumkloridi :: beryllium chloride
berylliumoksidi :: beryllium oxide
besoaariantilooppi :: blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra
besserwisser :: know-it-all
bestis :: best friend
bestman :: best man
bestseller :: bestseller
bestsellerkirjailija :: bestseller writer
bestsellerkirjallisuus :: bestseller literature
betaiini :: betaine
Betlehem :: Bethlehem
betoni :: concrete (material)
betoniaita :: concrete fence
betoniarkkitehtuuri :: concrete architecture (type of architecture using concrete as main building material)
betonielementti :: concrete element
betonierämaa :: concrete desert (urban area lacking parks and other green spots)
betonihiekka :: concrete sand (sand used to make concrete)
betonikivi :: concrete stone (assorted stones used for making stones)
betonilaatta :: concrete slab (construction element)
betonilaborantti :: concrete laboratory technician (laboratory technician who works in a concrete laboratory)
betonilattia :: concrete floor
betonilähiö :: concrete suburb (suburb in which concrete is the dominating building material)
betonimassa :: concrete mix (quantity of mixed but unsolidified concrete)
betonimuuri :: concrete wall, concrete barrier (strong concrete wall that separates a land area from another)
betonimylly :: concrete mixer
betoninen :: Made of concrete
betoninsekoitin :: concrete mixer
betonintärytin :: concrete vibrator (tool used for homogenizing concrete after it is poured)
betonipilari :: concrete pillar
betonipinta :: concrete surface
betonipäällyste :: concrete pavement [US], concrete paving, concrete road surface (the topmost layer of a road made of concrete)
betoniporsas :: A roadblock made of concrete
betonirakenne :: concrete structure
betonirakennelma :: concrete structure
betonirakennus :: concrete building
betonirakenteinen :: Built of concrete blocks
betoniramppi :: concrete ramp
betoniraudoittaja :: concrete reinforcement worker
betonirengas :: concrete ring (construction element)
betoniseinä :: concrete wall
betonisäiliö :: concrete tank (tank made of concrete)
betonitalo :: concrete house
betonitehdas :: concrete plant
betoniteollisuus :: concrete industry
betoniteräs :: concrete steel (steel profiles used in concrete construction to strengthen the structure)
betonitiili :: concrete brick (brick that is made of concrete)
betonitärytin :: alternative form of betonintärytin
betonityö :: concrete work (all sorts of construction work hat involves handling of concrete)
betonivalli :: alternative term for betonimuuri
betoniviidakko :: concrete jungle
betonoida :: To secure the ownership of a company against a real or hypothetical threat of a takeover
betonoida :: To concrete (cover with concrete)
betonointi :: concreting
Betšuanamaa :: Bechuanaland
böhminseepra :: Grant's zebra, Equus quagga boehmi, a subspecies of plains zebra, Equus quagga
bhodžpuri :: Bhojpuri (lIndo-Aryan anguage originating from northern India and Nepal)
Bhutan :: Bhutan
bhutanilainen :: Bhutanese
bhutanilainen :: A Bhutanese person
biblia :: bible
Biblia :: the Bible
bibliodraama :: Bibliodrama (group method of studying the Bible and one's own personality simultaneously)
bibliofiili :: bibliophile
bibliofilia :: bibliophilia
bibliografi :: bibliographer
bibliografia :: bibliography
bibliografinen :: bibliographic
bibliomaani :: bibliomaniac
bibliometria :: bibliometry (quantitative analysis of texts)
bibliometriikka :: bibliometrics (quantitative analysis of texts)
biblioterapia :: alternative term for kirjallisuusterapia
bidee :: bidet
biedermeier :: Biedermeier (artistic styles that flourished in Europe during the first half of 19th century in the fields of literature, music, the visual arts and interior design)
biedermeierkalusto :: A set of Biedermeier furniture
biennaali :: biennial
bietinpystynenäapina :: black snub-nosed monkey, Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, a.k.a. Pygathrix bieti
bifenyyli :: biphenyl
bifidobakteeri :: bifidobacterium
bifurkaatio :: bifurcation
bigaaminen :: bigamous
bigamia :: bigamy
biisi :: song
biisoni :: buffalo, Bison bison
biisonihärkä :: bison bull
biitsi :: beach
biitti [music, colloquial] :: beat
bijektio [set theory] :: bijection
bikarbonaatti :: bicarbonate
Biškek :: Bishkek (capital of Kyrgyzstan)
bikinialushousut :: bikini panty (bikini-style women's underpants)
bikinihousut :: bikini bottom (bottom half of a bikini swimsuit)
bikinit :: bikini swimwear
bilabiaali :: bilabial
bilabiaalinen :: bilabial
bilanssi :: balance
bilateraali :: alternative form of bilateraalinen
bilateraalikauppa :: bilateral trade
bilateraalinen :: bilateral
bilateraalisesti :: bilaterally
bilateraalisuus :: bilaterality
bileet :: party
bilineaarinen :: bilinear
bilirubiini :: bilirubin
bilis [billiards, slang] :: billiards, pool (game)
biljardi :: billiards (game)
biljardi [long scale, cardinal, rare] :: billiard (1015)
biljardi [short scale, cardinal, rare] :: quadrillion (1015)
biljardihai :: pool shark
biljardikeppi :: billiard cue
biljardipallo :: billiard ball
biljardipeli :: game of billiards, billiard game
biljardipöytä :: billiard table, pool table
biljardisali :: billiard room, billiard hall
biljonääri :: trillionaire (one whose fortune is valued to more than 1012 monetary units)
biljoona :: A long scale billion, 1012; a short scale trillion
biljoonas :: trillionth
bilsa [slang, school] :: biology (as a school subject)
biltsi :: hashish (cannabis extract)
bimetallismi :: bimetallism
bi-mies :: A bisexual male
binaari :: alternative form of binaarinen
binaarijärjestelmä :: binary system
binaariluku :: alternative form of binääriluku
binaarinen :: binary
binaarinumero :: binary digit (either of the characters 0 or 1 used in the binary numeral system)
bi-nainen :: A bisexual female
bingo :: bingo
bingopeli :: bingo (game)
bingota :: To play bingo
binomi :: binomial
binomijakauma :: binomial distribution
binomikerroin :: binomial coefficient
binomilause :: binomial theorem
binääri :: alternative form of binaarinen
binääri [computer slang] :: A binary (executable computer file)
binääriluku :: binary number
binäärinen :: binary
binturonki :: binturong, bearcat, Arctictis binturong (large civet native to SE Asia)
bio- :: bio-
bioase :: bioweapon
biodiesel :: biodiesel
biodiversiteetti :: biodiversity
biodynaaminen :: biodynamic
biodynaamisesti :: biodynamically
biodynaamisuus :: The property of being biodynamic
bioeettinen :: bioethical
bioelektroniikka :: bioelectronics
bioenergetiikka :: bioenergetics
bioetiikka :: bioethics
biofarmasia :: biopharmacology
biofysiikka :: biophysics
biofyysikko :: biophysicist
biogeeninen :: biogenic
biogeenisuus :: The property of being biogenic
biogeneesi :: biogenesis
biogenetiikka :: biogenetics
biogeografia :: biogeography
biogerontologia :: biogerontology
biografi :: biographer
biografia :: biography
biografinen :: biographic
biohajoaminen :: biodegradation
biohajoava :: biodegradable
biohajoavuus :: biodegradability
bioindikaattori :: bioindicator
bioinformatiikka :: bioinformatics
biojäte :: biowaste, biodegradable waste, organic waste
biojäteastia :: biowaste bin
biokaasu :: biogas (combustible gas produced from organic matter)
biokaasulaitos :: biogas plant
biokatalysaattori :: biocatalyst
biokemia :: The biochemistry
biokemiallinen :: biochemical
biokemiallisesti :: biochemically
biokemisti :: biochemist
biokenoosi :: biocoenosis
bioklimatologia :: bioclimatology
biokompatibiliteetti :: biocompatibility
biokronologia :: biochronology
biolääketiede :: biomedicine
biolääketieteellinen :: biomedicinal
biologi :: biologist
biologia :: biology
biologinen :: biological
biologinen kello :: biological clock
biologinen sodankäynti :: biological warfare
biologisesti :: biologically
bioluminesenssi :: bioluminescence
biomanipulaatio :: biomanipulation
biomassa :: biomass
biomatematiikka :: biomathematics
biomateriaali :: biomaterial
biomekaaninen :: biomechanical
biomekaniikka :: biomechanics
biometrinen :: biometric
biomi :: biome
biomimeettinen :: biomimetic (of or pertaining to biomimetics)
biomimetiikka :: biomimetics
biomolekyyli :: biomolecule
biomuovi :: bioplastic
bio-oikeus :: biojuridics
bioottinen :: biotic
biopankki :: biobank
biopiratismi :: biopiracy
biopolitiikka :: biopolitics
biopolttoaine :: biofuel
biopolymeeri :: biopolymer
biopsia :: biopsy
biopsianäyte :: biopsy sample
biopsiatutkimus :: biopsy survey
biopsykologia :: biopsychology
biopuhdistus :: bioremediation
bioreaktori :: bioreactor
bioremediaatio :: bioremediation
biorytmi :: biorhythm
biorytmiikka :: biorhythmics (study of biorhythms)
biosemiotiikka :: biosemiotics
biosfääri :: biosphere
biosfäärialue :: alternative term for biosfääri
biosähkö :: bioelectricity
biosähköinen :: bioelectric
biosidi :: biocide
biostatistiikka :: biostatistics
biosynteesi :: biosynthesis
biotaisteluaine :: A material capable of being used as active element in a biological weapon
biotekniikka :: biotechnology
biotekninen :: biotechnical
bioteknisesti :: biotechnically
bioteknologia :: biotechnology
bioteollisuus :: bioindustry
bioterrorismi :: bioterrorism
biotiede :: bioscience
biotiini :: biotin
biotiitti :: biotite
biotooppi :: biotope
biotunnistus :: biometric identification
biotuote :: bioproduct
biotyyppi :: biotype
biovalta :: biopower
bioviljelijä :: organic farmer
bioyhteensopiva :: biocompatible
bioyhteensopivuus :: biocompatibility
bipolaarinen :: bipolar
biraminen :: biramous
birgittalainen :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (of or pertaining to this order, its teachings or its members)
birgittalainen :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (member of the Order of the Most Holy Savior, an Augustinian monastic order of nuns, religious sisters and monks founded by Saint Birgitta a.k.a. Saint Bridget of Sweden in 1344, and approved by Pope Urban V in 1370)
birgittalaisluostari :: Bridgettine monastery
birgittalaisnunna :: Bridgettine nun
Birobidžan :: Birobidzhan
bisarri :: bizarre
bisarristi :: bizarrely
biseksuaali :: a bisexual
biseksuaalinen :: bisexual
biseksuaalisesti :: bisexually
biseksuaalisuus :: bisexuality
bisfosfonaatti [alternative name of, difosfonaatti] ::
Biskajanlahti :: The Bay of Biscay
bismarck :: A certain card game
bisnes :: business class
bisnes :: business (commercial, industrial, or professional activity)
bisnes :: business (management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management)
bisnes :: business (volume or amount of commercial trade)
bisnesenkeli :: business angel (affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity)
bisnesidea :: business idea (concept which can be used for commercial purposes)
bisnesmaailma :: business world
bisnesmies :: businessman
bisse :: beer
bisse :: bisexual
bistro :: bistro
bitonaalinen :: bitonal
bitti :: bit
bittikartta :: bitmap
bittinen :: consisting of or represented by a certain number of bits
bittinikkari :: computer geek
bittinikkari :: programmer (one who writes computer programs)
bittinopeus :: bitrate
bittisyvyys :: bit depth
bitumi :: bitumen
bitumihuopa :: bitumen felt (construction material consisting of a sheet of bitumen with textile core to give tensile strength, used chiefly for waterproofing and roofing)
bitumilakka :: bitumen varnish
bitumipaperi :: tar paper
bitumipäällyste :: bitumen coat
bitumisora :: tarmac
bitumoida :: To apply bitumen on
bjarmi :: Bjarmian (inhabitant of Bjarmaland)
Bjarmien maa :: Bjarmaland
bkt :: GNP (gross national product)
BKT :: The abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GDP (gross domestic product)
BKT :: The abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GNP (gross national product)
blainvillenvalas :: Blainville's beaked whale, dense-beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris
blandata :: To blend or mix with sthg, especially to make an alcoholic beverage weaker
blandaus :: blending, mixing (especially of drinks)
blandinki :: Non-alcoholic beverage in a punch
blandis :: A mixer (non-alcoholic drink that is added to spirits to make cocktails)
blanfordinkettu :: Blanford's fox, Vulpes cana (small fox found in certain regions of the Middle East)
blanketti :: form (document)
blankoluotto :: blank credit (unsecured loan for an un-predetermined amount; used in trade between parties who trust each other)
blankosiirto :: blank transfer (transfer of a security to an unnamed person)
blankotunnuste [finance, law] :: blank acceptance (written advance acceptance of a bill of exchange)
blankovekseli [finance, law] :: blank bill of exchange (bill of exchange in which one or more of the statutory elements - amount, date of expiry, name of the payee etc. - are left blank; used as security for a future payment that is not fully defined)
blanseerata :: To blanch
blantrata :: To dilute (liquid)
blasaari :: blazar (very compact quasar associated with a presumed supermassive black hole at the center of an active, giant elliptical galaxy)
blasinhevosenkenkäyökkö :: Blasius's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus blasii (species of bat in the Rhinolophidae family found throughout large parts of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Northern Africa)
blastula [embryology] :: blastula
blefarospasmi :: blepharospasm (professional term for spasm of the eyelid)
bleiseri :: blazer
bleiseri :: sport jacket (tailored jacket that is not part of a suit, especially one of sturdy fabric intended for outdoor use)
bling-bling :: dog tag
blini :: blini
bliss-kieli :: Blissymbols (constructed language using ideographs)
bläkkäri :: A person, who listens to black metal
blogata :: to blog
blogi :: blog (personal or corporate website)
blokadi :: blockade
blokata :: To block
blokkaus :: blocking
blokki :: bloc
blokkiintua :: To form a bloc
blokkijärjestelmä :: bloc system (national or international political system in which blocs play an important role)
blokkikauppa :: block trade (noncompetitive, privately negotiated transaction of securities which is executed apart and away from the open markets)
blokkiraja :: A border between two blocs
blokkiutua :: To form a bloc
blondata :: To dye one's hair to blond color
blondi :: blonde
blondiini :: A blonde
blondivitsi :: blonde joke (joke based on a stereotype of dumb blonde women)
blosis :: wind (movement of air)
blues :: blues
blueskappale :: blues piece
blueslaulaja :: blues singer
bluesmusiikki :: blues music
bluetooth [telecommunication] :: Bluetooth
bluffata :: To bluff
bluffaus :: bluffing
bluffi :: bluff
Böömi :: Bohemia
böömiläinen :: Bohemian
böömiläinen :: A Bohemian person
bööna :: bean, especially a coffee bean
bööna :: woman, girl
bändi [music, colloquial] :: band, group
bändibussi :: band bus (bus used to carry a music band around, often special-equipped)
bändisoitin :: band instrument (musical instrument frequently used by music bands)
bändisoitto :: playing in band (activity)
bändäri :: groupie (female fan assumed to be more interested in relationships with members of a band than in their music)
bänet :: bänksit (event of breaking up a relationship)
bänks :: breakup (of relationship)
boa :: boa (snake)
boakäärme :: boa (any of large American snakes of the genus Boa)
bobak :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
bobakki :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
bodaaja :: bodybuilder
bodari :: bodybuilder
bodata :: To build body (as in bodybuilding)
bodaus :: bodybuilding
bodi :: body
bodi :: onesie
body :: snapsuit, diaper shirt, onesies (infant bodysuit)
body art :: alternative term for vartalotaide
body-art :: alternative spelling of body art
bodybuilding :: bodybuilding
boerboel :: boerboel (large, mastiff dog breed from South Africa)
bofori :: A unit of the Beaufort scale
boforiasteikko [nautical, wind] :: The Beaufort scale
boga :: bogue, Boops boops
bogey [golf] :: bogey
bogi [golf] :: bogey (score of one over par)
boheemi :: bohemian
boheemi :: a bohemian
boheemielämä :: bohemian life
bohrium :: bohrium
B-oikeudet :: B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22 % of alcoholic content by volume)
boikotoida :: To boycott
boikotoiminen :: alternative term for boikotointi
boikotointi :: boycotting
boikotti :: boycott
boileri :: boiler
bokombali :: bamboo lemur (any lemur of the genus Prolemur a.k.a. Hapalemur)
bokombali :: lesser bamboo lemur, Prolemur griseus
boksari :: Boxer (Chinese rebel of the early 1900s)
boksarikapina :: Boxer Rebellion, Boxer Uprising, Yihetuan Movement (uprising against foreign powers in China between 1898 and 1900)
bokseri :: boxer (dog breed)
bokseri :: short for bokserimoottori (type of internal combustion engine)
bokserikapina :: alternative form of boksarikapina
bokserimoottori :: boxer, boxer engine, flat engine (type of internal combustion engine)
bokserit :: boxer briefs, boxer shorts, boxers (type of briefs)
boksi :: box
boksiitti :: alternative form of bauksiitti
boksinahka :: box calf (type of calfskin leather)
bolševikki :: A Bolshevik
bolševikkivallankumous :: Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution, Great October Socialist Revolution (seizure of state power by the communists in Russia in 25 October 1917 by the Julian calendar, which corresponds 7 November in the Gregorian calendar)
bolševismi :: Bolshevism
bolševistinen :: Bolshevist, pertaining to Bolshevism
bolidi :: bolide
Bolivia :: Bolivia
bolivialainen :: Bolivian
bolivialainen :: A Bolivian person
bolivianpuumuura :: Bolivian slaty antshrike
boliviantsintsillarotta :: Bolivian chinchilla rat, Abrocoma boliviensis (species of chinchilla rat found only in the rocky areas of cloud forests in Bolivia's interior)
bolivianvyötiäinen :: screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus)
bolla :: head
bolognankastike :: alternative term for bolognesekastike
bolognese :: bolognese (dish)
bolognese :: bolognese (sauce)
bolognesekastike :: bolognese, Bolognese sauce
bolsevikki :: alternative spelling of bolševikki
bolsevikkivallankumous :: alternative spelling of bolševikkivallankumous
bolsevismi :: alternative spelling of bolševismi
bolsevistinen :: alternative spelling of bolševistinen
bombykoli :: bombykol
bongaaja :: alternative term for bongari
bongailla :: To spot [to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify]
bongailla :: To twitch [to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one]
bongari :: someone who spots for hobby or pastime (birds, airplane types, beautiful chicks etc.)
bongari :: twitcher (birdwatcher)
bongata :: To spot (to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify)
bongata :: To twitch (to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one)
bongaus :: twitch, twitching
bongo :: bongo, Taurotragus euryceros
bongo :: bongo
bongorumpu :: bongo drum
boniitti :: skipjack (fish of the genus Euthynnus, also related to tuna)
boniitti :: skipjack tuna, aku, arctic bonito, mushmouth, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, victor fish, Katsuwonus pelamis (medium-sized perciform fish related to tuna, and an important catch for fisheries)
boniteetti :: A measure of the abilty of a piece of land to produce wood, expressed e.g. as medium length of trees in a certain age
bonjata :: To understand
bonus :: A bonus (extra payment to an employee)
bonus :: A bonus (something extra)
booli :: punch (beverage)
boolimalja :: punch bowl, punchbowl (bowl used for making or serving punch)
boomi :: A boom (a period of prosperity)
booraksi :: borax
boordi :: A border (decorative strip around the edge of something)
boordinauha :: border (decorative strip of wallpaper, e.g. one separating a papered wall from a painted ceiling)
boori :: boron
boorihappo :: boric acid
boorisalva :: boric acid ointment, boracic ointment; used as antiseptic substance
booritribromidi :: boron tribromide
booritrifluoridi :: boron trifluoride
boorivesi :: A dilute solution of boric acid, used e.g. as eyewash due to its antiseptic properties
boosteri :: booster
bootata :: to boot, reboot
bootsi :: A boot (shoe)
boraani :: borane
boraatti :: borate
bordeaux :: Bordeaux (wine)
Bordeaux :: Bordeaux
bordeauxindoggi :: Dogue de Bordeaux, French mastiff (French breed of dog)
bordeauxviini :: Bordeaux (wine)
bordelli :: A bordello, brothel
bordercollie :: border collie
borderterrieri :: Border terrier, Border Terrier (breed of dog)
bordunapilli :: drone, bourdon (fixed-pitch pipe on a bagpipe)
bordyyri :: embroidery
boreaalinen :: boreal
boridi :: boride
borš-keitto :: borscht (soup)
Borneo :: Borneo
borneoli :: borneol
borneongibboni :: Müller's Bornean gibbon, grey gibbon, Borneo gibbon, Hylobates muelleri
borneonkissa :: Bornean cat, Bornean bay cat, Bornean marbled cat, Borneo gibbon, Pardofelis badia
borneonmustapäästäinen :: black shrew, Suncus ater
borneonoranki :: Bornean orangutan, orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus
borneonorava :: gray-bellied squirrel, Callosciurus caniceps
borneonpiikkisika :: thick-spined porcupine, Hystrix crassispinis
borneonvuoriorava :: Bornean mountain ground squirrel, Dremomys everetti
borrelioosi :: Lyme disease, Lyme neuroborreliosis
borrellioosi :: alternative spelling of borrelioosi
borssi :: borscht (soup)
borssikeitto :: borscht (soup)
borštš :: alternative form of borssi
bosnia :: Bosnian (the language)
bosniahertsegovinalainen :: Bosnian and Herzegovinian
bosniahertsegovinalainen :: A Bosnian or Herzegovinian person
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina :: Bosnia and Herzegovina
bosniakki :: Bosniak
bosnialainen :: Bosnian
bosnialainen :: Bosnian, Bosniak (person)
bosnian kieli :: Bosnian (language)
bosniankielinen :: Expressed in Bosnian language
bosniankielinen :: Speaking Bosnian
bosnianmänty :: Bosnian pine, Pinus heldreichii, syn. Pinus leucodermis
bosniantaa :: To translate into Bosnian
bosoni :: boson
bostoninterrieri :: Boston terrier (breed of dog)
bostonkakku :: A type of cake popular in Finland and Scandinavia, made by fusing about 6…10 unbaked cinnamon rolls into cake form and baking them together, often with some icing on top
botaanikko :: botanist
botaaninen :: botanic
botaanisesti :: botanically
botaniikka :: botany
botanisti :: botanist
botox :: Botox
botski :: boat, ship
Botswana :: Botswana
botswanalainen :: Botswanan
botuliini :: botulin
botulismi :: botulism
bougainvillea :: bougainvillea
bounssata :: to bounce (slang: to leave)
bourbonnaisinseisoja :: Braque du Bourbonnais (breed of gundog)
bourbonnais'nseisoja :: alternative spelling of bourbonnaisinseisoja
bourbonviski :: bourbon whiskey
bourette :: bourrette; silk waste (waste fiber created during processing of silk to fine yarn; used in the production of lower quality silk fabrics)
bourgogneviini :: Burgundy (wine)
bowdlerismi :: bowdlerism, expurgation (type of censorship in which an artistic piece of work is "cleaned" of everything considered improper)
bowdlerisoida :: to bowdlerise, expurgate (to remove or alter those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar, or otherwise unseemly)
bowdlerisointi :: bowdlerisation
boyfriend :: boyfriend
boysenmarja :: boysenberry
braani :: brane
braatvursti :: bratwurst
bradykardia :: bradycardia (condition of having a slow heartbeat)
brahma :: Brahman (concept of Hinduism)
brahmaani :: brahman, brahmin (member of the first of the four castes of Hinduism)
brahmalainen :: brahmin, brahminic (of or relating to the caste of brahmins)
brahmalaisuus :: Brahmanism, Brahminism
brahmanismi :: Brahmanism
brakistokroni :: brachistochrone
brallobarbitaali :: brallobarbital
bramaani :: alternative spelling of brahmaani
bramiini :: alternative form of brahmaani
bramiinihaukka :: brahminy kite; red-backed sea-eagle [Australia], Haliastur indus (large kite found in Indian subcontinent, SE Asia and Australia)
bramiinihaukka [in plural, taxonomy] :: The genus Haliastur
brandi [marketing] :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's atrributes)
brandtinmyyrä :: Brandt's vole, Lasiopodomys brandtii
brandtinviiksisiippa :: Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii
brandy :: brandy
Brasilia :: Brazil
brasilialainen :: Brazilian, related to Brazil
brasilialainen :: Brazilian person
brasilianisokorvalepakko :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus
brasiliankastanja :: brazil nut
brasiliankorvalepakko :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus
brasiliankärppä :: tropical weasel, Mustela africana
brasiliannokkakala :: ballyhoo, bally, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (baitfish of the halfbeak family Hemiramphidae)
brasilianpallovyötiäinen :: Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus)
brasilianpähkinä :: brazil nut
brasilianpiikkirotta :: Ruschi's rat, Abrawayaomys ruschii
brasilianpitkäkuonovyötiäinen :: alternative term for seitsenvyövyötiäinen
brasilianportugali :: Brazilian Portuguese
brasilianpuuhiiri :: Brazilian arboreal mouse, Rhagomys rufescens
brasilianpuumuura :: rufous-winged antshrike
brasilianpuupiikkisika :: Paraguay hairy dwarf porcupine, Sphiggurus spinosus
brasiliansuomalainen :: Brazilian Finn (Brazilian of Finnish descent)
brasilianterrieri :: Brazilian terrier (breed of dog)
brasilianvaeltajahämähäkki :: Brazilian wandering spider (spider of the genus Phoneutria, which includes world's most venomous spiders)
brasilpuu :: brazilwood, Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilian timber tree with dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine)
brasilpuu :: brazilwood (wood from this tree)
brassailija :: bragger, boaster, show-off
brassailla :: to show off (to exhibit or demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging)
brassailu :: showing off (act)
brasserie :: brasserie
brassi :: A Brazilian person
bravuuri :: bravura
bravuurinumero :: bravura number
brazzanmarakatti :: de Brazza's monkey, Cercopithecus neglectus
Brazzavillen Kongo :: The Congo-Brazzaville, the Republic of the Congo
break-tanssi :: breakdancing
breikata [billiards, slang] :: To break (to make the first shot)
breikata :: To breakdance
breikkaus :: breakdancing
breikkaus :: breakthrough
breikki :: break, pause
breikkitanssi :: breakdancing (urban style of acrobatic street dance that was part of the hip hop culture of New York City in the late 20th century)
breksia :: breccia
brežneviläinen :: Brezhnevian
brežneviläinen :: Brezhnevite
brežneviläisesti :: In a Brezhnevian manner
brežneviläisyys :: Brezhnevism, Brezhnev Doctrine
brenkku :: Booze
breseerata :: To braise (to cook in a small amount of liquid, in a covered pan)
bretagnelainen :: Breton (of or pertaining to Brittany)
bretagnelainen :: Breton (person)
bretoni :: The Breton language
breviaario :: breviary
brewsteriitti :: brewsterite
bridge :: bridge
brie :: brie
briejuusto :: brie (type of soft cheese of French origin, covered with white mold)
brienjuusto :: alternative form of briejuusto
brigadööri [historical, military rank] :: brigadier
brigadööri [Salvation Army] :: brigadier
brigantiini :: A brigantine
briiffata [+ partitive, slang] :: To brief (someone) about something
briiffaus :: briefing
briketti :: briquet
briljantti :: brilliant
briljantti :: brilliant (finely cut gemstone)
briljanttinen :: brilliant (made of brilliant)
briljanttisormus :: brilliant ring
briljeerata :: To show off (to demonstrate one's skill, talent, etc. for its own sake)
briljeeraus :: showing off (act of displaying one's brilliantness)
briossi :: brioche (not croissant)
Britannia :: Britain (Roman province)
Britannia :: Britannia (female personification of Britain)
Britannia [lb, fi, ambiguously] :: United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain (used to refer to the state of United Kingdom or its largest island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales)
britannialainen :: alternative term for brittiläinen
britannianenglanti :: British English (language)
britannium :: Britannia metal
Britteinsaaret :: The British Isles
britti :: Briton (citizen of the United Kingdom)
britti :: Briton (inhabitant of Great Britain)
britti :: Briton (Celtic inhabitant of southern Britain at the time of the Roman conquest)
britti- :: British
brittienglanti [lb, fi, colloquial] :: British English
brittiläinen :: British
brittiläinen :: A British (person)
brittiläinen :: A British Shorthair (breed of cat)
Brittiläinen Guayana :: British Guiana (colonial era name of current Guyana)
Brittiläinen kansainyhteisö :: British Commonwealth
brittiläisyys :: Britishness
brittipop :: Britpop
brändi :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's attributes)
bränikkä :: brand new
brodeerata :: To embroider
brodeeraus :: embroidery
brodyyri :: embroidery
brodyyrikangas :: embroidery
brodyyrinauha :: embroidery ribbon
broholminkoira :: Broholmer
broidi :: brother
broileri :: broiler (chicken suitable for broiling)
broileri :: chicken grown for food, rather than production of eggs
broileri :: chicken (meat of such bird as food)
broilerileike :: chicken escalope
broilerinkoipi :: chicken leg
broilerinliha :: chicken meat
broilerinuija :: chicken drumstick
broileripaistos :: baked chicken, chicken casserole (chicken baked and served with something else, see paistos)
broileripata :: chicken stew
broileripoliitikko :: A politician, especially a young one, who has done his/her whole career in politics, and is thus regarded as not having experience of the "real" life
broileripyörykkä :: chicken ball
broilerisalaatti :: chicken salad
broileriwokki :: chicken wok
broilerpoliitikko :: alternative form of broileripoliitikko
brokadi :: brocade
brokkoli :: broccoli
bromaatti [inorganic chemistry] :: bromate
bromelaiini :: bromelain
bromi :: bromine
bromidi :: bromide
bromifenolisininen :: bromophenol blue
bromikloorimetaani :: bromochloromethane
bromikresolivihreä :: bromocresol green (pigment)
bromikresolivioletti :: bromocresol purple
bromitymolisininen :: bromothymol blue
bromoformi :: bromoform
bronkiektasiatauti :: alternative term for keuhkoputkenlaajentuma
bronkiitti :: bronchitis
bronkoskopia :: bronchoscopy (technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope)
brontosaurus :: brontosaur
Bronx :: Bronx
brosyyri :: brochure
brovninki :: Browning (semi-automatic handgun)
Brownin liike :: Brownian motion
bärsse :: arse, ass
brunch :: brunch
Brunei :: Brunei
bruneilainen :: Bruneian
brunetti :: brunette
brunssi :: brunch
bruselloosi :: brucellosis
brutaali :: brutal
brutaalinen :: alternative form of brutaali
brutaalisti :: brutally
brutaalius :: brutality
brutto :: gross (net + tare)
bruttoansio :: gross earnings
bruttoarvo :: gross value
bruttohinta :: gross price (price before any discounts)
bruttokansantuote :: gross domestic product
bruttokansantuote :: gross national product
bruttokasvu :: gross growth
bruttomeno :: gross expense
bruttomäärä :: gross amount
bruttomyynti :: gross sales
bruttopaino :: gross weight (total weight of a product and its package)
bruttopalkka :: gross income
bruttorekisteri [nautical, obsolete] :: Short for bruttorekisteritonni
bruttorekisteritonni [nautical, obsolete] :: gross register ton
bruttosumma :: gross total
bruttotulo :: gross income
bruttotuotanto :: gross production
bruttoveroaste :: gross tax rate
bruukata :: Alternative spelling of pruukata
brydenvalas :: Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera brydei , a species of rorqual
bryologi :: bryologist
bryologia :: bryology
bryssä [humorous, neologism] :: citizen of the EU, especially one who works in the bureaucracy of the union; when capitalized, the EU
Bryssel :: Brussels
Brysseli :: A deprecated version of the name Bryssel
brysseliläinen :: Brusselian
brysselinkaali :: Brussels sprout
buddhalainen :: Buddhist
buddhalainen :: A Buddhist, follower of Buddhism
buddhalaisluostari :: Buddhist monastery
buddhalaismunkki :: Buddhist monk
buddhalaisuus :: Buddhism
buddhismi :: Buddhism
budjata :: To live, reside
budjetoida :: To budget
budjetointi :: budgeting
budjetti :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure revenue)
budjetti :: purse, budget (money allocated for particular purpose)
budjettialijäämä :: budget deficit
budjettiesitys :: budget proposal (budget that has not yet been formally approved by the relevant decision-making body)
budjettikehys :: budget framework, budgetary framework
budjettineuvottelu :: budget negotiation
budjettiongelma :: budgetary problem
budjettipäällikkö :: budget manager
budjettipolitiikka :: budgetary policy
budjettiraami :: alternative term for budjettikehys
budjettiriihi :: A workshop to finalize a budget; used especially of an annual few days' workshop in which the state budget is balanced
budjettivaje :: budget deficit
budjettivuosi :: fiscal year
budolaji :: budo style (any of the numerous styles of budo or Japanese martial arts, such as karate, jujutsu, judo)
bufetti :: buffet
bufettipöytä :: alternative form of buffettipöytä
bufettitarjoilu :: alternative form of buffettarjoilu
buffet :: buffet
buffettarjoilu :: buffet service
buffettipöytä :: buffet (food laid out in this way)
buffettipöytä :: buffet (table from which food and drinks are served on self-service basis)
bufoteniini :: bufotenine
bugi :: bug
buhund :: Norwegian buhund (Norwegian breed of dog of spitz type)
Bukarest :: Bucharest (capital of Romania)
bukee :: bouquet (scent of wine)
bukinisti :: antique bookseller (seller of old and used books and magazines)
bukkaneeri :: buccaneer
buklee :: boucle
bukleelanka :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls)
bulbouretraalirauhanen :: bulbourethral gland
bulbuli :: bulbul (any of several passerine songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae)
buldogi :: alternative form of bulldoggi
bulevardi :: boulevard
bulevardilehdistö :: yellow press
bulevardilehti :: yellow press newspaper
bulevardisportti :: sports coupe, coupe, sport compact, hot hatch (loosely defined class of cars which are not true sports cars but feature sporty looks and higher than average performance combined with passenger comfort)
bulgaari :: A Bulgarian
bulgaria :: The Bulgarian language
Bulgaria :: Bulgaria
bulgarialainen :: Bulgarian (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language)
bulgarialainen :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Bulgaria
bulgarialais- :: Form of bulgarialainen as used as modifier in compound terms
bulgarian kieli :: Bulgarian (language)
bulgariankielinen :: Expressed in Bulgarian language
bulgariankielinen :: Speaking Bulgarian
bulgariantaa :: to translate into Bulgarian
Bulgarian tasavalta :: the Republic of Bulgaria
bulgur :: bulgur
bulgurvehnä :: bulgur, bulgur wheat (wheat grains that have been steamed, dried and crushed; a staple of Middle Eastern cooking)
buliimikko :: A bulimic
bulimia :: bulimia
bulkki :: bulk (unpackaged goods)
bulkkitavara :: bulk (unpackaged goods)
bulkkituote :: bulk product
bulkogi :: bulgogi (Korean dish of sliced beef)
bulla :: bull (papal bull)
bulldoggi :: bulldog
bullerintaskurotta :: Buller’s pocket gopher, Pappogeomys bulleri
bulletlaina :: bullet loan (loan where the payment of the entire principal of the loan is due at the end of the loan term)
bullmastiffi :: bullmastiff (breed of dog)
bullterrieri :: bull terrier
bulvaani :: (hunting) decoy
bulvaani :: (metaphorically) front, front organization, straw man, paper man, dummy (public face of covert organisation)
bulvaaniyhtiö :: dummy company (entity created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies)
bumaga :: A document
bušmanni :: A bushman
bumerangi :: A boomerang
bumerangi :: A bullet (rejection letter)
bummalo :: bummalo
bunderi :: A rhesus macaque
bungalow :: bungalow (one-story house in India surrounded by a verandah)
bungata :: To cost
bunio :: alternative form of bunion
bunkata :: to bunk, live, stay
bunkkeri :: A bunker
bunkkerimainen :: bunkerlike (resembling a military bunker)
bunsenlamppu :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole)
bunsenpoltin :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole)
bunyorokaniini :: Bunyoro rabbit, Poelagus marjorita
buprenorfiini :: buprenorphine
Burgundi :: Bourgogne
Burgundi :: Burgundy
burgundinpata :: beef bourguignon
burjaatinkielinen :: Expressed in Buryat language
burjaatinkielinen :: Speaking Buryat
burjaatti :: A Buryat (person)
burjaatti :: Buryat (language)
Burjatia :: Buryatia (Buryatia, Russia)
burka :: burka (female garment)
Burkina Faso :: Burkina Faso
burkinafasolainen :: Burkinabe (person from Burkina Faso)
burkinalainen :: Of, from, or pertaining to Burkina Faso or the Burkinabe people
burkinalainen :: Burkinabe
burkini :: A burqini
burlakki :: In old Russia, a man employed in dragging ships upstream
burleski :: burlesque
Burma :: Burma
burmalainen :: Burmese
burmalainen :: A Burmese person
burmanjänis :: Burmese hare, Lepus pequensis
burmanlyhythäntäpäästäinen :: Ward's short-tailed shrew, Burmese short-tailed shrew, Blarinella wardi
burnout :: burnout
bursiitti :: bursitis
Burundi :: Burundi
burundilainen :: Burundian
bushel :: alternative form of busheli
busheli :: bushel (imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume)
bushmanni :: alternative spelling of bušmanni
bushmannijänis :: riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis)
business :: alternative spelling of bisnes
businessluokka :: business class
busmanni :: alternative spelling of bušmanni
bussi :: bus
bussikaista :: bus lane
bussikatos :: bus shelter
bussikuljetus :: bus transportation
bussikuski :: bus driver
bussilasti :: busful (amount sufficient to fill a bus)
bussiliikenne :: bus traffic
bussilinja :: bus line
bussilippu :: bus ticket
bussimatka :: bus trip
bussinkuljettaja :: A bus driver
bussionnettomuus :: bus accident
bussipysäkki :: bus stop
bussiturma :: bus accident
bussiyhteys :: bus connection
busuki :: bouzouki
butaani :: butane
butaanihappo :: butyric acid
butadieeni :: butadiene
butalbitaali :: butalbital
butanaali :: butyraldehyde
butanoli :: butanol
butyloitu hydroksianisoli :: butylated hydroxyanisole
butyyli :: butyl (hydrocarbon radical)
butyyni :: butyne
buu :: boo! (disapproval in audience)
buuata :: To boo
buuaus :: A booing, boo (derisive shout)
buukata :: To book, to reserve (to reserve something for future use)
buukkaus :: booking
buulaagi :: alternative form of buulaaki
buulaaki :: company, firm
buumi :: An economical boom
buunata :: to polish
buuri :: A Boer
buurisota Boer Wars fought in South Africa in 1880–1881 and 1899–1902
buutata :: to boot, reboot
buutsi :: boot (shoe)
buzuki :: bouzouki
B-vitamiini :: vitamin B
bygga :: construction site
bylsiä [vulgar, slang + partitive] :: To fuck, screw
byrnesinpussihiiri :: kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei (small carnivorous rat-like marsupial endemic to the dry grasslands and deserts of central Australia)
byrokraatisto [rare, derogative] :: bureaucrats; bureaucracy (bureaucrats collectively; bureaucrats understood as a class comparable to nobility, bourgeoisie etc.)
byrokraatti :: bureaucrat
byrokraattinen :: bureaucratic
byrokraattisesti :: bureaucratically
byrokraattistaa [lb, fi, rare] :: alternative term for byrokratisoida
byrokraattistua :: To become bureaucratic
byrokraattisuus :: The property of being bureaucratic
byrokratia :: bureaucracy
byrokratisoida :: to bureaucratize
byrokratisointi :: bureaucratization
byrokratisoitua :: To become bureaucratic
Bysantti :: Byzantium, Byzantine Empire (empire)
Bysantti :: Byzantium (city)
bysanttilainen :: Byzantine
bysanttilainen :: A Byzantine person
bysanttilaisuus :: The state of being Byzantine
byssa [slang, nautical] :: galley, caboose (ship kitchen)
byte :: byte
C :: cum laude approbatur
cabreranhutia :: Cabrera's hutia, Mesocapromys angelcabrerai (species of rodent in the family Capromyidae, endemic to Cuba)
caddie :: caddie
caesarsalaatti :: Caesar salad (type of salad)
cafeteria :: cafeteria
cairnterrieri :: cairn terrier (breed of dog)
Calmette-rokote :: BCG (tuberculosis vaccine based on Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)
calmetterokotus :: BCG vaccination (act of vaccinating with BCG)
calvados :: calvados
camembert :: camembert (cheese)
camembertinjuusto :: alternative form of camembertjuusto
camembertjuusto :: camembert (cheese)
cameorooli :: cameo, cameo role, cameo appearance (single brief appearance by a known person in a work of the performing arts, typically unnamed or appearing as themselves)
campbellinmarakatti :: Campbell's mona monkey, Campbell's guenon, Campbell's monkey, Cercopithecus campbelli (primate in the Cercopithecidae family found in coastal regions of West Africa from Gambia to Ghana)
camping :: camping
canasta :: canasta (card game)
canasta :: canasta (meld of seven cards in above)
cancan :: cancan
candomblé :: Candomblé (religion, mainly practised in Brazil)
cannelloni :: alternative form of kanneloni
cappuccino :: cappuccino (beverage and serving)
carolinankoira :: Carolina dog, American dingo (American breed of dog)
casanova :: casanova
cashewpähkinä :: cashew nut
catahoulanleopardikoira :: Louisiana Catahoula leopard dog, Catahoula cur (American dog breed)
catering :: catering
caunis :: obsolete spelling of kaunis
cavalierkingcharlesinspanieli :: Cavalier King Charles spaniel (small spaniel, one of the most popular breeds in the United Kingdom)
cayennenpippuri :: cayenne pepper (hot chilli pepper bulb and the spice made of it)
cayennepippuri :: cayenne pepper (hot chilli pepper bulb and the spice made of it)
CD-kuvalevy :: photo-CD (compact disc specially designed for storage and retrieval of images)
CD-levy :: A compact disc (optical disc used to store data)
CD-levysoitin :: alternative form of CD-soitin
CD-R-asema :: CD-R drive (short for Compact Disk-recordable drive, type of CD drive that can record on CD's)
CD-ROM-asema :: CD-ROM drive
CD-ROM-levy :: CD-ROM disc, CD-ROM
CD-ROM-peli :: CD-ROM game
CD-soitin :: CD player
CD-standardi :: CD standard
C-duuri :: C major
cee :: alternative spelling of see
celebesinhedelmälepakko :: Sulawesi flying fox, Sulawesi fruit bat, signal-winged acerodon, Acerodon celebensis
celebesinhevosenkenkäyökkö :: Sulawesi horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus celebensis
celebesinkoirankuonolepakko :: Sulawesi rousette, Rousettus celebensis
celebesinkummituseläin :: spectral tarsier, Tarsius tarsier
celebesinmakaki :: Celebes crested macaque, crested black macaque, Sulawesi crested macaque, black ape, Macaca nigra
celebesinmusta-apina :: Celebes crested macaque, crested black macaque, Sulawesi crested macaque, black ape (Macaca nigra)
celebesinpaljasselkälepakko :: Sulawesi bare-backed fruit bat, Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat, Dobsonia exoleta
celebesinpalmunäätä :: Sulawesi palm civet, Macrogalidia musschenbroekii
celebesinpitkäkuono-orava :: montane long-nosed squirrel, Hyosciurus heinrichi
celsius :: Alternative capitalization of Celsius (letter "C" in the Finnish standard spelling alphabet)
celsius :: Celsius (scale of temperature)
Celsius :: alternative spelling of celsius
Celsius :: The letter "C" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
celsiusaste :: degree Celsius
celsiusasteikko :: Celsius scale, Celsius (scale for measuring temperature)
cembalisti :: harpsichordist
cembalo :: harpsichord
cembalokonsertto :: cembalo concerto
cerium :: cerium
Ces-duuri :: C-flat major
ceses :: C double flat
cesium :: caesium, cesium
ceskyterrieri :: Cesky terrier (breed of dog originating in Czechoslovakia)
c'est la vie :: c'est la vie
ceyloninkaneli :: Cinnamon, Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Cinnamomum verum (tree)
ceyloninpalmuhiiri :: Nolthenius's long-tailed climbing mouse, Vandeleuria nolthenii (species of rodent in the family Muridae, only found in Sri Lanka)
ceyloninpitkähäntäpäästäinen :: Sri Lankan long-tailed shrew, Crocidura miya
cgs-järjestelmä :: The centimeter-gram-second system of units
cha-cha :: cha-cha (ballroom dance to a Latin American rhythm)
cha-cha-cha :: cha-cha (ballroom dance to a Latin American rhythm)
chakra [Hinduism] :: chakra
Chandrasekharin raja :: Chandrasekhar limit
charleston [dance] :: Charleston
charmantti :: charming
charmi :: charm (ability)
charmikas :: charming
charterlento :: charter flight
chatata :: To chat
chateaubriand :: chateaubriand
chattailu :: chatting
chatti [Internet, informal] :: chat
cheddar :: cheddar (cheese)
cheddarinjuusto :: alternative form of cheddarjuusto
cheddarjuusto :: cheddar, Cheddar cheese
cheerleader :: cheerleader
cherokee :: A Cherokee (member of a native North American ethnic group)
cherokee :: Cherokee (their language)
chesapeakelahdennoutaja :: Chesapeake Bay retriever (American breed of retriever dog)
chic :: chic
chihuahua :: chihuahua
chikungunya :: Chikungunya
Chile :: Chile
chileläinen :: Chilean
chileläinen :: A Chilean person
chilendegu :: Bridges' degu, Octodon bridgesi (small rodent in the family Octodontidae found in southern Argentina and Chile)
chilendegu :: moon-toothed degu, Octodon lunatus
chilenhirvi :: south Andean deer, Chilean guemal, huemul, Hippocamelus bisulcus
chilenpudu :: southern pudu, Pudu puda (South American species of deer)
chilenpussirotta :: monito del monte, Dromiciops gliroides (diminutive marsupial native only to Chile and Argentina)
chilenrotta :: Chilean climbing mouse, Chilean tree mouse, Irenomys tarsalis (rodent found in Chile)
chilensalpietari :: Chile saltpeter, Chile saltpetre (form of sodium nitrate that occurs naturally in parts of Chile and Peru)
chilentsintsillarotta :: long-tailed chinchilla, common chinchilla, lesser chinchilla, Chinchilla lanigera
chili :: chili
chilikastike :: chili sauce, hot sauce, pepper sauce
chilipata :: chili con carne
chilipippuri :: chili pepper, chilli (fruit)
chinchilla :: chinchilla
chipata [sports, slang] :: To chip (to play a shot where the ball goes predominantly upwards)
chippendale :: Chippendale (style of furniture design inspired by the 18th century British cabinetmaker Thomas Chippendale)
chippendalekalusto :: Chippendale furniture
chippendaletyyli :: A style of furniture inspired by the British 18th century cabinetmaker Thomas çhippendale
chippendaletyylinen :: Chippendale (styled after the designs of the British 18th century cabinetmaker Thomas Chippendale)
chippi :: chip (shot where the ball goes more upwards than a regular shot)
chips :: potato chips
chipsi :: alternative form of sipsi
chopperi :: A chopper (motorcycle style)
chow chow :: chow (Chinese breed of dog)
châteauviini :: chateau wine
ciabatta :: ciabatta bread
CinemaScope :: cinemascope
cirrus :: cirrus (type of cloud)
cirruspilvi :: cirrus, cirrus cloud (type of high-altitude cloud)
Cis-duuri :: C-sharp major
citykulttuuri :: city culture, urban culture
city-maasturi :: alternative spelling of citymaasturi
citymaasturi :: SUV
clearing [banking, finance] :: clearing
clearingkurssi [banking, finance] :: clearing rate (exchange rate used in clearing operations)
clear-tila [Scientology] :: The state of being "clear", i.e. free of the harmful influence of engrams; translated into English often with an expression involving adjective "clear"
cloisonné :: cloisonne piece (object produced with this technique)
cloisonné :: cloisonne (technique or material)
cloisonnee :: cloisonne (technique or material)
clou :: highlight (high point of an occasion, press release etc.)
clumberinspanieli :: Clumber spaniel (breed of dog)
cockerspanieli :: cockerspaniel (breed of dog)
cocktail :: cocktail (mixed drink)
cocktailkirsikka :: cocktail cherry
cocktailkurkku :: A gherkin (small cucumber pickled whole)
cocktailkutsut :: cocktail party
cocktaillasi :: cocktail glass
cocktailleipä :: cocktail sandwich, canapé
cocktail-mekko :: cocktail dress
cocktailpala :: cocktail snack, cocktail food (small delicacy typically served in cocktail parties)
cocktailtikku :: cocktail stick
cocktailtilaisuus :: cocktail reception, cocktail event
C-oikeudet :: C-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 4.7% of alcoholic content by volume)
college :: college (learning institution)
college :: college sweatshirt
collegepusero :: A college sweatshirt (sweatshirt with symbols of a college, or similar garment)
collie :: collie
collie :: rough collie
collins-lasi :: Collins glass (type of tumbler)
come-back :: alternative spelling of comeback
comeback :: comeback (return to popularity, success, fame etc.)
comoronlentäväkoira :: Livingstone's fruit bat, Comoro black flying fox, Pteropus livingstonii (Old World fruit bat found only in the Comoros islands of the western Indian Ocean)
continuum :: continuum (type of electronic instrument)
contra :: Contra (anti-Sandinista fighter)
contrasissi :: Contra (anti-Sandinista fighter)
cookinsaarelainen :: Of or pertaining to Cook Islands, its culture or its inhabitants
cookinsaarelainen :: Cook Islander (person from the Cook Islands or of descent of the Cook Islands)
Cookinsaaret :: Cook Islands (self-governing country in Oceania)
cooler :: cooler (chilled mixed drink)
cooperiitti :: cooperite
copy :: A copy (output of copywriter)
copy :: A copywriter
copyright :: copyright
coquerelinkääpiömaki :: Coquerel's dwarf lemur, formerly also Coquerel's giant mouse lemur, southern giant mouse lemur, Mirza coquereli (small nocturnal lemur endemic to Madagascar)
corgi :: corgi, Welsh corgi (breed of dog)
cos-salaatti :: Romaine lettuce, cos lettuce, Lactuca sativa longifolia (variety of lettuce)
Costa Rica :: Costa Rica
coulombi :: coulomb (SI unit of electric charge)
country :: country music
countrymusiikki :: alternative spelling of kantrimusiikki
coupé :: coupé
couscous :: alternative form of kuskus
cover :: cover, cover version, cover song (rerecording of a previously recorded song)
coverbändi :: cover band (band that plays mostly or exclusively cover songs)
coverversio :: cover version, cover song, cover
cowboy :: cowboy (person who attends cattle, especially in the American West)
cowboyhattu :: cowboy hat
Cowperin rauhanen :: bulbourethral gland
cozumelinsupi :: Cozumel raccoon, pygmy raccoon, Procyon pygmaeus (critically endangered species of raccoon endemic on Cozumel Island off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico)
CP-vamma :: cerebral palsy (group of non-contagious conditions)
CP-vammainen :: CP-handicapped (having cerebral palsy condition)
CP-vammaisuus :: The state or property of being CP-handicapped
crack :: crack (variety of cocaine)
crescendo :: crescendo (instruction to play gradually more loudly)
crescendo :: crescendo (gradual increase, especially to a dramatic climax)
crème fraîche :: crème fraîche; more commonly ranskankerma
croissant :: croissant
Cro-Magnonin ihminen :: Cro-Magnon
crossipyörä :: motocross motorcycle
csárdás :: czardas
cuminginrotta :: southern giant slender-tailed cloud rat, southern Luzon giant cloud rat, Phloeomys cumingi (large rodent found only in the southern parts of Luzon island in the Philippines)
cum laude approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the most common grade
cum laude approbatur :: The university syllabus in Finland, longer than approbatur but shorter than laudatur
cum laude -arvosana :: The grade earned for a cum laude work in a university
cum laude -tentti :: An exam taken as part of cum laude level studies in a university
cumulus :: cumulus (cloud)
cumuluspilvi :: cumulus cloud, cumulus (cloud)
cunnilingus :: cunnilingus
cup :: cup (contest)
cup-kilpailu :: cup contest, cup competition
cupvoittaja :: cup winner
curium :: curium
curling :: curling
curry :: a dish made using this spice mixture, curry (dish)
curry :: south Asian spice mix, curry powder, curry paste
currykana chicken curry
currykastike :: A curry (sauce flavored with curry)
currypata :: A stew made with curry
currytahna :: curry paste (moist blend of vegetables and spices ground together and used as a base for curry)
cuvieringaselli :: Cuvier´s gazelle, edmi, Gazella cuvieri (species of gazelle found in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia)
cuvierinvalas :: The genus Ziphius (genus of beaked whaleswith only one species, the Cuvier's beaked whale or goose-beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris)
C-vitamiini :: vitamin C
cyberpunk :: alternative spelling of kyberpunk
-dä :: The front vowel harmony form of the suffix -da
-da :: (infinitives) A suffix present in certain first infinitives, short form, the citation form of Finnish verbs
daalia :: A dahlia, member of the genus Dahlia
daami :: queen
daami :: dame
Daavid :: David.
Daavid :: male given name
Daavid :: The letter "D" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to the ICAO spelling alphabet
daavidintähti :: Star of David
dadaismi :: dadaism
dadaisti :: dadaist
dadaistinen :: dadaistic
daguerrotypia :: daguerreotype (photograph produced with this method)
daguerrotypia :: daguerreotypy (art or technique)
dahurianalppiruusu :: purple azalea (species of rhododendron, Rhododendron dauricum)
dahurianlehtikuusi :: Dahurian larch, Larix gmelinii
daimio :: daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)
daktyloskopia :: dactyloscopy
daktyyli :: dactyl
dalai-lama :: Dalai Lama (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism)
dalismi :: Dalism (artistic movement within surrealism, based on the ideas of Salvador Dali)
dalit :: Dalit (outcaste)
dallari [familiar] :: Dalmatian (breed of dog)
dallari :: walker, walking frame (framework device used to support a walking person)
dallari :: walker (one who walks)
dallinlammas :: Dall sheep, Dall's sheep (species of sheep native to northwestern North America, Ovis dalli)
dallinpyöriäinen :: spray porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli
dalmatialainen :: Dalmatian
dalmatiankoira :: Dalmatian (breed of dog)
damaranseepra :: Damara zebra, Equus quagga antiquorum, formerly E. burchellii antiquorum (subspecies of plains zebra, E. quagga)
damaski :: A gaiter, spat
damaski :: damask (cloth)
damaskihousut :: damask trousers
damaskiteräs :: Damascus steel
damaskolainen :: Damascene (of or pertaining to Damascus)
damaskolainen :: Damascene (person)
Damaskos :: Damascus (the capital city of Syria)
damasti :: damask (fabric)
damastiliina :: A length of damask cloth, often used as tablecloth
damavallabi :: tammar wallaby, dama wallaby, Macropus eugenii
damešaani :: demijohn, carboy
Dan :: Dan
danburiitti :: danburite
dandiedinmontinterrieri :: Dandie Dinmont, Dandie Dinmont terrier
dandy :: dandy
Danelagen :: the Danelaw (part of England which was under Danish rule in 9th century)
Daniel :: Daniel (biblical book and prophet)
Daniel :: male given name
dantroleeni :: dantrolene (muscle relaxant)
darbuka :: darbuka
Darfur :: Darfur
darmstadtium :: darmstadtium
darra :: hangover
darvinismi :: Darwinism
darvinisti :: Darwinist
darvinistinen :: Darwinistic
darwininsammakko :: Darwin's frog, Rhinoderma darwinii
darwinismi :: Darwinism
dasiitti :: dacite
data :: data
datša :: dacha
data-arkisto :: data archive
datanlouhinta :: alternative term for tiedonlouhinta
datanomi :: A person who has completed a bachelor's degree in data processing in a polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu
datanomi :: This degree
datansiirto :: data transmission
datansiirtoverkko :: data transfer network, data transmission network
dataprojektori :: data projector
datasähkö :: power line communication
datasiirto :: data transmission
datasiirtolaite :: data transfer device, data transmission device
datasiirtoverkko :: alternative form of datansiirtoverkko
datatekniikka :: data technology
datatiedosto :: datafile
dataverkko :: data network
dateerata :: To date (to determine the age of)
dateerata :: To date (to note the time of)
dateeraus :: alternative term for päiväys
datiivi :: dative
datiiviadverbiaali :: dative adverbial (in Finnish grammar, a part of speech which expresses to whom or which something is happening)
datiivimuoto :: dative form
datiivinen :: dative (noting dative, the case which expresses the remoter or indirect object)
daurianpika :: daurian pika, Ochotona dauurica
davidinhirvi :: Père David's deer, Elaphurus davidianus
dödö :: deodorant
D-duuri :: D major
deadline :: deadline
deaktivoida :: deactivate
dealeri :: drug dealer
debata :: to die
debatointi :: debating (act of taking part in a debate)
debatööri :: debater (one who debates or participates in a debate; one who argues)
debatti :: A debate
debentuuri :: debenture (type of bearer bond)
debentuurilaina :: debenture loan (way of borrowing money from multiple private investors by selling them securities called debentures)
debet :: debit
debetpuoli :: debit side (left-hand side of an account in bookkeeping)
debetpuoli :: cost; thus called because the costs are recorded on the debit side of an income statement account
debiili :: A moron (person with IQ in the range 50–69)
debuggeri [slang, computing] :: debugger
debytantti :: debutant, debutante (debuting artist)
debytoida :: To debut
debyytti :: debut (performer's first-time performance to the public)
deduktiivinen :: deductive
deduktiivisesti :: deductively
deduktiivisuus :: deducibility (capability of being deduced, quality of being deducible)
deduktio :: deduction
deejii :: disk jockey, deejay
deeki :: alternative form of deeku
deekis :: A state of personal decline, especially one caused by alcoholism
deekkari :: A student who spends so much time partying that it hampers his/her studies
deeku :: A drunkard
defaistinen :: alternative form of defaitistinen
defaitismi :: defeatism
defaitistinen :: defeatist (willing to accept defeat without struggle)
defekti :: defect
defektiivinen :: defective
defensiivi :: defensive (means, attitude or position of defense)
defensiivinen :: defensive
defensiivisesti :: defensively
defensiivisyys :: defensiveness
defenssimekanismi :: alternative term for puolustusmekanismi
defibrillaattori :: defibrillator
definiitti :: alternative form of definiittinen
definiitti :: definite
definiittinen :: definite
definiittipronomini :: definite pronoun (pronoun which refers to a defined object)
definiittisesti :: definitely
definiittisyys :: definiteness
definioida :: To define
definitiivinen :: definitive
definitiivisesti :: definitively
definitiivisyys :: definitiveness
definitio :: definition
deflaatio :: deflation
deformaatio :: deformation
deformoida :: to deform (to change the form or looks of, usually negatively)
degeneraatio :: degeneration
degeneroida :: to degenerate (to cause to lose good or desirable qualities)
degeneroitua :: To degenerate
degeneroitunut :: degenerated
deglasiaatio :: deglaciation
degu :: common degu, Octodon degus
degu :: degu (any species of the genus Octodon)
degu :: octodontid (rodent of the Octodontidae family)
dehydrokoolihappo :: dehydrocholic acid
deifikaatio :: deification
deismi :: deism
deisti :: deist
deistinen :: deistic
deittailla :: To date (to take someone on a series of dates)
deitti :: date (a lover or potential lover, or the person so met)
deka- :: deca-
dekaani :: dean
dekaani :: decane
dekaaninvirasto [academia] :: dean's office
dekaboraani :: decaborane
dekabristi [history, Russia] :: Decembrist
dekadenssi :: decadence
dekadentisti :: decadently
dekadentti :: decadent
dekadi :: decade (series of tens)
dekanoli :: decanol
dekantoida :: to decant
dekantointi :: decantation
dekantteri :: decanter (vessel for decanting liquor)
dekantterilasi :: beaker (flat-bottomed glass vessel, with a lip, used as a laboratory container)
dekkari :: (informal) detective
dekkari :: whodunit, detective story
dekkarikirjailija :: crime novelist, crime writer, detective fiction writer, crime fiction writer, etc
dekkarikirjallisuus :: crime fiction, detective fiction
dekki :: tape deck
deklamaatio :: declamation
deklamoida :: to declaim (to recite, especially in theatrical way or as rhetorical exercise)
deklaraatio :: declaration
deklinaatio :: latitude or declination (angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic)
deklinaatio :: compass declination
deklinaatio :: declension, declination
deklinoida :: to decline (to inflect for case, number or gender)
deklinointi :: declension
dekolonisaatio :: decolonization
dekoltee :: cleavage
dekompressiotauti :: decompression sickness, the bends, caisson disease
dekongestantti :: decongestant
dekonstruktiivinen :: deconstructive
dekonstruktio :: deconstruction
dekoodata :: To decode
dekoodaus :: decoding
dekooderi :: decoder
dekoraatio :: decoration
dekoratiivinen :: decorative
dekoratiivisesti :: decoratively
dekoratiivisuus :: decorativeness
dekreetti :: decree (edict or law, especially one that has been issued by a monarch)
dekriminalisointi :: decriminalization or decriminalisation
deksamfetamiini :: dextroamphetamine
deksmedetomidiini :: dexmedetomidine
dekstraani :: dextran
dekstriini :: dextrin
dekstrometorfaani :: dextromethorphan
dekstroosi :: glucose
dekstropropoksifeeni :: dextropropoxyphene
delata :: To die
delatiivi :: delative
delegaatio :: A delegation, group of delegates
delegaatti :: A delegate
delegoida :: To delegate (to commit a task)
delegointi :: Delegation; the act of delegating
delektaatio :: delectation (great pleasure; delight)
delfiini :: dolphin
Delfiini :: the constellation Delphinus
delfinaario :: dolphinarium
Delfoi :: Delphi
delikaatti :: delicate
delta :: delta (Greek letter)
deltalihas :: alternative term for hartialihas
deltasiipi :: delta wing
demagnetoida :: To demagnetize
demagnetointi :: demagnetization
demagogi :: demagogue (orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience)
demagogi :: demagogue (leader of the people)
demagogia :: demagogy
demagoginen :: demagogic
demagogisesti :: demagogically
demagogisuus :: The property of being demagogic
demari [colloquial, politics] :: A social democrat
demarkaatio :: demarcation (act of marking a temporary border, especially between belligerent parties)
demarkaatiolinja :: A demarcation line
dementia :: dementia
dementikko :: A demented person (person who suffers from dementia)
dementoida :: To publicly deny or correct a claim
dementointi :: Public denial
dementoitua :: To become demented
dementoituneisuus :: dementedness (quality of being demented)
dementoitunut :: demented
dementoitunut :: A demented person; a person who suffers from dementia
dementti :: demented person (person who suffers from dementia)
demilitarisoida :: demilitarize
demilitarisointi :: demilitarization
deminutiivi :: diminutive
deminutiivinen :: diminutive
demiurgi :: demiurge
demo :: demo (brief demonstration)
demobilisaatio :: demobilization
demobilisoida :: demobilize
demobilisointi :: demobilization
demografi :: demographer
demografia :: demography
demografinen :: demographic
demografisesti :: demographically
demokraatti :: democrat
demokraatti :: Democrat (a member, ally or MP of a Democratic Party in some country)
demokraattinen :: democratic
demokraattinen :: In connection with US domestic politics also blue
demokraattinen sosialismi :: democratic socialism
demokraattisemmin :: comparative form of demokraattisesti
demokraattisesti :: democratically
demokraattisimmin :: superlative form of demokraattisesti
demokraattistaa :: To democratize
demokraattistua :: To become democratic
demokraattisuus :: The property of being democratic
demokratia :: democracy
demokratiavaje :: democratic deficit
demokratismi :: democratism (principles or spirit of democracy)
demokratisoida :: to democratize
demokratisointi :: democratization (the act of making democratic)
demokratisoitua :: to become democratized
demonauha :: demo band (tape recording produced for the purpose of demonstrating the music of an artist or a band to a producer)
demoni :: demon
demoninen :: demonic
demonisesti :: demonically
demonisuus :: The state of being demonic
demonologia :: demonology
demonstraatio :: demonstration, show
demonstratiivi :: demonstrative (demonstrative word)
demonstratiivinen :: demonstrative (that serves to demonstrate, show or prove)
demonstratiivinen :: demonstrative (that specifies the thing or person referred to)
demonstratiivipronomini :: a demonstrative pronoun:
demonstratiivisesti :: demonstratively
demonstratiivisuus :: demonstrativeness
demonstroida :: To demonstrate
demonstrointi :: demonstration (showing, explaining)
demoralisaatio :: demoralization (state of being corrupted or subverted in terms of morale, discipline, courage, hope, etc.)
demoralisoida :: To demoralize
demoralisointi :: demoralization (act of corrupting or subverting morale, discipline, courage, hope, etc.)
demoralisoitua :: To become demoralised/demoralized
De Morganin laki :: De Morgan's law
demota :: To demonstrate
demystifioida :: To demystify
demystifiointi :: demystification (removal of mystery surrounding a topic or idea)
demytologisaatio [religion, mythology] :: demythologization
denaari :: denarius (old Roman coin)
denaturoida :: To denature
denaturointi :: denaturation
denaturoitu :: denatured
dendriitti :: dendrite
dendroklimatologia :: dendroclimatology
dendrokronologia :: dendrochronology
dendrologia :: dendrology
denguekuume :: dengue fever
denier :: denier (old coin)
denier :: denier (unit of measure)
denimi :: denim
denitrifikaatio :: denitrification
denominaali :: denominative
denominaalinen :: denominative (deriving from a noun)
denominaatio :: denomination (sect or religious sub-goup)
denotaatio :: denotation
dentaali [anatomy, medicine] :: dental (of or concerning the teeth)
dentaali :: dental (made with the tongue touching the teeth)
dentaali :: dental (sound produced with the tongue touching the teeth)
dentaali- :: dental
dentaalihygienia :: dental hygiene
dentaalispirantti :: a dental non-sibilant fricative, IPA [θ] or [ð]
dentiini :: alternative term for hammasluu
deodorantti :: deodorant
deodoranttisaippua :: deodorant soap (soap formulated to kill and restrain the regrowth of smell-producing bacteria on the skin as opposed to ordinary soap which merely washes the bacteria away)
deodoroida :: to deodorize
deoksiribonukleiinihappo [genetics, biochemistry] :: deoxyribonucleic acid
deoksiriboosi :: deoxyribose
departementti ] :: department, district (administrative subdivision below state, especially in Francophone countries)
depata :: alternative spelling of debata
dependenssi :: dependence, dependency (irresistible physical or psychological need, especially for a chemical substance)
dependenssi :: dependency (relationship between two words in which one depends on the other as in attribute - headword relation)
depersonalisaatio :: depersonalization
depis :: depression
depolarisaatio :: depolarization
depolarisoida :: to depolarize
deponoida :: to store, deposit
deprekaatio :: deprecation (praying against evil)
depressantti :: depressant
depressiivinen :: depressive
depressiivisesti :: depressively
depressiivisyys :: depressiveness
depressio :: depression
depressiokausi :: period of depression
depressiolääke :: antidepressant
depressiopotilas :: depression patient
depressiotila :: depression, state of depression
deprivaatio :: deprivation (act of depriving)
deprivaatio :: deprivation (state of being deprived)
deregulaatio :: deregulation
derivaatta :: A derivative (derived function of a function)
derivaatta :: A derivative (value of a derivative function for a given value of independent variable)
derivoida :: to differentiate (to calculate the derivative of a function)
derivointi :: differentiation (process of determining the derived function of a function)
derivoituva :: well-behaved (having a finite derivative of all orders at all points, and having no discontinuities)
derkku :: A citizen of the former East Germany
Derkkula :: A nickname of East Germany
dermataanisulfaatti :: dermatan sulfate
dermatologi :: dermatologist
dermatologia :: dermatology
dermatologinen :: dermatological
dermatologisesti :: dermatologically
dermografia :: dermatographia
dervissi :: Dervish (member of a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity)
des :: D-flat
desalinaatio :: desalination (removal of salt from something, typically water)
desalinoida [rare, technical] :: to desalinate (to remove salt from something, typically water)
desalinointi [rare, technical] :: desalination (removal of salt from something, typically water)
desantti :: A member of the Russian Airborne Troops, especially one who worked as a spy or a saboteur behind enemy lines during the Second World War
Des-duuri :: D-flat major
desentralisaatio :: decentralisation/decentralization
desentralisoida :: To decentralize
desentralisointi :: decentralization
deses :: D double flat
desi :: decilitre/deciliter
desi- :: deci-
desibeli :: decibel
desibeliasteikko :: decibel scale
desibeliyksikkö :: decibel unit, decibel
desideratiivi :: desiderative (verbal mood that has the meaning of wanting to do something)
design :: design
designer :: designer
design-huume :: designer drug (alternative term to muuntohuume)
design-päihde :: designer drug (alternative term to muuntohuume)
designtuote :: design product
desigramma :: decigram (SI unit)
desiili :: decile (subset thus obtained)
desiili :: decile (any of the nine numerical values that divide an ordered sample into ten equally numerous subsets)
desilitra :: decilitre
desimaali :: A decimal place or informally, a decimal
desimaalijärjestelmä :: decimal system
desimaaliluku :: A decimal number
desimaalinen :: decimal
desimaalipilkku :: decimal point
desimaalipiste :: A decimal point
desimetri :: decimetre/decimeter
desimetriaallot [telecommunications] :: decimetre band, ultra high frequency (frequency area within which the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is measured in decimetres, i.e. from 10 cm to 1 m, and in which the frequency thus ranges from 300 MHz through 3 GHz)
desinfektio :: disinfection
desinfektoida :: To disinfect
desinfektointi :: disinfection
desinfioida :: To disinfect
desinfiointi :: disinfection
desinfiointiaine :: disinfectant
desinfiointilaite :: disinfecting device
desjatiina :: dessiatina (old Russian unit of area eq. to 10,925 sq.m.)
deskriptiivinen :: descriptive
deskriptiivisana :: descriptive word (word which uses phonetic elements descriptively, e.g. "scribble", "bubble", "lickety-split")
deskriptiivisesti :: descriptively
deskriptiivisyys :: descriptivity
deskriptio :: description
deskrptiivisesti :: descriptively
desmarestinhyppyrotta :: Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse, Heteromys desmarestianus (dipodid rodent found in continental Central America and Colombia)
desmoteplaasi :: draculin (glycoprotein with anticoagulant properties)
desorptio :: desorption
despootti :: despot
despoottinen :: despotic
despoottisesti :: despotically
despoottisuus :: despoticalness
despotia :: despotism, tyranny
despotismi :: despotism
destalinisointi :: destalinization
destruktiivinen :: destructive
detalji :: detail
detaljipiirustus [construction, engineering] :: detail drawing (large-scale drawing showing a part of a larger structure in sufficient detail to show exactly how the part is to be constructed)
detaljitieto :: detailed information (individual piece of information, often insignificant for a person who does not master the whole)
detaljoitu :: detailed
detektori :: A detector
determinantti [linear algebra] :: determinant
determinatiivinen :: determinative
determinismi :: determinism
deterministinen :: deterministic
deterministisesti :: deterministically
detoksikaatio :: detoxication
detomidiini :: detomidine
deuterium :: deuterium
deuteroni :: deuteron
devalvaatio :: devaluation
devalvoida :: To devalue
devalvointi :: devaluation
devalvoitua :: To be devalued
deverbaalinen [grammar, linguistics] :: deverbal
deviaatio :: deviation
devoni :: The Devonian
devonikausi :: Devonian, Devonian period
devonikautinen :: Devonian
döfis :: smell
DI :: initialism of diesel fuel (It is used on gas stations.)
DI :: initialism of diplomi-insinööri (This is the degree Master of Science (Technology).)
dia :: slide
diaari :: journal, diary (official record of correspondence)
diaarinumero :: journal number (in official journal record, a number that identifies a document)
diaario :: alternative form of diaari
diabaasi :: diabase
diabeetikko :: diabetic
diabeettinen :: diabetic
diabetes :: diabetes (type I)
diabetes :: diabetes (type II)
diadeema :: alternative form of diadeemi
diadeemi :: diadem (ornamental headband)
diadeemikaviokuonoyökkö :: diadem leaf-nosed bat, diadem roundleaf bat, Hipposideros diadema (species of bat native to SE Asia)
diaesitys :: slideshow
diafyysi :: diaphysis
diagnoosi :: diagnosis
diagnosoida :: to diagnose
diagnosointi :: diagnosing
diagnostiikka :: diagnostics
diagnostinen :: diagnostic
diagnostisesti :: diagnostically
diagnostisoida :: alternative form of diagnosoida
diagnostisuus :: The state of being diagnostic
diagonaali :: diagonal
diagonaalihiihto :: classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
diagonaalimatriisi :: diagonal matrix
diagonaalinen :: diagonal
diagonaalityyli :: classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
diagrammi :: diagram
diaheitin :: alternative term for diaprojektori
diakehys :: slide frame
diakoni :: deacon (designated minister of charity in Early Churches)
diakonia :: social work done by a church
diakoniaompeluseura :: A sewing circle organized to support the charity work of deaconesses
diakoninen :: diaconal
diakonissa :: deaconess
diakriittinen [orthography] :: diacritical
diakronia :: diachrony (study of change over time)
diakroninen :: diachronic
diakuva :: slide
dialekti :: dialect
dialektiikka :: dialectics
dialektikko :: dialectician (one versed in dialectics)
dialektinen :: dialectic
dialektisesti :: dialectically
dialektologia :: dialectology
dialogi :: dialogue/dialog
dialoginen :: dialogical (related to or having the character of dialogue)
dialogisuus :: The quality of being dialogical
dialyysi :: dialysis
dialyysihoito :: dialysis treatment
dialyysilaite :: dialysis device
diamagneettinen :: diamagnetic
dianamarakatti :: Diana monkey, Cercopithecus diana
dianetiikka :: Dianetics
diapiiri :: diapir
diapositiivi :: slide, diapositive
diaprojektori :: slide projector
diarioida :: To diarize
diariointi :: act or process of diarizing
diarisoida :: dated form of diarioida
diasarja :: slideshow (presentation of a series of photographic slides)
diasetyleeni :: diacetylene
diasetyyli :: diacetyl
diaspora :: diaspora
diasporaseurakunta :: diaspora parish (parish belonging to a religious denomination and existing outside the principal area or homeland of that denomination)
diastaasi :: diastase
diastolinen :: diastolic
diasyyliglyseroli :: diglyceride
diatoninen :: diatonic
diatritsoiinihappo :: diatrizoic acid
diatsepaami :: diazepam
dibatag :: alternative term for laamagaselli
dibbler :: alternative term for dippleri
dibentsotiofeeni :: dibenzothiophene
diboraani :: diborane
dibutyyliftalaatti :: dibutyl phthalate
didaktiikka :: didactics (art and science of teaching)
didaktikko :: A practitioner or teacher of didactics
didaktinen :: didactic
didaktisesti :: didactically
didyymi :: didymium
dieetti :: diet (controlled regimen of food and drink)
dieettihoito :: dietary treatment
dieettikeittiö :: A commercial kitchen which specializes in preparing meals for people who follow a special diet, such as a gluten- or lactose-free one
dieettikokki :: A cook who specializes in preparing meals for people who follow a special diet, such as a gluten- or lactose-free one
dieettiruoka :: diet food, dietetic food (food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a body modification diet)
diesel :: diesel car, diesel (automobile powered with a diesel motor)
diesel :: diesel, diesel fuel
diesel :: diesel motor, diesel engine
dieselauto :: diesel car (automobile powered with a diesel motor)
dieselöidä :: to dieselize (to install or to replace with a diesel engine)
dieselöinti :: dieselization
dieseljuna :: diesel train (train with a diesel-driven locomotive)
dieselkäyttöinen :: diesel driven
dieselöljy :: diesel fuel, diesel
dieselmoottori :: diesel motor, diesel engine
dieselvero :: diesel tax (tax charged from owners of diesel-driven vehicles)
dieselveturi :: diesel locomotive
dieselvoimala :: diesel power plant
dieteetikko :: dietitian
dietetiikka :: dietetics
dietyleeniglykoli :: diethylene glycol
dietyyliamiini :: diethylamine
dietyylieetteri :: diethyl ether
dietyyliftalaatti :: diethyl phthalate
difenyyliamiini :: diphenylamine
differenssiyhtälö :: difference equation (equation defining an ordered sequence of numbers through the differences between those numbers)
differentiaali :: differential
differentiaaligeometria :: differential geometry
differentiaalilaskenta :: differential calculus
differentiaalinen :: differential
differentiaalipsykologia :: differential psychology
differentiaalivaihde :: differential gear
differentiaaliyhtälö :: differential equation
differentiaatio :: differentiation
differentioida :: to differentiate (to calculate the differential of a function of multiple variables)
differentiointi :: differentiation
differentioitua :: To be differentiated
differentioituva :: differentiable
differentoida :: alternative form of differentioida
diffis [mathematics, slang] :: A differential equation
diffraktio :: diffraction
diffuusi [sciences] :: diffuse
diffuusio :: diffusion
diformismi :: dimorphism
difosfonaatti :: bisphosphonate, diphosphonate
diftongi :: diphthong
diftongiutua :: To become a diphthong
diftongiutuminen :: diphthongization
digammafunktio :: digamma function
digata [slang, + elative/partitive] :: To dig, like
digestiivi :: digestif (after-dinner drink)
digestiivikeksi :: digestive biscuit
digestiivinen :: digestive
diggari :: fan, digger (one who digs something); often in compounds, e.g. jazz-diggari ("jazz digger")
digi- :: digi-
digiboksi :: Digibox, set-top box (device that decodes digital signal and makes it viewable on an analogue TV set)
digikamera :: digital camera
digikello :: alternative form of digitaalikello
digikuilu :: digital divide, digital gap
digikuvaus :: digital photography
digimedia :: digital media
diginatiivi :: digital native
diginauhuri :: digital recorder (recorder that stores the recorded data in digital form)
digisovitin :: digital set-top box
digisyrjäytyminen :: digital marginalization, digital exclusion (process of becoming marginalized in the society due to insufficient access to digital networks)
digitaaliarkistointi :: digital archiving
digitaalielämä :: digital life (part of life which a person spends in and with digital media)
digitaalikamera :: alternative form of digikamera
digitaalikello :: digital watch, digital clock
digitaalikeskus :: digital exchange (digital telephone exchange)
digitaalikuvaus :: alternative form of digikuvaus
digitaalilevy :: digital disk (disk, such as CD or minidisk, which is capable of storing information in digital form)
digitaalimittari :: digital meter (digital - as contrasted with analogue - measuring device)
digitaalinen :: digital
digitaaliäänite :: digital recording (recording, especially of audio, in digital form)
digitaaliäänitys :: digital recording (act of recording audio in digital form)
digitaalinäyttö :: digital display
digitaalipiano :: digital piano
digitaaliradio :: digital radio
digitaaliselektiivikutsu :: DSC (Digital Selective Call)
digitaalisesti :: digitally
digitaalisignaali :: digital signal
digitaalistaa :: To digitise/digitize
digitaalistua :: To become digitised/digitized
digitaalisuus :: digitality
digitaalitalous :: digital economy
digitaalitekniikka :: digital engineering
digitaalitekniikka :: digital technology
digitaaliteknologia :: digital technology
digitaalitelevisio :: alternative form of digitelevisio
digitaalivalokuvaus :: alternative form of digikuvaus
digitalis :: digitalis (medical extract)
digitalisoida :: To digitize
digitalisointi :: digitizing (act of digitalizing, especially on a system level)
digitalisoituminen :: digitalisation, digitalization (of a system, event or process of becoming digitalized)
digitekniikka :: digital engineering
digitekniikka :: digital technology
digitelevisio :: digital television
digitoida :: to digitize
digitointi :: digitizing (act of digitizing, especially on the signal level)
digitoituminen :: digitisation, digitization (conversion of data or information from analog to digital form)
digi-tv :: digital television
dihiilimonoksidi :: dicarbon monoxide
diileri :: dealer
diili :: deal
diiva :: diva
diivailla :: to act divalike
diivailu :: acting diva, acting divalike (instance of acting divalike)
diivata :: To act like a prima donna
dikarboksyylihappo :: dicarboxylic acid
dikdik :: dik-dik (antelope of the genus Madoqua)
dikdikantilooppi :: Salt's dik-dik, Madoqua saltiana (species of antelope)
dikloorimetaani :: dichloromethane
dikotomia :: dichotomy
diktaali :: dolphin (maritime structure)
diktaatti :: A dictate
diktaattori :: dictator
diktatorinen :: dictatorial
diktatorisesti :: dictatorially
diktatorisuus :: dictatorialness (state or quality of being dictatorial)
diktatuuri :: dictatorship
diktatuurimaa :: dictatorship (country governed by a dictator)
diktatuurivaltio :: dictatorship (country governed by a dictator)
diktio :: diction (effectiveness and degree of clarity of word choice, and presentation of said words)
dilemma :: dilemma [between two alternatives]
diletantismi :: dilettantism
diletantti :: dilettante (amateur)
diligenssi :: A stage-coach, stagecoach
dilli :: dated form of tilli
dimensio :: dimension
dimensioanalyysi :: dimensional analysis
dimensioton :: dimensionless, unitless
dimetoksietaani :: dimethoxyethane
dimetyyliamiini :: dimethylamine
dimetyyliasetamidi :: dimethylacetamide
dimetyylieetteri :: dimethyl ether
dimetyylikarbonaatti :: dimethyl carbonate
dimetyylisulfaatti :: dimethyl sulfate
dimetyylisulfidi :: dimethyl sulfide
dimetyylisulfoksidi :: dimethyl sulfoxide
dimetyylitereftalaatti :: dimethyl terephthalate
dimetyylitryptamiini :: dimethyltryptamine
diminutiivi :: diminutive
diminutiivinen :: diminutive
dimorfia :: dimorphism
dimorfinen :: dimorphic
dimorfismi :: dimorphism
dinaari :: dinar
dinaskivi :: ganister
dinosaurus :: dinosaur
diodi :: diode
diokeesi :: diocese (administrative division of the Roman Empire)
diokeesi :: diocese, bishopric (region administered by a bishop)
dioksidi :: dioxide
dioksiini :: dioxin
dioli :: diol
Dionysos :: Dionysus (Greek god of wine)
dionyysinen :: Dionysian (of or pertaining to Dionysus)
dionyysinen :: dionysian (wild, irrational, and undisciplined)
dionyysinen :: Of or pertaining to lavish consumption of alcoholic drinks
diopsidi :: diopside
dioptaasi :: dioptase
diopteri :: diopter (unit of measure of the power of a lens or mirror)
dioptri :: diopter (unit of measure of the power of a lens or mirror)
dioptria :: diopter (unit of measure of the power of a lens or mirror)
dioriitti :: diorite
dipata :: to dip (to lower into a liquid, especially a piece of food into a dipping sauce)
dipl :: diplomi (diploma); used especially in abbreviating compound terms such as diplomi-insinööri > dipl.ins., diplomiekonomi > dipl.ekon., diplomikosmetologi > dipl.kosm.
dipl.ins. [abbreviation] :: Master of Science (Technology)
diploidi :: diploid
diploidinen :: diploid
diplomaatti :: diplomat
diplomaattiedustus :: diplomatic representation
diplomaattikunta :: diplomatic corps
diplomaattinen :: diplomatic
diplomaattipassi :: diplomatic passport
diplomaattiposti :: diplomatic bag
diplomaattisesti :: diplomatically
diplomaattisuhteet :: diplomatic relations
diplomaattisuus :: diplomacy (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people so as to avoid or settle hostility)
diplomatia :: diplomacy
diplomi :: diploma (document issued by an educational institution testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a particular course of study)
diplomiekonomi :: A person holding such degree
diplomiekonomi :: Formerly, a master's degree in business management or economics granted by the Hanken School of Economics, a Swedish-language business school in Finland. Currently the corresponding degree is called ekonomi magister in Swedish and kauppatieteiden maisteri in Finnish
diplomi-insinööri :: The academic degree granted to a person who has completed engineering studies at master's level in a Finnish university, or such person himself. Usually translated into English as Master of Science in engineering, and abbreviated as M.Sc. (Eng), or Master of Science (Technology) abbreviated as M.Sc.(Tech.). The Finnish abbreviation is DI. The word is used also to refer to corresponding foreign degrees and persons holding them
diplomijääkäri :: An infantry private whose service time is 12 months (normal infantry service time is 6 months)
diplomikauppias :: An honorary title granted by the K-kauppiasliitto for a successful and respected member retailer
diplomikielenkääntäjä :: Until 2009, a bachelor degree in translation, granted by institutions called kieli-instituutti. These institutions have now been merged with universities
diplomikosmetologi :: A cosmetologist who has passed an exam in her/his trade
diplomilaulaja :: A former music degree granted by the Sibelius Academy, now part of the University of the Arts Helsinki
diplomipianisti :: A former music degree granted by the Sibelius Academy, now part of the University of the Arts Helsinki
diplomisäveltäjä :: A former music degree granted by the Sibelius Academy, now part of the University of the Arts Helsinki
diplomitehdas :: diploma mill
diplomitutkinto :: An examination leading to a degree which features the term diplomi in its name
diplomityö :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree in some academic fields, e.g. engineering)
diplomiurkuri :: A former music degree granted by the Sibelius Academy, now part of the University of the Arts Helsinki
dipoli :: dipole
dipoliantenni :: dipole antenna
dipolimomentti :: dipole moment
dippaus :: dipping (act of lowering something into a liquid, especially a piece of food into a dipping sauce)
dippauskastike :: alternative term for dippikastike
dippi :: A dip sauce
dippikastike :: dip (sauce)
dippleri :: dibbler, Parantechinus apicalis (small Australian marsupial)
director cantus :: In Finland, an honorary title awarded by the cathedral chapter to a distinguished cantor, or by the president of the republic to other musician
director musices :: director musices (in Finland, an honorary title awarded by the cathedral chapter to a distinguished organist or by the president of the republic to other musician)
direktiivi :: directive (authoritative decision)
direktiivi :: directive, directive case
direktiivi :: directive
direktiivinen :: directive (serving to direct, indicate, or guide)
direktiivinen :: directive (relating to the directive case)
direktoraatti :: directorate
dirhami :: dirham (currency of Morocco)
dirhami :: dirham (currency of the United Arab Emirates)
dirika :: A boss
disakkaridi :: disaccharide
disco :: alternative form of disko
discotanssi :: alternative form of diskotanssi
disinformaatio :: disinformation
disjunktiivikonjunktio :: disjunctive conjunction (conjunction expressing mutual exclusivity, e.g. "or")
disjunktiivinen :: disjunctive
disjunktio :: disjunction
diskantti :: treble
diskanttialue :: descant register (very high-pitched range of a voice or instrument)
diskanttiavain :: A treble clef
diskanttiääni :: descant sound
diskanttiääni :: descant voice
diskanttisäädin [audio] :: treble control
diskata :: To disqualify
diskaus :: disqualification
disketti [computing, colloquial] :: diskette
diskiitti :: discitis (infection in the intervertebral disc space)
disko :: disco, discotheque
diskofiili :: discophile (collector of audio recordings)
diskografia :: discography
diskojytä :: disco rock (loosely defined subgenre of rock music typically played in discotheques; often used belittlingly)
diskomusiikki :: disco music
diskontata :: To discount
diskontinuatiivinen :: discontinuative
diskonttaus :: discounting (act)
diskontto :: discount
diskonttokorko :: discount rate (interest rate that a central bank charges for the funds it lends to banks)
diskonttokorko :: (finance) discount rate (interest rate used to discount future cashflows in order to calculate their present value)
diskonttoliike [archaic, banking] :: discounting business (bank's business of buying unexpired promissory notes, bills of exchange etc. at a discount compared to their nominal value)
diskopallo :: disco ball
diskordianismi :: Discordianism
diskota :: To party in a nightclub
diskotanssi :: disco dance
diskoteekki :: discotheque
diskreditointi :: discredit (act of discrediting, causing loss of credibility)
diskreditointi :: credit cancellation, cancellation of credit
diskreetisti :: discreetly
diskreetti :: discrete
diskrepanssi :: discrepancy (inconsistency between facts or sentiments)
diskriminaatio :: discrimination
diskriminantti :: discriminant
diskriminoida :: to discriminate (to make decisions based on prejudice)
diskriminointi :: discrimination
diskursiivinen :: discursive
diskurssi :: discourse
diskurssianalyysi :: discourse analysis
diskusprolapsi [pathology, jargon] :: spinal disc herniation (protrusion of a vertebral disk into the spinal canal)
diskussio :: discussion (conversation or debate)
diskvalifioida :: To disqualify
diskvalifiointi :: disqualification
dislokaatio :: dislocation
disorganisaatio :: disorganization (state of being disorganized)
dispersio :: dispersion
disponibiliteetti :: availability
dispositiivinen :: alternative term for tahdonvaltainen
dispositio :: disposition
dissata :: To diss
dissertaatio :: dissertation, doctoral thesis (formal exposition of a subject in order to complete the requirements for a doctoral degree)
dissidentti :: dissident
dissimilaatio :: dissimilation
dissipatiivinen :: dissipative
dissonanssi :: dissonance
dissonanssikvartetto :: Dissonance, Dissonance quartet (nickname of Mozart's String quartet no. 19)
dissonoida :: To dissonate
dissosiaatiohäiriö :: dissociative disorder (any of several mental disorders that affect consciousness)
dissosiatiivinen identiteettihäiriö :: dissociative identity disorder
distaalinen :: distal
distikon [prosody] :: elegiac couplet
distributiivi :: distributive case
distribuutio :: distribution
disulfidi :: disulphide
disulfiitti :: disulfite
dityppimonoksidi :: alternative term for dityppioksidi
dityppioksidi :: nitrous oxide
diureesi :: production of urine
diureetti :: diuretic
diureettinen :: diuretic
diurnaalinen [science, medicine] :: diurnal
divaani :: A divan (collection of poems)
divaani :: A divan (Muslim council of state)
divaani :: A divan (piece of furniture)
divari :: antiquarian bookshop
divergenssi :: divergence
divergentti :: divergent
diversifioida :: To diversify
diversifioitua :: To become diversified
diversiteetti :: diversity
divertikuliitti :: diverticulitis
divertikuloosi :: diverticulosis
divestointi :: divestment
divinaatio :: divination
divisionismi [painting, rare] :: pointillism
divisioona :: division (a military unit)
divisioonankomentaja :: division commander
diwali [Hinduism] :: Diwali
dixieland :: Dixieland
dj :: DJ, disc jockey
Djibouti :: Djibouti
djiboutilainen :: Djiboutian
djiboutilainen :: A Djiboutian person
DKK :: diplomikielenkääntäjä
D-markka :: D-mark, D-Mark (currency of Germany 1948 – 2002)
DNA-siru :: DNA chip (collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface, used to recognize DNA present in a sample)
dobermanni :: Doberman
dodekaani :: dodecane
dodekaedri :: dodecahedron
dodekafonia :: dodecaphony (composition technique)
dodo :: dodo (bird of the extinct family Raphidae)
dodo :: dodo, Raphus cucullatus (type species of the family)
dodo :: solitaire (two extinct birds of Raphidae family, more specifically Réunion soilitaire, Raphus solitarius and Rodriques solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria)
doffeli :: alternative form of duffeli
doge :: doge
doggilepakko :: Any bat of the genus Tadarida within the family of free-tailed bats Molossidae
doggilepakko :: Any of a few individual species in various genera of the family Molossidae
doggilepakko :: European free-tailed bat, Tadarida teniotis
doggilepakko :: The genus Tadarida
dogmaatikko :: dogmatist
dogmaattinen :: dogmatic
dogmaattisemmin :: comparative form of dogmaattisesti
dogmaattisesti :: dogmatically
dogmaattisimmin :: superlative form of dogmaattisesti
dogmaattisuus :: dogmaticalness
dogmaelokuva :: Dogme film (film produced by observing the rules set out in Dogme 95 manifesto)
dogmatiikka :: dogmatics
dogmatismi :: dogmatism
dogmi :: dogma
dokata :: To drink (alcohol; especially in large amounts)
dokaus :: drinking (occasion, practice or habit of heavy consumption of alcoholic drinks)
doktriini :: doctrine
doktrinaalinen :: doctrinal (of or relating to a doctrine)
doku :: documentary
doku :: drunkard
dokudraama [television] :: docudrama
dokumentaari :: documentary (film, TV program, publication etc. which presents a social, political, scientific or historical subject in a factual or informative manner)
dokumentaarinen :: documentary
dokumentaarisuus :: documentariness (quality of being documentary)
dokumentaatio :: documentation
dokumentaatiokeskus :: alternative term for dokumentointikeskus
dokumentaatiokieli :: documentation language
dokumentaatiopalvelu :: documentation service
dokumentarismi :: documentary arts (documentary literature, drama and film as a genre)
dokumentaristi :: documentarian, documentarist (producer of documentaries)
dokumentinomainen :: documentarylike (resembling a documentary)
dokumentoida :: To document
dokumentointi :: documentation
dokumentointikeskus :: information centre, databank (organization for collecting and distributing information, usually on a defined field)
dokumentti :: document
dokumentti :: documentary
dokumenttidraama :: alternative term for dokudraama
dokumenttielokuva :: documentary (film)
dokumenttikamera :: document camera, digital overhead, docucam, visualiser, visual presenter (device to display an object or document to an audience, sort of digital overhead projector)
dokumenttikirjallisuus :: documentary literature (genre of literature)
dokumenttiohjelma :: A documentary
dokumenttivalokuvaus :: documentary photography (photography used to chronicle significant and historical events)
dolfiini :: dolphinfish, dorado, mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)
doliini :: doline (depression in karstic terrain, usually caused by dissolution of the limestone rock)
doliini :: sinkhole
dollari :: dollar (unit of currency in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, Hong Kong and Singapore)
dollarihymy :: A luxurious car (especially American)
dollarilaina :: dollar loan (loan denominated in dollars)
dollarinseteli :: dollar bill
dollmanninpuuhiiri :: Dollman's tree mouse, African tree mouse, Prionomys batesi
dolomiitti :: dolomite
dolomiittikalkki :: alternative term for dolomiitti
dolomiittikivi :: dolostone
domainnimi :: domain name
domeeni :: domain (highest-level grouping of organisms)
domina :: domina, dominatrix (dominant female in sadomasochistic practices)
dominanssi :: dominance
dominantisti :: dominantly
dominantti :: dominant
Dominica :: Dominica
dominicalainen :: Dominican (related to Dominica)
dominicalainen :: A Dominican person (from Dominica)
dominikaani :: Dominican (member of the order)
dominikaanilainen :: Dominican (related to the Dominican Republic)
dominikaanilainen :: A Dominican person (from the Dominican Republic)
dominikaaniluostari :: Dominican monastery
dominikaanimunkki :: Dominican brother (monk belonging to Dominican order)
dominikaaninen :: Dominican (of or belonging to the Dominican order)
Dominikaaninen tasavalta :: The Dominican Republic
dominikaaninunna :: Dominican nun (nun belonging to Dominican ordr)
dominikaanisisar :: Dominican sister (nun belonging to Dominican ordr)
dominikaaniveli :: Dominican brother (monk belonging to Dominican order)
dominikaaniveljeskunta :: Dominican brotherhood
dominio :: dominion
dominoefekti :: domino effect
dominoida :: To dominate
dominointi :: domination
dominonappula :: domino piece
dominopeli :: game of dominoes
dominoteoria :: domino theory, domino effect (theory)
Don :: Don (river in Russia)
dongarit :: A pair of trousers
donitsi :: bobble (elasticated band used for securing hair, especially a voluminous one)
donitsi :: doughnut (deep-fried toroidal piece of dough or batter)
donitsi :: doughnut (spare tire that is smaller than the regular one)
donjuan :: Don Juan (man who obsessively seduces women)
donkata [basketball] :: To dunk
donkkaus [basketball, colloquial] :: dunking
donkkaus :: (basketball, coloquial) dunk shot
džonkki :: junk
donna :: woman
doomi :: dome
doorilainen :: Doric
doorilainen :: Dorian
dopamiini [neurotransmitter] :: dopamine
dopata :: To dope; to use illicit drugs to enhance performance in sports
doping :: doping (use of drugs to improve athletic performance)
dopingaine :: doping substance
dopingskandaali :: doping scandal
dopingtesti :: doping test
dopingurheilija :: doping sportsman
dopplerilmiö :: Doppler effect
dopplertutka :: Doppler radar (specialized radar that makes use of the Doppler effect to produce velocity data about objects at a distance)
dorianpuukenguru :: Dorias´s tree kangaroo, Dendrolagus dorianus
dorka :: stupid, idiotic, jerklike
dorka :: dork, jerk, idiot, dorkface
dorkasgaselli :: dorcas gazelle, Dorcas gazelle, Gazella dorcas
dorkasti :: idiotically, stupidly
dorsaalinen :: dorsal (anatomy: relating to the side in which the backbone is located, or the analogous side of an invertebrate)
dorsaalinen :: dorsal (anatomy: relating to the top surface of the foot or hand)
dorsaalinen :: dorsal (linguistics: of a sound produced using the top side of the tongue)
dosentti :: docent (teacher or lecturer in university)
dosentuuri :: docentship
dosetti :: pill dispenser
dosimetri :: dosemeter
douglasinpussihiiri :: Julia Creek dunnart, Sminthopsis douglasi (small marsupial only found in riparian grassland's between Julia Creek and Richmond in Queensland, Australia)
douglaskuusi :: Douglas-fir, Oregon pine (Evergreen conifer of the genus Pseudotsuga, especially the type species of the genus, Pseudotsuga menziesii, which is native to the western North America)
doula :: doula
doupata :: To dope; to use illicit drugs to enhance performance in sports
draama :: drama
draamadokumentti :: docudrama, drama documentary
draamaelokuva :: drama film, drama movie
draamakasvatus :: drama education
draamakirjailija :: drama writer
draamakirjailija :: playwright
draamakirjallisuus :: drama literature
draamallinen :: dramatic (of or relating to the drama)
draamallisesti :: dramatically (as a drama)
draamallisuus :: dramaticism (state or property of being dramatic in sense "of or relating to drama")
draamapedagogiikka :: drama pedagogy, theatre pedagogy
draamateatteri :: drama theater
draamaterapia :: drama therapy
dragsteri :: dragster (car)
draivi [golf] :: drive (golf stroke)
draivi :: drive (self-motivation)
drakma :: drachma
drakoninen :: draconian
dralon :: dralon (fabric)
dramaatikko :: playwright, dramatist
dramaattinen :: dramatic (striking in appearance or effect)
dramaattisesti :: dramatically (strikingly)
dramaattisuus :: the property of being dramatic
dramatiikka :: dramatics
dramatisoida :: To dramatize
dramatisointi :: dramatization
dramaturgi :: dramatist, dramaturge
dramaturgia :: dramaturgy
dramaturginen :: dramaturgic
drapeerata :: To drape (to cover or adorn with drapery)
drapeeraus :: drapery (art of draping, draped piece of cloth)
drapeeraus :: draping (act of designing or producing drapery)
drastinen :: drastic
drastisesti :: drastically
drastisuus :: The state of being drastic
dravida :: Dravidian (person)
dravidakieli :: Dravidian, Dravidian language (any of the languages belonging to the Dravidian family of languages, spoken on the Indian subcontinent)
dravidakieli :: Dravidian (group of languages)
dreeni :: drain (hose or pipe, usually a temporary one, through which excess liquids are removed from the body)
dreeveri :: drever
dreija :: potter's wheel
dreijata [ceramics] :: to throw (to make - a pot or other object - by shaping clay as it turns on a wheel)
dreijaus [ceramics] :: throwing (act or event of shaping clay as it turns on a wheel)
dreseerata :: to break in (to train a horse to follow the orders of the owner)
dreseerata :: to train (to train an animal to follow the orders of the owner)
dreseeraus :: dressage (schooling of a horse)
dresiina :: alternative form of resiina
dresyyri :: dressage (training of a horse)
drifteri :: drifter (sail)
drilli :: A drill (exercise)
drillinki :: drilling
drillipora [tools] :: eggbeater drill (type of hand drill which is driven by a hand-operated crank)
drinkki :: drink (portion of alcoholic beverage, usually mixed)
drinkkibaari :: A bar that specializes in mixed drinks
drinkkilasi :: drink glass (any sort of glass commonly used for serving mixed alcoholic drinks)
dritteli :: (historical) A barrel which held this quantity of butter
dritteli :: A unit of measure in trade of butter, about 51 kg
drive-in-elokuvateatteri :: drive-in movie theater
dromedaari :: dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
dromologia :: dromology
drontti :: dodo, Raphus cucullatus
drotsi :: a high official in Nordic countries whose main responsibility was monitoring of the judiciary
dörtsi :: door
druidi :: druid
drumliini :: drumlin
druusi :: A Druze
dryadi :: dryad
dryasmarakatti :: Dryas monkey, Cercopithecus dryas (little-known species of guenon found only in the Congo Basin)
dösä :: bus
dösis :: (Helsinki slang) bus stop
duaali :: dual
duaaliavaruus :: dual space
duaalitalous :: dual economy (existence of two separate economic sectors within one country)
dualismi :: dualism
dualisti :: dualist
dualistinen :: dualistic
dualistisesti :: dualistically
dualistisuus :: The property of being dualistic
Dušanbe :: Dushanbe (capital of Tajikistan)
dubata :: To dub (to copy the audio track onto a film)
dubbata :: alternative form of dubata
dubbaus :: dubbing
dubbeli :: A doubleton (bridge term)
dublee :: A piece metal covered with gold or other precious metal
dubletti :: duplicate
dubnium :: dubnium
duchesseperunasose duchess potatoes
duetto :: duet (a musical composition for two performers)
duffeli :: duffel
duffelitakki :: duffel coat
dugongi :: Any large marine mammal in the family Dugongidae, which includes dugong and the extinct Steller's sea cow
dugongi :: dugong, Dugong dugon
dukaatti :: ducat (gold coin minted by various European nations)
duktio :: duction (eye movement involving only one eye)
dulla :: hashish (cannabis extract)
dumari [sports, informal] :: An ump
dumdumluoti :: dumdum, dumdum bullet, expanding bullet (bullet that expands on contact)
dumpata :: To dump
dumping :: dumping (selling goods at less than their normal price)
dumppaus :: dumping {gloss|selling goods at less than their normal price}}
dumpperi :: dumper (vehicle)
dumpperi :: haul truck (large dump truck, such as used in open-pit mines to transport blasted zone)
dumppi :: anti-surge valve, diverter valve, bypass valve, blow-off valve, dump valve (in a turbocharged engine, a pressure relief valve fitted between the turbocharger and the cylinder inlet, which vents off eventual excess pressure)
dunkerinajokoira :: Dunker, Norwegian hound (breed of hound of Norwegian origin)
dunkkis :: smell, odor
duo :: duo, twosome
duoraitiovaunu :: tram-train
dupletti :: duplicate
duplikaatti :: duplicate
duraatio :: duration
duraatioanalyysi :: duration analysis
duralumiini :: duralumin
durio :: durian
durra :: sorghum
durumvehnä :: durum wheat (low-glutene, "hard" variety of wheat, especially suitable for producing dry varieties of pasta)
duthinkultamyyrä :: Duthie's golden mole, Chlorotalpa duthieae
duuma :: duma (lower house of the Russian parliament)
duunailla [slang, ] :: to do, work
duunari :: A manual worker
duunata :: To do, make, work on
duunaus :: alternative form of duuni
duuni :: job, work
duuri :: major
duuri :: (music) major key
duuriasteikko :: major scale
duurisointu :: major chord
duurisävellaji :: major key
duurivoittoinen :: successful, positive, happy
duurivoittoinen :: of a set of music, consisting mainly of pieces played in major key
DVD-levy :: DVD (optical disc)
DVD-soitin :: DVD player
D-vitamiini :: vitamin D
dybowskinmangusti :: Pousargues's mongoose, Dologale dybowskii (species of mongoose living on African savannah)
dynaaminen :: dynamic
dynaamisesti :: dynamically
dynaamisuus :: dynamicity
dynamiikka :: dynamics
dynamiitti :: dynamite
dynamiittimies :: A criminal who uses dynamite in committing burglary
dynamiittipanos :: dynamite charge
dynamo :: A dynamo (energetic person)
dynamo :: A small electric generator that produces direct current (DC) and which uses permanent magnets to produce the required magnetic field; a small dynamo
dynamometri :: dynamometer
dynastia :: dynasty
dynorfiini :: dynorphin
dysartria :: dysarthria
dysenteria :: dysentery
dysfasia :: dysphasia
dysfemismi :: dysphemism (use of a derogatory, offensive or vulgar word or phrase to replace a neutral one; such word)
dysforia :: dysphoria
dysfunktionaalinen [especially in medicine] :: dysfunctional
dysgrafia :: dysgraphia (serious difficulty with writing)
dyskalkulia :: dyscalculia (serious difficulty with numbers and in doing arithmetic)
dyslalia :: dyslalia
dysleksia :: dyslexia
dyspepsia :: dyspepsia
dyspraksia :: dyspraxia
dysprosium :: dysprosium
dysrytmia :: dysrhythmia
dystokia :: dystocia (slow or difficult labour or delivery)
dystopia :: dystopia
dystrofinen :: dystrophic
dyykata :: to dive
dyykata :: to dumpster dive
dyyni :: dune
dzinni :: jinn
-e :: Used for forming nouns from verbs or adjectives
E :: eximia cum laude approbatur
eaa. :: BCE
EAN-koodi :: EAN code (barcode composed according to the EAN standard)
eau de Cologne :: cologne (type of perfume)
eboniitti :: ebonite
ecu :: ecu
Ecuador :: Ecuador
ecuadorilainen :: Ecuadorian
ecuadorinkalansyöjärotta :: montane fish-eating rat, Neusticomys monticolus
ecuadorinpiikkihiiri :: South American spiny mouse, Scolomys melanops
edam :: Edam cheese
edaminjuusto :: Edam cheese (type of cheese originating from Netherlands)
edamjuusto :: Edam cheese (type of cheese originating from Netherlands)
edeema :: alternative form of ödeema
edellä :: above:
edellä :: noun + edellä = noun + first:
edellä :: [static] before, ahead of, in advance of:
edelle :: before
edelle :: before, ahead of:
edelleen :: still
edellinen :: previous
edellisvuosi :: previous year, year before
edellisvuotinen :: of or pertaining to the year before the year of the event referred to
edelläkävijä :: forerunner, pioneer (one who goes ahead, preparing the way for others to follow)
edelläkävijä :: vanguard (people at the forefront of any group or movement)
edellä mainittu :: aforesaid, aforementioned
edellyttää [logic, + partitive] :: To presuppose, necessitate, entail, imply
edellyttää :: To presume, assume, suppose
edellyttää :: To require, oblige, call for, make imperative (administratively)
edellytys :: prerequisite
edellytys :: requirement
edeltä :: in advance, beforehand
edeltää :: To precede, go before, go ahead of, come before, take place before, antedate, predate, antecede
edeltä :: from before, from ahead of:
edeltäjä :: predecessor
edeltäkäsin :: beforehand
edeltävä :: preceding
edemmä :: alternative form of edemmäksi
edemmäs :: alternative form of edemmäksi
Eden :: alternative spelling of Eeden
edentaatio :: edentation
edes :: at least (suggesting a minimum in a positive statement)
edes :: even, so much as (suggesting a minimum in a negative statement)
edes :: even (suggesting a minimum in a question)
edes :: (with the negation verb) not ... even:
edesauttaa :: To further, support
edesmennä :: to pass away (to die)
edesmennyt :: deceased
edesottamus :: doing
edespäin :: forward
edessä :: (static) in front of
edestä :: from the front, from ahead, out of the way
edestä :: for, on behalf of
edestä :: from in front of, from before; out of the way of; sometimes in front of due to different usage in Finnish and English
edestä :: used to express equal worth
edestakainen :: to and fro
edestakaisin :: back and forth, to and fro
edesvastuuton :: irresponsible, reckless
edesvastuuttomasti :: irresponsibly, recklessly
edetä [physically] :: To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground
edetä :: To act, proceed
edetä :: To develop, improve, (become/get) better
edetä :: To progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on
ediacarakausi :: The Ediacaran
ediacarakautinen :: Ediacaran (of a geologic period from about 620 to 542 million years ago)
edikti :: edict
edistää [of a clock] :: To run fast, be fast
edistää :: To advance, further, forward, help/urge forward, help the progress of, work for/toward, expedite, improve on, enhance, aid, assist
edistää :: To promote, speak for, foster, encourage, support
edistäjä :: contributor
edistäminen :: promotion
edistävä :: promotive
edistyä :: To advance, proceed, make headway/strides, move/go ahead/forward, gain ground
edistyä :: To develop, improve, become/get better
edistyä :: To progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on
edistyksellinen :: progressive
edistyksellisyys :: progressiveness
edistyneisyys :: progressiveness
edistys :: progress
edistysmielinen :: progressive
editio :: edition
editoida :: To edit (to make changes to a text)
editoija :: editor, copy editor
editointi :: editing
editori :: editor (software)
editse :: (rare or dialectal) by the front of (when one goes through the space that is in front of something):
edukas :: Inexpensive
edullinen :: advantageous
edullinen :: inexpensive, cheap
edullisemmin :: comparative form of edullisesti
edullisempi :: comparative form of edullinen
edullisesti :: advantageously
edullisesti :: inexpensively
edullisuus :: inexpensiveness, cheapness
edunsaaja :: beneficiary (one who benefits from a legal transaction such as a will, donation, insurance or other contract)
edunvalvoja :: guardian of interests (one who guards, watches over, or protects someone's interests)
edunvalvoja :: (law) trustee (one who is intrusted with property for the benefit of another)
edunvalvoja :: guardian (person legally responsible for a minor or incompetent person)
edunvalvonta :: the acts of a guardian (person legally responsible for a minor or incompetent person) in their office
edunvalvonta :: promotion of interests (organized action for defending and advancing the rights or economic interests of a particular group in the society)
edus :: front (of a house etc.)
eduskunta :: Any parliament
eduskunta :: The Finnish Parliament
eduskuntaryhmä :: parliamentary group (group of MP's within a parliament who have agreed to act together in promoting the interests of their voters, usually consisting of the members of the same political party)
eduskuntavaali :: parliamentary election; normally used in plural, see eduskuntavaalit
eduskuntavaalit [politics, in Finland] :: parliamentary election
edusta :: front (of a house etc.)
edustaa :: To represent
edustaja :: deputy, delegate, proxy, substitute, surrogate
edustaja :: proponent, exponent, advocate, upholder, believer
edustaja :: representative
edustaja :: spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people)
edustaja-aloite :: private member's bill (proposed law introduced by a member of a legislature who is not acting on behalf of the executive government)
edustajainhuone :: The House, or the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress
edustajisto :: body of delegates, representatives
edustajuus :: The act of being a representative
edustava :: presentable (in good enough shape to be shown to other people)
edustava :: representative (having the same properties of interest as a larger group)
edustavuus :: representativeness
edustua :: To be represented
edustuksellinen :: representative
edustus [law, accounting] :: representation
edustusjoukkue :: representative team
edustusto :: representation
E-duuri :: E major
Edvard :: male given name
eeben :: ebony
eebenholtsi :: ebony
eebenpuinen :: ebony (made of ebony wood)
eebenpuu :: ebony
eeden :: An Eden, paradise
Eeden :: The Eden
Eedit :: female given name
eekkeri :: acre
Eeli :: Eli
Eeli :: male given name
Eelin :: female given name
Eelis :: male given name
eemeli :: ecstasy (drug)
Eemeli :: male given name
Eemeli :: The letter "E" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Eemil :: male given name
eepikko :: epicist
eepos :: An epic
eeppinen :: epic
Eerik :: male given name
Eerika :: female given name, feminine form of Eerik
Eerikki :: male given name
Eerin :: female given name
Eero :: male given name
Eerola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Eerola :: Finnish surname
eespäin :: forward
eessä :: alternative form of edessä
eestaas :: back and forth
eesti :: Estonian (language); the standard term for Estonian is viro
Eesti :: Estonia
eestiläinen :: Estonian
eestiläinen :: An Estonian person
eeta :: eta
eetikko :: ethicist
eetillinen :: ethical
eetos :: ethos
eetteri :: aether
eetteri :: radio waves
eetteri :: ether
eetterinen :: ethereal
eettinen :: ethical
eettisemmin :: comparative form of eettisesti
eettisesti :: ethically
eettisimmin :: superlative form of eettisesti
eettisyys :: ethicalness
Eetu :: male given name
eeva :: woman
Eeva :: Eve [wife of Adam]
Eeva :: female given name, equivalent to English Eve
Eevert :: male given name
Eevertti :: male given name
Eevi :: female given name
efa :: saw-scaled viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, little Indian viper (Echis carinatus)
efebofiili :: ephebophile
efebofilia :: ephebophilia
efedriini :: ephedrine
efekti :: effect
efektiivinen :: effective
efektiivisesti :: effectively
efektiivisyys :: effectiveness
efektilaite :: effects unit (electronic device that alters how a musical instrument or other audio source sounds)
efektori [biology, mycology] :: effector
efemeridi :: ephemeris
efesolainen :: Ephesian (of or pertaining to Ephesus)
efesolainen :: Ephesian (someone from Ephesus)
efesolaiskirje :: Ephesians, Letter to the Ephesians
efferentti :: efferent (carrying away from)
effuusio :: effusion
ege :: euro [currency]
Egeanmeri :: The Aegean Sea
ego :: ego
ego :: ego
egoismi :: egoism
egoisti :: egoist
egoisti :: egotist
egoistinen :: egoistic
egoistisesti :: egoistically
egoistisuus :: egoism
egomaanikko :: egomaniac
egosentrinen :: egocentric
egosentrisesti :: egocentrically
egosentrisyys :: egocentrism
egypti :: Egyptian (language)
Egypti :: Egypt
egyptiläinen :: Egyptian
egyptiläinen murtoluku :: Egyptian fraction
egyptindoggilepakko :: Egyptian free-tailed bat, Tadarida aegyptiaca (species of bat found in most of Africa, the Middle East and India)
egyptinhautalepakko :: Egyptian tomb bat, Taphozous perforatus (species of bat)
egyptin kieli :: Egyptian (language)
egyptinkielinen :: Egyptian, Egyptian-language (expressed in Egyptian)
egyptinkoirankuonolepakko :: Egyptian rousette, Rousettus aegyptiacus (species of bat)
egyptinmangusti :: Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon (species of shrew endemic to Egypt)
egyptinmungo :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
egyptinparru :: Egyptian balk (type of sawn good having the length of 3–6,7 meters, square cross-section with the side length of at least 75 mm in one end and not more than 25 mm less in the other end)
egyptinvaivaispäästäinen :: Egyptian pygmy shrew, Crocidura religiosa (species of shrew endemic to Egypt)
egyptologi :: Egyptologist
egyptologia :: Egyptology
egyptologinen :: egyptological
ehdoin tahdoin :: deliberately, intentionally, on purpose
ehdokas :: A candidate
ehdokas :: A nominee
ehdokkuus :: candidacy
ehdollepano :: nomination (act or instance of naming someone as a candidate for a particular role or position)
ehdollinen :: conditional
ehdollinen :: suspended
ehdollisesti :: conditionally
ehdollistaa :: To condition
ehdollistaminen :: conditioning
ehdollistua :: To become conditioned
ehdollisuus :: conditionality
ehdonalainen :: conditional
ehdonalainen :: parole
ehdonalainen :: probation
ehdotella :: To suggest (casually, repeatedly)
ehdotelma :: proposal, sketched plan
ehdoton :: absolute, unconditional
ehdoton :: best
ehdoton :: an unconditional incarceration (as opposed to probation), prison (sentence)
ehdottaa :: to suggest, propose
ehdottaja :: proposer
ehdottomasti :: absolutely, definitely
ehdottomuus :: The property of being unconditional; absoluteness
ehdotus :: suggestion
ehdyttää :: To exhaust, to cause to dry up
eheä :: Intact, unbroken
eheä :: Whole, solid
ehei :: no
ehein :: superlative form of eheä
eheys :: integrity
eheyttää :: To turn homosexual straight
eheyttää :: To defragment
eheyttää :: To make whole, unite
eheytyä :: To become whole
eheytys :: defragmentation
ehiö :: postal stationery
ehjä :: intact
ehjempi :: comparative form of ehjä
ehjyys :: integrity
ehkä :: perhaps, maybe
ehkei :: ehkä + ei
ehkeivät :: ehkä + eivät
ehkemme :: ehkä + emme
ehken :: ehkä + en
ehket :: ehkä + et
ehkette :: ehkä + ette
ehkäiseminen :: prevention
ehkäisemään [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, ehkäistä, c=ill] ::
ehkäisevä :: preventive
ehkäisevästi :: preventively
ehkäisijä :: preventer
ehkäisin :: A preventer
ehkäistä :: To prevent, keep from occurring, avert, block, bar
ehkäistä :: To stop, halt, check, keep/hold back, hold up, stave/ward off
ehkäistä :: To suppress, repress, stanch, stop
ehkäistä :: To thwart, frustrate, foil, arrest, nip in the bud, forestall; to intercept, defend against, counteract, fend off
ehkäistyä :: To be prevented
ehkäisy :: contraception (prevention of pregnancy)
ehkäisy :: prevention
ehkäisy :: When used as modifier in a compound term, often translated into English as preventive or contraceptive
ehkäisykierukka :: intrauterine device
ehkäisylaastari :: contraceptive patch
ehkäisymenetelmä :: contraceptive
ehkäisypilleri :: contraceptive pill
ehkäisyrengas :: vaginal ring
ehkäisytabletti :: alternative term for ehkäisypilleri
ehkäisyvaahto :: contraceptive foam
ehkäisyväline :: contraceptive
ehompi :: used in the phrase entistä ehompi: better, fixed
ehostaa :: To apply makeup; to make up
ehoste :: decoration, ornament
ehoste :: makeup
ehostus :: makeup (cosmetics)
ehta :: genuine, pure
ehtiä [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: to have/find time (to do something)
ehtiä :: to make it, arrive or reach (in time or before something else happens) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
ehto :: condition, term
ehto :: in adessive and allative may refer to candidacy in an election or for public office
ehto :: reservation
ehtoisa :: generous
ehtolause :: A conditional sentence, conditional
ehtoo [dialectal, dated, poetic] :: An evening
ehtoollinen :: A supper
ehtoollinen :: Holy Communion, Eucharist, Lord's Supper (sacrament and ceremony)
ehtoolliskalkki :: communion cup
ehtoollisleipä :: A wafer, the Holy Bread
ehtoollisleipälautanen :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist)
ehtoollismalja :: communion cup
ehtoollisviini :: sacramental wine
ehtoopalvelus :: evening prayer, evensong (evening service in an Orthodox church)
ehtotapa :: conditional, conditional mood
ehättää :: To make it, reach (in time)
ehtyä :: To dry up
ehtymätön :: inexhaustible
ehtymättömästi :: inexhaustibly
ehyin :: superlative form of ehyt
ehyt :: intact
ehytlaitainen :: entire (of a leaf, having a smooth margin without any indentation)
ei :: no! (a negating expression)
ei :: The third-person singular form of the negation verb, used also with impersonal verb forms (see the usage in passive below). The English translations include don’t, doesn’t, not (with auxiliary verbs and be), and no
eideetikko :: A person with eidetic memory
eideettinen :: eidetic
ei ihme :: no wonder
ei ihmeempiä :: nothing special; uninformative answer e.g. to the greeting mitä kuuluu
Eija :: female given name, popular in Finland in the 1950s and the 1960s
eikä :: Used with negation verb, neither ... nor
ei kai :: not even (used to express strong disappointment or disapproval)
ei-kenenkään-maa :: no man's land
eiköhän :: Indicates hesitation
eiköhän :: Indicates that the speaker thinks the following proposition is possible or desirable, a bit like in the English expression "why don't we.."
ei-kokeellinen :: nonexperimental
eikosanoidi [hormone] :: eicosanoid
eikosapentaeenihappo :: eicosapentaenoic acid
ei koskaan :: never
eiku :: alternative spelling of ei kun
ei kukaan :: nobody, no one
ei kukaan muu :: no one else
ei kun :: Used to indicate a correction to something that was just said
ei kun :: Used to open a denial
ei kun :: Used as an invitation to do something
eikun :: alternative spelling of ei kun
ei käy :: no way (absolutely not; under no circumstances)
ei köyhänkään suu tuohesta ole :: what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (that which one person finds good usually tastes good to another)
Eila :: female given name
ei lainkaan :: not at all
eilen :: yesterday
eilinen :: yesterday's
eilinen :: yesterday
eilisaamu :: yesterday morning
eilisilta :: yesterday evening, last night, yesternight (the evening before today)
eilispäivä :: yesterday
eilispäiväinen :: Pertaining to something that occurred yesterday
ei mikään :: nothing
ei millään tavalla :: definitely not, nowise
ei millään tavalla :: (in) no way, (in) no manner, nowise, nohow, not in any way, by no means
ei milloinkaan :: never
ei missään :: nowhere
ei missään nimessä :: by no means, not by any means (certainly not; definitely not)
ei missään tapauksessa :: under no circumstance, under no circumstances; absolutely not; on no account; never
ei mitenkään :: definitely not, nowise
ei mitenkään :: (in) no way, (in) no manner, nowise, not in any way, by no means
Einari :: male given name
eine :: breakfast
eine :: food
Eine :: female given name
ei-negatiivinen :: non-negative
einehtiä :: To break one's fast (to eat breakfast)
einehtiä :: To eat
eines :: convenience food
Eini :: female given name
Eino :: male given name
Einsteinin kenttäyhtälö [relativity] :: Einstein field equation
einsteinium :: einsteinium
ei ole :: hasn't, has not
ei ole :: isn't, is not
ei ole hoppu hyväksi, eikä kiire kunniaksi :: more haste, less speed
ei oo :: alternative spelling of eioo
ei-oo :: alternative spelling of eioo
eioo :: An item that has run out of stock
eipä kestä :: you’re welcome
Eira :: A district of Helsinki, the site of a hospital named for the Old Norse goddess
Eira :: female given name
eis :: E-sharp
ei savua ilman tulta :: no smoke without fire
ei se mitään :: no problem, it's nothing, it was nothing, no worries, it's all right, that's OK (no apology is necessary)
ei suinkaan :: by no means, not by any means (certainly not; definitely not)
ei-toivottu :: ei-toivottu henkilö: persona non grata
ei-toivottu :: unwanted, undesirable
ei tule kysymykseen :: out of the question
ei uutisia on hyvä uutinen :: no news is good news
ei vielä :: not yet
ei-välttämätön [lb, fi, biology] :: nonessential
ei voi olla totta :: no way (indicates astonished disbelief or rejection)
ejakulaatio :: ejaculation (a forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation)
ejakuloida :: To ejaculate
ejakulointi :: ejaculation
ejektiivi :: ejective
ejektori :: ejector (pump)
e-julkaisu :: electronic publication
eka :: first
ekaksi :: firstly
ekaluokkalainen :: first-grader
EKG-laite :: electrocardiograph
ekinokokkoosi :: echinococcosis
e-kirja :: e-book, electronic book
ekklesiologia :: ecclesiology
eklipsi :: eclipse
ekliptika :: ecliptic
eklogiitti :: eclogite
eko- :: eco-
ekofeminismi :: ecofeminism
ekofilosofia :: ecosophy
ekokatastrofi :: ecodisaster
ekokylä :: ecovillage
ekolalia :: echolalia (immediate, involuntary, and repetitive echoing of words or phrases spoken by another)
ekologi :: ecologist
ekologia :: ecology
ekologinen :: ecological
ekologisesti :: ecologically
ekolokero :: econiche
ekomatkailu :: ecotourism
ekonomaiseri :: economizer (heat exchange device)
ekonometria :: econometrics
ekonometrinen :: econometric
ekonometrisesti :: econometrically
ekonomi :: (Common loose usage) economist (talousmies, ekonomisti)
ekonomi :: (Prior to 1980) Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Economic Sciences
ekonomi :: (Since 1980) Master of Business Administration, Master of Economic Sciences
ekonomi :: The Finnish title and/or job title used of graduates in economics or business administration (usage has varied; see usage notes below)
ekonomia :: economics
ekonominen :: economic, economical (pertaining to an economy)
ekonomisesti :: economically
ekonomisti :: economist
ekopsykologia :: ecopsychology
ekosfääri :: ecosphere
ekosysteemi :: ecosystem (system of an ecological community and its environment)
ekotoksikologia :: ecotoxicology
ekoturismi :: ecotourism
ekotyyppi :: ecotype
eKr. :: The abbreviation for ennen Kristusta, Before Christ, B.C./BC
eksä :: ex (ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-partner)
eksä :: contraction of etkö sinä ?
eksa- :: exa-
eksagramma :: exagram
eksajoule :: exajoule
eksakti :: exact
eksakti jono :: exact sequence
eksaktisti :: exactly
eksaktius :: exactness
eksametri :: exametre, exameter
eksanteema :: exanthem
eksatavu :: exabyte
ekseema :: eczema
eksegetiikka :: exegesis
eksekantti :: exsecant
eksellenssi :: excellence
eksellentti :: excellent
eksemplaari :: exemplar; example, archetype
eksemptio :: exemption
eksentrikko :: eccentric (person who does not behave like others)
eksentrinen :: eccentric
eksentrisesti :: eccentrically
eksentrisyys :: eccentricity
eksessi :: excess
eksessiivi :: the exessive case
eksessiivinen :: excessive
ekshibitionismi :: exhibitionism
ekshibitionisti :: exhibitionist
ekshibitionistinen :: exhibitionistic
ekshumaatio :: exhumation (act of digging up a dead person from his/her grave, typically for forensic investigation)
eksisteerata :: To exist
eksistenssi :: existence
eksistentiaalinen :: existential
eksistentiaalisesti :: existentially
eksistentialismi :: existentialism
eksistentialisti :: existentialist
eksistentialistinen :: existentialistic
eksistoida :: To exist
eksklusiivinen :: exclusive
eksklusiivisesti :: exclusively
ekskluusio :: exclusion
ekskommunikaatio :: excommunication
ekskosekantti [mathematics, obsolete] :: excosecant
ekskursio :: excursion
ekskurssi :: excursion
ekso- :: exo-
eksobiologia :: exobiology
eksodermi [rare, misconception] :: ectoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
eksodus :: exodus
eksogamia :: exogamy
eksogeeninen :: exogenous
eksokarppi [lb, fi, biology] :: exocarp, epicarp (outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits)
eksokriininen :: exocrine
eksokriininen rauhanen :: exocrine gland
eksokuu :: exomoon
eksoni :: exon
eksoottinen :: exotic
eksoottisesti :: exotically
eksoottisuus :: exoticness
eksoplaneetta :: exoplanet, extrasolar planet
eksosfääri :: exosphere
eksosytoosi :: exocytosis
eksoterminen :: exothermic
eksotiikka :: exoticness
ekspansiivinen :: expansive
ekspansiivisesti :: expansively
ekspansiivisuus :: expansiveness
ekspansio :: expansion
ekspatriaatti :: expatriate
ekspektorantti :: expectorant
eksperimentaalinen :: experimental
ekspertti :: expert
eksplanatiivinen :: explanatory
eksplementtikulma :: one of a pair of explementary angles or conjugate angles
eksplisiittinen :: explicit
eksplisiittisesti :: explicitly
eksponentiaalinen :: exponential
eksponentiaalinen kasvu :: exponential growth
eksponentiaalisesti :: exponentially
eksponentti :: exponent
eksponenttifunktio :: An exponential function
eksponenttijakauma :: exponential distribution
ekspressiivinen :: expressive
ekspressionismi :: expressionism
ekspressionisti :: expressionist
ekspressionistinen :: expressionistic
ekstaasi :: MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (active chemical compound in this drug)
ekstaasi :: ecstasy (drug)
ekstaasi :: ecstasy (intense pleasure)
ekstaasi :: ecstasy, trance {gloss|frenzy or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation}}
ekstaattinen :: ecstatic
ekstaattisesti :: ecstatically
ekstaattisuus :: ecstasy
eksterni :: external
ekstra :: extra
ekstra- :: extra (beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; additional; supernumerary)
ekstrakti :: extract
ekstranet :: extranet
ekstrapolaatio :: extrapolation
ekstrapoloida :: To extrapolate
ekstrapolointi :: extrapolation
ekstremisti :: extremist
ekstremofiili :: extremophile
ekstrovertti :: extrovert
ekstrusiivinen :: extrusive
ekstrusiivinen :: effusive
ekstruusio :: extrusion
eksyä :: to get lost, go astray, lose one's way
eksykki :: An individual outside its normal habitat
eksyksiin :: lost (to the situation of being unable to find one's way)
eksyksissä :: lost (in the state of being unable to find one's way)
eksymä :: magnetic deviation
eksyttää :: to lead astray, mislead
ekto- :: ecto-
ektodermi :: ectoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
-ektomia :: -ectomy
ektooppinen :: ectopic
ektoparasiitti :: ectoparasite
ektoplasma :: ectoplasm
ekumeeninen :: ecumenical
ekumeenisesti :: ecumenically
ekumenia :: ecumenism
ekumenopolis :: ecumenopolis
ekvaattori :: equator
ekvaattorisäde :: equatorial radius
ekvipotentiaali :: equipotential
ekvivalenssi :: equivalence
ekvivalenssiperiaate :: equivalence principle
ekvivalenssirelaatio :: equivalence relation
ekvivalentisti :: equivalently
ekvivalentti :: equivalent
ekvivalenttinen :: equivalent
ekvivalenttisesti :: equivalently
elää :: To live, be alive
elää :: To live (somewhere)
elanto :: livelihood, bread
elaska :: snake blenny (Lumpenus lampretaeformis)
elastaasi :: elastase
elastiini :: elastin
elastinen :: elastic
elastisemmin :: comparative form of elastisesti
elastisesti :: elastically
elastisimmin :: superlative form of elastisesti
elastisuus :: elasticity
elastomeeri :: elastomer (polymer with elastic properties)
elatiivi :: elative
elatiivisija :: elative case
elatusaine :: culture medium, growth medium
elatusmaksu :: child support
eldorado :: El Dorado, Eden, paradise
ele :: gesture, sign
eleetön :: expressionless, vacant
elefantiaasi :: elephantiasis
elefantti :: elephant
elefanttitauti :: elephantiasis
eleganssi :: elegance
elegantisti :: elegantly
elegantti :: elegant
elegia :: elegy
eleginen :: elegiac
elehdintä :: gesturing
elehtiä :: To gesture
elekieli :: expressive behavior; gesture
elektreetti :: electret (solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge)
elektro- :: electro-
elektrodi :: electrode
elektrodynaaminen :: electrodynamic
elektrodynamiikka :: electrodynamics
elektroenkefalografia :: electroencephalography
elektroenkefalogrammi :: electroencephalogram
elektrofoni :: electrophone
elektrokardiografia :: electrocardiography
elektrokardiogrammi :: electrocardiogram
elektrokemia :: electrochemistry
elektroluminesenssi :: electroluminescence
elektrolyysi :: electrolysis
elektrolyytti :: electrolyte
elektrolyyttinen :: electrolytic
elektrolyyttisesti :: electrolytically
elektromagneetti :: electromagnet
elektromagnetismi :: electromagnetism
elektronegatiivisuus :: electronegativity
elektroni :: electron
elektroniikka :: electronics
elektroniikkaromu :: e-waste
elektroniikkateollisuus :: electronics industry
elektronikehä :: electron shell
elektronikuori :: electron shell
elektronimikroskooppi :: electron microscope
elektronimikroskopia :: electron microscopy
elektroninen :: electronic
elektroniputki :: vacuum tube
elektroniputkidiodi :: electron tube diode
elektronivoltti :: electron volt
elektronivuo :: electron flux
elektroskooppi :: electroscope
elellä :: to live, inhabit
elementaarinen :: elementary
elementti :: prefab (prefabricated section of a building)
elementti :: element
elementtimenetelmä :: finite element method
elementtitalo :: prefab
Elena :: female given name of modern usage
Eleonoora :: female given name
elevaatio :: elevation
elevaattori :: (grain) elevator
elähdyttää :: To make more lively; invigorate
eli :: a.k.a., or
eli :: (coordinating) so
eliö :: organism
Elia :: Elijah
Elia :: male given name
Elias :: Elijah, Elias
Elias :: male given name of biblical origin
Eliel :: Eliel
Eliel :: male given name
Eliina :: female given name
Eliisa :: female given name
Eliisabet :: female given name, now rare
eliitti :: elite
eliökehä :: biosphere
elikko :: critter
eliksiiri :: elixir
eliökunta :: Life as the whole of all organisms
eliömaantiede :: biogeography
eläimellinen :: animal
eläimellinen :: animal (unhindered by social codes)
elimellinen :: organic (pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body)
eläimellisempi :: comparative form of eläimellinen
elimenluovuttaja :: organ donor (one whose organ is transplanted to another person, used especially of an individual; compare elintenluovuttaja)
elimensiirto :: alternative form of elinsiirto
eliminaatio :: elimination
eliminoida :: To eliminate
eliminointi :: elimination
eliminoitua :: To be eliminated
eläimistö :: fauna
elimistö :: body (as the sum of organs)
elimistö :: system
eläin :: animal
elin :: governmental body
elin :: member (penis)
elin :: organ of an organism
elin- :: See: elin
elin- :: living, life
Elina :: female given name
elinaika :: lifetime, lifespan
elinajanodote :: life expectancy
eläinaktivismi :: animal rights activism
eläinaktivisti :: animal rights activist
eläinfossiili :: animal fossil
eläinfysiologia :: animal physiology
elinikä :: lifetime, age (whole duration of a being)
elinikäinen :: lifetime
elinkaari :: life cycle
eläinkauppa :: pet shop
elinkautinen :: Lasting for life
elinkautinen :: A life sentence; life, especially with the verb "to sentence". When used as modifier in a compound term, contracts to form elinkautis-
elinkautisvanki :: A prisoner for life
elinkeino :: livelihood, living (person's means of supporting himself)
elinkeino :: trade, business
elinkeinoelämä :: business
elinkeinokeskus :: A regional or municipal board for promotion of business in its area of operation. There seems to be no uniform translation into English, but many of these boards call themselves "Business + name of city or region", e.g. "Business Seinäjoki" in their English communication
elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus :: A joint regional office of three ministries, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, ympäristöministeriö and liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, more commonly called ELY-keskus. Their official English translation is Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
elinkelpoinen :: Goldilocks; in certain terms , e.g.:
elinkelpoinen :: life-sustaining (capable of sustaining life)
elinkelpoinen :: viable (able to live on its own)
elinkelpoistaa :: To make habitable
eläinkoe :: An animal test
eläinkoe :: In plural eläinkokeet refers often to animal testing (practice of using animal tests in research)
elinkorko [insurance] :: life annuity (financial contract in the form of an insurance product according to which a seller (issuer) makes a series of future payments to a buyer (annuitant) in exchange for the immediate payment of a lump sum)
eläinkunta :: Animalia, the animal kingdom
elinkustannukset :: cost of living
elinkustannusindeksi :: cost-of-living index
eläinlaji :: an animal species
eläinlääketiede :: veterinary medicine
eläinlääkäri :: veterinarian
eläinmaailma :: animal world
eläinmaantiede :: zoogeography
eläinmuseo :: zoological museum
eläinoikeusliike :: animal rights movement
elinolo :: Singular form of elinolot; used only as modifier in compound terms
elinolot :: living conditions
eläinopillinen :: zoological
eläinoppi :: zoology
elinpaikka :: habitat
elinpankki :: organ bank
eläinpatologia :: zoopathology
elinpiiri :: home range, habitat
eläinplankton :: zooplankton
eläinpsykologia :: Ethology
eläinrasva :: animal fat
eläinrata [astronomy, astrology] :: zodiac
eläinratavalo :: zodiacal light
eläinratavalo :: false dawn (morning zodiacal light)
eläinrääkkäys :: cruelty to animals
eläinsairaala :: veterinary hospital
eläinsatu :: fable
elinsiirto :: organ transplant (surgical operation)
elinsiirtotoiminta :: organ harvesting (removal, preservation and use of human organs and tissue to be used in surgical transplants)
eläinsuoja :: animal shelter
eläinsuojelu :: animal protection
elintapa :: way of life
eläintarha :: zoo
elintarvike :: foodstuff (things edible)
elintarvike :: groceries (food bought and sold in grocery)
elintarvikekauppa :: A grocery shop, grocery store
elintarvikekortti :: food stamp, especially when used as means of rationing
elintarvikeliike :: A grocery shop
elintarvikelisäaine :: A food additive
elintarvikemarkkinat :: food market (system of trading)
elintarviketeollisuus :: food industry (the part of the industrial sector which is involved in food production)
elintarvikeväri :: food colouring (any substance added to food in order to change its colour)
elintarvikkeet :: grocery, groceries, foodstuffs (mass noun for items consumed as food)
elintaso :: standard of living
elintasokilpailu :: living standard competition, keeping up with the Joneses (race to improve and particularly to show the improvement of one's living standard)
eläinten kuningas :: king of beasts (lion)
elintenluovuttaja :: organ donor (one whose organ is transplanted to another person, used especially of potential donors or donors collectively)
elintenluovutus :: organ donation
eläintenpalvonta :: zoolatry
eläintentäyttäjä :: taxidermist
eläinten täyttäminen :: doing taxidermy (act)
eläinten täyttäminen :: taxidermy (art of preserving animals for display by stuffing)
eläintiede :: zoology
eläintieteellinen :: zoological
eläintieteellisesti :: zoologically
eläintieteilijä :: zoologist
elintila :: lebensraum
elintila :: living space
elintoiminto :: body function (any of the functions that maintain a living organism, e.g. breathing, circulation, metabolism)
elintärkeä :: vitally important, essential, indispensable, absolutely necessary, crucial
elinvoima :: vitality
elinvoimaisuus :: vitality
elinvuosi :: life year (a year o one's life)
elinympäristö :: habitat
Elisa :: Elisha
Elisa :: female given name, short for Elisabet
Elisabet :: Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist
Elisabet :: female given name
eliöstö :: biota
elitismi :: elitism
elitisti :: elitist
elitistinen :: elitist
eliöyhteisö :: biocoenosis
eliöyhteisö :: community
eläjä :: creature
eläjä :: liver (one who lives, usually in some a specified way)
Eljas :: male given name, variant of Elias
eläke :: pension (payment made to one retired)
eläkeikä :: retirement age, pension age (the age at which a pension can be claimed)
eläkeläinen :: pensioner
eläkepäivä :: A day of being retired; mostly used in plural (see: eläkepäivät) to denote retirement
eläkepäivät :: retirement (state of being retired)
eläkerahasto :: pension fund
eläkevakuutus :: pension insurance
eläköityä :: To become a pensioner
eläkkeellä :: retired
eläköön :: hurrah
-ella :: Forms frequentative verbs. See -lla.
Ella :: female given name, similar to English Ella
ellei :: unless he/she/it, if he/she/it not
elleivät :: if they not, unless they
ellemme :: if we not, unless we
ellen :: if I not, unless I
Ellen :: female given name
ellet :: if you (sg.) not, unless you (sg.)
ellette :: if you (pl.) not, unless you (pl.)
elli :: woman
Elli :: female given name
ellipsi :: ellipse
ellipsi [typography] :: ellipsis
ellipsoidi :: ellipsoid
elliptinen :: elliptic
elliptisyys :: ellipticity
ellottaa :: To disgust, nauseate
elämä :: life
Elma :: female given name
Elmer :: male given name
Elmeri :: male given name. The Finnish equivalent of English Elmer
elämöidä :: To be noisy
eläminen :: living
elämöinti :: noise; racket
elämäkerrallinen :: biographical
elämäkerta :: biography
elämäkerturi :: biographer
elämänaika :: lifetime
elämänilo :: exuberance, joy of life, joy of living
elämänkatsomuksellinen :: of or pertaining to a view of life
elämänkatsomus :: view of life, worldview (one's general philosophy)
elämänkatsomustieto :: In Finnish public schools, a study subject for students who do not belong to a church and who do not want to study religion; includes philosophical subjects such as ethics and moral principles, and also different religions. Abbreviated as ET
elämänkerta :: alternative form of elämäkerta
elämänkoulu :: school of life, university of life
elämänlaatu :: quality of life
elämänmuoto :: lifeform, organism
elämänpuu :: tree of life
elämäntaidon valmentaja :: life coach (professional who helps clients to achieve their personal goals)
elämäntapa :: lifestyle
elämäntapa :: way of life
elämäntilanne :: situation in life
elämäntuska :: angst (painful sadness or emotional turmoil)
elämäntyö :: lifework, life's work (main occupation or vocation of a person's life)
Elmo :: male given name, cognate to the English Elmo
elämä on :: A response to someone who complains about how expensive something or everything is
elämä on :: c'est la vie
Elmon tuli :: St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge, or corona, sometimes seen at mast tops of ships during thunderstorms, caused by ionization of the atmosphere)
elämärajoitteinen [ironic] :: living impaired (dead)
elämyksekäs :: memorable
elämyksellinen :: memorable
elämys :: experience, especially an emotional or exciting one
elo :: crop, especially corn
elo :: life
Elo :: Finnish surname
Elo [rather rare] :: male given name
elohiiri :: tic
elohopea :: A metallic element: mercury, quicksilver, chemical symbol Hg
elohopea :: Figuratively, a lively thing or person, especially a child
elohopeamillimetri :: millimetre of mercury, millimeter of mercury (unit of pressure defined as extra pressure generated by a column of mercury one millimetre high)
elohopeamyrkytys :: mercury poisoning
elohopeapitoinen :: mercurial (containing the element mercury)
elohopeasulfidi [inorganic chemistry] :: mercuric sulfide, HgS
eloisa :: cheerful, bubbly
eloisa :: lively, frisky, spirited
eloisammin :: comparative form of eloisasti
eloisasti :: In a lively manner
eloisimmin :: superlative form of eloisasti
eloksoida :: To anodize
eloksointi :: anodising/anodizing
elokuinen :: Pertaining to August
elokuu :: August
elokuva :: cinema (art form)
elokuva :: in plural (elokuvat) also movies, cinema (theater in which films are shown for the public)
elokuva :: movie (individual film)
elokuva-ala :: film industry
elokuvafestivaali :: film festival
elokuvajuhla :: film festival
elokuvajuhlat :: film festival
elokuvakamera :: film camera, movie camera
elokuvakäsikirjoittaja :: screenwriter
elokuvakäsikirjoitus :: movie script
elokuvalippu :: movie ticket
elokuvallinen :: cinematic (of or relating to the cinema)
elokuvamusiikki :: film score
elokuvantekijä :: filmmaker
elokuvanäyttelijä :: film actor
elokuvanäyttelijätär :: film actress
elokuvaohjaaja :: film director
elokuvaprojektori :: movie projector, film projector
elokuvastudio :: movie studio
elokuvasäveltäjä :: film composer
elokuvata :: To film
elokuvateatteri :: movie theater, cinema
elokuvatuottaja :: film producer
elollinen :: animate (that which lives)
elollinen :: living (state of having life)
elollinen :: organic
elollistaa :: to personify
elonkorjaaja :: reaper
elonkorjuu :: harvest
elonkorjuukone :: harvester (machine that harvests)
elonmerkki :: a sign of life
eloon :: jäädä eloon: to stay alive
elopaino :: live weight
eloperäinen :: biogenic (produced by living organisms)
eloperäinen :: organic (derived from living organisms)
elosalama :: A sheet lightning; an apparently silent lightning that occurs in thunderclouds
elossa :: olla elossa: to be alive
elostelija :: rake, lecher
elostella :: lech; behave lecherously
elostelu :: leading a sinful life of depravity and lust
elostelu :: leching; lecherous behaviour
elostua :: to revive
elostuttaa :: To animate,
eloton :: inanimate
eloton :: Inanimate, lifeless
eloton :: Lifeless, dull
elottomasti :: lifelessly
elottomuus :: lifelessness
elotuli :: sheet lightning
elovalkea :: sheet lightning
elpyä :: To (begin to) flourish/prosper/thrive (again)
elpyä :: To pick up, look up, catch/take fire, (start to) take off, get livelier, improve
elpyä :: To recover, revive, recuperate, return to strength/health/good condition
elpyminen :: recovery, resurgence
Elsa :: female given name
El Salvador :: El Salvador
elsassi :: The Alsatian language
Elsi :: female given name
eltaantua :: To become rancid
eltaantua :: To become spoiled
elätellä :: To maintain (hope)
elättää :: To feed, provide food for
elättää :: To maintain; to support (living of), provide for
eltta :: pitko
elätti :: dependent; one who relies on another for support
elättäjä :: breadwinner
elukka :: animal, critter
elukka :: brute
elävä :: Animated, lively, buoyant, perky, peppy, vivacious; sprightly, youthful; (of animals) frisky, playful, frolicsome
elävä :: Having life; being alive, live, living (also figuratively; in use or existing)
elävä :: lifelike (like a living being)
elävä :: vivid
Elvi :: female given name
Elviira :: female given name , cognate to English Elvira
eläväinen :: lively
elvistellä :: to brag, to boast
elävöittää :: To invigorate; to regenerate
elävöityä :: To become more lively
elävältä :: alive
elävämpi :: comparative form of elävä
elvyke :: stimulant
elvyttää :: to revive, revitalize, resuscitate, infuse new life into, refresh, freshen, renew, enliven, improve, quicken
elvyttää :: to resuscitate, revive, bring back to life, restore to life
elvytys :: easing
elvytys :: resuscitation
ely :: ELY Centre; see ELY-keskus
ELY :: elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus, ELY-keskus (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment)
ELY-keskus :: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (official translation), often abbreviated as ELY Centre or, rarely, EDTE Centre
eläytyä :: To empathise/empathize
em. :: edellä mainittu
emä :: mother
emä :: womb
emä :: mother of an animal, dam
emakko :: sow (female pig)
emali :: enamel (glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
emalimaali :: enamel paint
emalji :: alternative spelling of emali
emaloida :: To enamel
emalointi :: enameling
emäalus :: mothership
emansipaatio :: emancipation
emansipoida :: To emancipate
emansipoitua :: To be emancipated
embargo :: embargo
embleemi :: emblem
embryo :: embryo
embryogeneesi :: embryogenesis
embryologi :: embryologist
embryologia :: embryology
embryologinen :: embryological
embryologisesti :: embryologically
emergenssi :: emergence
emerita :: emerita
emeritusprofessori :: professor emerita
emeritusprofessori :: professor emeritus
emetofiili :: emetophile
emetofilia :: emetophilia
emfyseema :: emphysema
emfyseema :: pulmonary emphysema
emi :: pistil
emiö :: A gynoecium
emigrantti :: emigrant
emigroitua :: To emigrate
emiiri :: emir
emiirikunta :: emirate
emikukinto :: female inflorescence (inflorescence containing only female reproductive organs of a plant)
emilehti :: A carpel
Emilia ::
eminenssi :: eminence
emininhyppymyyrä :: Emin's gerbil, Emin's tateril, Taterillus emini (small African rodent)
emintimä :: stepmother
emiraatti :: emirate
emissio :: emission
emissioida :: A variant of emittoida ("to emit")
emissiosumu :: emission nebula
emitoida :: variant of emittoida ("to emit")
emittoida :: To issue, send out (stocks, bonds or notes)
emittoida :: To emit (rays or waves), radiate
emittointi :: emission
emittoiva :: emitting (being in the process of emitting)
emittoiva :: emitting (having the capacity to emit)
emäkarhu :: mother bear
emäkki :: fumitory (plant of the genus Fumaria)
emäkkikasvi :: A plant of the taxonomic subfamily Fumarioideae within the family Papaveraceae
emäksinen :: alkaline, basic
emäksisyys :: alkalinity
emälaiva :: mother ship, tender, support vessel (ship functioning as mobile base for other vessels)
Emma :: female given name
emmentaali :: Emmentaler
emmental :: Emmentaler
emmentalinjuusto :: Emmentaler
emmentaljuusto :: Emmentaler
Emmi :: female given name
emännöidä :: To host (as a hostess)
emännöinti :: hosting (as an hostess)
emännöitsijä :: housekeeper
emäntä :: A hostess
emäntä :: A housewife
emäntä :: A matron
emäntä :: A mistress
emo :: mother (woman with children)
emo :: dam (female parent, generally regarding breeding of animals)
emo :: mother (animal female parent)
emo- :: mother-
emoalus :: mother ship, tender, support vessel
emodiini :: emodin
emoji :: emoji
emokissa :: mother cat
emolehmä :: calver (mother cow)
emolevy :: A motherboard
emootio :: emotion
emosuoni :: mother lode (large or rich vein of a precious mineral)
emotionaalinen :: emotional
emotionaalisesti :: emotionally
emotionaalisuus :: emotionality
emotionalismi :: emotionalism
emoyhtiö :: parent company
empaattinen :: empathic
empaattisesti :: empathetically
empatia :: empathy
empatogeeni :: empathogen
empiä :: To hesitate
empiirikko :: empiricist
empiirinen :: empirical
empiirisesti :: empirically
empiirisyys :: empiricism
empiirityyli :: empire style
empiirityylinen :: empire style
empiria :: empiricism
empirismi :: empiricism
empiristi :: empiricist
empiristinen :: empirical
empivä :: hesitant
emppu :: ecstasy (drug)
emäs :: base
emäsika :: sow, female pig
emäspari :: base pair
emätin :: vagina
emätintulehdus :: vaginitis
emättimensisäinen :: intravaginal
emu :: emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae, the only extant species in its genus)
emulaattori :: emulator
emuloida :: To emulate
emulointi :: emulation
emulsio :: emulsion
emulsiomaali :: emulsion paint
emävale :: whopper (outrageous lie)
emäyhtiö :: parent company
enää :: any more, any longer
enää :: longer
-en :: Forms the impersonal potential present forms of verbs, appended to the infinitive, followed by the potential mood marker -ne-
-en [possessive] :: A variant for the third-person possessive suffixes -nsa and -nsä, see the usage notes below
-en :: Suffix for the genitive plural. Usually preceded by the plural marker -i- or -j-, but may also have a consonant separator d after the plural marker if the words would otherwise have 3 consecutive vowels
-en :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
enantiomeeri :: enantiomer
enchilada :: enchilada
endeeminen :: endemic
endeemisesti :: endemically
endeemisyys :: endemicity
endiivi :: endive
endo- :: end-
endodermi :: endoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
endogeeninen :: endogenous
endogeenisuus :: endogeneity (extent to which something is endogenous)
endogeenisuus :: endogeneity (state of being endogenous)
endokardiitti :: endocarditis
endokardium :: endocardium
endokarppi :: endocarp
endokriininen :: endocrine
endokrinologia :: endocrinology
endokrinologinen :: endocrinologic
endokrinologisesti :: endocrinologically
endometrioosi :: endometriosis
endoparasiitti :: endoparasite
endoplasma :: endoplasm
endorfiini :: endorphin
endoskooppi :: endoscope
endoskooppinen :: endoscopic
endoskopia :: endoscopy
endosomi :: endosome
endospermi :: endosperm (tissue surrounding the germ in a seed, serving as nutrition storage for the embryo)
endosytoosi :: endocytosis
endoteeli :: endothelium
endoteelinen :: endothelial
endoterminen :: endothermic
endriini :: endrin
enduroajo :: enduro
enduropyörä :: enduro bike, enduro motorcycle
enemmistö :: majority
enemmistöhallitus :: majority government
enemmistöläinen :: A member of a majority
enemmistöpäätös :: majority decision, majority vote (decision that gets the majority of votes in a decision-making body)
enemmän :: more (nouns in partitive can also be used with this as objects):
enemmän tai vähemmän :: more or less (approximately or almost)
enenevä :: increasing
enentää :: To increase
enentyä :: To increase
energeettinen :: energetic
energetiikka :: energetics
energia :: energy
energia-ala :: energy industry
-energiainen :: -energy
energiajuoma :: energy drink
energialähde :: alternative form of energianlähde
energian häviämättömyyden laki :: The law of conservation of energy
energianlähde :: energy source
energiapitoinen :: Rich in energy
energiapolitiikka :: energy policy
energiapula :: energy shortage
energiayhtiö :: energy company (any company involved in production, transmission and/or distribution of energy in the form of fuels, electricity or heat)
energinen :: energetic
energisesti :: energetically
enetä :: To grow in number, multiply, increase
engelmanninkuusi :: Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmannii
engelsmanni :: Englishman
englanninenglanti :: English English (dialect of English)
englanninenglanti [lb, fi, colloquial] :: alternative term for britannianenglanti
Englannin kanaali :: The English Channel
englannin kieli :: the English language
englanninkielinen :: An English-speaking person, Anglophone
englanninkielinen :: Having been written or presented in English
englanninnos :: English translation
englanninsetteri :: English setter
englannintaa :: To translate into English
englannintorvi :: English horn, cor anglais
englanninvinttikoira :: greyhound (breed of dog)
englannistus :: anglicisation (process by which a word is made more English)
englannitar :: An Englishwoman
englannos :: English translation
englanti :: English (language)
Englanti [colloquial, ambiguously] :: Great Britain, United Kingdom (state)
Englanti [lb, fi, geography] :: England (region)
Englanti :: England, Kingdom of England (kingdom)
englantilainen :: English, of or relating to England
englantilainen :: English, relating to the English language
englantilainen :: Englishman or Englishwoman (in plural englantilaiset = the English (people))
englantilaisuus :: Englishness
engrammi :: engram
engrammi [scientology] :: engram
enimmillään :: at its peak
enimmäisaika :: maximum time
enimmäispääoma :: The capital stock of a company (total amount of common and preferred stock (shares) that a company can issue)
enimmäisraja :: maximum limit
enimmäistää :: To maximize
enimmäkseen :: mostly, for the most part
enintään :: maximum, at most, not more than
eniten :: the most (nouns in partitive can be used with this):
enkä :: See -kä
enkefaliitti [medicine, jargon] :: encephalitis
enkeli :: angel
enkelikuoro :: angel choir
enkelimäinen :: angelic
enkelioppi :: angelology (study of angels)
enkka :: record (as in record fish)
enkku [colloquial, slang] :: English (especially as school subject)
enklaavi :: enclave
enkulturisoituminen :: enculturation
enkun :: contraction of en, kun, a colloquial expression used instead of en, vaan, translated into English with "no, but" or just "no" + explanation
enkunkielinen [colloquial, slang] :: English, English-language (written or spoken in English, having English as mother tongue)
ennakko :: advance, advancement, prepayment (payment in advance)
ennakko :: lead (when shooting a moving target, the estimated distance the target advances during the time the projectile travels to the target)
ennakkoaavistus :: premonition
ennakkoasenne :: prejudice
ennakkoehto :: A precondition, prerequisite (requirement which must be satisfied before taking a course of action)
ennakkohyväksyntä :: preapproval
ennakkoilmoittautuminen :: advance registration
ennakkoluulo :: preconception
ennakkoluulo :: prejudice
ennakkoluuloinen :: biased (prejudiced)
ennakkoluuloinen :: prejudiced
ennakkoluuloisesti :: In a prejudiced manner
ennakkoluuloisuus :: prejudice (irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion)
ennakkoluuloisuus :: state or quality of being prejudiced
ennakkoluuloton :: open-minded, unprejudiced
ennakkoluulottomasti :: In an unprejudiced manner
ennakkomaksu :: advance, advance payment, advancement, prepayment, down payment (payment in advance)
ennakkoäänestäjä :: early voter
ennakkoäänestys :: early voting [US], pre-poll voting [Australia], advance polling [Canada], special voting [NZ] (procedure that allows the electors to vote prior to the actual election day)
ennakkoääni :: early vote
ennakkoon :: in advance, beforehand
ennakkoperintö :: A preheritance
ennakkopäätös :: Prejudicate
ennakkoratkaisu :: Preliminary ruling
ennakkosäästäminen :: advance saving (act of saving the whole required amount or part of it in advance of a large purchase, as opposed to borrowing the money)
ennakkosuosikki :: front runner, favorite (one expected to win a contest, election etc.)
ennakkotapaus :: precedent
ennakkotieto :: foreknowledge
ennakoida :: To anticipate
ennakoida :: To foreshadow
ennakointi :: anticipation
ennakointi :: foreshadowing
ennakonpidätys [taxation] :: A withholding, or withholding tax
ennallaan :: unchanged, the same, the way it was before
ennallistaa :: To restore
ennalta :: beforehand
ennalta-arvaamaton :: unforeseeable, unimaginable
ennalta-arvaamattomuus :: unpredictability
ennaltaehkäistä :: to prevent from occurring
enne :: Omen, sign, token, portent, auspice; bode, boding
ennemmin :: comparative form of ennen
ennemmin tai myöhemmin :: sooner or later
ennen :: before
ennen [static and temporal] :: before, prior to
ennenaikainen :: premature, untimely
ennenaikaisesti :: prematurely
ennen aikojaan :: ahead of time (prior to the expected time; early)
ennen kaikkea :: above all, most of all, especially
ennen kokematon :: not experienced before, unprecedented
ennenkokematon :: alternative spelling of ennen kokematon
ennen kuin :: before something
ennen kuulumaton :: alternative spelling of ennenkuulumaton
ennenkuulumaton :: incredible
ennenkuulumaton :: unheard-of
ennenkuulumaton :: unprecedented
ennen muuta :: primarily
ennennäkemätön :: unforeseen, unprecedented
ennen pitkää :: before long
ennen vanhaan :: in the old times
ennestään :: already
ennestään :: previously
Enni :: female given name
ennättää :: To reach, get as far as, make it ((to) a place = allative or illative)
ennättää [when in a hurry] :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
ennättää [auxiliary, + infinitive; when in a hurry] :: To have/find time (to do)
ennättää :: To catch up to/with, take by surprise
ennätyksellinen :: unparalleled, record
ennätys :: record (extreme)
ennätysaika :: record time
ennätysmäinen :: record
ennätysmäärä :: record amount
ennätysnopeus :: record speed
ennätyspitkä :: record-long
ennusmerkki :: sign, omen
ennustaa :: To forecast (weather), draw up a (weather) forecast; to prognosticate (a disease)
ennustaa :: To herald, augur/bode (ill/well), presage, portend
ennustaa :: To predict, prophesy, foretell, foresee, divine, tell (the future/fortunes), read (the signs)
ennustaa :: To presume, assume, think likely, suspect
ennustaja :: fortuneteller, soothsayer
ennustamaton :: unpredictable
ennustaminen :: divination, fortune-telling
ennustaminen :: forecasting
ennustaminen :: foreseeing
ennuste :: forecast, prediction, projection, prognosis
ennustella :: To predict
ennustettavasti :: foreseeably (in a manner that could be foreseen)
ennustus :: divination
ennustus :: prediction, forecast
eno :: An uncle (mother's brother, maternal uncle)
eno :: A large river, used in names of rivers
enoki :: enoki
enokitake :: enoki mushroom
en ole uskonnollinen :: I'm not religious
enoli :: enol
enopuoli :: maternal step-uncle
en puhu :: I don't speak; together with partitive singular of the name of a language, used to indicate inability to communicate in the language mentioned
en puhu englantia :: I don't speak English
en puhu suomea :: I don't speak Finnish
ensi :: first
ensi :: (temporal) next
ensi- :: premier, first; inaugural
ensi alkuun :: for starters
ensiapu :: first aid
ensiapulaukku :: first aid kit (standard collection of first aid supplies)
ensiapuväline :: An individual device or item of supply used to give first aid, often used in plural; no exact English equivalent
ensiapuväline :: first aid supplies
ensiapuväline [on plural] :: first aid kit
ensiesiintyminen :: debut (performer's first-time performance to the public)
ensiesittää :: To premiere
ensiesitys :: debut (the first time a performance is shown to the public)
ensiesitys :: premiere (in theatre)
ensihoitaja :: paramedic, emergency medical technician
ensihoito :: first aid
ensihoitopalvelu :: emergency medical service
ensi-ilta :: (Movie) premiere
ensi-isku :: first strike
ensi käden :: firsthand (of information: direct, without intermediate stages)
ensikertalainen :: first-timer
ensiökäämi :: primary winding of a transformer
ensiksi :: first, at first, first of all, firstly (before secondly)
ensiksi :: for starters
ensiksikin :: for starters
ensilumi :: first snow
ensiluokkainen :: Having prime quality, being first class
ensiluokkalainen :: first-grader
ensimmäinen :: The first, abbreviation 1. , in the names of Monarchs and Popes I
ensimmäinenkolmatta [archaic, ordinal] :: twenty-first
ensimmäinen maailmansota :: The First World War, World War I, WW1
ensimmäiseksi :: firstly
ensimmäisen asteen palovamma :: first-degree burn
ensin :: before
ensin :: first
ensinäkemältä :: at first glance
ensinkään :: at all
ensin mainittu :: first-mentioned
ensinnä :: first, at first, firstly
ensinnäkin :: firstly
ensin työ, sitten leikki :: business before pleasure
Ensio :: male given name
ensipäivänkuori :: first day cover
ensirakkaus :: first love (feeling or object of that feeling)
ensisijainen :: primary
ensisijaisesti :: primarily
ensisilmäyksellä :: at first glance
ensisilmäys :: A first glance
ensisuoja :: shelter (for homeless alcoholics)
ensitanssijatar [ballet] :: A prima ballerina
ensivaikutelma :: first impression
enstatiitti :: enstatite
ensyklopedia :: An encyclopedia
ensyklopedinen :: encyclopaedic/encyclopedic
ensyklopedisesti :: encyclopedically
entää :: to fly (to move in air or quickly)
entä :: what about?
entä :: what? (used to introduce a speculation or alternative proposition together with jos - "if"; see also what if)
en tajua :: I don't understand, I can't figure out
enteellinen :: ominous
enteillä :: To foreshadow
enteogeeni :: entheogen
enteriitti :: enteritis
enterogastrinen :: enterogastric
enterohepaattinen :: enterohepatic
enterokokki [bacteriology] :: enterococcus (group of streptococci bacteria of the genus Enterococcus, that inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract)
enterorokko :: hand, foot and mouth disease
enterovirus :: enterovirus
en tiedä :: I don't know
entinen :: former, erstwhile
entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia :: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
entisaika :: old time
entisellään :: unchanged, unaltered
entisenlainen :: Similar as before or the previous one; unchanged
entisestään :: still, further, even more
entisöidä :: To restore (an old painting, building etc.)
entisöinti :: restoration (of an old painting, building etc.)
entistää :: To restore, renovate
entiteetti :: entity
entomologi :: entomologist
entomologia :: entomology
entäpä :: entä + pä
entrata :: to board (to capture an enemy ship by going alongside and then invading her)
entrata :: to improve
entraushaka :: grappling hook
entropia :: entropy
entäs :: what about
entä sitten :: so what
entsyymi :: enzyme
entten-tentten-teelika-mentten :: A children's counting-out game similar to eeny, meeny, miny, moe
entti :: ent (fictional taking tree)
entusiasmi :: enthusiasm
entusiasti :: enthusiast
entusiastinen :: enthusiastic
entuudestaan :: already
en ymmärrä :: I don't understand
eoarkeeinen :: Eoarchean
eoliaaninen :: æolian
eoliitti :: eolith
eolinen :: eolic (referring to the action or the power of wind)
eoni :: eon
eoseeni :: the Eocene epoch
eoseenikausi :: The Eocene epoch
eoseenikautinen :: Eocene
epä- :: Used to invert the meaning of a word. English counterparts include in-, non-, un- (in some cases mis-, mal-)
epäaito :: false (spurious, artificial)
epäasiallinen :: flippant, facetious (lacking proper seriousness), uncalled for, unbusinesslike
epatto :: louse (person)
epädemokraattinen :: undemocratic
epädemokraattisesti :: undemocratically
epädemokraattisuus :: The quality of being undemocratic
epäeettinen :: unethical
epäesteettinen :: unaesthetic
epäesteettisesti :: unaesthetically
epäeuklidinen :: non-Euclidean
epähedelmä :: accessory fruit
epähenkilö :: nonperson
epähenkilö :: unperson (Orwellian terminology from the famous book "1984")
epähomogeeninen :: nonhomogeneous
epähuomiossa :: accidentally
epähygieeninen :: insanitary, unhygienic
epähygieenisesti :: unhygienically
epähygieenisyys :: The property of being unhygienic
epideeminen :: epidemic
epidemia :: An epidemic
epidemiologi :: epidemiologist
epidemiologia :: epidemiology
epidemiologinen :: epidemiological
epidemiologisesti :: epidemiologically
epidermi :: epidermis (outer, protective layer of the skin or similar outer layer of cells in invertebrates and plants)
epidootti :: epidote
epiduraali :: epidural
epiduraalipuudutus :: epidural
epifania :: Epiphany
epifyysi :: epiphysis, pineal gland
epifyysi :: epiphysis (of a bone)
epifyytti :: epiphyte
epigrafi :: epigraph
epigrafia :: epigraphy
epigrafiikka :: epigraphy (study)
epigrammi :: epigram
epiikka :: epic poetry
epikriisi :: medical case summary
epikurolainen :: epicurean
epikurolaisuus :: Epicureanism
epilaattori :: An epilator
epäilemättä :: indubitably, doubtlessly, undoubtably (rarely used alternatives for "undoubtedly")
epäilemättä :: undoubtedly, unquestionably
epilepsia :: epilepsy
epilepsiakohtaus :: epileptic seizure
epileptikko :: epileptic
epileptinen :: epileptic
epäilevä :: incredulous, sceptical
epäileväinen :: suspicious (expressing suspicion)
epäilevä tuomas :: A doubting Thomas, a person who is doubtful or dubious
epäilevä Tuomas :: doubting Thomas
epäilijä :: doubter
epäilijä :: skeptic
epäillä :: To feel uncertain, lack conviction, be indecisive, waver
epäillä :: To (have) doubt(s), question, wonder, be skeptical about, be doubtful
epäillä :: To suspect, mistrust, (be) distrust(ful of), be suspicious of, harbour/harbor suspicions of, be apprehensive about, believe guilty
epäillä :: To think, suspect, guess, imagine, conjecture, surmise, hypothesise/hypothesize, believe, suppose
e-pilleri :: contraceptive pill
epilogi :: epilogue
epiloida :: to epilate (to remove hair, particularly with an epilator)
epilointi :: epilation (removal of hair, particularly with an epilator)
epäiltävä :: suspect
epäilty :: suspected
epäilty :: suspect
epäily :: suspicion (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong)
epäilyksenalainen :: suspect
epäilyksettä :: undoubtedly, indubitably
epäilys :: suspicion
epäilyttää :: To look suspicious/dubious/shady/fishy to
epäilyttävä :: suspicious, iffy
epäilyttävästi :: suspiciously
epimorfismi :: epimorphism
epäinhimillinen :: inhuman, inhumane
epäinhimillisesti :: inhumanly
epäinhimillisyys :: inhumanity
epis :: unjust
episentri :: epicentre/epicenter
episentrumi :: epicentre/epicenter
episkopaalinen :: episcopal
episkopalismi [Roman Catholicism] :: Episcopalianism (doctrine according to which the supreme power in the church belongs to a meeting of the bishops)
epäisänmaallinen :: unpatriotic
episodi :: episode
episodinen :: episodic
episomi :: episome
epistä :: (teen slang) Used to express discontent based on a feeling that a decision, statement, state of affairs etc. is unjust
epistemologia :: epistemology
epistola :: epistle
episykli :: epicycle
episykloidi :: epicycloid
epitafi :: epitaph
epiteeli :: epithelium
epiteelikudos :: epithelium
epiteetti :: epithet
epäitsekkäästi :: unselfishly
epäitsekkyys :: selflessness, unselfishness
epäitsekäs :: selfless, unselfish
epäitsenäinen :: nonindependent
epäjatkuva :: discontinuative
epäjatkuva :: discontinuous
epäjatkuvuus :: discontinuity
epäjohdonmukainen :: inconsistent
epäjohdonmukaisemmin :: comparative form of epäjohdonmukaisesti
epäjohdonmukaisesti :: inconsistently
epäjohdonmukaisimmin :: superlative form of epäjohdonmukaisesti
epäjohdonmukaisuus :: inconsistency, discrepancy
epäjärjestys :: disorder
epäjumala :: A false god
epäjumala :: An idol (image representing a false god)
epäjumalankuva :: idol
epäjumalanpalvonta :: idolatry
epäkelpo :: unfit
epäkesko :: eccentric (off-centre wheel)
epäkiitollinen :: ungrateful, ingrate
epäkiitollisesti :: ungratefully
epäkiitollisuus :: ungratefulness
epäkoherentti :: incoherent
epäkohta :: grievance
epäkohteliaampi :: comparative form of epäkohtelias
epäkohtelias :: impolite, rude
epäkriittinen :: uncritical
epäkriittisesti :: uncritically
epäkäs :: trapezius
epäkäslihas :: trapezius
epäkunnioittava :: disrespectful
epäkunnioittavasti :: disrespectfully
epäkunto :: disorder (of a device, state of being broken)
epäkuollut :: undead
epäkypsä :: immature
epäkypsemmin :: comparative form of epäkypsästi
epäkypsimmin :: superlative form of epäkypsästi
epäkypsästi :: immaturely
epäkäytännöllinen :: impractical
epäkäytännöllisemmin :: comparative form of epäkäytännöllisesti
epäkäytännöllisesti :: impractically
epäkäytännöllisimmin :: superlative form of epäkäytännöllisesti
epäkäytännöllisyys :: impracticality
epälikvidi :: illiquid
epälineaarinen :: nonlinear
epälojaali :: disloyal
epälojaalisesti :: disloyally
epälojaalisti :: disloyally
epälojaalisuus :: disloyalty
epälojaalius :: alternative form of epälojaalisuus
epälooginen :: illogical
epäloogisemmin :: comparative form of epäloogisesti
epäloogisesti :: illogically
epäloogisimmin :: superlative form of epäloogisesti
epäloogisuus :: illogicality
epäluonnollinen :: unnatural
epäluonnollisemmin :: comparative form of epäluonnollisesti
epäluonnollisesti :: unnaturally
epäluonnollisimmin :: superlative form of epäluonnollisesti
epäluonnollisuus :: unnaturalness
epäluotettava :: unreliable, untrustworthy, distrustful
epäluotettavammin :: comparative form of epäluotettavasti
epäluotettavasti :: unreliably
epäluotettavimmin :: superlative form of epäluotettavasti
epäluotettavuus :: unreliability
epäluottamus :: Lack of confidence
epäluottamuslause :: motion of no confidence
epäluulo :: suspicion
epäluuloinen :: suspicious (distrustful)
epäluuloisesti :: suspiciously
epäluuloisuus :: suspicion
epämetalli :: A nonmetal
epämiehekkäästi :: unmanly (in a manner lacking manliness)
epämiehekkyys :: unmanliness
epämiehekäs :: Unmanly, effeminate
epämiellyttävä :: unpleasant, displeasing, unattractive, dislikable, objectionable (not pleasant)
epämiellyttävyys :: unpleasantness
epämieluisa :: undesirable
epämieluisasti :: undesirably
epämoderni :: non-modern, nonmodern, unmodern
epämääräinen :: indefinite
epämääräinen :: suspicious
epämääräinen :: vague, nonspecific, indefinite, uncertain
epämääräinen artikkeli :: indefinite article
epämääräisesti :: vaguely
epämääräistyä :: To become more vague
epämukava :: inconvenient
epämukava :: uncomfortable
epämukavammin :: comparative form of epämukavasti
epämukavasti :: uncomfortably
epämukavimmin :: superlative form of epämukavasti
epämukavuus :: inconvenience
epämuodikas :: unfashionable
epämuodikkaampi :: comparative form of epämuodikas
epämuodikkain :: superlative form of epämuodikas
epämuodollinen :: informal
epämuodollisesti :: informally
epämuodollisuus :: informality
epämuodostua :: To grow malformed
epämuodostuma :: deformity, malformation
epämuodostunut :: malformed
epämurtoluku :: improper fraction
epänaisellinen :: unwomanly, unfeminine
epänegatiivinen :: non-negative
epänormaali :: abnormal
epänormaalisti :: abnormally
epänormaalisuus :: abnormality
epänormaalius :: abnormality
epäoikeudenmukainen :: unjust
epäoikeudenmukaisesti :: unjustly, unfairly
epäoikeudenmukaisuus :: dirty play, dirty pool, foul play, corruption
epäoikeudenmukaisuus :: dishonesty, lack of principles, unethical behaviour
epäoikeudenmukaisuus :: injustice, unfairness, inequity
epäoikeudenmukaisuus :: partiality, bias, one-sidedness
epoksi :: epoxy
epoksidi :: epoxide
epoksihartsi :: epoxy resin
epoksimaali :: epoxy paint
epäoleellinen :: irrelevant
epäolennainen [accounting, law] :: immaterial
epäolennainen :: irrelevant
epäolennainen :: nonessential
epoletti :: epaulet
epäonni :: misfortune
epäonninen :: unfortunate, unlucky
epäonnistua :: to fail, to be unsuccessful
epäonnistuja :: One who fails; loser
epäonnistuminen :: A debacle (event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously)
epäonnistuminen :: A failure
epäonnistunut :: failed, unsuccessful
eponyymi :: eponym
epookki :: An epoch
epopea :: epopee
epäorgaaninen :: inorganic
epäorgaaninen kemia :: inorganic chemistry
epäorgaaninen yhdiste :: inorganic compound
epäorgaanisesti :: inorganically
epäortodoksinen :: unorthodox
epäortodoksisesti :: unorthodoxly
epäperinteinen :: nontraditional, untraditional
epäpoliittinen :: nonpolitical
epäpoliittisesti :: apolitically
epäpätevä :: incompetent
epäpätevästi :: incompetently
epäpätevyys :: incompetence (lack of competence for given job)
eppu :: first-year schoolchild
epäpuhdas :: impure
epäpuhdas :: unclean
epäpuhtaasti :: uncleanly
epäpuhtaus :: contaminant
epäpuhtaus :: impurity
epäpuhtaus :: pollutant
epäpyhä :: unholy
epärealistinen :: unrealistic
epärealistisesti :: unrealistically
epärealistisuus :: unrealisticness
epärehellinen :: dishonest
epärehellisesti :: dishonestly
epärehellisyys :: dishonesty, insincerity
epärehellisyys :: falsehood (trait of a person who is mendacious and deceitful)
epäreilu :: unfair
epäreilusti :: unfairly
epäreiluus :: unfairness
epäröidä :: to hesitate
epäröiminen :: hesitating
epäröimättä :: unhesitatingly
epäröinti :: hesitation
epäröivä :: hesitant
epäröivästi :: hesitatingly
epäseksuaalinen :: asexual (lacking interest in or desire for sex)
epäseksuaalisesti :: asexually (lacking interest)
epäselvä :: unclear
epäselvä :: vague
epäselvästi :: unclearly
epäselvyys :: obscurity
epäselvyys :: blurriness
epäsiisteys :: uncleanness
epäsiisti :: unclean
epäsiististi :: untidily
epäsikiö :: monster
epsilon :: epsilon (Greek letter)
epäsiveä :: unchaste
epäsiveellinen :: loose, promiscuous
epäsäännöllinen :: irregular
epäsäännöllinen kolmio :: scalene triangle
epäsäännöllinen verbi :: irregular verb
epäsäännöllisesti :: irregularly
epäsäännöllisyys :: irregularity
epäsointu :: discord
epäsointuinen :: discordant
epäsopu :: discord
epäsopuinen :: discordant
epäsosiaalinen :: asocial
epäsovinnainen :: nonconformist (not conforming to established customs)
epästabiili :: unstable
epäsäätyinen :: disparaged (being socially of inequal match, being of different social classes)
epäsuomalainen :: un-Finnish
epäsuora :: indirect
epäsuora objekti :: indirect object (in some languages, e.g. English, a role of a ditransitive verb that usually manifests as a recipient or goal)
epäsuorasti :: indirectly
epäsuosio :: disgrace
epäsuosio :: unpopularity
epäsuotuisa :: unfavourable
epäsuotuisasti :: unfavorably
epäsymmetria :: asymmetry
epäsymmetrinen :: asymmetric
epäsymmetrisesti :: asymmetrically
epätaloudellinen :: uneconomic
epätaloudellisesti :: uneconomically
epätarkasti :: inaccurately
epätarkka :: imprecise
epätarkka :: inaccurate
epätarkka :: unclear
epätarkka :: unsharp (of an image: out of focus)
epätarkkuus :: imprecision
epätarkkuus :: inaccuracy
epätarkkuus :: blurriness
epätarkkuusperiaate [quantum mechanics] :: uncertainty principle, Heisenberg uncertainty principle
epätasa-arvo :: inequality
epätasainen :: uneven
epätasaisesti :: unevenly
epätasapaino :: imbalance
epätasapaino :: instability
epätavallinen :: unusual
epätavallisesti :: unusually
epätavallisuus :: unusualness
epätavanomainen :: unconventional
epäterve :: unhealthy
epäterveellinen :: unhealthy
epäterveellisesti :: unhealthily
epäterveellisyys :: unhealthiness
epäterveesti :: unhealthily
epätieteellinen :: unscientific
epätieteellisesti :: unscientifically
epätodellinen :: unreal
epätodellisesti :: unreally
epätodellisuus :: unreality
epätodenmukainen :: untruthful
epätodenmukaisesti :: untruthfully
epätodenmukaisuus :: untruthfulness
epätodennäköinen :: unlikely, improbable
epätodennäköisesti :: unlikely
epätodennäköisyys :: unlikelihood, improbability
epätoivo :: despair, desperation
epätoivoinen :: desperate
epätoivoisesti :: desperately
epätosi :: false
epätosi :: untrue
epätriviaali :: nontrivial
epätäsmällinen :: imprecise
epätäsmällinen :: unpunctual
epätäsmällinen :: vague
epätäsmällisesti :: imprecisely
epätäsmällisyys :: inaccuracy, imprecision
epäturvallinen :: unsafe
epäturvallisesti :: unsafely
epätäydellinen :: incomplete
epätäydellisesti :: incompletely
epätäydellisyys :: imperfection
epätäydellisyys :: incompleteness
epätyhjä :: nonempty
epätyydyttävä :: disappointing
epätyydyttävä :: unsatisfactory, dissatisfactory, dissatisfying
epäurheilijamainen :: unsportsmanlike
epäusko :: disbelief
epäuskoinen :: incredulous, unbelieving
epäuskottava :: implausible, incredible; not credible
epäuskottavasti :: implausibly
epäuskottavuus :: implausibility
epuu :: refusal
epuuttaa :: (rare) to cancel (permission, privilege etc.)
epuuttaa :: to deny
epävakaa :: unstable
epävakaasti :: unstably
epävakainen :: unstable
epävakaisesti :: unstably
epävakaisuus :: instability
epävakaus :: instability
epävapaa :: unfree
epävarma :: insecure
epävarma :: uncertain
epävarmasti :: uncertainly
epävarmuus :: contingency
epävarmuus :: insecurity
epävarmuus :: uncertainty
epäviihtyisä :: unpleasant, uncomfortable; not cozy
epäviisaasti :: unwisely
epäviisas :: unwise
epävirallinen :: unofficial
epävirallisesti :: unofficially
epävirallisuus :: The state of being unofficial
epäyhtenäinen :: discontinuous
epäyhtenäisesti :: discontinuously
epäyhtenäisyys :: discontinuousness
epäyhtenäisyys :: heterogeneity
epäyhtälö :: inequality
epäystävällinen :: unfriendly
epäystävällisemmin :: comparative form of epäystävällisesti
epäystävällisesti :: In an unfriendly manner
epäystävällisimmin :: superlative form of epäystävällisesti
epäystävällisyys :: unfriendliness
erä :: item, entry; short for tilierä
erä :: wilderness, especially one that is good hunting ground
erä :: A subdivision of many sports contests. Erä can be a time-limited part of a match between two parties or, where the number of contestants exceeds the capacity of the sports facillity, a qualifying competition between a subset of contestants. The translation into English varies by sport. Examples:
erä :: batch (quantity of anything produced at one operation)
erä :: instalment; short for maksuerä (partial payment)
erä :: lot (separate portion; a number of things taken collectively)
erä [rare, hunting] :: game, catch
erakko :: hermit, recluse
erakkoampiainen :: potter wasp, mason wasp
erakkorapu :: hermit crab
erakoitua :: To seclude oneself, to go into seclusion
eranto :: compass declination
erata :: to diverge
erbium :: erbium
ereettinen :: erethic
erehdys :: error, oversight
erehdys :: mistake
erehdyttää :: To mislead
erehtyä :: To err, make a mistake
erehtyminen :: Action noun of the verb erehtyä, erring, often also to err
erehtyminen on inhimillistä :: to err is human
erehtymätön :: infallible
erehtyväinen :: erring
erektio :: erection
erektiohäiriö :: An erectile dysfunction
erektiorengas :: cock ring (sex aid)
eretismi :: erethism
ergatiivi :: ergative
ergometri :: An ergometer
ergonomia :: ergonomics
ergonominen :: ergonomic
ergonomisesti :: ergonomically
ergosfääri :: ergosphere
ergosteroli :: ergosterol
erhe :: mistake, error
erheellinen :: erroneous
eri :: different, (an)other:
eri :: different, separate
eri :: really, truly:
eriö :: cubicle
eriö :: lavatory
eriö :: toilet
eriarvoinen :: unequal
eriarvoistaa :: To make more unequal; increase inequality
eriarvoistua :: To become more unequal
Eridanus :: The constellation Eridanus
Eridanus :: The Eridanus river
Eriika :: female given name
Erik :: A common Swedish male given name, entered here for Finnish declension only
Erika :: female given name, feminine form of Erik
erikoinen :: Distinctive, characteristic, particular, typical
erikoinen :: Peculiar, odd, strange
erikoinen :: Special, exceptional, out of the ordinary
erikoinen :: Specific, especial, certain, own
erikoisala :: specialty [US], speciality [UK] (that in which one specializes)
erikoisjoukko [military, police] :: special force
erikoisjärjestelmä :: special system
erikoiskoe [motor sport] :: special stage
erikoisliike :: specialized shop (shop that specializes in a relatively narrow segment of merchandise, e.g. fishing, marriage gowns)
erikoislääkäri :: specialist (physician)
erikoismerkki :: A pi character (a character which is not part of the standard font character set)
erikoisosasto :: special unit
erikoissairaanhoito :: special health care
erikoistaa :: To specialize
erikoistalousalue :: Alternative term for erityistalousalue
erikoistua :: to specialize
erikoistuminen :: specialization (act of specializing)
erikoistunut :: specialized, specialised
erikoistutkija :: A job title for a researcher advanced in and/or specialised in a certain field of research; specialist researcher, senior researcher
erikoisuus :: peculiarity, oddity
erikoisuus :: specialty
erilainen :: different
erilainen :: various
erilaisesti :: differently
erilaisin :: superlative form of erilainen
erilaisitiöisyys :: heterospory
erilaiskehäinen :: heterochlamydeous
erilaislehtisyys :: heterophylly
erilaissekovartisuus :: heterothallism
erilaistaa :: To make different; differentiate
erilaistua :: To become different; to specialize
erilaistumaton :: undifferentiated
erilaistumaton :: unspecialized
erilaisuus :: difference (quality of being different)
erillinen :: detached, unattached
erillinen :: separate, dividual
erillisemisyys :: apocarpy
erillistalo :: detached house
erillään :: (static) apart, separate, separated, separately
erimielisyys :: disagreement
Erin :: female given name
erinäinen :: particular
erinomainen :: excellent, outstanding
erinomaisesti :: excellently
erinomaisuus :: shine, excellence (in quality or appearance)
erioikeus :: privilege (particular benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity enjoyed by some but not others)
eripituinen :: inconsistent, sporadic, uneven, of different/unequal length
eripura :: discord
eripurainen :: conflicting, divided, discordant
eripuraisesti :: discordantly
eri sarjassa :: out of one's league (in a situation in which one is mismatched with others)
eriskummainen :: alternative form of eriskummallinen
eriskummallinen :: bizarre
erisnimi :: proper noun
eristää :: To block/rope/wall/cut off
eristää :: To insulate (heat; electricity)
eristää :: To isolate, seclude, sequester; to quarantine
eristää :: To split up, separate, segregate
eriste :: An insulator (substance that does not transmit sound, heat, or electricity)
eristin [electrical engineering] :: An insulator
eristyä :: To be insulated, isolated
eristys :: insulation, insulator (non-conductive structure that does not transmit sound or heat)
eristys :: isolation
eristäytyä :: To isolate oneself; to seclude
eristäytynyt :: isolated
eritä :: to differ from
eritasoliittymä :: interchange (highway junction in which the roads are separated on different levels and connected by ramps)
eritasonojapuut :: asymmetric bars, uneven bars (apparatus or gymnastics event)
eri tavoin :: in various ways
erite :: Secretion, a substance secreted by an organism
eritellä :: to analyze
eritellä :: to classify, categorize
eritellä :: to specify, itemize, allocate
eritelmä :: specification
eritoten :: notably, especially
Eritrea :: Eritrea
eritrealainen :: Eritrean
eritrealainen :: An Eritrean person
erittää :: To excrete
erittää :: To secrete
erittäin :: very, extremely
erittyä :: To ooze (out), seep (out), be secreted
erityinen :: special
erityinen :: specific
erityisesti :: especially
erityishallintoalue :: special administrative region
erityiskorvattava :: specially reimbursable (in the Finnish health insurance system, describing a category of medicines which are reimbursable to the patient at a higher percentage of price than the base rate)
erityisnosto-oikeus :: special drawing right, SDR
erityisopettaja :: special education teacher
erityisopetus :: special education
erityisosaaja :: expert
erityistalousalue :: special economic zone, SEZ (region which enjoys special economic privileges as compared to the rest of the country; used by state controlled economies to attract investments and boost growth, exports and employment)
eritys :: secretion (act of secreting a substance)
eriuskoinen :: heterodox
eriävä :: dissenting; as in eriävä mielipide ("dissenting opinion")
eriyttää :: differentiate
eriytyä :: To diverge
Erja :: female given name
erkaantua :: To diverge
erkanee [defective] :: To diverge
erkautua :: To diverge
erkkeri :: bay (outward projection in a wall, creating a bay in the room inside)
erkkeri :: bay window (window installed in such bay)
erkkeri-ikkuna :: bay window (window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building)
Erkki :: male given name
Erkkilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Erkkilä :: Finnish surname
erlenmeyerkolvi :: An Erlenmeyer flask, conical flask
erämaa :: wilderness
erämaa-alue :: wilderness
Ernesti :: male given name, a variant of Ernest
eräänlainen :: a kind of
Erno :: male given name
eräänä päivänä :: one day (at unspecified time in the past)
eräänä päivänä :: the other day (recently, only a few days ago)
erääntyä [e.g. of a loan] :: to fall/become/come due, mature
ero :: difference, distinction
ero :: discharge, dismissal
ero :: divorce; used as a short form of avioero
ero :: resignation
ero :: rid; in the expression "to get rid of something" (päästä/hankkiutua eroon jostakin)
ero :: separation, parting
eroavaisuus :: difference (characteristic)
erogeeninen :: erogenous, erotogenic
eronnut :: divorced (having had one's marriage legally dissolved)
eronnut :: divorcé (divorced man)
eronnut :: divorcee (divorced person)
eronnut :: divorcée (divorced woman)
eronto :: exessive
eroosio :: erosion
erootti :: cherub
eroottinen :: erotic
eroottisempi :: comparative form of eroottinen
eroottisesti :: erotically
eroottisin :: superlative form of eroottinen
eroottistaa :: to eroticize
eroottistua :: To become eroticized
eräopas :: wilderness guide
eroraha :: severance pay
erota :: to differ, be different
erota :: to divorce
erota :: to resign
erota :: to secede
erota :: to separate
erotella :: To separate, segregate
erotiikka :: eroticism
erotin :: A separator
erotin [electrical engineering] :: A disconnector
erotisoida :: To eroticize
erotisointi :: eroticization
erotisoitua :: To become erotic
erotomaani :: erotomane
erotomania :: erotomania
erottaa :: to divide
erottaa :: to fire, force out, expel
erottaa :: to separate
erottaa :: to tell apart, differentiate, distinguish
erottaa jyvät akanoista :: To separate the wheat from the chaff (to select only that which is of value)
erottamaton :: inalienable (incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another)
erottamaton :: inseparable
erottaminen :: sacking, dismissal,separation
erottautua :: To be distinguished
erottautua :: To go apart, isolate oneself, separate oneself
erottautua :: To stand out
erottelu :: separation, segregation
erottelu :: sorting
erottelukyky :: sensitivity (proportion of individuals in a population that will be correctly identified in a binary classification test)
erottua :: To shine (to distinguish oneself)
erottua :: To stand out; also erottua joukosta (to be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one's surroundings)
erotuomari :: A referee, umpire
erotuomarialue :: referee crease (semicircle in front of the scorekeepers bench)
erotus :: difference (result of a subtraction)
erotus :: muster (roundup of cattle)
erotus :: roundup of reindeer
erotus :: separation
erotuskyky :: resolution
erotutkinto :: A discontinued theological university degree which allowed the ordination of the graduate as a priest
eräpallo :: set point, set ball (state in a game where a player can win a set by winning the next point; used in tennis, volleyball and similar games)
eräpäivä :: due date
eräreitti :: trail
eräs :: one
eräs :: someone; a certain, some (+ noun)
ersä :: The Erzya language
eruptiivinen :: eruptive
erytropoietiini :: erythropoietin
erytrosyytti [hematology, cytology] :: erythrocyte, red blood cell
es :: E-flat
Esa :: male given name
Esaias :: Isaiah [in older translations of the Bible]
Esaias :: male given name of biblical origin
esanssi :: essence (concentrate)
Es-duuri :: E-flat major
esi- :: pre-, fore-
esiarkeeinen :: Eoarchean
esiaviollinen :: premarital
esihistoria :: prehistory
esihistoriallinen :: prehistoric
esihistoriallisesti :: prehistorically
esiin :: forward, forth:
esiin :: out (of hiding), in the open, into sight:
esiintyä [+ essive] :: To serve as, act as, appear as
esiintyä :: To appear, put in/make an appearance, show up, show oneself, turn up
esiintyä :: To behave, act, conduct oneself
esiintyä :: To be (to be) found, there are/were/have been/had been traces/deposits of (subject often in partitive -> verb in 3rd-pers. sg.)
esiintyä :: To occur, appear
esiintyä :: To perform, act, play (in a theatrical role)
esiintyä :: To pose as, play the part/role of, pretend to be, impersonate (in a deceitful sense), purport oneself to be
esiintyjä :: performer
esiintymä :: deposit
esiintyminen :: appearance, occurrence, prevalence
esiintyminen :: performance
esiintymiskuume :: stage fright
esiintymistaito :: presentation skills
esi-isä :: ancestor, forebear
esiäiti :: ancestress
esijaettu :: preshared
esijännitetty :: prestressed
esijännittää :: To prestress (to apply stress to reinforcing steels prior to casting the concrete)
esijäristys :: foreshock (tremor preceding the mainshock in an earthquake event)
esikambrinen :: Precambrian
esikartano :: forecourt
esikatsella :: To preview
esikatselu :: preview
esikaupunki :: suburb
esikko :: primrose
esikoinen :: firstborn
esikois- :: firstborn
esikoiskirjailija :: An author who has had his or her first book published
esikoisoikeus :: primogeniture (exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son)
esikoispoika :: firstborn son
esikoisteos :: first book of an author
esikoisteos :: first piece of work of an artist
esikoistytär :: firstborn daughter
esikoisuus :: primogeniture (state of being the eldest child)
esikoulu :: preschool, nursery school
esikoululainen :: preschooler
esikristillinen :: pre-Christian
esikäsitellä :: To prepare
esikäsittely :: preparation
esikunta :: cadre (officers of a regiment forming the staff)
esikunta :: military staff
esikuntapäällikkö :: chief of staff
esikuntaupseeri :: staff officer
esikuva :: example, paragon, role model
esikuvallinen :: exemplary
esikuvallisesti :: exemplarily
esikypsennys :: precooking
esikypsentää :: to precook
esileikki [sex] :: foreplay
esiliina :: apron
esiliina :: chaperone, someone who watches over an unmarried young couple to ensure the propriety of their meetings
esilääkitys :: premedication
esillä :: (static) on view/show/display
esillä :: (static) out (in the open), visible, showing
esille :: forward, forth, out, up, to the front, signifying that something that has been hidden comes or is brought to the sight, either in a concrete way or allegorically; used with a verb that signifies motion (see the Usage notes below)
esilämmittää :: To preheat
esilämmitys :: preheating
esim. :: for example, for instance (e.g.)
esimerkiksi :: for example
esimerkillinen :: exemplary
esimerkillisesti :: exemplarily
esimerkki :: example
esimies :: boss, manager, superior
esinahka :: prepuce, foreskin
esine :: artifact (object made or shaped by hand)
esine :: object, item, thing
esineellistää :: To objectify
esineellistyä :: To become objectified
esineistää :: To objectify
esineistö :: The artefacts of a certain place or area collectively; often used in historical or anthropological context
esineistyä :: To become objectified
esioire :: prodrome (early symptom warning of the onset of a disease)
esiopetus :: preschool education, pre-primary education, preschooling (early education that is given at preschool)
esipestä :: To prewash
esipesu :: prewash
esipikkuaivot :: archicerebellum
esipuberteetti :: prepuberty
esipuhe :: preamble
esirippu :: curtain (in theatres)
esiselkäjänteinen :: hemichordate
esitahti [poetry] :: anacrusis (unstressed syllable at the start of a verse)
esitaistelija :: champion (e.g. of civil rights), pioneer
esite :: leaflet, brochure
esitellä :: to introduce (to cause to be acquainted with someone else)
esitellä :: to introduce (to make known by formal announcement or recommendation)
esitellä :: to present, explain, expound upon
esitellä :: to show around, give a tour of (a place); to demonstrate (e.g. the function of a machine); to display
esitelmä :: An oral presentation or a lecture, especially one given at a learning institution to demonstrate the level of knowledge of the speaker
esitelmöidä :: To lecture, to give a (public) lecture
esitelmöijä :: lecturer
esitelmöinti :: lecturing
esitelmöitsijä :: lecturer
esittää :: To express, offer, set/put forth, state
esittää :: To perform, do
esittää :: To portray, represent, render
esittää :: To pose as, play (the part of), pretend to be, impersonate, purport oneself to be
esittää :: To present, produce (on a stage), stage, show
esittää :: To produce (to make available to a person, an authority, etc.)
esittää :: To show (explaining)
esittää :: To submit, suggest, propose; to move, make a motion; to nominate, put forward; to refer
esittelijä :: A referendary
esittely :: declaration (specification of a programming variable)
esittely :: exhibition, show
esittely :: introduction (act of causing someone to be acquainted with someone else)
esittely :: introduction (act of making something or someone known by formal announcement or recommendation)
esittely :: introduction (means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another)
esittäjä :: performer
esittäjä :: presenter
esittämän [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, esittää, c=ins] ::
esittävä [arts] :: performing
esittäytyä :: To introduce oneself, present oneself
esitumallinen :: prokaryote
esitutkinta :: A preliminary investigation or hearing carried out by the police prior to starting the actual criminal procedure in order to find out whether a crime has been committed, what are the circumstances and who are the persons concerned
esityksellinen :: presentational
esitys :: presentation
esitys :: proposition, proposal
esitys :: show
esityslista :: agenda (list of issues to be discussed in a meeting, often including background information and proposals for the decisions to be made)
esitysmuoto :: format (form of presentation of something)
esitäytetty :: prefilled
esivaali :: primary election, primary
esivahvistin :: preamplifier
esivanhemmat :: lineage, ancestors
esivanhempi :: ancestor
eskaaderi :: squadron
eskadroona [cavalry] :: squadron
eskalaatio :: escalation
eskaloida :: To escalate
eskalointi :: escalation
eskaloitua :: To escalate
eskapismi :: escapism
eskapisti :: escapist
eskapistinen :: escapist
eskari :: preschool
eskarilainen :: preschooler
eskatologia :: eschatology
eskatologinen :: eschatological
eskimo :: An Eskimo
eskimokanootti :: kayak (type of small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
eskimokieli :: Eskimo language
eskimokielinen :: Eskimo language speaking
eskimokielinen :: Expressed in an Eskimo language
eskimokuovi :: Eskimo curlew [Numenius borealis]
eskimosirri :: Baird's sandpiper [Calidris bairdii]
Esko :: male given name
Eskola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Eskola :: Finnish surname
eskolaiitti :: eskolaite
es-molli :: E-flat minor
esofagiitti :: esophagitis
esoteerinen :: esoteric
esoteerisesti :: esoterically
esoterismi :: esotericism
espanja :: The Spanish language
Espanja :: Spain
espanjalainen :: Spanish
espanjalainen :: A Spanish person
espanjalainen ratsastaja :: cheval de frise (obstacle made of wood with spikes, for use against attacking cavalry)
espanjalainen ratsastaja :: Spanish rider (obstacle made of wood and barbed wire, for use against attacking infantry)
espanjalaisuus :: Spanishness
espanjanilves :: An Iberian lynx
espanjan kieli :: the Spanish language
espanjankielinen :: Expressed in the Spanish language
espanjankielinen :: Spanish-speaking
espanjankilpikonna :: Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca
espanjankilpikonna :: Maghreb tortoise, Iberian tortoise, Testudo graeca graeca (subspecies of T. graeca)
espanjanmastiffi :: Spanish mastiff
espanjanmyyrä :: Cabrera vole, Cabrera's vole, Microtus cabrerae
espanjanpippuri :: pimiento
espanjanpäästäinen :: Iberian shrew, Sorex granarius
espanjansiruetana :: Spanish slug, Arion vulgaris
espanjantauti :: Spanish flu, Spanish influenza
espanjanvesikoira :: Spanish Water Dog
espanjatar :: A female Spanish person
esperantisti :: Esperantist
esperanto :: Esperanto
esperantonkielinen :: Esperanto-speaking
esperantonkielinen :: Expressed in the Esperanto language
esplanadi :: esplanade
Espoo :: Espoo
espoolainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Espoo or its citizens
espoolainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Espoo
espresso :: espresso
Esra :: Ezra (Biblical figure)
Esra :: the Book of Ezra
essealainen :: Essene (member of an ancient Jewish sect)
essee :: alternative term for aine, sense "essay written as part of schoolwork"
essee :: essay (written composition of moderate length)
esseisti :: essayist
esseistiikka :: The essays as branch of literature
essentiaalinen :: essential
essi :: ecstasy, X (drug)
Essi :: female given name
essiivi :: essive
esso :: ecstasy, MDMA (drug)
essu :: apron
essu :: ecstasy (drug)
estää :: To deter someone (from doing something = 3rd infinitive in elative, -masta/-mästä)
estää :: To prevent, forestall, preclude, avert
estää :: To prevent, stop, keep, hinder someone (from doing something = 3rd infinitive in elative, -masta/-mästä)
establishment :: establishment (ruling class)
este :: An obstacle, barrier, hindrance
este :: A hurdle
esteellinen [legal, of a judge] :: Challengeable, disqualified, contestable
esteellisyys :: Incapacity, disqualification (of a judge)
esteellisyysperuste :: challenge (a reason for which a judge should not be allowed to sit a case)
esteetikko :: An aesthete
esteetön :: disinterested, allowable, unchallenged, qualified, competent (having no stake in the outcome and free of bias)
esteetön :: unobstructed, free
esteettinen :: aesthetic
esteettisesti :: aesthetically
esteettömästi :: freely (without obstructing)
esteettömyys :: accessibility
esteettömyys :: Competence, qualification (of a judge to sit a case impartially)
estejuoksu :: steeplechase
estellä :: To deter (to persuade)
Ester :: Esther
Ester :: female given name
Ester :: the book of Esther
esteri :: ester (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom)
Esteri :: female given name
estetiikka :: aesthetics
estetismi :: estheticism
estimaatio :: estimation
estimaatti :: estimate
estimaattori :: estimator
estimoida :: To estimate
estimointi :: estimation
estin :: A preventer (device which prevents sometihng from happening)
estäjä :: inhibitor
estäminen :: interference (illegal obstruction of an opponent)
estäminen :: prevention
esto :: block, blocking, blockage
esto :: An inhibition
esto :: An interference
estoinen :: self-conscious, restrained
estoton :: incontinent (lacking moral or sexual restraint)
estottomasti :: incontinently
estradi :: dais
estrogeeni :: estrogen
estuaari :: estuary
estyä :: To be prevented, hindered
estymä :: inhibition
etä- :: distant, remote, long-distance, far-off
et [subordinating, colloquial] :: That
ETA :: European Economic Area, EEA
etaani :: ethane
etaaninitriili :: acetonitrile
etaanitioli :: ethanethiol
etabloitua :: To establish
etakryynihappo [organic compound, medicine, pharmacology] :: etacrynic acid
etana :: slug
etana :: snail
etana :: snail, sluggard (slow person)
etanaposti :: snail mail
etanoli :: ethanol
etappi :: leg (of a journey)
eteen :: in front of:
eteeni :: ethene
eteenpäin :: along (onward, forward, with progressive action)
eteenpäin :: forth (forward in time, place or degree)
eteenpäin :: forward, onward, ahead (towards the front or at the front, in a forward direction)
eteenpäinen :: forward
eteensä :: To the front of oneself
eteerinen :: essential; in term eteerinen öljy
eteerinen :: ethereal
eteerinen :: Pertaining to ether (chemical compound)
eteerinen öljy :: essential oil
eteinen :: atrium, auricle (in the heart); a vestibule (in the throat)
eteinen :: hall, corridor, aisle, passage(way) (when entering a house)
eteinen :: outer hall(way), entry(way), vestibule (when entering a house)
eteinen :: When used as modifier in compound terms, appears in the form eteis-. The corresponding English term may be any of the translations above or an adjective derived thereof, e.g. vestibular
eteishalli :: narthex (architectural element typical of early Christian and Byzantine basilicas or churches consisting of the entrance or lobby area, usually located at the west end of the nave)
eteishalli :: lobby, foyer
eteis-kammiokimppu :: bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)
eteisvärinä :: atrial fibrillation
etelä :: south
Etelä-Afrikan tasavalta :: The Republic of South Africa
Etelä-Afrikka :: South Africa
eteläafrikkalainen :: South African
eteläafrikkalainen :: A South African person
Etelä-Amerikka :: South America
eteläamerikkalainen :: South American
Etelä-Carolina :: South Carolina
Etelä-Dakota :: South Dakota
Etelä-Eurooppa :: Southern Europe
eteläeurooppalainen :: South European
eteläeurooppalainen :: A South European person
eteläinen :: southern, southerly
Eteläinen jäämeri :: Southern Ocean
eteläinen napapiiri :: Antarctic Circle
eteläisempi :: comparative form of eteläinen
Etelä-Jemen :: South Yemen
eteläkaakko :: south-southeast
Etelä-Kiinan meri :: The South China Sea
Etelä-Korea :: South Korea
eteläkorealainen :: South Korean
etelälounas :: south-southwest
etelämaalainen :: Of or pertaining to a southern country (Mediterranean or more in the south)
etelämaalainen :: A person from a southern country
etelämainen :: Of or pertaining to a southern country (Mediterranean or more in the south)
Etelämanner :: Antarctica
etelämpi :: more southern
etelänapa :: South Pole
etelänapa :: south pole, the negative pole of a magnet
Etelänapamanner :: Antarctica
etelänapina :: Australopithecus
Etelän kala :: The constellation Piscis Austrinus
etelänkiisla :: guillemot, common guillemot, common murre, Uria aalge
Etelän kolmio :: The constellation Triangulum Australe, the Southern Triangle
Etelän kruunu :: The constellation Corona Australis, the Southern Crown
etelänkultasade :: common laburnum, Laburnum anagyroides
etelänmammutti :: A mammoth, Mammuthus meridionalis
etelänpihlaja :: wild service tree, Sorbus torminalis syn. Torminalis clusii
Etelän risti :: The constellation Crux, the Southern Cross
Etelänristi :: An alternative spelling for Etelän risti, the Southern Cross
etelänsatakieli :: A nightingale, common nightingale or rufous nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
etelän varis [pejorative, regional] :: A person from southern Finland, especially when visiting Lapland
Etelän vesikäärme :: The constellation Hydrus
eteläosa :: southern part
Etelä-Ossetia :: South Ossetia (South Ossetia)
eteläpohjalainen :: Of or pertaining to the southern Ostrobothnia
Etelä-Pohjanmaa :: South Ostrobothnia
eteläpuoli :: southside
eteläraja :: southern border
etelärannikko :: southern coast
eteläsaame :: The Southern Sami language
Eteläsaari :: South Island
eteläslaavilainen :: South Slavic
Etelä-Sudan :: South Sudan (country)
eteläsuomalainen :: Of or pertaining to the southern Finland
eteläsuomalainen :: A person from the southern Finland
Etelä-Suomi :: southern Finland
etelätuuli :: southern wind
etelävaltalainen :: Confederate
etelävaltalainen :: A Confederate
etelävaltiot :: The Confederate States of America
Etelä-Vietnam :: South Vietnam
eteläviitta :: cardinal mark for south
etenemä :: depth (of a step in staircase)
etenemä :: protrusion (amount)
eteneminen :: progress, advancement
etenemisliikkeen energia :: translational energy (the energy of the molecules of a fluid due to their translational motion)
etenkin :: [used only in a positive clause] Especially, particularly, notably
etenkään :: (used only in a negative clause with a negation verb) Especially not
etevä :: Brilliant, excellent
etevä :: Competent, able, talented, brilliant
etevä :: (Pre)eminent, prominent, distinguished
etevä :: Promising, up-and-coming, precocious
etidronihappo :: etidronic acid
etiikka :: ethics
etiäinen :: False arrival, a kind of premonition, for example one hears doorbell ringing although it doesn't, and soon it actually rings
etiäinen :: In Finnish mythology, a spirit sent forth by a shaman or a person in great distress
etiketöidä :: To put a label
etiketöinti :: labeling (e.g. a jar)
etiketti :: etiquette, decorum
etiketti :: label, tag (on a bottle etc.)
etikka :: vinegar
etikkaeetteri :: acetic ether, ethyl acetate
etikkahappo :: acetic acid
etikkahappoanhydridi :: acetic anhydride
etikkainen :: Vinegarish (tasting like vinegar)
etikkainen :: Vinegary (sour, like vinegar)
etikkakurkku :: pickle
etikoitua :: To be immersed in a vinegary solution in order to acquire the taste or to be conserved
etikoitua :: To turn into vinegar
etikoitunut :: Vinegary (having turned partially or fully to vinegar)
etäinen :: remote, distant
etinen :: forward (towards the front or at the front)
etiologia :: aetiology (known or suspected origin of a disease)
etiologia :: aetiology (study of causes or origins)
etiologinen :: etiological
Etiopia :: Ethiopia
etiopialainen :: Ethiopian
etiopialainen :: A person from Ethiopia or of Ethiopian descent
etiopianpaviaani :: gelada, Theropithecus gelada
etiopiansusi :: Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis
etäisesti :: distantly
etäispesäke :: metastatic tumor
etäisyys :: distance
etäisyysmittari :: rangefinder
etkot [lb, fi, plural only] :: preparty
etäkäyttö :: remote access
etäkäyttäjä :: remote user
etälamautin :: stun gun
etäälle :: far (to a great distance)
etäältä :: from a distance, from afar, remotely
et-merkki :: ampersand (the symbol "&")
etäämmälle :: farther (to a greater distance in place or space)
etninen :: ethnic
etninen puhdistus :: ethnic cleansing
etninen ryhmä :: ethnic group
etnisyys :: ethnicity
etäännyttää :: To alienate sb/sth
etnografi :: ethnographer
etnografia :: ethnography
etnografinen :: ethnographic
etnolekti :: ethnolect (variant of language used by an ethnic group)
etnologi :: ethnologist
etnologia :: ethnology
etnologinen :: ethnological
etnologisesti :: ethnologically
etnomusikologia :: ethnomusicology
etnosentrismi :: ethnocentrism
etnosentrisyys :: ethnocentrism
etääntyä :: To recede, to move further away
etoa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel sick/nauseous (esp. due to seeing or smelling something disgusting)
etoa :: To cause to feel sick/nauseous
etologi :: ethologist
etologia :: Ethology
etologinen :: ethological
etomidaatti :: etomidate
etäopiskelu :: distance learning
etäpesäke :: metastatic tumor
etäpääte :: terminal
Etruria :: Etruria
etruski :: Etruscan (language)
etruski :: Etruscan (person)
etruskikarhu :: Etruscan bear (Ursus etruscus)
etruskilainen :: Etruscan
etruskologia :: Etruscology
etsaaja :: etcher
etsata :: To etch
etsaus :: etching
etsiä :: To search (for), look for; to seek
etsijä :: searcher
etsikko :: etsikkoaika (time of visitation)
etsikko [literary, religion] :: visitation (encounter with supernatural beings, especially God or his envoy)
etsikkoaika :: time of visitation (the time when God calls a person)
etsikkoaika :: window of opportunity (time during which a potentially favorable option is available)
etsiminen :: searching
etsin :: viewfinder
etsintä :: search
etsintäkuulutettu :: wanted (subject to immediate detainment)
etsintäkuulutettu :: A wanted person
etsintäkuuluttaa [law enforcement] :: To issue an APB on
etsintäkuulutus :: APB, all-points bulletin, (UK) APW, all-ports warning
etsintäkuulutus :: wanted poster, wanted sign
etsinyt :: sought (from etsiä, to seek)
etsiskellä :: To search, to go looking for someone or something
etsiytyä :: To home in on (in concrete sense)
että :: as to
että [subordinating] :: Indicates purpose in order to, to, so that
että [subordinating] :: that (conjunction indicating that the subordinate clause of the subject of the verb of the main clause)
ettei :: että + ei
etteivät :: että + eivät
ettemme :: että + emme
etten :: että + en
ettet :: että + et
ettette :: että + ette
etätyö :: telecommuting
etu :: advantage
etu :: benefit, interest
etu- :: front, fore-
Etu-Aasia :: Southwest Asia
etuajo-oikeus :: right of way (the right of a driver to proceed in advance of all others at an intersection)
etuanti :: An advance, advancement or prepayment (a payment in advance)
etuhammas :: incisor
etuilija :: cutter, queue-jumper (one who cuts in, or jumps the queue)
etuilla :: to cut in, jump the queue; also to butt, barge, bud, budge, ditch, break, short or push in the line or queue (to enter a line in the middle instead of the end of it)
etuistuin :: front seat
etujalka :: foreleg, forefoot
etujoukko :: A leading edge (vanguard)
etujoukko :: A vanguard
etujärjestö :: interest group, interest organization (organization that exists for the purpose of defending and advancing the rights or economic interests of its members in a particular field, e.g. trade union, industry association, guild)
etukansi :: front cover
etukastelli :: A forecastle (raised part of the upper deck at the bow of a ship)
etukenoinen :: forward slanted
etukäpälä :: front paw
etukäteen :: beforehand
etukulma :: tack (part of sail)
etuliite :: A prefix
etulinja :: front line, battlefront
etumainen :: alternative form of etummainen
etumatka :: lead (distance in favor of a competitor, especially at the beginning of a race or similar)
etumerkki :: sign
etummainen :: anterior
etummainen :: foremost
etummainen :: forward, first in front
etumus :: front, breast
etuneljännes :: forequarter (front half of a side of an animal)
etunenässä :: ahead, ahead of, in the forefront of
etunimi :: A given name, first name, forename or Christian name
etunäkökohta :: interest (political, business)
etuoikeuksinen :: privileged
etuoikeus :: franchise (preferential right or privilege officially granted by a government; especially for exploiting a market or a resource on exclusive basis)
etuoikeus :: privilege (particular benefit, advantage, or favor; a right enjoyed by some but not others)
etuoikeus :: privilege (rare or fortunate opportunity)
etuoikeutettu :: privileged
etuovi :: front door
etupää :: The front part or front end of anything
etupiha :: front yard, forecourt (open area in front of a building)
etupäässä :: mainly, for the most part
etupuoli :: front, face, frontside, facade (most visible side of anything)
eturaaja :: forelimb
eturauhanen :: prostate, prostate gland
eturauhassyöpä :: prostate cancer
eturauhastulehdus :: prostatitis
etureuna :: A front edge
etureuna :: A leading edge (frontmost edge of a wing)
etureunasolakko :: leading-edge slat
eturinne :: front slope, face
eturintama :: forefront
eturistiriita :: conflict of interest
eturivi :: frontline; when used adjectivally in genitive
eturivi :: front row
eturukous [Christinaity] :: A collect (prayer)
etuseinä :: front wall (wall forming the front side of a structure)
etuseteli :: voucher
etusija :: asettaa etusijalle: to prefer
etusija :: priority, preference, preferred position
etusivu :: front page, front cover
etusivun juttu :: front page story, cover story (story whose subject matter appears on the front page of a publication)
etusäleikkö :: A grill
etusormi :: forefinger
etusääriluu :: cannon bone (metacarpal bone of a horse)
etustaagi :: forestay (stay that extends from the top of the foremast to the bow or bowsprit of a sailing ship)
etuuma :: flashforward
etuus :: benefit
etuvastakohta :: conflict of interest
etuveto :: front-wheel drive
etuvetoinen :: front-wheel drive (being front-wheel driven)
etuvetoisuus :: front-wheel drive (quality of being front-wheel driven)
etuvokaali :: A front vowel
etydi :: étude
etyleeni :: ethylene
etyleenidiamini :: ethylenediamine
etyleeniglykoli :: ethylene glycol
etyleeni-imiini :: aziridine
etyleenioksidi :: ethylene oxide
etymologia :: etymology
etymologinen :: etymological
etäyttää :: To distance oneself
etyyli :: ethyl
etyylialkoholi :: ethyl alcohol
etyyliamiini :: ethylamine
etyyliasetaatti :: ethyl acetate
etyyliasetoasetaatti :: ethyl acetoacetate
etyylibentseeni :: ethylbenzene
etyyliformiaatti :: ethyl formate
etyylikarbamaatti :: ethyl carbamate
eudiometri :: eudiometer
eufemismi :: A euphemism
eufemistinen :: euphemistic
eufemistisesti :: euphemistically
eufonia :: euphony
eufonium :: euphonium
euforia :: euphoria
euforinen :: euphoric
euforisesti :: euphorically
Eufrat :: the Euphrates (river)
eugeniikka :: eugenics
eugenikko :: eugenicist
eukalyptoli :: eucalyptol
eukalyptus :: eucalyptus (tree of the genus Eucalyptus)
eukalyptuskaramelli :: eucalyptus candy (candy flavored with eucalyptus oil)
eukalyptusöljy :: eucalyptus oil
eukalyptuspastilli :: eucalyptus lozenge (lozenge flavored with eucalyptus oil)
eukalyptuspuu :: eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus (tree of the genus Eucalyptus)
eukaristia :: Eucharist, Holy Communion (sacrament)
eukaryootti :: eukaryote
eukko [colloquial, humorous] :: one's wife
eukko [derogatory, more or less] :: an old woman
eukkonen :: A diminutive form of eukko; used chiefly with a possessive suffix as an address
euklidinen :: Euclidean
euklidinen avaruus [mathematics, geometry] :: Euclidean space
euklidinen geometria :: Euclidean geometry
eukonkanto :: wife carrying
EU-maa :: EU country (member country in the European Union)
eunukki :: eunuch
euploidia :: euploidy
euraasialainen :: Eurasian
euraasialainen :: A Eurasian person
euraasialainen ilves :: A term sometimes used of ilves ‎(“Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx”) in order to separate it from other lynx species
euraasialaisuus :: Eurasianness (quality of being Eurasian)
euribor :: Euribor
euriborkorko :: Euribor
Eur Ing :: euroinsinööri
euro :: euro (currency)
euro- :: Euro- (forms words relating to Europe)
euroaika :: Central European Time
euroalue :: Eurozone
euroatlanttinen :: Euro-Atlantic
eurodollari :: Eurodollar
euroedustaja :: A Member of the European Parliament; MEP
euroinsinööri :: European Engineer (European qualification for engineers granted by the European Federation of National Engineering Associations - FEANI)
eurokansalainen :: A citizen of the European Union
eurokansanedustaja :: A Member of the European Parliament; MEP
eurokommunismi :: Eurocommunism
eurokommunisti :: Eurocommunist (supporter of Eurocommunism)
eurokorko :: euro rate (interest rate for a credit denominated in euro)
eurokraatti :: Eurocrat
euromaa :: euro country (individual country that uses euro as currency)
euromaa [finance, jargon] :: Euroland, euroland (euro countries collectively)
euromarkkinat :: Euromarket (market for Eurocurrencies)
euronen :: A one euro coin
euronen [in compound terms] :: euro coin, euro bill (coin or bill denominated in euro)
euronormi [standardization] :: Euronorm, European Standard (any of the EN-labeled standards issued by the European Committee for Standardization)
euro-ohjus :: Euro Missile (missile intended to be used by the defense forces of European nations, usually developed in cooperation of two or more countries)
euroopandoggilepakko :: European free-tailed bat, Tadarida teniotis
euroopanhernepensas :: A caragana bush, Caragana frutex
euroopanhumalapyökki :: European hop-hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia
euroopanhummeri :: European lobster, common lobster, Homarus gammarus (species of clawed lobster from the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and parts of the Black Sea)
euroopankuusi :: Norway spruce, Picea abies
euroopanlehtikuusi :: European larch, Larix decidua
euroopanmajava :: European beaver (Castor fiber)
euroopanmarjakuusi :: common yew, European yew, Taxus baccata
euroopanmestaruuskilpailu :: European Championship Games
euroopanmuratti :: common ivy, Hedera helix
euroopanmustamänty :: European black pine, Pinus nigra
Euroopan unioni :: The European Union
Eurooppa :: Europe
eurooppakeskeinen :: Eurocentric
eurooppalainen :: European
eurooppalainen :: A European
eurooppalaisittain :: In a European manner
eurooppalaisperäinen :: of European origin, originating from Europe, European
eurooppalaisperäisyys :: The state or property of originating from Europe, Europeanness
eurooppalaistaa :: To Europeanize
eurooppalaistua :: To become more European
eurooppalaistuminen :: Europeanisation (process of becoming more European)
eurooppalaisuus :: Europeanness (quality or characteristic of being European)
eurooppaoikeus :: European legislation
eurooppaoikeus :: European Union law
eurooppaosuuskunta :: European Cooperative Society (cooperative established under the European Union law)
eurooppayhtiö :: European Company (public EU company)
europarlamentaarikko :: Member of the European Parliament, MEP
europarlamentti :: European Parliament
europarlamenttivaalit :: elections to the European Parliament
europidi :: Caucasoid
europidinen :: Caucasoid
europium :: europium
eurosekki :: Eurocheque
eurosentrismi :: eurocentrism
euroskeptikko :: Euroskeptic (person)
euroskeptinen :: Eurosceptic
eurovaali :: European election; normally used in plural, see eurovaalit
eurovaalit :: European election, European Parliament election (election of the European Parliament)
eurovaluutta :: eurocurrency (deposits denominated in a currency other than the currency of the depositee)
euroviisu :: A contestant song in the Eurovision Song Contest
Euroviisut :: Eurovision Song Contest
eurovirkamies :: An official in the service of the European Union, EU officer
eurytmia :: eurythmy
eustaattinen :: eustatic
eutanasia :: euthanasia
eutrofinen :: eutrophic
Euvostoliitto [humorous, neologism] :: the EU
evä :: fin (of a marine animal)
evakko :: evacuee (person)
evakuoida :: To evacuate
evakuointi :: evacuation
evakuointikäsky :: evacuation order
evaluaatio :: evaluation
evaluoida :: To evaluate
evaluointi :: evaluation
evankelinen :: evangelical
evankelioida :: To evangelize
evankeliointi :: evangelization
evankelisluterilainen :: alternative form of evankelis-luterilainen
evankelis-luterilainen :: Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran
evankelis-luterilaisuus :: Lutheranism (Christian denomination based on the beliefs and doctrines developed by Martin Luther and his immediate followers)
evankelista :: evangelist
evankeliumi :: gospel
evaporaatio :: evaporation
evaporiitti :: evaporite
eve :: ecstasy (drug)
Eveliina :: female given name
eventiivi :: eventive
evergreen :: evergreen (evergreen song, song that is ever popular)
eversti :: colonel
everstiluutnantti :: A lieutenant colonel
evidenssi :: evidence
evidentti :: evident
E-vitamiini :: vitamin E
eväjalkainen :: pinniped
eväjalkainen :: in plural (eväjalkaiset): the suborder or superfamily Pinnipedia
eväjalkainen :: pinniped
eväköli :: A fin keel
eväkäs :: finny (having several and/or large fins)
eväkäs :: A fish
evällinen :: finny (having one or more fins)
evämäinen :: finny (resembling a fin)
evolutiivinen :: evolutionary
evoluutio :: evolution
evoluutiopuu :: phylogenetic tree (tree-shaped graph illustrating evolutionary relationships among various entities such as taxonomic groups that are assumed to share a common ancestor)
evoluutioteoria :: evolutionary theory
evoluutta :: evolute
eväs :: provisions (food e.g. for a picnic)
eväslaukku :: lunchbox
eväspaketti :: packed lunch
eväsretki :: picnic
evästää :: To advise, inform
eväste :: cookie
evästellä :: To eat a picnic
evätä :: To withhold or retain; to keep back; not to grant
evätä :: To deny somebody (= ablative) something, refuse to give something to somebody; take something away from somebody
EVVK :: ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa, I couldn't care less, ICCL (phrase used to express an uncaring opinion towards a subject)
ewe :: Ewe (language)
ewe :: Ewe (member of a West African ethnic group)
ewe :: In plural (ewet), the Ewe (ethnic group)
ewe :: Used also adjectivally with a hyphen or in genitive plural
eximia cum laude approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the second highest pass grade
exlibris :: bookplate
extreme-laji :: extreme sport
extreme-matkailu :: extreme tourism
faabeli :: fable
faagi [microbiology, virology] :: phage
faanjunkkari :: fanjunkare
faarao :: pharaoh
faaraokoira :: pharaoh hound
faaraomuurahainen :: pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)
faaraorotta :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
faasi [physics, chemistry] :: A phase
fabrikaatti :: valmiste, tuote
fabuloida :: to fable (to fabricate a story)
fabulointi :: action noun of the verb fabuloida; fabling
factoringyhtiö :: factoring firm
fade :: father
fado :: fado, fado song (song in this style)
fado :: fado (Portuguese fado singing as art)
fadolaulaja :: fado singer
fadolaulu :: fado, fado song (song in this style)
fadolaulu :: fado (Portuguese fado singing as art)
fagi [microbiology, virology] :: phage
fagosytoida :: to phagocytize [US], phagocytise [UK] (to ingest by phagocytosis)
fagosytoosi :: phagocytosis
fagosyytti :: phagocyte
fagotinsoittaja :: Alternative term for fagotisti
fagotisti :: bassoonist
fagotti :: bassoon
fagottikonsertto :: bassoon concerto
fahrenheitaste :: degree Fahrenheit (one degree on the Fahrenheit temperature scale)
fahrenheitasteikko :: Fahrenheit scale (scale for measuring temperature, using Fahrenheit as unit)
faija :: daddy, father
faili :: A computer file
fajanssi :: faience
fajanssiastia :: faience dish (vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food, made of faience)
fajanssinen :: faience (made of faience)
fajanssiteollisuus :: faience industry
fakiiri :: fakir, faqir (ascetic or religious mendicant)
fakiiri :: wizard (person skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)
fakki :: box, compartment
fakki-idiootti :: Someone who is so specialized in his/her profession or trade that it limits their thinking; literally overspecialized idiot
fakkiintua :: To overspecialize
fakkikieli :: alternative term for ammattikieli
fakkiutua :: To overspecialize
faksata :: to fax (to send a document via a fax machine)
faksaus :: faxing (act of sending a telefax)
faksi :: fax (document)
faksi :: fax, fax machine (machine)
faksimile :: facsimile, fax
faksimilejäljennös :: facsimile, facsimile copy
faksitse :: By fax
fakta :: fact
faktatietokanta :: fact database (database of facts)
faktinen :: factual
faktisesti :: factually, in fact
faktori :: factor
faktorianalyysi :: factor analysis
faktuaalinen :: factual
faktuaalisuus :: factuality (state or quality of being factual)
faktumi :: fact
fakturoida :: to invoice, bill (to issue an invoice, usually for delivery of goods or services)
faktuura :: invoice
fakultatiivinen :: facultative (optional)
fakultatiivisesti :: facultatively
fakultatiivisuus :: The quality of being facultative; faculty
fakulteetti :: faculty (a division of a university)
fakulteetti :: factorial
falafel :: falafel (foodstuff)
falangi :: phalanx (large group of people)
falangi :: phalanx (military unit)
falangisti :: A phalangist
falanukka :: alternative form of falanukki
falanukki :: falanouc, Euplerer goudotii (civet-like mammal native to Madagascar)
falklandilainen :: Falkland [attributive use of proper noun]; Falklandic
falklandilainen :: Falklander, Falkland Islander
Falklandinsaaret :: The Falkland Islands
falli :: A halyard
fallibilismi :: fallibilism
fallibilisti :: A fallibilist
fallinen :: phallic
fallos :: phallus
fallosmainen :: phallic (resembling phallos)
fallossymboli :: phallic symbol (object that by resembling phallos or otherwise is regarded as symbolizing masculinism)
falsetti :: falsetto
falsettiääni :: alternative term for falsetti
falsifikaatio :: alternative term for väärennös
falsifikaatio :: alternative term for väärennys
falsifioida :: To falsify
falsifiointi :: falsification
falsifioitavuus :: falsifiability
falsifioituva [sciences] :: falsifiable
falskata :: To leak
falski :: false, spurious
falski :: false, untrue
falski :: insincere
falskisti :: falsely
falskius :: Quality of being falski; falseness
familiaarinen :: familial
familismi :: familism (form of social structure in which the needs of the family as a group are more important than the needs of any individual family member)
familistinen :: familistic
fan :: fan, admirer, aficionado
fanaatikko :: fanatic
fanaattinen :: fanatic
fanaattisemmin :: comparative form of fanaattisesti
fanaattisesti :: fanatically
fanaattisimmin :: superlative form of fanaattisesti
fanaattisuus :: bigotry, fanaticism
fanaloka :: Malagasy civet, striped civet, Fossa fossana (civet-like mammal endemic to Madagascar)
fanalokki :: alternative form of fanaloka
fanatismi :: fanaticism
fan club :: fan club
faneeri :: plywood
fanerotsooinen :: Phanerozoic
fanfaari :: fanfare
fani :: fan (e.g. a soccer fan)
fanifiktio :: fan fiction (work of fan fiction)
fanifiktio :: fan fiction, fanfiction (amateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of commercial media property)
fanikanta :: fandom, fan base (fans collectively)
fanikunta :: fandom, fan base (fans collectively)
fanittaa :: to admire, to be somebody's fan
fanittaja :: fan (admirer, aficionado)
fanius :: fandom, fanship (state of being fan)
fanklubi :: fan club
Fanni :: female given name
fantasia :: fantasy
fantasiaelokuva :: fantasy film
fantasiakirjallisuus :: fantasy literature
fantasiamaailma :: fantasy world
fantasiaroolipeli :: fantasy role-playing game, fantasy role game
fantasiataiteilija :: fantasist, fantasy artist (artist who creates fantasies)
fantasiataru :: fantasy epic
fantasioida :: To fantasize
fantasti :: fantast
fantastinen :: fantastic
fantastisesti :: fantastically
fantastisuus :: fantasticity
fantisoida :: To fantasize
fantisointi :: fantasizing
fantomi :: phantom pain
fantomi :: phantom (illusion)
fantomikipu :: Alternative term for fantomisärky
fantomisärky :: phantom pain
fapiaani [dialectal, Lapua] :: A lively and original person
Faraday-kiertymä :: Faraday rotation
faradi :: farad
farao :: alternative spelling of faarao
farao :: The letter "F" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
faraokoira :: alternative spelling of faaraokoira
faraomuurahainen :: pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis
fariinisokeri :: brown sugar (refined sugar to which molasses has been added)
farisealainen :: pharisaic
farisealainen :: Pharisee (person who values form over content)
farisealaisuus :: pharisaism (doctrines and practices of the Pharisees)
farisealaisuus :: pharisaism (rigid observance of external forms of religion)
fariseus :: Pharisee (member of an ancient Jewish movement)
fariseus :: Pharisee (person who values form over content)
farkku :: station wagon
farkkuhaalari :: jeans overall
farkkuhame :: denim skirt
farkkukangas :: [British] dungaree
farkkukangas :: denim
farkkukansa :: youth, collectively, especially as participants in music festivals etc
farkkupusakka :: jeans jacket
farkkupusero :: jeans jacket
farkkutakki :: jeans jacket, denim jacket
farkkuvaate :: jeans garment
farkut :: jeans, especially blue jeans
farkut :: pair of jeans
farmakodynamiikka :: pharmacodynamics
farmakognosia :: pharmacognosy
farmakokinetiikka :: pharmacokinetics
farmakologia :: pharmacology
farmakologinen :: pharmacological
farmakologisesti :: pharmacologically
farmakopea :: pharmacopoeia (official book describing medicines or other pharmacological substances)
farmanomi :: pharmacy assistant degree
farmari :: A farmer
farmari :: A station wagon
farmari :: In plural (farmarit) the jeans, as a short form of farmarihousut
farmariauto :: station wagon
farmarihame :: denim skirt
farmarihousut :: jeans
farmarikangas :: denim
farmarikankainen :: Made of denim
farmaripusero :: alternative term for farkkupusero
farmaritakki :: alternative term for farkkutakki
farmarivaate :: alternative term for farkkuvaate
farmaseutti :: pharmacist
farmaseuttinen :: pharmaceutical
farmaseuttisesti :: pharmaceutically
farmasia :: pharmacology, pharmacy (science of medicinal substances)
farmasia :: pharmacy (occupation of a pharmacist)
farmaus :: farming
farmi :: farm
farmijoukkue :: farm team (minor league team concerned with player development)
farmiseura :: farm team (minor league team concerned with player development)
farsi :: A person speaking Persian as his mother tongue
farsi :: In plural (farsit), the Persians collecively
farsi :: Persian (language)
farsin kieli :: Persian language
farssi :: farce
faryngiitti :: pharyngitis
fasaani :: pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
fasaanikukko :: pheasant cock (male pheasant)
fasaanilintu :: pheasant (any bird species within the subfamily Phasianinae of the family Phasianidae)
fasadi :: facade
fasetti :: facet (surface cut into a gem)
fasiliteetti :: facility (physical means or contrivances to make something possible)
fasilitoida :: to facilitate (to lead a working group, meeting or seminar so that the creative input of each participant is taken into maximal use)
fasismi :: fascism
fasisti :: fascist
fasistinen :: fascist
fasistipuolue :: fascist party
faskiitti :: fascitis (inflammation of fascia)
fasteri :: paternal aunt (father's sister)
fataali :: fatal
fataalinen :: fatal
fataalisesti :: alternative form of fataalisti
fataalisti :: fatally
fataalisuus :: alternative form of fataalius
fataalius :: fatalness] (quality of being fatal)
fatalismi :: fatalism
fatalisti :: fatalist
fatalistinen :: fatalistic
fatalistisesti :: fatalistically
fatalistisuus :: fatalism
fatsi :: dad, father
fauna :: fauna
fauni :: faun
faunistiikka :: faunistics
fauvismi :: fauvism
favismi :: favism
favoriitti :: favorite
F-duuri :: F major
federaalinen :: federal
federaatio :: federation
federalismi :: federalism
federalisti :: federalist
federalistinen :: federalist
federatiivinen :: Federal (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
federatiivinen :: Federal (pertaining to the national government level in a federal state)
federatiivinen :: Federative (in the name of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
feedback :: feedback
feeniks :: phoenix
Feeniks :: The constellation Phoenix
feeniks-lintu :: phoenix
feidata :: (slang) to fade (to cause to disappear gradually, used especially of sound and light)
feidata :: to skip (not to attend)
feijoa :: feijoa, pineapple guava (plant and fruit)
feikata :: to fake, affect, feign, simulate (to make a false display of)
feikki :: fake, false, fraudulent (not real)
feikki :: falsification
feimi :: famous
feimi :: fame
feissari :: face-to-face fundraiser
feissata :: to raise funds face-to-face
feissaus :: face-to-face fundraising (practice of raising funds for a charity by meeting people face-to-face on the street, malls etc.)
fellaatio :: fellatio (sexual act)
felonia :: felony
felsiitti :: felsite
femakko :: feminist
femiini :: alternative form of feminiininen
feminiini :: feminine
feminiinimuoto :: feminine form
feminiininen :: feminine (of a male, resembling a woman)
feminiininen :: feminine (of a woman, displaying characteristics regarded as positive in a woman; attractive)
feminiininen :: feminine (of, pertaining or belonging to the female grammatical gender)
feminiinisesti :: femininely
feminiinisuku :: feminine gender
feminiinisukuinen :: feminine (of feminine gender)
feminiinisyys :: femininity (sum of all attributes that convey, or are perceived to convey, womanhood)
feminismi :: feminism
feministi :: feminist
feministinen :: feminist
feministisesti :: feministically
feministiteologia :: feminist theology (movement found in several religions to reconsider those religions from a feminist perspective)
femto- :: femto-
femtosekunti :: femtosecond
fenantroliini :: phenanthroline
fenatsoni :: phenazone
fenderi :: Same as lepuuttaja
fenkoli :: fennel (bulb, leaves, stalks, or seeds of the plant used as ingredients in cooking)
fenkoli :: fennel (plant Foeniculum vulgare')
fennekki :: fennec (Fennecus zerda)
fenni :: Fenni (member of an ancient people of northeastern Europe)
fenni :: Fenni (these people collectively)
fennismi :: Fennicism
fennisti :: Fennist
fennistiikka :: Study of the Finnish language
fennistinen :: Fennistic (of or pertaining to the study of Finnic languages)
fennistinen :: pedantic about correct usage of Finnish
fennistisesti :: In a Fennistic manner
fennistisyys :: The state or property of being pedantic about correct usage of Finnish
fenno- :: Fenno-
fennofiili :: Fennophile
fennomaani :: Fennoman
fennomania :: Fennomania
fennougristi :: Finno-Ugrist
fennougristiikka :: Study of Finno-Ugric languages and people
fennovegaani :: A Finnish variant of vegan, who out of philosophical and/or environmental reasons strives to follow a vegan diet which includes as much Finnish products as possible
fenobarbitaali :: phenobarbital
fenoli :: phenol
fenoliftaleiini :: phenolphthalein
fenolihartsi :: phenolic resin
fenolimuovi :: phenolic plastic
fenolipunainen :: phenol red
fenologia :: phenology
fenologinen :: phenological
fenomenaalinen :: phenomenal
fenomenaalisesti :: phenomenally
fenomenaalisuus :: phenomenality
fenomenalismi :: phenomenalism
fenomenografia :: phenomenography
fenomenologia :: phenomenology
fenomenologinen :: phenomenological
fenomenologisesti :: phenomenologically
fenotyyppi :: phenotype
fensyklidiini :: phencyclidine
fentanyyli :: fentanyl
fentermiini :: phentermine
fenyletylamiini :: alternative form of fenyylietyyliamiini
fenyyli :: phenyl (univalent hydrocarbon radical C6H5, basis of an immense number of aromatic derivatives)
fenyylialaniini :: phenylalanine
fenyyliasetaatti :: phenylacetate
fenyylietikkahappo :: phenylacetic acid
fenyylietyyliamiini :: phenethylamine
fenyylihydratsiini :: phenylhydrazine
fenyyliketonuria [genetics, pathology] :: phenylketonuria (genetic disorder affecting metabolism)
feodaali- :: feudal
feodaaliaatelisto :: feudal nobility
feodaaliaika :: feudal times, feudal period
feodaaliherra :: feudal lord
feodaalijärjestelmä :: feudal system
feodaalilaitos :: feudal system
feodaalinen :: feudal
feodaalisesti :: feudally
feodaalisuus :: feudality (state or quality of being feudal)
feodaalivaltio :: feudal state
feodalismi :: feudalism
feodalisointi :: feudalization (introduction of a feudal system)
feodalisti :: feudalist
feodalistinen :: feudalistic
feodalistisesti :: feudally
feodalistisuus :: alternative form of feodaalisuus
feresi :: sarafan (long, sleeveless, trapeze-shaped traditional jumper dress worn as Karelian folk costume by women and girls)
fermaatti :: fermata
fermentoida :: to ferment
fermentointi :: fermentation
fermentoitua :: to ferment
fermentori :: fermentor
fermentti :: ferment (substance causing fermentation)
fermioni :: fermion
fermium :: fermium
feromoni :: pheromone
ferriitti :: ferrite
ferriittiantenni :: ferrite antenna
ferrikloridi :: iron(III) chloride
ferrioksidi :: ferric oxide
ferriyhdiste :: ferric compound (chemical compound of iron in which iron is in +3 oxidation state)
ferro- :: ferro-
ferrokloridi :: ferrochloride
ferrokromi :: ferrochrome
ferroseeni :: ferrocene
ferroyhdiste :: ferrous compound (chemical compound of iron in which iron is in +2 oxidation state)
fertiili :: fertile
fertiiliys :: fertility
fertiliteetti :: fertility, fecundity
ferulahappo :: ferulic acid
fes :: F-flat
festari [colloquial, usually plural] :: festival
festivaali :: festival
feta :: feta, Feta cheese, feta cheese
fetaalialkoholioireyhtymä :: alternative term for sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä
fetajuusto :: Feta cheese, feta cheese, feta
fetišši :: alternative spelling of fetissi
fetisismi :: fetishism
fetisisti :: fetishist
fetisistinen :: fetishistic
fetissi :: A fetish (something believed to possess magical powers)
fetissi :: A fetish (something nonsexual that arises sexual desire)
föhn :: foehn (wind)
föhn-tuuli :: alternative spelling of föhntuuli
föhntuuli [meteorology, weather] :: foehn
fiasko :: fiasco
fiba :: blunder, glitch, boner, goof (error, mistake)
fibata :: to blunder, blow, stumble, flub, goof (to make a mistake)
fibaus :: blunder, glitch, boner, goof (error, mistake)
fibriini :: fibrin
fibrilli :: fibril
fibroosi :: fibrosis
fideikomissi [legal, obsolete] :: fee tail, fideicommissum (estate in land which may not be sold or pledged and must be passed undivided to the next generation in the family, usually to the eldest son)
fideismi :: fideism
fidži :: Fijian (language)
Fidži :: Fiji
fidžiläinen :: Fijian (of or pertaining to Fiji, its culture or people)
fidžiläinen :: Fijian (person)
fidžin kieli :: Fijian (language)
fidžinkielinen :: Fijian, Fijian language, Fijian speaking (written or expressed in Fijian)
fidžinnös :: Fijian translation (translation from another language into Fijian)
fidžintää :: to translate into Fijian
fieldspanieli :: field spaniel (medium-sized breed dog of the spaniel type)
fiesta :: fiesta
fife :: fife
fiftari :: fifties-fan (person who dresses in the 1950's style, and likes music and other things from that era)
figuratiivinen :: figurative
figuratiivisesti :: figuratively
figuratiivisuus :: figurativeness (property of being figurative)
figuriini :: figurine
figuuri :: figure
fii :: phi (Greek letter)
fiiberi :: fiber
fiideli :: vielle, fidel (musical instrument)
fiikus :: rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber plant, Indian rubber bush, Ficus elastica (species of plant in the fig genus, native to SE Asia, a common houseplant)
fiilari :: mood (prevalent atmosphere or feeling)
-fiili :: -phile
fiilinki :: feeling
fiilis :: vibe, feeling
fiini :: fine
fikka :: A pocket
fikkari :: A torch
fiksaatio :: fixation
fiksatiivi :: fixative
fikseerata :: To fixate (to make something fixed)
fikseeraus :: fixation (act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form; reduction to a non-volatile condition)
fiksoida :: To fixate (to make something fixed)
fiksointi :: fixation
fiksoitua :: To fixate (to attend to something to the exclusion of all others)
fiksoitua :: To fixate (to attach oneself to a person or thing in a pathological or neurotic manner)
fiksu :: clever, smart, sharp, bright
fiksuimmin :: superlative form of fiksusti
fiksummin :: comparative form of fiksusti
fiksumpi :: comparative form of fiksu
fiksusti :: wisely, cleverly, smartly
fiksuus :: cleverness, smartness, sharpness
fiktiivinen :: fictional, fictive
fiktiivisesti :: fictively (in a fictive manner)
fiktiivisyys :: fictiveness (quality of being fictive)
fiktio :: fiction
filamentti :: filament
filamenttilanka :: filament thread (sewing thread spun of continuous filaments of man-made fiber, usually polyester)
filantrooppi :: philanthropist
filantrooppinen :: philanthropic
filantrooppisesti :: philanthropically
filantrooppisuus :: The state of being philanthropic
filantropia :: philanthropy
filantropinismi [historical, education] :: philanthropinism (19th century education system originating in Germany)
filantropismi :: philanthropy (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
filateelinen :: philatelic
filatelia :: philately
filatelisti :: philatelist
filee :: fillet (boneless breast cut of a bird)
filee :: fillet (lengthwise, boneless, full-length cut of fish)
filee :: tenderloin or sirloin (sisäfilee or ulkofilee, the most tender cuts of beef, mutton, pork or venison)
fileerata :: to fillet (to slice into fillets, especially fish)
fileeraus :: alternative term for fileointi
fileerausveitsi :: alternative term for fileointiveitsi
fileoida :: To fillet (to slice into fillets)
fileointi :: filleting
fileointiveitsi :: filleting knife
filharmonia :: philharmonic, philharmonic orchestra (full-size symphonic orchestra)
filharmonikko :: philharmonic musician
filharmoninen :: philharmonic
filhellenismi :: philhellenism (intellectual movement)
-filia :: -philia
filibusteri :: filibuster (delaying tactic, especially the use of long speeches to delay decision making)
filibusteri :: filibuster (member of a legislative body causing such obstruction)
filigraani :: filigree
filigraanilanka :: filigree thread (thread suitable for filigree work)
filigraanityö :: filigree work (act of producing a filigree object, or the finished object)
filipino :: alternative spelling of filippiino
filippiikki :: philippic (literary or oral attack)
filippiinienharpyijahekko :: harpy fruit bat, Harpyionycteris whiteheadi (species of megabat endemic to the Philippines)
filippiinienhevosenkenkäyökkö :: large-eared horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus philippinensis
filippiinienkaguaani :: Philippine flying lemur, Cynocephalus volans
filippiinienkorvaherkko :: large-eared horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus philippinensis
filippiinienkummittelija :: Philippine tarsier, Carlito syrichta or Tarsius syrichta
filippiinienkummituseläin :: Philippine tarsier, Carlito syrichta or Tarsius syrichta
filippiinienpiikikäs :: Indonesian porcupine, Philippine porcupine, Palawan porcupine, Hystrix pumila (species of rodent endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines)
filippiinienpiikkisika :: Indonesian porcupine, Philippine porcupine, Palawan porcupine, Hystrix pumila (species of rodent endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines)
filippiinienputkikuono :: Philippine tube-nosed fruitbat, Nyctimene rabori
filippiinienpuupäästäinen :: Alternative term for filippiinientupaija, Urogale everetti
filippiinientulkku :: white-cheeked bullfinch, Pyrrhula leucogenis
filippiinientupaija :: Mindanao tree shrew, Urogale everetti
filippiiniläinen :: Filipino (of or pertaining to the Philippines, its culture or people)
filippiiniläinen :: Filipino (person)
Filippiinit :: The Philippines
filippiino :: Filipino (one of the two official languages of the Philippines)
filippiläinen :: Philippian (person from the ancient Philippi)
filippiläiskirje :: Philippian (any of St. Paul's letters to the Philippians)
filippiläiskirje :: Philippians (book in the New Testament)
Filippiläiskirje :: Philippians (book in the New Testament)
Filippoi :: Philippi (ancient town in Macedonia, Greece)
Filippos :: Philip
Filippus :: Philip [biblical apostle]
filistealainen :: Philistine (of or pertaining to the ancient Philistines)
filistealainen :: A Philistine (person from Philistia)
filisteri :: a term used by academics of someone who has not studied at a university
filisteri [pejorative, rare] :: a philistine (person lacking appreciation of culture)
filkka :: film
fillari :: bike (bicycle)
fillaripoliisi :: Alternative term for polkupyöräpoliisi
fillaritaksi :: Alternative term for polkupyörätaksi
fillaroida :: To ride a cycle
fillarointi :: biking
fillotaikina :: Alternative form of filotaikina [preferred]
fillumenia :: phillumeny (hobby of collecting match-related items, like matchbox labels)
fillumenisti :: phillumenist (person who collects match-related items, like matchbox labels)
filmaaja :: filmer
filmaattinen [now, rare] :: cinematic
filmaattinen [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentable, good-looking
filmaattisesti [now, rare] :: cinematically
filmaattisesti [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentably
filmaattisuus [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentability, acceptable appearance (quality of being presentable)
filmata :: to flop; dive [football] (to pretend to be fouled)
filmata :: to fake (to make a false display)
filmata :: to film (to record a motion picture)
filmata :: to put on airs, to be affected
filmatisoida :: To make a movie of
filmatisointi :: filming
filmaus :: faking (act of faking an injury, e.g. in a soccer field in order to get a penalty to the opposing team)
filmaus :: filming (act of producing film material for a movie)
filmi :: movie
filmi :: film
filmifestivaali [often in plural] :: film festival
filmihullu :: movie enthusiast, movie addict, movie freak
filmijuhlat :: film festival
filmikamera :: film camera, movie camera
filmikasetti :: film magazine (in old cameras, an in-camera device that stores and feeds the film)
filmikasetti :: videocassette, especially one containing a movie
filmikaupunki :: film city (city with a noteworthy film industry)
filmikela :: film reel
filmikertomus :: A half-narrative, half-documentary filmed production, which aims at conveying an emotional experience of its topic to the viewer instead of merely documenting the facts
filmikomedia :: film comedy
filmikortti :: A postcard with a picture of a filmstar or a movie scene on the face side
filmikortti :: microfiche (sheet of microfilm installed in a frame to facilitate reading with a microfilm reading device)
filminauha :: film (photographic film as physical object)
filminauha :: filmstrip (display of one's life which one allegedly sees a moment before dying, especially when dying accidentally)
filminnös :: alternative term for filmatisointi
filmintää :: alternative form of filmatisoida
filminäyttelijä :: film actor, movie actor
filmiprojektori :: movie projector, film projector
filmirulla :: roll of film
filmiteollisuus :: film industry
filmitähti :: movie star, film star
filmiyhtiö :: movie company, film production company (company whose business is production and distribution of movies)
filmografia :: filmography
filologi :: philologist
filologia :: philology
filologinen :: philological
filologisesti :: philologically (in a philological manner)
filosofi :: philosopher
filosofia :: philosophy (academic discipline)
filosofinen :: philosophical
filosofisesti :: philosophically
filosofoida :: To philosophize
filosofointi :: philosophizing
filotaikina :: phyllo, filo, filo dough (type of dough, originating in Mediterranean cuisine, that is used in thin layers to make pastries and pies and becomes very flaky when cooked)
filtraatti :: filtrate (liquid or solution that has passed through a filter)
filtrata :: to filter
filtraus :: alternative term for suodatus
filtrum :: philtrum
filtteri :: filter
filtterisavuke :: filter cigarette (cigarette with a filter)
filtti :: alternative form of viltti
filu :: file
filunki :: cheating
filuri :: conman, charlatan, fraudster, phoney
filuri :: rogue, rascal, villain
filuri :: trickster, sleiveen
fimoosi [medicine, jargon] :: phimosis
finaali :: finale
finaalijoukkue :: final team (each of the two teams that have made it to the finals)
finaalilause :: final clause (dependent adverbial clause expressing purpose)
finaalinen :: final (expressing purpose)
finaaliottelu :: final match (the last match of a cup or series, in which the overall winner is determined)
finaalipaikka :: place in the finals
finaalirakenne :: In Finnish, a grammatical structure which expresses the purpose of an action, formed with the long 1st infinitive of a verb and appropriate possessive suffix; often translated with in order to into English. Example:
finaalisesti :: finally (in a manner expressing purpose)
finaalisuus :: finality (state of being final)
finalisti :: finalist
finansioida :: to finance
finansiointi :: financing
finanssi :: As modifier in compound terms, financial
finanssihallinto :: fiscal administration (administration of the public funds)
finanssikriisi :: financial crisis
finanssilaitos :: financial institution
finanssimeklari :: financial broker
finanssimies :: finance expert
finanssiministeri :: alternative term for valtiovarainministeri; used especially of foreign (other than Finnish) ministers of finance
finanssiministeriö :: alternative term for valtiovarainministeriö; used especially of foreign (other than Finnish) ministries of finance
finanssioikeus :: fiscal law (part of legislation that deals with public finances)
finanssioppi :: finance (science)
finanssipoliittinen :: Of or pertaining to financial policy
finanssipolitiikka :: fiscal policy
finanssipääoma :: financial capital
finanssit :: finances (funds, financial resources, especially those of a public entity)
finanssit :: (informal) financial affairs, money matters (person's financial standing as a whole)
finanssitalous :: financial economy, paper economy (as opposed to real economy, which consists of trade with tangible products and services)
finanssitavaratalo :: financial conglomerate
finanssitiede :: finance (science)
finanssiyhtiö :: finance services firm
finessi :: finesse
fingelska :: alternative term for fingliska
fingerpori :: thimble
fingerporillinen :: thimbleful (of alcoholic spirits)
fingliska :: Finglish
finiittimuoto :: finite form
finiittinen :: finite (limited by person or number)
finiittisyys :: finiteness
finiittiverbi :: finite verb (verb inflected for person and tense)
finkkeliöljy :: fusel oil (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation)
finlandisaatio :: alternative term for suomettuminen
Finnair :: Finnair
finni :: pimple
finninaama :: pimple face
finninaamainen :: pimple-faced
finninen :: pimpled, pimply
finnitauti :: alternative term for akne
finnjeeveli [sarcastic] :: Finn, especially one who resides in Sweden
finrotsoli [pharmacy] :: finrozole
Finto :: A terminology database jointly developed by the National Library of Finland, the Finnish Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Education and Culture
Fiona :: female given name
firaabeli :: Short for firaabelityö
firaabelityö :: alternative term for sivutyö
Firenze :: Florence (city)
firenzeläinen :: Florentine
firma :: firm, company
firmware :: firmware
fis :: F-sharp
Fis-duuri :: F-sharp major
fisis :: F double sharp
fiskaalinen :: fiscal (related to the treasury, particularly to government spending and revenue)
fissio :: fission
fissiopommi :: fission bomb
fissioreaktio :: fission reaction
fissioreaktori :: fission reactor
fissiovoimala :: fission power plant (power plant which gets it primary energy through fission of radioactive materials)
fisteli :: fistula (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
fistula :: fistula (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
fistula :: fistula (thin tube or pipe, especially a metallic straw used to sip sacramental wine)
fisu :: fish
fiude :: A car
fixipyörä :: fixed-gear bicycle (bicycle that does not have a freewheel, and only has a single gear ratio)
flaami :: Fleming (person)
flaami :: Flemish (language)
flaamilainen :: Flemish
flaamilainen :: Fleming (Flemish person)
flaamin kieli :: Flemish (language)
flaaminkielinen :: Flemish, Flemish-language (expressed in Flemish language)
flaaminkielinen :: Flemish-speaking
flada :: A brackish-water lagoon typical for some coastal regions of the Baltic Sea; formed from a sea bay in the process of post-glacial rebound
flagellantti :: flagellant (person who whips them self as part of a religious penance)
flaijeri :: flyer (leaflet, often for advertising)
flaksi :: success among the opposing sex
flambeerata :: to flambé
flambeeraus :: flambé (act of flambéing)
flamencontanssija :: flamenco dancer
flamingo :: flamingo
flamingokukka :: anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower (any of several tropical American evergreen plants, of the genus Anthurium)
Flanderi :: Flanders (region and province)
flaneerata :: to idle, loaf
flanelli :: flannel
flanellinen :: Made of flannel fabric
flanellipaita :: flanel shirt
flanööri :: flaneur
flare :: solar flare
flavaspidiinihappo :: flavaspidic acid
flavoni :: flavone
flavonoidi :: flavonoid
flavonoli :: flavonol
fleda :: (Helsinki slang) hair (collection of human head hair)
fleece :: Alternative form of fliisi
flegmaatikko :: phlegmatic
flegmaattinen :: phlegmatic
flegmaattisesti :: phlegmatically
flegmaattisuus :: phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness (state of being phlegmatic)
flekainidi :: flecainide (antiarrhythmic agent)
fliisi :: fleece (jacket or other garment made of this fabric)
fliisi :: fleece (type of fabric)
flikka :: A girl
flimmeri :: atrial fibrillation (Fibrillatio atriorum)
flip-flop :: flip-flop (footwear)
flipperi [games] :: pinball
flirtata :: To flirt
flirttailla :: To flirt, come on
flirttailu :: flirtation
flirttaus :: flirt
flirtti :: flirtation
flöitti :: fluyt, fluit, flute
fläkki :: spot, stain (disfiguring mark)
flogiston :: phlogiston
flogopiitti :: phlogopite
flokki :: flock (coarse tufts used in bedding)
floksi :: phlox
floora :: flora
floor show :: floorshow
flopata :: To flop (fail)
floppi :: flop (failure)
floppityyli :: Fosbury flop, fosbury, flop style (high jump technique in which the jumper arches the back over the bar)
floretti :: rapier, foil (sword)
florettimiekkailija :: foil fencer
florettimiekkailu :: foil fencing, foil (sport)
floridanhylje :: Caribbean monk seal, Monachus tropicalis
floridankalkkarokäärme :: eastern diamondback rattlesnake, eastern diamondback, Crotalus adamanteus
floridanvesimyyrä :: round-tailed muskrat, Neofiber alleni
floridanvesirotta :: alternative term for floridanvesimyyrä
floriini :: florin
floristi :: florist
fläppi :: A large sheet of thick paper used in flip chart
fläppitaulu :: flip chart, flipchart
fludroksikortidi :: fludroxycortide
flufenaamihappo :: flufenamic acid
flufenatsiini :: fluphenazine
fluidi :: fluid
flumatseniili :: flumazenil
flumedroksoni :: flumedroxone
flumetasoni :: flumethasone
flumetriini :: flumethrin
flunaritsiini :: flunarizine
flunssa :: common cold, flu
flunssaepidemia :: flu epidemic
flunssainen :: Affected by common cold, flu
flunssakausi :: flu season
flunssalääke :: common cold medicine
flunssavirus :: common cold virus (any of the about 200 viruses that cause common cold)
fluorata :: fluoridate
fluoraus :: fluoridation
fluoresenssi :: fluorescence
fluoresoida :: To make fluorescent
fluori :: fluorine
fluoriantimonihappo :: fluoroantimonic acid
fluoridi :: fluoride
fluorihappo :: Short for fluorivetyhappo
fluorihiilivety :: hydrofluorocarbon (organic compound of carbon, hydrogen and fluorine)
fluorihoito :: fluoride therapy (delivery of fluoride to the teeth in order to prevent tooth decay)
fluoriitti :: fluorite
fluoriloiste :: fluorescence
fluoripitoinen :: containing fluorine
fluorisälpä :: fluorite
fluoritabletti :: fluoride tablet (fluoride containing pill used in prevention of tooth decay)
fluorittaa :: alternative form of fluorata
fluoritus :: alternative term for fluoraus
fluorivety :: hydrogen fluoride
fluorivetyhappo :: hydrofluoric acid
fluoriyhdiste :: fluorine compound
fluoroida :: alternative form of fluorata
fluoroimmunometria :: fluoroimmunometry (method for testing allergies)
fluorointi :: fluoridation
fluviaalinen :: fluvial
flyygeli :: grand piano
flyygelisti :: player of grand piano, pianist
flyygelitorvi :: flugelhorn
fönari :: window
föönata :: To dry hairs using a hairdryer, blow-dry
föönaus :: blow-dry
fööni :: A blowdryer
fönäri :: window
fobia :: phobia (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety)
-fobia :: -phobia
fogeli :: A bird
foidi :: feldspathoid
foinikialainen :: Phoenician
foinikialainen :: a Phoenician person
fokka :: A jib (triangular sail attached to the forestay of a sailboat, the clew of which reaches back about to the level of the mast)
fokkamasto :: foremast (foremost mast of a sailship)
foksi :: foxtrot
foksterrieri :: fox terrier
fokstrotti :: foxtrot
fokusoida :: To focus
fokusointi :: focusing
fokusoitua :: to focus (to concentrate one’s attention)
folaatti :: folate (salt or ester of folic acid)
foliaatio :: foliation
folio :: foil (very thin sheet of metal)
folioida :: to cover or line with metal foil
foliointi :: The act of covering or lining with foil
foliokoko [printing] :: folio size
foliopaperi :: foil paper (paper covered with thin metal foil on one side, such as papers used as wrap for a variety of products from candy to cigarettes)
folivori :: folivore
folk :: folk, folk music
folklaulaja :: folksinger (person who sings folk songs)
folkloriikka :: alternative form of folkloristiikka
folklorismi :: folklorism (any use of folklore outside the cultural context in which it was created)
folkloristi :: A folklorist
folkloristiikka :: folkloristics (study of folklore)
folkmusiikki :: folk music (contemporary music in the style of traditional folk music)
folkrock :: folk rock (subgenre of rock music combining elements of folk music)
follikkeli :: A follicle
follikuliitti [pathology, jargon] :: folliculitis
fomiitti [epidemiology, medicine] :: fomite
fondant :: Alternative term for fondantti
fondantti :: A type of hot pastry which has a sweet filling, often dark chocolate
fondue :: alternative form of fondyy
fondyy [gastronomy] :: fondue
fondyyhaarukka :: fondue fork
fondyypata :: fondue pot
foneemi :: A phoneme
foneetikko :: phonetist
foneettinen :: phonetic
foneettisesti :: phonetically (in the way it sounds)
fonetiikka :: phonetics (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols)
foniatri :: phoniatrician, specialist in phoniatrics, (rare) phoniatrist
foniatria :: phoniatrics (medical research and treatment of organs involved with speech production)
foniatrinen :: phoniatric
foniatrisesti :: phoniatrically (in a phoniatric manner)
fonografi :: phonograph (device that records or plays sound from cylinder records)
fonologia :: phonology
fonologinen :: phonological
fonologisesti :: phonologically (in accordance with phonology)
fontanelli :: fontanelle
fontti :: font
foobinen :: phobic (relating to a phobia)
foolihappo :: folic acid
foorumi :: forum
foorumikeskustelu :: forum discussion
forelli :: trout, especially the morph Salmo trutta morpha fario of the brown trout
forintti :: forint (currency of Hungary)
formaali :: formal
formaali kieli :: formal language
formaali kielioppi :: formal grammar
formaalinen :: alternative form of formaali
formaalisesti :: alternative form of formaalisti
formaalistaa :: to formalize
formaalisti :: formally
formaalistus :: formalization
formaalisuus :: alternative form of formaalius
formaalius :: formality (state or condition of being formal)
formaatio :: formation
formaatti :: format
formaldehydi :: formaldehyde
formaliini :: formalin
formalismi :: formalism
formalisoida :: To formalize
formalisointi :: formalization
formalisti :: formalist
formalistinen :: formalist, formalistic
formalistisesti :: formalistically
formalistisuus :: State of being formalistic
formantti :: formant
formatiivinen :: formative
formatoida :: to format
formatointi :: formatting (preparation of a mass storage medium)
formeli :: (rare) formula (chemistry: symbolic expression of the structure of a compound)
formeli :: formula (mathematical rule)
formeli :: (rare) formula (plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result)
formiaatti :: formate
formonitriili :: hydrogen cyanide
Formosa :: Formosa (old name of Taiwan)
formosanmakaki :: Taiwan macaque, Macaca cyclopis
formu :: alternative form of vormu
formula :: a Formula One racing car
formula-ajo [motor sports, usually in plural] :: formula race
formula-auto :: formula car
formulakilpailu [motor sports] :: formula race
formulakuljettaja :: formula driver
formulakuski :: Alternative term for formulakuljettaja
formularata :: formula track, formula circuit
formuloida :: To formulate
formulointi :: formulation
fornikaatio :: fornication (sexual intercourse with a person other than one's married partner)
forsterinmerikarhu :: New Zealand fur seal, southern fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri
fortuna :: bagatelle, pin bagatelle (table game)
fortunapeli :: bagatelle, pin bagatelle (table game)
fosfaatti :: phosphate
fosfaattianalyysi [archaeology] :: phosphate analysis (method for analyzing ancient human activity by mapping phosphate levels in the soil across an excavation site)
fosfaattilannoite :: phosphate fertilizer
-fosfaattinen :: -phosphatic
fosfiini :: phosphine
fosfiitti :: phosphite
fosfoenolipalorypälehappo :: phosphoenolpyruvic acid
fosfoglyseraattikinaasi :: phosphoglycerate kinase
fosfokreatiini :: phosphocreatine
fosfolipidi :: phospholipid
fosfonaatti :: phosphonate
fosforesenssi :: phosphorescence
fosforesoida :: To make phosphorescent
fosfori :: phosphorus
fosforihappo :: phosphoric acid
fosforiitti :: phosphorite (sedimentary rock rich in phosphate minerals)
fosforilannoite :: phosphorus fertilizer
fosforiloiste :: alternative term for fosforesenssi
fosforimyrkytys :: phosphorus poisoning (intoxication caused by ingestion of phosphorus)
fosforinsiirto :: phosphorelay
fosforipentoksidi :: phosphorus pentoxide
fosforoida :: To phosphorize
fosforointi :: phosphorizing
fosforyloida :: to phosphorylate (to cause phosphorylation)
fosforyloitua :: to phosphorylate (to undergo phosphorylation)
fosgeeni :: phosgene
fossiili :: A fossil (both scientific and metaphorical)
fossiilinen :: fossil
fossiilistua :: alternative form of fossilisoitua
fossilisoitua :: to fossilize (to become a fossil)
fossiloitua :: Alternative term for fossilisoitua
fotari :: Adobe Photoshop
fotiino :: A photino
foto :: photo
fotodynaaminen :: photodynamic
fotogeeninen [sciences] :: photogenic (generated or caused by light)
fotokemia :: photochemistry (study of chemical reactions induced by light)
fotokemiallinen :: photochemical
fotoluminesenssi [sciences] :: photoluminescence
fotometri :: photometer
fotomontaasi [art] :: photomontage
fotoni :: photon
fotorealismi :: photo-realism
fotorealistinen [art] :: photorealistic
fotosfääri :: photosphere
fotosuurennos :: alternative term for valokuvasuurennos
fotosynteesi :: photosynthesis
fototransistori :: phototransistor
fototrofi :: phototroph
fototypia :: phototype
fraasi :: phrase, set phrase (short written or spoken expression, especially a set one)
fraasi :: phrase
fraasimainen :: cliché-like
fraasisanakirja :: phrase book
fragiliteetti :: fragility
fragmentaarinen :: fragmentary
fragmentaarisesti :: fragmentarily
fragmentaarisuus :: The quality of being fragmentary
fragmentoida :: to fragment (to cause to break into pieces)
fragmentti :: fragment
frakki :: In narrow sense: a black evening tailcoat or dress coat and a pair of matching black trousers with strips of braid down the side seams
frakki :: white tie, evening dress, full evening dress (dress code indicating formal evening dress, full military dress or national costume)
frakki :: white tie (man's full formal evening dress consisting of the above, white stiff-fronted wing-collar shirt, white bow tie, wiast coat and black court shoes)
frakkihousut :: A pair of trousers of men's formal evening dress, with strips of braid down the side seams
frakkiliivi :: A normally white (on some occasions black) waistcoat designed to be used as part of men's formal evening dress
frakkipaita :: A stiff-fronted wing collar shirt worn with men's white tie evening dress
frakkipuku :: white tie (men's most formal evening dress)
frakkipukuinen :: wearing white tie
frakkitakki :: A dress coat
fraktaali :: A fractal
fraktaaligeometria :: fractal geometry
fraktaalikuvio :: fractal pattern
fraktaalimatematiikka :: fractal mathematics
fraktaalinen :: fractal
fraktiili :: fractile
fraktio :: A fraction or part
fraktioida :: To fraction (to divide intio fractions)
fraktiointi :: fractioning (act of dividing into fractions)
fraktuura :: Fraktur script
framilla :: alternative term for esillä
framille :: alternative term for esille
franchise :: franchise (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
franchising :: franchising
franchising-antaja [commercial] :: franchisor (one who grants franchises)
franchising-ottaja [commercial] :: A franchisee (holder of a franchise)
franchisingsopimus :: franchising contract
franchisingyritys :: franchising business, franchising firm, franchising company
frangi :: franc
frankeerata :: to stamp, frank (to place a stamp on an envelope)
frankeerata :: to frank (to place a frank on an envelope using a postage meter)
frankeerattu kirje :: franked letter
frankeeraus :: franking
frankeerauskone :: postage meter, franking machine
frankeerausleima :: meter stamp (proof of paid postage produced by a franking machine)
frankium :: francium
frankki :: Frank (a member of the Frankish people)
franseesi [dance] :: contra dance, contradanse française
fransiskaani :: Franciscan
fransiskaaniluostari :: Franciscan monastery
fransiskaanimunkki :: Franciscan monk
fransiskaaniveljeskunta :: Franciscan brotherhood
fransu :: A lace-like decorative rim at the edge of a tablecloth or similar; often knit from the warp yarns of the cloth, but can also me made separately and attached to the cloth by sewing
fraseerata :: to phrase
fraseeraus :: phrasing (way the musical phrases are put together in a composition or in its interpretation)
fraseologia :: phraseology
fraseologinen :: phraseological
frax-oireyhtymä :: fragile X syndrome
freegani :: A freegan
freelancenäyttelijä :: freelance actor
freelancetoimittaja :: freelance reporter, freelance writer, freelance editor
freelancetyö :: freelance work
freelancetyöntekijä :: freelance worker
freesata :: to sauté
freesata :: to refresh, freshen up, renew, revitalize; especially the looks of something
freesaus :: sautéing
freesaus :: refreshment, freshening up, renewal, revitalization
freesi :: fresh (of plant material, still green and not dried)
freesi :: (colloquial) fresh (refreshing or cool)
freesi :: (colloquial) fresh (rested; not tired or fatigued)
freesia :: freesia
freestyle :: freestyle (sports event in which the paricipants can choose their own style, especially freestyle skiing)
freestyle :: freestyle (style of rapping)
freestylehiihto :: freestyle skiing (alpine skiing discipline)
fregatti :: frigate
fregattilintu :: frigatebird (sny of five species of bird in the family Fregatidae)
frekvenssi :: frequency
frekvenssimodulaatio :: frequency modulation
-frekvenssinen :: -frequency
frekventatiivi :: frequentative
frekventatiivinen :: frequentative (serving to express repetition of an action)
frekventatiiviverbi :: frequentative verb
frekventti :: frequent
freneettinen :: frenetic
frenologia :: phrenology
frenologinen :: phrenological
freoni :: freon (any of several non-flammable refrigerants based on halogenated hydrocarbons)
freonikaasu :: freon gas (any freon compound which is light enough to be gaseous in room temperature)
fresko :: fresco
fressi :: Alternative form of freesi
fretsi :: teacher
fretti :: ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
freudilainen :: Freudian
freudilaisuus :: Freudianism
fääri :: The Faroese language
frigidi :: frigid
frigiditeetti :: Sexual frigidity of women
frigidiys :: frigidity
friidu :: girl
friikata :: to freak out
friikki :: freak
friikki :: geek
friisi :: West Frisian (language)
friisi :: frieze (architecture: ornamented band in a building)
friisi :: frieze (classical architecture: space between architrave and cornice)
friisi :: frieze (type of cloth)
friisi :: Frisian (member of the Germanic ethnic group native to the region of Frisia)
friisi :: West Frisian (person)
friisikangas :: frieze (type of cloth)
friisikankainen :: frieze (noun "frieze" used attributively; made of frieze)
friisiläinen :: Frisian
friisiläinen :: A Frisian person
friisin kieli :: Frisian (Germanic language group or language with speakers in the North Sea coast of Netherlands, Germany and Denmark)
friisinkielinen :: Frisian, Frisian-language (expressed in one of the Frisian languages)
friisinkielinen :: Frisian-speaking
Friisinmaa :: Friesland (province of the Netherlands)
frikadelli :: frikadelle
frikatiivi :: fricative
fäärinkielinen :: Faroese, of or pertaining to the Faroese language
fäärintää :: to translate into Faroese
frisbee :: frisbee
friseesalaatti :: curly endive, frisée, Cichorium endivia var. crispum
friskata :: to refresh
frisyyri :: coiffure, hairstyle, especially an elaborate one
friteerata :: to deep-fry
friteeraus :: deep-frying in batter (method of cooking)
friteerauskeitin :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
fritsu :: hickey, love-bite; A bruise-like mark on the skin caused by sucking
frityyritaikina :: deep-frying batter
frontaali- :: frontal
frontaalikolari :: alternative term for nokkakolari
frontaalilohko :: frontal lobe
frontaalinen :: frontal
frontaalisesti :: frontally
frontaalitaso :: frontal plane, coronal plane (plane that divides the body to anterior and posterior sections)
frotee :: terry, terry cloth
froteekangas :: terry
froteepyyhe :: terry towel
froteinen :: Made of terry fabric
frottaasi :: (arts) frottage (image)
frottaasi [lb, fi, arts] :: frottage (technique)
frotterismi :: frotteurism
färsaarelainen :: Faroese, of or pertaining to the Faroe Islands or the Faroese people
färsaarelainen :: A person or people from the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islander
Färsaaret :: The Faroe Islands
förskotti :: prepayment
förstaagi :: forestay (stay that extends from the top of the foremast to the bow or bowsprit of a sailing ship)
försti :: first officer, chief officer
fruitariaani :: A fruitarian
fruitie :: A smoothie made only with fruit, berries, juices and ice, sometimes bran, but always without added sugar, yoghurt or any milky ingredient
fruktoosi :: fructose
frustraatio :: frustration
frustroida :: To frustrate
frustroitua :: To get frustrated
ftaalianhydridi :: phthalic anhydride
ftaalihappo :: phthalic acid
ftalaatti :: phthalate
fudata :: To play football, soccer
fudia :: To play football, soccer (sometimes tennis)
fudis :: alternative form of futis
fudismatsi :: Alternative form of futismatsi
fudut {p} :: dismissal, axing, sack
fuksi :: freshman (in a university)
fuksia :: fuchsia (popular garden plant, of the genus Fuchsia, with red, pink or purple flowers)
fuksianpunainen :: fuchsia (color)
fulani :: Fula (language spoken in West Africa)
fulanin kieli :: Fula (language)
fulaninkielinen :: Fula, Fula-language (expressed in Fula language)
fulaninkielinen :: Fula-speaking
fulbe :: Fula (member of that people)
fulbe :: Fula (West-African people)
fulben kieli :: alternative term for fulani (West African language)
fulbenkielinen :: alternative term for fulaninkielinen
fulguriitti :: fulgurite
fullereeni :: fullerene
fumaarihappo :: fumaric acid
fumaroli :: fumarole
fumigaatio :: fumigation
funboksi [skateboarding, slang] :: funbox
fundamentaalinen :: fundamental
fundamentaalisesti :: fundamentally
fundamentaalisuus :: fundamentality (state or quality of being fundamental)
fundamentaalitekijä :: fundamental factor
fundamentalismi :: fundamentalism
fundamentalisti :: A fundamentalist
fundamentalistinen :: fundamentalistic
fundamentalistisesti :: fundamentalistically
fundamentalistisuus :: The state or property of being fundamentalistic
fundeerata :: To think
fungisidi :: fungicide
funikulaari :: funicular
funkis :: functionalism (doctrine in architecture stating that an architectural design should be based on the function or purpose of the designed object)
funkki [architecture, rare] :: alternative term for funkis (functionalism)
funkkis :: alternative spelling of funkis
funktio :: function
funktioanalyysi :: functional analysis (branch of mathematics)
funktioavaruus :: function space
funktiolaskin [mathematics, computing] :: scientific calculator
funktionaali :: functional
funktionaalianalyysi :: functional analysis
funktionaalinen :: functional
funktionaalinen ryhmä :: functional group
funktionaalisesti :: functionally
funktionaalisuus :: functionality
funktionalismi :: functionalism
funktionalistinen :: functionalist (of or pertaining to functionalism)
funktionalistisesti :: functionalistically
funktionalistisuus :: The state or property of being functionalistic
funktionäppäin :: function key
funktioteoria :: function theory (branch of mathematics)
funktori :: functor
funtsata :: to think, ponder
funtsaus :: thinking, pondering
funtsaus :: (slang) thought
funtsia [slang + partitive] :: To think about
furaani :: furan
furfuraali :: furfural
furfuryylialkoholi :: furfuryl alcohol
fusidiinihappo :: fusidic acid
fuskata :: to cheat
fuskaus :: cheating
fusku :: A card game for four or more players in which cheating plays a central role. A player hands five cards face down to the player on his/her left and claims a poker hand. If next player believes in the claim he picks up the cards, changes any number of new cards from the deck and claims a better hand to the next player. The round ends when a player does not believe in the claim presented to him and flips the cards over. If the hand is equal or better than the claim, the claimant gets a point, otherwise the doubter gets a point
fusku [dance] :: single swing, single-time swing (type of dance derived from jive)
fusku :: jive (deceptive talk)
futaaja :: footballer
futari :: footballer
futata :: To work (usually in the negative)
futata :: To play football, soccer
futia :: To play football, soccer
futis :: football, soccer
futismatsi :: soccer match
futuna :: The Futuna language
futurismi :: futurism
futuristi :: futurist (adherent to the principles of the artistic movement of futurism)
futuristinen :: futuristic
futuristisuus :: The state or property of being futuristic: futuristic nature, looks, character etc.
futurologi :: futurologist (person who practices futurology)
futurologia [sciences] :: futurology
futurologinen :: futurological (pertaining to futurology)
futurologisesti :: futurologically (in a futurological manner)
futuuri :: future
futuuri :: future tense
futuurikauppa :: futures contract, future (standardized, tradable agreement between two parties that one will sell and the other will buy a specific commodity at a specific later date and a specific price)
futuurikauppa :: futures trading (act or business of trading with these contracts)
futuurimuoto :: future form (verb form in future tense)
futuuripörssi :: futures exchange, futures market (financial exchange where people can trade standardized futures contracts)
futuurisopimus :: futures contract, future (standardized, tradable agreement between two parties that one will sell and the other will buy a specific commodity at a specific later date and a specific price)
fuuga :: fugue
fuugasävelmä :: fugue piece
fuusio :: merger, fusion
fuusio :: fusion
fuusioida :: to merge
fuusiointi :: fusion
fuusioitua [economics, of two or more companies] :: To fuse, merge
fuusioitua :: To form more massive nuclei with fusion reaction
fuusiojazz :: fusion jazz
fuusiokeittiö :: fusion cuisine (cuisine that combines elements of different culinary traditions)
fuusiomusiikki :: fusion music
fuusiopolttoaine [nuclear power] :: fusion fuel (any substance used as fuel in a fusion reactor)
fuusiopommi :: fusion bomb
fuusioreaktio :: fusion reaction
fuusioreaktori :: fusion reactor
fuusiotutkimus :: fusion research
fuusiovoimala :: fusion power plant (electric power plant in which the primary energy is produced by nuclear fusion reaction)
fuusioydinpommi :: alternative term for fuusiopommi
fyffe :: money
fykologia :: phycology
fykologinen :: phycological
fyllata :: täyttää
fylli :: filling
fylliitti :: phyllite
fyllinki :: täyte
fyllokinoni :: phylloquinone, vitamin K1 (a polycyclic aromatic ketone)
fyllosilikaatti :: phyllosilicate (mineral)
fylogeneesi :: phylogenesis
fylogeneettinen :: phylogenetic
fylogeneettisesti :: phylogenetically
fymi :: hashish (cannabis extract)
fyrkanttinen [dialectal, figuratively] :: Of a charecter, very straightforward, approaching rudeness, square
fyrkanttinen :: Having four corners; especially square
fyrkka :: money, dough
fysiatri :: physiatrist
fysiatria :: physiatrics, physical therapy
fysiatrinen :: physiatric
fysiatrisesti :: physiatrically
fysiikanluokka :: physics class (classroom specifically equipped for teaching physics)
fysiikanopettaja :: physics teacher
fysiikantunti :: physics lesson, physics class
fysiikka :: physics
fysiikka :: physique
fysikaalinen :: physical
fysikaalisesti :: physically
fysikalismi :: physicalism
fysiognomia [superstition] :: physiognomy
fysiokratia :: physiocracy
fysiologi :: physiologist
fysiologia :: physiology
fysiologinen :: physiological
fysiologisesti :: physiologically
fysiologisuus :: state of being physiological
fysionomia :: physiognomy
fysioterapeutti :: physiotherapist
fysioterapeuttinen :: physiotherapeutic
fysioterapia :: physiotherapy
fyssa :: physics as a school subject
fytiinihappo :: phytic acid
fytoestrogeeni :: phytoestrogen
fytokemia :: phytochemistry
fytologia :: phytology
fytonomi :: natural product vendor degree
fytonsidi :: phytoncide
fytopatologia :: phytopathology
fytoterapia :: phytotherapy
fytska :: hashish (cannabis extract)
fyysikko :: physicist
fyysillinen :: dated form of fyysinen
fyysillisesti :: physically
fyysinen :: physical
fyysisemmin :: comparative form of fyysisesti
fyysisesti :: physically
fyysisimmin :: superlative form of fyysisesti
fyysisyys :: physicality (physical attributes)
gaala :: gala
gaalailta :: gala night
gabardiini :: gabardine
gabbinkissafretti :: Northern olingo (Bassaricyon gabbii)
gabbinolingo :: Northern olingo (Bassaricyon gabbii)
Gabon :: Gabon
gabonilainen :: Gabonese
gabonilainen :: A Gabonese person
gaboninkyy :: Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica)
gaboninmahonki :: angouma, gaboon, okoumé (Aucoumea klaineana)
gaboninmarakatti :: Angolan talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin)
Gabriel :: Gabriel (Archangel)
Gabriel :: male given name
gabro :: gabbro
gadoliniitti :: gadolinite
gadolinium :: gadolinium
gadoteerihappo :: gadoteric acid
gaeli :: Scottish Gaelic (language)
gaelin kieli :: Scottish Gaelic language
gaelinkielinen :: Expressed in Scottish Gaelic language
gaelinkielinen :: Speaking Scottish Gaelic
gaelintaa :: to translate into Scottish Gaelic
gagaatti :: jet (coal)
Gaia :: Gaea
galago :: galago
galaksi :: galaxy
galaksijoukko :: galaxy cluster
galaksimuuri [cosmology] :: galaxy filament, supercluster complex, great wall (massive, thread-like formation of gravitationally bound galaxies forming the boundaries between large voids in the universe)
galaksipari :: galaxy pair (system of two galaxies that are sufficiently close to each other to interact gravitationally)
galaksiryhmä :: galaxy group
galaktaani :: galactan (polysaccharide consisting of many galactose residues)
galaktinen :: galactic
galaktoosi :: galactose
galaktorrea :: galactorrhoea
galaliitti :: Galalith
galantti :: gallant
galapagoksenjättirotta :: alternative spelling of galapagosinjättirotta
galapagosinhiiru :: Galápagos mouse (mouse of the genus Nesoryzomys, native to Galápagos Islands)
galapagosinhiiru :: indefatigable Galápagos mouse, Nesoryzomys indefessus
galapagosinhylje :: Galápagos fur seal, Arctocephalus galapagoensis
galapagosinjättirotta :: Galápagos giant rat, Megaoryzomys curioi (an extinct sigmodontine rodent known only from Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos Islands)
galapagosinmerikarhu :: Galápagos fur seal, Arctocephalus galapagoensis
galapagosinmerileijona :: Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)
galapagosinriisirattu :: Galápagos rice rat, Aegialomys galapagoensis, formerly Oryzomys g.
galatalainen :: Galatian (of or pertaining to Galatia, a region in central Turkey)
galatalaiskirje :: Galatians (St. Paul's letter to the Galatians)
Galatalaiskirje :: Galatians (book in the New Testament)
galatialainen :: Galatian (of or pertaining to Galatia, a region in central Turkey)
galatialainen :: Galatian (person from Galatia)
galeassi [nautical, historical] :: A galleass (type of ship)
galego :: Galician (language)
galegon kieli :: Galician language
galeniitti :: galena
galicia :: Galician (language)
galician kieli :: Galician language
galilealainen :: Galilean
galilealainen :: Galilean (person)
Galitsia :: Galicia (historical kingdom in Central Europe)
galla :: Oromo (a language of Ethiopia)
gallan kieli :: Oromo language
galleria :: gallery
galleristi :: gallerist
gallialainen :: Gallic
gallialainen :: A Gallic person
gallialaisuus :: Gaulishness
galliinihappo :: gallic acid
gallium :: gallium
galliumarsenidi :: gallium arsenide
galliumfosfidi :: gallium phosphide
gallomaani :: Gallomaniac (enthusiast of all things French)
gallona :: gallon
gallup :: Gallup poll
gallupkysely :: Gallup poll
gallupoida :: To poll, survey (opinions)
gallupointi :: polling, surveying
galluptutkimus :: Gallup survey
gallushappo :: gallic acid
galmeija :: calamine
galvaaninen :: galvanic
galvaanisempi :: comparative form of galvaaninen
galvaanisesti :: galvanically
galvaanisin :: superlative form of galvaaninen
galvanisaatio :: galvanization
galvanoida :: To galvanise/galvanize
galvanointi :: electroplating
galvanointi :: galvanizing
galvanotekniikka :: electroplating technology
Gambia :: Gambia
gambialainen :: Gambian
gambialainen :: a Gambian person
gambianaurinko-orava :: Gambian sun squirrel, Heliosciurus gambianus
gambianepolettihekko :: Gambian epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus gambianus
gambianmangusti :: Gambian mongoose, Mungos gambianus
gambianolkalepakko :: Gambian epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus gambianus
gambiitti :: gambit
gameetti :: gamete
gametosyytti :: gametocyte (cell that develops into a gamete)
gamma :: gamma
gamma-aminovoihappo :: aminobutyric acid
gammafunktio :: gamma function
gammaglobuliini :: gamma globulin
gammahydroksibutyraatti :: gamma-hydroxybutyrate (chemstry: salt or ester of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
gammahydroksivoihappo :: gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
gammakuvaus :: gamma imaging (photography using gamma rays, applied e.g. in medical examination)
gammapurkaus :: gamma-ray burst, GRB
gammasäde :: gamma ray
gammasäteilijä :: gamma emitter
gammasäteily :: gamma radiation
gammayökkönen :: silver Y, Autographa gamma (migratory moth of the family Noctuidae, named for the silvery Y- or gamma-shaped mark on each of its forewings)
gangesingaviaali :: gavial, gharial (crocodilian Gavialis gangeticus; the only extant species of the family Gavialidae)
gangesinjokidelfiini :: Ganges river dolphin, Platanista gangetica sp. gangetica, a subspecies of Souh Asian river dolphin, Platanista gangetica
gangesinsusu :: Ganges river dolphin, Platanista gangetica sp. gangetica, a subspecies of Souh Asian river dolphin, Platanista gangetica
ganglio :: ganglion
ganglio :: ganglion cyst
gangliosidoosi :: gangliosidosis
gangliosolu :: ganglion cell
gangreeni :: gangrene
gangsteri :: gangster, mobster
gangsterielokuva :: gangster movie, gangster film
gangsteriliiga :: gang (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection and profit)
gangsterismi :: gangsterism
Ganymedes :: Ganymede, the satellite of Jupiter
Ganymedes :: Ganymede
gardenia :: gardenia
garderobi :: garderobe, wardrobe
gargoili :: gargoyle
garifuna :: Garifuna (language)
garifuna :: Garifuna (person)
garridonhutia :: Garrido's hutia, Mysateles garridoi (critically endangered species of hutia found in the Greater Antillean moist forests)
gascognenajokoira :: Either of two breeds of dog, iso gascognenajokoira or pieni gascognenajokoira
gaselli :: gazelle
gasellikotka :: martial eagle, Polemaetus bellicosus (large eagle found in open and semi-open habitats of sub-Saharan Africa)
gasti :: sailor (other than helmsman)
gastrektomia :: gastrectomy (removal or partial removal of the stomach)
gastriitti :: gastritis
gastroenteriitti :: gastroenteritis
gastroenterologia :: gastroenterology
gastronomi :: gastronome
gastronomia :: gastronomy
gastronominen :: gastronomical
gastronomisesti :: gastronomically
gastroskopia :: gastroscopy (endoscopic inspection of stomach and intestines)
gastrula [embryology] :: gastrula
gaullelainen :: Gaullist
gaullelainen :: A Gaullist
gaullismi :: Gaullism
gaullisti :: Gaullist
gaullistinen :: Gaullist
gauri :: gaur (Bos gaurus)
gaviaali :: gavial, gharial, Gavialis gangeticus
gaviaali :: gavialid (any crocodilian of the genus Gavialis)
gavotti [dance] :: gavotte
gay :: gay
Gazan kaista :: Gaza Strip (Gaza Strip)
gazpacho :: gazpacho
G-duuri :: G major
gee :: the unit of acceleration equal to that exerted by gravity
geeli :: gel (colloid)
geeli :: gel (cosmetic product)
geelikynä :: gel pen
geeni :: gene
-geeni :: -gen
geeniekspressio :: gene expression (transcription and translation of a gene into messenger RNA and thus into a protein)
geenihoito :: gene therapy
geeni-insinööri :: genetic engineer
geenikartoitus :: gene mapping
geenikartta :: gene map
geenikasetti :: gene cassette
geenimanipulaatio :: genetic manipulation
geenimuokattu :: genetically modified
geenimutaatio :: genetic mutation
geenimuunneltu :: genetically modified
geenimuuntelu :: genetic modification
geenimuutos :: mutation (any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material)
-geeninen :: -genic
geenin hiljentäminen :: gene silencing (any technique or mechanism in which the expression of a gene is prevented)
geeninsiirto :: gene transfer
geenipankki :: gene bank (repository of genetic material)
geeniperhe :: gene family (group of closely related genes)
geeniperimä :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
geeniperintö :: alternative term for geeniperimä
geenipääoma :: alternative term for geenipooli
geenipooli :: gene pool (complete set of unique alleles that would be found by inspecting the genetic material of every living member of a species or population)
geenipyssy :: gene gun
geeniruoka :: genetically modified food
geenisiirto :: alternative form of geeninsiirto
geenistö :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
geenitekniikka :: genetic engineering
geeniteknologia :: gene technology
geeniterapia :: gene therapy
geenitesti :: genetic test
geenituote :: gene product
geenitutkija :: genetic engineer (scientist whose speciality is genetic engineering)
geenitutkimus :: genetic research
geenitykki :: gene gun
geenivarasto :: alternative term for geenipooli
geenivarat :: alternative term for geenipooli
geenivirhe :: genetic error
geenivirta :: gene flow
geiša :: alternative spelling of geisha
geigermittari :: Geiger counter
geimit :: alternative form of keimit
geisha :: A geisha
geisha :: When used as modifier in compound terms, may also refer to "Geisha" chocolate brand, e.g. geishakakku, geishajäädyke
geishakuula [sex] :: A geisha ball, Ben Wa ball
geishapallo [sex] :: A geisha ball, Ben Wa ball
geisir :: alternative spelling of geysir
gekko :: gecko
gelada :: alternative term for tselada
gelatiini :: gelatine
gemena :: lower case
geminaatio :: gemination
geminaatta :: geminate consonant
geminoida :: to geminate (to pronounce a consonant audibly longer than is regarded as normal)
gemmologi :: gemmologist
gemmologia :: gemology
gemmologinen :: gemological
gemmologisesti :: gemologically
gemssi :: chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
gender-tutkimus :: gender studies
genealogi :: genealogist
genealogia :: genealogy
geneerinen :: generic
geneesi :: genesis
-geneesi :: -genesis
geneetikko :: geneticist
geneettinen :: genetic
geneettinen algoritmi :: genetic algorithm
geneettisesti :: genetically
generaattori :: generator
generalissimus :: generalissimo
generatiivinen :: generative (having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing)
generoida :: To generate
generointi :: The act of generating; generation
Genesaretinjärvi :: Sea of Galilee (lake in northern Israel)
genetiikka [biology, genetics] :: genetics
genetiivi :: genitive, genitive case
genetiiviakkusatiivi :: genitive-accusative
genetiiviattribuutti :: genitive attribute
genetiivimuoto :: genitive form
genetiivinen :: genitival, genitive (having genitive form; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case)
genetiivisija :: genitive case
genetti :: common genet, Genetta genetta
genetti :: genet (any of the feliform mammals in the genus Genetta)
Geneve :: Geneva, the city in Switzerland
geneveläinen :: Genevan (of or pertaining to Geneva)
geneveläinen :: Genevan (person from Geneva)
genever :: jenever
genisteiini :: genistein
genitaaliherpes :: genital herpes
genitaalinen :: genital
genitaalit :: genitals
genomi :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
genomiikka :: genomics
genotyyppi :: genotype
genotyyppinen :: genotypical (of or relating to genotype)
Genova :: Genoa (Italian city)
genovalainen :: Genoan (of or pertaining to Genoa)
genovalainen :: Genoan (person from Genoa)
genre :: genre
gentlemanni :: gentleman
gentlemannisopimus :: alternative term for herrasmiessopimus
geo- :: geo-
geobiologia :: geobiology
geobotaniikka :: alternative term for kasvimaantiede
geodeetti :: geodesist
geodeettinen :: geodetic
geodeettisesti :: geodetically
geodesia :: geodesy
geodi :: A geode
geodiversiteetti :: geodiversity
geodynamiikka :: geodynamics
geoffroynhämähäkkiapina :: Central American spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi
geoffroynkuonolepakko :: Geoffroy's tailless bat, Anoura geoffroyi
geoffroynsavanniorava :: striped ground squirrel, Xerus erythropus
geoffroynsilkkiapina :: Geoffroy's marmoset, white-headed marmoset, Callithrix geoffroyi
geoffroyntamariini :: Geoffroy's tamarin, Saguinus geoffroyi
geofoni :: geophone
geofysiikka :: geophysics
geofysikaalinen :: geophysical
geofysikaalisesti :: geophysically
geofyysikko :: geophysicist
geofyysinen :: geophysical
geografia :: geography
geografinen :: geographic
geohydrologia [geology, hydrology] :: hydrogeology
geoidi :: geoid
geoinformatiikka [science, engineering] :: geoinformatics
geokemia :: geochemistry
geokoodi :: geocode
geokorona :: geocorona
geokronologia :: geochronology
geokätkö :: geocache
geokätkentä :: geocaching
geokätköillä :: to geocache
geokätköily :: geocaching (pastime)
geolääketiede :: geomedicine (branch of medicine)
geologi :: geologist
geologi :: mineralogist (geologist specialized in mineralogy)
geologia :: geology
geologinen :: geologic
geologinen kausi :: geologic age
geologisesti :: geologically
geomagnetismi :: geomagnetism
geomantia :: geomancy
geomatiikka :: geomatics (discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering geographic information)
geometria :: geometry
geometrikko :: geometrician
geometrinen :: geometric
geometrinen sarja [analysis] :: geometric series
geometrisesti :: geometrically
geometrisuus :: geometricity (condition of being geometric)
geomorfologia :: geomorphology
geomorfologinen :: geomorphological
geomorfologisesti :: geomorphologically
geopoliittinen :: geopolitical
geopoliittisesti :: geopolitically
geopolitiikka :: geopolitics
georgia :: Georgian language
Georgia :: Georgia (country)
Georgia :: Georgia (US state)
georgialainen :: Georgian
georgialainen :: A Georgian
georgian kieli :: Georgian (language)
georgiankielinen :: Expressed in Georgian language
georgiankielinen :: Speaking Georgain
georgiantaa :: to translate into Georgian
georgiini :: dahlia (plant of the genus Dahlia, commonly cultivated as ornamental plant due to their showy and long-lasting flowers)
geosentrinen :: geocentric
geostatiikka :: geostatics
geostationaarinen :: geostationary
geostatistiikka [geology, statistics] :: geostatistics
geostrateginen :: geostrategic
geosynkroninen :: geosynchronous
geotekniikka :: geotechnical engineering
geotekstiili :: geotextile
geotektoniikka :: alternative term for tektoniikka
geoterminen :: geothermal
geotermisesti :: geothermally
geotiede :: geoscience, earth science (any of several sciences that deal with the Earth)
geotooppi :: geotope
gepardi :: cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus
geranyylipyrofosfaatti :: geranyl pyrophosphate
gerbera :: gerbera
gerbiili :: gerbil
gerbilli :: alternative spelling of gerbiili
gerenukki :: gerenuk (Litocranius walleri)
geriatria :: geriatrics
geriatrikko :: geriatric (old person)
geriatrinen :: geriatric
geriatrisesti :: geriatrically
gerillasota :: guerrilla war
germaani :: A German (member of a Germanic tribe)
germaani :: A German (person from Germany)
germaaniheimo :: Germanic tribe
germaaninen :: Germanic
germanisti :: Germanist
germanistiikka :: Germanics, Germanistics
germanium :: germanium
germaniumtetrahydridi :: germane, germanium tetrahydride, GeH4
germinaatio :: germination
geronteknologia :: gerontechnology (interdisciplinary academic and professional field combining gerontology and technology)
gerontofilia :: gerontophilia
gerontokratia :: gerontocracy
gerontologi :: gerontologist
gerontologia :: gerontology
gerontologinen :: gerontological
gerontologisesti :: gerontologicically
geropsykologia :: geropsychology
gerundi :: gerund
gerundirakenne :: gerund construction
gervaisinvalas :: Gervais' beaked whale, Antillian beaked whale, Gulf Stream beaked whale, European beaked whale, Mesoplodon europaeus
ges :: G-flat
Ges-duuri :: G-flat major
gestapo :: the grey long raincoat used by the Finnish military
Gestapo :: Gestapo (Nazi secret police)
gestuno :: Gestuno (international sign language)
getto :: ghetto
gettoistua :: To become a ghetto or ghetto-like
gettoutua :: To become a ghetto or ghetto-like
geysir :: geyser
Ghana :: Ghana
ghanalainen :: Ghanaian (of or pertaining to Ghana)
ghanalainen :: Ghanaian (person)
ghetto :: alternative spelling of getto
ghettoutua :: To become a ghetto
gibboni :: A gibbon
gibraltarilainen :: Gibraltarian
gibraltarilainen :: A Gibraltarian person
Gideon :: Gideon (biblical character)
Gideon :: male given name
Gideon :: The letter “G” in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to the ICAO spelling alphabet
giga- :: giga-
gigabitti :: gigabit
gigahertsi :: gigahertz
gigantti :: giant, gigas
giganttinen :: gigantic
giganttisesti :: gigantically
giganttisuus :: gigantism
gigatavu :: gigabyte
gigawatti :: gigawatt
gilalisko :: Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
giljotiini :: guillotine (the machine used for the application of capital punishment)
gimma :: A girl
gingiviitti :: gingivitis
gini :: gin
ginkgohammasvalas :: ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Mesoplodon ginkgodens (poorly known species of whale found in tropical and temperate parts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean)
ginsengjuuri :: ginseng, ginseng root (forked root of a plant of the genus Panax, believed to have medicinal properties)
gis :: G-sharp
gladiaattori :: gladiator
gladiaattoriareena :: gladiator arena
gladiaattoritaistelu :: gladiator fight
gladius :: gladius (Roman sword)
glagoliittinen :: Glagolitic
glamour :: glamour (charm)
glasee :: Fine, white-tanned lambskin from a young animal, used e.g. for luxurious and warm gloves
glasee :: A type of silk fabric in which the warp and weft are of complementary colours
glaseehansikas :: lambskin glove (luxurious and warm glove made of white-tanned skin of young lamb)
glaseerata [arts] :: to glaze (to apply a thin, transparent layer of coating on a painting)
glaseerata [ceramics] :: to glaze
glaseerata :: to ice
glaseeraus [art] :: glazing (thin, transparent layer of coating on a painting)
glaseeraus [ceramics] :: glazing
glaseeraus [gastronomy] :: icing
glasiaaliaika :: The Glacial
glasiaaligeologia :: glacial geology
glasiaalinen :: glacial
glasiaatio :: glaciation
glasiologia :: glaciology
glasnost :: glasnost
glaukofaani :: glaucophane
glaukoniitti :: glauconite
glaukooma :: glaucoma
glencheck :: Glen plaid
glögi :: mulled wine, glogg, vin chaud
glögijuhla :: glogg party
glögitilaisuus :: glogg party
gliasolu :: glial cell
gliooma :: glioma
glitatsoni :: glitazone (diabetes drug)
globaali :: global
globaali :: global
globaalihallinta :: global governance
globaalinen :: global
globaalisesti :: alternative term for globaalisti
globaalistaa :: To globalize
globaalisti :: globally
globaalistua :: To become globalized
globaalistuminen :: globalization
globaalisuus :: globality (hypothetical final state of globalization)
globaalisuus :: globality (quality of being global in the sense "concerning all parts of the world")
globaalitalous :: global economy
globaalius :: alternative term for globaalisuus
globalisaatio :: globalisation
globalisoida :: To globalize
globalisoiminen :: globalizing (making global)
globalisoitua :: To be globalized, become global
globalisoituminen :: globalization (becoming global)
globuliini :: globulin
gloksinia :: Gloxinia
glooria :: glory (optical phenomenon)
glooria :: honour
gloria :: glory (optical phenomenon)
glorifioida :: to glorify (all senses)
glossaario :: glossary
glossiitti :: glossitis
glottaali :: glottal stop
glottaaliklusiili :: glottal stop
glukogeeninen [lb, fi, biochemistry] :: glucogenic
glukoosi :: glucose
glukosamiini :: glucosamine
glukosinolaatti :: glucosinolate
gluoni :: gluon
glutaarihappo :: glutaric acid
glutamaatti :: glutamate
glutamiini :: glutamine
glutamiinihappo :: glutamic acid
glutationi :: glutathione
gluteeni :: gluten
gluteeniton :: gluten-free
glyfosaatti :: glyphosate
glykaani :: glycan
glykemiaindeksi :: glycemic index, glycaemic index, GI (measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular type of food on a scale where the index of glucose or ordinary table sugar is 100)
glykoalkaloidi :: glycoalkaloid
glykogeeni :: glycogen
glykogenolyysi :: glycogenolysis
glykoli :: ethylene glycol
glykolipidi :: glycolipid
glykolyysi :: glycolysis
glykoosi :: glycose
glykosidi :: glycoside
glykyrritsiini :: glycyrrhizin (sweet-tasting compound extracted from the root of liquorice plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra)
glyseraldehydi :: glyceraldehyde
glyseridi :: glyceride
glyseriini :: glycerine
glyseroli :: glycerol
glysiini :: glycine
glysyrritsiini :: alternative form of glykyrritsiini
gneissi :: gneiss
gneissigraniitti :: gneiss-granite (granite that has undergone metamorphic process resulting in gneiss-like layered structure)
gneissijuonne :: gneiss vein, vein of gneiss
gängi :: gang
gnocchi :: gnocchi
gnoseologia :: epistemology
gnostikko :: a Gnostic
gnostilainen :: Gnostic
gnostilaisuus :: Gnosticism
gnostinen :: Gnostic
gnostisismi :: Gnosticism
gnostisistinen :: Gnostic
gnostisistisesti :: Gnostically
güntherindikdikantilooppi :: Günther's dik-dik, Madoqua guentheri (small East African antelope)
gnu :: black wildebeest, white-tailed gnu, Connochaetes gnou (large antelope native to south Africa)
gnu :: blue wildebeest, brindled gnu, Connochaetes taurinus (large antelope native to eastern Africa)
gnu :: gnu, wildebeest (antelope of the genus Connochaetes)
gnuantilooppi :: alternative term for gnu
gnuu :: alternative spelling of gnu#Finnish
gnuuantilooppi :: alternative term for gnuu
gobeliini :: gobelin
gobinkarhu :: Gobi bear, Ursus arctos gobiensis
gofferihärkäkäärme :: Pacific gopher snake, coast gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer (nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to North America)
go-go :: go-go
go-go-tyttö :: go-go girl (young woman hired to entertain crowds as dancer at a discotheque or other establishment where music is played)
goijata :: to sleep
goji-marja :: wolfberry, goji berry (fruit of Lycium barbarum or some related species)
golf :: golf
golfaaja :: golfer
golfata :: To play golf
golfauto :: golf cart
golfetiketti :: golf etiquette
golffari :: golfer
golfhousut :: golf pants
golfinpelaaja :: golf player
golfkentänhoitaja :: greenkeeper (employee responsible for the maintenance of a golf course)
golfkenttä :: A golf course
golfkerho :: golf club (organization)
golfklubi :: golf club (organization)
golfmaila :: golf club (implement)
golfpallo :: golf ball
golfrata :: golf course
Golgin laite :: Golgi apparatus
Goljat :: Goliath
goljatkuoriainen :: Goliath beetle (very large African beetle of the genus Goliathus)
goljatsammakko :: Goliath frog, Conraua goliath
goljatti :: alternative form of koljatti
gona :: A conscript who has served over 180 days in the (Finnish) Army
gonadi [lb, fi, anatomy, rare] :: gonad (gland in which sex cells are produced)
gonahtaa :: To lose the military discipline due to small amount of service time left
gondoli :: gondola (lift)
gondoli :: gondola (of airship)
gondoli :: gondola (Venetian boat)
gondolieeri :: gondolier
gonggongi :: gong
gongi :: gong (percussion instrument)
goniometri :: goniometer
gonokokki :: gonococcus
gonorrea :: gonorrhea
goodwill :: goodwill
googlata :: To google (using Google)
googlettaa :: To google (using Google)
googletus :: googling (act or process)
gooni :: alternative term for uusaste (gradian; also gon)
gootin kieli :: The Gothic language
gootinkielinen :: (dated) Speaking Gothic
gootinkielinen [date] :: Expressed in Gothic language
gootti :: A Goth
gootti :: A goth, member of the goth subculture
gootti :: The Gothic language
goottikulttuuri :: goth subculture
goottilainen :: Gothic
goottilaistyyli :: gothic style (style of architecture that flourished in Europe during the high and late medieval period)
goottilaistyylinen :: gothic, Gothic (of or relating to the gothic architectural style favored in western Europe in the 12th to 16th centuries)
goottilaisuus [architecture, literature] :: Gothicness, Gothicity (state or condition of being Gothic)
goottilaisuus :: gothness (traits associated with the goth subculture)
goottimetalli :: gothic metal
goottimusiikki :: goth music (music genre)
goottirock :: gothic rock
goraali :: Himalayan goral, gray goral (Naemorhedus goral)
Gordionin solmu :: The Gordian knot
gordoninsetteri :: Gordon setter (gundog originally bred in Scotland)
gorgo :: gorgon
gorgonzola :: gorgonzola
gorgonzolajuusto :: gorgonzola
gorgonzolanjuusto :: alternative form of gorgonzolajuusto
gorilla :: gorilla
Gorki :: Gorky (former name of Nizhny Novgorod, from 1932 to 1990)
Gorki :: Gorky (Russian surname)
gospel :: gospel
gospelkuoro :: gospel choir
gospelmusa [music, colloquial] :: gospel music
gospelmusiikki :: gospel music
gospelrock :: gospel rock
gotiikka :: Gothic style
gotlanninajokoira :: Gotland hound (Swedish breed of dog originating from the Gotland island; recognized by the Swedish kennel association, but not internationally)
Gotlanti :: Gotland
gotlantilainen :: Of or pertaining to Gotland or its residents
gotlantilainen :: Gotlander (person)
gouda :: gouda
goudajuusto :: gouda (type of cheese)
goudanjuusto :: alternative form of goudajuusto
gouldinvaraani :: sand goanna, Gould's monitor, sand monitor, racehorse goanna, Varanus gouldii (large Australian monitor lizard)
gourmetravintola :: gourmet restaurant
gourmetruoka :: gourmet food
g-piste :: A G-spot
graadi :: alternative term for uusaste (gradian; also grad, grade)
graafi :: A graph, mathematical diagram
graafi [graph theory] :: A graph
graafikko :: graphic artist
graafinen :: graphical (of or relating to graphics)
graafinen :: graphic (drawn, pictorial)
graafinen käyttöliittymä :: graphical user interface
graafinen laskin :: graphing calculator
graafinen suunnittelu :: graphic design
graafisesti :: graphically
graafiteoria :: The graph theory
Graalin malja :: The Holy Grail
graani :: grain (small unit of weight)
graavata :: to cure raw fish overnight with salt and spices; there appears to be no exact English equivalent for this verb
graavi :: grave accent mark
graavi :: pickled raw fish
graavikala :: fresh-salted fish (any fish prepared in the style of gravlax)
graavilohi :: gravlax
gradiaani :: alternative term for uusaste (gradian)
gradientti :: gradient
gradu :: master's thesis
graduaali :: (Protestantism) gradual (hymn sung after the epistle and before the gospel)
graduaali [Roman Catholicism] :: gradual (antiphon or responsory sung after the epistle in the Mass)
graduaali :: (Roman Catholism) gradual (service book containing the musical portions of the Mass)
graduaalinen :: gradual (proceeding by steps or small degrees)
graduaalisesti :: gradually
graduaalivirsi :: gradual (hymn sung after the epistle and before the gospel in a Protestant mass)
gradutyö :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree)
grafeemi :: grapheme
grafeeni :: graphene
grafemiikka :: graphemics (study of the graphemes)
graffari :: One who makes graffiti
graffiti :: graffiti
-grafi :: -graph
-grafia :: -graphy
grafiikka :: graphics
grafiikka :: graphics, graphic arts
grafiitinharmaa :: graphite (shade of grey)
grafiitti :: graphite (allotrope of coal)
grafologi :: graphologist
grafologia :: graphology (study of handwriting)
grafologinen :: graphological
grafologisesti :: graphologically
graham :: graham (flour)
grahamjauho :: graham, graham flour (wheat flour made by grinding wheat berries including the bran)
grahamkeksi :: Graham biscuit, graham biscuit
grahamkorppu :: whole wheat rusk (rusk baked with whole wheat, or graham, flour)
grahamleipä :: Graham bread, graham bread (bread baked of graham flour)
grahamnäkkileipä :: graham cracker
grahamsämpylä :: graham roll (roll baked with graham flour)
gramma :: gram
grammaattinen :: grammatical
grammaattisesti :: grammatically
grammamolekyyli :: gram molecule
grammari :: A gramophone
grammari :: A record player
-grammi :: -gram
gramofoni :: gramophone
gramofonilevy :: gramophone record
gramofoninen :: gramophonic
granaatti :: garnet
granaattiomena :: pomegranate (fruit)
granaattiomena :: pomegranate, Punica granatum (tree, especially as species)
granaattiomenapuu :: pomegranate, pomegranate tree, Punica granatum (fruit-bearing shrub or small tree)
granadilla :: passion fruit
graniitti :: granite
graniittigneissi :: granite gneiss (gneiss formed through a metaphormic process from granite)
graniittinen :: granitic
graniittipatsas :: granite statue
grantingaselli :: Grant's gazelle, Gazella granti
granulaatiokudos :: granulation tissue (new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process)
granuliitti :: granulite
granulointi :: granulation
granulooma :: granuloma
gratiini :: gratin
gratiinikastike :: gratin sauce (sauce used in gratinating)
gratinoida :: To gratinate
gratinointi :: gratinating
gratinointikastike :: alternative form of gratiinikastike
gratista :: In an academic promotion ceremony (see: promootio) a female chairman of the committee that is responsible for the preparations for the festivities
gratisti :: In an academic promotion ceremony (see: promootio) a male chairman of the committee that is responsible for the preparations for the festivities
Gravesin tauti :: Graves' disease
gravidi :: pregnant, gravid
graviditeetti :: gravidity
gravisaksentti :: grave accent (diacritic mark ( ˋ ))
gravitaatio :: gravity
gravitaatioaalto :: gravitational wave
gravitaatiokenttä :: gravitational field
gravitaatiolaki :: law of gravity, Newton's law of universal gravitation
gravitaatioteoria :: theory of gravitation
gravitaatiovakio :: gravitational constant
gravitaatiovoima :: gravitational force
graviteetti :: gravity
graviteetti :: (rare) gravity, graveness (state or condition of being grave)
gravitoni :: graviton
gravyyri :: alternative term for kaiverrus
gray :: gray (SI unit)
graynvalas :: alternative term for suippokuononokkavalas
gredliini :: gredline
Greenwichin aika :: Greenwich Mean Time, GMT
gregoriaaninen :: Gregorian
greippi :: grapefruit
greippihedelmä [rare, redundant] :: grapefruit
greippimehu :: grapefruit juice
greliini :: ghrelin (peptide hormone)
Grenada :: Grenada
grenadalainen :: Grenadian
grenadalainen :: A Grenadian person
grenadiini :: grenadine
grevynseepra :: Grévy's zebra, imperial zebra, Equus grevyi (largest of the extant zebras)
grid-menetelmä :: repertory grid (interviewing technique developed by George Kelly which uses factor analysis to determine an idiographic measure of personality)
griippi :: griffon, griffin (mythical animal)
griljeerata :: To grill (to brown)
grillata :: to interrogate, grill
grillata :: to grill, barbecue, broil (to cook food over direct heat)
grillattu :: porilainen (snack)
grillaus :: grilling
grillauskastike :: barbecue sauce
grillausmauste :: barbecue spice
grillauspihdit :: barbecue tongs
grillautua :: To be(come) grilled
grilli :: A grill, barbeque, barbecue (fireplace or pit)
grilli :: A restaurant or a stand specializing in grilled food; also called grilliravintola (restaurant), grillibaari (modest restaurant) or grillikioski (stand)
grillibaari :: barbecue pub, barbecue restaurant (modest-end restaurant or other eatery specializing in barbecued food, often with licence to sell beer but no liquor)
grillihiili :: barbecue coal
grillikastike :: barbecue sauce
grillikioski :: A kiosk from which hamburgers, hot dogs and the like are sold to passers-by
grillikyljys :: barbecue chop
grillikylki :: barbecue ribs
grillimakkara :: A kind of sausage intended for grilling or barbecuing
grillimauste :: barbecue spice
grillipihdit :: barbecue tongs
grillipihvi :: barbecue steak
grilliravintola :: barbecue restaurant
grilliruoka :: barbecue food
grillituote :: barbecued product
grilliuuni :: grill oven (oven equipped for preparing barbecued food)
grimminsukeltajakauris :: common duiker, bush duiker, grey, Sylvicapra grimmia (small antelope found in most of Sub-Saharan Africa)
grisoni :: greater grison, Galictis vittata (larger of the two species of this genus)
grisoni :: grison (South American mustelid mammal of the genus Galictis)
grivna :: hryvnia
Grölanninmeri :: Greenland Sea
grönlanninhai :: Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
grönlanninhylje :: harp seal (Phoca groenlandica)
grönlannin kieli :: The Greenlandic language
grönlanninkielinen :: Expressed in Greenlandish language
grönlanninkielinen :: Speaking Greenlandish
grönlanninkoira :: Greenland dog
grönlanninpallas :: Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides or Pleuronectes hippoglossoides
grönlanninvalas :: bowhead whale, bowhead, Balaena mysticetus
grönlanti :: Greenlandic
Grönlanti :: Greenland
grönlantilainen :: Greenlandic
grönlantilainen :: Greenlander
grogi :: A simple mixed drink, consisting of one liquor component, most commonly whisky or vodka, and one mixer, typically a soda or plain water with ice
grogi :: grog (alcoholic beverage made with rum and water, especially that once issued to sailors of the Royal Navy)
grogilasi :: A serving of grogi (sense: simple mixed drink) served in any style of glass; probably best translated into English as "drink"
grogilasi :: lowball glass (short tumbler with a thick base)
groovejazz :: groove jazz
grosspitz :: German spitz (breed of dog, bred in Germany round A.D. 1000 from the herding dogs of the Vikings)
groteski :: antic (grotesque)
groteski :: grotesque
groteskisti :: grotesquely
groteskius :: grotesqueness
grovejazz :: alternative form of groovejazz
gruneriitti :: grunerite
gruusia :: the Georgian language
Gruusia :: Georgia (country)
gruusialainen :: Georgian
gruusialainen :: A Georgian person
gruusian kieli :: Georgian (language)
gruusiankielinen :: Expressed in Georgian language
gruusiankielinen :: Speaking Georgain
gruuvi :: groove (pronounced, enjoyable rhythm)
gruyère :: gruyere, Gruyère (cheese)
gruyèrejuusto :: gruyere, Gruyère (cheese)
gruyèrenjuusto :: alternative term for gruyèrejuusto
gryndata [colloquial, construction] :: to develop (to act as founder-contractor in a real estate project)
gryndaus [colloquial, construction] :: alternative term for perustajaurakointi
grynderi [colloquial, construction] :: alternative term for perustajaurakoitsija
grynderifirma [colloquial, construction] :: real estate development firm
grynderitoiminta :: alternative term for perustajaurakointi
Gt {symbol} :: gigatavu; GB (gigabyte)
Göteborg :: Gothenburg (city on the west coast of Sweden)
götiitti :: goethite
guacamole :: guacamole (dip)
Guadalupe-epookki :: Guadalupian, Middle Permian (middle epoch of the Permian)
guadalupenmerikarhu :: Guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus townsendi
guadeloupelainen :: Guadeloupean (of or pertaining to Guadeloupe)
guadeloupelainen :: Guadeloupean (person from Guadeloupe)
guadeloupensupi :: Guadeloupe raccoon, Procyon lotor minor (subspecies of common raccoon endemic to Guadeloupe and nearby islands in the Lesser Antilles)
guamilainen :: Guamanian (of or pertaining to Guam)
guamilainen :: Guamanian (person from Guam)
guaminlentäväkoira :: Guam flying fox, Pteropus tokudae (extinct megabat from Guam island)
guaniini :: guanine
guaniinideaminaasi :: guanine deaminase
guano :: guano
guaraani :: alternative spelling of guarani
guarani :: Guaraní (language)
guarani :: Guaraní (member of the Guaraní people)
guassi :: gouache (painting)
guassiväri :: gouache, gouache paint (paint)
Guatemala :: Guatemala City (capital)
Guatemala :: Guatemala (country)
guatemalalainen :: Guatemalan (of or pertaining to Guatemala)
guatemalalainen :: Guatemalan (person from Guatemala)
guava :: guava
gube :: dude, fella
gube :: An old man
gudžarati :: The Gujarati language
guemuli :: Peruvian guemal, Hippocamelus antisensis (species of deer native to South America)
gueretsa :: A colobus (any of several large arboreal African monkeys of the genus Colobus)
gueretsa :: A guereza, Colobus guereza
guerillasota :: alternative term for sissisota
guernseyläinen :: Guernsey (of or pertaining to Guernsey; adjectival usage of a noun)
guernseyläinen :: Guernseyman (person from Guernsey)
guinea :: guinea (British gold coin)
Guinea :: Guinea
Guinea-Bissau :: Guinea-Bissau
guineabissaulainen :: Guinea-Bissauan, Bissau-Guinean (of or pertaining to Guinea-Bissau)
guineabissaulainen :: Guinea-Bissauan, Bissau-Guinean (person from Guinea-Bissau)
guinealainen :: Guinean (of or pertaining to Guinea)
guinealainen :: Guinean (person from Guinea)
guineangueretsa :: western red colobus, Procolobus badius (West African monkey)
Guineanlahti :: The Gulf of Guinea
guineanmarakatti :: mona monkey, Cercopithecus mona
guineanruostegueretsa :: western red colobus, Procolobus badius (West African monkey)
guineansimpanssi :: western chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes verus (one of the subspecies of the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes)
guineansuomuhäntäorava :: Pel’s scaly-tailed squirrel, Anomalurus pelii
gujarati :: alternative spelling of gudžarati
gulassi :: goulash
guldeni :: guilder
guloosi :: gulose
gundi :: common gundi, Ctenodactylus gundi (species of rodent)
gundi :: gundi, ctenodactylid
gunnisoninpreeriakoira :: Gunnison's prairie dog, Cynomys gunnisoni
gurmandi :: (rare) gourmand (person who appreciates good food)
gurmandi :: gourmand (person who eats a lot)
gurmee :: delicious
gurmee :: gourmet (of food: fine)
gurmee :: gourmet quality, gourmet food
gurmeeravintola :: alternative term for gourmetravintola
gurmeeruoka :: alternative term for gourmetruoka
guru :: A guru
guslinsoittaja :: gusli player
guttaperkka :: gutta-percha
Guyana :: Guyana (country in South America)
guyanalainen :: Guyanese
guyanalainen :: A Guyanese person
gynekofobia :: gynaecophobia
gynekologi :: gynecologist
gynekologia :: gynecology
gynekologinen :: gynecological
gynekologisesti :: gynecologically
gynoidi :: gynoid, fembot
gyrokompassi :: gyrocompass
gyrokopteri :: gyrocopter
gyroskooppi :: gyroscope
hä :: huh? uh?
hö :: alternative form of höh
H :: B
ha :: ha (expressing laughter)
haa :: ha (expressing triumph or discovery)
Haades :: Hades
Haag :: The Hague
haahka :: Any of the Northern hemisphere sea ducks of the eider family, especially the common eider (Somateria mollissima)
haahka :: an older, aged woman
haahkanuntuva :: eiderdown (down of the eider duck, used for stuffing pillows and quilts)
haahkanuntuvapeite :: eiderdown (quilt stuffed with down of eider duck)
haahla :: trammel hook (kitchen utensil used to hang a pot over an open fire hearth and to regulate its height over the fire)
haahti :: a boat, ship
haahuilla :: To wander aimlessly
haaksi :: derelict (boat or ship abandoned at sea)
haaksi :: boat, ship
haaksi :: shipwreck, wreck (boat or ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy)
haaksirikko :: shipwreck (the event)
haaksirikkoinen :: shipwrecked (being shipwrecked)
haaksirikkoinen :: shipwrecky (characteristic of a shipwreck)
haaksirikkoinen :: shipwrecked,castaway (shipwrecked person)
haaksirikkoutua :: To shipwreck
haalari :: hauler, haulier (one who hauls)
haalari [often in plural] :: jumpsuit
haalari [often in plural] :: onesie
haalari [often in plural] :: overall, overalls, coverall, coveralls, boiler suit, dungarees
haalarihousut :: dungarees / overalls
haalarit :: A jumpsuit
haalarit :: An overall, overalls, coverall, coveralls, boiler suit, dungarees
haalaritakki :: A work jacket made of heavy denim or other material typically used in overalls
haalarityöntekijä :: blue-collar worker
haalata :: To haul (to pull or draw something heavy)
haalea :: faded, pale (of colour)
haalea :: tepid, lukewarm
haaleasti :: tepidly
haalentaa [of color] :: To fade
haalentaa [of liquid] :: To cool (to make less hot)
haalentua [of color] :: To fade
haalentua [of liquid] :: To cool (to become less hot)
haaleta :: To fade, discolour/discolor
haaleus :: tepidness
haalia :: To drum up
haalia :: To rustle up
haalia :: To scrape together
haalistaa :: to fade, discolor
haalistua :: to discolour/discolor
haalistua :: to fade
haalistuminen :: action noun of the verb haalistua, fading (the act or process of getting faded)
haaltua :: to fade (of colour)
Haam :: Ham (son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem)
haamilainen :: Hamitic
haamilainen :: Hamite
haamu :: ghost, spirit
haamukirjoittaja :: ghost writer
haamumaili :: A distance of one mile ran under four minutes
haamuneliö :: magic square
haamuraja :: magic limit
haamusärky :: phantom pain
haapa :: aspen (tree of the genus Populus)
haapa :: common aspen (Populus tremula)
haapainen :: aspen (made of aspen tree)
Haapala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Haapala :: Finnish surname
Haapalainen :: Finnish surname
haapana :: wigeon (Anas penelope)
haapaperhonen :: poplar admiral (Limenitis populi)
Haaparanta :: Haparanda
haaparousku :: northern milk-cap, pickle milk-cap, Lactarius trivialis
haapaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius lucorum
haapasieni :: A species of milk-cap, better known in Finnish as haaparousku, Lactarius trivialis
haapio :: A dugout made of aspen
haara :: A branch of a tree, a family or other tree-like concrete or abstract structure
haara :: The place where a tree or other object divides into two, a fork or a bifurcation
haaraantua :: To branch
haarahaukka :: black kite (Milvus migrans)
haarahyppy :: A Jumping Jack, side straddle hop
haarainen :: branchy
haaraisuus :: branchiness
haarakas :: branched
haarakas :: coral fungus
haarakatkos [lb, fi, pathology] :: bundle branch block (heart condition in which the electrical impulses which pace the heart are not transmitted normally through the bundle of His)
haarake :: branch
haarakkeinen :: branching
haarakonttori :: branch office
haarakäynti [skiing] :: herringbone, herringbone walk
haarapääsky :: barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
haarata :: alternative form of harata
haarauma :: bifurcation
haarauma :: branch
haarauma :: fork
haarautua :: To branch (off/out), fork, divide, furcate
haarautuma :: bifurcation
haarautuma :: branch
haarautuma :: fork
haarautuminen :: branching
haarautumiskohta :: fork (a point where road, river, tree, etc. splits in two)
haarautuva :: branching, forking, forked
haaraväli :: crotch
haaremi :: A harem
haaremihousut :: shalwar
haarikka :: tankard
haarikko :: pearlwort (any of several flowering plants of the genus Sagina)
haarniska :: armor, armour (body protection)
haarniskoida :: To put on an armour/armor
haaroa [of plant] :: To grow branches; to branch
haaroitin :: adapter
haaroitin :: splitter
haaroittaa :: to branch, furcate (to divide into branches or sections)
haaroittua :: To branch
haaroitus :: branching
haaroitus :: tap (a connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it)
haarottaa :: haaroittaa (to branch)
haarti :: Hard
haartätäkki :: heart attack
haarukallinen :: A forkful (amount a fork will hold)
haarukka :: A fork (utensil)
haarukkahapero :: greasy green brittlegill, Russula heterophylla
haarukkarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius insulsus
haarukkatrukki :: forklift (small industrial vehicle)
haarukkavipu :: wishbone
haarukoida :: to fork (use a fork)
haarukoida :: to straddle (to estimate range)
haarukointi :: bracketing
haarukointi :: straddling, pinpointing
haasia :: A wooden frame for drying hay, a hay rack
haasioida :: To put hay on rack for drying
haaska :: an ugly person, especially woman
haaska :: carcass used as bait when hunting carnivores
haaska :: the carcass of an animal
haaskaantua :: To be wasted
haaskaeläin :: scavenger
haaskalintu :: scavenger bird (bird that feeds on carrion)
haaskalintu :: vulture (person who profits from the suffering of others)
haaskansyöjä :: scavenger
haaskata :: to waste money or resources
haaskaus :: wasting
haaskautua :: To become wasted
haaskio :: Used in the idiom mennä haaskiolle (alternative forms mennä haaskioon, joutua haaskiolle, joutua haaskioon)
haaskuu :: wasting, squandering
haastaa :: to talk
haastaa :: to summon
haastaa :: to challenge
haastaa :: to defy, dare
haastaa oikeuteen :: To sue, file (law)suit against, take to court, bring an action against
haastaja :: challenger
haastatella :: to interview
haastateltava :: interviewee (someone being interviewed currently or in the future)
haastateltu :: interviewee (someone who has been interviewed in the past)
haastattaa :: alternative form of haastatella; to interview
haastattelija :: interviewer
haastattelu :: interview (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
haastava :: challenging
haastavasti :: challengingly
haastavuus :: The property of being challenging
haaste :: challenge
haaste :: summons
haasteaika :: period of summons, length of summons (the time allowed for a defendant to appear in the court or file his written statement after receiving a summons)
haasteellinen :: challenging
haasteellisesti :: challengingly
haastehakemus :: An application for a summons
haastella :: To talk, chat
haava :: ulcer; especially in compound terms, see e.g. mahahaava ‎(“peptic ulcer”), makuuhaava ‎(“pressure ulcer”)
haava :: wound, sore (injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear)
haavainen :: Having wounds
haavakko :: wounded animal
haavanlehti :: A leaf of an aspen tree
haavanpunikkitatti :: orange-cap birch boletus (Leccinum rufum, Leccinum aurantiacum)
haavasolukko :: callus
haavauma :: ulcer (open sore of skin, eyes or mucous membrane)
haavautua :: To develop an ulcer
haavautuma :: ulcer
haave :: dream (hope, wish)
haave :: velleity (slight wish not followed by any effort to obtain)
haave :: vision (ideal or a goal toward which one aspires)
haaveellinen :: dreamy
haaveellinen :: fanciful
haaveellisempi :: comparative form of haaveellinen
haaveellisin :: superlative form of haaveellinen
haaveellisuus :: dreaminess
haaveilija :: dreamer
haaveilla :: to dream (daydreams)
haaveilu :: dreaming, reverie
haaveksia :: To dream (daydreams)
haaveksija :: A dreamer
haaveri :: A shipwreck (event)
haavi :: A hand net; a net that is equipped with a handle and attached to a rim so that the net forms a pouch. This kind of net is used e.g. for trapping butterflies or individual fish
haavia :: To net (to catch by means of a net)
haavikko :: A group or forest of aspen trees
haavipallo :: lacrosse
haavisto :: alternative form of haavikko
Haavisto :: Finnish surname
haavita :: to catch fish, insects etc. using a hand net
haavoittaa :: To wound, injure, hurt (physically)
haavoittua :: To be wounded, be injured, be hurt
haavoittumaton :: invulnerable
haavoittumattomuus :: invulnerability
haavoittunut :: wounded
haavoittuva :: vulnerable
haavoittuvaisuus :: vulnerability
haavoittuvuus :: vulnerability
haavuri :: barber surgeon
haba :: biceps
habanera :: habanera
habitaatti :: habitat
habitus :: habitus
hackmaniitti :: hackmanite
hadeeinen :: Hadean
hadith :: hadith (collection of Muhammed's sayings)
hadroni :: hadron
haenta :: seeking
haeskella :: To search, seek
haeskelu :: searching
haettaa :: To have someone or something brought
haettaman [fi-infinitive of, t=3p, hakea, c=ins] ::
haetuttaa :: to have searched, to make search
hafnium :: hafnium
hagiografia :: hagiography
hah :: ha
ha-ha :: A haha, ha-ha (sunken fence)
hahattaa :: To laugh
hahlo :: slot
hahmo :: figure
hahmo :: shape
hahmoinen :: -shaped
hahmontunnistus :: shape recognition
hahmotella :: to sketch
hahmotelma :: sketch
hahmottaa :: To perceive
hahmottaa :: To understand the outline of something, to begin to understand
hahmottelu :: sketching
hahmottua :: To take shape
hahmotus :: perception
hahmoutua :: To take shape
hahtuva :: fluff
hahtuvaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius hemitrichus
hai :: shark
hašiš :: alternative spelling of hasis
haihatella :: To have unrealistic, fanciful ideas; to daydream
haihattelija :: daydreamer
haihattelu :: daydreaming (having unrealistic dreams)
haihdunta :: evaporation
haihdutin :: An evaporator
haihduttaa :: To dispel
haihduttaa :: To evaporate
haihduttaminen :: evaporation
haihduttamo :: evaporation plant
haihdutus :: evaporation
haihtua :: To evaporate
haihtua :: To fade away
haihtuminen :: evaporation
haihtuva :: volatile (evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal ambient conditions)
haikailla :: To yearn for, pine for
haikailu :: yearning
haikala :: shark
haikara :: stork (any wading bird of the Ciconiidae family in order Ciconiiformes)
haikara :: heron (any wading bird of the Ardeidae family in order Ciconiiformes)
haikea :: sad, melancholic
haikeus :: nostalgia
haiku :: A haiku (type of Japanese poem; any poem written in haiku style)
haiku :: A puff, whiff (act of inhaling tobacco smoke); often used in plural in this sense
haiku :: A puff, whiff, puff of smoke, whiff of smoke (small quantity of smoke in the air)
haiku :: smoke
hailakka :: pale, faded, wishy-washy
hailakkuus :: [of colour] paleness
hailea :: pale
haili :: A fresh Baltic herring
haima :: pancreas
haimasyöpä :: pancreatic cancer
haimatulehdus :: pancreatitis
haimonni :: pangasius, panga (any fish in the genus Pangasius, particularly the iridescent shark, Pangasius hypophthalmus, now reclassified as Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)
hainevä :: shark fin (fin of a shark)
haineväkeitto :: shark fin soup
haipakka :: fast speed
haipua :: To fade away
hairahdus :: A moral aberration, deviation
hairahtaa [morally] :: To slip, stray (from the strait and narrow path), commit an indiscretion
hairahtaa [physically] :: To slip, fall, lose one's balance, take a wrong step
hairahtua :: To lapse, deviate (morally)
hairahtuvainen :: fallible, frail
haiseva :: stinky, smelly
haisevampi :: comparative form of haiseva
haisevin :: superlative form of haiseva
haiskahtaa :: To smell foul, stink
haiskahtaa :: to smell a rat
haista :: To smell like, stink, reek of
haista :: To smell (like = ablative), to have a smell/scent/odor; to stink
haistaa :: To smell, suspect, sense, feel
haistaa :: To scent, smell/nose out, get wind/scent of
haistaa :: To sniff, smell
haistaa palaneen käryä :: to smell a rat (to sense something suspicious)
haistaminen :: smelling (sensing)
haista paska [vulgar, strongly offensive] :: fuck you (literally: smell shit)
haistatella [intransitive + allative] :: To tell someone where to go/where to get off/what to do with it (continuously, repeatedly and/or indifferently, in an insulting manner, as in "go to hell!")
haistattaa :: to tell someone where to go/where to get off/what to do with it (in insults, as in "go to hell!")
haistattelu :: Action of the verb haistatella
haista vittu [strongly vulgar] :: fuck you! (literally: "sniff the cunt!")
haistella :: to smell, sniff something
haistella :: to sniff, huff, inhale the fumes of something in order to get intoxicated
haistelu :: smelling, sniffing of something
haistelu :: sniffing, huffing, inhalation of the fumes, of something in order to get intoxicated
haisti :: The sense of smell
haisu :: A bad smell; stink
haisuhapero :: foetid russula, Russula foetens
haisuherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus maleolens
haisuhilleri :: zorille, striped polecat, African polecat, Cape polecat, African skunk, (Ictonyx striatus)
haisukalkki :: bituminous limestone
haisuli :: stinker (smelly person)
haisuliini :: A smelly person
haisumäyrä :: stink badger (either of the species of mammals in the Mydaus genus, native to Southeast Asia, resembling a badger in appearance, but more closely related to skunks)
haisumäyrä :: Sunda stink badger, teledu, Mydaus javanensis (type species of that genus)
haisunäätä :: skunk (mammal of the family Mephitidae, especially the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis)
haisunäätä :: stinker (one who smells)
haisuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius traganus
haisusieni :: stinkhorn, specifically Phallus impudicus
haitallinen :: Harmful, injurious, hazardous, detrimental, inimical
haitallisesti :: harmfully
haitallisuus :: harmfulness
haitari :: accordion
haitata :: to hamper, hinder, impede
haitattomuus :: The property of not being harmful
haite [papermaking] :: The detrimental material in pulp
haitek :: high tech
haitekki :: high tech
Haiti :: Haiti
haitinalmikki :: Hispanolian solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus)
haitta :: A con
haitta :: A disadvantage, hindrance
haitta :: A tumbler (part of a lock)
haittaohjelma :: malware
haittapuoli :: disadvantage, downside, con
haittatapahtuma [health care] :: sentinel event, adverse event (any unanticipated or unusual event in a medical setting which results in death or serious physical injury to the patient)
haittavaikutus :: adverse effect, injurious effect
haituva :: A single thin hair or fiber
haituva :: pappus
haiven :: A single, usually thin hair or fiber
haja- :: scattered, dispersed
hajaannus :: dispersion, dissolution
hajaannus :: disruption
hajaannuttaa :: To cause to disperse
hajaantua :: To disperse
hajaantuminen :: divergence
haja-asutus :: dispersed settlement
haja-asutusalue :: area of dispersed settlement
hajakuormitus :: scattered loading
hajalla :: apart
hajalla :: disassembled
hajalla :: dispersed, scattered, in pieces
hajalla :: smashed, broken
hajallaan :: broken
hajallaan :: disassembled
hajallaan :: dispersed
hajallaan :: in pieces
hajallaan :: scattered
hajallaan :: smashed
hajalle :: To the state of not being whole or united. Translates into English with e.g
hajallinen :: broken in pieces
hajallinen :: dismantled
hajallinen :: scattered, dispersed
hajamielinen :: absent-minded, scatterbrained
hajamielisesti :: absent-mindedly
hajamielisyys :: absent-mindedness
hajan :: see: hujan hajan
hajanainen :: incoherent
hajanainen :: scattered, dispersed
hajanainen :: sporadic
hajanaisin :: superlative form of hajanainen
hajanaisuus :: disjointedness
hajareisin :: astride; see also verb bestride
hajataitto :: astigmatism
hajauma :: dispersion
hajauttaa :: To decentralize
hajautua [of people] :: To dissolve, disperse
hajautuma :: alternative form of hajauma
hajautus :: decentralization
hajautus :: dispersion
haje :: entropy
hajoamaton :: indestructible
hajoamaton :: indissoluble
hajoaminen :: decomposition (biological process)
hajoaminen :: fission, spallation, radioactive decay (nuclear reaction in which a nucleus fragments into many nucleons)
hajoava :: Decomposable, putrescible
hajonnut :: broken
hajonta :: dispersion
hajonta :: deviation
hajota :: to decompose
hajota [military slang + illative] :: to lose one's spirit due to, get depressed by (esp. a camp or heavy physical education)
hajota :: to break (up/open/into pieces), shatter, fall to pieces, fall/come apart (at the seams) crack up (also figuratively)
hajota :: to disband (militarily); to dissolve (of a committee, commission), recess, split/divide up
hajota :: to disperse, scatter, break up, run in all directions
hajota :: to dissolve, disperse, dissipate, (be) scatter(ed)
hajota ja hallitse :: divide and conquer
hajottaa :: to tear down, knock down, demolish [a building]
hajottaa :: to break, smash
hajottaa :: to dissolve, dismiss, disband
hajottaa :: to scatter, disperse, break up, dissipate, drive off [in all directions], send scurrying
hajottaa :: to spread [[[spread out|out]]], scatter, strew [about/around]
hajottaa :: to take apart, dismantle [a machine]
hajottaja :: destructor
hajottaja :: decomposer, saprotroph
hajottaminen :: decomposition (act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis)
hajottamo :: wreck yard, wrecking yard, wrecker's yard, salvage yard, junkyard, breakers yard, scrapheap (location of a dismantling business)
hajottava :: disruptive
hajottava :: divisive
hajotus :: breaking, disassembling, disintegration
haju :: clue, slightest idea
haju :: smell, whiff
hajuaisti :: the sense of smell
hajuepiteeli :: olfactory epithelium
hajuhermo :: olfactory nerve
hajuherne :: sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
hajuinen :: -smelling
hajujälki :: scent, odour trace (odour trace left by an animal or person)
hajulukko :: trap (bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids)
hajupommi :: stinkbomb
hajustaa :: To perfume, scent
hajuste :: perfume
hajusuola :: smelling salt
hajuton :: odourless, scentless
hajuttomasti :: odourlessly
hajuttomuus :: odourlessness
hajuvesi :: perfume
haka :: olla haka jossakin: to be good at something
haka :: corral, paddock (enclosure for livestock)
haka :: hook, clasp (type of fastener)
hakahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula velenovskyi
Hakala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Hakala :: Finnish surname
hakaluu :: A hamate bone
hakanen :: A small hook
hakaneula :: A safety pin (pin, in the form of a clasp)
hakapyssy :: harquebus, arquebus
hakaristi :: swastika
hakaristilippu :: The Nazi flag
hakasulje :: A square bracket (symbols "[" and "]")
hakasulku :: A square bracket ( "[" or "]" )
hakata :: to cut a tree, to fell trees
hakata :: to beat somebody up
hakata :: to beat (to be better in something than somebody else)
hakata :: to beat (to play certain musical instruments, such as drums or piano, with a great fervor)
hakata :: to beat (to win somebody with a considerable margin)
hakata :: to bill (to work with a billhook)
hakata :: to chop, often with irti ‎(“off”) (to sever with an axe or similar tool)
hakata :: to chop (to cut into pieces, such as vegetables)
hakata :: to hit something repeatedly, as a nail with a hammer or a log with an axe
hakaus :: The action of getting stuck
hake :: Woodchips as mass
hakea :: To apply (for a job, post, education)
hakea :: To search
hakea :: To retrieve, get, fetch
hakea kissojen ja koirien kanssa [lb, fi, idiomatic] :: to look for something thoroughly or energetically
hakemisto :: directory
hakemisto :: index
hakemistopuu :: directory tree
hakemus :: application (written request)
haketin :: a chipper
hakettaa :: To chip (to break into small pieces, especially wood)
hakettamo :: chipping plant
haketus :: chipping (of wood)
hakeutua :: To ask to be committed (for treatment of a mental disorder), ask to be treated (for a disease)
hakeutua :: To gravitate (to tend or drift towards someone or something, as though being pulled by gravity)
hakija :: applicant
hakija :: retriever, fetcher
hakijamaa :: applicant country (country that applies for membership in an international organization, notably the European Union)
hakkaaja :: beater
hakkaaja :: cutter (of wood)
hakkaantua :: alternative form of hakkautua
hakkailla :: to flirt
hakkailu :: flirt
hakkapeliitta :: Hakkapeliitta
Hakkarainen :: Finnish surname
hakkaus :: cutting
hakkauttaa :: to have cut
hakkauttaa :: to have chopped up
hakkautua :: to be beaten
hakkelus :: hash (food)
hakkeri :: hacker, an advanced hobbyist of computer technology, not necessarily one who uses their skill to commit crime
hakkeroida :: To hack
hakkerointi :: hacking
hakku :: hack, pickaxe
hakkuri :: chopper (machine for chopping wood)
hakkuri :: hacker (device that hacks)
hakkuu :: logging
hakkuuttaa :: alternative form of hakkauttaa
hako :: A branch of a conifer tree
hako :: A submerged, dead tree
haksahdus :: blunder
haksahtaa :: To blunder
haku :: search
hakuaika :: application time/period
hakuaika :: access time
hakualgoritmi :: search algorithm
hakuammunta [artillery] :: A method of targeting the fire, in which a few rounds with varying settings are fired in the environment of the actual target, and the settings for aiming at the actual target are calculated from the results of these test firings
hakuehto :: search criteria
hakukelpoisuus :: eligibility for an office (state of having the qualifications required for applying for a position, grant etc.)
hakukomitea :: search committee
hakukone :: search engine
hakulaite :: pager (device)
hakurobotti :: search bot
hakusana :: headword (word used as the title of a section, particularly in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus)
hakusana :: keyword (word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information)
halailla :: to hug, repeatedly
halailu :: hugging
halailu :: petting (act of kissing, stroking, etc., a person in a sexual manner)
halaista :: alternative form of halkaista
halajaa [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of haluta, in the sense "to want" only
halata [lb, fi, chiefly poetic] :: to want
halata :: to hug, embrace (once)
halattava :: huggable
halatti :: A dressing gown or similar piece of clothing
halaus :: hug
halava :: bay willow (Salix pentandra)
hali :: hug
halia :: To hug (repeatedly or continuously)
halia :: To snuggle
halidi :: halide
haliitti :: halite
Halikarnassos :: Halicarnassus
haljakampi :: comparative form of haljakka
haljakin :: superlative form of haljakka
haljakka :: faded, pale (of color)
haljakka :: tepid, lukewarm
haljakoin :: superlative form of haljakka
haljas :: half-chess
haljeta :: To burst, break, pop
haljeta :: To crack, (be) fracture(d)
haljeta :: To rip, tear, split
halju :: poor, boring
halkaisija :: A diameter (line)
halkaisija :: A jib, as the foremost triangular sail at the bowsprit of a sailing ship
halkaista :: to burst (to cause to break from internal pressure)
halkaista :: to split in two
halkaista :: to rip (to cut along the grain)
halkaisu :: splitting (in two)
halkaisusaha :: ripsaw
halkeama :: A crevice
halkeama :: A fissure
halkeama :: A rift
halkeaminen :: fission
halkeaminen :: splitting
halkeilu :: splitting, cracking
halki :: across:
halki :: through:
halki :: to be broken in two (elative)
halkileikkaus :: cross-section (section formed by a plane cutting through an object)
halkinainen :: cracked
halkio :: cleft, cleavage
halkio :: slit
halkiomato :: schistosome (parasitic worm)
halkipäinen :: forked
halko :: (colloquialism) piece of firewood cut and split to fit into a stove
halko :: piece of firewood cut to about one meter in length and usually split
halkoa :: To chop
halkoa :: To split, divide into halves
halkoa hiuksia :: To split hairs
halkohitsaus :: flat welding
halkoinen :: pinnatifid, pinnatipartite or pinnatisect
halkoinen :: parted by pale
halkolaatikko :: woodbox (box used for storage of firewood)
halkomotti :: cubic metre of firewood
halla :: frost
hallanarka :: Easily to be frostbitten
hallanpesä :: A place such as swamp that spreads frost
hallanvaara :: danger of frost
hallava :: pale gray
hallayö :: A frosty night
halleluja :: hallelujah
halli :: dog, usually grey
halli :: grey seal, Halichoerus grypus
halli :: large building used for sports or exhibitions, e.g. indoor arena, gallery
halli :: large room, e.g. at a railway station, lobby
hallinnassa :: on top of (in English a prepositional structure)
hallinnassa :: under control
hallinnoida :: To administer, manage, supervise
hallinnollinen :: administrative, administerial (of or pertaining to administering or administration)
hallinta :: control
hallinta :: mastery
hallinto :: As modifier in compound words (hallinto-), administrative
hallinto :: government, management, administration
hallintoalue :: jurisdiction (limits or territory)
hallintohimmeli :: organization chart
hallintojohtaja :: administrative director
hallintojohtaja :: city administrator (US term for a person hired to manage day-to-day activities of a city)
hallintokoneisto :: A bureaucracy (administrative structure in place to control activity)
hallintokunta :: A subdivision of state or municipal government, which has its own internal administration and some autonomy in decision making. Currently used especially of branches of municipal government, e.g. education, social security. For this usage, the English translation could be board
hallintolaki [legal, countable] :: administrative law (any of these laws individually)
hallintolaki [legal, uncountable] :: administrative law (all the laws that pertain to the administrative agencies of government)
hallintoneuvosto :: supervisory board (in some company structures, a board between the executive board and shareholders, the powers of which are limited to general supervising and sometimes appointing the executive board and top management. A hallintoneuvosto typically has 15 to 50 members appointed by the annual meeting of the shareholders.)
hallinto-oikeus :: [in Finland] An Administrative Court
hallintovirkailija :: administrative official
hallita :: to be in charge (to have the power of command or control)
hallita :: to control (to exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
hallita :: to master (to have the skill)
hallita :: to rule, govern, reign, administer, command, master
hallitseman [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, hallita, c=ins] ::
hallitseva :: dominant
hallitseva :: ruling
hallitsevasti :: dominantly
hallitsija :: ruler (one who rules)
hallitsijapari :: ruling couple
hallittu :: controlled
hallituksen päämies :: head of government
hallitukseton :: lacking a government
hallitus :: agency, administration, authority (government body or branch of government entrusted with administration of a defined subsector; usually a part of a ministry)
hallitus :: board of directors (in a corporation)
hallitus :: cabinet (group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch)
hallitus :: government
hallitusaika :: reign (ruling period)
hallitusherra :: mandarin (senior civil servant)
hallituskausi :: A reign, the period of rule
hallituskriisi :: parliamentary crisis
hallitusmuoto :: A system of government
hallitusneuvottelu :: government formation talks (translation used by the prime minister's office)
hallitusohjelma :: A plan of action of a national government for its planned term, officially translated as "Government Programme" into English. The programme is agreed upon before the term begins in negotiations between the political parties which agree to form the government
hallituspohja :: government's base of support (in a multiparty parliamentary system, those parties collectively which form the government)
hallituspuolue :: A political party that has one or more ministers in a given government, governing party, ruling party
hallitusti :: in a controlled manner
halloween :: Halloween (31st of October)
hallusinaatio :: hallucination
hallusinogeeni :: hallucinogen
hallussa [static] :: In sb's possession
hallusta [static] :: from sb's possession
halma [board game] :: halma
halme :: Farmland that is produced using the slash and burn technique
Halme :: Finnish surname
halo :: halo
haloefekti :: halo effect
halofyytti :: halophyte (plant that tolerates an environment having a high salt content)
halogeeni :: halogen
halokliini [hydrology] :: halocline
Halonen :: Finnish surname
haloni :: halon
haloo [on answering the telephone] :: hello
haloo :: hullabaloo
haloperidoli :: haloperidol
halpa :: cheap
halpahalli :: discount store
halpakopio :: A cheap copy
halpamainen :: dirty, ignoble
halpuus :: cheapness (property of being cheap)
halpuuttaa :: to cheapen (to lower the price)
halssi :: (nautical) board, tack (distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward)
halssi :: (nautical) tack (course or heading)
halssi :: tack (rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corner of a square sail)
halssikulma :: tack (part of sail)
halstari :: A hinged gridiron; a grilling device consisting of a handle and two gridirons hinged together so that the food can be trapped between the gridirons
halstaroida :: To grill or broil on a hinged gridiron
halsteri :: alternative form of halstari
halsteroida :: alternative form of halstaroida
halstrata :: To grill on a hinged gridiron
haltia :: elf
haltiatar :: female elf
haltija :: elf
haltija :: possessor (one who has control over, but not necessarily legal ownership of, an item of fixed or movable property)
haltija :: occupant (of a position); often used as head of compound term: toimenhaltija, viranhaltija
haltijatar :: A fairy (in a fairy tale)
haltijatar :: Female elf
haltijavelkakirja :: bearer bond
haltioihinsa :: saada ~: to make elated, very excited, enraptured, to blow away
haltioihinsa :: tulla ~: to become elated, very excited, enraptured, blown away (by/about = elative)
haltioissaan :: olla haltioissaan: to be elated, enthralled, very excited, enraptured, blown away (by/about = elative)
haltioissaan :: [While being] elated, very excited, enraptured
haltioitua :: to become exalted, to be blown away (to be greatly impressed)
haltioituminen :: exaltation
haltuumme :: to our possession
haltuun :: to the possession (of)
haltuuni :: to my possession
haltuunne :: to your possession
haltuunsa :: to his/her/their possession
haltuusi :: to your possession
halu :: desire
halu :: urge, itch
halukas :: inclined, eager, willing
halukkaampi :: comparative form of halukas
halukkaasti :: eagerly
halukkuus :: willingness (state of being willing)
haluta :: To want; to desire, to crave
haluta :: To want (to do something)
haluton :: reluctant
haluttaa :: to be in the mood for/to, to have an urge, to want
haluttava :: desirable
haluttomuus :: reluctance, unwillingness
haluttu :: in demand
haluttu :: wanted
halva :: halva
halvaannuttaa :: To paralyze
halvaantua :: To be(come) paralyzed
halvata :: to paralyse/paralyze
halvattu :: paralyzed
halvattu :: damn, damned, goddamnit
halvattu :: heck, goddamn (medium strong expletive or intensifier)
halvaus :: (pathology) arrest; as in sydänhalvaus
halvaus :: paralysis
halvaus :: (pathology) stroke
halvauttaa :: To paralyze
halvautua :: To become paralysed/paralyzed
halveerata :: to disparage
halveksia :: To defy, (be) oppose(d) to, resist
halveksia :: To despise, scorn, look down on, sneer at, disdain, contemn
halveksija :: One who contempts
halveksinta :: contempt
halveksittava :: contemptible
halveksittavasti :: contemptibly
halveksittavuus :: contemptibleness
halveksua :: To defy, (be) oppose(d to), resist
halveksua :: To despise, scorn, look down on, sneer at, disdain, contemn
halveksunta :: scorn, contempt
halveksuvasti :: contemptuously
halvempi :: comparative form of halpa
halventaa :: to cheapen
halventaa :: to disparage
halventava :: derogatory, pejorative, contemptuous, disparaging, defamatory
halventua :: To become cheaper, become less expensive
halveta :: To become cheaper, become less expensive
hama :: direct
hama :: fuzzy
hamara :: head (top part) of a railway rail
hamara :: poll, butt (part of the head of an axe)
hame :: skirt
hamekangas :: skirt fabric
hameväki :: petticoats, skirts; the women
hamina :: port, harbour
hammas :: tooth
hammasahven :: porgy, sea bream (any of several fish of the family Sparidae)
hammasalveoli :: tooth socket (socket in the jaw in which the roots of teeth are held)
hammasharja :: toothbrush
hammashermo :: dental nerve
hammashoitaja :: dental assistant, dentist's assistant, dental nurse
hammashoito :: dental care
hammashygienisti :: dental hygienist
hammaskato :: edentation
hammaskiille :: enamel (hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
hammaskipu :: toothache
hammaskirurgia :: dental surgery
hammaskivi :: dental calculus, tartar
hammaskuoppa :: tooth socket (socket in the jaw in which the roots of teeth are held)
hammaslanka :: floss (a thread, used to clean the area between the teeth)
hammaslääketiede :: dentistry, odontology
hammaslääkäri :: dentist
hammasloma :: The gap between incisors and molars in some mammal species
hammasluu :: dentin, dentine
hammasmätä :: tooth decay, dental caries
hammaspeikko :: Literally "Tooth Troll", a figure used to teach children to brush their teeth
hammaspuikko :: toothpick
hammaspyörä :: A cogwheel, gearwheel
hammasrata :: rack railway
hammasratas :: A gearwheel, gear, cogwheel, cog (wheel with grooves)
hammassäkki :: dental follicle (sac containing the developing tooth)
hammassärky :: toothache
hammastaa :: To indent, serrate (to cut into points like a row of teeth)
hammastahna :: toothpaste
hammaste :: perforation
hammastikku :: toothpick
hammastua :: of toothlike projections, to fit smoothly with each other, like e.g. cogs in a set of gears
hammasvalas :: toothed whale
hampaallinen :: toothed
hampaankolossa :: a score to be settled, unfinished business or unsaid words that need to be said (lit. in a tooth socket)
hampaankolotus :: toothache
hampaaton :: toothless, edentulous (having no teeth)
hampaaton :: toothless (having no capability of enforcing something)
hampaattomasti :: In a toothless manner; weakly
hampaattomuus :: toothlessness
hampaidenhoito :: dental care
hampaiden narskuttelu :: bruxism
hampaiden narskuttelu :: The grinding of one's teeth
-hampainen :: toothed
hampaisto :: denture
hamppu :: hemp (Cannabis sativa)
hamppuinen :: hempen
hamppuöljy :: hemp oil
Hampuri :: Hamburg
hampurilainen :: Hamburger (person)
hampurilainen :: hamburger (sandwich)
hampurilaisbaari :: hamburger bar
hampurilaisravintola :: hamburger restaurant
hamsteri [zoology, mammals, rodents] :: hamster, any member of the subfamily Cricetinae
hamstraaja :: hoarder
hamstrata :: To hoard
hamstraus :: panic buying (buying of commodities or other assets earlier than normal)
hamstraus :: hoarding
hamuta :: To scrabble
-han {particle} :: [enclitic] A particle appended to an indicative (more rarely: conditional or potential) verb form in order to express the speaker's wish about something; also to politely ask someone to do something—i.e., to avoid the imperative:
-han {particle} :: [enclitic] A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised after having got to know the truth about it:
-han {particle} :: [enclitic] A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised at the controversial view expressed by some other person:
-han {particle} :: [enclitic] A particle to express that the speaker is determined about or resistant towards something:
-han {particle} :: [enclitic] With the particle -ko (ko required by the vowel harmony) to express "I wonder if"
-han :: alternative form of -hVn (the case suffix for illative singular case)
hana :: faucet
hana :: hammer (of a gun)
hana :: tap
hanakasti :: eagerly
hanakka :: eager
handicap :: handicap (allowance)
handu :: hand
hangaari :: hangar
hangata :: to rub
hangata :: ~ vastaan: to resist
hangoitella :: (+ partitive + vastaan) To chafe against, resist, protest against
hangota :: To use a pitchfork
hanhenmaksa :: foie gras
hanhi :: A goose
hanhikki :: A plant of the genus Potentilla (cinquefoils etc.)
hanhikorppikotka :: griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)
hanka :: fork (of a tree and its branch, etc.)
hanka-antilooppi :: pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)
hankaantua :: alternative form of hankautua
hankain :: oarlock [US], rowlock [UK]
hankajalkainen :: copepod
hankakukka :: lateral flower
hankala :: awkward (not easily managed or effected)
hankala :: cumbersome, troublesome, burdensome, wearisome (requiring much work)
hankala :: difficult, challenging (hard, not easy, requiring much effort)
hankala :: inconvenient (not easy)
hankalakäyttöinen :: cumbersome (not easily managed or handled; awkward)
hankaloittaa :: To complicate
hankaloitua :: To become (more) complicated
hankaluu :: furcula
hankaluus :: difficulty, complexity
hankaluus :: inconvenience
hankasilmu :: auxiliary bud
hankasipuli :: lateral bulb
hankauma :: chafe, gall (injury or wear)
hankauskohta :: a point in which two objects are rubbing against each other
hankauskohta :: point of friction (issue over which two or more parties have conflicting interests)
hankausäänne :: fricative
hankauspiirros [lb, fi, arts] :: frottage (image)
hankauspiirros :: rubbing (impression)
hankautua :: to be or to get rubbed
hankautuma :: chafe (injury or wear)
hanke :: project
hanki :: snow blanket
han-kiinalainen :: Han Chinese (referring to the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
hankikanto :: The time of spring when snow crust is so hard that it can support a walking person
hankinnaisominaisuus :: acquired character, acquired characteristic
hankinta :: acquisition
hankintamääräys :: purchase order
hankintatilaus :: purchase order
hankkia :: To acquire, get, obtain, find
hankkia :: To buy, purchase, procure
hankkia :: To earn, make (money)
hankkia :: To prepare for, look for
hankkia :: To provide, furnish, supply
hankkija :: supplier
hankkiutua :: hankkiutua eroon: To get rid of
hankkiutua :: hankkiutua hoitoon: To seek (mental) care
hankkiutua :: hankkiutua raskaaksi: To get pregnant
hankkiutua :: hankkiutua töihin: To seek, find a job
hankkiutua :: To cause oneself to do something; to get
hanko :: pitchfork
Hanko :: Hanko
hankoaura :: ard (simple plough)
Hanna :: Anna (biblical prophetess)
Hanna :: female given name of biblical origin, also a short form of Johanna
Hanna :: Hannah (biblical character)
Hanne :: female given name
Hannele :: female given name
Hannes :: male given name, short form of Johannes
Hannover :: Hanover (German city)
Hannu :: Hansel, the boy in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel
Hannu :: male given name
Hannu ja Kerttu :: Hansel and Gretel
Hannula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Hannula :: Finnish surname
hansa :: The Hanseatic League, the Hansa
hansakaupunki :: Hanseatic city
Hansaliitto :: Hanseatic League
hansikas :: A glove
hansikaslokero :: glove compartment
hanska :: A glove
hanskakäsi [baseball, pesäpallo] :: glove (ability to catch a hit ball)
hanskakäsi :: glove hand (the hand on which a player wears a glove in certain sports)
hanslankari :: hand, manual laborer (unskilled manual worker, often one in subordinate position with respect to a skilled worker)
hanti :: A Khanty
hanti :: The Khanty language
hantti :: Short for hanttikortti
hantti :: For usage in other compound terms, see: hanttihomma, hanttimies
hanttihomma :: odd job (task of an incidental, unspecialized nature)
hanttihomma [pejorative, slang] :: shitwork, McJob
hanttikortti :: A playing card with little value in the particular game being played
hanukia :: hanukkiah (nine-branched candelabrum used during Hanukkah)
hanuri :: accordion
hanuri :: butt (buttocks)
hanurinsoittaja :: accordionist
hanuristi :: accordionist
hapan :: acidic, acid
hapan :: sour, acid in taste
hapan :: sour, peevish, irritable, grumpy, fretful, ill-tempered
hapanhai :: A foul-smelling Icelandic food made of Greenland shark or basking shark by fermenting and drying. As it is barely known outside Nordic countries, most languages do not have a word for it. In English it might be called fermented shark, or by the Icelandic term kæstur hákarl or just hákarl
hapanimelä :: sweet-and-sour
hapankaali :: sauerkraut
hapankerma :: sour cream
hapankirsikka :: sour cherry (fruit)
hapankirsikka :: sour cherry, Prunus cerasus (tree)
hapankorppu :: A type of cracker or thin (abt. 2 mm thick) crisp bread popular in Finland, made of rye sourdough; translated into English as thin crisp by the producers
hapanlaskeuma :: acid deposition
hapanleipä :: sourdough bread
hapannaama :: crabapple (unpleasant person)
hapannuttaa :: alternative form of hapattaa (to cause to turn sour)
hapansilakka :: surströmming
hapantaikina :: sourdough
hapantua :: To (turn/go) sour, acidify, lopper
haparoida :: To grope, fumble, feel about
haparointi :: groping, fumbling
hapata :: To (turn/go) sour, acidify, lopper
hapate :: A strain of bacteria used in production of fermented food products to sour the raw material
hapatettu :: cultured (of milk products, produced through lactic acid fermentation)
hapatettu :: fermented (produced through lactic acid fermentation)
hapatin :: A variant of hapate
hapattaa :: to culture (of milk products, to turn sour through lactic acid fermentation)
hapattaa :: to ferment (to turn sour through lactic acid fermentation)
hapattaa :: to (make) sour, acidify
hapekas :: oxygen-rich
hapera :: brittle
hapero :: brittle (apt to break or crumble when bending)
hapero :: brittlegill, russula (mushroom of the genus Russula)
haperonvieras :: powder cap, Asterophora lycoperdoides
hapertua :: to become brittle
hapete [cosmetics] :: peroxide (peroxide, especially hydrogen peroxide as used for bleaching hair)
hapete :: oxidizer, oxidizing agent, oxidant
hapetin :: An oxidizing agent, oxidizer
hapeton :: oxygenless, lacking oxygen
hapettaa :: To oxidize
hapettua :: To oxidize, to become oxidized
hapettuminen :: oxidation
hapettumisenestoaine :: antioxidant (substance that prevents oxidation)
hapetus :: oxidization
haploidi :: haploid
haploidia :: haploidy
haploryhmä :: haplogroup
haplotyyppi :: haplotype
hapokas :: acidic (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste)
hapoke :: A term used as headword in names of certain weak inorganic acids. In English similar weakness is often indicated by using the suffix -ous instead of -ic in the attributive part of the name:
hapottaa :: to acidify (to add acid into a solution)
hapottaa :: to acidify (to treat with acid)
hapottua :: to acidify (to become more acid)
happamaton [Bible, of bread] :: unleavened
happamaton :: unfermented
happamin :: superlative form of hapan
happamoittaa :: To acidify
happamoitua :: To acidify
happamoituminen :: acidification
happamuudensäätöaine :: acidity regulator
happamuus :: acidness
happamuus :: sourness
happamuusfunktio :: acidity function
happening :: happening (event)
happi :: The gaseous element oxygen, symbol O
happikaasu :: oxygen gas
happikato :: oxygen deficiency, environmental hypoxia
happinaamari :: oxygen mask
happipeitsi [metalworking] :: thermal lance
happipitoinen :: rich in oxygen
happiryhmä :: chalcogens, oxygen family
happisaturaatio :: oxygen saturation
happivelka :: oxygen debt
happo :: Any sour or acidic liquid: acid
happo :: A substance that can act as an electron pair donor (Lewis acid)
happo :: A substance that can give a proton to another substance (Brønsted acid)
happo :: A drunkard, sot
happo-emäsreaktio :: acid-base reaction
happoinen :: acid (containing acid)
happomarja :: barberry (thorny shrub of genus Berberis)
happopitoinen :: Acidic; containing acid
happosade :: acid rain
hapro :: mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)
hapsenkakkiainen :: longhorn beetle (any beetle from the Cerambycidae family)
hapsenkakkiainen :: beetle (any beetle of unknown species)
hapsi :: A single hair, especially a grey hair of an ageing person
hapsikka :: ditch grass, any plant of the genus Ruppia
hapsu :: fringe
hapsupiiska :: flogger (lightweight whip)
hapsuttaa :: to fringe (to decorate with fringe)
hapuilla :: To fumble, scrabble
hara :: harrow
harakankello :: spreading bellflower, Campanula patula
harakanvarvas :: Usually in plural (harakanvarpaat): chicken scratch, scrawl (cramped or illegible handwriting)
harakiri :: hara-kiri, seppuku
harakka :: A magpie
harakka :: European magpie, Pica pica
harallaan :: apart (in a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)
haralleen :: apart (to a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)
harata :: harata vastaan: to struggle against
harata :: to harrow
harava :: rake
haravakone :: hayrake
haravoida :: To comb (searching someone or something)
haravoida :: To rake
haravointi :: combing, searching thoroughly
haravointi :: raking
harha :: Illusion, delusion, hallucination, chimera, mirage
harha :: Misconception, false belief, false idea, fallacy
harha-aistimus :: A hallucination
harhaan :: astray, amiss
harhaanjohdettu :: misled
harhaanjohtaa :: alternative form of johtaa harhaan
harhaanjohtava :: deceptive
harhaanjohtava :: delusive
harhaanjohtava :: misleading
harhaanjohtava :: The noun misnomer can be used as equivalent to harhaanjohtava nimitys, sana, termi, käsite etc
harhaanjohtavasti :: deceptively
harhaanjohtavasti :: misleadingly
harhaannuttaa :: alternative form of harhauttaa
harhaantua :: alternative form of harhautua
harhaanvievä :: misleading
harha-askel :: misstep (error or mistake)
harha-askel :: misstep, false step (step that is wrong)
harhailija :: wanderer, drifter
harhailla :: To wander, stray, roam, drift
harhainen :: delusional
harhainen :: biased
harhakäsitys :: misconception, false belief, false idea, false notion
harhakuva :: illusion
harhakuvitelma :: Fallacy, false belief, false idea, false notion
harhaluoti :: stray bullet
harhaluulo :: Misconception; fallacy; (psychologically) delusion
harhama :: A chimera
harhanäky :: hallucination, delusion
harhaoppi :: A heresy
harhaoppinen :: Heretic, heretical
harhaoppisesti :: heretically
harhasoitto :: misdialing
harhaton :: unbiased
harhauma :: deviation (e.g. sexual deviation)
harhauttaa :: To deceive
harhauttaa :: To distract
harhauttaa :: To equivocate
harhauttaminen :: misleading, deception, fooling, diversion
harhautua :: to go astray
harhautua :: to pervert (to become perverted; to take the wrong course)
harhautua :: to stray
harhautuma :: alternative form of harhauma
harhautus :: A bluff (an act of bluffing)
harhautus :: A delusion (an act of deceiving the judgment of another person)
harhautus :: A diversion (act of diverting)
harhautus :: A diversion (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action)
harhautus :: A red herring (a falsified or intentionally misleading clue)
harhautus :: A trick (an act designed to trick)
harittaa :: To splay
harja :: arête (sharp edge of a mountain ridge)
harja :: brush (implement consisting of multiple bristles or other filaments)
harja :: brush (piece of conductive material, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine)
harja :: crest, chine (summit of a hill or mountain ridge)
harja :: crest (ridge or top of a wave)
harja :: crest (tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal's head)
harja :: crest (upper curve of a horse's neck)
harja :: broom, sweeper (implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further)
harja :: mane (longer hair growth e.g. on back of neck of a horse or around head of a male lion)
harjaannuttaa :: To train
harjaantua :: To become competent in something
harjake :: A small ridge, crest
harjalaiskiainen :: maned three-toed sloth, Bradypus torquatus
harjalintu :: hoopoe (Upupa epops)
harjamainen :: brushlike
harjamainen :: rooflike
harjamainen :: tectiform (shaped like a roof)
harjanne :: A ridge
harjas :: bristle
harjasrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius mairei
harjasusi :: maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus
harjasvyötiäinen :: Andean hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus nationi
harjata :: To brush
harjatiili :: A ridge tile
harjaus :: brush, brushing (act of brushing)
harjoite :: exercise
harjoitella :: To practice, exercise, train, drill, rehearse
harjoitelma :: sketch (quick freehand drawing, rough design or idea of an artistic work)
harjoittaa :: To practice (to perform or execute a craft or skill)
harjoittaja :: practitioner, -practicer (person who practices a profession or art)
harjoittaja :: trainer (person who trains another, especially in the military)
harjoittelija :: intern, trainee, apprentice, learner, student
harjoittelu :: exercise
harjoitteluaika :: A practice run, a warm-up
harjoitteluaika :: Time devoted to or used for exercise or practice
harjoitus :: drill
harjoitus :: exercise, practice
harjoitus :: rehearsal
harjoitusalue :: range (area for military training or equipment testing)
harjoitusliike :: exercise motion
harjoitustehtävä :: exercise, problem, task
harjoitusvihko :: exercise book (booklet for students, containing problems, exercises and/or blank pages for writing answers)
harjottaa :: alternative form of harjoittaa
harju :: esker; in colloquial language also a terminal moraine
Harju :: Any of a number of places in Finland and Estonia
Harju :: Finnish surname
Harjula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Harjula :: Finnish surname
harjus :: grayling, Thymallus thymallus
harkinnanvarainen :: discretionary (depending on someone's judgment)
harkinta :: consideration, deliberation
harkintakyky :: discretion, the ability to make wise, informed decisions
harkita :: (transitive; + partitive) To deliberate, consider, reflect upon, ponder, think
harkitsematon :: imprudent
harkitsematon :: inconsiderate, unthinking
harkitsemattomasti :: imprudently
harkitseva :: deliberate, circumspect (weighting facts and arguments)
harkittu :: deliberate (intentional)
harkittu :: deliberate (well-advised)
harkka :: A controversy, strife
harkka :: practice
harkko :: bar, ingot, pig (block of cast metal)
harkko :: concrete brick, concrete masonry unit (CMU), concrete block, cement block, besser block, breeze block, cinder block
harkko :: expanded clay aggregate brick (kevytsoraharkko)
harlekiini :: broadbill (bird of the family Eurylaimidae)
harlekiini :: harlequin
harlekiini :: Eurylaimidae (family of tropical passerine birds)
harlekiinisorsa :: A term sometimes used by the ignorant of virta-alli, Histrionicus histrionicus
harlekiinitulkku :: grey-headed bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythaca
harmaa :: grey, gray (colour)
harmaa :: grey, gray, dreary, gloomy
harmaa :: grey, gray (having an indistinct or disputed quality)
harmaa :: The colour grey/gray
harmaa aine :: grey matter
harmaa eminenssi :: éminence grise, power behind the throne
harmaahaikara :: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
harmaahapsi :: A gray-haired person
harmaahapsi :: An old person
harmaahylje :: grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
harmaakaihi :: cataract
harmaakarhu :: grizzly bear
harmaakuskus :: grey cuscus (Phalanger orientalis)
harmaakuvemyyrä :: grey red-backed vole (Myodes rufocanus; former genus names Chletrionomys and Evotomys)
harmaaleppä :: A grey alder, Alnus incana
harmaalokki :: herring gull (Larus argentatus)
harmaamurmeli :: hoary marmot (Marmota caligata)
harmaamustesieni :: inky cap, Coprinopsis atramentaria
harmaannuttaa :: To gray
harmaantua :: To grey (to become grey)
harmaantunut :: hoary (of hair, turned white or grey with age)
harmaaorava :: eastern gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis
harmaapartaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius canabarba
harmaapensselisika :: bush pig, bushpig (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus larvatus)
harmaarotta :: brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
harmaarousku :: grey milk-cap (Lactarius vietus)
harmaasara :: silvery sedge, Carex canescens
harmaasorsa :: gadwall (Anas strepera)
harmaasävykuva :: monochrome (black and white photograph)
harmaat :: Time spent in the military service; from the color of the uniform, often in the form armeijan harmaat (Literally, "the greys of the Army)
harmaatulkku :: brown bullfinch, Pyrrhula nipalensis
harmaavalas :: gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
harmaavesi :: greywater, gray water
harmaavilla-apina :: yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda)
Harmageddon :: Armageddon
harmahtaa :: of a color: to have a grey shade
harmahtava :: grayish
harmain :: superlative form of harmaa
harmaus :: grayness, greyness
harme :: The non-valuable material of ore
harmentaa :: to grey
harmentua :: To grey
harmeta :: To gray
harmi :: pity!
harmi :: what a pity
harmi :: harm
harmillinen :: annoying, troublesome
harmillisesti :: annoyingly
harmio :: hoary alyssum, Berteroa incana
harmistua :: To be annoyed
harmitella :: to bemoan, complain, regret, dismay about something
harmiton :: harmless
harmittaa :: to be irritated, annoyed, vexed
harmittaa :: to irritate, annoy, vex, irk
harmittomasti :: harmlessly
harmittomuus :: harmlessness
harmitus :: drag (as an exclamation, something disappointing)
harmitus :: irritation, annoyance, vexation, irking, frustration (state of being mentally irritated or annoyed)
harmivain :: pity!
harmivain :: what a pity
harmohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula densifolia
harmoni :: harmonium
harmonia :: harmony
harmonikka :: accordion
harmoninen :: harmonic
harmoninen keskiarvo :: harmonic mean
harmonioida :: To harmonize
harmonisesti :: harmonically
harmonisoida :: To harmonize
harmonisointi :: harmonization
harmonisoitua :: To be harmonized
harmonistaa :: To harmonize
harmonistua :: To harmonize
haroa :: to grope, scrabble
harottaa :: To protrude
harpata :: To stride, to leap (to take one long step)
harpata :: To warp in video gaming
harpikko :: harpist
harpisti :: harpist
harppailla :: frequentative form of harpata (to take repeated long steps)
harppaus :: leap (long step)
harppi :: A pair of compasses; also compass
Harppi :: the constellation Circinus, the Compass
harppia :: alternative form of harppoa
Harppi-Saksa :: East Germany
harppoa :: to stride (to walk with long steps)
harppu :: A harp
harppu :: An old or ugly woman, harpy
harppunoida :: To harpoon
harppuuna :: harpoon
harppuuna :: short for harppuunapyssy or harppuunatykki; speargun, harpoon gun
harppuunapyssy :: harpoon gun (deck-mounted)
harppuunapyssy :: speargun (handheld)
harppuunatykki :: harpoon cannon, harpoon gun (deck-mounted cannon for shooting harpoons)
harpunsoittaja :: harpist
harpyija :: harpy (fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman)
harpyija :: harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)
harras :: pious, devout, heartfelt, earnest
harrastaa :: To be interested in, to be engaged in a hobby
harrastaja :: amateur
harrastaja :: hobbyist
harraste :: hobby
harrastelija :: layman, amateur
harrastua :: To become interested
harrastus :: hobby
harri :: grayling, Thymallus thymallus
Harri :: male given name
Harri :: Finnish surname
harrikka :: A nickname of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle
harsia :: to baste, tack (to sew with long or loose stitches)
harsinta :: tack (loose seam)
harso :: gauze (thin fabric)
harsokangas :: gauze, mull, scrim, tissue
harsu :: sparse
harsuuntua :: To unravel
hartaasti :: earnestly, entreatingly, heartfeltly
harteet :: shoulders
harteikas :: broad-shouldered
harteva :: broad-shouldered
hartia :: shoulder
hartiahuivi :: shawl
hartiakas :: Broad-shouldered
hartialihas :: deltoid muscle, deltoid, common shoulder muscle (triangular muscle in the shoulder)
hartiaviitta :: cape (cloth)
hartiavoima :: one's physical strength
hartiavoima :: one's full effort; a corresponding English idiom is "shoulder to the wheel"
hartiavoimin :: with brute force, by doing the hard work, by putting one's nose to the grind stone
hartiavyö :: pectoral girdle
hartsaantua :: to turn into resin
hartsata :: to resinate (to treat with resin)
hartsata :: to seal with resin
hartsata :: to turn into resin
hartsi :: resin (group of natural and synthetic chemicals)
hartsiintua :: alternative form of hartsaantua
hartsilakka :: resin varnish
hartsittaa :: alternative form of hartsata
harus :: A guy, guyline (support cable)
haruspeksi :: haruspex
haruspurje :: A staysail
harustaa :: To guy (to equip with guys or guylines)
harustettu :: guyed
harva :: few; often in plural (harvat)
harva :: infrequent, sparse (far apart in space or time)
harva :: loose (of garment or any grid-like structure)
harva :: thin (of hair)
harvaetuhampaiset :: The marsupial order Diprotodontia
harvainvalta :: oligarchy
harvajalkainen :: pauropod
harvakseen :: seldom, rarely, infrequently (with long intervals)
harvakseen :: sparsely
harvakseltaan :: seldom, rarely, infrequently (with long intervals)
harvakseltaan :: sparsely
harva se päivä :: almost daily, quite often
harvasti :: sparsely
harvasukasmato :: oligochaete (any of various hermaphroditic aquatic and terrestrial annelid worms, of the class Oligochaeta, that have single bristles along the body)
harvemmin :: comparative form of harvoin
harvennin :: thinner (thinning tool or device)
harvennus :: thinning (act of removing some plants in order to improve the growth of those remaining)
harventaa :: to augment (to slow the tempo or meter, e.g. for a dramatic or stately passage)
harventaa :: to rarefy (to make rare, thin, porous, less dense)
harventaa :: to thin out (to make more sparse)
harventaa :: to thin (to remove some plants or parts thereof in order to improve the growth of those remaining)
harventaja :: thinner (person who or something that thins, such as plants in a garden)
harventua :: To thin out
harventua :: To become rarer (less common)
harventuma :: thinned out spot
harvesteri :: harvester
harveta :: To become less dense, less crowded
harveta :: To become more rare in number
harvimmin :: superlative form of harvoin
harvinainen :: rare (e.g. of species)
harvinainen maametalli :: rare earth metal, rare earth element
harvinaisesti :: rarely
harvinaistua :: To become rare or rarer
harvinaisuus :: rareness
harvinaisuus :: rarity
harvoin :: seldom, rarely, infrequently (taking place at long intervals)
hasa :: hash (hashish)
hasardi :: hazard (change), gambling
hasis :: hashish
hassahtanut :: silly, crazy, cracked, crackpot, nuts (mildly and harmlessly out of one's mind, as due to old age)
hassahtava :: slightly crazy or batty, often due to early stages of senility
hassata :: to waste (squander money or resources uselessly)
hasselpähkinä :: hazelnut
hassi :: blunder
hassium :: hassium
hassu :: funny
hassu :: silly (playful)
hassu :: weird (strange)
hassunkurinen :: comical
hassunkurisesti :: comically
hassusti :: funnily (in a fun manner)
hassusti :: funnily, strangely
hassutella :: to goof off, to monkey around, to play the fool, to act silly
hääasu :: wedding dress
hääasu :: wedding suit
hatara :: feeble
hatara :: shaky
hatarasti :: feebly
hatarasti :: shakily
hatikka :: spurry
hatkat :: escape, runner (quick escape away from a scene); used with the verb ottaa ‎(“to take”) in the idiomatic expression "ottaa hatkat", which may often be translated with to leave, quit, flee, run away or with an idiom like to take to one's heels or take to the hills
hattara :: cotton candy
hattu :: háček
hattu :: hat
hattu :: tampion (plug on top of an organ pipe)
hattuilla :: To tease
hattunauha :: A hatband
hattu-s :: the letter Š, š (marking the voiceless postalveolar sibilant in Finnish orthography)
hattuteline :: hat rack
hattutemppu :: hat trick (three goals by one player in one game)
hattuuntua :: To be annoyed
hattuuntunut :: pissed off
hattu-z :: the letter Ž, ž (marking the voiced postalveolar sibilant in Finnish orthography)
hatullinen :: Wearing/having a hat
hatullinen :: A hatful (amount a hat can hold)
hatuntekijä :: hatter
hatuttaa :: To be annoyed, vexed
hau :: woof, the sound a barking dog makes
haudanhiljainen :: silent as the grave
haudanhäpäisy :: desecration of grave
haudankaivaja :: A gravedigger
haudanryöstö :: graverobbing
haudanryöstäjä :: graverobber
haudanvakava :: Grave, very serious
haudata :: To bury, inter, entomb
haude :: poultice
haude :: tea (any drink made by infusing parts of various other plants)
haudikas :: A stewed root vegetable, potato etc
haudonta :: brooding, incubation of eggs
haudontaerä [poultry farming] :: A hatch (birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time)
hauduttaa :: To poach (to cook in simmering water)
hauduttaa :: To stew, simmer (to cook by slowly boiling or simmering)
haudutuspata :: slow cooker (kitchen appliance)
hauenleuka :: crocodile clip or alligator clip
hau hau :: bow wow
hauis :: biceps brachii
haukahdella [of a dog] :: To bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay in a repeated and irregular manner
haukahtaa :: To bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay once, utter a bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay
haukansilmä :: hawk-eye
haukansilmäinen :: hawk-eyed
haukata :: To bite
haukattava :: bitable, biteable
haukattava :: snack
hauki :: ged (representation of a pike in heraldry)
hauki :: pike (any fish in the genus Esox)
hauki :: pike [British], northern pike, Esox lucius
haukka :: bite
haukka :: hawk
haukkoa :: To take large mouthfuls; almost exclusively used in the expression haukkoa henkeään
haukkoa henkeään :: to gasp (for breath)
haukku :: a bite (e.g. of apple)
haukku :: bark (dog's)
haukku :: [endearingly] a dog
haukku :: scolding
haukkua [of a dog] :: To bark, yip, yelp, bay
haukkua :: To bad mouth (someone), To criticise/criticize, attack, abuse
haukkua :: To call (someone) names
haukkua maanrakoon [idiomatic + genitive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to (literally: "to tell (someone) off to the hole/crack in the ground")
haukkua pataluhaksi [idiomatic, + genitive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to (literally: to call (someone) a pot spoon)
haukkua pystyyn [idiomatic + genititive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to
haukkuja :: A barker, one who barks
haukkumasana :: A pejorative
haukkuva koira ei pure :: barking dogs seldom bite
haukotella :: To yawn
haukottaa :: Same as haukotuttaa, but less used
haukottelu :: yawning, yawn (action of yawning)
haukotus :: yawn
haukotuttaa :: To feel like yawning
haukotuttaa :: To make yawn
haukunta :: barking
hauli :: small shot
haulikko :: shotgun
haulikkoammunta :: shotgun shooting
haulikkohäät :: shotgun wedding (wedding in which the bride is pregnant)
haupitsi :: howitzer
haura :: pondweed
hauras :: brittle, fragile, friable, crumbly, rickety (breaking easily in smaller parts)
haurashapero :: A brittlegill, Russula fragilis
haurastua :: To become brittle
haurastuttaa :: To make brittle
hauraus :: fragility, brittleness
haureus [legal, dated] :: unchastity, bawdry, fornication (any sexual act considered immoral or unnatural)
hauska :: fun, in the idiomatic expression pitää hauskaa
hauska :: merry
hauska :: pleasant
hauskaa joulua :: Merry Christmas
hauskaa pääsiäistä :: happy Easter
hauskannäköinen :: funny-looking
hauskasti :: funnily
hauska tutustua :: pleased to meet you
hauskempi :: comparative form of hauska
hauskuttaa :: alternative form of hauskuuttaa
hauskuuttaa :: to amuse (to cause laughter, to be funny)
hausta :: castor sac
hauta :: grave, tomb
hauta :: trench (long, steep-sided, narrow depression in the ocean floor)
hautaantua :: To be(come)/get buried
hautajaiset :: A funeral, memorial service; wake
hautajaissaatto :: funeral procession
hautajaissaattue :: funeral procession
hautakammio :: tomb, sepulchre
hautakirjoitus :: epitaph
hautakivi :: gravestone, tombstone, headstone
hautakumpu :: burial mound, barrow, cairn
Hautala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Hautala :: Finnish surname
hautamainen :: gravelike, tomblike (resembling a grave)
hautamainen :: sepulchral (suggestive of grave)
hautaus :: burial, entombment
hautausmaa :: A graveyard, cemetery
hautausurakoitsija :: undertaker
hautautua :: To get buried
hautauurna :: urn (for ashes)
hautavajoama :: A rift valley
hautoa :: To brood, incubate (eggs)
hautomakone :: An incubator (apparatus for eggs)
hautomalaikku :: brood patch
hautomo :: incubator (for eggs)
hautoutua :: to be incubated
hautua [of coffee or tea] :: To draw
hautua :: To stew, simmer
hautuumaa :: cemetery, graveyard
hauva [children, colloquial] :: doggy
hauva :: A dog or hound on the larger side
hauyniitti :: hauyne
havahduttaa :: To awaken
havahtua :: To awake
havahtua :: To become aware of something, to sit up and take notice
havaiji :: Hawaiian (language)
Havaiji :: Hawaii
havaijilainen :: Hawaiian
havaijilainen :: a Hawaiian
havaijinhanhi :: nene, Branta sandvicensis
Havaijisaaret :: Hawaii
havainnoida :: To observe
havainnoija :: observer
havainnointi :: observation, perception
havainnoitsija :: observer
havainnollinen :: illustrative
havainnollisesti :: illustratively
havainnollistaa :: To demonstrate, elucidate
havainnollistua :: To become illustrated
havainto :: observation
havainto :: perception
havaintokyky :: perception
havaita :: To observe, detect, perceive
havaitsija :: observer
havaittavissa :: observable
Havanna :: Havana (capital)
havannalainen :: Havanan (of or pertaining to the city of Havana, the capital of Cuba)
havannalainen :: A Havana (cigar)
havannalainen :: A Havanan (person)
havas :: The mesh fabric of a fishnet or fish-trap
havina :: swish
havista :: to sough, swish, sigh
havitella :: To go after
havu :: fresh sprig or small branch of a coniferous tree
havu :: needle of a coniferous tree
havumetsä :: coniferous forest
havununna :: black arches, nun moth (Lymantria monacha)
havupuistohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula cessans
havupuu :: coniferous tree, conifer, softwood, softwood tree (tree)
havupuu :: softwood (wood from a conifer)
havupuumetsä :: coniferous forest
havuttaa :: to line, decorate or cover with sprigs of coniferous trees
hazara :: Hazara (member of an Afghanistani ethnic group)
hazara :: In plural (hazarat), the Hazara (an ethnic group of central Afghanistan)
hädin tuskin :: hardly, barely
hädissään :: alarmedly (in an alarmed manner)
hädässä ystävä tunnetaan :: a friend in need is a friend indeed (literally: in need a friend is known)
H-duuri :: B major
he :: they [only of people]
headeri [colloquial, Internet] :: header
heazlewoodiitti :: heazlewoodite
hebefreenikko :: A hebephrenic schizophrenic
hebefreeninen :: hebephrenic
hebefreenisyys :: The quality of being hebephrenic; hebephrenia
hebefrenia [clinical psychology] :: hebephrenia
hebrea :: alternative spelling of heprea
hebrealainen :: alternative form of heprealainen
hede :: A stamen
hedekukinto :: male inflorescence (inflorescence containing only male reproductive organs of a plant)
hedelmä :: fruit
hedelmähappo :: alpha-hydroxy acid
hedelmähyytelö :: fruit jelly
hedelmöidä :: To fruit
hedelmäinen :: fruity
hedelmöinti :: fruiting
hedelmistö :: infructescence
hedelmöittää :: to impregnate, fertilize
hedelmöittäminen :: impregnation (act of making pregnant)
hedelmöittyä :: To become fertilized
hedelmöittyminen :: fertilisation/fertilization
hedelmöityä :: alternative form of hedelmöittyä
hedelmöitys :: fertilization, conception
hedelmöityshoito :: infertility treatment
hedelmäkakku :: fruitcake (cake)
hedelmäkauppias :: fruit seller, fruiterer
hedelmäkeitto :: fruit soup
hedelmäkärpänen :: fruit fly
hedelmälepakko :: fruit bat (bat of the family Pteropodidae, the family of Old World fruit bats)
hedelmäliha :: flesh (soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables)
hedelmäliha :: pulp (soft center of a fruit)
hedelmällinen :: fertile
hedelmällinen :: fruitful
hedelmällisesti :: fertilely
hedelmällisesti :: fruitfully
hedelmällisyys :: fertility
hedelmällisyyskultti :: fertility cult
hedelmällisyysluku :: fertility rate
hedelmämarmeladi :: fruit marmalade
hedelmämehu :: fruit juice
hedelmäpuu :: fruit tree
hedelmäsalaatti :: A fruit salad or macedoine
hedelmäsokeri :: fructose
hedelmätarha :: grove (small orchard, especially of citrus trees)
hedelmätarha :: orchard
hedelmätee :: fruit tea
hedelmättömästi :: fruitlessly
hedelmättömyys :: infertility
hedelmäveitsi :: fruit knife
hedelmäviini :: fruit wine
hedelmys :: mericarp
hedgerahasto :: alternative form of hedge-rahasto
hedge-rahasto :: hedge fund
hedoninen :: hedonic
hedonismi :: hedonism
hedonisti :: hedonist
hedonistinen :: hedonistic
heeros :: hero
heetti :: A Hittite person
heetti :: The Hittite language
heettiläinen :: Hittite
heettiläinen :: a Hittite person
hefta :: plaster, band-aid
hegeliläinen :: Hegelian
hegeliläisyys :: Hegelianism
hegemoni :: hegemon
hegemonia :: hegemony
hegemoninen :: hegemonic
hehkeä :: blooming, flourishing
hehku :: glow
hehkua :: to glow
hehkua :: to radiate light and warmth
hehkulamppu :: incandescent lamp, light bulb
hehkulanka :: filament (in a light bulb)
hehkuttaa :: To anneal
hehkuttaa :: To blaze
hehkutulppa :: A glow plug
hehkutus :: annealing
hehkuviini :: mulled wine
hehtaari :: hectare (10,000 m²)
hehtaarihalli :: superstore
hehto :: hectolitre
hehto- :: hecto-
hehtolitra :: hectolitre/hectoliter
hehtometri :: hectometre/hectometer
hei :: bye (often repeated twice for goodbye: "hei hei")
hei :: hey
hei :: hi
heidelberginihminen :: Heidelberg man, Homo heidelbergensis (extinct hominid)
Heidi :: female given name
heidän :: their - only of human beings; used with the possessive suffix -nsa/-nsä appended to the main word owned
heidän :: theirs (that which belongs to them, used without a following noun)
heidän :: they - only of human beings; used with monopersonal verbs which require genitive such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc
heidät :: The accusative plural of the personal pronoun he, in most cases translated into English them (direct object, only of human beings):
hei hei :: bye-bye
heijastaa :: To reflect, mirror, show, express
heijastaa :: To project (on a screen)
heijastaa :: To reflect (light)
heijaste :: reflex
heijastin :: Reflector (esp. one worn by a pedestrian on his/her clothes during dark months for safety - in order that s/he is perceived by a passer-by motorist)
heijastua [e.g. of light] :: To (be) reflect(ed)
heijastuma :: reflection
heijastuminen :: reflection
heijastus :: reflection
heijastuskulma :: angle of reflection
heijastussuhde [physics, meteorology, astronomy] :: albedo (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body)
heijastussumu :: reflection nebula
heijata :: keinua
heijata :: keinuttaa
heikenne :: reducer
heikennin :: attenuator (device that reduces the amplitude of a signal)
heikentää :: To deteriorate
heikentää :: To dilute
heikentää :: To undermine
heikentyä :: To decrease, diminish, drop off
heikentyä :: To deteriorate, get worse
heikentyä :: To weaken, grow/become weaker
heikentymätön :: unabated
heiketä :: To abate
heiketä :: To deteriorate
heiketä :: To weaken, become weaker
heikkeneminen :: decline
Heikki :: male given name
Heikki :: The letter "H" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Heikkilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Heikkilä :: Finnish surname
Heikkinen :: Finnish surname
heikko :: delicate
heikko :: faint
heikko :: feeble
heikko :: frail
heikko :: infirm
heikko :: light
heikko :: meager
heikko :: poor
heikko :: slender
heikko :: slight
heikko :: weak
heikkohermoisuus :: neurasthenia
heikkojännite :: A term defined in electrical safety regulations as a voltage low enough not to cause danger to people
heikkojännite :: Generally a low voltage
heikkolaatuinen :: Of low quality, low-quality, poor
heikkonäköinen :: Having poor eyesight
heikkonäköisyys :: amblyopia
heikkous :: A weakness (condition of being weak)
heikkous :: A weakness (special fondness or desire)
heikkous :: feebleness (quality or state of being feeble)
heikkous :: frailty (quality or state of being frail)
heikkoverinen :: anemic
heikkovirta :: low current
heikko vuorovaikutus :: weak nuclear interaction
heikoilla jäillä :: alternative form of heikolla jäällä
heikolla jäällä :: out of one's league, out of one's depth (in a situation which one is poorly prepared to handle)
heikompi :: comparative form of heikko
heikompi astia [idiomatic, dated] :: weaker vessel (woman; women collectively)
heikontaa :: alternative form of heikentää
heikontua :: To become weaker, weaken
heikosti :: poorly
heikosti :: weakly
heikota :: To weaken (to become weaker)
heikottaa :: To feel unsteady, unwell, dizzy
heila :: boyfriend, girlfriend
heilahdella :: to fluctuate (to vary irregularly)
heilahdella :: to sway (to bend back and forth or side to side, while remaining firmly positioned in one end)
heilahdusaika [mechanics] :: period (of pendulum)
heilahduttaa :: To jerk
heilahtaa :: to swing once
heilauttaa :: To jerk
heilauttaa :: To swing once
heili :: alternative form of heila
heilimöidä :: To flower (of rye)
heilua :: To oscillate (to swing back and forth, especially with a regular rhythm)
heilua :: To swing (to hang on the gallows)
heilua :: To swing, to sway, to rock (to move backward and forward)
heilua :: To vacillate (to sway unsteadily from one side to the other)
heilua :: To vacillate (to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another)
heilunta :: sway
heiluri :: pendulum
heilurikello :: pendulum clock (clock that uses pendulum as its timekeeping element)
Heilurikello :: The constellation Horologium
heilutella :: To wave
heiluttaa :: To wave, sway, wag
heiluva :: rocky (unstable, easily rocked)
heiluva :: swinging, swaying, waving (doing a reciprocating movement)
heiluva :: wagging (of an animal's tail)
heimo :: family
heimo :: tribe
Heimo :: male given name
heimolainen :: A tribesman or tribeswoman
heimosota :: tribal war
heinä :: any similar plant, such as sedge
heinä :: grass
heinä :: hay
heinäaika :: haymaking time
heinäallergia :: hay fever (allergy to hays)
heinäaro :: grass steppe
heinähattu :: hayseed, yokel, bumpkin (rustic person)
Heini :: female given name
heinikkö :: alternative form of heinikko
heinikko :: grass (long grass as ground cover)
heinittää :: to fill or line with hay; as e.g. boots for comfort and thermal insulation
heinittää :: to plant with hay
heinittyä :: To be covered with grass
heinäkenkä :: A Sami
heinäkerttu :: zitting cisticola, Cisticola juncidis
heinäkärryt :: hay wain
heinäkuinen :: Pertaining to July
heinäkurppa :: great snipe, Gallinago media
heinäkuu :: July
heinänteko :: haymaking
heinänuha :: hay fever
Heino :: Finnish surname
Heino :: male given name
Heinonen :: Finnish surname
heinäpaali :: hay bale
heinäpelto :: hayfield
heinäperhonen :: ringlet (any of several brown butterflies in the tribe Satyrini, with numerous small rings on underwings)
heinäratamo [vern, pedlia=1, ribwort plantain] :: , Plantago lanceolata
heinäsirkka :: grasshopper
heinäsorsa :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
heinäsuova :: haystack
heinätavi :: garganey (Anas querquedula)
heinäturpiaali :: bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus
heinävintti :: A hayloft
heippa :: bye, see you later
heisi :: viburnum (plant of the genus Viburnum)
heisimato :: tapeworm
heisipuu :: viburnum (tree or shrub of the genus Viburnum)
Heiskanen :: Finnish surname
heistä :: about them; of them (only of people):
heistä :: in their opinion, they think that (only of people):
heistä :: of them (only of people):
heite :: ejecta (something thrown or ejected, especially the material ejected from a volcano or impact crater)
heitellä :: To fluctuate
heitellä :: To throw (repeatedly)
heitin :: launcher (device that throws something)
heitin :: mortar (short of kranaatinheitin - an indirect fire weapon)
heitin :: projector (in certain compounds, see e.g. piirtoheitin)
heitin :: trap (device that slings clay pigeons in the air in trapshooting)
heittää [colloquial, of a number] :: to be inaccurate or incorrect, to be off
heittää :: to abandon
heittää :: to give a ride (in a car)
heittää :: to throw, cast
heittää :: with ulos (out), to expel, e.g. from a party or meeting
heitteillä :: abandoned, neglected (in the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)
heitteille :: abandoned, neglected (to the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)
heittelehtiä :: to swerve (to go out of a straight line)
heittelekenttä :: debris field
heittää henkensä [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To give up the ghost, to die (literally: to throw one's spirit)
heittää huiviin :: to gulp down, scarf (to eat or drink quickly)
heittää huulta [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to chat
heittää huulta [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to joke
heittiö :: scoundrel
heittäjä :: thrower
heittää leipiä :: to play ducks and drakes, skim
heittää löylyä :: to throw water on the sauna stove's stones (kiuas) in order to produce steam and increase the temperature of the sauna
heittää menemään :: to throw away
heitto :: caprice (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion)
heitto :: retort, riposte (quick response)
heitto :: throw, cast, shy (act of throwing)
heitto :: toss (throw with an initial upward direction, particularly with a lack of care)
heittoasento :: throwing position
heittoistuin :: ejection seat
heittokoukku :: grappling hook
heittoliike [mechanics] :: trajectory
heittomerkki :: apostrophe
heittopussi :: punching bag (person serving as an object of abuse)
heittovaihtotiedosto :: swap file
heitättää :: To have thrown (to order to throw)
heittää ulos :: to kick out, eject, throw out (to remove from a location)
heittää veivinsä [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to bite the dust (to die)
heittyä :: Same as heittäytyä
heittyä :: Same as heittelehtiä
heittyä :: Same as kieroutua
heittyä :: Same as lakata, tauota
heittyä :: Same as poistua
heittyä :: Same as sinkoutua
heittäytyä :: To throw oneself
heivata :: to throw, especially something heavy and big
heiveröinen :: weak, feeble
hekki :: backstay
heko :: har har, hardy har har (false laughter with a sarcastic connotation)
heko :: helicopter
hekottaa :: to guffaw, chuckle
heksaani :: hexane
heksadesimaalijärjestelmä :: hexadecimal system
heksadesimaaliluku :: hexadecimal number
heksadesimaalinen :: hexadecimal
heksaedri :: hexahedron
heksagoni :: hexagon
heksagoninen :: hexagonal
heksaklooribentseeni :: hexachlorobenzene
heksakloorietaani :: hexachloroethane
heksaklorofeeni :: hexachlorophene
heksametri [prosody] :: hexameter
heksametrinen [prosody] :: hexametric
heksanoli :: hexanol
heksobarbitaali :: hexobarbital
heksogeeni :: hexogen
heksoli :: hexol
heksoosi :: hexose
hekstaagi :: A backstay
hektinen :: hectic
hektisyys :: hecticness (state or property of being hectic)
hektisyys :: hectivity (hectic activity)
hektografi :: hectograph
Hektor :: Hector
hektorinvalas :: Hector's beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori)
hekuma :: A strong feeling of pleasure, especially of sexual kind
hekuma :: lust of the flesh
hekumallinen :: salacious
hekumallinen :: voluptuous
hekumallisesti :: voluptuously
hekumallisuus :: voluptuousness
hekumoida :: to gloat (to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction, often at an adversary's misfortune)
hekumoida :: to indulge oneself in carnal pleasures, especially of sexual kind
hela :: mounting, fitting, bushing
helakka :: bright, brilliant (color)
helatorstai :: Ascension Day, Ascension (40th day after Easter)
heleä :: bright, clear, vivid
hele :: ornament
Heleena :: female given name, variant of Helena
Helena :: female given name
helähdellä :: To tinkle, jingle
helähdyttää :: alternative form of heläyttää
helähtää :: To ting, clang
Heli :: female given name
helibor :: Helsinki Interbank Offered Rate
helihiihto :: heli-skiing
helikobakteeri :: Helicobacter
helikopteri :: helicopter
helikopterilentäjä :: helicopter pilot
helinä :: jingle (sound of metal or glass clattering against itself)
Helinä :: female given name, a variant of Helena by folk etymology shaped like helinä "tinkle"
Helinä :: Tinkerbell
heliofiili :: heliophile (organism that requires a lot of sunlight to thrive)
heliografi :: heliograph
heliolatria :: heliolatry (religion)
heliometri :: A heliometer
helioosi :: heliosis (medical condition caused by overheating of the body due to exposure to sun)
heliosentrinen :: heliocentric
heliosfääri :: heliosphere
heliotrooppi :: heliotrope
helistää :: To jingle (to cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself)
helistä :: to jingle, tingle, clink
helistin :: rattle (baby toy)
helistin :: rattle (musical instrument)
helium :: helium
heliumleimahdus :: helium flash
heläjää [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of helistä
Heljä :: female given name
Helka :: female given name
helkatti :: Used as a mild intensifier
helkatti :: damn, dammit
helkavirsi :: Finnish poems that were told or written in Kalevala meter (trochaic tetrameter)
helke :: tingle, jingle
helkkari :: A mild expletive; damn, darn, blimey
helkkyä :: To tinkle, jingle
helkätä :: to tinkle, jingle
helkutti :: A mild expletive; damn, darn
helkyntä :: tingle, jingle
hellä :: affectionate
hellä :: tender, gentle
Hellä :: female given name
hella :: oven
hella :: range (for cooking)
helladinen [history] :: Helladic
hellapoliisi :: “Oven police”; a (dominating) wife
helle :: Hot weather, swelter
helle [rare, chiefly, figuratively] :: A hot place or heat
helleaalto :: heat wave
helleeni :: Hellene
Helleenien tasavalta :: The Hellenic Republic (official name of the state of Greece)
helleeninen :: Hellenic
hellekausi :: hot season
hellemmin :: comparative form of hellästi
hellempi :: comparative form of hellä
hellenisaatio :: Hellenisation
hellenismi :: Hellenism, Hellenistic civilization (culture and civilization of the Hellenistic period of the Greek culture after the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.) to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian (31 B.C.))
hellenisti :: A Hellenist (person who adopted the Greek culture during the Hellenistic period)
hellenisti :: A Hellenist (specialist in the study of Greek culture or history)
hellenistinen :: Hellenistic
Hellevi :: female given name
helliä :: To cherish, caress, nurse
Helli :: female given name
hellimmin :: superlative form of hellästi
hellin :: superlative form of hellä
Hellin :: female given name
hellitä :: ablative + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = to consent to give, have the generosity to give
hellitä :: To come loose/free/off
hellitä :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
hellittää :: to give up
hellittää :: to abate, subside, calm (to lessen in force or intensity)
hellittää :: to break (of a storm or spell of weather, to end)
hellittää :: to ease up (to become more relaxed)
hellittää :: to ease up (to reduce the speed)
hellittää :: to loosen (to make less tight)
hellittää :: to release
hellittämätön :: relentless
hellittämätön :: unabated
hellittämättömyys :: perseverance
hellästi :: affectionately
hellästi :: tenderly
hellätä :: To loosen, unfasten
helluntai :: Pentecost, Whitsun, Whitsunday
helluntailainen :: Pentecostal
helluntailaisuus :: Pentecostalism (Christian religious movement)
hellurei :: yippee (used to express joy of life and excitement)
helluvainen :: dewlap
hellävarainen :: gentle
hellävaraisesti :: gently
hellävaraisuus :: gentleness
hellävaroen :: gently
hellyttävä :: endearing
helma :: hem (margin of cloth)
helmalinja :: hemline (line formed by the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat)
helman korkeus :: hemline (height of the helm of a skirt or coat, measured from the floor)
helmankorkeus :: alternative spelling of helman korkeus
helmapelti :: sill panel [UK], rocker panel [US] (in car chassis the panel that is below the doors)
helmasynti :: pet peeve
helmestää :: To hunt for pearls
helmi :: bead
helmi :: capitalized, a female given name
helmi :: pearl
helmi [typography] :: pearl (font size)
Helmi :: female given name
helmiherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus placomyces
Helmiina :: female given name
helmiäinen :: nacre, mother-of-pearl
helmiäisnystyt :: pearly penile papules; also called terska helmiäisnystyt (harmless skin condition affecting glans penis)
helmiäispilvi :: nacreous cloud
helmi-itiö :: aecidiospore
helmijoki :: A river in which the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) lives and is known to produce pearls
helmikana :: any member of the family Numididae
helmikana :: guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)
helmikkä :: melic, melic grass (any of various grasses of the genus Melica)
helmikuinen :: Pertaining to February
helmikuu :: February
helmilakkimuura :: spot-crowned antvireo
helmimylly :: pearl mill
helminauha :: pearl necklace, pearl string
Helminen :: Finnish surname
helmintiaasi :: helminthiasis
helmipöllö :: Tengmalm's owl or boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
helmipuumuura :: pearly antshrike
helmitaulu :: abacus (calculating frame)
helmivene :: Nautilidae (taxonomic family of two extant genera Altonautilus and Nautilus)
helmivene :: nautilus (mollusc of the family Nautilidae)
helo :: shine
helohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula helodes
heloittaa :: To furnish with fittings or fixtures
helokki :: evening primrose, suncup, sundrop
helootti :: helot (Spartan slave)
heloseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnabarinus
helottaa :: To shine (to emit light)
helpi :: canary grass, (plant of the genus Phalaris)
helpohko :: relatively easy
helpoimmin :: superlative form of helposti
helpommin :: comparative form of helposti
helpommin sanottu kuin tehty :: easier said than done
helpompi :: comparative form of helppo
helpontaa :: To make easier, simplify
helpontua :: To ease
helposti :: easily
helpota :: To become easier, less complicated
helpottaa :: (transitive) to ease
helpottaa :: (transitive) to relieve, alleviate, mitigate, facilitate
helpottua :: To ease
helpottunut :: relieved
helpotus :: relief
helppo :: easy
helppoa kuin heinänteko :: very easy
helppoa kuin mikä :: very easy
helppohuoltoinen :: service-friendly, serviceable (easy to service)
helppolukuinen :: easy to read
helppo nakki :: a piece of cake
helppo raha :: quick buck
helppotajuinen :: easily understandable, popular
helppotajuistaa :: to popularize (to present in a widely understandable form)
Helsinki :: Helsinki
helsinkiläinen :: Helsinkian, of Helsinki (of or pertaining to the city of Helsinki)
helsinkiläinen :: A Helsinkian (person living in or originating from Helsinki)
helskää :: alternative form of helskyä
helske :: tingle, jingle
helskutti :: Used as a mild intensifier
helskutti :: damn, dammit
helskyä :: To tinkle, jingle
helteinen :: boiling (of the weather, very hot)
heltta :: A snood (flap of skin on the beak of a turkey)
heltta :: A wattle (loose, hanging skin on birds, animals and humans)
heltta :: A gill
heltyä :: To soften, relent
helve :: A lodicule
helvetialainen :: Helvetian
helvetillinen :: hellish
helvetin esikartano :: limbo
helvetinkone :: infernal machine
helvetisti :: An intensifier
helvetti [expletive] :: hell, fuck, shit, devil
helvetti :: hell
helvettimäinen :: hellish
Helvi :: female given name
hely :: trinket
Hely :: female given name
heläyttää :: To clang
hemaiseva :: sexy, desirable
hemaista :: To look sexy and desirable; used of a woman
hematiitti :: hematite
hematokriitti :: hematocrit
hematologia :: hematology, haematology
hematuria [pathology, jargon] :: hematuria
Hemilä :: Finnish surname
hemisfääri :: hemisphere
hemlokki :: hemlock (any of several coniferous trees of the genus Tsuga; their wood)
hemmetti :: A mild expletive; dammit, darn, blimey
Hemminki :: male given name
hemmo :: dude, bloke, stiff
Hemmo :: male given name
hemmotella :: to pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
hemo :: An intensifier
hemofilia :: haemophilia/hemophilia
hemoglobiini :: hemoglobin, haemoglobin
hemokromatoosi :: hemochromatosis
hemolyysi :: hemolysis
hemorroidi :: hemorrhoid
hemostaasi [medicine, jargon] :: hemostasis
hemotoksiini :: hemotoxin
hempeä :: gentle
hempeä :: sweet, charming
hemppo :: linnet
-hen :: alternative form of -hVn
hengailla :: To hang around, hang out (to spend time without doing anything in particular)
hengata :: To hang about, hang out
hengellinen :: spiritual
hengellisesti :: spiritually
hengellisyys :: spirituality
hengenheimolainen :: A like-minded person
hengenpelastaja :: lifeguard
hengenpelastaja :: lifesaver
hengenvaara :: danger of life, mortal danger
hengenvaarallinen :: life-threatening, deadly dangerous, perilous
hengenvaarallisesti :: life-threateningly
hengenveto :: gasp
hengetön :: Lifeless, dead
hengetön :: Tedious, dull, boring (e.g. theatrical play)
hengetär :: female genie
hengähdysaika :: break, breather (short rest or pause, such as from arduous work, but also from a difficult situation)
hengähtää :: to take a breather (to take a break; to pause or relax briefly)
hengi :: obsolete spelling of henki
hengissä :: olla ~ to be alive
hengittää :: to breathe
hengitys :: breath, breathing (act or process of breathing)
hengitys :: breath, breathing (air expelled from the lungs)
hengitys :: breath, breathing (single act of breathing in and out)
hengityselimistö :: respiratory system
hengityselin :: respiratory organ
hengitysharjoitus :: breathing exercise
hengitysilma :: respiratory air
hengityskone :: respirator, ventilator
hengitystie :: normally used in plural, respiratory tract (passages through which air enters and leaves the body, including the nose and nasal passages, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi and alveoli)
hengitystieinfektio :: respiratory infection
hengitysvaikeus :: breathing difficulty
hengästyä :: To get out of breath, become breathless
hengästynyt :: breathless, gasping, out of breath
hengästyttää :: To cause to get/go out of breath
henkari :: coat hanger
henkeen ja vereen :: dyed-in-the-wool, diehard
henkeä pidätellen :: with bated breath (literal and idiomatic sense)
henkeäsalpaava :: breathtaking
henkevä :: intelligent, bright
henkevä :: spirited, vigorous, animated
henkevöidä :: to inspire, incite, stimulate
henkevöittää :: to inspire, incite, stimulate
henkevöityä :: To be inspired, incited, stimulated
henkiä :: To exude, radiate, bubble with, sparkle with, overflow with
henki :: Breath
henki :: Life (only when its safety is questioned)
henki :: Person
henki :: Spirit, ghost
henki :: Steam
henki :: Warmth
henkilö :: figure
henkilö :: person
henkilöauto :: passenger car (automobile)
henkilöhistoria :: History of the life of an individual
henkilöidä :: to personify
henkilöinti :: personification (act of personifying)
henkilöityä :: To be personified
henkilöitymä :: personification
henkilöjuna :: passenger train
henkilökohtainen :: face-to-face, vis-à-vis
henkilökohtainen [of a leave] :: compassionate
henkilökohtainen :: personal, intimate
henkilökohtainen ennätys :: personal record
henkilökohtainen valmentaja :: personal trainer
henkilökohtaisempi :: comparative form of henkilökohtainen
henkilökohtaisesti :: in person, face to face, vis-à-vis
henkilökohtaisesti :: personally (concerning oneself)
henkilökohtaisesti :: personally (in a personal manner)
henkilökohtaisesti :: personally (in person)
henkilökohtaisin :: superlative form of henkilökohtainen
henkilökohtaisuus :: personality, personal remark (something said of a person, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature)
henkilökortti :: An ID card
henkilökultti :: cult of personality
henkilökunta :: staff (employees)
henkäillä [of wind] :: To blow gently
henkäillä :: To breathe (in an indifferent or relaxed manner)
henkilöllisyys :: identity
henkilöllisyystodistus :: A former term for an official ID card, issued by the police; also virallinen henkilöllisyystodistus
henkilöllisyystodistus :: Any ID card
henkilömiina :: anti-personnel mine
henkilömäärä :: headcount (number of people present)
henkilönostin :: aerial work platform, cherry picker, boom lift, man lift, basket crane, hydraladder, bucket truck, teleporter (movable piece of equipment for lifting people)
henkilörekisteri :: person register
henkilöstö :: personnel, staff
henkilöstöanti :: An emission of shares (stock) reserved for the personnel of a company, usually at a lower than market price but with sales restrictions
henkilöstöhallinto :: human resources (personnel department of an organization)
henkilöstöhallinto [managament] :: human resource management, HRM
henkilöstöosasto :: human resources department, human resources, personnel department (organizational unit responsible for personnel administration)
henkilöstöpalvelu :: personnel service
henkilöstöpäällikkö :: staff manager, personnel manager
henkilötiedot :: personal data
henkilötodistus :: An official ID card issued by the police
henkilötunnus :: social security number
henkilövahinko :: personal injury (injury to the body or mind)
henkilövaunu [railroad] :: passenger car
henkilöyhtiö [law] :: partnership
henkilöys :: identity
henkimaailma :: spirit world
henkinen :: mental
henkinen :: spiritual
henkiolento :: spirit, genie
henki on altis, mutta liha on heikko :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
henkiparannus :: spiritual healing
henkiparantaja :: faith healer
henkipatto :: outlaw
henkiraha :: poll tax
henkirikos [common] :: A homicide
henkirikos [dated, legal] :: A homicide (hypernym for crimes by which a person is caused to die unnaturally by another person)
henkisesti :: mentally
henkäistä :: To breathe (once)
henkistää :: to spiritualize; in non-religious sense, compare hengellistää
henkitorvi :: windpipe, trachea
henkivakuutus :: life insurance
henkivartija :: A bodyguard
henkivartio :: bodyguard [collectively]
henkivero :: poll tax
henkselit :: suspenders [US], braces [UK]
henna :: henna (substance)
Henna :: female given name
hennata :: To dye with henna
hennoa :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
hennompi :: comparative form of hento
hennota :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
Henri :: male given name
Henriikka :: female given name
Henrik :: male given name
Henrikki :: male given name
henry :: henry
hento :: delicate, fragile
hentokorte :: dwarf horsetail, Equisetum scirpoides
hentosudenkorento :: damselfly
hepariini :: heparin
hepatiitti :: hepatitis
hepatomegalia :: hepatomegaly
hepatoosi [diseases] :: hepatosis
hepene :: finery, glad rags (excessively fine or decorated clothes); often used in plural - hepenet or hepeneet
hepo :: heroin
hepo :: horse
hepoasteet :: The horse latitudes
hepokatti :: katydid, bush-cricket
heppa [children, colloquial] :: horse
heppa [tech slang, colloquial] :: horsepower
heppu :: A person; bloke, dude, stiff, cove
heprea :: gibberish, Greek (needlessly obscure or overly technical language)
heprea :: Hebrew (language)
heprealainen :: Hebrew
heprealainen :: A Hebrew (person)
hepreankielinen :: Expressed in Hebrew
hepreankielinen :: Hebrew speaker
heptaani :: heptane
heptaanihappo :: heptanoic acid
heptanoli :: heptanol
hepuli :: a fit of rage
hera :: blood serum
hera :: whey
herahtaa :: To flow or escape suddenly in small quantity, used especially of various bodily liquids; English equivalents vary depending on the context
herakalvo :: serous membrane
Herakles :: Hercules
heraldiikka :: heraldry
heraldikko :: heraldist (expert in or practitioner of heraldry)
heraldinen :: heraldic
herauttaa :: to cause an instantaneous reaction
herauttaa :: to cause to secrete instantaneously
herauttaa :: to water; in the expression herauttaa veden kielelle ("makes the mouth water", literally "causes the water to secrete on the tongue")
herbaario :: herbarium
herbalismi :: herbalism
herbisidi :: herbicide
herbivori :: A herbivore
hereä :: abundant
hereford :: Hereford (breed of cattle)
hereillä :: olla ~: to be awake
herero :: A Herero (person belonging to the Herero people)
herero :: Herero (language)
heretä :: alternative form of herjetä
herhiläinen :: hornet
heristää :: to brandish
heristää :: to shake
heritabiliteetti :: heritability
herja :: slur
herjaaja :: blasphemer
herjaaja :: slanderer
herjata :: To blaspheme
herjata [legal + partitive] :: To slander; to libel
herjata :: To revile, rail against, abuse
herjaus :: abuse (insulting speech)
herjetä :: To cease, stop, quit (to do/doing something)
herjetä [colloquial, + active 3rd infinitive in illative] :: To start (doing something), go, get (adjective = translative)
herjetä :: To stop, end, cease
herkempi :: comparative form of herkkä
herkeämättä :: incessantly, unceasingly
herkentää :: alternative form of herkistää
herkentyä :: alternative form of herkistyä
herketä :: alternative form of herkistyä
herkin :: superlative form of herkkä
herkistää :: to sensitize
herkiste :: allergen, sensitizer (substance which causes an allergic reaction)
herkistyä {vir} :: To become sensitized
herkistymä :: allergy
herkkä :: delicate, vulnerable
herkkä :: physically sensitive, tender
herkkä :: quick to react
herkkä :: sensitive, easily offended
herkkähermoinen :: squeamish
herkkäihoinen :: Having sensitive skin
herkkänahkainen :: thin-skinned, overly sensitive
Herkko :: male given name, from a diminutive of Hermanni (Herman)
herkkätunteinen :: touchy, oversensitive, thin-skinned (easily offended)
herkkätunteisuus :: touchiness, oversensitiveness (property of being easily offended)
herkku :: A delicacy (food)
herkkukauppa :: delicatessen
herkkukurkku :: pickle
herkkusieni :: A mushroom of the genus Agaricus
herkkusieni :: The button mushroom, table mushroom, cultivated mushroom, crimini, portobello (a mature brown specimen) or, in everyday usage, champignon; Agaricus bisporus
herkkäuskoinen :: gullible
herkkäuskoisesti :: gullibly
herkkäuskoisuus :: gullibility
herkkusuu :: gourmet (one who knows of and appreciates good food)
herkkutatti :: cep; porcini (Boletus edulis)
herkkyys :: sensitivity
herkkyysanalyysi [economics, statistics] :: sensitivity analysis
herkästi :: easily
herkästi :: exquisitely, delicately
herkästi :: sensitively
Herkules :: Hercules
Herkules :: The constellation Hercules
herkullinen :: delicious
herkullisempi :: comparative form of herkullinen
herkullisesti :: deliciously
herkullisin :: superlative form of herkullinen
herkullisuus :: delicacy (quality of being delicate)
herkutella :: To feast
herkuttelija :: gourmet, epicure
herkuttelu :: gourmandism
heräämö :: recovery room, recovery ward
hermafrodiitti :: hermaphrodite
hermafrodiitti :: intersexual person
hermafrodiittinen :: hermaphroditic
hermafroditismi :: hermaphroditism
Herman :: male given name
Hermanni :: male given name
hermeettinen :: airtight, hermetic
hermeettisesti :: airtightly, hermetically
hermeneutiikka :: hermeneutics
herääminen :: awakening
hermo :: A nerve
hermoilla :: to be nervous
hermoilla :: to champ at the bit (to show nervousness)
hermoimpulssi :: nerve impulse
hermojärjestelmä :: nervous system
hermokaasu :: nerve gas
hermokeskus :: A nerve center or ganglion (center of power or authority)
hermokirurgia :: neurosurgery
hermokudos :: nervous tissue
hermolääkäri [medicine, dated] :: A neurologist
hermomyrkky :: neurotoxin
hermopiste [lb, fi, martial arts] :: pressure point
hermopääte :: neural ending
hermorata :: neural pathway
hermoromahdus :: nervous breakdown
hermosairaus :: neuropathy
hermosolmu :: ganglion
hermosolu :: nerve cell, neuron
hermosota :: war of nerves
hermosto :: A nervous system
hermostollinen :: neural (of, or relating to the nerves, neurons or the nervous system)
hermostua :: To get nervous
hermostuneesti :: nervously
hermostuneisuus :: nervousness
hermostunut :: nervous, jumpy, tense
hermostuttaa :: To make someone or something nervous
hermotautioppi :: neurology
hermottaa :: to innervate (to supply part of the body with nerves)
hermottua :: to be innervated, become innervated
hermotulehdus [colloquial, pathology] :: neuritis
hermoverkko :: A neural net
herne :: pea
hernekeitto :: pea soup
herneluu :: pisiform bone, os pisiforme
hernerokka :: pea soup
hernerokkasumu :: pea-souper
herännäinen :: A supporter of herännäisyys, a Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland
herännäisyys :: A Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland, originally closely linked with pietism, usually translated into English as Awakening
heroiini :: heroin
heroinisti :: heroin addict
heroismi :: heroism
herooinen :: heroic
herpaantua :: To become exhausted
herpaantua :: To become lame
herpautua :: alternative form of herpaantua
herpes :: herpes (common language term for herpes simplex)
herpetologia :: herpetology
herppi :: herp (joint term for reptiles and amphibians)
herra :: capitalized (Herra), Lord (God)
herra :: lord, master (owner)
herra :: lord (person enjoying great respect in a community)
herra :: lord (person having formal authority over others)
herra :: mister, gentleman, sir (polite address)
Herra :: Lord (God)
Herra :: Lord (Jesus)
herrakansa :: herrenvolk
herranjestas :: good Lord, oh my God!
Herran rukous :: Lord's Prayer
Herran voideltu :: The Lord's Anointed (king by divine right)
Herran voideltu :: The Lord's Anointed (Christ or the Messiah)
Herran vuosi :: year of our Lord, anno Domini
herrasmies :: gentleman
herrasmiessopimus :: gentleman's agreement (unwritten agreement bound by honour)
herrasmiesveto :: A sportsman's bet
herrastella :: to give oneself airs, swagger
herrastella :: to lord (to act like a lord)
herrastella :: to lord (to domineer)
herraviha :: [Australia, NZ] tall poppy syndrome (tendency to disparage successful people)
herrnhutilainen :: Moravian, of or pertaining to the Moravian Church
herrnhutilainen :: A Moravian; member of the Moravian Church
hersyä :: To trickle
herätä :: to arise, be aroused:
herätä :: to (be) revive(d), come to life:
herätä :: To awake, wake up
heräte :: stimulus
herätellä :: To awaken (repeatedly)
herätellä :: To stir up (continuously, gradually)
hertsi [physics, electronics] :: hertz
hertsileijaa :: oh my, oh goodness, oh Lord
herättää :: To (a)rouse, revive, bring (back) to life
herättää :: To arouse, raise, provoke, call forth, stir up:
herättää :: To awaken, stir (up), rouse
herättää :: To evoke
herättää :: To wake up, awake(n)
hertta :: heart (only as a symbol on playing-cards)
Hertta :: female given name
herttainen :: sweet (having a pleasing disposition)
herttajätkä :: jack of hearts, knave of hearts
herttakakkonen :: two of hearts
herttakasi :: eight of hearts
herttakolmonen :: three of hearts
herttakuningas :: king of hearts
herttakuningatar :: queen of hearts (a playing card)
herttakuutonen :: six of hearts
herttakymppi :: ten of hearts
herttanelonen :: four of hearts
herttarouva :: queen of hearts
herttaseiska :: seven of hearts
herttaässä :: ace of hearts
herttavitonen :: five of hearts
herttaysi :: nine of hearts
herättäjä :: awakener (one who awakens someone)
herttu :: cisticola (any bird of the Cisticolidae family, consisting of about 120 species)
herttua :: duke
herttua-apina :: red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus)
herttuakunta :: duchy
herttuatar :: duchess
herätys :: reveille
herätys :: revival, awakening
herätys :: wake-up, awakening (act or instance of being awakened)
herätyskello :: alarm clock
herätyskello :: wake-up call (alert, reminder, or call to action caused by a dramatic event)
herätyskokous :: revival meeting
herätysliike :: revivalist movement (movement that seeks reawakening of religious values and true faith, often founded by a charismatic leader)
herua :: To give or cede, especially as a response to someone's efforts
herua :: To trickle, ooze
herukka :: currant (species of genus Ribes)
heruttaa :: of cattle, to cause to secrete milk
heruttaa :: to seek the attention (or sex, money, etc.) of the opposite gender
heruttaa :: to extract
heruttaa :: to give rise to (to be the origin of; to produce; to result in)
heruttaa [usually, of females] :: (slang) to wear a very open-collared shirt that reveals cleavage
hervoton :: limp
hervoton :: outrageous, extremely funny, amazing
hervottomin :: superlative form of hervoton
Hesa :: nickname of the city of Helsinki
hesari :: Alternative capitalization of Hesari
Hesari :: A nickname of one of the major streets of Helsinki, the Helsinginkatu
Hesari :: A very commonly - even by the newspaper itself - used nickname of Helsingin Sanomat (Finland's largest newspaper)
Hese :: A nickname of Finland's leading hamburger restaurant chain Hesburger
Hesekiel :: Ezekiel
Hesekiel :: the book of Ezekiel
Hessen :: Hesse (state)
Hessu :: A common nickname derived from the first name Heikki
Hessu :: Goofy(comics character)
het :: they [only of people]
Heta :: female given name
hete :: A quagmire or morass, a swampy, soggy spot. Hete is a relatively small soggy area, but big enough to stop a man or horse
hetero :: heterosexual; used mainly as modifier in compound terms
hetero :: A heterosexual or hetero (person)
heteroatomi :: heteroatom
heterofonia :: heterophony
heteroforia :: heterophoria
heterogamia :: heterogamy
heterogeeninen :: heterogeneous
heterogeenisyys :: heterogeneity
heterografti :: A xenotransplant (that which is transplanted in a xenotransplantation)
heteromies :: heterosexual man
heteronormatiivisuus :: heteronormativity
heteronyymi :: heteronym
heteroosi :: heterosis
heterorakenne :: heterostructure
heteroseksi :: heterosex
heteroseksuaali :: heterosexual
heteroseksuaalinen :: heterosexual
heteroseksuaalisuus :: heterosexuality
heterotransplantaatio [medicine, dated] :: A xenotransplantation (transplantation of an organ or part thereof from one species to another).
heterotrofinen :: heterotrophic
heterotsygootti :: heterozygote
heterotsygoottinen :: heterozygous
heterous :: heterosexuality
heti :: as soon as
heti :: right away
hetiö :: An androecium
heti kun :: as soon as (immediately after)
hetimmiten :: at once, as soon as possible
heti paikalla :: right away (at this very moment; used often to strengthen a demand)
heti perään :: immediately thereafter
hetkauttaa :: to jerk
hetkauttaa :: to shock
hetkellinen :: Momentary, brief, fleeting; transitory, transient
hetkellisesti :: momentarily
hetkellisyys :: momentariness
hetkessä :: in a minute, in a flash (very quickly)
hetki :: moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time)
hetki :: moment (particular point of time)
hetkinen :: diminutive form of hetki
hetkinen :: moment, minute (short but unspecified period of time)
hetkua :: To shake
hetkutella :: Frequentative aspect of the verb hetkuttaa
hetkuttaa :: to shake; used of shaking flexible objects
hetteikkö :: quagmire (swampy, soggy area)
hetu :: identity number
hetula :: baleen
hetulavalas :: baleen whale
heuristiikka :: heuristics
heuristinen :: heuristic
hevari :: a metalhead
heven :: alternative form of hepene
hevi [colloquial, music] :: heavy metal
hevillä :: hardly, not easily
hevin :: hardly, not easily
hevirokkari :: heavy metal musician
hevonen :: As a modifier in a compound term (appears as the stem hevos-), signifies horse or equine
hevonen :: knight
hevonen :: horsepower (short for hevosvoima)
hevonen :: horse
hevonen :: horse, Equus caballus
hevonkuusi [mildly, vulgar] :: hell
hevonpaska :: shit, bullshit
hevonperse :: shit, ass
hevonvittu :: bullshit, hell, fuck, devil
hevonvittu :: In genitive singular (hevonvitun) an intensifier; fucking, shitty, damned
hevonvitunperse [extremely, vulgar] :: fuck, cunt
hevosasento [martial arts] :: horse stance
hevoseläin :: equine, horse (any member of the family Equidae)
hevoseläin :: Equidae (taxonomic family of horses)
hevosenkengittäjä :: A farrier
hevosenkenkä :: A horseshoe
hevosenkenkäyökkö :: horseshoe bat (bat of the genus Rhinolophus)
hevosenleikki :: horseplay
hevosenliha :: horsemeat
hevosinfluenssa :: equine influenza
hevosjuotikas :: Haemopis sanguisuga, a leech
hevoskastanja :: common horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum
hevoskastanja :: horse-chestnut, horse chestnut; buckeye [US] (any tree of the genus Aesculus)
hevoskärryt :: cabriole
hevoskuiskaaja :: horse whisperer
hevoskuuri :: drastic cure
hevoslääkäri :: hippiater (veterinarian specializing in horse care)
hevosmainen :: horselike
hevosmies :: A horseman (man skilled in horsemanship)
hevosmuurahainen :: carpenter ant (Camponotus herculeanus)
hevospaarma :: A horsefly, Tabanus bovinus
hevospari :: span, pair of horses
hevospeli :: horse as means of transportation
hevospoolo :: polo
hevostalli :: horse stable
hevosvetoinen :: horse-drawn
hevosvoima :: horsepower (old unit for power)
häh :: huh?
höh :: An exclamation or expression of concern or resentment about a problem or error
höh :: Used to express anger, contempt or similar emotions
h-hetki :: zero hour, H-hour
höhlä :: fool
höhlä :: a fool
hiaisin :: razor strop (leather strop for whetting a razor)
hiatus :: A hiatus (opening in an organ)
hiatus :: A hiatus (syllable break between two vowels)
hibernaakkeli :: alternative term for talvehtimissilmu
hibernaalinen :: hibernal (of or pertaining to winter)
hibernoida :: to hibernate
hibiskus :: hibiscus (flower of the genus Hibiscus)
hidas :: slow
hidasaaltouni :: slow-wave sleep
hidasajatuksinen :: slow-thinking
hidasjärkinen :: slow-witted
hidaskasvuinen :: slowly growing
hidaskatu :: slow street (street on which the traffic has been slowed down, often limited to 30 km/h or less, using signs or physical barriers like traffic islands, bumps, or plantings)
hidaslori :: Sunda loris (Nycticebus coucang)
hidasälyinen :: slow-witted, dull, obtuse, sluggish, dim, dim-witted, dense, thick
hidasoppinen :: slow to learn, slow learning
hidaspuheinen :: slowly-speaking
hidastaa :: to slow, slow down, slacken/reduce/cut speed, retard; delay, hold up
hidastahtinen :: slow paced
hidaste :: roadblock
hidastella :: to drag one's feet
hidastempoinen :: Having slow tempo; tedious
hidastetöyssy :: speed bump
hidastin :: A device or arrangement designed to slow down something:
hidastua :: To slow down
hidastus [film] :: slow motion, slo-mo (technique)
hidastus :: slowed-down replay
hidastus :: slowing, slowdown
hidastuslakko :: work-to-rule
hidastustöyssy :: speed bump
hidastuttaa :: To hinder, delay, impede
hidastuvuus :: deceleration (rate by which speed or velocity decreases)
hie :: microsection (extremely thin slice of stone, metal or other hard material prepared for microscopic inspection)
hie :: the quality of grinding, degree of sharpness
hieho :: heifer
hiekanjyvä :: grain of sand
hiekanruskea :: sand [color]
hiekka :: gravel, the small kind used to prevent slippery pavement conditions
hiekka :: sand
hiekka-aavikko :: sand desert
hiekkadyyni :: sand dune
hiekkaerämaa :: sand desert
hiekkaeste [golf] :: bunker
hiekkaharju :: esker
hiekkahentunen :: A type of baked good, made with butter, sugar, ground almond, egg yolks and wheat flour, usually served with a topping of whipped cream and jam or fresh berries
hiekkainen :: sandy
hiekkaisuus :: sandiness
hiekkajyvä :: grain of sand
hiekkakasa :: pile of sand
hiekkakello :: hourglass
hiekkakivi :: sandstone
hiekkalaatikko :: A sandbox
hiekkalinna :: sandcastle
hiekkamyrsky :: sandstorm
hiekkapaperi :: sandpaper
hiekkapestä :: to sandwash
hiekkapilvi :: sand cloud
hiekkapohja :: sand bottom (of water)
hiekkapuhallus :: sandblasting, abrasive blasting (method for stripping paint, rust etc. from hard surfaces)
hiekkapuhaltaa :: to sandblast
hiekkaranta :: beach (sandy shore)
hiekkariutta :: sand reef
hiekkasärkkä :: sandbank
hiekkatie :: sand road
hiekkatörmä :: sand cliff
hiekoitin :: sand spreader (device to spread sand on the ground, typically to prevent slipperiness)
hiekoittaa :: To (cover with) sand
hieman :: a little, bit, tad, slightly
hienhaju :: smell of sweat, body odour
hieno :: elegant
hieno :: exquisite
hieno :: fine
hieno :: great, wonderful
hienohelma :: candy-ass
hienohelma :: dandy (man very concerned about his clothes and appearance)
hienoin :: superlative form of hieno
hienoinen :: Slight
hienonnin :: grinder
hienontaa :: To crush, grind (something into smaller pieces)
hienontua :: To be crushed, be ground (into smaller pieces)
hienopuuseppä :: cabinetmaker
hienorakenne :: fine structure
hienosokeri :: caster sugar, berry sugar
hienosäätö :: finetuning, tuning
hienostelija :: dandy
hienosti :: nicely, elegantly, very well (in a manner showing great virtue or skill)
hienostua :: To become classy, elegant, sophisticated
hienostuneisuus :: delicacy (elegance, refinement)
hienostunut :: exquisite, refined, classy, polished, sophisticated
hienota :: To pulverize (intransitive: to be rendered into dust or powder)
hienota :: To thin (intransitive: to become thin or thinner)
hienotunteinen :: considerate, tactful, discreet
hienotunteisesti :: considerately, tactfully
hienotunteisuus :: Noun of hienotunteinen
hienoudet :: bells and whistles, gadgetry, frills (extra features added for show rather than function; fancy additions or features)
hienous :: frill (luxury); usually in plural
hienous :: the quality of being hieno
hienovarainen :: subtle
hienovarainen :: tactful, sensitive, delicate
hienovaraisesti :: discreetly
hienovaraisuus :: considerateness, tactfulness
hieraista :: To quickly rub once something (e.g. one's eyes)
hierakka :: dock (plants in the genus Rumex)
hierarkia :: hierarchy
hierarkkinen :: hierarchic
hieroa :: To rub
hieroa :: To massage
hieroa nenää :: to rub a nose
hieroa silmiä :: to rub eyes
hieroduuli :: hierodule
hieroglyfi :: hieroglyph
hieroglyfikirjoitus :: hieroglyphic writing
hieroja :: masseur, masseuse
hierojatar [rare, dated] :: masseuse
hieromasauva :: vibrator, dildo
hieronta :: massage
hierottaa :: To have massaged
hieroutua :: to be rubbed or massaged tender
hieroutua :: to be ground fine
hieroutuma :: alternative form of hiertymä
hierre :: refined mechanical pulp
hierrin :: pestle
hiertää :: to gnaw at, nag at, bother, gall
hiertää :: to abrade, chafe
hierto :: grinding
hiertokone :: trowel machine, power trowel
hiertyä :: To be rubbed, be chafed, be abraded
hiertymä :: abrasion
hieskoivu :: downy birch, Betula pubescens
hiestää :: alternative form of hiostaa
hiestyä :: To get sweaty
hiesu :: silt (mineral soil with dominating particle size from 2 μm to 20 μm)
hieta :: silt, fine sand (mineral soil with dominating particle size from 20 μm to 60 μm)
hietakissa :: sand cat, Felis margarita
hietakyyhky :: sandgrouse (bird of the family Pteroclididae)
Hietala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Hietala :: Finnish surname
hietatokko :: sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus)
hietikko :: An expanse of sand
hietikkosara :: sand sedge, Carex arenaria
hievahtaa :: To budge
hievauttaa :: To budge
hiffata :: To understand, get it
hifi :: hi-fi
hifisti :: hi-fi enthusiast
HIFK :: A leading sports club in Helsinki, playing in the national league in several team sports
Higgsin bosoni :: Higgs boson
hiha :: maunch
hiha :: sleeve or an arm of a shirt, jacket etc
hihallinen :: sleeved
hihasillaan :: in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket)
hihastin :: sleeve garter (band worn around upper arm to hold the shirt sleeve in desired position)
hihaton :: sleeveless
hihhuli :: A religious person; a zealot, a Jesus freak, a Holy Roller
hihittää :: To snicker, titter
hihittely :: snickering, tittering
hihitys :: titter
hihkaista :: to shout shrilly, to call out, to shriek
hihkua :: To yell, scream in a joyful manner
hihkunta :: yelling, screaming
hihna :: conveyor, especially belt conveyor
hihna :: leash, lead
hihna [machinery] :: belt
hihna :: strap, band; especially one that is made of leather or other strong material
hihna :: thong (leather strap)
hihnoittaa :: to equip with straps, bands or belts
hiidenkirnu :: A pothole (pit formed in the bed of a turbulent stream)
hiidenkiuas :: A barrow consisting of a pile of rocks
hiidenkivi :: A glacial erratic, a large piece of rock that has been relocated by glacial ice
Hiidenmaa :: Hiiumaa (island in Estonia)
hiihdellä :: to ski (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
hiihdin :: A ski
hiihdäntä :: skiing
hiihtää :: To ski
hiihtäjä :: skier
hiihtäminen :: skiing
hiihto :: In plural, skiing games
hiihto :: skiing
hiihtohissi :: ski lift
hiihtohousut :: ski pants, also skipants, skiing pants, skiing trousers
hiihtokausi :: ski season
hiihtokenkä :: skiing shoe
hiihtokeskus :: ski resort
hiihtokilpailu :: skiing competition
hiihtokoulu :: A ski school
hiihtolatu :: ski trail
hiihtoliitto :: A national association of skiers
hiihtoliitto Suomen Hiihtoliitto (Finnish Ski Association)
hiihtoloma :: By extension, any winter break, winter vacation, winter holidays
hiihtoloma :: Originally, a one week's holiday given to schoolchildren in February that was supposed to be spent skiing
hiihtotyyli :: skiing style
hiilari :: carb (carbohydrate)
hiilentuotanto :: coal production
hiiletön :: carbon-free, free of carbon or carbon emissions
hiiletön :: coal-free, lacking coal
hiilettää :: to carburize (to increase the carbon content of; especially steel)
hiilettyä :: to carburize (to absorb an increased amount of carbon, such as steel as a result of certain treatment)
hiili :: A charcoal (carbon stick used for drawing)
hiili :: Charcoal (material)
hiili :: Carbon
hiiliajoitus :: carbon dating
hiiliatomi :: carbon atom
hiilidioksidi :: carbon dioxide (CO2)
hiilidioksidikauppa :: carbon credit market
hiilidioksidipäästö :: carbon dioxide emission
hiilidioksidivero :: carbon tax (tax levied on the use of fossil fuels)
hiilidisulfidi :: carbon disulfide
hiilihanko :: A poker (metal rod for poking)
hiilihapotettu :: carbonated (containing added carbon dioxide)
hiilihapoton :: noncarbonated, still (of a drink, not containing carbon dioxide)
hiilihappo :: carbonic acid
hiilihydraatti :: carbohydrate
hiilijalanjälki :: carbon footprint
hiilikaivos :: coal mine
hiilikausi :: Carboniferous period
hiilikautinen :: Carboniferous
hiilikenttä :: coalfield (region containing deposits of coal that may be mined)
hiilikenttä :: coal yard (outdoor storage facility for coal)
hiilikierto :: carbon cycle
hiilikopio :: carbon copy
hiilikuitu :: carbon fiber (filament)
hiilikuitu :: short for hiilikuitukomposiitti ‎(“graphite composite”) (lightweight, stiff composite material made with carbon fibers)
hiilikuitukangas :: carbon fiber (cloth)
hiilikuitukomposiitti :: carbon fiber reinforced plastic, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer, graphite composite, graphite-reinforced plastic, CFRP (composite plastic made with graphite fibers)
hiilikuitusauva :: A ski pole made of carbon fiber
hiililaiva :: collier
hiilimonoksidi :: carbon monoxide
hiilimusta :: carbon black, coal black
hiilipaperi :: carbon paper
hiilipitoinen :: carbonaceous, carboniferous (containing carbon)
hiilipäästö :: carbon emission
hiiliryhmä :: carbon group
hiilistö :: embers
hiilisuboksidi :: carbon suboxide
hiilisykli :: carbon cycle
hiiliteräs :: carbon steel
hiilitetrabromidi :: tetrabromomethane
hiilitetrakloridi :: carbon tetrachloride
hiilitähti :: carbon star
hiilivero :: carbon tax (tax levied on the use of fossil fuels)
hiilivety :: hydrocarbon
hiilivoima :: coal power
hiilivoimala :: coal plant
hiilivuoto :: carbon leakage
hiillos :: embers
hiillostaa :: To grill, interrogate
hiillostua :: To char
hiillyttää :: To char
hiiltää :: to char (blacken by heat)
hiilto :: carbonization, charring
hiiltyä :: To become charred
hiiltyä :: To get angry, steam
hiipiä :: To creep (change gradually)
hiipiä :: To creep (move slowly and quietly)
hiipiä :: To slink (sneak about furtively)
hiipiä :: To sneak (creep or steal)
hiipiä :: To tiptoe
hiippa :: mitre (covering for the head worn by church dignitaries)
hiippailija :: sneak, sneaker
hiippailla :: To sneak
hiippailla :: To tiptoe
hiippakunta :: diocese, bishopric, see (region administered by a bishop)
hiippaläppä :: mitral valve
hiippari :: A sneak (mean, sneaking fellow)
hiipua :: to die down
hiipua :: to flag, to weaken (to become feeble)
hiirakko :: A horse that has gray hair on black skin
hiirenkorva :: A new leaf of a tree that is about to unfold
hiirenkorva :: dogear (folded corner of a page in a book)
hiirenloukku :: mousetrap (device to catch mice)
hiiren rulla :: mouse wheel
hiirenvirna :: tufted vetch (Vicia cracca)
hiirestää :: To mouse (to catch mice)
hiiri :: A mouse, used rather indiscriminately for a number of small mouse-resembling rodents mostly in the zoologic family Muridae, but also in Zapodidae and Gliridae
hiiri :: A computer mouse
hiiribaari :: A box containing poisoned bait for killing mice, designed so that mice have an easy access to it, but e.g. pets and birds don't
hiirimaki :: mouse lemur (any of lemurs of the genus Microcebus)
hiirimatto :: A mouse pad
hiirimäinen :: mouselike
hiiripöllö :: northern hawk owl; Surnia ulula
hiiripuumuura :: mouse-colored antshrike
hiironen [affectionately] :: mousekin (small, cute mouse)
hiironen :: diminutive form of hiiri
hiiru :: New World mouse (any of a large number of small mouse-like rodents native to the Americas)
hiirulainen [affectionately] :: mousekin (small, cute mouse)
hiirulainen :: mouse, sheep (shy person)
hiirulainen :: pip-squeak (small and insignificant person)
hiirunen :: harvest mouse (a New World mouse of the genus Reithrodontomys)
hiisi :: Malicious creatures in Finnish mythology
hiisi :: (mild expletive) goblin, devil, demon, hell
hiiskua :: to breathe, whisper; mainly used in negative sentences
hiitata :: To run a horse at racing speed as part of its training programme
hiitti [horse racing] :: hit-out (practice)
hiiva :: yeast
hiivainen :: yeasty
hiivasienitulehdus :: candidiasis, thrush, yeast infection (fungal infection caused by any of the Candida yeast species)
hiivata :: to heave
hiivatti :: Used as a mild intensifier
hiivatti :: damn, dammit
hiivintä :: sneaking, tiptoeing
hiiviskelijä :: A sneaker (one who sneaks)
hiiviskellä :: To sneak, mouse (to mouse around)
hiiviskellä :: To tiptoe
häijy :: wicked
häijympi :: comparative form of häijy
hikari :: swot, nerd
hikeentyä :: To get angry or flustered
hikeentyä :: To get sweaty
hikevä [of ground] :: moist
hikeytyä :: To get sweaty
hiki :: sweat, perspiration
hikihuokonen :: sweat pore (opening of a sweat gland)
häikäilemätön :: unscrupulous
hikinauha :: headband (band worn around the head in sports)
hikinauha :: sweatband
hikinen :: sweaty
hikipaja :: sweatshop
hikirakkulatauti :: miliaria
hikirauhanen :: A sweat gland
häikäisevä :: glaring, dazzling, shining
häikäistä :: To blind, dazzle
häikäistyä :: To become blinded, dazzled
häikäisy :: dazzling, glare
häikäisysuoja :: sun visor, glare screen
hikka :: hiccup
hikka :: hiccups
hikkori :: hickory
hikkoripuu :: hickory
hikoaminen :: sweating
hikoileminen :: sweating
hikoilla :: to sweat, perspire
hikoilu :: perspiration, sweating
hikoiluttaa :: to feel sweaty
hikoiluttaa :: to make sweaty, to cause to sweat
hila :: lattice
hilata :: To haul
hilavakio :: lattice constant
hilavitkutin :: An unspecified piece of apparatus, or one for which one does not know a real name, a gimmick or a thingamajig. Although they can be considered as synonyms, hilavitkutin would normally refer to something considerably more technically sophisticated than vehje or vekotin
Hilbertin avaruus :: Hilbert space
Hilda :: female given name, cognate to English Hilda
hile :: glitter
häilähtää :: momentarily reflect or project
Hilja :: female given name
hiljaa :: quietly, quiet, silently
hiljaa :: slowly
hiljainen :: quiet
hiljainen :: silent
hiljainen :: tacit
hiljainen :: untalkative, taciturn
hiljainen viikko :: The Holy Week
hiljaisempi :: comparative form of hiljainen
hiljaisesti :: silently
hiljaisuus :: silence
hiljalleen :: slowly, little by little
hiljan :: hiljattain
hiljattain :: recently, the other day
hiljattainen :: recent
hiljentää :: To silence, mute, muffle
hiljentää :: To slow (driving speed)
hiljentyä :: To quiet
hiljetä :: To become silent
hiljetä :: To shut up
hilkka :: bonnet
Hilkka :: female given name
hilla :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
Hilla :: female given name
hillasato :: cloudberry crop (production)
hillasato :: cloudberry harvest (yield)
hillastaa :: to pick cloudberries
hillastaja :: cloudberry picker (one who picks cloudberries)
hillasuo :: cloudberry mire (mire on which cloudberries grow)
Hille :: female given name, a rather rare short form of Hillevi
hilleri :: polecat (Mustela putorius)
hillerikärppä :: Patagonian weasel, Lyncodon patagonicus
Hillevi :: female given name
hillintä :: restrain, control
hillitä :: To control, restrain, check
hillitön :: unrestrained
hillittömästi :: unrestrainedly (in an unrestrained manner)
hillittömyys :: unrestrainedness (state of being unrestrained)
hillitty :: muted (e.g. color)
hillitty :: restrained, controlled, composed
hillitysti :: mutedly
hillitysti :: restrainedly
hillo :: jam, jelly
hillo :: money
hilloke :: compote
hillopurkki :: jar, jamjar
hillosipuli :: pickled onion
hillosipuli :: wild leek, Allium ampeloprasum (wild onion native to southern Europe and western Asia, cultivated and consequently naturalized in many other places)
hillota :: to jelly (to make jam or jelly out of fruit or other vegetable matter)
hilloutua :: To become jam
Hilma :: female given name popular in the 19th century
hilpaista :: to go quickly over a short distance, often to run an errand
hilpari :: A medieval polearm, a halberd. Often used also for a bill, since the two arms are quite similar and the latter does not have a separate word in Finnish
hilpeä :: cheerful
hilpeästi :: cheerfully
hilpeys :: cheer, mirth, joy
Hilppa :: female given name
hilse :: dandruff
hilsehtiä :: To produce dandruff
hilseillä :: to scale off, peel, peel off
hilseily :: Scurf, dandruff (the condition of excessive flaking of skin)
hilsettyä :: To become covered with dandruff
Hiltunen :: Finnish surname
hilut :: change (small coins)
hilut :: chicken feed (small quantity of money)
häilyä :: To hover, waver
häilyvä :: flickering
häilyvä :: vacillating
hima :: home
Himalaja :: Himalaya (one mountain in the mountain range)
Himalaja :: Himalayas (mountain range)
himalajankorppikotka :: Himalayan griffon vulture, Gyps himalayensis
himalajanmurmeli :: Himalayan marmot (Marmota himalayana)
himalajanmyyrä :: Stoliczka's mountain vole, Alticola stoliczkanus
himalajanpäästäinen :: Himalayan shrew, Soriculus nigrescens
himalajanrotta :: Himalayan field rat, Rattus nitidus
himalajantragopaani :: Temminck's tragopan, Tragopan temminckii
himalajantulkku :: red-headed bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythrocephala
himalajanviiruorava :: Himalayan striped squirrel, Tamiops mcclellandii
himation :: himation
himmeä :: strange, bizarre, mind-bending
himmeä :: dim
himmeli :: A type of hanging, mobile decoration made of straw or other similar material
himmeli :: organization chart, shot for hallintohimmeli
himmennin :: A dimmer
himmennin :: A diaphragm
himmentää :: to diaphragm (to reduce lens aperture using an optical diaphragm)
himmentää :: to dim
himmentyä :: To dim
himmeästi :: dimly
himmetä :: To dim
himo :: lust, desire, passion, craving
-himoinen :: Having a lust, desire or craving for
himoita :: To lust, crave, desire
himokas :: lustful
himokkaasti :: lustfully
himokkuus :: lustfulness
himoshoppailija :: shopaholic (one who shops very frequently)
himota :: alternative form of himoita
himottaa :: To lust, crave, desire
himphamppu :: Nonsense
-hin :: alternative form of -hVn
hinaaja :: A homosexual man
hinaaja :: A tugboat
hinata :: To tow
hinaus :: towing
hinauttaa :: to have towed
hinautua :: To be dragged
hindi :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India
hindu :: Hindu (person)
hinduismi :: Hinduism
hindulainen :: Hindu
hindulaisuus :: Hinduism
hindustani :: Hindustani (language)
hinkata :: To rub
hinkki :: A type of (milk) jug
hinku :: itch, craving, urge
hinkua :: To hanker
hinkuyskä :: whooping cough
hinnakas :: expensive
hinnalla millä hyvänsä :: at all costs, no matter what
hinnasto :: price list, tariff
hinnoitella :: To price (determine or put a price on something)
hinnoittaa :: to price
hinnoittelu :: pricing (act of setting a price)
hinnoittelu :: pricing (the level at which a price is set)
hinta :: price
hintaindeksi :: price index
hintainen :: Having a certain price, used always with a determiner or as head of a compound term; no direct English equivalent
hintakartelli :: price cartel
hintalappu :: price tag, sticker
hintataso :: price level
hintava :: pricey
hintavakaus :: price stability
hintelä :: lank
hinttari :: a homosexual man: faggot, poof
hintti :: a homosexual man: faggot, poof
hioa :: To cut, facet (a gem)
hioa :: To make sharper: grind, sharpen
hioa :: To make smoother: grind, whet, hone
hioa :: To polish, hone, refine (plan, skill, etc.)
hioa :: To sand
hioke :: mechanical pulp
hiomakangas :: abrasive cloth
hiomakivi :: whetstone
hiomakone :: A grinder
hiomapöly :: abrasion (substance rubbed off)
hiomaton :: uncut
hiomaton :: ungrounded
hiomo :: grindery
hionta :: grinding
hionta :: polishing
hiostaa :: To make somebody sweat
hiostava :: sweaty (as causing heat)
hiostua :: To become sweaty/sweatier
hiostuttaa :: alternative form of hiostaa
hiota :: To sweat
hiottaa :: to have ground, sanded, honed, sharpened etc. [more senses under hioa]
hiottaa :: to make sweat (to cause to sweat)
hioutua :: To be ground, smoothed
hipaista :: To touch lightly, graze
hipaisu :: A light touch
hipelöidä :: to finger (to poke or probe with a finger)
hipelöidä :: to grope (to touch another person sexually)
hip-hop :: hip-hop
hiphop :: hip-hop
hipiä :: A smooth and soft skin
hipoa :: To touch (barely), to verge on
hippa :: tag (a children's game)
hippi :: hippie
hippiatri :: hippiater (doctor specializing in horse care)
hippiäinen :: goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
häippäistä :: To leave, sneak off
hippiys :: hippiedom (state or quality of being a hippie)
hippodromi :: hippodrome
hippokampus :: hippocampus
Hippokrateen vala :: The Hippocratic oath
Hippokrates :: Hippocrates
hippu :: nugget
hippunen :: diminutive form of hippu
hippunen :: nugget
hippunen :: pinch (e.g. of salt)
hiprakka :: mild drunkenness, buzzedness; specifically the stage inbetween selvinpäin and humala where one has a light buzz and socializing is made easier, but not the point where one begins to get dizzy, slur heavily, vomit and pass out
hipsiä :: To tiptoe
hipsuttaa :: To tiptoe
häipätä :: To leave
häipyä :: To fade
häipyä :: To be forgotten, fade
häipyä :: To disappear, vanish (visibly); to fade out/away (audibly)
häipyä :: To leave, take off, clear out, take to one's heels, make tracks, skedaddle
häipyvä :: evanescent, vanishing, disappearing, transient, transitory
häipyvä :: momentary, fleeting
häiriö :: artifact (result of external action or error in an experiment)
häiriö :: disorder, trouble
häiriö :: interference, disturbance, disruption
häiriö :: disorder
häiriintyä :: To be(come) disturbed
häiriintymätön :: unperturbed
häiriintynyt :: disturbed (emotionally)
häiriköidä :: to heckle, to cause trouble
häirikkö :: troublemaker, hooligan
häirintä :: harassment
häirintä :: interference
häiritä :: to disrupt
häiritä :: to disturb, bother, bug
häiritsevä :: disturbing, disruptive
häiritsijä :: disturber
häiriytyä :: To become disturbed
hirmu :: very, really, extremely; usually in positive sense
hirmu :: monster
hirmu :: fright
hirmuaika :: age of tyranny
hirmuhallitsija :: tyrant
hirmuinen :: horrendous, terrible
hirmuisesti :: terribly
hirmulisko :: dinosaur
hirmumyrsky :: hurricane (tropical storm)
hirmumyrsky :: Any storm with hurricane-speed winds, i.e. of the level 12 in the Beaufort scale
hirmustua :: To get furious
hirmuvaltias :: tyrant
hirnahdella :: To neigh (repeatedly)
hirnahtaa :: to neigh shortly
hirnua :: To laugh with the sound of horse
hirnua :: To neigh, to make the sound of a horse
hirnunta :: neigh
hirsi :: fess
hirsi :: log, timber (heavy wooden beam used or carved ready for use in construction of a log house or similar)
hirsimökki :: log cabin (simple house made of logs)
hirsinen :: [of buildings] Made of logs
hirsipuu :: gallows
hirsipuu :: hangman (game)
hirsitalo :: log house (house made of logs)
hirssi :: millet (plant)
hirtehishuumori :: gallows humor (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation)
hirttää :: To hang (to kill someone by hanging)
hirttäjä :: hangman
hirttäjäiset :: hanging (public event at which a person is hanged)
hirttäminen :: hanging (execution)
hirtto :: hanging
hirttokuolema :: death by hanging
hirttoköysi :: rope (for hanging)
hirttolava :: gallow
hirttosilmukka :: hangman's noose
hirtättää :: To have someone hanged (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) hang someone
hirttyä :: To get hanged
hirttäytyä :: To hang oneself (to commit suicide by hanging oneself)
hirvas :: reindeer stag
hirveä :: horrible, terrible
hirveän :: terribly
hirvenliha :: Deer, venison; the meat of an elk or moose
hirven nenäsaivartaja :: moose botfly, moose nose botfly, moose throat botfly, Cephenemyia ulrichii (large botfly that attacks chiefly the nostrils and pharyngeal cavity of moose)
hirvensarvisaniainen :: A fern, Platycerium bifurcatum
hirventalja :: elk, moose fleece
hirvenvasa :: calf (of elk)
hirvestää :: To hunt elks, moose
hirveästi :: terribly
hirvetä :: To dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the courage (to do), be brave enough (to do; sth usually very scary or frightening)
hirvi :: any large deer, such as an elk, moose or wapiti
hirvi :: elk, moose (Alces alces)
hirvi :: meat of these animals
hirvi :: short for hirvieläin
hirviö :: monster
hirviaita :: A fence for preventing moose from crossing a highway
hirviammunta :: field shooting on an elk-shaped target
hirviantilooppi :: common eland (Taurotragus oryx)
hirvieläin :: A deer (any animal belonging to the family Cervidae)
hirvihärkä :: male elk, male moose
hirvijahti :: elk hunt, moose hunt
hirvikoira :: Any dog trained for assisting in elk hunting
hirvikärpänen :: deer ked, deer fly (Lipoptena cervi)
hirvilehmä :: doe (female elk or moose)
hirviömäinen :: monstrous
hirvipassi :: A place where the hunter waits for an elk
hirvisika :: babyroussa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
hirviösusi :: dire wolf
hirvitä :: To dare to do something
hirvitellä :: to bemoan, complain, regret, to dismay or worry about something; especially by using plentifully the adjective hirveä, hirvittävä and similar
hirvittää :: To horrify
hirvittävä :: horrible
hirvivaara :: A traffic sign warning about places where elks usually cross a road
Hirvonen :: Finnish surname
his :: B-sharp
hisahtaa :: alternative form of hiiskahtaa
Hisin kimppu :: bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)
häiskä :: dude, guy, chap
Hiskia :: Hezekiah
hissa :: history as a school subject
hissata :: To heave
hissi :: elevator, lift
hissikori :: A car (the moving, load-carrying component of an elevator)
hissikuilu :: shaft (vertical passage housing a lift)
hissilippu :: lift ticket (badge, slip, card etc. that entitles one to ride a lift, especially a skiing lift)
hissimusiikki :: elevator music
hissitön :: without a lift/elevator
hissukka :: A timid, quiet person
hissuttaa :: To tiptoe
histamiini :: histamine
histidiini :: histidine
histogrammi :: histogram
histologi :: histologist
histologia :: histology
historia :: history
historiallinen :: historical (of or pertaining to things that are connected with or found in the past)
historiallinen :: historic (very important in history or having a long history)
historiallinen maakunta :: historical province (any of the nine regions of Finland conventionally regarded as "historical", although their borders have varied in the course of the history)
historiallisesti :: historically
historiallisuus :: historicalness
historianfilosofia :: philosophy of history
historiankirjoitus :: historiography, writing of history
historiikki :: history (description of events)
historiografia :: historiography (study of the discipline and practice of history and the writings of past historians)
historioida :: To study history
historioitsija :: historian
hitaammin :: comparative form of hitaasti
hitaampi :: comparative form of hidas
hitaasti :: slowly
hitaimmin :: superlative form of hitaasti
hitain :: superlative form of hidas
hitaus :: inertia
hitaus :: slowness
hitausmomentti :: moment of inertia
Hitler-viikset :: Hitler mustache, Charlie Chaplin mustache
hitosti :: An intensifier
hitsaaja :: welder
hitsaantua :: alternative form of hitsautua
hitsari :: A welder (one who welds)
hitsata :: to weld
hitsaus :: welding
hitsautua :: to knit (to become closely joined)
hitsautua :: to become welded
hitsi :: gee
hitsi :: weld
Hittavainen :: In Finnish mythology, a deity that helped hare hunters
hitti :: Hit, success
hitto :: damn, heck, hell, rats or crap. Somewhat comparable to geezers!
hitu :: bit, little bit, tiny bit, ounce (figuratively)
hitunen :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota
hiue :: loam (type of mineral soil consisting of sand, silt and clay)
hiuka :: hunger
hiukaista :: To feel hungry
hiukan :: a little, bit, slightly
hiukapala :: alternative form of hiukopala
hiukka :: nugget, pinch
hiukkanen :: A particle
hiukkasen :: a little (really little)
hiukkasfysiikka :: particle physics
hiukkasfyysikko :: particle physicist
hiukkaskiihdytin :: particle accelerator
hiukoa :: To feel hungry
hiukopala :: snack, especially something salty eaten at night after a few drinks
hiuksenhalkominen :: hairsplitting
hiukseton :: hairless
hius :: a single hair, strand of hair (on a human head)
hiusgeeli :: A hair gel
hiusharja :: hairbrush
hiuskarva :: An individual hair
hiuskarva :: A whisker (very short distance)
hiuslakka :: hairspray
hiuslenkki :: bobble, scrunchie, gogo (elasticated band used for securing hair)
hiuslisäke :: toupee
hiusneula :: hairpin
hiuspidike :: Any accessory worn in the hair to keep it in order
hiuspinni :: bobby pin, hairgrip
hiusputki :: capillary (narrow tube)
hiusputki-ilmiö :: capillary action
hiusraja :: hairline (line of where hair starts growing)
hiussaniainen :: Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, venus hair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris
hiussolki :: barrette, hairclip, hair-slide (clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair)
hiussuoni :: capillary (thin blood vessel)
hiussuonikeränen :: glomerulus
hiustenhalkaisu :: hairsplitting
hiustenhalkoja :: hairsplitter
hiusten halkominen :: alternative spelling of hiustenhalkominen
hiustenhalkominen :: hairsplitting
hiustenhoito :: hair care
hiustenhoitoaine :: hair conditioner
hiustenkasvu :: hair growth
hiustenkiharrin :: hair curler
hiustenkuivaaja :: blowdryer, hairdryer, hair dryer
hiustenkuivain :: blowdryer, hairdryer, hair dryer
hiustenleikkaus :: haircutting
hiustenleikkuu :: haircutting
hiustenlähtö :: loss of hair
hiustenpesuaine :: shampoo
hiustukko :: A tangle of hair
hiusverisuoni :: capillary (thin blood vessel)
hiusverkko :: hairnet, snood
hiusvesi :: hair lotion
hiusviiva :: hairline (thin line)
hiusväri :: hair dye
hiutale :: flake
häivä :: trace
häive- :: stealth (designed to be invisible to radar)
häivehapero :: An edible brittlegill, Russula nauseosa
häivehävittäjä :: stealth fighter
hiven :: A trifle, bit (amount)
hivenaine :: A mineral essential to nutrition; trace substance, dietary mineral
häivepommittaja :: stealth bomber
HI-virus :: human immunodeficiency virus, HIV
HIV-positiivinen :: HIV positive
hivutella :: frequentative form of hivuttaa
hivuttaa :: to chafe, rub (to wear by rubbing)
hivuttaa :: to edge (to move something slowly and deliberately)
hivuttaa :: to wear away, gnaw, consume (to erode or weaken gradually and progressively)
hivuttautua :: To inch towards, slowly and perhaps imperceptibly
häivyttää :: To fade out
hääjuhla :: wedding
häjy :: A type of troublemakers who were common in Ostrobothnia mostly in the 19th century
häkä :: carbon monoxide
hääkakku :: wedding cake
hääkellot :: wedding bells
häkellyttää :: To stupefy
häkeltyä :: To be stupefied
hökkeli :: shack, shanty
hökkelikaupunki :: shantytown
hökkelikylä :: A shantytown
häkki :: cage
häkki :: goal (e.g. in ice hockey)
häkkikana :: battery cage hen (hen kept in a battery cage)
häkkikanala :: battery cage
häkkilintu :: cage bird
häkkilintu :: yardbird (imprisoned person)
Häkkinen :: Finnish surname
häkkisukellus :: cage diving
häkkyrä :: gadget
Häkämies :: Finnish surname
häkämyrkytys :: carbon monoxide poisoning
-hko :: an adjectival suffix used with adjectives with back vowel harmony (a, o or u) in order to give the original adjective the meaning "quite, relatively, somewhat"; -ish
häkäpönttö :: A gasifier that produces carbon monoxide from carbonaceous material such as wood, especially one used in a vehicle; wood gasifier
häkärä :: mist, fog
hääkutsu :: wedding invitation
hlö :: person
hölö :: windbag
häälahja :: wedding gift
HLBT :: homo, lesbo, biseksuaali, transsukupuolinen, LGBT
hälinä :: hustle and bustle
hälinöidä :: alternative form of hälistä
hälistä :: to clamor, make noise, be noisy
hölistä :: To blabber, talk nonsense
hölkkä :: a jog
hölkkääjä :: jogger
hölkäsen pöläys :: diddly squat
hölkätä :: To jog
hölökyn kölökyn :: chin chin! (toast)
hölkynkölkyn :: alternative form of hölökyn kölökyn
hölökynkölökyn :: alternative form of hölökyn kölökyn
hölkyttää :: Alternative term for lönkyttää
höllä :: lenient (not strict)
höllä :: loose (not tight)
hälle :: Shortened form of hänelle (to him/her)
höllentää :: To loosen, relax
höllentyä :: To loosen, relax
hölletä :: To relax, unfasten
höllässä :: loosely; not tightly
höllästi :: loosely; not tightly
höllätä :: To loosen
hällä väliä :: who cares, so what
hölmö :: silly, foolish
hölmö :: fool
hölmöillä :: To act stupidly
hölmöillä :: To piffle
hölmistyä :: To be stupefied
hölmistyttää :: To stupefy
Hölmölä :: cloud-cuckoo-land (imaginary place where silly or unrealistic people reside)
hölmösti :: foolishly
hölpöttää :: alternative form of höpöttää
hölskyä :: To slosh
hölskyttää :: To slosh
hölösuu :: blabbermouth
hölöttää :: to blabber (to run one's mouth in such a way as to spoil a surprise)
höltyä :: to loosen
hälventää :: To dispel
hälventyä :: To clear
hälvetä :: To disappear
häälyä :: häälyä jonkin yllä: to hang over (menacingly)
häly :: noise
hölynpöly :: nonsense, claptrap (meaningless words)
hälytä :: alternative form of hälistä
hälytin :: An alarm (mechanical contrivance for rousing attention)
hälyttää :: To alarm (to call to arms; to give notice of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert)
höläyttää :: To blurt
hälyttävä :: alarming
hälyttävästi :: alarmingly
hälyttyä :: To become alarmed
hälytys :: alarm (any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention)
hälytys :: alarm (summons to arms)
hälytysajoneuvo :: emergency vehicle
hälytyskello :: An alarm bell, a tocsin
häämarssi :: wedding march (music to annnounce the arrival of the participants of the wedding)
häämatka :: A honeymoon (trip taken by a newly married couple)
Häme :: Tavastia, a historical province and area in Finland
hämeenlinnalainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Hämeenlinna or its citizens
hämeenlinnalainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Hämeenlinna
hämähäkinseitti :: spiderweb
hämähäkki :: spider
hämähäkkiapina :: ateline (any New World monkey of the subfamily Atelinae of the family Cebidae, the subfamily comprising genera Ateles, Brachyteles (muriki) and Lagothrix (villa-apina))
hämähäkkiapina :: genus Ateles
hämähäkkiapina :: subfamily Atelinae
hämähäkkiapina :: spider monkey (any New World monkey of the genus Ateles, with long, spindly limbs)
hämähäkkieläin :: An arachnid
Hämähäkkimies :: Spider-Man
hämillään :: embarrassed, confused (in the state of shameful discomfort)
hämis :: spider
Hämis :: Spidey
hämäläinen :: Of or pertaining to Häme, sometimes the word Tavastian is used in English
hämäläinen :: A person living in or originating from the area of the historical province of Häme, sometimes called Tavastian or Tavastlander in English texts
Hämäläinen :: Finnish surname
hämmennin :: mixer
hämmennys :: confusion, bafflement
hämmentää :: to confuse, perplex, befuddle (to throw into a state of confusion)
hämmentää :: to roil (to render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of)
hämmentää :: to stir, agitate (to disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it)
hämmentyä :: To be confused
hämmentynyt :: embarrassed, confused
hämminki :: confusion, disorder, fuss
hämmästellä :: to be amazed, astonished
hämmästyä :: To be surprised, be amazed, be astonished
hämmästys :: surprise, awe
hämmästyttää :: To amaze, astonish
hämmästyttävä :: amazing, astonishing
hämääntyä :: To get confused
hömppä :: froth (unimportant events)
hömpöttää :: To make a fuss over something
hämärä :: dim, dusky, shadowy, dark, gloomy
hämärä :: dim, indistinct, obscure(d)
hämärä :: dim, vague, obscure, mysterious, unknown
hämärä :: shady, fishy, suspicious
hämärä :: dusk, twilight, dark, dimness
hämärin :: superlative form of hämärä
hämärämpi :: comparative form of hämärä
hämäränäkö :: night vision (ability to see in very faint light)
hämäränäkölaite :: night vision device (appliance which strengthens ambient light so that one may see in very faint light)
hämäräperäinen :: shady, obscure, murky, sallow (having a dubious background)
hämärryttää :: alternative form of hämärtää
hämäräsokeus :: night blindness, nyctalopia
hämärästi :: Dimly
hämärtää :: To darken, get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er)
hämärtää :: To blur, make more indistinct
hämärtyä :: To be(come) blur, become dim; (of thoughts) to get confused/diffused; (concretely or figuratively) to become more indistinct
hämärtyä :: To get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er), darken
hämätä :: To confuse, to obfuscate, to jive
häämöttää :: To loom, come into view,
hämy :: twilight, gloom
hämyinen :: twilighty
hämyisä :: alternative form of hämyinen, ("twilighty")
hämäys :: trickery, misrepresentation, skulduggery
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) A particle attached to an indicative (more rarely: conditional or potential) verb form in order to express the speaker's wish about something; also to politely ask someone to do something—i.e., to avoid the imperative:
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised after having got to know the truth about it:
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised at the controversial view expressed by some other person:
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) A particle to express that the speaker is determined about or resistant towards something:
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) With a negation verb form and the enclitic particle -kö to express "I suppose":
-hän {particle} :: (enclitic) With the particle -kö (kö required by the vowel harmony) to express "I wonder if":
hän :: he, she or singular they (only of a human being; the pronoun doesn't determine the sex of the person)
-hän :: alternative form of -hVn
hönö :: intoxication, drunkenness
hönö :: mug, face
-hön :: alternative form of -hVn
hänen :: he, she; with monopersonal verbs which require genitive, such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc
hänen :: his, hers (that which belongs to him or her, used without a following noun)
hänen :: his, her; used with the possessive suffix -nsa/-nsä appended to the main word owned
hänestä :: about him/her; of him/her:
hänestä :: in his/her opinion, s/he thinks that:
hänet :: The accusative singular of the personal pronoun hän, in most cases translated into English him or her (direct object):
hänkkä [skateboarding, slang] :: handrail
hän-muotoinen :: third-person (using verbs in the third person)
Hänninen :: Finnish surname
hännällinen :: tailed (having a tail)
hännänpää :: tip of tail
hännätön :: tailless
hännys :: tail of a tailcoat
hännystakki :: A tailcoat
hännystelijä :: lackey
hännystellä :: To toady, truckle to
häntä :: a narrow tail (e.g., of most mammals)
häntä :: back
häntäinen :: (in combination) tailed, as in long-tailed, short-tailed etc
häntälihas :: coccygeus (muscle of the pelvic wall, that in combination with the levator ani forms the pelvic diaphragm)
häntäluu :: coccyx, tailbone
häntänikama :: caudal, caudal vertebra, coccygeal vertebra
häntänuija :: thagomizer
häntäpää :: end, rear
häntäpää :: tail end
hönöttää :: to cheat, swindle
hönöttää :: to deceive, mislead
hönöttää :: alternative form of honottaa
hönttö :: alternative form of höntti
höntti :: simpleton
häntätumake :: caudate nucleus
hoatsin :: hoatzin, stinkbird (Opisthocomus hoazin)
hobby :: hobby (activity)
hobitti :: hobbit
Ho Chi Minhin kaupunki :: Ho Chi Minh City
hockey :: hockey
hodari :: hot dog
Hodgkinin tauti :: Hodgkin's lymphoma (type of malignant lymphoid neoplasm)
hoffmanninlaiskiainen :: Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni
hohde :: shine (brightness from a source of light)
hohdokas :: glamorous
hohhoijaa :: ho-hum
hohka :: glow
hohka :: porous material
hohkakivi :: pumice
hohkasilikaatti :: silica group
hohkasilikaatti :: tectosilicate, silica (silicate mineral having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
hohkasilikaattiryhmä :: silica group (group of silicate minerals having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
hohkata :: To radiate heat
hohkua :: alternative form of hohkaa
hohottaa :: To guffaw
hohotus :: guffaw
hohtaa :: To glow, shine, glimmer, gleam
hohtava :: gleaming, glowing, luminous, shimmering
hohtimet :: pincers
hohto :: gleaming
hohto :: glowing
hohto :: shining
hohtodiodi :: light-emitting diode, LED
hohtomuura :: glossy antshrike
hoi :: ohoy, hey
hoidattaa :: to let nurse, care, cure, fix, handle etc., to have nursed, cared, cured, fixed, handled etc
hoide :: conditioner (of hair etc.)
hoidella [slang + genitive-accusative] :: To do, have sex with
hoidella :: To see to, take care (continuously and/or indifferently)
hoidokki :: An inmate, ward of a mental asylum etc
hoikempi :: comparative form of hoikka
hoikentaa :: To make slender
hoikentua :: To become slender
hoiketa :: To become slimmer
hoikistaa :: To make slender
hoikistua :: To become slender
hoikka :: lean
hoikka :: slim
hoikkadelfiini :: bridled dolphin, Stenella attenuata
hoikkalori :: red slender loris, Loris tardigradus
hoikkamangusti :: slender mongoose, Galerella sanguinea
hoikkaorava :: slender squirrel, Sundasciurus tenuis
hoikkapäästäinen :: slender shrew, Sorex gracillimus
hoikkasäärinen :: slender-legged
hoikkatupaija :: slender tree shrew, Tupaia gracilis
hoilata :: To sing badly, not being able to follow the melody or beat
hoilata :: To yell out, to cry out
hoilata hoosiannaa :: (very colloquial) to give out, to burn out, to beg for mercy
hoilottaa :: To holler, call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)
hoiperrella :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoipertaa :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoipertelu :: stagger
hoippua :: To teeter
hoippuroida :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoippurointi :: staggering (uneasy walking)
hoitaa :: to cure
hoitaa :: to deal with, fix (e.g. a problem)
hoitaa :: to finish, complete, tidy, put in order, square away
hoitaa :: to nurse, care
hoitaa :: to take care of, see to, do, handle
hoitaja :: carer, care-giver
hoitaja :: caretaker (one who takes care of someone or something)
hoitaja :: nurse
hoitajatar :: female nurse
hoitamaton :: uncured, untreated
hoitamaton :: unkempt
hoito :: care (maintenance, upkeep)
hoito :: care (treatment of those in need)
hoito :: handling, management (manner of dealing with a situation, problemetc.)
hoito :: nurture (act of nursing)
hoito :: fuck, one-night stand (casual sexual partner)
hoito :: treatment, cure, therapy, remedy (method of healing a disease or disability)
hoitoaine :: hair conditioner
hoitohistoria :: medical history (details about a patient's previous medical experiences)
hoitokoti :: nursing home, care home
hoitopaikka :: A place in a caretaking institution such as hospital, sanatorium, nursing home, children's home, daycare etc. English translation varies according to context
hoitotyö :: care work, care (treatment of those in need as a profession)
hoitovirhe :: malpractice (improper treatment of a patient by a physician)
hoitua :: To be fixed, to happen in an effortless manner
hoituri :: nurse
hoiva :: care
hoivata :: To nurse, foster
hokea :: To cuckoo (to repeat incessantly)
hokea :: To parrot (to repeat without understanding)
hokea :: To repeat (over and over again)
hokea :: To roll (to utter copiously, especially with sounding words)
hokema :: catchphrase, bumper sticker, slogan
hokema :: parroting, cuckooing, mantra
hokko :: curassow (four genera of birds in the family Cracidae)
hokkuspokkus :: hocuspocus
hoksata :: To figure out
hoksata :: To notice
hoksottimet :: wits
hoku :: rhyme
hokutoryu :: A style of jujitsu developed in Finland since 1970's
holauttaa :: alternative form of hulauttaa
holding-yhtiö :: holding company
holhokki :: ward (person)
holhonta :: patronizing
holhooja [legal, dated] :: guardian
holhoojahallitus :: caretaker government
holhota :: To patronize
holhotti :: A ward (person under guardianship)
holhousvaltio :: nanny state
holismi :: holism
holisti :: holist
holistinen :: holistic
holistoonata :: To holystone (to scrub ship's wooden deck with a piece of sandstone)
holkeri :: Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
holkki :: bushing
hollandaisekastike :: hollandaise sauce
hollannikas :: clog (shoe)
hollanninkastike :: hollandaise sauce
hollannin kieli :: The Dutch language
hollanninkielinen :: Dutch-speaking
hollanninkielinen :: Expressed in the Dutch language
hollanninpaimenkoira :: Dutch shepherd dog
hollannintaa :: to translate into Dutch
hollannitar :: A Dutchwoman
hollanti :: Dutch (language)
hollanti :: Hollandic (dialect of Dutch)
Hollanti :: Holland, the Netherlands
hollantilainen :: Dutch
hollantilainen :: a Dutch
Hollo :: Finnish surname
holmium :: holmium
holografia :: holography
hologrammi :: hologram
holokausti :: holocaust
holokausti :: The Holocaust
holomorfinen :: holomorphic
holonyymi :: holonym
holoriimi :: holorime
holoseeni :: Holocene
holoseenikausi :: Holocene, the Holocene epoch
holoseenikautinen :: Holocene
holtiton :: reckless
holtittomasti :: recklessly
holtittomuus :: recklessness
holtti :: controllability, controllableness
holtti :: self-control
holtti :: sense, rationality
holvata :: To pour something, especially wastefully
holvata :: To vault
holvaus :: arching
holvaus :: an act of wasting or squandering something, like money or other resources
holvaus :: vaulting
holvautua :: to form or create a vault naturally or by itself
holvi :: A fornix (archlike structure)
holvi :: A vault
holvikaari :: arch
holvikatto :: A vault
holvikäytävä :: archway
holvisilta :: arch bridge (type of arch bridge built with vaulted arches)
holvittaa :: Alternative form of the sense "to vault" of the verb holvata
home :: mildew, mould
homeallergia :: mold allergy
homeerinen :: Homeric
homehduttaa :: To mildew (to taint with mildew)
homehtua :: To become stale
homehtua :: To grow moldy, mildew
homehtunut :: One that has become covered with mold; molded
homeinen :: moldy
homejuusto :: A cheese that is produced with cultures of mold
homeomorfinen :: homeomorphic
homeomorfismi :: homeomorphism
homeopaatti :: homeopath
homeopaattinen :: homeopathic
homeopatia :: homeopathy
homeostaasi :: homeostasis
homeostaattinen :: homeostatic
Homeros :: Homer (the Greek poet)
hominidi :: hominid
homma :: hullun ~ : fool's errand
homma :: job, work (task at hand)
homma :: thing, case (object of scrutiny)
hommata :: To acquire, arrange
hommata :: To do (to perform or execute)
homo :: gay man
homo [offensive, derogatory] :: Used as a general slur
homo :: [rarely] any gay person
homo- :: homo-, gay (homosexual; with common language words, e.g. homobaari, homoliitto, homomies)
homo- :: homo- (same; only in loanwords directly adapted from a term in which "homo-" appears in this sense , e.g. homogeeninen, homoseksuaali, homonyymi)
homoavioliitto :: gay marriage, same-sex marriage
homobaari :: A gay bar
homoeroottinen :: homoerotic
homofiili :: homophile
homofilia :: homophilia
homofobia :: homophobia (fear of homosexuals)
homofonia :: homophony
homogeeninen :: homogeneous
homogeenistaa :: To homogenize
homogeenisuus :: homogeneity
homogenisoida :: To homogenize
homogenisointi :: homogenization
homogenoida :: To homogenize
homogenointi :: homogenization
homografi :: homograph
homoilla [rare, colloquial, usually said of men] :: to have gay sex; to do gay stuff
homokammo :: homophobia (fear or hatred of homosexuals)
homokysteiini :: homocysteine
homoliitto :: gay marriage; short form of homoavioliitto
homologia :: homology
homologinen :: homologous
homomies :: gay man (homosexual male)
homomorfismi :: homomorphism
homonainen :: gay woman, gay female, lesbian (homosexual female)
homonymia :: homonym
homonyymi :: homonym
homopari :: gay couple
homosalaatti :: homosalate
homoseksi :: gay sex
homoseksuaali :: A homosexual
homoseksuaalinen :: homosexual, gay
homoseksuaalisesti :: homosexually
homoseksuaalisuus :: homosexuality
homoseksualismi :: homosexualism
homoseksualisti :: A homosexual
homoteettinen :: homothetic
homotella :: To call someone homosexual (in a negative sense)
homotetia :: homothety
homotooppinen [topology] :: homotopic
homotopia :: homotopy
homotsygootti :: homozygote
homotsygoottinen :: homozygotic
homotutka :: gaydar
homous :: homosexuality
homppeli :: A gay, homosexual
homssu :: unclean woman
-hon :: alternative form of -hVn
honata :: To understand, to get it
Honduras :: Honduras
hongankolistaja :: beanpole, a tall person
hongikko :: A mature pine forest, with tall, handsome trees
Hongkong :: Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
Hong Kong :: alternative spelling of Hongkong
hongkongilainen :: Hongkonger, Hongkongese (of or pertaining to Hong Kong, its culture and people)
hongkongilainen :: A Hongkonger, Hongkongite (person)
hongkongilainen :: The Hong Kong flu
honka :: A large pine tree with a straight trunk
Honkala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Honkala :: Finnish surname
Honkanen :: Finnish surname
honkapuu :: gopher wood
honkapuu :: pinewood (wood of the pine)
honkio :: A dugout made of pine
honottaa :: to produce nasally phonemes that normatively are non-nasal; to talk or sing through the nose
hontelo :: lanky
hoonata :: To fuck, have sex
hoonata :: To hone (to produce a precision bore with a hone)
hoopo :: dumb, crazy
hoosata :: alternative form of höösätä
hoosianna :: hosanna
hopea :: silver (colour)
hopea :: silver
hopeabarbi :: tinfoil barb, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii
hopeagibboni :: silvery gibbon, Hylobates moloch
hopeahanhikki :: hoary cinquefoil, Potentilla argentea
hopeahääpäivä :: A silver anniversary (the 25th anniversary of a marriage)
hopeahäät :: silver wedding (25th wedding anniversary)
hopeajodidi :: silver iodide
hopeakaivos :: silver mine
hopeakettu :: silver fox
hopeakuore :: argentine, European argentine (fish of the species Argentina sphyraena)
hopeakuore :: argentine, herring smelt (fish of the genus Argentina)
hopeakuusi :: blue spruce (Picea pungens)
hopeakylki :: Nickname for anything that has silvery sides, especially another fish, such as silakka, lohi, siika or meritaimen
hopeakylki :: silverside (any small fish of the family Atherinidae that are characterized by bright, silvery scales)
hopealusikka :: silver spoon (wealth passed down or inherited)
hopealusikka :: silver spoon (spoon made of silver)
hopeamaali :: silver paint
hopeamalmi :: silver ore
hopeamitali :: silver medal
hopeamitalisti :: silver medalist (silver medal winner)
hopeanharmaa :: silver-grey
hopeanitraatti :: silver nitrate
hopeanvärinen :: silver, silvery (having a color/colour like silver)
hopeaposkimuura :: silvery-cheeked antshrike
hopeaseppä :: A silversmith
hopeatäplä :: longwing, heliconian (member of the subfamily Heliconiinae)
hopeinen :: Silvery
hopeoida :: To silver-plate, to plate with silver
hopeointi :: silver-plating, silver plate
hopeoitu :: silver-plated, silvered
hopeoitua :: To be silver-plated, to be plated with silver
hopiainen :: silvery
hoppu :: hurry, hustle
hoputtaa :: To rush, busy
horina :: twaddling, prattle
horisontaali :: horizontal
horisontaali :: horizontal line
horisontaalinen :: horizontal
horisontaalitaso :: alternative term for vaakataso
horisontaalitaso :: transverse plane, horizontal plane, axial plane, transaxial plane (any plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts)
horisontti :: horizon
horista :: To chatter, blather
horjahtaa :: To sway, reel
horjua :: To totter, be(come) shaky
horjua :: To waver, falter, vacillate, shilly-shally
horjua :: To stagger, totter, lurch, teeter (also figuratively)
horjumaton :: unwavering
horjunta :: wobble
horjuttaa :: To destabilize
horjuttaa :: To reel
horjuva :: staggering, unstable, titubant
horkka :: ague, malaria
horkkahyttynen :: malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae
horkkasääski :: malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae)
hormi :: flue
hormonaalinen :: hormonal
hormoni :: hormone
hormonikorvaushoito :: hormone replacement therapy (practice of introducing hormones to the body of a patient to replace its own insufficient production of hormones)
horna :: hell
hornankattila :: Any real or imaginary place which is hot and dreadful, like the crater of a live volcano. Approximately hell-fire or abyss
hornantuutti :: (common) "cornucopia from hell"
hornantuutti :: (common) hell
hornantuutti :: area remote from dense population (see korpi or erämaa)
hornblendiitti :: hornblendite
horo :: ho, slut, whore
horologia :: horology
horoskooppi :: horoscope
horoskooppimerkki :: astrological sign, sign of the zodiac
horre :: alternative form of horros
horros :: hibernation
horros :: slumber
horrostaa :: to hibernate
horsma :: One of several plants of the genus Epilobium; willowherb
horsti :: horst
hortensia :: hydrangea
hortonomi :: horticulturist
hospitsi :: hospice
hostaus :: hosting (running and maintaining a computer system on someone's behalf)
hostelli :: hostel
hosua :: To rush, fluster
hota :: A one-year-old vendace
hotaista :: To gulp down
hot dog :: hot dog (frankfurter in a bun)
hotelli :: A hotel
hotellihuone :: hotel room
hotelli- ja ravintola-ala [lb, fi, business] :: hospitality, hospitality business, hotel and restaurant business
hotellipoika :: A bellboy
hotkaista :: To wolf down
hotkia :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, gorge oneself on, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
hotsi :: hot dog
hotsittaa [slang, impersonal] :: To want, especially in negations
hottamuikku :: A one year old vendace
hottentotti :: Hottentot
houkka :: fool
houkkio :: fool
houkute :: bait
houkutella :: To cheat, con, trick
houkutella :: To coax, persuade, talk into
houkutella :: To tempt, entice, lure, allure
houkutin :: A lure
houkuttaa :: to tempt; to be drawn, attracted or allured
houkutteleva :: attractive, tempting, alluring
houkuttua :: to become tempted
houkutus :: temptation (something attractive, tempting or seductive)
houkutuslintu :: decoy
houre :: raving (wild or incoherent speech)
houreinen :: delirious
houria :: To rave
hourula :: madhouse
house :: house music, house
housuhame :: culottes
housukangas :: Any cloth used for trousers
housunkannattimet :: braces, suspenders
housunkäänne :: turn-up; cuff, trouser cuff [US]
housunnappi :: trouser button
housunprässi :: crease pressed on the legs of trousers
housunpuntti :: A leg of trousers
housuntasku :: trouser pocket
housuprässi :: trouser press
housut :: trousers, pants
housut kintuissa :: with one's pants down
hovi :: court (of a king or nobleman)
hovietiketti :: court etiquette
hovimestari :: butler, majordomo (chief male servant of a household)
hovimestari :: headwaiter (waiter who has a supervisory position over the other wait staff)
hovimies :: courtier
hovinarri :: jester (person who amused a mediaeval royal court)
hovioikeus [legal, in Finland] :: A court of appeal
hovirunoilija :: court poet
höpö :: nonsense
hääpari :: wedding couple
häpeä :: shame
häpeissään :: Ashamed (of something = elative)
häpeällinen :: shameful, disgraceful
häpeällisesti :: shamefully
häpeällisyys :: shamefulness
häpeämätön :: unashamed
häpeämättömyys :: shamelessness
häpeäpaalu :: pillory
höperö :: senile
höperö :: Somewhat crazy; batty, potty
häpeärangaistus :: public humiliation (as a punishment)
häpeätahra :: taint, blemish, blot, stigma (mark of disgrace on one's character)
höpö-höpö :: humph
höpö-höpö :: tosh (silly nonsense)
höpinä :: drivel
häpäisijä :: desecrater, defamer
häpäistä :: alternative form of häväistä
höpistä :: To drool, babble
häpäisy :: desecration
hääpäivä :: An anniversary of a wedding day
hääpäivä :: A wedding day
höpönpöpö :: claptrap
häppä :: drink
hääppöinen :: mediocre, not very good
höppänä :: dotard
höppänä :: muddle-headed person
höppänöityä :: to become senile
höpöpuhe :: drivel, nonsense, bilgewater (stupid talk or writing)
höpsähtävä :: slightly crazy or batty, often due to early stages of senility
höpsiä :: To drivel, to talk nonsense
höpöttää :: To drivel
hääpuku :: A wedding dress, wedding gown, bridal gown
häpy :: vulva, genitalia
häpy :: shame
häpy :: When used as modifier in compound terms, often translated as pubic into English, see "Compounds" below.
HPY :: Former Helsingin Puhelinyhdistys ("The Telephone Association of Helsinki"), the predecessor of the current publicly held telecom company Elisa Oyj
häpyhuuli :: labium
häpykannus :: balsam, a flower of the genus Impatiens
häpykarva :: Pubic hair (single hair that grows in the pubic region)
häpykarvat :: pubic hair
häpykarvoitus :: pubic hair (hair that grows in the pubic region, collectively)
häpykieli :: clitoris
häpykukkula :: mons veneris
häpykumpu :: mons veneris
häpyliitos :: A symphysis pubis or pubic symphysis
häpyluu :: A pubis (bone)
häpyrako :: cleft of venus
härö :: a flat bark beetle; any member of the family Cucujidae
hörhö :: crackpot
hörähtää [momentane, semelfactive] :: to chortle once or shortly
hääriä :: To busy
hääräillä :: Frequentative form of häärätä
häärinä :: bustling
häärintä :: bustle
höristää :: To listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
härkä :: An ox
härkä :: Meat from a bull, beef
Härkä :: Taurus (a constellation)
Härkä :: Taurus (an astrological sign)
härkägemssi :: takin, Budorcas taxicolor
härkähai :: bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
härkki :: chickweed
härkälintu :: red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)
hörökorva :: A jug-eared person
hörökorva :: Each of the pair of jug ears
hörökorvainen :: jug-eared
hörökorvaisuus :: The quality of having jug ears
hörökorvat :: jug ears
härkäpapu :: fava bean, broad bean (Vicia faba)
härkäpari :: Pair of oxen joined by a yoke
härkäsammakko :: bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana
härkäsimppu :: fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis or Triglopsis quadricornis)
härkätaistelija [bullfighting] :: bullfighter
härkätaistelu :: bullfight
härkylä :: A fern of the genus Polystichum
härmä :: frost
härmä :: mildew
Härmä :: A nickname for Finland
Härmä :: A subregion and township in the region of Southern Ostrobothnia, known for its puukkojunkkari tradition
härme :: sublimate
härmettyä :: to frost (to get covered with frost)
härmähapero :: A brittlegill, Russula lilacea
härmistää :: to deposit, sublimate (to cause a gas to turn directly to a solid substance; the technique is used in producing thin films of material on the surface of another material)
härmistyä [physics, chemistry] :: To undergo deposition; change from gas into solid
härmistyminen :: deposition (transformation of a gas into a solid without an intermediate liquid phase)
Härmälä :: Finnish surname
härmäläinen :: A person from Härmä
härmäläinen :: Finn
härmämalikka :: A mushroom, Clitocybe nebularis or Lepista nebularis, also known as the clouded agaric
härmääntyä :: to frost (to get covered with frost)
hörönauru :: guffaw
häränhäntäkeitto :: oxtail soup
härnääjä :: teaser (one who teases)
häränliha :: beef
häränsilmä :: A bullseye [centre of a target in darts and shooting competitions]
häränsilmä :: A raw yolk of an egg when used as ingredient in a dish
häränsilmä :: A sunny-side up egg
häränsilmä :: A golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, Anthemis tinctoria
härnätä :: to tease
hörppiä :: To slurp, drink noisily
hörppy :: gulp
hörpätä :: To sip
hrr :: brr
härski :: Of a story etc., gross
härski :: Of food, rancid
härskiintyä [of butter] :: To become rancid
härskiintynyt :: rancid
härskisti :: grossly
härskiys :: grossness
härskiytyä [of butter] :: To become rancid
häärätä :: bustle, scamper, scurry, hustle, run about
härveli :: gimmick, gadget
HS :: Helsingin Sanomat (the leading newspaper in Finland)
höskä :: junk
hässiä [colloquial, vulgar, + partitive] :: to fuck, screw, have sex
hässäkkä :: hassle, palaver, ruckus
hössöttää :: To fuss
hössötys :: fuss
höösätä :: To bustle
hästäkki :: hashtag
häätää :: to drive away (force someone or something to leave)
häätää :: to evict
häätää :: to unhouse
häät :: As a former part of compound (in the singular form hää-) signifies wedding
häät :: Wedding
häätö :: eviction
hätä :: agony
hätä :: emergency
hätä :: need
hötö :: fluffy
hätiköidä :: to hurry
hätiköinti :: haste
hätäillä :: to act prematurely, be too quick; jump the gun
häätöilmoitus :: eviction notice (landlord's announcement to a tenant of him being evicted)
hätäinen :: hasty (acting in haste)
hätäinen :: rash (not careful or considered)
hätistää :: To drive off
hätäjarru :: emergency brake
hätäjarrutus :: emergency braking
hätäkatkaisin :: emergency switch
hätä keinon keksii :: necessity is the mother of invention
hätäkeskus :: A public-safety answering point, PSAP (telephone center responsible for answering public emergency calls)
hätkähdyttää :: alternative form of hätkäyttää, to startle
hätkähtää :: To startle
hätäkutsu :: mayday (distress signal)
hätkäyttää :: to startle (excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension)
häätömääräys :: eviction order (court order allowing forced eviction of a tenant)
hätääntyä :: To become distressed, to panic, to be alarmed
hätänumero :: emergency number
hätäpalvelunumero :: emergency number
hätäpoistumistie :: In a building, a fire escape (entire escape route)
hätäriki :: A jury-rig (improvised rigging)
hätäsavu :: smoke signal (type of flare or combustion device used as a distress signal)
höttö :: alternative form of hötö
hätätakila :: A jury-rig (improvised rigging)
hätätapaus :: An emergency situation
hätätila :: state of emergency
hätätilahallitus :: emergency government
hätätilanne :: emergency (situation such as a natural or man-made disaster requiring urgent assistance)
hätäuloskäynti :: emergency exit
hätävilkku :: hazard flasher
huasteekki :: Huastec, Huaxtec (member of an indigenous people of Mexico)
hubbinvalas :: Hubbs' beaked whale, Mesoplodon carlshubbi
Hudžand :: Khujand (city in Tajikistan)
Hudsoninlahti :: The Hudson Bay
hugenotti :: A Huguenot
huhkia :: To work hard, sweat
huhmar :: mortar (a vessel used to grind ingredients)
huhmare :: mortar (vessel)
huhta :: Cleared woodland
Huhtala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Huhtala :: Finnish surname
huhtasieni :: morel
huhtasinisiipi :: Silvery Argus, Aricia nicias (butterfly of the Lycaenidae family)
huhtikuinen :: Pertaining to April
huhtikuu :: April
huhtoa :: To bustle
huhu :: rumour/rumor
huhuilla :: To call (by shouting)
huhuilla :: To cry (owl's cries)
huhuilla :: To rumor/rumour
huhuilu :: The act of hooting (making the sound of an owl)
huhumylly :: rumour mill, rumor mill
huhupuhe :: hearsay
huhupuhe :: scuttlebutt
huhuta :: To rumour/rumor
huhuu :: yoo-hoo
hui :: oh! (an exclamation cried when scared)
huijari :: conman, charlatan, fraudster, phoney etc
huijata :: To con, swindle, cheat, trick, deceive, hoax
huijaus :: A hoax, scam, cheat, sham, swindle
huikaista :: To dazzle
huikata :: to call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)
huikea :: Very large; immense, enormous, huge, whopping, incomparable
huikeampi :: comparative form of huikea
huikenteleva :: fickle
huikka :: A draught (the amount of liquid in one swallow)
huikkaista :: alternative form of huikata
huilata :: To rest, to have a break
huilia :: To rest for a while for relaxation
huilisti :: A flautist, flutist
huilu :: flute
huiluniekka :: flutist
huilunsoittaja :: piper
huima :: reckless, wild
huimaava :: dizzying
huimapää :: daredevil
huimapäinen :: dauntless, foolhardy, reckless
huimapäisyys :: foolhardiness
huimasti :: hugely
huimata [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel dizzy
huimata :: To make someone (feel) dizzy (also figuratively)
huimaus :: dizziness, vertigo (sensation of whirling and loss of balance)
huimia :: To slap repeatedly, to lash
huimin :: superlative form of huima
huipata :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel dizzy
huipentaa :: To finalize, form the climax
huipentua :: + illative To culminate (in something)
huipentua :: To narrow (intransitive: to get narrower)
huipentuma :: climax
huipeta :: A variant of huipentua
huipistaa :: alternative form of huipentaa
huipistua :: alternative form of huipentua
huippu :: As modifier in compound terms (huippu-) indicates that the thing referred to is among the best of its kind. English equivalents include top-class, state-of-the-art, leading, top-flight, top-level, top, peak, super
huippu :: climax, culmination
huippu :: top, peak, summit
huippuhieno :: exquisite, superfine
-huippuinen :: -peaked, -topped (used only in compounds)
huippujohtaja :: top manager
huippukohta :: climax
huippukokous :: summit (gathering)
huippuluokka :: state of the art, highest quality; often translated into English with expressions involving adjectives first-class, top-quality, top-notch
huippuälykäs :: supersmart
huippusalainen :: top secret
huippusesonki :: high season, peak season
huippusävel :: dominant
huipputaso :: top level
huipputaso :: top quality
huipputeknologia :: high technology
huipputähti :: star, celebrity
huippu-urheilija :: top athlete
huippu-urheilu :: competitive sports at the highest level
Huippuvuoret :: Svalbard
huipuke :: pinnacle
huipukkuus :: kurtosis
huiputtaa :: to trick, cheat
huiska :: whisk (bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush)
huiskaa :: alternative form of huiskia
huiskaista :: To sweep once
huiske :: swinging
huiskia :: To hash
huiskilo :: corymb
huisku :: A whisk (broom)
huiskuttaa :: To wave one's arm
huitaista :: To slog
huitaisu :: A swing, wave (of hand etc.)
huitoa :: To wave one's arms (about), flail (about), gesticulate
huitoa :: (+ partitive) To flail, lay about (with one's own hands or with a long object in a violent manner)
huivi :: headscarf (piece of cloth worn over the head)
huivi :: neckerchief, necker (type of neckwear, consisting of a rolled piece of cloth and often a woggle)
huivi :: scarf
huiviholkki [scouting] :: woggle
hujan :: see: hujan hajan
hujan hajan :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically)
hujoppi :: beanpole (a tall, thin man)
hukari :: A cutlass (short sable)
hukassa :: wasted, lost (in the state of being lost or disappeared)
hukata :: To lose, misplace (sth in a manner that it is then missing)
hukata :: To waste, especially in the expression hukata aikaa (to waste time)
huki :: turn
hukka :: doom, peril (adverse or terrible fate)
hukka [familiarly] :: wolf
hukka :: waste, loss; often used as head of compound terms, in which the modifier reveals what is lost, e.g. rahanhukka ‎(“waste of money”), verenhukka ‎(“blood loss”); see also hukassa, hukkaan
hukkaamiskielto :: prohibition of transfer, sequestration
hukkaan :: wasted, lost (to the state of being wasted or lost)
hukkaantua :: to be wasted, lost
hukkautua :: alternative form of hukkaantua
hukkua :: To drown
hukkua :: To get lost
hukkuminen :: drowning
hukuttaa :: To drown (both in concrete and abstract sense)
hukuttaa :: To lose (sth; in a manner that it is missing)
hukuttautua :: To drown oneself
hula :: hula
hulabaloo :: hullabaloo, hoo-ha, fuss
hulahtaa :: to gush, pour out (to flow out suddenly in one swoop, in large or larger than intended volume)
hulatanssija :: hula dancer
hulavanne :: hula hoop
Hulda :: female given name popular in the 19th century
Hulda :: Huldah (biblical figure)
hulevesi :: urban runoff (surface runoff of rainwater created by urbanization)
huligaani :: hooligan
huliganismi :: hooliganism
hulikupteri :: (with children etc.) A hobidopter, a helicopter
hulina :: hullabaloo, ruckus, ado, fuss, to-do, uproar
hulinoida :: to make a hullabaloo, ruckus, ado, fuss, to-do, or uproar
hulinointi :: riot, rioting (wanton or unrestrained behavior; excessive feasting; wild and loose festivity)
hulinoitsija :: hooligan
hulivili :: rascal
huljua :: To slosh
huljuttaa :: To wash in running water
hullaannuttaa :: to cause someone to become infatuated with something
hullaantua :: To infatuate
hullu :: Crazy, mad, insane
hullu :: A crazy, mad or insane person
hullu :: A reckless person
hullu [in compounds] :: enthusiast, addict, freak
hulluin :: superlative form of hullu
hullujenhuone [informal, pejorative] :: madhouse, nuthouse, nutfarm, funny farm (house where insane persons are confined; a mental hospital)
hullujenhuone :: madhouse, nuthouse (place exhibiting stereotypical characteristics of such a house)
hullumpi :: comparative form of hullu
hullunkurinen :: comical
hullunmylly :: A snafu, bedlam (ridiculously chaotic situation)
hulluruoho :: Any plant in the genus Datura
hulluruoho :: thorn apple (Datura stramonium)
hulluus :: madness
hulmuta :: to fly, flow in a current of air, as e.g. a flag or long hair
hulpio [weaving] :: selvage
hulppea :: gorgeous
hulttio :: good-for-nothing, layabout, ne'er-do-well
hulvaton :: hilarious, side-splitting
humaani :: humane
humaaninen :: humane
humaanistaa :: To humanize
humaanistua :: To humanize
humahtaa :: to swoosh (to make a swooshing sound)
humajaa [lb, fi, poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of humista; used in third person only
humala :: drunkenness, intoxication, high
humala :: hop (plant)
humalaan [of the change of sb's condition; with the verb juoda and a reflexive pronoun] :: Drunk, intoxicated
humalainen :: Drunk, inebriate
humalainen :: A drunk
humalankäpy :: hop flower, strobile, cone (female flower of the hop plant, Humulus lupulus)
humalanvieras :: greater dodder, Cuscuta europaea
humalasalko :: hop pole
humalassa :: (static, of sb's condition) Drunk, intoxicated
humalikas :: drunk, drunkard
humalikko :: drunk, drunkard
humalisto :: A hop garden
humalluttaa :: To intoxicate
humaltua :: To get drunk, become intoxicated
humanismi :: humanism
humanismi :: humanities (branch of learning)
humanisoida :: To humanize
humanisoitua :: To humanize
humanisti :: humanist
humanistinen :: humanistic
humanitaarinen :: humanitarian
humanitarismi :: humanitarianism
humanitäärinen :: alternative form of humanitaarinen
humanoidi :: humanoid
humauttaa :: To beat
humboldtinvilla-apina :: yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda)
humidori :: humidor
humina :: whoosh (indistinct sound, like that produced by the wind in the crowns of trees)
huminoida :: A variant of humista
humista :: to drone (produce a low-pitched hum or buzz)
humma [children] :: horse
humma [tech slang, colloquial] :: horsepower
hummata :: To romp
hummeli :: hummel
hummeri :: lobster (large marine crustacean of the family Nephropidae, especially the two species of the genus Homarus)
humoraalioppi :: humorism
humoreski :: humoresque
humoristi :: A humourist/humorist
humpata :: To dance humppa
humppa :: humppa
humpuuki :: humbug
humpuukki :: dialectal form of humpuuki ‎(“humbug”)
humu :: hum
humu :: whirl (in a party etc.)
humus :: humus
-hun :: alternative form of -hVn
hunaja :: honey
hunajahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula melliolens
hunajahyrrä :: A honey dipper
hunajainen :: honey
hunajakakku :: honey cake
hunajakenno :: A honeycomb in the sense of a hexagonal cell structure made by bees
hunajalusikka :: honey dipper (turned kitchen tool used to transfer honey)
hunajamehiläinen :: alternative term for tarhamehiläinen
hunajameloni :: honeydew (Cucumis melo)
hunajankeltainen :: honey (yellowish-brown colour, like that of honey)
hunajaopas :: honeyguide (bird of the family Indicatoridae)
hunajapupu :: honeybunny
hunni :: A Hun
hunningolla :: In a state or condition of neglect or oblivion; may often be translated into English with the noun mess, or theverb neglect
hunninko :: A state or condition of neglect or oblivion, hardly ever used in cases other than adessive and allative, see hunningolla and hunningolle
hunnuttaa :: To veil
hunsvotti :: rascal, scoundrel
hunterinantilooppi :: hirola, Hunter's hartebeest, Beatragus hunteri or Damaliscus hunteri
Huntingtonin tauti :: Huntington's chorea
huntti :: A hundred-euro or markka bill
huntti :: A set of a hundred units of some item
hunttu [dialect, humorous] :: A dog or hound
huntu :: coma
huntu :: A veil
huntukielto :: veil ban
huntupäinen :: Veiled, having head covered by a veil
huoahtaa :: to rest briefly, to take a break
huoahtaa :: to sigh briefly
huoata :: To sigh
huohottaa :: To pant
huohotus :: panting
huoistaa :: alternative form of huojistaa
huoistua :: to cheapen (to become cheaper, go down in price)
huojentaa :: relieve, reduce the burden, lighten the load
huojentua :: To be relieved
huojeta :: alternative form of huojentua
huojistaa :: To cheapen
huojistua :: To become cheaper
huojua :: To sway
huojunta :: libration (apparent wobble of the Moon or other celestial object)
huojunta :: wobble, sway, fluctuation
huojutella :: To make sway (repeatedly)
huojuttaa :: To sway, rock
huokailla :: To sigh (repeatedly)
huokailu :: sighing
huokaista :: to sigh (briefly)
huokaista :: to take a break
huokaus :: A sigh
huokaus :: helpotuksen huokaus: a sigh of relief
huokea :: inexpensive, cheap
huokeampi :: comparative form of huokea
huokein :: superlative form of huokea
huokoinen :: porous
huokoistua :: To become porous
huokoisuus :: porosity
huokonen :: pore
huoku :: air current
huokua :: To exude, emanate, radiate
huokua :: To exhale
huolehtia :: To care, mind
huolehtia :: To care, tend, to look after
huolehtia :: To take care of, deal with
huolehtia :: To worry
huolekas :: Thorough
huolekas :: Worried
huolellinen :: careful
huolellinen :: painstaking, diligent
huolellinen :: thorough, meticulous
huolellisesti :: carefully
huolenaihe :: cause of worry (something to worry about)
huolestua :: To get worried about
huolestunut :: worried
huolestuttaa :: To worry
huoleti :: worryless, free of worry
huoleton :: carefree
huoleton :: scatterbrained
huolettaa :: to worry
huolettomasti :: carelessly, unsafely, indifferently, blithely
huolettomasti :: negligently (carelessly)
huolettomasti :: unconcernedly (in a way that is not worried, anxious or apprehensive)
huoli :: worry, concern
huolia :: To accept (a present etc.)
huolia :: To care about
huolia :: To mind
huolimaton :: sloppy, careless, negligent
huolimatta :: in spite of, despite
huolimattomasti :: sloppily, carelessly
huolimattomasti :: unsafely
huolimattomuus :: criminal negligence, negligence
huolimattomuus :: negligence, carelessness
huolimattomuusvirhe :: A careless error
huolinta :: forwarding
huolissaan :: olla ~: to be concerned, worried, bothered (about = elative)
huolissaan :: [While being] concerned, worried, bothered (about = elative)
huolita :: To forward
huoliteltu :: stylish, neat, dapper
huolitsija :: forwarder
huollattaa :: to have serviced
huollettavuus :: serviceability (property of being able to be serviced)
huoltaa :: To service (to perform maintenance)
huoltaa :: To maintain, support, upkeep
huoltaja :: A guardian of a minor
huoltajuus :: custody (right to and responsibility for fostering a child)
huoltajuusriita :: tug of love (dispute concerning which of two separated parents should have custody of one or more children)
huoltamo :: service station
huolto :: logistics (procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation of equipment, facilities, and personnel)
huolto :: service, maintenance, upkeep, care
huoltoasema :: service station, gas station, petrol station, filling station
huoltohenkilökunta :: maintenance staff
huoltokirja :: service manual
huoltoluukku :: A hatch (opening to allow maintenance)
huoltomies :: janitor (caretaker)
huoltomies :: serviceman, mechanic (one employed in service and maintenance)
huoltomoduuli :: service module
huoltopäivitys :: service pack (collection of software patches or upgrades offered as a single package with an installer)
huoltopäiväkirja :: A maintenance log or logbook kept of details of servicing a motor car or other piece of equipment
huoltoystävällinen :: service-friendly, serviceable (easy to service)
huom :: huomaa: please note, see, notice (imperative)
huom :: huomautus: comment, remark
huomaamaton :: inconspicuous, unobtrusive
huomaamatta :: imperceptibly
huomaavainen :: considerate, thoughtful
huomaavaisesti :: considerately, thoughtfully
huomata :: to notice, take notice, take note, note, see
huomata :: to realise/realize, become aware of, detect
huomata :: to be considerate
huomata :: to find, discover, realise/realize
huomata :: to pay attention to
huomattava :: Notable, remarkable, prominent
huomattavasti :: considerably, notably, remarkably, significantly
huomauttaa :: To give a formal notification
huomauttaa :: To point out, remark
huomauttaa :: To remind
huomautus :: A comment
huomautus :: A remark
huomen :: morning
huomenaamu :: tomorrow morning
huomenilta :: tomorrow evening
huomenlahja :: dower (gift, often something valuable such as jewelry, given by the bridegroom to his newly married wife in the morning after the wedding)
huomenna :: tomorrow
huomenta :: good morning
huominen :: tomorrow's
huominen :: tomorrow
huomio :: attention!
huomio :: account
huomio :: attention
huomio :: observation
huomio :: point
huomioida :: To observe, make observations
huomioida :: To take into account/consideration, regard
huomioida :: To take into consideration, consider
huomioida [+ partitive/genitive-accusative] :: To pay attention to, take notice of, notice
huomioija :: observer
huomiointi :: annotation (process of writing critical or explanatory commentary or analysis)
huomiointi :: recognition (act of giving honour, favourable note, or attention)
huomioitsija :: alternative form of huomioija
huomionkipeä :: histrionic, attention-seeking
huomisaamu :: tomorrow morning
huomiseen :: see you tomorrow
huomisilta :: tomorrow night, tomorrow evening
huomisiltana :: tomorrow night
huone :: house
huone :: house (dynasty)
huone :: room
huoneenlämpö :: room temperature (normal indoor temperature)
huoneenlämpöinen :: room-temperature
huoneisto :: apartment, flat, dwelling
huoneistopalo :: apartment fire
huonekalu :: A piece of furniture
huonekalukangas :: upholstery fabric
huonekalupuuseppä :: cabinetmaker
huonekalupyörä :: caster (wheeled assembly)
huonekalut :: Furniture
huonekalut :: Plural of huonekalu
huonekasvi :: houseplant (plant that is grown indoors for decorative purposes or one that is especially suited for such cultivation)
huoneke :: cubicle (in office)
huonekärpänen :: housefly
huonelämpötila :: room temperature (the actual temperature in a room)
huonepalvelu :: room service
huonetoveri :: roommate
huono :: bad
huono :: poor
huonoin :: superlative form of huono
huonokuntoinen :: seedy, infirm (not feeling well)
huonokuntoinen :: seedy, rundown (in bad repair)
huonokuntoinen :: unfit (not fit, not having a good physical demeanor)
huonokuuloinen :: having bad hearing
huonolaatuinen :: Of low, poor quality
huonolukuinen :: having a bad or weakened ability to read
huonomaineinen :: disreputable, seedy
huonomaineisuus :: disreputation, dishonour, disrepute (lack of reputation or good name)
huonommuus :: inferiority
huonompi :: comparative form of huono
huonomuistinen :: forgetful (unable to remember things well; liable to forget)
huononnus :: worsening
huonontaa :: To deteriorate, worsen
huonontua :: To deteriorate, worsen
huono-onninen :: unlucky
huono-osainen :: disadvantaged (socially or economically)
huono puoli :: drawback, disadvantage (negative aspect)
huonosti :: badly, poorly
huonosti ajoitettu :: inopportune, untimely
huonota :: To worsen
huonotapainen :: bad-mannered, ill-mannered
huonotuulinen :: bad-tempered, ill-tempered
huonovointinen :: queasy, infirm
huopa :: felt
huopahattu :: fedora
huopahattu :: felt
huopahattu :: felt hat
huopajalkine :: felt boot
huopakangas :: felt (fabric)
huopakeltano :: A mouse-ear hawkweed, Hieracium pilosella
huopakynä :: felt-tip pen
huopasaapas :: felt boot
huopatossu :: felt boot
huopatöppönen :: felt boot
huopikas :: alternative form of huovikas
huopua :: To felt, mat
huora :: A whore
huorahtava :: slutty
huorala :: whorehouse
huoranpenikka :: son of a bitch
huorata :: To commit adultery, fornicate
huorata :: To be in bed with (to engage in a close mutually beneficial relationship, especially secretly and illicitly)
huorata [vulgar, pejorative] :: To whore, prostitute (oneself)
huoratalo :: whorehouse
huoria :: alternative form of huorata
huorin tekeminen :: adultery, fornication
huorin tekeminen :: prostitution
huorintekijä :: adulterer (literally "one who conducts whorely"; see huorinteko)
huorinteko :: adultery, fornication
huorinteko :: Literally "whorely conduct". See huorin tekeminen
huoritella :: to call someone a whore
huoruus :: The state of being an adulterer, adultery or whoredom
huosta :: possession, care, custody
huostaanotto :: custody
huotra :: sheath
huovata :: To back water, back the oars
huovi :: A soldier
huovikas :: felt boot
huovuttaa :: To full, felt, waulk (to make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing)
huovutus :: felting, wet felting
huovutus :: fulling, waulking
hupa :: funny
hupa :: quickly diminishing
hupaisa :: funny
hupakko :: a silly person, somewhat promiscuous (often a female)
hupeneminen :: decline, dwindling, vanishing
hupi :: fun
huppari :: hooded jacket, hoodie
huppu :: hood
huppu :: hoodie (foreskin)
huppupäinen :: hooded (wearing a hood)
huppupuumuura :: black-hooded antshrike
hups :: oops; acknowledging a minor mistake
hupsia :: To be funny, playful or silly; used especially of talk
hupsis :: oops!
hupsu :: Silly, funny
hurahtaa :: to speed, to rush (engine)
hurina :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by a smoothly running motor)
hurista :: To drone (to produce low-pitched buzz)
huristaa :: to speed, to hurry, to rush
hurja :: fantastic, terrific
hurja :: fierce
hurjastelija :: speeder
hurjastella :: To joyride, drive fast; to speed
hurjastelu :: A joyride
hurjasti :: hugely
hurjasti :: wildly, fiercely
hurjeta :: to become more fierce, ferocious
hurjistaa :: alternative form of hurjistuttaa
hurjistua :: To become furious
hurjistuttaa :: to make furious, to cause to become furious
hurlumhei :: hassle, ruckus
hurma :: ecstasy, rapture
hurmaaja :: charmer, seducer
hurmaantua :: To be enraptured, to be fascinated
hurmaava :: charming
hurmaavasti :: charmingly
hurmahenkinen :: Zealous
hurmata :: To charm
hurmautua :: alternative form of hurmaantua
hurme :: gore, blood
Hurme :: Finnish surname
hurmeinen :: bloody
hurmeseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius phoeniceus
hurmio :: ecstasy
hurmioitua :: To become ecstatic
hurmos :: ecstasy
hurmostila :: ecstasy
hurmuri :: casanova
Huronjärvi :: Lake Huron
hurraa :: hurrah!
hurraaisänmaallisuus :: patriotism
hurrata :: To cheer
hurri :: A Swede
hurri :: A Swedish-speaking Finn
hurrikaani :: hurricane
hurskaasti :: piously
hurskas :: wise, deliberate
hurskas :: pious
hurskastelija :: A Pharisee, self-righteous person
hurskastella :: To behave hypocritically
hurskastella :: To purport oneself to be more pious than in reality
hurskaus :: piousness
hursti :: dowlas
hurtta :: dog, hound; especially a large one
hurvitella :: have fun
hus :: shoo!
husaari :: hussar
husaariapina :: Patas monkey, Erythrocebus patas
hutaista :: To dash
hutera :: groggy
hutera :: rickety
huti :: miss (as opposed to hit)
hutia :: hutia (rodent)
hutiloida :: To bungle
hutiloija :: bungler
hutilointi :: bungling, botching
hutkia :: To hit, beat
hutsu :: a whore
huttu :: porridge (not necessarily from oatmeal)
Huttunen :: Finnish surname
hutu :: Hutu
hutut :: the Hutu people
huudahdella :: To exclaim, cry out repeatedly
huudahdus :: exclamation
huudahdussana :: interjection
huudahtaa :: To exclaim, cry out
huudattaa :: To make someone shout
huudattaa :: To make something produce a loud voice
huudella :: To yell in an indifferent/continuous manner
huudella :: To call in an indifferent/continuous manner by yelling
Huugo :: male given name
huuhaa :: (informal) woo woo, woo (supernatural beliefs, pseudoscience etc.)
huuhaa :: non-commissioned officer, NCO
huuhde :: fabric softener
huuhdella :: to flush (to cleanse by flooding with large amount of fluid)
huuhdella :: to rinse (to remove soap from something using water)
huuhdella :: to rinse (to wash quickly with water and no soap)
huuhdella :: to wash (to carry away by the action of liquid)
huuhdonta :: washing
huuhkaja :: eagle owl (Old World owl of the genus Bubo)
huuhkaja :: Eurasian eagle-owl, eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
huuhkaja :: horned owl (New World owl of the genus Bubo)
huuhtaista :: To rinse (wash quickly)
huuhtelu :: flush
huuhtelu :: rinse, the act of rinsing
huuhteluaine :: fabric softener
huuhtelukäymälä :: flush toilet (toilet that disposes of the waste by using water)
huuhtoa :: To wash, rinse (to move by the force of water in motion)
huuhtoa :: To wash (to separate valuable material)
huuhtoja :: washer
huuhtouma :: wash (ground washed away to the sea or a river)
huuhtoutua :: To be washed/rinsed/eroded (away)
huulenheittäjä :: One who tells jokes
huuli :: joke
huuli :: lip
huulihalkio :: cleft lip
huuliharppu :: harmonica, mouth organ
huuliherpes :: oral herpes (oral form of herpes simplex)
huulikarhu :: sloth bear (Melursus ursinus)
huulikiilto :: lip gloss
huuliote :: embouchure
huulipuikko :: lipstick (stick)
huulipuna :: lipstick
huulipuristin :: barnacle (instrument like a pair of pincers, to fix on the nose of a vicious horse while shoeing so as to make it more tractable)
huulirasva :: lip balm
huulirihmakala :: thick-lipped gourami (Colisa labiosa)
huulisolu :: guard cell
huullos :: rabbet, rebate
huultaa :: to rabbet
huuma :: ecstasy, agony (display of keen emotion)
huumaannuttaa :: A rare and unnecessarily complicatedly structured verb that means the same as huumata
huumaantua :: To be(come) drugged/intoxicated/dazed/doped (figuratively as well as in concrete meaning, but not by alcohol)
huumaantua :: To be(come) stunned/enchanted/charmed/bewitched
huumata :: to drug, dope, intoxicate, turn on, give a buzz to (figuratively as well as in concrete meaning, but not with alcohol); to get (someone) high/drunk; to exhilarate
huumata :: to enchant, charm, bewitch
huumata :: to stun, daze
huumausaine :: illegal drug, narcotic
huumausainerikos :: drug crime (a crime directly connected with illicit trade, use or production of drugs)
huumautua :: To be intoxicated
huume :: A drug, narcotic (an addictive substance)
huumediileri :: A drug dealer
huumejengi :: A drug gang
huumekauppa :: illegal drug trade
huumekauppias :: drug dealer
huumekoira :: drug detection dog
huumeongelma :: drug problem
huumeparoni :: drug baron, druglord
huumeriippuvuus :: drug addiction
huumetrippi :: trip (period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations)
huumori :: humour/humor
huumorintaju :: sense of humour
huuri :: A houri
huurre :: hard rime; frost (minute particles of ice frozen on a surface) formed when the relative humidity is 100 %, and thus the dew point is equal to the air temperature
huurruttaa :: To frost (to cover with frost)
huurtaa :: To frost, fog up
huurteinen :: Frosty (having frost on itself)
huurteinen :: A cold beer
huurtua [erroneously but commonly] :: To steam (to get covered with condensed water vapour)
huurtua :: To frost (to get covered with frost)
huuru :: condensed vapour
huuru :: mist, fog
huuru :: vapour/vapor
huuruinen :: misty
huurumadonlakki :: Psilocybe cubensis
huuruuntua :: alternative form of huurtua
huushollata :: to manage a household
huusholli :: household
huussi :: outhouse, latrine, dry toilet
huutaa [alarms] :: to blow, shriek, sound, buzz
huutaa [animals] :: to howl, roar
huutaa :: to cry, wail, bawl
huutaa :: to moan, groan
huutaa :: to scream, shriek
huutaa :: to shout, yell, holler
huutaa [auctions] :: to bid, buy
huutaa :: to cry out (for = partitive)
huutaa :: to call out
huutaja :: shouter, yeller, screamer
huuto :: scream, cry
huutokauppa :: auction
huutomerkki :: Exclamation mark, exclamation point
huutopussi :: A popular card game in Finland
huuttori :: khutor
huventaa :: To reduce
huveta :: To dwindle, decrease, shrink, vanish
huvi :: amusement, pleasure
huviajelu :: joyride
huvialus :: yacht (any private noncommercial vessel)
huvikseen :: for fun
huvila :: villa
huvimaja :: gazebo
huvipuisto :: amusement park
huvipursi :: yacht (slick and light ship)
huviretki :: junket (trip made for pleasure)
huviretki :: picnic (easy or pleasant task)
huvitella :: To have fun
huvittaa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel (like doing), want (to do)
huvittaa :: To amuse
huvittava :: amusing
huvittava :: ludicrous, laughable
huvittua :: To be(come) amused
huvittunut :: amused
huvitus :: amusement
huvitutti :: pacifier, dummy, soother
H.V. :: hyvä veli (salutation in the beginning of a letter)
höveli :: alternative form of höyli
häveliäisyys :: modesty (avoidance of sexual suggestiveness)
häveliäs :: Modest, bashful
häveliäästi :: modestly, bashfully
hävetä :: To be ashamed (of = partitive)
hävetä :: To be afraid/ashamed (of something = partitive, to do something = infinitive)
hävettää :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to be ashamed
häävi :: good
häviö :: defeat
häävieras :: wedding guest
häviäjä :: loser
hävikki :: loss (something lost due to e.g. theft or spoilage)
häviäminen :: losing
häviämätön :: One that cannot disappear or lost; indelible
häviämätön :: That has not yet disappeared or lost
häviämättömyys :: conservation
häviämättömyys :: The property of being indelible
hävinnyt :: lost
häväistä :: To defame, desecrate, violate, profane
häväistä :: To disgrace, dishonour/dishonor
häväistys :: desecration
hävitä :: To die out, fade out/away, pass away, become extinct
hävitä :: To disappear, vanish
hävitä :: To disperse, dissipate, clear
hävitä :: To get lost
hävitä :: To lose, suffer a defeat
hävite :: A biocide
hävittää :: To destroy completely, demolish, wipe out, annihilate, decimate
hävittää :: To devastate, lay waste to, ravage
hävittää :: To exterminate, annihilate (people)
hävittää :: To kill, liquidate, rub out, bump off, put down, put to sleep (usually insects, more rarely mammals)
hävittää :: To lose, misplace
hävittää :: To waste, squander, blow
hävittäjä :: A destroyer ship
hävittäjä :: A fighter plane
hävittäjä :: Destroyer, someone/something that destroys someone/something
hävittäjäkone :: fighter plane
hävittäjälentäjä :: fighter pilot
hävittäjälentokone :: fighter plane
hävittäjäpommittaja :: fighter-bomber
hävittäjä-ässä :: flying ace, ace
hävitys :: destruction
hääväki :: The guests in a wedding ceremony collectively
-hVn :: Forms the illative singular case
häävuode :: marriage bed
hävytön :: obscene
hävytön :: shameless, impudent, impudent, insolent
hävyttömästi :: obscenely
hävyttömyys :: insolence
hävyttömyys :: obscenity
hääyö :: wedding night
hyö :: they (only of people)
hyadit :: The Hyades
Hyadit :: the Hyades open star cluster
hääyöaie :: A wedding night intention
hyaloklastiitti :: hyaloclastite
hyaluronihappo :: hyaluronic acid
hyasintti :: hyacinth
hyasinttiara :: hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)
hybridi :: hybrid
hybridiauto :: hybrid car
hybridimedia :: hybrid media
hybridisaatio :: hybridization
hybridisoida :: To hybridise/hybridize
hybridisoitua :: To become hybridised/hybridized
hybris :: hubris
höyde :: alternative form of höytyvä
hydraatti :: hydrate
hydratsiini :: hydrazine
hydrauliikka :: hydraulics
hydraulimäntä :: ram (piston powered by hydraulic pressure)
hydraulinen :: hydraulic
hydraulisesti :: hydraulically
hydridi :: hydride
hydro- :: hydro-
hydrobiologi :: hydrobiologist
hydrobiologia :: hydrobiology
hydrodynamiikka :: hydrodynamics
hydrofiilinen :: hydrophilic
hydrofobia :: hydrophobia (rabies)
hydrofobiini :: hydrophobin
hydrofobinen :: hydrophobic
hydrofoni :: hydrophone
hydrofyytti :: hydrophyte
hydrogeologia :: hydrogeology
hydrokefalia :: hydrocephalus
hydrokemia :: hydrochemistry
hydrokinoni :: hydroquinone
hydrokloridi :: hydrochloride
hydrokodoni :: hydrocodone
hydrokopteri :: hydrocopter
hydrokortisoni :: hydrocortisone, cortisol
hydroksidi :: hydroxide
hydroksietyyli-prometatsiini :: hydroxyethylpromethazine
hydroksyyli :: hydroxyl
hydroksyyliryhmä :: hydroxyl group
hydrologi :: hydrologist
hydrologia :: hydrology
hydrologinen :: hydrological
hydrolyysi :: hydrolysis
hydromantia :: hydromancy
hydromekaniikka :: hydromechanics
hydrometeorologia [hydrology, meteorology] :: hydrometeorology
hydrometri :: hydrometer
hydroponiikka :: hydroponics
hydroponinen :: hydroponic
hydrosfääri :: hydrosphere
hydrostaattinen :: hydrostatic
hydrostatiikka :: hydrostatics
hydroviljely :: hydroponics
hyödyke :: good
hyödykäs :: Useful
hyödyllinen :: useful, beneficial, helpful
hyödyllisesti :: usefully
hyödyllisyys :: usefulness
hyödyntää :: to exploit, benefit, utilize, capitalize
hyödyntäminen :: exploitation
hyödytön :: useless
hyödyttää :: To benefit, be of use to, profit
hyödyttömästi :: uselessly
hyeena :: hyaena
hyeenakoira :: African wild dog, African hunting dog, Lycaon pictus
hyfwin :: obsolete spelling of hyvin
hygieenikko :: hygienist
hygieeninen :: hygienic
hygieenisesti :: hygienically
hygieenisyys :: Hygiene; the property of being hygienic
hygienia :: hygiene
hygrometri :: hygrometer
hygroskooppinen :: hygroscopic
hyh :: ugh, yuck
höyhen :: feather
höyhenenkeveä :: featherlight
höyhenenkevyt :: featherlight
höyhenhuisku :: feather duster
höyhenhuivi :: A boa (kind of fluffy scarf originally made of feathers)
höyheninen :: feathery
höyheninen :: Stuffed with feathers
höyhenpatja :: featherbed
höyhenpeite :: plumage
höyhenpuku :: A coat (feathers of a bird)
höyhensarja :: featherweight
höyhensarjalainen :: featherweight (boxer)
höyhensato :: molting of feathers
höyhentää :: To pluck
höyhentuppi :: feather follicle
höyhentäytteinen :: Stuffed with feathers
höyhentyyny :: feather pillow
höyhenväkänen :: radiolus
hyhmä :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyhmä :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyhmettyä :: To become slushy
hyi :: ugh, yuck
hyinen :: frigid, glacial (very cold)
hykerrellä :: to chuckle
hykerrellä :: to rub one's hands
hykertää :: To chuckle
hyökkäillä :: To attack repeatedly
hyökkääjä :: attacker
hyökkääjä :: forward, attackman (a player in a team whose primary task is to score)
hyökkääjä :: In plural (hyökkääjät) attack, offense (the attackmen of a team collectively)
hyökkäävä :: Aggressive
hyökkäävä linjamies [American football] :: tackle (person playing offensive tackle)
hyökkäys :: attack
hyökkäysalue :: attacking zone
hyökkäysalue :: [loosely] opponent's half of the playing field in any ballgame, especially the area in the vicinity of the goal, from which one can reasonably expect to score
hyökkäys on paras puolustus :: attack is the best form of defence, attack is the best defence
hyökkäyspää :: (sports) In various ballgames, the end of the field in which the opponent's goal is
hyökkäyspää :: offense, attack (portion of a team dedicated to scoring)
hyökkäyssota :: A war of aggression
hyökkäysuhka :: threat of attack
hyökkäysvaunu :: A tank
höykäsen pöläystä :: squat (of knowledge, nothing)
hyökätä :: To attack, assault, charge, come at (someone = genitive + kimppuun (+ possessive suffix if the thing in genitive is a personal pronoun))
hyökätä :: To invade (a country = maahan (illative))
hyökyä :: To billow
hyöky :: An outpouring
hyöky :: A surge
hyöky :: A waterfall (waterfall-like outpouring)
hyökyaalto :: tidal wave, tsunami
höylä :: A plane (woodworking tool)
höyli :: friendly, helpful
hylje :: seal (common language term for smaller pinnipeds; used mainly of earless or true seals but sometimes also covering the eared seals)
hylje :: earless seal, true seal (any seal of the family Phocidae)
hylje-eläin :: pinniped
hyljeksiä :: To spurn
hyljintä :: repelling
hyljätä :: alternative form of hylätä
hylkeennahka :: sealskin
hylkeenpyynti :: seal hunting
hylkeenpyytäjä :: seal hunter
hylkeenrasva :: seal blubber
hylkiä :: to reject (to fail to accept, said of a transplant)
hylkiä :: to repel (to force away)
hylkiö :: outcast, castaway, reject (person)
hylkimisreaktio :: rejection
hylkääminen :: abandonment
hylkääminen :: disqualification
hylkääminen :: rejection, renunciation
hylky :: derelict (boat or ship abandoned at sea)
hylky :: shipwreck (boat or ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy)
hylky :: reject
hyllyä :: To shake
hylly :: rack
hylly :: shelf
hyllykkö :: shelves
hyllystö :: A shelving (group of shelves)
hyllyttää :: To shelve, mothball
höylääntyä :: To be planed
hylsy :: The shell or case of a projectile
hylsyavain :: ratchet, ratchet wrench
höylätä :: To plane
höylätä :: To swipe (a card)
hylätä :: To defeat (a law proposal)
hylätä :: To dismiss, disallow, throw out (e.g. charges), to overrule (a protest at a court)
hylätä :: To abandon, desert, leave (e.g. one's spouse, child)
hylätä :: To abandon, forsake (e.g. principles)
hylätä :: To disqualify (a sports result)
hylätä :: To fail, flunk (in a test at school)
hylätä :: To give up, dismiss (e.g. a thought)
hylätä :: To refuse, turn away (e.g. a person proposing or somesuch)
hylätä :: To reject, turn down (e.g. a plan)
höyläys :: planing
höyläytyä :: To be planed
hymen [anatomy, rare] :: hymen
hymähdys :: sneer
hymähtää :: to scorn, often with ivallinen (to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn)
hymähtää :: to smile shortly, especially with a short "hm" sound
hymiö :: smiley, emoticon
hyminä :: A hum (tune created orally with lips closed)
hymistä :: To hum
hymni :: hymn
hymnografia :: hymnography
hymnologia :: hymnology
hymy :: smile
hymyilee :: 3rd person singular of hymyillä
hymyillä :: To smile
hymyilyttää :: To make someone to smile
hymykuoppa :: dimple (on both sides of mouth)
hymysuin :: smilingly
hymytä :: To smile
höynä :: cretin, moron
hynä :: money
-hyn :: alternative form of -hVn
hyönteinen :: An insect
hyönteishävite :: insecticide
hyönteiskarkote :: insect repellent
hyönteislaji :: An insect species
hyönteismyrkky :: insecticide
hyönteisparvi :: A swarm of insects
hyönteissyöjä :: insectivore
hyönteistiede :: entomology
hyönteistieteellinen :: entomological
hyönteistieteilijä :: entomologist
hyönteistoukka :: An insect larva
hyönteistutkija :: entomologist
hyönteistutkimus :: entomology
höynäyttää :: to trick, prank, deceive, play a confidence game
hypellä :: To jump about
hyperaktiivinen :: hyperactive
hyperaktiivisuus :: hyperactivity
hyperakusia :: hyperacusia
hyperbeli :: hyperbola
hyperbola :: hyperbole (extreme exaggeration or overstatement; especially as a literary or rhetorical device)
hyperbolinen :: hyperbolic
hyperbolinen sini :: hyperbolic sine
hyperboloidi :: hyperboloid
hyperglykemia :: hyperglycemia
hyperinflaatio :: hyperinflation
hyperinsulinismi :: hyperinsulinism
hyperkalsemia :: hypercalcemia
hyperkolesterolemia :: hypercholesteraemia
hyperkorrekti :: hypercorrect
hyperlinkki :: hyperlink
hyperlipemia :: alternative form of hyperlipidemia
hyperlipidemia :: hyperlipidemia
hypermoderni :: hypermodern
hypernatreeminen :: hypernatremic
hypernatremia :: hypernatremia
hyperonyymi :: hypernym
hyperpallo :: hypersphere
hyperpolarisaatio :: hyperpolarization
hyperrealismi :: hyperrealism
hypersomnia :: hypersomnia
hypertaso :: hyperplane
hyperteksti :: hypertext
hypertensio :: hypertension
hypertonia :: hypertonia
hypertyreoidismi :: hyperthyroidism
hypertyreoosi :: hyperthyroidism
hyperventilaatio :: hyperventilation
hyperventiloida :: To hyperventilate
hypettää :: to hype
hypetys :: hyping, hype
hypähdellä :: To jump (repeatedly, irregularly and effortlessly)
hypähtää :: To jump (suddenly)
hypittää :: to cause someone/something to jump
hypnologi :: hypnotist
hypnoosi :: hypnosis
hypnoositerapia :: hypnotherapy
hypnoottinen :: hypnotic
hypnoottisesti :: hypnotically
Hypnos [Greek god] :: Hypnos
hypnoterapia :: hypnotherapy
hypnotismi :: hypnotism
hypnotisoida :: To hypnotise/hypnotize
hypnotisoija :: hypnotist
hypnotisointi :: hypnotization
hypnotisoitu :: hypnotized
hypnotisoitua :: to go under, become hypnotized (to enter the state of hypnosis)
hypogaeum :: hypogeum, hypogee (underground room)
hypokalsemia :: hypocalcemia
hypokondria :: hypochondria
hypokondrikko :: hypochondriac
hypokondrinen :: hypochondriac, hypochondriacal (affected by hypochondria)
hypokortisolismi :: hypocortisolism
hypoksantiini :: hypoxanthine
hyponymia :: hyponymy
hyponyymi :: hyponym
hypospadia :: hypospadias
hypotaksi :: hypotaxis
hypotalamus :: hypothalamus
hypoteekki :: mortgage
hypoteekkilaina :: An asuntolaina issued by Suomen_Hypoteekkiyhdistys|Suomen Hypoteekkiyhdistys (The Mortgage Society of Finland)
hypoteesi :: hypothesis
hypoteettinen :: hypothetic
hypotensio :: hypotension
hypotenuusa :: hypotenuse
hypotermia :: hypothermia
hypotyroidismi :: hypothyroidism
hyppelehtiä :: To jump (erratically)
hyppely :: jumping
hyppiä :: hyppiä yli: To skip
hyppiä :: To jump (repeatedly), hop
hyppääjä :: jumper, one who jumps
hyppy :: jump
hyppy :: leap
hyppy :: vault (gymnastics event)
hyppyhämähäkki :: jumping spider, salticid (spider of the family Salticidae that jump for their pray instead of sewing webs)
hyppyhäntäinen :: A springtail
hyppykeppi :: pogo stick
hyppynaru :: skipping rope, skip rope, jump rope
hyppynen :: In plural, fingertips; see: hyppyset
hyppynen :: pinch (small amount)
hyppypapu :: A jumping bean
hyppypäästäinen :: elephant shrew
hyppysellinen :: A pinch (small amount)
hyppyset :: fingertips
hyppytunti :: free period
hyppyyttää :: To make someone or something to jump; to bounce
hypätä :: To jump, leap (usually once)
höyrähtää :: To burn up quickly
höyrähtää :: To evaporate instantaneously
höyrähtää :: To get a craze, to become crazy about (to get suddenly passionate about something)
hyöriä :: To bustle
hyräillä :: To croon (to sing softly, like singing a lullaby to a child, with or without words)
hyörinä :: bustling
hyrinä :: hum, purr (indistinct sound, like that produced by a purring cat)
hyörintä :: bustling
hyristä :: To hum
hyrrä :: A spinning top, top (toy)
hyrräkompassi :: gyrocompass
hyrrätä :: To drone, buzz, whirr, hum
hyrske :: surge
hyrskiä :: alternative form of hyrskytä
hyrskytä :: to wave, swell, surge (indicates powerful, violent seas)
höyry :: steam
höyry :: vapor
höyryalus :: Any waterborne vessel powered by steam, such as steamship, steamboat or steamer
höyryinen :: steamy
höyryjuna :: steam train
höyryjyrä :: A steamroller (any seemingly irresistible force)
höyryjyrä :: A steamroller ( steam-powered heavy road roller)
höyrykattila :: A steam boiler or boiler
höyrykeitin :: A steamer (cooking vessel) in which the steam is not pressurized
höyrykone :: steam engine (machine that uses the power of steam to drive a piston)
höyrylaiva :: A steamship or steamer
höyrymoottori :: steam engine
höyrypilli :: steam whistle
höyrypitoisuus :: vapor content (ratio of mass of water vapor to the total mass of fluid)
höyrypitoisuus [thermodynamics] :: quality (of steam, the ratio of the mass of vapor present to the total mass of a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture)
höyryrauta :: steam iron
höyrysilitysrauta :: A steam iron
höyrystää :: To evaporate (to transform to steam)
höyrystin :: An evaporator (device to produce vapor)
höyrystin :: A steam generator, boiler (appliance to generate steam)
höyrystäminen :: steaming (cooking by using steam)
höyrystäminen :: vaporization (destruction of something by turning it into vapor)
höyrystyä :: To evaporate (to be transformed to vapor)
höyrystyminen [lb, fi, colloquial] :: vaporization (conversion of a solid or a liquid into a gas)
höyrystyminen [lb, fi, physics] :: evaporation (conversion of a liquid into a gas)
hyrysysy :: An automobile
höyrytä [colloquial + elative] :: To obsess over (to talk obsessively about)
höyrytä :: To steam (to produce or vent steam)
höyrytä :: To steam (to travel by the power of steam)
höyrytellä :: To smoke (to consume tobacco)
höyrytin :: A steamer (appliance used to treat something with steam, such as a domestic steam cleaner, aka household steamer)
höyryttää :: to steam (to cook or treat with steam)
höyryttyä :: To get/be steamed (treated with steam)
höyryttyä :: To steam (to be covered with condensed water vapor)
höyryturbiini :: A steam turbine
höyrytys :: steaming (action of steam)
höyrytys :: steaming (cooking with steam)
höyryävä :: steaming
höyryvasara :: A steam hammer
höyryveturi :: A steam engine (UK: steam-powered locomotive)
höyryveturi :: A steam locomotive
höyryvoima :: steam power
höyryyntyä :: To evaporate (to be transformed to vapor)
hys :: hush!, shh!
hyssytellä :: To hush
höystää :: to punctuate (to vary, interrupt, give structure)
höystää :: to salt (to include colourful language)
höystää :: to season, flavour/flavor
höyste :: seasoning
hysteerikko :: A hysteric person
hysteerinen :: hysteric
hysteerisesti :: hysterically
hystereesi :: hysteresis
hysteria :: hysteria
hyötää :: To force
hyötö :: forcing
hytinä :: hunch
hytinä :: shiver, especially one due to cold
hytistä :: to tremble, quiver
hytisyttää :: To make somebody or something to tremble, quiver
hytkyä :: to shake, jiggle
hytkyttää :: To jiggle
höytäle :: flake
hyötöreaktori :: breeder, fast breeder reactor, FBR
hytti :: cabin
hyttipoika :: cabin boy
hyttynen :: mosquito
hyttyskarkote :: mosquito repellent
hyttysparvi :: mosquito swarm
hyttysverkko :: bug screen, fly screen, insect screen, window screen
hyttysverkko :: mosquito net
höyty :: alternative form of höytyvä
hyötyä :: To profit
hyöty :: gain, benefit
hyötyhyönteinen :: beneficial insect (type of insect that performs services valued by humans)
hyötyisä :: beneficial
hyötykasvi :: useful plant (any plant that is useful to man, directly or indirectly)
hytykkä :: tremella (fungus of the genus Tremella, with many edible species)
hyötykuorma :: cargo; payload
hyötykäyttö :: useful purpose
hyötyliikunta :: small acts of everyday life that are meant as exercise
hyötynäkökohta :: utilitarian viewpoint
hyötysuhde :: efficiency, efficiency coefficient, operating efficiency (useful energy or work performed by a machine divided by the raw energy fed in)
höytyvä :: floc, fuzz
hyvä :: desirable, advisable
hyvä :: good (all the meanings: inspiring positive reactions; morally good; good by one's skills)
hyve :: virtue
hyveellinen :: virtuous
hyveellisesti :: virtuously
hyveellisyys :: virtuousness
hyvää huomenta :: good morning
hyvike :: compensation
hyväillä :: To caress, fondle
hyvillään :: Pleased, happy, glad, delighted (about something = elative)
hyvää iltaa :: good evening
hyvin :: very
hyvin :: well
Hyvinkää :: A town in southern Finland, 50 km north of Helsinki
hyvinkääläinen :: of Hyvinkää (of or pertaining to the city of Hyvinkää)
hyvinkääläinen :: A person living in or originating from Hyvinkää
hyvin perillä asioista :: well-informed
hyvinpukeutuva :: well-dressed
hyvinvarustettu :: well-endowed
hyvinvarustettu :: well-equipped
hyvinvointi :: well-being or welfare
hyvinvointivaltio :: welfare state
hyvinvointiyhteiskunta :: welfare society
hyvinvoipa :: alternative form of hyvinvoiva
hyvinvoiva :: healthy
hyvinvoiva :: thrifty
hyvis :: A good guy, hero
hyvissä ajoin :: in good time (before an appointed time)
hyvite :: compensation
hyvittää :: To compensate, recompense, reimburse
hyvittää :: To credit (transfer money to somebody's account)
hyvittää :: To make up, make amends
hyvitys :: atonement
hyvitys :: rebate, refund
hyvityslasku :: credit note, credit memorandum
hyvää joulua :: Merry Christmas
hyväkäs :: A mild word of abuse
hyväksi :: for the good (of), for the benefit (of), in order to exploit
hyväksikäyttö :: exploitation
hyväksikäyttö :: luottamuksen ~ : con game
hyväksikäyttö :: seksuaalinen ~ : sexual abuse
hyväksikäyttö :: utilization
hyväksikäyttäminen :: abuse
hyväksikäyttäminen :: exploitation
hyväksyä :: to agree (to be of same opinion)
hyväksyä :: to sanction, ratify
hyväksyä :: to accept, approve of
hyväksyjä :: acceptor
hyväksymiskelvoton :: inacceptable, unacceptable
hyväksymästä [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, hyväksyä, c=ela] ::
hyväksymys :: acceptance
hyväksyntä :: approval
hyväksyntä :: assent
hyväksyntä :: sanction (approval of an action by an authority)
hyväksyttää :: to get an approval, to have somebody else approve
hyväksyttävä :: acceptable, admissible
hyväksyttävimmin :: superlative form of hyväksyttävä
hyväksyttävämmin :: comparative form of hyväksyttävä
hyväksyttävästi :: acceptably
hyväksyttävyys :: acceptability
hyväksyttävyys :: face validity
hyväkuntoinen :: healthy
hyväkuntoinen :: sound
hyvälaatuinen :: benign
hyvälaatuinen :: quality
hyvällä tuulella :: In good mood
hyväluontoinen :: good-natured
hyväluontoisuus :: The property of being good-natured
hyvämaineinen :: reputable
hyvää matkaa :: farewell, good journey (formal and final)
hyvämuistinen :: Having a good memory
hyvänen :: good; used only as fortifier in the exclamation hyvänen aika
Hyvönen :: Finnish surname
hyvänen aika :: oh my goodness, good heavens
hyvänäköinen :: Having good eyesight
hyvänlaatuinen :: benign
hyvänlaatuinen :: quality (being of good quality)
hyvänmakuinen :: tasty
hyvännäköinen :: good-looking
hyvänsä :: any, -ever, either; for usage see the entry for tahansa with which hyvänsä is interchangeable
hyvän sään aikana :: Before it's too late (literally: "during the good weather")
hyvänsuopa :: benevolent
hyvänsuopainen :: benevolent
hyvänsuopaisuus :: benevolence
hyvänsuopuus :: benevolence
hyvänsuovasti :: benevolently
hyväntahtoinen :: good-natured, kind, benevolent
hyväntahtoisesti :: benevolently
hyväntahtoisuus :: benevolence
hyväntapainen :: well-mannered
hyväntekeväisyys :: charity
hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö :: a charitable organization
hyväntekijä :: benefactor
Hyväntoivonniemi :: Cape of Good Hope
hyväntuoksuinen :: fragrant (having a pleasant smell)
hyväntuulinen :: cheerful, jovial
hyväntuulisesti :: cheerfully
hyväonninen :: lucky (of people, having good fortune)
hyvää päivää :: good day, how do you do
hyvää päivänjatkoa :: have a nice day!
hyvä puoli :: advantage
hyvä puoli :: pro
Hyvärinen :: Finnish surname
hyvää ruokahalua :: bon appétit
hyvästellä :: to say goodbye to, take one's leave, take leave
hyvästely [often in plural] :: farewell (act of saying goodbye)
hyvästi :: farewell, goodbye (formal and final)
hyväsydäminen :: goodhearted
hyväsydämisesti :: goodheartedly
hyväsydämisyys :: goodheartedness
hyvää syntymäpäivää :: happy birthday
hyvätapainen :: well-mannered, well mannered, well-behaved (having good manners)
hyvää tarkoittava :: well-meaning
hyvät naiset ja herrat :: ladies and gentlemen
hyvätuloinen :: Having a good income; well-to-do
hyväuskoinen :: gullible, credulous
hyväuskoisesti :: gullibly
hyvää uutta vuotta :: Happy New Year
hyvää vappua :: happy May Day
hyvää vauhtia :: at a good pace, at a good speed, fast
hyvä veli :: A salutation used at the beginning of a friendly, often confidential letter from male to male; abbreviation H.V.
hyvä veli :: Used attributively to make a reference to cronyism; notably in expressions hyvä veli -järjestelmä and hyvä veli -verkosto
hyvä veli -järjestelmä :: cronyism (favoritism to friends)
hyvää viikonloppua :: Have a good weekend
hyvää ystävänpäivää :: happy Valentine's day
hyvää yötä :: good night
hyvyys :: good (as opposed to evil)
hyvyys :: goodness (the property of being good)
hyyde :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyyde :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyydyke :: aspic
hyydyke :: jelly
hyydyke :: sorbet
hyydyte :: coagulant
hyydyttää :: To coagulate (to cause to congeal)
hyyhmä :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyyhmä :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyypiö :: creep
hyyppä [birds] :: lapwing, plover (any wader of the genus Vanellus)
hyysätä [colloquial, negative] :: To pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
hyytää :: To freeze
hyytö :: slush, sludge; partially melted water or snow
hyytelö :: gelee, jelly
hyytelöidä :: to jellify (to make into jelly or gel)
hyytelöityä :: to gel, jellify (to become jelly or gel)
hyytelömäinen :: gelatinous, jellylike
hyytelörakko :: ganglion cyst
hyytyä :: to lose power, to get tired etc
hyytyä :: to coagulate, clot [of blood]
hyytyä :: to congeal, coagulate, clot
hyytymä :: A clot (mass of coagulated material)
hyytyminen :: coagulation, clotting
-i :: A nominal suffix used in eg. syli → syli, ukko → ukki
-i :: Used to mark the first part of a compound word, e.g. lehmä → lehmi-
-i :: Derives a number of adverbs of generally lative or locative meaning, e.g. aueta → auki, ylä- → yli
I :: improbatur
ia :: obsolete spelling of ja
-iainen :: Forms certain nouns
-iainen :: Forms certain vulgar nouns
-iainen :: Forms names of ceremonies from verbs (used in plural form)
iankaiken :: forever
iankaikkinen :: eternal, everlasting
iankaikkisesti :: forever, eternally
iankaikkisuus :: eternity
iatrofobia :: iatrophobia (fear for doctors)
iatrogeeninen :: iatrogenic
iatrokemia :: iatrochemistry
iberianilves :: Iberian lynx
iberiankeisarikotka :: Spanish imperial eagle, Iberian imperial eagle, Adalbert's eagle, Aquila adalberti
Iberianmeri :: The Balearic Sea
Iberian niemimaa :: Iberian peninsula
iberiansusi :: Iberian wolf, Canis lupus signatus
ibizangenetti :: Ibizan genet, Genetta genetta genetta, formerly G. g. isabelae (subspecies of common genet a.k.a. small-spotted genet or European genet, Genetta genetta; the subsåecies is found on the Spanish island of Ibiza)
ibizanpodenco :: Ibizan Hound
ibogaiini :: ibogaine
iboteenihappo :: ibotenic acid
ibuprofeeni :: ibuprofen
ibuprofeiini :: alternative form of ibuprofeeni
Idaho :: Idaho
idahonsiiseli :: Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus
idea :: idea
ideaali :: An ideal
ideaalikaasu :: ideal gas
ideaalikaasulaki :: ideal gas law
ideaalinen :: ideal
ideaaliseos :: ideal solution
ideaaliside :: elastic bandage
ideaalistaa :: To idealize
ideaalisuus :: ideality
idealismi :: idealism
idealisoida :: To idealize
idealisointi :: idealization
idealisti :: idealist
idealistinen :: idealistic
idealistisesti :: idealistically
idempää :: From further east
idempi :: More eastern
idempänä :: In more eastern location
idempotenssi :: idempotence
identifikaatio :: identification
identifioida :: To identify
identifiointi :: identification
identifioitua :: To identify with
identiteetti :: identity
identiteettifunktio :: identity function
identiteettikriisi :: identity crisis
identiteettimatriisi :: identity matrix
identiteettivarkaus :: identity theft (deliberate assumption of another person's identity)
identtinen :: Identical
identtinen kuvaus :: identity function
identtisesti :: identically
identtisyys :: identity, sameness
ideografia :: ideography
ideografia :: logography (use of logographs in writing)
ideografinen :: ideographic
ideogrammi :: ideogram (graphic symbol which represents a defined idea without directly indicating the words that express the idea)
ideoida :: To generate an idea of
ideointi :: ideation
ideologi :: ideologist
ideologia :: ideology
ideologinen :: ideological
idiolatria :: idiolatry
idiolekti :: idiolect
idiomaattinen :: idiomatic
idiomaattisesti :: idiomatically
idiomaattisuus :: idiomaticity
idiomi :: idiom (set phrase which cannot be understood from its parts alone)
idiootti :: idiot
idioottimainen :: idiotic
idioottimaisesti :: idiotically
idioottimaisuus :: idiocy (act of lacking sense)
idioottivarma :: foolproof
idiosynkrasia :: idiosyncrasy
idiotia :: idiocy
idis :: idea
idänkenttämyyrä :: southern vole (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis, formerly Microtus epiroticus)
idännaakka :: Daurian jackdaw, Coloeus dauuricus
idänpäästäinen :: Laxmann's shrew (Sorex caecutiens)
idänsydänsimpukka :: lagoon cockle, Cerastoderma glaucum (species of saltwater clam in the family Cardiidae, found along the coasts of Europe and North Africa, including the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Caspian Lake, and the low-salinity Baltic Sea)
idäntä :: sprouting
idänturturikyyhky :: A species of pigeon, oriental turtle dove, Streptopelia orientalis
idänvaivaispäästäinen :: slender shrew, Sorex gracillimus
idokraasi :: vesuvianite
idoli :: idol
idoosi :: idose
idätellä [frequentative, figuratively] :: To nourish
idätellä :: To sprout, germinate
idättää :: To sprout, germinate
idätys :: germination
iduronihappo :: iduronic acid
idylli :: idyll
idyllinen :: idyllic
idyllisesti :: idyllically
ien :: gum (part of mouth)
ientulehdus :: gingivitis
ies :: Yoke, restraint, burden, load; repression, slavery, oppression, persecution, tyranny
ies :: Yoke
iestää :: To yoke; to put a yoke
iestys :: A zeugma
iestys :: yoking (act of putting a yoke)
iestys :: yoking (the yoking arrangement)
iglu :: igloo
Ignatius :: Finnish surname
ignoranssi :: ignorance
ignorantti :: ignorant
ignoroida :: To ignore
ignorointi :: ignoring (act or instance)
iguaani :: A green iguana (Iguana iguana)
iguaani :: An iguana (any member of the genus Iguana)
igumeeni :: igumen
ihailevasti :: adoringly
ihailija :: fan, admirer
ihailijakerho :: fan club
ihailijaposti :: fan mail
ihailla :: To adore, admire
ihailtava :: admirable
ihailtavasti :: admirably
ihailu :: admiration
ihala [archaic, poetic, of weather or the sky] :: clear
Ihalainen :: Finnish surname
ihan :: exactly
ihan :: totally
ihana :: fabulous, fantastic
ihana :: lovely, adorable
ihana :: wonderful, marvellous, marvelous
ihanampi :: comparative form of ihana
ihanin :: superlative form of ihana
ihanko totta :: you don't say, is that so, really (is it true)?
ihanne :: ideal (something held up and admired as a model goal)
ihanneaika :: A predetermined regularity time, standard course time or ideal time for a performance, used in sports as diverse as regularity rally and dog agility as an element of the scoring system
ihannemaailma :: ideal world
ihannepaino :: ideal weight
ihanneyhteiskunta :: ideal society
ihannoida :: to glamorize
ihannoida :: to idolize
ihannointi :: idolization, idolizing (excessive adoration)
ihanteellinen :: ideal
ihanteellisesti :: ideally
ihastella :: To admire
ihastua :: To fall for, become infatuated with
ihastua :: To fall in love with
ihastua :: To be thrilled, pleased
ihastus :: crush, infatuation
ihastuttaa :: To delight, fascinate, thrill
ihastuttava :: charming
ihastuttava :: stunning
ihka :: An intensifier used before certain adjectives
ihkauusi :: brand new
ihku :: cute, nice, sweet
ihme :: strange, weird
ihme :: a miracle, wonder
ihmeellinen :: Wonderful
ihmeellisesti :: wonderfully
ihmeessä :: -ever (used together with an interrogative pronoun to emphasize a question)
ihmeessä :: just, by all means (used to encourage)
ihmeidentekijä :: miracle worker
ihmeissään :: olla ~: to be astonished
ihmeissään :: [While being] astonished
ihmeköynnös :: bougainvillea
ihmelapsi :: child prodigy
ihmelääke :: panacea
ihmemaa :: wonderland
ihmetellä :: to wonder, to ask in surprise
ihmeteltävä :: astonishing, surprising
ihmetys :: astonishment
ihmetyttää :: To confuse, puzzle, befuddle, bewilder
ihminen :: A human being
ihminen :: A person
ihminen :: As a former part of compound (as the stem ihmis-) signifying human
ihminen päättää, Jumala säätää :: man proposes, God disposes
ihmisalkio :: human embryo
ihmisapina :: great ape
ihmisjahti :: manhunt (organized search for a criminal or enemy)
ihmisjoukko :: A crowd of people
ihmiskauppa :: human trafficking
ihmiskeskeinen :: anthropocentric
ihmiskeskeisyys :: anthropocentrism
ihmiskilpi :: human shield
ihmiskunta :: humankind, mankind
ihmislapsi :: human child
ihmisluonto :: human nature
ihmismeri :: huge crowd
ihmismäinen :: anthropoid (having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance)
ihmismäinen :: humanlike, manlike
ihmismäistyä :: To become more human
ihmisääni :: human voice
ihmisoikeudet :: human rights (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed)
ihmisoikeus :: human right
ihmisoikeusjärjestö :: human rights organization
ihmisoikeusloukkaus :: human rights violation
ihmisoikeusrikos :: A crime against humanity
ihmispaljous :: A large crowd of people
ihmisparka [of person] :: poor thing
ihmisrakas :: philanthropic
ihmisraunio :: human wreck
ihmisravinto :: Food appropriate for human consumption
ihmisrotu :: human race
ihmisryöstö :: A kidnapping
ihmisryöstäjä :: abductor
ihmissalakuljettaja :: people smuggler
ihmissalakuljetus :: human smuggling
ihmissuhde :: relationship
ihmissusi :: A werewolf
ihmissyöjä :: (human) cannibal
ihmissyönti :: anthropophagy (act or practice of eating human flesh)
ihmissyönti :: cannibalism (act or practice of eating another human's flesh)
ihmistiede :: anthropology
ihmistyä :: To become civilized
ihmistyövoima :: human labor
ihmisviha :: misanthropy
ihmisvihaaja :: misanthropist, misanthrope
ihmisystävä :: philanthropist
ihmisyys :: human condition
iho :: skin of a human being or an animal
iho :: skin of a human being
-ihoinen :: skinned
ihojaoke :: dermatome
ihokarva :: hair, body hair; pilus (individual strand of body hair)
ihokarva :: In plural (ihokarvat); the body hair collectively
ihokasvain :: skin tumor
ihokudos :: skin tissue
ihomato :: blackhead, comedo
ihonalainen :: subcutaneous, hypodermic
ihonalaiskerros :: hypodermis
ihonalaiskudos :: subcutaneous tissue, hypodermis
ihonsiirto :: skin transplant
ihonväri :: skin colour, skin color (color)
ihonväri :: skin colour, skin color (color of human skin)
ihonväri :: skin colour, skin color (ethnicity)
ihopoimu :: skinfold
ihosolu :: skin cell
ihosyöpä :: skin cancer
ihotauti :: skin disease
ihotautilääkäri :: dermatologist (specialist in dermatology)
ihotautioppi :: dermatology (study of the skin and its diseases)
ihottuma :: rash
ihotulehdus :: dermatitis (inflammation of the skin)
ihra :: excess fat accumulated in a human body
ihra :: fat (adipose tissue of an animal, especially of a pig)
ihra :: lard (pig fat prepared for use in cooking or pharmacy)
iibis :: ibis
iibisnokka :: ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii (species of wading bird in the monotypic family Ibidorhynchidae, inhabiting the shingle riverbanks of the high plateau of Central Asia and the Himalayas)
Iida :: female given name
iik :: eek! (scream)
iikka :: See joka iikka
-iikka :: -ics (suffix used to form names of fields of knowledge or practice)
Iikka :: male given name
iiliäinen :: leech (annelid)
iiliäinen :: limpet (someone disregarding or ignorant of another's personal space)
iilimato :: leech
iiliskotti :: trickster
iiliskotti :: hedgehog
Iina :: female given name, cognate to English Ina
Iines :: female given name, the Finnish equivalent of Ines or Inez
Iines Ankka :: Daisy Duck
iiri :: The Irish language
iiriläinen :: Irish
iiriläinen :: A Irish person
iirinkielinen :: Irish (Irish-speaking, Irish-language)
iirintää :: To translate into Irish
iiris [anatomy, rare] :: An iris (part of an eye)
iiris :: An iris (flower)
Iiris :: female given name
Iiro :: male given name
Iisai :: Jesse
Iisak :: Isaac.
Iisak :: male given name
Iisakki :: male given name
iisi :: easy
iisisti :: easily
iisoppi :: herb hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
iäisyys :: The eternity, as a religious term; the time that elapses after the death
Iita :: female given name
-iitti :: -ite
iivana :: A Russian
Iivana :: male given name
Iivana :: Russian; Russians collectively (commonly used nickname during WWII)
Iivari :: male given name
Iivari :: The letter "I" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Iivo :: male given name
Iivonen :: Finnish surname
ikä :: age
ikä :: life
ikä :: lifetime
ikebana :: ikebana
ikäero :: age difference
iki :: eternally
iki- :: eternal
iki- :: primitive
ikiaika :: eternity
ikiajoiksi :: forever
ikäihminen :: A politically correct term for an old person
ikiliikkuja :: perpetual motion machine
ikimaailmassa :: [with a negation verb, idiomatic] ei ikimaailmassa: never ever, never in this world, never in a million years (strong rejection)
ikimerkki :: forever stamp [US], non-value indicator stamp [UK]
ikimuistoinen :: unforgettable, immemorial
ikinä :: (with the negation verb) never, not ... ever
ikinä :: [in question causes] ever
ikinä :: [with the negation verb] never ever (emphatic never)
ikäinen :: at the age of, aged
ikäinen :: old
ikinen :: joka ikinen: everyone
ikioma :: very own, completely own
ikionnellinen :: overjoyed
ikirauha :: everlasting peace, death
ikirouta :: permafrost
ikiuni :: death
ikivanha :: ancient, primeval
ikivanha :: very old
ikivihanta :: evergreen
ikivihreä :: evergreen
ikäjakauma :: age distribution
ikäjakautuma :: alternative form of ikäjakauma
ikkuna :: window (all senses)
ikkuna :: sash (the opening part of a window)
-ikkunainen :: windowed [used only in compounds]
ikkunakirjekuori :: window envelope
ikkunakuori :: window envelope
ikkunalasi :: window glass
ikkunalasta :: A squeegee
ikkunalauta :: windowsill
ikkunallinen :: windowed (having a window)
ikkunaluukku :: exterior shutter
ikkunanlasi :: window glass
ikkunanpesijä :: window cleaner
ikkunanpuite :: sash, window sash
ikkunaostokset :: window shopping
ikkunapaikka :: window seat (in airplane, bus etc.)
ikkunapuite :: alternative form of ikkunanpuite
ikkunapöytä :: windowfront table
ikkunaruutu :: window screen
ikkunaton :: windowless
ikkunoida :: To screen, filter
ikäluokka :: generation, age group, age class
ikään :: ikään kuin: as if
ikään :: niin ikään: likewise
ikänä :: negation verb + ~ never, not ... ever:
ikänä :: (in question clauses) ever:
ikäneito :: spinster
ikneumoni :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
ikänäkö :: presbyopia (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects)
ikään kuin :: as if
ikääntyä :: To age
ikääntyminen :: aging
ikääntynyt :: Politically correct term for an old person
Ikonen :: Finnish surname
ikoni :: icon
ikoni :: icon (person)
ikoni :: icon (religious painting)
ikonimaalari :: An icon painter, one who paints religious icons
ikonimaalaus :: religious icon painting
ikoninen :: iconic
ikonografia :: iconography
ikonoklasmi :: iconoclasm
ikonoklasti :: iconoclast
ikonologia :: iconology
ikonostaasi :: iconostasis
ikosaedri :: icosahedron
ikäraja :: age limit
ikärajoitus :: age limit
ikärasismi [lb, fi, colloquial] :: age discrimination, ageism
ikäryhmä :: age group
iäkäs :: elderly
iäksi :: for ever
ikäsyrjintä :: age discrimination, ageism (discrimination based on age)
ikätoveri :: age-mate (one who is the same age as another)
iktyologi :: ichthyologist
iktyologia :: ichthyology
iktyoosi [pathology, jargon] :: ichthyosis (disease which gives the sufferer a dry, scaly skin)
ikuinen :: everlasting, eternal
ikuinen :: never-ending, perpetual
ikuisesti :: eternally
ikuistaa :: To commemorate, immortalize
ikuisuus :: The eternity, as a non-religious concept
ikävä :: bad, sad (e.g. accident)
ikävä :: tedious, boring
ikävä :: ikävä juttu: too bad
ikävä :: ikävä kyllä: unfortunately
ikävä :: sepä ikävä: what a pity
ikävä :: longing, yearning
ikävöidä :: To miss, long, yearn
ikävöinti :: longing, yearning
ikävuosi :: year of age
ikävystyä :: To become bored
ikävystynyt :: bored
ikävystyttää :: To bore, tire, weary
ikäys :: dating (measurement of age)
ilahduttaa :: to delight, cheer up
ilahtua :: To be(come) delighted, be(come) pleased
ilakoida :: To rejoice
Ilari :: male given name
ileostomia :: ileostomy
iljanne :: slippery, icy ground
iljetä :: To bring oneself (to do), dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)
iljetä :: To (can) stomach (to do), can stand (to do)
iljetä :: To have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), can (do)
iljettää :: To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something)
iljettävä :: disgusting, gross
iljettävästi :: disgustingly
iljetys :: abomination
ilkamoida :: To rejoice
ilkeä :: bad, mean, wicked
ilkeä :: mischievous, troublesome, cheeky, badly behaved
ilkeillä :: To act badly, meanly, wickedly
ilkeämielinen :: malicious
ilkeämielisyys :: malice
ilkeännäköinen :: nasty looking
ilkeys :: wickedness, malice
ilki :: totally, completely
ilkiö :: a rascal
ilkialasti :: completely naked, stark naked
ilkialaston :: stark naked
ilkimys :: rascal
ilkiteko :: outrage (offensive act)
ilkivalta [insurance] :: vandalism
ilkivalta :: mischief
ilkivaltainen :: mischievous
ilkivaltaisesti :: mischievously
Ilkka :: Jaakko Ilkka ( hanged in 1597), leader of a Finnish peasant uprising
Ilkka :: male given name, originally in honor of Jaakko Ilkka
ilkkua :: To jeer, scoff
ilkosen :: stark (modifier used with words alasti and alaston)
ilkosen alasti :: stark naked; while being stark naked
ilkosillaan :: stark naked
illakko :: dame's rocket, Hesperis matronalis
illalla :: in the evening
illallinen :: dinner; in formal occasions often used in plural (illalliset)
illallistaa :: To supper, eat dinner
illansuu :: nightfall
illansuussa :: at dark (during nightfall)
illanvietto :: rout
illanvietto :: social evening
illastaa :: To have a supper
illatiivi :: illative
illegaali :: illegal
illempana :: Later in evening
illusionismi [arts] :: illusionism
illusionismi :: illusionism
illusionisti :: illusionist
illusorinen :: illusory
illustraatio :: illustration
illustroida :: To illustrate
illuusio :: illusion
ilma :: air
ilma :: weather
Ilma :: female given name
ilma-alus :: aircraft, airship
ilmaaminen :: bleeding (act of removing air from a fluid system)
ilmaannousu :: takeoff
ilmaantua :: To appear, to emerge; to turn up, to show up
ilma-ase :: air gun
ilma-ase :: air force
ilmahehku :: airglow
ilmaherruus :: air supremacy, air dominance
ilmahälytys :: air alert, air alarm (the warning signal during an air attack)
ilmahyökkäys :: airstrike, air attack
ilmailla :: To aviate
ilmailu :: aviation
ilmailuala :: aviation industry
Ilmailulaitos :: A similar authority in another country; in this usage often uncapitalized
Ilmailulaitos :: Finnish Civil Aviation Administration; a former authority of the Finnish government with the responsibility for managing Finland's passenger airports and air traffic control. In the beginning of 2010 it was reorganized to a publicly held company and operates under the name Finavia
ilmailuyhtiö :: airline
ilmainen :: Gratis, free
ilmais- :: As defining part in compound words, free
ilmaiseksi :: for free
ilmaisemistapa :: Alternative term for ilmaisukeino
ilmaisija :: expresser, expounder
ilmaisin :: A detector
ilmaiskappale :: free copy
ilmaisku :: airstrike
ilmaista :: to denote
ilmaista :: to express (oneself)
ilmaista :: to indicate, point out, show, make known
ilmaisu :: expression (particular way of phrasing an idea)
ilmaisukeino :: means of expression, way of expressing oneself
ilmaisutapa :: Alternative term for ilmaisukeino
ilmajäähdytys :: air cooling
Ilmajärvi :: Lake Ilmen
ilmajuuri :: aerial root
ilmakehä :: atmosphere
ilmakirje :: air letter (thin sheet of paper which may be folded to an airmail letter)
ilmakitara :: air guitar
ilmakivääri :: An air rifle
ilmakuivata :: To air-dry
ilmakuivattaa :: To air-dry
ilmakuljetus :: air transport
ilmakuoppa :: air pocket
ilmakupla :: An air bubble
ilmakuva :: aerial photograph
ilmakuvakartoitus :: aerial mapping
ilmakuvakartta :: aerial map
ilmakuvata :: To take aerial photographs
ilmakuvaus :: aerial photography
ilmakäytävä :: air corridor
ilmalainausmerkki :: air quote (hand gesture resembling a quotation mark)
ilmalaiva :: blimp, airship, dirigible
ilmaliikenne :: air traffic
ilmamassa :: airmass
ilman :: without:
ilman että :: without (used to connect a main clause and a subordinate clause which presents something without which the action described in the main clause is or should be carried out)
ilmanherruus :: alternative spelling of ilmaherruus
ilmanlaatu :: air quality
ilman muuta :: absolutely, without doubt, unhesitatingly
ilmanottoaukko :: air intake
ilmanpaine :: air pressure
ilmanpaine :: atmospheric pressure (pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere above an area)
ilmanpainekäyrä :: isobar
ilmanpainemittari :: A barometer
ilmanpuhdistin :: air cleaner, air purifier
ilmanraikastin :: air freshener
ilmansaaste :: air pollutant
ilmansuodatin :: air filter
ilmansuunta :: A compass point or point
ilmanvaihto :: ventilation
ilmanvastus :: air resistance, drag, atmospheric drag (force which resists motion of an object through air)
ilmapallo :: balloon
ilmapalloilla :: To fly a hot-air balloon
ilmapatsas :: air column
ilmapöhö :: emphysema
ilmapiiri :: atmosphere (mood or feeling in a situation)
ilmapiiri :: climate (figuratively: context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation)
ilmapistooli :: air pistol
ilmapistooliammunta :: shooting with an air pistol
ilmapumppu :: air pump
Ilmapumppu :: The constellation Antlia
ilmapuntari :: barometer
ilmapuolustus :: air defense
ilmapussi :: air sac (of birds)
ilmarako :: stoma
Ilmari :: male given name
Ilmarinen :: A common name of ships
Ilmarinen :: A skillful smith, one of the main characters of Kalevala
ilmarinta :: pneumothorax
ilmarosvo :: air pirate
ilmarosvous :: air piracy
ilmasilta :: airlift
ilmasota :: air war
ilmastaa :: To aerate
ilmaste :: aerating substance
ilmastin :: An aerator (device)
ilmasto :: climate
ilmastodiagrammi :: climate diagram
ilmastoida :: To air-condition
ilmastointi :: air conditioning
ilmastointilaite :: air conditioner, climate control
ilmastointiteippi :: duct tape
ilmastollinen :: climatic
ilmastomalli :: climate model
ilmastonmuutos :: climate change
ilmasto-oppi :: climatology
ilmastotiede :: climatology
ilmastotyyppi :: climate type
ilmastovyöhyke :: climate zone
ilmastua :: To become aerated
ilmastus :: aeration (process)
ilmasuoja :: anti-air cover
ilmata :: To bleed (to remove air from hydraulic system)
ilmatankkaus :: aerial refueling
Ilmatar :: An air spirit in Finnish mythology; the mother of Väinämöinen in the Kalevala
Ilmatar :: female given name
ilmatasku :: air pocket
ilmateitse :: by air
ilmatie :: air (transport through the air)
ilmatie :: airway, trachea, windpipe
ilmatiede :: meteorology
ilmatieteellinen :: meteorological
ilmatieteilijä :: climatologist
ilmatiiviisti :: airtightly, hermetically
ilmatiivis :: airtight
ilmatila :: airspace
ilmaton :: airless
ilmatorjunta :: As modifier in compound terms, anti-aircraft
ilmatorjunta [lb, fi, military] :: air defense, air defence (all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action)
ilmatorjuntaohjus :: An anti-aircraft missile
ilmatäytteinen :: air-filled
ilmatyyny :: airbag (protective system in automobiles)
ilmatyyny :: air cushion
ilmatyynyalus :: hovercraft, air cushion vehicle, ground-effect machine
ilmaurheilu :: air sport
ilmaus :: bleeding (act of removing air from a fluid system)
ilmaus :: expression (colloquialism or idiom)
ilmaus :: expression (particular way of phrasing an idea)
ilmava :: fluffy, airy
ilmavaara :: air alarm (alarm sounded to warn for such hazard)
ilmavaara :: air threat (threat of imminent enemy airstrike)
ilmavaivat :: flatulence
ilmavalokuva :: aerial photograph
ilmavalokuvaus :: aerial photography
ilmavarsi :: aerial stem
ilmavasti :: airily (in the concrete sense only)
ilmaveivi :: Michigan, high wrap, lacrosse move (deke consisting of lifting the puck with the stick and throwing it under the top corner of the goal, while skating behind the net)
ilmaverso :: aerial shoot
ilmavirta :: air current
ilmavirtaus :: air current
ilmaväli :: air gap (network security measure)
ilmavoima :: In plural, air force; see ilmavoimat
ilmavoima :: military force applied from the air
ilmavoimat :: air force
ilmavuus :: airiness
ilmaylivoima :: air superiority
ilme :: air (feeling or sense)
ilme :: facial expression, look, mien, appearance, countenance (features and expression of the face)
ilmeetön :: expressionless
ilmeettömästi :: blankly, expressionlessly
ilmeettömyys :: expressionlessness
ilmehdintä :: making of faces (act of showing a number of facial expressions in a row, often to entertain someone or to draw attention to oneself)
ilmehtiä :: to make faces, make a face, pull a face
ilmeikkyys :: expressiveness
ilmeikäs :: expressive
ilmeillä :: To make faces
ilmeinen :: apparent, evident, obvious
ilmeisemmin :: obviously
ilmeisesti :: apparently, evidently, obviously
ilmeittää [music, rare] :: to give a personal touch or sound when playing or singing
ilmenemä :: manifestation
ilmeniitti :: ilmenite
ilmentää :: to express
ilmentyä :: To be manifested
ilmentymä :: expression (process of translating a gene into a protein)
ilmentymä :: instance
ilmentymä :: manifestation
ilmestyä :: to be issued, be released
ilmestyä :: to emerge (to come into view)
ilmestyä :: to show up, appear, pop up, materialize (to arrive, especially suddenly or erratically)
ilmestymisaika :: time of publication
ilmestymispäivä :: date of publication
ilmestymisvuosi :: year of publication
ilmestys :: Phenomenon, spectacle, sight
ilmestys :: Revelation
ilmestys :: Vision, apparition, manifestation
ilmestyskirja :: Revelation (A common term used of the last book of the Bible)
Ilmestyskirja :: alternative spelling of ilmestyskirja
ilmestysmaja :: tabernacle (tent)
ilmetä :: To appear, turn out; to become apparent
ilmetty :: (of a person, especially an actor) natural, veritable, genuine
ilmi :: No direct English equivalent; expresses the idea of becoming evident, especially of something non-material that has been hidden or unknown. Examples:
ilmiö :: phenomenon
Ilmi :: female given name, variant of Ilma
ilmiantaa :: To inform, report (a crime, dissenter etc.)
ilmiantaja :: informer
ilmiasu :: appearance
ilmiasu :: phenotype
ilmiliekeissä :: ablaze
ilmiömäinen :: phenomenal
ilmiömäisesti :: phenomenally
ilmiömäisyys :: phenomenality
ilmiselvä :: obvious
ilmituoda :: To reveal
Ilmo :: male given name
ilmoitella :: To inform, announce (repeatedly, indifferently)
ilmoitse :: by air
ilmoittaa :: To report, in the sense of notifying; to announce
ilmoittaja :: informant
ilmoittautua [hospital] :: to register, check in, sign in, report (to the reception / receptionist, admissions office, or medical staff), say / give your name to the receptionist, fill in / complete your registration (form)
ilmoittautua :: to report (to show up or appear at an appointed time; to present oneself)
ilmoittautua :: to enrol/enroll in, register in (school = kouluun, a course = kurssille)
ilmoittautua :: to enter (a competition, contest = kilpailuun)
ilmoittautua :: to sign up for, join (to add one's name to the list of people who are participating in something, join an amateur team)
ilmoittautuminen :: enrolment, registration, entrance
ilmoittautumisaika :: registration time
ilmoittautunut :: registree, matriculant
ilmoittua :: To become aired (exposed to air)
ilmoitus :: advertisement
ilmoitus :: announcement ‎
ilmoitus :: declaration
ilmoitus :: notification, notice
ilmoitus :: return; in veroilmoitus ‎(“tax return”)
ilmoitustaulu :: bulletin board, notice board
ilo :: joy, delight, happiness, pleasure
ilo :: love, lover (especially when used with a possessive suffix)
ilohuuto :: cry of joy
iloinen :: glad
iloinen :: happy, cheerful
iloisa :: synonym of iloinen
iloisempi :: comparative form of iloinen
iloisesti :: happily, merrily, gaily
iloisuus :: joyfulness
iloita :: To be happy, glad, cheerful
ilokaasu :: laughing gas
ilolaulu :: paean (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
ilolintu :: prostitute
ilomielin :: with pleasure (willingly; without argument)
Ilona :: female given name
ilonkyynel :: A tear of joy
ilonpilaaja :: spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise, or twist in a story)
ilonpilaaja :: spoilsport, cold fish, killjoy, party pooper, stick in the mud, wet blanket (someone who puts an end to others' fun)
ilonpitäjä :: merrymaker
ilonpito :: amusement, merrymaking
ilonpurkaus :: A burst of joy
ilosanoma :: gospel (message expected to have positive reception or effect)
ilostua :: To become delighted
ilostuttaa :: To delight, cheer up
ilotalo :: fun house, brothel
ilotella :: To frolic
ilotikku :: joystick
iloton :: gloomy
ilottomuus :: joylessness (lack of joy)
ilotulite :: firework
ilotulitus :: fireworks
ilotulitusraketti :: skyrocket (type of firework)
ilotyttö :: A (young) female prostitute
Ilpo :: male given name
Ilppo :: male given name, variant of Ilpo
ilta :: evening
Ilta :: female given name
iltaa :: good evening
ilta-aurinko :: evening sun
iltahartaus :: evening prayer, evensong
iltahelokki :: evening primrose, evening star (Oenothera biennis)
iltahämärä :: dusk, nightfall, gloaming (evening twilight)
iltahämärissä :: at dark (at the time of nightfall)
iltaihminen :: A night person
iltaisin :: In the evening
iltakuusi :: Six o'clock at evening
iltalisä :: evening allowance (extra payment for working in the evening)
iltama :: soiree
iltapäivä :: An afternoon, roughly the period between 12 noon and 6 p.m
iltapäivälehti :: tabloid (newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature)
iltapuku :: evening dress (ladies' long, festive dress)
iltarusko :: sunset, sundown, sunset glow, afterglow (reddish glow seen in the sky after sunset)
iltasatu :: bedtime story
iltatee :: evening tea
iltatähti :: The evening star
iltavuoro :: evening shift
iltayö :: The time after evening and before midnight
iltti :: tongue (flap in a shoe)
ilve :: trick, joke
ilvehtiä :: To jest, to make fun
ilveilijä :: An antic, geek (grotesque performer)
ilveillä :: To antic (to perform antics)
ilves :: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx)
ilves :: lynx (any of the four species in genus Lynx)
Ilves :: Finnish surname
Ilves :: The constellation Lynx
imaami :: imam
imaginaariakseli :: imaginary axis
imaginaariluku :: imaginary number
imaginaarinen :: imaginary
imaginaariosa :: imaginary part
imaginaariyksikkö :: imaginary unit
imaginaatio :: imagination
imaginääriluku :: imaginary number
imaginääriosa :: alternative form of imaginaariosa
imaista :: To suck (rapidly, once)
imarre :: Short of kallioimarre, Polypodium vulgare
imarre :: With a modifier, used in the names of several similar-looking ferns of various genera
imarrella :: To coax, cajole, beguile
imarrella :: To flatter, compliment, (colloquially) to butter up, soft-soap, suck up to
imarrella :: To toady to, truckle to, carry favor with, (colloquially) to brownnose, kiss/lick sb's ass/boots
imarteleva :: flattering, complimentary
imartelija :: flatterer, sycophant (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage)
imartelu :: flattery
imbesilli :: imbecile
imeä :: to aspirate
imeä :: to absorb
imeä :: to pull towards
imeä :: to suck
imeksiä :: To suck (using mouth)
imelä :: cloying, syrupy
imelä :: overly sweet, sugary, syrupy
imelöittää :: alternative form of imeltää
imelöittää :: to sweeten
imelle :: sweetener
imellyttää :: alternative form of imeltää
imeltää :: To sweeten starchy foods by keeping them warm over a lengthy period
imeltyä :: To become sweet
imeskellä :: To suck (casually, for a while; like e.g. a lollipop)
imettää :: to breastfeed
imettäjä :: wet nurse
imettäväinen :: mammal
imetys :: breastfeeding, lactation (process of providing breast milk to the offspring)
imetysaika :: lactation period
imeväinen :: A suckling (baby that has not been weaned yet)
imeväiskuolleisuus :: infant mortality
imeväiskuolleisuus :: infant mortality rate (the ratio of the number of children dying before their first birthday to the number of births, usually expressed as number per thousand live births)
imeyttää :: To cause to be absorbed
imeytyä :: to become sucked up, absorbed
imidatsoli :: imidazole
imiini :: imine
imijä :: sucker
imikkä :: lungwort
imitaatio :: imitation
imitaattori :: impersonator, mimic, mimicker (entertainer whose act is based upon performing impressions of others)
imitoida :: To imitate, mimic, impersonate
imitoija :: impressionist (a comedian who imitates famous people)
imitoiminen :: imitation
imitointi :: imitation
Immanuel :: Immanuel
Immanuel :: male given name, rare in this form. Short forms: Immo, Manu
immateriaalinen :: immaterial
immateriaalioikeudet :: intellectual property (copyrights, patents and trademarks as property category)
immateriaalioikeus :: intellectual property (an individual copyright, patent or trademark as property item; usually used in plural)
immateriaalioikeus :: immaterial law (legislature that concerns intellectual property)
immenkalvo :: hymen, maidenhead, virginal membrane
immenkukka :: clarkia
immersio :: immersion
immigrantti :: immigrant
Immo :: male given name
Immonen :: Finnish surname
immunisaatio :: immunisation/immunization
immunisoida :: To immunize
immunisoitua :: To become immune
immuniteetti :: immunity
immunologi :: immunologist
immunologia :: immunology
immunologinen :: immunological
immunometrinen :: immunometric
immunoterapia :: immunotherapy
immunotoksiini :: immunotoxin
immunotoksikologia :: immunotoxicology
immuuni :: immune
immuunijärjestelmä :: immune system
immuunikato :: AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome
immuunistaa :: To immunize
immuunistua :: To become immune
immuunius :: immunity
immuunivaste :: immune response
immyt :: virgin
impakti :: impact
impala :: impala
impata :: To sniff, huff something in order to get intoxicated
impedanssi :: impedance
imperaattori :: imperator
imperatiivi :: imperative
imperfekti :: Simple past, imperfect (tense)
imperialismi :: imperialism
imperialisti :: imperialist
imperialistinen :: imperialistic
imperiumi :: empire (area under the power of one person)
imperiumi :: empire (group of states)
imperiumi :: empire (political unit)
impeys :: virginity
impi :: virgin
Impi :: female given name used around 1900; rare today
implantaatio :: implantation
implantaatti :: alternative form of implantti
implantoida :: To implant (to insert surgically into the body)
implantti :: implant
implikaatio :: implication
implikoida :: To imply (to suggest a logical inference)
implikoida :: To implicate, imply (to have as a necessary consequence or accompaniment)
implisiittinen :: implicit
implisiittisesti :: implicitly
implisoida :: alternative form of implikoida
imploosio :: implosion
implosiivi :: an implosive
imponoida :: To impress
importoida :: To import
impotenssi :: Sexual impotence
impotentti :: Sexually impotent
imppaus :: Sniffing or huffing, or the inhalation of the fumes, of something in order to get intoxicated
impregnoida :: To impregnate
impressaario :: impresario
impressionismi :: impressionism
impressionisti :: impressionist
impressionistinen :: impressionistic
improbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, corresponds to fail
improvisaatio :: improvisation
improvisatorinen :: improvisatory
improvisoida :: To improvise
improvisointi :: improvising
impudenssi :: impudence
impulsiivinen :: impulsive
impulsiivisesti :: impulsively
impulsiivisuus :: impulsiveness
impulssi :: impulse
impulssi :: impulse
impulssimomentti :: angular momentum
imputoida :: To impute
imputointi :: imputation
imu :: suction
imu :: undertow; also aaltojen imu (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore)
imujuoksutin :: A siphon
imujuuri :: haustorium
imukala :: seasnail (Liparis liparis)
imuke :: A cigarette holder
imukärsä :: proboscis
imukudos :: lymphatic tissue
imukuppi :: plunger (device that is used to remove blockages from a toilet or sink by suction)
imukuppi :: sucker (organ or body part that does the sucking of octopus and some fishes)
imukuppi :: suction cup
imuneste :: lymph
imupaperi :: blotting paper
imurauhanen :: lymph gland
imuri :: fan (fan applied to exhausting air or other gas from somewhere - like from a house)
imuri :: vacuum cleaner
imuroida :: To download
imuroida :: To vacuum
imurointi [colloquial, computing] :: download
imurointi :: vacuuming
imusarja :: intake manifold, inlet manifold
imusolmuke :: lymph node
imusolmukeajos :: bubo (inflamed swelling of a lymph node, especially due to an infection such as bubonic plague, gonorrhea, tuberculosis or syphilis)
imusolmukesyöpä :: lymphoma
imusolmukkeentulehdus :: A lymphadenitis
imusolu :: lymphocyte
imusuonentulehdus :: A lymphangitis
imusuoni :: lymph vessel, lymphatic vessel
imusuoniluomi :: lymphangioma (benign tumour of the lymph vessel)
imusuonisto :: lymphatic system
imuttaa :: To download
imuttaa :: To kiss intensively
-in :: Forms inanimate instrumental nouns from verbs
-in :: Forms superlative adjectives
-in :: Instructive case suffix
-in :: A variant for the first-person singular possessive suffix -ni.
-in :: Forms the genitive plural
-in :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn.
inahtaa :: To utter a sound
Inari [dated, rare] :: male given name
Inari :: female given name from the name of the lake
Inari :: Inari (lake, municipality)
inarinsaame :: The Inari Sami language
indefiniitti :: alternative form of indefiniittinen
indefiniittinen :: indefinite
indefiniittipronomini :: indefinite pronoun
indeksi :: index
indeksikori :: market basket
indeksoida :: To index
indeksointi :: indexing
indifferentti [mechanics] :: neutral, indifferent, marginally stable
indigokarmiini :: indigo carmine
indigonsininen :: indigo
indigosini :: indigo
indiisi :: indicium
indikaatio :: indication
indikaattori :: An indicator
indikatiivi :: indicative, indicative mood
indikatiivinen :: indicative (serving as a sign)
indikoida :: To indicate
indisio :: indicium
indisoida :: To induce
indium :: indium
individi :: individual
individuaali :: An individual
individuaalinen :: individual
individuaalistaa :: To individualize
individuaatio :: individuation
individualismi :: individualism
individualisoida :: To individualize
individualisti :: individualist
individualistinen :: individualistic
indoarjalainen :: Indo-Aryan
indoeurooppalainen :: Indo-European
indoiranilainen :: Indo-Iranian
indoiranilainen :: An Indo-Iranian or (rarely) Aryan
indoktrinaatio :: indoctrination
indoktrinoida :: To indoctrinate
indoktrinointi :: indoctrination
indonesia :: Indonesian (language)
Indonesia :: Indonesia
indonesialainen :: pertaining to Indonesian
indonesialainen :: pertaining to the Indonesian language
indonesialainen :: an Indonesian person
indonesiansureli :: mitred leaf monkey, Presbytis melalophos
Indonesian tasavalta :: The Republic of Indonesia
induktanssi :: inductance
induktio :: induction
induskulttuuri :: Indus Valley Civilization
indusoida :: To induce
indusoitua :: To become induced
industrialismi :: industrialism
industrialisti :: industrialist
inehmo :: human
-inen :: Creates adjectives from present active participles, indicating a tendency to be/do something
-inen :: Creates adjectives indicating a material of which something is made; -en
-inen :: Creates adjectives signifying a certain quality; -like, -ous, -y
inertia :: inertia
inertti :: inert
inessiivi :: inessive, inessive case
inessiivi :: indoors
infantiili :: infantile
infarkti :: infarct
infektio :: infection (the growth of micro-organisms in a host)
infektoida :: To infect
infektoitua :: To be infected
inferentiaalinen [lb, fi, statistics] :: inferential
infernaalinen :: infernal
infertiili :: infertile
infinitesimaali :: infinitesimal
infinitesimaalinen :: infinitesimal
infinitiivi :: infinitive (uninflected form of a verb)
infinitiivi :: verbal noun, infinitive (verbal noun)
inflaatio :: inflation
inflaatioteoria [astronomy, physics] :: inflation theory
inflammaatio :: inflammation
inflatorinen :: inflationary
influenssa :: influenza
influenssaepidemia :: influenza epidemic
influenssi :: influence
infokratia :: infocracy
informaatikko :: informaticist, informatician (practitioner of informatics)
informaatio :: information
informaatioteknologia :: information technology
informaatioteoria :: information theory
informatiikka :: informatics
informatiivinen :: informative
informoida :: To inform
infra- :: infra-
infraääni :: infrasound
infrapuna :: infrared
infrapunainen :: infrared
infrapunakamera :: infrared camera
infrapunasignaali :: infrared signal
infrapunasäteily :: infrared radiation
infrapunateleskooppi :: infrared telescope
infrapunavalo :: infrared light
infrastruktuuri :: infrastructure
infuusio :: infusion
infuusio :: intravenous therapy (infusion of liquid substances directly into a vein)
inha :: appalling, gross, disgusting
inha :: bad, wicked, mean
Inha :: Finnish surname
inhalaatio :: inhalation (medicament inhaled in form of vapor)
inhalaatio [rare in common language] :: inhalation (act of inhaling)
inhalaattori :: inhaler
inhaloida :: To inhale
inhalointi :: inhalation
inhibiittori :: inhibitor
inhibitio :: inhibition
inhibitorinen :: inhibitory
inhiboida :: To inhibit
inhiboitua :: To become inhibited
inhimillinen :: human
inhimillinen :: humane
inhimillisesti :: humanely
inhimillisin :: superlative form of inhimillinen
inhimillistää :: To humanize
inhimillistyä :: To become more humane, to humanize
inho :: disgust, revulsion, abhorrence
inhoamaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, inhota, c=ill] ::
inhokki :: pet peeve, pet hate (something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike)
inhota :: To loathe, detest, abhor
inhottaa :: To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something)
inhottava :: disgusting, foul, obnoxious, hideous, gross, loathsome
inhottavasti :: disgustingly
inhottu :: disliked
iänikuinen :: ancient
iänikuinen :: constant
iänikuinen :: eternal
iänikuisesti :: constantly, eternally
ininä :: buzzing sound
inistä :: to whine, complain, grouse, grip
inistä :: to buzz on a relatively high frequency, as a mosquito
initiaali :: An initial
initiaatio :: initiation
injektiivinen :: injective
injektio :: injection
injektio :: injection
injektioruisku :: hypodermic syringe
injektoida :: To inject
injektori :: injector
inka :: An Inca
Inka :: female given name
iän kaiken :: eternally
inkarnaatio :: incarnation
inkarnoitua :: To be incarnated
Inkeri :: female given name
Inkeri :: Ingria
inkerikko :: An Izhorian
inkeriläinen :: Ingrian
inkeriläinen :: An Ingrian
Inkerinmaa :: Ingria
inkeroinen :: An Izhorian
inkeroinen :: The Ingrian language
inkivääri :: ginger (plant, herb)
inkivääriolut :: ginger beer, ginger ale
inkivääriolut :: root beer
inkkari :: injun
inkkari :: short for inkkarikanootti ‎(“canoe”)
inkkarikanootti :: canoe, Canadian canoe (small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
inklinaatio [geometry, astronomy] :: inclination
inkluusio :: inclusion
inkognito :: incognito
inkontinenssi :: incontinence
inkorrekti :: incorrect
inkubaatioaika :: germination time
inkubaattori :: incubator
inkunaabeli :: incunable
inkvisiittori :: inquisitor
inkvisitio :: inquisition
inkvisitorinen :: Rigorously examining or rigorously investigative
inkvisitorinen :: Inquisitorial (describing a trial system in which the prosecutor also acts as a judge)
iänmääritys :: dating (age estimation)
innoissaan :: enthusiastic, excited, rapt; jazzed up (about = elative)
innoite :: inspiration (something that inspires)
innoittaa :: to inspire (to act as a source for inspiration)
innoittaja :: inspirer
innoittua :: to be inspired
innoitus :: inspiration
innokas :: avid, eager, enthusiastic
innokkaasti :: avidly, eagerly, enthusiastically
innostaa :: To excite, inspire
innostaja :: inspirer
innostava :: invigorating (giving strength, energy and vitality)
innostua :: To get excited
innostuneesti :: excitedly, enthusiastically
innostunut :: excited
innostus :: enthusiasm
innostuttaa :: alternative form of innostaa
innota :: To enthuse overly
innoton :: halfhearted
innottomasti :: halfheartedly
innovaatio :: innovation
innovatiivinen :: innovative
innovoida :: To innovate
inosilikaatti :: inosilicate (mineral)
inositoli :: inositol
insektisidi :: insecticide
inseminaatio :: insemination
insertti :: insert
insesti :: incest (sexual intercourse between near relatives)
insinööri :: An engineering degree granted by a polytechnic, used with or without the abbreviation amk, which specifies the level of education
insinööri :: A person who is qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, an engineer
insinööritaito :: engineering (application of science to the needs of humanity)
insinööritaito :: engineering skills (competence as engineer; often used in plural)
inskriptio :: inscription
inspehtori :: inspector
inspiraatio :: inspiration
inspiroida :: To inspire
inspiroitua :: To be(come) inspired
inssi :: driving test
inssi :: engineer
installaatio :: installation
installaatio :: installation artwork
installoida :: To install
installointi :: installation
instanssi :: instance
institutionaalinen :: institutional
institutionaalistua :: To be(come) institutionalized
institutionalismi :: institutionalism
institutionalisoitua :: To be(come) institutionalized/institutionalised
instituutio :: institution
instituutti :: institute
instruktiivi :: instructive
instrumentaali :: instrumental case (noun case to express agency or means)
instrumentaali :: instrumental (piece of music without lyrics)
instrumentaalirock :: instrumental rock
instrumentaatio :: instrumentation
instrumentalisti :: instrumentalist
instrumentoida :: To add measure instruments or code
instrumentoida :: To instrumentate (add an instrumental score)
instrumentoida :: To treat with instruments
instrumentti :: instrument
insuliini :: insulin
insulinooma :: insulinoma
integraali :: integral
integraatio :: integration
integraatio :: integration
integriini :: integrin (protein that functions as receptor in communication between cells)
integroida :: To integrate (as opposed to differentiate)
integroiminen :: integration
integrointi :: integration
integrointivakio :: constant of integration
integroitua :: To integrate
integroituva :: integrable
integumentti :: An integument (outer protective covering of an animal, such as skin or shell)
integumentti :: An integument (outer layer of an ovule, which develops into the seed coat)
intellektualismi :: intellectualism
intellektuelli :: intellectual
intelligenssi :: intelligence
intelligentsia :: intelligentsia
intelligentsija :: intelligentsia
intendentti :: intendant
intensiivikurssi :: intensive course, boot camp
intensiivinen :: intensive
intensiivisesti :: intensively
intensiivisyys :: intensiveness
intensiteetti :: intensity
intentio :: intention
interaktiivinen :: interactive
interaktiivisesti :: interactively
interaktiivisuus :: interactivity
interaktio :: interaction
interferenssi :: interference
interferoida :: to interfere (of waves, to be correlated with each other when overlapped or superposed)
interferometri :: interferometer
interferoni :: interferon
interglasiaali :: interglacial
interiööri :: interior
interjektio :: interjection
interleukiini :: interleukin
intermittoiva :: intermittent
internationaali :: An international
internet :: internet
Internet :: the Internet
internet-protokolla :: Internet Protocol
internoida :: To intern (imprison)
interpolaatio :: The process of interpolation
interpoloida :: To interpolate
interpolointi :: The process of interpolation
interrailaaja :: alternative form of interreilaaja
interrailata :: To travel using the InterRail train pass
interreilaaja :: interrail passenger
interreilata :: alternative form of interrailata
interrogatiivipronomini :: an interrogative pronoun:
interseksuaalisuus :: intersexuality
interstadiaali :: interstadial
interstellaarinen :: interstellar
intervalli :: interval
interventio :: intervention
Intia :: India
intiaani :: Native American, Amerindian, (American) Indian
Intiaani :: The constellation Indus (Indus (constellation))
intiaanikanootti :: canoe, Canadian canoe (small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
intiaanikesä :: Indian summer
intiaanikieli :: An American Indian language
intiaanipokeri :: Indian poker (variant of poker)
intiaaniteltta :: teepee
intialainen :: Indian (pertaining to India)
intialainen :: Indian (person from India)
intiankobra :: Indian cobra, Naja naja
intiankorppikotka :: Indian vulture, Gyps indicus
intianmusanki :: Jerdon's palm civet, Paradoxurus jerdoni
intianmuurahaiskäpy :: Indian pangolin, Manis crassicaudata
intiannorsu :: Asian elephant, Elephas maximus
intiannorsu :: Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus
intianpuuvilla :: Indian cotton
intiansarvikuono :: Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis
intiansusi :: Indian wolf, Canis indica
intiantapiiri :: Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)
intiantiikeri :: Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
intiantupaija :: Anathana (genus)
intiantupaija :: Madras tree shrew, Indian tree shrew, Anathana ellioti (small shrew-like mammal, the only species in the genus Anathana)
Intian valtameri :: The Indian Ocean
intianvaris :: house crow, Corvus splendens
intianviippa :: Jerdon's courser, Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
intiimi :: intimate
intiimisti :: intimately
intiimiys :: intimacy
intimiteetti :: privacy
intimiteettisuoja :: protection of privacy
into :: eagerness, enthusiasm
into :: passion, fervour/fervor, ardour/ardor
into :: zeal, fanaticism
Into :: male given name
intohimo :: Passion, fervour/fervor
intohimoinen :: passionate, zealous
intohimoisesti :: passionately, zealously
intohimoisuus :: passionateness, zealousness
intoilija :: enthusiast, freak
intoilla :: to be enthusiastic (about something)
intoksikaatio :: intoxication
intoleranssi :: intolerance (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug)
intolerantti :: intolerant
intomieli :: enthusiast
intomielinen :: enthusiastic
intomielisesti :: enthusiastically
intomielisyys :: enthusiasm
intonaatio :: intonation
intos :: debate, argument
intoutua :: To become enthusiastic
intranasaalinen :: intranasal
intranasaalisesti :: intranasally
intranet :: intranet
intransitiivinen :: Intransitive (of a verb, not taking a direct object)
intransitiivinen verbi :: intransitive verb
intransitiiviverbi :: intransitive verb
intravaskulaarinen :: intravascular (pertaining to what is inside blood vessels)
intravenoosinen :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins)
intressi :: interest (business or amorous involvement)
intrigoida :: to intrigue (to conceive or carry out a secret plan)
intro :: intro (introduction)
introduktio :: introduction
introspektio :: introspection
introversio :: introversion
introvertti :: introvert
inttää :: To argue, insist
intti :: military (armed forces)
intuitiivinen :: intuitive
intuitiivisesti :: intuitively
intuitiivisuus :: intuitiveness
intuitio :: intuition
intuitionismi [mathematics, philosophy] :: intuitionism
inuktitut :: Inuktitut (language)
inuliini :: inulin
inva- :: invalid, disabled
invaasio :: invasion
invalidi :: not valid, invalid
invalidi :: A person with a disability or a handicap
invalidisoida :: To disable (to cause a handicap)
invalidisoitua :: To become disabled
invaliditeetti :: handicap (mental or physical disadvantage)
invalidoida :: To make someone disabled
invalidoitua :: To become disabled
invarianssi :: invariance
invariantti :: invariant
inventaari :: inventory (detailed list of all of the items on hand)
inventaari :: inventory (process of producing or updating such a list)
inventaario :: alternative form of inventaari
inventio :: invention
inventoida :: To produce an inventory
inversio :: inversion
inversio-ongelma :: inverse problem
investoida [intransitive, economics] :: To invest (in something = illative)
investointi :: an investment
-io :: Forms nouns from other nouns, adjectives, numbers or their stems
-io :: Forms nouns from verbs or verbal stems
ioni :: An ion
ionisaatio :: ionization
ionisaattori :: ionizer
ionisidos :: ionic bond
ionisoida :: To ionise/ionize
ionisointi :: ionization
ionisoitua :: To be(come) ionised/ionized
ionosfääri :: ionosphere
ioota :: iota (ninth letter of the Greek alphabet)
ipana :: a young child
IP-osoite :: an IP address
Irak :: Iraq
irakilainen :: Iraqi
irakilainen :: an Iraqi
Iran :: Iran
iranilainen :: Iranian
iranilainen :: an Iranian person
iravadindelfiini :: Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris
Irene :: female given name
iridium :: iridium
iridosykliitti :: iridocyclitis
iriitti :: iritis
Irina :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Ири́на.
Irina :: female given name of Finnish speakers
iriomotenkissa :: Iriomote cat, Prionailurus iriomotensis or Felis iriomotensis
irisoida :: to iridesce, be iridescent (to exhibit iridescence)
irisoiva :: iridescent (reflecting light in a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors)
Irja :: female given name
irkata :: To chat on IRC
irkku :: IRQ, interrupt request
irkku :: An Irishman or Irishwoman
irkku :: As a modifier in compound words, Irish
irkkukahvi :: An Irish coffee
irkut :: Ireland (seldom used in plain form)
irkut :: Irish people, Gaels
irkut :: (computing slang) IRQ's
irlanninkielinen :: Irish (Irish-speaking, Irish-language)
Irlanninmeri :: The Irish Sea
irlanninsetteri :: Irish Setter
irlanninsusikoira :: Irish Wolfhound
Irlannin tasavalta :: The Republic of Ireland
irlanti :: The Irish language
Irlanti :: The island of Ireland
Irlanti :: The Republic of Ireland
irlantilainen :: Irish (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people)
irlantilainen :: An Irishman or Irishwoman
irlantilainen :: In plural (irlantilaiset), the Irish (Irish people)
Irma :: female given name
Irmeli :: female given name
irmossi :: irmos
irokeesi :: An Iroquois, a mohawk (hairstyle)
irokeesi :: An Iroquois (member of an Iroquois tribe)
irokeesikampaus :: An Iroquois hairdo
irokeesikieli :: Any of the languages spoken by the Iroquois
irokeesitukka :: An Iroquois, a mohawk (hairstyle)
ironia :: irony
ironikko :: ironist
ironinen :: ironic
ironisesti :: ironically
ironisoida :: To ironize
irrallaan :: loose, free, untethered (not bound or tethered or leashed)
irrallinen :: loose, disconnected
irrallinen :: random
irrationaaliluku :: irrational number
irrationaalinen :: irrational
irrelevantti :: irrelevant
irrota :: To loosen, detach, separate
irrottaa :: to loosen, free, detach, unfasten, undo
irrottautua :: To detach oneself
irrottautua :: To secede
irrottua :: alternative form of irrottautua
irstaasti :: lewdly
irstailija :: debauchee
irstailla :: to behave lecherously, lead a loose life, lead a dissolute life; lech
irstailu :: debauchery
irstas :: lewd, lascivious
irstaus :: lewdness, lasciviousness
irtaantua :: To be detached, loosened
irtaantua :: To secede
irtaimisto :: Movables (property not part of a real estate collectively)
irtaimistovakuutus :: contents insurance (insurance that pays for damage to, or loss of, an individual’s personal possessions whilst they are located within that individual’s home)
irtain :: movable, chattel
irtauma :: A part that has detached from something
irtautua :: To secede
irtautuma :: alternative form of irtauma
irtautumislauseke :: escape clause (clause, term or condition in a contract that allows a party to that contract to avoid having to perform the contract or cancel it)
irti :: clear (not touching, e.g. during defibrillation)
irti :: Loose in the sense of not being fixed or stuck, unfastened, free
irtikytketty :: disconnected, uncoupled
irtisanoa :: to dismiss (to terminate employment by the employer for reasons depending on the employee)
irtisanoa :: to fire, sack (slang verbs for any type of termination of employment by the employer)
irtisanoa :: to lay off (to terminate employment by the employer for reasons not depending on the employee)
irtisanominen :: dismissal (termination of employment by the employer due to reasons depending on the employee)
irtisanominen :: layoff (US), redundancy (UK) (termination of employment by the employer due to economic reasons, i.e. not connected to the behaviour of the employee)
irtisanominen :: sacking, getting the sack (UK)‚ firing (US) (colloquial for dismissal for any reason)
irtisanomisaika :: term of notice
irtisanomisilmoitus :: A notice of the termination of employment; pink slip [US]
irtisanomiskorvaus :: severance pay
irtisanomisraha :: severance payment
irtisanomissuoja :: protection against dismissal
irtisanoutua :: To resign (one's office), quit, hand in one's notice, give in one's notice
irto- :: Used as modifier in compound terms to signify detachable, removable, separate, loose
irtokarkki :: bulk confectionery, loose candy, pick 'n' mix candy (candy sold by weight or piece)
irtolainen :: vagabond
irtolaisuus :: vagrancy
irtomaito :: milk dispensed into customer's container and paid by volume
irtonainen :: loose (not packaged)
irtonaisesti :: loosely (packed)
irtonumero :: A single copy of a newspaper or magazine, especially one sold at a newsstand; used when it is necessary to make a difference between subscriptions and retail sales of a paper
irtopää :: severed head
irtoparta :: fake beard
irtoseksi :: casual sex (sexual activity that is undertaken without commitment, emotional attachment or personal familiarity)
irtosolukoe :: smear test, Pap test
irtotakki :: sports jacket or blazer (tailored jacket which is not part of a suit)
irvailla :: To make fun of, to poke fun at
irviä :: To grimace
irviä :: To mock, joke
Irvikissa :: Cheshire cat (fictional character)
irvistää :: To grimace
irvistää :: To grin
irvistelijä :: grinner (one who grins)
irvistellä :: To grimace
irvistys :: grimace
irvistyttää :: To feel like grinning
irvistyttää :: To make grin
irvokas :: grotesque
irvokkaasti :: grotesquely
irvokkuus :: grotesqueness
isä :: father
isä [with capital initial] :: Father (God)
-is :: -er; a suffix used to form nouns and proper nouns from place names, common nouns and adjectives; gives a familiar nuance to the original word; the original word is often truncated in the process
Isä :: Father, Lord
-isa :: A suffix for making adjectives from some nouns and verbs
Isabella :: female given name
Isebel :: Jezebel
isentrooppinen :: isentropic (having a constant entropy)
isähahmo :: father figure
isi [familiar] :: dad, father
isintimä :: stepfather
iskä :: dad, daddy
iskari :: shock absorber
iskeä :: to attack
iskeä :: to crack down (to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly)
iskeä :: to hit on, flirt (to try to get someone romantically interested in oneself)
iskeä :: to strike, hit
iskeeminen :: ischemic
iskelmä :: schlager, hit song, adult pop song (piece of music made in schlager style)
iskelmämusiikki :: schlager, schlager music (popular music style)
iskelmätähti :: adult pop star
iskemia :: ischemia
iskeä silmää :: To wink (an eye)
iskettää :: To have something hit
iskevä :: witty
iskeytyä :: To hit, impact
iskias :: sciatica
iskijä :: striker, hitter
Isko :: male given name
iskos [archaeology] :: flake (prehistoric tool chipped out of stone)
iskostaa :: to instill (to cause a quality to become part of someone's nature)
iskostua :: to get/be instilled (to become part of someone's nature)
iskostua :: to stick hard on; especially of something undesirable
isku :: attentat, attack, strike, raid
isku :: hit, blow
isku :: impact
iskuaalto :: A shock wave
iskuhaava :: A wound caused by striking
iskujoukko :: strike force
iskukuumennus :: ultra-high-temperature processing
iskukuumentaa :: to process in UHT (especially milk and milk products)
iskulause :: slogan, catchphrase
iskulla :: singular adessive of isku
iskunappula :: punch (button of a joypad, joystick or similar device whose function is to cause a video game character to punch)
iskunkestävä :: shockproof
iskunvaimennin :: shock absorber
iskupora :: hammer drill, percussion drill (rotary drill with a hammering action)
iskurepliikki :: pick-up line
iskuri :: firing pin, striker (in firearms)
iskusana :: buzzword
iskusana :: slogan
iskutilavuus :: engine displacement
iskuvasara :: hammer (part of a firearm)
islam :: the religion of Islam
islamilainen :: Islamic
islamilainen fundamentalismi :: Islamic fundamentalism
islamintutkija :: Islamist (person who specializes in Islamic studies)
islaminusko :: Islam
islamismi :: Islamism
islamisti :: Islamist
islamistinen :: Islamist
islanninhevonen :: Icelandic horse
islannin kieli :: The Icelandic language
islanninlammaskoira :: Icelandic Sheepdog
islanti :: The Icelandic language
Islanti :: Iceland
islantilainen :: Icelandic, of or relating to Iceland
islantilainen :: Icelandic, relating to the Icelandic language:
islantilainen :: An Icelander
isällinen :: fatherly, paternal
isällisesti :: In a fatherly manner
Ismael :: Ishmael
Ismael :: male given name
isämeidän :: Lord's prayer, paternoster
Isä meidän :: Our Father, Lord's Prayer (prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount)
isämeidänrukous :: Lord's prayer, paternoster
Isä meidän -rukous :: Our Father, Lord's Prayer
ismi :: ism
-ismi :: -ism
Ismo :: male given name
isänisä :: paternal grandfather
isänäiti :: paternal grandmother
isänmaa :: fatherland, homeland, nation, mother country, Finland (context)
isänmaallinen :: patriotic
isänmaallisesti :: patriotically
isänmaallisuus :: patriotism
isänmaanrakkaus :: patriotism
isänmaanystävä :: patriot
isänmurha :: patricide (murder)
isännöidä :: To host
isännöidä :: To manage, especially real property such as an apartment buildin, typically as an agent for the building owners
isännöitsijä :: building manager, administrator of a condominium, deputy landlord
isännätön :: masterless
isänpäivä :: Father's Day; in Finland, the second Sunday of November
isänpuoleinen :: paternal
isäntä :: host
isäntä :: householder
isäntä :: master
isäntäeliö :: host organism
isäntäkasvi :: host plant, a plant that provides nourishment for pests or parasites
isäntämaa :: host country
isäntäsolu :: host cell
iso :: big
iso :: great
iso :: In some compound terms, grand
iso :: large
iso :: As a short form of isopurje, a main (short form of mainsail)
iso- :: big, great, grand
iso- :: iso-
isoakseli :: major axis
isoakselin puolikas :: semimajor axis
isoalbatrossi :: shy albatross (Thalassarche cauta)
isoamyyliasetaatti :: isoamyl acetate
isoamyylinitriitti :: isoamyl nitrite
isoapollo :: apollo or mountain apollo (Parnassius apollo)
isoauringonkukka :: the most commonly cultivated species of sunflower, Helianthus annuus
isobaari :: isobar
isobaasi :: isobase
Iso Britannia :: Great Britain
Iso-Britannia :: Great Britain (island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales)
Iso-Britannia :: Great Britain, Kingdom of Great Britain
Iso-Britannia [lb, fi, inaccurately] :: United Kingdom
Iso-Britannia ja Pohjois-Irlanti :: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
isobutaani :: isobutane
isobutanoli :: isobutanol
isobutyyliasetaatti :: isobutyl acetate
isobutyyrialdehydi :: isobutyraldehyde
isoeno :: great-uncle, brother of grandmother
isoentsyymi :: isoenzyme
isoftaalihappo :: isophthalic acid
isohaarahaukka :: red kite (Milvus milvus)
isohampainen :: Having large teeth, toothy
isohapero :: Russula paludosa, an edible mushroom
isohevosantilooppi :: roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
isohko :: biggish
isohutia :: giant hutia (any rodent of the extinct subfamily Heptaxodontinae)
isoin :: superlative form of iso
isoisä :: grandfather
isoisoisä :: great-grandfather
isoisoäiti :: great-grandmother
isoäiti :: grandmother
isoitiö :: megaspore
isoitiöpesäke :: megasporangium, macrosporangium
Isojalka :: Bigfoot
isojalkakana :: megapode (bird of the family Megapodiidae)
isojärvisimpukka :: swan mussel (Anadonta cygnea)
isojättikenguru :: eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus)
isokaivajavyötiäinen :: greater fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus retusus)
Iso karhu :: The constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear
Iso Karhu :: alternative spelling of Iso karhu
isokasuaari :: northern cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus)
isokenkäinen :: bigwig, nob
isokihu :: great skua (Stercorarius skua)
isokirvinen :: Richard's pipit (Anthus richardi)
iso kohtaus [pathology, epilepsy] :: grand mal
Iso koira :: The constellation Canis Major, the Great Dog
isokokoinen :: large-sized
isokorvaopossumi :: common opossum (Didelphis marsupialis)
isokoskelo :: A species of merganser, Mergus merganser
isokotipäästäinen :: greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula)
isokäpylintu :: parrot crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus
isokroninen :: isochronal
isokronismi :: isochronism
isokudu :: greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
isokuovi :: Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
isolaatio :: isolation
isolaattikieli :: A language isolate
isolepakko :: common noctule, Nyctalus noctula
isolepinkäinen :: great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor
isoleusiini :: isoleucine
isoliitäjä :: great shearwater (Puffinus gravis)
isoloida :: To isolate
isoloitua :: To become isolated
isolokki :: glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)
isoluinen :: big-boned
isomasto :: mainmast
isometria :: isometry
isometrinen :: isometric
Isometsä :: Finnish surname
iso monikulmaluu :: trapezium bone (os trapezium)
isomorfia :: isomorphy
isompi :: comparative form of iso
isomummo :: great-grandmother
isomuura :: black-throated antshrike
isomuurahaiskarhu :: giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla
isonauraja :: laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (former official full name of the United Kingdom, used in 1801 - 1927)
Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (official full name of the United Kingdom)
Ison-Britannian kuningaskunta :: Kingdom of Great Britain
isonokkamuura :: fasciated antshrike
isonokkonen :: stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
isontaa :: To enlarge
isontua :: To grow in size
isopanda :: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
isopentaani :: isopentane
isopeura :: A red deer, Cervus elaphus
isopiikkohirvi :: red brocket or Peruvian red deer (Mazama americana)
isopistooli :: 25 metre center-fire pistol
isopistooliammunta :: 25 metre center-fire pistol shooting (shooting event)
isopreeni :: isoprene
isopropyylialkoholi :: isopropyl alcohol
isopropyyliasetaatti :: isopropyl acetate
isopuksipuu :: boxwood, Buxus sempervirens
isopunasotka :: canvasback (Aythya valisineria)
isopurje :: mainsail
isopussikaniini :: greater bilby, Macrotis lagotis
isopyrstömuura :: large-tailed antshrike
isorakeinen :: large-grained
isorintainen :: big-breasted, busty, buxom
isorokko :: smallpox
isorotta :: brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
isorumpu :: bass drum
isosetä :: great-uncle (brother of grandfather)
isosimppu :: A species of fish in the family Cottidae, commonly known as father lasher, shorthorn sculpin and with a lot of other common names, Myoxocephalus scorpius
isosirri :: red knot (Calidris canutus)
isosisko :: big sister
isostasia :: isostasy
Iso-Syrtti :: The Gulf of Sidra
isota :: To grow bigger
isota [archaic + partitive] :: To hunger for, desire (e.g. power)
isot aivot :: alternative spelling of isotaivot
isotaivot :: cerebrum
Isotalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Isotalo :: Finnish surname
isotella :: To talk big
isotermi [physics, meteorology] :: isotherm
isoterminen [physics, meteorology] :: isothermic
isot häpyhuulet :: the labia majora
isotooppi :: An isotope
isotrappi :: great bustard (Otis tarda)
isotrooppinen :: isotropic
isotropia :: isotropy
isotäti :: great-aunt
isoukki :: great-grandfather
Iso valtameri :: The Pacific Ocean
isovanhempi :: grandparent
isovarvas :: big toe
isoveli :: A big brother
isoveli :: Also with capital initial, the Big Brother (government surveillance)
isoviha :: The Greater Wrath, a period of Russian occupation of Finland (1714–1721)
isoviiksisiippa :: Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii
isoviistäjä :: Atlantic petrel (Pterodroma incerta)
isovoihappo :: isobutyric acid
isovoirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius scrobiculatus
isovyötiäinen :: giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
isovyötiäismyyrä :: greater fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus retusus)
isoympyrä :: great circle
isoympyräreitti :: A great circle route
isäpuoli :: stepfather
Israel :: Israel
israelilainen :: Israeli
israelilainen :: An Israeli person
issias [disease, dated] :: A sciatica
issikka :: Icelandic horse
issikka :: horse cab
-istaa :: Forms verbs meaning "to make (into)", predominantly from adjectives; -ize/-ise
-istaa :: Occasionally used for other purposes, either as to apply a tool onto
-istaa :: or to equip:
istahtaa :: To sit down for a short while
-isti :: -ist
isätön :: fatherless
Isto :: male given name
isättömyys :: fatherlessness
istua :: to be a member in a board or similar
istua :: to be in jail
istua :: to sit
istuin :: seat
istuinluu :: An ischium (bone)
istujaiset :: get-together (small and intimate social gathering)
istukas :: A fish grown in hatchery and ready for planting in natural waters
istukas :: planting (plant that has been freshly planted)
istukas [lb, fi, agriculture] :: A root vegetable kept for planting next spring
istukka :: placenta
istukka [technology] :: chuck, socket (mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place)
istuksia :: To sit around
istumalihas :: buttock
istumapaikka :: A seat (place in which to sit in a train, theatre etc.)
istuminen :: sitting
istunta :: sitting
istunto :: A meeting (session)
istunto :: A session (in computing, a sequence of interactions between the server and a user)
istunto :: A session (meeting of a council, court, or legislative body to conduct its business)
istunto :: A sit (a religious event, where the primary activity is to sit in meditation)
istuntopäivä :: A judicial day
istuskella :: To sit around
istute :: implant
istuttaa :: To plant (place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
istutus :: The act of planting
istutusaika :: planting time
istutuskuusikko :: planted spruce forest
istutuslapio :: A trowel (gardening tool)
istuutua :: to sit down, take a seat, sit (take a seat)
isukki :: daddy
isäukko :: dad, father
isyys :: fatherhood, paternity
isyysloma :: paternity leave
isyysvapaa :: paternity leave
iätä :: to date (to measure the age of)
itää :: to germinate, sprout
itää :: to develop, grow, take shape
itä :: east, one of the cardinal points of the compass
itä :: East, the Orient
itä :: (first part in compounds) east, eastern
itaalinen :: Italic
Itä-Aasia :: The East Asia
itäaasialainen :: East Asian
itäaasialainen :: An East Asian person
itäafrikkalainen :: East African
itäafrikkalainen :: A East African person
italia :: Italian (Romance language)
Italia :: Italy
italiaano :: Italian (person)
italialainen :: Italian
italialainen :: Italian (person)
italialainen lakko :: work-to-rule
italialaistaa :: To Italianize (to give something Italian characteristics)
italialaistua :: To Italianize (to adopt an Italian way of life, or Italian manners)
italian kieli :: The Italian language
italiankielinen :: Italian (expressed in Italian language)
italiankumina :: fennel
italiantaa :: To translate into Italian
italianvinttikoira :: Italian greyhound
italowestern :: spaghetti western
itara :: stingy (covetous, meanly avaricious)
itarasti :: stingily
itaruus :: stinginess
itäblokki :: The Eastern Bloc
ite :: oneself (personal pronoun) (also plurally)
iteraatio :: iteration
iteraattori :: iterator
iterointi :: iteration
Itä-Eurooppa :: Eastern Europe
itäeurooppalainen :: Eastern European
itäeurooppalainen :: A Eastern European person
itäfriisi :: Saterland Frisian (Frisian language spoken mostly in the municipality of Saterland in Lower Saxony, Germany)
itägootti :: Ostrogoth
iäti [poetic, dated] :: forever, eternally
itiö :: spore
itiöeläin :: An organism belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa
itiöemä :: A sporocarp or fruiting body of a fungus
itiökanta [mycology] :: basidium
itiökasvi :: cryptogam
itikka :: mosquito
itikka :: cow
itiökotelo [mycology] :: ascus
itiölava :: hymenium
itäinen :: eastern
itiöpesäke :: A sporangium
itiöpöly :: spore dust
itäisempi :: comparative form of itäinen
itäkaakko :: east-southeast
itäkarjalainen :: Of or pertaining to the eastern Karelia
itkeä :: To cry, weep
itkeä maahan kaatunutta maitoa :: to cry over spilt milk
itkeskellä :: To cry (occasionally, an unspecified period of time); to be sad
itkettää :: To make (sb) cry
Itä-Kiinan meri :: The East China Sea
itkijä :: crier, one who cries
itkijä :: wailer
itäkoillinen :: east-northeast
itku :: cry (shedding of tears)
itkuinen :: weepy, tearful
itkupaju :: weeping willow (decorative variety of willow with pendulous branches)
itkupilli :: crybaby
itku pitkästä ilosta :: it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye
itämaalainen :: oriental
itämaalainen :: An Oriental (person from the Orient)
itämainen :: oriental
itämarkka :: A common term for the former East German currency (until 1990), the East German mark or ostmark. See: Itä-Saksan markka
itämerensimpukka :: Baltic macoma, Macoma balthica
itämerensuomalainen :: Baltic-Finnic
Itämeri :: The Baltic Sea
itämisaika :: germination time (time elapsed between sowing the seeds of a plant and the first appearance of the seedling)
itämisaika :: incubation period (time elapsed between an exposure to a pathogenic organism and the appearance of signs and symptoms)
iätön :: ageless
itäosa :: eastern part
Itä-Preussi :: East Prussia
itäpuoli :: eastside
itäraja :: eastern border
itäroomalainen :: Of or pertaining to the Byzantine Empire
itäroomalainen :: A person from Byzantine Empire
Itä-Saksa :: East Germany
itäsaksalainen :: East German
itäsaksalainen :: A East German person
Itä-Saksan markka :: The official term for the former East German currency (until 1990), the East German mark or ostmark
itsari :: suey , suicide [standard]
itse :: self, ego
itse- :: self-, auto-
itse :: (as modifier in compound words) auto-, self-; see also separate entry for itse-
itse :: by -self, on/by one's own
itse :: oneself; used reflexively with a possessive suffix
itse :: oneself; used to emphasize the person of the head word
-itse :: by, through; the suffix of the prolative, determines the channel by which something takes place
itseapu :: self-help
itsearviointi :: self evaluation, self assessment
itse asiassa :: as a matter of fact
itsehallinnollinen :: autonomous (self-governing)
itsehallinto :: autonomy
itsehallintoalue :: autonomous region
itsehedelmöitys :: self-fertilization
itsehillintä :: anger management (ability to control one's anger)
itsehillintä :: self-control, self-command (ability to control one's desires and impulses)
itsehillintä :: self-possession (calmness and composure, especially when under stress)
itseihailu :: self-admiration
itseinduktio :: self-induction
itseinho :: self-hatred
itseironia :: self-irony
itseisarvo [ethics] :: An intrinsic value
itseisarvo :: An absolute value
itseiva :: self-irony
itsejäljentävä :: self-replicating
itsekannattava :: self-supporting
itsekantava :: self-supporting
itsekeskeinen :: self-centered
itsekeskeisesti :: In an self-centered or selfish manner
itsekeskeisyys :: self-centeredness, egocentricity
itsekiillottuva :: self-polishing
itsekiinnittyvä :: self-adhesive
itsekkäästi :: selfishly
itsekkyys :: selfishness
itsekontrolli :: self-control
itsekriittinen :: self-critical
itsekriittisyys :: self-distance (ability to critically reflect on oneself and one's relations from an external perspective)
itsekritiikki :: self-criticism
itsekäs :: selfish
itsekseen :: alone, by oneself, on one's own, unaided, unassisted
itsekukin :: each one, everyone
itsekunnioitus :: self-respect
itsekuri :: self-discipline, self-restraint
itseliimautuva :: self-adhesive
itselleen :: to or for oneself
itseluottamus :: self-confidence, self-possession (confidence in one's own powers)
itsemme :: The first-person plural of the reflexive pronoun, ourselves
itsemääräämisoikeus :: self-determination (political independence of a people)
itsemurha :: suicide
itsemurhaaja :: suicide (one who has committed suicide)
itsemurhahyökkäys :: suicide attack
itsemurhaisku :: suicide attack
itsemurhakandidaatti :: suicide candidate, suicidal (person who is planning a suicide)
itsemurhalentäjä :: kamikaze (pilot)
itsemurhalentäjä :: one who commits suicide with an aircraft
itsemurhapommittaja :: kamikaze
itsemurhapommittaja :: suicide bomber
itsemurhapommitus :: suicide bombing
itsemurhasopimus :: A suicide pact
itsemurhaviesti :: suicide note
itsemurhayritys :: suicide attempt
itseneuvova :: self-guiding
itseni :: The first-person singular of the reflexive pronoun, myself
itsenäinen :: independent
itsenäisesti :: independently
itsenäistää :: To make independent
itsenäistyä :: To become independent; (of a country) to gain independence
itsenäistyminen :: emancipation (act of setting free from the power of another)
itsenäistyminen :: nationhood (act of becoming an independent state)
itsenäistyminen :: The act of becoming independent
itsenäistyttää :: To force or encourage someone to reach independency, often against his or her own will
itsenäisyys :: independence
itsenäisyysjulistus :: declaration of independence
itsenäisyysliike :: independence movement
itsenäisyyspäivä :: Independence Day
itsenne :: The second-person plural of the reflexive pronoun, yourselves (addressing many persons); yourself (addressing politely or formally one person)
itsenouseva :: self-raising, self-rising
itsensä :: The third-person singular and plural of the reflexive pronoun, himself, herself; itself; oneself; themselves
itsensä kehittäminen :: self-improvement
itsensäkieltäminen :: abnegation
itsensäpaljastaja :: exhibitionist
itsensäpaljastelu :: exhibitionism
itsensäruoskija :: flagellant (person who whips them self as part of a religious penance)
itsensä toteuttaminen :: self-actualization (psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are fulfilled)
itsensä työllistäminen :: self-employment
itsensä työllistävä :: self-employed (working for oneself, rather than for an employer)
itseohjaava :: self-guiding
itseohjautuva :: self-guided
itseoivallus :: self-realization
itseoppinut :: autodidact, self-taught, self-educated
itsepalvelu :: self-service
itsepalvelupesula :: launderette; laundromat (US) (place that has facilities for washing and drying clothes that the public may pay to use)
itsepetos :: self-deception, self-delusion, self-deceit
itsepäinen :: stubborn, opinionated
itsepintainen :: refractory (difficult to heal)
itsepintainen :: obstinate, refractory, stubborn
itsepintaisesti :: stubbornly
itsepintaisuus :: stubbornness
itsepäisesti :: stubbornly
itsepäisyys :: stubbornness
itsepölytys :: self-pollination
itsepuolustus :: self-defense
itserakas :: conceited (having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself)
itserakkaus :: self-love
itseriittoinen :: self-absorbed
itseruoskinta :: self-flagellation
itsesaastuttaja :: masturbator
itsesaastutus :: self-pollution (masturbation)
itsesensuuri :: self-censorship
itsesi :: The second-person singular of the reflexive pronoun, yourself
itsesiitos :: self-fertilization, autofecundation
itsesiliävä :: non-iron
itsesäilytysvaisto :: survival instinct
itsesäilytysvietti :: survival instinct
itsesääli :: self-pity
itsessä :: in and of itself, per se
itsesäätöinen :: self-regulating, self-adjusting, self-steering
itsestään :: by itself, spontaneously
itsestään selvä :: self-evident
itsestään selvä :: taken for granted (assumed to be true without verification or proof)
itsestäänselvyys :: something considered self-evident
itsestäänselvyys :: something taken for granted
itsesäätyvä :: self-regulating, self-adjusting, self-steering
itsesuggestio :: autosuggestion
itsesuojelu :: self-preservation
itsesuojeluvaisto :: survival instinct
itsesyttyminen :: spontaneous combustion
itsesytyntä :: spontaneous combustion
itsetehty :: self-made (made with one's own hands)
itse teossa :: in the act
itsetietoinen :: self-conscious
itsetoiminen :: automatic
itsetärkeä :: self-important
itsetuho :: self-destruction
itsetuhoinen :: suicidal
itsetuhoisuus :: self-destructiveness, suicidality
itsetunto :: self-esteem
itsetutkiskelu :: self-examination, introspection
itsetyydyttäjä :: onanist
itsetyydytys :: masturbation
itsetyytyväinen :: smug
itsetyytyväisesti :: smugly
itsetyytyväisyys :: self-satisfaction
itsevalaiseva :: self-luminous
itsevalta :: autocracy
itsevaltainen :: absolute; as in absolute monarchy
itsevaltainen :: autocratic, despotic
itsevaltias :: autocrat
itsevaltias :: sovereign
itsevaltius :: despotism {gloss|government by a singular authority, which rules with absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way}}
itsevarma :: self-assured (confident in one's own abilities)
itsevarmuus :: self-assurance
itseviittaus :: self-reference
itsevoiteleva :: self-lubricating
itseys :: selfness
itäsiperianlaika :: East Siberian laika
itäsuomalainen :: Of or pertaining to the eastern Finland
itäsuomalainen :: A person from the eastern Finland
-ittain :: Forms adverbs from adjectives, that express a manner of doing something
-ittain :: Forms adverbs from adjectives, that expresse a point of view
-ittain :: Forms adverbs from nouns or numerals, that express a multiple of a quantity, often translated as by the or in their into English
Itä-Timor :: East Timor
itätuuli :: eastern wind
itu :: sprout
iturata :: germline
Itävalta :: Austria, a country in Central Europe
itävaltalainen :: Austrian, related to Austria
itävaltalainen :: An Austrian person
itävaltaunkarilainen :: Austro-Hungarian
itäviitta :: The cardinal mark for east
iva :: ridicule, sarcasm, mockery, derision; irony
ivailla :: To ridicule, sneer
ivallinen :: mocking, sardonic
ivata :: To ridicule, mock, sneer, jeer at, scoff, satirise/satirize, deride
jää :: ice (any substance having the appearance of ice)
jää :: ice (water in solid form)
jää :: rock; in the expression on the rocks = jäillä (adessive plural of jää)
jää :: ice (crystal form of methamphetamine)
jöö :: order, discipline
ja :: [coordinating] and
-ja :: Forms agent nouns, especially human ones; -er
jaa :: oh (when the speaker is surprised about something that s/he got to know; this has a slight nuance of the speaker being more or less interested in getting more information about it)
jaa :: yes
jaa :: um, well
jaa :: aye (only in singular; in voting)
Jaafet :: Japheth (male given name)
Jaakkima :: male given name, cognate to Joachim
Jaakko :: male given name
Jaakkola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Jaakkola :: Finnish surname
Jaakob :: Jacob
Jaakob :: James
Jaakola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Jaakola :: Finnish surname
Jaakoppi :: male given name
jaala :: A type of small sailing boat
Jaana :: female given name
jaanata :: to harp
jaa-ääni :: aye (affirmative vote)
jaardi :: yard (unit of length equal to three feet)
jaaritella :: To ramble, drone on; to talk on in length without a point
jaarittelu :: rambling (meandering talk)
jaaritus :: rambling (long meandering talk)
jaaritus :: waffle (vague or evasive language)
jaarli :: An earl
jaarun :: a knot on wood
jaava :: The Javanese language
Jaava :: The island of Java
jaavalainen :: Javanese (of or pertaining to Java, its people or culture)
jaavalainen :: Javanese (person)
jaavanhevosenkenkäyökkö :: Bornean horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus borneensis
jaavankääpiökauris :: kanchil, lesser mouse deer, Tragulus javanicus
jaavansarvikuono :: Javan rhinoceros (Rhinocerus sondaicus)
jaavantiikeri :: Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica)
jackrussellinterrieri :: Jack Russell terrier
jacksoninkameleontti :: Jackson's chameleon or three-horned chameleon, Chamaeleo jacksonii
jade :: jade
Jade :: female given name
jadeiitti :: jadeite
jae :: fraction
jae :: passage, verse
jaella :: To distribute
jaguaari :: jaguar (Panthera onca)
jahdata :: to chase, hunt
jahka :: once, when, as soon as; used to refer to an expected event in the future
jahkailla :: to linger / stall / procrastinate / hem and haw in the making of a decision, etc
jahkaista :: to state something bemoaningly
jahkata :: to insist, argue against, oppose (to fight verbally against something)
jahkata :: to bemoan, complain, regret (to complain and blabber about something without actually doing anything to the problem itself)
jahnata :: to harp on something (to repeatedly mention a subject)
jahnata :: to quarrel
jahti :: hunt, chase
jahti :: yacht
jahtimakkara :: A kind of sausage flavoured with onion or garlic, resembling the German Jagdwurst
Jahve :: Yahweh
jääaika :: time on ice (statistics: the accumulated time which a player is actually playing, i.e. on the ice during a game)
jääaika [ice sports] :: icetime, ice time, ice-time (period of time for which an ice is reserved for a particular team or individual for exercise or game)
jainalaisuus :: Jainism
jakaa :: to divide
jakaa :: to deal
jakaa :: to mete out, dispense
jakaa :: To separate
jakaa :: To share; to distribute
jakaantua :: to divide, split up (e.g. a cell, a group of people, or a group into subgroups)
jakaa oman käden oikeutta :: To take the law into one's own hands (literally: "to dispense the justice of one's own hand")
jakaja :: dealer
jakaja :: deliveryman
jakaja :: distributor
jakaja :: divisor
jakamaton :: indivisible
jakamaton :: undivided
jakaminen :: Sharing
jakamo :: distribution station
jakaranda :: jacaranda
jakardikangas :: jacquard (fabric)
jakauma :: distribution
jakaus :: A parting (UK) or part (US) of hair
jakautua :: To (be) divide(d) (up), split (up)
jakautuma :: distribution
jakautuminen :: dividing
jakelija :: distributor
jakelu :: distribution
jakeluauto :: delivery truck (light truck designed for delivery of goods, typically from wholesalers to individual shops)
jakelulista :: mailing list
jakkara :: stool
jakki :: yak (Bos grunniens)
jakkihedelmä :: jackfruit
jakkihärkä :: yak, Bos grunniens
jakku :: jacket
jako :: The act of dividing, sharing or dealing (See various meanings of the verb jakaa)
jako :: The result of the same activities
jakoavain :: An adjustable wrench, or an adjustable spanner
jakobiini :: Jacobin
jakobiitti :: Jacobite
jakohihna :: timing belt
jakojäännös :: remainder
jakokarmi :: mullion (vertical bar between the casements of a window)
jakokulma :: long division
jakolasku :: division (calculation involving this process)
jakomielinen :: schizophrenic (of or pertaining to schizophrenia)
jakomielitauti [dated, pathology] :: schizophrenia
jakomielitautinen [dated, pathology] :: schizophrenic
jakomielitautinen [dated, pathology] :: A schizophrenic person
jaksaa :: To manage, have enough strength
jaksaa [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To manage, have enough strength (to something)
jaksella :: to be, to do; used when discussing somebody's well-being
jakso :: episode
jakso :: passage (paragraph or section of text)
jakso :: period
jaksoittainen :: intermittent, periodic
jaksollinen :: repeating, recurring, circulating, periodic (having a set of decimals that is repeated indefinitely)
jaksollinen :: periodic
jaksollinen järjestelmä :: periodic table
jaksollisuus :: periodicity (quality of being periodic)
jaksonaika :: period
jaksotella :: to divide into passages, such as a scripture
jaksotettu :: deferred
jaksottaa :: to carry forward (to distribute an expense, typically of an investment, over a number of years)
jaksottaa :: to divide into passages, such as a scripture
jaksottua :: to be carried forward
jaksottua :: to be divided into passages
jaksotus :: A deferral (instance of carrying an expense forward in bookkeeping)
jakuutti :: A Yakut
jakuutti :: The Yakut language
jalake :: mount, stand, pedestal
jalake :: cheta
jalallinen :: Having one or more legs
jalan :: on foot, by foot, afoot
jalanjälki :: footprint
jalankulkija :: Pedestrian
jalankulku :: pedestrian, foot-
jalankulku :: walking, especially as form of moving around
jalankulkualue :: pedestrian zone, pedestrian area; [UK] pedestrian precinct
jalankulkukatu :: pedestrian street
jalankulkusilta :: footbridge
jalankulkutie :: pedestrian road
jalankulkutunneli :: pedestrian tunnel
jalansija :: foothold
jalapeno :: jalapeño (variety of pepper)
jalas :: runner (mechanical part in a vehicle or other structure intended to slide against a surface)
jalas :: runner, skid (runner of a sled)
jalas :: skid (ski shaped runner or supporting surface on an aircraft)
jalasmökki :: A hut built on runners like a sled, so that it can esily be moved from one location to another
jalaton :: legless
jalava :: Elm
jalavanopsasiipi :: white-letter hairstreak, Satyrium w-album
jalka :: base, pedestal
jalka :: foot
jalka :: foot (unit of measure)
jalka :: stipe
jalka :: leg
jalka :: the lower limb of a human
jalkafetisismi :: foot fetishism
-jalkainen :: legged
jalkaisin :: On/by foot, afoot
jalkajakkara :: footstool
jalkajarru :: foot brake
jalkajousi :: crossbow
jalkakäytävä :: sidewalk [US], pavement [UK] (paved footpath at the side of a road)
jalkalista :: baseboard, skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, base molding (board, often profiled, or molding between the floor and the interior wall of a structure)
jalkamies :: pavement artist (espionage: specialist in outdoor surveillance as a pedestrian)
jalkamies :: pedestrian
jalkapallo :: A ball used in that game
jalkapallo :: Football (mostly soccer)
jalkapallofani :: soccer fan, football fan
jalkapalloilija [American football] :: A football player
jalkapalloilija :: A footballer, soccer player, football player
jalkapalloilu :: soccer (sport, business, activity)
jalkapallojoukkue :: soccer team
jalkapallokenttä :: football field (field on which American football is played)
jalkapallokenttä :: soccer field, football pitch, soccer pitch (field on which soccer is played)
jalkapalloliiga :: football league, soccer league
jalkapalloliitto :: A national football (sense: soccer, association football) association, especially the Football Association of Finland
jalkapallo-ottelu :: soccer match
jalkapatikka :: walking
jalkapiikki :: caltrop (small metal object with spikes arranged so that, when thrown onto the ground, one always faces up as a threat to passers-by)
jalkapohja :: sole, track (entire lower surface of a foot)
jalkapoimuvampyyri :: white-winged vampire bat, Diaemus youngi
jalkapuoli :: One missing a leg
jalkapuu :: stocks (device for delivering humiliating punishment)
jalkapöydänluu :: A metatarsal
jalkapöytä :: instep, metatarsus (part of the foot between the toes and the ankle)
jalkaraudat :: leg irons
jalkarätti :: footwrap
jalkaseksi :: foot job
jalkasieni :: athlete's foot
jalkasilsa :: athlete's foot
jalkaterä :: foot (part of human body)
jalkatuki :: footrest
jalkatuki :: kickstand
jalkatuuletin :: pedestal fan
jalkatyö :: legwork
jalkauttaa :: to implement, put into practice, used especially of the strategy of an organization
jalkautua :: To disembark and to move on foot
jalkavaimo :: concubine
jalkavarsi :: The human leg from the ankle up
jalkaväensotilas :: infantryman
jalkaväki :: infantry
jalkaväkimies :: infantryman, foot soldier
jalkaväkimiina :: anti-personnel mine
jalkeilla :: On one's feet (being well again after a bout of illness)
jalkeilla :: up, on one's feet (standing up)
jalkine :: A piece of footwear
jalkio :: pedal (on organ)
jalkojen juuressa :: at the feet of (as a disciple, student, subordinate or worshiper of)
jalkopää :: foot of the bed
jalla :: diarrhea
jallittaa :: To con, cheat
Jalmar :: male given name
Jalmari :: male given name
jalo :: fine
jalo :: noble
Jalo :: male given name
jalofasaani :: common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
jalohaikara :: egret
jalohaikara :: great egret (Egretta alba/Ardea alba)
jalohaukka :: A bird of prey of the taxonomic family Falconidae, which includes eleven genera of falcons, falconets and caracaras
jalohaukka :: A bird of the genus Falco within the family Falconidae, which includes falcons, kestrels, hobbies, and the merlin
jalohaukka :: In plural (jalohaukat) the family Falconidae or the genus Falco
jalohome :: noble rot (growth of the fungus Botrytis cinerea which, in the right conditions, leads to a concentrated sweet wine)
jaloin :: superlative form of jalo
jaloitella :: To stretch one's legs by walking around
jalokaasu :: noble gas
jalokivi :: A gem, gemstone, jewel, precious stone
jalokivihioja :: lapidary
jalokivioppi :: gemology
jalokuusi :: A common name for firs of the genus Abies
jalometalli :: bullion
jalometalli :: noble metal
jalomielinen :: noble-minded
jalontaa :: To graft
jalopeura :: lion
Jalopeura :: the constellation Leo
jalopähkinä :: walnut
jalosauramo :: A camomile, specifically Roman camomile, Chamaemelum nobile
jalosilikaatti :: This group
jalosilikaatti :: Mineral belonging to a group of silicate minerals consisting of nesosilicates, cyclosilicates and sorosilicates
jalostaa :: To selectively breed (to improve genetic qualities of the next generation)
jalostaa :: To refine
jalostamo :: refinery
jaloste :: An improved cultivar or variety of a plant obtained by various selective breeding, cross-breeding and genetic techniques
jaloste :: Any material, but especially a foodstuff, obtained by refining or processing a raw material [sense "material in its unprocessed, natural state"]. Often used in compound terms and translated into English as "raw material + product" or "processed + raw material"
jalostua :: To become refined
jalostus :: refinement
jalostus :: selective breeding, cross-breeding and other techniques for developing improved (usually from the point of view of human needs) varieties or cultivars of plants and animals
jalosukuinen :: noble (of noble birth)
jaloverso :: A scion (detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting)
jalus :: sheet
jalussolmu :: sheet bend; a.k.a. becket bend, weaver's knot, weaver's hitch
jalusta :: plinth
jalusta :: stand, pedestal
jalustaa :: to sheet (to trim a sail using a sheet)
jalustin :: A stirrup (footrest for horseback riders)
jalustin :: A stirrup or stapes (bone in the middle ear)
jalustinluu :: stapes
jama :: A situation or state, especially an unfavourable one; normally used only in inessive, elative and illative singular to express being in, getting out of, or getting into a (bad) situation
Jamaika :: Jamaica
jamaikalainen :: Jamaican
jamaikalainen :: A Jamaican person
jamaikanhutia :: Jamaican coney, Jamaican hutia, Geocapromys brownii
jambi :: iamb
jamboree :: jamboree (of Scouts)
jamesoninkalliokaniini :: Jameson's red rock hare, Pronolagus randensis
Jami :: male given name of modern usage
jamit [music, dance] :: jam session
jammailla [music, colloquial, frequentative] :: To jam
jammata [music, colloquial] :: To jam
Jammu ja Kashmir :: Jammu and Kashmir
jamssi :: yam
jana :: line segment
Janette :: female given name
Jangtse :: Yangtze
Janhunen :: Finnish surname
Jani :: male given name
ja niin edelleen :: et cetera, and so on, and so forth
Janika :: female given name
Janina :: female given name of modern usage, a Slavic type cognate of English Jane
Janita :: female given name
janitsaari :: janissary
jankata :: To argue, insist (continuously)
jankko :: hardpan (layer of soil)
jankkoaura :: chisel plough (a plough that cuts deep to the ground in order to break up ploughpan and hardpan)
jankuttaa :: To harp, often with on (to repeatedly mention a subject)
Janna :: female given name
Janne :: male given name
jannu :: man; dude, bloke (man, usually young)
jano :: thirst, desire, lust, struggle for ambition, greed
jano :: thirst (sensation)
janoinen :: thirsty
janojuoma :: a thirst quencher, soft drink
janota :: To hunger (e.g. for power)
janottaa :: partitive + janottaa: To feel thirsty
janottaa :: To make thirsty
jantra :: yantra
jantteri :: pop-up target
jantteri :: rank and file soldier
jantteri :: chap, fella (unknown male)
Jantunen :: Finnish surname
jaoke :: segment
jaollinen :: divisible
jaollisuus :: divisibility
jaos :: division, section
jaosto :: division
jaotella :: to divide
jaoton :: indivisible, prime
japani :: Japanese language
Japani :: Japan
japanilainen :: Japanese (of or pertaining to Japan)
japanilainen :: A Japanese (person)
japaninankerias :: Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)
japaninhirvi :: sika deer (Cervus nippon)
japaninjänis :: Japanese hare, Lepus brachyurus
japaninjättiläisliito-orava :: Japanese giant flying squirrel, Petaurista leucogenys
japaninjättisalamanteri :: Japanese giant salamander, Andrias japonicus
japaninkielinen :: Expressed in Japanese
japaninkielinen :: Japanese speaker
japaninkurki :: red-crowned crane or Japanese grane (Grus japonensis)
japaninlakka :: japan (varnish)
japaninliito-orava :: Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, Pteromys momonga
japaninmakaki :: Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata)
Japaninmeri :: The Sea of Japan
japaninmispeli :: loquat, Eriobotrya japonica
japaninmispeli :: the fruit of that tree
japaninnos :: Japanese translation
japaninnäätä :: Japanese marten, Martes melampus
japaninokahiiri :: Ryukyu spiny rat, Tokudaia osimensis
japaninorava :: Japanese squirrel, Sciurus lis
japaninpaperi :: Japanese paper
japaninpeura :: sika deer, Cervus nippon
japaninpika :: northern pika, Ochotona hyperborea
japaninpiparjuuri :: wasabi, species
japaninpäästäinen :: Azumi shrew, Sorex hosonoi
japaninpunamyyrä :: Japanese red-backed vole, Wakayama red-backed vole, Anderson's red-backed vole, Myodes andersoni
japaninpystykorva :: Japanese spitz
japaninserovi :: Japanese serow, Capricornis crispus, Nemorhaedus crispus
japanintaa :: To translate into Japanese
japaninunihiiri :: Japanese dormouse, Glirulus japonicus
japaninunikeko :: Japanese dormouse, Glirulus japonicus
japanitar :: A Japanese woman
japanofiili :: Japanophile
japanofobia :: Japanophobia (fear of Japan or Japanese)
Japetus :: the moon Iapetus
japsi :: Jap
jargon :: jargon
Jari :: male given name
Jarkko :: male given name, diminutive of Jarmo (Jeremy)
Jarmo :: male given name
Jarno :: male given name
jarru :: brake
jarru :: (colloquial) chemical castration
jarrukenkä :: A brake shoe
jarrumies :: brakeman
jarrupala :: A brake pad
jarrupoljin :: brake pedal
jarruraketti :: retrorocket
jarrurumpu :: brake drum
jarruttaa :: to brake (to slow down by operating a brake)
jarruttaa :: to filibuster (to use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body)
jarrutus :: braking (act of slowing down by applying brakes)
jarrutus :: filibuster, filibustering (delaying tactic, especially the use of long, often irrelevant speeches)
jarrutusjälki :: skidmark
jarrutusmatka :: braking distance
jarruuntua :: to slow down, brake; especially as result of some type of braking action
jarruvalo :: brake light
jarruvaunu :: caboose (last train car)
jasidi :: alternative form of jesidi
jasidilaisuus :: alternative form of jesidiläisyys
Jasmiina :: female given name
jasmiini :: jasmine (color)
jasmiini :: jasmine (perfume)
jasmiini :: jasmine (plant)
jasmike :: mock-orange
Jasmin :: female given name of modern usage, cognate to English Jasmine
Jasper :: male given name of modern usage
jaspis :: jasper
jassana :: jacana (wading birds in the family Jacanidae)
jata :: A line of fishnets that are connected together
jatkaa :: To continue, keep on, go on
jatkaa :: To extend, to lengthen, to stretch
jatkaa sukua [idiomatic, of people and animals] :: To procreate, reproduce, (of animals) to continue the species
jatkaja :: One who continues
jatkaminen :: continuing
jatkava :: unending
jatke :: continuation
jatke :: extension
jatke :: prolongation
jatko :: addition
jatko :: continuation
jatko :: extension
jatko :: follow-on, follow-up
jatko :: afterparty
jatko :: lengthening
jatkoaika :: overtime, extra time (extra period of play)
jatkojohto :: extension cord
jatkojohto :: power strip (extension cord with a block of electrical sockets instead of only one)
jatko-osa :: Sequel
jatkopaikka :: A place where some type of continued activity takes place, especially:
jatkos :: lengthening piece
jatkosota :: Continuation War, War of Continuation (war fought between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1941-44)
jatkotoimenpide :: follow-up (subsidiary action taken as the result of an event)
jatkua :: To (be) continue(d), start again/over
jatkua :: To continue, go on, last
jatkua :: To extend, stretch, continue, (of a river; of a street) to run
jatkuminen :: continuation
jatkumo :: A continuum (continuous extent)
jatkuva :: continuing
jatkuva :: continuous
jatkuva :: ongoing
jatkuvasti :: continuously, continually, constantly, perpetually:
jatkuvuus :: continuity
jatsahtava :: jazzy
jatsi :: jazz
Jatta :: female given name and nickname
jatuli :: A member of a race of giants in Finnish mythology
jatuli :: jotun (giant in Scandinavian mythology)
jatulintarha :: Troy Town (type of labyrinth built on the ground, made of stones in Scandinavia and of turf in Britain; their purpose is unknown)
jauhaa :: to jabber about silly or trivial things, or to talk about the same thing
jauhaa :: to grind, mince, chew
jauhaantua [are] :: alternative form of jauhautua
jauhaa paskaa [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to bullshit (to tell lies)
jauhaa paskaa [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to chit-chat, bullshit (to have casual conversation with no real point)
jauhattaa :: To have something ground
jauhatus :: grinding
jauhautua :: To pulverize (to be rendered into dust or powder)
jauhe :: grit (collection of hard small materials)
jauhe :: in compound terms in which jauhe is the head word, the English equivalent is often but not always powdered
jauhe :: powder (fine particles of any dry substance)
jauheliha :: hamburger, hamburger meat, ground beef (of cattle)
jauheliha :: minced meat (of any animal)
jauhelihakastike :: minced meat sauce
jauhelihapihvi :: hamburger (ground meat patty)
jauhemetallurgia :: powder metallurgy
jauhennin :: grinder
jauhentaa :: To pulverize (to render into dust or powder)
jauhentua :: To pulverize (to be rendered into dust or powder)
jauhin :: grinder, pulverizer
jauho :: flour, milled grain or cereal
jauhobanaani :: plantain
jauhobanaaniorava :: plantain squirrel, Callosciurus notatus
jauhoinen :: floury (covered in flour)
jauhoinen :: floury (resembling flour)
jauhoisa :: floury
jauhojalkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula farinipes
jauhokoisa :: Mediterranean flour moth, Indian flour moth, mill moth (Ephestia kuehniella)
jauhonuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius flavovirens
jauhopunkki :: flour mite, Acarus siro
jauhopuola :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
jauhosieni :: miller, Clitopilus prunulus
jauhottaa :: To flour (to apply flour on something)
jazz :: jazz (style of music)
jazztanssi [dance] :: jazz dance
jäbä :: dude, pal
jäädä :: + jonkin alle: to be run over or hit by a vehicle
jäädä :: + illative, allative to stay, remain
jäädä :: + location in inessive, adessive + vehicle in elative, often with pois: to get off in the sense of leaving e.g. a train, bus, road
jäde :: ice cream
jäädä jälkeen :: to lag, fall behind (to not keep up the pace)
jäädä kiinni :: ~ + elative: to get/be caught doing something (present participle of a verb) or for something (noun)
jäädä kiinni :: ~ + illative: to get stuck in
jäädä rysän päältä kiinni :: to be/get caught red-handed
jäädyke :: sorbet
jäädyttää :: to freeze
jäädytys :: The process of forming a thin layer of ice on a surface; the icing
jee :: yeah!, yay! (expressing joy)
jeeppi :: jeep (small, military-style four-wheel drive vehicle)
jeera :: cumin, cummin (spice)
jees :: good, great, awesome, fun (not declined)
jeesata :: To help
jeesiä :: to help
jees-mies :: yes man
Jeesus :: Jesus
Jeesus Kristus :: Jesus Christ
jeesusteippi :: duck tape, duct tape
jeesustella :: To act sanctimoniously
Jehova :: Jehovah
Jehovan todistaja :: Jehovah's Witness
Jehovan todistajat :: Jehovah's Witnesses (denomination)
Jehudit :: Judith, the wife of Esau
Jekaterinburg :: Yekaterinburg (city in Russia)
jekku :: A practical joke
jekkuilla :: to prank, trick (to perform a practical joke)
jekkupommi :: Jägerbomb
Jelena :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Елена
jellona :: A lion
jelpata :: to help
jelppiä :: To help
Jemen :: Yemen
jemeniläinen :: Yemeni
jemeniläinen :: a Yemeni person
Jemina :: female given name
jemma :: stash
jemmata :: to hide, stash, stockpile
jengi :: gang (as in street gang)
jengiläinen :: gangster (a member of street gang)
jengitappelu :: A gang fight, gang bang
jengiytyä :: To gang; to become a gang
jeni :: yen
Jenisei :: Yenisei
jenka :: screw thread
jenkka [dance] :: A Finnish folk dance similar to schottische
jenkkakahva :: love handle
jenkki :: Something that originates from, or relates to, the United States (when used eg. in a compound)
jenkki :: Yankee, usually refers to all inhabitants of the United States
jenkkifutis :: American (Yankee) football
jenkkikaappi :: A household appliance consisting of a refrigerator and a smaller (typically roughly one third of the size of the fridge) freezer on top of it
Jenkkilä :: Gringolandia, United States
jenkkiläinen :: An American (of or relating to the USA or its people)
jenkkiläinen :: American (a person from the USA)
jenkkirauta :: An old-style North American car
Jenna :: female given name
Jenni :: female given name
jep :: yep, yup
jepari :: cop
jepulis :: yes, yep
jerdoninpalmunäätä :: brown palm civet (Paradoxurus jerdoni)
Jere :: male given name
Jeremia :: Jeremiah. Given name form: Jeremias
jeremiadi :: A jeremiad
Jeremias :: male given name of biblical origin
Jerevan :: Yerevan
jeri :: jery (any bird of the genus Neomixis in Cisticolidae family)
Jeriko :: Jericho
jermu :: An old hand, especially one that is tough by nature
jermu [military, slang] :: An experienced and tough warrior
jerrykannu :: jerrycan
jersey :: jersey (type of fabric knit)
jerseyneulos :: jersey (type of fabric knit)
Jesaja :: Isaiah
jesari :: duck tape, duct tape
jesidi :: Yazidi (member of a Kurdish-speaking people of northern Iraq, Armenia and Caucasus, whose religion is Yazidism)
jesidiläisyys :: Yazidism (religion of Yazidis)
jesidismi :: Yazidism (religion of Yazidis)
Jesse :: male given name, popular since the 1980s
Jesse :: Jesus
Jessika :: female given name of modern usage
jessör :: yessir (used to express assent, especially to a superior)
jessus :: Jesus! (exclamation)
jestas :: Jesus! (exclamation)
jesuiitta :: Jesuit
jeti :: yeti
jetsulleen :: precisely, exactly
jetti :: jet plane
jetti :: short for vesijetti
jäähai :: Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
jäähakku :: ice axe
jäähalli :: indoor ice rink
jäähdyke :: coolant
jäähdyte :: coolant
jäähdytellä :: To cool (repeatedly)
jäähdytin :: radiator
jäähdytin :: cooler (anything that cools)
jäähdyttää :: To cool
jäähdyttäjä :: cooler
jäähdyttämätön :: uncooled
jäähdytys :: cooling
jäähdytysneste :: liquid coolant
jäähdytystorni :: cooling tower
jäähdytysvesi :: cooling water
jäähilejuoma :: slush (drink)
jhk :: abbreviation of johonkin
jähmeä :: formal; used of atmosphere, behaviour etc., but not of things, e.g. clothing
jähmeä :: stiff, inert, sluggish (slow in movements)
jähmetä :: alternative form of jähmettyä
jähmettää :: To petrify (to immobilize with fright)
jähmettää :: To solidify (to make solid; to convert into a solid body)
jähmettyä :: To freeze (to become motionless)
jähmettyä :: To petrify (to become immobilized with fright)
jähmettyä :: To set, solidify
jäähtyä :: To cool
jäähtyminen :: cooling
jäähy :: penalty (punishment in the form of being removed from play for a specified amount of time)
jäähy [sauna] :: A cooling period between sessions in the hot room
jäähyaitio [colloquial, ice hockey] :: The penalty box
jäähylly :: ice shelf
jäähyväinen :: See: jäähyväiset
jäähyväiset :: goodbye, farewell (act of uttering departing words)
jäähyväiset :: valediction (act of parting company)
jiddi :: The Yiddish language
jiddiš :: The Yiddish language
jäidenlähtö :: ice run
jigi :: jig (type of fishing lure)
jihad :: jihad (Muslims' holy war)
jiiktouvi :: clewline (outermost of the ropes with which a square sail is rolled up to the yard)
jiirata :: to sheer
jäillä :: on the rocks or with ice
Jimi :: male given name of modern usage
jäinen :: icy
jinkku :: jingle (short tune or verse used to advertise something)
jippii :: yippee! yahoo!
jippo :: A trick
jippoilla :: To trick
jäitse :: (to travel) on, by ice
jk :: abbreviation of jokin
jk :: abbreviation of joku
jääkaappi :: refrigerator
jääkaappipakastin :: A household appliance that combines refrigerator and freezer, usually the refrigerator on top of the freezer, both roughly of the same size
jääkahvi :: iced coffee
jääkaira :: ice auger, ice drill; used mainly to drill fishing holes in the ice
jääkairausnäyte :: ice core
jääkala :: blackfin icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus)
jääkarhu :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
jääkausi :: ice age
jääkenttä :: rink (a sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports)
jääkiekko :: Ice hockey
jääkiekko :: The puck with which ice hockey is played
jääkiekkoilija :: ice hockey player
jääkiekkoilla :: to play ice hockey
jääkiekkoilu :: ice hockey, as an activity
jääkiekkojoukkue :: ice hockey team
jääkiekkokaukalo :: An ice hockey rink
jääkiekkomaila :: A hockey stick
jäkkärä :: cudweed (plant of the genus Omalotheca)
jäkälä :: lichen
jäkälikkö :: area covered by lichen
jäkäläinen :: lichenous (covered in lichen)
jäkälistö :: area covered by lichen
jäkälöityä :: To become covered with lichen
jäkäläkangas :: A boreal pine forest type characterized by podsol soil and lichen dominating the undergrowth
jkn :: of sb
jkn :: of sthg
jkn :: sthg
jääkone :: icemaker, ice machine
jKr. :: A.D., AD (abbreviation for jälkeen Kristuksen, anno Domini)
jääkäri :: jaeger, one of the 2,000 Finnish men who obtained military training in Germany during the First World War, and became the core of the White Guards in the Finnish Civil War in 1918
jääkäri :: A private in the infantry
jääkäriliike :: Jaeger movement (movement born in 1914 among the Finnish students with the aim of separating Finland from Russia by military means)
jäkättää :: To nag
jäkättää :: To yack (to talk incessantly)
jököttää :: Of penis, to be erect
jököttää :: To stay firmly in one place, to stay put
jääkuikka :: yellow-billed loon, white-billed diver, Gavia adamsii (largest species of loon, native to the the Arctic sea region)
jääkuutio :: ice cube
jääkylmä :: ice-cold, freezing cold, frosty, stone cold (very cold)
jäälautta :: floe, ice raft
jääleinikki :: glacier buttercup, Ranunculus glacialis (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
jäälinnun päivät :: halcyon days
jäälintu :: halcyon (in classical legends, a bird said to nest on the sea, thereby calming it)
jäljellä :: left, remaining
jäljelle :: left, left over, remaining
jäljelle jäänyt :: leftover, remaining (which remains, especially after something else has been removed)
jäljellä oleva :: remaining (which remains, especially after something else has been removed)
jäljenne :: copy
jäljennös :: apograph (exact copy, especially one with official status)
jäljennös :: replica, copy
jäljentää :: To copy (to produce an object identical to a given object)
jäljentyä :: To produce a copy; to reproduce
jäljessä :: after, behind, lacking
jäljestää :: To track, trace (to follow tracks)
jäljitellä :: To copy someone's acts
jäljitellä :: To mimic, mock
jäljitelmä :: counterfeit, fake
jäljitelmä :: imitation, knock-off
jäljittää :: to track (discover location)
jäljittää :: to track down
jäljittää :: to track, trace (follow tracks)
jäljitys :: tracking
jälkeen :: after (mostly temporally)
jälkeen :: since; if the preceding event is expressed with a clause, the phrase sen jälkeen, kun (literally "after it when") is used
jälkeen :: under one's belt (within one's experience)
jälkeenjäänyt :: retarded
jälkeenjäänyt :: retard
jälkeenpäin :: afterwards (at a later or succeeding time)
jälkeinen :: following, post-
jälkeiset :: The afterbirths (placenta and fetal membranes expelled via the birth canal following childbirth)
jälkeläinen :: descendant
jälkeläinen :: in plural (jälkeläiset): offspring, progeny
jälki :: aftermath
jälki :: trace
jälki :: track
jälki- :: after-
jälki- :: post-
jälkihehku :: afterglow
jälki-istunto [school] :: detention
jälkijäristys :: aftershock (tremor following the mainshock in an earthquake event)
jälkijuuri :: adventitious root
jälkikasvu :: aftergrowth (second growth, seen in plants like crops or timber after harvesting)
jälkikasvu :: offspring, progeny ‎ (descendants of a person colllectively)
jälkikirjoitus :: epilogue
jälkikirjoitus :: postscript
jälkikäsittely :: post-processing
jälkikäteen :: afterwards
jälkiliite :: postfix
jälkilöyly :: aftermath (that which happens after, that which follows)
jälkilöyly :: residual heat; tepid heat obtained from the sauna stove (see: kiuas) after the actual bathing
jälkimaailma :: posterity (in general)
jälkimmäinen :: latter, second (of two items)
jälkiäänitys :: dub, dubbing
jälkipoltin :: afterburner
jälkipuhe :: afterword, epilogue
jälkiruoka :: A dessert
jälkiruokalusikallinen :: dessertspoon (volume contained within a dessert spoon)
jälkiruokalusikka :: dessertspoon
jälkisanat :: epilogue
jälkisilmu :: adventitious bud
jälkiuunileipä :: A traditional Finnish rye bread of rather firm texture, prepared from sourdough and baked at low heat
jälkiviisaus :: hindsight, wisdom after the events
jälkkäri :: dessert
jälkkäri [colloquial, school] :: detention
jälleen :: again
jälleen kerran :: once again (once more, one more time, but probably not the last time)
jälleenkäsittely :: reprocessing
jälleenmyyjä :: reseller
jälleenmyyjä :: retailer
jälleenmyynti :: retail, resale
jälleenrakennus :: reconstruction
jälleenrakennuskausi :: reconstruction era
jälleenrakentaminen :: reconstruction
jälleensyntyminen :: A reincarnation
jälleensyntynyt :: reincarnated, reborn
jälleensyntynyt :: A reincarnated person
jllek :: abbreviation of jollekin
jllk :: abbreviation of jollakin
jälsi :: cambium
jltk :: abbreviation of joltakin
jääluokitus :: ice class
jäämä :: remnant, residue (amount of material or substance left after most of it has been removed)
jämä :: remains (of food etc.)
jämerä :: firm
jäämerenseiti :: polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
jäämerenturska :: Arctic cod (Arctogadus glacialis)
Jäämeri :: The Arctic Ocean
Jäämeri :: The Southern Ocean
jämähtää :: to become stuck (somewhere)
jämäköityä :: To become more robust
jämäkkä :: assertive
jämäkkä :: robust
jämpti :: meticulous, punctual, dependable, precise
jänö :: hare
jäänaskali :: ice claw, ice pick (awl-like tool for getting grip of ice when hauling oneself up from the water after having fallen through the ice; often designed to be carried as a pair around the neck for immediate availability)
jne. :: et cetera
jäniksenliha :: hare meat
jäniksenpoika :: leveret
jänikset ja kaniinit :: The taxonomic family Leporidae (hares and rabbits)
jänis :: A stowaway
jänis :: coward
jänis :: hare (in general)
jänis :: In a running competition or similar, a rabbit
jänis :: mountain hare
Jänis :: The constellation Lepus, the Hare
jäniseläin :: Any species in the taxonomic suborder Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares and pikas)
jäniseläin :: In plural (jäniseläimet), the taxonomic suborder Lagomorpha
jänishousu :: chicken, coward (one who lacks courage)
jänishousuinen :: cowardly, chicken-hearted (not brave, lacking courage)
jänisrutto :: tularemia, rabbit fever
jänistää :: To chicken, lose courage
jänöjussi :: A nickname for a hare
jänkä :: A large, longish chunk of any material such as stone, ice or even cloud
jänkä :: wedge
jänkä :: type of swamp; free of, or sparsely covered by trees, especially in northern Finland
jnk :: abbreviation of jonkin
jänkäkoira [regional, northern Finland] :: jackfish, water wolf (nickname of northern pike, Esox lucius)
jänkäkurppa :: jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus)
jänkäsirriäinen :: broad-billed sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)
jänölepakko :: Egyptian slit-faced bat, Nycteris thebaica
jäänmurtaja :: An icebreaker
jännä :: cool, neat, interesting, groovy
jäänne :: relic, remain
jänne :: tendon, sinew
jänne [archery] :: bow string, string
jänne :: chord (straight line between two points of a curve)
jänneluu :: sesamoid bone
jännetulehdus :: tendinitis or tendonitis
jännetuppi :: A synovium
jännetuppitulehdus :: tenosynovitis
jännite [physics, electronics] :: voltage
jännite :: tension
jännitekampi :: torsion wrench (L-shaped lockpicking tool)
jännittää [bodybuilding] :: To flex (to tighten the muscles for display of size or strength)
jännittää [figuratively, monopersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel excited, nervous; to feel unsure or enthusiastic and a mild fear connected to it
jännittää :: To tense (to make tense)
jännittää :: To tension (to place an object in tension)
jännitteetön :: dead (of an electric circuit or device, disconnected from electric supply)
jännitteinen :: live, hot (electrically charged)
jännittävä :: thrilling
jännittyä :: To tense
jännittynyt :: tense, tensed up, nervous (showing stress or strain)
jännitys :: excitement
jännitys :: suspension (keeping of the hearer in doubt and in attentive expectation of what is to follow)
jännitys :: tension
jännityselokuva :: thriller (film)
jännitysfilmi :: thriller (film)
jännityskertomus :: thriller (sensational genre of story, book, play or film, used also figuratively)
jännäri :: thriller (sensational genre of story, book, play or film)
jäännös :: [often in plural] remains
jäännös :: remainder, residue, residual
jäännöslopuke :: (nowadays called rajakahdennus) gemination; in the Finnish language, the phenomenon in which the first consonant of the following word becomes geminated. If the next word begins with a vowel, there is a double glottal stop between the words. The tendency of a word to cause gemination in the following word is sometimes marked with [ˣ] or [(ʔ)] in IPA and the actual gemination of a consonant may be marked with [ː] or by doubling the consonant (see purje, vene, purjevene)
jännätä :: to feel excited for
jänskä :: exciting
jäänsärkijä :: icebreaker
jänteikäs :: Sinewy
jäntere :: alternative form of jänne
jäntevä :: sinewy, wiry
jäntevöidä :: alternative form of jäntevöittää
jäntterä :: sturdy
jo :: already
jo :: now (emphasizing word)
jobentsaamihappo :: iobenzamic acid
jockey :: jockey (rider)
jodaatti :: iodate
jodi :: iodine
jodidi :: iodide
jodihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula turci
jodihappo :: iodic acid
jodioida :: to iodize
jodiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius obtusus
jodittaa :: alternative form of jodioida
jodityppi :: nitrogen triiodide
jodlata :: to yodel
jodlaus :: yodeling (action)
jodlaus :: yodel (song sung by yodeling)
jodoksaamihappo :: iodoxamic acid
Joel :: Joel
Joel :: male given name of biblical origin
jo ennestään :: already
joenniska :: The point where river starts flowing from a lake
joenpenkka :: riverbank (sloped side of a river)
joenranta :: river shore
joensuu :: river mouth
Joensuu :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Joensuu :: Finnish surname
Joensuu :: Joensuu (city)
joensuulainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Joensuu or its citizens
joensuulainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Joensuu
joentörmä :: riverbank
joenvarsi :: alternative form of jokivarsi
joeton :: riverless, lacking rivers
joglisiinihappo :: ioglicic acid
joglykaamihappo :: ioglycamic acid
jogurtti :: yoghurt
Johanna :: Joanna
Johanna :: female given name
Johanneksen ilmestys :: The title of the last book of the Bible, the "Book of Revelation"
johanneksenleipäpuu :: carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua)
Johannes :: John
Johannes :: male given name
Johannes Kastaja :: John the Baptist
johdannainen :: A derivative (something derived)
johdannainen :: A derivative
johdannaismarkkinat :: derivatives market
johdanto :: introduction
johdatella :: To steer (discussion)
johdatin :: A device that is designed to guide the movement of something; a guide, a conductor
johdatin [anatomy, archaic] :: A duct
johdattaa :: To lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection)
johdatteleva :: leading
johde :: conductor (material)
johdin :: A conductor (a wire or other element designed to conduct electricity in a controlled manner)
johdinauto :: trolleybus
johdonmukainen :: coherent; consistent
johdonmukainen :: logical
johdonmukaistaa :: to make more logical, coherent or consistent
johdos :: derivative
johdosta :: genitive + ~ : because of, for, as consequence of; also other translations depending on usage in specific cases
johdottaa :: To wire (to equip with wires for use with electricity)
johonkin :: to somewhere
joht :: alternative form of joht. denoting johtaja
joht. :: johtaja
johtaa :: To lead to, result/end in
johtaa :: To manage, run, be in charge of
johtaa :: To derive, trace back
johtaa :: To prove
johtaa :: To conduct (e.g. electricity)
johtaa :: To deduce, conclude
johtaa :: To guide, conduct, usher
johtaa :: To lead, direct; to supervise, superintend
johtaa :: To lead, make, get, induce
johtaa :: To lead, take, show someone the way to
johtaa [war] :: to lead, command, be in command of, conduct
johtaa harhaan :: to mislead, misinform, deceive, lead astray (to cause someone to believe an untruth)
johtaa harhaan :: to lead astray, misguide, misdirect, mislead (to misguide or misdirect)
johtaja :: leader, commander
johtaja :: manager, director
johtajaopettaja :: head (headmaster, headmistress)
johtajatar :: female leader, manager, director; directress
johtajuus :: leadership
johtaminen :: lead, conduct, governance
johtava :: leading
johtava :: conducting
johtava :: premiere
johtavuus :: conductivity
johteinen :: decurrent
johto :: administration, management
johto :: cord
johtoaihe :: leitmotif
johtoasema :: lead (precedence; advance position)
johtojänne :: vascular bundle
johtokunta :: board (committee)
johtokyky :: conductivity
johtolanka :: A clue
johtolanka :: A hint (clue)
johtolanka :: A lead (information that allows any investigator, such as police or a journalist, to discover further details about an issue)
johtopaikka :: top position, leading position, lead
johtopäätös :: conclusion
johtoryhmä :: (the) management (of a company), executive board, executive committee, operating committee, executive council, executive board, management team, executive group, management group
johtosarja :: harness (set of wires)
johtosolukko :: vascular tissue
johtotähti :: guiding star, pole star, lodestar, cynosure (guiding tenet, that which serves to guide or direct)
johtua :: To be conducted
johtua :: To originate, stem, be derived from
johtua :: To result from, to be attributed to
johtua :: johtua mieleen: To come to mind, to occur; to bring to mind
johtua mieleen :: to occur, come to mind, bring to mind
johtuen :: due to, as a result of
johtuen [fi-infinitive of, johtua, t=2a, c=ins] ::
johtuminen :: conduction
joiata :: To yoik (traditional Sami form of song)
joiden :: whose; of which
joiden :: who(m), that, which
joikata :: To yoik (to sing in a traditional Sami style)
joiku :: A yoik
joikua :: to yoik
jointti :: joint, reefer
joita :: whom
joitten :: whose; of which
joitten :: who(m), that, which
joiunta :: yoik
jojo :: yo-yo
joka :: every, each:
joka :: who, which, that
joka ainoa :: Every single one
joka iikka :: everyone
joka ikinen :: each and every, every single
joka ikinen :: everyone
jokainen :: every
jokainen :: everyone, everybody
jok'ainoa :: alternative form of joka ainoa
joka kerta :: every time
jokamiehenoikeus :: freedom to roam, everyman's right
joka miekkaan tarttuu, se miekkaan hukkuu :: live by the sword, die by the sword (literally: the one who grabs the sword shall drown by it)
jokapaikanhöylä :: jack of all trades
jokapaikansara :: common sedge, Carex nigra
jokapäiväinen :: daily
jokapäiväinen :: everyday, mundane, ordinary
joka puolella :: all over the place
joka puolelle :: all over the place
jokarmihappo :: iocarmic acid
joka sorkka :: everyone, every single one
joka tapauksessa :: at any rate, in any case, anyway, anyhow, regardless
joka toinen :: every other, every second
joka vitsaa säästää, se lastaan vihaa :: spare the rod and spoil the child
jokavuotinen :: annual (happening once a year)
Jokela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Jokela :: Finnish surname
Jokelainen :: Finnish surname
jokellella [of babies] :: to babble
jokeltaa [of a baby] :: to babble, gurgle (inarticulate speech)
jokeri :: joker
joki :: river
jokihelmisimpukka :: freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)
jok'ikinen :: alternative form of joka ikinen
jokilaakso :: river valley
jokileinikki :: greater spearwort, Ranunculus lingua (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
jokimainen :: riverlike
jokin [indefinite, adjectival] :: some, one, a
jokin :: something
jokin :: what have you, what-have-you, whathaveyou
jokin aika sitten :: some time ago
Jokinen :: Finnish surname
jokirapu :: A European crayfish, noble crayfish, broad-fingered crayfish, Astacus astacus
jokisokeus :: river blindness
jokiuoma :: riverbed
jokivarsi :: riverside (area at or in the vicinity of a river)
jokivarsi :: when used attributively, riparian
jokivene :: riverboat
joko :: jo + -ko
joko :: joko ... tai: either ... or
Jokohama :: Yokohama
jokseenkin :: somewhat
joksikuksi :: Translative singular form of joku
jokto- :: yocto-
joktometri :: yoctometre
joku [indefinite, colloquial, adjectival] :: one, a, any:
joku [indefinite, colloquial] :: something:
joku :: someone, somebody:
joku :: ~ muu = other (not the one previously referred to)
joku muu :: someone else
jokunen :: some, a few
jolkutella :: To jog, trot
jolkuttaa :: To jog, trot
jolla :: dinghy
jollainen :: as, such as
jollei :: (subordinating) if ... not, unless:
jolleivät [subordinating] :: If they not, unless they, lest they
jollemme [subordinating] :: if we not, unless we
jollen :: if I ... not, unless I
jollet [subordinating] :: if you (sg.) not, unless you (sg.)
jollette [subordinating] :: If you(/ye) (pl.) not, unless you(/ye) (pl.), lest you(/ye)
jolloin :: at which time, when
jollottaa :: to cry
jolma :: A short river connecting two lakes
jomottaa :: To ache in a persistent and pulsating way
jomotus :: a persistent or pulsating ache or aching sensation
jompikumpi :: Either one (of two things)
jonakin päivänä :: one day, one of these days, someday (at unspecified time in the future)
Jonatan :: Jonathan (in the 1992 translation)
jongleerata :: to juggle
jonglööri :: juggler
Joni :: male given name
jonka :: whom, that, which
jonka [relative, genitive] :: whose; of which
jonkin aikaa :: some time (period of some length)
jonkinlainen :: some kind of a
jonkin verran :: somewhat (to a limited extent or degree)
Jonna :: female given name
jonne :: to where
jonne [Internet slang] :: a stereotypical teenage boy
Jonne :: male given name
jonnekin :: to somewhere
jono :: line (straight sequence of people)
jono :: sequence
jono :: file
jono :: queue
jono :: range
jononi :: ionone
jonoteoria :: queueing theory
jonottaa :: To queue
jonotus :: queuing
jonotuslista :: waiting list
jonotusnumero :: queue number
jonouttaa :: To cause queues
joo :: yeah, yes
joo :: yeah! (expressing agreement)
jooga :: yoga
joogata :: To do yoga
jooko :: Used as fortifier after a suggestion or similar; English equivalent might be please, will you, shall we etc
jooli :: A yawl (fore and aft rigged sailing vessel)
Joona :: Jonah
Joona :: male given name
Joonas [biblical character, in older versions] :: Jonah, Jonas
Joonas :: male given name of biblical origin
Joonatan :: Jonathan, in earlier translations of the Bible
Joonatan :: male given name
joonialainen :: Ionian
Joonianmeri :: The Ionian Sea
Joosef :: Joseph, as characters in the Bible
Jooseppi :: male given name
Joosua :: Joshua
jopa :: as much as
jopa :: even
jopa :: Used as fortifier with no specific translation into English
jopa niin :: so much so, even so (to such a great degree)
jopas :: denoting surprise: look, well
jopas :: jopas (nyt) jotakin: well, well, I'll be damned
jopi :: job
joppaus :: Any illegal trading, especially of alcohol or stolen goods
joppaus :: smuggling
jorata :: To dance
Jordan :: Jordan (river)
Jordania :: Jordan (country)
jordanialainen :: Jordanian
jordanialainen :: A Jordanian person
Jori :: male given name
joriini :: dahlia
jorina :: chatter
jorista :: To chitchat
jorma :: penis
Jorma :: male given name
jorpakko [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: To get lost
jorpakko [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To get lost
jorpakko :: A puddle
jorpakko :: The sea
joruba :: A member of the Yoruba people
joruba :: The Yoruba language
jos :: [subordinating] if
Josefiina :: female given name
josetaamihappo :: iocetamic acid
joskaan :: even though ... not, although ... not
joskin :: even though, although
josko :: if
joskus :: sometimes; (referring to the future) sometime, some day
jos Luoja suo :: God willing (barring unforeseen circumstances)
jos Luoja suo :: God willing (used to indicate acceptance of God's will)
jospa :: maybe, if [in a hopeful manner]
joss :: iff
jossain määrin :: to some extent
jossitella :: to speculate, hypothesize (to make an inference based on inconclusive evidence, to believe or assert on uncertain grounds)
jossittelu :: ifs, ands, or buts
jos tahtoa on :: where there is a will
jostain :: from somewhere
jostakin :: from somewhere
jostakin :: something
jos vuori ei tule Muhammedin luo :: if the mountain won't come to Muhammad
jota :: iota (ninth letter in Greek alphabet)
jota :: who, which, that
jota :: who(m), which, that
jotakuinkin :: just about, more or less
joten :: so, therefore, hence, whereupon
jotenkin :: somehow
jotenkuten :: somehow
jotka :: whom, which, that
jotka [relative, nominative] :: who, which, that
jotta :: (subordinating) so that, in order that, for the purpose that:
jotta- :: yotta-
jottei :: jotta + ei; 3rd person singular and passive form of "in order not to"
jotteivät :: jotta + eivät
jottemme :: jotta + emme
jotten :: jotta + en
jottet :: jotta + et
jottette :: jotta + ette
jotuni :: Alternative term for jatuli (giant in Finnish mythology)
jotuni :: Ectasian (geologic period)
jotuni :: (mythology) A giant in Sami mythology, known as jiehtanas in Sami
jotuni :: jotun (giant in Scandinavian mythology, a jötunn)
jouduttaa :: to expedite, hasten, precipitate, speed up
jouhea :: alternative form of juoheva
jouheva :: alternative form of juoheva
jouhi :: A single hair of an animal, especially of horse
jouhikangas :: horsehair (fabric)
jouhikko :: A traditional Finnish musical instrument, usually three-stringed Finnish bowed lyre
jouhimato :: nematode
jouhipaita :: hairshirt, cilice
jouhisara :: slender sedge (Carex lasiocarpa)
jouhisorsa :: northern pintail duck (Anas acuta)
Joukahainen :: A database of Finnish words, maintained by the University of Turku
Joukahainen :: One of the main characters in Kalevala, the Finnish national epic
joukkio :: A band (group of people)
joukko :: group, cluster, band
joukko :: set
joukko :: troops [usually in plural], force
joukko :: Used as modifier in compound term (joukko-); mass (involving a mass of people or things)
joukko :: Used postpositionally in inessive, elative and illative cases to denote among
joukkohauta :: mass grave
joukkohysteria :: mass hysteria
joukkoitsemurha :: A mass suicide
joukkoliike :: mass movement
joukkoliikenne :: mass transportation, mass transit
joukkomurha :: A mass murder
joukkomurhaaja :: mass murderer
joukko-opillinen :: set-theoretical
joukko-oppi :: set theory
joukkopsykoosi :: mass psychosis
joukkoraiskaus :: A gang rape
joukkoteoria :: set theory
joukkotuho :: A mass destruction, a holocaust
joukkotuhoase :: A weapon of mass destruction
joukkotuhonta :: A genocide
joukkotuotanto :: mass production
joukkotuote :: mass product
joukkovelkakirja :: bond
joukkoviestin :: mass medium
joukkue :: A platoon
joukkue :: A team
joukkuehenki :: team spirit
joukkuekilpailu :: team competition
joukkuetakaa-ajo :: team pursuit
joukkuetoveri :: teammate
joukkueurheilu :: team sport
joukkuevoimistelu :: aesthetic group gymnastics
Jouko :: male given name
joukoittain :: en masse
joukossa :: (genitive + ~ ) among
joule :: joule
joulu :: Christmas
jouluaatto :: Christmas Eve
jouluaika :: Christmas season
joulukalenteri :: Advent calendar
joulukiire :: Christmas rush
joulukirkko :: A worship held in the morning of the Christmas Day
joulukoriste :: Christmas ornament
joulukortti :: Christmas card
joulukuinen :: Pertaining to December
joulukuu :: December
joulukuusi :: Christmas tree
joululahja :: Christmas present
joululaulu :: Christmas carol
joulumuori :: The wife of Santa Claus
joulunaika :: Christmas time, Christmastime, Christmas season; yuletide
joulupäivä :: Christmas Day
joulupukki :: Santa Claus
Joulusaari :: Christmas Island (non self-governing territory of Australia)
joulusesonki :: Christmas season
joulutähti :: A representation of this star, used as Christmas decoration; often attached at the top of a Christmas tree
joulutähti [often capitalized] :: Christmas star, Star of Bethlehem (the star which, according to the Bible, led the magi to Bethlehem in the first Christmas)
joulutähti :: poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima (species of the spurge family, indigenous to Mexico and Central America, widely used in Christmas floral displays)
joulutonttu :: Christmas gnome, elf
joulutorttu :: A star-shaped "danish" made with puff pastry and filled with prune/damson plum jam. Traditionally eaten at Christmas
jouluvanukas :: Christmas pudding (dessert traditionally eaten at Christmas in Britain and other Anglo-Saxon cultures)
Jouni :: male given name
journalismi :: journalism
journalisti :: journalist
journalistiikka :: journalism
jousenjänne :: bowstring
jousi :: bow (a weapon)
jousi :: musical bow
jousi :: spring (a mechanical device made of flexible material)
jousiammunta :: archery
jousiampuja :: archer, bowman
jousiampujatar :: archeress
jousikvartetto :: string quartet
jousimies :: An archer, bowman
jousimies :: A person born in the sign of Sagittarius
Jousimies :: Sagittarius
jousiorkesteri :: string orchestra
jousipyssy :: bow (weapon)
jousisekstetto :: string sextet
jousisoitin :: string instrument
jousittaa :: To equip with springs
jousitus :: Any arrangement with similar effect
jousitus :: suspension (system of springs, shock absorbers etc which absorbs the effects of the road to a vehicle and thus smoothens the ride)
jousivakio :: spring constant
jouskari :: bow (weapon)
joustaa :: yield, bend
joustamaton :: inflexible
joustava :: flexible, elastic
joustavoida :: To make more flexible
joustavoittaa :: To make more flexible
joustavuus :: The quality of being flexible, flexibility
jousto :: As a term of economics, the elasticity
jousto :: The act of being flexible, flex
joustoaika :: flexitime (in flexitime arrangement the hours during which the employees are free to arrive or leave)
joustokangas :: flex fabric (any, often synthetic fibre functional fabric designed for high flexibility in addition to its main function)
joutaa :: To be ready/fit (for a place (that is considered negative) = illative), ought to be (somewhere = illative)
joutaa :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
joutaa :: (+ infinitive) To have/find time (to do)
joutava :: useless, unimportant
joutilaisuus :: idleness
joutilas :: idle
joutoaika :: leisure, spare time
joutohede :: staminode
joutokäynti :: idling (of an engine: state of running at a slow speed, or out of gear)
joutomaa :: fallow
joutsen :: A swan (any bird in the genus Cygnus)
Joutsen :: The constellation Cygnus, the Swan
Joutsen :: Finnish surname
joutsenenpoikanen :: cygnet
joutsenlaulu :: swan song
joutsenlisko :: plesiosaur
joutua :: To be forced (to do something)
joutua :: To end up in (involuntarily, in a place considered negative)
joutua :: To get (into a negative position or situation)
joutua [with koettaa, when commanding somebody] :: To hurry up
joutua kilometritehtaalle :: lose one's job, get fired, get sacked
joutuin :: quickly
joutuisa :: quick
joviaali :: jovial
jääpala :: ice cube (small piece of ice used for cooling drinks regardless of its actual shape)
jääpalakone :: icemaker, ice machine (appliance that produces ice cubes)
jääpalamuotti :: ice tray, ice cube tray (tray with indentations used to produce ice cubes in a freezer)
jääpallo :: bandy
jääpallo :: The ball with which bandy is played
jääpalloilija :: bandy player
jääpalloilu :: bandy (activity of playing bandy, bandy as profession, hobby etc.)
jääpallojoukkue :: bandy team
jääpallokenttä :: bandy field
jääpallomaila :: bandy stick (the stick used to play the ball in bandy)
jääpallo-ottelu :: bandy match
jääpeitteinen :: ice-covered, icy (covered with ice)
jäpittää :: To sit at attention, on commands: Minuutti! and Luokka!
jääpuikko :: icicle
jääpursi :: ice yacht
jääpussi :: ice bag, ice pack
jäärä :: alternative form of jääräpää
jäärä :: longhorn beetle of the family Cerambycidae
jäärä :: old man, especially one whose physical strength is high for his age
jäärä :: uncastrated ram, especially an old and stubborn one
jörö :: sullen, sulky
jörö :: untalkative, taciturn
järeä :: sturdy, heavy
järähdellä [of ground] :: To tremble, quake (repeatedly)
jääriite :: frazil ice (loose, randomly oriented needle-shaped ice crystals in water; first phase in formation of ice cover on a body of water)
järin :: very
järinä :: tremble
järistä [of ground] :: To quake, tremble
järistys :: quake
järisyttää :: to make a difference, to have a great effect on something
järisyttää :: To shock, to send shock waves, to quake
järisyttävä :: Earthmoving (of great significance)
järjellinen :: reasonable, sensible, rational
järjellisesti :: rationally
järjestää :: to arrange
järjestää :: to organize
järjestö :: organization (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules)
järjestellä :: to arrange
järjestellä :: to organize
järjestelmä :: system
järjestelmäasiantuntija :: systems specialist
järjestelmäkamera :: SLR camera
järjestelmällinen :: systematic
järjestelmällisesti :: systematically
järjestelmällistää :: to systematize (to create a system)
järjestelmällistyttää :: to cause to systemize
järjestelmäriippumaton :: cross-platform (designed to work on various operating systems)
järjestelmäsuunnittelu :: systems design
järjestely :: arrangement, deal
järjestely :: setup (of e.g. a scientific experimentation)
järjestely :: The act of sorting
järjestäjä :: organizer
järjestään :: consistently
järjestänsä :: alternative form of järjestään
järjestyä :: To be(come) organized
järjestyksenvalvoja :: security officer, bouncer, peace officer, order supervision person, proctor
järjestys :: order (as opposed to disorder)
järjestys :: organisation (quality of being organised)
järjestysluku :: ordinal number
järjestyslukusana :: Alternative term for ordinaalilukusana
järjestysmies :: A former job title for a bouncer, nowadays replaced by järjestyksenvalvoja
järjestysnumero :: running number
järjestyspoliisi :: patrolman
järjestyssääntö [often in plural] :: regulation, regulations, rules of conduct, rules and regulations (administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization, or people visiting the premises of that organization)
järjestäytyä :: To get organized
järjestäytymätön :: unorganized
järjestäytynyt :: organized
järjestäytynyt rikollisuus :: organized crime
järjetön :: mindless, preposterous
järjetön :: senseless, crazy
järjissään :: in one's right mind, sane, sensible, reasonable, thinking clearly
jöröjukka :: grouch
järkeenkäypä :: reasonable, rational
järkeillä :: to reason, cerebrate
järkeily :: reasoning
järkeistää :: To rationalize (to structure something along modern, efficient and systematic lines)
järkeistyä :: To be rationalized
järkevä :: reasonable
järkevä :: sensible
järkevöityä :: To become more sensible, rational
järkevän epäilyksen ulkopuolella :: beyond a reasonable doubt (legal set term meaning that evidence is sufficient for reliable conclusion regarding guilt or lack thereof)
järkevästi :: sensibly
järkähtää :: fluster, stun, startle, momentarily knock the senses from someone through shock or surprise
järkähtämätön :: unflappable (remaining composed and level-headed at all times; unswayed by adversity or excitement; impossible to fluster; not becoming frustrated or irritated easily)
järki :: reason (ability to think)
järki :: sense (meaning, reason, or value of something)
järki :: sense (sound practical judgment)
järkiintyä :: To come to one's senses
järkiperäinen :: rational
järkiperäistää :: to rationalize (to make rational)
järkkyä :: To be destabilised; to shake
järkäle :: boulder
järkätä :: To organize
järkyttää :: To shake, take aback
järkyttävä :: shocking, disturbing, outrageous, immoral
järkyttyä :: To become distraught, upset
järkyttynyt :: shocked, shaken, taken aback
järkytys :: shock, jolt (surprise)
jääräpää :: stubborn, persistent person
jääräpäinen :: dogged, obstinate, persistent, pertinacious, resolute, stubborn, unyielding, hellbent
jääräpäisesti :: doggedly, obstinately, persistently, pertinaciously, resolutely, stubbornly, unyieldingly (in a stubbornly resolute manner)
järripeippo :: brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)
järsiä :: To gnaw
jöröttää :: To sulk
Järvelä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Järvelä :: Finnish surname
Järveläinen :: Finnish surname
Järvenpää :: A city and a municipality 37 km north of Helsinki
Järvenpää :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Järvenpää :: Finnish surname
järvenranta :: lakefront (land or area adjacent to a lake)
järvi :: lake
järviallas :: lake basin
järvialue :: lake region
järvikaisla :: common club-rush (Schoenoplectus lacustris)
järvikorte :: water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile or Equisetum limosum)
järvilohi :: landlocked salmon, Salmo salar sebago, (subspecies of the Atlantic salmon)
järvimalmi :: bog iron, limonite (deposit of limonite found in the bottom of a lake)
Järvinen :: Finnish surname
järviruoko :: common reed (Phragmites australis)
järvisieni :: A species of freshwater sponge, Spongilla lacustris
järvisimpukka :: duck mussel, Anodonta piscinalis
järvisätkin :: pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus peltatus)
järvisyyhy :: swimmer's itch, duck itch
järvitaimen :: form of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha lacustris)
järvitiede :: limnology
jäsen :: A member of an organisation
jäsen :: A limb
jäseninen :: -limbed (only in compounds, having certain kind of limbs)
jäseninen :: -member (only in compounds, having a number of members)
jäsenistö :: membership (body of members)
jäsenkortti :: a membership card
jäsenkunta :: membership (body of members)
jäsenliitto :: member association
jäsenmaa :: member country
jäsenmaksu :: membership fee, dues, subscription
jäsenmäärä :: membership count (number of members in an organization)
jäsennellä :: to analyze, especially a theme for a presentation
jäsentää :: to parse, construe
jäsentää :: to analyze
jäsenvaltio :: member state
jäsenyys :: membership
jäsenyysneuvottelu :: membership negotiation
jässikkä :: A big, cumbersome boy
jössikkä :: alternative form of jässikkä
jssk :: abbreviation of jossakin
jästi :: A person who does not engage in geocaching
jästi :: Muggle, a non-magical person in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
jstk :: abbreviation of jostakin
jääsukellus :: ice diving
jäätää :: To freeze up, stiffen (in a thrilling situation, not knowing what to do)
jäätää :: To be freezing
jtak :: abbreviation of jotakin
jäte :: waste, garbage, rubbish
jäteastia :: Any type of receptacle for waste materials; a trash can, rubbish bin
jäteauto :: waste collection vehicle
jäätee :: iced tea
jätehuolto :: waste disposal, garbage disposal
jätehuolto :: waste management
jäätelö :: ice cream (frozen dessert)
jäätelöauto :: ice cream van
jäätelöbaari :: ice cream parlor [US] / parlour [UK] (indoor establishment selling ice cream and usually offering seating)
jäteliemi :: waste liquor (liquid waste from an industrial process, usually with a relatively high concentration of pollutants)
jäätelökone :: ice cream maker
jäätelöpuikko :: ice cream bar (frozen dessert on a stick)
jäätelötötterö :: ice cream cone
jäätelötuutti :: ice cream cone
jätemylly :: garbage disposal, garbage disposal unit
jätepaperi :: wastepaper
jätevedenpuhdistamo :: wastewater treatment plant
jätevesi :: sewage, wastewater
jööti :: A pile, chunk, etc.; a big piece of something, especially shit
jäätie :: ice road
jäätiköityä :: To glaciate (to become covered with glacier)
jäätiköityminen :: glaciation
jäätikkö :: glacier
jäätikkökaivo :: moulin (vertical shaft carved in a glacier by meltwater)
jätkä :: A lumberjack
jätkä :: A delinquent man or male youngster using to spend time in the streets
jätkä :: A guy, a dude or a bloke
jätkä :: A stevedore
jätkä :: A man whom the speaker wants to be considered as a scoundrel or a bastard
jätkä [informal, card games] :: A knave or a jack
jtkn {acronym} :: sthg; an acronym of jotakin
jätkänšakki :: tic-tac-toe (game)
jätkänsakki :: alternative spelling of jätkänšakki
jäätön :: Having no ice, iceless
jäätön :: Unfrozen (lake, sea etc.)
jätän päätettäväksi :: I rest my case (sentence that ends a lawyer's presentation of his case in a court)
jätös :: excrement (especially from a wild animal)
jätski :: ice cream
jättää :: To leave (an item somewhere; a place; a person)
jättää :: To submit (to enter or put forward for approval, consideration, marking etc.)
jättää :: To take, drop off, deliver
jättö :: delivery
jättö :: filing
jättää arpi :: to scar (to mark the skin permanently with a scar; also figuratively)
jätti :: a giant
jättihauki :: any exceptionally large pike, especially the northern pike Esox lucius, which is the only pike native to Finland
jättihauki :: muskellunge, Esox masquinongy (large freshwater gamefish native to North America)
jättiherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus macrosporus
jättikonna :: cane toad, marine toad, Bufo marinus (now Rhinella marina)
jättikonnamonni :: African sharptooth catfish, Clarias garlepinus (airbreathing freshwater catfish found in Africa and Middle East)
jättikorte :: great horsetail, Equisetum telmateia
jättiläinen :: A giant
jättiläinen :: An ogre (brutish giant)
jättiläinen :: As a modifier in compound terms (represented by the stem jättiläis-) signifies giant, gigantic; sometimes also ogrish
jättiläisalbatrossi :: wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans
jättiläishai :: basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
jättiläiskalmari :: giant squid
jättiläiskilpikonna :: A member of the tortoise genus Geochelone
jättiläismajava :: giant beaver, Castoroides ohioensis
jättiläismanner :: supercontinent (very large continent that split into smaller ones in the Earth’s geologic past)
jättiläismetsäkarju :: giant forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni)
jättiläismäinen :: gigantic
jättiläismuurahaiskäpy :: giant pangolin (Manis gigantea)
jättiläispanda :: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
jättiläispunapuu :: sequoia, redwood, Sequoia sempervirens
jättiläissaukko :: giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
jättiläistähti :: giant star
jättiläisvyötiäinen :: giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
jättimäinen :: gigantic
jättimuura :: giant antshrike, Batara cinerea
jättipotti :: A jackpot (large cash prize)
jättipotti :: A windfall (sudden large benefit)
jättiputki :: Hogweed, a plant of the family Heracleum
jättiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius praestans
jättisumma :: king's ransom (very large amount of money)
jättämä :: lag, delay, latency (period between the initiation of something and the occurrence)
jättää oman onnensa nojaan :: To hang out to dry, to leave to one's own devices
jättää pulaan :: to leave someone in the lurch, to leave somebody holding the bag (to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation)
jättöpyörre :: wash (turbulence left by an airplane)
jättöreuna :: A trailing edge
jättösarvi :: cast antler
jätättää :: To lose, to be slow (of a clock, to run slow)
jättää tyhjän päälle :: To leave penniless
jättövana :: condensation trail, contrail
jättää varjoonsa :: to eclipse, overshadow
jättäytyä :: To deliberately lag behind
jättäytyä :: To resign oneself, surrender
jääturska :: Atlantic tomcod, tomcod, tommy cod (Microgadus tomcod)
jäätävä :: gelid, glacial, icy, frosty (extremely cold)
jäätävästi :: icily
jäätyä :: to freeze
jäätyä :: to ice over (to become covered in ice, usually of a body of water)
jäätymispiste :: freezing point
jäätynyt olkapää :: adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder
Juba :: Juba (capital of South Sudan)
judata :: To wander, travel
judo :: judo
judoka :: judoka
Jugoslavia :: Yugoslavia (Former country in the Balkans)
jugoslavialainen :: Yugoslavian
jugoslavialainen :: A Yugoslavian person
jugurtti :: alternative form of jogurtti
Juha :: male given name
Juhana :: male given name, a cognate of John
Juhani :: male given name
juhannus :: Midsummer Day
juhannusaatto :: Midsummer Day eve
juhannussalko :: maypole
juhla :: celebration
juhla :: ceremony, occasion, function
juhla :: feast
juhla :: party
juhla-ateria :: banquet
juhlallinen :: ceremonial
juhlallinen :: festive
juhlallinen :: formal (ceremonial)
juhlallinen :: solemn (deeply serious and sober)
juhlallinen :: solemn (performed with great ceremony)
juhlallinen :: solemn (somberly impressive)
juhlallisesti :: ceremonially
juhlallisesti :: solemnly
juhlallisuudet :: festivities
juhlamekko :: A party dress (elegant dress designed to be worn in parties)
juhlapäivä :: holiday (A day on which a festival, religious event, or national celebration is traditionally observed.)
juhlapuhe :: oration (formal ceremonial speech)
juhlapuku :: full dress, evening dress
juhlasali :: hall, banquet hall, assembly hall, function hall, reception hall, ballroom (large room for dancing, banquets, other festivities, or social occasions)
juhlat :: celebration, party
juhlava :: festive
juhlavampi :: comparative form of juhlava
juhlaviikko :: A week dedicated for celebration of some kind. English translation depends on the case: week of celebration, festival etc
juhlaväki :: The guests or attendants of a party or ceremony collectively
juhlavuosi :: year of celebration (year declared to be a special period of celebration, usually to commemorate a past important event)
juhlia :: To celebrate
juhlia :: To party
juhlija :: celebrator
juhlija :: partier
juhlinta :: celebration
juhlinta :: partying
juhlistaa :: To solemnise/solemnize
Juho :: male given name
Juhola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Juhola :: Finnish surname
juhta :: beast of burden
juhtaeläin :: A beast of burden
juju :: catch, hitch, snag, kicker (problem or unexpected difficulty in a deal, negotiation or task)
juju :: trick (effective, clever or quick way of doing something, the "secret")
ju-jutsu :: alternative spelling of jujutsu
jujutsu :: jujitsu (martial art originating from Japan)
jujuttaa :: To dupe, cheat, trick
Jukatanin niemimaa :: The Yucatan Peninsula
jukeboksi :: A jukebox (coin-operated machine that plays recorded music)
jukka :: yucca
Jukka :: male given name
jukra :: gosh, gee
juksata :: To pull someone's leg
juksata :: To fish cod with a lure called juksa
juku :: gosh
jukurtti :: alternative form of jogurtti
Julia :: female given name
Julia :: Juliet, the lover of Romeo
julistaa :: To proclaim, announce, declare, pronounce
julistaja :: proclaimer
julistamaton :: undeclared
julistautua :: to declare oneself, proclaim oneself
juliste :: poster, placard
julistekangas :: A piece of fabric used to produce a commercial or political banner; fabric for banners
julistus :: declaration, bill, decree
Julius :: male given name
juljeta [literary, auxiliary + infinitive] :: To have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), can (do)
julkaisematon :: unpublished
julkaiseminen :: publishing
julkaisija :: publisher
julkaista :: To publish
julkaisu :: A publication
julkaisukelpoinen :: publishable (satisfying the quality criteria for being published)
julkaisuluettelo :: bibliography (list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author)
julkaisulupa :: imprimatur (official license to publish)
julkaisuvapaa :: publishable (free to be published; in the sense of not being confidential or under an embargo)
julkea :: Impudent, blatant, arrogant
julkeus :: impunity
julki :: openly
julki :: public (that what is visible, not hidden)
julkiasu :: appearance
julkikuva :: public image, face
julkilausuma :: communiqué, declaration, proclamation (official statement given out from a congress, meeting etc.)
julkilausumaton :: unexpressed
julkilausumaton :: unspoken
julkimo :: celebrity, celeb, star
julkinen :: public
julkinen :: unclassified (not secret)
julkinen edunvalvoja :: public trustee
julkinen hyödyke :: public good (good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable)
julkinen liikenne :: public transport, public transit
julkinen omaisuus :: public property
julkinen osakeyhtiö :: public limited company (publicly traded limited liability company)
julkipanna :: To announce (e.g. a public notice)
julkisesti :: publicly
julkishyödyke :: public good
julkisivu :: facade, façade
julkisivutiili :: facade brick (high-quality brick intended for facades)
julkissektori :: public sector
julkistaa :: to publish, announce (to make public)
julkistus [lb, fi, marketing] :: announcement
julkisuus :: publicity
julkisuustemppu :: publicity stunt (staged marketing event staged used to garner publicity)
julkkis :: celebrity, public figure
julkku :: celebrity
julli :: An oaf (person or similar animal)
jullikka :: alternative form of julli
julma :: [person] cruel
julma [weather] :: cruel
julmasti :: cruelly
julmin :: superlative form of julma
julmistella :: To show one's anger at somebody
julmistua :: To become infuriated
julmuus :: cruelty, brutality, atrocity
jumala :: A deity (god)
jumala :: A god
Jumala :: God
jumalaapelkäävä :: god-fearing
Jumala auttaa niitä, jotka auttavat itseään :: heaven helps those who help themselves
jumalainen :: divine, godly (gloriously good)
jumalallinen :: godly (of or pertaining to a god or God)
Jumalan armosta :: by the grace of God, Dei gratia
Jumalan Karitsa :: Agnus Dei (model or picture of a lamb with a cross)
Jumalan Karitsa :: Agnus Dei (part of a Christian mass, or a music set to the text)
Jumalan Karitsa :: Agnus Dei, Paschal Lamb (Jesus Christ)
Jumalan Karitsa :: Agnus Dei, Paschal Lamb
jumalankieltäjä :: atheist
Jumalan kiitos :: thank God
jumalanmurha :: deicide
jumalanpalvelus :: service, divine service, worship
jumalanpelko :: The fear of God
jumalanpilkka :: blasphemy
jumalatar :: goddess
jumalaton :: godless, impious
jumalattomuus :: godlessness
jumalauta :: goddammit, goddamnit, goddamn it
jumalauta :: holy shit
jumalinen :: godly (devoted to a god or God)
jumaloida :: To worship (e.g. a very attractive person)
jumalolento :: deity
jumaltenpuu :: ailanthus
jumalusko :: deism
jumaluus :: deity
jumaluusoppi :: theology, divinity (study of religion or religions)
jumbo :: last (especially in a competition)
jumbo :: jumbo jet
jumbojetti [informal, by extension] :: widebodied aircraft
jumbojetti :: jumbo jet (B-747)
jumbosija :: cellar (last place in a competition)
jumi :: The state of being stuck
jumi :: wood borer, woodworm (any of several insects and their larvae in the family Anobiidae)
jumiin :: jäädä jumiin: to get stuck
jumiintua :: alternative form of jumiutua
jumissa :: stuck
jumittaa :: alternative form of jumiuttaa
jumittua :: To get stuck
jumiuttaa :: To jam, block, to make something to stuck
jumiutua :: To jam, to become stuck
jumpata :: To exercise
jumppa :: gymnastics
jumpperi [electronics, colloquial] :: jumper
jumpperi :: jumper (sweater)
jumpru :: An old measure of volume equal to 0.082 liters. Jumpru was used in Sweden and Finland before adoption of metric system
jumputtaa :: To pound, bang (to strike repeatedly)
jumputus :: A thumping; a dull, continuous noise, like e.g. the rhythm of rock or similar music heard from distance, or through a wall
juna :: train (railroad train)
juna-asema :: train station, railway station
junailija :: organizer
junailija :: conductor
junailla :: to engineer (to plan or achieve some goal by contrivance or guile)
junailla :: to fix up (to provide someone with something)
junanrata :: railway
junanvaunu :: railroad car
junarata :: railway, railroad track (track)
junavaunu :: railroad car, carriage
juniori :: junior
Junnila :: Finnish surname
junnu :: junior, youth (especially in sport)
juntta :: junta
juntta :: pile driver, ram
juntti :: redneck, hillbilly, hick
juntti :: A redneck, hillbilly, hick
Junttila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Junttila :: Finnish surname
Juntunen :: Finnish surname
juoda :: to drink
juohea :: alternative form of juoheva
juoheva :: smooth (without difficulty)
juohtua :: To come up, arise
juoksennella :: to run about (to run hither and tither for fun)
juoksete :: alternative form of juoksute
juoksettaa :: To curdle (to cause to form curds)
juoksettua :: To curdle (to form curds)
juokseva :: running
juoksija :: runner
juoksu :: running (activity of running as a form of exercise or as a sport)
juoksu :: plate, wall plate (piece of timber laid horizontally in or on a wall as a support for a girder, rafter, or joist)
juoksu :: run (act of running)
juoksu :: run (pace faster than a walk)
juoksuaika :: Dog's heat
juoksuhauta :: trench
juoksuhiekka :: quicksand
juoksujalkainen :: A centipede
juoksukäki :: roadrunner (bird of the genus Geococcyx)
juoksumatto :: treadmill (indoor sport equipment)
juoksupoika :: runner, errand boy
juoksute :: rennet
juoksutin :: A variant of juoksute
juoksuttaa [dated, dairy] :: to curdle (to cause to form curds)
juoksuttaa :: to practice singing or playing an instrument by producing a quick succession of rising or descending notes; to play or sing a piece with such succession
juoksuttaa :: to longe [US], lunge [UK] (to work a horse in a circle at the end of a long line or rope)
juoksuttaa :: to run, draw (to make a liquid flow)
juoksuttaa :: to run, make run (to cause to move quickly)
juoksutus :: Action noun of the verb juoksuttaa (all senses)
juoksutusliina :: lunge line
juoksutusmaha :: abomasum
juoksutusriimu :: longeing cavesson [US], lungeing cavesson [UK]
juolahtaa :: Normally with mieleen ‎(“to the mind”), to occur (to come or be presented to the mind), see juolahtaa mieleen
juolahtaa mieleen :: to come to mind, spring to mind, cross one's mind, occur (to come or be presented to the mind)
juolavehnä :: couch grass, Elymus repens
juolua :: oxbow lake
juolukka :: A bog bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum
juoma :: beverage
juoma :: drink
juoma-allas :: drinking fountain (device consisting of a drinking water tap and a basin for eventual splashes)
juomakelvoton :: undrinkable, impotable
juomalaite :: drinking fountain
juomalasi :: tumbler, drinking glass, glass
juomalasillinen :: glassful
juomanlaskija :: cupbearer
juomapilli :: drinking straw
juomaraha :: tip, gratuity
juomari :: drinker
juomasekoitus :: cocktail (mixed drink)
juomauhri :: libation (act of pouring a liquid or liquor, either on the ground or on a victim in sacrifice)
juomauhri :: libation (liquid thus poured out)
juomavesi :: drinking water
juominen :: drinking
juomingit :: bacchanal
juomu :: stripe, streak
juoni :: vein
juoni :: plot, design
juoni :: scheme, conspiracy
juoni :: storyline, plot
juonia :: To scheme, plot
juonikas :: sly, cunning, wily, crafty, deceitful
juonipaljastus :: spoiler
juonitella :: To conspire
juonittelija :: schemer, plotter
juonittelu :: scheming
juonne :: A vein (stripe or streak of different colour or composition in a material)
juontaa :: to haul (to drag logs from the forest)
juontaa :: see: juontaa juurensa
juontaa :: to compere, present [British], to host (to act as a host or MC in a television sitcom or other type of show)
juontaja :: compere, presenter [UK]; host, anchorman, master of ceremonies [US]; speaker (someone who conducts a programme of varied entertainment, for example by introducing performers to the audience)
juonteikas :: wrinkled (face)
juonti :: drinking
juontua :: to come from, derive from
juopa :: gulf, gap
juopotella :: To drink alcohol excessively
juoppo :: A drunkard
juoppohulluus :: delirium tremens
juoppokuski :: Designated driver
juopua :: To get drunk, become intoxicated
juopunut :: drunk, drunken
juoru :: gossip
juoru :: spiderwort, a plant in the genus Tradescantia
juoruaja :: gossiper
juoruilla :: to gossip
juorukello :: gossip (one who likes to talk about someone else’s private or personal business)
juorukello :: telltale, tattler (one who divulges private information)
juorukki :: Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)
juorukompassi :: telltale compass
juoruta :: To gossip
juosta :: to run
juosta pakoon :: to run away
juoste :: tract (nerve structure)
juosten kustu :: half-arsed
juosten kustu :: Badly made, shoddy, incompetent work
juostenkustu :: alternative form of juosten kustu
juotava :: drinkable, potable
juotava :: drink, beverage (any drinkable liquid)
juote :: solder
juotikas :: A leech
juotin :: A soldering iron
juotos :: solder
juotoskolvi :: alternative form of juottokolvi
juottaa :: To use milk to fatten, feed young animals meant for slaughter
juottaa :: To give someone something to drink; to water (an animal); to make someone drink, to be pushy in offering something to drink, (often) to get drunk
juottaa :: To solder
juottaminen :: soldering (method of joining two metallic surfaces)
juotto :: brazing
juottokolvi :: soldering iron
juova :: drinking, one who drinks
juova :: streak
juovadelfiini :: Pacific white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
juovagnu :: black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou)
juovahyeena :: striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena)
juovainen :: striped
juovakenguru :: banded hare-wallaby, Lagostrophus fasciatus
juovakoodi :: barcode
juovakuonopussimäyrä :: striped bandicoot, Microperoryctes longicauda
juovamaaorava :: eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus
juovamangusti :: broad-striped mongoose, Galidictis fasciata
juovaniskamangusti :: striped-necked mongoose, Herpestes vitticollis
juovasakaali :: side-striped jackal (Canis adustus)
juovaselkäkärppä :: back-striped weasel, Mustela strigidorsa
juovaspektri [physics, astronomy] :: band spectrum
juovasureli :: mitred leaf monkey, Presbytis melalophos
juovatanrekki :: streaked tenrec, Hemicentetes semispinosus
juovatupaija :: striped tree shrew, Tupaia dorsalis
juovikas :: streaked
juovittaa :: To stripe
juovuksiin :: drunk (to the state of drunkenness)
juovuksissa :: drunk, wasted (in the state of drunkenness)
juovuttaa :: To intoxicate, especially with alcohol
jupakka :: altercation (controversy; wrangle; wordy contest)
jupina :: mumble, grumbling
jupista :: To grouse, grumble
Jupiter :: Jupiter (planet)
Jupiter [Roman god] :: Jupiter (god)
juppi :: yuppie
juppius :: yuppieness, the state of being a yuppie
juppiutua :: To become yuppie-like
jurakausi :: Jurassic period
jurakautinen :: Jurassic
jurakki :: The Nenets language
jurakkisamojedi :: The Nenets language
Juri :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Юрий
juridiikka :: jurisprudence, law
juridinen :: juridical
juristi :: A jurist [expert in law]
juro :: sullen, sulky
juroa [rare, archaic] :: alternative form of jurottaa
jurottaa :: to sulk
jurppia :: To annoy
jurrikka :: A stubborn person
jurtta :: A yurt
jurtti :: A sugar beet (the root)
jurtti :: An extremely redneckish person
jurumi :: The giant anteater
jussi :: Midsummer Day
Jussi :: male given name, and a common diminutive form of names related to Johannes
Jussi :: The letter "J" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Jussila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Jussila :: Finnish surname
justeerata :: To tweak, adjust
justeeri :: two-man saw (saw operated by two men, used for timber felling and sawing planks)
justeeri :: pitsaw (two-man saw for sawing planks, one operating in a pit under the workpiece)
Justiina :: female given name, cognate to English Justine
Justus :: male given name, cognate to English Justus
jutella :: To chat
jutku :: kike, Jew
jutska :: thingy
jutsku :: kike (offensive term used of a Jew)
Jutta :: female given name
juttu :: affair (that which is done or is to be done)
juttu :: anecdote (short often humorous account of an incident)
juttu :: article (story in a newspaper)
juttu :: case (legal proceeding)
juttu :: event (occurrence of social or personal importance)
juttu :: lawsuit
juttu :: preference, bag
juttu :: story (lie)
juttu :: tale
juttu :: Talk (conversation, especially an abundant one)
juttu :: thing, business, matter
juttu :: thing, object, item (vaguely designated material object)
juttuhetki :: a few moments to just talk with another person
juttuhetki :: a shared (private) moment with a person
jutustaa :: To chat
jutustella :: To chitchat
jututtaa :: To interview
juu :: yeah, yes
juudaksenkorva :: wood ear (edible fungus)
Juudas :: Judas Iscariot
Juulia :: female given name, a less common form of Julia
juurakko :: The roots of a tree or plant, a root ball
juurehtia :: To grow roots
juurekas :: Mushrooms of the genus Collybia
juures :: A plant that is cultivated for production of root vegetables
juures :: root vegetable, root (edible root)
juureton :: rootless
juuri :: barely, narrowly, only just (in the phrase juuri ja juuri)
juuri :: exactly, precisely
juuri :: just
juuri :: right
juuri [analysis] :: a zero of a function
juuri :: cause
juuri :: root
juuri :: root (of a plant, hair, tooth etc.)
juuri :: short of taikinajuuri
juuria :: To uproot
juurihoito :: root canal (surgical operation)
juurihuntu :: root cap
juurikanava :: root canal (hollow part of the root of a tooth)
juurikarva :: root hair
juurikas :: The beet, Beta vulgaris
juurikassokeri :: beet sugar (sugar made of sugar beet as opposed to sugar cane)
juurikasvi :: A plant that is cultivated for production of root vegetables, e.g. carrot, beet, potato, onion
juurikääpä :: A fungus of the genus Heterobasidion
juurilaho :: root rot
juurimukula :: corm
juurimukula :: tuber
juurinystyrä :: root nodule, tubercle
juuri nyt :: right now, just now
juuriolut :: root beer
juuripaine :: root pressure
juuriselleri :: celeriac (form of celery, Apium graveolens, having an aromatic taproot eaten as a vegetable)
juurisikuri :: root chicory (variant of common chicory or chicory cultivated for its root, which may be used e.g. as coffee substitute; Cichorium intybus var. sativum)
juurisilmu :: root bud
juurittaa :: alternative form of juurruttaa
juurivesa :: root sprout
juurruttaa :: To make take root
juurtaa :: Of phenomena, opinions etc., to have its roots in
juurta jaksain :: thoroughly, root and branch, exhaustively
juurtajaksain :: thoroughly, in detail
juurtosara :: string sedge, Carex chordorrhiza
juurtoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius argutus
juurtua :: to take root (to grow roots)
juurtua :: to put down roots (to grow to feel like belonging to a place)
Juuso :: male given name
juusto :: cheese
juustohampurilainen :: cheeseburger
juustohöylä :: A cheese slicer (instrument for slicing cheese)
juustokakku :: cheesecake
juustokumina :: cumin, (cummin) (spice)
juustola :: cheese factory
juustoleipä :: A cheese sandwich
juustoleipä :: Same as leipäjuusto
juustomaito :: colostrum
juustonaksu :: cheese puff
juustopunkki :: cheese mite (Tyrolichus casei)
juustottua :: To curdle
juustouma :: curd
juustouttaa :: To curdle
juustoutua :: To curdle
juustoutuma :: alternative form of juustouma
juutalainen :: Jewish
juutalainen :: A Jew
juutalaissaksa :: Yiddish
Juutalaisten autonominen alue :: The Jewish Autonomous Oblast
juutalaisuus :: Jewishness
juutalaisuus :: Judaism
juutalaisvaino :: Holocaust (persecution of Jews by the Nazis)
juutalaisvaino :: persecution of Jews
juutalaisvastainen :: anti-Semitic
juutalaisvastaisuus :: anti-Semitism
juutas [expletive] :: devil
Juutinrauma :: the Sound (strait that separates Zealand from Scania)
juutti :: Dane
juutti :: jute
juuttikangas :: burlap
juuttua :: ~ karille = to beset, to get stuck aground
juuttua :: ~ omiin ajatuksiinsa = to get lost in one's own thoughts
juuttua :: To get stuck/caught/jammed
Juvonen :: Finnish surname
jääveistos :: ice sculpture
jäävi :: Unqualified (to do sth)
jäävi :: Challengeable, disqualified
jäävi :: Challenge (a reason for which a judge should not be allowed to sit a case)
jääviys :: Incapacity, disqualification (of a judge etc.)
jäävätä [legal, + genitive-accusative] :: To recuse
jäävuori :: iceberg
jäyhä :: bluff (surly; churlish; gruff; rough; abrupt; roughly frank; unceremonious; blunt; brusque)
jyhkeä :: robust, sturdy
jyhkeästi :: robustly, sturdily
jyhkeys :: robustness, sturdiness
jäykempi :: comparative form of jäykkä
jäykentää :: to stiffen
jäykentyä :: To stiffen
jäyketä :: To stiffen
jykevä :: robust, sturdy
jykevähkö :: quite robust, relatively sturdy
jykeväleukainen :: robust-jawed
jykevästi :: robustly, sturdily
jykevätekoinen :: robustly made, robust
jykevyys :: robustness, sturdiness
jäykin :: superlative form of jäykkä
jäykistää :: To stiffen
jäykiste :: stiffener
jäykistellä :: to stand on ceremony (behave formally)
jäykistyä :: To stiffen
jäykkä :: stiff, rigid
jäykkäkouristus :: tetanus
jäykkyysmatriisi :: stiffness matrix
jäykästi :: stiffly, rigidly (as in "to speak stiffly")
jylhä :: Imposing with greatness, austerity, or gloominess; awe-inspiring
jylhä :: [of landscape] rugged, rocky, mountainous
jylhetä [of landscape] :: To become more rugged, mountainous
jylhistyä [of landscape] :: To become more rugged
jylinä :: rumble, thunder like the one heard from artillery at some distance
jylistä :: to rumble, thunder
Jyllanti :: Jutland
jyllätä :: To churn
jyllätä :: To storm
jyllätä :: To take over
jymähtää :: to thud
jyminä :: The rumble of a waterfall
jymistä :: To rumble
jäynä :: mischief
jynkky :: pornography
jynssätä :: to scrub (to rub hard, especially for the purpose of cleaning and polishing)
jynssäys :: scrubbing (act of rubbing hard, especially for the purpose of cleaning or polishing)
jyrä :: roll (heavy cylinder)
jyrähdellä :: To thunder
Jyri :: male given name
jyrinä :: rumble, roll, thunder
jyrisevä :: rumbling, rolling, thundering
jyrisevä :: thunderous
jyristä :: to rumble, thunder, roll
jyristellä :: to rumble
jyrkentää :: to steepen
jyrkentyä :: to steepen
jyrketä :: to steepen
Jyrki :: male given name
jyrkistää :: To steepen
jyrkistyä :: to steepen (to become more steep)
jyrkkä :: radical
jyrkkä :: steep, abrupt
jyrkkä :: strict
jyrkkö :: potato
jyrkkyys :: steepness
jyrkänne :: A bluff, or more specifically according to the kind of land formation, a bank, cliff, precipice or rampart (any steep earth or rock formation)
jyrkästi :: sharply
jyrkästi :: steeply
jyrsiä :: to gnaw
jyrsiä :: to mill (to grind, shape or process with a rotating machine tool)
jyrsijä :: rodent
jyrsin :: milling machine
jyrsinkone :: A longer expression for jyrsin
jyrsintä :: gnawing
jyrsintä :: routing
jyrsinturve :: milled peat (peat processed for power plant fuel by scraping it off the surface of bog and drying in situ)
jyrätä :: To steamroller or steamroll (to proceed ruthlessly)
jyrätä :: To roll (to press or level with a roller), flatten, level (with a roller)
jyrätä :: To steamroller or steamroll (to flatten as with a steamroller)
jyry :: jury (group of judges in a competition)
jyry :: rumble, roll, thunder (sound)
jysähdellä :: to thump (repeatedly)
jysähdys :: thump, thud (sound of a dull impact)
jysähtää :: to thump, thud
jyskää :: To thunder
jyske :: The rumbling sound of operating a steam hammer
jyskyä :: To thump
jyskyttää :: to pound
jyskyttää :: to throb
jyskytys :: pounding, throbbing (strong beat)
jysäys :: An explosion
jysäys :: Smoke in the expression: "Voi pyhä jysäys!" ("holy smoke")
jysäys :: The sound of an explosion, or other loud, abrupt noise
jysäyttää :: To thump
jäytää :: To gnaw, eat away, wear (to destroy gradually as by taking tiny little bites)
jytä :: rock music, especially when played very loudly
jytinä :: A very low-pitch, rather strong sound or noise, like e.g. that of people running back and forth on a wooden gym floor. It's continuous or lasting some time, rather than being like one big bang. It is not dull like a thud or thump
jytke :: a rhythmic thumping, like square dancers on a barn floor
jytky :: huge, solid, mighty
jytky :: a surprising and unexpected event or news-feed that incites a strong reaction, a bomb
jytky :: kaboom, bang, smash
jytky :: lump, boulder
jytämusa :: alternative term for jytä
jytämusiikki :: alternative term for jytä
jyvä :: bead (small marker at the end of a barrel of a gun used for aiming)
jyvä :: caryopsis (fruit typical of the family Poaceae, such as wheat, rice, and corn)
jyvä :: grain (single seed of grain)
jyväinen [lb, fi, as headword in compounds] :: grained, with grains
jyväinen [lb, fi, rare] :: granular (consisting of, or resembling, granules or grains)
jyväiskudos :: granulation tissue (new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process)
jyväissolu :: (anatomy) granular cell (cell of the stratum granulosum layer of the skin]])
jyväissolu [lb, fi, anatomy] :: granulosa cell (granular cell of the wall of an ovarian follicle)
jyvittää :: to allocate, to distribute (to distribute according to a plan)
jyvitys [lb, fi, legal] :: grading (act of determining the relative value of a property, see jyvittää)
jyvitysarvo [lb, fi, legal] :: grading value (relative value assigned to a property according to the Finnish Real Estate Formation Act 554/1995, see jyvittää)
jyväjemmari :: hayseed, yokel, bumpkin, boor, hick, clodhopper (farmer, rustic person)
jyvällinen [lb, fi, firearms] :: beaded (having a bead)
jyväluku [legal, by extension] :: assessed unit value (measure of relative value of property such as a plot of land or a flat, based on chosen utility function such as expected value of the crops in case of agricultural land or market value in the urban areas)
jyväluku [obsolete, agriculture] :: A former measure of fertility of soil or crop yield in grain production; the ratio of average harvest (in kg) to the amount of seeds sown (in kg)
jyvänen :: diminutive form of jyvä
jyvänen :: grain
Jyväskylä :: Jyväskylä
jyväskyläläinen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Jyväskylä or its citizens
jyväskyläläinen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Jyväskylä
jyvässolu :: granulocyte
jyvästö [lb, fi, legal] :: cooperative granary, municipal granary (non-profit entity established by a municipality or farmers collectively for maintaining and operating a storage facility for grain)
jyvätuutti :: grain hopper (funnel-shaped hopper through which grain was fed to a pipe which led into the eye of a millstone in a traditional water- or wind mill)
jyystää :: To scrub
jaa. :: CE
-kä :: (coordinating) nor (the latter clause beginning with this must have same subject as the former clause)
köö [billiards] :: cue
-kö {particle} :: (enclitic) In indirect questions, -kö appended to the verb corresponds the conjunctions if and whether in English
-kö {particle} :: (enclitic) Turns any word into an interrogative. When appended to a verb, it corresponds clauses formed with e.g. do, does, don't, and doesn't in English or the inversion with auxiliaries. When appended to another word, it is expressed in English by intonation or eh
-kö {particle} :: (enclitic) With the negation verb (en, et, ei, emme, ette, eivät) and the particle -hän (hän required by the vowel harmony), expresses "I suppose"
-kö {particle} :: (enclitic) With the particle -hän (hän required by the vowel harmony), expresses "I wonder if"
ka :: also, too
kaa :: with
Kaaba :: Kaaba
kaadanta :: An action noun of the verb kaataa
kaade :: dip
kaadella :: To knock over (continuously/repeatedly)
kaadella :: To pour (continuously/repeatedly)
kaaderi :: cadre
kaadin :: jug
kaahaaja :: reckless driver
kaahailija :: reckless driver
kaahailla :: To drive recklessly
kaahailu :: reckless driving [continued or habitual action]
kaahari :: reckless driver
kaahata :: To drive recklessly
kaahaus :: An instance of reckless driving
kaakao :: cocoa (colour)
kaakao :: cocoa (drink)
kaakaojauhe :: cocoa powder
kaakaojuoma :: chocolate beverage
kaakaolikööri :: chocolate liqueur
kaakaopapu :: A cocoa bean
kaakaopuu :: cacao (cacao tree)
kaakaorasva :: cocoa butter
kaakaovoi :: cocoa butter
kaakattaa :: To cackle
kaakatus :: cackle (laughter similar to hens' cackle)
kaakatus :: cackle (sound of hen)
kaakeli :: A (ceramic) tile
kaakeliuuni :: tilestove (kind of a heating stove; kakluuni)
kaakeloida :: To tile (to place ceramic tiles on, using grout)
kaakelointi :: tiling
kaakki :: A nag (old useless horse)
kaakki [disparaging] :: A nag, hack (disparaging term for a horse)
kaakko :: southeast
kaakkoinen :: southeastern
kaakkois- :: alternative form of kaakkoinen
Kaakkois-Aasia :: Southeast Asia (a subregion of Asia)
kaakkoisaasialainen :: Southeast Asian (of or pertaining to Southeast Asia)
kaakkoisaasialainen :: Southeast Asian (person)
kaakkoisosa :: southeastern part
kaakkoispasaati :: southeastern trade wind
kaakkoispuoli :: southeastern side
kaakkoisraja :: southeastern border
Kaakkois-Suomi :: southeast Finland
kaakkoistuuli :: southeast wind
kaakku :: cake
kaakkuri :: red-throated diver (Gavia stellata)
kaale :: Roma, Romani (person)
kaalee :: alternative spelling of kaale
kaali :: cabbage
kaali :: A head, usually together with the verb mennä (to go)
kaalikeitto :: cabbage soup
kaalikärpänen :: cabbage fly, Delia radicum
kaalikääryle :: cabbage roll, cabbage dolma
kaalilaatikko :: cabbage casserole
kaalimato :: cabbage worm
kaalinkerä :: cabbage head
kaalinpää :: cabbagehead (cabbage leaves)
kaaliperhonen :: large white (Pieris brassicae)
kaalipiirakka :: cabbage pie
kaalirapi :: kohlrabi (vegetable)
kaamakettu :: Cape fox, Cama fox or silver-backed fox (Vulpes chama)
kaamea :: awful, terrible, shocking
kaamos :: The polar night; period of darkness north of the Arctic Circle when the sun does not rise over the horizon
kaamosaika :: The period of polar night
kaamosmasennus :: winter depression, seasonal affective disorder (depression associated with lack of natural light in winter)
-kaan {particle} :: (enclitic) neither, not ... either (also not)
-kaan {particle} :: even; used to emphasize something
-kaan {particle} :: Used to emphasize lack of alternatives
-kaan {particle} :: Used to indicate change of mind or circumstances
-kaan {particle} :: Used to soften a question
Kaana :: Cana
Kaanaa :: Any of the small localities in Finland named after the biblical place
Kaanaa :: Canaan ( ancient region )
Kaanaa :: Partitive singular form of Kaana
kaanaankoira :: Canaan Dog
kaani :: khan
kaanikunta :: khanate
kaanitar :: khatan, khanum
kaanon :: canon, round (piece of music in which the same melody is played by different voices, but beginning at different times)
kaaoksellinen :: chaotic
kaaos :: chaos
kaaosmainen :: chaotic
kaaosteoria :: chaos theory
kaapata :: To capture, abduct, kidnap (a person)
kaapata :: To hijack (a vehicle or computer)
kaapeli :: cable
kaapelikanava :: cable channel
kaapelikenkä :: cable terminal, cable lug
kaapelimodeemi :: cable modem
kaapelinmitta :: cable length
kaapelitelevisio :: cable television
kaapeliverkko :: cable (communications network)
kaapeloida :: To cable (to install cables)
kaapia :: To scrape (without much friction)
Kaapo :: male given name
kaappaaja :: hijacker
kaappari :: hijacker
kaappari :: privateer
kaapparikapteeni :: privateer
kaapparilaiva :: a privateer ship
kaappaus :: hijack
kaappausdraama :: hostage drama
kaappi :: cabinet
kaappi :: closet
kaappi :: locker
kaappi :: tank; very muscular and physically imposing person
kaappihomo :: closet gay
kaappijuoppo :: "Closet drinker"; a person who hides his or her heavy drinking
kaappikello :: longcase clock, grandfather clock
Kaappo :: male given name
Kaapro :: male given name
kaapu :: A gown, cloak, habit, frock
kaaputtaa :: to scrape
kaara :: automobile
kaareke :: bend (in a road)
kaareutua :: To arch
kaareva :: bent, curved; not (quite) straight
kaarevampi :: comparative form of kaareva
kaarevuus :: curvature
kaarevuuskeskipiste :: center of curvature
kaarevuussäde :: radius of curvature
kaari :: arch
kaari :: division
kaari :: bow
kaari :: curve
kaari :: arc
kaari [graph theory, network theory] :: edge between two vertices
kaari :: code (one of the nine parts of Swedish 1734 law and the parts of law that replace it)
kaari :: rib of a boat or a ship
kaariaste :: A degree of arc
kaaridyyni :: barchan
kaarihitsaus :: arc welding
kaariholvi :: arched vault
kaari-ikkuna :: arched window
kaarikäytävä :: semicircular canal
kaarikäytävä :: arcade, archway
kaarilamppu :: arc lamp
kaariminuutti :: arcminute
Kaarin :: female given name
Kaarina :: female given name
kaaripallo :: lob (pass or stroke which arches high into the air)
kaaripallo [baseball, pesäpallo] :: fly ball
kaarisekunti :: arcsecond
kaarisilta :: arch bridge (bridge supported by an arch-formed structure)
kaarisulje :: parenthesis (round bracket symbols "(" and ")" )
kaarisulku :: A round bracket, parenthesis (symbols "(" and ")" )
kaarittaa :: to rib
Kaarle :: male given name
Kaarle Suuri :: Charlemagne
Kaarlo :: male given name
kaarna :: thick, dry and hard bark, such as on a pinetree
kaarnalaiva :: A toy ship made from a piece of pine bark
kaarne :: raven
kaarnikka :: black crowberry, Empetrum nigrum
kaarnoittua :: To become covered by bark
kaarre :: bend, curve (in road)
kaartaa :: To wheel, sweep, soar
kaartaa [of a road, river etc.] :: To curve, bend, turn
kaartaa :: To arch
kaartaa :: To circle, go around (partitive + ympäri); to encircle, surround (genitive + ympäri)
kaarti :: guard (squad)
kaartilainen :: guardsman
kaartua :: to curve
kaartua :: to overarch
kaasari :: A carb (short for carburetor)
kaaso :: bridesmaid
kaasu :: gas pedal
kaasu :: gas (state of matter)
kaasu :: olla kaasussa: to be drunk
kaasufaasi :: gaseous phase
kaasuhana :: gas tap
kaasujättiläinen :: gas giant
kaasukammio :: gas chamber
kaasukehä :: atmosphere
kaasukuolio :: gas gangrene
kaasulaitos :: gas plant
kaasulamppu :: gas lamp
kaasuletku :: gas pipe (e.g., a rubber pipe)
kaasuliekki :: gas flame
kaasuliesi :: gas stove
kaasulämmitys :: gas heating
kaasumainen :: gaseous
kaasumittari :: gas meter
kaasumoottori :: gas engine
kaasunaamari :: gas mask
kaasuonkalo :: blowhole (a vent for the escape of gas)
kaasupallo :: ball of gas
kaasupallo :: gasbag
kaasupilvi :: A cloud of gas
kaasupilvi :: A nebula
kaasupistooli :: gas pistol
kaasupitoinen :: gassy or gaseous (containing gas)
kaasuplaneetta :: Jovian planet, gas giant
kaasupoljin :: throttle (pedal)
kaasupullo :: gas bottle
kaasuputki :: gas pipe
kaasus :: case
kaasusäiliö :: gas container, gas tank
kaasusumu :: nebula
kaasute :: gassing substance
kaasutiivis :: gastight
kaasutin :: A carburetor
kaasutin :: A gasifier
kaasuttaa :: To step on the gas, give it some gas
kaasuttaa :: To gas (a person; lethally), to fumigate (an insect)
kaasuttaa :: To gasify
kaasuttua :: alternative form of kaasuuntua
kaasuturbiini :: gas turbine
kaasuuntua :: To become gas, be(come) gasified
kaasuvakio :: gas constant
kaataa :: To capsize (to cause to overturn)
kaataa :: To drink (alcohol), booze
kaataa :: To dump, tip (a load)
kaataa :: To fell, cut/chop down (a tree), to cut (hay)
kaataa :: To knock down
kaataa :: To knock/tip/turn over, overturn, upset
kaataa :: To overthrow
kaataa :: To pour (out); to spill
kaataa :: To shoot/kill down (game)
kaataa bensaa liekkeihin :: to add fuel to the fire
kaataa kylmää vettä jonkun niskaan :: to rain on someone's parade (literally: To pour cold water on someone's neck)
kaataman [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, kaataa, c=ins] ::
kaato [bowling] :: strike
kaato :: felling
kaato :: killing
kaato :: The slope of the floor which makes the water flow towards the floor drain in a bathroom
kaatopaikka :: dump
kaatopaikka :: landfill
kaatopaikkajäte :: landfill (material disposed of by landfilling it)
kaatopaikkakelpoinen :: landfillable
kaatosade :: torrent, torrential rain
kaatua :: To crash
kaatua :: To capsize, keel over
kaatua [of a liquid] :: To spill
kaatua [of a tree] :: To fall, crash to the ground
kaatua [of a wall etc.] :: To fall, crash, collapse
kaatua :: To fall (down/over)
kaatua :: To fall (to die, especially in battle)
kaatua kuolleena maahan :: to drop dead (to die suddenly)
kaatuilla [computing, of a computer program or system] :: To crash (continuously/repeatedly)
kaatuilla :: To fall (down/over) (continuously/repeatedly)
kaatumatauti :: epilepsy
kaatumatautinen :: An epileptic
kaatuminen [insurance] :: upset (overturn of a vehicle)
kaatuminen :: capsizing (overturn of a boat or ship)
kaatunut :: fallen (having collapsed)
kaatunut :: fallen (killed in battle)
kaatunut :: fallen (casualty of war)
kaava [mathematics, science] :: formula
kaava [sewing] :: pattern
kaavailla :: to envisage, envision (conceive or see something within one's mind)
kaavailla :: to outline, draft (to plan in general and preliminary terms, without going into details)
kaavailu :: outlining (process of doing preliminary planning for a project)
kaavailu :: speculation (process of thinking or meditating on a subject, especially when a certain degree of planning is involved)
kaavain :: stencil (utensil)
kaavake :: form
kaavakuva :: diagram
kaavamainen :: formal
kaavata :: to invest (to make an investment mold of silica sand and plaster for lost wax casting)
kaaviloida :: To roll using a rolling pin
kaavin :: scraper
kaavin :: stripper (tool for removing a thin layer of material, such as paint)
kaavin :: curette
kaavinta :: scraping (act)
kaavinta :: curettage
kaavio :: diagram, scheme, chart
kaavioida :: To schematize
kaaviokuva :: diagram, graph
kaavoittaa :: to zone (to define the property use classification of an area)
kaavoitus :: zoning, town planning
kabardi :: Kabarda (person)
kabardi :: Kabardian (North Caucasian language)
kabaree :: cabaret
kabasiitti :: chabazite
kabbala :: Kaballah
kabinetti :: cabinet (group of ministers responsible for creating government policy)
kabinetti :: snug (small, comfortable back room in a pub)
kabotaasi :: cabotage
kabybara :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
kabyyli :: Kabyle (language)
kadaveriini :: cadaverine
kade :: envious
kadehtia :: To envy
kadehtija :: One who envies; envious person
kadenssi :: cadence
kadetti :: cadet
kadilo :: censer used by the Orthodox church
kadmium :: cadmium
kadoksiin :: lost, missing (to an unknown location)
kadoksissa :: lost, missing (location unknown)
kadonnut :: missing, lost, mislaid
kadonnut :: missing person
kadota :: To disappear, vanish
kadota :: To fade
kadota :: To get/be lost, be missing
kadottaa :: To lose, make vanish (to voluntarily make something disappear)
kadottaa :: To lose (to cause to cease to be in one's possession or capability due to unfortunate or unknown circumstances/events/reasons)
kadotus :: perdition
kadunkulma :: streetcorner
kadunmies :: man in the street
kaduttaa :: To cause remorse, to come back to haunt
kafeteria :: cafeteria
kafferi :: kaffir
kafferipuhveli :: African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
kafkamainen :: Kafkaesque
kaftaani :: kaftan
kagaali :: The Kagal, a secret Finnish society active in the early 20th century
kagu :: kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus)
kaguaani :: colugo, flying lemur (mammal of the family Cynocephalidae)
kaguaani :: Cynocephalidae (taxonomic family)
kaguaani :: Philippines flying lemur, Cynocephalus volans
kaha :: a type of traditional trap for catching birds, especially black grouse
kahahtaa :: to rustle
kahakka :: skirmish
kahakoida :: To scuffle
kahakoida :: To skirmish
kahareisin :: legs astride (a manner of sitting with legs on either side)
kahdeksan :: eight
kahdeksankulmio :: octagon
kahdeksankymmentä :: eighty
kahdeksankymmentäkahdeksan :: eighty-eight
kahdeksankymmentäkaksi :: eighty-two
kahdeksankymmentäkolme :: eighty-three
kahdeksankymmentäkuusi :: eighty-six
kahdeksankymmentäluku :: The eighties, 1980s
kahdeksankymmentäneljä :: eighty-four
kahdeksankymmentäseitsemän :: eighty-seven
kahdeksankymmentäviisi :: eighty-five
kahdeksankymmentäyhdeksän :: eighty-nine
kahdeksankymmentäyksi :: eighty-one
kahdeksannes :: One eighth
kahdeksansataa :: eight hundred
kahdeksantoista :: eighteen
kahdeksantoistasataa [nonstandard, dated] :: eighteen hundred, 1800, used mainly of years
kahdeksantuhatta :: eight thousand
kahdeksas :: the eighth, abbreviation 8. , in the names of monarchs and popes VIII
kahdeksasluokkalainen :: eight-grader
kahdeksasosa :: One eighth
kahdeksasosa :: One eighth, an okta
kahdeksasti :: eight times
kahdeksastoista :: the eighteenth, abbreviation 18., in names of monarchs and popes XVIII
kahdeksikko :: digit eight
kahdeksikko :: figure eight
kahdeksikko :: group of eight
kahdeksisen :: about eight
kahdeksissakymmenissä :: in his/her eighties, octogenarian (being between 80 and 89)
kahden :: between the two (being two in a company)
kahdenistuttava :: seating two (of furniture, providing enough space for two to sit)
kahdennus :: gemination
kahdentaa :: to double (in contract bridge: to make a call that will double certain scoring points if the preceding bid becomes the contract)
kahdentaa :: to geminate (to pronounce a consonant audibly longer than is regarded as normal)
kahdentaa :: to double
kahdentua :: to be duplicated
kahdentuma :: duplication
kahdenvaiheilla :: of two minds, undecided
kahdenvälinen :: bilateral
kahdenvälisesti :: bilaterally
kahdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: -second (as an ones digit, which is not twelfth; e.g. 32th, 132th): dated; toinen preferred instead
kahdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: second (as a single word, without any tens digit): ungrammatical
kahdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: twelfth (as an ones digit in the word kahdestoista - twelfth, also occurring in larger numbers; e.g. 112th, 4312th): regular form
kahdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: twentieth / twenty- / two- (as a tens / hundreds / thousands / ... digit; e.g. 320th, 225th, 2000th): regular form
kahdeskymmenes :: the twentieth, abbreviation 20.
kahdeskymmenesensimmäinen :: the twenty-first, abbreviation 21.
kahdestaan :: between the two (being two in a company)
kahdesti :: twice
kahdestoista :: the twelfth, abbreviation 12. , in the names of monarchs and popes XII
kaheli :: A reckless person; fruitcake, nutter
kahina :: rustle, row, spat
kahinoida :: To riot
kahinoida :: To spat
kahista :: to rustle (to move something, such as leaves, with a soft crackling sound)
kahista :: to scuffle (to fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters)
kahista :: to swish (to make a rustling sound while moving)
kahisuttaa [of sound] :: to make or cause to rustle or swish
kahjo :: wacko
kahjo :: wacko, loony, nut, crazy
kahlaaja :: wader, a wading bird
kahlaaja :: wader, one who wades
kahlaamo :: ford, drift
kahlailla :: To paddle (to walk playfully through shallow water)
kahlailla :: To wade in a leisurely manner
kahlailu :: paddle, paddling (meandering walk or dabble through shallow water)
kahlata :: To progress with difficulty
kahlata :: To wade (to walk through water or something else that impedes progress)
kahlauspaikka :: ford, drift
kahle :: shackle
kahlehtia :: alternative form of kahlita
kahlehtimaton :: unchained
kahlekuningas :: escape artist
kahlita :: to hamper
kahlita :: to chain, shackle
kahlitsematon :: unchained, unfettered
kahluu :: wading, walking in water or other substance
kahluupaikka :: ford, drift
kahluusaapas :: wader (long waterproof boot)
kahmaista :: To grab, to seize
kahmia :: To hoard, mass, amass
kahnata :: To rub
kahtaisioni :: zwitterion
kahtia :: in two, in twain
kahva :: A grip (in arms, tools etc.)
kahva :: A handle
kahva :: A manubrium; usually in the longer form of rintalastan kahva
kahveli :: gaff
kahvi :: coffee
kahviaika :: coffee time
kahviastiasto :: coffee set
kahvibaari :: coffee bar
kahvihammas :: Literally "coffee tooth"; used in the phrase kahvihammasta kolottaa, which translates "I would like a cup of coffee"
kahvihappo :: caffeic acid
kahvikalusto :: coffee set
kahvikerma :: coffee cream
kahvikuppi :: coffee cup
kahvila :: café
kahvila :: coffeehouse
kahvimuki :: coffee mug
kahvimylly :: coffee mill
kahvinjuoja :: coffee drinker
kahvinjuonti :: coffee drinking
kahvinkeitin :: coffeemaker
kahvinkeitto :: coffee making
kahvinkorvike :: coffee substitute (product that imitates coffee, such as roasted grain or chicory)
kahvinpapu :: A coffee bean
kahvinporo :: coffee grounds
kahvinsuodatin :: coffeemaker
kahvinvastike :: coffee substitute (product that imitates coffee, such as roasted grain or chicory)
kahvio :: cafeteria
kahvipannu :: coffee pot
kahvipapu :: A coffee bean
kahvipaussi :: coffee break
kahvipensas :: coffee tree
kahviplantaasi :: coffee plantation
kahvitauko :: coffee break
kahviton :: coffeeless
kahvittaa :: To serve coffee as hospitality, to make people feel welcome with a cup of coffee
kahvitunti :: coffee break
kahvitus :: an occasion of serving coffee, usually to a group of people
kahvituttaa :: To feel like wanting coffee
kai :: maybe, perhaps
kai :: probably
Kai :: male given name derived from Danish Kaj
kaide :: A railing, handrail, banister, or balustrade
kaihdin :: window shade
kaihi :: glaucoma
kaihi :: cataract
kaiho :: hopeless longing, saudade
kaihoisa :: wistful, longing, pining
kaihota :: To long, yearn
kaihtaa :: To avoid
kaija :: kittiwake (a seabird)
kaija :: quay
kaija :: parrot, racquet-tail, parakeet (used in common names of numerous parrot species)
Kaija :: female given name
kaijanen :: lovebird (any of several small parrots, from the genus Agapornis)
kaikaa :: To echo
kaikella kunnioituksella :: with all due respect, with respect (mild apology used before disagreeing with someone)
kaiken aikaa :: all the time
kaiken kaikkiaan :: all in all
kaikenkattava :: all-embracing, all-encompassing
kaikenkattava :: inclusive
kaikenkattava :: wall-to-wall
kaikenlainen :: all kinds of, every kind of
kaiken lisäksi :: what is more
kaiken teoria :: theory of everything
kaikertaa [rare, dated] :: to moan
kaikertaa :: to bother, trouble (to annoy, disturb, irritate)
kaiketi :: probably
kaiketi :: surely
kaikin mokomin :: by all means
kaikin puolin :: in every way, by all odds
kaikista :: about all, all of
kaikista :: of all
kaikkea muuta kuin :: anything but
kaikkein :: kaikkein + adjective in superlative: the very, the most ... of all
kaikkein pyhin :: Holy of Holies
kaikkeus :: universe
kaikki :: As a former part of compound (in nominative or genitive) signifies all-, omni-
kaikki [indefinite, in plural, without a main word] :: Everyone, everybody
kaikki [indefinite, in singular and plural, as a modifier] :: All
kaikki [indefinite, in singular, without a main word] :: Everything
kaikkiaan :: all in all
kaikkiaan :: altogether
kaikkialla [static] :: everywhere:
kaikkialle :: (expressing motion) everywhere:
kaikkialta :: from everywhere
kaikkianne :: To everywhere
kaikkien maiden proletaarit, liittykää yhteen :: Workers of the world, unite!
kaikki himassa :: in one's full wits
kaikki muut :: everybody else, everyone else
kaikkineen :: and all (including every item associated with preceding item or series of items)
kaikkinielevä :: all-consuming
kaikkinäkevä :: all-seeing
kaikki oikeudet pidätetään :: all rights reserved
kaikki on vastaan, vain saha puoltaa :: when it rains, it pours, it never rains but it pours
kaikki pelissä :: all-out (in a manner in which one uses every available means, sparing no effort)
kaikkiruokainen :: omnivorous
kaikkiruokainen :: An omnivore
kaikkiruokaisuus :: omnivorousness
kaikkitietävä :: Omniscient
kaikkitietävä :: A know-it-all
kaikki tiet vievät Roomaan :: all roads lead to Rome
kaikkitietävyys :: omniscience
kaikkivaltias :: almighty
kaikkivoipa :: omnipotent
kaikkivoipainen :: omnipotent
kaikkivoipaisuus :: omnipotence
kaikkivoipuus :: omnipotence
kaikota :: To fade, disappear
kaikota :: To leave
kaiku :: echo
kaikua :: To reverberate, echo
kaikua kuuroille korville :: to turn a deaf ear (to refuse to listen or hear something)
kaikuisa :: reverberant
kaikukoppa :: sound box
kaikuluotain :: A fathometer
kaikuluotain :: A sonar
kaikuluotaus :: echolocation
kaikuluotaus :: echo sounding
kaikupohja :: sounding board
kaikupuhe :: echolalia (immediate, involuntary, and repetitive echoing of words or phrases spoken by another)
kaikuva :: resounding, reverberating
kaikuvampi :: comparative form of kaikuva
Kaila :: Finnish surname
kailottaa [transitive + partitive, intransitive + elative] :: To talk loudly (esp. about sensitive or private issues that should be kept out of general knowledge)
kailottaa :: To holler, call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)
kaima :: namesake (meaning only a person with the same name as another person)
kaimaani :: caiman
kaimakset :: namesakes (two or more persons who share the same name)
Kain :: Cain (Biblical character)
Kain :: male given name
kainalo :: armpit
kainalokarva :: In plural, axillary hair, underarm hair, armpit hair (growth of hair under arm)
kainalokarva :: In singular, an individual hair of that growth
kainalokuoppa :: armpit
kainalopieru :: armpit fart
kainalosauva :: crutch (device to assist in motion)
kaino :: demure, timid
Kaino :: female given name
Kaino :: male given name
kainostella :: To be modest/prudish
kainostella :: To be shy/bashful/timid
kainostella :: To play coy, play the coquette
kainostella :: To be ashamed/afraid (of something = partitive, to do = infinitive)
kainostelu :: bashfulness
kainostuttaa :: To feel shy
kainulainen :: alternative form of kainuulainen
Kainuu :: A region in eastern Finland
kainuulainen :: Of or pertaining to Kainuu
kainuulainen :: A person from Kainuu
kaipaus :: yearning, longing
kaipuu :: longing
kaira :: A core drill (device for boring a cylindrical sample out of solid material)
kaira :: An auger (carpenter's tool for boring holes)
kaira :: large forested wilderness between rivers
kaira :: Short for jääkaira
kairaaja :: borer
kairata :: To drill, bore (esp. by using manual labour, or to collect samples)
kairaus :: boring, drilling
kairausnäyte :: A core sample (sample retrieved from a hole made with a core drill)
Kairo :: Cairo
Kaisa :: female given name
kaisla :: rush, bulrush, club-rush (grass-like plants of the genus Scirpus)
Kaisla :: female given name
kaislahame :: grass skirt
kaislikko :: bed of reeds
kaislikkoinen :: reedy (full of reeds)
kaista :: band (part of radio spectrum)
kaista :: lane (division of roadway)
kaista :: psycho
kaistale :: A shred
kaistale :: A strip of e.g. land
kaistametri :: lanemeter
kaistanleveys :: bandwidth (width of frequency band)
kaistanleveys [networking] :: bandwidth
kaistapää :: psycho (person who behaves in a bizarre or reckless manner)
Kaisu :: female given name
kait :: maybe, perhaps
kaita :: narrow
kaita :: To watch over, shepherd
kaitafilmi :: cinefilm (any of various obsolete film formats formerly used for making home movies)
kaitafilmi :: cinefilm (film recorded on this medium)
kaitakasvoinen :: narrow-faced
kaitaliina :: runner (strip of fabric used to decorate a table)
kaitaluinen :: lank, slim
kaitsea :: To shepherd
kaitselmus :: Providence (of God)
kaitsija :: chaperone/chaperon
kaitsija :: minder
kaiunta :: Reverberation
kaiutin :: speaker, loudspeaker
kaiuton :: echoless
kaiuttaa :: To make something reverberate/echo
kaivaa :: to dig, dig up, dig out, excavate
kaivaa nenäänsä :: to pick one's nose
kaivaja :: digger, one who digs
kaivajahämähäkki :: trapdoor spider (any spider of the family Ctenizidae)
kaivajalisko :: skink (lizard of the family Scincidae)
kaivajavyötiäinen :: fairy armadillo (armadillo of the genus Chlamyphorus)
kaivaminen :: excavation, digging (act)
kaivanto :: trench
kaivata :: To ask for, look for, ask after
kaivata :: To long for, yearn for, pine for, miss
kaivata :: To need, lack, miss, require
kaivata :: To want, wish, desire
kaivattaa :: To have something dug (by someone = adessive)
kaivaus :: excavation (archaeological or mine exploration site)
kaivauttaa :: To have something dug
kaivautua :: To burrow (in)
kaivautua :: To dig (oneself) (also militarily)
kaivella [figuratively, of an issue, + partitive] :: To bother
kaivella :: To dig, pick (in a casual manner)
kaiverre :: gravure
kaiverrin :: graver, burin
kaiverrus :: engraving
kaiverruttaa :: To have something engraved
kaivertaa :: To engrave, carve
kaivertaja :: engraver
kaivin :: digger (any machine that digs)
kaivinkone :: excavator, digger
kaivo :: well (water source)
kaivonkansi :: The lid of a well
kaivonkatsoja :: dowser (one who uses divining rod for searching proper place for digging a well)
kaivonkatsominen :: dowsing, divining (practice of seeking water with the aid of a forked stick or similar pointing device)
kaivos :: mine (mining)
kaivoskaasu :: damp (A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc.)
kaivoskuilu :: A mineshaft, or shaft
kaivosmies :: [male] miner
kaivosonnettomuus :: mining accident
kaivosteollisuus :: mining industry
kaivostoiminta :: mining
kaivostyöläinen :: miner
kaivosvaunu :: A tramcar, tram, mine car, ore car
kaivosyhtiö :: mining company
kaivu :: excavation
kaivukone :: excavator, digger (machine)
kaivuri :: excavator, digger
kaivuu :: excavation, digging (act)
kaivuujäte :: excavation (material dug out in making a channel, cavity or other kind of hollow)
kajaali :: kohl
kajahtaa :: to echo, ring out, sound (to produce a vibrant sound)
kajakki :: kayaking (Olympic sport)
kajakki :: kayak (type of light boat)
kajakkimeloja :: kayaker
kajakkimelonta :: kayaking (sport)
kajakoida :: to kayak (to use a kayak, to travel or race in a kayak; to traverse a body of water by kayak)
kajal :: kohl
kajari :: loudspeaker, speaker
kajastaa :: To dawn
kajastaa :: To gleam
kajastus :: dawn
kajastus :: reflection
kajastus :: shimmer, glimmer
kajauttaa :: to sound (to cause to produce a vibrant sound)
kajava :: gull (bird)
kajava :: kittiwake
kaje :: shimmer, glimmer
kajentaa :: of voice, to cause to resonate
kajetto :: air passage
kajo :: shimmer, gleam
kajota :: To touch (to physically disturb; to interfere with, molest, or attempt to harm through contact)
kajota :: To violate, encroach on, infringe upon (sb's physical inviolability or rights)
kajottikurpitsa :: chayote
kajuutallinen :: Having a cabin
kajuutta :: cabin
kajuutta :: wheelhouse
kaka :: kaka (a parrot of the genus Nestor)
kakadu :: cockatoo (parrots of the family Cacatuidae)
kakadu :: corella (cockatoo of the subgenus Licmetis within the genus Cacatua)
kakapo :: kakapo, Strigops habroptilus
kakara [colloquial, deprecating] :: A brat (selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
kakata :: to poo
kakattaa :: To have the urge to defecate
kake :: remote control
kaki :: persimmon
kakiluumu :: persimmon
kakistaa :: to cough up, hawk
kakistella :: To clear one's throat (to expel air from one's lungs, such as in order to clear mucus, or to attract attention)
kakka [somewhat, childish] :: poo
kakkahätä :: The need to poo
kakki :: poo
kakkia :: To poop
kakkonen :: deuce (playing card or side of a dice with two spots on it)
kakkonen :: second base
kakkonen :: second gear
kakkonen :: two (digit, symbol)
kakkosnelonen :: two by four (US), four by two (UK)
kakkospainike :: The secondary button, right mouse button or right-hand button of a computer mouse
kakkospesä :: second base, second (second base), 2nd base
kakkossija :: second place, second position in a race, election etc
kakku :: cake
kakku :: pie (whole of wealth or resource)
kakku :: bit (prison sentence)
kakkulapio :: cake server [tool which is used to serve cake]
kakkulat :: Spectacles, glasses, eyeglasses
kakkupala :: A piece of cake (in concrete manner, not the idiom)
kakkupaperi :: doily
kakluuni :: tilestove, tile stove, Swedish stove (masonry heater decorated with ceramic tiles for appearance)
kako :: crazed, daft, stupid
kakoa :: To clear one's throat (to expel air from one's lungs, such as in order to clear mucus, or to attract attention)
kakoa :: to gack
kakofonia :: cacophony
kakofoninen :: cacophonous
kakru :: kid, child
kaks [colloquial, ,, dialectal] :: two
kaksari :: bet on two winning horses
kaksari :: 2000s
kaksari :: double chin (of overweight people)
kaksi :: two
kaksiajoratainen [roads] :: Having two carriageways
kaksiatominen :: diatomic
kaksiavioinen :: bigamous
kaksiavioisuus :: bigamy
kaksihaaraviuhko :: dichasium
kaksijalkainen :: bipedal
kaksijalkainen :: biped
kaksikamarijärjestelmä :: bicameralism
kaksikamarinen :: bicameral (of a parliament, having two chambers)
kaksikerroksinen :: ~ bussi: double-decker, double-decker bus
kaksikerroksinen :: two-storey (having two floors)
kaksikielinen :: bilingual
kaksikielistyä :: To become bilingual
kaksikielisyys :: bilingualism
kaksikko :: A twosome, group of two, duet, duo, pair
kaksikko :: dual
kaksikko [rowing, canoeing] :: double, tandem
kaksikotinen :: dioecious
kaksikotisuus :: dioecism
kaksikylkinen :: bilateral
kaksikymmentä :: twenty
kaksikymmentäkahdeksan :: twenty-eight
kaksikymmentäkaksi :: twenty-two
kaksikymmentäkolme :: twenty-three
kaksikymmentäkuusi :: twenty-six
kaksikymmentäluku :: The twenties, 1920s
kaksikymmentäneljä :: twenty-four
kaksikymmentäseitsemän :: twenty-seven
kaksikymmentäviisi :: twenty-five
kaksikymmentäyhdeksän :: twenty-nine
kaksikymmentäyksi :: twenty-one
kaksikymppinen :: twentysomething, in his/her twenties
kaksikymppinen :: twenty (banknote with a denomination of 20 euros, dollars etc.)
kaksikymppinen :: twentysomething
kaksikyttyräinen :: Having two humps
kaksikyttyräinen kameli :: Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)
kaksimielinen :: suggestive
kaksimielisyys :: double entendre, innuendo (phrase that has two meanings)
kaksimuotoisuus :: dimorphism
kaksin :: [of two persons] alone
kaksinaamainen :: two-faced, duplicitous
kaksinaamaisuus :: duplicity
kaksinaismoraali :: double standard
kaksinapainen :: bipolar
kaksinen [idiomatic, used always with a negation verb and very often with the adverb kovin] :: Not too hot, nothing to write home about
kaksineuvoinen :: hermaphrodite
kaksineuvoinen :: bisexual, perfect, monoclinous
kaksineuvoisuus :: bisexuality, monoclinism (the property of having male and female reproductive organs in the same flower)
kaksinkamppailu :: A duel (struggle between two contending parties)
kaksinkertainen :: double, dual
kaksinkertainen jalussolmu :: double sheet bend
kaksinkertaistaa :: To double
kaksinkertaistua :: To double
kaksin käsin :: (idiomatic) left and right (indiscriminately, excessively)
kaksinnaiminen :: bigamy
kaksinpeli :: singles
kaksintaa :: to double
kaksintaistelu :: duel (combat between two)
kaksinumeroinen :: double-digit
kaksin verroin :: doubly
kaksio :: two-room apartment
kaksi olutta, kiitos :: two beers, please
kaksiosainen :: two-piece, two-part
kaksipaikkainen :: Having seats for two
kaksipiikkinen :: two-tined (of a fork or other implement)
kaksipiikkinen :: biradiate (of a fin of a fish: having two rays)
kaksipäinen :: two-headed
kaksipitkä :: spondee (metrical foot)
kaksipäiväinen :: two-day (lasting for two days)
kaksipuolinen :: two-sided
kaksipuolueinen :: bipartisan, two-party (relating to two political parties or a two-party system)
kaksipuoluejärjestelmä :: two-party system
kaksipyöräinen :: two-wheeled
kaksipyöräinen :: two-wheeler (two-wheeled vehicle)
kaksirivinen [clothing] :: double-breasted
kaksirunkoinen :: twinhulled (having two hulls)
kaksisataa :: two hundred
kaksisieluinen :: two-spirit, two-spirited (of a Native American: identifying as any of various tribal third genders, rather than as wholly male or female)
kaksisieluinen :: two-spirit (of a Native American: person belonging to any of various tribal third genders)
kaksisirkkainen :: dicotyledonous
kaksisirkkainen :: eudicot
kaksisuuntainen :: bidirectional, two-way (moving in two directions)
kaksisuuntainen :: bipolar (relating to or having bipolar disorder)
kaksisuuntainen [telecommunication] :: duplex, two-way (permitting communication in two directions)
kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö :: bipolar disorder
kaksitaso :: biplane (airplane equipped with two pairs of wings, one on top of the other)
kaksitasoinen :: biplane (having two sets of wings)
kaksitasoinen :: two-level (featuring two levels)
kaksitavuinen :: bisyllabic, disyllabic
kaksiteholasit :: bifocals (spectacles that have corrective lenses of two different powers)
kaksiteräinen :: double-edged
kaksiteräinen :: two-bladed (having two separate blades)
kaksitoista :: twelve
kaksitoistatahokas :: dodecahedron
kaksitoistikko [rare, music, archaic] :: A group of twelve, especially a singing ensemble consisting of three quartets. This type of ensembles were somewhat popular around the turn of 19th and 20th century
kaksittain :: by pairs, two at a time
kaksituhatta :: two thousand
kaksituhattaluku :: The 2000s
kaksituhattaluku :: The third millennium
kaksituhattaluku :: The twenty-first century
kaksiulotteinen :: two-dimensional
kaksivaiheinen :: biphasic, two phase, in two phases
kaksivarvaslaiskiainen :: A two-toed sloth, member of the family Megalonychidae
kaksivarvaslaiskiainen :: southern two-toed sloth, Choloepus didactylus
kaksivuotinen :: biennial
kaksivyöseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius bivelus
kaksois- :: double, binary, twin
kaksoisagentti :: double agent
kaksoisasteroidi :: binary asteroid
kaksoiselämä :: double life
kaksoiskansalaisuus :: dual citizenship
kaksoiskappale :: duplicate
kaksoiskerake :: geminate consonant
kaksoiskierre :: double helix
kaksoiskonsonantti :: geminate consonant
kaksoisleuka :: double chin
kaksoisääntiö :: diphthong
kaksoisolento :: double, doppelganger, lookalike
kaksoisolento :: evil twin
kaksoisovi :: double doors
kaksoispiste :: colon
kaksoispysäköidä :: to double-park
kaksoisshakki :: double check
kaksoissidos :: double bond
kaksoissokkokoe :: double-blind experiment
kaksoissokkotesti :: double-blind test (form of scientific testing)
kaksoistähti :: double star
kaksoistutkinto :: dual qualification
kaksoisvee :: Alternative way of spelling the letter "W" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
kaksoisveli :: twin brother
Kaksoisvirranmaa :: Mesopotamia
kaksoisvoitto :: double victory (instance of same team or country winning gold and silver in a single sports event)
kaksoisvokaali :: diphthong
kaksonen :: A twin
kaksonen :: When used as modifier in compound terms appears in the form kaksois- and its English equivalents are adjectives twin, double, binary and dual
Kaksoset :: Gemini (astrological sign)
Kaksoset :: Gemini (constellation)
kaksosparadoksi :: twin paradox
kaksostutkimus :: twin study
kaksosveli :: twin brother
kaktus :: cactus
kakunpala :: A piece of cake (in concrete manner, not the idiom)
kakuttaa :: To pie
kala [collectively] :: fish
kala :: fish
kala :: fishing (as a personal activity, used with the verbs olla and mennä, lähteä, and käydä)
kala :: seafood
kala-allergia :: fish allergy
kalaasi :: jamboree (lavish or boisterous celebration or party)
kalabaliikki :: disorder
kalabaliikki :: skirmish
kalahaarukka :: fish fork, seafood fork (fork intended for eating fish and other seafood)
kalahampurilainen :: fishburger
kalahtaa :: to clank (to give an individual clanking sound)
kalahuuhkaja :: fish owl (group of large Asian owls within genus Bubo)
kalainen :: fishy (in concrete sense only)
kalaisa :: Rich in fish
kalaisampi :: comparative form of kalaisa
kalajuttu :: A tall story
kalakanta :: fish stock
kalakastike :: fish sauce
kalakauppa :: fishmonger (shop)
kalakauppias :: fishmonger
kalakeitto :: fish soup
kalakoukku :: fishhook
kalakukko :: A traditional Savonian food made from fish baked inside a loaf of bread
kalalaji :: fish species
kalaliima :: isinglass (gelatine obtained from fish)
kalalisko :: An ichthyosaur
kalaöljy :: fish oil
kalalokki :: common gull (Larus canus)
kalamies :: fisherman [male]
kalamiini :: calamine
kalanevä :: fish fin
kalankasvatus :: fish farming, pisciculture
kalanmaksaöljy :: cod liver oil
kalanrehu :: fish fodder (fodder for fish)
kalanrehu :: fish food
kalanruoka :: fish food (food for fish)
kalanruoto :: A fishbone
kalanruoto :: A skeleton of a fish. In this sense often preceded by the word kokonainen
kalanruotokaavio [management] :: An Ishikawa diagram. fishbone diagram
kalanruotokangas :: herringbone patterned cloth
kalansilmä :: fish eye
kalansilmäobjektiivi :: fisheye lens
kalansyöjärotta :: fish-eating rat (rat of the genus Neusticomys)
kalanteri [technology] :: calender
kalanteroida :: To calender
kalanviljelijä :: fish farmer
kalanviljely :: fish farming, pisciculture
kalaonni :: fisherman's luck
kalaparvi :: fish school
kalapöllö :: fishing owl (group of African owls within genus Bubo)
kalaporras :: fish ladder, fishway, fish pass, fish steps
kalapuikko :: fish stick, fish finger
kalapuikkoviikset :: A mustache style, thick but not long enough to allow bending upwards in the ends
kalarehu :: fishmeal (fodder made of dried fish)
kalaretki :: fish trip
kalaruoka :: fish, fish dish (dish made of fish)
kalaruoka [loosely] :: seafood (food prepared of all sorts of marine life)
kalasääksi :: alternative form of kalasääski
kalasoppa :: fish soup
kalasääski :: osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
kalastaa :: To fish
kalastaja :: fisher, fisherman
kalastajakissa :: fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus or Felis viverrinus)
kalastajakylä :: fisher village
kalastajavene :: A fishing boat
kalastaminen :: fishing
kalastella :: To fish
kalastella :: To phish
kalastus :: fishing (sport and commercial activity)
kalastusalue :: fishing ground (an area dedicated for fishing)
kalastusalus :: fishing vessel
kalastuselinkeino :: fish industry
kalastuskausi :: fishing season
kalastuskortti :: fishing licence, fishing permit (card authorizing the holder to fish in specified waters, usually valid for a limited period of time)
kalastuskunta :: A kind of cooperative entrusted with powers to regulate fishing and sell fishing licenses in a stipulated hydrological area. The members are typically the owners of the fishing rights. No established English translation, fishery board might be close
kalastuslaivasto :: fishing fleet
kalastuslupa :: fishing permit, fishing licence (permission to fish in specified waters, usually valid for a limited period of time)
kalastusraja :: The boundary of a fishing zone
kalastusvene :: A fishing boat
Kalat :: Pisces (astrological sign)
Kalat :: Pisces (constellation)
kalatalous :: fishing, fishery, fishing industry (fishing as a branch of economy, like agriculture or forestry)
kalatäi :: A fish lice, carp lice; arthropods of the subclass Branchiura
kalatie :: fishway
kalatiede :: ichthyology
kalatiira :: common tern, Sterna hirundo
kalaton :: fishless
kalatori :: fish market
kalatsa [zoology, botany] :: chalaza
kalauttaa :: to knock (to hit something hard with something hard, producing a sharp knocking sound at the same time)
kalaverkko :: fishing net, fishnet (net used to catch fish)
kaldealainen :: Chaldean
kaldealainen :: Chaldean, native of Chaldea
kaldera :: caldera
kale :: glume
Kaledonia :: Caledonia (Scotland)
kaledonialainen :: Caledonian
kaleeri :: galley
kaleeriorja :: A galley slave
kaleidoskooppi :: kaleidoscope
kalendaario :: The part of a calendar that includes dates etc
kalenteri :: A calendar (means for determining date)
kalenteri :: A calendar (system for dividing time)
kalenterivuosi :: calendar year (a period between January 1st and December 31st in a given year)
Kalervo :: male given name
Kalervo :: The father of Kullervo in the Kalevala
Kaleva :: An obscure giant in Finnish mythology
Kaleva :: Finland's fifth-largest morning newspaper, published in Oulu
Kaleva :: male given name taken into use after the publication of the Finnish national epic Kalevala; more popular in the form Kalevi
Kalevala :: Kalevala (epic)
Kalevala :: Kalevala (mythical place)
kalevalamitta [prosody] :: Kalevala meter; a trochaic meter in poetry
kalevanmiekka :: Orion (the constellation)
Kalevi :: male given name
kalhu :: right, shorter ski
kali :: potassium
kali :: potassium oxide
kalibroida :: to calibrate
kalibrointi :: calibration
kalifaatti :: caliphate
kalifi :: A caliph
kalifikunta :: caliphate
Kalifornia :: California
kalifornialainen :: Californian
Kalifornianlahti :: The Gulf of California
Kalifornian niemimaa :: Baja California (peninsula)
kalifornium :: californium
kaliiberi :: alternative form of kaliiperi
kaliiperi :: calibre
kalikka :: stick, billet
kaliksareeni :: calixarene
kalimaasälpä :: potassium feldspar
Kalimantan :: Kalimantan
kalina :: clatter, rattle, clank; a clear repetitive sound such as one caused by hitting a metallic object or bone-dry solid wood, lower in pitch than kilinä but higher than kolina
kalista :: To clatter, rattle
kalistaa :: alternative form of kalisuttaa
kalistella :: To rattle
kalistin :: rattle (device other than musical instrument that produces a rattling sound)
kalistin :: rattle (organ that produces a rattling sound)
kalisuttaa :: to make or cause to clank or rattle
kalium :: potassium
kaliumasetaatti :: potassium acetate
kaliumbromaatti :: potassium bromate
kaliumformiaatti [inorganic chemistry] :: potassium formate (salt of formic acid, formula CHKO2)
kaliumhydroksidi :: potassium hydroxide
kaliumjodidi :: potassium iodide
kaliumkloraatti :: potassium chlorate
kaliumkloridi :: potassium chloride
kaliumkromaatti :: potassium chromate
kaliumnitraatti :: potassium nitrate
kaliumnitriitti :: potassium nitrite
kaliumpermanganaatti :: potassium permanganate
kaliumsyanidi :: potassium cyanide
kalja :: beer
kalja :: kvass
kalja :: short for kotikalja
kaljaasi :: galeas
kaljailta :: A beer-bust
kaljainen :: beery
kaljakeitto :: okroshka (Russian cold raw vegetable soup made in kvass)
kaljakori :: A crate of beer
kaljama :: A slippery ice cover
kaljamaha :: A beer belly
kalju :: bald
kalju :: bald person, baldy
kalju :: hairless spot on head
kaljumpi :: comparative form of kalju
kaljupää :: baldie
kaljupäinen :: bald-headed
kaljuuna :: A beakhead
kaljuuntua :: To grow bald(er)
kaljuus :: baldness
kaljuutti :: galliot
kalkas :: A male common eider (Somateria mollissima)
kalke :: clang, clatter
kalkhas :: alternative form of kalkas
kalkita :: to calcify (to make something hard and stony by impregnating with calcium salts)
kalkita :: to lime (to treat with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide (lime))
kalkita :: to whitewash (to paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up e.g. a wall or fence)
kalkkaa :: alternative form of kalkattaa
kalkkarokäärme :: rattlesnake
kalkkeuma :: alternative form of kalkkiutuma
kalkkeutua :: To calcify (to become hard and stony by impregnation with calcium salts)
kalkkeutuma :: alternative form of kalkkiutuma
kalkkeutuminen :: calcification
kalkkeutuminen :: aging
kalkkeutuminen :: sclerosis
kalkki :: chalice
kalkki :: lime
kalkkikivi :: limestone
kalkkisälpä :: calcite
kalkkiuma :: alternative form of kalkkiutuma
kalkkiutua :: To calcify (to become hard and stony by impregnation with calcium salts)
kalkkiutuma :: calcification
kalkkuna :: turkey, Meleagris gallopavo
kalkopyriitti :: chalcopyrite
kalkosiitti :: chalcocite
Kalkutta :: Calcutta (former name of the state capital of West Bengal, since 2001 known locally as Kolkata)
kalkuttaa :: To make repeated metallic sounds that die quickly (and do not ring like a clang) - like that of hitting a solid object with a hammer. clatter
kalkyloida :: To calculate
kalkyyli :: calculus
kalla :: calla lily, arum lily, hardy arum, Zantedeschia aethiopica
kalla :: Zantedeschia, calla lily, arum lily (plant of the genus Zantedeschia)
kallas :: bank (of a river etc.)
Kalle :: male given name
Kalle :: The letter "K" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
kallellaan :: askew (tilted)
kallellaan :: aslant
kallella kypärin [lb, fi, idiomatic] :: down, depressed, sad, blue (feeling low)
kalleus :: expensiveness, costliness
kalleus [plural only] :: valuables, treasure
kalligrafia :: calligraphy
kalligrafinen :: calligraphic
kalliimpi :: comparative form of kallis
kallio :: A rock, as a hill having no or just a little vegetation and consisting of solid rock
kallio :: A rock, as something that is strong, stable, and dependable
kallio :: Rock, as the aggregate of solid mineral matter (stone) that constitutes a significant part of the earth's crust
Kallio :: Any of a number of small places in Finland, including a district of Helsinki
Kallio :: Finnish surname
kallioilla :: The adessive, plural form of kallio
kallioimarre :: A species of fern, common polypody, Polypodium vulgare
kallioimarre :: A polypody (any plant in the genus Polypodium); in plural (kallioimarteet) also the genus
kallioimarrekasvi :: Any of the various ferns in the taxonomic family Polypodiaceae; in plural (kallioimarrekasvit) also the family
kalliojyrkänne :: cliff, precipice, crag
kalliokyyhky :: rock pigeon, Columba livia
kalliomaalaus :: rock painting
kalliomäyrä :: hyrax
kallionjärkäle :: A boulder
kallionlaki :: The top of a rocky hill
kalliopaljastuma :: outcrop
Kalliope :: Calliope (the Muse of eloquence and epic)
kallioperä :: bedrock, rock foundation
kalliopiirros :: A petrograph
kalliopääsky :: crag martin (bird of the genus Ptyonoprogne)
kalliopääsky :: crag martin, European crag martin, Ptyonoprogne rupestris
kalliosuoja :: shelter build into rock
kalliotamaani :: Cape hyrax, rock hyrax (Procavia capensis)
Kalliovuoret :: The Rocky Mountains
kallis :: dear
kallis :: expensive
kallisarvoinen :: precious
kallisarvoisempi :: comparative form of kallisarvoinen
kallistaa :: To make more expensive
kallistaa :: to slope, lean, incline, tilt
kallistettu :: inclined, slanted, sloped
Kallisto :: Callisto, the satellite of Jupiter
Kallisto :: Callisto, the nymph of Artemis
kallistua :: to incline in turn, bank
kallistua [of a ship] :: to list
kallistua :: to become more expensive
kallistua :: to slope, lean, incline, tilt
kallistuma :: inclination, tilt
kallistus :: tilt, bank, inclination
kallo :: A skull or cranium
kallollinen :: A member of subphylum Craniata
kallonkutistaja :: head-shrinker, psychiatrist
kallonkutistaja :: Literally, one who shrinks heads, as previously done by some Amazon tribes
kallonmurtuma :: skull fracture
kallonpohja :: basis cranii, base of the skull
kalma :: death
kalmannos :: a child born after the death of father
kalmannos :: a posthumous work
kalmari :: A squid
kalmetoida :: to administrate BCG
kalmisto :: cemetery, graveyard; especially an ancient one
kalmo :: corpse, cadaver
Kalmukia :: Kalmykia
kalori :: calorie
kalorimetri :: calorimeter
kalossi :: galosh, gumshoe (rubber overshoe to protect one's footwear)
kalotti :: calotte, skullcap, yarmulke
kalotti :: the area inside Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle
kalotti :: segment of a sphere, dome
kalpa :: A sword (with weight at most 770 g and length 90 cm)
kalpa [fencing] :: An epee
kalpea :: pale, especially when referring to a person
kalpea :: pallid
kalpeampi :: comparative form of kalpea
kalpeanaama :: paleface
kalpeus :: paleness
kalpi :: kalbi (Korean barbecued rib dish)
kalppia :: ~ tiehensä: to shag off
kalppia :: to leave, go away, buzz off, especially when having to, or in a cowardly manner
kalsa :: cold
kalsarit :: underpants
kalsea :: cold (unfriendly)
kalseampi :: comparative form of kalsea
kalsedoni :: chalcedony
kalsiitti :: calcite
kalsium :: calcium
kalsiumasetaatti :: calcium acetate
kalsiumfluoridi :: calcium fluoride
kalsiumhydroksidi :: calcium hydroxide
kalsiumkarbonaatti :: calcium carbonate
kalsiumkloridi :: calcium chloride
kalsiumlaktaatti :: calcium lactate
kalsiumnitraatti :: calcium nitrate
kalsiumoksidi :: calcium oxide
kalsiumsulfaatti :: calcium sulfate
kalskahtaa :: to ring, sound (to convey an impression), used especially when something sounds weird or out of place
kalskahtaa :: to clang, clash (to give a loud, metallic sound)
kalske :: rattle, clang, clash
kaltainen :: -like, similar
kaltata :: to blanch (to dip briefly into boiling water, then directly into cold water)
kalterijääkäri :: One of the 78 activists of jääkäriliike who were imprisoned in Russia during WWI
kalterit :: bars (strong metal grid or bars in a window or other opening)
kalteva :: sloping, inclined, slanted
kaltevuus :: camber
kaltevuus :: slope, obliquity
kaltevuusmittari :: clinometer
kaltio :: spring (place where water emerges to the surface)
kaltsi :: rock (outcrop)
kalu :: penis
kalu :: physical thing, object, tool
kalustaa :: To furnish
kaluste :: piece of furniture, fitment
kalusteet :: furniture, fittings
kalustepyörä :: A caster (wheeled assembly)
kalusto :: arsenal (store or supply of anything)
kalusto :: equipment (collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit)
kaluta :: To gnaw (bone)
kalvaa :: to gnaw, nag, bother, gall
kalvaa :: to chafe, rub
kalvaa :: to gnaw
kalvakka :: pale
kalvas :: pale
kalvashaaparousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius utilis
kalvashapero :: A brittlegill, Russula betularum
kalvasnuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius talus
kalvasvahvero [mushrooms] :: An edible mushroom closely related to the chanterelle; Cantharellus pallens
kalventaa :: to make (more) pale
kalveta :: To look less good (when compared to = genitive + rinnalla)
kalveta :: To pale
kalvia :: to ream (using a reamer)
kalvin :: reamer (tool)
kalvinilainen :: Calvinist
kalvinismi :: Calvinism
kalvinpora :: reamer (tool)
kalvinta :: reaming
kalvo :: membrane
kalvo :: film
kalvo :: slide (of slideshow)
kalvonäppäimistö :: membrane keypad
kalvosin :: cuff
kalvosinnappi :: cufflink
kalvosoitin :: membranophone (any musical instrument that produces sound via the vibration of a stretched membrane)
kalvotulehdus :: fascitis (inflammation of fascia)
kama :: one’s stuff (usually plural)
kama :: narcotic drugs
kamala :: terribly, an intensifier
kamala :: horrible, terrible
kamalampi :: comparative form of kamala
kamalasti :: awfully
kamalin :: superlative form of kamala
kamaluus :: horribleness
kamana :: lintel, transom
kamara :: Hard crust
kamara :: pork rind
kamari :: chamber, bedroom
kamari :: house (debating chamber for politicians)
kamariherra :: chamberlain
kamarimusiikki :: chamber music
kamarineito :: abigail
kamariorkesteri :: chamber orchestra
kamassi :: Kamassian language
kamassi :: Kamassian person
Kambodža :: Cambodia
kambri :: Cambrian (Cambrian period)
kambrikausi :: Cambrian period
kambrikautinen :: Cambrian
kambrinen :: Cambrian
kamee :: A cameo
kameepiirros :: monochrome (painting executed in shades of a single colour)
kameleontti :: chameleon
Kameleontti :: the constellation Chamaeleon
kameli :: A camel
kamelia :: camellia
kamelikurki :: ostrich
kameli on komitean suunnittelema hevonen :: a camel is a horse designed by a committee
kamera :: A camera
kameravalvonta :: camera surveillance
Kamerun :: Cameroon
kamferi :: camphor
kamferihappo :: camphoric acid
kamiina :: A small heater used in e.g. tents, burns wood or oil to produce heat
kašmirvilla :: cashmere wool
kammari :: A dialectal form of kamari
kammata :: To comb
kammeta :: To crank
kammi :: A hut made of turf used as a dwelling
kammio :: cell
kammio :: chamber
kammio :: ventricle of a heart
kammiovärinä :: Ventricular fibrillation
kammitsa :: shackle, fetter (restraint)
kammitsoida :: To chain
kammo :: detestation, abhorrence (feeling of strong fear and disgust)
kammo :: phobia
kammoa :: alternative form of kammota
kammoksua :: to dread, abhor
kammoksuttaa :: to feel or be dreaded or abhorred
kammota :: To dread, abominate
kammottaa :: to horrify
kammottava :: horrible, abhorrent, grisly
kammottavasti :: horribly
kammottavuus :: horribleness
kamomilla :: camomile
kamomillasaunio :: A camomile, or more specifically German chamomile, Matricaria recutita
kamomillatee :: camomile tea, a hot drink made of herbs in the genera Anthemis and Matricaria, especially German chamomile, Matricaria recutita
kampa :: pecten
kampa :: comb
kampaaja :: hairdresser (one who does hairdressing)
kampaamo :: barbershop
kampaamo :: hairdresser
kampahapero :: A brittlegill (Russula pectinatoides)
kampakeraaminen :: comb ceramic
kampalanka :: worsted (wool yarn made from long strands of wool, creating fine, smooth fabric)
kampalankainen :: worsted (made of worsted yarn)
kampalankakangas :: worsted (fabric made of worsted wool)
kampamaneetti :: ctenophore, comb jelly
kampanja :: campaign (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal)
kampanjoida :: To campaign
kampasimpukka :: scallop (mollusc of the family Pectinidae)
kampasuomu :: ctenoid scale
kampata :: to trip (to cause to fall or stumble)
kampaus :: coiffure, hairstyle, hairdo, do, coif, haircut
kampauttaa :: To have something combed
kampavilla :: combing wool
kampe :: a good, an item
kampe :: goods, supplies, one's stuff, one's things
kampela :: flatfish (any fish of the order Pleuronectiformes)
kampela :: flounder, European flounder (Platichthys flesus)
kampi :: crank (rotating arm mechanism)
kampiakseli :: crankshaft
kampikammio :: crankcase
kampikulma :: A crank angle
kampiliira :: hurdy-gurdy
kampittaa :: to trip (cause to fall or stumble)
kamppailla :: To combat
kamppailla :: To contend
kamppailu :: combat, fight
kamppailu :: struggle
kamppailulaji :: A martial art
kampura :: lame, clumsy
kampuraseitikki :: a webcap (Cortinarius fraudulosus)
kampus :: campus
Kamputsea :: Cambodia
kampylobakteeri :: campylobacter
kamu :: a pal
kana :: woman, sweetheart
kana :: chicken (domestic fowl of species Gallus gallus, Gallus domesticus)
kana :: chicken (meat from this bird eaten as food)
kana :: hen (unintelligent, talkative woman)
kana :: hen (female chicken)
kana :: kana (Japanese syllabary)
kana :: gallinaceous; when used as modifier in some compound terms
kanaali :: canal (strait)
kanaali :: channel
Kanaalisaaret :: Channel Islands
Kanaan :: Canaan
Kanaan :: Canaan [region]
Kanada :: Canada
kanadalainen :: Canadian (of or pertaining to Canada)
kanadalainen :: A Canadian (person from Canada)
kanadalaiskaksikko :: Any two Canadians acting in unison
kanadalaiskaksikko :: tandem canoe, C-2, C2 (class of canoe for 2 kneeling people, an Olympic canoeing event)
kanadalaiskanootti :: canoe, Canadian canoe (small, lightweight, typically human-powered narrow boat of the type originally developed by Native Americans)
kanadanhanhi :: Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
kanadanhirvi :: A North American elk or a wapiti, Cervus (elaphus) canadensis
kanadanilves :: Canada lynx, Canadian lynx, Lynx canadensis (species of lynx native to North America)
kanadankerttuli :: Tennessee warbler, Leiothlypis peregrina ( <= Vermivora peregrina (a New World warbler)
kanadankääpiöpäästäinen :: American pygmy shrew (Sorex hoyi)
kanadanmajava :: American beaver
kanadannäätä :: fisher (Martes pennanti)
kanadanpalsami :: Canada balsam (turpentine produced from the resin of balsam fir)
kanadanpikkupäästäinen :: American pygmy shrew (Sorex hoyi)
kanadanpuupiikkisika :: North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)
kanadansirri :: semipalmated sandpiper (Calidris pusilla)
kanadansuomalainen :: Finnish-Canadian
kanadansuomalainen :: Finnish Canadian
kanadantylli :: semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
kanadanvaivaishiiri :: western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis)
kanadanvireo :: Philadelphia vireo (Vireo philadelphicus)
kanaemo :: mother hen
kanahampurilainen :: chicken burger
kanahaukka :: A goshawk, Accipiter gentilis
kanahäkki :: coop, battery cage
kanakeitto :: chicken soup
kana kynimättä :: bone to pick
kana kynittävänä :: bone to pick
kanala :: henhouse
kanalasagne :: chicken lasagna
kanalauma :: A group of women, especially a noisy one
kanalintu :: galliform, gallinaceous bird (bird of the order Galliformes)
kanalintu :: gamefowl, landfowl, fowl (bird of the order Galliformes, especially when hunted for food)
kanalisaatio :: canalisation
kanalisoida :: To canalize
kanalisoitua :: To be canalized
kanalja :: scoundrel
kanamainen :: chickenlike
kananaivo :: featherbrain
kananaivoinen :: birdbrained, featherbrained
kanankakka :: chicken manure
kanankoipi :: A chicken leg
kanankoipi :: A drumstick of a chicken
kananlanta :: chicken manure
kananliha :: chicken meat
kananliha :: goose flesh
kananmaksa :: chicken liver (organ)
kananmuna :: A hen's egg
kananpaska [informal, construction] :: generic term for construction materials that resemble concrete but are made of inferior raw materials such as ash from coal power plants or gypsum, used e.g. for non-bearing walls
kananpaska :: chicken shit
kananpoika :: chicken (meat of young hen)
kananpoika :: chick, pullet, chicken (young hen)
kananrehu :: chicken feed, chicken fodder
kananrinta :: chicken breast
kanansiipi :: A chicken wing
kananugget :: chicken nugget
kanaparvi :: A flock of chickens
kanapata :: chicken stew
kanapee :: canapé (cocktail sandwich)
kanapee :: canapé (elegant couch that seats three)
kanapiiras :: chicken pie
kanapyörykkä :: chicken meatball
kanarialintu :: canary
kanarianhemppo :: Atlantic canary (Serinus canaria)
kanariankirvinen :: Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii)
kanariankyyhky :: Bolle's pigeon (Columba bollii)
kanarianpeippo :: blue chaffinch (Fringilla teydea)
Kanariansaaret :: The Canary Islands (an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa)
kanariantasku :: Canary Islands stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae)
kanasta [card games, rare] :: alternative spelling of canasta
kanava :: canal
kanava :: channel
kanavakangas :: canvas
kanavasurffaus :: channel surfing
kanaverkko :: chicken wire
kanaviillokki :: A dish made of sliced chicken meat
kanaviilokki :: alternative spelling of kanaviillokki
kanavoida :: To channel
kanavointi :: channeling
kanavoitua :: To channel
kandeerata :: to candy (to coat or crust with sugar)
kandela :: candela
kandelaaberi :: candelabrum
kandi :: Baccalaureate, a person who has completed the Bachelor of Science
kandidaatti :: bachelor (someone who has achieved a bachelor's degree or baccalaureate)
kandidaatti :: candidate
kaneli :: cinnamon [spice]
kanelipuu :: Any of the tree species in the genus Cinnamomum
kanelipuu :: Commonly, cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum [tree]
kaneliseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnamomeus
kanelisorsa :: Hartlaub's duck (Pteronetta hartlaubii)
kanelitanko :: cinnamon stick
kanerva :: heather, Callena vulgaris
Kanerva :: female given name
Kanerva :: Finnish surname
kanervakasvit :: Ericaceae
kanervikko :: heathland
kanervisara :: rare spring-sedge, Carex ericetorum
kangas :: A forest type growing on such soil, predominantly coniferous; boreal forest; also kangasmetsä
kangas :: A soil type: firm, moraine ground covered with a relatively thin layer of organic topsoil called podsol; also kangasmaa
kangas :: Cloth, fabric or textile (woven fabric)
kangas :: Material (cloth to be made into a garment)
Kangas :: Finnish surname
kangashapero :: A brittlegill, Russula decolorans
kangaskorte :: rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale)
kangaskäärme :: smooth snake Coronella austriaca
kangaskärpässieni :: grey veiled amanita, Amanita porphyria
kangaslimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius collinitus
kangasmaitikka :: cow-wheat (Melampyrum pratense)
kangasmyrkkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius gentilis
kangaspakka :: bolt (roll of cloth)
kangaspalsamirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius mammosus
kangaspuola :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
kangaspuut :: loom
kangasrousku :: rufous candy milk-cap or red hot milk-cap, Lactarius rufus
kangassillihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula erythropoda
kangastaa :: To loom
kangastua :: To be reflected or seen as a mirage
kangastukki :: An aft beam of a loom
kangastus :: mirage
kangertaa :: To progress awkwardly or arduously
kangeta :: To pry, prise
kangistaa :: to stiffen (to make stiff)
kangistua :: To stiffen
kangistuttaa :: to cause to stiffen
kani :: A pawnshop
kani :: A rabbit
kaniikki :: canon (title)
kaniini :: A rabbit
kaniini :: European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus
kanikonttori :: A pawn shop
kanimainen :: rabbitlike
kaninruoka :: rabbit food
kanisteri :: A canister (for liquid fuel)
kanittaa :: To catch, snag, stick, tangle
kanittaa :: To pawn
kaniturkis :: rabbit fur
kaniturkki :: rabbit fur
kanjoni :: canyon
kankare :: dry, rocky hill
kankea [of speech etc.] :: awkward, clumsy
kankea :: stiff (e.g. stiff joints)
kankeasti :: clumsily
kankeasti :: stiffly
kankeus :: rigidity
kankeus :: stiffness
kanki :: (iron) bar
kankikuolain :: A curb bit
kankku :: A buttock
kankkunen :: A hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking)
Kankkunen :: Finnish surname
kankriniitti :: cancrinite
kankuri :: weaver
kannabidioli :: cannabidiol
kannabinoidi :: cannabinoid
kannabinoidireseptori :: cannabinoid receptor
kannabinoli :: cannabinol
kannabis :: cannabis (plant Cannabis sativa when produced for drug)
kannabis :: marijuana, cannabis (drug)
kannabishartsi :: cannabis resin, hashish (cannabis product composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands from the buds of the female cannabis plant, and thus having a high concentration of cannabinoids)
kannabishartsi :: cannabis resin (resin excreted by the female inflorescences of the Cannabis sativa plant, which contains majority of the cannabinoids produced by the plant)
kannabissavuke :: cannabis joint
kannada :: Kannada (language)
kannakselainen :: a person from the Karelian Isthmus
kannalla :: stand, opinion
kannanilmaisu :: Opinion statement (a written document or text put out by an organization to express its official opinion on a certain subject)
kannanotto :: contention, position (point maintained in an argument)
kannanotto :: position paper (essay or report which expresses a position on a contested issue)
kannanotto :: resolution (formal statement adopted by an assembly)
kannanotto :: statement (presentation of opinion or position)
kannas :: isthmus
kannate :: holder
kannatella :: To support (physically)
kannatin :: A bracket (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf)
kannatin :: A cradle (rest for the receiver of a telephone)
kannatin :: Any supporting member, a support, rest, prop etc
kannattaa [literal and figurative] :: to be profitable, pay off
kannattaa :: to support, patronize, maintain
kannattaa [mentally] :: to support, back, champion, stand up for
kannattaa [mentally] :: to support, uphold, sustain
kannattaa :: (monopersonally; + genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive) To be worth(while) (for somebody to do), be worth (somebody's while to do)
kannattaa :: (+ partitive) to second, espouse, go along with, agree with, adhere
kannattaa [physically] :: to support, bear up, hold up, prop up, carry
kannattaa :: To have somebody/something carried (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) carry something
kannattaja :: A fan, admirer, adherent, devotee, enthusiast, booster or aficionado (supporter of a sports team etc.)
kannattaja :: A follower (one who adheres to the opinions, ideas, or teachings of another)
kannattaja :: An advocate (person who speaks in support of something)
kannattaja :: A second (one who agrees in a motion, as required in certain meetings to pass judgement etc.)
kannattaja :: A stalwart (one who firmly supports a cause)
kannattaja :: A supporter
kannattajanikama :: The atlas vertebra
kannattava :: profitable
kannattavuus :: profitability
kannatus :: support
kanne :: claim
kanneaika :: limitation (legal time period)
kanneksia :: To carry (around, in a continuous/indifferent manner)
kannel :: kantele (traditional instrument)
kannella :: to complain about, rat about, tell on
kannella :: to tattle (to notify someone of illicit behaviour)
kannella [legal, + elative] :: to file a complaint about
kannella :: to carry along (indifferently)
kannellinen :: Having a lid or cover
kanneloni :: cannelloni
kanneltaa [music, rare] :: to play kantele
kanneton :: coverless, lidless
kannettava :: portable
kannettava :: A laptop; short form of kannettava tietokone
kannettava tietokone :: A laptop computer, laptop
kannibaali :: cannibal
kannibalismi :: cannibalism (act or practice of eating another of one's own species)
kannibalismi :: cannibalism, anthropophagy (human act or practice of eating another human's flesh)
kannibalisoida :: to cannibalise, cannibalize (to reduce sales or market share for one of your own products by introducing another)
kannibalisoida :: to cannibalise, cannibalize (to eat one's own species)
kannibalisointi :: cannibalization, cannibalisation
kannike :: hanger, handle
kannikka :: A buttock
kannikka :: The crust piece of a bread
kannin :: carrier (object)
kanniskella :: To carry along (indifferently)
kannokko :: area containing many tree stumps
kannu :: ewer
kannu :: jug, pitcher
kannu :: pot (teapot or coffee pot)
kannullinen :: jugful, jug (amount a jug can hold)
kannus :: spur
kannustaa :: to cheer
kannustaa :: to encourage
kannustaja :: supporter
kannuste :: incentive
kannustin :: incentive (something that motivates)
kanoninen :: canonical
kanonisoida :: To canonize
kanonisoitua :: To become canonical
kanonistaa :: To canonize
kanootti :: canoe
kanootti :: kayak
kanoottikaksikko :: tandem canoe, C-2, C2 (class of canoe for 2 kneeling people, an Olympic canoeing event)
kanoottiurheilu :: canoeing (water sport)
kanotisti :: canoeist
kanotoida :: To canoe
kans :: also, too
kans :: with
kansa :: nation, people
kansa :: people
Kansainliitto :: The League of Nations
kansainvaellus :: migration of peoples, Völkerwanderung
kansainvaellusaika :: The Migration Period, Völkerwanderung
kansainvälinen :: international
Kansainvälinen :: Internationale (song)
Kansainvälinen avaruusasema :: International Space Station, ISS
kansainvälinen naistenpäivä :: International Women's Day (8th of March)
kansainvälinen oikeus [law] :: international law (set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and between nations, serving as a framework for the practice of stable and organized international relations)
Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto :: International Monetary Fund
kansainvälisempi :: comparative form of kansainvälinen
kansainvälisesti :: internationally
kansainväliset kovapanosammunnat :: War
kansainvälistää :: To internationalise/internationalize
kansainvälistäminen :: internationalization; the act of making something international
kansainvälistyä :: To become international
kansainvälistyminen :: internationalization; the act of becoming international
kansainvälisyys :: internationalism
kansainvälisyys :: internationality
Kansainyhteisö :: The Commonwealth of Nations
kansakoulu :: Formerly in the Finnish school system, a four- to eight-year elementary school or primary school
kansakunnallinen :: national
kansakunta :: nation
kansalainen :: citizen
kansalainen :: national
kansalaisadressi :: petition (compilation of signatures built in order to exert moral authority in support of a specific cause)
kansalaisjärjestö :: NGO (non-governmental organization)
kansalaisliike :: popular movement
kansalaisoikeudet :: civil rights (constitutional rights and freedoms guaranteed to the citizens of a country)
kansalaisoikeus :: Civil right
kansalaisopisto :: A learning institution resembling a community college, providing adult education in a wide variety of topics. The programs are open for everyone, usually for a small fee
kansalaispalkka :: citizen's income, basic income, universal basic income
kansalaissota :: civil war, especially the Finnish Civil War fought in the spring of 1918
kansalaistottelemattomuus :: civil disobedience
kansalaisuskonto :: civil religion
kansalaisuus :: citizenship
kansalaisyhteiskunta :: civil society
kansallinen :: national
Kansallinen Kokoomus :: The National Coalition Party (in Finland)
kansallinen vapaapäivä :: national holiday, public holiday, bank holiday
kansallis- :: national
kansallisarkisto :: A national archive
kansalliseepos :: national epic
kansallisesti :: nationally
kansalliskieli :: national language
kansalliskiihkoilija :: jingo, chauvinist
kansalliskirjasto :: national library
kansallislaulu :: national anthem
kansallismielinen :: nationalist
kansallismielisyys :: nationalism
kansallismuseo :: national museum
kansallisooppera :: national opera
kansallispäivä :: national day (day marking a country's establishment as a sovereign entity)
kansallispuisto :: national park
kansallispuku :: national costume
kansallisromantiikka :: national revival
kansallisromantiikka :: romantic nationalism, national romanticism
kansallissosialismi :: National Socialism
kansallissosialisti :: national socialist
kansallissosialistinen :: National Socialist, Nazi
kansallistaa :: To nationalize
kansallistaminen :: nationalization
kansallistettu :: nationalized
kansallisuus :: nationality
kansallisuustunnus :: nationality sign
kansallisvaltio :: nation-state
kansanarmeija :: people's army
kansandemokraatti :: people's democrat
kansandemokraattinen :: people's democratic
kansandemokratia :: people's democracy
kansanedustaja :: A Member of Parliament, specifically member of the eduskunta
kansanedustajaehdokas :: parliamentary candidate (one who is running for membership in a parliament, especially that of Finland)
kansaneläke :: In Finland, a flat rate pension[1], to which people who are covered by the Finnish social security system are entitled, usually translated as "national pension" into English. The pension can be paid on the basis of old age, disability or long-term unemployment. Other income, such as earnings-related työeläke diminishes the national pension
kansaneläkelaitos :: An uncapitalized form sometimes used of Kansaneläkelaitos, a government branch that administers and provides social security benefits for all residents of Finland
kansaneläkelaitos :: A similar institution in another country
Kansaneläkelaitos :: The Social Insurance Institution of Finland [official translation], a government branch that administers and provides social security benefits for all residents of Finland
kansanetymologia :: folk etymology (false etymology that incorrectly explains the origin of a word)
kansankieli :: vernacular
kansankiihottaja :: demagogue, agitator
kansankirkko :: established church
kansankynttilä :: primary school teacher, especially in the kansakoulu
kansanlaulu :: folk song (song originating among the common people, and handed by oral tradition)
kansanmurha :: A genocide, holocaust
kansanmusiikki :: folk music
kansanäänestys :: referendum
kansannousu :: uprising
kansanomainen :: common, popular, ordinary, simple, vulgar (of or pertaining to the common people)
kansanomainen :: folksy (characteristic of simple country life)
kansanperinne :: folklore
kansanpuolue :: people's party
kansantajuinen :: popular (easy to understand)
kansantajuistaa :: To popularize
kansantalous :: national economy
kansantaru :: folktale (tale or story that is part of the oral tradition of a people or a place)
kansantasavalta :: A people's republic
kansanvalta :: Democracy
kansanvaltainen :: democratic
kansanvaltaistaa :: to democratize
kansanvaltaistua :: To become democratized
Kansan vapautusarmeija :: The People's Liberation Army
kansanviisaus :: folkway (belief common to members of a society or culture)
kansatiede :: ethnology
kansi :: A generally flat cover of a hole or a container such as a jar or a box; a lid or a top
kansi :: cover of a book
kansi :: The deck of a ship
kansikota :: pyxis
kansio :: A file, folder
kansio :: A folder
kansioida :: To file
kansiportaat :: companionway (staircase or ladder from one deck to another on a ship)
kansituoli :: deck chair
kansleri :: chancellor
kanslia :: office
kansliapäällikkö :: chancellor (record keeper for a diocese)
kansliapäällikkö :: chief of staff, chancellor (administrative head of a ministry, subordinated directly to the minister)
kansoittaa :: To populate
kansoittua :: to be populated (with people)
kanssa [takes genitive] :: with
kanssakäyminen :: interaction
kanssapuhe :: conversation, discussion
kanta :: population
kanta :: heel (part of a sole of a shoe, especially a low one; a high heel is usually called korko)
kanta :: strain
kanta :: opinion, point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
kanta :: stem
kantaa [of sound or noise] :: To carry, be carried, reach
kantaa :: To carry, bear
kantaa :: To wield
kantaa kortensa kekoon :: to do one's deed, to do what must be done
kanta-asiakas :: habitué, denizen (one who frequents a place)
kanta-asiakas :: regular customer, regular
kanta-astuja :: A plantigrade
kantaatti :: cantata
kantaesitys :: premiere (first showing)
kantaitiö :: basidiospore
kantaja :: A bearer, carrier (person who bears or carries something, in general)
kantaja :: A bearer, short form of arkunkantaja
kantaja :: A bellhop, porter, skycap
kantaja :: A short form of postinkantaja
kantaja :: A short form of veronkantaja
kantaja :: A plaintiff, complainant, claimant
kantaja :: A support
kantakaupunki :: downtown, inner city
kantakieli :: protolanguage
kantaluku :: base number
kantaluu :: calcaneus
kantama :: Range, -shot
kantaminen :: carrying
kantanäky :: primal scene
kantapää :: heel
kantapeikko :: lifer (person who makes a career in the military)
kantapään kautta :: through the hard way (from the experience, sometimes tough)
kantarelli :: chanterelle (any edible mushroom in the genus Cantharellus)
kantarelli :: chanterelle, or golden chanterelle, yellow chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
kantaslaavi :: Proto-Slavic (language)
kantasolu :: A stem cell
kantasolututkimus [medicine, cytology] :: Stem cell research
kantasuomi :: The Proto-Finnic language
kantaurali :: Proto-Uralic
kantautua [of sound or noise] :: To carry, be carried, reach, emanate, (also figuratively of knowledge or information)
kantautua :: To drift, wash (up) (due to the action water); to be tracked
kantava :: gravid, pregnant (animal)
kantava :: supporting
kantele :: kantele
kantelija :: tattler, tattletale (one who tattles or is inclined to do so)
kantelu :: complaint
kantelu :: tattling, taletelling
kantikas :: angular, sharp-cornered, square
kantio :: The part of a shoe that supports the heel sideways
kanto :: carrying (act)
kanto :: collection (activity of collecting, especially taxes); see also: veronkanto
kanto :: stump (remains of a tree)
kantoaalto :: carrier (signal modulated to transmit information)
kantoaika :: gestation period
kantojuhta :: beast of burden
Kanton :: Canton, the former name of Guangzhou
kantoraketti :: booster rocket
kantosiipi :: hydrofoil (wing)
kantosiipialus :: A hydrofoil (vessel)
kantotuoli :: A litter (platform designed to carry a person or a load)
kantri :: country, country music
kantrimusiikki :: country music
kanttarelli :: alternative spelling of kantarelli
kantti :: chutzpah; the guts, balls, nerve or audacity to go through with something
kantti :: edge
kanttiini :: canteen, mess hall
kanttori :: cantor
kanttura :: old and frail animal or person
kanukka :: dogwood (plant of the genus Cornus)
kanukki :: A Canuck, Canadian
kanuuna :: cannon
kanuunankuula :: cannonball
kanyloida :: to cannulate (to use or insert a cannula)
kanyyli :: cannula (tube inserted in the body to drain or inject fluid)
kaoliini :: kaolin
kaoliniitti :: kaolinite
kaoni :: A kaon
kaoottinen :: chaotic
kapakala :: stockfish
kapakka :: pub, bar, tavern, inn (premises where alcoholic drinks are sold for immediate consumption)
kapakoitsija :: barkeeper, innkeeper
kapalo :: swaddling clothes
kapaloida :: To swaddle
Kapanen :: Finnish surname
kapasitanssi :: capacitance
kapasitanssidiodi :: capacitance diode
kapasiteetti :: capacity
kapea :: narrow
kapeampi :: comparative form of kapea
kapeaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius flexipes
kapeikko :: strait
kapein :: superlative form of kapea
kapellimestari :: conductor
kapeuttaa :: alternative form of kaventaa
kapeutua :: to become narrow or narrower (e.g. of a road)
kapi :: mange (animal skin disease caused by mites)
kapiainen :: A person belonging to the permanent staff of the military
kapiaisen kakara :: army brat
kapillaari :: capillary (thin blood vessel)
kapillaari :: capillary (narrow tube)
kapillaari-ilmiö :: capillary action
kapillaariputki :: capillary (narrow tube)
kapina :: rebellion, uprising, revolt, mutiny, insurrection, insurgency
kapinahenki :: spirit of rebellion
kapinallinen :: rebellious
kapinallinen :: rebel
kapine :: apparatus
kapinen :: mangy, scabby
kapingamarangi :: The Kapingamarangi language
kapinleijona :: Cape lion, Panthera leo melanochaitus
kapinmuurahaiskäpy :: Cape pangolin or ground pangolin, Manis temminckii
kapinoida :: To mutiny against, rise up in mutiny against (+ genitive + vastaan)
kapinoida :: To rebel against, protest against, resist (+ genitive + vastaan)
kapinoida :: To rebel against, revolt against, rise (up in rebellion/revolt) against (+ genitive + vastaan)
kapinoija :: rebel, mutineer
kapinointi :: The act of rebelling; rebellion, insubordination
kapinoitsija :: alternative form of kapinoija
kapintamaani :: Cape hyrax or rock hyrax (Procavia capensis)
kapistus :: thing, stuff, apparatus, doodad
kapitaali :: capital
kapitalismi :: capitalism
kapitalisoida :: to capitalize
kapitalisti :: capitalist
kapitalistinen :: capitalistic
kapitaloida :: alternative form of kapitalisoida
kapiteeli :: small caps
Kapkaupunki :: Cape Town
kaplas :: On a sleigh, the support between skid and bottom
kaplastaa :: to equip a sleigh with a kaplas
kapokki :: kapok (fibre)
kaponieeri :: caponier
kaponnieeri :: alternative form of kaponieeri
kappa :: An old unit of measure for volume of dry things, still used for potatoes in market squares. A modern kappa is equal to 5 liters (iso kappa), or 2 liters (pikku kappa), but during the period of autonomy under Russia it was 1/30 of tynnyri or 5.4961 liters, and before that under the Swedish rule it was 1/32 of tynnyri or 4.58 liters. A further complication is that Swedish and Russian barrels were not of equal size
kappa :: kappa (tenth letter of Greek alphabet)
kappa :: kappa (mythical creature)
kappa :: pelmet
kappa :: women's overcoat
kappalainen :: A chaplain
kappale :: A measure of quantity, often corresponding English adverbs apiece, each
kappale :: An article (member of a group or class). Used mostly in compound words
kappale :: An object (thing that has physical existence)
kappale :: A paragraph (passage in text)
kappale :: A piece of music, especially of light music, song
kappale :: A piece (part of a larger whole)
kappale :: A solid
kappale :: physical body
kappalemäärä :: number of pieces
kappas :: look, well
kappas vain :: well well
kappeli :: A chapel
kappi :: casing
kapriisi :: capriccio
kapris :: caper (Capparis spinosa)
kapronihappo :: caproic acid
kapsaa :: To clop
kapsaisiini :: capsaicin
kapse :: clatter
kapseli :: A capsule
kapseloida :: To encapsulate
kapselointi :: encapsulation
kapseloitua :: To be encapsulated
kapsoni :: longeing cavesson [US], lungeing cavesson [UK]
kapteeni :: A captain (commander of a sea-going vessel)
kapteeni :: A pilot in command
kapteeni :: A captain
kapteeni käskee :: Simon says (children's game)
kapteeniluutnantti :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is lieutenant senior grade
kapula :: A baton (in relay race)
kapula :: A small, solid piece of wood, often shaped for a useful function, a billet
kapula :: A cellular, cellphone
kapulakieli :: Unnecessarily obscure language, gobbledygook, jargon
kapulatie :: corduroy road (road paved with logs laid crosswise)
kapusta :: scoop (dipper)
kapustahaikara :: spoonbill (any of large wading birds of the genera Platalea and Ajaia of the family Threskiornithidae, that have a large, flat, spatulate bill)
kapustarinta :: Eurasian golden plover, Pluvialis apricaria
kapuuni :: capon
Kap Verde :: Cape Verde
kapybara :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
kapyysi [slang, nautical] :: galley, caboose (ship kitchen)
kara :: A core (uneaten part) of an apple (also omenankara) or of a similar fruit
kara :: A dried branch, rib of a leaf or other similar dried part of a plant
kara :: A leftover piece from injection molding
kara :: A piece of wood, partly inserted inside the wall, that supports the frame of a window or door
kara :: Short form of koskikara (bird of the genus Cinclus)
kara :: The chuck of a drill or lathe
kara :: The game of carom billiards or carambole
karaatti :: carat, karat (measure of purity of gold)
karaatti :: carat (unit of weight for precious stones and pearls)
karabiini :: alternative form of karbiini
karahka :: A dry and detached branch of a tree, or the broken trunk of an immature tree, especially a spruce
karahteerata :: to call, name, dub, characterize
karahvi :: carafe (bottle, usually glass and with a flared lip, used for serving beverages, especially wine or liquor)
karahvi :: decanter (receptacle for decanted wine or liquor, especially a crystal bottle with a stopper)
karaista :: To harden, steel
karaista :: To quench
karaistua :: To become hardened
karakali :: caracal (Caracal caracal)
karakki :: carrack
karakteri :: character, characteristic
karakterisoida :: To characterize
karakterisointi :: characterization
karakteristiikka :: characteristic
karakteristika :: characteristic
karakullammas :: karakul (sheep of a Central Asian breed)
karambola :: carambola, the fruit and the plant (Averrhoa carambola)
karamelli :: sweet, candy
karamelli :: caramel
karamelliomena :: caramel apple (aple dipped in caramel and often sprinkled with cinnamon, almond etc.)
karanteeni :: quarantine
karaoke :: karaoke (form of entertainment)
karata :: to leap, charge
karata :: to desert
karata :: to abscond, run off, make off
karata :: to elope
karata :: to escape, run away, flee, fly
karateka :: karateka
karavaanari :: caravanner, caravaner
karavaani :: caravan
karaveli :: caravel
karavelli :: caravel (type of small sailing vessel)
karbidi :: carbide
karbiini :: carbine
karbiinihaka :: carabiner
karbo- :: carbo-
karboanhydraasi :: carbonic anhydrase
karbokationi :: carbocation
karboksipeptidaasi :: carboxypeptidase
karboksyylihappo :: carboxylic acid
karbokysteiini :: carbocysteine
karbonaatti :: carbonate
karbonaattimineraali :: carbonate mineral
kardaani :: universal joint
kardaaniakseli :: drive shaft (axle furnished with a universal joint)
kardaaninivel :: universal joint, Cardan joint, cardan joint
kardemumma :: cardamom, the plant (Elettaria caramomum) and the spice
kardiitti :: carditis
kardinaali :: cardinal
kardinaaliluku :: a cardinal number
kardinaalilukusana :: cardinal number
kardinaalimunaus :: An especially disastrous blunder
kardinaliteetti :: cardinality
kardio- :: cardio-
kardiogrammi :: cardiogram
kardioidi :: cardioid
kardiologi :: cardiologist
kardiologia :: cardiology
kardiologinen :: cardiological
kardiomegalia :: cardiomegaly
kardiomyopatia :: cardiomyopathy
kardiovaskulaarinen :: cardiovascular
kardioversio :: cardioversion
kardoni :: cardoon
kare :: ripple (small waves)
karehtia :: to ripple (to move like the undulating surface of a body of water)
karelianismi :: Karelianism
karenssiaika :: A waiting period, especially a delay in receiving a social security payment such as unemployment allowance or sickness benefit
karettikilpikonna :: A hawksbill turtle
karglumiinihappo :: carglumic acid
kargo :: cargo
karhe :: A windrow ((row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field)
karhea :: hoarse
karhea :: rough
karheapillike :: common hemp-nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit
karheikko [golf] :: rough
karhentaa :: to roughen (to make a surface rougher in order to increase friction)
karheta :: To become more rough, coarse
karheus :: roughness
karhi :: harrow
karhita :: to harrow
karho :: windrow
karhomangusti :: Gambian mongoose, Mungos gambianus
karhu :: bear in general
karhu :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Karhu :: A major brand of beer in Finland
Karhu :: Finnish surname
karhuaja :: dun (collector of debts)
karhukainen :: water bear, tardigrade
karhukissa :: binturong, bearcat (Arctictis binturong)
karhumakaki :: stump-tailed macaque, Macaca arctoides
karhunlaukka :: ramsons, Allium ursinum
karhunliha :: bear meat
karhunmarja :: black crowberry, Empetrum nigrum
karhunmarja :: herb Paris, true lover's knot, Paris quadrifolia
karhunmarja :: used quite inconsistently of several Rubus (genus of raspberry] species with edible black or dark blue berries; more commonly known as karhunvatukka
karhunpalvelus :: disservice
karhunpalvonta :: bear cult
karhunpeijaiset :: a ritual performed after the kill of a bear in order to conciliate the spirit of the animal
karhunputki :: An angelica; any of the plants in genus Angelica, especially the wild angelica, Angelica sylvestris
karhunseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius brunneus
karhuntalja :: bear fleece
Karhunvartija :: the constellation Boötes, the Herdsman
karhunvatukka :: The fruit of such plant
karhunvatukka :: Used of many Eurasian and North American Rubus (genus of raspberry) species that bear black brambles; blackberry, black raspberry etc. The two species native to Finland are more specifically known as lehtovatukka}} and sinivatukka
karhupaviaani :: chacma, chacma baboon, Cape baboon, Papio ursinus (species of baboon, in earlier classifications a subspecies of yellow baboon, Papio cynocephalus)
Karhu-ryhmä :: The name of the special force of the Finnish police
Karhusaari :: Bear Island
karhuta :: To dun (to ask or beset a debtor for payment)
kari :: rock (in water)
kari :: skerry (small rocky island)
Kari :: Finnish surname
Kari :: male given name
Karibia :: Caribbean
karibianhylje :: Caribbean monk seal, Monachus tropicalis
Karibianmeri :: The Caribbean Sea
karibianmuura :: black-backed antshrike
karibu :: caribou
karies :: caries
karikatyristi :: caricaturist
karikatyyri :: caricature
karike :: litter (layer of fallen leaves and other undecayed organic matter on a forest floor)
karikko :: A group of underwater rocks
karikoida :: alternative form of karrikoida
karikukko :: ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres (type species of the genus Arenaria)
karikukko :: turnstone (coastal wading birds of the genus Arenaria)
karimetso :: common shag, European shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis
karioitua :: To become carious
karisma :: charisma, personal charm
karista :: To fall off, drop off
karistaa :: karistaa kannoiltaan: To shake off (someone tracking)
karistaa :: To shake off
Karita :: female given name derived from Swedish Carita
karitevoi [cosmetics] :: shea butter
karitsa :: A lamb (young sheep)
karitsanvilla :: lambswool
karitsoida :: to lamb (of a sheep, to give birth)
kariutua :: To go on the rocks, founder (concretely and abstractly):
karja :: cattle (domesticated bovine animals); sometimes with a specifier: nautakarja, lehmikarja
karja :: wild animals used for food
karja :: other domesticated animals kept for food; in this sense usually with a specifier: siipikarja, porokarja etc
karja :: herd, flock
karja :: stock, livestock (farm animals; animals domesticated for cultivation collectively)
karja-aura :: [in a locomotive] cowcatcher, pilot
karjaista :: To roar
karjakko :: milkmaid
karjala :: The Karelian language; a Finno-Ugric language spoken by about 100,000 people in Karelia. It is closely related to Finnish
Karjala :: Karelia
karjalainen :: Karelian
karjalainen :: A Karelian person
Karjalainen :: Finnish surname
Karjalankannas :: Karelian Isthmus
karjalanpaisti :: Karelian hot pot
karjalanpiirakka :: Karelian pasty
karjapaimen :: cowboy
karjapiha :: stockyard
karjasuoja :: barn
karjatila :: cattle ranch
karjavaras :: A rustler
karjavarkaus :: cattle raiding, cattle rustling
karju :: a boar (male pig)
karjua :: To roar, bellow, shout, holler
karjunta :: bellow, bellowing
karkailla :: to keep escaping, to escape repeatedly
karkailu :: incontinence
karkaista :: To quench (cool rapidly)
karkaistua :: alternative form of karaistua
karkauspäivä :: leap day (29th of February)
karkausvuosi :: leap year
karkea :: coarse
karkea :: harsh
karkea :: rough
karkeakarvainen :: wire-haired; sometimes shortened to "wire", as in wire fox terrier (karkeakarvainen kettuterrieri)
karkeampi :: comparative form of karkea
karkein :: superlative form of karkea
karkeistae :: alternative form of karkeistaos
karkeistaos :: Unfinished forged product (produced in a forge)
karkeloida :: To frolic
karkeus :: grit (measure of relative coarseness)
karkeus :: roughness, coarseness
karkeus :: vulgarity (countable, an offensive expression)
karkeutua :: To become more coarse (less fine)
karkki :: sweet, candy
karkki tai kepponen :: trick or treat
karkote :: repellent
karkottaa :: to banish, exile
karkottaa :: to drive away (to force someone or something to leave)
karkotus :: A deportation (penalty)
karku :: flight (escape); mostly used in inessive and illative singular like an adverb, for usage see karussa, karkuun
karku :: high or full speed, gallop; mostly used diomatically in the expression täyttä karkua
karkuri :: deserter
karma :: karma
karmaiseva :: creepy
karmea :: horrible, terrible, ghastly
karmeliitta :: Carmelite
karmi :: frame (of window, door etc.)
karmia :: To give someone the creeps
karmiini :: carmine
karmiininpunainen :: crimson
karmiininpunainen :: crimson (color)
karmiva :: creepy
karneoli :: carnelian
karnevaali :: carnival
karnevaaliaika :: carnival time
karnevalistinen :: carnivalesque (resembling a carnival)
karnitiini :: carnitine
karnivori :: A carnivore
karnosiini :: carnosine
Karoliina :: female given name, cognate to English Caroline
karolingi :: Carolingian (member of a Frankish noble family)
karonkka :: a party held after a doctoral defense
karonkka :: a party held to celebrate completion of any project
karoteeni :: carotene
karpaasi :: A big, sturdy man
karpalo :: Any species of cranberry; especially the species Vaccinium oxycoccos, common cranberry or northern cranberry (which is the only species that grows in Finland)
karpalomehu :: cranberry juice
karpalomorfeemi :: cranberry morpheme
karpalomorfi :: cranberry morph (morph representing cranberry morpheme)
karpata :: to be on a low-carb diet
karppi :: A common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
karppi :: Any fish in the carp family (Cyprinidae)
karppikala :: cyprinoid (fish of the order Cypriniformes)
karppikala :: in plural also, Cypriniformes (the taxonomic order including carps, minnows, loaches and related fish)
Karppinen :: Finnish surname
karrageeni :: carrageenan
karri :: curry (spice or dish)
Karri :: male given name
karrieeri :: career
karrikoida :: To caricature, exaggerate
karriääri :: career
karronadi :: carronade
karsaasti :: askance, askew (of a look or glance: with disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion)
karsain :: superlative form of karsas
karsas :: Not straight: twisted, crooked, wry, warped
karsas :: unfriendly, averse
karsastaa :: To dislike
karsastaa :: To squint (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions)
karsastus :: strabismus, squint, cast
karsea :: ghastly
karserandi :: carcerand
karsi :: A silicate rock that occurs on the fringes of limestone
karsia :: to limb (to remove the branches of a tree)
karsia :: to prune, trim
karsia :: to eliminate, weed out (to remove the ones not qualified)
karsiintua :: To be eliminated, fall off
karsikko :: A marking on a tree, or a tree that has been pruned, in order to commemorate a dead person
karsina :: pen, fold (of animals)
karsinofobia :: carcinophobia
karsinogeeni :: carcinogen
karsinoida :: To pen
karsinooma :: carcinoma
karsinta :: pruning
karsinta :: qualification
karsintaottelu :: qualification game, qualification match
karsiutua :: To be eliminated (from a contest etc.)
karski :: bold
karski :: stern, harsh
Karst :: Karst
karsta :: card (brush)
karsta :: soot
karstaantua :: To become covered with soot
karstakone [textile manufacturing] :: carding machine
karstalanka :: carded yarn (yarn produced of carded fibers, especially wool)
karstalankakangas :: carded fabric (fabric produced of carded yarn)
karstasammal :: rock moss (any moss of the genus Andreaea)
karstata :: To card (disentangle the fibres prior to spinning)
karstaus [textile manufacturing] :: carding
karstauskone [textile manufacturing] :: carding machine
karstavilla :: carding wool
karsti :: karst
karstimaa :: karst
karstoittua :: To become covered with soot
kartanlukija :: codriver (navigator in the sport of rally racing)
kartano :: A manor, mansion
kartano :: A yard (uncultivated piece of land around a house)
kartasto :: atlas
karteesinen :: Cartesian
kartella :: To avoid (continuously)
kartelli :: cartel
kartelloitua :: To become a cartel
kartesiolaisuus :: Cartesianism
kartio :: cone
kartiokas :: cone-shaped, conical
kartioleikkaus :: conic section
kartiolisäke :: mastoid process
kartiomainen :: conical
kartioprojektio :: conic projection
kartiopullistuma :: keratoconus
kartiovahakas :: witch's hat, conical wax cap or conical slimy cap, Hygrocybe conica
karto- :: carto-
kartografia :: cartography
kartografinen :: cartographic
kartogrammi :: cartogram
kartoitin :: any device that collects and stores data for map drawing
kartoittaa :: To map
kartoittaja :: mapper
kartoitus :: mapping
kartoitus :: survey
kartonki :: A carton of cigarettes (a number - normally 10 - packs of cigarettes wrapped in cellophane or packed in light cardboard box)
kartonki :: Paperboard (thin), cardboard or card stock (thick)
kartsa :: street
kartta :: map
karttaa :: To avoid, stay away, shun, steer clear of
karttaa :: To despise, scorn
karttaharjoitus :: A war game using mainly maps as means
karttakeppi :: pointer
karttakirja :: atlas
karttapallo :: A globe (spherical map)
karttapohjoinen :: grid north
karttaprojektio :: map projection
karttatiede :: cartography
karttua :: to accumulate
Karttunen :: Finnish surname
kartturi :: codriver (navigator in rally racing)
kartturi :: navigator
kartussi :: cartouche
kartuttaa :: to accumulate
karu :: unfertile, barren (e.g. land)
karuin :: superlative form of karu
karukko :: A barren area
karukkokangas :: A type of heathland, with sparse pine forest and thick growth of lichen
karumpi :: comparative form of karu
karuselli :: carousel, merry-go-round, roundabout
karuus :: barrenness
karva :: A hair (single hair on human or animal; not used of human head hair except in technical sense)
karva :: fur
karvahorsma :: great willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum)
karvainen :: hairy, furry, hirsute
karvakehrääjä :: An eggar
karvakorvamaki :: hairy-eared dwarf lemur, Allocebus trichotis
karvalaukku [mushroom, colloquial] :: woolly milk-cap, Lactarius torminosus
karvalaukku [slang, vulgar] :: fur burger (hairy vulva)
karvanpoisto :: A removal of hair, epilation, depilation
karvanvaihto :: moult
karvapuoli :: The outside of a hide or pelt of an animal
karvarousku :: woolly milk-cap, bearded milkcap (Lactarius torminosus)
karvas :: bitter (having an acrid taste)
karvashapero :: A brittlegill, Russula veternosa
karvaskurkku :: bitter melon, Momordica charantia (plant and fruit)
karvaslimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius vibratilis
karvaton :: hairless [like hairless legs]
karvattomampi :: comparative form of karvaton
karvatupentulehdus :: folliculitis
karvatuppi :: hair follicle
karvatuppitulehdus :: alternative form of karvatupentulehdus
karvaturri :: Any shaggy, scruffy and hairy animal
karvaturri :: rug (rough, woolly, or shaggy dog)
karvavyötiäinen :: hairy armadillo (armadillo of the genus Chaetophractus)
karve :: A type of lichen
karviainen :: gooseberry (fruit or the plant)
karviaiskoiso :: cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana)
karviaismarja :: gooseberry (fruit)
karvoa :: unhair
karvoitus :: hair (body hair collectively)
Karvonen :: Finnish surname
kas :: look!, oh!, my! (used as expression of surprise, often accompanied with -pa -suffix in the verb used to explain the reason for astonishment)
kas :: look (used to start an explanation)
-kas :: -y, -ful; a suffix that can be used to turn many, but not all, nouns into adjectives that indicate abundant presence of the thing expressed by the noun. When the suffix is added to the noun, the stem changes in accordance with consonant gradation
kasa :: corner
kasa :: heap
kasa :: pile
kasa :: stack
Kasaani :: Kazan
kasaantua :: alternative form of kasautua
kasaantuma :: drift (pile of matter)
kasakka :: Cossack (person)
kasapanos :: A type of hand-held demolition or anti-tank weapon used in WWII by the Finnish army, consisting of 2 to 4 kg of TNT and a wooden handle for throwing; usually translated as satchel charge into English
kasari :: 1980s (often in plural, kasarit)
kasari :: in compounds: from or relating to the 1980s
kasari :: saucepan
kasarmi :: barracks
kasata :: To assemble, put together
kasata :: To accumulate, amass, pile up
kasata :: To pile, heap, stack
kasauma :: conglomerate, clump
kasautua :: To accumulate, amass, pile up
kasautua :: To pile, heap, stack
kasautuma :: alternative form of kasauma
kaseiini :: casein
kasematti :: casemate
kasetti :: cassette
kasi [label, io, colloquial] :: the digit eight
kasino :: A card game; see Kasino (korttipeli) in Finnish Wikipedia
kasino :: casino
kaskadi :: cascade
kaskas :: A cicada
kaskeaminen :: slash-and-burn method
kaskelotti :: sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
kasketa :: To burn-clear, slash and burn
kaski :: Burn-clearing, slash and burn
kaskiviljely :: slash-and-burn agriculture
kasko :: full insurance
kasku :: anecdote
kasleri :: kassler, pork neck (meat)
kasoittain :: loads of something, heaps of something, mountains of something
Kasperi :: male given name, cognate to English Caspar
Kaspianmeri :: The Caspian Sea
kaspiantiikeri :: Caspian tiger, Panthera tigris virgata
kassa :: cashbox, cash desk, till (place where cash is held available for conducting business)
kassa :: cashier (one who works at a till or receiving payments)
kassa :: cash register
kassa :: fund (money-management operation, typically one used for saving)
kassa :: till (contents of a cash register)
kassakaappi :: safe (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
kassakone :: cash register
kassamyyjä :: cashier (one who works at a till or receiving payments, especially in a supermarket or similar)
kassara :: billhook
kassavirta :: cash flow (sum of cash revenues and expenditures in a given period)
kassavirtalaskelma :: A cash flow (statement of cash revenues and expenditures in a given period)
kassi :: bag, satchel
kassi :: In plural (kassit), scrotum
kassialma :: bag lady
Kassiopeia :: Greek mythological queen Cassiopeia
Kassiopeia :: the constellation Cassiopeia, the Queen
kassiteriitti :: cassiterite
kassler :: pork neck
kastaa :: To baptize/baptise
kastaa :: To dip
kastaa :: To moisten
kastamaton :: unbaptized, unchristened
kastanja :: chestnut tree
kastanja :: nut of the tree
kastanjaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius castaneus
kastanjetit :: castanet
kastattaa :: To have someone baptized/baptised (by someone)
kastattaa :: To have something dipped (by someone)
kastattaa :: To have something moistened (by someone)
kastattaa :: To have something named (given a name) (by someone)
kaste :: baptism, christening
kaste :: dew
kastekirkko :: baptistry
kastella :: to irrigate (to supply farmland with water, by building ditches, pipes, etc.)
kastella :: to water (plants, flowers)
kastella :: to wet (to cover or impregnate with liquid)
kastella :: to wet (to urinate accidentally in or on)
kastelukannu :: A watering can or watering pot
kastemato :: common earthworm, lob worm [UK]; nightcrawler [US], dew worm [Canada], Lumbricus terrestris (species of earthworms)
kastepiste :: dew point
kasti :: caste
kastikas :: earthworm
kastike :: dressing
kastike :: gravy
kastike :: sauce
kastikka :: small-reed, reedgrass, a plant of the genus Calamagrostis
Kastilia :: Castile (former kingdom and region)
Kastilji :: Castile
kastiton :: casteless
kastiton :: outcaste
kastraatio :: castration
kastraatti :: castrate, eunuch
kastroida :: To castrate, neuter
kastrointi :: castration
kastua :: To wet (to become wet)
kasuaari :: cassowary (bird of the genus Cassuarius)
kasuistiikka [ethics] :: casuistry
kasukka :: A chasuble (liturgical vestment)
kasuta :: to grow
kasvaa :: ~ aikuiseksi: to grow up
kasvaa :: to grow
kasvaa :: to increase, increment
kasvaa :: to wax (of the Moon)
kasvain :: tumour/tumor
kasvaminen :: growing
kasvannainen :: growth
kasvanta :: growth
kasvattaa :: To grow, raise, breed
kasvattaa :: To educate, school
kasvattaa [figuratively, ] :: To train for a certain duty
kasvattaa [parenting] :: To rear, bring up, raise
kasvattaa :: To increase, increment
kasvattaa :: To let grow
kasvattaja :: breeder
kasvattaja :: educator, pedagogue
kasvattaja :: grower
kasvattaminen :: breeding
kasvattaminen :: growing
kasvattaminen :: raising
kasvattamo :: hatchery
kasvatti :: foster child
kasvattilapsi :: A foster child
kasvatus :: breeding
kasvatus :: education
kasvatus :: growing
kasvatus :: nurture (act of nourishing or nursing; tender care; education; training)
kasvatus :: raising
kasvatus :: rearing
kasvatus :: training
kasvatus :: upbringing
kasvatustiede :: education theory (outdated: pedagogics, which is now a synonym of pedagogy)
kasvatusvanhempi :: foster parent
kasvi :: plant
kasvihormoni :: plant hormone
kasvihuone :: greenhouse
kasvihuoneilmiö :: greenhouse effect
kasvihuonekaasu :: A greenhouse gas
kasvikokoelma :: herbarium
kasvikunta :: Plantae, the plant kingdom
kasvilaji :: plant species
kasviöljy :: vegetable oil
kasvillisuus :: vegetation
kasvimaa :: vegetable garden (small plot of land dedicated to growing vegetables for a household)
kasvimaantiede :: phytogeography, geobotany
kasvimaito :: plant milk (milk-like product derived from a plant source)
kasvimyrkky :: herbicide
kasvinsyöjä :: A herbivore
kasvio :: herbarium (collection of dried plants)
kasviopillinen :: botanical
kasvioppi :: botany
kasviplankton :: phytoplankton
kasvirasva :: vegetable fat
kasvis :: vegetable
kasvishampurilainen :: veggie burger, garden burger
kasvishodari :: veggie dog (sandwich)
kasvisliemikuutio :: vegetable bouillon cube
kasvisöljy :: vegetable oil
kasvisnakki :: veggie frankfurter, veggie dog (sausage)
kasvispihvi :: vegetable patty
kasvispurilainen :: alternative form of kasvishampurilainen
kasvissyöjä :: A vegetarian
kasvisto :: flora
kasvitauti :: plant disease
kasvitiede :: botany
kasvitieteellinen :: botanical
kasvitieteilijä :: botanist
kasvittaa :: to select and furnish with suitable plants for a given location
kasvittua :: To become covered by plants
kasvo :: face, figure
kasvo [rare, normally in plural] :: face (front part of the head)
kasvojenkohotus :: facelift
kasvokkain :: face to face, vis-à-vis
kasvonpiirre :: feature (any of the physical constituents of the face)
kasvonpiirre :: in plural (kasvonpiirteet) also countenance (features of the face)
kasvonpiirteet :: features, countenance (features of the face)
kasvosokeus [pathology, psychology] :: face blindness, prosopagnosia (disorder in face recognition)
kasvosuojus :: faceguard (protective guard for the face)
kasvot :: face (front part of the head)
kasvoton :: faceless
kasvotusten :: face to face, vis-à-vis
kasvovoide :: face cream
kasvu :: growth
kasvuaika :: growth time
kasvukausi :: growing season, period of growth
kasvukeskus :: center of growth (growing city or larger urban area)
kasvukiri :: growth spurt (sudden growth in one's body)
kasvulehti :: foliage leaf
kasvusolukko :: meristem
kasvusto :: growth (something that has grown)
kasvuvauhti :: growth rate
Kata :: female given name, a rare short form of Katariina
katabaattinen :: katabatic
katabolismi :: catabolism
katafalkki :: catafalque (platform used to display or convey a coffin during a funeral, often ornate)
kataforinen :: cataphoric
kataja :: common juniper, Juniperus communis
kataja :: juniper (any shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus of the cypress family)
katajanmarja :: juniper berry
katajanmarjaviina :: Any distilled, clear, dry liquor which is flavored with juniper berry, such as gin or genever
katajikko :: A juniper forest; group of junipers
katakombi :: catacomb
katala :: Mean, base, vile, devious
katalaani :: A Catalan
katalaani :: The Catalan language
katalampi :: comparative form of katala
katalepsia :: catalepsy
katalin :: superlative form of katala
katalogi :: catalogue
katalonia :: The Catalonian language
Katalonia :: Catalonia
katalonialainen :: Catalan
katalonialainen :: A Catalan person
katalysaattori :: catalyst, catalytic converter
katalysoida :: To catalyse/catalyze
katalyysi :: catalysis
katalyytti :: catalyst (substance)
katamaraani :: catamaran
katamiitti :: catamite
kataplasma :: cataplasm
katapultti :: catapult
katarakti :: Any of the Cataracts of Nile
Katariina :: female given name, cognate with English Catherine
katariinanpyörä :: Catherine wheel, breaking wheel
katarri :: catarrh
katarsis :: catharsis
katastrofaalinen :: catastrophic
katastrofi :: catastrophe
katatonia :: catatonia
kate :: covering, roofing
kate :: reliability, trustworthiness (e.g. of a promise)
kate :: funds (of a check), backing, coverage (of a banknote)
kate :: place setting
katedraali :: cathedral
kateellinen :: jealous
kateellisempi :: comparative form of kateellinen
kateellisin :: superlative form of kateellinen
kateenkorva :: thymus
kateetti :: cathetus
kategoria :: category
kategorinen :: categorical
kategorisesti :: categorically
kategorisoida :: to categorise/categorize (esp. abstract things)
kateissa :: lost
katekeetta :: catechist
katekismus :: catechism
katekoli :: catechol
katekoliamiini :: catecholamine
katekumeeni :: A catechumen
katelaatta :: abacus (uppermost member of the capital of a column)
katenaari :: catenary
katetri :: catheter
katetroida :: to catheterize
katetrointi :: catheterization
kateus :: envy
katgutti :: catgut
katharsis :: alternative spelling of katarsis
Kati :: female given name
katinkulta :: fool's gold, biotite
katinlieko :: A stag's horn clubmoss or ground pine, Lycopodium clavatum
kationi :: cation
katiska :: wire fish-trap
Katja :: female given name
katka :: An amphipod
katkaisija [electrical engineering] :: A circuit breaker
katkaisija [electrical engineering] :: A switch
katkaisin :: alternative form of katkaisija
katkaista :: ~ taival: to do/make a trip
katkaista :: to amputate
katkaista :: to break (off) (e.g. a leg)
katkaista :: to cut, cut off, sever, split, disconnect
katkaista :: to interrupt, cut short, break off
katkaista :: to prune off, trim off, lop off
katkaistu :: stubby, stunted, stubbed
katkaistu kartio :: frustum
katkaisu :: cutting
katkarapu :: shrimp
katkeamaton :: unbroken (line, chain)
katkeilla :: To cut, break (repeatedly)
katkelma :: cutting (abridged selection of written work, often intended for performance)
katkelma :: extract, excerpt (clip, snippet or passage from a larger work)
katkera :: bitter, resentful
katkerasti :: bitterly
katkero :: bitters
katkero :: pl. katkerot gentiana
katkeroida :: To embitter
katkeroittaa :: To embitter, to make resentful
katkeroitua :: To become embittered
katkeroitua :: To sour
katkeroitunut :: embittered
katkerokala :: bitterling, especially the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus)
katkeroseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius amarescens
katkeruus :: bitterness
katketa :: to break, snap
katketa :: to cut
katki :: broken
katkismus :: alternative form of katekismus
katko :: A cut, break, pause
katkoa :: to cut, break or snap into several pieces or cut several objects into two or more pieces
katkoja [internal combustion engine] :: A contact breaker; the part in a distributor that connects and disconnects the contact between the ignition coil and the spark plugs
katkokävely :: claudication
katkonta :: cutting
katkos :: interruption
katku :: reek (strong, unpleasant and stinging smell)
kato :: see or look
kato :: Failure of crops
kato :: Loss, disappearance, lack; used primarily in compound terms
katoamaton :: imperishable
katoamispiste :: A vanishing point (point when an object or phenomenon is no longer observable)
katoavainen :: fleeting
katoavainen :: earthly, worldly, temporal, passing
katodi :: cathode
katokalvo :: decidual membrane
katoksellinen :: canopied, covered
katolikos :: catholicos
katolilainen :: Catholic
katolilainen :: A member of a Catholic church
katolilaisuus :: Catholicism
katolinen :: Catholic
katolisuus :: Catholicism
katolla :: (static) on top of (literally on the roof of)
katonharja :: ridge (of roof)
katonraja :: ceiling boundary
katos :: canopy (high cover providing shelter, such as a cloth supported above an object, particularly over a bed)
katos :: pentice, canopy (extension of a building's roof)
katos :: shed that has at least one wall missing
katos :: shelter (roofed structure that provides cover for weather)
katoton :: roofless
katras :: brood
katras :: flock
Katri :: female given name
Katriina :: female given name, variant of Katariina ( =Catherine)
katrilli [dance] :: quadrille
katsahtaa :: To glance
katsastaa :: To inspect, checkup
katsastaja :: inspector
katsastamaton :: uninspected (car)
katsastus :: A routine inspection or checkup, especially an (annual) obligatory inspection of a car
katsastuttaa :: To have inspected, checked up
katsaus :: overview, review
katsaus :: survey, summary
katse :: gaze
katse :: look, glance
katseenvangitsija :: eye-catcher
katsekontakti :: eye contact
katselija :: spectator, watcher
katsella :: To watch
katselmus :: survey, review
katselu :: watching, watch, viewing, looking (act of watching)
katsoa :: To watch
katsoa :: To look, have a look, take a look (+ at)
katsoa kieroon :: (+ partitive) To look askance, to dislike
katsoa kieroon :: (+ partitive) To squint (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions)
katsoa vierestä :: to stand back (to abstain from participation)
katsoa vierestä :: to stand back (to maintain a safe distance from a hazard)
katsoa vierestä :: to turn a blind eye (to ignore or deliberately overlook, especially with respect to something unpleasant or improper)
katsoja :: viewer, spectator
katsojuus :: spectatorship (quality of being spectator)
katsominen :: look, looking
katsomo :: stand, grandstand, auditorium (in theater or sports arena, space where the audience is located)
katsos :: Look, "take a look"
katsos :: See, "you see"
katsottava :: watchable
katsotuin :: superlative form of katsottu
kattaa :: to cover (a head)
kattaa :: to cover, defray (e.g. costs)
kattaa :: to roof (a house)
kattaa :: to set (the dinner table)
kattara :: brome (grass of the genus Bromus)
kattaus :: setting (of a dinner table)
kattava :: encompassing
katteeton :: futile (of a promise, not intended to be kept)
katteeton :: groundless, baseless (without any grounds to support it, like a rumor)
katteeton :: uncovered, bounced, unbacked (not backed with sufficient funds, as a cheque)
katti :: cat
kattila :: A boiler or steam boiler (apparatus for producing steam or hot water for heating or industrial use)
kattila :: A pot or kettle (cooking vessel)
kattila :: A kettle or kettle hole (fluvioglacial landform)
kattila :: As a short form of kattilavajoama, a caldera (crater formed by collapse of the cone of a volcano)
kattilalaakso :: caldera
kattilallinen :: A kettle (quantity held by a kettle)
katto :: ceiling
katto :: roof
kattohaikara :: stork (any of the large wading birds in the family Ciconiidae)
kattohaikara :: white stork, more specifically European white stork (Ciconia ciconia)
kattohuopa :: roofing felt
kattokruunu :: A chandelier
kattolista :: crown molding
kattoparru :: A horizontal beam that supports a ceiling
kattopiiru :: A rafter (one of the sloping beams that support a pitched roof)
kattotiili :: A roof tile
kattotuoli :: roof truss
kattotuuletin :: ceiling fan
katu :: street
katua [religious] :: To repent
katua :: (intransitive -> + partitive) To regret, rue
katuja :: One who regrets or repents
katujyrä :: road roller
katukivi :: cobblestone
katulapsi :: street child
katumaalari :: pavement artist (artist who draws pictures on the pavement)
katumaasturi :: a sport utility vehicle, SUV
katumus :: regret, remorse, repentance, penitence
katumuspilleri :: morning-after pill (contraceptive in the form of a pill taken shortly after sexual intercourse)
katuosoite :: street address
katusoittaja :: busker
katutaiteilija :: street performer, street artist; busker [British]
katu-uskottavuus :: street cred
katuva :: repentant, remorseful, rueful, contrite (feeling or showing sorrow for wrongdoing)
katuvainen :: repentant, remorseful, rueful (showing sorrow for wrongdoing)
katuvalaistus :: streetlighting, street lighting
katuvalo :: streetlight
katve :: blind spot
katve :: shade
katveikko :: shade
kauaa :: for a long time, for long; together with negation verb, used as negation of kauan ‎(“for a long time”)
kauaksi :: To far away
kauan :: A long time
kauan sitten :: long ago
kauas :: far, far away
kauaskantava :: far-reaching
kašubi :: A Kashubian
kašubi :: The Kashubian language
kaudaalinen :: caudal
kauemmaksi :: comparative form of kauaksi
kauemmas :: comparative form of kauas
kauemmin :: comparative form of kauan
kauempana :: comparative form of kaukana
kauha :: dipper (cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, for dipping out liquids)
kauha :: ladle
kauha :: scoop
kauhakuormaaja :: front-end loader, front loader (kind of four-wheeled tractor, which has a large scoop at the front)
kauhduttaa :: to fade (of colour, to cause to fade)
kauhea :: bad, dreadful, unpleasant
kauhea :: difficult
kauheampi :: comparative form of kauhea
kauhean :: terribly
kauhistaa :: To horrify
kauhistella :: to bemoan, complain, regret, to dismay or worry about something; especially by using plentifully the adjectives kauhea, kamala and similar
kauhistua :: To be frightened
kauhistus :: dread, horror
kauhistuttaa :: To horrify
kauhistuttava :: fearsome
kauhistuttava :: frightening
kauhistuttava :: horrific
kauhoa :: ladle
kauhoa :: scoop
kauhtana :: A cassock (long, close-fitting, ankle-length robe worn by clergy)
kauhtana :: A kaftan
kauhtua [of colour] :: to fade
kauhu :: Horror, terror, dread
kauhuelokuva :: horror movie
kauhuissaan :: Horrified, terrified, frightened
kauhukakara :: enfant terrible
kauhuleffa :: horror flick, horror movie
kauhutarina :: horror story
kauimmin :: superlative form of kauan
kauimpana :: superlative form of kaukana
kaukaa :: from afar
kaukainen :: distant, faraway, remote, far-off
kaukaisempi :: comparative form of kaukainen
kaukalo :: A trough (any similarly shaped container)
kaukalo :: A trough or a manger (long, narrow container, open on top, for feeding or watering animals)
kaukalo :: A trough (short, narrow canal designed to hold water until it drains or evaporates)
kaukalo :: A rink
kaukalopallo :: rinkball
kaukana :: far away, afar
Kaukasia :: Caucasus (geopolitical region)
kaukasialainen :: Caucasian (pertaining to the Caucasus region or its people)
Kaukasus :: The Caucasus (the mountain range)
kauko- :: A prefix signifying far, remote, long-distance
Kauko :: male given name
Kauko [rare compared to given name] :: Finnish surname
Kaukoitä :: The Far East
kaukojuna :: long-distance train
kaukokartoitus :: remote sensing
kaukokartoitussatelliitti :: remote sensing satellite
kaukokatseinen :: farsighted (considerate)
kaukokatseisuus :: farsightedness (considerateness)
kaukolämmitys :: district heating
kaukolämpö :: district heating
kaukonäköinen :: farsighted (unable to focus one's eyes to near objects)
kaukonäköisesti :: providently
kaukonäköisyys :: farsightedness, hyperopia
kauko-ohjain :: remote control
kauko-ohjattava :: remote-controlled
kauko-ohjattu :: remote-controlled
kauko-ohjaus :: remote control
kaukopiste :: far point (most distant point upon which an eye can focus)
kaukopuhelu :: long-distance telephone call
kaukoputki :: A telescope
Kaukoputki :: The constellation Telescopium
kaukosäädin :: remote control
kaukosiirto :: teleportation
kaukovalot :: high-beam
kaula :: neck
kaula-aukko :: neckline
kaulahuivi :: muffler (thick scarf worn around the neck)
kaulahuivi :: neckerchief (piece of cloth that is worn looped or tied around the neck)
kaulahuivi :: scarf (long, often knitted, garment worn around the neck)
kaulain :: collar (device placed around the neck, especially one that is not kaulus, kauluri or panta)
kaulaketju :: necklace
kaulakoru :: necklace
kaulalaskimo :: jugular vein
kaulaliina :: muffler (thick scarf worn around the neck)
kaulaliina :: scarf (long, often knitted, garment worn around the neck)
kaulanauha :: A necklace consisting of a string of pearls, beads etc
kaulanikama :: A cervical vertebra
kaulapanta :: collar (device for restraining animal)
kaularanka :: cervical vertebrae (the uppermost vertebrae of the backbone collectively)
kaulata :: To girdle a tree
kaulatuki :: neckbrace, cervical collar (orthopedic device used to support the neck and head)
kaulavaltimo :: carotid, carotid artery
kaulia :: to roll (dough)
kaulin :: rolling pin, roll (cylindrical utensil used to shape and flatten dough)
kaulita :: To roll dough
kauluri :: Elizabethan collar (device worn by an animal around its neck, to prevent it from biting, licking or scratching a healing wound or injury)
kauluri :: neckwarmer (piece of clothing)
kaulus :: A collar (any encircling device or structure)
kaulus :: A collar (anything around the neck)
kaulus :: A collar (part of clothing around throat)
kauluspaita :: dress shirt (a garment with a collar and buttons in the front)
kaulussiimaeliö :: choanoflagellate (type of protozoa)
kauna :: grudge
kauna :: ressentiment (resentment arising from suppressed feelings of envy and hatred, often leading to a frustrated sense of inferiority that may lead to various social repercussions)
kaunainen :: holding a grudge, unforgiving, rancorous
kaunehin :: superlative form of kaunis
kauneimmin :: superlative form of kauniisti
kaunein :: superlative form of kaunis
kauneudenhoito :: cosmetics
kauneus :: beauty (the property of being beautiful)
kauneusihanne :: standard of beauty (that which is regarded as most beautiful or desirable in a given culture)
kauneusleikkaus :: cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery (surgical operation in order to improve the appearance of a body organ)
kauneuspilkku :: beauty mark
kauneussalonki :: beauty parlour, beauty salon
kauneusunet :: beauty sleep (nap)
kaunihimpi :: kauniimpi
kauniimmin :: comparative form of kauniisti
kauniimpi :: comparative form of kaunis
kauniisti :: beautifully
kauniita unia :: sweet dreams
kaunis :: beautiful
kaunistaa :: to embellish, beautify, prettify
kaunistautua :: To dress up
kauniste :: decoration
kaunisteleva :: embellishing
kaunisteleva :: euphemistic
kaunistelevasti :: euphemistically
kaunistella :: to be euphemistic
kaunistella :: to embellish, sugar, prettify (to make something look more positive or acceptable than it would be in reality)
kaunistua :: to become (more) beautiful
kaunistus :: decoration
kauno- :: beauty
Kauno :: male given name
kaunoinen :: beautiful
kaunojalkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius calopus
kaunokirjallisuus :: belles-lettres (literary works—especially fiction, poetry, drama, or essays—valued for their aesthetic qualities)
kaunokirjoitus :: cursive
kaunokki :: bachelor's button, Centaurea cyanus
kaunoluistelu :: figure skating
kaunonahkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula romellii
kaunonuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius calochrous
kaunopuheinen :: eloquent (fluently persuasive and articulate)
kaunopuheisuus :: eloquence
kaunotar :: A beauty (beautiful woman)
kaupalla :: signifies large amounts of something, usually preceded by a measure of weight
kaupallinen :: commercial (of or pertaining to commerce)
kaupallisempi :: comparative form of kaupallinen
kaupallisin :: superlative form of kaupallinen
kaupallistaa :: To marketize
kaupallistaa :: To commercialise/commercialize
kaupallistua :: To become commercial
kaupan :: (olla) kaupan: (to be) for sale
kaupankäynti :: trade
kaupan päälle :: something that comes along with something else, whether intentional, accidental or consequential, into the bargain
kaupanpäälle :: on the house, for free
kaupanpäälle :: on top of that, top it off
kaupata :: To pitch, sell
kaupita :: To peddle, hawk
kaupitsija :: alternative form of kaupittelija
kaupittaja :: alternative form of kaupittelija
kaupittelija :: hawker
kauppa :: buying and selling, trading, dealing
kauppa :: commerce, business, trade; (illegal) traffic
kauppa :: deal, transaction, sale
kauppa :: shop, store, market; grocery
kauppaaja :: hawker
kauppa-alus :: merchant vessel
kauppa-alus :: trader
kauppahalli :: market hall, indoor market
kauppahinta :: The final price at which a deal is concluded; used normally of items such as property for which the price is negotiated individually
kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö :: A similar ministry in another country
kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö :: The former Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland, now replaced with työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö
kauppakamari :: chamber of commerce
kauppakassi :: shopping bag
kauppakeskus :: shopping mall, shopping centre
kauppakomissaari :: commissioner for trade
kauppakoulu :: business school
kauppakumppani :: trading partner
kauppala :: borough, market town
kauppalaivasto :: merchant fleet
kauppamatkustaja :: travelling salesman, sales representative, sales rep
kauppamatkustajan ongelma :: The travelling salesman problem
kauppaopisto :: commercial school, commercial college, commercial institute, business school
kauppaoppilaitos :: commercial school, commercial college, commercial institute, business school
kauppapolitiikka :: trade policy
kauppapuutarha :: market garden, truck garden
kaupparatsu :: sales rep
kaupparekisteri :: trade register, commercial register, company register
kauppasieni :: A mushroom that can be sold as a foodstuff
kauppasota :: trade war
kauppatase :: balance of trade
kauppatavara :: merchandise, goods, ware
kauppatieteiden maisteri :: Master of Economic Sciences
kauppatori :: marketplace
kauppavaje :: A trade deficit
Kauppi :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kauppi :: Finnish surname
kauppias :: shop owner
kauppias :: trader
Kauppila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kauppila :: Finnish surname
Kauppinen :: Finnish surname
kaupunginhallitus :: city board (the executive branch of city government)
kaupunginjohtaja :: mayor ("general manager" of a city elected by the city council)
kaupunginmuuri :: town walls
kaupunginorkesteri :: city orchestra (orchestra associated with a particular city, often at least partially maintained with public funding)
kaupunginosa :: An area within a town or city
kaupungintalo :: city hall, town hall (building that houses the central administrative functions of a city)
kaupunginteatteri :: city theatre (professional drama theater owned and usually also funded by a city)
kaupunginvaltuusto :: city council (legislative branch of a city government elected directly by the citizens)
kaupunginvaltuutettu :: member of a city council, councilman, councilor, alderman
kaupungistaa :: To urbanize
kaupungistua :: to become urbanized
kaupungistuminen :: urbanization
kaupunki :: city
kaupunki :: town
kaupunkikaasu :: town gas
kaupunkikonserni :: title of a city (business) group i.e. City of Helsinki Group
kaupunkikuva :: cityscape (the looks of a city as a whole)
kaupunkilainen :: Of or relating to cities or urban life
kaupunkilainen :: citizen, townsman, townswoman (resident of a city)
kaupunkilaistua :: To urbanize (to take up an urban way of life)
kaupunkilegenda :: urban legend
kaupunkimainen :: urban
kaupunkimaistaa :: To urbanize (to make something more urban in character)
kaupunkimaistua :: To become/get urbanized (to become more urban in character)
kaupunkitarina :: urban legend
kaupunkivaltio :: city state
kaupunkiverkko :: metropolitan area network, MAN
kaupustelija :: hawker
kaura :: oat, oats
kaurahiutale :: oatmeal (meal made of rolled or round oats)
kaurapuuro :: porridge or oatmeal (breakfast cereal)
kauraryyni :: rolled oats; oatmeal
kauraryyni :: grits (husked but unground oats)
Kauriin kääntöpiiri :: The Tropic of Capricorn
kaurikotilo :: A money cowry
kauris :: A mountain goat, more specifically called alppikauris or alppivuohi, Capra ibex
kauris :: Any small deer of unspecified species, especially a roe deer
kauris :: One born under the sign of Capricorn
Kauris :: Capricorn
Kauris :: Capricorn, The Goat
kaurisantilooppi :: rhebok, Pelea capreolus (medium-sized, deerlike South African antelope)
kausaalinen :: causal
kausaliteetti :: causality
kausatiivi :: causative
kausi :: period (subdivision of an era)
kausi :: period, age, epoch, season
kausi :: term
kausijulkaisu :: periodical
kausilippu :: season ticket
kausiluonteinen :: seasonal
kausittainen :: seasonal
kausityö :: seasonal work, job
kausityöttömyys :: Seasonal unemployment
kausivaihtelu :: seasonality
kaussi :: A thimble
kaustinen :: caustic
kauterisaatio :: cauterization
kautsu :: rubber
kautta :: through, via, by
kautta :: by, through (in interjections, etc.)
kautta :: throughout
kautta aikain :: alternative form of kautta aikojen
kautta aikojen :: throughout the times (that has ever existed)
kauttaaltaan :: thoroughly
kauttaviiva :: A slash, stroke [British] (symbol "/")
kava :: A spokeshave
kavahtaa :: To flinch, start, jump
kavahtaa [+ with a negation verb + partitive] :: To (will) stop at (nothing/nobody/none/no ...)
kavahtaa :: To beware of
kavahöylä :: A spokeshave
kavala :: treacherous
kavalakärpässieni :: death cap, Amanita phalloides
kavalasti :: treacherously
kavaljeeri :: cavalier, squire; male companion
kavaljeeri :: réduit (central or retired work within a fortification)
kavalkadi :: cavalcade
kavallus :: embezzlement
kavaltaa :: to embezzle
kavaltaja :: embezzler
kavaltaja :: traitor
kavaluus :: treachery, treacherousness
kaveerata :: to be friends
kavennusmaali [sports, ballgames] :: A goal made by the trailing team which narrows the lead of the other team, but does not make the play even (in which case it would be a tasoitusmaali
kaventaa :: to narrow (to reduce in width or extent)
kaventua :: To narrow (to get narrower)
kaveri :: dude, bloke
kaveri :: pal, friend, buddy, mate
kaverukset :: buddies (collective term for people who are each other's buddies)
kaveta :: To narrow (intransitive: to get narrower)
kaviaari :: caviar
kavio :: The hoof of an odd-toed ungulate
kavio :: hoof (thick keratin covering of the tip of a toe of an ungulate)
kavioeläin :: ungulate
kavioeläin :: odd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl
kaviollinen :: Having hoofs, hooved
kavitaatio :: cavitation
kavuta :: To clamber (to climb something with some difficulty, or in a haphazard fashion)
kavuta :: To climb
kavuta :: To shin up (to climb a mast, tree, rope, or the like, by embracing it alternately with the arms and legs, without help of steps, spurs, or the like)
kazakki :: A Kazakh
kazakki :: The Kazakh language
Kazakstan :: Kazakhstan
KD :: abbreviation of Kristillisdemokraatit (in Finland) the Christian Democrats (a political party)
kädellinen :: having a hand or hands
kädellinen :: primate (animal)
kädelliset :: The order Primates
kädenjälki :: handprint
kädenliike :: gesture
kädenreikä :: armhole (hole in a piece of clothing intended for putting one's arm through)
kädenselkä :: back of the hand
kädensija :: armrest
kädensija :: handle
kädensijaton :: handless
kädensyrjä :: back of the hand
kädenvääntö :: arm wrestling
kädestäennustaminen :: palmistry, chiromancy
kädetön :: armless
kädetön :: handless
ke :: abbreviation of keskiviikko
-ke :: Forms diminutive forms of nouns
-ke :: Forms nouns from verbs, often to describe the result of an action
-ke :: Forms nouns from adjectives
kea :: kea, Nestor notabilis
kebab :: kebab (dish of skewered meat and vegetables)
kebbe :: kebab
keeppi :: cape (garment)
keerna :: mould core, foundry core, core (the portion of a foundry mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting)
kefalalgia :: cephalalgia, headache
kefalometria :: cephalometry
kefalosporiini :: cephalosporin
kefeidi :: cepheid
Kefeus :: the constellation Cepheus, the King
Kefeus :: the king Cepheus in Greek mythology
kefiiri :: kefir
kehä :: perianth
kehä :: circle, ring
kehä :: halo
kehä :: circle, circumference
kehaista :: To praise (shortly)
kehdata :: To feel like doing something
kehdata :: To be able to bring oneself to do something, dare, venture, have the nerve
kehdata :: To have the impudence or nerve, dare, be able
kehdata :: To not be ashamed, be proud, not be embarrassed
kehikko :: framework, gantry
kehikko :: [in construction] fabric, structure
kehite :: developer (a liquid used in the processing of traditional photos)
kehitellä :: To conceive, develop
kehitin :: developer (film developer)
kehitin :: generator, producer
kehittää :: To engender, breed, develop
kehittää :: To develop, generate
kehittää :: To develop, advance, improve
kehittää :: To develop (a photograph)
kehittää :: To train, educate, cultivate
kehittää :: To unravel, unwind
kehittelijä :: developer
kehittely :: development (process of developing, especially of an idea)
kehittely :: elaboration, refinement (act or process of producing or refining an idea with labor)
kehittäjä :: developer
kehittäminen :: developing
kehittämishanke :: development project
kehittämiskeskus :: development center
kehittämisstrategia :: development strategy
kehittävä :: improving
kehittyä :: To develop
kehittyminen :: development
kehittymätön :: undeveloped
kehittynyt :: advanced, developed
kehittynyt :: interested, attracted
kehitys :: development, improvement, advancement, evolution
kehitysapu :: development aid
kehitysaste :: level, stage of development
kehitysbiologia :: developmental biology
kehityshäiriö :: developmental disorder
kehityshistoria :: developmental history
kehityskaari :: trajectory (course of development)
kehityskertomus :: bildungsroman (novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character, usually from childhood to maturity)
kehityskertomus :: development story (similar story of development of a person, organization, idea etc. in some other format than a novel)
kehityskulku :: progression (act of moving from one thing to another)
kehitysmaa :: developing country
kehitysoppi :: evolutionary theory
kehityspäällikkö :: director of development, development director
kehityspsykologia :: developmental psychology
kehitysromaani :: bildungsroman (novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character, usually from childhood to maturity)
kehitystyö :: development
kehitystyö :: R&D work (work for developing new products and services)
kehitysvaihe :: developmental phase, stage in development
kehitysvaihe :: instar
kehitysvamma [commonly] :: developmental disability
kehitysvamma :: physical retardation
kehitysvamma :: mental retardation
kehitysvammainen :: being mentally retarded
kehitysvammainen :: a mentally retarded person
kehitysvammaisuus :: developmental disability
kehitysvammaisuus :: intellectual disability
kehitysvammaisuus :: learning disability
kehitysvammaisuus :: mental retardedness
kehitysyhteistyö :: development cooperation
kehäkalvo [anatomy, rare] :: iris (part of an eye)
kehkeytyä :: to become, develop, emerge
kehäkukka :: marigold (any flower in the Calendula genus)
kehäkulma :: inscribed angle
kehälehti :: tepal
kehämäinen :: orbicular (circular or spherical in shape)
kehnä :: dandruff or similar dirt
kehno :: bad, poor (quality)
kehnontaa :: to worsen, make worse
kehnontua :: To become worsened
kehnosti :: poorly, badly
kehnota :: To worsen
kehnäsieni :: gypsy mushroom (Rozites caperatus)
kehnätä :: to rub oneself (against something)
keho :: A living human body
kehollinen :: bodily
kehon kieli :: alternative spelling of kehonkieli
kehonkieli :: body language
kehonrakennus :: bodybuilding
kehonrakentaja :: bodybuilder
kehostapoistumiskokemus :: out-of-body experience
kehotaide :: body art (art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body)
kehottaa :: to recommend
kehottaa :: to urge, to encourage
kehotus :: A request
kehäpäätelmä :: circular argument
kehrä :: A rotating spindle or disk in a machine
kehrä [figurative, poetic] :: The sun or moon thought of as a disk that rolls along the firmament, e.g. päivän kultainen kehrä (lit. "the golden disk of the day") denotes the Sun
kehrä [spinning] :: spindle
kehäriutta :: atoll
kehrääjä :: spinster (someone whose occupation was spinning thread)
kehrääjä :: European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus (the only bird of this family that is found in Finland)
kehrääjä :: Caprimulgidae (the taxonomic family of nightjars)
kehrääjä :: moth (member of the insect superfamily Bombycoidea)
kehrääjä :: nightjar (any bird of the family Caprimulgidae)
kehrääjä :: spinner (one who spins yarn)
kehrääjäkoi :: Any moth of the genus Yponomeuta
kehräämö :: spinning mill
kehräsluu :: malleolus
kehrätä :: to purr
kehrätä :: to spin (to convert fibres into yarn or thread)
kehruu :: spinning
kehruu-jenny :: spinning jenny (early spinning machine)
kehruuttaa :: alternative form of kehräyttää
kehräävä :: purring, purrlike (resembling a purr)
kehräyttää :: To have spun (thread)
kehätie :: ring road
kehto :: A cradle
kehtolaulu :: lullaby
kehtopainate :: incunable
kehu :: praise, commendation (favorable representation in words)
kehua :: to praise, tout
kehuja :: One who praises
kehunta :: praise
kehuskelevasti :: braggingly
kehuttava :: praiseworthy, laudable
kehveli :: dang, darn, blimey, drat, phooey (a mild curse)
kehys :: cadre
kehys :: frame
kehystää :: To frame
kehyste :: frame
kehyste :: material for frame
keidas :: oasis
keidassuo :: ombrotrophic raised bog
keihäänheitto :: javelin throw
keihäs :: javelin
keihäs :: pike
keihäs :: spear
keihäsantilooppi :: East African oryx, beisa, Oryx beisa (species of antelope native to eastern Africa)
keihäsantilooppi :: gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella (species of antelope native to southern Africa)
keihäsantilooppi :: oryx (any of the three or four species of antelope in the genus Oryx)
keihäsmies :: male javelin thrower
keihäsmies :: lance
keihäsrausku :: stingray
keihästää :: To spear, impale
keihästys :: spearing, impaling
keija :: potty
Keijo :: male given name
keiju :: A fairy [a mythical being]
keijua :: float freely in the water and follow the stream
keijusto :: plankton
keikahtaa :: To tip over
keikailija :: snob
keikari :: A fop, dandy (man very concerned about his clothes and appearance)
keikari :: A snob
keikarimainen :: foppish, dandy
keikarimaisuus :: foppishness (quality of being foppish)
keikarius :: dandification (condition or state of a man who is overly concerned about his clothes and appearance)
keikarius :: dandyism (quality of being a fop)
keikaroida :: To dress or behave like a dandy
keikaroija :: fop, dandy
keikarointi :: dandyism (foppish behaviour)
keikauskakku :: upside-down cake
keikistää :: To bend, tilt
keikka :: gig (performing engagement by a musical group)
keikka :: gig (temporary job)
keikka :: heist
keikka :: job, task
keikkailla :: to gig (to engage in musical performances)
keikkailla :: to job (to do odd jobs or occasional work for hire)
keikkua :: To rock
keikkunukke :: roly-poly (toy)
keikunta :: rock (act of rocking)
keikutella :: to rock (to keep rocking)
keikuttaa :: To rock
keila :: A beam (of light etc.)
keila :: A pin, tenpin (bottle-shaped target used in tenpin bowling)
keila :: cusk, Brosme brosme (marine fish)
keilaaja :: A bowler (someone engaged in the sport of bowling)
keilahalli :: A bowling alley
keilailu :: bowling
keilapallo :: A bowling ball
keilata :: To bowl (to play bowling)
keimaileva :: flirtatious, coquettish
keimailevasti :: flirtatiously, coquettishly
keimailevuus :: coquettishness
keimailija :: coquette (woman who flirts or plays with men's affections)
keimailla :: to flirt
keimaillen :: flirtatiously, coquettishly
keimailu :: flirt, coquetry
keimit :: party
keino :: as modifier in a compound word often: artificial, man-made
keino :: means, way, vehicle (entity to achieve an end)
keino :: trick
keino- :: artificial
keinoelämä :: artificial life
keinohedelmöitys :: artificial fertilization, in vitro fertilization
keinokastelu :: irrigation (operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants)
keinokieli :: constructed language, artificial language
keinolannoite :: artificial fertilizer
keinolla millä hyvänsä :: by hook or by crook (by any means possible; one way or another)
keinoäly [artificial intelligence] :: artificial intelligence
keinomunuainen :: artificial kidney
keinonto :: instructive
keinosiemennys :: artificial insemination
keinosiementäjä :: inseminator (technician who inseminates animals)
keinosydän :: artificial heart
keinotekoinen :: Artificial
keinotekoisesti :: artificially
keinotekoisuus :: artificialness
keinotella [trading] :: To speculate
keinotodellisuus :: virtual reality
keinottelija :: speculator
keinottelu :: speculation
keinu :: A swing [playground apparatus]
keinua :: To swing, rock
keinuhevonen :: rocking horse
keinunta :: swinging, rocking
keinuttaa :: to pitch (to move so that the front of an aircraft or ship goes alternatively up and down)
keinuttaa :: to cause to sway or swing
keinuttaa :: to grind (to rotate one's hips suggestively)
keinuttaa :: to rock (to move gently back and forth)
keinutuoli :: rocking chair
keisari :: emperor
keisariaika :: imperial time
keisarifregattilintu :: magnificent frigatebird, Fregata magnificens
keisarikunta :: empire (a state ruled by an emperor)
keisarileikkaus :: Caesarean section
keisarillinen :: imperial
keisarinna :: empress (female monarch of an empire, or wife or widow of an emperor)
keisarinviitta [vern, silver-washed fritillary, Silver-washed fritillary] :: (Argynnis paphia)
keisaripari :: imperial couple
keisaripingviini :: emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)
keisaritamariini :: emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator)
keiso :: cowbane (any plant in the genus Cicuta)
keite :: decoction
keitetty :: boiled
keitin [as modifier in compounds] :: cooking
keitin :: cooker (appliance or utensil for cooking food)
keitin :: digester (in process industry, a vessel in which chemical or biological reactions are carried out in elevated temperature)
keitin :: electric kettle
keitin :: portable stove
keitin :: short for kahvinkeitin, coffee machine, coffeemaker
keitinliemi :: broth
keitos :: concoction
keitraus :: catering
keittää :: allative + 3rd-pers. singular = to seethe, stew
keittää :: To cook up
keittää :: To boil; to boil over
keittää :: To cook
keittiö :: cuisine
keittiö :: kitchen
keittiöapulainen :: kitchenhand
keittiökaappi :: kitchen cabinet
keittiöliina :: dishcloth (cloth used to wash dishes)
keittiöpyyhe :: kitchen towel, dish towel (towel for wiping dishes)
keittiöveitsi :: kitchen knife (knife used for preparation of food)
keittäjä :: cook
keittäminen :: boiling (process of heating a liquid to its boiling point)
keittäminen :: cooking (process of preparing food)
keitto :: As a modifier in compound terms signifies "of or relating to cooking" and may be translated e.g. as cook, cook-, cooked, cooking (see Compounds-section below)
keitto :: boiling (method, process)
keitto :: alcoholic beverage
keitto :: soup
keitto- :: cook; e.g. in keittokirja
keitto- :: cooking, boiling, cooked, boiled; used as modifier in compound terms, e.g. keittosuola
keitto- :: soup; e.g. in keittolusikka
keittoaika :: cooking time
keittoastia :: A cooking utensil, cooking pot (any vessel for cooking food)
keittobanaani :: plantain
keittokirja :: cookbook
keittola :: school kitchen
keittolusikallinen :: A soupspoonful
keittolusikka :: soupspoon
keittosuola :: normal saline
keittosuola :: sodium chloride
keittotaito :: cookery (art of cooking)
kekata :: A somewhat childish variant of the verb keksiä
kekkale :: slob
kekkaloida :: to strut one's stuff (to behave, or to perform in a showy or ostentatious manner, especially in a way to impress others)
kekkerit :: kegger, party
Kekkonen :: Finnish surname
kekkuloida :: alternative form of kekkaloida
kekäle :: An ember (partially burnt wood or other solid fuel, live or black)
keko :: anthill
keko :: heap
keko :: stack
kekomuurahainen :: southern wood ant, horse ant (Formica rufa)
kekri :: An old Finnish feast celebrated at the beginning of November, corresponding to Halloween
kekseliäisyys :: inventiveness, imaginativeness
kekseliäs :: inventive, imaginative
keksiä :: To devise, come up with (to use the intellect to plan or design something)
keksiä :: To give birth (to invent a new idea)
keksiä :: To invent (to design a new process or mechanism)
keksiä :: To make up, concoct, imagine or invent (to create something fictional for a particular purpose)
keksi :: biscuit, cracker (dry, thin, crispy, and usually salty or savoury biscuit)
keksi :: cookie
keksi :: cookie (small flat, baked cake which is either crisp or soft but firm)
keksi :: pike pole used in log driving
keksijä :: inventor
keksintö :: invention
keksitty :: fictitious, imaginary
keksitty :: invented
kela :: coil
kela :: reel
Kela {acronym} :: Short form of Kansaneläkelaitos, the Finnish social security agency
kelata :: to dwell on (to continue to think or talk about something)
kelata :: to think, ponder, reflect
kelata :: to wind, reel
kelautua :: To wind, reel
keli :: weather
keli :: road conditions
keliaakikko :: A coeliac
keliakia :: coeliac disease
kelim :: kilim (type of oriental carpet)
kelirikko :: frost heave
kelju :: unpleasant
keljuttaa :: To be annoyed, vexed
kelkka :: small sled or sledge equipped with runners
kelkka :: snowmobile (short for moottorikelkka)
kelkka :: tray (on CD drive)
kelkkailija :: the rider of any type of kelkka, The English equivalents go by type either by combining with "rider of" or by type-specific term: bobsledder, snowmobiler, snowmobilist, luger, skeletoneer, sledder..
kelkkailla :: to ride any type of kelkka; English equivalents go by type: to sled, sleigh, snowmobile, bobsled, lugeetc
kelkkamäki :: toboggan slide, toboggan run (track for sledding down a slope or slide)
kellahko :: yellowish
kellahtava :: yellowish
kellanruskea :: yellow-brown, xanthous
kellanruskea :: yellow-brown, xanthous color
kellari :: A cellar (underground space)
kellaroida :: To store into a cellar
kellastaa :: to turn yellow (to cause to turn yellow)
kellastua :: to yellow (to turn yellow)
kellastuttaa :: To make yellow
kellata :: To give something a yellow color; to yellow
kellertää :: To have a shade of yellow
kellertää :: To make yellowish
kellertävä :: yellowish
kellertyä :: to yellow (to turn yellow)
kellervä :: yellowish
kelliä :: to loll, sprawl
kello :: bellflower (plant of the genus Campanula)
kello :: bell (object made of metal or other hard material, which resonates when struck)
kello :: bell (signal at a school)
kello :: clock (instrument used to measure time)
kello :: clock (metaphor for regularity)
kello [nautical, aviation] :: o'clock (used to indicate direction in relation to the vessel's position so that 12 is straight ahead and 6 is straight behind)
kello :: o'clock (when indicating time)
kello :: timer (device that gives an alarm after a specified time)
kello :: time (when asking the time or telling exact time)
kello :: watch (portable or wearable timepiece)
kelloaika :: alternative form of kellonaika
kellokas :: A bellwether (leading animal of a flock, having a bell hung round its neck)
kellokas :: A spokesman (one who speaks on behalf of a group)
kellokasvi :: Any plant in the family Campanulaceae
kellokasvi :: In plural (kellokasvit), the family Campanulaceae, the bellflower family
kellokeskiviikko :: Holy Wednesday
kellokoneisto :: A clockwork
kellokortti :: Any, currently often electronic, system for recording and controlling working hours
kellokortti :: A timecard or time card
kellomainen :: bell-shaped (having the shape of a bell)
kellomainen :: clocklike (resembling a clock in some respect)
kellonaika :: time (time of day, as indicated by clock)
kellonlyömä :: stroke (of clock)
kellonperä :: fob (chain or ribbon to connect a watch pocket to the watch); normally used in plural (kellonperät)
kellon ympäri :: round the clock, around the clock
kellopeli :: glockenspiel
kelloseppä :: clocksmith
kellotaajuus :: clock speed, clock rate (rate, measured in hertz, at which a processor performs its fundamental operations)
kellotapuli :: campanile [US], belltower (freestanding belltower of a church)
kellotasku :: watch pocket
kellotaulu :: clock face
kellotorni :: A belfry
kellottaa :: To clock, time
kellua :: To float
kelluke :: A floating device
kellukka :: avens
kellunta :: floating
kelluttaa :: to float
kelmeä :: bleak, pale, pallid, ashen (without color)
kelme :: The white surface layer of the bark of a birch
kelmentää :: to make more pale
kelmentyä :: to turn bleak
kelmetä :: to turn bleak
kelmi :: rogue, rascal, villain
kelmu :: membrane
kelmu :: wrap, plastic wrap, cling film, cling wrap (thin plastic film used in packaging)
kelo :: a dry, dead pine tree
keloidi :: keloid
kelokko :: A dried-up forest
kelopääsky :: The tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
kelottua [of a living tree] :: To dry
keloutua :: alternative form of kelottua
kelpo :: decent, good, fine
kelpoinen :: fulfilling the requirements (for), being up to (a task); used often as head in compound terms
kelpoisuus :: fitness
kelpoisuus :: validity, eligibility
kelpoisuusaika :: period of validity (of a document etc.)
kelpuuttaa :: To qualify, to accept, to pass, to settle for
kelta :: yellow
keltahaarakas :: pale-yellow clavaria or golden coral fungus, Ramaria flava
keltahapero :: yellow swamp russula, Russula claroflava
keltahelttarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius hysginus
keltahelttaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius croceus
keltainen :: yellow
keltainen :: The color yellow
Keltainenjoki :: Huang He
keltainen kortti :: yellow card
Keltainenmeri :: The Yellow Sea
keltaisempi :: comparative form of keltainen
keltaiset sivut :: yellow pages
keltaisuus :: yellowness
keltajuurikas :: A yellow variant of beet, Beta vulgaris var. lutea
keltakärpässieni :: false death cap, Amanita citrina
keltakurjenmiekka :: yellow iris, yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus)
keltakuume :: yellow fever
keltalieko :: A flat-stemmed clubmoss, northern running-pine or ground cedar, Diphasiastrum complanatum or Lycopodium complanatum
keltalimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius delibutus
keltalupiini :: European yellow lupine, Lupinus luteus
keltamulta :: A traditional type of paint made using this pigment, also keltamultamaali
keltamulta :: ochre (pigment)
keltano :: hawkweed
keltanokka :: A rookie, newbie, newcomer
keltanuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius fulmineus
keltapaviaani :: yellow baboon, Papio cynocephalus
keltapetoyökkönen :: dun-bar (insect)
keltarauhanen :: corpus luteum
keltarauhashormoni :: progesterone
keltarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius repraesentaneus
keltasieni [mushroom, rare] :: chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
keltasäieseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius saniosus
keltatauti :: jaundice
keltatautinen :: jaundiced (affected with jaundice)
keltatäplä :: macula, macula lutea
keltatäplähapero :: Russula luteotacta
keltavahvero [mushrooms] :: A chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius
keltavästäräkki :: A blue-headed wagtail or yellow wagtail, Motacilla flava
keltavuokko :: A yellow wood anemone; Anemone ranunculoides. Other common English names are yellow woodland anemone and buttercup anemone
keltiäinen :: yellow meadow ant (Lasius flavus)
keltti :: A Celt
kelttiläinen :: Celtic
keltuainen :: Yolk, egg yolk
kelvata :: to do, work, suffice
kelvokas :: eligible
kelvokas :: fit
kelvokas :: suitable
kelvollinen :: compatible
kelvollinen :: eligible
kelvollinen :: fit
kelvollinen :: suitable
kelvoton :: unfit
kelvoton :: useless
kelvoton :: worthless
Kemi :: Kemi (city)
kemia :: chemistry
kemia :: interpersonal relationship
kemiallinen :: chemical
kemiallinen ase :: chemical weapon
kemiallinen ase [imprecisely] :: chemical agent
kemiallinen koostumus :: chemical composition
kemiallinen reaktio :: chemical reaction
kemiallinen taisteluaine :: chemical agent
kemiallisesti :: chemically
kemiantekniikka :: chemical engineering
kemianteollisuus :: chemical industry
kemigrafia :: chemigraphy
kemikaali :: chemical
keminsaame :: The Kemi Sami language
kemisti :: chemist
kemolyysi :: chemolysis
kemometria :: chemometrics
kemoterapeutti :: chemotherapist
kemoterapia :: chemotherapy
kempi :: brave, noble, excellent
kemut :: party
ken [indefinite, archaic] :: whoever
ken [interrogative, archaic] :: who; (when followed by a modifier in elative case, -sta/-stä) which one (of + a noun referring to people)
kengittää :: To horseshoe, shoe (to put horseshoes on a horse)
kengittää :: To shoe (to equip an object with a protection against wear)
kengittäjä :: A farrier
kengitys :: shoeing (the act of putting horseshoes on a horse)
kengänkieli :: tongue of a shoe
kengänkiilloke :: alternative term for kengänkiillote (shoe polish)
kengänkiillote :: shoe polish
kengänkiillottaja :: bootblack, shoeblack, shoeshiner (person who shines shoes and other footwear, usually for a fee)
kengänkiillotus :: shoeshine (act of polishing shoes)
kengänkärki :: tip of the shoe
kengännauha :: A shoelace, bootlace, lace
kengännumero :: shoe size
kengänpaula :: shoelace, bootlace, lace
kengänpohja :: shoe sole
kengätön :: shoeless
kenguru :: kangaroo (any of the large marsupials in the family Macropodidae, with strong hind legs for hopping, found in Australia and New Guinea)
Kenia :: Kenya
kenialainen :: Kenyan
kenialainen :: a Kenyan
kenkä :: boot (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg)
kenkä :: boot; in the idiomatic expression saada kenkää
kenkä :: shoe (protective covering for the foot)
kenkä :: shoe (something resembling a shoe in function)
käenkaali :: wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)
kenkäheinä :: Dried and softened sedge, traditionally used as heat insulator in shoes by the Sami and other northern indigenous peoples
kenkäin :: A chape (lower metallic cap of a sword's scabbard)
kenkäin :: A kind of sheath with which a flagpole is supported on the waist of its bearer, or on the side of a horse
kenkälaatikko :: shoe box
kenkälankki :: shoe polish
kenkälusikka :: shoehorn (tool used to assist putting the foot into a shoe)
kenkään [indefinite, archaic, poetic] :: (in question clauses) anybody, anyone
kenkään [indefinite, archaic, poetic] :: (with a negation verb) no-one, none, nobody, not ... anybody/anyone
kenkänokka :: shoebill (tall African wading bird, Balaeniceps rex)
kenkäpari :: pair of shoes
kenkäteollisuus :: shoe industry
kenkuttaa :: To annoy
kennelyskä :: kennel cough
kenno :: A carton resembling honeycomb
kenno :: A single cell in a honeycomb
kenno :: CCD image sensor (in digital cameras)
kenno :: A cell
kennomainen :: honeycombed
kennosto :: A combination of cells of a battery or accumulator
kennosto :: A honeycomb in the sense of a structure resembling the hexagonal cell structure made by bees
kennosto :: Interlinked structure of cells
kenossa :: tilted, aside
kenotafi :: A cenotaph
kenotsooinen :: Cenozoic
kenoviiva :: A backslash (symbol "")
käenpiika :: wryneck
kenraali :: general
kenraaliharjoitus :: dress rehearsal
kenraalikuvernööri :: A governor-general
kenraaliluutnantti :: A lieutenant general
kenraalimajuri :: A major-general; a major general
kenraalitar :: The wife of a general
kentauri :: centaur
Kentauri :: The constellation Centaurus, the Centaur
kenties :: possibly
kenttä :: A field
kenttä :: signal strength, coverage (e.g. of a mobile telephone)
kenttä :: As modifier in compound terms indicates that the object is mobile and meant for use in the battlefield; normally translates as "field" into English
kenttä :: field
kenttä :: A limited area where a game is played, a playing field. English translation depends on the game. Basketball, tennis and similar games are played on a court, golf on a course, ice-hockey in a rink, soccer on a field or, more rarely, in a pitch and baseball, American football etc. on a field. Kenttä is often combined with a modifier that defines the kind of playing field
kenttäkeittiö :: field kitchen
kenttämyyrä :: common vole (Microtus arvalis)
kenttäoikeus :: kangaroo court
kenttäoikeus [military, law] :: drumhead court-martial (court-martial held in the field to hear urgent charges)
kenttäpelaaja :: field player (in numerous ball games, a player other than the goalkeeper)
kenttäpullo :: canteen (water bottle of shock-resistant material, used by soldiers or campers)
kenttäsairaala :: field hospital
kenttätutkimus :: field research
kenttävuode :: A cot, a camp bed (a lightweight portable bed, especially one used by the military)
kenttäyhtälö :: field equation
kenturio :: centurion
kepakko :: stick
kepeä :: light (weight)
kepittää :: To shaft (to have sexual intercourse)
kepittää :: To cane, to beat with a cane
keplotella :: To manipulate, wangle, to profiteer, to coax, to wheel and deal
keppana :: keskiolut
keppi :: (colloquial) guitar
keppi :: stick, cane
keppihevonen :: hobby horse
keppimies [surveying] :: A rodman
kepponen :: A practical joke
kepponen :: karkki tai kepponen: trick or treat
kerä :: A ball of string
kera :: with
keraami :: ceramic material, ceramic
keraamikko :: ceramist
keraaminen :: ceramic
kerake [dated, linguistics] :: consonant
keramiikka :: ceramic (material)
keramiikka :: ceramics (art)
keramiikka :: ceramics (ceramic objects as a group or class)
keramiikkasavi :: potter's clay (clay used by a potter)
keratiini :: keratin
keratiitti :: keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
keräelmä :: An unorganized, limited or non-representative collection of related things
keretä :: To have/find time
keretä :: To make it, arrive, reach in time
kerettiläinen :: A heretic
kerettiläisyys :: heresy
kerho :: club (often informal group of people, especially youngsters, who meet more or less regularly around a common interest or hobby; sometimes associated as yhdistys)
keriä :: To coil
keriä :: To reel (to wind on a reel)
keriä :: To shear (to remove the fleece from a sheep)
keriä :: To unwind (to reel off); often with the adverb auki
keriä :: To wind (to turn coils around something)
keräilijä :: A collector (person that collects something as a hobby)
keräillä :: To collect (to accumulate items for a hobby)
keräillä :: To collect (to gather together; to amass items)
keräily :: collection, collecting (hobby)
keräily :: gathering, collection (collecting or bringing together)
keräilyerä :: repechage (heat in which the best competitors who have lost in a previous round compete for a place or places yet left in the next round)
keripukki :: scurvy
keritä :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
keritä :: To have/find time (to do)
keritä :: To shear (a sheep)
keritsimet :: shears
kerääjä :: A collector (thing that collects something); often in compound terms
kerjetä :: alternative form of keritä
kerjäläinen :: beggar (one who lives on begging)
kerjäläismunkki :: mendicant
kerjääminen :: begging, beggary
kerjätä :: To beg
kerjuri :: beggar
kerjuu :: begging
keräkaali :: white cabbage
kerkeä :: quick, prompt
kerma :: cream (dairy product)
kerma :: the cream (elite)
kermainen :: creamy (containing cream)
kermainen :: creamy (having the taste or texture of cream)
kermajäätelö :: Ice cream made of actual cream (instead of vegetable fats)
kermajuusto :: creamy cheese
kermakakku :: A cream cake
kermakannu :: A creamer (jug for holding cream)
kermakko :: A creamer (jug for holding cream)
kermamainen :: creamy (having the rich taste or thick, smooth texture of cream)
kermamainen :: creamy (of a liquid, having the thick texture of cream)
kermanekka :: A creamer (jug for holding cream)
kermaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius leucophanes
kermavaahto :: whipped cream
kermaviili :: Nordic kind of sour cream
kermesmarja :: pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)
kermoa :: to separate cream from milk
kernaasti :: willingly
kerni :: coated fabric
kerääntyä :: To accumulate
kero :: A round, treeless top of a fell; now mostly in place names and compounds
keropää :: baldie
keropää :: Roundhead (supporter of Parliamentarians in the English Civil War)
kerosiini :: kerosene, especially the finest qualities used for lighting and as jet fuel
kerppu :: A quantity unit used of lampreys; a bunch of 30 lampreys + one used for tying the bunch together. Compare stick (quantity unit of eels)
kerralla :: at one time, simultaneously, at the same time, in one go
kerrallaan :: at a time (in a single, continuous period of time)
kerrallaan :: at a time (simultaneously at each occurrence)
kerran :: once (formerly)
kerran :: once (one, and only one, time)
kerrankin :: for once
kerran vielä :: once again, once more, one more time
kerrata :: To repeat or reread (esp. in order to learn and memorise the content which is being repeated)
kerroin :: coefficient
kerroksinen :: layered
kerronta :: narration
kerros :: floor, storey
kerros :: layer
kerroskuvaus [medicin] :: tomography
kerrosrakenteinen :: laminated
kerrosrakenteinen :: layered
kerrossänky :: A bunk bed
kerrostaa :: to overlay, stratify
kerrostaa :: to sandwich
kerrostalo :: block of flats, apartment building
kerrostaloasunto :: An apartment in an apartment building
kerrostua :: To be stratified
kerrostulivuori :: stratovolcano
kerrostuma :: layer, stratum
kerrosvoileipä :: sandwich (snack)
kerrottava :: multiplicand
kerryttää :: to cause to accumulate
kersa :: kid, child
kersantti :: A sergeant or a petty officer
kersantti :: A military rank in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation used by the army and air force is sergeant, and by the navy, petty officer second class
keräsenkotelo :: Bowman's capsule (cup-like sac at the nephron in the mammalian kidney)
kerskailija :: bragger
kerskailla :: to brag, boast
kerskailu :: bragging
kerskailuoikeudet :: bragging rights
kerskakulutus :: Conspicuous consumption
kerskata :: To brag, boast
kerskua :: To boast, brag
kerskuri :: braggart
kerätä :: To collect, gather, accumulate
kerätä :: To pick (berries, mushrooms, flowers)
kerta :: time (occasion)
kertaakaan :: even once
kertaakaan :: Used with negation verb ei, (not) even once
kertaantua :: To be repeated
kertaerä :: non-recurring item
kertainen :: times (being X times something)
-kertainen :: -tuple, -fold, "X times as big/many as", or number-specific words
-kertaistaa :: To multiple
kertaistaa :: to multiple n times; used only in compounds
-kertaistua :: To multiple
kertaistua :: to multiple itself n times; used only in compounds
kerta kaikkiaan :: completely, utterly
kertakorvaus :: lump sum
kertakäyttö- :: disposable
kertakäyttöinen :: dispensable, disposable, throwaway
kertaluku :: order
kertaluonteinen :: nonrecurring (occurring only once)
kertamaksu :: A bullet, bullet payment, lump sum, or lump sum payment
kertaus :: iteration
kertaus :: recapitulation, recap
kertaus :: repetition
kertausharjoitus :: military refresher, military refresher course
kertausmerkki :: repeat sign
kertautua :: To recur
kerto :: parallelism
kertoa :: to multiply
kertoa :: to have it (to understand, believe, let believe)
kertoa :: to tell
kertohedelmä :: aggregate fruit
kertoilla :: To chat
kertoja :: narrator
kertoja :: storyteller
kertolasku :: multiplication
kertoma [mathematics, combinatorics] :: factorial
kertomataulu [mathematics, dated] :: multiplication table
kertomus :: Story
kertosäe :: chorus, refrain (in songs)
kertotaulu :: multiplication table; times table
kerttu :: warbler
Kerttu :: female given name
Kerttu :: Gretel, the girl in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel
kerttuli :: [more specifically] parula (New World wabler of the genus Parula in the Parulidae family)
kerttuli :: warbler, New World warbler (passerine bird of the Parulidae family)
kerttupuumuura :: Russet antshrike
kertyä :: To accumulate, accrue
kertyminen :: accumulation
kertymäkiekko :: accretion disk
kertynyt poisto :: accumulated depreciation
kerubi :: cherub
keruu :: collecting, collection
keräys :: an act of collecting
keräys :: fundraising
keräytyä :: To accumulate
kesä :: summer (season)
kesäaika :: daylight saving time, daylight savings time
kesäaika :: summer time (daylight saving time)
kesäaika :: summertime, summer time, summer (season)
kesakko :: freckle
kesannoida :: To make a field set-aside
kesannoitua :: To become a fallow
kesanto :: fallow (ground left unseeded for a year)
kesäasuttava :: A building where one can live only in the warmer part of the year
kesähorros :: estivation
kesiä :: (of outermost layer of skin) to peel off
kesi :: The thin outer layer of skin
kesäihminen :: summer vacationer, summer guest (someone who spends their summer away from home in a resort or similar)
kesäihminen :: summer person (someone who strongly prefers summer over winter)
kesäinen :: summery
kesipuoli :: The inside of a hide or pelt of an animal
kesäisin :: in the summer, every summer
kesäitiö :: uredospore
kesk :: keskellä; used e.g. in texts explaining who or what is in a photograph
kesk :: keskustapuolue, Suomen Keskusta, keskusta (a Finnish political party)
Kesk. :: The abbreviation for Suomen Keskusta, the Centre Party of Finland
kesäkangas :: Any thin, light fabric suitable for summer clothing
keskari :: keskiolut
keskari :: The middle finger
keskeinen :: pivotal, central, crucial
keskeinen :: vocabulary; in the term vocabulary word
keskeiskiihtyvyys :: centripetal acceleration
keskeisvoima :: A central force
kesäkeitto :: A traditional vegetable soup cooked in milk with butter, potatoes, carrots, peas, cauliflower and possibly other vegetables of the season. Cream, cheese or flour may be added as thickener
keskellä :: in the middle
keskellä :: amid, amongst/among
keskellä :: between
keskellä :: in the middle of, in the centre/center of
keskellä :: in the middle of, in the center of
keskelle :: to the middle
keskelle :: to a position amid, amongst/among something
keskelle :: to a position between something
keskelle :: to the middle of, to the centre/center of
keskelle :: to the middle of, to the center of
keskeltä :: from the middle
keskeltä :: from amid, amongst/among
keskeltä :: from between
keskeltä :: from the middle of, from the centre/center of
keskeltä :: from the middle of, from the center of
kesken :: finished too soon
kesken :: unfinished
kesken :: between, among:
kesken :: in the middle of:
keskeneräinen :: incomplete
keskeneräinen :: in progress
keskeneräinen :: uncompleted
keskeneräinen tuotanto :: work in progress (value of uncompleted goods still in the production process)
keskeneräisesti :: incompletely
keskeneräisyys :: incompleteness
keskenmeno :: miscarriage (unintentional termination of a pregnancy)
keskenään :: between each other, among each other, with each other:
keskeytetty :: cancelled, halted, aborted
keskeyttää :: To drop out, quit
keskeyttää :: to interpose (to intervene in a dispute or conversation)
keskeyttää :: ~ matka(nsa) = to break a trip, stop over
keskeyttää :: ~ opintonsa = to drop out (of school)
keskeyttää :: ~ raskaus = to abort, miscarry
keskeyttää :: to discontinue
keskeyttää :: to interrupt, cut short, cut off, break off
keskeyttäjä :: A dropout (one who leaves a learning institution without completing a course)
keskeyttäjä :: One who interrupts, breaks off, discontinues or drops out
keskeytyä :: To abort
keskeytyä :: To be interrupted
keskeytys :: abort
keskeytys :: interrupt
keskeytys :: interruption
keskeytys :: pause
keskeytys :: suspension
keskiö :: centre, core
keskiö :: hub
keski- :: A prefix signifying middle, central; average, mid-, medium, intermediate
Keski-Afrikan tasavalta :: The Central African Republic
Keski-Afrikka :: Central African Republic (short for Keski-Afrikan tasavalta)
keskiafrikkalainen :: Central African (of or pertaining to Central Africa)
keskiafrikkalainen :: Central African (person)
keskiaika :: The Middle Ages
keskiaikainen :: medieval
keskiaivot :: midbrain
keskialue :: the neutral zone
keskiamerikanvyötiäinen :: northern naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous centralis
Keski-Amerikka :: Central America
keskiarkeeinen :: Mesoarchean
keskiarvo :: mean
keskiaukeama :: centerfold
keskiaurinkoaika :: mean solar time
keskiaurinkovuorokausi :: mean solar day
keskienglanti :: Middle English
Keski-Eurooppa :: Central Europe
keskihajonta :: standard deviation
keskihakuinen :: centripetal
keskihakuisvoima :: centripetal force
keskihermo :: median nerve
keskihinta :: average price
keski-iiri :: Middle Irish (language)
keski-ikä :: middle age
keski-ikäinen :: middle-aged
keski-ikäistyä :: To become middle-aged
keskijalka :: penis
keskijännite [electrical engineering] :: medium voltage
keskikaista :: central reservation, reservation [UK]; median, median strip [US] (strip of land that separates opposite directions on a divided highway)
keskikalja :: Same as keskiolut
keskikaupunki :: downtown
keskikenttä :: midfield
keskikenttäpelaaja :: midfield player, midfielder
keskikohta :: center, middle
keskikoko :: medium size
keskikokoinen :: medium, medium-size(d)
keskikokoinen :: of medium height
keskikorni :: Middle Cornish (language)
keskikoulu :: Formerly in the Finnish school system a 5-year junior high school
keskikymri :: Middle Welsh (language)
keskilaiva :: The central nave in a building, particularly in a basilica
keskilaiva :: (nautical) amidships (Finnish inessive and illative are often best translated with this adverb into English)
keskilaiva :: midship (middle part of a ship or a boat, longitudinally)
keskiluokka :: A subgroup of any larger reference group that's in the middle of it by some relevant measure such as engine displacement or price when used as criteria for classifying cars
keskiluokka :: The middle class (social and economic class)
keskiluokkainen :: middle-class
keskiluokkaisempi :: comparative form of keskiluokkainen
keskiluokkaistua :: To become middle class
keskiluokkaistuminen :: gentrification
keskimmäinen :: centermost
keskimäärin :: on average
keskimääräinen :: average
keskimääräinen :: mediocre
keskinen :: central (in concrete sense)
Keskinen Afrikka :: Central Africa (region)
keskinäinen :: mutual (having the same relationship, each to each other)
keskinäinen kiinteistöosakeyhtiö :: The full legal term for kiinteistöosakeyhtiö
keskinkertainen :: Mediocre (in a negative sense)
keskinkertaisuus :: mediocrity
keskiolut :: beer having the alcoholic content between 2.8%–4.7% of its volume
keskiolutoikeudet :: C-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 4.7% of alcoholic content by volume)
keskiosa :: middle part, central part
keskipakoinen :: centrifugal
keskipakoisvoima :: A centrifugal force
keskipakovoima :: centrifugal force
keskipermikausi :: Guadalupian, Middle Permian (middle epoch of the Permian)
keskipermikautinen :: Guadalupian, Middle Permian (of middle epoch of the Permian)
keskipilari :: central pillar (generally)
keskipilari :: centre pillar (in car chassis the pillar right behind front door)
keskipilari :: newel, spindle (central pillar around which a staircase spirals)
keskipiste :: centre/center point, midpoint
keskipäivä :: midday, noon
keskipoikkeama [lb, fi, statistics] :: mean absolute deviation (the average of absolute deviations from a central point)
keskiranska :: Middle French
keskiruumis :: thorax (the middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid body)
keskiselänne :: mid-ocean ridge
keskisormi :: middle finger
keskisuomalainen :: Pertaining to Central Finland
keskisuomalainen :: A person from Central Finland
Keski-Suomi :: Central Finland
keskisuuri :: middle-sized, medium
Keskitalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Keskitalo :: Finnish surname
keskitalvi :: midwinter (middle of winter)
keskitaso :: median plane (imaginary plane that divides the body evenly into the left and right section)
keskitaso :: average level, middle range; may often be translated into English with an adjective e.g. average, ordinary, middle-range
keskitie :: middle of the road
keskitse :: Through the center, middle
keskittää :: to centralize
keskittää :: to focus, concentrate
keskittyä :: To concentrate on, focus on
keskittyminen :: centralization
keskittyminen :: concentration, focus
keskittymiskyky :: concentration
keskituntiansio :: average hourly earnings
keskitysleiri :: concentration camp
keskivaltakunta :: Middle Kingdom (Egypt in the 12th and 13th dynasties)
keskivartalo :: midriff
keskiviikko :: Wednesday
keskiviikkoaamu :: Wednesday morning
keskiviikkoilta :: Wednesday evening
keskiviikkoinen :: Pertaining to Wednesday
keskiviikkoisin :: On Wednesdays
keskiviiva :: A center line in ice hockey
keskiyö [loosely] :: Any time around the exact point of midnight
keskiyö :: midnight (12 o'clock at night)
keskiyö :: midnight (the point equidistant from sunset and sunrise)
keskiyläsaksa :: Middle High German
keskiyön aurinko :: midnight sun
keskonen :: Prematurely born child; a preemie
keskoskaappi :: incubator (an apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby)
kesäkuinen :: Pertaining to June
kesäkurpitsa [vegetable] :: zucchini, courgette
keskus :: centre/center
keskushallinto :: central government
keskushermosto :: central nervous system, CNS
keskushyökkääjä :: In many ballgames, the forward that plays in the centre of the line; a centre
keskusimuri :: Short for keskuspölynimuri
keskusjärjestö :: central organization (main body of a group of independent organizations or associations)
keskusjyvänen :: centriole
keskuskauppakamari :: A central chamber of commerce
keskuskomitea :: central committee
keskuslämmitys :: central heating
keskuslukitus :: central locking
keskuspankki :: central bank
keskuspölynimuri :: central vacuum, built-in vacuum cleaner, central vacuum cleaner, ducted vacuum cleaner
keskusrikospoliisi [Finland, legal] :: National Bureau of Investigation
keskussairaala :: central hospital
keskussuoritin :: central processing unit
keskusta :: A centre of a town or a city
keskusta :: Centre
keskustalainen :: One who or which is located centre in the political spectrum
keskustalainen :: Relating to the Centre Party of Finland
keskustalainen :: A member or supporter of the Centre Party of Finland
Keskustan valtakunta :: Middle Kingdom (nickname of China)
keskustapuolue :: a centre party, a party that is politically in the "middle", i.e. between the "right" and the "left"
keskustapuolue :: a former name of the Finnish political party Suomen Keskusta, in English officially called the Centre Party
keskustelija :: conversationalist
keskustella :: To confer, consult, negotiate; to deliberate
keskustella :: To debate on, argue over
keskustella :: To discuss, talk about/over, converse on
keskustelu :: conversation, discussion, talk
keskusteluohjelma [broadcasting] :: talk show (kind of television or radio programme)
keskustelupalsta :: discussion board, forum
keskusteluton :: free of or lacking conversation or discussion
keskusvalta :: Any of the Central Powers in the World War I
keskusvalta :: centralism (system of centralized administration)
keskusyksikkö :: The case of a desktop computer including the components inside
kesäkuu :: June
keskuudessa :: among
keskuus :: The quality of being among a group. It is only used adverbially in singular of inessive (keskuudessa), elative (keskuudesta) and illative (keskuuteen) cases and often with a possessive suffix. It is normally translated into English with a prepositional structure involving among or amongst
kesälaidun :: summer pasture
kesälaidun :: summer vacation, especially that of schoolchildren; used mostly in adessive, ablative and allative plural with verbs olla, tulla, lähteä and mennä
kesäloma :: summer vacation
kesämökki :: country house (weekend and holiday residence, located outside of urban areas, used as a retreat from city life)
kesämökki :: summer home; summerhouse, summer house [UK]; cabin, chalet [US]; camp [NY]; summer cottage (house used as vacation home during the summer, often located near a body of water)
kesämökki :: vacation home [US], holiday home [UK] (building or piece of property used as a secondary residence during vacations)
kesäpäivänseisaus :: Summer solstice
kesäpuu :: summer wood
kesäsade :: summer rain
kessi :: The antitank weapon M72 LAW
kessu :: A cigarette
kessu :: Low-quality smoking tobacco produced from Nicotiana rustica, a species of the tobacco plant
kessu :: A sarge (sergeant)
kessutella :: to smoke (cigarettes)
kessuttaa :: to smoke (to consume tobacco products by inhaling their smoke)
kessuttelija :: smoker
kestää :: to last, take, dure
kestää :: to cope, stand, withstand, endure, hold up
kestää :: to tolerate, stand
kesäteatteri :: summer theatre (theatre that performs oly in the summer, usually outdoors)
kestitä :: To entertain, regale (guests or customers with food and/or drink)
kestit :: feast, banquet
kestittää :: synonym of kestitä
kestämätön :: unbearable
kestämätön :: unsustainable
kesto :: As modifier in compound terms (kesto-) signifies permanent, durable
kesto :: durability
kesto :: duration
kestoaika :: duration
kestoaika :: lifetime
kestoaika :: term
kestokulutushyödyke :: durable good, durable
kestokulutustavara :: durable good, durable
kestomagneetti :: A permanent magnet
kestomakkara :: pickled sausage intended to be consumed in slices
kestomuovi :: thermoplastic
kestoperfekti :: present perfect continuous
kestopreesens :: present continuous, present progressive (tense that describes an ongoing action in the present)
kestoväri :: permanent color (of hair)
kestovärjäys :: permanent hair coloring
kestävä :: durable, lasting, long-lasting
kestävä :: sustainable
kestävöidä :: to make more durable, lasting, long-lasting or sustainable; to strengthen
kestävin :: superlative form of kestävä
kestävä kehitys [ecology, agriculture] :: Sustainable development
kestävämpi :: comparative form of kestävä
kestävyys :: durability
kestävyys :: endurance
kestävyys :: stamina
kesätyö :: summer job
kesätyöntekijä :: summer help
kesuura :: caesura
kesävihanta :: deciduous
kesävilla :: summer wool
kesäyö :: summer night
kesy :: domestic, as of animals
kesy :: domesticated
kesy :: tame
kesyin :: superlative form of kesy
kesykyyhky :: feral pigeon or domestic pigeon, a variety of rock pigeon (kalliokyyhky) that has adapted to living in cities
kesympi :: comparative form of kesy
kesytön :: untamed, wild
kesyttää :: To tame, domesticate
kesyttäjä :: tamer
kesyttäminen :: taming
kesyttämätön :: untamed
kesyttyä :: alternative form of kesyyntyä
kesytys :: domestication
kesytys :: taming
kesyyntyä :: To tame (to become tame)
kesyys :: tameness, timidness, docility
ketä [very colloquial] :: who
ketale :: scoundrel
ketamiini :: ketamine
ketara :: leg
ketiapiini :: quetiapine
ketju :: chain
ketju :: In various ballgames, a line
ketju :: necklace
ketjukirje :: chain letter
ketjukolari :: A pile-up (traffic accident or collision involving multiple vehicles)
ketjukäyrä :: catenary
ketjuliike :: chain store (retail outlet that is one of a group of similar establishments having common format, contents, ownership and management)
ketjumurtoluku :: continued fraction
ketjupolttaja :: A chain-smoker or chain smoker
ketjupäätelmä :: sorites
ketjureaktio :: chain reaction
ketjusilikaatti :: single chain inosilicate (mineral)
ketjuttaa :: to concatenate, chain (to join or link together, as though in a chain)
ketjuuntua :: To chain (form a chain)
ketjuuntuva :: catenative
ketjuutua :: alternative form of ketjuuntua
ketjuverbi :: catenative verb
ketjuviiva :: catenary
ketkale :: scoundrel
ketlata [weaving] :: to loop
keto :: Dry meadow, pasture
Ketola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ketola :: Finnish surname
ketomaruna :: field sagewort, field wormwood (Artemisia campestris)
ketoni :: ketone
ketoosi :: ketose
ketsi :: ketch (type of vessel)
ketsuppi :: ketchup
ketterä :: agile
ketterästi :: agilely
ketteryys :: agility
ketto :: crust, membrane
kettu :: fox (any member of the genus Vulpes)
kettu :: fox (cunning person)
kettu :: red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
kettu :: An euphemism for vittu ‎(“cunt”)
Kettu :: The constellation Vulpecula
kettujahti :: fox hunt
kettukusu :: brushtail possum, common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
Kettunen :: Finnish surname
kettuterrieri :: fox terrier
kettutyttö :: A young female animal rights activist, especially one who opposes fur farming
ketšua :: Quechua
ketunhäntä :: A foxtail
ketunhäntä :: A hidden agenda
ketunleipä :: wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)
ketunlenkki :: circumbendibus (roundabout route or process)
ketunlenkki :: A manoeuvre in which a chased patrol makes false paths in order to deceive their chasers
ketunlieko :: A northern firmoss, Huperzia selago or Lycopodium selago
ketuttaa :: To be annoyed, vexed
keuhko :: lung
keuhkoahtaumatauti :: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
keuhkoemfyseema [pathology, professional terminology] :: pulmonary emphysema
keuhkofibroosi :: pulmonary fibrosis
keuhkokala :: lungfish
keuhkokatarri [pathology, dated] :: bronchitis
keuhkokudos :: lung tissue
keuhkokuume :: pneumonia
keuhkolaajentumatauti :: pulmonary emphysema
keuhkopöhö :: pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid in the lungs)
keuhkopussi :: pleura
keuhkopussinontelo :: pleural cavity
keuhkopussintulehdus :: pleurisy, pleuritis
keuhkoputkenlaajentuma :: bronchiectasis (abnormal permanent dilation of the bronchial tubes)
keuhkoputkentulehdus :: bronchitis
keuhkoputki :: bronchus
keuhkoputkitulehdus :: alternative form of keuhkoputkentulehdus
keuhkorakkula :: pulmonary alveolus
keuhkosyöpä :: lung cancer
keuhkotuberkuloosi :: pulmonary tuberculosis
keuhkovaltimoläppä :: pulmonary valve
keula :: bow, prow (front of a boat or ship)
keulahahmo :: figurehead
keulahahmo :: front man
keulaharus :: forestay (stay that extends from the top of the foremast to the bow or bowsprit of a sailing ship)
keulakastelli [nautical, rare] :: forecastle
keulakuva :: A figurehead (person in nominal position of power)
keulakuva :: A figurehead (carved figure)
keulamasto :: foremast
keulamerkki :: hood ornament (decorative ornament fastened on a car's hood)
keulapotkuri :: bow thruster
keulapuomi :: bowsprit
keulapurje :: A foresail
keulapurje :: A jib (any of a variety of specialty triangular staysails run forward of the foremast)
keulia :: to pop a wheelie
keveä :: lightweight
keveämpi :: comparative form of keveä
kevennys :: comic relief (inclusion of a humorous character or scene in an otherwise serious work)
kevennys :: posting (rising and sinking in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse)
kevennys :: icebreaker (game, activity, humorous anecdote, etc., designed to relax a group of people)
kevennys :: lightening (act of making less serious)
kevennys :: lightening (act of making lighter in weight)
kevennys :: tax cut; short for veronkevennys
keventää :: to relieve (to go to the toilet; to defecate or urinate)
keventää :: to post (to rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse)
keventää [taxation] :: to cut
keventää :: to lighten (to make less serious)
keventää :: to lighten (to reduce weight)
keventyä :: To lighten (to become less heavy)
kevetä :: To become more light in weight
keveys :: lightness, levity
keväin [dated, poetic] :: spring (season)
keväinen :: springlike
keväisin :: in springs
keväistää :: to vernalize (to expose plants or seeds to cold so as to cause them to flower or grow; many cool climate plants require a real or simulated winter in order to begin to grow)
keväistys :: vernalization
keväämmällä :: later in the spring
kevät [season] :: spring
kevätaika :: springtime
kevätesikko :: cowslip ‎ (Primula veris)
kevätkääryle :: egg roll
kevätkääryle :: spring roll
kevätleinikki :: goldilocks buttercup, Ranunculus auricomus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
kevätlukukausi :: spring semester
kevätpäiväntasaus :: Vernal equinox
kevätpuu :: spring wood
kevätrulla [foods] :: spring roll
kevätsade :: spring rain
kevätsiivous :: spring cleaning (systematic and complete cleaning after the winter)
kevättalvi :: Late winter or early spring; the time between actual winter and spring
kevättulva :: Flooding at spring, caused by melting snow; freshet
kevätvehnä :: spring wheat
kevyehkö :: Somewhat light in weight
kevyempi :: comparative form of kevyt
kevyesti :: lightly
kevyin :: superlative form of kevyt
kevyt :: light (weight)
kevytilmailu :: ultralight aviation
kevytkenkäinen :: promiscuous, easy (old-fashioned: loose, wanton, lewd)
kevytmaito :: semi-skimmed milk [UK], reduced-fat milk [US] (milk with the fat content reduced to about half the original; in Finland to about 1.5%)
kevytmielinen :: frivolous, flighty
kevytmoottoripyörä :: light motorcycle
kevytrakenteinen :: lightweight
keynesiläinen :: Keynesian
keynesiläisyys :: Keynesianism
köhä :: dry cough, hack
köh :: the sound of coughing
khakihousut :: khakis, khaki pants (khaki-coloured cotton trousers)
khakinvärinen :: khaki (dust-coloured)
khakipuku :: khaki suit (khaki colored men's suit)
khakipukuinen :: dressed in khaki suit, wearing a khaki suit
Khalkis :: Chalcis
Kharon :: Charon, the largest satellite of Pluto
Kharon :: Charon
käheä :: hoarse
käheä-ääninen :: Having hoarse voice
Kheopsin pyramidi :: The Great Pyramid of Giza (largest of the pyramids of Egypt, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world)
kähertää :: to wave (of hair, to cause to get a wavy appearance)
käheästi :: coarsely
kähetä :: To become coarse
käheytyä [of voice] :: To become hoarse
köhiä :: To hack, to cough noisily
khii :: chi (Greek letter)
khii toiseen -jakauma :: A chi-square distribution; more correctly chi^2-jakauma
kähinä :: guttural (harsh and throaty spoken sound)
köhinä :: rasping sound
kähistä :: To croak
köhistä :: To rasp (to make a noise similar to the one a rasp in use makes; to utter rasps)
kähmiä :: To back door
kähmiä :: To grope
KHO :: The abbreviation of korkein hallinto-oikeus, (in Finland) the Supreme Administrative Court
khoi :: Khoekhoe, Khoikhoi, Khoi (person)
khoisan :: Khoisan (member of Khoi or San people in southern Africa)
khoisankieli :: Khoisan (group of these languages)
khoisankieli :: Khoisan language (any of several languages of chiefly southern Africa that have click consonants)
KHT :: CPA (certified public accountant)
kähveltää :: to nick, to steal
kiangi :: kiang, Equus kiang (large wild ass native to the Tibetan Plateau)
kiasma [genetics, anatomy] :: chiasma, chiasm (crossing of two nerves, ligaments, chromatids etc.)
kiasma :: chiasmus (inversion of the relationship between the elements of phrases)
kibbutsi :: kibbutz
kide :: crystal (a grain or piece of a crystalline substance, an array of atoms)
kidehila :: crystal lattice
kidejauhe :: crystalline powder (powder consisting of crystals, e.g. corundum powder, as used for coating grinding materials)
kidekemia :: crystal chemistry
kidemuoto :: crystalline form
kideoppi :: crystallography
kideoptiikka :: crystal optics
kideradio :: crystal radio
kiderakenne :: crystal structure
kidesokeri :: granulated sugar
kidetiede :: crystallography
kidevesi :: water of crystallization, crystallization water, water of hydration (water present in crystals)
kidevirhe :: crystallographic defect (irregularity in the crystal structure of a crystalline solid material)
kidnapata :: To kidnap
kidnappaaja :: kidnapper
kidnappaus :: A kidnap, kidnapping
kidneypapu :: kidney bean
kidukset :: gills (breathing organ of fish and other aquatic animals)
kidus [rare, usually in plural] :: gill (breathing organ of fish and other aquatic animals)
kiduskansi [anatomy, of a fish] :: operculum, gill cover
kidusrako :: gill slit, branchial cleft
kidutettu :: tortured
kiduttaa :: To torture
kiduttaja :: torturer
kidutus :: torture
kidutuskammio :: torture chamber
kiehahtaa :: To boil
kiehautettu :: parboiled, boiled (boiled shortly, brought to the boiling point)
kiehauttaa :: to bring to a boil (to heat something until it reaches its boiling point)
kiehauttaa :: to parboil (to boil briefly)
kiehauttaminen :: parboiling (process of boiling briefly)
kiehautus :: parboiling (process of boiling briefly)
kiehkura :: lock, wreath, plume
kiehkuraishylje :: ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
kiehtoa :: to charm, bewitch, enchant
kiehtoa :: to fascinate, captivate
kiehtova :: intriguing, fascinating
kiehtovasti :: intriguingly, fascinatingly
kiehua :: To boil
kiehua :: To stew (to be in a state of elevated anxiety or consideration)
kiehuminen :: boiling (that something boils itself)
kiehumispiste :: boiling point
kiehumistila :: state of turmoil
kiehunta :: boiling
kiehuttaa :: To cause or make to boil
kiehuttaminen :: boiling (process of heating a liquid to its boiling point)
kiehutus :: boiling (process of heating a liquid to its boiling point)
kiehutusreaktori :: boiling water reactor
kiehutusvesireaktori :: boiling water reactor
kiehuva :: boiling (that boils)
kiekaista [semelfactive] :: to crow (of a rooster)
kiekaista [semelfactive] :: to cry once, utter a loud voice
kiekko :: A disk or a disc (thin, flat circular plate or something resembling it by looks)
kiekko :: A discus
kiekko [cheesemaking] :: A wheel
kiekko :: A puck
kiekko [shooting sport] :: A clay pigeon
kiekkoilija :: ice hockey player
kiekkoilla :: To play ice hockey
kiekkoilu :: ice hockey (the sport of ice hockey, short of jääkiekkoilu)
kiekkojoukkue :: ice hockey team
kiekkokaukalo :: rink
kiekkokurpitsa :: pattypan squash
kiekonheittäjä :: discus thrower
kiekonheitto :: discus throw, discus
kiekua :: to crow (to make a cock-a-doodle-do)
kiekuna :: Crowing (making cock-a-doodle-doos)
kielari :: A tongue kiss
kieleke :: ligule
kieleke :: ledge
kielellinen :: having a tongue
kielellinen :: linguistic
kielellisesti :: linguistically
kielenalainen :: sublingual (located beneath the tongue)
kielenkääntäjä :: translator
kielenkääntäminen :: language translation
kielenkärki :: The tip of tongue
kielenkäyttö :: French (vulgar language)
kielenkäyttö :: language (particular words used in speech or a passage of text)
kielenkäyttö :: usage (ways and contexts in which spoken and written words are used)
kielenopetus :: language teaching
kielen päällä :: on the tip of one's tongue (known but not quite remembered)
kieliä [figuratively + elative] :: To indicate, suggest
kieliä :: To inform, snitch
kieli :: genitive + ~ ; the names of most languages may be expressed in two ways in Finnish: as a single word, e.g. islanti, or in combination with kieli, e.g. islannin kieli. The combined form is preferred for less-known languages and in contexts where the name of a language may be confused with the name of the country, region or ethnic group according which the language is named, in this example Islanti
kieli :: language (form of communication)
kieli :: reed (vibrating part in the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument)
kieli :: string (tightly tensioned wire that produces a tone)
kieli :: tongue (organ)
kielihistoria :: language history
kieli-identiteetti :: language identity
kieli-instituutti :: language institute
kielikoe :: language test
kielikorva :: ear for languages, Sprachgefühl (instinctive or intuitive grasp of the natural idiom of a language)
kielikunta :: A language family
kielikurssi :: language course
kielikuva :: A figure of speech
kielikylpy :: language immersion (method of teaching a foreign language by using that language in teaching all or most school subjects)
kielikysymys :: language question
kielilaboratorio :: language lab
kielilaki :: language law
kielilläpuhuminen :: glossolalia
kieliluu :: hyoid bone, lingual bone
kielimaantiede :: language geography
kielimäinen :: tongue-like
kielimuuri :: language barrier
kielinen :: being of a language; used mainly as head word in compound terms, independently mainly in questions:
kielinen :: -lingual; used as head in compound terms only
kielinen :: -string; used as head in compound terms
kielinen :: -speaking, -phone; used to form adjectives and nouns that indicate a speaker of a certain language e.g. French-speaking, Francophone - for a list of words formed with "-phone" see derived terms -section of the entry -phone
kielinen :: -tongued; used as head in compound terms only
kieliäänne :: lingual (sound articulated with the tongue)
kieliopillinen :: grammatical
kieliopillinen persoona :: grammatical person
kieliopillisesti :: grammatically
kieliopillisuus :: grammaticality (state or attribute of obeying the rules of grammar; grammatical correctness)
kieliopinnot :: language studies
kielioppi :: grammar
kielipoliisi :: language police, grammar Nazi
kielipolitiikka :: language politics
kielisoitin :: stringed instrument
kieli solmussa :: tongue-tied, at a loss for words (unable to express oneself clearly or fluently)
kielisukulainen :: language relative
kielisuudelma :: tongue kiss
kielisyöpä :: tongue cancer
kielisyys :: See -kielisyys
-kielisyys :: -linguality
-kielisyys :: -phony
-kielisyys :: -tonguedness
kielitaito :: language proficiency
kielitaito :: language skills
kielitaituri :: polyglot
kielitiede :: linguistics
kielitieteellinen :: linguistic
kielitieteilijä :: linguist
kielletty :: forbidden, prohibited
kielo :: lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
Kielo :: female given name
kieltää :: To deny (to say that something does not exist)
kieltää :: To renounce (also religiously), (archaic) to repudiate
kieltää :: kieltää jonkun testamentti = to contest someone's last will
kieltää :: To dispute, controvert
kieltää :: To forbid, disallow, ban
kieltää :: To forbid (someone = partitive, to do something = active 3rd infinitive in elative)
kielteinen :: negative (both meanings: "opposite of affirmative" and "inspiring negative reactions")
kielteisempi :: comparative form of kielteinen
kielteisesti :: negatively
kielteisyys :: negativity
kieltäjä :: denier (person who denies something)
kielto :: ban, prohibition
kieltolaki :: prohibition (law prohibiting consumption, sale and production of alcoholic drinks)
kieltolaki :: Prohibition (period of time when prohibition law was in force)
kieltosana :: negative (word that indicates negation)
kieltoverbi :: negative verb
kieltäytyä :: To refuse (to do something), decline (to do something)
kieltäytyminen :: abstinence
kieltäytyminen :: refusal
kiemura :: A cyme
kiemurrella :: To corkscrew (to wind or twist in the manner of a corkscrew)
kiemurrella :: To snake (to move in a winding path)
kiemurrella :: To squirm (to twist one's body with snakelike motions)
kiemurtaa :: alternative form of kiemurrella
kiemurteleva :: winding
kiemurtelu :: squirming, corkscrewing, wriggle
kieppi :: A resting hole in snow dug by a bird
kieppi :: hank
kiepporaikaste :: roll-on deodorant
kieppua :: To spin (turn around quickly)
kieputtaa :: To swirl
kierä :: Too twisted
kierähtää :: To spin (once)
kieriä :: To roll, roll over
kierintä :: rolling
kierittää :: To roll
kiero :: crooked, twisted
kiero :: cunning, sly
kiero :: devious
kieroilija :: crook
kieroontua :: To become twisted, crooked
kieroselkäisyys :: scoliosis
kierosilmäinen :: crosseyed, cockeyed
kierosilmäisyys [lb, fi, colloquial] :: squint
kieroutua :: To become twisted, crooked
kierre :: helix
kierre :: spin (rotation of an object around its own axis)
kierre :: thread; worm (of a screw or nut)
kierre :: twist (vertical rotation of the body in gymnastics)
kierre :: whirl, spiral
kierrejousi :: coil spring
kierrekaira :: helical auger (geotechnical tool for drilling and sampling)
kierrellä :: to avoid a subject in discussion, to mince words, to beat around the bush
kierrellä :: to walk or drive around, wander
kierretanko :: threaded rod
kierräntä :: circumvention
kierros :: A round, as a circular or repetitive route
kierros :: A round, as a serving
kierrosaika :: lap time
kierroslukumittari :: A tachometer
kierrätettävä :: recyclable
kierrättää :: To send on a wild goose chase (pointlessly)
kierrättää :: To recycle (used items for future use in order to expand their lifespan)
kierrättää :: To send (sb) around, direct (sb) around (an obstacle)
kierrättää :: To take (sb) all over, show (sb) the sights, show (sb) around
kierrätys :: recycling
kierrätys :: rotation
kierrätysastia :: recycle bin (container in which items to be recycled may be placed)
kierrätyskauppa :: thrift shop (shop which sells used goods)
kierrätyskelpoinen :: recyclable (capable of being recycled)
kierrätyskeskus :: recycling centre/center
kiertää :: to circulate
kiertää :: to reciprocate
kiertää :: to go around [from person to person]
kiertää :: to spin, turn, revolve
kiertää :: to roam, rove, wander
kiertää :: to orbit
kiertää :: to round
kiertää :: to make the rounds, do the rounds (to circulate from one place to another)
kiertää :: to make the rounds, do the rounds (to go from one place to another for a particular reason)
kiertää :: to circle, go around, circumvent
kiertää :: to circumvent, evade, dodge, avoid
kiertää :: to circumvent, get around/past
kiertää :: to roll (up)
kiertää :: to surround, encircle
kiertää :: to turn, twist, screw
kiertää :: to wind, wrap
kierteinen :: helical
kierteisgalaksi :: A spiral galaxy
kierteishäntämuurahaiskarhu :: southern tamandua, Tamandua tetradactyla
kierteishäntämuurahaiskäpy :: tree pangolin, Manis tricuspis
kierteissumu :: spiral nebula, spiral galaxy
kierteisyys :: helicity (quality of being helical)
kierteittää [mechanical] :: To tap (to cut an internal screw thread)
kierteitystappi :: A tap (tool to make internal thread)
kiertäjä :: agent noun of the verb kiertää
kiertäjähermo :: vagus nerve
kiertäjänikama :: The axis vertebra
kiertää kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa [simile, + partitive] :: to beat around the bush (to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant)
kierto :: circulation
kierto :: rotation
kiertoaika :: orbital period, year (time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body)
kiertoajelu :: A tour, especially a sightseeing tour in a vehicle
kiertoilmahengitys :: circular breathing
kiertoilmaisu :: A circumlocution (when saying something in another way, not necessarily euphemistically); a euphemism
kiertoilmaus :: A circumlocution (saying something in another way, not necessarily euphemistically)
kiertoilmaus :: A euphemism
kiertokanki :: connecting rod
kiertokaula :: torticollis (condition in which the neck muscles contract causing the neck to twist or jerk)
kiertokirje :: circular, circular letter
kiertokäämimittari :: galvanometer
kiertokysely :: polling
kiertolainen :: Irish Traveller
kiertolainen :: orbiter
kiertolainen :: satellite, moon
kiertolainen :: vagabond
kiertoliittymä :: roundabout, traffic circle
kiertomatka :: tour
kiertonikama :: axis (second cervical vertebra of the spine)
kiertorata :: orbit (circular or elliptical path of one object around another)
kiertotähti :: planet
kiertotie :: detour
kiertue :: tour
kiertyä :: To spin
kierukka :: A coil (common name for any intra-uterine contraceptive device)
kierukka :: A coil (something wound in the form of a helix or spiral)
kiesi :: car
kiesit :: gig (carriage)
kiesus :: Jesus
kietaista :: to wind, wrap
kietoa :: To entwine, intertwine
kietoa pikkusormensa ympärille :: to wrap around one's little finger
kietoutua :: To intertwine
kieunta :: crow (of a cock)
kihahtaa :: To give a quick hissing sound, like that of water spilled on something real hot
kihara :: curly
kihara :: complicated, difficult
kihara :: curl
kiharainen :: curly
kiharapää :: curlyhead (person with curly hair)
kiharapäinen :: curly (having curly hair)
kiharatukka :: curlyhead (person with curly hair)
kiharrin :: Any device used for curling the hair, but usually understood to refer to curling iron or similar tool
kiharruspihdit :: curling tongs (tongs, usually electrically heated, used for curling or waving the hair)
kiharrusrauta :: curling iron
kihartaa :: to curl (to assume the shape of a curl)
kihartaa :: to curl, make curls to (to make into a curl)
kihartua :: to curl (to assume the shape of a curl)
kihelmöidä :: To tingle
kihertää :: to giggle, to snicker (at something)
kihinä :: bustle
kihistä :: To bustle
kihlajaiset :: engagement party (party held to celebrate a couple's recent engagement)
kihlajaislahja :: engagement present
kihlakunnanoikeus [legal, dated] :: Until Dec. 1993 the court of first instance in the rural areas of Finland, since then replaced by käräjäoikeus. English-language equivalents vary by jurisdiction, at least following are used: county court (UK), district court (US)
kihlakunnansyyttäjä [legal, in Finland] :: District prosecutor
kihlakunta :: From 1996 to 2007 a district of the state administration below lääni, responsible for law enforcement and prosecuting in its area. Since 2008 the police departments, prosecutor's offices, attachment officers and magistrates have been separate public offices
kihlakunta :: hundred (administrative subdivision)
kihlapari :: engaged couple (couple who have promised to marry each other)
kihlasormus :: engagement ring
kihlat :: engagement ring and engagement presents collectively
kihlata :: to betroth (to promise to give in marriage)
kihlata :: to betroth (to promise to take as a future spouse)
kihlaus :: engagement, betrothal [the act of getting engaged in expectation of a marriage]
kihlausaika :: An engagement (period of time when marriage is planned or promised)
kihlautua :: to engage (to promise to marry)
kihlautua :: to get engaged (to someone)
kihloihin :: mennä kihloihin ; to get engaged
kihloissa :: olla ~ to be engaged (agreed to be married)
kihnuttaa :: To rub oneself (against something)
kiho :: boss, big shot
kihokki :: sundew
kihomato :: pinworm, threadworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
kihti :: gout
kihu :: In plural (kihut), the genus Stercorarius or the family Stercorariidae
kihu :: skua, jaeger (bird of the genus Stercorarius)
kihveli :: dustpan
Kiia :: [dated, rare] A nickname for the male given names Hiskias and Malakias
Kiia :: female given name,a modern rendering of Kia, a Swedish nickname for Kristina
kiihdytin :: accelerator
kiihdyttää :: to accelerate
kiihdyttää :: to hasten, precipitate
kiihdyttää :: ~ vähitellen = to escalate
kiihdyttäjä :: accelerator (one who, or that which, accelerates something)
kiihdytys :: acceleration (act, state)
kiihkeä :: fanatic, fanatical, rabid, fervent (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm for a specific cause)
kiihkeä :: heated (very agitated, angry or impassioned)
kiihkeä :: hectic, frenetic, feverish, frantic, harried, frenzied (very busy with activity and confusion)
kiihkeä :: impetuous (characterized by sudden and violent force)
kiihkeä :: passionate, torrid, ardent, fervent (full of intense emotions)
kiihko :: frenzy
kiihko :: zeal
kiihkoilija :: A fanatic
kiihkoisa :: passionate, fervent
kiihoke :: incentive
kiihoke :: stimulus
kiihote :: stimulant (stimulating substance)
kiihotin :: stimulator (device or substance that stimulates)
kiihottaa :: to arouse, turn on (sexually), excite sexually
kiihottaa :: to excite, agitate, provoke, stir, stimulate
kiihottaja :: The agent noun of the verb kiihottaa, especially an agitator (one who agitates)
kiihottua :: To get/be aroused/turned on (sexually)
kiihottua :: To get excited/upset, get worked/tensed up
kiihottuminen :: Action noun of the verb kiihottua
kiihotus :: agitation
kiihotus :: sexual arousal
kiihotuspuhe :: rant
kiihtelys :: Old Finnish unit of amount of squirrel furs; equal to four tikkuri or forty furs
kiihtyä :: To become agitated
kiihtyä :: To get excited
kiihtyä :: ~ (vähitellen) = to escalate
kiihtynyt :: excited
kiihtyvä :: accelerating
kiihtyvä liike :: accelerated motion
kiihtyvyys :: acceleration
kiikari :: binoculars
kiikaroida :: To use binoculars
kiikastaa :: to be a problem or concern
kiikkerä :: unsteady (e.g. a boat)
kiikkua :: To swing
kiikunta :: swinging
kiikuttaa :: to cause to sway or swing
kiikuttaa :: to rock (to move gently back and forth)
kiila :: pile
kiila :: wedge
kiilakorkokenkä :: A wedge-heeled shoe
kiilakorkokenkä :: In plural often wedges
kiilamainen :: sphenoid, cuneiform (shaped like a wedge)
kiilamainen :: wedgelike, wedgy, wedge-shaped
kiilamaisesti :: wedgewise
kiilapyrstökotka :: wedge-tailed eagle, eaglehawk (Aquila audax)
kiilata :: To cut in (to a line or queue)
kiilata :: To wedge
kiilautua :: To wedge oneself, to get wedged
kiiliäinen :: botfly
kiille :: enamel (in tooth)
kiille :: mica
kiilleliuske :: mica schist
kiilloke :: polish
kiillote :: polish (substance)
kiillotin :: A polisher (tool or machine used for polishing)
kiillottaa :: To polish, shine
kiillottaja :: A polisher (one who makes something smooth or shiny)
kiillottua :: To be polished
kiillotus :: polishing (act)
kiillotusaine :: polish (substance)
kiiltää :: to shine, glitter (to reflect light because of shiny surface)
kiilto :: glint, gleam, shine
kiilto :: lustre
kiiltomato :: A common glowworm (Lampyris noctiluca)
kiiltomato :: A glowworm
kiiltomato :: In plural (kiiltomadot), the insect family Lampyridae
kiiltonahka :: patent leather, patent
kiiltonahkainen :: Made of patent leather
kiiltävä :: shining, gleaming, glossy, lustrous, burnished
kiiltävä :: sleek (of hair)
kiilu :: A glow (the state of a glowing object)
kiilu :: Someone who oversees or supervises (supposedly with a glowing eye), like a police, foreman, teacher etc
kiilua :: To glimmer
kiilusilmä :: eyeshine (visual effect caused by tapetum lucidum)
kiima :: heat; [ungulates] rut
kiima :: pride (estrous cycle; sexual desire; especially, an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast)
kiima-aika :: the period of being in heat; [ungulates] rutting time
kiimainen :: horny
kiimainen :: rutty
kiina :: The Chinese language
Kiina :: China
kiinailla :: alternative form of kiinata
kiinailmiö :: The China syndrome
kiinailmiö :: The outsourcing of manufacturing to China
Kiina-ilmiö :: China syndrome (nuclear meltdown)
Kiina-keskinen :: Sinocentric
Kiina-keskisyys :: Sinocentrism
kiinalainen :: Chinese (adjective)
kiinalainen :: In compounds often Sino-
kiinalainen :: complicated
kiinalainen :: a kind of a firecracker, petard
kiinalainen :: Chinese (person)
kiinalaisittain :: In a Chinese manner
kiinalaisuus :: Chineseness
kiinanaavikkokissa :: Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)
kiinanšakki :: Chinese checkers (board game)
kiinanharjakoira :: Chinese Crested Dog
kiinankaali [vegetable] :: Chinese cabbage, bok choy
Kiinan kansantasavalta :: The People's Republic of China
kiinankellosammakko :: oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis
kiinan kieli :: the Chinese language
kiinankielinen :: Chinese-speaking
kiinankielinen :: expressed in the Chinese language
kiinankuori :: cinchona (bark)
kiinanlanguri :: Francois' langur, Francois' leaf monkey, Trachypithecus francoisi
kiinanmuurahaiskäpy :: Chinese pangolin, Manis pentadactyla
Kiinan muuri :: The Great Wall of China
kiinanpuuöljy :: tung oil
kiinanruusu :: Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, shoe flower, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (species of hibiscus native to SE Asia, common as houseplant)
kiinanshakki :: alternative spelling of kiinanšakki
kiinantaa :: To translate into Chinese
Kiinan Taipei :: Chinese Taipei
Kiinan tasavalta :: The Republic of China
kiinapuu :: cinchona (any of several South American trees of the genus Cinchona)
kiinata :: To live at somebody's home for a while
kiinatar :: Chinese woman
kiinnelaina :: mortgage, mortgage loan, mortgage credit (form of secured loan in which fixed property is used as collateral)
kiinnetä :: to become fixed
kiinni :: Closed
kiinni :: Into possession (used with ottaa)
kiinni :: Onto
kiinni :: pitää ~ + elative = to stick to, not deviate from
kiinnike :: fastener
kiinniottaminen :: action noun of the verb ottaa kiinni
kiinniottaminen [law] :: citizen's arrest (temporary arrest to detain a suspected criminal until the police can be summoned, made by a person who is not acting as a sworn law enforcement official)
kiinniotto-oikeus :: right to detain; see yleinen kiinniotto-oikeus
kiinnite :: fixer (chemical)
kiinnitin :: A fastener (any device that fastens)
kiinnittää :: to belay, moor
kiinnittää :: to fasten, fix
kiinnittää :: to mortgage
kiinnittää huomiota :: To pay attention
kiinnittäjä :: fastener (someone or something that fastens)
kiinnittyä :: To stick, become attached to, adhere to
kiinnittäytyä :: To attach oneself
kiinnitys :: mortgage (security for repayment of a loan)
kiinnitys :: mooring (act of securing a vessel)
kiinnostaa :: To interest (to attract attention or concern)
kiinnostava :: interesting (arousing or holding the attention of)
kiinnostua :: To become interested, intrigued, fascinated
kiinnostuneempi :: comparative form of kiinnostunut
kiinnostunein :: superlative form of kiinnostunut
kiinnostunut :: interested, attracted
kiinnostus :: interest
kiinteä :: firm
kiinteä :: fixed
kiinteä :: inseparable, essential, important
kiinteä :: solid, rigid (material state)
kiinteä aine :: solid (solid matter as opposed to fluids)
kiinteä faasi :: stationary phase (adsorbing phase of a chromatography system)
kiintein :: superlative form of kiinteä
kiinteistö :: real estate
kiinteistöhuolto :: property maintenance
kiinteistökehittäjä :: real estate developer, property developer
kiinteistönhoito :: property management (operation, control and oversight of real estate)
kiinteistönkehittäjä :: alternative form of kiinteistökehittäjä
kiinteistönvälittäjä :: estate agent [UK]; real estate agent, real estate broker, realtor [US] (person or company who acts in the sale of land, property, real estate etc. for another)
kiinteistöosakeyhtiö :: A legal entity for ownership and management of non-residential property similar to asunto-osakeyhtiö, the main difference being that the regulation concerning kiinteistöosakeyhtiö is less restrictive. The official translation of this term into English is "joint-stock property company"
kiinteistörekisteri :: cadastre
kiinteistötoimitus :: cadastral survey, cadastral procedure (public survey of land for the purpose of defining borders, taxation etc.)
kiinteistövero :: A tax based on the value of real estate. An exact English equivalent would be real estate tax but in practice property tax and millage tax are often based solely on the value of real estate
kiinteistöveroprosentti :: property tax rate
kiinteistövälitys :: real estate business
kiinteistöyhtiö :: Short for kiinteistöosakeyhtiö
kiinteä juhla :: fixed feast
kiinteä kustannus :: fixed cost
kiinteä linja :: landline (fixed telephone communications cable)
kiinteämpi :: comparative form of kiinteä
kiinteys :: solidness
kiinteyttää :: To solidify
kiinteytyä :: To solidify
kiintiö :: A quota
kiintiöidä :: To allocate quotas
kiinto- :: Used as modifier in compound terms to signify solid, firm, fixed
kiintoisa :: interesting, intriguing
kiintojää :: fast ice (sea ice which is permanently anchored around islands or shallows off the coast)
kiintolevy :: hard disk
kiintopiste :: fixed point
kiintopiste :: set point (location that is fixed)
kiintotähti :: fixed star
kiintyä :: To become fond, attached
kiintymys :: affection, attachment
kiipeilijä :: climber
kiipeillä :: To climb (as a hobby or for recreation)
kiipeily :: climbing (sport)
kiipeilyseinä :: climbing wall
kiipeilyteline :: jungle gym (playground structure)
kiipeli :: jam, bind, dire straits
kiipeämätön :: unclimbed
kiipijä :: climber
kiipijäkerttuli :: black-and-white warbler, Mniotilta varia
kiira :: An evil spirit
Kiira :: female given name, a variant of Kira or Kyra
kiirastorstai :: Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Thursday of Mysteries
kiirastuli :: purgatory
kiire :: hurry, haste
kiire :: rush
kiireellinen :: urgent, exigent
kiireellisyys :: urgency
kiireesti :: hastily
kiireestä kantapäähän :: from top to toe
kiirehtää :: To hasten
kiirehtiä :: To hasten, to precipitate
kiireinen :: busy
kiireinen :: hasty, rushed, hurried
kiireinen :: occupied
kiiriä :: To travel fast (e.g. news)
kiiru :: hurry, haste
kiiruhtaa :: to hurry, hasten (to go quickly)
kiiruna :: ptarmigan [Eur.]; rock ptarmigan [N.Am.], Lagopus mutus
Kiiruna :: Kiruna
kiiski :: ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus)
kiisla :: guillemot, murre (seabird of the genus Uria)
kiislanen :: auklet (small seabirds of the auk family Alcidae)
kiisseli :: kisel, kissel
kiisseli :: custard, fool (type of dessert)
kiistää :: To deny (to assert that something is not true)
kiista :: dispute, disagreement
kiista :: quarrel
kiistakapula :: bone of contention
kiistanalainen :: controversial, contentious
kiistaton :: undisputed, indisputable, undisputable, incontrovertible, irrefutable
kiistatta :: indisputably, undeniably, unquestionably, incontrovertibly
kiistattomampi :: comparative form of kiistaton
kiistattomasti :: indisputably, undeniably, unquestionably, incontrovertibly
kiistellä :: To dispute, argue
kiistelty :: controversial
kiistettävyys :: deniability (condition or degree of being deniable)
kiistämätön :: undeniable
kiistämättä :: undeniably
kiisu :: pyrite
kiitää :: to race, speed, fly, dash, scud
kiitellä :: To thank (repeatedly)
kiitettävä :: excellent
kiitettävästi :: excellently, laudably
kiitäjä :: hawk moth
kiitäjä :: swift (bird of the family Apodidae)
kiitäjäinen :: alternative term for maakiitäjäinen
kiitojuna :: A certain type of express train, in use in Finland from 1953 to 1971
kiitoksia :: thank you
kiitolaukka :: four-beat gait, gallop
kiitollinen :: grateful, thankful
kiitollisuudenvelka :: indebtedness, debt (state of owing something due to gratitude)
kiitollisuus :: fruitfulness, profitability (e.g. of work or a task)
kiitollisuus :: gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation (of a person)
kiitorata :: runway
kiitos :: thank you
kiitos :: thank
kiitospäivä :: Thanksgiving Day
kiitos samoin :: right back at you
kiitos samoin :: thanks, same to you
kiitotie :: runway
kiittää :: To lay something at the feet of someone; to assign responsibility for something to someone
kiittää :: To praise, commend
kiittää :: To thank someone (= partitive) for something (= elative), express one's gratitude
kiitti :: thanks
kiittimet [jocular, religion] :: fingers; used in connection with praying
kiittämätön :: Ungrateful, unthankful
kiittämättömästi :: ungratefully
kiittämättömyys :: Ingratitude, ungratefulness
kiivaampi :: comparative form of kiivas
kiivaasti :: furiously
kiivailija :: zealot
kiivas :: quick-tempered
kiivastelija :: alternative form of kiivailija
kiivastua :: To lose one's temper, to become angry
kiivastuttaa :: To make one lose temper
kiivetä :: To climb
kiivi :: kiwi (bird of the genus Apteryx)
kiivi :: kiwi fruit
kikatella :: to giggle
kikattaa :: to giggle
kikatus :: giggling
kikertää :: to te-hee
kikherne :: chickpea
kikka :: gimmick
kikkara :: curly
kikkara :: Same as papana
kikkatalja :: boom vang
kikkeli :: willy, penis
kikku :: dick, penis
kiksauttaa :: to fuck, have a quickie
kilahdella :: To tingle, jingle
kilahtaa :: To ting, ping, clang
kilarit :: a fit of rage
kildininsaame :: The Kildin Sami language
kili :: goatling, kid, kidling
kiliasmi :: chiliasm
kilinä :: A jingle (sound of metal or glass clattering against itself)
kilistää :: to tinkle, jingle (to cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself)
kilistää :: to toast (to engage in a salutation and/or accompanying raising of glasses while drinking alcohol)
kilistä :: to tinkle, jingle (to make light high-pitched metallic sounds, rather like a very small bell)
kiljahdus :: A high-pitched shout, yell
kiljahtaa :: To cry (a high-pitched, loud sound)
kiljaista :: To cry (a high-pitched, loud sound)
kiljaisu :: A cry
kiljaus :: A short, high-pitched shout, yell
kiljoona :: zillion
kilju :: A type of homemade alcoholic drink
kiljua :: To squeal, scream, shriek
kiljuhanhi :: lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus)
kiljukotka :: greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga)
kiljumerikotka :: African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
kiljunta :: bray (of an ass)
kiljunta :: screaming, yelling
kilkattaa :: To tinkle, jingle
kilkatus :: tingle, jingle
kilke :: tingle, jingle
kilkkaa :: alternative form of kilkattaa
kilkki :: Saduria entomon
kilkuttaa :: To tingle, jingle
killinki :: skilling (monetary unit)
killinki [informal, figuratively] :: penny, dime (small amount of money)
killua :: to hang
kilo :: kilogram
kilo :: shine
kilo- :: kilo-
kiloampeeri :: kiloampere
kilobaari :: kilobar (unit of pressure)
kilogramma :: kilogram
kilohaili :: sprat
kiloinen :: Together with a numeral, weighing X kilograms
kilometri :: mile (great distance)
kilometri :: kilometre/kilometer
kilometripylväs :: milepost, milestone
kilometritehdas :: unemployment
kilonewton :: kilonewton
kilotavu :: kilobyte
kilotonni :: kiloton
kilottaa :: to shine brightly
kilovoltti :: kilovolt
kilowatti :: kilowatt
kilowattitunti :: kilowatt-hour
kilowattituntimittari :: kilowatt-hour meter
kilpa :: contest, race
kilpa-ammunta :: shooting sport
kilpa-auto :: race car
kilpailija :: competitor (person against whom one is competing)
kilpailija :: racer (participant to a race)
kilpailija :: rival (close competitor)
kilpailla :: To compete, contend
kilpailla :: To race
kilpailla :: To rival
kilpailu :: contest, competition, race
kilpailu :: rivalry
kilpailuaika :: contest period (a period of time during which replies to a contest must be submitted in order to qualify)
kilpailuetu :: competitive advantage
kilpailuhenkinen :: competitive (inclined to compete)
kilpailukielto :: non-compete term (ban, usually based on a written contract that prevents a person or company from competing with another, especially with a former employer or partner)
kilpailukieltolauseke :: non-compete clause, non-compete (clause in a contract that prevents a person or company from competing with another, especially with a former employer or partner)
kilpailukyky :: competitiveness (the relative ability to compete in the market)
kilpailukykyinen :: competitive (capable of competing successfully)
kilpailukykyinen :: competitive (cheap, especially as compared to the quality)
kilpailutilanne :: competitive situation
kilpailuttaa :: To invite tenders, publicly ask for bids (for providing some service or implementing a project, for example a construction project, thus causing a competition for the contract, which is usually won by the lowest bid); to tender out, (UK) to put out to tender (less common: put out for tender)
kilpailuttaa :: To race something (such as a horse, car or team) as a manager or owner, usually without participating oneself in the actual competition event as a driver or player
kilpailuttaminen :: bidding
kilpailuviranomainen :: competition regulator (government agency responsible for regulating and enforcing competition laws)
kilpailuvirasto :: Capitalized (Kilpailuvirasto), the Finnish Competition Authority. Corresponding authorities in English-speaking countries include Competition Bureau [Canada], Competition Commission [UK, SA, India], Federal Trade Commission [US], Competition Authority [Ireland], Competition and Consumer Commission [Australia], Commerce Commission [NZ]
kilpailuvirasto :: competition regulator; competition authority [European Union terminology] (regulatory body overseeing competition on a market)
kilpakärryt :: a sulky (two-wheeled cart used in harness racing)
kilpakumppani :: fellow competitor
kilpakävely :: racewalking or speedwalking
kilpatanssi :: competitive dance
kilpauimari :: competitive swimmer
kilpauinti :: competitive swimming
kilpaurheilu :: competitive sports
kilpavarustelu :: arms race
kilpavene :: race boat (any type of boat used for racing)
kilpavene :: speedboat (boat designed for racing)
kilpi :: shield
kilpi :: number plate, license plate
kilpi :: shield, protective armor
kilpi [transport] :: shield with route number
Kilpi :: The constellation Scutum, also called Sobieski's Shield
kilpikonna :: turtle, tortoise
kilpirauhanen :: thyroid gland
kilpirauhasen liikatoiminta :: hyperthyroidism
kilpirauhasen vajaatoiminta :: hypothyroidism
kilpistyä :: To fail
kilpistyä :: To rebound
kilpitulivuori :: shield volcano
kilpukka :: frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)
kilsa :: kilometer, kilometre
kilta :: A guild
kiltinänsaame :: Kildin Sami (language)
kiltisti :: kindly, nicely
kiltti :: kind, nice
kiltti :: kilt (Scottish men's national dress)
kilvetön :: unlicensed (eg car, vehicle)
kilvetön :: without a number plate, license plate
kilvoitella :: to endeavor, endeavour, struggle, pursue (to attempt through application of effort, especially for something virtuous)
kilvoitella [religious] :: to strive, especially for the life after death
kimaira :: chimera
kimakka :: shrill
kimalainen :: bumblebee
kimalle :: glitter (decoration)
kimaltaa :: to glitter
kimara :: cocktail
kimberliitti :: kimberlite
kimchi :: kimchi (Korean vegetable dish)
kimeä :: shrill
kimeeri :: chimera
kimelle [rare, archaic] :: alternative form of kimmelle
Kimi :: male given name of modern usage
kimittää :: To speak with high-pitched voice
kimma :: girl
kimmastua :: To flare
kimmelle :: glitter, glisten
kimmellellä :: to glitter, glisten; used especially of natural phenomena, such as surface of water glistening in the sunshine
kimmeltää :: To glitter
Kimmo :: male given name
Kimmo :: Finnish surname
kimmoisa :: bouncy, elastic
kimmoisuus :: elasticity
kimmoke :: A ricochet
kimmoke :: stimulus, inspiration
kimmokerroin :: Young's modulus
kimmomoduli :: Young's modulus
kimmoraja :: elastic limit
kimo :: off-white [of horse]
kimo :: A horse whose fur is a mix of colored and white hairs so that it looks off-white from distance
kimolepakko :: parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus)
kimono :: kimono
kimpaantua :: To get suddenly angry
kimpale :: A large, irregular piece of many different materials, e.g. metal, meat, bread
kimpale :: A slab of a relatively soft material such as butter or cake
kimpi :: stave (narrow strip of wood from which wooden containers are made)
kimppa :: group
kimppa- :: prefix signifying double, joint, group
kimppakyyti :: carpool
kimppu :: A bunch, bundle, cluster
kimppu :: See: kimppuun
kimppuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius sebaceus
kimppuun :: A postposition used predominantly with verbs expressing the movement of attacking, assailing etc. someone or something in a way or another; if the English translation uses a preposition, it is usually "at"
kimpuittain :: By bunches, bundles
kimputtaa :: to bundle (to tie or wrap together)
kimröökki :: carbon black
kimröökki :: soot
kimuli :: chick
kimuli :: girl, especially a pre-teen one who acts overly adult-like
kimuli :: girlfriend
kimuli :: hoe
kimuli :: woman, especially a wee bit aged one who acts girlishly
kimurantti :: difficult, complex problem
-kin {particle} [enclitic, appended to any other word than a verb] :: too, also
-kin {particle} [enclitic, appended to a verb] :: though, anyway, still, nonetheless, nevertheless; often not translated at all (used to underline an action)
kina :: squabble
kinaasi :: kinase
kinata :: To quarrel
kineettinen :: kinetic
kinemaattinen :: kinematic
kinematiikka :: kinematics
kinesiologia :: kinesiology
kinestesia :: kinesthesia
kinetiikka :: kinetics
kingcharlesinspanieli :: King Charles spaniel
kiniini :: quinine
kinkki :: Chinese
kinkkinen :: difficult, complicated
kinkku :: ham
kinkku :: weekend in the army
kinnas :: mitten
kinner :: hock
kinnerjänne :: Achilles tendon
kinnernivel :: hock (tarsal joint)
Kinnunen :: Finnish surname
kino :: cinema
kinoa :: quinoa
kinoliini :: quinoline
kinos :: A drift of loose material, especially snow
kinostaa :: To accumulate into drifts
kinostua :: To accumulate into drifts, especially of snow
Kinshasan Kongo :: Congo-Kinshasa
kinätä :: alternative form of kinata
kintere :: alternative form of kinner
kintsana :: tight [of clothes]
kinttu :: foot, leg
kinttupolku :: footpath, trail (narrow, unpaved route for use by hikers)
kinuski :: a kind of fudge or toffee (confectionary)
kinuski :: Russian candy, Russian chocolate (sweet dessert sauce)
kinuski :: a Chinese person: Chink
kinuta :: To beg
kioski :: A kiosk (small enclosed structure, often freestanding, open on one side or with a window)
kioski :: A small convenience store
Kioto :: Kyoto
Kiova :: Kiev
Kiovan Venäjä :: Kievan Rus
kipa :: A yarmulke, kippah
kipaista :: to go quickly over a short distance, often to run an errand; to visit shortly
kipakka :: sharp, feisty
kipale :: alternative form of kappale
kipata :: To tip over
kipeä :: ill, sick
kipeä :: very good
kipeä :: sore, aching
kipene :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota
kipenöidä :: alternative form of kipinöidä
kipertää :: alternative form of kivertää
kipertyä :: alternative form of kivertyä
kipeästi :: painfully, hurtfully
kipeästi :: urgently
kipeytyä :: To become sore
kipinä :: spark
kipinöidä :: To sparkle
kipin kapin :: quickly
kipinäväli :: spark gap (gap between two electrical terminals, across which sparks are generated)
kipittää :: To scuttle, scurry, skitter
kippari :: skipper
kipparoida :: To act as a captain
kippis :: cheers!
kippo :: A cup
kippo :: A scoop
kipsa :: kiosk
kipsata :: To apply plaster
kipsaus :: plastering
kipsi :: gypsum
kipsi :: plaster cast
kipsi :: plaster of Paris
kipsilaasti :: plaster of Paris
kipsilevy :: drywall, plasterboard, gypsum board, Sheetrock, wallboard
kipsinen :: Made of plaster
kipsivalos :: A cast made of plaster of Paris
kipu :: ache
kipu :: pain
kipuaisti :: nociception
kipuaistimus :: A sensation of pain
kipua lievittävä :: analgesic
kipulääke :: analgesic, painkiller
kipulääkitys :: pain medication
kipuna :: spark
kipunoida :: To sparkle
kir :: kir
kiraalinen :: chiral (of an object that exhibits chirality)
kiraalisuus :: chirality, handedness (phenomenon, in chemistry, physics and mathematics, in which an object differs from its mirror image)
kirahvi :: giraffe
Kirahvi :: The constellation Camelopardalis
kirahviantilooppi :: gerenuk (Litocranius walleri)
kireä :: tense (showing stress or strain)
kireä :: tight, taut
kireämpi :: comparative form of kireä
kiretä :: alternative form of kiristyä
kirgiisi :: Kyrgyz (member of the Kyrgyz ethnic group)
kirgiisi :: Kyrgyz (language)
Kirgisia :: Kyrgyzstan (country in Central Asia)
kiriä :: to sprint
kiriä :: to spurt
kiri :: spurt (sudden but not prolonged action, especially a brief increase in speed of an ongoing action)
Kiribati :: Kiribati
kiristää [of a garment] :: to be too tight
kiristää :: to extort, blackmail
kiristää :: to gnash, grind (teeth):
kiristää :: to make more stringent
kiristää :: to tighten (make tight)
kiristää :: to tighten (to make money harder to borrow)
kiristää :: to wring, extort (to obtain by force)
kiristin :: tightener (something used to tighten)
kiristäjä :: Actor noun of the verb kiristää
kiristyä [of a difficult situation or state of affairs] :: To worsen, to become more intense or critical
kiristyä [of sub-zero temperatures] :: To get/become colder
kiristyä :: To become strained (to become tense)
kiristyä :: To tighten (to become tighter)
kiristys :: extortion, blackmail (act or practice of extorting money or other property by the use of threats)
kiristys :: tightening
kiristysohjelma :: ransomware (malware that holds the data of a computer user for ransom)
kiristysside :: tourniquet
kirja :: chapter, e.g. in the Bible
kirja :: book
kirja :: quire (twenty-four or twenty-five sheets of paper of the same size and quality)
kirjaamo :: registrar, registration office
kirja-arvo :: book value
kirja-arvostelu :: book review
kirjahylly :: bookshelf
kirjailija :: author, writer
kirjailijanimi :: pen-name
kirjailla :: To embroider
kirjaimellinen :: literal, verbatim (exactly as stated)
kirjaimellisesti :: literally, word for word
kirjaimisto :: An alphabet (as in the Cyrillic alphabet)
kirjain :: A character, letter
kirjainlyhenne :: initialism (term formed from the initials of several words, but which is itself pronounced letter by letter)
kirjainsana :: acronym
kirjakaappi :: bookcase
kirjakammio :: A furniture piece for storing books in, a bookshelf
kirjakammio :: Building or room in which number of books are stored, a library
kirjakauppa :: bookshop, bookstore, bookseller
kirjake [printing] :: type (block)
kirjakieli :: A written standard language, literary language
kirjakielinen :: literary
kirjallinen :: literary
kirjallinen :: written
kirjallinen tehokeino :: A literary device
kirjallinen vakuutus :: statutory declaration (legal document that is affirmed rather than being sworn under oath)
kirjallisesti :: in writing
kirjallisuus :: literature
kirjallisuuskatsaus :: literature review (scholarly paper compiled from published sources, which sums up current knowledge of a particular topic)
kirjallisuusterapia :: bibliotherapy (expressive therapy based on an individual's relationship to the content of books, poetry, etc.)
kirjamyyjä :: bookseller (person)
kirjanen :: booklet
kirjankansi :: book cover
kirjanorja :: Bokmål, one of the two Norwegian languages
kirjanpitäjä :: accountant, bookkeeper
kirjanpito :: Bookkeeping, accounting
kirjanpito :: Books (records of the accounts of a business)
kirjanpitoarvo :: book value
kirjansidonta :: bookbinding (art and craft of binding pages together to form a book)
kirjansitoja :: bookbinder (person whose profession is binding pages together to form a book)
kirjapaino :: printing house
kirjasin :: font
kirjasinmetalli :: type metal
kirjasto :: library (collection of books)
kirjasto :: library (institution)
kirjasto :: public library
kirjastoauto :: bookmobile, bookbus (mobile library, library on wheels)
kirjastokortti :: library subscription
kirjastonhoitaja :: A librarian
kirjata :: to register
kirjata :: to book, log, register
kirjateline :: book rack
kirjatoukka :: bookworm
kirjattu :: registered
kirjatuki :: bookend
kirjaus [accounting, finance, computing] :: entry, record
kirjaus :: registration
kirjautua :: To log in
kirjautua :: To register (oneself)
kirjava :: colored, mottled, iridescent, multicolored
kirjava :: checkered
kirjava pillike :: Same as kirjopillike
kirjavoittaa :: alternative form of kirjavoida
kirje :: letter (a written message)
kirjeenvaihtaja :: correspondent (journalist)
kirjeenvaihto :: correspondence (postal communication)
kirjeenvaihtotoveri :: pen pal
Kirje filippiläisille :: Philippians (book in the New Testament)
Kirje galatalaisille :: Epistle to the Galatians, Galatians (book in the New Testament)
kirjeitse :: by letter (as a medium)
kirjekaveri :: pen pal
kirjekuori :: envelope (wrapper for mailing)
kirjekyyhky :: A homing pigeon
kirjelakka :: sealing wax
kirjelmä :: writ (official letter or writing)
kirjeluukku :: A mail slot
kirjepommi :: letter bomb, mail bomb
kirjesalaisuus :: secrecy of correspondence
kirjeystävä :: pen pal
kirjo :: As a modifier in a compound term signifies colorful, multicolored or colored
kirjo :: spectrum (range)
kirjo :: spectrum (range of colours)
kirjoa :: To embroider
kirjoahven :: cichlid
kirjoantilooppi :: bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus)
kirjoeväsimppu :: alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus)
kirjohylje :: common seal (Phoca vitulina)
kirjoite :: hard copy
kirjoitella :: To write (casually, frequently)
kirjoitelma :: An essay
kirjoitettu :: spelled
kirjoitettu :: written
kirjoitin :: printer
kirjoittaa :: ~ ylioppilaaksi = to take/pass the matriculation examination, graduate (from the Finnish lukio)
kirjoittaa :: ~ + a subject at the Finnish lukio = to take an examination in
kirjoittaa :: to spell
kirjoittaa :: To type; a shorter form of konekirjoittaa
kirjoittaa :: to write
kirjoittaja :: writer
kirjoittamaton :: unspoken
kirjoittamaton :: unwritten
kirjoittaminen :: writing (process of representing a language with symbols or letters)
kirjoittautua :: To enroll
kirjoitus :: An article (in a newspaper etc.)
kirjoitus :: A scripture, writing
kirjoitus :: The act of writing
kirjoitushuone :: scriptorium (writing room in a monastery)
kirjoitushuone :: writing room (any room used for writing)
kirjoituskone :: typewriter
kirjoitusmerkki :: character
kirjoitusnaskali :: stylus (tool for producing Braille writing for the blind)
kirjoituspöytä :: A desk, writing desk, bureau
kirjoitustarvike :: An individual item of stationery
kirjoitustarvike :: In plural (kirjoitustarvikkeet), stationery
kirjoitusvirhe :: misspelling
kirjoitusvirhe :: typo, slip of the pen
kirjoitusväline :: An individual item of stationery
kirjoitusväline :: In plural (kirjoitusvälineet), stationery
kirjoituttaa [desiderative] :: to have a want or be willing to write
kirjoituttaa :: to make someone to write something
kirjokalastaja :: pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
kirjokansi [poetic, mythology] :: the sampo
kirjokansi :: the celestial sphere
kirjokerttu :: barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria)
kirjokiivi :: great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii)
kirjokorte :: variegated horsetail (Equisetum variegatum)
kirjolehtohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula cinnamomicolor
kirjolohi :: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
kirjomaltoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius cyanites
kirjomerikissa :: spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor)
kirjonahkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula olivacea
kirjonta :: embroidery
kirjontatyö :: embroidery (fabric)
kirjopillike :: large-flowered hemp-nettle, Galeopsis speciosa
kirjopyykki :: colored laundry (colored textiles considered as items to be washed)
kirjorastas :: White's thrush (Zoothera dauma)
kirjosieppo :: European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
kirjosiipikiuru :: greater hoopoe-lark (Alaemon alaudipes)
kirjosiipikäpylintu :: white-winged crossbill or two-barred crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)
kirjovehka :: dumb cane (A member of the family Dieffenbachia)
kirjoviiripyrstö :: lyretail panchax (Aphyosemion australe)
kirjuri :: bookkeeper
kirjuri :: scorekeeper
kirkaista :: To shriek
kirkas :: bright
kirkas :: broad, especially of daylight
kirkas :: clear (free of clouds)
kirkas :: clear (not obscured)
kirkas :: clear (transparent in colour)
kirkastaa :: To brighten
kirkastettu voi :: clarified butter
kirkastua :: To grow brighter or clearer
kirkastuttaa :: To brighten
Kirke :: Circe
kirkiruoho :: fragrant orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea)
kirkkaampi :: comparative form of kirkas
kirkkaankeltainen :: bright yellow
kirkkaanpunainen :: bright red
kirkkaansininen :: bright blue
kirkkaanvihreä :: bright green
kirkkaanvärinen :: brightly-coloured
kirkkaasti :: brightly
kirkkahan [archaic, poetic] :: alternative form of kirkkaan
kirkkaus :: brightness
kirkkausaste :: magnitude (apparent brighness of a star)
kirkko :: cathedral (large church building)
kirkko :: church
kirkkoherra :: A middle ranking Finnish church official of higher rank than a pappi (priest, vicar or preacher) but below the rank of piispa(bishop). A dean, a parson, rector (cleric in charge of a Lutheran or Orthodox parish)
kirkkoherranvirasto :: The administrative office of a parish, led by the rector of the parish
kirkkokansa :: worshippers (participants in a Christian religious ceremony collectively)
kirkkokieli :: liturgical language
kirkkolatina :: Ecclesiastical Latin
kirkko-oppi :: ecclesiology
kirkkoslaavi :: Church Slavonic (liturgical language)
kirkkovaltuusto :: parochial council (in Finland, a legislative body elected by the members of a parish or a combine of parishes, see seurakuntayhtymä; the highest decision-making organ in a parish)
kirkkovene :: A modern boat resembling above, but of much lighter structure and 14 oars, used in rowing competitions
kirkkovene :: A vulgar drawing of vulva, said to resemble a "church boat" seen straight from above
kirkkovene :: "church boat" (long rowing boat seating up to 60 people, in which people travelled to church in old times)
kirkkovuosi :: Christian year, church year, liturgical year
kirkollinen :: ecclesiastical
kirkolliskokous :: synod (ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters)
kirkonkello :: church bell
kirkonkirja :: parish register, church records; often used in plural, especially when not referring to any specific volumen of the register (book, held in a parish church, in which baptisms, marriages and burials are recorded)
kirkonkirous :: excommunication
kirkonkylä :: The village in a rural municipality in which the main church and the vicariate were located
kirkonmenot :: divine service
kirkonmies :: cleric
kirkua :: To scream, shriek, cry out (high-pitched scream)
kirkuja :: shrieker
kirkuna :: shrieking, screaming
kirmailla :: to gambol, skip, cavort, frolic
kirmailu :: gambol (instance)
kirmata :: to gambol, frolic
kirnu :: a churn
kirnupiimä :: buttermilk
kirnuta :: To churn
kirnuuntua :: alternative form of kirnuutua
kirnuutua :: to be/get/become churned into butter
kiro :: curse
kiroilija :: One who uses offensive language; swearer
kiroilla :: To swear, curse, damn (in a continuous/indifferent manner; to use offensive language)
kiropraktiikka :: chiropractics
kiropraktikko :: chiropractor
kirosana :: swear word, swearword, curse word, dirty word, expletive, four-letter word (profane, vulgar term, notably a curse or obscene oath)
kirota :: To curse, swear, damn
kirota :: To curse someone, cast a spell over someone/something, enchant someone (negatively)
kirottu :: accursed, cursed
kirous :: bane
kirous :: curse, imprecation
kirpaista [intransitive, semelfactive, figuratively] :: to hurt, feel pain
kirpakka [of weather] :: crisp
kirpeä :: crisp (weather)
kirpeä :: tart (taste)
kirppari :: flea market
kirppari :: thrift shop
kirppis :: flea market
kirppis :: thrift shop
kirppu :: flea
kirpputori :: A flea market
kirroosi :: cirrhosis
kirroottinen :: cirrhotic
kirsiä [of the ground] :: To be in frost
kirsi :: Frost in the ground
Kirsi :: female given name
kirsikankivi :: cherry stone
kirsikankukinta :: cherry blossom
kirsikka :: cherry
kirsikkapuu :: cherry tree
kirsikkapuu :: cherrywood
kirsikkatomaatti :: cherry tomato
Kirsi-Marja :: female given name
kirskahdus :: screech (a high-pitched strident or piercing sound)
kirskua :: to screech
kirskuna :: screech (a high-pitched strident or piercing sound)
kirskunta :: screeching
kirskuva :: grating
kirskuva :: grinding
Kirsti :: female given name
kirstu :: A chest, trunk
kirsu :: The usually black or brown region around the nostrils of a dog, squirrel, rat, or cat, sometimes also that of a seal; the rhinarium
kirurgi :: surgeon
kirurgia :: surgery
kirurginen :: surgical (of or relating to surgery)
kirurgisesti :: surgically
kirva :: aphid, commonly also plant louse or greenfly, blackfly, whitefly according to color
kirveellä veistetty :: craggy, coarse, rugged (roughly finished as if cut with an axe)
kirveli :: chervil (spice)
kirvellä :: To smart
kirveltää [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to burn, smart, sting
kirveltää :: To sting, burn, smart (to cause "burning" pain to)
kirves :: axe (tool)
kirves :: axe (weapon, short for sotakirves or taistelukirves)
kirvesmiehen kynä :: carpenter's pencil
kirvesmies :: carpenter
kirvoittaa :: loosen
kirvoittaa :: redeem
kirvoittaa :: release, relax
kirvota :: To slip from one's grip
kisa :: competition, games
kisailija :: competitor
kisailla :: To frolic
kisailla :: To play
kisailla :: To race
kisapaikka :: venue, games venue (sport venue)
kisata :: To compete
kisata :: To play
kiska :: kiosk
kiskaista :: to yank, tug, pluck, wrench
kisko :: bar
kisko :: rail
kiskoa :: ~ rahaa = to shylock, loanshark, fleece (money)
kiskoa :: to drag, lug, haul (in a continuous manner)
kiskoa :: to pull, wrench, tug, tear (in a continuous manner)
kiskoa :: ~ ylihintaa = to overcharge (someone = ablative; for something = elative)
kiskobussi :: railbus, railcar
kiskonta :: usury, shylocking
kiskosto [electricity distribution] :: A system of busbars
kiskosto :: koteloitu ~ : bus duct (collection of busbars in an enclosed unit)
kiskosto :: rail system (any complex system of rails)
kiskottaa :: to equip with rails, to install rails
kiskottaa :: to make haul or drag
kiskoutua :: To be pulled, dragged
kiskovalaistus :: track lighting (system of lightbulbs that affix movably to tracks)
kiskuri :: One who charges an excessive price, rent or interest; a usurer; used often as modifier in compound terms as equivalent of usurious
kiskurikorko :: A usury (exorbitant rate of interest)
kisälli :: journeyman
kismittää :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to be mad
kismittää :: To anger
kissa :: cat (Felis domesticus)
kissa :: cat, chick, fox (a sexy young woman)
kissaeläin :: feline
kissafretti :: ringtail, cacomixl, Bassariscus astutus
kissakahvila :: cat café
kissakala :: seawolf, Atlantic wolffish
kissakarhu :: red panda, lesser panda, bear cat, cat bear; Ailurus fulgens
kissakettu :: swift fox, Vulpes velox
Kissalan pojat :: The cops
kissamainen :: catlike, feline
kissamaki :: ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
kissanhiekka :: kitty litter (mix of sawdust, grit, etc. used to provide a soiling area for pet cats)
kissanhuuto-oireyhtymä :: cri du chat syndrome
kissankello :: harebell or bluebell, Campanula rotundifolia
kissankulta :: fool's gold
kissanliha :: cat meat
kissanmaito :: cat's milk (milk from a cat)
kissanmaito :: cat milk (milk formulated to be suitable for cats)
kissanminttu :: catnip
kissanpaska :: cat shit (excrement of a cat)
kissanpaska :: dogshit (something disgusting)
kissanpentu :: kitten (young cat)
kissanpäivät :: life of Riley; also life of Reilly
kissanristiäiset :: opening of an envelope, any event or gathering celebrating an achievement so insignificant that hardly any one cares, and to which people show up only to save face
kissanruoka :: cat food
kissansilmä :: A red rear reflector of a bicycle
kissansilmä :: cat's-eye (cymophane mineral as gemstone)
kissan viikset :: rubbish, nonsense (expresses that what was recently said is untruth or nonsense)
kissarotu :: A breed of cat
kissaton :: catless
kissa vieköön :: An expression of surprise (literally: "let the cat take it")
kissimirri :: pussy-cat
kisu :: pussy-cat
Kisurali-epookki :: Cisuralian, Lower Permian, Early Permian (earliest epoch of the Permian)
kita :: maw
kita :: palate
kitakieleke :: A uvula
kitalaenluu [skeleton, colloquial] :: A "palate bone"; not a proper anatomical term, often a reference to the suulaenluu, the kitaluu, or both
kitalaki :: The palate
kitaluu :: sphenoid bone
kitaluun ontelo :: A sphenoid sinus
kitapurje :: velum, soft palate
kitapuu :: A purlin
kitara :: guitar
kitaransoittaja :: guitarist
kitarasoolo :: guitar solo
kitarisa :: Adenoid
kitarisatulehdus :: adenoiditis
kitaristi :: guitarist
kitasampi :: beluga, kaluga, European sturgeon (Huso huso)
kitata :: To guzzle
kitata :: To putty
kiteymä :: crystallization (body formed by crystallizing)
kiteymä :: crystallization (result of making or becoming more definite or precise)
kiteyttää :: to crystallize (also figuratively: to make more definite or precise)
kiteytyä :: : to crystallize (to become more definite or precise)
kiteytyä :: to crystallize (to assume a crystalline form)
kiteytys :: insight, aperçu (clever insight)
kiteytys :: summary, outline, aperçu (words that summarize)
kitiini :: chitin
kitinä :: creak
kitinä :: grumble, complain
Kitinen :: Kitinen
kitistä :: to squeak, squeal, grate (to emit a high-pitched sound)
kitistä :: to whine, whinge, grizzle (to complain, especially in an annoying or persistent manner)
kitistyä :: To shrink
kitka :: friction
Kitka :: A lake in north-eastern Finland
kitkakerroin :: coefficient of friction
Kitkan viisas :: A variety of small vendace (neulamuikku) living in Lake Kitka in north-eastern Finland
kitkaton :: frictionless
kitkatyöttömyys :: frictional unemployment
kitkeä :: To root out, uproot
kitkentä :: weeding
kitkerä :: bitter, acrid, acerb, acerbic (having an acrid taste)
kitkerä :: bitter, acrid, acerb, acerbic, sarcastic, cynical (expressing oneself in a sharp and bitter way)
kitkeröityä :: To become bitter
kitosaani :: chitosan
kitsaampi :: comparative form of kitsas
kitsas :: stingy, parsimonious, niggard
kitsi :: kitsch
kitti :: putty, filler
kittivaha :: propolis (glue-like substance produced from tree resin by honeybees)
kitua :: To eke out a meager existence
kitua :: To linger (on), languish, pine (away) (to live in miserable conditions)
kitua :: To suffer pain
kitukasvuinen :: stunted, runty, scrubby (inferior in size, prevented from growing or developing)
kituliaasti :: stuntedly, runtishly
kitulias :: stunted, runty, runtish, scrubby (inferior in size, prevented from growing or developing)
kitulias :: withered (shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water)
kitupiikki :: scrooge
kituuttaa :: to eke out a living, subsist
kiuas :: A sauna stove, traditionally a wood-burning stove; more commonly called a "sauna heater", especially when electric. It is covered with stones on which water is thrown in order to produce steam
kiuaskivi :: A stone used in a sauna stove
kiukku :: anger
kiukkusuoni :: funny bone
kiukunpuuska :: tantrum (an often childish display or fit of bad temper)
kiukustua :: To become angry
kiukutella :: to crank (to act in a cranky manner; to behave unreasonably and irritably)
kiukuttaa :: to annoy, irritate
kiulu :: A type of wooden bucket or pail equipped with a handle; used as a container for liquids e.g. for water in sauna
kiulukka :: rose pome
kiuru :: skylark (Alauda arvensis)
kiusa :: annoyance, vexation, peeve, grievance (that which annoys or vexes)
kiusa :: nuisance, bother (minor annoyance or inconvenience)
kiusaaja :: A teaser, one who teases
kiusaaja :: A tempter, seducer
kiusaaminen :: bullying
kiusaaminen :: harassment
kiusaantua :: To be annoyed
kiusaantuneisuus :: embarrassment
kiusaantunut :: embarrassed
kiusallinen :: awkward, embarrassing
kiusankappale :: nuisance, annoyance, pest (something difficult or unpleasant to handle or deal with)
kiusata :: To badger
kiusata :: To bother, irritate, trouble, nag at, bug, vex
kiusata :: To bully, pick on
kiusata :: To tease (playfully); to pester
kiusata [religion, + partitive] :: To tempt
kiusaus :: temptation
kiusoitella :: To tease, banter, twit
kiva :: fun, neat
kiva :: nice
kivahtaa :: to snarl, to bark, to snap
kivakurkku :: horned melon
kivampi :: comparative form of kiva
kivasti :: nicely
Kivelä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kivelä :: Finnish surname
kiveliö :: A large wilderness
kivempi :: comparative form of kiva
kivenheitto :: stone's throw ((short distance)
kivenlohkare :: A boulder
kivennäisaine :: An inorganic material consumed by an organism including minerals essential to nutrition
kivennäistiede :: mineralogy
kivennäisvesi :: mineral water
kivennäisvesi :: soda water
kivennuoliainen :: in plural (kivennuoliaiset) also the family Balitoridae, the hillstream loaches or river loaches
kivennuoliainen :: stone loach (Barbatula barbatula)
kivertää :: To curve, bend
kivertyä :: To curve, bend
kives :: testicle
kives :: A stone inside birch bark, used as weight for a fishnet
kivespussi :: scrotum
kivespussityrä :: hernia scrotalis
kivessyöpä :: testicular cancer
kivestää :: To cause problems
kivestää :: To irritate
kivestulehdus :: orchitis
kivetä :: To pave with stones or other material resembling stones, such as slabs
kivetön :: stoneless (fruit)
kivetön :: stoneless (having no rocks)
kivettää :: To petrify
kivettyä :: To opalize (to turn into a form of opal or chalcedony)
kivettyä :: To petrify
kivi :: A general term for solid, mineral-based construction materials, such as brick, concrete or natural stone
kivi :: Any piece of stone which is larger than a grain of sand
kivi :: A rock as a relatively small mass of stone projecting out of ground
kivi :: boulder
kivi [nautical, informal] :: An underwater rock which may be dangerous for seafarers
kivi :: short form of jalokivi; rock, jewel
kivi :: stone
Kivi :: Finnish surname, notably of the first Finnish novelist Aleksis Kivi
kiviaines :: stone material, stone aggregate (stone as construction material, especially in earthworks)
kiviaita :: stone fence
kivihiili :: coal, black coal, bituminous coal (black rock)
kivihiilikaivos :: coal mine
kivihiilikausi :: the Carboniferous period
kivihiilikautinen :: Carboniferous
kivihiilikerros :: coal seam
kivijalka :: foundation, basis
kivijalka :: plinth, stone foundation (foundation made of stone)
kivijärkäle :: boulder
kivikala :: European bullhead (Cottus gobio)
kivikala :: stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)
kivikausi :: The Stone Age
kivikautinen :: stone-age
kivi kengässä :: A constant problem; annoyance
kivikiila :: plug and feathers (masonry tool consisting of a metal wedge (plug) and two shims (feathers); the set is placed in a borehole and then the plug is hammered in, causing the stone to split)
kivikirkko :: A church made of stone as opposed to wood etc
kivikirves :: flint tool, stone axe
kivikko :: rocky ground
kivikkomaruna :: rock wormwood, alpine yarrow (Artemisia rupestris)
kivikkopyy :: rock partridge, Alectoris graeca
kivikkorastas :: rufous-tailed rock-thrush, rock thrush, Monticola saxatilis
kivikkosatakieli :: white-throated robin, Irania gutturalis
kivikkosirkku :: grey-necked bunting, grey-hooded bunting, Emberiza buchanani
kivikkotöyhtökiuru :: Thekla lark, Galerida theklae
kivikova :: rock hard (hard as rock, also figuratively)
kivikunta :: the mineral kingdom
kivilaakeri :: jewel bearing
kivilaji :: rock (type of stone with a distinctive composition of minerals)
kivilattia :: stone floor
kivilohkare :: A boulder
kivilouhimo :: stone quarry
kivilouhos :: A quarry
Kivimäki :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kivimäki :: Finnish surname
kivimuodostuma :: rock formation
kivimuuri :: stone wall
kivin :: superlative form of kiva
kivinen :: stony, rocky
Kivinen :: Any of a number of lakes and small places in Finland
Kivinen :: Finnish surname
kivinilkka :: Any fish in the taxonomic family Zoarcidae, the eelpouts (kivinilkat)
kivinilkka :: viviparous blenny [UK], viviparous eelpout [US], Zoarces viviparus
kivinäätä :: beech marten, stone marten, Martes foina
kivipaasi :: any large upright stone
kivipaasi :: megalith, standing stone, orthostat
kivipaino :: lithography (process of printing a lithograph)
kivipiira :: gizzard
kivipiirros :: lithograph
kiviplaneetta :: terrestrial planet
kivipölykeuhko :: silicosis
kivirotta :: Laotian rock rat, Laonastes aenigmamus
kivisade :: hail of stones
kivisimppu :: bullhead, European bullhead, Cottus gobio
kivisolu :: stone cell
kivistää :: To ache
kivitasku :: northern wheatear, wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
kivitatti :: king bolete (Boletus edulis)
kivitiede :: petrology
kivittää :: to stone, pelt with stones, lapidate (to throw stones at with the purpose of injuring or killing)
kivittäminen :: lapidation (practice of or an act of stoning as punishment)
kivittäminen :: stoning
kivivalli :: stonewall
kivivilla :: rock wool
kivääri :: rifle
kiväärinluoti :: rifle bullet
kivuliaampi :: comparative form of kivulias
kivulias :: painful
kivulloinen :: painful
kivuta :: To climb, scale, shin
kivuton :: painless
kiwano :: horned melon
käkö :: cuckoo
kk :: kirkonkylä
kk :: konekivääri
kk :: kuukausi
-kka :: Forms diminutive nouns
-kkain :: Forms situative adverbs
käki :: cuckoo
-kki :: Creates action nouns from verbs, or the object of an action
-kki :: Creates nouns that indicate similarity, allegory or diminutiveness. The relationship is sometimes obscure
käkikello :: cuckoo clock
Käkikellomaa [nickname] :: Switzerland
kääkkä :: old crank, curmudgeon (old, often ill-tempered person)
kökkö :: shit (nasty; despicable)
kökkö :: shit (of poor quality; worthless)
kökkö :: dung, manure
kökkiä :: to loiter, to hang around, to be somewhere without any clear purpose
käkkärä :: curl
käkkäräpää [chiefly, derogative] :: curlyhead (person with curly hair, used especially of people from Southern altitudes)
-kko :: Forms collective nouns
-kko :: Forms descriptive nouns
-kko :: Forms names for various beings
-kko :: Forms nouns denoting essential characteristics of a location
-kko :: Forms nouns from verbs denoting activities or tools for an activity
KKO :: The abbreviation of korkein oikeus, (in Finland) the Supreme Court
käkättää :: to laugh coarsely and/or in an evil manner
kököttää :: To stay firmly at one place for a long time, to stay put
klaani :: clan
klaarata :: To overcome
klaava :: tails (in coins)
klaavi :: clef
klaavi :: autoclave
klaffi :: Alternative form of klahvi
klaffi :: clapperboard (device used in film production)
klaffituoli :: Alternative form of klahvituoli
klahvi :: A hinged flap or leaf in a piece of furniture, such as the foldable top of a gateleg table or the lid of a writing desk which hides a storage compartment for writing utensils
klahvipiironki :: A chest of drawers equipped with a foldable door which doubles as table for writing, sewing etc
klahvipöytä :: gateleg table
klahvituoli :: A simple, light, foldable chair, such as may be used to provide temporary seating in a concert etc
klamydia :: chlamydia
klamydiatartunta :: chlamydia contagion
klamydiatulehdus :: chlamydia infection
klamys :: chlamys (short cloak worn in ancient Greece)
klani :: bald, baldhead (having no hair)
klani :: bald area, bald spot
klanipää :: alternative term for kaljupää
klanipäinen :: alternative term for kaljupäinen
klapi [colloquial, originally dialectal [western dialects]] :: piece of firewood, cut small enough to fit in a stove
klappi [mechanics] :: play, backlash (extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely)
klarinetisti :: clarinetist
klarinetti :: A clarinet
klarkia :: clarkia
klassifikaatio :: classification
klassifioida :: To classify
klassifiointi :: classification
klassikko :: classic
klassillinen :: alternative form of klassinen
klassinen :: classic
klassinen musiikki :: classical music
klassisesti :: classically
klassisismi :: Alternative form of klassismi
klassisisti :: Alternative form of klassisti
klassisistinen :: Alternative form of klassistinen
klassismi :: classicism
klassisti :: classicist
klassistinen :: classicistic (of or pertaining to classicism or classicists; characterised by classicism)
klassisuus :: classicality (condition of being classical)
klassisuus :: classicality (degree to which a system or phenomenon may be explained by classical mechanics)
Klaus :: male given name
klaustrofobia :: claustrophobia
klausuuli :: clause
klaveeri :: piano
klavesiini :: harpsichord
klavikordi :: clavichord
klavinetti :: clavinet
kledju :: A garment
kleinspitz :: spitz klein (breed of dog based on German spitz)
klematis :: clematis
klementiini :: clementine
Klemetti :: Finnish surname
Klemetti :: male given name common in the Middle Ages but rare today
klemmari :: A paper clip
klepsydra :: clepsydra
kleptokraatti :: A kleptocrat
kleptokratia :: kleptocracy
kleptomaani :: kleptomaniac
kleptomaaninen :: kleptomaniacal
kleptomania :: kleptomania
klerestorio :: clerestory (upper part of a wall containing windows to let in natural light to a building, especially in the nave, transept and choir of a church or cathedral)
köli :: keel
Köli :: The constellation Carina, the Keel
klišee :: alternative spelling of klisee
kliffa :: nice
kliimaksi :: climax, culmination (point of greatest intensity or force)
kliimaksi :: climax (turning point in a plot or in dramatic action)
kliimaksi :: climax (stage in ecological development)
kliimaksi :: climax (a rhetorical device)
kliimaksi :: climax (orgasm)
kliimaksivaihe :: stage of climax
kliinikko :: clinician (medical professional who treats patients rather than practices research)
kliininen :: clinical
kliinisesti :: clinically
kliivia :: clivia
klikata [computing + partitive] :: To click (with a computer mouse)
klikattava :: clickable
klikkaus :: Mouse clicking
klikki :: clique
klikkiytyä :: To form a clique, cabal
klimakteerinen [physiology, rare] :: climacteric, menopausal (relating to the menopause)
klimakterium [physiology, rare] :: climacteric, climacterium, menopause (period of life that leads up to and follows the end of menstruation in women)
klimatologi :: climatologist
klimatologia :: climatology
klimppi :: A gob, clump, clot
klimppisoppa :: A traditional dish prepared by brewing a broth of beef bones and other less valued parts of the carcass, then adding clots of wheat dough
klimppiytyä [colloquial, of liquid] :: To become lumpy
klingon :: A Klingon (fictional character)
klingon :: Klingon, Klingonese (fictional language)
klinikka :: clinic
klinikkaluokka :: remedial class (class intended for students who find it it difficult to keep up with the pace of normal teaching)
klinikkaopetus :: clinical teaching (teaching of medical personnel that takes place with real patients in a clinic)
klinikkaopetus :: remedial teaching (teaching intended for students who find it it difficult to keep up with the pace of normal teaching)
klinkkeri :: clinker (intermediate product in the manufacture of Portland cement)
klinkkeri :: clinker (very hard ceramic tile used e.g. as flooring)
klinkkerilattia :: quarry tile floor (floor tiled with quarry tiles)
klinometri :: clinometer
klipperi :: clipper
klipsi :: clip (something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another)
klisee :: A cliché
kliseinen :: clichéd, hackneyed (repeated often so as to become commonplace)
kliseytyä :: To become a cliché
klitoris :: clitoris
kölivene :: keelboat
Kölivuoristo :: The Scandinavian Mountains
köllötellä :: to lie back and relax; to take it easy
Köln :: Cologne (city in Germany)
kölninvesi :: cologne, eau de Cologne (type of perfume)
klöntti :: gob, clump of material
klo :: abbreviation of kello; time of day
kloaakki :: cloaca
kloaakki :: sewer
klodronaatti :: clodronate (salt or ester of clodronic acid)
klodronaatti :: clodronate (sodium salt of clodronic acid)
klodronihappo :: clodronic acid
Klonkku :: Gollum
kloonata :: To clone
kloonaus :: cloning
klooni :: clone
kloonikone :: A homebuilt computer; a computer assembled from pieces that did not come together in a bundle, as opposed to a brand/pre-built computer
kloorata :: to chlorinate (to add chlorine to)
klooraus :: chlorination
kloori :: chlorine
klooribentseeni :: chlorobenzene
klooridioksidi :: chlorine dioxide (chemical compound with the formula ClO2)
kloorifenesiini :: chlorphenesin
kloorifenoli :: chlorophenol
kloorinitraatti :: chlorine nitrate
klooripropanoli :: chloropropanol (any chemical obtained by chlorinating propanols; these generally harmful substances are often an unwanted byproduct of treating foodstuffs with chlorine compounds when processing them)
kloorittaa :: alternative term for kloorata
klooritus :: alternative term for klooraus
kloorivety :: hydrogen chloride (inorganic compound with the formula HCl, which forms hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water)
kloorivetyhappo :: hydrochloric acid
klooriyhdiste :: chlorine compound
klootti :: buckram (stiff cloth, made of cotton, and occasionally linen, which is used to cover and protect books)
kloottikannet :: cloth covers (hard book covers lined with cloth)
kloottikantinen :: cloth covered (of a book, bound in hard covers which are line with cloth)
kloppi :: stripling
kloraalihydraatti :: chloral hydrate
kloraatti :: chlorate
kloridi :: chloride
kloriitti :: Chlorite salt
kloriitti :: Chlorite
kloro- :: chloro-
kloroformi :: chloroform
klorofylli :: chlorophyll
klorokiini :: chloroquine (4-aminoquinoline drug used to treat and prevent malaria)
kloroplasti :: chloroplast
klosetti :: toilet, closet
klovni :: clown
klubi :: club (association, often exclusive)
klubi :: club (establishment that provides staged entertainment)
klubitakki :: blazer
klubitalo :: clubhouse (building used by a club for meetings and other activities)
klusiili :: occlusive, plosive, stop consonant
klusteri :: cluster
kluutti :: Alternative form of klootti
kluuvi :: A shallow body of fresh or slightly brackish water typical for some coastal regions of the Baltic Sea; a former sea bay which has been separated from the sea in the process of postglacial rebound. Typically a kluuvi has no catchment basin of any significance, and it gets new water only through direct precipitation or occasionally from the sea when the sea water level is high
kluuviflada :: Alternative term for kluuvi
käly :: sister-in-law
kälykset :: Sisters-in-law; husband's wife and sister
klyysi :: hawsehole, hawsepipe
klyyvari :: nose
klyyvari :: jib (any of the foremost fore-and-aft sails of a sailing vessel rigged with a bowsprit)
klyyvi :: nose
käämiä :: To coil
käämi :: coil
käämi :: bobbin (small spool)
käämintä :: coiling (activity)
kämmekkä :: Any species within the plant family Orchidaceae
kämmekkä :: A palm computer
kämmen :: palm
kämmenluu :: A metacarpal or metacarpal bone
kämmenlyönti :: forehand drive
kämmentietokone :: palm, palmtop, personal digital assistant (handheld computing device)
kömmähdys :: a blunder, faux pas
kömmähdys :: a stumble
kämmi :: A failure, error
kämmätä :: To screw up
kömpelö :: clumsy
kömpelöityä :: To become more clumsy
kömpelösti :: clumsily
kömpelyys :: clumsiness
kömpiä :: to move clumsily, especially by using all limbs; to crawl
kämppä :: residence, place, apartment, flat (place where one lives)
kämppä :: hut, cabin (modest log house in the woods for temporary living)
kämppis :: roommate, housemate, flatmate
-kään {particle} :: (enclitic, appended to any word except for a verb form) neither, not ... either
-kään {particle} :: (enclitic, appended to a verb form) indicates confirmation of not doing something, e.g. if someone doubts it, or, when someone is more or less surprised at an occurrence, indicates the reason why some thing was not successful - which is by not doing that something
känä :: quarrel
knaapi :: A knave (boy; especially, a boy servant)
knaapi :: A cleat (two-armed mounting onto which a rope can be tied)
knaappi :: alternative form of knaapi
knalli :: bowler hat, bowler (British); derby (US)
knesset :: Knesset
köngäs :: A steep, foamy waterfall, a cascade
käninä :: whinge, whine
knööli [skiing, slang] :: mogul (knoll or mound in a downhill skiing slope)
käänne :: A lapel
käänne :: A revers
käänne :: A turn or twist, especially figuratively
käännekohta :: turning point (a decisive point)
käännellä [grammar + partitive] :: To invert (word order; indifferently and/or repeatedly)
käännellä [transitive partitive] :: To turn (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
käännepiste :: inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave)
käännepiste :: turning point
käännetty :: flipped
käännetty :: hot (stolen)
käännetty :: translated
käännähtää :: To turn quickly
känni :: intoxication, drunkenness
käännin :: reverser
kännissä kuin käki :: drunk as a skunk (literally: drunken as a cuckoo)
käännös :: A translation
käännös :: A turn
käännös :: A compilation
käännöslaina :: calque
käännösromaani :: novel in translation, translated novel
käännöstiede :: translation studies
kännätä :: To drink, booze
känny :: cellphone
kännykkä :: A mobile phone; a cellular
käännyttää :: to convert, proselytize (to induce someone to adopt a particular religion, faith, ideology or belief)
käännyttää :: turn away (to refuse to admit someone, to avert or deflect something)
käännytys :: conversion
knoppi :: trivia, triviality, detail (insignificant item of unimportant information, especially one assumed useful for passing an exam)
knoppologia :: trivia (items of unimportant information collectively)
knorri :: A certain card game
know-how :: know-how
känsä :: callus
känsäinen :: callous (having calluses)
känsistyä :: To form callus
känsittyä :: To form callus
känsäkourainen :: Having calluses in one's hands
känsätuhkelo :: gem-studded puffball or devil's snuff-box, Lycoperdon perlatum
kääntää :: to compile
kääntää :: to invert (word order)
kääntää :: to translate (from = elative, to = translative or illative)
kääntää :: to turn
kääntää :: ~ ympäri: to tip, turn over, upend
käänteinen :: inverse
käänteinen sanajärjestys :: inversion
käänteisarvo :: reciprocal
käänteisfunktio :: inverse function
käänteiskopioijaentsyymi :: reverse transcriptase
käänteisluku :: reciprocal, multiplicative inverse
känti :: candy
kääntäjä :: compiler
kääntäjä :: translator
kääntäminen :: Translating (between languages)
kääntämiskelvoton :: untranslatable
kääntöpiiri :: tropic (parallel of latitude)
kääntöportti :: turnstile
kääntöpuoli :: farside (of the Moon)
kääntöpuoli :: back (the reverse side)
kääntöpöytä :: turntable
könöttää :: To stay firmly at one place for a long time, to stay put
käntty :: Same as pulla
känttyrä :: lame, clumsy
kääntää uusi lehti :: to turn over a new leaf
kääntyä :: to change direction, turn, bend, shift
kääntyä :: to change; to take a different turn
kääntyä :: to convert; to become a believer in a religion (to change religion)
kääntyä jonkun puoleen [formal, idiomatic] :: to turn to, consult (to consult for advice)
kääntyä jonkun puoleen :: to approach someone, especially from an inferior position in order to ask for something
köntys :: A clumsy person, oaf
köntystää :: to lumber (to move clumsily)
Knuutila :: Finnish surname
könytä :: to scramble (to move hurriedly to a location using all limbs against a surface)
ko. :: kyseessä oleva [the one being] in question
-ko {particle} :: (enclitic) In indirect questions, -ko appended to the verb corresponds the conjunctions if and whether in English
-ko {particle} :: (enclitic) Turns any word into an interrogative. When appended to a verb, it corresponds clauses formed with e.g. do, does, don't, and doesn't in English or the inversion with auxiliaries. When appended to another word, it is expressed in English by intonation or eh
-ko {particle} :: (enclitic) With the particle -han (han required by the vowel harmony), expresses "I wonder if"
koagulaatio :: coagulation
koaguloida :: To coagulate (to cause to congeal)
koagulointi :: coagulation
koaguloitua :: To (become) coagulate(d)/congeal(ed)
koaksiaali- :: coaxial
koaksiaalijohto :: coaxial cable
koaksiaalikaapeli :: coaxial cable
koaksiaalinen :: coaxial
koala :: koala
koalitio :: coalition
koalitiohallitus :: coalition government
koati :: coati
kobiantilooppi :: kob, Kobus kob (species of antelope)
koboltiitti :: cobaltite
koboltinsininen :: cobalt blue
koboltti :: cobalt
kobolttihaikara :: black-headed heron, Ardea melanocephala
kobolttihohde :: cobaltite
kobolttikanuuna :: cobalt gun
kobolttimalmi :: cobalt ore
kobolttipommi :: cobalt bomb
kobolttisini :: cobalt blue
kobolttisininen :: cobalt blue
kobolttisulfaatti :: cobalt sulfate
kobolttiväri :: cobalt color
kobra :: cobra (venomous snake)
kodeiini :: codeine
kodiakinkarhu :: Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi)
kodifikaatio :: codification
kodifioida :: To codify
kodifiointi :: codification
kodikas :: cosy, homely
kodikkaasti :: cosily
kodikkuus :: coziness
kodinhaltija :: household deity
kodinhoitaja :: home aid (a person)
kodinhoitohuone :: A utility room
kodinkone :: household appliance, home appliance, domestic appliance
kodinonni :: peace-in-the-home, soleirolia, Soleirolia soleirolii (creeping herb of nettle family native to Mediterranean, common houseplant in more northerly latitudes)
kodinsisustus :: home decoration
kodintavaratalo :: Home Depot (shop for everything involved with home improvement, home decoration and associated tools and materials)
kodinturvajoukot :: Home Guard
koditon :: homeless
kodittomuus :: homelessness
kodkod :: kodkod
kodoni :: codon
koe :: exam
koe :: experiment
koe :: trial, test
koeaika :: probation, probationary period
koeaika :: parole
koeaika :: trial period, testing period
koeajaa :: To test-drive/test drive (a car)
koeajaja :: test driver
koeajo :: test drive
koeasema :: test site
koe-eläin :: test animal; animal test subject; animal used in animal testing
koe-esiintyminen :: audition (performance, by an aspiring performer, to demonstrate suitability or talent)
koeffisientti :: coefficient
koehenkilö :: test subject, experimentee
koekaniini :: guinea pig (volunteer for an experiment)
koekappale :: prototype, sample
koekilpi :: trade plate
koekäyttäjä :: test user
koelento :: test flight
koentsyymi :: coenzyme
koepaikka :: test site
koepala :: tissue sample, cell sample (small piece of living tissue taken in order to perform a biopsy)
koepallo :: trial balloon (idea, suggestion, etc. for testing reactions)
koepaperi :: exam paper
koeputki :: test tube
koeputkihedelmöitys :: in vitro fertilization
koeputkilapsi :: test tube baby
košer :: kosher
koesarja :: test series
koestaa :: To test (mechanical properties of material)
koestus :: testing
koetase :: trial balance
koetella :: To be a tribulation/adversity to, try
koeteltu :: time-honoured
koetin :: sound, probe
koetinkivi :: touchstone
koettaa [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To try, attempt (to do something)
koettaa :: To feel, touch
koettaa :: To test, sample, try out
koettaa :: To try, test, check
koettelemus :: ordeal
koetus :: test (challenge, trial)
kofeiini :: caffeine
kofeiinitabletti :: caffeine pill
kofeiiniton :: caffeine-free
kofeiiniton :: decaffeinated
kofunktio :: cofunction (trigonometric function)
koggi :: cog
kognitiivinen :: cognitive
kognitio :: cognition
kognitiotiede :: cognitive science
kohahtaa :: to murmur shortly, like an audience as a reaction to something exciting
kohauttaa :: to cause to murmur shortly, as an audience
kohauttaa :: to shrug (ones's shoulders); in Finnish always used in this sense with olkapäät (or its synonyms) and appropriate possessive suffix
kohdallaan :: in place (in proper position)
kohdalleen :: right
kohdanto :: The accusative case
kohdata [figuratively, + genitive-accusative] :: To undergo, experience, suffer; to face, be confronted with:
kohdata :: To befall, happen, occur
kohdata :: To meet with, encounter (a person)
kohde :: attraction, sight (interesting place to visit)
kohde :: bogey (unidentified aircraft, especially as observed on a radar screen)
kohde :: target
kohdekieli [linguistics, computing] :: target language
kohdella :: To treat, deal with
kohden :: towards, for
kohdentaa :: To target, allocate
kohdentaminen :: targetting, allocation
kohdentua :: To target
kohderyhmä :: target group
kohdeteksti :: target text
kohdeyleisö :: target audience
kohdistaa :: to allocate
kohdistaa :: to focus
kohdistaa :: to target
kohdistin :: A pointer
kohdistua :: To be directed to
kohdistua :: To be focused at
kohdistua :: To be targeted at
kohdun kaavinta :: dilation and curettage
kohdunkaula :: cervix (of the womb)
kohdunkaulansyöpä :: cervical cancer
kohdunnapukka :: os (external end of the cervix)
kohdunulkoinen raskaus :: ectopic pregnancy
koheesio :: cohesion
kohennus :: enhancement
kohentaa :: to improve
kohentaa :: to poke (to stir a fire in order to remove ash and/or improve burning)
kohentua :: To improve
koherenssi :: coherence
koherentti :: coherent
kohina :: any similar dull, continuous sound
kohina :: noise (random fluctuation)
kohina :: wash (the sound of the breaking seas)
kohista :: To rush
kohme :: stupor, numbness due to cold
kohmelo :: hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking)
kohmettua :: To grow numb (because of cold)
koho :: float (a buoyant device)
kohoama :: alternative form of kohouma
kohoaminen :: rise (action of moving upwards)
kohokartta :: tactile map
kohokas :: soufflé
kohokohta :: highlight, high point, culmination, climax
kohokuvio :: embossing (pattern or figure that raises in relief from a surface such as paper, leather or metal)
kohokuvio :: relief (shapes, pattern or figures that protrude from a flat background in a piece of sculpture)
koholla :: elevated
koholyönti :: lob
kohopaino :: A physical printing facility based on this method
kohopaino :: relief printing (printing method)
kohortti :: cohort
kohosiirros :: upthrust
kohosuo :: emerged bog
kohota :: To rise
kohota [static, figuratively, of movement] :: To stand, tower over
kohottaa :: to leaven
kohottaa :: kohottaa malja: to toast
kohottaa :: to elevate
kohottaa :: to hold up
kohottaa :: to uplift
kohottamaton :: unleavened (of baked goods, without any yeast or other raising agent)
kohottautua :: rise (to rise up)
kohouma :: bulge
kohta :: presently, soon
kohta :: A part, piece
kohta :: A section, an article or a paragraph in a contract, law or other legal document
kohta :: place, location, spot
kohtaamiaan :: Agent participle of kohdata
kohtaaminen :: encounter
kohtaan :: toward, to
-kohtainen :: specific
kohtalainen :: moderate
kohtalaisempi :: comparative form of kohtalainen
kohtalaisesti :: moderately
kohtalo :: destiny
kohtalokas :: fatal
kohtalokas :: fateful
kohtalokkaasti :: fatefully
kohtalonhetki :: date with destiny
kohtalotar :: A Fate
kohtalousko :: fatalism
kohtaus :: A bout, fit; an attack of disease;
kohtaus :: a seizure. Compare with kouristus(medical)
kohtaus [theater, film] :: A scene
kohtauskulma :: An angle of attack
kohteliaampi :: comparative form of kohtelias
kohteliaasti :: politely
kohteliaisuus :: compliment
kohteliaisuus :: politeness
kohtelias :: Polite
kohtelu :: treatment
kohti :: per, a
kohti :: towards (concretely)
kohtikatsova :: guardant
kohtio :: target
kohtisuora :: perpendicular
kohtisuora :: perpendicular, plumb
kohtu :: womb
kohtusyöpä :: uterine cancer
kohtuullinen :: fair, reasonable
kohtuullinen :: moderate (not excessive)
kohtuullisesti :: moderately
kohtuullisesti :: reasonably
kohtuus :: moderation
kohtuus :: reasonableness, fairness
kohtuuton :: exorbitant, extortionate
kohtuuton :: unconscionable
kohu :: sensation, hullabaloo, brouhaha, scandal
kohuta :: To make a fuss
kohva :: A type of porous ice, formed when slush on the original lake or sea ice refreezes
kohvajää :: A type of porous ice, formed when slush on the original lake or sea ice refreezes
koi :: dawn
koi :: any of the moths in the family Tineidae
koi :: short form of vaatekoi Tineola bisselliella, common clothes moth, often only a moth
koi :: koi carp
koi [pathology, archaic] :: cancer; see etymology section of syöpä
koijari :: sleiveen, trickster (dishonest person)
koikkelehtia :: to walk in swaying manner
koillinen :: Northeastern
koillinen :: Northeast
koillis- :: alternative form of koillinen
koillisosa :: northeastern part
koillispuoli :: northeastern side
koillistuuli :: north-eastern wind
koinsyömä :: moth-eaten
kointähti :: the morning star, Venus
koipallo :: A mothball
koipeliini :: long-legged person
koipi :: A human leg
koipi :: The leg of a bird
koira :: dog
koira :: dog paddle (swimming stroke)
koira :: military police
koiraeläin :: canine
koirakarhu :: bear dog, amphicyonid
koirakoulu :: dog school
koiralauma :: dog pack
koiramainen :: doglike
koiramaisempi :: comparative form of koiramainen
koiranelämä :: dog's life (miserable life)
koiranheisi :: guelder rose, Viburnum opulus (shrub)
koiranheisipuu :: guelder rose, Viburnum opulus
koirankakka :: doggy doo, doggie do, dog shit
koirankakkapussi :: poop bag (bag into which pet faeces, especially those of a dog, are collected for disposal)
koirankieli :: hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, Cynoglossum officinale (herbaceous plant found in most parts of Europe and also in North America where it was accidentally introduced)
koirankieli :: Cynoglossum (genus of plants in the family Boraginaceae)
koirankirppu :: dog flea
koirankoppi :: A doghouse (dog's house)
koirankuonolainen :: doghead (mythical creature with a human body and a dog's head)
koirankuonolepakko :: rousette, dog-faced fruit bat (bat of the genus Rousettus of Old World fruit bats)
koirannauris :: bryony
koiranomi :: A title or "degree" for a person educated in various aspects of dog-keeping, such as dog training, dog sports, anatomy, physiology, psychology, feeding and general well-being of dogs
koiranpaska :: dog shit
koiranpensas :: A box or boxwood (evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Buxus)
koiranpentu :: pup (dog)
koiranputki :: cow parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris
koiranruoka :: dog food
koiranruusu :: dog rose, dogrose (Rosa canina)
koirapuisto :: dog park
koirareki :: dogsled
koirarotu :: dog breed
koiras :: male (of some animal species)
koiraspuolinen :: male (animal)
koirasusi :: wolf dog (a hybrid of dog and wolf)
koirauinti :: dog paddle
koiravahti :: A dogwatch
koiravaljakko :: dog sled
koiravero :: dog tax
koiruoho :: wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
koiruus :: mischief
koisa :: snout moth
koisata :: to kip, sleep
koisia :: To sleep
koiska :: cancer
koiso :: nightshade (any of the poisonous plants belonging to the genus Solanum)
koite :: dawn
koitos :: fight
koittaa [of a morning] :: to break, dawn
koittaa [of a time, season or new era] :: to begin, come
koitto :: dawning (beginning of something new)
koitto :: dawning (break of the day)
koitua :: ~ + genitive + kohtaloksi = to be somebody's undoing, undo somebody, ruin somebody
koitua :: ~ + genitive + parhaaksi = to turn out for somebody's best
koitua :: allative + 3rd-person singular + elative + partitive = to incur (something = partitive, over something = elative)
koitua :: elative + 3rd-person singular + allative + partitive = to bring (figuratively) (to somebody = allative)
koitua :: To accrue (from something = elative, to somebody = allative)
koivikko :: A birch forest
koivikkoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius betuletorum
Koivisto :: Finnish surname
Koivisto :: Primorsk (town in Karelia)
koivistolainen :: A type of fur hat, with a broad fur rim and leather cap
koivu :: birch (deciduous tree)
Koivu :: Finnish surname
koivuallergia :: allergy to birch tree pollen
koivuhapero :: grass-green russula (Russula aeruginea)
koivuhiiri :: Any of the species in genus Sicista (birch mice). Despite its name, the genus does not belong to the family Muridae (rats and mice), but to Zapodidae (jumping mice)
koivuhiiri :: northern birch mouse, Sicista betulina
koivuinen :: birchen, made of birchwood
koivuinen :: with birch trees
Koivula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Koivula :: Finnish surname
koivumetsä :: birch forest
Koivuniemen herra [humoristically] :: birch (stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch, formerly used for punishing naughty kids)
koivunkantosieni :: A mushroom, Kuehneromyces mutabilis
koivunlehtohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula lundellii
koivunmahla :: birch sap
koivunpuistohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula font-queri
koivupuinen :: Made of birch wood
koivurousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius resimus
koivuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius anomalus
koivusokeri :: xylitol
koivuvinokas :: A mushroom, Pleurotus pulmonarius
koja :: bark
kojamo :: an adult male salmon (Salmo salar), when traveling to the spawning grounds and having developed a characteristic hook on its lower jaw
koje :: a device
koje :: a machine
koje :: an instrument
kojelauta :: dashboard
kojootti :: coyote (Canis latrans)
koju :: booth
kok. :: The abbreviation for kokoomuslainen, indicates a person's affiliation with the National Coalition Party (in Finland)
KOK :: International Olympic Committee
kokaiini :: cocaine
kokardi :: cockade
kokata :: To cook (to prepare food)
kokea :: ~ verkko = to check a (fishing) net
kokea :: To experience, undergo; to suffer
kokeellinen :: Experimental
kokeilla :: To experiment with (+ partitive)
kokeilla :: To test, sample (+ partitive)
kokeilla :: To try (out/on) (+ partitive)
kokeilu :: experimentation (act of experimenting; practice by experiment)
kokeilu :: test, experiment; attempt, try
kokelas :: cadet
kokelas :: candidate
kokelas :: prospect
kokelasaika :: trial period (the time spent as kokelas, i.e. prospective holder of a title, position, membership etc.)
kokematon :: inexperienced, unexperienced (not experienced)
kokemattomampi :: comparative form of kokematon
kokemattomuus :: inexperience
kokemus :: experience
kokeneesti :: in an experienced manner
kokenut :: experienced
koketeerata :: To coquet
koketteria :: coquetry
kokilli :: chill mould
kokis :: Coke
kokka :: bow (of a boat)
kokkapuomi :: bowsprit
kokkapuu :: In large sailing vessels, a bowsprit
kokkapuu :: In small boats, the stem (vertical extension of a keel in the bow)
kokkare :: A clod of earth or clay etc
kokkare :: A lump, as an irregularly shaped piece of coagulated material
kokkaroitua :: To clot
kokkeli :: curd
kokkeli :: cocaine
kokki :: cook
kokki :: coccus
kokkiveitsi :: kitchen knife (knife used for preparation of food)
kokko :: eagle
kokko :: bonfire (large, controlled outdoor fire, as a signal or to celebrate something)
Kokko :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kokko :: Finnish surname
Kokkonen :: Finnish surname
koko :: all; see all day, all night
koko :: whole, entire
koko :: size
koko ajan :: all the time
kokoelma :: collection
kokoilla :: Frequentative form of koota
kokoinen :: sized, of the size
kokolattiamatto :: wall-to-wall carpet, fitted carpet
kokonaan :: entirely, fully
kokonainen :: entire
kokonainen :: whole, full, complete
kokonaiskilpailu :: overall competition
kokonaiskustannus :: total cost
kokonaisluku :: integer
kokonaismäärä :: total amount
kokonaispaino :: The gross weight (total weight of a vehicle including cargo, fuel etc.)
kokonaisratkaisu :: Any comprehensive solution, which takes into account a large number of often contradictory interests
kokonaisratkaisu [income policy] :: income policy agreement
kokonaistaideteos :: Gesamtkunstwerk (artistic creation such as an operatic performance that encompasses music, theatre and the visual arts)
kokonaistuotanto :: total production
kokonaisuudessaan :: in its entirety
kokonaisuus :: ensemble
kokonaisuus :: whole, entirety, totality; big picture, gestalt
kokonaisuutena :: at large (in general; as a whole)
kokonaisuutena :: on the whole, by and large (for the most part; apart from some insignificant details)
kokonaisvaltainen :: All-encompassing, comprehensive, integrated, holistic
koko nimi :: full name
kokonuotti :: whole note
kokooja :: collector
kokoomus :: coalition; still used in kokoomushallitus
kokoomus :: composition, constitution
kokoomus :: a short form of Kansallinen Kokoomus
Kokoomus :: Short form of Kansallinen Kokoomus (a Finnish political party)
kokoomuslainen Kokoomus, a liberal conservative political party in Finland. May be translated into English as Coalition, if the reader can be expected to be familiar with the Finnish party system. Otherwise conservative and liberal conservative are viable options
kokoomuslainen :: A member or supporter of Kokoomus (Coalition) party
kokoon :: together (to one place)
kokoon keittäminen :: reduction (process of concentrating a sauce by cooking)
kokoonpano :: assembly
kokoonpano :: squad
kokoonpanolinja :: assembly line
kokoonpuristuva :: compressible
kokoonpuristuvuus :: compressibility
kokoontua :: to gather, assemble, congregate, come together
kokoontuminen :: gathering get-together, party (informal occasion of a number of people meeting with each other, usually around a theme)
kokous :: meeting, assembly, convent, gathering
kokoushuone :: meeting room
kokouspaikka :: meeting place
kokoussali :: conference hall (room for large meetings)
kokoustaa :: to hold a meeting or gathering
kokoutua :: alternative form of kokoontua
koksata :: to coke (to produce coke from coal)
koksautua :: to coke (to turn from coal to coke)
koksi :: coke (coal)
koksiintua :: alternative form of koksautua
koksiitti :: coxitis
koksittaa :: alternative form of koksata
koksittua :: alternative form of koksautua
koksiutua :: alternative form of koksautua
koksu :: A coax (short form of coaxial cable)
koksu [informal, military] :: A short form of kokelas or upseerikokelas, i.e. someone who has completed the reserve officer school but has not yet been promoted to the rank of an officer
koktaili :: cocktail (mixed alcoholic beverage)
kol :: three
kola :: cola
kola :: snow plow, plough
kolahtaa :: To knock (once)
kolahtaa :: To slam
kolari :: A crash, collision, especially an automobile accident
kolaroida :: To crash
kolata :: To die
kolata :: To plough/plow (snow)
kolaus :: blow
kolaus :: knock
kolauttaa :: To knock
kolea :: chilly
koleerikko :: A choleric person
koleerinen :: choleric
koleerisuus :: choler, yellow bile, ichor
kolehti :: an improvised collection of money for a specific purpose
kolehti :: offering, collection (contribution given at a religious service)
kolehtihaavi :: collection bag (bag or pouch used to collect donations at a religoius service, often attached at the end of a long rod)
kolekystitis :: cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)
kolera :: cholera
kolesteroli :: cholesterol
koleus :: chilliness
kolhaista :: To dent, dimple
kolhia :: to bruise, batter, damage (to cause external or superficial damage to a person or thing)
kolhiintua :: To bruise
kolhiintua :: To chip
kolhiutua :: To be battered
kolho :: rough, sturdy
kolhoosi :: A kolkhoz, collective farm
kolhu :: Minor damage; chip, knock, dimple, ding, dent
kolibakteeri :: Escherichia coli
kolibri :: hummingbird
koliikki :: baby colic
koliikki :: colic (pain of stomach)
koliiniesteraasi :: cholinesterase
koliitti :: colitis
kolikko :: coin (piece of metal money)
kolikonheitto :: toss, toss of a coin
kolina :: cologne, particularly when used as substitute for alcohol
kolina :: rattle, noise, clatter; lower in pitch than kalina
kolipottu :: noogie, Dutch rub (a prank in which a person grabs the victim's head under his arm and knuckles the head.)
kolista :: To clatter, rattle
kolistaa :: To clank, clatter
kolisuttaa :: To clatter
kolja :: haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
koljatti :: giant, Goliath
kolkata :: to clank, clatter (used to describe a clattering sound, e.g. such as made by a train travelling over the spots where there's a space between the successive rails)
kolkata :: to knock down (to hit or knock something, usually intentionally, so that it falls)
kolkata :: to knock out (to render someone unconscious)
Kolkata :: Kolkata (the official name of the capital of West Bengal since 2001)
kolke :: clank, clatter
kolkisiini :: colchicine
kolkka :: A boy whose task was to assist in hunting by carrying and searching the bolts as well as the prey
kolkka :: A club or mallet used for similar purpose
kolkka :: bolt (blunt-headed arrow used in hunting small fur animals to knock them out instead of killing so as not to damage the valuable fur)
kolkka [by extension, scouting, dated] :: The denomination of a Cub Scout used from 1940's to 1970's
kolkka :: corner (edge or extremity; any distant quarter or part)
Kolkka :: Finnish surname
kolkkaa :: alternative form of kolkata
kolkko :: gloomy, dismal
kolkutella :: to knock, clank
kolkutin :: knocker, doorknocker
kolkuttaa :: To knock (on door)
kollaasi :: collage
kollaboraatio :: collaboration (act of collaborating)
kollaboraattori :: collaborator (person who voluntarily cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country)
kollaboraattori :: comprador (native of a colonised country who acts as the agent of the coloniser)
kollageeni :: collagen
kollapsi :: collapse
kollari :: A college sweatshirt (sweatshirt with symbols of a college, or similar garment)
kollega :: colleague
kollegio :: collegial body
kollehtarukous [Christinaity] :: A collect (prayer)
kollektiivi :: A collective
kollektiivinen :: collective
kollektiivinen alitajunta :: collective unconscious (common experiences, thoughts and opinions of a large group of people taken as a whole)
kollektiivisesti :: collectively
kollektiivisubstantiivi :: collective noun
kollektivisoida :: to collectivize
kollektivisointi :: collectivization
kollektivoida :: To collectivize
kollektori :: A collector (transistor terminal)
kolli :: A tomcat (male cat)
kolli [transport] :: A piece of luggage or freight
kollo :: stupid
kolloidi :: colloid
kolloidinen :: colloidal
kollokaatio :: collocation
kollokvio :: colloquium
kollokviumi :: colloquium
kollottaa :: To cry loudly
kolmannen asteen palovamma :: third-degree burn
kolmannes :: one third
kolmas :: third
kolmas henkilö :: third person, third party (someone not associated with a particular matter)
kolmaskolmatta [ordinal, dated] :: twenty-third
kolmaskymmenes :: thirtieth
kolmas maailmansota :: World War III
kolmasneljättä [ordinal, dated] :: thirty-third
kolmasosa :: one third (third part)
kolmas pyörä :: gooseberry, third wheel (additional, disturbing person in a situation)
kolmas serkku :: third cousin
kolmas sunnuntai ennen paastonaikaa :: Septuagesima (Sunday three weeks before Lent, nine before Easter)
kolmasti :: thrice, three times
kolmastoista :: the thirteenth, abbreviation 13., in the names of monarchs and popes XIII
Kolmas valtakunta :: Third Reich
kolmasviidettä [ordinal, dated] :: forty-third
kolme :: three
kolmekymmentä :: thirty
kolmekymmentäkahdeksan :: thirty-eight
kolmekymmentäkaksi :: thirty-two
kolmekymmentäkolme :: thirty-three
kolmekymmentäkuusi :: thirty-six
kolmekymmentäluku :: The thirties, 1930s
kolmekymmentäneljä :: thirty-four
kolmekymmentäseitsemän :: thirty-seven
kolmekymmentäviisi :: thirty-five
kolmekymmentäyhdeksän :: thirty-nine
kolmekymmentäyksi :: thirty-one
kolmekymppinen :: thirtysomething, in his/her thirties
kolmekymppinen :: thirtysomething
kolmesataa :: three hundred
kolmesti :: alternative form of kolmasti
kolmetoista :: thirteen
kolmetuhatta :: three thousand
kolmi- :: tri-, three-, triple
kolmiapila :: trefoil, shamrock
kolmijalka :: tripod
kolmijalka :: trivet (stand with three legs for cooking over fire)
kolmikantainen :: tripartite (done by three parties, as an agreement)
kolmikielinen :: trilingual
kolmikko :: A threesome, group of three, trio
kolmikko :: trial
kolmikolkkahattu :: three-cornered hat
kolmikärki :: trident
kolmikulmainen :: triangular
kolmikulmio :: triangle
kolmiloikka :: triple jump
kolmiloikkaaja [lb, fi, athletics] :: triple-jumper, triple jumper
kolminaisuus :: Trinity
kolminaisuusopillinen :: Trinitarian (of or pertaining to the doctrine of Trinity)
kolminaisuusoppi :: trinitarianism
kolminkertainen :: triple, threefold
kolminkertaistaa :: To triple
kolminkertaistua :: To triple
kolmio :: give way sign, yield sign
kolmio :: three-room apartment
kolmio :: triangle
Kolmio :: The constellation Triangulum
kolmiodraama :: love triangle
kolmioepäyhtälö :: triangle inequality
kolmioida :: To triangulate
kolmiointi :: triangulation
kolmioliina liina
kolmioliina :: sling (hanging bandage put around the neck, in which a wounded arm or hand may be supported)
kolmiomainen :: deltoid
kolmiomainen :: triangular
kolmiomatriisi :: triangular matrix
kolmiomittaus :: triangulation
kolmiosainen :: tripartite (consisting of three parts)
kolmioviivain :: A set square (drawing tool)
kolmipiikki :: three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
kolmipäinen :: three-headed (having three heads)
kolmipäinen hartialihas :: alternative term for hartialihas
kolmipäinen olkalihas :: triceps brachii (musclein the upper arm)
kolmipäiväinen :: three-day (lasting three days)
kolmipurjeläppä :: tricuspid valve
kolmisen :: about three
kolmisenkymmentä :: about thirty
kolmisoutu [nautical, history] :: A trireme
kolmitavuinen :: trisyllabic
kolmittain :: by triplets, three at a time
kolmiulotteinen :: three-dimensional
kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari :: three-phase electricity meter
kolmivaihevirta :: three-phase current
kolmivaljakko :: troika
kolmivarvaslaiskiainen :: A three-toed sloth, member of the family Bradypodidae
kolmivarvaslaiskiainen :: pale-throated three-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus
kolmivuotinen :: triennial (lasting for three years)
kolmiyhteys :: Trinity
kolmois- :: tri-, triple
kolmoishermo :: trigeminal nerve
kolmoishermosärky :: trigeminal neuralgia (neuropathic disorder of one or both of trigeminal nerves leading to intense pain in parts of the face)
kolmoispiste :: A triple point
kolmoisvoitto :: triple victory
kolmonen :: the number three (digit or figure 3)
kolmonen :: third gear
kolmonen :: trey (playing card or score three)
kolmosolut :: Now used as synonym of keskiolut
kolo :: groove
kolo :: hole
kolo :: notch, indentation
kolo [scouting] :: den (place for scouts' weekly meetings)
koloa :: To create holes
kolobooma :: coloboma
kolofoni :: colophon
kolofoni :: colophony
koloinen :: notchy
kololintu :: A bird that nests in a tree cavity
kolome :: three
kolonia :: colony
kolonialismi :: colonialism
kolonialisti :: colonialist
kolonialistinen :: colonialist
kolonisaatio :: colonization
kolonisoida :: To colonize
kolonni :: column
kolopesijä :: A bird that builds its nest into a hole of a tree
kolopuu :: A tree which has holes created by birds
Kolorado [rare, dated] :: Colorado
koloradonkuoriainen :: Colorado beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata
koloratuuri :: coloratura
koloskopia :: coloscopy
kolossaalinen :: colossal
kolostomia :: A colostomy (incision)
kolottaa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to ache
kolpakko :: tankard, jug
koltansaame :: The Skolt Sami language
koltta :: A Skolt
kolttu :: Child's dress
kolugo :: colugo (Cynocephalus volans)
kolumbaario :: columbarium
Kolumbia :: Colombia
kolumbiaaninen :: Columbian
kolumbialainen :: Colombian
kolumbialainen :: A Colombian person
kolumni :: column (a piece or article in newspaper or magazine)
kolumnisti :: columnist
koluta :: To scour, ransack, search something
kolvi :: flask (laboratory glassware)
kolvi :: soldering iron
koma :: cometary coma
kombinaatio :: combination
kombinaatti :: combine (an industrial conglomeration in a socialist country)
kombinatoriikka :: combinatorics
kombinoida :: To combine
kombinoitua :: To be combined
kombutsa :: kombucha (drink produced by fermenting sweetened tea)
komea :: handsome (beautiful)
komeampi :: comparative form of komea
komeasti :: handsomely
komeasti :: magnificently
komedia :: comedy
komediapari :: double act, comedy duo (comic pairing)
komedienne :: comedienne
komedo :: blackhead, comedo
komeetta :: comet
komeilla :: to flaunt, show off (to make a show of looking good)
komeilla :: to stand out (to be conspicuous or prominent, in contrast to the surroundings)
komendantti :: commandant
komennella :: To boss around
komennus :: secondment (temporary transfer of a person from his normal duty to another assignment)
komennustyö :: secondment work
komentaa :: to command
komentaja :: commander, commanding officer (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization)
komentaja :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is commander
komentajakapteeni :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is lieutenant commander
komenteleva :: bossy, overbearing
komento :: command
komentojonotiedosto :: batch file, shell script (file containing a series of instructions to be carried out by the operating system)
komentokehote :: command prompt
komentokeskus :: A command center, war room
komentomoduuli :: command module
komentosarja :: script
komentosilta :: bridge
komero :: A closet (cabinet in which clothes or household supplies may be stored, especially one built into a wall)
komeus :: handsomeness
komi :: A member of the Komi people
komi :: The Komi language
Komi :: Komi Republic
komiikka :: comic art
komisario :: The lowest commanding officer rank in Finnish police, above ylikonstaapeli and below ylikomisario, roughly equal to lieutenant in the U.S. and inspector in the UK
komissaari :: commissar
komissaari :: commissioner
komissio :: commission (body of officials)
komistaa :: To grace
komistua :: To become more handsome
komisyrjääni :: Komi-Zyrian (Uralic language)
komitatiivi :: The comitative case
komitea :: committee
kommandiittiyhtiö :: limited partnership (form of partnership where in addition to one or more general partners there are one or more limited partners)
kommando :: commando
kommandopipo :: balaclava (knitted cap that covers wearer's head, neck and at least part of the face)
kommari :: commie
kommari :: Nokia Communicator series smartphone
kommellus :: mishap, blunder
kommentaattori :: commentator
kommentoida :: To comment
kommentti :: comment (spoken remark)
kommentti :: comment
kommitoida :: To commit (to commit program code to the repository)
kommodori :: A commodore (president of a yacht club)
kommodori :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is captain
kommunalka :: kommunalka
kommunikaatio :: communication
kommunikea :: communiqué
kommunikoida :: To communicate
kommunismi :: communism
kommunisti :: communist (person)
kommunistinen :: communist, communistic (of or relating to communism)
kommunistinen :: Communist (relating to a Communist party)
kommunistipuolue :: communist party
kommutaatio :: commutation
kommutaattori :: commutator (electrical switch)
kommutoida :: To commute
kommuuni :: community
komodonvaraani :: Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis
Komorit :: The Comoros (country and islands)
kompa :: riddle, conundrum
kompakti :: compact
kompaktimpi :: comparative form of kompakti
kompaktisointi :: compactification
kompaktius :: compactness
komparaatio :: comparison
komparatiivi :: comparative
komparoida :: To compare
kompassi :: compass (device used to determine the cardinal directions)
Kompassi :: the constellation Pyxis, the compass
kompassineula :: compass needle
kompassipiiru :: A point (unit of angle equal to 1/32 of a full circle)
kompassiruusu :: compass rose
kompassisuunta :: compass point, compass
kompassisuunta :: compass, magnetic bearing (bearing relative to the nearest magnetic pole)
kompastua :: To stumble
kompastuskivi :: stumbling block
kompastuslanka :: tripwire
kompata :: to agree with someone
kompensaatio :: compensation
kompensaatiokauppa :: An offset (type of countertrade deal)
kompensoida :: To compensate
kompensoimaton :: unadorned
kompensoitua :: To be compensated
kompiainen :: candy
kompleksi :: complex
kompleksifunktio :: complex function
kompleksikas :: complex
kompleksikonjugaatti :: complex conjugate
kompleksiluku :: complex number
kompleksisuus :: complexity
kompleksitaso :: complex plane
komplementti :: complement
komplementtikulma :: one of a pair of complementary angles
komplikaatio :: complication
komplisoida :: To complicate
komplisoitua :: To be(come) complicated
komponentti :: component
komposiitti :: A composite, composite material (structural material)
kompositio :: composition
komposti :: compost
kompostoida :: To compost
kompostori :: composter (container for producing compost)
kompotti :: compote
komppania :: A commercial company, especially one running trade between Europe and the colonies
komppania :: A company
komppipelti :: A ride cymbal
kompressori :: compressor
kompromissi :: compromise
kompura :: clumsy, gawky
kompura :: lame
kompuroida :: To stumble
kompuutteri :: computer
komu :: rockfall
kondensaatio :: condensation
kondensaattori :: capacitor
kondensaattori :: condenser
kondensoida :: To condensate
kondensoitua :: To condensate
kondensori :: condenser
kondiksessa :: inessive singular form of kondis
kondiksessa :: Used adverbially to mean sound (UK slang: good or a good thing)
kondis :: condition (physical status)
konditionaali :: conditional
konditoria :: confectionery
kondomi :: condom
kondori :: New World vulture (bird of the family Cathartidae)
kondrosarkooma :: chondrosarcoma (type of cartilage-based tumour)
konduktanssi :: conductance
konduktio :: conduction
konduktööri :: A train conductor
kondylooma :: condyloma
kone :: appliance (apparatus or device, typically powered electrically, used in homes to perform domestic functions)
kone :: machine
koneellinen :: forced, mechanical
koneellinen :: mechanical
koneellinen kääntäminen :: machine translation
koneellistaa :: to mechanize (to equip with machinery)
koneellistua :: To be mechanized
koneenhoitaja :: engineer (person who operates an engine)
koneenkäyttäjä :: operator, machinist (person who operates a piece of machinery)
koneenrakentaja :: A machinist
konehuone :: engine room
koneistaa :: to machine, mechanize
koneistaja :: A machinist (person skilled in using machine tools)
koneisto :: machinery
koneisto :: mechanism
koneisto :: works
koneistua :: To be mechanized
konekieli :: machine language
konekielinen :: machine language
konekielisyys :: The state of being written in machine language
konekirjoittaa :: to type
konekirjoittaja :: typist, typewriter
konekirjoitus :: typing
konekivääri :: machine gun
konekääntäminen :: machine translation
konenäkö :: machine vision
konepaja :: workshop
konepelti :: A bonnet, as a cover of a motor in an automobile (British, Australian)
konepelti :: A hood, as a cover of a motor in an automobile (US)
konepistooli :: submachine gun
konetykki :: autocannon (fully automatic projectile weapon similar to a machine gun, but firing shells instead of bullets and larger in calibre)
konevika :: machine breakdown
konfederaatio :: confederation
konferenssi :: conference
konfessori :: confessor
konfetti :: confetti
konfiguraatio :: configuration
konfirmaatio :: confirmation (sacrament)
konfirmoida :: To confirm (to confer the confirmation)
konflikti :: A conflict (military; violent; verbal, between people)
konformisuus :: conformity
Konfutse :: Confucius
konfutselaisuus :: Confucianism
kongestio :: congestion (overfullness of blood vessels)
konglomeraatti [business, geology] :: conglomerate
Kongo :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kongo :: Republic of the Congo
Kongo :: the Congo River
Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta :: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kongon tasavalta :: The Republic of the Congo
kongopunainen :: Congo red
kongressi :: A congress
kongressi :: The Congress of the United States
kongruoida :: To agree
koni :: [disparaging] horse
koniini :: coniine
konitohtori :: physician
konitohtori :: veterinarian
konjakki :: cognac
konjektuuri :: conjecture
konjugaatio [biology, grammar] :: conjugation
konjugoida :: To conjugate
konjunktiivi [grammar, archaic] :: conjunctive mood
konjunktio :: conjunction
konjunktiviitti :: conjunctivitis
konjunktuuri :: conjuncture
konkaavi :: concave
konkaavius :: concavity (state of being concave)
konkangi :: Sunda loris (Nycticebus coucang)
konkari :: An experienced person; veteran, old hand
konkistadori :: conquistador
konklaavi :: conclave
konkreetti :: concrete
konkreettinen :: concrete (particular, perceivable, real)
konkreettinen musiikki :: musique concrète
konkreettisesti :: concretely
konkreettistaa :: To concretize
konkreettistua :: To be concretized
konkretia :: concreteness
konkretisoida :: To concretize
konkretisoitua :: To concrete, be concretised/concretized, solidify
konkurssi :: bankruptcy; administration, liquidation (corporate bankruptcy in UK and Australia); sequestration (Scotland)
konkurssiasiamies [legal, Finkand] :: A public authority that oversees the enforcement of Finland's Bankruptcy Act, especially the actions of the estate administrators; officially translated as "bankruptcy ombudsman" into English
konkurssihuutokauppa :: A bankruptcy auction
konkurssilaki :: The bankruptcy law
konkurssipesä :: A bankruptcy estate or, more shortly, estate
konkurssipetos :: bankruptcy fraud
konna :: crook
konna :: toad
konnamonni :: Any fish in this genus
konnamonni :: Clarias (genus of airbreathing catfish)
konnamonni :: walking catfish, Clarias batrachus (the Finnish name species of this genus, native to SE Asia)
konnanhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula cremeoavellanea
konnanleinikki :: celery-leaved buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
konnanlieko :: marsh club moss, bog club moss, Lycopodiella inundata or Lycopodium inundatum
konnektiivi :: A connective (function that operates on truth values)
konnektionismi :: connectionism
konnotaatio :: connotation (suggested or implied meaning)
konossementti :: A bill of lading (shipping document)
konsekutiivinen :: consecutive
konsekutiivitulkkaus :: consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpreting
konsensus :: consensus
konsentraatio :: concentration
konsentraatti :: concentrate
konsentroida :: To concentrate
konsentroida :: To concentrate
konsentroitua :: To become concentrated
konsepti :: concept
konserni :: corporation, (business) group, combine
konsertoida :: To hold a musical concert
konsertti :: concert
konserttimestari :: concertmaster
konserttisali :: music hall
konserttitalo :: concert hall, music hall
konserttitalo :: odeon
konsertto :: concerto
konservaattori :: conservator
konservatiivi :: A conservative (one who favors maintenance of the status quo)
konservatiivi :: A member or supporter of a conservative party
konservatiivinen :: conservative
konservatiivisesti :: conservatively
konservatiivisuus :: conservativeness
konservatismi :: conservatism
konservatorio :: conservatory (music school)
konservoida :: To conservate
konsessiivi [grammar, archaic] :: potential mood
konsistenssi :: consistency
konsistentti :: consistent
konsoli :: console
konsolipeli :: console game
konsonanssi :: consonance
konsonantti :: A consonant (the sound and the letter)
konsonanttikirjoitus :: abjad (type of writing system)
konsortio :: consortium
konspiraatio :: conspiracy
Konsta :: male given name
konstaapeli :: constable (policeman belonging to the lowest ranks of a police force)
konstailija :: someone who plays or acts up
konstantaani :: constantan
Konstantin :: male given name
Konstantinopoli :: Constantinople
Konstantinus [history] [given name, male, A=A Latin] ::
konstantti :: constant
konstantti :: constant
konsti :: gimmick, trick, way, manner
konstikas :: intricate
konstipaatio :: constipation
konstituutio :: constitution
konstruktiivinen :: constructive
konstruktio :: construction
konstruktivismi :: constructivism
konstruoida :: To construct
konsulaatti :: consulate
konsuli :: consul
konsultaatio :: consultation
konsultoida :: To consult (to act as a consultant)
konsultointi :: consultation
konsultti :: A consult
kontakti :: contact
kontaktiurheilu :: contact sport
kontaktori :: contactor
kontallaan :: on all fours (in the position of supporting oneself with one's hands and knees and not having the belly down)
kontalleen :: on all fours (to the position of supporting oneself with one's hands and knees and not having the belly down)
kontaltaan :: up from all fours (up from the position of being on all fours)
kontata :: to crawl on all fours, crawl
konteksti :: context
kontiainen :: The European mole (Talpa europea)
kontillaan :: alternative form of kontallaan
kontilleen :: alternative form of kontalleen
kontiltaan :: alternative form of kontaltaan
kontinkieli :: A wordplay resembling pig Latin. Kontinkieli is constructed in two phases so that in the first phase the word kontti is thought to be added after each word in a sentence and then the first one or two letters in the original word are interchanged with the letters "ko" in kontti. As an example hevonen (horse) -> hevonen-kontti (intermediate form) -> kovonen-hentti (kontinkieli-form)
kontinuumi :: A continuum (continuous extent)
kontio :: bear
kontortionisti :: Alternative term for käärmeihminen
kontra-amiraali :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is rear admiral
kontrabasso :: contrabass (octave one below bass)
kontrabasso :: double bass, contrabass (lowest male voice)
kontrabasso :: double bass, contrabass (lowest-pitched instrument of violin family)
kontrafagotti :: contrabassoon
kontraindikaatio :: contraindication (factor or symptom which makes a certain treatment inadvisable)
kontrapunkti :: counterpoint
kontrasti :: contrast
kontrastoida :: To contrast
kontratenori :: countertenor
kontribuutio :: contribution
kontrolli :: control
kontrolloida :: To control
konttaus :: crawl (act of moving slowly on hands and knees)
kontti :: container, shipping container
kontti :: knapsack
konttilukki :: straddle carrier (vehicle used in ports and yards for stacking and moving containers)
kontto :: account
konttori :: office
konttorirotta :: pencil pusher (routine office worker)
kontu :: lawn
kontuusio [pathology, jargon] :: contusion
konvehti :: A small, usually filled piece of confectionery made with a cover of chocolate, sugar, marzipan etc
konveksi :: convex
konveksi verho :: convex hull
konvektio :: convection
konventio :: convention
konventionaalinen :: conventional (pertaining to a convention)
konventti :: convention
konvergenssi :: convergence
konvergoida :: To converge
konversio :: conversion
konvertteri :: converter
konvoluutio :: convolution
konvulsio :: convulsion
kooda :: coda
koodaaja :: coder, programmer
koodari [slang, computing] :: coder, programmer
koodata :: To program, to write program code
koodata :: To encode
koodaus :: coding, encoding (the act of encoding)
koodeksi :: codex
koodi :: code
koodinvaihto :: code-switching (phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages during spoken conversation)
kookas :: bulky
kookkaanpuoleinen :: largish
kookosmaito :: coconut milk (thick white liquid produced from the white inner flesh of the seed of the coconut)
kookospalmu :: A coconut palm
kookospähkinä :: coconut fruit
kookosrapu :: coconut crab (Birgus latro)
kookosvesi :: coconut water (clear liquid found inside immature coconuts)
kookosvoi :: coconut butter
koolihappo :: cholic acid
koolla :: assembled, gathered, together
koolle :: together (to one place)
koolon :: colon
kooma :: coma
koomikko :: comedian
koominen :: comic, funny
koomisesti :: comically
koommin :: ever since, thereafter; now usually in the form sen koommin
kooni :: cone
koontaa :: To codify
koontilasku :: consolidated invoice
kooperaatio :: cooperation
koordinaatio :: coordination
koordinaatisto :: coordinate system
koordinaatta :: alternative form of koordinaatti
koordinaatti :: coordinate
koordinaatti :: In plural koordinaatit, the position or location
koordinoida :: To coordinate
koortinki :: buntline or leechline (any, with the exception of the outermost, of the ropes extending down to the deck with which a square sail is rolled up to the yard)
koossa :: together (in one place, as one whole)
koostaa :: to compose, compile
kooste :: collage
kooste :: compilation
koostesana :: A blend
koostua :: To consist of
koostumus :: composition, constitution
koota :: To assemble, combine
koota :: To collect together
kopata :: to catch, snatch
kopaus :: rap (sharp blow with something hard)
kopauttaa :: To tap
kopea :: arrogant, haughty, condescending
kopeekka :: A kopek
kopeloida :: To fumble (to handle or touch clumsily or too familiarly), paw
kopernikaaninen :: Copernican
kopio :: copy
kopioida :: To copy
kopiointi :: copying
kopiokone :: photocopier
kopista :: to clop (to produce the sound of, for example, a horse walking on cobblestones, footsteps, shoes on pavement, high-heeled shoes)
kopista :: to knock, thud (to make a knocking sound)
kopla :: A (criminal) gang
Koponen :: Finnish surname
kopoti :: Often doubled (kopoti-kopoti), used to imitate the sound of horse's hooves when they hit the ground
koppa :: basket
koppakuoriainen :: beetle
koppava :: haughty, uppity, snooty
koppavasti :: pompously, snobbishly, hoity-toitily
koppelo :: a female capercaillie
koppi :: catch (the act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball)
koppi :: doghouse (small shelter for humans)
koppi :: small hut or cell, compare koirankoppi (kennel, doghouse)
koppisiemeninen :: angiosperm, angiospermous
koppisiemeninen :: angiosperm
koppisiemeninen :: (botany, in plural) Angiospermae
koppura :: A dried and hard object
kopra :: copra
koprofagia :: coprophagy (eating of feces)
koprofilia :: coprophilia
kopsaa :: To clop
kopsata :: to copy
kopse :: clatter (of horse's hooves etc.)
kopsu :: ditto (copy, duplicate)
kopsu :: drink, shot (dose of a strong alcoholic beverage)
kopsu :: gulp of some alcoholic drink
kopteri :: A copter, a chopper
kopti :: The Coptic language
kopukka :: A bad horse
koputella :: To knock (a door, a tree; indifferently and/or repeatedly)
koputtaa :: To knock (a door; a tree)
koputtaa puuta :: knock on wood
koputus :: knock
koraali :: choral, chorale
Koraani :: Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
korahdella :: To croak repetitively
korahdellen :: stertorously
korahtaa :: To croak
korahteleva :: stertorous
koralli :: coral
korallieläin :: coral (marine polyp)
korallinen :: coral
koralliriutta :: coral reef
korallisaari :: coral island
kordieriitti :: cordierite
kore :: kore (Greek sculpture)
korea :: beautiful, decorated
korea :: chorea
korea :: the Korean language
Korea :: Korea
korealainen :: Korean
korealainen :: a Korean
Korean demokraattinen kansantasavalta :: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
koreankielinen :: Expressed in the Korean language
koreankielinen :: Korean-speaking
Korean niemimaa :: The Korean Peninsula
Koreansalmi :: Korea Strait
Korean tasavalta :: The Republic of Korea
korento :: cowlstaff
korento :: dragonfly, mayfly
koreografi :: choreographer
koreografia :: choreography
koreografinen :: choreographic
kore-veistos :: kore
Korfu :: Corfu
Korhonen :: Finnish surname In 2010, the second most common in Finland (barely behind Virtanen, and ahead of Nieminen).
kori :: basket
kori :: chassis, bodywork
kori :: [prefix] made of wicker
korianteri :: coriander (spice)
korillinen :: A basketful
korimalli :: body style (chassis style of an automobile)
korina :: rattle (similar sound)
korina :: rhonchus (dry rattling sound heard during breathing)
Korintinlahti :: The Gulf of Corinth
korintti :: currant
Korintti :: The city of Corinth
korinttilainen :: Corinthian
koripaju :: osier, Salix viminalis
koripaju :: osier (twig of Salix viminalis or other willow when used for basketry)
koripallo :: basketball
koripalloilija :: A basketball player
koripalloilu :: basketball (sport or activity)
koripallorengas :: basketball hoop
koris :: hoops (basketball)
koriseva :: stertorous
korista :: to wheeze (breathe with difficulty and loud), rattle
koristaa :: To deck (out) (to clothe with more than ordinary elegance)
koristaa :: To decorate, to adorn, to embellish (to furnish with decorations)
koristaa :: To festoon (to decorate with festoons)
koristaa :: To garnish (decorate with ornamental appendages)
koristautua :: To adorn
koriste :: decoration, ornament
koristeellinen :: decorative
koristeellisesti :: decoratively
koristeellisuus :: decorativeness
koriste-esine :: a decorative item; an ornament
koristekarppi :: koi, koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)
koristekasvi :: ornamental plant (plant grown for decorative purposes in gardens, as houseplants, for cut flowers etc.)
koristelaatta :: A (ceramic) tile used for decorative purposes
koristelematon :: unadorned
koristella :: to decorate
koristelu :: decoration
koristen :: stertorously
koristereunus :: A border (decorative strip around the edge of something)
koristetasku :: decorative pocket, fake pocket, false pocket (imitation pocket fixed to the outside of a garment as decoration)
korityö :: wickerwork, basketry
korjaaja :: fixer, repairer
korjaaja :: repairman
korjaamaton :: unrepaired, unfixed, in disrepair
korjaaminen :: repair
korjaamo :: garage [UK], automobile repair shop (shop where cars are serviced and repaired)
korjaamo :: repair shop, workshop (generic term for a shop where things are repaired)
korjaantua :: To be repaired
korjailla :: To patch (to repair clumsily)
korjailla :: To repair or fix in a hobby -like manner
korjain :: corrector (device that corrects)
korjata :: to reap, harvest
korjata :: to adjust, straighten
korjata :: to clear (a dining table), clear off (dishes from a table)
korjata :: to fix
korjata :: to gather, collect
korjata :: to grade, correct
korjata :: to mend, darn, alter
korjata :: to remedy, rectify
korjata :: to repair (a machine; a building)
korjata :: to revise
korjattu :: repaired, fixed
korjaus :: correction
korjaus :: fix
korjaus :: overhaul
korjaus :: repair
korjauskelvoton :: unrepairable, irreparable, beyond repair (impossible to repair)
korjauslakka :: repair lacquer
korjausleikkaus :: cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery (surgical operation in order to improve the appearance or functionality of a body organ)
korjausneste :: correction fluid
korjauspala :: A dutchman
korjaussarja :: hair of the dog (alcoholic drink taken the morning after to cure a hangover)
korjaussarja :: repair kit (set of materials and tools necessary for a repair operation, often sold as a package)
korjaustyö :: repair, reparation
korjauttaa :: To have something repaired, make somebody repair something
korjautua :: To fix itself
korjeta :: To become higher, be heightened
korjuu :: harvest
korjuuaika :: harvest time
korjuuttaa :: alternative form of korjauttaa
korkata :: mennä rikki
korkata :: to get injured
korkata :: to uncork
korkea :: tall, high (of objects, not of persons)
korkea-aktiivinen :: highly radioactive (having a high level of radioactivity)
korkeahko :: Somewhat high
korkeakorkoinen :: high-heeled (having tall heels)
korkeakorkoinen :: high interest rate
korkeakoulu :: college, academy, university, polytechnic (learning institution)
korkeakoulututkinto :: degree, academic degree, university degree
korkealaatuinen :: quality, high-class (being of high quality)
korkealuokkainen :: quality, high-class (being of high quality)
korkea maila :: high-sticking (a penalized action)
korkea maila :: high stick (stick carried above the height of opponent's shoulders)
korkeampi :: comparative form of korkea
korkeampi matematiikka :: quantum mechanics (something overly complicated)
korkean paikan kammo :: acrophobia (fear of heights)
korkean tason kieli :: high-level language (programming language focusing on user-friendly code development by automating core tasks such as accessing memory)
korkeapaine :: anticyclone, high pressure area
korkeasuhdanne :: boom
korkeatasoinen :: high-class
korkeatasoinen :: high-level (of or pertaining to people having a high status)
korkea teknologia :: high technology
korkea veisu :: alternative capitalization of Korkea veisu
Korkea veisu :: the Song of Songs, Song of Solomon (22nd book of the Old Testament)
korkein :: superlative form of korkea
korkein hallinto-oikeus :: [in Finland] The Supreme Administrative Court
korkein oikeus :: Any supreme court, or a court of law with other name, which represents the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction
korkein oikeus :: The highest legal authority in Finland administering justice in civil, commercial and criminal matters as the final instance, officially translated into English as the Supreme Court [2]
korkeintaan :: at most
korkenee :: To rise
korkeus :: altitude
korkeus :: height
korkeushyppääjä [lb, fi, athletics] :: high jumper
korkeushyppy :: high jump
korkeuskartta :: relief map (map that shows the three-dimensional topography of terrain, usually with contours or colors)
korkeuskäyrä :: contour
korkeusmittari :: An altimeter
korkeusvakain [lb, fi, aeronautics] :: elevator
korkillinen :: capful
korkita :: To cork (to seal with a cork stopper)
korkittaa :: to cork (to fill with cork)
korkittaa :: to cork (to seal with a stopper, especially with cork)
korkki :: cap, top, lip (of a bottle)
korkki :: cork
korkkihuokonen :: lenticel
korkkiintua :: alternative form of korkkiutua
korkkijälsi :: phellogen
korkkiruuvi :: corkscrew
korkkiutua :: to turn into cork or cork-like material
korko :: interest, interest rate (price of credit)
korko :: heel (of a shoe, especially a high one; a low heel may also be called kanta)
korko :: stress
korkopiste :: basis point
korkotaso :: interest rate level
korkotuotto :: yield, return, earnings
kornetti :: cornet
kornetti [military ranks, archaic] :: A second lieutenant (vänrikki) in the cavalry
korni :: corny
korni :: Cornish
korniisi :: cornice
kornilainen :: Cornish (of or pertaining to Cornwall or its residents)
kornilainen :: Cornish (native of Cornwall, England)
korohoro :: mortar
korohoro :: mortar soldier
korohoro :: mortar unit
koroke :: podium, stand, platform
korollaari :: corollary
korona :: corona
korona :: corona discharge
korona [games] :: A table game similar to carrom
koronaalitaso :: coronal plane, frontal plane (plane that divides the body to anterior and posterior sections)
koronkiskonta :: usury
koronkiskuri :: A usurer, shylock, loan shark
koronkorko :: compound interest
korostaa :: to emphasize, highlight, accentuate
koroste :: highlight
korostua :: To be emphasized, highlighted
korostus :: highlighting, stress
korostus :: accent
korostuskynä :: highlighter
korota :: To become higher, be heightened
koroton :: interest-free (not charging interest; not subject to interest payments)
korottaa :: korottaa ääntään = To speak up
korottaa :: To raise, chip (in) or ante (up) (to increase the bet in poker and other games)
korottaa :: To raise (to increase height, intensity or volume)
korotus [poker] :: raise (a raising bet)
korotus :: raise, increase
korotusmerkki :: sharp (symbol ♯in notation)
Korpela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Korpela :: Finnish surname
korpi :: A boreal forest type appearing on moist moraine soils, characterized by dense growth of spruce as the dominating tree species and deep layer of moss as undergrowth. Korpi is often a transition zone between a drier kangas -type forest and various types of suo ‎(“swamp”)
korpi :: A deep forest
korpi :: An area remote from dense population; backwoods, backwater
korpi :: desert
korpihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula nitida
korpikenttä [aviation, informal] :: airstrip
korpilakko :: wildcat strike (unauthorized strike)
korpimantelihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula fusconigra
korpimetso :: A hybrid between a capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and a black grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
korpipaatsama :: alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus, formerly Rhamnus frangula)
korpipäästäinen :: taiga shrew, Sorex isodon
korpirastas :: Swainson's thrush, Catharus ustulatus
korpirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius uvidus
korpiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius tortuosus
korpisärki :: common dace, Leuciscus leuciscus
korpivoirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius tuomikoskii
korporaatio :: Corporation, a joint association of workers etc
korporativismi :: corporatism
korppi :: A common raven, Corvus corax
korppi :: Any raven
korppi :: lance corporal
Korppi :: the constellation Corvus, the Crow
korppikotka :: vulture (bird)
korppiluu :: coracoid
korppu :: 3½-inch floppy
korppu :: rusk, cracker (biscuit made from dried bread, bun or similar baked goods)
korppujauhe :: Alternative term for korppujauho
korppujauho :: breadcrumb (tiny piece of bread)
korpraali :: A rank above private in the rank and file of the Finnish Army and Air Force. The official English translation is lance corporal
korpus :: corpus
korrekti :: correct (as in politically correct)
korrektisti :: correctly
korrektius :: correctness
korrelaatio :: correlation
korrelaatiokerroin :: correlation coefficient
korrelaatti :: correlate, antecedent
korreloida :: To correlate
korreloitua :: To correlate
korroosio :: corrosion
korruptio :: corruption (corrupt practices)
korruptoida :: To corrupt (morally degenerate)
korruptoitua :: To become corrupted
korruptoitunut :: corrupted
korsakki :: corsac fox, steppe fox, Vulpes corsac
Korsakoffin oireyhtymä :: Korsakoff's syndrome
Korsakoffin syndrooma :: Korsakoff's syndrome
korsetti :: corset
korsi :: culm (stem of a grass or sedge)
Korsika :: Corsica
korsikanritari :: Corsican swallowtail (Papilio hospiton)
korskea :: haughty
korskua :: To snort
korsteeni :: A chimney, currently mainly used in some dialects and in idioms
korsu :: dugout
korte :: Any of the pteridophytic plants in the taxonomic genus Equisetum of the family Equisetacae; commonly known as horsetails
korteista ennustaminen :: cartomancy
kortikaalinen :: cortical
kortinpelaaja :: cardplayer
kortisoli :: cortisol, hydrocortisone (hormone)
kortisto :: A register, especially one that is kept on cards
kortistoida :: To file
kortonki :: condom
kortsu :: A condom
kortteikko :: ground covered by horsetails
kortteli :: A block (distance from one street to another in a city)
kortteli :: A block or city block (group of buildings in a city or town, demarcated by streets)
kortteli :: An obsolete Russian unit of length, which equalled 0.1778 meters. To distinguish it from its Scandinavian counterpart it was often called venäläinen kortteli
kortteli :: An obsolete Scandinavian unit of length, which equalled half a foot or one fourth of a kyynärä = 0.148 meters
kortteli :: An obsolete unit of volume, which equalled 0.32715 liters
korttelipommi :: A blockbuster
kortti :: card
kortti :: driver's licence; short for ajokortti
kortti :: licence, permit (card that is given as evidence of the licence or permit)
kortti :: playing card; short for pelikortti
korttihai :: cardsharp, cardshark
korttipakka :: A pack/deck of cards
korttipeli :: card game
korttipuhelin :: cardphone (public telephone that accepts cards rather than coins)
korttitalo :: A house of cards
koru :: A jewel (piece of jewellery)
koru :: A piece of jewellery
korukivi :: ornamental stone
korulipas :: A jewellery chest
korundi :: corundum
koruommel :: An embroidery (piece of embroidered fabric)
koruommella :: To embroider
koruompelu :: embroidery
korurasia :: A jewel case
korutarvike :: finding (component of assembled jewellery)
korva :: edge, border
korva :: ear
korva :: handle
korvaamaton :: indispensable
korvaantua :: To become replaced
korva-aukko :: earhole (outer aperture of the ear)
korvaava :: compensatory
korvaava :: substitutive
korvahylje :: eared seal
korvake :: stipule
korvaketuppi :: ocrea
korvakkeellinen :: stipulate
korvakkeeton :: exstipulate
korvakoru :: earring (piece of jewelry worn on ear)
korvakuulo :: The use of hearing as guide to do something; used only in the idiomatic expression korvakuulolta
korvakuuloke :: earpiece (speaker placed inside or held near to the ear)
korvakuulolta :: by ear (using principally sound; without reference to sheet music))
korvakäytävä :: ear canal
korvalappumuura :: spot-brested antvireo
korvalappustereot :: personal stereo
korvalehti :: ear or more precisely, auricle, pinna (the external, visible part of ear)
korvaläpät :: earmuffs
korvamato :: earworm
korvamerkitä :: to earmark (to mark by slitting the ear)
korvamerkitä :: to earmark (to specify or set aside for a particular purpose)
korvamerkki :: earmark (mark or deformation of the ear of an animal intended to indicate ownership)
korvanappi :: ear bud (small speaker placed inside or held near to the ear)
korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautilääkäri :: otorhinolaryngologist
korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautioppi :: otorhinolaryngology, ENT (the study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat)
korvanipukka :: ear lobe
korvannipukka :: ear lobe
korvanreikä :: earhole (opening in a head-covering for the ears)
korvapuusti :: cinnamon roll
korvapuusti :: cuff on the ear
korvareikä :: earhole (puncture in the ear, such as for earrings)
korvarengas :: earring (ring worn on ear as jewelry)
korvasieni :: A brain mushroom, lorchel, turban fungus, Gyromitra esculenta
korvasieni :: In plural (korvasienet) the genus Gyromitra
korvasärky :: earache, otalgia
korvasylkirauhanen :: parotid gland
korvata [insurance] :: to indemnify, recompense
korvata :: to compare, place beside
korvata :: to compensate, reimburse for, refund, restitute, recompense
korvata :: to replace, take the place of
korvatillikka :: cuff on the ear
korvatillikka :: pulling someone's ear for disciplining
korvatippa [usually in plural] :: eardrop (medicine to be administered to the ear as drops)
korvaton :: earless
korvatorvi :: Eustachian tube
korvatulehdus :: otitis
korvatulppa :: earplug
korvaus :: compensation, reimbursement, reparation
korvausvaatimus :: A claim (demand for compensation)
korvausvelvollisuus :: indemnity (obligation or duty upon an individual to incur the losses of another)
korvautua :: To become replaced
korvavaha :: earwax
korvayökkö :: A species of bat, specifically brown long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus
korventaa :: To scorch, parch, sear
korventua :: To scorch, to become charred
korveta :: to be annoyed, irritated, vexed
korvetti :: A corvette
korvike :: short for kahvinkorvike
korvike :: substitute (thing, never a person)
kosekantti [trigonometry] :: cosecant
kosia :: To propose (marriage) to, pop the question (to ask to marry)
kosija :: wooer, suitor
kosini :: cosine
kosinilause [trigonometry] :: law of cosines, cosine rule, cosine formula
kosinta :: proposal of marriage
kosio :: basket, a birch-bark vessel
kosiskelija :: wooer
kosiskella :: To woo
kosiskelu :: courtship
koska :: when (at what time)
koska :: (subordinating) because, since
koskaan :: negation verb + ~ never, not ... ever:
koskaan :: (in question clauses) ever:
koska vaan :: at any moment, at any time
koskea :: to touch
koskea :: to touch (to physically disturb; to interfere with, molest, or attempt to harm through contact)
koskea [impersonal] :: illative + 3rd-pers. singular = to be sore, to ache (physically)
koskea :: to apply to, pertain to, concern
Koskela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Koskela :: Finnish surname
koskelo :: a merganser
koskematon :: immune (exempt; not subject to)
koskematon :: untouchable (not able to be touched)
koskematon :: untouched, pristine, virgin, unspoilt (of a physical object)
koskematon :: virgin, chaste (not having had sexual intercourse)
koskematon [historical, archaic] :: untouchable (outcaste)
koskemattomuus [diplomacy] :: immunity
koskemattomuus :: exemption (state of being exempt)
koskemattomuus :: impunity (exemption from punishment)
koskemattomuus :: wholeness (quality of something considered as a whole)
koskenniska :: The place from which rapids in a river start
kosketin :: A key of music keyboard
kosketinsoitin :: keyboard (instrument)
koskettaa :: To affect
koskettaa :: To touch (to make physical contact with)
koskettimisto :: keyboard (component of many musical instruments)
kosketus :: A touch (act of touching)
kosketus :: contact (with the enemy)
kosketuslevy :: touchpad, trackpad
kosketusnäyttö :: touch screen (input/output device)
koskeva :: subject in partitive + koskeva: regarding to ..
koski :: rapid (in river)
Koski :: Any of a number of small places in Finland and Karelia
Koski :: Finnish surname
koskikara :: A dipper (any of the birds in the genus Cinclus)
koskikara :: A white-throated dipper, European dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
Koskinen :: Finnish surname
koskisammakko :: Hochstetter's frog, Leiopelma hochstetteri
kosmeettinen :: cosmetic
kosmetiikka :: cosmetics
kosmetologi :: cosmetologist
kosmetologia :: cosmetology
kosminen :: cosmic
kosminen taustasäteily :: cosmic background radiation
kosmodromi :: cosmodrome
kosmogonia :: cosmogony
kosmokraatti :: A cosmocrat (prosperous business school graduate benefiting from globalization and living the global lifestyle)
kosmologi :: cosmologist
kosmologia :: cosmology
kosmologinen :: cosmological
kosmologinen vakio [astronomy, cosmology] :: cosmological constant
kosmonautti :: cosmonaut
kosmopoliitti :: cosmopolitan
kosmopoliittinen :: cosmopolitan
kosmopoliittisuus :: cosmopolitanism
kosmopoliittisuus :: The property of being cosmopolitan
kosmos :: A cosmos (an ordered harmonious whole)
kosmos :: The cosmos (the universe)
kosmoskukka :: cosmos, a flower of the genus Cosmos
Kossu :: A nickname for Koskenkorva vodka
kostaa :: to avenge, revenge, take revenge, get back at (on someone = allative)
kostaja :: An avenger
kostautua :: To backfire
koste :: A small calm place in a river etc
kostea :: moist, wet
kostea :: boozy (involving large consumption of alcohol)
kosteasti :: moistly, wetly
kosteikko :: A wetland
kosteikkohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula aquosa
kosteikkovahvero [mushrooms] :: An edible mushroom related to the chanterelle; Cantharellus lutescens
kosteus :: dampness
kosteus :: humidity
kosteus :: moisture
kosteusmittari :: hygrometer
kosteusvoide :: moisturizing cream
kosteuttaa :: To moisturize
kosteuttaja :: moisturizer
Kosti :: male given name
kosto :: Revenge, vengeance
kostoisku :: retaliation
kostonhimoinen :: revengeful, vindictive
kosto on suloinen :: revenge is sweet
kostoporno :: revenge porn
kostua :: To get moist, to get damp
kostua :: To water (of the eyes, to fill with tears due to irritation, pain etc.)
kostuke :: something to drink
kostuke :: moisturizer (especially something used to moisten a cake while baking)
kostute :: moisturizer
kostutin :: A moisturizer
kostuttaa :: To moisten
kota :: capsule
kota :: goahti, a tipi-like hut, traditional Sami dwelling
kotangentti :: cotangent
kotelo :: A case, box, capsule, enclosure
kotelo :: A holster (case for a gun)
kotelo :: pupa
kotelo :: head, brain
koteloida :: to box (architecture: to enclose with boarding, lathing, etc. to achieve wanted form)
koteloida :: to box (to furnish with boxes, e.g. a wheel)
koteloida :: to encapsulate
koteloitiö :: ascospore
koteloitua :: To encapsulate
kotelomalja :: apothecium
kotelomekko :: sheath, sheath dress
kotelopalko :: hysterothecium
kotelopallo :: cleistothecium
kotelopullo :: perithecium
kotelorakko :: cleistothecium
kotelosieni :: ascomycete, sac fungus (any fungus of the phylum Ascomycota)
koti :: home
kotiaresti :: grounding (a punishment for a child)
kotiaresti :: house arrest
kotieläin :: domestic animal, domesticated animal (animal that has been tamed by man and is used for food production, beast of burden, pleasure etc.)
kotieläintalous :: animal husbandry (management and care of farm animals by humans for profit)
kotietsintälupa :: search warrant (court order authorizing the search of a home and/or other privacy-protected place)
kotihiiri :: A person who spends a lot of time at home
kotihiiri :: house mouse, Mus musculus
kotihoito :: home care (health care provided in the patient's home)
koti-ikävä :: homesickness (state of being homesick)
kotiinkuljetettu :: door-to-door (delivered to a home)
kotiinkuljetus :: home delivery
kotiintulo :: homecoming
kotiintuloaika :: The time to come home (at latest)
koti-isä :: househusband
kotijoukkue :: A home team
kotikalja :: A traditional fermented, home-made, weak table drink made of malt and sugar; closely resembling kvass
kotikataja :: common juniper, Juniperus communis
kotikaupunki :: hometown
kotikenttä :: homecourt, home court, home field, home stadium, home arena, home ice
kotikenttäetu [basketball] :: homecourt advantage
kotikenttäetu :: home field advantage
kotikirppari :: garage sale (sale of used household goods in someone's home, garage, yard etc.)
kotikirppis :: garage sale (sale of used household goods in someone's home, garage, yard etc.)
kotikissa :: homebody
kotikissa :: house cat, domestic cat (pet cat)
kotikontu :: Home turf
kotikunta :: municipality of residence (the municipality in which one has his residence)
kotikutoinen :: homemade, homespun
Kotilainen :: Finnish surname
kotilo :: gastropod, mollusc, seashell, snail
kotilo :: the shell of a gastropod
kotilokurki :: limpkin (Aramus guarauna)
kotimaa :: homeland
kotimaanreitti :: domestic route
kotimainen :: domestic (internal to a specific country)
kotimainen velka :: domestic debt
kotimaistaa :: To make (more) domestic (instead of foreign)
kotimaistua :: To become (more) domestic (instead of foreign)
kotimajoitus :: homestay (form of tourism)
kotimatka :: home trip, journey home, journey back home (act of traveling home from another location)
kotini on linnani :: a man's home is his castle, an Englishman's home is his castle
kotio :: To home
kotiottelu :: home game
kotipaikka :: residence, homestead (place where one lives)
kotipaikka :: residence (place where a corporation is established)
kotipalvelu :: home help service
kotipeli :: home game
kotipesä :: home plate
kotipesä :: home base (headquarters)
kotipesä :: the nest that is the home of a young of an animal
kotipesä :: the home base in pesäpallo, the Finnish variant of baseball
kotirintama :: home front
kotirouva :: housewife
kotiseutu :: home (region)
kotisirkka :: house cricket (insect)
kotisivu :: home page
kotitalo :: residence
kotitalous :: domestic, household
kotitalous :: home economics
kotitalous :: household
kotitalousjäte :: household waste (non-hazardous waste produced by households, either unsorted or sorted to fractions, depending on local regulation)
kotitalouskone :: household appliance, home appliance
kotitehtävä :: homework
kotitonttu :: A person who spends most of his/her time at home; homebody
kotitonttu :: A brownie (mythical creature, a kind of elf that would do people's housework for them)
kotityö :: domestic work
kotiuttaa :: to book, realize (to convert securities into money), to convert any kind of property into money, especially property representing investments, as shares, bonds
kotiuttaa [hospital] :: to send a patient home, let a patient go home, discharge, release
kotiuttaa :: to demobilize, send home (to release from military duty)
kotiuttaa :: to domiciliate (to establish a permanent residence for)
kotiuttaa :: to repatriate (to restore somebody to his or her own country)
kotiutua :: to acculture (to familiarize oneself with, and adopt a new culture)
kotiutua :: to nest, settle (to settle into a home)
kotiutua :: to return home after a long absence, such as from military service
kotivakuutus :: contents insurance (insurance that pays for damage to, or loss of, an individual’s personal possessions whilst they are located within that individual’s home)
kotivakuutus :: home insurance, homeowner's insurance (insurance taken by an owner-occupier to cover the damage to and loss of the property and movables)
kotiväkivalta :: domestic violence
kotiyleisö :: home audience (audience a team's or sportsman's home arena)
kotka :: eagle
kotka :: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos
Kotka :: A town in Finland
Kotka :: Finnish surname
Kotka :: The constellation Aquila
kotkakala :: meagre, Argyrosomus regius
kotkanpesä :: eyrie, eagle's nest
kotkansiipi :: ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris)
kotkata :: To clinch (a nail)
kotkottaa :: To cluck
kotkotus :: cluck
kotletti :: A cutletof meat
koto :: home
kotoa :: From home
kotoinen :: homely
kotoisa :: homely, characteristic of home
kotoisin :: being a native of, coming from, originating from; having as one's birthplace or residence, hailing from
kotoistaa :: To localize
kotona :: at home, at somebody's place
kotonaan :: kotona + -an
kotoperäinen :: endemic
kotosalla :: at home
kotouttaa :: to integrate; to integrate an immigrant or immigrants to the society
kotouttaminen :: social integration, integration (process of integrating immigrants into the society)
kotsa :: cap
kottarainen :: European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
kottarainen :: starling (any bird of the family Sturnidae)
kottaraispönttö [also capitalized] :: Nickname of the first Macintosh computer, known as Macintosh 128K
kottaraispönttö [literal sense] :: A nest box designed especially to suit for starling
kottaraispönttö traffic enforcement camera housing box model used along the Finnish highways
Kotte :: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
kottero :: A jalopy or bucket (old car)
kottikärry :: wheelbarrow; mostly used in plural (kottikärryt) also of a single wheelbarrow
kottikärryt :: wheelbarrow
koturni :: cothurnus
Kotus :: A governmental linguistic research institute geared at studies, and standardization of languages used in Finland, i.e. Finnish, Swedish (Finland Swedish), the Sami languages, the Romani language, and Finnish Sign Language
kotva :: moment, short while (short period of time)
koukata :: To hook (to engage in the illegal maneuver of hooking)
koukata :: To leapfrog (to advance with one unit by engaging the enemy with another unit)
koukata :: To catch
koukata :: To stop by
koukistaa [of arm, leg] :: To bend, crook
koukistua [of arm, leg] :: To bend, crook
koukku :: hook (boxing punch)
koukku :: hook (fishhook)
koukku :: hook (rod bent into a curved shape)
koukku :: addiction; used in inessive, elative and illative similarly to English hooked:
koukku :: police
koukku [typography] :: cedilla, hook (loop shaped like a hook under certain written letters)
koukkumainen :: hooked (resembling a hook)
koukkumainen :: hook-shaped, unciform (of the shape of a hook)
koukkumato :: hookworm (parasitic worm, especially the species Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus)
koukkunokkamuura :: white-shouldered antshrike
koukussa :: hooked
koulata :: alternative form of koulia
koulia :: To coach
kouliintua :: To be trained, to gain experience
koulinta :: training
kouliutua :: To be trained, to gain experience
koulu :: A school
kouluavustaja :: school helper
kouluikäinen :: school aged
koulukiusaaja :: bully (in school)
koulukiusaaminen :: school bullying
koulukunta :: school (followers of a doctrine)
koululainen :: schoolchild, schoolgoer
koululaukku :: bookbag (for a school)
koulunkäynti :: studying, studies (activity of studying in a school)
koulupäivä :: A schoolday
koulupudokas :: A primary school dropout (one who has left primary school without completing the course)
koulupuku :: school uniform
kouluratsastus :: dressage
koulureppu :: bookbag, satchel
kouluruokala :: school canteen
koulutalo :: school building
koulutodistus :: school report, report card
koulutoimi :: schools; usually as a branch of municipal government
kouluttaa :: To educate, school
kouluttaja :: instructor (one who instructs)
kouluttaja :: trainer (person who trains another)
kouluttaminen :: schooling, training (act or process)
kouluttautua :: To educate oneself
kouluttua :: alternative form of kouluttautua
koulutus :: education (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill, and judgment)
koulutusaika :: training time
koulutuskeskus :: training center
koulutusohjelma :: training program/programme, training schedule
koulutyttö :: schoolgirl
koura :: A fist, hollow of the hand
koura :: A grapple or grab. A mechanical device for taking hold of something
kourallinen :: fistful
kouri :: crucian carp (Carassius carassius)
kouria :: To grope (to touch another person closely and sexually)
kouria :: To knead (to treat or form as by kneading)
kouria :: To massage with hands in an unpleasant way
kouria :: To work something powerfully with one's hands
kouriintuntuva :: concrete, palpable (particular, perceivable, real)
kouristaa :: To grasp, clasp (with a hand)
kouristaa :: To convulse, spasm
kouristua :: To convulse, spasm
kouristus :: convulsion
kouristus :: spasm
kouristus :: throe
kouru :: chute, gutter
koussi :: thimble
koutsi :: A coach (trainer)
kova :: eager, devoted
kova :: excellent, great, well-known
kova :: unregulated, market-rate, unsubsidized, hard; special uses, see usexes:
kova :: hard, hardworking
kova :: hard, heavy, severe, loud; very (having a high impact or influence)
kova :: hard (of an object, resistant to pressure)
kova :: hard, strict, harsh, sever, unfriendly, brutal (of behavior or character)
kova :: high, ambitious, remarkable
kova :: live (of ammunition)
kova :: hard (intensive and creating disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in colour or shading)
kova :: hard (high on dissolved calcium and other minerals)
kova :: hard, unvoiced (pronounced without using the vocal cords)
kova [physics, ferromagnetism] :: hard (of material: having the capability of being a permanent magnet)
kova [pornography] :: hard, hardcore
kova :: tough, hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure)
kova :: hard (of a man, sexually aroused)
kovaa :: In a manner described by the adjective kova in the senses fast and loud
kova huume :: Any powerful and highly addictive drug such as heroin
kovakallo :: hardhead (harheaded person)
kovakalvo :: dura mater
kovakalvo :: sclera
kovakantinen :: hardcover, hardback
kova kitalaki :: hard palate
kovakourainen :: heavy-handed, rough
kovakouraisesti :: roughly
kovakumi :: ebonite
kovakuoriainen :: beetle (insect of the order Coleoptera)
kovalenttinen sidos :: covalent bond
kovalevy :: hard disk, hard drive
kovalevy :: hardboard
kovaääninen :: loudmouthed (of a person: tending to loud, indiscreet, especially bragging, speech)
kovaääninen :: loud (noisy)
kovaääninen :: loudspeaker
kovankypsä :: al dente
kovaonninen :: hapless
kovaotteisesti :: In a rough-handed manner
kovapanosammunta :: live round shooting
kova pähkinä purtavaksi :: hard nut to crack, tough nut to crack, (problem that is challenging to solve)
kova pähkinä purtavaksi :: (idiomatic) hard nut to crack, tough nut to crack (situation, person, group, etc. which is difficult to overcome or deal with)
kovarianssi :: covariance
kovarioida :: covary
kovasin :: whetstone
kovasti :: a great deal, very much
kovasti :: hard
kova tyyppi :: A good sport (admirable person)
kova tyyppi :: A tough guy
kovemmin :: comparative form of kovasti
kovempaa :: comparative form of kovaa
kovempi :: comparative form of kova
koventaa :: To harden
koventua :: To become harder
kovera :: concave
koverankupera :: concavo-convex
koveri :: cover version, cover song, cover
koverrin :: gouge (chisel)
koversini [mathematics, rare] :: coversed sine
kovertaa :: to gouge
koveruus :: concavity
koveta :: To harden
kovete :: hardener
kovettaa :: To harden
kovettaminen :: The process of hardening (making hard)
kovettua :: To harden
kovettua :: To set, to solidify
kovettuminen :: hardening (process of getting hard)
kovettuminen :: sclerosis (abnormal hardening of body tissues, such as an artery)
kovike :: stiffener
kovikekangas :: buckram, interfacing
kovimmin :: superlative form of kovasti
kovin :: superlative form of kova
kovin :: (often with a negation verb) (not) very, really, so
kovis :: tough guy, badass, heavy
kovistaa :: read the riot act to someone (metaphorically)
kovistaa :: to come down harshly on someone for some reason
kovistaa :: to shake someone up (metaphorically)
kovistella :: To bully
kovistelu :: arm-twisting (use of personal pressure to persuade)
kovo :: hard drive
kovo :: hardware
kovuus :: hardness
kowari :: kowari
kääpä :: A polypore
Kööpenhamina :: Copenhagen
käpertyä :: To curl up, to nestle, snuggle
kääpiö :: dwarf star, dwarf
kääpiö :: midget, dwarf
kääpiöauto :: microcar
kääpiöbullterrieri :: miniature bull terrier
kääpiögalaksi :: dwarf galaxy
kääpiöhaukka :: pygmy falcon (bird of the genus Polihierax)
kääpiöherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus comtulus
kääpiöidä :: To stunt
kääpiöityä :: To dwarf, to become stunted; to attain a reduced size
kääpiökaskelotti :: pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps
kääpiökoira :: toy dog
kääpiömarakatti :: Angolan talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin)
kääpiöpeura :: chevrotain
kääpiöpinseri :: miniature pinscher
kääpiöplaneetta :: dwarf planet
kääpiöpäästäinen :: Eurasian least shrew, Sorex minutissimus
kääpiörousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius omphaliformis
kääpiöseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius bibulus
kääpiösimpanssi :: bonobo, (Pan paniscus)
kääpiösnautseri :: miniature schnauzer
kääpiösorsa :: pygmy goose (bird of the genus Nettapus)
kääpiötapparakala :: blackwing hatchetfish (Carnegiella marthae)
kääpiötähti :: dwarf star
kääpiövaltio :: microstate
kääpiövesikauris :: water chevrotain, fanged deer (Hyemoschus aquaticus)
kääpiövirtahepo :: pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis)
kääpiövyötiäinen :: pichi, Zaedyus pichiy
käpälä :: paw
kpl :: pieces; pcs.
käpälöidä :: to paw, to get handsy (to handle or touch clumsily or too familiarly)
käpälälauta [by extension, figurative] :: The event of getting caught and punished for wrongdoing
käpälälauta [hunting, historical] :: A type of traditional trap used in hunting wolf and fox
käppä :: A paw.
käppä :: handbrake
käppäillä :: to walk, stroll
käppänä :: runt (person)
käppyrä :: A crooked object
käppyrä :: curve
käpristää :: To make to curl up, shrivel
käpristyä :: To curl up, shrivel
käpsä :: A paw of a hare
käpsä :: A pilferer
käpsä :: A roasted leg of lamb
käpätä :: alternative form of käppäillä
käpy :: conifer's cone
käpyillä :: to tat (to produce lace by tatting)
käpykaarti :: (during the Finnish Civil War in 1918) The group of Reds who hid themselves in the forest (literally: the "Cone Guard")
käpykaarti :: (during the Continuation War in 1941-1944) The group of (Finnish) deserters who hid themselves in the forest (literally: the "Cone Guard")
käpykaartilainen :: (during the Finnish Civil War in 1918) A Red who hid himself/herself in the forest (literally: a member of the "Cone Guard")
käpykaartilainen :: (during the Continuation War in 1941-1944) A deserter who hid himself in the forest (literally: a member of the "Cone Guard")
käpylintu :: crossbill, a bird of the genus Loxia
käpyrauhanen :: pineal gland
käpytikka :: A great spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major
käärö :: scroll
köraa :: To drive
kraana :: faucet
kraapustaa :: alternative form of raapustaa
kraatteri :: crater
kraatterijärvi :: crater lake
-kraatti :: -crat (participant in a specified form of government)
kraavata :: alternative form of graavata
kraavi :: prickled raw fish
kraavikala :: alternative spelling of graavikala
kraavilohi :: alternative spelling of graavilohi
kraitti :: krait (any of several brightly-coloured, venomous snakes, of the genus Bungarus, of southeast Asia)
kraiveli :: käydä/tarttua kiinni kraivelista
kraiveli :: A shirt collar
krakata :: To crack
krakkaamo [oil refining] :: cracking plant
krakkaus :: cracking
krakkeri :: cracker (one who illegally circumvents protections)
Krakova :: Cracow
krampata :: To convulse, spasm
kramppi :: A cramp or the cramps (painful contraction of muscles)
kranaatinheitin :: mortar (muzzle-loading, indirect fire weapon)
kranaatinheitintuli :: mortar fire
kranaatinsirpale :: shrapnel (fragments thrown out by an exploding shell)
kranaatti :: grenade, hand grenade
kranaatti :: (military) shell (explosive projectile of artillery or mortars)
kranaattikuoppa :: shell hole (hole on the ground caused by explosion of a grenade or an artillery shell)
kranaattituli :: grenade fire
kraniologia :: craniology
kraniometria :: craniometry
kranio-sakraalinen :: craniosacral (referring to the cranium and sacrum)
kranio-sakraaliterapia [alternative medicine] :: craniosacral therapy
kranssi :: A hairdo in which a long ponytail is wound around the head as a wreath
kranssi :: A wreath, especially a small one
kranttu :: choosy, picky
krappi :: alternative term for värimatara, Rubia tinctorum
krappi :: madder lake (red pigment obtained from dyer's madder or madder, Rubia tinctorum)
krappilakka :: rose madder (tint prepared from lac and madder)
krapu :: crab
krapu :: crayfish
Krapu :: The zodiac sign Cancer
Krapu :: The constellation Cancer, the Crab
krapula :: A hangover caused by drinking too much alcohol
krapula [by extension, often followed by a specifying adjective] :: Repentance, contrition
krapula :: Withdrawal symptoms caused by the wear-off of other intoxicants or medication
krapula-aamu :: hangover morning
krapulainen :: hung over, crapulous, crapulent
krapulapaska :: hangover shit (defecation in a hangover morning, allegedly making the "patient" feel considerably better)
krapulapäivä :: hangover day (the day after heavy drinking when one is suffering of a hangover)
krapularyyppy :: hair of the dog (alcoholic drink taken the morning after to cure a hangover)
krassi :: cress (several plants of the genus Lepidium)
-kratia :: -cracy
kravatti :: A tie [item of clothing]
kravattipakko :: The obligation to wear a tie e.g. in order to be allowed to enter a restaurant
kravattisonni :: womanizer
kravattisonni [humorous, regional] :: inseminator (technician who inseminates domesticated animals, notably cows and horses)
Kravun kääntöpiiri :: The Tropic of Cancer
kääre :: bandage
kääre :: wrapping
käreä :: surly
kreatiini :: creatine
kreatiinikinaasi :: creatine kinase
kreatiivinen :: creative
kreationismi :: creationism
kreationisti :: creationist
kreationistinen :: creationist
krediitti :: credit
kreemi :: alternative term for kiisseli
kreemi [cosmetics] :: cream, lotion
Kreeta :: Crete
Kreeta :: female given name
kreikanajokoira :: Greek harehound, Hellenic hound, Greek hound (Greek breed of dog, developed for hare hunting)
kreikan kieli :: Greek (language)
kreikankielinen :: Expressed in or pertaining to the Greek language
kreikanmaakilpikonna :: Hermann's tortoise, Testudo hermanni
kreikantaa :: To translate into Greek
kreikatar :: female Greek
kreikka :: Greek language
Kreikka :: Greece
kreikkalainen :: Greco- (combining form; in Finnish kreikkalais-)
kreikkalainen :: Greek
kreikkalainen :: Greek (person)
kreikkalainen tuli :: Greek fire (flammable substance first used by the Greeks of Constantinople to set fire to enemy ships etc.)
kreikkalaiskatolilainen :: alternative form of kreikkalaiskatolinen
kreikkalaiskatolinen :: Orthodox (of or pertaining to Eastern Orthodox church)
kreikkalaiskatolisuus :: alternative term for ortodoksisuus
kreikkalais-roomalainen :: Greco-Roman
kreikkalaistaa :: To Hellenise/Hellenize (to make Hellenistic or Greek)
kreikkalaistua :: To Hellenise/Hellenize (to become Hellenistic or Greek)
kreikkalaisuus :: Hellenism, Greekness (national character or culture of Greece)
kreisi :: crazy
kreisimpi :: comparative form of kreisi
kreivi :: count, earl (ruler of a county)
kreivikunta :: A countship, earldom
kreivikunta :: A county
kreivillinen :: Of or pertaining to countship
kreivin aikaan :: At the best possible moment; at the most appropriate time; right when needed
kreivinarvo :: countship, earldom (rank and position of a count or an earl)
kreivinkruunu :: The crown (see picture) placed on top of the shield in the coat of arms of the historical province of Ostrobothnia of Finland, and its representations in other coats of arms
kreivisota :: The civil war that raged in Denmark in 1534–1536 and brought about the Reformation in Denmark; known as Count's Feud in English
kreivisuku :: A family (in the wide sense, relatives collectively), the head of which is entitled to the rank of a count
kreivitär :: countess
krematoida :: To cremate
krematointi :: cremation
krematorio :: crematorium
kremlologi :: Kremlinologist
kremlologia :: Kremlinology
kremppa :: A minor disease
krenatööri :: A grenadier
kreoli :: creole
kreolikieli :: creole
kreosootti :: creosote
krepata :: To process a fabric so as to make its surface uneven
krepata :: To process yarn so as to make it stretchy
krepata :: to crinkle, crepe (of paper, to process so as to produce crêpe paper)
krepata :: to frizz (to curl into tight curls; to make frizzy)
kreppaus :: creping, frizzing, crinkling (action noun of the verb krepata)
kreppi :: crêpe (fabric)
kreppi :: crêpe (pancake)
kreppi :: crêpe (paper)
kreppikangas :: crêpe, crepe (fabric)
kreppikiharrin :: frizzing iron (type of curling iron that produces frizzy curls)
kreppikumi :: crepe, crepe rubber (rubber in sheets used especially for shoe soles)
kreppinailon :: stretch nylon (stretchy fabric made of nylon, used e.g. in hosiery)
kreppipaperi :: crêpe paper (thin, crinkled tissue paper)
krepsi :: crêpe (pancake)
kresolipunainen :: cresol red
krestomatia :: chrestomathy (collection of selected written passages)
kretiini :: A cretin (a person retarded due to cretinism)
kretinismi :: cretinism
kretliini :: purple
kretonki :: cretonne (fabric)
kääretorttu :: A Swiss roll
käretsi :: carrot
kärhi :: tendril (thin, spirally coiling stem that attaches a plant to its support)
kärhämä :: skirmish, brawl, quarrel
kärhämöidä :: to quarrel
kärähtää :: to get caught
kärähtää :: to scorch, to become charred
kääriä :: To wrap, roll
kööri :: choir
krigu :: war
krigu :: World War II
kriikuna :: damson (plum-like fruit of Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
kriikunapuu :: damson tree (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
kääriäinen :: tortrix moth (member of the family Tortricidae)
kääriintyä :: alternative form of kääriytyä
kriisi :: crisis
kriisiaika :: A time of crisis
kriisialue :: crisis area
kriisiapu :: crisis support
kriisikausi :: crisis period
kriisikeskus :: crisis center (hotspot of a crisis)
kriisikeskus :: crisis center (place that provides help for people in crisis)
kriisinhallinta :: crisis management
kriisinhallinta [military, as modifier in compound words] :: rapid reaction, e.g. in kriisinhallintajoukko
kriisinhallintajoukko ] :: rapid reaction force (military force capable of taking rapid action especially in terms of crisis control)
kriisipalvelu :: crisis service (service available at short notice on personal basis to help resolve a mental health crisis)
kriisipesäke :: hot spot, crisis hotspot (dangerous place of violent political unrest)
kriisipuhelin :: crisis telephone
kriisiterapia :: crisis therapy
kriisitila :: state of crisis
kriisitilanne :: crisis situation
kriisityö :: crisis intervention, critical incident stress debriefing (process of debriefing and therapy followed by grief counselors to prevent post traumatic stress disorder or other psychological problems in people who have experienced major loss or suffering)
kriisivalmius :: crisis preparedness
kriisiviestintä :: crisis communication
kriitikko :: critic
kriitillinen :: alternative form of kriittinen
kriittinen :: critical
kriittinen massa :: critical mass (all senses)
kriittinen piste :: break-even point
kriittinen piste :: critical point
kriittisesti :: critically
kriittisyys :: criticality, criticalness
kriketti :: cricket (game)
krilli :: krill (crustacean of the order Euphausiacea, in which 85 species are known)
krillihylje :: crabeater seal, Lobodon carcinophagus
krilliäyriäinen :: alternative term for krilli
köriläs :: A big hulk of a man, a hunk
Krim :: Crimea (peninsula)
krimi :: pelt of a karakul lamb as raw material, valued for its finely curled hair
krimikaulus :: karakul collar (collar made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
krimilakki :: karakul, karakul hat (hat made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
kriminaali :: criminal
kriminaali :: A criminal person
kriminaalihuolto :: correctional service [Canada] (branch of government responsible for the incarceration and rehabilitation of convicted criminal offenders)
kriminaalinen :: criminal
kriminaalipoliittinen :: criminal policy (of or relating to a government's policy relating to crime, its prevention and consequences of committing a crime)
kriminaalipolitiikka :: criminal policy (government's policy relating to crime, its prevention and consequences of committing a crime)
kriminaalipotilas :: prisoner patient (convicted criminal who receives long-term treatment in a criminal hospital)
kriminaalipsykologi :: criminal psychologist
kriminaalipsykologia :: criminal psychology
kriminaalistaa :: To criminalize
kriminahka :: alternative form of kriminnahka
kriminalisoida :: to criminalize
kriminalisointi :: criminalization, criminalisation
kriminalisoitua :: to be criminalized (to become a criminal)
kriminalisoituminen :: criminalization (process of becoming a criminal)
kriminalisti :: criminalist (expert in forensic analysis)
kriminalisti :: criminal lawyer (expert in criminal law)
kriminalisti :: criminologist (expert in criminology)
kriminalistiikka :: criminalistics
kriminkoipi :: Fur taken from the leg of a karakul lamb
kriminkoipiturkki :: A fur coat made of fur taken from the leg of karakul lamb; which is the most valued part of the pelt
kriminnahka :: pelt of a karakul lamb as raw material, valued for its finely curled hair
kriminnahkakaulus :: karakul collar (collar made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
kriminnahkalakki :: karakul hat, karakul (hat made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
kriminnahkaturkki :: karakul fur coat (fur coat made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
kriminologi :: A criminologist
kriminologia :: criminology
kriminologinen :: criminological
krimintataari :: Crimean Tatar
krimintataarin kieli :: The Crimean Tatar language
krimiturkki :: karakul fur coat (fur coat made of the pelt of karakul lamb)
käärinliina :: A winding sheet, shroud
krinoliini :: hoop skirt, farthingale (women's undergarment)
käärintä :: wrapping
kääräistä :: To make a bundle
kääräistä :: To wrap quickly, as to a bundle
käristää :: to sauté
Krista :: female given name
kristadelfialainen :: Christadelphian
kristalli :: crystal (glass)
kristalli :: ice (crystal form of methamphetamine)
kristallikruunu :: crystal chandelier
kristallilasi :: lead crystal (glass that contains at least 24% of lead oxide PbO)
kristallimalja :: crystal bowl
kristallimaljakko :: crystal vase
kristallinen :: crystalline (made of crystal glass)
kristallinkirkas :: crystal clear
kristallipallo :: crystal ball
kristallisoida :: To crystallize
kristallisoitua :: To crystallize
kristallisokeri :: alternative term for kidesokeri
kristalliyö :: The Kristallnacht
kristallografia :: crystallography
kristalloida :: To crystallize
kristalloitua :: To crystallize (to become a crystal)
Kristian :: male given name, cognate to English Christian
Kristiina [given name, female, eq=Christina] ::
kristikansa :: Christians, believers (Christians collectively, especially in the context of practising their religion)
kristikunta :: The Christendom, Christianity (all Christians collectively)
kristillinen :: Christian, Christianly, Christianlike (righteous, ethical, moral)
kristillinen :: Christian (of or relating to Christianity)
Kristillisdemokraatit :: The Christian Democrats (a political party e.g. in Finland)
kristillisdemokraatti :: a Christian Democrat (a member, ally or MP of a Christian Democratic Party in some country)
kristillisdemokratia :: Christian democracy (political ideology)
kristillisesti :: Christianly (in a Christian fashion)
kristillismielinen :: Christian minded
kristillismielisyys :: Christian-mindedness
kristillissiveellinen :: Christian ethical (based on Christian ethics)
kristillisyys :: Christianity, the state of being a Christian
kristinoppi :: Christian doctrine
kristinusko :: Christianity, the religion
kristinuskoinen :: Christian
kristitty :: Christian
kristitty :: A Christian
Kristo :: male given name
kristologia :: Christology
Kristus :: The Christ
kristuskeskeinen :: Christ-centered
käristyä :: To fry
käristys :: sauté (dish prepared by sautéing)
kriteeri :: criterion
kritiikitön :: uncritical (indulgent or undiscriminating; slow to criticize)
kritiikittömästi :: uncritically
kritiikittömyys :: lack of critical thinking
kritiikki :: criticism
kritiikkipalaveri :: critique session (meeting in which an organization's or person's performance is evaluated and correcting feedback is given)
kritikoida :: To criticize
kritikointi :: alternative term for kritisointi
kritisismi :: alternative term for kritiikki
kritisoida :: To attack, criticize/criticise, disparage, (find) fault (with)
kritisoida :: To criticize/criticise, (find) fault (with)
kritisointi :: criticizing
kääriytyä :: To wrap oneself into
kärjekäs :: stinging
kärjekäs :: pointed, sharp
käräjöidä :: To litigate on
kärjistää :: To exaggerate by generalising/generalizing
kärjistyä [of conflict] :: To become heated, to escalate
kärjistyä :: To culminate, to come to a head
käräjäoikeus :: since Dec. 1993, the principal trial court or court of first instance in the Finnish judicial system; officially translated into English as "District Court"; the names of corresponding courts in English-speaking countries vary by jurisdiction: district court (US, Australia), municipal court (US), circuit court (US, Ireland), magistrates court (UK), Magistrate's Court (UK, South Africa), county court (UK), provincial court (Canada)
käräjäpaikka :: A venue
käräjät :: court
käräjät :: thing, Thing (public assembly or judicial council)
kärkevä :: sharp-tempered, acerbic, poignant
kärki :: lead (the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game)
kärki :: point, tip, cusp (sharp point or pointed end)
kärkiaika :: top time
kärkiastuja :: An animal that walks on its toe tips; ungulate
kärkihylsy [fencing] :: button (soft tip of the foil)
kärkikasvupiste :: apical meristem
kärkimies :: boss, leader, top dog, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, bigwig, big wheel, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top banana
kärkimies :: lead (male holding the lead in a race)
kärkipää [attributively] :: top notch (very good, of the highest quality, among the best)
kärkipää :: top end (best performers in an art, sport, business etc. collectively)
kärkipaikka :: top position, lead (state of being ahead in a race)
kärkisija :: top position (high position in a ranking, not necessarily the first, but close to it)
kärkiväli :: spark gap (gap between electrodes in a spark plug)
kräkki :: a crack
Kärkkäinen :: Finnish surname
kärkkyä [[[pesäpallo]], the Finnish variant of baseball] :: to lead (to lead off base when the hitter is preparing; as far as possible in order to reach the next base quickly, but close enough to return to the current base, if necessary.)
kärkkyä :: to hang about for, to loiter; especially in expectation of a reward
kärkkyä :: to vie (to compete for something, to strive to achieve a goal)
käärökärsäkäs :: leaf-rolling weevil (beetle of the family Attelabidae)
kärkäs :: eager
käärme :: snake
Käärme :: The constellation Serpens
Käärmeenkantaja :: The constellation Ophiuchus
käärmeenlumooja :: snake charmer
käärmeenmarja :: herb Paris, Paris quadrifolia
käärmeenpisto :: snakebite
käärmeenpurema :: snakebite
käärmeihminen :: contortionist (extremely flexible acrobat who twists their body into unusual positions)
käärmeissään :: annoyed, angry, pissed off
käärmekaula :: darter, anhinga, snakebird (any bird in the family Anhingidae)
käärmekotka :: short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus)
käärmekurki :: seriema (either of two species of bird in the family Cariamidae, endemic to South America)
käärmemäinen :: snakelike, serpentine, ophidian
käärmetähti :: brittle star
käärmetähti :: serpent star, Ophiura ophiura
kränä :: quarrel
kroaatin kieli :: Croatian (language)
kroaatinkielinen :: Croatian (expressed in Croatian language)
kroaatit :: the Croat people
kroaatti :: Croat (language)
kroaatti :: Croat (person)
kroatia :: The Croatian language
Kroatia :: Croatia
kroatialainen :: Croatian
kroatialainen :: Croat (person)
kroatian kieli :: Croatian (language)
kroatiankielinen :: Croatian (expressed in Croatian language)
kroatianpaimenkoira :: Croatian sheepdog (breed of dog)
kroisos :: Croesus, katrillionaire (very wealthy person)
kroissantti :: croissant
krokaani :: croquembouche (decorous dessert made by piling sweets in a tall shape, using caramel as glue to hold them in place)
krokantti :: brittle (confection of caramelized sugar and nuts)
krokata [games] :: To croquet (to hit opponent's ball with one's own)
kroketti :: croquette (dish of minced meat or vegetables, deep-fried in fat and sometimes sprinkled with bread crumbs)
kroketti [games] :: croquet
krokettimaila :: A (croquet) mallet
krokettinuija :: croquet mallet
krokettipallo :: croquet [ball]]
krokidoliitti :: crocidolite
krokkaus [games] :: A croquet, roquet (act of hitting opponent's ball with one's own)
krokotiili :: crocodile
krokotiilikuvioinen :: crocodile-patterned
krokotiilinkyynel :: crocodile tear
krokotiilinnahka :: crocodile skin
krokotiilinnahkainen :: crocodile skin (made of crocodile skin)
krokotiilinvartija :: Egyptian plover, also called crocodile bird, Pluvianus aegyptius
kromaatti :: chromate
kromaattinen :: chromatic
kromaattisuus :: chromaticity
kromata :: to chrome, chromium-plate
kromatiikka :: chromaticism
kromatismi :: chromatism, chromaesthesia
kromatografia :: chromatography
kromaus :: chromium plating (application of a layer of chromium onto the surface of a metal)
kromfohrländer kromfohrlander, kromi (German breed of dog)
kromi :: chrome
kromi :: chromium
kromidiopsidi :: chrome diopside
kromihappo :: chromic acid
kromiitti :: chromite
kromikelta :: chrome yellow (pigment)
kromikeltainen :: chrome yellow (pigment)
kromimalmi :: chrome ore
kromioida :: To chrome
kromisuola :: chromium salt
kromiteräs :: chromium steel (alloy)
kromittaa :: to chrome, chromium-plate (to plate with chrome)
kromitus :: alternative term for kromaus
kromiväri :: chromium color (any pigment consisting of chromium compounds)
kromiyhdiste :: chromium compound
kromofotografia :: chromophotography
kromoglisiinihappo :: cromoglicic acid
kromosfääri :: chromosphere
kromosomaalinen :: chromosomal
kromosomi :: A chromosome
kromosomiluku :: chromosome number
kromosomimutaatio :: chromosome mutation
kromosomipari :: chromosome pair
kromosomisto :: genome
kromosomitutkimus :: chromosome research
kronikka :: chronicle
kronikoida :: To chronicle
kronikoitsija :: chronicler, annalist
kronisti :: alternative term for kronikoitsija
kronkeli :: alternative form of ronkeli
kronobiologi :: chronobiologist
kronobiologia :: chronobiology
kronografi :: chronograph (combination of watch and stopwatch)
kronologia :: chronology
kronologinen :: chronological
kronologisesti :: chronologically
kronometri :: chronometer
krookus :: crocus (perennial flowering plant of the genus Crocus)
kroolaaja :: crawler (swimmer)
kroolata :: To crawl (when swimming)
krooli :: crawl, front crawl (swimming style)
kroonikko :: A person with a chronic disease
kroonillinen :: alternative form of krooninen
krooninen :: chronic
kroonisesti :: chronically
kroonistaa :: To make chronic
kroonistua :: To become chronic
kroonisuus :: chronicity
kroppa :: body (physical structure of a human)
krossi :: A gross (twelve dozen)
krossipyörä :: alternative spelling of crossipyörä
krossipyörä :: mountain bike, especially one for boys
krotonihappo :: crotonic acid
krotti :: anglerfish (any fish of the order Lophiiformes characterized by an outgrowth that can be wiggled so as to resemble a prey animal to lure and catch their prey)
krottikala :: anglerfish (any fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes)
krottikala :: Lophiiformes (order of fish)
krouvari :: pubkeeper, innkeeper
krouvi :: crude, crudely done
krouvi :: inn, roadhouse
krouvi :: pub, bar
kärpänen :: A bug (enthusiasm for something, obsession)
kärpänen :: A fly
Kärpänen :: The constellation Musca
kärpännahka :: miniver (material)
kärpännahka :: The fur of an ermine, Mustela erminea, usually only the white winter fur is used
kärppä :: stoat; ermine [especially in the white winter coat], Mustela erminea
kärpäslätkä :: A flyswatter
kärpäsparvi :: A swarm of flies
kärpässieni :: amanita (any mushroom of the genus Amanita, most of which are poisonous)
kärrätä :: To cart, carry with a cart
kärry :: cart; often used in plural (kärryt)
kärry :: car, especially an old and rickety one
kärryllinen :: cartload
kärryt :: cart, trolley, wagon
kärryt :: pysyä kärryillä = to keep up in a conversation (as opposed to getting lost or misunderstanding)
kärsä :: (elephant) trunk, proboscis
kärsä :: (insect) proboscis
kärsä :: (pig) snout
krääsä :: junk (miscellaneous items of little value)
krääsä :: kitsch (decorative objects of questionable artistic or aesthetic value)
kärsädiki :: Günther's dik-dik, Madoqua guentheri (small East African antelope)
kärsiä :: To suffer from, endure
kärsiä :: To suffer, experience, undergo (something negative = genitive-accusative)
kärsijä :: sufferer
kärsiminen :: suffering
kärsimätön :: impatient, restless
kärsimätön :: short-tempered
kärsimys :: suffering, misery
kärsimyshedelmä :: A passion fruit
kärsimyskukka :: A passionflower
kärsimysnäytelmä :: passion play (religious play of martyrdom, especially one depicting the Passion of Christ)
kärsivällinen :: patient
kärsivällisempi :: comparative form of kärsivällinen
kärsivällisesti :: Patiently
kärsivällisin :: superlative form of kärsivällinen
kärsivällisyys :: patience
kärsäkäs :: A weevil or snout beetle
kärsäkäsmäinen :: A weevil (any of several small herbivorous beetles in the superfamily Curculionoidea)
kärsämö :: Yarrow, a plant of the genus Achillea
kärsänokkasiili :: Any of three species of long-beaked echidna, especially the western long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijni)
kärttää :: to beg
körtti :: tail of a tailcoat
körttiläinen :: Alternative term for herännäinen
körttiläisyys :: Alternative term for herännäisyys
kärttyinen :: cranky, grouchy, irritable
kärttyisä :: cranky, grouchy, irritable, cantankerous
kärttyisästi :: crankily
kärtyisä :: prickly
kruksata :: To cross
kruksi :: X, cross (mark or sign that resembles the letter X)
krumeluuri :: alternative term for hepene
krumeluuri :: alternative term for kiemura, koukero
krupieeri :: A croupier
kruppi :: croup
krusifiksi :: crucifix
kruska :: A type of porridge made of simmered wheat bran, rolled oats and raisins
krustadi :: croustade (edible container, often of pastry, filled with a savoury food)
krutongi :: crouton
krutonki :: crouton
kruuna :: heads (in coins)
kruunaaja :: crowner (one who crowns)
kruunaamaton :: uncrowned
kruunajaiset :: coronation
kruunajaisjuhla :: coronation ceremony
kruunata :: to crown, coronate
kruunaus :: crowning
kruunauttaa :: To crown
kruunu :: crown
kruunu :: koruna, krona, krone, kroon
kruunueetteri :: crown ether
kruunuhietakyyhky :: crowned sandgrouse, Pterocles coronatus
kruunukorkki :: crown cap, crown cork (type of bottle closure)
kruunukurki :: crowned crane (any of two crane species of the genus Balearica, native sub-Saharan Africa)
kruunukynttilä :: A slender, non-drip candle suitable for use in chandeliers
kruunumutteri :: castle nut
kruununjalokivi :: crown jewel (prized possession or asset)
kruununjalokivi :: crown jewels (the jewelry that accompany the office of rulership in a monarchy)
kruununkalleudet :: crown jewels (jewelry that accompany the office of rulership in a monarchy)
kruununkyyti :: prisoner transport
kruununkyyti :: A landowner's duty to provide transport for officials of the state and church, dignitaries, prisoners and property of the state
kruununkyyti :: Any transport of a person (sometimes even of a specific object) paid from the public funds, as e.g. konsulikyyti
kruununluontoinen [archaic, legal] :: of land, belonging to the crown
kruununmaa :: alternative term for valtionmaa
kruununmakasiini :: In Sweden (to which Finland belonged from 1300's to 1809), a state-administered warehouse in which grain and other foodstuffs collected as tax were stored
kruununnavetta :: A large farm owned by the state, dedicated to producing food for the needs of the military; a "crown barn"
kruununokikana :: red-knobbed coot, crested coot, Fulica cristata
kruununperijä :: heir apparent, heir presumptive; scion (successor to the throne)
kruununperillinen :: Alternative term for kruununperijä
kruununperimys :: succession (passing of royal powers)
kruununperimysjärjestys :: line of succession (the potential heirs to the throne put in order according to those rules)
kruununperimysjärjestys :: order of succession (the rules by which a successor to the throne is determined)
kruununperintö :: alternative term for valtionperintö
kruununpolttimo :: crown distillery (distillery owned by the state, often with monopoly for distilling liquors for the market)
kruununprinsessa :: crown princess
kruununprinssi :: A crown prince
kruununsiirtomaa :: crown colony
kruununtavoittelija :: pretender (claimant to a throne)
kruununtila :: A "crown farm", a farm that was crown's property but to which a farmer had permanent, inheritable but not saleable tenancy as long as he paid the associated taxes
kruununtilallinen :: "crown's farmer"; a leaseholder of a kruununtila
kruununvarasto :: alternative term for kruununmakasiini
kruununvouti :: Until 1945, a senior state official responsible for tax collection, execution of courts' writs and maintenance of general law and order in his district (see: kihlakunta); a position somewhat similar to that of a sheriff in a shire
kruunupää :: Anything that has a feature on its head that resembles a crown
kruunupää :: monarch, crown head
kruunupää :: royal, (member of royalty)
kruunupäinen :: coronate (having or wearing a crown)
kruunusta luopuminen :: abdication
kruusailla :: alternative term for kruusata
kruusailu :: alternative term for kruusaus
kruusata :: alternative form of kursailla
kruusata :: to gild the lily, overdo (to embellish or improve something unnecessarily)
kruusattu :: kitsch (excessively decorated, overdone, tasteless)
kruusaus :: ceremony (unduly formal behavior)
kruusaus :: embellishment, gilding of the lily (excessive decoration)
kärventää :: To scorch, parch, sear
kärventyä :: To scorch
käry :: The smell of burning
kääryle :: roll, dolma [food]
kryo- :: cryo-
kryobiologia :: cryobiology
kryofysiikka :: cryophysics
kryoliitti :: cryolite
kryomagneetti :: cryomagnet
kryosfääri :: cryosphere
kryotekniikka :: cryotechnology (technology involving very low temperatures)
kryotekninen :: cryotechnical (of or pertaining to cryotechnology)
kryovulkanismi :: cryovolcanism
krypta :: crypt
kryptandi :: cryptand
kryptata :: To encrypt
kryptattu :: encrypted
kryptaus :: encrypting
kryptinen :: cryptic
krypto :: codeword (type of crossword)
kryptofyytti :: cryptophyte
kryptografia :: cryptography
kryptologia :: cryptology
krypton :: krypton
krysanteemi :: A chrysanthemum
krysoberylli :: chrysoberyl
krysoliitti :: chrysolite
krysopraasi :: chrysoprase
krysotiili :: chrysotile
kryssiä :: to tack, sail close to the wind
kryssi :: board, leg, tack (distance sailed with sails constantly on the same side of the ship)
krystallomantia :: crystallomancy
kärytä :: To get caught
kärytä :: To smoke
käräyttää :: To catch, to reveal another person's deceit, to rat out
käräyttää :: To scorch, to char
käryttää :: To smoke (give off smoke)
kryyni :: alternative form of ryyni
ksantaanikumi :: xanthan gum (food additive)
ksantaatti :: xanthate
ksantiini :: xanthine
ksantiinioksidaasi :: xanthine oxidase
ksenofobia :: xenophobia
ksenofobinen :: xenophobic
ksenografti :: A xenotransplant (that which is transplanted in a xenotransplantation)
ksenografti :: A xenotransplantation (transplantation of tissue from one species to another)
ksenon :: xenon
ksenotransplantaatio :: xenotransplantation (transplantation of an organ or part thereof from one species to another).
Kserkses :: Xerxes
kserografia :: xerography
kserokopio :: xerocopy
käsi :: arm (from the shoulder to the fingers or from the elbow to the fingers)
käsi :: hand (from the wrist to the fingers)
-ksi :: Used to form the translative case
käsiala :: handwriting (characteristic writing of a person)
käsialantutkimus :: graphology (study of handwriting)
käsiase :: handgun
ksii :: xi (Greek letter)
käsijarru :: A handbrake
käsijarrukäännös :: handbrake turn, bootlegger reverse
käsi kädessä :: hand in hand
käsikirja :: manual [book]
käsikirjoittaa :: to write a manuscript (to produce a single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc.)
käsikirjoittaja :: scriptwriter; screenwriter [film and TV]
käsikirjoitus :: A manuscript
käsikirjoitus :: A scenario (outline of the plot of a dramatic work for theatre, cinema or TV)
käsikkäin :: hand in hand
käsikosketus :: handball
käsikranaatti :: hand grenade
käsikärryt :: wheelbarrow
käsilaukku :: handbag [UK]; purse, pocketbook [US] (small bag used to carry personal items, often by women)
käsillä :: at hand
käsiloki :: chip log, hand log
käsimikro :: hand-held, handheld computer, personal digital assistant, PDA (personal digital assistant or similar mobile device that is small enough to be held in the hands)
käsin :: indicates source of action
käsine :: Any garment used to protect a hand, such as a glove or mitten
käsinkirjoitus :: handwriting (writing done with the hand)
käsinkohonta :: pull-up
käsinkosketeltava :: tangible, palpable, obvious
käsinoja :: arm of an armchair
käsinoja :: armrest
käsintehty :: handmade, handcrafted, artisanal
käsinukke :: hand puppet
käsinukke :: sock puppet (simple hand puppet made of a sock)
käsipallo :: handball
käsipelillä :: by hand, manually
käsipyyhe :: hand towel
käsiraudat :: handcuffs
käsirysy :: fisticuffs (impromptu fight with the fists)
käsisaha :: handsaw
käsite :: concept
käsite :: construct
käsite :: notion
käsitekirjoitus :: logography
käsitellä :: To handle, deal with
käsitellä :: To process (mentally)
käsitellä :: To debate on, discuss (a law proposal)
käsitellä :: To discuss, converse on, talk about/over
käsitellä :: To process (an application; an industrial product; information), to treat (an industrial product)
käsitellä :: To treat (a person)
käsitellä :: To try, hear (a legal case)
käsiteltävyys :: handleability
käsittää :: To comprise, consist of, include, encompass
käsittää :: To understand, comprehend, fathom
käsitteellinen :: conceptual
käsitteellistää :: To conceptualize
-käsitteinen :: Which can be understood; used as headword in compound terms, notably in monikäsitteinen and yksikäsitteinen
käsitteistää :: alternative form of käsitteellistää
käsittelemätön :: untreated, raw, unprocessed
käsittelijä :: handler
käsittely :: handling
käsittely :: hearing (in a legal case)
käsittely :: treatment, processing
käsittämätön :: inexplicable, incomprehensible, inscrutable, unintelligible
käsituliase :: handgun
käsityö :: handcraft
käsityö :: handwork
käsityökalu :: hand tool (tool powered by human muscle)
käsityöläinen :: artisan
käsityöläinen :: craftsman
käsitys :: assumption
käsitys :: conception
käsitys :: impression
käsitys :: opinion, view, viewpoint
käsitys :: understanding, insight
käsivarsi :: arm
käsivarsi :: The area of Enontekiö muncipality between Norway and Sweden (from the human-figure shape of Finland as a whole)
käsivika :: injury on hand or arm
käskeä :: To order, tell; to command
käskettää :: To order to somebody to order someone
käskevä :: authoritative (having a commanding style)
käsky :: An order, command, commandment, dictation, behest
käsky :: instruction
käskytapa :: imperative mood
käsnä :: callus
käsnäjalkainen :: velvet worm
kössi :: squash (the sport)
kässäri :: A handbrake
kässäri :: A script, scenario
kässätä :: to reckon, to get it
ksylaani :: xylan
ksyleeni :: xylene
ksyleenisyanoli :: xylene cyanol
ksylitoli :: xylitol
ksylitolipurukumi :: xylitol bubble gum
ksylitolitahna :: xylitol toothpaste (toothpaste sweetened with xylitol)
ksylofoni :: xylophone
ksylofonisti :: xylophonist
ksylografi [jargon] :: A xylographer (one who makes xylographs)
ksylografia [jargon] :: A xylograph (engraving in wood, especially one used for printing)
ksylografia [jargon] :: A xylograph (print taken from an engraving in wood)
ksylografia [jargon] :: xylography (art of making xylographs)
ksylo-oligosakkaridi :: xylooligosaccharide
ksyloosi :: xylose
ksylorimba :: xylorimba
ksyluloosi :: xylulose
kt {symbol} :: kilotavu; KB (kilobyte)
käteinen :: cash (money in the form of notes and coins)
käteiskauppa :: A commercial transaction made on the condition that the payment is made upon receipt of the goods
käteiskortti :: A debit card
käteismaksu :: A cash payment
kätellä [of two or more persons] :: To shake hands (with each other)
kätellä :: To shake hands with
kätevä :: convenient (making life easy)
kätevä :: dexterous (skillful with one's hands)
kätevä :: handy, useful
käteväihminen :: Homo habilis
kätevyys :: convenience (quality of being suitable, useful or convenient)
kätilö :: midwife
kätilöidä :: To midwife (to act as a midwife)
-kätinen :: -handed
kätinen :: handed; often used as headword in compound terms
kätisyys :: handedness
kätisyys :: chirality
kätkö :: geocache
kätkö :: hiding place; usually for things, men are hidden in piilopaikka
kätkö :: hoard, cache (hidden supply)
kätkeä :: to bury (e.g. the truth)
kätkeä :: to hide, conceal
kätkeä :: to stash (to hide or store away for later use)
kätkentä :: hiding, concealing
kätkeytyä :: To hide into
kätkijä :: concealer
kätkyt :: cradle
kätkytkuolema :: A sudden infant death syndrome, crib death, cot death, SIDS
KTM :: kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö (former Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland, now replaced with työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö)
kätönen :: small hand
ktooninen [mythology, Greece] :: chthonic (dwelling within or under the earth)
kätsi :: handy
kätsy :: handy
kättenpäällepaneminen :: imposition of hands, laying on of hands
kätyri :: henchman, underling
Kuala Lumpur :: Kuala Lumpur (capital of Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur :: Kuala Lumpur (federal territory in Malaysia)
kubaani :: cubane
kubismi :: cubism
kubisti :: cubist
kubistinen :: cubistic
kude :: A weft (horizontal threads that are interlaced through the warp in a woven fabric)
kude :: In plural (kuteet) an attire, clothes
kude :: Weft, fill, filling (yarn used for the weft)
kudelanka :: weft, fill, filling (yarn used for the weft in a woven fabric)
kudin :: knitting (material that has been, or is being knit)
kudonta :: weaving
kudos :: tissue (group of similar cells that function together to do a specific job)
kudos :: fabric (texture of a cloth)
kudosneste :: interstitial fluid
kudosnäyte :: tissue sample
kudosoppi :: histology
kudosviljely :: tissue culture
kuguaari :: A cougar
kuha :: pike-perch (any fish in the genus Sander)
kuha :: zander (Sander lucioperca, formerly Stizostedion lucioperca)
kuhankeittäjä :: golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
kuherrella :: a verb referring to the phenomenon of young lovers and their tendency to be constantly hugging, kissing, touching and generally just being unable to keep their hands off of one another
kuherrella :: to snuggle up, to get cozy with one another
kuherruskuukausi :: A honeymoon (period of time immediately following a marriage)
kuherruskuukausi :: A honeymoon (period of unusually good feelings)
kuhertaa :: to bill
kuhilas :: stook (pile of sheaves)
kuhina :: stir, bustle
kuhista [of insects etc.] :: To bustle
kuhkia :: to sneak around
kuhkia :: to stay up late at night, especially doing one's chores, pottering around
kuhlinpikkulepakko :: Kuhl's pipistrelle, Pipistrellus kuhlii
kuhmu :: knot, swelling
kuhmuinen :: knotty
kuhmura :: bump
kuhmuuntua :: To dent
kuhnailija :: laggard
kuhnia :: To linger, dawdle
kuhnuri :: A drone (male bee or wasp)
kuhnuri :: laggard
kuhnus :: laggard
kui :: how
kui :: why
kuidutin :: defibrator
kuiduton :: fibreless/fiberless, lacking fibre/fiber
kuiduttaa :: to fiberize
kuihduttaa [of a sickness] :: To decay, waste
kuihduttaa :: To wilt
kuihtua [of a sick person] :: To decay, waste
kuihtua :: To wilt
kuikelo :: A beanpole (tall, thin person)
kuikka :: loon, diver (bird)
kuikka :: specifically black-throated diver (Gavia arctica)
kuikkalintu :: A loon or diver, a bird of the order Gaviiformes
kuikui :: cui-ui (Chasmistes cujus)
kuikuilla :: to watch curiously and by straining the neck
kuilu :: abyss, chasm
kuilu :: gap
kuilu :: ravine
kuilu :: shaft (of mine, elevator)
kuin :: how?
kuin :: (subordinating; with or without ikään + conditional mood) as if
kuin {particle} :: (coordinating) as, like:
kuin {particle} :: (coordinating; with comparatives) than:
kuin {particle} :: (coordinating; with yhtä or niin) as ... as:
kuin Esterin perseestä [vulgar, idiomatic] :: A metaphor of heavy rain or sometimes also of heavy snowfall, used like cats and dogs in English
kuin ihmeen kaupalla :: amazingly (difficult to believe; strange but true; literally: "like by a miracle")
kuin Iisakin kirkkoa :: for ever and ever (Indicates that something takes a very long time to complete)
kuinka :: how
kuin kaksi marjaa [simile] :: like two peas in a pod, much of a muchness (very similar to each other, literally: like two berries)
kuinka monta :: how many? (what number of?)
kuinka paljon :: how much
kuinka paljon se maksaa :: how much is it?
kuinka tämä sana lausutaan :: how do you pronounce this word?
kuinka vanha olet :: how old are you?
kuinka voit :: (less formal) are you alright
kuinka voit :: (less formal) how are you
kuinka voitte :: how are you
kuin kuppa Töölöstä [idiomatic, colloquial] :: swiftly and irrevocably; used especially with the verb lähteä of a quick, forced departure or removal of something or someone
kuin kuumille kiville :: like hot cakes (quickly, especially by purchase or consumption)
kuin mitä :: as (used to connect a main clause and a subordinate clause)
kuin mitä :: than (used to connect a main clause and a subordinate clause)
kuin norsu posliinikaupassa :: like a bull in a china shop
kuin päätön kana [simile] :: like a headless chicken (acting in a haphazard or aimless way)
kuin se häntä :: than the latter does something to the former
kuin se häntä :: than the one does something to the other
kuiri :: godwit (migratory wading birds in the genus Limosa of the sandpiper family)
kuiskaaja :: whisperer
kuiskailla :: To whisper
kuiskailu :: whispering
kuiskata :: To whisper
kuiskaus :: whisper
kuiskaustulkkaus :: chuchotage, whispered interpreting, whispered interpretation (interpretation of speech in a whisper)
kuiske :: whispering
kuiskia :: to whisper
kuiskina :: whisper
kuiskinta :: Whispering
kuisma :: St John's wort
Kuisma :: Finnish surname
Kuisma [rare compared to surname] :: male given name
kuisti :: porch, stoop, verandah
kuitata :: To acknowledge
kuitata :: To give a receipt
kuitenkaan :: anyway
kuitenkaan :: however ... not
kuitenkaan :: yet ... not
kuitenkin :: after all
kuitenkin :: anyway
kuitenkin :: however
kuitenkin :: nevertheless
kuittaantua :: alternative form of kuittautua
kuittaus :: acknowledgment, receipt
kuitti [radio] :: received! roger!
kuitti :: receipt (written acknowledgment)
kuitu :: dietary fibre; as a short form of ravintokuitu
kuitu :: fiber, fibre
kuitu :: filament
kuitu :: thread, if it consists of one filament or fibre; compare lanka
kuituinen :: fibrous
kuitukangas :: nonwoven (fabric-like material)
kuituoptiikka :: fiber optics, fiberoptics
kuituserpentiini :: chrysotile
kuiva :: dry (also figuratively)
kuivaa :: To become dry
kuivaaja :: dryer (someone or something that dries)
kuivahedelmä :: dried fruit
kuivahko :: Quite dry, dryish
kuivain :: dryer (drying device)
kuivajää :: dry ice
kuivakakku :: A type of non-layered dry cake, often but not necessarily a bundt cake
kuivakas :: dry
kuiva kausi :: dry season
kuivakka :: dryish
kuivakkokasvi :: xerophyte
kuivakäymälä :: dry toilet, outhouse, latrine
kuivapuku :: drysuit
kuivasti :: dryly
kuivata :: To dry
kuivate :: drier, siccative
kuivatelakka :: A drydock
kuivatella :: To dry
kuivatin :: A variant of kuivain
kuivatislaus :: dry distillation
kuivattaa :: To dry
kuivatusaine :: drier, siccative
kuivaus :: drying
kuivausrumpu :: A tumble dryer
kuivempi :: comparative form of kuiva
kuivettua :: To dry up
kuivike :: A litter (absorbent material used in an animal's litter tray)
kuivike :: Any material used as a drying agent
kuivio :: A dried piece of land
kuivua :: To dry (out/off/up)
kuivuminen :: drying
kuivumisaika :: drying time
kuivunut :: parched, desiccated, sere
kuivuus :: drought
kuivuus :: dryness
kuja :: alley
Kujala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kujala :: Finnish surname
kujanjuoksu :: gauntlet (any challenging, difficult, or painful ordeal)
kujanjuoksu :: gauntlet (simultaneous attack from two or more sides)
kujanjuoksu :: running the gauntlet, a form of corporeal punishment
kujanne :: avenue
kuje :: practical joke
kujeellinen :: teasing, enticing
kujeellisesti :: teasingly, enticingly
kujeilija :: trickster, prankster
kujerrus :: coo
kujertaa :: To coo
kuka :: whoever
kuka :: who; (when followed by a modifier in elative case, -sta/-stä) which one (of + a noun referring to people)
kuka [relative, dialectal] :: who
kuka :: who, when the pronoun refers to the whole of the preceding sentence.
kukaali :: coucal (bird of the genus Centropus in the family Cuculidae, the cuckoos)
kukaan [indefinite, with a negation verb form] :: no-one, none, nobody, not ... anybody/anyone
kukaan :: anybody, anyone
kukallinen :: Having flowers; flowery
kukapa tietää :: Who knows?
kuka tahansa :: anyone, anybody
kuka tahansa :: whoever
kukaties :: possibly
kukikas :: flowery (decorated with flowers)
kukin :: each:
kukinta :: bloom, blossom (state of flowering)
kukinta :: inflorescence (beginning of flowering)
kukin taaplaa tyylillään :: to each his own (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences and tastes)
kukinto :: inflorescence
kukistaa :: To defeat, overthrow
kukistettu :: defeated, vanquished
kukistettu :: subdued
kukistua :: To fall, be overthrown
kukistuminen :: downfall
kukka :: flower
kukka :: cannabis
kukkahattutäti :: A patronizing person with puritan moral sense
kukkainen :: flowery
kukkaisa :: flower-rich
kukkaiskansa :: The hippies collectively
kukkaiskieli :: language of flowers, floriography
kukkakaali :: cauliflower
kukkakaalikorva :: cauliflower ear
kukkakasvi :: flowering plant
kukkakauppa :: florist's (shop that sells flowers)
kukkakauppias :: florist (person who sells flowers)
kukkakeppi :: Stake used in supporting a plant
kukkakimppu :: bouquet, nosegay (bunch of flowers)
kukkakärpänen :: hover-fly
kukkamaljakko :: flower vase
kukkanen :: flower
kukkapenkki :: flowerbed
kukkaperä :: pedicel (stalk of individual flower)
kukkapohjus :: receptacle
kukkaro :: A purse
kukkaruukku :: flowerpot (container in which plants are grown)
kukkia :: To blossom, bloom, be in flower/bloom, flower [concretely or figuratively]
kukkiminen :: flowering, blooming
kukkimisaika :: flowering period
kukko :: A cock, rooster
kukkoilla :: to strut one's stuff (to behave, or to perform in a showy or ostentatious manner, especially in a way to impress others; to show off)
kukkokello :: cuckoo clock
kukkokiekuu :: cock-a-doodle-doo
Kukkonen :: Finnish surname
kukkopilli [folk tradition] :: rooster whistle (rooster-shaped flute-like whistle, used as decorative object and toy)
kukkotappelu :: cockfight
kukkotappelu :: cockfighting
kukkua :: To stay awake late (from the habit of the cuckoo to sing in the night)
kukkua :: To cuckoo (to make the sound of a cuckoo)
kukkula :: A hill
kukkula :: A hillock (small hill)
kukkulainen :: hilly
kukkulan kuningas :: king of the hill
kukkura :: heaped measure
kukkura :: kaiken kukkuraksi = top it off
kukkuu :: The call of a cuckoo
kukoistaa :: to thrive, boom, blossom
kukoistus :: flowering, bloom
kukoistus :: heyday
kukoistusaika :: heyday
kukoistuskausi :: heyday
kukonaskel :: houndstooth (weaving pattern)
kukonaskel :: cock's step
kukonharja :: cockscomb, Celosia cristata (annual garden plant having showy red clusters of flowers)
kukonharja :: cockscomb (fleshy red crest of a rooster)
kukonlaulu :: cockcrow (time of day at which the first crow of a cockerel is heard; dawn or daybreak; first light)
kukonlaulu :: [used other than as idiom] cock's crow (instance of a cock crowing)
kuksa :: A type of drinking cup normally made from carved wood. Often given as presents
kuksia :: To have sex (trans. -> + partitive = with someone)
kuku :: coua (any terrestrial bird of the genus Coua, in the cuckoo family)
kukunta :: cuckoo
kukuttaa :: To make something or someone to cuckoo
kulaani :: A koulan or kulan (Equus hemionus kulan)
kulakki :: kulak
kulaus :: drink, draught (the amount of liquid in one swallow)
kuleksia :: To wander (around)
kulho :: bowl (container)
kulhollinen :: bowlful
kuli :: coolie
kulinaarinen :: culinary
kulinarismi :: epicurism
kulinaristi :: gourmet, epicure
kulissi [theater] :: scene, stage, act
kuljeksia :: To wander aimlessly, stroll, ramble, roam, rove
kuljeksija :: wanderer
kuljeksinta :: wandering
kuljeskelija :: wanderer, flaneur
kuljeskella :: To wander, drift, roam aimlessly
kuljeskelu :: rambling (gentle hiking)
kuljetin :: conveyor
kuljetinhihna :: conveyor belt
kuljettaa :: to dribble
kuljettaa :: to carry, convey
kuljettaa :: to drive
kuljettaa :: to transport
kuljettaja :: driver
kuljettaja :: motorist (driver of a motorized vehicle)
kuljettaminen :: transportation
kuljetus :: transport, a delivery, a ride
kuljetushihna :: A conveyor belt
kuljetuslentokone :: cargo aircraft
kuljetusmaksu :: freight (payment)
kuljetusväline :: mode of transport (vehicle or system used to transport people or goods)
kulju :: quagmire, morass (swampy, soggy spot)
kulkea :: To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground
kulkea :: To go, walk; to travel
kulkea omia polkujaan :: To march to the beat of a different drum
kulkeentua :: To drift
kulkeutua :: To drift
kulkija :: rover
kulkija :: traveler
kulku :: course, path
kulku :: motion, journey
kulkuaika :: travel time
kulkue :: cortege (ceremonial procession)
kulkue :: procession (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner, especially if doing so slowly and formally)
kulkukelpoinen :: passable, negotiable
kulkukelvoton :: impassable
kulkukelvoton :: unnavigable
kulkukissa :: stray cat
kulkukoira :: stray dog
kulkulupa :: pass, admittance (permission to enter)
kulkuluukku :: booby hatch (small hatchway in the deck of a ship)
kulkunen :: jingle bell
kulkuneuvo :: transportation (US; any kind of vehicle or vessel used as means of transport)
kulkuoikeus :: A right of way (legal right of passage over another's land or pathways)
kulkurajoitus :: travel restriction
kulkuri :: tramp, vagabond
kulkusirkka :: locust (insect)
kulkutaudinomainen :: epidemic
kulkutauti :: epidemic, plague
kulkutie :: passageway, gangway
kulkuväline :: mode of transport, means of transportation
kullanhuuhdonta :: gold panning (method for separating gold from dirt)
kullankaivaja :: gold miner, gold digger
kullankaivuu :: gold mining
kullanmuru :: darling, dear, sweetie
kullannuppu :: darling, dear, sweetie
kullastaa :: alternative form of kuullottaa
kullata :: To gild (also figuratively)
kullekin kuuluva :: respective
kullero :: globeflower (any plant of the genus Trollius, especially the species Trollius europaeus, which is native to Finland)
Kullervo :: A tragic hero in the Kalevala
Kullervo :: male given name taken into use from the Kalevala
kulli :: cock, dick, prick, schlong (singular) penis, (plural) male genitalia
kullinluikaus [vulgar, humorous] :: A short trip or short period of time
kulloin :: when
kulloinenkin :: then, valid or prevalent at the time of a past or future event; used to indicate temporal coincidence, often not necessary to translate into English
kulloinkaan [rare, dated] :: Same as milloinkaan
kulloinkin :: at any given time, at the time, indicating dependence on the value of a variable at the time of a past or future event
kulloinkin :: at each time, in each case, indicating randomness
kulma :: angle
kulma :: corner
kulma :: short for kulmakarvat
kulmaetäisyys :: angular distance
kulmahammas :: canine, canine tooth, cuspid (with majority of mammals, a pointed tooth between incisors and molars)
kulmahammas :: corner tooth (similarly located tooth of a horse)
kulmahiomakone :: An angle grinder
-kulmainen :: -edged
kulmakarva :: An individual hair of the eyebrow
kulmakarvakato :: madarosis (loss of eyebrows)
kulmakarvat :: eyebrow, brow (arch of hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket)
kulmakerroin :: slope
kulmakivi :: cornerstone
kulmakynä :: An eyebrow pencil
Kulmala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kulmala :: Finnish surname
kulmalainausmerkki :: A guillemet (either of the punctuation marks “«” or “»”)
kulmalippu :: corner flag
kulmallinen :: angled (having an angle, usually only one)
kulmaminuutti :: minute of angle
kulmanopeus :: angular velocity
kulman puolittaja :: alternative spelling of kulmanpuolittaja
kulmanpuolittaja :: An angle bisector
kulmapotku :: corner kick
kulmasekunti :: arcsecond
kulmasulje :: angle bracket (symbols "<" and ">")
kulmasulku :: angle bracket (symbols "⟨" and "⟩", or "<" and ">")
kulmat :: eyebrow, brow (short for kulmakarvat)
Kulmaviivoitin :: The constellation Triangulum
kulmikas :: angular
kulminaatio :: culmination
kulminoitua :: To culminate
-kulmio :: -gon
kulmittain :: diagonally
kulmuri [anatomy, slang] :: canine tooth
kulmuri [sports, slang] :: corner kick, corner throw, corner stroke or corner hit
kulo :: A dry, dead grass from previous summer
kulo :: A forest fire, especially one that advances on the crowns of the trees
kulorastas :: mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
kulottua :: To scorch
kuloutua :: To scorch
kulta :: darling, dear, baby (term of endearment)
kulta :: gold medal
kulta :: gold (metal)
kulta-aika :: golden age (time of success and prosperity)
kultabokombali :: golden bamboo lemur, golden lemur, Prolemur aureus, also Hapalemur aureus
kultafasaani :: a bird of the genus Chrysolophus
kultafasaani :: golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus
kultahammas :: gold tooth
kultahamsteri :: Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus
kultahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula aurea
kultaharjaleijona-apina :: golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas)
kultaharjaleijonatamariini :: golden-headed lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysomelas
kultahääpäivä :: A golden anniversary (the 50th anniversary of a marriage)
kultahäät :: golden wedding (50th wedding anniversary)
kultainen :: golden
kultainen :: sweet
kultainen keskitie :: happy medium, golden mean (balanced position between two opposite extremes)
kultainen leikkaus :: golden ratio
kultainennoutaja :: golden retriever
Kultainen orda :: The Golden Horde
kultaisempi :: comparative form of kultainen
kultajättiläishyppypäästäinen :: golden-rumped elephant-shrew, Rhynchocyon chrysopygus
kultakaivos :: goldmine, bonanza (profitable economic venture)
kultakaivos :: goldmine (plentiful stockpile of something sought after)
kultakaivos :: gold mine, goldmine
kultakala :: goldfish, Carassius auratus
Kultakala :: The constellation Dorado
kultakanta :: gold standard
kultakausi :: golden age
kultakello :: gold watch
kultakontiainen :: golden mole (any burrowing mammal of the family Chrysochloridae, native to southern Africa)
kultakruunusifaka :: golden-crowned sifaka, Propithecus tattersalli
kultakuore :: greater argentine, Argentina silus
kultakutri :: goldilocks
kultakutriplaneetta :: Goldilocks planet
kultakuume :: A gold rush
kultala :: El Dorado
kultaleijona-apina :: golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia)
kultaleijonatamariini :: golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia)
kultamaamyyrä :: golden mole
kultamakrilli :: dolphinfish, dorado, mahi-mahi [Coryphaena hippurus]
kultamalmi :: gold ore
kultamitali :: gold medal
kultamitalisti :: gold medalist (gold medal winner)
kultamuna :: golden egg
kultamyrkkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius callisteus
kultamyyrä :: golden mole (mole of the family Chrysochloridae)
kultanen :: darling, honey, sugar, sweetheart, sweet (term of affection)
kultaoksidi :: gold oxide
kultapanda :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
kultapiisku :: goldenrod, woundwort (Solidago)
kultapitoinen :: gold-bearing, auriferous
kultaralli :: ring finger
Kultarannikko :: The Gold Coast (colonial era name of Ghana)
kultarinta :: icterine warbler, Hippolais icterina
kultarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius volemus
kultasakaali :: golden jackal (Canis aureus)
kultasepänliike :: jeweller's
kultaseppä :: goldsmith, jeweller
kultatöyhtökakadu :: sulfur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita
kultatöyhtösifaka :: golden-crowned sifaka, Propithecus tattersalli
kulti [colloquial, affectionately] :: sweetheart, honey
kultivaattori :: cultivator
kultivoida :: To cultivate (to nurture, tend an interest etc.)
kultsi :: honey, baby
kultti :: A cult
kulttielokuva :: cult movie
kulttuuri :: A culture
kulttuurienvälinen :: intercultural
kulttuurievoluutio :: cultural evolution
kulttuurihistoria :: cultural history
kulttuurikeskus :: cultural centre
kulttuuriministeri :: minister of culture
kulttuurinen :: cultural
kulttuurintutkimus :: cultural studies
kulttuurishokki :: alternative form of kulttuurisokki
kulttuurisokki :: culture shock
kulttuuritoimi :: department of culture; especially that of a city or other municipality
kulttuurivaihto :: culture exchange
kulttuurivallankumous :: A cultural revolution
kulua [e.g. of clothes] :: to wear (out/thin/down)
kulua [of money] :: to get spent, go, (of food) get eaten/consumed
kulua [of time] :: to go by, pass by, pass off
kulua loppuun :: To be depleted, be exhausted
kuluessa :: within
kuluminen :: wear and tear (damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use)
kulumisvika :: wear out failure, defect
kulunut :: hackneyed, banal, trite, clichéd (repeated too often)
kulunut :: past
kulunut :: worn, worn out, decrepit
kulut :: expenses, costs, expenditures
kuluttaa :: To consume (consumer goods)
kuluttaa :: To eat, consume (food)
kuluttaa :: To erode (soil)
kuluttaa :: To spend, blow (money), to spend (time)
kuluttaa :: To tax, tire (strength), to strain, wear on (sb's nerves)
kuluttaa :: To wear out (clothes)
kuluttaa loppuun :: To deplete, exhaust (natural resources)
kuluttaa loppuun :: To use up
kuluttaa loppuun :: To wear out (clothes)
kuluttaja :: A consumer
kuluttaja :: A user (consumer)
kuluttajahinta :: consumer price
kuluttajahintaindeksi :: consumer price index
kuluttua :: in, after, a [period] from (after a period of time)
kulutus :: consumption
kulutus :: expenditure
kulutusmaito :: whole milk (consumer product: pasteurized and homogenized milk with fat content standardized to 3.5 %)
kulutustavara :: consumer good
kumajaa [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of kumista
kumara :: A hunch (bent, bowed posture)
kumarampi :: comparative form of kumara
kumariini :: coumarin
kumarin :: superlative form of kumara
kumarrus :: A bow, bowing gesture
kumartaa :: To bow
kumartua :: to bend over, stoop (to bend one's upper body or head forward and down)
kumartua :: to crouch (to bend servilely)
kumea :: [of sound] dull, hollow
kumi :: eraser
kumi :: rubber
kumi :: condom
kumikangas :: rubber cloth
kumilautta :: rubber raft, raft (flat-bottomed inflatable craft for floating or drifting on water)
kumilenkki :: rubber band
kumiluoti :: rubber bullet
kumina :: A hollow sound, like the toll of church bells or the rumble of empty barrels
kumina :: caraway, Persian cumin (plant in Apiaceae family, Carum carvi)
kumina :: caraway (the seeds of that plant, used as spice)
kuminauha :: rubber band
kuminen :: rubbery
kumisaapas :: rubber boot, gumboot, Wellington boot, welly, gumshoe; galosh (US)
kumissi :: kumiss
kumista :: to peal, boom (to emit a loud, somewhat hollow sound, or a succession of such sounds, as of a low-pitched bell, thunder or cannon from a distance)
kumista :: to toll (to make the sound of a low-pitched bell)
kumistin :: gong
kumitossu :: gumshoe (sneaker)
kumittaa :: To erase, rub
kumivene :: inflatable boat, inflatable dinghy, inflatable, rubber duck (inflatable rybber boat)
kumkvatti :: kumquat
kumma :: in comparative, with negation, nasty, severe
kumma :: odd, strange
kumma :: on earth, in the world, the dickens (used as non-profane intensifier with an interrogative pronoun)
kummajainen :: freak
kummajainen :: paradox (person or thing having contradictory properties)
kummaksua :: alternative form of kummeksua
kummallinen :: odd, strange, peculiar
kummallisemmin :: comparative form of kummallisesti
kummallisempi :: comparative form of kummallinen
kummallisesti :: oddly, strangely, peculiarly
kummallisimmin :: superlative form of kummallisesti
kummallisin :: superlative form of kummallinen
kummallisuus :: oddness, strangeness
kummassa :: -ever (used together with an interrogative pronoun to emphasize a question)
kummastella :: to be amazed, astonished
kummasti :: strangely
kummastua :: To be surprised
kummastus :: astonishment
kummastuttaa :: to puzzle
kummastuttava :: perplexing
kummata :: To erase (using eraser)
kummeksia :: alternative form of kummeksua
kummeksua :: to wonder
kummeksuttaa :: alternative form of kummastuttaa
kummeli :: A cairn, especially one used as a navigational aid
kummeli :: A post painted white and equipped with a large board on top, with a capital letter written on the board for identification. Used as sea mark in archipelago to help the seafarers in locating themselves
kummeliturska :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
kummempi :: comparative form of kumma
kummempi :: (sen) + partitive: special
kummeta :: To get any better
kummi :: A godparent, godfather or godmother
kummilapsi :: A godchild
kummin :: superlative form of kumma
kummipoika :: A godson
kummisetä :: A godfather (mafia leader)
kummisetä :: A godfather (male godparent)
kummitäti :: A godmother
kummitus :: A poltergeist
kummitus :: A spook, ghost
kummituseläin :: tarsier (primate of the genus Tarsius, the only genus in the family Tarsiidae)
kummitusjuna :: ghost train
kummitusjuttu :: ghost story
kummitustalo :: haunted house (house believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences)
kummitytär :: A goddaughter
kummoinen :: mediocre, not very good
kummuta [e.g. of water or some other liquid matter] :: To well (up/forth), spring (up/forth)
kummuta [figuratively + elative] :: To evolve from, stem from, (be) originate(d) in
kumoon :: mennä ~ : to fall down
kumoon :: over, down, upside down (from an upright position to horizontal one)
kumota :: To down (to drink, especially beer)
kumota :: To cancel out (e.g. each other)
kumota :: To overthrow (a ruler)
kumota :: To turn over, flip over, capsize
kumota :: To undo, repeal, invalidate, annul, reverse, overrule, disprove, deny, abrogate (to reverse the effects of)
kumottaa :: to get nervous, anxious, scared
kumottaa :: to warm up (concretely), to heat
kumoutua :: To be overthrown
kumpainen [indefinite, archaic] :: both; usually with suffix -kin or -kaan, see kumpainenkin, kumpainenkaan
kumpainen [interrogative, archaic, rare] :: which one (of the two); usually begins an indirect question
kumpainenkaan :: neither
kumpare :: knoll
kumpare [skiing] :: mogul
kumparelasku [skiing] :: mogul skiing
kumpi :: which one (of (the) two):
kumpikaan [indefinite, with a negation verb] :: neither, not ... either
kumpikaan :: either
kumpikin :: Both
kumppani :: companion
kumppani :: partner, associate
kumppani :: partner, spouse
kumppanuus :: company, companionship
kumppari :: welly (rubber boot)
kumpu :: A hummock, hillock (small natural elevation of earth, generally smaller than kukkula, larger than kumpare)
kumpu :: A mound (small, rounded, artificial elevation of earth)
kumpuilla [e.g. of terrain] :: To be rolling, be hilly
kumpuilla [e.g. of water or some other liquid matter] :: To well (up/forth), spring (up/forth) (continually)
kumpuilla :: (+ elative) To evolve from, stem from, (be) originate(d) in (continually - or in a manner that irritates the speaker)
Kumpulainen :: Finnish surname
kumpupilvi :: cumulus
kumu :: rumble
kumulaatio :: cumulation
kumulatiivinen :: cumulative
kumuloida :: To accumulate
kumuloitua :: to accumulate
kumuloituminen :: cumulation
kumuluspilvi :: alternative spelling of cumuluspilvi
kun :: that, who, which, where (used as relative pronoun)
kun :: often with the clitic -han to express that the event of the main clause takes place immediately after that of the subclause: as soon as
kun :: short for kunpa
kun :: as (considering that, because)
kun :: when, as (temporal: at the same time or instant that)
kuna :: kuna (currency of Croatia)
kundi :: bloke, dude, guy, fella
kung-fu :: kung fu
Kungfutse :: Confucius
kungfutselainen :: Confucian
kungfutselaisuus :: Confucianism
kunhan :: (subordinating) as long as, provided (expressing condition)
kun helvetti jäätyy :: when Hell freezes over
kuningas :: king
kuningasaika :: A period of monarchy
kuningaskalastaja :: kingfisher
kuningaskobra :: king cobra
kuningaskunta :: kingdom
kuningasosterivinokas :: king trumpet mushroom, king oyster mushroom, Pleurotus eryngii
kuningaspari :: royal couple
kuningasperhe :: royal family
kuningasvesi :: aqua regia
kuningasvinokas :: Alternative term for kuningasosterivinokas
kuningatar :: queen
kuningatar :: (playing cards) queen
kuningatar :: queen [female monarch]
kuningatar :: queen [reproductive female animal in a hive]
kuningatar :: queen [wife of a king]
kuningatarhillo :: A jam made of raspberries and bilberries, originally half and half
kuningatarhyytelö :: royal jelly
kuninkaallinen :: royal
kuninkaallinen :: a royal person
kuninkaanmurha :: regicide
kuninkaantekijä :: kingmaker
kuninkuusajo :: Kuninkuusravit
kunkku :: A king (hereditary ruler)
kunkku :: A king
kun lehmät lentävät :: when pigs fly (never)
kunnallinen :: municipal
kunnallisjärjestö :: municipal chapter, usually of a political party
kunnallispolitiikka :: municipal politics (politics at municipal level)
kunnallistaa :: To municipalize
kunnallistekniikka :: municipal engineering
kunnallistekniikka :: municipal infrastructure
kunnallisvaali :: municipal election; normally used in plural, see kunnallisvaalit
kunnallisvaalit :: municipal election (election in which city council or municipal council is appointed)
kunnanhallitus :: municipal board, municipal executive committee
kunnanjohtaja :: mayor ("general manager" of a municipality elected by the municipal council)
kunnanvaltuusto :: municipal council (elected body of citizens supervising the activities of a municipality)
kunnanvaltuutettu :: alderman, councilmember, councilman, councilwoman, councilor, councillor (member of a municipal council)
kunnari [baseball, pesäpallo] :: home run
kunnas :: hill
kunnes [subordinating] :: until, till
kunnia :: credit, honour (recognition and respect)
kunnia :: glory (honour and valour)
kunnia :: honour (privilege)
kunnia :: honour (respect, favourable reputation; dignity; sense of self-worth)
kunnia-asia :: matter of honor
kunniakas :: glorious
kunniakierros :: victory lap, lap of honor, lap of honour (extra lap of the race track taken after the conclusion of a race by the winner)
kunniallinen :: honourable/honorable
kunniamaininta :: A public, official recognition of excellence, specifically:
kunniamerkki :: decoration (mark of honor to be worn upon the person)
kunniamurha :: honour killing
kunnianarvoinen :: honored
kunnianarvoisa :: time-honoured
kunnianarvoisa :: venerable
kunnianhimo :: ambition
kunnianhimoinen :: ambitious
kunnianhimoisesti :: ambitiously
kunnianhimoisuus :: ambitiousness
kunnianloukkaus :: A defamation or a slander
kunnianosoitus :: A homage
kunnianosoitus :: An honour
kunnianosoitus :: A salute
kunniavieras :: guest of honor
kunnilingus :: cunnilingus
kunnioitettava :: venerable, respectable, laudable
kunnioitettu :: honoured, respected
kunnioittaa :: To respect, honour/honor; to venerate, revere
kunnioittaa [transitive + partitive / + genitive + muistoa] :: To commemorate
kunnioittaminen :: respect, veneration
kunnioittava :: respectful
kunnioittavasti :: respectfully
kunnioitus :: respect
kunnokas :: fit
kunnolla :: olla ~: to behave (lit: to be properly)
kunnolla :: well, properly, soundly
kunnollinen :: decent
kunnollinen :: proper
kunnollinen :: reasonable
kunnon :: Used in front of a noun to signify true, proper, real or decent
kunnossa :: in order (ready, prepared)
kunnossa :: in shape (in good physical condition)
kunnossapito :: maintenance, upkeep
kunnostaa :: to repair, overhaul
kunnostautua :: To distinguish oneself
kunnostus :: refurbishment
kunpa :: if only, I wish
kunta :: as headword of a compound indicates an administrative area:
kunta :: as headword of a compound term indicates a community or group; corps
kunta :: as headword of a compound term indicates an approximate number. Normally only combined with 10, 100 and 1000
kunta [mathematics, set theory] :: field
kunta :: municipality
kunta :: kingdom
kun taas :: whereas, while, in turn, on the contrary
kuntalaajennus :: field extension
kuntalainen :: municipal citizen, citizen (legally recognized resident of a municipality, urban or rural)
kuntaliitos :: municipal merger (act of amalgamating two or more municipalities into one)
Kuntaliitto :: short for Suomen Kuntaliitto, the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (the translation used by the association of itself); a national association whose membership consists of the towns and other municipalities in Finland
kuntansa :: kunta + possessive suffix -nsa
kuntatalous :: municipal economy
kuntayhtymä [accounting, finance, legal] :: A public organization owned by a group of municipalities. They are common for such tasks as managing a hospital, which would be too burdensome for only one municipality
kunto :: condition (health status of a medical patient)
kunto :: condition (state of any object, referring to the amount of its wear)
kunto :: fitness (ability to perform a function)
kunto :: Often in inessive singular case, order (good arrangement; opposite to chaos)
kunto :: shape; form (condition of personal health, especially muscular health)
kuntoilla :: To work out, do exercise, train, keep fit
kuntoilu :: exercise (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness)
kuntoilu :: fitness (cultivation of an attractive and healthy physique)
kuntonyrkkeily :: fitness boxing
kuntopyörä :: exercise cycle, exercise bicycle, exercise bike, stationary bicycle, stationary bike
kuntosali :: gym
kuntotarkastus :: An inspection of the current condition of something, e.g. a house
kuntotarkastus :: A physical; a physical examination
kuntouttaa :: To rehabilitate
kuntouttaminen :: rehabilitation
kuntoutua :: To get rehabilitated
kuntoutus :: rehabilitation
kuntoutusklinikka :: rehab clinic
kuoha :: foam
kuohahtaa :: To boil
kuohahtaa :: To flare up
kuohia :: to castrate, neuter
kuohilas :: castrate, eunuch
kuohinta :: castration
kuohita :: to castrate (to remove the testicles of an animal)
kuohita :: to neuter (to manipulate the sex organs of a male animal in order to prevent it from having offspring)
kuohita :: to wether (to castrate a ram or a buck goat)
kuohitsija :: castrator
kuohittu :: castrated, neutered
kuohkea :: fluffy
kuohketa :: To become fluffy
kuohkeutua :: To become fluffy
kuohu :: foam, froth
kuohua :: to roil
kuohukerma :: double cream
kuohunta :: roiling
kuohuta :: alternative form of kuohua
kuohuttaa :: To create a commotion
kuohuttaa :: To ferment (to cause unrest)
kuohuviini :: sparkling wine; bubbly, fizz
kuokinta :: hoeing
kuokka :: hoe
kuokka :: mattock
kuokkavieras :: An uninvited guest, intruder, gatecrasher
kuokkia :: To gatecrash, crash (to go to a social event without being invited, or having paid)
kuokkia :: To hoe
kuola :: drool, saliva
Kuola :: The Kola Peninsula
kuolaimet :: A bit (singular and plural of this term are used as alternative to each other in Finnish)
kuolain :: A bit (piece usually made of metal, placed in a horse's mouth and connected to reins to direct the animal)
kuolalappu :: bib
Kuolan niemimaa :: The Kola Peninsula
kuolata :: to drool, dribble, salivate, slobber
kuolema :: death, demise, decease
kuolema :: deathly (in attributive use: appearing as though dead, or on the verge of death)
kuolemaantuomittu :: death row, sentenced to death
kuolemaantuomittu :: death row prisoner
kuolemakseen :: for the life of one; often with -kaan
kuolemanenkeli :: angel of death (personification of death)
kuolemanenkeli :: angel of death (type of serial killer)
kuolemanhalu :: death wish
kuolemanjälkeinen :: post mortem
kuolemanjono :: death row
kuolemanleiri :: death camp
kuolemanmarja :: herb paris (Paris quadrifolia)
kuolemanpartio :: A death squad
kuolemanpelko :: fear of death, thanatophobia
kuolemanrangaistus :: A capital punishment, death penalty
kuolemansairas :: fatally ill
kuolemansynti :: mortal sin, cardinal sin, deadly sin
kuolemansyy :: cause of death
kuolemantanssi :: danse macabre
kuolemantuomio :: Death sentence
kuolemantuottamus :: Negligent homicide, involuntary manslaughter
kuolemanvaara :: risk of death
kuolemanväsynyt :: dead tired
kuolematon :: immortal
kuolematon :: An immortal
kuolemattomuus :: Immortality
kuolettaa :: To amortise/amortize
kuolettaminen :: amortization
kuolettava :: Fatal, lethal, mortal
kuolettavasti :: mortally, fatally
kuolettavuus :: lethality
kuoletusaika :: payback period
kuoleutua :: To be paid off, amortized
kuoleutua :: To mortify, become necrotic
kuoleva :: moribund, dying (approaching death)
kuolevainen :: mortal
kuolevaisuus :: mortality (condition of being susceptible to death)
kuolevuus :: mortality rate
kuoliaaksi :: (used with a verb signifying abstract or concrete change) dead, to death
kuolin- :: prefix that denotes death, "of or relating to death"
kuolinaika :: time of death
kuolinilmoitus :: Obituary (brief notice of a person's death in a newspaper)
kuolinkamppailu :: death struggle, agony
kuolinkellot :: death knell, death-knell
kuolinnaamio :: death mask
kuolinpesä :: An estate (property of a deceased person)
kuolinpäivä :: date of death
kuolinselvitys :: An official document which states the result of a formal investigation into the cause of a death, an inquest
kuolinsyy :: cause of death
kuolinsyyntutkija :: Coroner
kuolintodistus :: death certificate (official document of a person's death)
kuolinvuode :: deathbed
kuolinvuosi :: The year of one's death
kuolio :: gangrene, necrosis
kuolioitua :: to necrotize
kuolla :: To die of/from
kuolla kupsahtaa :: To die, to kick the bucket
kuolleen miehen kytkin :: dead man's switch
kuolleisuus :: mortality rate
kuollut :: dead
kuollut :: dead person, decedent, deceased
Kuollutmeri :: The Dead Sea
kuolo :: death
kuolonkankeus :: rigor mortis
kuolonuhri :: casualty, fatality (person who died as result of accident, violence, disease etc.)
kuoma :: chum
kuomu :: A canopy (the transparent cockpit cover of an airplane)
kuomu :: A soft top, as a collapsible roof or top of a convertible car or other means of transport
kuona :: slag
kuona :: scum, cinder
kuonatiili :: slag brick, slag block (brick-like construction element made of slag)
kuono :: snout
kuonokas :: In plural (kuonokkaat), the taxonomic family Macroscelididae
kuonokas :: In plural (kuonokkaat), the taxonomic order Macroscelidea
kuonokas :: An elephant shrew
kuonokoppa :: A muzzle (device used to stop an animal from biting)
kuontalo :: hair (of head)
kuontalo :: Often messy, ungroomed hair or beard
kuontalo :: Originally a roll of woolen fibre to spin yarn. rolag
kuopake :: A small dent
kuopanne :: hole, pit, pothole
kuopata :: To bury
kuopia :: to paw (dig)
Kuopio :: Kuopio
kuopiolainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Kuopio or its citizens
kuopiolainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Kuopio
kuoppa :: pit (hole on the ground)
kuoppa :: pothole (hole in a road’s surface, especially one caused by erosion or traffic use)
kuoppaantua :: To become bumpy
kuoppaelin :: pit organ
kuoppainen :: bumpy
Kuoppala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kuoppala :: Finnish surname
kuoppaleuka :: cleft chin
kuoppautua :: alternative form of kuoppaantua
kuopus :: lastborn
kuore :: European smelt, sparling (Osmerus eperlanus)
kuore :: herring smelt; more precisely called sillikuore in Finnish (any fish of the family Argentinidae)
kuore :: smelt; also freshwater smelt, true smelt to distinguish from saltwater fish of other taxonomic families in the order Osmeriformes (any fish of family Osmeridae)
kuorettua :: to crust (to form a crust)
kuori :: cortex
kuori :: Apse, chancel
kuori :: bark [of a tree]
kuori :: case, casing, cover [of a lock or some-such]
kuori :: crust [of the Earth; of bread]
kuori :: envelope
kuori :: husk, cod [of a seed, corn ear etc.]
kuori :: (mental) shell
kuori :: peel [of a fruit]
kuori :: pod, cod [of pea etc.]
kuori :: shale
kuori :: shell [of an egg, snail, nut etc.]
kuori :: skin [of an onion, potato, sausage, cooked milk etc.]
kuori :: test [of a marine invertebrate, e.g. sea urchin]
kuoria :: to husk (a seed, a corn ear)
kuoria :: to peel (a potato; a fruit)
kuoria :: to shell, shale (an egg, a nut etc.)
kuoria :: to skim (milk)
kuoria :: to skin (an onion)
kuoria :: to strip, peel, debark (tree)
kuoriainen :: beetle
kuoriaita :: An altar screen
kuorija :: peeler (kitchen utensil)
kuorija :: skimmer (device or person that skims something from top of a liquid, e.g. cream from top of milk)
kuorija :: stripper (tool used to remove paint, sheathing, etc. from something)
kuorikko :: concha
kuorimaveitsi :: peeler (kitchen utensil)
kuorimo :: A debarking plant
kuorinta :: peeling
kuorisiirto :: sealed move
kuoriutua :: To hatch
kuoriutuminen :: eclosion (emergence of an insect from the pupa case, or of a larva from the egg)
kuoriutuminen :: hatching (emergence from an egg or pupa)
kuorma :: load, charge, burden
kuorma-auto :: lorry
kuorma-auto :: truck
kuorma-autokortti :: truck licence (driver's licence that entitles its holder to drive a truck)
kuorma-auton kuljettaja :: truck driver [US], lorry driver [UK]
kuorma-autonkuljettaja :: alternative spelling of kuorma-auton kuljettaja
kuormahevonen :: pack horse
kuormain :: loader (device that loads)
kuormajuhta :: A beast of burden
kuormalava :: pallet
kuormata :: To load
kuormittua :: To be loaded or charged
kuormitus :: strain, load, stress
kuormuri :: truck, lorry, especially one equipped with an open platform for transportation of goods or bulk materials
kuoro :: choir
kuorrute :: frosting
kuorruttaa :: To batter (to coat with batter)
kuorruttaa :: To crust (to cover with a crust)
kuorruttaa :: To frost, to ice (to cover with icing)
kuorrutus :: An icing (sweet glaze made primarily of sugar, typically used for baked goods)
kuorsaaja :: snorer
kuorsata :: to snore
kuorsaus :: snore, snoring, stertor (the act and sound of snoring)
kuortua :: To crust
kuorukka :: A croquette
kuosi :: pattern (decoration)
kuosikas :: fashionable
kuovi :: curlew
kuovi :: Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
kuovisirri :: curlew sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea
kupari :: copper (metal)
kupariherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus cupreobrunneus
kuparihohde :: chalcocite
kuparikarbonaatti :: copper carbonate
kuparikiisu :: chalcopyrite
kuparimalmi :: copper ore
kuparimonninen :: bronze corydoras, bronze catfish, lightspot corydoras, wavy catfish, Corydoras aeneus
kuparinen :: copper, coppery
kuparinuppiseitikki :: a webcap (Cortinarius orichalceus)
kuparioksidi :: copper oxide
kuparisulfaatti :: copper sulphate, cupric sulphate
kuparoida :: To copper
kuparointi :: coppering
kupata :: To dawdle
kupata :: To cup (do cupping)
kupera :: convex
kupera :: gibbous
kuperankovera :: Alternative form of koverankupera
kuperkeikka :: forward roll
kuperkeikka :: ~ taaksepäin = backwards roll
kupertaa :: to make (more) concave
kuperuus :: convexity
kupillinen :: cupful
kupla :: Also with capital initial, a Volkswagen Beetle automobile
kupla :: bubble (anything lacking firmness or solidity)
kupla :: bubble (anything resembling a hollow sphere)
kupla :: bubble (economics: period of intense speculation in a market); see also talouskupla
kupla :: bubble (spherical cavity in a solid material)
kupla :: bubble (spherically contained volume of air or other gas)
kuplahylje :: hooded seal, Cystophora cristata
kuplakammio :: bubble chamber
kuplamuovi :: bubble wrap
kuplatalous :: bubble economy (an economy based on unrealistically inflated values of investment items, such as shares, real estate, commercial loans etc.)
kuplatee :: bubble tea (sweet tea drink)
kuplia :: to bubble
kuplittaa :: to sparge (to introduce bubbles into a liquid)
kupliva :: bubbling (something that produces bubbles)
kupliva :: bubbly, gaseous, gassy (of a liquid containing bubbles)
kupliva :: champagne, sparkling wine
kupo :: sheaf
kupoli :: dome, cupola
kuponginleikkaaja :: One who lives on his/her capital income, a capitalist
kuponki :: voucher
kuponkikangas :: A precut piece of fabric as a trading item, as opposed to fabric measured from a bolt
kuppa :: syphilis
kuppainen :: syphilitic (infected with syphilis)
kuppainen :: filthy
kuppainen :: (vulgar) pissass
kuppatauti :: syphilis
kuppatautinen :: syphilitic (infected with syphilis)
kuppaus :: cupping
kuppi :: A funnel used for pouring oil or other liquids
kuppi :: cup (vessel for warm drinks)
kuppikakku :: cupcake (baked good)
kuppikoko :: cup size (size of the cup of a bra)
kuppikunta :: clique (small, exclusive group)
kuppila :: Any establishment which serves food and/or drink, e.g. bar, pub, cafeteria, canteen, restaurant
kupristaa :: alternative form of kupertaa
kupru :: bump, dent
kupru :: mistake, error, misconduct
kupsahtaa :: to fall, tumble
kupu :: A bulb (rounded solid object)
kupu :: A canopy (parachute cloth)
kupu :: A crop or a craw (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds and insects)
kupu :: A dome (an object shaped like an upset bowl)
kupu :: A dome (architectural element)
kupu :: A stomach, especially a full or round one
kupuhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula coerulea
kupukantainen :: roundhead (of a screw head: dome shaped)
kupula :: bump
kupura :: bump
kupura :: dent
kura :: diarrhea
kura :: mud, dirt
kura :: wet, unhardened concrete
kuraantua :: To get soiled, dirty (by mud)
kuraattori :: curator
kuraattori :: trustee
kurahousut :: mud pants, rain bibs (children's garment that allows them to play on wet ground without getting wet themselves)
kurainen :: muddy, dirty
kurantti :: current
kurare :: curare
kurata :: To muddy, soil
kurbi [skateboarding, slang] :: curb
kurdi :: A Kurd
kurdi :: The Kurdish language
kure :: wrinkle, crease, warp
kureliivi :: corset
kuri :: discipline (enforced compliance or control)
kuri :: discipline (state of order based on submission to authority)
kuri :: discipline (systematic method of obtaining obedience)
kuri :: short for kuritushuone (type of prison sentence)
kuriiri :: courier
kurikka :: beater, mallet
kurimus :: maelstrom
kurina :: growl
kurinpalautus :: crackdown (abruptly stern measures or disciplinary action)
kuriositeetti :: curiosity (unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest)
kurista :: To rumble (of a stomach, to make a low pitched noise)
kuristaa :: To strangle, choke, throttle
kuristaja :: strangler
kuristajakäärme :: constrictor
kuristautua :: To strangle oneself
kuristin :: A ballast (device used for stabilizing current in an electric circuit)
kuristin [motors] :: A choke (control on a carburetor)
kuristua :: To be strangled
kuristuskaulain :: choke collar (dog's collar which tightens itself)
kuristusläppä :: throttle (valve)
kuristustauti :: croup
kuriton :: unruly
kurja :: miserable
kurja :: poor
kurja :: wretched
kurjempi :: comparative form of kurja
kurjenkanerva :: blue mountainheath, Phyllodoce caerulea
kurjenmarja :: cranberry
kurjenmiekka :: yellow iris, yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus)
kurjenpolvi :: cranesbill, geranium (any plant of the genus Geranium)
kurjenpolvi-mustikkatyyppi :: Geranium-Myrtillus-type (forest type in the Finnish forest classification system; a grove-like lush spruce forest typical for the Peräpohjola region)
kurjistaa :: to make poorer, more miserable
kurjistua :: To become poorer, more miserable
kurjuus :: misery
kurkata :: to peek
kurki :: Any bird of the family Gruidae, the cranes
kurki :: crane, Grus grus (large wading bird)
Kurki :: The constellation Grus, the Crane
kurkiaura :: A wedge of cranes (cranes flying in a V formation)
kurkihirsi :: A ridgepole, as a beam along the ridge of a roof
kurkistaa :: To peek
kurkistelija :: peeper (one who peeps)
kurkistusaukko :: peephole (small opening through which to look)
kurkkia :: To peek, peep
kurkku :: throat (gullet)
kurkku :: cucumber (vine and vegetable)
kurkku :: pickle (pickled cucumber)
kurkku :: throat (front part of the neck)
kurkku :: throat (narrow opening)
kurkkua myöten täynnä :: fed up (frustrated, annoyed, tired)
kurkkukasvi :: pepo (any plant in the family of melons, gourds and cucurbits, Cucurbitaceae)
kurkkukipu :: sore throat
kurkkulaulu :: throat singing
kurkkumätä :: diphtheria
kurkkupastilli :: A lozenge (small flat medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat)
kurkkupastilli :: A throat pastille
kurkkutautioppi :: laryngology
kurkkutorvi :: A pharynx
kurkkuyrtti :: borage
kurko :: A king
kurkottaa :: to crane (one's neck), rubberneck
kurkottaa :: to reach out, to stretch
kurkottautua :: alternative form of kurottautua
kurkuma :: turmeric (spice)
kurkumiini :: turmeric (dye)
kurkunkansi :: epiglottis
kurkunkehrä :: thyroid cartilage, laryngeal prominence, Adam's apple
kurkunpää :: larynx, voice box
kurlata :: to curl (to play curling)
kurlata :: to gargle
kurmitsa :: plover (bird of the family Charadriidae)
kurmitsa :: plover, golden plover, dotterel (birds of several genera within the family Charadriidae, see list below)
kurnia [of stomach] :: To growl
kurnuttaa [of a frog] :: To croak
kuroa :: To gather (to bring together in folds or plaits, as a garment; also, to draw together, as a piece of cloth by a thread)
kuroa :: To plait, to fold, to double in narrow folds, to pleat
kurottaa :: To reach
kurottaja :: telehandler
kurottautua :: To crane, stretch oneself
kurottua :: To stretch towards something
kuroutua :: To bud (to reproduce by splitting off buds)
kurpitsa :: Any of the plants in the genus Cucurbita, and their fruits
kurpitsa :: A pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo (plant and fruit)
kurpitsalyhty :: A jack-o'-lantern
kurpitsapiirakka :: pumpkin pie
kurppa :: snipe (any bird of the genus Gallinago, belonging to the family Scolopacidae)
kurppa :: snipe, woodcock (birds in the related genera Scolopax, Coenocorypha and Lymnocryptes, belonging to the family Scolopacidae)
kurppa :: In plural only, Gallinago (the genus of snipes within the family Scolopacidae)
kurppa :: In plural only (kurpat), Scolopacidae (the family of sandpipers and snipes)
kurppelo :: dowitcher (long-legged and long-billed migratory wading birds in the genus Limnodromus of the sandpiper family)
kurppo :: painted snipe (bird of the family Rostratulidae)
kurre :: A squirrel
kurri :: squirrel
kurri :: skimmed milk
kursailla :: to stand on ceremony (to act in a formal, ceremonious or overly polite manner)
kursia :: to tack (to sew/stich with a tack, a loose seam)
kursiivi [typography] :: italics
kursiivikirjoitus [Chinese] :: grass script
kursio :: Same as ekskursio
kursivoida [typography] :: to italicize
kursivoitu [typography] :: italic, in italics, italicized (written in italic font)
kursori :: cursor (moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device)
kurssi :: A class, course (period of learning)
kurssi :: A rate, exchange rate
kurssi :: A course (direction of movement of a vessel at any given moment)
kurssilainen :: participant on a course
kurtata :: to fold, wrinkle
kurtisaani :: courtesan (mistress of a royal or noble)
kurtisaani :: courtesan, Paphian (prostitute, especially one with high-status or wealthy clients)
kurtiseerata :: To flirt
kurtistaa [with kulmiaan] :: to frown, scowl, knit one's brows
kurtistaa :: to scrunch, pucker
kurtistua :: to scrunch, wither, wizen
kurtistus :: with kulmien, frown, scowl
kurtistus :: wrinkling
kurtoosi :: kurtosis
kurttukaali :: Savoy cabbage
kuru :: canyon
kuru :: kuru
kuru :: gorge, gulch (narrow v-shaped valley)
kurva :: alternative form of kurvi
kurvata :: (figurative) to make a detour
kurvata :: to take (drive) a bend or curve
kurvi :: curve
kurvikas :: curvaceous, curvy
kurvikkuus :: curvaceousness
kusaista :: To piss
kuseksia :: to urinate, repeatedly, in an undesirable place
kusettaa :: to lie
kusettaa :: to cheat
kusettaa :: to have the urge to urinate
kusettaa :: "to take a pet out to urinate"
kusi :: urine, piss
kusinen :: shitty
kusinen :: stained with piss
kusipää :: asshole, dickhead
kuskata :: To drive, convey
kuski :: Driver
kuskus :: couscous
kuskus :: phalanger, cuscus
kusta [figuratively, vulgar] :: to fuck up, botch (to make a mess of)
kusta :: ~ muuntajaan: to commit suicide (lit. "to piss into a transformer")
kusta :: ~ silmään: to con (lit. "to piss in [someone's] eye")
kusta :: to piss, slash, whizz (to urinate)
Kustaa :: male given name
Kustaava :: female given name
kustanne :: publication
kustannus :: expense, cost
kustannus :: publishing
kustannusarvio :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure)
kustannustehokas :: cost-effective
kustantaa :: to cover the costs, defray
kustantaa :: to publish (to issue a printed work, film etc. for sale and distribution)
kustantaa :: to sponsor, finance
kustantaja :: publisher
kustantamo :: publishing house
kustavilainen [architecture, arts] :: Of or pertaining to a neoclassical style which flourished in Sweden from mid-1700's to early 1800's
kustavilainen [history] :: Also capitalized; of or pertaining to a period in Swedish history characterized by autocratic monarchy, starting with the change of constitution in the year 1772 and ending with the loss of Finland to Russia, which was followed by a constitutional reform in 1809
kustavilaisaika [history, rare] :: A period in Swedish history characterized by autocratic monarchy, starting with the change of constitution in the year 1772 and ending with the loss of Finland to Russia, which was followed by a constitutional reform in 1809
kustavilaistuoli :: A chair made in Swedish neoclassical style of late 1700's
Kusti :: male given name
kustos [academic] :: thesis supervisor (the primary supervisor of doctoral thesis work)
kut :: Good
kutaaninen :: cutaneous (of or relating to the skin)
kutakuinkin :: just about, more or less
kutale :: scoundrel
kutea :: To have sex
kutea [of a fish] :: To spawn
kuteloida [of a body part] :: To tickle
kuten :: as
kuten :: as in (in the sense of)
kuten :: like
kuten :: such as
kutenka :: as
kutenka :: like
kutenka :: such as
kuten tavallista :: as usual
kuteva :: spawning (of aquatic animal)
kuti :: A bullet (informal term for an unfired round of ammunition)
kuti :: pitää kutinsa: to be right
kutiaa :: to be ticklish
kutiaa :: to tickle (to feel like being tickled)
kutiava :: itchy, itching (causing the desire to scratch)
kutiava :: ticklish (sensitive to tickling)
kutikula :: cuticle
kutikulaarinen [zoology, botany] :: cuticular (of or pertaining to the cuticle)
kutina :: A hunch
kutina :: itch (sensation on the skin)
kutista :: to itch (to feel the need to scratch)
kutista :: to tickle (to feel as if being tickled)
kutistaa :: To shrink, (medicine; technics) to contract
kutistua :: To shrink
kutistumiskerroin :: shrinkage factor
kutistus :: shrinking
kutitella :: To tickle
kutittaa :: To tickle
kutittelu :: tickling
kutitus :: tickling
kutka :: heavy and/or persistent itch (physical sensation on the skin, whatever the cause may be)
kutka [pathology, archaic] :: mange (animal disease similar to scabies)
kutka [pathology, archaic] :: scabies, (skin condition caused by parasitic mites)
kutkuttaa :: to itch, more commonly kutittaa (intransitive: to feel itchy; transitive: to cause to feel an itch)
kutkuttaa :: to itch for (to want or desire)
kutkuttaa :: to tickle, more commonly kutittaa
kutkuttaa :: to titillate (to stimulate or excite pleasantly)
kutoa :: To knit
kutoa :: To weave
kutoja :: weaver
kutomakone :: power loom
kutominen :: weaving
kutonen :: alternative form of kuutonen
kutri :: lock (of hair)
kutsu :: call
kutsu :: invitation
kutsu :: summons, subpoena (invitation to appear in a court)
kutsu :: summons
kutsua :: ~ koolle, ~ kokoon: to muster (to collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group)
kutsua :: ~ palvelukseen: to muster, call out (to enroll into service, to order into service)
kutsua :: to call up (to select e.g. to a sports squad)
kutsua :: to hail, call out (to voice loudly in order to gain the attention of)
kutsua :: to invite
kutsua :: to beckon, call, call for summon (to shout out in order to summon)
kutsua :: to call, name, dub
kutsua :: to misname, dub (to call by a wrong name)
kutsua koolle :: To summon ( to call people together)
kutsuhuuto :: call
kutsuja :: inviter, one who invites
kutsukirje :: invitation letter
kutsumanimi :: nickname
kutsumaton :: uninvited
kutsumme :: kutsu + -mme; our invitation/invitations
kutsumme :: kutsut + -mme; our party
kutsumus :: vocation, calling
kutsumustyö :: calling, vocation (occupation in which the material rewards are regarded as insignificant compared to the mental satisfaction it brings)
kutsunta :: [usual plural] A call up
kutsuohjattu joukkoliikenne :: paratransit
kutsut :: invitation (social gathering)
kutteri :: cutter (tool)
kutteri :: cutter (type of boat or small ship)
kutteri :: cutter swarf
kutterinpuru :: cutter swarf (swarf or dust produced by a cutter tool)
kutteripuru :: alternative form of kutterinpuru
kutti :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
kuttu :: nanny goat, she-goat
kuttula :: goat barn
kutu :: (fish, frog) spawn
kutuaika :: spawning period
kutunjuusto :: goat cheese
kutunmaito :: goat milk
kutyymi :: custom (practice)
kuu :: animal fat, fat, tallow, especially in reindeer
kuu :: month
kuu :: moon, satellite (of a planet)
Kuu :: The Moon, the satellite of the Earth
kuuauto :: moon rover, lunar rover
Kuuba :: Cuba (country)
Kuuba :: Cuba (island)
kuubalainen :: Cuban
kuubalainen :: A Cuban person
kuubanalmikki :: Cuban solenodon, almiqui, Solenodon cubanus
kuudennes :: One sixth
kuudes :: the sixth, abbreviation 6. , in the names of monarchs and popes VI
kuudesosa :: One sixth
kuudesti :: six times
kuudestoista :: the sixteenth, abbreviation 16. , in names of monarchs and popes XVI
kuufalainen :: Kufic (describing an angular form of Arabic script)
kuuhullu :: moonstruck
kuukahtaa :: To die
kuukalenteri :: lunar calendar
kuukausi :: A month
kuukausipalkka :: monthly salary
kuukausittain :: monthly
kuukausittainen :: monthly
kuukautinen :: monthly
kuukautiset :: period, menstruation
kuukautiskierto :: menstrual cycle
kuukautisvuoto :: menses (menstrual flow)
kuukenkä :: moon boot
kuukivi :: moon rock (rock from the moon)
kuukivi :: moonstone (gemstone)
kuukkeli :: Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)
kuukkeloida [slang, Internet] :: To google (using Google)
kuukkia :: alternative form of kyykkiä
kuukulkija :: A lunar rover
kuukävely :: moonwalk, extravehicular activity on the Moon's surface
kuula :: A (gun's) bullet
kuula :: A hard ball, especially one made of metal; a marble
kuula :: A shot (metal ball pushed in shot put)
kuula :: Short form of kuulantyöntö (athletics event)
kuula :: bowl (weighted ball used in the game of bowls)
kuulakas :: clear, transparent
kuulakka :: alternative form of kuulas
kuulakärkikynä :: A ballpoint pen
kuulalaakeri :: A ball bearing
kuulalaakeri :: A mixed drink, made of cut brandy and punsch (a Swedish liqueur based on arrack)
kuulalaakeroida :: to equip with ball bearings
kuulamoottori :: hot bulb
kuulantyöntö :: shot put
kuulantyöntäjä :: A shot putter
kuularinki :: A shot put circle (the ring from which a shot put is performed)
kuulas :: clear, transparent
kuulemiin :: bye, goodbye
kuulemma :: said to be
kuuliaisesti :: obediently
kuulija :: A listener
kuulija :: One who hears; a hearer
kuulijakunta :: listenership, audience
kuulla :: ~ + elative; to hear of (to become aware of something through second-hand knowledge)
kuulla :: to hear
kuullottaa :: to sauté
kuulo :: The sense of hearing
kuuloaisti :: The sense of hearing
kuuloetäisyys :: earshot (distance from which sound is still audible)
kuuloke :: headphone, earphone
kuuloke :: in plural also, earphones, headphones (pair of small loudspeakers)
kuulokoira :: hearing dog
kuuloluu :: An ossicle, auditory ossicle, otic bone (bone)
kuulopuhe :: word of mouth; rumour/rumor
kuuloraja :: hearing threshold
kuulostaa :: to sound
kuulotorvi :: ear trumpet
kuulovammainen :: deaf, hearing-impaired person
kuulovika :: hearing defect
kuultaa :: To be dimly visible
kuultaa :: To be translucent
kuultava :: translucent
kuultokuva [photography, dated] :: slide
kuultopaperi :: tracing paper (translucent paper)
kuulua :: ( ~ + allative) to belong (showing ownership or location)
kuulua :: ( ~ + allative) to concern, to be someone's business
kuulua :: ( ~ + illative) to belong (to be member of)
kuulua :: to be heard/audible
kuulua :: to be said
kuulua :: Used to refer to the state of one's life
kuuluisa :: famous
kuuluisampi :: comparative form of kuuluisa
kuuluisuus :: A celebrity
kuuluisuus :: Prestige, fame
kuuluotain :: lunar probe
kuulustelija :: interrogator
kuulustella :: To interrogate, question
kuulustelu :: an interrogation
kuuluttaa :: To announce
kuuluttaja :: announcer
kuulutus :: A public notice
kuuluva :: booming (loud and resonant)
kuuma :: hot (feeling the sensation of heat)
kuuma :: hot (having a high temperature)
kuuma [jargon] :: hot (radioactive)
kuuma :: hot (electrically charged)
kuuma :: hot (pysically attractive)
kuuma :: hot (stolen)
kuumailmapallo :: A hot-air balloon
kuuma lähde :: hot spring
kuuma paise :: hot abscess
kuuma pakkaus :: hottie (physically or sexually attractive person)
kuumavalssata [metalworking] :: to hot roll (to work a piece of metal by rolling it in a temperature which is above its recrystallization temperature)
kuumaverinen :: hot-blooded
kuumavesipullo :: hot water bottle
kuume :: A rush, a period of feverish economic activity in expressions like gold rush
kuume :: fever, temperature (also figuratively)
kuumeeton :: feverless (without fever)
kuumeinen :: feverish
kuumeinen :: hectic
kuumempi :: comparative form of kuuma
kuumennin :: heater
kuumentaa :: to heat (up)
kuumentua :: To heat up
kuumeta :: To heat up, become hot
kuumin :: superlative form of kuuma
kuumissaan :: feeling hot
kuumoduuli :: lunar module
kuumuudenkestävä :: refractory (able to resist high temperatures)
kuumuus :: hotness
kuunaan :: alternative term for koskaan
kuunari :: schooner
kuunlasku :: moonset
kuunnella :: to listen in, often with salaa, see also salakuunnella (to listen to a conversation one is not supposed to hear)
kuunnella :: to listen (to)
kuunnelma :: radio play
kuunnousu :: moonrise
kuunpimennys :: lunar eclipse
kuunsäde :: moonbeam, moon ray (shaft of moonlight)
kuunsirppi :: crescent
kuunsirppi :: crescent moon
kuuntelija :: listener
kuuntelu :: listening
kuuntelulaite :: wiretap (concealed device that allows a third party to listen or record conversations)
kuunteluoppilas :: auditor (one who audits an academic course; i.e. attends the lectures but does not earn academic credit)
kuunteluoppilas :: Anyone who attends a meeting, lecture or other gathering but is not one of the actual participants
kuuntelutottumus :: listening habit
kuunvalo :: moonlight
kuupurje :: moonraker, moonsail
kuura :: frost created by deposition of water vapor into solid ice, when the dew point is below 0 °C, the surface temperature is less than the dew point, and the air temperature is over the dew point
kuuraketti :: moon rocket
kuurata :: To scrub
kuuri :: Courlander (someone from Courland)
kuuri :: cure, treatment, regimen
kuuria :: The Curia
Kuurinmaa :: Courland (region in western Latvia)
kuurma :: ravine, gorge
kuurna :: chute, gutter
kuurna :: groove
kuurnita :: To sieve
kuuro :: Deaf
kuuro :: A deaf person
kuuro :: A shower of rain
kuuromykkä :: deaf-mute
kuurosade :: A shower of rain
kuurous :: deafness
kuurouttaa :: To deafen
kuuroutua :: To be(come) deafened, become deaf
kuurupiilo :: hide and seek (game)
kuurupiilosilla :: olla ~ : to play hide and seek
kuus :: six
kuusamaperhonen :: white admiral, Limenitis camilla (butterfly of the family Nymphalidae)
kuusanka :: Siberian jay, Perisoreus infaustus
Kuusela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Kuusela :: Finnish surname
kuusenlehtohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula piceetorum
kuusenleppärousku :: false saffron milk-cap or bitterer milchling, Lactarius deterrimus
kuusenvyörousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius zonarioides
kuusettua :: To become replaced with spruce
kuusi :: Norway spruce, Picea abies
kuusi :: spruce (any tree in the genus Picea)
kuusi :: spruce (as modifier in compound terms: made of spruce)
kuusi :: spruce (wood of spruce)
kuusi :: six
kuusihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula queletii
kuusiherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus essettei
kuusijalkainen :: hexapod (having six feet or legs)
kuusijalkainen :: hexapod (member of subphylum Hexapoda)
kuusijalkainen :: In plural also Hexapoda (subphylum)
kuusikko :: A group of six; sextet
kuusikko :: A group of spruces
kuusikko :: A spruce forest
kuusikulmainen :: hexagonal
kuusikulmio :: hexagon
kuusikymmentä :: sixty
kuusikymmentäkahdeksan :: sixty-eight
kuusikymmentäkaksi :: sixty-two
kuusikymmentäkolme :: sixty-three
kuusikymmentäkuusi :: sixty-six
kuusikymmentäluku :: The sixties, 1960s
kuusikymmentäneljä :: sixty-four
kuusikymmentäseitsemän :: sixty-seven
kuusikymmentäviisi :: sixty-five
kuusikymmentäyhdeksän :: sixty-nine
kuusikymmentäyksi :: sixty-one
kuusikymppinen :: sixtysomething, in his/her sixties
kuusikymppinen :: sixtysomething
kuusinkertainen :: sixfold (multiplied by six)
kuusinumeroinen :: six-digit (of a number, consisting of six digits)
kuusio :: regular hexagon
kuusio :: lousewort
kuusiokoloavain :: Allen key
kuusipeura :: fallow deer, Dama dama
kuusisataa :: six hundred
kuusiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius caninus
kuusitiainen :: coal tit, Parus ater or Periparus ater
kuusitoista :: sixteen
kuusituhatta :: six thousand
kuusivuotias :: Six years old
kuusivuotias :: A six years old person
kuusivyövyötiäinen :: six-banded armadillo or yellow armadillo, Euphractus sexcinctus
kuutamo :: moonlight, moonshine
kuutamoinen :: moonlit, moonlight (illuminated by the light from the moon)
kuutio :: cube
kuutiodesimetri :: cubic decimetre
kuutioida :: to cube
kuutioida :: to dice (to cut into cubes)
kuutioinen :: cubic centimeter, cc; always used with a modifier, usually a number (of a motor, having the engine displacement of a certain number of cubic centimeters)
kuutioinen :: cubic meter; always used with a modifier, usually a number (of a container, having the volume of a certain number of cubic meters)
kuutiojuuri :: cube root
kuutiomainen :: cubelike, resembling a cube
kuutiometri :: cubic metre
kuutiomillimetri :: cubic millimetre
kuutiosenttimetri :: cubic centimetre
kuutisen :: about six
kuuton :: fatless, lean
kuuton :: moonless
kuutonen :: A six (digit or figure 6)
kuutoset :: sextuplet
kuutti :: seal pup
kuututkija :: selenologist
kuututkimus :: selenography (study of the geographic features of the Moon)
kuututkimus :: selenology (study of the moon)
kuu-ukko :: man in the moon
kuva :: image
kuva :: photograph, photo
kuva :: picture
kuvaaja :: cinematographer, cameraman
kuvaaja :: graph, diagram, plot
kuvaaja :: photographer
kuvaannollinen :: figurative
kuvaannollisesti :: figuratively
kuvaelma :: tableau
kuvaileva :: descriptive
kuvailla :: To describe; to depict, portray
kuvainraastaja :: iconoclast
kuvake :: icon
kuvakirja :: picture book
kuvakortti :: A court card (any of the playing cards K, Q, J)
kuvakortti :: A face card, picture card (any of the playing cards K, Q, J; sometimes also A and joker are regarded as face cards)
kuvakortti :: A postcard with a picture on the face
kuvakäsikirjoitus :: storyboard (series of drawings that lay out the sequence of scenes in a film)
kuvakulma :: angle of view (angular extent of a given scene as imaged by a camera)
kuvalehti :: pictorial, illustrated magazine (magazine with many pictures, or section thereof)
kuvallinen :: pictorial (of, relating to, composed of, or illustrated by pictures)
kuvanauhuri :: videocassette recorder
kuvankäsittely :: image processing
kuvanlukija :: scanner (for images)
kuvantaa :: to image (to create an image of, especially through technical means)
kuvanveistäjä :: sculptor
Kuvanveistäjä :: the constellation Sculptor
kuvanveisto :: sculpture (art of sculpting)
kuvapiste :: pixel
kuvapuoli :: face (side of the playing card that shows its value)
kuvaputki :: cathode ray tube
kuvaruutu :: film frame
kuvaruutu :: screen
kuvas :: emulsion
kuvastaa :: To mirror, reflect an image (show the mirror image of something)
kuvastaa :: To reflect (to give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.)
kuvastin :: mirror
kuvasto :: catalog, catalogue
kuvasto :: illustrated catalogue
kuvastua :: To be reflected
kuvastua :: To loom
kuvata :: To describe, depict, portray
kuvata :: To film, shoot
kuvata :: To photograph
kuvata :: To picture, portray, represent
kuvataide :: visual art, visual arts
kuvataiteilija :: visual artist
kuvateksti :: caption (title or brief explanation attached to an illustration, cartoon, etc.)
kuvaus :: depiction
kuvaus :: description
kuvaus :: [especially in plural] photo shoot (session in which a photographer takes shots of an individual or group)
kuvaus :: evocation
kuvaus :: photography
kuvaus :: shooting
kuvaus :: portrayal
kuvausjoukko :: image (subset of codomain)
kuvautua :: To be mapped (by a function)
kuve :: loins
kuve :: waist
kuvernoraatti :: governorate (in Arab countries, the territory ruled over by a governor; a province)
kuvernööri :: A governor (leader of a region or state)
kuvio :: A figure
kuvio :: A pattern
kuvioida :: to pattern
-kuvioinen :: Having the pattern of
kuviokangas :: Any fabric displaying a pattern
kuviollinen :: figured; used of natural materials such as wood
kuviollinen :: patterned
kuviosaha :: A jigsaw, coping saw
kuvitella :: To imagine
kuvittaa :: To illustrate (adding illustrations to a publication)
kuvittaja :: illustrator
kuvittaminen :: illustration (act of illustrating)
kuvitteellinen :: imaginary, fictional, notional
kuvitus :: The illustration of a publication collectively
kuvituskuva :: illustration (picture designed to decorate)
kuvottaa :: To disgust, nauseate
kuvottava :: disgusting, nauseating, nauseous, repellent, repulsive, appalling
kuvotus :: nausea
Kuwait :: Kuwait
kvaak :: quack (the sound of a duck)
kvadrantidit :: Quadrantids
kvadrantti :: quadrant
kvadriljoona :: septillion (short scale), quadrillion (long scale); 1024
kvadriljoonas :: septillionth (short scale), quadrillionth (long scale); 1024th
kvadrofonia :: quadrophony
kvalifikaatio :: qualification (ability or attribute aiding one's chances of qualifying)
kvalifioida :: To qualify
kvalifiointi :: qualification (act or process of qualifying)
kvalifioitunut :: qualified
kvalitatiivinen :: qualitative
kvalitatiivisesti :: alternative term for laadullisesti
kvalitatiivisuus :: qualitativeness
kvaliteetti :: alternative term for laatu
kvantifioida :: To quantify, quantitate
kvantifiointi :: quantification
kvantiili :: quantile
kvantitatiivinen :: quantitative
kvantitatiivisesti :: quantitatively
kvantitatiivisuus :: quantitativeness
kvantiteetti :: alternative term for määrä
kvantittaa :: to quantize
kvantittua :: to be quantized
kvantittunut :: quantized (expressed or existing only in terms of discrete quanta)
kvantti :: quantum
kvanttifysiikka :: quantum physics
kvanttifyysikko :: quantum physicist
kvanttihyppy :: quantum leap
kvanttikemia :: quantum chemistry
kvanttiluku :: quantum number
kvanttimekaniikka :: quantum mechanics
kvanttiteleportaatio :: quantum teleportation (instantaneous transference of a quantum state to a distant location)
kvanttiteoria :: The quantum theory
kvarkki :: quark
kvarkki :: quark (Finnish quark)
kvartaali :: quarter year
kvartetti :: quartet
kvartettilaulu :: quartet singing
kvartetto :: quartet
kvartiili :: quartile
kvartääri :: Quaternary (geological period)
kvartäärigeologia :: Quaternary geology (branch of geology specializing in Quaternary)
kvartäärigeologinen :: Quaternary geological (of or pertaining to Quaternary geology)
kvartäärikausi :: The Quaternary
kvartäärikautinen :: Quaternary (being from the Quaternary period)
kvartäärinen :: Quaternary (of or pertaining to Quaternary)
kvartsi :: Quartz
kvartsihiekka :: quartz sand
kvartsiitti :: quartzite
kvartsikello :: quartz clock
kvartsikide :: quartz crystal
kvartsilamppu :: quartz lamp (ultraviolet light bulb consisting of a light source contained in quartz)
kvartsilasi :: quartz glass
kvartsinen :: quartzose
kvartsipitoinen :: quartziferous
kvartti :: perfect fourth
kvasaari :: quasar
kvasi- :: quasi-
kvasifilosofinen :: quasi-philosophic
kvasitieteellinen :: quasi-scientific
kvassi :: kvass (traditional fermented Russian beverage with little or no alcohol, made from bread)
kvaternio :: quaternion
kveekari :: A Quaker
kveeni :: A Kven; a person of Finnish descent living in North Norway
kveeni :: Kven; a language spoken by a few thousand people in Northern Norway. It is a variant of Finnish with a structure and grammar similar to Finnish, but the vocabulary considerably influenced by Norwegian
kveenin kieli :: Kven (language)
kveeninkielinen :: Kven, Kven-language (expressed in Kven language)
käveleminen :: walking
kävelijä :: walker
kävellä :: To walk
kävellä unissaan :: To sleepwalk, walk in one's sleep, somnambulate
kävely :: racewalking or speedwalking
kävely :: stroll (leisurely walk)
kävely :: walk (distance walked)
kävely :: walking (the act)
kävely :: walk (manner of walking)
kävely :: walk (trip made by walking)
kävelykansi :: gangway (passage on upper deck)
kävelykatu :: pedestrian street
kävelykeppi :: walking stick, cane, stick, staff
kävelykyvytön :: abasic (lacking the ability to walk)
kävelykyvyttömyys :: abasia (inability to walk)
kävelyttää :: To make walk
kävelyttää :: To walk (take for a walk)
kävelytuki :: walker, walking frame; zimmer frame [UK] (framework device used to support a walking person)
kversetiini :: quercetin
kversitroni :: quercitron
kverulantti :: querulant
kvesaali :: quetzal
kvestori :: quaestor, questor (tax collection official in ancient Rome)
kvestori :: the title of the treasurer in some universities
kvietismi :: quietism
kävijä :: attender
kävijä :: visitor
kävijämäärä :: visitor count
kvinoa :: quinoa
kvintetti :: quintet
kvintetto :: quintet (a composition for five)
kvintiili :: quintile (subset thus obtained)
kvintiili :: quintile (any of the four numerical values that divide an ordered sample into five equally numerous subsets)
kvintiljoona :: nonillion (short scale), quintillion (long scale); 1030
kvintti :: perfect fifth
käväistä :: To make a short visit
K-vitamiini :: vitamin K
kvitteni :: quince (Cydonia oblonga)
kääväkäs :: A mushroom of the artificial order Aphyllophorales
kvokka :: quokka (Setonix brachyurus)
Ky :: General Partnership
kyaniitti :: kyanite
kybä :: ihan kybällä; fully, as much as possible
kybä :: ten
kyberavaruus :: cyberspace
kyberneetikko :: cybernetician
kyberneettinen :: cybernetic
kybernetiikka :: cybernetics
kyberpunk :: cyberpunk (sci-fi subgenre)
kyberteksti :: cybertext
kyborgi :: cyborg
käydä [an adjective in partitive singular, or "mitä" in a question + 3rd-pers. sg. + allative] :: to happen (to something)
käydä [genitive + 3rd-pers. sg. + an adverb] :: to happen (to somebody)
käydä [+ adessive] :: to go do
käydä [+ allative] :: to please, suit, make content, be okay (with)
käydä :: to ferment, become fermented, yeast
käydä :: to pass (for)
käydä [+ inessive or adessive] :: to visit, go to (and return), attend (a place)
käydä [monopersonal, inessive or adessive + 3rd-pers. sg. + an adverb] :: to happen, go (with the subject "it")
käydä :: to step, tread, pace, stride
käydä [of a clock] :: to go
käydä [of time] :: to go by
käydä :: to run, operate, work
käydä :: or Template:+ accusative, depending on the completeness of the action: to go to school
käydä [+ translative] :: to get, grow, become
käydä :: Used in very many collocations with nouns and with more or less idiomatic value, translated often into "engage in", "have", "do", "transact" , "pursue", "keep up", "maintain" etc
köydenveto :: tug of war (dispute)
köydenveto :: tug of war (game)
käydä kaupaksi :: To sell (to be sold)
käydä kimppuun :: To attack, assail, assault, come at, go for
käydä kimppuun kuin sika limppuun [simile] :: To grab, take, go for (eagerly) (literally: "to come at (something) like a pig at a loaf")
käydä käsiksi :: to attack
käydä käsiksi :: to get on with
käydä käsiksi :: to tackle (to face or deal with attempting to overcome or fight down)
käydä läpi [idiomatic, + partitive] :: To go through, undergo, experience (usually something neutral or negative)
käydä läpi [idiomatic, + partitive] :: To process (mentally), go through
kydönpoltto :: burn-beating (act or method)
käydä oikeutta [idiomatic, + elative] :: To litigate on
käydä päinsä :: To do, be acceptable, (with the negation verb ei) to be out of question
käydä pitkäkseen :: to lie down (to assume a reclining position)
käydä päälle :: To attack, assail, assault, come at, go for
käydä suihkussa :: To take a shower
käydä tarpeillaan :: to ease nature (to urinate or defecate)
kydötetty :: burn-baited (of land, prepared for agricultural use by burning the topsoil)
kydöttää :: to burn-beat (to prepare land for agricultural use by burning the topsoil)
kydötys :: burn-beating (act or method)
käydä vähiin :: To wear thin, to run out
käydä vieraissa :: to cheat on, adulterate
kyetä :: To be able to, be capable of, can, be competent at
kyfoosi :: kyphosis
köyhä :: poor, not rich
köyhä :: A poor (a person in poverty); used especially in plural: "the poor" = köyhät
köyhdytetty uraani :: depleted uranium
köyhdyttää :: To impoverish
köyhempi :: comparative form of köyhä
köyhentyä :: alternative form of köyhtyä
köyhetä :: To become poorer; impoverish
köyhin :: superlative form of köyhä
kyhjöttää :: to crouch, to hunch
köyhä kuin kirkon rotta :: poor as a church mouse
köyhällä ei ole varaa nirsoilla :: beggars can't be choosers
kyhmy :: swelling, protuberance
kyhmyhaahka :: king eider, Somateria spectabilis
kyhmyjoutsen :: mute swan (Cygnus olor)
kyhmyruusu :: erythema nodosum
kyhnyttää :: to rub oneself (against something)
kyhätä :: To create hastily and with a poor quality; to slap together
köyhät ritarit :: French toast, usually served as dessert with strawberry jam and whipped cream
köyhtyä :: To become poorer
köyhyys :: poverty
köyhyysloukku :: poverty trap
köyhyysraja :: poverty line
kyinen :: Having vipers
kykenemätön :: incapable
kykenemättömyys :: incapability
kykenevä :: able, capable (having the ability needed for a specific task; having the disposition to do something)
köykäinen :: light (of low weight)
köykäinen :: lightweight (having less than average weight)
köykäinen :: lightweight (lacking in earnestness, ability, or profundity)
köykistää :: to squat (to bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet)
köykistyä :: To squat (to bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet)
kykkiä :: alternative form of kyykkiä
kyökki :: kitchen
kyökkiruotsi :: kitchen Swedish (broken Swedish learned without formal training, with limited vocabulary)
kyklooppi :: cyclops
kyky :: ability, capacity
kyl :: alternative form of kyllä
kylä :: Any private place, typically someone else's home, which one is visiting; used in this context mainly with verbs olla (kylässä), mennä (kylään), tulla (kylästä). In English, e.g. verbs to visit or see may be used as equivalent to this structure
kylä :: village
kyläbulbuli :: common bulbul (Pycnonotus barbatus)
kylähullu :: village idiot, village fool
kyläillä :: to visit
kyljellään :: on one's side
kyljittäin :: abeam, alongside
kyljittäin :: side by side, abreast
kyljys :: chop, cutlet (a cut of meat containing a section of the rib)
kyläkauppa :: village shop (general store located in a village)
kylki :: A board or side of a ship
kylki :: A cut of pork meat including the ribs and the meat between them; sparerib
kylki :: A side, as that of a human or an animal
kylki :: A side of a vehicle or other symmetric object
kylkiäinen :: giveaway, freebie
kylkiluu :: A rib (bone)
kylkiviiva [anatomy, fish] :: lateral line
kylkiviiva-aisti [anatomy, fish] :: lateral-line sense
kyläkoulu :: village school
kyllä :: An intensifier corresponding to the English auxiliary do
kyllä :: yes
Kylli :: female given name
Kyllikki :: female given name
Kyllikki :: The wife of Lemminkäinen in the Kalevala
kylliksi :: enough
kyllin :: enough
kyläläinen :: villager
kylläinen :: saturated
kylläinen :: content, full
kylläisempi :: comparative form of kylläinen
kyllä-mies :: yes man
kylläännyttää :: alternative form of kyllästyttää
kyllääntyä :: alternative form of kyllästyä
kyllä sika syitä löytää, välillä on maa jäässä, välillä kärsä kipeä :: A bad workman always blames his tools
kyllästää :: To impregnate, imbue, saturate
kyllästää :: To satiate (to satisfy to excess)
kylläste :: wood preservative
kyllästyä :: To be saturated, be impregnated
kyllästyä :: To get bored with, get tired of, get sick of, get fed up with
kyllästymisraja :: saturation point
kyllästynyt :: fed up, tired, annoyed
kyllästys :: saturation
kylmä :: cold
kylmä :: level (being sensible)
kylmemmin :: comparative form of kylmästi
kylmempi :: comparative form of kylmä
kylmentää :: To cool (off), make colder
kylmentyä :: To become colder
kylmetä :: To die
kylmetä :: To become cold/colder
kylmettyä :: To catch a cold
kylmettynyt :: algid
kylmäfuusio :: cold fusion
kylmähkö :: coldish
kylmiö :: cold room (refrigerated room for storaging food)
kylmimmin :: superlative form of kylmästi
kylmissään :: in the state of feeling cold, freezing
kylmäketju :: cold chain
kylmäkkö :: Person who prepares cold foods
kylmäkone :: Alternative term for kylmälaite
kylmälaatikko :: icebox
kylmälaite :: Any appliance, such as refrigerator or freezer used to produce below ambient temperature for storage and preservation of food, medicine etc
kylmälaukku :: car fridge, travel fridge, travel cooler (similar box furnished with built-in cooling device operating with 12 V DC from an external battery)
kylmälaukku :: cooler [US]; cool bag, cool box [UK]; chilly bin [NZ]; esky [Austr.] (insulated picnic cooler, usually a box cooled with ice or freezer packs)
kylmänkyhmy [lb, fi, pathology] :: chilblain
kylmä paise :: cold abscess
kylmäsavustus :: cold smoking
kylmä sota :: cold war (a period of hostile relations)
kylmästi :: coldly
kylmätä :: To chill
kylmätekniikka :: cryogenics (science and technology of the production of very low temperatures and of the phenomena occurring in such temperatures)
kylmätekniikka :: refrigeration technology
kylmävalssata :: to cold roll
kylmäverinen :: cold-blooded
kylmäverisesti :: cold-bloodedly
kylmäverisyys :: cold-bloodedness
kylmävesihana :: cold-water tap
kylmyys :: coldness
kylmyysaavikko :: polar desert
kylänäätä :: beech marten, stone marten, Martes foina
kyläpahanen :: one-horse town
kylpeä :: To bask
kylpeä :: To bathe, take a bath, wash oneself
kylpijä :: bather
kylppäri :: bathroom, a room where one can bathe
kylpy :: bath (act of bathing)
kylpyamme :: A bath (tub)
kylpyamme :: A bathtub
kylpyankka :: rubber duck
kylpyhuone :: A bath (room)
kylpyhuone :: A bathroom
kylpylä :: bathhouse (public bath)
kylpylä :: spa
kylpypyyhe :: bath towel
kylpytakki :: bathrobe
kylpyvesi :: water (spa water)
kyläreissu :: a visit (to meet someone at their home)
kylätoimikunta :: village committee (in Finland, a committee formed by volunteering residents of a village, usually with the aim to organize some sort of community activity; in some municipalities the committees receive modest financing from the municipality)
kyltti :: plaque (plate)
kyltyä :: to become satiated
kyltymätön :: insatiable
kylvää :: To sow
kylvö :: sowing, planting
kylvöaika :: sowing time
kylvettää :: To bath someone
kylvöinen :: powdered (decorated with small, equally spaced figures)
kylvökone :: seed drill, sowing machine
kylvöpenkki :: seedbed (ground prepared for planting of seeds)
kylvövirvilä :: lentil (the plant Lens culinaris, with edible, lens-shaped seeds)
kymi :: Tidal foam
kymi :: wide river
käyminen :: fermentation
käymistila :: fermentation (state of agitation or excitement)
käymälä :: toilet
käymälävesi :: black water (waste water containing significant amounts of fecal matter)
kymmen :: ten, decade
kymmenen :: ten
kymmenen käskyä :: Ten Commandments (God's commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai in the form of two stone tablets)
kymmenentuhatta :: ten thousand
kymmenes :: the tenth, abbreviation 10. , in the names of monarchs and popes X
kymmenesosa :: tenth
kymmenesosasekunti :: One tenth of a second
kymmenespiste :: decile (value)
kymmenesti :: ten times
kymmenikkö :: A group of ten
kymmenisen :: about ten
kymmenittäin :: By tens, dozens
kymmenjärjestelmä :: The decimal system
kymmenkertainen :: tenfold
kymmenkertaisesti :: tenfold (by ten times as much)
kymmenkunta :: About ten (as with other numerals, the head term is in partitive singular)
kymmenosainen :: tenfold (containing ten parts)
kymmenottelija :: decathlete
kymmenottelu :: decathlon
kymmensormijärjestelmä :: touch typing
kymmenvuotias :: being ten years old
kymmenvuotias :: a ten-year old
kymmenys :: tithe (tax collected for clergy)
kymotrypsiini :: chymotrypsin
kymppi :: foreman, straw boss (leader of a work crew)
kymppi :: ten (number)
kymppi :: ten, tenner (monetary denomination worth ten units)
kymppi :: ten (playing card)
kymppitonni :: ten thousand; usually referring to money, ten grand
kymri :: A Cymry
kymri :: The Welsh language, the Cymric or Kymric
kymriläinen :: Cymric or Kymric
kymriläinen :: A Cymry (Celtic Welsh person), compare walesilainen
kymrin kieli :: Welsh, Cymric, Kymric (language)
kymrinkielinen :: Cymric (expressed in Cymric language)
kymrinkielinen :: Cymric-speaking (using Cymric in everyday communication)
kynä :: quill (lower shaft of a feather)
kynä :: pen
kynä :: pencil
kyniä :: to fleece (a person)
kyniä :: to pluck (a bird)
kynäilijä :: writer
köynnehtiä :: alternative form of köynnöstää
köynneliäs :: climbing
kynnenalainen :: subungual
kynnenalus :: The void under the free margin of one's fingernails; no exact equivalent in common English, but may be called subungual space in scientific context
kynnenmustuainen :: A black rim of dirt under a person's fingernail
kynnenmustuainen :: Often with verran; pinch, iota (small amount of anything)
kynnetön :: nailless
kynnetönmanaatti :: Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis)
käynnistää :: to start; to launch, strike up
käynnistää :: ~ uudelleen: to restart
käynnistin :: A starting device
käynnistäminen :: starting
käynnistyä :: To start (up), get started
käynnistys :: induction (act of starting labour or birthing process)
käynnistys :: start (act of setting something in motion or initiating a machine or process)
kynänkärki :: pen tip
kynänpätkä :: A pencil stub
kynänpyörittäjä :: pencil pusher (bureaucrat)
köynnös :: A creeper, climber (plant that grows by creeping or climbing, such as a vine.)
köynnös :: A festoon (ornament)
köynnös :: A garland (festoon of plaited flowers and leaves)
köynnös :: A vine (any climbing plant of the genus Vitis, especially the one that produces grapes)
köynnös :: [US] A grapevine (vine that produces grapes)
kynnäs :: spit (landform)
köynnöspuumuura :: Peruvian slaty antshrike or variable antshrike
köynnöstää :: to grow, climb
kynänterä :: pen tip
kynänteroitin :: A pencil sharpener
kynnys :: threshold
kynnyskysymys :: sine qua non, prerequisite (essential or indispensable element, condition, or ingredient; e.g. in a contract)
kynnyslauta :: saddle (raised floorboard in a doorway)
kynnysmatto :: doormat
kynologia :: cynology (study of dogs)
kynä on miekkaa mahtavampi :: the pen is mightier than the sword
kynsiä :: To claw, scratch
kynsi :: claw
kynsi :: clove (any of the separate bulbs that make up the larger bulb of garlic)
kynsi :: fingernail, toenail, nail
kynsi :: bill (extremity of the arm of an anchor)
kynsi :: talon (sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal)
kynsikäs :: half glove
kynsilakanpoistoaine :: nail polish remover
kynsilakka :: nail polish
kynsilaukka :: garlic (Allium sativum)
kynsileikkuri :: nail clipper
kynsinauha :: cuticle (strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail)
kynsin hampain :: tooth and nail; with all the strength and means at one's disposal
kynsin ja hampain :: tooth and nail (viciously; with all one's strength or power; without holding back)
kynsipiikki :: hangnail
kynsisieni :: onychomycosis, nail fungus, ringworm of the nail (fungal infection of the nail)
kynsisilsa :: onychomycosis, nail fungus, ringworm of the nail (fungal infection of the nail)
kynsäistä :: To scratch, claw
kynsivalli :: cuticle (strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail)
kynsiviila :: nailfile
kyntää :: To plough/plow (ground; sea)
kyntö :: plowing
kyntöaika :: plowing time
kynte :: rabbet, rebate
kynteli :: savory (spice and herb)
käynti :: A gait or walk of a human
käynti :: A visit
käynti :: The gait or walk of a horse
käynti :: The running of a motor
käyntiaika :: operating time
käyntikortti :: business card, visiting card, calling card
kynttää :: To rabbet
kyntteli :: candle
kynttelikkö :: candelabrum
kynttilä :: candle
kynttilä :: candlepower (former measurement of brightness of a light source)
kynttilänjalka :: candlestick
kynttilänliekki :: candleflame (flame of a candle)
kynttilänliekki :: candle in the wind (something fragile and vulnerable)
kynttilänpäivä :: Candlemas
kynttilänsammutin :: candle snuffer
kynttilänvalo :: candlelight
kynttilävaha :: candle wax
kyntynen :: A side toe of a cloven-hooved animal (artiodactyl)
käynyt :: fermented
käypä :: acceptable, going, valid, current (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
käypä :: decent, fair, okay
käypä :: selling well
kypärä :: helmet
kypressi :: cypress (a coniferous tree)
Kypros :: Cyprus
kyproslainen :: Cypriot
kyproslainen :: A Cypriot person
kypäräpäinen :: helmeted
kypärätemppu :: hat trick (three goals by one player in one game)
kypsä :: baked
kypsä :: fed up
kypsä :: cooked
kypsä :: well done
kypsä :: mature
kypsä :: ripe
kypsempi :: comparative form of kypsä
kypsennys :: cooking (making cooked)
kypsentää :: to cook, do
kypsentyä :: alternative form of kypsyä
kypsetä :: To bake
kypsetä :: To mature
kypsetä :: To ripen
kypsi :: baked food
kypsin :: superlative form of kypsä
kypsyä :: To cook
kypsyä :: To mature
kypsyä :: To ripen
kypsyminen :: ageing (of cheese, wine etc.)
kypsyminen :: getting fed up (with = illative case)
kypsyminen :: cooking (of food)
kypsyminen :: maturation
kypsyminen :: ripening (of fruit etc.)
kypsyttää :: To cook
kypsyttää :: To ripen
kypsyys :: maturity
käyrä :: crooked
käyrä :: curve
käyrä :: plot, graph, diagram
käyrempi :: comparative form of käyrä
köyri :: kekri
kyrillinen :: Cyrillic
kyrillisointi :: Cyrillization, Cyrillisation, cyrillization
käyristää :: To bend, curve
köyristää :: To arch, used especially of the back (to bend in the form of arch)
köyristellä :: A frequentative form of köyristää
käyristyä :: To bend, curve
kyrmy :: A person or animal with a hump neck; rarely as short form of kyrmyniska
kyrmy :: An unfriendly, morose or sullen person
kyrmyssä :: crouched (partially bent down, especially of neck, as in anger)
kyrpä :: A lone, tall pine tree (allegedly the sole meaning of the word until around 1850's)
kyrpä :: An annoying person: asshole, prick
kyrpä :: Male genitalia: cock, dick, prick, schlong
käyräparvi :: A family of curves
kyrpiä :: If the reason for annoyance is not mentioned, kyrpiä is translated as "to be annoyed" or "to be pissed off"
kyrpiä :: To annoy; to cause annoyance; to piss off
kyrpiintyä :: To become pissed off
kyrpiintynyt :: annoyed, pissed
kyrpänaama :: A fuck (highly contemptible person)
kyrsä :: bread, in some parts of Finland bad or dry bread
kyrsä :: lenkkimakkara, a kind of Finnish sausage
käyrätorvi :: horn, French horn
käyräviivain :: A spline (flexible strip of metal or other material, that may be bent into a curve and used to draw smooth curves between points)
käyräviivainen :: curvilinear
kyrvitys :: vitutus
kyse :: matter
kyseenalainen :: in question (under dispute)
kyseenalainen :: questionable
kyseenalaistaa :: to question, doubt
kyseenalaistua :: To become questionable, doubtful
kyseinen :: in question (under consideration, under discussion)
kyselijä :: asker
kyseliäs :: curious, inquisitive (asking a lot of questions)
kysellä :: To ask, inquire repetitively
kysellä :: To gallup, poll
kysely :: query
kysely :: inquiry, enquiry, query
kyselykieli :: query language (any of several generalized computer languages in which users may extract data from a database)
köysi :: rope
köysiaita :: rope barrier, usually of a temporary nature
köysimäinen :: ropelike
köysiportaat :: ropeladder
köysirata :: cable car, cablecar (carriage or car for transporting people or cargo in which the power is transmitted to the vehicle by a cable)
köysirata :: cableway (system of suspended cables from which cable cars are hung)
köysirata :: flying fox, zip-line, foefie slide, zip wire, aerial runway, aerial ropeslide, death slide, Tyrolean crossing (similar small carriage used for recreation and children's play)
köysisilta :: rope bridge
kysäistä :: To ask (casually)
köysiviiva :: catenary
käyskennellä :: to saunter, to promenade
kyssä :: hump
kyssäkaali :: kohlrabi
kyssäkurki :: trumpeter (bird of the family Psophiidae)
kysta :: A cyst
kysteiini :: cysteine
Kyösti :: male given name
kystiini :: cystine
kystoskopia :: cystoscopy
kysyä :: To ask, inquire/enquire (someone = ablative, about/for/of = elative)
kysyä :: To take, require, necessitate, call for
kysyä :: To ask, inquire/enquire (someone = ablative, about/for/of = partitive)
kysyjä :: A questioner; one who asks questions
kysymys :: issue, problem
kysymys :: question
kysymysmerkki :: An issue whose state is unclear, or a scenario whose probability is unclear
kysymysmerkki :: Question mark, interrogation mark, interrogation point
kysymys on siitä, että :: the thing is (used to introduce the main point or issue)
kysyntä :: demand (amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price)
kysytty :: popular, in demand (product etc.)
kytö :: swidden (farmland obtained by burn-beat technique, i.e. burning the topsoil)
käyte :: ferment (substance that causes fermentation)
kyteä :: To smoulder/smolder
käytettävissä :: available (capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose)
käytettävissä :: disposable (available to be saved or spent after deducting all taxes and other governmental fees)
käytettävyys :: usability (easiness of use in computing)
kytkeä :: ~ irti = to switch off, decouple, uncouple, disconnect
kytkeä :: to hook, hook up, connect, couple
kytkentä :: coupling
kytkeytyä :: To attach to
kytkeytyä :: To be connected
kytkin :: switch
kytkin [mechanics] :: clutch
kytköksissä :: connected to, related to
kytkös :: connection, affiliation
kytky :: A bend, as any knot which joins the ends of two lines
kytkyt :: short tether used to hook up animals in a barn
käytännöllinen :: practical
käytännöllisesti katsoen :: practically, virtually (almost but not quite)
käytännöllistää :: To make practical
käytännöllistyä :: To become practical
käytännössä :: as good as, practically, in the real world, practically, in practice, for all practical purposes, to all intents and purposes, virtually (almost completely)
käytännössä :: in all but name
käytäntö :: custom, convention
käytäntö :: practice
käytös :: Behaviour/behavior
käytöstapa :: manner
käyttää :: to ferment
käyttää :: to take sb/sth somewhere temporarily, to have sb/sth visit
käyttää :: to use, consume
käyttää :: to use, make use of‚ employ, apply, utilize, exploit, take advantage of, exert
käyttö :: use
köyttää :: to rope, tie up (with a rope)
kytätä :: To watch (in a compulsive manner)
kyttä :: A cop [police officer]
käyttöaika :: operating time
käyttöaika :: usage time
käyttöaste :: utilization rate
käyttelytili [banking] :: A current account or a checking account
käyttää hyväksi :: to abuse, molest
käyttää hyväksi :: to take advantage of, make use of, utilize, exploit
-käyttöinen :: driven, powered (getting its primary energy from)
-käyttöinen :: operated (pertaining to the way something is operated or operates)
käyttis :: operating system
käyttäjä :: user
käyttäjäliittymä :: user interface, interface
käyttöjärjestelmä :: operating system
käyttäjätunnus :: username
käyttäjäystävällinen :: user-friendly
käyttäjäystävällisyys :: user-friendliness
käyttökate :: operating profit, gross margin, operating margin
käyttökelpoinen :: usable, useful, serviceable
käyttökelpoisuus :: usefulness, serviceability (property of being useful for some purpose)
käyttökelvoton :: in a nonworking condition, broken
käyttökelvoton :: unusable, useless
käyttökunto :: working order (especially of machinery, state or condition of being operational or of functioning acceptably)
käyttökuntoinen :: in working order
käyttöliittymä :: user interface
käyttäminen :: use
käyttämätön :: unused
käyttämättämyys :: not using, inoperativeness
käyttöönotto :: commissioning (process of assuring that a project fulfils the operational requirements of the owner or final client)
käyttöohje :: directions
käyttöohje :: instructions
käyttötapaus [software engineering] :: use case
käyttötarkoitus :: use (purpose for which something may be employed)
käyttövesi :: Water, normally purified and supplied by water works, used for drinking, washing, cooking and related purposes as opposed to water used in e.g. heating systems or for watering lawns
käyttövoimavero :: motive power tax (tax charged from owners of vehicles whose motive power is not gasoline)
kyttyrä :: hump (deformity in humans)
kyttyrä :: hump (rounded mass, especially a fleshy mass such as on a camel)
kyttyrä :: hump (bad mood, especially in the expression tykätä kyttyrää)
kyttyräselkä :: humpback (humpbacked person)
kyttyräselkäisyys [pathology, colloquial] :: kyphosis
käyttäytyä :: To behave, conduct oneself, act; (of a machine or tool) to handle
käyttäytyminen :: behaviour
käyttäytymishäiriö :: behavior disorder
käyttäytymistiede :: ethology, behavioural science
käytävä :: A corridor
käytävä :: An aisle
kyty :: one's husband's brother (a brother-in-law of a female person)
kyvykäs :: able, capable, competent (able and efficient)
kyvytön :: incapable
kyvytön :: unable
kyvytön :: unskilled
kyvyttömyys :: inability
kyvyttömyys :: ineptitude
kyy :: viper, usually Vipera berus
kyyditä :: To drive, chauffeur
kyyhky :: pigeon (bird of the genus Columba within that family)
kyyhky :: pigeon, dove (bird of the family Columbidae)
kyyhky :: dove (person favouring conciliation and negotiation rather than conflict)
kyyhkyhapero :: charcoal burner, Russula cyanoxantha
kyyhkynen :: pigeon, dove
Kyyhkynen :: the constellation Columba, the Dove
kyyhkyrääkkä :: mesite (any of three species of bird in the family Mesitornithidae endemic to Madagascar)
kyyhkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius saturninus
kyyhkyslakka :: dovecote, columbarium
kyyhkysparvi :: A flock of doves
kyykistyä :: To squat (to bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet)
kyykkä :: A skittle in this game
kyykkä :: A traditional Finnish outdoor game resembling skittles, in which the aim of the game is to remove the beercan-sized wooden skittles from the playing area by throwing a bat (maila or kyykkämaila) of the size of a baseball bat at them
kyykkiä :: to crouch
kyykky :: squat (position)
kyykkykäymälä :: squat toilet (toilet in which the user squats rather than sits)
kyykäärme :: Venomous viper species, Vipera berus
kyylä :: busybody
kyylä :: police
kyyl :: yes!
kyynel :: tear
kyynele :: alternative form of kyynel
kyynelehtiä :: to shed tears
kyynelehtiä :: to water (to fill with tears due to irritation, pain etc.)
kyyneleinen :: tearful (accompanied by tears)
kyyneleinen :: tearful (sorrowful)
kyynelelin [anatomy, often in plural] :: lacrimal apparatus
kyynelhapero :: changeable russula (Russula sardonia)
kyynelöidä [poetic, archaic] :: to shed tears
kyynelöityä :: to burst into tears
kyynelkaasu :: tear gas
kyynelkanava :: The system that drains the tear fluid from the eye to the nose cavity, i.e. lacrimal ducts, lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct together
kyynelkäytävä :: tear duct, nasolacrimal duct
kyynellampi :: lacrimal lake (pool of tears in the lower conjunctival cul-de-sac of the eye)
kyynellihake :: lacrimal caruncle (small globular nodule at the inner corner of the eye)
kyynelluu :: lacrimal bone
kyynelmalja [archaeology] :: lachrymatory (vase intended to hold tears)
kyynelneste :: tear fluid, lacrimal fluid (technical term for the liquid which the tears consist of)
kyynelpisara :: teardrop
kyynelpiste :: lacrimal punctum, lacrimal point
kyynelpussi :: lacrimal sac
kyynelrauhanen :: lacrimal gland, tear gland
kyyneltiehyt :: lacrimal duct, lacrimal canal, lacrimal canaliculus (duct that drains the lacrimal fluid from the eye to the lacrimal sac)
kyyneltyä :: To become filled with tears
kyynikko :: cynic
kyynillinen :: dated form of kyyninen
kyyninen :: cynical
kyynisempi :: comparative form of kyyninen
kyynisesti :: cynically
kyynisyys :: cynicism
kyynärä :: An English cubit
kyynärä :: A traditional measure of length used in Sweden and Finland
kyynärhermo :: ulnar nerve
kyynärlisäke :: olecranon
kyynärluu :: ulna, elbow bone
kyynärmitta :: A rod or stick on which the length of exactly one cubit (kyynärä) has been marked; used for measurements
kyynärmitta :: The length of an individual's lower arm as measured from the elbow to the part of the hand or wrist which is relevant for the purpose of a particular measurement.
kyynärnivel :: An elbow (joint, articulate)
kyynärpää :: An elbow
kyynärpää :: The tip of an elbow
kyynärpäätaklaus :: elbowing
kyynärspää :: alternative form of kyynärpää
kyynärsuoja :: In ice-hockey and some other games, an elbow pad
kyynärvarsi :: forearm (part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow)
kyyristää :: to crouch
kyyristellä :: to crouch, squat, cower
kyyristyä :: to crouch, squat, cower
Kyyros :: Cyrus
kyytiä :: To give a ride
kyyti :: A ride (lift given to someone in another person's vehicle)
kyyttö :: Striped animal
kyyttö :: eastern Finncattle
L :: laudatur
la :: lauantai (Saturday)
-la :: Forms nouns that signify a place, such as an abode, a house, a land of, etc. Often denotes a farm in many place names
laadinta :: drafting
laadukas :: quality, sterling, high-class (being of good quality)
laadukkuus :: quality (state or quality of being or having quality); qualityness (rare)
laadullinen :: qualitative
laadullisesti :: qualitatively
laadullistaa :: to qualify
laadullisuus :: qualitativeness
laadunhallinta :: quality control
laaduntarkastus :: quality control
laaduntarkkailu :: quality control
laadunvalvonta :: quality control
laadunvalvontalaboratorio :: quality control laboratory
laadunvarmistus :: quality assurance
laahaantua :: To be dragged
laahata :: To drag, trail
laahautua :: To be dragged
laahia :: To hone
laahus :: train (of a gown etc.)
laahusloki :: taffrail log
laahustaa :: to scuff, drag (to walk slowly and with difficulty, especially by dragging one's feet along the ground)
laahustaa :: to shuffle (to walk without picking up one's feet)
laahustin :: alternative form of laahus
laaja :: extensive, comprehensive
laaja :: wide, broad, vast
laaja-alainen :: all-round (having a wide scope)
laajahko :: Quite wide
laajakaista [Internet, telecommunication] :: broadband
laajakaistainen :: broadband (of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies)
laajakaistaverkko :: broadband network
laajakaistayhteys [telecommunications] :: broadband, broadband connection (high-capacity internet connection)
laajakangas :: widescreen
laajakulmaobjektiivi :: wide-angle lens (short focal length lens having a wide angle of view)
laajakuva :: widescreen
laajalle levinnyt :: widespread
laajalti :: widely
laajamittainen :: widescale
laajarunkoinen :: wide-trunked
laajasti :: widely
laajaverkko :: wide area network, WAN
laajempi :: comparative form of laaja
laajeneminen :: expansion
laajenemiskerroin :: expansion coefficient
laajennus :: An expansion, extension
laajennuskortti :: expansion card
laajennussuunnitelma :: expansion plan
laajennustyö :: expansion work
laajentaa :: to distend [blood vessels], dilate [pupils]
laajentaa :: to expand, broaden, widen; extend, enlarge, increase
laajentaa :: ~ (vähitellen) = to escalate
laajentua [medicine, of blood vessels] :: To (become) distend(ed), (of pupils) to dilate
laajentua :: To expand, broaden, widen (out(wards)); extend; enlarge; increase
laajentuma :: enlargement
laajentuma :: extension
laajentuma :: swelling
laajentuminen :: expansion
laajeta :: to expand
laajin :: superlative form of laaja
laajuus :: scope, extent
laaka :: [in prefixes] horizontal, flat
laaka :: [[[pesäpallo]]] A horizontal hit
laakamato :: flatworm
laakamyrkkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius limonius
laakaruoti :: phyllode
laakavarsi :: platyclade
laakaverso :: cladode
laakea :: flat
laakeri :: A bearing
laakeri :: laurel
laakerinlehti :: A bay [leaf]
laakeripuu :: bay, laurel
laakeriseppele :: laurel wreath
laakeroida :: To crown with laurels
laakeroida :: To equip with bearings
laaki :: A hit, blow
laakio :: plateau
Laakkonen :: Finnish surname
laakso :: valley
Laakso :: Any of a number of small places in Finland, including a district of Helsinki
Laakso :: Finnish surname
Laaksonen :: Finnish surname
laama :: llama
laamagaselli :: dibatag, Clarke's gazelle, Ammodorcas clarkei (species of antelope)
laamanni :: Chief Justice
laamanni [legal, historical] :: lawspeaker
laamanni :: lagman
laantua :: to abate, subside
laantua :: to die down (to become less virulent)
laantumaton :: unabated
laapiskivi :: A common name for silver nitrate
laardi :: lard (pig fat prepared for use in cooking or pharmacy)
laari :: bin
laasta :: To sweep
laastari :: plaster, band-aid (adhesive bandage)
laastaroida :: To band-aid
laasti :: mortar (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water)
laastilapio :: A trowel (mason's tool)
laastita :: To plaster (to apply a plaster on walls etc.)
laata :: To cease
laatata [colloquial, slang] :: To puke, to vomit
laatia :: to compose, make, devise (to construct by mental labor; to think up)
laatija :: One who draws up a document; composer, author, writer
laatikko :: box
laatikko :: casserole
laatikko :: drawer
laatikkoviini :: box wine
laatikoida :: To box
laatoittaa :: to flag (to lay down flagstones)
laatoittaa :: to tile, lay tiles (to cover with tiles)
laatoitus :: tiling
Laatokka :: Lake Ladoga
laatta :: A (ceramic) tile
laatta :: A flagstone
laatta :: A slab, as a flat, broad piece of a relatively stiff material
laatta :: A washer, as a flat support ring under the head of a screw etc
laatta [colloquial, slang] :: A vomit
laattatektoniikka :: plate tectonics
laatu :: quality
laatu :: sort
laatuaika :: quality time
laatuisa :: Having a good quality
laatulehti :: quality magazine
laatuluokka :: quality class
laatupainotettu elinvuosi :: quality-adjusted life year (medicine: unit of measurement, equivalent to one year of life in perfect health)
laatupiiri :: quality circle
laatusana [grammar, dated] :: adjective
laatuvika :: quality defect
laava :: lava
laavajärvi :: lava lake
laavakivi :: volcanic rock
laavatunneli :: lava tube
laavavirta :: lava flow
laavu :: A lean-to
labbis :: laboratory, lab
labbis :: labrador (breed of dog), lab
labiaali :: labial
labiaalinen :: labial
labiaalinen :: labial
labiili :: labile, unstable, critical
labiilisuus :: lability
labioplastia :: labiaplasty
laborantti :: laborant
laboratorio :: A laboratory
laboratoriotesti :: laboratory test
laboroida :: to perform laboratory work, to do the lab work
labra :: A lab (laboratory)
labradori :: Labrador retriever
labradori :: labradorite
labradoriitti :: labradorite
Labradorinmeri :: The Labrador Sea
labradorinnoutaja :: A Labrador retriever, Labrador, labrador (breed of dog)
labyrintti :: labyrinth
ladata :: to download
ladata :: to load
ladata [energy] :: to charge
ladata [weaponry] :: to load
ladella :: to reel off, to spout out
ladella :: to set, to arrange, to put up
ladelma [printing] :: typesetting
ladonta :: typesetting
lafka :: A firm, business
laguuni :: lagoon
lahdata :: To slaughter
lahdeke :: A small bay
lahdelma :: small bay, cove
lahja :: talent, gift
lahja :: present, gift
Lahja :: female given name
lahjahevonen :: A gift horse; appears most often in the proverb lahjahevosen suuhun ei saa katsoa
lahjahevosen suuhun ei saa katsoa :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth
lahjakas :: gifted
lahjakkaasti :: giftedly
lahjakkuus :: giftedness
lahjansaaja :: presentee (one to whom something is presented)
lahjaton :: untalented
lahjattomuus :: talentlessness
lahje :: leg, pant leg, trouser leg (part of trousers)
lahjoa :: To bribe
lahjoittaa :: to donate
lahjoittaja :: benefactor
lahjoittaja :: donor
lahjoitus :: donation
lahjomaton :: immune to external influences
lahjomaton :: incorruptible, unbribable
lahjominen :: bribery
lahjonta :: bribery
lahjus :: bribe
lahjussyytös :: bribery claim
lahjustutkinta :: bribery probe
lahko :: order
lahko :: cult (group of people with a sect-like religious identity but exploitative or regarded by outsiders as exploitative towards its members)
lahko :: sect (offshoot of a larger religion sharing at least some unorthodox beliefs)
lahkolainen :: sectarian, a member of a sect
lahkolaisuus :: sectarianism (rigid adherence to a particular group)
lahkolaisuus :: sectarianism (rigid adherence to a particular sect)
lahna :: bream (any European fresh-water cyprinoid fish of the genus Abramis)
lahna :: carp bream, bream [UK], Abramis brama
lahna :: Someone who does nothing but lay there during sex, forcing their partner to do all the work
lahnanruoho :: A quillwort
laho :: rotten
laho :: rotten wood, especially a rotten section of wood in otherwise sound timber
lahokas :: European polecat, Mustela putorius
lahokka :: A mushroom of the genus Hypholoma
lahopuu :: rotten wood
lahota :: To decay, rot
lahottaa :: To rot, decay
lahottaja :: A common usage term for a saprotroph
lahouma :: Rotten part of wood
lahoutua :: alternative form of lahota
lahovika :: On wood, a defect caused by rot
lahtari :: butcher
lahtari :: A term used by the Reds for Whites in the Finnish Civil War
lahtari :: bourgeois, capitalist, an exploiter of the proletariat
lahtelainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Lahti or its citizens
lahtelainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Lahti
lahti :: A bay, gulf
lahti :: A culling, slaughter (killing animals)
Lahti :: A city in Southern Finland, about 100 km NNE of Helsinki, the sixth largest city in Finland
Lahti :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Lahti :: Finnish surname
Lahtinen :: Finnish surname
lahtivalas :: minke whale, Balenoptera acutorostrata
lahtivalas :: southern minke whale, Antarctic minke whale, Balaenoptera bonaerensis (the southern hemisphere population, sometimes regarded as separate species)
laidoitus :: shell (outer covering of the hull of a vessel)
laidoituskerros :: strake
laidun :: pasture
laidunmaa :: range (area of open, often unfenced, grazing land)
laiduntaa :: To pasture, graze
laiha :: lean
laiha :: thin
laiha lohtu :: cold comfort, small consolation
laihduttaa :: to slim down, cut (to cause to become thinner or less)
laihduttaa :: to lose, lose weight, slim, slim down reduce (to cause to lose weight)
laihduttava :: slimming (causing weight loss)
laihdutus :: intentional weight loss
laihdutuskuuri :: diet (controlled regimen of food and drink for losing weight)
laiheliini :: A thin person; skinny
laihempi :: comparative form of laiha
laihentaa :: To thin
laihentua :: to lose weight
laihentua :: to thin (to become thinner, said e.g. of a mixture)
laiho :: crop
laihtua :: to become thinner or less
laihtua :: to lose weight (to become less heavy)
laihuus :: thinness
laihuushäiriö :: anorexia nervosa
laika disp=Laika
laikka :: abrasive disc
laikka :: spot, splotch
laikkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius papulosus
laikku :: fleck (small spot or streak)
laikku :: patch (small area, a small piece of ground)
laikku :: spot (an area on a surface which differs from the rest due to its color)
laikkuinen :: spotted
laikkuisuus :: spottedness
laikukas :: spotted
laikullinen :: spotted
Laila :: female given name
lailla :: aika lailla: quite a bit, not a little
lailla :: samalla lailla: in the same way
lailla :: sillä lailla: in that way
lailla :: way, manner
laillinen :: legal, lawful, legitimate (allowed by, conforming to, permitted by or recognised by law)
laillisesti :: de jure
laillisesti :: legally
laillistaa :: To legalize, make legal, decriminalize
laillistaminen :: legalization, decriminalization
laillistua :: To become legal
laillistus :: legalization
laillistuttaa :: To have something made legal
laillisuus :: legality
laillisuus :: validity
laillisuusperiaate :: rule of law, rule-of-law principle
laimea :: dilute, diluted
laimea :: lukewarm, tepid; not very enthusiastic
laimeahko :: Quite diluted
laimenne :: diluent
laimennus :: dilution (process)
laimentaa :: to dilute, water down
laimentamaton :: undiluted (not diluted or mixed with other substances)
laimentua :: to become diluted
laimeta :: to be diluted
laimi :: Lime juice
Laimi :: female given name
laiminlyödä [legal, economics] :: To default on
laiminlyödä :: To fail (to do sth, when it is possible), miss out (on a chance)
laiminlyödä :: To neglect, be neglectful/negligent, (~ velvollisuutensa) to shirk one's responsibility
laiminlyönti :: neglect
laiminlyönti :: omission
laiminlyöty :: neglected, uncared for
laimistaa :: To dilute
laimistua :: alternative form of laimentua
laina :: loan
Laina :: female given name
laina-aika :: The term of a loan
lainaaja :: borrower
lainaaja :: lender
lainaaja :: quoter
lainailla :: To borrow repeatedly
lainanantaja :: lender
lainanlyhennys [accounting, finance] :: loan amortization
lainanottaja :: borrower
lainasana :: A loanword
lainata :: To borrow
lainata :: To loan, lend
lainata :: To quote (from someone = partitive), cite
lainaus :: lending, borrowing (act, activity)
lainaus :: quotation, quote
lainausaika :: The term of a borrowing
lainausmerkki :: ditto mark, or shortly ditto, when used to indicate repetition or likeness e.g. in a list
lainausmerkki :: quotation mark, quote
lainautua :: To be loaned
laine :: wave
Laine :: Finnish surname
lainehdinta :: waving, billowing, undulation
lainehtia :: to wave, billow, undulate
laineikas :: wavy (full of waves)
lainelauta :: surfboard
lainelautailija :: surfer
lainelautailla :: to surf (to ride a surfboard)
lainelautailu :: surfing
-lainen :: Combined with a common noun, forms nouns for people characterized by this noun
-lainen :: Combined with a name, forms an adjective for a member of an organization or other defined group, a follower of philosophy etc
-lainen :: Combined with a place name, forms the noun for the inhabitant of a place; or an adjective meaning "of or relating to (the place)"
-lainen :: Combined with a pronoun, forms an adjective relating to the kind or nature of a person or an object
-lainen :: Combined with the genitive form of an adjective, forms an adjective indicating a smaller degree of the quality than that described by the original adjective
lainhuudatus :: land registration (the process of officially registering a property deal and providing public notice of change of ownership)
lainkaan :: at all
lainkohta :: point in the law, section of a law
lainkuuliainen :: law-abiding
lainkäyttövalta :: jurisdiction (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law)
lainoittaa :: to lend (to provide a loan for)
lainopillinen :: juridical, legal (relating to the law, especially from the theoretical point of view)
lainoppinut :: legist
lainsäädännöllinen :: legislative
lainsäädäntö :: legislation
lainsäädäntövalta :: legislative branch
lainsäädäntövalta :: legislative power
lainsäätäjä :: legislator, lawmaker
lainsuojaton :: An outlaw
lainvastainen :: Against the law; unlawful, illegal, criminal
lainvastaisesti :: unlawfully, illegally
laipio :: ceiling
laipio :: bulkhead
laippa :: flange
laisinkaan :: alternative form of lainkaan
laiska :: lazy
laiskajaakko :: A lazy person
laiskamato :: A lazy person
laiskanlinna :: easy chair
laiskanläksy :: imposition (task imposed as punishment)
laiskanpulskea :: lazy
laiskasti :: lazily
laiskempi :: comparative form of laiska
laiskiainen :: sloth (animal)
laiskiintua :: to become lazy
laiskimus :: slacker
laiskistaa :: to make lazy
laiskistua :: To become lazy/lazier
laiskotella :: to loll, slack, laze, idle (to act lazily or indolently; to lie at ease)
laiskuri :: slacker, slob
laiskuus :: sloth, laziness
laistaa :: To shirk, neglect
laita :: A border (outer edge of something)
laita :: A brim (an edge or border)
laita :: A brim (the topmost rim or lip of a container)
laita :: A margin (an edge)
laita :: An edge (boundary line of a surface)
laita :: A state of affairs or status, often in expressions where no direct translation of the word into English is required
laita :: Outskirt (a remote part of a town or city)
laita :: In ice hockey, often in plural (laidat), the boards
laitahyökkääjä [basketball] :: forward
laitahyökkääjä :: winger
laitakaupunki :: The wrong side of the tracks
laitakukka :: A ray flower
laitama :: fringe, outskirts
laitamyötäinen :: A broad reach
laitamyötäinen :: The state of being drunk; drunkenness
laite :: apparatus, device
laitella :: frequentative form of laittaa
laiteriippumaton :: machine-independent, device-independent
laitesukellus :: scuba diving
laitevaurio :: device damage
Laitinen :: Finnish surname
laiton :: illegal, illegitimate, lawless, unlawful (contrary to or forbidden by law)
laiton :: lawless, extralegal (not governed by any law)
laiton :: lawless (not restrained by the law or by discipline)
laiton :: unlawful, illicit (not approved by law, but not invalid)
laitos :: department
laitos :: edition (of a book)
laitos :: facility
laitos :: faculty
laitos :: institution
laitos :: plant
laitoshoito :: institutional care
laitostaa :: To institutionalize
laitostua :: To be institutionalized, succumbing to hospitalism
laittaa :: ~ ruokaa = to prepare food
laittaa :: To put, set, place
laittaa kylmäksi :: To kill, slay, do in, knock off, bump off (literally: "to make cold")
laittaa nukkumaan :: to put to sleep (to help someone to bed)
laittaa päälle :: To turn on, switch on (a machine, device)
laittaa pois päältä :: to turn off, switch off, power down, shut down (a machine, device)
laittautua :: To dress up
laitteisto :: hardware, apparatus, equipment
laitto :: putting, setting, placing
laittomasti :: illegally
laittomuus :: illegality
laittomuus :: lawlessness (lack of law and order)
laituri :: A pier, wharf, quay, dock, mole
laituri :: A winger
laiva :: nave
laiva :: ship
laivakorppu :: A biscuit
laivalaituri :: quay
laivalastillinen :: shipload
laivamato :: shipworm, Teredo navalis
laivanhylky :: shipwreck
laivankansi :: deck
laivanrakennus :: shipbuilding
laivanrakentaja :: shipbuilder (person or firm)
laivanupotus :: battleship (guessing game)
laivanvarustaja :: shipowner
laivanvarustamo :: merchant shipping company
laivasto :: fleet
laivasto :: navy
laivasto :: shipping (body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry)
laivastonsininen :: navy, navy blue
laivastopeli :: battleship, battleships (guessing game)
laivata :: To ship, to transport using a ship
laivue :: squadron
laivue :: flotilla
laji :: species
laji :: kind, sort
laji :: sport (certain type of sport, such as football or javelin, as opposed to sports in general)
lajikas :: Rich in species; diverse
lajike :: cultivar
lajiliitto :: sport governing body, governing body (national or international federation that has a regulatory or sanctioning function over a specified type of sport)
lajinkehitys :: phylogeny (evolutionary history of an organism)
lajinmurha [science fiction] :: xenocide (genocide of an entire alien species)
lajirikas :: Rich in species; diverse
lajitella :: to classify, categorize (to identify by or divide into classes)
lajitella :: to size (to classify or arrange by size)
lajitella :: to sort (separate according to certain criteria)
lajitelma :: assortment
lajitin :: lajittelija (sorting device)
lajittaa :: alternative form of lajitella
lajittelija :: A sorter, classifier, distributor (person or device which sorts)
lajittelu :: sorting
lajiutua :: To speciate; to divide into new species
lajiutuminen :: speciation (process by which new distinct species evolve)
Lajunen :: Finnish surname
lakaisija :: sweeper (one who sweeps floors, streets etc.)
lakaista :: To sweep, broom (to sweep with a broom)
lakaista jotakin maton alle :: To sweep something under the rug
lakana :: Any large square or rectangular piece of textile, especially a banner
lakana :: A sheet (bedsheet); a bedsheet
lakanakangas :: bed sheet fabric
lakastua :: to go to seed
lakastua :: to wither, fade, wilt
lakata :: to cease, come to an end, end, stop, finish
lakata :: to shellac (to coat with shellac)
lakata :: to varnish, lacquer
lakeeri :: patent leather
lakeija :: A lackey (servant)
lakeija :: A lickspittle
lakelandinterrieri :: Lakeland terrier
lakeus :: expanse
laki :: A summit, topmost point of eg. a hill or trajectory
laki :: code (official collection of laws)
laki :: law
lakiasäätävä :: legislative
lakiesitys :: bill (draft of law)
laki ja järjestys :: law and order (strict obeyance of rules and regulations)
lakikieli :: legalese (technical talk of the legal profession)
lakikirja :: A lawbook
lakikivi :: keystone (top stone of an arch)
lakimies :: A jurist or a lawyer [expert in law]
lakinlippa :: visor (fore piece of a cap, projecting over, and protecting the eyes)
lakipunos :: A wreath (appendage to the shield, placed above it, and supporting the crest)
lakisääteinen :: legal (prescribed by law)
lakittaa :: To put a hat on someone's head
lakka :: cloudberry; bakeapple [Eastern Canada]; knotberry, knoutberry [archaic, England]; aqpik, low-bush salmonberry [Alaska]; averin, evron [Scotland]; Rubus chamaemorus (yellow berry)
lakka :: dovecote
lakka :: lac (scarlet resinous substance)
lakka :: gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), when used as recreational drug
lakka :: varnish, lacquer
lakkaamaton :: unending, incessant
lakkaamaton :: unvarnished
lakkahillo :: cloudberry jam
lakkakerros :: A layer of varnish
lakkalikööri :: cloudberry liqueur
lakkarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius cremor
lakkasprii :: white spirit
lakkaus :: varnishing
lakkauttaa :: to abolish, disband (to break up or cause to cease to exist)
lakkauttaa :: to shut down, close down
lakkauttaa :: to suppress
lakkauttaa :: to suspend (to discontinue a function, task or position)
lakkauttaminen :: abolition (act of abolishing)
lakki :: cap (type of headwear)
lakki :: headwear (any covering of the head)
lakkiaiset :: graduation party
lakki kourassa :: hat in hand
lakkimakaki :: toque macaque Macaca sinica
lakko :: strike (work stoppage)
lakkoilija :: striker (one who is on strike)
lakkoilla :: To strike (stop working)
lakkoraja :: A limit of strike activity
lakkovaroitus :: strike notice
lakmus :: litmus
lakmuskoe :: litmus test
lakmuspaperi :: litmus paper
lakmustesti :: litmus test
lako :: The state where crop has been flattened
lakoninen :: laconic
lakonisesti :: laconically
lakonrikkoja :: strikebreaker, scab
lakoontua :: To flatten
lakoutua :: alternative form of lakoontua
lakrimaatio :: lacrimation
lakritsa :: liquorice, licorice
lakritsi :: liquorice
lakritsijuuri :: liquorice root/licorice root
lakritsirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius helvus
lakrymaattori :: lachrymator (any substance that causes tears)
laksatiivi :: laxative
laksatiivinen :: laxative
laktaami :: lactam
laktaasi :: lactase
laktaattidehydrogenaasi :: lactate dehydrogenase
laktidi :: lactide
laktoni :: lactone
laktoosi :: lactose
laktoosi-intoleranssi :: lactose intolerance (inability to metabolize lactose)
laktoosi-intolerantti :: lactose intolerant
laktoositon :: Having no lactose
lakto-ovovegetaristi :: lacto-ovo-vegetarian
laktovegetaarinen :: lactovegetarian
laktovegetaristi :: A lactovegetarian
laku :: liquorice
laku :: black (person)
lakustrinen :: lacustrine (of or relating to lakes)
lallukka :: A fat, indolent person
lallus :: wimp (someone who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy)
lama [lb, fi, Buddhism] :: lama
lama [lb, fi, economics] :: depression
lama :: paralysis, depression (state of being inable to act)
lamaantua :: To become depressed
lamakausi :: A depression
lamantiini :: manatee
lamarckismi :: Lamarckism
lamauttaa :: to disable
lamauttaa :: to discourage, dishearten
lamauttaa :: to paralyze
lamauttaa :: to stun
lamautua :: To be paralyzed
lamavuosi :: depression year (a year characterized by economic depression)
lambada :: lambada
lambda :: lambda (Greek letter)
lambdakalkyyli :: lambda calculus
lamee :: lamé (fabric)
lamelli :: lamella
laminaarinen :: laminar
laminaatti :: A laminate
laminoida :: To laminate
laminointi :: lamination
lammas :: lamb (meek person)
lammas :: mutton (meat as food)
lammas :: sheep
lammaskoira :: sheepdog (breed of dog, used for herding or guarding sheep)
lammasmainen :: sheepish
lammasnavetta :: sheep barn
lammaspaimen :: A shepherd (person who tends sheep)
lammassuoja :: sheep barn
lammikko :: A puddle
lammikko :: A small pond
lampaankääpä :: sheep polypore (Albatrellus ovinus)
lampaanliha :: mutton
lampaannata :: sheep's fescue
lampaantalja :: sheep hide
lampaanvilla :: sheep wool
lampi :: pond (inland body of standing water, usually natural, that is smaller than a lake)
lampola :: sheep barn
lamppu :: lamp
lamppu :: light bulb
lamppuvitsi :: A variant of lampunvaihtovitsi
lampsia :: to walk in a lazy, slouchy manner; to dawdle, slog
lampunvaihtovitsi :: light bulb joke
lampunvarjostin :: A lampshade
lana :: leveling drag
lanata :: To level using a leveling drag
lande :: countryside
landepaukku :: woolly back (unsophisticated person from the countryside)
langata :: to floss
langaton :: wireless
langennut :: fallen
langeta :: To fall
langeta :: To lapse
langeta :: To sin
langeta loveen :: to fall into a trance
langettaa :: To give a verdict
langobardi :: A Lombard or more rarely, Langobard (member of a Germanic people who invaded Italy in the 6th century)
langokset :: brothers-in-law (male non-blood relatives of one's generation, separated by one degree of marriage, notably husband and his wife's brothers)
langusti :: spiny lobster
lanka :: thread
lanka :: wire (metal formed into a thin, even thread)
lanka :: wire (piece of such material)
lanka :: yarn
lankakerä :: ball, clew (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape)
lankalauantai :: Holy Saturday
lankalinja :: landline (fixed telephone communications cable)
lankapuhelin :: landline (telephone connected by a fixed wire, as opposed to wireless/mobile)
lankata :: to polish (to polish shoes)
lankkaus :: shoeshine (act of polishing shoes)
lankki :: shoe polish
lankkipoika :: shoeshine boy (boy who earns money by polishing shoes for a fee)
lankku :: a plank (long, broad and thick piece of sawn timber)
lanko :: brother-in-law
lankonki :: gangplank, gangway
lankous :: family relationship between a person and his/her spouse's brother
lankous :: affinity (family relationship through marriage, especially that above)
lankuttaa :: to plank (to cover with planking)
lanne :: hip, haunch
lannenikama :: A lumbar vertebra
lannepisto :: lumbar puncture
lanneselkä :: small of the back (the lumbar region of the back)
lannevaate :: breechcloth, loincloth
lannistaa :: To discourage, demoralise/demoralize, dispirit
lannistua :: To despond, be(come) discouraged, be(come) demoralized/demoralised
lannistumaton :: indomitable, undaunted
lannistumattomuus :: resilience
lannistuneempi :: comparative form of lannistunut
lannistunein :: superlative form of lannistunut
lannistunut :: discouraged, demoralized
lannoite :: fertiliser/fertilizer
lannoitin :: fertilizer spreader
lannoittaa :: To fertilize (to add nutrients to)
lannoittaa :: To manure, dung (to fertilize with dung)
lannoittua :: To become fertilized (by nutrients)
lannoitus :: fertilization (adding nutrients)
lanseerata :: To launch (send out)
lanta :: Animal feces used as fertilizer; manure, dung
lanta :: The parts of Finland south of Sápmi
lantaani :: lanthanum
lantakasa :: dung heap, midden
lantala :: manure storage
lantalainen :: southerner (native or inhabitant of the south)
lantanoidi :: lanthanide
lantatunkio :: dunghill
lanteilla :: akimbo
lantio :: pelvis
lantionpohja :: pelvic floor (muscular partition formed by the muscle fibers of the levator ani, the coccygeus, and associated connective tissue which span the area underneath the pelvis)
lantiorengas :: pelvis
lantti :: coin
lanttu :: head, brain, noodle; usually together with the verb leikata
lanttu :: swede, rutabaga (root and the plant)
lanttulaatikko :: Traditional Finnish rutabaga casserole
lanttuperhonen :: green-veined white (Pieris napi)
lao :: Lao, Laotian (ethnic Lao person)
lao :: Lao, Laotian (language)
laon kieli :: Lao, Laotian (language)
laonkielinen :: Lao, Laotian (of or in Lao language)
Laos :: Laos (country in Asia)
laosilainen :: Laotian (of or pertaining to Laos, its people or culture)
laosilainen :: A Laotian (person)
laota :: To fall down en masse, like e.g. grain as a result of heavy rainfall, or soldiers in a devastating battle
Laotse :: Laozi
laottaa :: to lodge
lapa :: A blade of an oar or propeller
lapa :: A shoulder of a horse or other animal or, dialectally, of a man
lapakko :: axis
lapaluu :: A scapula or shoulder blade
lapamato :: broad tapeworm, fish tapeworm, broad fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum)
lapanen :: A knitted mitten
laparoskopia :: laparoscopy
lapasampi :: paddlefish (Polyodon spathula)
lapasotka :: greater scaup, Aythya marila
lape :: edge
lape :: periphery
lape :: The flat of a blade
lapikas :: A type of boot whose toe curves upward
lapinharakka :: great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor
lapinkirvinen :: red-throated pipit, Anthus cervinus
lapinleinikki :: Lapland buttercup, Ranunculus lapponicus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
lapinmyyrä :: tundra vole, root vole (Microtus oeconomus)
Lapin Otava :: Ursa Minor, Little Dipper
lapinpöllö :: great grey owl, Strix nebulosa
lapinporokoira :: Lapponian Herder
lapinrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lapponicus
lapinsirkku :: Lapland longspur, Lapland bunting (Calracius lapponicus)
lapinsirri :: Temminck's stint, Calidris temminckii
lapintiainen :: Siberian tit, Poecile cincta
lapintiira :: Arctic tern, Sterna paradisaea
lapinuunilintu :: Arctic warbler, Phylloscopus borealis
lapinvuokkorousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius dryadophilus
lapio :: A shovel
lapio :: A spade
lapioida :: To shovel
lapioida :: To trowel (to apply with a trowel)
lapiollinen :: shovelful
lapislatsuli :: lapis lazuli
lappaa :: to scoop
lappalainen :: A Sami
Lappalainen :: Finnish surname
Lappeenranta :: Lappeenranta
lappi :: A Sami person
lappi :: The Sami language, Lappish
Lappi :: Any of a number of small places in Finland outside Lapland (named for ancient Sami residence)
Lappi :: Finnish surname derived from lappi
Lappi :: Lapland, the geographical area that covers the northmost parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland plus a Northwestern corner of Russia
Lappi :: The northernmost maakunta ‎(“region”) of Finland
lappilainen :: A resident of Lapland (but not necessarily a Sami)
lappo :: siphon (a bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other)
lappu :: A small piece of paper, textile etc
lappu :: A tag, label
lappuliisa :: meter maid
lapsekas :: childish
lapsekkaasti :: childishly
lapsekkuus :: childishness
lapsellinen :: childish
lapsellisesti :: childishly, naively
lapsellisuus :: childishness
lapsenkaitsija :: babysitter
lapsenkasvoinen :: baby-faced (having a face that appears childlike, innocent, or youthful)
lapsenkieli :: baby talk
lapsenkina :: vernix caseosa, vernix
lapsenlapsenlapsi :: great-grandchild
lapsenlapsi :: grandchild (child of someone’s child)
lapsenlikka :: childminder
lapsenmielinen :: childish
lapsenmurha :: infanticide
lapsenomainen :: childish
lapsenomainen :: filial
lapsenpihka :: meconium (dark green mass, the contents of the fetal intestines during the later stages of mammalian gestation)
lapsenpiika :: childminder
lapsenpäästäjä :: A midwife
lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö [law] :: child sexual abuse, sexual abuse of a minor
lapsenvahti :: A babysitter
lapseton :: childless
lapsi :: child (daughter or son)
lapsi :: child (person who is below the age of adulthood)
lapsihalvaus :: polio
lapsikulta [used chiefly as address] :: dear child
lapsikuolleisuus :: child mortality child mortality rate (the ratio of children dying before their fifth birthday to the number of births, usually expressed as number per thousand live births)
lapsikuoro :: child choir
lapsilisä :: child benefit
lapsimorsian :: child bride
lapsiparka :: poor child
lapsiperhe :: family with children
lapsiporno :: child pornography
lapsiprostituoitu :: child prostitute
lapsiprostituutio :: child prostitution
lapsisotilas :: child soldier
lapsiturvallinen :: childsafe, childproof
lapsityö :: child labor
lapsityövoima :: child labor
lapsivesi :: amniotic fluid
lapsivesi :: water (amniotic fluid)
lapsivesipisto :: amniocentesis (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid)
lapsivesipunktio :: amniocentesis (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid)
lapsivihamielisyys :: kinderfeindlichkeit (institutionalized hostility or coldness towards children)
lapsivuode :: childbed (the bed in which a baby is delivered)
lapsivuode :: short for lapsivuodeaika: childbed (the period immediately before giving birth, when the mother is confined in bed)
lapsivuode :: short for lapsivuodeaika: puerperium (the period immediately after giving birth, when the mother's body is returning to the prenatal state)
lapsivuodeaika :: puerperium
lapsivuodekuume :: puerperal fever, childbed fever
lapsuudenaika :: childhood time
lapsuudenkoti :: childhood home
lapsuudenystävä :: childhood friend
lapsuus :: Childhood
lapsuusaika :: childhood time
Lari :: male given name, short for Ilari
larpata :: to LARP, play LARP
larppaaja :: larper, LARPer
larppaus :: LARPing, larping
laryngiitti :: laryngitis
laryngospasmi :: laryngospasm
lasagne :: lasagna
lasaretti :: hospital
laseerata [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of glaseerata
laser :: laser
laseri :: laser
laserkirjoitin :: laser printer
laserlevy :: Laserdisc
laserprintteri :: laser printer
lasersäde :: laser beam
lasertulostin :: laser printer
lasi :: glass
lasi :: bells, a mark given by the bells of a ship every half hour to mark the passing of time during a four-hour watch. There were eight bells per watch and then the counting started from beginning
lasi :: ice (crystal form of methamphetamine)
lasiainen :: vitreum, humour/humor
lasiharmonikka :: glass harmonica
lasihelmi :: glass bead
lasikaappi :: showcase
lasikatto :: glass ceiling
lasikko :: showcase
lasikuitu :: fibreglass/fiberglass
lasikuituinen :: Made of fiberglass
lasikuituoptiikka :: fiber optics
lasikuitusauva :: A ski pole made of fibreglass
lasillinen :: glass (quantity)
lasimaalaus :: stained glass (piece of art)
lasimaalaustaide :: stained glass (form of art)
lasimainen :: Resembling glass; glassy
lasimaisempi :: comparative form of lasimainen
lasimaisin :: superlative form of lasimainen
lasimaljakko :: glass vase
lasinen :: glassy (made of glass)
lasinleikkuri :: glass cutter
lasinpuhallus :: glassblowing
lasinpuhaltaja :: glassblower
lasinsirpale :: shard, a piece of broken glass
lasinsiru :: A shard of glass
lasiohjaamo :: glass cockpit
lasiovi :: French window
lasiovi :: glass door (door made of or mainly of glass)
lasipullo :: glass bottle
lasisilmä :: glass eye
lasit :: spectacles
lasite :: glaze
lasitiili :: glass brick, glass block (brick-like construction element made of glass)
lasittaa :: to glaze
lasittua :: to glaze (to become glazed)
lasiveitsi :: glass cutter
lasivilla :: glass wool
laskea :: to slope down, descend, drop off
laskea :: to flow to a larger body of water
laskea :: to set
laskea :: to fall, drop
laskea :: to lower (e.g. of prices), decrease (e.g. of the amount of sth)
laskea :: to slide (down; by using some vehicle or instrument)
laskea :: (+ genitive-accusative + translative) to find, consider
laskea :: ~ liikkeelle/liikkeeseen = to release, put into circulation, issue
laskea :: to calculate, figure
laskea :: to count, tally (the number of sth)
laskea :: to lay (e.g. the foundation of sth)
laskea :: to (let) run, (let) flow
laskea :: to lower, drop
laskea :: to lower (e.g. prices), to decrease (the amount of sth)
laskea :: to put down, set down, lay down
laskea :: (with adverbs or verbs) to let
laskea alleen :: to piss one's pants
laskea yhteen :: to add, sum
laskelma :: calculation
laskelmoida :: To calculate, plan
laskematon :: uncounted
laskematon :: undescended
laskenta :: calculus
laskenta :: computation, calculation
laskentataulukko :: spreadsheet
laskentatoimi :: accounting (the practice of)
laskento :: calculus
laskeskella :: To count
lasketella :: rattle off
lasketella :: To do slalom skiing
laskettaa :: To have (something) calculated (by someone = adessive), make (someone = allative) calculate (something)
laskettelija :: An alpine skier, downhill skier
laskettelu :: downhill, downhill skiing, alpine skiing
laskettelukeskus :: ski center, ski centre
laskettelurinne :: piste, ski slope, ski run, slalom slope
laskeuma :: fallout
laskeuma :: prolapse
laskeutua :: to land
laskeutua :: to fall, drop, settle
laskeutua :: to go down, descend
laskeutuma :: alternative form of laskeuma
laskeutuminen :: descent (act of descending)
laskeutuminen :: landing (coming to earth, as of an airplane)
laskeutuminen :: settling (process of sinking gradually to a lower level, as the foundation of a house)
laskeutuminen :: settling, sinking (the process of falling to the bottom, as dregs of a liquid, or the sediment of a reservoir)
laskeutuminen :: splashdown (landing of a space capsule on water)
laskiainen :: Shrove Tuesday
laskiainen :: Shrovetide
laskiaissunnuntai :: Shrove Sunday
laskiaistiistai :: Shrove Tuesday
laskija :: One who performs calculations; statistician, analyst; calculator, computer
laskija :: One who puts down; layer, dropper etc
laskija :: One who slides down
laskija :: One who takes count: counter
laskimo :: vein
laskimonsisäinen :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins)
laskimotulppa :: deep vein thrombosis
laskin :: calculator
laskin :: pocket calculator
lasko :: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR
laskos :: fold, crease
laskostaa :: to flute, crease
laskostaa :: to fold
laskostettu :: fluted (decorated with flutes)
laskostua :: To fold
lasku :: bill, check
lasku :: calculation, computation
lasku :: decline, decrease
lasku :: descent, an instance of descending, sliding down a hill, landing of an airplane etc
laskulauta :: An abacus (calculating frame)
laskuri :: counter (object or contrivance used in counting or keeping count)
laskusana :: A measure word
laskusiiveke :: flap
laskusilta :: drawbridge (hinged bridge which can be raised to prevent it being crossed, as across a moat)
laskusilta :: gangway (bridge that can be lowered from a ship to allow crossing to and from the vessel)
laskusuhdanne :: bear market (period of falling stock market prices)
laskusuunta :: downtrend
laskutaito :: numeracy (ability to understand numbers and perform arithmetic)
laskutaitoinen :: numerate (able to understand numbers and perform arithmetic)
laskutaulu :: An abacus (calculating frame)
laskutaulu :: A table, used in elementary schools to teach the principles of calculus
laskutaulu :: A table which shows the numeric results of a calculation as function of one or more variables
laskutaulukko :: spreadsheet
laskuteline :: landing gear, undercarriage (wheels, tyres, brakes, shock absorbers etc of an aircraft)
laskutikku :: slide rule
laskuttaa :: To bill, invoice
laskutus :: billing
laskutusosoite :: billing address
laskutuuli :: katabatic wind (cold wind that blows down from a snow-capped mountain or glacier)
laskuvarjo :: parachute
laskuvarjohyppy :: parachute jump (individual jump)
laskuvarjohyppy :: parachuting (sport)
laskuvarjojääkäri :: paratrooper
laskuvesi :: ebb
Lasse :: male given name
Lassi :: male given name
lassie :: rough collie (breed of dog)
Lassila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Lassila :: Finnish surname
lasso :: lasso
lassota :: To lasso
lasta :: splint
lasta :: putty knife, spackle knife, scraper, spatula (construction tool)
lasta :: spatula, scraper (kitchen tool)
lasta :: squeegee (window wiping tool)
lasta :: taping knife, joint knife (broad smoothing tool)
lasta :: turner (kitchen tool)
lastaaminen :: loading
lastaaminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, lastata] ::
lastain :: spatula
lastata :: To load, lade
lastaus :: loading
lastenhoitaja :: nanny, nurse (of children)
lastenhoito :: childcare
lastenkoti :: children's home; child caring institution (public institution for the care and protection of orphans and children whose parents are unable to take care of them)
lastenkoti :: orphanage
lastenleikki :: child's play, cinch (something particularly simple or easy)
lastenlääkäri :: pediatrician
lastenosasto :: children's department
lastenrattaat :: stroller [US]; pushchair, baby buggy [UK] (small vehicle in which a baby is pushed around in a sitting position)
lastensuojelu :: child welfare
lastentarha :: kindergarten
lastentarhanopettaja :: kindergarten teacher
lastentauti :: teething troubles, teething issues, teething problems (minor problems e.g. in launching a new product or service)
lastentauti [literal] :: childhood disease (disease that usually troubles infants)
lastentautioppi :: pediatrics
lastenvaunut :: pram, perambulator [UK]; baby carriage [US]; carrycot (small vehicle in which a newborn baby is pushed around in a lying position)
lasti :: cargo
lastiluettelo :: manifest (a list of goods)
lastiruuma :: cargo hold
lastoittaa :: To splint
lastu :: A chip (small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material, especially wood)
lastu :: A chip (thin, crisp, baked piece of vegetable or vegetable mass), usually in compound terms with a modifier which specifies the raw material: perunalastu
lastu :: A shaving (thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material)
lastulevy :: chipboard, particleboard, particle board
lastuvilla :: excelsior
lasuriitti :: lazurite
lasvegasilainen :: Las Vegan
lata :: field drag
lataamo :: loading station
lataus :: charge
lataus :: download
latauspuikko :: ramrod (device used with early firearms)
latautua :: To charge, recharge
lateksi :: latex
latenssi :: latency
latenssiaika :: latent phase
latentti :: latent
lati :: lat
latiivi :: lative case
latimeria :: coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)
latina :: Latin language
latinainen :: alternative form of latinalainen
latinaistaa :: to Latinize, romanize (to transliterate into Latin script)
latinaistus :: Latinization (act, process or result of Latinizing)
latinalainen :: Latin (of or relating to the Latin language or script)
Latinalainen Amerikka :: Latin America (Latin America)
latinalaisamerikkalainen :: Latin American, Latin (of or relating to Latin America, its people or culture)
latinalaispurje :: lateen, lateen sail
latinalaistaa :: alternative form of latinaistaa
latinantaa :: to Latinize (to translate into Latin)
latinisaatio :: romanization/romanisation, Latinization
latinismi :: Latinism
latinisoida :: To Latinize (to make a word similar in appearance to a Latin word)
latinoida :: To Latinize (to make a word similar in appearance to a Latin word)
latistaa :: To flatten
latistaa :: To make commonplace
latistua :: To flatten
latitudi :: latitude
latkia :: To lap, slurp like a dog
latkinta :: lapping, slurping
lato :: A hovel, barn (unheated inexpensively built roofed storage for agricultural equipment or products, especially hay)
latoa :: To roll, let fly (speech)
latoa :: To stack, pile up, line up
latoa :: To typeset, compose (printing)
latoja :: A typesetter, typo, compositor
latriini :: latrine
latsuriitti :: lazurite
latta :: A batten (strip inserted in a pocket sewn on the sail in order to keep the sail flat)
lattajalka :: flatfoot (condition or person)
lattajalkainen :: flatfooted, flat-footed
lattana :: flat
lattari :: A latino/latina
lattari :: Any Latin American dance
lattarintainen :: flat-chested (of a girl or woman: having small breasts)
latte :: latte
lattea :: flat (shape)
lattea :: hackneyed, clichéd, banal (common in a boring way, containing nothing new or fresh)
lattea :: insipid
latteus :: blandness
latteus :: dullness (quality of being uninteresting, especially when used of opinions)
latteus :: flatness
latteus :: A cliché, platitude
lattia :: floor (bottom of a room)
lattiakaivo :: floor drain
lattialaatta :: floor tile
lattianraja :: floor level
lattiarätti :: floorcloth
lattiavasa :: A supporting beam on floor
lattinki :: A baggywrinkle
latu :: course
latu :: ski track
laturi :: charger (device)
latuskajalka :: flatfoot (condition or person)
latva :: headwaters
latva :: treetop
latva-artisokka :: artichoke, globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus)
Latvala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Latvala :: Finnish surname
latvia :: The Latvian language
Latvia :: Latvia
latvialainen :: Lettish or Latvian, of or relating to Latvia
latvialainen :: Lettish or Latvian, relating to the Latvian/Lettish language, Lett:
latvialainen :: A Lett or Latvian
Latvian tasavalta :: The Republic of Latvia
latvoa :: to pinch
latvonta :: pinching
latvusto :: canopy
lauantai :: Saturday
lauantaiaamu :: Saturday morning
lauantai-ilta :: Saturday evening
lauantailisä :: Saturday allowance (extra payment for working on Saturday)
lauantaimakkara :: A type of bologna sausage
lauantainen :: Pertaining to Saturday
lauantaisin :: On Saturdays
laudanumi :: laudanum
laudatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the highest possible grade, summa cum laude
laudatur :: The longest university syllabus in Finland
laude :: In plural (lauteet), a sitting platform or "pew" in the hot room of a sauna
laude :: In singular only in compound words
laudoittaa :: To board, to cover with boards
laueta :: To go off (explosion, gun, trap etc.)
laueta :: To relax (tense situation)
laueta :: To ejaculate
lauha :: mild, temperate (weather, climate)
lauha :: hair grass, tussock grass: grass in genus Deschampsia
lauhde :: condensate
lauhdutin [machinery] :: A condenser or steam condenser
lauhduttaa :: to condense
lauhentaa :: to make or cause to be (more) temperate, especially of climate
lauheta :: alternative form of lauhtua
lauhkea :: tame
lauhkea :: temperate
lauhtua :: To calm down
lauhtua :: [of cold weather] To abate
laukaisija :: A trigger, release
laukaisija :: One who launches; launcher
laukaisin :: trigger
laukaista :: To fire (a gun)
laukaista :: To launch (a rocket)
laukaista :: To trigger
laukaisu :: firing
laukaisu :: launch (of a rocket)
laukaisualusta :: launchpad, launch pad
laukaisuikkuna :: launch window
laukaisuteline :: gantry scaffold
laukata :: to gallop
laukata :: to gallop; (slow) to canter, lope
laukaus [weaponry] :: gunshot
laukka :: canter (ride)
laukka :: canter (three-beat gait)
laukka :: gallop (four-beat gait)
laukka :: onion (any plant of the genus Allium)
Laukkanen :: Finnish surname
laukkoa :: alternative form of laukata
laukku :: A bag (soft)
laukku :: A case (hard)
laukkuryssä :: In 19th century, a wandering trader of Karelian or Russian origin
laukoa :: to fire, shoot, repeatedly
laukoa :: to fire (to forcibly direct)
laukonpeura :: white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus
laukullinen :: with a bag, carrying a bag
laukullinen :: bagful
laulaa :: To sing
laulaja :: singer
laulaja-lauluntekijä :: A singer-songwriter
laulajankyhmy :: Another name for äänihuulikyhmy
laulajatar :: Female singer
laulella :: to sing (casually)
laulelma :: tune, jingle
lauleskella :: To sing casually
laulu :: singing
laulu :: song
Laulujen laulu :: the Song of Songs, Song of Solomon (22nd book of the Old Testament)
laulujoutsen :: whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus)
laulukaskas :: A cricket (insect)
laulukilpailu :: singing contest
laulukirja :: songbook
lauluääni :: singing voice, set of pipes (voice for singing)
lauluntekijä :: songwriter (one who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs)
laulusarja :: song cycle
lauluyhtye :: vocal group, a cappella group
lauma :: crowd, mob, flock (large uncontrolled group of people)
lauma :: herd (large group of land animals)
lauma :: pod (group of seals or hippopotami)
laumaeläin :: gregarious animal
laumasielu :: lemming (person inclined to groupthinking)
laumasieluisuus :: groupthink
laupias :: merciful
Laura :: female given name
Lauri :: male given name
Lauri :: The letter "L" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Laurila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Laurila :: Finnish surname
lause :: clause
lause :: sentence
lause :: theorem (mathematical statement of some importance that has been proven to be true)
lauseenjäsen :: A sentence element
lauseenvastike :: absolute construction
lauseenvastike :: participial phrase (short phrase consisting of a participle and any modifiers, objects, and complements)
lauseke :: phrase (word or group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence)
lauseke :: expression (arrangement of symbols denoting values and operations performed on them)
lauseke :: phrase
lauseoppi :: syntax
lausua :: to articulate, put into words (a thought)
lausua :: to pronounce, sound out (a word)
lausua :: to recite, interpret (orally), do/give a reading of (a poem)
lausua :: to say, speak, utter, pronounce
lausua :: to state, express (an opinion)
lausunta :: elocution
lausunta :: pronunciation
lausunta :: recitation
lausunto :: statement
lausunto :: verdict
lauta :: A board (long, wide and thin piece of sawn timber)
lauta :: An element in many compound words, where the English equivalent is "board" (The Finnish equivalent for "board" may also be taulu or levy). These compounds can be shortened to plain lauta, if there is no danger of confusion
lauta :: A woman who has small breasts
lautailija :: skateboarder
lautailija :: surfer
lautakunta :: Any committee, board, jury or similar to which the nominating organization has decided to give that name
lautakunta :: In municipal government, a committee appointed by the municipal council, which has the authority to make decisions within an agenda specified by the law and the municipal council concerned; sometimes also translated into English as board
lautamiehistö :: jury
lautamies :: A juror, member of a jury
lautamies :: A lay judge
lautanen :: A croup, in Finnish usually in plural (lautaset) (part of horse's body)
lautanen :: A cymbal, often in plural (lautaset)
lautanen :: A plate (for eating)
lautanen :: A saucer
lautapeli :: board game
lautasaura :: A type of plough
lautasellinen :: A dish, plateful (content of a plate used for serving food)
lautasäes :: disc harrow
lautasliina :: A serviette or napkin (serviette)
lautatarha :: lumberyard (facility dedicated to the preparation of lumber)
lauteet :: benches, as wooden platforms in a sauna for people to sit on
lautta :: ferry
lautta :: raft
lava :: bed (platform of a truck or other vehicle that supports the load)
lava :: platform (raised stage for speeches etc.)
lava :: stage (in a theatre etc.)
lava-auto :: pickup truck
lavakuorma-auto :: dump truck [US], dumper truck [UK]
lavantauti :: typhoid fever
lavastaa :: to create a stage in theatre
lavastaa :: to frame, set up
lavastaa :: to stage (to demonstrate in a deceptive manner)
lavastaja [film] :: scenographer
lavastaminen :: moulage
lavastaminen :: staging (process of preparing a deceptive demonstration)
lavaste [theater] :: prop
lavastus :: framing (making someone appear guilty)
lavastus :: scenography (design of theatrical sets)
lavastus :: set (scenery for a film or play)
lavasukellus :: stage diving
lavea :: wide
laveerata [arts] :: to paint using the wash technique, i.e. with a paintbrush holding a large amount of solvent and a small amount of paint
laveeraus [arts] :: wash (smooth and translucent painting created using a paintbrush holding a large amount of solvent and a small amount of paint)
laveeraus :: wash (the technique applied to produce such paintings)
laveeri :: alternative form of laveri
laventaa :: to expand
laventaa :: to widen
laventeli :: lavender
laventua :: To be expanded
laveri :: A rough wooden bed or platform for sleeping
laveri [furniture] :: A simple wooden bed, the bottom of which is typically made of laths
laverrella :: to chatter, blabber, blab
laverrella :: to tell tales
lavetti :: gun carriage
laviini :: snow avalanche
lavitsa :: A rough wooden bed or platform for sleeping
lavuaari :: sink, washbasin
lawrencium :: lawrencium
Lea :: female given name
Lea :: Leah
leasingyhtiö :: leasing company
ledi :: light-emitting diode, LED
Leea :: female given name, a variant of Lea
leegio :: legion (large group)
leego :: alternative spelling of lego
Leena :: female given name
Leevi :: Levi
Leevi :: male given name of biblical origin. Currently quite popular
leffa :: flick, movie
leffa :: movies (cinema)
legaalinen :: legal
legaalistaa :: to legalize
legalisoida :: To legalise/legalize
legenda :: A legend
legendaarinen :: legendary
legi :: A board or a leg, as the distance sailed with sails constantly on the same side of the ship
legi :: A leg (one side of a course in a sailing race)
legi :: A leg (stage of a sailing journey)
legionelloosi :: legionellosis
legioona :: legion
legioonalainen :: legionary
legioonalaistauti :: legionellosis
legitiimi :: legitimate
legitimiteetti :: legitimacy
legitimoida :: To legitimise/legitimize
lego :: LEGO, lego (type of plastic toy brick)
leguaani :: An iguana (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae)
lehahtaa :: to blush; with punaiseksi
lehahtaa :: to flush, take wing; usually with lentoon (to take suddenly to flight, especially from cover)
lehahtaa :: to waft
lehdenjakaja :: A paperboy
lehdetön :: leafless
lehdettömyys :: leaflessness
lehdistö :: The press (newspaper media)
lehdistöhuone :: pressroom
lehdistökonferenssi :: press conference
lehdistönvapaus :: freedom of the press
lehdistösihteeri :: press secretary
lehdistötiedote :: press release
lehdistötilaisuus :: press conference (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media)
lehdykkä :: leaflet (part of a compound leaf)
lehdykkä :: leaflet (brochure)
lehdykkä :: reed (part of the mouthpiece of certain woodwind instruments)
lehdykkäsoitin :: reed (type of woodwind instrument)
lehmä :: any female ruminant; often with a modifier
lehmä :: cow (female of Bos primigenius taurus)
lehmä :: heifer (ugly or objectionable woman)
lehmähaikara :: cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
lehmi- :: cow-
lehmihaka :: cow pasture
lehmipoika :: cowboy (man who attends cattle, especially in the American West)
lehmänkello :: cowbell
lehmänlanta :: cow manure
lehmänläjä :: cow pat
lehmänmaito :: cow's milk
lehmänrokko :: cowpox
lehmäntatti :: birch bolete (Leccinum scabrum)
lehmus :: linden, lime (tree from the genus Tilia)
lehmus :: linden (wood from Tilia)
lehmus :: small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata
lehteri :: balcony
lehtiä :: to grow leaves
lehti :: leaf
lehti :: magazine
lehti :: newspaper
lehtiö :: block, pad of paper
Lehti :: Finnish surname
lehtiensyöjä :: folivore
lehtijousipakka :: leaf spring
lehtikaali :: collard greens
lehtikaali :: kale
lehtikala :: freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
lehtikanta :: petiole (stalk of a leaf, attaching the blade to the stem)
lehtikioski :: newsstand
lehtikoju :: newsstand
lehtikulta :: gold leaf
lehtikuusi :: larch
lehtikuva :: A photograph taken for and published in a newspaper
lehtikuva :: With capital initial, a Finnish photo agency owned by several competing newspapers, see: STT-Lehtikuva|Lehtikuva
lehtimaha :: omasum
lehtimetsä :: deciduous forest
lehtimies :: A journalist
lehtimuoto :: leaf shape
-lehtinen :: -leafed
lehtinen :: diminutive form of lehti
lehtinen :: leaflet (small sheet of paper)
Lehtinen :: Finnish surname
lehtipuu :: deciduous tree
lehtipuu :: hardwood
lehtiruoti :: petiole, stem
lehtisaha :: A jigsaw, coping saw
lehtisammal :: bryophyte
lehtisammal :: moss
lehtiserpentiini :: antigorite
lehtitaikina :: puff pastry dough
lehtitaikinaleivonnainen :: puff pastry
lehtitina :: tinfoil (thin sheet of tin)
lehtivihreä :: chlorophyll
lehto :: broad leaf woodland
lehto :: grove
Lehto :: Any of a number of small places in Finland and in Karelia (former Finland)
Lehto :: Finnish surname
lehtohorsma :: broad-leaved willowherb (Epilobium montanum)
lehtokorte :: shade horsetail or meadow horsetail, Equisetum pratense
lehtokorvasieni [mushrooms] :: snow morel, Gyromitra gigas (edible mushroom)
lehtokurppa :: Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola (type species of the genus Scolopax)
lehtokurppa :: woodcock (any of the wading birds in the genus Scolopax of the sandpiper family)
Lehtola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Lehtola :: Finnish surname
lehtolapsi :: A lovechild, bastard (child born to unmarried parents)
lehtoleinikki :: Ranunculus cassubicus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
lehtolimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius pumilus
lehtolohisieni :: A mushroom, Laccaria amethystina
lehtomaitikka :: wood cow-wheat (Melampyrum nemorosum)
lehtomyrkkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius orellanus
Lehtonen :: Finnish surname
lehtopöllö :: tawny owl (Strix aluco)
lehtori :: lecturer
lehtorousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius bertilloni
lehtoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius nemorensis
lehtosillihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula graveolens
lehtovyörousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius zonarius
lehvä :: sprig
lei :: A lei (Hawaiian garland of flowers)
lei [nonstandard, obsolete] :: A leu (unit of currency of Romania and Moldova)
leidi :: lady
leija :: kite
leijailla :: To float, hover, soar (to be in the state of suspension in a gas or liquid, but not on top of it)
leijata :: alternative form of leijailla
leijata :: To design a layout
leijona :: A lion, Panthera leo
leijona :: One born under the sign of Leo
Leijona :: The constellation Leo, the Lion
Leijona :: The zodiac sign Leo
leijonakoira :: foo dog (breed of dog)
leijonakoira :: foo dog (Chinese guardian lion statue)
leijonanharja :: A lion's mane
leijonankesyttäjä :: lion tamer
leijonanlyhty :: lion’s leaf, Leontice leontopetalum (perennial plant native to North Africa and easterm Mediterranean)
leijonaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius elegantior
leijua :: To hover, float in air
leijunta :: hovering, levitation
leijuri :: helicopter (Finnish-language term proposed by professor Aarni Penttilä, which never gained ground, but survives as curiosity)
leijuri [science fiction, computer games] :: A fictional aircraft capable of hovering
leijuri :: anomalure, anomalurid, scaly-tailed squirrel (any member of the Anomaluridae, a family of rodents found in central Africa)
leikari :: swivel
leikata :: adessive + 3rd-pers. sg: to get it
leikata [film] :: to edit
leikata :: to operate
leikata :: to cut (to perform an incision on; to divide with a sharp instrument; to separate from prior association; to remove and place in memory for later use; to reduce, especially intentionally; to form or shape by cutting; to intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so)
leikata :: to fix (to render an animal infertile)
leikata :: to incise (to cut in or into with a sharp instrument)
leikata :: to knife (to cut through as if with a knife)
leikata :: to knife (to use a knife to cut)
leikata :: to mow (to cut something down, especially grass or crops)
leikata :: to trim (to reduce slightly, especially, to remove excess)
leikattu :: cut (having been cut)
leikattu :: Depending on usage, other English past participles may apply instead of "cut"
leike :: clip
leike :: escalope
leikellä :: to shave, slice
leikisti :: Not seriously
leikiten :: Like child's play
leikkaaja [cinema] :: film editor, editor
leikkaaja :: cutter (one who cuts)
leikkaaja [mathematics, geometry] :: secant (straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points)
leikkaantua :: To be cut
leikkaava :: transverse (of an intersection: not tangent)
leikkain :: cutter (cutting tool)
leikkaus [cinematography] :: editing
leikkaus :: cut, cutting (act or result of cutting)
leikkaus [set theory] :: intersection
leikkaus [surgery, as modifier in compound terms] :: perioperative (relating to the period around and during an operation)
leikkaus :: operation, surgery
leikkaushaava :: surgical wound
leikkaushoitaja :: perioperative nurse
leikkausmaski :: surgical mask, procedure mask
leikkauspiste :: intersection
leikkauspöytä :: operating table, operating room table (table on which a patient lies during a surgical operation)
leikkaussali :: operating room; surgery; operating theatre, theatre (room in which surgery is performed)
leikkauttaa :: To have something cut
leikkautua :: To be cut
leikkele :: cold cuts
leikkiä :: To play (e.g. children's play, not a game or an instrument)
leikki :: A play (children's activity)
leikkiauto :: toy car
leikkijä :: One who plays; player
leikkikalu :: toy
leikkikehä :: playpen
leikkikenttä :: playground
leikkimökki :: playhouse, play house, Wendy house, cubby house (small house for the children to play in)
leikkipuisto :: playground
leikkisä :: playful
leikkisästi :: playfully
leikkokukka :: cut flower (flower, and usually some stem and leaves, cut from the plant bearing it for decorative use)
leikkuri :: cutter
leikkuu :: cutting
leikkuulauta :: chopping board
leikkuupuimuri :: combine, combine harvester
Leila :: female given name of Arabic origin
leili :: flagon
leima :: stain, taint as in tainted reputation
leima :: stamp
leimahtaa :: to deflagrate (to burn with intense light and heat)
leimahtaa :: to flame, flare up (to break out in violence of passion)
leimahtaa :: to flame (to burst forth like flame)
leimahtaa :: to flare up (to burn brightly again)
leimamerkki :: Any similar mark such as imprint, ribbon, sticker or label used as proof of payment of tax
leimamerkki :: revenue stamp, fiscal stamp, tax stamp (stamp to affix as proof that the tax due on the marked product has been paid)
leimasin :: A stamp, die (embossed device used in stamping)
leimata :: To denounce
leimata :: To stamp (with a stamp)
leimata :: To taint a person's reputation
leimauslaite :: stamping machine, ticket stamping machine
leimautua :: To be marked
leimavero :: stamp duty
leimikko :: A forest to be cut
leimu :: flame, flare, blaze
leimuta :: To blaze, flare
leini :: rheumatism
leinikki :: buttercup
leinikkikasvi :: Any of the plants in the family Ranunculaceae
leinikkikasvit :: The buttercup family; Ranunculaceae
leino :: sad
Leino :: Finnish surname, notably of the poet Eino Leino
Leinonen :: Finnish surname
leipä :: any variety of bread
leipä :: in the game of ducks and drakes, an individual jump of the stone from the surface of the water, see heittää leipiä
leipä :: loaf of bread
leipä :: bread (foodstuff)
leipä :: living, livelihood, meal ticket (something that provides income)
leipien heitto :: stone skipping, stone skimming, stone skiffing, playing ducks and drakes (act of throwing flat stones to the surface of water and trying to make them bounce)
leipä ja sirkushuvit :: bread and circuses
leipäjono :: breadline
leipäjuusto :: Cheese curd processed into flat bread-like cakes, eaten normally as dessert or with coffee
leipäkone :: bread maker, bread machine
leipäkori :: breadbasket (basket used for storing or carrying bread)
leipälaatikko :: breadbox [US], bread bin [UK]
leipälapio :: A peel (spade-like tool for moving bread into and out of the baking oven)
leipäläpi :: mouth, piehole (usually used of someone who talks too much)
leipääntyä :: To get irritated, frustrated, bored
leipoa :: To bake
leipoja :: A baker (one who bakes)
leipominen :: baking
leipomo :: bakery
leipomotuote :: A bakery product, especially as an item of trade; often used in plural leipomotuotteet
leipomus :: leivonnainen
leipäpuu :: A breadfruit tree
leipäteksti :: body (content of a newspaper article or other printed document, as distinct from summary, introduction, signatures, salutations, headers, and so on)
leipäteksti :: body (content of any text)
leipuri :: baker
leiri :: A camp
leirintä :: camping
leirintäalue :: campsite, camp site, camping site, camping area, campground, camping park
leiripaikka :: campsite, camp site, campground
leiriytyä :: To camp (to set up a camp)
leiska :: layout
leiskua :: To flame
leiskunta :: flaming
leivinjauhe :: baking powder
leivinpaperi :: parchment paper; also baking parchment, bakery paper, baking paper, rarely bakery release paper (cellulose-based paper used in baking as a disposable non-stick surface)
leivinuuni :: baking oven, oven (any oven used for baking)
leivinuuni masonry oven (baking oven with a baking chamber made of fireproof brick, stone or similar material)
leiviskä :: old weightmeasure, 10 kilograms
leivittää :: To batter
leivittää :: To breadcrumb, bread, crumb
leivänheitto :: alternative form of leipien heitto
leivänmuru :: breadcrumb
leivänmuru :: In plural also breadcrumbs (trail of hyperlinks that lead consecutively to the current page)
leivänmurunen :: breadcrumb
leivänmurunen :: diminutive form of leivänmuru
leivänmurut :: breadcrumbs (trail of hyperlinks that lead consecutively to the current page)
leivänpaahdin :: toaster
leivo :: A lark
leivo :: Slang term used to describe one who plays MMO games for lengthy amounts of time daily with little to no breaks, until they have reached the highest achievement possible before anyone else is able to
leivonnainen :: baked good, especially a sweet one, such as a cake, pastry or cookie
leivonta :: baking
leivos :: pastry
leivätön :: breadless
lejeerinki :: alloy
leka :: A sledgehammer, maul
leka :: A bottle, especially of moonshine
leko [military, jargon] :: An airplane
lekotella :: to lounge
lekottaa :: to fly in a lazy manner
lekottaa [of the sun] :: to shine warmly
lekottaa :: to lounge
leksikko :: lexicon (vocabulary of a language)
leksikografia :: lexicography
leksikologia :: lexicology
lekuri :: doc, doctor
lelliä :: to pamper, coddle (to treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence)
lelliä :: to spoil (to ruin the character of someone by overindulgence)
lellikki :: pet, favourite (someone thought to receive preferential treatment)
lellivauva :: pet, favourite (someone thought to receive preferential treatment)
lellua :: to shake
lelu :: toy
lelukauppa :: toyshop, toystore
lelulaatikko :: toybox
lemma :: lemma
lemmekäs :: amorous (indicating love or sexual desire)
lemmenjuoma :: love potion; aphrodisiac (drink believed to arouse or intensify sexual desire)
lemmenlääke :: aphrodisiac (drug, food or drink believed to arouse or intensify sexual desire)
lemmikki :: forget-me-not (flowering plants of the genus Myosotis)
lemmikki :: pet (animal kept as companion)
Lemmikki :: female given name
lemmikkieläin :: pet
lemmikkieläinkauppa :: pet shop
Lemminkäinen [Finnish mythology] :: A hero and one of the central characters in Kalevala, the national epic of Finland
lemmiskellä :: To make love
Lemmitty :: female given name
lemniskaatta :: lemniscate
lempata :: (slang) to sack (to discharge from a job or position)
lempata :: to throw away
lempeä :: balmy
lempeä :: indulgent
lempeä :: lenient
lempeä nostattava :: aphrodisiac (arousing or intensifying sexual desire)
lempeästi :: gently, kindly
lempeys :: tenderness
lempiä :: To make love
lempi :: As a very common former part of compound signifies favourite/favorite
lempi [poetic, archaic] :: love
lempi [poetic, euphemistic] :: love-making, sex
Lempi :: female given name
lempiaihe :: pet topic, soapbox (one's favorite topic, especially when only tangentially relevant to an ongoing discussion)
lempijuoma :: favorite drink, favourite drink
lempilelu :: A binky (child's dearest toy)
lempinimi :: nickname
lempiruoka :: favorite food, favourite food
lempiväri :: favorite color
lemu :: reek, stench
lemuta :: To stink, reek
leniniläinen :: Leninist
leniniläinen :: A Leninist
leniniläisyys :: Leninism
leninismi :: Leninism
leninisti :: Leninist
leninki :: A frock or a dress (female garment)
leninkikangas :: dress fabric
lenkkari :: in plural also, running shoes, sneakers, trainers, tennis shoes (pair)
lenkkari :: running shoe, sneaker, trainer, tennis shoe (single)
lenkkeilijä :: jogger
lenkkeillä :: to jog
lenkkeily :: jogging
lenkki :: A link of a chain
lenkki :: A metal fastener shaped as semicircle and fixed to a wall etc
lenkki :: Any reasonably large loop or ring that is used for securing objects into it. A small loop may be called silmä (eye)
lenkki :: A round (circular object)
lenkki :: A running, skiing, bicycling etc. exercise
lenkki :: A becket, as e.g. the U-shaped part of a shackle
lenkki :: Short for lenkkimakkara, a sausage shaped to a ring or oval by tying the ends together
lenkki :: Something that resembles a loop or a round
lenkkimakkara :: link sausage; a kind of curved sausage
lenkkitossu :: running shoe, sneaker, trainer, tennis shoe
lenko :: crooked, bent
Lennart :: male given name
lennellä :: Frequentative aspect of lentää; to fly back and forth at least seemingly aimlessly
Lenni :: male given name
lennin :: A wing or winglike body part
lenninräpylä :: bat patagium
lennokas :: lively
lennokki :: miniature aircraft; anything from a paper airplane to a radio-controlled military drone
lennokki :: Short for mallilennokki (built-to-scale miniature aircraft which resembles a real aircraft model and is capable of flying)
lennonjohtaja :: air traffic controller (person who operates an air traffic control system)
lennonjohto :: air traffic control
lennonjohto :: flight control
lennossa :: on the fly
lennosta :: mid-air, midair (the middle of the air, as while in flight)
lennosta :: on the fly
lennätin :: telegraph
lennätinpylväs :: telegraph post (for telegraphs)
lennättää :: To fly
lentää :: To fall down
lentää :: To fly
lentää :: To fly a plane etc
lentäjä :: flyer
lentäjä :: pilot, aviator, airman
lentäjä-ässä :: flying ace
lentää kukasta kukkaan :: to bed-hop (to be promiscuous)
lentäminen :: flying
lento :: lento (slowly)
lento :: The act of flying or being in the air
lento :: The flight in a flying vehicle or spacecraft
lentoaika :: flying time
lentoasema :: airport
lentoauto :: flying car
lentoemäntä :: stewardess, air hostess (female flight attendant)
lentoemo :: trolley dolly, sky girl
lentokala :: flying fish
Lentokala :: The constellation Volans
lentokelpoinen :: airworthy (being able to fly,meeting standards for safe flight)
lentokenttä :: airfield (place where airplanes can take off and land but unlike an airport must not necessarily have terminals or paved runways)
lentokenttä :: airport
lentokoira :: lentävä koira
lentokone :: aeroplane
lentokoneellinen :: planeful
lentokonehalli :: hangar
lentokonesuoja :: hangar
lentokorkeus :: flight altitude
lentokyky :: flying skill (ability to fly)
lentokyvytön :: flightless
lentolaite :: flyer (machine that flies)
lentolehtinen :: flyer (leaflet, often for advertising)
lentoliikenne :: air traffic
lentolippu :: air ticket, flight ticket
lentolisko :: pterosaur
lentolyönti :: volley
lentomuurahainen :: An ant queen or a drone during nuptial flight
lentonopeus :: flying speed
lentoonammunta :: Shooting of flying birds
lento-onnettomuus :: aviation accident
lentopaikka :: airstrip
lentopallo :: volleyball (ball)
lentopallo :: volleyball (sport or activity)
lentopalloilija :: volleyball player, volleyballer
lentopalloilu :: volleyball (sport or activity)
lentopoikanen :: fledgling (young bird which has just developed its flight feathers)
lentopommi :: aerial bomb
lentoposti :: airmail, air mail
lentopostikirje :: airmail, airmail letter (any letter sent as airmail)
lentorata :: flight path
lentorata :: trajectory (the path of a body as it travels through space)
lentoreitti :: airway, flight route
lentosimulaattori :: flight simulator
lentosotamies :: The lowest rank in the air force
lentosulka :: flight feather (any asymmetrical feather of the wing or tail of a bird)
lentosuukko :: flying kiss
lentotaito :: Flying skills
lentotaito :: The ability of flying
lentotukialus :: aircraft carrier
lentotukikohta :: airbase
lentotunti :: A flight hour
lentoturma :: flight accident
lentovene :: flying boat
lentoyhtiö :: An airline
lentsikka :: airplane
lentsu :: flu, common cold
lentue :: flight (air force unit consisting of 3 to 6 aircraft)
Lentävä hollantilainen :: Flying Dutchman (mythical ghost ship)
lentävä koira :: flying fox (large Australasian bat of the genus Pteropus)
lentäväkoira :: alternative spelling of lentävä koira
lentävä lautanen :: A flying saucer
Leo :: male given name, cognate to English Leo
leonidit :: The Leonids
leopardi :: leopard (Panthera pardus)
leopardigekko :: leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
leopardihai :: leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
leopardikissa :: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
leopardimonninen :: threestripe corydoras, leopard catfish, three line catfish (Corydoras trilineatus)
lepakko :: bat (flying mammal)
lepakko :: lesbian, dyke
lepakkohaukka :: bat hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus)
lepakkotutkija :: chiropterologist (one who studies bats)
lepattaa :: To flare (burn unsteadily)
lepattaa :: To flicker
lepattaa :: To flutter
lepatus :: flicker
lepidoliitti :: lepidolite
lepikkö :: alternative form of lepikko
lepikko :: A concentration of alder, as often seen at the rim of a coniferous forest by a field or lake
lepikko :: An alder forest
lepikkohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula alnetorum
lepikkorousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius obscuratus
lepikkoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius alnetorum
lepinkäinen :: shrike
lepinkäismuura :: great antshrike
lepo :: At ease!
lepo :: Rest, repose
lepoaika :: resting period; pause
lepoitiö :: resting spore, cyst
lepolesti :: shoe tree (device to keep shoes in shape)
lepomassa :: rest mass
lepopäivä :: rest day
leposide :: A limb restraint, a type of medical restraint used in psychiatric emergencies
leposyke :: resting heart rate; a person's heart rate when in rest
lepotauko :: A rest, break
lepotila :: sleep, standby, suspension
lepotila :: dormancy
lepotila :: rest
lepotuoli :: chaise longue, lounge chair
lepovuosi :: sabbatical year (year of rest)
leppä :: A grey alder (harmaaleppä by its full Finnish name), Alnus incana
leppä :: An alder, any of the trees in the genus Alnus
leppeä :: balmy
leppein :: superlative form of leppeä
leppeämpi :: comparative form of leppeä
leppäkerttu :: ladybird, ladybug
leppäkorpiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius helvelloides
Leppälä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Leppälä :: Finnish surname
leppälinnut :: The genus Phoenicurus (true redstarts)
leppälintu :: common redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus
leppälintu :: In plural, true redstarts (genus Phoenicurus)
leppälintu :: redstart (any of the birds in related genera Hodgsonius (tiheikköleppälinnut), Rhyacomis (jokileppälinnut) and Chaimarromis (virtaleppälinnut))
leppälintu :: redstart (any of the birds in the genus Phoenicurus)
leppälintu :: robin (any of the birds in related genera Myiomela (sinileppälinnut) and Cinclidium (viidakkoleppälinnut))
Leppänen :: Finnish surname
leppoisa :: jovial
leppoisa :: mild, placid
leppäpirkko :: ladybird
leppärousku :: Either of the two species of milk-caps (Lactarius deterrimus, Lactarius deliciosus)
leppyä :: To relent
leppyä :: To stop being angry
leppymätön :: relentless, implacable
leppymättömästi :: relentlessly
leppymättömyys :: relentlessness
lepra [diseases] :: leprosy
leptoni :: lepton
leptospiroosi :: leptospirosis
lepuuttaa :: To rest (to relieve; give rest to)
lepuuttaja :: A fender (cushion-like object placed along the sides of a boat to prevent damage)
lepyttää :: to appease
lepyttää :: to placate
lerppu :: 5.25-inch floppy
lesbismi :: lesbianism
lesbo :: lesbian
lesbolainen :: Lesbian
lesbolaisuus :: lesbianism
lesbous :: lesbianism
lese :: [chiefly used in plural] bran (outside layer of a grain when separated from the grain)
lesitiini :: lecithin
leskenlehti :: coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara
lesken osuus :: A dower (part of estate given to widow or widower)
leskeys :: The state of being a widow or widower; widowhood or widowerhood
leskeytyä :: (intransitive) to become a widow or widower
leski :: widow [female], widower [male]
leskikuningatar :: queen dowager
leskimies :: widower
Leskinen :: Finnish surname
Lesotho :: Lesotho
lesottaa :: To brag, boast
lesottaja :: A braggart, bragger, boaster, braggadocio
lespata :: To lisp
lestä :: To refine grains
lestadiolainen :: Laestadian (of or pertaining to Laestadianism)
lestadiolainen :: Laestadian (follower of Laestadianism)
lestadiolaisuus :: Laestadianism (revivalist movement)
lesti :: last (shoemaker's tool)
lesti :: shoe tree
lesty :: Flour made from peeled grains
letittää :: to braid (to weave together, intertwine)
letka :: A line (of cars etc.)
letkeä :: chill, relaxed, laid-back (of people, of an atmosphere, etc.)
letku :: A hosepipe, hose
letkukiristin :: alternative form of letkunkiristin
letkunkiristin :: A hose clamp or hose clip (device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting)
letkunkiristäjä :: alternative form of letkunkiristin
letti :: A plait, braid, pigtail
letti :: Hair (collection of human head hair)
letto :: fen, a type of treeless swamp
lettu :: A type of pancake resembling a crêpe
lettutaikina :: pancake dough
letukka :: hussy
leu :: A leu (unit of currency of Romania and Moldova)
leuanveto :: pull-up
leudontaa :: to make (more) temperate
leudontua :: To become (more) temperate
leuhka :: boastful
leuhkia :: To brag, boast
leuka :: chin
leuka :: jaw
leukahihna :: throatlatch, throatlash (part of a horse's bridle)
leukalappu :: bib
leukalappumuura :: saturnine antshrike, Thamnomanes saturninus
leukaluu [lb, fi, colloquial] :: lower jawbone, mandible
leukaluu :: jawbone (any of the bones in the lower or upper jaw)
leukaparta :: whisker (part of the beard)
leukaraaja :: A mandible (mouthpart of an arthropod)
leukemia :: leukemia
leukoija :: stock (flower of the genus Matthiola)
leukosyytti [hematology, cytology, immunology] :: leukocyte
leuku :: A type of hunting knife with a long blade originating in Lapland
leusiini :: leucine
leusiitti :: leucite (mineral)
leuto :: balmy, temperate, mild, gentle
leutous :: balminess
levä :: alga
levä :: seaweed
levanki :: mainsheet traveler (device that allows sideways movement of the point in which the mainsheet tackle connects to the boat)
Levantti :: Levant
leveä :: wide
leveähuulisarvikuono :: white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
leveillä :: to flaunt, to show off, to brag (for example, one's language skills or skills in some other area)
levein :: superlative form of leveä
leveälehtinen :: broad-leaved
leventää :: to broaden, widen
leventyä :: To broaden, widen
leveäpyrstökihu :: pomarine skua, Stercorarius pomarinus
leveärunkoinen :: widebodied
leveästi :: broadly, widely [in concrete sense]
levetä :: To widen
leveys :: beam (maximum width of a ship)
leveys :: in combination with pohjoinen or eteläinen: latitude (angular distance north or south of the equator)
leveys :: width or breadth of an object
leveysaste :: A latitude (angular distance from the equator)
leveyspiiri :: latitude (imaginary circle around the earth running parallel to the equator)
levähdysalue :: rest area
levähtää :: To break down
levähtää :: To rest for a while
leviäin :: An plant organ used in spreading
levike :: a stop (widened portion of road to stop temporarily)
levike :: widener (especially a kit to widen something)
levikki :: circulation, distribution (of a newspaper)
leviäminen :: spreading
levinneisyys :: distribution (of organisms)
levinneisyysalue :: range
levintä :: dispersion
levitä [colloquial, of a car] :: To break down
levitä :: To sprawl
levitä :: To spread
levitaatio :: levitation
levite :: table spread
levitin :: A spacer, spreader
levitoida :: To levitate
levittää :: to peddle (to spread or cause to spread)
levittää :: to apply (paint; lotion, cream)
levittää :: to distribute (e.g. movie or music copies)
levittää :: to propagate, disseminate
levittää :: to roll out
levittää :: to spread, spread out
levittää :: to widen, expand; extend
levittäjä :: one who spreads
levittäminen :: spreading
levittyä :: To spread
levittäytyä :: To spread out, radiate
leväkkö :: rannoch-rush, Scheuchzeria palustris
leväkukinta :: algal bloom
levällään :: in bits and pieces
levällään :: outstretched
levällään :: spread around
levällään :: wide open
levollinen :: calm (free of noise and disturbance)
levollinen :: peaceful, calm (free from anger and anxiety)
levollisuus :: tranquility, calm
levottomasti :: restlessly
levottomuus :: anxiety
levottomuus :: restlessness
levottomuus :: unrest, trouble
levätä [of a dead person] :: To rest, repose, lie, be buried
levätä :: panna lakiesitys lepäämään (vaalien yli) = to table/shelf a bill (until after the election)
levätä :: To lie (down), sleep
levätä :: To lie (unused), be out of use; Template:of a field to lie fallow
levätä :: To rest, take a break/breather
levätiede :: phycology, algology
levätieteellinen :: phycological
levätä laakereillaan :: to rest on one's laurels (to rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further)
levätutkija :: phycologist (one who studies algae as a profession)
levätutkimus :: phycological research
levy :: A board, as a flat construction material supplied in sheets, such as chipboard, or a sheet of such material
levy :: A disk for storing data
levy :: A recording of a piece of music made on a disc, or a disc on which music is saved. If there's a need to be specific, a recording may also be called levytys
levy :: A slab, as a thick, flat piece of material
levy :: A thin, flat object of uniform thickness; a plate. (A thick plate may also be called laatta)
levyasema :: disk drive
levyautomaatti :: A jukebox (coin-operated machine that plays recorded music)
levyinen :: wide, of the width
levyjarru :: disc brake
levyke :: floppy disk
levykeasema :: floppy drive
levykuva :: A disk image
levylautanen :: turntable (circular rotating platform of a record player or similar)
levynkansi :: album cover
levypallo [basketball] :: rebound
levysoitin :: A record player
levyte :: recording
levyttää :: To make a musical record
levytys :: recording (reproduction of sound stored in a permanent medium, especially on a disc)
levy-yhtiö :: record label, label, record company
leyhähdellä :: to waft, repeatedly
leyhähtää :: to waft
leyhytellä :: to fan (to blow air on something or someone by means of a hand fan or other implement)
lähde :: source (one of the terminals of a field effect transistor)
lähde [often in plural] :: source (collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates)
lähde :: source (book, article, interviewee etc. referenced in a written work; an item in the bibliography of a written work)
lähde :: source, origin (person, place or thing from which something comes or is acquired)
lähde :: source (reporter's informant)
lähde :: spring (place where water emerges from the ground)
lähdekieli [linguistics, computing] :: A source language
lähdekoodi :: source code
lähdeluettelo :: bibliography (section of a written work containing citations, not quotations, to all the books referenced in the work)
lähdeteksti :: A source text
lähdeteos :: reference book (book providing factual information)
lähdettää :: to abort (a fetus)
lähdevesi :: mineral water
lähdevesi :: spring water
läheinen :: close, intimate, familiar
läheinen :: close, near, adjacent
läheinen :: A close relative
läheisempi :: comparative form of läheinen
läheisesti :: closely
läheisyys :: proximity, closeness
lähekkäin :: close to each other, head to head
lähellä :: near, close, nearby; nigh (in a position nearby)
lähellä :: near, close to, in the vicinity of
lähelle :: near, close, nearby; nigh (to a position nearby)
lähelle :: near, close to, to the vicinity of
läheltä :: from near, from the vicinity (from a position nearby)
läheltä :: from near, from the vicinity of
läheltä piti :: it was close, it was a close shave
läheltä piti -tilanne :: close shave (near accident or mishap)
lähemmä :: alternative form of lähemmäs ("nearer, closer)
lähemmäksi :: nearer, closer (to a position that is nearer to something than the current one)
lähemmäs :: nearer, closer (to a position that is nearer to something than the current one)
lähempi :: closer, nearer (being in a position that is nearer to something than something else)
lähempänä :: closer, nearer (in a position that is nearer than another)
lähennellä :: to come on (to show sexual or relational interest)
lähennellä :: to verge (to come very close; to approach)
lähentää :: to bring closer together
lähentäminen :: approximation
lähentyä :: To get closer, to come closer, to converge
lähes :: almost, nearly, close to
läheskään :: [with ei]: Far from enough; not even closely
lähestulkoon :: almost, nearly, close to
lähestyä :: To approach, come close(r)/near(er)
lähestyä :: To approach, come close(r) to/near(er) (sth/sb)
lähestyjä :: approacher
lähestyminen :: approximation
lähestymiskielto :: Restraining order, peace bond
lähestymistapa :: The manner of an approach
lähestyttävä :: with a modifier such as helposti or vaikeasti describes how a person reacts when being approached by another person:
lähetä :: To become closer
lähete :: referral
lähetellä :: to be sending, to keep sending
lähetetyt-kansio :: outbox (computer file)
lähetin :: transmitter
lähettää :: to dispatch (to pass on for further processing)
lähettää :: to upload
lähettää :: lähettää edelleen/eteenpäin: to forward, relay
lähettää :: lähettää pois: to dismiss
lähettää :: lähettää uudelleen: to resend
lähettää :: to dispatch (to send with promptness)
lähettää :: to send (to make something go from one place to another)
lähettää :: to ship (to send a parcel or container to a recipient by any means of transport)
lähettää :: to transmit (to spread a signal)
lähetti :: A messenger or courier (person who delivers messages)
lähetti :: A missionary (person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
lähetti :: An errand boy (person who runs errands)
lähetti :: An orderly (soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer)
lähetti :: A bishop (chess piece)
lähettiläs :: bishop
lähettiläs :: emissary
lähetti-rna :: messenger RNA
lähettäjä :: sender
lähettämään [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, lähettää, c=ill] ::
lähettyvillä :: near, nearby, in the neighbourhood of
lähetys :: A broadcast (by television, radio), a transmission
lähetys :: A delivery (of goods, post)
lähetys :: An evangelist missionary mission
lähetysaika :: airtime, broadcasting time
lähetysluettelo [legal, transport] :: shipping list, packing list, delivery order, waybill, bill of lading (list of items included in a shipment)
lähetyspappi :: missionary priest
lähetyssaarnaaja :: missionary (person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
lähetyssaarnaaja-asento [sex] :: missionary position (a sex position)
lähetystö :: delegation
lähetystö :: embassy
lähetystiede :: missiology
lähetystyö :: Christian or Islamic mission
lähetystyöntekijä :: missionary (person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
lähiö :: suburb (urbanized area on the periphery of a city)
lähi- :: A prefix signifying near, close
lähiaika [lb, fi, colloquial] :: recent past
lähiaika :: near future
lähiaikoina :: [colloquially] recently, lately, in the recent past
lähiaikoina :: soon, shortly, in a short time, in the near future
lähialue :: vicinity (nearby region)
lähihoitaja :: practical nurse
Lähi-itä :: Middle East
lähijuna :: commuter train
lähikauppa :: corner store, convenience store (small retail store carrying a limited selection of items)
lähikunta :: A nearby municipality
lähikuva :: closeup
lähikuvaus :: close-up photography, macrophotography (photography that is done up close)
löhöillä :: Frequentative form of löhötä
löhöily :: idling, lolling (event of lying lazy)
lähimmäinen :: neighbour (any fellow human being)
lähimuisti :: short-term memory
lähin :: closest, nearest
lähinnä :: closest to
lähinnä :: mostly, predominantly
lähiomainen :: next of kin
lähipiiri :: inner circle (one's closest friends and family)
lähipiste :: near point (nearest point upon which an eye can focus)
lähipäivä :: Any of the days near a given date
lähipäivä :: Any of the next few days
lähipäivinä :: one day, one of these days, someday (at unspecified time in the future)
lähiseutu :: neighbourhood
lähistö :: vicinity, proximity, neighborhood
lähisukulainen :: close relative
lähitulevaisuus :: near future
lähivalo :: low beam of an individual headlight; as in English, the plural is used for the pair, see lähivalot
lähivalot :: in a road vehicle, the low beams
lähiverkko :: local area network, LAN
lähiviikko :: Any of the next or past few weeks; mostly used in plural
lähivuosi :: One of next few years; normally used in plural
lähiympäristö :: milieu (person's social setting or environment)
lähiympäristö :: vicinity, neighborhood, neighbourhood, surroundings ‎(nearby region)
lähtö :: departure
lähtö :: launch (of a rocket)
lähtö :: start
lähtö :: takeoff (of a plane)
löhötä :: to lie lazy, loll, lounge
lähtöaika :: time of departure, departure time
lähteä [of a stain, shirt button, fur, hair] :: to come out, come off, shed, fall out
lähteä :: to come from, stem
lähteä :: to leave, go, go away, start, start out, start off, set off, take off, depart, sail
lähteä kävelemään [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To leave, go away, quit; get lost
lähteä kävelemään [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To walk (to be stolen)
lähteä kävelylle :: To go for a walk
lähteä matkaan :: to set forth, set out (to begin a journey or expedition)
lähteminen :: leaving
lähtemätön :: indelible (difficult to remove, wash away, blot out, or efface)
lähtemätön :: indelible (incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten)
lähtöenergia :: The muzzle energy
lähteä soitellen sotaan :: To bring a knife to a gunfight (to enter into a confrontation or other challenging situation without being adequately equipped or prepared)
lähtevät-laatikko :: outbox (physical box)
lähtöhinta :: starting price (Price from which an auction starts; the purpose of setting a starting price is to speed up the process and, from seller's point of view, to set the price expectations to a realistic level. Final trade may be closed also at a lower price, if no one wants to bid the starting price.)
lähtien :: (temporal) since, as of, from, from ... onwards, from ... forward (of time)
lähtijä :: leaver
lähtöisin :: originating from
lähtökohta :: basis
lähtökohta :: starting point
lähtökuoppa :: A small hole in the ground into which a runner can fit the toe of his running shoe at the start of a heat; normally used in plural (lähtökuopat)
lähtökuoppa :: bullpen (the state of being ready to start)
lähtölaskenta :: countdown
lähtönopeus :: The muzzle velocity
lähtöpaikka :: point of departure
lähtöselvitys :: check-in (registration for a flight or sail as a passenger)
läähättää :: To pant
lähtötaso :: starting level
läähättäjä :: panter (one who pants, breaths heavily or labouredly)
läähätys :: panting
liaani :: liana
liata :: To dirty, soil, begrime; (figuratively) to tarnish, sully
libaatio [rare, theology] :: libation
Libanon :: Lebanon
libanonilainen :: Lebanese
libanonilainen :: A Lebanese person
liberaali :: liberal
liberaalinen :: liberal
liberaalistaa :: alternative form of liberalisoida
liberaalistua :: To become more liberal, liberalize
liberaatio :: liberation
liberaattori :: liberator
liberalismi :: liberalism
liberalisoida :: to liberalize
liberalisoitua :: To be liberalized
liberalisti :: liberalist
liberalistinen :: liberal
Liberia :: Liberia
libertaristi :: libertarian
libraatio :: libration (apparent wobble of the Moon or other celestial object)
libretto :: book, libretto (script of a musical)
Libya :: Libya
libyalainen :: Libyan
libyalainen :: A Libyan person
lidokaiini :: lidocaine
Liechtenstein :: Liechtenstein
liehakas :: smug, flattering
liehakka :: smug, flattering
liehakko :: flatterer
liehakoida :: To court, flirt
liehittelijä :: wooer
liehua :: To flutter
liehureuna :: A fly (the free vertical edge of a flying flag)
lieju :: mud
liejukana :: common moorhen, Gallinula chloropus
liejukana :: In plural (liejukanat), the genus Gallinula
liejukana :: moorhen (any bird of the genus Gallinula)
liejukko :: muddy place
liejupiru :: hellbender
liejuryömijä :: mudskipper
liejusimpukka :: Baltic macoma, Macoma balthica
liejuuntua :: To become muddy
lieka :: tether
liekehdintä :: flaming
liekehtiä :: To flame, blaze
liekehtivä :: flaming
liekinheitin :: flamethrower
liekitetty :: flambéed
liekittää :: to flambé
liekitys :: flambé, flambéing (act of flambéing)
liekki :: flame
liekkikala :: red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma, also Cepola rubescens
liekkilasi :: chimney (the glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp)
liekku :: A cradle
lieko :: Any plant in the family Lycopodiaceae, a club moss or clubmoss
liekokasvi :: in plural liekokasvit, the family Lycopodiaceae (club mosses)
liekokasvi :: club moss (any of the species in the taxonomic family Lycopodiaceae)
Lieksa :: A township in eastern Finland
liemi :: broth
liemi :: liquor
liemi :: pickle (liquid prepared for preserving food)
liemi :: stock
liemikilpikonna :: A green turtle or green sea turtle
liemikulho :: tureen
liemikuutio :: stock cube
liemimalja :: tureen
lientyä :: To abate
lientyä :: To alleviate, ease
liereä :: cylindrical
lieri :: brim (of a hat)
lieriö :: cylinder
lierihattu :: brimmed hat
lierikko :: A brimmed hat
lieriömäinen :: cylinder-like, cylindrical
lieriöprojektio :: cylindrical projection
liero :: earthworm (any species of the family Lumbricidae)
liero :: jackal, skunk (opportunistic and/or treacherous person)
liesi :: fire (stove)
liesituuletin :: range hood [US], cooker hood, kitchen hood, extractor hood [UK] (kitchen device)
lieska :: flame
liesma :: The border of a sail
liestyä :: To fray
liesu :: rockbrake, parsley fern
liete :: silt
liete :: sludge
lietekivi :: mudstone
lietso :: A blower, especially the bellows used for blowing air into a furnace
lietsoa :: To blow air into a fire or embers to make them burn better or in a higher temperature
lietsoa :: To agitate, stir up, ferment, provoke, wage, instigate, incite
lietsoin :: alternative form of lietso
liettää :: To silt
liettua :: Lithuanian language
Liettua :: Lithuania
liettualainen :: Lithuanian, of or relating to Lithuania
liettualainen :: Lithuanian, relating to the Lithuanian language:
liettualainen :: A Lithuanian person
Liettuan tasavalta :: The Republic of Lithuania
liettyä :: To silt up
lievä :: mild
lievä :: slight
lieve :: hem (rim or margin of something)
lieve :: In plural of adessive, ablative and allative cases used to indicate approximate location; see liepeillä, liepeiltä, liepeille
lieve :: the lower edge of a garment; hem
lievennys :: abatement, mitigation
lieventää :: to mitigate, attenuate, extenuate
lieventävä asianhaara :: An extenuating/mitigating/attenuating circumstance
lieventyä :: to be mitigated
lievetä :: Alternative form of lieventyä
lievike :: A remedy
lievin :: superlative form of lievä
lievittää :: To ease, alleviate, relieve, soothe (pain, suffering)
lievittyä :: To ease, be alleviated
lievästi :: slightly
lievyys :: lightness, leniency
liftaaja :: hitchhiker
liftari :: A hitchhiker
liftata :: to hitchhike, hitch a ride, hitch, thumb a lift [UK], thumb a ride [US]
liftaus :: hitchhiking
lifti :: lift
ligaasi :: ligase
ligamentti :: ligament
ligatuuri :: ligature (character that visually combines multiple letters, such as æ, œ)
ligatuuri :: ligature (curved line that indicates such a phrase)
ligatuuri :: ligature (group of notes played as a phrase)
ligatuuri :: ligature (piece used to hold a reed to the mouthpiece on woodwind instruments)
ligniini :: lignin
ligniitti :: lignite
Ligurianmeri :: The Ligurian Sea
liha :: flesh
liha :: meat
lihahyytelö :: head cheese [US], brawn [UK] (meat jelly cooked of the head of a pig or calf)
lihahyytelö :: meat jelly
lihainen :: meaty, fleshy
lihaisa :: fleshy, meaty
lihakarja :: beef cattle
lihakas :: meaty, muscular
lihakauppa :: butcher's
lihake :: caruncle (small, fleshy excrescence that is a normal part of an animal's anatomy)
lihakeitto :: meat soup
lihakirves :: A meat cleaver
lihaksekas :: muscular, brawny
lihaksikas :: beefy
lihaksikas :: brawny
lihaksikas :: buff
lihaksikas :: built
lihaksikas :: muscular
lihaksisto :: musculature
lihakulli :: shower (man whose penis appears full size both when flaccid and when erect)
lihakulli :: (vulgar) such penis
lihallinen :: fleshly, carnal
lihallinen yhteys [archaic, legal] :: carnal knowledge
lihamuhennos :: meat stew
lihamureke :: meatloaf
lihamylly :: mincer
lihankidutus :: asceticism
lihanpala :: alternative form of lihapala
lihanpalanen :: alternative form of lihapala
lihansyöjä :: carnivore
lihansyöjäkasvi :: carnivorous plant (any of several unrelated plants modified to capture and digest animals)
lihapala :: piece of meat
lihapata :: meat stew
liha-perunasoselaatikko :: casserole consisting of minced meat and smashed potatoes
lihapiirakka :: meat pie
lihapiiras :: meat pie
lihapulla :: meatball
lihapyörykkä :: meatball
lihas :: muscle
lihaskramppi :: A cramp (painful contraction of muscles)
lihaskudos :: muscle tissue
lihasmaha :: gizzard
lihasoppa :: meat soup
lihaspuna :: myoglobin
lihassyy :: muscle fiber
lihava :: fat
lihavampi :: comparative form of lihava
lihavan ahmimishäiriö :: binge eating disorder (recurrent binge eating, but without the purging etc. associated with bulimia)
lihavoida :: To bold (text)
lihavointi :: bolding (in text)
lihavuus :: obesity
lihavuuskirurgia :: bariatric surgery (art and practice)
lihavuusleikkaus :: bariatric operation
lihoa :: To put on weight, fatten (to become fatter)
lihominen :: fattening, weight gain (act or instance of gaining weight)
lihota :: To gain weight, to fatten
lihottaa :: to be fattening (to), to fatten up
lihottaa :: to fatten (to cause to become fatter)
lihottaminen :: fattening
lihottava :: fattening (causing weight gain)
lihotus :: fattening (the act of increasing fat)
liiallinen :: excessive
liiallisesti :: excessively
liiallisuus :: excessiveness
liian :: too (much, old, young, etc.)
liidellä :: to glide effortlessly back and forth
liidellä :: to soar (to fly aloft with little effort, as a bird)
liidin :: glider
liiduta :: To chalk
liiemmin :: too much, very much, really
liietä :: To have enough of something for being able to give part of it to someone else; may normally be translated into English with spare
liiga :: league (e.g., criminal group)
liiga :: league (in sports)
liigajoukkue :: league team (team playing in a league)
liigaottelu :: league match
liigautua :: to form a gang
liihotella :: to flit
liika :: As modifier in compound adjectives, excessively
liika :: excess
liikaa :: too much
liikahappoinen :: hyperacid
liikahappoisuus :: hyperchlorhydria, hyperacidity
liikahdella :: To move, stir
liikaherkkyys :: oversensitivity
liikahtaa :: To move (a small amount)
liikakansoitus :: overpopulation
liikalihava :: obese
liikalihavuus :: obesity
Liikanen :: Finnish surname
liikanimi :: A nickname (kind of byname that describes a person by a characteristic of that person)
liikarakentaa :: to overbuild (to perform excessive construction)
liikarakentaminen :: overbuilding (excessive construction on an area)
liikata :: To limp
liikatarjonta :: excess supply
liikaunisuus :: hypersomnia
liikauttaa :: To move a little, once
liikavarvas :: corn (callus)
liike :: motion
liike :: movement
liike :: shop, business
liikeaika :: business hours
liike-elämä :: business world
liike-energia :: kinetic energy
liikehdintä :: motion, movement
liikehtiä :: to fidget, move about (to make small movements, repeatedly but not continuously)
liikehtiä :: to move (to perform movements)
liikekannallepano :: mobilization
liikelahja :: business gift
liikelaitos :: An unincorporated business entity which is owned by state or one or more municipal governments. Liikelaitos is expected to be financially self-sustaining, and sometimes to earn a profit for the owners. They exist e.g. in water and electricity supply, harbour and railway operation. The English translations in use include "unincorporated state enterprise", "unincorporated municipal enterprise" and "authority"
liikematka :: business trip
liikemerkki :: logo
liikemies :: businessman
liikemies :: businessperson
liikemiesluokka :: business class (travelling class between first and economy class)
liikemäärä :: momentum (the product of mass and velocity of a body)
liikenainen :: businesswoman
liikenne :: traffic
liikennelaitos :: A municipal or regional authority responsible for providing public transportation in its area of operation. There's an ample supply of English equivalents, such as transit authority (New York), transit commission (Toronto), public transport authority (Western Australia)
liikennelentäjä :: commercial pilot
liikennemerkki :: traffic sign
liikenneministeri :: minister of transport
liikenneministeriö :: ministry of transportation or similar ministry with another name responsible for the administration of the transportation system in a country
liikenneministeriö :: shorter form often used of Finland's liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö
liikenneonnettomuus :: traffic accident
liikennepako :: hit-and-run (crime of fleeing the scene of a traffic accident)
liikennerikkomus :: traffic violation
liikenneruuhka :: A traffic jam (situation in which road traffic is stationary or very slow)
liikennesäännöt :: traffic rules, rules of the road
liikennesääntö :: traffic rule
liikennetraktori :: A tractor registered for road use. These vehicles differ from agricultural tractors in some technical requirements, they are allowed 10 km/h or higher top velocity and the driver must possess a higher-level driving licence
liikenneturvallisuus :: traffic safety
liikennevalo :: traffic light
liikennevalot :: traffic lights
liikenneväylä :: traffic route
liikenneympyrä :: A traffic circle, roundabout [British], rotary [US]
liikennöidä :: To run or operate a (regular) traffic line
liikennöitsijä :: traffic contractor
liikenteenjakaja :: traffic island, refuge island, pedestrian island
liikeoppi :: kinematics
liikeri :: liger (animal born to a male lion and a tigress)
liikesalaisuus :: trade secret
liiketaloudellinen :: economic, business, business economic (pertaining to business economics)
liiketalous :: business economics
liiketappio :: operating loss
liiketila :: business space (premises built for business in general)
liiketila :: state of motion (direction and magnitude of the velocity of an object)
liiketila :: retail space (premises built for retail business)
liiketoiminnallinen :: commercial
liiketoiminnallinen :: transactional
liiketoiminta :: business (commercial, industrial or professional activity)
liiketunnistin :: motion detector (device used in security systems)
liikevaihto :: revenue (net gain before subtracting the loss)
liikevaihtovero :: sales tax
liikevoima :: impetus, momentum (force or energy associated with a moving body)
liikevoima :: motive power
liikevoitto :: business profit, trading profit, operating income, profit
liikeyhtymä :: corporation, combine
liikkeellä :: on the go, on the move, on the run
liikkeellelasku :: emission, issuance or issue of securities, money, credit cards etc
liikkeeseenlaskupäivä :: date of issue
liikki :: leech (vertical edge of a square sail)
liikkiö :: ham
liikkua :: To move, stir
liikkua :: To travel, go
liikkua heikoilla jäillä :: to skate on thin ice (to place oneself) in a risky, potentially dangerous or delicate situation)
liikkumati :: still, motionless
liikkumaton faasi :: stationary phase (adsorbing phase of a chromatography system)
liikkuminen :: exercising
liikkuminen :: moving
liikkumisvapaus :: freedom of movement
liikkuva juhla :: movable feast
liikkuva kalusto :: rolling stock
liikkuvuus :: mobility
liikunnanohjaaja :: physical education instructor
liikunta :: exercise (physical activity)
liikunta :: physical education (element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development)
liikuntaesteinen [politically correct] :: disabled, physically challenged (one who has a physical disability which affects ones capability of moving around)
liikuntatiede :: human movement science, human movement (academic study of how human beings move around, perform and exercise, especially in sport)
liikuteltava :: movable (capable of or designed to being moved easily from one place to another)
liikuttaa :: To move (physically or emotionally)
liikuttaa :: To rock to sleep
liikuttava :: moving, touching, poignant
liikuttavasti :: movingly
liikuttua :: To become emotionally moved
liikuttunut :: touched
liila :: lilac
liima :: cement, as any material with strong adhesive properties
liima :: glue
liimaantua :: To become glued
liimakangas :: iron-on fabric (fabric with a glue backing that melts into another fabric when heated; used in patching or strengthening places subject to wear)
liimake :: A stamp hinge
liimapuikko :: A glue stick
liimata :: To glue
liimattu :: glued, agglutinate (united with glue or as with glue)
liimautua :: To be glued to
liimoittua :: To become gluey
liina :: linen (cloth made from flax fiber)
liina :: cloth (piece of garment)
liina :: line (rope, cord or string, especially a flat one)
Liina :: female given name, short for Karoliina and Pauliina
liinakko :: A chestnut horse which has a white tame and tail
liioin :: nor
liioitella :: to exaggerate, overstate
liioiteltu :: exaggerated
liioittelu :: exaggeration
liipaisin :: The trigger of a weapon
liipaisinherkkä :: trigger-happy (having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly)
liipaisinsormi :: trigger finger, temper; especially in the expression herkkä
liipaisinsormi :: trigger finger (finger used in pulling the trigger of a firearm)
liipaista :: to pull a trigger
liipasin :: A dialectal and colloquial form of liipaisin
liipata :: to whet (to hone with a whetstone)
liipata läheltä :: to be close (that something happens, either positive or negative), to have a close call
liipattu :: alternative form of sliipattu
liipotin :: balance wheel, balance
liippa :: whetstone
liippakivi :: whetstone
liippari :: alternative form of sliippari
liippaus :: whetting (act)
liira :: lira
liirata :: To skid
liirtää :: to skid
liirto :: skid (out of control sliding motion)
Liisa :: Alice, the heroine of Lewis Carroll's books
Liisa :: female given name
liisankukka :: Swedish ivy, Plectranthus australis
liisata :: To lease (a car or device)
liisaus :: leasing
Liisi :: female given name, diminutive of Liisa (Elizabeth)
liiskata :: To squash, crush, smash
liiskautua :: To (be) squash(ed), (be) crush(ed), (be) smash(ed)
liisteri :: wallpaper paste
liisteröidä :: To paste (wallpapers)
liisukka :: Swedish ivy, Plectranthus australis
liitää :: To sail (to move briskly and gracefully through the air)
liitää :: To sail (to move briskly)
liitää :: To soar ((figurative) to rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood)
liitää :: To soar (to fly aloft, as a bird; to mount upward on wings, or as on wings)
liite :: affix
liite :: appendix
liite :: attachment
liite :: pullout
liite :: supplement, addendum
liitely :: soaring (flying aloft)
liitepartikkeli :: A clitic
liiteri :: shed (small storage building)
liiteri :: woodshed (enclosed storage for firewood)
liitetiedosto :: attachment (file sent along with an email)
liitin :: A connector, terminal, interface
liitäjä :: glider (anything that glides)
liitäjä :: shearwater (seabird of the genus Puffinus)
liitäjä :: soarer (anything that soars)
liitännäinen :: plug-in
liitännäisvaltio :: associated state
liitäntä :: interface, connection
liitäntälaki :: associative law
liito :: glide
liitokala :: flying fish
liitokone :: A glider that is not intended for soaring, especially a military glider designed for landing troops behind enemy lines
liitonarkki :: Ark of the Covenant
liito-orava :: flying squirrel
liito-orava :: Siberian flying squirrel, Pteromys volans
liitos :: bond
liitos :: hinge
liitos :: joint
liitos :: merger
liitos :: union
liitostaa :: to concatenate
liitostransistori :: junction transistor
liitovarjo :: A ram-air parachute
liitovarjoilija :: paraglider (person)
liittää :: To associate, link, connect
liittää :: To annex, incorporate
liittää :: To attach, append, enclose, include, insert, add
liittää :: To join, connect, attach, fasten
liitto :: alliance, league
liitto :: cooperation based on common agreement, union
liitto :: marriage
liitto :: covenant
liitto :: trade union, organization
liittohallitus :: board of a union or federation, especially when the federation consists of independent member associations, each of which has its own board
liittokansleri :: federal chancellor, Bundeskanzler
liittokierros :: In the context of Finnish incomes policy (see usage notes under the entry tulopolitiikka#Usage notes), a collective bargaining round during which the negotiations are carried out between the individual employers' and employees' unions rather than between the labor market central organizations
liittokohtainen :: union-specific, union-by-union (concerning each union or association individually)
liittokokous :: general assembly (official meeting of the members of an organization or of their representatives)
liittolainen :: ally
liittoluku :: complex conjugate
liittotasavalta :: federal republic
liittoutua :: to ally
liittoutumaton :: unallied
liittoutuneet :: the Allies (the countries allied against the Axis Powers during WWII)
liittoutuneet :: the Allies (the countries allied against the Central Powers during WWI)
liittoutunut :: allied
liittoutunut :: Allied (of or pertaining to the Allies in WWI or WWII)
liittovaltio :: A federation; commonwealth, union (union of nations or states that are unified under one central authority which is elected by its members)
liittovaltio :: In attributive use often translated with the adjective federal
liittyä :: To be related to, be associated with, be part of
liittyä :: To have to do with
liittyä :: To join
liittymä :: exit, intersection, junction on a highway
liittymä :: (telephone) subscriber connection, cell phone plan
liittyvä :: affiliated
liittyvä :: associated
liittyvä :: having to do with
liittyvä :: related
liitu :: chalk
liitukausi :: Cretaceous, Cretaceous period
liitukautinen :: Cretaceous
liitukivi :: chalk
liituraita :: pinstripe
liiturousku :: fleecy milk-cap, Lactarius vellereus
liitutaulu :: blackboard, chalkboard
liityntä :: connection
liivakko :: leaf gelatin
liivate :: gelatine
liivi :: A vest (protective sleeveless garment worn over outer clothing)
liivi :: A vest, waistcoat (sleeveless garment that buttons down the front, worn over a shirt, and often as part of a suit)
liivi :: In plural (liivit); bra (short of rintaliivit). The plural is sometimes used as short of any type of vest
liivi :: The Livonian language
liiviläinen :: Livonian
liiviläinen :: Livonian (person)
Liivinmaa :: Livonia (Baltic region)
liivit :: bra (short of rintaliivit)
lika :: dirt, stain
likaantua :: To become dirty
likainen :: dirty, unclean, filthy
likainen :: dirty, unethical
likainen :: dirty (containing radioactive material)
likaisempi :: comparative form of likainen
likakaivo :: cesspool, sump
läike :: moiré
läikehtiä :: To glimmer, glint
likentää :: to near, bring closer (to decrease the distance to something)
likentyä :: to near, come closer
läikähdellä :: to spill (repeatedly)
liki :: almost, nearly, close to:
liki- :: [in few words] A prefix signifying nearly, almost, "close to"
likiarvo :: An approximation or an approximate value
likiarvoinen :: approximate
läikikäs :: spotted
likimääräinen :: approximate
likinäköinen :: myopic, nearsighted
likinäköisyys :: myopia, nearsightedness
likipitäen :: nearly, close to
likistää :: To squeeze
likiverkko [telecommunication] :: personal area network (very short range wireless communications network, intended for devices within a small room or cubicle)
läikkä :: spot, splotch
likka :: girl
läikkyä :: To spill
likomato :: A larva of a lamprey; ammocoete
likomärkä :: soaking wet
likööri :: A cordial (liqueur prepared with infusion)
likööri :: A liqueur
liksa :: wage, salary
likvidi :: liquid
likvidisyys :: dated form of likvidiys
likviditeetti :: liquidity
likvidiys :: liquidity (state of being eaisly convertible into cash)
likvidiys :: liquidity (state of being liquid)
likvidoida :: To liquidate
likvidointi :: liquidation (killing)
likvori :: cerebrospinal fluid
läikyntä :: spilling
läikytellä :: to spill (repeatedly)
läikyttää :: To spill, slop
lila :: alternative form of liila
lilja :: lily
Lilja :: female given name
liljakukko :: scarlet lily beetle (Lilioceris lilii)
lilliä :: to float
Lilli :: female given name
lilliputti :: lilliputian
lillua :: to float
lillukanvarsi :: An insignificant detail in a discussion that sidetracks the attention from the main issue; literally the stem of a stone bramble
lillukka :: stone bramble, a plant species of the genus Rubus, Rubus saxatilis
lima :: mucus
lima :: phlegm
lima :: slime
limaantua :: To become coated by slime
limainen :: mucous (having the qualities of mucus)
limainen :: slimy
limakalvo :: mucous membrane, mucosa
limakko :: plasmodium
limanahkiainen :: Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa)
limanahkiainen :: hagfish
limanuljaska :: Gomphidius glutinosus, a slimy but edible mushroom
limapää :: alfonsin, alfonsino (any of the fish in family Berycidae)
limapussi :: bursa
limapussintulehdus :: bursitis
limaseitikki :: Any webcap of the subgenus Myxacium, characterized by their sliminess
limasieni :: slime mould
limaska :: duckweed (floating aquatic plant)
limata :: to slime
limautua :: to become slimy
limbinen :: limbic
limburgin murre :: Limburgish (dialect of Dutch spoken in SE Netherlands, NE Belgium and in Germany across the border)
lime :: lime (citrus fruit and its fruit)
limerikki :: A limerick
limes :: limit, used mainly to read out formulas
limetti :: lime (citrus tree, its green fruit)
läimiä :: To slap, hit, beat
limisaumainen :: clinker-built (with overlapping planks)
limisaumavene :: lapstrake, clinker-built boat (boat built with overlapping hull planks)
läimäistä :: To slap
limitin :: multiplexer
limittää :: to interlace
limittäin :: overlapping
limittyä :: To overlap, interlace
limnologia :: limnology
limoittua :: To become slimy
limonaati :: lemonade (carbonated beverage)
limonadi :: soda, soda pop, pop, soft drink, fizzy drink (any fruit-flavored carbonated drink)
limonadi :: lemonade (carbonated beverage flavored with lemon)
limoniitti :: limonite
limoniitti :: bog iron
limppari :: soda, (carbonated) soft drink
limppu :: round loaf of bread
limppuun :: illative singular of limppu
limsa :: soda, (carbonated) soft drink
limsiö :: flint
limska :: lemonade (carbonated beverage)
läimätä :: alternative form of läimäyttää
limu :: soda, soft drink
limukka :: soda, soda pop (sweet, carbonated drink)
limusiini :: limousine
läimäyttää :: to slam something into something
läimäyttää :: to slap
linaloli :: linalool
Linda :: female given name
lineaarialgebra :: linear algebra
lineaariavaruus :: linear space
lineaarikombinaatio :: linear combination
lineaarikuvaus :: linear transformation
lineaarinen :: linear
lineaarinen optimointi :: linear programming
lineaarisesti riippumaton :: linearly independent
lineaatio :: lineation
linearisoida :: To linearize
lingota :: To centrifuge, spin in a centrifuge
lingota :: To hurl, sling, fling
lingota :: To spin-dry (laundry)
lingvaali :: lingual (sound articulated with the tongue)
lingvisti :: linguist
lingvistiikka :: linguistics
lingvistikko :: linguist
lingvistinen :: linguistic
linimentti :: liniment
linja :: line
linja :: line (e.g. a bus line, phone line)
linja :: policy (principle of behaviour, conduct, or relationship towards something)
linja-auto :: bus, coach
linja-autoasema :: bus station (hub of bus lines, usually also providing services to both passengers and drivers)
linja-autokaista :: bus lane
linja-autonkuljettaja :: bus driver
linja-autopysäkki :: bus stop
linjakas :: streamlined, graceful
linjakilpi :: destination sign, blind (sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc.)
linjalaiva :: A ship of the line (large square-rigged warship)
linjamies :: lineman (installer and playing position)
linjanvetäjä :: policymaker (one centrally involved in the formulation of policies, especially top politicians)
linjata :: To align
linjatuomari :: An assistant referee
linjatuomari :: A linesman
linjaus :: course of conduct, thought, occupation
linjaus :: definition of policy
linjavika :: A fault on a line, wire etc
linjeeraus [figure skating] :: spread eagle
linkata :: alternative form of linkittää
linkata :: To limp
linkkari :: pocketknife, folding knife
linkki :: bus, coach
linkki :: hyperlink
linkki :: link
linkku :: handle (of a door)
linkkuveitsi :: pocketknife, folding knife; penknife [small]
linko :: Short of pyykkilinko
linko [technology] :: centrifuge
linko [weapon] :: sling
linkoutua :: To be slung, hurled
linna :: prison
linna :: fortress, castle, stronghold
Linna :: Finnish surname
linnake :: stronghold, fortress
linnakundi :: inmate, prisoner; a male person who is in prison or has served a sentence in one
Linnea :: female given name borrowed from Swedish in the nineteenth century
linnoite :: fortification (work or works erected to defend a place against attack)
linnoittaa :: to fortify (to increase the defenses of)
linnoittautua {vir} :: To fortify, dig in (to build fortifications for one's own defense)
linnoittua :: alternative form of linnoittautua
linnoitus :: A fortress
linnoitus :: castling
linnunmaito :: nectar (delicious drink)
linnunpelätin :: bird scarer
linnunpelätin :: scarecrow
linnunpelätti :: bird scarer
linnunpelätti :: scarecrow
linnunpönttö :: A nest box, birdhouse (small house for birds to nest in)
linnunpoikanen :: chick (young bird, from birth to adulthood)
linnunrata :: galaxy
Linnunrata :: Milky Way
linnuntie :: straight line distance
linnuntietä :: as the crow flies
linnustaa :: To hunt birds
linnusto :: A birdlife
lino :: linocut
linoleumi :: linoleum
linolihappo :: linoleic acid
linssi :: A lens
linssi :: A lentil (seed and the plant)
linssikaukoputki :: refracting telescope, refractor
linssilude :: someone who loves having pictures of themselves taken
lintsari :: truant
lintsata :: to avoid, shirk one's duties
lintsata :: to skip, cut, bunk, skive, or ditch class (to play truant, not attend class)
lintu :: bird
lintu :: poultry (meat of domesticated fowl used for nutrition)
lintubongari :: A birdwatcher or twitcher
lintuemo :: bird mother
lintuharrastaja :: birdwatcher
lintuharrastus :: birdwatching
lintuhäkki :: birdcage
lintuhämähäkki :: tarantula
lintuinfluenssa :: bird flu
lintujen tarkkailu :: birdwatching (observing or identifying wild birds)
lintujärvi :: bird lake
lintukoira :: A bird dog, gun dog (breed of dog used for hunting birds)
lintukoto :: A place like a paradise
lintukoto :: In Finnish mythology, a paradise-like place where birds migrate every winter; because it was located near the the edge of the sky dome, the sky was very close to the ground and therefore its inhabitants were dwarfs
lintulaji :: A species of bird
lintulauta :: A simple bird feeder, consisting basically of a piece of board and possibly a wooden roof
lintuliima :: birdlime (sticky substance applied e.g. on a branch of a tree in order to trap birds)
lintunen :: little bird
lintuniisikangas :: gauze (thin fabric with a loose, open weave)
lintuperspektiivi :: A bird's-eye view
lintutalo :: bird house, aviary (house or enclosure for keeping birds confined)
lintutarha :: aviary (large cage, or other place for keeping birds confined)
lintutiede :: ornithology
lintutieteellinen :: ornithological
lintutieteilijä :: ornithologist
lintutorni :: bird observation tower; birdwatching blind [US] (lightweight tower built for birdwatchers)
liota :: To soak
liottaa :: to ret (of stalks of flax, hemp etc.)
liottaa :: to soak
lipaasi :: lipase
lipaista :: (semelfactive) to lick once with tongue
lipas :: ammunition magazine
lipas :: box, chest
lipasto [furniture] :: A chest of drawers, bureau [US]
lipeä :: A common name for sodium hydroxide
lipeäkala :: lutefisk
lipeäkivi :: A common name for sodium hydroxide
liperi :: lovage
lipevä :: Oleaginous, unctuous [falsely or affectedly earnest]
lipevä :: Slick, oleaginous, greasy
lipidi :: lipid
liplattaa :: to ripple, churn, slosh, bubble (of bodies of water)
liplatus :: ripple (sound similar to that or undulating water)
lipoa :: To lick
lipogeneesi :: lipogenesis
lipogrammi :: lipogram
lipokas :: A type of shoe
lipooma :: lipoma
lipopolysakkaridi :: lipopolysaccharide
lipoproteiini :: lipoprotein
lipota :: to catch fish, especially whitefish, with a long-handled hand net (scoop net)
lippa :: A peak, visor (horizontal flap in front part of a hat, protecting eyes from the sun)
lippa :: A spinnerbait
lippalakki :: Any soft or hard cap that has a horizontal visor in front, protecting the eyes for the sun, such as a baseball cap
lippis :: cap (hat)
lippo :: long-handled hand net/scoop net/dip net
Lipponen :: Finnish surname
lippu :: colours (standard or banner)
lippu :: flag, banner
lippu :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.)
lippu :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to board a train, a plane, or other means of transportation)
lippueamiraali :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is commodore
lippukoppi :: ticket booth, ticket office
lippukunta :: The basic fighting unit of Finnish infantry (part of Swedish armies) in 16th and 17th century consisting originally of about 500 men. In early 17th century the army was reorganized, the size of lippukunta was reduced to 200 and subsequently renamed to komppania
lippukunta [scouting] :: scout group (local chapter of Scouts movement)
lippulaiva :: flagship
lippusalko :: flagpole, flagstaff
lippusolmu :: double sheet bend
lipputanko :: flagpole, flagstaff
lipputiede :: vexillology (study of flags)
lipsahdus :: A slip, slip of the tongue
lipsahtaa :: To slip
lipsauttaa :: To let something slip
lipsua :: To slide (involuntarily)
lipsua :: To slip
lipua :: To float (to drift or wander aimlessly)
lipua :: To float (to move in a particular direction with a liquid on which one is floating)
lipua :: To glide, float (to move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly)
lipuke :: ticket
lipunmyyjä :: booking clerk
lipunryöstö :: capture the flag (game)
lipuntarkastaja :: ticket inspector
liputtaa :: To fly a flag
liputtaa :: To register a ship to (a foreign) state
liputus :: act of flying a flag or flags
liputus :: flag (use of flag, e.g. to start a race)
liputuspäivä :: flag day, any of the officially designated days when flags must be flown
liriä :: to piss
liri :: trouble
liri :: olla lirissä: to be in trouble
lirinä :: The sound of a small stream; purl, gurgle
liristä :: To purl, gurgle
liro :: wood sandpiper
liru :: A beverage not strong enough, or having low quality
lirua :: To slide
lirua :: To trickle
lisää :: more (nouns in partitive can be used with this):
lisä :: Addition, increase
lisä :: As a former part of compound (lisä-) signifies additional
lisä- :: extra, auxiliary, supplemental, additional
lisäaika :: extra time
lisäaine :: (food) additive
liseeni :: lesene
lisensiaatti :: licentiate (holder of an academic license degree)
lisensioida :: To license
lisensoida :: To license
lisenssi :: license
lisäjoukot :: reinforcement
läiske :: splash
lisäke :: appendage (part that is joined to something larger)
lisäke [banking] :: allonge
läiskähtää :: to splash
läiskiä :: To hit, beat
läiskiä :: To slap repeatedly
läiskikäs :: speckled
läiskikäs :: spotty, spotted
lisäkilpirauhanen :: parathyroid gland
läiskinä :: alternative form of läiske
läiskintä :: hitting, slapping
läiskis :: splash
läiskäistä :: To swat
lisäkives :: epididymis
lisko :: lizard
lisko :: newt
liskolintu :: An archaic bird such as the Archaeopteryx
lisäksi :: in addition, moreover, furthermore, along with, used also postpositionally
läiskyä :: To splash
lisämaksu :: surcharge (addition of extra charge on the agreed or stated price)
lisämunuainen :: adrenal gland, suprarenal gland
lisämunuaiskuori [anatomy, pathology] :: adrenal cortex (outer part of adrenal gland)
lisänimi :: A nickname (kind of byname that describes a person by a characteristic of that person)
lisääntyä :: To increase (in number or property)
lisääntyä :: To reproduce
lisääntyminen :: reproduction
lisääntymiselin :: reproductive organ
lisääntymiskyky :: fecundity
lisääntymiskykyinen :: fertile (capable of reproducing)
lisääntymiskyvytön :: infertile
lisääntymiskyvyttömyys :: infertility
lisääntyvyys :: reproductivity
lisäosa :: accessory
lisäosa :: any additional part
lisäosa :: expansion (new addition)
lisäosakeoptio :: green shoe option
lisäpalvelu :: additional service
lisärakennus :: annex (addition or extension to a building)
lisärakentaminen :: additional development
lisäravinne :: additional nutrient
Lissabon :: Lisbon
lisätä :: To add
lista :: batten (thin strip of wood, especially one used for decorative purposes)
lista :: list (register)
lista :: record chart (ranking of music according to popularity during a given period of time)
lista :: Short for pörssilista or kaupankäyntilista ("list of securities traded in a given marketplace")
lista :: Short for ruokalista
listahinta :: list price
listata :: To list; to inventory
listaus :: listing
listautua :: To enlist
listautumisanti :: initial public offering, IPO (first offering to members of the public of stock in a company, followed by a listing of that stock on a stock exchange)
listerioosi :: listeriosis
listiä :: to kill, crush, especially in a matter-of-factly manner and in large numbers such as when killing mosquitoes
listiä :: to cut the tops off the root vegetables
lisätieto :: additional information
lisätila :: additional space
lisätty todellisuus :: augmented reality
lisuke :: accompaniment (that which accompanies, in gastronomy or elsewhere)
lisuke [gastronomy] :: side dish, side order
lisävaruste :: accessory (attachment)
lisävuode :: extra bed (lightweight, often foldable bed or cot which may be supplied to a hotel room to provide extra occupancy)
lisäys :: addition, inclusion, amendment
litania :: litany
liti :: Lithuanian litas
litinä :: squelch (splashing sound)
litistää :: To flatten
litistä :: To squelch (make a sucking, splashing sounds)
litistyä :: To be flattened
litium :: lithium
litiumhydroksidi :: lithium hydroxide
litiumkarbonaatti :: lithium carbonate
litkiä :: To lap
litku :: A beverage, soup etc. not strong or tasty enough, or having low quality
Litmanen :: Finnish surname
lito :: lithograph
litofyytti :: lithophyte
litografi :: lithographer
litografia :: lithograph
litografia :: lithography
litografinen :: lithographic
litorinakausi :: Littorina Sea phase of the Baltic Sea
Litorinameri :: The Littorina Sea, a phase of the Baltic Sea
litosfääri :: lithosphere
litra :: litre
litroittain :: By litres/liters
litsa :: A hank (ring or shackle that secures a staysail to its stay)
litsa :: A type of knot
litsi :: lychee
litteä :: flat
litteä kuin pannukakku :: flat as a pancake
littera :: denomination (of a bank note)
litteroida :: To transcribe
litu :: A silicle, silicula or silicule (short)
litu :: A silique or siliqua (long – length more than twice the width – fruit of a cruciferous plant)
litukka :: bittercress, a plant of the genus Cardamine
litulaukka :: garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata
liturgi :: A liturgist
liturgia :: liturgy
liturginen :: liturgic, liturgical
liudennus :: (linguistics) iotation
liudennus :: palatalization (instance of palatalizing)
liudentaa :: to palatalize
liudentua :: To become palatalized
liudentuminen :: palatalization
liuennut :: dissolved
liueta :: To dissolve (to disintegrate by immersing into a liquid)
liukas :: slippery
liukastaa :: To make more slippery, lubricate
liukaste :: lubricant
liukaste :: personal lubricant (lubricant used during human sexual activity to reduce friction)
liukastua :: To slip, slide
liukastuttaa :: To make something slippery
liukeneminen :: dissolution (dissolving, going into solution)
liukeneva :: dissolving
liukeneva :: soluble (able to be dissolved)
liukoinen :: soluble
liuku :: skid (out of control sliding motion)
liukua :: to slide
liukuhihna :: A conveyor belt
liukuikkuna :: Any type of window with sliding panes
liukuikkuna :: sash window (window consisting of two sliding panels or sashes)
liukujälki :: skidmark
liukulaakeri :: A bushing (type of bearing)
liukuluku :: floating-point number
liukulukulasku :: A floating point operation
liukuma :: flexitime (in flexitime arrangement for working hours, the limits of time within which the employees can choose when they arrive to and leave from the work)
liukumiina :: A heap of fresh cow dung
liukumäki :: children's slide
liukuovi :: sliding door
liukuportaat :: escalator
liukuva työaika :: flexitime (working time arrangement that allows employees to set their own working hours within agreed limits)
liuos :: solution
liuota :: To dissolve
liuote :: solvent
liuotin :: A solvent
liuotinbensiini :: petroleum ether (volatile petroleum fraction, usually available in a number of fractions boiling between 40°C and 140°C, used as a solvent)
liuottaa :: To dissolve
liuottaminen :: dissolution (dissolving, making into solution)
liuska :: sheet, strip (of paper)
liuske :: flagstone
liuske :: schist, slate
liuskekaasu :: shale gas
liuskemusta :: slate black (black pigment made of black slate or schist)
liuskepuumuura :: Guianan slaty antshrike
liuskoittua :: To divide into lobes
liuta :: A large number; slew, flock, swarm
liu'unta :: sliding
liu'uttaa :: To make or cause something to slide
livahtaa :: ~ sisään: to sneak in (to enter without being noticed)
livahtaa :: to slip, slope ‎(to move quickly and often secretively; to depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding)
livahtaa :: ~ ulos: to sneak off, slide off, slip away, slip off, sneak away (to leave a place, or a meeting, without being seen or heard)
live :: live
live :: lye
livertää :: To twitter
livetä :: To slip
livistää :: To run away, decamp, abscond
livree :: livery
läjä :: heap (collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation)
läjä :: heap, ream (unspecified large amount); see also läjittäin, läjäpäin
läjittäin :: loads of something, heaps of something, tons of something
läjäpäin :: loads of something, heaps of something, tons of something
läjätä :: To pile
lääke :: medicine (substance), remedy, drug
lääkeaine :: drug, medicament
lääkeannos :: A dose of medicine
lääkekasvi :: medicinal (plant that can be used medicinally)
lääkelaastari :: transdermal patch
lääkepullo :: vial (small bottle for storing medicine)
lääketiede :: medicine (the field of study)
lääketieteellinen :: medical
lääketieteellisesti :: medically
läkähtyä :: To suffocate
läkähtyä :: To swelter, boil (to feel uncomfortably hot)
lääkintä :: medical treatment, medication
lääkintämies :: medic
lääkintäviranomainen :: public health official
lääkitä :: to medicate
lääkitys :: medication (all the medicines regularly taken by a patient)
läkki :: tin plate
läkkipelti :: tin plate
lökäpöksy :: A person wearing such trousers
lökäpöksy :: bagging trousers
lääkäri :: physician, medical doctor
lääkäriasema :: medical center, private clinic, clinic (privately owned facility for providing outpatient services)
lääkärintarkastus :: physical examination, clinical examination, medical examination, medical
lääkärintodistus :: medical certificate, doctor's certificate
lääkäripelko :: iatrophobia
läksiäiset :: farewell party, send-off
läksy :: homework (school exercise set by a teacher); often used in plural, especially as an object with verbs tehdä, lukea
läksy :: lesson (learning task assigned to a student)
läksy :: lesson (something that serves as a warning or encouragement)
läksyttää :: to scold, berate, lecture, lambaste
lököttää :: to bag (chiefly of trousers, to hang loose like an empty bag)
-lla :: Case suffix of the adessive case. Adessive is used in Finnish:
-lla :: Forms action verbs which denote an activity closely related with a noun
-lla :: Forms frequentative verbs. The resulting verb often describes a more or less leisurely or long-lasting activity, or an activity that is not overly goal-oriented. Sometimes the logic is not obvious, though. An adaptive sound is required between the stem of the verb and the suffix, e.g. -e-, -i-, -eske-
-lle :: onto (indicates the allative case of a noun, adjective, numeral or pronoun)
-llinen :: Forms adjectives that indicate likeness
-llinen :: Forms adjectives that indicate possession or relationship
-llinen :: Forms adjectives that indicate time
-llinen :: Forms nouns that define a person through his characteristics or possessions
-llinen :: Forms nouns that indicate an amount
löllö :: Alternative term for vetelä
lällislää :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
lälläri :: citizens' band radio transceiver
lällätilää :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
löllyä :: To shake
lämmetä :: to warm
lämmetä :: to warm up
lämmike :: warmer (anything to warm somebody up, including pieces of cloth or alcoholic drinks)
lämmin :: warm
lämmin käyttövesi :: domestic hot water
lämminverinen :: warm-blooded
lämmitä :: To warm
lämmitellä :: To heat up slowly
lämmitellä :: To warm (to make oneself warm)
lämmitellä :: To warm up (oneself)
lämmitin :: A heater
lämmittää :: to reheat (to heat food after it has cooled off)
lämmittää :: to warm, heat, heat up
lämmittely :: A warm-up
lämmittäjä :: boilerman, stoker, fireman (one who stokes coal into a boiler)
lämmittäjä :: warmer (piece of clothing for warmth)
lämmittäjä :: warmer (something that warms)
lämmitys :: heating
lämmitysöljy :: heating oil
lämmönjohtavuus :: heat conductivity, heat conductance
lämmönjohtavuus :: thermal conductivity
lämmönjohtokyky :: thermal conductivity, thermal conductance
lämmönjohtokyky :: thermal conductivity
lämmönkestävä :: heatproof
lämmönnousu :: rise of temperature
lämmönvaihdin :: A heat exchanger
lämpö :: fever
lämpö :: heat
lämpö :: warmth, heat
lämpöaalto :: heat wave
lämpöero :: temperature difference
lämpöhalvaus :: A heatstroke or hyperthermia
lämpiö :: foyer, lobby
lämpiö :: green room
lämpimämpi :: comparative form of lämmin
lämpimästi :: warmly
lämpimyys :: warmness
lämpöinen :: being of or in a temperature; always used with a headword in this sense, the head being in genitive
lämpöinen :: warm
lämpöisesti :: warmly
lämpökamera :: thermal camera, thermographic camera
lämpökapasiteetti :: heat capacity
lämpökatko :: thermal break
lämpökonduktanssi :: heat conductance
lämpökone :: A heat engine
lämpökäsittely :: A heat treatment
lämpökuolema :: heat death
lämpökuvaus :: thermography, thermal imaging (practice of creating images from infrared radiation rather than visible light)
lämpökynttilä :: tealight, tea light (small candle cast inside a thin metal cup allowing the wax to melt completely when the candle is lit)
lämpölaajenemiskerroin :: coefficient of heat expansion
lämpömittari :: thermometer (apparatus used to measure temperature)
lämpönielu :: A heat sink
lämpöoppi :: thermodynamics
lämpöpaperi :: thermal paper, thermochromic paper
lämpöpatteri :: radiator (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)
lämpöpumppu :: A heat pump
lämpörajakerros :: thermal lithosphere, thermal boundary layer, TBL (transition zone between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere)
lämpäre :: puddle, pool
lämpösäde :: heat ray
lämpösäteily :: thermal radiation, infrared radiation
lämpötahna :: thermal grease, thermal compound, thermal gel, thermal paste, heat paste, heat sink paste, heat sink compound (viscous fluid substance, which increases the thermal conductivity of a thermal interface)
lämpötila :: temperature
lämpötila-aisti :: thermoception (sense of heat and cold)
lämpötilakerroin :: temperature coefficient
lämpötulostin :: thermal printer
lämäri :: slap shot (fastest shot in ice hockey)
lämsä :: Same as suopunki
lämätä :: To do a slap shot
länget :: A collar, also called horse collar (part of harness)
lääni :: A translation for a similar administrative unit in another country, especially Sweden (län), Norway (fylke) or Russia (oblast)
lääni :: A land area or a house in private ownership, especially if it is large
lääni :: The term used for an official regional government unit between the state and the municipalities in Finland. It is usually translated as province into English
lääninhallitus :: provincial government (in Finland and Sweden)
lääninoikeus :: Until 1999 (since then alueellinen hallinto-oikeus - "regional administrative court"), a province-level administrative court which handled taxation-related and other administrative cases
lääninraja :: province (lääni) boundary
lääninrovasti :: rural dean
läänitys :: fiefdom (estate controlled by a feudal lord)
länketti :: blanket
länkisääri :: bowleg, genu varum
länkisäärinen :: bow-legged (having a bowleg)
länkkäri :: western (narrative work dealing with the American Old West, especially a movie)
länkkäri :: cowboy (man who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West)
lönkytellä :: to jog (to move at a pace that is faster than walk but slower than run)
lönkyttää :: to jog (to move at a pace that is faster than walk but slower than run)
lännempi :: more western
lännenelokuva :: western (film)
lännenfilmi [film] :: A western
lännenhyytelöjäkälä :: Collema nigrescens (a lichen)
lännenmuura :: bicolored antvireo
lännenplataani :: sycamore, American sycamore, American planetree, occidental plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis
lännenvaivaishiiri :: western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis)
lännettyä :: To become politically more western
länsi :: the West
länsi :: west
länsiatlantinsardelli :: bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli
Länsi-Eurooppa :: Western Europe
länsieurooppalainen :: Western European
länsieurooppalainen :: A Western European person
länsifriisi :: West Frisian (language spoken mostly in the province of Friesland, in the north of the Netherlands)
Länsi-Intia :: The West Indies (islands)
länsilounas :: west-southwest
länsiluode :: west-northwest
länsimaa :: A western country
länsimaailma :: The western world
länsimaalainen :: occidental
länsimaalainen :: westerner, an inhabitant of the West
länsimainen :: western, occidental
länsimaistaa :: To westernize
länsimaistaminen :: westernization (the process of causing to westernize)
länsimaistua :: To become westernized
länsimaistuminen :: westernization (the process of becoming westernized)
länsiosa :: western part
länsipuoli :: westside
länsiraja :: western border
Länsiranta :: The West Bank
Länsi-Sahara :: Western Sahara
Länsi-Saksa :: West Germany
länsituuli :: west wind
länsivallat :: The Western powers
länsiviitta :: The cardinal mark for west
Länsi-Virginia :: West Virginia
läntinen :: western
läntisempi :: comparative form of läntinen
läntti :: A small spot of land
läntti :: splotch, stain
löntti :: Alternative form of klöntti
löntystää :: to saunter
löntystellä :: To saunter
loanheittäjä :: mudslinger
loata :: To spoil, dirt
lobata :: To lobby
lobbaaja :: lobber
lobbailla :: To lobby
lobbari :: lobbyist
lobbaus :: lobbying
lobbismi :: lobbying
lobbisti :: lobbyist
lobelia :: lobelia
lobotomia :: lobotomy
lodentakki :: loden coat
logaritmi :: logarithm
logaritminen :: logarithmic
logaritmipaperi :: log-log paper
logaritmitaulu [calculus] :: table of logarithms, logarithm table
logaritmitaulukko [calculus] :: table of logarithms, logarithm table
-logi :: -logist
-logi :: -logy
-logia :: -logy
logiikka :: programmable logic controller
logiikka :: logic
-loginen :: -logical
logistiikka :: logistics
logistikko :: logistician
logistinen :: logistical
logo :: logo
logografi :: logograph (graphic symbol which represents a word or phrase)
logogrammi :: logogram (graphic symbol which represents a word or phrase)
logologia :: logology (study of words in search for God)
logopatia :: logopathy
logopedi :: logopedist
logopedia :: logopedics
logotutkimus :: logology (study of logos)
lohduke :: consolation
lohduton :: hopeless, inconsolable, desperate
lohduttaa :: To comfort
lohduttaja :: A comforter, consoler
lohduttaja :: The Comforter; often capitalized (alternative term for the Holy Spirit)
lohduttautua :: To take solace; to comfort oneself
lohdutus :: comfort, consolation
lohdutuspalkinto :: consolation prize
lohdutuspalkinto :: rebound (romantic partner with whom one begins a relationship for the sake of getting over a previous, recently-ended romantic relationship)
lohestaa :: to fish salmon
lohi :: A salmon
lohi :: Specifically Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
lohikäärme :: dragon
lohikäärme :: wyvern
Lohikäärme :: The constellation Draco
lohikäärmeen veri :: dragon's blood
lohikäärmepuu :: dragon tree (tree of the genus Dracaena)
lohjeta :: To split (off), break (off), chip (off)
lohkaista :: To split, chip off
lohkare :: block
lohkare :: boulder
lohko :: lobe of brain
lohko :: block, chunk
lohko :: section
lohko :: group (a set of teams playing each other in the same division, while at the same time not playing teams that belong to other sets in the division)
lohkoa :: To cut up
lohkohedelmä :: schizocarp
lohkokaavio :: block diagram (pictorial representation of a system)
lohkolämmitin :: block heater
lohkoontua :: alternative form of lohkoutua
lohkoutua :: to be sectioned, to be cut into pieces
lohtu :: Comfort, consolation, solace
lohtunainen :: Comfort woman
loihtia :: To conjure
loikata :: To defect
loikata :: To leap
loikka :: A leap
loikkari :: defector
loikkia :: to leap, to proceed with leaps (repeatedly)
loikoa :: To loll, recline
loikoilla :: To loll, lounge, lie
loimi :: rug [UK], blanket [US], caparison [often ornamental] (covering for an animal to protect it from the weather, or for ornamental purposes)
loimi :: warp (set of yarns placed lengthwise in a loom)
loimitukki :: A fore beam of a loom
loimu :: blaze
loimukoivu :: flamed birch; a variant of silver birch (Betula pendula), the grain of which is not straight, but has the form of a flame
loimukoivuinen :: made of loimukoivu
loimukuvio [lb, fi, instrument making, cabinetmaking] :: flame, curl (contrasting light and dark figure seen in wood)
loimuta :: To blaze, flare
loimuttaa :: To cook using open fire
loinen :: As a former part of compound (as the stem lois-) signifies parasitic
loinen :: Parasite
lois- :: parasitic
loiseläin :: A parasitic animal
loisia :: to parasitize (to live on or in a host organism as a parasite)
loiskahdus :: splash
loiskasvi :: A parasitic plant
loiske :: splash
loiskia :: to splash
loiskina :: The sound of waves; splash, lap
loiskinta :: The sound of waves; splash, lap
loiskis :: splash
loiskua :: To splash
loiskuna :: alternative form of loiskunta
loiskunta :: splash, lap
loiskuta :: To splash
loiskuttaa :: To splash
loismato :: any parasitic worm
loispistiäinen :: parasitoid wasp
loissieni :: fungal parasite
loistaa :: To excel, shine (to distinguish oneself)
loistaa :: To shine, glow, glare, sparkle (to emit light)
loistaa poissaolollaan :: To be conspicuous by one's absence, be conspicuously absent
loistartunta :: parasite infection
loistava :: perfect, very good, excellent, brilliant, splendid
loistava :: shining, glowing, glaring, sparkling, resplendent
loistavampi :: comparative form of loistava
loistavasti :: perfectly, excellently
loistavasti :: shiningly
loiste :: shine (brightness from a source of light)
loistediodi :: light-emitting diode, LED
loisteho [electrical engineering] :: reactive power
loistelamppu :: fluorescent lamp
loistelias :: glorious
loisteputki :: fluorescent lamp (a gas-discharge lamp)
loisteputki :: strip light
loisto :: glitter, gleam, shine
loisto :: luxury, often as modifier in compound terms
loisto :: A beacon equipped with light, often showing different colours to different directions and blinking according to a recognizable pattern
loisto :: splendor, glory
loistoaika :: golden age, heyday
loistohotelli :: luxury hotel
loistokas :: glamorous
loistokkuus :: shine (excellence in quality or appearance)
loistorapu :: alternative term for krilli
loistoristeilijä :: A luxury cruiser
loitolla :: away, back, far away
loitolle :: away, back, far away (to a place far from here)
loitolta :: from a distance, from far away
loitommaksi :: farther away (to a location that is farther away)
loitommalla :: farther away (in a place that is farther away)
loitommalle :: farther away (to a place that is farther away)
loitommalta :: from farther away (from a place that is farther away)
loitommas :: alternative form of loitommaksi
loitompaa :: from farther away (from a location that is farther away)
loitompana :: farther away (in a location that is farther away)
loitompi :: comparative form of loitto
loitontaa :: To move away, to distance
loitontajahermo :: abducens nerve, VI cranial nerve (nerve which controls the lateral rectus muscle, in the eye)
loitontajalihas :: abductor (muscle)
loitontua :: To move further away
loitota :: to move away, recede
loitsia :: to cast a spell, enchant, incant
loitsu :: A spell
loitto :: distant (located far away)
loittorengas :: extension tube, extension ring (element used to lengthen a camera objective thus allowing closer focusing than without it)
loiva :: gentle (slope)
loiventaa :: To make less steep
loiventava :: A hair of the dog, a drink taken to make the wear-off of alcohol more shallow, or to lessen the hangover experience
loiventua :: To become less steep
lojaali :: loyal
lojaalinen :: loyal
lojaalisesti :: loyally
lojaalisti :: loyally
lojaalisuus :: loyalty, fidelity
lojaalius :: loyalty, fidelity
lojaliteetti :: loyalty
lojban :: Lojban (language)
lojua :: To lay around
lojua :: To sprawl
loka :: Mud, dirt (wet)
lokaali :: local
lokaalinen :: local
lokakuinen :: Pertaining to October
lokakuu :: October
lokalisaatio :: localization
lokalisoida :: To localize
lokalisoitua :: To become localized
lokari :: A fender, wing [UK] (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area)
lokari :: A logger
lokasuoja :: A fender, wing [UK] (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area)
lokatiivi :: locative case, locative (grammatical case)
lokerikko :: pigeonhole message box
lokero :: pigeonhole (one of an array of compartments for sorting post, messages etc.)
lokero :: small compartment or box
lokeroida :: To compartmentalize, to pigeonhole, to label
lokeronivusajos :: lymphogranuloma venereum
loki :: log (device to measure the speed of a vessel)
lokikirja :: logbook
lokki :: gull, seagull (any bird of the genus Larus within the family Laridae)
lokki :: gull, seagull (any bird of the family Laridae)
lokkiparvi :: A flock of gulls
lokoilla :: To while away, idle, rest (to spend one's time comfortably and care-free)
lokomobiili :: A traction engine
lokomotiivi :: A locomotive (railway engine)
loksaa :: alternative form of loksua
loksahtaa :: to snap (to fit or fasten together with a snapping sound)
lokse :: clatter, rattle (the sound of loose metallic parts)
loksodromi :: loxodrome
lokus :: locus (a fixed position on a chromosome)
lokvatti :: loquat, Eriobotrya japonica
lolita :: lolita
loma :: gap
loma :: holiday, vacation; furlough
loma-aika :: vacation period
lomaan :: To between
loma-asunto :: vacation home [US], holiday home [UK] (building or piece of property used as a secondary residence during vacations)
lomailija :: holiday-maker, vacationer, holidayer
lomailla :: To (go on) vacation, holiday
lomake :: form (document)
lomakeskus :: holiday resort, holiday centre, holiday center
lomakohde :: resort (a relaxing environment to people on vacation)
lomakorvaus :: vacation compensation
lomapäivä :: holiday, vacation day (day taken off work by an employee for leisure)
lomauttaa :: to lay off temporarily
lomautus :: (temporary) layoff; furlough [US]
lombardia :: The Lombard language
Lombardia :: Lombardy (province of Italy)
lombardialainen :: Lombard (of or relating to Lombardy or its people)
lombardialainen :: A Lombard (person originating from Lombardy)
Lombard-korko :: Lombard rate
lomitse :: from among
lomittua :: To interlock
lomittuminen :: quantum entanglement (quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects are spatially separated)
lommahdus :: buckling
lommo :: dent, dimple
lommoontua :: To dent
lommoutua :: alternative form of lommoontua
lompakko :: wallet
lompsa :: wallet
Long Island :: Long Island (any place called "Long Island" in English, particularly an island to the east of New York City)
longitudi :: longitude
lonka :: A single, large cloud
lonka :: pitko (baked good)
lonkermanni :: middle finger
lonkero :: A type of canned or bottled drink or long drink similar to alcopop, typically consisting of one liquor and one mixer and in modern prodution made by fermenting. The alcohol content is about 5%
lonkero :: tentacle
lonkerojalkainen :: brachiopod
lonkerokiehkura :: calyx (crown of a crinoid)
lonkka :: hip, haunch
lonkkaluu :: A hip bone or innominate bone
lonkkamalja :: acetabulum (bony cup)
lonkkanivel :: hip joint
lonkkari :: longboard (large skating board)
lonkkavika :: Canine hip dysplasia
Lontoo :: London (capital city of the United Kingdom)
lontoolainen :: London (as modifier: of, from or pertaining to London in the UK)
lontoolainen :: Londonish
lontoolainen :: A Londoner (a person from, or an inhabitant of, London, UK)
loogikko :: logician
loogillinen :: dated form of looginen
looginen :: Logical
looginen :: Related to logic
loogisesti :: logically
loogisuus :: logicality
loordi :: alternative spelling of lordi
loosi :: compartment, box (area partly separated in a restaurant etc.)
loosi :: lodge (group of Freemasons)
loota :: box
lootus :: lotus
lootusasento :: lotus position (cross-legged sitting position)
lopen :: altogether, to death
lopettaa :: to call it a day
lopettaa :: to close
lopettaa [esp of animals] :: to kill, put down, put to sleep, destroy, euthanize
lopettaa :: to cease and desist (to stop and to not resume an action)
lopettaa :: to complete
lopettaa :: to stop, end, finish, quit
lopettaminen :: ending, finishing
lopetus :: ending, stopping, finishing, ceasing
lopetuskodoni :: stop codon (codon that instructs protein synthesis to stop)
Loping-epookki :: Lopingian, Upper Permian, Later Permian (last epoch of the Permian)
loppasuu :: glutton (one who quickly devours all available food and drink)
loppiainen :: Epiphany
loppiaisaika :: A period of the protestant liturgical year beginning from Epiphany and lasting until Shrove Tuesday
loppiaiskakku :: king cake
loppu :: out of, in the expression ablative + 3rd-pers. singular of olla + nominative + loppu = to be out of
loppu :: A conclusion (end, finish, close or last part of something)
loppu :: A finish (end of anything)
loppu :: An end
loppu :: An ending (last part of something)
loppu :: (in plural, loput + nominative plural) The rest, the remaining
loppua :: To (come to an) end, finish, get over, stop, cease
loppua :: To run out
loppuaika :: finish time
loppuelämä :: The rest of one's life
loppuheitto :: apocope
loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin :: all's well that ends well
loppuilta :: late evening
loppuilta :: rest of the evening
loppujen lopuksi :: after all, when all is said and done
loppukausi :: late season
loppukesä :: late summer
loppukevät :: late spring
loppukilpailu :: final (contest for selecting the winners from the finalists)
loppukilpailu :: final (last round, game or match in a contest, after which the winner is determined)
loppukiri :: final spurt (increased effort towards the end of an action)
loppukiri :: kick (an increase in speed in the final part of a running race)
loppukäyttäjä :: end user (final consumer of a product)
loppuliite :: suffix
loppumaton :: endless
loppuminen :: ending
loppuosa :: remainder, balance (whatever is left of an original amount after something has been taken away first)
loppuottelu :: championship, final
loppupeli :: endgame (part of a chess game in which there are few pieces left)
loppupeli :: endgame (final stage of an extended process or course of events)
loppupäivä :: in plural, rest of the days, the remaining days
loppupäivä :: in singular, rest of the day
loppupuoli :: last half or a more vaguely defined last part of anything, like of a period of time, semester, holiday, trip etc
loppuratkaisu :: dénouement (conclusion or resolution of a plot)
loppusanat :: epilogue
loppusarja :: finals (series of last rounds, games or matches in a contest, after which the winner is determined)
loppusointu :: rhyme
loppusumma :: grand total (entire or final sum)
loppusuora :: home stretch (final part of a race course)
loppusuora :: home stretch (final part of a distance or effort needed)
loppusyksy :: late autumn/fall
lopputalvi :: late winter
lopputekstit [film, video] :: credits (written titles shown in the end of a film or video)
lopputili :: pink slip
lopputulos :: final result; used to point out the difference to välitulos
lopputuote :: end product
lopputurnaus :: final, finals (the last round, game or match in a contest, after which the winner is determined)
lopputurnaus :: finals, final (contest that narrows a field of contestants to ranked positions)
lopputyö :: diploma work, degree work
loppuunkäsitelty :: exhausted
loppuunmyydä :: alternative form of myydä loppuun
loppuunmyynti :: closing-down sale, closeout, clearance (sale in which all merchandise is sold, at whatever reduced price is necessary)
loppuvaihe :: final stage
loppuviikko :: Any of the last weeks of a longer period of time
loppuviikko :: Some cases are used adverbially to produce expressions similar to English "late + pronoun + week", see loppuviikolla, loppuviikosta
loppuviikko :: The end of a week, usually understood to refer to a working week, i.e. to mean Thursday and Friday
loppuvuosi [in the plural] :: The last or remaining years of a period
loppuvuosi :: The last or remaining months of a year
lopuke :: cadence
lopuksi :: lastly, finally, ultimately (indicating the last item)
lopullinen :: decisive
lopullinen :: definitive
lopullinen :: final, ultimate
lopullinen :: peremptory (not admitting of question or appeal)
lopullisesti :: finally, conclusively, once and for all, for good (completely; beyond recovery)
lopullisuus :: finality
lopulta :: at last (after a long time)
lopulta :: at last, eventually, finally, in the end
lopun ajat :: end times
lopussa :: in the end
lopussa :: olla lopussa: to be over, finished; to be exhausted
loputon :: Endless
loputtomasti :: endlessly, unendingly
loputtomiin :: endlessly
loputtomuus :: endlessness, infinity
lorauttaa :: to pour loudly
lordi :: lord (British aristocrat, especially a member of the House of Lords)
lordoosi :: lordosis
lori :: loris
lorina :: gurgle
lornetti :: a lorgnette
lorotella :: to drizzle (to urinate)
lorotella :: to pour (of pouring a liquid loudly)
lorottaa :: To drizzle (to urinate)
lorottaa :: To pour liquid loudly
loru :: short rhyme, e.g. nursery rhyme
loruta :: to chatter, blather
lorvailla :: To slack off
lorvehtia :: alternative form of lorvailla
lorvia :: alternative form of lorvailla
Los :: LA (Los Angeles, metropol in California)
Los Angeles :: Los Angeles
losangelesilainen :: Los Angeleno, Los Angelean
losilainen :: Angeleno
losilainen :: (informal) Angeleno
loska :: slush
lossi :: cable ferry
Lothringen :: Lorraine (region in NE France)
lotina :: squelch
lotista :: To squelch (make a sucking, splashing sounds); very close in meaning to the verb litistä, but describes a more low-pitched sound
lotja :: barge
lotota :: to play lotto
lotrata :: To play with water
lotta :: A member of Lotta Svärd
Lotta :: female given name, diminutive of the Swedish Charlotta
lotto :: lotto, (type of lottery in which a small number - often six, in Finland currently seven - of numbers are drawn from a larger body of numbers, typically around 40 to 50)
lottoaja :: lotto player
lottovoitto :: lottery win
loue :: A type of hiking tent which utilises a similar structural idea
loue :: A type of light temporary shelter consisting of a triangular piece of canvas (called louevaate), which is supported by a flexible pole
louevaate :: A piece of canvas or other material specifically made to serve for setting up a loue
louhe :: blasted stone (stone that has been separated from rock by blasting or otherwise)
Louhi [mythology, Kalevala] :: In Finnish mythology, a powerful witch and the queen of the land of Pohjola
louhia :: to blast (to shatter, as if by an explosion)
louhia :: to mine (to remove ore from the ground)
louhia :: to quarry (to obtain stone from a quarry)
louhikko :: A field of jagged rocks
louhikäärme :: alternative form of lohikäärme
louhinta :: mining, quarrying, blasting
louhos :: quarry (site for mining stone, limestone or slate)
loukata :: To wound, hurt, injure (physically)
loukata :: To violate, infringe upon, encroach upon, make inroads on
loukata :: To wound, hurt, injure (mentally), to offend, insult
loukkaantua :: To be hurt, be injured, be wounded
loukkaantua :: To be insulted, be bruised, come to harm
loukkaantua :: To be offended at, take umbrage
loukkaantua :: To come to grief
loukkaantuminen :: injury
loukkaantuminen :: offense
loukkaava :: derogatory, offensive
loukkaava :: insulting
loukkaus :: insult, affront
loukkaus :: violation, infringement
loukkautua :: alternative form of loukkaantua
loukku :: trap (especially mechanical trap to catch animals)
lounainen :: southwestern, southwesterly
lounais- :: alternative form of lounainen
Lounais-Afrikka :: South West Africa (the colonial name of the area which is now Namibia)
lounaisosa :: southwestern part
lounaispuoli :: southwestern side
Lounais-Suomi :: southwest Finland
lounaistuuli :: southwest wind, southwestern
lounas :: lunch
lounas :: southwest
lounasaika :: lunchtime
lounastaa :: To lunch
loveta :: To notch
lovi :: cleft (V-shaped cut)
lovi :: notch (V-shaped cut; such a cut used for keeping a record)
lovi :: trance; used only in the expression langeta loveen, which means "to fall into a trance"
Loviisa :: A town on the SE coast of Finland, named in 1752 for Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden
Loviisa :: female given name
lovileuka :: cleft chin
löpö :: gas, gasoline
löpö :: heating oil
löpö :: scaber stalk mushroom, (Leccinum scabrum)
läpeensä :: thoroughly
löperö :: inefficient (incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action)
löperö :: negligent, neglectful, careless (without appropriate or sufficient attention)
lööperi :: nonsense, rubbish
löperösti :: inefficiently
löperösti :: negligently, neglectfully, carelessly
löperyys :: inefficiency
löperyys :: negligence
läpi :: over (thoroughly; completely)
läpi :: through:
läpi [colloquial, in negative contexts] :: a mouth, hole:
läpi :: Hole (usually for ventilation), (depending on the place of the hole) window, shutter, door
läpi :: across:
läpi :: päästä jostakin (elative) läpi = to pass something (such as test or examination)
läpi- :: trans-, cross-
läpiajo :: In certain card games, a situation where one player or a pair takes all tricks
läpiajo :: In ice hockey, a breakaway
läpikotainen :: thorough
läpikotaisesti :: thoroughly
läpikotaisin :: thoroughly, entirely, through and through, to the core
läpikuultamaton :: opaque
läpikuultamattomuus :: opaqueness
läpikuultava :: translucent, see-through
läpikäydä :: alternative form of käydä läpi
läpileikkaus :: cross-section (representative sample)
läpimeno :: passage, pass, passing (of an exam, legislation etc.)
läpimeno :: intersection [e.g. in synchronized skating]
läpimitta :: diameter (length)
läpimärkä :: soaked, sodden, drenched, soaked to the skin, soaked to the bone, all wet
läpimurto :: A breakthrough (major progress)
läpimurto :: A breakthrough (military advance)
läpimurto :: As a modifier in a compound term, breakthrough
löpinä :: twaddle
läpinäkymätön :: opaque
läpinäkymättömyys :: opacity
läpinäkyvä :: transparent, see-through
läpinäkyvyys :: transparency
läpäisevä :: permeable
läpäistä :: to pass through, infiltrate
läpäistä :: to hole (to make a hole, especially a large one)
läpäistä :: to make a hole
läpäistä :: to pass (an exam or inspection)
läpäistä :: to pierce, penetrate
löpistä :: To chatter, blather
läpisyöttö :: through ball
läpisyöttö :: ace (serve won without the opponent hitting the ball)
läpitunkematon :: impenetrable
läpitunkeva :: penetrating
läpitunkeva :: piercing
läpitunkevasti :: penetratingly, piercingly
läpivalaisu :: transillumination, X-ray
läpivalaisuelektronimikroskooppi :: transmission electron microscope
läpivärjätä :: To pad (to imbue uniformly with a mordant)
läpällä :: for kicks, for laughs, for fun, for shits and giggles
läppä :: valve
läppä :: flap
läppä :: joke
lööppi :: headline poster, newspaper poster; [UK] newspaper billboard (poster that promotes a particular issue of a newspaper)
läppäri :: laptop
läppäsilta :: bascule bridge, drawbridge (bridge consisting of one or two opening leafs to allow watercrafts to pass)
läppävika :: valvular defect
läpsää :: to slap (to produce the sound repeatedly)
läpsiä :: To slap (repeatedly)
läpsytellä :: To slap (repeatedly, indifferently)
läpätä :: to slap gently, as in order to get someone's attention or to wake someone up
lörppä :: Alternative term for lörppö
lörppö :: talkative, chattery
lörppö :: babbler, blabber, blabbermouth (one who reveals secrets by talking too much)
lörppö :: chatterbox, babbler, blabber (one who chats or talks to excess)
lörpötellä :: to chatter, blab, blabber, kibitz
lörpöttää :: to chatter, blather
lörpöttelijä :: Alternative term for lörppö
lörpöttely :: chatter, babble, prattle, gabble, twaddle (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk, idle talk)
lörpötys :: Alternative term for lörpöttely
lörötellä :: Alternative form of lorotella
lörtsy :: A thin, half-moon shaped pastry commonly served as street food in eastern Finland; can be made with a variety of fillings from savoury meats to jam
lärvi :: mug, face
läsiä :: to ail (to suffer from a disease)
läsi :: A blaze (mark resembling fire on an animal's face)
läski :: fat
läski :: fatso, fat person
läski :: fat (animal tissue)
läski :: salo (non-rendered pig fat used as food)
läskimaha :: fat gut, spare tire, fat-ass
läskivasara [pejorative, slang] :: fatso
läsnä :: present (being in the immediate vicinity)
läsnä oleva :: present
läsnäolevuus :: mindfulness (tendency to be mindful)
läsnäolija :: One who is present
läsnäolo :: presence
lössi :: group of people
lössi :: loess
lössiylänkö :: loess upland (high-lying, non-mountaineous area, the soil of which consists of loess)
lässyttää :: To talk to someone in an overly affectionate or childish manner, such as when speaking to one's pet, baby or sexual partner
-ltä :: alternative form of -lta (ablative case suffix for words with front vowel harmony). For usage notes see Finnish entry for ablatiivi
-lta :: from (indicates the ablative case). For usage notes see Finnish entry for ablatiivi
lääte :: alpine saw-wort, Saussurea alpina
-lti :: Forms adverbs from some adjectives, that mean "in the manner of being something". The meaning is roughly the same as that of -sti. The corresponding English expressions are not necessarily obvious
lätistä :: to chatter
lätkä :: Any relatively flat and small object. Translation into English depends on the kind of object. One may consider e.g. disk, flap, scrap, badge or simply piece
lätkä :: ice hockey
lätkä :: olla lätkässä = to be infatuated, enamoured, to have a crush
lätkä :: The puck used in ice hockey
lätkä :: paddle (spanking implement)
lätkä :: Hashish
lötkö :: Alternative term for veltto
ltk :: laatikko
lätkiä :: To slap
lätkintä :: slapping
lätäkkö :: puddle
lötkötellä :: Alternative term for löhötä
lötköttää :: Alternative term for löhötä
läträtä :: To play with water
lätti :: Latvian language
lätti :: piggery
lättäjalka :: flatfoot (condition or person)
lättäjalkainen :: flatfooted
lättänä :: flat
lättäpalmikko :: baggywrinkle
lätty :: A thin pancake, crepe
lätty :: A face, especially an ugly one
lubenter approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the second-lowest pass grade
luddiitti :: A Luddite
lude :: a bedbug
lude :: a bug (an insect of the order Hemiptera)
Ludvig :: Louis - this Swedish name is used for historical persons
lueksia :: alternative form of lueskella
luennoida :: To lecture
luennoija :: A lecturer
luennoitsija :: alternative form of luennoija
luenta :: reading
luento :: A lecture, especially one given in a higher learning institution as part of the curriculum
luentosali :: lecture hall, auditorium
lueskella :: to read cursorily (in an indifferent manner), glance/flip/browse through
luetella :: To list, itemise/itemize, enumerate
luettaa :: To have something read (by somebody = adessive, -lla/llä), make somebody (= adessive, -lla/llä) read something
luettava :: legible, readable
luettavuus :: legibility
luettavuus :: readability
luettelo :: catalogue
luetteloida :: To list, catalogue
luetuttaa :: alternative form of luettaa
luffata :: To haul (to sail closer to the wind)
luhistaa :: To collapse (to cause to collapse)
luhistua :: To collapse, to implode
luhta :: flood meadow
luhta :: swamp
luhtakana :: Any bird of the genus Rallus
luhtakana :: water rail (Rallus aquaticus)
luhtalitukka :: cuckoo flower, lady's smock (Cardamine pratensis)
luhti :: The upper floor of a granary etc
luihu :: deceptive
luikero :: Combtooth blenny, a fish of the family Blenniidae
luikerrella :: to slither (of a snake)
luiku :: skid
luimistaa :: to put back one's ears (of an animal)
luinen :: bony (made or consisting of bone)
luiru :: too thin beverage
luiseva :: bony (having a lot of bone and little flesh)
luiska :: slanted, inclined
luiska :: A ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels)
luiska :: A slanted edge of a road, ditch, embankment or other man-made land formation
luiskahdella :: To slip (repeatedly)
luiskahtaa :: To slip (suddenly)
luistaa :: To avoid (work, responsibility)
luistaa :: To go, run smoothly or successfully (of business etc.)
luistaa :: To slide
luistelija :: skater, ice skater
luistella :: To (ice-)skate
luistelu :: ice skating
luisteluhiihto :: skate skiing
luistin :: ice skate, skate
luistinrata :: ice skating track
luisto :: slide, slip, slipping
luisua :: To slide
luja :: fast
luja :: firm
luja :: sound
lujahermoisuus :: mettle (quality of endurance and courage)
lujasti :: firmly
lujentaa :: to strengthen
lujeta :: of a sound, to become louder
lujeta :: to become firmer or stronger
lujike :: reinforcement
lujite :: reinforcement
lujittaa :: To strengthen (an agreement, friendship, pact etc.)
lujittaa :: To strengthen (a structure)
lujittaminen :: firming up, consolidation, strengthening, reinforcement
lujittua :: To be cemented
lujuus :: resolution, fortitude, steadfastness (mental property)
lujuus :: strength, firmness (physical and mental property)
Luka :: male given name of modern usage. [Luka is also used as the transliteration of the Russian male given name Лука́.]
lukaista :: To read something quickly (from its beginning to its end)
lukea :: to count, still used in some expressions like mukaan luettuna, mukaan lukien
lukea :: to read
lukea madonluvut :: To read somebody the riot act (lit.: to read somebody the numbers of a worm)
lukema :: Reading (a value indicated by a measuring device)
lukematon :: countless, uncountable
lukematon :: unread
lukemattoman :: uncountably (too many to be counted)
lukeminen :: reading (act of reading)
lukeminen :: reading (the material read)
lukeneisto :: literati (well-educated people)
lukeutua :: To belong, be counted as, be reckoned as
lukihäiriö :: dyslexia (learning disability)
lukija :: reader
lukijakunta :: readership, audience
lukinkalvo :: arachnoid mater
lukinkalvonalainen :: subarachnoid (located or occurring below the arachnoid membran)
lukinkalvonalaistila :: subarachnoid space (space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater that surround the brain and spinal cord}
lukio :: In Finnish school system, a 3-year school that prepares the students for academic studies (grades 10 to 12), corresponds the senior high school (US) and high school in many other places
lukiolainen :: highschooler
lukita :: to lock (to fasten with a lock or as if with a lock)
lukitsin :: lock (device or mechanism that locks, but is operated without a key)
lukittua :: To become locked, to get locked
lukitus :: locking
lukkari :: A church officer, similar to a sexton
lukkari :: A pitcher (in pesäpallo)
lukki :: A harvestman (arachnid)
lukki :: A straddle carrier (vehicle used in ports and yards for stacking and moving containers)
lukkiintua :: To lock
lukkiutua :: to become locked, get locked
lukkiutua :: to lock (to become fastened in place)
lukko [guns] :: bolt
lukko [jewellery] :: clasp
lukko :: lock
lukkokaappi :: locker (lockable cabinet)
lukkolokero :: locker (lockable compartment, usually in a cabinet comprising of a number of them)
lukkoseppä :: locksmith
lukkoutua :: alternative form of lukkiutua
lukossa :: olla lukossa: to be locked
luksaatio :: luxation, dislocation
luksi :: lux (in SI-system, the derived unit of illuminance)
luksus :: luxury
luksusristeilijä :: luxury cruiser
luku :: chapter (of a book; in a legal code where its subsection is pykälä)
luku :: number
luku :: number, count, quantity
luku :: reading
luku :: story, especially as follows
luku :: together with a year, used to indicate decade, century or sometimes even millennium
lukuaine :: [school] theoretical subject
lukuinen [as headword in compound terms] :: Capable of reading or being read in the way defined by the modifier
lukuinen [as headword in compound terms] :: Consisting of a number of elements or parts in the way defined by the modifier
lukuinen :: numerous
lukuisa :: numerous
luku- ja kirjoitustaidoton :: illiterate (unable to read and write)
luku- ja kirjoitustaidoton :: illiterate (person who cannot read nor write)
lukujärjestelmä :: A number system, numeral system
lukujärjestys :: school timetable
lukukausi :: A semester (term lasting roughly one half of an academic year)
lukukausi :: A term (division of an academic year)
lukukausi :: A trimester (term lasting roughly one third of an academic year)
lukukausimaksu :: tuition (sum of money paid for instruction)
lukukelpoinen :: readable
lukukelvoton :: illegible
lukukelvoton :: unreadable
lukulaite :: e-reader (electronic device for reading books, newspapers etc)
lukulaite :: reader (device for optical reading of coded messages such as barcodes)
lukulasit :: reading glasses
lukumäärä :: amount (number)
lukumäärä :: number, count
lukumääräinen :: numerical, quantitative (of, or relating to countable amounts)
lukumuisti :: read-only memory
lukusali :: reading room (room in a library)
lukusana :: numeral
lukutaidoton :: Illiterate (unable to read)
lukutaidoton :: Illiterate (person unable to read)
lukutaidottomuus :: illiteracy
lukutaito :: Literacy
lukutaitoinen :: Literate
lukuteoria :: number theory
lukutoukka :: bookworm (avid book reader)
lukuun ottamatta :: except, with the exception of
lukuun ottamatta :: other than, apart from
lukuvuosi :: academic year
lukuvuosi :: school year
lullukka :: wuss
lume :: illusion
lumeavioliitto :: Alternative term for näennäisavioliitto
lumelääke :: placebo
lumemaailma :: virtual world
lumen :: lumen
lumeton :: snowless
lumettua :: To become covered by snow; to become snowy
lumeutua :: alternative form of lumettua
lumi :: snow
Lumi :: female given name of modern usage
lumiapina :: golden snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana (species of monkey endemic to the mountainous forests of central China)
lumiaura :: snow plow [US], snow plough [UK]
lumienkeli :: snow angel
lumihanhi :: snow goose (Chen caerulescens)
lumihanki :: snow blanket
lumihiutale :: snowflake
lumihuippuinen :: snow-capped
lumikello :: snowdrop (plant of the genus Galanthus)
lumikenkä :: snowshoe
lumikenkäjänis :: snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus)
lumikenttä :: snowfield
lumikinos :: snow drift
lumikki :: bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis
Lumikki :: female given name, quite rare, and usually a middle name
Lumikki :: Snow White
lumikko :: least weasel (Mustela nivalis)
lumikurki :: Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus)
lumikvartsi :: milky quartz
lumilapio :: snow shovel
lumilauta :: snowboard
lumilautailla :: To snowboard
lumileinikki :: snowy buttercup, Ranunculus nivalis (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
lumileopardi :: snow leopard (Uncia uncia)
lumilinko :: snowblower
lumilinna :: snow fort
lumimies :: abominable snowman, yeti
lumimyrsky :: blizzard, snowstorm
lumimyyrä :: European snow vole, snow vole, Chionomys nivalis
luminen :: snowy
luminesenssi :: luminescence
luminoli :: luminol
lumipallo :: snowball
lumipalloefekti :: snowball effect
lumipeite :: snow cover
lumiraja :: snow line
lumisade :: snowfall
lumisade :: static (on TV screen)
lumisohjo :: slush
lumisokea :: snow-blind
lumisokeus :: snowblindness (the state of being snow-blind)
lumisota :: A snowball fight
lumisotasilla :: playing a snowball fight; used in the expression olla lumisotasilla ("to play snowball fight, to snowball")
lumitykki :: snow cannon
lumiukko :: snowman
lumivaippa :: snow blanket
Lumivalko :: Snow White, from the fairy tale "Snow White and Rose Red"
lumivalkoinen :: snow-white
lumivuohi :: mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus
lumivyöry :: snow avalanche
lumme :: water lily (a flower of the genus Nymphaea)
lumo :: charm (the ability)
lumooja :: enchanter, charmer
lumoojatar :: An enchantress
lumota :: To enthrall, mesmerise/mesmerize
lumottu :: bewitched, enchanted (under a magic spell)
lumous :: enchantment, spell
lumoutua :: To be enchanted
lumpeenlehti :: lily pad
lumpeikko :: surface of water covered by waterlilies
lumpio :: kneecap
lumppari :: snowball
lumppu :: a sexually promiscuous woman, a slut
lumppu :: rags (waste cloth for processing)
lunastaa :: To reclaim
lunastaa :: To redeem
lunnaat :: ransom
lunnasraha :: ransom
lunni :: Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica (the type species of the family)
lunni :: in plural (lunnit), the family Fratercula
lunni :: puffin (any seabird of the genus Fratercula of the auk family Alcidae)
luntata :: To cheat in an exam
lunttilappu :: cheat sheet, crib note (sheet of paper used to assist on a test)
lunttilappu :: crib sheet
lunttu [historical, firearms] :: slow match
lunttu :: tart (woman with loose sexual morals)
lunula :: lunula (pale area at the base of a fingernail)
luo :: to, (with a person's home or some such as an object) to ('s place):
luoda :: luoda lunta: To shovel snow
luoda :: To exuviate, slough, molt (to shed or cast off a covering, especially a skin); used always with an object that reveals what is being exuviated
luoda :: To create
luoda :: To shed
luodata :: to plumb, cast, fathom (to heave a lead and line in order to ascertain the depth of water)
luodata :: to sound, fathom (to ascertain the depth of water by any method, in modern times normally with a sonar)
luodata :: to probe (to measure with a probe, especially from a distance, as with a space probe)
luode :: ebb (low tide)
luode :: northwest
luodikko :: hunting rifle
luodinkestävä :: bulletproof
luodinreikä :: bullet hole
luoja :: creator
Luoja :: The Creator
Luojan kiitos :: thank goodness
Luoja tietää :: God knows
luokanopettaja :: class teacher (a teacher who teaches all or a majority of subjects to a class)
luokitella :: To classify, categorise/categorize
luokitin :: classifier
luokittelu :: classification
luokittua :: To be categorized
luokitus :: rating
luokka :: class (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation)
luokka :: class (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes)
luokka :: class (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher)
luokka :: classroom
luokka :: class, school class (group of pre-college students who regularly attend lectures together)
luokka :: class, social class (social grouping, based on job, wealth, inheritance etc.)
luokka :: grade (North America: a level of pre-collegiate education)
luokka :: class (collection of sets definable by a shared property)
luokka :: class
luokkahuone :: classroom
luokkakaveri :: classmate
luokkaraja :: class border
luokkaretki :: field trip
luokkasota :: class war, class warfare, class conflict
luokkataistelu :: class struggle
luokkatietoinen :: class-conscious
luokkatoveri :: classmate
luokkayhteiskunta :: class society
luokki :: shaft bow
luoko :: windrow
luokse :: to, (with a person's home or some such as an object) to ('s place):
luoksepääsemätön :: inaccessible
luoksepääsemättömyys :: inaccessibility
luola :: A cavern (large cave)
luola :: A cave (underground cavity big enough to enter, natural or man-made)
luola :: A grotto (small cave)
luolaihminen :: caveman
luolakahlaaja :: crab plover, Dromas ardeola (wading bird)
luolakarhu :: cave bear (Ursus spelaeus)
luolamaalaus :: cave painting
luolamainen :: Cave-like, resembling a cave
luolamies :: caveman
luolasto :: A cave system, cave complex
luolasto :: A sett (system of tunnels that is the home of a badger)
luolataide :: cave art
luolataskurapu :: Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister (Pacific species of crab)
luolatutkija :: A speleologist
Luoma :: Finnish surname
luomakunta :: The creation (all that exists)
luometon :: lidless (eye)
luometon :: moleless (having no moles on skin)
luomi :: eyelid
luomi :: mole, nevus (benign lesion on the skin)
luomikouristus :: blepharospasm
luominen :: Having many moles
luominen :: The act of creation
luomiskyky :: creativity
luomisoppi :: creationism
luomistaru :: creation myth
luomisvoima :: creative power
luomitukirauhanen :: meibomian gland
luomiväri :: eye shadow
luomu :: organic food
luomu :: When used as modifier in compound terms, organic
luomus :: A creation
luomutuote :: organic product
luomuviljely :: organic farming
luona :: (static) at sb's (place):
luona :: (static) by, near, close to; in front of, outside:
luonne :: nature, character (e.g. of person)
luonnehdinta :: characterization
luonnehtia :: To describe, characterize (something = partitive, as something = translative)
luonnikas :: natural, relaxed, easygoing, smooth
luonnistua :: succeed, go well
luonnollinen :: natural
luonnollinen henkilö :: natural person
luonnollinen luku :: natural number
luonnollinen monopoli :: natural monopoly
luonnollisesti :: naturally
luonnollisuus :: naturalness
luonnonfilosofia :: natural philosophy
luonnonilmiö :: act of God (natural disaster as unforeseen occurrence beyond one's control)
luonnonilmiö :: natural phenomenon
luonnonjärjestys :: natural order
luonnonkaasu :: natural gas
luonnonkatastrofi :: natural disaster
luonnonkivi :: natural stone
luonnonkuitu :: natural fiber
luonnonlahja :: natural talent
luonnonlaki :: A law of nature
luonnonlääketiede :: naturopathy
luonnonmaantiede :: biogeography
luonnonmagneetti :: lodestone, loadstone
luonnonmukainen :: natural
luonnonmukainen :: unrefined
luonnonmukaisuus :: naturalness
luonnonmullistus :: natural disaster, convulsion of nature (natural phenomenon that causes great damage)
luonnonmuodostuma :: natural formation
luonnonoikeus :: natural law
luonnonoikku :: A freak of nature
luonnonpuisto :: natural park, nature park, nature reserve
luonnonsuojelija :: conservationist, environmentalist
luonnonsuojelu :: conservation of nature
luonnonsuojelualue :: conservation area, protected area
luonnontiede :: natural science
luonnontieteiden kandidaatti :: Bachelor of Science
luonnontutkija :: A naturalist
luonnonuskonto :: An animistic religion
luonnonvalinta :: natural selection
luonnonvara :: natural resource
luonnonvoima :: A power of nature, element
luonnonvärinen :: proper (of natural color)
luonnonvärinen :: natural (of a color of a material that has not been adjusted or added to)
luonnos :: bill, draft law
luonnos :: sketch, draft
luonnostella :: To sketch, draft
luonnoton :: unnatural
luonnottomasti :: unnaturally
luontainen :: natural, without additives
luonteenomainen :: characteristic
luonteenpiirre :: personality trait
luonteikas :: lifelike
luonteva :: natural, likely (belonging as a natural element)
luonteva :: natural, relaxed, easygoing, smooth (behaving in a natural and uncomplicated manner, being oneself)
luontevasti :: naturally, easily
luonti :: creation, generation
luonti :: [of snow] plowing
luonto :: characteristics of a person (the derived adjective -luontoinen is more common)
luonto :: luonnossa = in kind
luonto :: nature, environment
luontoinen :: Having a certain type of nature
luontoinen :: natured (having or possessing the specified disposition or temperament)
luontoisetu [accounting, legal] :: A benefit in kind (remuneration given in other than monetary form, typically on top of pay)
luontoissuoritus [accounting, legal] :: A payment in kind (payment in goods, instead of money)
luontoäiti :: Mother Nature
luontokuvaaja :: nature photographer
luopio :: apostate
luopio :: traitor
luopua :: to abandon, relinquish
luopumaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, luopua, c=ill] ::
luostari :: Abbey, cloister; (for monks) monastery; (for nuns) convent, nunnery
luostarikirkko :: abbey (church of a monastery)
luota :: From (somewhere or somebody's place)
luotaantyöntävä :: repulsive
luotaantyöntävästi :: repulsively
luotain :: probe
luotaus :: probing
luoteinen :: northwestern
luoteis- :: alternative form of luoteinen
luoteisosa :: northwestern part
luoteispuoli :: northwestern side
Luoteisterritoriot :: Northwest Territories (territory in northern Canada)
luoteistuuli :: northwest wind
Luoteisväylä :: The Northwest Passage
luotettava :: reliable
luotettavuus :: reliability
luoti :: bullet (projectile or ammunition)
luoti :: plumb bob
luotijuna :: bullet train
luotiliivi :: bulletproof vest
luotisade :: hail of bullets
luoto :: An islet, especially a rocky one or one that is far from any larger land mass
luoto :: A rock as a small island with no or just a little vegetation, larger than kari
luotonantaja :: creditor
luotsata :: To pilot
luotsaus :: piloting (guiding a ship)
luotsi :: A pilot
luotta :: stencil (utensil)
luottaa :: To trust, rely on, count on
luottamuksellinen :: confidential
luottamuksellisesti :: confidentially
luottamus :: trust
luottamushenkilö :: A person who is elected to serve as a member of a council, board, subcommittee or other decision-making organ in a municipality, association, foundation etc
luottamushenkilö :: shop steward
luottamuslauseäänestys :: A vote of confidence
luottamusmies :: A union representative whose powers are based on a collective agreement between an employers' association and a trade union, as contrasted with luottamusvaltuutettu
luottamusmies :: union representative, union steward, [UK] shop steward, [US] workplace steward
luottamusnainen :: shop steward (female)
luottamustehtävä :: position of responsibility
luottamustehtävä :: public office; (political, elected, public) office, post, position, role; be a member of a political body; (political) mandate; be entrusted with
luottamustehtävä :: (rarely) position of trust (used only in descriptive or legal senses)
luottamustoimi :: an official post, an official
luottamustoimi :: position of responsibility (position held by a person, often in public life, with formal responsibility to make decisions for the general good, setting aside personal interests)
luottavainen :: trustful, confident
luottavaisesti :: confidently
luottavaisesti :: trustfully
luottavaisuus :: trustfulness
luotti :: A stigma, as a part of the pistil
luotto :: credit (as in credit card)
luottokelpoinen :: creditworthy (deemed likely to repay debts; having an acceptable credit rating)
luottokelpoisuus :: creditworthiness (property of being creditworthy)
luottokortti :: A credit card
luottolama :: credit crunch
luottoraja :: An overdraft (maximum amount that may be overdrawn from a bank account)
luottoraja :: credit limit
luottotappio [business, accounting] :: bad debt, credit loss (debt which cannot be recovered from the debtor)
luottotiedot :: credit, credit rating (person's credit rating or creditworthiness, as represented by their credit report)
luottotiedot :: credit report (document containing data on a borrower's credit standing)
luova :: creative
luovasti :: creatively, outside the box
luovi :: board, leg, tack (distance sailed with sails constantly on the same side of the ship)
luovia :: to tack, sail close to the wind
luovin :: superlative form of luova
luovuttaa :: to give up, forfeit, surrender, capitulate
luovuttaa :: to dispose
luovuttaa :: to emit, give off, release
luovuttaa :: to extradite
luovuttaa :: to donate
luovuttaa :: to hand over, surrender, give up, deliver, relinquish
luovuttaa :: to present, hand over
luovuttaja :: donor
luovuttaja :: One who surrenders, gives up
luovuttamaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, luovuttaa, c=ill] ::
luovutus :: disposition, disposal
luovutus :: donation (of blood or organs)
luovutus :: extradition (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government)
luovutus :: release, surrender (of property)
luovuus :: creativity
lupa :: a license, permit
lupa :: permission
lupaava :: auspicious
lupaava :: promising
lupaavasti :: auspiciously
lupaavasti :: promisingly
lupailla :: To promise (not trustworthy, or tentatively)
lupaus :: promise, pledge
lupautua :: to promise (to do something)
lupiini :: lupine (plant)
lupiini :: specifically, Lupinus polyphyllus
luppi :: loupe, magnifying glass
luppoaika :: idle time
lupsakas :: alternative form of lupsakka
lupsakin :: superlative form of lupsakka
lupsakka :: folksy
lupsakka :: jovial
luri :: lory (any of several species of parrot)
lurikki :: lorikeet (any of several species of birds in parrot family)
lurjus :: scoundrel, villain
lusia :: to serve time (to be in jail)
lusiferaasi :: luciferase
lusiferiini :: luciferin
lusikallinen :: A spoonful (amount a spoon will hold)
lusikka :: spoon
lusikkahaarukka :: A spork
lusikkauistin :: A spoon lure
lusikoida :: To eat using a spoon
lusmu :: A poltroon, dastard, craven (ignoble or arrant coward; a mean-spirited wretch)
lusmuilija :: slacker
lusmuilla :: To act like a poltroon, act cowardly
lussuttaa :: To suck (in concrete sense)
luste :: ryegrass
lusti :: pleasure, joy
lusti :: strong, non-sexual desire
lustitarha :: The paradise of christian religion
lusto :: growth ring
lustraatio :: lustration
luterilainen :: Lutheran
luterilaisuus :: Lutheranism
lutetium :: lutetium
luti :: lieutenant
lutikka :: bedbug
lutikkarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius serifluus
lutka :: slut, bitch
lutkuttaa :: to suck (for example, of cats when kneading)
lutuinen :: cute
lutukka :: shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
lutunen :: cute, lovely
lutviutua :: to improve, succeed (start yielding desired results)
lutviutua :: to take a turn for the better, be all right
luu :: bone [material]
luu :: bone [part of a corset]
luu :: bone
luufinni :: milium, milk spot, oil seed
luuhata :: To hang around, loiter
luuhauki :: gar, garfish
luukala :: bony fish
Luukas :: Luke
Luukas :: male given name
luukasa :: bag of bones (skinny, malnourished person)
luukato :: osteoporosis
luukeitto :: bone soup
luukku :: A hatch (horizontal door)
luukku :: A hatch (opening)
luukku :: A hatch (small door)
luukku :: A residence (from postiluukku)
luukudos :: bone tissue, osseous tissue
Luulaja :: Luleå
luulajansaame :: The Lule Sami language
luulla :: To suppose, guess
luulla :: To think, believe
luulla :: To (mis)take someone (= partitive) for someone/something (= translative)
luulo :: belief, thought, impression, especially a wrong or misled one
luulosairaus :: hypochondriasis
luultava :: probable
luultavasti :: probably
luumainen :: bony (resembling bone)
luumarja :: drupe, stone fruit
luumen :: In the International System of Units lumen
luumu :: a fruit of that plant
luumu :: plum (Prunus domestica)
luumuhillo :: plum jam
luumupuu :: plum tree
luunemosolu :: osteoblast
luunkova :: bone hard
luunmurskaaja :: bone crusher
luunmurtuma :: bone fracture
luunsärkijä :: bone-crusher
luunsyöjäsolu :: An osteoclast
luupää :: bonehead
luupäinen :: boneheaded
luuppi :: alternative form of luppi
luuppi :: A loop
luuranko :: A skeleton
luurankolihas :: skeletal muscle
luurankomainen :: Skeletal
luurata :: to lurk
luuri :: A handset of a telephone
luuri :: A lur, a Scandinavian metal wind instrument from the Bronze Age
luuri :: A mobile phone
luuseri :: loser
luuska :: nag (old useless horse)
luusolu :: osteocyte
luuta :: broom
luuta ja nahkaa :: skin and bones (very skinny, as from lack of nutrition)
luutarha :: A sacred place in which dead humans have been buried in past, a graveyard
luutia :: To sweep with a broom
luutnantti :: A lieutenant (an aide)
luutnantti :: As a modifier in the military ranks of everstiluutnantti and kenraaliluutnantti
luutnantti :: lieutenant (military)
luutnantti :: The second-lowest junior officer rank ("OF-2") in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation used by the army and air force is lieutenant; and by the navy, lieutenant junior grade. The corresponding rank in the US Navy is lieutenant and in the UK Royal Navy it is sub-lieutenant
luuton :: boneless
luuttu :: A piece of cloth used in washing floors
luuttu :: lute
luutua :: To ossify (to become inflexible in habits and opinions)
luutua :: To ossify (to turn into bone)
luutumaton :: in the gristle (not yet hardened into bone)
luututa :: To mop
luuvalo :: A recurring pain in limbs; could mean several diseases, most probably gout
luuvartti :: The weatherboard (windward side of a vessel)
luuvata :: To haul (to sail closer to the wind)
luuviitonen :: A fist (hand with the fingers clenched or curled inward)
luuvitonen :: bunch of fives (fist)
luuviulu :: skin and bones (very skinny person)
luuydin :: bone marrow, marrow
luuydinsyöpä :: myeloma
luvallinen :: permissible, admissible
luvallistaa :: to legitimize
luvanvarainen :: subject to license
luvanvaraistaa :: To make something subject to license
luvata :: To bode
luvata :: To promise (to do = infinitive)
luvata :: To vow
luvaton :: unauthorized, illicit
luvattomasti :: illicitly
luvattomuus :: illicitness
Luvia :: A municipality in Finland
luvialainen :: of or pertaining to Luvia, a municipality in Finland
luvialainen :: of or pertaining to Luwia
luvialainen :: A Luwian, a member of an ancient Anatolian people related to the Hittites
luvialainen :: An inhabitant of Luvia, a municipality in Finland
luvullinen :: countable (usable in sinular and plural)
luvuton :: countless, uncountable (so many as to be incapable of being counted)
luvuton :: uncountable (having no plural)
luvuttomasti :: uncountably, countlessly
luxemburg :: The Luxembourgish language
Luxemburg :: Luxembourg
Luzoninsalmi :: Luzon Strait
läävä :: sheepfold, pen for sheep
läävä :: barn, cowhouse
läävä :: a pigpen, a pigsty (shabby or dirty place)
lävikkö :: colander
lävistää :: To pierce, penetrate, puncture, punch, hole
lävistin :: A punch (device for creating holes in thin material)
lävistäjä :: diagonal
lävistäjämatriisi :: diagonal matrix
lävistys :: penetration
lävistys :: piercing
lävitse :: through
lävitse :: through:
löwchen :: löwchen (breed of dog)
lyödä :: to crash [of waves]; to flap [of a sail]; to knock [of knees]; to chatter [of teeth]; to pound, beat [of a heart, rain]; to beat [of an artery]; to strike [of lightning; of time]; to ring [of a sound]
lyödä :: ~ rahaa = to mint/coin money
lyödä :: to beat Template:also figuratively
lyödä :: to hit, strike, knock
lyödä :: to hurl, chuck, pitch, heave
lyödä ällikällä :: to strike with awe, see also awestrike
lyödä ritariksi :: to knight (to confer a knighthood upon)
löydös :: finding (result of research or an investigation)
lyödä vetoa :: To bet, wager, make a bet, lay a wager
löyhä :: loose (not fixed firmly)
lyhde :: sheaf (bundle of grain or straw)
löyhdyttää :: to loosen
lyhempi :: comparative form of lyhyt
lyhenne :: An abbreviation (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase)
lyhennelmä :: summary, abbreviation
lyhennesana :: acronym
lyhennös :: abbreviation (act or result of shortening or reducing)
löyhennys :: loosening (act)
lyhennys :: abbreviation (act or result of shortening or reducing)
lyhennys :: shortening
lyhennysmerkki :: abbreviation (dash through the stem of a note)
lyhennysvapaus :: moratorium (authorization to a debtor, permitting temporary suspension of instalments)
löyhentää :: to loosen
lyhentää :: To abbreviate
lyhentää :: To shorten
lyhentäminen :: Abbreviating, abbreviation (the act of shortening or reducing)
lyhentämätön :: unabbreviated
lyhentämätön :: unabridged
lyhentämätön :: unshortened
lyhentämätön :: untruncated
löyhentyä :: To be loosened
lyhentyä :: To shorten
löyhetä :: to loosen
lyhetä :: To shorten, to become shorter
löyhähdellä :: Alternative form of leyhähdellä
löyhähtää :: Alternative form of leyhähtää
lyhin :: superlative form of lyhyt
löyhkä :: stink, stench, reek
lyhkäinen :: short
löyhkämäyrä :: Palawan stink badger, Mydaus marchei
löyhkäseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius camphoratus
löyhkätä :: To stink, reek
löyhäkätinen :: loose-handed, lax, neglectful, negligent (lacking care)
löyhäpäinen :: stupid, crazy, silly
löyhärakenteinen :: loosely structured, loosely-structured
löyhästi :: loosely
löyhäsuinen :: loose-tongued, loose mouthed, open-mouthed, talkative (prone to speaking excessively, often about things which a wiser person would keep to himself)
löyhätapainen :: loose (promiscuous)
löyhtyä :: to loosen
lyhty :: lantern
lyhtykoiso :: bladder cherry, winter cherry (Physalis alkekengi)
lyhtymeriahven :: Serranus baldwini (fish)
lyhyehkö :: Quite short
lyhyempi :: comparative form of lyhyt
lyhyenläntä :: A short person
lyhyesti :: shortly
lyhyt :: short
lyhytaikainen :: brief, transient, momentary, ephemeral, short-term
löyhytellä :: Alternative form of leyhytellä
lyhythihainen :: short-sleeved
lyhythäntäkenguru :: quokka (Setonix brachyurus)
lyhytikäinen :: short-lived
lyhytkarvainen :: short-haired (fur)
lyhytnäköinen :: short-sighted
lyhytnäköisesti :: shortsightedly
lyhytnäköisyys :: short-sightedness
lyhytromaani :: novella
lyhytsanainen :: concise
lyhytsanainen :: laconic
löyhyttää :: Alternative form of löyhytellä
löyhyys :: looseness
lyhyys :: shortness
lyijy :: lead (metal)
lyijyasetaatti :: lead acetate
lyijyatsidi :: lead azide
lyijyhohde :: galena
lyijykromaatti :: lead chromate
lyijykynä :: pencil
lyijykynäpiirros :: A pencil drawing
lyijykynäpiirustus :: pencil drawing
lyijymuura :: plumbeous antvireo
lyijymyrkytys :: lead poisoning, plumbism, saturnism
lyijymyrkytys :: lead poisoning (instance of being shot)
lyijyoksidi :: lead oxide
lyijypitoinen :: Containing lead; leaded
lyijypuumuura :: Natterer's slaty antshrike
lyijytä :: To lead (with lead)
lyijytön :: unleaded, lead-free
lyijyttää :: alternative form of lyijytä
lyijyttömyys :: The state or condition of being unleaded or lead-free; although the term "unleadedness" appears in some texts, this term is probably better translated into English using some alternative structure
lyijytäytekynä :: A mechanical pencil
lyöjä :: batter
lyöjä :: hitter, striker, knocker, beater; one who hits
lykantropia :: lycanthropy
lykkiä :: to push, to ski
lykkääntyä :: To be postponed
lykky :: luck
lykkäys :: abeyance
lykkäys :: A deferment
lykkäys :: postponement
lykkäys :: procrastination
lykkäys :: stay
lykkäytyä :: To be postponed
lykkyä tykö :: good luck!
lykästää :: to be lucky
lykätä :: To push
lykätä :: To defer
lykätä :: To postpone
lykätä :: To procrastinate
lyllertää :: to walk with waddling steps (of overweight people, monkeys, etc.)
lyllyä :: To shake
löyly :: heat, pressure, intensity
löyly :: sauna bath, sauna (act of taking a bath in a sauna)
löyly :: spirit
löyly :: the steam that rises from the sauna stove (kiuas) or the heat of the sauna
lyly :: left, longer ski
lyly :: reaction wood
löylyhuone :: The hot room in a sauna
löylykauha :: A scoop for throwing water on the sauna stove
löylymies :: "sauna man" (male who is unusually eager sauna-goer)
löylynlyömä :: stupid, crazy, silly
löylyttää :: to trash (to beat soundly in a game)
löylyttää :: to trounce someone, to beat someone in a fight
löylytys :: beating
löylyvesi :: water for producing steam for a sauna by throwing small amounts of it on the sauna stove
lymfa [physiology, immunology] :: lymph
lymfaattinen :: lymphatic
lymfooma :: lymphoma
lymfosyytti :: lymphocyte
lyömäsoitin :: in plural, percussion (section of an orchestra)
lyömäsoitin :: percussion instrument (individual instrument)
lymyillä :: to skulk
lymytä :: To hide, lurk
lynkata :: To lynch
lynkkaus :: lynching
lyönti :: A hit
lyöntilaukaus :: slap shot (fastest shot in ice hockey)
lyöntivirhe [numismatics] :: fido (defectively minted coin)
lyöntivirhe :: typographical error, typo, typing error (mistake made in typing)
lypsää :: to milk (to express milk from a mammal)
lypsy :: milking
lypsykarja :: dairy cattle
lyriikka :: lyric poetry
löysä :: baggy
löysä :: loose
löysä :: slack
löysä :: soft
löysennys :: loosening (act)
löysentää :: to loosen
löysentyä :: To be loosened
lyseo :: lyceum (school)
lysergihappo :: lysergic acid
löysetä :: Alternative term for löystyä
löysähkö :: softish, loosish, slackish, baggish (somewhat soft, loose, slack or baggy)
lysiini [amino acid] :: lysine
lysotsyymi :: lysozyme (bacteriolytic or antibiotic enzyme)
löysäpäinen :: Alternative term for löyhäpäinen
löysästi :: loosely, slackly, softly
löysätä :: to loose (to make less tight)
löysätä :: to slack off
lystikäs :: droll, funny
löystyä :: to loosen
löystyttää :: Alternative term for löysentää
löystytys :: loosening (act)
löysyys :: softness, looseness, slackness, bagginess
löytää :: To find; to discover; to come across
löytö :: bargain (purchase with an advantageous price)
löytö :: discovery
löytö :: find (anything that is found)
löytöeläin :: found animal (animal, often a pet, which has been lost by its owner and then found by someone else)
lytistää :: to flatten
löytäjä :: finder (one who finds)
löytölapsi :: foundling
löytöpaikka :: find site, place of finding; a place where something was found
löytöpalkkio :: reward (reward paid to the finder of lost property for returning the property to its rightful owner, or to the finder of treasure trove by the state)
löytöretkeilijä :: explorer
löytöretki :: (scientific) expedition
lyöttää :: To have something minted
lytätä :: To pan (to disparage; belittle; put down; criticise severely)
lytätä :: To press flat, to crush
löytötavara :: lost and found item [individual item]; lost and found items [collectively]
löytötavaratoimisto :: lost and found [US], lost property [UK] (department in which lost items may be claimed)
lyöttäytyä :: To join, gang
lyöttäytyä yhteen :: To hook up (to form an association (with) someone)
lyttyyn :: flattened, squeezed between something or collapsed, but still in one piece
löytyä :: To be found, be discovered, turn up
löytymätön :: not found, unfound
löytymättömiin :: lost, disappeared, not available, unavailable (indicates transformation to a state of not being findable)
löytymättömissä :: lost, disappeared, not available, unavailable (in the state of not being findable)
lytyssä :: flattened, squeezed between something or collapsed, but still in one piece
löytyvyys [information science] :: findability (quality of a particular object being locatable)
Lyydi :: female given name, short form of Lyydia
Lyydia :: female given name of biblical origin
Lyydia :: Lydia
lyyhistää :: to collapse
lyyhistyä :: To collapse
lyykistää :: alternative form of lyyhistää
lyyli :: luck
lyyli :: (pagan) worship
lyyli [slang, dated] :: woman, girl
Lyyli :: female given name
Lyypekki :: Lübeck
lyyra :: lyre
Lyyra :: The constellation Lyra
lyyralintu :: lyrebird
lyyrikko :: lyricist
lyyrikko :: lyrist
Lyyti :: female given name
mää :: baa
mää :: I
mä [personal, colloquial] :: I (first person singular personal pronoun)
M :: magna cum laude approbatur
ma :: maanantai (Monday)
ma. [of a contract] :: fixed-period, fixed-term
ma. [of employment] :: temporary
ma [personal, archaic, poetic] :: I
-ma :: Forms action/result nouns from verbs
-ma :: The suffix of the agent participle
maa :: suit
maa :: country
maa :: countryside
maa :: earth
maa :: ground
maa :: land
maa :: soil
Maa :: the planet Earth
maa-alkalimetalli [inorganic chemistry] :: alkaline earth metal
maa-alue :: land area
maa-artisokka :: Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus)
maa-asema :: ground station
maadoittaa :: to earth, ground
maadoitus [electrical engineering] :: earthing, grounding
maaeläin :: A terrestrial animal
maaemo :: The Mother Earth
maagi :: mage
maagikko :: magician
maaginen :: magical
maagisesti :: magically
maagisuus :: magic
maahanhyökkäys :: invasion
maahanmuuttaja :: immigrant
maahanmuutto :: immigration
maahanmuuttopolitiikka :: immigration policy
maahantunkeutuminen :: An incursion, invasion
maahantuoja :: importer
maahantuonti :: import (practice of importing)
maaherra :: A person holding a similar position in another country, especially in Nordic countries
maaherra :: The highest official of lääni (province), which is a Finnish administrative unit between the state and municipalities. Maaherra is appointed by the central government, and is usually translated as governor into English
maaherratar :: Female equivalent of maaherra
maahikas :: Any of the fungi of the genus Elaphomyces that resemble truffle and grow underground
maahinen :: A man-like creature that lives in subterranean dwellings; a gnome, imp
maahockey :: field hockey, hockey
maahumala :: Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
maailma :: a celestial body (especially a planet)
maailma :: an individual or group perspective or social setting
maailma :: a world
maailma :: the Earth
maailma :: the universe
maailmallinen :: worldly
maailmallistua :: To become worldly
maailmallisuus :: worldliness
maailmanavaruus :: space
maailmancup :: world cup
maailmanennätys :: world record
maailmanennätysaika :: world record time
maailmanennätystulos :: world record
maailmanhistoria :: world history
maailmanjärjestö :: world organization
maailmanjärjestys :: world order
maailmankaikkeus :: A universe
maailmankaikkeus :: The universe or the Universe
maailmankartta :: world map
maailmankatsomuksellinen :: world-view (of or pertaining to a worldview)
maailmankatsomus :: worldview
Maailman kauppajärjestö :: World Trade Organization
maailmankausi :: era (phase in Earth's development typically lasting hundreds of millions of years; subdivision of eon consisting of several periods)
maailmankirjallisuus :: world literature
maailmankolkka :: A part of the world
maailmankuulu :: world-renowned, world-famous
maailmankuva :: world view, worldview
maailmanlaajuinen :: worldwide, global
maailmanlaajuisesti :: globally, worldwide
maailmanlista :: A ranking list of World's best athletes in a given event
maailmanloppu :: end of the world, apocalypse
maailmanluokka :: world-class
maailmanmarkkinahinta :: world market price (price at which a commodity is traded at the global marketplace)
maailmanmatkaaja :: globetrotter
maailmanmestari :: world champion
maailmanmestaruus :: world championship
maailmanmestaruuskilpailu [often in plural] :: world championship games
maailmanmusiikki :: world music
maailmannäyttely :: a World Exposition
Maailmanpankki :: The World Bank
maailmanperintökohde :: World Heritage Site
maailmanpyörä :: Ferris wheel
maailmanrauha :: world peace
maailmansota :: World war
maailmantalous :: world economy
maailmantuska :: world-weariness, weltschmerz
maailmanuskonto :: world religion
maailmanvallankumous :: world revolution
maailmanvalta :: superpower
maailman vanhin ammatti :: world's oldest profession (prostitution)
maa- ja metsätalousministeri :: The Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö :: The Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
maajoukko [military, usually in plural] :: land troops
maajoukkue :: national team (team representing a country in an international sports event)
maajoukot :: ground troops
maajussi :: farmer
maakaasu :: natural gas
maakaira :: earth drill
maakarhu :: brown bear, Ursus arctos
maakari :: master (skilled tradesman)
maakeskeinen :: geocentric
maakeskinen :: geocentric
maakeskisyys :: geocentrism
maakiitäjäinen :: ground beetle (any of a large cosmopolitan family of beetles, Carabidae)
maakotka :: A golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
maakrapu :: landlubber
maakreivi :: landgrave (Landgraf)
maakumpu :: A mound of earth
maakunnallinen :: county, provincial
maakunnan liitto :: regional council (association formed by municipalities of a region, responsible for regional zoning and promotion of regional economy)
maakunta :: county, province, region (administrative or historical region widely varying in size and significance but always a subdivision of a state and consisting of a number of municipalities)
maakuntahallitus :: regional board (executive board of a maakunnan liitto, regional council)
maakuntajohtaja :: The executive director of a maakunnan liitto
maalaaja :: painter
maalaamaton :: unpainted
maalaamo :: paint shop (workshop in which objects, e.g. cars, are painted)
maalailla :: to gild the lily (to add superfluous attributes to something)
maalailla :: to paint (to be painting, but not putting one's best effort to it)
maalailu :: painting (not with serious effort)
maalainen :: originating from a certain country; used in direct and indirect questions
maalainen :: rural, rustic; often
maalainen :: countryman, rustic (country dweller)
maalainen :: countryman (somebody from the same country)
maalais- :: rural
maalaisjärki :: common sense (ordinary sensible understanding)
maalaiskunta :: Rural municipality, a former type of municipalities in Finland
maalaisköyhälistö :: peasantry (impoverished rural farm workers)
maalaisliitto :: The former and original name of the Finnish political party now known as keskustapuolue, keskusta or more formally Suomen Keskusta
maalaismainen :: rural, rustic
maalaismaisema :: rural landscape
maalaistollo :: yokel, hick, country bumpkin (person of rural background)
maalaistua :: To become rustic
maalaisvoi :: Butter prepared directly in a farm
maalaji :: soil type
maalajikolmio :: soil triangle, soil classification triangle (graphic representation of classification of mineral soil types according to the proportions of sand, silt and clay in them)
maalajite :: soil separate (fraction of a given soil sample separated on the basis of grain size)
maalari :: Any person that paints, a painter
maalari :: One who makes paintings, an artist
Maalari :: The constellation Pictor
maalarinteippi :: masking tape, painter's tape
maalata :: to paint
maalata :: to score (to make a goal in a ballgame)
maalata itsensä nurkkaan :: to paint oneself into a corner
maalauksellinen :: picturesque, paintinglike
maalauksellisempi :: comparative form of maalauksellinen
maalauksellisuus :: picturesqueness
maalaus :: painting (act of applying paint)
maalaus :: painting (work of art)
maalausteline :: easel
maalauttaa :: To have (sth) painted (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) paint (sth)
maali :: bogey (enemy aircraft)
maali :: Different endings of a repeated section
maali :: paint
maali :: finish line, finish
maali :: goal
maali :: target
maalialue :: goalmouth
maalialue :: goal area, goal crease
maalialue :: goal area
maalijoukko :: codomain
maalilinja :: A goal line in ice hockey
maalinen :: painty
maalintekijä :: scorer (one who scores, or makes a goal)
maalinteko :: scoring (the act of making a goal in a ballgame)
maalipaikka :: An opportunity to score (situation in a game, in which a player has good chances to make a goal; it may or may not lead to a goal)
maalipotku :: goal kick
maaliraja :: A goal line
maaliskuinen :: Pertaining to March
maaliskuu :: March
maalisuora :: home stretch (final part of a race course)
maalitaulu :: target (butt or mark to shoot at)
maalitolppa [ballgames] :: A goal post
maaliton :: goalless
maaliton :: paintless
maalitykki :: A player in a ballgame who is especially good in shooting goals
maalivahti :: In ice hockey and lacrosse, a goaltender
maalivahti :: In most games, a goalkeeper
maaliviiva :: A goal line in ice hockey
maaliviiva :: A finish line
maaliviiva :: A goal line in soccer
maaöljy :: petroleum
maallikko :: layman (non-professional)
maallikkosaarnaaja :: lay preacher
maallinen :: secular
maallinen :: worldly
maallistua :: To become secular, worldly
maallistunut :: secular
maallisuus :: earthliness, worldliness
maallisuus :: secularity
maalämpö :: geothermal heating
maamassa [engineering, construction, mining] :: A large quantity of soil which needs to be, is being or has been removed from one place to another, or is subject to some other kind of action, such as clean-up or research
maamassa :: landmass (large continuous area of land, such as a continent or large island)
maamerkki :: A landmark
maametalli :: Any of the four metals aluminum, gallium, indium and thallium that belong to the boron group of the periodic table of elements
maametalli :: rare earth metal, rare earth element, more precisely called harvinainen maametalli
maametallimineraali :: rare earth (naturally occurring oxides of the lanthanide metals)
maamies :: farmer
maamiina :: land mine
maammo :: mother
maamo :: mother
maamyyrä :: Any of the small burrowing insectivores of the family Talpidae
maamyyrä :: European mole (Talpa europea)
maamyyrä :: In plural, maamyyrät, the taxonomic family Talpidae
maamyyrärotta :: Any of the rodents in Bathyergidae
maamyyrärotta :: In plural maamyyrärotat, a taxonomic family within the superfamily Muroidea in the order Rodentia, Bathyergidae
maanalainen :: subterranean (below the ground)
maanalainen :: underground (below the ground)
maanalainen :: underground (hidden, furtive, secret)
maanalainen :: An underground, a subway, a Tube or a metro (underground railway)
maanantai :: Monday
maanantaiaamu :: Monday morning
maanantai-ilta :: Monday evening
maanantaikappale :: something made on Monday, dud, lemon (defective or inadequate item, especially in comparison with other basically similar products)
maanantainen :: Pertaining to Monday
maanantaisin :: on Mondays
maanikko :: maniac
maaninen :: manic
maanis-depressiivinen :: manic-depressive
maanisesti :: manically
maanisäkäs :: terrestrial mammal
maanitella :: To coax
maanittelu :: coaxing
maanjäristys :: earthquake
maankaltainen :: terrestrial (of a planet, being composed primarily of metals and rock)
maankamara :: ground
maankiertäjä :: tramp, vagabond
maankohoaminen :: (geology) postglacial rebound (such movement observed in areas formerly covered by continental ice)
maankohoaminen :: upthrust (upward movement of part of the Earth's crust)
maankuori :: The crust of Earth
maankuulu :: widely known, famous, proverbial
maankäyttö :: land use
maanmies :: compatriot
maanmittari :: surveyor (person occupied with surveying -- the process of determining positions on the earth's surface)
maanmittaus :: geodesy (scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth)
maanmittaus :: geomatics (discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering geographic information)
maanmittaus :: surveying, land surveying (art and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them)
maanmittausoppi :: geodetics, geodesy
maannousema :: annosum root rot (tree disease caused by Heterobasidion fungi)
maannousemasieni :: A fungus of the genus Heterobasidion
maanomistaja :: landowner
maanomistus :: landowning
maanosa :: continent
maanpako :: exile (the state of being exiled)
maanpetos :: (High) treason, treachery
maanpetturi :: Traitor (to one's country)
maanpinta :: ground (The surface of the Earth)
maanpäällinen :: aboveground, superterranean (above the surface of the ground)
maanpäällinen :: on earth
maanpäällinen :: terrestrial (concerned with the world or worldly matters)
maanpuoleinen :: landward (in the direction towards land, as opposed to in the direction out to sea)
maanpuolustus :: defence (of the country)
maanrakennus :: earthmoving
maanrakennus :: excavation
maansiirtokone :: An earthmover
maan sisäinen pakolainen :: internal refugee, internally displaced person
maantaa [science fiction] :: to terraform (to transform the atmosphere or biosphere of another planet into one having the characteristics of Earth)
maanteitse :: through, by highway
maantie :: road
maantiede :: geography
maantiejuna :: A road train
maantiekiitäjä :: road runner (fictitious bird in the cartoon Kelju K. Kojootti, the Finnish version of "Wile E. Coyote")
maantierosvo :: bandit, highwayman
maantiesuola :: road salt
maantieteellinen :: geographic
maantieteellisesti :: geographically
maantieteilijä :: geographer
maantieto :: geography
maanvaiva :: Nuisance, pest, scourge (a person or thing)
maanvaltaaja :: squatter (one who occupies a building or land without title or permission)
maanviljelijä :: farmer
maanviljely :: agriculture, farming
maanviljelymaa :: An agricultural country
maanviljelys :: agriculture
maanvyöry :: landslide
maanvyörymä :: landslide
maanvyörymävoitto :: landslide victory
maanvyöryvoitto :: alternative form of maanvyörymävoitto
maaorava :: chipmunk (rodent of the genus Tamias in the family Sciuridae, the squirrel family)
maaorja :: serf
maaorjuus :: serfdom
maaottelu :: cap (player's appearance in such game)
maaottelu :: A match, game or contest between two national teams of any sport
maapala :: A patch of land
maapallo :: the globe; the planet Earth
maapalsta :: plot (piece of land)
maaperä :: soil (country or territory)
maaperä :: soil (unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth)
maapähkinä :: peanut
maapähkinävoi :: peanut butter
maapäivät :: diet (assembly)
maaplaneetta :: terrestrial planet
maapuu :: brushwood (branches and twigs fallen from trees and shrubs)
maaraja :: land border
maarakennus :: alternative form of maanrakennus
maarakennuskangas :: construction fabric
maareformi :: land reform
Maaret :: female given name
maari :: maar
Maaria :: female given name
Maarianhamina :: The capital of Åland, an autonomous province of Finland; in English texts more frequently known by its Swedish name Mariehamn
maariankämmekkä :: heath spotted-orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
Maarit :: female given name
maartti :: Smart
maaru :: belly
Maas :: the Meuse (major European river)
maasai :: A Maasai
maaselkärankainen :: A tetrapod
maaseutu :: countryside (rural area)
maaseutumainen :: rural-like
maasiira :: woodlouse
maasika :: aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
maasälpä :: feldspar
maassa maan tavalla :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
maastakarkotus :: deportation
maastamuuttaja :: emigrant
maastamuutto :: emigration
maastanosto :: deadlift
maastaveto :: deadlift
maasto :: terrain
maastoauto :: off-road vehicle
maastohiihto :: cross-country skiing
maastojuoksu :: cross country (a running sport)
maastokartta :: A large-scale topographical map, usually in the scale 1:20,000 or larger
maastopalo :: wildfire
maastopyörä :: A mountain bike (bicycle specially designed for off-road riding)
maastopyöräily :: mountain biking
maasturi :: off-road vehicle
maasturi :: SUV
maasusi :: aardwolf (Proteles cristatus)
maata :: to have sex(ual intercourse) (with somebody = genitive + kanssa)
maata :: to lie (down, somewhere)
maata [archaic, legal] :: of a male, to lay, to have sex with
maata :: ~ väkisin = to rape
maatalo :: farmhouse
maatalous :: agriculture
maatalousministeri :: minister of agriculture
maatalouspolitiikka :: agricultural policy (a policy that aims to developing agriculture)
maataloustiede :: agrology
maataloustyöntekijä :: farm worker, agricultural labourer (person who works on, but does not own, a farm)
maatamo :: Earthshine
maata näkyvissä [idiomatic, nautical, historical] :: land ahoy!
maatiaismainen :: rural
maatiaisrotu :: landrace
maatila :: farm
maatilatori :: farmer's market (market where farmers and growers sell produce directly to the public)
maaton :: landless
maattaa :: to earth, ground
maatto [electrical engineering] :: grounding
maatua :: To decompose
maatuki :: abutment (construction that supports the ends of a bridge)
maatuska :: A matryoshka doll
maauimala :: [UK] lido (outdoor swimming pool)
maavaikutus :: ground effect
maavaikutus :: wing in ground effect
maavaikutusalus :: ground-effect vehicle, ekranoplan
maavara :: ride height, ground clearance, clearance
maavarsi :: rhizome
maavoima :: ground power (electric power supplied from ground sources to an airplane while it is on the ground)
maavoima :: ground power, shorepower (electric power supplied from the shore to a ship or boat while it is lying at berth)
maavoima :: in plural, ground forces, army; see maavoimat
maavoimat :: ground forces, army (branch of military forces)
macadamiapähkinä :: macadamia nut
macaolainen :: Macao
macaolainen :: Macaoese
macaron :: macaron (small pastry or cookie made with almond)
machete :: machete
machiavellilainen :: Machiavellian
machiavelliläinen :: Machiavellian
machiavellismi :: Machiavellianism, Machiavellism
machiavellisti :: A Machiavellian
machiavellistinen :: Machiavellian
macho :: macho
machoilla :: To act as a macho
machoilu :: Acting as a macho
machomies :: macho, machoman, he-man
Madagaskar :: Madagascar
madagaskarilainen :: Madagascan
madagaskarilainen :: A Madagascan person
Madagaskarin tasavalta :: The Republic of Madagascar
madallus :: Action of the verb madaltaa
madaltaa :: To lower
madaltua :: To become lower
madame :: madam
madaroosi :: madarosis (loss of eyebrows or eyelashes)
made :: burbot (Lota lota)
madeira :: Madeira (fortified wine produced on Madeira)
madeiraviini :: Madeira
madeleine :: madeleine
madella :: To creep, worm
madella :: To move very slowly (e.g. in a traffic jam)
madjaari :: Hungarian
madonna :: Madonna (picture of Virgin Mary)
madonnamainen :: Madonna-like
madonreikä :: wormhole
madonsyömä :: Worm-eaten
madottaa :: to deworm
madotus :: deworming
madrigaali :: madrigal
maestro :: maestro
mafia :: mafia
mafioso :: Mafioso (member of the mafia)
Magdalan Maria :: Mary Magdalene
Magellanin pilvi :: A Magellanic Cloud
magia :: magic
magiikka :: magic
magma :: magma
magmaattinen :: magmatic
magmakivi :: igneous rock
magmakivilaji :: igneous rock
magmasäiliö :: magma chamber
magna :: magna cum laude approbatur
magnaatti :: magnate
magna cum laude approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the third highest pass grade
magneetiton :: nonmagnetic
magneetittomuus :: The property of being nonmagnetic
magneetti :: magnet
magneettikehä :: magnetosphere
magneettikenttä :: A magnetic field
magneettikiisu :: pyrrhotite
magneettikuvaus :: magnetic resonance imaging, MRI
magneettikytkin :: magnetic switch, reed switch
magneettimyrsky :: magnetic storm
magneettinapa :: magnetic pole
magneettinauha :: magnetic tape
magneettinen :: magnetic
magneettinen levitaatio :: magnetic levitation
magneettiraita :: magnetic stripe
magneettisesti :: magnetically
magneettisuus :: magnetism
magneettivuo :: magnetic flux
magneetto :: magneto
magnesiitti :: magnesite
magnesiokromiitti :: magnesiochromite
magnesium :: magnesium
magnesiumdistearaatti :: magnesium distearate
magnesiumkarbonaatti :: magnesium carbonate
magnesiumkloridi :: magnesium chloride
magnesiumoksidi :: magnesium oxide
magnesiumsulfaatti :: magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulphate
magnetiitti :: magnetite
magnetismi :: magnetism
magnetisoida :: To magnetize
magnetisointi :: magnetization
magnetisoitua :: to be(come) magnetized
magnetoenkefalografia :: magnetoencephalography
magnetofoni :: tape recorder
magnetoida :: To magnetize
magnetointi :: magnetization
magnetoitua :: To become magnetic
magnetoitumaton :: unmagnetized
magnetoituminen :: magnetization (the process of becoming magnetic)
magnetometri :: magnetometer
magneto-optiikka :: magnetooptics
magnetosfääri :: magnetosphere
magnitudi :: In astronomy, a unit of the apparent brightness of a star, magnitude
magnitudi :: In mathematics, the absolute value of an exponent
magnitudi :: In mathematics, the norm of a vector, a magnitude
magnitudi :: In physics, the amplitude of oscillation
magnitudi :: In seismology, a measure of the energy released by an earthquake, magnitude
magnitudi :: (rarely) order of magnitude
magnolia :: magnolia
magnolidi :: magnoliid
magotti :: Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus
maha :: belly
mahahaava :: peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer
mahahappo :: gastric acid
-mahainen :: bellied
mahakas :: big-bellied
mahakatarri :: gastritis
mahakelkka :: skeleton sled, sled (sled used in the sport of skeleton)
mahakelkkailija :: skeletoneer (one who rides a skeleton sled)
mahakelkkailu :: skeleton
mahakipu :: bellyache
mahalasku :: faceplant
mahalaukku :: stomach (digestive organ)
mahanpuru :: collywobbles (anxiety, fear)
mahanpuru :: stomachache, collywobbles
maharadža :: maharajah, maharaja
maharadja :: alternative form of maharadža
maharaja :: alternative form of maharadža
maharauhanen :: gastric gland
mahasyöpä :: stomach cancer, gastric cancer, bowel cancer
mahatauti :: gastroenteritis, stomach flu, gastric flu
mahatma :: mahatma
mahdikas :: mighty
mahdollinen :: contingent
mahdollinen :: possible
mahdollinen :: prospective
mahdollinen :: viable
mahdollisesti :: possibly
mahdollistaa :: to allow, enable
mahdollistaja :: enabler (one who enables bad behavior)
mahdollistua :: To become possible
mahdollisuus :: A chance (opportunity, possibility or probability)
mahdollisuus :: An opportunity (chance for advancement, progress or profit)
mahdollisuus :: A possibility
mahdollisuus :: A probability
mahdoton :: impossible
mahdottoman :: impossibly
mahdottomasti :: impossibly
mahdottomuus :: impossibility
mahjong :: mahjong (game for four)
mahjong :: mahjong (solitaire)
mahla :: sap, especially the sugary sap produced by some deciduous trees in spring
mahlainen :: sappy (having sap)
maho :: barren, sterile, unable to bear children
mahonia :: Oregon grape, Mahonia aquifolium
mahorkka :: Russian tobacco with a distinctive smell, makhorka (Nicotiana rustica)
mahous :: barrenness, sterility
mahtaa :: must do, to probably (do)
mahtaa :: to be able to, can do (about something = allative)
mahtaileva :: grandiose, classy
mahtaileva :: pretentious, showy
mahtailija :: bragger, boaster, show-off
mahtailla :: to boast, show off, put on airs
mahtava :: grand, magnificent, awesome, great
mahtava :: mighty, powerful, awesome
mahtava :: awesome
mahtavaa :: great
mahtavuus :: cardinality
mahti :: awesome
mahti :: might, power
mahtimies :: potentate
mahtipontinen :: bombastic
mahtipontinen :: grandiloquent
mahtipontinen :: pompous
mahtotapa :: potential mood
mahtua :: To fit (into a space = illative)
maidonkorvike :: milk substitute
maidontuottaja :: milk producer
maidonvalkea :: milky white (pure white)
maidonvastike :: milk replacer
maihari :: army boot, military boot, combat boot
maihari :: A type of military-looking overcoat (maihinnousutakki)
maihinnousu :: disembarkation
maihinnousu :: landing
maihinnousualus :: amphibious warfare ship
maihinnousuportti :: gangway (passage through the side of a ship)
maija :: Black Maria, paddy wagon
Maija :: female given name
Maijala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Maijala :: Finnish surname
maijamyöhäinen :: a female latecomer
Maiju :: female given name
maikka :: A teacher
maikki :: mic, mike (microphone)
Maikki :: female given name
maikkua :: of fish, to snap insects from the surface of water, causing expanding rings on it
maikkua :: to fidget, wiggle, twitch (to move around nervously or idly)
maila :: A tool used to handle the ball in various ball games. The translation into English depends on the kind of tool used in the particular game. Examples:
Maila :: female given name
mailapoika [golf] :: caddie, caddy
maileri :: miler (athlete who specializes on one mile races)
maili :: A mile
Mailis :: female given name
maina :: myna (bird of the genera Mino, Enodes, Ampeliceps, Gracula and Acridotheres in the starling family Sturnidae)
mainari :: miner
maine [linguistics, archaic] :: predicate
maine :: prestige, renown, fame
maine :: reputation
mainehikas :: alternative form of maineikas
maineikas :: renowned, celebrated
mainen :: worldly
-mainen :: Forms adjectives from nouns, signifying resemblance.; -like, -shaped, -ish, -ly, -y or -ous
maininki :: swell (long series of rounded waves continuing after the wind has ceased)
maininta :: a mention
mainio :: excellent, superb, great, wonderful, fine (very positive)
mainiosti :: perfectly, outstandingly
mainita :: to mention
mainonta :: advertising
mainos :: advertisement
mainoskampanja :: advertising campaign
mainoskatko :: commercial break, adverts
mainoslehtinen :: flyer (leaflet for advertising)
mainosradio :: commercial radio
mainostaa :: To advertise
mainostaja :: advertiser
mainostaulu :: billboard
mainosteksti [marketing] :: copy (output of copywriter)
mainostelevisio :: commercial television
mainostoimisto :: An advertising agency
Maire :: female given name
mairea :: expressing flattery or cuteness that is probably not sincere, unctuous, flattering
maisema :: landscape, view
maisema-arkkitehti :: landscape architect, landscape gardener
maisema-arkkitehtuuri :: landscape architecture, landscape gardening
maisemaekologia :: landscape ecology
maisemahissi :: scenic elevator
maisemakonttori :: office landscape
maisemakortti :: landscape postcard
maisemakuva :: landscape photograph
maisemakuvaus :: landscape description
maisemakuvaus :: landscape photography
maisemamaalari :: landscapist
maisemamaalaus :: landscape painting (art)
maisemamaalaus :: landscape painting (work of art)
maisemansuojelu :: landscape protection
maisemansuunnittelu :: landscape design
maisemantutkimus :: landscape research
maisemasuunnittelu :: alternative term for maisemansuunnittelu
maisematapetti :: landscape wallpaper
maisemataulu :: landscape painting
maisematie :: scenic road, scenic route
maisematutkimus :: alternative term for maisemantutkimus
maisemavalokuvaus :: landscape photography
maisemoida :: To landscape
maisemointi :: landscaping
maiskausäänne [phonetics, dated] :: click
maiskauttaa :: To kiss loudly
maiskauttaa :: To smack (with lips)
maiskuttaa :: To smack; to eat noisily in a smacking manner
maissa :: around
maissi :: maize, corn (Zea mays)
maissikoira :: corn dog
maissitärkkelys :: cornstarch, cornflour
maistaa [transitive + accusative] :: To taste (sense by taste)
maistaa :: To taste (try/sample by tasting)
maistaa omaa lääkettään :: to be given a taste of one's own medicine
maistaja :: A taster; one who tastes
maistanut :: drunk
maistattaa :: To have something tasted, make someone taste something, give samples
maistella :: To taste (to test different tastes)
maistelu :: try, tasting
maisteri :: A corresponding degree in a foreign university
maisteri :: A formal way to address someone, or refer to someone, who has the degree
maisteri :: Formally, a degree earned in a Finnish university roughly corresponding to the master's degree. It generally requires about five years' full-time studies, including a thesis. It is normally accompanied with a specification of the branch of art or science
maisti :: drunkenness; mostly used in the expression olla maistissa
maisti :: taste (sense)
maistiainen :: tasting (small amount of food or drink, especially one consumed or offered as sample)
maistraatti :: magistrate
maistraatti :: Since 1993, a local office of the state of Finland responsible for a number of administrative tasks, including those of registrar or register office and notary public; the English translation used of these offices is "local register office"
maistua [+ ablative] :: To taste (like sth)
maistuva :: tasty
maistuvainen :: tasty
maiti :: milt (fish semen)
maitiainen :: A hawkbit
maitiaisneste :: The milky sap or latex produced by plants
maitikka :: cow-wheat (any plant of the genus Melampyrum)
maito :: milk (individual serving of milk)
maito :: milk, non-dairy milk, plant milk (white liquid obtained from a vegetable source by processing it)
maito :: milk (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals)
maitoallergia :: milk allergy
maitohammas :: milk tooth
maitohampaisto :: milk teeth, denture
maitohappo :: lactic acid
maitohappobakteeri :: lactic acid bacteria
maitohorsma :: fireweed, rosebay willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium)
maitoinen :: including or being coated with milk
maitoinen :: white as milk
maitojauhe :: milk powder
maitojauho ::
maitojäätelö :: ice milk; low-fat ice cream
maitokaakao :: milk chocolate
maitokahvi :: white coffee
maitokauppa :: dairy (shop)
maitokäärme :: milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum or any of its numerous subspecies
maitokvartsi :: milky quartz
maitolasi :: A glass of milk
maitolasi :: milk glass (type of white, opaque glass which has a milky appearance)
maitomainen :: milky
maitonaama :: baby face (face looking like that of a baby)
maitonaama :: baby face (person with such face)
maitoparta :: peachfuzz (soft, scanty beard of an adolescent male)
maitoparta :: An adolescent male
maitopoika :: A teetotaler
maitopullo :: milk bottle
maitopulveri :: milk powder; see maitojauhe
maitopumppu :: A pump designed for pumping milk
maitopumppu :: A breast pump
maitorahka :: curd, quark
maitorasva :: milk fat
maitorauhanen :: mammary gland
maitorousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pargamenus
maitorupi :: milk crust, cradle cap, crusta lactea, milk scall
maitosokeri :: lactose
maitosuklaa :: milk chocolate (countable and uncountable sense)
maitotölkki :: milk carton (consumer package for milk)
maitototi :: A hot toddy made in milk instead of water as, for example, milk punch
maitotuote :: dairy product
maitovalas :: beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
maitovanukas :: milk pudding
maitse :: by land, over land
maittaa :: To do, be fit (for eating)
maittaa :: To taste good
maiva :: a variety of vendace living in the Bothnian Bay
maja :: hut
majailla :: To dwell
majakanvartija :: lighthouse keeper
majakka :: beacon
majakka :: lighthouse
majakkalaiva :: lightvessel
majatalo :: inn, guesthouse
majava :: beaver
majavanhausta :: castoreum
majesteetti :: Majesty
majesteettinen :: majestic
majesteettirikos :: A lese majesty
majesteettisesti :: majestically
majoittaa :: to lodge, put up
majoittautua :: alternative form of majoittua
majoittua :: to come to live (temporarily) somewhere
majoitus :: accommodation, lodging (place to sleep with any amenities belonging to it)
majoitus :: shelter (temporary lodging)
majoneesi :: mayonnaise
majoneesinen :: mayonnaisey (containing or covered with mayonnaise)
majoneesinen :: mayonnaisey, mayonnaiselike (resembling mayonnaise)
majuri :: A major
makaaberi :: macabre
makaki :: macaque (monkey)
makaroni :: macaroni
makaronilaatikko :: macaroni casserole
makasiini :: storeroom, warehouse
makasiini :: the clip or magazine of a gun
makea :: fresh (water)
makea :: sweet (taste)
makeahko :: Slightly sweet, sweetish
makeampi :: comparative form of makea
makeanveden :: Alternative spelling of makean veden
makeasti :: sweetly
makea vesi :: fresh water (water without dissolved salt)
makea vesi :: The genitive (makean veden) may be used like the English adjective freshwater
makedonia :: Macedonian (language)
Makedonia :: Macedonia
Makedonia :: The Republic of Macedonia
makedonialainen :: Macedonian (of or pertaining to Macedonia)
makedonialainen :: A Macedonian (person)
Makedonian tasavalta :: Republic of Macedonia (Republic of Macedonia)
makee :: sweet
makee :: cool, great, beautiful
makein :: superlative form of makea
makeinen :: sweet, candy
makeus :: sweetness
makeute :: sweetener
makeutettu :: sweetened
makeuttaa :: To sweeten
makeutusaine :: sweetener, sugar substitute
maki :: lemur
makimainen puoliapina :: lemur (prosimian of the infraorder Lemuriformes)
makkabilainen :: Maccabee
makkara :: sausage
makkarajärvi :: oxbow lake
makkarakastike :: sausage sauce
makkaramainen :: sausagelike
makkaramassa :: sausage meat
makkaramato :: penis worm, priapulid (any of the marine worms of the Priapulida phylum)
makkarankuori :: sausage casing
makkaranpala :: A piece of sausage
makkaraperunat :: A street food consisting of fries and fried slices of hot dog sausage
makkarasoppa :: A kind of soup containing slices of sausage
makkarataikina :: sausage meat
makkari :: bedroom
makkipakki :: portable toilet
Makkonen :: Finnish surname
makoilla :: be laying around (for example on a floor, bed, bench)
makoisa :: tasty
makramee :: macramé
makrilli :: mackerel, Scomber scombrus
makrillihauki :: Atlantic saury; Scomberesox saurus
makro :: macro
makro- :: macro-
makrobiootikko :: A person who follows a macrobiotic diet
makrobioottinen :: macrobiotic
makrofagi :: macrophage
makrofilia :: macrophilia
makrofyytti :: macrophyte
makrokieli :: macrolanguage
makrokosmos :: macrocosm
makrokuvaus :: macrophotography, close-up photography (photography that is done up close)
makromolekyyli :: macromolecule
makro-objektiivi :: macro lens
makroskooppinen :: macroscopic
makrosporangio :: megasporangium
makrospori :: macrospore
makrotaloustiede :: macroeconomics
makrovirus :: macrovirus
maksa :: liver
maksaa :: to cost
maksaa :: to pay back, repay (to pay an amount owed)
maksaa :: to pay
maksaa potut pottuina :: to pay back (to exact revenge)
maksaa samalla mitalla :: to pay back (to exact revenge)
maksaa takaisin :: to pay back, repay, refund
maksahaima :: hepatopancreas, tomalley (organ in digestive tract of some arthropods, notably crayfish, the hepatopancreas of which is regarded a delicacy by the connoisseurs)
maksaja :: payer
maksakasvain :: hepatoma
maksakirroosi :: liver cirrhosis
maksalaatikko :: A traditional Finnish dish: casserole made from liver, rice, raisins, molasses, onion, eggs, butter and spices
maksaläiskä :: liver spot
maksamakkara :: liver sausage, liverwurst
maksamaton :: unpaid
maksarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius badiosanquineus
maksasammal :: liverwort, hepatic
maksasyöpä :: hepatoma, hepatocarcinoma, hepatic cancer
maksatulehdus :: hepatitis
maksella :: To pay (in installments)
maksettu :: paid-in
maksiimi :: A maxim
maksimaalinen :: maximal (of highest degree or amount)
maksimi :: maximum
maksimoida :: To maximize
maksimointi :: maximization
maksitakki :: maxicoat
maksoittua :: To coagulate, clot
maksu :: fee
maksu :: payment
maksuehto :: payment condition/term
maksuerä :: instalment
maksukyky :: solvency
maksukyvytön :: insolvent
maksukyvyttömyys :: insolvency
maksuliikenne :: payments traffic, payment transactions
maksullinen :: for-fee
maksullinen :: paid
maksullinen :: toll
maksullistaa :: To make something subject to charge (non-free)
maksumääräys :: payment order (instruction to a bank, made by another bank or an account holder, to pay a prescribed amount of money to a third party)
maksupäivä :: date of payment (day of actual payment)
maksupäivä :: due date (day when a payment is due)
maksusuoritus :: payment
maksutapa :: method of payment
maksutase :: balance, balance of payments, account balance
maksuton :: complimentary, gratuitous (free, provided at no charge)
maksuton :: free (obtainable without payment)
maksuton :: free of charge
maksuton :: gratis
maksuton :: toll-free
maksu-TV :: pay TV
maksuvalmius :: liquidity
maksuväline :: tender (means of payment)
maksuvälinepetos :: The act of using a tender without permission of its lawful owner, in order to receive unlawful, financial benefit or to obtain it for a person other than the lawful owner of the tender; the act of handing over a tender to a person who does not have a right to use it
maku :: flavour of a quark or a lepton
maku :: sense of taste
maku :: taste, flavour
makuaisti :: taste (sense)
makuasia :: matter of taste
makuasioista ei pidä kiistellä :: there's no accounting for taste
makuinen :: -tasting
makureseptori :: taste receptor
makusilmu :: tastebud
makuu [as a prefix] :: sleeping
makuu :: lying (down)
makuuasento :: A decubitus (posture of someone in bed, or reclining)
makuuhaava :: decubitus, bedsore, pressure ulcer
makuuhuone :: bedroom
makuupaikka :: A berth (fixed bunk for sleeping in caravans, trains, etc.)
makuupussi :: sleeping bag
makuuvaunu :: sleeping car, sleeper (railroad car with sleeping facilities)
malagassi :: Malagasy (language)
malaijanmuurahaiskäpy :: Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica
malaiji :: A Malay person
malaiji :: The Malay language
malaijikarhu :: sun bear, Helarctos malayanus
malaijilainen :: Malay
malaijilainen :: A Malay
malajalam :: Malayalam
Malakan niemimaa :: The Malay Peninsula
malakantiikeri :: Malayan tiger, Panthera tigris jacksoni
malakiitti :: malachite
malakiittivihreä :: malachite green
malaria :: malaria
malariasääski :: malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae)
Malawi :: Malawi
Malediivit :: The Maldives
maleiinianhydridi :: maleic anhydride
maleiinihappo :: maleic acid
maleksia :: To loiter
Malesia :: Malaysia
malesialainen :: Malaysian
malesialainen :: A Malay
malesianorava :: slender squirrel, Sundasciurus tenuis
mali :: wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Mali :: Mali
maligni :: malignant
malignisoitua [oncology, jargon] :: To become malignant
malignistua [oncology, jargon, rare] :: To become malignant
maligniteetti :: malignity
malignoitua [oncology, jargon, rare] :: To become malignant
malikka :: A mushroom of the genus Clitocybe and some other genera
malilainen :: Malian
malilainen :: A Malian person
Malinen :: Finnish surname
malisiöösi :: malicious
malja :: cup, goblet
Malja :: the constellation Crater
malja-aste :: gastrula
maljakas :: Any of several bowl-shaped fungi, e.g. in genera Peziza, Aleuria and Scutellinia
maljakko :: vase
maljallinen :: bowlful
maljapuhe :: toast (salutation)
malka :: beam (in one's eye)
malkoha :: malkoha (cuculine bird)
Malla :: A fell with two peaks, and a nature reserve, in Finnish Lapland
Malla :: female given name, Marja, Amalia etc
Malla :: female given name of modern usage, transferred from the place name
mallas :: malt
mallasjuoma :: A general term for all kinds of fermented malt drinks including such internationally less known varieties as kalja and sahti
mallasjuoma :: In plural, the category of malt drinks
mallasohra :: malting barley (any of several cultivars of barley that are especially suitable for production of malt)
mallastaa :: To malt (to convert grain into malt)
mallastamo :: malthouse, malting (plant where malt is produced)
mallastus :: malting (process of turning grain into malt)
mallata :: To adjust
malleekana :: mallee fowl (Leipoa ocellata)
malli :: A mannequin (person who models clothes)
malli :: A model
malli :: An example, a role model, a (good) influence
malliesimerkki :: model
malliesimerkki :: textbook example
mallikas :: exemplary
mallikkaasti :: exemplarily
malline :: stencil
malline :: template
mallinnus :: modeling
mallintaa :: To model
mallintaminen :: modeling
mallinukke :: dummy, mannequin, lay figure (model of human body for displaying clothes, artistic or teaching purposes)
mallisto :: collection (set of clothes or other items offered for sale by a producer or designer)
malluainen :: backswimmer, an insect of the family Notonectidae
malmi :: ore
malmikas :: Rich in ore
malminetsijä :: prospector
malmio :: ore body
malmirikas :: Rich in ore
malonihappo :: malonic acid
maloninitriili :: malononitrile
malpositio :: malposition, dystopia (abnormal position of an organ or other part of the body)
malta :: The Maltese language
Malta :: Malta
maltaasi :: maltase
maltalainen :: Maltese
maltalainen :: a Maltese
maltan kieli :: The Maltese language
maltankielinen :: Maltese, in Maltese, Maltese language (expressed in Maltese language)
maltankoira :: Maltese (dog)
maltan risti [mechanics] :: Geneva wheel
Maltan risti :: Maltese cross (symbol)
malthusilaisuus :: Malthusianism
maltillinen :: calm, collected, self-possessed
maltillinen :: moderate (e.g. politician), sober, level-headed
maltillisesti :: calmly
maltillisesti :: moderately
maltillistua :: To become more moderate
maltillisuus :: moderation (state or quality of being moderate; avoidance of extremes)
maltiton :: impatient
maltittomasti :: impatiently
maltittomuus :: impatience
malto :: flesh (soft, often edible, parts of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms)
maltodekstriini :: maltodextrin
maltoosi :: maltose
maltsa :: saltbush, orach
malttaa :: To have patience (to do something)
malttaa mielensä :: To contain oneself
malttamaton :: hasty, anxious (full of anxiety)
malttamaton :: impatient
malttamattomasti :: impatiently
malttamattomuus :: impatience
maltti :: patience
maltti :: temper; in the expression menettää malttinsa, to lose one's temper
malva :: mallow (flowering plant in the taxonomic family Malvaceae, especially in the genus Malva)
malvaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius malachius
mamba :: mamba
mamelukki :: mameluke
mamero :: mama's boy (male person who is or is claimed to be overly attached to or influenced by his mother)
mamero :: sissy (of a male, overly timid and unassertive)
mami :: mom, mum
mamis :: mama's boy (male person who is or is claimed to be overly attached to or influenced by his mother)
mamis :: in plural, men's long underpants
mamis :: sissy (of a male, overly timid and unassertive)
mamma :: An elder, plump woman
mamma :: mama
mammalogia :: mammalogy
mammanpoika :: mama's boy, momma's boy (male person who is or is claimed to be overly attached to or influenced by his mother)
mammanpoika :: sissy (of a male, overly timid and unassertive)
mammografia :: mammography
mammografiakuva :: mammogram
mammona :: mammon (wealth, material avarice)
mammoplastia :: mammoplasty, mastoplasty
mammutti :: mammoth
mammuttimainen :: mammoth
mammuttipetäjä :: giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
mamu :: An immigrant
mana :: death, Death (personification of death)
mana :: mana
manaaja :: exorcist
manaatti :: manatee
manageri :: manager (of a business etc.)
manailla :: To swear (to use offensive language)
manailu :: swearing
manala :: Any mythical underworld
manala :: The place where people go after dying according to the Finnish mythology
manata :: To swear, curse, damn
manata :: To exorcise, drive out (evil spirits)
manata :: To invoke, call/dredge up
manata :: To urge, (colloquial English) to egg on
manaus :: exorcism
manaus :: incantation
mandaatti :: mandate
mandariini :: mandarin (Chinese bureaucrat)
mandariini :: mandarin (fruit)
mandariini :: Mandarin; short of mandariinikiina (language)
mandariinikala :: a mandarin fish, Synchiropus splendidus
mandariinikiina :: Mandarin (language)
mandoliini :: mandolin
mandrilli :: mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx
maneeri :: mannerism
maneerinen :: mannered (having mannerisms)
maneeristua :: To become mannered
maneetti :: An animal belonging to the families Ctenophora (comb jellies) or Scyphozoa (jellyfish)
mangaani :: manganese
mangaanidioksidi :: manganese dioxide
manganiini :: manganin
mangostani :: mangosteen
mangrove :: mangrove (tropical tree or shrub of any taxon that grows on waterlogged brackish soils)
mangusti :: mongoose
mani :: money
mania :: mania
-mania :: -graph
manierismi :: Mannerism (style of art)
manifestaatio :: manifestation
manifesti :: A manifesto
manifestoida :: To manifest
manifestoitua :: To manifest (oneself)
manikealainen :: Manichaean
manikealainen :: A Manichaean
manikyristi :: manicurist
manikyyri :: The act of having one's fingernails tended, a manicure
manila :: manila (hemp)
manilahamppu :: Manila hemp
manipulaatio :: manipulation
manipulaattori :: manipulator
manipuloida :: To manipulate
manipuloija :: manipulator (one who manipulates)
manipulointi :: manipulation
manjaana :: mañana
mankeli :: mangle
mankeloida :: To wring, mangle
mankelointi :: wringing, mangling
mankka :: tape recorder
manksi :: The Manx Gaelic language
mankua :: To beg
mankua :: To whine
manna :: manna (food substance)
manna :: manna (any good thing)
manna :: semolina
mannapuuro :: semolina pudding (porridge made of semolina grains)
manne [humorous, derogatory] :: A Romani man
Manne :: male given name
mannekiini :: A dummy
mannekiini :: A showpiece; something or someone used as real-life example, either good or bad
mannekiini :: A model, mannequin (person employed for modeling clothes, make-up etc.)
manner :: As a modifier in compound terms, of or pertaining to the continent
manner :: continent (in geological sense)
manner :: The main island of Åland archipelago (Ahvenanmaan manner)
Mannerheim :: Finnish surname
mannerilmasto :: continental climate
mannerjää :: icecap
mannerjalusta :: continental shelf
mannerjäätikkö :: continental glacier, ice sheet (permanent body of ice that covers an area larger than 50,000
manner-Kiina :: mainland China
mannerkiinalainen :: mainland Chinese (of or pertaining to mainland China)
mannerkiinalainen :: mainland Chinese (person living in or originating from mainland China)
mannerlaatta :: tectonic plate
mannerliikunta :: continental drift
mannerliikunto :: continental drift
mannermaalainen :: mainlander
mannerrinne :: continental slope
mannertenvälinen :: intercontinental
Manninen :: Finnish surname
manometri :: manometer
Mansaari :: Isle of Man
mansardikatto :: A gambrel roof
Manse :: Commonly used nickname of the city of Tampere, in Finland (pop. 200,000)
mansetti :: cuff
mansi :: A Mansi
mansi :: The Mansi language
mansikka :: strawberry
mansikkahillo :: strawberry jam
mansikkainen :: strawberryish (having the aroma of strawberry)
mansikkainen :: strawberryish (including strawberries to the extent that it characterizes the taste and feel of a food or drink)
mansikkajäätelö :: strawberry ice cream
mansikkaluomi :: hemangioma
mansikkapuu :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) (evergreen shrub or small tree in the family Ericaceae)
mansikkasammakko :: strawberry poison-dart frog, Dendrobates pumilio syn. Oophaga pumilio
manteli :: almond
mantelihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula integra
mantelihappo :: mandelic acid
mantelikuorrutus :: A garnish made with almonds
mantelimaito :: almond milk
mantelipilvi :: lenticular cloud
mantelipuu :: An almond tree, Prunus dulcis
mantelitumake :: amygdala
mantere :: alternative form of manner
mantereinen :: Continental
-mantia :: -mancy
mantissa :: mantissa
manto :: sapwood
mantra :: mantra
manttaali :: A figure representing the relative production potential of a farm, introduced in Sweden in 1500's as taxation unit and to allocate exploitation rights to common lands and waters
mantteli :: overcoat, greatcoat (long, woollen and heavy overcoat, especially one used by the military)
manttelinperijä :: successor
mantšu :: A Manchu (person)
mantšu :: The Manchu language
mantu :: ground , soil; especially in connection of ownership
Mantšuria :: Manchuria
mantšurialainen :: Manchurian
mantšurialainen :: A Manchurian (person)
mantuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius umbrinolens
manu :: studio director
Manu :: male given name
manuaali :: A manual (booklet that instructs on the use of a particular machine or device)
manuaali :: A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument
manuaalinen :: manual
manuaalisesti :: manually, by hand
manuli :: Pallas' cat, Otocolobus manul
manumissio :: manumission
manuskripti :: manuscript
manööveri :: maneuver, manoeuvre
manöveroida :: To manoeuvre/maneuver
manövroida :: alternative form of manöveroida
maoismi :: Maoism
maolainen :: Maoist
maolainen :: An advocate of Maoism
maolaisuus :: Maoism
maori :: A Maori (member of the indigenous people of New Zealand)
maori :: The Maori language
maorin kieli :: Maori (language)
mapittaa :: To file (archive)
mappi :: binder
mara :: A demon in Finnish folklore, similar to nightmare
mara :: Mara, any member of the Dolichotis family of hare-like rodents
Mara :: male given name
marabu :: any of the large wading birds of the genus Leptoptilos
marabu :: marabou, Leptoptilos crumeniferus
marakassi :: maraca
marakatti :: A guenon
marathi :: Marathi
maraton :: A marathon (extended or sustained activity)
maraton :: A marathon
maratonjuoksija :: marathon runner
maratonjuoksu :: marathon
maratoonari :: marathon runner
marenki :: meringue
Margareeta :: female given name
Margareetta :: female given name, usually a middle name
margariini :: margarine
marginaali :: margin
marhaminta :: halter
mari :: Mari (language)
mari :: Mari (person)
mari :: marijuana
Mari :: female given name
Maria :: female given name
Maria :: Mary (Biblical character)
Maria Magdaleena :: Mary Magdalene
Marianna :: female given name
Marianne :: female given name derived from French Marianne
marihuana :: marijuana
Mariia :: female given name
Mariitta :: female given name
Marika :: female given name
marimba :: marimba
marina :: continuing grumble, whining
marina :: marina (harbour for small boats)
marinadi :: marinade
marin kieli :: Mari (language)
marinkielinen :: Mari, Mari-language (expressed in Mari language)
marinoida :: To marinate
marinointi :: marinating
marinoitu :: marinated
marinoitua :: To marinate (become marinated)
marionetti :: marionette
marionettihallitus :: puppet government
mariseva :: peevish
marisija :: kvetch
marista :: to bleat, complain, kvetch
Marita :: female given name
Maritta :: female given name, variant of Marita
marja :: berry
Marja :: female given name
marja-aika :: berry season
Marjaana :: female given name. Diminutive: Jaana
marjahillo :: berry jam
marjainen :: Made of berries
marjaisa :: Rich in berries
marjaisin :: superlative form of marjainen
marjakiisseli :: berry soup
marjakuusi :: yew (tree or shrub)
Marja-Leena :: female given name
Marja-Liisa :: female given name, popular in the 1940s and the 1950s
marjamaito :: Berries served in milk
marjamehu :: berry juice
marjanpoimija :: berry picker (one who collects berries)
marjanpoiminta :: berry picking
marjanpoimuri :: berry picker (a device)
marjaomenapuu :: Siberian crabapple, Malus baccata
marjapussi :: A popular card game in Finland
marjapussi :: A pouch or bag of berries
marjastaa :: to pick berries; collect berries
marjastaja :: berrypecker (any of various birds of the families Melanocharitidae and Paramythiidae native to New Guinea)
marjastaja :: berry picker (person who picks berries)
marjastus :: berry-picking
Marja-Terttu :: female given name
Marjatta :: A virgin mother in the Kalevala, resembling the Virgin Mary
Marjatta :: female given name
marjaviini :: berry wine (wine made of berries)
Marjo :: female given name
marjoa :: To produce berries
marjonta :: production of berries by plants
Marjukka :: female given name
Marjut :: female given name
market :: alternative form of marketti
Marketta :: female given name
marketti :: supermarket or hypermarket
markiisi :: awning, blind
markiisi :: marquess
markiisikangas :: awning fabric
markiisitar :: marchioness
markka :: A mark, as a currency used in many European countries, notably Germany and Finland. Currently in use only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, see: convertible mark
markka :: A one-mark coin or note, also markanraha
markka :: Especially in plural (markat), money or wealth
markka :: Former Finnish currency, markka, mark
markka :: Short form of the former German currency, Saksan markka or saksanmarkka
markka :: One hundred, especially of speed
markka-aika :: The period of time when markka was the official currency of Finland. It ended in the beginning of 2002 when Finland joined the eurozone
markkina :: market area
markkina-alue :: market sector
markkina-arvo :: market value
markkinaehtoistuminen :: marketization (exposure of service industries to market forces)
markkinahinta :: A market price
markkinajohtaja :: A market leader
markkinaosuus :: A market share
markkinapaikka :: A marketplace
markkinarako :: market niche
markkinat :: fair (as an event for public entertainment and trade)
markkinat :: market
markkinatakaaja :: market maker
markkinatalous :: market economy
markkinatutkimus :: market research
markkinavoima :: market force (any of various forces which affect pricing in a market economy, principally supply and demand of products and factors of production)
markkinoida :: to market
markkinointi :: marketing
markkinointijohtaja :: marketing director, director of marketing
markkinointikampanja :: marketing campaign
markkinointipäällikkö :: marketing manager
markkreivi :: A margrave
Markku :: male given name
Markkula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Markkula :: Finnish surname
Marko :: male given name
marksismi :: Marxism
marksisti :: Marxist
marksistinen :: Marxist
Markus :: male given name
Markus :: Mark the Evangelist
Marleena :: female given name
marmattaa :: to grumble, grouse, complain
marmelaati :: marmalade
marmeladi :: marmalade
marmori :: marble
marmorinen :: Made of marble
marmoripatsas :: marble statue
marmoroida :: to cover with marble
marmoroida :: to marble (to cause something to have the streaked or swirled appearance of certain types of marble)
marmotti :: A sloppy translation of marmot, (rodent of the genus Marmota)
Marokko :: Morocco
marokkolainen :: Moroccan
marokkolainen :: a Moroccan
marosi :: ice cream
marras :: dead
marras :: omen of death
marras :: person soon to be dead
marras :: soul of a dead person
marraskasvi :: saprophyte
marraskesi :: stratum corneum
marraskuinen :: Pertaining to November
marraskuu :: November
mars :: march! (military command)
Mars :: Mars
marsala :: Marsala (wine)
marsalaviini :: Marsala wine
marsalkansauva :: marshal's baton
marsalkka :: marshal
Marseljeesi :: The Marseillaise
marshalli :: Marshallese
Marshallinsaaret :: The Marshall Islands
marshrutka :: marshrutka (share taxi in Russia, usually a minibus operating on a fixed route)
marsilainen :: Martian
marsilainen :: a Martian
marsipaani :: marzipan
marski :: salt marsh
marskimaa :: salt marsh, saltmarsh
marskinlilja :: Eremurus stenophyllus
marskinlilja :: foxtail lily, a plant of the genus Eremurus
marssi :: march
marssia :: To march
marssija :: One who marches; marcher
marssijärjestys :: marching order
marssilaulu :: cadence (song)
marssinta :: marching
marsu :: guinea pig
martensiitti :: martensite
martingaali :: martingale
martini :: martini
martio :: epidermis
martioida :: to emboss (to mark or decorate with a raised design or symbol, especially on paper and leather)
martta :: A female member of the Martha organisation
Martta :: female given name
Martta :: Martha
marttakerho :: Any club or meeting of the Martha organisation of Finnish homemakers
Martti :: male given name
Marttila :: A municipality in western Finland
Marttila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Marttila :: Finnish surname
Marttinen :: Finnish surname
marttyyri :: A martyr (one who sacrifices something of great value to him, especially life, for the sake of a cause, especially a religion)
marttyyriaika :: The Age of Martyrs
marttyyrius :: martyrdom
marttyyriys :: martyrdom
maruna :: An artemisia; a mugwort
maruna :: grande wormwood
maruna :: In plural (marunat), Artemisia, a genus in the plant family Asteraceae
marxilainen :: Marxist or Marxian
marxilaisuus :: Marxism
marxismi :: Marxism
marxismi-leninismi :: Marxism-Leninism (communist ideological stream)
marxisti :: Marxist
Masa :: A common nickname from the male given name Matti
masennus :: depression
masennuslääke :: antidepressant (drug)
masentaa :: To depress (mentally)
masentava :: depressing
masentua :: To become/get depressed
masentunut :: depressed
maserointi :: maceration
masi [military, colloquial] :: A conscript who has almost finished his service
masiina :: machine
masinoida :: To machinate
masinointi :: A machination (act of machinating)
masinointi :: A machination (clever plot)
maskara :: mascara
maskata :: To mask, make up
maskeradi :: masquerade
maski :: mask
maskotti :: mascot
maskuliini :: masculine
maskuliinimuoto :: masculine form
maskuliininen :: masculine (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate.)
masokismi :: masochism
masokisti :: masochist
masokistinen :: masochistic
massa :: bulk
massa :: mass
massahyödyke :: commodity (undifferentiated goods)
massakeskipiste :: center of mass
massamurha :: mass murder
massapsykoosi :: mass psychosis
massaspektrografia :: mass spectrography
massaspektrometria [physics, analytical chemistry] :: mass spectrometry
massata :: to coat with anticorrosive material
massatuotanto :: mass production
massi :: purse, wallet
massi :: money
massiivi :: massif
massiivinen :: massive
massiivisesti :: massively
massiivisuus :: massiveness
massoittain :: masses of (large number of)
mastektomia [surgery, medical terminology] :: mastectomy (surgical procedure to remove of all or part of a breast)
mastiffi :: mastiff
masto :: mast
mastodontti :: mastodon
mastonkaatolaite :: tabernacle (device allowing for the easy folding of a mast)
mastoplastia :: mammoplasty, mastoplasty
masturbaatio :: masturbation
masturboida :: To masturbate
masturbointi :: masturbation
masu :: belly
masurkka [dance] :: mazurka
masuuni :: blast furnace
mataa :: To creep, worm
mataa :: To move very slowly (e.g. in a traffic jam)
matadori [bullfighting] :: matador
matala :: low
matala :: shallow
matalahiilihydraattinen :: low-carb
matalampi :: comparative form of matala
matalaotsainen :: lowbrow
matalapaine :: depression, low pressure area
matalasesonki :: low season, off-season
Mataleena :: female given name
matalikko :: A bank, as an elevation or rising ground under the sea
matalikko :: A wash (area of shallow water)
mataloitua :: alternative form of madaltua
matami :: madam
matara :: bedstraw
matelija :: reptile
matelu :: crawling
matemaatikko :: mathematician
matemaattinen :: mathematical
matemaattisesti :: mathematically
matemaattistaa :: To mathematize
matemaattistua :: To become mathematical
matematiikka :: mathematics
matematisoida :: To mathematize
matematisoitua :: to be mathematized
materia :: matter
materiaali :: material
materiaalinen :: material, as opposed to immaterial
materiaalistaa :: To materialize
materiaalistua :: to materialize
materialisaatio :: materialization
materialismi :: materialism
materialisoida :: To materialize
materialisoitua :: to materialize
materialisti :: materialist
materialistinen :: materialistic
materialistisesti :: materialistically
Matias :: Matthias
Matias :: male given name
matikka :: burbot, Lota lota (freshwater fish)
matikka :: mathematics (especially as a school subject)
Matilda :: female given name, cognate to English Matilda
matinea :: matinée
matittaa :: to checkmate, mate
matjessilli :: matjes herring
matka :: distance
matka :: trip
matka-aika :: travel time
matkaaja :: traveller/traveler
matka-apuraha :: travel grant
matkailija :: tourist
matkailija :: traveler, traveller
matkailla :: To travel (as a recreation)
matkailu :: tourism
matkailuala :: tourism, travel industry, travel business
matkailuauto :: motor home, camper; campervan, camper van [UK]; recreational vehicle [US]; motorcaravan, caravanette (vehicle designed for use as living quarters, used for overnight recreational activities and travel)
matkailukausi :: tourist season
matkailukohde :: tourist attraction
matkailuteollisuus :: tourism industry
matkailuvaunu :: A camper (US); a caravan (UK)
matkakirja :: travel book
matkakoti :: inn (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, often also food and drink; cheaper and more modest than a hotel)
matkakumppani :: fellow traveller
matkalaukku :: suitcase, trunk, portmanteau
matkalippu :: A ticket (pass entitling the holder to board a train, a plane, or other means of transportation)
matkamittari :: An odometer
matkamuisto :: A souvenir
matkamuistomyymälä :: gift shop
matkan varrella :: en route
matkaopas :: travel guide; a person who guides tourists or a guide book
matkapahoinvointi :: motion sickness; airsickness, carsickness, seasickness
matkapäiväkirja :: travel journal, travelogue
matkapuhelin :: A mobile phone, mobile telephone, cellular or cell phone
matkapyörä :: touring bicycle (bicycle designed for long-distance journeys)
matkapyörä :: touring motorcycle (motorcycle designed for long-distance journeys)
matkasekki :: traveller's cheque
matkaseuralainen :: travel companion
matkasuunnitelma :: itinerary
matkata :: To travel
matkatavara :: a piece of luggage
matkatavarakärry :: luggage cart
matkatavarasäilytys :: left-luggage office, cloakroom (place where luggage can be left for temporary storage)
matkatelevisio :: mobile television
matkatoimisto :: travel agency
matkavakuutus :: travel insurance
matkia :: To mimic, ape; imitate, impersonate
matkija :: imitator
matkija :: mimid (bird of the family Mimidae, including mockingbirds, thrashers, tremblers and New World catbirds)
matkija :: wannabe
matkue :: A traveling party
matkustaa :: To travel
matkustaja :: occupant (person who has a seat in a vehicle)
matkustaja :: passenger
matkustaja :: traveller
matkustaja-alus :: passenger ship
matkustajajuna :: passenger train
matkustajakilometri :: passenger kilometer
matkustajakone :: passenger plane
matkustajakoti :: inn (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, often also food and drink; cheaper and more modest than a hotel)
matkustajalaiva :: passenger ship
matkustajalentokone :: passenger plane
matkustajaluettelo :: manifest (a list of passengers)
matkustajamäärä :: number of passengers
matkustajavaunu :: passenger car (railroad car)
matkustaminen :: travelling
matkustamohenkilökunta :: cabin crew
matkustus :: travel
matkustuskielto :: travel ban
Matleena :: female given name
mato :: maggot (soft, legless larva)
mato :: maggot (worthless person)
mato :: worm
mato :: worm
matogrossonvyötiäinen :: southern naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus
matoinen :: wormy, having worms
matolääke :: anthelmintic (any drug for the treatment of intestinal worm infestation)
-maton :: Forms negative participles; un- ~ -ed, in- ~ -able etc
matriarkaalinen :: matriarchal
matriarkaatti :: matriarchate
matriarkka :: matriarch
matriisi :: matrix
matriisikirjoitin :: dot matrix printer
matrilineaarinen :: matrilineal
matrilineaarisuus :: matrilineality
matronyymi :: matronym
matroona :: matron (mature woman with authority)
matruusi :: A seaman (lowest rank in the navy)
matsi :: match (sporting event)
Matt. :: Matteuksen evankeliumi (Gospel of Matthew)
matta :: matte
Matteus :: Matthew
Matteus :: male given name, rare in this form. Normal given name forms: Matias, Matti
matti :: checkmate (conclusive victory in chess)
matti :: State of being absolutely sure
matti :: State of being out of cash
Matti :: male given name
Matti :: The letter "M" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Mattias :: Matthias
Mattias :: male given name, rare in this form
Mattila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mattila :: Finnish surname
mattimeikäläinen :: Tom, Dick or Harry
Matti Meikäläinen :: Joe Average, Joe Public, John Doe (hypothetical average or generic individual; the common man)
mattimyöhäinen :: a male latecomer
matto :: carpet, mat, rug
matto [lb, fi, athletics] :: mat (floor pad to protect athletes)
matto [lb, fi, dialectal] :: tapestry, esp. of rya type
matto :: mat (chiefly in compound terms, thick layer of something that resembles a mat or carpet)
matto :: mat, blasting mat (heavy, flexible cover, often made of used rubber tires and used to prevent debris from flying around during rock blasting)
-mattomuus :: A deverbal suffix that, when attached to the stem of a verb, transforms the verb to a noun which means lack of activity, failure or refusal to do something. The stem is often modified in the process
mattoveitsi :: utility knife, box cutter, Stanley knife, razor blade knife, carpet knife, stationery knife
maturaatio :: maturation
maukas :: tasty
maukkaampi :: comparative form of maukas
maukkaasti :: tastily
maukua :: to meow
maukua :: to speak in a meowing tone as in order to complain, beg or ask for something
Mauno :: male given name
Maunu :: Finnish surname
Maunu :: male given name
mauri :: A Moor
Mauri [given name, male, eq=Maurice] ::
mauriainen :: black garden ant, Lasius niger
maurilainen :: Moorish
maurilainen :: Moorish (of or pertaining to the Moors or their culture)
maurilainen :: bargeman (maggot of cadelle beetle)
maurilainen :: cadelle beetle (Tenebroides mauretanicus)
maurilainen :: Moor (person)
Mauritania :: Mauritania
Mauritius :: Mauritius
mauseri :: (informal) Mauser (any firearm produced by this company, especially a pistol)
mauseri :: vernier caliper (type of precision calipers originally patented by Mauser Werke)
mausoleumi :: mausoleum
maustaa :: To flavour/flavor (to add flavoring)
maustaa :: To salt (to include colorful language)
maustaa :: To season (to flavour food with spices, herbs or salt)
maustaa :: To spice (to add spice/spices to)
maustamaton :: unflavored, natural, unspiced
mauste :: flavoring/flavouring, seasoning, flavor/flavour, condiment (substance used to produce a taste)
mauste :: spice (any variety of spice)
maustebasilika :: basil, Ocimum basilicum
mausteikko :: cruet
maustekrassi :: wasabi (plant)
maustekurkku :: A pickle (cucumber preserved in vinegar)
maustekurkuma :: turmeric (herb, Curcuma longa)
maustemeirami :: marjoram
mausteneilikka :: clove [spice]
mausteneilikka :: clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum
maustepippuri :: allspice [spice]
maustepippuri :: allspice [tree]
maustesahrami :: A saffron or saffron crocus, Crocus sativus
maustevoi :: seasoned butter
maustua :: To become spiced
mauton :: Tasteless
mauttomasti :: tastelessly
mauttomuus :: tastelessness
mau'unta :: meow, the act of meowing
maya :: Maya
Möbiuksen nauha :: Möbius strip
mbuti :: the Mbuti (pygmy people living in the NE Congo)
mbuti :: Mbuti (language of that people)
mbuti :: Mbuti (member of that people)
mädin :: superlative form of mätä
mädännäisloinen :: saprophyte
mädänsyöjä :: saprophyte
mädäntyä :: To rot, decay, putrefy
mädäntynyt :: rotten
mädätä :: To rot
mädättää :: To rot, make something rotten
me :: we
medaljonki :: locket
medaljonki :: medallion
medestäjä :: sunbird (bird of the family Nectariniidae)
media :: media
mediaani :: median
mediaanitaso :: median plane (imaginary plane which divides the body evenly to the left and right halves)
mediantti :: mediant
mediasirkus :: media circus
mediasoitin :: media player
medikalisaatio :: medicalization
medisiina :: medical student
meditaatio :: meditation
meditoida :: To meditate
meditointi :: meditation
meduusa :: jellyfish
Meduusa :: Medusa
meedialainen :: of or pertaining to Media (ancient kingdom)
meedialainen :: Mede (individual belonging to Medes people of ancient Iran)
meedio :: (spiritual) medium
meemi :: meme
meemipooli :: meme pool (set of all memes present in a given human population)
Meeri :: female given name
meesjuusto :: brunost (brown Norwegian whey-cheese with a strong, sweet flavor)
meetvursti :: Mettwurst, an uncooked German sausage
mega- :: mega-
megafoni :: megaphone
megahertsi :: megahertz
megahitti :: mega hit
megaliitti :: megalith
megalopoli :: megalopolis
megapoli :: megapolis
megaron :: megaron
megasporangio :: megasporangium
megaspori :: megaspore
megatavu :: megabyte
megatähti :: megastar
megatonni :: megaton
megatrendi :: megatrend
megawatti :: megawatt
mehevä :: juicy, lush, succulent
mehevöityä :: to become (more) juicy
mehiläinen :: A bee
mehiläishaukka :: a honey buzzard; Pernis apivorus
mehiläishoitaja :: beekeeper, apiarist
mehiläishoito :: apiculture, beekeeping
mehiläiskenno :: honeycomb
mehiläiskuhnuri :: drone bee
mehiläiskuningatar :: queen bee
mehiläisparvi :: A swarm of bees
mehiläispesä :: beehive
mehiläispönttö :: An artificial beehive (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey)
mehiläissyöjä :: bee-eater (any bird in the family Meropidae)
mehiläissyöjä :: European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
mehiläistarha :: An apiary
mehiläistarhuri :: beekeeper, apiarist
mehiläistäi :: bee lice
mehiläisvaha :: beeswax
mehiläisyhdyskunta :: bee colony
mehitähti :: houseleek
mehu :: juice (beverage made of plant liquids)
mehu :: juice (liquid from a plant)
mehuisa :: juicy
mehujää :: frozen juice or flavored water, typically consumed as snack or dessert
mehujää :: ice lolly, ice pop, popsicle (a serving of this material, often sold individually packed)
mehujääpuikko :: ice pop, popsicle (a serving of frozen juice or flavored water on a stick)
mehukas :: juicy (having lots of juice)
mehukas :: (of a story, etc.) juicy, exciting, interesting, enticing
mehupilli :: drinking straw
mehustaa :: To add juice
mehustaa :: To juice (remove juice)
mehuste :: extract
mehustin :: juicer
mehutiiviste :: cordial [UK, Australia: concentrated noncarbonated soft drink which is diluted with water before drinking]
Meibomin rauhanen :: meibomian gland
meidän :: The genitive plural of the personal pronoun me, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -mme appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun our; after the verb olla: ours:
meidän :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English we:
meidät :: The accusative plural of the personal pronoun me, in most cases translated into English us (direct object):
meijeri :: dairy, milk processing plant
meijeriteollisuus :: dairy industry
meijerituote :: dairy product
meijerivoi :: Butter produced in a dairy
meikä :: I, me
meikata :: To apply makeup
meikkaaja :: makeup artist
meikkaus :: making up (applying cosmetics)
meikki :: makeup
meikkivoide :: [makeup] foundation, foundation cream
meikäläinen :: I; used sometimes in speech to express modesty or helplessness
meikäläinen :: one of us
meilata :: to email
meili :: email
meillä :: at our home/place etc
meillä :: ~ on: we have
meinata :: To almost do
meinata :: To plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will do
meinata :: To mean
meininki :: atmosphere
meininki :: intention, event, happening
meininki :: party
meioosi :: meiosis
meirami :: marjoram (seasoning)
meisseli :: penis
meisseli :: screwdriver
meistää :: to punch, die cut (to employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something)
meistä :: about us; of us:
meistä :: in our opinion, we think that:
meistä :: of us:
meisti :: die (device for cutting into a specified shape)
meitnerium :: meitnerium
meitsi :: me
meitsie :: selfie
mekaanikko :: A mechanic
mekaaninen :: mechanical
mekaanisesti :: mechanically
mekaanistaa :: to mechanize (to furnish with machines, such as a process)
mekaanistaa :: to mechanize (to make something routine, automatic or monotonous)
mekaanistua :: to be mechanized
mekaanisuus :: mechanicalness, mechanicality
mekaniikka :: mechanics
mekanismi :: mechanism
mekanisoida :: to mechanize (to equip a unity with vehicles)
mekanisoida :: to mechanize (to equip something with machinery)
mekanisoitua :: To be mechanized
mekanistinen :: mechanistic
mekastaa :: to make noise
mekatroniikka :: mechatronics
mekkala :: hullabaloo, hubbub
mekkaloida :: To make noise
mekko :: dress (woman's garment)
meklari :: broker
Meksiko :: Mexico
meksikolainen :: Mexican (of, from, or something pertaining to Mexico)
meksikolainen :: A Mexican person
Meksikonlahti :: The Gulf of Mexico
meksikonsusi :: Mexican wolf, Canis lupus baileyi
mela :: A paddle (an oar-like one- or two-bladed implement to propel a canoe or a kayak)
mela :: A dick
melamiini :: melamine
melanesialainen :: Melanesian
melanesialainen :: A Melanesian person
melaniini :: melanin
melankolia :: melancholy
melankolikko :: A melancholic person
melankolinen :: melancholy
melankolisesti :: melancholically
melankolisuus :: melancholy
melanooma :: melanoma
melanosyytti :: melanocyte
melassi :: molasses
melatoniini :: melatonin
melissa :: melissa (plant of the genus Melissa)
melkein :: almost, nearly, close to
melko :: quite, somewhat
melkoinen :: considerable, quite a
melkoisesti :: quite a bit, considerably
mellakka :: A riot
mellakkapoliisi :: riot police
mellakoida :: To riot
mellakoija :: rioter
mellakoitsija :: alternative form of mellakoija
mellastaa :: To riot
mellastus :: racket (loud noise)
mellottaa :: To decrease the amount of carbon in iron alloy (decarburization)
mellotus :: decarburization, decarbonization
meloa :: ~ (kajakilla): to kayak (to use a kayak, to travel or race in a kayak, to traverse a body of water by kayak)
meloa :: ~ (kanootilla): to canoe (ride or paddle a canoe)
meloa :: to paddle (to propel something with a paddle)
melodia :: melody, tune
melodiapilli :: chanter (the pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played)
melodika :: melodica
melodinen :: melodic
melodisesti :: melodically
melodraama :: melodrama
melodramaattinen :: melodramatic
melodramaattisesti :: melodramatically
melodramaattisuus :: The property of being melodramatic
melografi :: melograph
meloja :: canoeist, canoer (one who travels by canoe)
meloja :: kayaker (one who travels by kayak)
meloja :: paddler
meloni :: melon
melonta :: paddling
melontaretki :: canoe trip
melperoni [chemistry, medicine] :: melperone
melska :: ado, fuss, bustle
melskata :: To make noise
melske :: din, racket
melto :: ductile
meltorauta :: malleable iron
melu :: noise
melueste :: sound barrier (a structure designed to reduce noise)
meluisa :: noisy
meluisasti :: noisily
meluta :: To make noise, be noisy
meluton :: noiseless
meluttomasti :: noiselessly
meluvalli :: sound barrier (a structure designed to reduce noise)
memantiini :: memantine
membraani :: membrane
membranofoni :: membranophone (any musical instrument that produces sound via the vibration of a stretched membrane)
memeettinen :: memetic
memorandumi :: memorandum
menadioni :: menadione
mendelevium :: mendelevium
mendelöidä :: to mendelize
mendelismi :: Mendelism
mendelistinen :: Mendelist
menehtyä :: To perish, pass away, die
meneillään :: olla meneillään: to be going on, currently happening
meneillään oleva :: ongoing (presently or currently happening; being in progress)
menekki :: consumption, sales, demand (amount or quantity consumed or sold)
menestyä :: To succeed, be successful, meet with success; be a success; to prosper, flourish, thrive
menestyjä :: success (One who, or that which, achieves assumed goals)
menestyksekkäästi :: successfully
menestyksekkyys :: successfulness
menestyksekäs :: successful
menestyksellinen :: successful
menestyksellisesti :: successfully
menestyksellisyys :: successfulness
menestyksetön :: unsuccessful
menestyminen :: success
menestymätön :: unsuccessful
menestynyt :: successful (having had success in the past)
menestys :: success (achievement of one's aim or goal)
menestyskirja :: bestseller (book that has sold in large numbers)
menestystuote :: bestseller (product that has sold in large numbers)
menestyvä :: successful, flourishing, prosperous (having success currently)
menetellä :: To do, act, proceed
menetellä :: To do, be good enough
menetelmä :: method
menetelmäoppi :: methodology
menettää :: To lose, miss
menettely [administration, legal] :: procedure
menettelytapa :: procedure
menettää henkensä :: To lose one's life
menettää kasvonsa :: to lose face
menettää malttinsa :: to lose one's temper
menettää tajuntansa :: to pass out
menetys :: loss
menevä :: active, busy
menevä :: popular, fashionable, trendy
menševikki :: Menshevik
menhaden :: menhaden (fish)
menijä :: One who goes; a goer
meningiitti :: meningitis (inflammation of the meninge, usually caused by a virus or bacteria)
meningokokki :: meningococcus (pathogenic bacterium, Neisseria meningitidis, common cause of meningitis)
menkat :: period (menstruation)
meän kieli :: alternative form of meänkieli
meänkieli :: Meänkieli
meänkielinen :: Pertaining to or characteristic of Meänkieli
mennä :: To go
menneisyydessä :: in the past
menneisyys :: past (the period of time that has already happened)
mennessä :: (temporal) by
mennä hukkaan :: to come to nothing, come to nought (to fail completely; to have no result)
mennä hukkaan :: to get lost (to disappear, vanish)
mennä hukkaan :: to get wasted
menninkäinen :: goblin, bugbear (imaginary evil personality)
mennä kihloihin :: ~ jonkun kanssa; to get (also to be) engaged to somebody (to mutually promise to marry each other)
mennä konkurssiin :: To go bankrupt
mennä lukkoon :: to seize up, to freeze up
mennä lukkoon :: to lock (to become fastened in place), get locked
mennä manalle [idiomatic, euphemistic] :: to pass away
mennä manan majoille [idiomatic, euphemistic] :: to pass away
mennä mönkään :: to be screwed up, fumble, bumble; fail
mennä myttyyn [figuratively, idiomatic] :: to fail, collapse
mennä naimisiin :: To marry (someone = genitive + kanssa) (to take to husomeoneand or to wife; to be joined in marriage)
mennä nukkumaan :: to go to bed
mennä perille :: to strike home, be understood, hit home
mennä plörinäksi :: to screw up, fumble, bumble; fail
mennä rikki :: to break down (to fail to function)
mennä sukset ristiin :: to cross swords (to have a dispute)
mennä virran mukana :: To go with the flow (same meaning)
mennä yhdestä korvasta sisään ja toisesta ulos :: to go in one ear and out the other
mennyt :: past, days of yore, bygones, halcyon days
mennyt :: water under the bridge
meno :: course
meno :: expense, expenditure
meno [in the plural] :: ceremony, ritual
menolippu :: one-way ticket (ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back)
meno-paluu- :: return
meno-paluu- :: two-way
menopaluulippu :: return ticket (ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back)
menopausaalinen :: menopausal (of, or pertaining to the menopause)
menopaussi :: menopause
menopeli [colloquial, humorous] :: vehicle
menora :: menorah (seven-branch candelabrum)
menossa :: leaving, on one's way out
menossa :: on the go, underway
menovesi :: juice (fuel for a motor vehicle)
Mäenpää :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäenpää :: Finnish surname
mensalainen :: Mensan (of or pertaining to Mensa)
mensalainen :: A Mensan (member)
menshevikki :: Menshevik
menstruaatio :: menstruation
menstruoida :: To menstruate
mensut :: menstruation
mentaalihygienia :: mental hygiene
mentaalinen :: mental
mentaalisesti :: mentally
mentalismi :: mentalism
mentalisti :: mentalist
mentaliteetti :: mentality
mentoli :: menthol
mentori :: mentor
mentorointi :: mentoring
menu :: menu (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed)
menu :: menu, bill of fare (details of the food to be served at a banquet)
menu :: menu (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant)
menuetti :: minuet
menyy :: A menu, bill of fare
meppi :: Member of the European Parliament
merellinen :: marine
merenalainen :: submarine
meren antimet :: alternative form of merenantimet
merenantimet :: seafood
merenelävä :: Any creature, fish, crustacean, mollusk etc. found in the sea
merenelävä ] :: seafood (such creatures as food)
merenjumala :: sea god
merenkulkija :: seafarer, mariner, sailor
merenkulku :: seafaring
merenkulkuoppi :: navigation (science)
Merenkurkku :: Kvarken or Quarken
merenkävijä :: seafarer, mariner, sailor
merenkäynti :: seafaring
merenlahti :: A sea bay
merenneito :: A mermaid
merenpinta :: sea level
merenpohja :: seafloor
merenpuoleinen :: seaward (in the direction towards sea, as opposed to in the direction to the land)
merenranta :: seashore
merenselkä :: open sea
merensininen :: ultramarine
merentakainen :: overseas, transmarine
merentutkimus :: oceanography
merenvaha :: sepiolite
meren vilja :: seafood
mereologia :: mereology
meri :: sea (a single area or the seas altogether)
Meri :: female given name
Meri :: Finnish surname
meriahven :: Any of various species of saltwater fish in various families, or a specimen thereof, many species in the genus Sebastes
meriahven :: sea bass, grouper (perciform fishes of the family Serranidae)
meriahven :: used sometimes of common perch (Perca fluviatilis) that live in the brackish sea water of the Baltic Sea in order to differentiate from perch grown in fresh water
meriankerias :: conger eel, especially the European conger aka European conger eel, Conger conger
meriantura :: common sole (Solea solea)
meriarkeologia [archaeology] :: maritime archeology
meribassi :: European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax
meribassi :: Japanese seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus
meribiologia :: marine biology
meridiaani :: A longitude (imaginary line from North Pole to South Pole)
meridiaani :: A meridian (imaginary line from North Pole to South Pole)
meriekologia :: marine ecology
merieläin :: marine animal
merihanhi :: greylag goose, Anser anser
meriharakka :: Eurasian oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus
meriharakka :: In plural (meriharakat), the taxonomic family Haematopodidae or the genus Haematopus
meriharakka :: oystercatcher (any bird of the family Haematopodidae)
meriherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus bernardii
meriherruus :: sea supremacy
merihevonen :: sea horse
merihirviö :: sea monster
meri-ilmasto :: marine climate
meriitti :: merit
merijalkaväki :: marine corps
merijuolavehnä :: sand couch-grass, Elymus farctus subsp. boreoatlanticus
merikaali :: sea kale, seakale, crambe, Crambe maritima
merikadetti :: A midshipman (officer rank in navy)
merikala :: marine fish
merikarhu :: seadog, tar (experienced sailor)
merikarhu :: fur seal
merikartta :: navigational chart
merikeiju :: European storm-petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus
merikelpoinen :: seaworthy
merikelpoisuus :: seaworthiness
merikelvoton :: unseaworthy
merikihu :: Arctic skua, Stercorarius parasiticus
merikilpikonna :: sea turtle
merikissa :: seawolf, Atlantic wolffish
merikortti :: navigational chart
merikorva :: abalone
merikotka :: a white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
merikäärme :: sea serpent
merikäärme :: sea snake
merikrotti :: monkfish, Lophius piscatorius
merilahna :: Any fish of the genus Brama, the pomfrets, in the family Bramidae
merilaki :: admiralty law, maritime law (area of law that deals with ships at sea and the rights of sailors, passengers, and owners of cargo)
merileguaani :: marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus
merilehmä :: dugong, sea cow (mammal of the family Dugongidae comprising dugong and the extinct Steller's sea cow)
merileijona :: sea lion
merileopardi :: leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx)
merilevä :: seaweed, kelp
merililja :: A crinoid
merilintu :: seabird
merilohi :: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
merilokki :: A seagull species, great black-backed gull, Larus marinus
merimaalaus :: marine painting; sea piece
merimahti :: A sea power (a country with a formidable naval strength)
merimakkara :: sea cucumber
merimaruna :: sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima)
merimerkki :: A general term for any kind of seamark or beacon as a nautical term
merimetso :: A great cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo (type species of the cormorant family)
merimetso :: Any bird of the family Phalacrocoracidae (the cormorant family). The individual species in this family are either cormorants or shags by their English common name
merimies :: sailor, seaman
merimiessolmu :: reef knot
merimiina :: naval mine
merinahkakilpikonna :: leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea)
merinahkiainen :: sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
merinisäkäs :: marine mammal
merinolammas :: merino (sheep)
merinorsu :: elephant seal
merinovilla :: merino (wool)
meriotakilokki :: prickly saltwort, Russian thistle, prickly glasswort, Kali turgida, formerly Salsola kali
meripeninkulma :: nautical mile
meripihka :: amber
meripihkahappo :: succinic acid
meriraja :: sea border
meriristeily :: sea cruise
merirokko :: bay barnacle, Balanus improvisus, a species of acorn barnacle which thrives in brackish water
merirosvo :: pirate
merirosvolaiva :: pirate ship
merirosvolippu :: Jolly Roger
merirosvoradio :: pirate radio
merirosvous :: piracy
meriruoka :: seafood
merisaarto :: naval blockade
merisairas :: seasick
merisairaus :: seasickness
merisaukko :: sea otter, Enhydra lutris
merisavu :: sea smoke, arctic steam fog
merisiili :: sea urchin
merisika :: porpoise
merisirri :: purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima
meriskorpioni :: sea scorpion, eurypteroid
merisotilaallinen :: naval
merisulka :: Sea pen (Pennatulacea')
merisuola :: sea salt
Merita :: A former major bank in Finland, now merged with banks from other Nordic countries to Nordea
Merita :: female given name
meritaimen :: sea trout (Salmo trutta morpha trutta)
meritaistelu :: naval battle
meritähti :: starfish, seastar
meritie :: seaway
meritokratia :: meritocracy
meritse :: (travel) by sea
meritursas :: [[[common octopus]], Octopus vulgaris
meritursas :: A name of Iku-Turso, a mythical sea monster in the Finnish mythology
merivalta :: sea power (a country with formidable naval forces)
merivartija :: A coastguard
merivesi :: seawater
merivirta :: ocean current
merivoimat :: navy
merivuokko :: A sea anemone
meriväylä :: sea route
Merja :: female given name
merjalainen :: Meryan
merjalainen :: A Merya
merkantilismi :: mercantilism
merkantilisti :: A mercantilist
merkaptoetikkahappo :: thioglygolic acid
merkata :: To mark
merkillinen :: peculiar
merkintä :: entry, booking, recording
merkintä :: marking
merkintäkieli :: markup language
merkitä :: to enter, book, record
merkitä :: to indicate, mark, be a sign of, signify, symbolize
merkitä :: to mark, check off, tick off, tag, stamp, brand
merkitä :: to mean, denote
merkitä :: to subscribe (a share)
merkitä :: to write down, mark down, note down, make a note
merkitsevä [mathematics, statistics] :: significant
merkitsevä aallonkorkeus :: significant wave height
merkitsevyys :: significance
merkitsijä :: One who marks; a marker
merkittävä :: remarkable, notable
merkittävä :: significant, prominent
merkittävästi :: significantly
merkityksekäs :: meaningful, significant
merkityksellinen :: meaningful, significant, necessary
merkityksetön :: insignificant
merkityksetön :: meaningless
merkityksetön :: negligible
merkitys :: meaning (symbolic value of something)
merkitysoppi :: semantics (the science of the meaning of words)
merkki :: character
merkki :: circumstance
merkki :: mark, sign
merkki :: symbol (character, glyph or material object representing an idea, concept or object)
merkkigeeni :: marker gene
merkkihenkilö :: dignitary, notable (person of distinction)
merkkijono :: string
merkkipaalu :: landmark (major, important event)
merkkipaikka :: landmark (notable location with historical, cultural, or geographical significance)
merkkipäivä :: red letter day, special day (any day of special significance)
merkkitorvi :: A bugle
merkkituli :: A beacon, as a signal fire
Merkurius :: Mercury; the planet closest to the Sun in our solar system
Merkurius [Roman mythology] :: Mercury; a Roman god
merovingiaika :: Vendel era
merseroida :: to mercerize (to treat cotton or other textile fibers with sodium hydroxide to make them more lustrous)
Mersu :: Mercedes (short form of Mercedes Benz)
Mersu :: Rolls-Royce (sthg that is best of its kind)
merta :: pot (a trap for fishing crabs)
Mervi :: female given name
mesaani :: mizzenmast
mesaani :: mizzen sail
mesaanimasto :: A mizzenmast
mesaanipurje :: A mizzen sail
mesenaatti :: patron (supporter of arts etc.)
mesi :: nectar (sweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds)
mesiangervo :: meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
mesikkä :: melilot, sweet clover
mesikämmen :: a bear (Ursus arctos)
mesimarja :: An arctic raspberry, Rubus arcticus
mesimäyrä :: ratel (Mellivora capensis)
mesinuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius multiformis
mesisieni :: Armillaria borealis
mesisieni :: honey fungus, mushrooms of the genus Armillaria
mesitangara :: honeycreeper, a bird of the the genus Cyanerpes
meskaliini :: mescaline
meslinki :: measles
mesoa :: alternative form of mesota
mesoarkeeinen :: Mesoarchean
mesodermi :: mesoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
mesokarppi :: mesocarp
mesoliittinen :: Mesolithic (of or referring to the Middle Stone Age)
mesoni :: A meson
mesosfääri :: mesosphere
mesota :: To make noise
mesotsooinen :: Mesozoic
messi :: mess (dining room on a boat)
messiaaninen :: messianic
messias :: messiah
messingöidä :: to plate with brass (to apply a thin layer of brass on the surface of anothr metal)
messinki :: brass (metal alloy)
messinkinen :: bronze
messu :: mass
messukasukka :: A chasuble (liturgical vestment)
messulaulukirja [Roman Catholicism] :: gradual (service book containing the musical portions of the Mass)
messut :: fair, trade fair (professional event)
messuta :: To chant
mesta :: A place (location)
mestaaja :: decapitator
mestari :: champion
mestari :: expert
mestari :: master
mestarinäyte :: masterwork (piece done to prove possession of skill sufficient to be ranked a master)
mestariteos :: masterpiece (work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship)
mestaroida :: To master
mestaruus :: championship
mestaruus :: mastery, virtuosity
mestaruuskilpailu :: championship (competition)
mestaruusottelu :: championship, final
mestaruussarja :: championship league (in many sports the national top division within which the national championship is competed of)
mestata :: to decapitate, behead
mestaus :: decapitation, beheading
mestitsi :: mestizo
mesu :: rakennusmestari
met :: we
META :: AOB, a.o.b.
metaani :: methane
metaanihappo :: methanoic acid
metaanihydraatti :: methane hydrate
metaanikaasu :: methane gas
metaanikarbonitriili :: acetonitrile
metaaniklatraatti :: methane clathrate
metabolia :: metabolism
metabolia :: metamorphosis
metaboliitti :: metabolite
metabolinen :: metabolic
metabolinen oireyhtymä :: metabolic syndrome
metafaasi :: metaphase
metafora :: metaphor
metaforinen :: metaphoric
metaforisesti :: metaphorically
metafysiikka :: metaphysics
metafyysi :: metaphysis
metafyysikko :: metaphysician
metafyysinen :: metaphysical
metakieli :: metalanguage
metakka :: fuss, ruckus, rumpus
metakritiikki :: metacriticism
metakryylialdehydi :: methacrolein
metalli :: metal
metallikangas :: gauze (thin woven metal or plastic mesh)
metallinen :: metallic
metallinpaljastin :: metal detector
metallisaha :: hacksaw
metalliseos :: alloy
metallisoida :: To metallize
metalliteollisuus :: metal industry
metallofoni :: metallophone
metallografia :: metallography
metalloida :: alternative form of metallisoida
metallurgi :: metallurgist (person skilled in metallurgy)
metallurgia :: metallurgy
metamfetamiini :: methamphetamine
metamitsoli :: metamizole (powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
metamorfinen :: metamorphic
metamorfoosi :: metamorphosis
metanoli :: methanol
metastaasi :: metastasis
metastaasi :: metastatic tumor
metastasoida :: To metastasize
metateesi :: metathesis
meteli :: noise, racket
meteli :: a crime of intentionally endangering public safety or making a threat of violence against a public officer
metelöidä :: To be noisy in an offensive way, to make loud noise
metelöinti :: The act of making noise
metenamiini :: methenamine
meteori :: meteor
meteoriitti :: meteorite
meteoriittikraatteri [geology, planetology] :: impact crater
meteorikraatteri [geology, planetology] :: impact crater
meteoriparvi :: meteor shower
meteoroidi :: meteoroid
meteorologi :: meteorologist
meteorologia :: meteorology
metformiini :: metformin (diabetes drug)
metioniini :: methionine
metka :: nice, pleasant
metku :: shenanigan
metodi :: method
metodiikka :: methodology
metodisti :: Methodist (person)
metodistinen :: Methodist (of or pertaining to the branch of Christianity)
metodologia :: methodology
metodologinen :: methodological
metri :: metre; meter [US]
-metri :: -meter
metriikka :: metric
metrijärjestelmä :: metric system
metrinen :: meter-long (having the length of approximately one meter, used also in multiples)
metrinen :: metric
metrinen avaruus :: metric space
metrinen unssi :: metric ounce
metris :: A subway/metro station, especially one on the Helsinki Metro
metro :: An underground, a subway, a Tube or a metro
metroasema :: subway/underground station
metrojuna :: subway, metro train
metrologia :: metrology (science of weights and measures or of measurement)
metrologinen :: metrological
metronomi :: metronome
metropoli :: metropolis
metropolialue :: metropolitan area
metropoliitta :: metropolitan [Orthodox Christian bishop]
metroseksuaali :: metrosexual
metroseksuaalisuus :: metrosexuality
metsä :: forest, woods
metsähallitus :: Alternative capitalization of Metsähallitus (state enterprise that administers the state-owned land and water areas)
metsähallitus :: An agency, authority or other organization vested with similar responsibility in another country
Metsähallitus :: A Finnish state enterprise that administers the state-owned land and water areas comprising about 1/3 of the area of the country; there's no "official" translation as the organization uses its Finnish name also in English texts
metsähanhi :: bean goose, Anser fabalis
metsähiiri :: yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis
metsiensuojelu :: forest conservation
metsikkö :: A small forest
metsäinen :: forested
metsittää :: to forest, afforest
metsittää :: to reforest
metsittyä :: To become forested
metsitys :: forestation
metsäjänis :: mountain hare, Lepus timidus
metsäkaarti :: (during the Finnish Civil War in 1918) The group of Reds who hid themselves in the forest (literally: the "Woods Guard")
metsäkaarti :: (during the Continuation War in 1941-1944) The group of (Finnish) deserters who hid themselves in the forest (literally: the "Woods Guard")
metsäkaartilainen :: (during the Finnish Civil War in 1918) A Red who hid himself/herself in the forest (literally: a member of the "Woods Guard")
metsäkaartilainen :: (during the Continuation War in 1941-1944) A deserter who hid himself in the forest (literally: a member of the "Woods Guard")
metsäkana :: A grouse (bird of the family Tetraonidae)
metsäkanalintu :: grouse
metsäkastikka :: rough small-reed (Calamagrostis arundinacea)
metsäkauris :: roebuck (the male of roe deer)
metsäkauris :: roe deer, Capreolus capreolus
metsäkaurisuros :: roebuck (male of roe deer, Capreolus capreolus)
metsäkeskus :: Short for the R&D organization Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapio|Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapio, ("Forestry Development Centre Tapio") [1]
metsäkeskus Suomen Metsäkeskus, the state authority responsible for promoting forestry and good care of nation's forest resources. The authority uses "The Finnish Forest Centre" as its official English name. The centre belongs to the maa- ja metsätalousministeriö
metsäkeskus :: Until 2011, any of the 13 regional authorities which were merged to establish the current state authority
metsäkissa :: wild cat, Felis silvestris
metsäkone :: forest machine
metsäkorte :: wood horsetail, Equisetum sylvaticum
metsäkuolema :: The death of a forest, especially due to pollution
metsäkurjenpolvi :: wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum)
metsälauha :: wavy hair grass, Deschampsia flexuosa
metsälehmus :: small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata
metsämaitikka :: small cow-wheat, Melampyrum sylvaticum
metsämansikka :: wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca
metsämurmeli :: A groundhog, woodchuck, Marmota monax
metsämyyrä :: bank vole, Myodes glareolus (former genus names Clethrionomys and Evotomys)
metsäneläin :: An animal that lives in the forest
metsänhoitaja :: A forester (person who practices forestry)
metsänhoito :: forestry, silviculture
metsänhoitoyhdistys :: forest management association
metsän kuningas :: One of the many nicknames of bear
metsänomistaja :: forest owner
metsänorsu :: African forest elephant, Loxodonta cyclotis
metsänraja :: border of a forest
metsänraja :: tree line
metsänreuna :: border of a forest
metso :: wood grouse, capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus (large, black bird of grouse family)
metsokukko :: a male capercaillie
metsäpalo :: forest fire
metsäpalovaroitus :: forest fire warning
metsäpeura :: Finnish forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
metsäpäästäinen :: common shrew, Sorex araneus
metsäpäästäiset :: the genus Sorex
metsäraja :: tree line
metsäruusu :: cinnamon rose, Rosa majalis
metsäsika :: badger
metsäsopuli :: wood lemming
metsästää :: To hunt
metsästäjä :: A hunter
metsästäjä-keräilijä [anthropology] :: hunter-gatherer
metsästys :: hunting
metsästysase :: hunting weapon
metsästyskausi :: hunting season
metsästyskoira :: A hunting dog, gun dog
metsästysmaa :: hunting grounds
metsästystorvi :: hunting horn
metsäsuomalainen :: Forest Finn
metsätalous :: forestry (art and practice of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes)
metsätalousministeri :: Minister of Forestry, a former minister position in the Finnish government
metsäteollisuus :: Lumber industry
metsätiede :: forestry (an applied science which deals with geographics, zoology, dendrology, evaluation and economics of forests, their ecology and utilization)
metsätön :: forestless
metsätyyppi :: forest type (type of forest as specified in a classification system)
metsuri :: lumberjack, lumberman, timberjack, logger
metsävaahtera :: Norway maple (maple species Acer platanoides), usually called simply vaahtera, because it is the only maple species naturally occurring in Finland
metsäyhtiö :: forest product company (any company involved in production of pulp, paper, sawn goods and other mass-produced forest products)
Mette :: female given name, rare in Finland
metvursti :: mettwurst (German sausage)
metylaasi :: methylase (enzyme)
metyleeni :: methylene
metyleenidioksimetamfetamiini :: methylenedioxymethamphetamine
metyyli :: methyl
metyylialkoholi :: methanol
metyyliamiini :: methylamine
metyyliasetaatti :: methyl acetate
metyylibromidi :: bromomethane
metyylielohopea :: methylmercury
metyylifenidaatti :: methylphenidate
metyylifenobarbitaali :: methylphenobarbital
metyyliformiaatti :: methyl formate
metyylihydratsiini :: methylhydrazine
metyyli-isobutyyliketoni :: methyl isobutyl ketone
metyyli-isosyanaatti :: methyl isocyanate
metyylijodidi :: iodomethane, methyl iodide
metyylikloridi :: chloromethane, methyl chloride
metyylimerkaptaani :: methanethiol
metyylinitriitti :: methyl nitrite
metyylipropyyliketoni :: methyl propyl ketone
metyylisalisylaatti :: methyl salicylate
metyyliselluloosa :: methylcellulose
metyylisulfonyylimetaani :: methylsulfonylmethane
metyylisyanidi :: acetonitrile
metyylitertiääributyylieetteri :: methyl tert-butyl ether
metyylivinyyliketoni :: methyl vinyl ketone
meuhkata :: To make noise
mezuza :: mezuzah
mezzoforte :: mezzo forte
mezzopiano :: mezzo piano
mezzosopraano :: mezzo-soprano
mezzotinto :: mezzotint
mähkä :: Any plant in the family Selaginellaceae, or spike mosses
mähkä :: A lesser clubmoss, Selaginella selaginoides
möhkäkala :: ocean sunfish, common mola, Mola mola (type species of that genus)
möhkäkala :: sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae)
möhkäle :: lump
möhliä :: To mess up
möhlätä :: To mess up
möhläys :: gaffe (foolish error)
Miami :: Miami (city in Fla., USA)
miau :: meow
michiganilainen :: Michigander, Michiganian
midihame :: midi skirt
midipituinen :: midi
mie :: I
miedontaa :: To dilute
miedontaa :: To tame
miedontaa :: To weaken
miehekkäästi :: In a manly manner; like a man
miehekkyys :: manhood, manliness
miehekäs :: manly
miehennielijä :: man-eater (a woman)
miehimys :: homosexual
miehinen :: manly
miehistö :: crew
miehistö :: rank and file. In the Finnish army the term miehistö includes the ranks of sotamies and korpraali
miehistönkuljetusvaunu :: A armored personnel carrier
miehistyä :: To become manlier
miehisyys :: manliness
miehittää :: To staff (to supply with employees)
miehittää :: To man (a boat, vessel , ship, craft etc.)
miehittää :: To occupy, take possession of (a country)
miehittäjä :: occupier
miehittämätön :: unmanned
miehitys :: manning (of a boat, ship, vessel, craft etc.)
miehitys :: occupation (of a country)
miehitysarmeija :: army of occupation
miehusta :: bodice
miehuullinen :: courageous, brave
miehuullinen :: manly
miehuullisuus :: courageousness, braveness
miehuullisuus :: manliness
miehuus :: Manhood
miehuus :: Manliness
miekanisku :: sword-cut
miekanmittelö :: swordfight
miekannielijä :: sword swallower
miekka :: sword
miekkailija :: fencer
miekkailija :: swordsman
miekkailla :: to fence, duel (with swords)
miekkailu :: fencing (game)
miekkailu :: swordplay (fighting with a sword)
miekkailualue [fencing] :: piste, strip (field of play in a fencing match, abt. 14 x 2 meters in size)
miekkakala :: A swordfish
miekkalilja :: gladiolus
miekkalisäke :: xiphoid process [bone]
miekkari :: demonstration
miekkasampi :: paddlefish (Psephurus gladius)
miekkavalas :: killer whale (Orcinus orca)
mieleenpainuva :: memorable
mieleinen :: agreeable
mieleinen :: cozy
mielekkäästi :: reasonably, sensibly
mielekkyys :: sensibleness, reasonableness
mielekäs :: reasonable, sensible
mielellään :: gladly, willingly, with pleasure
mielellään :: preferably, rather
mielenfilosofia :: philosophy of mind
mielenhallinta :: mind control
mielenhäiriö :: mental disorder
mielenilmaisu :: demonstration (public display of group opinion)
mielenilmaus :: demonstration (public display of group opinion)
mielenkiinnoton :: uninteresting
mielenkiinnottomasti :: uninterestingly
mielenkiinto :: interest [attention]
mielenkiintoinen :: interesting
mielenkiintoisemmin :: comparative form of mielenkiintoisesti
mielenkiintoisesti :: interestingly
mielenkiintoisimmin :: superlative form of mielenkiintoisesti
mielenlujuus :: fortitude
mielenmaisema :: mindscape, mental landscape
mielenmuutos :: A change of heart
mielenmuutos :: A change of mind
mielenosoittaja :: demonstrator (person)
mielenosoitus :: demonstration (display of opinion)
mielenrauha :: peace of mind
mielenterveydellinen :: Concerning mental health
mielenterveys :: mental health
mielenterveyshäiriö :: mental disorder
mielentila :: mood
mielentila :: state of mind
mielentilatutkimus :: psychiatric assessment
mielentyyneys :: equanimity
mielenvikainen :: insane
mielenvikaisuus :: insanity
mielestä :: jonkun mielestä + appropriate possessive suffix = in one's opinion
mieletön :: Especially together with fortifier ihan, fabulous, superb, great
mieletön :: mad
mieletön :: mindless, preposterous
mielettömästi :: insanely
mielettömyys :: insanity
mieliä :: To wish, desire, want (to do something)
mieli :: As the first part of a compound signifies favorite
mieli :: As the first part of a compound signifies mental
mieli :: In certain expressions, short form of mielipide
mieli :: mind
mieliaihe :: alternative term for lempiaihe
mieliala :: mood (emotional state)
mielialahäiriö :: mood disorder, affective disorder
mielihalu :: desire
mielihyvä :: satisfaction, complacency
mielihyväkeskus :: pleasure center, pleasure centre; nucleus accumbens (region of the brain which creates feelings of pleasure)
mielijohde :: impulse (wish or urge)
Mielikki :: female given name
Mielikki :: Finnish goddess of the forest
mielikuva :: A mental image (mental picture)
mielikuvakartta :: mind map
mielikuvituksekas :: imaginative
mielikuvituksellinen :: fantastic
mielikuvitus :: As a former part of compound signifying imaginary
mielikuvitus :: Imagination
mielikuvitusleikki :: imaginary play
mielikuvitusmaa :: fantasy land
mielikuvitusmaailma :: fantasy world, imaginary world
mielikuvitusystävä :: imaginary friend
-mielinen :: -minded, pro-
mielinen :: see: -mielinen
mielipaha :: resentment, regret, malaise
mielipide :: An opinion
mielipide-ero :: difference of opinion
mielipidekirjoitus :: opinion piece
mielipidekysely :: opinion poll
mielipidemittaus :: opinion poll
mielipidetiedustelu :: An opinion poll
mielipidevanki :: political prisoner
mielipidevanki :: prisoner of conscience
mielipiteenvaihto :: exchange of opinions, ventilation
mielipiteenvapaus :: freedom of speech
mielipuoli :: An insane person
mielipuolinen :: insane
mielipuolisesti :: madly, insanely
mielipuolisuus :: madness, insanity
mielisairaala :: mental hospital
mielisairaampi :: comparative form of mielisairas
mielisairas :: mentally ill
mielisairas :: mental patient
mielisairaus :: mental illness, mental disorder
mielissään :: Pleased, happy, glad, delighted (about something = elative)
mielistelijä :: flatterer, toady
mielistellä :: To curry favor, to suck up (seek to gain favor by flattery or attention)
mielistely :: flattery, adulation
mielitauti :: mental illness
mielitautinen :: Having a mental illness
mieliteko :: want, desire, craving (something that one would want to do)
mielitietty :: darling, sweetheart
mielivaltainen :: arbitrary
mielivaltainen :: extrajudicial (carried out without legal authority)
mielivaltaisesti :: arbitrarily
mielivaltaisuus :: arbitrariness
mielle :: A mental image
miellekartta :: mind map
miellyttää :: To please
miellyttävä :: pleasant
mieltää :: To perceive
mieltymys :: affection
mieltymys :: liking
mieltymys :: preference
mieluisa :: pleasant
mieluiten :: superlative form of mieluusti
mieluummin :: comparative form of mieluusti
mieluummin :: rather
mieluusti :: gladly
mieluusti :: pleasantly
miero :: outcast
mies :: husband (married man)
mies :: man (adult male human being)
mieshenkilö :: man, male person
miesjoukko :: group of men
mieskunto :: sexual virility
mieskuntoinen :: virile
mieskuntoisuus :: virility
mieskuoro :: male choir
miesleski :: widower
miesmäinen :: manlike (resembling a man)
miesmuistiin :: in recent memory, within living memory, in living memory (within extant people's recorded history)
miesääni :: male voice
miesopettaja :: male teacher
miesopiskelija :: A male student
miespalvelija :: manservant, valet (male servant)
miesparka :: Poor, pitiful man
miespuolinen :: male
miessukupuoli :: The male sex
miestappo :: manslaughter (killing of a man)
miestenhuone :: A men's room
miestennielijä :: man-eater (woman)
miestyövuosi :: man-year
miesvahvuus :: manpower
miesvanki :: male prisoner
miesviha :: misandry
miesystävä :: [adult] boyfriend
miete :: in plural, often with possessive suffix: brown study (melancholy mood accompanied by deep thought)
miete :: thought, especially a deep and serious one
mietelause :: An aphorism
mietintö :: report
mietintämyssy :: thinking cap
mietiskelijä :: meditator
mietiskellä :: to meditate, ponder, ruminate, contemplate
mieto :: mild
mietteliäs :: pensive
miettiä :: To think over, ponder
Miettinen :: Finnish surname
miettiä päänsä puhki :: to rack one's brain (to struggle to think of or remember something)
migmatiitti :: migmatite
migraatio :: migration
migreeni :: migraine
migreenikohtaus :: migraine attack
mäihä :: luck
mihin :: to where, whereto, whither
mihinkään :: (not) anywhere
Miia :: female given name, cognate to English Mia
Miika :: Micah
Miika :: male given name
miikka :: minus
Miikka :: male given name
miilu :: coal kiln
miimikko :: mimic, mummer
miiminen :: mimetic
miina :: A mine (explosive device)
Miina :: female given name
miinaharava :: A metal detector used by a minesweeper
miinakenttä :: A minefield
miinakoira :: mine dog
miinalaiva :: minelayer
miinanraivaaja :: minesweeper (ship)
miinanraivaus :: demining
miinoite [military, technical] :: minefield
miinoittaa :: To mine, sow mines on
miinus :: minus
miinuslasku :: subtraction
miinusmerkki :: minus sign
miinusmerkkinen :: negative (number)
miinuspuoli :: con
miinustaa :: to subtract
Miisa :: female given name
miitinki :: meeting
mäikää :: alternative form of mäikyä
mikä :: whatever
mikä :: which, what
mikä :: which, that, what
Mika :: male given name
Mikael :: Michael
Mikael :: male given name
Mikaela :: female given name
mäike :: noise
mikä hätänä :: what's the matter, what's the problem?
mikin :: A form of mikä, same as "mikäkin", which. Used always in connection with another interrogative pronoun
mikittää :: to mike (to equip with microphones)
mikä kaikki :: what, what all, everything that; used as interrogative and relative pronoun
mikkeli :: Michaelmas
Mikkeli :: Mikkeli
mikkelinpäivä :: Michaelmas
mikki :: mic, mike (microphone)
mikkihiiri- :: Mickey Mouse (of dubious quality)
Mikki Hiiri :: Mickey Mouse
mikko :: Michaelmas
mikko :: Reynard (name for a fox in fairy tales)
-mikko :: Suffix used in some compound nouns
Mikko :: male given name
Mikkola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mikkola :: Finnish surname
Mikkonen :: Finnish surname
Mikko Repolainen :: Reynard the Fox
mikäli :: if, provided that, in the event that,
mikään [indefinite, with a negation verb form] :: Nothing, not ... anything, no (modifies a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate object)
mikään :: Anything, any (modifies a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate object)
Miko :: male given name
mikä oli todistettava :: quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be proved; which was to be demonstrated)
mikro :: microcomputer
mikro :: microwave oven
mikro- :: micro-
mikroaallot :: microwaves
mikroaalto :: A microwave
mikroaaltosäteily :: microwave radiation
mikroaaltouuni :: A microwave oven
mikroampeeri :: microamp
mikroauto :: go-cart (small, open-wheeled vehicle for racing)
mikrobi :: microbe
mikrobiekologia :: microbial ecology
mikrobiologi :: microbiologist
mikrobiologia :: microbiology
mikroelektrodi :: microelectrode
mikroelektromekaaninen :: microelectromechanical
mikroelektroniikka :: microelectronics
mikrofilia :: microphilia
mikrofilmata :: To microfilm
mikrofilmaus :: microfilming
mikrofilmi :: microfilm
mikrofoni :: microphone
mikrogramma :: microgram
mikroilmasto :: microclimate
mikroilme :: microexpression
mikrokaarisekunti :: microarcsecond
mikrokefalia :: microcephaly
mikrokemia :: microchemistry
mikrokemiallinen :: microchemical
mikrokirurgia :: microsurgery
mikrokliini :: microcline
mikrokosminen :: microcosmic
mikrokosmos :: microcosm
mikrokuitu :: microfibre/microfiber
mikrokuitukangas :: microfiber fabric
mikrokuvaus :: microfilming
mikrolaina :: microloan (small loan given to a poor person)
mikrolisäys :: micropropagation
mikroluotto :: microloan (small loan given to a poor person)
mikromekaniikka :: micromechanics
mikrometri :: micrometer
Mikronesia :: Micronesia
Mikronesian liittovaltio :: Federated States of Micronesia (official name of Micronesia)
mikroni :: micron
mikro-organismi :: microorganism
mikropiiri :: integrated circuit
mikroprosessori :: A microprocessor
mikrorakenne :: microstructure
mikrosekunti :: microsecond
mikrosiru :: microchip
mikroskooppi :: microscope
Mikroskooppi :: The constellation Microscopium
mikroskooppinen :: microscopic
mikroskooppisesti :: microscopically
mikroskopia :: microscopy
mikroskopoida :: To use a microscope
mikrosporangio :: microsporangium
mikrospori :: microspore
mikrostruktuuri :: microstructure
mikrosuoritin :: microprocessor
mikrotaloustiede :: microeconomics
mikrotietokone :: A microcomputer
mikrotuki :: PC support
mikrotukihenkilö :: PC support person
mikrovaltio :: microstate
miks :: why
miksata :: to mix
miksaus :: mixdown, mixing (of sound)
miksauslaite :: mixing console
miksei :: why doesn't he/she/it, why ... he/she/it not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc.:
mikseivät :: why don't they, why ... they not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc.:
miksemme :: why don't we, why ... we not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc.:
miksen :: why don't I, why ... I not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc.:
mikseri :: A mixer (non-alcoholic drink that is added to spirits to make cocktails)
mikset :: why don't you, why ... you not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc. (addressing one person):
miksette :: why (don't) you, why ... you not / (negation adverb) never/nothing etc. (addressing many persons or politely or formally one person):
miksi :: why
miksotrofia :: mixotrophy
mikstuura :: mixture (medicinal compound)
mikä tahansa :: whatever, whichever, wherever, depending on the case of mikä tahansa
mikä vain :: whatever
mäikyä [of a loud sound] :: To reverberate
Mila :: female given name
milaneesi :: Milanese (fabric)
miliisi :: militia
militantti :: militant
militantti :: a militant
militarismi :: militarism
militarisoida :: To militarise/militarize
militarisointi :: militarization
militarisoitua :: To be(come) militarised/militarized
militaristi :: militarist
militaristinen :: militaristic
milj :: miljoona
miljöö :: milieu (social setting or environment)
Milja :: female given name
miljardi :: A milliard, 109 (in the short scale, a billion)
miljardikertainen :: billionfold
miljardis :: billionth/thousand millionth (1,000,000,000th)
miljardisosa :: one billionth/thousand millionth (1/1,000,000,000)
miljardööri :: billionaire
miljonääri :: millionaire
miljoona :: A million, 106
miljoonakala :: guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
miljoonakaupunki :: A city with a population of one million or more
miljoonakertainen :: millionfold
miljoonakutoja :: red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea)
miljoonapalo :: A fire costing one million or more
miljoonas :: the millionth, abbreviation 1 000 000.
miljoonasosa :: millionth
miljoonikko :: millionaire
miljoonittain :: by millions
Milka :: Milcah
Milka :: female given name of biblical origin; rather rare
millä :: on which, on what
millä :: with which, with what
Milla :: female given name
millainen :: what kind of?
millennialismi :: millennialism
milleriitti :: millerite
milletinpäästäinen :: crowned shrew, Millet's shrew (Sorex coronatus)
milli :: A millimetre/millimeter
milli :: A million; used of money
milli- :: milli-
milliampeeri :: milliampere
millibaari :: millibar (non-SI unit of pressure)
milligramma :: milligram (milligram)
millikaarisekunti :: milliarcsecond
millilitra :: millilitre
millimetri :: millimetre (unit of measure)
millimetripaperi :: millimeter paper
millisekunti :: millisecond
milliwatti :: milliwatt
milloin :: when
milloinka :: when?
milloinkaan :: ei + ~ : never
milloinkaan :: [with älä]: ever
milloin mikäkin :: Used to indicate randomness, especially in action:
milloin missäkin :: in any which part, in any which place (in a random location)
milloin tahansa :: whenever
miltä :: from which, from what
miltei :: almost, nearly
miltsi :: A million; used of money
mimiikka :: mimic art
mimiikka :: mimicry
mimikry :: mimicry
mimmi :: woman, girl
Mimmi :: female given name
mimoosa :: mimosa
mimoosamainen :: very sensitive, touchy, thin-skinned (overly sensitive, especially mentally)
Mimosa :: female given name of modern usage, from the plant
minä :: ego
minä :: I (1st person singular personal pronoun)
minareetti :: A minaret
minariini :: minarine
mindanaonrotta :: Mindanao hairy-tailed rat (Batomys salomonseni)
mindanaonrottasiili :: Mindanao gymnure (Podogymnura truei)
Minea :: female given name of modern usage
-minen :: Forms verbal nouns from verbs, mostly corresponds to the English gerund suffix -ing
-minen :: Suffix for the fourth infinitive
mineraali :: mineral
mineraaliesiintymä :: mineral deposit
mineraalikuitu :: mineral fiber
mineraalinen :: Containing minerals
mineraalipitoinen :: mineral-rich
mineraalistua :: To become mineralized (impregnated with minerals)
mineraalisuola :: mineral salt
mineraalitärpätti :: white spirit, mineral spirit, Stoddard solvent
mineraalivesi :: mineral water
mineraalivilla :: mineral wool
mineralisoitua :: alternative form of mineraalistua
mineralogia :: mineralogy
mineraloginen :: mineralogical
minervanpöllö :: a little owl, Athene noctua
minestronekeitto :: minestrone
miniä :: daughter-in-law
miniatyristi :: miniaturist
miniatyyri :: miniature (figure)
miniatyyrikoko :: miniature size
miniatyyrikokoinen :: miniature-sized
minibaari :: minibar
minibussi :: minibus
minigolf :: miniature golf
minihame :: miniskirt
minimaalinen :: minimal
minimaalisesti :: minimally
minimalismi [arts] :: minimalism
minimalisti :: minimalist
minimalistinen :: minimalistic
minimi :: minimum
minimiaika :: minimum time
minimipalkka :: minimum wage
minimisoida :: alternative form of minimoida
minimoida :: To minimize
minimointi :: minimization
minisarja :: miniseries (television series with a small number of episodes)
ministeri :: A minister (member of the Cabinet)
ministeriö :: A political ministry, office
ministerikokous :: ministerial meeting
ministerineuvosto :: A council formed by ministers, especially:
ministerivaliokunta ] :: A committee named from the ministers of a government for discussion and limited decision-making on a specified field, such as economic or security policy. Such committees within the government of Finland are called "Cabinet Committee" in English
minisukellusvene :: minisub
Minja :: female given name of modern usage
minkä :: what, which (as a direct object or as a object of a preposition)
minkä :: what, which, that (as a direct object or as a object of a preposition)
minkä ikäinen olet :: how old are you?
minkki :: American mink, Neovison vison
minkki :: mink (fur)
minkkiturkki :: A mink coat
minkälainen :: what kind of
minkäänlainen :: whatsoever, of any kind
minkäs teet :: that's life
minkä taakseen jättää, sen edestään löytää :: what goes around comes around
minkä takia :: what for
minkä tähden :: what for
minäkuva :: self-image
minkä vuoksi :: what for
minämuotoinen :: alternative spelling of minä-muotoinen
minä-muotoinen :: first-person (using verbs in the first person)
Minna :: female given name
minne :: where (... to), whither
minnekään :: (with a negation verb form) Nowhere, not ... anywhere
minnekään :: (in question clauses) Anywhere
minnelaulaja :: minstrel
minnelaulu :: minnesang
minnepäin :: To where, to which direction
minoksidiili :: minoxidil
minolainen :: Minoan
minä rakastan sinua :: I love you
määintä :: bleating
minätietoisuus :: self-consciousness (awareness of oneself as an entity)
minttu :: A plant of the genus Mentha
minttu :: The mint flavour
Minttu :: female given name
minttusuklaa :: mint chocolate
minttutee :: mint tea
minulla on kysymys :: I have a question
minulla on nälkä :: I am hungry
minun :: The genitive singular of the personal pronoun minä, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -ni appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun my; after the verb olla: mine:
minun :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English I:
minun mielestäni :: in my opinion, as far as I can see, if you ask me, in my book, in my view
minun on vaikea :: It is difficult to me
minun täytyy mennä :: I must go
minuskeli :: A minuscule (lower-case letter)
minusta :: about me; of me
minusta :: in my opinion, I think that
minuus :: self
minuus :: selfhood
minuutti :: minute
minuuttiosoitin :: minute hand
minuuttiviisari :: minute hand
mioseeni :: The Miocene epoch
mioseenikausi :: The Miocene epoch
mioseenikautinen :: Miocene
Mira :: female given name popular from the 1970s to the 1990s
Mira [star] :: Mira
miraakkeli :: miracle
mirbanöljy :: oil of mirbane, nitrobenzene
mirha :: chrism, myrrh
mirhami :: chrism
mišääri :: Mishar (language)
mišääri :: Mishar (person)
Mirja :: female given name
Mirjam :: Miriam
Mirjam :: female given name
Mirjami :: female given name
Mirka :: female given name
mirri :: pussy-cat
mirri :: (slang) pussy, vagina
mirrori :: mirror server
mirtatsapiini :: mirtazapine
Mirva :: female given name
misantrooppi :: misanthropist
misantrooppinen :: misanthropic
misantropia :: misanthropy
misantropisti :: A misanthropist
mishääri :: alternative form of mišääri
mäiskää :: alternative form of mäiskyä
Miska :: male given name
mäiskyä :: to splash against
misogynia :: misogyny
misogyyni :: misogynist
misogyyninen :: misogynistic, misogynous
mispeli :: medlar (Mespilus germanica)
misääri :: misère (mode of game in which players try to lose tricks)
missä :: (static) where
missä :: in most cases translated in English with the preposition "in", in what/which, what/which ... in:
missä :: where:
missata :: To miss (fail to hit or understand)
misseys :: The property of being a beauty contestant
missi :: miss
missikilpailu :: beauty contest
missikisa :: beauty contest
missio :: mission
missiologia :: missiology
mississippinalligaattori :: American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis
missiys :: alternative form of misseys
missä on vessa :: where is the toilet
missä pippuri kasvaa :: faraway (most remote)
mistä :: from where, whence
mistä :: mistä tietää: how to know
misteli :: mistletoe
mistä lähtien :: since when (from what time)
mistäpäin :: From where
misu :: chick, honey (attractive woman)
misu :: pussy-cat
mitä :: what?
mitä :: what, which (as a direct object or as a object of a preposition)
mitä :: what, which, that (as a direct object or as a object of a preposition)
mitali :: medal
mitalisti :: medalist (winner of a medal)
mitallinen :: measurable
mitata :: To measure (off/out), gauge
mitellä :: to compete
mitella :: sling (bandage)
miten :: how:
mitenkä :: how, how…then, just how, sometimes what (fortified "how")
mitenkään :: in any way, any way, any means
miten menee :: how are you
miten pääsen [+illative case] :: how do I get to...?
miten pääsisin [+illative case] :: how do I get to...?
miten sattuu :: willy nilly (seemingly at random, haphazardly)
miten sattuu :: willy nilly (without regard for consequences or the will of those affected)
mitä helvettiä :: what the hell (intensive form of what)
mitä jos :: what if
mitkä :: which, what (plural)
mitä kuuluu :: how are you?
mitä kuuluu :: what's up?
mitä minä sanoin :: I told you so
mitäänsanomaton :: bland, flavorless, pedestrian, vapid (lacking character or definition)
mitäänsanomaton :: uninspiring
mitoittaa :: to dimension (to mark something to specified dimensions or plan something for specified capacity)
mitoitus :: dimensioning (act of determining these dimensions)
mitoitus :: dimensioning (specified dimensions for a product, building etc.)
mitokondriaalinen :: mitochondrial (of, or relating to mitochondria)
mitokondrio :: mitochondrion
mitoosi :: mitosis
mitra :: mitre (head covering of a church dignitary)
mitraaliläppä :: mitral valve
mitta :: measure
mitta :: size
mittaaja :: measurer (one who measures)
mittaamaton :: immeasurable
mittaamattomasti :: immeasurably
mittaamattomuus :: immeasurableness
mittaaminen :: measuring
mittabosoni :: gauge boson
mittain :: gauge
mittain :: meter
mittainen :: measuring, of a measure, being of a certain size, length or height; translation into English varies by context
mittajärjestelmä :: metrology (system of weights and measurements)
mittajärjestelmä :: system of measurements
mittakaava :: scale (ratio of distances)
mittakivi :: dimension stone (natural stone or rock that has been fabricated to a specific shape / size)
mittanauha :: measuring tape, tape measure
mittapullo :: volumetric flask
mittari :: taxi; short for mittariauto
mittari :: geometrid moth
mittari :: meter, gauge, indicator (device for measuring)
mittari :: meter; short form of pysäköintimittari
mittari :: euphemism for age
mittarimato :: measuring worm, inchworm, looper, spanworm, geometrid
mittariperhonen :: geometrid moth
mittasuhde :: proportion
mittateoria :: measure theory
mittatikku :: yardstick
mittaus :: measurement
mittaustiede :: metrology (science of weights and measures or of measurement)
mittausvirhe :: measure error
mittava :: large, big, great, extensive, large-scale
mittayksikkö :: unit of measure
mittelö :: fight, battle
mitätöidä :: to invalidate, cancel, (declare null and) void, annul, nullify
mitätöinti :: cancellation, nullification
mitätöityä :: to be invalidated, cancelled, annulled, nullified
mitätön :: diminutive
mitätön :: insignificant
mitätön :: negligible
mitätön :: paltry
mitätön :: puny
mitätön :: trivial
mitätön :: void
mitätöntää :: alternative form of mitätöidä
mitättömin :: superlative form of mitätön
mitä tulee :: as for (regarding; about; concerning)
mittumaari :: Midsummer Day
mitä useampi kokki, sitä huonompi soppa :: too many cooks spoil the broth (literally "the more cooks, the worse the soup")
mitä varten :: what for
mitä välii :: so what, who cares; what's the difference
mitä XX tarkoittaa :: what does XX mean
miuku :: The @ sign
miuku mauku :: at sign (@)
miukumauku :: alternative form of miuku mauku
mk :: Finnish markka
mökä :: Disturbing loud noise
Mäkelä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäkelä :: Finnish surname
Mäkeläinen :: Finnish surname
määkiä :: to bleat, to baa [of a sheep]
mäki :: A hill (a relatively large, usually rounded elevation of earth; generally larger than kukkula, smaller than vuori)
mäki :: A slope
Mäki :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäki :: Finnish surname
mäkiauto :: soapbox car
mäkihorsma :: a plant in the willowherb family (Epilobium collinum)
mäkihyppääjä :: ski jumper
mäkihyppy :: ski jumping
mäkikäynnistys :: push start
Mäkilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäkilä :: Finnish surname
mäkileinikki :: bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
mäkilähtö :: hill start
määkinä :: bleating
mäkinen :: hilly
mäkinen :: small hill
Mäkinen :: Finnish surname In 2010, the fourth most common in Finland (barely behind Nieminen, and ahead of Mäkelä).
mäkisin :: superlative form of mäkinen
määkäistä :: to utter a bleat, to bleat once
Mäkitalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäkitalo :: Finnish surname
mäkitupalainen :: A tenant of a small piece of land, who earned his living mainly from other work than cultivating that piece of land; a crofter
mäkiviikko :: Four Hills Tournament
mäkki :: A McDonald's hamburger restaurant
mökki :: A small, usually wooden house; cottage, cabin
mökki :: In the card game kasino, a trick made by emptying the table of cards
mökki :: Short for kesämökki
Mäkki :: A nickname for McDonald's (restaurant chain)
mökkihöperö :: showing symptoms of cabin fever
mökkihöperö :: A person showing symptoms of cabin fever
mökkihöperyys :: cabin fever
mäkkäri :: A McDonald's hamburger restaurant
mäkärä :: blackfly, buffalo gnat (any insect of the family Simuliidae)
mäkäräinen :: alternative form of mäkärä
mäkättää :: to bleat
mäkättää :: to nag (complain)
mököttää :: To sulk, to express one's disdain or anger by remaining silent and withdrawing into oneself
mököttäjä :: sulker
mökötys :: sulking
määkyä :: To bleat, baa
määkynä :: bleating
ml. :: mukaan lukien, mukaan luettuna
mölistä [dated, derogatory] :: To speak unclearly because of a physiological or mental disability, to mumble (especially in a noisy way)
mölistä :: To make noise producing (intentionally) unclear phonemes
möljä :: mole (massive structure used as a pier or breakwater)
mlk :: Abbreviation of maalaiskunta ("rural municipality")
mölkky :: A recreational lawn game played with numbered wooden pegs (called keila), somewhat similar to skittles
mölkky :: The "master" peg in this game, which is used to throw at the numbered pegs to earn points
mälli :: chewing gum
mälli :: chewing tobacco, snuff
mälli :: sperm
mälsä :: boring
möly :: noise
mölyapina :: howler monkey (New World monkey of the genus Alouatta)
mölyapina :: noisy brat (noisy and therefore annoying person, especially a child)
mölysammakko :: marsh frog (Rana ridibunda)
mölytä :: To make noise
möläyttää :: to blurt
mm. :: inter alia
MM :: World championship; abbreviation of maailmanmestaruus
MM-kilpailut :: world championship games, alternative term for maailmanmestaruuskilpailut
MM-kisat :: world championship games, alternative term for maailmanmestaruuskisat
mömmö :: drug, narcotic
mömmö :: sludge, ooze, muck, goo
mämmi :: A traditional Finnish Easter dessert made from rye flour, malted rye, molasses and orange zest
mämmikoura :: butterfingers (someone prone to dropping things)
München :: Munich (capital of Bavaria)
mönjä :: goo
mönjä :: red lead
mönkiä :: To crawl
mönkiäinen :: creepy-crawly
mönkijä :: An all-terrain vehicle, ATV
mönkijä :: One that crawls; a crawler
mönkään :: See: mennä mönkään
männä :: in previous, last
männikkö :: pine forest
männynherkkutatti :: A bolete, Boletus pinophilus
männynkääpä :: red ring rot, white speck, Phellinus pini
männynkäpy :: pine cone
männynleppärousku :: saffron milk-cap, Lactarius deliciosus
männynrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius musteus
mäntä :: piston
mäntähöyrykone :: steam engine (piston engine driven by steam)
mäntämoottori :: piston engine
mäntti :: mook (disagreeable or incompetent person)
mänty :: pine, especially the Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris
mäntyinen :: Consisting of pine wood
mäntyinen :: Having pine trees, piny
mäntykangas :: A type of boreal forest consisting mostly of pine trees
Mäntylä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Mäntylä :: Finnish surname
mäntyöljy :: pine oil
mäntymetsä :: pine forest
mäntypuu :: pine
mäntypuu :: pine wood
moa :: moa
moaree :: moiré (fabric)
mobata :: To mob
mobbata :: A variant of mobata
mobiili :: mobile
mobiililaite :: mobile device
mobiilipeli :: mobile game
mobiilisovellus :: mobile application (software perceived as a tool for a well-defined purpose and installed on a mobile device)
mobilisaatio :: mobilization
mobilisoida :: To mobilise/mobilize
mobilisointi :: mobilization
mobiliteetti :: mobility
modaaliapuverbi :: modal verb
modaalinen :: modal
modafiniili :: modafinil
modaliteetti :: modality
modeemi :: modem
modeemiyhteys :: modem connection
moderaattori :: moderator (of bulletin boards etc.)
moderni :: modern
modernisaatio :: modernization
modernismi :: modernism
modernisoida :: To modernise/modernize, make modern
modernisointi :: modernization
modernisoitua :: To modernise/modernize, become modern
modernistaa :: alternative form of modernisoida
modernisti :: modernly
modernisti :: modernist
modernistinen :: modernistic
modernistua :: to be modernized
modernisuus :: modernity
modernius :: modernity
moderoida :: To moderate
modifikaatio :: modification
modifioida :: To modify
modifiointi :: modification
modifioitua :: To be modified
modisti :: A milliner
modulaarinen :: modular
modulaatio :: modulation
modulaattori :: modulator
moduli :: absolute value, modulus
moduloida :: To modulate
modulointi :: modulation
moduloitua :: To be modulated
modus :: mood
moduuli :: module
mogari :: botcher, bungler
moguli :: A mogul
mohikaani :: Mohican (indigenous North American)
mohikaani :: Mohican, or Mohawk hairstyle
mohikaanikampaus :: A Mohican hairdo
moi :: hi
moikaa :: alternative form of moikua
moikata :: To greet, to say hello
moikina :: alternative form of moike
moikka :: hi, hello
moikka :: so long
moikua [of low, loud voice] :: To clang, toll
Moilanen :: Finnish surname
moi moi :: bye-bye
moinata [nautical, slang, of wind] :: to abate, calm, settle
moinen :: Such (in an extraordinary or negative sense)
moiré :: moiré (fabric)
moisio :: A piece of former forest that has recently been converted to field for growing crops
moite :: blame
moite :: rebuke, reproof
moittia :: To dispute
moittia :: To criticize, to rebuke, to reproach
moittia :: To reprove (to convey one’s disapproval, especially in a gentle, sweet, kind tone)
moittia :: To scold, to lash (to criticize angrily or abusively)
mojauttaa :: to slam, pound, sock
mojito :: mojito (mixed drink)
mojova :: hefty
moka :: blunder, gaffe, bad
mokša :: moksha, mukti (liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering; the ultimate goal of life)
mokša :: Moksha (language)
mokailla :: Frequentative aspect of mokata
mokata :: to blunder, screw up, have a problem, be a problem
mokka :: mocha
mokka :: suede
mokkakangas :: suede
mokkanahka :: suede
mokkapannu :: moka pot, macchinetta, percolator (A stovetop coffee pot with an octogonal cross-section)
mokkasiini :: moccasin
mokkula :: A gadget, widget, contrivance (any unknown device)
mokkula :: A wireless USB modem
mokkula :: A machine or device working poorly or not at all
mokoma :: damned, accursed
mokoma :: son of a bitch
mokomakin :: Used as belittling or pejorative fortifier to define a noun, may often be translated into English with that
moku :: A conscript who has served less than 180 days in the Finnish Army
moku :: A recruit (a newly enlisted soldier not having taken the military oath or given the military declaration)
molaarisuus :: molarity
molari :: A goalie
Moldova :: Moldova
molekyyli :: A molecule
molekyylibiologia :: molecular biology
molekyylifysiikka :: molecular physics
molekyylimassa :: molecular mass
molekyylipaino :: molecular weight
molekyylipilvi :: molecular cloud
molemmin puolin :: mutually, reciprocally, bilaterally
molemmin puolin :: on both sides (instructive plural of molemmat puolet - "both sides")
molemminpuolinen :: mutual, reciprocal, bilateral
molemminpuolisesti :: mutually
molemminpuolisuus :: mutuality
molempi :: both:
molempikätinen :: ambidextrous
molempikätisyys :: ambidexterity (property of being equally skillful with both hands)
mollamaija :: rag doll
mollata :: to slag off, verbally attack/abuse, to insult, to criticize
molli :: mollie (fish of the genus Poecilia)
molli :: minor
molli :: minor key
molliasteikko :: minor scale
mollukka :: primarily, the sun; also any other large sphere
molluska :: molluscum contagiosum
molo :: penis
molopää :: dickhead
Molotov :: A romanisation of the Russian surname famously held by:
Molotovin cocktail :: alternative form of Molotovin koktaili
Molotovin koktaili :: Molotov cocktail (simple incendiary weapon)
Molotovin leipäkori :: Molotov bread basket (nickname of RRAB-3, a Soviet-made droppable bomb dispenser that was designed to scatter 100 or more incendiary bombs around)
molottaa :: To babble
molskahdus :: A splash
molskahtaa :: To splash
molskaus :: A splash
molskina :: splash (repeated splashing sound)
molskis :: splash
Molukit :: The Maluku Islands
molukkirapu :: horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus)
molva :: ling, or more specifically common ling, Molva molva
molybdeeni :: molybdenum
molybdeenihohde :: molybdenite
molybdeniitti :: molybdenite
momentaani :: momentane
momentti :: A moment, phase, point, element
momentti :: A paragraph, subsection, clause (in a legal code, a subsection of pykälä)
momentti :: A moment
momenttiavain :: torque wrench (tool used to precisely apply a specific torque to a fastener)
momenttimagnitudi :: moment magnitude
Monaco :: Monaco
monacolainen :: Monacan, Monégasque
monacolainen :: A Monacan, Monégasque person
monamarakatti :: mona monkey, Cercopithecus mona
monarkia :: monarchy
monarkismi :: monarchism
monarkisti :: monarchist
monarkki :: monarch
monasti :: alternative form of monesti
moneltako :: At what time
moneltako :: From/of how many, how many
monenkeskinen :: multilateral (involving more than one party)
monenlainen :: of many kinds, many kinds of
monentaa :: to multiply (in number)
mones :: which, what (in order)
monesko :: Used to ask a position in an ordered group; no single English equivalent
monesti :: many times
monesti :: often
monet :: many
monetaarinen :: monetary
monetarismi :: monetarism
mongerrus :: gibberish, jargon (incomprehensible speech)
mongertaa :: to speak incomprehensibly, to mumble
mongo :: möngö (one 100th of tugrik, the currency of Mongolia)
mongoli :: Mongol
mongoli :: Mongolian language
mongolia :: The Mongolian language
Mongolia :: Mongolia
mongolialainen :: Mongolian (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures)
mongolialainen :: A Mongolian person
mongoliangaselli :: Mongolian gazelle (medium-sized antelope native to the semiarid Central Asian steppes, Procapra gutturosa)
mongolianvillihevonen :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii
mongolidi :: mongoloid
mongolidinen :: mongoloid
mongolilainen :: Mongolian
mongoliläiskä :: Mongolian spot
mongolinkielinen :: Expressed in the Mongolian language
mongolinkielinen :: Mongolian-speaking
mongolipoimu :: epicanthus
mongolismi :: Down syndrome
mongoloidi :: A person who suffers from the Down syndrome
moni- :: multi-, poly-
moni :: As a modifier in a compound term, signifies poly-, multi- or many-
moni :: Many
moni :: Many people
moni :: Together with determiner aika or melko, may also be translated as few
moniajaa :: To multitask
moniajo :: multitasking (simultaneous execution of multiple tasks on a computer)
monias :: many
moniavioinen :: polygamous
moniavioisuus :: polygamy (having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time)
moniaviollinen :: polygamous
monibiljoonainen :: multitrillion (in US and UK umbering system)
monielinhäiriö :: multiple organ failure
monijoukko [set theory] :: multiset
monijumalainen :: polytheistic
monijumalaisuus :: polytheism
monijumalisuus :: polytheism
moni kakku päältä kaunis :: you can't judge a book by its cover (literally: many cakes are beautiful from the outside)
monikansalaisuus :: multiple citizenship
monikansallinen :: multiethnic
monikansallinen :: multinational
monikasvoinen :: multifaceted (having many aspects)
monikerroksinen :: multilayered
monikerta :: multiple
monikielinen :: multilingual
monikielinen :: polyglot
monikielisyys :: multilingualism
monikko :: plural
monikko :: tuple
monikkomuoto :: plural form
monikkomuotoinen :: In plural form
monikkoperhe :: A family with two or more siblings born at the same time
monikollinen :: plural
monikärkiohjus :: Any kind of a multiple reentry vehicle
monikäsitteinen :: ambiguous, unclear (which can be understood in many ways)
monikulmaluu :: One of two human carpus (wrist) bones os trapezium and os trapezoideum
monikulmio :: A polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
monikulmioluku :: polygonal number
monikulttuurinen :: multicultural (relating or pertaining to several different cultures)
monikulttuurinen :: multicultured (having more than one culture)
monikulttuurisuus :: multiculturalism
monikäyttöinen :: multipurpose (good for many purposes)
monimerkityksinen :: equivocal, ambiguous (capable of multiple interpretation)
monimerkityksisyys :: polysemy
monimiljardinen :: multibillion (in US and UK numbering system)
monimiljonääri :: multimillionaire
monimiljoonainen :: multimillion
monimiljoonikko :: multimillionaire
monimuotoinen :: diverse
monimuotoinen alueellinen kipuoireyhtymä :: complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS
monimuotoistua :: To be diversified, become diverse
monimuotoisuus :: diversity
monimutkainen :: complex, complicated
monimutkaistaa :: To complicate, to make more complex
monimutkaistua :: To become more complex, complicated
monimutkaisuus :: complexity
moninainen :: diverse, manifold
moninaistaa :: to diversify
moninaistua :: To be diversified
moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen :: united in diversity (motto of the European Union)
moninaisuus :: diversity, manifoldness
moninapainen :: multipolar (having more than two poles or centres)
moninkertainen :: multiple
moninkertaistaa :: To multiply, make multiple/manifold
moninkertaistua :: To multiply, become multiple
monin paikoin :: at many places (occurring in a number of locations)
monipuolinen :: multifaceted, many-sided (having many aspects)
monipuolinen :: versatile, diverse
monipuolinen :: well-rounded (of a person's education or development)
monipuolisesti :: diversely, in different ways, variously
monipuolistaa :: to diversify, variegate
monipuolistua :: To be diversified
monipuolisuus :: diversity, versatility, multifacetedness, manysidedness
monipuoluejärjestelmä :: multi-party system
moniselitteinen :: equivocal, ambiguous
monisivuinen :: multipage
monismi :: monism
monisoluinen :: multicellular
monisärmäinen :: multifaceted
monisärmäisyys :: multifacetedness
monistaa :: To (photo)copy, duplicate, run off; to mimeograph
monistaa :: To propagate (plants)
moniste :: A copy produced with a copier
monisti :: monist
monisto :: manifold
monistua :: (of a plant) To multiply, propagate
monistua :: To be (photo)copied, be duplicated, be run off; to be mimeographed
monistuminen :: multiplication
monitahoinen :: multifaceted
monitahoinen :: multilateral (having many sides or points of view)
monitahokas :: A polyhedron
monitaitoinen :: all-round (having many skills )
monitavoiteoptimointi [computing, mathematics] :: multiple criteria optimization
monitieteinen :: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary (relating to multiple areas of study)
monitietäjä :: A polymath, polyhistor
monitoimikeitin :: multifunctional cooker, multicooker
monitoiminen :: multifunctional (having multiple functions)
monitoimisuus :: multifunctionality
monitori [computing, colloquial] :: screen, monitor
monitoroida :: To monitor
monitorointi :: monitoring
monityydyttymätön :: polyunsaturated
moniulotteinen :: multidimensional
moniulotteisesti :: multidimensionally
moniulotteisuus :: multidimensionality
monivärihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula versicolor
monivärinen :: multicoloured/multicolored/multi-coloured
monivärinen seitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius triumphans
monivuotinen :: multiyear
monivuotinen :: perennial
monni :: catfish, sheatfish (freshwater catfish of the genus Silurus)
monni :: catfish (fish of the order Siluriformes consisting of 37 families, hundreds of genera and some 3,000 species)
monni :: wels catfish, sheatfish, Silurus glanis
monninen :: cory (any fish belonging to the genus Corydoras, a group of South American freshwater catfish)
mono :: skiing shoe
monoamiinioksidaasi :: monoamine oxidase
monofonia :: monophony
monofoninen :: monophonic
monoftongi :: monophthong
monoftongiutua :: to monophthongize
monoftongiutuminen :: monophthongization
monofyleettinen :: monophyletic
monogaaminen :: monogamous
monogamia :: monogamy
monogeneettinen :: monogenetic
monografia :: monograph
monogrammi :: monogram
monogynia :: monogyny
monogyyninen :: monogynous
monoidi :: monoid
monokkeli :: monocle
monoklonaalinen :: monoclonal
monoklonaalinen vasta-aine :: monoclonal antibody
monokokki :: monocoque
monokromaattinen :: monochromatic
monokromia :: monochromy
monoksidi :: monoxide
monokulttuuri :: monoculture
monoliitti :: monolith
monoliittinen :: monolithic
monologi :: monologue
monomania :: monomania
monomi :: monomial
mononukleoosi :: mononucleosis
monopoli :: monopole (antenna)
monopoli :: monopoly
monopoli :: monopole
monopolisoida :: To monopolise/monopolize
monopolisointi :: monopolization
monopolisoitua :: To be monopolized
monopolistinen :: monopolistic
monopoloida :: alternative form of monopolisoida
monopoloitua :: to be monopolized
monopsoni :: monopsony
monorkia :: monorchism
monosakkaridi :: monosaccharide
monosemia :: monosemy
monosyytti :: monocyte
monoteismi :: monotheism
monoteisti :: monotheist
monoteistinen :: monotheistic
monotonia :: monotony
monotoninen :: monotonic
monotonisesti :: monotonically
monotonisuus :: monotony
monotypia :: monotype
monotyyppinen :: monotypic
monsteriauto :: monster truck
monstrumi :: monstrosity; severe deformity
monsuuni :: A monsoon [wind]
monsuuni-ilmasto :: A monsoon [meteorological system]
monsuunikausi :: A monsoon season, monsoon or rainy season
monsuunimetsä :: monsoon forest
monsuunisade :: A monsoon [rain]
monsuunituuli :: A monsoon [wind]
montaasi :: A montage
montako :: how many? (what number of?)
Montenegro :: Montenegro
montenegrolainen :: Montenegrin, Montenegran
montenegrolainen :: Montenegrin (person)
monttu :: pit
monttu :: pothole
monumentaalinen :: monumental
monumentaalisesti :: monumentally
monumentaalisuus :: monumentality
monumentaalitaide :: monumental art
monumentti :: monument
moodi :: mode
mooli :: mole (base unit of amount of substance)
moolimassa :: molar mass
moon [dialectal, southern Ostrobothnia] :: I'm
Moona :: female given name of modern usage
moonbootsit :: A pair of moon boots
Mooseksen kirja :: One of the Books of Moses
Mooses :: Moses (Biblical figure)
Mooses :: male given name of biblical origin
moottori :: engine, motor
moottoriajoneuvo :: motor vehicle
moottorikelkka :: snowmobile, snowscooter
moottorikelkkailija :: snowmobile rider, snowmobiler, snowmobilist
moottorikelkkailla :: To drive a snowmobile
moottorikelkkailu :: snowmobile driving
moottoriliikennetie :: An expressway [US], dual carriageway [UK], divided highway [Canada] (road designated for motor traffic only, but with lower technical standard than a motorway)
moottoriöljy :: motor oil
moottoripurjehtija :: A motorsailer
moottoripurjelentokone :: A motor glider
moottoripyörä :: motorcycle
moottoripyöräilijä :: motorcyclist
moottorisaha :: chainsaw
moottoritie :: [British] motorway, dual carriageway
moottoritie [international] :: expressway, freeway
moottoritie :: [US] turnpike, parkway, divided highway, superhighway
moottoriurheilu :: motorsport, motor racing
moottorivene :: motorboat
moottoriveneily :: motorboating
moottorivika :: engine trouble
moottoroida :: to motorize
moottoroitua :: alternative form of motorisoitua
mopata :: To mop
mopedi :: A moped
mopo :: A moped
mopo :: A new recruit
mopoilija :: moped driver
mopoilla :: To drive a moped
mopottaa :: To shaft (to engage in a malicious act)
moppi :: mop (cleaning implement)
mopsi :: pug
moraali :: Morale
moraali :: Moral (a moral practice or teaching)
moraali :: (singular, often translated into the plural form) Morals (common concepts of decency)
moraalifilosofia :: moral philosophy
moraalinen :: Moral
moraalinvartija :: censor, moralist
moraalisesti :: morally
moraalisuus :: morality
moraaliton :: immoral
moraalittomasti :: immorally
moraalittomuus :: immorality
moralismi :: moralism
moralisoida :: To moralise/moralize
moralisointi :: The act of moralizing
moralisti :: moralist
moralistinen :: moralistic
moraliteetti :: morality
moratorio :: moratorium (authorization to a debtor, permitting temporary suspension of instalments, sometimes even the interest)
morbiili :: measles, morbilli
mordva :: Mordvin (language)
Mordva :: Mordovia (republic of Russia)
mordvalainen :: Mordovian, Mordvin (of or pertaining to Mordovia)
mordvalainen :: Mordovian, Mordvin (person)
mordvankielinen :: Mordvin-language, Mordvin
moreeni :: moraine, till (glacial drift consisting of a mixture of clay, sand, pebbles and boulders)
morfeemi :: morpheme
Morfeus :: Morpheus, god of dreams
morfi :: morph (local variety of a species)
morfi :: morph (physical form of a morpheme)
morfiini :: morphine
morfinismi :: morphinism
morfinisti :: morphine addict
morfologia :: morphology
morfologinen :: morphological
morjens :: hi, hello, hullo
morjensta :: alternative form of morjesta
morjenstaa :: alternative form of morjestaa
morjesta :: hi, hello
morjestaa :: to greet
morkkis :: drinker's remorse
morkkis :: (extreme) remorse about something (e.g. buyer's remorse)
mormoni :: A Mormon
mormoni :: As a former part of compound signifying Mormon
mormyska :: A type of hook used in ice fishing
moro :: Hello, hi (used when meeting, sometimes when parting). Used especially in Häme (Tavastia) region
morsian :: bride
morsian :: fiancée
morsio :: bride
morsiosorsa :: wood duck, Aix sponsa
morsius- :: bridal (of or pertaining to a bride)
morsiuslunnaat :: bride price
morsiusneito :: bridesmaid
morsiuspuku :: wedding dress
mortadella :: mortadella
mortaliteetti :: mortality
mortteli :: mortar (vessel used to grind ingredients)
morula :: morula
mosaiikki :: mosaic
Mosambik :: Mozambique
mosambikilainen :: Mozambican (of, from, or pertaining to Mozambique, or the Mozambican people)
mosambikilainen :: Mozambican (person from Mozambique or of Mozambican descent)
moska :: A small sledgehammer
moska :: crud (dirt, filth or refuse)
moskeija :: A mosque
moskiitto :: (tropical) mosquito
moskiittoverkko :: mosquito net
Moskova :: Moscow
Moskova :: Muscovy (Grand Duchy of Moscow)
moskovalainen :: Of or pertaining to Moscow
moskovalainen :: Muscovite
moskoviitti :: Russian
moskoviitti :: Russophile
moskoviitti :: Muscovite (resident of Muscovy, the ancient Grand Duchy of Moscow)
mosse :: nickname of the Russian-made Moskvitch cars; also with capital M
motelli :: motel
motetti :: motet
motiivi :: motive
motivaatio :: motivation
motivaatiovemppa :: malingerer (A conscript who acquires or has acquired exemptions from physical education for falsified reasons of health, i.e. by feigning sick.)
motivaattori :: motivator
motivoida :: To motivate
motivoimaton :: unmotivated
motivointi :: motivating
motivoitu :: motivated
motivoitua :: To be(come) motivated
motivoitunut :: motivated
motkottaa :: To nag (complain)
motocross :: motocross (sport)
motoriikka :: motor functions, motor co-ordination, motor coordination, motor skills
motorinen :: motoric
motorisoida :: to motorize
motorisoitua :: To be motorized
motoristi :: biker (person whose lifestyle is centered on motorcycles)
motoristi :: motorcyclist, motorbiker (driver of a motorcycle)
motskari :: motorbike
motti :: A cubic metre of firewood
motti :: A motti
motto :: A motto (sentence or a phrase with guiding principle)
motto :: A motto
moukan tuuri :: devil's luck
moukari :: A hammer
moukari :: maul (heavy hammer)
moukarinheitto :: hammer throw
moukaroida :: To hammer
moukka :: A boor, peasant
moukka :: A boor, philistine (person lacking appreciation of culture)
moukka :: A pawn
moukkamainen :: boorish
moukku :: A drink [dose of strong alcoholic beverage]; snifter, sip
moukua :: To meow
mouruta :: to caterwaul (to cry as cats in rutting time)
move :: A conscript who acquires or has acquired exemptions from physical education for falsified reasons of health, i.e. by feigning sick
movettaa :: To malinger, acquire exemptions from physical military education by feigning sick
movettaa :: To malinger, skip (physical education, especially camps) by acquiring exemptions from physical military education by feigning sick
mööpeli :: piece of furniture
-mpi :: Forms adjectives that indicate relative location from some nouns that indicate location. In most of these cases the noun has disappeared from the language as independent word but continues to exist as prefix, and some cases are used as postpositions indicating location
-mpi :: Forms comparative adjectives
määrä :: As modifier in compound terms, short form of määrätty; defined, determined
määrä :: amount, quantity
määrä :: count, number
määrä :: aim, target, ambition, obligation (more usually in compound words such as määränpää, päämäärä and määräaika)
määräaika :: deadline, time limit
määräaika :: set period of time
määräaikainen :: fixed-period, fixed-term, fixed-duration
määräaikainen :: temporary (valid or existing for a defined but usually short time)
määräaikainen :: temp (temporary worker)
mä rakastan sua :: I love you
mrd :: miljardi (billion, 109)
määre :: attribute
määre :: modifier, qualifier
möreä :: low-pitched, low voice
märehdintä :: rumination
märehtiä :: To chew the cud, ruminate
märehtijä :: ruminant
märehtiminen :: rumination
märehtiminen :: rumination
määräenemmistö :: qualified majority
määri :: A mayor, used of French mayors
Määri :: Moravia (region in Czech)
määräilevä :: domineering, overbearing
määräilevästi :: domineeringly
määräillä :: To boss around
märin :: superlative form of märkä
määräinen :: As headword in a compound term indicates approximate quantity
määräinen :: definite
määräinen artikkeli :: definite article
määrite :: attribute
määritellä :: to define (to state or explain the meaning of a word, sign or symbol)
määritellä :: ~ uudelleen: to redefine
määritelmä :: expression [a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value]
määritelmä :: definition
määriteosa :: modifier (morpheme that qualifies the sense of the head of a compound)
määrittää :: To qualify, modify
määrittää :: To diagnose (a disease)
määrittää :: To specify, determine, define, set
määrittelemätön :: undefined
määrittely :: specification
määrittelyjoukko :: domain
märkä :: wet
märkä :: pus
mörkö :: A bogeyman or bugbear (imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children)
märkiä :: To suppurate
märkile :: abscess
märkäinen :: pussy (containing pus)
märkivä :: abscessed
möräkkä :: [of voice] low-pitched
märkäkorva :: greenhorn, novice, beginner, newcomer, somebody born yesterday
märkäkorva [pejoratively] :: whippersnapper
märkäpää [paper production] :: The wet end of a paper machine, i.e. the end from which the fiber mass enters the machine
märkäpaise :: abscess
märkäpesäke :: An abscess
märkäpuku :: wetsuit
märkärakkula :: pustule
märkärupi :: impetigo
märkä uni :: wet dream
määrällinen :: quantitative
määrällinen elvytys :: quantitative easing (type of monetary policy)
määrällisesti :: quantitatively
määrämuotoinen :: Having a defined or predetermined form
määränpää :: Destination
määräpäivä :: due date (date by which a task is supposed to be completed)
määräraha :: allowance, purse (quantity of money given for a particular purpose)
määräraha :: budget (amount of money earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame)
mörsky :: elfin saddle (mushroom of the genus Helvella)
mörssäri [athletics, colloquial] :: shot putter
mörssäri :: mortar (historical weapon)
märssykori :: crow's nest (open-top shelter atop a mast)
määrätä :: to levy, assess (taxes); to impose, inflict (a fine)
määrätä :: to appoint, assign into a public office
määrätä :: to (fore)ordain, decree, decide
määrätä :: to prescribe, order (a medication)
määrätä :: to specify, determine, set, fix
määrätä [transitive + accusative + 3rd inf. -maan/-mään] :: to order, command, instruct, tell (someone to do something)
määrätietoinen :: intent, purposeful, set, determined, single-minded, purposive, resolute, undistractable (intensely focused and concentrated on purpose)
määrätietoisesti :: determinedly
määrätön :: countless
määrätty :: definite
määrätty integraali :: definite integral
määräävä :: ruling
määräys :: appointment (to a job)
määräys :: injunction
määräys :: order, command, instruction
määräys :: ordinance, decree, regulation
määräys :: prescription (of a medication)
määräys :: specification
määräytyä :: To be determined by
mäsä :: broken
mäski [brewing] :: mash
mössö :: pap
mässäilijä :: A glutton, a gormandizer (one who eats voraciously)
mässäilijä :: A glutton (one who gluts himself)
mässäillä :: To glut oneself
mässäillä :: To gormandize
MS-tauti :: multiple sclerosis
mätä :: fishy (suspicious; inspiring doubt)
mätä :: rotten
mätä :: pus
Mt {symbol} :: megatavu; MB (megabyte)
mätiä :: To putrefy, produce pus
mäti :: roe (of fish)
mötikkä :: A lump or chunk
MTK :: Maa- ja metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto, the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners of Finland
mätkähtää :: to thud
mätkiä :: To whack
mätkäistä :: To slap
mätäkuu :: dog days
mätäkuun juttu [idiomatic, colloquial] :: A false or misleading report or story, a canard
mätämuna :: A bad egg [person]
mätänevä :: Decomposable, putrescible
mätäpaise :: abscess
mätäs :: A tussock
mättää :: mättää ruokaa: To eat
mättää :: mikä mättää: What's wrong? What's the matter?
mättää :: To pack
mättää :: To shovel
Määttä :: Finnish surname
mötti :: A lump, chunk
mättäikkö :: ground with many tussocks
muassa :: along with
muffini :: muffin
muffinsi :: alternative form of muffini
mufloni :: mouflon, Ovis aries orientalis
muhamettilainen :: Mohammedan
muhamettilainen :: Mohammedan, Muslim
muhamettilaisuus :: Mohammedanism: Islam
Muhammad :: Muhammad (prophet of Islam)
Muhammed :: Muhammad (prophet of Islam)
muhea :: alternative form of muhkea
muhennos :: stew
muhentaa :: To mash
muhia :: to brew
muhina :: hanky-panky
muhinoida :: To make out, make love
muhkea :: stately, imposing, grand, impressive
muhkeasti :: impressively, imposingly
muhkura :: bump
muhvi :: muff [piece of cloth]
muija :: bitch
muija :: chick
muija :: girlfriend
muija :: hoe
muija :: wife
muija :: woman
muikea :: sugary
muikistaa :: to grin
muikku :: Used also of some closely related North-American Coregonus species called cisco, usually as part of a compound term as in amerikanmuikku}}
muikku :: vendace, Coregonus albula (Eurasian species of fish in the Salmonidae family)
muinainen :: ancient
muinais- :: ancient
muinais- :: old
muinais- :: prehistoric
muinaisaika :: antiquity
muinaisbulgaria :: Old Church Slavonic
muinaiseläin :: prehistoric animal
muinaisenglanti :: Old English
muinaisetiopia :: Ge'ez (language)
muinaishollanti :: Old Dutch
muinaiskieli :: ancient language
muinaiskiina :: Middle Chinese
muinaiskiina :: Old Chinese
muinaiskirkkoslaavi :: Old Church Slavonic
muinaiskreikka :: Ancient Greek (language)
muinaisnorja :: The Old Norse language
muinaispersia :: Old Persian
muinaispreussi :: Old Prussian
muinaisranska :: Old French
muinaistiede :: archeology
muinaistieteilijä :: archaeologist
muinaistutkija :: archaeologist
muinaisuus :: time immemorial, ancient time (time that extends beyond memory or record)
muinaisvenäjä :: Old East Slavic, Old Russian (Slavic language used from the 10th to the 14th centuries)
muina miehinä :: minding one's own business
muina miehinä :: negligently, in passing
muinoin :: very long ago, in time immemorial
muissa maailmoissa :: away with the fairies, out of touch with reality, not with it, dreaming, not all there
muistaa :: to remember, recall, recollect
muistaakseni :: as far as I can remember (I remember something happened the way I tell, but I can't be 100% sure)
muistaja :: rememberer
muistaminen :: remembering
muistella :: To commemorate
muistella :: To reminisce, recall, recollect
muistelma :: A recollection, reminiscence
muisti :: memory
muistiaukko :: memory gap
muistiinpano :: jotting
muistiinpano :: note
muistijälki :: engram (postulated physical or biochemical change in neural tissue that represents a memory)
muistikatko :: A blackout [temporary loss of consciousness or memory]
muistikirja :: A notebook
muistikortti :: memory card, flash card (insertable card which are used as external data storage with a variety of electronic devices including digital cameras, PC's, game consoles)
muistikortti :: memory card (personal computer's expansion memory module)
muistikuva :: remembrance, recollection, reminiscence (a person's mental picture of something happened to him in the past)
muistilappu :: crib sheet, cheat sheet
muistilappu :: palm card (card listing items to be discussed in a speech or presentation)
muistilehtiö :: A notepad
muistilista :: to-do list
muistinmenetys :: memory loss, amnesia
muistinsuojaus :: memory protection
muistinvaraus :: memory allocation
muistio :: memorandum, memo
muistisääntö :: A mnemonic; an aide-memoire
muistitikku :: data stick, USB flash drive
muisto :: As modifier in compound terms, memorial
muisto :: memento, keepsake
muisto :: memory, recollection
muistoa kunnioittaen :: in memory of
muistoesine :: A memento
muistoesine :: A souvenir
muistohauta :: A cenotaph
muistoisa :: Memorable
muistojuhla :: memorial celebration
muistokirjoitus :: Obituary (biography of a recently deceased person, in a newspaper)
muistokynttilä :: A candle lit to remember a deceased person or persons
muistomerkki :: memorial (structure intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event)
muistopuhe :: eulogy
muistotilaisuus :: commemoration (celebration designed to honor the memory of some person or event)
muistotilaisuus :: memorial service (informal service honoring a deceased person)
muistutella :: To remind (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
muistuttaa :: to remind
muistuttaa :: to resemble
muistutus :: reminder, note
muje :: An Eastern Finnish word for vendace
muka :: In partitive (mukaa) used in some expressions to indicate simultaneity, togetherness or causality; along, along with, together, simultaneously, in proportion, in pace with
muka :: Used to express that what follows is doubtful or untrue; supposedly, allegedly
mukaan :: along, (in some cases) on
mukaan :: according to, by, in sb's opinion
mukaan :: as to, by, according to (in a manner conforming or corresponding to; in proportion)
mukaan :: along with
mukaan luettuna :: including
mukaan lukien :: including, inclusive
mukaansatempaava :: compelling, absorbing
mukaantulo :: coming along, entry (act of joining a company, team, project etc.)
mukaelma :: adaptation, version
mukainen :: consistent, compatible
mukaisesti :: in accordance with
mukaisuus :: state of being consistent or compatible with something, consistency, compatibility
mukamas :: supposedly
mukana :: along, together, with; used also postpositionally
mukanaolo :: presence, being along
mukautua :: To adapt to
mukautua :: To comply with, condition to, defer to
mukautuminen :: adaptation, adjustment, modification (adjusting oneself to fit something new such as ideas or situation)
mukautuminen :: compliance with or deferral to something (as in, to societal norms);
mukautumiskyky :: adaptability
mukautuvainen :: malleable
mukava :: affable (friendly, courteous, sociable)
mukava :: nice, pleasant; comfortable
mukavasti :: conveniently, nicely
mukavuus :: comfort, ease
mukavuus :: convenience
mukavuusavioliitto :: marriage of convenience
mukavuuslaitos :: comfort station (toilet)
mukavuuslippu :: flag of convenience (flag)
mukavuuslippulaiva :: A ship registered under a flag of convenience
mukes :: A mess hall, chow hall, galley, mess decks [US]; mess [UK] (informal term for a military dining room)
muki :: A mug (cup)
mukiinmenevä :: decent, passable, tolerable, nothing special
mukillinen :: mugful
mukiloida :: To bruise
mukina :: grumble, complaining
mukista :: To grumble, grouse, complain
muks :: The sound of somebody falling over
muksu :: A kid, child
mukula :: any small, hard lump that might be compared to a tuber, especially potato
mukula :: tuber (fleshy underground stem)
mukula :: kid (little child)
mukula-artisokka :: Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus)
mukulakivi :: cobblestone (rounded stone, especially when used for paving roads)
mukulaleinikki :: lesser celandine, (Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria) (a flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae)
mulatti :: mulatto
muli :: A head with very short hair
mulkaista :: To glance angrily; to scowl
mulkero :: A highly contemptible person; dick, prick, asshole
mulkku :: annoying person: asshole, prick
mulkku :: male genitalia: cock, dick, prick, schlong
mulkoilla :: To leer (to look at something or someone maliciously); to glare
mulkosilmä :: bulging eye
mulkosilmäinen :: bug-eyed
mulkvisti [vulgar, slang] :: asshole, prick (someone unpleasant, rude or annoying)
mulla :: mullah
mulla on kysymys :: I have a question
mulli :: bull calf
mullikka :: bull calf
mullin mallin :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically)
mullistaa :: to revolutionize, to devastate
mullistus :: convulsion (violent turmoil)
mullistus :: subversion (act of undermining a convention)
mullistus :: upheaval, cataclysm (sudden, violent event)
mullo :: goatfish, red mullet, surmullet (fish of the family Mullidae)
mulperi :: mulberry (tree)
mulperiperhonen :: silkmoth, Bombyx mori
multa :: mould (soil)
multaantua :: To become covered by earth
multaantua :: To become earth
multainen :: Dirtied with soil, earthy
multautua :: alternative form of multaantua
multijoukko [set theory] :: alternative term for monijoukko
multilateraalinen :: multilateral
multimediaviesti :: multimedia message
multippeliskleroosi :: multiple sclerosis
multiversumi :: multiverse
multivisio :: multivision
Mumbai :: Mumbai
mumina :: mumble, mumbling, mutter, muttering, murmur (low, indistinct sounds of speech)
mumista :: To mutter, mumble, murmur
mummeli :: granny, an elderly woman
mummi :: grandmother (mother of someone’s parent)
mummila :: alternative form of mummola
mummo :: A grandma
mummo :: An old woman
mummo :: A mummonmarkka
mummola :: grandmother's home
mummonmarkka :: A Finnish markka, as opposed to or in comparison with euro. Sometimes abbreviated to mummo
mummu [familiar] :: grandma
muna :: any egg
muna :: hen's egg
muna :: ovoid (something egg-shaped, used especially in compound terms with a modifier that specifies the material)
muna :: ovum
muna :: the guts, or more literally, the balls
muna :: (singular) dick (penis), (plural) balls (male genitals)
munahammas :: egg tooth
munahampurilainen :: eggburger (hamburger served with a fried egg as a topping)
munahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula lutea
munakas :: omelette
munakello :: egg timer
munakenno :: egg carton
munakoiso :: aubergine, eggplant, Solanum melongena
munakokkeli :: scrambled eggs
munakotelo :: egg sac, ootheca
munakotelo :: eggbox
munakuppi :: An eggcup, egg cup
munaleikkuri :: egg slicer
munalikööri :: advocaat (liqueur made of egg yolks, sugar and brandy)
munalukko :: padlock
munamankeli :: bike
munanasetin :: ovipositor
munanjohdin :: Fallopian tube, oviduct, uterine tube, salpinx
munankeitin :: poacher (egg cooker)
munankeltuainen :: An egg yolk
munankuori :: eggshell
munanmuotoinen :: ovoid, ovate, ooid, egg-shaped (shaped like an egg)
munanvalkuainen :: An egg white (white part of an egg)
munapää :: dickhead
munapussi :: egg sac, ootheca
munapussi [colloquial, usually in plural] :: nutbag (scrotum)
munapussit :: nutbag (scrotum)
munarakkula [lb, fi, anatomy] :: ovarian follicle
munasarja :: ovary
munasäkki :: egg sac, ootheca
munaskuu :: kidney
munaskuu [colloquial, by misconception, pluralonly] :: testicles
munaskuu [idiomatic, pluralonly] :: guts
munasolu :: An ovum, egg, egg cell
munata :: to screw up
munaton :: eggless, containing no egg
munaton :: Lacking balls; gutless
munatorttu :: egg tart
munatorttu :: pastel de nata
munatorvi :: Fallopian tube, oviduct, uterine tube, salpinx
munatoti :: eggnog
munaus :: screwup
munavoi :: A spread made of butter and hard boiled eggs, used especially with karjalanpiirakka
mundo :: ecstasy (drug)
mungopapu :: alternative form of mungpapu ("mung bean")
mungpapu :: mung bean
munia :: To let somebody wait without any good reason, to loiter or to be sluggish [normally only in irritated questions]
munia :: To lay an egg
muninta :: egg laying
munituskana :: A layer [hen kept to lay eggs]
munitusmuna :: nest egg (egg placed in a bird's nest, to encourage the bird to lay its own eggs there)
munkki :: doughnut, donut
munkki :: monk
munkki :: a plant of the genus Jasione
munkki :: luck
munkki :: woman's breast
munkkikorppikotka :: An Eurasian black vulture, monk vulture, cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus
munkkilikööri :: Benedictine (liqueur)
munkkirinkeli :: doughnut (baked good)
munkkirinkilä :: A doughnut
munkkius :: monkhood (the state of being a monk)
munniharppu :: Jew's harp
muntjakki :: Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak)
muntjakki :: muntjac
munuainen :: kidney
munuaiskeränen :: renal corpuscle
munuaiskivi :: kidney stone
munuaiskivitauti :: nephrolithiasis
munuaiskotelo :: renal capsule
munuaislaskimo :: renal vein
munuaisoppi :: nephrology
munuaisportti :: renal hilum, renal pedicle
munuaispuu :: cashew (tree)
munuaispyramidi :: renal pyramid
munuaissyöpä :: kidney cancer
munuaistulehdus :: nephritis
munuaisvaiva :: kidney failure
muodikas :: fashionable
muodikkaammin :: comparative form of muodikkaasti
muodikkaasti :: fashionably
muodikkaimmin :: superlative form of muodikkaasti
muodistaa :: To make fashionable
muodokas :: embonpoint
muodokas :: voluptuous
muodokkuus :: embonpoint
muodokkuus :: voluptuousness
muodollinen :: formal
muodollisesti :: formally
muodonmuutos :: transformation, metamorphosis
muodonvaihdos :: metamorphosis
muodostaa :: to constitute
muodostaa :: to form, create, formulate, build
muodostaminen :: formation
muodoste :: formation
muodostelma :: A formation (something possessing structure or form)
muodostelma :: A formation
muodostelmaluistelu :: Synchronized skating
muodostua :: to form (oneself), be formed
muodostuma :: formation [geological etc.]
muodostus :: formation (act of assembling a group or structure)
muodostus :: formation (something possessing structure or form); only as head word in compond terms
muodoton :: shapeless
muokata :: To curry (to dress leather after tanning)
muokata :: To edit (to make changes to a text)
muokata :: To modify (to make partial changes to)
muokata :: To shape (to give something a shape)
muokata :: To till (to prepare the soil for growing crops)
muokata :: To work (to shape, form, or improve a material)
muokkaaja :: editor (person who edits)
muokkain :: editor
muokkaus :: edit
muona :: Food provisions, supplies
muonamies :: A dayworker on a farm, usually landless, paid partly with food supplies
muonittaa :: to supply with food, provision
muonitus :: food supply; the act of supplying with food
muonituskeskus :: A dining facility [US], cookhouse [UK] (official term for a military dining room)
muori :: grandma
muori :: mother, especially when old
muori :: old woman
muorinen :: A loving term of address used of an old woman, usually a family member; only used in the form muoriseni
muorinkukka :: radiator plant (plant of the genus Peperomia)
muoti :: vogue, fad (current craze)
muoti :: vogue, fashion (prevailing fashion or style)
muotihuume :: designer drug (alternative term to muuntohuume)
muotikoru :: A (piece of) fashion jewelry
muotinäytös :: fashion show
muotisana :: buzzword
muotisuunnittelija :: couturier (person who designs haute couture)
muoto :: A form
muoto :: A shape
muotoilija :: designer
muotoilla :: to shape
muotoilu :: design (the form of art)
muotoinen :: Of a form, -formed, -shaped. Used always with a modifier which, if it is a noun or pronoun, is in genitive and determines the kind of form. The modifier and muotoinen are written as one or two words without a clear rule when to use which way of spelling. If the modifier is an adjective, it is always in nominative and the resulting word is written as one word
muotokuva :: A portrait
muotosuhde :: aspect ratio (ratio of width of an object to its height)
muotoutua :: to take shape (to take a definite form)
muotti :: cast (mould used to make cast objects)
muotti :: die
muotti :: form (thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold)
muotti :: mould or mold (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance)
muovailuvaha :: modeling clay
muovailuvaha :: playdough
muovata :: To mold, shape, model
muovausleikkaus :: cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery (surgical operation in order to improve the appearance or functionality of a body organ)
muovi :: plastic
muovikassi :: plastic shopping bag, carrier bag
muoviämpäri :: plastic bucket
muovinen :: plastic
muovipussi :: plastic bag
muovipussi :: plastic shopping bag, carrier bag
muoviräjähde :: plastic explosive
muovisanko :: plastic bucket
mura :: gravel
mura :: sediment
murahtaa :: To growl, snarl (once)
muratti :: common ivy, Hedera helix
muratti :: ivy
murea :: Tender (soft and easily chewed)
mureena :: moray, moray eel (any member of the family Muraenidae)
mureena :: moray (Muraena helena)
murehtia :: To worry
mureke :: meatloaf or similar dish
muren :: crumb
murena :: crumb
murene :: alternative form of muren
murentaa :: to crumble
murentua :: alternative form of mureta
mureta :: to crumble (to break progressively into small pieces)
mureuttaa :: To tenderise/tenderize
mureutua :: To become tender
murha :: murder; first-degree murder [US]
murha :: murder, homicide
murhaaja :: A murderer; (when sure that perpetrator is female but not necessarily saying it) a murderess
murhaava :: murderous
murhaavasti :: murderously
murhamies :: murderer
murhanhimoinen :: murderous, homicidal
murhata :: To murder
murhayritys :: attempted murder
murhe :: sorrow
murheellinen :: sorrowful
murheinen :: sorrowful
murhenäytelmä :: A tragedy (also figuratively)
murikka :: rock, boulder
murina :: growl, snarl
murista [of a stomach] :: To rumble
murista [of people or dogs] :: To growl, snarl
murjaista :: To crack a joke
murjaista :: To crack, break
murjoa :: to maul
murjottaa :: to sulk
murju :: rathole (particularly squalid human residence)
murkina :: food
murkinoida :: To eat a meal
murkku :: ant
murkku :: teenager
murmeli :: A marmot (rodent in the genus Marmota)
Murphyn laki :: Murphy's law
murre :: dialect
murre :: dog, pooch
murrejatkumo :: dialect continuum
murreraja :: dialect boundary
murrettu :: broken (intentionally bent to the point of coming apart)
murrettu :: broken (poorly spoken)
murri :: murrelet (seabirds in the genera Brachyramphus and Synthliboramphus of the auk family Alcidae)
murros :: abatis, abattis (means of defense made of felled trees, often enhanced with barbed wire and mines)
murros :: breaking, breakage], fracture, rupture (point or area at which something breaks)
murros :: Group of trees felled by a storm
murros :: turning point, culmination, critical period, crucial period, break (decisive point or period at which a significant change or historical event occurs)
murrosaika :: transition time
murrosikä :: puberty
murrostaa :: to barricade
murroste :: barricade
murskaaja :: crusher
murskaava :: crushing, withering
murskain :: breaker
murskata :: To demolish
murskata :: To crush, smash, shatter, pulverize
murskata :: To grind
murskatappio :: walkover loss
murskaus :: crush, crushing
murskautua :: to be crushed
murskavoitto :: walkover victory
mursu :: walrus, Odobenus rosmarus
mursunviikset :: walrus mustache (thick, bushy mustache that droop over the mouth, resembling the whiskers of a walrus)
murtaa :: Of a bone, to cause to crack under physical strain
murtaa :: To break, usually with the word syöttö (a serve) → murtaa syöttö
murtaa :: To break (to cause a person or animal to lose his/her/its will), usually with the word tahto (will) → murtaa tahto
murtaa :: To break (to cause to end up in two or more pieces)
murtaa :: To fragment (to break apart)
murtaa leipä :: to break bread (to eat, especially with others)
murtautua :: To break in
murteellinen :: dialectal
murteellisesti :: dialectically
murto :: A burglary
murto :: As a defining part in compound words, refers to breaking in many different ways
murto :: The act of breaking
murtoluku :: A fraction
murtomaahiihto :: cross-country skiing
murtomies :: A burglar
murto-osa :: fraction
murtovakuutus :: burglary insurance
murtovaras :: A burglar
murtovarkaus :: burglary
murtovesi :: brackish water, brackishwater (water with salinity between that of seawater and freshwater)
murtoviiva :: polygonal chain, polyline (connected series of line segments)
murtoyritys :: attempted burglary
murtsikka :: cross-country skiing, XC, XC skiing
murtsikka :: (informal, in plural) A pair of cross-country skis
murtua :: to break down, fall to pieces (to be emotionally devastated)
murtua :: to break, break down, fracture, fall to pieces
murtuma :: A fracture
murtumismekaniikka :: fracture mechanics
murtunut :: broken (bent to the point of coming apart)
murtunut :: broken (defeated and dispirited)
muru :: A crumb
muru :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota
muru :: honey (term of affection)
murunen :: a small crumb
murunen :: a very small amount of something, a jot, an iota
murunen :: diminutive form of muru
murustaa :: to crumble (to produce crumbs as an unwanted byproduct, e.g. when eating)
musa :: music
musaka :: moussaka
musamaku :: music taste
museo :: museum
museoida :: To change into a museum
museoida :: To preserve
museovirasto :: A similar authority in another country
museovirasto :: usually capitalized: Museovirasto (the Finnish National Board of Antiquities)
Museovirasto :: the Finnish National Board of Antiquities (cultural and research institution and a government authority charged with the protection of archaeological sites, built heritage, cultural-historically valuable environments and cultural property)
musertaa :: To crush
musertaa :: To overwhelm, daunt
musertava :: overwhelming
musertua :: To be crushed
musiikillinen :: musical (of or relating to the music)
musiikki :: As modifier in compound words (musiikki-), music or musical
musiikki :: music
musiikkiala :: music industry
musiikki-instrumentti :: A musical instrument
musiikkijuhla :: music festival
musiikkileikkikoulu :: A music school for small children in which the tots learn the basics of music by playing
musiikkiopisto :: A music school providing musical training which starts from elementary level and prepares for professional studies
musiikkitalo :: A music hall
musiikkiterapia :: music therapy
musiikkitiede :: musicology
musiikkitieteilijä :: musicologist
musikaali :: A musical [stage performance, show or film which involves singing, dancing and musical numbers as well as acting]
musikaalinen :: musical (gifted or skilled in music)
musikaalisesti :: musically
musikaalisuus :: musicality
musikantti :: musician
musikka :: A Russian peasant
musikologi :: musicologist
musikologia :: musicology
muskari :: music school, especially one that teaches preschool-age children
muskatsoni :: muscazone
muskelivene :: powerboat
musketööri :: A musketeer
musketti :: musket
muskettimies :: A musketeer
muskettisotilas :: musketeer
muskettisoturi :: A musketeer
muskoni :: muscone
muskotti :: nutmeg
muskoviitti :: muscovite
musliini :: muslin
muslimi :: A Muslim
muslimi :: As a former part of compound signifying Muslim
mussukka :: darling, sugar, sweetheart, sweetie
mussuttaa :: To eat (especially continuously or loudly)
mussuttaa :: To speak unclearly
mussuttaa :: To speak annoyingly
musta :: black (colour)
musta :: black (person)
musta aukko :: black hole
mustaeväkampela :: Torbay sole, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
mustahapero :: blackening russula, Russula nigricans
mustaherukka :: blackcurrant
musta hevonen :: dark horse
mustahuotrakala :: black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo)
mustaihoinen :: black (having "black" skin, relating to persons of noticeable negroid African descent)
mustaihoisempi :: comparative form of mustaihoinen
musta jää :: black ice
musta joulu :: snowless Christmas
musta joutsen :: black swan (occurrence believed to be impossible until it happens)
mustajoutsen :: black swan, Cygnus atratus
mustajuuri :: A black salsify (Scorzonera hispanica)
musta kahvi :: black coffee
musta kappale :: blackbody
mustakarhu :: black bear
mustakaulajoutsen :: black-necked swan, Cygnus melancoryphus
mustakondori :: black vulture (Coragyps atratus)
mustakumina :: A flower native to SW Asia, the seeds of which are used as spice; fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, blackseed, black caraway, black onion seed (Nigella sativa)
mustakurkkumuura :: band-tailed antshrike
musta laatikko :: black box
mustalainen :: (varying from neutral to pejorative) gypsy
mustalaiskieli :: Romani (language)
mustaleppälintu :: a black redstart; Phoenicurus ochruros
mustaleski :: black widow (Latrodectus ssp.)
mustaleukamuura :: dusky-throated antshrike
musta lista :: A blacklist
mustamaalata :: to denigrate, defame, discredit (to criticise so as to besmirch)
mustamaalaus :: smear campaign (effort to damage or call into question someone's reputation, by propounding negative propaganda)
musta magia :: black magic
mustamaija :: Black Maria, paddywagon (police van)
mustamaija :: A children's card game in which the loser is the one who is left with the queen of spades or Musta Maija in the end
mustamakkara :: A Finnish blood sausage, quite similar to black pudding
mustamamba :: black mamba
Mustameri :: The Black Sea
mustamuurahainen :: common black ant (Formica fusca)
Mustanaamio :: The Phantom (comic book character)
mustangi :: mustang
mustankipeä :: jealous
mustapää :: blackhead, comedo
mustapippuri :: black pepper [spice]
musta pörssi :: black market
mustapäästäinen :: A species of shrew, specifically Taiga shrew, Sorex isodon
mustapuumuura :: black antshrike
mustarastas :: blackbird (Turdus merula)
mustarotta :: black rat (Rattus rattus)
mustarousku :: ugly milk-cap (Lactarius necator)
mustaruuti :: black powder
musta ryssä :: Black Russian (cocktail)
musta savikivi :: black shale (type of rock)
musta savuttaja :: black smoker
mustasukkainen :: jealous
mustasukkaisesti :: jealously
mustasukkaisuus :: jealousy
mustata :: To blacken
mustata :: To denigrate, defame
mustatiira :: black tern (small seabird, Chlidonias niger)
mustatiira :: In plural (mustatiirat), the genus Chlidonias
mustatokko :: black goby (Gobius niger)
musta torvisieni :: alternative spelling of mustatorvisieni
mustatorvisieni :: horn of plenty, black chanterelle, black trumpet, trompette de la mort, trumpet of the dead, Craterellus cornucopioides (edible mushroom)
mustatumake :: substantia nigra (brain structure)
mustavalas :: North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis
mustavalas :: southern right whale, Eubalaena australis
mustavalkoinen :: black and white
mustavalkotelevisio :: black-and-white television
mustavaris :: rook (Corvus frugilegus)
mustaviinimarja :: blackcurrant
muste :: ink
musteastia :: inkwell (container for ink, designed and usually positioned so that a person may conveniently dip a pen into it)
mustekala :: Any of the coleoid species, which form the taxonomic subclass Coleoidea (mustekalat); including e.g.octopus, squid (calamari), cuttlefish
mustekala :: bungee (elastic fabric-bound strap with a hook at each end)
mustekivi :: inkstone (stone used by Chinese artists and calligraphers to grind dry ink and to mix it with water)
mustelma :: bruise, contusion
mustempi :: comparative form of musta
mustentaa :: To blacken
mustepullo :: ink bottle (bottle for ink, usually with a wide mouth to allow dipping a pen into it)
mustesivellin :: inkbrush (brush used in Chinese calligraphy and painting)
mustesuihkutulostin :: An inkjet printer
musteta :: To blacken
mustetahra :: inkblot
mustetanko :: inkstick (cake of solid ink used in traditional East Asian calligraphy and painting)
mustikka :: bilberry or blueberry, several closely related species of Vaccinium family, none of which grows naturally in Finland
mustikka :: bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus; a common shrub in Finland, and its fruit
mustikkatyyppi :: Myrtillus-type (forest type in the Finnish forest classification system; a moist spruce / birch forest typical for southern Finland)
mustin :: superlative form of musta
Mustonen :: Finnish surname
mustua :: To blacken
mustuainen :: pupil (part of an eye)
mustuainen :: Used of some other small, black spots, such as kynnenmustuainen
mustuus :: blackness
mut :: but
muta :: mire, mud; decaying organic matter in the bottom of a lake etc
mutaatio :: mutation (any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material)
mutaatio :: mutation (alteration a particular sound of a word)
mutaatio :: mutation (any change or alteration)
mutageeni :: mutagen
mutaharakka :: magpie-lark, Grallina cyanoleuca
mutainen :: muddy
mutaisempi :: comparative form of mutainen
mutakakku :: Mississippi mud pie (dessert)
mutakakku :: mud pie (mass of mud shaped into the form of a pie, especially by children)
mutakuono [offensive, racial slur] :: A darkey; a dark-skinned person
mutantti :: A mutant
mutapaini :: mud wrestling
mutapainija :: mud wrestler
mutasara :: mud sedge, Carex limosa
mutatis mutandis :: mutatis mutandis
mutatoida :: To mutate
mutatoitua :: To mutate
mutavyöry :: mudslide
mutiainen :: A dark-skinned person
mutina :: mutter
mutista :: To mutter
mutka :: bend
mutka :: curve (e.g. in road)
mutka [plumbing] :: elbow (pipe fitting)
mutka [slang, weapons] :: rod (gun, pistol)
mutkaton :: easy-going
mutkaton :: straightforward
mutkattomasti :: straightforwardly
mutkikas :: complicated
mutkikkaasti :: complicatedly
mutkikkuus :: complicatedness
mutkistaa :: to complicate
mutkistua :: to become more complicated
mutkistua :: to bend
mutkitella :: To snake
mutkitella :: To zigzag
mutkitteleva :: sinuous
mutristaa :: to purse, pout
mutsi :: mom, mother
mutt' [coordinating, poetic] :: but
mutta [coordinating] :: but
mutta :: ifs, ands, or buts; in a negative phrase, used like noun only in partitive plural (muttia) with qualifier mitään (modifications, limitations, or addenda; qualifications of any kind; speculations about whether a particular idea or enterprise is good, doubts)
muttei :: mutta + ei
mutteivät :: mutta + eivät
muttemme :: mutta + emme
mutten :: mutta + en
mutteri :: nut (fastener)
mutteri [slang, sexuality] :: nob, knob (slang for glans penis)
mutteripannu :: moka pot, see mokkapannu
muttet :: mutta + et
muttette :: mutta + ette
mutti :: A traditional Finnish food made from barley flour
mutu :: Eurasian common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus)
mutu :: Poor reasoning or knowledge based on common beliefs as opposed to actual knowledge
mutustaa :: to eat by chewing slowly and with some difficulty, as with having sore teeth
mututuntuma :: A gut feeling
muu :: (onomatopoietic) Moo, sound made by a cow
muu :: else
muu :: (in plural muut) the others (referring to people)
muu :: other, another
muu :: joku ~ = other (not the one previously referred to)
muu :: With kuin; but, except
muualla :: elsewhere
muualle :: To elsewhere
muualta :: from elsewhere
muuan :: a, an
muuan :: certain
muudan :: dated form of muuan
muukalainen :: alien
muukalainen :: stranger
muukalaislegioona :: foreign legion
muukalaispassi :: alien's passport
muukalaisvihamielinen :: xenophobic
muukalaisystävällinen :: xenodochial
muu kuin :: other than, besides, except for
muuli :: mule
muuliaasi :: A hinny
muu lihaan verrattava valmistusaine :: A food industry regulatory term for food additive which may include one or more of the following: mechanically separated (from bones) meat, internal organs, animal fat, pig skin, poultry skin and meat from the head of a cow or horse. The product resembles, but is not exactly the same as lean finely textured beef or pink slime
muulinajaja :: muleteer
muulloin :: at another time
muulloin :: otherwise
muumi :: Moomin
muumio :: mummy
muumioida :: To mummify
muumioitua :: to mummify, to become a mummy
muun muassa :: inter alia, among other things
muunnelma :: A variant
muunneltava :: convertible (capable of being converted)
muunnettu totuus :: terminological inexactitude (lie or falsehood)
muunnin :: modifier
muunnin :: transducer
muunnos :: transformation, transform
muunnos :: alteration
muunnos :: variety
muunnos :: variation, variant (related but distinct thing)
muunsukupuolinen :: transgender (not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles and categories of male or female)
muuntaa :: To convert, transform
muuntaja :: transformer
muuntajakoppi [electricity distribution] :: transformer house (small building housing an electric transformer and usually some switchgear)
muuntelu :: variation
muuntogeeninen :: genetically modified
muuntohuume :: designer drug (drug by modifying the molecular structure of an existing drug)
muuntokerroin :: conversion factor
muuntua :: To transform, convert
muuntuva :: transforming
muura :: Any bird in the taxonomic family Formicariidae, the family of ant-thrushes and antpittas
muurahainen :: An ant
muurahais- :: formic, ant
muurahaishappo :: formic acid
muurahaiskarhu :: anteater
muurahaiskasvi :: A common term for a myrmecophyte
muurahaiskeko :: anthill
muurahaiskorento :: An adult antlion
muurahaiskäpy :: Any of several species of pangolin, or scaly anteater
muurahaiskuningatar :: ant queen
muurahaiskuoriainen :: ant beetle (Thanasimus formicarius)
muurahaisleijona :: A larva of an antlion
muurahaismyrkky :: An insecticide especially formulated to kill ants
muurahaispesä :: An ants' nest
muurahaispesä :: A beehive (place of busy activity)
muurahaissika :: aardvark
muurahaissuosija :: A common term for a myrmecophyte
muurahaistiede :: A common term for myrmecology
muurahaisvieras :: A common term for myrmecophile
muurahaisyhteiskunta :: ant colony
muurain :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
muurari :: A bricklayer
muurari :: A mason
muurarimehiläinen :: mason bee
muurata :: To mason
muurautua :: To wall up
muuri :: barrier
muuri :: stonewall, wall (thick stone wall)
muurinmurtaja :: battering ram
Muurmanni :: Murmansk
Muurmanski :: Murmansk
muusa :: a muse
muusa :: any of the Muses
muusata :: to mash (to convert into a mash)
muusi :: mash
muusi :: mashed potatoes
muusikko :: musician
muussata :: to mash (to convert into a mash)
muutama :: A few, some
muutella :: To modify, make (partial) changes to
muuten :: by the way
muuten :: tai ~ = or else, otherwise
muutenkin :: anyway, as it is
muut esille tulevat asiat :: any other business (last item on the agenda of a meeting)
muutettavuus :: The state of being transformable into something else, transformability
muutoin :: otherwise
muutoksenhakija :: appellant
muutoksenhaku :: appeal, petition
muutos :: change
muutos :: modification
muutostyö :: modifications (project for changing a building, process, arrangement etc. such that it better serves the needs of management, occupant, customer or other user)
muuttaa :: To move, change one's residence
muuttaa :: To modify, change, alter
muuttaa :: To transform, transmute, convert, change, transubstantiate
muuttaa autuaammille metsästysmaille [idiomatic, colloquial, humorous] :: To die
muuttaa mielensä :: to change one's mind (to decide differently than one had decided before)
muuttaa mielensä :: with saada, to change somebody else's mind (to convince someone to make a decision differing from a previous one)
muuttaa mieltään :: alternative form of muuttaa mielensä
muuttaja :: mover
muuttaja :: transformer
muuttaminen :: changing
muuttaminen :: moving
muuttaminen :: transformation
muutto :: migration (large-scale movement of people or of animals to another area)
muutto :: move, relocation (event of changing residence)
muuttoliike :: migration
muuttolintu :: migratory bird
muuttoreitti :: migration route
muuttua :: To become, grow, turn (into)
muuttua :: To change, alter
muuttua :: To vary
muuttuja :: variable star
muuttuja :: variable
muuttuminen :: change, changing
muuttunut :: changed, altered
muuttuva :: changing, variable, mutable
muuttuva kustannus :: variable cost
muuttuva tähti [star] :: variable star
myö :: we
myanmar :: The Burmese language
Myanmar :: Myanmar
myanmarilainen :: Myanmarese
myanmarilainen :: Myanmarese person
myödä :: alternative form of myydä
myeliini :: myelin
myeliinituppi [lb, fi, anatomy] :: myelin sheath
myelooma :: myeloma
myöhä :: late
möyheltää :: alternative form of möyhentää
myöhemmin :: comparative form of myöhään
myöhemmin :: later
myöhempi :: Later
Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkko :: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
möyhennin :: hand cultivator
möyhentää :: to fluff (to make fluffy)
myöhentää :: to delay, postpone
myhäillä :: To smile (contentedly)
myöhäinen :: late (as opposed to early)
myöhäis- :: Form of myöhäinen, used as modifier in compound terms
myöhäisarkeeinen :: Neoarchean
myöhäisglasiaaliaika :: The late glacial period
myöhäisilta :: late night, late evening
myöhäiskeskiaika :: The Late Middle Ages
myöhäiskivihiilikausi :: Pennsylvanian epoch (last epoch of the Carboniferous)
myöhäispermikausi :: Lopingian, Upper Permian, Later Permian (last epoch of the Permian)
myöhäispermikautinen :: Lopingian, Upper Permian, Later Permian (of last epoch of the Permian)
myhky :: knob, lump
myöhään :: late
myöhässä :: late (not in time)
myöhästellä :: To be late (repeatedly)
myöhästyä :: To miss (a bus, train, etc.)
myöhästyä :: To be delayed
myöhästyä :: To be late
möyhy :: hashish (cannabis extract)
mykerö :: capitulum
mykerökukkainen :: composite
mykevä :: convex
mykiö :: lens
mykiöntakainen [anatomy, medicine] :: retrolental
mykistää :: To dumbfound
mykistää :: To mute
mykistyä :: To mute
mykkä :: mute
mykkäelokuva :: silent film
mykkäfilmi :: silent film
möykky :: A lump, gob, blob; a shapeless object
mykologi :: mycologist
mykologia :: mycology
mykorritsa :: mycorrhiza
mykotoksiini :: mycotoxin
myksomatoosi :: myxomatosis (viral rabbit disease)
myky :: dumpling [dish consisting of varying fillings wrapped in dough]; more specific terms for different types of dumplings include pelmeni or pelmeny, ravioli, tortellini, dim sum, xiaolongbao etc.
myllerrys :: upheaval, turmoil
mylläkkä :: hassle, ruckus
mylläri :: A miller, an operator or owner of a mill
mylly :: A fight with many participants and no apparent reason or sense
mylly :: mill
Myllylä :: Finnish surname
myllynkivi :: millstone
myllytonttu :: An elf said to inhabit a mill and wake the miller if it ran out of grain
mylviä :: to bellow
mylviminen :: bellowing
mylvinä :: bellowing
mylvintä :: bellowing
mylväisy :: A bellow
myönnytys :: concession (the act of conceding, as e.g. in a negotiation)
myöntää :: ~ arvomerkki: to badge
myöntää :: ~ syyllisyytensä: to plead guilty
myöntää :: ~ tappionsa: to give up a fight
myöntää :: to award (a prize)
myöntää :: to concede, admit, agree
myöntää :: to grant, issue
myönteinen :: affirmative
myönteinen :: favourable/favorable:
myönteinen :: positive (inspiring positive reactions)
myönteisesti :: positively
myöntäminen :: acknowledgment
myöntäminen :: admittance
myöntäminen :: concession
myöntyä :: To consent
myoglobiini :: myoglobin
myologia :: myology
myoni :: A muon
myopatia :: myopathy
mäyrä :: Any of the badger species
mäyrä :: The Eurasian badger or European badger (Meles meles)
myrha :: myrrh
myriadi :: myriad
möyrintä :: digging, rooting up
myräkkä :: A storm
myrkky :: poison
myrkky :: venom
myrkkyhammas :: A poison fang
myrkkykaasu :: poison gas
myrkkykasvi :: poisonous plant
myrkkykoiso :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
myrkkykäärme :: venomous snake
myrkkymuratti :: poison ivy (any of three ivy-like species of genus Toxicodendron)
myrkkynuoli :: poison arrow
myrkkypistin :: venomous stinger
myrkkyrauhanen :: poison gland
myrkkysieni :: poisonous mushroom
myrkkysyötti :: poison bait
myrkkytarhakäärme :: taipan
mäyräkoira :: A set of twelve beer bottles (compare six pack)
mäyräkoira :: dachshund
myrkyllinen :: toxic, poisonous
myrkyllinen :: venomous
myrkyllisesti :: poisonously
myrkyllisyys :: toxicity
myrkytön :: nonpoisonous
myrkyttää :: To poison
myrkyttäjä :: poisoner
myrkyttyä :: To become poisoned
myrkytys :: poisoning
myrkytysoire :: toxic symptom
myrmekofiili :: A scientific term for myrmecophile
myrmekofyytti :: A scientific term for a myrmecophyte
myrmekologia :: A scientific term for myrmecology
myrrha :: alternative form of mirha
myrsky :: A storm
myrskyfokka :: A storm jib
myrskyinen :: stormy
myrskyisä :: stormy
myrskyisästi :: stormily
myrskykeiju :: Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)
myrskyliitäjä :: fulmar (seabird of the genus Fulmarus)
myrskylintu :: fulmar (bird of the genus Fulmarus)
myrskylintu :: northern fulmar, Arctic fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis
myrskynsilmä :: An eye of a storm or a hurricane
myrskysää :: stormy weather
myrskysukeltaja :: diving petrel (any bird of the family Pelecanoididae)
myrskytä :: to storm
myrskytuuli :: storm wind
myrskyvaroitus :: storm warning, gale warning
myrsky vesilasissa :: storm in a tea-kettle, tempest in a teapot, storm in a teacup (big fuss made in a small context)
myrtti :: myrtle (Myrtus communis)
myrtyä :: To be embittered
myös :: also, too
myski :: musk
myskihirvi :: musk deer
myskihärkä :: muskox (Ovibos moschatus)
myskirotta :: muskrat
myskisorsa :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata)
myöskään :: [with ei] (not) either
mysli :: muesli
myssy :: cap (head covering)
myssy :: cosy
myöstää :: to anneal
mysteeri :: mystery
mysteerio :: A mystery
mystifikaatio :: mystification
mystifioida :: To mystify
mystiikka :: mystic
mystikko :: A mystic
mystillinen :: dated form of mystinen
mäystin :: A loop on the ski which is used to fasten the shoes
mystinen :: mystical, enigmatic
mystisesti :: mystically
mystisismi :: mysticism (beliefs, ideas, or thoughts of mystics: belief that higher truths or the essence of existence cannot be understood through reason but through intuition and direct communication between the soul and divinity)
myötä :: along
myötä :: for
myöten :: along, up to, down to, reaching
myötähäpeä :: second-hand embarrassment (personal embarrassment one feels on account of and for another who is making a fool of him or herself)
myötäilijä :: yes man
myötäillä :: To conform, to go along with, to follow along
myötäjäiset :: dowry
myötäkäyminen :: success
myötäkytkentä :: feedforward
myötämaa :: downhill
myötämielinen :: favorable
myötämäki :: downhill (downward slope)
myötämäki :: downhill (part of slope downhill of one's current position)
mytologi :: mythologist
mytologia :: mythology
mytologinen :: mythological
myötäpäivään :: clockwise
myötätunto :: compassion, sympathy
myötätuntoinen :: compassionate
myötätuuli :: A tailwind or fair wind
mytty :: bundle
myötävaikuttaminen :: contribution, collaboration (act of collaborating)
myötävaikutus :: contribution
myy :: mu (Greek letter)
myydä :: to sell
myydä loppuun :: to sell out (to sell every item of a product line or the entire inventory)
myyjä :: seller, vendor
myyjäiset :: rummage sale (informal sale of usually donated items)
myyjätär :: Female seller; a saleswoman
myymälä :: shop (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
myymäläapulainen :: shop assistant
myymäläpäällikkö :: store manager, shopman
myymälävaras :: shoplifter
myymälävarkaus :: shoplifting
myymään [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, myydä, c=ill] ::
myynti :: sale (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit)
myyntiapulainen :: sales assistant
myyntiedustaja :: sales representative
myyntihinta :: sales price, selling price (the price to which something is offered for sale, or the price to which something is actually sold)
myyntijohtaja :: sales director
myyntikate :: gross profit (difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold)
myyntimies :: salesman
myyntineuvottelija :: sales negotiator
myyntipäällikkö :: account manager
myyntipäällikkö :: sales manager
myyntipuhe :: sales pitch, pitch (remarks or demonstrations intended to persuade a consumer to make a purchase)
myyntisaatava :: A receivable resulting from a sale on credit instead of cash
myyntisaatava :: In plural (myyntisaatavat) accounts receivable (an account in a bookkeeping system)
myyntisihteeri :: sales secretary, sales assistant
myyntitarjous :: selling offer
myyntitulo :: sales revenue, revenue from sales
myyntivoitto [accounting, taxation] :: capital gain (amount by which the value or the proceeds of the sale of a capital asset exceed its cost to the seller)
myyntivoittovero :: capital gains tax (tax levied on the profit made from selling a capital asset)
myyrä :: A mole (internal spy)
myyrä :: A vole (several species of the small rodents within the family Cricetidae)
myyrä :: A mole (small burrowing insectivore of the family Talpidae)
myyrä :: In plural myyrät, the zoological family of Cricetidae
myyräkuume :: epidemic nephropathy, nephropathia epidemica
myyrävyötiäinen :: pink fairy armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus
myytillinen :: alternative form of myyttinen
myytti :: myth
myyttinen :: mythic, mythical
myytyjen tavaroiden hankintameno :: cost of goods sold
n. :: Short form of noin (approx.)
-n :: The first-person singular suffix for verbs:
-n :: Used to form the accusative case
-n :: Used to form the genitive case
-n :: Used to form the instructive case, usually only in the plural
N :: non sine laude approbatur
-na :: Forms action nouns from certain verbs whose first infinitive ends in -sta
-na :: Forms the essive case
naakka :: As head word in the common names of some other birds in crow family: jackdaw, jay, bush crow, pie, chough
naakka :: jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
naali :: arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
naama :: face (front of the head of an animal)
naama [colloquial, anatomy] :: face (front of the human head)
naama :: face, mouth
naamakirja :: Any similar social networking site
naamakirja :: Facebook
naamalleen :: onto one's face
naamapöllönen :: white-faced owl (either of the two African owls in the genus Ptilopsis)
naamari :: mask
naamataulu :: mug, face
naamiaiset :: masquerade
naamio :: mask
naamiohuvit :: masquerade
naamioida :: To disguise (to change the appearance of something so as to hide identity)
naamioija :: disguiser (one who disguises)
naamiointi :: disguise
naamioitsija :: alternative form of naamioija
naamioitua :: To disguise oneself (to change the appearance of oneself so as to hide identity)
naamionäytelmä :: masque, mask
Naantali :: A town on the southwest coast of Finland
naapukka :: A kind of men's fur hat
naapuri :: In compounds, signifies "neighbouring/neighboring"
naapuri :: Neighbour/neighbor
naapurikunta :: neighbouring municipality
naapurimaa :: neighboring country
naapurinpoika :: boy next door (regular, typical boy)
naapurintyttö :: girl next door (regular, typical girl)
naapurissa :: next door
naapuristo :: alternative form of naapurusto
naapuritalo :: neighboring house
naapurukset :: neighbours (collective term for people who are each other's neighbours)
naapurusto :: neighborhood, neighbourhood
naapuruus :: neighborhood (the state of being neighbor)
naara :: drag (device dragged along the bottom of a body of water in search of something, e.g. a dead body)
naara :: short for naara-ankkuri
naara-ankkuri :: grapnel (small anchor, having more than two flukes, used for anchoring a small vessel)
naaras :: female (of animals)
naaraseläin :: female animal
naarashirvi :: doe (female deer)
naaraskarhu :: female bear
naaraskierre :: The internal thread in the center of a nut or in a hole, into which a fitting screw may be attached, a female thread
naaraskissa :: female cat
naaraskoira :: alternative term for narttu (female dog)
naarasleijona :: lioness
naaraspontti :: groove, dado (groove in a tongue and groove board)
naaraspuolinen :: female (animal)
naarassukupuoli :: The female sex
naarassusi :: she-wolf
naarastiikeri :: tigress
naarata :: To drag or search something from water using a hook, used especially for the act of searching for dead bodies in a lake
naaraus :: Action of the verb naarata
naarmu :: scratch
naarmuinen :: Scratchy; surface covered with scratches
naarmuttaa :: To scratch (to mark a surface with a sharp object)
naarmuttua :: To be scratched
naarmutus :: scratching
naarmuuntua :: alternative form of naarmuttua
naatti :: top (the above ground part of a root vegetable)
naava :: beard moss, beard lichen, old man's beard (several genera of lichen that grow hanging from trees)
naavainen :: Covered with beard moss
naavoittua :: To gather beard moss
nabla :: nabla (symbol and instrument)
nablata :: To perform calculations in which the symbol nabla (∇) is extensively applied
nadiiri :: nadir
Naemi [now rare] :: female given name of biblical origin
Naemi :: obsolete form of Noomi(as a biblical character)
naevus :: nevus (benign tumor on skin)
nafta :: diesel, diesel fuel (fuel)
nafta :: naphtha (naturally occurring liquid crude oil)
naftaleeni :: naphthalene
naftaliini :: naphthalene
nafti :: Slightly too small; very close etc
nagaikka :: Cossack's knout (type of whip used by the Cossacks in imperial Russia)
nagana :: nagana (sleeping disease occurring in animals)
nahanluonti :: moult
nahas :: A kip (untanned animal skin)
nahikas :: A mushroom of the genus Marasmius
nahina :: squabble, spat
nahistella :: To fight, tussle
nahistelu :: tussling
nahistua :: to get leathery (especially of vegetables and fruit, to dry from the surface losing the original texture and becoming leather-like)
nahistunut :: leathery (especially of vegetables and fruit, having lost moisture and its original texture and developed a leather-like surface)
nahjus :: laggard, sluggard (someone who lags behind)
nahjus :: wimp (someone who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy)
nahka :: leather
nahka :: skin of an animal, colloquially also of a human being
nahkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula alutacea
nahkainen :: leather (made from leather)
nahkainen :: leathery (having some property of leather, particularly taste or smell that brings leather into one's mind)
nahkajalkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula viscida
nahkakäsine :: leather glove
nahkakuula :: football (ball)
nahkalaukku :: leather bag
nahkamainen :: leathery (resembling leather, particularly by texture)
nahkapää :: A skinhead
nahkatakki :: leather jacket
nahkavyö :: leather belt
nahkea :: tacky, sticky
nahkiainen :: A European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis
nahkiainen :: A lamprey (any fish of the Petromyzontidae family)
nahkiaiskala :: lamprey (a member of the order Petromyzontiformes)
nahkoa :: To exuviate, slough, molt (to shed or cast off a skin)
nahkoa :: To skin (to remove the skin and/or fur of an animal)
nahkuri :: tanner
nahoittaa :: Sometimes used, erroneously, as synonym to nahkoa (to remove the skin of)
nahoittaa :: To upholster with leather
nahoitus :: leathering (upholstering with leather)
nahua :: A Nahua
nahuatl :: The Nahuatl language
naida :: To marry
naida [vulgar, + partitive] :: To have sex or sexual intercourse with somebody, copulate with somebody, fuck
naiivi :: naive
naiivimpi :: comparative form of naiivi
naiivisti :: naively
naiivius :: naivety
naikkonen :: woman
nailon :: nylon (material)
nailoninen :: Made of nylon
nailonit :: nylons (stocking made of nylon)
nailonkangas :: nylon fabric
Naima :: female given name
naimakauppa :: marriage
naimaton :: unmarried, single, sole
naimattomuus :: singlehood, bachelordom
Naimi :: female given name
naiminen :: A marriage, in the expressions mennä naimisiin (to marry) and olla naimisissa (to be married)
naiminen :: fucking, copulation, sex(ual intercourse)
naiminen :: Getting married
naimisiin :: See mennä naimisiin
naimisiinmeno :: getting married
naimisissa :: married (being married)
nainen :: lady
nainen :: woman
nainti :: marrying
nainti :: fucking
nainut :: married
naira :: naira (Nigeria's currency)
nais :: nice
nais- :: female, woman, women's, feminine etc
nais :: see nais-
naisartisti :: female artist
naisasianainen :: suffragette
naisellinen :: feminine
naisellisesti :: femininely
naisellistua :: to feminize (to become more feminine)
naisellisuus :: womanliness
naisennimi :: female name
naisen sukupuolielinten silpominen :: female genital mutilation
naiset ensin :: ladies first
naiseton :: womanless
naiseus :: womanhood
naisisto :: An all-female crew
naisistua :: of the share of women in a defined group, to increase
naisistua :: to feminize (to acquire female characteristics)
naisjohtaja :: Female leader
naiskuva :: portrayal of women
naismaailma :: women collectively, especially as sexual objects
naismainen :: womanlike, womanish, feminine (usually of a male, acting in ways stereotypically associated with women)
naismaisuus :: The property of being womanlike
naismaisuus :: womanishness
naisministeri :: female minister (in a government)
naisnisäisyys :: gynecomastia
naisopettaja :: female teacher
naispappi :: female pastor
naispari :: female couple
naispoliisi :: policewoman (female police officer)
naispuolinen :: female
naistenhuone :: ladies' room
naisten kondomi :: female condom
naistenlehti :: women's magazine
naistenmies :: womanizer
naistennaurattaja :: Casanova
naistentanssi :: Women's dance: An arrangement where women propose a dance, generally held once a week in many local dance restaurant, not to confuse with romantic interest
naistenvihaaja :: misogynist
naistenviikko :: Literally “women's week”; the period between 18th and 24th of July, when there are only female name days in the Finnish calendar
naistutkimus :: women's studies
naisupseeri :: female military officer
naisuus :: womanhood
naisvaltainen :: pink-collar (pertaining to employees in predominately female service industries)
naisvaltainen :: predominantly female (having women as majority)
naisvaltaistua :: To become predominantly female
naisviha :: misogyny
naisvihaaja :: misogynist
naisväki :: womenfolk (women collectively)
naittaa :: to staple (to bind with staples)
naittaa :: to marry off (to force someone to marry)
naittaa :: to marry (to dispose of in wedlock; to give away as wife or husband)
naittaja :: stapler (office implement)
naittaja :: matchmaker (one who arranges marriages)
naivismi :: naïve art
naivisti :: naive artist
naivistinen [arts] :: naive, naivistic
nakata :: To throw (away), to bung
nakella :: To throw things around
nakerrella :: To nibble away
nakerrus :: Action of the verb nakertaa
nakertaa :: To gnaw (to bite or chew persistently)
nakertaa :: To nibble away (to cause to diminish little by little)
nakertaa :: To nibble (to eat with small quick bites)
nakit silmillä :: heavily drunk (under the influence of large amount of alcohol)
nakkeli :: nuthatch (bird of the family Sittidae)
nakkelu :: throwing things around
Nakke Nakuttaja :: Woody Woodpecker (fictional character)
nakki :: job, task, usually an unwanted one
nakki :: mousetrap
nakki :: nakit silmillä (literally, wieners on the eyes) = pissed (heavily drunk)
nakki :: something resembling a wiener
nakki :: wiener, frankfurter, hot dog (type of sausage)
nakkikioski :: A kiosk from which hamburgers, hot dogs and the like are sold to passers-by
nakkimakkara :: wiener, frankfurter, hot dog
nakkisämpylä :: hot dog
nakkisormi :: a swollen finger
nakkisormi :: butterfingers, someone prone to dropping things
naksaa :: alternative form of naksahdella
naksahdus :: A click
naksahtaa :: To click, snap
naksaus :: A click
naksausäänne :: click
naksautus :: snap
naksu :: A common term for crunchy, salty snacks, such as cheese puffs, salt sticks and potato chips
naksua :: To crack (to make a cracking sound)
naku :: naked, nude
naku :: diesel car (automobile powered with a diesel engine)
naku :: diesel engine
nakupelle :: A naked person, especially a child
nakupellenä :: Especially of a child, naked
nakuttaa :: To knock in a continuous manner, like a woodpecker knocks a tree
nakuttaa :: To knock (to produce the knocking sound of a badly tuned motor)
nakutus :: any knocking sound such as that made by a woodpecker
nakutus :: preignition, knocking, diesel knock
naku-uinti :: skinny dipping
naljailla :: To rag
naljailu :: ragging, teasing
nalkuttaa :: to henpeck (to nag persistently)
nalkuttaa :: to nag
nalkutus :: nagging
nalle :: [playfully] bear
nalle :: teddybear
nallekarhu :: teddy bear
nallekarkki :: A gummy bear (candy)
Nalle Puh :: Winnie the Pooh
nalli :: primer
nallihattu :: percussion cap
nallikka :: A little boy
nallipyssy :: cap gun (type of toy gun)
nam :: yum
nami :: sweet, candy
Namibia :: Namibia
namibialainen :: Namibian
namibialainen :: Namibian person
namu :: sweet, candy
namunen :: sweet, candy
namusetä :: kiddy fiddler (paedophile, child molester)
Nana :: female given name
nandu :: greater rhea, American rhea, Rhea americana (only extant species of the genus Rhea, native to eastern South America)
nandu :: rhea (bird of the family Rheidae)
nanna :: sweet, candy
nano- :: nano-
nanometri :: nanometer (unit of distance)
nanosekunti :: nanosecond
napa :: head, e.g. in propeller head (central part of propeller)
napa :: [in compounds] polar
napa :: navel
napa :: pivot
napa :: pole (as in South Pole)
-napainen :: polar (used only in compounds)
napaisuus :: polarity
napajää :: polar ice
napajänis :: arctic hare (Lepus arcticus)
napajäätikkö :: polar cap
napakettu :: arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
napakka :: vigorous
napakoru :: navel jewel
napakymppi :: bullseye!
napakymppi :: bullseye, a shot that hits the centre of a target
napalakki :: polar cap
napalm :: napalm
napanteri :: A drink (dose of strong alcoholic beverage); snifter, sip
napanuora :: An umbilical cord
napanuoratyrä :: umbilical hernia
napanöyhtä :: navel fluff
napapiiri :: polar circle
napapilkku :: chalaza (location where the nucellus attaches to the integuments)
napapohjoinen :: true north
napapyörre :: polar vortex
naparetki :: polar expedition
napasika :: peccary
napata :: To catch, snatch
napataatta :: A short person
napatanssi :: belly dance
napatyrä :: hernia umbilicalis
napaus :: tap, rap, snap
napero :: A toddler
napillinen :: Having buttons (of cloths)
napina :: grumble, complaining
napinläpi :: buttonhole (hole for a button)
napinläpikukka :: boutonniere (flower worn in buttonhole)
napinreikä :: buttonhole (hole for a button)
napisija :: grumbler, complainer
napista :: To grumble
napittaa :: To button (up) (to fasten with buttons)
napittaa :: To stare (esp. of children)
napitus :: buttoning
napit vastakkain :: at loggerheads (unable to agree; opposing)
Napoli :: Naples (city)
napolinmastiffi :: Neapolitan mastiff
napostella :: To snack
naposteltava :: snack
napostelu :: snacking
nappa :: tanned sheep, goat, or cow leather
nappi :: button
nappi :: part of the idiom mennä/osua/onnistua/sujua nappiin (often accompanied by the intensifier ihan, aivan, or täysin), which refers to successfully accomplished goals where the success is particularly “spot-on” and meets or even exceeds your highest standards or expectations
nappikuuloke :: ear bud (small speaker placed inside or held near to the ear)
nappo :: water dipper
nappula :: button (device meant to be pressed or graphical user interface element)
nappula :: kid, child
nappula :: stone, man (piece in board games)
naprapaatti :: naprapath
naprapatia :: naprapathy
naprokseeni :: narpoxen
naps :: yoink; sound of something being snatched or grabbed
napsaa :: alternative form of napsua
napsahdella :: To snap (repeatedly)
napsahdus :: snap, click
napsahtaa :: to click, snap, crack
napsaus :: snap
napsautella :: To snap (fingers, repeatedly)
napsauttaa :: to click
napsauttaa :: to snap, click
napsia :: to pick (to take the choicest bits, one by one)
napsu :: A nip of alcohol
napsu :: A ladyboy (effeminate man)
napsua :: To produce a snapping sound
napsutella :: to snap (fingers, repeatedly)
napsuttaa :: To snap (fingers)
napukka :: knob
naputella :: To tap (with fingers)
naputtaa :: To nag
naputtaa :: To type
naputtaa :: To make a sharp noise
naputtaa :: To tap (to touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface, usually repeatedly)
naputus :: knocking
narahdella :: To creak (repeatedly)
narahdus :: creak
narahtaa :: To produce a single creaking sound
narikka :: cloakroom
narina :: creak (a creaking sound, like that produced by turning an old, large, rusty hinge)
narista :: ~ + elative: to nag (to bother repeatedly about the same thing)
narista :: ~ + elative: to quibble, squabble (to complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner)
narista :: to creak, to squeak (to make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound)
narkkari :: junkie
narkkaus :: Action of the verb narkata
narkkis :: junkie
narkolepsia :: narcolepsy
narkomaani :: A drug addict
narkomaani :: Sometimes used of other kinds of addictions, especially as an element in compound words
narkomania :: narcomania
narkoosi :: narcosis
narkoottinen :: narcotic
narrailla :: To fish (using a hook and line etc.)
narrata :: narrata kaloja: To fish with a hook and line or similar
narrata :: To fool, cheat (lightheartedly, not maliciously)
narraus :: fishing with hook and line or similar
narraus :: fooling
narri :: fool, joker, jester
narrimainen :: foolish
narrimaisuus :: foolishness
narrinhattu :: fool's cap
narrius :: The property of being a fool
narsismi :: narcissism
narsissi :: narcissus
narsisti :: narcissist
narsistinen :: narcissistic
narsistisuus :: narcissism
narskahdella :: to grate, crunch
narskahtaa [momentane] :: To make a sudden crunching or grating sound
narske :: A crunching or grating sound
narsku :: bird of the genus Netta
narskua :: alternative form of narskahdella
narskuttaa :: To make a grinding sound, as when grinding one's teeth
narskutus :: grinding (of teeth etc.)
narttu :: bitch (female dog)
narttu :: queen (female cat)
narttu :: bitch (woman)
naru :: cord, line, rope
naruhyppely :: jump rope (activity)
naruhyppy :: jump rope (jump)
naruttaa :: To fool, trick (to make a fool of someone)
narutus :: fooling, tricking
nasaali :: nasal (nose guard on a helmet)
nasaali :: nasal
nasaali- :: nasal
nasaalistua :: to become nasalized
nasakka :: vigorous
nasalisaatio :: nasalization
nasaloida :: To nasalize
nasaretilainen :: Nazarene
naseva :: witty
nasevuus :: wittiness
naskali :: awl
naskali :: young boy
naskali :: icepick
nassakka :: small keg
nasse :: gas mask
nasse :: Pig-shaped gingerbread
nassikka :: kid
nassu :: face
nasta :: cool, neat, great
nasta :: pin
nasta :: stud (as in studded tyres)
nasta :: tack
nasta :: thumbtack
nastanpoistaja :: staple remover
nastaus :: pinning (fastening with pins)
nastoitettu :: studded
nastoittaa :: To stud (to furnish with studs)
nastoitus :: studding (augmenting with studs)
nasu :: pig
nata :: fescue
nataliteetti :: natality
Natanael :: Nathanael (Biblical figure)
Natanael :: male given name
natiivi :: native
natina :: creak (continuous creaking sound, like that produced by a wooden structure which is slightly moving by its joints)
nationaalinen :: national
nationalismi :: nationalism
nationalisti :: nationalist
nationalistinen :: nationalistic
natista :: To creak
nato :: alternative spelling of NATO
nato :: one’s wife’s sister (a sister-in-law of a male person)
Nato :: Nato, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
natolanka :: razor wire
natomaa :: NATO country, NATO member
nato-piikkilanka :: alternative form of natolanka ("razor wire")
natrium :: sodium
natriumasetaatti :: sodium acetate
natriumbentsoaatti :: sodium benzoate
natriumbikarbonaatti :: sodium bicarbonate
natriumbisulfiitti :: sodium bisulfite
natriumborohydridi :: sodium borohydride
natriumdisulfiitti :: sodium disulfite
natriumfluoriasetaatti :: sodium fluoroacetate
natriumfluoridi :: sodium fluoride
natriumformiaatti :: sodium formate
natriumglutamaatti :: monosodium glutamate
natriumhydridi :: sodium hydride
natriumhydroksidi :: sodium hydroxide
natriumkarbonaatti :: sodium carbonate, Na2CO3
natriumkloridi :: sodium chloride
natriumkromaatti :: sodium chromate
natriumlaktaatti :: sodium lactate
natriumlauryylisulfaatti :: sodium lauryl sulfate
natriumnitraatti :: sodium nitrate
natriumnitriitti :: sodium nitrite
natriumsilikaatti :: sodium silicate
natriumsitraatti :: sodium citrate
natriumstearaatti :: sodium stearate
natriumsulfaatti :: sodium sulfate
natriumsyanidi :: sodium cyanide
natsa :: A stripe [military badge]
natsa :: The butt of a cigarette
natsi :: a Nazi
natsilainen :: Nazi
natsismi :: Nazism
natta :: tag (a children's game)
Natura-alue :: A protected natural area that belongs to Natura 2000, a European Union network established to protect the most seriously threatened habitats and species across Europe
naturalismi :: naturalism
naturalisti :: naturalist
naturalistinen :: naturalistic
naturismi :: naturism, nudism
naturisti :: naturist, nudist
naudanliha :: beef (the meat from a bovine)
naudikas :: box calf (type of calfskin leather)
nauha :: fret (in a guitar)
nauha :: lace (in shoes)
nauha :: ribbon, band, string
nauha :: tape (recording media)
nauha-asema :: tape drive
nauhakeramiikka [archaeology] :: linear pottery
nauhamatriisi :: band matrix
nauhanopeus :: tape speed
nauhanpää :: aiglet (tip on a shoelace, ribbon or cord that makes lacing easier)
nauhasilikaatti :: double chain inosilicate (mineral)
nauhoite :: recording
nauhoittaa :: To lace (a shoe)
nauhoittaa :: To tape, record (on audiotape or videotape)
nauhoitus :: recording (reproduction of sound and/or video, stored in a permanent medium, especially on a tape)
nauhuri :: (tape, video etc.) recorder
naukaista :: To meow (once)
naukaisu :: meow
naukkailla :: To tipple (drinking alcohol in small amounts)
naukkailu :: tippling (drinking alcohol in small amounts)
naukku :: A snifter, sip
naukua :: to complain, beg or ask for something
naukua :: to make a similar sound by any means
naukua :: to meow
naukuna :: meowing
naula :: A funt or funte (Russian unit of weight equal to 409,5 grams)
naula :: A nail (of metal)
naula :: A (Scandinavian) pound (Swedish unit of weight equal to 425 grams)
naulain :: nailgun (hand tool)
naulakko :: A rack for hanging clothes or other items
naulapyssy :: nailgun
naulata :: To nail, fasten with one or more nails
naulaus :: nailing
nauliintua :: alternative form of nauliutua
naulita :: To rivet, to nail (used in a figurative meaning)
nauliutua :: to get stuck as if nailed
nauraa :: To laugh (at = allative)
nauraa :: To laugh off
naurahdella :: To utter short bursts of laughter (repeatedly)
naurahdus :: laugh (single utterance)
naurahtaa :: To utter a laughter
nauraja :: kookaburra (any of several species of kingfishers in the genus Dacelo)
nauraja :: laugher (one who laughs)
naurattaa :: To make someone laugh
nauravainen :: ridibund (inclined to and easily brought to laughter; happy)
nauravasilmäinen :: Laughing-eyed
naureskella :: To laugh intermittently, often alternating with speech, as when telling a funny story
naureskelu :: laughing
naurettava :: Laughable, ridiculous, antic, preposterous
naurettavampi :: comparative form of naurettava
naurettavasti :: ridiculously
naurettavuus :: ridiculousness
nauris :: The edible varieties of turnip
naurismainen :: napiform
naurisperhonen :: small white, Pieris rapae
naurisseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius raphanoides
nauru :: Laughter, laugh
nauru :: The Nauru language
Nauru :: Nauru
naurukohtaus :: a fit of laughter
naurulainen :: Nauruan
naurulainen :: A Nauruan
naurulokki :: black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus)
naurunaihe :: laughingstock
naurunalainen :: joutua naurunalaiseksi: To become a laughing stock
naurunalainen :: ridiculed
naurunalaistaa :: To ridicule
naurunpuuska :: A gale or an outburst of laughter
nauta :: cow, bull
nautakarja :: cattle (cows)
nautakiiliäinen :: ox warblefly (Hypoderma bovis)
nautamainen :: bovine
nautapaarma :: A horsefly, Tabanus bovinus
nautiikka :: navigation (science)
nautinnokas :: alternative form of nautinnollinen
nautinnollinen :: luscious, voluptuous
nautinnollisuus :: enjoyment
nautinnonhaluinen :: Pleasure-loving; self-indulgent
nautinnonhimoinen :: self-indulgent
nautinta :: usage
nautinto :: pleasure, enjoyment
nautintoaine :: stimulant
nautiskelija :: sensualist, hedonist, voluptuary, epicurean, sybarite (person devoted to pleasure and luxury)
nautiskella :: To enjoy, savour/savor, relish
nautiskelu :: enjoying, savoring
nautittava :: enjoyable
nautittavuus :: enjoyability, enjoyableness
nauttia :: To enjoy
nauttia :: To ingest
nauttija :: enjoyer
nau'unta :: meowing
navaho :: alternative form of navajo
navajo :: The Navajo language
navakasti :: briskly (of wind)
navakka :: Of a wind, the strength that is between moderate and strong
navakoitua [of wind] :: To grow stronger
navallisuus :: polarity
navetta :: A cattle shed
navetta :: A cowshed, designed and built for keeping animals, especially cows
navigaatio :: navigation
navigaattori :: navigator
navigoida :: To navigate
navigoija :: navigator
navigointi :: navigation
ne [colloquial, dialectal, of people] :: they (in literary standard: he)
ne [demonstrative, of things and animals] :: they (plural of the pronoun se (“it”))
ne :: When used like a definite article, “the” or “those”
-ne :: The suffix used to form the comitative case. It denotes companionship and ownership, and is written where English would use "together with (one's possession)"
Nea :: female given name of modern usage
nearktinen :: Nearctic
nebuloosa :: nebula
Neea :: female given name of modern usage
neekeri [decreasingly common as a neutral term] :: a negro, a person of African descent
neekeri [pejorative, offensive] :: a nigger, a person with dark brown skin
neekeri [usually, humorous] :: an imaginary "faqueer" kind of a worker
neekerisankkeri [pathology, dated] :: lymphogranuloma venereum
-neen :: Comitative case suffix in third person
neerhaalari :: downhaul (rope used to haul down a sail or spar)
nefeliini :: nepheline
nefeliitti :: nepheline
nefriitti :: nephrite
nefriitti :: nephritis
nefro- [anatomy, medicine] :: Of or relating to kidneys, nephric, nephro-
nefroblastooma :: nephroblastoma
nefroliitti :: A nephrolith
nefrolitiaasi :: nephrolithiasis
nefrologia :: nephrology
nefroni :: nephron
nefroosi :: nephrosis
nefropatia :: nephropathy
nefroskleroosi :: nephrosclerosis
nefrotoksinen :: nephrotoxic
nega [colloquial, photographing] :: negative
negaatio :: negation
negatiivi :: negative
negatiivinen :: negative
negatiivinen :: Having negative charge
negatiivisesti :: negatively
negatiivisuus :: negativity
negligoida :: To neglect
negridi :: negroid
negridinen :: negroid
negrospirituaali :: negro spiritual
Nehemia :: Nehemiah
Nehemia :: the Book of Nehemiah
neiditellä :: To use the address Miss
neidonhiuspuu :: gingko
neidonhiussaniainen :: Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, venus hair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris
neidonkenkä :: Calypso orchid, Calypso bulbosa
neidonkorento :: broad-winged damselfly, demoiselle, specifically the beautiful demoiselle, Calopteryx virgo
neilikka :: carnation (flower)
neilikka :: clove (spice)
neiti :: miss
neito :: maiden, maid
neitokainen :: damsel, maiden
neitokakadu :: cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)
neitokurki :: demoiselle crane (Grus virgo or Anthropoides virgo)
neitonen :: diminutive form of neito
neitonen :: maid, maiden
neitoperhonen :: European peacock, Inachis io (species of butterfly)
neitopuumuura :: Cocha antshrike
neitseellinen :: virgin, virginal, untouched
neitseellisyys :: virginity (untouched)
neitsyt :: A virgin
Neitsyt :: Virgo
neitsytöljy :: virgin olive oil
Neitsyt Maria :: Virgin Mary
neitsytmatka :: A maiden voyage
neitsytsaarelainen :: Of or pertaining to Virgin Islands
neitsytsaarelainen :: A person living in or originating from Virgin Islands
neitsyys :: virginity
neiyt [archaic, poetic] :: maiden, unmarried girl
nekö :: ne + -kö
nekku :: A traditional confection
nekro- :: necro-
nekrofagia :: necrophagy
nekrofiili :: necrophile
nekrofilia :: necrophilia
nekrofobia :: necrophobia
nekrologi :: necrology
nekromantia :: necromancy
nekroosi :: A necrosis
nekroottinen :: necrotic
nekropolis :: necropolis
nekrotisoitua :: To necrotise/necrotize, undergo necrosis
nekru :: a nigger
nektari :: A nectar, especially a rich and smooth fruit drink; compare linnunmaito
nektariini :: nectarine
nel :: four
nelejä :: four
neli :: As modifier in compound words, four-
neli :: A four-beat gait, the gallop
neliö :: four-room apartment
neliö :: short of neliömetri
neliö :: square
neliapila :: four-leaf clover
neliöidä :: to square
neliöinti :: squaring
neliöjalka :: square foot
nelijalkainen :: four-legged
neliöjuuri :: square root
nelikanavainen :: quadraphonic
nelikerroksinen :: [of buildings] four-storey/story
neliökilometri :: square kilometer
nelikkö :: alternative form of nelikko
nelikko :: A unit of measure equal to ¼ tynnyri, or 41.22 liters as a dry measure, 31.41 liters as a liquid measure
nelikko :: quadruplet (sequence of four elements)
nelikko :: quartet, group of four
nelikopteri :: quadcopter (rotorcraft with four rotors)
nelikukkula :: colliculus
nelikulmainen :: square
nelikulmio :: quadrangle
nelikymmenluku :: the forties, 1940s
nelikymppinen :: fortysomething, in his/her forties
nelikymppinen :: fortysomething
nelilö :: block of four
neliömatriisi :: square matrix
neliömetri :: square metre
neliömilli :: square millimetre/square millimeter
neliömillimetri :: square millimetre/square millimeter
nelinkertainen :: quadruple
nelinkertaistaa :: To quadruple
nelinkertaistua :: to quadruple
nelin kontin :: on all fours
nelinkontin :: alternative spelling of nelin kontin
nelinpeli :: doubles
nelipyöräveto :: four-wheel drive
nelisen :: about four
nelisenkymmentä :: about forty
neliösentti :: square centimetre/square centimeter
neliösenttimetri :: square centimetre/square centimeter
neliskanttinen :: square
neliskanttinen :: square (having four corners)
nelisormimangusti :: meerkat (Suricata suricatta)
nelistää [horsemanhip] :: To gallop
nelistys :: A four-beat gait, the gallop
nelitahokas :: tetrahedron
neliterminen :: quadrinomial
neliulotteinen :: four-dimensional
nelivaljakko :: quadriga
nelivaljakko :: team of four horses
nelivarvaskilpikonna :: Russian tortoise, Testudo horsfeldii syn. Agrionemys horsfieldii
nelivarvassiili :: four-toed hedgehog, Atelerix albiventris
neliveto :: four-wheel drive
nelivetoinen :: four-wheel drive (being four-wheel driven)
nelivetoisuus :: four-wheel drive (quality of being four-wheel driven)
nelivuotias :: four-year-old
neljä :: four
neljäkäs :: rhombus (quadrlateral in which all sizes are of equal ength)
neljäkymmentä :: forty
neljäkymmentäkahdeksan :: forty-eight
neljäkymmentäkaksi :: forty-two
neljäkymmentäkolme :: forty-three
neljäkymmentäkuusi :: forty-six
neljäkymmentäluku :: The forties, 1940s
neljäkymmentäneljä :: forty-four
neljäkymmentäseitsemän :: forty-seven
neljäkymmentäviisi :: forty-five
neljäkymmentäyhdeksän :: forty-nine
neljäkymmentäyksi :: forty-one
neljän kopla [history] :: The Gang of Four
neljänneksi :: fourthly, for the fourth (in the fourth place)
neljännes :: A quarter
neljännesfinaali :: A quarterfinal
neljännesgallona :: A quart
neljänneskilo :: quarter kilogram
neljänneslitra :: quarter litre/liter
neljännesmaili :: A quarter mile
neljännestunti :: A quarter of an hour
neljännesvuosi :: quarter (three months)
neljännesvuosisata :: A quarter century
neljännesvuosittain :: quarterly (four times in a year)
neljän suora :: (poker) straight draw (unfinished hand which may be completed to a straight by a successful draw of an additional card)
neljän suora [poker] :: straight of four, four-straight (in some forms of poker, a hand consisting of four consecuitive cards of any color, wins four-flush and two pairs, inferior to threesome)
neljäntuulenlakki :: A traditional Sami headgear
neljäs :: the fourth, abbreviation 4. , in the names of monarchs and popes IV
neljä samaa :: four of a kind (four cards of the same rank in one hand)
neljäsataa :: four hundred
neljäskolmatta :: twenty-fourth
neljäskymmenes :: fortieth
neljäsneljättä :: thirty-fourth
neljäsosa :: one quarter, one fourth
neljäs serkku :: fourth cousin
neljästi :: four times
neljästoista :: the fourteenth, abbreviation 14. , in names of monarchs and popes XIV
neljäsviidettä :: forty-fourth
neljätoista :: fourteen
neljätuhatta :: four thousand
nelkku :: The digit four
Nelli :: female given name
nelma :: inconnu, sheefish (Stenodus leucichthys)
nelonen [card games, in plural] :: four of a kind (four cards of the same rank in one hand)
nelonen :: F (failing grade; in Finnish schools the grades are given in numbers between 4 and 10)
nelonen :: four (digit or figure 4)
nelonen :: fourth gear
nelonen :: quadruplet (one of a group of four babies born from the same mother during the same birth)
nelostie :: the Finnish national road number 4
nelson [wrestling] :: nelson
näemmä :: apparently
nenä :: nose
-nen :: Forms diminutives nouns or terms expressing affection
-nen :: Forms surnames of association, by now devoid of meaning. Can be translated as "of", the genitive case
nenäapina :: proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
nenetsi :: a Nenets
nenetsi :: the Nenets language
nenähengitys :: nasal breathing
nenä-huulivako :: philtrum
-nenäinen :: -nosed
nenäkarhu :: coati
nenäkkäästi :: saucily, cheekily
nenäkkyys :: cheekiness
nenäkäs :: saucy, cheeky
nenäkuorikko :: A nasal concha, turbinate bone
nenälasit :: pince-nez (temple-less eyeglasses)
nenäliina :: tissue, kleenex
nenäluu :: The nasal bone
nenän alakuorikko :: inferior nasal concha
näennäinen :: apparent, ostensible
näennäisanglismi :: pseudo-anglicism
näennäisavioliitto :: false marriage, fake marriage, sham marriage, fictitious marriage, mock marriage (marriage into which the parties enter for some other reson than for sharing their lives, e.g. for obtaining a residence permit for one party)
näennäisesti :: seemingly, ostensibly
näennäisfysiikka :: pseudophysics
näennäisliike :: apparent motion (movement of a body in relation to an observer, especially when it appears different from the true movement)
näennäissatunnainen :: pseudorandom
näennäissatunnaisuus :: pseudorandomness
näennäistiede :: pseudoscience
näennäistieteellinen :: quasi-scientific
näennäistotuus :: verisimilitude, factoid
nenänjuuri :: root of the nose
nenä-äänne :: nasal
nenänpää :: The tip of a nose
nenänselkä :: bridge of the nose
nenänsisäinen :: intranasal (within the nose)
nenänsisäisesti :: intranasally
nenän sivuontelo :: paranasal sinus
nenänvarsi :: bridge of the nose
Nenonen :: Finnish surname
nenäontelo :: nasal cavity
nenäpolyyppi :: nasal polyp
nenärengas :: nose ring
nenäsuoja :: nasal (nose guard in a historical helmet)
nenäsuoja :: nose guard (item of protection worn over the nose)
nenäsuojus :: nose guard (item of protection worn over the nose)
nenätautioppi :: rhinology
nenätti :: nasturtium
nenu :: nose
nenäverenvuoto :: nosebleed, nasal bleeding
neo- :: neo-
neoarkeeinen :: Neoarchean
neodyymi :: neodymium
neofasismi :: neo-fascism
neofilia :: neophilia
neofobia :: neophobia
neofyytti :: neophyte
neoimpressionismi :: neo-impressionism
neoklassismi :: neoclassicism
neokolonialismi :: neocolonialism
neoliittinen :: Neolithic
neologismi :: neologism
neon :: neon
neonataalinen :: neonatal (of or pertaining to the period of time immediately following birth)
neontetra :: neon tetra, Paracheirodon innesi
neonvalo :: neon light
neonväri :: neon color
neopentaani :: neopentane
neorealismi :: neorealism
neorealistinen :: neorealist
neotenia :: neoteny
neotrooppinen :: neotropical
neotropiikinsaukko :: neotropical river otter or neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis)
nepaa [dialectal, archaic] :: A first cousin
Nepal :: Nepal
nepalilainen :: Nepalese
nepalilainen :: A Nepalese person
nepittää [snowboarding, slang] :: To snowboard
nepittää :: To furnish (a garment etc.) with snap fasteners
nepotismi :: nepotism
neppaaminen [game] :: Same as neppaus
neppari :: A snap fastener, snap, popper, press stud (pair of interlocking discs used in place of buttons to fasten clothing)
neppaus [game] :: A type of outdoor sports played in Finland with small toy cars
neppi :: A snap fastener, snap, popper, press stud (pair of interlocking discs used in place of buttons to fasten clothing)
neppis [colloquial, game] :: Same as neppaus
neptunium :: neptunium
Neptunus :: Neptune, a Roman god
Neptunus :: Neptune, the eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system
nero :: genius
nerokas :: brilliant
nerokas :: ingenious, witty, shrewd
nerokkaasti :: ingeniously, shrewdly
nerokkuus :: genius
neronleimaus :: stroke of genius, flash of wit, brainstorm (sudden thought that solves a problem)
neropatti :: wiseguy, wag
nerous :: genius
nervositeetti :: nervosity
näes :: you see, you know
nesosilikaatti :: orthosilicate, nesosilicate (mineral)
neste :: fluid, in certain technical terms
neste :: liquid
nestedynamiikka :: hydrodynamics
nesteetön :: liquid-free, lacking or free of liquid
nestehappi :: liquid oxygen (oxygen in liquid form)
nestehukka :: dehydration
nestejännitys :: turgor
nestekaasu :: liquefied petroleum gas, LPG
nestekidenäyttö :: liquid crystal display, LCD
nestemäinen :: liquid
nestemäisyys :: liquidity (state of being liquid)
nestesäiliö :: liquid container
nestevety :: liquid hydrogen
nesteytetty maakaasu :: liquefied natural gas
nesteytin :: liquefier (device in which a substance is transformed to liquid)
nesteytin :: liquefying agent (substance, e.g. an enzyme, that causes another substance to liquefy)
nesteyttää :: to liquefy
nesteytyä :: To become liquid
nesteytys :: hydration
nesteytys :: liquefaction
nestor :: doyen (the senior, or eldest male member of a group)
Nestori :: male given name
näet :: you see, you know
net [Kven, personal] :: they
netiketti :: netiquette
netota :: To net
näetsen :: you see, you know
Netta :: female given name
netti :: the Net, Internet
nettietiketti :: netiquette
nettikahvila :: Internet cafe
nettikansalainen :: A netizen
nettikauppa :: online store, online shop
nettikauppa :: online trade
nettisivu :: web page
nettisivu :: web site
nettisivusto :: website
nettitikku :: A USB modem
netto :: net (as in net profit)
nettoaika :: Total game time without pauses
nettoansio :: The net earnings or net income of a person after deduction of all taxes, social insurance charges and other obligatory payments
nettopaino :: net weight
nettopalkka :: net income
nettotulo :: The net income
nettotulos :: net income
nettovoitto :: The net profit or net income of a company after all expenses and taxes, but not dividends to the owners
neukkari :: A conference room, meeting room
neukku :: A Soviet citizen
neula :: needle (indicator)
neula :: needle (sewing implement)
neula :: needle, stylus (phonograph needle)
neula :: needle (leaf of conifer tree)
neulalaakeri :: needle bearing, nail bearing, quill bearing
neulamuikku :: A small vendace, less than 5 cm of length
neulanen :: needle (the leaf of a conifer tree)
neulansilmä :: An eye (hole in the needle)
neulansilmä :: A tight bend in a road or a car-racing track, where the road turns full or almost 180 degrees; a hairpin turn
neulapohjoinen :: magnetic north
neulasisto :: The needles of a tree collectively
neulasto :: alternative form of neulasisto
neulatyyny :: pincushion
neulaventtiili :: needle valve
neule :: A knit garment
neulekangas :: knitted fabric
neulekangas :: tricot
neulepuikko :: knitting needle
neulepusero :: crew neck
neulepusero :: sweater, pullover, jumper, jersey
neuletyö :: knitting (product of knitting)
neuloa :: To knit
neuloja :: A knitter
neulomus :: knitting (product of knitting)
neulonta :: knitting (the process of producing knitted material)
neulos :: knitted fabric, knitting
neuloskangas :: alternative form of neulekangas
neuraalinen [medicine, technical, scientific] :: neural
neuralgia [pathology, neurology] :: neuralgia
neuralginen :: neuralgic
neurasteenikko :: A neurasthenic person
neurasteeninen :: neurasthenic
neurastenia :: neurasthenia
neuriitti :: A neuritis
neuro- :: neuro-
neurobiologia :: neurobiology
neuroblastooma :: neuroblastoma
neurofilosofia :: neurophilosophy
neurofysiologia :: neurophysiology
neurogeeninen :: neurogenic
neurokirurgi :: neurosurgeon
neurokirurgia :: neurosurgery
neurolepti :: neuroleptic
neuroleptinen :: neuroleptic
neurolingvistiikka :: neurolinguistics
neurologi :: neurologist
neurologia :: neurology
neurologinen :: neurological
neuroni :: neuron
neuroosi :: neurosis
neurootikko :: neurotic person
neuroottinen :: neurotic
neuroottistua :: to become neurotic
neuroottisuus :: neuroticism
neuropatia :: neuropathy
neuropeptidi :: neuropeptide
neuroplastisuus :: neuroplasticity
neuropsykologia :: neuropsychology
neurotiede :: neuroscience
neurotisoitua :: To become neurotic
neurotoksiini :: neurotoxin
neurotyypillinen :: neurotypical (having a "normal" way of communicating and processing information, used especiallly to contrast with autistic)
neuroverkko :: A neural net
neurulaatio [embryology] :: neurulation
neutraali :: neutral
neutraalistaa :: alternative form of neutraloida
neutraalisti :: neutrally
neutraalistua :: To be neutralized
neutraalisuus :: neutrality
neutraalius :: neutrality
neutralisaatio :: neutralization
neutralisoida :: alternative form of neutraloida
neutralisoitua :: To become neutralized
neutraliteetti :: neutrality
neutraloida :: To neutralize
neutralointi :: neutralizing
neutraloitua :: to become neutralized
neutri [grammar, biology] :: a neuter
neutriino :: neutrino
neutroni :: neutron
neutronipommi :: neutron bomb
neutronipommitus :: neutron bombardment
neutronisäteily :: neutron radiation
neutronitähti :: neutron star
neuvo :: advice
neuvo :: resource
neuvoa :: to advise, counsel; show (to advise by showing)
neuvoa :: to tell (someone the way to some place), direct (someone somewhere):
neuvoja :: adviser
neuvokas :: resourceful, inventive
neuvokkuus :: resourcefulness
neuvoksetar :: The wife of a neuvos
neuvola :: child health centre
neuvonantaja :: adviser
neuvonpito :: counseling
neuvonpito :: negotiation
neuvonta :: advice, counseling
neuvonta :: help desk
neuvos :: councillor/councilor/counselor (the title of the holder of certain high positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland)
neuvos :: (no officially accepted English translation) An honorary title granted by the President of the Republic of Finland to highly merited citizens
neuvosto :: A council
neuvosto :: A soviet
neuvostoarmeija :: The Soviet army
neuvostodiplomaatti :: Soviet diplomat
neuvostojohtaja :: A Soviet leader
neuvostojohto :: Soviet leadership
Neuvostoliitto :: the Soviet Union
neuvostoliittolainen :: Soviet
neuvostoliittolainen :: A person from Soviet Union
neuvostomielinen :: soviet-minded, Sovietist (supporting the kind of ideology and/or government applied in the Soviet Union)
neuvostomielinen :: Soviet-minded (supporting the interests of the Soviet Union)
neuvostotasavalta :: A short form of sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta, Soviet Socialist Republic; any of the 15 states of the former Soviet Union
neuvotella :: To negotiate
neuvoton :: helpless
neuvotteilla :: olla neuvotteilla: Being negotiated
neuvottelija :: mediator
neuvottelu :: [often in plural] negotiation
neuvotteluhuone :: A conference room, meeting room
neuvottelukierros :: A negotiation round (set of linked negotiations)
neuvottelukunta :: advisory board (body that advises the management of a branch of government, corporation or other organization; usually consisting of representatives of various stakeholders)
neuvottelupöytä :: negotiating table, negotiation table
neuvottomuus :: helplessness
neva :: A type of treeless wet swamp
Nevalainen :: Finnish surname
nevoittua :: To become a neva
newton :: newton
New York :: New York (city and state)
newyorkilainen :: A New Yorker
nöf :: oink
nganasan :: alternative form of nganasani
nganasani :: Nganasan (indigenous Samoyedic people inhabiting the Taymyr Peninsula in north Siberia)
nganasani :: Nganasan (language of this people)
nganasani :: Nganasan (member of this people)
nähdä :: to see
nähden :: in relation to, concerning
nähdä metsä puilta :: to see the forest for the trees (to discern an overall pattern from a mass of detail; to see the big picture, or the broader, more general situation)
nähdään :: see ya, see you later
nähdä nälkää :: To starve (to suffer from famine)
nähdä punaista :: to see red (to get angry)
nähkääs :: see, you see
nöhtä :: alternative form of nöyhtä
nähtävästi :: apparently
nähtävyys :: An attraction [something which attracts]
niasiini :: niacin
Nicaragua :: Nicaragua
nicaragualainen :: Nicaraguan
nicaragualainen :: A Nicaraguan person
nicaraguantaskurotta :: Nicaraguan pocket gopher, Orthogeomys matagalpae
nide :: volume (a single book)
nidonta :: stitching
nidos :: binding
nidos :: volume (of a book)
nidottu :: paperback
niekka :: master, whiz, expert (person who masters a skill exceptionally well; normally used with a modifier that specifies the skill)
niekka :: Used as head of a compound terms (noun + -niekka) to signify a person or animal who is characterized by something defined by the modifying noun
nielaista :: to engulf, cover
nielaista :: to swallow, gulp (at once or fast, compare niellä)
nielaisu :: alternative form of nielaus
nielaus :: A swallow (act of swallowing)
nieleksiä :: To gulp, swallow repeatedly
nieleminen :: swallowing
nielemisen :: swallowing
nieleskellä :: To swallow, gulp in a continuous/indifferent manner
nielijä :: swallower
niellä :: To swallow (continuously or more slowly, compare nielaista and nieleskellä)
niellä ylpeytensä :: to swallow one's pride
nielu :: pharynx
nielu :: sink
nielu :: throat
nieluntakainen [anatomy, medicine] :: retropharyngeal
nielurisa :: Tonsil, palatine tonsil
nielurisatulehdus :: tonsillitis
nielutulehdus :: pharyngitis
niemeke :: Promontory
Niemelä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Niemelä :: Finnish surname
niemi :: cape (form of land near lake or sea), (small) peninsula, ness
Niemi :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Niemi :: Finnish surname
niemimaa :: peninsula
Nieminen :: Finnish surname In 2010, the third most common in Finland (behind Korhonen, and barely ahead of Mäkinen).
nieriä :: Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
nietos :: snow drift
nietostaa :: To pile up, used only of snow
nietostua :: To pile up, used only of snow
nietu :: squat, nothing
Niger :: Niger (country)
Nigeria :: Nigeria
nigerialainen :: Nigerian
nigerialainen :: a Nigerian
nigeriläinen :: Nigerien
nigeriläinen :: a Nigerien
nihilismi :: nihilism
nihilisti :: nihilist
nihilistinen :: nihilistic
nihkeä :: damp, moist (skin, air)
nihkeys :: dampness, moistness (of skin, air)
nihti :: soldier
niiata :: To curtsey
niiaus :: curtsey
niiden :: their, theirs; used instead of heidän
Niili :: Nile
niilinkrokotiili :: Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)
niilinmedestäjä :: Nile Valley sunbird, Anthreptes metallicus syn. Hedydipna metallica
niilinvaraani :: Nile monitor, Varanus niloticus
Niilo :: male given name
Niilo :: The letter "N" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
niin :: ai niinkö? oh really?
niin :: ai niin: oh yes
niin :: An affirmative answer to a question or comment: yes, yeah
niin :: so, then, in that case
niin :: so, to this or that extent
niin :: very
niin :: [coordinating] Used to introduce the main clause after if clause: then
Niina :: female given name
niini :: bast
niin ikään :: also, likewise
niinikään :: also, as well
niinipuu :: small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata
Niinistö :: Finnish surname
niinisyy :: phloem fiber
niin ja näin :: so-so, okay, comme ci comme ça (neither well nor poorly)
niin kauan kuin :: as long as (for some period of time)
niin kauan kuin :: so long as, as long as, assuming, provided that, if (depending upon some condition or requirement)
niinku :: like
niin kuin :: as
niin kuin :: as if, as though (in a manner suggesting)
niin kuin :: as if (in mimicry of)
niinkuin märkä palaa :: badly, not very well
niin kutsuttu :: so-called (so named; called by such a name)
niin makaa kuin petaa :: alternative form of niin makaat kuin petaat
niin makaat kuin petaat :: you make the bed you lie in, you've made your bed, now lie in it (one must accept the consequences of one's actions)
niin myös :: as well as, and so was
niinpä :: so
niinpä :: indeed
niin sanottu :: so-called (so named; called by such a name)
niisiä [weaving] :: To thread warp yarns through the eyes of heddles
niisi :: A heddle, heald
niisipälkki :: Same as niisivarsi
niisistö :: The heddles of a loom collectively
niisittää :: alternative form of niisiä
niisittäjä :: A person, especially a textile industry worker, who threads warp yarns through the eyes of heddles
niisitys :: The system according to which the warp yarns are threaded through heddles in a loom or weaving machine
niisivarpa :: Same as niisivarsi
niisivarsi :: A shaft from which heddles are suspended in a loom
niiskauttaa :: To sniffle (to make a whimpering sound when breathing)
niiskuttaa :: To sniffle (to make whimpering sounds when breathing)
niiskuttaa :: To sob
niiskutus :: sniffle
niistää :: to blow (one's nose), snot
niitata [slang, somewhat rare, e.g. in sports] :: To beat, conquer, overcome (a competitor, by a large marginal)
niitata :: To kill
niitata :: To rivet
niitinpoistaja :: staple remover
niitä näitä :: this and that; used especially of a topic of speech, or rather lack of it
niittää :: To win, achieve
niittää :: To mow, cut, scythe, reap (crops)
niittaus :: riveting
niitti :: A staple (wire fastener)
niitto :: mowing, cutting, reaping
niittu :: meadow
niitty :: meadow, lea (open, non-cultivated field which grows grass and flowers)
niittykorte :: shade horsetail or meadow horsetail, Equisetum pratense
niittykullero :: globeflower, Trollius europaeus
niittyleinikki :: meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
niittymari :: Meadow Mari (language and people)
niittynätkelmä :: meadow vetchling, Lathyrus pratensis
niittynurmikka :: smooth meadow-grass, Poa pratensis
niittysinisiipi :: mazarine blue, Polyommatus semiargus
niittysuohaukka :: Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus
niittyvilla :: cottongrass (plant of the genus Eriophorum)
nijn :: obsolete spelling of niin
nikama :: A vertebra
nikamakipu :: spondylalgia
nikamansiirtymä :: spondylolisthesis (displacement of a vertebra over a lower vertebra)
nikamantulehdus :: spondylitis
nikamatulehdus :: spondylitis (inflammation of the spine)
nikamavaltimo :: vertebral artery
nikamavälilevy :: intervertebral disc
Nikea :: Nicaea (ancient city in Bithynia in Asia Minor)
nikka :: hiccups
nikkari :: carpenter
nikkari :: tinkerer (one who tinkers with things)
nikkarityyli :: A highly decorative wood construction style, which flourished in Finland at the turn of 19th and 20 th century, incorporating influences from historicist architectural styles of the period
nikkeli :: nickel (metal)
nikkelöidä :: to nickel
nikkelimalmi :: nickel ore
nikkelimyrkytys :: To get shot
nikkelimyrkytys :: nickel poisoning
nikkelinen :: Containing or made of nickel
nikkelöinti :: nickeling (plating with nickel)
nikkelisulfaatti :: nickel sulfate
Nikkilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Nikkilä :: Finnish surname
nikkoliitti :: nickeline
nikkud :: nikud
Niklas :: male given name
niklata :: to nickel
Niko :: male given name
Nikolai :: male given name
Nikosia :: Nicosia (capital of Cyprus)
nikotella :: To hiccup (to have the hiccups)
nikotiini :: nicotine
nikotiinihappo :: nicotinic acid
nikotiinilaastari :: nicotine patch
nikotiinipurukumi :: nicotine gum
nikotinisti :: nicotine addict
nikottaa :: To hiccup (to have hickups)
nikottelu :: hiccups
nikotus :: hiccups
nikotuttaa :: To cause hiccups
niksaa :: alternative form of niksahdella
niksahdus :: Action of the verb niksahtaa
niksaus :: Action of the verb niksaa
niksauttaja :: chiropractor; short for nikamanniksauttaja
niksi :: gimmick
niksua :: alternative form of niksahdella
Nikula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Nikula :: Finnish surname
nila :: phloem
nilgau :: nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
nilgirinlanguri :: Nilgiri langur, Trachypithecus johnii
nili :: A short form of niliaitta
niliaitta :: A traditional type of storage hut or cache built on top of a long stump of a tree or pole in order to prevent animals of getting hold of the contents (typically food or other perishables)
niljaantua :: To become slimy
niljainen :: slippery, slimy
niljakas :: Slimy and slippery
niljakkuus :: (slimy) slipperiness
nilkka :: ankle
nilkkain :: gaiter, spat
nilkkakoru :: anklet
nilkkaluu :: A tarsal bone or tarsal
nilkki :: A contemptible person
nilkku :: lame
nilkkuri :: ankle boot
nilkuttaa :: To limp
nilkutus :: Action of the verb nilkuttaa
näillä näkymin :: it seems that, the current plan is that
nilviäinen :: mollusc (soft-bodied invertebrate)
nilviäinen :: mollusc (weak-willed person)
nilviäistutkimus :: malacology
nimeke :: title
nimekkyys :: fame
nimekäs :: famed, renowned, famous, well-known
nimellinen :: nominal (existing in name only)
nimellinen :: nominal (insignificantly small)
nimellisarvo :: face value (stated value or amount)
nimellisesti :: nominally
nimeltään :: by the name of
nimeämätön :: unnamed
nimenomaan :: precisely, specifically
nimenomaan :: absolutely!, definitely! (expression of agreement with another speaker)
nimenselvennys :: print name
nimentö :: The nominative case
nimetä :: To appoint, name
nimetä :: To name, christen, baptise/baptize
nimetä :: To name, mention by name
nimetä :: To nominate
nimetön :: anonymous
nimetön :: nameless, innominate
nimetön :: untitled
nimetön :: in plural (nimettömät) panties [US], knickers [UK] (women's short underpants)
nimetön :: ring finger
nimettömästi :: incognito
nimettömät :: panties [US], knickers [UK] (women's short underpants)
nimettömyys :: anonymity
nimettömyys :: namelessness
nimi :: name
nimiö :: The text on a title page
nimiavaruus :: namespace
nimiöidä :: To label
nimiäiset :: naming (the ritual corresponding christening among non-religious people)
nimike :: A term of classification
nimike :: label, title, tag, designation, heading
nimikirjaimet :: initials
nimikirjain :: initial
nimikirjoitus :: An autograph (person's own signature)
nimikkeistö :: nomenclature
nimikko :: One that is named after somebody or something
nimikoida :: to identify something as belonging to a named person especially by appliqueing, but also by other means like writing or placing a nameplate or attaching a nametag
nimikointi :: naming
nimilaji :: A type species
nimilappu :: A nametag
nimimerkki :: A pen name, alias
niminen :: An adjective used to indicate the name of a person or object. Most often translated into English with name, named or namesake
nimipalvelin :: name server
nimipäivä :: name day
nimisana :: A noun
nimistö :: nomenclature (set of names or terms)
nimistöntutkimus :: onomastics (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names and naming)
nimitellä :: to call names
nimittää :: To assign
nimittää :: To name, dub, designate
nimittely :: name-calling
nimittäin :: specifically, namely
nimittäjä :: denominator
nimitys :: appointment
nimitys :: designation, denomination
nimmari :: autograph
nimppari [colloquial, often in plural] :: name day
näin :: in this way, like this, so, thus
Nina :: female given name popular in the 1970s and the 1980s. Variant: Niina
Nižni Novgorod :: Nizhny Novgorod (large city in Russia)
Ninive :: Nineveh
näin ollen :: therefore, hence
niobi :: niobium
niobium :: niobium
nipin napin :: barely (by a small margin, almost not at all)
nipistää :: To pinch, tweak
nipistellä :: to tingle
nipistely :: pinching
nipistin :: clip (something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another)
nipistys :: pinch
nipottaa :: to nitpick, cavil (to criticise for petty or frivolous reasons)
nipottaja :: nitpicker, hair-splitter
nipotus :: Action of the verb nipottaa
nippa :: nipple (mechanical device)
nippeli :: spigot connection
nippelitieto :: trivia
nippu :: bundle, bunch
nippuside :: cable tie
nipsahdus :: Action of the verb nipsahtaa
nipsaus :: Action of the verb nipsahtaa
nipukka :: tip, point (e.g. of ear)
niputtaa :: To bundle (to tie or wrap together)
niputus :: bundling
nirhama :: chip
nirhata :: to kill
nirhata :: to cut away a little piece of something
nirhata :: to cut something tediously, little by little
nirkko :: notodontid (moth of the family Notodontidae)
nirri :: life
nirskua [of teeth] :: To grate
nirskunta :: grating (of teeth)
nirskutella :: to grate (one's teeth)
nirskuttelu :: grating (of teeth)
nirskutus :: Action of the verb nirskuttaa
nirso :: picky, choosy
nirsoilla :: to be fastidious
nirvana :: nirvana
nisä :: mamma (milk secreting organ of mammals incl. humans)
nisä [nonstandard, anatomy] :: teat, nipple
nisä [rare, anatomy] :: breast of a woman
nisiini :: nisin
niska :: nape, the back of the neck
niska :: supporting framework (e.g. of a building, or figuratively in other contexts)
-niskainen :: necked
niskakarva :: in plural (niskakarvat), neck hair (growth)
niskakarva :: neck hair (individual strand)
niskakarvat :: neck hair (growth)
Niskala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Niskala :: Finnish surname
niskalenkki :: A grasp from another person's neck by hooking it with one's arm
niskalenkki :: upper hand
niskalenkkitoppi :: halter (female garment)
niskanahka :: scruff (loose skin at the back of the neck of some animals)
Niskanen :: Finnish surname
niskanikama :: A cervical vertebra
niskat nurin :: with a broken neck
niskoitella :: to be insubordinate, rebel (to be disobedient to lawful authority)
niskoittelija :: rebel (one who is insubordinate to lawful authority)
niskoittelu :: insubordination
nisäkäs :: mammal
nisäkäslaji :: mammal species
nisäkästutkimus :: mammalogy (study of mammals as science)
niskuri :: rebel (one who is insubordinate to lawful authority)
niskuroida :: to be insubordinate, rebel (to be disobedient to lawful authority)
niskurointi :: insubordination
nispero :: loquat, Eriobotrya japonica
nisse :: Human-shaped gingerbread or other pastry
nistiä :: to kill
nisti :: A drug addict
nisu [dialectal, American Finnish] :: something baked of wheat, particularly traditional cardamom sweet bread, such as pulla
nisu :: wheat
nisunjyvä :: grain of wheat
nitinä :: squeaking
nitistää :: To smash, kill or defeat completely, overwhelmingly and/or easily, as if killing a fly; may be used concretely and figuratively
nitistä :: To squeak
nitoa :: to staple (to bind with staples)
nitoja :: stapler
nitomanasta :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around)
nitraatti :: nitrate
nitridi :: nitride
nitrifikaatio :: nitrification
nitriili :: nitrile
nitriitti :: nitrite
nitro :: nitro (medical nitroglycerin)
nitro- :: nitro-
nitrobentseeni :: nitrobenzene
nitroglykoli :: nitroglycol
nitroglyseriini :: nitroglycerin
nitroglyseroli :: nitroglycerol
nitrometaani :: nitromethane
nitroselluloosa :: nitrocellulose
nitrosoamiini :: nitrosamine
nitrosyylikloridi :: nitrosyl chloride
näitten :: alternative form of näiden
nituri :: stapler
niuho :: niggling
niuho :: niggler
niuhottaa :: To complain pedantically (about something that is insignificant according to the speaker); to complain about fine points that are not really important (nit-picking)
niuhottaminen :: nitpicking (process of finding or pointing out tiny details or errors)
niukasti :: sparsely, scarcely, scantily (in low quantity)
niukentua :: alternative form of niuketa
niuketa :: To become more scarce, lean
niukka :: scanty, scarce
niukkasanainen :: laconic
niukkasanainen :: terse, sententious
niukkuus :: paucity
niva :: A small rapid in a river
nivaska :: bundle, bunch
nivel :: An articulation (a joint)
nivel :: A joint
nivelakseli :: universal joint
nivelbussi :: articulated bus
nivelikäs :: jointed
niveljalkainen :: An arthropod
nivelkierukka :: meniscus
nivelkärsäinen :: hemipterous, hemipteran (of or pertaining to Hemiptera or hemipterans)
nivelkärsäinen :: hemipteran (insect belonging to the order Hemiptera)
nivelmato :: annelid
nivelreuma :: rheumatoid arthritis
nivelrikko :: osteoarthritis
nivelside :: ligament
niveltää :: To articulate, connect with joints (e.g. an axis)
niveltää :: To connect up, link together (things)
niveltulehdus :: arthritis
näivettää :: to atrophy
näivettää :: to wilt
näivettyä :: To atrophy
näivettyä :: To wilt
näivetysveritauti :: pernicious anemia (severe form of anemia caused by vitamin B12 insufficiency)
nivoa :: To bundle, intertwine
nivoutua :: To intertwine
nivuset :: groin
nivussilsa :: jock itch (fungal infection of the groin region)
nivustyrä :: hernia inguinalis, inguinal hernia
Nizza :: Nice (city in France)
njala :: nyala, Tragelaphus angasii
näkö :: sight
nk. :: niin kutsuttu
näköaisti :: vision, visual perception
näköaivokuori :: visual cortex
näköala :: view, sight, vista
näköalapaikka :: lookout, vantage point, observation post (place that provides a good view of something, such as scenery)
näköelin :: visual organ
näkemiin :: goodbye, see you later, see ya. Literal translation: "Until we meet again."
näkeminen :: seeing
näkemyksellinen :: biased
näkemyksellinen :: visionary (having vision or foresight)
näkemys :: conviction (firmly held belief)
näkemys :: opinion (non-objective thought that a person has formed about a topic or issue)
näkemys :: outlook (attitude or point of view)
näkemys :: position (opinion or stand)
näkemys :: reckoning (opinion or judgement)
näkemys :: stand (position; firm opinion; action for a purpose)
näkemys :: view (way of understanding something, an opinion, a theory)
näkemys :: vision (ideal toward which one aspires)
näköeste :: visual barrier, wall (barrier to vision)
näkevä :: seeing (as opposed to blind)
näköharha :: optical illusion; mirage, hallucination
näköhermo :: optic nerve
näkijä :: seer
näkimet :: eyes
näköinen :: As main word of a combined adjective, -looking, -like (of or pertaining to looks)
näköinen :: As main word of a combined adjective, -sighted, -eyed (of or pertaining to vision)
näköinen :: looking like someone or something. That to which the looks are compared is in genitive
näköismurre :: eye dialect (nonstandard spelling deliberately used by an author to indicate that a speaker uses a nonstandard or dialectal speech)
näköisyys :: likeness, resemblance
näköjään :: apparently
näkökenttä :: field of view (angular extent of what can be seen)
näkki :: crisp bread
näkki :: nixie, an evil, male water spirit
näkkileipä :: crispbread, crisp bread
näkökohta :: point (opinion which adds to the discussion)
näkkäri :: crispbread
näkökulma :: perspective, point of view (choice of a single point of view from which to sense, categorize, measure or codify experience)
näkökulma :: visual angle (angle formed by two straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object to the center of the eye)
näkömuisti :: visual memory
näköpiiri :: sphere of vision (that which is visible to a viewer)
näköpurppura :: visual purple, rhodopsin
näköradio :: television
näkäräinen :: small shot of hard liquor
NKT :: The abbreviation of nettokansantuote, NDP (net domestic product)
NKT :: The abbreviation of nettokansantuote, NNP (net national product)
näkövamma :: visual impairment
näkövammainen :: visually impaired, vision impaired
näkövammainen :: A visually impaired person
näkyä :: To be around/here/there
näkyä :: To be visible, be seen, show
näkyä :: To seem, appear (to do = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän; to have done = active past participle singular in genitive, -(n)een)
näky :: an impressive physical sight
näky :: (imaginary, religious) vision
näköyhteys :: visual contact
näkyleipä :: showbread
näkymä :: A view, outlook
näkymätön :: invisible
näkymätön käsi :: invisible hand
näkymättömästi :: invisibly
näkymättömyys :: invisibility
näkyvä :: visible
näkyviin :: out (of hiding), in the open, into sight
näkyvin :: superlative form of näkyvä
näkyväisyys :: visibility
näkyvämpi :: comparative form of näkyvä
näkyvästi :: conspicuously, noticeably (in a conspicuous manner)
näkyvästi :: visibly
näkyvyys :: coverage
näkyvyys :: ken (range of sight)
näkyvyys :: visibility
näälä :: wife's brother
NL :: The Soviet Union
nälissään :: hungry, starving, famished
nälkä :: hunger
nälkä :: The expression olla nälkä [literally: to have hunger] translates into English as "to be hungry" [in Finnish literally: "olla nälkäinen"]
nälkiinnyttää :: to starve someone
nälkiintyä :: To starve
nälkiintynyt :: starved, malnourished
nälkäinen :: hungry, peckish
nälkäinen haamu [Buddhism] :: hungry ghost (type of supernatural being, condemned to desire more than it can consume)
nälkäisempi :: comparative form of nälkäinen
nälkäkuolema :: A death by starvation
nälkäkuuri :: fasting, starvation regimen
nälkälakko :: hunger strike
nälkäraja :: hunger limit
nälkävuosi :: A year of famine
näälämies :: wife's brother
nälänhätä :: dearth (shortage of food)
nälänhätä :: famine (severe shortage of food)
nälännäkö :: starvation
nälättää [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to be hungry
nämä :: these
näämmä :: Alternative form of näemmä
-nne :: Forms nouns indicating that some essential element of the meaning of the root word is present in the meaning of the derived term
-nne [possessive] :: The possessive suffix for 2nd person plural, used when addressing many persons or one person in a polite or formal manner. The word teidän is normally required only in questions where the main focus is in the term defined by teidän, and it must not be used in front of participles or infinitives in participial phrases. In the examples below teidän is in brackets where its use is optional
nänni :: A nipple
nänni :: A pin
nänninpiha :: areola
näännyttää :: to exhaust (to deprive wholly of strength, to weary or tire out)
näännyttää :: to starve (to deprive of nourishment)
näännytys :: exhausting (act of depriving wholly of strength or tiring out)
näännytys :: starving (act of depriving of nourishment)
nääntyä :: To languish
nääntymys :: exhaustion
nääntyä nälkään :: to starve (to die because of lack of food)
no :: well!
nobelisti :: Nobelist, a Nobel Prize laureate
nobelium :: nobelium
Nobel-palkinto :: Nobel Prize
nobo [slang, Internet] :: A newbie, noob
noduuli :: nodule
noeta :: To stain with soot
noettua :: To become stained with soot
noi :: those
noidankehä :: vicious circle
noidanlukko :: moonwort
noidannuoli [mythology, folklore] :: An invincible arrow shot by a witch. Such arrows were believed among the Nordic peoples to cause various painful diseases in humans and animals
noidannuoli :: lumbago (sudden pain in lumbar or sacral region of the back)
noiduttu :: bewitched, under a spell
noin :: about, some, around
noin :: so, in that way, like that
noin :: Instructive plural form of nuo
noisetti :: noisette (cut of meat)
noita :: A witch
noita-akka :: witch, hag
noitaluku :: A magic spell
noitarumpu :: Literally witch drum, actually a drum used by Sami and other northern Eurasian shamans
noitasapatti :: Sabbath (witches' Sabbath)
noitavaino :: witch-hunt
noitavoima :: sorcery [the magical power which a witch controls]
noitua :: To curse, swear
noitua :: To cast a spell on, to cast a curse on, bewitch
noituus :: witchcraft, sorcery
noja :: support, rest (as in armrest)
nojailla :: To lean
nojalla :: on grounds
nojallaan :: in a leaning position
nojalleen :: to a leaning position
nojapuut :: asymmetric bars, uneven bars, bars; used as short form of eritasonojapuut (apparatus or event in women's gymnastics)
nojapuut :: parallel bars, bars (apparatus or event in men's gymnastics)
nojapyörä :: recumbent
nojata :: To lean back
nojata :: To lean or to rest (on, against = illative)
nojata :: To recline (to put in a resting position)
nojatuoli :: armchair
nojautua :: to lean oneself on
nokallinen :: Having a beak; beaked
nokare :: A small lump, clod [irregular piece of material]
nokeentua :: to become sooty
nokeutua :: alternative form of nokeentua
noki :: soot
Nokia :: Nokia (company and brand name; nowadays known for its mobile phones, formerly for forest, rubber and electrotechnical industry)
Nokia :: Nokia (town in Finland)
nokihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula albonigra
nokikana :: coot (any bird of the genus Fulica)
nokikana :: Eurasian coot, common coot (Fulica atra)
nokikolari :: A chimney sweep
nokiliitäjä :: sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus)
nokilokki :: sooty gull (Larus hemprichii or Ichthyaetus hemprichii)
nokimusta :: carbon black
nokinen :: sooty, fuliginous
nokipuumuura :: Castelnau's antshrike
nokirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lignyotus
nokisiipilokki :: laughing gull (Larus atricilla)
nokisorsa :: American black duck (Anas rubripes)
nokitatti :: A bolete, Leccinum variicolor
nokitiira :: sooty tern, Sterna fuscata
nokittaa [poker] :: To raise
nokivaris :: carrion crow (Corvus corone)
nokivasara :: diesel car
nokivasara :: diesel motor, diesel engine
nokivatsamuura :: A spiny-faced antshrike, Xenornis setifrons
nokka :: beak (any beaklike object)
nokka :: beak, bill, rostrum (anatomical structure of birds)
nokka :: ness (promontory, cape or headland; often used in place names)
nokka :: beak (human nose)
nokka :: spout, lip (channel through which a liquid is poured from a container)
nokka :: top, tip (the far end of many long objects); e.g. following objects may have a nokka: a pier, pole, crane, boom, stick and peninsula
nokka-akseli :: camshaft
nokkaeläin :: monotreme
nokkahuilu [musici] :: recorder, fipple flute (woodwind instrument)
nokkaista :: To peck (once)
nokkakala :: garfish (Belone belone)
nokkakolari :: head-on collision
nokkakoortinki :: leechline
nokkasiili :: Any of the four species of echidna in two taxonomic families Tachyglossus and Zaglossus, commonly known as spiny anteaters
nokkasiili :: short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus, the only surviving species in the taxonomic family Tachyglossus
nokkaunet :: A nap
nokkava :: cheeky
nokkavalas :: beaked whale (whale of the family Ziphidae)
nokkavalas :: giant beaked whale (beaked whale of the genus Berardius within the family Ziphidae)
nokkavarpunen :: hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
nokkela :: clever, shrewd
nokkelasti :: wittily, cleverly
nokkeluus :: wit, ingenuity
nokkia :: To peck
nokkiminen :: pecking
nokkimisjärjestys :: pecking order
nokkonen :: stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
nokkonen :: nettle (plant in the genus Urtica)
nokkoshapero :: A brittlegill, Russula urens
nokkosihottuma :: urticaria, nettle-rash
nokkoskasvi :: Any plant of the nettle family Urticaceae
nokkoskasvi :: In plural (nokkoskasvit), the family Urticaceae
nokkoskeitto :: nettle soup (a soup made of nettle leaves)
nokkosperhonen :: small tortoiseshell (Nymphalis urticae)
nokkosrokko :: urticaria
nokoset :: nap, kip, snooze
nokturno :: nocturne
nolata :: To embarrass, make a fool of somebody
nolla :: digit zero
nolla :: neutral (electrical terminal or conductor which has zero or close to zero voltage with respect to the ground)
nolla :: good-for-nothing (person of little worth or usefulness)
nolla :: zero
nollaantua :: to zero, reset
nollahypoteesi :: null hypothesis
nollakasvu :: zero growth
nollakohta :: root of a function; x-intercept
nollakoko :: zero size
nollakulma :: zero angle
nollakuponkilaina :: zero coupon bond (bond that has no coupon)
nollamatriisi :: zero matrix
nollameridiaani :: prime meridian
nollapiste :: zero point, zero
nollapiste-energia :: zero-point energy
nollas :: zeroth
nollasummapeli :: zero-sum game
nollata :: To reset
nollata :: To zero
nollatoleranssi :: zero tolerance
nollaus :: resetting, zeroing
nollautua :: To zero, reset
nollavektori :: zero vector
nolo :: awkward, embarrassing
nolo :: embarrassed
nolostua :: To become embarrassed
nolostuminen :: embarrassment
nolostunut :: embarrassed
nolostuttaa :: To embarrass
nolottaa [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel embarrassed
nolottaa :: To make (sb) feel embarrassed
nolous :: embarrassment
nomadi :: nomad
nomenklatuura :: nomenklatura
nomenklatuuri :: nomenclature
-nomi :: -nomist < -nomy + -ist (used to create academic titles, especially for graduates from a polytechnic, in Finnish ammattikorkeakoulu, many of which are peculiar to Finland and do not have a direct English equivalent)
-nomia :: -nomy
nominaali- :: nominal
nominaalilauseke :: alternative form of nominilauseke
nominaalimuoto :: A nominal form of verb. In Finnish, participles and infinitives are nominal forms
nominaalinen :: nominal
nominatiivi :: nominative, nominative case
nomini :: Any part of speech that can be inflected using noun cases. In Finnish, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and numerals belong to this group
nominijohdannainen :: denominative
nominikantainen :: denominative
nominilauseke :: noun phrase (phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb)
nomismi :: nomism (the idea that following of religious commandments is the chief aspect of religiousness)
nomokratia :: nomocracy
nonaani :: nonane
nonanoli :: nonanol
noneeni :: nonene
nonetti :: nonet (composition)
nonfiguratiivinen :: nonfigurative
nonparelli :: A nonpareil (small pellet of colored sugar used as decoration on baked goods and candy)
nonsense-mutaatio :: nonsense mutation
non sine laude approbatur :: An academic grade used in Finnish university theses, third-lowest pass grade
Nooa :: male given name of biblical origin
Nooa :: Noah (biblical figure)
Noomi :: Naomi
Noomi :: female given name
Noora :: female given name
noori :: obsolete spelling of nuori
nootti :: note (diplomatic missive)
nopea :: quick, fast, rapid
nopeaälyinen :: quick-witted
nopeammin :: comparative form of nopeasti
nopeampi :: comparative form of nopea
nopean toiminnan joukko ] :: rapid reaction force (military force capable of taking rapid action especially in terms of crisis control)
nopeasti :: promptly
nopeasti :: rapidly, quickly
nopeimmin :: superlative form of nopeasti
nopeiten :: alternative form of nopeimmin, the superlative form of nopeasti
nopeudensäätö :: speed regulation/control, timing
-nopeuksinen :: -speed
nopeus :: In everyday language also speed
nopeus :: velocity
nopeus :: swiftness, quickness, rapidity
nopeusennätys :: speed record
nopeusmittari :: A speedometer
nopeusrajoitus :: speed limit
nopeuttaa :: To hasten, to precipitate
nopeuttaa :: To speed up, expedite
nopeuttaminen :: speeding up, hastening
nopeutua :: To quicken, to become faster
noppa :: A die (polyhedron used in games)
noppapeli :: dice [game]
nopsa :: quick
nopsaan :: quickly
nopsajalkainen :: nimble-footed
nopsasti :: quickly
noradrenaliini :: norepinephrine, noradrenaline
nordisti :: Expert on Nordic languages
nordistiikka :: The study of Nordic languages
norfolkinaraukaria :: Norfolk Island pine
Norfolkinsaari :: Norfolk Island (Territory of Norfolk Island)
norfolkinterrieri :: Norfolk terrier
norja :: lithe (capable of being easily bent)
norja :: A Norwegian language
Norja :: Norway
norjalainen :: Norwegian, of or relating to Norway
norjalainen :: Norwegian, relating to the Norwegian language:
norjalainen :: A Norwegian
norjanhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula norvegica
norjan kieli :: The Norwegian language
norjankielinen :: Expressed in the Norwegian language
norjankielinen :: Norwegian-speaking
Norjan kuningaskunta :: The Kingdom of Norway
Norjanmeri :: The Norwegian Sea
norjannos :: Norwegian translation
norjantaa :: to translate into Norwegian
norjatar :: A Norwegian woman
norjempi :: comparative form of norja
norjentaa :: To make lithe (flexible)
norjentua :: To become more lithe
norjeta :: To become more lithe
norjistaa :: To make lithe (flexible)
norjistua :: To become more lithe
norkko :: catkin
norkoilija :: loiterer
norkoilla :: to hang around
norkoilla :: to loiter, linger
norkoilu :: loitering
normaaliaika :: The standard time
normaalijakauma :: normal distribution
normaalikoko :: normal size
normaalikoulu :: normal school
normaalilämpöinen :: normothermic (having a normal body temperature)
normaalilämpöisyys :: normothermia (condition of having a normal body temperature)
normaalimatka :: standard distance; in skiing and some other endurance sports, a distance which is considered "normal" or "standard" for the particular event, e.g. in biathlon the skiing distance of 20 km, in Nordic combined the skiing distance of 15 km. In other events the term is used less, and there's also race-by-race variation in the exact number of km
normaalimuoto [databases] :: normal form (any form of a relational database that supports consistency of the data)
normaalimuoto [game theory] :: normal form (matrix that represents the possible outcomes of a game)
normaalimuoto :: canonical form, normal form (standard way of presenting an object)
normaalipaino :: normal weight
normaalistaa :: To normalise/normalize, make normal
normaalisti :: normally
normaalistua :: To be normalized
normaalisuus :: normality, normalcy
normaalius :: normality
normalisoida :: To normalize
normalisointi :: normalization
normalisoitua :: to be normalized, to get normal (to return to a normal state)
normanni :: a Norman
normatiivinen :: normative
normatiivisuus :: normativity
normi :: In plural (normit), mores
normi :: norm
normiavaruus :: normed space, normed vector space
normisto :: norms
normittaa :: To standardise/standardize
normitus :: normalization
norni :: The Norn language
noro :: rivulet
noro :: trickle, dribble (weak, unsteady stream)
nororousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius hysginoides
norppa :: ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
norri :: alternative form of knorri
norssi :: normal school
norsu :: elephant
norsueläin :: proboscid
norsukala :: elephantfish (a member of Mormyridae)
norsukivääri :: elephant gun
norsulintu :: elephant bird
norsunluinen :: ivory
norsunluu :: ivory
norsunluunvalkoinen :: Having the white color of ivory
norsunluunvärinen :: Having the color of ivory
Norsunluurannikko :: The Ivory Coast
norsunluurannikkolainen :: Ivorian (of, from, or pertaining to Côte d'Ivoire or the Ivorian people)
norsunluurannikkolainen :: Ivorian (person)
norsunluutorni :: ivory tower
norsupäästäinen :: elephant shrew
norsutauti :: elephantiasis
norua :: To trickle
norwichinterrieri :: Norwich terrier
noseaani :: nosean
noseliitti :: nosean
noskapiini :: noscapine
nostaa :: to haul (to sail closer to the wind)
nostaa :: to draw, withdraw (to extract money from an account)
nostaa :: to harvest (something grown underground, such as potatoes)
nostaa :: to hoist (to raise or lift to a desired elevation, e.g. sails or a flag)
nostaa :: to lift, raise, elevate
nostaa :: to push up
nostaa :: to take out (loan)
nostaja :: lifter
nostalgia :: nostalgia
nostalginen :: nostalgic
nostalgisesti :: nostalgically
nostalgisuus :: nostalgia
nostattaa :: To leaven
nostattaa :: To have something lifted or raised by somebody else
nostattaa :: To lift or raise something indirectly or figuratively
nostatus :: rising (act of rising something)
nostatusaine :: leaven [any agent used to make dough rise or to have a similar effect on baked goods]
noste :: buoyancy
nostella :: to lift (repeatedly)
nostelu :: Repeated lifting
nostepiste :: centre of buoyancy
nostin :: A lifter (something that lifts)
nostin :: A halyard
nosto :: cut
nosto :: cash withdrawal
nosto :: lift
nosto :: raise
nostokanki :: lever
nostokasa :: bank (in the domino game, fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw)
nostoköli :: centreboard (adjustable keel on a small yacht or dinghy)
nostokori :: cage (part of a lift)
nostokurki :: crane, especially a tower crane or derrick (device)
nostosilta :: drawbridge
nostovoima :: buoyancy
nosturi :: crane (device)
notaari :: notary
notaatio :: notation
notarisoida :: to notarize
noteerata :: to pay attention to, notice, note (to notice with care)
noteerata :: to quote (to name the current price of a financial security)
notkahdella :: To bend under weight
notkahdus :: bend (Action of the verb notkahtaa)
notkahtaa :: To bend under weight
notkauttaa :: to bend or flex (e.g. the knees)
notkea :: flexible (especially a human, physically)
notkeagibboni :: agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis)
notkelma :: dell, slack
notkeus :: suppleness
notkeuttaa :: To make more pliable, supple, flexible
notkeutua :: alternative form of notkistua
notkistua :: To become (more) flexible
notko :: glen, dale
notkua :: to mess around, to fool around, to hang out, to loiter
notkua :: To bend (under a weight)
notkuttaa :: To bend
notkuttaa :: To make (sth) sway
notski :: A campfire, fire
noudattaa :: To agree with, be congruent with
noudattaa :: To adhere to, conform to, keep to, (figuratively) be faithful to
noudattaa :: To obey, observe, comply with, follow
noudattaminen :: adherence, conformation, being faithful to something
noudattaminen :: observance, compliance, obeying
nougat :: nougat
noukkia :: To pick up (something small)
nouseva :: rising
nousija :: riser
noussi [American football, slang] :: nose guard (offensive position)
nousta :: to arise
nousta :: to disembark
nousta :: to embark, to board
nousta :: to rise
nousta esiin :: to come to the fore (to become obvious or visible)
nousu :: ascent
nousu [mechanics] :: thread pitch, lead (the distance along a screw's axis that is covered by one 360° rotation of the screw)
nousu [mechanics] :: thread pitch, pitch (the distance from the crest of one thread of a screw to the next)
nousu :: rise
nousukas :: upstart
nousukasmainen :: upstart, parvenu
nousukausi :: boom (in a business cycle, the period of economic growth or expansion)
nousunopeus :: rate of climb
nousunopeusmittari :: rate of climb indicator
noususuhdanne :: bull market (period of rising stock market prices)
nousutuuli :: anabatic wind (wind that blows uphill due to sun heating the high areas of the mountain)
nousuvesi :: flow (as opposed to ebb)
noutaa :: To fetch, retrieve
noutaja :: retriever
noutaja :: the Grim Reaper
nouto :: fetch
noutoposti :: poste restante
nova :: nova (sudden brightening of a previously inconspicuous star)
novaatio :: novation
novapurkaus :: nova eruption
novascotiannoutaja :: Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever
novelli :: short story
novellisti :: A short story writer
novial :: Novial
noviisi :: novice
näpelöidä :: To finger
näpertely :: tinkering
näpistää :: to pilfer (to steal something small)
näpistelijä :: pilferer
näpistellä :: To pilfer (to practice petty theft)
näpistely :: pilferage
näpistys :: shoplifting, petty theft (individual incident of)
näpit :: fingertips
näpit irti :: hands off (don't touch!)
näppi :: In plural only, fingertips, see: näpit
näppi :: The tips of the thumb and another finger or fingers pressed together
näppäilijä :: plucker
näppäillä :: To pluck (to gently play a single string, e.g. on a guitar)
näppäillä :: To type on a keyboard
näppäily :: keystroke
näppäimistö :: keyboard (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc)
näppäimistö :: keypad (small board with keys primarily used for tactile input into a machine)
näppäin :: button
näppäin :: key (button in a keyboard)
näppäinkoodi :: keycode (code that represents a keypress)
näppis :: keyboard
näppituntuma :: gut feeling
näppärä :: dexterous
näppärä :: nifty
näppäryys :: manual dexterity
näppy :: pimple
näppyinen :: pimpled
näppylä :: pimple
näppyläinen :: pimply
näpäys :: flick
närä :: grudge
näre :: young spruce
näreikkö :: A forest consisting of young spruce trees
närhen munat :: A medium-strength swearword
närhen munat [idiomatic, colloquial] :: näin on ~, that's right, it's a fact, absolutely
närhen munat [idiomatic, colloquial] :: näyttää ~, to show one's place, to teach someone a lesson, to make eat crow
närhen munat :: jay's eggs
närhi :: jay
närhi :: specifically Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
närkästyä :: To become offended, to get huffy, to be in a pique
närkästyneempi :: comparative form of närkästynyt
närkästynyt :: annoyed, indignant
närkästys :: indignation, resentment, pique
närkästyttää :: to offend someone
näärännäppy :: stye, sty, hordeolum (infection of the glands in eyelid)
närästää [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have heartburn
närästys :: heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux
nörtti :: nerd
närvänä :: creeping sibbaldia (Sibbaldia procumbens)
nääs :: see (singular imperative)
ns. :: niin sanottu, so-called
-nsä [possessive] :: Always appended to a noun in the comitative case (that includes front vowels) when the clause has the subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people)
-nsä [possessive] :: appended to a genitive-requiring postposition that includes front vowels and that is after hänen (the genitive of the personal pronoun hän), him, her; them (only of people):
-nsä [possessive] :: suffix used with hänen (the genitive of the personal pronoun hän) or heidän (the genitive of the personal pronoun he), corresponds to the English possessive pronouns his, her; their (only of people); in some cases its (see the usage notes below):
-nsä [possessive] :: used in a final shortened sentence expressing "in order to do" when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the long first infinitive (that includes front vowels).
-nsä [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people); appended to the active past participle in genitive singular (that includes front vowels) when the said/alleged (etc.) action antedates the main clause:
-nsä [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people); appended to the active present participle in genitive singular (that includes front vowels) when the action is concurrent with the main clause:
-nsä [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing concurrent actions when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the inessive of the active second infinitive (that includes front vowels).
-nsä [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing subsequent actions when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the partitive of the passive past participle singular (that includes front vowels).
-nsä [possessive] :: Used in some adverbs that include front vowels, when the clause has the subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people)
-nsa [possessive] :: Always appended to a noun in the comitative case (that includes back vowels) when the clause has the subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people)
-nsa [possessive] :: appended to a genitive-requiring postposition that includes back vowels (a, o, u) and that is after hänen (the genitive of the personal pronoun hän) or heidän (the genitive of the personal pronoun he), him, her; them (only of people):
-nsa [possessive] :: suffix used with hänen (the genitive of the personal pronoun hän) or heidän (the genitive of the personal pronoun he), corresponds to the English possessive pronouns his, her; their (only of people); in some cases its (see the usage notes below):
-nsa [possessive] :: Third person reflexive possessive suffix
-nsa [possessive] :: used in a final shortened sentence expressing "in order to do" when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the long first infinitive (that includes back vowels).
-nsa [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people); appended to the active past participle in genitive singular (that includes back vowels) when the said/alleged (etc.) action antedates the main clause:
-nsa [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people); appended to the active present participle in genitive singular (that includes back vowels) when the action is concurrent with the main clause:
-nsa [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing concurrent actions when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the inessive of the active second infinitive (that includes back vowels).
-nsa [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing subsequent actions when the clauses have the same subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people), appended to the partitive of the passive past participle singular (that includes back vowels).
-nsa [possessive] :: Used in some adverbs that include back vowels, when the clause has the subject "he", "she" or "they" (only of people)
näsiä :: mezereon (Daphne mezereum)
NSK :: Nykysuomen sanakirja
nössö :: A wimp, sissy
NSSK :: alternative form of NSK (Nykysuomen sanakirja)
näsäviisas :: cheeky, smartass
näätä :: A marten, as any member of the taxonomic genus Martes
näätä :: A pine marten (Martes martes)
näät :: see
-nta :: Forms nouns that describe an action
-ntaa :: Forms causative verbs from adjectives, meaning "causing to become" or "making".; -en, -fy
näätäeläimet :: The Mustelidae, a taxonomic family
näätäeläin :: A mustelid, any animal in the Mustelidae family
-nti :: Form action nouns from verbs whose first infinitive ends with a diphthong + -da/-dä
näätäkahvi [beverages] :: kopi luwak
nätkelmä :: a plant of the genus Lathyrus (sweet peas and vetchlings)
nötkötti :: any canned and processed meat such as spam (canned pork) or sikanauta
nötkötti :: corned beef (canned processed beef)
näätsen :: Alternative form of näetsen
nätti :: pretty
nubianvilliaasi :: Nubian wild ass (Equus asinus africanus)
nudismi :: nudism
nudisti :: nudist
nudistiranta :: nudist beach
nugaa :: nougat
nugetti :: (chicken) nugget
nuha :: common cold
nuha :: rhinitis
nuhainen :: sneezy
nuhakuume :: common cold
nuhde :: admonition
nuhdella :: To reprimand
nuhdella :: To reproach, scold
nuhjaantua :: To get worn out and dirty in the same time, like an old banknote that has passed through many hands
nuhjata :: To dawdle
nuhjautua :: alternative form of nuhjaantua
nuhjus :: laggard
nuhraantua :: to become dirty, worn
nuhrautua :: alternative form of nuhraantua
nuhruinen :: worn-out and dirty, like e.g. an old banknote that has passed through many hands
nuhteeton :: irreproachable, blameless
nuhteettomasti :: blamelessly
nuhteettomuus :: blamelessness
nuhtelu :: reprimand
nuija :: club
nuija :: gavel (wooden mallet of the chairman of the meeting)
nuija :: mallet, maul
nuijakas :: Any of the club-like mushrooms of the genera Alloclavaria and Clavariadelphus
nuijamyrkkyseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius tophaceus
nuijapää :: tadpole
nuijaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius varius
nuijasota :: The Cudgel War
nuijia :: To gavel
nuijia :: To pummel, club
nuiva :: cold, aloof
nujakka :: A scuffle, brawl
nujakoida :: To scuffle, brawl
nujakointi :: scuffle
nujertaa :: to break (to cause a person or animal to lose his/her/its will, often obtained by means of torture)
nujertaa :: to crush, subdue (to overcome completely)
nujertaa :: to discourage (to take away the courage of)
nujertaa :: to stymie, thwart, stump (to cause to fail or to leave hopelessly puzzled, confused, or stuck)
nujertua :: to fall, to be overthrown, to be crushed
nukahdella :: To fall into sleep, doze off (repeatedly)
nukahtaa :: To fall asleep
nukahtelusairaus :: narcolepsy
nukahtelutauti [pathology, rare] :: narcolepsy
nukata :: to pill (to form small matted balls of fiber)
nukittaa :: to tuft (to decorate a textile with tufts, such as when producing a wall-rug or fluffy carpet)
nukka :: fuzz (frizzy mass of hair or fibre)
nukka :: nap (soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather)
nukka :: peachfuzz (fuzz on the skin of a peach)
nukka :: pill (on fabric)
nukka :: tuft (cluster of threads used in decorative tufting)
nukkainen :: nappy (fabric)
nukkakangas :: nap cloth (type of fabric)
nukkasihti :: lint filter
nukkautua :: alternative form of nukkaantua
nukkavieru :: shabby
nukke :: doll
nukke :: puppet
nukkehallitsija :: A puppet leader
nukkehallitus :: A puppet government
nukkekoti :: dollhouse
nukkemainen :: doll-like
nukketalo :: dollhouse
nukketeatteri :: puppetry (art of performing with puppets)
nukketeatteri :: puppet show (theatrical performance, in which the parts are played by puppets)
nukketeatteri :: puppet theatre (establishment or a portable stage in which puppetry is practised)
nukki :: rock jasmine
nukkua :: to sleep
nukkua pois :: To pass away
nukkua pommiin :: to oversleep (to sleep for longer than planned)
nukkua yön yli :: to sleep on
nukkuja :: sleeper
nukkumaanmenoaika :: bedtime
nukkumatti :: sandman
nukkuminen :: sleeping
nukkuva :: dormant (inactive, as e.g. a volcano)
nukkuva :: sleeping (in the state of sleep)
nukleiinihappo :: nucleic acid
nukleoli :: nucleolus
nukleoni :: nucleon
nukleosynteesi [physics, astronomy] :: nucleosynthesis
nukleotidi :: nucleotide
nukleus :: cell nucleus
nukleus :: atomic nucleus
nuklidi :: nuclide
nukuksiin :: asleep (to a state of sleep)
nukuksissa :: asleep (in a state of sleep)
nukula :: motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca
nukute :: anesthetic (a substance to make the patient to lose consciousness)
nukuttaa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel sleepy
nukuttaa :: To anesthetize
nukuttaa :: To knock someone out
nukuttaa :: To put someone to sleep
nukuttava :: sedative
nukutus :: general anesthesia
nukutusaine :: anesthetic [a substance to make the patient to lose consciousness]
nukutuslääkäri :: anesthesiologist
nuljahdella :: To slip (repeatedly)
nuljahtaa :: slip, slide
nullifikaatio :: nullification
nulliteetti :: nullity
n-ulotteinen :: n-dimensional
numbatti :: numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
numeerinen :: numerical
numeerinen analyysi :: numerical analysis
numeerisesti :: numerically
numeeristaa :: To numericize
numeraali :: numeral ( word representing a number)
numeraalinen :: numeral
numeriikka :: numerics
numero :: digit, number (symbol for a non-negative integer: 0, 1, ... , 9)
numero :: number (followed by a numeral; used to indicate the position of something in a list or sequence)
numero :: number (performance; especially as part of a larger show)
numero :: numeral (symbol representing a number)
numeroarvo :: numerical value
numeroida :: To number (to label with numbers; to assign numbers to)
numeroinen :: number, digit
numerointi :: numbering
numeroitumaton :: uncountable
numeroitumattomasti :: uncountably (in a way that is incapable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers)
numeroituva :: countable
numeroituva :: numerable
numeroituvuus :: countability
numerologia :: numerology
numeromerkki :: numerical symbol, digit
numerus :: grammatical number
numismaatikko :: numismatist
numismaattinen :: numismatic
numismatiikka :: numismatics
nummi :: moor
nummikirvinen :: tawny pipit, Anthus campestris
nummilimaseitikki :: orange webcap, slimy cortinarius, Cortinarius mucosus
nummiriekko :: red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica
nummitatti :: Jersey cow mushroom, Suillus bovinus
Nunavut :: Nunavut (territory in northeast Canada)
nunna :: A nun
nunna :: Nonea pulla
nunnaluostari :: A monastery for nuns; convent
nunnatasku :: pied wheatear, Oenanthe pleschanka
nuo :: those
nuode :: sister's husband
nuohooja :: chimney sweep
nuohota :: To sweep a chimney
nuohous :: sweeping
nuokahtaa :: to nod off (to fall asleep, especially while in a seated position or in inappropriate circumstances)
nuokkua :: To be sleepy, on the verge of falling asleep
nuokkua :: To hang around
nuokkua :: To sway
nuokkuhelmikkä :: mountain melic, nodding melic (Melica nutans)
nuolaista :: To lick (once)
nuolaisu :: licking
nuoleksia :: To lick (repeatedly, such as ice cream)
nuolenkärki :: arrowhead
nuolenpää :: arrowhead
nuolenpääkirjoitus :: cuneiform
nuoleskelija :: A licker (one who licks, in a casual way)
nuoleskelija :: A lickspittle
nuoleskella :: To fawn, seek favour by flattery
nuoleskella :: To lick (repeatedly)
nuoleskelu :: licking
nuoli :: arrow
Nuoli :: the constellation Sagitta, the Arrow
nuoliainen :: loach (any of the small fish in the families Cobitidae - true loaches or Balitoridae - hillstream loaches)
nuolihaukka :: hobby (Falco subbuteo)
nuolija :: licker
nuolijuuri :: arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea)
nuolikko :: dartfish (any fish of the subfamily Ptereleotrinae in the family Microdesmidae)
nuolikko :: wormfish (any fish of the subfamily Microdesminae in the family Microdesmidae)
nuolikotelo :: quiver
nuolimainen :: arrow-like
nuolimato :: An arrow worm, member of the phylum Chaetognatha
nuolimyrkky :: arrow poison
nuolimyrkkysammakko :: poison dart frog
nuolinäppäin :: arrow key
nuolitaso :: sagittal plane
nuoliviini :: quiver
nuolla :: To lick
nuolla persettä [vulgar, slang] :: To kiss ass
nuolu :: licking
nuora :: string, twine, cord
nuora :: tightrope (tightly stretched rope or cable on which acrobats perform)
nuorehko :: youthful, relatively young
nuorekas :: youthful
nuorekkaasti :: youthfully
nuorekkuus :: youthfulness
nuorempi :: comparative form of nuori
nuorempi konstaapeli :: constable, police constable (lowest rank in the Finnish police force, below vanhempi konstaapeli)
nuorena :: when young, in one's childhood, when one was younger
nuorentaa :: To rejuvenate; to make younger
nuorentua :: To grow younger
nuoreta :: To grow younger
nuorgrammaatikko :: Neogrammarian (member of the Neogrammarian school)
nuorgrammaattinen :: Neogrammarian (of or pertaining to the Neogrammarian school)
nuori :: young
nuori :: A young person, (in plural nuoret) youth
nuoriherra :: A young master
nuorikko :: bride
nuorimies :: young man, youth
nuorimmainen :: The youngest one
nuorin :: superlative form of nuori
nuoripari :: any young couple
nuoripari :: newlywed couple
nuoriso :: youth [collectively]
nuorisokoti :: youth detention centre, detention home, juvenile detention centre, juvenile hall
nuoriso-ohjaaja :: youth leader
nuorisorikollisuus :: juvenile delinquency (participation in illegal behaviour by minors)
nuorisoseura :: youth association; a member association of the nuorisoseuraliike
nuorisoseuraliike :: youth association movement; a cultural movement born in 1880's in the province of Ostrobothnia, the purpose of which was to raise the Finnish youth's consciousness of their cultural heritage and to promote their advancement in cultural endeavours
nuorisotyö :: youth work
nuorisotyöntekijä :: youth worker
nuorruttaa :: To rejuvenate
nuorsuomalainen :: Of or pertaining to either of the Nuorsuomalainen puolue or the ideas they represented
nuorsuomalainen :: A supporter of a reformist movement within the Suomalainen puolue - the Finnish Party in late 19th century and later a supporter of the Nuorsuomalainen puolue - the Young Finnish Party
nuorsuomalainen :: A supporter of the Nuorsuomalainen puolue - the Young Finns in the 1990's
nuortea :: youthful
nuortua :: To grow/become younger, be rejuvenated
nuorukainen :: A youth, young man
nuoruus :: youth (the period of life)
nuoruusikä :: youth, adolescence
nuoruusiän diabetes :: juvenile-onset diabetes
nuoska :: wet snow
nuoskainen :: Having wet snow
nuotanveto :: Fishing with a seine
nuotata :: To seine
nuotinnos :: notation
nuotintaa :: to notate
nuotio :: campfire, fire
nuotisto :: Collection of notes
nuotittaa :: To note
nuotta :: seine
nuottakalastus :: seine fishing
nuotti :: note
nuottiavain :: clef
nuottikirjoitus :: notation
nuottikorva :: ear for music (same as sävelkorva, but less frequently used)
nuottiviiva :: A line of staff
nuottiviivasto :: staff, stave
nupi :: tack (nail)
nupinaula :: tack [nail]
nupo :: [of cows] hornless
nuppi :: cascabel (knob at the end of a cannon, to which ropes are attached in order to control recoil)
nuppi :: knob (rounded protuberance, handle, or control switch)
nuppi :: head
nuppi :: tractor (truck used to pull a trailer or a semi-trailer)
nuppineula :: pin (eyeless needle for fastening)
nuppineulanpää :: pinhead (head of a pin)
nuppiseitikki :: several species of webcap with a cap that resembles a knob
nuppu :: The bud of a flower
nupu :: cobblestone, cobble (small rounded stone)
nupukivi :: sett; Belgian block (rectangular paving stone)
nurea :: alternative form of nyreä
nurin :: over, inside out, upside down (wrong way round)
nurina :: grumbling
nurinkurinen :: topsy-turvy (backwards or upside-down)
nurin perin :: inside out, upside down (wrong way around)
nurinperin :: alternative form of nurin perin
nurin päin :: inside out, upside down (wrong way around)
nurinpäin :: alternative form of nurin päin
nurista :: To groan, moan (complain)
nurja :: adverse
nurja :: wrong
nurjamielinen :: averse
nurjamielisesti :: aversely
nurjamielisyys :: averseness
nurja puoli :: reverse side
nurkata :: to corner, corner the market (to get command of a stock, commodity, etc., so as to be able to put one's own price on it)
nurkka :: corner (area in the angle between converging walls)
nurkkakunta :: clique
nurkkakuntainen :: parochial (focusing on local concerns)
nurkkakuntaisuus :: parochialism
nurkkapatrioottinen :: parochial (concerned with local interests)
nurkkapatriotismi :: parochialism
nurkkaus :: corner
nurkua :: To grumble, whine; to complain
nurmettaa :: To cover with grass
nurmettua :: To become covered by grass
nurmi :: lawn, grass
Nurmi :: Any of a number of small places in Finland and Karelia
Nurmi :: Finnish surname
nurmiherkkusieni :: field mushroom or meadow mushroom, Agaricus campestris
nurmikeilailu :: bowls
nurmikka :: A plant of the genus Poa
nurmikko :: lawn
nurmikkoinen :: grassy
nurmilauha :: tufted hair-grass, Deschampsia cespitosa
nurmilaukka :: chive (plant)
nurminahikas :: scotch bonnet or fairy ring mushroom, Marasmius oreades
nurminen :: grassy
Nurminen :: Finnish surname
nurmipora :: An infantry soldier, 11 Bang-Bang
nurmirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius flexuosus
nurtsi :: lawn
nussia [vulgar + genitive-accusative] :: To steal, to snatch, to feck:
nussia [vulgar + partitive + silmään] :: To cheat, to defraud
nussia [vulgar + partitive] :: To fuck, to screw, to have sexual intercourse with:
nussija :: fucker
nussinta :: fucking
nuta :: (colloquial) youth club
nutaatio :: nutation
nuti :: A hornless cow
nutistaa :: Same as nitistää
nutria :: coypu
nutriaturkki :: coypu fur
nutritiivinen :: nourishing, nutritive
nutritio :: nutrition
nuttu :: jacket
nuttura :: topknot, bun, chignon
nutukas :: Traditional fur boot of the Sami people, sewed by hand with the skin of a reindeer's legs
nuudeli :: noodle
nuuduttaa :: To wilt (to cause to droop or to fatigue)
nuuhkaista :: To sniff, whiff
nuuhkia :: To sniff (like a dog)
nuuka :: stingy
nuukahtaa :: to droop (to slowly become limp; to bend gradually)
nuukailla :: To skimp
nuukailu :: skimping
nuukuus :: stinginess
nuupahtaa :: alternative form of nuukahtaa
nuupi [Internet slang] :: newbie, noob
nuuska :: splinters, wreck; together with the adverb tuusan as fortifier used in two expressions:
nuuska :: snuff (tobacco), snus
nuuskaista :: To sniff (once)
nuuskarasia :: snuffbox
nuuskata :: to sniff (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose)
nuuskata :: to snuff (to consume snuff tobacco)
nuuskia :: To sniff
nuuskija :: snoop
Nuutti :: male given name
nuutua :: To wilt
näveri :: A gimlet (wood-working tool)
näverrin :: hand drill
nyanssi :: nuance
nyhertää :: To work inefficiently, to waste (time)
nyhjäistä :: To pluck, to tear or pull out with one small jerk
nyhjäistä :: To twitch (to pull with a small, short movement)
nyhjätä :: To lie lazy, loll, lounge; to be a couch potato
nyhälaitainen :: crenate
nöyhtä :: fluff [as fluffy dirt]
nöyhtä :: lint
nyhtää :: To tear, pull (hair etc.)
nöyhtäinen :: fluffy
nyhtäistä :: To tear, pull (hairs etc.)
nöyhtääntyä :: To become fluffy
nyhtöpossu :: pulled pork
nöyhtäytyä :: To become fluffy
nyhverö :: wimp, sissy
nyökähdellä :: To nod (repeatedly, as when falling into sleep)
nyökähdys :: nod
nykiä :: To jerk
nykiä :: To tug
nykimisoire :: tic
nykäistä :: to tug
nykäistä :: to twitch
nykäisy :: twitch
näykkiä :: To nibble
nyökkiä :: alternative form of nyökkäillä
Nykki [nickname] :: New York (city)
näykkijäkilpikonna :: snapping turtle
nyökkäillä :: to nod (repeatedly)
näykkäistä :: to nibble (to bite lightly)
näykkäistä :: to snap (to snatch with or as if with the teeth)
nyökkäys :: A nod
Nykänen :: Finnish surname
nyksä :: current partner
nyökätä :: To nod (once)
nyky- :: modern, neo-
nykyaika :: modern era, modern period, modern times
nykyaikainen :: modern, contemporary, current
nykyaikaisesti :: modernly, in a modern way
nykyaikaistaa :: To modernize
nykyaikaistua :: To become modern
nykyaikaistuminen :: modernization (the act of becoming modern)
nykyaikaisuus :: modernity
nykyhetki :: present (current time)
nykyhetkinen :: present
nykyihminen :: The modern human, Homo sapiens sapiens
nykyinen :: current, present
nykyisellään :: as things currently stand (under the current circumstances)
nykyisin :: today, nowadays
nykyisyys :: The present time
nykyjohto :: current leadership, management
nykykieli :: modern language
nykykielinen :: Expressed in the modern language
nykykirjallisuus :: modern literature
nykylatina :: New Latin
nykymaailma :: modern world
nykymarkka :: A common term used in the 1960's to refer to the reformed markka. See: vanha markka
nykymusiikki :: contemporary music
nykyään :: currently, at present, these days, nowadays, today
nykynäkymä :: current perspective (the current view of future, often at a relatively short sight)
nykynuori :: modern youth (person)
nykynuoriso :: modern youth (collectively)
nykypäivä :: present, present day
nykäys :: tug, twitch
Nykysuomen sanakirja :: The "Dictionary of Modern Finnish", completed in 1961; the most comprehensive Finnish dictionary published so far, albeit already partly outdated
nykysuomi :: The modern Finnish language
nykytaide :: contemporary art
nykytaiteilija :: modern artist
nyökytellä :: to nod (repeatedly, but irregularly)
nykytila :: present state, current state
nykytilanne :: status quo
nykytilassa :: as it stands, in the current state
nyökäyttää :: to nod (once)
nyökyttää :: to nod (several times)
nyökyttää :: to nod (to make nod)
nyljentä :: skinning
nylkeä [figuratively, + genitive-accusative] :: To beat, conquer, overcome (a competitor in sports, by a very large marginal)
nylkeä :: To skin (removing the skin of an animal)
nylkeminen :: skinning
nylkeminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, nylkeä] ::
nylky :: skinning
nylkyhinta :: overcharge
nylkyri :: A bloodsucker, one who overcharges
nylon :: nylon
nymfetti :: nymphet
nymfi :: nymph
nymfo :: nympho
nymfomaani :: nymphomaniac
nymfomaaninen :: nymphomaniac, nymphomaniacal
nymfomania :: nymphomania
nynnerö :: A wimp, sissy
nynniä :: To act like a sissy, wimp
nynny :: A wimp, sissy
nynnyily :: The action of being a sissy
nyplätä :: to fumble with, fiddle with, twiddle
nyplätä :: to make lace
nypläys :: lace making
nyppiä :: To irritate
nyppiä :: To pluck (out) (hair), pick (off) (lint from clothes)
nyppy :: tip, point (e.g. of ear)
nyppylä :: A small hill
nypykkä :: tip, point (e.g. of ear)
nöyrä :: humble
nöyrä :: meek
nyreä :: sullen, sulky
nyöri :: string
nöyristellä :: To fawn, truckle
nöyristely :: fawning, truckling
nyrjähdys :: A sprain
nyrjähdyttää :: to sprain
nyrjähtää :: to sprain, twist
nyrjäytellä :: to sprain (repeatedly)
nyrjäyttää :: to sprain
nyrjäytys :: A sprain
nyrkinisku :: punch
nyrkinkokoinen :: fist-sized
nyrkistää :: to fist (to close hand into a fist)
nyrkkeilijä :: boxer, pugilist
nyrkkeillä :: To box (to participate in a boxing game)
nyrkkeily :: boxing
nyrkkeilyhansikas :: boxing glove
nyrkkeilyhanska :: boxing glove
nyrkkeilykehä :: boxing ring
nyrkkeilykinnas :: boxing glove
nyrkkeilykäsine :: boxing glove
nyrkkeilyottelu :: boxing fight
nyrkkeilysäkki :: punching bag
nyrkki :: fist
nyrkkipyykki :: laundry washed by hand
nyrkkirauta :: brass knuckles
nyrkkisääntö :: rule of thumb
nyrkkitappelija :: fist fighter
nyrkkitappelu :: A fistfight (fight with the fists)
nyrpeä :: sullen, sulky
nyrpistää [nyrpistää nenäänsä] :: to turn up one's nose
nöyrryttää :: alternative form of nöyryyttää
nöyrästi :: humbly
nöyrästi :: meekly
nöyrtyä :: To humble oneself
nöyrtyminen :: submission
nöyrtymys :: submission
nöyryys :: humility, humbleness
nöyryytetty :: humiliated (deprived of dignity or self-respect)
nöyryyttää :: To humiliate
nöyryyttäminen :: humiliation
nöyryyttävä :: humiliating
nöyryytys :: humiliation
nysä :: stub
nysse :: bus, particularly one of the public transport system of Tampere
nyssäkkä :: alternative form of nyssykkä
nyssykkä :: bundle, swag
nystermä :: tubercle (small elevation on the surface of a tooth)
nystermä :: small protuberance or tubercle
nysty :: A small lump, nodule
nystyrä :: A small lump, nodule
nystyräbakteeri :: root nodule bacterium
nystyräinen :: lumpy
nyt :: now
näyte :: sample, specimen
näyteikkuna :: shop window
näytellä :: To act, play (to perform a theatrical role)
näytellä :: To show (in an indifferent manner; or when the speaker finds the action annoying)
näytelmä :: play (theatrical performance)
näytelmä :: spectacle
näytelmäkirjailija :: A playwright
näytelmällinen :: dramatic (pertaining to theater)
näytelmätiede :: dramaturgy
näytin :: A computer screen
nytkähdellä :: to jerk (repeatedly)
nytkähdys :: jerk, twitch
nytkähtää :: to twitch or jerk (once)
nytkiä :: To jerk repeatedly
nyt kun :: now that (as a consequence of the fact that; since)
nytkäys :: alternative form of nytkähdys
nytkäyttää :: to jerk
näytönohjain :: graphics card, video card
näytäntö :: performance (live show)
näytäntökausi [TV] :: season
näytös :: act (in a play)
näytös :: ostentation (ambitious display; vain show; display intended to excite admiration or applause)
näytös :: show (at a theatre or cinema)
näytösottelu :: exhibition match, friendly match
näyttää :: To seem, appear (to do = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän; to have done = active past participle singular in genitive, -(n)een):
näyttää :: To show, present
näyttö :: monitor
näyttö :: proof
näyttö :: showing
näytteenotto :: sampling
näytteilleasettaja :: exhibitor
näytteillepanija :: exhibitor
näyttelijä :: actor
näyttelijätär :: actress
näyttely :: exhibit, exhibition, fair, show
näyttelyesine :: exhibit (something exhibited)
näyttelyesine :: showpiece (something made to be displayed)
näyttelyhalli :: exhibition hall
näyttelytila :: exhibition space
nyttemmin :: now, nowadays (as opposed to before)
nytten :: now
näyttää keskisormea :: to flick off, flip off, give the finger, flip the bird (to make a rude gesture by extending the middle finger)
näyttämö :: stage, scene (in a theatre)
näyttämöavustaja [theater] :: stagehand
näyttää mieltään :: to demonstrate, protest; more commonly osoittaa mieltään
näyttämöllepano :: mise en scène (arrangement of props and actors on a stage or for film)
näyttämöllinen [theater] :: scenic
näyttämöohje :: stage direction (instruction given to an actor that tells the actor what should be done and in what manner to do it)
näyttöruutu :: screen (of a computer etc.)
näyttää toteen :: To prove, substantiate, demonstrate
näyttävä :: pretentious, showy
näyttävämpi :: comparative form of näyttävä
näyttävästi :: demonstratively
näyttävästi :: spectacularly
näyttäytyä :: To show up, appear
nyy :: nu (Greek letter)
nyyh :: sob
nyyhke :: sob
nyyhkiä :: To sob
nyyhkinä :: sobbing
nyyhkintä :: sobbing
nyyhkäistä :: To snuffle once while weeping
nyyhkäisy :: A single sob (cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath)
nyyhky :: sob
nyyhkyleffa :: tearjerker (overly sad movie)
nyyhkäys :: A single sob (cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath)
nyyhkytarina :: sob story, tearjerker
nyyhkyttää :: to sob
nyyhkytys :: sobbing
-nyymi :: -nym
nyyppä :: newbie, noob
Nyyrikki :: A forest spirit, son of Tapio in the Kalevala
Nyyrikki :: male given name
nyysiä :: to steal, nick
nyysit :: Usenet
nyysitty :: stolen, hot
nyytti :: bundle, swag (package wrapped up for carrying)
nyyttikestit :: potluck [meal consisting of whatever guests have brought]
öö :: er, uh
ödeema :: oedema
ööga :: An eye
öh :: uh (expression of uncertainty)
ööh :: uh, erm, um (expression of confusion or uncertainty)
öinen :: nocturnal
öisin :: in the night, at night
öitä :: night, good night
öky :: rich, powerful, mighty; used chiefly as modifier in compound terms
ökyrikas :: Extremely rich
ökytalo :: mansion (large house or building, built for the wealthy in order to show their wealth)
Öölanti :: Öland
ööli :: beer
ölinä :: bawling
ölistä :: To make voices (loudly)
öljy :: crude oil
öljy :: oil
öljy :: Oscar Echo (the letter "Ö" in the Finnish spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet)
öljyala :: oil industry
öljyalue :: oil area (area with crude oil reserves)
öljyauto :: fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker (tanker for liquid fuels)
öljyšeikki :: An oil sheikh
öljyemulsio :: oil emulsion
öljyesiintymä :: oil deposit
öljyhana :: oil tap
öljyhappo :: oleic acid
öljyhiekka :: tar sand
öljyhoito :: oil treatment
öljyinen :: oily
öljyinen :: oleaginous
öljyisempi :: comparative form of öljyinen
öljyisyys :: oiliness
öljyjohto :: oil pipeline
öljyjäte :: oil waste
öljykakku :: oil cake (cake made with vegetable oil instead of butter)
öljykakku :: oil cake (solid residue remaining after any oilseed has been pressed to remove the vegetable oil; used as animal food)
öljykalvo :: oil film
öljykamiina :: oil stove (stove which uses heating oil or kerosene as fuel)
öljykangas :: oilskin (cloth made from cotton and treated with oil and pigment to make it waterproof)
öljykangastakki :: oilcloth coat
öljykangastakki :: oilcloth jacket
öljykanisteri :: oil canister
öljykankainen :: Made of oilcloth
öljykannu :: oil can
öljykastike :: oil dressing (salad dressing with vegetable oil as main ingredient, with vinegar, salt, spices and herbs as seasoning)
öljykasvi :: oil plant (plant cultivated for raw material of vegetable oil)
öljykatastrofi :: oil catastrophe
öljykeitin :: oil cooker (cooker in which the food is cooked in heated oil)
öljykeitin :: oil cooker (cooker using oil as fuel)
öljykenttä :: oilfield
öljykerrostuma :: oil stratum
öljykriisi :: oil crisis
öljykulttuuri :: oil culture (culture and way of life based on excessive consumption of mineral oil)
öljylaiva :: oil tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of oil or oil products)
öljylamppu :: oil lamp
öljylasti :: oil cargo
öljylautta :: oil slick
öljylähde :: oil well
öljyläikkä :: oil slick, oil spot
öljyläiskä :: oil spot, oil slick (unwanted small amount of oil on a surface etc.)
öljyliuske :: oil shale
öljylämmitin :: oil heater (heating device that uses oil as fuel)
öljylämmitteinen :: oil heated
öljylämmitys :: oil heating
öljylöytö :: oil find
öljymaa :: An oil-producing country
öljymaalaus :: oil painting
öljymaali :: oil paint
öljymarja :: olive
öljymäinen :: oily, greasy
öljymittari :: oil meter, oil pump
Öljymäki :: The Mount of Olives, the mountain on which the garden of Gethsemane lied
öljymylly :: oil mill (mill for crushing oil-bearing seeds to prepare them for the pressing stage of the oil-producing process)
öljynetsintä :: oil exploration
öljynimeytysaine :: oil absorbent (any solid material used to absorb an oil spill)
öljynjalostamo :: oil refinery
öljynjalostus :: oil refining
öljynjalostusteollisuus :: oil refining industry
öljynkeräysalus :: oil spill recovery vessel, oil spill response vessel, skimmer (vessel equipped to collect spilled oil from the surface of a body of water)
öljynkestävä :: oilproof
öljynkuljetus :: oil transport, oil transportation
öljynkulutus :: oil consumption
öljynpaine :: oil pressure
öljynpainemittari :: oil pressure meter
öljynporaaja :: oil driller
öljynporaus :: oil drilling
öljynporauslautta :: An oil platform, oil rig
öljynporaustorni :: rig (special apparatus used for drilling oil wells)
öljynpuhdistamo :: oil refinery
öljynpuhdistamo :: oil purification plant
öljynpuristamo :: oil pressing plant (facility for extracting crude vegetable oil from oil-rich seeds or other raw material by pressing)
öljynsekainen [of liquids] :: oil-contaminated
öljynsuodatin :: oil filter
öljyntorjunta :: oil spill control
öljyntuonti :: oil import
öljyntuotanto :: oil production
öljyntuottaja :: oil producer
öljyntuottajamaa :: oil producing country
öljynvaihto :: oil change
öljynviejä :: oil exporter
öljynviejämaa :: oil exporting country
öljynvienti :: oil export
öljynvälitys :: oil trading
öljynäyte :: oil sample
öljyonnettomuus :: oil accident
öljypalmu :: oil palm
öljyparoni :: oil baron
öljypastelli [painting] :: oil pastel
öljypellava :: Any cultivar of flax that is specifically bred to produce raw material for linseed oil production
öljypisara :: oil drop, drop of oil
öljypitoinen :: oil-containing, oil-bearing, oil-rich
öljypitoisuus :: oil content
öljypohatta :: oil tycoon, oil baron
öljypohja :: oil pan, crank pan (lowest part of crankcase which acts as lubricating oil reservoir for an engine)
öljypohjainen :: oil-based
öljypolitiikka :: oil politics
öljypoltin :: oil burner
öljypumppu :: oil pump
öljypuomi :: containment boom (temporary floating barrier used to contain an oil spill)
öljyputki :: oil pipe
öljypuu :: olive tree
öljypuukasvi :: Any plant in this family
öljypuukasvi [botany, in plural] :: Oleaceae (family of 25 genera of generally oil-rich shrubs and trees)
öljyraha :: oil money, petrodollar
öljysampoo :: oil shampoo
öljysatama :: oil harbor
öljysheikki :: alternative spelling of öljyšeikki
öljysäiliö :: oil tank
öljysora :: tarmac
öljysorapäällyste :: tarmac paving
öljysorapäällysteinen :: tarmac-paved, tarmac-laid, tarmac paved, tarmac laid
öljysorastaa :: to pave with tarmac
öljysorastus :: tarmac paving (act of paving with tarmac)
öljysoratie :: tarmac road (road paved with tarmac)
öljysuoni :: oil vein
öljytä :: To lubricate
öljytä :: To oil (grease)
öljytä :: To oil (lubricate)
öljytahra :: oil stain
öljytakki :: oilcloth coat
öljytakki :: oilcloth jacket
öljytankkeri :: oil tanker
öljytankki :: oil tank
öljytempera :: tempera grassa (painting made with this technique)
öljytempera :: tempera grassa (painting technique)
öljyteollisuus :: oil industry
öljyterminaali :: oil terminal
öljytikku :: dipstick
öljytila :: A farm that specializes in cultivation of oil producing plants
öljytila :: engine oil space (the volume at the bottom of crank case in which lubricating oil accumulates when the engine is not running)
öljyttyä :: To be spoiled by oil
öljytuho :: oil disaster
öljytuikku :: oil candle (small light comparable to a candle, consisting of an oil bottle or vessel and a wick that goes through the cap of the bottle)
öljytulo :: oil income
öljytuote :: oil product
öljyturma :: oil accident
öljytyö :: short for öljyvärityö
öljytyöläinen :: oil worker
öljytynnyri :: oil barrel (unit of measure)
öljytyöntekijä :: oil worker
öljyvaate :: oilskin
öljyvahinko :: oil accident
öljyvalaistus :: oil lighting (lighting arranged with oil lights)
öljyvalo :: oil lamp
öljyvaltio :: oil producing country
öljyvaluutta :: oil currency (currency of an oil producing country)
öljyvaranto :: oil reserve
öljyvarasto :: oil storage
öljyvarat :: oil reserves
öljyvernissa :: oil varnish (varnish that consists chiefly of processed oils and solvents, i.e. lacking resin component)
öljyväkirehu :: oil fodder (fodder with high concentration of vegetable or animal oils)
öljyvoimala :: oil plant
öljyvoimalaitos :: oil fired power plant
öljyväri :: oil paint
öljyväriliitu :: oil pastel, wax oil crayon (crayon made of pigments, oil base and wax binder)
öljyvärimaalaus :: oil painting
öljyvärityö :: oil painting
öljyvuoto :: oil spill
öljy-yhtiö :: An oil company
öljyyntyä :: To be spoiled with oil
öllöttää :: to loll (to act lazily or indolently, or not at all)
Ö-mappi :: A figurative binder into which any unwanted proposals are archived in order to be forgotten
-ön :: Suffix variant for the illative singular: see -Vn
-o :: Forms result or action nouns from verbs
-o :: Forms variants from a few nominal roots
oaasi :: oasis
OAJ :: Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (trade union representing the majority of teachers in the public sector, excluding university professors)
oas :: thorn
O-aukko :: O neckline, O-neckline (O-shaped neckline)
O-aukkoinen :: O-neckline, o-neckline (having an O-shaped neckline, in English this is a case of attributive use of a noun)
Obadja :: Obadiah
Obadja :: the book of Obadiah
obduktio :: autopsy
obdusoida :: To conduct an autopsy
obeliski :: obelisk
obesiteetti :: obesity
obinugrilainen :: Ob-Ugrian
objekti :: object
objektiivi :: objective (lens or system of lenses)
objektiivi :: objective, objective case (grammatical case in some languages)
objektiivinen :: objective
objektiivinen genetiivi :: genitive-accusative
objektiivisesti :: objectively
objektiivisuus :: objectivity
oblaatti [Christianity, archaic] :: A wafer
oblasti :: An oblast
obligaatio :: bond
obligaatio :: obligation
obligaatiokauppa :: bond trade
obligaatiolaina :: bond loan
obligaatiomarkkina [finance, usually in plural] :: bond market
obligaatiomeklari :: bond trader
obligatorinen :: obligatory
obliikvisija :: oblique case
oboe :: oboe
oboekonsertto :: oboe concerto
oboensoitto :: oboe playing
oboesonaatti :: oboe sonata
oboesoolo :: oboe solo
oboisti :: oboist
obseeni :: obscene
observaatio :: observation (record)
observaatio :: observation (the act of observing)
observaattori :: observer
observatorio :: observatory
observoida :: To observe
observoija :: observer
observointi :: observation
obsessio :: obsession
obsidiaani :: obsidian
obskuuri :: obscure
obstetriikka :: obstetrics
obstruentti :: obstruent
obstruktio :: obstruction
Occamin partaveitsi :: Occam's razor
odelma :: aftergrass
odelmikko :: The grass grown after haymaking
odontiitti :: odontitis
odontologi :: odontologist, dentist
odontologia :: odontology, dentistry
odontologinen :: odontological
odota :: wait up
odote :: expectancy
odotella :: To wait about
odotettavissa :: olla odotettavissa: to be expected
odotettu :: expected
odotetunlainen :: expected
odotetusti :: expectedly
odottaa :: to expect (someone = genitive, to do something = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän); to anticipate
odottaa :: to be expecting, be pregnant
odottaa :: to wait for, await, expect, anticipate
odottaja :: One who waits; waiter
odottamaton :: unexpected, unheralded, unannounced, abrupt (without prior warning)
odottamatta :: unexpectedly
odottamattomasti :: unexpectedly
odottamattomuus :: unexpectedness
odottava :: expectant (marked by expectation)
odottava :: expecting, expectant, pregnant
odottava :: waiting
odottelu :: waiting
odotuksenmukainen :: anticipated, expected (corresponding with the expectations)
odotuksenmukaisesti :: as expected
odotuksenvastainen :: unanticipated, unexpected (being against the expectations)
odotuksenvastaisesti :: unexpectedly (against the expectations)
odotus :: expectation, anticipation
odotus :: wait, waiting
odotusaika :: pregnancy
odotusaika :: waiting time, waiting period
odotusarvo :: expected value
odotushalli :: waiting hall
odotushuone :: waiting room
odotuskatos :: waiting shelter
odotuskierros :: holding pattern (path taken by an aircraft waiting to land)
odotuslisä :: waiting time allowance (extra payment for having to wait for work)
odotuslista :: waiting list
odotuspäivä :: waiting day
odotussali :: waiting hall
odotussiirto :: waiting move (passive move that puts the burden to move on the opposing player)
odotustila :: waiting space
odotuttaa :: To cause someone to wait
odysseia :: odyssey
offensiivi :: offensive
offensiivinen :: offensive
offsetlitografia [printing] :: offset lithography
offsetmenetelmä :: offset (printing method)
offsetpainate [printing] :: A printed matter produced with offset printing
offsetpaino :: offset (printing method)
offshorerakenne :: offshore structure
offshoretekniikka :: offshore technology
offshoreteollisuus :: offshore industry
offshore-yhtiö :: offshore company
ofikleidi :: ophicleide
oftalmia :: Any eye inflammation
oftalmiatriikka :: ophthalmiatrics
oftalmiitti :: Any eye inflammation
oftalminen :: ophthalmic
oftalmo- :: ophthalmo-
oftalmologi :: ophthalmologist
oftalmologia :: ophthalmology
oftalmometria :: ophthalmometry
oftalmopatia :: ophthalmopathy
oftalmoplegia :: ophthalmoplegia
oftalmoskooppi :: ophthalmoscope
oftalmoskopia :: ophthalmoscopy
oftalmotonometria :: ophthalmotonometry
ogilbynsukeltaja-antilooppi :: Ogilby's duiker, Cephalophus ogilbyi (West African species of antelope)
oglala :: This tribe
oglala :: Oglala Lakota (member of a subtribe of the Lakota people, who belong to the Great Sioux Nation)
ogoni :: Ogoni (language)
ogoni :: Ogoni (member of SE Nigerian ethnic group)
ohari :: overtaking
ohari :: bypass
ohdake :: thistle
ohdakkeinen :: thorny
ohdakkeinen :: having many thistles
oheinen :: enclosed, attached
oheiskulu :: incidental expense (minor expense incurred in the course of an activity)
oheislaite :: A peripheral device
oheistaa :: To enclose (to add as enclosure, as to a letter or e-mail)
oheistarvike :: accessory
ohella :: together with, alongside, along with, while
ohenne :: thinner
ohennin :: thinner (liquid substance used to thin the consistency of another liquid)
ohentaa :: To dilute
ohentaa :: To thin
ohenteinen :: soluble, thinnable (of paint, capable of being thinned with something, always used with a modifier which specifies the type of thinner)
ohentua :: to thin, to grow thinner
ohessa :: attached, enclosed
ohessa :: by, at the side, alongside
ohessa :: together with, alongside, along with, while
ohestalyönti :: en passant
oheta :: to thin (out), become/get thinner
ohi :: (spatial) used to indicate movement past or beyond a certain point
ohi :: (temporal) over
ohi :: miss! (used like an interjection to indicate that a shot missed the target)
ohi :: side, flank
ohi :: (spatial) by, past (when one goes through the space that is next to something):
ohi :: (spatial) wide
ohi- :: by-
ohi :: (spatial) past
ohikiitävä :: Fleeting, transient
ohikulkija :: passer-by
ohimenevä :: transient, transitory, momentary, passing
ohimennen :: in passing, passing (done only in passing; vague, cursory)
ohimo :: temple
ohimokihara :: sidelock (lock of hair worn at the side of the head, such as that worn by some orthodox Jews)
ohimolohko :: temporal lobe
ohimoluu :: The temporal bone
ohitella :: To overtake (repeatedly)
ohitse [lb, fi, with genitive] :: by, past (when one goes through the space that is next to something):
ohittaa :: To pass, overtake
ohittua :: To be passed
ohitus :: bypass
ohitus :: overtaking
ohitusleikkaus :: bypass surgery
ohivirtausmoottori :: A turbofan
ohja :: rein (strap or rope attached to the bridle or bit, used to control a horse or other animal)
ohjaaja :: director
ohjaaja :: driver, pilot
ohjaaja :: tutor, mentor, counselor, adviser, instructor, for example camp counselor, guidance counselor, physical education instructor
ohjaaminen :: diversion
ohjaaminen :: instructing
ohjaaminen :: steering
ohjaamo :: cockpit
ohjailla :: To steer
ohjain :: a piece of hardware such as a video card
ohjain :: in Microsoft Windows, a device driver
ohjain :: controller, a controlling mechanism
ohjainpinta :: A control surface
ohjanta :: alternative form of ohjaus
ohjas :: A rein (strap or rope attached to the bridle or bit, used to control a horse or other animal)
ohjasdelfiini :: pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata
ohjaskelkka :: luge (type of racing sled)
ohjaskelkkailija :: luger (one who rides a luge)
ohjaskelkkailu :: luge (the sport of racing with luges)
ohjastaa :: To rein; to direct a horse
ohjata :: to control, monitor, oversee, govern, steer, regulate, supervise, direct an activity, task, organization, operations (in general and medical operations), government authorities, the enforcement of (and implementation of and compliance with) laws and regulations, etc
ohjata :: to control, regulate a device, appliance, or system
ohjata :: to direct a play, film, etc
ohjata :: to direct, guide, conduct, lead, channel a moving object, flowing substance, traffic, etc
ohjata :: to give information to, give instructions to, give directions to, tell someone what to do, counsel, instruct, guide, direct, tutor, mentor, encourage people, patients, employees, students, studies, traffic, etc
ohjata :: to show the way, give directions, show to somewhere, usher, direct, guide, lead
ohjata :: to steer, pilot, navigate, drive a vehicle (car, ship, airplane, etc.)
ohjaus [cinema, theater] :: direction
ohjaus :: deflection (practice of changing the direction of the puck with the stick without actually shooting)
ohjaus :: the action noun of the verb ohjata; control, guidance, steering, instruction etc
ohjauspyörä :: steering wheel
ohjausryhmä :: steering group (a group charged with developing an agenda or policy for a legislative assembly or other organisation)
ohjaussauva :: stick (control column of an aircraft)
ohjaustanko :: handlebar (bar for steering)
ohjaustehostin :: power steering
ohjautua :: To move into (unwanted) direction; to drift
ohje :: help, instruction
ohjeistaa :: To instruct; to give instructions
ohjeistus :: instructions, rubric
ohjekirja :: manual (book)
ohjelma :: cycle (program on a washing machine)
ohjelma :: playbill (program for theater or other performance)
ohjelma :: program, programme
ohjelma :: show (broadcast program)
ohjelma :: software, program (piece of software)
ohjelmaformaatti :: format (form of presentation of a radio or TV program)
ohjelmamusiikki :: program music
ohjelmisto :: repertoire
ohjelmisto :: software
ohjelmistoinsinööri :: software engineer
ohjelmistokehitys :: software development
ohjelmistosuunnittelu :: software design
ohjelmistoyhtiö :: a software company
ohjelmistoyritys :: software company
ohjelmoida :: To program
ohjelmoija :: A programmer (one who designs software)
ohjelmointi :: programming
ohjelmointikieli :: programming language
ohjenuora :: guideline
ohjesääntö :: guideline, directive
ohjevähittäishinta :: recommended retail price, manufacturer's suggested retail price, list price
ohjus :: missile, guided missile
ohjushyökkäys :: missile attack
ohjusristeilijä :: guided missile cruiser
ohjussiilo :: missile silo
ohjussukellusvene :: missile submarine
ohjustentorjuntaohjus :: anti-missile missile
ohjustukikohta :: missile base
ohjusvene :: missile boat
ohkainen :: thin
ohmi [physics, electronics] :: ohm
Ohmin laki :: Ohm's law
oho :: Acknowledging a minor mistake: oops, whoops-a-daisy
oho :: An indication of excitement or surprise: wow, whoa, oh, ooh, ay, chihuahua
ohoh :: uh-oh
ohoi :: ahoy
Ohotanmeri :: The Sea of Okhotsk
ohra :: barley
ohraleipä :: barley bread
ohraleipä :: ottaa ohraleipä = to undergo hard or tough times
ohramallas :: barley malt
ohrana [informal, derogative] :: policeman
ohrana :: police, especially the Russian secret police corps of 1866 to 1917
ohrapirtelö :: beer
Ohto :: male given name
ohuehko :: quite thin
ohuelti :: in a thin layer
ohuempi :: comparative form of ohut
ohuesti :: thinly
ohuin :: superlative form of ohut
ohukainen :: A thin pancake resembling crepe / crêpe
ohukaistaikina :: pancake dough
ohukas :: A type of pancake resembling crêpe
ohut :: thin
ohuthuulinen :: thin-lipped
ohutlevy :: sheet metal (metal worked into a thin, flat sheet, used widely as construction material and raw material for a multitude of industrial products)
ohutpäällyste :: low coat
ohutsarvilammas :: Dall sheep (species of sheep native to northwestern North America, Ovis dalli')
ohutsuoli :: small intestine
ohuus :: rarity (e.g. of air)
ohuus :: thinness
oi :: o, oh
-oida :: Forms verbs from nouns or adjectives
oidipaalinen :: oedipal
oidipuskompleksi :: Oedipus complex
oieta :: To straighten (up/out)
oijoi :: ouch
oikaista :: To take a shortcut
oikaista :: To straighten, correct, rectify, amend, revise
oikaista koipensa [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To check out, die (literally: "to straighten (up) one's legs")
oikaisu :: A correction
oikaisu :: A recovery from an abnormal flight state such as stall or spin
oikaisu :: A shortcut (method to accomplish something that omits one or more steps)
oikea :: appropriate, proper, fitting
oikea :: just, fair
oikea :: real, true
oikea :: right, correct (morally good, acceptable; free from error, true; opposite of wrong)
oikea :: right (opposite of left)
oikea-aikainen :: timely
oikeakielinen :: grammatically correct
oikeakätinen :: right-handed
oikeakätisyys :: right-handedness
oikealla :: On the right
oikealle :: To the right
oikealta :: From the right
oikeamielinen :: righteous
oikeamielisesti :: righteously
oikeamielisyys :: righteousness
oikeammin :: comparative form of oikein
oikeampi :: comparative form of oikea
oikeanpuoleinen :: right, right-hand
oikeanpuoleisempi :: comparative form of oikeanpuoleinen
oikeanpuoleisin :: superlative form of oikeanpuoleinen
oikeaoppinen :: orthodox
oikeaoppisesti :: orthodoxly
oikeaoppisuus :: orthodoxy
oikeassa :: olla ~ to be right/correct, have the correct view
oikeastaan :: actually, in fact
oikeasti :: correctly
oikeasti :: really
oikeauskoinen :: orthodox
oikein [of a view, opinion] :: only used in olla oikea (to be correct, correspond to the reality)
oikein :: properly
oikein :: right (in a correct manner)
oikein :: right (in a morally correct/upright way)
oikein :: very, really
oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistin :: spell checker
oikeinkirjoitus :: spelling, orthography
oikein-merkki :: A symbol consisting of a slash (/) and two dots, one on the upper left side of the slash and the other on the lower right side. Alternative way to describe the symbol is that it's like a %-sign in which the o's are replaced with dots. This symbol is used in Finland to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement. When ticking a box, an X (rasti) is normally used as the sign of acceptance
oikein-merkki :: checkmark, tick (mark made to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement); see also "Usage notes" below
oikeisto :: The right
oikeistohallitus :: right-wing government
oikeistolainen :: right-wing
oikeistolainen :: rightwinger
oikeistolaistua :: To move right (politically)
oikeistopoliitikko :: A right-wing politician
oikeistopuolue :: right-wing party
oikeistosiipi :: right wing
oikeudellinen :: forensic
oikeudellinen :: judicial
oikeuden halventaminen :: contempt of court (open disrespect of a court of law)
oikeudenkäymiskaari [legal, in Finnish legislation] :: The Code of Judicial Procedure
oikeudenkäynti :: A trial, (legal) process, judicial proceedings {p}
oikeudenkäyntiasiamies :: An attorney
oikeudenkäyntikulu :: legal cost (all costs caused by a judicial process)
oikeudenkäyntimenettely :: A (judicial) procedure
oikeudenkäyttö :: judicature (administration of justice by judges and courts)
oikeudenmukainen :: Just, fair
oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti :: fair trial
oikeudenmukaisesti :: justly, fairly
oikeudenmukaisuus :: fairness, justice; rectitude
oikeudentunto :: sense of justice
oikeus :: court (place, where justice is administered)
oikeus [in the plural] :: license
oikeus :: justice, law
oikeus :: law (legal system)
oikeus :: rightness, fairness
oikeus :: right (to something = illative; to do something = infinitive)
oikeus [social security] :: entitlement
oikeusala :: judicature
oikeusapu :: legal advice
oikeusapu :: legal aid (free or low-cost service in the field of law, for the indigent)
oikeusasiamies :: ombudsman
oikeusavustaja :: legal assistant
oikeushammaslääketiede :: Forensic dentistry
oikeushammaslääkäri :: Forensic dentist
oikeushenkilö :: Body corporate, legal person
oikeushistoria :: legal history
oikeusjuttu :: lawsuit, suit, case
oikeuskansleri :: (the official full name: eduskunnan oikeuskansleri) the Attorney General:
oikeuskäsittely :: judicial process (series of actions required in order to deliver justice in a court)
oikeuskäsitys :: Concept of justice
oikeuskäytäntö :: Legal praxis (within one jurisdiction)
oikeuslaitos :: judiciary, judicial system
oikeuslääketiede :: forensic medicine
oikeuslääketieteellinen :: forensic
oikeuslääketieteellinen kuolemansyyn selvittäminen :: inquest (a formal investigation into the cause of death)
oikeusministeri :: (where there are "Ministers" in the Cabinet, e.g. in Finland) Minister of justice; (in the USA) attorney general (in the Cabinet)
oikeusministeriö :: (referring to countries where that governmental branch is called "Ministry", e.g. Finland) the Ministry of Justice; (referring to the USA) the Department of Justice
oikeusmurha :: miscarriage of justice (error at a trial which led to an unjust outcome)
oikeusoppinut :: law scholar
oikeussali :: courtroom
oikeussubjekti :: legal subject (entity - natural person or legal person - capable of interacting legally, i.e. of holding rights, duties and capacities)
oikeustalo :: courthouse (public building housing courts of law)
oikeustiede :: jurisprudence, law
oikeustieteen kandidaatti :: Master of Laws
oikeustieteen tohtori :: Doctor of Jurisprudence, Doctor of Law, Juris Doctor
oikeustoimi :: Legal act/transaction, judicial act/transaction (an action by which a right to something or to do something is established, revised or invalidated)
oikeusturva :: due process, protection under the law
oikeusvaltio :: constitutional state
oikeuteen :: illative singular of oikeus
oikeutettu :: justifiable (that can be justified)
oikeutetusti :: justly
oikeuttaa :: to entitle
oikeuttaa :: to justify
oikeutus :: justification
oikku :: quirk, whim, fancy, freak, caprice, vagary
oikkuilija :: alternative form of oikuttelija
oikkuilla :: To be whimsical
oikkuilu :: whimsicality (whimsical activity)
oikoa :: To correct, rectify
oikoa :: To make a shortcut
oikoa :: To straighten
oikohöylä :: surface planing machine
oikoilla :: to straighten (legs etc.)
oikokulma :: straight angle
oikolukea :: To proofread
oikolukija :: proofreader
oikoluku :: spell checker; short for oikolukuohjelma
oikoluku :: proofreading (act or art)
oikolukuohjelma :: spell checker
oikomishoito [dentistry] :: orthodontics
oikopolku :: shortcut
oikopäätä :: straight away
oikosarvinen :: orthocone
oikosulkea :: To short circuit, to short
oikosulku :: short circuit (a connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit)
oikosulkumoottori :: induction motor
oikosulkupala :: jumper
oikotie :: shortcut
oikukas :: moody
oikukas :: whimsical, capricious
oikullinen :: whimsical, capricious
oikullisuus :: whimsicality (the quality of being whimsical)
oikutella :: to act up
oikutteleva :: temperamental, whimsical
oikuttelija :: whimsy (character)
oikuttelu :: whimsicality (whimsical activity)
Oili :: female given name
oinas :: ram (male sheep)
oinas :: person born under the sign of Aries
oinas :: wether (castrated ram)
Oinas :: The zodiac sign Aries
Oinas :: Aries, the Ram
oionta :: correcting, rectifying
oionta :: straightening
oire :: symptom
oireellinen :: symptomatic
oireeton :: symptomless
oirehtia :: To show symptoms
oirehtia :: To be symptomatic of
oireilla :: (of a person or a person's medical condition) To show symptoms
oireilla :: (of a sign or behaviour, + partitive) To be symptomatic of
oireisto :: syndrome
oirekirjo :: spectrum of symptoms
oireyhtymä :: syndrome
ois :: alternative form of olisi
oitis :: at once, right now, immediately
oiva :: fine, splendid
Oiva :: male given name
Oiva :: Finnish surname
oivallinen :: excellent, outstanding
oivallinen :: fine (of superior quality)
oivallisesti :: summa cum laude
oivallisesti :: excellently
oivallus :: idea, inspiration, realization
oivaltaa :: To realise/realize, become aware of, understand, perceive, recognise/recognize
oivin :: superlative form of oiva
Oivio :: Finnish surname
oja :: ditch, trench
oja :: (Uusimaa) small natural brook
Ojala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ojala :: Finnish surname
ojaleinikki :: lesser spearwort, Ranunculus flammula (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
ojennella :: To stretch (hands etc.)
ojennus :: reprimand
ojennus :: stretching
ojentaa :: to chastise, scold, chew out, yell at
ojentaa :: to dress (troops)
ojentaa :: to hand, give, reach, pass; to present (a price)
ojentaa :: to lend, in the expressions lend a hand, lend a helping hand, which may translated into Finnish as ojentaa auttava käsi or simply with the verb auttaa
ojentaa :: to straighten (out), stretch (out), reach (out)
ojentautua :: To stretch, straighten oneself
ojentua :: To stretch oneself
ojikko :: A recently drained swamp
ojittaa :: To ditch, to cut a trench
ojitus :: ditching, trenching, draining
ojuke :: wild blackcurrant
oka :: thorn
okahaarake :: spinous process
okahiiri :: Cairo spiny mouse, Acomys cahirinus
okainen :: thorny
okakuusi :: Colorado blue spruce, blue spruce, Picea pungens
okapi :: okapi
okapäämato :: A mud dragon, an animal of the phylum Kinorhyncha
okarausku :: thornback ray, thornback skate, Raja clavata
okariina :: ocarina
okariinansoittaja :: ocarinist
okasolu :: squamous cell
okei :: okay
okkluusio [dentistry] :: occlusion
okkluusio :: occlusion
okkultaatio :: occultation
okkultismi :: occultism
okkultisti :: occultist
okkultistinen :: occultic
okkulttinen :: occultic
okluusio :: occlusion
okluusiorintama :: occlusion front
okra :: ochre
okra :: ochre (color)
okra :: ochre (pigment)
okra :: okra
okraseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius ochrophyllus
okratulkku :: orange bullfinch, Pyrrhula aurantiaca
oksa :: bough (firm branch)
oksa :: branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk)
oksa :: knot (a whorl left in lumber)
oksaalihappo :: oxalic acid
oksainen :: branchy; of trees with many branches
oksakas :: branchy
oksalakka :: knotting varnish
oksamainen :: branchlike
Oksanen :: Finnish surname
oksastaa :: To graft (to insert a graft in a branch or stem of another tree)
oksasto :: alternative form of oksisto
oksennella :: To vomit (repeatedly)
oksennos :: alternative form of oksennus
oksennus :: vomit
oksennuslääke :: antiemetic
oksennuslääke :: emetic drug
oksennuspallo :: pellet (compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls)
oksennustauti :: vomiting
oksennuttaa :: to feel ill (to have an urge to vomit)
oksennuttaa :: to make to vomit
oksentaa :: to vomit, regurgitate, throw up, puke, barf, bowk
oksentelu :: (repeated) vomiting
oksete :: emetic
oksettaa :: to feel sick (to have an urge to vomit)
oksettaa :: to make ill (to make vomit)
oksettava :: disgusting
oksettava :: emetic
oksettava :: nauseating, sickening
oksetuttaa :: To cause to vomit
oksi :: bear (Ursus arctos)
oksia :: To trim (a tree), remove branches from
oksidaatio :: oxidation
oksidantti :: oxidant
oksidentalismi :: occidentalism
oksidi :: oxide
oksidoida :: To oxidize
oksidoitua :: To become oxidized
oksikodoni :: oxycodone
oksinta :: trimming (of trees)
oksipitaalilohko :: occipital lobe
oksisto :: branches of a tree
oksitaani :: The Occitan language
oksoniumioni :: oxonium ion
oksymoron :: oxymoron
oktaalinen :: octal
oktaani :: octane
oktaanihappo [fatty acid] :: caprylic acid
oktaaniluku :: octane number
oktaavi :: octave
oktaedri :: octahedron
oktagoni :: octagon
oktanitrokubaani :: octanitrocubane
oktanoli :: octanol
oktantti :: octant
Oktantti :: The constellation Octans
oktetti [music, computing, physics, chemistry] :: octet
oktetto :: octet
okulaari :: eyepiece
olake :: A shoulder structure
olantsapiini :: olanzapine
olas :: The long groove on the bottom of a ski
Olavi :: male given name
oleanteri :: oleander
oleellinen :: Essential; relevant
oleellisesti :: essentially
ole hyvä :: here you are, there you go
ole hyvä :: you’re welcome
oleiinihappo :: oleic acid
oleilla :: alternative form of oleskella
oleilu :: loitering
oleilu :: stay
oleksia :: alternative form of oleskella
olemalla [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, olla, c=ade] ::
oleman [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, olla, c=ins] ::
olemassa oleva :: existing
olemassaolo :: Existence
olematon :: negligible
olematon :: nonexistent
olemattomuus :: nothingness
oleminen :: Behaving, acting (as if...)
oleminen :: Being
oleminen :: Constituting, making up, forming
oleminen :: (olemassa) ~ = existing, existence
olemista [fi-infinitive of, t=4, olla, c=par] ::
olemistapa :: dasein, Dasein
olemus :: essence
olemus :: general appearance of a person
olemus :: substance
olen hetero :: I'm straight
olennainen :: material
olennainen :: essential, relevant
olennainen :: integral (being a non-omittable or removable part of a whole)
olennaisempi :: comparative form of olennainen
olennaisesti :: essentially
olennaisin :: superlative form of olennainen
olennaisuus :: essentialness
olennoituma :: personification
olento :: being
olento :: creature
olento [grammar, rarely used] :: essive
ole rehellinen itsellesi :: to thine own self be true
oleskella :: To stay, linger
oleskella :: To stay, sojourn, live, reside (temporarily)
oleskelu :: sojourn
oleskelu :: stay
oleskelulupa :: residence permit (document that proves the above right)
oleskelulupa :: residence permit (right to legally reside in a country)
oleskelulupakortti :: residence permit (card that proves the cardholder's right to legally reside in a country)
oletettavasti :: presumably, supposedly
oletettu :: putative
olet mitä syöt :: you are what you eat
olettaa :: to premise, postulate
olettaa :: to assume, suppose, presuppose
olettaa :: to hypothesize (in empiric research)
olettamus :: hypothesis
olettamus :: presumption
oletus :: assumption, supposition
oletusarvo :: default value
oletustehtävä :: default task
oletustieto :: default information
oleutua :: To adjust, adapt, conform, get used (to = illative), fall into the habit (of = illative or the verb as active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
olevainen :: existence
olevaisuus :: existence
Olga :: female given name
olifantti :: olifant
oligarkia :: oligarchy
oligarkki :: oligarch
oligarkkinen :: oligarchic
oligofagi :: oligophage
oligofagia :: oligophagy
oligomeeri :: oligomer
oligonukleotidi :: oligonucleotide
oligopoli :: oligopoly
oligosakkaridi :: oligosaccharide
oligoseeni :: the Oligocene
oligoseenikausi :: The Oligocene epoch
oligoseenikautinen :: Oligocene
oligospermia [pathology, ] :: oligospermia
oliivi :: olive
oliivihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula postiana
oliivikultarinta :: olive-tree warbler, Hippolais olivetorum
oliivilehto :: olive grove
oliiviöljy :: olive oil
oliivinvihreä :: olive (colour)
oliivipaviaani :: olive baboon, Papio anubis
oliivipuu :: olive tree
oliiviruostegueretsa :: olive colobus, Procolobus verus
oliiviseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius olivaceofuscus
olija :: Agent noun of the verb olla; one who is
oli miten oli :: be that as it may
olingo :: olingo
olinpaikka :: Location, A place where somebody or something is located
olio :: creature, being, thing
olio :: object
olio-ohjelmointi :: object-oriented programming
olipa kerran :: once upon a time there was (traditional way to begin a fable)
olisi parasta :: had better (ought to; need to)
Oliver :: male given name
Olivia :: female given name of modern usage, cognate to Olivia
oliviini :: olivine
oljenkeltainen :: straw, straw-colored (of a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw)
oljenkeltainen :: straw (pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw)
oljenkorsi :: straw
olka :: shoulder
olkaa hyvä :: [politely] here you are, there you go
olkaa hyvä :: [politely] you’re welcome
olkaa hyvät :: [addressed to more than one person] here you are, there you go
olkaa hyvät :: [addressed to more than one person] you’re welcome
olkain :: brace, suspender; normally used in plural olkaimet
olkain :: epaulet
olkalaukku :: satchel (rectangular bag with one or sometimes two straps, meant for carrying books and papers)
olkalaukku :: shoulder bag (any bag with a single strap designed to be carried on the shoulder)
olkalisäke :: acromion
olkaluu :: humerus
olkanivel :: A shoulder joint, glenohumeral joint or humeral joint
olkapää :: shoulder
olkapäälihas :: alternative term for hartialihas
olkapääohjus :: shoulder-fired missile
olkatappi :: A kingpin
olkavarsi :: upper arm
olki :: As modifier in compound terms: straw, thatched
olki :: straw
olki :: thatch (straw etc. as material for building roofs)
olkihattu :: straw hat
olkikatto :: A thatched roof
olkimaja :: straw hut
olkinukke [dialectics] :: straw man (type of argument based on deliberate misrepresentation of an opponent's position)
olkinukke :: straw man, straw doll (doll or scarecrow stuffed with or made of straw)
olkipatja :: palliasse, straw mattress
olkkari :: living room
olla :: adessive + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive/accusative = to have; to own, to possess
olla :: genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to do something, must do something; be obliged/forced to do something
olla :: missä + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = there is / are + subject + where?
olla :: ~ (olemassa) = to exist - the subject often indefinite = in partitive case -> verb in 3rd-pers. singular
olla :: To behave, act (as if...) (when followed by a subordinate clause beginning with (ikään,) kuin, requiring conditional mood)
olla :: To be (to occupy a place)
olla [lb, fi, copular] :: To be, constitute, make up, form
olla [lb, fi, copular] :: To be (indicating that the subject and the complement of the verb form the same thing)
olla [auxiliary] :: To have (a verb to build active present perfect tense and active past perfect tense, taking active past participle, ending -nut/-nyt (singular) or -neet (pl.))
olla [auxiliary] :: To have (a verb to build impersonal simple past tense, impersonal passive present perfect tense and impersonal passive past perfect tense, taking passive past participle, ending -tu/-ty)
olla ajoissa :: To be on time
olla eri mieltä :: to disagree
olla hengissä :: To be alive, to breathe (to live)
olla häpeissään :: To be ashamed
olla ihan pihalla :: To not know which end is up; to lack common sense
olla jollekin oikein :: To serve somebody right
olla jonkun kannoilla :: at one's heels, on one's heels
olla jonkun kintereillä :: at one's heels, on one's heels
olla järkeä :: To make sense (to be coherent or reasonable)
olla juovuksissa :: To be drunk, intoxicated, under the influence
olla kateissa :: To be lost
olla kiikarissa [idiomatic, figuratively] :: to have one's eye on, seek, pursue, aim at
olla lukossa :: To be locked
olla nukuksissa :: To be asleep
olla olemassa :: To exist - the subject often indefinite = in partitive case → verb in 3rd-pers. sg.
olla olevinaan :: To feign, fake, pretend
olla olevinaan :: To think or believe to be something
olla omillaan :: to break even (to neither gain nor lose money)
olla pahoillaan :: to be sorry, to regret
olla pakko [impersonal] :: to have to, must
olla pihkassa :: To have fallen in love; to be taken, enamored. The object of the amorous feelings is in illative case
olla pinteessä :: To be in a trouble
olla pulla uunissa :: to have a bun in the oven (same meaning)
olla rästissä :: to have unfinished work to do
olla saatavilla :: To be available
olla samaa mieltä :: To agree, concur
olla sanomista :: to find fault (to criticize excessively)
olla sukua :: to be kin to, be relative of (gloss|to belong to same family)
olla varaa :: to afford (with an auxiliary verb: to incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, to have sufficient funds for)
olla yllään :: to wear
ollenkaan :: at all
ollenkaan :: never
Olli :: male given name, also used as a diminutive of Olavi
Olli :: Finnish surname based on the given name
Ollila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ollila :: Finnish surname
ollut :: As an attribute indicates past, ended action; in English the same idea is expressed with a different kind of structure
olmeekki :: An Olmec
olmi :: An olm, (Proteus anguinus)
olmi :: nerd
olo :: being, the action of the verb olla
olo :: feeling
oloaika :: stay
oloasu :: leisurewear
-ologi :: -ologist
olohuone :: living room
oloinen :: appearing to be something, -like; always used with a qualifier, which is usually an adjective in genitive case
olomuoto :: state of matter
olosuhde :: singular of olosuhteet
olosuhteet :: circumstances, conditions
olot :: conditions, circumstances
oltavat :: conditions, circumstances; always with an attribute; various other ways of translating into English exist
olut :: A beer; a portion (glass, bottle, etc.) of such beverage
olut :: A fermented beverage made of malt: beer, ale
olut :: Compounded with a prefix that defines the raw material, a fermented or nowadays usually carbonated drink made, for example, of roots: a beer or an ale. Examples: ginger ale = inkivääriolut, root beer = juuriolut
olutmakkara :: A strongly flavoured German sausage often served with beer
olutpanimo :: brewery
olutpullo :: A beer bottle
olutteltta :: A beer tent
oluttölkki :: beer can
oluttuoppi :: A beer stein, both as a container and as a drink
oluttupa :: A beer parlour
oluttynnyri :: keg
olvi :: beer
olympiadi :: Olympiad (period of four years between the Olympic games)
olympiakisat :: The Olympic Games
olympiakomitea :: Olympic committee
olympiakylä :: Olympic village
olympialainen :: in plural (olympialaiset) also the Olympic Games
olympialainen :: Olympic (of or pertaining to Olympic Games)
olympialainen :: Olympic (of or pertaining to the mountain Olympus)
olympialaiset :: Olympic Games
olympiamitali :: Olympic medal
olympiamitalisti :: Olympic medalist
olympiapaikka :: Olympic site, Olympic venue (sports facility for Olympic games)
olympiasoihtu :: Olympic torch
olympiastadion :: Olympic stadium
olympiatuli :: Olympic flame
olympiavoittaja :: Olympic winner
olympolainen :: Olympian
oma :: friendly
oma :: own
oma :: Usually in plural (omat, omia), friendly (someone/s on the same side)
oma-aloitteinen :: self-imposed (voluntarily imposed upon oneself)
oma-aloitteinen :: spontaneous (done by one's own free choice)
oma-aloitteinen :: unprompted (without prompting, out of one's own initiative)
oma-aloitteisesti :: spontaneously
oma-aloitteisuus :: initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)
oma-apuryhmä :: self-help group, support group (group in which members provide each other with various types of help for a particular shared characteristic)
omaa sukua :: nee, née
omaehtoinen :: spontaneous (done by one's own free choice)
omaehtoinen :: voluntary
omaelämäkerrallinen :: autobiographical
omaelämäkerta :: autobiography
Omaha-pokeri :: Omaha hold 'em (variant of poker)
oma harkinta :: discretion, one's own decision making
omahyväinen :: self-satisfied, smug (irritatingly pleased with oneself)
omahyväisyys :: smugness, self-righteousness
omaijadi :: alternative spelling of umaijadi
omainen :: genitive + ~ : resembling, -like, -ish; often used to form compound terms
omainen :: close relative/relation (member of the same family)
omainen :: the (immediate) family
omaisuus :: one's properties (combined), possessions, assets; estate:
omaisuus :: wealth, fortune
omaisuusrikos :: crime against property
omaisuusvakuudellinen :: asset-backed
omaisuusvero :: property tax
omaisuusveroaste :: property tax rate, millage (the rate at which fixed and/or movable property is taxed)
omakohtainen :: personal (done or experienced in person)
omakotitalo :: detached house
omakotitontti :: small house lot (lot for a small detached house intended for one family)
omaksua :: To adopt, absorb, embrace (ideas etc.)
omakuva :: selfie (photographic self-portrait)
omakuva :: self-portrait
omalaatuinen :: Peculiar, odd, strange
omalaatuinen :: Special, of its own kind, out of the ordinary
omaleimainen :: original, unique
omaleimaisuus :: originality, uniqueness
omalitsumabi :: omalizumab (monoclonal antibody used in allergy-related asthma therapy)
omalta osaltaan :: for one's part; as far as one is concerned
Oman :: Oman
omaneduntavoittelija :: self-seeker
omanilainen :: Omani
omanilainen :: An Omani person
oman onnensa seppä :: self-made person, one's own man
oman tiensä kulkija :: free spirit
omanto :: genitive
omantunnon tuska :: compunction
omaperäinen :: original (fresh, different)
omapäinen :: opinionated, set (fixed in one’s opinion)
omapäinen :: self-willed, obstinate
oma pääoma :: equity (ownership interest in a company as determined by subtracting liabilities from assets)
omari :: own goal
omassa elementissään :: in one's element
omata :: to have
oma tuli :: friendly fire
omatunto :: conscience
omavarainen :: autotrophic
omavarainen :: self-sufficient, self-contained, materially independent (and therefore autonomous)
omavaraistaa :: To make self-contained
omavaraistalous :: subsistence economy (non-monetary economy characterized by minimal exchange of goods and services, low division of labor and rudimentary technology)
omavaraistua :: To become self-contained
omavaraisuus :: self-sufficiency
omavastuu [insurance] :: deductible; excess [UK] (the amount of expenses that the insured party must pay out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses)
ombi :: obsolete spelling of ompi
omeletti :: An omelette
omena :: apple
omenahappo :: malic acid
omenahillo :: apple jam
omenakaira :: apple-corer
omenakakku :: apple cake
omenakemppi :: apple sucker, apple psyllid, pear leaf sucker (Cacopsylla mali)
omenakirva :: green apple aphid, Aphis pomi
omenakääriäinen :: codling moth (Cydia pomonella)
omenalajike :: apple cultivar
omenamehu :: apple juice
omenankukka :: apple blossom
omenapiirakka :: apple pie
omenapiirakka :: apple strudel
omenapora :: apple-corer
omenapuu :: apple tree
omenarupi :: apple scab
omenatarha :: apple orchard
omenaviini :: apple wine
ometta :: barn (for cows), cattle shed
omia :: To take control or possession of something arbitrarily
omiaan :: apt to
omikron :: omicron (Greek letter)
ominainen :: typical, characteristic
ominaisarvo :: eigenvalue
ominaisavaruus :: eigenspace
ominaisfunktio :: eigenfunction
ominaislämpökapasiteetti :: specific heat capacity
ominaispaino :: specific gravity
ominaistila :: eigenstate
ominaisuus :: feature
ominaisuus :: property
ominaisuus :: quality
ominaisvektori :: eigenvector
omintakeinen :: original (fresh, different)
omissa oloissaan :: minding one's own business, on one's own, alone
omistaa :: To dedicate, inscribe (a book, to someone = allative)
omistaa :: To devote, dedicate
omistaa :: To own, have, possess
omistaja :: owner
omistaminen :: ownership
omistautua :: ~ + allative: to devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to (to commit oneself to a particular course of thought or action)
omiste :: dedication (note)
omistus :: ownership
omistuskirjoitus :: acknowledgment
omistusliite :: Possessive suffix
omistusoikeus :: property rights
omistusosuus :: share of ownership
omituinen :: bizarre, peculiar, strange
omituinen :: own
omituinen :: zany, wacky, kinky, oddball
omituisesti :: strangely
omituisuus :: quirk
omituisuus :: strangeness, bizarreness
ommatidi :: ommatidium
ommel :: seam, suture (seam formed by sewing two edges (especially of skin) together)
ommel :: stitch (single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made)
ommella :: to sew
ommella :: to suture
omnipotenssi :: omnipotence
omnipresenssi :: omnipresence (the ability of God to be at all places at the same time)
omnipresentti :: omnipresent
omnivori :: omnivore
ompele :: alternative form of ommel
ompelija :: dressmaker
ompelija :: sewer
ompelijatar :: seamstress
ompelimo :: dressmaker's shop
ompelu :: dressmaking
ompelu :: sewing
ompelukone :: sewing machine
ompeluseura :: sewing circle (social meeting of women, who congregate to sew and talk together)
ompelutarvike :: An item of haberdashery, sewing good
ompelutarvikkeet :: haberdashery
ompeluttaa :: to have sewn by somebody else, to let be sewn
omppu :: apple
-on :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
onageri :: An onager, Equus onager or Equus hemionus hemionus (Asian wild ass)
onageri :: An onager (siege weapon)
onania :: onanism
onanoida :: To masturbate
oneirologia :: oneirology
oneiromantia :: oneiromancy
Onerva :: female given name
ongelma :: problem, trouble
ongelma :: puzzle
ongelmainen :: problematic (having problems)
ongelmajäte :: special waste; dangerous waste that can not be dumped in a normal dump
ongelmakäyttö :: abuse (of substances)
ongelmakäyttäjä :: abuser (of substances)
ongelmalapsi :: problem child
ongelmallinen :: problematic
ongelmallisesti :: problematically
ongelmanasettelu :: problem setting
ongelmanuori :: problem youth
ongelmaton :: trouble-free
ongenkoukku :: A fishhook
ongenkoukku :: A hook (fishhook)
ongenvapa :: fishing rod
onginta :: angling
on jotain mätää Tanskanmaalla :: something is rotten in the state of Denmark (something is not right)
onka :: steam
onkalo :: cavity, pit
onki :: fishing rod, fishing pole
onki [ichthyology] :: esca (growth from an anglerfish's head that acts as a lure)
onkia :: To angle, fish using a rod and line
onkija :: angler
onkiliero :: angleworm (any earthworm species used as bait)
onkiliero :: red earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus (earthworm species)
onkimato :: angleworm (worm, usually earthworm, used as bait)
onkimies :: angler
onkivapa :: fishing rod, especially an angling rod
onkivehkeet :: tackle (angling gear)
onko- :: onco-
onkogeeni [oncology, genetics] :: oncogene
onkogeeninen :: oncogenic
onkologi :: oncologist
onkologia :: oncology
onnahdella :: to be somewhat illogical or inconsistent
onnahdella :: to limp; occasionally but repetitively
onnahtaa :: to limp once or just a little
onnekas :: lucky, fortunate
onnekkaasti :: luckily
onnekkain :: superlative form of onnekas
onnekkuus :: luckiness
onneksi :: fortunately
onneksi :: luckily
onneksi olkoon :: congratulations!
onnela :: paradise, Eden
onnellinen :: happy
onnellinen luku :: happy number
onnellisesti :: happily
onnellistaa :: to make happy
onnellistuttaa :: To create happiness; to make someone happy
onnellisuus :: happiness
onnenaika :: golden age, halcyon days
onnenhattu :: caul (remnants of amnion which sometimes shrouds a baby’s head at birth)
onnenkeksi :: A fortune cookie
onnennumero :: lucky number
onnenpekka :: lucky!, lucky you!
onnenpekka :: lucky duck, happy camper, happy as a clam
onnenpeli :: A game of chance, lottery
onnenpotku :: stroke of luck
onnenpyörä :: spinner
onnenpyörä :: wheel of Fortune
onnentunne :: feel of joy, happiness
onnestaa :: alternative form of onnistaa
onnetar :: Lady Luck
onnetar :: The one who selects the winners in a draw
onneton :: unhappy
onnettomasti :: unhappily
onnettomin :: superlative form of onneton
onnettomuus :: accident (event caused by non-human factors with negative consequences)
onnettomuuspaikka :: accident site, site of an accident, scene of an accident
onni :: happiness
onni :: luck
Onni :: male given name
onnikka :: coach, bus
-onninen :: Having luck
onnistaa :: to luck
onnistua :: To manage, succeed (as opposed to fail)
onnistuminen :: success
onnistumisprosentti :: success rate
onnistuneesti :: successfully
onnistunut :: successful
onnitella :: To congratulate
onnittelu :: congratulation
onnittelukortti :: greeting card
onomastiikka :: onomastics (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names and naming)
onomatopoeettinen :: onomatopoetic
onomatopoeettisuus :: onomatopoeia
onomatopoesia :: onomatopoeia
onomatopoieettinen :: alternative form of onomatopoeettinen
onsilla :: oncilla, Leopardus tigrinus
onsilo :: cirque, cwm (curved depression in a mountainside)
ontelo :: sinus
ontelo :: cavity
onteloammus :: shaped charge, hollow charge
onteloeläin [label, en, dated] :: coelenterate; any animal of the phyla Ctenophora or Cnidaria
onteloharmaa :: central gray matter
ontelokangas :: A technical term for a textile sewn together from two or more layers of fabric leaving a space between them. The space may be filled with insulating or padding. When padded, ontelokangas may be called quilted fabric in English
onteloluu :: A pneumatic bone (bone that contains hollows)
ontelomainen :: sinusoid (resembling a sinus)
ontelosyylä :: molluscum contagiosum
ontologia :: ontology
ontologinen :: ontological
ontosti :: hollowly
ontto :: hollow
onttojalkainen :: hollow-legged
onttolaskimo :: A vena cava
onttosarvinen :: A bovid
onttous :: hollowness
ontua :: to limp
ontuva :: limping
onykogryfoosi :: onychogryphosis
onyksi :: onyx
oo- :: oo-
oodi :: ode
ooforiitti :: oophoritis
oogeneesi :: oogenesis
Oolannin sota :: A British-French naval campaign along the Finnish coasts during the Crimean War in 1854 and 1855
Oolanti :: Aland (archipelago and province)
ooliitti :: An oolith (granule)
ooliittinen :: Consisting of ooliths
oologi :: oologist
oologia :: oology
oomega :: omega (Greek letter)
Oona :: female given name. Popular in the 1990s and the 2000s
oopiumi :: opium
oopiumihumala :: opium high
oopiumiluola :: opium den (establishment where opium was sold and smoked)
oopiuminpolttaja :: opium smoker
oopiumipiippu :: opium pipe (pipe designed for vaporization and inhalation of opium)
oopiumiunikko :: opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
ooppera :: opera
ooppera-aaria :: opera aria
ooppera-alkusoitto :: opera prelude, opera overture
oopperaelokuva :: opera movie
oopperafestivaali [often in plural] :: opera festival
oopperajuhla [usually in plural] :: opera festival
oopperakapellimestari :: opera conductor
oopperakilpailu :: opera competition, opera contest
oopperakirjallisuus :: opera literature
oopperakohtaus :: opera scene
oopperakonsertti :: opera concert
oopperakoulutus :: opera education
oopperakuoro :: opera choir
oopperalaulaja :: opera singer
oopperalaulajatar :: female opera singer
oopperalava :: opera stage
oopperamaailma :: world of opera
oopperamelodia :: opera melody
oopperamonttu :: opera pit (in an opera house, the pit in which the orchestra plays)
oopperamusiikki :: opera music
oopperamuusikko :: opera musician
oopperanäyttämö :: opera stage
oopperaorkesteri :: opera orchestra
oopperarakennus :: opera building
oopperarepertoaari :: opera repertoire
oopperarooli :: opera role
oopperaserenadi :: opera serenade
oopperaseurue :: opera company
oopperasävellys :: opera composition
oopperasävelmä :: opera melody
oopperasäveltäjä :: opera composer
oopperataide :: opera (opera as art form)
oopperataiteilija :: opera artist
oopperatalo :: opera house
oopperateatteri :: opera theater
oopperatenori :: opera tenor
oopperatähti :: opera star
oopperavieras :: opera guest
oopperaväki :: opera folks (the people involved with opera collectively, including the audience, sponsors, cast and supporting personnel)
oopperavoileipä :: A sandwich consisting of toasted white bread, hamburger patty and fried egg sunny side up, decorated with parsley and sometimes served with pickles on side
oopperayleisö :: opera audience
Oortin pilvi :: The Oort cloud
oosyytti :: oocyte (cell that develops into an egg or ovum)
ootheka [zoology, rare] :: ootheca
ootrata :: To grain (to imitate the grain of wood by painting)
ootraus :: graining (art and practice of producing imitated wood surfaces by painting)
opaakki :: opaque
opaali :: opal
opaalilasi :: opal glass (type of glass)
opalisoida :: To opalize (to make opalescent)
opas :: A guide book, guide (book)
opas :: A guide (person)
opaskartta :: tourist map
opaskirja :: guidebook
opaskirjanen :: (small) guidebook, leaflet
opaskoira :: guide dog; seeing-eye dog [US]
opaskoira :: sometimes also used of a kuulokoira
opastaa :: to guide, help
opastaa :: to lead
opastaa :: to mentor
opastaja :: adviser
opaste :: guide, sign, guidepost
opastus :: guiding, instruction
opasvihko :: guide booklet
opasvihkonen :: guide booklet
ope [school, colloquial] :: teacher
operaatio :: operation
operaattori :: operator
operatiivinen :: operational
operatiivisesti :: operatively
operationaalinen :: operational
operetti :: operetta
operoida :: To operate
operoija :: operator (one who operates)
operointi :: operation (act of operating)
opetella :: To (gradually) learn (to do something = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
opetella :: To (gradually) learn (something), study (something)
opettaa :: To teach someone (= allative) about something (= elative)
opettaa :: To teach someone (= partitive) to do something (= active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
opettaja :: teacher
opettajakokelas :: student teacher
opettajakunta :: The teachers of a school etc
opettajatar :: Female teacher
opettaminen :: teaching
opettava :: teaching
opettavainen :: didactic
opettavainen :: instructive
opettavaisesti :: instructively, didactically
opetuksellinen :: educational
opetus :: education (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
opetus :: lesson (something learned or to be learned)
opetus :: lesson (something that serves as a warning or encouragement)
opetus :: moral (of a narrative: its ethical significance or practical lesson)
opetus :: teaching (something taught by a religious or philosophical authority)
opetus :: tuition (training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor)
opetuselokuva :: educational film
opetusfilmi :: educational film
opetushallitus :: A similar agency in another country
opetushallitus :: National Board of Education (an agency subordinate to the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, responsible for all government business concerning education from pre-primary to secondary level)
opetusharjoittelija :: student teacher
opetuskieli :: teaching language
opetuslapsi :: Disciple
opetuslupa :: teaching license
opetusmateriaali :: teaching material
opetusmenetelmä :: teaching method
opetusmetodi :: teaching method
opetusministeri :: minister of education, secretary of education
opetusministeriö :: ministry of education
opetussuunnitelma :: curriculum (set of courses, coursework, and their content, offered at a school or university)
opetustaito :: teaching skills
opetustapa :: teaching method
opetustapahtuma :: teaching event
opetustilanne :: teaching situation
opiaatti :: opiate
opinahjo :: school
opinnot :: studies (academic field of study concerning a given subject)
opin sauna [idiomatic, archaic] :: The school, as institution
opinto :: study; normally used in plural, see opinnot
opinto- :: study
opintojakso :: study module
opintolaina :: student loan (type of loan designed to help students pay for their studying costs, often specifically regulated by law)
opintomenestys :: study success
opinto-ohjaaja :: student counsellor
opinto-ohjaaja :: study advisor
opinto-ohjaaja :: tutor
opinto-ohjaaja :: vocational counsellor
opinto-ohjaus :: student counselling
opintopiste :: credit, academic credit, course credit
opintoraha :: student grant, allowance
opintotuki :: student allowance
opioidi :: opioid
opiskeleminen :: studying
opiskelija :: A student
opiskelija-alennus :: student discount
opiskelija-asunto :: student apartment
opiskelija-asuntola :: student dormitory
opiskelijaliike :: student movement
opiskelijavaihto :: student exchange
opiskella :: To study something (to pursue studies of, e.g. at a university)
opiskelu :: coursework (work carried out by students of a particular course)
opiskelu :: study (act of acquiring knowledge)
opiskeluaika :: study time
opiskelupaikka :: degree place, place (spot for studying in a university, college or other learning institution)
opisto :: institute
O-pääntie :: O neckline, O-neckline (O-shaped neckline)
opo :: guidance counsellor
opossumi :: opossum
oppi :: doctrine
oppi :: knowledge
oppi :: study, -logy; in this sense usually the head of a compound term
oppia :: To learn (to do something = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
oppia :: To learn (something)
oppia ikä kaikki :: live and learn
oppiaine :: subject (particular area of study)
oppia kantapään kautta :: to learn the hard way
oppiarvo :: A degree, as an award bestowed by a university or a college as an indication of academic achievement (an honorary degree is referred to as arvo)
oppi-isä :: mentor
oppikirja :: A textbook
oppikoulu :: Formerly in the Finnish school system an 8-year grammar school. In order to go to oppikoulu the pupil had to do four years of kansakoulu and pass an exam
oppilaanohjaaja :: school counselor (professional member of an educational team who assists students in their personal, social, academic, and career development)
oppilaanohjaus :: student/pupil counselling
oppilainen :: student (having x-number of students)
oppilaitos :: A learning institution; anything from elementary school to university
oppilas :: pupil
oppilaskunta :: student body, students' union
oppilasmäärä :: number of students, student count
oppilas-opettajasuhde :: student-teacher relationship
oppimaton :: uneducated
oppiminen :: learning
oppimiskyky :: learning skill
oppimiskäyrä :: learning curve
oppimisprosessi :: learning process
oppimistavoite :: learning objective
oppinut :: learned
oppinut :: scholar
oppipoika :: apprentice
oppiprosessi :: learning process
oppisali :: classroom
oppisopimus :: (apprentice) indenture
oppisopimusaika :: apprenticeship time
oppitunti :: lesson
oppituoli :: academic chair
oppivelvollisuus :: A person's liability to participate in compulsory education
opponentti :: An opponent, especially in an academic public examination, where a respondent defends his/her doctoral dissertation
opponoida :: To oppose, especially in an academic dissertation
opportunismi :: opportunism
opportunisti :: opportunist
opportunistinen :: opportunistic
oppositiivi :: oppositive
oppositio :: opposition
oppositiojohtaja :: opposition leader
oppositiopuolue :: opposition party
optiikka :: optics
optikko :: optician
optillinen :: optic, optical
optimaalinen :: optimal
optimi :: optimum
optimiarvo :: optimal value
optimismi :: optimism
optimisti :: optimist
optimistijolla :: optimist (dinghy), oppy
optimistinen :: optimistic
optimistisesti :: optimistically
optimistisuus :: optimism
optimoida :: To optimise/optimize
optimointi :: optimization
optinen :: optical
optio :: Option (a contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a set strike price)
optisesti :: optically
optoelektroniikka :: optoelectronics
optoelektroninen :: optoelectric
optometria :: optometry
optometristi :: optometrist
opuntia :: opuntia (flower)
ora :: thorn
oraakkeli :: oracle
oraakkelimainen :: oracular
oraakkelimaisesti :: oracularly
oraali :: An oral phoneme
oraali- :: oral
oraalinen :: oral
orahytykkä :: toothed jelly fungus, false hedgehog mushroom or white jelly mushroom, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
orakas :: A tooth fungus, type of mushroom, especially in the genus Hydnum
oralehti :: spike leaf
orangutangi :: An orangutan
oranialainen :: Orange
oranialaisveljeskunta :: Orange Order (organization in North Ireland)
oranki :: orangutan (ape of the genus Pongo)
oranssi :: of the colour orange
oranssi :: color orange
oranssikaviokuonoyökkö :: orange leaf-nosed bat (Rhinonicteris aurantia)
oranssikeltano :: An orange hawkweed, Hieracium aurantiacum
oranssinen :: Having orange colour
oranssinkeltainen :: orange yellow (shade of yellow with some orange in it)
oranssinpunainen :: orange red (shade of red with some orange in it)
oranssinuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius elegantissimus
oranssinvärinen :: orange (of the colour orange)
oranssirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius mitissimus
oranssisuomuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius rubicundulus
orapaatsama :: buckthorn, common buckthorn, purging buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)
orapihlaja :: hawthorn (any bush of the genus Crataegus)
orapihlaja-aita :: hawthorn hedge
orapihlajanmarja :: haw (fruit of hawthorn)
oras :: shoot or shoots of cereal or cultivated hay, usually collectively
oraspelto :: A cereal or hay field with a growth of shoots
orastaa :: to dawn
orastaa :: to emerge
orastaa :: to sprout
orastoukka :: cutworm (larva of turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, notorious for eating the shoots of cereals)
orastua :: to sprout
orastus :: dawning
orastus :: emergence
orastus :: sprouting
orasyökkönen :: turnip moth, Agrotis segetum (moth of the family Noctuidae)
oratorio :: oratorio
oratuomi :: blackthorn, sloe, Prunus spinosa
orava :: squirrel
orava :: The European red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
oravanmarja :: false lily of the valley, May lily, Maianthemum bifolium
oravannahka :: A squirrel fur
oravannahka :: money
oravannahka :: vair
oravannahkainen :: Made of squirrel fur
oravannahkakauppa :: barter (trade by exchange, instead of money)
oravanpesä :: drey, squirrel's nest
oravanpoika :: A young of squirrel (of either sex)
oravanpoikanen :: A young of squirrel
oravanpyörä :: rat race
oravanpyörä :: treadmill
oravanseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius variecolor
oravasaimiri :: common squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus
orbitaali :: orbital
orda :: Mongol horde
ordinaaliluku :: ordinal number
ordinaalilukusana :: ordinal numeral, ordinal number (word that expresses the relative position of an item in an ordered sequence)
ordinaalinen :: ordinal (indicating position in a sequence)
ordinaatta :: ordinate
ordoviikki :: Ordovician (geological period)
ordoviikkikausi :: Ordovician, Ordovician period (geological period)
ordoviikkinen :: Ordovician (of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises lower, middle and upper epochs from about 488 to 443 million years ago)
ordoviki :: The Ordovician period
ordovikikausi :: The Ordovician period
ordovikikautinen :: Ordovician
oreksiini :: orexin
orellaniini :: orellanine
Orfeus :: Orpheus
orfeuskerttu :: Orphean warbler (Sylvia hortensis)
orgaani :: organ
orgaaninen :: organic
orgaaninen kemia :: organic chemistry
orgaaninen yhdiste :: organic compound
orgaanisesti :: organically
orgaanisuus :: organicity (state of being organic)
organdi :: organdy
organisaatio :: organization
organisaatioilmasto :: organizational climate
organisaatiokaavio :: organization chart, organigram
organisaatiokulttuuri :: organizational culture
organisaatiokäyttäytyminen :: organizational behavior
organisaatiomalli :: organizational model
organisaatiomuutos :: organizational change
organisaatiopsykologia :: organizational psychology
organisaatiorakenne :: organizational structure
organisaatiorikos :: organizational crime
organisaatiososiologia :: organizational sociology
organisaatiotiede :: organizational science, organization science
organisaatiotutkimus :: organizational research
organisaatiouudistus :: organizational reform
organisaatioviestintä :: organizational communication
organisaattori :: organizer
organisatorinen :: organizational
organismi :: organism
organisoida :: To organise/organize
organisoija :: organizer
organisointi :: organizing
organisointikyky :: organizational skill
organisointikykyinen :: capable of organizing
organisoitua :: To become organized
organoboraani :: organoboran
organogeeninen :: organogenic
organologia :: organology
orgasmi :: orgasm
orgastinen :: orgiastic
orgiat :: orgy, debauch
orhi :: alternative form of ori
ori :: stallion
oribletti :: alternative term for resoribletti
orientaalinen :: oriental
orientaatio :: orientation
orientalismi :: orientalism
orientalisti :: orientalist
orientalistiikka :: orientalism
orientoida :: to orientate
orientointi :: orientation
orientoitua :: To orientate
orientoituminen :: orientation
orientti :: the Orient
originaali :: original
originaalikappale :: original (object or other creation from which all later copies and variations are derived)
originaalinen :: original
originaalisuus :: originality
originaliteetti :: originality
originelli :: original (fresh, different)
origo :: (coordinate) origin
orija :: The Oriya language
Orion :: The constellation Orion
Orion :: Orion
Orionin sumu :: The Orion Nebula
orisilla :: oncilla, little spotted cat, tigrillo, tiger cat, Leopardus tigrinus (small spotted cat native to montane and tropical rainforests of Central and South America)
orja :: slave
orjailla :: to act or behave slavishly
orjailu :: slavish behavior
orjakauppa :: slave trade
orjalaiva :: slaver, slave ship
orjallinen [usually, figuratively] :: slavish
orjallisesti :: slavishly
orjallisuus :: slavishness
orjamainen :: slavish
orjamaisesti :: slavishly
orjamaisuus :: slavishness
orjamarkkinat :: slave market
orjanlaakeri :: holly (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex)
orjanomainen :: slavelike (resembling conditions of slavery)
orjanomistaja :: slaveowner, slaveholder
orjanomistuksellinen :: slave ownership, slaveholding (of or related to the practice of owning slaves)
orjanomistus :: slaveholding, slave ownership (practice ow owning slaves)
orjanomistusyhteisö :: slave owning society
orjanruusu :: glaucous dog rose, Rosa dumalis
orjantappura :: thorn (any shrub or small tree that bears thorns)
orjantappura :: glaucous dog rose, Rosa dumalis
orjantappurakruunu :: crown of thorns
orjantappurapensaikko :: thornbush, thorn (relatively large growth of thorny bushes)
orjapiiskuri :: slave driver (employer who demands excessive work from the employee)
orjapiiskuri :: slave driver (overseer of slaves at work)
orjatar :: female slave
orjatyö :: slave work
orjatyövoima :: slave labor
orjuus :: slavery
orjuuttaa :: to enslave
orjuuttaja :: enslaver (one who enslaves)
orjuutus :: enslaving (act or process of enslaving)
orkaani [meteorology, rare] :: A hurricane-speed wind; hurricane, typhoon
orkesteri :: An orchestra
orkesteri :: An orchestra (semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theatres)
orkesterikappale :: orchestral piece
orkesteriklassikko :: orchestral classic
orkesterikonsertti :: orchestral concert
orkesterilaulu :: orchestral song (genre of classical music for solo voices and orchestra)
orkesterimonttu :: orchestra pit (the pit in which the orchestra plays during opera and musical performances)
orkesterimusiikki :: orchestral music
orkesterimuusikko :: orchestral musician
orkesterinjohtaja :: conductor (of an orchestra)
orkesterisarja :: orchestral suite (musical composition for an orchestra, consisting of a string of pieces)
orkesterisäestys :: orchestral accompaniment
orkesterisoitin :: orchestral instrument
orkesterisovitus :: orchestration (arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra)
orkesterisovitus :: orchestration (composition that has been orchestrated)
orkesterisävellys :: orchestral composition
orkesterisyvennys :: orchestra pit
orkesteritaide :: orchestral art
orkesteritausta :: orchestral background
orkesteriteos :: orchestral work
orkesteritoiminta :: orchestral activity
orkestra :: An orchestra (semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theatres)
orkestraalinen :: orchestral
orkestraatio :: orchestration (arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra)
orkestraatio :: (music) orchestration (composition that has been orchestrated)
orkestroida :: To orchestrate
orkestrointi :: orchestration (arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra)
orkestrointi :: orchestration (control of diverse elements)
orkidea :: An orchid
orkidektomia :: orchidectomy
orkiitti :: orchitis
orkku :: orgasm
orkku :: squirrel
ormio :: pillwort (Pilularia globulifera)
ornamentaalinen :: ornamental
ornamentiikka :: ornamentation
ornamentoida :: to ornament (to add to)
ornamentti :: ornament
ornamenttitaide :: ornament art, ornamentation (art form)
orneerata :: to decorate, ornament, especially with ornaments or excessively
ornitologi :: ornithologist
ornitologia :: ornithology
ornitologinen :: ornithological
ornitopteri :: ornithopter (aircraft)
oro :: stallion
orogenia :: orogeny
oromo :: An Oromo
oromo :: The Oromo language
oromon kieli :: Oromo (language)
orongo :: Tibetan antelope, chiru, Pantholops hodgsonii (medium-sized bovid native to the Tibetan plateau)
orpana :: orphan
orpana :: cousin
orpo :: lonely
orpo :: orphan
orpokoti :: orphanage
orpolapsi :: orphan
orpopoika :: orphan boy
orpotyttö :: orphan girl
orpous :: orphanhood
orpovauva :: orphan baby
orsi :: A balance beam (in a balance)
orsi :: A perch, roost (for a bird)
ortodoksi :: An Orthodox person
ortodoksia :: orthodoxy
ortodoksijuutalaisuus :: Orthodox Judaism
ortodoksikirkko :: An Orthodox church
ortodoksiliturgia :: An Orthodox liturgy
ortodoksiluostari :: An Orthodox monastery
ortodoksimunkki :: An Orthodox monk
ortodoksinen :: orthodox
ortodoksinen :: Orthodox (of or pertaining to Orthodox Judaism)
ortodoksinen :: Orthodox (of or pertaining to the Eastern Orthodox Church)
ortodoksinen kirkko :: The Eastern Orthodox Church
ortodoksiseurakunta :: An Orthodox parish
ortodoksisuus :: orthodoxy (correctness in doctrine and belief, conformity to established and accepted beliefs)
ortodoksisuus :: Orthodoxy (Eastern Orthodoxy)
ortodontia :: orthodontics
ortogonaalinen :: orthogonal
ortografia :: orthography
ortografinen :: orthographic
ortoklaasi :: orthoclase
ortokuva :: orthophoto
ortopedi :: orthopedist
ortopedia :: orthopedics
ortopedinen :: orthopedic
ortopiihappo :: orthosilicic acid
ortoreksia :: orthorexia
ortorektikko :: orthorexic
ortorektinen :: orthorexic (having the obsession of eating healthy food)
ortosilikaatti :: orthosilicate (mineral)
ortostaattinen :: orthostatic (of or related to upright posture)
ortouni :: slow sleep
orvaskesi :: epidermis (outer, protective layer of the skin)
Orvo :: male given name
orvokinsininen :: pansy (of pansy color)
orvokinsininen :: pansy (color)
orvokki :: pansy (cultivated variety of this plant, with considerably larger flowers)
orvokki :: violet (flower of the genus Viola)
Orvokki :: female given name
orvokkihopeatäplä :: dark green fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
orvokkikasvi :: A plant of the taxonomic family Violaceae
orvokkikasvi :: Violaceae (family of flowering plants consisting of about 800 species in 21 genera)
orvonhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula neglecta
o.s. :: nee
-os :: Forms nouns denoting the result of the action of a verb
osa :: A movement, a large division of a larger composition
osa :: part
osa :: with an ordinal number as modifier, used to create nouns meaning "nth part"; works with numbers from three upwards
osa-aikainen :: part-time
osa-aikatyö :: part-time job
osaaja :: skilled labour [UK], skilled labor [US]
osaaja :: skilled worker, pro, expert (one who knows his trade)
osa-alue :: division
osa-alue :: field
osa-alue :: sector
osaaminen :: know-how
osaamiskeskus :: A regional operating unit in a Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland's (työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö) programme to enhance the know-how of enterprises in order to strengthen their global competitiveness; officially translated as Centre of Expertise into English
osajoukko :: subset
osajärjestelmä :: A subsystem
osakas :: stakeholder
osake :: apartment in an housing cooperative
osake :: share (of stock)
osakeanti :: float (offering of shares to the public)
osakeanti :: share issue
osakekauppa :: stock trade
osakepääoma :: The share capital of a company (total outstanding capital)
osakesalkku :: portfolio
osakeyhtiö :: limited liability company
osakilpailu :: partial race, event (any of a series of races that constitute a competition for championship in a certain sport)
osakkeenomistaja :: shareholder, shareowner
osakkuus :: share ownership; interest, share, stake, ownership (quality of being a shareowner)
osaksi :: partly
osakunta :: (closest equivalents) fraternity (USA), college (UK)
osakunta :: (historically) nation, student nation (organization of students at a university, gathering students who originate from the same region; historical in most countries, but still active in some old universities of Finland and Sweden)
osallinen :: involved, participating (associated with others)
osallistua [intransitive + illative or (rare) allative] :: To participate in, take part in, partake in, be involved/included in
osallistua :: To attend (e.g. a lecture, a course = allative)
osallistua :: To share (the costs = illative)
osallistuja :: participant
osallistujalahja :: party favor (small gift given to a guest at a party, as a souvenir)
osallistuminen :: attendance
osallistumisprosentti :: participation percentage
osallisuus :: complicity
osallisuus :: participation, share
osaltaan :: for one's part, as far as one is concerned
osamaksu :: instalment (individual payment made within a hire purchase plan)
osamaksu :: part payment (any payment that is part of a larger payment)
osamaksu :: Short for osamaksukauppa (method of payment)
osamäärä :: A quotient
osamurtokehitelmä :: partial fraction
osanen :: part, fragment
osanottaja :: A participant
osanotto :: participation
osanotto :: sympathy, condolence
osanto [grammar, rarely used] :: partitive
osapuoli :: party
osasto :: A compartment
osasto :: A department
osasto :: Especially in military use, a unit
osasto :: An area, field of activity; always compounded, no direct translation
osastoida :: To subdivide into different compartments
osastonjohtaja :: department manager
osastopäällikkö :: department chief
osata :: To know how (to do something), can (do something)
osata :: To know (usually a language)
osataso :: sublevel
osatekijä :: component
osaton :: dispossessed
osatotuus :: Some of the facts; partial truth
osavaali :: partial elections
osavaltio :: A state (political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy)
osaväli :: subinterval
osavuosikatsaus :: quarterly report
Oseania :: Oceania
oseano- :: oceano-
oseanografia :: oceanography
oseanologi :: oceanologist
oseanologia :: oceanology
oselotti :: ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
osiensa summa :: sum of its parts
osin :: part
osin :: partly
osinko :: A dividend (pro rata payment of money by a company to its shareholders)
osio :: An item, section of a text
osio :: A partition of a hard disk
ositella :: A frequentative form of the verb osittaa
osittaa :: to partition
osittain :: partly
osittainen :: partial (as opposed to total)
osittaisderivaatta :: partial derivative
osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälö :: A partial differential equation
osittelulaki :: distributive law
ositus :: partition
Oskari :: male given name
oskarinkokoinen [jocular, of a boy] :: small
oskillaatio :: oscillation
oskillaattori :: oscillator
oskilloskooppi :: oscilloscope
Oslo :: Oslo
osma :: wolverine (Gulo gulo)
osmani :: An Osman, an archaic name for Turks
osmankäämi :: cattail
osmankäämikerttunen :: moustached warbler, Acrocephalus melanopogon
osmansolmu :: alternative form of osmonsolmu
osmium :: osmium
Osmo :: male given name
osmologia :: osmology
osmonsolmu :: woggle (decorative knot, often used as neckerchief slide)
osmoosi :: osmosis
osmoottinen :: osmotic
osoite :: address
osoitekirja :: address book
osoitella :: To point (with a finger)
osoitin :: A hand (index or pointer especially in a clock)
osoitin :: An indicator (pointer or index that indicates)
osoitin :: A pointer (anything that points)
osoitin :: A pointer, cursor (in graphical user interfaces)
osoitin :: A pointer (needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device that indicates the current reading)
osoitin :: A pointer
osoitintappi :: pointing stick
osoittaa :: to prove (to demonstrate that something is true)
osoittaa [sciences] :: with väärä, to falsify (to prove that something is false)
osoittaa :: to approve (demonstrate)
osoittaa :: to demonstrate (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation)
osoittaa :: to direct (a letter etc. to someone)
osoittaa :: to direct (to aim at)
osoittaa :: to exhibit (demonstrate)
osoittaa :: to find (point out)
osoittaa :: to indicate (to show or manifest by symptoms)
osoittaa :: to manifest (to make clear or evident, prove)
osoittaa :: to point (direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction)
osoittaa :: to point out (to identify with a bodily gesture)
osoittaa :: to point (to extend the index finger in the direction of something)
osoittaa :: to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate)
osoittaa mieltä :: alternative form of osoittaa mieltään
osoittaa mieltään :: to demonstrate
osoittaa sormella :: to put one’s finger on (to identify, specify, name or pick out, usually something negative)
osoittaa sormella :: to point with one's finger
osoittaa todeksi :: To prove
osoittaja :: numerator
osoittautua [+ translative] :: To prove (to be)
osoitus :: indication, demonstration, manifestation
ossa :: address
osseetti :: An Ossetian person
osseetti :: The Ossetic language
ossi :: A person from the former East Germany
Ossi :: male given name
Ossian :: male given name; mostly used as a middle name
ossifikaatio :: ossification
osso buco :: osso buco
ossuaari :: ossuary (place where bones of the dead are kept)
ostaa :: To buy, purchase
ostaja :: A buyer
ostalgia :: Ostalgie
ostari :: mall, shopping mall
ostattaa :: To make someone buy
ostella :: To shop, buy (carelessly); to make impulsive purchases
ostelu :: shopping
osteoblasti :: osteoblast
osteofyytti :: osteophyte (any small, abnormal but usually harmless growth of bone, often near a joint)
osteokondroosi :: osteochondrosis
osteologia :: osteology
osteologinen :: osteological
osteomalasia :: osteomalacia
osteopaatti :: osteopath
osteopatia :: osteopathy
osteopetroosi :: osteopetrosis
osteoporoosi :: osteoporosis
osteoporoottinen :: osteoporotic
osteosarkooma :: osteosarcoma
osteri :: An oyster
osterikastike :: The oyster sauce
osteriviljelmä :: An oyster farm
osterivinokas :: oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
ostinato :: ostinato
ostjakki :: A Khanty
ostjakki :: The Khanty language
osto :: A purchase
ostohimo :: oniomania
ostohinta :: purchase price
ostokyky :: purchasing power
ostokykyinen :: able to buy
ostomääräys :: purchase order
ostoparatiisi :: shopping paradise
ostopokeri :: draw poker (form of poker in which players can trade in cards for new ones and their cards are not shown until the showdown)
ostos :: In adessive, ablative and allative plural also shopping (the event of specifically going out for shopping)
ostos :: In plural also shopping (things bought)
ostos :: purchase (item bought)
ostoskassi :: shopping bag
ostoskeskus :: shopping centre, shopping center
ostoskori :: shopping basket
ostoskärry :: shopping cart [US], shopping trolley [UK]
ostoslaukku :: shopping bag
ostoslista :: grocery list
ostoslista :: shopping list
ostosparatiisi :: shopping paradise
ostosrobotti :: shopping bot, shopping agent (bot that searches the internet for the best price for a product)
ostotarjous :: buying offer
ostovoima :: Purchasing power, buying power
ostovoimainen :: having purchasing power
ostovoimapariteetti :: purchasing power parity
osua :: To hit, strike, get (a spot, target)
osuma :: hit
osuus :: share, part (of something)
osuuskassa :: until 1970, credit union; predecessor of osuuspankki
osuuskauppa :: cooperative shop
osuuskunta :: A cooperative
osuuspankki cooperative bank
osuuspankki :: credit union
osuuspankki :: A form of cooperative banking in which the customers may but are not obliged to become members of the cooperative (credit union) that runs the bank
osuuspankkiryhmä :: A common term sometimes used to refer to a finance group formed by about 200 Finnish credit unions. The group is now known as OP-Pohjola
osuustoiminnallinen :: cooperative, co-operative (relating to the way of operation of cooperatives as type of company)
osuva :: apt, pertinent
osuvasti :: aptly
osviitta :: guide
ota :: A sting
otakilokki :: barilla, Kali turgida, formerly Salsola kali
otaksua :: To presume, suppose, assume
otaksuma :: presumption
otaksuttavasti :: presumptively
otalgia [pathology, jargon] :: earache, otalgia
otanta :: taking a sample, sampling
otantatekniikka :: sampling technique
otantatutkimus :: sample survey
otattaa :: to cause to take, to let take
otava :: A kind of fish trap
Otava :: The Plough, Big Dipper
otaviitti :: otavite
ote :: citation, excerpt, extract
ote :: grasp, grip
ote [rarely] :: maneuver, see e.g. Heimlich maneuver
otelauta :: fingerboard
otella :: To compete
oteääni :: A vote cast outside one's own electoral district, an extract of electoral register serving as proof of right to vote
oteääni [imprecisely] :: early vote
otin :: A handle
otoliitti :: otolith
otollinen :: favourable/favorable, auspicious
otollisesti :: favourably, auspiciously
otollisuus :: favourableness (state or condition of being favourable)
otorinolaryngologi :: otorhinolaryngologist
otorinolaryngologia :: otorhinolaryngology
otos [movies] :: take
otos :: snap, photo
otos :: sample
otosalue :: sample area (area from which a sample or samples are collected)
otoskleroosi :: otosclerosis
otsa :: forehead
otsaharja :: forelock (part of a horse's mane that lies on the forehead)
otsake :: heading
otsalamppu :: headlamp (lamp worn on head)
otsalihas :: frontalis muscle
otsalohko :: frontal lobe
otsalohkoleikkaus :: frontal lobe surgery
otsaluu :: The frontal bone
otsanahka :: forehead skin
otsanauha :: headband
otsaontelo :: frontal sinus
otsaontelotulehdus :: infection of frontal sinus
otsapanta :: headband
otsapeili :: frontal mirror
otsaripa :: diadem, tiara
otsaryppy :: forehead wrinkle
otsasuoni :: forehead vein
otsatukka :: bangs, fringe (forehead hair)
otselotti :: alternative spelling of oselotti
otsikko :: heading, header, title, headline
otsikoida :: To assign a header or title
otso :: bear (animal)
Otso :: male given name
otsoni :: ozone
otsoniaukko :: ozone hole
otsonidi :: ozonide
otsonikato :: ozone depletion
otsonikerros :: ozone layer
otsonikokous :: ozone conference (conference to assess the state of the ozone layer)
otsonikysymys :: alternative term for otsoniongelma
otsonimittaus :: ozone measurement
otsonimolekyyli :: ozone molecule
otsoniongelma :: ozone problem, ozone issue (ozone-related problem, especially that of the thinning of ozone layer and existence of the ozone hole)
otsonipitoisuus :: ozone content
otsonireikä :: ozone hole
otsonisoida :: To ozonize
otsonisointi :: ozonization
otsonivyöhyke :: ozone layer
otsoniystävällinen :: ozone-friendly
otsonoida :: To ozonize
otsonointi :: ozonization
ottaa :: To touch, reach down/up to, hang down to
ottaa [periphrase] :: To drink (alcohol), take (medicine)
ottaa :: To take; to deprive of, bereave of
ottaa aika :: To time (to measure a finite time)
ottaa aurinkoa :: To sunbathe, to sun
ottaa hengiltä :: To kill, slay (literally: "to take off lives")
ottaa härkää sarvista :: to take the bull by the horns
ottaa huomioon :: to take into account, consider; to cater to; to factor in
ottaa iisisti :: to take it easy
ottaa johtoonsa :: to take command
ottaa kantaa [idiomatic + illative] :: to editorialise/editorialize (to express ones opinion as if in an editorial)
ottaa kantaa [idiomatic + illative] :: to take a stance on
ottaa kiinni :: To catch (to seize an object, especially in the hands)
ottaa käyttöön :: to put to use
ottaa lämpöä :: to lose one's temper
ottaa lämpöä :: to overheat (to become excessively hot)
ottaa lämpöä :: to warm up (to become physically warmer)
ottaa lämpöä :: to warm up (to flex one's muscles before exercise or a contest)
ottaa luku :: To perform a headcount (to count the number of people present)
ottaa lukua :: To lie still for a while after receiving a blow
ottaa lukua :: To pass out
ottaa lusikka kauniiseen käteen :: To swallow one's pride (and humbly do as one is told or supposed to do) (literally: "to take the spoon into the beautiful hand")
ottaa nokkiinsa :: To take offense
ottaa onkeensa :: to heed, pay attention to, take seriously, tuck away for later reference (e.g. a piece of advice; lit.: "to take [sth] onto one's fishing rod")
ottaa osaa :: to express one's condolences
ottaa osaa :: to participate, take part, partake, attend
ottaa parempaan käyttöön [euphemistic, idiomatic] :: to steal
ottaa parempaan käyttöön :: to repurpose, reuse (to reuse for a different purpose, with or without alteration)
ottaa päähän [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To be annoyed, vexed, pissed off
ottaa rennosti :: To relax, chill
ottaa selvää [idiomatic, +elative] :: to determine, find out about
ottaa selvää :: to get to the bottom of (to understand, discover the truth about, or solve)
ottaa sydämelleen :: To take to heart
ottaa todesta [idiomatic + genitive-accusative] :: To take seriously
ottaa vaarin :: take advantage (of a situation)
ottaa vaarin :: to heed, take into account, obey
ottaa varteen :: to take into account, take into consideration
ottaa vastaan :: meet, welcome, greet, pick up, see (a visitor, in an official function), take (a phone call)
ottaa vastaan :: to receive, accept
ottaa yleisönsä :: to work the room (to interact with one's audience, eliciting the audience's attention and enthusiasm)
ottaja :: A taker, one who takes
ottajainen [informal, usually in plural] :: drinking spree (occasion of heavy drinking)
ottamo :: intake (place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit)
otteeseen :: useaan otteeseen: several times
ottelija :: contestant
ottelu :: match (sporting event)
ottelupallo :: match point (state in a game where a player can win the entire match by winning the next point; used in tennis, volleyball and similar games)
ottelurangaistus :: match penalty
otto :: [as prefix] adopted
otto :: intake
otto :: taking
otto :: withdrawal
Otto :: male given name
Otto :: The letter "O" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
ottoaika :: administration time (time when a prescribed medicine is to be taken)
ottolainaus [banking] :: borrowing, funding (the business of accepting deposits, issuing debt securities and otherwise attracting borrowed capital)
ottolapsi :: adoptee (adopted child or a person who was adopted as a child)
ottomaani [lb, fi, furniture] :: ottoman, hassock
ottomaani [lb, fi, textile] :: ottoman
ottomaani :: Ottoman
Ottomaanien valtakunta :: Ottoman Empire
ottomoottori :: petrol engine
ottopoika :: An adopted son
ottotytär :: An adopted daughter
ottotyttö :: An adopted daughter
ottovanhempi :: adoptive parent
otus :: creature
oudohko :: quite strange
oudokseltaan :: due to not being used to or familiar with something
oudoksua :: To consider something strange, be amazed by; to wonder
oudoksunta :: wonderment
oudoksuttaa :: To make someone feel strange or weird, to cause suspicion
oudonmakuinen :: strange tasting
oudonnäköinen :: strange looking
oudostella :: Same as oudoksua
oudosti :: strangely
oudostuttaa :: alternative form of oudoksuttaa
oukki doukki :: alternative spelling of oukki-doukki
oukki-doukki :: okey-dokey
Oulu :: Oulu
oululainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Oulu or its citizens
oululainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Oulu
ounastaa :: to have a hunch/suspicion/feeling (that…), suspect, anticipate, sense
ounastella :: to have a hunch/suspicion/feeling (that...), suspect, anticipate, sense
Outi :: female given name
outo :: strange
outokainen :: A strangelet
outokumpu :: A large belly; a beer belly
outokvarkki :: strange quark
outo lintu :: rara avis
outo luku :: weird number
outous :: strangeness
ovaali :: oval
ovaalimainen :: oval-like, ovalish (approximately oval-shaped)
ovaario :: ovary
ovariaalinen :: ovarian (relating to the ovaries)
ovela :: shrewd, sly, wily
ovelampi :: comparative form of ovela
ovelasti :: cunningly, slyly, wilily
ovelin :: superlative form of ovela
ovellinen :: Equipped with a door
ovelta ovelle :: [used adverbially] door to door
ovelta ovelle :: [used attributively] door-to-door
oveluus :: cunning, shrewdness
ovenavaus :: door opening, opening of the door (act of opening a door)
ovenkahva :: door handle, doorknob
ovenkarmi :: door frame, doorframe, doorcase
ovenpieli :: doorjamb, doorpost
ovenrako :: chink of a door, door chink
ovenripa :: door handle
ovensuljin :: door closer
ovensuu :: doorway
ovensuukysely :: exit poll
ovenvartija :: doorkeeper
overheadprojektori :: overhead projector (projector that projects an image over the head of the user of the projector onto a screen behind him)
oveton :: doorless
ovi :: door
oviaukko :: doorway
ovikello :: doorbell
oviketju :: door chain
ovikilpi :: doorplate
ovilevy :: door board
ovilokero :: door compartment
ovimaksu :: door charge, entrance fee
ovimatto :: doormat
ovimies :: doorman, janitor
ovimikko :: doorman
ovinaapuri :: next door neighbor
-ovinen :: -door
ovipaarinen :: oviparous
ovipieli :: alternative form of ovenpieli (doorjamb, doorpost)
ovipuhelin :: door phone
ovipumppu :: door pump
ovisilmä :: A peephole, especially one with a fisheye lens that allows the viewer a wide-angle view to the other side of the door
ovisummeri :: door buzzer
ovisuu :: alternative form of ovensuu (doorway)
ovituotanto :: door production
ovivahti :: door announcer (device that gives a chime when someone enters through a doorway)
ovivahti :: door guard (device that provides additional mechanical protection against attempts to open a locked door)
ovivahti :: doorman, doorkeeper
ovivalo :: door light
oviverho :: door curtain, portière
ovoidi :: ovoid, ovate, egg-shaped, ooid (something egg-shaped)
ovoidi :: ovoid (something egg-shaped)
ovosyytti :: oocyte (cell that develops into an egg or ovum)
ovovivipaarinen :: ovoviviparous
ovovivipaarisuus :: ovoviviparity
ovulaatio :: ovulation
ovulaatioaika :: overhead time (the time when ovulation occurs)
ovuloida :: To ovulate
owstoninpalmunäätä :: Owston's palm civet, Chrotogale owstoni (civet native to Indochina)
oxfordilainen :: Oxfordian (of or pertaining to Oxford)
oxfordilainen :: Oxfordian (of or relating to the theory explained above)
oxfordilainen :: Oxfordian (believer in the theory that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, wrote the plays traditionally attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford-Upon-Avon)
oxfordilainen :: Oxfordian (native or resident of Oxford)
Oxfordin sanakirja :: Oxford English Dictionary
oy :: LLC (Limited Liability Company)
Oy :: alternative form of oy
OY :: alternative spelling of Oy An LLC, Limited Liability Company
oyj :: PLC (public limited company)
OyJ :: alternative spelling of oyj A PLC, public limited company

pää :: end, tip (physical end)
pää :: head (of an organism or organisation)
pää- :: main, head, prime, primary, principal, leading
p :: penni (Finnish penny, no longer used)
-pa {particle} :: Appended to an imperative verb form in order to soften the command or request
-pa {particle} :: Expresses that the speaker is proud of something, also to boast or brag about something
-pa {particle} :: Expresses that the speaker is surprised at or astonished by something
-pa {particle} :: When appended to a second-person imperative with the particle -s, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone.
-pa :: Forms adjectives or nouns of a very limited amount of verbs
pašša :: A pasha
paaduttaa :: to harden (to make less sensitive)
paahde :: Scorching heat
paahdella :: A frequentative form of the verb paahtaa
paahdettu :: roast (cooked by roasting)
paahdin :: toaster
paahtaa :: To drive fast for a long period of time, as e.g. on a motorway
paahtaa :: [Of the sun] To heat
paahtaa :: To parch
paahtaa :: To roast
paahtaa :: To scorch, singe
paahtaa :: To toast
paahtimo :: roasting factory
paahto :: roast, roasted, toasted
paahto :: roast (degree to which something is roasted)
paahtoleipä :: toast
paahtopaisti :: roast beef (meat)
paahtovanukas :: A crème brûlée
paahtua :: To scorch
paaši :: page (serving boy)
paakari :: baker
paakku :: clod (lump of earth or clay)
paakku :: gob (lump of soft and moist material)
paakku :: lump
paakkuinen :: clumpy
paakkuuntua :: to cake, stick together, get lumpy
paakkuuntuminen :: Action noun of the verb paakkuuntua, caking
paakkuuntumisenestoaine :: anticaking agent (substance added to another product to prevent it from forming lumps)
paalain :: baler
paalata :: to bale (hay or similar)
paali :: A bale
paali :: A bolt (as a large roll of material)
paali :: A roll
paalittaa :: To bale (to wrap into a bale)
paalitus :: alternative form of paalaus
paalu :: A pile
paalu :: A pole
paalu :: money
paalujuntta :: pile driver
paalupaikka :: pole position
paalusolmu :: A bowline
paaluttaa :: To drive piles into the ground, usually in order to strengthen the foundations of a structure
paalutus :: pile-driving
paaluvarustus :: palisade
Paananen :: Finnish surname
paanu :: A relatively thick wooden shingle
paanuttaa :: To shingle (to cover with wooden shingles)
paanutus :: shingle covering
paapattaa :: To gabble, babble, blab (to speak fast and monotonously and/or incessantly)
paapero :: toddler
paapia :: To sleep
paapoa :: To pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
paappa [dialectal, childish] :: grandpa, grandfather
paapuuri :: port (left-hand side of a vessel)
paarapähkinä :: alternative spelling of parapähkinä
paaria :: pariah
paarit :: stretcher (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person)
paarlasti :: A ballast (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel to provide stability)
paarma :: horsefly, breezefly, gadfly (fly of the family Tabanidae)
paarmalintu :: flycatcher (any bird of the family Muscicapidae)
paarustaa :: to drag, struggle (to walk slowly and with difficulty carrying or as if carrying something heavy, or in deep snow)
paasata :: to drone (to speak tediously)
paasi :: alternative spelling of paaši
paasi :: boulder (large piece of stone)
Paasio :: Finnish surname
paasto :: fast (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
paasto :: Lent
paastonaika :: Lent
paastota :: To fast
paatoksekas :: alternative form of paatoksellinen
paatoksellinen :: full of pathos
paatoksellisesti :: with pathos
paatos :: pathos
paatos :: rant
paatsama :: buckthorn (any tree or shrub of the genus Rhamnus)
paatsamanmarja :: Avignon berry, French berry (berry of buckthorn species Rhamnus saxafilis, used as yellow dye)
paatsamanmarja :: buckthorn berry (fruit of buckthorn)
paatsamasinisiipi :: holly blue, Celastrina argiolus (butterfly of the family Lycaenidae, native to Eurasia and North America)
paatti [colloquial, nautical] :: ship or boat
paatua :: To become hardened, callous (of soul)
paatuneisuus :: callousness
paatunut :: hardened, callous
Paavali :: male given name, rather rare in this biblical spelling
Paavali :: Paul
paavalinkukka :: African violet, saintpaulia
paavi :: pope
paavillinen :: hypocritical
paavillinen :: papal
paavillisempi :: comparative form of paavillinen
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse :: more Catholic than the Pope (hypocritical, supporting someone's ideas more vigorously than the person itself)
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse :: olla ~ : to outpope the Pope (to try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group)
paavinuskoinen [Christianity, derogatory] :: A papist
paavius :: papacy
Paavo :: male given name
Paavo :: The letter "P" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Paavola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Paavola :: Finnish surname
padallinen :: potful
padota :: To stem (e.g. a river)
paella :: paella
paeta [transitive + partitive, or intransitive + elative or ablative] :: To escape, get away
paeta :: ~ onnettomuuspaikalta = to hit and run
paeta :: To flee from, run away from
pagelli :: bream, sea bream (any of several fish of the genus Pagellus)
pagodi :: A pagoda
paha :: bad, ill
paha :: difficult, hard, tricky
paha :: evil
paha :: See the adverb pahoillaan
paha :: The evil
pahaa-aavistamaton :: unsuspecting
pahaenteinen :: ominous, threatening, portentous, inauspicious, foreboding
pahaenteisempi :: comparative form of pahaenteinen
pahainen :: wretched
pahamaineinen :: notorious
pahamaineisuus :: notoriety
pahanen :: poor thing, something to be pitied
pahanhajuinen :: foul-smelling, smelly, fetid, mephitic, noisome, olid, whiffy (having a strong bad odor)
pahanhajuinen :: funky (smelling foul, especially of a mouldy, musty, unwashed smell)
pahanhajuinen :: malodorous (having a bad odor)
pahanhajuinen :: Of breath; bad or foul
pahanhajuinen :: reeking, stinking, stinky, rank (having a very strong and bad odor)
pahanhajuisempi :: comparative form of pahanhajuinen
pahanilkisyys :: mischievousness
pahanilmanlintu :: jinx (person)
pahankurinen :: mischievous
pahanlaatuinen :: malign, malignant (harmfully cancerous)
pahanlaatuistua :: to become malign
pahanlaatuisuus :: malignancy
pahanmakuinen :: unpalatable
pahannäköinen :: bad-looking
pahantahtoinen :: malevolent
pahantahtoisuus :: malevolence
pahantekijä :: evildoer (person who performs evil acts)
pahanteko :: evildoing, wrongdoing
pahapuolukka :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
paha silmä :: evil eye
pahasti :: badly
pahastua :: To get upset
pahastuttaa :: to upset
pahe :: vice
paheellinen :: vicious, depraved
paheksua :: To censure, find fault with, reproach
paheksua :: To disapprove of, reprehend; to frown (up)on
paheksunta :: reprehension
pahemmin :: very much, really (modifying a verb)
pahempi :: comparative form of paha
pahennus :: A moral evil, temptation, sin
pahennus :: The cause of contempt, scorn or disdain
pahennus :: contempt, scorn, disdain; used mostly in expressions herättää pahennusta, aiheuttaa pahennusta
pahennus :: The event or process of getting worse, especially in moral respect
pahentaa :: To exacerbate, aggravate
pahentaa :: To worsen
pahentua :: To worsen
paheta :: To relapse
paheta :: To worsen
pahimmassa tapauksessa :: In the worst case, worse comes to worst
pahimmillaan :: at worst
pahimmin :: most badly, in the worst way or manner
pahin :: superlative form of paha
pahis :: A meanie, bad guy, villain, heavy (person doing bad things, especially in a movie or other story)
pahiten :: most badly, in the worst way or manner
pahka :: burl [US], bur, burr, gnarl (tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner)
pahkainen :: gnarled, gnarly
pahkaisempi :: comparative form of pahkainen
pahkasika :: warthog
pahki :: towards
pahkura :: wart
pahkurainen :: gnarled, gnarly
pahna :: straws used in animal shelters
pahnanpohjimmainen :: lastborn
pahnanpohjimmainen :: runt
pahnue :: litter of pigs
pahoillaan :: sorry (for somebody = genitive + puolesta)
pahoillaan :: sorry; upset, sad (about something = elative)
pahoin :: badly
pahoinpidellä :: To abuse, mistreat, maltreat (an animal, machine, piece of furniture etc.)
pahoinpidellä :: To maul, manhandle, assault, beat (up) (a person); to batter, be physically abusive of (one's spouse); to abuse (a child)
pahoinpitelijä :: assaulter, abuser
pahoinpitelijä :: thug, bully
pahoinpitely :: abuse (physical maltreatment)
pahoinpitely :: battery (crime)
pahoinvointi :: nausea, sickness
pahoinvoiva :: queasy, nauseated
pahoitella :: To regret
pahoittaa :: to hurt; only used in the idiomatic expressions pahoittaa mielensä = to hurt one's feelings and pahoittaa jonkun mieli + (possessive suffix) = to hurt someone's feelings
pahoittelu :: An apology
pahoittelu :: A regret
paholainen :: A devil, demon
paholainen :: An imp
paholainen :: The Devil, the devil (Satan)
paholaismainen :: fiendish, diabolic, devilish
pahta :: A steep, rocky cliff
pahus :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat, rats (a mild curse)
pahus :: devil, heck, hell (mild swearword)
pahuus :: alternative spelling of pahus
pahuus :: evil (as opposed to good)
pahuus :: evilness (the property of being evil)
pahvi :: A versatile woodfibre-based packaging material produced by combining cardboard, fluting and/or paper. The usage of both Finnish and English terms is rather incoherent, but e.g. cardboard, corrugated board, paperboard and pasteboard may apply as translations for pahvi
pahvi :: Relatively thick and stiff cardboard. According to paper industry standards, pahvi weighs at least 250 g/sq.m
pahvikuppi :: paper cup
pahvilaatikko :: cardboard box
pahvimuki :: paper cup
pai :: pie
paiaani :: paean (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
paidanpesijä :: wife
paijata :: to pet
paijata :: to curry favor, to suck up (seek to gain favor by flattery or attention)
paijata :: to have sex
paikalla :: in attendance, present
paikalla :: in (its) place; usually with a personal suffix, also in plural
paikalla :: on the spot, at once
paikalla :: used as fortifier to the word heti to underline urgency
paikallaan :: paikalla ("in place") + third person possessive suffix -an
paikallasi :: paikalla ("in place") + 2nd person singular possessive suffix -si
paikalleen :: Into his/her/its place/location
paikallinen :: local [of a nearby location]
paikallinen :: local [nearest pub]
paikallisaika :: local time
paikallisesti :: locally
paikallishallinto :: local government (any form of government whose remit covers an area less than that of the nation)
paikallisjuna :: local, local train, commuter train (train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination)
paikallisosasto :: A local, a local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union)
paikallispuudutus :: local anaesthesia
paikallissija :: A grammatical case that primarily indicates location or movement from or towards a location.Most of them are used of time as well
paikallistaa :: To localize
paikallistua :: alternative form of paikantua
paikallisuus :: locality
paikallisverkko :: LAN (Local Area Network)
paikallisväri :: colour (interest, especially in a selective area)
paikallisväri :: local colour
paikallisyhdistys :: local, local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union)
paikannimi :: placename, toponym
paikannimitutkimus :: toponymy, toponomastics (lexicological study of place names)
paikannussatelliitti :: navigation satellite
paikan päällä :: on the spot (in a particular place)
paikansija [grammar, dated] :: locative case
paikantaa :: to localize
paikantaa :: to locate, pinpoint
paikantua :: To be localized
paikata :: To be (sb's) understudy, take (sb's) place temporarily (e.g. at work)
paikata :: To fill (gaps in one's knowledge)
paikata :: To fix, repair (a shoe)
paikata :: To patch, mend, sew (up) (a shirt; pants/trousers)
paikata :: To patch up (a relationship)
paikata :: To put in a filling (on a tooth)
paikata :: To roll a pare (in bowling)
paikka :: Area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood
paikka :: Berth
paikka :: (often plural, paikat) Parts, bones
paikka :: Situation
paikka :: Filling (on a tooth)
paikka :: Job, post, position
paikka :: Patch (on clothes)
paikka :: Place, location, spot, site
paikka :: Scene (where something happens/has happened)
paikka :: Seat (to sit; in Parliament)
paikka :: Space, room
paikkailla :: To patch
paikkainen :: having a certain number of seats; always used with a numeral or other modifier
paikkakunta :: locality
paikkakuntalainen :: A local (person who lives nearby)
paikkamaalata :: to patch paint (to repair a painted surface by painting only the damaged parts)
paikkansapitävä :: accurate
paikkatasku :: patch pocket (pocket made of a piece of fabric by sewing it onto the outside of a garment)
paikkatietojärjestelmä :: GIS (geographic information system)
paikkaustiedosto :: patch file (input to a patch program)
paikkauttaa :: To have something patched, mended, sewn up etc. (see paikata for further senses)
paikko [bowling] :: spare
paikkuuttaa :: alternative form of paikkauttaa
paikoillaan :: in place, in position
paikoillanne :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!)
paikoilleen :: panna ~ : to put up, put away
paikoilleen :: to where they belong
paikoillenne :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!)
paikoillenne, valmiina, nyt :: on your mark, get set, go; ready, set, go; ready, steady, go (three-command start when racing)
paikoin :: at some places, locally (occurring in a limited number of locations)
paikoittaa :: to park (to bring a vehicle to a halt or store in a specified place)
paikoitus :: parking
paimen :: A herd (one who herds or assembles, a herdsman)
paimen :: A herdsman
paimen :: A shepherd (metaphorical: someone who watches over and guides)
paimenen piiras :: shepherd's pie, cottage pie
paimenkirje :: circular letter, circular; especially if it contains advice for corrective action
paimenkirje :: pastoral (letter of a pastor or bishop to his charge)
paimenkoira :: herding dog
paimentaa :: to herd, tend (animals); to shepherd (people)
paimentolainen :: nomad
painaa :: to weigh
painaa :: to fuck
painaa :: to print (a book)
painaa :: to push, press
painaa mieleen :: To memorise/memorize
painaa villaisella :: to downplay, soft-pedal
painajainen :: nightmare (also figuratively)
painajaismainen :: nightmarish
painajaisuni :: nightmare (dream)
painanne :: depression (e.g. on ground)
painate :: alternative term for painotuote
painattaa :: To have printed, published
painauma :: A depression (e.g. in terrain)
painautua :: to huddle (to crowd together as when distressed or in fear)
painautua :: to nestle (to press oneself against another affectionately)
painautua :: to press oneself (against something)
painava :: heavy
painava :: substantial
painavampi :: comparative form of painava
pääaine :: major (academics)
paine :: pressure
paineastia :: pressure vessel
painehaavauma :: A pressure ulcer, decubitus or bedsore
paineilma :: As modifier in compound terms, pneumatic
paineilma :: compressed air
paineistaa :: To pressurize
painekammio :: pressure chamber
painekattila :: pressure cooker (sealed cooking vessel that allows cooking in greater than atmospheric pressure)
painekeitin :: pressure cooker (cooking vessel)
painekyllästää :: to impregnate with pressure (to preserve something, especially wood, chemically in high pressure)
painella :: To press (with fingers)
paini :: wrestling
painia :: To wrestle
painija :: wrestler
painike :: A button, push-button (button -like device meant to be pressed with a finger or clicked by a computer mouse)
painike :: In general, a mechanical device meant to be pressed to produce an action
painin :: A tool used to press an image on a surface, e.g. leather or paper
painin :: A generic term for a device that is designed to deliver an action when pressed, such as a push-button or door handle
painin :: A press (device used to apply pressure to an item)
painiote :: A hold, wrestling hold
painiskella :: To wrestle, struggle with a problem
paino :: sinker (weight used in fishing to cause the line or net to sink)
paino :: stress
paino :: press (general term for a printing machine)
paino :: press, weight (passive device to apply pressure to something)
paino :: weight
painoaika :: printing date
painoarvo :: clout ‎(political influence or effectiveness)
painoarvo :: importance, noteworthiness (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note)
painoarvo :: weight, importance, value (degree of importance)
painoindeksi :: body mass index, BMI
painokangas :: print (cloth)
painokas :: emphatic
painokerroin :: weight, weight coefficient
painokone :: printing press
painolasti :: A ballast
painolastivesi :: ballast water (water used as ballast in a watercraft)
painollinen [prosody] :: stressed
painomittajärjestelmä :: A system of weights, such as avoirdupois or troy weight
painomuste :: printer's ink (rapidly drying ink made specifically for printing machines)
painonappi :: push-button, button (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger)
painonnostaja :: weightlifter
painonnosto :: weightlifting
painopiste :: centre of gravity, center of gravity, centre of mass
painopiste :: focus
painos :: edition (the whole number of copies of a work printed and published at one time)
painostaa :: to coerce, to put pressure on, pressurize (to exert force or influence to compel one to act against his will)
painostus :: pressure, heat
painotettu :: weighted
painotettu keskiarvo :: weighted mean, weighted average
painoton :: weightless
painottaa :: to accent
painottaa :: to highlight, emphasize
painottomuus :: weightlessness, zero gravity
painottua :: To be emphasized
painotuote :: printed matter (any printed product from books to visiting cards)
painotus :: stress, emphasis
painovirhe :: typographical error, typing error, typo
painovoima :: gravity
painovoimakenttä :: gravitational field
painovoimalinssi :: gravitational lens
painovoimavuorovaikutus :: gravitational interaction (a fundamental interaction)
painua :: to go
painua :: To sink, sag, droop, fall, descend
painuksiin :: droop, drooping (to the drooping state)
painuksissa :: drooping; see also crestfallen
painu vittuun :: fuck off
paise :: abscess
paise :: (pathology, colloquial) bubo
paiserutto :: bubonic plague
paiskata :: To throw violently or forcefully (once); to hurl (once); to cast (once)
paiskautua :: To be thrown
paiskella :: alternative form of paiskoa
paiskia :: ~ töitä: to work hard
paiskia :: to throw or slam something repeatedly
paiskoa :: To throw things around
paistaa :: to show
paistaa [of the sun] :: to shine
paistaa :: to beam
paistaa :: to bake, roast
paistaa :: to braise
paistaa :: to fry
paistaa :: to grill, barbecue
paistaa se päivä risukasaankin :: every dog has its day (literally: the day will shine to a pile of brushwood, too)
paistatella :: To expose (oneself) to the shine of something
paistattaa :: alternative form of paistatella
paistattaa [rare, concretely] :: to let fry or bake
paiste :: the light and often the heat from some source, e.g. shine (as in sunshine, moonshine), glow (as in fireglow)
paistettu :: baked
paistettu :: fried
paisti :: ham, leg (cut of pork)
paisti :: leg (cut of lamb or mutton)
paisti :: roast (any of the above when prepared for food by roasting)
paisti :: round (cut of beef)
paistikas :: A stewed root vegetable, potato etc
paistinpannu :: frying pan (flat vessel used for frying)
paisto :: baking, frying, roasting
paistopelti :: baking tray
paistos :: casserole or other type of baked dish (dish prepared by mixing the ingredients cold and baking them in an oven, often named according to the main ingredient)
paistua :: To bake
paistua :: To cook, fry
paistua :: To stew (to suffer under uncomfortably hot conditions)
paisua :: To bilge or to bulge (swell)
paisua :: To expand (to increase in volume or scope)
paisua :: To mushroom (to grow quickly to a large size)
paisua :: To swell (to become bigger, especially due to engorging)
paisuksiin :: Used to indicate that something becomes or has become swollen
paisuksissa :: swollen
paisutella :: To fill, lengthen, pad
paisuttaa :: to inflate, swell
paisuvainen :: corpus cavernosum (cylindrical column of erectile tissue that forms the clitoris and the penis)
paisuvaiskudos :: erectile tissue
paita :: shirt
paitahihasillaan :: in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket)
paitapusero :: A blouse (female garment)
paitsi :: except
paitsi :: jäädä paitsi: to miss out on something
paitsi :: sitä paitsi: besides, in addition
paitsio :: limbo (in-between place, state or condition of neglect or oblivion which results in an unresolved status, delay or deadlock)
paitsio :: offside (situation in various ballgames, where a player has advanced further ahead of the ball than the rules of the game would allow. Exact definition varies by game)
paja :: workplace
paja :: smithy, forge
paja :: workshop
pajari :: boyar (rank of aristocracy in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania)
pajatso :: A payazzo, a traditional Finnish arcade game
pajattaa :: to patter
paju :: willow
pajukko :: willow thicket
pajukoitua :: To become covered with willows
pajulintu :: A willow warbler, (Phylloscopus trochilus)
pajunkissa :: A furry catkin of a willow
pajunvitsamurtuma :: greenstick fracture
pajupilli :: willow flute, willow whistle, sallow flute (whistle made of a twig of a willow)
pajuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnamomeoluteus
pakahduttaa :: to cause to break or burst
pakahtua :: to burst
pakana :: pagan, heathen
pakanallinen :: pagan, heathen
pakanuus :: paganism
pakara :: buttock
pakaralihas :: gluteus maximus
pakaravako :: gluteal cleft
pakari :: bakery
pakastaa [of weather] :: To freeze, get colder (to drop below zero °C)
pakastaa :: To freeze to a low (around –20 °C) for long-term storage
pakaste :: frozen food
pakastekala :: frozen fish
pakastekuivattaa :: to freeze-dry
pakastelokero :: icebox [UK], freezer (section of a refrigerator)
pakastevihannes :: frozen vegetable (especially ones that are sold in bags)
pakastin :: freezer
pakastinkaappi :: A refrigerator-style freezer with a door on the side, as opposed to chest freezer which has a lid on top
pakastinlokero :: alternative form of pakastelokero
pakastua :: To become frozen
pakastusrasia :: A small, usually plastic container designed for freezing food in
pakata :: To zip, compress
pakata :: Same as pakittaa
pakata :: To pack, package or wrap [to protect goods for shipment or for sale]
pakata :: To pack [to gather one's belongings together and put them into a pack for a trip]
pakeneminen :: escape, escaping, flight, fleeing (act)
pakenija :: escapee (one who escapes)
pakertaa :: To work hard
paketoida :: To pack, bundle, wrap up
paketointi :: packaging
paketti :: A package
paketti :: A parcel
paketti [networking] :: packet
pakettiauto :: delivery van (van designed for transporting goods)
pakettidata :: packet data
pakettikytkentä :: packet switching
pakettiloma :: package holiday
pakina :: A causerie
pakinoitsija :: One who writes causeries
pakista :: To chat
Pakistan :: Pakistan
pakistanilainen :: Pakistani
pakistanilainen :: A Pakistani
pakittaa [colloquial, esp. of a vehicle] :: To move backward, to back
pakittaa [nautical, of a sail] :: To be aback
pakka :: bolt (large roll of fabric or similar material)
pakka :: bundle
pakka :: chuck (e.g. of a lathe)
pakka :: deck (deck of cards)
pakka :: forecastle
pakka :: roll
pakkaamaton :: unpacked
pakkaantua :: to become packed, crowded
pakkailla :: To pack
pakkanen :: In the adessive case, financially "in the red"
pakkanen :: Frost, as sub-zero temperature of ambient air
pakkasenpurema :: frostbite
pakkaus :: package
pakkauskaasu :: packaging gas
pakkausmateriaali :: packaging (the materials used to pack something)
pakkeli :: makeup, especially when used in excess
pakkeli :: spackle, putty, filler
pakki :: A short form of työkalupakki, which is a box designed to serve as a portable tool storage, a tool box
pakki :: A defending player in various ballgames; a defenceman; a defender
pakki [colloquial, rare] :: The head of a person
pakki :: Reverse, in the sense of reverse gear
pakki :: The event of getting rejected, especially by the opposite sex when approaching her/him. Normally used in plural, pakit
pakki :: mess kit, A metal container belonging to a soldier's field equipment. The container serves as a cooking vessel and the top doubles as a cup
pakki :: If a sailing vessel or any of its sails is in such position relative to the wind that the wind blows from the wrong side of a sail, the sail is said to be pakilla (adessive case of the noun pakki)
pakko :: As a specifier in a compound term used to express compulsion or influence of an external force
pakko :: Used alone, can be translated as obligation, force, necessity or compulsion
pakko :: Used most often in the expression olla pakko ( + first infinitive of the verb), which can be translated into English as must, have to, be obliged to, be forced to, be compelled to. The one who is compelled is put in the genitive case (grammatically, pakko is the subject of the sentence) and the verb is always in the third-person singular (present on, past oli, present perfect on ollut, past perfect oli ollut)
pakkoajatus :: obsession
pakkoavioliitto :: forced marriage
pakkohoito :: involuntary treatment
pakkokeino :: In plural (pakkokeinot), compulsion (lawful use of violence)
pakkokeino :: coercion (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person)
pakkolomauttaa :: variant of lomauttaa
pakkolunastaa :: to expropriate; condemn [US] (to seize a citizen's private property for public use with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent)
pakkolunastus :: eminent domain [US, Philippines], compulsory purchase [UK, NZ, Ireland], resumption [Hong Kong], resumption/compulsory acquisition [Australia], expropriation [S.Afr., Canada] (process of taking private property for public use by paying a compensation but against the will of the owner)
pakkoluovuttaa :: to surrender property in an expropriation
pakkomielle :: An obsession
pakkomielteinen :: obsessive, obsessional, compulsive
pakko-oireinen häiriö :: obsessive-compulsive disorder
pakkopaita :: A straitjacket
pakkoruotsi [education, pejorative] :: The obligatory Swedish language taught in Finnish schools
pakkosyöttää :: To force-feed
pakkotyö :: forced labor
pakkovoitto :: must-win game
paklata :: to spackle (to fill with a spackle or other similar filler)
pako :: escape
pako :: flight
pako :: hole, tear (in a fishing net, sock etc.)
pako :: ladder (in stocking)
pakoilla [of a fugitive] :: To flee, keep in hiding (for a longer time)
pakokaasu :: exhaust, exhaust gas (gas emitted from an internal combustion engine as result of combusting fuels)
pakokaasujärjestelmä :: exhaust system
pakokauhu :: panic
pakolainen :: refugee
pakolaisjärjestö :: refugee organization
pakolaisleiri :: refugee camp
pakollinen :: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory
pakollistaa :: To make compulsory, obligatory, mandatory
pakonomainen :: compulsive (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious, as if compelled by external force)
pakonopeus :: escape velocity
pakopiste :: A vanishing point (point in a perspective drawing)
pakoputki :: exhaust pipe
pakoputkisto :: exhaust system
pakosalle :: fleeing, escaping, into exile
pakote :: sanction
pakotie :: escape route
pakottaa :: to force, compel, coerce, make to do something
pakottaminen :: coercion, forcing, compulsion (act or process of coercing, forcing, compelling)
pakottaminen seksuaaliseen tekoon [law] :: indecent assault, sexual assault (unwanted sexual contact with another person that does not result in, or is not considered to be, rape)
pakottautua :: To force oneself
pakottava :: compelling
pakottava :: compulsive
pakottava :: compulsory
pakoventtiili :: exhaust valve
paksu :: bold
paksu :: pregnant
paksu :: thick
paksuhko :: Quite thick
paksujalka :: thick-knee, stone curlew, dikkop (birds of the family Burhinidae)
paksulti :: thickly; as a thick layer
paksunahkainen :: Having a thick skin
paksunahkainen :: [metaphorically] Thick-skinned
paksunsuolen tulehdus :: A colitis
paksuntaa :: To bold
paksuntaa :: To fatten
paksuntaa :: To thicken
paksuntua :: to fatten (to become fatter)
paksuntua :: to thicken (to become thicker)
paksusti :: voida paksusti: to be pregnant
paksusti :: [of a typeface] boldly
paksusti :: [of liquid] densely
paksusti :: thickly
paksusuoli :: large intestine
paksusuoliavanne :: A colostomy (opening)
paksuta :: alternative form of paksuntua
paksuuntua :: alternative form of paksuntua
paksuus :: thickness
pakti :: pact
pakurikääpä :: chaga mushroom, tinder mushroom, Inonotus obliquus
pala :: block
pala :: lump, chunk
pala :: piece, bit
pala :: tablet, bar
palaa :: To smoke, used when offering a cigarette
palaa [e.g. of a lamp] :: To shine, emit light
palaa :: To burn
palaaja [Muslim usage] :: revert; usually with attribute: islamiin palaaja (convert to Islam)
palaaja :: revert (one who, or that which, reverts)
palaa karrelle :: To scorch, to become charred
palaa loppuun :: to burn out
paladiini :: paladin
palailla :: To return, come back, a little by little or slowly
pala kurkussa :: frog in one's throat
palamaton :: nonflammable
palamaton :: unburned
palaminen :: burning
palaminen :: combustion
Palander :: Finnish surname
palanen :: A small piece of almost anything
palanen :: diminutive form of pala
palankiini :: palanquin
palanut :: out
palanut :: burned down
palanut :: burned, scorched
pala palalta :: bit by bit, little by little, gradually (in small quantities)
palapeli :: jigsaw puzzle
palata :: to return, come back
palata :: ~ pian - to be right back
palataalinen :: palatal
palatalisaatio :: palatalization
palatalisointi :: palatalization
palatsi :: palace
palau :: Palauan (language)
Palau :: Palau
palaulainen :: Palauan
palaute :: feedback
palauttaa :: To return, restore, revert
palauttaa mieleensä :: to recollect
palauttamaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, palauttaa, c=ill] ::
palautua :: To recover, revert
palautus :: refund (An amount of money returned)
palautus :: return (item that is returned)
palautus :: return (the act of returning something)
palautuskaava :: reduction formula
palautuspäivä :: due date (date by which a book borrowed from a library must be returned)
palava :: burning
palava :: flammable, inflammable (capable of burning)
palavakivi :: oil shale
palavarakkaus :: Maltese cross, burning love (flowering plant Lychnis chalcedonica)
palaveri :: A meeting
palella :: To be freezing
palella :: to feel cold
palelluttaa :: to freeze
paleltaa :: To feel cold
paleltua :: To be freezing
paleltua :: To get frostbitten
paleltuma :: frostbite (injury caused by exposure to cold)
paleltuneempi :: comparative form of paleltunut
paleltunein :: superlative form of paleltunut
paleltunut :: frostbitten
palentua :: To be freezing
palentua :: To get frostbitten
paleo- :: paleo-
paleoantropologia :: paleoanthropology
paleoarkeeinen :: Paleoarchean
paleogeenikausi :: Paleogene, Paleogene period
paleogeenikautinen :: Paleogene (of or pertaining to the Paleogene period)
paleografia :: paleography
paleografinen :: paleographic
paleoklimatologia :: paleoclimatology
paleoliittinen :: Paleolithic (of or referring to the Old Stone Age)
paleomaantiede :: paleogeography
paleomagnetismi :: paleomagnetism
paleontologi :: paleontologist
paleontologia :: paleontology
paleontologinen :: paleontological
paleoproterotsooinen :: Paleoproterozoic
paleoseeni :: The Paleocene
paleoseenikausi :: The Paleocene
paleotsooinen :: Paleozoic
Palestiina :: Palestine
palestiinalainen :: Palestinian
palestiinalainen :: A Palestinian
paletti :: palette
palettiveitsi :: palette knife
palho :: filament (stalk of a stamen)
palikka :: block
palikka :: brick
palikka :: dongle used for copy protection
palimpsesti :: palimpsest
palindromi :: palindrome
paliskunta :: A cooperative of reindeer herdsmen administering a defined herding area
paljaampi :: comparative form of paljas
paljakka :: The tundra-like treeless top of a fell
paljakkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula nana
paljakkarousku :: A milk-cap (Lactarius pseudouvidus)
paljakkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtorvus
paljas :: bare
paljas :: barren
paljas :: clear, blank
paljas :: naked, unaided, unprotected
paljas :: naked, unclothed
paljashäntävyötiäinen :: naked-tailed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Cabassous)
paljasjalkainen :: barefoot, barefooted
paljasjalkainen :: born and bred
paljaspäinen :: bareheaded
paljassiemeninen :: gymnospermous
paljassiemeninen :: gymnosperm
paljassiemeninen :: (botany, in plural) Gymnospermae
paljastaa :: to detect; eg. of a lie
paljastaa :: to reveal, disclose, expose, unfold, unveil, give away
paljastaja :: exposer (one who exposes)
paljastava :: telltale, revealing
paljastin :: A detector (device that detects something hidden, such as lies or a radar)
paljastua :: To become exposed or revealed, to dawn, to uncover, to come into daylight
paljastus :: An anecdote (previously untold, secret account of an incident)
paljastus :: An unveiling (ceremony for the first public showing of something, especially a statue)
paljastus :: A revelation, a disclosure, an exposure (act of revealing)
palje :: [often plural palkeet] bellows
paljetti :: sequin (sparkling spangle used for the decoration of ornate clothing)
paljo :: voluminous, much, plenty
paljolti :: largely (for the most part; mainly or chiefly)
paljon :: a lot, plenty, much
paljonko :: how much?
paljonko kello on :: what time is it, what's the time?
paljon melua tyhjästä :: much ado about nothing
paljous :: quantity, volume, mass, multitude (considerable measure or amount)
palju :: an old fashioned bathing tub, typically wooden
palkallinen :: salaried, paid (being paid a salary or wage)
palkankorotus :: A pay raise (US), pay rise (UK), a raise (US) or rise (UK) (increase in wages or salary)
palkanlaskenta :: calculation of salaries and wages, payroll calculation
palkanlaskenta :: payroll (department)
palkansaaja :: employee
palkansaaja :: wage earner
palkansaajajärjestö :: trade union
palkata :: to hire, employ
palkinto :: prize, award
palkintolautakunta :: jury
palkintopalli :: podium (result amongst the best three)
palkintopalli :: podium (steepled platform, standing on which the medalists in a sports event receive their medals and/or other trophies)
palkita :: To award
palkita :: To reward
palkitseva :: rewarding
palkittaa :: to beam (to furnish with beams)
palkittain :: bendwise
palkka :: wage, salary
palkkaaminen :: hiring (act)
palkkakilpailu :: wage competition
palkkalista :: payroll (list of employees who receive salary or wages from a particular organization)
palkkaluokka :: pay grade
palkkamenot :: labor costs
palkkamurhaaja :: contract killer, hitman, hatchet man
palkkaorja :: wage slave
palkkapussi :: pay packet
palkkaratkaisu :: Alternative term for tulopoliittinen sopimus ("income policy agreement"); see usage notes under tulopolitiikka#Usage notes for explanation of central income policy terminology
palkkaratkaisu :: More narrowly, the part of above which concerns wages; wages agreement, agreement on wages
palkkasotilas :: mercenary
palkkasoturi :: A mercenary
palkkatodistus :: salary certificate
palkkaus :: hiring (act of hiring a new employee)
palkkaus :: salary, when discussed on general or system level
palkki :: A beam (long piece of timber, metal or concrete used in construction as horizontal support)
palkki :: A horizontal bar on top or bottom of a newspaper page or article, television screen etc
palkki :: A bend (strip from dexter chief (upper right corner) to sinister base of the shield). A strip from sinister chief to dexter base is called vastapalkki
palkki :: A beam (horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value)
palkkio :: fee, honorarium
palkkio :: reward, bounty
palkkiomatriisi [game theory] :: reward matrix
palkkionmetsästäjä :: bounty hunter
palko :: pod, legume
palladium :: palladium
pallas :: halibut
palle :: A doubled-back rim of anything, especially sheet metal
palle :: A groove along a board, such as the dado of a tongue and groove board
palle :: A hem (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together)
palle :: A hem (rim or margin)
palle :: bilge (rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides)
pallea :: The thoracic diaphragm
palleatyrä :: hernia diaphragmatica, diaphragmatic hernia
pallero :: bolus, ball (round mass of anything)
palli :: stool (seat)
palli :: in plural, balls (testicles)
pallo :: ball
pallo :: orb, sphere, globe
palloaberraatio :: spherical aberration
pallobakteeri :: coccus
pallohiiri :: A trackball
palloilija :: ball player, especially a footballer
palloilla :: to play a ball game (soccer etc.)
palloilla :: to hang out
pallokala :: pufferfish (any fish in the family Tetraodontidae)
pallokas :: spinnaker
pallokivi :: orbicular granite
pallolaajennus :: balloon angioplasty
pallomaha :: potbelly (stomach)
pallomainen :: spherical (shaped like a sphere)
pallomainen tähtijoukko :: globular cluster
pallomeri :: A ball pit
pallonivel :: ball and socket joint, enarthrosis, spheroidal joint
pallonpuolisko :: A hemisphere as an object, as opposed to shape; also puolipallo
pallonpuolisko :: A hemisphere of the Earth or other celestial body
pallopeli :: ball game (game played with a ball)
pallopinta :: spherical surface
pallopoikkeama :: spherical aberration
pallopurje :: balloon sail
pallorauta :: melon baller (small kitchen tool used to cut round sections of melons and other soft fruits)
pallosalama :: A ball lightning
pallotrigonometria :: spherical trigonometry
pallottaa [games] :: to throw a ball at another player aiming to touch that person (not to serve, nor hurt), used in some children's playful games
pallovyötiäinen :: southern three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes matacus
pallovyötiäinen :: three-banded armadillo (armadillo of the genus Tolypeutes)
pallukka :: A round object
palmikko :: A plait
palmikoida :: To plait
palmitiinihappo :: palmitic acid
palmu :: A palm (tree)
palmuöljy :: palm oil
palmupuu :: palm (tropical tree)
palmurosvo :: palm thief (Birgus latro)
palmusunnuntai :: The Palm Sunday
palo :: ardor (great warmth of feeling)
palo [baseball, pesäpallo] :: out
palo [cricket] :: dismissal
palo :: fire (event of something burning, an occurrence of fire)
Palo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Palo :: Finnish surname
paloa :: To divide into pieces
paloasema :: fire station (building for fire fighters)
paloauto :: A fire engine or fire truck
palohaava :: burn (injury)
palohälytin :: A fire alarm (device)
palohälytys :: A fire alarm (warning made of a fire)
paloilmoitin :: fire alarm
paloitella :: to cut up
paloitella :: to dismember
paloitella :: to divide into pieces
paloittain :: piecewise
paloitteluveitsi :: A chopper [knife for chopping food]
palokärki :: black woodpecker; Dryocopus martius
palokärki :: the genus Dryocopus
palokunta :: A fire department, fire brigade
palolaitos :: fire department
paloletku :: A fire hose
palomies :: A fireman, firefighter (person who is skilled in the work of fighting fire)
palomuuri :: firewall (both in construction and computing)
palo-ovi :: fire door
palopaikka :: scene of fire, burning place
palopesäke :: fire pocket
palopäällikkö :: fire chief, fire marshal
palopommi :: firebomb, incendiary bomb, incendiary (bomb specially designed to cause fires)
paloposti :: fire hydrant
palopuhe :: rant, tirade, diatribe, harangue (oral exposition, where emotionality supersedes rationality)
palopuhuja :: firebrand (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary)
palorakko :: A blister caused by burning
palorakkula :: A blister caused by burning
palorypälehappo :: pyruvic acid
palosirkka :: rattle grasshopper (Psophus stridulus)
palosotilas :: fireman
palosuojata :: to protect from fire
palovaara :: risk of fire
palovahinko :: fire damage
palovakuuttaa :: to take a fire insurance policy
palovakuutus :: fire insurance
palovamma :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals)
palovaroitin :: A fire alarm [device]
paloviina :: spirit, liquor (distilled alcoholic beverage)
palpaatio :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)
palpakko :: bur-reed (plant of the genus Sparganium)
palpeerata [medicine, dated] :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure)
palpitaatio :: palpitation
palpoida :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure)
palpointi :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)
palsa :: A long overcoat
palsa [geomorphology] :: palsa
palsami :: balsam, balm (any aromatic or fragrant ointment)
palsami :: balsam, balm (any of various aromatic resins exuded from certain plants, especially trees of the genus Commiphora of Africa, Arabia and India and Myroxylon of South America)
palsami :: balsam, balm (figurative: anything that heals or soothes)
palsami :: balsam, impatiens, touch-me-not; jewelweed [US] (any of several flowering plants belonging to the genus Impatiens, especially Impatiens balsamina
palsamikuusi [botany, dated] :: A balsam fir (North American species of fir tree Abies balsamea)
palsamoida :: To embalm
palsamoija :: embalmer (one who embalms)
palsamoiminen :: An embalmer (one who embalms)
palsamointi :: embalming (act, process)
palsamoitu :: embalmed (having been embalmed)
palsta :: column (vertically split text on a page)
palsta :: lot, plot, parcel of land
palsta :: newspaper column
palstamillimetri :: One millimeter of a printed column; a measure of space allocated for an article or advertisement on a newspaper. English speaking world uses column inch and column centimeter for the same purpose
palsternakka :: parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
paltata :: To hem (to put hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something)
palte :: alternative form of palle
palterohapero :: The flirt or bare-toothed russula, Russula vesca
palttaa :: To hem (to put a hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something)
palttiarallaa :: approximately, about
palttina :: linen
palttoo :: A long overcoat
paluu :: comeback (return to fame, popularity etc.)
paluu :: return
paluulippu :: return ticket
paluumuuttaja :: An ex-pat who is returning home to live in their birth country
paluuvirtaus :: return flow (any returning flow of a fluid)
paluuvirtaus :: rip current (particularly strong return flow of water from breaking waves, away from the shore, caused by underwater topology, which at some places concentrates the returning water into a powerful current)
paluuvirtaus :: undertow (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore)
palvata :: to cure (to preserve meat by roasting it slowly)
palvaus :: curing (food preservation)
palvelija :: servant
palvelijatar :: maidservant, maid (female servant)
palvelin :: server
palvella :: To serve
palvelu :: service
palveluala :: service industry
palvelukeskus :: service center (centralized organisation that produces a service or services)
palvelunestohyökkäys :: denial-of-service attack, DoS attack
palveluntarjoaja :: service provider
palvelupiste :: service point
palvelus :: favor
palvelus :: service (event of providing a service)
palvelus :: service (state of being subordinate to someone)
palvelusaika :: period of service
palvelusektori :: service industry
palveluskoira :: service dog
palvelustyttö :: maid (female servant)
palvelut :: services, facilities, amenities
palvelutalo :: sheltered home, sheltered accommodation, assisted living building
palvelutaso :: service level (measure of the performance of a service provider)
palvelutasosopimus :: service level agreement
palvi :: meat cured slowly in mild heat, often also smoked
palvi :: Tissue grown on a scar of tree
palvoa :: To love ardently
palvoa :: To worship a deity
palvoja :: A worshipper (one who worships)
palvonta :: worship
palvontamenot :: A worship (religious ceremony, especially a non-Christian one)
pam :: bam! bang!
pamahdella :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
pamahdus :: alternative form of pamaus
pamahtaa :: to bang, slam, crash, pop
pamahtaa :: to explode, go bang/blow
pamaus :: boom, bang
pamaus :: report (sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion)
pamautella :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
pamauttaa :: to bang, boom (to make or cause a banging sound, once)
pamfletti :: pamphlet
pampa :: pampa
pampattaa :: to throb
pampavyötiäinen :: big hairy armadillo, large hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus
pamppailla :: to throb, beat
pamppu :: baton, nightstick (short stout club used primarily by policemen)
pamppu :: bigwig (person of consequence)
pamppu :: turnkey (warder, prison officer)
pampula :: bobble
pamputtaa :: to baton, to strike with a nightstick
pan- :: pan-
Panama :: Panama
panamahattu :: Panama hat
Panaman kanava :: Panama Canal
panamanpuumuura :: western slaty antshrike
panamerikkalainen :: Pan-American (covering or representing all of the Americas)
panda :: panda
pandakarhu :: panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
pandeismi :: pandeism
pandemia :: A pandemic
Pandora :: Pandora
Pandoran lipas :: Pandora's box
paneeli :: panel (group of people)
paneeli :: panel (rectangular section of surface)
paneelikeskustelu :: panel discussion
paneerata :: Same as leivittää
panelisti :: panelist
paneloida :: To panel
panenteismi :: panentheism
paneroida :: To bread
paneskella [vulgar, usually intransitive] :: To have several sessions of sexual intercourse with one or more people (when that action is considered negative)
panetella :: To slander, vilify, smear, defame
panettaa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to be horny, to crave sex (literally "to cause to fuck")
panettaa :: To have something put/set/place by someone (= adessive) (somewhere)
panettelu :: aspersion
paneutua :: To delve into, take up, go into (an issue, a question; by studying or pondering it closely); to familiarize oneself with (an issue, a question)
pangasius :: pangasius (pangasius fish as food)
pangrammi :: pangram
panhuilu :: pan pipes, panpipes, pan-pipes
paniikki :: panic
paniikkihäiriö :: panic disorder
paniikkikohtaus :: panic attack
panikoida :: To panic
panimo :: brewery
pankinjohtaja :: bank manager
pankkaluu :: An epipubic bone
pankki :: bank
pankkiaika :: bank opening hours
pankkiautomaatti :: An automated teller machine, cash machine, ATM
pankkiautomaattikortti :: ATM card
pankkiiri :: banker
pankkikelpoinen :: bankable (acceptable to a bank)
pankkikortti :: bankcard, bank card
pankkikriisi :: banking crisis
pankkilaina :: bank loan
pankkipalvelu :: banking service (service typically provided by a bank)
pankkirosvo :: bank robber
pankkiryöstö :: bank robbery
pankkiryöstäjä :: bank robber
pankkisiirto :: giro
pankkitakaus :: bank guarantee, banker's guarantee (guarantee issued by a bank)
pankkitili :: bank account
pankration :: pankration
panna :: ban (law; clerical)
panna :: To deposit [money]
panna :: To put, set, place
panna :: To brew [beer]
panna [vulgar, + partitive] :: To fuck, shag
panna jalalla koreasti :: to dance
panna kiven sisään :: to immure, imprison, jail
panna liikettä niveliin :: To get one's ass in gear
panna merkille :: to remark, notice, take note of
panna muistiin :: to take notes
panna paksuksi :: To make somebody pregnant
panna pystyyn :: to arrange, put up, improvise
panna pystyyn :: to put something into upright position, erect
panna rautoihin :: to iron (to shackle with irons)
pannari :: pancake
panna töpinäksi :: to step on it, to make haste, to get a move on
panna tuulemaan :: to get into action, get going (strong) (to begin or commence with determination and energy)
pannoittaa :: to collar an animal
pannu :: pan, pot
pannuhuone :: boiler room
pannukakku :: A thick (~ 1 cm) pancake baked in oven, eaten as dessert with whipped cream and jam
pannukakku :: failure, fiasco
pannunalunen :: pot coaster, trivet (object placed under a hot dish to protect the table)
pannunalus :: alternative form of pannunalunen
pano :: A deposit (of money into a bank account)
pano :: Putting, setup, making (later two are only used in special cases)
pano :: A lay, a fuck, a session of sexual intercourse
panokone :: fucking machine, sex machine (machine used to produce sexual pleasure)
panokone :: sex machine (person with considerable sexual prowess)
panomies :: pussyman
panoraama :: panorama
panoroida :: To pan
panos :: contribution, investment, input
panos [gambling, economics] :: stake
panos [weaponry] :: cartridge, pellet
panos [weaponry, construction, demolition, mining] :: load (usually including a detonator)
panostaa :: + illative: to invest in something (to spend money, time, or energy into something)
panostaa :: + illative: to put effort on or into something
panostaa :: to load (to fill with munition or raw material)
panostus :: investment (money, time or energy invested in something)
panostus :: loading (the act of filling with munition or raw material)
panpsykismi :: panpsychism
panpsykistinen :: panpsychistic (relating to panpsychism)
panslavismi :: Pan-Slavism
panslavisti :: Pan-Slavist
panslavistinen :: Pan-Slavistic
panssari :: armor, armour, armouring (for body or vehicle protection)
panssari :: carapace (hard protective covering of bone or chitin)
panssariajoneuvo :: armored vehicle
panssarikauhu :: Panzerschrek (German portable anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)
panssarimies :: tanker, trooper, crewman, armoured soldier, armored soldier; zipperhead [Canadian] (member of tank crew)
panssarintorjunta :: antitank warfare
panssarintorjunta :: As modifier in compound terms (panssarintorjunta-), antitank
panssarintorjuntakivääri :: anti-tank rifle
panssarintorjuntaohjus :: An anti-tank missile
panssarintorjuntavaunu :: tank destroyer
panssarinyrkki :: Panzerfaust (German portable, single-shot anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)
panssarivaunu :: A tank
panssarivaunumies :: alternative term for panssarimies
panssaroida :: To cover with armour/armor
panssaroitu :: armored (equipped with armor)
panta :: A choker (jewelry)
panta :: A collar (device for restraining an animal)
panta :: Any ring that is used as an external support for example around a pole
pantata :: To pledge, pawn (to deposit something as a security)
pantava :: (neutral, non-comparable) "Suitable to be put [somewhere]". For example, suuhunpantava, "Suitable to be put into mouth."
pantava [vulgar, comparable] :: Fuckable, suitable for having sex with
panteismi :: pantheism
panteisti :: A pantheist
panteistinen :: pantheistic
pantheon :: pantheon (the gods of a religion as a group)
pantheon :: pantheon (temple or monument)
pantomiimi :: charades (party game)
pantomiimi :: mime (form of theatre)
pantoteenihappo :: pantothenic acid
pantteri :: leopard (Panthera pardus)
pantterikärpässieni :: panther cap, Amanita pantherina
pantti :: pledge (security to payment)
panttikonttori :: pawn shop
panttilainaamo :: A pawn shop
panttilainakonttori :: pawn shop
panttilainasto :: pawn shop
panttilainaus :: pawnbroking (business of advancing loans againts pledges of personal possessions)
panttilaitos :: pawn shop
panttivanki :: hostage
Panu :: male given name
papaija :: papaya (Carica papaya)
Papa-koe :: Pap test, smear test, cervical smear, Pap smear (gynecological screening test)
papana :: A piece of excrement from a small animal such as a hare
paparazzi :: paparazzi
paperi :: document
paperi :: In the plural paperit: ID
paperi :: paper
paperiarkki :: sheet of paper
paperiavioliitto :: Alternative term for näennäisavioliitto
paperihaava :: paper cut (wound caused by a piece of paper)
paperikarkki :: wrapped candy
paperikko :: Paper-machine
paperikone :: paper machine
paperilennokki :: A paper plane, paper airplane [US], paper aeroplane [UK]
paperiliitin :: A paper clip
paperimassa :: pulp
paperinen :: bookish (characterized by a method of expression generally found in books)
paperinen :: papery (being like paper)
paperinenäliina :: paper napkin, tissue, kleenex
paperiniitti :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around)
paperinpala :: piece of paper
paperintuotanto :: paper production
paperinukke :: paper doll
paperinvalmistus :: papermaking (craft of making paper)
paperipaino :: paperweight
paperipiikki :: spindle (upright spike for holding papers)
paperiraha :: paper money
paperisota :: red tape
paperitehdas :: A paper mill
paperiteollisuus :: paper industry
paperitiikeri :: paper tiger
paperiton :: paper-free, paperless
paperityö :: paperwork
paperivene :: greater argonaut (Argonauta argo)
paperivene :: paper boat (origami item)
paperoida :: To paper (to apply paper to)
papiljotti :: hair roller
papilla :: alternative form of papilli
papilli :: papilla
papillinen :: clerical, pastoral, ministerial
papillisesti :: clerically, pastorally, ministerially
papillisuus :: The quality of behaving clerically, pastorally or ministerially
papillooma :: papilloma
papinkaulus :: clerical collar
papintappaja :: A beetle, Callidium violaceum
papisto :: The clergy
papitar :: A priestess
pappa :: grandpa, grandfather
pappeus :: Priesthood (role or office of a priest)
pappi :: priest
pappila :: rectory, vicarage; manse [Scots] (residence of a priest)
pappismies :: clergyman
pappissääty :: clerical estate of the realm
pappisvalta :: theocracy
paprika :: paprika (spice made of dried, ground fruit of the milder varieties of Capsicum annuum)
paprika :: pepper, bell pepper, sweet pepper (the fruit of a sweet variety of Capsicum annuum, used as vegetable)
papru :: paper
papu :: bean (edible seed or pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae)
papu :: bean (similar seed of some other plants, e.g. coffee)
papu :: common bean (plant Phaseolus vulgaris; short for tarhapapu)
papu :: muscle, especially the biceps
papuannauraja :: rufous-bellied kookaburra (Dacelo gaudichaud)
Papua-Uusi-Guinea :: Papua New Guinea
papuauusiguinealainen :: Papuan
papuauusiguinealainen :: Papua New Guinean
papukaija :: parrot (kind of bird)
papukaijapeippo :: Maui parrotbill, Pseudonestor xanthophrys
papupata :: very talkative person, bigmouth
papyrologi :: papyrologist
papyrologia :: papyrology
papyrus :: papyrus (material and document)
papyruskaisla :: papyrus (plant in sedge family)
para [witchcraft] :: A being created to bring milk or butter to its creator
paraabeli :: parabola
paraabeli :: parable
paraati :: parade
parabolinen :: parabolic
paraboloidi :: paraboloid
paradigma :: paradigm (model or example)
paradoksaalinen :: paradoxical
paradoksaalisesti :: paradoxically
paradoksaalisuus :: paradoxicalness
paradoksi :: paradox
paradoksinen :: paradoxical
parafiini :: paraffin [paraffin wax]
parafilia :: paraphilia
parafinoida :: To treat with paraffin
parafoida :: To initial a document, and thereby confirm it
parafyleettinen :: paraphyletic
paragrafi :: paragraph, article or section (of a contract or other legal document)
Paraguay :: Paraguay
paraguaynvyötiäinen :: Chacoan naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous chacoensis)
parahiksi :: barely, just enough
parahiksi :: just in time
parahin :: superlative form of hyvä
parahtaa :: to cry out
paraikaa :: alternative form of parastaikaa
parakieli :: paralanguage (non-verbal elements of speech)
parakki :: barracks
paraldehydi :: paraldehyde
parallaksi :: parallax
paralympialaiset :: Paralympics, Paralympic Games
parametri :: parameter
parametrinen :: parametric
parametrisointi :: parametrization
paraneminen :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment
parane pian :: get well soon
parannella :: To improve, incrementally, in small steps
parannella :: To revamp, polish
parannus :: improvement, enchantment, betterment
paranoidi :: paranoid
paranoidinen :: paranoid
paranooikko :: A paranoid person
paranooinen :: paranoid
paranormaali :: paranormal
parantaa :: to heal, cure
parantaa :: to improve, better
parantaja :: healer
parantaminen :: act of healing or curing
parantaminen :: improvement (act of improving)
parantava :: healing, curative
parantava :: vulnerary (useful for healing wounds; in modern use primarily resricted to traditional medicine)
parantola :: sanitarium
parantua :: To heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate
parantua :: To improve, get better
parantumaton :: dyed-in-the-wool
parantumaton :: incorrigible
parantumaton :: incurable, not healed
parantuminen :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment
parapähkinä :: brazil nut
parapsykologi :: parapsychologist
parapsykologia :: parapsychology
parapsykologinen :: parapsychological
pararosaniliini :: pararosaniline
paras :: superlative form of hyvä
parasetamoli :: acetaminophen, paracetamol
parasiitti :: parasite
parasitismi :: parasitism
parasitologia :: parasitology
parast'aikaa :: dated form of parastaikaa
parastaikaa :: right now, currently
parata [rare, medicine] :: To heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate
parata :: To improve, get better
parataksi :: parataxis
paratiisi :: paradise
paratiisikaija :: paradise parrot, Psephotus pulcherrimus
paratiisilintu :: bird of paradise
Paratiisilintu :: The constellation Apus, the Bird of Paradise
paratiisimainen :: Resembling a paradise
parationi :: parathion
pareittain :: By pairs
paremiologia :: paremiology (study of proverbs)
paremmin :: better (comparative form of well: more well)
paremmuus :: superiority
parempi :: comparative form of hyvä
parempi katsoa kuin katua :: better safe than sorry
parempi katsoa kuin katua :: haste makes waste
parempi katsoa kuin katua :: look before you leap
parempi laiha sopu kuin lihava riita :: It's often wiser to conclude an agreement that reasonably serves one's interests than to continue quarreling
parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan :: better late than never (same meaning)
parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (literally, better a hazel grouse in the hand than ten on the branch)
parfait :: parfait
parfee :: parfait
parfymeria :: perfumery
parfymisti :: perfumer (person who creates or makes perfumes)
parfymoida :: To perfume
parfyymi :: perfume
pargasiitti :: pargasite
parhaansa mukaan :: as best one can
parhaiksi :: alternative form of parahiksi
parhaillaan :: currently, at the moment, at present
parhaimmillaan :: at best
parhaimmisto :: elite (group with higher status)
parhain :: superlative form of hyvä
parhain terveisin :: best regards (used as a polite closing of a letter)
parhaiten :: superlative form of hyvin
pari :: A couple of
pari :: battery cell
pari :: couple, pair
parietaalilohko :: parietal lobe
pariin :: to
Pariisi :: Paris, the capital of France
pariisilainen :: Parisian
pariisilainen :: A Parisian, both male and female
pariisilainen :: A Parisienne
pariisitar :: A Parisienne
parijono :: crocodile (line or procession of people)
pari kertaa :: once or twice (a small, indefinite number of times)
pari kolme :: a couple of, two or three (indicates a small but unsure number, certainly more than one and very likely less than five)
parikymmentä :: about twenty
parikymppinen :: around twenty years old (about twenty years old)
parillinen :: even (divisible by two)
pariloida :: to roast, grill, broil
pariloitu :: grilled
pariääntiö :: diphthong
parinvaihto :: swinging (sexual practice)
parisataa :: a couple hundred
parisen :: about two, a couple
pariskunta :: A couple
parisänky :: double bed (bed designed for two adults)
parissa :: among, amongst
paristo :: Not rechargeable battery
parisuhde :: intimate relationship
paritalo :: semi, semi-detached house
pariteetti :: parity
paritella :: To copulate
pariton :: odd (not divisible by two)
parittaa :: to pair (to form wireless connection)
parittaa :: to pander, pimp (to offer illicit sex with a third party)
parittaja :: A pimp, panderer
parittelu :: copulation, mating
paritteluaika :: mating time
paritus :: pairing, matching
paritus :: pandering, pimping (offer for illicit sex with a third party)
parivaljakko [comedy] :: double act, comedy duo
parivaljakko :: two friends that spend a lot of time together
parivaljakko :: span (pair of horses or other animals driven together)
parivuode :: double bed (bed designed for two adults)
parjata :: to disrespect
parka :: parka
parka :: poor, someone pitiful
parkaista :: To cry out, scream, shriek
parkaisu :: A cry, scream
parketoida :: To parquet
parketti :: parquet
Parkinsonin tauti :: Parkinson's disease
parkinta :: tanning
parkita :: To tan (leather)
parkita :: To toughen, harden (sb's character or nature)
parkitsija :: tanner
parkkeerata :: to park a car
parkki :: A bark as a three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged
parkki :: bark, as the exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree
parkki :: tannic, in the compound parkkihappo (tannic acid)
parkki :: Used in everyday language to refer to parking or a vehicle being parked or a place where one can temporarily leave something
parkkihalli :: parking garage
parkkihappo :: tannic acid
parkkipaikka :: A parking lot
parkkipaikka :: A parking space
parkkitalo :: parking garage
parku :: cry (especially of a child)
parkua :: To bawl, blubber, cry loudly
parkuna :: baby's cry
parlamentaarikko :: A parliamentarian (a member of parliament)
parlamentaarinen :: parliamentary
parlamentarismi :: parliamentarism
parlamentti :: parliament
parlamenttivaali :: parliamentary election; normally used in plural, see parlamenttivaalit
parlamenttivaalit :: parliamentary elections
parmanjuusto :: parmesan
parmesaani :: parmesan
parmesaanijuusto :: parmesan
parodia :: parody [expression making fun of something else]
parodinen :: parodic
parodioida :: to parody
parodiointi :: parodying, making parody of
paroni :: baron
paronitar :: baroness
paronyymi :: a paronym
parotiitti :: parotitis (inflammation of one or both parotid glands)
parrakas :: bearded
parranajo :: shave (instance of shaving)
parranajokone :: A safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
parranajokone :: Short of sähköparranajokone (electric razor)
parras :: A brink, verge or edge
parras :: A rail
parras :: When used to express being very close to do something, about
parraton :: beardless (lacking beard)
parraton :: clean-shaven
parru :: beam
parrunpätkä :: A 2-liter, square-bottom, long-necked bottle of liquor which became popular in 1897 when sale of strong alcohol in smaller bottles was banned; probably no exact English equivalent, but handle (1.75 liters, US) comes close
parrunpätkä [lb, fi, non-idiomatic] :: A stump of a wooden beam
parsa :: An asparagus, the edible young shoot of the asparagus plant
parsa :: Any plant of the family Asparagus
parsa :: The asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis
parsakaali :: broccoli
parsek :: parsec
parsi :: beam (long, usually round piece of timber for hanging goods for storage)
parsi :: stall (space for individual animal in a stable in which the animals are tied into a beam)
parsia :: To darn, repair
parsinneula :: darning needle
parsinta :: mending
parta :: beard
partaalla :: on the brink (very nearly, imminent, close)
partageeli :: aftershave (gel used after finishing shaving)
partahöylä :: disposable razor, where the blade and handle are integrated into one unit; also kertakäyttöinen partahöylä
partahöylä :: safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
partahylje :: bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus (Arctic species of seal)
partainen :: bearded
partaisempi :: comparative form of partainen
partakarva :: A whisker (hair of the beard)
partakone :: A safety razor, short of parranajokone (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
partakone :: Short of sähköparranajokone, electric razor
Partanen :: Finnish surname
partarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius citriolens
partaterä :: razorblade
partavaahdoke :: shaving cream
partaveitsi :: A razor (knife)
partavesi :: aftershave (lotion or liquid used after finishing shaving)
partenogeneesi :: parthenogenesis
partenogeneettinen :: parthenogenetic
partia :: parcel
partikkeli :: A particle
partikkeliverbi :: phrasal verb
partio :: patrol
partio :: scouting
partioauto :: A patrol car; refers most often but not necessarily to a police car
partiohuivi :: scout neckerchief, neckerchief
partioida :: To scout (to explore a wide terrain)
partioiden :: genitive plural of partio
partioitten :: genitive plural of partio
partiolainen :: A scout (member of Scouts movement)
partioliike :: The Scouts
partiolippukunta :: scout group (local chapter of Scouts movement)
partisaani :: An partisan (member of an irregular resistance forces)
partisiipin perfekti :: past participle
partisiipin preesens :: present participle
partisiippi :: participle (verb form)
partitiivi :: partitive, partitive case
partitio :: partition
partitioida :: To partition a hard disk
partituuri :: full score, partiture (book showing the music of all instruments and voices in a composition)
partituuri :: score (printing of each instrument's part on a separate stave)
partneri :: partner
partsi :: balcony
parturi :: barber
parturi :: barbershop (place of business of a barber)
parturiliike :: barbershop (place of business of a barber)
parturoida :: To barber
parturoida :: To mow, cut (grass etc.)
parveilla :: To swarm
parveiluitiö :: A zoospore
parveiluitiöpesäke :: A zoosporangium
parveke :: balcony
parveutua :: To form a swarm
parvi :: cluster
parvi :: balcony, loft, gallery
parvi :: cast (group of crabs)
parvi :: flock (group of birds)
parvi :: gam (group of whales)
parvi :: group, cluster
parvi :: kettle (group of flying hawks)
parvi :: muster (group of peafowl)
parvi :: pod (group of marine mammals)
parvi :: school (group of fish or marine mammals such as dolphins or whales)
parvi :: swarm (group of insects)
Parviainen :: Finnish surname
parvorokko :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash)
parvorokko :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general)
parvorokko :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks)
parvovirus :: parvovirus
pas :: I pass!
pasaasi :: arcade
pasaati :: A trade wind
pasaatituuli :: A trade wind
pasaativirta :: An ocean current caused by trade winds
Pascalin kolmio :: Pascal's triangle
paseerailla :: Frequentative form of paseerata (to walk back and forth)
paseerata :: To walk back and forth, as in order to have some activity while waiting for something
paseerata :: To puree or squash by squeezing through a sieve
pasha :: alternative spelling of pašša
pasha :: paskha (traditional Eastern Orthodox dessert, eaten especially in Easter)
Pasi :: male given name
pääasia :: main thing, main issue, central point
pääasiallinen :: main, principal, chief (most important)
pasianssi :: solitaire (card game)
pääasiassa :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part)
pasifismi :: pacifism
pasifisti :: pacifist
pasifistinen :: pacifistic
paska :: Broken (used in essive or translative)
paska :: Of poor quality
paska :: Very bad, shitty, crappy
paska :: Shit!
paska :: bupkis
paska :: bullshit
paska :: shit, crap
paskaduuni :: shitwork, grunt work, bitchwork, McJob (job paying low wages, requiring few skills and having little opportunity for promotion)
paskahalvaus :: losing one's temper
paskahousu :: A cardgame similar to shithead
paskahousu :: shithead (contemptible person)
paskainen :: dirty
paskainen :: shitty
paska juttu :: shit happens
paskamainen :: shitty, unpleasant (person, thing)
paskanmarjat :: dingleberries (original meaning)
paskanmarjat :: bullshit!
paskanpuhuja :: bullshitter
paskantaa :: To shit
paskapää :: shithead
paskapaperi :: asswipe (toilet paper)
paskapuhe :: bullshit
paskat :: shit!
paskattaa [vulgar, monopersonal] :: to need to shit, to have the urge to defecate
paskattaa :: to have somebody (especially a dog) taken to defecate
paskiainen :: bastard, asshole
paskoa [colloquial, vulgar] :: To destroy
paskoa :: To shit
pasma :: A part of skein, consisting of a fixed number of rounds of yarn, normally 60
pasma [figuratively, in plural] :: mental balance, plans
pasmalanka :: A piece of thread used to separate the pasma of a skein from each other
pasmata :: to divide a skein of yarn into pasmas
passa :: alternative spelling of pašša
passata :: to pass (to opt not to make a bid or to play a card)
passata :: to fit in
passata :: to serve
passata :: to suit (to please; to make content)
passata [soccer, volleyball] :: to pass
passauttaa :: to let other people serve oneself
passi :: pace (2-beat, lateral gait of a horse)
passi :: wait
passi :: passport
passi :: set (act of directing the ball to a teammate for an attack)
passiivi :: fourth person
passiivi :: passive voice
passiivinen :: passive
passiivis-aggressiivinen :: passive-aggressive
passiivisesti :: passively
passiivistaa :: To make passive
passiivistua :: to become passive
passio :: passion
passionhedelmä :: passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
passittaa :: to dispatch, send; especially a person to a more or less undesirable location
passivoida :: to make passive
passivoida :: to passivate
passivoitua :: To become passive
pasta :: pasta
pasteerailla :: A frequentative form of pasteerata
pasteerata :: To walk, especially slowly and/or back and forth, with one's back straight and chin up, as if wanting to make an impression to a possible onlooker
pasteija :: pasty
pastilli :: lozenge (small tablet or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat)
pastilli :: pastille (small granular half spheroid piece of material)
pastilli :: pastille (soft flavoured candy)
pastilliaski :: box of lozenges, box of pastilles
pastori :: pastor
pastöroida :: To pasteurize
pastörointi :: pasteurisation
pastöroitu :: pasteurized
pasunisti :: trombonist
pasuri :: white bream (Abramis bjoerkna)
pasuttaa :: to calcine
pasutus :: calcination
pasuuna :: clarion
pasuuna :: trombone
pata :: spade (a card of spades)
pata :: spades (suit in playing cards)
pata :: pot, cauldron (vessel)
pata :: stew, hot pot (dish)
patagoniannandu :: Darwin's rhea, lesser rhea, Pterocnemia pennata (Rhea pennata)
patajätkä :: jack of spades, knave of spades
patakakkonen :: two of spades
patakasi :: eight of spades
pata kattilaa soimaa :: pot calling the kettle black
patakinnas :: oven glove, oven mitt
patakolmonen :: three of spades
patakuningas :: king of spades
patakuningatar :: queen of spades (a playing card)
patakuutonen :: six of spades
patakymppi :: ten of spades
pataljoona :: battalion
patanelonen :: four of spades
patarouva :: queen of spades
patarummut :: timpani, kettledrums (set of precision kettledrums)
patarumpu :: timpanum, kettledrum
pataruoka :: casserole (food)
pataseiska :: seven of spades
pataässä :: ace of spades
patavitonen :: five of spades
pataysi :: nine of spades
patee :: pâté
pateeni :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist)
pateettinen :: melodramatic, pompous; that has pathos
pateettisesti :: pathetically
pateettisuus :: patheticness (state or quality of being pathetic)
patentoida :: To patent
patentoitavuus :: patentability
patentoitu :: patented (protected by a patent)
patentti :: patent
patenttilääke :: patent medicine (any medicine with proprietary formula)
patenttilääke :: cure-all, panacea, nostrum (solution for all problems)
patenttiloki :: patent log
paternosterhissi :: paternoster lift, elevator
pati :: A bullet (informal term for an unfired round of ammunition)
patikoida :: To hike, trek
patikointi :: hiking
patina :: patina (color or incrustation)
patinoida :: To cover with patina
patinoitua :: to become covered with patina
patio :: patio
patisson :: pattypan squash
patistaa :: To push, press, urge (somebody to act)
patistella :: Frequentative form of patistaa (to urge someone to do something)
patja :: mattress
pato :: dam, dike
patogeeni :: pathogen
patogeeninen :: pathogenic
patologi :: pathologist
patologia :: pathology (branch of medicine)
patologinen :: pathological
patonki :: baguette (the type of bread)
patoutua :: To become dammed
patriarkaatti :: A patriarchate
patriarkia :: patriarchy
patriarkka :: A patriarch
Patrik :: male given name
patrilineaarinen :: patrilineal
patrilineaarisuus :: patrilineality
patriootti :: patriot
patrioottinen :: patriotic
patriotismi :: patriotism
patronyymi :: patronym
patruuna :: cartridge
patruuna :: owner (of a factory or estate etc.)
patruunatehdas :: cartridge factory
patruunavyö :: belt, ammunition belt (belt-like device used to retain and feed cartridges into a firearm)
patsas :: A column formed by eg. water or clouds
patsas :: A statue
patsasaitta :: Same as niliaitta
patsastella :: To walk around as if showing off
patteri :: non-rechargeable electrical battery; nowadays used also of small (size AA and smaller) rechargable standard-size batteries
patteri :: pile of dung that gradually grows in an untended outdoor toilet
patteri :: battery (coordinated group of artillery)
patteri :: radiator (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)
patti :: A firm, smooth swelling, a lump
patti :: stalemate
paštu :: Pashto, Pashtu (language)
patu :: old hand
patukka :: baton
patukka :: chocolate candy bar
patukka :: penis
pauhata :: to thunder
pauhina :: roar
pauhu :: thunder, roar
pauhuta :: alternative form of pauhata
paukahdella :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
paukahtaa :: to bang (to give a sudden loud voice, once)
paukama :: sting (bump on skin after having been stung)
paukaus :: bang
paukautella :: To bang, boom (repeatedly)
paukauttaa :: to bang (to make a sudden loud noise, once)
pauke :: sputter, trash
paukkaa :: alternative form of paukkua
paukku :: A bang (abrupt loud noise like that resulting of a detonation)
paukku :: A fart
paukku :: A shot (measure of alcohol)
paukku :: A detonation
paukku :: A shocking and/or surprising event or item of news
paukku :: tipple or booze (any alcoholic drink, often used like a mass noun)
paukku :: marijuana, usually in plural ("paukut") as in "Polttaa paukut" (= to get high)
paukkua :: To bang (repeatedly)
paukkua :: To thunder (of an instrument)
paukkumaissi :: popcorn
paukuttaa :: to bang, hammer, strike, hit (to strike something hard)
Paul :: male given name
paula :: A cord, lace, string
paula :: A snare, trap
Paula :: female given name
Pauli :: male given name
Pauliina :: female given name derived from Latin Paulina
Paulin kieltosääntö :: Pauli exclusion principle
pauna :: pound
paunikko :: plant of the genus Crassula
paussi :: rest, pause
paviaani :: A baboon (primate)
paviljonki :: pavilion
pavlova :: pavlova
pe :: perjantai (Friday)
pearsoninpäästäinen :: Pearson's long-clawed shrew, Solisorex pearsoni
peba :: bum, ass
pecorino :: pecorino (cheese)
pedaali :: pedal (used in instruments)
pedagogi :: pedagog
pedagogia :: pedagogy
pedagogiikka :: pedagogics, pedagogy
pedagoginen :: Pedagogic, pedagogical (of or relating to pedagogy; teaching)
pedagogisesti :: pedagogically
pedantti :: pedantic
pedanttinen :: pedantic
pedanttisesti :: pedantically
pedanttisuus :: pedantry
pedari :: pedophile
pedata :: to give something a chance
pedata :: to make the bed
pederasti :: pederast
pederastia :: pederasty
pederastinen :: pederastic
pediatri :: pediatrician (doctor specializing in children)
pediatria :: pediatrics
pedikyristi :: pedicurist
pedikyyri :: pedicure
pedofiili :: pedophile
pedofiilinen :: paedophilic/pedophilic
pedofilia :: pedophilia
pee :: arse
pee :: shit
peeaa :: broke
peelo :: lamer
peeärrä :: public relations, PR
peeveli :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword)
peffa :: buttocks
pegasos :: a pegasus
Pegasus :: The constellation Pegasus
pegmatiitti :: pegmatite
pehko :: bush
pehko :: muff
pehku :: straws used in animal shelters
pehkut :: A sack (bed)
pehmeä :: soft; (of hair) silky; (of skin) smooth; (of sb's character/nature) mellow, gentle
pehmeähkö :: Quite soft
pehmeikkö :: soft ground
pehmeäkalvo :: pia mater (innermost of the meninges membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)
pehmeäkantinen :: paperback
pehmeämpi :: comparative form of pehmeä
pehmennys :: softening
pehmentää :: To soften, make soft or softer (concretely); to mellow (sb's character/nature/disposition)
pehmentyä :: to soften, mellow, mellow out (to become softer)
pehmeä sankkeri :: chancroid, soft chancre, ulcus molle (sexually transmitted infection)
pehmeästi :: softly
pehmetä :: To soften
pehmeys :: softness
pehmike :: padding
pehmis :: soft serve
pehmitä :: To soften
pehmite :: softener
pehmittää :: To soften
pehmo :: softy (person)
pehmo :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft, cuddly etc
pehmo :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft; softly softly [UK] etc. (discreet, low-key, careful)
pehmoeläin :: stuffed animal, plush toy
pehmoilija :: softy (weak or sentimental person)
pehmoinen :: soft
pehmojäätelö :: soft serve, soft ice cream
pehmolelu :: stuffed animal, plush toy, soft toy, cuddly toy
pehmopaperi :: tissue (soft, absorbent paper)
pehmustaa :: To pad (to furnish with a pad or padding)
pehmuste :: padding, cushion
pehmustettu :: upholstered
pehmyempi :: comparative form of pehmyt
pehmyin :: superlative form of pehmyt
pehmyt :: soft
pehmytjäätelö :: soft serve, soft ice cream
pehmytpillike :: broad-leaved hemp-nettle, Galeopsis ladanum
pehtori :: A steward, estate manager, majordomo, caretaker, farm manager, farm superintendent (overseer of a farm)
pehva :: buttocks
peijakas :: gosh
peijakkaasti :: An intensifier
peijooni :: rascal
peikko :: goblin, hobgoblin, gnome, gremlin (mythical man-like creature, often depicted hairy, tailed and mischievous)
peikko :: hobgoblin (cause of dread, fear or apprehension)
peikko :: troll (in modern children's literature often a good-natured forest-dwelling humanoid)
peikkokrotti :: batfish (anglerfish of the family Ogcocephalidae)
peikonlehti :: monstera (plant of the genus Monstera, endemic to Central and South America, some species of which are commonly used as houseplants)
peikonlehti :: short for jättipeikonlehti, ceriman, Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa (the most commonly cultivated species of this genus)
peilailla :: To watch oneself from a mirror
peilata :: To mirror
peili :: A mirror
peilikaukoputki :: reflecting telescope, reflector
peilikirjoitus :: mirror writing (writing in such a way that the text appears correct when looked at through a mirror)
peilikuva :: A mirror image, reflection
peilikuva :: Compounded with other words, reversed
peilipalvelin :: mirror server
peilisolu :: mirror neuron
peiliteleskooppi :: reflecting telescope, reflector
peilityyni :: dead calm (of a body of water, completely still with no waves)
peippo :: A chaffinch (any bird in the genus Fringilla)
peippo :: A chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
peippo :: A finch (any bird in the Fringillidae family)
peipponen :: finch
peite :: cover
peite :: spread, throw
peitellä :: To cover
peitenimi :: code name, assumed name
peiterooli [espionage] :: cover
peitetarina :: cover story (fictitious account that is intended to hide one's real motive)
peitinsiipi :: elytron
peitota :: to crush, to thrash (win by a landslide)
peitsi :: lance
peitsimies :: A lancer (cavalry); pikeman (infantry)
peittää :: To cover
peitta :: mordant
peitta-aine :: mordant
peittaus :: pickling
peittelemätön :: overt
peittelemätön :: uncovered
peitto :: blanket (part of bedding)
peitto :: cover, coverage (generally)
peittyä :: To become covered, be coated with. [+ (illative)]
pejoratiivinen :: pejorative
pekaanipähkinä :: pecan (nut)
pekani :: fisher, pekan (Martes pennanti)
pekari :: peccary
Peking :: Peking
Pekingin ankka :: Peking duck (traditional Chinese dish)
pekinginihminen :: Peking Man, Homo erectus pekinensis
pekka :: Used in the idiom ei halunnut olla pekkaa pahempi
Pekka :: male given name
Pekkala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Pekkala :: Finnish surname
Pekkanen :: Finnish surname
Pekkarinen :: Finnish surname
Pekko :: A god or spirit of cultivation in the Finnish mythology
Pekko :: male given name
pekoni :: bacon
pekonihampurilainen :: baconburger
Pekoraali :: Jabberwock (monster)
Pekoraali :: Jabberwocky (poem)
pektiini :: pectin
pektoliitti :: pectolite
pelaaja :: player
pelaaminen :: playing (a game)
pelaginen :: pelagic
pelailla :: To play (in a casual manner)
pelakuu :: geranium
pelakuuni :: A dialectal form of pelargoni
pelargoni :: pelargonium, storksbill; geranium (any plant in the genus Pelargonium)
pelargonia :: alternative form of pelargoni
pelargonihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula pelargonia
pelargoniseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius paleaceus
pelastaa [safety] :: to save, rescue
pelastaja :: savior
pelastaminen :: rescue (act of rescuing)
pelastautua :: To save oneself
pelastettu :: rescued
pelastettu :: A rescuee
pelastua :: To be saved, rescued
pelastus :: A rescue (act of rescuing), used also as modifier in compound terms
pelastus :: A salvation, redemption (religion: process or event of being saved)
pelastusalus :: rescue ship
Pelastusarmeija :: The Salvation Army
pelastushissi :: rescue elevator
pelastuskoira :: rescue dog
pelastuslaitos :: rescue department
pelastuslautta [nautical, aviation] :: life raft
pelastuslento :: rescue flight
pelastusliivi :: life jacket, life vest
pelastusnaru :: lifeline (line for drowning or falling person)
pelastusoperaatio :: rescue operation
pelastuspalkkio :: salvage fee
pelastuspalvelu :: rescue service
pelastusrengas :: A life-buoy, life ring, life preserver
pelastusretkikunta :: rescue party
pelastussukka :: rescue chute
pelastustie :: rescue road
pelastustoimi :: emergency service, rescue service
pelastustuoli :: A cradle (basket or apparatus in which people are brought off from a wreck)
pelastustyö :: rescue work
pelastustyöntekijä :: rescue worker
pelastusupseeri :: A Salvation Army officer
pelastusvene :: A lifeboat
pelata :: to play (a board or sports game or cards)
pelata upporikasta ja rutiköyhää :: to take a flyer, roll the dice, take a gamble, take a risk, take a chance (to invest against odds; to make a choice with an uncertain outcome)
peledsiika :: peled, northern whitefish, Coregonus peled (species of whitefish originating from Arctic Russia)
pelehtiä :: to cavort
pelehtiä :: to fool around
pelehtiä :: to play
peli :: wheels (automobile)
peli :: match, game
peli :: tool, means, implement, vehicle; used especially in compound terms, e.g. ajopeli, kulkupeli, ankkuripeli
peliaika :: playing time
peliautomaatti :: An arcade game
pelihimoinen :: Having addiction to gaming
pelihousut :: game pants (pair of pants or trousers used when playing a game)
pelihousut :: rag; in the colloquial idiomatic expression repiä pelihousunsa (lit. "to tear one's game pants") which may be translated as "to lose one's rag" (colloquial: to become angry)
peliitti :: pelite
pelikaani :: A pelican
pelikello :: game clock (clock used to time a ball game)
pelikenttä :: A playing field
pelikielto :: suspension (penalty in ice hockey and other ballgames consisting of prohibiting a player to play in one or more consecutive matches or for a period of time)
pelikonsoli [video games] :: A game console, video game console
pelikortti :: A playing card, card
pelilauta :: game board
pelimanni :: folk musician; especially one who plays accordion
pelimerkki :: A chip (token used in gambling to represent money)
pelimies :: womanizer, player, sport, gambler
pelinappula :: A man (piece in board games)
pelinavaus :: opening
pelinhoitaja [profession] :: banker, bank (dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house)
pelinjohtaja :: game leader (in team sports, a person responsible for keeping the game moving and assisting players to give their best contribution to the game)
pääelinkeino :: principal industry, primary industry
pelinrakentaja [American football] :: quarterback (offensive back whose primary job is to pass the ball in a play)
peliohjain :: A joypad or gamepad
pelipaikka :: position (place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player)
pelipaita :: A jersey (shirt worn by a member of an athletic team)
pelisääntö :: rule (of game)
pelissä :: in (able to play)
peliteoria [mathematics, economics] :: game theory
pelivara :: leeway, elbowroom
peljätä [dated + partitive] :: To fear, dread, be afraid of
pelkistää :: To reduce
pelkistin :: A reducing agent
pelkistyä :: To be(come) reduced (get electrons or lose hydrogen)
pelkistyä :: To be(come) reduced, be(come) simplified
pelkkä :: all
pelkkä :: bare
pelkkä :: mere
pelkkä :: only, nothing but
pelkkä :: sheer, pure
pelkka :: balk
pelko :: Fear, dread
pelkästään :: only, merely
pelkuri :: coward
pellagra :: pellagra
pellava :: linen
pellava :: flax
pellavakangas :: linen
pellavaöljy :: linseed oil (oil extracted from flax seeds, used as a drying agent in paints, varnishes etc.)
pellavansiemen :: linseed, flaxseed
pellavansiemenöljy :: flaxseed oil (oil of flaxseed, used as a food)
pelle :: A clown
pelleillä :: to clown, fool, play the fool
pelleily :: buffoonery (behaviour expected of a buffoon)
pellepuku [military, slang] :: camo (clothes made of camouflage fabric)
Pellervo :: male given name
Pellervoinen :: A god of fields and growth in Finnish mythology
pelletoida :: to pelletize (to form into pellets)
pelletti :: pellet
Pellonpekko :: The god of grain in the Finnish mythology
peloissaan :: afraid, terrified, frightened (of something = elative)
peloissaan :: worried, anxious, apprehensive, intimidated
peloissani :: peloissaan ("afraid") with the 1st person singular possessive suffix -ni
pelokas :: fearful, timid
Peloponnesos :: Peloponnese
pelote :: A deterrent
pelotella :: To intimidate; to browbeat, bully
pelotin :: Anything that scares or makes think twice, like a scarecrow or deterrent
peloton :: fearless, daring
pelottaa [+ genitive singular or nominative plural] :: To scare
pelottaa :: partitive + 3rd-person singular = to be afraid, to be scared
pelottaa :: To frighten, to be intimidated or cowed by sthg
pelottava :: daunting, discouraging
pelottava :: frightening, scary
pelottavampi :: comparative form of pelottava
pelottomuus :: fearlessness
pelästyä :: to get scared, get frightened
pelätä :: To fear, dread, be afraid of
pelti :: A damper (a valve or movable plate in the flue duct of a stove, furnace, etc., used to regulate the draught of air)
pelti :: A plate (a flat, flexible, metallic object of uniform thickness). If a plate is thick enough to be stiff, it is called levy
pelti :: A sheet (a flat metal pan used for baking in oven)
pelti :: sheet metal
peltikolari :: A fender-bender (minor traffic accident that causes only easily repairable damage to the involved vehicles)
peltikorjaamo :: body shop (workshop in which damage to the bodywork of cars is repaired)
peltikorva :: tin ear (Insensitivity and inability to appreciate the elements of performed music)
pelätin :: scarecrow
pelto :: field (in farming)
peltoherkkusieni :: horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis
peltohiiri :: striped field mouse, Apodemus agrarius
peltokana :: any bird of the family Phasianidae
peltokorte :: common horsetail or field horsetail, Equisetum arvense
Peltola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Peltola :: Finnish surname
peltoleinikki :: corn buttercup, Ranunculus arvensis (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
peltomaitikka :: field cow-wheat (Melampyrum arvense)
peltomyyrä :: field vole (Microtus agrestis)
Peltonen :: Finnish surname
peltopillike :: bifid hemp-nettle, Galeopsis bifida
peltopyy :: A grey partridge, Perdix perdix
peltopyy :: Any bird in the genus Perdix
peltosarka :: bed (on field)
peltotulkku :: desert finch, Rhodospiza obsoleta
peltovillakko :: groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
P/E-luku :: price-earnings ratio, PE ratio, P-E ratio (ratio of share price to earnings per share used as an indication of the relative value of the share)
peluri :: gambler, player
peluu :: playing (a game)
pemmikaani :: pemmican (emergency food made of dried meat, fat and sometimes other ingredients)
pemppu :: buttocks
penaali :: pencil case, pencil box
pendeli :: pendulum
pendelöinti :: commuting
peneplaani :: peneplain
penetraatio :: penetration
penetranssi :: penetrance
penetroida :: To penetrate
penger :: bank
penger :: embankment
penger :: terrace
pengerrys :: terracing
pengertää :: To embank
pengertie :: causeway (elevated road)
peni :: dog
penikka :: A puppy
penikka :: A child, brat
penikkatauti [pathology, concerning animals] :: Disease caused by the Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
penikkatauti [pathology, concerning humans] :: Exertional compartment syndrome of the inner side of the leg(s)
penikoida :: To pup
penikuorma :: A traditional measure of length equal to 10 versts
peninkulma :: A traditional measure of length equal to 10 versts
penis :: penis
penisilliini :: penicillin
peniskateus :: penis envy
penkere :: alternative form of penger
penkka :: bank, embankment
penkki :: bench
penkkihiomakone :: bench grinder
penkkipunnerrus :: bench press
penkkiurheilu :: spectator sport
penkoa :: To rummage
pennalismi :: Military bullying by peers
penni :: One hundredth of a markka, the Finnish currency until the introduction of euro in 2002
pennitön :: penniless
pennonen :: diminutive form of penni
pennonen :: an insignificant amount of money
pensa :: gasoline, gas
pensaikko :: scrub, brush (vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil)
pensaikko :: shrubbery (growth of shrubs, planted or natural)
pensas :: A bush (woody plant)
pensas :: A shrub
pensasaita :: hedge, hedgerow
pensasaro :: shrubland
pensaskataja :: A common, bush-like variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis
pensaskoira :: bush dog (Speothos venaticus)
pensasleppä :: A green alder, Alnus viridis
pensasmustikka :: highbush blueberry
pensastaa :: alternative form of pensoa
penseä :: indifferent, lukewarm
penseys :: indifference
penska :: child
pensoa :: To grow like a bush
pensseli :: paintbrush
pensselisika :: bush pig (wild pig of the genus Potamochoerus)
pensselisika :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus)
pentaani :: pentane
pentaboraani :: pentaborane
pentagoni :: pentagon (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
pentagrammi :: pentagram
pentametri :: pentameter
pentanoli :: pentanol
pentatoninen :: pentatonic
pentatoninen :: pentatoninen asteikko = pentatonic scale
pentele :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword)
pentlandiitti :: pentlandite
pentobarbitaali :: pentobarbital
pentodi :: pentode
pentoksidi :: pentoxide
pentoosi :: pentose
pentriitti :: pentaerythritol tetranitrate (powerful explosive)
pentteri :: pantry (small room or closet aboard a vessel, dedicated to food storage and/or storing kitchenware)
Pentti :: male given name
Pentti :: Finnish surname based on the given name
Penttilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Penttilä :: Finnish surname
Penttinen :: Finnish surname
pentu :: cub, puppy
pentu :: kid
pentue :: litter (offspring)
pentyyni :: pentyne
peoni :: peon
pääepäilty :: prime suspect
pepperoni :: A type of longish, relatively mild, pickled, yellowish green chili, often served as condiment to doner kebab
pepperoni :: pepperoni (pizza)
pepperoni :: pepperoni (sausage)
Peppi :: female given name in regular use since the 1990s
peppu :: bum, butt, caboose, tushie
pepsiini :: pepsin
peptidi :: peptide
peptidisidos :: peptide bond
peptisoituminen :: peptization
perä :: ground. The sense still lives in compound terms, such as:
perä :: The bottom or the ass
perä :: A neighbourhood
perä :: In certain idioms, the truth or the foundation
perä :: The stern of a vessel
perä :: The aft part of anything, the rear, the back, the tail end
perä :: The butt of a gun
peräaalto :: The wash (wake of a ship), specifically the large waves produced
perata :: To gut (a fish)
peräaukko :: anus
peräaukkokanava :: anal canal
peräaukon kohottajalihas :: levator ani (muscle that forms part of the pelvic floor; in humans it supports the viscera in pelvic cavity)
peregrinaatio :: A long journey abroad by the sons of noble families with the general purpose of gaining education and fostering relationships with the nobility of other countries
perehdyttäminen :: familiarization
perehtyä :: to get acquainted with, make oneself familiar with, familiarize oneself with, orientate oneself, read up on
perehtyminen :: familiarization
perempi [of location] :: further aback
perenna :: perennial plant
peräevä [anatomy, of a fish] :: An anal fin
perfekti :: present perfect tense
perfektionismi :: perfectionism
perfektionisti :: perfectionist
perfektionistinen :: perfectionistic
perfenatsiini :: perphenazine
perfluoro-oktaanihappo :: perfluorooctanoic acid
perforaatio :: perforation
performanssi :: performance
perfuusio :: perfusion
pergamentti :: parchment
pergamenttipaperi :: parchment (stiff paper resembling "true" parchment)
pergola :: pergola
perhana :: darn
peräharus :: A backstay
perhe :: family, nuclear family (parents and children, cf. suku)
perhe-elämä :: family life
perheenjäsen :: family member
perheenpää :: head of family
perhehoitaja :: foster parent
perhehoito :: foster care (formal system by which a child is cared for, in a foster family, by people other than its own parents, but without being adopted)
perhekalleus :: crown jewel (prized family possession or asset)
perhekalleus :: crown jewels, family jewels (male genitalia)
perhekuva :: family portrait
perhelääkäri :: family doctor
perhemajoitus :: homestay (form of tourism)
perhenimi :: cognomen
perhepäivähoitaja :: childminder
perheriita :: domestic dispute
perheterapeutti :: family therapist
perheterapia :: family therapy
perhetragedia :: family tragedy
perhetuttava :: family friend
perhetuttu :: family friend
perhevalmennus :: parent training
perheväkivalta :: domestic violence
perheyhtiö :: family business
perheyritys :: family business
perheystävä :: family friend
Perähikiä :: An imaginary remote place, which is far from anything interesting; the middle of nowhere - equates to Bumfuck, Egypt in American slang and Woop Woop in Australian slang
perho :: A fly (fishing lure)
perho :: Short form of perhonen, used poetically and in compound words
perhokalastus :: fly fishing
perhonen :: insect of the order Lepidoptera; butterfly, moth or skipper
perhonen :: butterfly
perhosentoukka :: caterpillar
perhoshaavi :: butterfly net
perhostaa :: to fly-fish
perhostella :: to swim the butterfly stroke
perhostus :: fly fishing
perhosuinti :: butterfly
perhosvaikutus :: butterfly effect
perhosveitsi :: butterfly knife (folding knife with two rotating handles)
perhovapa :: fly fishing rod
periä :: expression hukka perii; literally 'wolf inherits'
periä :: to exact, tariff, dun
periä :: to inherit
periaate :: principle
periaatepäätös :: decision in principle
periaatteellinen :: principled
periaatteellinen :: of principle
periaatteessa :: in principle
peridootti :: peridot
peridotiitti :: peridotite
perifeerinen :: peripheral
periferia :: fringe (region)
periferia :: periphery (region)
perifraasi :: periphrasis
perifrastinen :: periphrastic
perifyton :: periphyton
perigeum :: perigee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the shortest distance from the center of the central body)
periheli :: perihelion
perijä :: heir
perijätär :: dowager
perijätär :: heiress
perikardiitti :: pericarditis
perikardium :: pericardium
perikarppi :: pericarp
perikato :: ruin, destruction, undoing
periksi :: antaa periksi: to give up; [of supporting structures etc.] to give way
perikunta :: heirs collectively
perikuva :: An archetype
perillä :: at the destination
perille :: to/at the destination
perillinen :: beneficiary, heir, inheritor (one who benefits from the distribution of an estate)
perilymfa :: perilymph
perimä :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
perimä :: genotype (combination of alleles that determines a specific trait of an individual)
perimä :: inheritance (biological attributes passed hereditarily from ancestors to their offspring)
periminen :: inheritance (passing of title to an estate upon death)
perimmäinen :: ultimate
perimätieto :: lore
perin :: exceedingly
perinataaliaika :: perinatal period
perinataalinen :: perinatal (of or pertaining to the time around birth)
perinatologia :: perinatology
-peräinen :: of origin
perinne :: tradition
perinnelajike :: A heirloom (crop variety that has been passed down through generations)
perinneruoka :: traditional food
perinnöllinen :: hereditary
perinnöllisyys :: heritability, heredity
perinnöllisyystiede [biology, genetics] :: genetics
perinnöllisyystieteilijä :: geneticist
perinnötön :: disinherited (excluded from inheritance)
perinpohjainen :: thorough
perinpohjaisesti :: thoroughly
perinpohjaisuus :: thoroughness
perin pohjin :: thoroughly; radically
perintä :: debt collection
perintä :: recovery of taxes
perintö :: heritage
perintö :: inheritance
perintö [lb, fi, as modifier in compound terms] :: inherited
perintö :: legacy
perinteikäs :: traditional
perinteinen :: traditional
perinteinen :: classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
perinteinen hiihtotapa :: classic skiing
perinteisesti :: traditionally
perintökaari [lb, fi, legal] :: law of inheritance, inheritance law (law governing inheritance and will, especially that of Finland or Sweden)
perintöprinsessa :: A runner-up (any of one or more nominated runner-ups in a beauty contest)
perintätoimisto :: collection agency
perintötuomioistuin :: probate court (court whose function is to administer estates and prove wills)
perintövero :: inheritance tax (tax charged on the beneficiaries of an estate)
periodi :: period (of time)
peräisin :: Always used together with the verb olla (to be) signifying: to be original to, to have one's origins in, to originate from, to come from
periskooppi :: periscope
peristaltiikka :: peristalsis (rhythmic, wave-like contraction of the digestive tract that forces food through it)
peristalttinen :: peristaltic
perisynti :: the original sin
peritoneaalidialyysi :: peritoneal dialysis
peritoniitti :: peritonitis
perivihollinen :: archenemy
periytyä :: to be inherited
perjantai :: Friday
perjantaiaamu :: Friday morning
perjantai-ilta :: Friday night
perjantainen :: Pertaining to Friday
perjantaisin :: On Fridays
peräkanaa :: One after another
peräkansi :: taffrail
peräkastelli :: aftcastle, aftercastle, sterncastle (structure above the main deck in the aft of a sailship, often housing the officers' cabins)
perkeet {p} :: parings (of fish etc.)
perkele :: bloody, fucking (intensifier)
perkele :: A swearword
perkele :: devil
perkele :: The Devil, Satan; also Perkele
perkeleesti :: An intensifier
Peräkeula :: The constellation Puppis
peräkkäin :: one after the other, one after another, successively
peräkkäin :: running
peräkkäin :: straight, on the trot
peräkkäinen :: successive, consecutive, serial (taking place or coming one after another)
peräkkäistulkkaus :: consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpreting
perkloorihappo :: perchloric acid
perkolaatio :: percolation
perkolointi :: percolation
peräkärry :: A light trailer suitable to be pulled by a small vehicle
perkussio :: percussion
perkussionisti :: percussionist
perälauta :: tailgate, tailboard (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle)
perliitti :: pearlite (lamellar structure in steel)
perliitti :: perlite (volcanic glass)
permanentti :: permanent (chemical hair treatment)
permanganaatti :: permanganate
permanto :: floor
permanto [theater] :: parquet, stall
permeaasi :: permease
permeanssi :: permeance
perämerenmaruna :: Artemisia campestris subsp. bottnica, a highly endangered subspecies of ketomaruna (field sagewort), which occurs naturally only on the sandy shores of the Bothnian Bay
Perämeri :: The Bay of Bothnia, Bothnian Bay
permetriini :: permethrin
perämies [aviation, rank] :: first officer, co-pilot
perämies :: coxswain (in a rowing crew, the member who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers)
perämies :: helmsman (member of a ship's crew who is responsible for steering)
perämies [nautical, rank] :: chief officer, first mate, chief mate
perämies :: sweep (person who steers a dragon boat or surf boat)
permikausi :: Permian, Permian period
permikautinen :: Permian
permiläinen :: Permic (of or pertainig to Permians, their languages and culture)
permiläinen :: Permian (person belonging to Komi or Udmurt people)
permitiivisyys :: permittivity
perämoottori :: outboard motor
permutaatio :: permutation
perään :: Used to indicate that something goes, has gone or will go toward something else that has gone already; the corresponding English structure is usually "after + headword"
perään :: genitive + ~: after; used to indicate movement towards something that is going or has gone away from the subject of the sentence
perään :: genitive + ~: into; used to indicate liking
perna :: spleen
peräänantamaton :: unyielding, never-say-die, indomitable
peräänantamattomuus :: The property of being unyielding; stubbornness
pernarutto :: anthrax
pernisiöösi :: pernicious
peräänkuuluttaa :: to call for, demand (to demand something publicly, especially in politics)
perääntyä :: to back off, back away
perääntyä :: to retreat
perääntyä :: to stand back
peroksidi :: peroxide
peronismi :: Peronism
peräpää :: back (the part of something that goes last)
peräpää :: rear
peräparras :: tafferel
peräpeili :: A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, a badge
peräpuikko :: suppository
peräpukama :: hemorrhoid
peräpuoli :: The hind part of anything, but especially that of a man, an animal, a boat or a ship
peräranka :: A sternpost
peräruiske :: enema
persaukinen :: broke
persaus :: A hinder (the buttocks); often used in plural: persaukset
perse :: shit, fuck
perse :: arse, ass, asshole
perseennuolija :: ass-licker; sycophant
perseet olalla [idiomatic, vulgar] :: shit-faced, rat-arsed, heavily drunk (under the influence of large amount of alcohol)
perseet olalle [idiomatic, vulgar] :: shit-faced, rat-arsed (to the state of heavy drunkenness)
Persefone [Greek god] :: Persephone
perseidit :: The Perseids
peräseinä :: back wall (wall forming the back side of a structure)
perseääliö :: A person whose idiotic behaviour surpasses that of a normal moron; a dumbass
persentiili :: percentile
perseptiivinen :: perceptive
perseptio :: A perception
persereikä :: asshole (anus)
persereikä :: asshole, jerk, asswipe
persereikä [vulgar, of a place] :: shithole
Perseus :: The constellation Perseus
Perseus :: Perseus
persia :: The modern Persian language
persia :: The old Persian language
Persia :: Persia
persialainen :: Persian
persialainen :: Persian (person)
persianapila :: Persian clover, shaftal, Trifolium resupinatum (annual clover used as fodder and hay)
persiankielinen :: Expressed in Persian language
persiankielinen :: Speaking Persian
Persianlahti :: The Persian Gulf
persikka :: peach (fruit)
persikkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula violeipes
persikkapuu :: peach tree
persilja :: parsley
persiljaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius sulfurinus
persiljavoi :: butter flavored with parsley
persimon :: persimmon
persimoni :: persimmon
peräsin :: rudder
persläpi :: asshole, anus
perso :: greedy for something
perso :: The noun sweet tooth may be used when the greed is for sweet things in general
personaaliunioni :: personal union
personalismi :: personalism
personal trainer :: personal trainer
personifikaatio :: personification
personifioida :: To personify
personifiointi :: personification
personoida :: to personalize (to adapt something to the needs of an individual)
personoida :: to personalize (to represent something abstract as a person; to embody)
personoida :: to personify (to be an example of; to have all the attributes of)
personoida :: to personify (to create a representation of an abstract quality in the form of a literary character)
personointi :: personification
persoona :: person, grammatical person (linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking)
persoona :: personality
persoona :: person (human being; individual)
persoonallinen :: distinctive (characteristic or typical to somebody)
persoonallisesti :: personally (in a personal manner)
persoonallisuus :: personality
persoonallisuushäiriö :: personality disorder
persoonallisuustesti :: A personality test
persoonapronomini :: A personal pronoun
persoonapääte :: personal suffix
persoonaton :: impersonal
persoonattomampi :: comparative form of persoonaton
persoonattomin :: superlative form of persoonaton
persoonaunioni :: personal union
perspano :: butt-fucking, butt sex (anal sex act)
perspektiivi :: perspective (appearance of depth in objects)
perspektiivi :: perspective (view, vista or outlook)
persreikä :: alternative form of persereikä
perässä :: behind, after
perästäpäin :: afterwards
persu :: perussuomalainen (true Finn; member or supporter of the Finnish political party Perussuomalaiset)
peräsuolentulehdus [lb, fi, pathology] :: proctitis (inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum)
peräsuoli :: rectum
peräsuolioppi :: proctology
peräsuolisyöpä :: rectal cancer
persus [colloquial, somewhat vulgar] :: behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks)
persvako :: ass crack
perätä :: to dun, inquire, try to find out; especially in a demanding tone
Perth :: Perth (any place called Perth in English)
peräti :: Used as fortifier for adjectives, most proper translation into English being often "very" or "quite"
peräti :: Used with numerals to indicate that the figure is either in high or low end of the ordinary range. Translated into English as "as much as, up to, even" or "as little as"
perätilasynnytys :: breech birth
peräti yli :: even more
pertsa :: classic, classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
Pertti :: male given name
perättäinen :: A variant of peräkkäinen
Perttu :: male given name
Perttula :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Perttula :: Finnish surname
pertuska :: a battle axe
pertuska :: a partisan (type of spear)
pertuska :: a wide-bladed axe used to cut thickets or peat
perätuuppari [nautical, informal] :: kicker (outboard motor, especially a small one)
perätysten :: one after the other, in a row
peru :: heritage
peru :: origin
Peru :: Peru
perua :: To cancel, call off
perua :: To withdraw, renege on, retract, (colloquially) take back, go back on, bum out on
peruke :: wire trace, snood
perukka :: A back end, out-of-the-way corner or place; often used in plural (a place which is remote or otherwise difficult to reach)
perulainen :: Peruvian
peruna :: potato, Solanum tuberosum (plant and the tuber)
perunajauho :: potato flour
perunakellari :: potato cellar
perunakuokka :: potato hook
perunakuutio :: potato cube
perunalaatikko :: Traditional Finnish potato casserole
perunalastu :: potato chip [US], potato crisp [UK]
perunamakkara :: A kind of sausage made with potato
perunamuhennos :: smashed potatoes
perunamuusi :: mashed potatoes
perunankuori :: potato skin
perunarupi :: common scab, as a relatively harmless variety of scab
perunarutto :: potato blight (plant disease)
perunasalaatti :: potato salad
perunasäkki :: potato sack
perunasäkki :: sackful of potatoes
perunasose :: smashed potatoes
perunatärkkelys :: potato starch
perus [architecture, rare] :: foundation
perus- :: basic, elemental, fundamental, rudimentary, normal, typical, average
perus- :: primal
perusasia :: essential (something basic, elementary or indispensable)
perusaste :: positive
peruselintarvike :: staple (basic food stuff)
peruskallio :: bedrock
peruskirja :: charter (document issued by an authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges)
peruskirja :: charter (similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc.)
peruskivi :: cornerstone (ceremonial stone set at the foundation of a building, often in the corner and inscribed with the completion year and other details)
peruskivi :: cornerstone (that which is prominent, fundamental, noteworthy, or central)
peruskorjata :: to renovate, restore (especially of a building or a piece of machinery, to bring back to a previous or better condition or state)
peruskorjaus :: major overhaul, complete renovation (thorough reparation of a building or structure)
peruskoulu :: In the Finnish school system the 9-year comprehensive school starting at age of 7 years
peruskoulutus :: basic education
peruslause [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
peruslämpö :: core temperature
perusluku :: cardinal number
perusmetalli :: base metal [common metal]
perusmuoto :: lemma, basic form (canonical form of an inflected word; ie the form usually found in dictionaries)
perusoikeus :: fundamental right, basic right (right regarded as belonging without presumption to all human beings under a given jurisdiction, or universally)
perusolemus :: essence
perusoletus :: fundamental assumption, basic assumption
perusoletus :: principle (fundamental assumption)
perusosa :: A basic element or fundamental part of anything
perusosa :: head (morpheme that determines the category of a compound)
peruspalvelu :: Those government services which are considered to serve the basic human needs, usually understood to include health and social services
peruspalveluministeri :: The Minister of Health and Social Services in the Finnish government
perussopimus :: framework agreement (an agreement on general terms of cooperation between two or more parties, which forms the basis for more detailed or ad hoc agreements)
perussuomalainen :: A member of the Finnish political party Perussuomalaiset, known in English as the "Finns Party"
perussuomalainen :: A typical, normal, average Finn
perusta :: base, foundation
perusta :: basis
perustaa :: To base (on = illative)
perustaa :: To establish, found, set up, institute
perustaja :: founder
perustajaurakointi :: real estate development, property development (business activity in which a construction contractor also acts as property developer)
perustajaurakoitsija :: A real estate developer or property developer, who also constructs; often originally a construction contractor who has gotten involved in development in order to increase its profit margin
perustaminen :: foundation (act of founding)
perustanta :: founding
perustarvike :: A staple, as a basic or essential supply
perustavanlaatuinen :: basic, fundamental
peruste :: A basis, as foundation for an argument or hypothesis
peruste :: An argument, as a fact or statement used to support a proposition
peruste :: A principle, as fundamental assumption or foundation of a theory
peruste :: A reason, as a thought or a consideration offered in support, explanation or as cause of an opinion, a conclusion or an action
peruste :: grounds, as basis or justification
perusteella :: based on, on the grounds of
perusteellinen :: thorough
perusteellisesti :: thoroughly
perusteeton :: gratuitous, unjustified, uncalled-for, unfounded (not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof)
perustekijä :: fundamental factor
perustella :: To justify, to provide an explanation for
perusteltavissa :: arguable (that can be plausibly defended in an argument)
perusteltu :: justifiable (that can be justified)
perustelu :: rationale, argument (process of reasoning)
perusteos :: seminal work
perustiedot :: elementary knowledge, basic knowledge, basics
perustiedot :: grounding
perustiedot :: working knowledge
perustua [of an opinion, + illative] :: To be based on, be grounded in
perustua [of a work of art, + illative] :: To be based on
perustua [of some sort of system, + illative] :: To be founded on, be based on, rest on
perusturva :: basic social security (the minimum level of social security to which the poorest people are entitled)
perustus :: Foundation, groundwork
perustuslaillinen :: constitutional (of or relating to a constitution, a law)
perustuslaki :: Constitution (the formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions; a legal document describing such a formal system)
perustuslakioikeus :: constitutional law
perustuslakivaliokunta :: (in the Finnish Parliament) The Constitutional Law Committee
perusväite :: axiom (especially in philosophy)
perusvuorovaikutus :: fundamental interaction
peruukki :: wig (head of artificial hair)
peruuntua :: to be canceled, be withdrawn, be called off, be revoked
peruuttaa [of a vehicle] :: To back, (of a computer) to backspace
peruuttaa :: ~ avioliitto = to annul a marriage
peruuttaa :: ~ käsky = to countermand an order
peruuttaa :: ~ sopimus = to nullify a contract
peruuttaa :: To revoke, cancel, call off, invalidate
peruuttaa :: To withdraw, retract, rescind, recant, renege, take back (a statement)
peruutus :: A cancellation
peruutus :: A revocation
peruutus :: A withdrawal
peruutuspeili :: rear-view mirror
perävako :: anal cleft
perävalo :: taillight (one of a pair of red lights, mounted on the rear of a vehicle)
perävannas :: A sternpost
perävaunu [vehicles] :: A trailer (any kind)
perversio :: perversion
perverssi :: perverted
pervo :: perv
pesä [baseball, pesäpallo] :: base
pesä :: vagina
pesä :: house
pesä :: den (home of certain animals)
pesä :: hive (structure, which a swarm of honeybees inhabits or has inhabited)
pesä :: estate (property of a deceased person)
pesä :: nest (cozy residence)
pesä :: nest (hideout for bad people to frequent)
pesä :: nest (parental home)
pesä :: nest (structure built by a bird or other animal as a place to incubate eggs and hatch and/or rear young)
pesaista :: To wash quickly
pescovegetaristi :: pescetarian
peseta :: peseta
peseytyä :: to wash oneself, wash up
pesiä :: To nest
pesijä :: nester
pesijä :: washer
pääesikunta :: (main, supreme etc.) headquarters (central command centre of a military organization)
pesimäaika :: nesting time
pesintä :: nesting
pesis :: Finnish baseball, pesäpallo
pesiytyä :: to nest (to make a nest, settle into a nest)
pesäke :: hot spot (center of dangerous activity, normally used with a modifier to specify the kind of danger, as in kriisipesäke)
pesäke :: colony (of bacteria e.g. in a Petri dish)
pesäke :: nest (as in: machine gun nest)
pesäke :: growth (mass of cells affected by a disease)
pesäkekovettumatauti :: multiple sclerosis
peski :: A type of reindeer fur coat
pesämuna :: nest egg (egg placed in a bird's nest, to encourage the bird to lay its own eggs there)
pesämuna :: nest egg (savings)
pesänhoitaja :: administrator, estate administrator (someone appointed to administer a bankruptcy estate)
pesänjakaja :: executor, administrator (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will)
peso :: peso (currency)
Pesonen :: Finnish surname
pesäpallo :: A variety of baseball developed in Finland in 1920's. There's no "official" translation into English, but "Finnish baseball" might be used, or simply "baseball" in contexts where the differences between the two games are not essential
pesäpallo :: The ball used in the game of pesäpallo
pesäpalloilija :: A pesäpallo player
pesäpalloilu :: The sport and practice of playing pesäpallo
pessaari :: A cervical cap, pessary (female contraceptive device)
pessaari :: A pessary (medical device used to treat the prolapse of the uterus)
pessimismi :: pessimism
pessimisti :: pessimist
pessimistinen :: pessimistic
pessimistisesti :: pessimistically
pestä :: To launder
pestä :: To wash
pestata :: to hire
pestautua :: to sign up, to sign on, to enlist oneself, to hire oneself out
pesti :: job, task
pestisidi :: pesticide
pestä kätensä :: wash one's hands of (to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for; to refuse to have any further involvement with)
pesto :: pesto
pesu :: wash, washing
pesuaine :: detergent
pesuallas :: A sink (washbasin)
pesuallas :: A washbasin
pesue :: A litter (animals born in one birth)
pesuhuone :: shower room, bath room
pesujauhe :: washing powder (powder used e.g. in washing clothes)
pesukarhu :: raccoon (any species in the genus Procyon)
pesukarhu :: raccoon, Procyon lotor
pesukone :: washing machine
pesula :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done)
pesuneste :: washing liquid
pesusieni :: sponge (for washing)
pesusieni :: sponge (marine invertebrate with a porous skeleton)
pesusienikurkku :: A loofah, luffa, a tropical vine of the species Luffa aegyptiaca
pesusooda :: washing soda, soda ash, Na2CO3
pesutupa :: laundry room
pesuvesi :: gray water, greywater (washing water as wastewater)
pesuvesi :: water used in washing
pesye :: alternative form of pesue
peta- :: peta-
petankisti :: pétanque player
petankki :: pétanque
petatavu :: petabyte
petetty :: betrayed, short-changed, put-upon
peti :: bed
petidiini :: pethidine
petiitti [typography] :: brevier
petikaveri :: bedfellow
petipuhe :: pillow talk
petäjä :: A large, lone pine tree
petkel :: pestle
petkele :: alternative form of petkel
petkuttaa :: to cheat
petkuttaja :: cheater
petkutus :: hoax, spoof, cheat
peto :: carnivore
peto :: meat-eating beast, predator
peto :: monster
petoeläin :: carnivore, any member of the order Carnivora
petokala :: predatory fish
petolintu :: bird of prey
petollinen :: treacherous, deceptive, perfidious
petollisesti :: treacherously, deceptively
petollisuus :: treacherousness
petomainen :: beastlike
petomainen :: predatory
petos :: fraud
petosyritys :: deceit (attempt to deceit)
petra :: alternative form of peura
Petra :: female given name
petrata :: to better, to improve
Petri :: male given name
petrimalja :: A Petri dish
petrografia :: petrography
petrokemia :: petrochemistry
petrokemiallinen :: petrochemical
petrokemikaali :: petrochemical
petroli :: kerosene (US), paraffin (UK)
petroli :: battery acid (coffee)
petrologi :: petrologist
petrologia :: petrology
petrologinen :: petrologic
petsi :: stain (substance)
pettää :: To give way, break down, fall/tumble down
pettää :: To betray
pettää :: To cheat, con, swindle, defraud
pettää :: To cheat on (to be unfaithful to)
pettää :: To deceive, delude, mislead
pettää :: To let down, disappoint, desert, fail
Petteri :: male given name
Petteri Punakuono :: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
pettäjä :: traitor, betrayer, deceiver
pettu :: bark
pettuleipä :: A bread whose ingredients include pine bark; it was eaten during famines when the crop had failed
petturi :: traitor
pettyä :: To be disappointed
pettymys :: disappointment
pettymys :: disenchantment, letdown
pettymys :: olla ~ : to be disappointing
pettynyt :: disappointed, unsatisfied
pettynyt :: disenchanted
petunia :: petunia
peukalo :: thumb
peukaloida :: To tamper, meddle with
peukaloinen :: Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
Peukaloinen :: Tom Thumb
peukalo keskellä kämmentä :: all thumbs (clumsy; awkward; not dextrous)
peukalokyyti :: hitchhiking
peukalokyytiläinen :: hitchhiker
Peukalo-Liisa :: Thumbelina
peukalonjälki :: thumbprint
peukalopotti :: thumb
peukaloputti :: alternative form of peukalopotti
peukaloruuvi :: thumbscrew
peukalosääntö :: rule of thumb
peukalovarvas :: big toe
peukku :: thumb
peura :: Any medium-sized deer of unspecified species
peura :: A reindeer or a caribou, a general term used to refer to the deer species Rangifer tarandus and its twelve sub-species
peura :: A short form of metsäpeura, the Finnish forest reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus
peuranliha :: deer, venison
peuranmetsästys :: deer hunting
peurannahka :: deerskin
peuranpyynti :: deer hunting
peuranvasa :: The fawn of a deer
pezzotaiitti :: pezzottaite
pfennig :: pfennig
pöhö :: edema
pH-asteikko :: pH scale (scale for measuring acidity and alcality of a substance)
päheä :: cool
pöheikkö :: thicket
päähenkilö :: protagonist, hero
philanderinopossumi :: gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum
philanderinvillapussirotta :: bare-tailed woolly opossum, white-eared opossum, Caluromys philander
pH-indikaattori :: pH indicator
päähine :: headdress, headwear
päähine :: headgear, head covering, headcover
pöhkö :: A fool
pähkähullu :: raving mad, mad as a hatter, insane
pähkähullu :: A raving mad person
pähkinä :: hazel
pähkinä :: nut
pähkinä :: puzzle, riddle; difficult problem
pähkinähakki :: spotted nutcracker, Eurasian nutcracker, nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes
pähkinänakkeli :: Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea
pähkinänkuoressa :: in a nutshell
pähkinänkuori :: nutshell
pähkinänrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pyrogalus
pähkinänsärkijä :: nutcracker (tool for breaking nuts)
pähkinäpensas :: A member of the taxonomic genus Corylus
pähkinäpensas :: common hazel, Corylus avellana
pähkinäpuu :: walnut (tree, wood)
pähkylä :: achene (type of dry fruit, in botanical sense of the word)
päähänpiintymä :: idée fixe (idea dominating the mind)
päähänpinttymä :: alternative form of päähänpiintymä
päähänpisto :: A whim, freak, vagary, caprice
photoshopata :: to photoshop (to digitally edit or alter a digital image)
pöhöttyä :: To bloat, swell
phui :: yuck
päähuivi :: headscarf
phyi :: yuck
piä [dialectal, eastern] :: head
-pi :: Forms the third-person singular indicative present of verbs
piaffe :: piaffe (movement)
piaffi :: piaffe (movement)
piakkoin :: In the near future, soon
pian :: soon
pianismi :: pianism
pianisti :: pianist
piano :: piano
pianokoulu :: piano school
pianokvartetto :: piano quartet
pianomusiikki :: piano music
pianonsoittaja :: pianist
pianonviritys :: piano tuning
piano-oppilas :: piano student
pianosonaatti :: piano sonata
pianotuoli :: piano bench
picardienpaimenkoira :: Berger Picard
picassokala :: lagoon triggerfish, Picassofish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus
piccolo [musici] :: piccolo (flute)
piccolo :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle of 0,1875 l)
piccolohuilu :: piccolo
piccolo-pullo :: alternative form of pikkolopullo
piccolopullo :: alternative spelling of pikkolopullo
pidellä :: To hold, to handle
pidempi :: comparative form of pitkä
pidentää :: To elongate
pidentää :: To lengthen
pidentää :: To prolong
pidentyä :: To lengthen
pidetä :: To grow longer; to lengthen
pidetty :: liked
pidä hauskaa :: Have fun! (2nd person singular)
pidike :: holder, support
pidin :: holder, bracket
pidäke :: hamper (anything which impedes)
pidäkkeetön :: unrestrained
pidot :: feast, banquet (usually a traditional one)
pidätellä :: to hold back
pidätellä :: to hold, especially a physical need
pidätellä :: to restrain
pidätellä :: to suppress
pidätetty :: under arrest, arrested
pidätin :: clog, stop
pidättää :: to absorb
pidättää :: to hold back, restrain, hinder, curb; to suppress; to suspend
pidättää :: to reserve (a right)
pidättää :: to withhold, deduct (advance taxes)
pidättää :: to arrest, detain, apprehend, place under arrest, take into custody, put in detention, put under custody (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
pidättää :: to delay, detain, slow down, hold up
pidättyä :: To refrain
pidättynyt :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion)
pidättäytyä :: To abstain or refrain (from doing something = active 3rd infinitive in elative)
pidättyväinen :: Abstemious, temperate, moderate (with alcohol)
pidättyväinen :: Continent, celibate, abstinent (in respect to sex)
pidättyväinen :: Reserved, reticent, inhibited
pidättyväinen :: Retiring, withdrawn, aloof, standoffish, distant
pidättyväisyys :: Abstention, temperance, moderation (with alcohol)
pidättyväisyys :: Continence, abstinence, celibacy
pidättyväisyys :: Reserve, reticence, inhibition
pidättyväisyys :: Withdrawal, aloofness, standoffishness, distance
pidätys :: arrest, seizure
pidätyskyky :: continence (ability to control one's urination and defecation)
pidätysmääräys :: arrest warrant
pidätysoikeus :: distraint (legal right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant in the event of nonpayment of rent)
piehtaroida :: To roll on ground; to wallow, welter
piekana :: rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus)
pieksää :: to beat, trash
pieleen :: wrong (in a way that isn't right)
pielestää :: To build a pieles
pieli :: gatepost
pieli :: jamb, post; doorjamb, doorpost (vertical component forming the sides of a door frame, window frame or other opening in a wall)
pieli [nautical, archaic] :: mast
pieli [usually with attribute or modifier] :: side
pielikukka :: pelargonium, storksbill
pien :: The stem of the adjective pieni. Appears as modifier in compound words
pien- :: small, micro-
piena :: cleat
pienaakkonen :: lowercase letter (one of the letters a,b,c.. as opposed to A,B,C..)
pienase :: small arms
pienehkö :: quite small, smallish
pieneksyä :: To belittle
pieneliö :: microorganism
pienellä painettu :: fine print
pienempi :: comparative form of pieni
pienennys :: diminishment, reduction (act of making smaller)
pienennysleikkaus :: reduction surgery (surgery to reduce the size of an organ or a part of body)
pienennysmuoto :: diminutive
pienenpieni :: minute (very small), tiny
pienentää :: to make smaller
pienentää :: to reduce, diminish
pienentyä :: To diminish
pienentyä :: To grow smaller
pienestä pitäen :: since one was child, since one's childhood
pienetä :: To grow smaller
pienet häpyhuulet :: the labia minora
pieni :: little, small
pieniä :: To cut into pieces
Pieni hevonen :: The constellation Equuleus
pieniin päin :: with child (pregnant)
Pieni karhu :: Ursa Minor, Little Dipper
pieni kohtaus [pathology, epilepsy] :: petit mal
Pieni koira :: The constellation Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog
pienikokoinen :: small-sized
Pieni leijona :: The constellation Leo Minor
pienilläkin padoilla on korvat :: little pitchers have big ears
pienilmasto :: microclimate
Pieni Magellanin pilvi :: Small Magellanic Cloud
pienimittakaavainen :: small-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn in a scale which does not allow showing of much detail)
pienimünsterinseisoja :: Small Münsterländer
pieni monikulmaluu :: trapezoid bone (os trapezoideum)
pienimuotoinen :: small-scale
pienin :: superlative form of pieni
pienin yhteinen nimittäjä :: The lowest common denominator
Pieni Otava :: Little Dipper (asterism)
pienipäinen :: microcephalic (having an abnormally small head)
pienipäinen :: small-headed
pienipäisyys :: microcephaly
pieni verenkierto :: pulmonary circulation
pienjännite [electrical engineering] :: low voltage
pienloistelamppu :: compact fluorescent lamp
piennar :: headland (unplowed boundary of a field)
piennar :: The shoulder of a road
piennarherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus subperonatus or Agaricus vaporarius
pienois- :: miniature
pienoisbussi :: minibus
pienoisgolf :: miniature golf
pienoisjännite [electrical engineering] :: extra-low voltage
pienoiskoko :: in inessive case also: microcosm
pienoiskoko :: miniature size
pienoismalli :: microcosm
pienoismalli :: miniature, model
pienoisromaani :: novella
pientalo :: A small residential building, small house
pientalo :: bungalow (small house or cottage usually having a single story)
pientare :: alternative form of piennar
pientietokone :: minicomputer
pienuus :: smallness
pienviljelijä :: smallholder
pienyrittäjä :: A small entrepreneur (owner of a small business)
pienyritys :: small enterprise
pieraista :: To fart (once)
piereksiä :: to fart (repeatedly)
piereskellä :: To fart (repeatedly)
pierrä :: To fart
pieru :: A fart
pierutyyny :: whoopee cushion
piestä :: to beat, thrash, whip, lash
pietä :: To pitch, coat with (oily) pitch
Pietari :: male given name, a rather old-fashioned equivalent of the English Peter
Pietari :: Peter
Pietari :: Saint Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia
Pietarila :: Finnish surname
pietarilainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Saint Petersburg or its citizens
pietarilainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Saint Petersburg
Pietarinen :: Finnish surname
pietarinkala :: John Dory, Zeus faber
pietaryrtti :: tansy, Tanacetum vulgare syn. Chrysanthemum vulgare
pieteetti :: piety (towards traditions)
Pietilä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Pietilä :: Finnish surname
pietismi :: pietism
pietisti :: pietist
pietsosähkö :: piezoelectricity
pietsosähköinen :: piezoelectric
pigmentoitua :: To become pigmented
pigmentti :: pigment
pigmenttisolusyöpä :: melanoma
piha :: at sea (in a state of confusion or bewilderment)
piha :: yard (small, usually uncultivated area of land adjoining or within the precincts of a house or other building)
pihakatu :: living street (street designed primarily with the interests of pedestrians and cyclists while motor vehicles are allowed to use it with caution)
pihamaa :: piha
pihamaina :: common myna, Indian myna, mynah (originally Asian passerine bird, common as cage bird)
pihan perä :: toilet, restroom
pihan perä :: back of the yard
pihapiiri :: courtyard, court
piharatamo :: greater plantain, common plantain, soldier's herb, waybread (a common weed, Plantago major)
pihatto :: A cowshed where the cows are kept unchained
pihaus :: fizz, whoosh, (short and dull sound of releasing gas, as heard e.g. when opening the cap of a slightly pressurized bottle)
pihdata :: to not put out (not to consent to sex)
pihdata :: to skimp, scrimp, to be stingy
päihde :: intoxicant, psychoactive drug
pihdit :: pliers
pihdit :: forceps
pihdit :: tongs
päihdyttää :: To intoxicate
pihein :: superlative form of pihi
pihi :: miserly, stingy
pihiä :: to scrimp
pihiä :: to snatch, steal
pihimpi :: comparative form of pihi
pihinä :: A wheeze (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration)
pihistää :: to skimp (to live stingily)
pihistää :: to snitch, steal
pihistä :: To fizzle; to release a fizzling sound (e.g. when a tire is punctured)
pihistä :: To wheeze (to breathe with difficulty, with a piping or whistling sound)
pihistellä :: To skimp, scant, scrimp (to make insufficient allowance for)
pihistellä :: To skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy)
pihisti :: stingily
päihittää :: to beat, vanquish, best
päihittää :: to outsmart, outdo
pihka :: love, in the expression olla pihkassa
pihka :: resin (hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees, in its natural state)
pihkaantua :: To get a crush on
pihkaantua :: To become stained with pitch (from trees)
pihkainen :: resinous, pitchy
pihkamaito :: colostrum
pihkaniska :: orienteer
Pihkova :: Pskov (a city in Russia)
Pihla :: female given name of modern usage
pihlaja :: Any tree in the genus Sorbus
pihlaja :: rowan, mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia
pihlajanmarja :: rowan berry
pihlajanmarjakoi :: apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella
pihlajansarviruoste :: A fungus, Gymnosporangium juniperinum
pihta :: A fir of the genus Abies
pihti :: A pile of birchbark sheets set between two boards and tied tightly together to flatten the barks and thus make them suitable roofing and isolation material
pihti :: Any two-pronged handtool or artifact to hold, press together or punch something, now usually in plural; a pincer
pihti :: scissors
pihti :: pliers, tongs etc., see pihdit
pihti :: State of being stuck between something, as if held with pliers
pihti :: The front claw of a crustacean such as lobster, pincer
pihti :: Used as modifier in compound terms to indicate similarity to or use of pliers, see list below
pihtihäntäinen :: earwig (insect of the order Dermaptera)
pihtiliike :: pincer attack
pihtipolvi :: knock knee, genu valgum (person or animal who's got knock knees)
pihtipolvinen :: knock-kneed
Pihtiputaan mummo :: Joe Average
päihtyä :: To get drunk, to become intoxicated
päihtynyt :: intoxicated, inebriated
päihtynyt :: An intoxicated, inebriated person
pihvi :: steak
pihvikarja :: beef cattle
pihviveitsi :: steak knife (table knife with a sharp, narrow, and often serrated blade designed for cutting meat)
pii :: A tooth
pii :: A thorn, prong, tooth or similar element e.g. in a plant, a saw or a rake
pii :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz or a piece of it)
pii :: pi (constant 3.14159…)
pii :: The position of a sailing vessel, when she is set so that its bow points steadily to the direction of the wind. Used in expressions:
pii :: pi (Greek letter)
pii :: silicon (element, symbol Si)
Piia :: female given name popular in the latter half of the twentieth century
piidioksidi :: silicon dioxide
piihappo :: silicic acid
piika :: A maid (female servant)
piikarbidi :: silicon carbide
piikikäs :: thorny
piikitellä :: to needle, nettle
piikivi :: flint
piikkari :: A pump (very high-heeled shoe)
piikkari :: A track spike (track and field shoe)
piikki :: A peak
piikki :: A spike
piikki :: A spindle (upright spike for holding papers)
piikki :: A tab, slate (a record of money owed)
piikki :: A tine (spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb)
piikkiherne :: gorse, Ulex europaeus (evergreen shrub)
piikkihiiri :: spiny mouse (rodent of the genus Acomys)
piikkikenkä :: A track spike (track and field shoe)
piikkikorkokenkä :: [US] pump, stiletto (high-heeled women's shoe)
piikkilanka :: barbed wire
piikki lihassa :: thorn in the flesh (persistent annoyance)
piikkimonni :: brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus
piikkinahkainen :: echinoderm
piikkinen :: spiky, spiny
piikkinen :: thorny
piikkipaatsama :: American holly, Ilex opaca
piikkipensas :: thornbush, thorn (any of many thorny shrubs and bushes)
piikkisika :: porcupine
piikkisimppu :: sea scorpion, long-spined bullhead, Taurulus bubalis
piikkiviulu :: spike fiddle
piikkokauris :: brocket (South American deer of the genus Mazama)
piikoa :: To work as a domestic
Piilaakso :: The Silicon Valley
piileksiä :: to hide (for a longer period of time)
piileksijä :: hider
piilevä :: latent, hidden, concealed, occult
pii-levä :: alternative spelling of piilevä
piilevä :: diatom
piilipuu :: crack willow, Salix fragilis
piillä :: To be hidden in, lie in
piilo :: hideout, lair
piilo :: (in compounds) hidden
piilokamera :: candid camera [type of TV show]
piilokarsastus :: heterophoria
piilokas :: bean weevil, seed beetle in the Bruchinae subfamily of the Chrysomelidae family of beetles
piilolasit :: contact lenses
piilolinssi :: contact lens
piilosana :: cryptic crossword
piilosarana :: butt hinge
piilosilla :: olla ~ : to play hide and seek
piilossa :: hidden, in hiding
piilosta :: leikkiä ~ : to play hide and seek
piilotajuinen :: subconscious
piilottaa :: to hide, conceal
piiloutua :: To hide oneself
piilukko :: flintlock
piimä :: A type of cultured milk typical for Nordic countries; the texture and taste resemble kefir but piimä is thicker and the bacteria used in the fermentation process are different
piimä :: Any cultured milk product consumed as drink
piimaa :: diatomite, diatomaceous earth, kieselgur
piimiä :: of milk: to become sour like cultured buttermilk
piimonoksidi [inorganic chemistry] :: silicon monoxide, SiO
piina :: torment, misery
piinaava :: tormenting
piinaavampi :: comparative form of piinaava
piinapenkki :: rack (torture device)
piinata :: To torment
piinaviikko :: The Holy Week
piioksidi :: silicon oxide
piip :: beep
piipahdus :: A high-pitched beep
piipahdus :: quick visit
piipahtaa :: to drop by (to make a short, informal visit)
piipata :: To beep, tweet (of electronics, e.g.)
piipittää :: To tweet (to make several short high-pitched, unmelodic sounds, such as the young of birds in a nest)
piipitys :: beeping
piipitys :: The high-pitched sound produced by mice etc
piippaus :: beep, pip
piippu :: A common short form of savupiippu, meaning chimney
piippu :: barrel (a metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged)
piippu :: pipe (smoking gear)
piippumies :: A pipe-smoking man, pipe-smoker
piippurassi :: pipe cleaner
piipputupakka :: pipe tobacco
piipullinen :: pipeful
piipunpolttaja :: pipe-smoker
piirakka :: (colloquial) pussy, vagina
piirakka :: pasty
piirakka :: pie
piirakka :: pierogi
piiras :: pie
piiri :: circle (specific group of persons)
piiri :: district, region (administrative division of an organization)
piiri :: circuit, virtapiiri
piiri :: perimeter
piirikunta :: county
piirikunta :: raion
piirikytkentä :: circuit switching
piirilevy :: circuit board
piirittää :: To (be)siege, lay siege to, blockade
piirittää :: To circle, surround
piiritys :: siege
piirityskone :: siege engine
piirityssota :: siege warfare
piiritystorni :: siege tower (type of siege engine)
piironki :: chest of drawers, dresser
piirre :: cast (visual appearance)
piirre :: feature (physical constituent)
piirre :: trait (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)
piirretty :: A cartoon (animated piece of film)
piirrin :: stylus
piirros :: drawing
piirrosanimaatio :: animation
piirroselokuva :: animation
piirrosfilmi :: animation
piirtää :: piirtää taloa = To design a house
piirtää :: To describe
piirtää :: To draw, sketch
piirtää :: To outline, draft
piirtäjä :: drawer (artist who primarily makes drawings)
piirtäjä :: drawer (one who draws)
piirtäminen :: graphics (making of architectural or engineering drawings)
piirtäminen :: The act or instance of drawing
piirto :: stroke (line drawn with a pen or other writing implement)
piirtoheitin :: overhead projector (projector that projects an image over the head of the user of the projector onto a screen behind him)
piirtojärjestys [calligraphy] :: stroke order
piirtopaukamointi :: dermatographia
piirturi :: plotter (output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper)
piiru [artillery] :: angular mil, mil (unit of angle equal to 1/6000, 1/6300 or 1/6400 of full circle, depending on country)
piiru :: rafter (one of the sloping beams that support a pitched roof')
piiru :: in plural, piirut, a feast. Same as pidot
piiru :: inch (unspecified but very short distance)
piiru :: mark (indication or sign used for reference or measurement)
piiru :: point (unit of angle equal to 1/32 of full circle or 11.25 degrees)
piirustaa :: To draw
piirustus :: a drawing (picture)
piirustus :: the act of drawing
piisami :: muskrat
piisata :: to be enough, to suffice
piisi :: alternative form of biisi
piisi :: fireplace
piisiru :: A silicon chip
piiska :: A short whip, crop
piiska [slang, obsolete] :: A black and white (police patrol car)
piiskakäärme :: oriental whipsnake, Ahaetulla prasina, Dryophis prasinus
piiskamato :: whipworm (parasitic roundworm of the species Trichuris trichiura)
piiskata :: To whip (to hit with a whip)
piiskata kuollutta hevosta :: to flog a dead horse, beat a dead horse
piiskujänis :: pika (small mammal of the family Ochotonidae)
piispa :: bishop
piispanhiippa :: elfin saddle, Gyromitra infula (species of mushroom)
piispanhiippa :: mitre of a bishop; usually only hiippa unless there's a need to be specific
piispanistuin :: apse (ceremonial seat or throne of a bishop)
piispanistuin :: see (office of a bishop or archbishop)
piispanristi :: pectoral cross, pectorale
piispatar :: The wife of a bishop
piitata :: to care about, worry about, bother oneself about, trouble oneself about
piiteräs :: silicon steel
piitetrafluoridi :: silicon tetrafluoride
piitimensaame :: The Pite Sami language
piittaamaton :: laeista ~ , laista ~ : lawless
piittaamaton :: lax, neglectful, negligent (lacking care)
piittaamaton :: regardless, heedless, careless (having no regard)
piittaamaton :: unconcerned, nonchalant, indifferent (not worried, anxious or apprehensive)
piittaamaton :: unresponsive, apathetic, emotionless
piittaamattomasti :: recklessly
piittaamattomasti :: unconcernedly
piittaamattomuus :: disregard
Päijänne :: The second largest lake in Finland
pika :: See: pika-
pika :: A pika
pika :: In plural (pikat), the taxonomic family Ochotonidae
pika- :: quick, fast, express
pika- :: summary (performed speedily and without formal ceremony)
pikainen :: quick
pikaisesti :: promptly
pikajuna :: An express train
pikajuoksu :: A sprint (short race at top speed)
pikakahvi :: instant coffee
pikakirje :: express letter (individual letter)
pikakirje :: express mail (service)
pikakirjoitus :: shorthand (compendious and rapid method of writing)
pikakurssi :: crash course (quick, intense course of learning)
pikaluistelu :: speed skating
pikamatka :: sprint (short race at top speed)
pikanäppäin :: A keyboard shortcut
pikantisti :: poignantly
pikantti :: poignant
pikanttius :: poignancy
pikanuudeli :: instant noodle
pikapikaa :: quickly
pikapuoliin :: shortly, in a moment
pikari :: goblet
pikaruoka :: fast food
pikashakki :: speed chess
pikataival :: special stage (timed stretch in a rally race)
pikatreffit :: speed dating
pikatuomio :: A short shrift (quick rejection)
pikavene :: speedboat (fast boat, usually a motorboat)
pikavierailu :: flying visit
pikaviesti :: instant message
pikaviestittää :: to instant message
pikavoitto :: fast buck (money earned quickly)
pikavuoro :: express (bus)
pikee :: pique (fabric)
pikemmin gloss=soon
pikemminkin :: rather
piki :: pitch (material made by distilling tar)
pikimmiten :: at once, right away, immediately
pikimusta :: Pitch black (colour)
pikipöksy :: A tar (sailor)
pikipuumuura :: black bushbird
pikivälke :: pitchblende
pikkelsi :: pickle
pikkiriikkinen :: tiny
pikkolo :: piccolo
pikkolopullo :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle containing 0.1875 l)
pikku :: little old
pikku :: little, small
pikku- :: small, minor
pikkuaavikkokiuru :: bar-tailed lark, Ammomanes cinctura
pikkuaivot :: cerebellum
pikkuakseli :: minor axis (an axis of symmetry of a conic section; the shorter one in an ellipse, in a hyperbola the one that does not intersect the curve)
pikkuakselin puolikas :: semiminor axis
pikkuauto :: a toy car
pikkuauto :: a small passenger car
pikkubussi :: minibus
pikkuflamingo :: lesser flamingo, Phoenicopterus minor
pikkugrisoni :: lesser grison, Galictis cuja (smaller of the two species of the genus Galictis of South American mustelid mammals)
pikkuhaikara :: bittern (any of the species in the genus Ixobrychus)
pikkuhaikara :: little bittern, Ixobrychus minutus
Pikku hevonen :: The constellation Equus
pikkuhiirenhäntälepakko :: lesser mouse-tailed bat, Rhinopoma hardwickei
pikkuhiljaa :: little by little, gradually
pikkuhäiveperhonen :: lesser purple emperor, Apatura ilia
pikkuhousunsuoja :: pantyliner (pad worn on the inner surface of women's underwear)
pikkuhousut :: briefs (underpants worn by men or boys)
pikkuhousut :: panties (women's and girls' small underpants)
pikkuinen :: little, tiny
pikkuinen :: little one
pikkuisen :: a little, a bit
pikkuitiö :: microspore
pikkuitiöpesäke :: microsporangium
pikkujoulu :: pre-Christmas party (celebration of approaching Christmas, originally held on the eve of Advent Sunday, but now dispersed over a period of five to two weeks before Christmas)
pikkujoulujuhla :: alternative term for pikkujoulu
pikkujoutsen :: a young swan
pikkujoutsen :: tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus
pikkujuttu :: peanuts, small potatoes, small fry, small beer (thing of little importance)
pikkukaivajavyötiäinen :: pink fairy armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus
pikkukajava :: black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla
pikkukala :: small fish, small fry
pikkukasuaari :: dwarf cassowary, Casuarius bennetti
pikkukaupunki :: small town
pikkukiivi :: little spotted kiwi, Apteryx owenii
pikkukiljukotka :: lesser spotted eagle, Aquila pomarina
pikkukiuru :: lesser short-toed lark, Calandrella rufescens
pikkukivi :: A pebble (small stone)
pikkukorppikotka :: Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus
pikkukotka :: booted eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus
pikkukäpylintu :: red crossbill or common crossbill, species
pikkukultarinta :: booted warbler, Iduna caligata
pikkukultasiipi :: small copper, Lycaena phlaeas
pikkukuovi :: whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
pikkukylä :: hamlet
pikkulainen [affectionate] :: child, kid, kiddo (literally, little one)
pikkulapasotka :: lesser scaup, Aythya affinis
pikkulapsi :: A small child
pikkulavantauti :: paratyphoid fever
pikkuleinikki :: pygmy buttercup, Ranunculus pygmaeus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
pikkuleipä :: biscuit
pikkulepakko :: Nathusius' pipistrelle, Pipistrellus nathusii
pikkulepinkäinen :: red-backed shrike, Lanius collurio
pikkuliitäjä :: Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus
pikkulimakotilo :: Galba truncatula, a snail
pikkulintu :: small bird, sparrow (any small bird)
pikkulokki :: little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus, formerly Larus minutus)
pikkumainen :: pedantic, nitpicky (excessively concerned with rules or details)
pikkumusta [by extension, military, slang] :: The short black underpants used in the Finnish military
pikkumusta :: little black dress (woman's black cocktail dress)
pikkumuurahaiskarhu :: silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus
pikkunahkiainen :: A brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri
Pikku Otava :: Little Dipper (asterism)
pikkupanda :: red panda, lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens)
pikkuplaneetta :: A minor planet
pikkupoika :: A little boy
pikkuporvaristo :: petty bourgeoisie (social class according to Karl Marx)
pikkuraha :: petty cash, loose change
pikkuraha :: small potatoes, peanuts (small amount of money)
pikkurikollinen :: petty criminal
pikkurilli :: little finger
pikkurokko :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash)
pikkurokko :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general)
pikkurokko :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks)
pikkurousku :: birch milk-cap, Lactarius tabidus
pikkuruinen :: diminutive, tiny
pikkurumpu :: snare drum
pikkuseikka :: bagatelle (trifle; unsubstantial thing)
pikkuserkku :: second cousin
pikkusikari :: cigarillo
pikkusirri :: little stint, Calidris minuta (small wading bird)
pikkusisar :: little sister
pikkusisko :: little sister
pikkusormi :: little finger
pikkutakki :: A type of cut of men's jacket, such as used in men's suit jacket, blazer or sportcoat, the main difference between which is in the material
pikkutarkka :: painstaking, pedantic (concerned with details)
pikkutekijä :: small fry (person of little importance)
pikkutelkkä :: bufflehead, Bucephala albeola (bird of the duck family)
pikkutunnit :: small hours, wee hours (the period from midnight to dawn)
pikkutuulenkala :: lesser sand eel, sand lance, Ammodytes tobianus
pikkutyttö :: little girl
pikkuvanha :: precocious
pikkuvarpunen :: tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
pikkuvarvas :: little toe
pikkuveli :: little brother
pikkuvika :: minor defect
pikkuväki :: small fry (one or more children)
pikkuvyötiäinen :: pichi, Zaedyus pichiy
pikkuvyötiäismyyrä :: pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus)
pikkuyksiö :: bachelorette (very small single room apartment)
piknikki :: picnic
piko- :: pico-
pikometri :: picometer (unit of distance)
pikornavirus :: picornavirus
pikosekunti :: picosecond
pikriinihappo :: picric acid
pikseli :: pixel
pikti :: Pict
pila :: joke, jest
pila :: practical joke, jest
pilaaja :: spoiler (somebody or something that spoils)
pilaantua :: To spoil
pilaantumaton :: imperishable
pilaantumattomampi :: comparative form of pilaantumaton
pilaantuminen :: spoilage (process)
pilaantunut :: spoilt (gone bad)
pilaantuva :: perishable, putrescible, rottable (easily decayed, as food)
pilahvi :: A pilaf
pilahvi :: A rice pilaf
pilahviriisi :: A rice pilaf [dish]
pilailla :: to joke
pilakuva :: caricature
pilalla :: ruined (not good for use or consumption)
pilalla :: spoilt, spoiled (having lost its original value)
pilalla :: spoilt, spoiled, pampered (of a person, usually a child, having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering)
pilalla :: spoilt, spoiled, rancid, off (of food, deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible)
pilalle :: ruined (not good for use or consumption, indicates transformation to this state)
pilapiirros :: a caricature; a drawing that intentionally exaggerates real or imagined characteristics of the subject
pilapiirros :: a satirical cartoon
pilari :: prank call
pilari :: pillar, column
pilasteri :: pilaster
pilata :: To blemish, soil (to spoil the appearance of)
pilata :: To bugger, cock up, fuck up, screw up (obscene slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things)
pilata :: To bugger up, mess up, muck up (mild slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things)
pilata :: To contaminate (to introduce impurities or foreign matter)
pilata :: To damage or mar (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction)
pilata :: To foil, scupper, thwart (to prevent something from being accomplished)
pilata :: To spoil, ruin, blight, destroy (to cause the ruin of)
pilata :: To spoil (to coddle or pamper to excess)
pili :: A pee-pee
pilkata :: To mock, deride, ridicule, jeer at, make fun of
pilke :: a type of firewood
pilke :: twinkle
pilkintä :: ice fishing
pilkistää :: to peek out
pilkka :: bullseye (center of target)
pilkka :: jeer, mock, ridicule, jest
pilkkaaja :: mocker
pilkkakirjoitus :: A lampoon (written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution)
pilkkasiipi :: velvet scoter, Melanitta fusca
pilkkiä :: to doze off
pilkkiä :: to ice fish (to fish through a hole cut into ice)
pilkki :: As a contracted form of pilkkiminen, ice fishing
pilkki :: The lure used in ice fishing
pilkkijä :: ice fisher
pilkkiminen :: ice fishing (act or instance of fishing through a hole cut into ice)
pilkkoa :: To chop, chip
pilkkopimeä :: pitch-dark
pilkkoutua :: To shatter, break up into pieces
pilkku :: last call
pilkku :: comma (punctuation mark ,)
pilkku :: dot (symbol , used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part)
pilkku :: hashish (cannabis extract)
pilkku :: spot, dot (small spot or mark)
pilkkukuume :: typhus
pilkkusilli :: allis shad, Alosa alosa; formerly Clupea alosa (migratory fish of the family Clupeidae: family of herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa, and menhadens)
pilkukas :: spotty (having spots)
pilkullinen :: spotty, dotted
pilkunnussija [vulgar, pejorative] :: A person with exceptional and unnecessary attention to detail; a grammar Nazi, a nitpicker
pilkuntarkka :: meticulous, punctilious, fastidious
pilkunviilaaja :: A pettifogger, inkhorn
pillahtaa :: ~ itkuun: = to burst out crying
pillastua [of horses] :: To bolt
pilleri :: pill
pillerinpyörittäjä :: scarab (beetle of the genus Scarabaeus)
pilli :: bag (breathalyzer)
pilli :: drinking straw, straw
pilli :: pipe (musical instrument)
pilli :: whistle (device)
pillike :: A hemp-nettle, any plant of the genus Galeopsis
pillisipuli :: A spring onion, Japanese bunching onion, scallion or green onion; Allium fistulosum
pillittää :: To cry, shed a tear
pillu :: vulva
pääilmansuunta :: A cardinal direction or cardinal point
piloilla :: Alternative form of pilalla
piloillaan :: in jest (as a joke)
piloille :: Alternative form of pilalle
pilotti :: aviator, pilot, airman (one who pilots an aircraft)
pilotti :: pilot project
pilottiprojekti :: pilot project
pilsneri :: A small beer (In Finland, any beer with less than 2,8 percent alcohol)
pilsneri :: pilsner (pale bottom-fermenting type of beer originally brewed in the city of Pilsen in current Czech republic)
pilssi :: The lowest inner part of a ship's hull, the bilge
pilssipumppu :: bilge pump (pump located in the bilge of a ship or a boat to allow emptying of the bilgewater)
pilssivesi :: bilgewater
piltti [literally, religious] :: child
pilttuu :: A stall (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed)
pilvenhattara :: A cloudlet
pilvenlonka :: A single, large cloud
pilvenpiirtäjä :: skyscraper
pilves :: A shaded place outdoors, where sunlight comes filtered e.g. through the leaves of trees
pilvessä :: high, stoned
pilvetön :: cloudless, unclouded
pilvettömyys :: cloudlessness
pilvi :: cloud
pilvi :: cloud
pilvi :: hashish, marijuana
Pilvi :: female given name
pilvilaskenta :: cloud computing
pilvilinna :: fool's paradise (happiness based on illusion)
pilvilinna :: pipe dream (plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work)
pilvimetsä :: cloud forest
pilvinen :: cloudy
pilviraja :: cloud base
pilvistyä [of the sky] :: To grow cloudy
pilvisyys :: cloudiness
pimahtaa :: To flip (to go berserk or crazy)
pimatsu :: chick (attractive woman)
pimeä :: crazy
pimeä :: dark (lack of light)
pimeä :: under-the-counter, cash in hand (receiving money in cash with the purpose of avoiding taxes)
pimeä :: The time of darkness
pimeä aine :: dark matter
pimeämpi :: comparative form of pimeä
pimeänäkö :: night vision (ability to see in the dark)
pimeänäkölaite :: night vision device (appliance which allows the user to see even in complete darkness)
pimennys :: eclipse
pimennysmuuttuja :: eclipsing variable
pimeänpelko :: nyctophobia, scotophobia
pimentää :: to darken (to reduce light)
pimento :: dark, darkness (place hidden from the sight)
pimentyä :: To darken (having less light)
pimeästi :: cash in hand (in a manner receiving direct payment by cash, often without paying tax)
pimeästi :: darkly, obscurely
pimeästi :: under-the-table, under-the-counter, secretly, covertly
pimetä :: To darken (to lose light)
pimeys :: darkness
pimiö :: darkroom
pimittää :: to conceal
pimppi :: pussy (female genitalia, especially of a girl)
pimu :: chick (young woman, especially attractive one)
päin :: towards, in/to the direction of
-päin :: towards
pinaatti :: spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
pinaattiohukas :: A kind of crêpe or thin pancake that includes spinach
pineeni :: pinene
-päinen :: Of or pertaining to a head; used only as headword in compound terms. Sometimes translated into English as -headed, but often the compound has a translation of its own
pingis :: table tennis, ping-pong or ping pong
pingotin :: stretcher
pingottaa [figuratively, colloquial] :: to study hard (e.g. for exams)
pingottaa :: to stretch, tension (to apply tension to something in order to straighten it out)
pingviini :: penguin
pinja :: A stone pine, Pinus pinea
Pinja :: female given name
pinjansiemen :: A pine nut
pinkaista :: To sprint
pinkaisu :: dash (short run)
pinkka :: pile, stack
pinkki :: pink
pinkki :: A pinky (baby mouse, especially when used as food for a snake, etc.)
pinkki :: colour pink
pinko :: swot (studious student)
pinkoa [figuratively, colloquial] :: to study hard [e.g. for exams]
pinkoa :: to run, to dash
pinna :: point (unit of scoring in a game or competition)
pinna :: temper, nerve, fuse (in the sense of loosing one's temper)
pinna [lb, fi, colloquial] :: percent
pinna :: tiller
pinna :: spoke (of a wheel, ie. in bicycle)
pinnaaja :: alternative form of pinnari
pinnallinen :: superficial, shallow
pinnallistaa :: to make (more) superficial
pinnallistua :: To become (more) superficial
pinnanalainen :: subsurface
pinnari :: truant
pinnasänky :: crib, cot (baby’s bed with high, slatted, often moveable sides)
pinnata :: (rare) To skimp (to do carelessly)
pinnata :: To play truant, skip class or work
pinnatuoli :: spoke chair (a light chair, often used around a table, the back of which is made of spokes)
pinne :: A difficult situation, jam, bind. In this sense only used in inessive, elative and illative cases in set expressions
pinne :: A condition in which a nerve is pressed by other body parts causing pain, cramps or other symptoms
pinne :: Any device or part that keeps something in its place through tension (as contrasted with e.g. weight or friction), such as a clamp or clip
pinni :: pin
pinnistää :: to push, to strain
pinnoite :: coat, lining
pino :: stack
pino :: stack, pile
Pinokkio :: Pinocchio
pinota :: To stack
pinseri :: pinscher
pinsetit :: tweezers
pinssi :: pin (simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener)
pinta :: surface
pinta-aktiivinen :: surface-active (capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid)
pinta-ala :: area
pintaintegraali :: surface integral
pintajännitys :: surface tension
pintakiilto :: gloss (superficially or deceptively attractive appearance)
pintakivilaji :: extrusive (rock which has been formed through volcanic extrusion)
pintakäsittely :: surface finish
pintaloinen :: ectoparasite
pintamaa :: topsoil
pintaremontoida :: to reface (to replace the face or surface of something; to create a new outer layer)
pintaremontti :: facelift (activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something)
pintavesi :: surface water
pintavika :: surface defect
pinteessä :: in a pinch
pintopapu :: pinto bean
pinttynyt :: grimy
päinvastainen :: reciprocal, backward, contrary
päinvastainen :: converse
päinvastoin :: vice versa, on the contrary
pioneeri :: A private in the engineer corps
pioni :: peony
pioni :: pion
pipana :: A small child
pipana :: A small clump of material (e.g. earth)
pipari :: cookie
pipari :: gingersnap, ginger biscuit
pipari :: cookie (female genitalia)
piparjuuri :: horseradish, Armoracia rusticana (syn. Cochlearia armorica)
piparkakku :: gingerbread, gingersnap, ginger biscuit (brown ginger-flavoured biscuit)
piparkakkutalo :: gingerbread house
piparkakku-ukko :: gingerbread man (ginger-flavoured biscuit/cookie in the shape of a person)
piparminttu :: peppermint
piperatsiini :: piperazine
piperidiini :: piperidine
pipetoida :: To pipet
pipetti :: pipet
pipi :: crazy
pipi [hypocoristic, baby talk] :: owie, hurt
piplia :: Bible
pipo :: knit cap, stocking cap, watch cap; bobble hat; beanie [US], toque/tuque [Canada] (knitted hat of varying shape, often woollen, and sometimes topped by a pom-pom or tassel)
pippeli [colloquial, childish, hypocoristic] :: pee-pee (penis)
pippuri :: pepper, chili (as head word in a compound term may also refer to the spicy varieties of Capsicum, notably in words chilipippuri and turkinpippuri)
pippuri :: pepper (plant of the family Piperaceae and spice prepared from the berries of this plant)
pippurihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula badia
pippurikastike :: creamy pepper sauce
pippurimylly :: A pepper mill
pippurinen :: temperamental
pippurinen :: peppery
pippurirousku :: peppery milk-cap, Lactarius piperatus
pippurisirotin :: A pepper shaker
pippurisumute :: pepper spray
pippurisumutin :: A hand-held self-defense spraying device containing pepper spray
pippuroida :: To devil (to add cayenne pepper to)
pippuroida :: To pepper (to add pepper to)
piraatti :: pirate (one who reproduces copyrighted works for distribution)
piraija :: piranha
piratismi :: piracy (unauthorized duplication of goods, software, music etc. protected by intellectual property law)
pirauttaa :: (with a telephone) to call
Pirhonen :: Finnish surname
piri :: speed (metamphetamine)
pirinä :: ringing
piristää :: to cheer up
piristää :: to refresh
piristä [of a telephone] :: To ring
piriste :: stimulant
piristyä :: To cheer up
piristyä :: To perk up
piristäytyä :: to refresh
Pirita :: female given name
Piritta :: female given name
Pirjo :: female given name
Pirkanmaa :: A province (maakunta) of Finland
Pirkka :: male given name
Pirkko :: female given name
pirpana :: shrimp, squirt, tyke (child)
pirskeet :: party
pirskotella :: to spurt, spatter or sprinkle lightly (to splash lightly with small droplets)
pirskottaa :: to spurt, spatter, sprinkle (to splash with small droplets)
pirssi :: taxi
pirssiauto :: taxicab
pirsta :: shard
pirstale :: shard
pirstaleinen :: shattered, splintered, broken
pirstoa :: to shatter, smash (to violently break something into pieces)
pirstoutua :: to shatter, shard
pirta :: rail
pirteä :: perky, vivacious, lively
pirtelö :: A milkshake, shake
pirteämpi :: comparative form of pirteä
pirtti :: cabin, cottage
pirtu :: rectified spirit (spirit that has been purified to or close to the maximum concentration obtainable by using conventional distillation processes, i.e. about 96% by volume)
piru :: An intensifier; used in genitive singular form (pirun)
piru :: A devil
piru :: The Devil (Satan)
piru asuu yksityiskohdissa :: devil is in the details
piruetti :: pirouette
pirullinen :: devilish
pirunpuolukka :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
piruntatti :: Devil's bolete or Satan's mushroom (Boletus satanas)
piruntusina :: baker's dozen (group of 13)
piruparka :: A poor devil
pirusti :: An intensifier
pisama :: freckle
pisamainen :: freckled
pisara :: drop (a small mass of liquid)
pisaroida :: To drip
pisiä :: to piss
piski :: A mutt, mongrel, pooch or cur (mixed-bred dog)
piski :: A pooch (dog)
pisoaari :: urinal
pissa :: pee
pissaliisa :: A teenage girl obsessed with outer appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, boasting with alcohol consumption and having an indifferent attitude towards everything; partially corresponds to the terms chav [girl], Essex girl and Valley girl, but does not connote any social status
pissapoika :: windscreen washer (device to clean windscreens)
pissata :: to pee, wee, wee-wee
pissattaa [impersonal] :: to have the urge to urinate
pissiä :: To fail
pissiä :: To piss, wee
pissi :: pee
pissis :: teenybopper; partially corresponds to the terms chav [girl], Essex girl and Valley girl, but does not connote any social status (teenage girl obsessed with outer appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, often drinking alcohol excessively and having an indifferent attitude towards everything)
pissittää :: to have the urge to urinate
päissään :: olla ~: to be drunk, wasted, smashed
päissään :: [While being] very drunk, wasted, smashed
pistää :: illative + 3rd-pers singular = to smart
pistää :: To inject (administer an injection)
pistää :: To poke, thrust
pistää :: To put, place
pistää :: To stick, prick, stab, puncture; (of insects) to bite, sting
pistää :: To fuck
pistaasi :: pistachio
pistaasipähkinä :: pistachio nut
päiste :: headland
piste :: point (zero-dimensional object)
piste :: point (mark or stroke above a letter)
piste :: point (particular location)
piste :: point (something tiny)
piste :: point (unit of scoring)
piste [typography] :: point, dot, full stop, period
piste [typography] :: point (unit of font size or spacing)
pisteittäinen :: pointwise
pistekirjoitus :: Braille
pisteliäs :: sarcastic, mordant
pisteliäs :: tart, pungent
pistellä :: Frequentative form of pistää; all senses
pistemäärä :: score (total number of points earned by a participant in a game)
pistemusiikki :: punctualism
pistepörssi :: player statistics
pistetulo :: scalar product
pistiäinen :: Any insect in the order Hymenoptera, especially those in the sawfly suborder Symphyta
pistiäinen :: In plural (pistiäiset) the insect order Hymenoptera comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees and ants
päistikkaa :: head over heels, headlong (at top speed; frantically)
päistikkaa :: head over heels, headlong (tumbling upside down)
pistin :: bayonet
pistin :: stinger (of animals, e.g. wasp stinger)
pisto :: sting, bite
pisto :: stitch
pistohaava :: puncture wound, stab (deep narrow wound caused by a pointed object)
pistokas :: cutting (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant)
pistoke :: A plug (connecting device)
pistokärpänen :: stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
pistomiekka :: rapier
pistooli :: pistol
pistoolikahva :: pistol grip (grip shaped like that of a pistol)
pistorasia :: socket, outlet, wall socket; point [UK]; receptacle, wall plug [US] (opening for connecting an electric plug)
pistotulppa :: plug (electric connecting device)
pistää päänsä pensaaseen :: to bury one's head in the sand (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation)
pistävä :: pungent
pistäytyä [intransitive + inessive] :: To drop by
pisu :: pee
pisuaari :: alternative spelling of pisoaari
pitää [+ elative + kiinni] :: To hold onto
pitää :: To keep, take
pitää [impersonal] :: genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive = to have (to do); (in conditional mood) should (do), ought (to do), be supposed (to do), would have (to do)
pitää :: To hold, grasp, grip
pitää :: To keep (an animal)
pitää [transitive + elative] :: To like, be fond of
pitää [transitive + partitive + essive] :: To consider (to be), to assess, to see as
pitää :: Used in very many collocations with nouns, translated often into "engage in", "have", "do", "transact", "pursue", "conduct", "carry out" "keep up", "maintain", "lead/teach" etc
pita :: pita
pitaali [pathology, rare] :: alternative spelling of spitaali
pitaleipä :: pita bread, pita
pitchi [golf] :: pitch
pitempi :: comparative form of pitkä
pitentää :: alternative form of pidentää
pitentyä :: alternative form of pidentyä
pitää hallussaan :: To command, hold, control the use of, maintain in one's possession, obtain
pitää hauskaa :: To enjoy oneself
pitää hauskaa :: To have fun, have a ball, have a good time
pitää huolta :: (+ elative) To take care of
pitää huolta :: To mind
pitää huolta omista asioistaan :: To mind one's own business
pitäjä :: holder
pitäjä :: keeper
pitäjä :: (old-fashioned) rural municipality
pitkä [of an object] :: long
pitkä :: tall
pitkäaikainen :: chronic
pitkäaikainen :: long-term
pitkäaikainen :: secular (going on for a long period of time)
pitkäaikainen vastuu [accounting, finance] :: long-term liability
pitkäaikainen vieras pääoma [accounting, finance] :: long-term debt
pitkäaikaisin :: superlative form of pitkäaikainen
pitkäaikaispotilas :: long-term patient (seriously injured or chronically ill person who has to spend long periods of time in hospital care)
pitkäaikaistyötön :: long-term unemployed (person who has been unemployed for an elongated period of time)
pitkäaikaistyöttömyys :: long-term unemployment
pitäkää hauskaa :: Have fun! (2nd person plural)
pitkähiuksinen :: [of humans] longhaired
pitkähäntämuurahaiskäpy :: long-tailed pangolin, Manis tetradactyla
pitkähuilu :: willow flute
pitää kiirettä :: To hurry
pitkäikäinen :: long-lasting (persisting or enduring for a long time)
pitkäikäinen :: long-lived (having a long lifespan; surviving for a long period of time)
pitkin :: along
pitkittää :: to prolong, draw out, extend (to make something last for more time than is necessary)
pitkittäin :: lengthwise
pitkittäinen :: longitudinal (running in the direction of the long axis of a body)
pitkittäisaalto :: longitudinal wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is parallel to the direction of travel)
pitkittäisleikkaus :: lengthwise cross-section
pitkäjalka :: black-winged stilt, Himantopus himantopus
pitkäjalka :: stilt (three species of bird in the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus)
pitkäjalkainen :: long-legged
pitkäjänteinen :: long-term (extending over a relatively long time period)
pitkäkarvainen :: [of furred animals] longhaired
pitkäkarvainen collie :: rough collie (breed of dog)
pitkäkaulaluuttu :: tanbur (type of long-necked lute commonly used in Central and South Asian music)
pitkä kiekko :: An icing
pitkäkseen :: down (to a reclining position); mostly used in the expression käydä pitkäkseen
pitkälleen :: to a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down
pitkällään :: in a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down
pitkälti :: to a large extent
pitkämiekka :: A longsword, greatsword, bastard sword or bastardsword
pitkään :: for long, at length
pitkään aikaan :: in a long time, for a long time
pitkän aikavälin vastuu [accounting, finance] :: long-term liability
Pitkänen :: Finnish surname
pitkänomainen :: elongated, longish
pitko :: A pulla that has been baked in the form of a plait
pitkospuu :: duckboard (one of a long series of boards laid as a path across wet or muddy ground)
pitkospuu :: in plural (pitkospuut), duckboards (path made that way)
pitkäperjantai :: Good Friday
pitkäpiimä :: A type of piimä typical for western Finland
pitkäpiimäinen :: ponderous (extremely dull or boring)
pitkäpiimäinen :: prolix (tediously lengthy)
pitkäpiimäinen :: of or pertaining to pitkäpiimä
pitkäpiimäisesti :: ponderously, dully
pitkäpiimäisyys :: ponderousness, dullness
pitkäsiima :: longline
pitkäsoitto :: As modifier in compound terms: long-playing, LP
pitkäsoitto :: LP record
pitkäsäärinen :: leggy
pitkästä aikaa :: long time no see; it has been a long time
pitkästyä :: to get bored
pitkästyttää :: to bore (to make boring, tiresome)
pitkästyttävä :: tiresome, dull
pitkästyttävästi :: tiresomely, dully
pitkulainen :: elongated
pitkäveteinen :: dull, tedious, boring
pitkäveteisesti :: tediously
pitää kynttiläänsä vakan alla :: to hide one's light under a bushel (to conceal one's talents or positive qualities, especially due to modesty or shyness; to avoid attention)
pitää mykkäkoulua :: To give someone the cold shoulder, to refuse to speak to someone for an extended period of time
pito :: traction (friction)
-pitoinen :: When combined with a term that refers to a non-food material, containing or -bearing (including as a part). Sometimes the English equivalent is a substance-specific adjective (e.g. rautapitoinen = ferrous)
-pitoinen :: When combined with other nouns, the resulting adjective usually indicates a relatively large share. The translation into English varies, and one may have to think through synonyms
pitoisuus :: concentration
pitoisuus :: percentage
pitää paikkansa :: to hold true, be true (to be true, valid or applicable)
pitää peukkua :: to cross one's fingers, keep thumbs up (to wish good luck)
pitää puhe :: To speak, to give a speech, to deliver a speech, to address an audience (to deliver a message to a group)
pitää puheensa :: To walk the talk [US] (to do what one said one could do, or would do, not just making empty promises)
pitsa :: pizza
pitseria :: pizzeria
päitset :: headstall
pitää seuraa :: to keep someone company
pitsi :: lace
pitää silmällä :: To keep an eye on
pitää silmäpeliä :: to give someone the eye, make eyes at (to show flirtatious signs with one's eyes)
pitsipuumuura :: chestnut-backed antshrike
pitää sisällään :: encase
pittoreski :: picturesque
pituinen :: long; tall [in case of humans]
pituus :: height (vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person)
pituus :: in combination with itäinen or läntinen: longitude (angular distance east or west from Greenwich meridian)
pituus :: length
pituusaste :: longitude (angular distance east or west from the Greenwich meridian)
pituushyppääjä :: long jumper (athlete)
pituushyppy :: long jump
pituuspiiri :: longitude
pituusyksikkö :: unit of length
pitävä :: firm, as in pitävä ote ("firm grip")
pitävä :: proof (in compound terms, firm or successful in resisting)
pitävä :: solid, as in pitävä väite ("solid argument")
pitää varansa :: To watch out, watch one's step, be on one's guard, keep one's eyes open (literally: "to maintain one's room/space")
pitää vettä :: to hold water; both literally (to not leak) and figuratively (to withstand scrutiny, to be valid)
pitävästi :: conclusively
pitää yhtä :: To band together, stick together, speak with one voice
pitää yhteyttä :: to follow up (to maintain communication)
pitää yhteyttä :: to keep in touch
pitää yllä :: To maintain; to keep up (to maintain the good condition of sth); to sustain
piuha :: electrical cord
piukea :: alternative form of piukka
piukempi :: comparative form of piukka
piukka :: tight
päivää :: good day, hello; short of hyvää päivää
päivä :: A day (from midnight to midnight)
päivä :: A day (period between sunrise and sunset)
päivä :: A day (period of 24 hours)
päivä :: A day (the part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.)
päivä :: The sun
päiväaika :: daytime
päiväaikainen :: diurnal (happening during daylight)
päiväaktiivinen :: diurnal (primarily active during daylight)
päivähoito :: daycare
Päiviö :: male given name
Päiviö :: female given name
Päivi :: female given name
Päivikki :: female given name
päiviltä :: ablative plural of päivä
päivineen :: and all (including every item associated with preceding item or series of items)
päivisin :: In the daytime (habitually taking place during the day)
päivitellä :: to update, in a leisurely manner
päivitellä :: to bemoan, complain, regret; to dismay or worry about something
päivitellä :: to wonder or admire, with plentiful words
päivittää :: To update (to make up-to-date)
päivittäin :: daily
päivittäinen :: daily (that happens every day)
päivittäistavara :: grocery (an item of foodstuffs or other household supplies)
päivittäistavarakauppa :: business or trade of retailing groceries
päivittäistavarakauppa :: grocery store, grocery, grocer's
päivitys :: update
päiväkirja :: A diary, especially one kept by an individual
päiväkirja :: A log
päiväkorento :: alternative form of päivänkorento
päiväkoti :: day care center
päiväkoti :: kindergarten
päivälehti :: daily paper
päivällä :: at day, in the daytime
päivällä :: later or earlier today, depending on context
päivällinen :: dinner
päivällisaika :: dinnertime, dinner hour, suppertime, supper hour (time when dinner is ready and served)
päivällispöytä :: dinner table
päivämäärä :: A date (time reference)
päivämääräraja :: date line
päivänjatko :: rest of the day; used mainly in the expression hyvää päivänjatkoa for which the best English translation is probably have a nice day
päivänkakkara :: daisy
päivänkoite :: crack of dawn
päivänkoitto :: daybreak, break of dawn, dawn
päivänkorento :: mayfly [any of the insects in the order Ephemeroptera]
päivänkukka :: oxeye daisy, marguerite (Leucanthemum vulgare)
päivänkukka :: sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
päivänpaiste :: sunshine
päivänsankari :: A person whose birthday or other anniversary it is at present
päivänsäde :: sunray
päivänsäde :: sunshine
päivänseisaus :: solstice; as modifier in compound terms also solstitial
päivänseisauspiste :: solstice point, solstitial point (point on a planet's orbit at which a solstice occurs)
päivänselvä :: crystal clear, literally: "clear as day"
päivänselvä :: obvious
päivänselvästi :: obviously
päivänselvyys :: obviousness
päiväntasaaja :: equator
Päiväntasaajan Guinea :: Equatorial Guinea
päiväntasaus :: equinox
päiväntasauspiste :: equinoctial point, equinox point (point on a planet's orbit at which an equinox occurs)
päivänvalo :: daylight
päivänvalo :: light (in certain idiomatic expressions)
päivänvarjo :: parasol, umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against sun)
päivän virsi :: alternative term for graduaalivirsi
pivo :: A hand, palm
päiväpeite :: bedcover, bedspread (part of bedding)
päiväpuoli :: dayside
päiväraha :: daily allowance
päiväraha :: per diem (daily stipend)
päiväsaika :: daytime (the time of daylight)
päiväsaikaan :: In daytime
päiväsakko :: day-fine, day fine, unit fine (fine, the amount of which is based on the daily personal income of the offender)
päivästä toiseen :: day in, day out
päivätä :: to date (to note the time of)
päivät ovat luetut :: days are numbered (some period of time is coming to an end)
päiväunelma :: daydream
päiväuni :: daydream
päiväuni :: in plural päiväunet also: (afternoon) nap
päiväuni :: pipe dream
päivyri :: diary
päiväys :: date
päivystää :: To be on call (e.g. by a phone at a workplace)
päivystys :: emergency duty, on call duty, duty, service
päiwä :: obsolete spelling of päivä
pizza :: pizza
pizzeria :: pizzeria
pääjakso :: A phylum
pääjalkainen :: A cephalopod
pääjohtaja :: director-general
pääjohtaja :: general director, chief executive officer
pääjohto :: main, main line, trunk line (large pipe or cable providing utility service to a building or area)
Pjongjang :: Pyongyang
pääjoukko :: peloton
pääjoukko :: main group
pääjäristys :: mainshock (maximum shock in an earthquake event)
pääjuhla :: main celebration
pääkallo :: skull
pääkallokiitäjä :: death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos)
pääkallonmetsästäjä :: headhunter
pääkallonpaikka :: headquarters
pääkampa :: A comb, often decorated, designed to be worn as part of a hairdo rather than used for combing; hair-comb
pääkatu :: main street, high street
pääkaupunki :: capital (city)
pääkaupunkiseutu :: Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen)
pökerryksissä :: stunned, dazed
pökerryttää :: to stun
pökertyä :: To become stunned
päkiä :: ball (of a foot)
pääkipu :: headache
pääkirja :: general ledger (central accounting record of a company or organization)
pääkirjasto :: main library
pääkirjoitus :: editorial, leader (principal article in a publication giving the opinion of its editors)
päkistää :: to strain oneself
pökkö :: log, stock, block of wood
PKK :: PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party)
pökkelö :: (rotten) log
pökäle :: A piece of excrement
pää kolmantena jalkana :: juosta ~ = to run head over heels; at top speed, frantically (literally: with head as the third leg)
pääkomponenttianalyysi :: principal component analysis
pääkonsuli :: consul general
pääkonttori :: head office (main administrative centre for a company or organisation)
pääkoppa :: cranium
pääkäsittely :: A main hearing of a legal case
pöksyt :: pants, especially women's underpants and children's trousers
pk-teollisuus :: small and medium industry (industrial enterprises employing 10 to 250 people)
pk-yrittäjä :: small and medium entrepreneur (entrepreneur who employs 10 to 250 people)
pk-yritys :: small and medium enterprise, SME (enterprise employing 10 to 250 people)
plaanata :: to plane
päälaenlohko :: parietal lobe
päälaenluu :: the parietal bone
plafondi :: ceiling light
plagiaatti :: A plagiarism
plagioida :: To plagiarize
plagioija :: plagiarizer
plagiointi :: plagiarizing
plagioklaasi :: plagioclase
päälaki :: A crown, pate, vertex (top of the head)
päälakilohko :: parietal lobe
plakki [dentistry] :: plaque
planeetta :: planet
planeettainvälinen :: interplanetary
planetaarinen :: planetary
planetaarinen sumu :: planetary nebula
planetaario :: planetarium
planetoidi :: planetoid
planetologi :: planetologist
planetologia :: planetology
plankki :: shoe polish
plantaasi :: plantation
plarata :: to browse, leaf
plasebo :: placebo
plasma [biology, physics, hematology] :: plasma
plasmafysiikka :: plasma physics
plasmanäyttö :: plasma screen
plasmapallo :: plasma ball
plastiikka :: plastic art
plastiikka :: plasticity
plastiikkakirurgi :: plastic surgeon
plastiikkakirurgia :: plastic surgery
plastinen :: plastic (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions)
plastinen :: plastic, malleable; flexible, pliant (capable of being moulded)
plastinen :: plastic (of or pertaining to the inelastic, non-brittle, deformation of a materia)
plataani :: sycamore (tree of the genus Platanus)
platina :: platinum
platinafasaani :: Lady Amherst's pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae
platinoida :: To platinize
Platon :: Plato
platonikko :: Platonist
platoninen :: platonic (of love or relationship, nonsexual)
platoninen rakkaus :: platonic love
Platonin kappale :: A Platonic solid
platonismi :: Platonism
päälause :: main clause, independent clause
playboy :: playboy
plebeiji :: A plebeian, pleb
pleikkari :: Playstation
pleiotrooppinen :: pleiotropic
pleissata :: To splice (to unite ropes by interweaving the strands)
pleissi :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together)
pleistoseenikausi :: The Pleistocene
Plejadit :: The Pleiades
pleksilasi :: plexiglass (tough transparent plastic used sometimes in lieu of glass)
plektra [lb, fi, music] :: plectrum, pick
pleonasmi :: pleonasm (rhetorical device)
pliisu :: mediocre, bland, boring
plikka :: girl
pölinä :: dusting
pölinä :: twaddle
plioseeni :: The Pliocene
plioseenikausi :: The Pliocene
päälipeitto :: coverlet (blanket used as a bed covering, usually quilted)
pölistä :: to babble, prattle; jabber
pölistä :: to emit dust
pöljä :: A dumb person
pläkä :: calm, dead calm (period of no wind)
pälkähtää päähän :: to come to mind, spring to mind, cross one's mind, occur (to come or be presented to the mind)
pölkky :: log, stock, block of wood
pölkkypää :: blockhead (dumb person)
päällä [static] :: On (in an operating state)
päällä [static] :: (Physically) on top of (sth)
pöllö :: batty, stupid, crazy, silly
pöllö :: fool
pöllö :: owl
päälle :: On (into an operating state)
päälle :: On(to), on (top of)
päällekkäin :: One on the other, one upon the other
päälleni :: on (me)
päällesi :: on (you)
pölliä :: To steal, nick
päällikkö :: boss, manager
päällikkö :: chief
päällikkö :: commander
päällikkö :: head
päällikkö :: leader
päällimmäinen [comparable] :: most urgent
päällimmäinen :: topmost, uppermost (at or nearest to the top of a pile, stack or similar)
päällimmäisin :: superlative form of päällimmäinen
päällinen :: case, slip
päällinen :: covering, cover, spread, jacket (removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object)
päällinen :: throw (piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing)
päällinen :: topping (food item added on top of another)
päälliskangas :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in a garment
päälliskangas :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in upholstery
päällitse :: over, above; also other translations, depending on context (by the way of going over or above something)
pöllökehrääjä :: frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae)
pöllämystynyt :: dumbfounded, stunned
pöllönen :: part of the common name of some other small owls in other genera
pöllönen :: scops owl (bird of the genus Otus)
pöllönen :: screech owl (bird of the genus Megascops, formerly classified to belong to Otus)
päällys :: top, cover
päällyskenkä :: overshoe
päällyslakana :: top sheet (part of bedding)
päällystää :: To coat, overlay, pave
päällystä :: alternative form of päällys
päällyste :: covering, especially one that is meant to be used together with the covered object
päällyste :: flooring, (floor) covering, pavement (surfacing on an interior floor, especially in technical sense)
päällyste :: pavement, paving (paved exterior surface, as with a road or sidewalk)
päällyste :: topping, such as on pizza etc
päällystys :: covering, paving
pöllyttää :: to spank, to pull someone's hair as a punishment
plokata :: to pick
plotata :: To plot (a diagram)
pälpättää :: to chatter, blabber, gab
pälpätys :: gab
plörinä :: See mennä plörinäksi
päläs :: In a ski, the place on which the foot is supported
pläsi :: face, especially an ugly one
päältä :: From top of
pälättää :: to prattle
pälätys :: prattle
pääluku :: headcount (number of people present)
pääluku :: main chapter
pääluokka :: voice
pääluottamusmies :: A head shop steward; in a large workplace there may be several shop stewards, in which case one of them is appointed to represent them as a group towards the employer
pluraali :: plural
pluralismi :: pluralism
pluralismi [social sciences] :: pluralism
pluraliteettijärjestelmä :: first past the post, simple majority voting, plurality voting (voting system where the candidate with the most votes (a plurality) wins, without any form of preference transfer)
pluratiivi :: plurale tantum
plus :: plus
pluskvamperfekti :: past perfect, pluperfect, pluperfect tense
plusmerkki :: plus sign
plussa :: plus sign
plussata :: To sum
Pluto :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
Pluto [Roman mythology] :: Pluto (Roman god)
plutokraatti :: plutocrat
plutokratia :: plutocracy
plutoni :: pluton
plutoninen :: plutonic
plutonium :: plutonium
pääluu :: the cranium (neurocranium and facial skeleton considered as one bone)
pluumi :: mantle plume
pälvi :: A patch of snow-free ground, especially in the spring when the snow melts
pälvi :: bald patch (area of baldness on a partially bald head)
päälävistäjä :: main diagonal
pölvästi :: A dumb person
pöly :: dust
pölyhuiska :: feather duster
pälyillä :: to glance (to look briefly at something)
pölyinen :: dusty
pölykapseli :: hubcap, wheel cover
pölykeuhko :: pneumoconiosis
pölykoira :: dust bunny
pölynimuri :: vacuum cleaner, hoover
pölypilvi :: dust cloud
pölypunkki :: dust mite, house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)
pölytä :: To make dust
pölyttää :: to pollinate
pölyttää :: to dust (to remove dust by shaking or similar mechanical treatment, but not vacuuming)
pölyttää :: to dust (to sprinkle over with fine powder)
pölyttäjä :: duster (person who dusts)
pölyttäjä :: pollinator (insect etc. that pollinates)
pölyttäjä :: pollinator (plant that is the source of pollen for cross-pollination)
pölytys :: pollination
pölytys :: dusting (removal of dust)
pölytys :: dusting (spraying or covering something with fine powder)
plyyshikangas :: alternative spelling of plyysikangas
plyysikangas :: plush, especially the type that's used for upholstery (fabric)
päämaja :: base
päämaja :: headquarters
päämies :: client
pääministeri :: prime minister
pämppäilijä :: boozer
pämppäillä :: to booze
pömppömaha :: A protruding belly
pämpätä :: to booze
päämäärä :: goal, aim, objective
päämäärätietoisuus :: sense of direction
PN :: Pohjoismaiden neuvosto, the Nordic Council
päänahka :: scalp
pää-äänenkannattaja :: (leading) organ, party organ (newspaper representing the official opinion of a political party)
pneumaattinen :: pneumatic
pneumaattinen sireeni :: pneumatic siren
pneumaattisesti :: pneumatically
pneumatiikka :: pneumatics
pneumonia :: pneumonia
päänkipu :: alternative form of pääkipu
pönkittää :: to prop up, shore up
päänkivistys :: headache
pönäkkä :: squat, thickset, stout
pänniä :: to annoy, vex
päännyökkääjälihas :: sternocleidomastoid muscle, sternomastoid
päännyökkäys :: nod (of the head)
päänoja :: headrest (part of a seat designed to support the head)
päänsisäinen :: mental, inner
päänsärky :: headache (nuisance or unpleasant problem)
päänsärky :: headache (pain or ache in the head)
pääntie :: neckline
päntätä :: to study, to cram
pönttö :: A blockhead (stupid person)
pönttö :: A bin, can (any clumsy and/or ugly container, often open on top, with or without a lid)
pönttö :: A toilet seat
pääntuki :: head support, as in a car seat etc
päänäyttämö :: mainstage (largest performing space in a venue)
podcast :: A podcast
podcastata :: To podcast (to deliver audio via an RSS feed over the internet to a subscriber)
podsoli :: podsol
poeettinen :: poetic
poetiikka :: poetics
pogromi :: pogrom
pohatta :: tycoon
pohdinta :: deliberation, consideration, pondering
pohdiskella :: To reflect, contemplate
pohdittava :: food for thought (information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation)
pohja [archaic, poetic] :: north; also with capital initial
pohja :: bottom (lowest part of anything, especially of a container)
pohja :: fundament (underlying basis or principle)
pohja :: layout (spatial arrangement of a building or flat)
Pohja :: A former municipality in western Uusimaa, now part of Raasepori
Pohja :: alternative capitalization of pohja (in the sense "north")
Pohja :: Finnish surname
pohjaeliöstö :: benthos
pohjahinta :: reserve price (price set by a seller in an auction, below which the lot or item cannot be sold)
-pohjainen :: -bottomed
-pohjainen [not comparable] :: -based
pohjainflaatio :: core inflation
pohjalainen :: Ostrobothnian (of or pertaining to the region of Ostrobothnia)
pohjalainen :: Ostrobothnian (person)
pohjallinen :: Having a bottom
pohjallinen :: insole
pohjalukema :: The best result reached so far in an ongoing contest; the leading score which other competitors have to beat, if they wish to win
pohjalukema :: The lowest value in a set of observations, the rock bottom, a minimum
pohjamaa :: subgrade
pohjanhorsma :: Hornemann's willowherb (Epilobium hornemannii)
pohjanhyytelöjäkälä :: Collema curtisporum (a lichen)
pohjankatkarapu :: deep-sea prawn, Pandalus borealis (species of shrimp found in cold parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)
Pohjan kruunu :: The constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown
Pohjanlahti :: The Gulf of Bothnia
pohjanleinikki :: arctic buttercup, Ranunculus hyperboreus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
pohjanlepakko :: northern bat, Eptesicus nilssonii
Pohjanmaa :: Ostrobothnia (historical province of Finland)
Pohjanmaan kautta :: bottoms up
Pohjanmeri :: The North Sea
pohjanmerikarhu :: northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus (species of fur seal native to the northern Pacific)
pohjanoteeraus :: low point, all-time low, rock bottom, the worst
pohjanpika :: northern pika, Ochotona hyperborea
pohjanpystykorva :: Norrbottenspets, Nordic spitz
pohjanrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius subcircellatus
pohjantamandua :: northern tamandua, Tamandua mexicana
Pohjantähti :: Polaris, North Star or Pole Star
pohjantikka :: Eurasian three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus
pohjasakka :: dreg, dregs (sediment in a liquid)
pohjasakka :: dreg (lowest and most worthless part of something)
pohjata :: to run aground, ground
pohjata :: to base on
pohjaton :: bottomless
pohjatrooli :: A dragnet
pohjatuuli [poetic, literary] :: north wind
pohjautua :: To be based on
pohjavesi :: groundwater
pohjavesikerros :: An aquifer
pohjavilla :: undercoat (layer of hairs under fur)
pohje :: A calf
pohjeluu :: calf bone, fibula (smaller of the two bones of the lower leg)
pohjoinen :: northern
pohjoinen :: north
Pohjoinen jäämeri :: The Arctic Ocean
pohjoinen napapiiri :: Arctic Circle
pohjois- :: north, northern
Pohjois-Afrikka :: North Africa
Pohjois-Amerikan suuret järvet :: The Great Lakes
Pohjois-Amerikka :: North America
pohjoisamerikkalainen :: North American
Pohjois-Atlantin liitto :: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Pohjois-Atlantti :: The North Atlantic
Pohjois-Carolina :: North Carolina (state of the United States)
Pohjois-Dakota :: North Dakota
pohjoisempi :: comparative form of pohjoinen
pohjoisenpuoleinen :: northerly
Pohjois-Eurooppa :: Northern Europe
pohjoiseurooppalainen :: Northern European
pohjoiseurooppalainen :: A Northern European person
pohjoisfriisi :: North Frisian (Frisian language)
pohjoisfriisi :: North Frisian (person)
Pohjois-Irlanti :: Northern Ireland
Pohjois-Jemen :: North Yemen
pohjoiskalotti :: northern polar cap
Pohjois-Karjala :: North Karelia (a province of Finland)
pohjoiskarjalainen :: North Karelian (of or pertaining to North Karelia)
pohjoiskoillinen :: north-northeast
Pohjois-Korea :: North Korea
pohjoiskorealainen :: North Korean
pohjoisluode :: north-northwest
pohjoismaa :: A Nordic country
Pohjoismaat :: the Nordic countries
pohjoismainen :: Nordic
Pohjois-Mariaanit :: Northern Marianas (state)
pohjoisnapa :: A north pole
pohjoisosa :: northern part
Pohjois-Ossetia :: North Ossetia
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa :: Northern Ostrobothnia, (a province of Finland)
pohjoispuoli :: northside
pohjoisraja :: northern border
pohjoissaame :: The Northern Sami language
Pohjoissaari :: North Island
Pohjois-Suomi :: northern Finland
Pohjoisterritorio :: Northern Territory
pohjoistuuli :: north wind
Pohjois-Vietnam :: North Vietnam
pohjoisviitta :: cardinal mark for north
pohjola :: the North, especially the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world in general, without reference to any particular place
Pohjola :: Alternative capitalization of pohjola
Pohjola :: An important mythical location in the Finnish national epic Kalevala, translated as Northland in the English-language Kalevala. Pohjola is depicted as rival and opponent of Kaleva, the home of the heroes of the epic
Pohjola :: Finnish surname
Pohjola :: The Nordic countries
pohjukaissuoli :: A duodenum
pohjukaissuolihaava :: duodenal ulcer
pohjukka :: A fornix (archlike fold)
pohjustaa :: to underlay, set up
pohmelo :: hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking)
pohtia :: to ponder, consider, reflect, mull over (to think about something deeply)
poies :: away
poiju :: A buoy
poika :: boy
poika :: son
poika :: young (an offspring of an animal, especially of bird)
poikabakteeri :: cootie, boy germ (imaginary germ that the boys are supposed to have, used as a pretence to avoid their company or just to make a fuss about nothing)
poikabändi :: boy band
poikakoulu :: boy school
poikalapsi :: A boy child
poikamainen :: boyish
poikamies :: bachelor (unmarried man)
poikamiesboksi :: bachelor pad, garçonnière
poikanen :: diminutive form of poika
poikanen :: little boy
poikanen :: tuulen ~ : puff of wind, light breeze
poikanen :: young (an animal offspring, especially one for which there's no specific term - see hyponyms below)
poikaparka :: poor (pitiful) boy
poikapuoli :: stepson
poikarakkaus :: A homosexual relationship between males
poikarakkaus :: homosexual love between males
poikasopraano :: boy soprano
poikatyttö :: tomboy
poikavauva :: baby boy
poikaystävä :: boyfriend
poiketa :: to differ from, be different from, depart, deviate, diverge (not to have the same traits, characteristics)
poiketa :: to digress, deviate (to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument)
poiketa :: to deviate, stray, wander; to diverge, swerve, veer (to change course or plan; to go off course; to fall outside, e.g. of a norm)
poiketa :: to drop by, drop in (to visit without an appointment)
poikia :: to calve
poikia :: to litter (to give birth to, used of animals)
poikien [fi-infinitive of, t=2a, poikia, c=ins] ::
poikin :: pitkin ~ far and wide, here and there, this way and that, every which way, crisscross
poikitse [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] :: (Scattered/strewn) here and there, all over (the place), (all) spread out
poikitse [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] :: Across, through
poikittain :: crosswise, diagonally, obliquely
poikittain :: abeam
poikittainen :: abeam (being at a right angle to the centerline)
poikittainen :: transverse, traverse (crossing from one side to the other)
poikittaisaalto :: transverse wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of travel)
poikittaisleikkaus :: crosswise cross-section
poikittaispalkki :: A transverse beam
poikittaistutkimus :: cross study
poikkeama :: aberration
poikkeama :: anomaly
poikkeama :: deflection
poikkeama [lb, fi, math] :: deviation
poikkeava :: abnormal, aberrant, deviant, anomalous
poikkeavampi :: comparative form of poikkeava
poikkeavuus :: abnormality (the state of being abnormal)
poikkeuksellinen :: Exceptional
poikkeuksellisen :: Exceptionally
poikkeuksellisesti :: exceptionally
poikkeukseton :: exceptionless
poikkeuksetta :: without exception, bar none
poikkeus :: Exception
poikkeuslupa :: permit of exception
poikkeustila :: state of emergency
poikkeustilanne :: exceptional situation (any out-of-ordinary situation, especially one in which exception from established practices or rules is justified)
poikkeutin :: deflector
poikkeuttaa :: to deflect, to make deviate
poikki :: broken into two or more pieces:
poikki :: exhausted, beat, dead tired:
poikki :: with a verb describing the means of breaking into two or more pieces; off:
poikki :: across, through
poikki- :: cross-, transverse
poikkihuilu :: Western concert flute, transverse flute
poikkilaiva :: transept
poikkileikkaus :: cross-section (section formed by a plane cutting through an object)
poikkinainen :: broken, cut
poikkinainti :: marrying across Torne River from Finland to Sweden or from Sweden to Finland
poikkitieteellinen :: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary (relating to multiple areas of study)
poikue :: litter (offspring of a mammal born in one birth)
poikuus :: boyhood
poikuus :: male virginity
poimia :: To excerpt, extract (to take by selection; to choose out; to cite or quote, as a passage from a book)
poimia :: To pick
poimia rusinat pullasta :: to cherry pick (to select only the best from a range of options)
poimija :: collector, picker (e.g. of berries)
poiminta :: collecting, picking
poimu :: fold, warp, crease, wrinkle, ruga
poimuinen :: plicate
poimuinen :: corrugated
poimuinen :: pleated
poimuinen :: wrinkled
poimukas :: plicate
poimukas :: wrinkled
poimuttaa :: To corrugate
poimuttaa :: To fold, pleat (fabric, cloth); to drape; to ruffle, crimp, crimple
poimuttua :: To be plicated
poimuttua :: To be corrugated
poimuttua :: To be folded, be pleated; to be draped; to be ruffled, be crimp(l)ed
pointe :: pointe (ballet position)
pointillismi :: pointillism
pointillisti :: pointillist
pointillistinen :: pointillistic
pointsi :: point
pointteri :: pointer (e.g. of mouse or memory)
pointteri :: pointer (dog breed)
pointti :: point
pois :: away:
poislukien :: excluding, disregarding
poismeno :: Decease, demise (= death)
pois päältä [of a machine, device] :: Off (into a state of non-operation)
poissa :: poissa + elative = out of, away from:
poissa :: [static] absent, gone, not there/here, away:
poissa hyvä, kotona paras :: there's no place like home
poissaoleva :: absent
poissaolevana :: in absentia (while not present; while absent)
poissaolo :: absence
poissaoloaika :: period of absence
poissaoloviesti :: out-of-office reply
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä :: long absent, soon forgotten
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä :: out of sight, out of mind
poissulkeminen :: exclusion (act of excluding or shutting out; removal from consideration or taking part)
poissulkeva :: exclusive (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions)
poistaa :: to depreciate
poistaa :: to delete
poistaa :: to remove
poistaa :: ~ tuotannosta, myynnistä, valikoimasta etc.: to discontinue (to put an end to, especially as regards commercial productions; to stop producing, making, or supplying something)
poistaminen :: abolishment
poistaminen :: removal
poiste :: remover (substance)
poisto :: amortization (of intangible assets)
poisto :: depreciation
poisto :: deletion
poisto :: removal
poistoaine :: remover, stripper (chemical)
poistohöyry :: exhaust (steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there)
poistoilma :: exhaust (foul air let out of a room)
poistoleikkaus :: surgical removal (surgery which removes something from the body)
poistua :: To leave (a place = elative or ablative)
poistuma :: deletion (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome)
poistuma :: deletion, loss, wastage, reduction, drain (that which is removed, lost or retired, especially within a given time frame)
poistuminen :: The act of leaving
pojanpoika :: A grandson (son of someone's son)
pojantytär :: A granddaughter (daughter of someone's son)
pojanviikari :: rascal (misbehaving and wild, but not intentionally bad boy)
pojat ovat poikia :: boys will be boys
pojintima :: stepson
pojo :: a point (e.g. in a sports match or video game)
Po-joki :: Po (river in northern Italy)
poju :: boy, lad
poka :: frame
pokaali :: cup (trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)
pokata :: to pick up (to seduce)
pokata :: to ask to dance
pokata :: to bow in a handsome manner, especially by bringing one foot to the side and back while bowing
poke :: doorman, bouncer (at a bar or nightclub)
poke :: pornography
pokeri :: poker (any of various card games in which the players make tactical bets or drop out, and the superior hand remaining in the game at the end of betting rounds collects the pot)
pokerinaama :: Poker face
pokka :: poker face (short form of pokerinaama)
pokka :: poker (game)
pokkari :: pocketbook, paperback
pokkuroida :: to fawn and seek favour by flattery
poksi :: alternative form of boksi
pokstaavi :: letter, character
pola :: A buoyant mark put on a fishing net or similar non-moving fishing equipment
polaarinen :: polar (having a dipole)
polaarinen :: polar (of a certain coordinate system)
polaarinen :: polar (of an orbit passing near a geographic pole)
polaarinen :: polar (relating to a geographic pole)
polaarisuus :: polarity
polakka :: A type of wheat bread
polakki :: A Polack (Polish person)
polanne :: A hard ridge of snow on road
polarisaatio :: polarization
polarisoida :: To polarise/polarize
polarisoitua :: To be(come) polarised/polarized
polariteetti :: polarity
polaroida :: To polarise/polarize
polaroitua :: To be(come) polarised/polarized
polderi :: polder
poleeminen :: polemic (having the characteristics of a polemic)
polemikoida :: alternative form of polemisoida
polemisoida :: to polemicize
poletti :: token (substitute for money)
poli :: polyclinic
poliisi :: policeman
poliisi :: police (organization)
poliisiaakkonen :: in plural only, police alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the police to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
poliisiaakkonen :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
poliisiajoneuvo :: police vehicle
poliisiarvo :: police rank
poliisiasema :: police station
poliisiauto :: A police car
poliisikoira :: police dog
poliisikomentaja :: police commander
poliisilaitos :: A building housing a police department
poliisilaitos :: police department (local or regional branch of a national police force)
poliisimies :: policeman
poliisipäällikkö :: chief constable (UK: chief of territorial police force)
poliisitoimi :: police (police as branch of government)
poliisivaltio :: police state
poliisivoima :: in plural, police force (police as an institution)
poliisivoima :: in singular, police force (force as used by the police)
poliitikko :: A politician
poliittinen :: political
poliittisesti :: politically
poliittistaa :: To politicize; to turn into a political issue
poliittistua :: alternative form of politisoitua
poliklinikka :: outpatient clinic (false friend: polyclinic)
polio :: poliomyelitis
politbyroo :: politburo
politiikka :: policy (as a course of action)
politiikka :: politics
politikoida :: to politicize (to discuss politics)
politikoida :: to politick (to engage in politics)
politisoida :: to politicize (to turn something into a political issue)
politisoitua :: to become politicized
politologia :: political sociology
polje :: a polje
poljento :: rhythm
poljettu :: downtrodden
poljettu :: oppressed
poljin :: pedal
poljin :: treadle
polkea :: to pedal
polkea :: to stamp (with one's foot or feet)
polkeutua :: To get trampled, stomped
polkka :: polka
polkkatukka :: bob haircut
polku :: Act of treading, stomping; used only in compounds
polku :: path
polku :: path, trail, track
polkuantura :: pad (cushion-like thickening of the skin on the underside of the toes of animals)
polkuauto :: pedal car (toy car fitted with pedal drive)
polkuauto :: velomobile, quadracycle (road vehicle)
polkupyörä :: bicycle
polkupyöräilijä :: bicyclist, cyclist
polkupyöräillä :: to ride a bike, cycle
polkupyöräily :: cycling
polkupyöräpoliisi :: bicycle police (police that patrols on bicycles)
polkupyöräriksa :: cycle rickshaw (vehicle)
polkupyörätaksi :: pedicab, cycle rickshaw, bike taxi (cycle rickshaw used as taxi)
polkusin :: A pedal
polla :: head
pollari :: police officer
pollari :: A bollard
polle :: Big H, boy, dope, junk, H, horse, Ron, shit, skag, smack (street name of heroin)
polle :: horse
pollusiitti :: pollucite
polo [descriptive] :: poor (one to be pitied)
poloinen [oldish, dialectal or poetic] :: poor, wretch (one to be pitied)
poloneesi [dance] :: polonaise
polonium :: polonium
polskia :: to splash
polskuttaa :: To dabble
polte :: burning sensation
poltella :: To smoke
poltin :: burner
poltinrauta :: A branding iron
polttaa :: To put out
polttaa :: To smoke (to deliberately inhale smoke from cigarettes, other tobacco products or some other substances such as marijuana)
polttaa :: To cauterize
polttaa :: To burn
polttaa siltansa :: to burn one's bridges (to destroy one's connections, reputation, opportunities, etc.)
polttaja :: A field position in pesäpallo, the Finnish variant of baseball
polttaja :: burner (someone or something which burns)
polttaja [in compounds] :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
polttaminen :: burning
polttaminen :: combustion
polttaminen :: incineration
polttarit :: A hen party, bachelorette party
polttarit :: A stag party (Commonwealth); bachelor party (US, South Africa), buck's party (Australia), stag do (UK)
polttava :: hot (spicy)
polttavampi :: comparative form of polttava
polttiaishapero :: Russula consobrina
poltto :: burn, burning (act of burning something intentionally)
poltto :: burn (operation or result of burning or baking)
poltto :: burn (physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise)
poltto :: incineration [act of destroying by burning]
poltto :: pain, smarting, especially the labor pains,
polttoaine :: fuel
polttoainesäiliö :: fuel tank
polttoainetankki :: fuel tank (container of fuel, especially one inside a vehicle)
polttohautaus :: cremation (act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse)
polttoitsemurha :: self-immolation
polttoitsemurhata :: to self-immolate
polttokenno :: fuel cell
polttolaiva :: A fire ship
polttomerkitä :: To brand (mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership)
polttomerkki :: A brand (mark made by burning)
polttomerkki :: A stigma
polttomoottori :: internal combustion engine
polttopallo :: dodgeball
polttopallo :: murderball
polttopiste :: focus
polttopullo :: Molotov cocktail
polttopuu :: cordwood
polttopuu :: wood, firewood (pieces of wood gathered to make fire)
polttouhri :: A holocaust (sacrifice to a god, completely burned to ashes)
polttouuni :: kiln
polveke :: bend, curve, turn
polvenkorkuinen :: knee-high
polveutua :: To stem from
polvi :: a knee
polvi :: a stifle (horse's hind knee)
polvihousut :: breeches (tight-fitting knee-length trousers worn by men until early 19th century)
polvihousut :: knickerbockers (baggy knee-length trousers worn by men and boys in 20 th century)
polvillaan :: On knees
polvilumpio :: kneecap, patella (bone)
polvinivel :: knee joint
polviorsi :: chevron
polvipussi :: baggy knee (bag-like formation at the knees of trousers)
polvipussinen :: of trousers, having bags in the knees
polvistaa :: To force somebody to his knees
polvistua :: To kneel (to stoop down and rest on the knee)
polvitaive :: ham (region back of the knee)
polvitaive :: popliteal (adjective referring to the back of the knee, used often as translation of polvitaive- or polvitaipeen. There's no corresponding adjective in Finnish.)
polyamidi :: polyamide
polybutyleenitereftalaatti :: polybutylene terephthalate
polydimetyylisiloksaani :: polydimethylsiloxane
polyesteri :: polyester
polyeteeni :: polyethylene
polyetyleenitereftalaatti :: polyethylene terephthalate
polyfenoli :: polyphenol
polyfonia :: polyphony
polyfoninen :: polyphonic
polyfyleettinen :: polyphyletic
polygaaminen :: polygamous
polygamia :: polygamy
polygeneettinen :: polygenetic
polyglotti :: polyglot
polygoni [geometry, dated] :: A polygon [plane figure bounded by straight edges]
polyhistori [rare, academic] :: A polyhistor
polykarbonaatti :: polycarbonate
polykloorattu :: polychlorinated
polykloorattu bifenyyli :: polychlorinated biphenyl
polykromia :: polychromy
polymeeri :: polymer
polymeraasi :: polymerase
polymerisaatio :: polymerization
polymerisoida :: alternative form of polymeroida
polymerisoitua :: dated form of polymeroitua
polymeroida :: to polymerize (to convert into a polymer)
polymeroitua :: to polymerize (to undergo polymerization)
polymorfia :: polymorphism
Polynesia :: Polynesia
polynomi :: polynomial
polynominen :: polynomial
polynomiyhtälö :: polynomial equation
polyomino :: polyomino
polyploidia :: polyploidy
polypropeeni :: polypropylene
polyrytmi :: polyrhythm
polysakkaridi :: polysaccharide
polysemia :: polysemy
polystyreeni :: polystyrene
polysyklinen :: polycyclic
polysytemia :: polycythemia
polyteismi :: polytheism
polyteisti :: A polytheist
polyteistinen :: polytheistic
polyteknillinen :: alternative form of polytekninen
polytekninen :: polytechnic
polytetrafluorieteeni :: polytetrafluoroethylene (tough synthetic resin)
polyuretaani :: polyurethane
polyvinyylikloridi :: polyvinyl chloride
polyyni :: polyyne
polyyppi :: A polyp
pääoma [accounting, finance] :: capital
pääomaintensiivinen :: capital-intensive
pääomatulo [taxation] :: unearned income
pääomatulovero :: capital income tax (tax levied on income generated from capital assets including capital gains, rents, dividends etc.)
pääomavero :: Short for pääomatulovero
pomeranssi :: sour orange
pomiloida :: To talk
pääomistaja :: main owner, largest owner
Pommeri :: Pomerania
Pommerinlahti :: The Bay of Pomerania
pommi :: bomb
pommi :: see nukkua pommiin
pommi-isku :: bomb strike
pommikoira :: bombdog (dog trained to sniff explosives)
pommikone [aircraft] :: bomber
pomminkestävä :: bombproof
pomminvarma [idiomatic, of a person] :: safe as houses, very certain, very sure
pommisuoja :: bomb shelter, bombproof
pommittaa :: To bombard
pommittaa :: To bomb (to attack with bombs)
pommittaja :: bomber (aircraft)
pommittaja :: bomber (person)
pommitus :: bombing
pommituskone :: bomber (aircraft)
pomo :: boss
pomottaa :: to boss, boss around
pompata :: to fail, to flunk, to defect
pompata :: to jump, to leap, to bounce
pompotella :: to continuously recruit or force someone to do odd jobs and chores
pompotella :: to bounce (to cause to move quickly up and down)
pompottaa :: bounce (cause to move quickly up and down)
pomppia :: to bounce, bump, bobble
pomppu :: bounce
pomppulinna :: bouncing castle, bouncy castle (large inflatable structure, resembling a castle etc., on which children jump and play)
pompöösi :: pompous
ponape :: Pohnpeian (language)
pondi :: pond [unit of measure]
poni :: pony
poninhäntä :: ponytail (hairstyle)
ponnahduslauta :: stepping stone (something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere)
ponnahduslauta :: springboard
ponnahtaa :: To spring (back/off), bound (back/off), rebound (back/off)
ponnekaasu :: propellant (pressurized gaseous substance used to expel the contents of an aerosol package)
ponnekas :: alternative form of ponteva
ponnin :: spur, stimulus
ponnistaa :: To push off, leap, jump
ponnistaa :: To push; to bear down
ponnistaa :: To try hard, make a massive/great/supreme effort, put one's back into it: to struggle, strive
ponnistella :: To struggle, strive
ponnistelu :: effort
ponnistus :: effort
ponnistus :: takeoff (in long jump and similar sports, the act that sends the athlete in the air)
ponsi :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen of a flower)
ponsi :: motion (parliamentary action to propose something)
ponsi :: pommel (of sword, knife, axe or such)
ponsi :: The part of a kantele that holds the varras
ponteva :: energetic, vigorous
pontikka :: moonshine (home-distilled liquor)
ponttilauta :: tongue and groove board (board with tongue on one side and groove on the other to allow tongue and groove joint between them)
ponttiliitos :: tongue and groove joint
ponttoni :: pontoon
ponttonisilta :: pontoon bridge
ponttooni :: pontoon
ponttoonisilta :: pontoon bridge (temporary bridge built over floating pontoons)
pop :: pop (popular)
pop :: pop (popular music)
popidoli :: pop idol
popin :: superlative form of poppa
popkulttuuri :: pop culture
poplaulaja :: pop singer
popmusiikki :: alternative spelling of pop-musiikki
pop-musiikki :: pop music
popmuusikko :: pop musician
poppa :: hot
poppa :: fire, hot thing
poppakonsti :: magic trick, charm
poppamies :: medicine man, witch doctor
poppana :: A type of traditional Karelian woven fabric, made with hand loom of strips that have been cut obliquely out of (used) cloth, resulting in soft, nubby texture; used e.g. as tablecloth and bedcover
poppari :: pop musician
poppeli :: poplar
poppoo :: A group of people; gang, lot
popsia :: [of children or small animals] to eat, munch
poptaide :: pop art
poptaiteilija :: pop artist
poptähti :: pop star
popula :: group of people, gang
populaari :: popular
populaarimusiikki :: popular music
populaaristaa :: to popularize; to present something in an easily understood form
populaatio :: population
popularisoida :: To popularise/popularize
populariteetti :: popularity
populismi :: populism
populisti :: populist
populistinen :: populist
populääri :: alternative form of populaari
pora :: drill
poraaja :: driller
poranterä :: A drill bit (tool)
porata :: To cry
porata :: To shoot through walls in shooting games, to wallbang
porata :: To drill
poraus :: crying
poraus :: drilling
porauslautta :: drilling rig
porausreikä :: borehole
porautua :: To drill into
pore :: An area of molten water near the edge of ice in a melting lake
pore :: bubble (gas bubble in water)
poreallas :: hot tub
porevesi :: sparkling water, seltzer
porfyyri :: porphyry
porhaltaa :: To drive fast, to race
porho :: A very wealthy or affluent person; moneybags
Pori :: Pori
porilainen :: Of or pertainig to the city of Pori or its people
porilainen :: A hamburger-style snack, where the beef is replaced with a thick slice of sausage
porilainen :: A person living in, or originating from the city of Pori
porina :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by several simultaneous discussions in one room)
porista :: To bubble
porkka [dated, dialectal, skiing] :: ski pole
porkkana :: carrot (Daucus carota ssp.sativus)
porkkana :: carrot (incentive, motivational tool)
porkkanalaatikko :: box of carrots
porkkanalaatikko :: carrot casserole (traditional hot side dish made with carrot and rice as main ingredients and stewed in the oven)
porkkanamehu :: carrot juice
porkkanaraaste :: grated carrot
pormestari :: mayor ("general director" of a city's or other municipality's staff and chairman of the board of the municipality)
porno :: A short form of pornografia
porno :: As modifier in a compound word, pornographic, porn
porno- :: porn-
pornoelokuva :: porn movie
pornofilmi :: porn film
pornografia :: pornography
pornografinen :: pornographic, blue
pornografisempi :: comparative form of pornografinen
pornografisin :: superlative form of pornografinen
pornoleffa :: porn movie
pornotähti :: porn star
poro :: A semi-domesticated reindeer of the subspecies Rangifer tarandus tarandus
poro :: Normally in plural (porot), grounds, ashes (e.g. in coffee)
poronkäristys :: sautéed reindeer
poronkusema :: A traditional "measure" of travel, not well defined but allegedly 7.5 kilometers at maximum
poronsarvi :: reindeer antler
poropeukalo :: ham-fisted person
poroporvari :: An extremely or very bourgeois person
poroporvarillinen :: Of, or having very bourgeois values
porotokka :: reindeer herd
porottaa [descriptive, with paistaa] :: To shine (scorchingly)
porras :: A step (stair)
porrasfunktio :: step function
porraskäytävä :: A stairwell
porraslimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius trivialis
porrasperä :: sedan (automobile body style with a separate luggage compartment)
porrastaa :: To scale, grade
porrastaa :: To step, terrace
porsaankyljys :: pork chop
porsaanreikä :: loophole (method of escaping; also a loophole in a document, agreement, etc. that can be taken advantage of)
porsas :: A piglet
porsas :: Pork (meat)
porsas :: (Usually young) person who eats messily
porsia :: To farrow
porsliini :: alternative form of posliini
porstua :: porch (covered and inclosed entrance to a building)
portaali :: portal
portaikko :: staircase
portata [computing, colloquial] :: to port
portatiivi :: portative organ
portfolio :: portfolio
portieeri :: doorman, especially in a restaurant or hotel
portimo :: A stoat
portsari :: bouncer
portteri :: porter (strong, dark ale)
portti :: hilum, hilus (fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland or organ)
portti :: port (ie. of a web server)
portti [croquet] :: hoop; wicket [US]
portti :: gate
portti :: port (connector of an electronic device)
portti :: gate
portti :: portal
porttikielto :: entry ban (from a building, place, area, event)
portto :: A harlot, whore, (female) prostitute
porttola :: brothel
portugali :: The Portuguese language
Portugali :: Portugal
portugalilainen :: Luso- (combining form; Finnish equivalent portugalilais-)
portugalilainen :: Portuguese (of or relating to Portugal)
portugalilainen :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Portugal
portugalinsotalaiva :: Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
portugalinvesikoira :: Portuguese Water Dog
portviini :: port wine
poru :: cry
porukka :: gang, band, crowd
porukka [colloquial, in the plural] :: folks (one's parents and immediate family)
porvari :: As a determiner in compound terms (porvari-), right-wing, non-socialist, conservative
porvari :: A merchant or shopowner
porvari :: A person having bourgeois opinions
porvari [politics, leftist terminology] :: A capitalist
porvarihallitus :: bourgeois government (in a multiparty parliamentary system, a government formed by the bourgeois parties)
porvarillinen :: bourgeois
porvarillistaa :: to make somebody or something bourgeois
porvaristo :: bourgeoisie (the bourgeois as a social class)
porvaristo [marxism] :: bourgeoisie (the owners of capital, the capitalists)
Porvoo :: Porvoo
pääosa [drama, film] :: leading role, lead role
pääosa :: majority, main part (most in a given group)
pose :: jail
poseerata :: To pose (when being photographed)
posetiivari :: organ grinder
posetiivi :: hurdy-gurdy, barrel organ
pääosin :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part)
positiivi :: positive
positiivinen :: Having positive charge
positiivinen :: Positive (inspiring positive reactions)
positiivisesti :: positively
positio :: position
positivismi :: positivism
positivisti :: positivist
positivistinen :: positivistic
positroni :: positron
positroniemissiotomografia :: positron emission tomography
posketon :: very funny, absurd
poski :: cheek
poskihammas :: molar
poskilihas :: cheek muscle
poskiluu :: A cheekbone, zygomatic bone, malar bone or malar
-poskinen :: cheeked
poskiontelo :: maxillary sinus
poskiontelontulehdus :: sinusitis
poskipää :: cheekbone
poskiparta :: sideburns
poskipuna [makeup] :: rouge, blusher
poskipussi [anatomy, zoology] :: A cheek pouch
posliini :: porcelain
posliinikauppa :: china shop
posliinikotilo :: A cowry (any of the marine molluscs of the genus Cypraea)
posliininen :: Made of porcelain
posliiniseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius cumatilis
possessiivinen :: possessive
possessiivipronomini :: A possessive pronoun
possessiivisuffiksi :: Possessive suffix
possu [hypocoristic, childish] :: a slovenly person
possu [hypocoristic, childish] :: piggy, pig, piglet
possu :: pork
possumunkki :: A flat, rectangular doughnut with a pocket of jam inside, rolled in granular sugar
possunliha :: pork
postata :: to post (To publish a message to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.)
posti :: appointment, position, post
posti :: mail
posti :: postal office
posti :: post, postal service
postiennakko :: Payment on receipt, cash on delivery
postikortti :: A postcard
postikorttien keräily :: deltiology, collecting postcards (study and collection of postcards)
postilaatikko [espionage] :: live drop, dead drop
postilaatikko :: inbox, in-tray
postilaatikko :: mailbox
postileima :: postmark (marking made by a postal service on a mailed item that records the time of receival of the item and cancels the stamp)
postiljooni :: postman, mailman
postilla :: postil (collection of homilies)
postilokero :: post-office box, postal box
postiluukku :: A mail slot
postimaksu :: postage (charge for posting an item)
postimaksukone :: postage meter, franking machine
postimerkittää :: to stamp, frank (to place a stamp on an envelope)
postimerkkeilijä :: philatelist
postimerkkeily :: philately
postimerkki :: stamp, postage stamp (small piece of printed paper indicating amount of postage paid)
postimestari :: postmaster (head of a post office)
postimies :: Heliconius erato
postimies :: postman [male]
postimyyntimorsian :: mail-order bride
postinjakaja :: mailman (post office employee)
postinkantaja :: A postman, mailman, letter carrier
postinumero :: A postal code [British], zip code [US]
postinumeroalue :: ZIP code (region within which all addresses share the same postal code)
postiosoite :: postal address
postiosoitus :: postal order, postal money order (money order arranged by a postal service)
postitoimisto :: post office (place concerned with the business of delivering letters, post or mail and selling stamps, etc.)
postitorvi :: post horn
postitorvi :: little post horn squid, ram's horn squid, tail-light squid, Spirula spirula; the only extant species in the order Spirulida
postitse :: by mail, by post
postittaa :: to mail
postitus :: mailing
postituslista :: mailing list
postivaunut :: A stage-coach, stagecoach
postmoderni :: postmodern
postmodernismi :: postmodernism
postmodernistinen :: postmodern
postnataalinen :: postnatal
postpositio :: A postposition
postpositionaalinen :: postpositional (of or pertaining to postpositions)
postpositionaalisesti :: postpositionally
poststrukturalismi :: post-structuralism
postulaatti :: A postulate
postuloida :: To postulate
postuumi :: posthumous
postuumisti :: posthumously
potaatti :: potato
potaska :: nonsense, rubbish, piffle
potaska :: potash
potea :: To be sick with, have, suffer from (a disease or, figuratively, a mental state)
potenssi :: Power (product of equal factors)
potenssi :: Potency (sexual potency; see sexuality)
potenssijoukko :: power set
potenssisarja :: power series
potentaatti :: potentate (powerful leader)
potentiaali :: potential
potentiaalienergia :: potential energy
potentiaalinen :: potential
potentiaalisesti :: potentially
potentiometri :: potentiometer
potentsiaali :: potential
potero :: position, standpoint; especially one that is defended vigorously against contradictory or challenging ideas
potero :: foxhole, dugout
potikka :: A potentiometer
potilas :: patient
potilastiedot :: Medical report(s), medical record(s)
potka :: gaskin (part of horse's hind leg)
potka :: shank (meat from that part of an animal)
potka :: shank (the lower part of the leg of an animal)
potkaista :: To kick (once)
potkaista tyhjää :: To kick the bucket, buy the farm, bite the dust; to die (literally: "to kick the emptiness")
potkaisu :: A kick
potkia :: To kick (repeatedly/continuously)
potkija :: A kicker, one who kicks
potku :: kick
potkukelkka :: kicksled
potkulauta :: foot-operated scooter
potkupuku :: onesie, romper suit (one-piece baby garment)
potkuri :: A propeller, prop
potkuri :: A short form of potkukelkka
potkuri :: A screw, propeller
potkuriturbiini :: turboprop, propjet
potkurivirta :: A backward flow of liquid or air from a propeller, backwash
potkut :: dismissal, axing, sack
potpuri :: potpourri
potretti :: portrait
potta :: A potty
potta :: A chamberpot
pottatukka :: A bowl cut (hairstyle)
potti :: pot (money in center of table in card games)
pottu :: bottle, especially one of booze
pottu :: potato, spud
pottu :: potty
pottuilla :: To tease (to provoke by annoying remarks)
pottuvarvas :: big toe
potuttaa :: to be annoyed, vexed
poukama :: A small bay; cove
pouta :: dry weather
poutainen [of weather] :: sunny, dry
povaaja :: fortuneteller
povari :: fortuneteller
povari :: inside pocket
povata :: to divine, foretell
povekas :: full-bosomed, big-breasted
povekkaampi :: comparative form of povekas
povi :: bosom, breast
povipommi :: attractive big-breasted woman; bombshell
pöpö :: bug, contagious disease
pääpaino :: primary stress
pääpaino :: main focus
pääpaino :: main weight
pääpalkinto :: top prize; big enchilada
pääpaloasema :: main fire station
pääpelaaja :: head player (player who uses the head to play the ball, especially one who is good at it)
pääpeli :: head play (the use of head to play the ball)
pöpelikkö :: thicket, copse
pöpi :: kooky, wacky (eccentric, strange, foolish or crazy)
pöpilä :: nutfarm, funny farm
pöpinä :: twaddle, nonsense, rubbish (empty or silly idle talk or writing)
pöpistä :: to twaddle, prattle (to talk nonsense)
pääpukkaus :: headbutt
pragmaatikko :: pragmatist
pragmaattinen :: pragmatic
pragmaattisesti :: pragmatically
pragmaattisuus :: pragmaticalness
pragmatiikka :: pragmatics
pragmatismi :: pragmatism
pragmatisti :: pragmatist
Praha :: Prague, the capital of Czech Republic
päärakennus :: main building, principal building
praktiikka :: practice
praliini :: praline
pramea :: ostentatious, showy, elaborate, gaudy
praseodyymi :: praseodymium
päärata :: main line (principal railway line)
päre :: A flat splint (piece of wood split off a larger piece)
päre :: A splinter
päre :: temper, in the idiom polttaa päreensä (lit. "to burn one's shingle"), "to lose one's temper"
päre :: A shake (thin - abt 0.5 cm - wooden shingle made by splitting wood)
prebiootti :: prebiotic (food)
predestinaatio :: predestination
predestinoida :: to predestine (to determine the future or the fate of something in advance)
predikaatti :: a predicate
predikaattilogiikka :: predicate logic
predikatiivi :: A predicative, complement
preemio :: premium
preeria :: prairie
preeriakahlaaja :: upland sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda
preeriakoira :: prairie dog
preerianaurulokki :: Franklin's gull, Larus pipixcan
preeriapöllö :: burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia
preeriasirkku :: a longspur
preeriasirkku :: McCown's longspur, Calcarius mccownii
preeriasusi :: coyote, Canis latrans
preeriaviklo :: willet, Tringa semipalmata or Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
preesens :: present tense
prefekti :: prefect
preferanssi :: preferans, preference (card game, popular in Russia)
preferenssi :: preferans (card game, popular in Russia)
preferenssi :: preference
prefiksi :: prefix
prehniitti :: prehnite
prejudikaatti :: A prejudicate
prekambri :: The Precambrian
prekambrikausi :: the Precambrian
prekambrikautinen :: Precambrian
prekambrinen :: Precambrian
pärekattoinen :: shingle-roofed
prekessio :: precession
prelaatti :: prelate (clergyman of high rank and authority)
prelatuuri :: prelature (office of a prelate)
preludi :: prelude (short piece of music)
premillennialismi :: premillennialism (concept in Christian eschatology)
premissi :: premise
prenataalinen :: prenatal
prenikka :: gewgaw (showy decoration, especially a mark of honor)
prenikka :: gingerbread
preparoida :: To prepare (e.g. a sample)
prepata :: To prep, prepare (homework, examination)
prepositio :: preposition
prepositioilmaus :: alternative term for prepositiolauseke
prepositiolauseke :: prepositional phrase
prepositionaali :: prepositional case, prepositional (grammatical case)
prepositionaali :: prepositional (a word that is in prepositional case)
prepositionaalinen :: prepositional (of or pertaining to prepositions)
prepositionaalisesti :: prepositionally
presbyteeri :: Presbyterian (person)
presbyteeriläinen :: alternative form of presbyteerinen
presbyteerinen :: Presbyterian (of or relating to Presbyterian beliefs or their supporters)
presbyteerio :: presbytery
presbyteriaani :: alternative form of presbyteeri
presbyterismi :: Presbyterianism
presidentinvaali :: presidential election
presidentinvaalit :: presidential election
presidentti :: A president (a head of state or a chairperson)
presidenttiehdokas :: presidential candidate
presidenttiehdokkuus :: presidential candidacy
presidenttikausi :: presidency
pressa :: prez
pressanvaali :: presidential election
pressopannu :: French press, cafetière
pressu :: tarpaulin (a heavy, waterproof sheet of material)
preteriti :: preterite
preussi :: Old Prussian (Old Prussian language)
preussi :: Prussian (Prussian language)
Preussi :: Prussia
preussilainen :: Prussian
preussilainen :: A Prussian person
preussilaisuus :: Prussianness
preussinsininen :: Prussian blue (rich blue, tinted with green)
preussinsininen :: Prussian blue (pigment and color)
preventio :: prevention
preventteri :: preventer
prevostinorava :: Prevost's squirrel, Callosciurus prevostii
pörheä :: furry
pörhistää :: to ruffle
pörhistellä :: alternative form of pörhistää
pääri :: A peer [nobleman]
priima :: prime
priimas :: primate
priinia :: graceful prinia, Prinia gracilis
priipurje :: alternative form of spriipurje
priitanko :: alternative form of spriitanko
prikaati :: brigade
prikaatikenraali :: A military rank in the Finnish army and the Air Force, a brigadier general
priki :: (nautical) A brig
prikka :: A slug (counterfeit coin used to steal from vending machines)
prikka :: A washer, clout (archaic)
prikka :: A medal
prikka :: A tray
prikulleen :: precisely
primaari :: primary
primaarinen :: primary
primitiivinen :: Primitive
primitiivisesti :: primitively
primitivismi :: primitivism
primitivisti :: primitivist
primääri :: alternative form of primaari
primäärinen :: primary
primäärinen alkoholi :: primary alcohol
pärinä :: roll (the uniform beating of a drum)
pörinä :: A vivid activity
pörinä :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by bees)
prinsessa :: princess
Prinsessa Ruusunen :: Sleeping Beauty
prinsiippi :: A principle
prinssi :: A prince (son or male-line grandson of a monarch)
prinssi :: A woman's ideal man in the phrase "unelmien prinssi" (Prince Charming)
prinssimakkara :: cocktail sausage
printata :: to print
printteri [colloquial, computing] :: printer
printti :: print (text printed by a printer)
prioni :: A prion
priori :: a prior
priorisoida :: To prioritise/prioritize
prioriteetti :: priority
prisma :: prism
päristää :: to snort
päristä :: To buzz
pöristä :: To drone, buzz, whirr, hum
Pristina :: Priština
privatisoida :: To privatise/privatize
privilegio :: privilege
pärjätä :: ~ ilman: to do without
pärjätä :: to be fine, to be okay, to get along
päärly :: pearl
päärme :: hem (of clothing)
päärmätä :: To hem (to put hem on an article of clothing)
päärmätty :: fimbriated
präntti :: print (printed text)
probiootti :: probiotic
probleema :: problem
probleemi :: problem
problemaattinen :: problematic
problematiikka :: problematic (problem or difficulty in a particular field of study)
problematisoida :: To problematize
problematisoitua :: To be problematized
prodromi :: prodrome (early symptom warning of the onset of a disease)
produktiivinen :: productive
produktiivisuus :: productivity
produktio :: production (esp. of a piece in a theatre)
produsoida :: to produce
profeetta :: prophet
professionalismi :: professionalism
professori :: professor
professuuri :: professorship
profetia :: prophecy
profetoida :: To prophecy
proffa :: prof, professor
profiili :: profile
profiloida :: To profile
profilointi :: profiling
profylaksia :: prophylaxis
proge [colloquial, music] :: prog rock, progressive rock
proggis :: A program
prognoosi :: prognosis
pro gradu :: master's thesis
pro gradu -tutkielma :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree)
pro gradu -työ :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree)
progressiivinen [education] :: progressive
progressiivinen :: progressive (politics: favoring progress)
progressiivinen [taxation] :: progressive
progressiivisesti :: progressively
progressiivisuus :: progressiveness
progressio :: progress
progressio :: progression
projekti :: project
projektiili :: projectile
projektijohtaminen :: project management
projektinhallinta :: project management
projektio :: projection
projektipäällikkö :: project manager
projektori :: projector
projisioida :: To project
projisoida :: To project
prokariootti :: alternative form of prokaryootti
prokaryootti :: prokaryote
proksimaalinen :: proximal
proktologia :: proctology
prolatiivi :: prolative
proletaari :: A proletarian
proletaarinen :: proletarian
proletaaristaa :: alternative form of proletarisoida
proletariaatti :: proletariat
proletarisoida :: to proletarianize
proletarisoitua :: to be proletarianized
proliini :: proline
prologi :: prologue
promemoria :: memorandum
promenadi :: promenade
prometium :: promethium
promille :: per mille, permille, per mil, per mill (1/1000th part of something)
promiskuiteetti :: promiscuity (state of being indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
promootio :: promotion ceremony, commencement (in Finnish universities, a ceremony to honour those who have graduated as doctors since the previous ceremony; the frequency depends on local traditions)
promoottori :: promoter
pronominaaliadverbi :: A pronominal adverb
pronomini :: A pronoun
pronssata :: to bronze (to color bronze)
pronssata :: to bronze (to plate with bronze)
pronssaus :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing)
pronssi :: bronze
pronssi-iibis :: glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
pronssikausi :: the Bronze Age
pronssikautinen :: Bronze Age
pronssilakka :: bronze lacquer
pronssimies :: A male bronze medalist
pronssimies :: Literally, a bronze statue of a man, especially one of natural size
pronssimitali :: bronze medal
pronssimitalimies :: A male bronze medalist
pronssimitalisti :: bronze medalist (bronze medal winner)
pronssinen :: bronze
pronssipatsas :: bronze statue
pronssittaa :: alternative form of pronssata
pronssitus :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing)
päärooli :: leading role
proomu :: barge (flat-bottomed bulk carrier)
proomu :: pram (flat-bottomed vessel to carry cargo to and from ships whose draft does not allow them to enter the harbour)
proopuska :: alternative spelling of propuska
proosa :: prose
proosakirjailija :: prosaist
proosallinen :: prosaic
propaani :: propane
propaganda :: propaganda
propagandaelokuva :: propaganda movie
propagandakuva :: propaganda picture
propagandapuhe :: propaganda speech
propagandasota :: propaganda war
propagandisti :: propagandist
propanoli :: propanol
propedeuttinen :: [of teaching] preliminary, preparatory
propeenihappo :: acrylic acid
propelli :: A propeller
propellipää :: propeller head (person)
propionaatti :: propionate
propionialdehydi :: propionaldehyde
propionihappo :: propionic acid
propionitriili :: propionitrile
proportionaalinen :: proportional
propositio :: proposition
proppu [colloquial, electricity] :: fuse
proppu :: tonsillolith, tonsil stone
proppu :: wall plug/screw anchor
propri :: proper noun
propuska :: authorization, certificate, permit, licence, or other official document required by a bureaucracy
propyleeniglykoli :: propylene glycol
propyleenioksidi :: propylene oxide
propyyni :: methylacetylene, propyne
prosaisti :: prosaist
proseduuri :: A procedure
prosentti :: A percent
prosenttimääräinen :: measured in percents, often translated into English as percentage
prosenttinen :: percent (consisting of or containing something to an amount expressed as percentage)
prosenttiosuus :: percentage (part of a whole measured in percent)
prosenttisesti :: -percent (to a degree expressed as percentage)
prosenttiyksikkö :: percentage point
prosentuaalinen :: measured in percents, often translated into English as percentage
prosessi :: process (series of events)
prosessoida :: To process (an industrial product)
prosessori :: processor, CPU
prosodia :: prosody
prosodinen :: prosodic
prosopagnosia [pathology, psychology] :: face blindness, prosopagnosia (disorder in face recognition)
prossa :: A percent
prossa [computing, colloquial] :: microprocessor
prostaattinen [medicine, jargon] :: prostatic
prostasykliini :: prostacyclin
prostata [anatomy, medicine, jargon] :: prostate
prostatektomia [medicine, jargon] :: prostatectomy (surgical removal of prostate)
prostatismi :: prostatism
prostituoida :: To prostitute
prostituoitu :: A prostitute (male or female)
prostituutio :: prostitution
prosymidoni :: procymidone
protaktinium :: protactinium
proteaasi :: protease
proteaasi-inhibiittori :: protease inhibitor
proteaasin estäjä :: protease inhibitor
proteesi :: prosthesis
proteiini :: protein
protektionismi :: protectionism
protektionisti :: protectionist
protektoraatti :: protectorate
proteomiikka :: proteomics
proterotsooinen :: Proterozoic
protestantti :: a Protestant
protestanttinen :: protestant
protesti :: protest (formal objection)
protestilaulu :: protest song
protestoida :: To protest
Proteus-syndrooma :: Proteus syndrome
proto :: prototype
protokolla :: protocol
protoni :: proton
protoplaneetta :: protoplanet
protoplasma :: protoplasm
prototyyppi :: prototype
protuberanssi :: solar prominence
provikka :: commission (a fee charged)
provinssi :: A province (subdivision of government usually one step below the national level)
provinssi :: The countryside, country (rural area)
provisio :: commission (a fee charged)
provokaatio :: provocation
provokaattori :: provocateur
provokatiivinen :: provocative
provokatiivisesti :: provocatively
provokatiivisuus :: provocativeness
provokatorinen :: provocative
provosoida :: To provoke
provosointi :: provocation
provosoitua :: To be provoked
provosoiva :: provocative
provosti :: provost (senior academic administrator)
pörröhäntä :: bushy tail, such as that of a squirrel
pörröinen :: furry, fluffy, shaggy, ruffled, straggled
pörrätä :: To drone, buzz, whirr, hum
pörröttää :: to ruffle, to tousle, to dishevel
pärskää :: alternative form of pärskyä
pärske :: spindrift (sea spray blown from the tops of waves by the wind)
pärskähdellä :: alternative form of pärskyä
pärskinä :: splash
pärskyä :: to splash
pörssi :: An exchange (place for conducting trading), especially a stock exchange
pörssi :: A wallet
prässi :: A crease, especially one pressed on the legs of trousers; often in plural
prässi :: A press [device]
pörssikurssi :: share price (the price of a share as quoted in a stock exchange)
pörssiromahdus :: stock market crash
pörssiyhtiö :: listed company, public company, publicly traded company, quoted company (company whose shares are traded in a stock exchange)
prässätä :: to crease (to produce a crease, intentionally, as to the front of trousers)
prässätä :: to press (clothes, flowers)
pärstä :: face, mug
pärstäkerroin :: The physical appearance of a person
prätkä :: motorcycle, chopper
pörttei :: birthday
pääruoka :: main course, entrée, entree (main dish of a meal)
pääruokalaji :: main course dish (dish usually eaten as main course)
prusik :: prusik (hitch)
Prusikin solmu :: prusik (hitch)
pruukata :: to be a habit, to do habitually, to tend to
pruutta :: sprayer, squirt, douche
pruutta :: syringe
pääryhmä :: main group (in the periodic table of the elements, any of the eight groups (columns) of elements that contain the lightest elements)
päärynä :: pear, a fruit and a tree
päärynämeloni :: pepino, melon pear
päärynäpuu :: A pear tree
przewalskinhevonen :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii
pösö :: bigwig, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, big wheel, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top banana, top dog (wealthy man who is in a leading position)
pösö :: Peugeot (car)
pääsaari :: main island
psalmi :: psalm (a hymn in the Old Testament)
psalttari :: psalter (Book of Psalms)
psalttari :: psaltery (ancient stringed instrument)
psalttari :: Used collectively of a group of similar instruments, including kanun, sitra, langleik, gusli and kantele [Finnish terms]
pääsana :: modificand (word which is modified)
pääsarja :: main sequence
pääsarja :: main league, highest league
pseudepigrafi :: pseudepigrapha
pseudo- :: pseudo-
pseudoanglismi :: pseudo-anglicism
pseudomorfi :: pseudomorph
pseudonyymi :: A pseudonym
pseudopodi :: pseudopod
pseudotiede :: pseudoscience
pseudotieteellinen :: pseudoscientific
pseudotieteilijä :: pseudoscientist
pseudounipolaarinen :: pseudounipolar (having one split axon)
pääsihteeri :: Secretary General
psii :: psi (Greek letter)
pääsiäinen :: Easter
pääsiäisaika :: Easter time
pääsiäismuna :: Easter egg
pääsiäispupu :: Easter Bunny
Pääsiäissaari :: Easter Island
pääsiäissunnuntai :: Easter Sunday
pösilö :: A dumb person
psilosiini :: psilocin
psilosybiini :: psilocybin
pääsisäänkäynti :: main entrance
pääsky :: swallow, martin (bird of the family Hirundinidae)
pääskykahlaaja :: collared pratincole, Glareola pratincola
pääskykahlaaja :: courser, pratincole (birds of the family Glareolidae)
pääskykahlaaja :: pratincole (birds of the genus Glareola within that family)
pääskynen :: diminutive form of pääsky
pääskynen :: swallow [bird]
pääskysparvi :: A flock of sparrows
päsmäri :: know-it-all
pääsääntöisesti :: as a rule
psori [colloquial, pathology] :: psoriasis
psoriaasi :: psoriasis
psoriaatikko :: A person affected by psoriasis
päässä :: away
pässi :: A ram (male sheep)
pässi :: A stubborn person
pässinpää :: idiot
päässälasku :: mental calculation, mental arithmetic
päästää :: to temper (to heat-treat hardened metal in order to increase toughness)
päästää :: ~ suustaan: to utter
päästää :: to emit, give off
päästää :: to release, to let loose, rid
päästä :: in, after, a [period] from (after a period of time)
päästä :: (+ act. 3rd inf. in illat.) To manage (to do; to happen by accident)
päästä :: (+ elative) To evade, elude, escape, get off/by
päästä :: (+ elative) To get rid of (a person); to get over (a feeling)
päästä :: (+ illative) To make it to, get to (a place/level), reach, attain, achieve
päästä :: To avoid, escape, get out of, not have/need, be spared the necessity of (doing/to do = act. 3rd inf. in elat.)
päästä :: To be released/discharged (from a hospital; from prison)
päästä :: To get in, be admitted to
päästä :: To get to go, be allowed/permitted to go
päästä :: To get to, reach, arrive at/in (a place)
päästö :: An emission of a harmful substance such as exhaust gas
päästö :: A release (act of releasing)
ps-tili :: An account somewhat similar to the US Individual Retirement Account, or IRA which provides tax advantages for retirement savings
päästäinen :: shrew (any of the mammals in the family Soricidae, especially in the genus Sorex)
päästä läpi :: to pass, pass muster (adequately pass a formal or informal inspection)
päästä läpi :: to get through
päästä läpi :: to get through to
päästämään [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, päästää, c=ill] ::
päästä omilleen :: to recoup one's investment, money etc. (to make back, as an investment)
päästää päiviltä :: To kill, slay, do in, knock off, bump off (literally: "to let go from days")
päästä pälkähästä :: To get out of a difficult situation
päästää pois päiviltä :: To put down, execute, kill
päästää sammakko suustaan :: To accidentally say something that shouldn't be said (literally: To let a frog out from one's own mouth)
pääsy :: access, clearance
pääsy :: admission
psyka :: psychology
psykedeelinen :: psychedelic
psykiatri :: psychiatrist
psykiatria :: psychiatry
psykiatrinen :: psychiatric
pääsy kielletty :: no entry
psyko :: psycho
psykoaktiivinen :: psychoactive
psykoakustiikka [acoustics] :: psychoacoustics
psykoanalysoida :: To psychoanalyze
psykoanalyysi :: psychoanalysis
psykoanalyytikko :: A psychoanalyst, analyst, shrink (psychoanalysis practitioner)
psykoanalyyttinen :: psychoanalytic
psykodiagnostiikka :: psychodiagnostics
psykodraama :: psychodrama
psykodynamiikka :: psychodynamics
pääsykoe :: entrance examination (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
psykofarmaka :: psychotic drug
psykofyysinen :: psychophysical
psykohistoria :: psychohistory
psykokineettinen :: psychokinetic
psykokinesia :: psychokinesis
psykologi :: psychologist
psykologia :: psychology
psykologinen :: psychological
psykologioida :: To psychologize
psykologisoida :: To psychologize
psykometriikka :: psychometrics
psykometrinen :: psychometric
psykoosi :: psychosis
psykootikko :: A psychotic person
psykoottinen :: psychotic
psykoottisesti :: psychotically
psykopaatti :: psychopath
psykopaattinen :: psychopathic
psykopatia :: psychopathy
psykopatologia :: psychopathology
psykosomaattinen :: psychosomatic
psykososiaalinen :: psychosocial
psykoterapeutti :: A psychotherapist
psykoterapeuttinen :: psychotherapeutic
psykoterapia :: psychotherapy [treatment of those with metal illness]
psykotrooppinen :: psychotropic
pääsylippu :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.)
pääsyy :: primary reason
psyykata :: To influence by suggestion
psyyke :: psyche
psyykkinen :: psychic
psyykkisesti :: psychically
päätavoite :: main objective
pääte :: terminal
pääte :: suffix
pääte :: When used as modifier in a compound term, final, terminal, end
päteä :: To show off one's (real or fake) intelligence or knowledge
päteä :: To apply, be valid
pääteaivot :: endbrain, telencephalon
pääteasema :: terminal (station at the end of a railway line)
päätellä :: To conclude, draw a conclusion, decide, infer, deduce
päätellä :: To fasten off, tie off (the loose ends/threads of a needlework)
päätelmä :: conclusion, deduction
pääteos :: magnum opus (maker's greatest work)
päätepiste :: endpoint
päätepysäkki :: final stop (either of the stops at the ends of a bus or tram line)
pätevä :: adept, qualified
pätevä :: valid
pätevöidä :: to qualify, certify, license (grant a proof or certificate of qualification)
pätevöidä :: to qualify (to declare competent or eligible for some position or task)
pätevöidä :: to verify (to confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something)
pääteviiva :: A finish line
pääteviiva [typography] :: A serif (short horizontal line added to the tops and bottoms of traditional typefaces)
pätevöityä :: to qualify (to become competent or eligible for some position or task)
pätevöityminen :: qualification (the process of acquiring the required competences for a job or office)
pätevöitymisaika :: A period of time, a "grace period", during which an unqualified person, who has been elected to an office, must obtain the required qualifications
pätevyys :: competence
pthyi :: ptui (sound of spitting)
päätäi :: head louse
päätie :: main road, highway (main or major road)
pätkä :: clip
pätkä :: shorty, shortie
pätkä :: snippet
pätkä :: stub
pätkä :: stump
pätkiä :: To cut into pieces
pötkiä :: to run
pätäkkä :: bucks, cake, cheddar, cream, dinars, dosh, dough, geld, gelt, greenbacks, jack, lolly, moolah, lucre, paper, readies, sheets, shrapnel, spends, spondulicks, sterling, wonga (money)
päätöksenteko :: decision making (act or process)
pötköttää :: To lie; to rest
pätkätyö :: odd job, temporary work
päätön :: senseless, lacking sense
päätön :: headless
päätoiminen :: full-time (of a job, being, or expected to be the main occupation of an employee)
päätoimittaja :: editor in chief, editor-in-chief
ptolemaiolainen :: Ptolemaic
Ptolemaios :: Ptolemy
ptruu :: whoa (stopping command for horse)
päätös :: decision
päätös :: ending
päätös :: resolution
päätöserä :: final period, final round etc. (last of the divisions into which a game is divided)
pätsi :: furnace
pätsi :: hellfire (very intensive fire)
pätsi :: hack (computing: a small code change or an expedient, temporary solution)
pätsi :: patch (computing: a file describing changes made to source code)
pötsi :: rumen, paunch (first stomach of a ruminant)
pötsi :: potbelly, paunch (large, protruding stomach)
päätöslauselma :: Resolution (a formal statement adopted by an assembly)
päätöspäivä :: The final day of an event such as conference, fair, sports tournament
päätöspuu :: decision tree
päätösvalta :: decision making power
päätösvaltainen :: Being in the state of having a quorum (haing a sufficient number of people present)
päätösvaltainen :: decision-making (having the authority to decide)
päättää [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To decide (to do something)
päättää :: To end, conclude, terminate, bring to a close
päättää :: To judge, infer, conclude
päättää :: To tie off, fasten (a thread)
pätöteho [electrical engineering] :: active power
päättely :: deduction
päättäjä :: decision-maker, policymaker
päättäjäiset :: closing ceremony
päättäjäiset :: graduation, graduation ceremony
päättömämpi :: comparative form of päätön
päättömästi :: senselessly
päättämätön :: indecisive, irresolute
päättämätön :: undecided, irresolute
päättämätön :: unfinished
päättömyys :: headlessness
päättömyys :: senselessness
päättäri :: final stop (end of a bus, tram or railway line)
päättötyö :: diploma work, degree work
päättäväinen :: determined, resolute, intent, set
päättäväisempi :: comparative form of päättäväinen
päättäväisesti :: decisively
päättäväisyys :: decisiveness (quality of being decisive)
päättyä :: To be finished, be completed
päättyä :: To be up, expire
päättyä :: To (come to an) end, finish, stop, cease, (be) conclude(d)
päättymä :: The perfect sense
päättyminen :: ending
päättymisaika :: expiration time
päättymätön :: endless, perpetual
päättyvä :: ending
päättyvä :: terminating
päätuki :: alternative form of pääntuki
päätyä :: To end up (somewhere)
pääty :: end (of a bed etc.)
pöty :: nonsense
päätykolmio :: A gable
päätykoriste :: finial (decorative fitting at the peak of a gable)
päätylaita :: The end board
pub :: pub
puberteetti :: puberty
pubi :: pub, public house
publikaani [historical, biblical] :: publican (tax collector in ancient Rome)
pudas :: A fork of river that rejoins back to the main river
pudistaa :: to shake (to move one's head once or shortly from side to side, especially to indicate a negative)
pudistella :: to shake (to move one's head repeatedly from side to side, especially to indicate a negative)
pudokas :: A primary school dropout (one who has left primary school without completing the course)
pudokas :: A windfall (fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind)
pudota :: To burst out laughing
pudota :: To drop, fall (down/off), slip
pudotella :: To drop (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
pudottaa :: To drop
pudottautua :: To drop oneself
pudotus :: act of dropping (causing something to fall)
pudotus :: dropdown
pudotus :: fall (act of moving down under the effect of gravity)
pudotusikkuna :: dropdown window (window in which a dropdown menu is shown)
pudotuslista :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, list box, combo box
pudotuspeli :: playoff (game played after the regular season or similar by the top competitors, with a single-elimination system, to determine the champion)
pudotusvalikko :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, list box, combo box
puettaa :: To dress up somebody or something
puff :: poof (deflating object or a magical disappearance)
puffata :: to puff (to advertise)
pugilismi :: pugilism
pugilisti :: pugilist
puhallella :: to blow (repeatedly)
puhallin :: blower, a device that blows
puhallin :: wind instrument
puhallinsoitin :: wind instrument
puhallus :: blowing (using lungs)
puhalluselvytys :: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
puhallushiekka :: blasting grit (sand or resembling material used as abrasive in sandblasting)
puhallusputki :: blowgun, blowpipe (weapon)
puhallusputki :: blowpipe
puhallussoitin :: Alternative term for puhallinsoitin
puhalluttaa :: To make (a car driver suspected of driving under the influence) blow on a gauge displaying the possible amount of alcohol in the air exhaled
puhalluttaa :: To have something (= genitive-accusative) blown by someone (= adessive)
puhaltaa :: To blow
puhaltaa :: To blow
puhaltaa :: To blow on, play, sound (a wind instrument)
puhdas :: clean; neat, tidy (not dirty)
puhdas :: clean, unpolluted (not polluted)
puhdas :: clear, clean, innocent (free of guilt)
puhdas :: naked (without decoration, put bluntly)
puhdas :: net (with all deductions or allowances made)
puhdas :: pure, undiluted, absolute, neat; sweet (unadulterated; free from extraneous elements)
puhdas :: sheer (being only what it seems to be)
puhdas ansiotulo :: net earnings
puhdasoppinen :: orthodox
puhdasoppinen :: puristic
puhdasoppisempi :: comparative form of puhdasoppinen
puhdasoppisin :: superlative form of puhdasoppinen
puhdasoppisuus :: purism (insistence on the traditionally correct way of doing things)
puhdasrotuinen :: purebred
puhdistaa :: To clean (up), clear (up), cleanse, purge, scour
puhdistaa :: To purify (air, water)
puhdistaa :: To refine, purify
puhdistaja :: cleaner (mostly for cleaning detergents/substances)
puhdistamo :: refinery, purification plant
puhdistautua :: To cleanse oneself
puhdistin :: cleaner, purifier (device that cleans)
puhdistua :: To become clean
puhdistuma :: renal clearance (a measure of the functioning of the kidneys: amount of harmful substances removed from the blood per unit of time)
puhdistus :: A cleansing
puhdistus :: A purge
puhdistusaine :: cleanser, detergent
puhdistuttaa :: to have something cleaned
puhe :: address
puhe :: oration
puhe :: speech
puhe :: talk, chat
puheaika :: airtime (chargeable use of a mobile phone)
puheenaihe :: talking point, theme
puheenjohtaja :: chairman, chairwoman, chairperson
puheenjohtajakausi :: chairmanship (term of a chairman)
puheenjohtajamaa :: presiding country
puheenjohtajuus :: chairmanship
puheenjohtajuuskausi :: period of chairmanship, term of chairmanship
puheen ollen :: regarding, concerning, apropos, speaking of
puheenparsi :: idiom
puheentunnistus :: speech recognition
puheenvuoro :: A floor, say (one's stated opinion or input into a discussion)
puheenvuoro :: statement
puhehäiriö :: speech disorder
-puheinen :: -talking
puhekieli :: A language as it is commonly spoken, a vernacular, colloquial language
puhekielinen :: colloquial
puhekupla :: A speech bubble
puheliaisuus :: talkativeness, loquacity
puhelias :: talkative
puhelimessa :: at the phone
puhelimitse :: By telephone
puhelin :: telephone
puhelinaakkonen :: in plural only, telephone alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
puhelinaakkonen :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
puhelinjohto :: telephone cable
puhelinkeskus [telecommunications] :: telephone exchange, switchboard, switch
puhelinkeskustelu :: telephone conversation
puhelinkioski :: phone booth
puhelinkokous :: telephone conference (conference held by telephone)
puhelinkoppi :: phone booth
puhelinkortti :: telephone card, telecard, phone card, calling card (plastic card used to pay for telephone services)
puhelinlasku :: phone bill
puhelinliittymä :: telephone subscription
puhelinlinja :: telephone line
puhelinluettelo :: A telephone directory, phone book
puhelinmyyjä :: telemarketer
puhelinmyynti :: telemarketing
puhelinneuvottelu :: telephone conference (conference held by telephone)
puhelinnumero :: A telephone number
puhelinpalvelukeskus :: call center (business location where a person can call for such things as customer service, to place an order, etc.)
puhelinpylväs :: telephone pole, telegraph post
puhelinsoitto :: A telephone call
puhelinvaihde [telecommunications] :: A telephone exchange, switchboard or switch which serves one organization
puhelinvastaaja :: An answering machine
puhelinyhtiö :: telephone company
puhella :: To chatter
puhelu :: talk, conversation; used especially in compound terms
puhelu :: telephone call, call
puhemies :: A chairman or speaker; a title used of the chair of certain bodies instead of the more common puheenjohtaja
puheohjelma :: talk show
puheposti :: voice mail (system)
puhepostiviesti :: voice mail (individual message)
puhesynteesi :: speech synthesis
puhetaito :: rhetoric
puhetapa :: parlance
puheterapeutti :: speech therapist
puhevibraattori :: electrolarynx (battery-oprated device that assists a person who has lost their voice box in producing speech)
puhevika :: speech defect
puhevika :: speech disorder
puhina :: puff
puhista :: To puffer
puhjennut :: flat (of a tire)
puhjeta :: ~ itkuun = to burst out crying/into tears
puhjeta :: ~ nauruun = to burst out laughing/into laughter
puhjeta :: to open, blossom
puhjeta :: to break out
puhjeta :: to pop, burst, (e.g. of something sewn or of an abscess) to rupture
puhkaa :: alternative form of puhkua
puhkaista :: To burst
puhkaista :: To pierce, puncture
puhkeaminen :: burst (instance of breaking from internal pressure)
puhkeaminen :: hampaiden ~ = teething
puhkeaminen :: onset (initial phase of a disease or condition)
puhkeaminen :: outbreak, breakout (sudden appearance)
puhki :: olla puhki: to be tired
puhki :: mennä puhki: to puncture, burst open, blow out
puhki :: through
puhkina :: alternative form of puhkinta
puhkua :: To blow
puhtaalta pöydältä :: from scratch
puhtaampi :: comparative form of puhdas
puhtaasti :: cleanly
puhtaus :: cleanliness, cleanness (condition of being habitually clean)
puhtaus :: cleanness (condition of being clean)
puhtaus :: cleanness, purity (moral purity, innocence)
puhtaus :: purity (state of being pure)
puhtausintoilija :: neat-freak
puhti :: energy, vigor, vitality, vim, zip
puhua :: To talk (about = elative)
puhua :: To speak (a language)
puhua läpiä päähänsä :: To shoot one's mouth off, to talk through one's hat, to whistle in the dark
puhua suunsa puhtaaksi :: To speak one's mind (literally: "to speak one's mouth clean, clean one's mouth by speaking")
puhua uskovaisille :: To preach to the choir
puhuja :: an orator, a speaker [one who speaks]
puhujakoroke :: platform (for a speaker)
puhujalava :: platform (for a speaker)
puhujapönttö :: lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support a speaker's notes)
puhujapöytä :: A lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support the notes of a speaker)
puhumaton :: speechless, mute
puhuri :: gust
puhutella :: to accost (to speak to first, to address), to speak to, to address
puhutella :: to speak to (to resonate with, to strike a chord in)
puhutko englantia :: do you speak English?
puhutko suomea :: do you speak Finnish?
puhuttaa :: to be discussed, to get people talking
puhutteko englantia [formal, or, plural] :: do you speak English?
puhutteko suomea :: do you speak Finnish?
puhuttelumuoto :: form of address (grammatical structure used when addressing others)
puhuttelusana :: term of address (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone or something without using their name)
puhuuko kukaan täällä englantia :: does anyone here speak English?
puhveli :: buffalo
puida :: ~ nyrkkiä = to shake a fist
puida :: To thresh (grain)
puida :: To thrash out, hash out, discuss (an issue)
puijata :: to trick, cheat
puikea :: Aristate
puikelo :: spadix
puikkelehtia :: To weave one's way (to move by turning and twisting)
puikkia :: To slink
puikko :: peg
puikko :: short for neulepuikko
puikko :: stick
puikulaperuna :: A small, almond-shaped variety of potato with a firm texture and pleasant taste grown in northern Scandinavia. It has been granted the Protected Designation of Origin (PD|O) status by the European Union
puimakone :: thresher (threshing machine)
puimuri :: combine harvester
puin :: cloth
puinen :: wooden (made of wood)
puiseva :: wooden (figuratively)
puistaa :: puistaa päätään: to shake one's head
puistaa :: to shake
puistattaa :: to make shudder, make shiver, cause to shudder
puistella :: alternative form of pudistella
puistikko :: A small park, a green
puistikko :: In street names, an avenue, boulevard, esplanade
puisto :: park
puistoherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus bitorquis
puistokatu :: A street bordered by trees; an avenue, boulevard, esplanade, parkway
puistoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius balteatus
puite :: frame
puite :: framework
puitteet {p} :: ground (background, context, framework, surroundings)
puitteissa :: within; used mostly figuratively
pujo :: mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
pujoa :: pleissata
pujoa :: puida (to shake a fist)
pujoa :: pujotella (to zigzag)
pujoa :: pujottaa
pujoke :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together)
pujos :: splice
pujotella :: To slalom
pujotella :: To thread, string (frequentative form of pujottaa)
pujotella :: To zigzag, avoiding obstacles
pujottaa :: to string, thread, wire (to put items on a string)
pujottelija :: slalom skier
pujottelu :: slalom
pukea [of a piece of clothing, + partitive] :: To become, suit
pukea :: To dress (a person), put on (clothes); to clothe
pukeutua :: in the perfect tense: olla pukeutunut (+ illative) to wear, be dressed (in)
pukeutua :: to get dressed, dress (oneself), put one's clothes on; ~ (hienosti) = to dress up
pukeutua :: to disguise oneself as
pukeutuminen :: dressing
pukeutumispöytä :: A dressing table
pukija :: dresser
pukine :: A piece of cloth used for dressing
pukinparta :: goatee
pukinpartainen :: One having a goatee
pukinpensas :: wolfberry (bush of the genus Lycium)
pukkaus :: header
pukki :: A male goat, billygoat; a buck
pukki :: A sawhorse
pukki :: A check or checkmark (✓)
pukki :: A driver's seat
pukki :: A lecherous man
pukki :: A vaulting horse
pukki :: Santa Claus, Santa
Pukki :: Finnish surname
pukkihyppely [games] :: leapfrog (children's game)
puksipuu :: box, boxwood (evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Buxus)
puksprööti :: bowsprit
puksuttaa :: to chug (to make dull, fairly quick explosive or percussive sounds, as if made by a labouring engine)
puku :: As modifier in compound terms may also denote changing (of clothes), e.g. in pukukoppi or pukuhuone
puku :: attire, outfit
puku :: suit, dress
pukuhuone :: locker room
pukuilla :: To cosplay
pukuilu :: cosplay
pukukangas :: fabric suitable for making a suit
pukukoodi :: dress code
pukukoppi :: changing room, locker room (room for changing clothes, such as in a sports facility or in a workplace where special working clothes are used; changing cubicles may be provided within the room)
pukukoppi :: cubicle, changing cubicle (small enclosure for changing clothes, e.g. by a pool or in a sports facility)
pukupussi :: garment bag (style of luggage that folds over on itself to allow long garments to be packed flat to avoid creasing)
pula [economy] :: An economic crisis characterized by shortage of goods and/or means to buy them; a depression, slump
pula :: shortage
pula :: urgent situation, scrape, pinch, deep water
pulahdus :: dip (short swim)
pulahtaa :: to dip (oneself) into water, take a dip (to go for a swim)
puleerata :: To shine (to polish)
puli :: drunkard, sot (one who is badly addicted with alcohol, to the point where the person is completely dependent on it)
puli :: puli
pulikka :: A round piece of log
pulina :: gab, palaver
pulisongit :: sideburns, especially ones that are limited to a the area in front of the ear and the back of the jaw
pulista [intransitive + partitive + vastaan] :: To whisper against, murmur against, gripe about, complain about
pulista :: To babble, burble, hum, whisper, murmur, chatter
pulista :: To bubble, burble
pulittaa :: cough up (to pay money)
pulja :: alternative form of pulju
pulju :: company
pulju :: tub
pulkka :: tally, tally stick (piece of wood on which notches or scores were cut, as the marks of number)
pulkka :: toboggan (flat-bottomed small sled used chiefly as a toy but also to transport goods on snow)
pulkkailija :: tobogganer, tobogganist
pulkkailla :: to toboggan (to ride a tobogganist)
pulkkamäki :: toboggan slide, toboggan run, sled hill (slope used for tobogganing or sledding for recreation)
Pulkkinen :: Finnish surname
pulkkosieni :: common roll-rim, brown roll-rim, poison pax; Paxillus involutus
pulla :: ball; as headword in names of some foodstuffs, e.g lihapulla, falafel
pulla :: bun, cardamom bread (mildly sweet, leavened baked good made of wheat and flavored with crushed cardamom, resembling very soft bread in consistency)
pullahtaa :: to rise up, appear, spring up
pullakko :: perigynium
pullapelti :: baking tray
pullapitko :: Same as pitko
pullataikina :: anything that swells
pullataikina :: sweet wheat dough used for baking pulla, a traditional type of coffee bread
pullea :: chubby, plump, rotund, round
pullikoida :: To resist
pullistaa :: to puff out
pullistella :: to flex one's muscles (to show off one's strength or skills)
pullistella :: to talk big
pullistella :: to flex, flex one's muscles (to tense and bend one's flexor muscles)
pullistua :: to balloon
pullistua :: to protrude, bulge outward
pullistuma :: protrusion, bulge
pullo :: bottle
pullokuonodelfiini :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
pullollaan :: bulging with, bursting with, abound with
pullonavaaja :: A bottle opener
pullonkaula :: bottleneck
pullonokkadelfiini :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
pulloposti :: message in a bottle
pulloruokinta :: bottle feeding
pullosara :: bottle sedge (Carex rostrata)
pullote :: bottled substance
pullottaa :: to bulge
pullottaa :: to bottle
pulloveri :: pullover
pullovesi :: bottled water
pullukka :: A plump person, a chub
pullulaani :: pullulan
pulma :: dilemma, conundrum (difficult choice or decision that must be made)
pulma :: puzzle, riddle, brain-teaser, conundrum (difficult question or riddle)
pulma :: trouble
pulmaton :: unproblematic
pulmonaaliläppä :: pulmonary valve
pulmu :: snow bunting
pulmunen :: snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis
pulmussirri :: sanderling, Calidris alba
pulpahtaa :: To surface, spring up, well up
pulpetti :: school desk
pulpettikatto :: pentroof
pulputa :: To fountain (to flow or gush as if from a fountain)
pulputa :: To gluck (to flow with noisy bursts, like liquid that flows from a bottle through a narrow neck)
pulsaatio :: pulsation
pulsari :: pulsar
pulska :: fleshy, porky, chubby
pulskempi :: comparative form of pulska
pulskin :: superlative form of pulska
pulskistaa :: To fatten
pulssi :: pulse
pultata :: To bolt
pultitus :: bolting
pultsari :: A drunkard
pultti :: A bolt, as a metal fastener
pultti :: A fit of rage
pulttilukko :: bolt action
pulu :: feral pigeon (Columba livia domestica)
pulu :: cushat (informal term for domesticated pigeons)
pulveri :: powder
pum :: bang, bam
pummata :: to bum
pummaus :: bumming
pummi :: bum (person who doesn't do their share or lets others pay their part of a bill etc.)
pummi :: bum, hobo, vagabond (homeless person)
pummi :: miss (failure to hit a target)
pummi :: panhandler (urban beggar)
pummi :: When used adverbially in adessive singular indicates avoidance of a fee, such as a movie ticket or hotel bill
pummia :: to snatch, steal
pumpata :: To pump
pumpattava barbara [lb, fi, colloquial] :: love doll, sex doll, blow up doll
pumpernikkeli :: A biscuit-like, often oval-shaped baked good made of gingerbread (piparkakku) dough and topped with a layer of sugar icing
pumppaamo :: pump station
pumppaus :: pump, pumping
pumppu :: heart
pumppu :: pump
pumppuasema :: pump station
pumppuhaulikko :: pump-action shotgun
pumpuli :: cotton (raw material)
pumpuli :: lint, cotton (soft cotton material for dressing wounds)
pumpulikangas :: cotton (textile)
pumpulipuikko :: cotton swab, cotton stick, Q-tip [US], cotton wool bud [UK]
pumputa :: To pump
puna :: The red color
puna-aavetetra :: red phantom tetra (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi or Megalamphodus sweglesi)
puna-apila :: red clover (Trifolium pratense)
puna-ara :: scarlet macaw, Ara macao
puna-armeija :: The Red Army
punaevätetra :: bloodfin tetra, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punaherukka :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punahierakka :: bloody dock, red-veined dock, bloody sorrel, wood dock, redvein dock, blood dock, bloodwort, bloody wood dock, Rumex sanguineus
Punahilkka :: Little Red Riding Hood
punahilkka-aratti :: pileated parrot (Pionopsitta pileata)
punahukka :: systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus
punainen :: red
punainen [in plural, historical] :: In the Finnish civil war of 1918, the revolutionary side, as opposed to the valkoiset (whites)
punainen [in plural, politics, archaic] :: the socialists
punainen :: reds, red lights (traffic signal)
punainen :: red (color)
Punainen armeijakunta :: The Red Army Faction (former German terrorist group)
punainen jättiläinen :: red giant
punainen kortti :: red card
punainen kääpiö :: red dwarf
punainen maito :: whole milk (consumer product: pasteurized and homogenized milk from which nothing has been removed, at least in principle; in Finland the fat content has been standardized to 3,5 %)
Punainenmeri :: the Red Sea
Punainen Risti :: the Red Cross
punaisempi :: comparative form of punainen
punaisin :: superlative form of punainen
punaisuus :: redness (quality of being red)
punajalkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula rhodopoda
punajalkahaukka :: red-footed falcon, Falco vespertinus
punajalkaviklo :: redshank, common redshank (Tringa totanus)
punajättikenguru :: red kangaroo, Macropus rufus
punajuuri :: A red variety of the beet, the beetroot, Beta vulgaris var. rubra
punajuurikas :: beetroot, red beet
punakaali :: red cabbage
punakaarti :: A Red Guard
punakaarti :: The Finnish Red Guards
punakampela :: European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa
punakapina :: A politically loaded term for the Finnish Civil War, literally the “Red Rebellion”
punakardinaali :: northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis
punakasvoinen :: red-faced
punakaulahanhi :: red-breasted goose, Branta ruficollis
punakaulakenguru :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus
punakettu :: red fox, Vulpes vulpes
punakirjoseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius spilomeus
punakka :: reddish, ruddy; used especially of skin colour
punakko :: velvetbells (Bartsia alpina)
punakoiso :: bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara
punakone [figuratively, humorous] :: Literally “Red Machine”; a Soviet sports team, especially in ice hockey
punakorvakilpikonna :: red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans
punakottarainen :: rosy starling, Pastor roseus
punakärpässieni :: fly agaric, Amanita muscaria
punakuiri :: bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica
punakylkirastas :: redwing, Turdus iliacus
punalakkimuura :: rufous-capped antshrike
punaleppä :: A red alder, Alnus rubra
punamerikorva :: An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English)
punamulta :: Used in Finnish politics to refer to a government, where the leading parties are socialist and centre parties
punamulta :: red ochre paint
punamulta :: red ochre (pigment)
punamyyrä :: A northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus; former genus names Clethrionomys and Evotomys)
punaniskavallabi :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus
punanäppy :: rosacea (chronic condition characterized by redness of the face)
punaolkaturpiaali :: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus
punaorava :: red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
punapää :: redhead (red-haired person)
punapahkasieni :: A fungus, Nectria cinnabarina
punapensselisika :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus)
punapäänarsku :: red-crested pochard, Netta rufina
punapuu :: sequoia, redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
punapyrstölepinkäinen :: woodchat shrike, Lanius senator
punapyy :: red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa
punarinta :: a European robin, often just robin, also known as redbreast; Erithacus rubecula
punarintarastas :: An American robin, or robin; Turdus migratorius
punarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lilacinus
punaselkämuura :: rufous-backed antvireo
punasiirtymä :: redshift
punasilmäisyys :: The condition of having red eyeballs; the bloodshot or bloodshed
punasolu [hematology, cytology] :: erythrocyte, red blood cell
punasotka :: common pochard, Aythya ferina
punastella :: To blush (repeatedly)
punastua :: To blush
punastuttaa :: to redden (to cause someone to flush)
punasuomuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius bolaris
punasusi :: red wolf, Canis rufus
punata :: to redden (to make red)
punatauti :: dysentery
punatavi :: cinnamon teal, Anas cyanopter
punatetra :: flame tetra, Hyphessobrycon flammeus
punatähti :: red star [symbol]
punatiikeripeippo :: red munia, Amandava amandava
punatäplärousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius controversus
punatukkainen :: redhaired, redheaded
punatulkku :: bullfinch
punatulkku :: Eurasian bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
punatyviseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius colus
punavarpunen :: common rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus
punavarpunen :: rosefinch
punavatsamaki :: red-bellied lemur, Eulemur rubriventer
puna-vihersokeus :: deuteranopia
punaviidakkokana :: red junglefowl, Gallus gallus
punaviini :: red wine
punaviinikastike :: red wine sauce
punaviinimarja :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punavyöseitikki :: bracelet cortinar, Cortinarius armillatus
pune :: red ink (in the concrete sense)
punehtia [of face, skin] :: To have a shade of red
punehtua :: to redden (to become red)
punerrus :: reddening
punertaa :: To have a shade of red
punertaa :: To make redder
punertava :: reddish, rufous
punertua :: to redden (to become gradually redder, as a ripening fruit or the sky in the evening)
punikki [derogatory, historical] :: red (supporter of socialist ideas)
punkero :: fatty
punkka :: bunk, berth
punkka :: bed
punkkari :: punk, punker, punk rocker
punkki :: any member of the taxonomic class Acarina, including tick and mite
punkku :: red wine
punktio :: paracentesis
punktoida :: To puncture
punnerrus :: pushup
punnertaa :: to exert effort
punninta :: weighting
punnita :: To weigh
punnitsija :: A weigher
punoa :: To intertwine, twine, weave
punoittaa [of face, skin] :: To have a shade of red
punoitus :: redness, especially temporary redness of the skin for any reason such as blushing or irritation
punonta :: plaiting
punos :: twine, braid
punoutua :: To intertwine
punssi :: A liqueur based on arrack, neutral spirits and flavorings. Originates in Sweden and is mostly not known outside Nordic countries. There's no established English name for it, but "arrack liqueur" might be a good bet
punta :: pound (currency)
puntari :: A steelyard balance
puntaroida :: To weight, consider
puntis :: AWOL (absence without proper authority)
puntti :: leg of trousers, trouser leg
puntti :: weight
punttikello :: A type of pendulum clock, which utilizes the potential energy of hanging weights to compensate for the energy losses in the clock mechanism
punttis :: gym
punttisali :: gym
puola :: bobbin (small spool)
puola :: cowberry
puola :: rung, stave (horizontal bar in a ladder)
puola :: The Polish language
puola :: thick (wooden) spoke; stave (in a wheel)
Puola :: Poland
puolalainen :: Polish
puolalainen :: A Pole
puolalaisuus :: Polishness
puolanajokoira :: Polish hound
puolankielinen :: Expressed in the Polish language
puolankielinen :: Polish-speaking
puolannos :: A Polish translation
puolantaa :: To translate into Polish
Puolan tasavalta :: The Republic of Poland
puolanvinttikoira :: Chart Polski
puolapuu :: in plural, wall bars, see puolapuut
puolapuu :: wooden rung, spoke, stave
puolapuut :: wall bars (gymnastics equipment)
puolata :: to spool
puoleensavetävä :: attractive
puoleensavetävä :: physically attractive
puoleensavetävästi :: attractively
puoleensavetävyys :: attractiveness
puoleinen :: being on the side of something; used as headword in compound terms and postpositionally with nouns which express location
puoleinen :: related through one of the parents, or his/her side of the family; used as headword in compound terms
puoleinen :: somewhat, a bit, -ish (having a property, but only to a some extent)
puolenvaihtovaihde [railroads] :: scissors crossover
puolesta :: in favor of, for, pro
puolesta :: on behalf of, for
puolestaan :: for his/her/their part, as far as he is/she is/they are concerned
puolestani :: for my part, as far as I'm concerned
puolestapuhuja :: advocate
puolestasi :: for your part, as far as you are concerned
puolet :: ~ + elative: half of sth
puolet :: half
puoli :: half
puoli :: aspect, facet, feature
puoli :: huono ~ : drawback
puoli :: side
puoli- :: half-, semi-, demi-
puoliaasi :: An onager, Equus hemionus
puoliaika :: half (period of a game before or after the half-time)
puolialaston :: half-naked
puoliapina :: prosimian
puoliautomaattinen :: semi-automatic
puoliautomaattisesti :: semiautomatically
puolihereillä :: half-awake
puolihuolimaton :: slipshod
puoliintua :: To halve
puoliintumisaika :: half-life
puolijalokivi [jewelry, geology] :: A semiprecious stone
puolijohde :: semiconductor
puolijohdediodi :: semiconductor diode
puolijumala :: A demigod
puolikansi :: A quarterdeck
puolikarhu :: procyonid (any of the species in the taxonomic family Procyonidae - raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles)
puolikarhut :: the family Procyonidae
puolikas :: half (half of a standard measure)
puolikas :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)
puoliksi :: in half, fifty-fifty (into two equal parts)
puolikuollut :: half-dead
puolikuu :: crescent
puolikuu :: half-moon
puolikuuluu :: A lunate bone, os lunatum (one of the carpal bones)
puolikymmentä :: About five
puolikypsä :: half-baked
puolilammas :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur (caprid native to the Himalayas)
puolillaan :: half-full
puolilogaritmipaperi :: semi-log paper
puoliläpäisevä peili :: one-way mirror
puoliltaöin :: in the midnight
puoliluku :: half-integer
puolimakaava :: semirecumbent
puolimaraton :: half marathon, semi-marathon
puolimetalli :: metalloid
puoliääneen :: under one's breath
puolinelson [wrestling] :: half nelson
puolinen :: Of location; being on a defined side of something, or closer to something; no exact English equivalent
puolinen :: -sided, -faceted
puolinen :: lunch (meal eaten at about midday)
puolinormi :: gauge
puolinormi :: semi-norm
puolinukuksissa :: half-asleep
puolinuotti :: half note, minim
puoliorpo :: half orphan
puolipallo :: A hemisphere (half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere)
puoliperävaunu :: A semi-trailer (trailer with wheels only at the trailing end)
puoliperävaunuyhdistelmä [vehicles] :: A combination of a tractor and a semi-trailer; a semi-trailer, articulated lorry, tractor-trailer
puolipilvinen :: broken
puolipiste :: semicolon
puolipäivä :: midday, noon (12 o'clock at day)
puoliponttilauta :: shiplap
puolipullo :: split (bottle of 0.375 liters, half of a standard bottle)
puoliraaka :: medium rare
puoliryhmä :: semigroup
puolisisko :: half-sister
puolisko :: A half
puolisko :: hemisphere
puoliso :: spouse
puolisormikas :: half glove
puolisotilaallinen :: paramilitary
puolisukeltajasorsa :: dabbling duck
puolisuunnikas :: trapezoid
puolitangossa :: At half-mast
puolitanko :: half-staff, half-mast (the lowered position, half the height of a mast, at which a flag is flown when expressing respect for the dead)
puolitankoon :: To half-mast
puolitelavaunu :: half-track
puolitoista :: one and a half
puolitoistavuotias :: Eighteen months old
puolitotuus :: half-truth
puolittaa :: To halve (to divide into two halves)
puolittaa :: To halve (to reduce to half the original amount)
puolittain :: half (in two equal parts or to an equal degree; in some part approximating a half; partially; imperfectly)
puolittaja :: Anything that halves
puolittaja :: bisector
puolittua :: To halve
puolituntinen :: half-hour (lasting thirty minutes)
puolituntinen :: half-hour (period of thirty minutes)
puolitus :: bisection
puolitus :: halving
puoliunessa :: half-asleep
puoliutua :: To halve
puolivarjo :: penumbra
puoliveli :: half-brother
puoliverinen :: half-blood, half-blooded
puoliväli :: halfway, midway
puoliväli :: middle
puolivälierä :: A quarterfinal
puolivokaali :: semivowel
puolivuosittain :: semiannually, half-yearly
puolivuosittainen :: biannual, semiannual
puoliyö :: midnight (12 p.m.)
puoltaa [rare, of a car] :: To pull (to the left/right, to one side)
puoltaa :: To support, approve, second, recommend
puoltaja :: advocate
puolue :: A party
puolueellinen :: biased, partial
puolueellinen :: prejudiced
puolueellisesti :: biasedly, with bias
puolueellisuus :: partiality
puolueeton :: fair
puolueeton :: nonaligned, neutral
puolueeton :: unbiased
puolueettomasti :: impartially
puolueettomuus :: impartiality
puolueettomuus :: neutrality
puoluehallitus :: board of a party
puoluejohtaja :: party leader (leader of a political perty)
puoluejohto :: The leadership of a party
puoluekokous :: (political) party congress (where e.g. political general positions of a party are adopted in position papers); caucus (with reference to the United States)
puoluesihteeri :: party secretary (senior official within a political party with responsibility for the organizational and daily political work, usually second in rank to the party chairman)
puoluetoveri :: (Communist) party member
puoluevaltuusto :: party council (in political parties, a body elected by the party congress which, between the party congresses, decides the most important and far-reaching line issues, whereas the party board makes the operative decisions)
puolukka [botany, in plural] :: genus Vaccinium
puolukka :: plant in the genus Vaccinium
puolukka :: lingonberry, cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
puolustaa :: To defend
puolustaja :: defender (a fighter who repels an attack)
puolustaja :: defender (someone who defends people or property)
puolustaja [ice hockey, lacrosse] :: defenseman, defenceman
puolustaja :: defender, back (a player whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring)
puolustautua :: To defend oneself
puolustava linjamies [American football] :: tackle (person playing defensive tackle)
puolustella :: To apologise/apologize
puolustus :: defence
puolustusalue :: defending zone
puolustusasianajaja :: defender [lawyer]
puolustuskirjoitus :: apology
puolustuskyvytön :: defenseless
puolustusliitto :: defence accord (political agreement of mutual military assistance in case on of the parties is attacked)
puolustusmekanismi :: defense mechanism
puolustusministeri :: secretary of defense
puolustusministeriö :: ministry of defense, department of defense
puolustuspeli :: defensive play
puolustussota :: defensive war
puolustusvaliokunta [in the Finnish Parliament] :: The Defence Committee
puolustusvoima :: defence capacity (the ability of an individual, group or country to defend itself against an aggressor); more frequently puolustuskyky
puolustusvoima :: In plural, defence force(s); see puolustusvoimat
puolustusvoimain ylipäällikkö :: commander in chief
puolustusvoimat :: armed forces
puolustusvoimat :: defence forces, defence force (organization)
puomi :: barrier (rail)
puomi :: boom (horizontal bar of a crane)
puomi :: balance beam
puomi :: boom (barrier closing a harbor)
puomi :: boom (spar extending the foot of a sail)
puomin alasvedin :: boom vang
puomin alasvedin :: kicker
puomin alasvedin :: kicking strap
puomin alasvedin :: martingale
puoskari :: quack, quacksalver
puoskaroida :: [Of a medical doctor] To work unprofessionally
puoskaroida :: To practice quackery
puosu :: boatswain, bosun
puosuntuoli :: boatswain's chair, bosun's chair
puoti :: shop (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
pupilli :: A pupil (part of an eye)
puppu :: nonsense
pupu :: hare, bunny
pupuhaukka [dialectal, archaic] :: Tengmalm's owl, boreal owl, Aegolius funereus
pupujussi :: bunny (hare or rabbit)
pura :: Same as purasin
puraista :: To bite once
puraisu :: bite
puras :: alternative form of purasin
purasin :: Used of several tools which have a sharp, pointed head; currently most commonly understood to mean awl
purasruoho :: borage (Borago offinicalis)
purastaa :: To engrave
purastaa :: To make a hole with a tool
purattaa :: To have something dismantled
purattaa :: To have something unloaded
purée :: alternative form of pyree
pureksia :: To chew (repeatedly, wantonly)
purema :: bite (the wound or swelling on sb's skin caused by an animal that has bitten the skin)
puremahaava :: bite wound
puremasta [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, purra, c=ela] ::
purenta [dentistry] :: occlusion
purentavika :: malocclusion
pureskelija :: chewer
pureskella :: To chew in a continuous/indifferent manner
pureskelu :: chewing
pureutua :: To bite into, seize/grab with one's teeth
pureutua :: To grab onto, seize, cling to
pureutua :: To sink into, cut into, bite into, take hold in
pureva :: biting (as e.g. frost)
pureva :: bitter, acerb, acerbic, sarcastic
purevasti :: bitingly
purevasti :: incisively
puriini :: purine
purija :: One who or which bites; biter
purilaat [plural only] :: travois
purilainen :: hamburger, burger
purismi :: purism
puristaa :: to constrict (of a collar, to be too tight)
puristaa :: to flatten (to make flat by applying pressure)
puristaa :: to press; to clasp, grasp, grip, squeeze, shake, clench, flatten, squash (to apply pressure):
puristaa :: to rub, pinch (of shoes, to be too tight)
puristaa :: to wring (to obtain by force)
puristautua :: to squeeze oneself (in order to fit into something)
puriste :: briquet
puristella :: To press, squeeze (repeatedly)
puristi :: purist
puristin :: A clamp or cramp (tool to press and hold objects together)
puristin :: A press (device used to apply pressure to an item)
puristinen :: puristic
puristua :: To be pressed, get squeezed
puristua kasaan :: To crush into itself, to implode
puristumaton :: incompressible
puristus :: press, squeeze
puristussuhde :: compression ratio
puritaani :: A puritan
puritanismi :: puritanism
purje :: A rag [a sail]
purje :: A sail
purje :: A sheet [a sail]
Purje :: The constellation Vela, the Sail
purjealus :: sailing ship
purjehdus :: sailing, sail, sailing trip (motion across water in a vessel powered by wind)
purjehdus :: voyage, sail (a trip by a ship or of a ship)
purjehduskausi :: sailing season
purjehduskenkä :: boat shoe, deck shoe, topsider
purjehtia :: To sail
purjehtija :: yachtsman
purjehtiminen :: sailing [motion across water]
purjekala :: sailfish
purjekangas :: sailcloth
purjekerta :: suit (full set of sails required for a ship)
purjekone :: A sailplane or glider; a short form of purjelentokone
purjelaiva :: sailing ship
purjelauta :: sailboard
purjelautailija :: windsurfer
purjelautailla :: to windsurf
purjelautailu :: windsurfing
purjelentokone :: A glider airplane intended for soaring, a sailplane
purjevene :: sailboat
purjo :: leek (vegetable)
purjolaukka :: leek (vegetable)
purjosipuli :: leek (Allium ampeloprasum)
purkaa :: To rescind, reverse (a decision)
purkaa :: To break off (an engagement)
purkaa :: To cancel, annul, revoke (a contract, deal); annul (a marriage)
purkaa :: To decrypt, decipher (a secret message)
purkaa :: To defuse (a bomb)
purkaa :: To demolish, wreck, tear/pull/take down (a building)
purkaa :: To discharge (a battery)
purkaa :: To discharge, release, vent, take out (emotions); to unburden, lighten (one's heart), let off steam
purkaa :: To disentangle, undo, clear (up) (a mess)
purkaa :: To dismantle, dissemble, take apart (into pieces)
purkaa :: To dissolve, liquidate (a company, corporation)
purkaa :: To strike (a set, wings in theatre)
purkaa :: To unload (a burden)
purkaa :: To unpack (a suitcase)
purkaa :: To unravel (a knitwear), unstitch (a stitch)
purkaa :: To untie (a knot), unwind (a bandage, dressing), untwist (a rope), unwrap (package paper), unpack (contents of a package; baggage)
purkaa kiukkuaan :: to vent one's spleen
purkaantua :: To unravel
purkaus :: a discharge (of a battery)
purkaus :: a fit, blow-up, explosion, eruption (of emotions)
purkaus :: an eruption (of a volcano)
purkausaukko :: volcanic vent
purkautua [legal, of a decision] :: To be rescinded/reversed
purkautua [of a battery] :: To lose its charge, run down
purkautua [of a deal] :: To be cancelled/annuled/revoked, (colloquial) fall through
purkautua [of a knitwear] :: To unravel, come undone
purkautua [of a knot etc.] :: To come untied/unwound
purkautua [of a marriage] :: To break up
purkautua [of an engagement] :: To get broken off
purkautua [of a volcano] :: To erupt
purkautua [of emotions] :: To be released/vented, burst out, erupt
purkautua :: To be dismantled, come apart
purkautuva :: extrusive, extruding
purkinavaaja :: can opener
purkittaa :: To can (to preserve)
purkka :: chewing gum, bubble gum (type of candy)
purkka :: bubblegum (pop music style)
purkkari :: purjehduskenkä
purkkari :: purjevene
purkki :: can
purkki :: canister (lightweight container)
purku :: cancellation (of a contract)
purku :: demolition (of a building)
purkurauta :: crowbar
purkutyömaa :: demolition site
purnata :: to grumble, grouse, complain
purnukka :: jar
puro :: streamlet, brook, creek (body of running water smaller than a river)
puronen :: diminutive form of puro
puronen :: streamlet
purotaimen :: form of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario)
purppura :: purple
purppura :: color purple
purppurahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula undulata
purppurajalkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius porphyropus
purppurakana :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
purppuranuijakas [mushrooms] :: purple fairy club, purple coral (Alloclavaria purpurea, a species of mushroom)
purppuranuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius purpurascens
purppurapihta :: Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis)
purppuraviitta :: scarlet robe
purppuroida :: To purple
purpura :: purpura
purra :: To bite (more or less continuously, with the moment temporally not confined)
purra hammasta :: to bite the bullet
purra ruokkivaa kättä :: to bite the hand that feeds you (to cause harm to a benefactor)
purse :: flash
purseri :: A steward (ship's officer in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions)
pursi :: A yacht, as a boat built for pleasure
pursi :: [poetically] Any water-going craft or vessel. See especially: barque
pursimies :: An NCO rank in the Finnish Navy. The official English translation is chief petty officer
pursimies :: boatswain, bosun
pursiseura :: yacht club
purskahdella :: To spurt out, gush (repeatedly)
purskahtaa :: ~ itkuun = to burst out crying/into tears
purskahtaa :: ~ nauruun = to burst out laughing/into laughter
purskahtaa [of blood, from a wound] :: To gush, spurt
purskauttaa :: to spurt, gush
purskua :: to spurt, gush (to rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet)
pursottaa :: to extrude
pursu :: alternative form of suopursu
pursua :: alternative form of pursuta
pursuava :: extrusive, extruding
pursuta :: To gush, burst
puru :: A quantity of finely chewn food, such as a bird may give to its young
puru :: chaw, chew (plug or wad of chewing tobacco)
puru :: dust, powder, swarf (waste chips, shavings and dust from working a solid material)
puru [in compounds] :: chewing
puru :: ache, pain (gnawing, persistent pain, especially in stomach)
puru :: alternative form of pureminen (act of biting or chewing)
purukumi :: bubblegum
purukumi :: chewing gum
purulelu :: teething ring (object designed for a baby to chew during the teething stage)
purutupakka :: chewing tobacco
pusakka :: informal, usually loose-fitting jacket (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse)
pusata :: to tinker (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner)
pusero :: A waist-length jacket
pusero :: pullover
pusero :: sweater
puserrin :: squeezer
pusertaa :: To crush
pusertaa :: To jam
pusertaa :: To press
pusertaa :: To rice
pusertaa :: To squeeze
pusertaa kuivaksi :: to squeeze dry
pusertua :: To squeeze
pusia :: To kiss
pusikko :: thicket, copse
puska :: bush (pubic hair)
puska :: bush, shrub (plant)
puskaradio :: grapevine
puskea :: To gore (to pierce with horns)
puskea :: To ram, push
puskikko :: thicket
puskin :: A rammer or other tool for ramming or pushing
puskualus :: towboat
puskuri :: A bumper as a mechanical device to absorb impact
puskuri :: A bumper, as an impact absorber in an automobile
puskuri [chemistry, computing] :: buffer
puskurivyöhyke :: buffer zone
puskuroida :: To buffer
puskusauma :: butt joint
puskutraktori :: bulldozer
puskuttaa :: to puff
pussailla :: to kiss repeatedly; to snog, make out
pussailu :: kissing, smooching
pussata :: to kiss, smooch, peck
pussi :: bag, pouch, sac
pussi [billiards] :: pocket
pussi :: in plural (pussit): scrotum
pussi [marsupials] :: pouch
pussi :: Together with certain modifiers used to produce compound terms meaning a person who has a lot of a given characteristic
pussiahma :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii
pussieläin :: A marsupial
pussihiiri :: dunnart (any of various small marsupials, of the genus Sminthopsis)
pussihukka :: thylacine, Tasmanian tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus
pussijuoksu :: sack race (type of children's game)
pussikaniini :: bilby (marsupial of the genus Macrotis, native to Australia)
pussikarhu :: koala
pussikettu :: common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
pussikko :: Alternative term for pussihiiri
pussikoi :: A species of moths
pussilakana :: duvet cover, quilt cover
pussillinen :: bagful, sackful
pussimuurahaiskarhu :: numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
pussipeto :: marsupial carnivore
pussipiru :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii
pussirotta :: opossum
pussisaukko :: water opossum, Chironectes minimus
pussisika :: pig-footed bandicoot (Chaeropus ecaudatus)
pussitiainen :: European penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus
pussittaa [billiards] :: To pocket
pussittaa :: To hang as a pouch or shaped as a pouch
pussittaa :: To pouch (to enclose in a pouch)
pussittaa :: To trap as in a pouch, also figuratively
pusta :: pusta
pustula :: pustule
pusu :: a kiss, especially a short one, a peck
pusukala :: kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii)
put :: putt, imitating the sound of a low speed internal combustion engine, usually repeated at least twice: put, put
putata [golf] :: to putt
putatiivinen :: putative (commonly believed or deemed to be the case)
puteli :: bottle
putelli :: alternative form of puteli ("bottle")
putiikki :: boutique (small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like)
putiikki :: any shop
putiikki :: firm, company
putipuhdas :: spick-and-span (absolutely clean, spotless)
putka :: A drunk tank, jail, usually located in a police station
putkeen :: correctly, right
putkeen :: nonstop
putki :: barrel (of a large calibre firearm)
putki :: bout (period of something)
putki :: cow parsley (plant in the family Apiaceae similar to Anthriscus silvestris)
putki :: pipeline (system through which something is conducted)
putki :: pipe, duct, conduit
putki :: streak (continuous series of like events)
putkiasentaja :: plumber (one who furnishes, fits, and repairs pipes)
putkihampainen :: A mammal of the taxonomic order Tubulidentata
putkikassi :: tube bag (style of bag, roughly tubular in shape, usually equipped with handles and shoulder strap)
putkikellot :: tubular bells
putkikuono :: Aulorhynchidae (family of fish)
putkikuono :: tube-nosed fruit bat (bat of the genus Nyctimene)
putkikuono :: tube-snout, tubesnout, Aulorhynchus flavidus (small fish found on the Pacific coast of North America, the only species in its family Aulorhynchidae)
putkilo :: vessel, trachea
putkilo :: tube (container for toothpaste, ointment)
putkilokasvi :: vascular plant
putkiluu :: long bone
putkimainen :: tubular
putkimato :: tubeworm
putkimies :: plumber
putkiposti :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (mail delivered through such system)
putkiposti :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (system that propels cylindrical containers through a network of tubes by compressed air or by partial vacuum, used primarily as a system for delivering mail and similar parcels)
putkiremontti :: pipe repair
putkisolu :: tracheid cell
putkisto :: tubing (system of tubes)
putlaus :: puddling
putoaminen :: falling
putoilla :: to fall, drop (repeatedly)
putous :: fall, drop
putous :: slope
putous :: waterfall
putreskiini :: putrescin
putsata :: To clean, cleanse
puttaus [golf] :: putt
putti [golf] :: putt
putto :: putto, cherub
puu :: tree
puu :: When used as modifier in a compound term (puu-), often translated with the adjective wooden
puu :: wood (material)
puucee :: wooden outhouse (toilet)
puudeli :: poodle
puudute :: (local) anesthetic
puuduttaa :: to give a local anesthetic, to deaden, to numb; to anesthetize a part of the body (without sedation)
puuduttaa :: to numb, benumb (to cause to go numb)
puudutus :: anaesthesia
puudutusaine :: (local) anesthetic
puuha :: chore, work, trouble, undertaking
puuhailla :: to keep busy with, to potter around with
puuhakas :: energetic, active
puuhamies :: organizer, especially one who works on a voluntary basis
puuhanhi :: a representation of goose made of wood; wooden goose
puuhanhi :: magpie-goose (bird Anseranas semipalmata)
puuhastelu :: busy work
puuhata :: To keep busy with
puuhevonen :: wooden toy horse
puuhiili :: charcoal
puuhka :: muff (piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm)
puuhuilu :: Irish flute
puujalka :: charley horse
puujalka :: stilt
puujalka :: wooden leg
puukaasutin :: A gasifier that produces carbon monoxide from wood
puukaiverrus :: woodcut (print and a method of printmaking from an engraved block of wood)
puukasa :: A pile of wood
puukauppa :: timber sale (instance of selling raw wood)
puukauppa :: timber trade (forest owners' business of selling raw wood to the forest industry)
puukenkä :: clog (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel)
puukiipijä :: Eurasian treecreeper or common treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
puukikoortinki :: buntline
puukirkko :: wooden church
puukko :: A hunting knife [utensil or tool]
puukko :: A puukko
puukkojunkkari :: A type of troublemakers who were common in Ostrobothnia mostly in the 19th century
puukonhaava :: knife wound
puukottaa :: To stab or knife resulting death
puukottaa :: To stab; to knife (to use a knife to kill or injure)
puukottaja :: stabber
puukotus :: stabbing
puulaatikko :: woodbox (box used for storage of firewood)
puulaatikko :: wooden box (box made of wood)
puulaji :: species of tree
puulaji :: wood (from a particular species)
puulajipuisto :: arboretum
puuleopardi :: clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa
puuma :: mountain lion, puma, cougar (Puma concolor)
puumainen :: Resembling wood or a tree; woody; treelike;
puumaisuus :: treeness, likeness to a tree
puumaisuus :: woodiness, likeness to wood
puumuura :: Any passerine bird in the taxonomic family Thamnophilidae, the antbird family
puunata :: alternative form of buunata
puunenä :: A symbol of a liar; a person may be said to have or get a "wooden nose", if he/she is caught of lying
puunhakkaaja :: hewer, woodcutter (worker who cuts trees with an axe)
puunhoitaja :: arborist, arboriculturist (person who practices arboriculture)
puunilaissota :: A Punic War
puun ja kuoren välissä :: between a rock and a hard place
puun ja kuoren välissä :: between the hammer and the anvil
puunkaivertaja :: woodcutter, xylographer (one who makes woodcuts)
puunkolo :: tree hollow
puunkuori :: bark, rind
puunleikkaaja :: woodcarver
puupää :: blockhead (dumb person)
puupenni :: plug nickel (nearly worthless amount)
puuppikansi :: poop deck
puupäästäinen :: An erroneous term sometimes used of tree shrews, which are called tupaija in Finnish
puupuhallin :: woodwind
puuraja :: tree line
puurakenteinen :: Made of wood; having wooden structure
puuro :: porridge
puuropata :: porridge pot
puurtaa :: To work hard
puusee :: (official spelling of) puucee
puuseppä :: cabinetmaker
puuseppä :: carpenter, especially one who makes furniture and interiors
puuseppä :: joiner
puusilmä :: A wooden eye; an eye prosthesis made of wood
puusilmä :: An idiotic person, especially one that does not observe things which he/she should
puuska :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion)
puuska :: gust, blast, scud
puuskahtaa :: to say abruptly
puuskahtaa :: to splurge
puuskittainen :: gusty
puusto :: The trees of an area collectively; the forest cover
puuta :: A pood (Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kg)
puutaheinää :: malarkey, rubbish, poppycock
puutalo :: wooden house
puutarha :: garden
puutarhaletku :: garden hose
puutarhanhoitaja :: A groundskeeper
puutarhanhoito :: gardening (art and practice of cultivating gardens)
puutarhanhoito :: horticulture (the science of caring for gardens)
puutarhatonttu :: garden gnome
puutarhuri :: gardener
puutavara :: lumber, timber, wood
puutavaraliike :: lumberyard (facility dedicated to the sale of lumber)
puutavaranuitto :: timber rafting
puute :: deficiency
puute :: poverty
puute :: shortage
puute :: shortcoming
puuteri :: powder
puuteroida :: To powder
puutiainen :: any tick of the family Ixodidae, especially the castor bean tick, Ixodes ricinus, known to transmit borrelia
puutiaisaivokuume :: A commonly used term of a disease officially known as puutiaisaivotulehdus
puutiaisaivotulehdus :: tick-borne encephalitis, TBE (viral disease of central nervous system borne by ticks)
puutomaatti :: tamarillo
puuton :: bare (free of trees)
puuton :: deforested
puuton :: treeless
puuton :: unforested (not covered with forest), not forested
puutos :: deficiency
puutteellinen :: incomplete
puutteellinen :: insufficient, inadequate
puuttua :: to intervene, get involved in, interfere with
puuttua :: to be missing; inanimate thing in elative or animate thing in ablative + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = to lack
puuttuminen :: lack
puutua [of a limb] :: To grow numb
puutunut :: asleep, numb
puutyö :: woodwork (handiwork with wood)
puuvapaa [paper industry] :: Woodfree
puuvartinen :: woody
puuvilla :: cotton (raw material)
puuvilla :: cotton (textile)
puuvilla :: cotton (type of plant used as a source of cotton fiber)
puuvillainen :: cotton (made of cotton)
puuvillakangas :: cotton (textile)
puvustaa [theater] :: to costume
puvustaja :: costumier
puvustus :: costumes
pv :: A day
päävalmentaja :: head coach (highest ranking coach of a coaching staff)
pääverbi :: main verb
pääväri :: primary colour
PVR-laite :: personal video recorder, PVR (device that can record video from various sources for subsequent playback through a television set)
päävuokralainen :: principal tenant
pääväylä :: arterial road
pöydällinen :: Having a table
pöydällinen :: tableful
pöydätä :: to postpone the decision (on an issue) to the meeting
pöydätä [card games, + accusative] :: to lay (a card on the table) face-up
pygmi :: A pygmy
pyhä :: holy, sacred
pyhä :: when capitalized, Saint
pyhä :: when used as modifier in compound term (pyhä-), Sunday, dominical, Sunday-go-to-meeting, holy etc
pyhä :: holiday
pyh :: bah, meh
pyhä allianssi :: alternative case form of Pyhä allianssi
pyhä allianssi :: any tight, seemingly inseparable alliance
Pyhä allianssi [history] :: the Holy Alliance
pöyheä :: fluffy
pyhä ehtoollinen :: The Holy Communion
pyhempi :: comparative form of pyhä
Pyhä Henki :: The Holy Spirit
pyhäiibis :: ibis (bird of the genus Threskiornis)
pyhäiibis :: Threskiornis (genus in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills)
pyhäiibis :: sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus
pyhiinvaellus :: hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca made by pious Muslims)
pyhiinvaellus :: pilgrimage
pyhiinvaellusmatka :: pilgrimage
pyhiinvaeltaja :: A pilgrim
pyhimyksenkuva :: icon
pyhimys :: A saint
pyhimyskalastaja :: sacred kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)
pyhimyskehä :: halo
pyhimystarina :: legend
pyhimystaru :: Saint legend
pyhäinhäväistys :: sacrilege
pyhäinjäännös :: A relic
pyhäinjäännöslipas :: A reliquary
pyhäinmiestenpäivä :: All Hallows' Day
pyhäinpäivä :: All Hallows' Day
pyhä isä :: The Holy Father (the Pope)
Pyhä Isä :: The Holy Father (God)
pyhisin :: in holidays
pöyhistää :: to fluff
Pyhä istuin :: The Holy See
pyhittää :: to consecrate
pyhittää :: to devote
pyhittää :: to sacralize (to make sacred)
pyhittää :: to sanctify
pyhitys :: sanctification
pöyhkeä :: haughty, uppity, snooty
pöyhkeilevä :: self-important, pompous; arrogant or egotistical; tending to show off or hold oneself in unduly high regard
pöyhkeillä :: (intransitive) to be bossy
Pyhä kirja :: the Holy Book, the Holy Writ (Bible)
pyhäkkö :: shrine (holy place)
pyhäkoulu :: Sunday school
pyhäkoululainen :: Sunday school student, Sunday school pupil (person attending a Sunday school)
pyhäkoulunopettaja :: Sunday school teacher
pyhä lehmä :: sacred cow
Pyhä maa :: The Holy Land
Pyhän Yrjön kanaali :: St George's Channel
pyhä pillerinpyörittäjä :: scarab, Scarabaeus sacer (species of beetle, sacred to the ancient Egyptians)
pyhäpäivä :: holiday
pyhäpuku :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday)
Pyhä saksalais-roomalainen keisarikunta :: Holy Roman Empire
pyhä sota :: crusade, jihad (aggressive campaign for some worthy cause)
pyhä sota :: holy war (primarily religious war)
pyhä sota :: Sacred War (three wars fought in ancient Greece)
pyhästi :: sacredly
pyhättö :: shrine
pyhävaatteet :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday)
pyhyys :: holiness, sacredness
pyjama :: pyjamas
pykiä :: To chap (of the skin, to split or flake due to cold weather or dryness)
pykiä :: To crack (to form cracks due to drying, shrinking or other such process)
pyökinrousku :: beech milk-cap, Lactarius blennius
pyökki :: beech
pyökkihapero :: beechwood sickener, Russula mairei
pyökkilehtorousku :: mild milk-cap, Lactarius subdulcis
pyökkinen :: Made of beech
pyökkiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius anserinus
pykälä :: A notch, a dent or a nick
pykälä :: A section sign (§), also pykälämerkki, pykälän merkki, pykälänmerkki
pykälä :: A clause, paragraph (in a contract or other legal document)
pykälä :: A section, paragraph, clause (in a legal code, a subsection of luku; the subsection of this is momentti)
pykälikäs :: jagged
pykälämerkki [legal, typography] :: The section sign (§)
pyknikko :: pyknic
pykriitti :: pykrete
pyllistää :: to bend over
pylly :: arse, ass, butt, buttocks
pyllyseksi :: bum sex
pyllyvako :: butt crack
pylpyrä :: pulley
pyältää :: To notch, to cover in notches
pylväikkö :: colonnade
pylväistö :: alternative form of pylväikkö
pylväs :: column (an upright supporting beam)
pylväs :: bar (in a bar chart, a longish shape with some volume)
pylväsdiagrammi :: A bar chart
pylväskataja :: A tall and slim variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis
pylväspyhimys :: stylite
pylvässänky [furniture] :: A canopy bed
pynttäytyä :: to dress up, to don clothing
pyörä :: A bicycle, bike; short for polkupyörä
pyörä :: A caster (wheeled assembly)
pyörä :: A motorcycle, bike; short for moottoripyörä
pyörä :: A wheel
pyramidi :: pyramid
pyramidikyy :: saw-scaled viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, little Indian viper (Echis carinatus)
pyöreä :: round
pyree :: puree
pyöreähkö :: roundish
pyöreämpi :: comparative form of pyöreä
Pyreneet :: the Pyrenees (mountain range)
Pyreneiden niemimaa :: The Iberian Peninsula
pyörentää :: To round (make rounder)
pyöreästi :: approximately
pyöreästi :: roundly, circularly
pyöretä :: To become round
pyörähdys :: A turn, rotation
pyrähdys :: sprint (burst of speed or activity)
pyörähdysakseli :: axis of rotation
pyörähdyskappale :: solid of revolution
pyörähdyspinta :: A surface of revolution
pyörähtää :: to turn around; often with ympäri (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees)
pyörähtää :: to twirl (to spin round elegantly)
pyrähtää :: to sprint
pyöriä :: to rotate, turn, revolve, spin, roll
pyöriö [sewing] :: The round upper part of a sleeve that is fitted to a corresponding opening in the body of a garment
pyridiini :: pyridine
pyridoksiini :: pyridoxin
pyöriäinen :: porpoise, harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena
pyriitti :: pyrite
pyöräilijä :: A cyclist
pyöräillä :: To ride a cycle
pyöräily :: cycling
pyöräilykypärä :: A bicycle helmet
pyöräilystadion :: velodrome
pyrimidiini :: pyrimidine
pyörimisakseli :: axis of rotation
pyörinä :: whirl
-pyöräinen :: wheeled (having a specified number or type of wheels)
pyörintä :: spin
pyrintö :: dated form of pyrkimys
pyöristää :: to round (approximate a number)
pyöristää :: to round (shape something into a curve)
pöyristyä :: to be shocked
pyöristyä :: to become fatter
pyöristyä :: to become rounded
pöyristynyt :: devastated (extremely upset and shocked)
pyöristys :: rounding
pyöritellä :: to dwell on (to continue to think or talk about something)
pyöritellä :: to mull, ponder, cogitate, ruminate, turn over (to work over mentally)
pyöritellä :: to prevaricate (to shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to evade the truth; to waffle or be intentionally ambiguous)
pyöritellä :: to rotate, roll, reel (repeatedly)
pyritionisinkki :: zinc pyrithione
pyörittää :: to rotate, roll, reel
pyörittäjä :: roller (one who rolls something)
pyörivä :: rotary, rotating (having or being capable of rotating motion)
pyöräkaista :: bicycle lane, cycle lane (part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists)
pyrkiä :: to aspire, run for office (to hope or work towards a position)
pyrkiä :: to pursue (to aim for)
pyrkiä :: to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort)
pyrkiä :: to tend (to have a tendency to)
pyrkijä :: applicant, candidate
pyrkimys :: endeavour (determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal)
pyrkyri :: careerist
pyörälaukku :: A pannier designed for a bicycle or a motorcycle
pyörällinen :: wheeled (having wheels)
pyrokinesia :: pyrokinesis
pyrokloori :: pyrochlore
pyrokseeni :: pyroxene
pyroksyliini :: pyroxylin
pyrolyysi :: pyrolysis
pyromaani :: pyromaniac
pyromania :: pyromania
pyrotekniikka :: pyrotechnics
pyroteknikko :: pyrotechnician
pyroteknillinen :: pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical
pyrotekninen :: pyrotechnic
pyöröovi :: revolving door (door that rotates around a central pivot)
pyörre :: vortex, whirl, swirl
pyörremyrsky :: cyclone (storm)
pyörretuuli :: whirlwind
pyörrevirta :: eddy current
pyrroli :: pyrrole
pyrrotiitti :: pyrrhotite
pyörryttää :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel dizzy, feel faint
pyrstö :: tail (of a bird or a marine animal)
pyrstö :: tail (of an airplane)
pyrstöevä :: tailfin, caudal fin
pyrstökäs :: larvacean
pyrstöllinen :: tailed
pyrstömuura :: tufted antshrike
pyrstösammakko :: salamander
pyrstösulka :: tail feather (any asymmetrical feather of the tail of a bird)
pyrstötähti :: comet
pyrstötiainen :: long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus
pyrstötulkku :: Mongolian finch, Uragus sibricus
pyrstövarsi :: a caudal peduncle
pyörtää :: to curve, bend, turn
pyörtää :: to turn around, return (to change to the opposite direction from a previous position)
pyörtää :: to take back, withdraw (a decision, command etc.)
pyörteetön :: irrotational
pyörteinen :: turbulent
pyörteinen :: vortical
pyörteinen virtaus :: turbulent flow
pyörteisyys :: vorticity
pyöräteline :: A bicycle stand (device to which bicycles may be securely attached)
pyörätie :: bicycle path, cycle path (path segregated for bicycles)
pyörätie :: cycleway (bicycle path or bicycle lane)
pyörätuoli :: wheelchair
pyörtyä :: To faint, pass out, swoon, black out
pyruvaattikinaasi :: pyruvate kinase
pyöry :: swivel
pyry :: snowstorm, blizzard
Pyry :: male given name of modern usage
pyörykkä :: ball (minced meat or sometimes fish rolled to a ball and then cooked)
pyrypallo :: snow globe
pyryttää :: to blizzard, snow heavily (of snow: to fall, especially in windy conditions)
pysähdys :: Stop-over (of a journey made with terrain vehicles; meaning only the interruption, not the place of the interruption)
pysähdysaika :: Time of a stop (of trains etc.)
pysähtyä :: To stop, pause, halt
pysähtyminen :: stopping
pysäköidä :: To park (a vehicle)
pysäköinti :: parking (action)
pysäköintialue :: parking lot
pysäköintihalli :: parking garage
pysäköintimaksu :: parking fee
pysäköintimittari :: parking meter
pysäköintipaikka :: parking space, parking
pysäköintitalo :: parking garage
pysäkki :: stop (place where line buses or trams halt)
pyslinki :: fourth cousin
pyssy :: gun, handgun
pyssymies :: gunman
pyssynpiippu :: gun barrel (small arms)
pöysti :: ham
pysti :: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders)
pysti :: trophy; cup; any small statue or similar object
pysty :: upright, vertical
pystyä :: to cut, make a cut
pystyä :: to be able to, can
pysty- :: A prefix signifying upright, erect
pystyasento :: upright position
pystyihminen :: Homo erectus
pystyillä :: To demonstrate in an arrogant way one’s ability or efficiency
pystykorva :: A Finnish modification of the Mosin-Nagant rifle
pystykorva :: spitz
pystykorvainen :: [dogs, cats] Having pointed ears
pystympi :: comparative form of pysty
pystynaulakko :: hat rack, clothes tree
pystynokkamuura :: recurve-billed bushbird
pystyraita :: vertical stripe
pystyrivi :: column [as opposed to a row]
pystyssä :: upright, erect (in an upright position)
pystysuora :: vertical
pystyttää :: to erect
pystyyn :: Into an upright position
pysyä :: To keep/stick to, not deviate from; not to renege on, not change one's mind on
pysyä :: ~ (kiinni) = to hold (tight/fast), not come/fall off/out
pysyä :: To stay, remain
pysyminen :: staying
pysäytellä :: to stop (repeatedly)
pysytellä :: To stay
pysäyttää :: to stop, halt
pysäyttää :: to thwart, halt
pysäyttämätön :: unstoppable
pysyvä :: permanent
pysyvä komitea :: standing committee (established parliamentary committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to, especially in a parliament other than Finland's)
pysyvästi :: permanently
pöytä :: A table (piece of furniture)
Pöytä :: Mensa (constellation)
Pythagoraan lause :: The Pythagoras' theorem, Pythagorean theorem
pythagoralainen :: Pythagorean
pythagoralaisuus :: Pythagoreanism
pöytäkirja :: minutes (records of a meeting)
pöytälahja :: party favor (small gift to a guest at a dinner party, distributed to the tables)
pöytäliina :: tablecloth
pyton :: python
pöytäsaha :: table saw
pöytäsuola :: table salt
pöytätennis :: table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong
pyttipannu :: hash (food)
pytty :: cylinder (of engine)
pytty :: pot
pytty :: prison, jail
pytty :: toilet seat
pöytäveitsi :: table knife (knife designed to be used together with a fork as an item of cutlery)
pöytävoi :: table butter
pöytävuori :: table mountain
Pöytävuori :: The constellation Mensa
Pöytävuori :: The Table Mountain
pöytye :: Group of people around one table
pyöveli :: An executioner
pyy :: hazel grouse, Bonasa bonasia
pyyde :: desire
pyydys :: trap (for catching animals or fish)
pyydystää :: to snare, catch, net (a person to get married with)
pyydystää :: to trap, snare (animals); to hunt, fish for
pyygatti :: Alternative form of spyygatti
pyyhe :: any piece of soft cloth, tissue paper etc. used for wiping
pyyhe [idiomatic, in the plural] :: rebuke, used chiefly with verbs saada, antaa, tulla
pyyhe :: towel
pyyhekangas :: toweling
pyyhekumi :: eraser
pyyheliina :: towel
pyyheliinakangas :: toweling, terry cloth
pyyhin :: wiper (tool for wiping, other than a towel)
pyyhintä :: wiping
pyyhkiä :: To wipe
pyyhkijä :: wiper (someone who wipes)
pyyhkijä :: wiper (something designed for wiping)
pyyhkäistä :: To wipe quickly; to whisk, flick
pyyhkiytyä :: To get wiped out, erased
pyyhältää :: To zoom past
pyyjuoksija :: buttonquail (bird of the genus Turnix)
pyykinkuivausteline :: A clotheshorse, clothes rack, winterdyke, clothes maiden, drying rack, airer
pyykinpesijä :: launderer
pyykinpesu :: laundering
pyykki :: A post that is used to mark something, especially a border or limit
pyykki :: laundry (that which needs to be laundered)
pyykkikori :: laundry basket
pyykkinaru :: A clothesline, washing line
pyykkipoika :: clothes peg, clothespin
pyykkääminen :: laundry, laundering
pyykkäri :: laundress
pyykkäys :: laundry, laundering
pyykätä :: To wash (the laundry)
pyylevä :: plump
pyylevöityä :: to become plump, to gain weight
pyylevyys :: plumpness
pyyntö :: request [act of requesting]
pyynti :: fishing
pyynti :: hunting
pyyntiaika :: fishing season
pyyntiaika :: hunting season
pyyntilonkero :: a tentacle for hunting prey
pyytää :: to demand, insist
pyytää :: to desire, wish, want
pyytää :: to fish, hunt
pyytää :: to petition, apply
pyytää :: to request, ask
pyytää :: to hunt, fish
pyytää anteeksi :: To apologize (to someone = ablative), ask (someone = ablative) for forgiveness
Qatar :: Qatar
qatarilainen :: Qatari
qatarilainen :: Qatari person
Q-kuume :: Q fever (infectious disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii)
quebeciläinen :: Quebecois (of or pertaining to the Canadian province of Quebec and its inhabitants)
quebeciläinen :: Quebecois, Quebecer (person)
quisling :: quisling
raa'annokka :: yardarm (outer end of a yard)
raa'asti :: cruelly, brutally, savagely
raadanta :: drudgery
raadella :: To savage, maul (to attack with the teeth)
raadollinen :: unscrupulous
raadollisuus :: unscrupulousness
raadonsyöjä :: scavenger, necrophage
raadonsyönti :: necrophagy
raaempi :: comparative form of raaka
raaentaa :: To make more brutal
raaentua :: alternative form of raaistua
raahaantua :: to be dragged
raahata :: To drag, haul
raahautua :: To be dragged
Raahe :: Raahe
raahustaa :: To shamble, saunter, slog
raain :: superlative form of raaka
raaistaa :: to brutalise/brutalize, make more brutal
raaistua :: to become more brutal
raaja :: limb
-raajainen :: legged
raajapari :: pair of limbs
raajarikko :: [of animal] lame
raajarikkoinen :: crippled
raajaton :: limbless
raaka :: crude
raaka :: raw
raaka :: rude, brutal
raaka :: yard
raaka-aine :: commodity (primary product as object of trade in an exchange)
raaka-aine [manufacturing] :: raw material
raakakypsyttää :: to hang (meat)
raakalainen :: A brute, a brutal or uncivilized person
raakalainen :: An ogre (brutish man whose behavior resembles that of the mythical ogre)
raakalaismainen :: barbaric
raakalaisuus :: barbarianism, savagery
raakaöljy :: crude oil
raakamalmi :: raw ore
raakametalli :: raw metal (intermediate product in metallurgy, having high metallic content but not being good for end use in metalworking industry or elsewhere without further processing)
raakapurje :: square sail
raakapuu :: yard
raakapuu :: raw wood
raakasokeri :: raw sugar, jaggery
raakata :: to discard, reject, eliminate
raakata :: to shave (beard)
Raakel :: female given name of biblical origin
Raakel :: Rachel
raakile :: A draft, sketch
raakile :: An unripe fruit or berry
raakimus :: brute
raakki :: crock (person)
raakku :: freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)
raakkua :: To caw
raakua :: alternative form of raakkua
raakuus :: cruelty
raakuus :: rawness
raamattu :: A bible
Raamattu :: The Bible
raamattuvyöhyke :: Bible Belt (area in which Evangelical Protestantism is a pervasive or dominant part of the culture)
raamatullinen :: biblical
raamatunselitysoppi :: exegesis, exegetics (explanation and interpretation of the texts of the Bible)
raami :: frame
raamikas :: robust (body shape)
raana :: faucet
raani :: shoreweed (Littorella uniflora)
raanu :: A traditional heavy woven rug, used as bed cover and wall textile
raapaista :: To scratch, scrape (once)
raapaisu :: A graze; light scratch
raape :: The material loosened by scratching
raapia :: To scratch, scrape
raappa :: scraper
raapustaa :: to scrawl, scribble (e.g. of notes)
raaputin :: scraper
raaputtaa :: to scratch
raaputus :: scratching
raaskia :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
raastaa :: To grate
raastaa :: To tear, pull
raaste :: grated food
raastin :: grater
raastupa :: courtroom
raastuvanoikeus [legal, dated] :: Until Dec. 1993 the court of first instance in the cities of Finland, since then replaced by käräjäoikeus. English-language equivalents vary by jurisdiction, at least following are used: magistrates court (UK), municipal court (US)
raasu :: wretch
raataa :: to drudge, toil, sweat, slave (to work very hard and during long hours)
raate :: bogbean, buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata
raatelu :: savaging, mauling
raateluhammas :: eyetooth, canine tooth; especially a well-developed one which is particularly suited for tearing meat
raatelunokka :: raptorial beak
raati :: city council
raati :: jury (body of judges in a competition)
raatihuone :: city hall, town hall
raato :: An animal carcass, corpse
raato :: A dead human corpse
raatokukka :: rafflesia
raatsia :: alternative form of raaskia
raavas :: robust, strong
raavinta :: scratching
rabbi :: rabbi
rabbiini :: rabbi
rabdomyolyysi :: rhabdomyolysis
raclette :: raclette (dish)
radža :: A rajah
radiaalinen :: radial
radiaani :: radian (unit of angle)
radiaatio :: radiation
radiaattori :: radiator
radianssi :: radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source)
radiantti :: radiant
radikaalein :: superlative form of radikaali
radikaali :: radical
radikaali :: A radical person or one who acts radically
radikaali :: radical
radikaalimpi :: comparative form of radikaali
radikaalinen :: radical
radikaalisesti :: radically
radikaalistaa :: to radicalize
radikaalisti :: radically
radikaalistua :: to become radicalized
radikaalisuus :: radicalness
radikaalius :: radicalness
radikalismi :: radicalism
radikalisoida :: To radicalize
radikalisoitua :: To be radicalized
radio :: radio
radioaakkonen :: in plural only, radio alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used in radiotelephony to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
radioaakkonen :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
radioaallot :: radio waves
radioaktiivinen jäte :: radioactive waste
radioaktiivisesti :: radioactively
radioaktiivisuus :: radioactivity
radioamatööri :: A ham (ham radio operator)
radioantenni :: radio antenna
radioasema :: radio station
radioastronomia :: radio astronomy
radiobiologia :: radiobiology
radiografia :: radiography (science of analyzing radiographs)
radiografia :: radiography (process of producing radiographs)
radiogramofoni :: radiogram (device combining radio and gramophone)
radiohiili :: radiocarbon
radiohiiliajoitus :: radiocarbon dating
radiohiljaisuus :: radio silence
radioida :: To radio
radioisotooppi :: radioisotope
radioitse :: By radio
radiokanava :: radio channel
radiokasettisoitin :: radio cassette player
radiokemia :: nuclear chemistry
radiokemia :: radiochemistry
radiokeskustelu :: a radio conversation
radiokommunikaatio :: radiocommunication
radiokuva :: A radiograph (image produced by radiation other than light)
radio-levysoitin :: radiogram (device combining radio and record player)
radiolähetin :: radio (transmitter)
radiolähetys :: radio transmission
radioliikenne :: radio communication
radiologia :: radiology
radiologinen :: radiological
radiolyysi :: radiolysis
radiomajakka :: A radio beacon
radiometria :: radiometry
radionuklidi :: radionuclide (radioactive nuclide)
radio-ohjattava :: radio-controlled (controlled remotely using radio signals)
radio-ohjaus :: radio control
radiopuhelin :: radiotelephone
radiopuhelin :: walkie-talkie
radiosanoma :: radiogram (message, like telegram, sent over radio)
radiosignaali :: radio signal
radioteitse :: by radio
radiotekniikka :: radio technology
radioteleskooppi :: radio telescope
radiotähtitiede :: radio astronomy
radiovastaanotin :: radio (receiver)
radioviestintä :: radiocommunication
radium :: radium
radiumkloridi :: radium chloride
radon :: radon
radonfluoridi :: radon fluoride
rae :: hailstone, hail
rae :: grain (a region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction)
raejuusto :: A Finnish fresh cheese similar to cottage cheese
raekoko :: grain size
raesade :: hail, hailstorm
Rafael :: male given name
Rafael :: Raphael
raffinoida :: To refine
rafflesia :: rafflesia
rafla :: restaurant
ragnarök :: Ragnarok
ragoût :: ragout
raguu :: ragout
raha :: money (see the usage notes below)
raha :: squirrel pelt
rahakas :: lucrative, bringing much wealth
rahakas :: wealthy, rich
rahakasvi :: cash crop
rahake :: token (substitute for money)
rahaliitto :: monetary union
rahallinen :: monetary
rahamarkkinat :: money market
rahamies :: moneybags
rahanahne :: mercenary
rahanhimoinen :: extortionate, greedy
rahanlainaaja :: moneylender
rahanlainaus :: money lending
rahanpesu :: money laundering
rahanvaihtaja :: money changer
rahanvaihto :: money exchange
rahapaja :: mint (where money is produced)
rahapeli :: gamble (game with money involved)
rahapolitiikka :: monetary policy
rahapula :: shortage of money
rahapussi :: A purse
rahapuu :: jade plant (Crassula ovata)
raha ratkaisee :: money talks
rahastaa :: to cash in (to profit from)
rahastaa :: to collect money, as e.g. at the entrance of something
rahastaja :: collector (of payments)
rahasto :: A fund
rahasto :: A war chest (fund for a special campaign)
rahastonhoitaja :: A treasurer in a club or other similar organization
rahatiede :: numismatics
rahaton :: penniless, impecunious, broke, busted, skint (lacking money, temporarily and/or because of being poor)
rahavaranto :: money supply
rahayksikkö :: unit of currency
rahdata :: (transitive) to haul
rahi :: low bench
rahi :: footstool, stool
rahina :: rasping sound, rattle
rahina :: rale, rales, crackles (abnormal sound from the lungs)
rahista :: To rasp (to make a rasping sound)
rahistaa :: to make rasp (to cause to make a rasping sound)
rahje :: In plural, the capacity, potential or capabilities of e.g. a person or an organization, whether financial, intellectual, physical or other
rahje :: A leather strap used to join the shafts of a carriage, sled etc. to the horse collar
rahjus :: frail person
rahjustaa :: To shamble
rahka :: quark (food)
rahkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula sphagnophila
rahkahopeatäplä :: Frigga fritillary, Boloria frigga or Clossiana frigga
rahkarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius sphagneti
rahkasammal :: sphagnum, peat moss
rahkasammalinen :: sphagnous
rahkasara :: few-flowered sedge (Carex pauciflora)
rahkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius huronensis
rahna :: money
rahoittaa :: To finance, fund, pay for, support financially, provide financial/monetary support/backing for; to sponsor
rahoittaja :: financier
rahoittamaton :: unfunded, unfinanced
rahoittaminen :: financing, funding
rahoitus :: financing
rahoituserä :: financial item (item on the financial statement of a bookkeeping entity which deals with financing, as opposed to the real process of producing goods and services)
rahoitusjohtaja :: chief financial officer, CFO, treasurer, financial director (head of finance in a company)
rahoituskriisi :: financial crisis
rahoituslaitos :: financial institution
rahti :: freight, cargo
rahtialus :: cargo vessel
rahtilaiva :: cargo ship
rahtilentokone :: cargo plane
rahtimaksu :: freight (payment)
rahtitavara :: cargo
rahtu :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only in the idiom "ei rahtuakaan" (not at all, not the slightest bit)
rahtunen :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only attributively
rahvaanomainen :: vulgar, not sophisticated
rahvaanomaisempi :: comparative form of rahvaanomainen
rahvaanomaisesti :: vulgarly
rahvaanomaisin :: superlative form of rahvaanomainen
rahvaanomaisuus :: vulgarity
rahvas [playfully] :: people, folks
rahvas [relatively derogatory] :: The peasantry, common/ordinary people/folks, lower-class people (often used of those people in the past, as a distinction of the rich and/or influential proportion of a people)
raidakas :: striped
raidakkaampi :: comparative form of raidakas
raidakkain :: superlative form of raidakas
raidallinen :: streaky
raidallinen :: striped
raidanrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius aspideus
raide :: numbered track or platform at a railway station
raide :: track, railroad track
raideleveys :: track width, gauge, or track gauge
raihnaantua [especially of older people] :: To become ailing, frail
raihnas [of people] :: dilapidated, wasted, deteriorated, in bad shape
raihnautua :: alternative form of raihnaantua
Raija :: female given name
raikaa [rare, literary] :: to blare, resound
raikas :: fresh
raikastaa :: To freshen
raikastin :: A freshener (device that freshens something, especially air)
raikastua :: To freshen
raikkaampi :: comparative form of raikas
raikkaus :: freshness
raikua :: to blare, resound
Raila :: female given name
railakas :: lively, sociable
railakka :: alternative form of railakas
railata :: Same as interrailata
Raili :: female given name popular in the 1930s and the 1940s
railo :: crack, crevasse (on ice)
Raimo :: male given name
raina :: movie
raina :: filmstrip
raina :: [papermaking] pulp slurry
Raine :: male given name derived form the German Rainer
Raino :: male given name
raippa :: crop (short whip)
Raisa :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Раи́са.
Raisa :: female given name of Finnish speakers
raiska :: dung
raiska :: wretch
raiskaaja :: rapist, raper
raiskaantua :: alternative form of raiskautua
raiskata :: To ruin, damage, spoil, not do justice to
raiskata :: To rape (to abuse an object in an extreme manner)
raiskata :: To rape (to force sexual intercourse)
raiskaus :: rape
raiskausyritys :: attempted rape
raiskautua :: To be ruined, spoiled
raita :: band
raita :: goat willow, Salix caprea
raita :: bendlet
raita :: stripe
raita :: track
Raita :: female given name
Raita :: Finnish surname
raitahiiri :: barbary striped grass mouse, Lemniscomys barbarus (small rodent native to northwest Africa, name species of its genus)
raitahiiri :: Lemniscomys (genus)
raitahiiri :: striped grass mouse (rodent of the genus Lemniscomys)
raitainen :: striped
raitapuumuura :: barred antshrike
raitasardelli :: broad-striped anchovy, Anchoa hepsetus
raitiovaunu :: tram, tram car, streetcar
raitiovaunupysäkki :: tram stop
raitis :: fresh (e.g. fresh air)
raitis :: sober (not intoxicated)
raitis :: teetotaller/teetotaler
Raitis [very, rare] :: male given name
raitistaa :: to refresh
raito :: A line of reindeer which pull an ahkio
raitsikka :: tram
raitti :: village road
raittius :: sobriety (state of being sober)
raittius :: temperance (abstinence from intoxicants, especially from alcohol)
raittiusaate :: The cause of temperance
raittiusjuoma :: Any non-alcoholic drink suggested or offered as an alternative to alcohol
raittiuslautakunta :: A municipal board for promotion of temperance
raittiusliike :: The temperance movement
raittiuslupaus :: A pledge of temperance, the pledge (promise to abstain from drinking alcohol)
raittiusmies :: A supporter of temperance movement
raittiusseura :: A temperance association
raittiusväki :: The supporters of temperance movement collectively
raivaamaton :: uncleared
raivaaminen :: clearing, bulldozing
raivain :: machine used in demining
raivari :: a fit of rage
raivata :: to demine; often used with an object such as miinakenttä, miina (to remove mines)
raivata :: to clear, bulldoze
raivaustraktori :: bulldozer
raivio :: clearing (in forest)
raivo [anatomy, rare] :: Back of the head
raivo :: Fury, rage
raivoaminen :: raging
raivohullu :: raving mad
raivoisa :: rabid, frantic, frenzied
raivoissaan :: Furious, raging (about = elative); apoplectic
raivokas :: fierce, frenetic, raging
raivokkaasti :: fiercely
raivokkuus :: ferocity
raivokohtaus :: fit of rage
raivonpuuska :: tantrum
raivopäinen :: ferocious
raivopäinen :: raging, mad
raivoraitis :: being a teetotaler
raivoraitis :: teetotaler (person who never consumes alcohol)
raivostua :: to get furious/mad, lose one's temper, fly off the handle, blow one's top, blow a fuse, hit the roof, go off
raivostuttaa :: to infuriate, incense
raivota :: To rage, stomp/storm around furiously, rampage, rant and rave
raivotar :: A Fury
raivotauti :: rabies, hydrophobia
raivotautinen :: rabid
raja :: [geographically] boundary (line), border(line), frontier; a (city) limit; a (county) line
raja :: [socially; mentally] limit, bound, confine
raja :: line
raja-aita :: border fence
raja-alue :: frontier (a boundary region)
raja-arvo :: limit
raja-asema :: border station
raja-asukas :: frontiersman
rajahyöty :: marginal utility
rajajoki :: boundary river
rajakahakka :: A border skirmish
rajakivi :: borderstone
rajakreivi :: A margrave
Rajala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Rajala :: Finnish surname
rajallinen :: Limited, restricted
rajamaa :: borderland
rajanylityspaikka :: border crossing
rajapyykki :: landmark
rajaseutu :: frontier
rajata :: To crop (an image)
rajata :: To limit, confine
rajaton :: boundless, limitless, unlimited
rajattomasti :: unlimitedly
rajattomuus :: limitlessness, boundlessness, infiniteness
rajattu :: limited
rajaus :: cropping
rajaus :: limiting
rajauskynä :: eyeliner
rajavalvonta :: border control
rajavartija :: border guard
rajaviiva :: A borderline
rajoite :: constraint
rajoitettu :: bounded
rajoitettu :: limited
rajoitettu :: restricted
rajoitetusti :: limitedly
rajoitin :: limiter
rajoittaa :: To inhibit
rajoittaa :: To restrict, limit
rajoittamaton :: absolute (free from any limitation or condition)
rajoittamaton :: free (unobstructed)
rajoittamaton :: uncontrolled
rajoittamaton :: unlimited
rajoittamaton :: unobstructed
rajoittamaton :: unrestricted
rajoittamaton :: untrammelled
rajoitteinen :: challenged (lacking some physical or mental attribute or skill)
rajoittua :: To abut, be limited, limit oneself, be restricted, restrict oneself
rajoitus :: limit, limitation, restriction, constraint
rajoni :: district, raion (administrative division in Russia and some other East European countries)
raju :: fierce
raju :: violent (involving extreme force or motion)
rajuilma :: storm, tempest
rajuin :: superlative form of raju
rajumpi :: comparative form of raju
rajusti :: fiercely, intensely, fervently
rajuus :: Fierceness
rajuus :: Violence, extreme force (of something abstract or inanimate)
rakas :: Dear, beloved, cherished
rakas :: Loving, sweet
rakas :: A darling, sweetheart, love
rakastaa :: to love
rakastaja :: lover
rakastajatar :: female lover, mistress
rakastamaton :: unloved
rakastan sinua :: I love you
rakastavainen :: lover
rakastella :: To make love
rakastelu :: lovemaking
rakastettava :: lovable
rakastettavasti :: lovably
rakastettu :: beloved, loved
rakastettu :: beloved
rakastua :: to fall in love with, enamor
rakastuminen :: falling in love
rakastunut :: in love, enamored
rakeinen :: Granular
rakeistaa :: to granulate
rakenne :: structure
rakenne :: texture
rakenneanalyysi :: structural analysis
rakennekaava :: structural formula
rakennelma :: structure, edifice (building, structure)
rakennemuutos :: restructuring
rakennerahasto :: A financial tool set up to implement the Regional policy of the European Union with the aim of reducing regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities
rakennetyöttömyys :: structural unemployment
rakennevika :: construction flaw, structural defect
rakennus :: A building
rakennusala :: construction, construction branch, construction business (trade of building structures)
rakennushanke :: construction project, development project
rakennushanke :: real estate development (group of buildings planned as a whole)
rakennusinsinööri :: civil engineer
rakennuslaki :: A similar law in another jurisdiction
rakennuslaki :: building act (law regulating construction and maintenance of buildings)
rakennusliike :: construction firm
rakennuslupa [zoning] :: construction permit, building permit
rakennusmateriaali :: building material, construction material
rakennusmestari :: A polytechnic level degree in construction, aimed at training foremen; often translated as Master Builder (occupation)|master builder into English
rakennusmestari construction foreman, site foreman
rakennusmies :: construction worker
rakennusmääräys :: An individual regulation included in a building code
rakennusmääräys :: In plural (rakennusmääräykset), a building code
rakennusoikeus [zoning] :: the maximum total constructed floor area allowed on a given lot; equal to the product of floor area ratio and the area of the lot
rakennusosa :: building block (component that is part of a larger construction)
rakennuspaikka [archaeology] :: building site (site of a former structure)
rakennuspaikka :: building site (place where a building is located, is currently under construction, or shall be constructed)
rakennuspalikka :: building block (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy)
rakennuspalikka :: building block (component that is part of a larger construction)
rakennustyö :: construction (the process of constructing)
rakennustyömaa :: construction site
rakennustyyli :: building style
rakennuttaa :: to have something built, constructed
rakennuttaja :: developer (of real estate)
rakentaa :: to build, construct
rakentaja :: builder
rakentaja :: constructor
rakentamaton :: unbuilt
rakentaminen :: construction, building (act or process of constructing)
rakentaminen :: construction, building trade (trade of building)
rakentaminen :: real estate development (process or amount of building activity)
rakentava :: constructive
rakentavampi :: comparative form of rakentava
rakentavin :: superlative form of rakentava
rakenteellinen :: structural
rakenteilla :: under construction
rakenteistaa :: to structure
rakentua :: to consist of, to be made of
rakentua :: to be based on, to be founded upon
raketinheitin :: A multiple rocket launcher
raketti [colloquially] :: firework
raketti :: rocket
rakettimainen :: rocketlike
rakettimoottori :: rocket engine
rakettipolttoaine :: rocket fuel
rakettireppu :: jet pack
rakettireppu :: A backpack of fireworks
rakettitiede :: rocket science (literal and figurative sense)
raki :: raki
rakiitti :: rachitis, rickets
rakka :: tor (craggy outcrop of rock on the summit of a hill)
rakkaampi :: comparative form of rakas
rakkahin :: superlative form of rakas
rakkaudella :: with love (written at the end of a letter, before the signature)
rakkaudeton :: loveless
rakkaus :: love, affection
rakkauselämä :: love life
rakkauskertomus :: love story
rakkauskirje :: love letter
rakkauslaulu :: love song
rakkausruno :: love poem
rakkaussuhde :: love affair (amorous relationship)
rakkaussuhde :: love affair (fondness)
rakki [disparaging] :: mongrel, mutt, pooch, cur (mixed-breed dog)
rakki :: truss (rope or iron used to keep the centre of a yard to the mast)
rakki :: pooch (dog)
rakkine [colloquial, deprecating] :: A machine or device working poorly or not at all; a contraption
rakko :: bladder
rakko :: blister
rakkolevä :: bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosus (common seaweed)
rakkula :: A blister, vesicle
rakkula-aste [embryology] :: blastula
rakkulakasvain :: ganglion cyst
rakkularauhanen :: seminal vesicle
rakletti :: raclette
rako :: crack
rako :: jättää raolleen: to leave ajar
rako :: olla raollaan: to be ajar
rako :: slit, slot
rakoilematon :: uncracked
rakonen :: diminutive form of rako
rakonen :: small and narrow opening, slit, crack
rakonokka :: openbill (bird of the genus Anastomus)
rakovalkea :: A type of open fire where the fire burns in a crack between two large logs; the fire burns slowly yet warmly
raksa :: construction site
raksaa :: alternative form of raksahdella
raksahdella :: To crackle
raksahdus :: snap (sound)
raksi :: hanging loop (small loop sewn into a jacket, towel etc. for hanging)
raksia :: to unpick (to undo sewing stitches)
raksua :: alternative form of raksahdella
raksuttaa :: to tick
raksutus :: tick, ticking (relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery)
rakuuna :: A dragoon (cavalryman)
rakuuna :: Tarragon (plant and its leaves used as spice)
Ralf :: male given name
ralli :: grating
ralli :: rally
ralli :: song
ralliauto :: racecar
ralliautoilija :: racing car driver
ralliautoilu :: auto racing
raloksifeeni :: raloxifene
ramadan :: Ramadan
rambutani :: rambutan
Rami :: male given name
ramina :: A certain card game
rampa :: Physically lame
rampa :: A lame person
rampaantua :: alternative form of rampautua
rampata :: To go to and fro
rampata :: To tramp on doing a massage
rampauttaa :: To disable
rampauttaa :: To lame
rampautua :: To be crippled, maimed
ramppi :: apron, ramp (area for parking, servicing, loading and unloading aircraft at an airport)
ramppi :: ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels)
ramppikuume :: stage fright
ranapalkki :: A cathead
rangaista :: To punish, penalise/penalize, mete out a penalty/punishment for
rangaistava :: punishable
rangaistus :: comeuppance
rangaistus :: penalty
rangaistus :: punishment
rangaistusaika :: penalty time
rangaistusaitio :: the penalty box
rangaistusalue :: penalty area (rectangular area in front of a soccer goal)
rangaistusmaali :: A penalty goal
rangaistuspotku :: penalty kick
rangaistuspotkukilpailu :: penalty shootout (a series of penalty kicks)
ranka :: A long and straight branch of a tree
ranka :: spine (short for selkäranka)
rankaisija :: punisher
rankaisu :: punishment
rankalauta [emergency medicine] :: spine board
rankata :: to rank (to give something a rank)
ranketa :: To become harder, more intense
ranki :: rank (position of a person)
rankka :: hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure)
rankka :: intense (of high intensity)
rankkari [soccer, colloquial] :: A penalty kick
rankkasade :: rainstorm, cloudburst
ranko :: alternative form of ranka
ranne :: wrist
rannekanava :: carpal tunnel
ranneke :: wristband
rannekello :: A wristwatch
ranneluu :: A carpal or carpal bone
rannempi :: (Located) closer to beach
rannenivel :: any of the joints of the wrist, or those joints collectively
rannevaltimo :: radial artery
rannikko :: A coast
rannikkoalue :: coastal region
rannikkoilmasto :: coastal climate
rannikkojalkaväki :: marine corps
rannikkojääkäri :: A marine (private in the Finnish marine corps)
rannikkokaupunki :: coastal town
rannikkolaivurin radiotodistus :: A Short Range Certificate, SRC (British), Maritime Restricted Radio Operator's Certificate, ROC(M) (US, Canadian)
rannikkopuumuura :: Sooretama slaty antshrike
rannikkovaltio :: coastal state
rannikkovartiosto :: coast guard
rannimmainen :: One closest to the beach
ranska :: French (language)
Ranska :: France
ranskalainen :: French
ranskalainen :: In combined terms appears usually in the form ranskalais-, the English equivalent being franco- or Franco-
ranskalainen :: A Frenchman or a Frenchwoman
ranskalainen :: In plural (ranskalaiset), short for ranskalaiset perunat, the French fries
ranskalainen :: In plural (ranskalaiset), when speaking of the natives or inhabitants of France collectively, "the French"
ranskalainen peruna :: A french fry
ranskalaiset :: Plural (nominative) of the term ranskalainen (French)
ranskalaiset :: Plural (nominative) of the term ranskalainen (Frenchman, Frenchwoman)
ranskalaiset :: Short form of ranskalaiset perunat (the French fries)
ranskalaiset perunat :: chips [British]
ranskalaiset perunat :: French fries [British], french fries [US]
ranskalaistaa :: to make French
ranskalaistua :: To become French
ranskalaisuus :: Frenchness
Ranskan Guayana :: French Guiana (French department in South America)
ranskankerma :: crème fraîche
ranskankielinen :: Francophone, French-speaking
ranskankielinen :: Francophone (speaker of French)
ranskanleipä :: French roll
ranskannos :: French translation
ranskanperuna :: A chip [British]
ranskanperuna :: A french fry [US]
ranskanperunat :: chips [British]
ranskanperunat :: French fries [British], french fries [US]
Ranskan Polynesia :: French Polynesia (overseas territory of France)
ranskantaa :: To translate into French
Ranskan ympäriajo :: Tour de France (famous bicycle race)
ranskatar :: A Frenchwoman
ranta :: bank (shore of a river)
ranta :: beach (sandy shore)
ranta :: [rarely] strand
ranta :: shore (the border of a body of water and land in general)
Ranta :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ranta :: Finnish surname
rantaantua :: alternative form of rantautua
rantajalkapallo :: beach soccer
rantakana :: rail, crake (any bird of the family Rallidae)
rantakäärme :: grass snake, Natrix natrix
rantakukka :: purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria (semi-aquatic herbaceous plant)
rantakurvi :: Terek sandpiper, Xenus cinereus
Rantala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Rantala :: Finnish surname
rantaleinikki :: creeping spearwort, Ranunculus reptans (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
rantalentopallo :: A beach volleyball, as a game as well as a ball
Rantanen :: Finnish surname
rantaneula :: in plural (rantaneulat) also the family Cobitidae, the true loaches
rantaneula :: spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)
rantanuoliainen :: spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)
rantapallo :: beach ball
rantapenger :: bank (bank along the border of a body of water)
rantapyyhe :: beach towel
rantaryssä :: An Estonian
rantaryssä :: A Russian-speaking Finn (lit. Coast Russian)
rantasauna :: A sauna that is located on lakeside
rantasipi :: common sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos
rantatuoli :: deck chair
rantautua :: to beach, strand, landfall
rantautuminen :: landfall
rantavaltio :: coastal state
rantaviiva :: coastline
rantaviiva :: shoreline
ranteen veneluu :: The scaphoid bone (navicular bone of the wrist)
rantsu :: beach
rantu :: A stripe (marking)
ranunculus :: ranunculus (plant of the genus Ranunculus)
raottaa :: To crack (to open slightly)
raottua :: To open slightly, to ajar
rap :: rap, rap music
rapa :: dirt, mud
rapakivi :: rapakivi
rapakko :: A puddle
rapakunto :: A poor physical condition
raparperi :: rhubarb, especially Rheum rhaponticum
rapata :: to plaster
rapatessa roiskuu :: that's how the cookie crumbles, that's the way the mop flops, that's the way the ball bounces
rapattu :: plastered
rapauttaa :: to erode
rapautua [of stone] :: To crumble, erode
rapautuminen :: weathering
rapea :: crispy, crunchy
rapeakuorinen :: crispy-crusted
rapeutua :: To become crispier
rapiiri :: rapier (slender, straight, sharply pointed sword)
rapina :: rustle
rapista :: To rustle
rapistaa :: To rustle
rapistua :: To deteriorate
rap-musiikki :: rap
raportoida :: To report
raportti :: A report
rappaaja :: plasterer
rappari :: pillager, robber
rappari :: plasterer
rappari :: rapper (performer of rap music)
rappaus :: plastering (on buildings)
rappeuma :: degeneration (the result of degenerating)
rappeuttaa :: to degenerate
rappeuttaa :: to erode
rappeutua [of buildings etc.] :: To decay
rappeutua :: To degenerate
rappeutuma :: degeneration (the result of degenerating)
rappeutuminen :: degeneration (process of degenerating)
rappeutuminen :: dystrophy (process of wasting body tissue)
rappio :: decay
rappio :: decline
rappio :: gutter
rappioitua :: alternative form of rappeutua
rappiotila :: run-down farm
rappiotila :: state of decline
rappu :: A section of an apartment building connected by a staircase
rappu :: A stair-step
rappukäytävä :: A stairwell
rapsaa :: to rustle
rapse :: rustle
rapsi :: rapeseed (plant Brassica napus)
rapsi :: rapeseed (seeds of that plant collectively)
rapsinsiemen :: rapeseed (individual seed)
rapsodia :: rhapsody
rapsutella :: To scratch
rapsutin :: scratcher (piece of equipment used to scratch part of the body to relieve an itch)
rapsuttaa :: to scratch
rapsutus :: scratching
rapu :: A crab
rapu :: A European crayfish, noble crayfish, broad-fingered crayfish, Astacus astacus
rapu :: Any other species of crayfish, especially the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus
rapu :: Any unspecified species of Decapoda
Rapu :: alternative spelling of Krapu
rapukausi :: crayfish season (in Finland, the time of year when it is legal to catch crayfish)
rapumerta :: A pot, crayfish trap (trap for fishing crayfish)
rapurutto :: crayfish plague
rapuvoi :: Butter flavored by simmering it with crayfish shells, used e.g. as base for soups
rapuvoi :: crab butter (greasy yellow-to-white jelly-like substance that accumulates on the inside of the shell of a crayfish or a crab)
rapuvoi :: tomalley, also crab butter (hepatopancreas of a crayfish when consumed as food, considered as delicacy by many, especially in Sweden and coastal Finland)
rariteetti :: rarity
rarotonga :: Cook Islands Maori, Rarotongan
rasagiliini :: rasagiline
rasahtaa :: to crackle, rustle
raseeminen :: racemic
rasemisaatio :: racemization (formation of racemate)
rasi :: A forest that has been cleared for slash and burn but has not yet been burnt
rasia :: A casket, box
rasismi :: racism
rasisti :: A racist
rasistinen :: racist
rasistisempi :: comparative form of rasistinen
rasistisin :: superlative form of rasistinen
rasite :: burden
rasite :: servitude; encumbrance
rasittaa :: To strain, wear out
rasittava :: irritating
rasittava :: painful, arduous
rasittava :: tiresome
rasittavasti :: irritatingly
rasittavasti :: tiresomely
rasittua :: To become exhausted
rasittua :: To become strained
rasitus :: stress
rasitusrintakipu :: angina pectoris
rasitusvamma :: repetitive strain injury
raskaaksi :: tulla ~ to become pregnant
raskaampi :: comparative form of raskas
raskaana :: olla ~ to be pregnant
raskaasti :: heavily
raskas :: heavy
raskasmetalli :: heavy metal (type of metal)
raskasmielinen :: melancholic
raskasmielisyys :: melancholy
raskasrakenteinen :: heavily built
raskassarja :: heavyweight division
raskassoutuinen :: tedious
raskastekoinen :: heavily built
raskas vesi :: heavy water
raskasvesi :: heavy water
raskas vety :: deuterium, heavy hydrogen
raskasvety :: alternative spelling of raskas vety
raskaudenaika :: pregnancy period
raskaudenkeskeytys :: Abortion (an induced abortion of a human fetus)
raskaus :: Heaviness, weight
raskaus :: Pregnancy
raskaus :: Seriousness, gravity
raskausaika :: pregnancy, gestation (period of time between conception and birth)
raskausarpi :: A stretch mark, stria
raskauttaa :: to aggravate
raskauttava :: aggravating
raskia :: alternative form of raaskia
rasko :: weight (gravitational force)
raspata :: To rasp (to use a rasp)
raspata :: To rasp (to work something with a rasp)
raspi :: A rasp (coarse filing tool)
rassata [impersonal, informal] :: to bug, annoy
rassata :: to tinker (to fiddle with something mechanical in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner)
rassi :: pipe cleaner
rassukka :: alternative form of rassu
rasta :: rasta
rastafari :: Rastafarianism (movement)
rastafari :: Rastafarian (supporter of that movement)
rastaletti :: dreadlocks
rastas :: thrush (any of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae)
rastaskerttunen :: great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus
rastat :: dreadlocks
rasteroida :: To rasterize
rasterointi :: rasterizing
rasti :: bugloss (plant of the genus|Anchusa)
rasti [orienteering] :: checkpoint
rasti :: X, cross (mark or sign that resembles the letter X)
rastia :: alternative form of rastittaa
rastittaa :: To check (to mark with checkmarks)
rastuli :: solitaire (several bird species in the genus Myadestes)
rastulit :: the genus Myadestes
rasva :: fat (tissue, substance)
rasva :: grease (animal fat, oily or fatty matter)
rasva :: lotion
rasva :: (medical, facial) cream
rasva :: ointment
rasva-alkoholi :: fatty alcohol
rasvaantua :: alternative form of rasvautua
rasva-apina :: A grease monkey (mechanic, often with the specific connotation of an automobile mechanic)
rasvaevä [anatomy, of a fish] :: an adipose fin
rasvahappo :: fatty acid
rasvaimu :: liposuction
rasvainen :: fatty
rasvainen :: greasy
rasvainen :: sebaceous
rasvaisin :: superlative form of rasvainen
rasvakala :: lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)
rasvakeitin :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
rasvakovettumistauti :: atherosclerosis
rasvakudos :: adipose tissue, fatty tissue, fat tissue
rasvamaksa :: fatty liver
rasvamonttu :: grease pit, inspection pit
rasvanippa :: A grease nipple
rasvaprässi :: grease gun
rasvari :: A grease gun
rasvari :: A grease monkey
rasvari :: Any device to apply grease
rasvasolu :: adipocyte
rasvata :: To grease, oil
rasvaton :: fat-free, non-fat
rasvaton [milk] :: skimmed [British], skim [US]
rasvatyyni :: dead calm (of a body of water, completely still with no waves)
rasvaus :: greasing
rasvautua :: To become greasy
rasvavilla :: Unwashed sheep wool
rasvoittua [of internal organs] :: To gather fat
rasvoittua :: To get greasy
rata :: A course (of life)
rata :: An orbit [path of one object around another]
rata :: A trajectory [path of a body as it travels through space]
rata :: A sheet (area of ice on which one game of curling is played)
rata :: railroad track, line
rata :: track, lane
Rata :: the Finnish name of the Financial Supervision Authority, the authority supervising financial markets and participants
ratagolf :: miniature golf
ratamestari :: roadmaster (one in charge of a railroad track)
ratamo :: plantain (plant of the genus Plantago)
rataosa :: railway section
ratapiha :: rail yard
ratapölkky :: railroad tie [US], sleeper [UK] (heavy, preserved piece of timber or concrete slab laid crossways to and supporting the rails of a railroad)
ratas :: cogwheel
rataseläin :: A rotifer
ratatui :: ratatouille
ratifioida :: To ratify
ratifiointi :: ratification
ratikka :: A tram
ratina :: rustle
rationaalifunktio :: rational function
rationaaliluku :: rational number
rationaalinen :: rational
rationaalisesti :: rationally
rationaalistaa :: alternative form of rationalisoida
rationaalistua :: alternative form of rationalisoitua
rationaalisuus :: rationality
rationalismi :: rationalism
rationalisoida :: To rationalize
rationalisoitua :: To become (more) rational
rationalisti :: rationalist
rationaliteetti :: rationality
rationoida :: To rationalize
ratkaisematon :: indecisive
ratkaisematon :: unsolved
ratkaiseminen :: solving
ratkaiseva :: crucial, pivotal
ratkaiseva :: decisive
ratkaisevasti :: crucially
ratkaisevasti :: decisively
ratkaisija :: solver
ratkaista :: To decide; to make a decision in a complicated issue
ratkaista :: To solve (a problem)
ratkaisu :: conclusion (of a war, story, etc.)
ratkaisu :: solution, answer (to a problem)
ratkaisuehdotus [European Union law] :: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)
ratkaisuehdotus :: proposed solution
ratketa :: To be resolved
ratketa :: To tear
ratki :: really, totally
ratki :: ripped, broken (cloth)
ratkoa :: To rip, unpick a seam
ratkoa :: To solve
ratsailla :: olla ratsailla: to be mounted
ratsaille :: nousta ratsaille: to mount a horse
ratsailta :: nousta/laskeutua ratsailta: to unmount a horse
ratsain :: horseback, ahorse, ahorseback (on the back of a horse)
ratsastaa :: To ride (on a horse)
ratsastaja :: (horse) rider
ratsastajapatsas :: equestrian statue (statue depicting a person on horseback)
ratsastaminen :: riding
ratsastus [billiards] :: combination shot (shot in which the white hits first other than the actual target ball)
ratsastus :: horse racing (horseback riding as competitive sport)
ratsastus :: horseriding, equestrianism, equitation (act or action of sitting on and controlling a horse for sport, recreation or transport)
ratsastus :: riding (act or action of sitting on and controlling any animal for sport, recreation or transport)
ratsastuskoulu :: riding school
ratsastustaito :: horsemanship
ratsata :: to raid
ratsia :: raid (by police), roundup
ratsia :: stop check
ratsu :: knight
ratsu :: anything else used for riding
ratsu :: riding horse or other animal used for riding
ratsukko :: A horse and its rider
ratsumestari [military ranks, archaic] :: A captain in the cavalry
ratsumies :: cavalryman (soldier in the cavalry)
ratsumies :: horseman
ratsupiiska :: riding crop
ratsupoliisi :: mounted police
ratsutie :: bridleway
ratsuväki :: cavalry
rattaat {p} :: baby buggy, pushchair; short of lastenrattaat
rattaat {p} :: wagon, cart, carriage (unmotorized wheeled vehicle)
ratti :: funnel (vessel)
ratti :: steering wheel
rattijuoppo :: drunken driver
rattijuoppous :: drunk driving
rattijuopumus :: drunk driving
rattikelkka :: bobsleigh
rattikelkka :: snow racer
rattikelkkailija :: bobsledder (one who rides a bobsled)
ratto :: pleasure
rattoisa :: enjoyable
rattopoika :: gigolo
rattopoika :: male prostitute
rattu :: New World rat (any of a large number of small rat-like rodents native to the Americas)
ratustaa :: to crunch (when eating)
raudanvarastoitumistauti :: hemochromatosis (metabolic disorder)
raudikko :: chestnut horse, bay (reddish-brown horse)
raudoite :: reinforcement (in cement)
raudoittaa :: to iron (to furnish or arm with iron)
rauduskoivu :: silver birch (Betula pendula)
raueta :: to abort, to lapse
rauha :: peace, harmony, calm (state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony)
rauha :: peace (state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions)
rauha :: peace (state free of war)
Rauha :: female given name
rauhaantua :: rauhoittua
rauhaarakastava :: peaceable, peace-loving (in favor of piece)
rauhaisa :: peaceful
rauhallinen :: Peaceful, quiet, restful, serene, tranquil
rauhallisempi :: comparative form of rauhallinen
rauhallisesti :: in a calm manner; calmly
rauhallisesti :: quietly
rauhallisuus :: peace, calm, tranquility
rauhanaika :: peacetime
rauhanen :: gland
rauhanlähettiläs :: peace envoy
rauhanliike :: peace movement
rauhanneuvottelu :: peace talks, peace negotiations
rauhanomainen :: peaceful, non-violent, peaceable, inoffensive
rauhanomaisesti :: peaceably
rauhanoppositio :: Any opposition group in any country which works for peace, either in order to end an ongoing war or to prevent a threatening war
rauhanoppositio :: In the Finnish history, a group of politicians who, towards the end of WWII were working for concluding a separate peace treaty with the Soviet Union; usually translated as peace opposition into English
rauhanpiippu :: A peace pipe
rauhanprosessi :: peace process
rauhansopimus :: peace treaty
rauhansuunnitelma :: peace plan
rauhantekijä :: peacemaker
rauhanteko :: peacemaking
rauhantuomari :: Justice of the Peace
rauhanturvaaja :: peacekeeper (member of a peacekeeping force)
rauhanturvaaminen :: peacekeeping
rauhanturvajoukko ] :: peacekeeping force (military force with the task of preserving peace between hostile groups)
rauhanturvaoperaatio :: peacekeeping operation
rauhasmainen :: glandiform
rauhas-rasvakasvain :: adenolipoma (benign lipoma of a gland containing both glandular and fat tissue)
rauhassa :: in peace
rauhastulehdus :: adenitis (glandular inflammation)
rauhaton :: restless
rauhoite :: sedative
rauhoitella :: To pacify, appease, reassure, calm (down), quiet (down) (in an continuous or indifferent manner)
rauhoitettu :: protected (of a species, protected by law against hunting, fishing, picking or destroying of habitat etc.)
rauhoittaa :: To sedate, settle
rauhoittaa :: To pacify, appease, reassure, calm (down), quiet (down)
rauhoittaa :: To protect, preserve, reserve (a land area, a species; to withhold from present use)
rauhoittaja :: pacifier (one who pacifies)
rauhoittava :: sedative, tranquilizing, depressant, ataractic, ataraxic
rauhoittava :: pacifying, appeasing, reassuring, calming, soothing
rauhoittava :: tranquilizer/tranquilliser, sedative, depressant
rauhoittua :: To calm down, relax, unwind
rauhoitusaika [fishing, hunting] :: close season
raukea :: drowsy; calm, relaxed
raukea :: limp, listless, languid
raukein :: superlative form of raukea
raukka :: coward
raukka :: poor thing (someone or something to be pitied)
raukka :: wretch
Rauli :: male given name
Rauma :: Rauma, a city in Finland
Rauna :: female given name
Rauni :: female given name, cognate to Swedish Ragnhild
Rauni :: male given name, a rather rare variant of Rauno
raunikki :: baby's breath (plant of the genus Gypsophila)
raunio :: A ruin
raunioittaa :: to ruin
rauniokaupunki :: ruined city
rauniokoira :: search and rescue dog
rauniolinna :: ruined castle
Rauno :: male given name
rausku :: A ray (fish)
rausku :: A skate (ray)
rauta :: [computer slang] hardware
rauta [golf] :: iron club
rauta :: In plural raudat, a trap [heavy metal device designed to catch animals by catching hold of part of the body]
rauta :: In plural raudat, shortened form of hammasraudat, or braces
rauta :: In plural raudat, the shackles, irons
rauta :: iron (metal)
rautaesine :: ironwork (anything made wholly or largely of iron)
rautaesirippu :: The Iron Curtain
rautahammas :: permanent tooth (tooth that replaces a milk tooth)
rautainen :: iron
rautainen :: iron
rautainen :: mettlesome (of great mettle, courageous)
rautakaivos :: iron mine
rautakanki :: iron bar
rautakarbidi :: iron carbide
rautakauppa :: hardware store
rautakausi :: Iron Age
rautakeuhko :: iron lung (outdated respiratory device)
rautakiihdytys :: hardware acceleration
rautakoriste :: ironwork (decoration made wholly or largely of iron)
rautalanka :: iron wire, steel wire (wire made of iron, often used indiscriminately also of steel wire)
rautalanka :: instrumental rock (music genre)
rautamalmi :: iron ore
rautamuuri [colloquial, computer security] :: firewall implemented on hardware
rautaneitsyt :: iron maiden
rautaoksidi :: iron oxide
rautapata :: iron pot
rautapitoinen :: ferrous (containing iron)
rautapuu :: Persian ironwood, Parrotia persica
rautaristi :: Iron Cross (German military decoration and symbol)
rautarouva :: A strong and powerful (in terms of influence) female; especially the former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady in English
rautasaha :: hacksaw
rautasälpä :: siderite
rautasulfaatti :: iron sulfate
rautatammi :: holm oak, holly oak, Quercus ilex (evergreen oak, native to the Mediterranean region)
rautatavara :: hardware (metal implements)
rautateitse :: By railway
rautatie :: railway, railroad
rautatieasema :: railroad station, railway station
rautatieläinen :: railwayman
rautatieristeys :: railroad crossing
rautatiesilta :: railroad bridge
rautatiet {p} :: railway (transport system)
rautatietunneli :: railroad tunnel
rautatievaunu :: railroad car
rautatieverkko :: railway network
rautatieyhteys :: railroad connection
rautavihtrilli :: ferrous sulfate, copperas
rautayhdiste :: iron compound
rautiainen :: dunnock (Prunella modularis)
Rautiainen :: Finnish surname
rautias :: chestnut horse, bay (reddish-brown horse)
rautio :: smith
Rautio :: Finnish surname
rautu :: Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus
ravakka :: brisk
ravata :: To visit (too) frequently, go (too) frequently
ravata [of a horse] :: To trot
ravata :: To run or trot
raveliini :: ravelin (fortification outside a castle used to split an attacking force)
ravi :: trot
ravi :: trot (rapid gait of a person)
ravihevonen :: race horse
raviini :: ravine
ravinne :: nutrient
ravinteikas :: nutritious
ravinto :: As a modifier in compound terms, nutritional
ravinto :: A "technical" term for food and fodder; nutrition, nourishment, nutriment
ravintoaine :: nutrient
ravintoarvo :: nutritional value
ravintoketju :: food chain
ravintokuitu :: dietary fibre
ravintola :: restaurant (an eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables)
ravintolavaunu :: dining car
ravintolisä :: dietary supplement
ravintoloitsija :: restaurateur, restaurant keeper
ravintoympyrä :: [US] food pyramid (diagram giving advice on how to eat healthily)
ravirata :: harness racing course
ravistaa :: To shake (to cause to move)
ravistella :: To shake (cause to move; indifferently and/or repeatedly)
ravistelu :: A shake (act of shaking)
ravistin :: cocktail shaker
ravistus :: A shake (act of shaking)
ravit :: harness racing event
ravita :: to nourish
ravitsemus :: nutrition (organic process)
ravitsemusasiantuntija :: nutritionist
ravitseva :: nutritious
ravunsyöjäkoira :: crab eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus)
ravunsyöjäsupi :: crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus)
ravuri :: trotter (horse)
ravustaa :: To catch crayfish
ravustaa :: To crab (to fish for crabs)
ravustaja :: crabber
ravustaja :: crayfish catcher
ravustus :: Fishing for crabs; crabbing
ravustuskausi :: crayfish season (in Finland, a period in the late summer when catching crayfish is permitted)
Ray-Banit :: The glasses of Ray-Ban
Raynaudin oireyhtymä :: alternative spelling of Raynaud'n oireyhtymä
Raynaud'n oireyhtymä :: Raynaud's disease
reaaliaikainen :: realtime
reaaliaikaisesti :: In real time
reaaliakseli :: real axis
reaaliansio :: real income
reaaliarvoinen :: real-valued
reaaliluku :: real number
reaalinen :: real
reaaliosa :: real part
reaalipalkka :: real income
reaalipolitiikka :: realpolitik
reaalipääoma :: Real capital
reaalisosialismi :: real socialism
reaalisosialisti :: real socialist
reaalisosialistinen :: real socialistic
reaalistaa :: to realise/realize (to make real)
reaaliunioni :: real union
reaganismi :: Reaganism
reaganisti :: Reaganist
reagenssi :: reagent
reagoida :: to react on
reagoimaton :: inert
reagoimaton :: unresponsive
reagointi :: The act of reacting
reaktanssi :: reactance
reaktiivinen :: reactive
reaktiivisuus :: reactivity
reaktio :: A reaction
reaktioaika :: reaction time
reaktiomoottori :: reaction engine
reaktionopeus :: reaction speed
reaktori :: reactor
reaktorisydän :: reactor core (the part of a nuclear reactor which contains the fuel components that are undergoing nuclear reactions)
realisaatio :: realization
realismi :: realism
realisoida :: To sell assets to raise cash (realization of assets)
realisoida :: To realise/realize (to make real)
realisointi :: realization
realisoitua :: To be realized
realisti :: realist
realistinen :: realistic
realistisesti :: realistically
realiteetti :: Fact, reality
rebec :: rebec
Rebekka :: female given name of biblical origin, cognate to English Rebecca
Rebekka :: Rebekah
redi :: alternative spelling of reti
reduktio :: reduction
reduktionismi :: reductionism
redundanssi :: redundancy
redundantti :: redundant
redusoida :: to reduce
redusointi :: reduction
redusoitua :: To reduce
redusoitua :: To reduce
redutti :: redoubt (a small supplementary fortification outside a larger fort)
reelinki :: gunwale
reesusapina :: A rhesus macaque
reesustekijä :: The Rhesus factor
Reeta :: female given name
Reetta :: female given name
referee :: referee
referenssi :: reference
referoida :: To summarize
reflaatio :: reflation
refleksi :: reflex
refleksiivinen :: reflexive
refleksiivipronomini :: an reflexive pronoun
refleksiiviverbi :: reflexive verb
refleksologia :: reflexology
reformaatio :: Reformation (religious movement initiated by Martin Luther)
reformaatio :: reformation
reformi :: reform
reformismi :: reformism
reformisti :: reformist
reformistinen :: reformist
reformoida :: To reform
reformoija :: reformer
reformointi :: reformation
refraktaarinen :: refractory (difficult to heal)
refraktorinen :: refractory (difficult to heal)
refrengi :: refrain (chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza)
regatta :: regatta (boat race)
regeneraatio :: regeneration
regeneroida :: To regenerate
regenerointi :: regeneration
regeneroitua :: To regenerate
regentti :: regent (person or group of persons selected to act as head of state because the ruler is a minor, not present, or debilitated)
reggae :: reggae
regionaalinen :: regional
regoliitti :: regolith
regressiivinen :: regressive
regressio :: regression
regressio :: regression
regressioanalyysi :: regression analysis
regressiomalli :: regression model
reguloida :: To regulate
rehabilitaatio :: rehabilitation
rehabilitoida :: To rehabilitate
rehabilitointi :: rehabilitation
rehdisti :: honestly
rehellinen :: honest
rehellisempi :: comparative form of rehellinen
rehellisesti :: honestly
rehellisyys :: honesty, sincerity
rehellisyys :: integrity
rehennellä :: to brag, boast
rehentelijä :: braggart
rehentely :: swagger, boasting, bragging
rehevä :: buxom
rehevä :: lush, exuberant
rehevä :: [water bodies] eutrophic
rehevöittää :: to eutrophicate (to cause to become eutrophic)
rehevöityä :: To eutrophicate (to become eutrophic)
rehevöityminen :: eutrophication
rehevämpi :: comparative form of rehevä
rehevyys :: lushness
rehevyys :: [water bodies] The amount of eutrophication
rehkiä :: to work hard; to toil, to drudge
Rehn :: Finnish surname
rehottaa :: to grow with ease, to flourish, to sprawl
rehti :: honest
rehtori :: A rector, schoolmaster/schoolmistress, headmaster/headmistress
rehu :: fodder
rehunauris :: The varieties of turnip (Brassica rapa) grown primarily as fodder
rehustaa :: to feed animals with fodder
rehvakas :: self-important
rehvastelija :: braggart
reidet :: thighs
rei'itin :: hole punch
rei'ittää :: To hole (especially when making several small holes)
rei'ittää :: To punch (to employ a punch)
rei'ittäjä :: hole punch (office tool)
rei'ittyä :: to become holey
Reija :: female given name
Reijo :: male given name
Reijonen :: Finnish surname
reikä :: hole
reikä :: puncture (hole, cut, or tear created by a sharp object)
reikä [slang, doubled, in expressions of time] :: zero
reikä :: cunt
reikiintyä [teeth] :: to decay
reikiintyä :: to become holey
reikäinen :: holey
reikäisempi :: comparative form of reikäinen
reikäkortti :: punch card
reikäleipä :: A type of Finnish rye bread that is flat and has a hole in the middle of it
reikäpää :: airhead (having no brain, used often of a person who takes unnecessary risks e.g. when driving or in sports)
reiäkäs :: holey
reikäsaha :: hole saw
reilata :: To interrail (to travel with InterRail rail pass)
reilu :: fair, just
reilu :: generous [more than adequate]
reilu :: sincere, frank, honest
reiluin :: superlative form of reilu
reilu meininki :: great atmosphere (said e.g. of a party or festival)
reilumpi :: comparative form of reilu
reilusti :: fairly, justly
reilusti :: well, much
reiluus :: fairness
reima :: brisk
Reima :: male given name
Rein :: the Rhine
Reininmaa :: Rhineland
reinkarnaatio :: reincarnation
Reino :: male given name
reipas :: brisk
reippaasti :: briskly
reippaasti :: much more/less
reippain :: superlative form of reipas
reisi :: femur (section of an insect's leg)
reisi :: thigh
reisilaskimo :: femoral vein
reisiluu :: A femur or thighbone
reisityrä :: hernia femoralis
reissata :: To travel
reissu :: A trip (journey)
reititin :: router
reitti :: route
reittitaksi :: share taxi, also called marshrutka, matatu, service etc. depending on country (minibus or other vehicle used as type of mass transport in many countries, usually operating a fixed route, scheduled or unscheduled)
reivata :: To reef
reivata :: To rave (to attend a rave)
reivi :: A reef (arrangement to reduce the area of a sail in a high wind)
reiviseisinki :: reefing line (short line attached to a sail for tying up the reefed part of the sail to the boom or yard)
reivisolmu :: reef knot
reivit :: A rave (all night dance party filled with electronic dance music)
rekanveturi :: A tractor (truck used to pull a trailer or a semi-trailer)
rekapituloida :: to recapitulate (to summarize or repeat in concise form)
rekapituloida :: to recapitulate (to repeat the evolutionary stages of an organism during its embryonic development)
reki :: A relatively large sledge or sleigh equipped with runners and shafts, and typically drawn by a horse or a motorized vehicle
rekisteri :: register (formal recording)
rekisteri :: registrar (official keeper of records)
rekisteröidä :: To register, enter in a register
rekisterikilpi :: license plate, registration plate
rekisteröinti :: registration
rekisterinumero :: license number, plate number
rekisteriote :: An extract or excerpt of any register
rekisteriote :: vehicle license; pink slip [informal, US], logbook [UK] (official document which verifies the ownership and other officially recorded data of a vehicle)
rekisteritappi :: organ stop (knob near the keyboard of an organ used to select different timbres)
rekisteröity :: of record (officially recorded; documented)
rekisteröity :: registered
rekisteröity parisuhde :: civil partnership, civil union, domestic partnership, registered partnership (An officially confirmed union, comparable in most respects with a marriage for its legal effects, between two persons of same sex)
rekisteröity yhdistys :: registered association
rekka :: A horse-drawn sleigh especially designed for dragging tree trunks from forest
rekka :: Any truck/tractor and trailer/semi-trailer combination
rekka :: A truck
rekka :: A semi-trailer
rekka :: A semi (US), artic (UK)
rekka-auto :: Any combination of a truck/tractor and semi-trailer/trailer
rekka-auto :: A semi, semi-trailer, artic, articulated lorry (tractor/truck - semitrailer combination)
rekka-auto :: A truck, lorry
rekkakuski :: trucker
rekki :: high bar, horizontal bar
reklaami :: advertisement
reklamaatio :: consumer complaint, complaint
reklamaatio :: reclamation (of land, for example)
reklamoida :: To make a complaint of a product that one has purchased
Rekola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Rekola :: Finnish surname
rekombinaatio :: recombination
rekonstruktio :: reconstruction
rekonstruoida :: To reconstruct (to create a copy e.g. of a relic; to reconstruct a situation)
rekonstruointi :: reconstruction
rekrytoida :: To recruit (people)
rekrytointi :: recruiting
rekrytointimessut :: job fair, career fair, career expo
rekryytti :: recruit
reksi :: principal (school administrator)
rektaskensio :: right ascension
rektio :: case governance, case government
rekursiivinen [mathematics, philosophy, computing] :: recursive
rekursiivisuus [mathematics, philosophy, computing] :: recursivity
rekursio :: recursion
rekviemi :: requiem
rekvisiitta :: prop (in theatre/film)
rekyyli :: recoil
rekyylitön :: recoilless
rela :: relaxed
relaatio :: relation
relaatiotietokanta :: relational database
relaksantti :: relaxant
relata :: To relax
relatiivilause :: A relative clause
relatiivinen :: relative
relatiivipronomini :: relative pronoun
relatiivisuus :: relativity
relativismi :: relativism
relativisti :: relativist
relativistinen :: relativistic
rele :: relay
relevanssi :: relevance
relevantti :: relevant
reliaabeli :: reliable
reliabiliteetti :: reliability
reliefi :: relief (type of artwork)
reliikki :: relic
reliikki :: relic
relikti :: relict
relikvaario :: A reliquary
rellestää :: to revel
remburssi :: A letter of credit, LC, L/C
remissi :: remittance
remissio :: remission
remmi :: group of people; gang, lot
remmi :: leash (strap, cord or rope with which to restrain an animal)
remmi :: strap (long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth etc.)
remontoida :: To repair, refurbish (a building, room etc.)
remontti :: renovation
remonttiryhmä Reform Group (short-lived political party in Finland, active in 1998 - 2001)
remonttiryhmä :: reform group, renewal team (group of people working for renewal of something, usually an organization from within)
rempata :: to remodel, to refurbish, to decorate (a house)
rempseä :: free and easy, easygoing
rempseä :: rakish
remu :: noisy or boisterous celebration
remuisa :: raucous, boisterous
remuta :: To celebrate etc. noisily
renaalinen [professional, academic] :: renal (of or relating to kidneys)
renderöidä [computer graphics] :: To render
renessanssi :: Renaissance (both in history and figuratively)
renessanssiaika :: Renaissance (period of transition from medieval to modern times)
rengas :: ring, loop, hoop
rengas :: tyre, tire
rengasjärjestelmä :: ring system (combained structure of rings)
rengaslaji :: ring species
rengaslukko :: boot (parking control device)
rengasmainen :: ring-shaped, annular
rengaspanssari :: mail (armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together)
rengasrikko :: puncture, flat
rengassilikaatti :: cyclosilicate (mineral)
rengastaa :: To ring, band
rengastaa :: To circle (draw a circle around)
rengastus :: ringing, banding (technique used in study of wild birds)
renium :: rhenium
renki :: farmhand
renksu :: alternative term for ripustuslenkki
renniini :: rennin, chymosin
rennompi :: comparative form of rento
rennosti :: casually, informally
rennosti :: relaxedly
rento :: Relaxed
rentous :: relaxedness
rentoute :: relaxant
rentoutua :: to relax
rentoutus :: relaxation
renttu :: bum, yob
rentukka :: kingcup, marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
reologia :: rheology
repale :: scrap, rag, tatter
repata :: alternative form of reputtaa
repeentyä :: alternative form of repeytyä
repeillä :: to tear (repeatedly)
repertoaari :: repertoire (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform or display)
Repe Sorsa :: Daffy Duck
repeytyä :: to tear (to become torn)
repiä :: To tear, shred, rip
repäistä :: To surprisingly do something unexpectedly and/or radically
repäistä :: To suddenly rip something
repäisykorkki :: pull-off cap
repivä :: deconstructive
repliikki :: line (sentence of dialogue, especially in a play, movie or the like)
repliikki :: reply, retort, especially a short contradicting remark to somebody else's speech in a meeting
replika :: replica
replikaatio :: replication
replikantti :: replicant
replikoida :: To replicate
replikoitua :: To replicate
repo :: A fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Repo :: Finnish surname
repolainen [archaic, poetic] :: A fox (Vulpes vulpes)
repolarisaatio [neurology] :: repolarization
reportaasi :: reportage
reportteri :: reporter
reppana :: poor thing, someone to be pitied, a miserable person
reppana :: weakling
reppu :: Originally any bag, but now mostly refers to a backpack
reppu [slang, idiomatic] :: In plural (reput), failure in an exam
reppumatkaaja :: backpacker (traveler)
reppuryssä :: An alternative term for laukkuryssä
representaatio :: representation
reproduktio :: reproduction
reprodusoida :: To reproduce
reps :: lol, short for repesin nauruun (I ruptured into a laugh)
repsikka :: handyman, odd-jobber
republikaani :: A republican (someone who favors republic over other forms of government)
republikaani :: A Republican (supporter of a Republican party of the United States)
republikaaninen :: Republican (of or pertaining to a Republican Party)
repullinen :: bagful, sackful (summary measure of volume, roughly the size of a backpack)
repulsiivinen :: repulsive
repulsio :: repulsion
reputtaa :: to fail in an examination, flunk
reseda :: reseda
resepti :: A prescription (a written order for the administration of a medicine)
resepti :: A prescription (formal description of the lens geometry needed for spectacles)
resepti :: A recipe (any mixture instructions)
resepti :: A recipe (instructions for making or preparing food)
reseptilääke :: prescription drug
reseptio :: reception
reseptionisti :: receptionist
reseptivapaa [pharmacy] :: over-the-counter
reseptori :: receptor
reserpiini :: reserpin
reservaatio :: reservation
reservaatti :: reservation (tract of land)
reservi :: reserve (body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle)
reservi :: reserve (that which is reserved)
reserviläinen :: reservist
reserviupseerikoulu :: The Reserve Officers Training Corps, ROTC
resessiivinen :: recessive
residenssi :: residence
residuaali :: residual
resignaatio :: resignation
resignoitua :: To resign (to give up passively)
resiina :: draisine
resiina :: handcar
resiprookkipronomini :: reciprocal pronoun
resistanssi :: resistance
resistenssi :: resistance (against drugs, antibiotics etc.)
resistentti :: resistant (bacteria etc.)
resistiivisyys :: resistivity
resistori :: resistor (an electronic component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it)
resitaali :: recital
resitaatio :: recitation
resitatiivi :: recitative
resitoida :: To recite
reskontra [label, en, accounting] :: personal ledger (book for keeping the personal accounts, i.e. the sales ledger and the purchase ledger)
resoluutio :: resolution (degree of fineness)
resoluutio :: resolution (formal statement)
resonaattori :: resonator
resonanssi :: resonance
resonantti :: resonant
resonoida :: To resonate
resonointi :: resonance
resoribletti :: resoriblette (tablet ment to slowly dissolve in the mouth)
resorsinoli :: resorcinol
respa :: reception (front desk)
respekti :: respect
respiittiaika :: A period of time, a "grace period", during which an unqualified person, who has been elected to an office, must obtain the required qualifications
respiraattori :: ventilator
ressu :: reservist
ressu :: wretch
Ressu :: Snoopy
ressukka :: A poor person or thing, wretch
restauraatio :: restoration
restauroida :: To restore (building, painting etc. to its original condition)
restaurointi :: restoration
restonomi :: bachelor of hospitality management
restriktioentsyymi :: restriction enzyme
resu :: rag
resultantti :: resultant
resursoida :: To resource
resursointi :: The act of providing appropriate resources for an individual or organization to help it fulfill its objectives
resurssi :: resource
resurssit :: resources
resveratroli :: resveratrol
retale :: rag, shred
retale :: scoundrel, wretch
reteä :: relaxed, easygoing
reti :: A roadstead
retiisi :: radish
retikka :: A variety of radish, Raphanus sativus niger
retikkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius scutulatus
retikulosyytti :: reticulocyte
retinoblastooma :: retinoblastoma
retinoli :: retinol
retinopatia :: retinopathy
retkeilijä :: backpacker
retkeilijä :: explorer
retkeilijä :: hiker
retkeillä :: to hike
retkeily :: hiking
retkeilymaja :: hostel (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, often also food and drink; cheaper and more modest than an inn or a hotel)
retkeilyreitti :: hiking route
retki :: expedition
retki :: trip
retkikunta :: An expedition (body of people)
retkiluistelu :: tour skating
retkiluistin :: touring skate
retku :: scoundrel
retku :: rags and tatters
retkue :: A group, party (of travelers)
retoriikka :: rhetoric
retorikko :: rhetorician
retorinen :: rhetorical
retorisesti :: rhetorically
retoromaani :: Romansh; also Romansch, Rumantsch, or Romanche
retortti :: A retort
retostaa :: to boast
retostaa :: to scrape by
retribuutio :: retribution
retriitti :: religious retreat
retrogradinen :: retrograde
retronyymi :: retronym
retrospektiivinen :: retrospective
retsina :: retsina
rettelö :: trouble (violent occurrence)
rettelöidä :: To wrangle, riot, make trouble
rettelöijä :: troublemaker
rettelöinti :: troublemaking
rettelöitsijä :: troublemaker
retusoida :: To retouch
retustaa :: alternative form of retuuttaa
retuuttaa :: to scrape by
retuuttaa :: to toss around (carry, throw)
reuhata :: to rage
reuhka :: A fur hat, especially a koivistolainen
reuhka :: Any old, worn-out hat
reuhtoa :: alternative form of riuhtoa
reuma :: rheumatism
reumaatikko :: A person affected by rheumatism
reumaattinen :: rheumatic
reumaattisesti :: rheumatically
reumakuume :: rheumatic fever
reumatismi :: rheumatism
reumatologia :: rheumatology
reuna :: brink, edge
reuna :: rim
reunaehto :: precondition
reunaehto :: boundary condition
reunaelementtimenetelmä :: boundary element method
reunakiveys :: curb
reunalista :: fiddle, fiddle rail (rail or batten around the edge of a table or stove to prevent objects falling off at sea)
reunama :: fringe, outskirts
reunameri :: A marginal sea
reunamoreeni :: terminal moraine
reunamuodostuma :: terminal moraine
reunus :: skirt, edge, border
reunusta :: border, edge, margin
reunustaa :: To border, edge, bound
reva :: cross brace
reva :: vagina
revalvaatio :: revaluation
revalvoida :: To revalue (upward)
revalvointi :: revaluation
revalvoitua :: To increase in value
revansismi :: revanchism
revansisti :: revanchist
revansistinen :: revanchist
revanssi :: A rematch (in a game etc.)
revanssiottelu :: A revenge match
revari :: revisionist
reversiibeli :: reversible
revetä :: To rupture
revetä :: (slang) to burst out laughing
revähdys :: sprain
reviiri :: personal space (area which a person regards as private or otherwise belonging to him)
reviiri :: territory (area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against its conspecifics)
reviirikäyttäytyminen :: territorial behavior
revisio :: revision
revisionismi :: revisionism
revisionisti :: revisionist
revisionistinen :: revisionist
reväistä :: To suddenly rip something
revittää :: to have something torn
revittää :: to rev
revolutionismi :: revolutionism
revolutionisti :: revolutionist
revoluutio :: revolution
revolveri :: revolver
revonrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius fulvissimus
revontulet :: northern lights
revyy :: revue (type of theatrical performance)
Reykjavik :: Reykjavik (Capital of Iceland)
Reykjavík :: alternative spelling of Reykjavik (Capital of Iceland)
röh :: oink
rähinä :: brawl, ruction (noisy quarrel or fight)
röhinä :: A low rasping sound (in lungs, throat etc.)
rähinöidä :: To rumble, brawl
rähinöitsijä :: brawler
rhinoplastia :: rhinoplasty (type of plastic surgery, used to improve the function or appearance of a person's nose)
rähistä :: To brawl
rähjäinen :: ragged
rähjätä :: to yell at (to scold, to rebuke - often by yelling)
röhkiä :: to grunt (to make repeatedly pig's grunts)
röhkinä :: pig's grunt
röhkäistä :: To grunt (to make one pig's grunt)
rähmä :: rheum, sleep (substance found in the corner of the eye)
rähmällään :: prone (lying face down)
Rh-negatiivinen :: Rh negative (not having Rhesus factor in one's blood)
rhodesialainen :: Rhodesian
rhodesialainen :: A Rhodesian person
rhodesiankoira :: Rhodesian ridgeback, Rhodesian Ridgeback (southern African breed of dog, famous for its ability to control a lion)
rhoo :: rho (Greek letter)
Rh-positiivinen :: Rh positive (having Rhesus factor in one's blood)
Rh-tekijä :: The Rhesus factor
-ri :: Used to create terms meaning "supporter of something"
-ri :: Used to create names of occupations from nouns or verbs
Riad :: Riyadh
rial :: rial
riboflaviini :: riboflavin
ribonukleaasi :: ribonuclease
ribonukleiinihappo :: ribonucleic acid
riboosi :: ribose
ribosomi :: A ribosome
riebeckiitti :: riebeckite
riebekkiitti :: alternative spelling of riebeckiitti
riehakas :: boisterous, frantic, raucous, wild
riehakka :: alternative form of riehakas
riehakkaasti :: boisterously, franticly
riehakkuus :: boisterousness
riehua :: to play intensively
riehua :: to rage, rampage
riehuminen :: rampage
riehunta :: rampage
riekale :: shred, tatter
riekko :: willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus)
riekkokana :: female willow grouse
riekkokukko :: male willow grouse
riekonmarja :: mountain bearberry, alpine bearberry, black bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina)
riemastua :: To be overjoyed, exhilarate
riemastuttava :: exhilarating
riemu :: joy, elation, glee
riemuisa :: elated, joyful, jubilant
riemuita :: to rejoice
riemuiten :: jubilantly
riemuitseva :: jubilant, rejoicing
riemukaari :: triumphal arch
riemukas :: jubilant, joyful
riemukkaasti :: jubilantly
riemurasia :: Vagina
riemusaatto :: triumph (any triumphal procession; pompous exhibition etc.)
riemuvoitto :: triumph
riena :: blasphemy, profanity
rienaaja :: blasphemer
rienata :: To blaspheme
rienaus :: blasphemy
rientää :: To rush, jot (to go quickly)
riepoa :: To anger
riepotella :: to whack or shake in a violent and repetitive or continuous manner
riepottaa :: to drag, haul or pull in a violent manner
riepottaa :: to maul, mishandle (to handle roughly)
riepu :: poor
riepu :: A rag
riesa :: nuisance, annoyance, peeve
riesa :: pain in the ass, pain in the neck
rieska :: (archaic) milk
rieska :: A traditional thin unleavened bread made from barley or oat, sometimes with potato as additional ingredient. There are many regional varieties of rieska, some of them similar to the Norwegian lefse or the Swedish tunnbröd
rietas :: wanton, lewd, lascivious
rietastella :: to behave lecherously, lead a loose life, lead a dissolute life; lech
rievä :: barley bread, bread made from barley
riffi :: riff
rihkama :: bauble (cheap piece of jewellery)
rihkama :: odds and ends, trinkets, junk
rihla :: rifling (the grooves)
rihlata :: to rifle (to create a rifling)
rihlaton :: unrifled
rihlattu :: rifled (having a spiral groove inside a gun barrel)
rihlaus :: rifling
rihma :: thread
rihmasto :: mycelium
Riianlahti :: The Gulf of Riga
riiata :: to date (to take on a series of dates)
riiata :: to woo, to court
riidanalainen :: disputed
riidanhaluinen :: Belligerent
riidankylväjä :: A stirrer, person who agitates
riidellä :: To quarrel
riidenlieko :: An interrupted clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum
riidoissa :: at sixes and sevens (in a state of dispute or disagreement)
riihi [agriculture, historical] :: A traditional Scandinavian and Russian grain drying and threshing cabin, in which the grain was dried in the heat and smoke of a chimneyless stove and then threshed on the floor
riihi :: As head of compound terms, a workshop; see also entries for individual compound terms
Riika :: female given name
Riika :: Riga
riikinkukko :: peacock (male of peafowl)
riikinkukko :: peafowl (bird of the genus Pavo)
Riikinkukko :: The constellation Pavo
riikinkukkomainen :: pavonine
riikinkukkovaltaistuin :: Peacock Throne (former Persian monarchy)
riikinkukkovaltaistuin :: Peacock Throne (golden throne once used in Persia)
riikinruotsi :: The Swedish language spoken in Sweden as opposed to Finnish Swedish; rikssvenska
riikintaalari :: alternative form of riikintaaleri
riikintaaleri :: Swedish riksdaler
Riikka :: female given name
riimi :: rhyme
riimihärkä :: salted beef
riimiruno :: rhyming poem
riimitellä :: To rhyme (to put words together so that they rhyme)
riimu :: chain
riimu :: scratch
riimu :: halter (horse's headgear)
riimu :: rune (letter)
riimukirjain :: rune (letter)
riimukirjoitus :: runes (rune writing)
riimukivi :: runestone
Riina :: female given name, short for Katariina ( =Catherine)
riipaista :: to cause to weep or tear up, to tug at one's heartstrings
riippua :: To depend (on = elative)
riippua :: To hang, dangle, be suspended (from = elative)
riippuen :: depending (on something)
riippuliidin :: hang glider (aircraft)
riippuliitää :: to hang-glide, hang glide
riippuliitäjä :: hang glider (person)
riippuliito :: hang gliding
riippulukko :: padlock
riippumaton :: independent
riippumatto :: hammock (swinging couch or bed of canvas or net, suspended at the ends)
riippumattomasti :: independently
riippumattomuus :: independence
riippusilta :: suspension bridge
riippuva :: dependent
riippuva :: hanging
riippuvainen :: dependent
riippuvaisuus :: reliance
riippuva muuttuja :: dependent variable
riippuvuus :: addiction
riippuvuus :: dependence
riipunta :: hanging
riipus :: pendant
riipustaa :: to scrawl
riipustella :: To doodle (to draw or scribble something aimlessly)
riiputtaa :: to dangle
riisi :: rickets
riisi :: ream (quantity of 500 sheets of paper)
riisi :: rice (plant and seeds)
riisihiutale :: rice flake
riisihärö :: saw-toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis)
riisijauho :: rice flour
riisikulho :: rice bowl
riisikuppi :: rice bowl
riisinkeitin :: rice cooker, rice steamer
riisinviljely :: rice growing
riisipaperi :: rice paper
riisipelto :: rice paddy, paddy field
riisipussi :: rice pouch (pouch of rice)
riisipussi :: A Japanese automobile
riisipuuro :: rice porridge
riisipuuro :: rice pudding
riisirattu :: rice rat (New World rat of the genus Oryzomys, having an exceptionally long tail)
riisiryynipuuro :: alternative term for riisipuuro
riisitauti :: rickets
riisitautinen :: rickety (affected with or suffering from rickets)
riisivanukas :: rice pudding
riisiviina :: distilled beverage made from rice, such as mao tai
riisiviini :: rice wine
riistää :: To take, rip, wrench, snatch
riistää :: To deprive, bereave (someone = ablative, of something = genitive-accusative)
riistää :: To oppress, exploit
riista :: game (animals that are hunted)
riistaeläin :: A game (wild animal hunted for food)
riistamaaliammunta :: running target (shooting event shot at a target that moves sideways)
riistanhoitaja :: gamekeeper (person employed to maintain the game for hunting and all associated materials and effects)
riistanhoito :: gamekeeping (measures to maintain and promote the game stock in order to ensure good catch for the hunters)
riistanhoitopiiri :: gamekeeping district; in Finland one of the 15 regional organizations of the National Hunter's Association, which bear the main responsibility for gamekeeping in their area. Their tasks are regulated in the law, they e.g. grant the hunting permissions for the regulated species
riistäjä :: exploiter, depriver
riisto :: deprivation
riisto :: exploitation
riistäytyä :: To break loose
riistäytyä :: To break out
riisua :: To undress, strip, take off
riisunta :: aseiden~: disarmament
riisunta :: stripping
riisunta :: undressing
riisuuntua :: To undress
riisuutua :: To undress
riita :: quarrel
riitaisa :: quarrelsome
riitasointu :: discord, dissonance
riitasointuinen :: discordant, dissonant
riite :: frazil ice (loose, randomly oriented needle-shaped ice crystals in water; first phase in formation of ice cover on a body of water)
riitelijä :: quarreler
riittää :: to do, suffice
Riitta :: female given name
riitti :: A rite
riittämätön :: Insufficient, deficient, inadequate
riittoisa :: sufficient, ample
riittävä :: sufficient
riittävästi :: sufficiently
riittyä :: to freeze thinly on the surface; to be covered with a thin layer of ice
riiustaa :: alternative form of riiata
riiuu :: courtship, wooing
riiuuyöaie :: intention for a dating night (intention of doing something in the night when dating someone)
riivaaja :: evil spirit, demon [one that needs to be exorcised]
riivata :: To possess
riivata :: To obsess
riivattu :: possessed
riivattu :: wretched
riiviö :: rascal, badly behaving child
röijeli :: Compounded with other words, used in sailing terminology as the adjective royal is used in English
röijeli :: When used alone, a royal sail
räikää :: To blare
rikša :: rickshaw
rikas :: opulent
rikas :: rich
rikas :: wealthy
rikastaa :: To enrich, concentrate (e.g. ore)
rikaste :: concentrate
rikastin :: choke (of a carburetor)
rikastua :: to become enriched (e.g. via some process)
rikastua :: to get rich
rikastuttaa :: To make rich, to enrich
räikeä :: garish, loud
räikeä :: glaring, blatant
räike :: The sound of a ratchet
rike :: minor offence/offense, misdemeanor, infraction
Rikhard :: Richard, as the name of kings and other historical persons
riki :: rig
räikinä :: alternative form of räike
rikinhaju :: smell of sulfur
rikinkatku :: smell of sulfur
rikinpoisto :: desulfurization
rikittää :: to sulfur, sulfurate, sulphurate (to treat with sulfur)
räikkä :: crake, forest rail (any of the galliform birds in the genus Rallina native to Asia and Australasia, and one species in the genus Porzana)
räikkä :: ratchet
rikka :: mote
rikkaampi :: comparative form of rikas
rikkaa ristiin :: squat (of doing, nothing)
rikkakasvi :: weed (any plant regarded as unwanted)
rikkalapio :: dustpan
rikkaruoho :: weed [unwanted grassy plant]
rikkaruohomyrkky :: weedkiller
rikkaus :: riches; usually in plural: rikkaudet
rikkaus :: richness
rikkaus :: wealth
rikki :: broken
rikki :: sulfur, sulphur
rikkiatomi :: sulfur atom
rikkidioksidi :: sulfur dioxide, sulphur dioxide (SO2)
rikkihapoke :: sulfurous acid, sulphurous acid, H2SO3
rikkihappo :: sulphuric acid [UK], sulfuric acid [US], H2SO4
rikkiheksafluoridi :: sulfur hexafluoride
rikkikiisu :: pyrite
rikkimonoksidi :: sulfur monoxide
rikkinäinen :: broken (not working properly)
rikkinäinen puhelin :: Chinese whispers (children's game)
rikkioksidi :: sulfur oxide
rikkipitoinen :: sulfurous (containing sulfur)
rikkirousku :: yellowdrop milk-cap, Lactarius chrysorrheus
rikkitrioksidi :: sulfur trioxide
rikkivety [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen sulfide
rikkiviisas :: cheeky, smartass, pedantic
rikkiyhdiste :: sulfur compound
rikko :: saxifrage
rikkoa :: (transitive/intransitive) to offend, to transgress (something = partitive, against something = partitive + vastaan):
rikkoa :: ~ rauhaa = to disturb the peace
rikkoa :: to break
rikkoa :: to renege
rikkoa :: to violate
rikkomaton :: unbroken
rikkominen :: breaking
rikkomus :: breach, transgression, infraction (violation of a law, command or duty that is lesser than a crime)
rikkomus :: wrongdoing (violation of standards of behavior)
rikkoutua :: to break, break up, fall apart
rikkua :: To break
rikkumaton :: unbroken
rikkuri :: A strikebreaker, scab
rikollinen :: criminal
rikollinen :: A criminal
rikollisempi :: comparative form of rikollinen
rikollisesti :: criminally
rikollisjengi :: criminal gang
rikollisjärjestö :: A criminal organization
rikollisjärjestö :: organized crime (criminal organization)
rikollisuus :: The crime (practice or habit of committing crimes)
rikollisuus :: The criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal)
rikos :: crime, offence/offense, criminality (criminal act)
rikos :: (törkeä) ~ a felony
rikosilmoitus :: report of an offence
rikoskomisario :: detective inspector [official translation]; a detective rank in Finnish police, equal in seniority to komisario
rikoslaki :: criminal law, criminal code (the law or laws pertaining to crime)
rikosoikeudellinen :: criminal-law, criminal (of or pertaining to criminal law)
rikosoikeus :: criminal law, criminal justice
rikosoppi :: criminology
rikospoliisi :: detective police, criminal police
rikospsykologi :: criminal psychologist
rikospsykologia :: criminal psychology
rikosrekisteri :: criminal record
Rikosseuraamuslaitos :: The Criminal Sanctions Agency (official translation); government authority under the direction of the Ministry of Justice, which enforces prison sentences and community sanctions
rikossyyte :: criminal charge
rikostekninen :: forensic
rikostutkija :: criminalist [US], crime inspector
rikosylikonstaapeli :: detective sergeant [official translation]; a detective rank in Finnish police, equal in seniority to ylikonstaapeli
riksa :: alternative spelling of rikša
riksi :: Swedish riksdaler
Riku :: male given name
räikyä :: To blare
räikynä :: alternative form of räike
rilli :: white-eye (any of the small passerine birds of the family Zosteropidae, typically having a ring of white around their eyes)
rillit [colloquial, pluralonly] :: glasses, eyeglasses, spectacles
rillit :: (plural only) Zosteropidae (family of birds, commonly called white-eyes in English)
rima :: lath
rima :: bar. hurdle
rimantadiini :: rimantadine
rimmata :: to rhyme
rimpi :: A quagmire or morass (swampy, soggy spot)
rimpuilla :: To struggle, wriggle (when attempting to escape after being caught)
rinkeli :: A ring-shaped baked good; used mainly as head in compound terms:
rinki :: A ring of people
rinkilä :: doughnut
rinkka :: A backpack mounted on a light frame
rinkula :: ring
rinnakkain :: side by side (close to each other)
rinnakkainen :: parallel
rinnakkaiselo :: coexistence (state of two or more countries or political systems existing together)
rinnakkaislaskenta :: parallel computing
rinnakkaisluokka :: A different classroom of students in the same grade in the same school, whose students stay with their own class (for example, in an elementary school, class 4a and class 4b)
rinnakkaistodellisuus :: parallel reality
rinnakkaistuonti :: parallel import (import without permission of the intellectual property owner)
rinnalla :: beside (next to)
rinnalle :: to the side of (next to)
rinnanpoistoleikkaus :: mastectomy (surgical procedure to remove all or part of a breast)
rinnastaa :: to contrast
rinnastus :: comparison
rinnastuskonjunktio :: coordinating conjunction
rinne :: A slope, hillside
rinne [skiing] :: A piste
rinnusta :: front, breast
rinologi :: rhinologist
rinologia :: rhinology
rinta :: breast
rinta :: chest, especially the front side of it (thorax)
rintaelin :: thoracic organ
rintaelinkirurgia :: thoracic surgery
rintaevä [anatomy, of a fish] :: pectoral fin
rintakarva :: chest hair (single)
rintakarvat :: chest hair (collectively)
rintakehä :: breast, chest, thorax (region of the mammalian body between the neck and abdomen)
rintakehä :: chest wall, thoracic wall
rintakehä :: rib cage
rintakehä :: thorax (cavity containing the heart and lungs)
rintakehäkirurgia :: cardiothoracic surgery, thorax surgery (field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of diseases affecting organs inside the thorax)
rintakipu :: chest pain
rintakirurgia :: thoracic surgery
rintakoru :: brooch
rintakukka :: boutonniere (flower worn in buttonhole)
rintakuppi :: breast cup
rintakuva :: bust
rintalappu :: bib
rintalapsi :: A breastfed baby
rintalasta :: breastbone, sternum
rintalastantakainen [anatomy, medicine] :: retrosternal
rintaliha :: brisket (meat)
rintalihas :: pec (breast muscle)
rintaliivit :: A bra, brassiere
rintama :: front
rintama :: front, battlefront (region or line along which opposing armies engage in combat)
rintamaa :: heartland
rintamahyökkäys :: frontal assault
rintamaito :: breast milk
rintamakarkuri :: deserter
rintamakirjeenvaihtaja :: war correspondent operating at a battlefront
rintamalinja :: battlefront (area in which opponents or opposing ideas meet)
rintamalinja :: battlefront (region or line along which opposing armies engage in combat)
rintamamies :: battlefront soldier
rintamamiestalo :: A type of detached house build after the Second World War for the families of soldiers who fought in the battlefront
rintamapalvelus :: frontline service
rintamasotilas :: battlefront soldier
rintamaukkonen [weather] :: frontal thunderstorm
rintamaveteraani :: veteran who has served in the front line
rintamerkki :: badge
rintamus :: breast, front
rintanappi :: A button (a button-like badge worn on clothes)
rintaneula :: brooch
rintanikama :: A thoracic vertebra
rintaontelo :: thoracic cavity, chest cavity
rintaperillinen [lb, fi, legal] :: descendant (in inheritance law, the offspring of the deceased)
rintapumppu :: breast pump
rintarauhanen :: mammary gland
rintareppu :: A child carrier or baby carrier carried on the front of the body
rintaruokinta :: breastfeeding
rintasyöpä :: breast cancer
rintasyöpäseulonta :: breast cancer screening
rintatasku :: breast pocket
rintatiehyt :: thoracic duct
rintauinti :: breaststroke (swimming stroke)
rintava :: full-bosomed, big-breasted, buxom
rintsikat :: A bra
ripa :: handle
ripaska [dance] :: trepak
ripaus :: pinch (small amount)
ripauttaa :: to dash, sprinkle
ripauttaa :: to rain shortly and lightly
ripeä :: rapid, prompt
ripe :: the leftovers, remains
ripeksiä :: To be sprinkling (of rain)
ripeästi :: promptly
ripeys :: promptness, alacrity, swiftness, briskness, celerity, haste (rapidity of an action)
ripeyttää :: to speed up
ripinä :: rustle
ripittäytyä :: To confess oneself
ripittäytyjä :: confessor [one who confesses]
riposti [fencing] :: riposte, ripost
ripotella :: To sprinkle
ripottaa :: to strew, sprinkle, scatter
rippi :: A confession (disclosure of one's sins to a priest)
rippi :: A Communion (Holy Communion)
rippi :: A confirmation (sacrament of sealing and strengthening in many Christian religions)
rippikoulu :: Literally, a confirmation school; in the Finnish Lutheran tradition, religious classes that a person is required to complete before being allowed a Christian wedding or being accepted to become a godparent. It normally consists of 80 hours of teaching and is done in the age of 15. At the end of rippikoulu the children receive the confirmation
rippipuku :: A man's first suit; often used mockingly of a suit that is too small for the wearer
rippipuku :: Literally, the suit a young man wears in his confirmation (sense: sacrament)
rippu :: nugget, pinch
rippunen :: diminutive form of rippu
rippunen :: nugget, pinch
ripsiä :: to rain or snow
ripsi :: eyelash
ripsi :: cilium
ripsi :: lash
ripsieläin :: ciliate
ripsiäinen :: A thrips (any of the insects in the order Thysanoptera)
ripsipiirakka [humorous, vulgar] :: female genitalia
ripsiväri :: mascara
ripsu :: fringe
ripsua :: rispaantua
ripsua :: ripsiä (to rain lightly and sporadically)
ripuli :: diarrhea
ripulinen :: suffering from diarrhea
ripuloida :: To have diarrhea
ripustaa :: To hang, hang up (e.g. clothes)
ripustautua :: to hang, dangle oneself (not to kill oneself; see hirttäytyä)
ripustin :: A hanger (that by which a thing is suspended)
ripustuslenkki :: hanging loop (small loop of any material for hanging something)
risa :: broken
risa :: tonsil
risahyytelöjäkälä :: Collema multipartitum (a lichen)
risakas :: A mushroom of the genus Inocybe
risareunaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius incisus
risiini :: castor oil plant, Ricinus communis
risiini :: ricin (toxic protein extracted from the castor bean)
risiiniöljy :: castor oil (pale yellow vegetable oil extracted from the castor bean)
riskaabeli :: risky
riskeerata :: To risk or incur risk (to something)
räiskiä :: to splatter
räiskiä :: to bang (to make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something)
riski :: strong (capable of producing great physical force, said of a person or an animal)
riski :: sturdy (of firm build, said of a person or an animal)
riski :: chance (risk)
riski :: risk (likelihood of a negative outcome)
riski :: risk (possible, usually negative, outcome, e.g., a danger)
riski :: risk (potential ,conventionally negative, impact of an event)
riskialtis :: risky, dodgy
riskianalyysi :: risk analysis
riskilä :: black guillemot, tystie, Cepphus grylle (type species of the genus)
riskilä :: guillemot (seabird in the genus Cepphus of the auk family)
riskilä :: in plural (riskilät), the genus Cepphus
riskinhallinta :: risk management
riskinottohalu :: risk appetite (amount of risk which an investor is willing to accept in pursuit of profit)
räiskintä :: potshot
riskiryhmä :: risk group
riskitekijä :: risk factor
riskitön :: riskless, risk-free
räiskäle :: A thin pancake, crepe
räiskynä :: alternative form of räiske
Räisänen :: Finnish surname
risoa :: to annoy, vex
risotto :: risotto
rispaantua :: To fray, unravel
rispautua :: alternative form of rispaantua
risperidoni :: risperidone
Rissanen :: Finnish surname
risteilijä [military, slang] :: A plate or other container provided on a military mess table for collection of potato peels and other debris
risteilijä :: A cruiser (civilian yacht designed for cruising)
risteilijä [nautical, military] :: A cruiser (class of warships)
risteillä :: To crisscross (to move around, from place to place)
risteillä :: To cruise
risteily :: cruise
risteilyalus :: cruise ship, cruiser (passenger ship used for pleasure voyages)
risteilyohjus :: cruise missile
ristetä :: to intersect, cross
risteys :: crossing, intersection
risteyskohta :: crossing, intersection, meeting
risteyttää :: To crossbreed, cross
risteytyä :: To crossbreed, cross
risteytys :: crossover
ristiä :: to christen, baptise/baptize
ristiä :: to cross
risti :: club
risti :: cross
risti [music, informal] :: sharp (symbol ♯in notation)
risti :: short of ristiselkä; used especially of animals
ristiaallokko :: cross sea
ristibarbi :: spanner barb, t-barb, Puntius lateristriga
ristidipoli :: turnstile antenna
ristiin :: across
ristiin :: criss, in the expression ristiin rastiin
ristiinnaulita :: to crucify
ristiinnaulitseminen :: A crucifixion
ristiinnaulitunkuva :: crucifix
ristiin rastiin :: crisscross (crossing one another)
ristiintaulukointi :: cross tabulation, cross tab
ristijätkä :: jack of clubs, knave of clubs
ristikakkonen :: two of clubs
ristikasi :: eight of clubs
ristikko :: crosswords
ristikko :: grating
ristikko :: lattice
ristikoe :: Coombs test
ristikoida :: To add a lattice
ristikolmonen :: three of clubs
ristikukkainen :: cruciferous
ristikuningas :: king of clubs
ristikuningatar :: queen of clubs (a playing card)
ristikuulustella :: To cross-examine
ristikuulustelu :: A cross-examination
ristikuutonen :: six of clubs
ristikymppi :: ten of clubs
ristilaukka :: cross-canter, disunited canter
ristiluu :: sacrum
ristimänimi :: Christian name
ristinelonen :: four of clubs
ristinikama :: A sacral vertebra
ristinmerkki :: sign of the cross
ristinmuotoinen :: cross-shaped
ristinmuotoinen :: cruciate
ristinmuotoinen :: cruciform
ristinolla :: tic-tac-toe (game)
ristinpuu :: cross
ristipisto :: cross-stitch (double stitch that forms a cross)
ristipistotyö :: cross-stitch (embroidery or needlework made using cross-stitches)
ristipääruuvimeisseli :: Phillips screwdriver
ristipääruuvimeisseli :: Pozidriv screwdriver
ristipääruuvitaltta :: Phillips screwdriver
ristipääruuvitaltta :: Pozidriv screwdriver
ristiretkeläinen :: A Crusader
ristiretki :: Crusade
ristiriidaton :: consistent
ristiriipunta :: iron cross, crucifix
ristiriita :: contradiction (a logical incompatibility among two or more elements or propositions)
ristiriita :: disagreement, conflict
ristiriitainen :: ambivalent (simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations)
ristiriitainen :: conflicting
ristiriitainen :: contradictory
ristiritari :: crusader
ristirouva :: queen of clubs
ristisana [games] :: crossword
ristisanatehtävä [games] :: A crossword puzzle
ristiseiska :: seven of clubs
ristiselkä :: lumbar region, small of the back
ristisiitos :: crossbreeding
ristisorsa :: common shelduck, Tadorna tadorna
ristisorsa :: shelduck (any bird in the genus Tadorna)
ristiässä :: ace of clubs
ristituli :: crossfire
ristitulo [vector algebra] :: vector product
ristiturpa :: A nickname for a hare
ristivaikutus :: crosstalk
ristiveto :: cross-draught, draught
ristivitonen :: five of clubs
ristiysi :: nine of clubs
Risto :: male given name
Risto :: The letter "R" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Risto Reipas :: A male who is brave and brisk up to the point of being annoying
risu :: brickbat (criticism or uncomplimentary remark)
risu :: stick, dry twig
risuaita :: A fence made of brushwood
risuaita :: hash, pound sign, square (# -symbol)
risuaita [lb, fi, colloquial] :: hashtag
risukko :: thicket
risuparta :: An unkempt beard, clearly longer than just a stubble, especially on a young man
rita :: A type of trap
ritari [in Finland] :: knight (member of any of the three official honorary orders of Finland)
ritari :: knight (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred by a monarch)
ritari :: knight (warrior of the Middle Ages)
ritarikunta :: An order, order of knighthood, order of chivalry (society of knights)
ritarillinen :: chivalrous, gallant
ritarillisesti :: chivalrously, gallantly
ritarillisuus :: gallantry (chivalrous courtliness, especially towards women)
ritariperhonen :: Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
ritariperhonen :: swallowtail (butterfly of the family Papilionidae)
ritaristo :: knighthood (knights collectively)
ritilä :: grate, grill
ritilä :: grating
ritinä :: crackle
ritirati :: Of a crackling sound, especially that caused by thin ice crackling under one's feet
ritirati [games] :: Short of "ritirati sanapeli"; the game of scrabble
Riti-Rati sanapeli :: Scrabble (board game)
ritistä :: To crackle
Ritola :: escape, flight; used in the idiomatic expression ottaa
ritsa :: A slingshot, (small) catapult
rituaali :: A ritual
rituaalimurha :: ritual murder
rituaalinen :: ritualistic
ritva :: a slender, hanging branch, as of a birch or a willow
Ritva :: female given name
riuhtaista :: to break away, break loose, pull, snatch, tear, wrench, jerk
riuhtaisu :: A yank
riuhtoa :: to yank, tug (to pull hard repeatedly)
riukiunkaniini :: Amami rabbit, Pentalagus furnessi
riuku :: lath, slat
riuna :: hryvnia
riuska :: brisk
riuskin :: superlative form of riuska
riutta :: reef
riutua :: often with ikävä, to pine away (to long or yearn so much that it causes suffering)
riutua :: to languish, (to lose strength and become weak)
rivakasti :: briskly
rivakin :: superlative form of rivakka
rivakka :: brisk
rivi :: line (in a text)
rivi :: row, line
rivi-ilmoitus :: classified advertisement
riviin järjesty :: fall in! (command to get into position in a rank)
rivikirjoitin :: line printer
rivimies :: rank and file
rivimies :: rank-and-filer
rivimoottori :: straight engine
rivinsiirto :: return
rivinväli :: line spacing
rivistö :: column
rivitalo :: A row house
riviväli :: line spacing
rivo :: Obscene
rivompi :: comparative form of rivo
rivopuheinen :: foulmouthed
rivosti :: obscenely
rivosuinen :: coarse-mouthed
rivous :: obscenity (meaning both the feature and an obscene act)
räjähde :: explosive (explosive device)
räjähde :: explosive (explosive substance)
räjähdeaine :: alternative form of räjähdysaine (explosive substance)
räjähdellä :: To explode (repeatedly), blow up (repeatedly)
räjähdys :: explosion
räjähdysaine :: explosive (explosive substance)
räjähdyselohopea :: mercury(II) fulminate
räjähdysherkkä :: explosive (having high tendency to explode)
räjähdysmäinen :: explosive (having the character of an explosion)
räjähdysmäisesti :: explosively
räjähdysvaara :: danger of explosion
räjähtää :: to blow one's top, go ape, go apeshit, hit the roof, hit the ceiling, lose one's rag (to become explosively angry)
räjähtää :: to explode, burst, blow up
räjähtänyt :: blasted (describing something that has been subjected to explosion)
räjähtänyt :: exploded (describing something that has exploded)
räjähtänyt :: destructed, rickety, ramshackle (in poor or abysmal condition)
räjäytellä :: To detonate, blow up, blast, explode in a continuous/indifferent manner
räjäytetty :: blasted (describing something that has been subject to intentional blasting)
räjäytin :: detonator
räjäyttää :: to detonate, blow up, blast, explode
räjäyttää pankki :: to break the bank (win more money than is available to be paid)
räjäytys :: A controlled explosion, blast
räjäytyskuva :: exploded view (drawing)
räkä :: saliva
räkä :: rheum, water (watery)
räkä :: snot (viscous)
röökata :: To smoke
räkiä :: To spit (saliva)
rööki :: A fag (cigarette)
räkäinen :: snotty
räkäisempi :: comparative form of räkäinen
rääkäistä :: To shriek
räkäistä :: To gob
rääkäisy :: shriek
rökittää :: to trash (to beat soundly in a game)
rökittää :: to trounce someone, to beat someone in a fight
räkäjarrut :: moustache
rääkkä :: As headword in compound terms translated as crake or rail into English in names of galliform birds of several genera
rääkkä :: In plural (rääkät), the genus Crax in the galliform family Rallidae, rantakana
räkkä :: In the summer of Lapland, the period of vast number of blood-sucking insects
räkki :: rack (series of shelves)
rääkkiäinen :: rail (bird of the genus Coturnicops)
räkäklöntti :: gob of snot; bogie (piece of mucus from the nose)
rääkkyä :: [of a crow etc.] to croak
räkälä :: Inexpensive, run-down bar
räkälä :: pub
rkl :: tbsp (tablespoon, as unit of measure)
räkänokka :: snot-nosed youngster
räkänokka :: snotnose, whippersnapper
räkänokkainen :: snot-nosed
räkäpää :: blank round
RKP :: Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue; a political party in Finland defending the interests of the Swedish-speaking minority, in English "The Swedish People's Party"
räkärätti :: kleenex, hanky
räksä :: fieldfare, Turdus pilaris
räksyttää :: To yap; to bark, especially in an annoying manner
rääkätä :: to torture, torment (especially an animal)
räkättää :: talk or shout noisily, to make a racket
räkättirastas :: fieldfare, Turdus pilaris
rääkyä :: To cry loudly (like a small baby; a somewhat disparaging expression)
rääkynä :: alternative form of rääyntä
rääkyntä :: crow's croak
räkyttää :: To bark, especially in an annoying manner
rälläköidä :: to cut or grind with an angle grinder
rälläkkä :: angle grinder
rälläkkä :: Salvation Army
rällästää :: alternative form of rällätä
rällätä :: to revel
rämä :: ramshackle
rämeä [of sound] :: brassy
räme :: A boreal swamp type characterized by sparse growth of pine, a thick layer of sphagnum on the ground and dense growth of woody shrubs
räme :: Any forested swampland in other climate zones
römeä [of voice] :: gruff
rämeikkö :: quagmire, morass
rämeseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius tubarius
rämin :: superlative form of rämä
räminä :: rattle
rämistää :: to clatter, rattle
rämistä :: to clatter, rattle
rémouladekastike :: remoulade
rämpiä :: To wade
RNA-polymeraasi :: RNA polymerase
ränni :: A trough which is open in one or both ends, especially when used as component in a liquid handling system
ränni :: Any of the main components of such system, particularly a downspout (syöksytorvi) or a gutter (sadevesikouru)
ränni :: Often in plural (rännit), a system for collecting the rainwater from the roof and leading it down to a drain or to the ground
ränni :: A launder (trough used by miners to separate metal-rich pieces from the crushed ore by washing)
ränni :: vein, especially when referred to in connection of intravenous drug use
ränni :: In ice hockey, the boards when used to steer the puck
ränsistää :: To cause something (such as a building) to decay
ränsistyä :: to deteriorate, go to pot
ränsistynyt :: ramshackle (in disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained; lacking upkeep)
ränsistyttää :: alternative form of ränsistää
rönsy :: A runner or stolon (shoot that grows along the ground)
rönsyleinikki :: creeping buttercup, Ranunculus repens (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
räntä :: sleet
röntgen :: A röntgen, roentgen (physical unit)
röntgen :: X-ray (when used as modifier in compound terms)
röntgendiffraktio :: X-ray diffraction
röntgenium :: roentgenium
röntgenkristallografia :: X-ray crystallography
röntgenkuva :: X-ray photograph, X-ray (photograph made with X-rays)
röntgenkuvaus :: radiography (process of producing radiographs)
röntgenlähde :: X-ray source
röntgenologia :: radiology
röntgenputki :: X-ray tube
röntgensäde :: X-ray
röntgensäteily :: X-rays {p}, X-radiation, Röntgen radiation
röntgenteleskooppi :: X-ray telescope
räntäsade :: sleet
ränttü :: rent
Robert :: male given name
robinsonadi :: Robinsonade
robotiikka :: robotics
robotisoida :: To robotize
robotisointi :: automation
robotisoitua :: To be robotized
robotoida :: To robotize
robotointi :: alternative form of robotisointi
robotti :: robot
rock :: rock (style of music)
rockbändi :: rock band
rockmusiikki :: rock music
rocktähti :: rockstar
rockvideo :: rock video
rockyhtye :: rock band
rodeo :: rodeo
rodium :: rhodium
rodokrosiitti :: rhodochrosite
rodoniitti :: rhodonite
rodopsiini :: rhodopsin
rodriguezindodo :: solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria (extinct bird)
rodullinen :: racial
rohdin :: crash (thread, linen)
rohdinkangas :: crash (linen)
rohdos :: herb
rohdos :: medicine, drug
rohina :: rhonchus
rohinga :: Rohingya (language spoken in Burma in the coastal area from Irawadi delta to Indian border)
rohinga :: Rohingya (person who speaks this language)
rohjeta :: To bring oneself (to do), dare (to do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)
rohkaiseva :: encouraging
rohkaista :: to encourage
rohkea :: brave, courageous, valiant
rohkeampi :: comparative form of rohkea
rohkea rokan syö, kaino ei saa kaaliakaan :: Fortune favors the brave
rohkea rokan syö, kaino ei saa kaaliakaan :: proverb used to motivate someone to do a certain thing (literally, a brave man gets to eat soup, a shy man can't even eat cabbage)
rohkeasti :: bravely, courageously, valiantly
rohkeus :: courage, bravery
rohmu :: One who possesses or takes a lot of something
rohmu :: A greedy hoarder
rohmuta :: To hoard
rohto :: a herb used for medical purposes
rohto :: medicine, drug in general
rohto :: remedy
rohtosalkoruusu :: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis, species of mallow that grows in marshy terrain)
rohtua :: to get chapped
roihahtaa :: to burst into flames
roihu :: A blaze (fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light)
roihuta :: To blaze, flare
roikaa :: to blare
roikka :: gang, crowd, group, caboodle
roikka :: troika
roikka :: extension cord
roikkua :: To hang
roikkua :: To hang around
roikottaa :: to dangle
roikua :: To cause (especially fiercely resounding) loud voice
roikuksissa :: hanging (in the hanging state)
roilotiili :: conduit brick (brick with grooves or holes for constructing conduits for installation of electric cables or waterpipes within the wall structure)
roima :: sturdy
roimasti :: a great deal more
roimia :: to beat, pound, strike, repeatedly and quite forcefully
roina [bodybuilding, sports, slang] :: roid
roina :: junk (miscellaneous items of little value)
roiske :: splash, spray, splatter
roiskeläppä :: mudguard
roiskia :: to splatter
roiskua :: To splash, splatter, scatter
roisto :: thug
roisto :: villain
roistomainen :: thuggish
roistomaisesti :: thuggishly
roistomaisuus :: thuggishness
rojalismi :: royalism
rojalisti :: royalist
rojalistinen :: Of or pertaining to royalism or to royalists
rojalti :: royalty (the form of payment)
rojottaa :: To be laying (carelessly, lazily)
roju :: junk
rok :: roc (mythical bird)
rokata :: to rock (to play rock music)
rokka :: soup
rokka :: pea soup
rokkapata :: pea soup pot
rokkari :: rock musician
rokki :: rock music
rokkibändi :: alternative form of rockbändi
rokkimusiikki :: alternative form of rockmusiikki
rokkivideo :: alternative form of rockvideo
rokkiyhtye :: alternative form of rockyhtye
rokko :: As head word in compound terms, used of some plant diseases which cause pock-like lesions on the surface of the plant, e.g. kuorirokko
rokko :: pox (disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks)
rokko :: pock (pus-filled swelling caused by pox or similar disease)
rokkoinen :: poxy
rok-lintu :: Alternative term for rok (mythical bird)
rokokoo :: rococo
rokokooaika :: rococo (historical period)
rokonarpi :: pockmark
rokonarpinen :: pockmarked
rokote :: A vaccine
rokottaa :: To vaccinate, inoculate
rokottaminen :: inoculation
rokotus :: vaccination
rokotusarpi :: vaccination mark (small scar left on the skin by vaccination)
rollaattori :: rollator; walker (walking frame equipped with wheels)
romaani :: novel (book of fiction)
romahdella :: To crumble, collapse in a continuous manner
romahdus :: A collapse (act of collapsing)
romahdus :: A meltdown (situation being likened to a nuclear meltdown)
romahduttaa :: To make something collapse
romahtaa [of a construction] :: to collapse, crash down, come down, tumble down, topple down, cave in, crumple
romahtaa [of economy] :: to crash, collapse, slump; (of prices, rates) to go into a tailspin, spiral downwards, plummet
romahtaa [of sb's nerves] :: To collapse, break down, crack up
romani :: a Rom, a Romani [a person, a member of the Roma community or descendant thereof]
romani :: Romani [language]
romania :: The Romanian language
Romania :: Romania
romanialainen :: Romanian
romanikieli :: Romani (macrolanguage)
romanikieli :: short for Suomen romanikieli
romanimies :: A Rom
romanisti :: A Romanicist
romanivastaisuus :: antigypsyism, antiziganism (hostility, prejudice or racism toward Romani people)
romanssi :: romance
romantiikka [arts] :: Romanticism
romantiikka :: romance
romantiikka :: romanticism
romantikko :: romanticist
romantisoida :: to romanticize (to view something in a romantic manner)
romantisoitu :: romanticized, romanticised (interpreted in idealized fashion)
romanttinen :: romantic
romanttisesti :: romantically
romanttisuus :: romanticism
romauttaa :: To collapse (to cause to collapse)
rombi :: rhombus
rombi-ikosidodekaedri :: rhombicosidodecahedron (Archimedean solid)
romina :: rattle
romisko :: any large and ugly object, used e.g. of furniture
romisko :: screamer (any bird of the family Anhimidae)
rommi :: rum (liquor)
rommi :: rummy (card game)
rompe :: stuff, junk
romppu :: CD-ROM
romu :: scrap, junk, especially one that consists of metal objects
romu :: wreck, wreckage
romuluinen :: gangly
romuralli :: A demolition derby
romurauta :: scrap iron
romuttaa :: to debunk (to discredit, or expose to ridicule the falsehood or the exaggerated claims of something)
romuttaa :: to scrap
romuttaa :: to wreck
romuttamo :: scrapyard, junkyard
romuttua :: to become wreck
romutus :: scrapping
romutus :: wrecking
rondonianmuura :: Rondonia bushbird
Roni :: male given name
Ronja :: female given name of modern usage
ronkeli [dialectal, colloquial] :: picky, choosy, demanding
ronkkia :: to fiddle
rontti :: scoundrel
rooli :: role
roolimalli :: role model
roolipeli [gaming] :: role-playing game
Rooma :: The city of Rome
Rooma :: The Roman Empire
roomalainen :: Roman
roomalainen :: A Roman
roomalainen numero :: Roman numeral
roomalaisempi :: comparative form of roomalainen
roomalaiskatolinen :: Roman Catholic, Catholic (of the Western Christian church, as opposed to the Orthodox church)
roomalaiskatolinen :: A Roman Catholic person
roomalaiskatolisuus :: Roman Catholicism
roomalaistaa :: To make Roman
roomalaistua :: to become Roman
Rooman imperiumi :: The Roman Empire
roomankumina :: cumin (plant)
roomansalaatti :: Romaine lettuce, cos lettuce, Lactuca sativa longifolia (variety of lettuce)
Rooman valtakunta :: The Roman Empire
roomatar :: A Roman woman
Roope :: male given name
roosa :: pink
Roosa :: female given name
roottori :: curl
roottori :: rotor
rope [gaming] :: RPG (role-playing game)
ropeloida :: alternative form of käpälöidä
ropina :: pitter-patter (sound of rain on roof)
ropista :: to patter
ropo :: A trifle amount of money, especially when given as donation or contribution
ropo :: lepton, mite (smallest coin in circulation in Palestine at the time of Christ)
ropo :: coin
roponen [usually in plural] :: A trifle amount of money
roppakaupalla :: lots of, loads of
ropse :: rattle
ropsia :: to slap
rosé :: alternative form of rosee
rosasiitti :: rosasite
rosee :: rosé
roseepippuri :: alternative form of rosépippuri
roseeviini :: rosé wine
rosella :: rosella (parrot of the genus Platycercus)
Rosettan kivi :: The Rosetta Stone
rosetti :: rosette (ornament)
roska :: litter, trash, rubbish
roskaa :: rubbish (expresses that what was recently said is untruth or nonsense)
roska-auto :: garbage truck
roskakala :: rough fish
roskakori :: (computing) recycle bin
roskakori :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket (small container for dry household or office waste)
roskakuski :: garbage collector, bin man, dustman, garbage man, garbo, refuse collector, sanitation engineer, trashman
roskalava :: skip, dumpster
roskalehti :: asswipe (periodical which has the habit of publishing questionable truths)
roskapankki :: A bad bank
roskapönttö :: garbage can
roskaposti :: junk mail, spam
roskapussi :: trash bag, garbage bag (small paper or plastic bag used for disposal of household waste)
roskaruoka :: junk food
roskasäkki :: trash bag, garbage bag (large, usually plastic bag used for disposal of household and other waste)
roskata :: To litter (to drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it)
roskaväki :: trash (people of low social status or class), riffraff
roskaväki :: scum (reprehensible persons as group)
roskienkeräin :: garbage collector
roskis :: Any container meant for collection and temporary storage of garbage, such as wastepaper basket, garbage can, dustbin, bin etc
rosmariini :: rosemary
rosmota :: to steal, rob
roso :: Any small uneven part or defect on a surface
rosoinen :: jagged
rosépippuri :: Peruvian pepper (Schinus molle)
rospuutto :: rasputitsa
rospuuttoaika :: rasputitsa
rosvo :: A robber, bandit, brigand
rosvopaisti :: A hunk of meat, preferably a leg of lamb, prepared for food in an earth oven
rosvota :: To rob, plunder
rosvous :: robbery
rotaatio :: rotation
rotankolo :: rathole
rotanmyrkky :: rat poison, rodenticide
rotari :: A Rotarian
rotavirus :: rotavirus
roteva :: robust, sturdy
rotevuus :: robustness (quality of being robust)
rotko :: gorge, ravine
rotko :: gulley
rotkolaakso :: canyon
rotkotulkku :: Mongolian finch, Bucanetes mongolicus
rotsi :: jacket, coat
rotta :: rat
rottabaari :: A box with a poisoned bait for killing rats, similar to hiiribaari, but larger and with more potent poison
rottamainen :: ratlike
rottamaki :: Coquerel's dwarf lemur, formerly also Coquerel's giant mouse lemur, southern giant mouse lemur, Mirza coquereli (small nocturnal lemur endemic to Madagascar)
rottasota :: A campaign to destroy rats in a given area, often carried out in late autumn - early winter when the rats seek shelter in heated buildings. During such campaign houseowners are encouraged to install rat traps in their premises so as to leave the rats as few places to hide as possible
rottinki :: rattan (material)
rottinkipalmu :: rattan (climbing palm of the genus Calamus)
rottweiler :: Rottweiler (breed of dog)
rotu :: breed (as in dog breed)
rotu :: race (as in racism)
rotuerottelu :: racial segregation
rotuhygieenikko :: eugenicist
rotuhygienia :: eugenics
rotukissa :: purebred cat
rotukoira :: purebred dog
rotumellakka :: race riot
rotuoppi :: racism (in the original sense)
rotusorto :: racial discrimination
rotusyrjintä :: racial discrimination
rotuviha :: race hatred
roudari :: roadie (member of the crew for a musical group)
roudarinteippi :: gaffer tape (sturdy adhesive tape)
roudittua :: alternative form of routaantua
rouhe :: kibble
rouhia :: To grind coarsely, to kibble
rouhiintua :: alternative form of rouhiutua
rouhiutua :: To become ground
rouske :: crunch (sound)
rousku :: A milk-cap (mushroom of the genus Lactarius)
rouskuttaa :: to crunch (to crush something with a noisy crackling sound, especially with reference to food)
rouskuttaa :: to munch (to chew with a grinding, crunching sound)
rouskutus :: crunching, munching (the action of munching or crunching)
rouskutus :: crunch, munch (the sound of munching or crunching)
rouste :: pipkrake
routa :: Frost in the ground; ground frost
routaantua :: To freeze (of ground)
routainen :: [of ground] frozen
routaraja :: soil frost limit
routavuosi :: Any individual year falling within this period
routavuosi Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
routia [of ground] :: to freeze
routiintua :: alternative form of routaantua
rouva :: lady
rouva :: madam
rova [obsolete, now only in placenames] :: forested esker
Rovaniemi :: Rovaniemi
rovasti :: canon, provost (ecclesiastical title)
rovastinna [rare, dated] :: Wife of a dean (officer in the church)
rove :: Small container made of birch bark
rovio :: bonfire (large, controlled outdoor fire)
rovio :: pyre, bonfire (funeral fire or fire to burn unwanted or disreputable items or people)
räpiköidä :: to act or move clumsily, make clumsy attempts
rääpäle :: A runt
räppi :: rap music
rääppiäiset :: A leftovers party
räppimusiikki :: rap music
räppänä :: Vent, flap
räppäri :: A rapper
räpsiä :: to snap
räpätä :: to rap (to speak lyrics in the style of rap music)
räpylä :: baseball mitt
räpylä :: swim fin
räpylä :: webfoot
räpyläsara :: bird's foot sedge Carex ornithopoda
rääpynen [dialect, Eastern-Finnish] :: vendace
räpäyttää :: To blink (eyes, once)
räpyttää :: to blink (eyes, repeatedly)
räpyttää :: to flap (as wings)
rööri :: (colloiqual, slang) pipe
rääseikkö :: A type of swampy forest
Räsänen :: Finnish surname
rästi :: anything undone, uncompleted or left over; often in plural; translations into English vary by case, e.g. loose ends
rääsy :: rag
räsy :: rag
rääsyläinen :: rag (person who is dressed in rags due to poverty)
räsynukke :: rag doll
räätikkä :: swede, rutabaga
rätinä :: crackle
rätistä :: To crackle
rötkäle :: A large and flabby thing
räätäli :: tailor
räätäli :: tailorbird (any bird of the genus Artisomis in Cisticolidae family)
räätälöidä :: To tailor
räätäliliike :: tailor's
räätälinlihas :: sartorius
räätälöity :: tailor-made, tailored
rötös :: wrongdoing, evildoing, crime, especially one against property, such as theft, robbery, fraud or embezzlement
rätti :: exhausted
rätti :: A rag (a piece of cloth torn off; a tattered piece of cloth; a shred; a tatter; a fragment)
rätti :: A rag (any piece of canvas)
rätti :: A garment
rätti :: A sail
rättipää :: raghead
rättisitikka :: A nickname of the French carmaker Citroën's 2 CV model
rättäri :: A nickname of the French carmaker Citroën's 2 CV model
rätvänä :: tormentil
rötvätä :: To lie e.g. in a bed
Ruanda :: Rwanda
rubidium :: rubidium
rubiini :: ruby
rubiinihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula rubra
rubiinihippiäinen :: ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula
rubiinikolibri :: Brazilian ruby, Clytolaema rubricauda
rubiinikurkkukolibri :: ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
rubiininpunainen :: ruby
rubiinisatakieli :: Siberian rubythroat, Luscinia calliope
rubiinitetra :: glowlight tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Rubikin kuutio :: Rubik's cube
rubriikki :: rubric, headline
rucola :: commercial name for arugula, rocket (Eruca sativa or Eruca vesicaria, a grassy plant used for salad)
rudimentaarinen :: rudimentary
rudimentti :: rudiment (organ that has lost its original function)
rudimentti :: rudiment (basic drumming pattern)
rudimentti :: rudiments (the basics of something, especially of a field of learning)
ruhje :: A contusion (internal wound)
ruhje :: A laceration (irregular open wound)
ruhjevamma :: contusion
ruhjevyöhyke :: shear zone
ruhjoa :: to mangle, mutilate
ruhjoontua :: alternative form of ruhjoutua
ruhjoutua :: To be maimed
ruho :: carcass, dead body
ruhtinaallinen :: regal, sumptuous
ruhtinaallisesti :: sumptuously
ruhtinas :: prince (sovereign)
ruhtinaskunta :: principality
ruhtinatar :: A princess
ruijanesikko :: Primula nutans (species of primrose native to northernmost parts of Scandinavia and neighbouring parts of Russia)
ruijanpallas :: Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus
ruikuttaa :: to whine (negative connotation)
ruikuttaja :: whiner
ruinata :: to beg
ruipelo :: scrawny
ruis :: rye
ruisjauho :: rye flour
ruiskaunokki :: cornflower, bachelor's button, Centaurea cyanus
ruiske :: An injection
ruiske :: A syringe
ruisku :: sprayer, squirt, douche
ruisku :: syringe
ruiskukka :: cornflower, bachelor's button, Centaurea cyanus
ruiskuta :: To squirt
ruiskute :: spray
ruiskuttaa :: to inject (using a syringe)
ruiskuttaa :: to squirt, spray
ruiskutuspumppu :: injection pump
ruiskuvalukone :: injection molding machine
ruisleipä :: rye bread (bread made entirely or mostly of rye)
ruislimppu :: rye loaf
ruislintu :: corncrake, Crex crex
ruisrääkkä :: corncrake, landrail (Crex crex)
ruisvehnä :: triticale (grain crop, a hybrid of wheat and rye, that gives a high yield, used chiefly as forage and fodder)
rujo :: Hideous
rujompi :: comparative form of rujo
rukata :: To fix, to adjust
rukka :: poor (pitiful); used always together with a noun or proper noun that shows the object of pitying
rukkanen :: A mitten or mitt made of non-textile material such as leather or rubber
rukki :: A spinning wheel
ruko :: haystack
rukoileminen :: praying
rukoilevaisuus [Christianism] :: A Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland; the name has not been translated into English
rukoilija :: prayer (the person who prays)
rukoilijasirkka :: praying mantis
rukoilla [intransitive, figuratively] :: to pray, beg, implore, beseech
rukoilla [intransitive, religion] :: to pray
rukoilu :: praying
rukous :: A prayer (act of praying)
rukous :: A rogation (deeply serious and somber prayer)
rukoushuone :: chapel
rukouskirja :: A breviary, prayer book (book containing prayers, hymns, and so on for everyday use)
rukouslippu :: prayer flag
rukousnauha :: prayer beads; rosary
rukouspesu :: abdest
ruksata :: alternative form of kruksata
ruksi :: alternative form of kruksi
ruksia :: to check (to mark with checkmarks)
rulettaa :: To rule (to excel)
ruletti :: roulette
ruljanssi :: rigmarole, an obnoxiously complex procedure
rulla :: reel, as in "cable reel"
rulla :: roll
rulla :: roller, as in "roller skates"
rulla :: wheel, as in "wheelchair"
rulla :: wrap (type of food consisting of various ingredients wrapped in an unleavened flatbread, used especially in compounds)
rullakko :: trolley (wheeled platform for carrying goods)
rullalaakeri :: roller bearing
rullalauta :: skateboard (platform on wheels)
rullalautailija :: skateboarder
rullalautailu :: skateboarding
rullaluistelija :: A rollerblader
rullaluistelija :: A roller skater
rullaluistella :: to roller skate, rollerblade
rullaluistelu :: rollerblading
rullaluistelu :: roller skating
rullaluistin :: roller skate
rullaovi :: revolving door
rullaportaat :: escalator
rullapyörä :: caster (wheeled assembly)
rullata :: to roll
rullata :: to steal from, to rob
rullatuoli :: wheelchair
rullaustie :: taxiway
ruma :: dirty (of a word or language in general: something considered vulgar)
ruma :: ugly, dirty (offensive to one's sensibilities or morality)
ruma :: ugly (displeasing to the eye or ear)
ruma ankanpoikanen :: ugly duckling
rumahko :: Somewhat ugly
rumannäköinen :: ugly-looking
rumanvärinen :: ugly-colored
rumasti :: nastily, maliciously
rumasti :: uglily
rumba :: rumba (dance)
rumbata :: to rumba (to dance rumba)
rumeliini :: ugli fruit
rumempi :: comparative form of ruma
rumentaa :: To deform, uglify
rumentua :: to become less attractive; to become more ugly
rumeta :: To grow uglier
rumilus :: An ugly person or creature
ruminaatio :: rumination (eating disorder)
ruminaatio :: rumination (negative cyclic thinking)
ruminaatio :: rumination (act of ruminating)
rumistaa :: to make uglier
rumistua :: to become uglier
rummuttaa :: To drum (also figuratively)
rummutus :: drumming
rumpali :: drummer
rumpu :: A drum (musical instrument)
rumpu :: An underpass built under e.g. roads to allow drainage
rumpu :: (usually rotating) A cylinder (e.g. in washing machine)
rumpujarru :: drum brake
rumpukalvo [anatomy, dated] :: An eardrum
rumpukalvo :: drum head
rumpukapula :: A drumstick (stick used to play drums)
rumpukone :: drum machine
rumpupalikka :: A drumstick (stick used to play drums)
rumpusetti :: drum kit
rumpusoolo :: drum solo
rumuus :: ugliness
runebergiläinen :: Runebergian
runebergintorttu :: Runeberg's tart, a Finnish pastry
runkata :: to beat, jerk, jack off, wank
runkkari :: wanker
runkkaus :: wanking, wank
runkku :: A jerk-off; an annoying (usually male) person
runkku :: A session of masturbation; a wank
runkku :: A (usually of a male) person who masturbates a lot; a wanker
runko :: body (of a car)
runko :: fuselage (of an airplane)
runko :: hull
runko :: trunk (of a tree)
runkosarja :: season [UK], regular season [North America], home and away season [Australia] (the part in an icehockey, football etc. season, during which the clubs play each other according to a predefined schedule)
runkotie :: arterial road
runnella :: to disfigure (to change the appearance of something/someone to the negative)
runnella :: to mangle, mutilate, maul
runnella :: to tear, used especially with "war"
runnoa :: to mangle (to change, mutilate or disfigure by cutting, tearing, rearranging etc.)
runo :: poem
runo :: poetry
runo :: rune (only in the rare sense of a Finnish poem, or a division of one, especially a division of the Kalevala)
runoelma :: poem
runoilija :: poet
runoilijatar :: poetess
runojalka [prosody] :: foot
runokieli :: poetic language
runollinen :: poetic
runollisesti :: poetically
runomitta [prosody] :: meter [US], metre [UK]
runotar :: muse (of a poet)
runous :: poetry
runousoppi :: poetics
runsaasti :: plenty
runsaiten :: Most plenty
runsas :: abundant
runsas luku [number theory] :: abundant number
runsaslukuinen :: numerous
runsasmuotoinen :: voluptuous, full-figured
runsasravinteinen :: eutrophic (rich in nutriets)
runsassiemeninen :: seedy (full of seeds)
runsaudensarvi :: A cornucopia, a horn of plenty
runsaus :: An abundance, profusion, plenty (a large quantity, more than a sufficient amount)
ruoanlaitto :: cooking
ruoansulatus :: digestion
ruoansulatuselimistö :: digestive system
ruoansulatushäiriö :: indigestion, dyspepsia (mild disorder of digestion characterized by stomach pain, nausea, heartburn and/or discomfort; it may have a number of underlying reasons and is a symptom rather than a disease)
ruoansulatusjärjestelmä :: digestive system
ruoansulatuskanava :: A digestive tract
ruoansulatusvaivat :: indigestion, dyspepsia (mild disorder of digestion characterized by stomach pain, nausea, heartburn and/or discomfort; it may have a number of underlying reasons and is a symptom rather than a disease)
ruoanvalmistus :: cookery
ruode :: rib
ruodinta :: deboning (of fish)
ruodoton :: boneless (free of fishbones)
ruohikko :: grass
ruohikko :: lawn
ruoho :: grass (mass noun); blade of grass (individual specimen)
ruoho :: marijuana
ruohoinen :: grassy
ruohokanukka :: bunchberry, especially the Eurasian bunchberry or northern bunchberry Cornus suecica
ruoholaukka :: chive (Allium schoenoprasum)
ruohomatto :: carpet of grass (even and usually wide growth of grass, may be used both of natural grassland and man-made lawn)
ruohonkerääjä :: thatcher (device, often a lawnmower attachment, which collects the grass clippings)
ruohonleikkuri :: A lawnmower
ruoho on aina vihreämpää aidan toisella puolella :: the grass is always greener on the other side (literally, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence)
ruohosipuli :: chive (Allium schoenoprasum)
ruoikko :: reed bed
ruoja :: scoundrel, wretch, dog
ruoka :: food
ruoka :: meal
ruoka-aine :: foodstuff
ruoka-aineympyrä :: food circle
ruokabanaani :: plantain
ruokahalu :: appetite
ruokahaluttomuus :: lack of appetite
ruokailija :: diner [one who dines]
ruokailla :: to have one's meal, to eat
ruokailu :: eating (the act of eating food)
ruokailuaika :: eating time
ruokailuvälineet :: cutlery (eating and serving utensils)
ruokaisa :: filling
ruokakala :: foodfish (fish used as human food)
ruokakauppa :: grocery, grocer's, grocery store
ruokakilometri :: food miles (measure of the environmental impact of food production)
ruokakomero :: pantry, larder (cool room used as food storage)
ruokakuljetus :: meals on wheels (service in which food is delivered to those unable to cook for themselves)
ruokakulttuuri :: cuisine
ruokakulttuuri :: culinary art
ruokakuponki :: food stamp, especially when distributed as social welfare
ruokala :: A canteen (small cafeteria or snack bar, especially one in a military establishment or place of work)
ruokalaji :: dish, course
ruokalappu :: bib
ruokalista :: menu, bill of fare
ruokaöljy :: cooking oil
ruokalusikallinen :: tablespoonful
ruokalusikka :: tablespoon
ruokamyrkytys :: food poisoning
ruokapalvelu :: A usually municipal central kitchen which supplies the food to schools, daycare centers, municipal homes for elderly and other spots in which the municipality is responsible for providing food
ruokaparsa :: asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis
ruokaporno :: foodporn
ruokapula :: food shortage
ruokapöytä :: dinner table
ruokarukous :: A grace (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal)
ruokasali :: dining room
ruokasieni :: edible mushroom
ruokasooda :: baking soda, NaHCO3
ruokasuola :: table salt
ruokatauko :: meal break, bait
ruokatorvi :: oesophagus, esophagus; in compound terms also translated with the adjective oesophageal, esophageal
ruokatunti :: lunchtime, lunch break, lunch hour (break in work or school usually at about midday for eating lunch; duration varies from 30 minutes up)
ruokatunti :: meal break (break in work or school for having a meal; despite the name the duration is usually less than one hour)
ruokavalio :: diet
ruokinta :: feeding
ruokintapaikka :: haunt (feeding place for animals)
ruokki :: auk (birds of the family Alcidae)
ruokki :: in plural (ruokit), the family Alcidae
ruokki :: razorbill, Alca torda (type species of the family)
ruokkia :: To feed (an animal)
ruokko :: alimony
ruokkoamaton :: unkempt
ruoko :: reed, cane
ruokohelpi :: reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea
ruokokieli :: reed (part of the mouthpiece of certain woodwind instruments)
ruokosirkkalintu :: Savi's warbler, Locustella luscinioides
ruokosokeri :: cane sugar
ruokoton :: scurrilous
ruokoton :: untidy
ruopata :: to dredge
ruoppaaja :: A dredger
ruoppaus :: dredging
ruori :: The steering wheel of a vessel; the helm
ruorimies :: A helm, helmsman (member of crew in charge of steering)
ruoska :: whip
ruoskia :: To whip, (figurative) lash
ruoskija :: whipper
ruoste :: rust (oxidized iron)
ruoste :: rust [plant disease]
ruoste :: rusty; inessive case is sometimes better translated into English with the adjective
ruosteenruskea :: rusty (of the rust color, reddish)
ruosteenruskea :: rust (the rust color)
ruostegueretsa :: western red colobus, Procolobus badius (West African monkey)
ruostegueretsa :: red colobus monkey (Old World monkey of the genus Procolobus)
ruostehelttaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius fervidus
ruosteinen :: rusty
ruostekurkkusirkku :: Cretzschmar's bunting, Emberiza caesia
ruostenopsasiipi :: brown hairstreak, Thecla betulae (species of butterfly)
ruostepapurikko :: wall brown, Lasiommata megera
ruostepääsky :: red-rumped swallow, Hirundo daurica
ruostepyrstö :: rufous bush robin, Cercotrichas galactotes
ruostepyrstöjakamari :: rufous-tailed jacamar, Galbula ruficauda
ruosterastas :: dusky thrush, Turdus naumanni
ruostesirppimatkija :: brown thrasher, Toxostoma rufum
ruostesorsa :: ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)
ruostetäpläkissa :: rusty-spotted cat, Prionailurus rubiginosus
ruostua :: To rust, to get rusty
ruostumaton :: stainless, rustproof
ruostumaton :: Short for ruostumaton teräs, stainless steel
ruostumaton teräs :: stainless steel
ruostumattomuus :: stainlessness
ruostuttaa :: To rust (to cause to rust)
ruoti :: rib
ruotia :: To debone (a fish)
ruoto :: fishbone, bone (bone of a fish)
ruoto :: spine, chine (backbone, especially of an animal)
ruoto :: shaft, stem (main axis of a feather)
ruotoinen :: bony (having a lot of fish bones)
ruotomuura :: spot-backed antshrike
ruotsalainen :: Swedish, of or relating to Sweden
ruotsalainen :: Swedish, relating to the Swedish language:
ruotsalainen :: A Swede
Ruotsalainen :: Finnish surname
ruotsalaisittain :: In a Swedish way
ruotsalaistaa :: to make (more) Swedish
ruotsalaistua :: to become Swedish
ruotsi :: Swedish (language)
Ruotsi :: Sweden
ruotsin kieli :: Swedish (language)
ruotsinkielinen :: Swedish (being expressed in the Swedish language)
ruotsinkielinen :: Swedish-speaking
Ruotsin kuningaskunta :: The Kingdom of Sweden
ruotsinlaiva :: Any of the large, well-equipped, even luxurious ferries that run regular traffic between Sweden and Finland
ruotsinlaiva :: Used also attributively to refer to the somewhat showy style in which these ferries are decorated
ruotsinlapinkoira :: Swedish lapphund
ruotsinruotsi :: The Swedish language spoken in Sweden (as opposed to the Swedish spoken in Finland)
ruotsinsuomalainen :: Finnish-Swedish
ruotsinsuomalainen :: Finnish Swede
ruotsintaa :: To translate into Swedish
ruovikko :: alternative form of ruoikko
rupatella :: To chat
rupi :: eschar (dry, dark scab or scar, especially as a result of burning)
rupi :: scab (incrustation over wound)
rupi :: scab (plant disease)
rupi :: scab (potato disease)
rupia :: rupee
rupia :: rupia
rupikonna :: common toad, European toad, toad, Bufo bufo
rupilisko :: great crested newt, Triturus cristatus
rupinen :: scabby
rupisammakko :: toad, Bufo bufo
rupla :: ruble (Russian monetary unit)
rupsahtaa :: to lose one's beauty or handsomeness, especially regarding the shape and firmness of body
ruptuura :: rupture
rusahdella :: To crunch, crack
rusahtava :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusakko :: European hare or brown hare, Lepus europaeus
rusehtava :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusentaa :: To crush
rusertava :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusetti :: A bowtie
rusikoida :: To pound
rusikointi :: pounding
rusina :: old woman
rusina :: raisin
rusinanpoimija :: cherry picker (one who picks the best for themself)
rusinanpoiminta :: cherry picking
rusistiikka :: The study of Russian language
ruska :: The process of leaves turning various shades of red, yellow, purple, and brown in the autumn, autumn foliage, fall foliage
ruska :: The time when this happens
ruskaa :: alternative form of rusahdella
ruskea :: brown
ruskea :: A brown color
ruskeahko :: brownish (of a colour, brown with hints of other colours; quite brown)
ruskeakarhu :: brown bear, (Ursus arctos)
ruskeakaulalaiskiainen :: brown-throated three-toed sloth, Bradypus variegatus
ruskeakielinen :: brownnosing
ruskeakielinen :: brownnoser; sycophant
ruskea kääpiö :: brown dwarf
ruskeanharmaa :: taupe, brownish gray
ruskeankirjava :: of color, consisting of many shades with brown as the dominating color, often streaky or spotted; brindled
ruskea sokeri :: brown sugar (partially refined sugar which still contains molasses)
ruskehtava :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
ruskein :: superlative form of ruskea
ruskettaa :: to tan, suntan
ruskettua :: to tan, suntan (to obtain a suntan)
ruskettunut :: tanned, suntanned
rusketus :: tan
rusketusvoide :: indoor tanning lotion (lotion that accelerates the tanning process induced by a tanbed or similar device by promoting the production of melanin)
rusketusvoide :: sunless tanning lotion (lotion that contains chemicals which, when applied to the skin, produce an effect similar in appearance to a suntan)
ruskeutua :: To brown
ruskistaa :: To brown (to cook)
ruskistua :: To brown (to become brown)
rusko :: brown horse
rusko :: dawn, twilight (in compounds with aamu- and ilta- respectively)
ruskohaikara :: purple heron, Ardea purpurea
ruskohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula mustelina
ruskoherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus mediofuscus
ruskohiili :: lignite
ruskohiirimaki :: brown mouse lemur, Microcebus rufus
ruskohyeena :: brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea)
ruskokerttu :: Dartford warbler, Sylvia undata
ruskokiivi :: tokoeka, Apteryx australis
ruskokärpässieni :: royal fly agaric, brown fly agaric, Amanita regalis (highly poisonous species of mushroom)
ruskokruunukerttuli :: palm warbler, Dendroica palmarum
ruskolevä :: brown alga
ruskomaki :: brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus
ruskomäntypistiäinen :: A pine sawfly, of the Diprionidae
ruskonuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius rufoolivaceus
rusko-orakas :: terracotta hedgehog (Hydnum rufescens)
ruskouunilintu :: dusky warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus
ruskua :: to crunch, crack
ruskuainen :: yolk
ruskuaispussi :: yolk sac
rusohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula rosea
rusoherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus lutosus
rusokas :: A mushroom of the genus Entoloma
rusokki :: beggarticks, any species in genus Bidens
rusokärpässieni :: blusher, Amanita rubescens
rusokylkikerttuli :: chestnut-sided warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica
rusomonninen :: Adolfo's catfish, Corydoras adolfoi
rusoposkikerttuli :: cape may warbler, Dendroica tigrina
rusoreunahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula depallens
rusorintakerttu :: subalpine warbler, Sylvia cantillans
rusorypykkä :: wrinkled crust, Phlebia radiata (species of wood-decaying fungi)
rusotasku :: black-eared wheatear, Oenanthe hispanica
rusotähtianis :: star anise (evergreen tree Illicium verum, the fruit of which are used as spice)
rusotyviseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius roseolimbatus
russakka :: German cockroach, Blatta germanica
russistiikka :: alternative form of rusistiikka
russofobia :: Russophobia (fear of Russians)
rustata :: to write
rustiikka :: bossage
rusto :: cartilage (tough connective tissue)
rusto :: gristle (cartilage, when present in meat)
rustoinen :: cartilaginous (comprising of cartilage)
rustokala :: cartilaginous fish
rustottua :: To form cartilage, gristle
rustoutua :: to form cartilage, gristle
rusty nail :: rusty nail (cocktail)
rutarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lacunarum
ruteeni :: A Rusyn person
ruteeni :: The Rusyn language
rutenium :: ruthenium
rutherfordium :: rutherfordium
rutiini :: routine
rutiini :: rutin
rutiininomainen :: routine (ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others)
rutiininomainen :: routine (regular; habitual)
rutiininomainen :: routine (according to established procedure)
rutikuiva :: bone-dry
rutiköyhä :: poverty-stricken, extremely poor; poor as a church mouse
rutiköyhä :: pauper (extremely poor person)
rutina :: constant complaint
rutina :: crackle, crunch (sound of sand between gears)
rutinoitua :: To become routined
rutistaa :: To crumple
rutistaa :: To crush
rutistaa :: To squeeze
rutistaa :: To squish
rutjake :: scoundrel
rutka [colloquial, rare] :: plentiful
rutkasti :: a lot, plentifully
rutosidi :: rutin
rutosti :: lots of
ruttaantua :: To be crushed
ruttautua :: alternative form of ruttaantua
rutto :: plague
ruttoinen :: plagued (affected by a plague)
ruttojuuri :: butterbur, a plant of the genus Petasites
ruttotautinen :: plagued; affected by plague
ruttu :: dent
ruttu :: wrinkle
ruttuinen :: wrinkly
Ruuben [rather rare] :: male given name of biblical origin
Ruuben :: Reuben (Biblical figure)
ruudikas :: powerful
ruudukas :: checkered
ruudukko :: grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size)
ruudullinen :: checkered
ruuduttaa :: to grid (to mark with a grid)
ruuhi :: A dugout (boat)
ruuhi :: A flat-bottomed boat
ruuhilaakso :: A U-shaped valley
ruuhka :: A jam (blockage, congestion)
ruuhka :: A traffic jam
ruuhka-aika :: rush hour
ruuhkaantua :: alternative form of ruuhkautua
ruuhkatunti :: rush hour
ruuhkautua :: To be congested; to bottleneck
ruukki :: ironworks
ruukku :: jar
ruukku :: pot
Ruukkujen tasanko :: Plain of Jars
ruuma :: cargo bin, luggage hold (compartment in the plane used to transport check-in luggage)
ruuma :: cargo hold
ruumen :: Straws, husks, and other inedible material that is left from threshing
ruumiillinen :: bodily
ruumiillinen :: corporal (of or pertaining to the body)
ruumiillinen :: manual, when making reference to manual labor (=ruumiillinen työ)
ruumiillinen :: physical (having to do with the body)
ruumiillistuma :: avatar
ruumiillistuma :: embodiment, epitome, incarnation
ruumiinavaus :: autopsy, dissection, post mortem
ruumiinjäsen :: body part (extremity of a body)
ruumiinkieli :: body language
ruumiinkuva :: body image
ruumiinlämpö :: body heat
ruumiinlämpö :: body temperature
ruumiinmato [pathology, archaic] :: cancer
ruumiinneste :: bodily fluid (any liquid portion of the body)
ruumiinosa :: body part (organ or part of an organism)
ruumiinpeite :: An integument (outer protective covering of the body of an animal, such as skin or shell)
ruumiinrangaistus :: corporal punishment
ruumiintoiminto :: bodily function
ruumiinvalvojaiset :: deathwatch
ruumiiton :: bodiless, incorporeal
ruumis :: body
ruumis :: corpse, cadaver
ruumisarkku :: coffin
ruumisarkkukoroke :: catafalque (platform used to display or convey a coffin during a funeral, often ornate)
ruumisarkunnaula [colloquial, humorous] :: coffin nail (cigarette)
ruumisauto :: hearse (car)
ruumishuone :: A morgue
ruumispaarit :: bier, hearse
ruumispussi :: body bag
ruumissaatto :: funeral procession
ruumisvaunut :: hearse
ruuna :: gelding
ruunata :: to crown
ruunata :: to castrate a horse
ruunikko :: bay (horse)
ruunu :: coronet (ring of tissue between a horse's hoof and its leg)
ruunu :: crown
ruunu :: krona (Swedish currency)
ruustinna :: wife of rovasti
ruusu :: erysipelas
ruusu :: rose
ruusufinni :: rosacea (chronic condition characterized by redness of the face)
ruusuhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula roseipes
ruusuinen :: rosy
ruusukaali :: Brussels sprout
ruusukakadu :: galah, rose-breasted cockatoo or galah cockatoo, Eolophus roseicapilla
ruusukapustahaikara :: roseate spoonbill, Platalea ajaja or Ajaja ajaja
ruusukasvi :: A plant of the family Rosaceae
ruusuke :: rosette
ruusukvartsi :: Pink quartz (pink variety of quartz)
ruusukvitteni :: A plant of the genus Chaenomeles
ruusunmarja :: rose hip, rose haw
ruusunnuppu :: rosebud
ruusunpunainen :: rose-colored
ruusupapu :: runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus
ruusupeippo :: red-billed firefinch, Lagonosticta senegala
ruusupippuri :: Peruvian pepper, Schinus molle
ruusupuu :: rosewood
ruusuruoho :: field scabious, Knautia arvensis
ruususiipitulkku :: crimson-winged finch, Rhodopechys sanguineus
Ruut :: female given name of biblical origin
Ruut :: Ruth
ruutana :: crucian carp, crucian (Carassius carassius)
ruuti :: gunpowder
ruutitynnyri :: powder keg
ruutu :: A box (a small square on a form that may e.g. be checked)
ruutu :: A check (a square or rectangular in a checkered pattern)
ruutu :: A hash, square or pound sign (#-symbol)
ruutu :: A pane (individual sheet of glass in a window)
ruutu :: A rectangle (in other than mathematical context)
ruutu :: A screen (informational viewing area of electronic output devices)
ruutu :: A square (in other than mathematical context)
ruutu :: diamond; diamonds
ruutu :: hopscotch or hoppers (child's game)
ruutuhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula virescens
ruutujätkä :: jack of diamonds, knave of diamonds
ruutukaava :: grid plan (type of city plan)
ruutukakkonen :: two of diamonds
ruutukasi :: eight of diamonds
ruutukolmonen :: three of diamonds
ruutukoodi :: QR code (Quick Response code, a two-dimensional barcode)
ruutukuningas :: king of diamonds
ruutukuningatar :: queen of diamonds (a playing card)
ruutukuutonen :: six of diamonds
ruutukuvio :: checks (pattern)
ruutukymppi :: ten of diamonds
ruutulippu :: chequered flag
ruutumonninen :: banded corydoras or bearded catfish, Scleromystax barbatus
ruutunelonen :: four of diamonds
ruutupaperi :: grid paper, graph paper
ruuturouva :: queen of diamonds
ruutuseiska :: seven of clubs
ruutuässä :: ace of diamonds
ruutuvitonen :: five of diamonds
ruutuysi :: nine of diamonds
ruuvata :: To screw, fasten with screws, twist (a screw)
ruuvi :: screw
ruuvikierre :: helix
ruuvikierre :: thread (of a screw or nut)
ruuvimeisseli :: A screwdriver (tool)
ruuvipuristin :: vise
ruuvitaltta :: screwdriver
ruuviviiva :: helix
ruveta :: To become or wish to become something in the future
ruveta :: To begin or start to do something
ruveta :: To take up (to begin doing an activity on a regular basis)
rva :: Mrs
Rääveli :: Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia
räävitön :: obscene, coarse, rude
räävittömin :: superlative form of räävitön
räävittömämpi :: comparative form of räävitön
räväkkä :: smart, bold, pert, piquant, saucy
rääväsuinen :: potty-mouthed, scurrilous (using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
rääväsuisuus :: potty mouth (characteristic of regularly using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
rääväsuu :: A potty mouth (person having the characteristic of regularly using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
ry :: rekisteröity yhdistys
röyh :: burp!
ryhdikäs :: straight (posture opposite to slouch)
ryhdistää :: to make more upright
ryhdistää :: to straighten
ryhdistäytyä :: to get a grip of oneself, to take hold of oneself, to brace oneself
röyhelö :: ruffle, frill, furbelow
röyhelöinen :: frilly, frilled
röyhelöisempi :: comparative form of röyhelöinen
räyhähenki :: A poltergeist
ryhähärkä :: zebu, Bos primigenius indicus
röyhistää :: to puff up (proudly)
röyhkeä :: arrogant
röyhkeä :: insolent
röyhkeä :: presumptuous
röyhkeämpi :: comparative form of röyhkeä
röyhkeys :: insolence, arrogance, impudence
ryhmä :: group, team
ryhmä :: squad
ryhmä :: troupe
ryhmittymä :: alliance, group
ryhmäkanne :: class action, class action lawsuit (chiefly US, a lawsuit brought by a single plaintiff as a representative of a large group of others having a common interest)
ryhmäkeskeisyys :: ethnocentrism
ryhmäpaine :: peer pressure
ryhmäseksi :: group sex
ryhmäteoria :: group theory
ryhmäterapia :: group therapy
ryhmätyö :: teamwork
ryhmy :: A knob
ryhmyinen :: gnarled, gnarly
ryhmysauva :: cudgel
räyhätä :: To rage, storm; to brawl
ryhti :: carriage (manner)
röyhtäillä :: to burp, belch (repeatedly)
röyhtäistä :: To burp, belch
röyhtäisy :: A burp, belch
ryhtivika :: posture fault
ryhtyä [+ translative] :: to become (usually a proponent of a profession)
ryhtyä :: to set out (to do something), start (doing something), begin (to do)
ryhtymään [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, ryhtyä, c=ill] ::
röyhtäys :: burp, belch
ryhtyä varastettuun tavaraan :: To take possession of stolen goods
ryhävalas :: humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
röyhy :: panicle, panicled spike
röyhyttää :: To cause something to smoke heavily
röyhyvihvilä :: common rush, soft rush (Juncus effusus)
ryijy :: rya (type of rug)
ryijy :: beaver (female pubic hair)
ryittää :: To make somebody to cough
rykelmä :: A cluster
rykiä :: to clear one's throat
rykiä :: to cough
rykimäaika :: reindeer rut (period of sexual desire of the reindeer)
rykäistä :: to clear one's throat, to harrumph
röykkiö :: heap (collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation)
röykkiöittäin :: loads of something, heaps of something, mounds of something
ryökäle :: scoundrel, wretch, dog
rykmentti :: A regiment
ryömiä :: To crawl, creep
ryömijä :: crawler (one who crawls by dragging oneself forward with hands and legs keeping the body down)
ryömijä :: rover (vehicle for exploring extraterrestrial bodies)
ryminä :: rumble, clash
ryömintä :: creep, creeping
rymistää :: to rumble
rymistä :: To rumble (to emit a low-pitched irregular noise, such as a truck on a bumpy road or stones being unloaded from a dumper)
rymytä :: to rumble, to make a rumbling noise
ryönä :: waste, rubbish, trash
rynkky :: assault rifle
rynniä :: to barge (to intrude or break through in an unwelcome manner)
rynnistää :: to rush (to make a swift or sudden attack)
rynnäköidä :: To sally, to charge
rynnäkkö :: A charge (attack)
rynnäkkökivääri :: assault rifle
rynnäkköpanssarivaunu :: infantry fighting vehicle
rynnäs :: breast
rynnätä :: To charge, attack
rynnätä :: To rush (to run directly somewhere)
rääyntä :: loud cry of a baby
ryoliitti :: rhyolite
rypeä :: To wallow
rypistää :: To crease, wrinkle (to make a crease in)
rypistää :: To crumple, rumple, crinkle (to press into wrinkles by crushing together)
rypistää :: To frown, knot, pucker (to form wrinkles in the forehead)
rypistyä :: to become wrinkled, to frill, to crumple
rypistymätön :: uncreased
rypistymätön :: wrinkle-free
rypäle :: cluster
rypäle :: grape
rypälepommi :: cluster bomb
rypälesokeri :: glucose
ryöppy :: burst
ryöppy :: rain
ryöppy :: torrent, gush, gust
ryppy :: crease
ryppy :: crinkle
ryppy :: wrinkle
ryppyinen :: wrinkled
ryppylimaseitikki :: Cortinarius elatior
ryöppäys :: The act of parboiling mushrooms in order to remove poison from them
rypäs :: cluster
rypsi :: field mustard, turnip mustard, Brassica rapa (a crop plant similar to rapeseed)
rypsiöljy :: canola oil (food quality rapeseed oil)
rypsiöljy :: rapeseed oil (oil pressed from the seeds of field mustard [Brassica rapa, rypsi] or closely related rapeseed [Brassica napus, rapsi], especially when used for technical purposes)
ryöpätä :: To parboil mushrooms in order to remove poison; applied e.g. to false morel
ryöpyttää :: to blast, scold
ryöpyttää :: to make something gush
rysä :: fyke net or fyke; a type of fish-trap consisting of tubular nets that are supported by hoops
rysähdys :: crash (sound)
räyskä :: Caspian tern, Hydroprogne caspia
ryske :: crash (series of loud dull sounds such as from a falling tree)
ryskinä :: alternative form of ryske
ryskyä :: to crash (to make a series of loud dull sounds like e.g. a falling tree)
Rysälä :: A nickname of the city of Brussels
rysän päältä :: red-handed, with a smoking gun
ryssä :: Russki, Russkie (Russian person)
Ryssä :: Russia
ryssiä :: To screw up
ryssäviha :: Russophobia
ryöstää :: To rob, plunder; to loot, sack
ryöstö :: robbery
ryöstellä :: to loot, maraud, pillage
ryöstäjä :: robber
räystäänalunen :: eavesdrop (space around a house on which water drips from the eaves)
räystäs :: (singular) eaves
ryöstösaalis [nautical, military science] :: booty, sack, plunder
räystäspääsky :: common house martin, northern house martin, Delichon urbicum
räystäspääsky :: house martin (bird of the genus Delichon)
räystäspääsky :: Delichon (the genus of house martins)
ryöstöviljellä :: to flog the land
rystylyönti :: backhand drive
rystynen :: knuckle
ryöstäytyä :: ~ käsistä, ~ hallinnasta, etc. to get out of control (with very harmful consequences)
rysy :: fistfight
rysäys :: crash (sound)
rysäys :: stroke, one fell swoop
ryteikkö :: tangle, mess
ryteikkö :: thicket, copse
ryti :: common reed, Phragmites australis
rytinä :: clatter
rytistää :: to rumble
rytökauris :: hog deer, Axis porcinus
rytäkkä :: fracas
rytäkkä :: hustle, rush
rytkyä [of loud sound] :: To crack
rytky :: worn out cloth
rytmi :: rhythm
rytmihäiriö :: arrhythmia, dysrhythmia
rytmiikka :: rhythmics
rytmikitara :: rhythm guitar
rytmikäs :: rhythmic, rhythmical
rytminen :: rhythmic
rytminen voimistelu :: rhythmic gymnastics
rytmisesti :: rhythmically
rytmitys :: Setting the rhythm or pace of something; timing, pacing
rytövarustus :: abatis (means of defense made of felled trees)
ryvettyä :: to become dirty or soiled (both in concrete and abstract sense)
ryöväri :: robber
ryväs :: cluster
ryövätä :: To rob, thieve, plunder
ryöväys :: robbing
ryyni :: An individual grain of groats (hulled grain)
ryynimakkara :: sausage made with groats
ryynit {p} :: grits, groats (hulled grain)
ryypiskellä :: to tipple, drink habitually
ryyppääminen :: binge drinking, heavy drinking
ryyppy :: A drink, shot (dose of a strong alcoholic beverage)
ryyppy :: A gulp of some drink, not necessarily alcoholic
ryyppy :: The choke of a carburetor
ryyppy :: The "seed liquid" to prime a centrifugal pump
ryyppylasi :: shot glass
ryypätä :: To drink, to booze, to get drunk (to consume alcoholic beverages in quantity)
ryypätä :: To sip, to drink, to toss off (to have a drink)
ryypytin :: primer (device)
ryysiä :: alternative form of ryysätä
ryysätä :: to jostle (to move through by pushing and shoving)
ryystää :: to drink noisily; to slurp
ryysy :: rag (worn-out or worthless piece of clothing)
ryysyinen :: ragged (wearing tattered clothes)
ryysyläinen :: rag (shabby, beggarly fellow)
ryyti :: herb, especially one that is used as spice
ryytiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius percomis
riistää [concretely + genitive-accusative] :: To take, rip, wrench, snatch
riivata [of evil forces] :: To possess
riivata [of something very negative] :: To obsess
šaahi :: A shah
šaahitar :: The wife of a shah, usually called empress in English. The English transliteration of the Persian title used by the last empress of Iran would be shahbanu, which means empress in Persian
šaali :: shawl
šakaali :: alternative spelling of sakaali
šakata :: to check
šaketti :: alternative spelling of saketti
šakinpelaaja :: chess player
šakki :: chess
šakki :: check
šakkikello :: chess clock
šakkilauta :: chessboard (square board used in the game of chess)
šakkimatti :: checkmate
šakkinappula :: chess piece, chessman
šamaani :: shaman
šamanismi :: shamanism
šamanistinen :: Alternative spelling of shamanistinen
šamanoida :: To act as an shaman
šampoo :: alternative spelling of sampoo
šantung :: shantung
šeikki :: sheikh, sheik
šekki :: alternative spelling of sekki
šekkitili [banking] :: A checking account
šekkivihko :: cheque book
šeriffi :: alternative form of sheriffi
šifonki :: alternative spelling of sifonki
šiia :: Shiite
šiiamuslimi :: Alternative spelling of shiiamuslimi
šikaani :: chicanery
šikaani :: chicane
šillinki :: shilling
šinelli :: alternative form of sinelli
šintolaisuus :: Shintoism, Shinto (religion)
Šiva :: Shiva (Hindu deity)
šokeerata :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
šokki :: shock
šokkiaalto :: A shock wave
šokkisivusto :: shock site
šovinismi :: alternative spelling of sovinismi
špalerniitti :: alternative term for kalterijääkäri
sää :: weather
sää [Häme dialect ~Tampere and Turku] :: you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thou)
sä [personal, colloquial] :: you, ya (second person singular personal pronoun)
-s {particle} [enclitic, colloquial] :: appended to the shortened impersonal indicative present form (-n omitted) to soften the command or request or to make it more persuasive:
-s {particle} [enclitic] :: Mainly in informal contexts: a particle appended to an interrogative suffix -ko/-kö of the verb conjugated (also -kö with the negation verb) in order to bring the conversation partner or a person outside the conversation, talked about, emotionally closer to the speaker, or to create familiarity into the conversation; also to express that closeness or familiarity—sometimes very difficult to translate well into English, in some cases corresponds the tag questions:
-s {particle} [enclitic] :: When appended to a second-person singular or plural imperative, gives the command or request slightly rude or impatient tone—often with different verbs and different independent particles adjacent, the tone is different:
-s {particle} [enclitic] :: When appended to the particle -pa/-pä that is appended to a second-person imperative, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone:
-s [case suffix, colloquial, or, dialectal] :: alternative form of -ssa
-s :: Forms ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers, or ordinal pronouns
sa [personal, archaic, poetic] :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou)
saada :: to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to "from"))
saada [+ direct object in accusative + 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
saada [+ infinitive; in indicative or conditional mood] :: to deserve
saada :: may, to be allowed, to be permitted
saada :: saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know
saada :: to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result)
saada :: to get, receive
saada aikaan :: To accomplish, work out, achieve, get something done
saada aikaan :: To cause, generate, set off, do, bring about, arouse, provoke
saada aikaiseksi :: Synonym of saada aikaan
saada alkunsa :: to come into being (to form; to start to exist)
saada anteeksi :: To be forgiven
saada päätökseen :: To complete
saada selkäänsä :: to be battered, get thrashed
saada selville [idiomatic, + genitive-accusative] :: to find out, get to know, learn, unearth, uncover
saada surmansa :: to get killed, die
saada turpaansa :: to be battered, get thrashed
saada turpiinsa :: alternative form of saada turpaansa
saada vihiä :: to get wind, get inkling, get scent
saaga :: saga
saago :: sago
saagopalmu :: sago palm (Metroxylon sagu)
saaja :: receiver
saakeli :: damn!
saakka :: (distance) all the way from
saakka :: (distance) up to, all the way to
saakka :: (temporally) since
saakka :: (temporally) until
saakuri :: Synonym of saakeli
saali :: alternative spelling of šaali
saaliinhimoinen :: voracious, rapacious
saalinki :: A spreader
saalis :: prey, catch
saalistaa [esp. of an animal] :: to prey, hunt
saalistaja :: predator
saalistus :: preying
saamari :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse)
saamaton :: inefficient, incapable
saamattomampi :: comparative form of saamaton
saamattomuus :: inefficiency
saame :: Sami (language)
saamelainen :: Sami (member of nomadic people of Lapland)
Saana :: A fell in Finnish Lapland
Saana :: female given name of modern usage, transferred from the place name
saanne :: accept
saanti :: supply, yield
saapas :: boot (shoe)
Saapasmaa [nickname] :: Italy
saapaspari :: A pair of boots
saapastella :: To walk around while wearing boots
saapikas :: ankle boot
saappaannuolija :: bootlicker
saapua :: To arrive
saapuminen :: arrival
saapumisaika :: time of arrival
saapumisjärjestys :: arriving order
saapumisviisumi :: visa-on-arrival
saapuneet-kansio :: in-box, inbox (computer file)
saapuneet-laatikko :: in-box, inbox (physical box or a computer file)
saapuva :: arriving
saapuva :: incoming; used e.g. of mail
Saara :: female given name
Saara :: Sarah
saarekas [of a body of water] :: Having of many islands
saareke :: An island (entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from it)
saareke :: A small island, especially an artificial one and/or one that is close to a larger land mass, an islet
Saarela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Saarela :: Finnish surname
Saarenmaa :: Saaremaa
saari :: island (body of land surrounded by water)
Saari :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Saari :: Finnish surname
saariharmaakettu :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis
saarikettu :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis
saarinen :: Synonym of saarekas
Saarinen :: Any of a number of lakes and small places in Finland
Saarinen :: Finnish surname
saaristo :: archipelago
saaristolaislammas :: Åland sheep
saarivaltio :: island state
saarna :: sermon
saarnaaja :: preacher
saarnaaminen :: preaching
saarnamies :: (male) preacher
saarnastuoli :: A pulpit, ambo
saarnata :: To preach
saarnateltta :: tabernacle (tent)
saarni :: European ash, Fraxinus excelsior
saartaa :: to surround, enclose, encircle (in order not to let the object escape)
saarto :: blockade
saasta :: filth
saastainen :: foul, dirty
saastata :: Alternative term for saastuttaa
saaste :: pollutant
saaste :: pollution (used sometimes in plural)
saastepilvi :: pollution cloud
saastua :: To become polluted
saastuke :: pollutant
saastuminen :: contamination
saastuminen :: pollution
saastunut :: polluted, contaminated
saastute :: alternative form of saastuke
saastuttaa :: To contaminate
saastuttaa :: To pollute
saastuttaja :: A polluter
saatana :: devil, satan
Saatana :: Satan (the Devil)
saatanallinen :: Satanic
saatananpalvoja :: theistic satanist
saatananpalvonta :: theistic satanism
saatanasti :: An intensifier
saatava :: short for myyntisaatava
saatavuus :: availability
saate :: covering note
saatekirje :: cover letter
saatella :: To escort
saati :: let alone, not to mention
saatossa :: over the course
saattaa [auxiliary, + infinitive; in simple past tense] :: to have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), be able to (do)
saattaa [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do)
saattaa :: to bring, drive (into a situation)
saattaa :: to escort, usher, see, accompany, walk
saattaa :: ~ ulos: to see off (to accompany someone to a point of departure)
saatto :: escort
saattohoito :: hospice (provision of palliative care for terminally ill patients)
saattojoukko :: escort
saattokoti :: hospice
saattoväki :: escorting crowd (people who have gathered to wish a good journey for someone or something who leaves)
saattoväki :: mourners (the people taking part in a funeral ceremony as a group)
saattue :: A convoy
saavi :: A tub (broad, open, flat-bottomed vessel)
saavillinen :: A tub or tubful (contents or capacity of a tub)
saavuttaa :: To achieve, accomplish
saavuttaa :: To bring about
saavuttaa :: To gain, attain
saavuttaa :: To obtain
saavuttaa :: To reach
saavuttamaton :: unreachable, unattainable, unobtainable, inaccessible, unachievable (impossible to attain or reach, unable to accomplish, beyond limit)
saavuttaminen :: attainment, accomplishment, satisfaction
saavutus :: achievement, accomplishment, feat, attainment
sabatti :: alternative form of sapatti
sabloni :: (old-fashioned) stencil (utensil for drawing)
sabloni :: template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object)
sabluuna :: alternative form of sapluuna
sabotaasi :: sabotage
sabotoida :: To sabotage
sabotoida :: To undermine
sabotoija :: saboteur
sabotointi :: sabotage
sabotööri :: saboteur
sabra :: sabra
sadan metrin juoksu :: 100 metres, 100-metre dash [UK], 100 meters [US] (athletics event)
sadanpäämies :: centurion
sadanta :: (amount of) precipitation
sadas :: the hundredth, abbreviation 100.
sadasosa :: one-hundredth
sadasosasekunti :: One hundredth of a second
sadatella :: To swear, curse, damn
saddukeus :: Sadducee (member of an ancient Jewish sect)
sade :: (by extension) a rain (any matter moving or falling, usually through air)
sade :: (meteorology) any precipitation from the sky (e.g. rain, snow, sleet, hailstones)
sadeaika :: rainy season
sadeasu :: rainwear
sadeilma [lb, fi, rare] :: the air during the rain
sadeilma :: rainy weather, rain
sadekausi :: wet season, rainy season, monsoon (tropical rainy season)
sadekuuro :: shower (fall of light rain)
sadella :: To rain [intermittently]
sademetsä :: rainforest
sademittari :: rain gauge
sademäärä :: rainfall
sadepilvi :: rain cloud
sadepisara :: raindrop
sadepäivä :: rainy day (day when it rains)
sadesää :: rainy weather
sadetakki :: A mackintosh (type of raincoat made of rubberized cloth)
sadetakki :: A raincoat, mackintosh [British]
sadetin :: sprinkler
sadettaa :: To irrigate or to water by means of a sprinkler
sadevesi :: rainwater
sadevesikouru :: rain gutter, eaves trough, gutter (trough that collects rainwater running from a roof and leads it to a downspout)
sadevesisäiliö :: rainwater tank; rain barrel [US], water butt [UK] (vessel used for holding rainwater for e.g. firefighting or watering)
sadeviitta :: cagoule
sadin :: A trap for grouses and hares
sadismi :: sadism
sadisti :: sadist
sadistinen :: sadistic
sadistisesti :: sadistically
sadistisuus :: sadism (the property of being sadistic)
sadoittain :: hundreds of, by the hundred
sadomasokismi :: sadomasochism
sadomasokisti :: sadomasochist
sadomasokistinen :: sadomasochistic
sadonkorjuu :: harvest, harvesting (action of gathering of crops)
sadonkorjuuaika :: harvest time
saeta [usually, of snowfall] :: To thicken, become/get thick(er)
safari :: safari
safiiri :: sapphire
safka :: food
safkata :: to eat
saflori :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
saga :: alternative spelling of saaga
sagittaalinen :: sagittal (in the direction from dorsal to ventral)
sagittaalitaso :: sagittal plane
sagriini :: shagreen
saha [musici] :: musical saw (musical instrument)
saha :: sawmill (plant, production facility)
saha :: saw (tool)
sahaaja :: sawer, sawyer
sahaaminen :: sawing
sahaava :: back and forth (going from one position to another and back again in a manner that resembles sawing)
sahaava :: intermittent (stopping and starting at intervals)
sahalaita :: sawtooth
sahalaitainen :: saw-toothed, serrated
sahamainen :: sawlike, serrate
sahanpuru :: sawdust
sahapukki :: sawbuck, buck, sawhorse (frame on which firewood is sawed)
sahata :: To saw
sahatavara :: sawn goods, sawn timber in general
sahaus :: sawing
sahauttaa :: To let saw, have sawn (by someone else)
sahra :: A type of plough/plow
sahrami :: crocus (perennial flowering plant of the genus Crocus)
sahrami :: saffron (spice)
sahraminkeltainen :: saffron, saffron yellow (colour)
sahramiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius sommerfeltii
sahti :: A serving of that drink
sahti :: A traditional home-brewed strong beer made of malts and traditionally spiced with juniper; nowadays also with hops
sahuu :: sawing
saiga-antilooppi :: saiga (Saiga tatarica)
Saija :: female given name
saikka :: tea
Saila :: female given name
Saima :: female given name
Saimaa :: The largest lake of Finland
saimaanhylje :: Saimaa ringed seal, Phoca hispida saimensis
saimaannorppa :: A Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis), subspecies of the ringed seal, lives only in the lake Saimaa in Finland
Saimi :: female given name
Saini :: female given name
SA Int :: Suomen Armeijan intendenttiosasto, the Superintendent Department of the Finnish Armed Forces. This insignia used to be printed, stamped or otherwise permanently marked on practically every object that belonged to the Finnish military
Saint Kitts ja Nevis :: Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia :: Saint Lucia
saintpaulia :: saintpaulia
Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit :: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
saippo :: candytuft (plant of the genus Iberis)
saippua :: soap
saippuakauppias :: soap vendor
saippuakivi :: soapstone
saippuakivikauppias :: soapstone vendor
saippuakupla :: soap bubble
saippuaooppera :: soap opera
saippuapuu :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree)
saippuasarja :: soap opera
saippuavaahto :: soap foam
saippuoida :: to soap
saippuoittaa :: to saponify
saira :: saury, or more specifically Pacific saury; Cololabis saira
sairaala :: A hospital
sairaalahoito :: hospitalization, hospital care
sairaalloinen :: morbid
sairaalloinen :: sickly, valetudinarian
sairaalloisesti :: morbidly
sairaalloisuus :: morbidness
sairaampi :: comparative form of sairas
sairaanhoitaja :: nurse (person trained to provide care for the sick)
sairaanhoitajatar {f} :: female nurse
sairaanhoito :: health care (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses)
sairaanhoito :: nursing (process of caring for patients as a nurse)
sairaanhoitopiiri :: health care district
sairaankuljetusauto :: An ambulance
sairaan voitelu [Catholicism] :: Anointing of the Sick (sacrament of the Catholic Church)
sairaiden voitelu :: alternative form of sairaan voitelu (sacrament of the Catholic Church)
sairas :: Ill, sick
sairas :: A sick person
sairasauto :: ambulance
sairasloma :: sick leave
sairaspäivä :: sick day
sairastaa :: To ail (because of a disease)
sairastaa :: To have (a disease), be sick (in bed) with
sairastella :: To be sick [repeatedly]
sairastua :: To get sick, come down with, catch (a disease)
sairastuttaa :: to make somebody ill
sairaus :: sickness, illness, malady, disease, ailment
sairauskohtaus :: A sudden attack, bout of illness
sairausloma :: sick leave (a type of leave from work)
sairausvakuutuskortti :: A medical insurance card issued by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA. The official translation printed on the card is sickness insurance card
sairausvakuutuskortti :: Similar card issued by relevant authorities in other countries
saisinko laskun? :: may I have the bill, please?, can I have the bill, please?
saita :: stingy, niggardly
saituri :: miser, cheapskate
saivar :: alternative form of saivare
saivare :: nit (egg of a louse)
saivarrella :: To nitpick
saivartaja :: A botfly
saivartelija :: pedant
saju :: tea
SAK :: Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö, in English "Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions", abbreviated also in English as "SAK" - a central organization of trade unions representing blue-collar employees in both public and private sector
sakaali :: golden jackal (Canis aureus)
sakaali :: jackal
sakara :: point of a star
Sakari :: male given name, quite popular since the 19th century
Sakari :: The letter "S" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Sakarias :: Zacharias
Sakarias :: male given name, popular in the form Sakari
sakariini :: saccharin
sakarisormi [anatomy, archaic] :: little finger
sakaristo :: sacristy, vestry
Sakarja :: Zachariah; Zechariah
sakata :: to slough, renounce, discard (to play a card of other than the requested colour, usually because the player has run out of cards of this colour)
sakata :: alternative spelling of shakata
sakata [nautical, aeronautical] :: to stall, drop, fall astern
sake :: sake (Japanese rice wine)
sakea :: thick (liquid)
sakeampi :: comparative form of sakea
sakein :: superlative form of sakea
sakemanni :: A German person
sakerdootti :: priest; a member of clergy
saketti :: morning dress (kind of men's formal dress)
sakeute :: thickening agent, thickener
sakeuttaa :: to thicken (to make more viscous)
sakeutus :: thickening (of liquid)
sakeutusaine :: thickening agent (food additive)
sakka :: dregs
sakka :: lees (in wine and other beverages)
sakkadi :: saccade (quick movement of the eye)
sakkaraasi :: sucrase
sakkaridi :: saccharide
sakkariini :: saccharin
sakkaroosi :: sucrose
sakkaus :: A stall (loss of lift due to an airfoil's critical angle of attack being exceeded)
sakkauttaa :: to settle (to clear of dregs and impurities by causing them to sink)
sakkautua :: To sediment
sakkeli :: shackle
sakki :: alternative spelling of šakki
sakki :: gang, crowd
sakkilauta :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta
sakkinappula :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula
sakko :: fine, penalty
sakkoliha :: A jailbait (a person below the age of consent for sexual activity)
sakkoyksikkö :: penalty unit (sum of money used as a basis for penalty fines, the actual penalties being defined as multiples of the penalty unit; often decided annually by the relevant government)
SAK:lainen :: Of or pertaining to SAK
sakokaivo :: septic tank (underground septic tank)
sakottaa :: To fine, to ticket (to issue a fine as punishment)
sakramentti :: sacrament
sakramenttikaappi :: tabernacle (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist in a Roman Catholic church)
saksa :: The German language
Saksa :: Germany
saksalainen :: German, of or relating to Germany
saksalainen :: Germano-, in the form saksalais-
saksalainen :: German, relating to the German language:
saksalainen :: German (person)
saksalaistaa :: To Germanize, make German
saksalaistua :: to become German
saksalaisuus :: Germanness
Saksan demokraattinen tasavalta :: German Democratic Republic
saksanhirvi :: A hart (male of red deer, especially one over five years old)
saksanhirvi :: A hind (female red deer, especially one over three years old)
saksanhirvi :: A red deer, Cervus elaphus
saksankielinen :: Expressed in the German language
saksankielinen :: German-speaking
saksankumina :: Fennel (plant Foeniculum vulgare)
Saksan liittotasavalta :: The Federal Republic of Germany (official name of Germany)
saksanmarkka :: A common term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark; see Saksan markka
Saksan markka :: The official term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark
saksannos :: German translation
saksanpähkinä :: Juglans regia
saksanpähkinä :: walnut
saksantaa :: To translate into German
saksata :: to scissor (to move something like a pair of scissors, especially the legs)
sakset :: scissors
sakset :: pincers, claws (front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters)
sakset :: scissors; shears (large)
saksi :: A claw of a crab
saksi :: A Saxon
Saksi :: Saxony
saksia :: To scissor
saksija :: one who scissors
saksinokka :: skimmer (bird of the genus Rynchops in the family Laridae - gulls and terns)
saksipotku [soccer, swimming] :: saksipotku
saksofoni :: saxophone
saksofonisti :: saxophonist
saku :: guan (South American bird)
saku :: German, Kraut (German person)
Saku :: male given name
sala :: A secret; currently used mostly idiomatically and as modifier in compound terms
sala- :: A prefix signifying secret, clandestine, concealed
salaa :: In secret, secretly
sala-ampuja :: sniper
salaatinkastike :: salad dressing
salaatti :: salad
salaattikastike :: alternative form of salaatinkastike
salaattisikuri :: leaf chicory, Italian chicory (variant of common chicory or chicory cultivated for its leaves, which may be used in salads and as forage; Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
salailla :: to keep secret, cover up, hide
salainen [mysterious] :: arcane
salainen :: secret, clandestine (done or kept hidden)
salainen poliisi :: secret police (police operating secretively outside boundaries of normal law)
salaisempi :: comparative form of salainen
salaisuus :: secret
salajuoni :: plot, stratagem
salakapakka :: A speakeasy
salakauppias :: A bootlegger
salakavala :: insidious, treacherous
salakähmäinen :: underhand
salakähmäisesti :: underhand
salakähmäisyys :: concealment, stealthiness, secrecy
salaki :: salak
salakieli :: code language, cipher
salakirjoittaa :: To encipher, to encrypt
salakirjoitus :: ciphering (process)
salakirjoitus :: cipher (method)
salakirjoitus :: ciphertext, cipher (text)
salakirjoitusavain :: codebook
salakirjoitusjärjestelmä :: cipher (method)
salakirjoitusviesti :: ciphertext, cipher (text)
salakka :: bleak, Alburnus alburnus
salakuljettaa :: To bring (any goods) secretly (into a place or event where they are forbidden, e.g. a bottle of alcohol into a sports event)
salakuljettaa :: To smuggle (to transport goods illicitly over a border without paying the applicable duties; to transport illegal substances secretly over a border)
salakuljettaja :: smuggler
salakuljetus :: The act of smuggling (illegal import or export)
salakuunnella :: to eavesdrop, listen in (to listen to a conversation one is not intended to hear)
salakuunnella :: to tap, wiretap (to place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection)
salakuuntelu :: eavesdropping
salakuuntelulaite :: wiretap (concealed device that allows a third party to listen or record conversations)
salakäytävä :: secret passage
salaliitto :: A conspiracy, collusion
salaliittolainen :: conspirator
salaliittoteoria :: A conspiracy theory
salama :: lightning, bolt
salama :: flash
salamahyökkäys :: blitz
salamalaukaisin :: flashgun
salaman laukaisin :: flashgun
salamannopea :: fast as lightning
salamanteri :: salamander (amphibian)
salamanteri :: salamander (mythical creature)
salamatkustaja :: stowaway
salametsästäjä :: A poacher
salametsästys :: poaching
salami :: salami
salamoida [figuratively, e.g. of eyes] :: To blaze, flash (fire)
salamoida [impersonal] :: To lighten, flash
salamurha :: assassination
salamurhaaja :: assassin
salamurhata :: To assassinate
salamyhkäinen :: secretive
salanimi :: A pseudonym, nom de guerre, code name
salaoja :: An underground drain
salaojaverkko :: A drainage, subsurface system of drains
salaojittaa :: To build a system of underground drainage
salaojitus [agriculture, construction] :: A system of underground drains
salaojitus :: The act of installing either of the above
salaovi :: secret door
salaperäinen :: mysterious
salapoliisi :: A detective
salapoltto :: moonshining (illicit liquor production)
salasana :: A password (secret word used to gain admittance)
salaseura :: cabal
salaseura :: secret society
salassa :: under wraps (in hiding)
salassapitovelvollisuus :: confidentiality obligation, confidentiality privilege (obligation to maintain confidentiality on a specific issue or relationship)
salat :: secrets
salata :: to conceal, keep secret, cover up, hide
salata :: to encrypt, encipher
salatiede :: occultism
salattu :: hidden
salaus :: encryption
salausmenetelmä :: encryption method
salava :: crack willow (Salix fragilis)
salavihkainen :: furtive, stealthy
saldo :: balance of an account
sali :: A large room, often one in which dinners are served, visitors are received or banquets held
sali :: hall (principal room of a secular medieval building)
salibandy :: floorball
salijalkapallo :: futsal
salisyylihappo :: salicylic acid
salitanssi :: ballroom dance (type of elegant dance)
salkku :: briefcase, portfolio
salko :: flagstaff
salko :: pole
salkunkantaja :: sidekick (assistant)
salkuton :: without portfolio
salkuton :: without a briefcase
Salla :: A municipality in Finnish Lapland
Salla :: female given name transferred from the place name
Salli :: female given name
sallia :: to countenance
sallia :: to allow, permit
sallimus :: Fate, destiny
sallimus :: Providence (of God; manifestation of divine direction)
sallittu :: permissible
salliva :: permissible
Salme :: female given name
salmeke :: A small strait
Salmela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Salmela :: Finnish surname
salmi :: relatively narrow passage of water: strait, sound, narrows, inlet
Salmi :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Salmi :: A town in Russian Karelia
Salmi :: Finnish surname
salmiakki [mineral, chemistry, archaic] :: sal ammoniac
salmiakki :: salty liquorice
salmiakkimakeinen :: salty liquorice candy
Salminen :: Finnish surname
salmonella :: salmonella
salmonelloosi :: salmonellosis
salo :: a deep forest, wilderness
salo :: a forested island
Salo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Salo :: A town and a municipality on the SW coast of Finland
Salo :: Finnish surname
salolimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius stillatitius
salomaa :: deep forest, wilderness
Salomo :: male given name
Salomo :: Solomon (Biblical figure)
Salomon :: Solomon (Biblical figure)
Salomon :: male given name
Salomonsaaret :: The Solomon Islands
Salonen :: Finnish surname
salonki :: parlor, salon (large room)
salottisipuli :: shallot (kind of onion)
salpa :: bar (horizontal pole used to lock a door or a gate)
salpa :: bolt (sliding pin or bar in a lock)
salpa :: hasp, clasp (metal strap fastened by a padlock or a pin)
salpa :: salp
salpaaja :: blocker
salpahaka :: catch, clasp
salpietari :: saltpetre, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate
salsa [dance] :: salsa
salsa :: salsa
salsa :: salsa (sauce)
salskea :: handsome
salskea :: tall, lean, spare
salskea :: upstanding, respectable
saltaatio :: saltation
saluuna :: saloon
salva :: salve, ointment
salvaa :: alternative form of salvoa
salvaa :: to castrate, geld
salvain :: A notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house)
salvata :: To bolt, bar, latch
salvia :: sage (herb)
salvio :: gelding (castrated male horse)
salvoa :: To notch (to join by means of notches, especially the logs in the corners of a log house)
salvoin :: A notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house)
salvostaa :: alternative form of salvoa
salvukukko :: capon
salvumies :: carpenter who constructs log houses by hand
salvuporsas :: castrated male pig
salvupässi :: wether
sama :: same
samaa mieltä :: at one, of same opinion (olla yhtä mieltä = to be of same opinion = to agree)
samaan aikaan :: at the same time, even as (simultaneously)
samaani :: alternative spelling of šamaani
samainen :: same
samaistaa :: to identify with, equate (to hold two or more things as the same or expressions of the same underlying factor)
samaistua :: alternative form of samastua
samalla :: at the same time, simultaneously
samalla aaltopituudella :: on the same wavelength (same meaning)
samalla mitalla :: in kind (by the same means)
samalla tavalla :: Same as samalla tavoin
samalla tavoin :: in the same way
samanaikainen :: coincidental
samanaikainen :: contemporaneous
samanaikainen :: simultaneous
samanaikaisesti :: at the same time, simultaneously, together
samanaikaisuus :: simultaneity, simultaneousness
samanarvoinen :: equivalent
samanarvoisuus :: equivalence
samankaltainen :: homologous
samankaltainen :: similar
samankaltaisuus :: similarity, resemblance
samankeskinen :: concentric
samanlainen :: equivalent, identical
samanlainen :: similar, of a kind
samanlaisuus :: similarity
samanmielinen :: like-minded
samannäköinen :: alike, looking alike; also lookalike [noun]
samanoida :: alternative form of šamanoida
samansuuntainen :: parallel
samantapainen :: similar, suchlike
samantein :: alternative spelling of saman tien
samantekevä :: insignificant
saman tien :: as well (in addition; also)
saman tien :: by the same token
saman tien :: on the spot, right away, in a jiffy (very quickly; without delay)
samantyyppinen :: of the same type (similar, but not quite)
saman verran :: same amount, as much
samarialainen :: Samaritan
samarium :: samarium
samassa veneessä :: in the same boat (in the same situation or predicament; having common problems)
samastua :: To identify with someone or something
samasukupuolinen :: same-sex
samba :: samba
sambata :: to samba
Sambia :: Zambia (country in Southern Africa)
sambialainen :: Zambian
sambialainen :: A Zambian person
samea :: fuzzy
samea :: murky
sameampi :: comparative form of samea
samentua :: To cloud (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight)
samepiste :: cloud point (temperature at which organic liquid gets cloudy)
sameta :: to become turbid
sametinpehmeä :: velvety
sametti :: velvet
samettifarkut [colloquial, pluralonly] :: velvet jeans
samettifarmarit :: velvet jeans
samettikukka :: marigold (any flower in the genus Tagetes)
samettinen :: velvety
sameutua :: alternative form of samentua
Sami :: male given name
samisen :: alternative spelling of shamisen
sammahtaa :: To go to sleep, to sack out
sammakko :: common frog (Rana temporaria)
sammakko :: frog
sammakkoeläin :: amphibian
sammakkomies :: frogman
sammakkoperspektiivi :: frog perspective
sammakonkoipi :: a leg of a frog
sammakonkoipi :: in plural frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food)
sammakonkoivet :: frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food)
sammakonkutu :: frogspawn
sammakonpoikanen :: tadpole
sammakonreisi :: a thigh of a frog
sammakonreisi :: in plural, frog legs (hind legs of a frog used as food)
sammakontoukka :: Larval frog; tadpole
sammal :: bryophyte (botany term covering mosses, liverworts and hornworts)
sammal :: moss
sammaleinen :: mossy
sammaleläin :: bryozoon
sammalikko :: area covered by moss
sammaloitua :: To moss
sammaloituminen :: mossing
sammaltaa :: To slur
sammaltiede :: bryology
sammas :: a cosmic pillar that supported the sky in the ancient Finnish mythology
sammas :: oral candidiasis, oral thrush
sammas :: (pathology) oral ulcer, aphtha
sammi :: A drinking vessel made of birch-bark
sammio :: vat
sammua :: to crash, conk out (to fall asleep)
sammua :: to pass out (due to heavy consumption of alcohol)
sammua [of feelings, emotions] :: to die, fade/melt away, diminish
sammua :: to go out, die (down), flame out
sammua :: to go out, off
sammua [of thirst] :: to be quenched
sammuke :: extinguishant (extinguishing medium)
sammuksiin :: extinguished, put out, out, blown out (to the state of being out)
sammuksiin :: turned off (to the state of being turned off, used e.g. of lights or a machine)
sammuksissa :: extinguished, put out (of fire)
sammuksissa :: passed out (unconscious)
sammuksissa :: turned off (of e.g. lights or a machine)
sammunut :: dead (of an emotion)
sammunut :: extinct (of a family)
sammunut :: extinct (of a volcano)
sammunut :: extinguished, put out, quenched, dead (of a fire, cigarette etc.)
sammunut :: passed out (having lost conscience due to alcohol or drugs)
sammunut :: quenched (of thirst)
sammutin :: fire extinguisher
sammuttaa :: to put out, extinguish [fire]
sammuttaa :: to quench, extinguish [thirst]
sammuttaa :: to shut down, turn off
sammuttaminen :: Action noun of the verb sammuttaa, extinguishing
sammutus :: fire fighting
samoa :: Samoan (language)
Samoa :: Samoa
samoalainen :: Samoan
samoalainen :: Samoan (person)
samoanlentäväkoira :: Samoa flying-fox (Pteropus samoensis)
samoihin aikoihin :: at about the same time (almost simultaneously)
samoilla :: To wander (usually in nature and without any specific destination)
samoilu :: wandering, hiking
samoin :: ditto
samoin :: likewise
samoin kuin :: as well as
samojedi :: Samoyed
samojedikieli :: A Samoyed language
samojedinkoira :: Samoyed (dog)
samota :: To wander; hike
samovaari :: A samovar (metal urn for boiling water)
samperi :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse)
sampi :: European sturgeon, common sturgeon, Acipenser sturio (type species of that family)
sampi :: sturgeon (any fish of the family Acipenseridae)
sampikala :: a fish in the order Acipenseriformes
sampinjoni :: champignon, Agaricus bisporus
sampioni :: champion
samplata :: to sample
samplaus :: sampling
sampleri :: sampler
sampo :: A magical artifact in the Kalevala; it provided wealth to its owner
Sampo :: male given name
sampoo :: shampoo
samppanja :: champagne (a glass of champagne)
samppanja :: champagne (sparkling wine produced in Champagne)
samppanja [informal, increasingly rare] :: champagne (sparkling wine)
samppanjalasi :: champagne glass, champagne flute, flute
samppanjapullo :: champagne bottle
samppanjavispilä :: champagne whisk
Sampsa :: male given name
Sampsa :: A god of fields and growth in Finnish mythology
Samu :: male given name, short for Samuel and Samuli
Samuel :: male given name
Samuel :: Samuel (biblical figure)
Samuli :: male given name
samum :: simoom
samurai :: samurai
samuus :: sameness
sana :: lesson (section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service)
sana :: with a capital initial letter, the Word or Scripture
sana :: word
sanaharkka :: A quarrel
sanailla :: To argue (to have an argument)
sanailla :: To exchange words; to discuss
sanailla :: To speak or write; to use words
sanajärjestys :: word order
sanakirja :: dictionary
sanalaatikko :: word search (popular word game)
sanaleikki :: wordplay, pun
sanaliitto :: open compound
sanallinen :: verbal
sanallisesti :: verbally
sanaluokka :: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs)
sanamäärä :: word count (number of words in a passage of text)
sananen :: diminutive form of sana
sananen :: word
sananlasku :: proverb
sananmukainen :: literal
sananmukaisesti :: literally
sananmuunnos :: spoonerism
sananraja :: alternative form of sanaraja
sananvalinta :: diction
sananvapaus :: freedom of speech
sanaoppi [dated, linguistics] :: logology (scientific study of words)
sanaraja :: word boundary
sanaristikko :: crossword
sanaseppoilu :: recreational linguistics, logology, wordplay (study of words for recreation)
sanasota :: war of words
sanasta sanaan :: word for word [adverbial usage], word-for-word [adjectival usage]
sanasto :: vocabulary, glossary (collection of words alphabetized and explained)
sanasto :: vocabulary, language (collection of words used in a particular field)
sanasto :: vocabulary (words of a language collectively)
sanasto-oppi :: lexicology
sanatarkasti :: verbatim
sanatarkka :: word-for-word, exact, verbatim
sanaton :: non-verbal, nonverbal
sanaton :: speechless
sanaton :: unspoken, wordless
sanatorio :: sanatorium
sanavarasto :: vocabulary (collection of words one knows and uses)
sanavartalo :: root
sandaali :: A sandal
sandinisti :: Sandinista
sanduri :: sandur
sane :: vocable (word or utterance, especially with reference to its form rather than its meaning)
sane :: word token
saneerata :: To redevelop (to convert a neighbourhood by new construction, reconstruction and/or renovation of existing buildings)
saneerata :: To rehabilitate (to restore or repair, to make habitable again)
saneerata :: To renovate (to make extensive repairs to a building, often adding modern technology)
saneeraus :: A complete reorganization of a company or other organization, typically involving redundancies, outsourcing and sales of businesses and non-essential assets
saneeraus :: A renovation
sanelin :: A dictation machine, dictaphone
sanelin [colloquial, humorous] :: A mouth, especially in connection with eating
sanella :: To dictate (to order, command, control)
sanella :: To dictate (to speak in order for someone to write down the words)
Sanelma :: female given name
sanelu :: dictation
sanelukone :: dictation machine, dictaphone
sanforoida :: To treat wool so that it does not shrink when washed
sangen :: very
sangoittain :: By the bucket
sangollinen :: bucketful (amount held in a bucket)
sangria :: sangria
sangviininen :: sanguine
saniainen :: A fern
sanidiini :: sanidine
sanka :: any handle made of metal wire or other relatively thin and stiff material
sanka :: temple, arm of spectacles
sankaluuri :: handsfree earpiece (mobile phone device that sits in or on the ear with earphone and microphone)
sankari :: hero, heroine
sankarillinen :: heroic
sankaritar :: heroine
sankarius :: alternative form of sankaruus (heroism)
sankaruus :: heroism, heroization
sankasti :: densely
sankeri :: (common) chancre
sankeri :: (expletive) purity
sankka :: dense
sankkeri :: chancre (skin lesion associated with certain contagious diseases, particularly STD's)
sankkireikä :: touch hole
sanko :: bucket, pail
sankoin joukoin :: en masse
sanktio :: sanction
sanktioida :: To sanction
San Marino :: San Marino (city)
San Marino :: San Marino (country)
sanmarinolainen :: Sammarinese
Sanna :: female given name
Sanni :: female given name
sannikas :: sandal
sanoa :: to say, tell (transitive → + partitive or accusative "something", intransitive → + elative, "about something")
sanoinkuvaamaton :: unspeakable
sanoittaa :: to write lyrics to a song
sanoittaja :: lyricist, songwriter (one who writes the lyrics of songs)
sanoitus :: lyrics (words of a song)
sanoja :: A sayer; one who says
sanoma :: A message, communication (figuratively)
sanomalehti :: A newspaper (publication)
sanomalehtipaperi :: newsprint
sanomaton :: unspeakable
sanomaton :: unspoken, unsaid
sano muikku :: say cheese (literally: say vendace)
sanonta :: saying, apothegm, adage
sanopa muuta :: you can say that again (in response to another person: that is very true)
sanoutua :: Used only in the verb phrase sanoutua irti and in the compound verb irtisanoutua
sanoutua irti :: ~ + elative; to dissociate oneself from (e.g. an opinion, an ideology)
sanoutua irti :: to give notice, resign
sanskriitti :: Sanskrit (language)
sanskrit :: The Sanskrit language
sanskritisti :: Sanskritist
santa :: sand (usually meaning slightly wet sand)
santarmi :: gendarme
santarmi :: gendarmerie
santelipuu :: sandalwood
Santeri :: male given name
santsata :: to go back for seconds, to go back for more
Santtu :: male given name
sanue :: The set of a word and words etymologically related to it
saos :: precipitate
saostaa :: to precipitate (to separate a substance out of a liquid solution into solid form.)
saostin :: precipitant
saostua :: to precipitate (to come out of a liquid solution into solid form)
saostuma :: coagulate
saostuma :: precipitate
saostuskaivo :: septic tank (underground septic tank)
saostussäiliö :: septic tank (underground or above ground septic tank)
saota :: To thicken (more viscous)
saparo :: bunches, pigtail (hairstyle)
saparo :: The tail of a pig
saparomakaki :: pigtail macaque
sapatti :: Sabbath
sapatti :: sabbatical
sapattivapaa :: A sabbatical (extended period of leave of any length, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects)
sapattivuosi :: A sabbatical (about a year long period of leave, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects)
sapattivuosi :: A sabbatical year
sapekas :: bilious
sapeli :: sabre, saber
sapelihammastiikeri :: A sabre-toothed tiger
sapelinkalistelija :: sabre-rattler
sapelinkalistelu :: sabre-rattling
sapettaa :: to gall, to trouble, to bother
sapfolainen :: Sapphic (relating to lesbianism; lesbian)
sapfolainen :: Sapphic (relating to the Greek poet Sappho or her poetry)
sapfolainen :: sapphist (lesbian)
sapluuna :: A stencil (utensil for drawing)
sapluuna :: A template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object)
sappi :: bile, gall (bodily fluid)
sappi [dated, idiomatic] :: bile, spleen, spitefulness (bad mood, bitterness of temper)
sappi :: gallbladder (short of sappirakko)
sappihapero :: geranium brittlegill or geranium-scented russula, Russula fellea
sappihappo :: bile acid
sappikivi :: gallstone
sappipitoinen :: bilious
sappirakko :: A gallbladder
sappirakontulehdus :: cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)
sappiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius infractus
sappitie :: bile duct
saprofyytti :: saprophyte
saprotrofi :: A scientific usage term for a saprotroph
sapuska :: food, grub
sara :: sedge
Sara :: female given name
sarake :: column (as opposed to row)
sarana :: A gudgeon
sarana :: A hinge (pivoting point)
saranatappi :: A pintle (pin or bolt that acts as a pivot for a hinge)
saranoida :: to hinge (to attach by or equip with a hinge)
saranoitu :: hinged (equipped with hinge or hinges)
sarastaa :: To dawn
sarastaa [with the subject aamu] :: To dawn
sarastus :: dawn, daybreak
sarastus :: dawning (first beginnings of something)
sardelli :: anchovy (any fish of the family Engraulidae)
sardi :: sard
sardi :: The Sardinian language
sardiini :: sardine
Sardinia :: Sardinia
sardinialainen :: Sardinian
sardinialainen :: A Sardinian
Sargassomeri :: The Sargasso Sea
sari :: sari (Indian piece of clothing)
Sari :: female given name
sariini :: sarin
Sarita :: female given name
sarja :: As a modifier in a compound signifies e.g. serial, automatic
sarja :: umbella
sarja :: chain, sequence, succession, train (of events)
sarja :: (comic) strip
sarja [mathematics, business, chemistry, television] :: series
sarja :: suite
sarja :: set (e.g. of tools or items to be collected)
sarja :: division, series, league
sarjakeltano :: A narrowleaf hawkweed, Hieracium umbellatum
sarjakuva [comics] :: comics, artistic medium
sarjakuva [comics] :: comic strip
sarjakuva-albumi [comics] :: comics, comic book
sarjakuvakirja [comics] :: comics, comic book
sarjakuvalehti :: comic book [magazine]
sarjakuvapiirtäjä :: cartoonist (person who draws cartoons)
sarjakuvastrippi :: comic strip
sarjallisuus :: serialism
sarjamurha :: serial murder
sarjamurhaaja :: serial killer
sarjataulukko :: league table
sarjis :: Alternative term for sarjakuva
sarka :: field, area, branch
sarka :: frieze (cloth)
sarka :: patch, strip (of field)
sarkain :: A tabulator (mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders)
sarkainmerkki :: tab (a space character that extends to the next column)
sarkasmi :: sarcasm
sarkastinen :: sarcastic
sarkofagi :: sarcophagus
sarpio :: water plantain, a plant in the genus Alisma, family Alismataceae
SARS :: SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome
sarveinen :: keratinous (consisting of keratine)
sarveisaine :: keratin
sarveisaineinen :: keratinous
sarveiskalvo :: Cornea
sarveiskalvotulehdus :: keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
sarvekas :: horned
sarvellinen :: horned
sarvena :: point of hip, coxal tuber (protuberance visible on either side of the hip of an animal, caused by the upper part of the hip bone)
sarvennoinen :: trochanter (end of the femur near the hip joint)
sarveton :: hornless
sarvi :: (chiefly in the plural) handlebar
sarvi :: horn (any similar real or imaginary growth or projection)
sarvi :: horn (growth of keratin that protrudes from the head of certain animals)
sarvi :: horn (hornlike object)
sarvi :: horn (substance)
sarvi [lb, fi, usually in plural] :: antler
sarviapila :: fenugreek
sarvijaakko :: timberman beetle (Acanthocinus aedilis)
sarvijänis :: jackalope
sarvijäärä :: longhorn beetle (any beetle from the Cerambycidae family)
sarvikruunu :: antler (complete antler with both halves intact, as trophy or on the head of a living animal)
sarvikuono :: Rhinoceros
sarvikuonokas :: European rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis)
sarvimainen :: hornlike
sarvipäinen :: horned
sarvipöllö :: A long-eared owl, Asio otus
sarvisammal :: hornwort (any of hundreds of species of bryophytes belonging to Anthocerotophyta)
sarvitraktori :: two-wheel tractor, walking tractor
sarvivalas :: narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
sarvivälke :: hornblende
sashimi :: sashimi
Sasu :: male given name
sata :: A/one hundred
sataa :: To fall (from the sky)
sataa :: ~ lunta = to snow
sataa :: ~ rakeita = to hail
sataa :: (~ vettä) To rain
sataa kaatamalla :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa äkäisiä ämmiä äkeet selässä [simile] :: rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa kuin saavista kaataen [simile] :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa tihkua :: To drizzle (to rain lightly)
satakerta :: omasum
satakertainen :: hundredfold
satakielet :: The bird genus Luscinia
satakieli :: A commonly, and erroneously, used name of etelänsatakieli, the common nightingale, nightingale or rufous nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
satakieli :: Any of the birds in genus Luscinia, in Finnish satakielet. Individual species are called robin, rubythroat, nightingale and bluethroat in English
satakieli :: The thrush nightingale (sprosser), Luscinia luscinia
satakunta :: Around a hundred
Satakunta :: A region and a historical province in the western Finland
satakuntalainen :: Of or pertaining to Satakunta
satakuntalainen :: A person from Satakunta
satama :: harbour, port, haven
satama-allas :: dock (body of water between two piers or wharves)
satamalaituri :: wharf
satamatyöntekijä :: dockworker
satanen :: A hundred (digit or figure 100)
satanismi :: satanism
satanisti :: satanist
satanistinen :: Pertaining to satanism
satapäinen :: hundred-headed
satatuhatta :: hundred thousand
satavuotias :: centenarian, a hundred years old
satavuotias :: centenarian
satavuotinen :: centenarian
satayksi :: one hundred and one
sateenkaari :: A rainbow
sateenkaarikala :: rainbowfish
sateenkaarikardinaali :: painted bunting, Passerina ciris
sateenkaarilippu :: A rainbow flag (symbol of the LGBT community)
sateenkaariluri :: lorikeet (bird of several genera in the parrot family)
sateenkaarirautu :: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
sateenvarjo :: umbrella (anything that provides protection)
sateenvarjo :: umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain)
sateeton :: rainless
sateettomasti :: rainlessly
sateinen :: Rainy
satelliitti :: satellite (especially artificial)
satelliittiantenni :: satellite antenna
satelliittikanava :: satellite channel
satelliittikaupunki :: satellite city, satellite town
satelliittikuva :: satellite photograph
satelliittikuvaus :: satellite photography
satelliittinavigaattori :: satellite navigator
satelliittinavigointi :: satellite navigation
satelliittipaikannus :: satellite navigation
satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmä :: global positioning system, global navigation satellite system
satelliittitelevisio :: satellite television
satelliittiviestintä :: satellite communication
satiainen :: In partitive plural (satiaisia), crabs (slang: condition of having pubic lice)
satiainen :: pubic louse, crab louse (Phthirus pubis)
satiaistauti :: phthiriasis; crabs
satiini :: satin, sateen (cloth)
satiiri :: satire
satiirikko :: satirist
satiirinen :: satiric, satirical
satku :: A banknote of one hundred euros or other currency
satku :: One hundred units of currency
sato :: crop (natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants)
satoisa :: high-yielding
satoisampi :: comparative form of satoisa
satoi tai paistoi :: rain or shine (literally: rained or shined)
satraappi :: satrap
satsata :: to invest in
satsi :: ratio, round, hit
satsuma :: satsuma
sattua :: (monopersonally; 3rd-pers. sg.) To hurt (with the subject it; where = illative; physically or mentally), be sore
sattua :: To hit, strike (+ illative)
sattua :: To happen, there is/are/was/were/has been/have been/had been, occur, come about, come up
sattua :: To happen (to do = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään; in conditional mood in a jos clause with or without vaikka) should
sattua omaan nilkkaan :: to cut off one's nose to spite one's face (to harm oneself as a result of attempting to harm an adversary)
sattuma :: chance, coincidence, happenstance
sattumalta :: accidentally, by chance
sattumalta :: as it happens, by coincidence
sattumalta :: fortuitously
sattumanvarainen :: coincidental
sattumanvarainen :: random
sattumanvaraisesti :: randomly (in a random way)
sattumoisin :: by chance
sattuneesta syystä :: For obvious reasons
satu :: A (especially children's) story that is not true
satu :: A fairy tale, fable
Satu :: female given name
satukirja :: storybook
satula :: A saddle
satulalaukku :: saddlebag (covered pouch)
satulanenä :: saddle nose
satulantekijä :: saddlemaker, saddler
satulapiste [geometry, game theory] :: A saddle point
satulapoimu :: anticline
satulaseppä :: saddler, saddlemaker
satulavyö :: girth (band that holds a saddle in place)
satuloida :: To saddle (to put a saddle on an animal)
satulointi :: saddling
satumaa :: wonderland
satumaailma :: fairy tale world
satumaailma :: fantasy world
satumainen :: fabulous
satunnainen :: extraordinary
satunnainen :: coincidental
satunnainen :: random
satunnaisesti :: randomly
satunnaiskulku :: random walk
satunnaisluku :: random number
satunnaislukugeneraattori :: random number generator
satunnaismuuttuja :: A random variable
satunnaisotanta :: random sample
satunnaisotos :: random sample
satunnaisuus :: stochasticity
satunnaisuus :: randomness
saturaatio :: saturation
saturainen :: one hundred markka or euro bill
Saturnus [Roman god] :: The Roman god Saturn
Saturnus :: Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system
saturoida :: To saturate
saturointi :: saturation
satuttaa :: To hurt (physically or mentally)
satyyri :: satyr
saudi :: A Saudi
Saudi-Arabia :: Saudi Arabia
saudiarabialainen :: Saudi Arabian
saudiarabialainen :: A Saudi Arabian person
sauhu :: smoke
sauhuta :: To give off smoke
saukko :: Any otter
saukko :: The European otter, Lutra lutra
Sauli :: male given name
sauma :: chance, window of opportunity
sauma :: seam
saumanvara :: seam allowance
saumavara :: alternative term for saumanvara
saumuri :: overlocker, overlock sewing machine
sauna :: Any bath where sweating is part of the bathing process
sauna :: sauna
saunamaija :: isopod
saunatonttu :: An elf said to inhabit the sauna and punish those who misbehave in it
saunavasta :: Same as vasta
saundi :: The sound of a musical instrument etc
saunio :: Certain aster flowers
saunoa :: To bath in a sauna, to have a sauna
saunoja :: One who bathes in a sauna
saunominen :: sauna (act of having sauna)
sauro :: Tanned goat hide
sauva :: rod cell, short for sauvasolu
sauva :: ski pole, short for suksisauva
sauva :: wand, staff, stick, rod
sauvabakteeri :: A rod-shaped bacterium, bacillus
sauvakirkko :: stave church (type of wooden church)
sauvakävely :: Nordic walking
sauvaohjain :: joystick
sauvasirkka :: stick insect
sauvasolu :: rod cell
sauvoa :: To pole
sauvoin :: pole used to pole a boat
savakko :: A member of one of the two groups of Ingrian Finns
savanni :: savannah
savannikoira :: African hunting dog, African wild dog, Lycaon pictus
savanninorsu :: African bush elephant, Loxodonta africana
Savela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Savela :: Finnish surname
savenruskea seitikki :: Cortinarius decolorans
saveta :: to smear
savettua :: alternative form of saveutua
saveutua :: To be soiled or covered by clay
savi :: clay
savikiekko [informally] :: gramophone record, phonograph record (audio disc playable with a needle record player)
savikiekko [sport, shooting] :: clay pigeon
savikiekkoammunta :: clay pigeon shooting (kind of sport shooting)
savikivi :: claystone
savikivi :: shale
savikka :: goosefoot
savikko :: clay ground
saviliuske :: slate
savinen :: clayey (containing clay)
savipaakku :: A clump of clay
savipuumuura :: plain-winged antshrike
saviruukku :: crock
savitiili :: adobe (unburnt brick)
savo :: The Savonian dialect of Finnish
Savo :: Savonia
Savoiji :: Savoy (region)
savolainen :: Savonian
savolainen :: A Savonian person
Savolainen :: Finnish surname
savolaismallinen :: Made according to a model customary in the province of Savo; used especially of a type of rowing boat
savolaismallinen :: A rowing boat made according to the traditional model used in the province of Savo
savotta :: A place where logging is done
savu :: Smoke
savuaminen :: smoking (action of giving off smoke)
savuamispiste :: smoke point
savuankerias :: smoked eel
savuava :: smoking (giving off smoke)
savuhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula adusta
savuhälytin :: A smoke alarm
savuinen :: smoky
savuisuus :: smokiness
savukaasu :: flue gas (gaseous combustion product that comes out of a stove or a furnace)
savukaasuräjähdys :: smoke explosion
savukala :: smoked fish
savukalasalaatti :: smoked fish salad
savukanava :: A flue, funnel (pipe or duct that carries gaseous combustion products)
savuke :: A cigarette
savukemerkki :: brand of cigarettes
savukinkku :: smoked ham
savukkeensytytin :: A cigarette lighter
savukone :: fog machine
savukvartsi :: smoky quartz
savuliha [pejorative, slang] :: Gypsy
savuliha :: smoked meat (any smoked meat)
savulohi :: smoked salmon
savumerkki :: smoke signal
savunharmaa :: smoke (of the colour of smoke)
savunharmaa :: smoke (the colour of smoke)
savunilmaisin :: A smoke detector
savunmakuinen :: smoky (having flavour like smoke)
savupiippu :: chimney (UK, in a steam locomotive)
savupiippu :: flue, funnel (pipe or channel leading smoke away from the fire)
savupiippu :: funnel (on a steamer)
savupiippu :: smokestack, chimney (pipe leading smoke away from the fire and the structure surrounding the pipe)
savupiippu :: smokestack (in a factory, power plant etc.)
savupiipputeollisuus :: smokestack industry
savupommi :: smoke bomb
savuporo :: smoked reindeer
savurengas :: smoke ring
savurousku :: sooty milk-cap, Lactarius fuliginosus
savusauna :: smoke sauna (traditional type of Finnish sauna which lacks a chimney and becomes filled by smoke during warming)
savuseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius decoloratus
savusilakka :: smoked Baltic herring
savusilli :: smoked herring, buckling; red herring; kipper (herring cured with smoke)
savustaa :: To smoke (to preserve by treating with smoke)
savustamo :: A smokery, smokehouse (facility for smoking food)
savustettu :: smoked (treated with smoke)
savustin :: A smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
savustua :: To become smoked
savustus :: fumigation
savustus :: smoking of food
savustuspönttö :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
savusumu :: smog
savuta :: To give off smoke
savutella :: To smoke (to consume tobacco products)
savutin :: A bee smoker
savutin :: A smoker (device designed to generate smoke)
savuton :: being a non-smoker
savuton :: smoke-free (reserved for non-smokers)
savuton :: smokeless (free from the presence of smoke)
savuttaa [often in this specific usage; e.g. of a (brick)kiln used when baking or other machines or tools] :: To smoke, let/spread smoke in(to places unwanted)
savuttaja :: A smoker (something that produces smoke)
savuttomasti :: smokelessly
savuttomuus :: smokelessness
savutus :: fumigation
savuvahinko :: smoke damage
savuverho :: A smoke (military: screening smoke)
savuverho :: A smokescreen
schapendoes :: schapendoes, Dutch sheepdog (Dutch breed of shepherd dog)
scheeliitti :: scheelite
Schengen :: Schengen (town in Luxembourg)
Schengen :: short for Schengenin sopimus, the Schengen Agreement
schillerinajokoira :: Schiller hound (Swedish breed of scenthound)
schwaabi :: alternative spelling of svaabi
schwabenilainen :: alternative form of schwabilainen
schwabenilainen :: Swabian (person)
schwabilainen :: Swabian (of or pertaining to Swabia)
Schwartzwald :: Black Forest (mountain range and region in SW Germany)
scifi :: sci-fi
scifi-elokuva :: sci-fi movie
scifikirjailija :: sci-fi writer, sci-fi author
scifikirjallisuus :: science fiction (literature genre)
scifileffa :: sci-fi movie
scifi-romaani :: sci-fi novel
sclaterinkultamyyrä :: Sclater's golden mole, Chlorotalpa sclateri
Scrabble :: Scrabble (board game)
sääde :: regulating substance
säde :: beam of light
säde :: radius
säde :: ray of radiation
söde :: cute
Säde :: female given name
sädeannos :: Same as säteilyannos
säde-eläin :: radiolarian
sädehoito :: radiation therapy
sädehtiä :: to radiate
sädekaisla :: papyrus sedge, flatsedge, nutsedge, umbrella sedge (plant of the genus Cyperus)
sädekehä :: A halo (metaphorical aura of glory)
sädekehä :: A halo, nimbus, aureole (luminous disc around or over the heads of saints)
sädekehävaikutus :: halo effect
säädellä :: to regulate
sädeoptiikka :: geometric optics
sädesieni :: actinomycete (any of various filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria, of the order Actinomycetales)
sädesienitauti :: actinomycosis
sädesiipisimppu :: clearfin lionfish, Pterois radiata
sädettää :: to radiate
säädettävä :: adjustable
säädin :: controller
säädin :: remote control
SDP :: The initialism of Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, the Social Democratic Party of Finland
säädös :: statute
säädösoikeus :: statute law
säädyllinen :: decent (acting decently)
säädytön :: dirty, indecent, lewd
säe [poetry] :: line, verse
se [colloquial, and, dialectal, Kven] :: he, she
se :: the (see the usage notes below)
se [demonstrative, including in Kven] :: it; (when the speaker does not point at the thing) that
seaborgium :: seaborgium
sealyhaminterrieri :: Sealyham terrier (breed of dog)
seassa :: among (intermixed with)
seasta :: from among (intermixed with)
seata :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it)
seborrea :: seborrhea (skin disorder)
seborrooinen :: seborrheic
sebroidi :: zebroid
sedaatio :: sedation (act of sedating by use of sedatives)
sedan :: sedan (body style for cars)
sedatiivi :: sedative
sedilji [typography] :: cedilla
sedimentaatio :: sedimentation
sedimentoida :: to sediment (to deposit material as a sediment)
sedimentointi :: sedimentation (act of depositing material as sediment)
sedimentoitua :: To sediment
sedimentti :: sediment
sedimenttikivi :: sedimentary rock
sedimenttikivilaji :: sedimentary rock
seditellä :: to call someone uncle (to use the word setä as an address)
seebu :: zebu, Bos primigenius indicus
Seem :: Shem
Seem :: male given name of biblical origin; rarely used
seemiläinen :: Semitic (e.g. Semitic language)
seemiläinen :: Semite (person)
seemiläisyys :: Semiticness (quality or state of being Semitic)
-seen :: Forms the illative singular case
-seeni :: -cene
seepia :: cuttlefish, inkfish (marine mollusk of the order Sepiida)
seepia :: sepia (colour of that pigment)
seepia :: sepia (slightly reddish, dark brown pigment made from the secretions, the "ink", of the cuttlefish or a synthetic pigment of the same colour)
seepra :: zebra
seeprahai :: zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum
seeprahiiri :: Alternative term for raitahiiri
seeprahyppijä :: zebra spider, Salticus scenicus (common jumping spider of the Northern Hemisphere)
seeprakala :: zebrafish (Danio rerio)
seeprakirjoahven :: convict cichlid, zebra cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata (species of small, striped fish from the family Cichlidae, native to Central America, popular aquarium fish)
seeprakotiloahven :: Neolamprologus multifasciatus; in the aquarium fish trade often called multi, shellie or shell dweller (small shell-dwelling cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika)
seepraluhtakana :: slaty-breasted rail, Gallirallus striatus
seepramaija :: zebra plant, Calathea zebrina
seepramakrilli :: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson
seepramalawinahven :: zebra mbuna, Maylandia zebra (cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in Africa)
seepramangusti :: banded mongoose, zebra mongoose, Mungos mungo (mongoose commonly found in the central and eastern parts of Africa)
seepramanikki :: black-and-white mannikin, black-and-white munia, Lonchura bicolor
seepramyrkkyluikero :: striped blenny, striped fang blenny, grammistes blenny, line-spot harptail blenny, striped poison-fang blenny, Meiacanthus grammistes
seepranuolikko :: zebra barred dartfish, Ptereleotris zebra
seepranuolimonni :: zebra oto, tiger oto Otocinclus cocama
seeprapallokala :: manystriped blowfish, manystriped pufferfish, scribbled toadfish, ferocious pufferfish, Feroxodon multistriatus
seeprapeippo :: zebra finch, Taenoipygia guttata
seeprapleko :: zebra pleco, Hypancistrus zebra
seeprapreussinahven :: whitetail dascyllus, humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus
seepraraidoitus :: zebra striping
seepraraita :: zebra stripe, zebra line (black and white striped pattern)
seeprasarvihai :: zebra bullhead shark, Heterodontus zebra
seeprasiipisimppu :: zebra turkeyfish, zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra
seeprasimpukka :: Alternative term for vaeltajasimpukka, Dreissena polymorpha
seepravälskäri :: Red Sea sailfin tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, Zebrasoma desjardinii
seepravuokkokala :: Clark's anemonefish, yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii
seerumi :: serum
seerumihoito :: serotherapy (therapeutic use of sera)
seerumioppi :: serology (science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum)
seerumiruiske :: serum injection
seerumitauti :: serum sickness
sees :: serene
seesam :: seesam aukene! = open sesame!
seesam :: alternative spelling of seesami Used especially as modifier in compound terms
seesam :: An open sesame (any successful means of achieving a result)
seesami :: sesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum and its seed)
seesamijauho :: sesame flour
seesamiöljy :: sesame oil
seesaminsiemen :: sesame seed
seesamluu :: A sesamoid bone
seestää :: to calm, clear
seesteinen :: Serene, tranquil
seesteisyys :: serenity
seestyä :: To calm
seestyä :: To clear up
Seet :: Seth (Biblical figure)
Seet :: male given name of biblical origin; quite rare
sefardi :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry)
sefardijuutalainen :: Sephardic (of or pertaining to Jews of Iberian ancestry)
sefardijuutalainen :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry)
segmentaatio :: segmentation
segmentoida :: To segment
segmentointi :: segmentation
segmentoitua :: to become segmented
segmentti :: segment
segregaatio :: segregation
segregoida :: to segregate
sei :: saithe (Pollachius virens)
seideli :: seidel (large beer mug, especially one with a lid)
Seidi :: female given name
Seija :: female given name popular in the 1930s and the 1940s
seijas [archaic, rare] :: tranquil, serene
seikka :: circumstance
seikka :: thing, matter
seikkailija :: adventurer
seikkailijatar :: adventuress
seikkailla :: To adventure
seikkailu :: adventure
seikkailuelokuva :: adventure film
seikkailufilmi :: adventure film
seikkailukas :: adventurous
seikkailukasvatus :: adventure education
seikkailukertomus :: adventure story
seikkailukirja :: adventure book
seikkailukirjallisuus :: adventure literature
seikkailukkaampi :: comparative form of seikkailukas
seikkailukkain :: superlative form of seikkailukas
seikkailumatkailu :: adventure tourism
seikkailunhalu :: desire for adventure
seikkailunhaluinen :: adventurous, adventuresome
seikkailunhaluisuus :: adventurousness
seikkailupeli :: adventure game
seikkailupolitiikka :: adventurism
seikkailurikas :: adventurous
seikkailuromaani :: adventure novel
seikkailusarja :: adventure series
seikkaperäinen :: detailed, exhaustive
seikkaperäisesti :: detailedly, exhaustively
seikkaperäisyys :: exhaustiveness, abundance of detail
seikkasana :: adverb
seilailla :: to sail
seilata :: To sail
seili :: sail
seilori [slang, nautical] :: A sailor
seimi :: crib (in nativity scene)
seinä :: mains (domestic electrical power supply)
seinä :: wall (in buildings)
seinäalmanakka :: wall calendar
seinäelementti :: wall element
seinemmäksi :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmällä :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmälle :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmäs :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinempänä :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinähirsi :: wall log
seinis :: Alternative term for seinäpallo
Seinäjoki :: A city in southern Ostrobothnia, capital of a province
seinäkaakeli :: wall tile
seinäkaide :: wall railing (hand railing attached to a wall)
seinäkalenteri :: wall calendar
seinäkartta :: wall map
seinäkello :: A wall clock
seinäkiipeily :: wall climbing
seinäkirjoitus :: wall inscription
seinäkkäin :: Alternative term for seinätysten
seinäkoriste :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinäkoriste :: wall hanging
seinäkukkanen :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinälaatta :: wall tile
seinälamppu :: wall lamp
seinälehti :: wall newspaper, placard newspaper (hand-lettered or printed newspaper designed to be displayed and read in public places, such as walls)
seinälude :: bedbug, Cimex lectularius
seinämä [anatomy, zoology, botany] :: wall (divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity)
seinämä :: wall (something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall)
seinämaalaus :: mural
seinänaapuri :: wall neighbour (neighbour with whom one shares a wall)
seinänvieri :: Alternative form of seinävieri [preferable]
seinänvierus :: Alternative term for seinänvieri
seinänvierusta :: Alternative term for seinänvieri
seinäpallo :: A childen's ball game similar to Butts Up|butts up or Wall Ball|wall ball
seinäpaneeli :: wall panel
seinäpaperi :: wallpaper
seinäpäivyri :: wall calendar
seinäpuhelin :: wall telephone (telephone mounted on a wall)
seinäruusu :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinäryijy :: rya, wall rya ("rya" rug intended to be used as wall hanging, instead of some other use such as for bedcover)
seinäsammal :: feathermoss, Pleurozium schreberi
seinäsammal-mustikkatyyppi :: Hylocomium-Myrtillus-type (forest type in the Finnish forest classification system; a relatively infertile, moist spruce forest with thick layer of feathermoss, typical for the Peräpohjola and Northern Ostrobothnia regions)
seinätekstiili :: tapestry, wall textile
seinätiili :: wall brick
seinätiili :: wall tile
seinätön :: wall-less (e.g. building without walls)
seinätulppa :: wall plug [UK], dowel, screw anchor (fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls)
seinätyksin :: Alternative term for seinätysten
seinätysten :: wall to wall (sharing a wall with)
seinus :: Alternative form of seinusta
seinusta :: A place next to a wall
seinusta :: wall (something that is like a wall)
seinustaa :: to build a wall
seinävaate :: tapestry
seinävalaisin :: wall lamp
seinävieri :: A place next to a wall
seipi :: dace, Leuciscus leuciscus
seireeni :: A siren (nymph in Greek mythology)
seis :: stop!
seisahtua :: To halt, stall
seisake :: A railway stop, (UK) halt, (USA) flag stop, whistle-stop (a place where train stops to let off passengers, without infrastructure of a station)
seisattaa :: seisauttaa
seisaus :: halt, stoppage, standstill
seisauttaa :: to halt, stop
seiska :: Anything distinguished by number seven
seiska :: seventh
seiska :: The digit seven
seisminen :: seismic
seismografi :: seismograph
seismogrammi :: seismogram
seismologi :: seismologist
seismologia :: seismology
seismometri :: seismometer
seisoa :: adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection
seisoa :: To be at a halt
seisoa :: To stand
seisokki :: erection (hard state of penis)
seisokki :: stoppage
seisoksia :: to loiter
seisonta-aika :: idle time
seisontajarru :: parking brake
seisova aalto :: standing wave, stationary wave, fixed wave
seistä :: adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection
seistä :: To be at a halt
seistä :: To stand
seita :: A Sami sacred place
seiti :: saithe, pollock (Pollachius virens)
seitikki :: webcap, cortinar (mushroom of the genus Cortinarius, majority of them poisonous)
seitikko :: The digit seven
seitinohut :: gossamer (extremely thin)
seitivalas :: sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis
seitsemisen :: about seven
seitsemän :: seven
seitsemän kuolemansyntiä :: the seven deadly sins
seitsemänkymmentä :: seventy
seitsemänkymmentäkahdeksan :: seventy-eight
seitsemänkymmentäkaksi :: seventy-two
seitsemänkymmentäkolme :: seventy-three
seitsemänkymmentäkuusi :: seventy-six
seitsemänkymmentäluku :: The seventies, 1970s
seitsemänkymmentäneljä :: seventy-four
seitsemänkymmentäseitsemän :: seventy-seven
seitsemänkymmentäviisi :: seventy-five
seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän :: seventy-nine
seitsemänkymmentäyksi :: seventy-one
seitsemänsataa :: seven hundred
seitsemäntoista :: seventeen
seitsemäntuhatta :: seven thousand
seitsemäs :: the seventh, abbreviation 7. , in the names of monarchs and popes VII
seitsemäskymmenes :: seventieth
seitsemäsluokkalainen :: seventh-grader
seitsemässadas :: seven-hundredth
seitsemäs taivas :: seventh heaven
seitsemästi :: seven times
seitsemästoista :: the seventeenth, abbreviation 17. , in names of monarchs and popes XVII
seitsenkulmio :: heptagon
seitsenottelu :: heptathlon
seitsenruototokko :: spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens)
Seitsentähti :: Plough (constellation)
seitsenvyövyötiäinen :: seven-banded armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus
seitsikko :: A seven (group of seven members)
seitsikko :: A seven (the digit seven)
seittemen [lb, fi, dialectal, including, Kven, cardinal] :: seven
seitti :: A web spun by an insect, especially a spiderweb
seitti :: gossamer, cobweb (filament produced by an insect)
seitti :: gossamer (soft, sheer fabric)
seiväs :: pike
seiväs :: pole, stake
seiväshyppääjä :: pole vaulter
seiväshyppy :: pole vault
seivästää :: To impale
se ja se :: such-and-such, so-and-so
se ja tämä :: this and that
se jokin :: Often in partitive, used like a noun similary to English (that) certain something, je ne sais quoi (intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive)
sekä :: and, as well as
sekä :: both; in the expression sekä ... että
seka- :: A prefix signifying mixed, (in some cases) cross-
sekaannus :: confusion, misunderstanding
sekaantua :: To get involved
sekaantua :: To get mixed up
seka-auto :: truck bus
seka-avioliitto :: mixed marriage (marriage between people having different race, culture or religion)
sekahedelmätäyte :: mincemeat (mixture of fruit, spices and sugar used as a filling for mince pies)
sekaisin :: baffled, bewildered, confused, perplexed
sekaisin :: in disorder, in confusion, upside down
sekaisin :: upset (of a stomach)
sekakieli :: mixed language, interlanguage
sekakuoro :: mixed choir (choir consisting of males and females)
sekalainen :: assorted
sekalainen :: miscellaneous
sekamelska :: jumble, hodgepodge, melange, mishmash (mixture of unrelated things)
sekamelska :: mess, chaos
sekanelinpeli :: mixed doubles
sekantti :: secant
sekasikiö :: A mongrel
sekasorto :: chaos, turmoil
sekasortoinen :: chaotic
sekasotku :: jumble
sekasukupuolisuus :: intersexuality
sekatavarakauppa :: general store (store which sells a large variety of useful things)
sekauinti :: medley (competitive swimming event)
sekava :: confused, unclear, mixed
sekavasti :: confusingly
sekavuus :: mental confusion, haze
sekeli :: shekel
sekä ... että :: both ... and
sekiini :: A sequin [any of various small gold coins minted in Italy and Turkey]
sekka :: A second (unit of time)
sekki [banking] :: cheque, check (note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
seko :: nut, nutcase, loon, fruitcake
sekobarbitaali :: secobarbital
sekoilla :: bumble around, bumble about
sekoilla :: freak out, act strangely, rage
sekoilla :: mess around, mess about
sekoilla :: muck around, muck about
sekoite :: mixture
sekoitekangas :: blended fabric (fabric that consists of more than one type of fiber, e.g. wool and polyester)
sekoitevilla :: A mixture of wool and other fibers
sekoitin :: A mixer, blender
sekoittaa :: to blow, in the expression sekoittaa jonkun pää ("to blow someone's mind")
sekoittaa :: to mess up, spoil, ruin (to cause a problem with)
sekoittaa :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it)
sekoittaa :: to mix
sekoittaa :: to shuffle (to put in a random order, e.g. playing cards)
sekoittaa :: to upset, disturb, disrupt (to adversely alter)
sekoittua :: To (get) mix(ed)
sekoitus :: blend, mixture, admixture (sthg produced by mixing)
sekoitus :: composite (combination of separate elements)
sekoitus :: mixture, medley, cocktail (sthg consisting of diverse elements)
sekoitussauva :: A rod (stirring rod)
sekopää :: nutcase, loon, kook, screwball
sekopäinen :: mad, wacky, deranged
sekovarsi :: thallus
sekovartinen :: thallophyte
seksageesima :: alternative spelling of seksagesima
seksagesima :: Sexagesima (8th Sunday before Easter)
seksi :: sex (sexual intercourse)
seksi :: sexuality (sexual activity)
seksiaddikti :: sex addict
seksiaddiktio :: sex addiction, sexual addiction
seksiala :: sex industry
seksielokuva :: sex film
seksikauppa :: The legal term for prostitution; vice (prostitution)
seksikauppa :: sex shop
seksikaveri :: friend with benefits (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship)
seksikaveruus :: friendship with benefits
seksikkäin :: superlative form of seksikäs
seksikkäämpi :: comparative form of seksikäs
seksikäs :: sexy, physically attractive
seksikumppani :: sexual partner, sex partner
seksilelu :: A sex toy
seksiobjekti :: sex object (person seen only as object of sexual desire)
seksipartneri :: sexual partner
seksipommi :: bombshell, sex bomb, sex kitten, sexpot (very sexy person)
seksismi :: sexism
seksisti :: sexist
seksistinen :: sexist
seksitauti :: sexually transmitted disease
seksiteollisuus :: sex industry
seksitön :: sexless (not having sexual relations)
seksiturismi :: sex tourism
seksituristi :: sex tourist
seksityö :: sex work
seksityöntekijä :: sex worker (person who supplies sexual services for money)
seksivideo :: sex video, porn video
seksologia :: sexology
sekstantti :: sextant
Sekstantti :: The constellation Sextans
sekstetti :: sextet
sekstetto :: sextet
seksti :: sixth
sekstiljoona :: undecillion (short scale), sextillion (long scale); 1036
seksuaalikumppani :: sexual partner
seksuaalinen :: sexual
seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö [law] :: sexual abuse
seksuaalinen suuntautuminen :: sexual orientation
seksuaaliobjekti :: sex object, sexual object (person seen only as object of sexual desire)
seksuaalirikollinen :: A sex offender
seksuaalisesti :: sexually
seksuaalisuus :: sexuality
seksuaalivähemmistö :: sexual minority
seksualiteetti :: sexuality
sektio :: Caesarean section
sektio :: section
sektio :: section, division
sektori :: sector
sekulaarinen :: centennial (relating to a period of hundred years)
sekulaarinen :: secular
sekulaaristaa :: to secularize
sekularisaatio :: secularization
sekularisoida :: To secularize
sekunda :: second-rate
sekundaarinen :: secondary
sekundaarirakenne :: A secondary structure
sekundantti :: second (attendant)
sekundäärinen :: secondary
sekundäärinen alkoholi :: secondary alcohol
sekunnilleen :: precisely at the given time
sekunti :: A second
sekuntikello :: stopwatch
sekuntimittari :: second hand
sekuntiosoitin :: second hand
sekuntiviisari :: second hand
sekvensoida :: To sequence
sekvensointi :: sequencing
sekvensseri :: sequencer
sekvenssi :: sequence
selailla :: To browse (magazine, web pages)
selailu :: browsing (magazines, web, ...)
selain :: browser
selainpohjainen :: browser based
selata :: to browse, leaf
seleeni :: selenium
seleenidioksidi :: selenium dioxide
seleenihiiva :: selenium yeast
seleenivety :: hydrogen selenide
selektiivinen :: selective
selektiivisyys :: selectivity
selektio :: selection
selektori :: selector
selenologia :: selenology
selfie :: selfie
selibaatti :: celibate
selin :: back to back
selin :: addorsed
selitä :: To clear
selite :: key, guide
selitellä :: To make excuses for, (try to) explain away
selittää :: to explain
selittää :: to explicate (to explain meticulously or in great detail; to elucidate; to analyze)
selittämätön :: unexplainable, inexplicable
selittämätön :: unexplained
selittyä :: to be explained
selitys :: explanation
selja :: elder (tree)
Selja :: female given name
seljanka :: solyanka
seljanmarja :: elderberry
seljetä [of sky] :: To clear
selkä :: back
selkä :: back, spine (the side where the pages are bound together)
selkä :: open water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
selkä :: ridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions)
selkä :: watershed area
seläke :: fillet
selkeä :: clear (free of ambiguity)
selkeä :: clear, sunny (without clouds)
selkeä [meteorology, of the sky] :: Up to 1/8 covered by clouds
selkeä-älyinen :: lucid [mentally sane]
selkeämpi :: comparative form of selkeä
selkeneminen :: clearing
selkeästi :: clearly
selkäevä [anatomy, of a fish] :: a dorsal fin
selkeys :: clarity
selkeytin :: A clarifier (device that clarifies a liquid, normally by separating solid substances from it)
selkeyttää :: To clarify (to make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter); also figuratively, e.g. of a complicated situation
selkiintyä :: to clear, clear up
selkäin :: The main line of a longline
selkäin :: A longline
selkiyttää :: To clear
selkiytyä :: to clear, clear up
selkiytyminen :: clarification
selkäjänne :: notochord
selkäjänteinen :: chordate (of or pertaining to chordates or Chordata)
selkäjänteinen :: chordate (member of the phylum Chordata)
selkäjänteinen :: Chordata (taxonomic phylum)
selkkaus :: incident, confrontation
selkäkilpi :: pen, gladius (internal cartilage skeleton of a squid)
selkäkipu :: backache, back pain
selkälanka :: the main line of a longline
selkälauta :: taffrail
selkälokki :: lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)
selkämeri :: open sea, high seas
Selkämeri :: The Bothnian Sea (southern part of the Gulf of Bothnia)
selkänauha :: band (strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached)
selkänikama :: A thoracic vertebra
selkäänpuukottaja :: backstabber (traitor assumed trustworthy, figuratively attacking when one's back is turned)
selko :: understanding (the state of having understood, being clear); mostly idiomatic and modifier usage, see "derived terms" -section below
selkokieli :: plain language (variant of a language which makes use of clear, commonly understood terms and brief expressions; usually specifically designed for special audiences or a specific purpose)
selkouni :: lucid dream (dream in which one is conscious that one is dreaming as the dream is occurring)
selkouni :: lucid dreaming
selkova :: zelkova (tree)
selkäpii :: The ridge of backbone
selkäpuoli :: backside, back side (opposite to the front side of something relatively flat, such as playing card)
selkäpuolinen :: (anatomy) dorsal (relating to the side in which the backbone is located)
selkäpuolinen :: dorsal (relating to the top surface of foot or hand)
selkärangan jäykistysleikkaus :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis (surgical fusion of parts of the spine)
selkärangan nivelrikko :: spondylarthrosis
selkärangan niveltulehdus :: spondylarthritis
selkärangaton :: invertebrate
selkärangaton :: invertebrate
selkäranka [anatomy, skeleton] :: backbone, spine, spinal column, vertebral column (series of vertebrae that protect the spinal cord)
selkäranka :: backbone (fundamental support or infrastructure)
selkäranka :: backbone, spine (courage, strength)
selkärankahalkio :: spina bifida
selkärankainen :: backboned
selkärankainen :: vertebrate
selkärankareuma :: ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that affects the spine, usually the joints between vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint)
selkärankatuberkuloosi :: Pott's disease (extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the spine)
selkäreppu :: backpack
selkäsaha :: backsaw
selkäsauna :: beating, licking
selkä seinää vasten :: back to the wall, back against the wall (very difficult situation with no beneficial options available for action)
selkäsiima :: The main line of a longline
selkäsiima :: A longline
selkäsärky :: back pain
selkäuinti :: backstroke
selkävika :: spinal defect, back disease
selkäydin :: spinal cord
selkäydinhermo :: spinal nerve
selkäydinkalvo :: meninx, meninx spinalis (any of the three membranes surroundingg the spinal cord)
selkäydinneste [physiology, colloquial] :: cerebrospinal fluid, spinal fluid
selkäydinpuudutus :: spinal anaesthesia
selkäydinreaktio :: gut reaction, knee-jerk reaction
sellain :: such (a), that kind of
sellainen :: such (a), that kind of
sellaisenaan :: as such (as should be; in its natural or original state)
sellaista elämä on :: such is life, that's life, this is the life, c'est la vie
sellaista se on :: that's life
sellakka :: shellac
selleri :: celery
selli :: A (prison) cell
sellisti :: cellist
selälleen :: Onto one's back
selälleen :: wide open
sello :: cello
sellofaani :: cellophane
sellonsoittaja :: cellist
sellu :: cellulose, pulp
sellukattila :: digester (in the chemical pulping process, a large vessel in which wood is exposed to heat and chemicals to break it down into cellulose and other components)
selluliitti :: cellulite
selluloidi :: celluloid
selluloosa :: cellulose (carbohydrate)
selluloosa :: pulp made of cellulose fibres
selluloosalakka :: cellulose lacquer
sellutehdas :: pulp mill
selluvilla :: a loose insulation material consisting of wood fiber batts
Selma :: female given name, cognate to the English Selma
selänne :: ridge
Selänne :: Finnish surname
selänpuoleinen :: dorsal (relating to the side of the body where backbone is located)
selänrapsutin :: backscratcher
selonteko :: report, especially an official one given by the government to the parliament
selootti :: zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea on the 1st century A.D. which rebelled against the Romans under the leadership of Judas of Galilee)
selostaa :: To cover, commentate (in radio or TV)
selostaa :: To explicate, explain
selostaja :: commentator, sportscaster
seloste :: caption, legend
selustin :: harness saddle
selvä :: clear
selvä :: distinct
selvä :: evident
selvä :: free
selvä :: lucid
selvä :: obvious
selvä :: plain
selvä :: sober
selvä :: unmistakable
selvä :: all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent)
selvempi :: comparative form of selvä
selvennys :: clarification
selventää :: To clarify
selvetä :: To clear
selviö :: axiom
selviö :: foregone conclusion
selvillä :: known, aware, decided, solved, found out
selvinpäin :: sober
selvitä :: to become clear (in a concrete sense)
selvitä :: to cope, survive
selvitä :: to escape (from an unwanted situation)
selvitä :: to get solved
selvitä :: to sober up (to recover from intoxication)
selvitellä :: to sort out (to clarify by reviewing mentally)
selvittää :: to clear, like an airplane for departure, goods through customs, or payments between banks
selvittää :: to disentangle
selvittää :: to examine, investigate, find out
selvittää :: to explain
selvittää :: to get to the bottom of (to understand, discover the truth about, or solve)
selvittää :: to make clear, clarify
selvittää :: to settle, as accounts
selvittely :: sorting out (act of clarifying by reviewing mentally)
selvittäminen :: The process of investigating, an investigation
selvittämätön :: unsolved
selvitys :: A document covering the description and results of an investigation, a report
selvitys :: An oral presentation of a specific topic, especially of the actions of the speaker or the findings made by him
selvitys :: The process of investigating
selvitysmies :: investigator (one who conducts an inquiry or examination; used especially of high-level ad-hoc investigators nominated by a cabinet minister or other high-level official)
selvitysmies :: liquidator (person in charge of managing the affairs of a company, association, cooperative, foundation or similar entity during the liquidation and of converting into cash enough of the assets of the entity so that its debts can be paid)
selvitystila :: receivership (state of being under the control of a receiver)
selvitystyö :: investigation, investigation (process of investigating)
selviytyä :: to cope
selviytyä :: to get by
selviytyä :: to survive
selviytyjä :: survivor
selviytyminen :: survival
selvänäkö :: clairvoyance
selvänäkijä :: clairvoyant
selvänäköisyys :: clairvoyance
selväpiirteinen :: distinct
selväpäinen :: lucid (mentally sane)
selvästi :: clearly, in a clear manner
selvästi :: loud and clear (of voice; in a clear and easily understandable manner)
selvästi :: obviously, evidently
selvyys :: clarity, clearness
selvyys :: truth
semafori :: semaphore
semafori :: semaphore (railway signal)
semantiikka :: semantics (the science of the meaning of words)
semantikko :: semanticist
semanttinen :: semantic
sembra :: Certain pines of the genus Pinus
sementoida :: to cement
sementti :: cement
semiautomaattinen :: semiautomatic
semifinaali :: A semifinal
semiitti :: Semite
seminaari :: seminar (class)
seminaari :: seminar (meeting)
seminormi :: semi-norm
semiotiikka :: semiotics
semitismi :: Semitism
semminkin :: especially
semmoinen :: alternative form of sellainen
säen :: alternative form of säkene
sen :: it [accusative; direct object]
sen :: its [genitive]
senaatti :: A senate
senaatti :: Senate (similar legislative body on some other countries)
senaatti :: The Senate of the United States, or any of its states
senaattori :: senator
Senegal :: Senegal
senegalilainen :: Senegalese (of or pertaining to Senegal)
senegalilainen :: Senegalese (person)
sen enempää :: any more; used in negative sentences
seniili :: senile
seniiliys :: senility
seniliteetti :: senility
seniori :: old person, senior
Senja :: female given name
sen jälkeen :: after, since
sen jälkeen :: thereafter
senkin :: You..
senkka :: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR
senkka :: crucible [container in which melted metals is kept]
senkki :: countersink (tool)
senkki :: sideboard
sen koommin :: ever since, thereafter
sen kun :: just (only, simply, merely)
sen lisäksi :: in addition (to that), moreover
Senni :: female given name
sääennustaja :: weather forecaster
sääennuste :: weather forecast
sääennustus :: weather forecast
sääennustus :: weather forecasting
sen paremmin :: any better
sen paremmin :: better than that
sen paremmin :: it better
sen paremmin :: or, nor
sen pituinen se :: The very last sentence of many fairy tales and other stories. This comes after any happily ever after-type sentences. Literally the phrase translates to: "That's the length of it". It might be translated into English as: "That's all there is to tell"
sensaatio :: sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement)
sensaatiomainen :: sensational
sensaationtavoittelu :: sensationalism
sensationaalinen :: sensational
sen sellainen :: suchlike
sen seurauksena :: consequently, as a consequence
sen sijaan :: instead (in the place of something; as a substitute or alternative)
sensitiivinen :: sensitive
sensitiivisyys :: sensitivity
sensuelli :: sensual
sensuroida :: To censor, expurgate, bowdlerise
sensuroimaton :: uncensored
sensurointi :: censoring (the act of censoring)
sensurointi :: censorship (the practice of censoring)
sensuuri :: censorship
sensuuri :: When used as modifier in compound terms, censorial
sen takia :: therefore, consequently
sentiljoona [long scale] :: centillion (10600)
sentiljoona [short scale] :: cennovemnonagintillion (10600)
sentiljoonas :: The centillionth
sentiljoonasosa :: one centillionth (centillionth part)
sentimentaalinen :: sentimental
sentään :: at least
sentään :: however, nevertheless
sentralisaatio :: centralization
sentralisoida :: To centralize
sentrifugi :: centrifuge
sentrifugoida :: To centrifuge
senttaali :: old weightmeasure, 100 kilograms
sentteri [American football] :: center
sentteri [colloquial, ballgames] :: centre forward [UK]; center forward, center [US]
sentti [as SI prefix] :: centi-; see sentti-
sentti :: cent (one hundredth of many monetary units, particularly of the euro and the dollar)
sentti :: centimetre
sentti :: one cent (coin worth one cent)
sentti- :: centi- (SI prefix, one hundreth of)
senttigramma :: centigram
senttilitra :: centilitre/centiliter
senttimetri :: centimetre/centimeter
senttinen :: Together with a numeral, being X centimeters long
senttinen :: Together with a numeral, a coin of X cents, X-cent piece
senttiosake :: penny stock (highly speculative stock selling for less than one euro per share)
senturia :: century (military unit)
senturio :: centurion
sen verran :: so much, that much, at least that much (to a certain degree or extent)
sen vuoksi :: therefore, because of it, that's why
se on nähty :: been there, done that (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic)
seos :: alloy
seos :: mixture, mix
seoskivi :: migmatite
seostaa :: To alloy
seostaa :: To mix (a mixture)
seoste :: alloy
seota :: to become crazy
seota :: to go out of control
sepalus :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
separaatio :: separation
separaattori :: separator, a device for separating cream from milk
separatismi :: separatism
separatisti :: separatist
separatistinen :: separatist
separatistisuus :: separatism
separoida :: To separate (substances)
separoituva :: separable
sepel :: obsolete form of seppel
sepeli :: crushed stone, often sorted by size, used as filler and supporting material in foundations, roads etc
sepelöidä :: To ballast (to lay ballast on the bed of a railroad track)
sepelikkö :: ground covered with crushed stone
sepelkarhu :: Asian black bear, Ursus thibetanus
sepelkyyhky :: A species of pigeon, the woodpigeon or culver, Columba palumbus
sepelpoukama :: coronary sinus
sepelvaltimo :: coronary artery
sepelvaltimotauti :: coronary heart disease
sepioliitti :: sepiolite
sepite :: A piece of writing
sepite :: fiction, fabrication, lie, hoax
sepittää :: To fable, in this sense often with plural of satu: sepittää satuja
sepittää :: To make up (a story)
sepivä :: amplexicaul
seppä :: click beetle
seppä :: smith, blacksmith
seppel [poetic, archaic] :: alternative form of seppele
seppele :: A garland made to the form of a ring or oval
seppele :: A wreath
seppeleensitojatar :: Virgo clarissima; a girl or woman in a university commencement ceremony whose task is to prepare laurel wreaths
seppelöidä :: To crown, e.g. with laurels
seppelöidä :: To wreath (to place a wreath upon or around something)
Seppälä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Seppälä :: Finnish surname
Seppänen :: Finnish surname
seppo :: smith
Seppo :: male given name
septetti :: A septet or septette (a musical group of seven performers)
septetti :: A septet (any group of seven members)
septetto :: septet, septuor (musical composition for seven instruments or seven voices)
septikemia :: septicemia, septicaemia
septiljoona :: tredecillion (short scale), septillion (long scale); 1042
septinen :: septic
septinen sokki :: septic shock
septitankki :: septic tank (small-scale septic tank such as used in boats, trailers etc.)
septuageesima :: alternative spelling of septuagesima
septuagesima :: Septuagesima (9th Sunday before Easter)
serafi :: seraph
Serafiina :: female given name, cognate to the English Seraphina
serbi :: A Serb
serbia :: Serbian (the Serbian language)
Serbia :: Serbia
Serbia ja Montenegro :: Serbia and Montenegro (former country on the Balkan Peninsula)
serbialainen :: Serbian
serbialainen :: A Serbian
serbiankielinen :: Serbian (expressed in the Serbian language)
serbokroaatti :: The Serbo-Croatian language
seremonia :: ceremony
seremoniallinen :: ceremonial
seremoniallisuus :: ceremonialness
serenadi :: serenade
sergei :: The anti-aircraft autocannon ZU-23-2
serialismi :: serialism
seriffi :: alternative form of sheriffi
serigrafia :: serigraphy
seriini :: serine
serkku :: A first cousin
serkukset :: cousins (collective term for people who are each other's cousins)
serologia :: serology
serologinen :: serological (of or pertaining to serology)
serotoniini [neurotransmitter] :: serotonin
serpentiini :: serpentine
serpentiini :: streamer, paper streamer (strips of paper or other material used as confetti)
serpentiiniankerias :: longneck eel (eel of the family Derichthyidae)
serpentiniitti :: serpentinite (type of metamorphic rock)
sertifikaatti :: certificate
sertifioida :: To certify
sertifiointi :: certification
sertifioitu :: certified
servaali :: serval (Leptailurus serval)
serveri [computing, colloquial] :: A server
servetti :: A serviette or napkin (serviette)
serviisi :: service (set of dishes or utensils)
servituutti [legal, obsolete] :: servitude (qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner)
servo :: servo
sesam :: alternative spelling of seesam
sesamluu :: alternative spelling of seesamluu
sesonki :: season (especially in shopping)
sessio :: session
säestää :: to accompany (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition)
säestäminen :: accompaniment
sestoa :: To stand on a floating log using a log driving hook as a paddle
säestys :: accompaniment
setä :: man
setä :: uncle (father's brother, paternal uncle)
seteli :: bill, banknote, note (piece of paper money)
seteli :: Especially as head of a compound word, coupon (other piece of paper which has limited monetary value for example in buying a specified service or goods)
seteli :: In plural (setelit), paper money (cash in the form of banknotes)
setolkka :: harness saddle
setäpuoli :: paternal step-uncle
setri :: cedar
setriseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtortus
Setä Samuli :: Uncle Sam (personification of the United States)
setswana :: Setswana (language)
setti :: A set as in "TV set"; a receiver
setti :: A set of consecutive performances, such as the songs performed by an artist in a given occasion
setti :: A set of things belonging or grouped together, especially as items for sale
setyylialkoholi :: cetyl alcohol
seula :: sieve
seulalokero :: An ethmoid sinus
seulaluu :: ethmoid bone
seulaluun ontelo :: An ethmoid sinus
Seulaset :: Pleiades
seuloa :: to sieve, sift
seulonta :: sieving, screening, filtering
seura :: circle, in ompeluseura
seura :: club, especially a sports-oriented one
seura :: company (visitors, companionship)
seura :: society (association, especially a cultural or scientific one)
seuraaja :: follower
seuraaja :: successor
seuraamus :: Sanction
seuraanto [legal, ecology] :: succession
seuraava :: next, following
seuraavaksi :: next
seuraavasti :: as follows, in the following way
seuraavasti :: followingly
seuraeläin :: companion animal
seurailija :: follower
seurakoira :: companion dog
seurakunnallinen :: parochial (pertaining to a parish)
seurakunta :: A parish (community attending a church, members of the parish)
seurakunta :: A parish (subdivision of diocese)
seurakunta :: (slightly pejorative) Any group of people who have collected together
seurakuntalainen :: A parishioner
seurakuntayhtymä :: A combine of two or more parishes for running the administration and managing the property of member parishes; there are at least two ways to translate the term into English: "parish union" and using the plural form "parishes of X"
seuralainen :: accompaniment (non-musical sense)
seuralainen :: Also maksettu ~ : gigolo (hired escort or dancing partner for a woman)
seuralainen :: companion (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company)
seuralainen :: date (companion in a social occasion)
seuralainen :: escort (accompanying person)
seurallinen :: outgoing, sociable, gregarious
seurannaisvaikutus :: ramification
seuranta :: control
seuranta :: tracking, monitoring
seuranto :: The comitative case
seurapeli :: party game (board game or similar played at a party)
seurapiiri :: [often used in plural] high society
Seurasaaret :: The Society Islands
seurata :: to ensue
seurata :: to keep track, monitor
seurata :: to follow, accompany (to go or come after in physical space)
seuraus :: consequence
seuraus :: corollary
seuraus :: result
seurauslause :: corollary
seurue :: A group, party
seurue :: An entourage, retinue
seurustella :: to converse, associate with
seurustella :: to date, go out with, go together (to be involved in a romantic relationship)
seurustelu :: dating (romantic courtship)
seurustelu :: socializing (interacting with others)
seurusteluaika :: dating period
seurusteluhuone :: parlor, salon (large room)
seuruu :: follow-up
seutu :: region
seutu :: tract (an area)
seutukunta [Finland, administration, legal] :: sub-region (local administrative unit consisting of municipalities within a region, which is usually defined on economic basis)
Severi :: male given name
Sevettijärvi :: Sevettijärvi
Sevilla :: Seville (city in Spain)
Seychellit :: The Seychelles
sfaleriitti :: sphalerite
sfenoidaaliluu :: sphenoid bone
sferoidinen :: spheroid
sfinksi :: sphinx
sfinksipaviaani :: guinea baboon, Papio papio
sfragistiikka :: sigillography
sfääri :: sphere
-sfääri :: -sphere
shaahi :: alternative spelling of šaahi
shaahitar :: alternative spelling of šaahitar
shaali :: shawl
shakaali :: alternative spelling of sakaali
shakata :: to check
shaketti :: alternative spelling of saketti
shakinpelaaja :: alternative form of šakinpelaaja
shakki :: chess
shakki :: check
shakkikello :: alternative spelling of šakkikello
shakkilauta :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta
shakkimatti :: alternative spelling of šakkimatti
shakkinappula :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula
shamaani :: alternative spelling of šamaani
shamanismi :: shamanism
shamanistinen :: shamanistic
shamanoida :: alternative form of šamanoida
shamisen :: shamisen
shamponoida :: to shampoo (to spread shampoo on the object that is going to be washed and rub it in)
shampoo :: alternative form of sampoo
shamppanja :: alternative spelling of samppanja
shan :: Shan (language spoken in eastern Burma in an area bordering China, Laos and Thailand)
shan :: Shan (person belonging to the ethnic minority that speaks the language)
sharon :: persimmon
säähavaintoasema :: weather station
shawnee :: Shawnee (Native American people from Ohio)
shawnee :: Shawnee (language)
shawnee :: Shawnee (person)
sheikki :: sheikh (Arab leader)
shekki :: alternative spelling of sekki
shekkitili :: alternative spelling of šekkitili
shekkivihko :: cheque book
sheriffi :: sheriff
shetlanninlammaskoira :: A breed of herding dog that originates from the Shetland Islands
shetlanninponi :: Shetland pony
Shetlannin saaret :: The Shetland Islands
shetlanninvilla :: Shetland wool
Shetlanti :: Shetland (group of islands north of Scotland)
sähähtää :: to sizzle
shigelloosi :: dysentery
shiia :: Shiite, Shi'a (follower of the Shi'ism)
shiialainen :: Shiite, Shi'ite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam)
shiialainen :: Shiite (follower of Shia Islam)
shiialaisuus :: Shia Islam (branch of Islam)
shiiamuslimi :: Shiite, Shi'a, Shia Muslim (follower of the Shi'ism)
shikaani :: chicanery
shikaani :: chicane
shikoku :: shikoku
shillinki :: alternative spelling of šillinki
sähinä :: hiss
shintolaisuus :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus
sähistä :: To hiss
Shiva :: Shiva (Hindu deity)
sähkö :: electricity
sähköaisti :: electroreception
sähköaita :: electric fence
sähköaivo :: computer
sähköakkumulaattori :: accumulator, rechargeable battery
sähköallergia :: electrohypersensitivity
sähköankerias :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
sähköasennus :: electrical installation
sähköasentaja :: electrician
sähköauto :: electric car
sähköbasso :: electric bass
sähködipoli :: electric dipole
sähködynaaminen :: electrodynamic
sähködynamiikka :: electrodynamics
sähke :: telegram
sähköelin :: electric organ
sähköenergia :: electrical energy
sähköenergiamittari :: electricity meter
sähköeriste :: electric insulator
sähköfortuna :: pinball
sähköfysiologia :: electrophysiology
sähkögeneraattori :: electrical generator
sähköhammasharja :: electric toothbrush
sähköheikko :: electroweak
sähköhella :: electric kitchen stove
sähköhoito :: electroconvulsive therapy
sähköhuopa :: electric blanket
sähköinen :: electrical
sähköinen media :: electronic media
sähköinsinööri :: electrical engineer
sähköisku :: electric shock
sähköistää :: to electrify
sähköistäminen :: electrification (act)
sähköistys :: electrification
sähköjännite :: electric voltage
sähköjohde :: electrical conductor
sähköjohdin :: electrical wire
sähköjohto :: electric wire
sähäkkä :: jazzy, flashy, showy
sähäkkä :: saucy (mildly sexy, mainly said of a woman)
sähkökatko :: blackout, power outage, power failure
sähkökatkos :: blackout (break in power supply)
sähkökemia :: electrochemistry
sähkökenttä :: electric field
sähkökeskus :: switchboard (device used to facilitate safe distribution of electricity to the individual points of consumption, usually equipped with fuses to cut off eventual faulty circuits)
sähkökirja :: e-book
sähkökitara :: An electric guitar
sähkökitaristi :: electric guitarist
sähkökiuas :: electric sauna stove
sähkökuolema :: electrocution (accidental death or suicide by electric shock)
sähkölaite :: electronic device, electrical apparatus
sähkölaitos :: electric utility (company that engages in distribution and often also in generation and transmission of electricity)
sähkölamppu :: electric lamp
sähkölasku :: electricity bill, electric bill, power bill (bill for electricity consumed)
sähköliesi :: electrical kitchen stove
sähkölämmitin :: electrical heater
sähkölämmitys :: electrical heating
sähkömagneetti :: electromagnet
sähkömagneettinen :: electromagnetic
sähkömagneettinen aalto :: electromagnetic wave (electromagnetic radiation)
sähkömagneettinen säteily :: electromagnetic radiation
sähkömagneettinen vuorovaikutus :: electromagnetic interaction
sähkömagnetismi :: electromagnetism
sähkömekaaninen :: electromechanical
sähkömekaniikka :: electromechanics
sähkömies :: electrician
sähkömittari :: electricity meter
sähkömittaustekniikka :: alternative form of sähkönmittaustekniikka
sähkömonni :: electric catfish
sähkömoottori :: electric motor
sähkömäärä :: electric charge
sähkönjohde :: alternative form of sähköjohde
sähkönjohdin :: alternative form of sähköjohdin
sähkönjohtavuus :: conductance, electric conductivity
sähkönjohtokyky :: sähkönjohtavuus
sähkönkulutus :: electricity consumption
sähkönmittaustekniikka :: electricity measurement technology (methods, devices and calculations used to measure electrical quantities)
sähkönsininen :: electric blue (colour)
sähköšokki :: An electric shock, especially one used as medical treatment
sähköšokkihoito :: electroconvulsive therapy
sähköoppi :: A branch of physics dealing with electricity and electric and electronic phenomena
sähköpaimen :: electric fence, specifically a non-lethal one used to control cattle
sähköpari :: electrochemical cell
sähköparisto :: battery (device that produces electricity by a chemical reaction between two substances)
sähköparranajokone :: electric razor
sähköpatteri :: electric radiator (heating device)
sähköpiano :: electric piano
sähköpiiska :: prod (electric handheld device for controlling cattle)
sähköpääkeskus :: The main switchboard by which the electricity supply of a building or other similar entity is controlled
sähköposti :: e-mail, electronic mail (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
sähköposti :: e-mail (message)
sähköpostilaatikko :: electronic mailbox
sähköpostiosoite :: e-mail address
sähköpostitse :: by e-mail (as a medium)
sähköpostiviesti :: An email message
sähköpyörä :: electric bike
sähkörausku :: electric ray, torpedo (fish of the order Torpediniformes)
sähkösaha :: power saw
sähkösanoma :: telegram
sähkösavuke :: electronic cigarette (battery-powered device that provides doses of nicotine for inhalation by way of a vaporized solution)
sähköshokki :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki
sähköshokkihoito :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito
sähkösokki :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki
sähkösokkihoito :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito
sähköstaattinen :: electrostatic
sähköstatiikka :: electrostatics
sähkötariffi :: electricity tariff
sähkötarkastus :: electric inspection (inspection of electric installations in order to ensure their safety and compliance with regulation)
sähkötekniikka :: electrical engineering (branch of engineering)
sähköteloitus :: electrocution (execution by electric shock)
sähköttää :: to wire, telegraph (send a message using a telegraph)
sähköttäjä :: telegrapher
sähkötuoli :: electric chair
sähkötyökalu :: power tool
sähkötys :: telegraphing
sähköurut :: electronic organ
sähköuuni :: electric oven
sähkövakio :: The electric constant
sähkövalaistus :: electric lighting
sähkövalo :: electric light
sähkövaraus :: electric charge
sähkövastus :: electrical resistance
sähkövero :: electricity tax (tax charged on the basis of electricity consumption)
sähköveturi :: electric locomotive
sähkövika :: electrical fault
sähkövirta :: electric current
sähköviulu :: electric violin
sähkövuo :: electric flux
sähköyhtiö :: electricity company
sähköyliherkkyys :: electrohypersensitivity
sähliä :: To screw up, mess up
söhliä :: To screw up, mess up
sählätä :: to fumble, mess up, bungle, botch up, screw up, fuck up
söhlätä :: alternative term for sählätä
sähly :: floorball
sähläys :: flub, blunder, blooper
söhläys :: alternative term for sähläys
shokeerata :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
shokki :: alternative spelling of šokki
shokkiaalto :: alternative spelling of sokkiaalto
shona :: Shona (people)
shona :: Shona (language)
shona :: Shona (person)
shop [Anglism] :: Alternative form of shoppi (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
shopata :: Alternative term for shoppailla
shoppailla :: to shop (to visit shops)
shoppailu :: shopping
shoppi [Anglism] :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
shortata [finance, slang] :: To short, to sell short (to sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date)
shortsihame :: culottes, skort
shortsit :: shorts (short trousers or pants)
show :: show (entertainment)
showpaini :: wrestling ("professional wrestling" as entertainment)
shuari :: Shuar (indigenous people of Ecuador)
shuari :: Shuar (language)
shuari :: Shuar (member of Shuar people)
shuttle-bussi :: shuttle bus
-si [possessive] :: Always appended to a noun in the comitative case when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person).
-si [possessive] :: appended to a genitive-requiring postposition that is after or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thee):
-si [possessive] :: suffix used with or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), corresponds to the English possessive pronoun your (addressing one person; in archaic English: thy):
-si [possessive] :: used in a final shortened sentence expressing "in order to do" when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the long first infinitive:
-si [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active past participle in genitive singular when the said/alleged (etc.) action antedates the main clause:
-si [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active present participle in genitive singular when the action is concurrent with the main clause:
-si [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing concurrent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the inessive of the active second infinitive:
-si [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing subsequent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the partitive of the passive past participle singular:
-si [possessive] :: Used in some adverbs, when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person)
sialma :: sima
siam :: Thai (language)
siamanki :: siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus or Hylobates syndactylus (a species of gibbon)
siamilainen :: Siamese (of or pertaining to Siam)
siamilainen :: Thai (person)
siamilainen :: Siamese (breed of cat)
siamilaiset kaksoset :: conjoined twins, Siamese twins
siamin kieli :: Thai (language)
siaminkielinen :: alternative term for thainkielinen
siaminkissa :: Siamese (breed of cat)
siaminpiikkisilmä :: Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli, giant kuhli, Pangio myersi (small worm-like fish native to Mekong river, sometimes kept as aquarium fish)
sianharjas :: boar bristle
siankasvatus :: pig farming
siankärsämö :: common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
siankuonoleikko :: Mexican long-tongued bat, Choeronycteris mexicana
siankuonolepakko :: Kitti's hog-nosed bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (small bat found in western Thailand and southeast Burma)
siankyljys :: alternative term for porsaankyljys
siankylki :: side of pork
sianliha :: pork (the meat of a pig)
sianmarja :: bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
sianpieremä [obscene] :: sparrow-fart (UK, Austr.: time very early in the day; dawn)
sianpuola :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
sianpuolukka :: any bearberry, especially the species common bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
sianruoka :: bad-tasting food
sianruoka :: swill (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs)
siansaksa :: gibberish (speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless)
siansaparo :: pigtail (tail of a pig)
siansaparoapina :: pigtail macaque
siansorkka :: hoof of a pig
siansorkka :: clove hitch
siansorkka :: pig's trotter (foot of a pig cooked as food)
Sibelius :: Finnish surname, notably of the Finnish composer "Jean" Sibelius
sibeliusryppy :: vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows
sibilantti :: sibilant
side :: ligament
side :: bandage
side :: bond
side :: sanitary towel
sideerinen :: sidereal
sideerinen vuosi :: sidereal year
sideharso :: gauze (bleached cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)
sidekalvo :: conjunctiva
sidekalvontulehdus :: conjunctivitis, pinkeye
sidekudos :: connective tissue
sideriitti :: siderite
sidesana :: conjunction
sidonnainen :: bound
sidonnainen morfeemi :: bound morpheme
sidontatarpeet :: bandage (materials used as bandage collectively)
sidos :: bond
sidos :: linkage
sidosryhmä :: stakeholder
säie :: thread
säie :: string
säie :: thread, strand, fibre, filament
sie :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou)
siedettävä :: tolerable, bearable, endurable
sielikkö :: creeping azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens
siellä :: (static) there (when the speaker does not point at the place):
siellä täällä :: here and there (in one place and another)
sieltä :: from there
sielu :: moving spirit (one who provides significant impetus or guidance in a given venture, movement, enterprise etc.)
sielu :: soul
sielukas :: soulful
sielunmessu :: A requiem
sielunvaellus :: metempsychosis
sielunvihollinen :: Satan, devil. Literally “enemy of soul”
sielutiede :: psychology
siemailla :: To sip
siemen :: A precursor
siemen :: Semen
siemen :: The seed of a plant
siemenaihe :: ovule (structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization)
siemenaiheen kalvo :: integument
siemenaiheen sydän :: nucellus (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo and lies inside of the integuments)
siemenjohdin :: vas deferens
siemenneste :: semen, sperm
siemenperuna :: A seed potato
siemens :: siemens (unit of electrical conductance)
siemensyöksy :: ejaculation (forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation)
siementää :: To seed
siementiede :: carpology
siemenvilja :: seed corn, seed grain (seed saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent year's planting)
sienestää :: To collect/gather mushrooms, mushroom
sienestäjä :: One who picks mushrooms
sienestys :: mushroom hunting, picking, mushrooming
sienettyä :: to become covered with fungal growth
sieni :: fungus
sieni :: sponge (heavy drinker)
sieni :: mushroom
sieni :: sponge, bath sponge; shorter form of pesusieni
sieni :: sponge (porous material)
sieniaika :: The time of year when mushrooms can be collected
sienieläin :: sponge (animal)
sienijuuri :: A mycorrhiza
sienikastike :: mushroom sauce
sienikeitto :: mushroom soup
sienikunta :: Fungi, the kingdom of fungi
sienikylpy :: A sponge bath
sienimäinen :: mushroom or mushroom-shaped
sienimäinen :: spongy
sienimyrkky :: mycotoxin
sienipiirakka :: mushroom pie
sienirihma :: hypha
sienirihmasto :: mycelium
sieniruoka :: Food prepared from mushrooms
sienitauti :: fungal disease
sienitiede :: mycology
siepata :: To get on one's nerves, to be pissed off
siepata :: To intercept, to capture
siepata :: To kidnap
siepata :: To snatch, to catch, to nab, to grab
sieppaaja :: kidnapper, abductor
sieppari [baseball, pesäpallo] :: catcher
sieppaus :: A kidnapping
sieppaus :: An interception (act of capturing, e.g. an enemy message, the ball in a ballgame)
sieppaus :: A snatch, catch (act of capturing something with a swift motion)
sieppi :: chain
sieppi :: halter (horse's headgear)
sieppi :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion)
sieppo :: flycatcher, especially an Old World flycatcher (bird of the family Muscicapidae)
sieppomuura :: cinereous antshrike
siera :: A grindstone made from sandstone
sierain :: nostril
Sierra Leone :: Sierra Leone
siesta :: siesta
sietää :: to stand
sietää :: to tolerate, endure
sietä :: Alternative form of the verb siitä ("to procreate")
sietä :: of sleep, to become deeper
säieteoria :: string theory
sietämätön :: unbearable
sietokyky :: tolerance, endurance
sietoraja :: Limit of tolerance
sievä :: cute, pretty
sieventää :: to reduce
sievin :: superlative form of sievä
sievistelijä :: prude
sievästi :: prettily
sifoni :: siphon (bent pipe or tube used to move liquid from one reservoir to another)
sifoni :: soda siphon
sifonki :: chiffon
sifonkikakku :: chiffon cake (very light cake made with vegetable oil)
sigge :: A stogie (slang: any cigar)
sigillografia :: sigillography
sigma :: sigma (Greek letter)
sigmasuoli :: sigmoid colon
signaali :: signal
signaalinkäsittely :: signal processing
sihdata :: to aim, target
sihdata :: to sift, sieve
sihinä :: hiss
sihistä :: to hiss
säihke :: eclat (brilliant or successful effect; brilliance of success or effort; splendor; brilliant show; striking effect)
sihteeri :: a secretary (a person keeping records and handling clerical work)
sihteeri :: a secretary (leading or managerial position in certain non-profit organizations)
sihteeri :: a secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius), also sihteerilintu
sihteerikkö :: female secretary
sihteerilintu :: A secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius)
sihti :: sight (a device used in aiming a projectile)
sihti :: shifter
sihti :: sieve
siideri :: cider (alcoholic beverage)
siihen aikaan :: at that time
siihen asti :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siihen mennessä :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siihen saakka :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siika :: Any fish in the genus Coregonus with the exception of muikku (Coregonus albula)
siika :: European whitefish, common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), or any of its subspecies
siili :: hedgehog, European hedgehog, common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
siili :: hedgehog (small mammal of the subfamily Erinaceinae)
siilimäinen :: erinaceous (of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog)
siilo :: silo
siima [botany, zoology] :: flagellum
siima :: fishing line, fishline
siimaeliö :: flagellate (type of protozoa)
siimajalkainen :: barnacle (marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia)
siimes :: shade (shaded place in outdoors)
Siimes :: Finnish surname
Siimon :: Simon (Biblical figure)
Siimon :: male given name
siinä :: mikäs siinä = what of it, so what, why not
siinä :: there
-siin :: plural form of illative suffix -seen
Siinai :: Sinai
Siinain niemimaa :: Sinai
siinä mielessä :: in that sense
siinä mielessä :: in the sense
siinä missä :: where (while on the contrary; although; whereas)
siinä määrin kuin :: insofar as, inasmuch as, in that (to the extent that)
siinä näet :: alternative form of näet
siinä paha missä mainitaan :: speak of the devil
siinä paikassa :: on the spot, right away (at that very moment)
siintää :: To loom
siinä tapauksessa :: in that case, in the case (that)
Siion :: Zion
siipeilijä :: sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)
siipeillä :: To sponge (to take advantage of others)
siipi :: A blade of a turbine or a propeller
siipi :: A blade or a paddle of a water wheel or a paddlewheel
siipi :: A sail (blade of a windmill)
siipi :: A wing (airplane part)
siipi :: A wing (animal appendage for flying)
siipi :: A wing (fraction of political movement)
siipi :: A wing (part of building)
siipi :: A wing (slang: human hand)
siipi :: A mood
siipikarja :: poultry (domesticated fowl collectively)
siipikotilo [mollusks] :: A conch; any of the mollusks in the family Strombidae
siipilyöntilentokone :: ornithopter (aircraft)
siipiopastin :: semaphore
siipiratas :: paddlewheel
siipiratasalus :: paddle steamer
siipirataslaiva :: paddlewheel ship
siipisaurus :: pterosaur
siipisimppu :: red lionfish, Pterois volitans
siipisulka :: wing feather (any asymmetrical feather of the wing of a bird)
siipisuoni :: A nervure (chitinous rib that supports an insect's wing)
siipisuoni :: A vein (nervure of an insect's wing)
siippa :: Any bat of the subfamily Vespertilioninae of the family Vespertilionidae or vesper bats
siippa :: spouse
siippa :: mouse-eared bat (bat of the genus Myotis within the subfamily Vespertilioninae)
siira :: isopod
siirappi :: syrup
siirappimainen :: syrupy
siirappinen :: overly sweet or sentimental
siirappinen :: syrupy taste
Siiri :: female given name
siirre :: graft (piece of tissue)
siirrettävä :: portable (able to be easily moved)
siirrettävä :: transferable
siirrin :: transporter
siirrännäinen :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue)
siirräntä :: transfer
siirros :: fault
siirroslinja :: fault line (line formed on the surface of the Earth as visible edge of a fault plane)
siirrospinta :: fault plane (plane, or surface formed between two rock blocks that move in relation to each other during an earthquake)
siirtää :: To port (to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform)
siirtää :: To transplant (tissue, organ)
siirtää :: To move, transfer
siirtää :: To transfer (data, money or energy)
siirtäjä-rna :: transfer RNA
siirtäminen :: postponement
siirtäminen :: rain check
siirtäminen :: transfer, transferal, conveyance, removal
siirto :: move, shift, transport
siirtogeeninen :: transgenic
siirtokunta :: colony
siirtola :: settlement
siirtolainen :: immigrant
siirtolapuutarha :: An allotment garden on which the shareholder is allowed to build a small cabin for summer use
siirtolava :: alternative term for vaihtolava
siirtolohkare :: erratic, glacial erratic, erratic block (a substantial piece of rock carried away from its original location by a glacier)
siirtomaa :: colony
siirtomaa-aika :: colonial period, colonial era, colonial times
siirtomaajoukot :: colonial troops, colonial army (military force recruited from the colonies)
siirtomaapolitiikka :: colonial policy
siirtomaasota :: colonial war
siirtomaatavara [usually in plural, dated] :: colonial goods, colonial produce
siirtomaatavarakauppa :: colonial goods store (grocery store which trades goods regarded as colonial, or originating from the colonies)
siirtomaatyyli :: colonial style (building design style associated with the colonial period)
siirtomaavalta :: colonial power
siirtoäänivaalitapa :: single transferable vote
siirtonopeus :: bit rate, bitrate (rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second)
siirtopakko :: zugzwang
siirtosuomalainen :: alternative term for suomalaissiirtolainen
siirtotuoli :: transfer chair (light wheelchair for short distance transport of disabled persons on airports, railway stations etc.)
siirtotyöläinen :: migrant worker
siirtyä :: To move (to change place; to go)
siirtyä ajasta ikuisuuteen [idiomatic, euphemistic] :: To pass away
siirtyä autuaammille metsästysmaille :: To buy the farm, die (literally: "to move on to the more blessed hunting fields")
siirtymä :: displacement
siirtymä :: transition
siirtymäaika :: transition time
siirtyminen :: transition (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another)
siirtymäkausi :: period of transition
siirtymämetalli :: transition metal
siirtymäriitti :: rite of passage
siirtyä tuonpuoleiseen :: To die, pass away (literally: "to move on to the beyond")
siis :: then
siis :: therefore
siis :: thus, so
siiseli :: European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus
siispä :: so, thus
siistein :: superlative form of siisti
siisteys :: cleanness
siisti :: clean, neat
siisti :: cool, wicked
siistiä :: wicked! cool!
siistiä :: To clean (up)
siistijä :: cleaner
siistimpi :: comparative form of siisti
siistintä :: cleaning
siististi :: cleanly
siistiytyä :: to clean up oneself, tidy up
siitä [biblical, of a human being] :: To be conceived
siitä :: To procreate
siitä :: To become more common, grow
siitake :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
siitakesieni :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
siitepöly :: pollen
siitepölyallergia :: pollen allergy
siitepölyhiukkanen :: A pollen grain
siitereikä :: micropyle (in seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum)
siitä huolimatta :: See: huolimatta
siitä huolimatta :: that said, even so
siitin :: penis
siitinluu :: baculum, penis bone
siitä lähtien :: ever since
siitä lähtien, kun :: ever since, since (continuously from the time that)
siitä pitäen :: ever since
siitä saakka :: ever since
siittää :: To cause, breed
siittää :: To impregnate, inseminate, breed, conceive
siittiö :: sperm cell, sperm, spermatozoon (reproductive cell)
siittiösolu :: sperm, spermatozoon
siittiötiheys :: sperm count (number of spermatozoa in a given amount of ejaculate, typically one millilitre)
siittola :: stud farm
siiveke :: aileron
siiveke :: canard
siivekäs :: winged
siivekäs :: bird
siivetön :: wingless
siivetönruokki :: great auk, Pinguinus impennis (extinct species of auk)
siivilä :: sieve
siivilöidä :: To sieve, sift, filter
siivilöinti :: sieving, filtering
siivilöityä :: to be sieved, sifted, filtered
siiviläkangas :: sieve cloth (type of fabric used for sieving)
siivittää :: to wing (to assist as if by giving wings)
siivo :: decent
siivo :: cleanliness, tidiness
siivo :: order
siivooja :: char, charlady, cleaning lady (in a household)
siivooja :: cleaner, janitor (in an institution, condo etc.)
siivota :: To clean
siivoton :: foul
siivous :: cleaning
siivous :: decency
siivu :: slice
siivuttaa :: To slice
sija :: case
sija :: ranking
sija :: rest, support
sija :: stead
sijaan :: instead of
sijainen :: short for sijaisopettaja
sijainen :: substitute (person)
sijainti :: A location
sijainti :: A position
sijainti :: A situation (location)
sijainti :: A situation (position vis-à-vis surroundings)
sijaishoito :: respite care (provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside home)
sijaiskoti :: foster home
sijaiskärsijä :: Surrogate victim
sijaisnäyttelijä :: stuntperson
sijaisopettaja :: supply teacher [UK, parts of Canada], substitute teacher [North America, Ireland], relief teacher [Australia, NZ] (teacher who fills a temporary position in a school on a short-term basis)
sijaisperhe :: foster family (family having at least one foster child)
sijaistaa :: to substitute, supply (to act as substitute to someone)
sijaisuus :: The position held in this role
sijaisuus :: The state of acting as substitute to someone
sijaisvanhempi :: foster parent
sijaita :: To lie, to be located at/in/on
sijamuoto :: case, grammatical case
sijapääte :: case suffix
sijasta :: in lieu (of), instead (of)
sijata :: To make the bed
sijauspatja :: mattress protector, mattress pad, mattress topper, underpad (item of removable bedding that sits on top of or encases a mattress to provide protection to the mattress)
sijoiltaanmeno :: luxation, dislocation
sijoitetun pääoman tuotto :: return on investment
sijoittaa :: to invest (in = illative)
sijoittaa :: (illative) to set, locate, backdrop
sijoittaa :: to rank
sijoittaja :: investor (person who invests money in order to make a profit)
sijoittua :: to be set, be located, be assigned a backdrop to
sijoittua :: to rank, be placed
sijoitus :: investment
sijoitus :: placement
sijoitus :: rank
sijoituspaikka :: location (place where something is or is going to be located)
sijoitusrahasto :: investment fund, mutual fund
SI-järjestelmä :: The International System of Units (abbreviated SI)
sijs :: obsolete spelling of siis
sika :: Used as a bound part of a compound for adjectives signifying extremely or totally as in sikahyvä ("pig" + "good")
sika [derogatory, slang] :: A police officer
sika :: Person who allegedly behaves like a pig
sika :: pig
sikahirvi :: hog deer, Axis porcinus
sikailla :: to behave like a pig
sikainfluenssa :: swine flu
sikala :: piggery
sikamainen :: Hoggish
sikamainen :: Pig-like
sikari :: cigar
sikeä :: [of sleep] fast
sikermä :: cluster, group
sikermä :: medley
sikhi :: Sikh
sikhiläisyys :: Sikhism
säikähtää :: To be startled/frightened/scared, take fright
sikiö :: young child
sikiö :: fetus/foetus
sikiöaika :: fetal period
sikiöasento :: fetal position
sikiäin :: An ovary
sikiökalvo :: A fetal membrane
sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä :: fetal alcohol syndrome (any of a spectrum of birth defects that result from excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy)
sikiönkehitys :: embryogenesis
sikiönkehitysoppi :: embryology
sikin sokin :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically)
sikiöpussi :: gestational sac
sikkara :: [of hair] Very curly
sikkatiivi :: drier, siccative
sikkura :: [of hair] Very curly
säikky :: timid, fickle, skittish (easily scared)
säikkyä :: To startle, jump, spook (in a continuous/usual manner)
sikäli :: as far as
sikäläinen :: local (referring to elsewhere)
sikolätti :: piggery
sikopaimen :: A swineherd
sikotauti :: mumps
siks :: therefore, that's why
siksak :: zigzag
siksakki :: zigzag (line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions)
sikseen :: aside
siksi :: consequently (as a consequence)
siksi :: therefore, that's why
sikuna :: A distilled alcoholic beverage containing more fusel oil than desirable, such as low quality moonshine
sikunaöljy :: fusel oil, fusel alcohol (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation)
sikuri :: chicory (plant of the genus Cichorium)
sikuri :: common chicory, chicory, Cichorium intybus (name species of that genus)
sikurirousku :: curry milk-cap, Lactarius camphoratus
säikäyttää :: To scare
säikyttää :: to scare, frighten, spook
säilä :: sabre
säilöä :: To preserve (food), can
säilö :: Place of safekeeping (e.g. store, storage jar, store cupboard, warehouse)
säilö :: Prison (place for keeping dangerous people away from others)
sila :: harness saddle
silaani :: silane
silakka :: A Baltic herring, Clupea harengus membras
silakka [nautical, military slang] :: A nickname for a drafted navy soldier
silakkalaatikko :: Baltic herring casserole
silakkaparvi :: A school of herrings
silata :: to plate
silava :: animal fat
säile :: preservative
sileä :: smooth, as having a texture with no or just a little friction
sileäkarvainen :: smooth-haired; sometimes shortened to smooth, as in smooth fox terrier (sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri)
sileäleukainen :: clean-shaven
sileäputkinen :: smoothbore
silestone :: A worn-out tyre which has less tread pattern than required
siletä :: To smooth
sileys :: smoothness
silhuetti :: silhouette
säiliö :: vessel, container, tank, cistern
säiliöalus :: tank ship
säiliöauto :: bowser (tank truck, especially one designed for airplane fuel transport in airports or one designed for water distribution)
säiliöauto :: fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker [UK, tanker for liquid fuels]
säiliöauto :: tank truck [US], road tanker [UK], tanker (truck equipped with a tank for transporting liquids or sometimes powders)
säiliöidä :: to store
silikaatti :: silicate (any mineral composed of silicates)
silikaatti :: silicate (any salt of silica or of one of the silicic acids)
silikaattimineraali :: silicate mineral
silikoni :: silicone (class of inert, semi-inorganic polymeric compounds of silicon)
silikoosi :: silicosis
säiliölaiva :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid)
silinteri :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat)
silinterihattu :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat)
silitellä :: To touch repeatedly with a gentle motion:
silittää :: to iron
silittää :: to pet, stroke, fondle
silitys :: A stroke (act of stroking)
silitys :: ironing
silityslauta :: ironing board [board on which one can iron clothes]
silitysrauta :: An iron [tool for pressing clothes]
Silja :: female given name
silkka :: sheer, solid, pure
silkki :: silk (fine fiber excreted by the silkworm)
silkki :: silk (fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers)
silkkiapina :: marmoset
silkkiäinen :: silkworm
silkkiäistoukka :: silkworm
silkkikangas :: silk (cloth)
silkkipaperi :: tissue paper
silkkiperhonen :: silkmoth, Bombyx mori
silkkiseitikki :: silver-violet webcap, Cortinarius alboviolaceus
silkkiterrieri :: Australian silky terrier
silkkitoukka :: silkworm
silkkiuikku :: great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
silkkiunikko :: corn poppy, red poppy, Papaver rhoeas
sillä :: (coordinating) for
silla [textiles, dated] :: A synthetic fabric similar to rayon
sillanpää :: bridgehead (area around the end of a bridge)
sillanpää :: bridgehead (area of ground held by the friendly troops on the enemy's side of a river or other obstacle)
Sillanpää :: Finnish surname
sillata [computing, telecommunication] :: to bridge (to connect with a bridge)
sillata [wrestling] :: to bridge (to go to the bridge position)
silleen :: stuff
silli :: any of the several related species of herring and shad, especially as food
silli :: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus
silli :: in plural also Clupeidae (taxonomic family of the herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa and menhadens)
sillihapero :: shrimp mushroom, Russula xerampelina
sillikuningas :: rabbit fish, ratfish, chimaera, Chimaera monstrosa
sillisiika :: lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (North American species of freshwater whitefish)
sillivalas :: fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
silloin :: then, at that time
silloinen :: of that time
silloin kun :: when
silloin tällöin :: every now and then, once in a while
sillä välin :: in the meantime, meanwhile
silmä :: An eye (ability to notice what others might miss)
silmä :: An eye (bud of a potato)
silmä :: An eye (center of a hurricane)
silmä :: An eye (hole in needle)
silmä :: An eye (mark on an animal resembling an eye)
silmä :: An eye (organ)
silmiinpistävä :: striking, glaring, prominent
silmikko :: visor (armor)
silmikoida :: To bud
silmäillä :: To eye, glance, scan, skim
-silmäinen :: -eyed
silminnähden :: visibly, clearly, obviously
silminnähtävä :: evident
silminnäkijä :: eyewitness
silmitön :: indiscriminate
silmäke :: hawsehole
silmäkulma :: the corner of the eye
silmäkuoppa :: eye socket
silmäkuvio :: eye pattern (an oscilloscope display)
silmäkuvio :: eye (mark or design resembling an eye)
silmälappu :: eyepatch
silmälasikarhu :: spectacled bear, Tremarctos ornatus
silmälasikäärme :: cobra (snake)
silmälasikuvioinen :: spectacled
silmälasipäinen :: bespectacled, spectacled (wearing spectacles)
silmälasit :: spectacles, glasses, eyeglasses, specs
silmälihashalvaus :: ophthalmoplegia
silmälääkäri :: ophthalmologist; eye doctor [US]
silmäluomi :: eyelid
silmämeikki :: eyeliner, eye makeup (makeup used to outline the eye)
silmämuna :: eyeball
silmämurre :: alternative term for näköismurre
silmän kantamattomiin :: as far as the eye can see
silmänkääntäjä :: conjurer; one who performs the sleight of hand
silmänkääntötemppu :: sleight of hand
silmänpaine :: intraocular pressure
silmäänpistävä :: Conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding
silmänpohja :: eyeground
silmänräpäys :: An eyeblink, a blink of an eye
silmänräpäytys :: A blink of eyes
silmäntähystys :: ophthalmoscopy
silmänvalkuainen :: sclera (the white of an eye)
silmäpako :: ladder (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings)
silmäpeili :: ophthalmoscope
silmäpeli :: eye flirtation
silmäpultti :: eyebolt (bolt with a looped head)
silmäripsi :: eyelash
silmäripsikato :: madarosis (loss of eyelashes)
silmäsairaus :: ophthalmopathy
silmätä :: to glance (to look at something quickly)
silmätauti :: ophthalmopathy
silmätautioppi :: ophthalmology
silmäterä :: pupil (part of an eye)
silmäterä :: apple of one's eye
silmätikku :: Someone singled out as target for negative attention
silmätippa :: eyedrop
silmätön :: eyeless
silmätulehdus :: Any eye inflammation
silmu :: bud of a leaf
silmu :: lamprey
silmukka :: A loop (aircraft maneuver)
silmukka :: A loop (length of thread, line or rope making an opening)
silmukka :: A loop (programmed sequence of instructions)
silmukka :: A loop (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself)
silmukka :: A mesh (opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net)
silmukka :: An eye (fitting)
silmukka :: (crocheting, knitting) A stitch
silmukka :: A becket, as a loop made of rope or an eye made at the end of a rope
silmukkalanka :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls)
silmukoida :: To loop (to make loops)
silmävärve :: nystagmus
silmäys :: glance, sight
säilöntä :: preservation (of food)
säilöntäaine :: preservative, food preservative
silohaperonvieras :: Asterophora parasitica
silokampela :: brill
siloposkinen :: beardless
silovalas :: right whale
silpiä [of peas] :: to pod
silpoa :: to dismember, mutilate, maim
silpoutua :: to be maimed, mutilated or dismembered
silppuri :: chipper
silppuri :: shredder
silputa :: To chip
silputa :: To shred
säilörehu :: silage
silsa :: ringworm
silta :: bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide)
silta [telecommunication] :: bridge (system which connects two or more local area networks)
silta [wrestling] :: bridge
Siltala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Siltala :: Finnish surname
siltarumpu :: A culvert
säilöte :: alternative form of säilyte
silti :: however, still, yet, nevertheless
siltti :: silt
siluetti :: A silhouette
silumiini :: silumin
siluuri :: The Silurian, Silurian period
siluurikausi :: The Silurian
siluurikautinen :: Silurian
säilyä :: To abide
säilyä :: To be preserved
säilyä :: To remain
säilyke :: canned food
säilykepurkki :: tin (airtight container used to preserve food)
säilyketölkki :: can (tin-plate canister for preserved foods)
säilyminen :: preservation
säilyte :: preservative
säilyttää :: To preserve
säilyttää :: To retain
säilyttäjä :: preserver
säilyttäminen :: preservation
säilyttäminen :: retention
säilytys :: conservation
säilytys :: preservation
säilytysastia :: storage vessel
sima :: mead
simanuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius corrosus
simapanimo :: meadery (place where mead is made)
Simeoni :: male given name
simmu [children] :: eye
Simo :: A municipality in Finland
Simo :: male given name
Simola :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Simola :: Finnish surname
Simon :: Simon (biblical figure)
Simonen :: Finnish surname
simonia :: simony
simoninhyppymyyrä :: lesser short-tailed gerbil, Simon's gerbil
simpanssi :: chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
simpleksi :: simplex
simppeli :: simple
simppu :: plebe (first year cadet)
simppu :: sculpin (any fish in the family Cottidae)
simpukankuori :: clamshell (shell of a clam or a hinged object that resembles one)
simpukankuori :: seashell, shell (shell of a marine mollusk)
simpukka :: A clam (a bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible)
simpukka :: A mussel
simpukka :: cochlea
simpukka :: Any of the tens of thousands of species of mollusks belonging to bivalves
simpukka [mollusks] :: In plural (simpukat), Bivalvia or bivalves (taxonomic class)
simputtaa [military, + partitive] :: To haze
simputus :: hazing
Simson :: Samson (Biblical figure)
simulaatio :: simulation
simulaattori :: simulator
simulantti :: simulator
simuloida :: To simulate
simultaaninen :: simultaneous
simultaanitulkkaus :: simultaneous interpretation, simultaneous interpreting
simultaanitulkki :: simultaneous interpreter
sinä :: you (second person singular, familiar), (in archaic English) thou
-sin :: The case suffix denoting temporal distributive; always used with plurai "-i-"
sinapinkeltainen :: mustard (of mustard colour)
sinapinkeltainen :: mustard (colour)
sinapinvärinen :: mustard (colour)
sinappi :: mustard (plant)
sinappi :: mustard (spice)
sinappihapero :: ochre brittlegill or common yellow russula, Russula ochroleuca
sinappikaali :: arugula
sinappikaasu :: mustard gas
sinappikone :: shit factory (infant)
sinappiöljy :: mustard oil (oil extracted from mustard seeds)
sinappiöljy :: mustard oil (organic compound allyl-isothiocyanate)
sinappinen :: Having the taste or colour of mustard
sinappirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius flavidus
sinelli :: overcoat (heavy overcoat of the Russian army, similar to mantteli)
sinelmä :: A bruise
sineraria :: cineraria
sinertää :: to have a shade of blue
sinertää :: to make bluer
sinertävä :: bluish
sinertyä :: to become more blue
sinetöidä :: To seal
sinetöidä huulensa :: To keep one's lips sealed, to seal one's lips
sinetti :: seal (something which will be visibly damaged when a container is opened)
sinettilakka :: sealing wax
sinettitiede :: sigillography (study of seals and sigils)
sinfonia :: symphony
sinfoniaorkesteri :: symphony orchestra
sinfonietta :: sinfonietta
sinfonikko :: symphonist
sinfoninen :: symphonic
singahdella :: To pinball, shuttlecock (to dart about rapidly)
singahtaa :: to dart (to shoot rapidly along)
singaleesi :: A Singhalese (person)
singaleesi :: Singhalese (language)
Singapore :: Singapore
single :: single (45 rpm record)
singota :: to catapult (to launch from catapult or as if from catapult)
singota :: to fling, hurl, throw, dart (to throw with a sudden effort)
singulariteetti :: A singularity
sini :: In compound words, blue- or bluish
sini :: The sine function
sini :: blue
Sini :: female given name
siniaalto :: sine wave
siniara :: Spix's macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii
sinibakteeri :: A cyanobacterium
sinihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula azurea
sinihappo :: hydrogen cyanide (chemical formula HCN)
sinihomejuusto :: blue cheese
sinikeltainen :: Especially in connection with sports, "Swedish" or, in plural, "the Swedish", according to the colours of the Swedish national flag
sinikeltainen :: Referring to the quality of being coloured blue and yellow
sinikettu :: A "blue fox", a variant of arctic fox grown in captivity because of its beautiful bluish grey winter fur
sinikka :: bluebird (any of various North American birds of the genus Sialia)
Sinikka :: female given name, fairly popular in the 20th century. Pet form: Sini
sinikopio :: blueprint, cyanotype (white-on-blue copy produced with cyanotype process)
sinikvartsi :: blue quartz
sinikäyrä :: sinusoid, sine curve
sinilause :: law of sines, sine rule, sine formula
sinileppärousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius hemicyaneus
sinilevä :: blue-green alga
sinilimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius salor
sinimailanen :: alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa
sinimuotoinen :: sinusoidal
sinimuura :: bluish-slate antshrike (Thamnomanes schistogynus)
sininaakka :: Any of the Central and South American jays of the genus Cyanolyca in the crow family Corvidae
sininauraja :: blue-winged kookaburra (Dacelo leachii)
sininen :: blue
sininen :: The color blue
sininen maito :: semi-skimmed milk, reduced-fat milk (milk with reduced fat content, in Finland about 1,5 %)
Sininen nauha :: The Blue Riband (trophy for fastest Atlantic crossing by a commercial liner)
sininärhi :: European roller, Coracias garrulus
sininärhi :: roller (any bird in the family Coraciidae - rollers)
sininuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius coerulescens
sinipuna :: In compound words, also violet, purple
sinipuna :: A political term referring to a coalition of or cooperation between conservatives and social democrats; compare purple, US politics sense
sinipuna :: Used also adjectively in compound words
sinipunainen :: purple
sinipunarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius violascens
sinirinta :: bluethroat, Luscinia svecica
sinisempi :: comparative form of sininen
sinisiipi :: blue (any butterfly in the subfamily Polyommatinae of the family Lycaenidae)
sinisiipinen :: blue-winged (having blue wings)
sinisiipinen :: Any of the butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
sinisiipinen :: In plural (sinisiipiset), the family Lycaenidae, the gossamer-winged butterflies
sinisiirtymä :: blueshift
sinisilmä :: blue-eyed person
sinisilmä :: blue eye (eye with blue iris)
sinisilmä :: blue-eye (fish of the family Pseudomugilidae)
sinisilmäinen :: blue-eyed (having blue eyes)
sinisilmäinen :: gullible, credulous
sinisimpukka :: blue mussel, Mytilus edulis
sinisin :: superlative form of sininen
sinisorsa :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
sinistyä :: To become (more) blue
sinisukkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius evernius
sinisyys :: blueness
sinitarra :: Blu-Tack
sinitäplätursas :: southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa
sinivalas :: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
sinivalkoinen :: Finnish (derived from the colours of the Finnish national flag)
sinivalkoinen :: Referring to the combination of the blue and white colours
sinivihreä :: A color between blue and green; blue-green, turquoise, cyan, teal
sinivihreä :: A color between blue and green
siniviiva :: The blue line
sinivuokko :: In plural (sinivuokot), the police
sinivuokko :: In plural (sinivuokot), the genus Hepatica
sinivuokko :: The common hepatica (Hepatica nobilis)
Sinkiang :: Xinjiang (autonomous region of China)
sinkilä :: A staple (fastener)
sinkitä :: To galvanise/galvanize
sinkki :: A serpent (brass instrument)
sinkki :: zinc
sinkkikloridi :: zinc chloride
sinkkioksidi [inorganic chemistry] :: zinc oxide, symbol ZnO
sinkkisälpä :: smithsonite
sinkkivalkoinen :: zinc white (zinc oxide when used as pigment)
sinkkivälke :: sphalerite
sinkku :: single (a vinyl record or a popular song)
sinkku :: single (unmarried)
sinkkuus :: singlehood
sinko :: bazooka (any shoulder-fired rocket grenade launcher)
sinko :: recoilless rifle
sinko :: rocket-propelled grenade launcher, RPG
sinkoutua :: to dart, to be catapulted (to fly, pass or shoot out swiftly due to an external force)
sinällään :: as such, in itself (considered alone; used often to hint that there's something else which makes matters worse when combined with the thing or circumstance mentioned)
sinä-muotoinen :: second-person (using verbs in the second person)
sinne :: there (when the speaker does not point at the place):
sinne tänne :: hither and thither
sinnikkäämpi :: comparative form of sinnikäs
sinnikkäästi :: doggedly, relentlessly
sinnikkyys :: steadfastness, relentlessness, resilience
sinnikäs :: steadfast, relentless, dogged
sinnitellä :: to hang on, persevere
sinnitellä :: to survive, stay alive
sinänsä :: per se
sinofobia :: Sinophobia (fear of China and Chinese)
sinologi :: sinologist
sinologia :: Sinology
sinooperi :: cinnabar
sinooperinpunainen :: vermilion, cinnabar (colour)
sinooperipunainen :: vermilion (pigment)
sinotiibetiläinen :: Sino-Tibetan
sinsilla :: chinchilla (mammal)
sintolaisuus :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus
sintrata :: To sinter
sintraus :: sintering
sintti :: [disparaging] minnow (small fish)
sinuiitti :: sinusitis (inflammation)
sinun :: The genitive singular of the personal pronoun sinä, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -si appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun your; after the verb olla: yours - when addressing one person:
sinun :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English you - when addressing one person:
sinusrytmi :: sinus rhythm (normal beating of the heart, as measured by an electrocardiogram)
sinussolmuke :: sinoatrial node, sinus node
sinusta :: about you; of you (addressing one person)
sinusta :: in your opinion, you think that (addressing one person)
sinut :: (in the phrase) olla sinut + genitive + kanssa = to be on first-name basis with, to be familiar with
sinutella :: to address with the informal T-form, to address someone (especially friends and relatives) informally in the second-person (in languages in which such form is distinguishable)
sinuttelu :: using T-form (act or custom of addressing someone informally in second person)
sinuttelumuoto :: T-form (second-person form of address used in informal situations)
sionismi :: Zionism
sionisti :: Zionist
sionistinen :: Zionist
sioux :: Sioux (language)
sioux :: Sioux (person)
sipaista :: to stroke lightly and quickly
sipaista :: Used generally of performing an action swiftly, briskly and seemingly with little effort, sometimes used braggingly
sipaisu :: any swift action
sipaisu :: stroke
sipasta [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of sipaista
sipata :: to stop working, to break down, to run out of steam
sipatti :: A dish consisting of sautéed cubes of smoked side of pork or ham in white sauce, often served with boiled potatoes
Siperia :: Siberia
siperialainen :: Siberian
siperialainen :: A Siberian person
siperianhusky :: Siberian Husky
siperianmetso :: black-billed capercaillie, Tetrao parvirostris (large black grouse endemic to Siberia, closely related to western capercaillie)
siperianmuikku :: sardine cisco, least cisco, Coregonus sardinella (small freshwater fish found in Arctic waters from NW Russia to NE Canada)
siperiansampi :: Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
Siperia opettaa :: once bitten, twice shy (one is cautious in the future if he has been hurt in the past)
sipinä :: whisper
sipistä :: To whisper quietly
siplari :: Any member of the genus Eumerus of hoverflies
sipsi :: chip (thin, crisp, baked piece of vegetable, especially potato)
sipsuttaa :: to tiptoe
sipuli :: any member of the genus Allium
sipuli :: bulb-shaped root
sipuli :: onion (Allium cepa)
sipulirengas :: onion ring
sireeni :: siren
sireenieläin :: sirenian
sirinä :: buzz
siristä :: To buzz
sirittää :: to chirr (to make a prolonged trilling sound of an insect, like e.g. a grasshopper)
sirittäjä :: wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
siritys :: chirr (sound)
sirkadiaanirytmi :: circadian rhythm
sirkka :: cricket (insect)
Sirkka :: female given name
Sirkka :: Finnish surname
sirkkalehti :: cotyledon
sirkkeli :: circular saw
sirkku :: bunting (any of the passerine birds in the genus Emberiza)
sirkku :: In plura l, the genus Emberiza
Sirkku :: female given name
sirkumfleksi :: circumflex
sirkumpolaarinen :: circumpolar
sirkus :: circus
sirkusareena :: circus ring
sirkushevonen :: circus horse
sirkushuvi :: circus
sirkuspelle :: circus clown
sirkustirehtööri :: ringmaster; circus director
sirkuttaa :: to twitter, chirp (to utter a succession of bird's chirps)
siro :: graceful, delicate
siro :: petite (fairly short and of slim build)
siro :: slender
siroherkkusieni :: an agaric (Agaricus semotus)
siroin :: superlative form of siro
sirompi :: comparative form of siro
sironta :: scattering
sirota :: scatter
sirote :: Any powder that is sprinkled
sirotella :: To scatter, sprinkle
sirotella tuhkaa päällensä :: to regret deeply, to blame oneself for a loss or mishap
sirotin :: A shaker (table container for pepper or salt)
sirottaa :: to scatter, spread, sprinkle
sirottaja :: scatterer
Sirpa :: female given name
sirpakka :: pert, brisk
sirpale :: shard, splinter, fragment, chip
sirppi :: crescent
sirppi :: sickle
sirppi ja vasara :: hammer and sickle (symbol of the union of industrial and agricultural workers in Communist iconography)
sirppimäinen :: sickle-shaped, falciform
sirppisoluanemia :: sickle-cell anemia (US), sickle-cell anaemia (UK), sickle-cell disease
sirri :: In plural (sirrit) the genus Calidris
sirri :: sandpiper, stint, knot, dunlin (small wading birds primarily in the genus Calidris but also in three related genera Eurynorhynchus, Aechmorhynchus and Prosobonia, see list below under Derived terms)
siru :: A chip (small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material)
siru :: A fragment (small portion or segment of an object)
siru [technology] :: A chip (a small substrate of semi-conducting material on which electronic circuits have been fabricated)
sirveli :: A traditional dish from Kainuu region in Finland, made of vendace, onion, butter and cream
sirveli :: In other regions sirveli refers to a dish made of pork and onions resembling a hash
sisä :: The inside of something. In contemporary language sisä- serves as a prefix and the locative cases (inessive, elative, illative, adessive, ablative and allative) are used as adverbs and postpositions
sisä- :: A prefix signifying inner, internal, interior, inward; indoor; inland
sisar :: sister
sisarellinen :: sisterly, sororal
sisarenpoika :: sororal nephew
sisarentytär :: Sororal niece
sisaristo :: A sisterhood (religious society of women)
sisarkunta :: A sisterhood (religious society of women)
sisarkunta :: A sisterhood, sorority (group of girls or women associated for a common purpose)
sisarpuoli :: half-sister
sisarpuoli :: stepsister
sisarukset :: siblings, sisters and brothers (collective term for people who are each other's sisters and brothers)
sisarus :: sibling
sisaruus :: sisterhood (quality of being sisterly)
sisaruus :: sisterhood (state of being sisters)
sisäasiat :: domestic affairs, internal affairs
siselöidä [metalworking] :: to chisel (to work the surface of a metal object with a chisel or punch in order to produce a decorative pattern)
sisäelin :: internal organ, visceral
sisempi :: inner (closer to the center)
sisennys :: indentation (act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line)
sisentää :: To indent (lines of text)
sisäeritteinen :: endocrine
sisäeritysjärjestelmä [anatomy, medicine] :: endocrine system
sisäeronto :: elative
sisäfilee :: tenderloin
sisäfileepihvi :: tenderloin steak
sisäheitto :: syncope
Sisilia :: Sicily
sisilialainen :: Sicilian (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants)
sisilialainen :: A Sicilian
sisilisko :: in plural (sisiliskot), the taxonomic family Lacertidae
sisilisko :: common lizard, viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara
Sisilisko :: the constellation Lacerta, the lizard
sisäilma :: the air inside
sisimmäinen :: innermost
sisin :: innermost
sisäinen :: internal
sisäinen kitka :: viscosity
sisäinen yrittäjyys [buzzword] :: intrapreneurship
sisäisempi :: comparative form of sisäinen
sisäisesti :: internally
sisäisesti :: self-
sisäistää :: To assimilate (incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind)
sisäkatto :: ceiling (highest portion of room)
sisäkkö :: housemaid
sisäkkäin :: One inside another
sisko :: sister
Sisko :: female given name
siskonmakkara :: A kind of mild, smooth pork sausage, often cooked in soup
siskopuoli :: half sister
siskopuoli :: stepsister
sisäkorva :: inner ear
sisäkorvaistute :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem)
sisäkorvaproteesi :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem)
sisällä :: indoors
sisällä :: inside (in the position inside something)
sisällä :: inside
sisälle :: indoors
sisälle :: inside (to the position inside something)
sisälle :: inside
sisällinen :: internal; now preferably sisäinen
sisällissota :: A civil war
sisällissota :: The Finnish Civil War of 1918
sisällökäs :: rich in content
sisällyksekäs :: alternative form of sisällökäs
sisällys :: content
sisällysluettelo :: table of contents
sisällyttää [transitive + genitive-accusative + illative] :: To include (something in something), incorporate
sisälämpötila :: interior temperature
sisälmykset :: viscera (the internal organs of the body collectively)
sisäloinen :: endoparasite
sisältä :: from indoors
sisältä :: from inside (from a position inside something)
sisältää :: To include; to contain
sisältää :: To involve
sisältä :: from inside
sisältö :: content (amount of material contained)
sisältö :: content, contents (that which is contained)
sisältö :: content (subject matter; substance)
sisältö :: meaning (significance of a thing)
sisältö :: contents (table of contents)
sisältöfarmi :: content farm
sisältäpäin :: from inside
sisältyä :: to be included in
sisämaa :: inland, interior
sisämaavaltio :: landlocked country
sisämeri :: inland sea, mediterranean sea
Sisämeri :: Inland Sea
sisäministeri :: interior minister
sisäministeriö :: short form of sisäasiainministeriö
sisäministeriö :: ministry of the interior, ministry of internal affairs or similar in another country
sisään :: into
sisäänajo :: the running in period of a car
sisäänheittotarjous :: Trojan horse (offer made to lure customers, seeming like a good deal, that has the ultimate effect of extorting large amounts of money from the customer)
sisäänhengitys :: inhalation
sisäänkäynti :: An admittance
sisäänkäynti :: An entrance (structure that allows entering a confined space; door, gate etc.)
sisäänkäyntikatos :: porte cochère
sisäänostaja :: buyer
sisäänostaja :: purchasing agent
sisäänostohinta :: purchase price
sisäänostohintaan :: at cost
sisäänpäin :: inward, inwards
sisäänpäinlämpiävä :: of a group or culture that so prefers to deal within itself that it is difficult for an outsider to become a member of it
sisääntulo :: entry
sisäolento :: inessive
sisäoppilaitos :: boarding school
sisäpaikallissija :: Any of the three cases inessive, elative and illative in Finnish that indicate location inside (inessive) something, or a movement from (elative) or towards (illative) such location
sisäpiha :: inner court
sisäpiiri :: insiders (individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company)
sisäpiiri :: insiders (people that have special knowledge of the inner workings of an organization collectively)
sisäpiirikauppa :: insider trading, inside dealing, inside trading, insider dealing
sisäpiiriläinen :: insider (person who has special knowledge of the inner workings of a company or other organization)
sisäplaneetta :: inner planet
sisäpolitiikka :: domestic policy
sisäpuoli :: inside
sisärengas :: inner tube
sissi :: (irregular soldier) guerrilla, partisan
sissi :: (regular soldier) commando, ranger
sisäsiitos :: inbreeding
sissijuusto :: smegma
sissisota :: guerrilla war
sissisota :: guerrilla warfare
sisäsyntyinen :: endogenous
sisäsyntyinen :: intrinsic
sisätaudit :: internal medicine
sisterna :: cisterna
sisätila :: interior
sisätiloissa :: indoors
sisätulento :: illative
sisätulo :: scalar product
sisätuloavaruus :: inner product space
sisu :: Determination regardless of cost, persistence, strength, obstinacy, perseverance, willpower
sisukas :: gutsy
sisus :: interior
sisuspunos :: solar plexus, celiac plexus (complex network of nerves located in the abdomen)
sisusta :: inside, interior
sisustaa :: To furnish, decorate (to improve the appearance of the interior of a house etc.)
sisustus :: interior decoration, decoration
sisustuskangas :: decoration textile (fabric designed for interior decoration)
sisustussuunnittelu :: interior design
sisäydin :: inner core (innermost part of the Earth, a solid ball believed to consist of an iron-nickel alloy)
sitaatti :: quotation
siteerata :: to cite
siten :: in that way
siten :: thus
sitä jotakin :: Partitive singular form of se jokin
sitkas :: resilient, hardy
sitkas :: tough
sitkas :: viscous
sitkeä :: tough
sitkeä :: resilient, hardy
sitkeä :: viscous
sitkeästi :: resiliently
sitketä :: To become more viscous
sitkeys :: resilience
sitkeys :: viscosity
sitko :: The viscous and elastic mass formed in dough by gluten proteins
sitko :: viscosity (quality of being viscous)
sitoa :: to bandage, to dress
sitoa :: to bind, tie, fasten
sitoen :: legato
sitoumus :: commitment, covenant (promise or agreement to do something in the future)
sitoumus :: obligation (legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement)
sitoutua :: pledge, engage, adhere
sitoutumaton :: nonaligned, independent
sitoutumaton :: unmarried
sitoutuminen :: commitment
sitä paitsi :: moreover, furthermore, besides
sitra :: zither
sitriini :: citrine
sitronellaali :: citronellal
sitrushedelmä :: citrus fruit (fruit of a common genus Citrus)
sitruuna :: lemon
sitruunahappo :: citric acid
sitruunamehu :: lemonade (still drink)
sitruunamehu :: lemon juice
sitruunamelissa :: lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
sitruunaperhonen :: brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
sitruunapuu :: lemon tree
sitruunasooda :: lemonade (carbonated beverage flavored with lemon)
sitruunatahna :: lemon curd
sitruunavästäräkki :: citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
sitä samaa :: same to you, right back at you (used to return greeting or insult)
sitsi [often in plural] :: get-together (informal meeting or gathering; a party or social function, especially one organized by a club)
sitä sun tätä :: alternative form of sitä ja tätä
sittemmin :: since then, afterwards, after
sitten :: ago:
sitten :: (in certain interjections) what:
sitten :: then (when referring to temporal, logical or other order)
sitten :: when or whenever (in the expression "sitten, kun"):
sitten :: without a definite meaning, as an expletive in subordinate clauses that include tahansa and -kin and that are translated with whoever, whomever, whatever, wherever:
sitten :: since
sittenkin :: after all, on second thought
sittenkään :: after all, on second thought
sittiäinen :: A dor
sitä vastoin :: on the contrary, by contrast, conversely, whereas, while
sitävastoin :: on the other hand
siunata :: To bless (also figuratively)
siunauksekas :: blessed
siunauksellinen :: blessed
siunaus :: blessing
sivakka :: ski
sivaltaa :: to slash, lash, slap (to deliver a fast and powerful swinging blow, usually with something longish and/or flexible such as a hand, sword, whip or rod)
sivaltaa :: to snap (to say or speak abruptly or sharply, usually as a response to something that another person said or did)
sivari :: non-military service
sivari :: A person who is doing or has done non-military service
siveä :: chaste
siveellinen :: ethical
siveellinen :: moral, decent
siveellisyysrikos :: indecency
siveetön :: immoral
siveettömyys :: unchastity
sivellä :: to paint (apply paint to)
sivellin :: paintbrush
sivetoni :: civetone
sivettieläin :: civet, a carnivore of the family Viverridae
sivettikissa :: A carnivore of the civet subfamily Viverrinae
siveys :: chastity
siveys :: morality
siveysvyö :: chastity belt
Siviä :: female given name, rare today
siviili :: civilian
siviiliavioliitto :: civil marriage, civil union
siviili-ilmailu :: civil aviation
siviilikanne [law] :: lawsuit
siviilioikeus :: civil law (body of law dealing with the private relations between members of a community)
siviilipalvelus :: civilian service, alternative service, non-military service
siviilipalvelusmies :: conscientious objector; a person undergoing non-military service
siviilisääty :: marital status
siviilivihkiminen :: The ceremony in which two people enter into a civil marriage
sivilisaatio :: civilization
sivilisoitua :: To be civilized
sivistää :: to civilize (to educate to a perceived higher level of education)
sivistyä :: To be civilized
sivistyä :: To become educated
sivistymätön :: uneducated, uncultured, uncivilized, vulgar
sivistyneistö :: intelligentsia
sivistynyt :: civilized, sophisticated, erudite, cultured, educated
sivistys :: learning, scholarship, sophistication, erudition, civilization
sivu :: flank (extreme left or right edge of a military formation)
sivu :: flank, side (flesh between the last rib and the hip)
sivu :: page, side (one surface of a sheet of paper)
sivu :: side (bounding straight edge of an two-dimensional shape)
sivu :: side (flat surface of a three-dimensional object; a face)
sivuaine :: minor (subject area of secondary concentration of a student at a college or university)
sivuasunto :: granny flat (dwelling detached from a primary residence)
sivuava :: tangential (indirectly related to a topic)
sivuava :: tangential (merely touching, positioned as a tangent)
-sivuinen :: -paged
sivuinen :: page (having a certain number of pages)
sivuinen :: sided (having a side or sides with a given property)
sivuitse :: by, past
sivuitse :: by, past, by the side of
sivujoki :: tributary (river)
sivujuonne :: grace note (concern of secondary importance)
sivukaista :: sideband
sivukallistuma :: A (sideways) inclination
sivukallistuma :: camber (inclination of wheels)
sivukartta :: sitemap
sivukatu :: A back street
sivukierre :: sidespin
sivukivi :: gangue, veinstone, gob, goaf
sivukuva :: profile
sivulause :: A subordinate clause
sivuleikkurit {p} :: wire cutters
sivullinen :: bystander
sivulta :: From the side
sivuluokka :: coset
sivumyötäinen :: longitudinal
sivumyötäinen :: (alcoholic) intoxication
sivumyötäinen :: longitudinal wind
sivuosa :: A walk-on (small part in a theater drama production)
sivuovi :: A side door
sivupaino :: secondary stress
sivusaalis :: bycatch (unintended catch)
sivusaranoitu :: side-hinged (having hinges on the side, as opposed to having them on top or bottom)
sivuseikka :: A moot point, footnote
sivuseinä :: sidewall (side of a tire)
sivuseinä :: sidewall, side wall (wall forming the side of a structure, racquetball court etc.)
sivussa :: on the side, aside
sivusta :: flank
sivusto :: web site, site
sivustoida :: To fianchetto
sivustointi :: fianchetto
sivuta :: To be tangent to, touch
sivutie :: back road, backroad
sivuttaa :: to page
sivuttain :: pagewise (one page at a time)
sivuttain :: sideways (with a side to the front)
sivuttainen :: pagewise
sivuttainen :: sideways
sivuttaiskierre :: alternative form of sivukierre
sivutuote :: byproduct, by-product, also: sideproduct
sivutuuli :: (nautical) crosswind, beam reach (wind blowing perpendicular to the line of travel)
sivutuuli :: reach (wind blowing from either side of the vessel)
sivutuulipurjehdus :: reaching
sivutyö :: side job, secondary occupation, moonlighting, side project (something productive done regularly in addition to one's primary occupation and household chores, whether paid or not)
sivuun :: aside
sivuuttaa :: to skip, bypass
sivuvaikutus :: iatrogenesis
sivuvaikutus :: side effect, adverse effect
sivuvaunu :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
Sjellanti :: alternative spelling of Själlanti
Själlanti :: Zealand (Danish island)
säkä :: luck
säkä :: The withers (part of the back of a draft animal or horse that is the highest)
sökö :: broken
sökö [poker] :: A variant of stud poker; sousem, Canadian stud, Scandinavian stud
-ska :: Used to transform husband's family name or title to a term for addressing or speaking of a married woman. Used especially with family names ending with -nen and titles ending -ri
skaala :: scale, scope
skaalata :: To scale, to change the size of
skaalatikku :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement)
skaalaus :: scaling
skaalautua :: To become scaled
skaba :: A competition
skalaari :: scalar
skalaarifunktio :: scalar function
skalaarikenttä :: scalar field
skalaaritulo :: scalar product
skalmeija :: shawm
skalpeerata :: to scalp
skalpeeraus :: scalping (fraudulent form of market manipulation)
skalpeeraus :: scalping (act of taking someone's scalp)
skalpelli :: scalpel (small precision knife)
skandaali :: scandal
skandaalijuttu :: scandal story
skandaalilehdistö :: yellow press
skandaalilehti :: scandal sheet, yellow newspaper (newspaper ragarded as belonging to the yellow press)
skandaalimainen :: scandalous
skandaalinkäry :: smell of a scandal, scent of a scandal
skandaalinkäryinen :: scandalous (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal)
skandalisoida :: To scandalize
skandaloida :: alternative form of skandalisoida
skandeerata :: to recite a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter
skandeeraus :: Act or practice of reciting a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter
skandi :: Any of the letters Ä, ä, Ö, ö, or Å, å
skandinaavi :: A Scandinavian
skandinaavinen :: Scandinavian
skandinaaviska :: A hypothetical common Scandinavian language often agreed to be spoken in Nordic meetings. In practice it means that each participant adheres to the standard form of Swedish, Danish or Norwegian according to his/her preference thus facilitating mutual understanding and avoiding need for simultaneous interpretation. There appears to be no established English translation to the term, but "Scandinavian" is a good bet, especially if explained for those who are not familiar with the concept
Skandinavia :: Scandinavia (peninsula)
skandinavialainen :: Alternative form of skandinaavinen
skandinaviska :: Alternative spelling of skandinaaviska
skandinavismi :: Scandinavianism
skandinavisti :: Scandinavianist (supporter of Scandinavianism)
Skandit :: The Scandinavian Mountains
skandium :: scandium
skannata :: To scan
skannaus :: scanning
skanneri :: scanner
sääkansi :: A weather deck
skanssi :: fortalice (small fortress)
skanssi :: crew's quarters on a ship; in sailships they were usually located under a raised part of the upper deck at the bow of the vessel, in which case they were called forecastle
skarpata :: Synonym of ryhdistäytyä
skarpata :: to focus
skarppi :: alert (not tired)
sääkartta :: weather map
skede :: skateboard
skeema [databases] :: schema
skeema :: schema
skeet-ammunta :: skeet, skeet shooting (form of trapshooting using clay targets to simulate birds in flight)
skeglu :: A puukko (Nordic hunting knife)
skeida :: crap
skeidata :: [slang, because of connotation considered vulgar] skateboard, board
skeidata :: [slang, vulgar] shit, have a shit
skeidata :: [slang, vulgar] soil, begrime
skeidata :: [slang, vulgar] spoil, botch
säkeistö [music, poetry] :: stanza, strophe, staff, stave
skeitata :: to skateboard, skate (to use a skateboard)
skeittaaja :: skateboarder
skeittailu :: skateboarding
skeittari :: skateboarder, skater
skeittaus :: skateboarding
skeitti :: skateboarding
skeittilauta :: skateboard
skeittipuisto :: skatepark (recreational area dedicated to skateboarders)
skeittiramppi :: skating ramp
skeittirata :: skatepark (minor recreational facility dedicated to skateboarders)
skemaattinen :: schematic
skematisoida :: to schematize
skematisointi :: schematization
skenaario :: scenario
skenaristi :: scenario planner (one who writes scenarios of expected or supposed sequences of events)
skenaristi :: scenarist (writer of screenplays)
säkene :: spark
säkenöidä :: To sparkle
skenografia :: scenography (art of designing theatrical sets)
skenografia :: scenography (design of theatrical sets)
skeptikko :: A sceptic/skeptic
skeptinen :: Sceptic/skeptic
skeptisesti :: skeptically
skeptisismi :: skepticism
skeptisyys :: skepticism (property of being skeptical)
sketsi :: sketch (short dramatic production)
skäfä :: A short person, a dwarf
säkiä :: wels catfish [[[Silurus glanis]]]
skiathlon :: skiathlon
skidi :: child, kid
skientismi :: scientism (belief that the scientific method is applicable to all other disciplines)
skientologi :: Scientologist
skientologia :: Scientology
skientologinen :: Scientological
säkillinen :: A sack (the amount that can be put in a sack); sackful
skimba :: ski
skimbata :: to ski
skimbaus :: skiing
skinhead :: skinhead (member of a subculture)
skini :: skin
skini :: A skinhead
skinkki :: Alternative term for kaivajalisko
skintillaatio :: scintillation
skipata :: To skip (to omit, not to attend)
skisma :: schism
skitsi :: sketch
skitso :: Alternative form of skitsofreeninen
skitso :: Alternative form of skitsofreenikko
skitsofreeni :: schizophrenic
skitsofreeni :: A schizophrenic person
skitsofreenikko :: A schizophrenic person
skitsofreeninen :: schizophrenic
skitsofreenisesti :: schizophrenically
skitsofrenia :: schizophrenia (illness)
säkittää :: to sack (to fill in sacks)
skitta :: guitar
säkki :: A sack ( large bag for storage and handling)
säkkikangas :: sackcloth, burlap, hessian (fabric)
säkkipilli :: bagpipes
säkkipillinsoittaja :: bagpiper
säkkipimeä :: pitch-dark
säkkituoli :: beanbag, beanbag chair
säkäkorkeus :: height of an animal as measured at the withers
säkkärä :: [of hair] Very curly, kinky
skleroderma :: scleroderma (chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening of the skin)
skleroosi :: sclerosis
Skåne :: Alternative spelling of Skoone
skolastiikka :: scholasticism
skolastikko :: scholastic (philosopher)
skolastinen :: scholastic
skole :: school
skolioosi :: scoliosis
skonssi :: scone
skool :: cheers (toast)
skoolata :: To toast (to salute and raise glasses before drinking)
skoolaus :: toasting (act of raising a toast)
skoone :: Scanian (dialect of Swedish spoken in Scania)
Skoone :: Scania (peninsula on which the province lies)
Skoone :: Scania (southmost province of Sweden)
skoonelainen :: Scanian (of Scania or its people)
skoonelainen :: Scanian (person)
-skooppi :: -scope
skootteri :: scooter
-skopia :: -scopy
skoposteoria :: Skopos theory
skorpioni :: A scorpion
skorpioni :: A person born under the sign of Scorpio
Skorpioni :: Scorpio (astrological sign)
Skorpioni :: Scorpio (constellation)
skorpionilisko :: beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum
skotlanninhirvikoira :: Scottish deerhound, deerhound (large breed of hound bred to hunt the red deer by coursing)
skotlanninkäpylintu :: Scottish crossbill, Loxia scotica (passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae endemic to the pine forests of northern Scotland)
skotlanninpaimenkoira :: rough collie (breed of dog)
skotlanninterrieri :: Scottish terrier (breed of dog)
Skotlanti :: Scotland (country in northwest Europe to the north of England)
skotlantilainen :: Scottish
skotlantilainen :: A Scottish person
skotooma :: scotoma (area of impaired or lost vision)
skotti :: Scot (person)
skotti :: Scots, Lallans (Germanic language based on Middle English, spoken in Southern parts of Scotland, the Lowlands)
skotti :: Scottie Alternative term for skotlanninterrieri
skottihame :: tartan skirt
skottilainen :: Alternative term for skotlantilainen
skottiruudullinen :: Alternative form of skottiruutuinen
skottiruutuinen :: tartan
skoude :: A cop [police officer]
SKP :: Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue, the Communist Party of Finland
skraga :: tie (item of clothing)
skrapi :: scrapie (degenerative prion disease of sheep and goats that attacks the central nervous system)
skribentti :: A scribe (writer, especially a journalist)
skrubu :: poor, bad, inferior
skrubu :: contusion, laceration
skrubu :: (slang) dent (shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact)
skrubu :: (slang) scratch (disruption, mark or shallow cut on a surface caused by scratching)
skruudata :: To eat
skruuvata :: to play screw
skruuvi :: vint (card game for four players of Russian origin, similar to bridge)
sääksi :: osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
sököttää [poker] :: to check
skulata :: (slang) to play (a game)
skulata :: (slang) to play (a musical instrument)
skulata :: to work, function, run (to act as intended, to be in action)
skumppa :: Sparkling wine
skunkki :: skunk
skuru [Helsinki slang, dated] :: A tram (passenger vehicle)
skutsi :: forest
skuuppi :: scoop (news story)
skuutata :: to sheet (to trim a sail using a sheet)
skuutti :: sheet (rope to adjust sail)
skvalaani :: squalane
SKY {acronym} :: Suomen Kielitieteellinen Yhdistys: Linguistic Association of Finland
skyenterrieri :: Skye terrier (breed of dog)
skypettää [informal, computing] :: to skype (to make a telephone call using Skype software)
skypettää [informal, computing] :: to skype (to send a file with Skype)
skyrmioni :: skyrmion
skyyttalainen :: Scythian (relating to Scythia or Scythians)
skyyttalainen :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia)
skyytti :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia)
sälä :: Stuff of little value; junk
slaageri :: schlager (piece of light music in schlager style, especially a German one)
slaavi :: A Slav; a Slavic person
slaavilainen :: Slavonic, Slavic
slaavilaisuus :: Slavicness (state or quality of being Slavic)
slaba :: penis
slaissi :: pizza slice
slammata :: to slam (to make a slam bid in bridge)
slammata :: to plaster thinly, to apply a thin layer of plaster to
slammaus :: slamming
slammaus :: thin layer of plaster, thin plastering
slangi :: Argot, jargon, vernacular (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a certain fieldor profession)
slangi :: Helsinki slang
slangi :: Slang, jargon, vernacular (language characteristic of a particular group)
slangisana :: slang word
slangisanakirja :: slang dictionary
slapstick :: slapstick (physical comedy)
slapstickelokuva :: slapstick movie, slapstick film (film genre)
slapstickkomedia :: slapstick comedy (comedy genre)
slavistiikka :: Slavistics
slavofiili :: Slavophile
säle :: lath
säle :: slat
säle :: splinter
Sleesia :: Silesia
säleikkö :: grill (on a vehicle, a slotted cover to protect and hide the radiator); also jäähdyttäjän säleikkö
säleikkö :: trellis (gardening: frame to support vines or other plants)
sälekaihdin :: Venetian blind
sääliä :: to pity
sääli :: what a pity
sääli :: mercy (compassion, especially toward those less fortunate)
sääli :: pity
sliipata :: to whet (to sharpen with a whetstone)
sliipattu :: dandyish (in the style of a dandy; of a man, paying excessive attention to one's looks)
sliipattu :: slick (superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy)
sliippari :: dandy, Dapper Dan, fop (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance)
sliippari :: slicker (person who is perceived as clever, urbane and possibly disreputable)
sliippaus :: whetting (act)
sliksi [jargon] :: slick (tire with a smooth surface instead of a tread pattern)
säälimätön :: merciless
säälimättömästi :: mercilessly
säälimättömyys :: mercilessness
slipover :: alternative form of slipoveri
slipoveri :: slipover, slipover vest, sleeveless sweater; tank top [UK]; sweater vest [US]; baldwin [Australia]
säälitellä :: to express pity, often with plentiful wording
säälittömästi :: mercilessly
säälittävä :: pathetic
säälittävä :: pitiful
säälittävästi :: pitifully
säälivä :: compassionate
slivovits :: slivovitz (plum liquor)
sälli [dialectal, very informal] :: attendant, apprentice
sälli :: guy, dude, bloke
slobo :: Rusky (Russian)
slogaani :: slogan
slogani :: alternative form of slogaani
slovakia :: The Slovakian language
Slovakia :: Slovakia
slovakialainen :: Slovak (of Slovakia)
slovakialainen :: A Slovak
slovakiancuvac :: Slovak Cuvac (breed of dog)
slovakin kieli :: The Slovak language
slovakinkielinen :: Slovak, Slovak language, Slovak speaking (written or expressed in Slovak)
slovakki :: A person of Slovak nationality or origin
slovakki :: The Slovak language
sloveeni :: A person of Slovenian nationality or origin
sloveeni :: The Slovenian language
sloveenin kieli :: The Slovene language
sloveeninkielinen :: Slovenian, Slovenian language, Slovenian speaking (written or expressed in Slovenian)
slovenia :: The Slovenian language
Slovenia :: Slovenia
slovenialainen :: Slovene (adjective)
slovenialainen :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Slovenia
sälpä :: spar
slummi :: slum
slummialue :: slum area, slum district
slummimainen :: slummy
slummiutua :: To become a ghetto
slumpata :: To buy
slush :: slush (icy drink)
sluuppi :: sloop
säly :: alternative form of sälä
SM :: Suomen mestaruus, Finnish championship series
smaragdi :: emerald
smetana :: smetana
smirgeli :: grinder, bench grinder
smirgeli :: emery (impure type of corundum, often used for sanding or polishing)
smirgelöidä :: To emerise/emerize
smirgelikangas :: emery cloth
smirgelipaperi :: emery paper
säämiskä :: chamois (leather)
smithsoniitti :: smithsonite
smokki :: A tuxedo, dinner jacket, black tie
smokkitilaisuus :: A black tie occasion
smokkivyö :: cummerbund
smoltti :: A smolt (young salmon)
sämplätä :: to sample
sämpläys :: sampling
sämpylä :: a roll (bread)
smurffi :: smurf
smurffipuku :: Warm-up suit (used in the Finnish Army)
snadi :: small
snadisti :: little, a bit
snagari :: nakkikioski
snaijata :: to understand, grab, get it
snapsi :: schnapps
snautseri :: schnauzer
snöge :: snow
säänkestävä :: weatherproof
sänki :: stubble (hair)
sänki :: stubble (short stalks)
sönkätä :: alternative term for sönköttää
sönköttää :: to drivel (to talk nonsense)
sönköttää :: to splutter (to speak hurriedly and confusedly)
sänky :: bed
sänkykohtaus [film, drama] :: bed scene
säänlukutaito :: A weather eye (ability to predict weather over a short term by interpreting various signs in one's environment)
säännellä :: to regulate
säännöllinen :: regular
säännöllisesti :: regularly
säännöllisyys :: regularity
säännös :: regulation (law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization)
säännös :: sanction (law, treaty, or contract, or a clause within a law, treaty, or contract, specifying a penalty, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance)
säännöskokoelma :: code (body of law)
säännöstellä :: to ration
säännöstellä :: to regulate
säännöstely :: rationing (strictly controlled distribution of scarce resources, usually based on personal quotas)
säännöstely :: regulation (more loose control of resources; e.g. by setting limits to quantity purchased at one time or requiring preapproval for large purchases)
säännöstelylaki :: rationing law
säännöstelylaki :: sumptuary law (law that attempts to regulate permitted consumption)
sännätä :: To dart (to start and run fast)
säännötön :: irregular
säännöttömyys :: anomaly (inconsistency)
säännöttömyys :: irregularity
snobbailla :: To act like a snob
snobi :: A snob
snooker :: snooker
snorkkeli :: snorkel
snörppi :: A leech line
sääntö [lb, fi, in plural] :: laws, rules, bylaws, code (constitution of an association)
sääntö :: regulation
sääntö :: rule
snt :: sentti (cent, one hundredth of euro)
SNT :: SSR, Soviet Socialist Republic
sääntelijä :: regulator
sääntely :: regulation
säntäillä :: to squirrel around, to skitter about, to move or search erratically, especially as if hurried or confused
SNTL :: the USSR
sääntömääräinen :: statutory (as stipulated by the by-laws of an association)
sääntöperintötila [legal, obsolete] :: fee tail, fideicommissum (estate in land which may not be sold or pledged and must be passed undivided to the next generation in the family, usually to the eldest son)
soba :: soba
socinolainen :: Socinian (of or pertaining to the Socinians)
socinolainen :: Socinian (person)
socinolaisuus :: Socinianism (religious movement)
sodanjälkeinen :: post-war
sodanjulistus :: A declaration of war
sodanjumala [paganism] :: god of war
sodankäynti :: warfare
sodanlietsoja :: A warmonger
sodanvaara :: danger of war
sodanvastainen :: anti-war
sodomia :: sodomy
sodomiitti :: sodomite
soeta :: to go blind
Sofia :: female given name, cognate with English Sophia
Sofia :: Sofia (city)
sofisti :: sophist
sofistikoitunut :: sophisticated
softa [computing, jargon] :: software
softa :: softa
sohaista :: To poke once
sohaisu :: jab (quick stab)
sohia :: To poke
sohjo :: sludge (watery sludge)
sohjo :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
sohjoinen :: [of half-melted snow] slushy
sohjolumi :: slush
sohjoontua :: alternative form of sohjoutua
sohva :: sofa, couch
sohvaperuna :: couch potato, idler, layabout (person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down)
sohvapöytä :: coffee table
sohvatyyny :: sofa cushion
Sohvi :: female given name
soida :: To ring (of a phone or bell)
soida :: To sound (to make a musical sound)
soidin :: mating display, courtship, lek (pattern of behaviour by some male birds and other animals to attract the females)
soidintaa :: to court, lek (to take part in the courtship and display behaviour of a lek)
soihdunkantaja :: torch carrier
soihtu :: torch
soihtupurkaus :: solar flare
soija :: soy
soijakastike :: soy sauce
soijamaito :: soy milk
soijapapu :: soybean
soijarouhe :: textured soy protein granules
soikea :: oval
soikeampi :: comparative form of soikea
soikio :: oval
soikko :: tub
Soila :: female given name, a rare variant of Soile
Soile :: female given name
Soili :: female given name, variant of Soile
soilikki :: Cape primrose
Soilikki :: female given name
soimata :: to reproach, rebuke, scold
soinen :: swampy
soini [historical, archaic] :: squire
Soini :: A giant, son of Kaleva, in Finnish mythology
Soini :: Any of a number of places in Finland
Soini :: Finnish surname derived from the given name
Soini :: male given name; rather rare today
Soininen :: Finnish surname
soinnikas :: sonorous
soinnillinen :: voiced (of a speech sound, spoken with vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. m, n, r)
soinniton :: voiceless, unvoiced (of a consonant, spoken without vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. t, s, f)
soinnukas :: melodious
soinnuttaa :: to chord (to write chords for)
sointi :: clang
sointi :: voice
sointiväri :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
sointu :: A chord
Sointu :: female given name
sointuisa :: melodious, harmonious, tuneful
sointumuura :: black-crested antshrike
sointuoppi :: harmony (the academic study of chords)
sointuva :: consonant
sointuva :: musical, sonorous, harmonious, melodious
soisempi :: comparative form of soinen
soisin :: superlative form of soinen
soistua :: to turn into a marsh
soitella :: Frequentative form of the verb soittaa; to play for fun, in a light-hearted way, without paying too much attention to playing exactly right
soitella :: To give a number of phone calls, either many to one person, or one to each of many people
soitin :: musical instrument
soitin :: player (any device that repeats recorded sound)
soitintaa :: to orchestrate; to arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra
soittaa :: to drive, ride; now chiefly in idiomatic expressions, see yhtä soittoa
soittaa :: to phone, call; phone up; the person called is in allative
soittaa :: to play (musical instrument); the instrument is in partitive
soittaa :: to ring, toll (a bell; also idiomatically in the expression soittaa kelloa)
soittaa kelloa :: To ring a bell (to seem remotely familiar)
soittaja :: caller (one who makes a phone call)
soittaja :: player (one who plays a musical instrument)
soitto :: driving, riding; now chiefly idiomatic use, see yhtä soittoa
soitto :: call, telephone call; ring; bell [UK, informal]
soitto :: music (sounds produced with musical instruments)
soitto :: playing (act of playing music)
soitto :: toll (ringing of a bell)
soittokunta :: A band, orchestra, marching band (group of musicians, especially of wind and percussion players)
soittolista :: playlist
soittoääni :: ringtone (sound made by a telephone when ringing)
soittoniekka :: skilled musician, especially one who plays folk music
soittorasia :: musical box, music box
sojottaa :: to stick out
sokaiseva :: blinding
sokaista :: to blind (especially momentarily)
sokaistua :: To become blind
sokea :: blind (unable to see)
sokea :: A blind person
sokeainkirjoitus :: Braille
sokeasti :: blindly
sokeentua :: alternative form of sokeutua
sokeerata :: alternative spelling of šokeerata
sokein :: superlative form of sokea
sokeltaa :: to slur one's words
sokeri :: sugar
sokerialkoholi :: sugar alcohol
sokeriherne [vegetables] :: snow pea, mangetout, sugar pea (sweet cultivar of garden pea, Pisum sativum var. sativum)
sokerihumala :: sugar high, sugar rush
sokerijuurikas :: sugar beet, Beta vulgaris var. altissima (the plant)
sokerijuurikas :: sugar beet (the root)
sokerikakku :: An ambiguous term which may be used of many dessert cakes, but sponge cake often comes close as translation
sokerikko :: sugar container
sokerimuurahainen :: black garden ant, Lasius niger
sokerinen :: sugary
sokeripala :: A piece of sugar, sugar cube
sokeriruoko :: sugar cane, sugarcane
sokeritauti :: diabetes
sokeritautinen :: diabetic
sokeriton :: sugar-free
sokeritoppa :: sugar-loaf, sugarloaf
sokerivaahtera :: sugar maple
sokeroida :: To sugar
sokeroimaton :: unsugared
sokeus :: blindness
sokeuttaa :: To blind (permanently)
sokeutua :: to become (permanently) blind
sokka :: A cotter pin or split pin (metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation, used e.g. to hold cotters in their place)
sokka :: Any similar part meant to secure e.g. a machine part without having to withstand the load affecting the secured part
sokka :: A safety pin (pin of a hand grenade that prevents accidental detonation)
sokkelo :: maze
sokkeloinen :: labyrinthine
sokki :: alternative spelling of šokki
sokkiaalto :: alternative spelling of šokkiaalto
sokko :: blind man's buff (children's game in which a blindfolded person tries to catch the other players)
sokko :: blindman (the blindfolded person in this game, also called "It")
sokko :: Someone who is temporarily unable to see, either due to being blinded or because something essential is hidden from that person, as in a "blind test"
sokkohiiri :: Any of the rodents in Spalacidae
sokkohiiri :: In plural sokkohiiret, a taxonomic family within the superfamily Muroidea in the order Rodentia, known as Spalacidae or blind mole rats
sokkolaukaus :: A blind shot
sokkopaarma :: deer fly (any horsefly of the genus Chrysops)
sokkopaarma :: twin-lobed deerfly, Chrysops relictus (species of horsefly)
sokkotesti :: blind test (testing method)
sokkotreffit :: blind date
Sokrates :: Socrates
sola :: pass (between mountains)
solaario :: solarium (room)
solakka :: slender, thin
solaniini :: solanine
solarium :: A solarium (room or establishment with sunbeds)
solarium :: A tanning bed, sunbed (tanning device)
solariumi :: solarium [tanning booth]
solenoidi :: solenoid
solidaarinen :: solidary
solidaarisuus :: solidarity
solidariteetti :: solidarity
solina :: murmur, gurgle, purl
solipsismi :: solipsism
solisluu :: clavicle, collarbone
solista [of water e.g. in a creek or spring] :: To burble, bubble
solisti :: soloist
solisvaltimo :: subclavian artery
solitoni :: soliton
solkenaan :: continuously and in large quantity
solki :: A buckle of belt
solmi :: A knot, bundle
solmia :: ~ avioliitto: to get married
solmia :: ~ sopimus: to conclude an agreement
solmia :: to tie, knot
solmio :: necktie, tie [item of clothing]
solmioneula :: tie clip, tie slide, tie bar, tie clasp (clip to hold a tie in place)
solmioneula :: tie tack, tie pin, stickpin, tie tac (pin to hold a tie in place)
solmisaatio :: solmization
solmu :: node (computer attached to a high speed computing network or cluster)
solmu [graph theory] :: vertex
solmu :: knot, deadlock (difficult situation)
solmu :: knot (looping)
solmu :: knot (maze-like pattern)
solmu :: knot (nautical unit of speed)
solmu :: knot (tangled clump)
solmuke :: bow tie
solmulevä :: knotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (common seaweed)
solmupiste :: nodal point
solmuteoria :: knot theory
solttu :: soldier
solu [biology, communication, computing] :: A cell
soluautomaatti [computing theory] :: cellular automaton
soluelin :: organelle
soluemali :: cloisonne (material, objects made of cloisonne as class)
soluemalinen :: cloisonne (made of cloisonne)
solukalvo :: cell membrane
solukko :: tissue
solukudos :: cellular tissue
solukuolema :: apoptosis
solulima :: cytoplasm
solulinja :: cell line
solunielu :: A cytopharynx (opening through which a ciliate ingests its food)
solunjakautuminen :: cytokinesis
soluoppi :: cytology
soluseinä :: cell wall
solusyönti :: phagocytosis
soluttautua :: To infiltrate
soluttautuja :: infiltrator
solutukiranka :: cytoskeleton
soluutio :: solution
solvata :: To insult, abuse, deride
solvaus :: affront, abuse, defamation (insulting speech)
solvenssi :: solvency
soma :: cute, sweet
soma :: pretty
somaattinen :: somatic
somaattinen hermosto :: somatic nervous system
somaattinen solu :: somatic cell
somali :: A Somali
somali :: The Somali language
Somalia :: Somalia
somalialainen :: Somalian
somalialainen :: A Somalian person, Somali
Somalimaa :: Somaliland
somalin kieli :: Somali (language)
somatisaatio :: somatization
some [jargon] :: social media
somempi :: comparative form of soma
somentaa :: To make more pretty
somerikko :: ground covered with coarse gravel
Somerkoski :: Finnish surname
somero :: rough gravel
somistaa :: To decorate, embellish
somistautua :: to dress up
somiste :: decoration, embellishment
sommelieeri :: sommelier
somnambulismi [medical terminology] :: somnambulism
somnolenssi [medical terminology] :: somnolence
somnolentti :: somnolent
sompa [skiing] :: A rim in the lower part of a ski pole that prevents it from sinking too deep
son :: Contraction of se on "it is"
sonaatti :: sonata
sonaattimuoto :: sonata form
sonatiini :: sonatina
sondeerata :: sound (to probe)
sondi :: sonde
sonetti :: sonnet
sonic hedgehog :: sonic hedgehog
Sonja :: female given name, cognate to Sonya
sonni :: bull (uncastrated adult male of domesticated cattle)
sonni :: stag (adult male elk or deer)
sonnustautua :: to don clothing
sonometri :: sonometer
sonsari :: flea
sonta :: crap
sonta :: dung
sontia :: to defecate; used especially of animals
sontikka :: umbrella (for rain)
sontsa :: umbrella (for rain)
sooda :: soda
soodakattila :: recovery boiler (boiler for recovering the soda used in a wood pulping process)
soodasifoni :: soda siphon
soodavesi :: soda
soolo :: solo
soolokitara :: lead guitar
sooma :: soma
soopa :: nonsense, bunk
soopeli :: sable
soopelinnahka :: sable (fur)
sopa :: clothes
sopertaa :: to splutter, to slur one's speech
sopeuttaa :: to adapt, adjust (to make suitable; to modify to fit circumstances)
sopeutua :: To adapt
sopeutuja :: adapter (one who adapts well)
sopeutumaton :: unadapted
sopeutuminen :: adaptation
sopeutuvuus :: adaptability
sopia :: ~ + illative, to comport with, match (to be in agreement with; to be of an accord)
sopia :: to agree, make an agreement
sopia :: to fit
sopia :: to suit, to be suitable
sopia yhteen :: to be a (good, bad etc.) match
sopia yhteen :: to comport with
sopia yhteen :: to match with, match
sopimaton :: disagreeable
sopimaton :: improper
sopimaton :: unbecoming (not in keeping with the expected standards of one's position)
sopimaton :: unfit, out of line
sopimaton :: unsuitable
sopimattomasti :: inappropriately
sopimattomuus :: inappropriateness
sopimuksellinen :: contractual
sopimus :: agreement, arrangement, contract
sopimuskausi :: contract period
sopimusrikkomus :: breach of contract (failure to perform under the terms of a contract)
sopimussakko :: A contingency (payment made due to non-fulfilment of a contract)
sopimusvapaus :: freedom of contract
sopimusvelvoite :: contractual obligation
sopiva :: appropriate
sopiva :: becoming
sopiva :: befitting
sopiva :: convenient
sopiva :: decent
sopiva :: expedient
sopiva :: fit
sopiva :: fitted
sopiva :: matching
sopiva :: opportune
sopiva :: proper
sopiva :: suitable
sopiva :: suited
sopiva :: timely
sopiva :: well-timed
sopivasti :: opportunely
sopivasti :: suitably
soppa :: soup
soppa :: mess (messy situation)
soppatykki :: soup kitchen
sääoppi :: meteorology
soppi :: A small quiet spot; corner, nook
sopraano :: soprano
sopraniino :: sopranino
sopu :: harmony, concord, agreement
sopuisa :: amicable
sopukka :: corner, nook
sopuli :: lemming (a member of a group given to conformity or groupthink; used especially of journalists)
sopuli :: lemming (several rodents in the family Cricetidae, especially those of the tribe Lemmini)
sopuli :: lemming, true lemming (any rodent of the genus Lemmus)
sopuli :: Norway lemming, Lemmus lemmus
sopulismi :: pack journalism
sopuloida :: To act as a lemming (following others)
sopupelaaminen :: match fixing (practice)
sopupeli :: fixed match (match played to a completely or partially pre-determined result)
sopuratkaisu :: compromise
sopusointu :: harmony
sopusointuinen :: consonant
sopusointuinen :: harmonious
sopusuhtainen :: harmonious
sopusuhtainen :: proportionate
sora :: gravel
sorata :: To gravel (to apply a layer of gravel to the surface of a road)
soratie :: gravel road, dirt road (unpaved road)
sorbiinihappo :: sorbic acid
sorbitoli :: sorbitol
sorboosi :: sorbose
sorea :: graceful
sori :: Sorry!
sorina :: drone
sorina :: murmur
sorja :: slim, slender
sorkka :: A cloven hoof, cleft hoof, cloven foot
sorkka :: A kind of a knot, a hitch
sorkkaeläin :: An even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl
sorkka- ja kavioeläin :: ungulate
sorkkarauta :: crowbar (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart)
sorkkia :: to poke
sorkkia :: to dig ground using cloven hooves
sormeilla :: To finger
sormenjälki :: fingerprint
sormenjälkitutkimus :: dactyloscopy
sormenkärki :: fingertip
sormenkynsi :: fingernail
sormenleveys :: fingerbreadth
sormenpää :: A fingertip
sormeton :: fingerless
sormi :: A finger (any object which resembles a finger, such as a part of a mechanical device)
sormi :: A finger (extremity of an animal's forelimb, which resembles human finger)
sormi :: A finger (one of the five extremities of the hand)
sormieläin :: aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
sormikas :: A glove, especially knitted
sormiluu :: A phalange or phalanx of the hand
sorminivel :: finger joint
sorminäppäryys :: sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation (digital dexterity)
sormio [musici] :: A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument
sormitus :: fingering
sormus :: ring (jewelry)
sormustimellinen :: thimbleful
sormustin :: A thimble
sormustinkukka :: foxglove (plant of the genus Digitalis)
sormustinkukka :: Digitalis (genus of foxglove)
sormustinkukka :: short for rohtosormustinkukka, Digitalis purpurea
Soro :: Finnish surname
soromnoo :: it’s all the same; it doesn’t matter
sorosilikaatti :: sorosilicate (mineral)
sorrettu :: oppressed
sorsa :: A duck, a bird of the Anatidae family
sorsa :: A source code; often in plural (sorsat)
sorsa [medical] :: A bedpan (slang)
sorsa [poker] :: A duck (slang: playing card two)
sorsalintu :: a bird of the taxonomic order Anseriformes
sorsastaa :: to hunt for ducks
sorsastus :: duck hunting
sorsia :: To discriminate against, treat unequally
sortaa :: to trample
sortaa :: to oppress, persecute, tyrannize, repress, bully
sorto :: Oppression, persecution, tyranny, repression, bullying
sortokausi :: period of oppression; in Finnish history especially either of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland|Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortovuodet Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortovuonna :: in the year of oppression (In any of the years 1899–1905 and 1908–1917, see sortovuosi for explanation)
sortovuosi :: Any individual year falling within these periods
sortovuosi Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortti :: shortstop (infield defensive player that stands between the second baseman and the third baseman)
sortti :: type, kind, sort
sortua :: To crumble, fall, collapse, cave in
sorva :: rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
sorvari :: turner (lathe operator)
sorvata [idiomatic, slang] :: to work a job or task
sorvata :: to lathe
sorvi :: A lathe
sose :: chutney
sose :: dip (used of relatively firm dips such as guacamole)
sose :: mash
sosiaaliala :: social security, social work (social security as branch to work on)
sosiaalidarvinismi :: social Darwinism
sosiaalidemokraatti :: A social democrat
sosiaalidemokraattinen :: social democratic (of or pertaining to a Social Democrat Party of some country or its policy)
sosiaalidemokratia :: social democracy [ideology and a society based on it]
sosiaalietu :: social security benefit
sosiaalinen :: social (being extroverted or outgoing)
sosiaalinen :: social (of or relating to society)
sosiaalinen älykkyys :: social intelligence
sosiaalinen media :: social media
sosiaalistaa :: to socialize (to instruct, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society)
sosiaalistua :: to be socialized (to be instructed, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society)
sosiaalitoimi :: social security; usually as a branch of municipal government
sosiaaliturva :: social security (benefits)
sosiaaliturva :: social security (system)
sosiaaliturvajärjestelmä :: social security (system)
sosiaaliturvatunnus :: social security number
sosiaalityö :: social work (work concerned with providing social services to those members of the community that need it)
sosiaalityöntekijä :: A social worker
sosialidemokraatti :: alternative spelling of sosiaalidemokraatti
sosialisaatio :: socialization
sosialismi :: socialism
sosialisoida :: In slang, analogously, to arbitrarily take into possession; to steal
sosialisoida :: to socialise/socialize, in the meaning "forcibly take into governmental ownership", compare nationalise
sosialisti :: socialist
sosialistinen :: socialistic, socialist
sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta :: Soviet Socialist Republic
Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto :: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
sosimet :: cutlery (eating and serving utensils)
sosiobiologia :: sociobiology
sosioekonominen [social sciences] :: socio-economic
sosiogrammi :: sociogram
sosiolekti :: sociolect (variant of language used by a social group)
sosiolingvisti :: sociolinguist
sosiologi :: sociologist
sosiologia :: sociology
sosionomi :: Bachelor of Social Services
sosiopaatti :: sociopath
sosioterapia :: socio-therapy
sossu :: A social democrat
sossu :: A social security office
sota :: military, war-
sota :: war
sota :: warfare
sota-aika :: wartime
sota-aikainen :: wartime
sotaakäyvä :: Warring, belligerent (engaged in war)
sota-alus :: man of war (war sailship)
sota-alus :: warship
sotaharjoitus :: A war game, wargame (US), military exercises, field exercise (full-scale rehearsal of military maneuvers as practice for warfare)
sotaherra :: A warlord (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak)
sotaherra :: Any high military officer
sotahuuto :: battle cry
sotainen :: warlike, bellicose, militaristic
sotaintoinen :: warlike, bellicose, belligerent (eager to go to war)
sotainvalidi :: war invalid
sotaisa :: Belligerent, warlike (eager to go to war)
sotaisampi :: comparative form of sotaisa
sotajalka :: warpath
sotajoukko :: A war party
sotakassa :: A war chest (fund to finance a war)
sotakirjeenvaihtaja :: war correspondent
sotakirves :: A battle axe (weapon)
sotakoira :: war dog
sotakone :: war machine (individual mechanical weapon or nation's military might as a whole)
sotakoneisto :: war machine (nation's military might as a whole)
sotakorkeakoulu :: A military academy
sotakorvaus :: war reparations (compensation intended to cover damage or injury during a war)
sotalaiva :: man of war (war sailship)
sotalaiva :: warship
sotalapsi :: Any of the Finnish war children who were evacuated to other countries during the Second World War
sotalapsi :: A war child
sotaleski :: A war widow
sotamaalaus :: A war paint
sotamarsalkka :: field marshal
sotamateriaali :: ordnance
sotamies :: knave, jack (playing card)
sotamies :: soldier
sotamies :: infantryman, foot soldier
sotamies :: private
sotamorsian :: A war bride [woman who marries a man who is on active duty military in wartime]
sotaoikeus :: court-martial
sotaoikeus :: military tribunal
sotaorpo :: warphan (one who has lost their parents in war)
sotapeli :: A war game [game that simulates or represents a military operation]
sotapäähine :: A war bonnet
sotapäällikkö :: A warlord (high military officer in a warlike nation)
sotapoika :: soldier, especially a young one
sotapoliisi :: military police
sotapolku :: warpath
sotapropaganda :: war propaganda
sotaratsu :: warhorse (horse used in horse-cavalry)
sotaretki :: A military expedition or campaign
sotarikollinen :: A war criminal
sotarikos :: A war crime
sotata :: to soil, tarnish
sotataito :: art of war
sotatalous :: war economy (an economy adjusted to the wartime conditions by changing lines of production, coping with shortages of material and workforce, rationing etc.)
sotatarvike :: ordnance
sotatiede :: military science
sotatila :: state of war
sotatoimi :: act of war
sotatoimialue :: war zone
sotavanki :: A prisoner of war, POW
sotaveteraani :: war veteran
sotavuosi :: A year of war
sote :: Used attributively as modifier in compound terms to denote social and health services or issues as a whole, often separated with a hyphen from the headword
sotia :: To be at war
sotia :: To campaign
sotija :: fighter (esp. figuratively)
sotilaallinen :: military
sotilaallisesti :: militarily
sotilaallistaa :: to militarize
sotilas :: As a modifier in compound terms signifies military
sotilas :: pawn
sotilas :: soldier
sotilas- :: military
sotilasaakkonen :: in plural only, military alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the military to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
sotilasaakkonen :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
sotilasajoneuvo :: military vehicle
sotilasarvo :: A military rank
sotilasdiktaattori :: military dictator
sotilasdiktatuuri :: military dictatorship
sotilashallinto :: military government
sotilasjuntta :: junta
sotilaskarkuri :: deserter
sotilaslentokone :: military aircraft
sotilasliitto :: A military alliance such as the NATO or the Warsaw Pact
sotilasliittouma :: An unofficial military alliance
sotilasliittoutuma :: an unofficial military alliance
sotilasmestari :: The highest NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation is chief warrant officer
sotilaspalvelija :: batman [US, UK from between WWI and WWII], soldier-servant [UK up to WWI], ordinary [UK colonial forces], steward [UK navy], dog robber [US informal]
sotilaspoliisi :: military police
sotilastiedustelu :: military intelligence
sotilastukikohta :: military base
sotilasvallankaappaus :: military coup
sotka :: bluebill, scaup (any bird of the genus Aythya)
sotka :: common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
sotka :: A Soviet T-34 tank
sotkea :: To involve, drag into
sotkea :: To mess
sotkeentua :: alternative form of sotkeutua
sotkeutua :: to meddle, interfere
sotkeutua :: to tangle, entangle
sotku :: A mess
sotku :: A snafu
sotku :: A tangle
sotkuinen :: messy
São Tomé ja Príncipe :: São Tomé and Príncipe
sottapytty :: pig (dirty or slovenly person)
sottiisi [dance] :: schottische
sotu :: social security number
soturi :: Warrior, soldier
soudella :: To row (around, in an indifferent manner, for fun)
soudettava :: rowable (capable of being rowed)
soul :: soul music
Soul :: Seoul
soul-musiikki :: soul music
soundi :: sound
sousafoni :: sousaphone
soutaa :: to row
soutaa ja huovata :: To shilly-shally, tergiversate, procrastinate, vacillate, hem and haw, hum and haw (literally: "to row and back the oars")
soutaja :: rower
soutaminen :: rowing
soutu :: rowing
soutulaite :: rowing machine, indoor rower
soutuvene :: rowboat
souvi :: work, task
sovelias :: appropriate, seemly, proper
sovelias :: suitable, fit
sovellettu :: applied
sovellettu matematiikka :: applied mathematics
sovellus :: application
soveltaa :: To apply (to make use of)
soveltaa :: To apply (to pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group)
soveltaminen :: application
soveltua :: to fit
soveltua :: to suit
soveltuvuus :: suitability, feasibility, aptitude
soveltuvuuskoe :: aptitude test
sovhoosi :: sovkhoz
sovinismi :: chauvinism
sovinisti :: chauvinist
sovinistinen :: chauvinist
sovinistisesti :: chauvinistically
sovinistisika :: chauvinist pig
sovinistisuus :: The state of being chauvinistic
sovinnainen :: conformist (conforming to established customs)
sovinto :: A reconciliation, atonement
sovinto :: tehdä sovinto: To reconcile, expiate
sovintoratkaisu :: out-of-court settlement
sovite :: engineering fit
sovitella :: To mediate, reconcile
sovitin :: adaptor/adapter
sovitin :: interface
sovittaa :: to atone for, expiate
sovittaa :: to arrange, transcribe (to prepare and adapt an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form)
sovittaa :: to adapt
sovittaa :: to fit, try on
sovittaja :: arranger
sovittautua :: To fit into
sovittelija :: mediator, negotiator, arbiter
sovittelu :: adjustment, fitting
sovittelu :: arbitration, conciliation, mediation
sovittu :: agreed
sovittu :: appointed
sovittu :: agreed!
sovitus :: atonement
sovitus :: fitting (act of trying on clothes)
sovitus :: arrangement
sovituskoppi :: A changing room (place for trying on clothes, as in a clothes shop)
sovjetologia :: Kremlinology
söpö :: cute
spaatteli :: spatula
spaddu :: A cigarette
spade :: field cook
spagaatti [gymnastics, dance] :: split, splits (acrobatic feat of spreading the legs flat on the floor 180 degrees apart)
spagetti :: spaghetti
spagettiwestern :: spaghetti western
spakaatti [gymnastics, dance] :: alternative form of spagaatti
spakkeli :: alternative form of pakkeli
spaklata :: alternative form of paklata
sääpallo :: A weather balloon
sääpalvelu :: weather service
spanieli :: spaniel
sparraaja :: sparrer, sparring partner
sparrata :: to spar (to act as sparring partner)
sparraus :: sparring
spartakiadit Spartakiads (name of a number of national and international athletics events organized by the Soviet Union and its allies between 1928 and 1991)
spartakisti :: Spartacist (member of the Spartacus League, aMarxist revolutionary movement in Germany during and after WWI)
spartalainen :: Spartan
spastikko :: spastic
spastinen :: (pathology) spastic (of or relating to spastic paralysis)
spastinen :: spastic (of, relating to, or affected by spasm)
spastisuus :: spasticity (state, quality or property of being spastic)
spatha :: spathe (large bract that envelops a spadix)
spatha :: spatha (sword)
spatiaalinen :: spatial
spatiaalisesti :: spatially (with reference to space or arrangement in space)
spatiaalisuus :: spatiality
speedway :: speedway
spekengundi :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei
spekenkampavarvasrotta :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei
speksi :: A type of interactive musical comedy theatre performed by university students in Sweden and Finland; its Swedish name "spex" is sometimes used in English as well, but also "show" and "spectacle" might be applicable
speksi :: specification (set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service)
spektaakkeli :: spectacle
spektri :: spectrum
spektrianalyysi :: spectral analysis
spektro- :: spectro-
spektrografia :: spectrography
spektrogrammi :: spectrogram
spektroliitti :: spectrolite
spektrometri :: spectrometer (optical instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances)
spektrometria :: spectrometry (measurement of the wavelengths present in electromagnetic radiation)
spektropolarimetri :: spectropolarimeter
spektroskooppi :: spectroscope
spektroskopia :: spectroscopy
spekulaatio :: speculation
spekulantti :: speculator
spekulatiivinen :: speculative
spekulatiivisesti :: speculatively
spekuloida :: To speculate
spekulointi :: speculation
speleologi :: A speleologist
speltti :: spelt (type of wheat, Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta or Triticum spelta)
spelttivehnä :: alternative term for speltti
sperma :: semen
sperma :: sperm [fluid]
spermanluovuttaja :: sperm donor (man who donates sperm, usually anonymously, to a sperm bank or fertility clinic)
spermapankki :: sperm bank
spermaseetti :: spermaceti (wax obtained from the head of sperm whale)
spermatofori :: spermatophore
spermatosyytti :: spermatocyte (cell that develops into a sperm cell)
spermisidi :: spermicide
spesiaali :: A special
spesiaaliala :: alternative term for erikoisala
spesiaalinen :: special
spesiaalistaa :: to specialize
spesiaalistua :: to specialize
spesialisoida :: To specialise/specialize
spesialisointi :: specialization (act of specializing)
spesialisoitua :: to specialize, to be an expert or specialist
spesialisoituminen :: specialization (act of specializing)
spesialisti :: specialist
spesialiteetti :: specialty [US], speciality [UK] (that in which one specializes)
spesies :: definiteness or indefiniteness (the quality of a language of expressing the nouns and noun phrases in either definite or indefinite form; the Indoeuropean languages generally have this quality whereas some others, like the Finno-Ugric languages, don't)
spesifikaatio :: specification (explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service)
spesifinen :: specific
spesifioida :: to specify
spesifiointi :: specification (act of specifying)
spettari :: report card, report, diploma (in education)
spiccato :: (music) A piece or section of music played that way
spiccato :: spiccato (manner of playing a stringed instrument)
spiidi :: speed (slang term for methamphetamine)
spiikata :: alternative term for juontaa
spiikkaus :: presenting [UK], hosting [US] (occasion of acting as a host or MC in a television sitcom or other type of show)
spiikkeri :: announcer
spiikkeri :: (colloquial) speaker, loudspeaker
säpinä :: bustle
söpöin :: superlative form of söpö
spinaakkeri :: spinnaker
spinaalinen :: spinal (of or relating to the spine)
spinaalipuudutus :: spinal anaesthesia
spinelli :: spinel
spinetti :: A spinet
spinnata [business, slang] :: to spin off (to create as a by-product)
spinnata :: (business, slang) to spin off (to separate a line of business from a firm)
spinnata :: to spin (to rotate)
spinnata [sports, slang] :: to run an exercise bike, especially on high speed; to do spinning on an exercise bike
spinnaus :: spinning
spiraali :: spiral
spiraaligalaksi :: A spiral galaxy
spiraalivetoketju :: coil zipper (type of zipper in which slider runs on two coils, one on each side; the teeth are formed by the windings of the coils)
spirantti :: spirant
spiritismi :: spiritism, spiritualism (belief that the dead communicate with the living)
spiritisti :: spiritist, spiritualist (believer in Spiritism, one who attempts to communicate with the dead)
spiritistinen :: spiritistic, spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritism)
spirituaali :: spiritual (religious song, especially one in an African-American style)
spiritualismi :: spiritualism (philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism)
spiritualisti :: spiritualist (one who maintains the doctrine of spiritualism)
spiritualistinen :: spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritualism in the philosophic sense)
spiritualiteetti :: spirituality (appreciation for religious values)
spirituelli :: witty, spirited
spirografi :: spirograph (instrument)
säpistä :: To bustle
spitaali :: leprosy
spitaalinen :: leprotic, leprous
spitaalisairaala :: leprosy hospital
säpäle :: splinter
söpöliini :: cutie
söpöläinen :: cutie
splini [mathematics, computing] :: spline
splitata :: to split (to split each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share)
splittaus :: split (act of splitting each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share)
söpömpi :: comparative form of söpö
spodumeeni :: spodumene
spoileri :: spoiler
spolle :: Military police
spondee :: A spondee
spondylalgia :: spondylalgia
spondylartriitti :: spondylarthritis
spondylartroosi :: spondylarthrosis
spondyliitti :: spondylitis (inflammation of the spine)
spondylodeesi :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis
spondylodiskiitti :: spondylodiscitis
spondylolisteesi :: spondylolisthesis (displacement of a vertebra over a lower vertebra)
spondylolyysi :: spondylolysis (defect of the pars interarticularis)
spondyloosi :: spondylosis (degenerative disease in which the vertebral joints of the spine become stiff and then fused)
spondylopatia :: spondylopathy (disorder of the vertebrae; osteopathy of the spine)
sponsori :: sponsor
sponsoroida :: To sponsor
sponsorointi :: sponsoring
sponssata [slang, + partitive] :: to sponsor
sponssaus :: sponsoring (act of providing sponsorship)
sponssaus :: (colloquial) sponsorship, backing patronage (aid or support provided by a sponsor)
spontaani :: spontaneous
spontaaninen :: spontaneous
spontaanisti :: spontaneously
spontaanisuus :: spontaneity
spontaanius :: spontaneity
spora [Helsinki, slang] :: tram (passenger vehicle)
sporadinen :: sporadic
sporadisesti :: sporadically
sporadisuus :: sporadicity
sporalogia :: A mock science resembling astrology, in which the predictions are based on the position of the trams of Helsinki at the moment of the birth of a person
sportteli :: A payment made to a public officer on the basis of performing an official duty such as confirming a trade, legalizing a document, issuing a decision etc.; the whole judicial system used to be financed by these payments
sportti :: sport
sporttihenkinen :: sporty (favourable to sports)
sporttimalli :: sports model (sporty looking model of anything, like a car)
sporttimallinen :: sports model (of or pertaining to a sporty looking model of anything, like a car)
sporttinen :: alternative term for urheilullinen
sporttisesti :: alternative term for urheilullisesti
sporttisuus :: alternative term for urheilullisuus
spot-hinta :: spot price
spot-kauppa :: spot trade
spot-markkinat :: spot market
spotti :: spotlight, spot
säppi :: latch
säppikala :: leatherjacket, triggerfish (any of several brightly coloured tropical fishes, of the family Balistidae)
SPR [spectroscopy] :: initialism of surface plasmon resonance
SPR :: Suomen Punainen Risti (the Red Cross of Finland)
spray :: spray (device for spraying)
sprayata :: alternative form of spreijata
spraydeodorantti :: alternative term for suihkedeodorantti
sprayhood :: sprayhood
spraymaalata :: to spray paint (to apply spray paint)
spraymaali :: spray paint (paint applied in the form of a spray from an aerosol can)
spraypullo :: spray can, spray bottle (device to spray)
spraytölkki :: spray can
spreijata :: to spray
sprii :: short for spriipurje
sprii :: spirit, ethanol (pure, or rather almost pure, alcohol; used as fuel, solvent, disinfectant etc.)
spriidari :: A spreader
spriikeitin :: alcohol stove (portable stove which uses ethanol as fuel)
spriiliukoinen :: soluble in strong ethanol
spriipurje :: spritsail
spriitanko :: sprit
springi :: A spring (rope attaching the bow of a vessel to the stern-side of the jetty, or vice versa, to stop the vessel from swaying)
sprinkleri :: sprinkler, fire sprinkler (type of fire extinguisher)
sprinklerilaitteisto :: sprinkler equipment (gear that goes into s sprinkler system)
sprinklerilaitteisto :: sprinkler system (installed sprinkler system)
sprintata :: to sprint
sprintteri :: sprinter
sprintterikisat :: sprint games (competition in short distance swimming, skating, running, skiing etc.)
sprinttihiihto :: sprint skiing (short distance skiing event)
säpsähdellä :: to flinch, to keep flinching
säpsähdys :: flinch (reflexive jerking away)
säpsähdyttää :: to faze
säpsähtää :: To flinch, cringe
söpösti :: cutely
säpsäyttää :: alternative form of säpsähdyttää
spurgu :: drunkard
spurtata :: to dash (to run quickly over a short distance)
spurtti :: dash (short run)
söpöys :: cuteness
spyygatti :: scupper (drainage hole)
squash-halli :: A sports hall featuring squash courts; a squash center
squash-kenttä :: squash court
squash-maila :: squash racket
squash-ottelu :: squash match
squash-pallo :: squash ball
squash-turnaus :: squash tournament
särö :: crack
särö :: infraction
srapnelli [historical, military] :: shrapnel (type of anti-personnel artillery shell used in WWI)
säärevä :: long-legged
sääri :: shank, shin (lower part of the leg)
sääri :: cannon (shank of a horse in both forelimbs and hind limbs)
sääri [in the plural] :: used to refer to legs from an aesthetic point of view
Sri Lanka :: Sri Lanka
srilankalainen :: Sri Lankan
srilankalainen :: A Sri Lankan person
srilankanpäästäinen :: Sri Lankan shrew, Suncus fellowesgordoni
sääriluu :: The tibia or shinbone
särinä :: crackle (of an electrical device)
säärintama :: weather front
säristä :: To crackle (tv, radio or computer screen, static)
säärivarsi :: The part of a human leg, which is between the knee and the ankle. In normal usage shortened to sääri
särkeä [intransitive, monopersonal] :: transitive -> partitive + 3rd-pers. singular or intransitive -> illative + 3rd-pers. singular = to be sore, ache
särkeä :: to break
särki :: roach (Rutilus rutilus)
särkijä :: breaker, cracker
särkijä :: Distortion effect pedal (overdrive) used with electric guitar (and bass guitar)
särkikala :: cyprinid (any fish of the family Cyprinidae)
särkikala :: in plural (särkikalat) also Cyprinidae (taxonomic order containing carps and minnows)
särkiparvi :: A school of roaches
särkkä :: bank, sandbank (underwater formation of loose sand or gravel, often a shifting one)
sörkkiä :: to finger, touch
sörkkiä :: to poke
särkyä :: to break down (to fail or cease to function)
särkyä :: to break (to separate into pieces, to fracture or crack)
särky :: ache
särkylääke :: analgesic, painkiller
särkynyt :: broken
särkynyt sydän :: bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis (flowering plant in the poppy family, native to Siberia)
särkynyt sydän :: broken heart (feeling of grief or loss, especially of love), in some cases also brokenhearted or brokenheartedly
särmä :: edge
särmiö :: prism
särmikäs :: jagged
sörsseli :: grub (food)
sörssätä :: to cook (to prepare food)
särvin :: food
säärys :: alternative form of säärystin
säärystin :: gaiter (covering of cloth or leather for the whole leg from the knee to the instep, fitting down upon the shoe)
-ssa :: The marker of inessive case. -ssa is used with words having back vowel harmony and -ssä with front vowel harmony
sääsatelliitti :: weather satellite
sääski :: osprey
sääski :: midge
sääski :: mosquito
sääskiparvi :: A swarm of mosquitos
sääskiverkko :: mosquito net
sössö :: alternative term for mössö
sössö :: lisper, splutterer
sössiä :: To blunder, screw up
sössöttää :: to lisp (to pronounce the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly)
sössöttää :: to splutter, lisp (to speak hurriedly and confusedly)
sössöttäjä :: lisper, splutterer
sössötys :: lisping (that which is spoken in a lisp, act of pronouncing the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly)
sössötys :: spluttering, lisping (act of speaking hurriedly and confusedly)
säästää :: To save (some resource, e.g. money, electricity)
säästö :: as modifier in compound terms, economy, budget (cheap)
säästö :: as modifier in compound terms, savings
säästö :: in plural (säästöt), savings (that which has been put aside for future needs)
säästö :: saving (reduction in expenditure)
säästeliäs :: prudent, frugal, thrifty
säästellä :: to save, especially one's efforts
säästellä :: to skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy)
säästiö :: A small natural preserve
säästökirja [colloquial, outdated] :: A passbook, bankbook
säästäminen :: saving
säästäntä :: saving (e.g. of money)
säästöpankki :: savings bank
säästöpossu :: piggy bank
säästäväinen :: prudent, frugal, thrifty
säästäväisempi :: comparative form of säästäväinen
säästäväisyys :: thrift (property of being economical)
säästyä :: to be spared, saved from
säätää :: to prescribe, ordain, decree, pass:
säätää [mechanics] :: to adjust, regulate, tune:
säätö :: adjustment, control, regulation
säätö :: a fling, a short and garbled relationship with someone (may or may not be sexual)
-stä :: alternative form of -sta (for words with front vowel harmony)
-sta :: from (indicates the elative case of a noun, adjective, numeral or pronoun)
-staa :: Forms captative verbs, i.e. verbs for hunting or catching animals or picking plants
staagi :: stay (wire or rope that supports the mast of a vessel lengthwise)
staaki :: guy, guyline
staalo :: Stállu, an evil creature in the Sami mythology
staasi :: stasis
staattinen :: static
staattisesti :: statically
staattisuus :: staticity
staattori :: stator
stabiili :: stable
stabiilisuus :: stability
stabiilius :: stability
stabilisaattori :: stabilizer
stabilisoida :: To stabilize
stabiliteetti :: stability
stabiloida :: To stabilize
stabilointi :: stabilization
Stadi :: Helsinki, capital of Finland
stadiaali :: stadial
stadion :: stadium
stadion :: stadion
stadionyleisö :: stadium audience
staffi :: Staffie, Staffy
staffordshirenbullterrieri :: Staffordshire bull terrier, Staffie, staffie (English breed of dog)
stafylokokki :: staphylococcus
stagflaatio :: stagflation
stagnaatio :: stagnation
stahanovilainen :: Stakhanovite (heroically hard-working)
stahanovilainen :: Stakhanovite (extremely productive or hard-working worker, especially in the former USSR)
stailata :: to style (to create or give a style, fashion or image)
staili :: stylish, chic
staili :: style
stalagmiitti :: stalagmite
stalaktiitti :: stalactite
stalinismi :: Stalinism
stalinisti :: A devout leftist, especially a Communist
stalinisti :: Stalinist
stalinistinen :: Stalinist
stallari [colloquial, deprecating] :: A Stalinist, communist
standaari :: standard [flag]
standardi :: Alternative form for standartti (unit of measure for softwood timber)
standardi :: standard
standardi- :: See standardi
standardihuonekalu :: standard piece of furniture
standardikivääri :: (sports) standard rifle (International Shooting Sport Federation event with an army-style rifle, usually at 300 metre's distance)
standardikivääri :: standard rifle (weapon used in this sport)
standardikoko :: standard size
standardikokoinen :: standard size, standard sized
standardimalli :: standard model
standardimitoitus :: standard dimensioning
standardimittainen :: standard size, standard-sized
standardipoikkeama [statistics, Anglism] :: standard deviation
standardisoida :: To standardize
standardisointi :: standardization
standardisoitua :: alternative form of standardoitua
standardituote :: standard product
standardoida :: To standardize
standardointi :: standardization
standardointielin :: standards organization
standardointityö :: standardization work
standardoitua :: To be standardized
standartti :: standard (unit of measure for softwood timber)
standertti :: Alternative form of standartti
stand up -komedia :: stand-up comedy
stand up -koomikko :: stand-up comedian
stannioli :: tinfoil (thin sheet of tin)
stanoli :: stanol (any saturated steroid alcohol, formed by hydrogenation of an appropriate sterol)
stanssata :: to punch, die cut (o employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something)
stanssata :: to stamp (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily)
stanssi :: die (device for cutting into a specified shape)
stara :: star: talented or famous person; celebrity; leading actor
starovertsi :: Old Believer (in Russian Orthodox Church, a believer in Orthodoxy as it was before 1650 reforms)
startata :: To start (to initiate a vehicle or machine)
starttaus :: starting, start (act of starting something, especially a motor vehicle)
startti :: start
starttimoottori :: starter motor
starttipistooli :: start pistol
starttiraha [social security] :: startup grant (social benefit granted by a TE-keskus on certain conditions to a startup entrepreneur in order to support his/her living costs during the initial phase of the enterprise)
statiikka :: statics
statiini :: statin
statiivi :: tripod
statiivi :: stand (laboratory device to hold something upright or aloft)
stationaarinen :: stationary
statistiikka :: statistics
statistinen :: statistical (of or pertaining to statistics)
statoliitti :: statolith
status :: status (person's position or standing; high standing)
statussymboli :: status symbol
statuutti :: statute
stauroliitti :: staurolite
steariini :: stearin
steariinihappo :: stearic acid
steariinikynttilä :: stearin candle
steela [archaeology] :: stele
Stefanos :: Stephen the protomartyr
säteilevä :: radiating
säteilevyys :: radiance
säteilijä :: A radiator (something that radiates, especially electromagnetic waves)
säteilin :: alternative form of säteilijä
säteillä :: to radiate
säteily :: radiation
säteilyannos :: radiation dose
säteilykuvio [electronic communication] :: radiation pattern (a parameter in antenna design)
säteilylähde :: Source of radiation; radiant, radiator
säteilymittari :: radiometer
säteilysairaus :: radiation sickness
säteilytiheys :: radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source)
säteilytin :: radiator (device that emits rays)
säteilyttää :: to radiate
säteilytys :: irradiation
säteilyvaara :: radiation risk
steinerkoulu Steiner school (school which bases its working methods on Steiner pedagogy)
steinerpedagogiikka Steiner pedagogy (humanistic approach to pedagogy based on the teachings of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner)
säteissaha :: radial saw
steissi :: The Helsinki Central railway station in particular
steissi :: A railway station
säteittäinen :: radial
säteittäisesti :: radially
stejnegerinvalas :: Stejneger's beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, saber-toothed whale, Mesoplodon stejnegeri (poorly known species of beaked whale inhabiting the northern North Pacific Ocean)
säätelijä :: regulator
stellerinmerileijona :: Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
stelliitti :: stellite
säätely :: regulation
stemma :: part (melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece)
stemmaharjoitus :: part rehearsal (session for rehearsing parts, i.e. melodies sung or played by a particular voice or instrument)
stendari [Helsinki, slang] :: A lighter, cigarette lighter
stepata :: to tap dance, step dance
stephensaartensammakko :: Hamilton's frog, Leiopelma hamiltoni
steppaaja :: stepdancer
steppaus :: step dance
steppaus :: tap dance
stepperi :: stepper (fitness training machine)
steppi [dance] :: tap dance
steradiaani :: steradian (unit for solid angle)
stereo :: stereo
stereofonia :: stereophony
stereofoninen :: stereophonic
stereokamera :: stereo camera
stereokartoitus :: stereo mapping
stereokuulokkeet :: stereo headphones
stereokuva :: stereo image
stereokuvaus :: stereo imaging
stereokuvaus :: stereo photography
stereolaite :: stereo device
stereolähetys :: stereo broadcast
stereolitografia :: stereolithography
stereomikroskooppi :: stereo microscope
stereoääni :: stereo sound, stereophonic sound
stereoäänite :: stereo recording
stereonäkö :: stereovision
stereoradio :: stereo radio
stereoskooppi :: stereoscope
stereoskooppikuva :: stereoscopic picture
stereoskooppinen :: stereoscopic
stereoskopia :: stereoscopy
stereotelevisio :: stereo television
stereotoisto :: stereo reproduction
stereotypia :: stereotype
stereotypia :: stereotypy
stereotyyppi :: stereotype
stereotyyppinen :: stereotypical (banal, commonplace and clichéd because of overuse)
stereotyyppinen :: stereotypical (pertaining to a stereotype; conventional)
stereotyyppisesti :: stereotypically
stereotyyppisyys :: The property of being stereotypic
stereovastaanotin :: stereo receiver
säteri :: Roof form of a hip roof with a vertical section containing windows.

Valsta säteri, a sateri roof form
säteri [history] :: manor whose holder is exempt from tax
säteri :: rayon silk
steriili :: sterile
steriilisti :: In a sterile manner
steriilisyys :: alternative form of steriiliys
steriiliys :: sterility
sterilaattori :: sterilizer
sterilisaatio :: sterilization
sterilisaattori :: sterilizer
sterilisoida :: alternative form of steriloida
sterilisointi :: sterilization
steriliteetti :: sterility
steriloida :: To castrate, neuter or spay
steriloida :: To sterilize
sterilointi :: sterilization
sterletti :: sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
sternaalinen :: sternal
steroidi :: steroid
stetoskooppi :: stethoscope
stetson :: stetson (wide-brimmed felt hat)
stevia :: stevia (herb and sweetener)
säätiö :: foundation, institution
-sti :: [adverbial suffix, comparable] Forms adverbs from adjectives; corresponds to the English suffix -ly
-sti :: [[[intensifier]]] Forms intensifying adverbs from certain nouns
-sti :: -ist (forms names of occupations from some nouns)
-sti :: -ist (supporter of an idea)
-sti :: [[[multiplicative]]] Corresponds times structure in English
säätiede :: meteorology
säätiedote :: weather report
säätiedottaja :: weather forecaster, weatherman, weatherperson
säätiedotus :: weather report
stigma :: stigma
stiiknafuulia :: nonsense
stiiknafuulia :: overly complicated or misleading use of language
Stiina :: female given name
stikki :: stick, as in glue stick, deodorant stick
stiletti :: stiletto
stiletti :: switchblade, flick knife
stilettikorko :: stiletto heel
stilisoida :: to edit (to do minor editing on a text)
stilisointi :: minor editing
stilistiikka :: stylistics
stilistinen :: stylistic (of or pertaining to style, especially to linguistic or literary style)
still drink :: still drink (noncarbonated drink, usually non-alcoholic)
stilleben [arts, rare] :: still life
stillkuva :: still frame, still image, still picture, freeze frame, video prompt (static image taken from a film or video)
stillkuva :: still image, still picture (static image used within a film or video as an effect device)
stiltonjuusto :: Stilton, stilton (type of blue-veined cheese made in England)
stilus :: stylus (sharp stick used in ancient times for writing in clay tablets)
stimulaatio :: stimulation
stimulanssi :: alternative form of stimulantti
stimulantti :: stimulant
stimuloida :: To stimulate
stimulointi :: stimulation
stipendi :: scholarship, grant, stipend, allowance, subsidy, bursary (money to assist a student to study)
stipendiaatti :: stipendiary (one who receives a stipend)
stipendimatka :: A trip, visit or tour financed from a scholarship, typically a visit to another university or a study tour
stipendirahasto :: scholarship fund (fund from which scholarships are paid)
söötisti :: sweetly, cutely
sätkä :: rollup, rollie (cigarette rolled by hand)
sätkiä :: to fidget, wiggle, twitch (to move around nervously)
sätkin :: Any species in Ranunculus subg. Batrachium
sätkin :: Short of järvisätkin, or pond water-crowfoot, Ranunculus peltatus
stökiometria :: stoichiometry
sätkäpaperi :: rolling paper (sheet of cigarette paper for rolling one's own cigarettes)
sätkynukke :: puppet
sätkynukke :: puppet
säätää laki :: to legislate, pass a law
-sto :: Forms collective nouns from nouns indicating individual things
stoalainen :: stoic
stoalaisesti :: stoically
stoalaisuus :: stoicism
stoge :: A train
stokastiikka :: stochastics
stokastikko :: An expert in stochastics
stokastinen :: stochastic
stokastisuus :: stochasticity
stondis :: erection
stoola :: stole (ecclesiastical or academic garment worn around the neck or over the shoulder)
stoola :: stole (scarf-like garment, often made of fur)
stoori :: story
stoppari :: stop
stoppi :: stop
strabismi [pathology, medical parlance] :: strabismus
stradivarius :: Stradivarius (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family, particularly Antonio Stradivari)
stradivarius :: Stradivarius (standard of excellence in unrelated fields, sometimes exaggeratedly)
strassi :: paste (lead glass)
strassikoru :: paste jewelry
strategi :: strategist (one who devises strategies)
strategia :: strategy (science and art of military command)
strategiapeli :: strategy game
strategikko :: strategian
strateginen :: strategic
strategisesti :: strategically
strategisuus :: strategicness
stratifikaatio :: stratification
stratigrafia :: stratigraphy
stratosfääri :: stratosphere
streikata :: to break down (to fail to work)
streptokokki :: streptococcus
stressaantua :: To become stressed
stressata :: To suffer stress; to worry or be agitated
stressata :: To apply emotional pressure to (a person or animal)
stressautua :: To become stressed
stressi :: pressure
stressi :: strain
stressi :: stress
stressihormoni :: stress hormone
stressilelu :: stress toy (toy used for relieving psychic stress)
stressiloma :: stress relief vacation (vacation taken in order to relieve stress)
stressinhallinta :: stress control
stressioire [pathology, psychology] :: stress symptom
stressisairaus :: stress disease (physical disease caused by psychic stress)
stressitekijä :: stress factor (something that causes psychic stress)
stressitilanne :: stressful situation
stressitön :: unstressed (not subject to stress)
stretch- :: Used as modifier in compound terms to indicate that the material stretches
stripata :: To striptease
strippari :: striptease dancer, stripper, tease
strippaus :: striptease, stripping
strippi :: comic strip
striptease :: striptease (act or show)
stroganov :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia)
stroganovinpihvi :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia)
stromatoliitti :: stromatolite
strontianiitti :: strontianite
strontium :: strontium
stroofi [poetry, rare] :: stanza
stroofi [prosody] :: strophe
strösseli :: hundreds and thousands [UK], sprinkles [US] (tiny bits of colored sugar, chocolate and/or other candy used as decoration on baked goods, desserts and candy)
strukturaalikielitiede :: structural linguistics (branch of linguistics examining language as a static system of interconnected units)
strukturaalinen :: structural
strukturalismi :: structuralism
strukturalisti :: structuralist
strukturalistinen :: structuralist
strukturalistisesti :: structuralistically
strukturoida :: To structure
strukturointi :: structuring
struktuuri :: structure
struktuurianalyysi :: structural analysis
strutsi :: ostrich, Struthio camelus
strutsilintu :: ratite (any bird of the order Struthioniformes)
strutsinsulka :: ostrich feather (feather of an ostrich, especially a fluffy tail feather used as decoration or as duster)
strutsinsulka :: something resembling an ostrich feather
struudeli :: strudel (pastry made from multiple, thin layers of dough rolled up and filled with fruit, etc.)
struuma :: goiter
strykniini :: strychnine
STT {acronym} :: A news agency, "Suomen Tietotoimisto", or "Finnish News Agency"
säätöteoria [engineering, math] :: control theory
sättiä :: to reprimand, scold
söötti [dialectal, colloquial] :: cute, sweet
STTK :: Full name: Toimihenkilökeskusjärjestö STTK, in English "The Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees", abbreviated also in English as "STTK" - a central organization of trade unions representing white-collar employees on operative level in both public and private sector
studio :: studio (workshop)
studioalbumi :: studio album
studioäänitys :: studio recording (recording done in a studio, as contrasted to "live recording")
studio-ohjaaja :: studio director
studio-ohjelma :: studio program (radio or TV program produced in a studio)
studio-opetus :: studio teaching
studio-orkesteri :: studio orchestra
studioyhtye :: studio band
studioyleisö :: studio audience
stuertti :: flight attendant, steward
stuhlmanninkultamyyrä :: Stuhlmann's golden mole, Chrysochloris stuhlmanni (African rodent)
stukki :: stucco
stukko :: stucco
stukkotyö :: stucco work, stuccowork (work done in stucco)
stukturoida :: To structure
stuntti :: stunt
stuntti :: stuntperson
säätutka :: weather radar
sääty :: class (social grouping based on wealth, education etc.)
sääty :: (archaic) quality (high social position)
sääty :: (archaic) rank (level of one's position in a class-based society)
sääty :: estate (major social class regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights)
säätyerioikeus :: A privilege of an estate, such as the right of the nobility to occupy highest public offices
säätyläinen :: person of quality (member of upper class or high society)
säätyläinen [in plural, historical] :: the quality (the people of upper classes collectively)
stylisoida :: to stylize, (to represent something in a particular style)
säätyläistö :: the quality (the upper class, the high society, the gentry; the people of quality)
stylisti :: stylist
stylobaatti :: stylobate
stylofoni :: stylophone (type of small synthesizer operated with a stylus)
säätyraja :: social class distinction
styreeni :: styrene
styreenioksidi :: styrene oxide
styroksi :: styrofoam (packaging and insulation material; expanded polystyrene foam)
styrox :: Alternative form of styroksi
säätyvaltiopäivät :: diet of estates (type of diet in which the representation is based on estates)
sääty-yhteiskunta [chiefly, historical] :: A society in which an indivual's rights and duties are determined by his/her estate
styyrpuuri :: alternative form of tyyrpuuri
su :: sunnuntai (Sunday)
suaheli :: alternative form of swahili (Swahili language)
suahili :: alternative spelling of swahili (Swahili language)
suahilin kieli :: alternative form of swahilin kieli
suahilinkielinen :: alternative spelling of swahilinkielinen
subaraknoidaalinen :: subarachnoid (located or occurring below the arachnoid membran)
subaraknoidaalitila :: subarachnoid space (space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater that surround the brain and spinal cord}
subaraknoidaalivuoto :: subarachnoid hemorrhage [US], subarachnoid haemorrhage [UK] (bleeding into the subarachnoid space)
subarktinen :: subarctic
subatominen :: subatomic
subdominantti :: subdominant
subduktio :: subduction
subduktiovyöhyke :: subduction zone
subi :: submarine sandwich, sub
subjekti :: subject
subjekti :: short for oikeussubjekti
subjekti :: subject (that of which a statement is made)
subjekti :: subject (theme of a fugue)
subjekti :: subject (something that acts conscientiously, as contrasted with the object of the action)
subjektiivi :: subjective case
subjektiivinen :: subjective
subjektiivisesti :: subjectively
subjektiivisuus :: subjectivity (quality of being subjective)
subjektiosa [lb, fi, grammar] :: subject clause (clause that is the subject of a sentence)
subjektiton [lb, fi, grammar] :: subjectless
subjektius [lb, fi, grammar] :: subjectness
subjektivismi :: subjectivism
subjektivisti :: subjectivist
subjektivistinen :: subjectivist
subjektiviteetti [lb, fi, philosophy] :: subjectivity (quality of being a subject)
subjunktiivi :: subjunctive mood (grammatical mood)
subkortikaalinen [anatomy, pathology] :: subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex)
subkutaaninen [medicine, jargon] :: subcutaneous
subkutis :: hypodermis
sublimaatio [physics, chemistry] :: sublimation
sublimaatio :: sublimation
sublimoida :: to sublime, sublimate (to cause to change state from a solid to a gas directly without passing through the liquid state)
sublimoida :: to sublimate (to modify the natural expression of a sexual or other instinct in a socially acceptable manner)
sublimoida :: to sublimate (to purify or refine through sublimation)
sublimointi :: sublimation (act of sublimating)
sublimoitua :: To sublime
sublimoituminen :: sublimation
subretti :: soubrette (mischievous or cheeky female servant or attendant, especially in theatrical comedies)
subsidiariteetti :: subsidiarity (principle that government power ought to reside at the lowest feasible level (i.e. at the local or regional level, instead of the national or supranational level, unless the latter presents clear advantages)
substanssi :: substance [essential part]
substanssiarvo [lb, fi, finance] :: net worth
substantiivi :: A substantive, noun
substantiivinen [lb, fi, grammar] :: substantival (of or pertaining to a substantive)
substantiivinen [lb, fi, philosophy of history] :: speculative
substantiivitauti :: alternative term for substantiivityyli
substantiivityyli [lb, fi, linguistics] :: overuse of nouns (excessive use of nouns in expressing oneself, especially in writing)
substituoida :: To substitute
substituutio :: substitution
substituutti :: substitute
substraatti :: substrate
subtrooppinen :: subtropical
subventio :: subvention
subventoida :: To subsidize
subventointi :: subventioning (act or practice of distributing subvention or subventions)
subwoofer :: subwoofer
Sudan :: Sudan
sudanilainen :: Sudanese (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, or Sudanese people)
sudanilainen :: Sudanese (person)
sudanilaisuus :: The quality of being Sudanese
sudari [scouting, slang] :: A Brownie
sudeetti :: alternative term for sudeettisaksalainen
Sudeettialueet :: Sudetenland
sudeettisaksalainen :: Sudeten German (of or pertaining to Sudeten Germans)
sudeettisaksalainen :: Sudeten German (person)
sudeettisavolainen :: A Savonian Finn who lives outside Savo
sudenkorento :: dragonfly
sudenkuoppa :: pitfall (potential problem, hazard, or danger)
sudenkuoppa :: wolf pit (pitfall to hunt wolves)
sudenmaito :: wolf's milk or toothpaste slime, Lycogala epidendrum
sudenmarja :: herb Paris, true lover's knot, Paris quadrifolia
sudenmarja :: The blueberry-like poisonous fruit of this plant
sudennahka :: wolfskin (skin of a wolf, with or without fur)
sudennahkaturkki :: wolfskin fur coat
sudennälkä :: ravenous hunger
sudennälkäinen :: ravenous (very hungry)
sudenpentu :: Brownie (junior Girl Guide)
sudenpentu :: Cub Scout (junior Boy Scout)
sudenpentu :: wolf cub (young of a wolf)
sudenpyynti :: wolf hunting (practice or occasion of hunting wolves)
sudentalja :: wolfskin (usually of a whole skin which has the fur left)
sudoku [games, puzzles] :: sudoku
sueta :: to develop
sueviitti [lb, fi, mineralogy] :: A type of rock born in collision of a meteorite on the surface of the Earth
suffiksi :: A suffix [letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning]
suffragetti :: suffragette
sufilainen :: alternative spelling of suufilainen
sufilaisuus :: alternative spelling of suufilaisuus
sufismi :: Sufism
suflee :: soufflé
suggeroida :: To influence by suggestion
suggeroitavuus :: suggestibility (property of being suggestible)
suggestio :: suggestion
suggestopedia :: suggestopedia, suggestopedy (teaching method)
suggestopedinen :: suggestopedic
suggestoterapia :: suggestive therapeutics (controversial alternative medicine technique which is claimed by its practitioners to be capable of healing mental and physical problems through telepathy and hypnosis)
suhahdus :: whoosh, whiz, swish
suhari :: driver (of a vehicle)
suhata :: to drive (a vehicle)
suhdanne [economy] :: trend
suhdanne-ennuste [lb, fi, economics] :: trend forecast
suhdannekierto :: business cycle, economic cycle (long-term fluctuation in economic activity between growth and recession)
suhdannerahasto :: countercyclical fund
suhdannetyöttömyys :: cyclical unemployment
suhdannevaihtelu :: business cycle
suhdaton :: disproportionate
suhde :: attitude
suhde :: connections, network (connections; relationships; one's social or business network)
suhde :: proportion, ratio
suhde :: relation
suhde :: relationship, affair
suhde :: respect, comparison
suhdeluku :: ratio (number representing comparison)
suhdesana :: adposition
suhdeviivain :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement)
suhina :: murmur
suhista :: : to whisper (talk quietly)
suhta :: ratio, proportion
suhtautua :: to deal with something, to react to something
suhtautua :: to relate, to concern
suhtautuminen :: attitude, stance, position
suhteellinen :: proportional
suhteellinen :: proportionate
suhteellinen :: relative
suhteellisen :: relatively
suhteellisesti :: relatively
suhteellisuudentaju :: sense of proportionality
suhteellisuudentajuinen :: Having a sense of proportionality
suhteellisuudentajuisesti :: With a sense of proportionality
suhteellisuus :: proportionality
suhteellisuus :: relativity
suhteellisuusperiaate :: equivalence principle
suhteellisuusteoria :: theory of relativity
suhteen :: (+ genitive) regarding, in regards to, in terms of
suhteeton :: disproportionate
suhteettomasti :: disproportionately
suhteuttaa :: to make proportional
suhteuttaa :: to put into perspective (to compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea)
Suhumi :: Sukhumi (capital city of Abkhazia)
suhuäänne :: sibilant
suhu-s :: the voiceless postalveolar sibilant, the sh sound
suhu-z :: the voiced postalveolar sibilant
suihinotto :: blowjob
suihkari :: jet plane
suihke :: spray can, spray bottle or other container used for spraying
suihke :: spraying (instance of spraying shortly)
suihke :: spray (that which is sprayed)
suihkedeodorantti [cosmetics] :: spray deodorant
suihkepullo :: spray bottle
suihkepullo :: spray can
suihkeserpentiini :: spray streamer (non-staining, usually brightly colored substance administered from a spray bottle, which dries quickly to form long strips; used in a similar way as paper streamers)
suihku :: jet (collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas)
suihku :: mine (fireworks device)
suihku :: shower (device for bathing)
suihku :: shower (instance of taking a shower)
suihku :: spray (stream of liquid dispersed in the air)
suihkuallas :: The bowl-like base part of a shower cubicle suihkukaappi
suihkualus :: jet vessel (boat or ship propelled by a water jet instead of a propeller)
suihkugeeli :: shower gel
suihkuhävittäjä :: jet fighter
suihkukaappi :: shower cubicle (bathroom structure, typically consisting of a bowl-like base for water collection and drainage and of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry)
suihkukaivo :: fountain
suihkukappale :: shower head, showerhead
suihkukappale :: spray nozzle
suihkukone :: A jet, jet plane, jet aircraft (class of airplane using jet engines)
suihkulentokone :: jet plane
suihkulähde :: fountain
suihkumoottori :: jet engine
suihkumyssy :: shower cap
suihkupää :: showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather)
suihkupullo :: spray bottle
suihkuseinä :: shower screen (bathroom structure, typically consisting of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry)
suihkuseinäke :: A glass wall element for building a shower screen (suihkuseinä)
suihkuseinäke :: A stretch of wall that partially separates a shower from the rest of the room. The remaining opening is often furnished with a door
suihkuseurapiiri :: [often used in plural] jet set
suihkusuutin :: shower head, showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather)
suihkusuutin :: spray nozzle
suihkuta :: to shower
suihkuton :: showerless (not equipped with a shower)
suihkuttaa :: To spray, spout
suihkuturbiini :: turbojet
suihkuverho :: shower curtain
suihkuvirtaus :: jet stream
suikale :: A strip, a shred (long, narrow piece cut or torn off)
suikaloida :: to French (to cut food into strips)
suikaloida :: to julienne (to cut vegetables, into thin strips)
suikaloida :: to shred (to cut into strips)
suikea :: lanceolate
suikerosammal :: feather-moss (any moss of the genus Brachythecium)
-suinen :: mouthed (having some specific type of mouth, as specified by the modifier)
suinkaan :: See ei suinkaan [always used with a negation]
suin päin :: head over heels (at top speed; frantically)
suin päin :: head over heels (tumbling upside down)
suinpäin :: alternative form of suin päin
suipentaa :: to taper
suippo :: cone-shaped
suippo :: pointed
suippohuulisarvikuono :: black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
suippokaari :: ogive
suippokuononokkavalas :: Gray's beaked whale, Mesoplodon grayi
suippopäinen :: tapered (narrowing gradually towards a point)
suippotorni [lb, fi, architecture] :: spire (tapering structure built on a roof or tower, especially as one of the central architectural features of a church or cathedral roof)
suippu :: (pointed) tip
suippukaneliseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius croceoconus
suippumadonlakki :: liberty cap, Psilocybe semilanceata
suippumyrkkyseitikki :: deadly web-cap, Cortinarius rubellus
suisidaalinen :: suicidal (likely to commit suicide)
suisidaalinen :: suicidal (pertaining to suicide)
suistaa :: To derail
suistaa :: To throw off/down
suisto :: A river delta
suistokrokotiili :: saltwater crocodile, estuarine crocodile, Indo-Pacific crocodile, Crocodylus porosus
suistua :: To fall, to tumble, especially accidentally and/or violently
suistua :: Usually with raide or kisko (suistua raiteilta), to be derailed
suitsea :: To incense
suitsea :: To smoke
suitsea :: Same as suitsia
suitset :: bridle
suitsia :: to bridle, rein in (to check, restrain, or control as if with a bridle)
suitsia [lb, fi, horsemanship] :: to bridle (to put a bridle on)
suitsittaa :: alternative term for suitsia, especially in non-figurative sense
suitsuke :: incense
suitsukeastia :: censer
suitsuta :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
suitsute :: alternative form of suitsuke
suitsuttaa :: to elate
suitsuttaa :: to cense (to perfume with incense)
suitsuttaa :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
suitsutus :: incensing (act)
suitsutusastia :: censer
suitsutuspuikko :: incense stick
sujakka :: slender
sujua [of time] :: To pass
sujua :: To go, run (smoothly, successfully)
sujuva :: fluent (able to speak a foreign language accurately and with confidence)
sujuva :: readable (enjoyable to read)
sujuva :: smooth (without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents)
sujuvasti :: fluently
sujuvasti :: smoothly
suka :: A brush, especially one used for brushing animals
suka :: currycomb
sukaatti :: citron (candied rind of the citron fruit)
sukaattisitruuna :: citron (tree Citrus medica and its fruit)
sukellus :: dive, diving
sukelluskello :: diving bell
sukelluspuku :: diving suit (garment or apparatus worn by a diver for protection from the underwater environment)
sukelluspuku :: condom
sukellusvene :: submarine
sukeltaa :: To dive
sukeltaja :: diver
sukeltaja-antilooppi :: duiker (any species of small antelope of the Cephalophinae subfamily)
sukeltajantauti [dated, colloquial] :: decompression sickness, bends
sukeltautua :: To dive into
sukia :: To brush (to untangle or arrange with a brush, usually the fur of an animal)
sukia :: To curry (to groom a horse with a currycomb)
sukia :: To groom (to care for animals by brushing and cleaning them)
sukka :: sock (garment covering foot)
sukka :: stocking (garment covering foot and part of leg)
sukka :: stocking (knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted into an incandescent mantle for gas lighting)
sukkahousut :: pantyhose (US), tights (UK)
sukkanauha :: garter
sukkanauhakäärme :: garter snake (any of various nonvenomous snakes of the genus Thamnophis, native to America)
sukkanukke :: sock puppet (second account created by a user who already has an account)
sukkapari :: pair of socks
sukkapuikko :: knitting needle, especially a smaller or circular one suitable for knitting socks and stockings
sukkasaippua :: blanket party (hazing practice in which the offer is incapacitated with a blanket and beaten, often with lumps of soap that have been stuck inside a sock)
sukkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius torvus
sukkasillaan :: with bare socks, with only one's socks or stockings in the feet (without shoes)
sukkatti :: succade (candied citrus peel)
sukkela :: quick, swift
sukkelasti :: quickly, swiftly
sukkeluus :: quickness, swiftness
sukkeluus :: witticism (witty remark)
sukkessio :: succession
sukki :: hill
sukkiinihappo :: succinic acid
sukkinaatti :: succinate (any salt or ester of succinic acid)
sukkinonitriili :: succinonitrile
sukkula :: shuttle (part of a loom)
sukkula :: shuttle (spacecraft)
sukkulabussi :: shuttle bus
sukkulamato :: nematode, roundworm
sukkulaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius duracinus
sukkuloida :: To shuttle
suklaa :: chocolate
suklaajäätelö :: chocolate ice cream
suklaakakku :: chocolate cake
suklaakastike :: chocolate sauce
suklaakonvehti :: A chocolate [small piece of confectionery made from chocolate]
suklaalevy :: chocolate slab
suklaamestari :: A person in charge of or highly skilled in chocolate production
suklaamestari :: chocolatier (small producer of chocolate)
suklaamuna :: chocolate egg
suklaanruskea :: chocolate (of chocolate colour)
suklaanruskea :: chocolate (colour)
suklaaosasto [slang, vulgar] :: A back door (anus)
suklaapatukka :: chocolate bar
suklaarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius moseri
suklaaton :: chocolate-free, free of chocolate
sukroosi :: sucrose
suksee :: success
suksessio :: succession
suksi :: ski
suksia :: To ski
suksia :: To go away; used mostly in idiomatic expressions
suksisauva [skiing] :: A ski pole
suksivoide [skiing] :: ski wax
suku :: extended family (meaning kin: in addition to parents and children, includes cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and farther relatives, cf. perhe)
suku :: gender
suku :: used in partitive singular as English adjective cognate (descended from the same source lexeme of ancestor language)
suku :: genus
sukuelin :: genital, reproductive organ, sex organ
sukuelinherpes :: genital herpes
sukuelinten korjausleikkaus :: sex reassignment surgery
sukuhauta :: family grave
sukukieli :: language relative
sukukypsä :: sexually mature
sukukypsyys :: sexual maturity
sukulainen :: relative, relation
sukulaiskieli :: language relative
sukulaissana :: A cognate
sukulaisuus :: relationship, kinship
sukulaisvierailu :: relative visit
sukuloida :: To visit relatives
sukunimi :: surname, family name, last name
sukupolvi :: generation
sukupolvienvälinen :: intergenerational
sukupuolentutkimus :: gender studies
sukupuolenvaihdos :: sex change, gender reassignment
sukupuolenvaihtaja :: gender changer
sukupuolenvaihtaja :: transgender (person whose gender has been changed or is in the process of changing it)
sukupuoleton :: asexual, neuter (having no distinct sex)
sukupuoli :: sex, gender
sukupuolidimorfismi :: sexual dimorphism
sukupuolielin :: sex organ
sukupuolielämä :: sex life (frequency and quality of one's sexual encounters)
sukupuoli-identiteetti :: gender identity
sukupuolikasvatus :: sex education
sukupuolikumppani :: sexual partner, sex partner
sukupuolinen :: sexual (of or relating to having sex or sexuality)
sukupuolinen :: sexual (of or relating to the sex of an organism)
sukupuolineutraali :: gender-neutral
sukupuoliobjekti :: alternative term for seksuaaliobjekti
sukupuolirauhanen :: gonad, sex gland
sukupuolisiveellisyys :: sexual morality
sukupuolisuus :: sexuality
sukupuolitauti :: venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted disease (STD)
sukupuolitutkimus :: gender studies
sukupuolivähemmistö :: gender minority
sukupuolivietti :: sex drive (strong motivational tendency or instinct of animals to have sexual intercourse)
sukupuoliyhdyntä :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction)
sukupuoliyhteys :: sexual intercourse, sexual union
sukupuoliyhteys lähisukulaisten kesken :: incest
sukupuu :: family tree
sukupuutto :: extinction (of a species)
sukurutsa :: alternative form of sukurutsaus
sukurutsainen :: incestuous
sukurutsaus :: incest (sexual intercourse between close relatives, whether illegal or not)
sukusolu :: A gamete
sukutaulu [family] :: A chart of descendants, written in the form of a table
sukutaulu [family] :: A pedigree (chart of ancestors), written in the form of a table
sukututkija :: genealogist
sukututkimus :: genealogy
sula [intensifier] :: pure
sula :: molten
sula [of bodies of water] :: not having ice cover
sula :: melt, molten material (any molten substance)
sula :: smelt (any of the various liquids or semi-molten solids produced and used during the course of production of metal in a smelting process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal)
sulaa :: to dissolve, disperse, vanish
sulaa :: to melt (to soften, as by a warming or kindly influence)
sulaa :: to melt (to change from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat)
sulake :: A fuse (in an electronic circuit)
sulakeautomaatti :: alternative term for automaattisulake
sulakerasia :: fusebox
sulaminen :: meltdown (melting of the core of a nuclear reactor)
sulaminen :: melting (instant or process of melting)
sulamislämpötila :: melting temperature, melting point
sulamispiste :: melting point
sulamisvesi :: meltwater
sulatejuusto :: processed cheese
sulatella ::
sulattaa :: to digest (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind)
sulattaa :: to put up with, tolerate (to suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying)
sulattaa :: to digest (to separate food in the alimentary canal)
sulattaa :: to melt (to cause something to melt)
sulattaa :: to smelt (to produce metal from ore in a process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal)
sulattaa :: to thaw, defrost
sulattamo :: alternative term for sulatto
sulattimo :: alternative term for sulatto
sulatto :: smelter (place where smelting is done)
sulatus :: melting
sulatus :: smelting (process of melting ore or metallic raw material)
sulatusuuni :: melting pot (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized)
sulatusuuni :: smelting furnace, smelter
Sulatusuuni :: The constellation Fornax
sulautettu ohjelma :: firmware
sulauttaa :: to embed
sulauttaa :: to fuse (to melt together; to blend; to mix indistinguishably)
sulauttaa :: to merge (to combine into a whole)
sulautua :: to become one with something
sulautua :: to blend in something
sulautua :: to merge
sulautuma :: merger
sulautuma :: (linguistics) merger (type of sound change where two or more sounds merge into one)
sulautuma :: portmanteau, portmanteau word (word that is combined of parts of two or more words, e.g. "smog" < "smoke" + "fog")
sulautuminen :: merger (all senses)
sulava :: loose, smooth (relaxed, of movement)
sulava :: melting
sulava :: suave (of behaviour)
sulavaliikkeinen :: sinuous, graceful (moving gracefully and supplely)
sulavesi :: meltwater
sulavesijoki :: glacial meltwater river
sulawesinokarotta :: Sulawesi spiny rat, Echiothrix leucura
sulempi :: comparative form of sula
Sulevi :: male given name
sulfaatti :: sulphate, sulfate
sulfaattimenetelmä :: Kraft process, sulfate process (method for producing wood pulp)
sulfaattisellu :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process)
sulfaattiselluloosa :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process)
sulfaniilihappo :: sulfanilic acid
sulfidi :: sulfide
sulfiitti :: sulfite
sulfiittimenetelmä :: sulfite process (method for producing wood pulp)
sulfiittisellu :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process)
sulfiittiselluloosa :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process)
sulfonaatti :: sulfonate
sulfonihappo :: sulfonic acid
sulfuryylifluoridi :: sulfuryl fluoride
sulhanen :: fiancé
sulhanen :: groom
sulhasmies :: fiancé
sulhasmies :: groom
sulho :: bridegroom
sulje :: A bracket (any of the symbols "〈", "{", "[", "(", ")", "]", "}", "〉" )
suljettu :: closed
suljettu joukko :: closed set
suljin :: shutter
sulka :: feather (stiff feather in a bird's wing or tail that helps to produce the lift)
sulkakynä :: quill (pen made from a feather)
sulkapallo :: A shuttlecock or birdie (lightweight object used as a ball in badminton)
sulkapallo :: badminton (game)
sulkasato :: molting of feathers
sulkatöyhtö :: plume, panache (decoration on a hat or helmet, usually one that is made with the showy wing or tail feathers)
sulkava :: zope, blue bream (Abramis ballerus)
sulkavene :: A class of small wooden sailing boat
sulkea :: To close, shut (a box; a door)
sulkea :: To turn off (a machine)
sulkea silmänsä [idiomatic + ablative] :: To close one's eyes, to ignore
sulkea sisäänsä :: To enclose, encase
sulkemaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, sulkea, c=ill] ::
sulkemisaika :: closing time
sulkeuma :: closure
sulkeutua :: To close oneself in, to shut oneself in
sulkija :: closer
sulkijalihas :: sphincter
sulku :: blockade
sulku :: bracket (symbol)
sulku :: lock (segment of a canal)
sulkukartio :: traffic cone
sulkumerkki :: A bracket (symbol)
sulkuportti :: gate, lock gate (device used to close and open a waterway, such as in a canal)
sulkutelakka :: A dry dock, drydock
sulkuventtiili :: A stopcock
sulloa :: to cram, stuff (to pack or fill something up or in excess in a compressed manner)
sulloutua :: To pack, crowd (into = illative)
sulo :: charm, grace
Sulo :: male given name
suloinen :: sweet, cute, lovely
suloisa :: graceful
sulokas :: sweet, cute, lovely
sulppu :: wet pulp
sultanidi :: A sultana [pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape]
sultsina :: A traditional Karelian cuisine
sulttaani :: sultan
sulttaanikana :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
sulttaanikunta :: sultanate
sulttaanirusina :: A sultana (pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape)
sulute :: tactical barrier (defensive barrier typically consisting of mines, obstacles and traps, designed to deny enemy movements in a designated area)
suma :: (traffic, log) jam
sumakki :: sumac (plant and the spice made of its dried berries)
sumatrankaniini :: Sumatran striped rabbit, Nesolagus netscheri
sumatranoranki :: Sumatran orangutan, orangutan, Pongo abelii
sumea :: blurry
sumea :: dim, not smart or intelligent
sumea :: fuzzy
sumeasti :: blurrily
sumeasti :: fuzzily
sumentaa :: To blur (in concrete sense)
sumentua :: To blur (in concrete sense)
Sumer :: Sumer
sumeri :: Sumerian (ancient language spoken in Sumer)
sumeri :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer)
sumerilainen :: Sumerian (of or pertaining to Sumer or Sumerian civilization)
sumerilainen :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer)
sumerilaisuus :: Sumerian civilization
sumerin kieli :: Sumerian (language spoken in ancient Sumer)
sumerinkielinen :: Sumerian (expressed in Sumerian)
summa :: amount (especially of money)
summa :: sum (result of addition)
summata :: To add, sum
summaus :: sum, summary, summation, summing
summautua [accounting, mathematics] :: accumulate
summautua [accounting, mathematics] :: sum up, summarize
summeri :: buzzer (device)
summittainen :: approximate
sumo [sport] :: sumo (wrestling style of Japanese origin)
sumopainija :: sumo wrestler
sumplia :: to arrange, fix, organize
sumppi :: coffee made from used coffee grounds, a common practice at the time coffee was expensive as compared to ordinary incomes
sumppi :: mud (coffee brew, especially when of poor quality)
sumu :: nebula
sumu :: Fog, mist
sumuinen :: foggy (covered by fog)
sumukammio :: cloud chamber
sumumainen :: nebulous
sumu-poisto :: depreciation according to plan
sumuta :: to fume, form droplets
sumute :: spray
sumutin :: sprayer
sumuttaa :: to mislead
sumuttaa :: to mist
sumuttua :: To become fog-like
sumuuntua :: To become foggy (covered by fog)
sumuvalo :: fog light
sun :: [coordinating] A coordinating conjunction expressing generality
sunda :: Sundanese language
Sundqvist :: Finnish surname
sunnalainen :: Sunni
sunnalainen :: A Sunni
sunni :: A Sunni (person)
sunnilainen :: Sunni (of or pertaining to Sunni religion or people)
sunnilainen :: A Sunni (person)
sunnilaisuus :: Sunni (branch of Islam)
sunnimuslimi :: Sunni Muslim
sunnuntai :: Sunday
sunnuntaiaamu :: Sunday morning
sunnuntaiajelija :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing)
sunnuntaiautoilija :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing)
sunnuntai-ilta :: Sunday evening
sunnuntailisä :: Sunday allowance (extra payment for working on Sunday)
sunnuntainen :: Pertaining to Sunday
sunnuntaisin :: Sundays, on Sundays
suntio :: A sexton
suo :: Variant of sua
suo :: swamp, bog, marsh, mire
suoda :: (in imperative interjections) ~ anteeksi = to forgive
suoda :: To give, allow, permit, grant
suodatin :: filter
suodatinkangas :: filter fabric
suodatinsavuke :: filter cigarette (cigarette with a filter)
suodattaa :: To filter
suodattua :: To filter (to pass through a filter)
suodatus :: filtering (act)
suodin :: filter
suohaukka :: harrier (any of several birds of prey in the genus Circus)
suohorsma :: marsh willowherb (Epilobium palustre)
suoja :: olla ~ssa to be safe, out of harm's way
suoja :: protective covering
suoja :: refuge
suoja :: safeguard
suoja :: shelter
suoja :: thaw (weather slightly warm enough to melt ice)
suojaikäraja :: age of consent
suojain :: A protective device
suojainen :: sheltered
suojaisa :: alternative form of suojainen
suojakaasu [food hygiene] :: protective atmosphere
suojakaasu [welding] :: shielding gas
suojakaide :: guardrail, guard rail
suojakansi :: Any protecting cap
suojakansi :: dust jacket, dustcover, bookjacket (detachable paper cover of a book)
suojakerroin :: sun protection factor
suojakypärä :: safety helmet
suojalakka :: protective lacquer
suojalehti :: alternative form of suojuslehti
suojamuuri :: bulwark, rampart (defensive wall)
suojanpuoleinen :: leeward, downwind (located away from the direction from which the wind is blowing)
suojapaikka :: shelter, haven
suojasää :: thaw (in winter, the weather when temperature rises above 0°C)
suojasatama :: haven (harbour)
suojata :: To protect, shield
suojatie :: crosswalk, pedestrian crossing
suojaton :: unprotected, defenseless
suojatti :: protege
suojautua :: To protect oneself
suojautua :: To shelter
suojavalli :: rampart (defensive mound of earth)
suojavarustus :: rampart (protection against intrusion)
suojeleminen :: protection
suojelija :: protector
suojella :: To protect, shelter
suojelu :: conservation
suojelu :: protection
suojelualue :: protectorate (autonomous territory protected against third parties by a stronger entity)
suojelualue :: sanctuary, nature reserve (area set aside for protection)
suojelupoliisi :: security police, security service (government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies)
suojelusenkeli :: guardian angel
suojeluskunta :: The Finnish White Guard
suojeluspyhimys :: patron saint
suojus :: guard, protection, cover (thing that protects something)
suojus :: pad (stuffed cushion to prevent damage)
suojus :: sheath (long case)
suojuslehti :: bract
suojuslehti :: husk of some plants, e.g. corn (maize) and some vegetables
suokorte :: marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre)
suokukko :: reeve (female of this bird)
suokukko :: ruff (medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax)
suola :: As modifier in compound words, saline
suola :: As modifier in compound words, salted
suola :: salt [chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base]
suola :: salt [common table salt, sodium chloride, NaCl]
suola-aavikko :: salt desert
suolaaminen :: salting
suolaantua :: To become salty
suolahappo :: hydrochloric acid
suolaheinä :: sorrel (plants in the genus Rumex)
suolain :: salt spreader (device used to spread salt on roads under freezing conditions)
suolainen :: saline
suolainen :: salty
suolajärvi :: salt lake, saline lake
suolakaivos :: salt mine
suolakala :: saltfish, salted fish
suolakeksi :: saltine cracker
suolakko :: salt pot
suolakkokasvi :: halophyte (plant that tolerates an environment having a high salt content)
suolakurkku :: pickle (cucumber preserved in brine)
suolaliemi :: brine (salt-and-water solution for pickling)
suolankukka :: fleur de sel
suolanpoisto :: desalination
suolapulssi :: A pulse of saltwater, especially the ones occurring in the Baltic Sea
suolaraha [usually in plural] :: peanuts (insigificant amount of money)
suolasirotin :: A salt shaker
suolata :: To smoke (to kill, especially with a gun)
suolata :: To preserve in salt
suolata :: To salt (to add salt to)
suolata :: To spread salt on the ground (esp. on a road surface to prevent it from freezing in the winter)
suolaton :: saltless
suolaus :: salting (act of sprinkling salt)
suolautua :: alternative form of suolaantua
suolavesi :: brine
suoli :: intestine, bowel
suolikaasu :: intestinal gas
suolikivi :: enterolith
suoliluu :: An ilium (bone)
suolinkainen :: giant roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides)
suolistaa :: To disembowel, gut, eviscerate
suolisto :: intestines (collectively)
suolistomato :: mawworm, maw-worm (any parasitic worm that infests the stomach)
suolitukos :: bowel obstruction, intestinal obstruction
suoltaa :: To run on (speech at the mouth); to churn/crank out (text)
Suoma :: female given name
suomalainen :: Finnish, of or relating to Finland
suomalainen :: Finnish, relating to the Finnish language
suomalainen :: A Finn
Suomalainen :: Finnish surname
suomalainen viittomakieli :: Finnish Sign Language
suomalaisin :: superlative form of suomalainen
suomalaisittain :: in Finnish way
suomalaislapsi :: A Finnish child
suomalaissiirtolainen :: Finnish immigrant
suomalaistaa :: to make Finnish
suomalaistua :: to become Finnish
suomalais-ugrilainen :: Finno-Ugric
suomalaisuus :: Finnishness
suomalaisyritys :: Finnish company, Finnish firm
suomalmi :: bog iron, bog iron ore; limonite (deposit of limonite found in a bog)
suomeksi :: In Finnish
suomenajokoira :: Finnish hound
suomenhevonen :: Finnish horse, Finnhorse
Suomen Keskusta :: The Centre Party of Finland
suomen kieli :: Finnish, one of the two national languages of Finland, spoken by more than 90% of the citizens (the other official one being Swedish)
suomenkielinen :: Finnish-language, Finnish (of Finnish language)
suomenkielinen :: Finnish-speaking
suomenkielinen :: A Finnish-speaker; somebody whose mother tongue is Finnish
Suomenlahti :: The Gulf of Finland
suomenlapinkoira :: Finnish Lapphund
Suomenmaa [media] :: A newspaper, organ of Suomen Keskusta
Suomenmaa :: Finland
Suomen markka :: The official term for the currency of Finland between 1860 and 2002, until it was replaced by the euro
suomennos :: Finnish translation
suomenpeura :: Finnish forest reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus
suomenpystykorva :: Finnish spitz
Suomen romanikieli :: Kalo Finnish Romani (language spoken by the Finnish Roma)
suomenruotsalainen :: Swedish-Finnish
suomenruotsalainen :: Swedish Finn
suomenruotsi :: Finland Swedish, the group of Swedish dialects spoken in Finland
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue :: The Social Democratic Party of Finland
suomensotti :: pointer finger, index finger, forefinger
suomentaa :: To make clear, to put in plain English (in this case, Finnish), to explain
suomentaa :: To translate into Finnish
Suomen tasavalta :: The Republic of Finland
Suometar :: A newspaper published in 1847-1866, later named Uusi Suometar and Uusi Suomi
Suometar :: female given name
suomettuminen :: Finlandization
suomi :: The Finnish language
Suomi :: Finland (country)
Suomi :: Finnish surname
suomia :: To scold, lash
suomia :: To whip, lash
Suomi-neito :: The Maiden of Finland, the national personification of Finland
Suominen :: Finnish surname
suomisaundi :: A freeform variation of psytrance music said to originate in Finland; also called "suomi" or "freestyle psytrance" outside Finland
Suomi-yhtiö :: A former life insurance company, now after a complex M&A process part of OP-Pohjola, Finland's leading finance group
suomu :: A scale, as a small piece of keratin covering the skin of a fish or other animal
suomuinen :: scaly, squamous
suomumustesieni :: lawyer's wig, Coprinus comatus
suomurousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius spinosulus
suomustaa :: to scale (remove scales from a fish)
suomustin :: A scaler (tool or device for scaling fish)
suomutauti [pathology, common term] :: ichthyosis (disease which gives the sufferer a dry, scaly skin)
suomuurain :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
suomuvyöseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius pholideus
suomyrkkysumakki :: poison sumac, swamp sumac, poison dogwood, poison elder, Toxicodendron vernix (woody shrub or small tree, all parts of which cause irritation to humans)
suomyrtti :: gale, sweet gale, bog myrtle (Myrica gale) (shrub)
suonekas :: venous
suoneniskentä :: bloodletting
suonensisäinen :: intravascular (pertaining to what is inside blood vessels)
suonensisäinen :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins)
suonensisäisesti :: intravascularly
suonenveto :: A cramp (painful contraction of muscle)
suoni [anatomy, archaic] :: A tendon, sinew, still used in the expression vetää suonta
suoni :: A short form of verisuoni, a blood vessel
suoni :: A vein (supporting member in a leaf)
suoni :: lode, stratum, vein (vein-like deposit of ore); normally used in compound terms with a modifier specifying the kind of metal to be found
suonikalvo :: chorion
suonikas :: venous, veined, veiny
suonikohju :: varicose vein
suopa :: soft soap, potassium soap (gel-like soap obtained by cooking potassium hydroxide with natural oils and fats)
suopapuu :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree)
suopayrtti :: soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)
suopea :: approving
suopea :: benevolent
suopea :: favourable/favorable
suopeampi :: comparative form of suopea
suoperäinen :: Originated from swamp
suopua :: To agree, give in
suopunki :: A type of lasso used to catch reindeer
suopursu :: marsh Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea, wild rosemary (strong-smelling flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, Rhododendron tomentosum)
suora :: live (broadcast)
suora :: right (of angle, 90°)
suora :: straight (direct, truthful, frank)
suora :: straight (having all cylinders in a single row)
suora :: straight (not crooked or bent)
suora :: a straight [part of a racecourse or running track]
suora :: a line
suora [poker] :: a straight
suoraan :: sanoa suoraan: to say frankly
suoraan :: straight
suoraan :: suoraan edessä: dead ahead
suorakaide :: A rectangle
suorakaide :: A rectangle that is not a square
suora kulma :: right angle
suorakulma :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees)
suorakulma :: square, set square (right angle tool)
suorakulmainen :: right, rectangular
suorakulmainen :: right-angled (having a right angle, i.e. an angle of 90°)
suorakulmainen kolmio :: right triangle, right-angled triangle (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles)
suorakulmio :: rectangle
suoralta kädeltä :: at first hand, at face value
suoralta kädeltä :: off the top of one's head
suoramarkkinointi :: direct marketing
suoranainen :: direct, obvious, patent
suoraselkäinen :: stand-up (honest; honorable)
suoraselkäisyys :: integrity (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code)
suorastaan :: downright, positively
suoraveloitus [banking] :: direct debit
suoraviivainen :: rough, coarse, slash and burn, straightforward; used of way of acting (lacking finesse, performed with little skill)
suoraviivaisesti :: straightforwardly
suorempi :: comparative form of suora
suorentaa :: To straighten; to make physically straighter
suoreta :: To straighten
suorin :: superlative form of suora
suoristaa :: to straighten
suoristautua :: To straighten oneself
suoristua :: To straighten
suorite :: performance
suoritin :: (micro)processor
suorittaa :: To perform, carry out, fulfill
suoritus :: execution (carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer)
suoritus [formal, euphemistic] :: payment
suoritus :: performance (act of performing; that which is performed)
suoritusaika :: execution time, performance time
suorituskyky :: performance
suoriutua :: to get through, overcome, endure (to handle or control a task, ordeal or challenge successfully)
suoriutua :: to manage, wield (to handle or control a job successfully)
suoriutua :: to perform one's part, conduct one's self, acquit
suortuva :: wisp
suoruus :: candor
suoruus :: straightness, rectitude
suosia :: To favour/favor
suosija :: patron
suosikki :: favourite/favorite
suosikkijärjestelmä :: favouritism
suosiminen :: preference, favoring/favouring
suosinta :: favoring
suosio :: popularity
suosionosoitus :: favour (indication of being favoured by someone, such as a friendly gesture, small gift)
suosionosoitus :: cheer, acclaim, ovation, applause, hand
suosirri :: dunlin, Calidris alpina (small wading bird)
suositella :: To recommend
suositeltava :: advisable
suosittaa :: to recommend
suosittelija :: referee
suosittu :: hot, in
suosittu :: popular (as in liked by many)
suosituin :: superlative form of suosittu
suositumpi :: comparative form of suosittu
suositus :: guideline
suositus :: recommendation, testimonial
suosituskirje :: A letter of recommendation
suostua [+ active 3rd infinitive in illative] :: To agree (to do something), consent (to do something), be willing (to do something), comply
suostua :: To accept, approve
suostumus :: approval, consent
suostutella :: To persuade
suotaa :: to filter out
suotautua :: to be filtered
suotava :: Desirable, advisable
suotta :: Without reason
suotuinen :: beneficial
suotuinen :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous
suotuisa :: beneficial
suotuisa :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous
suova :: A stack of hays
suovilla :: cottongrass (plant of the genus Eriophorum)
supattaa :: to whisper
super- :: super-
superase :: superweapon
superbensiini :: super gasoline; super petrol [UK] (gasoline with RON octane rating of 97 to 99)
superemäs :: superbase
superhappo :: superacid
superjoukko :: supercluster
superlatiivi :: superlative
supermarket :: supermarket
supermassiivinen :: supermassive (having a mass higher than 105 times that of the Sun)
supernova :: supernova (exploding star)
supernovajäänne :: supernova remnant
supersankari :: superhero
superseos :: superalloy
supersäie :: superstring
supersäieteoria :: superstring theory
supersooninen :: supersonic
superstara :: superstar
supertankkeri :: supertanker
supertähti :: superstar
supertietokone :: supercomputer
supervalta :: superpower
supeta :: To converge
supi :: Commonly used short form of supikoira (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
supi [dated, Finglish] :: raccoon
supi :: the fur of raccoon (Procyon lotor)
supi :: badger
supi :: suggested standard term for raccoon, intended to replace pesukarhu
supi :: raccoon; in the names of several Procyon species
supiini :: supine
supikoira :: raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
supina :: murmur, whisper
supista :: To murmur
supistaa :: to cancel
supistaa :: to abridge
supistaa :: to reduce
supistua :: To contract
supistuma :: Contraction
supistus :: contraction (medicine, biology)
supistus :: reduction, cutback, cut
supisuomalainen :: typically and 100% Finnish
suplementtikulma :: one of a pair of supplementary angles
supo :: security police, especially the Finnish one
suppa :: kettle hole, kettle (fluvioglacial landform)
suppea :: concise, succinct
suppeampi :: comparative form of suppea
suppein :: superlative form of suppea
suppeneminen :: convergence
suppeneva :: convergent
suppilo :: funnel
suppilohapero :: A brittlegill, Russula delica
suppilopilvi :: A funnel cloud
suppilovahvero [mushrooms] :: A funnel chanterelle, yellowfoot; Cantharellus tubaeformis
suppo :: suppository
suppositorio :: suppository
suppupaarma :: cleg, notch-horned cleg (Haematopota pluvialis)
suprajohde :: superconductor
suprajohtava :: superconductive
suprajohtavuus :: superconductivity
supraneste :: superfluid
suputtaa :: alternative form of supattaa
sureksia :: to mourn
sureva :: mourning
surfaktantti :: surfactant
surffaaja :: surfer
surffailija :: surfer
surffailla :: to surf (to browse the Internet)
surffailla :: to surf (to ride a wave)
surffari :: surfer
surffata :: To surf (browse the Internet)
surffata :: To surf (ride on waves)
surffaus :: surfing
surffilauta :: surfboard
surija :: mourner
surina :: Hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by the bees)
Surinam :: alternative spelling of Suriname
Suriname :: Suriname
surinamelainen :: Surinamese (of or pertaining to Suriname)
surinamelainen :: Surinamese (person)
surinamilainen :: alternative spelling of surinamelainen
surista :: To buzz, whirr, hum
surjektiivinen :: surjective
surjektio [set theory] :: surjection
surkastaa :: to constrict
surkastua :: To atrophy
surkastuttaa :: to atrophy
surkea :: lousy
surkea :: miserable, wretched
surkea :: pitiful
surkea :: squalid
surkeus :: miserableness
surkeus :: misery
surkeus :: pitifulness
surkeus :: [[ruefulness}}
surkeus :: sadness
surkeus :: squalor
surkuhupaisa :: tragicomic
surkutella :: To bemoan
surma :: A violent death, mainly used of humans
surma :: Killing, voluntary manslaughter under mitigating circumstances
surma :: Personification of sudden death
surmaaja :: killer, slayer
surmanhyppy :: salto mortale
surmata :: to kill, slay
surra :: To mourn, grieve (very often because of someone's death)
surra :: To mourn, grieve (over someone = partitive; over a dead person)
surrata :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum
surrealismi :: surrealism
surrealisti :: surrealist
surrealistinen :: surreal
surrogaatti :: surrogate
suru :: sorrow
suruaika :: mourning period
suruasu :: A mourning (traditional clothes worn by those who mourn)
surulaulu :: dirge, elegy, requiem, threnody
suruliputus :: The act of flying flags, usually half-staff, to honour the dead
surullinen :: sad
surullisempi :: comparative form of surullinen
surullisenkuuluisa :: infamous
surullisin :: superlative form of surullinen
surullisuus :: sadness
surumielisyys :: melancholy
suruntäyteinen :: sorrowful
surunvalittelu :: A condolence
survin :: pestle
survivalismi :: survivalism
survivalisti :: survivalist
survoa :: To mash
survoa :: To cram, stuff, crowd (to press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another)
survoin [rare, incorrect] :: survin
sus :: oh; used only in the expression shown in the example below
Susanna :: Susanna
Susanna :: female given name, cognate to English Susan
susi :: dud
susi :: grey wolf (Canis lupus)
Susi :: The constellation Lupus
susihämähäkki :: wolf spider
susijahti :: wolf hunting, wolf hunt (occasion of hunting wolves)
susikoira :: German shepherd dog
susikoira :: wolf dog, a hybrid between a dog and a wolf
susikoira :: wolfhound
susilauma :: wolf pack, wolfpack
susimainen :: wolf-like, wolfish, lupine
susipari :: unmarried couple
susiraja :: Literally “wolf border,” the boundary between the capital region and the rest of Finland; the name suggests that rest of the country is wilderness
susisävel :: wolf tone
suslikki :: speckled ground squirrel, spotted souslik, Spermophilus suslicus
suspensio :: suspension
sussexinspanieli :: Sussex spaniel (breed of dog)
sutaista :: To jot (to write quickly)
sutata :: to smudge, to scribble over, to render something illegibile by marking over it
Sutela :: Finnish surname
sutenööri :: pimp, panderer
suti :: A brush
sutia :: To brush (using a small brush)
sutina :: Amorous play, sometimes akin to an affair
sutina :: Bustle, hustle
sutjakka :: slender
sutjakka :: smooth (without problems)
suttaantua :: To become dirty
suttautua :: alternative form of suttaantua
suttu :: A smudge
suttura :: woman, girl
suu :: mouth
suude :: A wedge that is used to fasten the blade of an axe
suudella :: To kiss
suudelma :: kiss
suudita :: to wedge (to support or secure with a wedge; to force into a narrow space)
suufilainen :: Sufite (of or pertaining to Sufism)
suufilainen :: Sufi (Islamic mysticist)
suufilaisuus :: Sufism (Islamic mysticism)
suuharppu :: alternative term for munniharppu
suuhunpantava :: snack, food
suuhygienia :: oral hygiene
suuhygienisti :: oral hygienist
suujarru :: A muzzle brake
suu- ja sorkkatauti :: foot-and-mouth disease
suukappale :: mouthpiece (part of any device that functions in or near the mouth)
suukapula :: gag (device to restrain speech)
suukirurgia :: oral surgery
suukki :: mouth
suukko :: kiss (touch with the lips)
suukko :: type of sweet consisting of a round biscuit base with flavored whipped egg white cream on top of it, the whole coated in a thin layer of chocolate
suukkosuu :: kissing lips (Hypocyrta glabra, a decorative flower)
suukku [colloquial, childish language] :: mouth
suukopu :: quarrel
suukottaa :: To kiss
suula :: booby, gannet (any of the marine birds in the family Sulidae, the family of gannets and boobies)
suula :: northern gannet, Morus bassanus (type species of the bird family Sulidae)
suulaampi :: comparative form of suulas
suulaenluu :: palatine bone
suulake :: nozzle
suulakepuristus :: extrusion (a manufacturing process)
suulaki :: palate
suulakihalkio :: cleft palate
suulas :: outspoken
suuliekki :: muzzle blast
suullinen :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written)
suullinen :: mouthful (amount that will fit in a mouth)
suullisesti :: orally
suun limakalvon haavauma [pathology, set phrase] :: aphthous ulcer, mouth ulcer, aphtha
suunnanmuutos :: change of direction
suunnanmuutos :: inflection (a turning away from a straight course)
suunnata :: to direct
suunnata :: to head (to move in a specified direction)
suunnata :: to target, aim
suunnaton :: aimless
suunnaton :: directionless
suunnaton :: enormous, immense
suunnattoman :: enormously, hugely
suunnattomasti :: enormously
suunnattomuus :: enormity
suunnikas :: parallelogram
suunnikaslihas :: rhomboid muscle
suunnilleen :: about, around, approximately, some
suunnilleen :: odd (together with a number: about)
suunnistaa :: To go orienteering
suunnistaja :: orienteer (someone who competes in the sport of orienteering)
suunnistus :: orienteering
suunnitella :: to conceive
suunnitella :: to design
suunnitella :: to plan
suunnitelma :: blueprint
suunnitelma :: design
suunnitelma :: plan, scheme
suunnitelmallinen :: methodical, systematical, planned (carried out according to a plan)
suunnitelmatalous :: planned economy
suunnitteilla :: under planning (in the process of being planned)
suunnittelematon :: unscheduled, unplanned
suunnittelija :: A designer
suunnittelija :: A planner
suunnittelu :: contemplation (act of looking forward to an event; the act of intending or purposing)
suunnittelu :: design (art of designing)
suunnittelu :: planning (act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans)
suunnittelu :: plotting (planning of a crime)
suunnittelukilpailu :: architectural competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive design for a construction project)
suunnittelukilpailu :: design competition (similar competition on some other field of design)
suunnittelumalli [architecture, computing, design] :: design pattern (documented general solution to a design problem in a particular field of expertise)
suunta :: direction (indication of the point toward which an object is moving)
suunta :: hand (direction when indicated by right or left)
suunta :: lay (direction to which a rope is twisted)
suunta :: bearing, magnetic bearing (short for kompassisuunta, the direction towards an object or target expressed in terms of horizontal angle between that direction and that of true north)
suunta :: heading (short for kulkusuunta, the direction into which a vessel's bow is pointing or the direction into which it is actually moving relative to the ground)
suunta :: path (direction of proceeding)
suunta :: sense (math: direction of a vector)
suunta :: tack (course of action)
suuntainen :: genitive + ~ : having the direction of, being parallel to
suuntaissärmiö :: parallelepiped
suuntaus :: orientation
suuntaus :: trend
suuntautua :: To be aimed at, be geared towards
suuntautua :: To be directed towards
suuntautua :: To orientate oneself towards, orient oneself towards
suuntautuminen :: orientation
suuntavalaisin :: A direction indicator, trafficator
suuntaviitta :: signpost
suuntaviiva :: guideline (non-specific rule, principle or explanation that provides direction to action or behaviour)
suuntavilkku :: An indicator, turn signal, trafficator (blinking light that indicates the direction that a vehicle is about to turn)
suuntia :: to take the bearings (to determine the bearing to sthg)
suuntima :: bearing (horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north, especially as a result of a measurement)
suuntimalevy :: pelorus
suuontelo :: oral cavity (medical profession's term for mouth)
suupala :: bite (piece of food)
suupaltti :: talkative, open-mouthed (inclined to talking too much or too loudly)
suupaltti :: gasbag, blowhard, windbag, big mouth, blusterer, boaster, braggart, loudmouth (person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner)
suur- :: great, grand, major, macro-
suura :: sura
suuraakkonen :: capital letter, uppercase letter (one of letters A, B, C… as opposed to a, b, c…)
suuramiraali :: grand admiral (rank in German navy, above ordinary admirals)
suurarkkipiispa :: major archbishop
suure :: quantity
suurellinen :: pretentious, pompous
suurelta osin :: mostly
suurempi :: comparative form of suuri
suurenmoinen :: magnificent (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance)
suurennella :: to exaggerate
suurennus :: augmentation
suurennus :: enlargement
suurennus :: magnification
suurennuslasi :: magnifying glass
suurennusleikkaus :: augmentation surgery (surgery to increase the size of an organ or a part of body)
suurennuttaa :: to have something enlarged
suurentaa :: to magnify, enlarge
suurentua :: To become larger
suuresti :: greatly
suureta :: To grow bigger
Suuret järvet :: The Great Lakes
suurherttua :: grand duke
suuri :: big
suuri :: great
suuri :: large
suuri harppaus :: Great Leap Forward (Chinese campaign in 1958-61)
suurikokoinen :: large-sized
suurima :: Same as suurimo
Suuri Magellanin pilvi :: Large Magellanic Cloud
suurimittakaavainen :: large-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn large to show details)
suurimo :: An individual grain of groats (hulled grain)
suurimot :: grits, groats (hulled grain)
suurin harppauksin :: leaps and bounds, by leaps and bounds (considerably, significantly)
suurin piirtein :: roughly, approximately
suurinpiirtein :: roughly, more or less, by and large
suurin yhteinen tekijä :: The greatest common divisor
suuriruhtinaanmaa :: grand duchy, especially the Grand Duchy of Finland btw. 1809 and 1917
suuriruhtinas :: grand duke
suuriruhtinaskunta :: grand duchy
suuriruhtinatar :: grand duchess
suuri sali :: great hall (main room of a palace, castle or manor)
suuri sali :: The main meeting room of a parliament, conference or the like
suurituloinen :: Having a large income; high-income
suuri verenkierto :: systemic circulation
suurjännite [electrical engineering] :: high voltage
suurkaupunki :: large city, metropolis
suurlähettiläs :: ambassador
suurlähetystö :: embassy
suurlähetystö :: High Commission (embassy of a Commonwealth country in another Commonwealth country)
suurliikemies :: tycoon
suurmanner :: A supercontinent (one of the contemporary landmasses consisting of several continents)
suurmestari :: Grandmaster
suurmestari [knighthood] :: Grand Master
suurmies :: great man
suurperhe :: A large family; kinship family
suurpujottelu :: giant slalom
suursiivous :: spring cleaning (systematic and complete cleaning of a house, system etc.)
suursuomalainen :: Of or pertaining to Greater Finland, the ideology behind the concept, or its supporters
suursuomalainen :: A supporter of the idea of Greater Finland, i.e. the idea of uniting Finland, Karelia and possibly other areas inhabited by Finnic peoples into one country
suursyömäri :: glutton (one who eats a lot)
suurtaajuus [radio] :: high frequency
suurteos :: magnum opus, masterpiece
suuruinen :: of the amount, order or magnitude
suuruste :: thickening agent, thickener
suuruudenhullu :: megalomaniac
suuruudenhulluus :: delusion of grandeur, megalomania (the false belief that one is important or powerful or something is important; the act of constructing or planning to construct something concrete or abstract that is unrealistically big)
suuruus :: largeness, greatness
suuruus :: size, magnitude
suuruusluokka :: ballpark figure
suuruusluokka :: order of magnitude
suuruusluokka :: vicinity (approximate size or amount)
suurvalta :: A great power (nation or state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale)
suurvisiiri :: grand vizier
suuryritys :: In plural, big business (large corporations understood as a collective with significant economic, political, or social influence)
suuryritys :: large company or corporation
suusanallinen [lb, fi, rare] :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written)
suuseksi :: oral sex
suusola [lb, fi, phonetics] :: The space that is left between the tongue and the palate when pronouncing a vowel
suussasulava :: delicious
suussasulava :: melting (sense "dissolving") in the mouth; in this sense usually written as two separate words
suustaladattava :: muzzleloading
suustaladattava :: A muzzleloader
suusta-suuhun :: mouth-to-mouth
suusuihke :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusuihkute [lb, fi, rare] :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusumute :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusyöpä :: mouth cancer
suutahtaa :: to flare, to burst out with anger
suutari :: A dud explosive
suutari :: cobbler (one who repairs shoes)
suutari :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop)
suutari [fish] :: tench, Tinca tinca
suutari :: shoemaker (one who makes shoes)
suutarin lapsilla ei ole kenkiä :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot
suutarinlohi :: Baltic herring pickled with vinegar, sugar, carrot, onion, salt, bayleaves and allspice
suutarinverstas :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop)
suutaroida :: To work as a shoemaker
suute :: alternative form of suude
suutelu :: kissing
suutin :: A nozzle
suutin :: A tuyere
suuttua :: To get angry
suuttunut :: angry
suuttuva :: irritable (capable of being irritated)
suutulehdus :: stomatitis (inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth)
suutuntuma :: mouthfeel
suututtaa :: To feel angry, to become angry
suututtaa :: To anger someone or something, to make angry
suu-urut :: sheng
suuvesi :: mouthwash
suvaita [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To deign, condescend (to do something)
suvaita :: To accept, stand
suvaita :: To tolerate, stand
suvaitsematon :: intolerant
suvaitsemattomasti :: intolerantly
suvaitsemattomuus :: intolerance, closed-mindedness
suvaitsevainen :: permissive, lenient, tolerant
suvaitsevaisuus :: tolerance (ability to tolerate beliefs etc.)
suvaitsevasti :: permissively, tolerantly
suvaitsevuus :: toleration
suvanto :: A slow section in anything that might be understood as a stream, e.g. in musical composition, history, life of a person, project etc
suvanto :: stream pool (stretch of a river or stream in which the water depth is above average and the water velocity is quite below average)
suvereeni :: sovereign (country etc.)
suvereenisuus :: sovereignty
suvereenius :: sovereignty (independence)
suvereniteetti :: sovereignty
suvi :: south
suvi :: summer
Suvi :: female given name, popular in the end of the 20th century
suviseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius erythrinus
suviyö :: summer night
suvullisesti :: [of reproduction] sexually
suvuton :: asexual
suvuton :: neuter (having no generative organs)
suvuton :: gender-neutral, epicene
suvuttomasti :: [of reproduction] asexually
svaabi :: Swabian (person)
svaabilainen :: alternative spelling of schwabilainen
Sveitsi :: Switzerland
sveitsiläinen :: Swiss
sveitsiläinen :: A Swiss
sveitsiläiskaarti :: Swiss Guard (mercenary guard consisting of Swiss soldiers seeking their fortune abroad due to the poverty of their home country)
sveitsiläiskaarti :: Swiss Guard (pontifical Swiss Guard stationed in Vatican, the only remaining unit of this kind)
sveitsinajokoira :: Swiss hound, Schweizer Laufhund (Swiss breed of dog)
sveitsinhuilu :: fife
sveitsinjuusto :: alternative term for emmentaljuusto
sveitsinleike :: Swiss schnitzel (dish consisting of veal cutlet filled with cheese, typically Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a slice of ham)
sveitsinsaksa :: Swiss German (language)
sveitsinveitsi :: Swiss Army knife
svekomaani :: Svecomaniac (admirer of things Swedish)
sävel :: melody, tune
sävel :: note
sävel :: tone
sävelasteikko :: scale
sävelkorkeus :: pitch (perceived frequency of a sound or note)
sävelkorva :: ear for music (ability to recognize and/or reproduce tunes and melodies)
sävellaji :: key
sävellys :: composition
sävelmä :: melody, tune
säveltää :: to set to music (to adapt a literary work by adding music)
säveltää :: to compose (music)
säveltäjä :: composer
säveltäminen :: composing
svengata :: to swing (to dance)
svengata :: to play or sing in a compelling, absorbing manner; to make one's feet tap
svengi :: happening, going
svetari :: sweater (knitted jacket or jersey)
svetisismi :: A loanword from Swedish
svetisismi :: An expression influenced by Swedish, often one that is regarded as non-standard in the target language, particularly in Finnish
sviitti :: hotel suite
sävy :: accent (modulation of voice)
sävy :: hue
sävyisä :: docile, meek
sävyisä :: even-tempered
sävykäs :: colorful (having varied colors)
sävykäs :: colorful, multifaceted, nuanced, diverse
sävyte :: toner
säväyttää :: to startle
sävyttää :: dye (to colour with dye)
sävyttää :: tint
swahili :: The Swahili language
swahilin kieli :: Swahili (language)
swahilinkielinen :: Swahili-speaking
swahilinkielinen :: Swahili, Swahili language (expressed in the Swahili language)
swap [finance, slang] :: swap (financial derivative)
Swazimaa :: Swaziland
swedenborgilaisuus :: Swedenborgianism
swingi [golf] :: swing (act of swinging the club)
syaani :: cyan
syaanimetaani :: acetonitrile
syaanivety :: hydrogen cyanide
syaanivetyhappo :: hydrogen cyanide
syaaniyhdiste :: cyanide (any chemical containing a cyano group)
syanidi :: cyanide
syankalium :: potassium cyanide
syano- :: cyano-
syanobakteeri :: cyanobacterium
syanokobalamiini :: cyanocobalamin
syanoosi :: cyanosis
sybariitti :: A sybarite
syödä :: to capture
syödä :: to eat
syödä kuin hevonen [simile] :: eat like a horse (same meaning)
sydämellinen :: cordial, heartfelt
sydämellisesti :: cordially
sydämenhieronta :: cardiac massage
sydämenlyönti :: heartbeat (single pulsation)
sydämenpysähdys :: alternative form of sydänpysähdys
sydämensiirto :: heart transplantation, cardiac transplantation
sydämen sisäkalvo :: endocardium
sydämentahdistin :: pacemaker
sydämentakainen [anatomy, medicine] :: retrocardiac
sydämentykytys :: palpitation
sydämen vajaatoiminta :: heart failure
sydämetön :: heartless
sydämistyä :: to get furiously angry, to be offended
sydämystyä :: alternative form of sydämistyä
sydän :: core
sydän :: heart
sydän :: wick (of a candle)
sydneynsuppilohämähäkki :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia)
sydneyntunneliverkkohämähäkki :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia)
sydänfilmi :: electrocardiogram
sydänhalvaus :: cardiac arrest
sydänhermovika :: Da Costa's syndrome
sydänhieronta :: cardiac massage
syödä niin, että napa naukuu :: to overeat, stuff one's face (to eat excessively)
sydäninfarkti :: Coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction, heart attack
sydän- ja verisuonitauti :: cardiovascular disease (class of diseases involving the heart or blood vessels); as a group name normally used in plural in Finnish
sydänjuuret :: the bottom of one's heart; used especially in the idiomatic expression sydänjuuriaan myöten ("to the bottom of one's heart")
sydänkammio :: heart chamber
sydänkesä :: midsummer
sydänkohta :: fess point
sydänkohtaus :: heart attack
sydänkorvake :: auricle (ear-shaped appendage of the either atrium of the heart)
sydänkäpy :: sweet, sweetheart
sydänkäpynen :: sweetheart
sydän kurkussa :: one's heart in one's mouth (very scared)
sydänlanka :: wick (yarn in a candle that draws up melted stearine, wax etc.)
sydänlihas :: myocardium (the middle of the three layers forming the wall of the heart)
sydänlihassairaus :: cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the myocardium)
sydänlihastulehdus :: myocarditis
sydänlääkäri :: cardiologist
sydänläppä :: heart valve
sydänmaa :: heartland
sydänpussi :: pericardium
sydänpuu :: heartwood, duramen
sydänpysähdys :: cardiac arrest
sydänsähkökäyrä :: electrocardiogram
sydäntalvi :: midwinter (middle of the winter)
sydäntauti :: heart disease
sydäntäsärkevä :: heartbreaking
sydänvika :: heart disease
sydänyö :: midnight
syeniitti :: syenite
syfilis :: syphilis
syinen :: fibrous
syöjä :: eater
syöjäsolu :: phagocyte (cell of the immune system that engulfs and destroys viruses, bacteria and waste materials)
syöjätär :: man-eater (woman)
syke :: pulse, heartbeat; heart rate
sykemittari :: heart rate monitor
sykähdyttää :: to thrill
sykintä :: throb
sykkää :: to throb
sykkiä :: To beat, throb
sykkiä :: To pulse, pulsate
sykkivä muuttuja :: pulsating variable
sykkyrä :: A kink (tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material)
sykkyräinen :: kinky (full of kinks; liable to kink or curl)
sykkyräsuoli :: ileum (final section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates)
syklaami :: A cyclamen
syklamaatti :: cyclamate
sykli :: cycle
sykliini :: cyclin
syklinen :: cyclic, cyclical
syklitsiini :: cyclizine
syklo- :: cyclo-
sykloalkaani :: cycloalkane
syklobutaani :: cyclobutane
syklobutadieeni :: cyclobutadiene
sykloheksaani :: cyclohexane
sykloheksaanitioli :: cyclohexanethiol
sykloheksanoni :: cyclohexanone
sykloheksyyliasetaatti :: cyclohexyl acetate
sykloidi :: cycloid
sykloni :: A cyclone
syklopentaani :: cyclopentane
syklopropaani :: cyclopropane
syklosilikaatti :: cyclosilicate (mineral)
syklotroni :: cyclotron
sykomori :: sycamore, Ficus sycomorus
syksy :: autumn, fall
syksy- :: autumn, fall; autumnal
syöksyä :: to rush, fall
syöksy :: dive
syöksy :: ejection
syöksy :: rush, swoop
syöksyhammas :: A tusk (elongated pointed tooth)
syksyinen :: autumnal
syksyinen :: autumn
syöksykierre :: spin (abnormal flight state)
syöksylasku :: downhill (fastest of the disciplines of alpine skiing)
syksymmällä :: later in autumn
syksympänä :: Later in autumn
syöksypommittaja :: dive bomber
syöksytorvi :: downspout, drainpipe, leader (pipe that leads rainwater from the roof to a drain or to the ground)
syöksyvirtaus :: downburst
sykäys :: A single pulse
syleillä :: to embrace
syleily :: hug, embrace
syli :: Any space between the arms in which something is held. Often a mis-translation for the English word lap (the space between the knees and upper-body of a seated person)
syli :: A traditional measure of length equal to three cubits
syli :: a measure of distance between two outstretched arms, similar to one fathom
syli :: fathom
sylikoira :: lapdog
sylillinen :: armful
sylinteri :: cylinder
sylinterimäinen :: cylinder-like, cylindrical
syljeksiä :: to spit (repeatedly)
syljeksiä kattoon :: to stare at the wall (to be idle)
syljeneritys :: salivation (process of producing saliva)
syljeskellä :: To spit in a continuous/indifferent manner
syljettää :: To cause one to spit
syljettää :: To disgust
sylkeä :: To spit
sylki :: saliva, spit
sylkikuoriainen :: soldier beetle
sylkirauhanen :: Salivary gland
sylkäistä :: To spit (once)
sylky :: spit
sylky :: spitting
sylkykuppi :: spittoon, cuspidor (receptacle for spit)
syllabinen :: syllabic
syllepsi :: syllepsis
syltä :: A traditional measure of length equal to three cubits
syltä :: fathom
syltty :: brawn, head cheese
Sylvi :: female given name
Sylvia :: female given name
sylys :: armful
symbiontti :: symbiont, symbiote
symbioosi :: symbiosis
symbiootti :: symbiont, symbiote
symbioottinen :: symbiotic
symbioottisesti :: symbiotically
symboli :: A symbol
symboliikka :: symbolics
symbolikieli :: symbol language
symbolinen :: symbolic
symbolisesti :: symbolically
symbolismi :: symbolism
symbolisoida :: To symbolise/symbolize
symbolisuus :: symbolicism
symboloida :: To symbolise/symbolize
syöminen :: eating
syöminen :: food
syömishäiriö :: eating disorder
syömäkelpoinen :: edible, comestible (fit to eat but not very inviting, i.e. not poisonous, rotten or overly bad-tasting)
syömäkelvoton :: inedible
symmetria :: symmetry
symmetria-akseli :: axis of symmetry
symmetrinen :: symmetric
symmetrisesti :: symmetrically
symmetrisyys :: symmetry
sympaattinen :: nice, sweet
sympaattisesti :: sympathetically
sympaattisuus :: sympathy
sympatia :: sympathy
sympatisoida :: To sympathize
symposio :: symposium
symposiumi :: symposium
symptomi :: symptom
syömäpuikko :: chopstick
syömäri :: glutton (excessive eater)
syömätön :: uneaten
syömävilja :: grist (grain that is to be ground in a mill)
synagoga :: synagogue (place of worship)
synapsi :: synapse
syndaktylia :: syndactyly
syndikaatti :: syndicate
syndrooma :: syndrome
säyne :: ide, Leuciscus idus
synekdokee :: A synecdoche
synergia :: synergy
synerginen :: synergistic
synergismi :: synergism
synestesia :: synaesthesia
synkata :: to click, to match, to synch, to go together (of people)
synkeä :: grim
synkempi :: comparative form of synkkä
synkentää :: To darken, make gloomier
synketä :: To become gloomy
synketä :: To darken
synkin :: superlative form of synkkä
synkistää :: To make gloomier
synkistelijä :: miserabilist
synkkä :: dismal, bleak
synkkä :: gloomy
synkkä :: grim
synkkäilmeinen :: long-faced (displaying sadness)
synkkyys :: gloominess, darkness
synkooppi :: syncope (missed beat or off-beat stress in music)
synkopaatio :: syncopation (rhythm quality resulting of the use of syncope)
synkopee :: syncope (sudden and temporary loss of consciousness)
synkopee :: syncope (loss of sounds in the middle of a word)
synkopoida :: to syncopate (to stress or accentuate the weak beat of a rhythm)
synkopoida :: to syncopate (to omit a sound or a letter from a word)
synkopointi [music, phonology] :: syncopation (use of syncope)
synkroninen :: synchronic
synkronisoida :: To synchronise/synchronize
synkronoida :: To synchronise/synchronize
synkronointi :: synchronization
synninpäästö :: Absolution (christian forgiveness of a sin, in general; in Roman Catholic Church, the exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which the sins of the truly penitent are believed to be forgiven)
synninpäästö :: Forgiveness of an offense
synnitön :: righteous
synnitön :: sinless
synnittömyys :: sinlessness
synnyinmaa :: The native country, the country where one was born
synnyinpäivä :: date of birth, birthdate (the date and year something was born)
synnyinvuosi :: The year of one's birth
synnynnäinen :: congenital
synnynnäinen :: innate
synnynnäinen sairaus :: birth defect, congenital disorder (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth)
synnyttää :: To engender, breed, develop
synnyttää [of women] :: To deliver, give birth to; (of female animals) to drop, calve, foal, kid
synnyttäminen :: birth (process of giving birth)
synnytys :: The act of giving birth; childbirth, parturition
synnytyslaitos :: maternity ward
synnytysoppi :: obstetrics
synnytyssupistus :: contraction of labour, contraction (strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth)
synnytystuska :: birth pang
synodi :: synod
synodinen :: synodic
synonymia :: synonymy [quality of being synonymous]
synonyymi :: synonym, as a word meaning the same as another word
synonyymisanakirja :: A thesaurus (book of synonyms)
synoptinen :: synoptic (pertaining to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke)
synoptinen :: synoptic (of data, obtained simultaneously over a wide area)
synt. :: syntyään
synt. :: syntynyt
syntaksi :: syntax
syntaktinen :: syntactic
synteesi :: A synthesis
synteettinen :: synthetic
synteettinen kuitu :: synthetic fiber
synteettisesti :: synthetically
syntesoida :: alternative form of syntetisoida
syntetisaattori :: synthesizer
syntetisoida :: To synthesise/synthesize
syntetisoitua :: To be synthesized
synti :: sin
syönti :: eating
syöntiaika :: feeding time
syntiinlankeemus :: the Fall (fall of humanity into the state of sin)
syntinen :: Sinful (of or relating to sin)
syntinen :: Sinful (charecterized by sin)
syntinen :: A sinner (person who has committed sin)
syntipukki :: scapegoat (one held responsible for something negative)
syntisempi :: comparative form of syntinen
synttärit :: birthday party
syntyä :: To arise, develop, spring up, break out, originate, come into being/existence
syntyä :: To be born
syntyä :: To be made, produced, generated (to be produced as a result of a chemical or physical process)
synty :: birth
synty :: origin, genesis, beginning
synty :: short for syntyminen, the establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, etc
syntyaika :: The time of building, birth, etc
syntyinen :: -born, of birth; used only as headword of compound terms
syntyisin :: born, by birth (used to indicate some qualifier related to the origins of a person, idea or thing)
syntyjään :: alternative form of syntyään
syntymä :: (Same as syntyminen): birth
syntymäaika :: birthday
syntymäaika :: time of birth, date of birth
syntymäasu :: birthday suit (nakedness)
syntyminen :: birth
syntyminen :: (Often left untranslated) The establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, incurrence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, debt, etc
syntymämerkki :: A birthmark
syntymäpaikka :: birthplace
syntymäpäivä :: annual birthday
syntymäpäivä :: birthdate, date of birth
syntymäpäivälahja :: birthday gift, birthday present
syntymäpuku :: birthday suit (nakedness)
syntymätön :: unborn
syntymätodistus :: birth certificate
syntymävika :: birth defect
syntymävuosi :: birth year (the year when one was born)
syntyään :: by birth
syntyperä :: birth, origin
syntyperäinen :: native (born in a given place)
syntyvuosi :: year of birth
syntyvyys :: birthrate, natality (ratio of live births to population)
säynävä :: ide (Leuciscus idus)
syöpä :: cancer
syöpäkasvain :: tumour/tumor (cancer)
syöpäkääryle [colloquial, humorous] :: cancer stick (cigarette)
syöpäkudos :: cancer tissue, cancerous tissue (tissue consisting of cancer cells)
syöpäläinen :: Any parasitic insect, especially an ectoparasite of humans or animals; a vermin
syöppö :: glutton (excessive eater)
syöppö :: guzzler, gas guzzler (vehicle that consumes a lot of fuel)
syöpäpesäke :: cancerous growth, cancerous focus (occurrence of cancerous tissue, the total amount of cancerous tissue in one spot)
syöppöys :: excessive consumption (of fuel etc.)
syöppöys :: gluttony
sypressi :: A cypress (any of the coniferous trees in the genus Cupressus), especially the Mediterranean species Cupressus sempervirens, also known as aitosypressi, in English, graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress, or Tuscan cypress
syöpäsolu :: cancer cell
syöpävaara :: cancer risk
syöpyä :: To eat into, erode (soil), corrode (metal)
syreeni :: lilac (flower)
syrinx :: panpipes (instrument)
syrjä :: border
syrjä :: edge
syrjä :: shoulder of a road
syrjä :: side
syrjä- :: back (far from the main area)
syrjähyppy :: betrayal, act of infidelity (in a relationship)
syrjiä :: To discriminate against
syrjäinen :: remote, back (far from the main area)
syrjintä :: discrimination (e.g. racial or against foreigners)
syrjäisyys :: remoteness
syrjivä :: discriminatory
syrjään :: aside
syrjääni :: Komi (person)
syrjääni :: Komi, Zyrian (language)
syrjäseutu :: periphery (region)
syrjäyttää :: to marginalize (to relegate, especially a group of people, to the margins)
syrjäyttää :: to supersede
syrjäyttää :: to supplant, replace, displace
syrjäytyä :: To become marginalized
syrjäytyminen :: marginalization
säyseä :: docile
säyseästi :: docilely
säyseys :: docility
sysiä :: to thrust or push with something repeatedly or continuously
sysi :: A piece of charcoal
sysi :: Especially when in plural (sydet), charcoal as material
sysimusta :: pitch black
sysiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius anthracinus
syslinki :: third cousin
sysäri :: blank firing adaptor: when shooting wood bullets (blank), it makes them explode and thus harmless
syöstä :: to throw, plunge
sysätä :: ~ syy: to scapegoat (to blame someone for an error of someone else)
sysätä :: to push, thrust
systeemi :: a metasyntactic term that can be used instead of almost any noun
systeemi :: system
systeeminen :: systemic
systeemisuunnittelu :: systems design
systeemitekniikka :: systems engineering
systeemiteoria [engineering, math] :: systems theory
systemaatikko :: systematist
systemaattinen :: systematic
systemaattisesti :: systematically
systematiikka :: systematics
systematisoida :: To organize
systemoida :: To systematize
systeri :: sister, sissy
systolinen :: systolic
sysäyksittäin :: by fits and starts
sysäys :: impetus
sysäysputkimoottori :: pulsejet
syt :: suurin yhteinen tekijä (greatest common divisor)
syöte :: feed
syöte :: input
syötin :: A feeder (device that feeds something, typically raw material to a process)
sytkäri :: A lighter (cigarette lighter)
syto- :: cyto-
sytokiini [protein, immunology] :: cytokine
sytologia :: cytology
sytoplasma :: cytoplasm
sytosiini :: cytosine
syöttää :: to pitch
syöttää :: enter (to type into a computer)
syöttää [soccer, football, ice hockey, etc.] :: to pass
syöttää :: to serve
syöttää :: to feed
syöttö :: An assist, as a statistical recognition of making a pass that leads directly towards scoring
syöttö :: A pass
syöttö :: A serve or a service, as the act of putting the ball in play in various games. The choice of word depends on game in question
syöttely :: passing (act of passing a ball, puck etc. to another person back and forth for fun)
syöttely :: passing (form of joggling)
syötti :: bait
syöttäjä [baseball, pesäpallo] :: A pitcher
syöttäjä [cricket] :: A bowler
syöttäjä :: feeder
syöttäjä [shuttlecock] :: A server
syöttää pajunköyttä [idiomatic + allative] :: To lie to (literally: "to feed (someone) with willow rope")
syöttötuoli :: highchair
syttyä :: to become interested, enthuse
syttyä :: to ignite, be ignited, catch fire (to commence burning)
syttyä [of lights] :: to be turned on
syttyä :: to break out (to begin suddenly, especially of war or other unrest)
syttyminen :: ignition (instance of catching fire)
syttymislämpötila :: ignition temperature
syttymispiste :: ignition temperature
syttyvä :: combustible (capable of burning)
syötävä :: edible, comestible (suitable to be eaten)
syötävä :: used as fortifier with some adjectives, e.g. syötävän hyvä, syötävän kaunis
syötävä :: food
sytyke :: tinder, primer (something used to light up a fire.)
sytytin :: detonator
sytytin :: lighter, cigarette lighter
sytyttää :: To grasp, comprehend, get it
sytyttää :: To detonate, to trigger
sytyttää :: To ignite (to activate a spark plug in an internal combustion engine)
sytyttää :: To light, kindle, ignite, set on fire, set fire to, burn, inflame, set ablaze, torch
sytyttää :: To switch on, turn on (the lights)
sytyttää :: To turn on (to attract, give pleasure, or encourage)
sytyttäminen :: ignition
sytytys :: ignition
sytytyslanka :: A fuse (a cord that conveys fire to an explosive device)
sytytyspuola :: An ignition coil; a part in the ignition system of an internal combustion engine that produces the high voltage required by the spark plugs
sytytystulppa :: A spark plug
syvä :: deep
syvä :: deep-water
syvempi :: comparative form of syvä
syvennys :: inset, recess
syventää :: To deepen; to make deeper
syventyä :: to deepen, become deeper (in a certain direction), especially of water
syventyä :: to immerse oneself in
syvetä :: To deepen
syvin :: superlative form of syvä
syväkivi :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock
syväkivilaji :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock (specific type of abyssal or plutonic rock)
syväkurkku :: Deep Throat
syvällä :: (located at) deep
syvällinen :: profound
syvämeri :: deep sea
syvään :: deeply
syvänkö :: A depression that is below the sea level
syvänmerenkala :: abyssal fish
syvänne :: deep (relatively small deep area in the bottom of a sea or lake)
syvänne :: trench (long, narrow and steep depression in the bottom of the sea)
syväsatama :: A deep-water harbour
syvästi :: deeply
syväys :: draft (depth of water required by a ship)
syövyttää :: To corrode (by acid or alkali)
syvyys :: depth
syvyysnäkö :: depth perception
syvyyspommi :: depth charge
syy :: fault
syy :: fibre
syy :: filament
syy :: grain (linear texture of a material or surface); used in plural (syyt)
syy :: reason
syyhyä :: alternative form of syyhytä
syyhy :: A heavy and/or persistent itch, as a physical sensation on the skin, whatever the cause may be
syyhy [pathology, rare] :: mange, scab (animal disease similar to scabies)
syyhy :: scabies (human skin condition caused by parasitic mites)
syyhyinen :: scabby (infested with scabies)
syyhypunkki :: itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, the species of mite that causes scabies
syyhytä :: To itch
syyhyttää :: to itch
syylä :: wart
syyllinen :: Guilty
syyllinen :: Guilty party, offender, culprit
syyllinen :: Perpetrator
syyllistää :: To accuse, claim (sb) guilty, blame, put the blame on
syyllistyä :: To perpetrate, commit, be guilty of
syyllisyys :: guilt (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
syyni :: inspection
syyntakeeton :: not criminally responsible
tä :: what (exclamation used to express stupefaction or failure to understand somebody else's words)
-t :: Forms the accusative forms of the personal pronouns and the interrogative pronoun ken
-t :: Forms the nominative plural
-t :: Forms the second person singular of verbs
-ta :: A suffix for the partitive singular case
-ta :: Forms verbs from nouns
taa [poetic, dialectal] :: Of movement, behind; a shorter form of taakse
-taa :: Forms causative verbs
-taa :: Forms verbs from nouns and adjectives
taaempi :: alternative form of taempi
taaimmaksi :: farthest back (transferring to the position which is most distant from the speaker and behind comparable items)
taaimpana :: farthest back (being in the position which is most distant from the speaker and behind comparable items)
taain :: alternative form of tain (located farthest back, behind other objects)
taaja :: thick, dense
taajaan :: densely, thickly
taajalti :: densely
taajama :: A (densely) populated community, a population centre
taajasti :: densely
taajentaa :: To make more frequent
taajeta :: To become denser
taajuus :: frequency
taajuusalue :: band (part of radio spectrum)
taajuuskaista :: frequency band, frequency range
taajuusmodulaatio :: frequency modulation
taakka :: burden
taakka :: pack
taakse :: abaft, astern
taakse :: Of movement, behind:
taakse :: abaft, aft, astern of
taakse :: Of movement, behind
taakseen :: back, behind (oneself) (towards the back)
taaksepäin :: In the direction towards the back, backward
taala :: dollar, buck
taamoa :: [reindeer herding] To tame
taannehtiva :: Ex post facto, retroactive (of a law or another decision made by an official)
taannoin :: recently
taannoinen :: recent
taantua :: To revert
taantuma :: A recession, depression, economic downturn
taantumuksellinen :: reactionary (very conservative)
taapero :: toddler
taapertaa :: To toddle
taaplata :: to stack planks
taara [transport] :: tare (empty weight of a container)
taarata :: to tare
taaraus :: The act of taring
taari :: Alternative term for ruskolevä
taari :: beer
taari :: kvass
taaro :: taro
taas :: again
taas kerran :: once again (once more, one more time, but probably not the last time)
taaskin :: again, once again
taata :: grandfather
taata :: old man
taata :: To warrant; to guarantee
taateli :: date (fruit)
taatelipalmu :: A date palm
taatti :: The Tat language
taatto :: grandfather
taatto :: father
taattu :: guaranteed
taatusti :: certainly
Taava :: female given name
taavetti :: davit (crane to sling a lifeboat, maintenance trapeze etc)
Taavetti :: male given name
Taavi :: male given name, short form of Taavetti ( =David)
tabascokastike :: Tabasco sauce
tabasko :: tabasco (hot sauce)
tabaskopippuri :: tabasco pepper (particular variety of chili pepper)
tabernaakkeli :: tabernacle (portable tent used by the Jewish before the construction of the temple of Jeusalem)
tabernaakkeli :: tabernacle (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist in a Roman Catholic church)
tabernaakkeli :: tabernacle (sukkah, booth used during the Jewish feast of Sukkot)
Tabita :: Tabitha
tablatuuri :: tablature
tabletti :: tablet, tablet computer
tabletti :: pill, tablet
tabletti :: place mat (protective table mat for a single setting of plates and dishes)
tabloidi :: tabloid
tabu :: taboo
tabulaattori :: tabulator, tab
tabulatuuri :: tablature
tabuloida :: To tabulate
Tšad :: Chad (country)
Tšad :: Chad (lake)
Tadžikistan :: Tajikistan
tadikko :: pitchfork
tšadilainen :: Chadian (of or pertaining to Chad)
tšadilainen :: Chadian (person)
tšador :: chador (loose robe worn by Moslem women, especially in Iran)
tae :: guarantee
tae :: Something made of wrought iron, a forged object
taekwondoin :: taekwondoka (person skilled in taekwondo)
taempi :: further/farther behind, hinder (comparative of hind)
taeta [relatively rare] :: To go backwards, retrogress (temporally or locally)
taffelipiano :: square piano
tafti :: taffeta (crisp, smooth plain-woven fabric used e.g. in gowns, slips, curtains)
tag :: alternative form of tagi
tagaali :: Tagalog (member of the second largest Filipino ethnic group)
tagalog :: Tagalog (language)
tšagatai :: Chagatai (extinct Turkic language)
tagi :: tag (graffiti)
tahallaan :: intentionally, on purpose, purposely, deliberately
tahallinen :: deliberate, intentional
tahallisesti :: intentionally, on purpose, purposely
tahansa :: Used with interrogative pronouns (kuka, mikä, missä, milloin, millainen, kumpi etc.) to indicate that a choice between available options (which may be infinite) is indifferent or arbitrary in at least one respect; the English equivalents include any, -ever and either
tahaton :: unintended, involuntary, unintentional, unplanned, inadvertent
tahdas :: dough
tahdikas :: tactful, discreet
tahdikkuus :: tactfulness, discreetness
tahdistaa :: to synchronise/synchronize
tahdistin :: pacemaker
tahdistin :: synchronizer
tahditon :: tactless
tahdittaa :: To set the pace
tahdittomasti :: tactlessly
tahdon :: I do (a traditional phrase said upon acceptance of marriage)
tahdonvaltainen :: dispositive (that may be decided freely between or by parties)
tahdonvoima :: willpower
tahdoton :: Involuntary; without or having no free will
tahi :: (coordinating; law) or
tahikka :: alternative form of tahi
tahko :: face
tahko :: grindstone
tahko [of a, cheese] :: wheel
tahkoa :: to effectively earn something
tahkoa :: to use a grindstone
tahma :: gunk, goo (sticky substance)
tahmaantua :: To become sticky
tahmainen :: sticky
tahmariisi :: sticky rice, glutinous rice
tahmata :: To jam, block, to make something to stuck
tahmata :: to make sticky
tahmautua :: alternative form of tahmaantua
tahmea :: sticky, gooey, tacky
tahmentaa :: To make stickier, make more viscous
tahmeta :: To become stickier
tahmeus :: stickiness, tack
tahna :: paste
taho :: direction
taho :: facet
tahokas :: polyhedron
tahra :: A speck of dirt, blemish, blot
tahraantua :: To get dirty, blemished
tahrainen :: stained
tahrata :: To dirty, foul, defile
tahrata maineensa :: to have egg on one's face
tahraton :: spotless, stainless
tahraton :: unblemished
tahrattomuus :: spotlessness
tahrautua :: alternative form of tahraantua
tahria :: to smudge
tahriintua :: To be stained (lose reputation)
tahriintua :: To get dirty, be soiled
tahriintumaton :: spotless
tahti :: bar [musical section]
tahti :: pace, rate, rhythm
tahtilaji :: meter (number of beats in a measure)
tahtilaji :: time signature (numerical sign that indicates the meter)
tahtimittari :: metronome
tahtipuikko :: A baton
tahtiviiva :: bar line
tahto :: will
tahtoa :: to tend (to have a tendency to)
tahtoa [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: to want (to do something)
tahtoa :: to want
tai :: [coordinating; in affirmative clauses] or:
taianomainen :: magical (wonderful, amazing or incredible)
taide :: art
taidegalleria :: An art gallery
taidehistoria :: art history
taidehistorioitsija :: art historian (expert in the history of art)
taidekokoelma :: art collection
taidelainaamo :: art rental shop
taidemaalari :: painter (artist)
taidemuseo :: art museum
taidenäyttely :: art exhibition
taideteos :: artwork, work of art
taidetoimikunta :: art committee (body responsible for art purchases of an organization)
taidetoimikunta :: arts council (in Finnish government, a board responsible for distributing the public funds reserved for promotion of art)
taidokas :: skillful, skilled
taidoton :: unskilled
taifuuni :: typhoon
taiga :: taiga
Taija :: female given name
taika :: magic
taika :: spell, enchantment
taikaneliö :: magic square
taikapeili :: magic mirror
taikasana :: A magic word, open sesame
taikasauva :: magic wand
taikatemppu :: magic trick
taikausko :: superstition (a set of beliefs that future events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way)
taikauskoinen :: superstitious
taikauskoisesti :: superstitiously
taikauskoisuus :: superstition
taikavarpu :: A divining rod
taikina :: batter
taikina :: dough, paste
taikinajuuri :: starter dough
taikinamarja :: alpine currant (Ribes alpinum)
taikinoida :: To cover or wrap, wholly or in part, in dough
taikka :: or
taikoa :: To conjure, perform magic tricks
taikoa :: ~ (esiin) = to conjure up
taikoa :: To turn (into = translative; by using magic)
taikonautti :: A taikonaut
taikuri :: A magician, conjurer/conjuror
taikuus :: magic
taimen :: brown trout (Salmo trutta)
taimi :: A sapling (young tree)
taimi :: A seedling (any young plant grown from the seed)
Taimi :: female given name
taimikko :: A recently planted forest; group of saplings
tain :: The most posterior
Taina :: female given name
tainnuttaa :: to stun
taintua :: to faint
taipale :: alternative form of taival
taipua [grammar, of an adjective, noun] :: To be declinable
taipua [grammar, of a verb] :: To (be) conjugate(d)
taipua :: To become curved, to bend
taipua :: To change one's opinion due to external influence, to give in or bend
taipuisa :: bendy, pliable, supple
taipumaton :: (mentally) inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, unbending
taipumaton [of a word] :: indeclinable
taipumaton :: (physically, mentally) inflexible
taipumus :: tendency
taipuva :: bendable, pliable, flexible (able to be bent, flexed or twisted without breaking)
taipuva :: inflectable (that can be inflected)
taipuvainen :: inclined (having a tendency, preference, likelihood, or disposition)
taipuvaisempi :: comparative form of taipuvainen
taipuvaisin :: superlative form of taipuvainen
taira :: tayra (Eira barbara)
taistelija :: A combatant
taistelija :: A fighter (someone who fights)
taistelija :: A warrior
taistella [figuratively, + partitive + vastaan] :: To combat, fiercely counteract
taistella :: To fight, compete, contest (usually followed by the goal, e.g. voitosta, "for the victory")
taistella :: To fight, struggle (to contend in physical conflict; with weapons; if the enemy is mentioned, it is in the partitive case, followed by the postposition vastaan)
taistelu :: A battle
taistelu :: A combat
taistelu :: A fight
taistelu :: A struggle
taistelu :: An engagement (actual instance of active hostilities)
taisteluaine :: A chemical or biological substance other than explosive which is or may be used as weapon
taisteluhansikas :: A gauntlet
taisteluharjoitus :: A combat exercise (small-scale rehearsal of military maneuvers as practice for warfare)
taisteluhelikopteri :: attack helicopter
taistelukenkä :: combat boot
taistelukenttä :: A battlefield
taistelukirves :: A battle axe
taistelukärki :: A warhead
taistelukukko :: gamecock (fighting cock)
taistelulaiva :: battleship
taistelulaji :: A martial art
taistelumarssi :: tab (fast march or run with full kit)
taistelunhaluinen :: pugnacious
taistelupanssarivaunu :: A main battle tank
taistelutanner :: battleground
taistelu-urheilu :: combat sport
taisteluväline :: ordnance
taisteluväsymys :: combat fatigue
taisto :: A battle
taisto :: A fight
Taisto :: male given name
taistolainen :: A follower of taistolaisuus
taitaa [active past part. taitanut] :: to know, master, command, have a command of, have a proficiency in
taitaa [auxiliary + infinitive, active past part. taitanut or tainnut] :: to probably do, think that one does
taitaja :: whiz (someone who is remarkably skilled at something)
taitava :: Expert, skilled, skillful, capable, able, experienced; competent, proficient
taitavasti :: ably (with great ability)
taitavasti :: skillfully (with great skill)
taitavuus :: proficiency, skill, competence
taite :: fold
taite :: turn (e.g. vuosisadan taitteessa, at the turn of the century)
taiteellinen :: Artistic; relating to arts
taiteellisesti :: artistically
taiteellisuus :: The quality of being artistic
taiteenfilosofia :: art philosophy
taiteikas :: skillful
taiteilija :: artist (person who creates art)
taiteilijatar :: female artist
taiteilijatar :: paintress (female painter)
taiteilla :: To walk a tightrope (to undertake a precarious course of action)
taiteilla :: To do something that demonstrates high skill, especially with one's hands or by performing a tricky set of motions
taiteilla :: To produce a work of art such as a skillful drawing or painting (but not e.g. a piece of music or literature)
taitekatto :: A gambrel roof
taitekerroin :: refractive index
taitekulma :: angle of refraction (angle between the perpendicular and a ray refracted at a surface)
taiten :: in a tactful manner
taiten :: with skill
taito :: art (skill attained by study, practice, or observation)
taito :: skill
Taito :: male given name
taitolento :: aerobatics
taitoluistelu :: figure skating
taitoniekka :: master, whiz
taitopeli :: game of skill (A game in which the outcome depends mainly on the physical and mental skills of the players)
taitos :: fold, crease
taitotieto :: know-how
taitse [lb, fi, with genitive, rare, or, dialectal] :: by the back of (when one goes through the space that is behind something):
taittaa :: ~ matka = to do/cover a trip
taittaa :: To refract (light; to cause light to change direction)
taittaa :: To break (e.g. one's leg)
taittaa :: To fold (e.g. paper)
taittaa :: To lay out (a page of a newspaper)
taitto [publishing] :: layout
taittovika [ophthalmology] :: refractive error
taittua :: To break (due to bending)
taittua :: To fold
taittua :: To refract
taittuvateräinen :: Having a folding blade
taituri :: master, whiz
taiturikultarinta :: melodious warbler, Hippolais polyglotta
taiturillisuus :: wizardry (great ability in some specified field)
taiturimaisuus :: wizardry (great ability in some specified field)
taiturimatkija :: northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos
taituruus :: wizardry (great ability in some specified field)
taivaallinen :: celestial
taivaallinen :: divine
taivaallinen :: heavenly
taivaanekvaattori :: The celestial equator
taivaankansi :: firmament
taivaankappale :: A celestial body, heavenly body
taivaanmekaniikka :: celestial mechanics
taivaanpallo :: The celestial sphere
taivaanrannan maalari :: daydreamer(one who wastes time daydreaming)
taivaanranta :: horizon
taivaanranta :: skyline
taivaansininen :: azure, sky-blue
taivaantähystäjä :: stargazer, a fish in the family Uranoscopidae
taivaanvuohi :: common snipe, Gallinago gallinago
taivaaseenastuminen :: Ascension (entry of Jesus Christ into heaven after his resurrection)
taival :: passage (part of journey)
taivaltaa :: to travel (especially by foot)
taivas :: heaven
taivas :: sky
taivaspallo :: armillary sphere
taivassukellus :: skydive (instance)
taivassukellus :: skydiving (art, sport and practice)
taivastella :: to wonder, complain
taive :: bend, crook
taivo :: sky, heaven
taivukas :: layer (a shoot of a plant, laid underground for growth)
taivuksiin :: bent, bending (to the bent state)
taivuksissa :: bent
taivutin [machinery] :: A bender (device to aid bending of pipes etc. to a specific angle)
taivuttaa :: To conjugate (a verb)
taivuttaa :: To decline (an adjective / a noun)
taivuttaa :: To inflect (a word)
taivuttaa :: To make something curved, to bend
taivuttaa :: To persuade or bend somebody to change their opinion or make up their mind for something
taivutus :: Conjugation (act of conjugating a verb)
taivutus :: Declension (act of listing the inflections of a noun, pronoun or adjective in order)
taivutus :: Inflection (change in the form of a word )
taivutus :: The act of bending
taivutusluokka :: declension (way of categorizing nouns, pronouns, or adjectives according to the inflections they receive)
taivutusmuoto :: inflected form
Taiwan :: Taiwan
taiwanilainen :: Taiwanese
taiwanilainen :: A Taiwanese person
taiwaninmakaki :: Taiwan macaque (Macaca cyclopis)
taju :: consciousness
taju :: sense
tajuihinsa :: illative plural form of taju (consciousness) with third person possessive suffix. Used especially in the expression (possessive suffix chosen according to person):
tajuinen :: conscious; used mostly as head in compound terms
tajuissaan :: olla tajuissaan to be conscious (sense: alert, awake)
tajunta :: consciousness
tajuta :: To dig (to understand or show interest in)
tajuta :: to get the idea of something, to grasp
tajuta :: to realize (become aware of something)
tajuton :: unconscious
tajuttomuus :: unconsciousness
taka :: In the expression omasta takaa the word refers to self-support
taka :: the backside
taka- :: A prefix signifying back, rear or hind
takaa :: from behind (both abstractly and concretely)
takaa :: From behind
takaa-ajo :: chase, pursuit
takaaja :: guarantor (one that gives a guarantee)
taka-ajatus :: hidden agenda
taka-ajatus :: ulterior motive
taka-ala :: A background, mainly as a physical place
takaapäin :: From behind
takaapäin [sex] :: doggy style
takaheitto :: metathesis
takahuone :: backroom
takainen :: located behind something
takaisin :: Back
takaisin [colloquial, static] :: Back
takaisinkäännös :: back-translation (text that is translated from a translation back to its original language)
takaisinkääntäminen :: back-translation (activity of translating a translated text back to the original language)
takaisinkytkentä :: feedback
takaisinmallinnus :: reverse-engineering
takaisinmallintaa :: To reverse-engineer
takaisinosto :: buyback, repurchase
takaisinpäin :: backwards
takaisinsironta :: backscattering
takaisinsirota :: to backscatter
takaisku :: Setback
takaistuin :: back seat
takajalka :: hind leg
takakansi :: back cover
takakohtainen :: relative; as in relative pronoun
takakohtainen asemo :: relative pronoun
takakäpälä :: hind paw
takalisto :: The buttocks
takamaa :: hinterland, backwater
takamus :: behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks)
takana :: abaft, astern
takana :: [static] behind
takana :: around
takana :: abaft, aft of
takana :: astern of
takaneljännes :: hindquarter (rear half of a side of an animal)
takaosa :: back (the part of something that goes last)
takaovi :: A back door, (subsidiary entrance to a building or house at its rear)
takaovi :: A back door (anus)
takapajuinen :: underdeveloped, backward
takapajuisuus :: backwardness
takapajula :: middle of nowhere, backwater
takapeili :: rear-view mirror
takapenkki :: back seat (seat in the back)
takapenkki :: back seat (powerless position)
takaperin :: In the direction reverse to normal, backwards
takaperoinen :: backward (of a movement)
takaperoinen :: illogical, unpractical, backward, topsy-turvy (of a way of thinking or doing things)
takaperoisesti :: backwardly
takaperoisjohdos :: back-formation (word)
takaperoisjohto :: back-formation (process)
takaperoisuus :: backwardness
takapiha :: backyard
takapolvi :: hind knee
takapolvi :: stifle (hind knee of various mammals)
takaportti :: A rear gate (a gate at the back of a yard)
takaportti :: A trapdoor or backdoor (secret access to a program)
takapotku :: back beat
takapuoli [lb, fi, anatomy] :: behind, bottom, bum, buttocks, backside
takapuoli :: rear, backside, behind of something
takaraaja :: hind limb
takaraivo :: The back of the skull
takaraivolohko :: occipital lobe
takaraivoluu :: occipital bone
takaraivonluu :: occipital bone
takaraja :: deadline
takaraja :: rear boundary or limit
takaruumis :: abdomen (of an arthropod)
takasatula :: pillion (pad behind the saddle of a horse for a second rider; second saddle on a motorcycle)
takaseinä :: back wall (wall forming the hind side of a structure)
takasääriluu :: cannon bone (metatarsal bone of a horse)
takastaagi :: backstay
takatalvi :: Recurring wintry weather in spring
takatasku :: rear pocket, hip pocket
takauma :: flashback
takaus :: guarantee, guaranty (undertaking to answer for the payment of a debt, or the performance of a contract or duty, of another, in case of the failure of such other to pay or perform)
takautuvasti :: retroactively
takavalo :: taillight
takavarikko :: confiscation, seizure
takavarikoida :: To confiscate
takavarikointi :: confiscation
takaveto :: rear-wheel drive
takavetoinen :: rear-wheel drive (being rear-wheel driven)
takavetoisuus :: rear-wheel drive (quality of being rear-wheel driven)
takavokaali :: A back vowel; a vowel which is pronounced so that the tongue is drawn back, as in Finnish a, o and u
takavuosi :: A year of the past; normally used in plural to denote past
Taškent :: Tashkent (capital of Uzbekistan)
takia :: because of, due to
takiainen :: burdock
takila :: rig
takiloida :: To rig (a ship)
takimmainen :: most behind
takini :: takin, Budorcas taxicolor
takinkääntö :: tergiversation (act of abandoning something or someone, of changing sides; desertion; betrayal)
takinkääntö :: volte-face, backflip, somersault, U-turn (reversal of policy, attitude or principle)
takinkääntäjä :: turncoat
takioni :: tachyon
takka :: fireplace
takkahuone :: fireplace room
takki :: coat
takki :: jacket
takkirauta :: pig iron
takku :: tangle, frizz (mass of tightly curled hair)
takkuilla :: frequentative form of takuta
takkuilu :: unsmooth operation of a process caused by any reason
takkuinen :: tangled, straggly
taklaaja :: tackler
taklata :: to tackle
taklaus :: In ice hockey, checking
tšakma :: alternative spelling of tsakma
takoa :: To beat, pound, hammer
takoa :: To forge
takoja :: forger (one who operates a forge)
takoja :: hammerer (one who hammers)
takometri :: A tachometer
takomo :: forging plant (an industrial scale facility for forging metals)
takoniitti :: taconite (low-grade flint-like iron ore)
takorauta :: wrought iron
tšakra [Hinduism] :: alternative spelling of chakra
taksa :: fee
taksamerkki :: at sign, when used in the sense "at the rate of"
taksamittari :: taximeter
taksi :: taxi
taksia :: taxis (movement of an organism in response to a stimulus)
taksiasema :: taxi stand
taksikuski :: A cabdriver, a cabby
taksimies :: taxi driver
taksinkuljettaja :: taxi driver, cabdriver
taksisuhari :: cabbie
taksitolppa :: taxi pole, taxi stand
taksonomia :: taxonomy
taksonominen :: taxonomic
taktiikka :: tactic, tactics
taktikko :: A tactician
taktikoida :: To maneuver
taktinen :: tactical
takuta :: to get tangled, to jam (to be congested, slow or difficult)
takuu :: guarantee (anything that assures a certain outcome)
takuu :: guarantee (written declaration that a product will be fit for a purpose and work correctly)
takuu [lb, fi, usually in plural] :: bail bond, bail (surety or money posted as bail)
takuu :: warrant
takuu :: warranty (engagement or undertaking, that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is, or shall be, as it is expressly implied or promised to be)
takuuaika :: guarantee period
takuulla :: most certainly
takuutalletus :: security deposit (amount of money paid in advance as security against the payor's non-performance of a contractual obligation)
takykardia :: tachycardia
takykiniini :: tachykinin
takymetri :: A tachymeter
takyoni :: alternative form of takioni
talamokortikaalinen [anatomy, pathology] :: thalamocortical (relating to, or connecting the thalamus and the cerebral cortex)
talamus :: thalamus
talas :: A kind of simple shelter for boats
talentti :: talent (unit of weight and money)
tali :: sebum (thick oily substance, secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin)
tali :: suet (fatty tissue that surrounds and protects the kidneys)
tali :: tallow (hard animal fat obtained from suet)
taliaivo :: blockhead, idiot
talikko :: digging fork, fork, manure fork
talinen :: sebaceous (exhibiting the presence of tallow, greasy)
talinvuoto :: seborrhea (skin disorder)
talipää :: blockhead, idiot
talirauhanen :: sebaceous gland
talismaani :: talisman
talitiainen [bird] :: great tit
talitintti [colloquial, bird] :: great tit
talja :: fleece (garment)
talja :: hide (prepared skin of an animal)
talja :: tackle (a system of ropes and blocks (pulleys))
taljasto :: tackle (system of ropes and blocks)
talkita :: To spread talc on
talkki :: talc
talkkuna :: kama, Finnish/Estonian finely milled flour mixture
talkoot :: Alternative term for talkootyö
talkoot :: bee (gathering for carrying out a major task, such as harvesting or construction)
talkootyö :: volunteering, volunteer work (work done by volunteers)
talkootyö :: work performed in the form of talkoot
talla :: bridge of a string instrument
tallaaja :: stomper
tallaantua :: alternative form of tallautua
tallata :: To stomp, pad
tallautua :: To be trampled
tallella :: left
tallelokero :: a safe deposit box
tallenne :: A record, recording
tallennin :: recorder (apparatus)
tallennusväline :: storage device (piece of hardware whose main function is to store data)
tallentaa :: To capture (to store, as in sounds or image, for later revisitation)
tallentaa :: To download (to transfer a file/files to removable media)
tallentaa :: To record (to make a record or recording)
tallentaa :: To save or to file (to store a datafile on a storage medium)
tallentamaton :: unsaved
tallentamaton :: unrecorded
tallentua :: to be recorded
tallessa :: safe, secure (in a safe place, free from the danger of theft)
tallete :: deposit
tallettaa :: to deposit
tallettaa :: to store
talletus :: A deposit (asset left to the care of someone)
talli [car racing] :: team
talli :: garage
talli :: stable
tallikaveri [motor sports] :: teammate (member of same motor sports team)
tallikaveri :: stablemate
tallimestari :: equerry
tallimestari :: stablemaster, stable master, head groom
Tallinna :: Tallinn
tallipäitset :: A halter (horse's headgear)
tallitonttu :: An elf said to inhabit the stables and take care of animals
tallium :: thallium
talloa :: To stomp
tallukas :: A traditional Finnish footwear
tallukka :: Same as tallukas
talo :: farm, homestead
talo :: building
talo :: house
talon etu [gambling] :: hold (the percentage the house wins on a gamble as an average)
talonmies :: A janitor, caretaker (someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a building)
talonpoika :: pawn
talonpoika :: farmer (non-dependent person who earns his living by cultivating his own or rented land)
talonpoikainen :: peasantly
talonpoikaiskapina :: peasant revolt, peasant uprising, peasant rebellion
talonvaltaaja :: squatter
talonvaltaus :: squatting
taloudellinen :: economic
taloudellinen :: financial
taloudellinen :: prudent, frugal, thrifty
taloudellisesti :: economically (in an economical manner)
taloudellisesti :: economically (in an economic manner)
taloudenhoitaja :: char, charwoman, charlady, cleaning lady (similar, but the tasks are less responsible, such as cleaning)
taloudenhoitaja :: matron, housekeeper (person employed to run someone else's household)
talous :: economy
talous :: finance
talous :: household
talousalue :: economic region (often vaguely defined geographic region within which economic actors are interdependent on each other; often centered by a major city)
talousapu :: economical aid, assistance
talousarvio :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure and revenue)
talouselämä :: economy
talousfolio :: aluminum foil, especially when packed for household use
taloushallinto :: financial management, financial administration
talousjohtaja :: financial director, chief financial officer
talouskasvu :: economic growth
talouskehitys :: economic development
talouskriisi :: economic crisis
talouskupla :: economic bubble (trade in products or assets with unreasonably inflated prices)
talouslama :: economic depression
talousmaantiede :: economic geography
talousmatematiikka :: mathematical economics
talouspakolainen :: economic refugee (person fleeing poverty)
talouspaperi :: kitchen paper, household towel, tissue (material: soft paper towel sold in rolls)
talouspaperi :: paper towel, kitchen towel, tissue (individual sheet)
talouspäällikkö :: financial manager
talouspoliittinen :: economic policy (of or pertaining to economic policy)
talouspolitiikka :: economic policy
taloussaarto :: economic blockade (blockade aimed at stopping the international trade of a country)
taloussooda :: washing soda, soda ash, Na2CO3
talousteoria [social sciences] :: economics
taloustiede :: economics (social science)
taloustieteellinen :: economical (related to economics)
taloustieteellisesti :: economically (pertaining to economics)
taloustieteilijä :: economist
taloustilanne :: economic situation
talousvaikeudet :: economic problems
talousvaikeus :: economic or financial difficulty / problem / trouble
taloyhtiö :: condominium (company established to own and govern one or more buildings, which may be residential or office building)
talsia :: to tramp
taltata :: to chisel
talteen :: safe, secure (into a safe place, out of the danger of theft)
taltio :: file copy
taltioida :: To record
taltiointi :: recording (reproduction of sound and or image on any media)
taltta :: A chisel
talttua :: to abate
taltuttaa :: To tame
talutin :: leash (animal restraint)
taluttaa :: To lead (a child, dog etc.)
taluttaa :: To walk (to push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks)
taluttaa :: To walk (to walk someone with a firm grip)
talutushihna :: leash, lead
talutusnuora :: leash, a rope to restrain an animal
talvehdittaa :: to winter
talvehtia :: to winter, overwinter (spend the winter in)
talvehtimissilmu :: turion, hibernaculum (wintering bud of certain aquatic plants)
talvella :: in the winter
talvempana :: Later in the winter
talveton :: winterless
talvi :: winter
talviaika :: standard time
talviaika :: wintertime
talviasuttava :: A building where one can live in winter
talvihorros :: The deep hibernation where the internal temperature of an animal is close to freezing point
talvijuurekas :: enoki mushroom, Flammulina velutipes (mushroom with a long, thin stem, used in East Asian cuisine)
talvikausi :: winter season
talvikisa :: in plural, Winter Olympics
talvikisa :: Any sports- or other competitive event held in winter
talvikisat :: Any winter sports event
talvikisat :: Winter Olympics
talvikki :: wintergreen (any of the evergreen herbaceous plants of the genus Pyrola in the family Ericaceae)
Talvikki :: female given name
talvikkiöljy :: oil of wintergreen
talvikuu :: Old Finnish name of December
talvilaji :: a winter sport
talviloma :: A winter break, winter vacation, winter holidays
talvinen :: wintry
talvio :: periwinkle
talviolympialaiset :: Winter Olympics, Olympic Winter Games
talvipäivä :: winter day
talvipäivänseisaus [calendar] :: winter solstice, midwinter
talvipuku :: winter coat (winter appearance of an animal]
talvirengas :: winter tire
talvisaika :: wintertime
talvisin :: superlative form of talvinen
talvisin :: during winters
talvisipuli :: spring onion, Japanese bunching onion, scallion or green onion; Allium fistulosum
talvisota :: The Winter War, fought between Finland and Soviet Union in 1939-40
talvisydän :: midwinter
talvitakki :: winter coat (warm coat)
talvitammi :: sessile oak (large deciduous tree, Quercus petraea)
talvitela :: winter track (caterpillar track designed for winter use)
talvitela :: in plural also (see: talvitelat), state of being stored for winter
talvitelat :: in adessive, ablative and allative cases only, state of being stored away for wintering; no direct English equivalent
talvitie :: winter road
talviturkki :: A thick fur coat intended to be used in winter
talviturkki :: winter coat (winter appearance of a furred animal)
talviuni :: winter sleep, hibernation, denning (winter rest of animals like bears)
talviurheilulaji :: winter sport event
talviyö :: winter night
tamaani :: hyrax (African rodent-resembling animal of the order Hyracoidea)
tamarao :: tamaraw, Bubalus mindorensis
tamariini :: tamarin
tambopatanmuura :: A bamboo antshrike
tamburiini :: tambourine
tamili :: A Tamil (person)
tamili :: Tamil (language)
tamili :: When used as modifier in a compound terms, Tamil (of or pertaining to Tamils, their culture or language)
tamma :: mare (adult female horse)
tammenrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius quietus
tammensavurousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius azonites
tammenterho :: acorn
tammi :: draughts, checkers
tammi :: oak
tammi :: pedunculate oak (Quercus robur)
Tammi :: Any of a number of small places in SW Finland (warm enough for oaks)
Tammi :: Finnish surname
tammihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula pseudointegra
tammihiiri :: garden dormouse, Eliomys quercinus. Despite its name it is not zoologically a mouse, but belongs to the family Gliridae (dormice)
tammihärkä :: stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
tammikuinen :: Pertaining to January
tammikuu :: January
tamminen :: oak, oaken (made from oak tree)
Tamminen :: Finnish surname
tamminkainen :: stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
tammisunnuntai :: The day when the Finnish civil war broke out, i.e. Sunday the 27th of January 1918
tammukka :: brown trout (Salmo trutta morph fario, Salmo trutta morph lacustris)
tammukka :: sea trout (Salmo trutta morph trutta)
tampata :: to tamp (to pack down by frequent gentle strokes)
Tampere :: Tampere
tamperelainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Tampere or its citizens
tamperelainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Tampere
tamponi :: tampon
tamppu :: the stem of an ear of grain
tanakka :: firm, strong (e.g. of a grip)
tanakka :: hearty, plentiful, nourishing, rich, abundant (of a meal, sufficient, at least quantity-wise)
tanakka :: steady (capable of keeping the balance or staying on its stead)
tanakka :: stocky, sturdy, beefy (of a person or an animal, solidly built, heavy and compact)
tanakka :: strong, stiff, stout, thick (of an object, materially strong)
tanakoitua :: To become sturdier
tanatologia :: thanatology
tandempyörä :: tandem (bicycle)
tandooriuuni :: tandoor
Taneli :: male given name
Tanganjikajärvi :: Lake Tanganyika
tangentiaalinen :: tangential
tangentti :: the push-to-talk button (PTT) in a two-way radio
tangentti [trigonometry] :: tangent
tangenttitaso :: tangent plane
tangeriini :: tangerine
tango :: tango
tangolaulaja :: tango singer
tangonreuna :: A hoist (the vertical edge of a flag closest to the staff)
tangrammi :: A tangram
tanhu :: A Finnish folk dance
tanhua :: stockyard
tanhuta :: To dance tanhu
Tanja :: female given name
tanka :: tanka (Japanese verse)
tankata :: to fuel
tankea :: stiff
tankkaus :: refueling, tanking up
tankkaustauko :: A pit stop (brief stop for fuel, rest, and refreshment during an automobile journey)
tankkeri :: tanker (vessel designed for carrying liquids)
tankki :: A tank, armor
tankki :: A tank (container)
tankkiauto :: tank truck (US), road tanker (UK), tanker (truck equipped with a tank for transporting liquids or sometimes powders)
tankkilaiva :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid)
tanko :: A pole (long stick)
tanko [ballet] :: A barre (handrail fixed to a wall to aid exercises)
tankojuoppo :: drunk driver of a bicycle etc
tankojuoppous :: drunk driving of a bicycle etc
tankotanssi :: pole dance
tanner :: field
tanner :: ground
Tanner :: Finnish surname
tanniini :: tannin
tanrekki :: tenrec (mammal of the family Tenrecidae, found in Madagascar and parts of African continent)
Tansania :: Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania)
tansaniitti :: tanzanite
tanska :: Danish (language)
Tanska :: Denmark
tanskalainen :: Danish, of or relating to Denmark
tanskalainen :: Danish, related to the Danish language:
tanskalainen :: Dane, Danish (person)
tanskandoggi :: Great Dane
tanskankielinen :: Danish-speaking
tanskankielinen :: Expressed in the Danish language
Tanskan kuningaskunta :: The Kingdom of Denmark
tanskantaa :: to translate into Danish
tanskatar :: A Danish woman
tanssi :: dance
tanssia :: To dance
tanssiaiset :: ball (dancing event)
tanssiaiset :: dance (social event)
tanssiaskel :: dance step
tanssija :: dancer
tanssijatar :: A female dancer
tanssikoulu :: dance school
tanssikurssi :: dancing course
tanssilattia :: dance floor
tanssiminen :: dancing
tanssiryhmä :: dance group
tanssisali :: ballroom (large room used for dancing and banquets)
tanssit :: dance (social event)
tanssitauti :: chorea
tanssittaa :: To dance with (someone), spin (someone around the floor)
tanssittaa :: To make someone dance
tantaali :: tantalum
tantere :: alternative form of tanner
tantrinen [Buddhism, yoga] :: tantric
tantta :: An elder, plump woman
tantti :: alternative form of tantta
tanu :: A traditional Finnish bonnet worn by women
tao :: tao
taoismi :: Taoism
taolainen :: Taoist
taolainen :: A Taoist
taolaisuus :: Taoism
taonta :: forging
taonta :: hammering, beating
taos :: That which has been forged, any product of the work of a blacksmith
taottaa :: to have forged by a smith
taottava :: ductile (capable to be shaped very thin)
taottava :: malleable (capable to be shaped by hammering, or by pressure)
taottavuus :: malleability
tapa :: custom
tapa :: habit
tapa :: manner
tapa :: way (to do a thing)
tapaaminen :: meeting, appointment, gathering, rendezvous, seeing
tapaamisoikeus :: access, visitation (right of a separated or divorced parent to visit a child)
tapahtua :: To happen, take place, occur, come about, come up
tapahtuma :: event, happening, occurrence, incident
tapahtumahorisontti [astrophysics] :: event horizon
tapahtumaketju :: A chain of events
tapahtumapaikka :: Venue, scene
tapahtumarikas :: eventful
tapahtumasarja :: A chain of events, cascade
tapahtunut tosiasia :: fait accompli
tapailla :: To date (to take someone on a series of dates)
tapainen :: mannered (as headword of a compound term: behaving in a way defined by the modifier)
tapainen :: resembling, similar, like
tapaluokka :: mood, grammatical mood, modus
tapani :: Boxing Day
Tapani :: male given name
tapaninpäivä :: Boxing Day
tapaoikeus :: common law
tapas :: An individual item of tapas; mostly used in plural
tapattaa :: to order to kill
tapaturma :: accident, particularly one resulting in injury or death
tapaturmaisesti :: accidentally
tapauksekas :: eventful
tapaus :: An event, incident, occurrence, occasion
tapaus :: (yksittäinen) ~ case, instance
tapauskohtainen :: case-by-case, on occasion
tapella :: To fight (to contend in physical conflict; without weapons, with fists etc.)
tapetoida :: to wallpaper, to paper (to apply wallpaper to)
tapetointi :: wallpapering
tapetti :: wallpaper
tapiiri :: tapir
Tapio :: male given name
Tapio [rare compared to given name] :: Finnish surname
Tapio :: The god of forest in Finnish mythology
tapioka :: tapioca (starchy foodstuff)
tapionherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus silvaticus
tapiseerata :: to wallpaper (to cover with wallpaper)
tapisoida :: to wallpaper
tapittaa :: to stare, ogle
tapittaa :: to peg (to fasten using pegs)
tappaa :: To kill, slay
tappaa aikaa :: To kill time
tappaa kaksi kärpästä yhdellä iskulla :: To kill two birds with one stone (literally: "to kill two flies with one slap")
tappaja :: killer, slayer
tappajaetana :: Spanish slug, Arion vulgaris (highly invasive slug species)
tappamattomuus :: nonkilling (moral principle)
tappaminen :: killing
tappara :: battle axe, axe (weapon)
tappelu :: A fight, as a heated verbal or physical dispute between two or more parties; an altercation; a wrangle
tappeluhalu :: alternative form of tappelunhalu
tappeluhaluinen :: alternative form of tappelunhaluinen
tappelukukko :: cockfighter
tappelupukari :: rowdy, brawler
tappi :: cone cell, short for tappisolu
tappi :: peg (cylindrical wooden, metal etc. object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects)
tappi :: peg (protrusion used to hang things on)
tappi :: pin, dowel (cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts)
tappi :: plug (any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole)
tappi :: stopper, bung (object to prevent fluid passing through the neck of a bottle, a hole in a vessel etc.)
tappi :: tap, spigot (pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask)
tappi :: tenon
tappihiiri :: pointing stick
tappiliitos :: mortise-and-tenon joint
tappio :: defeat
tappio :: operating loss
tappio :: loss, casualty
tappiollinen :: unprofitable
tappioputki :: A losing streak
tappisolu :: A cone cell
tappo :: Voluntary manslaughter under mitigating circumstances
tappo :: Killing or kill
tappo :: A manslaughter
tapporaha :: bounty, reward (reward for killing an unwanted animal, such as formerly paid for killing wolves in many countries)
tappouhkaus :: death threat
tappura :: Rough, low-quality fibres of hemp or cotton – waste fibres
tapsi :: wire trace
tapuli :: tower; storage
taputella :: to pat (baking and other uses), to clap, to applaud
taputtaa :: To applaud
taputtaa :: To pat
taputtaa :: To tap
taputus :: applause
taputus :: clapping
taputus :: pat, patting
-tar :: Forms the female counterpart of nouns indicating a person
tarakka :: The rear luggage carrier (rack) of a bicycle or moped or similar
taranteli :: tarantula
tarantella :: tarantula
tarha :: corral (enclosure for livestock)
tarha :: Short for lastentarha
tarha :: yard (enclosed area designated for a specific purpose, e.g. on farms)
tarhaherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus hortensis
tarhakäärme :: A colubrid, a snake of the family Colubridae
tarhamehiläinen :: honey bee, especially the western honey bee, Apis mellifera, which is the only honey bee species that survives the Finnish winter
tarhapapu :: common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris (herbaceous annual plant, grown for its edible bean)
tarhapöllö :: Tengmalm's owl or boreal owl, Aegolius funereus
tarhata :: To ranch, farm (animals in a farm)
tari :: tahr (any of three species of large Asian wild goats)
tariffi :: tariff (rate at which government-imposed duties on imports or exports are paid; a list of such duties, or the duties themselves)
tariffi :: tariff (schedule of rates, fees or prices; especially if determined by a public authority)
tariffoida :: to set a tariff
tarina :: story, tale
tarinankertoja :: storyteller
tarinoida :: To tell stories
tarita :: To offer
Tarja :: female given name
tarjeta :: To (be able to) withstand the cold, be warm enough (in order not to shiver with cold)
tarjoaja :: bidder
tarjoaja :: offeror
tarjoaja :: provider
tarjoilija :: server (unisex term for "waiter" and "waitress")
tarjoilija :: waiter (male], waitress (female) (server in a restaurant or similar)
tarjoilijatar :: A waitress
tarjoilla :: to serve, dish out
tarjoilu :: service (in a restaurant etc.)
tarjoiluhenkilökunta :: waitstaff (waiters collectively)
tarjoiluhuone :: buffet
tarjoiluluukku :: A hatch (opening in a wall for the purpose of serving food or other items)
tarjokas :: volunteer
tarjolla :: available
tarjonta :: selection
tarjonta :: supply
tarjota :: To offer
tarjota :: To pay (the bill, e.g. in restaurant)
tarjota :: To serve
tarjotin :: A tray
tarjotinpöytä :: tray-table
tarjous :: An offer, a tender
tarjouskilpailu :: bidding competition (process in which suppliers file competing bids to a purchaser who consequently chooses the most suitable as winner)
tarjouslaskenta :: offer calculation
tarjouspyyntö [accounting, finance] :: call for bids, call for tenders, request for proposals
tarjoutua :: To occur (to present or offer itself)
tarkalleen :: just, precisely
tarkastaa :: to check, inspect
tarkastaja :: inspector, supervisor, superintendent
tarkastaja :: revisor
tarkastella :: To examine, scrutinise/scrutinize
tarkastelu :: examination, inspection
tarkasti :: accurately, precisely, in detail
tarkastus :: examination, inspection, supervision, survey
tarkastusleima :: hallmark (official marking)
tarkastuslista :: checklist
tarke [typography] :: diacritic
tarkemmin :: comparative form of tarkasti
tarkempi :: comparative form of tarkka
tarkenne :: determiner
tarkenne :: specifier
tarkentaa :: To define, delineate, specify, particularise/particularize, itemise/itemize
tarkentaa :: To focus (a camera, projector)
tarkentua :: To sharpen, become more accurate/precise/exact
tarketa :: To sharpen, become more accurate/more precise/exacter
tarkin :: superlative form of tarkka
tarkistaa :: to check, inspect, verify, check up (to ensure something is functioning properly or is in the state or condition it is supposed to be)
tarkistin :: checker (device or computer program to check something)
tarkistus :: inspection, revision
tarkka :: exact, precise, pedantic, strict, accurate
tarkka-ampuja :: sniper, marksman, sharpshooter
tarkkaan :: carefully
tarkkaan :: precisely
tarkkaan :: strictly
tarkkaavainen :: attentive, observant
tarkkailija :: observer
tarkkailla :: to watch, to observe, to monitor
tarkkailu :: monitoring
tarkkailu :: watching, specifically in terms like lintujen tarkkailu, valas
tarkkailulista :: watchlist
tarkkailupiste :: vantage point, observation post, lookout (place that provides a good view for keeping an eye on something)
tarkk'ampuja :: dated form of tarkka-ampuja
tarkkampuja :: dated form of tarkka-ampuja
tarkkanäköinen :: discerning, perceptive, perspicacious (having keen insight)
tarkkanäköinen :: sharp-eyed (attentive, given to noticing things, aware)
tarkkanäköinen :: sharp-eyed (having good eyesight)
tarkkuus :: accuracy, precision
tarkkuus :: exactness
tarkkuuskello :: chronometer
tarkoin :: carefully
tarkoite :: referent
tarkoittaa :: To mean
tarkoituksella :: intentionally, on purpose, purposely
tarkoituksellinen :: deliberate, intentional
tarkoituksellisesti :: intentionally, on purpose, purposely
tarkoituksenmukainen :: appropriate (fitting to the purpose)
tarkoitus :: function, what something does or is used for
tarkoitus :: skopos
tarkoitus :: meaning
tarkoitus :: purpose, end
tarmo :: energy, vigour
Tarmo :: male given name
tarmokas :: vigorous, energetic
tarokki :: tarot
tarokkikortti :: A tarot card
tarpeeksi :: enough
tarpeeksi :: saada tarpeekseen: to get enough
tarpeellinen :: essential (being necessary)
tarpeellinen :: necessary (needed, required)
tarpeellisuus :: necessity (quality or state of being necessary)
tarpeen :: (with olla) necessary
tarpeen mukaan :: (non-idiomatic, with possessive suffix) according to one's needs
tarpeen mukaan :: when needed
tarpeeton :: useless, unnecessary, redundant, superfluous
tarpoa :: to wade (to progress with difficulty)
tarpoa :: to wade (to walk through something that impedes progress, especially snow or marsh)
tarponi :: tarpon
tarra :: sticker, decal
tarrata [+ elative + kiinni] :: to grab something
tarrautua :: to cling
tartar :: tartare (chopped fine and served raw)
tartar :: A dish prepared with finely chopped, raw ingredients; in English the names of these dishes are formed with the adjective "tartare"
tartar-kastike :: tartare sauce
tartratsiini :: tartrazine (lemon-yellow azo dye used as a food colouring; E102)
Tartto :: Tartu
tarttua :: To adhere, stick
tarttua :: To catch, grab
tarttua [of a disease] :: to be transmitted; to be infectious, be contagious
tarttumaelin :: prehensile organ
tarttumisreseptori :: integrin (protein that functions as receptor in communication between cells)
tarttuva :: infectious, contagious
tarttuva :: of a tune or song: catchy
tarttuva :: tenacious, adhesive
tartu hetkeen :: carpe diem
tartunnanlevittäjä [epidemiology] :: carrier, vector
tartunta :: contagion
tartuntareitti :: infection route
tartuntatauti :: contagious disease
tartuntavaara :: risk of infection
tartuttaa :: To infect (someone = illative, with something = genitive-accusative)
taru :: epic, saga
taru :: fiction, false
taru :: legend, myth
Taru :: female given name
tarumainen :: fabulous (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical)
tarumainen :: legendary
tarunhohtoinen :: fabled
taruolento :: mythical creature
tarve :: need, demand
tarveharkinta :: means-testing (process of evaluating whether an individual qualifies for financial assistance, usually in the form of a social security benefit); see also means test, which may provide easier ways to translate tarveharkinta into English
tarvii [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of tarvitsee
tarviin [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of tarvitsen
tarviit [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of tarvitset
tarvike :: A minor utensil
tarvike :: An accessory (supplementary part)
tarvike :: An article (object)
tarvike :: In plural (tarvikkeet), the gear
tarvita [impersonal] :: genitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to need (to do something), have (to do something)
tarvita :: to come in handy (to be useful or helpful)
tarvita :: to need, require
tarvitsen ... :: I need ... (use the accusative case to say "I need a ...", use the partitive case to say "I need (some) ...")
tarvitsen lakimiehen :: I need a lawyer
tarvitsen lääkärin :: I need a doctor
tarvitsen vettä :: I need water
tarvitsija :: needer
tarvittaessa :: when necessary, where necessary, if necessary, when needed
Tarvo :: male given name
tasa :: of equal height
tasa :: of the same level
tasa-aineinen :: homogeneous
tasa-arvo :: equality
tasa-arvokäyrä :: contour
tasain :: balancer
tasain :: equaliser/equalizer
tasainen :: constant
tasainen :: even, flat
tasainen :: stable
tasaisempi :: comparative form of tasainen
tasaisesti :: smoothly, constantly
tasaisin :: superlative form of tasainen
tasaisuus :: flatness, smoothness
tasakkain :: On the same level
tasakulmainen :: equiangular (of a polygon, having all interior angles equal)
tasakylkinen :: isosceles
tasakylkinen kolmio :: isosceles triangle
tasakylkinen puolisuunnikas :: isosceles trapezoid
tasalla :: At the level of, abreast (up to a certain level or line; equally advanced)
tasalämpöinen :: homeothermic, homothermic, warm-blooded, endothermic (capable of maintaining a relatively constant body temperature)
tasalämpöinen :: Having a constant temperature
tasalämpöisyys :: warm-bloodedness
tasamaa :: flatland
tasan :: exactly
tasanko :: plain, flatland
tasanne :: deck, landing
tasapaino :: An equilibrium, balance or stability (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced)
tasapaino :: An equilibrium or sanity (mental balance)
tasapaino :: An equilibrium (condition of an economy, in which there is no excess or deficit in supply and demand)
tasapaino [physics, chemistry] :: An equilibrium
tasapainoaisti :: equilibrioception
tasapainoilla :: To balance oneself
tasapainoilu :: balancing (action of maintaining one's balance, as in a dangerous position)
tasapainoinen :: balanced
tasapainokivi :: otolith
tasapainotaiteilija :: acrobat
tasapainoton :: Unbalanced, random, or unpredictable (irrational or mentally deranged)
tasapainoton :: Unbalanced (not balanced, or in equilibrium)
tasapainottaa :: to balance, to stabilize
tasapainotus :: balancing (act of putting something into balance)
tasapeli :: draw, tie
tasapäistää :: to make homogenous, equalize/equalise (socially, in a negative sense)
tasapuolinen :: evenhanded (fair and having no partiality)
tasapuolisesti :: evenhandedly
tasapuolisuus :: evenhandedness (quality or state of being evenhanded)
tasasaumainen [boatbuilding] :: carvel-built (having the planks of the hull laid flush)
tasasivuinen :: equilateral
tasasivuinen kolmio :: equilateral triangle
tasasoukka :: linear
tasasuhtaisuus :: symmetry
tasata :: to divide into equal parts
tasata :: to level
tasaus :: equalisation
tasaus :: justified (text alignment)
tasaus :: leveling
tasauslasku :: balancing bill
tasauspyörästö :: differential gear
tasavalta :: republic
tasavaltaisuus :: republicanism
tasavaltalainen :: republican
tasavertainen :: equal
tasavirta :: direct current
tasaväkinen :: well-matched (of comparable strength or power)
tase :: balance sheet
tasinko :: leveling compensation paid for by one party to another when property is divided
tasku :: pocket
taskubiljardi :: pocket pool (act of a male secretly toying with his genitals while keeping the hands in the pocket)
taskukello :: pocket watch
taskukirja :: pocketbook, paperback
taskulamppu :: flashlight, torch
taskulaskin :: pocket calculator
taskumatti :: hip flask, pocket flask (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages)
taskunauris [archaic, colloquial] :: pocket watch
taskuraha :: pocket money, allowance (money given to a child for small expenses according to its will)
taskuraha :: small potatoes, peanuts, pin money (small amount of money)
taskurapu :: crab
taskurotta :: pocket gopher (burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae)
taskusanakirja :: pocket dictionary
taskuvaras :: pickpocket
taskuveitsi :: A pocketknife
Tasmania :: Tasmania
tasmanialainen :: Tasmanian
tasmanialainen :: A Tasmanian person
taso :: wing
taso :: plane
taso :: level
taso :: standard
tasohiiri :: touchpad, trackpad
tasohyppely :: platform game
tasohyppelypeli :: platform game
tasoinen :: -level (featuring a number of levels)
tasoinen :: of or having a certain standard or level
tasoite :: filler, putty
tasoitin :: flat brush
tasoitin :: leveler
tasoittaa :: To even
tasoittaa :: To flatten
tasoittaa :: To level
tasoittua :: to be leveled, flattened or evened
tasoittua :: to calm down
tasoittua :: to moderate (to become less excessive)
tasoitus :: leveling (act or process)
tasoitus :: handicap
tasoitus :: trim (moderate haircut)
tasoituslasta :: A trowel (smoothing tool)
tasoitusmaali [sports, ballgames] :: A goal made by the trailing team that makes the play even
tasokas :: qualified
tasokas :: upscale, high-class
tasoristeys :: A level crossing
tassi :: saucer
tassu :: A paw of dog or cat
tassun :: pad [indicating sound of soft footstep]
tassutella :: to pad (to walk softly, quietly or steadily)
tassuttaa :: to tiptoe
tassutus :: pad (sound of soft footsteps)
tataari :: A Tatar
tataari :: The Tatar language
tatami :: tatami
tatar :: A plant of the family Polygonaceae (knotweed, buckwheat etc.)
tatarkasvi :: A plant in the family Polygonaceae
tati :: In plural (tatit) Tat (people)
tati :: Tat (person or language)
tatska :: tattoo
tattari :: buckwheat (cereal)
tatti :: bolete
tattis :: thanks
Tatu :: male given name
tatuoida :: to tattoo (to apply a tattoo on)
tatuoija :: tattooist, tattoo artist
tatuointi :: tattoo
tatuointi :: tattooing
tatuointikone :: tattoo machine
tau :: tau
taudinaiheuttaja :: pathogen
taudinaiheuttaja :: (pathology) pathogenic (when used as modifier in compound terms)
taudinkantaja [epidemiology] :: carrier, vector
tauhka :: Unnecessary stuff; junk
taukki :: A dumb person
tauko :: A break (interruption)
tauko :: A caesura (break in a speech, play, poem etc.)
tauko :: A hiatus
taukomerkki :: rest (symbol indicating pause in music)
taula :: Fine-grained tinder made from the polypore Fomes fomentarius
taulakääpä :: horse's hoof fungus, tinder fungus, tinder bracket, Fomes fomentarius (polypore species)
taulu [archaic, mathematics, science] :: table (collection of data organized as a set to cover a certain area of interest or point of view; continues to be used in some compound terms.)
taulu :: board, as for example a billboard, switchboard, blackboard or whiteboard
taulu [databases] :: table
taulu :: dial (face of a clock, analogue meter etc.)
taulu [lb, fi, art] :: picture, print etc., especially a framed one
taulu [lb, fi, colloquial] :: face (front part of the head)
taulu :: painting
taulu :: Short for maalitaulu
taulukko :: array (arrangement of memory elements)
taulukko :: table, matrix, grid (of data)
taulukkolaskenta :: spreadsheet computation
taulukoida :: To tabulate
taulutelevisio :: table television
taulutietokone :: tablet computer
Tauno :: male given name
tauota :: To pause
tauotta :: nonstop, incessantly (without stopping; without interruption or break)
tauottaa :: to pause
tauottaa :: to make pauses
tauriini :: taurine
tauriontatti :: lurid bolete, Boletus luridus
taus :: behind, backside
tausta :: background
taustakangas :: backcloth
taustakulissi :: backdrop
taustakuva :: background image
taustalevy [basketball] :: backboard
taustamusiikki :: background music
taustapeili :: rear-view mirror
taustaprosessi :: daemon
taustasäteily :: background radiation
taustatieto :: background (relevant information)
taustaväri :: background color
tauti :: disease
tautioppi :: pathology (branch of medicine)
tautofonia :: tautophony
tautofoninen :: tautophonical
tautologia :: tautology
tautologinen :: tautological
tavaaminen :: spelling, saying the letters of a word
tavallaan :: in a way
tavalla tai toisella :: one way or another, one way or the other
tavallinen :: habitual (being regular or usual)
tavallinen :: normal (usual; ordinary)
tavallinen :: ordinary
tavallinen :: plain (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation)
tavallinen :: random (from population at large)
tavallinen :: standard
tavallinen :: trivial (common, ordinary)
tavallinen :: usual
tavallisempi :: comparative form of tavallinen
tavallisesti :: usually
tavallisuus :: The state of being normal, normality, normalcy, ordinariness
tavanomainen :: commonplace, ordinary, conventional (having no remarkable characteristics)
tavanomainen :: conventional (pertaining to a convention)
tavanomainen :: habitual (recurring)
tavanomainen :: habitual (regular or usual)
tavanomainen :: ordinary, mundane (not new)
tavan vuoksi :: as a matter of course
tavara :: A good, goods, ware (item of merchandise)
tavara :: meat (volume or substance)
tavara :: Usually in plural (tavarat), belongings (possessions or personal items)
tavara :: Female genitalia
tavarajuna :: A goods train
tavaramerkki :: trademark
tavaramerkkinimi :: name brand (trademark, or a distinctive name for a brand, or for a range of products by a single manufacturer)
tavarankuljetus :: cargo transport
tavaratalo :: department store
tavata [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To have a habit (of doing something), to usually (do) (something), used to (do) (something) (past tense sense)
tavata :: To decipher (to read obscure or almost illegible text)
tavata :: To spell (a word; to pronounce a word letter by letter)
tavata [transitive + accusative] :: To meet (someone)
tavaton :: unusual, extraordinary
tavattavissa :: available (to meet), in
tavattomasti :: unusually, extraordinarily
tavaus :: spelling
tavausaakkonen :: in plural only, spelling alphabet, radio alphabet, telephone alphabet (set of standard words used to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling on the telephone or in other conditions where misunderstanding is likely)
tavausaakkonen :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
tavi :: common teal (Anas crecca)
tavis :: An ordinary person, a random (unimportant person), a nobody, Mr. Nobody
tavoite :: objective, aim
tavoite :: target, goal
tavoitella :: (transitive) To go for
tavoittaa :: to catch, catch up
tavoittaa :: to reach (someone)
tavoittelu :: action noun of the verb tavoitella
tavu :: A byte
tavu [grammar, linguistics] :: A syllable
tavuheitto :: haplology
tavukirjoitus :: A syllabary (writing system)
tavumerkki :: A syllabogram (writing symbol representing a syllable)
tavunraja :: A syllable break
tavuraja :: syllable boundary
tavuttaa :: To hyphenate
tavuttua :: to hyphenate
tavutus :: hyphenation, syllabation, syllabification
tavuviiva :: a hyphen used to divide words between two lines
tax-free :: tax-free
tax-free :: Short for tax-free-myymälä ("tax-free shop")
tax-free-myymälä :: tax-free shop
täbäri :: full kit
täbärimarssi [military, slang] :: yomp
täditellä :: to call someone aunt (to use the word täti as an address)
tädyke :: speedwell
te :: you (second-person plural; when addressing many persons or when addressing politely or formally one person)
Tea :: female given name shortened from Dorotea ( =Dorothea)
teak :: teak (timber or tree)
teaniini [amino acid] :: theanine
teatraalinen :: theatrical (exaggerated)
teatraalisesti :: theatrically
teatraalisuus :: theatricality
teatteri :: theatre
teatterielokuva :: feature film (film produced to be principally shown in cinemas)
teatterikiikari :: opera glasses
teatterikuiskaus :: A stage whisper
teatterikuiskaus :: A wheeze (exaggerated whisper)
teatterillinen :: theatrical (of or relating to the theatre)
tebaiini :: thebaine
teddykangas :: soft plush, like that used on stuffed toys (fabric)
teddykarhu :: teddy bear
tee :: tea, cup of tea (cup of any one of these drinks)
tee :: tea (variety of the tea plant)
tee [uncountable, by extension] :: tea (any drink made by infusing parts of various other plants)
tee :: tea (dried leaves or buds of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis)
tee :: tea (drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water)
teeastiasto :: tea service
teeastiasto :: tea set
teehuone :: teahouse (restaurant that sells tea and light refreshments)
teekalusto :: tea service
teekalusto :: tea set
teekannu :: teapot
teekkari :: A person studying for the degree of diplomi-insinööri in a university, a tech student or a student of technology
teekkarilakki :: A tech student version of ylioppilaslakki, differentiated from the ordinary student cap with a hanging tussle
teekupillinen :: teacupful, teacup (unit of measure)
teekupillinen :: tea (cup of tea)
teekuppi :: teacup (cup for drinking tea)
teelehti :: tea leaf
teelusikallinen :: A teaspoonful
teelusikka :: teaspoon
teema :: subject
teema :: theme
teemapuisto :: theme park
Teemu :: male given name
teenlehti :: tea leaf (dried fragment of a leaf of the tea plant used in making the drink tea, usually used in the plural)
teennäinen :: artificial, affected
teennäinen :: forced
teepannu :: A teakettle, or, especially in the UK, kettle
teepussi :: teabag
teerenpeli :: flirtation, dalliance, sport
teerenpilkku :: freckle
teeri :: black grouse, Lyrurus tetrix, formerly Tetrao tetrix
teeriparvi :: A flock of black grouses
teesi :: thesis (a statement)
teesiivilä :: tea strainer
teeskennellä :: To pretend; to feign, make believe; to affect, assume an air/a look of, put on airs of
teeskentelijä :: pretender
teettää :: To commission
teettää :: To have something done
teettää :: To subcontract
teetättää :: alternative form of teettää
teetätyttää :: alternative form of teetättää
teevati :: saucer
teevee :: television
teflon :: Teflon (synthetic resin, used as surfactant due to its nonstick property)
tefloninen :: Teflon (containing Teflon)
tehdä :: to commit, perpetrate, carry out, conduct (to do, as a crime, sin, or fault)
tehdä :: to do, perform, execute
tehdä :: to make, cost [said often by the salesperson to the customer]
tehdä :: to make, manufacture
tehdä :: to make, render (somebody: accusative, adjective: translative or somebody: elative, noun: accusative)
tehdas :: A factory
tehdas :: A mill (factory)
tehdaspalo :: factory fire
tehdastyöläinen :: factory worker, factoryworker
tehdastyöntekijä :: factory worker, factoryworker
tehdä bänät :: to break up with someone, to end a relationship
tehdä huorin :: to commit adultery
tehdä kauppansa :: To sell fast, sell like hot cakes
tehdä kärpäsestä härkänen :: make a mountain out of a molehill
tehdä mieli :: To feel like, to would like, to fancy
tehdä oharit :: to stand somebody up
tehdä perinnöttömäksi :: to disinherit, disown, abdicate (to exclude from inheritance)
tehdä sopimus :: To make an agreement
tehdä tenä :: to refuse to do something, to stop cooperating
tehdä tenä :: to stop working (of a machine or device)
tehdä tiettäväksi :: to announce
tehdä tiettäväksi :: to make clear, let know
tehdä töitä :: To work, job
tehdä työtä :: To work, job
Teheran :: Tehran, the capital city of Iran
tehkää hyvin :: here you are, there you go
teho :: As modifier in compound terms (teho-) indicates boosting of the base term in one way or other. English equivalents include power, intensive, intense, super-
teho :: An ICU; a short of teho-osasto
teho [physics, electronics] :: power
tehohoito :: intensive care (support and monitoring of critically ill patients)
tehoisa :: powerful
tehokas :: effective
tehokas :: powerful, potent
tehokeino :: A device, as in kirjallinen tehokeino
tehokeino :: A (rhetorical) device
tehokkaampi :: comparative form of tehokas
tehokkaasti :: efficiently, effectively
tehokkuus :: effectivity, effectiveness
teho-osasto :: intensive care unit, ICU
tehopiste :: score point, point (unit of measuring the efficiency of an individual player in a ball game)
tehosekoitin :: A blender (machine)
tehostaa :: to increase the performance or effect of something; to enhance, strengthen, boost
tehostaa :: to optimize (to make something more efficient)
tehoste [film] :: effect
tehostin :: A device that enhances or strengthens a small force into a larger one. Translations into English vary by application. Despite the etymology, booster is normally something else than tehostin in Finnish
tehota :: To affect, to have an effect on something
tehoton :: ineffective, powerless
tehtailija :: industrialist
tehtailu :: milling, manufacturing
tehtävä :: A commission (mission)
tehtävä :: A function (professional or official position)
tehtävä :: A function (what something does or is used for)
tehtävä :: A job (task)
tehtävä :: A mission (duty that involves fulfilling a request)
tehtävä :: A situation (position of employment; a post)
tehtävä :: A task (a difficult or tedious undertaking)
tehtävä :: A task (an objective)
tehtävä :: A task (a piece of work done as part of one’s duties)
tehtävänimike :: job title (specific designation of a post within an organization, normally associated with a job description that details the tasks and responsibilities that go with it)
teidän :: The genitive plural of the personal pronoun te, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -nne appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun your; after the verb olla: yours - when addressing many persons or when addressing politely or formally one person:
teidän :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English you - when addressing many persons or when addressing politely or formally one person:
teidät :: The accusative plural of the personal pronoun te, in most cases translated into English you (direct object, addressing many persons):
teiini :: caffeine in tea
Teija :: female given name
Teijo :: male given name
teilata :: to dismember (to remove the limbs from)
teilata :: to reject, pan:
teilata :: to wheel (to execute on the wheel):
teili :: A pole where a person subjected to breaking wheel execution was tied
teilipyörä :: breaking wheel
teiliratas :: breaking wheel
teini :: A teen
teini-ikä :: teens (age)
teini-ikäinen :: teenage
teini-ikäinen :: teenager
teinipeili :: A selfie taken through a mirror, especially one that is published in the internet
teipata :: To tape (to fasten with adhesive tape)
teippi :: adhesive tape, sellotape, tape
teismi :: theism
teistä :: about you; of you (addressing many persons or politely or formally one person):
teistä :: in your opinion, you think that (addressing many persons or politely or formally one person):
teistä :: of you (addressing many persons):
teisti :: rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus)
teisti :: theist
teistinen :: theistic
teititellä :: to address with the polite V-form, to address someone (especially the elderly and people with higher social status) formally in the second-person (in languages in which such form is distinguishable)
teitittely :: using V-form (act or custom of addressing someone formally in second person)
teitittelymuoto [inguistics] :: V-form (second-person form of address used in formal situations)
teitse :: by way of; now chiefly used as headword in compound terms
tekaista :: To make up (dishonestly: a story; legal charges)
tekeillä :: in the making (in the process of being made)
tekele :: A product of poor quality, an example of poor workmanship
tekeminen :: Action noun of the verb tehdä, making
tekemätön :: not done, undone
te-keskus :: alternative form of TE-keskus
TE-keskus :: A regional office of työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, discontinued in 2010 and merged with offices of two other ministries to ELY-keskus
tekeytyä [intransitive + translative] :: to feign, to pretend to be, to pose as or play the role of
tekijä :: author, auteur
tekijä [chiefly, mathematics] :: factor
tekijä :: doer
tekijä :: maker
tekijä :: perpetrator
tekijännimi :: agent noun (noun that denotes an agent who does the action denoted by the verb from which the noun is derived)
tekijänoikeudettomuus :: public domain (feature of intellectual property being not protected under patent or copyright,)
tekijänoikeus :: copyright (right to determine who may publish, copy and distribute a piece of writing, music or other work of authorship)
tekijänoikeuslaki [law] :: copyright law
tekijänoikeusmerkki :: copyright symbol, copyright (symbol ©)
tšekin kieli :: Czech (language)
tšekinmaalainen :: Czech (of or pertaining to the Czech Republik or its people or culture)
tšekinmaalainen :: Czech (person)
Tšekin tasavalta :: The Czech Republic (a country in Central Europe)
tšekki :: Czech (language)
tšekki :: Czech (person)
Tšekki :: The Czech Republic
tšekkiläinen :: Czech
Tšekkoslovakia :: Czechoslovakia (former country in Central Europe)
tšekkoslovakialainen :: Czechoslovakian
Tekla :: female given name, cognate to English Thecla
teknetium :: technetium
tekniikan ylioppilas :: student of technology
tekniikka :: engineering
tekniikka :: method
tekniikka :: technique
tekniikka :: technology
teknikko :: engineer
teknikko :: technician
teknillinen :: technical
tekninen :: technical
tekninen piirustus :: technical drawing, drafting
teknisesti :: technically
tekno :: techno
tekno- :: techno-
teknokraatti :: technocrat
teknokratia :: technocracy
teknologia :: technology (the study of or a collection of techniques)
teknologiateollisuus :: technology industry
teknologinen :: technological
teknomusiikki :: techno
teko :: achievement
teko :: act, deed
teko :: As modifier in a compound term, refers to a deed, especially in a legal context
teko :: As modifier in a compound term, signifies artificial, manmade, false, mock, cod, simulated
tekoallas :: reservoir
tekoelin :: artificial organ
tekoelämä :: artificial life
tekohampaat :: artificial denture
tekohengitys [first aid] :: artificial respiration
tekojärvi :: reservoir, artificial lake
tekojäsen :: prosthesis
tekokieli :: constructed language, artificial language
tekokuitu :: man-made fiber
tekokuu :: artificial satellite
tekoäly [artificial intelligence] :: artificial intelligence
tekonen :: offense, misdeed, violation
tekonivelleikkaus :: joint replacement surgery
tekopyhä :: hypocritical
tekopyhä :: sanctimonious
tekopyhästi :: sanctimoniously
tekopyhyys :: hypocrisy
tekopyhyys :: sanctimony
tekosyy :: An excuse, a plea
tekosyy :: A pretext
tekotukka :: hairpiece
tekovika :: defect
Teksas :: Texas (US state)
teksasilainen :: Texan
teksasilainen :: A Texan
tekstaaja :: texter
tekstailla :: To text message (to engage in the activity of sending and receiving text messages)
tekstari :: text message
tekstata :: To text message (to send as a text message)
tekstata :: To text message (to transmit a text message to)
teksti [journalism] :: copy (text of a newspaper article)
teksti [marketing] :: copy (output of copywriter; short for mainosteksti)
teksti :: text
tekstiili :: fabric, textile, cloth
tekstinkäsittely :: word processing
tekstinkäsittelyohjelma :: text editor
tekstitelevisio :: Teletext
tekstittää :: To subtitle
tekstitys :: subtitle (textual versions of the dialog in films)
tekstitys :: subtitling (act or art of creating subtitles)
tekstiviesti :: text message (SMS)
tekstuaalinen :: textual
teksturoida :: To texturise/texturize
tekstuuri :: texture
tektiitti :: tektite
tektoniikka :: tectonics
tektoninen :: tectonic
tektosilikaatti :: silica group
tektosilikaatti :: tectosilicate, silica (silicate mineral having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
tektosilikaattiryhmä :: silica group (group of silicate minerals having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
teku :: technical college
tela :: A place where something is left or stored; usually in adessive, ablative or allative plural
tela :: One of a set of round logs used as support to keep something, such as a boat or a pile of firewood, from touching directly the ground, or to help move a large object by rolling it over the logs
tela :: roller, cylinder
tela :: track (short of telaketju - "caterpillar track")
tšelada :: alternative spelling of tselada
telahermo :: trochlear nerve
telaketju :: A caterpillar track
telakka :: docking station, dock (piece of hardware into which a laptop computer can be plugged for use as a desktop computer)
telakka :: dockyard (place to repair and outfit ships)
telakka :: shipyard (place to build and repair ships)
telakoida :: to dock (to connect a vessel to another; such as a spaceship to a space station)
telakoida :: to take a vessel to a dockyard for service or repair
telakointi :: docking
telakoitua :: to dock (to join two moving items)
telaluu :: talus, astragalus
telata :: To paint using a paint roller
tele :: telephoto lens
tele- :: tele-
telefoni :: telephone
telekinesia :: telekinesis
telekommunikaatio :: telecommunication
telekopio :: fax
telematiikka :: telematics
telemetria :: telemetry
teleologia :: teleology
telepaatikko :: telepath
telepaatti :: telepath
telepaattinen :: telepathic
telepatia :: telepathy
teleportaatio :: teleportation
teleportti :: teleportation
teleskooppi :: telescope
televisio :: A television set
televisio [television] :: television
televisioantenni :: television antenna, TV aerial
televisioasema :: television station
televisiodokumentti :: A TV documentary
televisioelokuva :: A TV movie, made-for-TV movie (movie made for and initially broadcast by a television channel)
televisioida :: To televise
televisiointi :: telecast (television broadcast, especially outside of a studio)
televisiointi :: televising, telecasting (action)
televisiokanava :: television channel (radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television)
televisiokanava :: television channel (station or broadcaster using the band)
televisiolähetin :: television transmitter
televisio-ohjelma :: television program, television show
televisioruutu :: television screen
televisiosatelliitti :: television satellite
teli [railroading] :: bogie
teline :: rack, stand
teline [usually in plural] :: scaffold, staging (structure supporting workmen on a construction site etc.)
Tšeljabinsk :: Chelyabinsk (city)
telje :: alternative form of telki
teljetä :: To bar, to bolt, to latch (to secure a door by locking or barring it)
teljo :: thwart
telki :: bolt (door bolt)
telkien taakse :: behind bars (to prison)
telkien takana :: behind bars (in prison)
telkkä :: Any of the ducks in the goldeneye genus Bucephala
telkkä :: The type species of the goldeneye genus, the common goldeneye, Bucephala clangula
telkka :: television
telkkari :: television, telly
telkku :: television
Tellervo :: female given name
Tellervo :: In Finnish mythology, a goddess of forest, wife or daughter of Tapio
telluuri :: tellurium
telluurio :: tellurion
telmää :: alternative form of telmiä
telmiä :: to romp, frolic
teloa :: To hurt oneself
teloittaa :: to electrocute (to execute by electric shock, as in an electric chair)
teloittaa :: to execute (to kill as a punishment for capital crimes)
teloittaja :: executioner
teloitus :: execution (act of putting to death)
telomeeri :: telomere
teltta :: a tent
telttailija :: camper
telttailla :: To camp (to live in a tent, temporarily, usually for pleasure)
telttakangas :: canvas
telttamaja :: tabernacle (portable tent used by the Jewish before the construction of the temple of Jeusalem)
telttasänky :: camp bed
temaattinen :: thematic (relating to, or having a theme or a topic)
tematiikka :: thematics
temmata :: To draw (e.g. a sword)
temmata :: To snatch, grab, jerk, pull, tear
temmeltää :: To frolic
temminckinmuurahaiskäpy :: ground pangolin (Manis temminckii)
tempaista :: To wrench
tempaus :: An act of snatching, yanking or jerking
tempaus :: escapade (daring or adventurous act; an undertaking which goes against convention)
tempe :: tempeh
tempera :: tempera
temperamentikas :: temperamental
temperamentti :: temperament
temperamenttinen :: temperamental
tempoa :: to tear at (to pull something violently and repeatedly as in an attempt to tear it apart or break loose of it)
temporaalilohko :: temporal lobe
temporaalinen :: temporal
temppeli :: temple (place of worship)
temppeliblokki :: temple block
temppeliherra :: Templar
temppeliritari :: paladin
temppu :: trick, stunt
temppuilija :: trickster
temppuilla :: monkey around, monkey about
tempus :: tense
tenä :: hindrance, obstacle
tenä :: tehdä ~ : to stop working (a machine), to refuse to do sthg
tenava :: kid, child
tendenssi :: tendency
tenderi :: tender (railroad car towed behind a steam engine to carry fuel)
tenho :: enchantment
Tenho :: male given name
tenhota :: To enchant
tenkkapoo :: problem
tennari :: tennis shoe (ordinary sneaker)
tennari :: tennis shoe (athletic shoe designed specifically for tennis)
tennis :: tennis
tenniskenkä :: tennis shoe (athletic shoe designed for playing tennis)
tenniskenttä :: tennis court
tenniskyynärpää :: tennis elbow
tennismaila :: A tennis racket
tennispallo :: A tennis ball
tennistossu :: tennis shoe (low-ankle sneaker)
tensidi :: surfactant
tensio :: tension
tensori :: tensor
tenttiä :: to take an examination, especially in a university
tentti :: examination
tenttijä :: A participant of an exam
tenu :: spirit (denatured strong alcohol used e.g. as fuel)
teo- :: theo-
teobromiini :: theobromine
teodoliitti :: theodolite
teofylliini :: theophylline
teokraatti :: theocrat
teokraattinen :: theocratic
teokratia :: theocracy
teollinen :: industrial
teollinen muotoilu :: industrial design
teollistaa :: to industrialize (to develop industry)
teollistua :: to industrialize (to become industrial)
teollistunut :: industrialized (having undergone industrialization)
teollisuudenharjoittaja :: industrialist
teollisuus :: industry
teollisuusalue :: industrial area, industrial region
teollisuusalue :: industrial park, industry park
teollisuusmaa :: developed country
teollisuusministeri :: A minister of industry
teollisuusmittakaava :: In attributive use, may also be translated with industrial strength
teollisuusmittakaava :: industrial scale (large quantity)
teollisuuspuisto :: industrial park
teollisuustyöntekijä :: industrial worker
teollisuusvakoilu :: industrial espionage
teologi :: theologian
teologia :: theology
teologinen :: theological
teologisesti :: theologically
teonsana :: verb (a grammatical category of words that indicate an action, event or a state)
teoreema :: theorem
teoreetikko :: theorist
teoreettinen :: theoretic, theoretical
teoretisoida :: to theorize (to formulate theories)
teoria :: theory
teorioida :: alternative form of teoretisoida
teos :: oeuvre, opus (work of art)
teos :: work (literary, artistic, or intellectual production)
teosofia :: theosophy
teosofinen :: theosophic
tepä :: te + -pä
Teppo :: male given name
tepsiä :: to do the trick, to work okay
tepsuttaa :: To walk in short quick steps, as a little dog might do
tepuinpuumuura :: streak-backed antshrike
tequila :: tequila
terä :: blade, edge
terä :: head (of an axe)
terä :: the degree of sharpness of a cutting tool
tera- :: tera-
terapeutti :: therapist
terapeuttinen :: therapeutic
terapia :: therapy
terapoida :: To therapize
teräase :: An edged weapon
terassi :: A beer garden
terassi :: A terrace
teratavu :: terabyte
teratogeeni :: teratogen
teratogeeninen :: teratogenic
teratogeneesi [teratology] :: teratogenesis
teratologia :: teratology
teratologinen :: teratologic
terawatti :: terawatt
terawattitunti :: terawatt-hour
terbium :: terbium
tere :: piping
tereftaalihappo :: terephthalic acid
tšeremissi :: Mari (member of a Volga-Finnic people in the Volga region)
tšeremissi :: Mari (language spoken by these people)
tšeremissin kieli :: Mari (language)
tšeremissinkielinen :: alternative term for marinkielinen
terhakas :: brisk
terhakasti :: briskly
terhakka :: brisk
terhakkaasti :: briskly
terhen :: Thin fog, mist
Terhi :: female given name
Terhikki :: female given name, variant of Terhi
terho :: an acorn
Terho :: Finnish surname
Terho :: male given name
terhotikka :: acorn woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus
teriö :: A corolla
tšerkessi :: Cherkess (person belonging to the Circassian population of northern Karachay-Cherkessia)
terkku :: greetings
teräkäs :: A legless sock
teräksinen :: steely
teräksinen :: steel
terälehti :: petal
termari :: thermos
termi :: A term (word or phrase)
termiikki :: A thermal (column of rising air in the lower atmosphere created by uneven heating of Earth's surface)
termiitti :: thermite
termiitti :: termite
termiittikeko :: termite mound
termiittipesä :: termite colony (termite colony as society of termites)
termiittipesä :: termite mound, termitarium (termite colony as physical structure in which the termites live)
termiittisammakko :: red-banded frog, Phrynomerus bifasciatus
terminaali :: terminal
terminaalihoito :: hospice (provision of palliative care for terminally ill patients)
terminaattori :: terminator
terminatiivi :: terminative case
terminen :: thermal
terminoida :: To hedge
terminologi :: terminologist
terminologia :: terminology (doctrine of terms)
terminologinen :: terminological
termistö :: terminology (set of terms), nomenclature
termistori :: thermistor
termo- :: thermo-
termoanalyysi [chemistry, metallurgy] :: thermal analysis
termodynaaminen :: thermodynamic
termodynaaminen lämpötila :: thermodynamic temperature
termodynamiikka :: thermodynamics
termofysiikka :: thermophysics
termokemia :: thermochemistry
termokliini [hydrology] :: thermocline
termoluminesenssi :: thermoluminescence
termolyysi :: thermolysis
termonukleaarinen :: thermonuclear
termoplastinen :: thermoplastic
termosfääri :: thermosphere
termospullo :: A thermos, thermos flask
termostaatti :: thermostat
termoterapia :: thermotherapy
ternimaito :: colostrum, beestings, first milk
Tšernobyl :: Chernobyl (city in Ukraine)
Tero :: male given name
teroitin :: A pencil sharpener
teroittaa :: to sharpen
teroittamaton :: unsharpened
terpeeni :: terpene
teräpuoli :: cutting edge (sharp edge of the blade of a knife or other cutting tool)
terraario :: terrarium
terrakotta :: terracotta (hard red-brown unglazed earthenware)
terramysiini :: terramycin
terrieri :: terrier
territoriaalinen :: territorial
territorio :: territory
terrori :: terror (terror as tool of terrorists)
terrori-isku :: terrorist strike
terrorismi :: terrorism
terrorisminvastainen :: antiterrorist
terrorisoida :: To terrorize
terroristi :: terrorist
terroristihyökkäys :: terrorist attack
terroristijohtaja :: terrorist leader
terroristijärjestö :: terrorist organization
terroristinen :: terroristic
terroriteko :: An act of terror
teräs :: steel
teräsbetoni :: reinforced concrete (with steel)
teräsjää :: A type of bright, solid ice that is formed when the water body freezes
terska :: glans penis
Teräsmies :: Superman
terssi :: third
teräste :: The ingredient used in strengthening of a drink
teräsvilla :: steel wool
tertiili :: tertile (subset thus obtained)
tertiili :: tertile (each of the two numerical values that divide an ordered sample into three equally numerous subsets)
tertiäärikausi :: Tertiary
tertiäärinen :: tertiary
tertiäärinen alkoholi :: tertiary alcohol
terttu :: raceme
terttu :: cluster
Terttu :: female given name
terävä :: sharp
terävä :: smart, clever, bright, quick-witted
terva :: tar
tervaantua :: alternative form of tervautua
tervainen :: tarry
tervaisempi :: comparative form of tervainen
tervakko :: A plant of the genus Viscaria
tervaleppä :: A black alder, common alder, Alnus glutinosa
tervapaperi :: tarpaper
tervapeippo [vern, chestnut-breasted negrita, Chestnut-breasted negrita] :: (Nigrita bicolor)
tervaporvari :: tar trader, especially one active during the heyday of Finnish tar exports to the rest of Europe in the 19th century
tervapääsky :: swift, especially the common swift (Apus apus)
tervata :: To tar, coat with tar
tervaus :: tarring
tervautua :: To become tarred
terve :: able-bodied (having a sound, strong body)
terve :: healthy, sane (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit)
terve :: healthy, sound (beneficial)
terve :: sound (complete, solid, or secure)
terve :: sound, well (free from injury, disease)
terve :: Said when departing, bye
terve :: Said when meeting, hello
terveellinen [of food etc.] :: healthy
terveempi :: comparative form of terve
terveesti :: healthily
tervehdys :: A greeting
tervehdys :: A salute, salutation
tervehtiä [military + partitive] :: to salute
tervehtiä :: to give the time of day, to say hello (to acknowledge somebody; to give some respect or attention)
tervehtiä :: to greet
tervehtijä :: greeter
terveiset :: regards, wishes, greetings, compliments
tervemenoa :: good riddance (indicates that a departure, or loss is welcome)
tervetullut :: welcomed
tervetuloa :: welcome
terveydeksi :: bless you
terveydeksi :: Translative singular form of terveys.
terveydenhoitaja :: public health nurse, community health nurse
terveydenhoito :: health care
terveydenhuolto :: health care
terveydentila :: health, state of one's health
terveys :: health
terveysala :: health sector (people, institutions and businesses that work to promote, restore and maintain health)
terveysasema :: medical center, municipal clinic, clinic (municipal facility for providing outpatient services for residents of a designated area)
terveysjärjestö :: health organization
terveyskeskus :: (public, free) health center, health care center, clinic (municipal facility providing medical services for residents of a designated area, not: outpatient clinic, which is a poliklinikka in Finnish)
terveyskeskuslääkäri :: physician who works in an outpatient clinic
terveyslautakunta :: health board (in municipal government, a board responsible for organizing and overseeing the health services provided for the citizens)
terveysministeri :: minister of health, secretary of health
terveysministeriö :: ministry of health
terveyspalvelu :: health service
terveysside :: sanitary towel, sanitary napkin
terveystarkastus :: physical
terveystieto :: health education
terveystoimi :: health services; usually as a branch of municipal government
terveysturismi :: medical tourism
terveysvaara :: health risk
terävähampainen :: sharp-toothed
teräväkulmainen :: acute-angled (of a triangle, having all angles smaller than 90°)
terävämpi :: comparative form of terävä
teräväpiirtotelevisio :: high-definition television, HDTV
teräväpäinen :: sharp-witted
teryleeni :: terylene [UK], dacron [US] (fiber and fabric made of polyethylene terephthalate)
tesaurus :: A glossary (list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms)
tesla :: tesla
teslamuuntaja :: Tesla coil (resonant transformer circuit used to produce high voltage, low current, high frequency alternating current electricity)
tesma :: American milletgrass (Milium effusum)
tesserakti :: tesseract
testaaja :: tester
testaaminen :: testing
testamentata :: to bequeath, devise, will
testamentti :: testament
testamentti :: will (a legal document stating who is to receive a person's estate and assets after his/her death)
testata :: to test
testaus :: testing
testi :: test
testitulos :: test result
testosteroni :: testosterone
tet :: you (plural; in archaic English: ye)
tšetšeeni :: Chechen (person or language)
tšetšeeni :: in plural also the Chechen ethnic group
tšetšeenin kieli :: Chechen (language)
tšetšeeninkielinen :: Chechen, Chechen-language (expressed in Chechen language)
Tšetšenia :: Chechnya
tšetšenialainen :: Chechen (of or pertaining to Chechnya)
tetra :: tetra
tetraedri :: tetrahedron
tetraetyylilyijy :: tetraethyl lead
tetrahydrofuraani :: tetrahydrofuran
tetrahydrogestrinoni :: tetrahydrogestrinone
tetrahydrokannabinoli :: tetrahydrocannabinol
tetrahydrotiofeeni :: tetrahydrothiophene
tetrametri :: A tetrameter
tetroksidi :: tetroxide
tetum :: The Tetum language
teuras :: An animal to be slaughtered
teurastaa :: To massacre
teurastaa :: To slaughter, butcher
teurastaja :: A butcher (brutal killer)
teurastaja :: A butcher (person who slaughters animals, usually for meat)
teurastamo :: slaughterhouse, abattoir
teurastus :: slaughter of people, bloodbath
teurastus :: slaughter (killing of animals)
teurgia :: theurgy
teutoni :: A Teuton
Teuvo :: male given name, cognate to Theodore
texasilainen :: Texan
texasilainen :: A Texan
texmexruoka :: Tex-Mex
tägi :: tag (graffiti)
thai :: Thai (language)
thai :: Thai (person)
thaihieronta :: Thai massage (massage in traditional Thai style)
thaikieli :: Tai language (language in the Tai group of the Tai-Kadai family of languages)
Thaimaa :: Thailand
thaimaalainen :: Thai
thaimaalainen :: A Thai
thaimaalaisuus :: Thainess
Thaimaan kuningaskunta :: The Kingdom of Thailand
thaimusiikki :: Thai music
thain kieli :: Thai (language)
thainkielinen :: Thai, Thai language, Thai speaking (written or expressed in Thai)
thairavintola :: Thai restaurant (restaurant serving food prepared in Thai style)
thairuoka :: Thai food (food prepared in Thai style)
thaisilkki :: Thai silk
thanatologia :: alternative spelling of tanatologia
thangka :: thangka
thatcherismi :: Thatcherism
tähde [lb, fi, usually plural] :: residue, remnant, leftover (whatever remains when something - usually the useful part - has been removed)
tähde :: leftovers, table scraps (food remaining after a meal; excess food eaten later)
tähdekäs :: starry
tähdellinen :: significant, necessary, meaningful
tähdellinen :: starry, having (pictures of) stars
tähden :: because of, for the sake of
tähdenlento :: A person who had short-lived fame
tähdenlento :: A shooting star, meteor
tähdenlentoparvi :: meteor shower
tähdenpeitto :: occultation
tähdenpilkku :: starspot
tähdentää :: To emphasize, highlight
tähdetön :: starless
tähdikäs :: starry
tähdistö :: constellation (any of the 88 officially recognized regions of the sky)
tähdittää :: To star (to appear as a featured performer)
tähdätä [figuratively + illative] :: To aim at, strive for
tähdätä :: To aim at, target
thebanlepakko :: Egyptian slit-faced bat, Nycteris thebaica
theeta :: theta (Greek letter)
thelema :: Thelema (type of spiritual and social philosophy)
theremin :: theremin
tähkä :: The ear of a grain plant
töhkä :: dirt
tähkiö :: catstail (plant of the genus Phleum)
tähkäidäntä :: ear sprouting
tähkämaitikka :: crested cow-wheat (Melampyrum cristatum)
Tähkäpää :: Rapunzel
tähkylä :: spikelet
tähän :: to this, to here
tähän asti :: so far, thus far, heretofore, until now, as yet
tähän asti kaikki hyvin :: so far so good
tähänastinen :: Used to refer to action that has taken place from undetermined past to this day and continues; translated into English with adverbial expressions such as until now, up to now, until this day
tähän mennessä :: by now
tähän mennessä :: so far, thus far, heretofore, until now, as yet
tähän saakka :: so far, thus far, heretofore, until now, as yet
thomsoningaselli :: Thomson's gazelle, Eudorcas thomsonii (common species of gazelle)
thorax :: thorax
thoraxkirurgia :: thorax surgery, cardiothoracic surgery (field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of diseases affecting organs inside the thorax)
töhriä :: to smudge
tähtevä :: starry
tähti :: a famous person, celebrity
tähti :: star (astronomical object)
tähti :: a white spot on the forehead of a horse
tähtiaika :: sidereal time
tähtianis :: star anise (dried fruit of the plant Illicium verum, used as spice)
tähtiassosiaatio :: stellar association
tähtienvälinen :: interstellar
tähtiharrastus :: astronomy as an hobby
tähtihedelmä :: carambola, the fruit and the plant (Averrhoa carambola)
tähtihyytelö :: star jelly (mythical substance that falls on the Earth during meteor showers)
tähtijoukko :: star cluster
tähtijärjestelmä :: star system
tähtikirkas :: [of night sky] clear
tähtikuvio :: constellation (configuration of planets at a given time)
tähtikuvio :: asterism
tähtikuvio :: constellation (any of the 88 officially recognized regions of the sky)
tähtikuvio :: constellation (formation of stars perceived as pattern)
tähtikuvio :: constellation (image associated with a group of stars)
tähtimö :: starwort
tähtimäinen :: starlike
tähtimoottori :: radial engine
tähtäin :: sight (aiming device of a weapon)
tähtiparvi :: star cluster
tähtiryöppygalaksi :: starburst galaxy
tähtisadetikku :: sparkler (hand-held firework that emits sparks)
tähtisampi :: sevruga, starry sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus)
tähtisara :: star sedge, Carex echinata
tähtisikermä :: A star cluster
tähtisumu :: nebula, stardust
tähtitaivas :: starry sky
tähtitiede :: astronomy
tähtitieteellinen :: astronomical
tähtitieteellinen yksikkö :: astronomical unit
tähtitieteellisesti :: astronomically
tähtitieteilijä :: astronomer
tähtitorni :: observatory
tähtituuli :: stellar wind
tähtivuorokausi :: stellar day, sidereal day
tähtivuosi :: sidereal year
tähtönen :: diminutive form of tähti
tähtönen :: starlet
tähyillä :: to peer
tähystää :: To keep a lookout
tähystäjä :: lookout
tähystys :: lookout
tähystys :: endoscopy
tähystys :: viewing
täi :: louse
ti :: tiistai (Tuesday)
ti :: dit (spoken representation of a dot in radio and telegraph Morse code)
tiaara :: alternative spelling of tiara
tiabendatsoli :: thiabendazole
tiainen :: a chickadee, tit (a small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae)
tiaiskerttuli :: northern parula, Parula americana (a New World warbler)
tiamiini :: thiamine
tiara :: tiara (papal crown or ornamental coronet)
tic-oire :: tic
tie :: avenue
tie :: path
tie :: road
tie :: way [by which to go/walk/move]
tiede :: one of the liberal arts or humanities
tiede :: science
tiedeakatemia :: academy of sciences
tiedehenkilö :: A scientist; a gender-neutral term sometimes used to replace tiedemies, literally “science man”
tiedekeskus :: science center
tiedekunta :: faculty (in a university)
tiedelehti :: A magazine focused on science
tiedemies :: scientist
tiedenainen :: scientist, female scientist
tiedepuisto :: science park
tiedeseura :: learned society
tiedoksianto :: A notification
tiedonanto :: notification, announcement, notice (formal act of informing or a document delivering the information)
tiedonjanoinen :: inquisitive
tiedonjyvä :: piece of information, bit of information
tiedonlouhinta :: data mining
tiedonpakkaus :: data compression
tiedonsiirto :: data transfer
tiedon valtatie :: information superhighway (high-speed data transfer network)
tiedostaa :: To be aware of
tiedostamaton :: subconscious
tiedosto :: file
tiedostomuoto :: file format
tiedote :: bulletin
tiedoton :: unconscious
tiedottaa :: to inform, make known, announce
tiedottaja :: A public communicator, communicator, mouthpiece; spokesman, spokesperson
tiedottaminen :: informing, reporting
tiedotus :: advice, information, guidance
tiedotus :: announcement, publicity
tiedotuslehti :: bulletin, newsletter
tiedotuspäällikkö :: communications manager
tiedotustilaisuus :: briefing
tiedotusväline :: news medium
tiedustaa :: alternative form of tiedustella
tiedustelija :: A scout (one who conducts reconnaissance)
tiedustella :: to inquire, enquire
tiedustella :: to reconnoitre
tiedustelu :: inquiry, enquiry
tiedustelu :: intelligence (spying)
tiedustelu :: reconnaissance
tiedustelu :: scout (act of scouting or reconnoitering)
tiedustelupalvelu :: intelligence agency, intelligence service (governmental agency devoted to gathering of information for purposes of national security and defense; used mostly of other than Finnish agencies)
tiehöylä :: grader
tiehyt :: duct
tiehytmato :: flukeworm (worm of the class Trematoda)
tiejyrä :: road roller
tiekartta :: road map
tielaitos :: public roads authority, public roads administration (government body responsible for planning, construction and/or maintenance of public roads)
tielaitos :: with capital initial, a former (until 2001) Finnish government authority responsible for planning, construction and maintenance of public roads
tieliikenne :: road traffic
tieliikennelaki :: traffic code
tienata :: To earn money
tienhaara :: fork in the road
tienoilla :: about, around
tienoo :: neighbourhood, region, tract
tienristeys :: road crossing, intersection
tienvarsi :: roadside
tienvarsipommi :: roadside bomb
tienviitta :: signpost
tieoikeus :: right of way (legal right)
tiepiiri :: A former regional organizational unit of Finland's Ministry of Transport and Communications, which was responsible for maintenance and construction of roads in its designated area. The term is no longer in official use as their tasks have been transferred to the ELY-keskus
tiera :: Snow that sticks to or flies off the hoof of a horse in the winter
ties :: God knows
tiesulku :: roadblock
tietää :: To know (meaning the superficial knowledge on, see the usage notes below)
tietää :: To signify, mean, presage, spell
tieteellinen :: scientific
tieteellinen nimi :: A binomial name, scientific name
tieteellisesti :: scientifically
tieteenala :: A branch of science
tieteenfilosofia :: philosophy of science
tieteenteoria :: philosophy of science
tieteidenvälinen :: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary (relating to multiple areas of study)
tieteilijä :: -ologist, scientist
tieteiselokuva :: sci-fi film, sci-fi movie
tieteiskirjallisuus :: science fiction
tieteislaskin [mathematics, computing] :: scientific calculator
tieteisleffa :: science fiction film
tieten :: knowingly
tieten :: tieten tahtoen: wilfully and knowingly
tietenkin :: Of course
tietenkään :: of course not
tieten tahtoen :: willfully, purposely, knowingly
tietäjä :: wise man, sage, seer
tietääkseni :: as far as I know
tietääkseni :: as if not noticing, treating like air
tietämätön :: clueless
tietämätön :: unaware, oblivious
tietämättömämpi :: comparative form of tietämätön
tietämättömyys :: ignorance
tietämyksenhallinta :: knowledge management
tietämys :: knowledge
tietön :: roadless
tieto :: data
tieto :: information
tieto :: intelligence
tieto :: knowledge
tieto :: notice
tietoinen :: cognizant
tietoinen :: conscious
tietoinen läsnäolo [Buddhism, psychology] :: mindfulness
tietoisesti :: consciously, knowingly, volitionally (in a conscious manner)
tietoisuus :: consciousness
tietojenkäsittely :: data processing
tietojenkäsittelytiede :: computer science
tietojärjestelmä :: information system
tietokanta :: database
tietokantahallinnoija :: database administrator
tietokantaohjelma :: database(software)
tietokilpailu :: quiz
tietokirjallisuus :: nonfiction
tietokone :: A computer
tietokoneasiantuntija :: computer expert
tietokoneavusteinen :: computer-aided
tietokonegrafiikka :: computer graphics
tietokoneinsinööri :: A computer engineer
tietokoneistaa :: to computerize
tietokoneistua :: To become computerized
tietokoneistus :: computerization
tietokonekieli :: computer language (language associated with computers)
tietokonelingvistiikka [linguistics, computer science] :: computational linguistics (interdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective)
tietokoneohjelma :: A computer program
tietokonepeli :: An electronic game
tietokonepeli [computer games] :: A computer game
tietokonetaitto :: desktop publishing
tietokonetekniikka :: computer engineering (branch of engineering)
tietokonetekniikka :: computer technology
tietokonevirus :: virus, computer virus
tietolähde :: A source of information
tietoliikenne :: telecommunication
tietoniekka :: someone knowing remarkably much of something; a master of quiz
tietopankki :: A data bank
tietorakenne :: data structure
tietorikas :: knowledgeable
tietosanakirja :: encyclopedia
tietosisältö :: data content
tietotaito :: know-how
tietotekniikka :: information technology
tietoteoria :: epistemology, theory of knowledge
tietotoimisto :: news agency
tietoturva :: data security
tietoturvauhka :: data security threat
tietotyöläinen :: A knowledge worker
tietotyöntekijä :: A knowledge worker
tietotyyppi :: datatype
tietoverkko :: data network
tietoviisas :: a whiz of quiz
tietoviisas :: [sarcastic or ironic] someone pretending to know remarkably much of something
tietovisa :: quiz
tietoyhteiskunta :: information society
tietsikka :: computer
tiettävästi :: as far as is known, presumably
tietty :: certain (having been determined but unspecified)
tietty :: designated
tietue :: record (a set of data)
tietulli :: road toll
tietävä :: in the know (informed, aware)
tietyö :: Roadworks
tietynlainen :: of certain type, of certain kind
tietyntyyppinen :: of a certain kind, certain
tietysti :: of course, naturally
tieverkosto :: road network
Tigris :: Tigris
tiheä :: dense, thick
tiheikkö :: thicket, copse
tiheä joukko :: dense set
tiheämpi :: comparative form of tiheä
tihentää :: To make more dense or frequent
tihentyä :: To become denser
tihentyä :: To become more frequent (in time)
tiheästi :: densely
tihetä :: To become denser
tiheä virtsaaminen :: pollakiuria
tiheys :: density
tiheys :: frequency
tiheys :: rate
tihku :: drizzle (mist or sprinkle)
tihkua :: to exude
tihkua :: to percolate, seep
tihkuinen :: drizzly
tihkuminen :: percolation, seepage (process by which a liquid leaks through a porous substance)
tihkusade :: A drizzle (light rain)
tihkusateinen :: drizzly
tihkuta :: To drizzle (light rain)
tihkuttaa :: to drizzle (to rain lightly)
tihkuttaa :: to exude (to discharge small quantities of a substance through pores or incisions)
tihu :: drizzle
tihuttaa :: To drizzle (to rain lightly)
tii [golf] :: tee (peg)
Tiia :: female given name. Popular in the end of the 20th century
tiiata :: to tee off (to hit the first shot of the hole, from the tee)
tiibet :: The Tibetan language
Tiibet :: Tibet
tiibetiläinen :: Tibetan
tiibetiläinen :: A Tibetan person
tiibetinhanhi :: bar-headed goose, Anser indicus
tiibetinmakaki :: Tibetan macaque, Macaca thibetana
tiibetinmastiffi :: Tibetan Mastiff
tiibetinspanieli :: Tibetan spaniel
tiibetinterrieri :: Tibetan terrier
tiibetinvesipäästäinen :: elegant water shrew (Nectogale elegans)
tiikeri :: tiger (Panthera tigris)
tiikerihai :: A requiem shark (any of the 52 species in the family 'Carcharhinidae')
tiikerihai :: A tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier
tiikerikakku :: marble cake
tiikerikissa :: oncilla, Leopardus tigrinus
tiikerilinsanki :: banded linsang, Prionodon linsang
tiikerinsilmä :: tiger's eye
tiikeripussikissa :: spotted-tailed quoll, Dasyurops maculatus
tiikerisalamanteri :: tiger salamander
tiikki :: teak (timber or tree)
tiikoni :: tigon
tiilenpunainen :: fire brick (of colour)
tiilenpunainen :: fire brick (colour)
tiili :: brick (construction block)
tiili :: brick (material)
tiili :: tile (used mostly of unglazed heavy tiles, such as roof tiles)
tiilihissi :: elevator designed for lifting construction materials on a construction site
tiiliseinä :: brick wall (in both concrete and idiomatic sense)
tiiliskivi :: brick
tiiliskivi :: a very thick book
tiilitehdas :: brick factory
tiilittää :: to tile (to arrange tile-like objects in a regular pattern)
tiima :: A moment
tiima :: An hour
tiimalasi :: An hourglass
tiimalasivartalo :: hourglass figure
tiimi :: team
tiimityö :: teamwork
Tiina :: female given name
tiine :: pregnant
tiinehtiä :: To become pregnant
tiipii :: tipi
tiira :: tern (birds, mostly of the genus Sterna but also of Chlidonias and Phaetusa in the family Laridae - gulls and terns)
tiirailla :: to peer (to look with difficulty, or as if searching for something)
tiirikka :: lockpick
tiirikoida :: To pick a lock
tiirikointi :: lock picking
tiistai :: Tuesday
tiistaiaamu :: Tuesday morning
tiistai-ilta :: Tuesday evening
tiistainen :: Pertaining to Tuesday
tiistaisin :: On Tuesdays
tiisti :: mongrel (dog of mixed breed)
Tiitus :: male given name
Tiitus :: Titus [in older versions of the Bible]
tiiviö :: airtight container
tiiviimpi :: comparative form of tiivis
tiiviisti :: closely
tiiviisti :: densely
tiiviisti :: tightly
tiivis :: tight, compact, dense
tiivistää :: To seal (to close securely to prevent leakage)
tiivistää :: To weatherstrip [US], draughtproof [British] (to apply a weatherstrip)
tiivistää :: To condense (to decrease size or volume by concentration toward the essence)
tiiviste :: A concentrate
tiiviste :: A sealant
tiiviste :: A seal, gasket
tiiviste :: A weatherstrip
tiivistelmä :: summary, synopsis, compendium
tiivistenauha :: Any sealant supplied in the form of a strip
tiivistenauha :: A weatherstrip
tiivistyä :: to condense
tiivistymisjuova :: condensation trail, contrail
tiivistymisvana :: condensation trail, contrail
tiivistysaine :: A sealant (sealing material)
tikahtua :: to choke, especially of laughter (to be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe)
täikampa :: louse comb
tikapuut :: ladder
tikari :: A dagger (stabbing weapon)
tikasauto :: A ladder truck; a fire truck equipped with a rescue ladder
tikittää :: to tick
tikitys :: tick, ticking (relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery)
tikka :: dart (sharp-pointed missile used in the game of darts)
tikka :: woodpecker (any bird in the family Picidae)
tikkaat :: ladders
Tikkanen :: Finnish surname
tikkari :: A lollipop
tikkataulu :: dartboard
tikkaus :: suture (seam formed by sewing two edges of skin together)
tikki :: trick
tikki :: stitch
tikkikangas :: quilted cloth (type of fabric)
tikku :: chip (of wood)
tikku :: sliver
tikku :: splinter
tikku :: stick
tikkua ristiin [lb, fi, idiomatic, of work or effort, used with negation verb ei] :: not anything, nothing
tikkukaramelli :: A lollipop
tikkukirjain :: A block letter, block capital
tikkunekku :: rock (confectionary made from sugar)
tikkuri :: Old Finnish unit of amount; ten squirrel furs
tikku-ukko :: stick man, stick figure
tikli :: European goldfinch, (Carduelis carduelis)
tiäksä :: you know
tikutaku :: chipmunk
tila :: A condition (state of an object, especially health status)
tila :: As a short form of maatila, a farm
tila :: A space (area or volume occupied by or intended for a person or thing)
tila :: A space (volume)
tila :: A state (condition or situation)
tila :: A stead (place or room which another person had, has, or might have)
tila :: room (space)
tilaaja :: subscriber
tila-auto :: minivan
tilaisuus :: occasion
tilaisuus :: opportunity (chance for advancement, progress or profit)
tilalla :: in place of, instead, in lieu of
tilallinen :: Having a farm
tilallinen :: An owner of a farm
tilanhoitaja :: A steward, estate manager, majordomo, caretaker, farm manager, farm superintendent (person in charge of managing a farm that belongs to someone else)
tilanne :: circumstances
tilanne :: occasion
tilanne :: position
tilanne :: situation
tilannetaju :: discretion, the ability to make circumspect decisions
tilapäinen :: makeshift (made to work or suffice; improvised; substituted)
tilapäinen :: occasional, casual (limited to certain occasion)
tilapäinen :: temporary, provisional (limited in time)
tilapäisasumus :: temporary dwelling, tabernacle
tilapäisesti :: temporarily
tilasto :: statistics (organized data)
tilastoida :: To compile statistics
tilastokeskus :: A national authority for collecting and compiling statistics on various fields of society and economy. The English terminology varies by country: see United States Census Bureau, Statistics Canada, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Office for National Statistics [UK]. The Finnish Tilastokeskus is officially Statistics Finland in English
tilastollinen :: statistical
tilastomatematiikka :: mathematical statistics
tilastotiede [sciences] :: statistics
tilastotieteellinen :: statistical
tilastotieteilijä :: statistician
tilata :: to order (to request some product or service)
tilata :: to sign up for (to agree to purchase some good or service)
tilata :: to subscribe to (a magazine etc.)
tilaus :: order (request for some product or service), subscription, booking, reservation
tilauskanta :: order backlog (orders for goods or services that are waiting to be fulfilled)
tilausnumero :: order number
tilausvahvistus :: confirmation of order
tilava :: spacious, roomy
tilavampi :: comparative form of tilava
tilavasti :: spaciously
tilavin :: superlative form of tilava
tilavuus :: Capacity
tilavuus :: Volume
tilavuusyksikkö :: unit of volume
Tilda :: female given name, short form of Matilda
tilde :: tilde
tilhi :: Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus
tili :: account
tilikausi :: accounting period (the period with reference to which accounting books of an entity are prepared); usually synonymous to fiscal year
tilinauha :: payslip
tilinpäätös :: financial statement (formal record of all relevant financial information of a business, person, or other entity)
tilintarkastaja :: auditor (one who audits bookkeeping accounts)
tilinumero :: account number
tilinylitys :: overdraft (act of overdrawing a bank account)
tilinylitys :: overdraft (amount overdrawn)
tiliote :: bank statement, account statement, statement of accounts (record of transactions and their effect on bank account balances)
tilisiirto :: wire transfer, account transfer, credit transfer, bank transfer
tilitoimisto :: firm of accountants, accounting company, accounting firm
tilittää :: to account for, account, report (to make or render a reckoning of funds, persons, or things)
tilittää :: to recount, reminisce (to relate in detail, especially to tell or narrate the particulars of one's life or some painful event)
tilivuosi :: fiscal year, financial year, budget year (accounting period of twelve months usually, but not necessarily, coinciding with the calendar year)
tilke :: stuffing
tilkesana :: filled pause, filler word
tilkintä :: sealing, stuffing
tilkitä :: to seal, stuff
tilkka :: A small amount of liquid; dribble, dash, drop
tilkku :: A piece of textile; patch, clout, swatch
tilkkutäkki :: patchwork quilt
tilli :: dill (Peucedanum graveolens)
tilliitti :: tillite
tilpehööri :: accessories, attachments
tilpehööri :: assorted goods, stuff, things
tilsa :: Snow that sticks, for example, to the hooves of a horse or the bottom of a ski
tiltaltti :: chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
tilus :: A piece of land
tiluttaa [music, slang] :: to shred (to play an instrument, especially guitar, very fast)
timali :: Old World wabbler, timaliid
timantti :: diamond (material)
timantti :: diamond (precious stone)
timanttihäät :: diamond wedding (60th wedding anniversary)
timanttikirjoahven :: African butterfly cichlid, Anomalochromis thomasi (cichlid fish native to West Africa, popular as aquarium fish)
timanttisormus :: diamond ring (finger ring with a diamond or diamonds)
timanttisormus :: diamond ring (optical phenomenon during a solar eclipse)
timanttitetra :: diamond tetra, Moenkhausia pittieri (characin fish native to Venezuela, popular as aquarium fish)
timanttitonkija :: whitespotted eartheater, Satanoperca leucosticta (cichlid fish native to South America, popular as aquarium fish)
timbaali [musici] :: in plural (timbaalit) timbales (pair of tunable Latin American drums)
timbaali :: timbale (mould or dish)
timbaalit :: timbales (pair of tunable single-headed, metal-shelled cylindrical drums, used in Latin American music)
Timișoara :: Timișoara
timjami :: thyme (as spice)
Timo :: male given name
Timonen :: Finnish surname
timorinhirvi :: Javan rusa, Sunda sambar, Rusa timorensis (species of deer native to Java, Bali and Timor)
timotei :: timothy
Timoteus :: Timothy or either Book of Timothy
timperi :: carpenter (carpentry person of any kind)
timpermanni :: carpenter
timpuri :: alternative form of timperi
timpurinkynä :: carpenter's pencil
timpurinsaha :: A crosscut saw
tina :: pewter (tin alloy containing 85-99% tin plus copper and antimony, used e.g. for making tableware)
tina :: tin
tinakannu :: tin-pot
tinakivi :: cassiterite
tinamalmi :: tin ore
tinami :: A tinamou
tinapilli :: tin whistle
tinaseppä :: whitesmith, tinsmith
tinasotamies :: tin soldier
tinasotilas :: tin soldier
tinata :: to solder with tin
tinata :: to tin
tinata :: to tin-plate
tinattu :: tinned, tin-plated
tinka :: quarrel
tinka :: shortage
tinkiä :: To haggle
tinki :: haggling
tinktuura :: tincture (alcoholic extract of plant material, used as a medicine)
tinktuuri :: tincture (colour or metal used in the depiction of a coat of arms)
tinktuuri :: tincture (alcoholic extract used as medicine)
tinneri :: paint thinner (volatile mixture of solvents used for thinning paint and cleaning paint brushes)
tinnitus :: tinnitus
tintti :: tit (bird)
Tintti :: Tintin (comic book character)
töin tuskin :: hardly
tiofeeni :: thiophene
tioli :: thiol
tiomersaali :: thimerosal
tionyylikloridi :: thionyl chloride
tiopentaali :: thiopental
tiosulfaatti :: thiosulfate
tiosyanaatti :: thiocyanate
tipahdella :: To drop (over a period of time), keep dropping (one by one)
tipahtaa :: to drop off
tipahtaa :: to drop (once)
tippa :: A drop
tippa :: A (least) bit, in the saying ei tippaakaan, "not a bit" or "not the least bit"
tippaakaan [colloquial, with a negation verb] :: not a bit
tippaleipä :: funnel cake
tippi :: A tip (small amount of money)
tippua :: to drop
tippukivi :: dripstone
tippuri :: Gonorrhea
tipsuttaa :: to tiptoe
tipu :: any small bird
tipu :: chick, chicken (very young chick of hen, when still yellow with its natal down)
tipu :: chick (young of bird)
tipu :: chick (attractive young woman)
tipula :: girls' school
tiputella :: To drop (repeatedly)
tiputtaa :: to drip (to fall one drop at a time)
tiputtaa :: to drop, down
tiputus :: intravenous therapy, drip (infusion of liquid substances directly into a vein)
tiputus :: the act of dripping
tiramisu :: tiramisu
tirehtööri :: ringmaster
tiristä :: To sizzle
tirkistelijä :: voyeur, peeping tom
tirkistellä :: to engage in voyeurism
tirkistellä :: to peek (to look with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice)
tirkistellä :: to peep (to look, while trying not to be seen or noticed)
tirkistely :: voyeurism (derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching people secretly)
Tiroli :: Tyrol (mountainous region in Austria and Italy)
Tiroli :: Tyrol (state in Austria)
tirri :: A small fish
tirsat :: nap
tiskaaja :: dishwasher (one who washes dishes)
tiskata :: To wash (the dishes)
tiski :: dishes (dirty containers, utensils etc. to be washed after eating)
tiski :: counter
tiski :: desk
tiskiaine :: dishwashing liquid, detergent
tiskijukka :: disk jockey
tiskikone :: A dishwasher (machine)
tiskirätti :: dishcloth (cloth used to wash dishes)
tiskivesi :: dishwater
tislaamo :: distillery
tislain :: distiller
tislata :: To distill
tislattu :: distilled, rectified
tislattu vesi :: distilled water
tisle :: distillment
tismalleen :: precisely, to a tee
tissi :: tit, boob
tissutella :: To tipple (to drink regularly but not in excess)
tissuttaa :: to tiptoe
tisu :: tit, teat
titaani :: A titan
titaani :: Titanium
titaanidioksidi :: titanium oxide
titaaninitridi :: titanium nitride
titaanioksidi :: titanium oxide
titaanitetrakloridi :: titanium tetrachloride
titaniitti :: titanite or sphene
Titta :: female given name of modern usage
titteli :: title (prefix or suffix added to name)
tituloida :: To address
tiu :: Imitation of a small bird's sound
tiu :: score (quantity of twenty pieces, used mainly of eggs)
tiuha :: dense (e.g. forest)
tiuha :: frequent
tiuhentaa :: To increase frequency
tiukasti :: tightly, fast
tiukempi :: comparative form of tiukka
tiukentaa :: To make stricter
tiukentaa :: To tighten
tiukentua :: alternative form of tiuketa
tiuketa :: To tighten
tiukka :: taut
tiukka :: tight
tiukkua :: To trickle
tiukkuus :: tightness
tiuku :: A small bell
tiuskahdella :: To keep snapping (to say abruptly or sharply)
tiuskaista :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
tiuskia :: to be snappy
tivata [+ ablative + partitive] :: To ask (someone) tirelessly/persistently (about/for something), demand (from someone), press (someone for something)
tivata :: To dun (someone = ablative, for a payment = partitive)
tivoli :: funfair
Tizian :: Titian
tj :: CEO, MD
tj :: Days left of military service
tjs. :: or something like that
tökerö :: uncouth (unrefined, crude)
tökerösti :: uncouthly
täkki :: deck
täkki :: quilt
tökkiä :: to poke (repeatedly)
tökkäistä :: To jab, poke (once)
tökkäys :: jab (quick stab)
täkäläinen :: local (referring to here)
täkänä :: double-weave
tökätä :: To poke, jab
tökötti :: slime, ooze, goo
tökötti :: birch tar
täky :: bait
tl :: tsp (teaspoon as a unit of measure)
tölkinavaaja :: can opener, tin opener
tölkki :: can, tin, carton (small container of hard or stiff material)
tölkkiolut :: canned beer
täällä :: over here (in this place)
täällä :: [static] here (around)
tällä :: at this, on this; with this
töllö :: TV, telly
tällainen :: this kind of
tällä erää :: for now (at the moment; until later)
tällä haavaa :: for now (at the moment; until later)
tällä hetkellä :: at the moment, currently (at this moment; right now)
tällä hetkellä :: nowadays (at the present time)
tölli :: cottage, house
tällöin :: now, then, at this time
tällätä :: To deck
töllötin :: boob tube (television set)
töllöttää :: To ogle
täältä :: from here
tältä osin :: for this part (as far as this specific issue is concerned)
täältä pesee :: catch it, get it (used primarily as interjection to show readiness to deliver a response or to fight)
täältä pesee :: definitely, certainly, you bet (used to strengthen a positive response to a request for action)
töltti :: tölt, tolt (type of horse's gait)
T-luupihvi :: T-bone steak
tämä :: this
tömähtää :: To thump, thud
töminä :: thud, clump (low noise)
tömistellä :: To stomp (ground, floor)
tömäkkä :: assertive
tömäkkä :: robust
tämmöinen :: this kind of
tämän [accusative] :: this (direct object):
tämän :: (genitive) of this:
tämänaamuinen :: Occurring on this morning
tämänhetkinen :: Occurring now; current, actual
tämäniltainen :: Occurring on this evening
tämänkaltainen :: this kind of
tämänkertainen :: taking place this time
tämänkesäinen :: Occurring in this summer
tämänkeväinen :: Occurring on this spring
tämänpäiväinen :: Occurring today
tämänsyksyinen :: Occurring on this autumn, fall
tämän takia :: because of this, due to this, this is why
tämäntalvinen :: Occurring on this winter
tämäntyyppinen :: this type of, this kind of
tämänviikkoinen :: Occurring on this week
tämän vuoksi :: because of this
tämänvuotinen :: This year's
tämä päivä :: this day, present day
tämä päivä :: Used in certain cases adverbially and adjectivally in the sense current time as a wider concept:
tönö :: A shack
töniä :: To push, shove, jostle (people physically, for example in a line)
tönäistä :: To nudge
tänään :: today
tänne :: here (to this place), hither
tännepäin :: this way, here, toward me (towards the direction of the speaker)
to :: Thu (abbreviation of Thursday)
toaletti :: toilet, water closet
toalettipaperi :: toilet paper, bathroom tissue
toccata :: toccata
todella :: really
todellinen :: actual
todellinen :: real
todellisempi :: comparative form of todellinen
todellisin :: superlative form of todellinen
todellisuus :: reality
todenmukainen :: realistic
todenmukainen :: truthful
todenmukaisesti :: realistically
todenmukaisesti :: truthfully
todenmukaisuus :: veracity, truthfulness
todennäköinen :: likely, probable
todennäköisempi :: comparative form of todennäköinen
todennäköisesti :: probably, likely
todennäköisyys :: Probability, likelihood, odds
todennäköisyysharkinta :: balance of probabilities
todennäköisyysjakauma :: probability distribution
todennäköisyyspaperi :: probability paper
todennus :: authentication
todentaa :: to authenticate
todentua :: To be realized (become real)
toden tullen :: if push comes to shove
todeta :: To diagnose
todeta :: To notice, discover, find (out)
todeta :: To state, note
todistaa :: To testify, depose, take the stand
todistaa :: To prove, demonstrate, substantiate
todistaa :: To witness, give/bear witness to, testify to, attest to; (religiously) to give a testimonial of/to
todistaja :: witness
todistajanlausunto :: testimony; deposition
todistamaton :: unproved
todiste :: A piece of evidence; in plural (todisteet) evidence (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
todistua :: To become proven
todistuksen maja :: tabernacle (tent)
todistus :: certificate
todistus :: diploma, report card
todistus :: proof
todistusaineisto :: evidence
todistuskappale :: A piece of evidence, exhibit
todistustaakka :: burden of proof
toe :: A small dam, usually made of logs
toeta :: To be able to
toeta :: To build a toe
toeta :: To calm down, abate, subside
toffee :: toffee
toffeekastike :: butterscotch (sauce)
toffeeomena :: candy apple [US], toffee apple [UK] (aple dipped in toffee)
tofujäätelö :: tofu ice cream
toga :: alternative form of tooga
Togo :: Togo
tohelo :: A lummox
toheloida :: To bungle, botch up
tohina :: A fuss, hassle (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something)
tohina :: A kind of low-pitch noise, like the sound of a welding flame or of a lively burning gas burner
tohkeissaan :: enthusiastic, enthusiastically, excited, excitedly, [colloquially] jazzed up (about = elative)
tohtia [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To can bring oneself (to do), dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)
tohtori :: doctor (degree)
tohtori :: physician
tohtorikoulu :: graduate school
tohtorinväitöskirja :: doctoral thesis
tohtoroida :: To doctor
tohveli :: slipper (shoe)
tohvelieläin :: paramecium, slipper animalcule (any animal of the genus Paramecium)
toiletti :: toilet
toim. :: ed., eds. (editor, editors)
toim. :: In toim.joht., executive
toim :: See: toim.
toimeenpano :: execution (act of executing a decision or the state of being executed)
toimeenpano :: execution (process of carrying a court decision, contract, will etc. into effect)
toimeenpano :: implementation
toimeenpanovalta :: executive branch
toimeenpanovalta :: executive power
toimeentulo :: A livelihood, subsistence or living (means of supporting oneself)
toimeentulotuki :: income support, supplementary benefit
toimekas :: energetic
toimeksianto :: assignment (act of assigning, or an assigned task)
toimeksianto :: order
toimelias :: energetic
toimenkuva :: job description
toimenpide :: action
toimenpide :: intervention
toimenpide :: measure
toimenpide :: operation
toimenpide :: procedure
toimesta :: by, at the hands of (by the actions of)
toimeton :: idle, unoccupied
toimettomuus :: inaction, idleness, inertness
toimi :: action measure
toimi :: chore, task, job, duty
toimi [plural only] :: activities, business, operations, affairs, action
toimi :: post, job, position
toimi :: service (in compounds, branch of government, e.g. pelastustoimi)
Toimi :: male given name
toimia :: to be powered (by = adessive)
toimia :: to serve, act, work (as = essive)
toimia :: to work, function, run (to act as intended, to be in action)
toimiaika :: term of office
toimiala :: industry, branch (businesses of the same type, considered as a whole)
toimielin [mechanics] :: actuator (device that actuates)
toimielin :: organ (body of an organization dedicated to performing of certain functions)
toimihenkilö :: official, clerk
toimija :: actor, agent
toimikas :: twill (pattern created by the way threads are passed over and under each other during weaving)
toimikausi :: term
toimikunta :: task force, working group, committee
toimilupa :: concession, franchise (permission to run a regulated business, exploit a natural resource etc.)
toiminimi [accounting, economics, business, legal] :: sole trader, sole proprietor (type of business enterprise or proprietorship)
toiminimi :: trade name (name under which a business or firm operates)
toiminnallinen [business, accounting, finance] :: active
toiminnallinen :: functional
toiminnallisuus :: functionality (ability of a programme or device to perform a task or function)
toiminnanharjoittaja :: A natural or juristic person who has the control of the facility he operates
toiminnanjohtaja :: A leading executive position in a non-profit organization. English terms for corresponding position include CEO, secretary-general
toiminne :: feature (capability)
toiminta :: action, activity
toiminta-aika :: operating time
toimintaedellytys :: prerequisite for operation
toimintaelokuva :: action movie
toimintakalenteri :: calendar (a list of planned events)
toimintakyky :: performance (ability to function)
toimintakyvytön :: deactivated, disabled (made incapable of performing its normal function)
toimintakyvytön :: inoperable, inoperative (incapable of correct operation or function)
toimintalinja :: course of action
toimintamalli :: operating model (abstract representation of how an organization operates)
toimintaperiaate :: A policy, as a prudent or instructed course of action
toimintaperiaate :: A principle, as a basic idea of how the laws of nature are applied to produce a desired result or action
toimintasäde :: range, reach (of activity)
toimintasuunnitelma :: action plan
toimintatapa :: way of acting
toimintaterapeutti :: occupational therapist
toimintaterapia :: occupational therapy
toimintaympäristö :: operational environment
toiminto :: feature [capability]
toiminto :: function
toimipaikka :: place of business (factory, shop, office or other establishment controlled by a firm, in which it conducts its business)
toimipiste :: office, agency
toimipiste :: outlet
toimipiste :: place of business
toimisto :: office (building or room where clerical or professional duties are performed; the staff performing those duties)
toimistoaika :: office hours
toimistotarvike :: office supply, office accessory, office appliance; used often in plural as mass noun
toimistotyö :: office work, desk work
toimistotyöaika :: office hours
toimistotyöntekijä :: office worker, clerical employee
toimitalo :: office building
toimite :: publication
toimitila :: business premises
toimitsija :: agent
toimittaa :: To copy edit (a text)
toimittaa :: To edit (a book, a magazine)
toimittaa :: To hold, conduct, perform, preside at
toimittaa :: To send, deliver, take, get, fetch; to give (someone = allative, something = genitive-accusative), supply/provide (someone = illative or allative, with something = genitive-accusative)
toimittaja :: A reporter, journalist, editor
toimittaja :: A supplier, vendor
toimitus :: action or performance; the act of performing something (often ritual or unusual)
toimitus :: churchy ceremony
toimitus :: delivery, dispatch
toimitus :: editing office
toimitus :: editorial staff
toimitus :: (law) proceedings
toimitusaika :: delivery time
toimitusjohtaja :: chief executive officer, CEO (in large companies)
toimitusjohtaja :: managing director, executive director
toimitusketju :: supply chain
toimituslauseke [international trade] :: Incoterm
toimitusvarmuus :: reliability of delivery
toimiva :: working
toimivalta :: jurisdiction (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law)
toimivaltainen :: competent (having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question)
toimivuus :: operability (extent to which a system or device is operable)
toim.joht. :: toimitusjohtaja
toinen :: the second, abbreviation 2. , in the names of monarchs and popes II
toinen :: other, another
toinen :: In plural [toiset] the others, other ones
toinenkolmatta [archaic, ordinal] :: twenty-second
toinen kotimainen :: Finnish (language, from the perspective of Swedish-speaking Finns)
toinen kotimainen :: Swedish (language, from the perspective of Finnish-speaking Finns)
toinen maailmansota :: The Second World War, World War II
toinen sunnuntai ennen paastonaikaa :: Sexagesima (Sunday two weeks before Lent)
Toini :: female given name
tointua :: To regain consciousness
toipilas :: A convalescent
toipilasaika :: convalescence [period of time]
toipua :: to recover, recuperate, convalesce
toipuminen :: convalescence (gradual healing after illness or injury)
toipumisaika :: recovery time
toipuva :: convalescent (recovering one's health and strength after a period of illness)
toipuva :: recovering (being in the process of recovery)
toisaalla :: elsewhere
toisaalta :: on the other hand, then
toisarvoinen :: secondary
toiseksi :: secondly, for the second (in the second place)
toiseksi viimeinen :: penultimate, next to last, second-to-last, second last
toisen asteen palovamma :: second-degree burn
toisenlainen :: of another kind; different
toisensa :: [they ...] each other, one another
toisensa jälkeen :: after another
toisenvarainen :: heterotrophic
toiseus :: otherness, differentness (esp. from a cultural norm)
toisin :: otherwise, differently
toisinaan :: sometimes, occasionally
toisinajattelija :: dissenter
toisinajattelija :: dissident
toisinajattelu :: dissent, dissidence
toisinpäin :: the other way around, vice versa
toisin sanoen :: in other words
toisin sanoen :: that is, that is to say
toisintaa :: To reproduce (to produce a copy)
toisiopalvelin :: mirror server
toispuolinen :: lopsided
toissa :: Denotes the period before last
toissa päivä :: day before yesterday
toissapäivä :: Common misspelling of toissa päivä
toissapäiväinen :: of the day before yesterday; nudiustertian
toissa päivänä :: the day before yesterday
toissijainen :: secondary
toissijaisesti :: secondarily
-toista :: -teen (used to form numbers from 13 to 19)
toistaa :: to repeat
toistaiseksi :: for the time being (temporarily; until later)
toistaiseksi :: indefinitely
toistaiseksi :: so far
toistaiseksi voimassa oleva [legal, idiomatic] :: permanent; especially of employment contract or other contract which is valid until further notice
toistakymmentä :: more than ten (but usually less than fifteen)
toistamiseen :: again
toiste :: Another time; again
toiste :: Something repeated
toisto [fencing] :: renewal, redoublement (renewal of an attack that missed, was short, or was parried)
toisto :: repetition
toisto :: tautology
toistokyky [audio] :: fidelity
toistomerkki :: A traffic sign installed for the purpose of reminding the drivers of the continuing validity of an earlier sign
toistomerkki :: ditto mark
toistua :: To recur (happen again)
toistua :: To repeat itself
toistuva :: repeating, repetitive, recurrent
toistuvasti :: repeatedly
toitottaa :: to honk (to make a sound like a goose)
toitottaa :: to trumpet, bugle (to announce, sing, or cry in the manner of a musical bugle)
Toivanen :: Finnish surname
toive :: wish
toiveajattelu :: wishful thinking
toiveikas :: hopeful
toiveikkaasti :: hopefully (in a hopeful manner)
toiviomatka :: pilgrimage
toiviomatkalainen :: pilgrim
toivioretkeläinen :: pilgrim
toivioretki :: pilgrimage
toivo :: hope
Toivo :: male given name
toivoa :: To hope for, wish
toivomus :: wish
toivomuskaivo :: wishing well
toivomusluu :: wishbone
Toivonen :: Finnish surname
toivonkipinä :: A spark of hope
toivoton :: desperate
toivoton :: futile
toivoton :: hopeless
toivottaa :: To bid (to utter a greeting)
toivottaa :: To wish (to bestow a thought)
toivottava :: desirable, advisable
toivottavasti :: hopefully, it is hoped that
toivottomasti :: hopelessly
toivottomuus :: hopelessness
toka :: second
toka :: runner-up
toka :: second (e.g. position)
tokaari :: Tocharian (extinct language)
tokaari :: Tocharian (speaker of that language)
tokaarilainen :: Tocharian (of or pertaining to Tocharian language or the Tocharians)
tokaista :: to blurt, to blurt out
tokaisu :: blurt (sudden and unadvised utterance)
tokaji :: tokay (Hungarian dessert wine)
tokajinviini :: Alternative term for tokaji
tokaluokkalainen :: second-grader
tokari :: report card
tokeegekko :: tokay gecko, Gekko gecko (species of gecko native to Southeast Asia)
tokelau :: Tokelauan (language)
Tokelau :: Tokelau
tokelaunkielinen :: Tokelauan (expressed in Tokelauan language)
tokelaunkielinen :: Tokelauan-speaking
toki :: sure, certainly
toki :: certainly, by all means, sure
Tokio :: Tokyo
tokiponankielinen :: Toki Pona (expressed in Toki Pona language)
tokiponankielinen :: Toki Pona-speaking
tokka :: A herd, especially of reindeer
tokko :: I don't think, hardly; used to express doubt, often with softening clitic -pa or -han
tokko :: if, whether; used to begin an indirect question
tokko :: goby (fish of the genus Gobius)
tokkopa :: I don't think, hardly; used to express doubt
tokkura :: stupor
tokkurainen :: groggy
tokoferoli :: tocopherol
toksemia :: toxemia
toksiini :: toxin
toksikologia :: toxicology
toksinen :: toxic
toksinen šokkioireyhtymä :: toxic shock syndrome
toksinen sokkioireyhtymä :: alternative spelling of toksinen šokkioireyhtymä
toksisuus :: toxicity
tola :: A track or trail, especially a skiing track
tola :: state of affairs, track
toleranssi :: tolerance
toleranssiraja :: tolerance limit
tolerantti :: tolerant
toliini :: tholin
Toljatti :: Tolyatti
toljottaa :: To goggle
tolkku :: sense
tollanen :: that kind of
tollo :: moron, dumbass, goof, fool
tollo :: A piece of paper wrinkled and squeezed into a ball, as for throwing away
tolppa [ballgames] :: short of maalitolppa
tolppa :: bollard (post preventing vehicle access to a pedestrian area etc.)
tolppa :: post, pole, stilt (long piece of heavy timber or other material protruding out of ground)
tolteekki :: A Toltec
toltti :: A dozen (a quantity of 12, used mainly of boards)
tolueeni :: toluene
tolueenidi-isosyanaatti :: toluene diisocyanate
tolvana :: ignoramus, nincompoop, blockhead
tomaatti :: tomato
tomaattihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula persicina
tomaattikastike :: tomato sauce
tomaattikeitto :: tomato soup
tomaattimehu :: tomato juice
tomaattipyree :: tomato purée, tomato paste
tomaattisalaatti :: tomato salad
tomaattisose :: tomato purée, tomato mash, tomato paste
tomera :: brisk, energetic, saucy
Tomi :: male given name
Tommi :: male given name
tommoinen :: that kind of
tommonen :: that kind of
tomografi :: tomograph
tomografia :: tomography
tompakki :: tombac (brass alloy)
tomppeli :: dumbledore (blundering person)
tomppeli :: ignoramus (dumb person)
tomu :: ashes or remains (the remains of a person)
tomu :: dust (very fine particles of a solid substance)
tomu :: In Biblical speech, earth or soil
tomuhiukkanen :: dust particle
tomuinen :: dusty
tomumaja :: tabernacle (human body as the temporary abode of the soul)
tomusokeri :: powdered sugar, icing sugar or confectioners' sugar
tomuttaa :: to dust
-ton :: Indicates lack of something; -less
tonaalinen :: tonal
tonaalisesti :: tonally
tonaalisuus :: tonality
Tonava :: Danube
tonetti :: tonette
tonga :: Tongan (language)
Tonga :: Tonga
tongalainen :: Tongan (of or pertaining to Tonga)
tongalainen :: Tongan (person from Tonga or of Tongan descent)
tonget [pluralonly, dialectal] :: alternative form of tongit (tool)
tongit :: pliers
Toni :: male given name
tonkia :: To dig (to research a particular subject, especially a suspicious case)
tonkia :: To grub (to dig in search of something, as e.g. a pig does to find food)
tonkia :: To scavenge (to search through unwanted material for useful material)
tonne [colloquial, of movement] :: there (when the speaker points at the place):
tonni :: A metric ton
tonni :: grand (One thousand units of currency)
tonnikala :: A tuna
tonsilla :: tonsil
tonsilliitti :: tonsillitis
tonsuuri :: tonsure
tontti :: parcel, plot, property
tonttu :: A fool (person with poor judgment or little intelligence)
tonttu :: An elf (Santa's helper)
tonttu :: A miniature mythical humanoid creature believed to live in the forests and in or near people's dwellings, similar to an elf or gnome
tooga :: A toga
tooni :: tone
toonika :: The tonic
toonimerkki :: tone mark
toope :: A moron, rock, dumbass, bugger, goof, dork, nincompoop, dolt, dumbbell etc. (an unintelligent person)
toora :: Torah (Five Books of Moses)
toora :: Torah (Jewish law)
toosa :: A small box or container made of metal, plastic or cardboard etc
toosa :: A (poor) machine
toosa :: A TV set or radio
toosa :: vagina
topaasi :: topaz
topakka :: gutsy, plucky, saucy
topata :: To stop
topata :: To bundle (to dress someone warmly)
topata :: To quilt
topata :: To stuff, pad (to line with soft material)
topi :: common tsessebe, Damaliscus lunatus
Topi :: male given name
Topias :: male given name
topografia :: topography
topografinen :: topographic
topografisesti :: topographically
topologia :: topology
topologinen :: topological
topologinen avaruus :: topological space
toponomastiikka :: toponymy, toponomastics (lexicological study of place names)
toponyymi :: toponym (word derived from a placename)
toppakangas :: Fabric consisting of two, usually thin, often wind- or water-resistant sheets of fabric with padding between them, used e.g. in winter sports clothing
toppapuku :: snowsuit
toppi :: A top (garment)
toppi :: A halt (permanent cessation)
toppi :: A stop (action of stopping; interruption of travel)
toppi :: A top (masthead)
Tor [Norse mythology] :: Thor
tora :: quarrel
torahammas :: fang
torailla :: To quarrel
torailu :: quarreling
toraisa :: quarrelsome
torajyvä :: ergot
torakka :: cockroach
toreadori [bullfighting] :: toreador
tori :: market, market square (city square or other place where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise)
tori :: town square
torikammo :: agoraphobia
torikauhu :: agoraphobia
Torino :: Turin (town)
torium :: thorium
torjua :: to defend successfully, ward off an attack, tackle
torjua :: to reject, rebuff (for example, a proposal)
torjua :: to tackle; especially a negative phenomenon
torjua :: to turn down, defy, scorn
torjuminen :: refusal, denial
torjunta :: prevention
torjunta :: The foiling of an attack; prevention, block, intercept, parrying etc
torjunta-aine :: pesticide
torjuntahävittäjä :: An interceptor (fighter aircraft)
torke :: The state of mind preceding sleep
torkkua :: to snooze, doze, drowse
torkkuja :: sleeper goby (fish of the family Eleotridae)
torkkuja :: snoozer, dozer, drowser
tornado :: tornado
torni :: rook
torni :: spire (tapering body that shoots up or out to a point in a conical or pyramidal form)
torni :: tower
torninosturi :: tower crane (type of crane in which a jib rotates on top of a mast; typically used on construction sites)
tornionlaaksonsuomi :: Meänkieli
tornipöllö :: barn owl (Tyto alba)
tornittaa :: To castle
tornitus :: A castling
toroidi :: toroid
torpedoida :: To torpedo
torpedoida :: To undermine
torppari :: A tenant of a farm who paid his rent by working for the landlord, and earned his own living mainly from the rented land, a cotter
torppari :: A sharecropper
torppari [figuratively, ironic] :: By extension, any person who is in a long-term relation in which he/she feels that the best part of his work goes to the benefit of someone else
torpparius :: socage, burgage (form of land tenure)
torrakko :: gun
torri :: torr (non-SI unit of pressure, equal to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure)
torsio :: torque
torso :: loser
torso :: torso
torstai :: Thursday
torstaiaamu :: Thursday morning
torstainen :: Pertaining to Thursday
torstaisin :: On Thursdays
Torsti :: male given name
tortilla :: tortilla
torttu :: turd (piece of excrement)
torttu :: tart, pie (type of pastry)
torua :: to scold, rebuke
torut :: reprimand
torvi :: A horn (e.g. a musical instrument)
torvi :: A tube or pipe, especially one that widens in one end
torvi :: A stupid person
torvijäkälä :: cup lichen
torvisoittokunta :: marching band, brass band
torvivoirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius auriolla
tosa :: tosa (Japanese breed of fighting dog)
tosi :: Real, serious
tosi :: True
tosi :: really, very
tosi :: The truth, reality, the real thing
tosiaan :: indeed, all right
tosiasia :: a fact
tosiasiallinen :: factual
tosiasiallisesti :: factually, in fact
tosikertomus :: true story
tosikko :: A humourless person
tosin :: although
tosio :: fact
tosipohjoinen :: true north
tosissaan :: Serious(ly), in earnest (about something = genitive + suhteen)
tosissani :: The adverb tosissaan with the 1st person singular possessive suffix -ni
tosissasi :: The adverb tosissaan with the 2nd person singular possessive suffix -si
tositapa :: indicative mood
tosite :: voucher
tosi-tv :: reality television
Toskana :: Tuscany
tossu :: A sneaker
tossu :: A slipper
tota :: Space filler or pause during conversation
totaalikieltäytyminen :: total objection; refusing military as well as non-military service
totaalinen :: total
totaalisesti :: totally
totaalisuus :: totality
totalisaattori :: totalizator
totalitaarinen :: totalitarian
totalitarismi :: totalitarianism
totalitaristi :: totalitarian
totalitaristinen :: totalitarian
toteamus :: statement (declaration or remark)
toteemi :: totem
toteemieläin :: totem animal
toteemipaalu :: totem pole
toteemipatsas :: totem pole
totella :: To obey (to do as ordered)
totemismi :: totemism
toteuttaa :: to realise/realize, carry out, put into practice, put into effect, effectuate, execute, implement
toteuttaminen :: actualization; especially in the concept of itsensä toteuttaminen
toteuttaminen :: realization, execution
toteuttamiskelpoinen :: feasible
toteutua :: to come true (to become real: to become true or existent)
toteutumaton :: unrealized
toteutus :: realization, execution, implementation
toti :: hot toddy, toddy, grog (drink made of hot water, strong liquor - usually rum - and sugar, sometimes also spices)
totinen :: grave, serious
totisempi :: comparative form of totinen
totisesti :: truly, verily, amen
toto :: totalizator, tote (in horse racing etc.)
totota :: To play tote games
totta :: true
totta kai :: certainly, of course
tottelemaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, totella, c=ill] ::
tottelematon :: disobedient
tottelemattomampi :: comparative form of tottelematon
tottelemattomin :: superlative form of tottelematon
tottelemattomuus :: disobedience
tottelevainen :: Obedient
tottelevaisuus :: obedience
Totti :: male given name
tottua :: To get used to, become accustomed to
tottumaton :: unaccustomed
tottumus :: habit, custom, routine
tottunut :: accustomed
totunnainen :: conventional
totuttaa :: To accustom
totuttautua :: to become/get accustomed to
totuudenmukainen :: truthful
totuudenmukaisesti :: truthfully
totuus :: truth
totuusarvo :: truth value
totuusfunktio :: truth function
totuuskomissio :: truth commission
touhu :: bustle, hustle, fuss
touhuissaan :: busy, occupied or absorbed with one's chores
touhukas :: active, energetic, bustling
touhuta :: to bustle, flit, hustle, scamper, scurry, run around, run about
touhutippa :: precum, pre-ejaculate
toukka :: A caterpillar (larva of Lepidoptera)
toukka :: A cutworm (larva of owlet moth)
toukka :: A larva (distinct juvenile form of many animals)
toukka :: A maggot (larva of fly)
toukka [humorous, derogatory] :: A baby, unborn human fetus
touko :: seedtime, planting time
Touko :: male given name
toukohärkä :: blister beetle (beetle of the family Meloidae)
toukokuinen :: Pertaining to May
toukokuu :: May
toutain :: asp (Aspius aspius)
touvi :: hawser
toveri :: companion, comrade
toveruus :: companionship
tovi :: a moment
täpö :: An intensifier, see täpötäysi, täpötäyteen
täpö [poker, slang] :: boat (full house)
töpö :: stump, stub (remains of something that has been cut off; especially the remains of a shortened tail)
T-paita :: T-shirt
T-palkki :: T-beam (beam shaped like a capital letter T)
töpeksiä :: to blunder
töpöhäntä :: bobtail (animal having such tail)
töpöhäntä :: bobtail (short, or deliberately shortened tail)
töpöhäntäinen :: bobtailed (having a bobtail)
täpinä :: A flutter (state of emotional agitation). Mostly used in plural, especially in the expression: olla täpinöissä ( + possessive suffix) = to be aflutter
töpinä :: bustle
töpökkä :: a gnateater
täplä :: spot, speck
täpläharmomittari :: engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia)
täplähyeena :: spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)
täplikäs :: spotted
täplärapu :: signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus
täpläsilli :: twait shad, twaite shad (Alosa fallax)
täpärä :: close, narrow, short
täpärästi :: narrowly
täpäryys :: narrowness, closeness, shortness
töpseli :: plug (electric connecting device)
täpösen :: completely; used as intensifier with the adjective täysi and adverbs täynnä and täyteen
täpötäysi :: full to the brim, as full as possible
törö :: gudgeon (Gobio gobio)
traagikko :: tragedian
traagillinen :: dated form of traaginen
traaginen :: tragic
Traakia :: Thrace
traakialainen :: Thracian
traakki :: A wyvern
traakkipuu :: dragon tree (tree of the genus Dracaena)
traani :: The blubber of Arctic animals
tradenomi :: bachelor of business administration who has completed his/her degree in a polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu); BBA
tradenomi :: this degree
traditio :: tradition
traditionaalinen :: traditional
traditionalismi :: traditionalism
traditionalistinen :: traditionalist
trafiikki :: traffic
tragedia :: A tragedy
tragiikka :: tragedy
tragikomedia :: tragicomedy
tragikoominen :: tragicomic
tragopaani :: tragopan
traileri :: A special-purpose trailer designed to carry e.g. boats
traktaatti :: tract (a brief treatise)
traktori :: A tractor (farm vehicle)
traku :: A tract
trakyytti :: trachyte
tramadoli :: A pill containing this substance
tramadoli :: tramadol (a synthetic opiate)
trampoliini :: trampoline
transatlanttinen :: transatlantic
transdermaalinen :: transdermal
transferenssi :: transference
transformaatio :: transformation
transformoida :: To transform
transformointi :: transformation
transgeeninen :: transgenic
transgeneesi :: transgenesis
transgressio :: transgression
Transilvania :: Transylvania
transistori :: transistor
transistoroida :: To transistorize
transitiivinen :: Transitive (of a verb, that takes an object or objects)
transitiiviverbi :: transitive verb
transkendenttinen :: transcendent
transkriboida :: to transcribe
transkriboida :: to transcribe (to convert symbols of one writing system to another, e.g. Chinese to Latin)
transkriboida :: to transcribe (to convert language from live or recorded speech to text)
transkriptio :: transcription
transkutaaninen :: transcutaneous
translaatio [mathematics, physics, biology] :: translation
translatiivi :: translative. In Finnish translative refers to transforming or becoming something else or to having a surprising quality. Its ending is -ksi
translatiivinen :: translative (of, or relating to the translative case)
translitteraatio :: transliteration
translitteroida :: to transliterate (to transform text from one alphabetic script to another, e.g. Cyrilic to Latin, usually using a target language -specifiic standardized set of letters to represent the letters of the original script; compare transkriboida)
translitterointi :: transliteration
translokaatio :: translocation
Transnistria :: Transnistria
transparenssi :: transparence
transparentti :: transparent
transpiraatio :: transpiration
transplantaatio :: transplantation
transplantaatti :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue)
transplantoida :: To transplant
transplantointi :: transplantation
transponoida :: To transpose
transponointi :: transposition
transpoosi :: transpose
transrasva :: trans fat
transseksuaali :: transsexual
transseksuaalinen :: transsexual
transseksuaalisuus :: transsexuality
transseksualismi :: transsexualism
transsendenssi :: transcendence
transsendentti :: transcendent
transsendenttiluku :: transcendental number
transsendenttinen :: transcendent
transsi :: trance
transsukupuolinen :: transsexual (being transsexual)
transu :: transgender person, tranny
transu :: transvestite, tranny
transuraani :: transuranium element
transvaginaalinen :: transvaginal
transversaali :: transversal
transversaalinen :: transversal
transversaalitaso :: transverse plane, horizontal plane, axial plane, transaxial plane (any plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts)
transvestiitti :: A transvestite
transvestismi :: transvestism
transvestitismi :: transvestism
trap :: trapshooting, trap (type of shooting sport)
trap-ammunta :: trap shooting
trapetsi :: trapeze
trappi :: bustard (bird of the family Otididae)
tratta :: draft (financial instrument)
tratti :: funnel (vessel)
trauma :: trauma
traumaattinen :: traumatic
travertiini :: travertine
treema :: diaeresis (diacritic ¨ placed over a vowel letter indicating that it is sounded separately, as in naïve)
treema :: umlaut (diacritic ¨ placed over a vowel to indicate assimilation of vowel)
treenata :: To work out, exercise
treeni :: training
treffit :: date
tremoliitti :: tremolite
tremulantti :: trill consonant
tremulantti :: vox angelica (organ stop giving a gentle tremolo effect)
trendi :: trend
trendikkäästi :: trendily
trendikkyys :: trendiness
trendikäs :: trendy
trenditietoinen :: ~ (henkilö): trendite
trenditietoinen :: trendy (aware of and following trends, especially in fashion)
trenssi :: A trench coat
treoniini :: threonine
tärähdys :: jolt, percussion
tärähtää :: To jolt
tärähtänyt :: stupid, crazy
tri :: tohtori
tri- :: tri-
triangeli :: triangle
trias :: The Triassic
triaskausi :: Triassic, Triassic period
triaskautinen :: Triassic
triatsiini :: triazine
tribologia :: tribology
tribunaali :: tribunal
tribuuni :: tribune (in the ancient Rome)
trieeri [nautical, historical] :: A trireme
trietyyliamiini :: triethylamine
trietyyliboraani :: triethylborane
trifenyylifosfiini :: triphenylphosphine
trifenyylifosfiinioksidi :: triphenylphosphine oxide
triforio :: triforium
triftongi :: triphthong
triglyseridi :: triglyceride
trigonometria :: trigonometry
trigonometrinen :: trigonometric
trikiini :: trichina
trikinoosi :: trichinosis
trikki :: trick
triklokarbani :: triclocarban
triklooribentseeni :: trichlorobenzene
trikloorietyleeni :: trichloroethylene
trikloorifluorimetaani :: trichlorofluoromethane
triklosaani :: triclosan
trikolori :: tricolor
trikoo :: in plural (trikoot), leotard, maillot, tights (tight-fitting garments made of this fabric, worn typically by gymnasts and dancers)
trikoo :: tricot (fabric)
trikuspidaaliläppä :: tricuspid valve
triljardi [cardinal, rare] :: trilliard, 1021
triljoona :: One million million millions (1018); a quintillion
trilleri :: thriller
trilli :: trill
trilobiitti :: trilobite
trilogia :: trilogy
trimaraani :: trimaran
trimetyyliboraatti :: trimethyl borate
trimmaaja :: One who trims, trimmer
trimmata :: To trim (to cause a vessel to assume a certain position, or trim, in the water)
trimmata :: To trim (to set the sails to the most advantageous angle relative to the wind)
trimmata :: To trim (to reduce slightly; to cut; to remove excess)
trimmaus :: trimming
trimmeri :: string trimmer
trimmeri :: trimmer (trimming device)
tärinä :: tremor
Trinidad ja Tobago :: Trinidad and Tobago
trinomi :: trinomial
tärinäraita :: rumble strip, sleeper line, audible line
trio :: trio
trioksidi :: trioxide (oxide containing three oxygen atoms)
tripla :: triple
tripodi :: tripod
trippi :: Drug-induced trip
trippi :: Juice in a small box, commonly in the amount of 2dl
triptyykki :: triptych
trireemi [nautical, historical, rare] :: A trireme
tärisevä :: shaking, quivering, trembling (e.g. of someone's voice)
täristä :: To shake (to move from side to side)
tritikali :: triticale (grain crop, a hybrid of wheat and rye, that gives a high yield, used chiefly as forage and fodder)
tritonus :: tritone
triumfi :: triumph (in the ancient Rome)
triumviraatti :: triumvirate
triviaalein :: superlative form of triviaali
triviaali :: trivial
triviaalimpi :: comparative form of triviaali
trivialisoida :: To trivialize
täräjää :: alternative form of täristä
tärkeä :: self-important
tärkeä :: erittäin tärkeä: very important, crucial
tärkeä :: important
törkeä :: coarse, boorish, base
törkeä :: indecent, obscene, disgusting, distasteful (of language), offensive (of language), (colloquial) gross
törkeä :: gross, grave, grand, felonious, aggravated:
tärkeilemätön :: informal, relaxed, casual
tärkeilevä :: self-important (behaving in a self-important manner)
tärkeilijä :: phony; pretender
tärkeilijä :: prig; stuffed shirt
tärkeilijä [slang, derogatory, rare] :: bouncer, bully, intimidator, oppressor, persecutor, tormentor
tärkein :: superlative form of tärkeä
törkeä lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö [law] :: statutory rape
tärkeämpi :: comparative form of tärkeä
törkeä rikos :: felony
tärkeästi :: importantly
tärkeys :: importance
tärkeysjärjestys :: order of importance
tärkkelys :: starch
tärkkelyspitoinen :: starchy (containing starch)
tärkki :: starch (any of various starch-like substances used as a laundry stiffener)
tärkkäys :: starching (act of treating with laundry starch}
tärkätä :: to starch (to apply or treat with laundry starch)
tärkätty :: starched, starchy (stiffened with starch)
törky :: dirt, filth (also figuratively)
törmä :: A relatively high bank of a river or other watercourse
törmä :: A steep embankment of earth
törmänne :: embankment
törmäpääsky :: sand martin, bank swallow, Riparia riparia
törmätä :: To bump into, stumble upon
törmätä :: To impact, collide, crash
törmäviini :: riverbank grape, frost grape, Vitis risiparia
törmäys :: impact, crash
törmäyskivilaji [lb, fi, mineralogy] :: impact breccia (rock born in a collision of a meteorite against the surface of the Earth)
törmäyskraatteri [geology, planetology] :: impact crater
törmäyskurssi :: collision course
törmäyslista :: rubbing strip
törmäystesti :: crash test
törmäysvirhe [basketball] :: charging (offensive foul)
törmäytin :: collider
törmäyttää :: To collide
Troija :: The city of Troy
troijalainen :: Trojan, trojan (of, or relating to a Trojan point)
troijalainen :: Trojan (of, or relating to, a certain type of malware)
troijalainen :: Trojan (of, or relating to, the famed city of Troy or its inhabitants)
troijalainen :: Trojan asteroid
troijalainen :: Trojan, trojan (certain type of malware)
troijalainen :: Trojan (inhabitant of the mythical city of Troy)
troijan hevonen :: alternative form of Troijan hevonen
Troijan hevonen :: Trojan horse, trojan (type of malware)
Troijan hevonen :: Trojan horse
troikka :: A troika
trokari :: bootlegger
trokari :: (derogative) Any trader
trokee [prosody] :: trochee
trollata :: to troll
trolli :: troll
trombi :: thrombus
trombi [weather] :: tornado when occurring in Europe
trombosyytti :: thrombocyte, blood platelet
Tromssa :: Tromsø
troolari :: A trawler (fishing boat)
troolata :: To trawl
trooli :: A trawl
troopillinen :: dated form of trooppinen
trooppi :: trope
trooppinen :: tropical
trooppinen sademetsä :: tropical rainforest
trooppinen vuosi :: tropical year (time between two successive vernal equinoxes)
tropari :: troparion
tropiikki :: tropics
tropiikkiliitäjä :: Audubon's shearwater, Puffinus lherminieri
tropiikkilintu :: tropicbird (any of the various seabirds of the family Phaethontidae, typically found in the open ocean in the tropics)
tropinoni :: tropinone
tropopaussi :: tropopause
troposfääri :: troposphere
troppi :: medicine, pill
trossi :: hawser (heavy rope used to tow or moor a ship)
trotskilainen :: Trotskyist
trotskilaisuus :: Trotskyism
trotskismi :: Trotskyism
troy-naula :: troy pound, pound (unit of weight equal to 12 troy ounces, or 373.2417 grams, used in weighing precious metals)
troy-pauna :: troy pound, pound (unit of weight equal to 12 troy ounces, or 373.2417 grams, used in weighing precious metals)
törppö :: bungling
törppö :: bungler
tärppi :: bite
tärpätti :: turpentine
törröttää :: To stick out, to jut
törsätä :: To spend lavishly, to splurge
törttö :: bugger (foolish person)
törttö :: bungler
trubaduuri :: troubadour
trukki :: A forklift or other similar industrial vehicle used to lift and carry objects over short distances, typically inside a warehouse or within the area of a port
trulli :: A witch who conducts mischief, especially in Easter
trumpetisti :: trumpeter
trumpetti :: trumpet
trumpettijoutsen :: trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator)
truveeri :: trouvère
tärvellä :: to destroy
tärvellä :: to vandalize
tärvätä :: to destroy, to ruin
täry :: vibration
tryffeli :: truffle
tärykalvo :: eardrum (membrana tympanica)
tärykalvontulehdus :: myringitis, tympanitis
trymoo :: pier glass (tall narrow mirror set between two windows, often above a pier table)
trymoo :: trumeau mirror (wall mirror set in a decorative frame)
trypsiini :: trypsin
tryptamiini :: tryptamine
tryptofaani :: tryptophan
tärytin :: A heavy-duty vibrator for construction work
täryttää :: to vibrate
ts. :: toisin sanoen (in other words)
tsaari :: czar, tsar, tzar
tsaarikunta :: czardom, tsardom
tsaarillinen :: tsarian (of, relating to, or ruled by a tsar)
tsaarinaikainen :: old-fashioned, outdated
tsaarinaikainen :: tsarist (from the time of the tsar in Russia)
tsaarinvalta :: tsarism (system of government ruled by a tsar)
tsaaritar :: A tsarina
tsaarivalta :: alternative form of tsaarinvalta
tsaguti :: Hispaniolan hutia, Plagiodontia aedum
tsaiju :: tea (drink)
tsakma :: chacma, chacma baboon, Cape baboon, Papio ursinus (species of baboon, in earlier classifications a subspecies of yellow baboon, Papio cynocephalus)
tsakra [Hinduism] :: alternative spelling of chakra
tsarismi :: tsarism (system of government)
tsaristi :: tsarist (supporter of tsarism)
tsaristinen :: tsarist (expressing support for a tsar)
tsasouna :: A Greek Orthodox village chapel
tsatsiki :: tzatziki (dish)
tse :: alternative spelling of tseh
-tse :: alternative form of -itse
tseh :: Used to call a dog
tsekata :: To check
tsekkaus :: check (inspection or examination)
tselada :: gelada, Theropithecus gelada
tsempata :: to improve oneself, to do one's best
tsemppi :: fighting spirit, spirit, energy
tsepto- :: zepto-
tseptosekunti :: zeptosecond
tseta :: The letter "Z" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
tsetsekärpänen :: tsetse, tsetse fly (fly of the genus Glossina, native to Africa, that feeds on human and animal blood; known primarily as a carrier of parasitic trypanosomes)
tsetta- :: zetta-
Tsheka :: Cheka (Soviet security organization)
tshekin kieli :: alternative spelling of tšekin kieli
tshekki :: alternative spelling of tšekki
Tshekki :: alternative form of Tšekki
Tshekkoslovakia :: alternative spelling of Tšekkoslovakia
tshetsheeni :: alternative spelling of tšetšeeni
Tshetshenia :: alternative spelling of Tšetšenia
tshetshenialainen :: alternative spelling of tšetšenialainen
tsiigata :: to watch, look
tsiljoona :: zillion
tsintsillahiiri :: Altiplano chinchilla mouse, Chinchillula sahamae
tsintsillarotta :: chinchilla rat (caviomorph rodent of family Abrocomidae)
tsinuski :: alternative form of kinuski
tsäkä :: luck
täsmentää :: to clarify, define (to be more exact)
täsmentämätön :: unspecified
täsmälleen :: exactly, precisely
täsmällinen :: detailed
täsmällinen :: exact, precise, accurate
täsmällinen :: explicit, strict
täsmällinen :: punctual
täsmällisyys :: precision
täsmäpommi :: smart bomb
täsmätä :: to match
tsostsos :: mountain degu, Octodontomys gliroides (South American rodent)
tässä :: here (close)
tässä ja nyt :: here and now, hic et nunc
täst'edes :: alternative spelling of tästedes
tästedes :: henceforth, from now on, hereinafter (in the future or in continuation, starting now)
tästä lähin :: In the future, henceforth
tästä maailmasta :: out of this world
tsätti :: alternative spelling of chatti
tsuhna :: Finn; used by Finnish speakers when referring to Russians' attitude or behaviour towards Finns, particularly when it is considered as negative
tsunami :: tsunami
tsunamiaalto :: tsunami wave
tsunamivaara :: tsunami risk
tsunamivaroitus :: tsunami warning
tsuppari :: errand boy
tsuudi :: Chud, Chude (person)
tswana :: Tswana (language and person)
tsygä :: bicycle
tsyge :: A bicycle
tsygootti :: zygote
tööt :: honk
-ttä :: Front vowel form of the case suffix -tta
TT :: initialism of teologian tohtori
TT :: initialism of tietokonetomografia
-tta :: A suffix for the partitive singular
-tta :: Suffix for the abessive case, without
-ttaa :: Forms causative verbs. It can be translated as "to cause to" or "to make". This usually transforms an intransitive verb into a transitive one
-ttaa :: Forms curative verbs from causative verbs. It can be translated as "to have something done". It implies that the action was carried out by someone left unmentioned. It can often replace the passive voice
-ttain :: Forms adverbs expressing manner
-ttain :: Forms adverbs that express position
-ttain :: Forms distributive adverbs
-tte :: Forms the second-person plural of verbs
täten :: thus
täti :: An aunt , as mother's or father's sister
täti :: Any woman other than the close relatives
täti :: An aunt, as the wife of an uncle, paternal as well as maternal
täti :: Any older, but usually not very old woman. (The latter are referred to as mummo)
tätipuoli :: Mother's or father's half-sister
tätipuoli :: Stepmother's or -father's sister
tätä kautta :: this way (used to indicate the direction to take)
tätä nykyä :: nowadays, currently, in this day and age
töötätä :: To honk once
tötterö :: cone (as in icecream cone)
tööttäillä :: to honk (repeatedly)
tuaregi :: In plural only, Tuareg, Touareg (nomadic people of Sahara)
tuaregi :: Tuareg (member of that people)
tuaregi :: Tuareg (their language)
tuberkkeli :: tubercle (round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on bones especially for the attachment of a muscle or ligament)
tuberkkeli :: tubercle (small rounded nodule forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis)
tuberkuloosi :: tuberculosis
tuberkuloottinen :: tubercular
tuberoosa :: tuberose
tuenta :: supporting
tuftata :: to tuft
tugrik :: alternative spelling of tugrug
tugrug :: A tugrik
tuhahtaa :: To snort, sniff
tuhannen taalan :: golden (advantageous or very favourable)
tuhannes :: the thousandth, abbreviation 1000.
tuhannesosa :: One thousandth
tuhannesti :: thousand times
tuhansittain :: by thousands
tuhat :: one thousand
tuhatjalkainen :: A myriapod, any member of the subphylum Myriapoda (millipedes, centipedes etc.)
tuhatkertainen :: thousandfold
tuhatlukuinen :: consisting of thousands of something
tuhatpäinen :: thousand-headed
tuhatta :: thousand; when used as the head of a compound word meaning a cardinal number larger than one thousand
tuhatvuotinen :: millennial (lasting thousand years)
tuhatvuotinen :: millennial (thousand years old). Used mainly in compound terms, in which appears in the form tuhatvuotis-
tuhatvuotinen valtakunta :: The millennium (period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on Earth); the millennial reign, millennial kingdom
tuhatyksi :: thousand one
tuhertaa :: With the noun itku as object, to sob
tuhertaa :: To work inefficiently, to waste (time)
tuhina :: sniffle, snivel
tuhka :: ash (residue after burning)
tuhkahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula acrifolia
tuhkakartio :: cinder cone
tuhkakeskiviikko :: Ash Wednesday
tuhkakuppi :: ashtray
tuhkaluukku :: An ashdump door
tuhkaluukku [slang, vulgar] :: A back door (anus)
tuhkamainen :: cinereous (like ash)
tuhkamuna :: jaffa (infertile man)
tuhkanharmaa :: ash-gray, cinereous (of colour)
tuhkanharmaa :: ash-gray, cinereous (colour)
tuhkapilvi :: ash cloud
tuhkapitoinen :: cinereous (containing ash)
tuhkapuumuura :: uniform antshrike
tuhkarokko :: measles
tuhkasade :: ash rain
tuhkata :: To cremate
tuhkaus :: cremation (act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse)
tuhkavarpunen :: grey-headed sparrow (Passer griseus)
Tuhkimo :: Cinderella (the fairy tale and the protagonist)
tuhkimotarina :: rags to riches story
tuhlaajapoika :: A prodigal son
tuhlaava :: wasteful
tuhlaavainen :: prodigal
tuhlari :: A spendthrift, prodigal
tuhlata :: to squander, waste
tuhlaus :: An act of wasting or squandering something, as money or other resources
tuhma :: naughty
tuhma poika :: Madagascar jewel, Euphorbia leuconeura (plant endemic to Madagascar, commonly used as house plant)
tuhmasti :: naughtily
tuhmempi :: comparative form of tuhma
tuho :: destruction
tuhoaja :: destroyer
tuhoalue :: disaster area
tuhoaminen :: destruction, annihilation
tuhoamisleiri :: extermination camp
tuhoeläin :: pest, vermin
tuhoisa :: destructive
tuhoisin :: superlative form of tuhoisa
tuholainen :: pest, vermin
tuholaismyrkky :: pesticide
tuhooja :: destroyer
tuhopolttaja :: arsonist
tuhopoltto :: arson
tuhota :: To destroy, decimate
tuhoutua :: to be destroyed
tuhoutuminen :: destruction, annihilation
tuhrata :: To dirty, soil
tuhrata :: To work inefficiently, to waste (time)
tuhria :: to smudge
tuhti :: heavy, substantial
tuhto :: thwart
tuija :: white cedar, red cedar, any one of the species in the genus Thuja
Tuija :: female given name
tuijotella :: To stare
tuijottaa :: To stare
tuikahdus :: twinkle, glint
tuikata :: To poke, thrust
tuikata :: To stick, prick, stab
tuikata :: tuikata tuleen: To set afire
tuike :: twinkle
tuikea :: stern
tuikeaine :: scintillator
tuikehtia :: To twinkle
tuikein :: superlative form of tuikea
tuiki :: very, extremely
tuikinta :: twinkling
tuikkaa :: alternative form of tuikkia
tuikkia [of a source of light, eyes etc.] :: to twinkle
tuikku :: Any small and weak source of light, such as an oil lamp, candle lantern or candle
tuikku :: tealight
tuikku :: dram (small quantity of a drink, especially an alcoholic drink)
tuima [of food, in eastern dialects] :: saltless, lacking salt
tuima [of food, in western dialects] :: spicy, sharp, pungent, excessively salty (having a strong taste)
tuima [of powers of nature, struggle etc.] :: severe, vigorous, fierce
tuima :: stern, somber, severe, grim (grim and forbidding in appearance)
Tuire :: female given name
tuiretuinen :: darling
tuiskia :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
tuisku :: blizzard, snowstorm
tuiskuta :: To whirl
tuiskuttaa [of snow] :: to flurry
tuivertaa :: To blow
tuivio :: Microbiota, a genus of evergreen shrub in the family Cupressaceae
tuivio :: Microbiota decussata, the only species of the genus
tujoni :: thujone
tuju [of an odor or flavor, informal] :: strong, powerful
tukaani :: toucan
Tukaani :: the constellation Tucana, the Toucan
tukahduttaa :: To quell, stifle
tukahduttaa :: To smother
tukahduttaa :: To suppress, repress
tukahtua :: to smother
tukahtua :: to stifle
tukahtua :: to suffocate
tukala :: hard, tricky (situation)
tukanleikkuu :: haircut
tukanraja :: hairline
tuke :: Any material used to create a clog; a block
tukea :: To substantiate, corroborate
tukea :: To support/back (financially), give financial support to, subsidize, finance; to sponsor
tukea :: To support, shore/prop/back up (mentally or physically)
tukea :: To sustain
tukehduttaa :: To suffocate
tukehtua :: To suffocate, choke, asphyxiate (to die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body)
tukeutua :: to lean on (to depend upon for support)
tukeva :: corpulent, bulky, massive
tukeva :: heavy-duty
tukeva :: sturdy, solid, robust, substantial, stout
tukevampi :: comparative form of tukeva
Tukholma :: Stockholm
tukholmalainen :: Stockholmer (of, from or pertaining to Stockholm)
tukholmalaisittain :: in a way typical for Stockholm or Stockholmers
tuki :: back, backing
tuki :: strut, prop, crutch
tuki :: support
tukialue :: An area outside the actual combat field used for operations that support the fighting units
tukialue :: stronghold (place of domination by a particular group or idea)
tukialus :: mother ship, tender, support vessel
tukihenkilö :: support person
tukija :: supporter
tukikangas :: buckram
tukikohta :: A base (permanent structure for housing military personnel and material)
tukikohta :: A fort (any permanent army post)
tukikohta :: A stronghold (fortress)
tukimuuri :: abutment (solid structure that supports the lateral pressure of an arch or vault)
tukimuuri :: retaining wall (wall used to restrain a vertical-faced mass of earth)
tukinuitto :: timber rafting
tukiosa :: In some social security benefits, an amount paid on top of the base amount, if the specific circumstances of the receiver of the benefit justify such additional payment
tukiosa :: In various physical structures, an element or part which acts as support for other parts
tukipaketti [politics, economics] :: stimulus package (set of funding and actions by a government or financial institution that is intended to encourage activity and growth in the economy or in a particular industry or area)
tukipilari :: buttress (brick or stone structure built against another structure - e.g. a wall - to support it)
tukipiste :: fulcrum, pivot point
tukipylväs :: A load-bearing pillar
tukipylväs :: pillar
tukistaa :: To pull someone's hair
tukka :: hair (covering the human head)
tukkakoskelo :: red-breasted merganser, Mergus serrator
tukkanauha :: snood (band or ribbon for keeping the hair in place)
tukkanauha :: twistband (elastic hair tie for e.g. making a ponytail)
tukkapinni :: synonym of hiuspinni
tukkasotka :: tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)
tukkeuma :: obstruction
tukki :: beam of a loom
tukki :: log; collectively also timber (piece of raw timber big enough to be used as raw material for a sawmill)
tukki :: log, stock (heavy, usually round piece of lumber)
tukki :: stock of a gun
tukkia :: To block, bar, obstruct
tukkia :: tukkia suu: to muzzle
tukkimiehentäi :: pine weevil, Hylobius abietis
tukkimies :: logger, lumberjack
tukkiminen :: Action noun of the verb tukkia; blocking
tukko :: tuft
tukkoinen :: congested
tukku :: wad [of money]
tukku :: wholesale
tukkuhinta :: wholesale price (the price which a wholesaler charges for goods sold to retailers)
tukkukauppa :: wholesale
tukkumyynti :: wholesale
tukos :: block, jam
tukossa :: stopped up, blocked, plugged
Tšukotka :: Chukotka, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
tuksuttaa :: to chug (to make dull, fairly quick explosive or percussive sounds, as if made by a labouring engine)
tšuktši :: Chukchi (language)
tšuktši :: Chukchi (person)
Tšuktšien autonominen piirikunta :: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Tšuktšien niemimaa :: The Chukchi Peninsula
Tšuktšimaa :: Chukotka, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
tularemia :: tularemia
tulehdus :: An inflammation
tulehduskipulääke :: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
tulehtua :: to inflame (to form an inflammation)
tulema :: An outcome
tuleminen :: coming
tulenarka :: incendiary (capable of causing fire)
tulenarka :: inflammatory, incendiary (emotionally charged)
tulenkestävä :: fireproof, refractory
tulenlieska :: flame
tulennielijä :: fire-eater, firebreather
tulento :: translative
tuleva :: -elect, elect (person who has been elected to a post, but has not yet entered office)
tuleva :: -to-be
tuleva :: upcoming, coming, forthcoming, future, imminent
tulevaisuudentutkija :: futurologist (person who practices futurology)
tulevaisuudentutkimus [sciences] :: futurology
tulevaisuudessa :: in the future
tulevaisuus :: future
tuli :: campfire
tuli :: fire [also from firearms]
tuliainen :: A present brought by a visitor to his/her host/hostess
tuliainen :: homecoming gift (present brought home when returning from travel)
tuliase :: A firearm
tulihelttaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius malicorius
tulija :: comer
tulikaste :: baptism of fire
tulikivi :: brimstone
tulikääpiöahven :: redstripe apisto, Apistogramma hongsloi
tulikärpänen :: A firefly, especially of those species whose flying individuals glow
tulikuuma :: boiling, sizzling hot
tuliliemi :: firewater (strong, distilled alcoholic beverage)
tulilinja :: line of fire
tuliluikku :: firearm
Tulimaa :: Tierra del Fuego
tulimyrsky :: firestorm
tulinen :: burning
tulinen :: fiery
tulinen :: hot, spicy
tulin, näin, voitin :: I came, I saw, I conquered
tulipallo :: fireball
tulipallo :: fireball
tulipalo :: destructive fire
tulipalokiire :: extreme hurry
tulipalopakkanen :: Very cold weather
tuliperäinen :: pyroclastic, igneous
tuliperäinen :: volcanic
tulipinta :: fire surface, heating surface
tulipunahapero :: The sickener, Russula emetica
tulipunainen :: bright red
tulipunainen :: scarlet
tulipunainen :: vermilion
tulirokko :: scarlet fever
tulirokkoinen :: scarlet feverish
tulisesti :: fiercely, vehemently
tulisesti :: hotly (spiced)
tulisieluisuus :: ardor, drive, fervor, moxie, spunk, zeal, fire in the belly (emotional stamina and vigor, passion, or inner drive to achieve something, to take action)
tulisija :: fireplace
tulistaa :: To superheat
tulistin :: superheater (component of boiler system)
tulitaistelu :: firefight
tulitauko :: ceasefire
tulitaukolinja :: A demarcation line
tulite :: firework
tuliterä :: brand new
tulitiili :: A firebrick, fire brick (construction block)
tulitikku :: match (device to make fire)
tulitikkuaski :: matchbox
tulitikkuetiketti :: matchbox label
tulitikkurasia :: matchbox
tulitikkutehdas :: match factory
tulittaa :: to fire, shoot (using a gun or other arms)
tulitus :: fire (in-flight bullets or other projectiles shot from a gun)
tulitus :: firing (action of firing)
tulium :: thulium
tulivoima :: firepower
tulivuorenpurkaus :: volcanic eruption
tulivuori :: volcano
tulivuorikaniini :: volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi)
tulkata :: to interpret (to act as an interpreter, to translate orally)
tulkinnanvarainen :: ambiguous
tulkinta :: interpretation
tulkita :: to interpret (to act as an interpreter, to translate orally)
tulkita :: to decode
tulkita :: to interpret (to apprehend and represent by means of art)
tulkita :: to interpret (to explain or tell the meaning of)
tulkitsija :: interpreter
tulkka :: bushing
tulkkaus :: interpretation, interpreting (act of translating orally)
tulkki :: interpreter
tulkkisanakirja :: phrase book
tulkku :: bullfinch, finch; used in names of certain finch species, see list below
tulkku :: bullfinch; short for punatulkku
tulla [+ active past participle in translative] :: to manage to do (more or less unintentionally), succeed in doing (more or less unintentionally)
tulla :: Auxiliary verb for emphasized future tense. Usually, the nonpast tense should be used instead of this
tulla [elative + 3rd-pers. singular + noun/adjective in nominative or partitive or tulla by person + translative] :: to become, get, go, turn
tulla [impersonal, genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive] :: to have to do, be to do, should do, be supposed to do
tulla :: to cum, orgasm
tulla :: to come
tulla hulluksi :: to go crazy, go nuts, crack up
tulla humalaan :: To get drunk
tulla hyvään saumaan :: to hit the spot (to be particularly pleasing or appropriate; to be just right)
tulla juovuksiin :: To get drunk
tulla mieleen :: To come to mind, to spring to mind
tulla perille :: To arrive (in/at the final destination of a journey)
tulla toimeen :: to earn a living, make a living, get by
tulla toimeen :: to get along
tulla toimeen :: to get by on
tulla toisiin aatoksiin :: to come around, change one's mind (lit: "to come into other thoughts")
tulla ulos kaapista :: To come out of the closet
tulla voimaan :: to come into force
tulli :: customs
tulli :: Usually with a modifier, a toll (charge)
tullimaksu :: duty, tariff
tulliraja :: customs border
tullivirkailija :: customs officer
tulo :: income
tulo :: revenue
tulo :: coming, arrival
tulo :: product
tuloaika :: time of arrival
tuloero :: income difference, difference in income
tulokanava :: penstock (sluice or pipe which allows the controlled flow of water from behind a dam, typically routing it to a turbine of a power plant)
tulokas :: latecomer (one who has arrived comparatively recently)
tulokas :: newcomer
tulokirjaus :: An income entry
tuloksekas :: productive
tulokulma [physics, optics] :: angle of incidence
tulonsiirto :: transfer payment, redistribution of income, income redistribution (reallocation of income between the members of a society, performed by government through welfare, benefits, progressive taxation etc.,)
tulopoliittinen :: income policy ~ (of or pertaining to tulopolitiikka - income policy)
tulopolitiikka :: incomes policy, income policy (economy-wide measures instituted by the government with the aim of controlling wages and inflation, often in collaboration with labor market organisations)
tuloratkaisu :: Another term for tulopoliittinen sopimus ("income policy agreement"), see usage notes under tulopolitiikka
tulos :: profit
tulos :: outcome
tulos :: product
tulos :: result
tulos :: return, yield
tulos :: score
tulosidonnainen [social security] :: means-tested [UK], income-tested [Aus, NZ] (of a benefit, such that the amount depends on the recipient's income)
tuloslaskelma :: An income statement
tulosperusteinen :: no win, no fee
tulosperusteinen :: result based
tulostaa :: To print (to copy something on a surface)
tulostaulu :: scoreboard (large board that displays the score in a game or contest)
tuloste :: output
tuloste :: print (from a printer, etc.)
tulostin :: printer (machine used to print text or images)
tulostus :: printing
tuloton :: having no income
tulovero :: income tax
tuloverolaki :: income tax law
tuloveroprosentti :: income tax rate
tuloverotus :: income taxation
tulpata :: To plug, to bung
tulpita :: To plug up
tulppa :: A dowel
tulppa :: A plug
tulppa :: A spigot
tulppa :: A stopper
tulppaani :: Tulip, a flower of the genus Tulipa
tulta :: fire!
tulva :: flood
tulvapato :: dike (barrier to hold back flood)
tulvapato :: levee
tulvaraja :: flood line
tulvatasanko :: floodplain
tulvavuoksi :: A spring, spring tide or tidal wave (higher-than-average tide)
tulvia :: To flood
tuma :: nucleus, cell nucleus (large organelle found in cells which contains genetic material)
tumahappo :: nucleic acid
tumajyvänen :: nucleolus
tumake :: nucleus
tumallinen :: eukaryotic
tumallinen :: eukaryon
tumaton :: Of a cell, having no nucleus
tumaton :: prokaryote (organism)
tumma :: dark-haired
tumma :: dark (of colour)
tumma :: Gypsy, Rom (person)
tummahiuksinen :: dark-haired
tummaihoinen :: dark-skinned
tummajättiläishyppypäästäinen :: black and rufous elephant shrew, Rhynchocyon petersi
tummalahnanruoho :: A lake quillwort, Isoëtes lacustris
tummalakihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula atrorubens
tummalakiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius decipiens
tummanharmaa :: dark gray
tummanpunainen :: dark red
tummapuumuura :: blackish-gray antshrike
tummasolusyöpä :: melanoma
tummatäpläseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius scaurus
tummatukkainen :: dark-haired
tummaverikkö :: A brunette
tummempi :: comparative form of tumma
tummentaa :: To darken
tummentua :: to darken
tummeta :: To darken
tummua :: to darken, to become darker in colour
tummuminen :: darkening
tummuus :: darkness (of color)
tumpelo :: An inept, clumsy person
tumpeloida :: To bungle, botch up
tumppi :: butt (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar)
tumppu :: a knitted mitten or mitt
tumpula :: An inept, clumsy person
tumputtaa [vulgar, colloquial] :: to wank, jerk off, masturbate
tunari :: duffer, moron, dolt, dumbass, bungler, blunderer, fuckup, schlemiel (incompetent or clumsy person)
tunaroida :: To mishandle, bungle, botch up
tundra :: tundra (flat and treeless arctic biome)
tundrarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lanceolatus
tundrasusi :: tundra wolf, Canis lupus albus
tundravikla :: buff-breasted sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis (a small North American migrant wader, which breed on tundra)
tungeksia :: to throng
tungettelija :: interloper
tungos :: A dense crowd of people
tungosaika :: Rush hour
tunika :: A tunic
Tunisia :: Tunisia
tunisialainen :: Tunisian
tunisialainen :: A Tunisian person
Tunisian tasavalta :: The Republic of Tunisia
tunkea :: To cram, squeeze
tunkeileva :: meddlesome (Inclined or having a tendency to meddle or interfere in other people's business)
tunkeilija :: intruder
tunkeilla :: To intrude
tunkeutua [intransitive + illative or allative] :: to invade
tunkeutua [intransitive + illative or allative] :: to trespass, encroach
tunkeutua :: to penetrate
tunkeutuja :: intruder
tunkeutuja :: invader
tunkio :: midden, dungheap
tunkkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius hinnuleus
tunkki :: jack (mechanical device)
tunnari [colloquial, music] :: theme music, underneath
tunne :: emotion
tunne :: feeling
tunne :: sensation
tunne :: sentiment
tunne :: touch
tunnearvo :: sentimental value
tunneittain :: hourly, by the hour
tunneli :: A tunnel
tunnelma :: atmosphere, ambiance (mood or feeling in a situation)
tunnelma :: mood (prevalent atmosphere or feeling)
tunneloida :: To tunnel
tunneäly :: emotional intelligence
tunnetila :: mood
tunnettu :: famous
tunnettu :: known
tunnetuin :: superlative form of tunnettu
tunnetusti :: famously
tunnistaa :: to identify, recognise/recognize
tunnistaa :: to name (publicly implicate)
tunnistamaton :: unidentified
tunnistamaton :: unrecognizable
tunnistamaton lentävä esine :: An unidentified flying object
tunniste :: a tag (an element in a markup language, ie. HTML)
tunniste :: identifier
tunnistettava :: identifiable
tunnistettu :: identified
tunnistin :: A detector (device capable of registering a specific substance or physical phenomenon)
tunnistin :: A sensor (device that detects certain external stimuli and responds in a distinctive manner)
tunnokas :: alternative form of tunnollinen
tunnollinen :: Conscientious (desiring to do a task well)
tunnollisesti :: conscientiously (carefully, with attention to detail and an honest effort to do it well)
tunnollisuus :: conscientiousness (desire to do a task well)
tunnontarkka :: conscientious (desiring to do a task well)
tunnontarkkuus :: conscientiousness (desire to do a task well)
tunnoton :: (e.g. of a limb) numb (unable to feel anything)
tunnukseton :: unmarked [not bearing identification]
tunnus :: username
tunnus :: insignia, emblem, seal, banner
tunnus :: marker
tunnus :: marking
tunnus :: motto
tunnus :: sign, symbol, trademark
tunnuslause :: A motto
tunnuslause :: A motto
tunnusmerkki :: feature, characteristic, hallmark
tunnusmusiikki :: theme music
tunnusomainen :: distinguishing, characteristic, trademark
tunnussana :: password (secret word used to gain admittance)
tunnustaa :: To plead guilty
tunnustaa :: To confess
tunnustaa :: To nostrify, nostrificate (to grant recognition to a degree from a foreign university)
tunnustaa :: To recognize (to acknowledge the existence or legality of)
tunnustaja :: acceptor
tunnustaja :: adherent
tunnustaja :: confessor
tunnustamaton :: unrecognized
tunnustaminen :: acknowledgement
tunnustaminen :: recognition
tunnustautua :: to avow oneself (to declare openly and boldly, as something believed to be right; to confess frankly)
tunnuste :: bill of acceptance
tunnustelija :: guide
tunnustella :: to feel, fumble, probe (e.g. with one's hands or fingers)
tunnustella :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure)
tunnustin :: alternative form of tunnistin
tunnustin :: alternative form of tuntoelin
tunnustus :: acknowledgement, credit
tunnustus :: confession
tunnustus :: recognition
tuntea :: to know (meaning deeper and more personal knowledge on someone, see usage notes)
tuntea :: to feel, sense
tunteellinen :: emotional (easily affected by emotion)
tunteeton :: callous, impassive, insensitive, immovable
tunteikas :: emotional
tunteikkaasti :: emotionally
tuntematon :: anonymous (writer)
tuntematon :: unknown
tuntemus :: feeling, sensation, vibe
tunteroinen :: about or roughly one hour (can also be longer than just an hour)
tunti :: A lesson, class
tunti :: An hour (unit of time)
tuntihotelli :: love hotel
tuntija :: A connoisseur (specialist of a given field whose opinion is valued, especially in matters of taste)
tuntiosoitin :: hour hand
tuntipalkka :: hourly wage
tuntiviisari :: hour hand
tunto :: feeling, sensation
tunto :: touch [sense]
tuntoaisti :: sense of touch, touch
tuntosarvi :: antenna
tuntu :: feel, feeling, sensation
tuntu :: texture
tuntua :: To feel (adjective = ablative)
tuntua :: To seem to, to appear to
tuntuinen :: -feeling
tuntuma :: touch, feel, feeling
tunturi :: A fell (mountain)
tunturikihu :: long-tailed jaeger [N.Am.]; long-tailed skua, Stercorarius longicaudus
tunturikoivu :: a subspecies of downy birch, Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovii
tunturilieko :: An alpine clubmoss, Diphasiastrum alpinum or Lycopodium alpinum
tunturilimaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius alpinus
tunturinlaki :: The top of a fell
tunturipajunrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius salicisreticulatae
tunturipeura :: A wild mountain reindeer, Rangifer tarandus tarandus
tunturipöllö :: snowy owl, Nyctea scandiaca
tunturipuro :: Any brook on the fells (mountains) of Scandinavia; used sometimes as a metaphor of freshness in Finnish
tunturisillihapero :: A mushroom, Russula oreina
tunturisopuli :: Norway lemming
tuntuva :: considerable
tuntuvasti :: considerably
tuo :: that (over there) (when the speaker points at the thing)
tuoda :: ~ (maahan): to import
tuoda :: to bring, get
tuoda ilmi :: to reveal, to express; see also ilmi
tuoda voita leivän päälle :: To pay the bills
tuohi :: birchbark (bark of a birch tree)
tuohi :: money, cash
tuohinen :: made of birch bark
tuohinen :: container made of birch bark
tuohtua :: To get worked up (negatively), get irritated, get pissed off
tuoja :: bringer
tuokio :: moment, jiffy
tuokkonen :: small basket, made of birch bark
tuoksu :: fragrance, perfume
tuoksu :: smell, odour, scent, whiff
tuoksua [+ ablative] :: To smell (pleasant)
tuoksuapila :: alternative term for persianapila
tuoksuhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula grata
tuoksusimake :: sweet vernal grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum
tuoksuta :: To give off (pleasant) smell
tuoksuton :: odourless
tuoksuva :: balmy
tuoksuva :: fragrant
tuoksuva :: odorous, odoriferous
tuoksuvalmuska :: matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake)
tuoli :: chair
tuolihissi :: A chairlift
tuolileikki :: musical chairs
tuolla :: (static) there or over there (when the speaker points at the place)
tuolla :: at that, on that (when the speaker points at something)
tuolla :: with that (when using something; when the speaker points at something)
tuollainen :: that kind of
tuolloin :: At that time
Tuomaala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Tuomaala :: Finnish surname
Tuomainen :: Finnish surname
tuomari :: judge, justice
tuomari :: Short form of erotuomari
tuomarineuvosto :: jury (body of judges in a competition)
tuomarioikeudenkäynti [lb, fi, legal, common law] :: bench trial (trial without jury)
tuomaristo :: A jury (body of judges in a competition)
tuomaroida :: To ump (to act as an umpire)
tuomas :: doubtful person
Tuomas :: male given name of biblical origin
Tuomas :: Thomas (biblical figure)
Tuomela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Tuomela :: Finnish surname
tuomenkehrääjäkoi :: bird-cherry ermine, Yponomeuta evonymella
tuomenmarja :: bird cherry (fruit from Prunus padus)
tuomi :: bird cherry (tree Prunus padus)
tuominen :: Made of bird cherry
tuominen :: A gift or souvenir given by visitors or someone returning from a travel
Tuominen :: Finnish surname
tuomio :: doom
tuomio :: judgement
tuomio :: sentence, conviction, verdict
tuomioistuin :: court
Tuomioja :: Finnish surname
tuomiokapituli :: chapter
tuomiokirkko :: cathedral (principal church of a bishop's diocese)
tuomiopäivä :: doomsday
tuomiovalta :: judicial branch
tuomiovirhe :: A miscarriage of justice
tuomipihlaja :: serviceberry (small deciduous tree or large shrub of the genus Amelanchier of about 25 species in the family Rosaceae)
tuomita :: To judge, condemn, doom
tuomita :: To convict someone (of something = elative); to sentence someone, condemn someone (to something = illative)
tuomita :: To try, hear, sit, adjudicate (a case)
tuomita :: To judge
tuomita :: To referee; to umpire
tuomita :: To express strong disapproval of, denounce; to condemn, reprobate, objurgate, excoriate
tuomitseva :: censorious, condemning
tuommoinen :: that kind of
Tuomo :: male given name
Tuomola :: Finnish surname
tuon [accusative] :: that (over there) (direct object, when the speaker points at the thing):
tuon :: (genitive) of that (when the speaker points at the thing):
tuonela [Finnish mythology] :: A mythical place where all people go after the death, the underworld, Hades
Tuonelan joki [Finnish mythology] :: A mythical river that the dead must pass in order to reach Tuonela, the home of the dead
tuoni :: netherworld
tuoni :: death
tuonne :: there (when the speaker points at the place):
tuonpuoleinen [also separately: "tuon puoleinen"] :: opposite (located on the other or opposite side of)
tuonpuoleinen :: transcendental, otherworldly (of or pertaining to the life after death)
tuonpuoleinen :: afterlife, life after death, hereafter, other side, beyond
tuonti :: import
tuoppi :: beer stein, tankard
tuoppi :: glass of (draft) beer containing 0.5 liters. A smaller beer glass of 0.33 liters is often called pikku tuoppi or a small stein
tuoppi :: steinful of beer
tuore :: fresh
tuore :: new, recent
tuore :: original (different)
tuoreeltaan :: consumed fresh, freshly, unprepared
tuoreeltaan :: red-handed
tuorein :: superlative form of tuore
tuorejuusto :: A group term for unripened cheeses. Other terms used in English include fresh cheese, curd cheese and curd-style cheese
tuorejuusto :: The product called tuorejuusto on Finnish grocery shelves is roughly the same as American cottage cheese
tuoremehu :: A natural or close-to-natural fruit or vegetable juice, especially orange juice
tuoremehu :: A juice produced by mechanical means from fruit or vegetables (täysmehu) that has not been treated with heat (e.g. by pasteurizing). A product called tuoremehu may contain up to 150 grams added sugar per liter of juice
tuoretuote :: fresh produce, perishables (food that does not keep for long)
tuoreus :: freshness
tuosta vain :: just like that (unexpectedly, without warning)
tuota :: well (in the beginning of a statement)
tuotannontekijä :: factor of production
tuotanto :: production (activity)
tuotanto :: production, output (quantity produced, created, or completed)
tuotanto :: works (complete body of an artist's work)
tuotantokausi :: season (of a TV series)
tuotantolaitos :: production plant, production facility
tuotantolinja :: production line
tuota pikaa :: in no time, soon
tuote :: produce (used in the plural only)
tuote [manufacturing] :: product (any tangible output or service that is intended for delivery to a customer or end user)
tuotedifferointi [marketing] :: product differentiation
tuotejulkistus [lb, fi, marketing] :: product announcement
tuotekehittely :: product development (process of bringing a new product or product improvement from idea to market)
tuotekehitys :: product development, R&D
tuotemerkki :: brand
tuotemerkki :: trademark
tuoteperhe :: product family
tuotesijoittelu [marketing] :: product placement
tuotevalikoima :: product range
tuotos :: yield, output, return
tuottaa :: To develop, generate
tuottaa :: To produce
tuottaja :: autotroph (organism that can produce its own food from inorganic substances)
tuottaja :: producer
tuottajahinta :: producer price (the price a producer gets for his product)
tuottajahintaindeksi :: producer price index
tuottamaton :: unproductive
tuottava :: productive
tuottavampi :: comparative form of tuottava
tuottavasti :: productively
tuottavuus :: productiveness (state of being productive)
tuottavuus :: productivity (rate at which goods or services are produced by a standard amount of inputs)
tuotteistaa :: to productize
tuotteistaminen :: productization
tuotteistus :: productization
tuottelias :: productive
tuotto :: revenue, gross revenue, proceeds
tuottoisa :: lucrative, profitable
tuottoisa :: productive
tuottoprosentti :: profit margin
Tuovi :: female given name
tupa :: cottage
tupa :: room
tupaantuliainen :: housewarming gift
tupaantuliaiset :: housewarming party
tupaantuliaislahja :: housewarming gift
tupaija :: tree shrew (small insectivorous mammal of the family Tupaiidae or Ptilocercidae, especially of the genus Tupaia)
tupajäärä :: old-house borer, house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus)
tupajumi :: common furniture beetle, common house borer, Anobium punctatum
tupakanpolttaja :: smoker (one who smokes cigarettes or other tobacco products)
tupakanpoltto :: smoking (act or habit of inhaling tobacco smoke for recreation)
tupakansavu :: second-hand smoke
tupakansavu :: tobacco smoke
tupakansytytin :: A cigarette lighter
tupakka :: A cigarette
tupakka :: tobacco
tupakka-aski :: cigarette pack
tupakkahuone :: smoking room
tupakkatakki :: smoking jacket
tupakkavaunu [historical, railroads] :: smoker, smoking car (railroad car for smokers)
tupakkayskä :: smoker's cough
tupakoida :: to smoke (to consume tobacco products)
tupakoija :: smoker (one who smokes cigarettes or other tobacco products)
tupakoimaton :: non-smoking
tupakoimaton :: non-smoker
tupakoimattomuus :: The state or habit of being a non-smoker
tupakointi :: smoking (habit and practice of consuming tobacco by inhaling its smoke)
tupakoitsija :: alternative form of tupakoija
tuparit :: housewarming party
tupas :: A tuft of grass or other plants
tupasluikka :: deer-hair sedge (Trichophorum cespitosum)
tupasvilla :: hare's-tail cottongrass, tussock cottongrass, sheathed cottonsedge (Eriophorum vaginatum)
tupata :: to tend (to do = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
tupata :: to cram, pack, stuff
tupee :: toupee
tupeerata :: To backcomb; to tease hair
tupeerata :: To prepare a beehive-style hairdo
tupeeraus :: The beehive hairstyle
tupla :: double
tuplasti :: doubly
tuplata :: to double
tuplaus :: doubling
tuplavee :: The letter W, w
tupo :: income policy agreement; a bipartite (between employers' and employees' central organisations) or tripartite (involving the government) national agreement on salaries and other general terms and conditions of employment, sometimes supported by the government with tax incentives or legislative measures
tuppeen sahattu :: waned (having wanes at the full length of the board, especially when sawn this way on purpose)
tuppi :: A card game popular in northern Finland, somewhat similar to whist
tuppi :: sheath
tuppiherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus gennadii
tuppilo :: follicle
tuppinokka :: sheathbill (either of two species of scavenging birds in the family Chionididae which breed only on the Antarctic Peninsula and subantarctic islands)
tuppisuinen :: closemouthed (reticent, secretive or uncommunicative)
tuppisuu :: Silent Sam, mouse (person who does not talk a lot)
tuppisuuna :: tongue-tied
tuppo :: tuft, wad, shock
tupru :: puff (short emission of smoke, steam, dust etc.into air)
tupruta :: to billow, puff (to surge in billows or puffs, said of smoke, steam, dust etc.)
tupruttaa :: to puff
tupsahtaa :: to happen unexpectedly
tupsu :: bobble, pompom (furry ball attached on top of a hat)
tupsu :: tuft (bunch of feathers, grass or hair, etc., held together at the base)
tupsu :: tussle
tuputtaa :: to force upon, to thrust upon, to push
turako :: turaco, lourie (bird of the family Musophagidae)
turbaani :: turban
turbiini :: turbine
turboahdettu :: turbocharged (having a turbocharger)
turboahdin :: turbocharger
turbulenssi :: turbulence
turbulentti :: turbulent
turbulenttinen :: turbulent
turha :: futile
turha :: pointless
turha :: useless, unnecessary
turhaan :: in vain, for nothing, for no reason, vainly, to no avail, to little avail, to no effect
turhaantua :: A variant of turhautua
turhamainen :: conceited (vain and egotistic)
turhamainen :: vainglorious (with excessive vanity)
turhamaisesti :: vainly
turhantärkeä :: vainglorious (with unwarranted pride)
turhauma :: frustration
turhauttaa :: to frustrate
turhauttaa :: to frustrate (to disappoint or defeat)
turhauttava :: frustrating
turhautua :: To get frustrated
turhautunut :: frustrated
turhempi :: comparative form of turha
turhentaa :: To make worthless, unimportant
turhuus :: futility, uselessness
turilas :: cockchafer
turina :: prattle
Turingin kone :: Turing machine
turinoida :: To chatter
turio :: alternative term for talvehtimissilmu
turismi :: tourism
turista :: To chatter
turisti :: tourist
turistikausi :: tourist season
turistikohde :: tourist attraction
turistiluokka :: tourist class
turistiopas :: tourist guide
turistisesonki :: tourist season
turjansaame :: The Ter Sami language
turkinkyyhky :: collared dove, Streptopelia decaocto
turkinpippuri :: chili (fruit and spice)
turkis :: fur
turkistarhaaja :: fur farmer
turkki :: fur coat
turkki :: fur (hairy coat of various mammal species)
turkki :: The Turkish language
Turkki :: Turkey
turkkilainen :: Turkish
turkkilainen :: A Turk
Turkmenistan :: Turkmenistan
turkologia :: Turkology
turkoosi :: Of turquoise colour
turkoosi :: A turquoise
turkoosi :: The turquoise colour
turku :: marketplace
Turku :: Turku (city in Finland)
turkulainen :: Of or pertaining to the city of Turku or its citizens
turkulainen :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Turku
turma :: accident
turmahetki :: time of the accident
turmaliini :: tourmaline
turmella :: to damage, mar
turmella :: to disfigure (to change the appearance of something/someone to the negative)
turmella :: to taint, corrupt
turmeltua :: To be corrupted, spoiled
turmio :: ruin (something which leads to serious troubles)
turnajaiset :: tourney, tournament (medieval games where the participants displayed their fighting skills)
turnaus :: A tournament
turnee :: tour
turnee :: tournament
turnipsi :: The varieties of turnip (Brassica rapa) grown primarily as fodder
turo :: A structure built from tree branches in order to lure spawning fish
turpa :: European chub, Squalius (Leuciscus) cephalus
turpa [lb, fi, colloquial] :: mouth, face
turpa :: muzzle
turpahihna :: noseband (part of the bridle of a horse)
turparemmi :: noseband (part of the bridle of a horse)
turpas :: peat (peat as consruction material)
turpasauna :: "bloodbath", beating or more generally any fight. Usually doesn't involve killing anyone, but giving someone or a group of people a "rough lesson"
turpea :: bloated, swollen
turpiaali :: an icterid, bird of the family Icteridae
turpiini :: alternative form of turbiini
turpoaminen :: swelling, bulk (the process or result of swelling)
turri :: furry (animal character with human features)
turri :: furry (member of Furryfandom)
turrifani :: furry (member of the furry fandom)
turruttaa :: to make numb, physically and/or mentally
turruttava :: mind-numbing (excessively boring, tedious, or dull; repetitive)
tursas :: octopus
Tursas :: Finnish god of war
Tursas :: Finnish sea monster
turska :: A cod (Gadus morhua)
turska [slang, financial] :: loss
turskakala :: Any species of fish in the taxonomic order Gadiformes
turskansukuinen :: gadiform (belonging to the order Gadiformes)
turskua :: to spurt, gush (to rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet)
turso :: sea monster
tursua :: to extrude, gush or flow over (to push or thrust out due to excess quantity)
tursua :: to exude in large quantity; said especially of a viscous matter like mucus
tursuta :: alternative form of tursua
turta :: Numb, insensitive, asleep
turtua :: to grow numb
turturikyyhky :: turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur
Turunen :: Finnish surname
turva :: protection, safety, security (condition or feeling of being safe)
turva :: security (something that secures)
turvaaminen :: securing, ensuring, safeguarding
turvaisa :: safe
turvaistuin :: safety seat (seat that provides additional security for the occupant, such as baby seat in a vehicle)
turvakoti :: women's shelter
turvallinen :: comfortable (leaving little risk)
turvallinen :: safe (free from risk; harmless, riskless)
turvallinen :: safe (providing protection from danger; providing shelter)
turvallisesti :: safely
turvallisuus :: safety
turvallisuus :: security (condition of not being threatened)
turvallisuusasia :: security issue
turvallisuusjoukko :: peacekeeping force
turvallisuusjoukko [rare, normally plural] :: security forces
turvallisuusjoukot :: security forces
turvallisuusneuvosto :: The Security Council (organ of the United Nations)
turvallisuuspalvelu :: secret service
turvallisuuspalvelu :: security service
turvallisuuspoliisi :: security police
turvallisuuspoliittinen :: Of or pertaining to security politics/security policy
turvallisuuspolitiikka :: security politics, security policy
turvallisuussyy :: a safety reason
turvallisuustilanne :: security situation
turvamies :: security guard
turvaneuvosto :: Security Council
turvapaikanhakija :: asylum seeker
turvapaikka :: asylum, safe haven, refuge, haven
turvariepu :: A security blanket
turvasatama :: haven
turvaseksi :: safe sex
turvata :: to secure, protect
turvatalo :: safe house (secure location, suitable for hiding witnesses, agents or other persons perceived as being in danger)
turvatoimi :: security measure (any measure taken to improve security)
turvaton :: insecure (not secure)
turvaton :: unsafe
turvattomasti :: unsafely
turvattomuus :: insecurity (state of being subject to danger; vulnerability)
turvatyyny :: airbag
turvautua :: to resort (to have recourse to)
turvaverkko :: safety net
turvavälimerkintä :: chevron (V-shaped marking on the surface of road used to indicate minimum distance between vehicles)
turvavyö :: safety belt, seat belt
turve :: peat, turf (Soil formed of dead but not fully decayed plants found in bog areas)
turvekangas :: A type of forest, the result of a dried bog
turvenuija :: hillbilly, churl (someone who is from a rural area, with a connotation of a lack of refinement or sophistication)
turvesuo :: peat bog
turvoksiin :: Used to indicate that something becomes swollen
turvoksissa :: swollen
turvota :: to swell
turvottaa :: to cause to swell
tusina :: dozen (twelve)
tusinoittain :: by dozens
tuska :: Pain, distress, agony, suffering
tuskailla :: To agonise/agonize
tuskainen :: painful
tuskaisa :: harrowing
tuskaisa :: painful
tuskaisasti :: painfully
tuskaisesti :: painfully
tuskaisuus :: painfulness
tuskallinen :: harrowing
tuskallinen :: painful
tuskallisesti :: painfully
tuskallisuus :: painfulness
tuskanhiki :: cold sweat
tuskastella :: (tr. -> + partitive) To worry about, agonise/agonize about, be in a blue funk about, anguish, sweat
tuskastua :: to grow impatient
tuskin :: barely
tuskin :: hardly
tussi :: marker pen, marker
tussu :: soft, blunt (like a worn felt tip pen or empty tire)
tussu :: female genitalia: pussy, cunt
tussukka :: Female genitalia
tuta [archaic, literary, crosswords] :: alternative form of tuntea ("to feel"; also "to get to feel", "to experience")
tutia :: to sleep
tutina :: shudder, quiver
tutista :: To jelly (to wiggle like jelly)
tutista :: To shudder, wiggle
tutka :: radar
tutkaheijastin :: radar reflector
tutkailla :: to sound, explore, study (to investigate preliminarily, to find out whether an idea is feasible)
tutkain :: An end of a warp yarn that is cut off when the weaving is finished
tutkain :: A part of a printing press that locates a sheet correctly for two-sided printing
tutkain :: A goad (long, pointed stick used to prod animals)
tutkain :: A sharp point of a tool or weapon; also a sharp mountaintop
tutkain :: A mine probe (long thin stick used to locate mines)
tutkakuva :: radar image
tutkameteorologia :: radar meteorology
tutkanilmaisin :: radar detector
tutkanpaljastin :: A radar detector, fuzz buster
tutkia :: to examine, investigate
tutkia :: to research
tutkielma :: study (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique)
tutkielma :: thesis (written essay, especially one submitted for a university degree)
tutkielma :: treatise (formal, systematic discourse on some subject)
tutkija :: researcher
tutkijaryhmä :: research group
tutkijatohtori :: postdoctoral researcher
tutkiminen :: analysis
tutkiminen :: exploration
tutkiminen :: study, studying
tutkimus :: examination
tutkimus :: exploration
tutkimus :: inquest
tutkimus :: inquiry
tutkimus :: investigation
tutkimus :: research
tutkimus :: study
tutkimus :: trial
tutkimusapulainen :: research assistant
tutkimusasema :: research station
tutkimuskenttä :: research field, field of research
tutkimuskeskus :: research center
tutkimuskäyttö :: scientific use
tutkimuslaitos :: research institute
tutkimusmatka :: exploration (a travel)
tutkimusmatkailija :: explorer
tutkimusmenetelmä :: research method
tutkimusprojekti :: research project
tutkimusretki :: expedition
tutkimusryhmä :: research group
tutkimustulos :: finding (result of research or an investigation)
tutkimustyö :: research as work or career
tutkinta :: hearing
tutkinta :: inquest, investigation
tutkinto :: A degree [award bestowed by a university or college as an indication of academic achievement]
tutkinto :: An examination [formal test]
tutkittaa :: to have something examined
tutkituttaa :: alternative form of tutkittaa
tutkiva journalismi :: investigative journalism
tutor :: tutor (person)
tutoroida :: To tutor
tutsi :: A Tutsi
tuttava :: acquaintance (person)
tuttavuus :: acquaintance (person)
tuttavuus :: acquaintance (relationship)
tutti :: A pacifier; binky (US), dummy (UK), soother (Canada)
tutti :: A teat (artificial nipple used for bottle-feeding infants)
tuttipullo :: baby bottle (bottle equipped with a teat, used for feeding infants)
tuttu :: familiar
tuttu :: alternative form of tuttava
tutu :: tutu (cloth)
tutua :: alternative form of tuutua
tutumpi :: comparative form of tuttu
tutustaa :: alternative form of tutustuttaa
tutustua :: To meet (people), get acquainted with, familiarise/familiarize oneself with
tutustuminen :: becoming acquainted
tutustuttaa :: to familiarize
tutustuttaa :: to introduce (people)
tuuba :: nonsense, crap
tuuba :: tuba
tuubi :: tube (container)
tuudittaa :: To lull
tuuhea :: [of hair, tree, etc.] bushy, dense
tuuhentaa [of hair, fur] :: To make more dense
tuuhettua :: alternative form of tuuheta
Tuukka :: male given name
Tuula :: female given name
tuulas :: gig (forked spear)
tuulastaa :: To fish with a trident or gig, especially at night, using a torch to attract the fish; to gig
tuulastus :: A type of fishing done at night. The fish is located with a bright light and then caught with a trident
tuulenkaato :: A tree that has fallen due to strong wind
tuulenkala :: sand eel (fish of the genus Ammodytes)
tuulenpuoleinen :: windward (lying towards direction from which the wind is blowing)
tuulenpuoli :: The weatherboard (windward side of a vessel)
tuulenpuuska :: gust
tuulensuunta :: compass point
tuulenvire :: A light breeze
tuulesta temmattu :: made from whole cloth, fabricated out of whole cloth (having no basis in the truth)
tuuletin :: fan (device)
tuuleton :: windless
tuulettaa :: to air, ventilate, fan
tuuletus :: ventilation
tuuletusikkuna :: ventilation window, fortochka
tuuletusputki :: ventilation pipe
tuuli :: in translations for Finnish compound terms also: eolic
tuuli :: mood (of mind)
tuuli :: wind
Tuuli :: female given name
Tuulia :: female given name
tuulieroosio :: wind erosion
tuulihaka :: window hook
tuulihaukka :: common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, also kestrel, windhover
tuulikangas :: zephyr (the type of fabric)
tuulikannel :: aeolian harp
tuulikello :: wind chime
Tuulikki :: A forest goddess, daughter of Tapio in the Kalevala
Tuulikki :: female given name
tuulikukko :: A weathercock
tuulilasi :: windscreen; windshield [US, Canada]
tuulilasinpyyhin :: A windscreen wiper or a windshield wiper
tuulimylly :: windmill
tuulinen :: windy, breezy
tuulipuisto :: A wind farm
tuuliruusu :: A wind rose
tuulisähkö :: wind power (power generated by wind as primary energy source)
tuulisuus :: windiness (the quality of being windy in the sense "accompanied by wind")
tuulitunneli :: wind tunnel
tuuliturbiini :: wind turbine
tuuliviiri :: A weather vane
tuulivoima :: wind power (power generated by wind as primary energy source)
tuulivoima :: wind power (wind power stations as a mass)
tuulla [of wind] :: to blow
tuulonen :: a gentle wind
tuulonen :: a puff of wind
tuulonen :: diminutive form of tuuli
tuultaa :: to winnow (to separate grain from the chaff with air either by letting wind blow the chaff away or throwing the unwinnowed grain in still air so that grains and chaff land in separate piles)
tuuma :: inch
tuuma :: thought, idea
tuumailla :: To think, ponder
tuumata :: to think, opine (to be of an opinion)
tuumia :: To think about, consider, reflect (up)on
tuunata :: to pimp (to excessively customize something, especially a vehicle)
tuunata :: to pimp up (to decorate; to prettify)
tuunaus :: pimping (process of modifying the looks of something, especially a vehicle)
tuupata :: To bang (have sex)
tuupata :: To push (a person; once)
tuuppia :: To jostle, push, elbow
tuura :: A kind of pickaxe where the blade is located at the head of the handle; used to hack holes in ice
tuurata [colloquial, + partitive] :: to stand in for, replace (to act as a substitute for)
Tuure :: male given name
tuuri [lb, fi, colloquial] :: fortune, luck
tuurna :: punch (A hard metal rod with a shaped tip at one end and a blunt butt end at the other, which is usually struck by a hammer. Punches are used to drive objects, such as nails, or to form an impression of the tip on a workpiece.)
tuusa :: shattered; only used in translative and essive singular in analogy with previous sense
tuusa :: Used in genitive as fortifier, especially in the expressions tuusan nuuskana and tuusan nuuskaksi
tuusan :: totally, completely; see tuusa for usage
tuusannuuska :: Alternative spelling of the idiomatic term tuusan nuuska, see tuusa for usage
tuut :: honk
tuutata :: To honk once
tuutia :: To lull (used normally only of lulling children)
tuutori :: tutor
tuutoroida :: To tutor
tuutorointi :: tutoring
tuuttailla :: to honk (repeatedly)
tuutti :: cone
tuutu :: A cradle
tuutua :: to sleep
tuutulaulu :: A lullaby
Tuvalu :: Tuvalu
tšuvassi :: A Chuvash
tšuvassi :: The Chuvash language
Tšuvassia :: Chuvashia (federal subject of Russia)
TV :: TV (abbreviation for television)
T-viivain [technical drawing] :: T-square (rule with a short perpendicular crosspiece at one end)
tvilli :: twill (type of woven cloth)
TV-opas :: TV guide
tv-sarja :: television program, television series, tv-series
tweed :: tweed (fabric)
tweedhame :: tweed skirt
tweedkangas :: tweed
tweedkankainen :: tweedy, tweed- (made of tweed)
tweedtakki :: tweed coat
twist :: twist (dance)
twistata :: To dance twist
twistnaru :: An elastic band used in a children's jumping game called twistaus. The band is stretched on ankle-to-knee height between two players and one or more other players perform various sets of jumps which involve tricky handling of the band. When done skillfully and with speed the movements of players resemble sort of a dance; hence the name
työ :: job
työ :: work (artistic or intellectual production)
työ :: work (effort expended on a particular task)
työ :: work (labour, employment, occupation, job)
työ :: work (physics: mechanics and thermodynamics)
työ :: work (place of work)
työ :: you (plural; in archaic English: ye)
työaika :: working hours
työaika :: working time
työasema :: workstation
täydellinen :: complete
täydellinen :: perfect
täydellinen luku [number theory] :: perfect number
täydellisempi :: comparative form of täydellinen
täydellisen :: completely (to the fullest extent or degree)
täydellisesti :: completely
täydellisesti :: perfectly
täydellistymä :: completion
täydellistymä :: perfection
täydellisyys :: perfection, perfectness
täydempi :: comparative form of täysi
täydennys :: supplement, supplies, reinforcements
täydennyskoulutus :: in-service training, updating training, updating education
täydennysvaali :: by-election
täydentää :: To complement
täydentää :: To supplement, to reinforce
täydentävä :: complementary, supplementary
työehtosopimus :: collective agreement, collective labor agreement
työelämä :: working life
tyfliitti [pathology, medical terminology] :: typhlitis (inflammation of the blind gut, or caecum)
Tyfon :: Typhon
työhaalarit :: Any kind of clothing worn for any kind of work
työhaalarit :: Coveralls designed specifically for work, used sometimes to underline the difference to other kinds of overalls
työhaastattelu :: job interview
työhakemus :: job application
työharjoittelu :: practical training (for later occupation at work)
työharjoittelu :: work experience (short unpaid period of time at a workplace, to gain experience of a working environment)
tyhjä :: blank (free from writing, printing, or marks)
tyhjä :: empty
tyhjä :: nothing
tyhjö :: alternative form of tyhjiö
tyhjennys :: emptying
tyhjennysmyynti :: A clearance (sale of merchandise at a reduced price with the purpose of selling out the discounted items)
tyhjentää :: To empty
tyhjentävä :: exhaustive
tyhjentyä :: to empty (itself)
tyhjetä :: To become empty
tyhjiö :: vacuum
tyhjiöenergia :: vacuum energy
tyhjiökuivaus :: vacuum drying
tyhjillään :: empty
tyhjillään :: vacated, abandoned, without occupants, unoccupied
tyhjin käsin :: empty-handed (having nothing to give)
tyhjin toimin :: empty-handed (having failed in a task)
tyhjiöputki :: vacuum tube
tyhjä joukko :: empty set
tyhjäkatseinen :: hollow-eyed (having sunken, dark ringed eyes demonstrative of lack of sleep or fear)
tyhjäkäynti :: idling (of an engine: state of running at a slow speed, or out of gear)
tyhjänpäiväinen :: trivial, not worthy
tyhjäpää :: airhead (having no brain)
tyhjästä :: from scratch
tyhjäsuoli :: jejunum
tyhjätä :: To empty
tyhjät tynnyrit kolisevat eniten :: empty vessels make the most sound
tyhjyys :: emptiness, void
tyhmä :: stupid
tyhmemmin :: comparative form of tyhmästi
tyhmempi :: comparative form of tyhmä
tyhmentää :: to dumb, make dumber
tyhmentyä :: to become dumber
tyhmetä :: To become dumber
tyhmimmin :: superlative form of tyhmästi
tyhmin :: superlative form of tyhmä
tyhmänrohkea :: foolhardy
tyhmänrohkeasti :: foolhardily
tyhmänrohkeus :: foolhardiness
tyhmästi :: stupidly
tyhmyys :: dumbness
töyhtö :: crest, tuft (protruding bunch of feathers, hair or similar growing on an animal's head)
töyhtö :: plume (cluster of feathers worn as an ornament, especially on a helmet)
töyhtöhyyppä :: northern lapwing, peewit, green plover, Vanellus vanellus
töyhtöpingviini :: crested penguin
töyhtötiainen :: crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus or Parus cristatus)
työhuone :: study (room)
työhypoteesi :: working hypothesis
työikäinen :: working-age (being of the age in which one may be expected to work)
työintensiivinen :: labor-intensive, labour-intensive, work-intensive
työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö :: The Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland
työjuhta :: beast of burden
työjuhta :: workhorse (anyone or anything that does a lot of work)
tykö [of movement; oldish or dialectal] :: to, (with a person's home or some such as an object) to ('s place)
työkalu :: tool
työkalupakki :: A tool box
työkalusarja :: A toolkit
työkaluvyö :: holster (belt with loops or slots)
työkaveri :: workmate, coworker, colleague
töykeä :: rude
töykeästi :: rudely
töykeys :: rudeness
tykinkuula :: cannonball
tykinruoka :: cannon fodder
tykistö :: The artillery (unit of the army)
tykistökeskitys :: bombardment, cannonade (heavy artillery fire, especially one concentrating the fire of several batteries on a relatively small area)
tykistötuli :: shellfire (artillery bombardment)
tyköistuva :: tight-fitting, snug, skintight, close-fitting, figure-hugging, form-fitting, slinky, tight
tykittää :: to attack verbally, especially sharply and with overwhelming arguments
tykittää :: to cannon (to bombard with cannons)
tykittää :: to cannon (to fire something, especiall a ball in agame, rapidly)
töykkiä :: To jostle, push, elbow
tykki :: any gun, such as a pistol or rifle
tykki :: gun with a calibre of more than 20 millimeters
tykki :: Usually as head word in a compound term, something that may be compared to a gun by e.g. form, function or effectiveness
tykkimies :: A private in the artillery
tykkiportti :: A gunport
tykkitorni :: gun tower
tykkivene :: gunboat
tykkivenediplomatia :: gunboat diplomacy
tykky :: Crown snow-load; snow and hard rime that accumulates on tree branches and structures
tykönä :: (static; oldish or dialectal) at sb's (place), with:
tykätä :: To like, to be fond of
tykätä :: To like, to think
työkyky :: professional skills
työkyky :: working ability
tykyttää :: to throb, palpitate (to pound or beat rapidly or violently; said especially of the heart)
tykytys :: to throb, palpitation (action of pounding or beating rapidly or violently; said especially of the heart)
työkyvyttömyyseläke :: disability pension (pension paid on the grounds that the beneficiary is physically or mentally unable to support oneself)
työleiri :: labour camp [UK], labor camp [US], prison camp
työläinen :: As a former part of compound (as the stem työläis-) signifies "of or pertaining to workers"
työläinen :: A worker (sterile social insect)
työläinen :: A worker (working man)
työläinen :: (political) A proletarian
työläis- :: As a modifier in compound words, of or pertaining to workers
tylli :: bird of the genus Charadrius, especially its type species, the common ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula
tylli :: tulle (kind of silk lace or light netting, used for veils, etc.)
työllistää :: to employ
työllistettävyys :: employability (state or quality of being employable)
työllistyä :: to become employed
työllistyminen :: The act of becoming employed
työllisyys :: employment (the number or percentage of people at work)
tylpempi :: comparative form of tylppä
tylpentää :: to blunt
tylpetä :: To dull
tylppä :: blunt (having a thick edge or point, as an instrument)
tylppä esine :: blunt instrument (object lacking sharp surfaces, especially as used to cause injury)
tylppäkulmainen :: obtuse, obtuse-angled (of a triangle, having one obtuse angle)
tylppäkulmainen kolmio :: obtuse triangle (triangle with an obtuse angle)
tylppäkuonokarhu :: short-faced bear
tylppäpyrstömolva :: blue ling (north Atlantic gadiform fish, Molva dypterygia)
tylppyys :: bluntness (the property of being blunt, not sharp)
tylsä :: boring
tylsä :: dull, blunt
työläs :: arduous
tylsempi :: comparative form of tylsä
tylsentää :: to blunt, dull
tylsentää :: to make dull, boring
tylsetä :: To become duller, more boring
tylsetä :: To dull (lose sharpness)
tylsimys :: A boring person
tylsin :: superlative form of tylsä
tylsistää :: to dull
tylsistyä :: , to get bored
tylsistyä :: to become blunt
tylsistyttää :: to make dull, boring
tylsämielisyys :: hebetude, lethargy (extreme dullness of character)
tylsämielisyys :: idiocy
tylsästi :: boringly
tylstyä :: alternative form of tylsyä
tylsyä :: to become blunt, dull
tylsyttää :: to blunt, dull
tylsyys :: dullness
tyly :: dour
tyly :: rude, harsh
tylysti :: harshly, crudely
työmaa :: worksite
työmaakypärä :: hard hat (construction helmet)
työmarkkinajärjestö :: labor market organization (an organization that represents employers or employees in issues related to their labor market interests)
työmarkkinakelpoisuus :: employability (state or quality of being employable)
työmarkkinat :: labor market
työmarkkinatuki :: labor market support ("official" translation used by the Ministry of Labor); a social benefit paid to an unemployed person who is not entitled to ordinary unemployment benefits due to insufficient history of employment or extended (more than 500 days) period of unemployment
työmatka :: business trip
tymi :: hashish (cannabis extract)
työmies :: A workman (man who labours for wages)
tymiini [genetics, biochemistry] :: thymine
työministeri :: minister of labor
työministeriö :: A similar ministry in another country
työministeriö :: The former Ministry of Labour of Finland, now part of the työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö
tymoli :: thymol
tymoliftaleiini :: thymolphthalein
tympeä :: nauseating, stale, vapid, gross
tympeytyä :: To become nauseating
tympeytyä :: To be fed up with something
tympiä :: to irritate, to annoy, to vex
tympääntyä :: To be fed up with something
työmäärä :: amount of work
työn alla :: in the making, on the go
työnantaja :: An employer
työnantajajärjestö :: Employers' organizationemployers' organization, employers' association, employers' federation (association of employers representing them in their dealings with trade unions)
työnarkomaani :: A workaholic
työnarkomaaninen :: workaholic
työnhakija :: job applicant, jobseeker
työnjako :: division of work
työnjako :: division of labour (separation of work into different categories or tasks)
työnjohtaja :: A foreman [leader of a work crew]
tynkä :: stump, stub
tynkämuura :: spot-winged antshrike
työnkuva :: job description
täynnä :: full (containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available)
täynnä :: full of, replete with
täynnä :: full (having eaten to satisfaction; replete)
tynnyri :: barrel
tynnyri :: keg
työnohjaus :: professional guidance
työnohjaus :: supervision of work, clinical supervision
työntää :: To push
työntö :: thrust, push
työntöalus :: towboat
työntekijä :: An employee
työnteko :: working
työntökärry :: pushcart
työntökytkye :: A convoy of a towboat and a barge
työntömitta :: vernier caliper (measuring instrument)
työntösiirros :: thrust fault
työntövoima :: propulsion
työntövoima :: thrust
työntyä :: to penetrate
työntyä :: to push oneself
työntäyteinen :: filled with work; busy; workful
työnvälitystoimisto :: employment agency (organisation that matches employers to employees)
työolot :: working conditions
typö :: completely, totally; only in the expression typö tyhjä ("completely empty")
työpaikka :: A position (employment)
työpaikka :: A situation (position of employment)
työpaikka :: A workplace
työpaikkahakemus :: job application
työpaikkailmoitus :: want ad, job advertisement
työpaja :: workshop
työpanos :: labor input
typekäs :: nitrogenous
typerä :: lame
typerä :: silly
typerä :: stupid, dumb
työperäinen :: occupational
typerämpi :: comparative form of typerä
typerys :: fool, stupid, idiot etc
typeryys :: foolishness, stupidity
-typia :: -type
-typia :: -typy
typistää :: to truncate
työpiste :: workstation, workstead, workplace (physical place for a single person to work)
typistyä :: to be truncated
työpäivä :: A workday (that part of a day in which work is done)
työpäivä :: A workday (those days of a week in which work is done)
typografia :: typography
typografinen :: typographical (pertaining to typography or printing)
typologia :: typology
typpi :: nitrogen
typpidioksidi :: nitrogen dioxide, NO2
typpihapoke :: nitrous acid
typpihappo :: nitric acid
typpimonoksidi :: nitrogen monoxide
typpinarkoosi :: nitrogen narcosis
typpioksidi :: nitric oxide
typpioksiduuli [inorganic chemistry] :: nitrous oxide, N2O
typpiryhmä :: nitrogen group
typpitetraoksidi :: dinitrogen tetroxide
typäs :: alternative form of tupas
typösen :: completely; used as intensifier with the adjective tyhjä
typötyhjä :: completely empty
typy :: babe, hottie
typykkä :: babe, chick
työpöytä :: A desk
työpöytä :: A worktable
tyrä :: A hernia
tyramiini :: tyramine
tyranni :: tyrant
tyrannia :: tyranny
tyrannilisko :: tyrannosaur
tyrannimainen :: tyrannous, tyrannical
tyrannimaisesti :: tyrannically
tyrannisoida :: To browbeat (to bully in an intimidating way)
tyrannisoida :: To tyrannize
tyrannius :: tyranny
tyrannoida :: alternative form of tyrannisoida
työrauha :: industrial peace (state of abstention from industrial action such as strikes or lock-outs)
työreformi :: labor reform (controversial program proposed by Finland's Centre Party in the beginning of the 1990's as a reaction to a deep economic recession, consisting of a range of measures to increase the flexibility of the labor market, or to deprive workers from their rights, depending on the point of view)
tyrehdyttää :: To stop something from flowing
tyrehtyä :: to dry up (to stop flowing)
tyriä :: to screw up, to mess up
tyristori :: thyristor
tyräkki :: A plant of the genus Euphorbia
tyrkkiä :: To jostle, push, elbow
tyrkyttää :: To foist, ply, force (something on someone/something, jotakin jollekulle), be pushy in offering
tyrmä :: dungeon
tyrmistyttää :: To consternate, dumbfound/dumfound, stun, bewilder, shock
tyrmätä :: (of a suggestion, idea, emotion, achievement, etc.) To belittle or dismiss; to cast doubt upon; to debunk
tyrmätä :: To stun, knock out
tyrmäävä :: stunning
tyrmäys :: knockout
tyrmäysase :: stun gun
tyrmäysisku :: knockout blow, Sunday punch (devastating blow)
tyrmäystippa [lb, fi, chiefly plural] :: knockout drop (drug used by criminals to incapacitate a victim by adding a few drops in his/her drink)
tyrni :: common sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
tyrni :: sea buckthorn, sea-buckthorn (any plant of the genus Hippophae)
tyrnimarja :: sea buckthorn berry
töyränne :: Small bank (of river etc.)
tyroksiini :: thyroxine
Tyros :: Tyre
tyrosiini :: tyrosine
Tyrrhenanmeri :: The Tyrrhenian Sea
töyräs :: bank, embankment
tyrskinä :: alternative form of tyrskintä
tyrskykahlaaja :: surfbird (small wading bird, Aphriza virgata, endemic to the northwestern parts of North America)
töyry :: Small bank (of river etc.)
työryhmä :: working committee (as above, but usually in a more formal context)
työryhmä :: working group, workgroup (any more or less formal team working for joint purpose, often established for a limited purpose for a defined period of time)
työryhmäverkko :: workgroup (computer network created for use by groups of people working together (workgroups))
täys- :: A prefix used to signify completeness. English equivalents include plenary, full- and complete
täysi :: full
täysi-ikäinen :: of age, of legal age
täysi-ikäinen :: An adult (person at least 18 years of age)
täysi-ikäisyys :: legal adulthood (in most countries, quality of being older than 18)
täysikasvuinen :: full-grown, adult, mature
täysikasvuisuus :: maturity
täysikuu :: full moon
täysillä :: at full, maximum
täysin :: totally, fully, completely
täysin :: wide (used with awake)
täysin rinnoin :: wholeheartedly (in a wholehearted manner; with one's whole heart; enthusiastically; without reserve)
täysisisar :: full sister
täysisisarukset :: full siblings
täysistunto :: A plenary session
täysivaltainen [diplomacy] :: plenipotentiary
täysiveli :: full brother
täysjyvä :: wholegrain
työskennellä :: to work (to do non-specific tasks)
työskentelevä :: working
työskentely :: work, working, effort (work as ongoing, relatively long-term action)
työskentelylupa :: A work permit (legal authorization to work)
tyskäläinen [lb, fi, dialectal, Kven] :: German
täyskäännös :: about face, turnabout, about-turn, handbrake turn
täyskäännös :: turnabout, about-turn, about-face
täysmaito :: whole milk
työsopimus :: employment contract
täysosuma :: A bullseye, direct hit
täyspakkaus :: full kit, full battle kit (complete set of gear that a soldier carries on his person in a battle)
täysperä [vehicles] :: A short form of täysperävaunuyhdistelmä
täysperävaunu :: A trailer, whose weight rests on its own wheels (and not on the tractor)
täysperävaunuyhdistelmä [vehicles] :: A combination of a truck and a "true" trailer (as opposed to a semi-trailer), a tractor-trailer
täysraittius :: abstinence, teetotalism
työssä käyvä :: alternative spelling of työssäkäyvä
työssäkäyvä :: working (in paid employment)
työssäoppiminen :: on-the-job learning
tyssätä :: be stymied
tyssätä :: bounce off
tyssätä :: get army leave of absence
tyssätä :: get bogged down
tyssätä :: hit a brick wall
töyssy :: bump
töyssy :: speed bump
työstää :: to machine, work, tool
työstö :: machining
työstettävyys :: workability
työstökone :: A machine tool
työstöpenkki :: workbench
työsuhde :: employment relationship
työsuhde :: employment (the status of being employed; the rights and obligations following thereof)
työsulku :: A lockout (opposite of a strike)
työsuojelu :: occupational safety and health (activities aimed at protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment)
työsuojeluvaltuutettu :: (occupational) safety representative, safety rep, health and safety representative (person elected by employees to represent them vis-à-vis (in dealings with) management and the authorities in all issues concerning health and safety at work)
työsuojeluyhteistoiminta :: cooperation on occupational safety and health
täysveli :: full brother
työtaistelu :: industrial action [UK], job action [US]
täyte :: batt, batting (pieces of fabric or fibre used for stuffing)
täyte :: fill (inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction)
täyte :: filling (anything used to fill something)
työtehtävä :: assignment, task
täytekakku :: layer cake, sandwich cake
täytekynä :: fountain pen
täyteläinen :: full-bodied (of wine, having depth and body)
täyteläinen :: full (having depth and body; rich: a full aroma; full tones)
täyteläinen :: mellow (not coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued; soft; rich; delicate; -- said of sound, color, flavor, etc.)
täyteläinen :: plump (having a full and rounded shape)
täyteläinen :: rich (having an intense flavour)
täyteläinen :: round (plump, rotund)
työteliäs :: industrious, hardworking, diligent
täyteläisempi :: comparative form of täyteläinen
täyteläisin :: superlative form of täyteläinen
täytemusiikki :: fill music
työterveyshuolto :: occupational health care
täytettävä :: refillable
täytetty :: filled, stuffed
tytinä :: alternative form of tutina
töytäistä :: To jostle
tytistä :: alternative form of tutista
työtön :: unemployed, jobless
työtön :: An unemployed person
täytäntöönpano :: enforcement
työtodistus :: A testimonial, letter of reference, proof of employment (written statement given by an employer to an employee stating certain facts of the employment and possibly containing an assessment)
työtoveri :: coworker, associate
tytär :: daughter
tytärpuoli :: stepdaughter
tytäryhtiö :: subsidiary
täyttää [age] :: to turn
täyttää :: to fill, fill up, fill in
täyttää :: to fulfill
täyttö :: A fiil (instance of filling a container)
täyttö :: A fill (amount that fills a container)
tyttö :: daughter
tyttö :: girl
tyttöaika :: girlhood [childhood of a girl]
tyttöbakteeri :: cootie, girl germ (imaginary germ that the girls are supposed to have, used as a pretence to avoid their company or just to make a fuss about nothing)
tyttöbändi :: girl band, girl group
täytteinen :: filled, stuffed
työtätekevä :: In plural (työtätekevät), the working class
työtätekevä :: working (belonging to working class)
työtätekevä :: working (in paid employment)
tyttöhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula puellaris
tytti :: girl
Tytti :: female given name
tyttökoulu :: girls' school
tyttölapsi :: girl child
täyttäminen :: filling
täyttäminen :: fulfilling
täyttäminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, täyttää] ::
tyttömäinen :: girlish
tyttömäisesti :: girlishly
tyttömäisyys :: girlishness
työttömyys :: unemployment, joblessness
työttömyysaste :: unemployment rate (share of unemployed in workforce, usually expressed as percentage)
työttömyyspäiväraha :: unemployment daily allowance (an amount paid daily to an unemployed person)
työttömyysturva :: unemployment benefit (money paid to the unemployed)
työttömyysvakuutus :: unemployment insurance (insurance against loss of earnings during the time of unemployment)
tyttönen :: diminutive form of tyttö
tyttönen :: little girl
tyttöparka :: poor girl
tyttärenpoika :: grandson (son of daughter)
tyttärentytär :: A granddaughter (daughter of someone's daughter)
täyttävä :: filling (filling the stomach)
tyttövauva :: baby girl
täyttyä :: To become filled
täyttyä :: To fulfill
täyttyminen :: filling
täyttyminen :: fulfilling
täyttyminen [fi-infinitive of, t=4, täyttyä] ::
täyttymys :: fulfillment (state of being fulfilled)
tyttöystävä :: girlfriend
täytyä [impersonal, auxiliary] :: genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive = to must, have to
työvaatteet :: work clothes, working clothes
työvaatteet :: workwear
työvaliokunta [management] :: executive committee (executive committee of an organization or parliamentary group or subcommittee of a board authorized to make some decisions on behalf of the entire board)
tyvekäs :: buttressed
tyven :: [of wind] calm
työväenliike :: labor movement
työväenluokka :: working class
työväenopisto :: A learning institution resembling a community college, providing adult education in a wide variety of topics. The programs are open for everyone, usually for a small fee
työväenpuolue :: Labour Party
työväentalo :: people's house (leisure and cultural centre built with the intention of making art and cultural appreciation available to the working classes)
työväenyhdistys :: A workers' association founded by and working for the benefit of workers in its area of operation
tyvi :: stem
työviikko :: working week, workweek
tyvipiste :: nombril point (point mid-way between the bottom and centre of the shield)
tyvisolusyöpä :: basal cell carcinoma
tyvitumake :: basal ganglion
työväki :: The genitive form of the word, työväen, is used in compound terms in the sense pertaining to the workers or working class. May be translated as labour, workers, or blue-collar
työväki :: workforce, workers as a collective
työväline :: tool, utensil
työvoima :: labor force, labour force, labour, manpower, workforce
työvoimapula :: labor shortage (condition in which there are insufficient qualified candidates to fill the demand for labor)
työvoimatoimisto :: job center, job centre, employment agency (A local branch of the Finnish työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö that acts as employment agency, administrates public unemployment benefits and organizes vocational training, activation programs and counceling for the unemployed. The Ministry seems to prefer the English translation "TE Office" in their communication.)
työvuoro :: shift (working period)
tyydyttää :: to sate
tyydyttää :: to satisfy
tyydyttävä [academic grade] :: average
tyydyttävä :: satisfying, satisfactory
tyydyttävästi :: satisfyingly
tyydyttyä [chemistry, of fats etc.] :: To become saturated
tyydyttyä :: To become satisfied
tyydyttynyt :: satisfied
tyydyttynyt :: saturated
tyyfus :: typhoid fever
työyhteisö :: work community
tyyli :: style
tyyliin :: like, around, about
tyylikkäästi :: stylishly, classily
tyylikäs :: elegant
tyylikäs :: smart (by appearance)
tyylikäs :: stylish
tyylilaji :: genre
tyylipuhdas :: pure and consistent in style; perfect
tyylitön :: frumpy
työympäristö :: working environment, working conditions
Tyyne :: female given name popular in early 20th century
Tyyne :: The letter "T" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
tyynenmerensilli :: Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii (species of herring native to north Pacific Ocean)
tyynesti :: calmly
tyyneys :: calm (in a person, the state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion)
tyyneys :: calmness (state of being calm; tranquillity; silence)
tyyneys :: composure (calmness of mind or matter, self-possession)
tyyneys :: peacefulness (state of being peaceful)
tyyneys :: rest (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquillity)
tyyneys :: serenity (state of being serene, lack of agitation or disturbance)
tyyneys :: tranquility (state of being tranquil, the absence of disturbance; peacefulness, the absence of stress; serenity)
tyyni :: calm, tranquil; serene
tyyni [nautical, meteorology] :: calm (wind speed at 0.2 m/s or less; force 0 wind strength on the Beaufort scale)
Tyyni :: female given name
Tyynimeri :: The Pacific Ocean
tyynin :: superlative form of tyyni
Tyyni valtameri :: The Pacific Ocean
tyynnytellä :: calm down
tyyntyä :: to calm, abate
tyyny :: pillow, cushion
tyynyliina :: pillowcase
tyynynpäällinen :: pillowcase
tyynysatula :: pad (cushion used as saddle)
tyynysota :: pillow fight
tyypillinen :: typical
tyypillisesti :: typically
tyypillisyys :: typicality
tyyppi :: A dude, guy (slang: man)
tyyppi :: A type, kind (grouping based on shared characteristics)
tyyppi :: A short form of tyyppihyväksyntä, an official qualification or licence to operate a certain piece of equipment, to fly a certain type of aircraft etc; often used in plural form: tyypit
tyyppijärjestelmä :: type system
tyyppilaji :: A species that is typical for a certain habitat
tyyppinen :: of a type, of a kind, of a style; always used with a head word or as part of a compound term
tyyris :: expensive
tyyrpuuri :: starboard
tyyssija :: place of, location of, hive of (usually implying peaceful or sheltered)
tyystin :: fully, completely
tyyt :: honk
tyytätä :: To honk
tyytyä :: to be satisfied, to content oneself
tyytymätön :: discontent, frustrated, dissatisfied
tyytymättömyys :: dissatisfaction, discontent
tyytyväinen :: content, satisfied
tyytyväisempi :: comparative form of tyytyväinen
tyytyväisyys :: complacency (feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble)
tyytyväisyys :: satisfaction (state of being satisfied or content)
tyytyväisyystakuu :: satisfaction guarantee }
-u :: Derives a number of nouns from other nouns
-u :: Forms nouns from verbs. Most common with e- and i-stem verbs
-ua :: Forms stative or inchoative intransitive verbs from transitive verbs
ubiikki :: ubiquitous
ubiikkiyhteiskunta :: ubiquitous network society (society characterized and defined by an efficient data network that reaches overall)
ubikinoni :: ubiquinone, ubiquinol, coenzyme Q
udar :: alternative form of utare
udella :: to ask questions about, to fish for information
udmurtti :: An Udmurt
udmurtti :: The Udmurt language
udometri :: udometer
ufo :: weird
ufo :: UFO
ufo :: ufo (alien spacecraft)
UFO :: UFO [unidentified flying object]
ufohavainto :: UFO observation
ufoilla :: (slang) to express strange opinions and views
ufoilu :: Action of the verb ufoilla
ufologi :: An ufologist
ufomainen :: UFO-like
ufotutkija :: ufologist, UFO researcher
ufotutkimus :: ufology, UFO research
ufouskonto :: UFO religion
Uganda :: Uganda
ugandalainen :: Ugandan
ugandalainen :: An Ugandan
ugandalaisuus :: state or quality of being Ugandan
ugandangueretsa :: Ugandan red colobus, Procolobus tephrosceles (endangered species of red colobus monkey)
ugandankobi :: Ugandan kob, Kobus kob thomasi (subspecies of kob antelope)
ugri :: Person belonging to this group
ugri :: Ugric (group of Uralic languages that includes Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi in a seven-category grouping Uralic languages, the others being Finnic, Sami, Mordvin, Mari, Permic and Samoyedic)
ugrilainen :: Ugric
ugrilaisuus :: the state or quality of bring Ugric
ugristi :: An Ugricist
ugristiikka :: The study of Ugric languages
uhanalainen :: endangered (facing the danger of extinction)
uhanalainen :: threatened (facing a threat)
uhanalaisuus :: endangeredness (state or condition of being endangered, especially of a species)
uhata :: To threaten
uhitella :: To be defiant, defy
uhitella :: To threaten
uhittelu :: defiance
uhittelu :: threatening
uhka :: threat
uhkaaja :: threatener
uhkaava :: threatening, ominous
uhkaavasti :: threateningly
uhkaavuus :: ominousness
uhkailla :: To threaten
uhkailu :: threatening (the act of making threats)
uhkakuva :: threat
uhkapeli :: any gamble
uhkapeli :: gamble, a risky game
uhkapeluri :: gambler
uhkarohkea :: reckless (indifferent to danger or the consequences)
uhkarohkeasti :: recklessly
uhkarohkeus :: foolhardiness
uhkarohkeus :: recklessness
uhkasakko :: penalty payment
uhkaus :: threat (expression)
uhkauskirje :: threatening letter
uhkavaatimus :: ultimatum
uhkayritys :: venture
uhkea :: grand
uhkea :: voluptuous
uhkeus :: grandness
uhkeus :: voluptuousness
uhku :: Slush on lake or sea ice formed by upwelling water
uhkua [figuratively + partitive] :: To radiate, exude (esp. confidence)
uhkuavanto :: Same as uve
uhma :: defiance
uhmaikä :: negative age
uhmainen :: defiant
uhmaisa :: defiant
uhmakas :: defiant
uhmakkaasti :: defiantly
uhmakkuus :: defiance
uhmamieli :: defiance
uhmamielinen :: defiant
uhmamielisesti :: defiantly
uhmamielisyys :: defiance
uhmapäisyys :: defiance
uhmata :: To defy
uhmata :: To defy, oppose (or be opposed to), resist
uho :: bluster (talk)
uhota :: To bluster (to talk pompously or violently)
uhraaminen :: The act of sacrificing
uhrata :: To sacrifice
uhraus :: sacrifice (something sacrificed or act of sacrificing)
uhrautua :: To sacrifice oneself
uhrautuja :: martyr (one who sacrifices oneself)
uhrautuminen :: self-sacrifice (the giving up of one's own benefit for the good of others)
uhrautuva :: self-sacrificing
uhrautuvainen :: self-sacrificing
uhri :: casualty ‎ (person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence)
uhri :: mark, stiff, pigeon, patsy ‎ (person who is deceived)
uhri :: martyr (one who suffers greatly and/or constantly)
uhri :: sacrifice, offering (something sacrificed)
uhri :: victim
uhrialttari :: sacrificial altar
uhrieläin :: sacrificial animal
uhrikaritsa :: sacrificial lamb
uhrikivi [paganism] :: sacrificial stone (large stone or boulder used as sacrificial altar)
uhrikuolema :: sacrificial death
uhrilahja :: sacrifice, offering
uhrilammas :: sacrificial lamb
uhrilehto [paganism] :: sacred grove (grove in which sacrificial ceremonies were habitually held)
uhrilähde :: sacred well
uhrimetalli :: sacrificial anode
uhripappi :: aruspice
uida :: to swim, bathe
uiguuri :: An Uyghur
uija :: A swimmer
uikkarit :: swimsuit
uikku :: grebe
uikkukana :: finfoot (three species of aquatic bird in the family Heliornithidae)
uikuttaa :: to yelp
uikutus :: yelping
uima- :: swim, swimming
uima :: Used as prefix to signifify swim, swimming, see uima-
uima-allas :: swimming pool
uima-asu :: swimsuit
uimahalli :: swimming pool
uimahousut :: swimming trunks
uimahyppääjä :: diver
uimahyppy :: diving or an act of the same (sport of jumping head first into water)
uimakello :: pneumatophore or sail (the floating organ of siphonophores, such as the Portuguese man-of-war)
uimakello :: swimming bell, umbrella (the main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles)
uimakoppi :: bathing hut, beach hut, bathing box (small booth near or on a beach intended for changing clothes before and after swimming, sometimes without a roof)
uimakoulu :: swim school
uimala :: A swimming facility, especially an outdoor swimming pool
uimalakki :: swim cap, bathing cap
uimalasit :: swimming goggles
uimaliike :: swimming stroke
uimaopettaja :: swimming teacher
uimapatja :: air mattress
uimapolyypit :: Nominative plural form of uimapolyyppi
uimapolyypit :: Siphonophora (taxonomic term) or the siphonophores
uimapolyyppi :: A siphonophore (any of the colonial marine invertebrates in the order Siphonophora)
uimapuku :: swimsuit, bathing suit; swimming costume [British]
uimapukuinen :: wearing a bathing suit
uimarakko :: swim bladder
uimaranta :: beach (where one can swim)
uimarata :: swim lane, swimlane
uimarengas [idiomatic, anatomy] :: spare tire (excess fat accumulated near the waist)
uimarengas :: swim ring, swimming ring, rubber ring
uimari :: swimmer
uimaräpylä :: flipper (of a swimmer)
uimaseura :: swimming club
uimashortsit :: swimming shorts; bathing trunks, swimming trunks (pair of shorts worn for swimming or bathing)
uimastadion :: swimming stadium
uimataidoton :: unable to swim
uimataito :: swimming skill
uimataitoinen :: able to swim
uimavalvoja :: lifeguard
uimuri :: A float (in float chamber)
uimurikammio :: float chamber
uimuriventtiili :: float valve
uinahtaa :: To briefly fall asleep, to doze off
uinailla :: To slumber
uinailu :: slumbering
uinti :: swimming
uintikausi :: swimming season
uintikilpailu :: swimming contest
uintimatka :: swimming distance
uintityyli :: stroke (style of swimming)
uinua :: to slumber
uiskennella :: to swim (idly), to float
uisko :: landing craft
uistaa :: A variant of uistella
uistella :: to troll
uistelu :: trolling
uistin :: A swimming fishing lure, especially a spoon lure
uittaa :: To dip
uittaa :: To make (sb/sth) swim
uitto :: timber rafting
uittohaka :: pike pole used in log driving
uittohukka :: driving loss
uittohäviö :: driving loss
uittokouru :: log flume
uittomies :: log driver, riverman
uittoränni :: log flume
uittoväylä :: floating channel
uivelo :: smew, Mergus albellus
ujellus :: whiz
ujeltaa :: To whiz
ujo :: shy, coy
ujohko :: Somewhat shy
ujoilla :: A variant of ujostella
ujompi :: comparative form of ujo
ujostelematon :: unabashed
ujostella :: To shy
ujostelu :: shying
ujosti :: shyly
ujostuttaa :: To make someone feel shy
ujous :: shyness
ujua :: To become thinner, to weaken
ujua :: To get stretched
ujua :: To swim
ujuttaa :: To foist
ujuttaa :: To plant (place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit)
ujuttautua :: to infiltrate
ukaasi :: an angry complaint or command, particularly in response to a wrong
ukaasi :: ukase
ukkeli :: old man
ukkeli :: man (little man or man-like creature, especially one from outer space)
ukki :: grandpa, grandfather
ukko :: adult male wood grouse or black grouse
ukko :: old man, gaffer
ukko :: player character in video games
Ukko :: male given name
Ukko :: The god of heaven in the Finnish mythology, often mentioned with the epithet ylijumala ‎(“supreme god”)
ukkoetana :: ash-grey slug (Limax cinereoniger)
ukkometso :: capercaillie cock
ukkomies :: married man
ukkonen :: thunder
Ukkonen :: Finnish surname
ukkoontua :: alternative form of ukkoutua
ukkosenjohdatin :: A lightning conductor [British], lightning rod
ukkosenjyrähdys :: thunderclap
ukkosilma :: alternative form of ukonilma
ukkosmyrsky :: thunderstorm
ukkospilvi :: thundercloud
ukkosrintama [lb, fi, meteorology] :: squall line, frontal thunderstorm
ukkostaa :: to thunder
ukkoutua [of men] :: To become old
ukkovarvas :: big toe
U-käännös :: U-turn
ukonhattu :: monkshood, wolfsbane, aconite (plant)
ukonilma :: thunderstorm
ukonkivi :: quartz
ukonkorento :: hawker, darner (dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae)
ukonnauris :: wallflower (plant in the genus Erysimum)
ukonnuoli :: thunderstone
ukonputki :: common hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium
ukonsieni :: parasol mushroom, Macrolepiota procera
ukonvaaja :: Thunderstone, a Stone Age tool used as a talisman
ukonvirva [wather] :: St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge, or corona, sometimes seen at tops of tall pointed objects on land during thunderstorms, caused by ionization of the atmosphere)
ukottua :: alternative form of ukkoutua
ukraina :: The Ukrainian language
Ukraina :: Ukraine
ukrainalainen :: Ukrainian
ukrainalainen :: A Ukrainian person
ukrainansokkohiiri :: Podolsk mole rat (Spalax zemni)
Ukrainan sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta :: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (the Bolshevik state of Ukraine)
ukrainantaa :: to translate into Ukrainian
uksi :: door
ukulele :: ukulele
ukuli :: owl
ula range of VHF radio frequencies between 87.5 to 108.0 MHz, used for radio broadcasting
U-laakso :: A U-shaped valley
ulaani :: ulan
ulahtaa :: To yelp
ulappa :: open lake
ulappa :: open sea
ulappakeiju :: storm petrel (any bird of the family Hydrobatidae)
ulappakeiju :: white-faced storm petrel, Pelagodroma marina (the type species of this family)
ulappaliitäjä :: petrel, shearwater (bird of the family Procellariidae)
ulappalintu :: Any bird of the order Procellariiformes
ulataksi :: VHF taxi (taxi equipped with VHF radio operating in the frequency range 75.225-76.000 MHz for communication with taxi reservation service, now largely replaced with systems based on mobile data networks)
uleksiitti :: ulexite
ulettua :: To reach, to be able to reach
ulina :: howling
ulista :: To yell, scream
ulista :: To howl
uljaasti :: bravely, valiantly
uljas :: brave, valiant, gallant
Uljas :: male given name
Uljas :: Finnish surname
uljuus :: braveness, valiance, gallantry
ulko- :: foreign
ulko- :: outdoor
ulko- :: outer, external
ulko- :: overseas (living outside one's own country)
ulkoa :: by heart
ulkoa :: from outside
ulkoapäin :: from outside
ulkoasiainministeri [official] :: minister of foreign affairs
ulkoasiainministeriö :: A ministry for foreign affairs of another country
ulkoasiainministeriö :: The official full name of the Finnish ministry for foreign affairs
ulkoasiainvaliokunta :: standing committee for foreign affairs
ulkoasiat :: foreign affairs
ulkoasu :: outfit, appearance
ulkoavaruus :: outer space
ulkoaviollinen :: extramarital (taking place outside marriage)
ulkoeronto :: The ablative case
ulkoeurooppalainen :: non-European
ulkofilee :: sirloin [US]; rump [UK] (cut of beef from the lower part of the back, where the last ribs are, or similar cut in pork or mutton)
ulkohuussi :: An outhouse (toilet)
ulkoilla :: to get some fresh air, to exercise (in fresh air, by walking, jogging etc.)
ulkoilma [in compounds] :: open-air
ulkoilma :: outdoors; also open
ulkoilmakahvila :: open-air cafe
ulkoilmakonsertti :: open-air concert
ulkoilmaravintola :: open-air restaurant
ulkoilmateatteri :: open-air theater
ulkoilu :: outdoor recreation, outdoor activities
ulkoiluttaa :: to walk (a dog etc.)
ulkoinen :: External
ulkoisesti :: Externally
ulkoistaa [buzzword] :: To outsource
ulkoistaminen :: outsourcing
ulkokaihdin :: awning
ulkokatto :: roof (the cover at the top of a building)
ulkokiinalainen :: overseas Chinese
ulkokorva :: outer ear, auricle
ulkokuva :: exterior
ulkolainen :: foreign
ulkolainen :: foreigner
ulkolaitamoottori :: outboard motor
ulkolima :: ectoplasm
ulkolämpötila :: exterior temperature
ulkoloinen :: ectoparasite
ulkomaa :: foreign country
ulkomaailma :: outside world
ulkomaalainen :: foreign (originating from a foreign country)
ulkomaalainen :: foreigner
ulkomaalaislaki :: Aliens Act
ulkomaalaisomistus :: foreign ownership
ulkomaali :: exterior paint
ulkomaanapu :: foreign aid
ulkomaanelävä [belittling] :: foreigner
ulkomaankauppa :: foreign trade
ulkomaankauppaministeri :: minister of foreign trade
ulkomaankauppapolitiikka :: foreign trade policy
ulkomaankirjeenvaihtaja :: foreign correspondent (reporter based in a foreign country)
ulkomaanmarkkinat :: foreign market
ulkomaanmatkailu :: international tourism, foreign tourism
ulkomaanosasto :: foreign affairs department
ulkomaanpassi :: passport (for traveling abroad)
ulkomaanpuhelu :: international phone call
ulkomaanraha :: foreign currency
ulkomaansuhteet :: foreign relations
ulkomaanvaluutta :: foreign currency
ulkomaanvelka :: foreign debt
ulkomailla :: abroad, overseas (in a foreign country)
ulkomaille :: abroad, overseas (to a foreign country)
ulkomailta :: from abroad, from overseas
ulkomainen :: foreign (from a different country)
ulkomeri :: high seas
ulkoministeri :: foreign minister, secretary of state
ulkoministeriö :: ministry for foreign affairs, foreign ministry, Foreign Office [UK], State Department [U.S.]
Ulko-Mongolia :: Outer Mongolia
ulkomuoto :: appearance
ulkomuseo :: open air museum
ulkona :: [static] out, outdoors
ulkona :: [static] outside
ulkonainen :: external
ulkonaisesti :: externally
ulkonaisesti :: superficially
ulkonaisuus :: externality
ulkonaliikkumiskielto :: A curfew
ulkonema :: projection
ulkonenä :: nose (visible part of the nose as opposed to the internal parts)
ulkoneva :: projecting, protruding
ulkonäkö :: look, appearance, semblance
ulko-olento [grammar, rarely used] :: adessive
ulkopaikallissija :: Any of the three cases adessive, ablative and allative in Finnish that indicate location on a surface or in the neighbourhood of something, or a movement towards or from such location
ulkoplaneetta :: outer planet
ulkopoliittinen :: foreign policy (of or pertaining to foreign policy)
ulkopolitiikka :: foreign policy
ulkopuoli :: outside
ulkopuolinen :: external
ulkopuolinen :: extra-
ulkopuolinen :: outsider (person)
ulkorakennus :: An outbuilding
ulkorakennus :: An outhouse (outbuilding)
ulkosuhteet :: foreign relations
ulkoteltta :: fly, tent fly, fly sheet (extra cover of a tent to protect against bad weather)
ulkotulento :: allative
ulkovalta :: foreign power (foreign country, especially in official context)
ulkovessa :: An outhouse (toilet)
ulkovuoro :: state of being the fielding team in baseball or a similar game, notably pesäpallo
ulkoydin :: outer core (outer part of the core of the Earth consisting of liquid iron-nickel alloy)
ulkustauti :: peptic ulceration
Ulla :: female given name
ullakko :: attic
ullakkohuone :: garret (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house)
uloimmainen :: outermost
uloin :: outermost
uloke :: An appendage
uloke :: A projection
ulokepalkki :: cantilever (beam anchored at one end and projecting into space)
ulommainen :: alternative form of uloimmainen
ulommainen :: outer (further from center)
ulompi :: outer (further from center)
ulos :: out, outside; outdoors:
ulosajo :: driving off the road
ulosanti :: delivery (manner of speech)
uloshengitys :: exhalation
uloskäynti :: exit
ulosotto :: attachment (taking a person's property by a court-order to satisfy a debt)
ulosottomies :: distrainor
ulospäin :: outward
ulostaa :: to defecate, excrete, egest
ulostaa [jokingly, rare] :: to oust, eject
ulostaminen :: defecation, egestion
uloste :: excrement, faeces/feces
ulostenäyte :: stool sample
ulostus :: defecation, excretion
ulostuslääke :: purgative, laxative
ulostuttaa :: to have the urge to defecate
ulostuttaa :: to make to defecate
ulosvirtaus :: outflux, efflux
ulottaa :: To extend
ulottautua :: To reach
ulotteikas :: multifaceted
ulotteinen :: dimensional (having dimension or dimensions)
ulottua :: To extend, stretch
ulottua :: To reach, to be able to reach
ulottuvilla :: within reach, handy; normally used with a noun or pronoun in genitive, or a possessive suffix to specify within reach of what something is kept
ulottuvuus :: A dimension
ulpukka :: spatterdock, yellow water lily, cow lily, yellow pond-lily (Nuphar lutea)
ulsteri :: greatcoat, carrick (men's long overcoat in general)
ulsteri :: ulster (type of men's long overcoat made of rough material, often featuring a cape that covers the shoulders)
ulsterilainen :: Ulster (relating to, or originating from Ulster)
ulsterilainen :: Ulsterman (male from Ulster)
ulsterilainen :: Ulsterwoman (female from Ulster)
ultima [prosody] :: ultima (last syllable in a multisyllable word)
ultimaalinen [rare, Anglicism] :: alternative term for äärimmäinen ("ultimate")
ultimaatumi :: ultimatum
ultimate :: ultimate frisbee (game)
ultimus [academia] :: In an academic promotion ceremony, the person who graduates with the second best grades and receives his/her diploma last
ultimusmaisteri [academia] :: In a masters' promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last
ultimustohtori [academia] :: In a doctoral promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last
ultra :: ultralight (aircraft that weighs very little)
ultrakevyt :: ultralight
ultrakevyt :: ultralight (aircraft that weighs very little)
ultrakevytlento :: ultralight aviation
ultrakevytlento :: ultralight flight (flight with an ultralight aircraft)
ultralyhyt [physics, of wavelength] :: ultrashort (being between 1 and 10 metres, corresponding to the frequency band 30 to 300 MHz, called VHF)
ultralyhyt :: ultrashort (very short)
ultramariini :: ultramarine
ultramariininsininen :: ultramarine
ultramoderni :: ultramodern
ultraääni :: ultrasound (use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes)
ultraääni :: ultrasound (sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing)
ultraäänihoito :: ultrasound (use of ultrasound for therapy)
ultraäänikuva :: ultrasound image
ultraäänitutkimus :: ultrasonography
ultraviolettiaalto [physics, chiefly in plural] :: ultraviolet wave
ultraviolettisäteily :: ultraviolet radiation
ultraviolettivalo :: ultraviolet light
uluus :: ulus (raion, or district, in Sakha Republic, Russia)
ulvahdella :: To yelp (repeatedly)
ulvahdus :: A yelp
ulvahtaa :: To yelp (once)
ulvaista :: to yelp
ulvoa :: To howl
ulvoja :: howler
ulvonta :: howling
umaijadi :: Umayyad
umeshu :: umeshu
umiakki :: umiak
umlaut :: umlaut (assimilation a->ä, o->ö or u->ü in German and some closely related languages)
ummehtua [of air] :: To get stuffy, go stale
ummehtua [of some materia] :: To get musty, get moldy, mold, mildew
ummehtunut :: stale
ummessa :: closed, clogged, blocked, constipated (not open or free)
ummet ja lammet :: this and that; used especially with verbs puhua ‎(“to speak”), luvata ‎(“to promise”) etc. to indicate that someone is trying to deceive or distract the listener by speaking a lot, but leaving essential facts untold
ummetus :: constipation
ummikko :: A person who speaks only his own mother tongue, a monolingual
ummistaa :: ummistaa silmänsä: To close one's eyes, to ignore
ummistaa silmänsä :: To close one's eyes, to ignore
umpeen :: sealed, closed, shut
umpeutua :: to close up
umpeutua :: to expire
umpi :: As a former part of compound adjective or adverb, indicates that the quality described by the adjective or adverb is total
umpi :: As a former part of compound noun, normally indicates the state of being closed or internal
umpi :: Deep, untouched snow (with no tracks)
umpi [figuratively, archaic] :: An insurmountable obstacle
umpi :: constipation. The expressions olla ummella (to have constipation) and tulla ummelle (to get constipated) may be used of humans, but they are becoming archaic in this sense
umpi- :: When prefixed to an adjective or adverb, indicates that the quality described by the adjective or adverb is total
umpi- :: When prefixed to a noun, it normally indicates the state of being closed or internal
umpieritteinen :: endocrine
umpieritysjärjestelmä [anatomy, medicine] :: endocrine system
umpihanki :: unbroken snow
umpihumala :: soddenness (state of being completely drunk)
umpihumalainen :: sodden
umpihumalassa :: sodden, completely drunk
umpikuja :: blind alley, dead-end, dead end, cul-de-sac
umpikuuro :: stone deaf
umpilisäke [anatomy, medicine] :: appendix, vermiform appendix
umpilisäketulehdus :: appendicitis
umpilisäkkeen tulehdus :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
umpimähkäinen :: haphazard
umpimähkäinen :: indiscriminate
umpimähkäinen :: promiscuous (made without careful choice; indiscriminate)
umpimähkään :: At random, haphazardly, indiscriminately
umpimurtuma :: Closed fracture (bone fracture where the bone does not break the surface of the skin)
umpinainen :: closed
umpinainen :: solid
umpio :: A hermetically sealed space or container
umpioida :: to conserve food by sealing hermetically
umpioida :: to seal hermetically
umpiovalaisin :: sealed beam (type of lamp)
umpiraide :: siding
umpirauhanen :: An endocrine gland
umpisilmä :: blind; used especially of newly born animals whose eyes have not opened yet
umpisolmu :: An overhand knot
umpisolmu :: quagmire (precarious situation, hopeless tangle)
umpisuolentulehdus [colloquial, ambiguous] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
umpisuolentulehdus :: typhlitis (inflammation of the blind gut, or caecum)
umpisuoli :: blind gut, caecum, cecum
umpitavu :: A syllable ending with a consonant, closed syllable
umpu :: bud
-un :: Suffix variant for the illative singular: see -Vn
unaarinen :: unary
unbibium :: unbibium
unbinilium :: unbinilium
unbitrium :: unbitrium
unbiunium :: unbiunium
undekaani :: undecane
undekyleenihappo :: undecylenic acid
underground :: underground (culture)
undesyleenihappo [fatty acid, pharmaceutical drug] :: undecylenic acid
undulaatio :: undulation
undulaatti :: budgerigar, budgie, pet parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus
uneksia :: To (day)dream (about/of = elative)
uneksija :: dreamer, daydreamer
uneksinta :: dreaming
uneliaasti :: sleepily
uneliaisuus :: drowsiness, sleepiness
unelias :: sleepy
unelma :: dream (meaning a desirable vision):
Unelma :: female given name
unelma-ammatti :: dream job
unelmaloma :: dream vacation
unelmamaailma :: dream world
unelmamaali :: dream goal
unelmatorttu :: A type of Swiss roll where cocoa is mixed into the sponge cake
unelmoida :: To daydream
unelmoija :: dreamer, daydreamer
unelmointi :: dreaming, reverie
unenomainen :: dreamlike
unenomaisuus :: dreamlikeness
unenpuute :: sleep deprivation
unessa :: asleep
uneton :: sleepless
unettaa [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel sleepy
unettaa :: To make sleepy
unettava :: soporific, somnolent
unettomuus :: insomnia
unho :: oblivion
unhoittaa [dated, poetic] :: to forget
unhoittua :: to be forgotten
unhola :: oblivion; the state of being completely forgotten
unhottaa [dated, poetic] :: to forget
unhottua :: alternative form of unhoittua
uni :: dream
uni :: sleep
uniaattikirkko :: Uniate church
uniaika :: Dreamtime (time of creation of the world in Australian mythology)
uniapnea :: sleep apnea
uniasu :: nightclothes, nighwear
unihalvaus :: sleep paralysis
unihiekka :: sleep (in the corner of the eye, dried up rähmä)
unihäiriö :: A sleep disorder, somnipathy
uniikki :: unique
uniikkikappale :: unique (a thing without a like; something unequalled or unparallelled)
unikauhuhäiriö :: night terror (type of sleeping disorder)
unikeko :: A dormouse (any small rodent in the family Gliridae)
unikeko :: An edible dormouse or fat dormouse, Glis glis
unikeko :: A person who sleeps later than others
unikeonpäivä :: Seven Sleepers Day, National Sleepy Head Day
unikko :: poppy
unikonsiemen :: poppyseed, poppy seed (spice)
unikorni :: unicorn
unilääke :: soporific, sleeping pill
uninen :: drowsy
uninen :: sleepy
uninen :: somnolent (sleepy, drowsy)
unioni :: union
unirytmi :: sleep pattern
uniseksi :: unisex fashion
uniseksiasu :: unisex clothing
unisempi :: comparative form of uninen
unisesti :: sleepily, drowsily
unisin :: superlative form of uninen
unissakulkija :: sleepwalker, somnambulist
unissakävelijä :: Sleepwalker, somnambulist
unissakävely :: somnambulism, sleepwalking
unissakävijä :: sleepwalker, somnambulist
unisuus :: sleepiness
unitabletti :: sleeping pill
unitarianismi :: Unitarianism
unitarismi :: unitarianism
unitauti :: sleeping sickness
unitutkimus :: sleep research (study of sleep as neurophysiological phenomenon)
univaje :: sleep debt
univelka :: sleep debt
universaali :: universal (common to all members of a group or class)
universaali :: universal (of or pertaining to the universe)
universaalialgebra :: universal algebra
universaalinen :: universal
universaalisempi :: comparative form of universaalinen
universaalisin :: superlative form of universaalinen
universaalistaa :: to universalize (to make universal, to make consistent or common across all cases)
universaalistua :: to become universal
universaalisuus :: universality
universiadit :: The Universiade
universumi :: universe
univormu :: A uniform
univormupukuinen :: uniformed
unkari :: Hungarian language
Unkari :: Hungary
unkarilainen :: Hungarian
unkarilainen :: a Hungarian
unkarin kieli :: The Hungarian language
unkarinkielinen :: Expressed in the Hungarian language
unkarinkielinen :: Hungarian-speaking
unkarinnos :: Hungarian translation
unkarintaa :: To translate into Hungarian
unkarinvinttikoira :: Magyar agar, Hungarian greyhound
unkarinvizsla :: vizsla
unohdella :: To forget (repeatedly)
unohdus :: oblivion (the state of being completely forgotten)
unohtaa :: to forget
unohtaja :: forgetter
unohtaminen :: forgetting
unohtavainen :: forgetful, oblivious
unohtavaisuus :: forgetfulness
unohtelu :: forgetting
unohtua :: To be/get/become forgotten
unohtumaton :: unforgettable
unohtumattomasti :: unforgettably
unssi :: ounce
Unsupported titles/Colon :: Connects a suffix or clitic to a number, abbreviation or initialism
Unsupported titles/Colon :: Introduces a quotation
Unsupported titles/Colon :: Introduces a sentence with the role of apposition with respect to the previous one
Unsupported titles/Colon :: Introduces the logical consequence, or effect, of a fact stated before
Untamo :: male given name
Unto :: male given name
untuva :: down (feather)
untuvainen :: downy
untuvapilvi :: cirrus, cirrus cloud
untuvatäkki :: eiderdown
untuvikko :: chick (very young bird clad only in down)
untuvikko :: fledgling (immature, naïve and/or inexperienced person)
ununbium :: ununbium
ununennium :: ununennium
ununheksium :: ununhexium
ununkvadium :: ununquadium
ununoktium :: ununoctium
ununpentium :: ununpentium
ununseptium :: ununseptium
ununtrium :: ununtrium
Uolevi :: male given name
uoma :: normal state of affairs, used primarily in the expression asettua
uoma :: riverbed, channel
Uosukainen :: Finnish surname
Uoti :: male given name
Uotila :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Uotila :: Finnish surname
upata :: To upload
upea :: great, wonderful
upea [of looks] :: gorgeous, great, magnificent, posh
upeaherkkusieni :: The prince, Agaricus augustus
upeammin :: comparative form of upea
upeasti :: wonderfully, magnificently
upeimmin :: superlative form of upea
upokas :: crucible
upoksiin :: sunken, under water (to the state of being under water or other liquid)
upoksissa :: submerged
upota [intransitive + illative, of a saw] :: To bite
upota :: To get stuck in, get bogged down in
upota :: To go over, strike home, do its work on
upota :: To sink (descend into liquid)
upote :: inset
upotella :: to sink (repeatedly)
upottaa :: to insert
upottaa :: ~ (kaappi) = to build in, flush (a closet)
upottaa :: ~ (kätensä + illative) to stick, dunk (one's hands into something)
upottaa :: ~ (katseensa) = to drill/burn (one's eyes)
upottaa :: ~ (keihäs, puukko) = to plunge (a lance, knife)
upottaa :: ~ (kivi sormukseen) = to set, mount (a gem into a ring)
upottaa :: ~ (laiva, rahaa) = to sink (a boat, money)
upottaa :: ~ (naula) = to countersink (a nail)
upottaa :: ~ (surunsa) = to drown (one's sorrows)
upottaa :: to embed
upottaa :: to flood
upottaa :: to submerge, immerse
upottaminen :: immersion
upotus :: embedding
upotus :: immersion
upotuskoristelu :: inlay
upotuspiikki :: set (a punch for setting nails in wood)
upotuspora :: counterbore
upouusi :: brand new
uppiniskainen :: stubborn, recalcitrant
uppiniskaisuus :: stubbornness
uppo- :: signifies sinking or submerging
uppoama :: displacement
uppokantanaula :: brad
uppokeitin :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
uppokuumennin :: immersion heater
uppomuna :: poached egg
uppo-outo :: Totally unknown
uppopaistaa :: to deep-fry
uppopaistaminen :: deep-frying (method of cooking)
uppopaistin :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
uppopaisto :: deep-frying (method of cooking)
uppopuu :: snag (piece of wood in water)
upporikas :: extremely rich, filthy rich
uppotukki :: snag (piece of wood in water)
uppouma :: displacement (of a ship)
uppoutua :: To get absorbed/wrapped up in, involve oneself deeply in, immerse oneself in
ups :: oops
Upsala :: Uppsala
upseeri :: An officer
upseerikokelas :: officer candidate
upseeristo :: Army officers collectively
upsis :: oops
ura :: career
ura :: track, groove or rut
uraa :: Finnish transliteration of a Russian battle cry
uraani :: uranium
uraaniatomi :: uranium atom
uraaniesiintymä :: uranium deposit
uraanifluoridi :: uranium fluoride
uraaniheksafluoridi :: uranium hexafluoride
uraanikaivos :: uranium mine
uraanimalmi :: uranium ore
uraanipommi :: uranium bomb
uraanirikaste :: yellowcake
uraaniyhdiste :: uranium compound
uraauurtava :: groundbreaking, seminal
uraauurtavasti :: groundbreakingly
urahtaa :: to grunt
urakehitys :: career development
urakka :: arduous work
urakka :: contract
urakkapalkka :: piecework pay
urakoida :: To do contract work
urakoida :: To labour/labor, work
urakoija :: alternative form of urakoitsija
urakointi :: contract work
urakoitsija :: contractor, independent contractor
uralilainen :: Uralic
Uralin vuoristo :: Ural Mountains
Uralin vuoristo :: Urals
uraniitti :: uranite
uraniniitti :: uraninite
Uranus :: Uranus [planet]
uranuurtaja :: groundbreaker, pioneer
urasiili :: uracil
urautua [of road] :: to become rutted
urbaani :: urban
urbaanilegenda :: urban legend
urbaaninen :: urban
urbaanistua :: To become urbanized
urbanisaatio :: urbanization
urbanisoida :: To urbanise/urbanize
urbanisoitua :: To become urbanized
urbanisoituminen :: urbanization (process)
urea :: urea
ureaasi :: urease
uretaani :: urethane
urhea :: brave (courageous)
urheasti :: bravely
urheilija :: A sportsman or sportswoman
urheilijamainen :: sportsmanlike
urheilijatar :: A sportswoman
urheilla :: To participate in sport
urheilu :: As modifier in compound terms sporting or sports
urheilu :: athletics or sports in general
urheiluauto :: sports car
urheiluhalli :: sports hall
urheiluhenki :: sportsmanship
urheilujoukkue :: sports team
urheilukenttä :: sports field (flat area of land where sports events are staged)
urheilulaji :: a sport
urheilulääketiede :: sports medicine
urheilulääkäri :: sports physician
urheilullinen :: sporty
urheilullisesti :: sportingly
urheilullisuus :: sportiness
urheilurintaliivit :: sports bra
urheilusali :: gym
urheiluseura :: sports club, athletic club
urheilutoimittaja :: sportswriter
urheilu-uutiset :: sportscast
urheiluvaatteet :: sportswear
urheus :: braveness
urho :: hero
Urho :: male given name
Urho :: The letter "U" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
urhokas :: brave, valiant
urhokkaasti :: bravely, courageously, valiantly
urhoollinen :: brave, valiant
urhoollisesti :: bravely, valiantly
urhoollisuus :: braveness, valiance
Uria :: Uriah
uriaali :: urial, Ovis orientalis vignei
urina :: growling sound
urinaali :: urinal
urista :: To growl
urjeta :: to follow, to come next
urkinta :: snooping
urkkia [disparaging] :: To snoop, pry (be nosy)
urkkija :: snoop
urku ] :: organ
urkuharmoni :: harmonium
urkujensoittaja :: organist
urkupilli :: organ pipe
urkupillikaktus :: organ (species of cactus, Stenocereus thurberi)
urkuri :: organist
Urmas :: male given name
urofilia :: urophilia
urokaanihappo :: urocanic acid
urologi :: urologist
urologia :: urology
urologinen :: urological
uronihappo :: uronic acid
uros :: adult man
uros [dated, poetic] :: man (adult male person, especially a strong and brave one)
uros :: hero
uros :: male, especially of mammalian species
uroshirvi :: stag
uroskissa :: tomcat
uroskoira :: male dog
urosmetso :: a male capercaillie
urospuolinen :: male (animal)
uroteko :: A deed (brave action)
urotyö :: A deed (brave action)
urotyö :: A labor (of Heracles etc.)
urpiainen :: common redpoll (Carduelis flammea)
urpo :: moron
Urpo :: male given name
urpu :: catkin
Urpu :: female given name
urputtaa :: to grumble, grouse, complain
Ursula :: female given name
urtikaria :: urticaria
Uruguay :: Uruguay
uruguaylainen :: Uruguayan, of or relating to Uruguay
uruguaylainen :: An Uruguayan
uruguaynvyötiäinen :: greated naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous tatouay
urut :: organ (musical instrument)
-us :: Forms nouns from verbs, describing an action or event
-us :: Forms nouns, indicating resemblance or association
-us :: Short form of the suffix -uus, used where the stem of the root adjective ends in a vowel
U.S.A. :: U.S.A.; the United States
usalainen :: American (of or pertaining to the United States)
usalainen :: A person from the United States
usea :: many
useaan otteeseen :: repeatedly
useammanlainen :: comparative form of useanlainen
useammin :: comparative form of usein
useampi :: comparative form of usea
useanlainen :: various, diverse
useasti :: often, many times, repeatedly
useimmin :: superlative form of usein
useimmiten :: usually, in most cases, for the most part
usein :: often
uskaliaampi :: comparative form of uskalias
uskaliaasti :: boldly, daringly
uskaliain :: superlative form of uskalias
uskaliaisuus :: audacity
uskalias :: adventurous
uskalias :: bold, daring
uskalikko :: daredevil
uskallus :: daring (boldness)
uskaltaa :: To dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the courage (to do), be bold/brave enough (to do)
uskaltautua :: To venture
usko :: faith
Usko :: male given name
uskoa :: to believe in, have faith in (someone's abilities, chances etc.; someone's existence; the power, value etc. of something; the existence of something)
uskoa [intransitive + partitive] :: to believe (someone, in something someone says/does), trust
uskoa :: To entrust (something= genitive-accusative; to someone = allative); to confide (something= gen.-acc.; to someone = allat):
uskollinen :: faithful
uskollisesti :: faithfully
uskollisuudenvala :: homage
uskollisuus :: loyalty, fidelity
uskomaton :: unbelievable, incredible
uskomatonta :: unbelievable
uskomattomasti :: unbelievably, incredibly
uskomattomuus :: incredibleness
uskomus :: belief
uskomusjärjestelmä :: belief system
uskomuslääkintä :: alternative medicine
uskomusolento :: mythological creature
uskonasia :: matter of faith
uskonkappale :: dogma
uskonkiihko :: religious bigotry
uskonkiihkoilija :: bigot, zealot, fundamentalist
uskonlahko :: A religious sect
uskonluopio :: apostate
uskonnollinen :: religious
uskonnollisesti :: religiously
uskonnollisuus :: religiousness
uskonnontutkimus :: religious studies
uskonnonvapaus :: freedom of religion
uskonnoton :: Having no religion; nonreligious; irreligious
uskonnottomuus :: irreligiousness; irreligion
uskonoppi :: dogmatics
uskonpuhdistus :: Reformation (religious movement initiated by Martin Luther)
uskonsota :: religious war
uskonto :: religion
uskontokammo :: religiophobia
uskontokunta :: religion (people of same faith collectively)
uskontomaantiede :: geography of religion
uskontopuolue :: religious party
uskontotiede :: religious studies
uskontotutkimus :: alternative form of uskonnontutkimus
uskontunnustus :: creed (statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents)
uskonvaino :: religious persecution
uskonvapaus :: freedom of religion
uskoontulo :: conversion (becoming religious)
uskotella :: To convince oneself (to pretend to oneself)
uskotella :: To make believe, pretend
uskoton :: unfaithful
uskottava :: plausible, credible
uskottavasti :: credibly, plausibly
uskottavuus :: credibility
uskottomampi :: comparative form of uskoton
uskottomin :: superlative form of uskoton
uskottu :: confidant
uskottu mies :: trustee, guardian ad litem
uskoutua :: To trust, confide
uskovainen :: A religious person, a believer
ussa :: religion (school subject)
usuttaa :: To sic
usva :: Mist, fog
usvainen :: misty
usvaisuus :: mistiness
utare :: udder
utaretulehdus :: mastitis
uteliaasti :: curiously
uteliaisuus :: curiousness
utelias :: curious, inquisitive
utelu :: query
utilitarismi :: utilitarianism
utilitaristi :: utilitarian
utilitaristinen :: utilitarian
utooppinen :: utopian
utopia :: utopia
utopisti :: An utopian, idealistic person
utopistinen :: utopian
utopistisesti :: In a utopian manner
-uttaa :: Forms causative, curative, or factive verbs
utu :: haze, mist
-utua :: Forms reflexive or inchoative intransitive verbs
utuinen :: misty, foggy, hazy
utuinen :: roriferous
utupilvi :: fog
-uu :: Forms nouns from verbs
uudehko :: Quite new
uudelleen :: anew, again
uudelleen :: re- (many English verbs starting with "re-" are translated into Finnish with uudelleen + verb)
uudelleenarviointi :: re-evaluation
uudelleenjärjestely :: reorganization
uudelleenjulkaisu :: rerelease
uudelleenkoulutus :: re-education
uudelleenkäynnistys :: reboot
uudelleenkäynnistys :: restart
uudelleensijoitus :: relocation
uudelleensyntyminen :: rebirth
uudelleenvalinta :: reelection
uudempi :: comparative form of uusi
uudenaikainen :: modern
uudenaikaistaa :: to modernize
uudenaikaisuus :: modernity (quality of being modern)
uudenlainen :: novel, nontraditional
uudentaa :: to renew
uudentua :: alternative form of uudistua
uudenvuodenaatto :: New Year's Eve (day)
uudenvuodenlupaus :: A New Year's resolution
uudenvuodenpäivä :: New Year's Day
uudestaan :: afresh
uudestaan :: again
uudestaan :: anew
uudestaan :: re-
uudestisyntyä :: To be born again
uudestisyntyminen :: A reincarnation
uudestisyntyminen :: A revival, reinvigoration, rebirth (spiritual renewal)
uudestisyntynyt :: reborn (revived or regenerated, especially emotionally or spiritually)
uudestisyntynyt :: A reborn person
uudin [rare, usually plural] :: curtain, drape
uudisasukas :: settler
uudisasutus :: settlement
uudismuodoste :: A neologism (recently coined word)
uudisraivaaja :: settler
uudisrakennus :: new building
uudissana :: neologism
uudistaa :: To reform, make modern or new
uudistaja :: reformer
uudistettu :: renewed
uudistettu :: updated
uudistua :: To be reformed, be modernised/modernized
uudistus :: reform
uudistushanke :: reform project
uudistusmielinen :: Reformist
uudistusmielinen :: A reformist
uuhi :: An ewe
uuma :: waist
uuma :: web (of a rail)
Uumaja :: (cities) Umeå
uumajansaame :: The Ume Sami language
uumen :: depths, innards
uumoilla :: To suspect
uuni :: oven
uuni :: stove
uunijuusto :: Finnish dish made of cow beestings
uunikala :: baked fish
uunilintu :: willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
uunillinen :: ovenfull
uunimakkara :: sausage baked in the oven
uuniomena :: oven apple
uunipelti :: baking tray
uuniperuna :: A baked potato
uunipuuro :: A type of porridge baked in oven
uuniruoka :: baked food
uuno :: stupid
uuno :: fool
Uuno :: male given name derived from Swedish Uno
uupua :: to be missing
uupua :: to get tired, get exhausted, get fatigued
uupumaton :: tireless
uupumattomasti :: tirelessly
uupumattomuus :: tirelessness
uupumus :: fatigue, exhaustion
uupunut :: tired, exhausted
uuras :: hardworking
uurastaa :: to toil
uurna :: An urn, casket
uurnavaali :: ballot box (process or method of voting)
uurre :: furrow, line (deep wrinkle, such as in the skin of the face, especially on someone's forehead)
uurre :: groove, striation (scratch or gouge cut into bedrock by glacial abrasion)
uurre :: rut (track worn in the ground, as from the passage of many wheels along a road)
uurros :: groove
uurrostaa :: To cut a groove
uurtaa :: To groove, furrow
uurteellinen :: groovy, having grooves
uurteinen :: Fluted
uurteinen :: Furrowed
uurteinen :: Grooved
uurteisvalas :: rorqual (whale of the family Balaenopteridae)
uus- :: neo-
-uus :: Forms nouns from adjectives, expressing a quality
uusšamanismi :: neoshamanism
uusaste :: gradian (unit of angle equal to 1/400 of full circle)
uusavuton :: A (modern, young) person incapable of taking care of himself/herself because of excessive pampering
uusbarokki :: neobaroque
uusfasismi :: neofascism
uusfasisti :: neofascist
uusfasistinen :: neofascist
uushopea :: nickel silver
uusi :: new
uusia :: to redo; to renovate, remodel; to redecorate; to revise; to revamp; to rearrange
uusia :: to renew
uusia :: to retake, resit (an examination, test); to repeat (a crime); to replay (a match); to rerun (a TV program); to rebroadcast (a radio program)
Uusi-Etelä-Wales :: New South Wales (an Australian state)
Uusi-Guinea :: New Guinea
uusi hieno :: newfangled
uusija :: renewer
Uusi-Kaledonia :: New Caledonia (overseas territory of France)
uusikuu :: new moon
Uusimaa :: A county in Southern Finland
uusiminen :: renewal
uusimuotoinen :: Of or relating to a new form of something, having a new form; often best translated into English as "new" or "renewed"
uusin :: superlative form of uusi
uusinta [fencing] :: renewal, reprise (indirect renewal of an attack that missed or was parried)
uusinta :: renewal
uusinta :: replay
uusinta :: rerun
uusinta :: resit
uusintarikollinen :: repeat offender
uusiokäyttö :: reuse (act of salvaging or in some manner returning a discarded item into something usable)
Uusi-Seelanti :: New Zealand
uusiseelantilainen :: Of or relating to New Zealand
uusiseelantilainen :: A New Zealander
Uusitalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Uusitalo :: Finnish surname
uusitestamentillinen :: Related to the New Testament
Uusi testamentti :: The New Testament
uusiutua [esp. of an illness] :: To recur (to repeat itself)
uusiutuva :: renewable
uusi vuosi :: alternative spelling of uusivuosi
uusivuosi :: New Year
uusivuosi :: New Year's Eve (celebration)
uusklassisismi :: neoclassicism
uusklassisistinen :: neoclassical
uusklassismi :: neoclassicism
uuskolonialismi :: neocolonialism
uuskonservatiivi :: neoconservative, neocon
uuskonservatiivinen :: neoconservative
uuskonservatismi :: neoconservatism
uusköyhä :: newly impoverished
uusköyhä [in plural only] :: see uusköyhät
uusköyhät :: nouveau pauvre (peoople who have recently become poor)
uuslatina :: New Latin
uusliberalismi :: neoliberalism
uusliberalisti :: neoliberal
uusliberalistinen :: neoliberal
uusnatsi :: A Neo-Nazi
uusnatsismi :: Neo-Nazism
uusnorja :: Nynorsk, one of the two Norwegian languages
uuspakana :: neo-pagan
uuspakanallinen :: neo-pagan (of or relating to neo-paganism)
uuspakanuus :: neopaganism
uusplatonismi :: Neoplatonism
uuspositivismi :: neopositivism
uusrealismi :: neorealism
uusrikas :: newly rich
uusrikas [in plural only] :: see uusrikkaat
uusrikkaat [in plural, pejorative] :: new money, nouveau riche (wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired)
uusromantiikka :: neoromanticism
uute :: beer (solution produced by seeping plant materials)
uute :: extract (liquid)
uute :: tincture (alcoholic extract of plant material, used as a medicine)
uutinen :: news (new information of interest)
uutinen :: news (report of current events)
uutinen :: news item, item of news, news; tiding (individual piece of new information)
uutinen [usually in plural] :: firstfruit (offering of the first of the harvest)
uutisankka :: canard
uutisankkuri :: anchorman, news anchor (main host of a news program on TV)
uutisartikkeli :: news article
uutisfilmi :: newsreel
uutiskanava :: news channel
uutiskirje :: newsletter
uutiskuvaaja :: news photographer, cameraman
uutismotti :: news blackout
uutisoida :: To release a piece of news
uutispalvelu :: news service
uutispimennys :: news blackout
uutispommi :: bombshell (shocking news)
uutistenlukija :: news anchor [US], newscaster [British], newsreader [British]
uutistoimisto :: news agency
uutistoimitus :: newsroom (office of a news organisation)
uutisvuoto :: news leak
uuttaa :: To extract (to withdraw by expression, distillation or other mechanical or chemical process)
uuttera :: industrious
uutterasti :: industriously
uutto :: extraction
uuttu :: birdhouse
uuttukyyhky :: stock pigeon (Columba oenas)
uutukainen :: new
uutuus :: A novelty (new product, innovation)
uutuus :: newness, novelty (state or quality of being new)
uuvahtaa :: To get tired
uuvana :: diapensia, Diapensia lapponica
uuvuksiin :: to exhaustion (to the state of exhaustion)
uuvuksissa :: exhausted (in the state of exhaustion)
uuvuttaa :: To exhaust
uuvuttava :: backbreaking, exhausting, gruelling (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted)
uvaroviitti :: uvarovite
uve :: A hole in the ice of a lake etc. created by water flowing from below the ice
uveavanto :: Same as uve
uzbekinkielinen :: Uzbek-language (expressed in the Uzbek language)
uzbekinkielinen :: Uzbek-speaking
uzbekintaa :: to translate into Uzbek
Uzbekistan :: Uzbekistan
uzbekistanilainen :: Uzbekistani (of or pertaining to Uzbekistan)
uzbekistanilaisuus :: property of being Uzbekistani
Uzbekistanin tasavalta :: The Republic of Uzbekistan
uzbekki :: Uzbek (language)
uzbekki :: Uzbek (person)
v. :: vuotias
v. :: vuonna, vuosina
v. :: vuosi
v. :: vuotta
-va :: Forms an adjective from a noun
-va :: Forms the present active participle of a verb, which is normally used like an adjective. The English equivalent is normally -ing, but sometimes also -ish
vaa'ata :: alternative term for vaata
vaa'ata :: to weigh with scales
vaade :: demand
vaadin :: A reindeer doe
vaahdoke :: froth, foam
vaahdota :: to foam, froth
vaahdota [of fermenting beer] :: to spurge
vaahdotin :: Any device used to produce foam or froth; a frother
vaahdottaa :: to froth (to create froth)
vaaher :: maple
vaahtera :: maple (any tree of the genus Acer), especially the Norway maple (Acer platanoides), which is the only maple species naturally occurring in Finland,
vaahteranlehti :: maple leaf (leaf and symbol)
vaahterasiirappi :: maple syrup
vaahterasokeri :: maple sugar
vaahto :: foam
vaahto :: head (foam that forms on top of beer or other carbonated beverages)
vaahtoamaton :: nonfoaming
vaahtoava :: foaming
vaahtoinen :: frothy
vaahtokylpy :: bubble bath, foam bath
vaahtomuovi :: foam rubber
vaahtopää :: Foamy wave crest
vaahtosammutin :: foam extinguisher (fire extinguisher with foam as the effective substance)
vaahtosammutin :: fire extinguisher
vaahtosammuttaja :: foam extinguisher (fire extinguisher with foam as the effective substance)
vaahtosammuttaja :: fire extinguisher
vaaita :: alternative term for vaata
vaaita [land surveying] :: to determine the height level of a point in relation to another
vaaja :: wedge
vaajaluu :: A cuneiform bone
vaaka :: scales (weighing device)
Vaaka :: Libra (astrological sign)
Vaaka :: Libra (constellation)
vaakakuppi [figuratively, idiomatic] :: criterion in decision making
vaakakuppi :: scale (either of the pans, trays, or dishes of a balance)
vaakaraita :: horizontal stripe
vaakasuora :: horizontal
vaakasuoraan [crosswords] :: across
vaakasuoraan :: horizontally
vaakkua :: to quack
vaaksa :: span (the space between thumb and little finger)
vaaksiainen :: crane fly; daddy longlegs [UK] (any of the flies of the family Tipulidae)
vaakuna :: A coat of arms, insignia or arms of a family, state etc
vaakunakilpi :: A shield, an escutcheon, achievement
vaakunaoppi :: heraldry
vaakunatiede :: heraldry
vaalea :: blond (of blond complexion), fair
vaalea :: light, pale (of a shade of colour)
vaaleahiuksinen :: fair-haired
vaaleahko :: Quite light (in color)
vaaleaihoinen :: white (skin color)
vaaleakeltaperhonen :: pale clouded yellow, Colias hyale (small butterfly)
vaalealahnanruoho :: spring quillwort, Isoëtes echinospora
vaaleampi :: comparative form of vaalea
vaaleanharmaa :: light gray
vaaleankeltainen :: light yellow
vaaleanpunainen :: pink
vaaleanruskea :: dirty blond [of hair]
vaaleanruskea :: light brown
vaaleansininen :: light blue
vaaleanvihreä :: light green
vaaleaorakas :: hedgehog mushroom (Hydnum repandum)
vaaleapuumuura :: Planalto slaty antshrike
vaaleatukkainen :: fair-haired
vaaleatyviseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius dilutus
vaaleaverikkö :: A blonde, blond
vaaleaverinen :: blond
vaalentaa :: To whiten
vaalentua :: To whiten, become white(r)
vaaleta :: To white (to become whiter)
vaaleus :: lightness (of color)
vaali :: [usually in plural: vaalit] election
vaalia :: To cherish, treasure, foster, nurse or nurture (to treat kindly and with extra care)
vaalialue :: electoral district
vaalikampanja :: election campaign (campaign for winning an elective office)
vaalikampanja :: electioneering (act of campaigning for elective office)
vaalikausi :: electoral term, term (the period between the successive elections for a parliament or other elected body)
vaalikone :: voting advice application, voting aid application (internet application that helps voters find a candidate that stands closest to their opinions)
vaalilause :: motto
vaaliliitto :: electoral alliance (arrangement in which two or more parties participate in an election as one bloc)
vaaliluettelo :: electoral register (list of all those people who are registered to vote in a particular locality)
vaalinta :: The action of the verb vaalia
vaalipiiri :: constituency, electoral district
vaalitaistelu :: election campaign
vaalitapa :: voting system
vaalitulos :: poll results, election results
vaalitutkija :: psephologist
vaalitutkimus :: psephology
vaalityö :: election campaign (campaign for winning an elective office)
vaalityö :: electioneering, campaigning (act of campaigning for an elective office)
vaaliuurna :: ballot box
vaalivaltti :: electoral trump card
vaalivilppi :: electoral fraud
vaalivoitto :: election victory
vaan :: but (... instead)
vaani :: Any of the Vanir, the principal deities in Norse mythology, who were opponents of the Æsir
vaania :: To stalk, lurk, prowl
vaanija :: stalker (one who stalks)
vaaninta :: stalking, lurking
vaapertaa :: To move uncertainly waddling
vaappu :: plug, wobbler, minnow (fishing lure)
vaappua :: To waddle, wobble (to move with an uneven or rocking motion)
vaapsahainen :: crane fly
vaapukka :: raspberry
vaapunta :: waddling
vaara :: A large, forested hill (as opposed to fell)
vaara :: Danger, risk, peril, hazard, jeopardy
vaarain :: A raspberry
vaarallinen :: dangerous
vaarallisempi :: comparative form of vaarallinen
vaarallisesti :: dangerously
vaarallisin :: superlative form of vaarallinen
vaarallisuus :: dangerousness
vaaranlaki :: The top of a forested hill
vaarantaa :: To risk, endanger, compromise (incur risk to something)
vaarantua :: To become endangered
vaaratilanne :: danger, peril, dangerous situation (situation of serious and immediate danger)
vaaraton :: harmless
vaarattomuus :: harmlessness
vaaravyöhyke :: danger zone
vaari :: grandpa, grandfather
vaarinottaa [dated, non-standard] :: to heed, take into account, obey
vaarna :: tent peg
vaarua :: To rock, sway
vaarunta :: The action of the verb vaarua
Vaasa :: The city of Vaasa
Vaasa :: The Finnish name for Vasa, the Swedish royal family from 1523 to 1689
vaasi :: vase
vaata :: to inspect that weights are calibrated correctly
vaate :: clothing, clothes
vaate :: piece of clothing, garment
vaatekaappi :: wardrobe
vaatekappale :: garment (single item of clothing)
vaatekauppa :: clothes shop, clothing store
vaatekoi :: A common clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella
vaatekomero :: wardrobe
vaatelias :: choosy, demanding
vaatemerkki :: clothing brand
vaatemoka :: state of being inappropriately dressed to an event
vaatemoka :: wardrobe malfunction
vaateripustin :: A clothes hanger, coat hanger
vaatetäi :: body louse, Pediculus humanus
vaatetus :: clothing
vaatia :: To claim, demand, lay claim
vaatia :: To demand, insist, require, call for, ask
vaatia :: To need, take, necessitate
vaatia itselleen :: to lay claim (to say that something belongs to oneself)
vaatimasta [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, vaatia, c=ela] ::
vaatimaton :: humble, unpretentious
vaatimaton :: modest
vaatimattomasti :: modestly
vaatimattomin :: superlative form of vaatimaton
vaatimattomuus :: modesty (quality of being modest)
vaatimattomuus :: modesty, reserve (moderate behaviour)
vaatimattomuus :: self-effacement
vaatimus :: demand, claim
vaatimus :: requirement, requisite
vaativa :: challenging
vaativa :: demanding
vaatturi :: tailor
vadelma :: raspberry, Rubus idaeus
vadelmahillo :: raspberry jam
vadelmamehu :: A beverage made of raspberry syrup and water
vadelmamehu :: raspberry juice
vadelmanpunainen :: raspberry (colour)
vadelmapensas :: raspberry (plant)
vadelmikko :: raspberry thicket
vadi :: wadi
vadillinen :: dish, dishful
vaellus :: hike
vaellus :: migration
vaellus :: peregrination
vaeltaa [of nations, animals] :: To migrate
vaeltaa :: To wander, roam, travel, trek, ramble; to hike
vaeltaja :: wanderer
vaeltajasimpukka :: zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (small freshwater mussel originiating from SW Russia, regarded as harmful invasive species in other ecosystems)
vagina :: vagina
vaginismi :: vaginismus
vaginoplastia :: vaginoplasty
vagushermo :: vagus nerve
vaha :: wax
vahakangas :: oilcloth
vahakas :: waxcap
vahakuva :: waxwork (figure made of wax)
vahakynttilä :: wax candle
vahas :: stencil for mimeograph printing
vahasara :: glaucous sedge, Carex flacca
vahaskopiokone :: mimeograph
vahata :: To wax
vahaus :: waxing
vahdata :: to guard
vahdata :: to watch over
vahdinta :: guarding
vahingoittaa :: to damnify (to cause loss or injury)
vahingoittaa :: to affect (of a disease, to harm a part of the body)
vahingoittaa :: to damage
vahingoittaa :: to deface (to damage something in a visible or conspicuous manner)
vahingoittaa :: to harm, to injure (to cause injury to another; to hurt; to cause damage to something)
vahingoittaa :: to hit (to affect negatively)
vahingoittaa :: to maul (to handle someone or something in a rough way; to savage)
vahingoittaa :: to prejudice (to have a negative impact on someone's position, chances etc.)
vahingoittua :: To be damaged
vahingoittumaton :: undamaged
vahingoittumaton :: uninjured, unhurt
vahingollinen :: damaging
vahingollinen :: harmful
vahingollinen :: injurious
vahingollinen :: malignant (harmful, malevolent, injurious)
vahingollisesti :: harmfully
vahingollisuus :: harmfulness
vahingonilo :: schadenfreude
vahingoniloinen :: spiteful, malicious
vahingonkorvaus :: damages
vahingonkorvausvaatimus :: A claim for damages
vahingossa :: accidentally, by chance
vahinko :: accident (event caused by human activity with unintentional negative consequences)
vahinko :: damage
vahinko :: mishap
vahtera :: alternative form of vaahtera
vahti :: guard
vahti :: watch (time on duty, guard group)
vahtia :: To guard, watch
vahtikoira :: A watchdog
vahtimestari :: attendant
vahtimestari :: janitor (doorman)
vahtimestari :: porter, doorkeeper, doorman
vahva :: strong, able-bodied, brawny, burly, powerful (of e.g. a man)
vahva :: strong (highly stimulating to the senses)
vahva :: thick (of e.g. clothes, walls)
vahvari [music, colloquial] :: amp
vahvasti :: strongly
vahva vuorovaikutus :: strong interaction
vahvempi :: comparative form of vahva
vahventaa :: To strengthen
vahventua :: To become stronger, strengthen
vahvero :: Any mushroom in the genus Cantharellus
vahvero :: In plural (vahverot), the genus Cantharellus
vahvero :: With a modifier (e.g. suppilovahvero), appears in the names of some trumpet-like mushrooms resembling chanterelle, but not belonging to the genus Cantharellus
vahveta :: To grow stronger
vahvike :: inset (small piece of material used to strengthen a garment)
vahvike :: reinforcement (mechanical)
vahvike :: stay (piece of stiff material to stiffen a piece of clothing, such as the collar of a shirt)
vahvin :: superlative form of vahva
vahvistaa :: ~ testamentti: to probate
vahvistaa :: To ratify
vahvistaa [technics, genitive + ääntä] :: To amplify
vahvistaa :: To confirm (having done = active past participle in genitive + possessive suffix), verify, corroborate, substantiate, validate
vahvistaa :: To strengthen, harden, fortify; reinforce, to build/prop/shore up:
vahvistaminen :: amplification
vahvistaminen :: confirmation
vahvistaminen :: consolidation
vahvistaminen :: ratification
vahvistaminen :: reinforcement
vahvistaminen :: strengthening
vahvistaminen :: validation
vahviste :: reinforcement
vahvistettu :: confirmed
vahvistin [technology] :: An amplifier (technical device e.g. to increase the amplitude and/or energy intensity of an electric signal)
vahvistua :: to be confirmed
vahvistua :: to strengthen (to grow strong or stronger)
vahvistukset :: reinforcements
vahvistuminen :: strengthening (becoming stronger)
vahvistus :: confirmation, verification
vahvistus :: strengthening, consolidation
vahvistusharha :: confirmation bias (cognitive bias towards giving more weight to information that seems to confirm one's opinion or theory than to contradicting information)
vahvuinen :: strong
vahvuinen :: thick
vahvuus :: muster (total number of troops in a military formation)
vahvuus :: strength (positive attribute)
vai [coordinating; in question clauses] :: or
vaientaa :: To silence, gag, muzzle
vaieta :: To keep silent, say nothing (about), hold one's tongue
vaieta :: To fall silent
vaihdanta :: The action of the verb vaihtaa
vaihdantalaki :: commutative law
vaihde [communication] :: switch
vaihde :: gear (as in reverse gear)
vaihde :: switch
vaihdekeppi :: gearstick
vaihdelaatikko :: gearbox
vaihdella :: To fluctuate
vaihdella :: To vary
vaihdella :: To change repeatedly
vaihdettava markka :: The currency unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina; convertible mark; BAM
vaihdevuodet :: menopause
vaihdin :: A device that replaces, exchanges, etc
vaihdokas :: changeling
vaihdos :: change, transition, transposition
vaihdunta :: The action of the verb vaihtua
vaihe :: A phase, stage, point, period
vaihe [mathematics, physics, astronomy] :: phase (of a wave, moon, planet)
vaihe :: stage (of a rocket)
vaiheikas :: eventful
vaihekulma :: phase angle
vaihemodulaatio :: phase modulation
vaihtaa :: to change
vaihtaa :: to exchange, switch
vaihtaa :: to replace
vaihtaa maisemaa :: to skip town
vaihtaja :: changer, exchanger
vaihtaja :: derailleur (bicycle)
vaihteeksi :: for a change (as a departure from the usual)
vaihteisto :: gearbox, transmission
vaihteleva :: variable, volatile, varying
vaihtelu :: fluctuation
vaihtelu :: variation
vaihteluraja :: fluctuation limit
vaihtelu virkistää :: variety is the spice of life
vaihteluväli :: range (difference between largest and smallest observation)
vaihto :: shift key
vaihto :: exchange
vaihto :: swap
vaihto [typography] :: break
vaihtoehto :: alternative, option
vaihtoehtohypoteesi :: alternative hypothesis
vaihtoehtoinen :: alternative
vaihtoehtolääke :: alternative medicine (substance)
vaihtoehtolääketiede :: alternative medicine
vaihtokauppa :: barter, quid pro quo (trade by equal exchange, instead of money)
vaihtokurssi :: exchange rate
vaihtolava :: roll-off (dumpster that can be rolled off and on a truck; typically used in collection of construction waste)
vaihtolämpöinen :: Having a variable temperature; cold-blooded, ectothermic, exothermic
vaihtolämpöisyys :: cold-bloodedness
vaihto-oppilas :: exchange student
vaihtopenkki :: players' bench
vaihtopenkki :: substitutes' bench
vaihtoraha :: change; in Finnish often used in plural (amount of money given back to payer as a difference between a larger amount of money handed over and the required payment)
vaihtosähkö :: alternating current
vaihtosopimus :: A swap
vaihtosuhde [foreign trade] :: terms of trade
vaihtosyöttäjä [baseball, pesäpallo] :: relief pitcher (pitcher who enters the game after another pitcher is removed)
vaihtotase [accounting, business] :: current account (part of balance of payments)
vaihtovirta :: alternating current
vaihtua :: To become replaced, swapped
vaihtuminen :: replacement
vaija [dialect, dated] :: grandfather
vaijeri :: cable (large-diameter wire)
vaijeri :: wire rope
vaikea :: Difficult, hard
vaikeampi :: comparative form of vaikea
vaikeaselkoinen :: prolix, abstruse (hard to understand)
vaikeasti :: difficultly
vaikeasti :: seriously, gravely
vaikeroida :: To moan, groan
vaikertaa :: To wail
vaikeuksien kautta voittoon :: no pain, no gain
vaikeus :: difficulty
vaikeuskerroin :: coefficient (or factor) of difficulty
vaikeuttaa :: To complicate, make difficult
vaikeutua :: to get/become more difficult
vaikk' [subordinating; + conditional mood, poetic] :: even if
vaikk' [subordinating; + indicative mood, poetic] :: although, though, even though
vaikka :: for instance, for example
vaikka :: (subordinating; + conditional mood) even if
vaikka :: (subordinating; + indicative mood) although, though, even though
vaikka ja mitä :: this and that
vaikka kuinka mones :: umpteenth (occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a sequence)
vaikka mitä :: whatever (no matter what)
vaikkei :: vaikka + ei
vaikkeivät :: vaikka + eivät
vaikkemme :: vaikka + emme
vaikken :: vaikka + en
vaikket :: vaikka + et
vaikkette :: vaikka + ette
vaikku :: earwax
vaikute :: influence
vaikutelma :: impression
vaikutin :: A motive (that which incites to action)
vaikuttaa :: + an adjective in ablative: to appear (to be), seem (to be)
vaikuttaa [idiomatic, informal, + essive] :: to act as, to work as, to do (to have as one's job)
vaikuttaa :: + illative: have an effect on, act, work; (alkaa vaikuttaa) take effect, start working
vaikuttaa :: + illative: to influence, have an influence on, affect, have an effect on, impact, have an impact on
vaikuttaja :: prominent figure, policymaker, influential person, opinion leader, power player, mover and shaker, dignitary, muckamuck, notable, panjandrum, very important person, VIP (one who's got influence)
vaikuttava aine :: active ingredient (compound in a natural or man-made mixture such as medicine that is responsible for the mixture's activity)
vaikuttavampi :: comparative form of vaikuttava
vaikuttavuus :: effectivity, effectiveness
vaikuttua :: To be impressed
vaikutus :: action
vaikutus :: impression (an outward appearance)
vaikutus :: influence, effect, impact (on sb/sth = illative)
vaikutusaika :: Duration of action (of a chemical substance)
vaikutusaltis :: impressionable (being easily influenced)
vaikutusmahdollisuus :: possibility to influence
vaikutuspiiri :: sphere of influence (literal or figurative area influenced by a country, person, etc.)
vaikutusvalta :: Influence, authority, clout (of a person or organization)
vaikutusvaltainen [of a person or organization] :: Influential, powerful
vaikutusvaltaisempi :: comparative form of vaikutusvaltainen
vaikutusvaltaisin :: superlative form of vaikutusvaltainen
vailla :: olla jotakin ~ : to want
vailla [often, in negative contexts] :: without:
vaille :: (temporal) to, till:
vaillinainen :: Not full; partial, incomplete, inadequate
vaimea :: muffled, subdued
vaimea :: uninterested, tepid
vaimeampi :: comparative form of vaimea
vaimennin :: attenuator
vaimennin :: damper
vaimennin :: muffler
vaimennin :: silencer
vaimennin :: snubber
vaimennus :: attenuation
vaimentaa :: To damp, suppress (vibrations)
vaimentaa :: To muffle (a sound)
vaimentaa :: To stifle (unwanted criticism)
vaimeta :: to die down, to fade
vaimo :: woman, especially an elderly one
vaimo :: wife
vaimoke :: A wifelet (mistress)
vain :: ever, in the phrasal adjective mikä vain
vain :: only, merely, exclusively, solely, just
vain :: whenever, in the phrasal adjective milloin vain
vainaa :: A deceased person
vainaja :: dead person, deceased, decedent
vainaja [lb, fi, as headword in a compound term] :: late, deceased
vainaja [lb, fi, figuratively, colloquial, as headword in a compound term] :: deceased, scrapped, destroyed, ruined
vainajala :: Underworld; the place of dead
vainio :: A large cultivated field
Vainio :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Vainio :: Finnish surname
vaino :: persecution
vainoharha :: delusion of persecution
vainoharhainen :: paranoid
vainoharhaisuus :: paranoia
vainota :: To persecute
vainovaatteet :: Complete set of equipment used for body protection in battle, an armour
vainovalkea :: A fire set in order to alarm others for approaching enemy
vainu :: hunch, scent
vainu :: nose (skill in recognizing valuable information)
vainu :: scent (odour of a game animal as a trace sensed by a predator)
vainu :: scent, sense of smell of an animal, especially of a hunting animal
vainukoira :: scenthound (type of hunting dog)
vainukoira :: sniffer dog (type of police dog)
vainuta :: To have a hunch
vainuta :: To scent
vaippa :: tunic
vaippa :: diaper, nappy, napkin
vaippa :: mantle
vaippa :: mantle
vaippaeläin :: tunicate
vaippahyeena :: brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea)
vaippaihottuma :: A nappy rash
vaippaikä :: diaperhood
vaippapaviaani :: hamadryas, hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas)
vaippapaviaani :: sacred baboon (hamadryas baboon in the context of ancient Egypt, where it was regarded as holy animal)
vaippasakaali :: The black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
vaipua :: To fall (into sleep, coma, etc.)
vaipua :: To sink
vaisto :: instinct
vaisto :: intuition
vaistoammunta :: instinct shooting (art of accurately shooting instinctively, without aiming and concentrating on the target)
vaistomainen :: instinctive
vaistonvarainen :: instinctive
vaistota :: to sense/know instinctively/intuitively, intuit
vaisu :: bland, wan
vaisu :: silent, not talkative
vaitelias :: silent, closemouthed
vaiti :: silent, quiet (without uttering a sound)
vaitiolo :: silence (the action of refraining from speaking)
vaitioloraha :: hush money
vaitonainen :: silent (not talkative)
vaiva :: ailment
vaiva :: bother, inconvenience
vaivaantunut :: embarrassed, uneasy
vaivainen :: crippled
vaivainen :: measly, paltry, miserable, wretched, pitiful, scrubby
vaivainen :: cripple
vaivainen :: pauper
vaivaisenluu :: bunion
vaivaishiiri :: harvest mouse, Micromys minutus
vaivaiskoivu :: dwarf birch (Betula nana)
vaivaispajunhapero :: A brittlegill, Russula saliceticola
vaivaispajunrousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius salicisherbaceae
vaivaispäästäinen :: A Eurasian pygmy shrew, Sorex minutus
vaivalloinen :: arduous
vaivalloinen :: cumbersome, troublesome
vaivalloinen :: painstaking
vaivalloinen :: trying
vaivata :: to be the trouble with someone, ail
vaivata :: to knead
vaivata :: to trouble, bother
vaivaton :: easy, simple
vaivautua :: To be bothered
vaivihkaa :: secretly, unnoticed (without drawing attention)
vaja :: hut
vajaa :: mentally retarded; short for vajaamielinen
vajaa :: not full; partial, incomplete
vajaa :: shy (short, insufficient, less than)
vajaahampainen :: edentate (member of the superorder Xenarthra)
vajaakanttinen :: waned (having wanes)
vajaalämpöisyys :: hypothermia (medical condition)
vajaamiehinen :: shorthanded
vajaampi :: comparative form of vajaa
vajaatyöllisyys :: underemployment
vajaavaltainen :: Incompetent
vajaavaltainen :: An incompetent person
vajanto [grammar, rarely used] :: abessive
vajaus :: lack, deficiency
vaje :: deficit
vajeta :: to lower, fall, sink (to grow less; used especially of the contents of a container)
vajoaminen :: sinking (instance or process of sinking)
vajoaminen :: subsidence (sinking of something to a lower level, especially of part of the surface of the Earth)
vajota :: To sink
vaka :: stable, steady, firm
vakaa :: patient, calm
vakaa :: steady, stable, firm, steadfast, secure
vakaampi :: comparative form of vakaa
vakaasti :: steadily, constantly
vakain :: stabilizer
vakaumus :: a conviction, belief (a firmly held belief)
vakaus :: stability
vakausmekanismi [finance, EU] :: Short for Euroopan vakausmekanismi, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), a permanent European rescue funding programme expected to be launched in July 2012
vakausmekanismi :: Any stabilizing mechanism
vakauttaa :: To steady, to stabilise/stabilize
vakava :: serious
vakavamielinen :: serious-minded
vakavaraisuus :: financial solidity (ratio of total assets to total liabilities)
vakavasti :: seriously
vakavissaan :: Serious(ly), in earnest (about something = genitive + suhteen)
vakavoida :: To make more serious
vakavuus :: graveness, gravity
vakavuus :: seriousness
vakavuus :: severity
vakiinnuttaa :: to establish, solidify, settle (to get one's position, power, economy etc. on a solid basis from the state of uncertainty or turmoil)
vakiintua :: To stabilize
vakinainen :: permanent
vakinaistaa :: To regularize
vakinaistuttaa :: alternative form of vakinaistaa
vakio :: constant
vakioitua :: To become standardized
vakionopeudensäädin :: cruise control
vakiopistooliammunta :: rapid fire pistol (Olympic shooting event)
vakiovieras :: habitué
vakipano :: fuck buddy, fuckmate
vakituinen :: permanent
vakituinen :: steady
vakka :: A type of wooden container of varying size, made of bent thin board to make it strong and light, and equipped with a close fitting cap
vakka :: Any roundish, voluminous container equipped with a cap
vakka :: A unit of dry volume used in Sweden (halvspann in Swedish) and Finland before introduction of metric system. There has been regional and temporal variation, but the 1665 regulation defined it so that it's equal to 36.64 liters, which is quite close to an imperial bushel (36.3687 l)
vakka kantensa valitsee :: a man is known by the company he keeps (people are similar in character to their friends)
vako :: A plowed or similar furrow
vakoaura :: lister (type of plow)
vakoilija :: A spy
vakoilla :: to spy
vakoilu :: espionage, spying
vakoiluohjelma :: spyware
vakoilurengas :: A spy ring
vakoiluyritys :: espionage attempt
vakooja :: spy
vakosametti :: corduroy (heavy fabric with vertical ribs)
vaksi :: janitor
vakuoli :: vacuole (large membrane-bound vesicle)
vakuumi :: vacuum
vakuus [banking, finance] :: security, collateral (something, usually an asset or guarantee, that secures the fulfillment of an obligation such as repayment of a loan or fulfilment of a contract)
vakuutella :: To reassure
vakuuttaa :: To assert, assure, convince
vakuuttaa :: To insure (property for cases of an accident, theft or another undesirable event)
vakuuttaa :: To reassure
vakuuttamaton :: uninsured
vakuuttava :: Convincing
vakuuttavasti :: convincingly
vakuuttua :: To be(come) convinced
vakuuttunut :: convinced
vakuutus :: assurance or promise
vakuutus :: insurance
vakuutus :: oath of office (abbreviated form of virkavakuutus)
vakuutuskirja :: insurance policy
vakuutuspetos :: Insurance fraud
vakuutussopimus :: insurance contract, insurance policy
vakuutusyhtiö :: insurance company
vala :: oath
valaa :: to cast, mold (to make a cast using metal or plaster etc.)
valaa :: to cast, pour, throw (to pour liquid on something)
valaa öljyä laineille :: to pour oil on troubled waters
valaanpyynti :: whaling
valaanpyyntialus :: whaling ship
valaanpyyntiasema :: whaling station
valaanpyytäjä :: whaler
valaanrasva :: whale oil
valaansuomu :: cuttlebone, cuttlefish bone
valaantäi :: whale louse (parasitic crustacean of the family Cyamidae)
valaehtoinen :: given under oath
valahtaa :: to slump
valaisin :: lamp, light
valaista :: to light, illuminate
valaista :: to shed light on, illuminate, clear, clear up, elucidate (to make clear)
valaistua :: To become alight
valaistua :: To become (spiritually) enlightened
valaistuminen :: enlightenment
valaistunut :: enlightened
valaistus :: lighting
valaistusmestari :: gaffer (chief lighting technician)
valaisu :: lighting, illumination
Valakia :: Wallachia (region in Romania)
valakka :: light, pale (of color)
valakka :: gelding
valakki :: A white horse
valakki :: Wallachian (person)
valamiehistö :: jury, grand jury
valamies :: juror
valaminen :: molding, casting (casting procedure)
valanta :: casting, molding
valapatto :: A perjurer, an oathbreaker
valapattoinen :: forsworn, perjured (having broken one's oath)
valas :: whale
Valas :: The constellation Cetus
valashai :: whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Valaskala :: The constellation Cetus
Valde :: male given name
Valdemar :: male given name, cognate to Danish Valdemar
vale :: A lie; an untruth; a fabrication
vale :: As modifier in compound terms (vale-), false, virtual, pseudo-, fake
vale- :: false, pseudo
valeasu :: A disguise
valeavioliitto :: Alternative term for näennäisavioliitto
valehdella :: To lie, tell untruths
valehtelija :: liar
valehuutaja :: wall, chandelier (fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction)
valehyökkäys :: false attack (attack intended to deceive)
valekuolema :: suspended animation (temporary cessation of vital functions resembling death)
valekuva :: A virtual image
valenssi :: valence
valepuku :: A disguise (clothing used to hide identity)
valeriaana :: valerian, allheal
valeriaanahappo :: valeric acid
valetasku :: decorative pocket, fake pocket, false pocket (imitation pocket fixed to the outside of a garment as decoration)
valevahvero :: A false chanterelle, Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
valhe :: lie, fabrication
valheellinen :: mendacious, false
valheenpaljastin :: A lie detector, polygraph
validi :: valid
validiteetti :: validity
valiini :: valine
valikko :: A menu in a computer graphical user interface
valikoida :: To select
valikoima :: assortment
valikoitua :: to be selected
valikoiva :: selective, choosy
valikoivasti :: selectively
valimo :: foundry
valin :: A cast (mould used to make cast objects)
valinnainen :: optional, elective, discretionary
valinnaisesti :: facultatively, optionally
valinta :: choice
valinta :: selection
valinta :: trade-off
valintajalostus :: selective breeding (practice of breeding the best specimens of a given organism to encourage certain features)
valintakoe :: entrance examination
valintaliike :: supermarket
valintaloru :: A counting-out game
valintamyymälä :: supermarket
valintaääni :: dial tone, dialling tone
valio :: An outstanding individual;a pick, choice, elite
valiokunta :: standing committee (established parliamentary committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to)
valioliiga :: premier league (highest division of Finnish association football)
valioliiga :: Premier League (the highest division of English association football); often in the form Englannin valioliiga to avoid confusion with the Finnish series
valioyksilö :: elite individual
valistaa :: To enlighten (to increase the knowledge of)
valistua :: to become educated, to become enlightened
valistunut arvaus :: educated guess
valistus :: Enlightenment
valistusaika :: the Enlightenment, Age of Enlightenment
valita :: to choose, select, elect
valitella :: to complain
valitella :: to regret
valitettava :: lamentable
valitettavasti :: lamentably
valitettavasti :: unfortunately
valitseminen :: selection
valitsija :: chooser
valitsijamiehistö :: electoral college
valitsijamies :: elector (member of a body entitled to make an important election, such as to vote for a president in an indirect voting system)
valittaa :: To complain about, grouse about, gripe about, whine about
valittaa :: To appeal (a decision = elative, to a higher instance = illative)
valittaa :: To moan, groan
valittaa :: To apologize for, make one's apologies, be sorry, deplore, regret
valittaja :: Complainer, grouser, gripper, whiner (one who complains/grouses/grips/whines about sth)
valittaja :: Appellant
valittaja :: Moaner, groaner (one who moans/groans)
valittava :: complaining, whining
valittava :: moaning, groaning
valittava :: that is (going) to be elected/ chosen
valittavasti :: whiningly
valitus :: A complaint, whining
valitus :: A moan, groan, wailing, lament
valitus :: An appeal
valitusaika :: appeal period
valitustuomioistuin :: appellate court (court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review lower courts' decisions)
valitusvirsi :: jeremiad
valjaat :: harness
valjakko :: A team, as a set of draught animals
valjastaa :: To harness (both in concrete and figurative manner)
valjeta [e.g. of the sky] :: To light up, brighten
valjeta :: To dawn, light up, brighten
valjeta :: To dawn (with the subject aamu, "morning", which is translated into the English impersonal subject it)
valjeta :: To whiten, blanch, bleach (to become lighter or whiter in color)
valju :: insipid, vapid
valju :: pale
valjulimaseitikki :: slimy webcap; a webcap of the species Cortinarius mucifluus
valjurousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pallidus
valkaista :: To bleach (to treat with bleach)
valkea :: white
valkea :: campfire
valkea :: fire
valkeahko :: whitish
valkeampi :: comparative form of valkea
valkein :: superlative form of valkea
valkeus :: brightness
valkeus :: whiteness
valkkari :: white wine
valkku :: helleborine (orchid of the genus Cephalanthera)
valko- :: white
valkoapila :: white clover, Dutch clover, Trifolium repens (perennial clover used in landscaping and lawn seed mixes)
valkohai :: great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
valkoherkkusieni :: Agaricus nivescens, a mushroom related to the button mushroom
valkoherukka :: whitecurrant (fruit)
valkohäntägueretsa :: king colobus, western black-and-white colobus, Colobus polykomos (primate species of the subfamily Colobinae, the leaf-eating monkeys; found in west Africa)
valkohäntäkauris :: An alternative name for valkohäntäpeura; the white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus
valkohäntäpeura :: white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus
valkohomejuusto :: cheese covered with white mold
valkohytykkä :: snow fungus, Tremella fuciformis (white jelly-like parasitic tropical mushroom, used e.g. in Chinese cuisine)
valkoihoinen :: Caucasian
valkoihoisempi :: comparative form of valkoihoinen
valkoinen :: Caucasian (person)
valkoinen :: White (colour)
valkoinen :: A Caucasian person
valkoinen :: A white colour
valkoinen fosfori :: white phosphorus
valkoinen joulu :: white Christmas
valkoinen kääpiö [star] :: white dwarf
valkoinen valhe :: white lie
valkoinen valurauta :: white iron (kind of cast iron)
valkoisempi :: comparative form of valkoinen
valkoisin :: superlative form of valkoinen
valkoisuus :: whiteness
valkokangas [film] :: screen
valkokangas [film] :: silver screen
valkokarvarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius scoticus
valkokastike :: white sauce
valkokaulusrikollisuus :: white-collar crime
valkokärpässieni :: destroying angel, Amanita virosa
valkokulta :: white gold
valkokuonodelfiini :: white-beaked dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris
valkokuonovalas :: Gray's beaked whale, Mesoplodon grayi
valkonaama :: whiteface (person of European origin)
valkonaamamaluri :: whiteface (bird of the genus Aphelocephala, endemic to Australia)
valkoniskamuura :: collared antshrike
valkopaju :: white willow, Salix alba
valkopartamuura :: white-bearded antshrike
valkopesu :: whitewash
valkopilkkahai :: oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus
valkopippuri :: white pepper (spice)
valkopälvi :: vitiligo
valkopäämerikotka :: the American eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus
valkoposkihanhi :: barnacle goose, Branta leucopsis (black and white wild goose from the northern hemisphere)
valkopyykki :: white laundry (white textiles considered as items to be washed)
valkoretikka :: daikon
valkosipuli :: garlic
valkosipulivoi :: garlic butter
valkosolu [hematology, cytology, immunology] :: leukocyte
valkoturska :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
valkovenäjä :: Belarusian (language)
Valko-Venäjä :: Belarus
valkovenäjänkielinen :: Belarusian (pertaining to Belarusian language)
Valko-Venäjän tasavalta :: The Republic of Belarus
valkovenäläinen :: Belarusian (of, from, or pertaining to Belarus, the Belarusian people or the Belarusian language)
valkovenäläinen :: Belarusian (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent)
valkovenäläinen :: White Russian (drink)
valkoviini :: white wine
valkovillaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius laniger
valkovuokko :: A wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa). Other English names: windflower, European thimbleweed and smell fox
valkovuokkoleinikki :: large white buttercup, Ranunculus platanifolius (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
valkovyöseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius glandicolor
valkuainen :: As a short form of the noun valkuaisaine, protein, used when speaking of protein in general
valkuainen :: The egg white, albumen (white part of an egg)
valkuaisaine :: protein
valkuaisnuora :: chalaza (spiral band which attaches to the yolk of an egg, suspending it in the white)
valkuaisside :: chalaza (spiral band which attaches to the yolk of an egg, suspending it in the white)
valkyria :: Valkyrie
vallabi :: wallaby, pademelon
vallan :: quite
vallanhimoinen :: power-hungry (greedy for power)
vallankaappaus :: coup d'état, coup (the sudden overthrow of a government by a small group of people)
vallan kolmijako [political science] :: trias politica; separation of powers into three independent branches: legislative, executive and judiciary
vallankumouksellinen :: revolutionary
vallankumouksellinen :: revolutionary, revolutionist
vallankumouksellisempi :: comparative form of vallankumouksellinen
vallankumouksellisin :: superlative form of vallankumouksellinen
vallankumous :: revolution
vallan ositus [political science] :: separation of powers (model for governance, which features the division of sovereign power into at least three organs of state in order to forestall tyranny; also, such an arrangement)
vallata [figuratively, of an emotion] :: To overcome, wrack
vallata :: To squat (to occupy without permission)
vallata :: To claim, stake a claim for (an unpopulated land area); to reclaim (a swampland; a maritime area)
vallata :: To seize, occupy, subdue, take over, capture
vallaton :: rambunctious
valli [billiards] :: A cushion, rail, rail cushion, cushion rubber, bumper
valli :: dike
valli :: embankment, bank
vallihauta :: moat
vallinsarvi :: bastion
valliriutta :: barrier reef
vallita :: to prevail, predominate
vallita :: to dominate, administer
valloillaan :: free, loose
valloillaan :: Adessive plural form of valta with 3rd person possessive suffix -an
valloilleen :: free, loose of restrictions; describing transition to the state of freedom, compare valloillaan
valloittaa :: To captivate, mesmerise/mesmerize, encapture, win over (e.g. audience)
valloittaa :: To conquer, take (a country)
valloittaja :: conqueror
valloitus :: conquest
valloitussota :: war of conquest
valloni :: A Walloon
valloni :: The Walloon language
Vallonia :: Wallonia
Vallu :: A nickname for male given names beginning with Val-, such as Valentin or Valfrid
Valma :: female given name
valmennus :: coaching
valmentaa :: To coach
valmentaja :: coach [trainer]
valmentautua :: To coach oneself; to prepare oneself
valmis :: completed, finished
valmis :: prehung (of doors and windows, used as modifier: delivered to the customer as an installation-ready package, i.e. attached to its frame)
valmis :: prefabricated, prefab; in this sense often a modifier in a compound term
valmis :: ready-made; in this sense often a modifier in a compound term
valmis :: ready, poised, set up
valmisikkuna :: prehung window (window delivered to the customer as installation-ready package, already attached in its frame)
valmisovi :: prehung door (door delivered to the customer as installation-ready package, already attached in its frame)
valmistaa :: To make, prepare; (also figuratively) to prepare someone (= partitive) for something (= illative)
valmistaa :: To make, produce, manufacture
valmistaja :: manufacturer
valmistaminen :: production, fabrication
valmistautua :: To prepare (oneself) for
valmistautuminen :: preparation
valmistavara :: ready-made (object)
valmiste :: product, preparation
valmistelija :: preparer
valmistella :: To prepare (for a future purpose); to make preparations (in a more or less indifferent manner)
valmistelu :: preparation
valmistettavuus :: producibility
valmistettu :: made, -made, manufactured
valmistevero :: excise tax
valmistua :: to be completed
valmistua :: to graduate (to be recognized by a learning institution as having completed its requirements for a degree)
valmistujaiset :: graduation party
valmistuminen :: graduation
valmistumisaika :: the time (date, year) of graduation
valmistus :: The act of being produced, fabrication, making, production
valmistusaika :: production time
valmistusaine [food] :: ingredient
valmistusvika :: factory defect
valmius [employment, usually plural] :: transferable skill (generic skill, such as communication, computer literacy, time management, public speaking etc.)
valmius :: readiness
valmuska :: Any mushroom of the genus Tricholoma
valo :: light (radiation)
valoammus :: flare
valodiodi :: light-emitting diode, LED
valodiodi :: photodiode
valoelin :: photophore
valoherkkä :: sensitive to light, photosensitive (reacting or responding easily to light)
valoisa :: Bright, full of light
valoisampi :: comparative form of valoisa
valoisuus :: lightness, brightness
valoisuusarvo [arts] :: value (relative brightness of a color)
valokaari :: electric arc
valokaariuuni :: electric arc furnace
valokeila :: A shaft or beam of light
valokenno :: photovoltaic cell (device that absorbs radiant energy and converts it into electrical energy)
valokki :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
valokopio :: photocopy (copy made using a photocopier)
valokuva :: photograph, photo
valokuvaaja :: photographer
valokuvamalli :: model (person)
valokuvapaperi :: photographic paper, photo paper, photopaper (paper coated with light-sensitive chemicals, used for making photographic prints)
valokuvasuurennos :: photo enlargement (enlarged reproduction of a photograph, typically to show a detail of the original)
valokuvata :: to photograph
valokuvauksellinen :: Looking good when photographed; photogenic
valokuvaus :: photographing (act of taking photographs)
valokuvaus :: photography (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces)
valokuvaus :: photo shoot (session in which a photographer takes shots of an individual or group)
valokuvauskone :: A camera
valokvantti :: light quantum, photon
valokynä :: light pen (pen-like device allowing a computer user to interact with the screen display)
valomerkki :: a last call announced non-verbally by flashing the lights at pubs, bars and nightclubs to inform the customers that the venue is being closed
valonarka :: photosensitive (easily affected or damaged by light)
valonarka :: sensitive to light (both concretely and figuratively)
valonarkuus :: photophobia
valonheitin :: searchlight
valon nopeus :: The speed of light in a medium
valon nopeus :: The speed of light in a vacuum
valonnopeus :: alternative form of valon nopeus
valonsäde :: A ray of light
valonvälähdys :: A flash of light
valo-ohjattu :: controlled with light or lights, such as with traffic lights
valo-oppi :: optics
valos :: A cast (object made in a mould by pouring in liquid material (molten metal, plaster etc.), which then hardens); mould (something that is made in or shaped on a mould)
valosaaste :: light pollution
valosapeli :: lightsaber
valosekunti :: light second
valosähköilmiö :: photovoltaic effect (conversion of electromagnetic radiation into electricity)
valosähköinen :: photovoltaic, photoelectric
valoton :: lightless
valottaa :: To expose (film)
valottaa :: To illuminate (make clear)
valottua :: To be exposed (to light)
valotusaika :: shutter speed, exposure time
valovuosi :: light year
valpas :: alert
valpastua :: To become (more) alert
Valpo :: Valtiollinen poliisi; the name of the Finnish security police in 1939 - 1948
Valpuri :: female given name
valööri [arts] :: value (relative darkness or lightness of a color)
valööriarvo :: alternative form of valööri
valssain :: rolling mill
valssata :: to roll (in metal press)
valssata :: to waltz (to dance waltz)
valssaus :: rolling (metal pressing)
valssi [dance, music] :: waltz
valssi :: roll (metal press)
valssimylly :: gristmill
valta :: as modifier in compound term main, principal
valta :: [in compound nouns] country, state
valta :: power, might, authority
valtaaja :: intruder, encroacher
valtaapitävä :: belonging to the establishment (sense "ruling class")
valtaapitävät {p} :: The establishment (ruling class)
valta-asema :: ascendancy
valtaisa :: Huge, hulking, enormous, impressive, tremendous
valtaistuin :: throne
valtaistuinhuone :: throne room
valtaistuinsali :: throne room
valtakatu :: Main Street
valtakausi :: reign (period of time)
valtakirja :: power of attorney (document authorising of one person to act as the agent of another)
valtakunnallinen :: national (as opposed to local)
valtakunnallinen :: nationwide
valtakunnallisesti :: nationwide
valtakunnanomena :: A globus cruciger, orb, globe or mound (part of royal regalia)
valtakunnanraja :: national boundary
valtakunnansali :: Kingdom Hall
valtakunnansovittelija :: conciliator general
valtakunnansyyttäjä [legal, in Finland] :: Prosecutor general
valtakunta :: A domain (geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization)
valtakunta :: An independent state. Depending on context, may be translated into English as country, state, kingdom, empire, nation, realm etc
valtakunta :: A realm, domain, kingdom (sphere of activity or influence)
valtamerentakainen :: transoceanic (beyond or on the other side of an ocean)
valtameri :: ocean
valtaoikeus :: prerogative (right, or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc, especially such a power to make a decision or judgement)
valtaosa :: Major part, majority, bulk
valtarakenne :: power structure (system of authoritative power in an institution)
valtatie :: A highway
valtaus :: seizing, occupation, act of occupying sth, act of taking over sth
valtava :: huge, vast, colossal
valtavampi :: comparative form of valtava
valtavasti :: enormously
valtavasti :: hugely
valtavirta :: mainstream (that which is common; the norm)
valtaväylä :: A highway
valtias :: lord
valtias :: ruler, sovereign
valtiatar :: lady, queen (powerful or forceful female person)
valtikka :: A scepter
valtimo :: artery
valtimon haurauskovetustauti :: atherosclerosis
valtimonkovettumatauti :: arteriosclerosis
valtimonkovettumistauti :: alternative form of valtimonkovettumatauti
valtimonkovetustauti :: alternative form of valtimonkovettumatauti
valtimonrasvoittuma :: An atheroma
valtimotauti :: A common term used rather indiscriminately of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis
valtio :: government, state (political entity asserting ultimate authority over a large geographical area)
valtiokirkko :: alternative spelling of valtionkirkko
valtioliitto :: confederation
valtiollinen :: state, governmental, national, public
valtiomahti :: estate, as in neljäs ~ , the fourth estate, or the press
valtiomahti :: organ of state (any of the three primary divisions of a state’s sovereignty, namely, the executive, the legislature, or the judiciary)
valtiomies :: statesman
valtiomiestaito :: statesmanship (craft or skill of being a statesman, of leading a government well)
valtiomuoto :: form of government
valtionapu :: state aid
valtioneuvosto :: government, cabinet (group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch)
valtioneuvoston jäsen :: Official term for a cabinet minister of the Finnish government
valtionkirkko :: established church, state church
valtionmaa :: crown land [UK and Commonwealth], federal land [US], state land (land that belongs to the state)
valtionosuus :: A subsidy similar to equalization payment, but made by the national government to municipalities in order to compensate for the differences between the municipalities in demographic and economic conditions
valtionperintö :: Inheritance by the state; an estate (property and liabilities of a deceased person) that belongs to the state due to lack of heirs
valtionpäämies :: A head of state
valtionsalaisuus :: alternative form of valtiosalaisuus
valtionsyyttäjä [legal, in Finland] :: State prosecutor
valtiontalous :: state finances (revenue and expenditure of a national government taken as a whole)
valtionuskonto :: official religion, state religion (religion recognized by a government; there's a wide variety of what this means in practice, ranging from a mere recognition to religious monopoly)
valtionvelka :: national debt
valtionyhtiö :: state-owned company (company in which the state owns at least half of the shares)
valtiopetos :: high treason
valtiopäivämies :: parliamentarian, parliament member
valtiopäivämies :: Member of Parliament in the riksdagen (parliament) of Sweden, Denmark or Norway
valtiopäivät :: Diet
valtiopäivät :: legislative session, parliamentary session (period of time in which the Finnish or other Parliament is convened for the purpose of lawmaking)
valtiopäivät :: Riksdag, the parliament of Sweden
valtiosalaisuus :: state secret (restricted information of national importance)
valtiosali :: The main reception room in a parliament or in the residence of a head of state
valtiosihteeri :: A Secretary of State in the bureaucracy of another government, with the excpetion of the United States, the Secretary of State of which is normally called ulkoministeri in Finnish
valtiosihteeri :: In Finnish ministries, the highest official below a minister, appointed for the term of the minister, also called määräaikainen valtiosihteeri or ministerin valtiosihteeri to separate from the permanent secretaries of state
valtiosihteeri :: In Finnish ulkoministeriö and valtiovarainministeriö the highest-ranking permanently employed official of the ministry. In other ministries similar post is called kansliapäällikkö
valtioterrorismi :: state terrorism
valtiotiede :: political science
valtiotieteilijä :: A political scientist
valtiotieteilijä :: A politician (political scientist)
valtiovalta :: government, state (the state and its institutions understood as a whole, as juxtaposed to the citizens and their free will, excercising its powers over them)
valtiovarainministeri :: A minister or secretary (US) of finance, or in some countries, treasurer
valtiovarainministeriö :: ministry of finance; Department of the Treasury [U.S.], Her Majesty's Treasury, Treasury [UK]
valtiovierailu :: state visit (formal visit by a foreign head of state or a minister to another nation)
Valto :: male given name
valtoin :: loose
Valtonen :: Finnish surname
Valtter :: male given name
Valtteri :: male given name, cognate to English Walter
valtti :: trump
valtti :: trump, advantage (especially one held in reserve)
valttikortti :: triumph
valtuus :: authorization, powers (right to act on behalf of someone else)
valtuus :: ylittää valtuutensa: to exceed one's powers, to be out of one's league (to exceed one's ability to act)
valtuuskunta :: delegation, a group of delegates
valtuusto :: council
valtuusto :: delegation
valtuustoryhmä :: parliamentary group in a council, especially a kunnanvaltuusto
valtuutettu :: councilmember, councilman, councilwoman, councilor, councillor (member of a council)
valtuutettu :: [only in compounds] ombudsman
valtuutettu :: representative
valtuuttaa :: To authorize
valtuuttaa :: To empower
valtuuttaa :: To mandate
valtuutus :: authorization, mandate, power of attorney (authorisation of one person to act as the agent of another)
valtuutus :: empowerment
valu :: cast (casting procedure)
valua [of a liquid or viscous fluid] :: to run, flow (slowly), stream (slowly), pour, drip
valua :: to swelter (to perspire excessively due to heat); usually with hikeä
valukouru :: sow (channel that conducts molten metal to molds)
valuma-alue :: drainage basin, catchment basin, river basin
valumisaukko [nautical, architecture] :: A scupper (drainage hole in a ship's bulwark, in the wall of a building etc.)
valumuotti :: cast (mould used to make cast objects)
valunta :: flowing (act of flowing)
valunta :: runoff (surface flow of excess water from a given area of land)
valurauta :: cast iron (material)
valurauta :: Used as modifier in compound terms to mean valurautainen
valurautainen :: castiron (made of cast iron)
valurautapata :: cast iron pot
valusydän :: mould core, foundry core, core (in metallurgy, the portion of a foundry mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting)
valuttaa :: to instill
valuttaa :: to tap
valuttaa :: to trickle
valuutanvaihto :: bureau de change; short form of valuutanvaihtotoimisto
valuutanvaihto :: foreign exchange, currency exchange
valuutanvaihtotoimisto :: bureau de change
valuutta :: currency
valuuttakori :: currency basket
valuuttakriisi :: A currency crisis
valuuttamarkkinat :: foreign exchange market, forex market
valuuttarahasto [finance, countable] :: currency fund (investment fund which invests mainly in currencies)
valuuttarahasto :: Short for Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto - the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
valuvika :: casting defect, flaw
valve :: The state of being awake
valvoa :: to stay up, stay awake (to remain awake, to not go to bed)
valvoa :: to enforce (law)
valvoa :: to supervise, proctor, monitor, invigilate (an examination)
valvoa :: to watch, keep an eye on
valvoa :: to oversee, supervise, superintend, guide
valvoa yötä myöten :: To burn the midnight oil, pull an all-nighter
valvoja :: inspector
valvoja :: overseer
valvoja :: regulator
valvonta :: control
valvonta :: monitoring, surveillance
valvonta :: supervision
valvonta :: the act of staying awake
valvontaelin :: supervising body
valvontakamera :: surveillance camera
valvottaa :: To keep awake
vamma :: handicap (physical or mental disadvantage)
vamma :: injury
vammainen :: disabled, handicapped
vammainen :: disabled person, handicapped person
vammainen :: In plural, the disabled (the disabled people as a group)
vammaisuus :: disablement, invalidity
vammautua :: To be disabled
vampirismi :: vampirism
vamppi :: A vamp (woman)
vampyyri :: A vampire
vampyyrilepakko :: vampire bat
vampyyritursas :: vampire squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis
vana :: trail
vanadiini :: vanadium
vanamo :: twinflower ( Linnaea borealis)
Vanamo :: female given name
vanavesi :: wake (of a ship)
vandaali :: vandal
vandalismi :: vandalism
vandalisoida :: To vandalize
vaneri :: Any hard, flat material, such as the hard bread served by the army canteens
vaneri :: plywood
vanginvartija :: prison guard, guard, corrections officer, prison officer, jailer, warden, warder (one who guards inmates in a prison)
vangita :: To arrest, place under arrest, take into custody, put in detention (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
vangita :: To imprison, incarcerate, jail (put in prison; both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
vangita :: to capture (to reproduce convincingly)
vangitsemismääräys :: writ of attachment
vangitseva :: capturing
vangitsija :: jailer
vangittu :: captive
vangituttaa :: To have somebody imprisoned
vanha :: old
vanhahko :: oldish
vanhahtava :: dated, archaic
vanhainkoti :: nursing home, rest home, old people's home, old-age home, rest-home, old folks' home
vanha kunnon :: good old
vanha markka :: Literally "old mark", a common term used to refer to the currency of Finland (Finnish mark, markka or Suomen markka) as it was before the monetary reform of 1961, which dropped two zeros from the denominations. Thus 100 old marks were equal in value to 1 new mark (nykymarkka). The official name of the currency did not change
vanhanaikainen :: antiquated, old-fashioned
vanhanaikainen :: obsolete
vanhanaikaisin :: superlative form of vanhanaikainen
vanha pieru :: old fart
vanhapiika :: A spinster (unmarried woman who is past normal marrying age)
vanhapoika :: A bachelor who is clearly past normal marrying age
Vanhatalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Vanhatalo :: Finnish surname
Vanha testamentti :: The Old Testament
vanhemmat :: parents
vanhemmiten :: In later life, the older one gets
vanhemmuus :: parenthood
vanhempainvapaa :: parental leave
vanhempi :: comparative form of vanha
vanhempi :: In titles etc., senior
vanhempi :: A conscript who has served more than 180 days in the (Finnish) army
vanhempi :: parent
vanhempi konstaapeli :: senior constable, constable, police constable (second lowest rank in the Finnish police force, above nuorempi konstaapeli and below ylikonstaapeli)
vanheneminen :: aging, senescence
vanheneminen :: obsolescence (process of becoming obsolete, outmoded or out of date)
vanhentaa :: To make older
vanhentua :: To become old, to grow old, age
vanhentua :: To expire
vanhentumisaika [law] :: prescription, limitation, negative prescription (time period within which a right must be exercised, unless the right will be extinguished)
vanhentumissääntö :: statute of limitations (any law or clause in a contract that sets a time limit, after which a person may not be tried for a crime, or after which some other legal action may not take place)
vanhentuneisuus :: datedness
vanhentunut :: dated, outdated, obsolete, out of date (no more valid or usable)
vanheta :: to age
vanhin :: superlative form of vanha
vanhin :: elder (e.g. village elder)
vanhoillinen :: conservative
vanhoillinen :: A conservative
vanhurskas :: righteous
vanhurskaus [lb, fi, religion] :: righteousness
vanhus :: old person
vanhustenhoito :: eldercare, elderly care
vanhustenhuolto :: eldercare, elderly care
vanhuudenheikkous :: An infirmity caused by old age
vanhuudenhöperö :: senile
vanhuudenhöperö :: dotard
vanhuudenhöperyys :: senility
vanhuus :: age (the stage of life)
vanikka :: crisp bread
vanilja :: vanilla
vaniljauute :: vanilla extract
vanilliini :: imitation vanilla
vanja :: A Russian
vankentaa :: to strengthen
vankeus :: captivity
vankeus :: imprisonment
vankeusaika :: captivity (period of being captive)
vankeusrangaistus :: A prison sentence
vankeustuomio :: prison sentence
vanki :: prisoner
vankila :: prison
vankilanjohtaja :: prison warden
vankityrmä :: dungeon
vankka :: robust, sturdy, strong
vankka :: staunch
vankkumaton :: staunch, unflinching
vankkuri :: wagon
vanna :: bathtub
vannas :: share (part of plough)
vannasluu :: The vomer bone
vannasputki :: stern tube
vanne :: band
vanne :: hoop
vanne :: rim
vannehame :: hoop skirt (women's undergarment)
vannehtia :: to hoop (to fasten with a hoop)
vannesaha :: band saw
vannike :: vol-au-vent
vannoa :: To swear, take an oath, vow
vannoa :: ~ uskollisuutta + allative = to pledge allegiance to
vannoa :: ~ väärä vala / ~ väärin = to perjure oneself, commit perjury
vannonta :: swearing, taking an oath, vowing
vannoutunut :: devoted
Vantaa :: Vantaa
vantinlevittäjä :: A spreader
vanttera :: sturdy, hefty, stocky, fleshy
vantti :: A shroud
vanttu :: alternative form of vantus
vanttuut :: One ore more pairs of knitted mittens or mitts
vantus :: A knitted mitten or mitt. Normally used only in plural: vanttuut
vanu :: cotton wool, absorbent cotton, wadding (soft fibrous cotton or wool)
vanua :: To felt, mat
Vanuatu :: Vanuatu
vanujalkaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius claricolor
vanukas :: pudding (jelly-like dessert)
vanupuikko :: cotton swab, cotton stick, Q-tip [US]; cotton wool bud, cotton bud, ear bud [UK]
vanuttaa :: To full (to make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing)
vapa :: A fishing rod
vapa :: A pole (long and slender object)
vapaa :: free (not imprisoned or enslaved)
vapaa :: free-range (of, pertaining to, or produced by animals that are allowed to roam freely, rather than being confined indoors)
vapaa :: free (released)
vapaa :: free (unconstrained)
vapaa :: free (without obligations)
vapaa :: spare (not filled with activity or work)
vapaa :: unmarried, single
vapaa :: vacant
vapaa :: leave (from work, military service, etc.)
vapaa-aika :: leisure, spare time, free time
vapaa-ajan asunto :: vacation home [US], holiday home [UK] (building or piece of property used as a secondary residence during vacations)
vapaaehtoinen :: voluntary (done, given, or acting of one's own free will)
vapaaehtoinen :: voluntary (working or done without payment)
vapaaehtoinen :: volunteer (of or pertaining to a volunteer)
vapaaehtoinen :: A volunteer (one who enters military or other service out of his free will)
vapaaehtoisesti :: voluntarily, of one's own accord
vapaaehtoistyö :: volunteering, volunteer work
vapaaheitto [lb, fi, basketball] :: free throw
vapaaherra :: baron
vapaaherratar :: baroness (wife of a vapaaherra)
vapaajakso :: grace or grace period (relief period for a debtor)
vapaakauppa :: free trade
vapaakauppa-alue :: free trade area
vapaamielinen :: liberal
vapaamielinen :: licentious
vapaamielistyä :: To become (more) liberal
vapaa mitta [prosody] :: free verse (poetic form divided into lines of no particular length or meter, without a rhyme scheme)
vapaammin :: comparative form of vapaasti
vapaampi :: comparative form of vapaa
vapaamuurari :: a Freemason
vapaamuurarius :: Freemasonry
vapaaottelu :: pankration
vapaapalokunta :: voluntary fire brigade [UK], volunteer fire department [US]
vapaapäivä :: holiday, day off (day off from work)
vapaapotku :: A free kick (in soccer and some other ballgames)
vapaasti :: Freely
vapaasti aluksessa :: free on board (without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board a carrier)
vapaasukellus :: free-diving (aquatic discipline in which divers attempt to stay underwater without breathing apparatus)
vapaataival [baseball, pesäpallo] :: A walk
vapaauinti :: Freestyle (swimming event)
vapahtaa :: To redeem
vapahtava :: redeeming, saving
vapaimmin :: superlative form of vapaasti
vapain :: superlative form of vapaa
vapari [colloquial, soccer] :: A free (abbreviation of free kick)
vapaus :: freedom
vapausaste :: degree of freedom
vapaussota :: The Finnish Civil War fought in the sping of 1918
vapaussota :: war of liberation
vapauttaa :: ~ (syytteestä) = to acquit someone (of something = elative), drop charges against, exonerate, exculpate
vapauttaa :: ~ tehtävistään = to relieve from his/her duties
vapauttaa :: To exempt, excuse (from something = elative)
vapauttaa :: To lift the restrictions on, decontrol, deregulate, liberalise/liberalize
vapauttaa :: To (set) free/loose, let loose/go, loose, liberate, emancipate
vapauttaja :: liberator
vapauttamaan [fi-infinitive of, t=3a, vapauttaa, c=ill] ::
vapauttaminen :: emancipation
vapauttaminen :: liberation
vapauttava tuomio [lb, fi, legal] :: acquittal
vapautua [of a room] :: To be vacated, (of a post) become vacant, (of telephone) become free
vapautua :: To be freed/set free/let go/released/liberated/emancipated/relieved/deregulated
vapautua :: To free oneself (of = elative), get rid of
vapautuminen :: emancipation (act of getting free from the power of another)
vapautuminen :: liberation (state of being liberated)
vapautuminen :: release (the act of being released or let go)
vapautuminen :: The process of feeling more relaxed, e.g. when being in the company of previously unknown people
vapautus :: emancipation
vapautus :: exemption
vapautus [lb, fi, military slang] :: profile (exemption from certain duty, usually on physical grounds)
vapautus :: liberation
vapautus :: release, setting free, letting loose (act of setting free)
vapautusarmeija :: liberation army
vapautustaistelija :: freedom fighter
vapautustaistelija :: A conscript who has acquired exemptions from service
vapina :: shiver, tremor
vapista :: alternative form of vavista
vapiti :: wapiti
vappu :: May Day, Labor Day (1st of May)
Vappu :: female given name, diminutive of Valpuri
vappuaatto :: May Day eve
vapunaatto :: alternative form of vappuaatto
vara [mostly in idioms and proverbs] :: caution, concern, care; often translated into English with an adjective, see also pitää varansa
vara :: reserve, backup
vara [usually, in the plural] :: resources, reserves, funds, means, assets
vara [usually, in the singular] :: room, margin; allowance
vara- :: A prefix singifying extra, spare, contingency, safety, emergency
vara- :: A prefix singifying vice, deputy, lieutenant, assistant, (sports) substitute, second-string
vara-amiraali :: An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official translation is vice admiral
varaani :: monitor lizard
varajäsen :: deputy member, supplementary member
varakas :: wealthy, affluent, prosperous, well-heeled
varakkuus :: affluence (moderate level of wealth)
varakreivi :: viscount
varakreivitär :: A viscountess
varakuningas :: viceroy
varallisuudensiirto :: redistribution of wealth
varallisuudensiirto :: transfer of wealth
varallisuus :: wealth (valuable material possessions)
varallisuusvero :: property tax (tax based on one's wealth, including in principle all wealth, both fixed, movable and financial)
varalta :: just in case
varamies :: substitute, deputy
varamies :: substitute, reserve (reserve player)
varamies [theater] :: understudy
varanto [banking] :: A reserve (funds kept on hand to meet liabilities)
varanäyttelijä :: understudy, standby
varaosa :: spare part
varapääministeri :: vice premier
varapresidentti :: vice president
varapuheenjohtaja :: vice-chairman, vice-chairperson
varapuhemies :: vice chairman, deputy speaker; a title used of the deputy to the chair of certain bodies, such as a parliament, instead of the more common varapuheenjohtaja
vararengas :: spare tire [US], spare tyre [British]; spare wheel
vararikko :: bankruptcy
varas :: thief
varaslähtö :: false start
varasänky :: extra bed (lightweight, often foldable bed or cot used to accommodate occasional visitors)
varastaa :: to steal, purloin
varastelu :: Habitual or continuous thieving
varastettu :: stolen
varasto :: depot
varasto :: stock, supply, storage
varasto :: warehouse
varastoelin :: storage organ (botany: part of a plant specifically modified for storage of energy)
varastohuone :: storeroom (room used for storage)
varastoida :: To store
varastointiaika :: storage time, shelf time
varastomies :: storeman, stockman, storage worker
varastotyöntekijä :: storeman, stockman, storage worker
varasuunnitelma :: plan B
varat {p} :: [always plural] Funds; means; assets
varat {p} :: [always plural] (Natural) resources, (natural) reserves
varat {p} :: [always plural] Stores, stocks
varata :: To put aside
varata :: To reserve, book
varatoimitusjohtaja :: deputy managing director [UK], deputy president [US] (in a business, second in rank under the top executive)
varaton :: Having no money; broke
varattu sana :: reserved word
varatuomari :: A formal title granted to a lawyer who has been trained on the bench and thus gained sufficient experience to act as a judge in a court
varaus :: charge
varaus :: reservation
varaustiheys :: charge density
varautua :: to be charged (to take on an electric charge)
varautua :: to prepare oneself
varautunut :: charged
varautunut :: prepared
varautunut :: reserved
varaventtiili :: alternative form of varoventtiili
varavuode :: extra bed (lightweight, often foldable bed or cot used to accommodate occasional visitors)
varhain :: early
varhainen :: early
varhais- :: Form of varhainen, used as modifier in compound terms
varhaisarkeeinen :: Paleoarchean
varhaisegypti :: Old Egyptian
varhaiskantasuomi :: The early Proto-Finnic language
varhaiskeskiaika :: Early Middle Ages
varhaiskivihiilikausi :: Mississippian (geologic period)
varhaiskypsä :: precocious
varhaislapsuus :: infancy (earliest period of childhood)
varhaispermikausi :: Cisuralian, Lower Permian, Early Permian (earliest epoch of the Permian)
varhaisproterotsooinen :: Paleoproterozoic
varhaispunasolu :: erythroblast
varhentaa :: To make earlier
vari :: Hot weather
variaabeli :: variable
variaatio :: variation
variaatiokerroin :: coefficient of variation
varianssi :: variance
varietee :: variety theater
varikko :: depot
varikko :: pit
varikkokäynti [car racing] :: A pit stop
varikkopysähdys [car racing] :: pit stop
variksenmarja :: black crowberry, Empetrum nigrum
variksenmarja :: crowberry (any species in genus Empetrum)
variksenpelätin :: A scarecrow
variksenpelätti :: bird scarer
variksenpelätti :: scarecrow
varioida :: To vary
variointi :: variation
varis :: corvid, crow (any bird of the genus Corvus)
varis :: hooded crow, grey crow, Corvus cornix
Varis :: Finnish surname
varislintu :: A corvid (specific), a crow (common)
varista :: To shed, lose, drop (e.g. leaves)
varistaa :: To shed, lose, drop (e.g. leaves)
varjella :: To protect
varjelluin :: superlative form of varjeltu
varjeltu :: protected, safeguarded
varjo :: shade
varjo :: shadow
varjo :: umbrella, as a short form of sateenvarjo, päivänvarjo or aurinkovarjo
varjohaikara :: hammerkop, Scopus umbretta
varjohallitus :: shadow government
varjoinen :: shady
varjoisa :: shady
varjokuva :: silhouette
varjonyrkkeilijä :: shadowboxer
varjonyrkkeillä :: to shadowbox
varjonyrkkeily :: shadowboxing
varjostaa [drawing] :: to shade
varjostaa :: to hatch (to shade an area in a drawing with parallel lines)
varjostaa :: to shade (to provide shade)
varjostaa :: to shadow, tail (to follow someone)
varjostaja :: tail (surreptitious follower)
varjostin :: A shade (light blocker)
varjostus :: shadowing
varjostus :: shadow (type of lettering form)
varjoteatteri :: shadow play
varkain :: secretly, surreptitiously
varkaus :: theft
varma :: sure, certain
varmaan :: for sure
varmaan :: probably
varmasti :: certainly, definitely, positively, surely
varmempi :: comparative form of varma
varmenne :: certificate
varmennuskoodi :: verification code (on credit cards and such)
varmentaa :: To confirm
varmistaa :: To assure, to confirm
varmistaa :: To assure, to ensure
varmistaa :: To make sure, to recheck, to verify, to double-check
varmistaa :: To secure (to make firm and stable)
varmistautua :: To make sure
varmiste :: check bit
varmistin :: A safety (mechanism to prevent accidental operation of a firearm or other dangerous item)
varmistua :: To make sure, assure oneself about something
varmuuden vuoksi :: for good measure
varmuus :: certainty
varmuuskopio :: backup
varoa :: To be careful with/of, handle carefully
varoa :: To look out for, watch out for, beware of
varoiksi :: for good measure
varoiksi :: just in case
varoitella :: To warn (repeatedly)
varoitin :: Any device that is designed to give a warning, a beacon or an alarm
varoittaa :: To warn; to forewarn
varoitus :: warning
varoitusaika :: notice (advance notification of termination of employment, given by an employer to an employee or vice versa)
varoke :: A fuse (in an electronic circuit)
varokeino :: precaution
varomaton :: careless
varomaton :: incautious, reckless
varomattomasti :: incautiously
varotoimenpide :: precaution
varotoimi :: precaution
varovainen :: careful
varovainen :: cautious
varovaisesti :: carefully
varovaisuus :: caution, concern, care (state of being cautious)
varovasti :: carefully, cautiously
varoventtiili :: safety valve, relief valve
varpaankynsi :: toenail
varpaanluu :: A phalange or phalanx of the foot (bone)
varpajaiset :: A party arranged by the father of a newborn child to his male friends soon after the birth
varpapurje :: spritsail
varpatanko :: sprit
varpio :: A plant of the genus Cassiope
varpu :: A shrub
varpu :: A twig, bare twig
Varpu :: female given name
varpunen :: sparrow
varpushaukka :: a European sparrowhawk, sparrow hawk, sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus
varpushaukka :: a number of hawk species in the genus Accipiter
varpuslintu :: a perching bird, passerine
varpusparvi :: flock of sparrows
varpusparvi :: If one's excrement is compared to varpusparvi, it means that it is watery
varpuspöllö :: Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum)
varras :: skewer (pin used to secure food during cooking)
varras :: The part of the kantele to which the strings are attached and are held by the ponsi
varrastaa :: To skewer
varrekas [footwear] :: legged
varrekas :: One that has a stalk or similar structure; stalked, shafted
varrentaa :: To graft (to insert a graft in a branch or stem of another tree)
vars. [in dictionaries] :: varsinkin
vars. :: varsinainen
varsa :: foal
varsi :: An arm in the sense of any structure that resembles a human arm
varsi :: A stem of a tobacco pipe, or a musical note
varsi :: As the first part of a compound word, indicates that the object is equipped with a stalk, an arm or similar
varsi :: As the last part of a compound word, refers to an area considered to be close to a waterway or a traffic route, a side
varsi :: As the last part of a compound word, refers to some parts of a human body (see related terms below)
varsi :: In cases referring to location, used like a postposition to refer to passing of time or a journey, along, during or in the course of; see: varressa, varresta, varteen, varrella, varrelta, varrelle
varsi :: (rare) The human body when discussed from a structural point of view, the figure
varsi :: (technology) Usually compounded with a defining beginning, a rod
varsi :: The handle of many tools. In order to be called varsi, the handle needs to be longish in shape. An axe and a hammer have varsi, but a knife has kahva
varsi :: The part of a boot or a sock which covers the leg or part of it
varsi :: The stalk of a plant
varsieväinen :: Any of the fish in the subclass Crossopterygii. For these fish it is characteristic that they have fins at the end of short arms
varsieväkala :: coelacanth (any fish of the order Coelacanthiformes)
varsijousi :: crossbow
varsin :: exceedingly
varsin :: quite
varsin :: very
varsinainen :: actual, real, essential, proper
varsinainen hylje :: true seal, earless seal (seal of the family Phocidae)
varsinais :: An attributive form of varsinainen; used as modifier in compound terms
varsinaisesti :: actually, really
Varsinais-Suomi :: A province (maakunta) of Finland
varsinkaan :: With the negative verb: especially (not)
varsinkin :: (used only in a positive clause) Especially, particularly, notably
varsoa :: To foal
Varsova :: Warsaw
varsovalainen :: Varsovian (of, from or relating to Warsaw)
varsovalainen :: Varsovian (person from Warsaw)
Varsovan liitto :: Warsaw Pact (organization)
Varsovan sopimus :: the treaty by which the Varsovan liitto was established in 1955
Varsovan sopimus :: Warsaw Convention
varsta :: flail (tool)
vartalo :: body, torso (main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities)
vartalo :: style
vartalo :: stem
vartaloskanneri :: full body scanner
vartalotaide :: body art (art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body)
varta vasten :: willfully, purposely, knowingly, deliberately
varte :: graft (small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree)
varteenotettava :: worthy, considerable
varteenottaa :: alternative form of ottaa varteen
varten :: for (to be used by; to be capitalised by)
vartija :: guard
vartio :: guard, watch (group of guardians)
vartio :: troop (basic unit of girl or boy scouts, consisting of 6 to 10 youngsters)
vartioida :: To guard
vartiointi :: guarding
vartiomies :: guard, sentry, sentinel
vartiotorni :: watchtower
vartoa :: to wait
varttaa :: To graft (to insert a graft in a branch or stem of another tree)
varttaa :: To shaft (to equip with a shaft)
varttaminen :: grafting
vartti :: A quarter
vartti :: A quarter of an hour
vartti :: A quart; used especially in American Finnish and by car mechanics as measure of motor oil quantity
varttitunti :: A quarter of an hour
varttua :: To grow up
varuilla :: alert
varuilla :: Ole varuillasi! = Be alert! (singular)
varuilla :: Olkaa varuillanne! = Be alert! (plural)
varuillaan [inflection of, varuilla, , 3, s, and, p, possessive] ::
varuillaanolo :: alertness
varuskunta :: garrison
varusmies :: (Male) conscript, (male) draftee
varusmiespalvelus :: Military service
varustaa :: To equip, fit (up/out), supply, apparel; to provision; to arm, supply with arms
varustaa :: To prepare, get someone ready (for = illative); to make arrangements/preparations
varustamo :: shipping company
varustautua :: to get equipped or prepared
varustautuminen :: equipping or preparing oneself
varustautuminen :: [specifically] arming, rearmament
varuste :: A piece of equipment; accessory
varustelu :: armament (process of building up one's military capacity)
varustelu :: build-up (process of something that is built-up)
varustelu :: feature (feature in a setting such as an architectural feature thus a built up feature)
varustettu :: equipped
Varvara :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Варва́ра ‎(Varvára)
varvas :: toe
varvasastuja :: A digitigrade
varvassandaali :: flip-flop (sandal, secured to the foot by straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour)
varvassukka :: toe sock
varvastossu :: flip-flop (sandal, usually of rubber, secured to the foot by straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour)
varvikko :: brush (vegetation)
varvukko :: alternative form of varvikko
vasa :: A fawn, or calf (of eg. a deer, elk or antelope)
vasalli :: vassal
vasallikunta :: vassal (administrative entity with lesser than state status that is vassal of another country or other superior power)
vasallimaa :: vassal state; more commonly vasallivaltio
vasallisuhde :: suzerainty (relation between states in which one is subservient to the other)
vasallius :: vassaldom, vassalage (state of being vassal)
vasallivaltio :: vassal state (state subordinated to another)
vasama :: A bolt, as a blunt-headed arrow
vasara :: hammer (piano part)
vasara :: hammer (tool)
vasara :: A malleus or hammer (one of the bones in the ear)
Vasara :: Finnish surname
vasarahai :: hammerhead (shark)
vasarakirveskulttuuri [archaeology] :: Battle-axe culture, Corded ware cuture
vasaraluu :: A malleus
vasaroida :: to hammer (to strike repeatedly with a hammer)
vasaroida :: to malleate (to shape with hammer)
vasarointi :: hammering (action)
vasektomia :: vasectomy
vaseliini :: Vaseline, petroleum jelly
vasemmanpuoleinen :: left, left-hand
vasemmanpuoleisempi :: comparative form of vasemmanpuoleinen
vasemmanpuoleisin :: superlative form of vasemmanpuoleinen
vasemmisto :: As modifier in compound terms (vasemmisto + something), leftist
vasemmisto :: The left
vasemmistodiktatuuri :: A leftist dictatorship
vasemmistoenemmistö :: leftist majority
vasemmistohallitus :: A leftist government
vasemmistolainen :: left-wing
vasemmistolainen :: leftwinger
vasemmistolaistua :: To become politically (more) leftist
vasemmistolaisuus :: leftism
vasemmistoliitto :: A Finnish political party
vasemmistopuolue :: left-wing party (a political party that is regarded as being on the left)
vasempi :: comparative form of vasen
vasempi :: left (as opposed to right)
vasen :: left
vasenkätinen :: left-handed
vasenkätinen :: One who is left-handed, a left-hander, southpaw
vasenkätisyys :: left-handedness
vasikanliha :: veal
vasikka :: A calf of a cow
vasikka :: A rat (person who is known for betrayal; a traitor)
vasikoida :: To calve (to give birth to a calf)
vasikoida :: To inform, snitch, squeal, squeak, rat on
vaskata :: To pan (to wash earth in a pan in search for gold)
vaski :: brass; in this sense still living in musical terminology, e.g. vaskipuhallin
vaski :: bronze; in this sense still living in vaskikello
vaski :: copper
vaski :: In plural (vasket), the brass section of an orchestra
vaskinen :: copper, coppery
vaskipuhallin :: brass instrument
vaskiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius saginus
vaskisektio :: brass section
vaskisoitin :: brass instrument
vaskitsa :: slowworm (Anguis fragilis)
vaskooli :: pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing)
vaskuliitti :: vasculitis
vasoa [of deer, elk etc.] :: To calve
vasta :: Expressing delay or that something takes place later; not until, only, but
vasta :: Expressing disappointment or frustration in a task; only
vasta :: Expressing that something happened only recently; newly, freshly, just
vasta :: A kind of whip made of birch twigs and used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by gently beating oneself with it
vasta- :: Expressing opposition or contrast: counter-, anti-
vasta- :: Expressing reciprocity: return
vasta- :: Expressing that something took place recently: new-, freshly, just, recently
vasta-aihe :: contraindication (factor or symptom which makes a certain treatment inadvisable)
vasta-aine :: antibody
vastaaja :: Answerer, person who answers or responds
vastaaja :: Answering machine; voicemail
vastaaja :: Defendant; (in crime cases) the accused; (in divorce cases) respondent
vastaaja :: Receiver
vasta-alkaja :: A beginner or novice
vastaan :: Back
vastaan :: ottaa ~ = to receive, meet, accept
vastaan :: (in commerce) for; against:
vastaan [of an opinion] :: against:
vastaan :: against:
vastaan :: towards:
vastaanotin :: receiver, set (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television)
vastaanottaa :: meet, welcome, greet, pick up, see (a visitor, in an official function), take (a phone call
vastaanottaa :: to receive, accept
vastaanottaja :: receiver, recipient
vastaanotto :: acceptance (act of receiving and accepting)
vastaanotto :: consultation or appointment with a professional person
vastaanotto :: receipt (act of receiving)
vastaanotto :: reception (ability to receive signals)
vastaanotto :: reception (act of receiving)
vastaanotto :: reception, front desk (front desk in a hotel, office etc.)
vastaanotto :: reception (reaction)
vastaanotto :: reception (social engagement)
vastaanotto :: soirée (formal evening party, which is not a seated dinner, but usually a buffet is served)
vastaanotto :: welcome (act of greeting someone's arrival)
vastaanottokeskus :: A facility run by the Ministry of Interior (sisäasiainministeriö) that accommodates arriving refugees and asylum seekers, officially translated into English as reception centre
vastaansanomaton :: undeniable, undownable
vasta-argumentti :: A counterargument
vastaava :: analogous
vastaava :: corresponding, similar, having equal effect
vastaavanlainen :: similar
vastaavasti :: analogously
vastaavasti :: correspondingly
vastaehdokas :: rival candidate e.g. in an election
vastaehdotus :: A counterproposal, counterproposition
vastahakoinen [of a materia] :: intractable
vastahakoinen :: grudging, reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, loth
vastahakoisesti :: grudgingly
vastahiukkanen :: antiparticle
vastahyökkäys :: A counter-attack
vastainen :: anti-, in-, un-
vastainen :: (time) occurring in the future
vastainen [time, of a night in relation to the next day only] :: before
vastainen [weather, of wind] :: foul, head-
vastainen :: headwind
vastaisesti :: against
vastaisin :: superlative form of vastainen
vastaisku :: A counterattack
vastaisku :: A counterblow or counterpunch
vastaisku :: A return/retaliatory blow
vastaisuus :: future
vastaisuus :: opposition, in compond terms often anti- (action of opposing or of being in conflict)
vastakahdentaa :: to redouble (in contract bridge: to double an opponent's doubling bid)
vastakaiku :: positive response, especially to a proposal, speech, feelings
vastakanne :: A counterclaim
vastakappale :: A counterpart
vastakauppa :: countertrade
vastake :: A socket (for plug)
vastakirja [banking, dated] :: A bankbook, passbook
vastakkain :: against (one against another)
vastakkain :: face to face, vis-à-vis
vastakkainasettelu :: confrontation, (set in) opposition (to), pit against, adversarial
vastakkainasettelu :: juxtaposition
vastakkainen :: opposite, contrary
vastakäännös :: tack (sailing maneuver)
vastakohta :: A contrast (difference between two objects, people or concepts)
vastakohta :: An antithesis (proposition that is the diametric opposite of some other proposition)
vastakohta :: An antonym (word which has the opposite meaning to another)
vastakohta :: An opposite (something opposite or contrary to another)
vasta kun :: only after, only when, not before (expresses that something happens after a delay)
vastakysymys :: counterquestion
vastalahja :: return gift (something given voluntarily in return for a gift, favor etc.)
vastalaukka :: counter-canter, counterlead
vastalause :: objection
vastalause :: protest
vastaleivottu :: freshly baked
vastalääke :: antidote
vastaluku :: numeric complement
vastaluku :: complement, additive inverse
vastamaa :: climb, ascent
vastamainonta :: subvertising (practice of making parodies of corporate and political advertisements in order to make an ironic statement)
vastamainos :: subvert (advertisement created by parodying a commercial or political advertisement)
vastamäki :: climb, ascent, uphill (upward slope)
vastamäki :: uphill (part of slope uphill of one's current position)
vastamyrkky :: antivenin, antivenom
vastanainut :: newlywed
vastanäyttelijä :: An actor in an opposite role
vastapaavi :: antipope
vastapaino :: counterweight, counterbalance
vastapaistettu :: freshly baked
vastapelaaja :: An opponent in a game
vastapäinen :: opposite, facing
vastapisto [fencing] :: riposte, ripost
vastapäiväinen :: anticlockwise
vastapäivään :: counterclockwise
vastapooli :: antithesis
vastapäätä :: opposite, vis-à-vis, across
vastapuhelu :: A collect call
vastapuikea :: spatulate
vastapuoli :: An opponent
vastapuoli :: A counterparty
vastapuoli :: The opposite side
vastarakastunut :: newly fallen in love
vastarannan kiiski :: contrarian (person who expresses a contradicting viewpoint, especially one who denounces the majority persuasion)
vastaranta :: opposite shore
vastarinta :: Resistance
vastarintaliike :: resistance movement
vasta sitten :: only then (then, but not before)
vastassa :: faced with
vastasyntynyt :: newborn (recently born)
vastasyntynyt :: newborn, neonate (newborn infant)
vastasyytös :: A recrimination
vastata [intransitive + allative] :: to account to (to be accountable or responsible to)
vastata :: to be in charge (to have the responsibility of leading or overseeing)
vastata :: to be responsible for, be liable for
vastata :: to answer (someone or something), to reply to; to respond to
vastata :: to react, to counter, to respond (to take action in response to)
vastata :: to correspond to, be similar to, be equivalent to
vastatiedustelu :: countersurveillance
vastatoimi :: counteraction, countermeasure (any opposing action)
vastatoimi :: reaction (action in response to a stimulus or other event)
vastatusten :: against, facing (one against another)
vastatusten :: face to face, vis-à-vis
vastatuuli :: A wind that is against the direction into which one is sailing or wants to sail, a headwind or foul wind
vastaus :: answer (response), reply
vastausprosentti :: response rate
vastavakoilu :: The counterespionage or counterintelligence
vastavalittu :: Elect, newly elected
vastavallankumouksellinen :: counterrevolutionary
vastavallankumouksellinen :: A counterrevolutionary
vastavallankumous :: A counterrevolution
vastaveto :: ripost
vastavirta :: upstream
vastaväite :: antithesis
vastaväite :: backtalk
vastaväite :: counterargument
vastaväittäjä [academic] :: examiner (person performing the oral examination of a dissertation in a thesis defense)
vastavoima :: A counterforce
vastavuoroinen :: reciprocal, mutual
vastavuoroisesti :: reciprocally
vaste :: A reaction
vastedes :: In the future, henceforth, hereafter
vasten :: against
vasten :: against (contrary to)
vasten :: against (in opposition to, opposing)
vasten :: against (of a position, against a background)
vasten :: against (of a position, touching)
vasten :: for (a purpose)
vasten :: preceding, before (immediately before)
vasten :: towards, against (to a direction)
vastenmielinen :: disgusting, repulsive, appalling
vastenmielisyys :: disgust (an intense dislike or repugnance)
vastentahtoinen :: involuntary
vastike :: compensation
vastike :: dues
vastike :: substitution
vastikkeeton :: gratuitous (given free, without receiving anything of value in return)
vastikään :: just, newly
vastin :: stopper
vastine :: answer (document filed in response to a complaint)
vastine :: counterpart
vastine :: equivalent
vastineeksi :: in return
vastoa :: To whip with a vasta
vastoin :: against (someone's will, law etc.)
vastoin kaikkea todennäköisyyttä :: against all odds
vastoinkäyminen :: adversity
vastoinkäyminen :: hardship
vastoinkäyminen :: misfortune
vastus :: drag [resistance of air or other fluid to something moving in it]
vastus :: element [short form of heating element]
vastus :: opposition [opposing side in competition]
vastus :: resistance [in physics, electrical resistance]
vastus :: resistance [in physics, force that tends to oppose motion]
vastus :: resistance [the act of resisting, or the capacity to resist]
vastus :: resistor [electronic component]
vastustaa :: to antagonize (to work against; to oppose; especially to incite reaction)
vastustaa :: to object, to oppose, to contest (to raise an objection)
vastustaa :: to protest (to make a strong objection)
vastustaa :: to resist, to oppose, counteract, hinder (to attempt to counter the actions or effects of someone or something)
vastustaja :: An opponent in a game, fight, competition, politics etc
vastustamaton :: irresistible
vastustamaton :: undownable
vastustamattomampi :: comparative form of vastustamaton
vastustava :: anti
vastustava :: opposed
vastustus :: resistance, opposition
vastustuskyky :: immunity (protective resistance against infection)
vastustuskyky :: resistance (capacity to resist)
vastustuskykyinen :: resistant
vastuu :: liability
vastuu :: responsibility, charge; see also: in charge
vastuualue :: area of responsibility
vastuuhenkilö :: person in charge
vastuullinen :: accountable, answerable
vastuuntunto :: The sense of responsibility
vastuuton :: irresponsible
vastuuttomuus :: irresponsibility (state of being irresponsible)
vastuuvakuutus :: liability insurance
vastuuvapaus :: freedom of responsibility (state of being released from a requirement or liability)
vastuuvapaussopimus :: waiver (contract that releases someone from a requirement or liability)
vastuuvapautus :: waiver (act or writ that releases someone from a requirement or liability)
vastuuvapautussopimus :: waiver (contract that releases someone from a requirement or liability)
vasu :: basket
vasuri :: left-handed
vasuri :: A left hand
vasuri :: A southpaw
vasuri :: In ice hockey, soccer and other ballgames, a left-winger
vata :: a type of net
vati :: dish (especially a large dish where one can for example wash his dishes)
Vatikaani :: The Vatican City
Vatikaanikaupunki :: The Vatican City
vatja :: The Votic language
vatkaantua :: alternative form of vatkautua
vatkain :: mixer
vatkata :: To whisk (in cooking)
vatkautua [of cream etc.] :: To become whipped
vatsa :: stomach
vatsaevä [anatomy, of a fish] :: a pelvic fin
vatsaevällinen :: abdominal (having abdominal fins)
vatsahaava :: peptic ulcer
vatsahappo :: gastric acid
vatsakalvo :: peritoneum
vatsakalvodialyysi :: peritoneal dialysis
vatsakalvontakainen [anatomy, medicine] :: retroperitoneal
vatsakalvontulehdus :: peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum)
vatsakas :: big-bellied
vatsakipu :: bellyache, stomachache
vatsalaukku :: stomach
vatsalihakset :: abdominals, abdominal muscles, abs
vatsalihas :: ab
vatsanpuru :: stomachache, collywobbles
vatsaontelo :: abdominal cavity
vatsarutistus :: sit-up
vatsastapuhuja :: A ventriloquist
vatsastapuhuminen :: ventriloquism
vatsatanssi :: belly dance
vatsatanssija :: belly dancer
vatsatanssijatar :: belly dancer
vatsatauti :: gastroenteritis, stomach flu, gastric flu
vatsatyrä :: hernia abdominalis
vatsavaiva :: upset (non-serious stomach problems in general)
vatti :: mud flat
vattu :: raspberry
vatukka :: bramble (US, plant of the genus Rubus)
vatukka :: raspberry
vatukko :: raspberry thicket
vatupassi :: spirit level
vatustaagi :: bobstay, gammon
vatvoa :: to dwell on
vau :: wow!
vauhdikas :: eventful
vauhdikas :: speedy, fast, rapid
vauhdikkaasti :: fast
vauhdittaa :: to speed up, push, give a push (to cause a process to proceed faster)
vauhko :: raving, wild, panicky
vauhkoontua [of horses] :: To bolt
vauhkoutua :: alternative form of vauhkoontua
vauhti :: In everyday speech: momentum
vauhti :: In everyday speech: speed, velocity, pace
vauhti :: In physics: speed
vauhti :: speed (slang term for methamphetamine)
vauhtipyörä :: flywheel
vauhtiraita :: speed stripe
vauhtiveikko :: A speedster
V-aukko :: V neckline, V-neckline (V-shaped neckline)
vaunu :: A wagon, coach, stagecoach; often used in plural (vaunut) also of a single vehicle (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power)
vaunu :: armoured combat vehicle, tank
vaunu [railroads] :: wagon, [US] car, [UK] carriage
vaununkaatolaite [railroads] :: tipple
vaunuseppä :: wheelwright
vauras :: well-to-do, substantial
vaurastua :: to prosper (e.g. financially)
vaurio :: damage (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm)
vaurioittaa :: To damage (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction)
vaurioitua :: to be damaged
vauva :: baby (a very young child)
vauva :: a baby animal
vauvabuumi :: A baby boom
vauvakieli :: baby talk
vauvakutsut :: baby shower (celebration)
vauvala :: baby kindergarten
vauvamainen :: babylike
vauvanruoka :: baby food
vauvantalkki :: baby powder
vauvaperhe :: A family with a baby
vauvareppu :: child carrier, baby carrier (any device for carrying babies or very young children within a framework carried as a backpack or on the front of the body)
vauvarokko :: roseola
vauveli :: baby
vavahtaa :: To shake, tremble
vavahtelu :: tremor
vavista :: To shiver, shudder, quiver, tremble
vedalainen :: Vedic
vedalaisuus :: The Vedic religion
vedanta [Hinduism] :: Vedanta (Hindu school of philosophy)
veda-uskonto :: The Vedic religion
Vedda :: One of an indigenous people of Sri Lanka
vedekkyys :: wateriness
vedekäs :: watery
vedellä :: to pull (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
vedenalainen :: underwater
vedenerotin :: water separator
vedenhaltija :: merman, water spirit
vedenhankinta :: water acquisition
vedenheitto :: urination
vedenjakaja :: watershed [outside US], drainage divide, water divide (boundary between two drainage basins)
vedenjakelu :: water supply
vedenkeitin :: electric kettle
vedenkesto :: water resistance
vedenkestävä :: waterproof
vedenkestävyys :: waterproofness
vedenkirkas :: Very clear, completely transparent
vedenkorkeus :: water level
vedenkulutus :: water consumption
vedenlaatu :: water quality
vedenneito :: water nymph
vedenpaine :: water pressure
vedenpaisumus :: deluge
vedenpaljous :: A large amount of water
vedenpinta :: water level
vedenpinta :: water surface
vedenpitävä :: watertight
vedenpitävyys :: waterproofness
vedenpäällinen :: Above the surface of water
vedenpohja :: bottom, bed (of a water body)
vedenpoisto :: drainage
vedenpoistoletku :: drainage hose
vedenpoistopumppu :: dewatering pump
vedenpuhdistamo :: water treatment plant
vedenpuhdistin :: water purifier
vedenpuhdistus :: water purification
vedenpuhdistuslaitos :: water treatment plant
vedenpuute :: water shortage
vedenraja :: shoreline
vedensekainen :: Mixed with water, watery
vedensäännöstely :: water rationing
vedensyvyys :: water depth
vedestä noutava lintukoira :: water dog
vedetön :: waterless
vedin :: pull (device meant to be pulled, as a lever, knob, or handle)
vedin :: In plural (vetimet), clothes, attire
vedonlyönti :: betting
vedonvälittäjä :: bookmaker, bookie
vedos :: dump
vedos :: draft
vedos [visual art] :: print
vedota :: To appeal
vedättää [slightly, colloquial] :: to mislead, cheat, scam, take for a ride
vedättää :: to cause something or someone to pull
vedättää :: To make (e.g. prices) rise (in a dishonest sense)
vedättäjä :: shill (accomplice at a confidence trick)
vedätys :: scam, fraud, swindle, cheat, cheating
vedätyttää :: alternative form of vedättää
veena [musici] :: veena (instrument)
Veera :: female given name
Veeti :: male given name
vegaani :: A vegan
vegaaninen :: vegan (relating to vegans or veganism)
veganismi :: veganism
vegepurilainen :: veggie burger, garden burger
vegetaari :: vegetarian
vegetaarinen :: vegetarian
vegetariaani :: vegetarian
vegetarianismi :: vegetarianism
vegetarismi :: vegetarianism
vegetaristi :: vegetarian
vegetaristinen :: vegetarian
vegetatiivinen :: vegetative
vehje :: An unspecified piece of apparatus, or one for which one does not know a real name, a gimmick or a thingamajig
vehje :: Contraption
vehje :: In plural, the equipment or the utensils
vehje :: In plural, the male genitals
vehka :: calla (Calla palustris)
vehkeillä :: To conspire
vehmas :: lush
vehnä :: wheat
vehnäjauho :: wheat flour
vehnäleipä :: wheat bread
vehnänalkio :: wheat germ
vehnänjyvä :: grain of wheat
vehnänorasmehu :: wheatgrass juice
vehreä :: verdant
veijari :: trickster (impish or playful person)
Veijo :: male given name
veikata :: To bet for money
veikata :: To guess, bet
veikeä :: funny, jovial
Veikka :: male given name, a modern variant of Veikko
veikkaus :: guess
Veikkausliiga :: The name of the Finnish national championship league in soccer since 1990
veikko :: chap, fellow
veikko :: brother
Veikko :: male given name
Veiksel :: Vistula
veisata :: To psalm, to sing for the praise of God, especially in a divine service
veistää :: To carve, cut
veistää :: To sculpture, sculpt, hew
veistos :: A sculpture (a work of art created by sculpting)
Veistotaltta :: the constellation Caelum, the Chisel
veisu :: chant
veisuu :: chanting
veitikka :: rascal
veitikkamainen :: roguish, mischievous
veitsi :: knife
veitsikytkin [electricity distribution] :: knife switch
veitsiteline :: knife block
veitsituki :: knife rest (piece of kitchenware)
veivata :: To crank
veivi :: crank
vekara :: kid, child
veke :: away
vekittää :: to pleat (to form one or more pleats in a piece of fabric or a garment)
vekki :: pleat
vekkihame :: pleated skirt
vekotin :: An unspecified piece of apparatus, or one for which one does not know a real name; a gimmick, thingamajig, contraption, contrivance, device, fandango, gadget, widget
väekäs :: populous
veks :: away
vekseli :: bill of exchange, bill
veksillologia :: vexillology (study of flags)
vektori :: A vector
vektorialgebra :: vector algebra
vektorianalyysi :: vector calculus
vektoriavaruus :: vector space
vektorikenttä :: vector field
vektoritulo [vector algebra] :: vector product
velaari :: A velar
velaarinen :: velar
velallinen [religion, rare] :: Having debt in figurative sense, as towards other people and the God due to committed sins
velallinen :: A debtor
velaton :: debt free
velho :: wizard
velhokala :: stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)
velhotar :: A wizardess
velhous :: wizardry, sorcery
veli :: brother
Veli :: male given name
veliinipaperi :: vellum
velipuoli :: half-brother
velipuoli :: stepbrother
veljeillä :: To fraternize
veljekset :: brothers (collective term for people who are each other's brothers)
veljellinen :: brotherly
veljenpoika :: fraternal nephew
veljentytär :: fraternal niece
veljes :: brother
veljeskunta :: brotherhood (society)
veljessota :: One of the various names of the the Finnish Civil War (1918)
veljestö :: brotherhood (association)
veljeys :: fraternity, brotherhood (concept)
velka :: debt
velka :: olla ~ : to owe (someone)
velka :: olla veloissa + possessive suffix: to be indebted, to owe
velkaantua :: to run into debt
velkainen :: indebted
velkaisin :: superlative form of velkainen
velkaisuus :: indebtedness
velkakirja :: promissory note; IOU (document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money to someone else, often with the deadline and interest fees)
velkaorja [by extension, informal] :: debt slave (someone heavily in debt, an indebted person)
velkaorja :: indentured servant (debt bondage worker)
velkaorjuus [by extension, informal] :: debt slavery (state of being heavily indebted)
velkaorjuus :: debt bondage, indenture
velkaraha :: borrowed money
velkataakka :: debt burden
velkatodistus :: debenture (certificate that certifies an amount of money owed to someone)
velkauttaa :: alternative form of velkaannuttaa
velkoa :: To dun (to ask or beset a debtor for payment)
velkoja :: creditor
Vellamo :: A goddess of waters, the wife of Ahto in the Kalevala
Vellamo :: female given name
velli :: gruel
velloa :: to churn, swirl about, mill (to move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion)
velmuilija :: joker, prankster
velmuilla :: To joke, do pranks
velodromi :: velodrome
veloittaa :: to charge (to assign a debit to an account)
veloitus :: charge (amount of money levied for a service)
veloituslasku :: debit note
velosipedi :: penny farthing (type of bicycle popular in the 19th century, with the front wheel far larger than the rear one)
velosipedi :: bicycle
veltostua :: To slacken
veltostuttaa :: To make indolent or slack
veltostuttava :: indolent (inducing laziness)
veltto :: limp (as opposed to stiff)
veltto :: sluggish, lethargic, slothful
velttoilija :: slacker
velttoutua :: alternative form of veltostua
velvoite :: obligation, commitment
velvoittaa :: To obligate
velvollinen :: bound, obliged
velvollisuus :: duty
velvollisuus :: obligation
velvollisuus :: responsibility
vemmel :: shaft bow
vemmelsääri :: A nickname of a hare in many folk fables
vemmelsuoli [anatomy, informal] :: sigmoid colon
vempain :: widget, contraption, gadget, gizmo
vempele :: alternative form of vemmel
vemppa :: conscript exempted from such education
vemppa :: profile [US] (exemption from marching, combat and physical education)
vemputin :: gizmo, apparatus
vena :: vein (blood vessel that transports blood from the capillaries back to the heart)
venakko :: Russian female
venata [slang, colloquial + partitive] :: to wait, await
venda [nautical slang] :: A tack (sailing maneuver)
vendikausi :: the Vendian, former name of the Ediacaran
vendikautinen :: Vendian
vene :: boat
veneenrakentaja :: boatbuilder
veneenveistäjä :: boatwright (maker of boats, especially of traditional wooden construction)
veneerinen :: venereal
veneetön :: boatless, free of or lacking boats
veneilijä :: boater
veneily :: boating
veneluu :: navicular bone; scaphoid bone
venemuoto :: A shape resembling that of a boat
venemuoto :: boat (one of the conformationss of cyclohexane)
venepakolainen :: boat person (member of boat people)
venepoliisi :: water police
venerologia :: venereology
venesatama :: marina (harbour mainly intended for pleasure boats and yachts)
venesektio :: venesection
Venetsia :: Venice
venetsialainen :: Venetian
venetsialainen :: a Venetian person
Venetsianlahti :: The Gulf of Venice
venevaja :: boathouse
Venezuela :: Venezuela
venezuelanvyötiäinen :: Llanos long-nosed armadillo, Dasypus sabanicola
venähdys :: distension
venähdys :: strain
venhe :: dated form of vene
venho [archaic, poetic] :: boat
venähtää :: To bolt (grow quickly)
venähtää :: To strain (injure)
venäjä :: Russian (language)
Venäjä :: Russia
Venäjän federaatio :: The Russian Federation
venäjän kieli :: Russian (language)
venäjänkielinen :: Expressed in the Russian language
venäjänkielinen :: Russian-speaking, Russophone
venäjännös :: Russian translation
venäjänsampi :: Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)
Venäjän SFNT :: The Russian SFSR
venäjäntää :: to translate into Russian
venäjänvinttikoira :: borzoi
venkoilu :: monkey business (activity that may be considered illegal, questionable, or a vice, but not felonious)
Venla :: female given name
venäläinen :: Russian
venäläinen :: Russian (person)
Venäläinen :: Finnish surname
venäläistää :: To Russify (to make Russian)
venäläistäminen :: russification (act or process of making or becoming Russian in character)
venäläistyä :: to Russify, to become Russian
venäläistyminen :: Russification (becoming more Russian)
venäläisyys :: Russianness (quality or characteristic of being Russian)
Vennamo :: Finnish surname
venografia :: venography
venät :: A Russian
ventata :: To wait
ventilaatio :: ventilation
ventiloida :: To ventilate
ventovieras :: absolutely strange, utterly unknown, completely unfamiliar
venttiili :: A valve
venturi-ilmiö :: venturi effect
venturipesuri :: A venturi scrubber
venturiputki :: venturi tube
Venus [Roman god] :: Venus (goddess, planet)
venyä :: To stretch
venytellä :: to rax (to stretch after sleep)
venytellä :: to stretch, flex (one's own muscles)
venytetty :: stretched
venyttää :: to stretch (to cause to become longer by stretching)
venyttää totuutta :: To stretch the truth
venyttäytyä :: To stretch oneself
venytys :: stretch
vepsä :: the Veps language
Vepsäläinen :: Finnish surname
veranta :: verandah
verbaalinen :: verbal
verbalisoida :: To verbalize
verbenoni :: verbenone
verbi :: verb
verbilauseke :: verb phrase (phrase that functions syntactically as a verb)
verekäs :: Containing blood
verekäs :: plethoric
verenhimo :: bloodlust
verenhimoinen :: bloodthirsty
verenhimoisesti :: bloodthirstily
verenhimoisuus :: bloodthirstiness
verenhukka :: blood loss, bloodloss
verenimijä :: bloodsucker, leech (one who attempts to take as much from others as possible)
verenimijä :: bloodsucker (one who drinks the blood of others)
verenkierto :: blood flow, circulation of blood
verenkierto :: vascular, cardiovascular or circulatory; as modifier in compound terms
verenkuva :: blood count
verenluovuttaja :: blood donor
verenluovutus :: blood donation
verenmyrkytys :: sepsis blood poisoning (serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed, and a known or suspected infection is present)
verenmyrkytys :: (pathology) septicemia, septicaemia, blood poisoning (form of sepsis in which the pathogens are concentrated in blood)
verenpaine :: blood pressure
verenpisara :: fuchsia (plant of the genus Fuchsia, with red, pink or purple flowers, many of which are popular garden plants)
verenpuna :: hemoglobin
verenpunainen :: crimson
verensekainen :: sanguinolent (containing or tinged with blood)
verensiirto :: blood transfusion
verensokeri :: blood sugar
veren tahrima :: bloodstained
verentahrima :: alternative form of veren tahrima
verentungos :: congestion (overfullness of blood vessels)
verenvuodatus :: A bloodshed (shedding or spilling of blood)
verenvuodon tyrehdyttäminen :: hemostasis
verenvuoto :: bleeding
verenvuotokuume :: hemorrhagic fever
verenvuototauti :: haemophilia/hemophilia
verestää :: To refresh (memories)
veretön :: bloodless
verettömyys :: bloodlessness
verettömyys :: ischaemia
verevä :: fresh
verhiö :: A calyx
verho :: curtain
verho :: window blind
verhoilija :: upholsterer
verhoilla :: To upholster
verhoilu :: upholstery
verhoilukangas :: upholstery fabric
verhokangas :: curtain fabric
verhota :: To curtain
verhoutua :: To curtain, to cloak
veri :: blood (liquid flowing in human and animal bodies)
veriapila :: crimson clover, Italian clover, Trifolium incarnatum (annual clover used as forage and hay)
veriappelsiini :: blood orange (type of orange)
verifikaatio :: verification
verifikaatti :: verification
verifioida :: To verify
verigreippi :: pink grapefruit (type of grapefruit)
verihaava :: bloody wound, bleeding wound
verihapero :: a brittlegill (Russula sanguinea)
verihelttaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius semisanguineus
veriherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus langei
verihierakka :: Alternative term for punahierakka, Rumex sanguineus
verihiutale :: platelet, thrombocyte
verijuotikas :: European medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis
verijuuri :: agrimony
verikivi :: haematite, hematite
verikoe :: blood test
verikoira :: A bloodhound (dog)
verikoira :: A bloodhound (person)
verikosto :: Vendetta
verileipä :: blood bread (bread made with blood)
verilöyly :: A massacre, bloodbath, carnage, bloodshed
verimakkara :: blood sausage (sausage including blood)
verimyrkky [chiefly, cytology] :: hemotoxin
verinahka :: dermis
verinen :: bloody (characterised by bloodshed)
verinen :: bloody (containing blood)
verinen :: bloody (covered in blood)
verineste :: blood plasma
veriohukas :: A kind of crêpe or thin pancake made of blood
verioppi :: hematology
veripankki :: blood bank
veripeippi :: shiso, perilla (herb Perilla frutescens)
veriplasma [hematology] :: blood plasma
verirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius sanquifluus
veriryhmä :: blood type
veriseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius sanguineus
verisesti :: bloodily
verisolu :: blood cell
verisukulainen :: A blood relative, person consanguine/consanguineous with someone
verisukulaisuus :: blood relation, consanguinity
verisuoni :: A blood vessel
verisuonikasvain :: angioma (benign tumor caused by overgrowth of capillary vessels)
verisuonten kalkkeutuminen :: A widely used but inexact common term for ateroskleroosi, atherosclerosis
verisuonten kalkkiutuminen :: alternative form of verisuonten kalkkeutuminen
verisyöpä :: blood cancer
verisyöpä :: leukemia [US], leukaemia [UK] (type of blood cancer affecting blood cells)
verisyys :: bloodiness
veritahra :: blood stain
veritankkaus [sports, doping] :: blood doping (the (illegal) practice of giving additional red blood cells to an athlete in order to improve his/her performance)
veritautioppi :: hematology, haematology
veritulppa [hematology, pathology] :: blood clot, thrombus
veriura :: A fuller (groove in the blade of a sword or knife)
verivana :: blood trail
veriveli :: blood brother
verivihollinen :: archenemy, mortal enemy
verivirtsainen :: hematuric
verivirtsaisuus :: hematuria
verka :: baize (type of woollen fabric)
verka [billiards] :: cloth, felt, green baize
verkkaan :: slowly
verkkainen :: deliberate
verkkainen :: slow, sluggish
verkkaisa :: slow, sluggish
verkkaisasti :: alternative form of verkkaisesti
verkkaisesti :: slowly, sluggishly
verkkaisuus :: slowness, sluggishness
verkkarit :: sweatpants
verkko :: fishnet (short of kalaverkko, a net used to catch fish)
verkko :: grid
verkko :: grill
verkko :: mesh
verkko :: net
verkko :: network
verkko :: web
Verkko :: The constellation Reticulum, the Reticle
verkkokalvo :: retina
verkkokalvon rappeuma [lb, fi, pathology, ophthalmology] :: macular degeneration
verkkokamera :: A webcam
verkkokangas :: fishnet (fabric)
verkkokauppa :: online store, online shop
verkkokonferenssi :: web conference
verkkomaha :: A reticulum, honeycomb stomach (second stomach of a ruminant)
verkkonimimerkki :: nom de Web
verkkopallo [sports, dated] :: tennis
verkkopallo :: netball
verkkopalvelin :: web server
verkkopalvelu :: web service
verkkopeli :: online game
verkkoprotokolla :: Internet Protocol (communication protocol that enables networking a large number of computers to the Internet by providing the basis for packet switching, routing, addressing and other essential functions of the net)
verkkopuumuura :: bar-crested antshrike
verkkorikollinen :: cybercriminal
verkkorikollisuus :: cybercrime (crime committed using computer networks)
verkkorikos :: cybercrime (individual crime committed using computer networks)
verkkoroolipeli :: online role-playing game
verkkosähkö :: grid electricity
verkkosiipinen :: net-winged insect; any insect of the order Neuroptera
verkkosilikaatti :: phyllosilicate (mineral)
verkkosilmä :: A compound eye
verkkosivu :: web page
verkkoutua :: To network
verkkovakoilu :: cyberespionage
verkkoyhteys :: internet access
verkonpaino :: A (small) weight attached to the lower edge of a fishing net to keep it upright in the water
verkonpaino :: paperweight (useless object)
verkosto :: connections, network (people with whom one is acquainted who can offer help and influence)
verkosto :: network
verkostoitua :: alternative form of verkkoutua
verkostua :: alternative form of verkkoutua
verkottua :: alternative form of verkkoutua
vermeet :: gear, stuff
vermikuliitti :: vermiculite
vermiselli :: vermicelli
vermutti :: vermouth
Verna :: female given name
Verneri :: male given name
vernissa :: varnish (liquid containing processed oils, resins and solvents in varying proportions, which forms a glossy finish on e.g. wood and paintings when dried)
vero :: tax
veroaste :: millage (property tax rate expressed in mills)
veroaste :: tax rate
verohelpotus :: tax relief (lowering of a tax through special provisions other than general cut of tax rate)
veroilmoitus [accounting, government] :: tax return
veroinen :: comparable , equal, match
verokarhu :: taxman
verokertymä :: taxation (revenue gained from taxes)
verokortti :: income-tax card
verokortti :: (US closest equivalent) payroll withholding statement, withholding statement, W-2 Form (officially Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement)
veroleikkaus :: tax cut (lowering of a tax rate)
veromerkki :: tax stamp (stamp used as proof of collection of income tax in 1944-78)
veromerkki :: tax stamp (sticker affixed on the windscreen of a car as proof of payment of the vehicle tax in 1994-96)
veronalainen :: taxable (subject to taxation)
veronalainen :: Veronese (of or relating to Verona, Italy)
veronalainen :: Veronese (person from Verona)
veronalennus :: tax cut (lowering of a tax rate)
veronkantaja :: tax collector (person or entity responsible for collecting taxes)
veronkanto :: tax collection, collection of taxes
veronkevennys :: tax cut (an act of lowering taxes)
veronkiertäjä :: tax evader, tax dodger (one who illegally avoids paying tax)
veronkierto :: tax avoidance
veronmaksaja :: taxpayer
veronpalautus :: tax refund, tax rebate
veropaketti :: tax package (political decision combining a number of tax-related issues, supposedly coordinated and balancing each other)
veroparatiisi :: tax haven
veropetos :: tax fraud
veroprosentti :: tax rate
veroratkaisu :: A part of a tulopoliittinen sopimus ("income policy agreement") concerning taxes; see usage notes under tulopolitiikka#Usage notes for explanation of central income policy terminology
verorästi [often plural] :: taxes not paid on time
verosuunnittelu :: tax avoidance (legal practices of optimizing taxation)
verotettava :: taxable
verotoimisto :: tax office (branch office of the national tax authority)
veroton :: taxfree, taxless
verottaa :: To tax
verottaja :: tax collector, taxman
verotulo :: tax revenue (total revenue which a taxing entity - state, municipality etc. - gets from all taxes)
verotulot :: tax revenues
verotus , accounting] :: taxation
verovalmistelu :: tax preparation
verovapaa :: tax-exempt
verovapaa :: tax-free
verovapaus :: exemption from taxes
verovähennyskelpoinen :: Tax-deductible
veroviranomainen :: A tax collector
verran :: much, about, amount; used to indicate inexact quantities in comparison to something else
verrannollinen :: comparative
verrannollinen :: proportional
verrata :: to compare, contrast
verraten :: comparably, relatively
verraton :: unparalleled
verrattain :: comparably, relatively
verrattavissa :: olla verrattavissa: to be comparable to
verrattuna :: verrattuna + illative: compared to
verrokki :: something to be compared to something else, a comparison, reference or control
verrytellä :: to flex
verryttely :: flexing, flex (act of flexing)
verryttelyasu :: sweatsuit, tracksuit
verryttelyhousut :: sweatpants, sweatsuit trousers
verryttelypuku :: sweatsuit, tracksuit
versaali :: upper case
versaalisini [mathematics, obsolete] :: versed sine
versini [mathematics, rare] :: versed sine
versio :: version
versionhallinta :: revision control, source control, version control
versionumero :: version number
verso :: sprout, shoot
versoa :: to sprout
verstas :: A workshop
verta :: match (equal or superior in comparison); currently mostly used in a number of idiomatic expressions
vertahyytävä :: bloodcurdling
vertailla :: To compare
vertailu :: comparison
vertailuaste :: A degree of comparison
vertailukelpoinen :: comparable
vertailumuoto :: A degree of comparison
vertainen :: equal, peer
vertaisarviointi :: A peer review
vertaisverkko :: peer-to-peer network
vertauskuva :: allegory
vertauskuvallinen :: metaphorical
vertauskuvallinen :: symbolic, symbolical
vertauskuvallisesti :: metaphorically
vertauskuvallistaa :: to metaphorize (to describe something using metaphors)
vertikaali :: vertical
vertikaalinen :: vertical
veruke :: pretext
vesa :: A new shoot or sprout of a plant, especially a new branch of a tree or the new growth at the tip of a branch
vesa :: A scion [descendant]
vesa :: A young tree
vesa :: A child, kid
Vesa :: male given name
Vesa :: Finnish surname
vesaikko :: alternative form of vesakko
vesakko :: coppice, copse (thicket of young trees)
vesi :: (in place names) lake
vesi :: rheum; often in plural (vedet) (watery or thin discharge from the eyes)
vesi :: water
vesiallas :: water pool
vesialue :: water area (area covered by water)
vesibiologia :: hydrobiology
vesiekosysteemi :: aquatic ecosystem
vesielämä :: aquatic life
vesiharus :: bobstay, gammon
vesihaude :: bain-marie, double boiler (cooking method)
vesihiihto :: water skiing
vesihämähäkki :: diving bell spider, water spider, Argyroneta aquatica (species of spider living almost entirely underwater)
vesihoito :: hydrotherapy
vesihuolto :: water supply (provision of water by public utilities, commercial organisations, community endeavours or by individuals, usually via a system of pumps and pipes)
vesihöyry :: Visible droplets of water suspended in the air; steam, mist, water vapor
vesihöyry :: The gas phase of water; the water vapour [British], or water vapor [US]
vesijetti :: jet ski, water scooter
vesijäähdytys :: water cooling
vesijohto :: water pipe
vesijohtovesi :: tap water
vesikalvo :: amnion (innermost membrane of the fetal membranes)
vesikannu :: A pitcher, waterjug, water jar (wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids, with a spout or protruding lip and a handle)
vesikastanja :: water chestnut (edible seed of this plant)
vesikastanja :: water chestnut, Eleocharis dulcis
vesikasvi :: water plant
vesikatto :: The outermost part of a roof structure
vesikauhu :: rabies, hydrophobia
vesikauhuinen :: rabid, hydrophobic
vesikauris :: water deer, Hydropotes inermis
vesikehä :: hydrosphere
vesikehärousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius aquizonatus
vesikello :: A blister, bulla, or dermal vesicle that has a diameter of more than 5 mm
vesikello :: water clock
vesikidutus :: waterboarding
vesikirppu :: water flea
vesikives :: hydrocele testicle
vesikko :: European mink (Mustela lutreola)
vesikoira :: A Spanish Water Dog or Portuguese Water Dog
vesikrassi :: watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
vesikäärme :: Hydra
Vesikäärme :: The constellation Hydra
vesikulkuneuvo :: A vehicle that operates in water
vesikuoppa :: A waterhole
vesilaitos :: water works
vesilasi :: glass of water
vesilasi :: sodium silicate, water glass
vesilehti [botany, rare] :: A leaf of a living plant that floats in the water, e.g. the leaf of a waterlily
vesilehti :: A heraldic charge that resembles the leaf of a waterlily with a trefoil in the middle
vesileima :: digital watermark
vesileima :: watermark
vesileimallinen :: watermarked
vesileimata :: To watermark (to mark paper with watermark)
vesileimata :: To waterstamp (to mark a datafile with watermark)
vesileimaus :: A watermark (mark)
vesileimaus :: watermarking (process)
vesilentokone :: seaplane
vesiliirto :: hydroplaning, aquaplaning (of a road vehicle, to slide on a thin film of water)
vesililja :: water lily
vesilinja :: A waterline
vesilintu :: waterfowl
vesilisko :: smooth newt, common newt (Lissotriton vulgaris, Triturus vulgaris)
vesiliukoinen :: water-soluble (capable of dissolving in water)
vesiliukumäki :: water slide (recreational slide with water flowing down it to reduce friction)
vesilukko :: trap (bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids)
vesimeloni :: watermelon
vesimies :: Aquarius
Vesimies :: The zodiac sign Aquarius
Vesimies :: The constellation Aquarius
vesiminttu :: watermint, Mentha aquatica
vesimittari :: water meter (device)
vesimittari :: water strider (insect of the family Gerridae)
vesimuodostuma [science, legal] :: body of water
vesimyyrä :: Any of the other large voles so called, such as Southwestern Water Vole and Montane Water Vole
vesimyyrä :: The European water vole, Arvicola amphibius, formerly Arvicola terrestris
vesinokkaeläin :: A platypus, Ornitorhynchus anatinus
vesinäyte :: water sample
vesiohenteinen :: water-soluble (of paints, capable of being diluted by water)
vesioikeus :: Until 2000, a court specialized in water law and related administration; now their tasks belong mostly to aluehallintovirasto
vesioikeus :: water law (branch of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource)
vesioinas :: hydraulic ram
vesipää :: hydrocephalus
vesipöhö :: edema
vesipähkinä :: water caltrop (edible seed of these plants)
vesipähkinä :: water caltrop (either of closely related water plants, West Eurasian Trapa natans or East Asian Trapa bicornis)
vesipiippu :: A water pipe, hookah (Turkish waterpipe)
vesipisara :: drop of water, waterdrop
vesiposti :: hydrant
vesipääsky :: phalarope (small wading birds in the genus Phalaropus)
vesipääsky :: red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus (type species of the genus Phalaropus)
vesipäästäinen :: The Eurasian water shrew
vesipuhveli :: A water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis
vesipuisto :: aquapark, water park
vesipula :: water shortage
vesipumppu :: water pump
vesiputki :: water pipe
vesiputous :: A waterfall
vesipyörä :: water wheel
vesipyörre :: water vortex
vesipyörre :: whirlpool
vesiraja :: The imaginary line at the waist, below which the pubic hair grows
vesiraja :: waterline (line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat)
vesiraja :: waterfront (the line that separates a body of water from the dry land, or the land in the immediate vicinity of it)
vesiraja :: waterline (line showing where the water has been)
vesirinkeli :: bagel
vesirokko :: chickenpox
Vesisaari :: Vadsø
vesisade :: rain
vesiselvä :: stone cold sober (having zero alcohol in blood)
vesisiippa :: Daubenton's bat, Myotis daubentoni
vesisika :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
vesisäiliö :: cistern, toilet tank (in a flush toilet, the container in which the water used for flushing is held)
vesisäiliö :: cistern, water tank (reservoir or tank for holding water)
vesiskootteri :: jet ski, water scooter, personal water craft
vesiskorpioni :: water scorpion
vesisärötys :: hydraulic fracturing (oil extraction technique)
vesistö :: drainage basin
vesistö :: water system, body of water
vesisuksi :: water ski
vesisynnytys :: water birth (form of childbirth)
vesitaso :: seaplane
vesiterapia :: hydrotherapy
vesitie :: waterway
vesitiede :: hydrology
vesitiiveys :: watertightness
vesitiivis :: watertight
vesitiivistää :: To waterproof
vesitiiviys :: alternative form of vesitiiveys
vesitorni :: water tower
vesitse :: by water, over water
vesittää :: To water down (weaken)
vesittyä :: To become watered down (also figuratively)
vesiturbiini :: water turbine
vesitystauti :: diabetes insipidus
vesiurheilu :: watersport, aquatics
vesivaaka :: A spirit level
vesivarat :: water reserves
vesivatsa :: ascites
vesiveski :: WC, water toilet
vesiviljely :: hydroponics
vesivoima :: hydropower
vesivoimala :: hydroelectric plant
vesiväri :: watercolor
vesivärimaalaus :: watercolour, aquarelle (painting made by using water-soluble pigments)
vesivärimaalaus :: watercolour (this kind of painting as a genre)
vesivärimaali :: any water-soluble paint
vesivärimaali :: watercolour, watercolour paint (paint made for artistic purposes of water-soluble pigments, binder and additives, usually sold as concentrate in tubes or dried cakes called pans)
veska :: bag; handbag, purse
veska :: goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender
veski :: WC, washroom
vesoa :: to shoot, sprout (to produce new growth, especially new branches to a tree or bush)
vespa :: scooter (motorcycle or moped equipped with a platform for the operator's feet)
vessa :: toilet (room or seat)
vessaharja :: toilet brush (brush to clean toilet bowl)
vessanpönttö :: toilet seat
vessapaperi :: toilet paper
vessapaperirulla :: toilet roll
väestö :: Population; the people living within a political or geographical boundary
vestibulaarinen :: vestibular (of or pertaining to the vestibule of the inner ear)
väestömaantiede :: population geography
väestönkasvu :: population growth
väestönlaskenta :: Census
väestönsuoja :: air-raid shelter
väestönsuojelu :: civil defence, civil defense, civil protection
väestöntiheys :: alternative form of väestötiheys
väestöpyramidi :: population pyramid
väestörekisteri :: civil registry, civil register, population registry
väestöräjähdys :: population explosion
väestöryhmä :: a demographic, a demographic group
väestötiede :: demography
väestötiheys :: population density
vesuri :: A wood-cutting hand tool, with a hook-shaped point, and fitted with a (short) handle, used mainly in pruning; a bill or a billhook
vesuvianiitti :: vesuvianite
vetää :: to blow (of the draft)
vetää :: ~ oikeuteen : to bring to justice, sue
vetää [slang, art, music] :: to perform
vetää :: to ingest
vetää :: to wind up (to tighten by winding or twisting)
vetää :: to lead
vetää :: to pull
vetää :: ~ vessa : to flush the toilet
vetehinen :: merman (male water spirit in Finnish mythology, sometimes evil, but mostly friendly)
vetelä :: sloppy, slack, lethargic
vetelä :: squishy
vetelä :: thin (of porridge etc.)
vetelehtiä :: to mess around, fool around, goof off, mooch about, dawdle
vetelehtijä :: loiterer
vetelys :: slacker, slob
veteraani :: veteran, old-timer
vetää hirsiä :: To saw wood (to snore)
vetinen :: watery
vetäistä :: To yank, give a quick pull
vetistää :: to water down
vetistellä :: To cry, shed a tear
vetäjä :: leader (one who leads, especially a small group)
vetäjä :: puller (one who or something that pulls)
vetää käteen :: To masturbate; to wank, jerk off
vetämätön :: lethargic
vetää nenästä :: To outwit, to outsmart, to outfox
veto :: bet, wager (e.g. in gambling)
veto :: move, as in a debate or game
veto :: draught/draft of air
veto :: pull (act of pulling)
veto :: pull (attractive force)
veto :: stroke of hand, oar etc
veto :: veto
vetoauto :: A tractor (truck used to pull a trailer or a semi-trailer)
vetoinen :: drafty, drawn
vetoinen :: movable under force, driven, pulled
vetoisa :: Drafty (referring to a current of air in a room etc.)
vetoisuus :: capacity (volume)
vetoisuus :: draft, draught (current of air)
vetoisuus :: tonnage (of a ship)
vetojärjestys [calligraphy] :: stroke order
vetojuhta :: A beast of burden
vetokaappi :: fume hood (a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken)
vetoketju :: zip fastener, zip, zipper
vetokoe :: tensile test
vetokoukku :: trailer hitch
vetolaatikko [furniture] :: A drawer (open-topped box that can be slid in and out of the cabinet that contains it)
vetomurtolujuus :: ultimate tensile strength (greatest tensile stress a material can withstand before it fractures)
vetonaula :: attraction (of visitors etc.), drawcard
vetonuppi :: pull knob
veto-oikeus :: veto (right to stop a decision or law)
vetoomus :: A petition, plea
vetoomustuomioistuin :: court of arbitration
vetoomustuomioistuin :: appellate court, court of appeals (court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a lower court's decisions)
vetopasuuna :: trombone (a musical instrument in the brass family)
vetopeli :: accordion
vetopeli :: tractor (piece of machinery, usually a vehicle, that pulls something)
vetosilmukka :: A slip knot, running knot
vetota :: to veto
vetovoima :: attraction
vetovoima :: gravity
vetovoimainen :: attractive
vetää puoleensa :: To attract
vetreä :: nimble, spry
vetskari :: zipper
vetää suonta :: to cramp, to have a cramp (to contract painfully and uncontrollably, especially in foot or leg)
vetää turpaan :: beat up
vettyä :: To become soaked with water
veturi :: locomotive
veturinkuljettaja :: engine driver
vety :: hydrogen
vetyatomi :: hydrogen atom
vetyauto :: A hydrogen car
vetybromidi :: hydrogen bromide
vetyfluoridi :: hydrogen fluoride
vetykarbonaatti :: bicarbonate
vetykenno :: hydrogen fuel cell
vetykloridi :: hydrogen chloride (inorganic compound with the formula HCl, which forms hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water)
vetymolekyyli :: hydrogen molecule
vetymoottori :: hydrogen engine
vetyperoksidi :: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
vetypommi :: hydrogen bomb
vetysidos :: hydrogen bond
vetysulfiitti :: bisulfite, hydrogen sulfite
vetysyanidi :: hydrogen cyanide
vetytalous :: hydrogen economy
vetäytyä :: ~ eläkkeelle: to retire
vetäytyä :: to pull into
vetäytyä :: to retreat
vetäytyä :: to withdraw, pull out
vety-yhdiste :: hydrogen compound
veuhtoa :: To pull, tug
vähä :: little, few, scarce (low in number or amount)
vähä :: the little
vähä- :: Signifying low quantity or content and especially in names, small size; minor, lesser, having less, low-
Vähä-Aasia :: Asia Minor
väheksyä :: To belittle, disdain, despise, scorn, ridicule, disparage, look down on
väheksyä :: To dismiss, downplay, play down
väheksyä :: To underrate, underestimate
vähemmistö :: minority
vähemmistöhallitus :: minority government (government backed by less than half of votes in parliament)
vähemmistökieli :: minority language
vähemmän :: less
vähempi :: comparative form of vähän
vähenevä :: decreasing
vähenevä :: dwindling
vähennys :: decrease (in quantity)
vähennys :: subtraction, deduction
vähennyskelpoinen [taxation] :: deductible
vähennyskelpoisuus [taxation] :: deductibility
vähennyskelvoton [taxation] :: nondeductible
vähennyskelvottomuus [taxation] :: nondeductibility
vähennyslasku :: subtraction (a calculation involving subtracting)
vähentää :: To subtract
vähentää :: To decrease, reduce, diminish
vähentää :: To deduct (in taxation)
vähentyä :: to decrease in number or amount
vähentynyt :: reduced, diminished
vähetä :: To wane
vähetä :: To decrease in number or amount
vähähappinen :: oxygen-poor
vähimmäis- :: alternative form of vähin ("least"), used as modifier in compound terms
vähimmäisaika :: minimum time
vähimmäishinta :: minimum price, price floor
vähimmäisikä :: minimum age
vähimmäispalkka :: minimum wage
vähimmäisraja :: minimum limit
vähin :: superlative form of vähä
vähäinen :: diminutive (very small)
vähäinen :: slight
vähintään :: at least
vähintään yhtä :: at least as
vähäisempi :: comparative form of vähäinen
vähitellen :: gradually, little by little, bit by bit (in small quantities)
vähiten :: least
vähittäin :: retail (direct to consumers, in retail quantities, or at retail prices)
vähittäinen :: gradual, stepwise, piecemeal (proceeding by steps or small degrees; advancing step by step)
vähittäishinta :: retail price
vähittäiskauppa :: retailer (individual business selling goods directly to the consumer)
vähittäiskauppa :: retail, retail trade (business of selling of goods directly to the consumer)
vähittäismyynti :: retail (activity of selling of goods directly to the consumer)
vähittäismyyntihinta :: retail price
vähäjärkinen :: dim-witted
vähäksyä :: alternative form of väheksyä
vähällä :: on the verge (very near or close)
vähä-älyinen :: retarded
vähä-älyisyys :: retardedness
vähämerkityksellinen :: unimportant
vähämetallinen :: metal-poor
vähämielisyys :: imbecility
vähän :: a little
vähän :: few
vähän [slang, often in the beginning of a sentence] :: very
vähän aikaa :: awhile, for a while (for some time; for a short time)
vähänläntä :: short
vähäosainen :: poor
vähäosainen :: underprivileged (deprived of opportunities and advantages)
vähäosainen :: underprivileged (deprived person)
vähäpätöinen :: insignificant
vähäpätöinen :: negligible
vähärasvainen :: low-fat
Vähä-Syrtti :: The Gulf of Gabès, Minor Syrtis
vähätellä :: To belittle, ridicule, disparage, disdain, detract
vähätellä :: To minimise/minimize, understate, downplay, play down
vähätellä :: To underrate, underestimate
vähättely :: underrating, underestimating
vähävarainen :: An euphemism for poor
Vähä-Venäjä :: Little Russia
vähäverinen :: anemic
vähäverisyys :: anemia (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport)
vähä vähältä :: little by little, bit by bit, gradually (in small quantities)
vähyys :: scarcity
-vi :: An archaic/poetic variant of the standard third-person present
via :: via
viallinen :: faulty, defective
viallisuus :: faultiness, defectiveness
Viangchan :: The official transliteration (recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of the Lao name of Vientiane, the capital of Laos
viaton :: immaculate (having no stain or blemish, spotless, undefiled, clear, pure)
viaton :: innocent
viaton :: pure (free of immoral behavior or qualities; clean)
viattomasti :: innocently
viattomuus :: innocence
vibraatio :: vibration
vibraattori :: A vibrator (device used for sexual stimulation)
vibraattori :: A vibrator (any device that produces vibration)
vibrafoni :: vibraphone
vibrafonisti :: vibraphone player, vibist
vibrioosi :: vibriosis
vichyvesi :: Vichy water
video :: videocassette recorder, VCR
video :: VHS
video :: video
videoida :: To record with a camcorder
videokamera :: camcorder
videokasetti :: videocassette
videokeskustelu :: video chat
videokirjasto :: video library
videokonferenssi :: video conference
videonauha :: videotape
videonauhoite :: video recording
videonauhoitus :: video recording
videonauhuri :: VCR, videocassette recorder
videoneuvottelu :: video conference (conference held by video link)
videopeli :: video game
videopelikonsoli :: video game console
videopuhelin :: videophone
videotykki :: video projector (device that projects digital video images on a screen)
viedä :: ~ oikeuteen : to bring to justice
viedä :: to export
viedä :: to steal
viedä :: to take, bring away
viedä :: to use up, take, occupy (of time or space)
viedä ulos :: To take out
viehe :: lure (artificial fishing bait)
viehkeä :: fair, graceful
viehkeästi :: gracefully
viehättää :: To attract, charm, allure
viehättävä :: attractive
viehättävästi :: attractively
viehättyä :: to be fascinated
viehtymys :: affinity (passionate love for something)
viejä :: exporter
viejä :: One who carries, takes away
viekas :: cunning
viekkaasti :: cunningly
viekkaus :: cunning
viekoitella :: To con someone (= ablative) out of something (= partitive/genitive-accusative)
viekoitella :: To lure, tempt, entice; (sexually) to seduce
viekotella :: alternative form of viekoitella
vielä :: even
vielä :: still
vielä :: yet
vielä :: another
vielä kerran :: yet again
vieläkin :: all the more, even more (more notably due to additional information)
vieläkin :: emphasized still
viemäri :: sewer
viemäröidä :: To add a sewer to
viemäriputki :: sewer pipe
viemärirotta :: sewer rat
viemärisuoli :: cloaca
Vienanmeri :: The White Sea
vieno :: mild, gentle
Vieno :: female given name
Vieno :: male given name
vienosti :: mildly, gently
vienti :: export
Vientiane :: Vientiane (capital of Laos)
vientikielto :: export embargo
vientikiintiö :: export quota
vientikoulutus :: export training
vientilisenssi :: export license
vientitavara :: export, export good (something that is exported)
vientituote :: export (something that is exported)
viera :: A roll of kenkäheinä
vieraampi :: comparative form of vieras
vieraannuttaa :: To estrange, alienate
vieraantua :: to be(come) alienated, be(come) estranged
vieraantua :: to lose touch with
vieraantuminen :: alienation
vieraanvarainen :: hospitable
vieraanvaraisesti :: hospitably
vieraanvaraisuus :: hospitality
vierailija :: visitor
vierailla :: To visit (someone = genitive + luona)
vierailu :: visitation, call
vierailuaika :: visiting time
vieras :: foreign
vieras :: unfamiliar
vieras :: guest, visitor
vieras :: stranger
vierashuone :: guest room, guestroom
vierashuone :: xenodochium (guest room or guesthouse of a monastery)
vierasjoukkue :: visiting team, away team, visitor team, visitors
vieraskielinen :: foreign-language
vieraskorea [of a guest] :: overly courteous
vieraskoreampi :: comparative form of vieraskorea
vieraskorein :: superlative form of vieraskorea
vieraslajisiirre :: A xenotransplant (that which is transplanted in a xenotransplantation)
vieraslajisiirto :: A xenotransplantation (transplantation of an organ or part thereof from one species to another).
vierasmaalainen :: foreign
vierasmaalainen :: A foreigner
vierasmaja :: guesthouse (separate small house to lodge guests, private or paying ones)
vierasmaja :: xenodochium (guesthouse of a monastery)
vierasottelu :: away game
vieraspeli :: away game, road game
vierastaa :: To be shy of
vierastalo :: guesthouse (separate house to lodge guests, private or paying ones)
vierasvenesatama :: A marina that provides mooring and other services, usually for a fee, for visiting boats and yachts, as opposed to a private marina yksityinen, which may have comparable facilities but where visitors are not welcome
vierasvuode :: guest bed
viereen :: next to, used of movement or other type of appearance next to something
vierehen [dialectal, poetic] :: alternative spelling of viereen
viereinen :: adjacent
vierekkäin :: side by side
vierelle :: alternative form of viereen
vieressä :: (static) At, beside, by, near, near to, nearby, next to
vieretysten :: side by side
vierähtää :: to elapse
vieriä :: To roll (like a stone)
vieri :: side
vierihoito :: rooming-in care
vierimiskitka :: rolling resistance (force that resists the rolling of a circular object )
vierimisvastus :: rolling resistance (force that resists the rolling of a circular object )
vierinkivi :: boulder
vierintälaakeri :: roller bearing
vierittää :: ~ syy: to scapegoat (to blame someone for an error of someone else)
vierittää :: to roll
vierittää :: to scroll
vieroa :: To shun
vieroittaa :: to alienate, estrange
vieroittaa :: to break (a drug addict) of a habit, cure (sb's addiction), help (sb kick the habit)
vieroittaa :: to wean (a baby)
vieroittua :: to wean (to cease to depend)
vieroittua :: to wean (to cease to depend of mother's milk)
vieroitus :: withdrawal (process of terminating addictive use of a substance such as alcohol or heroin)
vieroitus :: weaning
vieroitusaika :: weaning period
vieroitusoire :: withdrawal, withdrawal syndrome, abstinence syndrome (such symptoms collectively)
vieroitusoire :: withdrawal symptom, abstinence symptom (individual symptom of terminating the use of an addictive substance)
vieroksua :: To dislike, to consider something strange
vierre :: wort (liquid extract from the ground malt and grain soaked in hot water)
viestiä :: To communicate
viesti :: relay, relay race
viesti :: message
viesti :: signal corps
viestijuoksu :: Relay (race)
viestikapula :: baton (in relay races)
viestiketju :: A thread on a bulletin board or a newsgroup
viestikilpailu :: A relay race
viestimies :: A private in the signal corps
viestin :: A medium (format for communicating or presenting information)
viestintä :: communication
viestintäsatelliitti :: communications satellite
viestinviejä :: messenger
viestitellä :: to exchange messages, keep in touch, stay in communication
viestittää :: to communicate
vietellä :: To lure, tempt, entice; (sexually) to seduce
vieteri :: spring (device)
vieteriukko :: Tigger (overly enthusiastic person)
vieteriukko :: jack-in-the-box
vietnam :: The Vietnamese language
Vietnam :: Vietnam
vietnamilainen :: Vietnamese, of or relating to Vietnam
vietnamilainen :: Vietnamese, relating to the Vietnamese language
vietnamilainen :: A Vietnamese
viettää :: ~ (alas) = to slope (down), incline
viettää :: viettää aikaa: to spend, pass time
viettää :: viettää juhlaa: to celebrate; similarly, viettää syntymäpäiviä: to celebrate birthday, to have a birthday party etc
viettää :: viettää lomaa: to vacation
viettää aikaansa :: to while away (to spend time idly but pleasantly)
viettelevä :: seductive, tempting, alluring
viettelevästi :: seductively, temptingly, alluringly
viettelijä :: seducer
viettelijätär :: temptress, femme fatale
viettely :: seduction (act of seducing)
vietti :: instinct
vietti :: urge
vietto :: celebration
vietto :: declivity
vietto :: gradient
vigilanssi :: vigilance
vigilia :: vigil
vigvami :: wigwam
viha :: anger, fury, rage, wrath, ire
viha :: hate, hatred, hostility, ire
vihaaja :: hater
vihainen :: angry
vihaisesti :: angrily
vihaisuus :: angriness
vihamielinen :: hostile
vihamielisesti :: hostilely
vihamielisyys :: animosity, hostility
vihamies :: (descriptive) An enemy
vihanlietsoja :: hatemonger (one who encourages hatred)
vihannes :: person in a vegetative state
vihannes :: vegetable
vihanneskasvi :: vegetable plant
vihanneskauppias :: greengrocer
vihanneskeitto :: vegetable soup
vihanneskrassi :: garden cress
vihanneslajike :: vegetable variety
vihannesmehu :: vegetable juice
vihannesportulakka :: purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
vihannestori :: vegetable market
vihannoida :: To be verdant
vihanpito :: feud
vihanpurkaus :: outburst of anger
vihanta :: verdant, fresh (abundant in verdure)
vihapuhe :: hate speech
viha-rakkaussuhde :: love-hate relationship
viharikos :: hate crime
vihastua :: To get angry
vihastuttaa :: To make someone angry
vihata :: To hate
vihdoin :: finally, at last
vihdoinkin :: finally, at last
viheliäinen :: wretched
vihellys :: whistle
viheltää :: Shouted when the "whistling" sound of a grenade is heard, used to command infantry to get down in order to shield their body against the explosion
viheltää :: To whistle
viheltäjä :: whistler
viheltäjäsorsa :: whistling duck (bird of the genus Dendrocygna)
viher- :: Used as defining part in many compound nouns to indicate that the object is green. Viher is never used as an independent word. The corresponding independent adjective is vihreä
viheralue [city planning] :: greenspace
viheriö :: A small lawn or garden
viheriö [golf] :: putting green
viheriöidä :: To be green
viherkaihi :: glaucoma
viherkaulus :: green-collar: in Finnish only used as modifier in compound terms
viherkesanto :: green fallow
viherkobra :: Cape cobra (Naja nivea)
viherlakihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula olivaceoviolascens
viherlevä :: green alga
viherluumu :: A greengage
viherminttu :: spearmint, Mentha spicata
viherpeippo :: European greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
viherpestä :: to greenwash (to disseminate information which aims at giving a misleading picture of environment-friendliness of a product or activity)
viherpesu :: a greenwash
viherpippuri :: green pepper (spice)
viherrys :: greening (the act of becoming green)
viherseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius venetus
vihersillihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula elaeodes
vihersipuli :: scallion
vihertää :: to have a green shade
vihertikka :: A green woodpecker, yaffle, Picus viridis
vihertävä :: greenish (somewhat green)
vihertyä :: To become green or greener
vihertyä :: To green (become environmentally aware)
vihervarpunen :: Eurasian siskin Spinus spinus ( <= Carduelis spinus)
vihervoirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius olivinus
vihi :: wind, inkling, scent (slight suspicion or hint)
vihi [hunting, archaic] :: In some traditional hunting traps, a fence that serves to guide the prey towards the trap
vihikoira :: A bloodhound (breed of dog)
vihjaileva :: allusive
vihjailevasti :: suggestively
vihjailla :: to suggest, imply (to express in a suggestive manner rather than as a direct statement)
vihjaista :: To hint
vihjata :: to hint to or towards, to allude to
vihjata :: to suggest, to imply, to insinuate
vihjaus :: An insinuation, implication or innuendo (derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing)
vihje :: hint
vihkiä :: To consecrate, dedicate (a church); to open, inaugurate (something to be used)
vihkiä :: To devote, dedicate, consecrate (one's life; to something = allative)
vihkiä :: To marry, wed, join in holy matrimony (to perform the ceremony of joining spouses)
vihkiä [transitive + genitive-accusative + translative] :: To ordain (priest); to consecrate (bishop)
vihkialttari :: wedding altar
vihkiminen :: consecration (act of consecrating)
vihkipiispa :: auxiliary bishop
vihkisormus :: A wedding ring or wedding band
vihkivesi :: holy water
vihko :: block (set of sheets joined together)
vihko :: notebook
vihkonen :: booklet
vihloa [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have a stabbing pain in
vihloa :: To grate on, hurt, ache (to cause strong, sharp pain, especially to ears or teeth)
vihma :: drizzle
vihmoa [weather] :: to drizzle and blow simultaneously
vihne :: awn
vihneetön :: awnless, beardless (lacking awn)
vihnemänty :: Rocky Mountains bristlecone pine, Pinus aristata
vihoissaan :: Angry, mad (at someone = allative)
vihoitella :: To be angry/mad (at someone = allative)
vihollinen :: An enemy
viholliskone [military, aircraft] :: An enemy aircraft, a bogey
vihollissotilas :: enemy soldier
vihollistaistelija :: enemy combatant
vihonviimeinen :: dead last
vihoviimeinen :: The very last
vihr :: Vihreät (Finnish political party)
Vihr. :: The abbreviation for Vihreät, the Greens (a political party in Finland)
vihreä :: green
vihreä :: green
vihreä :: The color green
vihrein :: superlative form of vihreä
vihreäkivi :: greenschist
vihreä leski :: grass widow
vihreämpi :: comparative form of vihreä
Vihreät :: The Greens (a political party e.g. in Finland)
vihreys :: greenness
vihta :: A kind of whip made of birch twigs and used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by beating oneself with it
vihtoa :: To whip with a vihta
vihtori :: A henpecked husband
vihtori :: A man supported by his wife
Vihtori :: male given name, cognate to Victor
Vihtori :: The letter "V" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
vihtrilli :: vitriol (term traditionally used of some metal sulphates)
vihtrilliöljy :: sulphuric acid, H2SO4
vihulainen :: alternative form of vihollinen
vihurirokko :: The rubella or German measles
vihvilä :: rush (any plant of the genus Juncus)
viidakko :: jungle
viidakko :: thicket
viidakkokissa :: jungle cat, Felis chaus
viidakkoveitsi :: machete
viidennes :: (one-)fifth (one of five equal parts of a whole)
viides :: the fifth, abbreviation 5. , in the names of monarchs and popes V
viides herätysliike :: A revivalist movement born in 1920's
viidesneljättä [archaic, ordinal] :: thirty-fifth
viidesosa :: one fifth (fifth part)
viidesti :: five times
viidestoista :: the fifteenth, abbreviation 15. , in names of monarchs and popes XV
viihde :: entertainment
viihdeala :: showbusiness, showbiz (entertainment industry)
viihdemusiikki :: easy listening
viihdyke :: pastime
viihdyte :: alternative form of viihdyke
viihdyttää :: to entertain
viihdyttäjä :: entertainer
viihtyä :: To enjoy oneself (to take pleasure, to have feelings of enjoyment)
viihtyä :: To get on, get along, enjoy
viihtyä :: To thrive, flourish (to grow vigorously or luxuriantly)
viihtyisä :: comfortable, agreeable (providing physical comfort and ease)
viihtyisä :: cosy/cozy
viihtyisin :: superlative form of viihtyisä
viihtyisämpi :: comparative form of viihtyisä
viihtyisästi :: cozily
viihtyvyys :: comfort (quality of being found as comfortable, in the sense of providing agreeable conditions)
viikarointi :: knavery (boyish mischief)
viikate :: scythe
viikatemies :: Grim Reaper (personification of death)
viikinki :: Viking
viikinkiaika :: The Viking Age
viikko :: A week
viikkolehti :: weekly (publication that is published once a week)
viikoittain :: weekly
viikoittainen :: weekly (happening once a week, or every week)
viikoittainen :: weekly (of or relating to a week)
viikonloppu :: weekend
viikonloppuisin :: At weekends
viikonpäivä :: A day of the week
viikonvaihde :: weekend
viikottain :: alternative form of viikoittain
viikottainen :: alternative form of viikoittainen
viiksekäs :: moustached
viikset {p} :: moustache/mustache
viikset {p} :: whiskers [of a cat or other animal]
viiksi :: In plural (viikset), a moustache
viiksi :: One half of a moustache
viiksi :: Short of viiksikarva; a whisker (a long, projecting hair growing at the sides of the mouth of an animal, e.g. a cat)
viiksi :: vulva
viiksikalastaja :: moustached kingfisher, Actenoides bougainvillei
viiksikarva :: A single hair of a moustache
viiksikarva :: A whisker (one of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of an animal, e.g. a cat)
viiksikäs :: alternative form of viiksekäs
viiksiniekka :: A person having a moustache
viiksisiippa :: whiskered bat, Myotis mystacinus (European species of bat)
viiksitimali [birds] :: bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus)
viiksivaha :: moustache wax
viikuna :: fig, figtree (tree)
viikuna :: fig (fruit)
viikunanlehti :: fig leaf
viikunapuu :: fig (tree or shrub)
viila :: file
viilata :: To file [to smooth, grind, or cut with a file]
viileä :: cool
viileämpi :: comparative form of viileä
viilentää :: to cool, chill (to cause to become cooler)
viileästi :: coolly
viiletä :: To cool
viilettää :: to fly, speed, career (to move rapidly, especially without mechanical power on foot, bicycle, skis etc.)
viileys :: coolness
viili :: Nordic kind of sour milk, similar to yoghurt but less sour
viilipytty :: A container in which viili is fermented
viilipytty :: A person who keeps calm even in a situation where an average person would lose his temper
viille :: alternative form of viillos
viillellä :: To incise (repeatedly, continuously and/or indifferently)
viillos :: slash, cut
viiltää :: To incise, slit
viiltely :: incising, incision (the act)
Viiltäjä-Jack :: Jack the Ripper
viilto :: incision, slash, cut, slit, gash (longish, straight, sharp-edged opening resulting from incising, cutting etc.)
viiltohaava :: An incision or an incised wound
viiltosara :: acute sedge, Carex acuta
viilu :: Any thin layer of wood (not necessarily a "fine" one), such as one cut for production of plywood
viilu :: A veneer as thin layer of fine wood
viima :: Strong, cold wind
viimeaikainen :: recent
viime aikoina :: lately, of late (in the recent past)
viime hetki :: last minute
viimein :: finally
viimeinen :: dying (pertaining to the moments before death)
viimeinen :: last, final
viimeinen :: translative of ordinal number + ~ : nth last
viimeinen huuto :: state of the art
viimeinen voitelu [dated, Catholicism] :: extreme unction (sacrament of the Catolic Church)
viimeinkin :: finally
viimeiseksi :: lastly, finally, ultimately (indicating the last item)
viimeisen päälle :: to a T, perfectly, with great attention to detail
viimeisin :: latest so far, most recent
viimeistä edellinen :: penultimate
viimeistelijä :: A polisher (one who refines or gives the finishing touch)
viimeistellä :: To finish (to apply a final treatment to)
viimeistely :: finishing
viimeistään :: at the latest
viimeistään :: not later than
viime kädessä :: ultimately, in the end, eventually
viimeksi :: at the last time, previous time
viime tingassa :: at the last hour, at the last moment
viimevuotinen :: of or pertaining to the last year, i.e. the year before the current one
viime yönä :: last night
viina :: Distilled beverage, booze (any alcoholic beverage)
viina :: Liquor (US), spirits (UK, Aus, NZ)
viinaan menevä :: boozy (inclined to consume considerable amounts of alcohol)
viinakauppa :: A bottle shop
viinakramppi :: Rather the same as delirium tremens, but sometimes considered to possibly come during the drinking streak, and not during withdrawal. Symptoms are similar
Viinanen :: Finnish surname
viinanhimoinen :: addicted to alcohol
viineri :: Danish pastry, danish
viini :: quiver
viini :: wine
viinietikka :: wine vinegar
viinihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula vinosa
viinihappo :: tartaric acid
viinikaappi :: wine cooler (cabinet for storing wine in correct temperature)
viinikellari :: wine cellar (collection of wine)
viinikellari :: wine cellar (storage for wine)
viiniköynnös :: grapevine (plant on which grapes grow)
viinilasi :: wine glass, wineglass
viinimalja :: winecup (vessel for drinking wine that is not an ordinary wine glass, e.g. one made of thick glass or other material than glass)
viinimarja :: currant (species of genus Ribes)
viininjäähdytin :: wine cooler (table-top vessel for cooling wine)
viininpunainen :: A deep purplish shade of red; claret-coloured, burgundy
viininpunainen :: claret, burgundy
viininvalmistamo :: winery (wine processing plant)
viininviljelijä :: winegrower, viticulturist
viininviljely :: viniculture, viticulture
viinioikeudet :: B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22% of alcoholic content by volume)
viinipikari :: winecup (vessel for drinking wine, usually one that is not an ordinary wine glass, e.g. one made of thick glass or other material than glass)
viinipullo :: wine bottle
viinipulloteline :: wine rack
viinirypäle :: grape (fruit)
viinisuolaheinä :: A commercial name for punahierakka, Rumex sanguineus
viinitalo :: winery (company involved in production and trade of wine)
viinitarha :: vineyard
viiniteline :: wine rack
viipale :: piece, slice
viipaloida :: To slice
viipalointi :: slicing (act)
viipalointitaktiikka :: salami tactics (piecemeal removal or scaling back of something)
viippua :: alternative form of vaappua
Viipuri :: Vyborg
viipurinrinkeli :: A sweet pretzel spiced with cardamom and nutmeg, said to originate from the Franciscan monastery of the city of Vyborg
viipyä :: To be delayed, be late
viipyä :: To stay, remain; to dwell on, linger
viipyä :: To take one's time, dawdle
viipymättä :: without delay, at once
viira :: screen (woven material)
viiri :: pennon, pennant, streamer
viiriäinen :: common quail (bird Coturnix coturnix)
viiriäinen :: new world quail (bird of the family Odontophoridae)
viiriäinen :: quail (bird of the genus Coturnix)
viiriäiskoira :: German spaniel
viiru :: streak, scratch
viirukas :: alternative form of viirullinen
viirulakkimuura :: streak-crowned antvireo
viirullinen :: striped
viirunuppiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius glaucopus
viirupöllö :: Ural owl, Strix uralensis (species of owl)
viis :: five
viis :: adverbially used only as a part of the phrase viis veisata jostakin, "not to give a damn" (about something)
viis :: said to ignore something
viisaammin :: comparative form of viisaasti
viisaampi :: comparative form of viisas
viisaasti :: wisely
viisaimmin :: superlative form of viisaasti
viisain :: superlative form of viisas
viisari :: pointer, hand (of a timepiece)
viisas :: wise
viisastaa :: To make wise or wiser, enwisen
viisastelija :: pedant [one overly concerned with formal wisdom]
viisastelija :: smartass, wiseguy
viisastella :: To wise off, be a smart-aleck/smart-ass
viisasten kivi [figuratively, idiomatic] :: An ideal solution to a complex problem
viisasten kivi :: philosopher's stone
viisastua :: To wise, wisen, become wise(r)
viisaudenhammas :: wisdom tooth (rearmost molar in humans)
viisaus :: wisdom
viisi :: five
viisiö :: five-room apartment (not counting the kitchen or bathroom)
viisiarvoinen :: pentavalent
viisiatominen :: pentatomic (having five atoms in each molecule)
viisikanta :: pentagram
viisikko :: A group of five
viisikulmio :: pentagon
viisikulmioluku :: pentagonal number
viisikymmentä :: fifty
viisikymmentäkahdeksan :: fifty-eight
viisikymmentäkaksi :: fifty-two
viisikymmentäkolme :: fifty-three
viisikymmentäkuusi :: fifty-six
viisikymmentäluku :: The fifties, 1950s
viisikymmentäneljä :: fifty-four
viisikymmentäseitsemän :: fifty-seven
viisikymmentäviisi :: fifty-five
viisikymmentäyhdeksän :: fifty-nine
viisikymmentäyksi :: fifty-one
viisikymppinen :: fiftysomething, in his/her fifties
viisikymppinen :: fiftysomething
viisineljättä [archaic, cardinal] :: thirty-five
viisinkertainen :: quintuple
viisiottelija :: A pentathlete
viisiottelu :: modern pentathlon
viisiottelu :: pentathlon (ancient athletics discipline)
viisiottelu :: pentathlon in general
viisisataa :: five hundred
viisisataa :: A card game, somewhat similar to canasta
viisisävelinen :: pentatonic
viisitoista :: fifteen
viisituhatta :: five thousand
viisivuotias :: five-year-old
viismauste :: five-spice powder (Asian spice mix)
viistää :: To bevel
viiste :: bevel, chamfer
viisto :: diagonal (having a slanted or oblique direction)
viisto :: fore-and-aft
viisto :: oblique, slanting, inclined (not erect or perpendicular; neither parallel to, nor at right angles from, the base)
viisto :: slanted
viistoperä :: hatchback (automobile body style with a rear door that swings upward to provide access to a cargo area)
viistopurje :: A fore-and-aft sail
viistota :: To bevel
viisu :: song
viisumi :: A visa (permit to enter a country)
viita :: A thicket of young deciduous trees
viitahapero :: A brittlegill, Russula gracillima
Viitala :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Viitala :: Finnish surname
Viitanen :: Finnish surname
viitapalsamirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius glyciosmus
viitaseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius uliginosus
viitata :: To point to, indicate, suggest
viitata :: To refer to, allude to, make a reference/an allusion to
viitata :: To point at/to (with one's hand); to beckon, wave; to raise one's hand (in order to get the floor)
viite :: clue, hint
viite :: reference (academic writing: short written identification of a previously published work which is used as a source for a text; the work itself)
viiteavain :: foreign key
viitekehys :: framework (basic conceptual structure)
viitekehys [sociology] :: frame of reference
viitisen :: about five
viitisenkymmentä :: about fifty
viitonen :: Something that can be identified with the number 5; e.g. a number five tram, or the player nr. 5 in a football team. When used as modifier in compound terms contracts to viitos-
viitonen :: Something that is valued as five units of something, such as a five-euro bill, five of spades, a five in a game of dice
viitonen :: The digit five
viitoslaisuus :: A nickname for viides herätysliike
viitsiä :: To bother
viitta :: cape, cloak
viitta :: (road) sign
viittaus :: hint
viittaus :: reference
viitteellinen :: referential; guideline, reference (serving as reference)
viitteellinen :: suggestive, suggested (tending to suggest or imply)
viittilöidä :: To wave, hail
viittoa :: To communicate using a sign language
viittoa :: To sign
viittoa :: To wave, hail
viittomakieli :: A sign language
viiva :: A bar, in the term bar code (viivakoodi)
viiva :: A line [path through two or more points]
viiva :: A snort (dose of drug)
viivain :: A ruler (measuring or drawing tool)
viivain :: A straightedge (drawing, cutting or checking tool, "ruler without markings")
viivaintegraali :: line integral
viivakoodi :: barcode
viive :: lag, delay
Viivi :: female given name
viivoitin :: ruler (measuring or drawing tool)
viivoitin :: straightedge (tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines)
viivoittaa :: To hatch (to shade with parallel lines)
viivästyä :: to delay
viivästymisaika :: delay time
viivästyskorko :: penalty interest (interest on overdue payments)
viivytellä :: to linger, dawdle
viivytellä :: to temporize
viivyttää :: To delay, to postpone, to procrastinate, to put off, to retard (to put off until a later time)
viivyttää :: To impede, to hinder, to stall (to cause a delay to someone else by making his task difficult)
viivyttely :: procrastination
väijyä :: To ambush, lie in ambush for
väijyä :: To lurk
väijyksissä :: in ambush (lying in wait to attack by surprise)
väijyksistä :: from ambush
väijyntä :: ambush
väijytys :: ambush
vika :: the last
vika :: fault
vika :: flaw, malfunction, failure, problem
vika :: stain or flaw in character
vika :: wrong (adjective)
vikasietotila :: safe mode
vikatiheys :: failure rate (frequency with which an engineered system or component fails)
vikautuvuus :: failure rate (frequency with which an engineered system or component fails)
vikavirtasuojakytkin :: residual-current device, residual current circuit breaker, ground fault circuit interrupter, ground fault interrupter (device that disconnects an electric circuit whenever it detects an imbalance between the energized conductor and the return conductor)
vikellys :: vaulting, equestrian vaulting
vikinä :: whining
vikistä :: To whine, snivel
vikitellä :: To lure, tempt, entice; (sexually) to seduce
vikkelä :: quick, fast, rapid
vikkelästi :: quickly, rapidly
väikkyä :: To glitter, gleam
vikla :: Short for tundravikla, Tryngites subruficollis
viklo :: sandpiper, redshank, greenshank, yellowlegs, tattler, willet (birds of the sandpiper and snipe family Scolopacidae)
viktoriaaninen :: Victorian (of or relating to the period of the reign of Queen Victoria)
vikunja :: vicugna, vicuña
vikuroida :: To buck
vilahtaa :: to zip (to move in haste)
vilaus :: flash, tick (very short period of time)
vilautella :: To flash (to make visible briefly, repeatedly)
vilauttaa :: To flash (to make visible briefly)
Vilhelm :: male given name, usually a middle name (arguably Swedish, not Finnish)
Vilhelm :: William (of foreign historical persons)
Vilhelmi :: male given name, rather rare in this full form
Vilhelmiina :: female given name
Vilho :: male given name
Vili :: male given name of modern usage
vilinä :: bustle
vilistä :: To bustle, to teem
vilistä :: to go past in a blur (due to speed)
vilja :: grain, cereal
Vilja :: female given name
vilja-aitta :: granary, breadbasket (productive farming area)
vilja-aitta :: granary (building)
Viljam :: male given name
Viljami :: male given name
viljapehkiäinen :: cadelle beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicus
viljaympyrä :: crop circle
viljelijä :: farmer
viljellä :: To cultivate, farm, till (land)
viljellä :: To culture (e.g. bacteria, as in a biological experiment)
viljellä :: To raise, grow (plants)
viljelmä :: culture
viljelmä :: plantation
viljelty :: cultivated, farmed
viljely :: culture, cultivation
viljelyaine :: medium (nutrient solution for the growth of cells in vitro)
viljelykelpoinen :: arable, tillable
Viljo :: male given name
vilkaista :: To glance
vilkaisu :: cast (squint)
vilkaisu :: glance
vilkas :: busy, heavy (traffic)
vilkas :: lively, vivacious, perky (living thing)
vilkas :: quick, fast
vilkas :: vivid (imagination)
vilkastua :: to be enlivened, invigorated, animated or vitalized (to become more lively, vivacious, perky, vivid, quick, fast or busy)
vilke :: glint, twinkle, gleam
vilkeuni :: REM sleep
vilkkaasti :: actively
vilkku :: blinker
vilkku :: turn signal
vilkkua [of a flickering light] :: To twinkle
vilkkuluomi :: plica semilunaris
vilkkumajakka :: flashing light (device emitting flashing light, used e.g. on emergency vehicles)
vilkuilija :: peeker, peeper, glancer
vilkuilla :: to peep, peek, glance, keep glancing (to look at repeatedly at something, especially when trying not to be noticed)
vilkunta :: twinkling
vilkutella :: to wave repeatedly, but not vigorously and/or taking short breaks
vilkuttaa :: to flash repeatedly (such as when signaling with a torch)
vilkuttaa :: to wave (e.g. hand)
villa :: villa
villa :: wool
villa-apina :: woolly monkey (any New World monkey of the genus Lagothrix)
villaherkkusieni :: An agaric, Agaricus leucotrichus
villainen :: woollen (made of wool)
villakangas :: wool (texture)
villakarvamammutti :: woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius
villakarvarousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pubescens
villakko :: ragwort, a plant of the genus Senecio
villakoira :: dust bunny
villakoira :: poodle
villakoiran ydin :: core of the issue, essence, trick, catch (inherent nature of an idea, especially one that is not apparent)
villakuore :: capelin, Mallotus villosus
villamammutti :: woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius
villapaita :: A sweater, jersey, jumper, cardigan (any knitted woollen garment that covers the upper body)
villapusero :: woollen sweater or pullover; jumper [UK]
villasukka :: woolen stocking
villatakki :: A cardigan
villavoirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius leonis
Ville :: male given name
villi :: wild
Villiam :: male given name
villieläin [in the plural] :: wildlife (wild animals collectively)
villieläin :: wild animal (as contrasted to a domesticated animal)
villiintyä :: run wild, go nuts, knock oneself out
villikarju :: A male wild boar (Sus scrofa), also wild boar as species
villikarjuammunta :: running game target (Olympic shooting event)
villikissa :: feral cat (domestic cat returned to the wild)
villikissa :: wild cat, Felis silvestris
villikko :: rascal, mischief-maker (naughty child)
villimpi :: comparative form of villi
villisika :: A wild boar; a boar (wild boar); Sus scrofa
villisti :: wildly
villitä :: To drive wild; to agitate, incite, stir up, foment
villitys :: A fad, rage, trend, craze
villiviini :: creeper (vine of the genus Parthenocissus)
villiytyä :: alternative form of villiintyä
Vilma :: female given name
Vilna :: Vilnius
vilpas :: cool (of temperature)
vilpas :: lively
vilpillinen :: insincere, deceitful (willfully misleading)
vilpillisesti :: insincerely
vilpitön :: sincere, bona fide (done in good faith)
vilpittömästi :: sincerely, candidly, frankly
vilpittömyys :: rectitude (rightness of principle or practice)
vilpittömyys :: sincerity
vilpoisa :: [of air] cool
vilpola :: arbor (shady place to sit)
vilpola :: ramada (US: open porch or arbor)
vilppi :: deceit, mendacity, fraud (act of deceiving someone)
Vilppu :: male given name, a rather rare equivalent of the English Philip
vilske :: bustle, stir
viltti :: blanket
vilttiketju [sports, colloquial] :: bench-warmers (those players collectively who don't get much time on the field)
vilttiketjulainen [sports, colloquial] :: bench-warmer (player who rarely or never gets to play in the games or matches, and is most often a substitute)
vilu :: cold (sensation)
viluinen :: chilly
vilukko :: A flower, parnassia palustris, the county flower of Cumberland and Sutherland in the United Kingdom
vilunki :: A fiddle (adjustment intended to cover up a basic flaw)
vilunki :: A fiddle, minor fraud
vilustua :: To catch a cold
vilustuminen :: cold, common cold (illness)
vilustuminen :: the act of catching cold
vilustunut :: Having cold or common cold
vilvoitella :: to cool off, cool (to cool oneself, concretely, for feeling hot)
vimma :: frenzy
vimma :: rage
vimmaisa :: frenzied
vimpa :: vimba (Vimba vimba)
vimpain :: widget, contraption, gadget
Väinö :: male given name
-vinaan :: Indicates pretended or suggested action; multiple English equivalents
vingahdella :: to squeak
vingahtaa :: to squeak
vinguttaa :: To use heavily
vinguttaa :: To make (sth) squeak
vinha :: fast, breakneck, furious
vinha :: odd, wild, peculiar, curious
vinjetti :: vignette
vinjetti :: windshield sticker showing a road tax has been paid
Väinäjoki :: Daugava
vinka :: Cold wind
vinkkeli :: right angle
vinkkeli :: point of view
vinkki :: hint
vinkki :: tip
vinkku :: wine (any type of wine)
vinksallaan :: messed up, screwed up, fucked up, quality of something being wrong or not right
vinku :: whine (childish complaint)
vinkua :: to squeal, squeak
vinkua :: to whine (to complain or protest in a childish manner or about trivial things)
Vinku-Intia :: Ruritania (fictive, exotic country)
Väinämö :: male given name
Väinämöinen :: The main hero of the Finnish national epic Kalevala
Väinämöisen viikate :: Orion
Väinänlinna :: Daugavpils
väinönputki :: garden angelica, Angelica archangelica
vino :: oblique, askew
vinokas :: A common term used of some, not necessarily related, species of mushrooms that grow on trunks of trees
vinokas :: A hypernym of LGBT people, queer
vinoneliö :: rhombus (quadrilateral with sides of equal length)
vino nenän väliseinä :: deviated nasal septum (common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum)
vinosilmä :: slant, gook (Asian person)
vinossa :: askew (tilted)
vinottain :: diagonally
vinouma :: bias
vinous :: obliqueness
vinoutua :: To become biased
vinoutua :: To become slanted, inclined
vinoviiva :: A slash, stroke [UK] (symbol "/")
vinssi :: winch
vintiö :: rascal, imp (badly behaving child)
vintti :: attic
vinttikaivo :: well pole, well sweep, swape, shadoof (water lifting device consisting of a pivoted pole, a bucket and a counterweight)
vinttikoira :: sighthound, gazehound
vintturi :: A capstan
vinyyli :: vinyl (phonograph record)
vinyyli :: vinyl (plastic material)
vinyyliasetaatti :: vinyl acetate
vinyylikloridi :: vinyl chloride
vinyylilevy :: vinyl record (type of phonograph record)
vinyyliryhmä :: vinyl (univalent radical)
vioittua [e.g. of a machine] :: To be(come) damaged, be(come) impaired
viola :: viola
Viola :: female given name
violetti :: violet
violetti :: colour violet
violettihapero :: A brittlegill, Russula violacea
violettiseitikki :: A webcap, Cortinarius violaceus hercynicus
violisti :: violinist
vipa :: last
vipajaa :: alternative form of vipistä
vipata :: to chuck (to throw in careless or inaccurate manner)
vipata :: to be crazy
vipata :: to lend, to borrow
vipattaa :: to flap (to move loosely back and forth)
vipeltää :: To scurry
vipinä :: hustle
vippa :: flip-flop
vippi :: accommodation, loan
vipu :: lever
vipuvarsi :: lever
vipuvoima :: leverage
viraapelityö :: alternative form of firaabelityö
virallinen :: official
virallisemmin :: comparative form of virallinen
virallisen syytteen alainen rikos :: A crime which is of the type that the public prosecutor may present a case in a criminal trial against an individual suspected for committing that crime; indictable offence
virallisesti :: officially
virallisimmin :: superlative form of virallisesti
virallistua :: To become official
viranhaltija :: office holder (person holding a public office)
viranomainen :: An official, public officer working for such a body
viranomainen :: A public body that carries out some official function(s)
virantoimitus :: duty
virassaoloaika :: tenure, incumbency
virasto :: bureau, office, agency, board (operative unit in the public sector on central (state), regional or local (municipal) level)
vireä :: active, animate
vire :: A light breeze or the small, disappearing waves on top of water produced by a breeze
vire :: A shed (area between upper and lower warp yarns in a loom)
vireessä :: in tune (of an instrument)
vireillä :: pending (begun but not completed)
vireämpi :: comparative form of vireä
vireo :: vireo (bird of the genus Vireo)
vireomuura :: plain antvireo
virginianpeura :: Alternative term for valkohäntäpeura; white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus
virhe :: error
virhe :: flaw
virhe :: mistake
virhearvio :: error estimate
virheellinen :: erroneous, incorrect
virheellisesti :: erroneously
virheellisyys :: falsity (characteristic of being untrue)
virheetön :: flawless
virheetön :: impeccable (perfect, having no faults, flaws or errors)
virheetön :: pure (free of flaws or imperfections)
virheettömyys :: correctness
virheettömyys :: flawlessness
virhefunktio :: error function
virheilmoitus :: error message
virhemarginaali :: margin of error
virhepaikkainen :: ectopic
virheraja :: limit of error
virheravitsemus :: malnutrition (the state of being under- or overnourished)
virheravittu :: malnourished
virhesijaintinen :: ectopic
viri :: breath of wind
viri :: small ripples
viriö [weaving] :: shed
viriili :: virile
virike :: incentive
virike :: stimulus
viritä :: to spark, for example, a debate
viritellä :: to cautiously activate, to try to start, to try to get going
viritellä :: to tune
virittää :: to jury-rig (to create a makeshift, ad hoc solution from resources at hand)
virittää :: to set, arm, activate (of a trap or similar, to make ready for action)
virittää :: to tune in (to adjust the frequency of a receiver to match with that of a specific television or radio station)
virittää :: to tune (to adjust a mechanical, electric or electronic device so that it functions optimally)
virittää :: to tune (to make more precise, intense, or effective)
virittää :: to tune (to modify a musical instrument so that it produces the correct pitches)
virittää :: to voice (to tune the pipes of an organ)
virittää :: ~ tuli: to light (to light a fire)
virittäjä :: tuner
virittyä [physics, of electrons] :: To become excited
virittyä :: To cock (to be prepared to be triggered)
virittyä :: To get tuned
virittynyt :: excited
virittynyt :: tuned in
viritys :: makeshift solution, MacGyvering
viritys :: tuning
virka :: A post, position, office, public office (public sector work)
virka :: purpose, point
virka-asu :: uniform
virkailija :: clerk
virkailija :: functionary
virkakausi :: tenure, incumbency
virkakieli :: bureaucratese, officialese
virkamerkki :: badge
virkamies :: civil servant, public officer, official (holder of a public office)
virkapuku :: uniform (outfit)
virkata :: To talk, shortly, uttering a sentence or two
virkata :: To crochet
virkatodistus :: official certificate
virkavala :: oath of office
virkavaltainen :: bureaucratic
virkavaltaistaa :: to bureaucratize
virkaveli :: colleague (fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other, primarily public service or government organization)
virkeä :: Alert (as opposed to tired)
virke :: A sentence
virkistää :: To refresh
virkistää :: To reinvigorate
virkiste :: stimulant
virkiste :: tonic
virkistyä :: To refresh oneself; to gain strength
virkistys :: recreation
virkistys :: relaxation
virkistyskalastus :: recreational fishing
virkistäytyä :: To refresh oneself
virkkaa [rare, literary, dialectal] :: To speak, talk
virkkaa [rare, literary, dialectal] :: To say, utter
virkkoa :: to say, utter
virkku :: alert, brisk
virkkuu :: crocheting
virna :: vetch, tare
virnaperhonen :: wood white (Leptidea sinapis)
virne :: smirk
virnistää :: to grin, smirk
virnistys :: grin, smirk
virnuilla :: To grin, pull faces
viro :: The Estonian language; compare eesti
Viro :: Estonia
virolainen :: Estonian, of or relating to Estonia
virolainen :: Estonian, related to the Estonian language:
virolainen :: An Estonian
Virolainen :: Finnish surname
virologi :: virologist
virologia :: virology
virologinen :: virological
vironnos :: Estonian translation
virontaa :: To translate into Estonian
Viron tasavalta :: The Republic of Estonia
virota :: To resuscitate, regain consciousness, come to
virpi :: sapling, seedling
virpi :: sprig
Virpi :: female given name
virpoa [currrently] :: to perform a similar act from door to door disguised as witch; done by children in quest for candy
virpoa [folk tradition] :: to wish another person health and happiness on Palm Sunday by tapping them lightly with a willow twig and chanting a rhyme
virpominen :: Action noun of the verb virpoa
virranahto :: skin effect (tendency of alternating current to concentrate on the surface of a conductor)
virranjakaja :: A distributor (device that distributes current to the spark plugs)
Virrat :: A town in central Finland
virrata :: To flow
virroitin :: pantograph
virsi :: A religious hymn or chant
virsta :: An old Russian unit of measure, the verst, 1066.80 m, or 2/3rds of a mile
virsta :: Finnish virsta, 1068.80 m., or 2/3rds of a mile
virstanpylväs :: landmark (major, important event)
virstanpylväs :: milestone (both concrete and figurative sense)
virsu :: A shoe made of strips of birchbark or bast, worn earlier by the poor in Finland and Russia, one of a pair of lapti
virta :: current (physics, electronics)
virta :: electricity
virta :: flow, stream
virta :: river
virta :: zip, energy, vigor, vim (personal energy)
Virta :: Finnish surname
virta-alli :: harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (North American wild duck)
virtaama :: flow (amount of fluid)
virtahepo :: any member of the family Hippopotamidae
virtahepo [biblical, 1992 translation] :: behemoth (the mythical monster of Job 40)
virtahepo :: hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius
virtaisa :: [of a body of water] Having a strong current
virtamittari :: ammeter
Virtanen :: Finnish surname In 2010, the most common in Finland (barely ahead of Korhonen).
virtapiiri :: electric circuit
virtaska :: juice (electric power)
virtaus :: current (of e.g. water)
virtauskaavio :: flow diagram
virtausmekaniikka :: fluid mechanics
virtausnopeus :: flow rate
virtaviiva :: streamline
virtaviivainen :: streamlined
virtaviivaistaa :: To streamline
virtavästäräkki :: grey wagtail, Motacilla cinerea
virtsa :: urine
virtsa :: When used as modifier in compound terms (virtsa-), urinary
virtsa-aine :: urea
virtsaaminen :: urination
virtsaelimet :: urinary system, genitourinary system (GUS)
virtsaelin :: urinary organ
virtsaelintautioppi :: urology
virtsahappo :: uric acid
virtsainkontinenssi :: urinary incontinence
virtsakivi :: bladder stone, kidney stone, renal calculus
virtsakivitauti :: urolithiasis
virtsamyrkytys :: uremia
virtsaneritys :: production of urine
virtsanjohdin :: ureter
virtsankarkailu :: urinary incontinence
virtsanäyte :: urine sample
virtsapurkki :: urine collection device (any container used for taking a sample of urine for testing)
virtsaputki :: urethra
virtsarakko :: urinary bladder
virtsata :: to urinate
virtsatie :: urinary tract
virtsatieinfektio :: urethritis
virtsaumpi :: urinary retention, ischuria
virttyä [of clothes] :: To wear out
virtuaalinen :: virtual
virtuoosi :: virtuoso
virtuoosisuus :: virtuosity
virtuositeetti :: virtuosity
virua :: To languish (to live in miserable or disheartening conditions)
virulenssi :: virulence
virulentti :: virulent
virus :: virus
virusinfektio :: viral infection (infection caused by a virus)
virusoppi :: virology
Virva :: female given name
virvatuli :: A will o' the wisp
Virve :: female given name
virveli :: spinning rod
virveli :: snare drum
virvelöidä :: To fish using a spinning rod
virvoitus :: refreshment
virvoitusjuoma :: soft drink, soda pop, pop, soda (sweet carbonated drink)
virvoke :: refreshment
visa :: A kind of birch (wood), in which the fibers are twisted, resulting in a very hard and decorative wood material
visa :: A quiz
visaginkultamyyrä :: Visagie's golden mole (Chrysochloris visagiei)
visailu :: game show
visainen :: curly grained (especially in birch trees)
visainen :: difficult, knotty, tricky
visakoivu :: A cultivar of silver birch, Betula pendula var. carelica; valued for its decorative wood, which resembles the bird's eye figure
visayanhirvi :: Visayan spotted deer (Rusa alfredi)
visentti :: European bison (Bison bonasus)
viserrys :: chirp, twitter
visertää :: To chirp, twitter
visiiri :: visor
visiiri :: vizier
visiitti :: visit
visio :: vision (goal)
visioida :: To envision
visiointi :: envisioning (act or process)
visionaarinen :: visionary
visionääri :: visionary
visionäärinen :: visionary
viskaaminen :: throwing (act)
viskaaminen :: winnowing (separating chaff from grain by throwing)
viskain :: bail (vessel to scoop water from a boat)
viskain :: winnowing basket, or similar tool used for winnowing
viskata :: To throw, cast
viskatša :: alternative spelling of viskatsa
viskatsa :: viscacha (South American rodent)
viskatsarotta :: viscacha rat, Octomys mimax (South American rodent)
viski :: whiskey/whisky
viskin :: bail (vessel to scoop water from a boat)
viskin :: winnowing basket, or other tool used for winnowing
viskipullo :: whiskey bottle
viskisieppo :: drunkard, especially one who is fond of whisky
viskoa :: To throw, toss (repeatedly)
viskonta :: throwing, tossing
viskoosi :: viscose (fiber made of liquid viscose)
viskoosi :: viscose (liquid obtained by chemical treatment of cellulose)
viskoosikuitu :: viscose (fiber)
viskoosinen :: viscous
viskoosisuus :: viscosity (the state of being viscous)
viskoottinen :: viscous
viskositeetti :: viscosity
vislailla :: To whistle
vislailla :: To whistle in the dark (to make a show of bravery)
vismutiniitti :: bismuthite
vismutti :: bismuth
vismuttihohde :: bismuthite
vismuttisitraatti :: bismuth citrate
vismuttisubnitraatti :: bismuth subnitrate
Väisänen :: Finnish surname
vispaantua :: alternative form of vispautua
vispata :: To whisk (in cooking)
vispautua [of cream etc.] :: To become whipped
vispikerma :: whipping cream, double cream
vispilä :: helicopter
vispilä :: whisk, eggwhisk, eggbeater (kitchen utensil)
vispilöidä :: To whisk
vispipuuro :: A dessert made from whipped semolina pudding and lingonberries
vissiin :: probably
vissy :: Soda water, carbonated water
vissy :: Vichy water, mineral water
väistää :: to avoid
väistää :: to evade
väistää :: to give way (to give precedence to other road users)
väistin :: crossguard
väistämätön :: inevitable
väistämättä :: inexorably
väistämättömästi :: inevitably, inexorably
visto :: disgusting, nasty
väistyä :: to retreat
väistyä :: to yield, give way
visu :: careful, precise
visuaalinen :: visual
visuaalisesti :: visually
visuaalistaa :: To visualize
visuaalisuus :: visuality
visualisoida :: To visualize
visualisoija :: visualizer
visualisointi :: visualization
visusti :: closely
visva :: pus
visvainen :: pussy
visvasyylä :: condyloma
vita :: pondweed, a member of the genus Potamogeton
vitaalielin :: vital organ
vitaalikapasiteetti :: vital capacity (maximum volume of air that can be discharged from the lungs following maximum inspiration)
vitaaliparametri :: vital sign (measurement of a patient's condition taken regularly to assess the state of bodily functions)
vitaalitoiminto [biology, medicine] :: vital function
vitaalius :: vitality
vitaliteetti :: vitality
vitamiini :: vitamin
vitamiinikas :: Rich in vitamins
vitamiininen :: Containing vitamins
vitaminoida :: To vitaminize
väite :: claim, argument
väitellä :: to argue, debate
viti :: freshly fallen white and dry snow
vitikko :: thicket (dense growth of bushes and small trees, especially of willows, alders and other fast-growing deciduous trees)
vitivalkoinen :: snow-white (white as snow, extremely white)
vitja :: chain
vitka :: inertia
vitkaan :: slowly
vitkalaukaisin :: self timer (device on a camera)
vitkastelija :: laggard
vitoa :: To run as fast as one can, especially in fear
vitoa :: To scutch (to beat or flog for extracting the fibers from flax stalks)
vitonen :: alternative form of viitonen
vitriini :: showcase
vitrioli :: vitriol
väitös [academia] :: dissertation
vitsa :: birch (stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch wood, used for punishment)
vitsa :: wicker (flexible branch or twig, used as raw material of wickerwork)
vitsailija :: joker, one who tells jokes
vitsailla :: To joke, jest (do for humourous amusement)
vitsailu :: joking
vitsaus :: plague, scourge, plight
vitsi :: joke
vitsikäs :: jokey, joking, jocular, facetious (pleasantly humorous)
vitsiniekka :: joker (person who makes jokes)
väitöskirja :: A doctoral dissertation or thesis
väitöskirjatutkimus :: dissertation research (research carried out for the purpose of obtaining material for a dissertation)
vitsoa :: to whip
väitöstilaisuus [academic] :: thesis defense (a public presentation in which a doctoral candidate defends his thesis towards an opponent)
väittää :: To claim, contend, assert, argue, maintain; to allege
väittää :: To plead
väittää :: To predicate
väittelijä [academia] :: doctoral candidate, doctorand; especially in connection with their väitöstilaisuus
väittelijä :: debater (one who debates or participates in a debate; one who argues)
väittely :: argument, debate
väittämä :: statement
vittu :: fuck
vittu :: In genitive singular (vitun) as an intensifier, roughly equivalent to "fucking"
vittu [vulgar, slang] :: cunt, pussy
vittuilija :: a bully, a person who intentionally annoys someone
vittuilla :: To bully, annoy, harrass, ride; to give somebody a hard time; to be a prick (with somebody)
vittuilla :: To fuck around (with somebody)
vittuilla :: To fuck with somebody
vittuilu :: The process of annoying someone, of pissing them off
vittumainen :: Quite unpleasant; annoying, difficult, obnoxious, repulsive etc
vittuuntua :: To become/get pissed off, become/get annoyed, become/get angry, become/get upset
vittuuntunut :: Very angry or annoyed; pissed, see the article of the verb vituttaa
vitun [vulgar, intensifier] :: fucking
vitusti :: An intensifier
vituttaa :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to be annoyed, be pissed off
vituttaa :: To annoy; to cause annoyance; to piss off
vitutus :: The state of being annoyed, or pissed off, also describes being bugged by something. Further describtion in the article of the verb vituttaa
viuh :: whoosh, whizz
viuhahdus :: nude run
viuhahdus :: zip, whish
viuhahtaa :: to streak (to run naked in public)
viuhahtaa :: to swoosh (to move with a rushing or swirling sound in one-time action)
viuhahtaja :: streaker (person who runs naked through a public place)
viuhahtelija :: streaker
viuhina [onomatopoeic] :: swoosh; whoosh
viuhka :: A handheld fan
viuhka :: luck
viuhkaeväinen [taxonomy, fish] :: ray-finned
viuhkaeväinen :: in plural also Actinopterygii (taxonomic class of ray-finned fish)
viuhkaeväinen :: ray-finned fish
viuhko :: A cymose inflorescence
viuhtoa :: to walk or run fast by simultaneously flinging one's arms back and forth vigorously
viuhtoa :: to wave one's arms vigorously
viuhtoja :: steamer duck (anseriform bird of the genus "Tachyeres)
viulisti :: violinist (person who plays violin)
viulu :: violin
viulunsoittaja :: fiddler
viulunsoittaja :: violinist
vivahde :: hue, tint
vivahduksekas :: alternative form of vivahteikas
vivahteikas :: nuanced (having nuances; possessed of multiple layers of detail, pattern, or meaning)
väive :: chewing louse
vivipaarinen :: viviparous
vivisektio :: vivisection
vivuta :: To lever
Vjatšeslav :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Вячеслав
vääjäämätön :: inevitable, inexorable
vääjäämättä :: inevitably, inexorably
vääjäämättömästi :: inevitably, inexorably
väkä :: A barb
väkevä :: concentrated [not dilute]
väkevä :: potent
väkevä :: strong
väkevöidä [of liquid] :: to concentrate
väkevöidä :: to enrich (to increase the amount of one isotope in a mixture of isotopes, especially in production of nuclear fuel)
väkevöite :: concentrate
väkevöittää :: alternative form of väkevöidä
väkevöity :: concentrated
väkevöity :: enriched
väki [archaic, also as modifier in compound terms] :: power, strength, force
väki :: [singular] people, crowd
väkijoukko :: crowd
väkijoukko :: mob
väkiluku :: population
väkinäinen :: forced, unnatural
väkipyörä :: pulley
väkipyssy :: blunderbuss (historical firearm)
väkirehu :: concentrated fodder, concentrate feed (fodder with elevated content of nutrients)
väkirikas :: populous (having a large population)
väkisin :: By force, involuntarily
väkisinmaata :: To rape (to force sexual intercourse)
väkisinmakaaminen [legal, obsolete] :: rape
väkivallaton :: nonviolent
väkivallattomasti :: nonviolently
väkivallattomuus :: nonviolence
väkivalloin :: violently
väkivalta :: Violence (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering)
väkivaltainen :: Violent (taking actions intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering)
väkivaltaisempi :: comparative form of väkivaltainen
väkivaltaisesti :: violently
väkivaltaisin :: superlative form of väkivaltainen
väkivaltaisuudet :: Widespread fighting, violence
väkivaltaisuus :: Violence, state of being violent (i.e. taking actions intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering)
väkivaltarikollisuus :: violence crime (criminal behaviour involving violence towards the offer)
väkivaltarikos :: violence crime (criminal act involving violence towards the offer)
väkiviina :: rectified spirit
väkkärä :: pinwheel (toy: flower-like propeller attached to a stem; the flower spins round in the wind)
väkkärä :: toy waterwheel
väkänen :: barb (anything that stands out with a sharp point obliquely or crosswise to something else)
vko :: week
V-laakso :: A V-shaped valley
Vladivostok :: Vladivostok (city in Russia)
välähdellä :: To flash, blink (repeatedly)
välähdys :: flash
välähtää :: to flash
välähtää :: to glint
väli :: difference
väli :: distance
väli :: gap, space
väli :: interval
väli- :: mid-, middle-, intermediate, inter-
väliaika :: intermission (break between two performances or sessions)
väliaika :: half time (interval between two halves of a game)
väliaikainen :: temporary, transitory
väliaikaisesti :: temporarily, transitorily
väliaine :: medium
väliaineen vastus :: drag (force which resists motion of an object through a fluid)
väliaivot :: diencephalon
välierä :: A semifinal
välietappi :: staging post
välihuomautus :: comment, remark, especially an interrupting one
väli-ilmansuunta :: half-cardinal point (an ordinal direction or intercardinal direction between north, east, south and west)
väliin :: (in) between (into a position that is between something; used postpositionally)
väliin [temporal] :: sometimes, at times
väliintulo :: interference
väliintulo :: intervention
välijäähdytin :: intercooler
välikarsina :: mediastinum
välike :: spacer (object inserted to hold a space)
välikkö :: passage (short passageway or corridor between two or more rooms)
välikohtaus :: An incident (event that causes an interruption or a crisis)
välikorva :: middle ear
välikorvantulehdus :: otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear)
välikäsi :: A middleman, an intermediary, especially a commercial one
välikysymys :: interpellation
välilasku :: Stop-over (of a flight; meaning only the interruption of flight, not the place of the interruption)
välilehti :: tab (navigational widget)
välileuanluu :: incisive bone (in humans, portion of the maxilla adjacent to the incisors)
välileuanluu :: premaxilla (similar bone in many animals)
välilevy :: intervertebral disc; short for nikamavälilevy
välilevy :: any disk or plate located between two other things
välilevypullistuma :: slipped disk, spinal disc herniation (protrusion of a vertebral disk into the spinal canal)
välilevytyrä :: hernia nuclei pulposi, spinal disc herniation
väliliha :: perineum
välillä :: between
välillä :: occasionally, at times
välillinen :: indirect
välillisesti :: indirectly, vicariously
välilyönti :: space bar
välimatka :: distance (between two points)
välimerellinen :: Mediterranean
välimerentaateli :: date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
Välimeri :: The Mediterranean Sea
välimerkki :: punctuation mark
välimerkki :: In plural, punctuation (set of punctuation marks)
välimies :: intermediator, mediator
välimies :: arbitrator, referee (person who settles a dispute)
välimies :: middleman, intermediary
välimuisti :: cache
väline :: tool, means, implement
välinegatiivi :: internegative
välinen :: Being located between something, concretely or figuratively. Often tanslated into English with prepositions between, in between or prefix inter-, or the adjective interjacent may be used
välinpitämätön :: indifferent
välinpitämättömästi :: unconcernedly, indifferently
välinpitämättömyys :: indifference, disregard
välinäytös :: interlude
välipala :: snack
väliseinä [anatomy, zoology, mycology, botany] :: septum
väliseinä :: dividing wall
välisijavirhe :: interstitial, interstitial defect (type of crystallographic defect in which an extra atom occupies a space between the ordinary atom positions in the crystal lattice)
välissä :: between
välistä :: From between
välistä :: occasionally
välitön :: immediate, instantaneous (without delay)
välitön :: spontaneous, natural, unaffected (of a character)
välittää :: To care for/about, like, be fond of
välittää :: To take care of, handle, deal with, worry about, bother oneself about, trouble oneself about
välittää :: To (inter)mediate, arbitrate
välittää :: To supply, provide, procure, act as an agent in something
välittää :: To transmit, convey, forward, pass on
välittäjä :: mediator, arbiter
välittäjä :: middleman, dealer, broker
välittömästi :: immediately
välittämättä :: regardless of, heedless of
välittyä :: To be transmitted, be conveyed, be forwarded, be passed on (also figuratively)
välitulos :: intermediate result, preliminary result
välitunti :: break, recess (between school lessons)
välituote :: intermediate product (product that requires further processing before it is saleable to the ultimate consumer)
välitys :: intercession
välitys :: mediation
välitys :: transmission
väliviiva :: a hyphen used in compounds with colliding vowels (e.g. linja-auto)
väliväri :: secondary colour
välivuosi :: a year off
väljä :: loose (not fitting tightly)
väljentää :: To loosen
väljähtyä [of drinks] :: To become stale
väljähtynyt :: flat (of a carbonated drink, having lost most of its carbon dioxide)
välke :: blip, pip (small dot registered on electronic equipment, such as a radar or oscilloscope screen)
välke :: gleam, glitter, sparkle
välke :: blende
välkehtiä :: to glitter
välkähdellä :: to glint, flash repeatedly
välkähtää :: alternative form of välähtää
välkky [psychology, colloquial] :: bright
välkkyä :: to blink (to flash on and off at regular intervals)
välkkyä :: to sparkle, glitter, twinkle, glint, shine
välkyntä :: glittering, glinting
vlogata :: to vlog
vlogi :: vlog (weblog using video as its primary presentation format)
välskäri :: barber surgeon, army surgeon (medical practitioner charged with looking after soldiers during or after a battle)
välskäri :: tang, surgeonfish, unicornfish (fish of the family Acanthuridae)
vältellä :: To avoid, shun (a person; a place)
vältellä :: To evade, dodge, sidestep, avoid (a question)
vältellä :: To shirk, evade, duck (doing sth, e.g. a duty)
välttää :: To do, be good enough
välttää :: To refrain (from doing = active 3rd infinitive in elative), make a point (of not doing = act. 3rd. inf. in elat.)
välttää :: To avoid, evade, escape, dodge; to avert (a disaster)
välttö :: avoidance
välttelevä :: evasive
välttely :: evasion
välttely :: veron or verojen ~ : avoision, tax avoision
välttäminen :: avoidance
välttämätön :: inevitable, necessary, essential
välttämätön aminohappo [amino acid] :: essential amino acid
välttämättä :: (with a negation verb) not necessarily
välttämättä :: necessarily, of necessity
välttämättömyys :: essentialness
välttämättömyys :: necessity
välttävä [academic grade] :: below average
välttävä :: passable, tolerable, mediocre (moderate in degree, acceptable or so-so)
välttyä :: To escape (from a situation)
väläys :: flash
väläyttää :: To flash
V-moottori :: V engine, V-engine (type of motor in which the cylinders are arranged in a V shape)
-Vn :: Forms the illative singular case
väännellä :: To wring (to hold tight and twist continuously)
väännin :: knob
vänrikki :: The lowest officer rank in the Finnish army. The English translation used by the army is second lieutenant
vänskä :: second lieutenant
vääntää :: To wrench, twist
vääntö :: A tough negotiation
vääntö :: twist, torsion (act of turning, twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of a lateral force tending to turn one end or part of it about a longitudinal axis, while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction)
vääntelehtiä :: to writhe, squirm
vääntää rautalangasta :: to explain in plain English, to explain in words of one syllable, to spell out, to spoon-feed (to explain in concrete and simple terms, often condescendingly)
vääntää veistä haavassa :: To rub salt in the wound, to add insult to injury (to make someone's suffering even worse)
vääntyä :: To be bent, be twisted
vääntäytyä :: To bend oneself
vääntäytyä [transitive + illative or allative] :: To go someplace despite disinterest; to bother going
voda :: water
vodjanoi :: The Finnish transliteration of the Russian водяно́й, a water sprite or merman in the Slavic mythology. The equivalent creature in Finnish mythology is called vetehinen
vodka :: vodka
voguli :: A Vogul
voguli :: The Vogul language
vohkia :: to snatch, steal
vohla :: kid (young goat)
vohveli :: waffle
vohvelikangas :: waffle cloth
vohvelirauta :: waffle iron
voi :: oh
voi :: butter
voida [in the conditional mood] :: could
voida :: to feel, do
voida [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: can, to be able to, to be capable
voida [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: may, to be allowed, to be permitted
voide :: cream
voide :: ointment, salve
voidella :: To grease someone's palm, bribe
voidella :: To anoint
voidella :: To grease, oil, lubricate
voi ei :: oh dear, oh no
voihan :: Sometimes used alone to convey the message without actually swearing
voihan :: Used in front of a swearword as fortifier
voihappo :: butyric acid
voi helvetti :: Oh bugger; bloody hell (A curse, expressing deep annoyance when things go badly)
voihkaista :: To utter a moan, groan
voihkaisu :: A moan, groan
voihke :: moan
voihkia :: To groan, moan
voihkina :: groan, moan
voihkinta :: groan, moan
voi hyvin :: keep well ("may you remain in good health")
Voijonmaa :: Gotland (large island in the Baltic Sea)
voikala :: butterfish (perciform fish of the family Stromateidae, including the genera Pampus, Peprilus and Stromateus)
voikka :: gymnastics
voikoukku :: butter curler (kitchen tool designed to produce decorative butter shapes)
voikukka :: dandelion
voilee :: voile
voileipä :: bread and butter, bread with butter (buttered slice of bread)
voileipä :: in the game of ducks and drakes, an individual jump of the stone from the surface of water; see heittää leipiä
voileipä :: open sandwich (slice of bread with some toppings)
voileipä :: sandwich (two slices of bread with fillings between them)
voileipäkakku :: A salty cake compositionally similar to a sandwich made up of several layers of bread with varying creamy fillings in between. It is served cold and sliced like a dessert cake. There's no equivalent English term, but "sandwich cake" might be used, if explained properly
voileipäkeksi :: saltine, cracker
voileipäkivi :: skimming stone (piece of stone suitable for skimming)
voileipäkurkku :: sliced pickles (cucumbers preserved in vinegar)
voilokki :: saddlecloth (cloth displaying a racehorse's number)
voima :: force
voima :: power, strength, force, might
voimaan [legal, of a contract] :: coming into effect; becoming valid, binding, effective; compare voimassa
voimaannuttaa :: empower
voimaantulla [non-standard] :: to come into force
voimaantuminen :: empowerment
voimaharjoittelu :: strength training (form of exercise where the goal is to increase the strength of the muscles through anaerobic exercise; part of a training program for many sports)
voimailija :: sportsman, especially a gymnast
voimajohto :: power line
voimakas :: powerful
voimakas :: strong
voimakastuoksuinen :: odorous (having a distinctive odor)
voimakenttä :: force field
voimakkaammin :: comparative form of voimakkaasti
voimakkaampi :: comparative form of voimakas
voimakkaasti :: forte
voimakkaasti :: powerfully, forcefully, hard
voimakkain :: superlative form of voimakas
voimakkuus :: magnitude
voimakkuus :: strength
voimala :: power plant
voimalaitos :: power plant
voimalaitospato :: hydroelectric dam (dam containing hydroelectric generators)
voimalaji :: A sport that requires great physical strength
voimalinja :: power line
voimallinen :: powerful, mighty
voimallisesti :: powerfully
voimallisuus :: powerfulness
voimamies :: strongman
voimankäyttö :: use of force
voimanlähde :: power plant (motor or engine)
voimanlähde :: power source
voimanosto :: powerlifting
voimansiirto :: transmission
voimansiirtolinja :: powertrain
voimansiirtolinja :: power transmission line
voimasana :: A cuss (mild curse word)
voimasana :: An expletive (word that adds to the strength of a phrase)
voimasana :: A swear word
voimasointu :: power chord
voimassa :: in force, valid (in effect; applicable)
voimassa oleva :: valid (in the state of being effective, not expired)
voimassaolo :: validity (the state of being valid and/or having legal force)
voimassaoloaika :: period of validity
voimassaolopäivä :: A day when something, typically a document or offer is valid; normally used with attributes like ensimmäinen, aikaisin, viimeinen
voimasuhde :: relative strength between entities such as states, political parties, sports teams etc.; normally used in plural
voimatasapaino :: balance of power
voimaton :: feeble
voimaton :: powerless
voimattomuus :: powerlessness, weakness
voimavara :: A resource
voimistaa :: To strengthen
voimistelija :: gymnast
voimistella :: To do calisthenics
voimistella :: To do gymnastics
voimistelu :: calisthenics
voimistelu :: gymnastics
voimistelusali :: gymnastics hall
voimistua :: to grow stronger
voinen :: buttery
-voipa :: -being
voipaperi :: waxed paper, wax paper, rarely also sandwich paper, paraffin paper, butter paper (semi-translucent, moisture-proof paper made with a waxy coating)
voipuu [botany, cosmetics] :: shea, shea tree; Vitellaria paradoxa (tree indigenous to Africa)
voirousku :: A milk-cap, Lactarius scrobiculatus
voisarvi :: croissant
voisempi :: comparative form of voinen
voisilmä :: pat of butter
voisin :: superlative form of voinen
voisin syödä vaikka hevosen :: I could eat a horse
voisula :: melted butter
voitaikina :: The type of dough used in puff pastry
voitatti :: slippery jack, sticky bun, Suillus luteus
voitelu :: anointment
voitelu :: lubrication
voiteluaine :: lubricant
voitelukannu :: oilcan
voiteluoppi :: tribology
voiteluraha [informal, euphemism] :: grease payment, lubrication payment
voitettavissa :: winnable
voitokas :: victorious
voitokkaasti :: victoriously
voitollinen :: profitable
voitollinen :: victorious
voitollisesti :: profitably
voitollisesti :: victoriously
voitonhimoinen :: mercenary, venal
voitonhuuma :: flush of victory
voitonjuhla :: triumph (ceremony performed in honour of a victor)
voitonmerkki :: trophy (of a conqueror etc.)
voitonpäivä :: Victory Day (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history)
voitonriemu :: triumph (a state of joy or exultation at success)
voitonriemuinen :: triumphant, victorious
voitonriemuisesti :: triumphantly
voitonvarma :: sure of victory
voittaa :: To win
voittaa :: To beat, conquer, overcome (a competitor); to win (a prize)
voittaja :: winner
voittamaton :: invincible, unwinnable
voittamattomasti :: invincibly
voittamattomin :: superlative form of voittamaton
voittamattomuus :: invincibleness
voittaminen :: winning
voitto :: profit
voitto :: victory, win
Voitto :: male given name
voittoaika :: winning time (shortest time to cover a distance in a race)
voittoa tavoittelematon :: nonprofit (not seeking to produce a profit)
voittoisa :: victorious
voittoisasti :: victoriously
voittomaali [sports, ballgames] :: winner, game-winning goal (goal that wins a game, i.e. one made by the winning team that adds the number of their goals to the final score of the losing team plus one)
voittoputki :: A winning streak
voiveitsi :: butter knife
voivodi :: voivode, voivod
voivodikunta :: voivodeship (administrative division)
vokaabeli :: vocable
vokaali :: a vowel
vokaaliharmonia :: vowel harmony
vokaalinmukaus :: umlaut
vokaalisointu :: vowel harmony
vokaalivartalo :: vowel stem
vokalisti :: A vocalist (singer)
vokata :: alternative spelling of wokata
vokatiivi :: vocative
vokki :: wok (dish made in a wok)
vokkipannu :: alternative spelling of wokkipannu
vokkiruoka :: alternative case form of wokkiruoka
vokooderi :: vocoder
vokotella :: To woo
vokottaa :: alternative form of vokotella
volapük :: Volapük (language)
volframi :: tungsten
volkkari :: A car made by Volkswagen, especially the Beetle
vollottaa :: To cry, blubber
voltti :: frontflip (act of doing a single forward somersault on the floor)
voltti :: somersault (act of going head over heels without touching the ground, in any which way)
voltti [physics, electronics] :: volt
volyymi :: volume (a book in a multi-book publication)
volyymi :: volume, quantity
volyymi :: volume (strength of sound)
vompatti :: wombat
vongata :: to beg (often in an intruding manner, refusing to accept no for answer, ex. of a man pleading with a woman in a bar for sex)
vonkale :: A big fish
vonkua :: To howl
voodoo :: voodoo
vooninki :: floor, storey/story
vormu :: uniform
voro :: thief
Voronež :: Voronezh (city in Russia)
vosikka :: alternative form of vossikka
vossikka :: carriage for hire, hackney cab, hackney
vossikka :: coachman, cab driver
votka :: vodka (clear distilled alcoholic liquor)
vouhottaa :: to make a (big) fuss (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something)
vouhottaja :: A fussy person
vouhotus :: fuss
vouti :: bailiff
voyeurismi :: voyeurism
voyeuristi :: voyeur
vääpeli :: An NCO rank in the Finnish army and air force. The official English translation is warrant officer
vpk :: vapaapalokunta
V-pääntie :: V neckline, V-neckline (V-shaped neckline)
väpättää :: To flap (to move loosely back and forth)
väärä :: counterfeit
väärä :: crooked
väärä :: false
väärä :: illogical, illegitimate
väärä :: wrong, incorrect
väre :: ripple
värekarva :: A cilium
väärennetty :: falsified, counterfeit, fabricated, forged, false, fake
väärennös :: forgery, counterfeit
väärentää :: To falsify, counterfeit, forge
väärentäjä :: falsifier, forger, counterfeiter
väärentäminen :: forgery (act of forging, fabricating, or producing falsely)
värähdellä :: to oscillate
värähdellä :: to resonate (to vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration)
värähdellä :: to ripple
värähdellä :: to vibrate
värähtely :: vibration
väri :: colour (any of the standard dark tinctures used in heraldry)
väri :: colour (hue as opposed to achromatic colors)
väri :: colour (particular set of the visible spectrum)
väri :: colour (spectral composition of visible light)
väri [poker] :: flush
väriaberraatio :: chromatic aberration
väriaine :: dyestuff
väriaine :: pigment
värielokuva :: A color movie, as opposed to black-and-white movie; currently rarely used as color has become standard in film industry
värikalvo :: iris
värikorjattu :: achromatic
värikäs :: colourful/colorful
värikuula :: paintball (capsule)
värikuulasota :: paintball (sport)
värikylläisyys :: saturation (intensity or vividness of a colour)
värikynä :: colored pencil, color pencil, coloring pencil [US]; coloured pencil, colour pencil, colouring pencil [UK]; pencil crayon [Canada]
väriliitu :: A crayon
värillinen :: colored [US], coloured [UK] (having a color, other than white, grey or black)
värillinen [dated, potentially offensive] :: colored, coloured (of skin color, non-white)
värillinen :: person of color
värimatara :: madder, Rubia tinctorum
värimorsinko :: woad, Isatis tinctoria
väärin [of a view, opinion, answer] :: only used in olla väärin (to be incorrect, not correspond to reality)
väärin :: wrongly (in a morally wrong way)
väärin :: wrongly (incorrectly)
värinä :: fibrillation
värinä :: flutter
värinen :: An adjective indicating that something is of the colour of something else. Värinen is always used together with a noun or a pronoun (e.g. minkä, tämän, tuon, sen). If the colour described is well-established the two words may be compounded, otherwise they should be written separate
värin koostaminen :: dithering
väärinkäsitys :: misunderstanding
väärinkäytös :: abuse
väärinkäyttää :: to misuse
väärinkäyttö :: abuse, misuse (improper treatment or usage; application to a wrong or bad purpose)
väriraita :: color strip
värisokea :: colorblind
värisokeus :: colorblindness, achromatism, achromatopsy, achromatopsia, achromatopia
vääristää :: to deform
vääristää :: to distort
väristä :: To fibrillate (medical, e.g. of heart)
väristä :: To flicker (e.g. TV picture)
väristä :: To quiver
väristä :: To shiver
väristä :: To tremble
väristä :: To vibrate
vääristellä :: To twist (to distort or change the truth or meaning of words when repeating)
vääristely :: A twist (an intentional distortion to the meaning of a word or passage)
väristin :: haltere
vääristyä :: to distort, become distorted
vääristymä :: distortion
väristys :: creep, creeps; as in:
väristys :: shiver, quiver, tremble, vibe
värisävy :: hue, shade
värit :: Any distinctive items, such as scarfs, badges, skin paintings or hats, that identify a person as a supporter of a certain sports team
värit :: A set of crayons
värit :: The Colours (standard or banner)
värit :: The Colours (the national flag flown by a ship at sea)
väritahra :: blot (blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance)
väritelevisio :: colour television
väritön :: Colourless/colorless; having little or no colour
väritön :: Lacking in interesting or variety
värittää :: To colour/color
värittää :: To embellish, embroider (to add imaginary detail to a narrative to make it more interesting or acceptable)
värittämätön :: uncolored
värityskirja :: coloring book
värivalokuvaus :: colour photography
värivivahde :: tone, tint
värjäämätön :: undyed, uncolored
värjääntyä :: alternative form of värjäytyä
värjäri :: dyer
värjätä :: To change the colour of something, to dye, to tint or to stain, depending on the object
värjäysaine :: dye (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied)
värjäytyä :: To get dyed
väärä lauseenvastike :: dangling participle (word or clause that modifies another word or clause ambiguously, possibly causing confusion with regard to the speaker's intended meaning)
vörnitseri :: furniture
vääränlainen :: Wrong kind of
värnytä [rare, esp. of children] :: To cry (for a long time), blubber
vääräoppinen :: heretical
vääräsääri :: bowleg, genu varum
väärässä :: olla ~ to be wrong/incorrect, have the incorrect view
vrt :: An abbreviation of vertaa (imperative of verrata, to compare), often used with a dot (vrt.)
vrt. :: vertaa, compare, cf.
väärti :: worth
värttinä :: radius
värttinä :: spindle; distaff
värttinähermo :: radial nerve
värttinäluu :: A radius (bone)
vääräuskoinen :: infidel
väärä vala :: perjury, oathbreach
värve :: nystagmus
värvätä :: To enroll, enlist
värvätä :: To recruit
värväytyä :: to enlist
värysmato :: (biology) turbellarian (any flatworm of the class Turbellaria)
vääryys :: injustice, wrong
v-sana :: f-word
väsähtää :: To run out of steam (suddenly)
väskynä :: prune
väsätä :: to make, to create, especially without sufficient previous experience
västäräkki :: A wagtail
västäräkki :: white wagtail, Motacilla alba
väsy :: tired
väsyä :: To become/get tired, to fatigue
väsyä [material physics] :: To fatigue
väsy :: tiredness
väsyksiin :: tired (to the state of being tired)
väsyksissä :: tired, exhausted
väsyminen :: fatiguing (process of getting fatigued)
väsymisvaurio [material physics] :: fatigue (type of material failure)
väsymätön :: Indefatigable
väsymätön :: Tireless, untiring
väsymys :: exhaustion, fatigue
väsymysoireyhtymä :: neurasthenia
väsynyt :: tired, weary
väsyttää :: To tire, make tired
vätystaagi :: alternative form of vatustaagi
V-tyyli [skiing] :: V-technique (ski-jumping technique)
vuh :: woof, the sound a barking dog makes
vuki :: turn (in a game etc.)
vulgaari :: vulgar
vulgaari :: vulgar
vulgaarilatina :: Vulgar Latin
vulgaarinen :: vulgar
vulgarismi :: vulgarism
vulgarisoida :: To vulgarize
vulgääri :: alternative form of vulgaari
vulkaani :: volcano
vulkaaninen :: volcanic
vulkaanisesti :: volcanically
vulkaanisuus :: volcanism
vulkaniitti :: volcanic rock
vulkanismi :: volcanism
vulkanoida :: To vulcanise/vulcanize
vulkanointi :: vulcanization
vulkanoitua :: To be vulcanized
vulkanologi :: vulcanologist
vulkanologia :: volcanology
vuo :: flow
vuo :: flux
vuodattaa :: to shed (to make or allow to flow)
vuodatus :: A jeremiad
vuode :: bed
vuodenaika :: season (quarter of year)
vuoden päivät :: about one year
vuodenvaihde :: turn of the year
vuodesohva [furniture] :: sofa-bed
vuodesta toiseen :: year in, year out
vuodetoveri :: bedfellow
vuodetoveri :: bedmate
vuodevaatteet :: bedding, bedclothes, bedlinen
vuodottomuus :: amenorrhoea [British], amenorrhea [US]
vuohenjuusto :: goat cheese
vuohenliha :: chevon, goatmeat
vuohenmaito :: goat milk
vuohennokka :: skullcap (flowering plant of the genus Scutellaria)
vuohenputki :: ground elder, herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, snow-in-the-mountain; Aegopodium podagraria (perennial plant in carrot family)
vuohenvilla :: goat wool
vuohi :: goat
vuohikas :: Tanned goat hide
vuohinen :: pastern (area on a horse's leg between the fetlock joint and the hoof)
vuohipukki :: male goat
vuohisnivel :: fetlock, ankle (joint of the horse's leg below the knee or hock and above the hoof)
vuoka :: casserole
vuoka :: dish
vuoka :: pan
vuoka :: tray
vuokaavio :: flow chart
vuokko :: Any of the plants of the genera Anemone and Hepatica
vuokko :: In plural form vuokot, the genus Anemone
Vuokko :: female given name
vuokkokala :: anemonefish, clownfish (fish of the genus Amphiprion)
vuokra :: lease
vuokra :: rent
vuokra-aika :: lease, length of lease
vuokra-asunto :: rented flat, rented apartment, rental apartment, lodgings
vuokra-asunto :: tenement
vuokra-auto :: taxi, taxicab
vuokra-auto :: rental car
vuokralainen :: tenant, lessee
vuokranantaja :: landlord, lessor
vuokranvälittäjä :: letting agent [UK]; rental agent [US] (person or company who acts in the lease of land, property, real estate etc. for another)
vuokrasopimus :: rental contract, lease (contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent)
vuokrata :: to let (out) (to allow possession of a property etc. in exchange for rent)
vuokrata :: to rent (to occupy premises in exchange for rent)
vuokratalo :: tenement
vuokrattava :: for rent, available for rent (being offered for renting)
vuokratyöntekijä :: agency worker [UK]
vuokraus :: renting
vuokravakuus :: collateral, rent security deposit
vuokrayksiö :: rented studio flat
vuoksi :: flow (rising tide)
vuoksi :: A large, rapidly flowing river
vuoksi :: due to, because of, for one's sake
Vuoksi :: Vuoksi River
vuoksiaalto :: tidal wave (caused by the tide)
vuolas :: [of flow] heavy
vuolla :: to carve (wood)
vuolle :: An easily navigable rapid with no or little whitewater
vuolu :: carving
vuoluhöylä :: A spokeshave
vuolukivi :: soapstone
vuona [lb, fi, dialectal] :: A lamb (young sheep)
vuonia :: to lamb (of a sheep, to give birth)
vuonna :: in the year
vuono :: A fjord
vuonoinen :: Characterized by fjords
vuonomainen :: fjordlike
vuorata :: To line (cover inside)
Vuoreija :: Vardø
Vuorela :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Vuorela :: Finnish surname
vuorenhuippu :: mountaintop, summit
vuorenvarma :: stone cold, absolutely certain
vuori :: A comparatively high hill, especially in toponyms
vuori :: A lining (covering for the inside of a garment)
vuori :: A mountain (large amount)
vuori :: A mountain (large mass of earth and rock)
vuorigorilla :: mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei)
vuori-ilmasto :: mountain climate
vuorijono :: A mountain range (line of adjoining mountains), chain of mountains
vuorikangas :: lining
vuorikauris :: alpine ibex (Capra ibex)
vuorikauris :: ibex, goat (goat of the genus Capra)
vuorikenguru :: eastern wallaroo, wallaroo, hill wallaroo, common wallaroo, Macropus robustus
vuorikiipeilijä :: mountaineer (climber)
vuorikiipeily :: mountain climbing, mountaineering
vuorikissa :: Geoffroy's cat, Leopardus geoffroyi
vuorileijona [mammals, dated] :: A mountain lion, puma, cougar; Puma concolor
vuoriöljy :: petroleum, crude oil
vuorimari :: Hill Mari (language and people)
Vuorinen :: Any of a number of lakes in Finland
Vuorinen :: Finnish surname
vuorineuvos :: An honorary title granted for lifetime by the President of the Republic of Finland for persons with remarkable merits in industry; no meaningful English translation
vuoripyy :: chukar (Alectoris chukar)
vuorisaarna :: Sermon on the Mount
vuoriseepra :: mountain zebra, Equus zebra
vuoristo :: A mountain range
vuoristo :: Especially in proper names also mountains/Mountains
vuoristoinen :: mountainous
vuoristoisuus :: mountainousness
Vuoristo-Karabah :: Nagorno-Karabakh (region in South Caucasus)
Vuoristo-Karabahin tasavalta :: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
vuoristorata :: A roller coaster, rollercoaster or big dipper
vuoristotauti :: mountain sickness, altitude sickness, apoxia
vuorisuola :: halite
vuorisusi :: dhole, Cuon alpinus
vuorivaahtera :: sycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus
vuorivilla :: mineral wool
vuoro :: shift (change of workers)
vuoro [transportation] :: A means of transportation that runs regularly on a given route; no universally applicable English equivalent, connection or scheduled fit for many usages
vuoro :: turn
vuoroittainen :: alternate
vuorokaudenaika :: time of day
vuorokausi :: A day (period from midnight to the following midnight)
vuorokausi :: A day (period of 24 hours)
vuorokausi :: A day (rotational period of a planet)
vuorokautinen :: diurnal, daily (having a daily cycle that is completed every 24 hours)
vuorokone :: scheduled flight (regular flight between two destinations)
vuorolisä :: [US] shift differential (extra money paid to a worker for doing an uncomfortable shift, such as night or weekend)
vuoronperään :: one after the other
vuoronumero :: queueing number (number indicating one's order in a queue, such as when waiting for service)
vuoropari :: inning (subsection of game in baseball, softball, cricket, pesäpallo and similar games, during which both teams are once in attacking and once in defending role)
vuoropuhelu :: dialogue (conversation or other discourse between individuals)
vuorostaan :: literally: from one's turn; no direct English equivalent, the epression "take one's turn" may often be applied to express the same idea (indicates that it's somebody's turn to do something)
vuorotella :: To alternate, rotate, take turns
vuorotteleva :: alternating
vuorotteluvapaa :: job alternation leave, a form of work sharing consisting of a kind of sabbatical leave or leave of absence (provided by legislation in Scandinavian countries) that requires the employer to fill the position temporarily with an unemployed job seeker
vuorotyö :: shift work, shiftwork
vuorovaikuttaa :: To interact
vuorovaikutteinen :: Interactive (acting with each other)
vuorovaikutus :: interaction
vuorovesi :: tide (periodic change of sea level)
vuorovesivirtaus :: tidal current (flow of water caused by the rise and fall of the tide)
vuorovesivirtaus :: riptide, rip tide (particularly strong tidal flow which may e.g. carry a swimmer far offshore)
vuoroviljely :: crop rotation (farming practice in which the same land is used to grow different crops in successive seasons or years)
vuortentakainen :: transmontane
vuosi :: As modifier in a compound term (vuosi-), annual, yearly
vuosi :: A year
vuosibudjetti :: annual budget
vuosikate :: annual contribution margin (the net income available for a bookkeeping unit for investments and loan instalments after running costs have been covered)
vuosikausi :: A period of about one year; used often in plural to signify years, several years or "years and years"
vuosikerta :: vintage (wine)
vuosikerta :: volume (of periodicals)
vuosikertomus :: annual report
vuosikirja :: annual, yearly, yearbook, almanac
vuosikokous :: annual meeting, annual general meeting
vuosikymmen :: A decade (ten years)
vuosilippu :: annual ticket
vuosiloma :: annual leave
vuosiluokka :: grade, class
vuosilusto :: tree ring, annual ring, growth ring (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree)
vuosimalli :: model [e.g. of cars]
vuosimiljardi :: A period of billion/milliard years
vuosimiljoona :: A period of million years
vuosineljännes :: quarter (three months)
vuosipäivä :: anniversary (day celebrated annually to commemorate some important event)
vuosipuolisko :: half-year (period of half a year)
vuosirengas :: tree ring, annual ring, growth ring (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree)
vuosisadanvaihde :: turn of the century
vuosisata :: A century (hundred years)
vuositaso :: annual level
vuosittain :: yearly, annually, per annum
vuosittainen :: annual
vuosituhat :: A millennium
vuosiverso :: alternative term for talvehtimissilmu
vuosi vuodelta :: every year
vuosi vuodelta :: year by year
vuota :: hide, pelt
vuotaa [e.g. of information] :: To leak
vuotaa [e.g. of water] :: To leak, run, trickle, flow; to ooze, seep; to drip, drop
vuotaa :: ~ verta = to bleed
vuotaa :: To leak (e.g. information)
vuotaja :: leaker
vuotava :: runny
-vuotias :: -year-old, years old (used to express age in years)
-vuotinen :: Denotes the time in years that something has lasted
vuotinen :: Only used in compound terms, see: -vuotinen
vuotisjuhla :: anniversary; used only with a numeral indicating the number of years being celebrated
vuotispäivä :: anniversary; used only together with a cardinal number
vuoto :: leak
vuottaa [archaic, poetic] :: To wait, await
vuotuinen :: annual
vuvuzela :: vuvuzela
vävy :: son-in-law
vävypoika :: son-in-law
vyö :: belt, girdle
vyö :: band
vyö :: zone (belt worn by priests in the Greek Orthodox church)
vyöarvo :: rank
vyöhyke :: zone
vyöhykeraja :: zone boundary
vyöhyketerapia :: reflexology, zone therapy
väylä :: any route one can travel, especially one that is much used or important, such as a road or railway
väylä :: bus
väylä :: big river, especially the river between Finland and Sweden, Väylä
väylä [golf] :: fairway
väylä :: lane, a course designated for ships or aircraft; channel
väylä :: method or way to achieve something
väylä :: fairway
vyölaukku :: bum bag, moon bag, fanny pack
väylinki :: ratline (net like ropework of the shrouds)
vyönsolki :: buckle of belt
vyöruusu :: shingles, herpes zoster
vyöryä :: to avalanche (to descend like an avalanche)
vyöryä :: to billow (to surge or roll in billows)
vyöryä :: to swarm (to move as a swarm)
vyöry :: avalanche
vyöry :: landslide
vyörymä :: landslide
Väyrynen :: Finnish surname
väyryneniitti :: vayrynenite
vyöspektri [physics, astronomy] :: band spectrum
vyösyöttöinen [weapons] :: belt-fed
vyöte :: A paper binder such as used to hold a skein of yarn together or to decorate and identify a cigar
vyötiäinen :: An armadillo
vyötiäismyyrä :: fairy armadillo (armadillo of the genus Chlamyphorus)
vyötäiset :: waist
vyötön :: beltless
vyötärö :: waist (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach)
-vyötäröinen :: waisted
vyötärölinja :: waistline
vyötärönauha :: waistband
vyötäröpituinen :: waist-length
vyötärösauma :: waist seam
vyöttää :: to belt (to fasten a belt)
vyyhtiä :: to coil (to wind into loops around a common center)
vyyhti :: skein
wagnerinhyppymyyrä :: Wagner's gerbil, Wagner's dipodil, Gerbillus dasyurus (rodent species native to Middle East)
waldacunda :: obsolete spelling of valtakunta
waldorfinsalaatti :: Waldorf salad (type of salad, consisting of apple, walnuts, celery, and mayonnaise or a mayonnaise-based dressing)
waldroninruostegueretsa :: Miss Waldron's red colobus, Procolobus badius waldroni (subspecies of western red colobus, possibly extinct)
wales :: Welsh (language)
Wales :: Wales
walesilainen :: Of or pertaining to Wales, its people and culture
walesilainen :: A person originating from Wales, a Welsh. Compare kymri, kymriläinen
walesilaisnainen :: Welshwoman
walesincorgi :: Welsh corgi (breed of dog)
walesin kieli :: Welsh (language)
walesinkielinen :: Welsh-language (expressed in Welsh language)
walesinkielinen :: Welsh-speaking (using Welsh in everyday communication)
walesinpaimenkoira :: corgi (breed of dog)
walesinspringerspanieli :: Welsh springer spaniel (breed of dog)
walesinterrieri :: Welsh terrier (breed of dog)
Waltteri :: male given name, a fanciful spelling variant of Valtteri
wankelmoottori :: Wankel engine (type of rotary internal combustion engine)
Waris :: Finnish surname
warrantti :: warrant
wasabi :: wasabi (condiment)
wasabi :: wasabi (plant)
waterhousinlepakko :: Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat, Macrotus waterhousii
watti [physics, electronics] :: watt
WC :: WC (water closet)
wc-allas :: toilet bowl
WC-allas :: alternative case form of wc-allas
wc-harja :: alternative case form of WC-harja
WC-harja :: toilet brush (brush to clean toilet bowl)
wc-istuin :: toilet seat
WC-istuin :: alternative case form of wc-istuin
wc-paperi :: toilet paper, bathroom tissue
WC-paperi :: alternative case form of wc-paperi
webbi :: web (World Wide Web)
webbikamera :: webcam
weber :: weber (unit)
webinaari :: webinar
webkamera :: webcam
webmaster :: webmaster
web-osoite :: web address
weddellinhylje :: Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii)
Weddellinmeri :: The Weddell Sea
Weilin tauti :: leptospirosis, Weil's disease
weimarinseisoja :: Weimaraner
Weimarin tasavalta :: Weimar Republic (Germany between 1919 and 1933)
wellerismi :: Wellerism (type of proverb)
wessi :: A person from the former West Germany
weynsinsukeltaja-antilooppi :: Weyns's duiker, Cephalophus weynsi (tiny - av. 15 kg - antelope found in parts of East Africa)
wicca :: Wicca (neo-pagan religion)
wicca :: Wiccan (follower of this religion)
wiccalaisuus :: Wiccanism
wicca-liike :: Wiccan movement
Wien :: Vienna
wienerleipä :: danish, Danish pastry
wienervalssi :: Viennese waltz
wieniläinen :: Viennese
wieniläisklassismi :: Viennese classicism (style of music developed in Vienna at the end of the Classical period in late 18th and early 19th century, represented by e.g. Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn)
wieniläistuoli :: Viennese chair (type of slender chair designed in the style associated with Viennese cafés)
wieniläisvalssi :: Viennese waltz (ballroom dance based on the waltz where the couple is constantly performing turns and pirouettes)
wieninleike :: Wiener schnitzel
wieninvalssi :: Viennese waltz
Wightsaari :: Isle of Wight
Wikisanakirja :: Wiktionary
Wilhelmiina :: female given name, a fanciful spelling variant of Vilhelmiina
Wilsonin tauti :: Wilson's disease
wimp [astronomy, physics] :: weakly interacting massive particle, WIMP
wintoninkultakontiainen :: De Winton's golden mole, Cryptochloris wintoni
wintoninkultamyyrä :: Winton's golden mole, Cryptochloris wintoni (species of mole in the family Chrysochloridae, the family of golden moles)
win-win :: win-win
win-win-tilanne :: win-win situation (situation where both parties gain from a transaction or deal, or where all possible outcomes are favourable)
Wirtanen :: Finnish surname
wiski :: The letter "W" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
wixarika :: Huichol (language)
wixarika :: Huichol (member of ethnic group)
wokata :: to wok, stir-fry
wokkaus :: woking (preparation of food on wok)
wokki :: A wok (dish prepared in a wok)
wokkipannu :: A wok (large, oriental, round-bottomed cooking pan)
wokkiruoka :: woked dish
wokkiruoka :: woked food
wokpannu :: alternative form of wokkipannu
wolfinmarakatti :: Wolf's mona monkey, Wolf's guenon, Cercopithecus wolfi (species of monkey found in central Africa)
wollastoniitti :: wollastonite
workshoppi :: workshop (brief intensive course of education or brainstorming session for a small group; emphasizes interaction and practical problem solving)
wrap :: wrap (food)
wrappi :: wrap (food)
WSOY :: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö (publishing house)
wu-kiina :: Wu, Wu Chinese (variety of Chinese spoken in Shanghai and the adjacent provinces)
WWW-vastaava :: webmaster (person in charge of a website; often in a small organization)
Wyoming :: Wyoming (one of the states of USA)
x-akseli :: x-axis
X-bosoni :: X boson (hypothetical elementary particle)
xerokopio :: xerocopy
X-kromosomi :: X chromosome
X-lentokone :: X-plane (any of a series of U.S. experimental aircraft used to test and evaluate new technologies and aerodynamic concepts)
X-sukupolvi :: Generation X
X-tehokkuus [microeconomics] :: X-efficiency (efficiency of an economic unit (business) in producing whatever it produces with given factors of production)
xuan-paperi :: Xuan paper (traditional Chinese calligraphic paper)
xylografia [rare, dated] :: alternative spelling of ksylografia
yö :: night
yöaika :: nighttime
y-akseli :: y-axis
yakuza :: yakuza (organized crime group or its member)
yap :: Yapese (Austronesian language spoken in the Federated States of Micronesia, especially by the inhabitants of Yap)
yapin kieli :: Yapese (Austronesian language spoken in the Federated States of Micronesia, especially by the inhabitants of Yap)
yapok :: yapok
yarkantinjänis :: Yarkand hare, Yarkland hare, Lepus yarkandensis
yöastia :: chamber pot
yatzy :: yatzy
yöbaari :: A night bar
ydin :: special uses such as in luuydin, selkäydin
ydin :: As a former part of compound (ydin-) signifies nuclear, core
ydin :: pith (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees)
ydin :: core, an individual computer processor
ydin :: kernel
ydin :: core, point, essential content, essence; often with the genitive of asia
ydin :: core, the central part of something
ydin :: core
ydin :: nucleus
ydinaikakausi :: nuclear age
ydinaikaskaala :: nuclear time scale (the time in which a star consumes all the energy which it is capable of producing through nuclear reactions)
ydinaine :: core material
ydinaine :: nuclear material (nuclear fuel, except natural uranium and depleted uranium, and any radioactive product, except radioisotopes, which are used or are in a condition to be used for industrial, commercial, agricultural, medicinal, scientific or educational purpose)
ydinaines [education, epistemology] :: core content (skills and knowledge, which are essential for mastering a certain field of knowledge; consists normally of theories, models and principles rather than individual facts)
ydinajatus :: core idea
ydinala :: nuclear industry
ydinalue :: heartland
ydinalus :: nuclear-powered ship
ydinammus [artillery] :: nuclear projectile
ydinarsenaali :: nuclear arsenal
ydinase :: nuclear weapon
ydinasearsenaali :: nuclear weapons arsenal
ydinaseeton :: nuclear-free (free of nuclear weapons)
ydinaseettomuus :: The state or status of being nuclear-free
ydinasehanke :: nuclear weapons project
ydinasehyökkäys :: nuclear weapons attack, nuclear attack
ydinaseistaa :: To arm with nuclear weapons
ydinaseistus :: nuclear armament
ydinasejärjestelmä :: nuclear weapons system
ydinasekiista :: nuclear weapons dispute
ydinasekoe :: nuclear weapons test
ydinasemaa :: nuclear power, nuclear state
ydinaseneuvottelu [usually in plural] :: nuclear weapons talks
ydinaseohjelma :: nuclear weapons program
ydinaseoptio :: nuclear weapons option
ydinasepelote :: nuclear weapons deterrent
ydinasepolitiikka :: nuclear weapons policy
ydinaseriisunta :: nuclear disarmament
ydinasesopimus :: nuclear weapons deal
ydinasetieto :: nuclear weapons knowledge
ydinasevalta :: nuclear power (a nation possessing nuclear weapons)
ydinasevaltio :: nuclear power, nuclear state {gloss|country possessing nuclear weapons}}
ydinasevarustelu :: nuclear rearmament
ydinasevarustus :: nuclear armament
ydinasevastainen :: antinuclear (opposed to the nuclear weapons)
ydinenergia :: nuclear energy
ydinenergiajärjestö :: An international organization working with safety, promotion or regulation of nuclear energy, typically as part of a wider organization such as UN, European Union or OECD
ydinenergiakäyttöinen :: nuclear-powered (getting its primary energy from nuclear reactions)
ydinfissio :: nuclear fission
ydinfuusio :: nuclear fusion
ydinfysiikka :: nuclear physics
ydinfyysikko :: nuclear physicist
ydinherne :: Common name for several cultivars of garden pea, Pisum sativum var. sativum
ydinhiukkanen :: nuclear particle
ydinhyökkäys :: nuclear attack
ydininsinööri :: nuclear engineer
ydinisku :: nuclear strike
ydinjatke :: medulla oblongata (lower portion of the brainstem)
ydinjatkos :: alternative term for ydinjatke
ydinjauho :: white flour (wheat flour made of the endosperm of the grain only)
ydinjoukko :: A cadre (core of a managing group)
ydinjäte :: nuclear waste
ydinjätehuolto :: nuclear waste management on the system level
ydinjäteonnettomuus :: nuclear waste accident
ydinjätevarasto :: nuclear waste storage
ydinkappale :: core piece (central piece of something)
ydinkasvi [plant breeding] :: A plant of certified breed, free of defects and pests; used for production of seeds and seedlings for agriculture and horticulture
ydinkaupunki :: city core
ydinkemia :: nuclear chemistry
ydinkemisti :: nuclear chemist
ydinkesä :: alternative term for sydänkesä
ydinkesä :: nuclear summer (hypothetical exceptionally warm period after a nuclear winter)
ydinkeskus :: alternative form of ydinkeskusta
ydinkeskusta :: city center (the most central blocks of a downtown area)
ydinkoe :: nuclear test (act of testing a nuclear weapon)
ydinkoealue :: nuclear test area
ydinkoekielto :: nuclear test ban
ydinkoeräjäytys :: nuclear test blast
ydinkohta :: central point
ydinkompetenssi :: A core competency
ydinkärki :: nuclear warhead
ydinkärkiohjus :: nuclear warhead missile
ydinkäsite :: core concept
ydinkysymys :: core question
ydinkäyttöinen :: nuclear-powered (getting its primary energy from nuclear reactions)
ydinlaitos :: nuclear power plant, nuclear facility
ydinlaji :: nuclide
ydinlanka :: corespun thread (type of sewing thread with multiple plies, each ply consisting of a strong - usually polyester - filament core with shorter finishing fibres wrapped around the core)
ydinlaskeuma :: A nuclear fallout
ydinlataus :: nuclear explosive charge
ydinluu :: marrowbone (bone that contains edible marrow)
ydinmagneettinen :: nuclear magnetic; as in Ydinmagneettinen resonanssi|ydinmagneettinen resonanssi ("nuclear magnetic resonance")
ydinmalli :: nuclear model
ydinmateriaali :: nuclear material
ydinmehu :: pith, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, marrow, quintessence, soul, spirit, substance (that which is essential in or which is the core of a presentation, ideology, philosophy etc.)
ydinmiina :: nuclear mine
ydinminä :: censor
ydinohjus :: nuclear missile
ydinolemus :: core essence
ydinonnettomuus :: nuclear accident, nuclear disaster
ydinontelo :: medulla (of bone)
ydinosa :: core, heart, marrow (that which is a central or essential part of something concrete)
ydinosaaminen :: core competence
ydinparisto :: nuclear battery
ydinpelote :: nuclear deterrent
ydinperhe :: nuclear family
ydinpilvi :: nuclear cloud
ydinpolttoaine :: nuclear fuel
ydinpolttoainekierto :: nuclear fuel circulation
ydinpommi :: nuclear bomb
ydinpommittaja :: nuclear bomber
ydinpuolustus :: nuclear defence
ydinpuu :: alternative term for sydänpuu
ydinreaktio :: nuclear reaction
ydinreaktori :: nuclear reactor
ydinräjähde :: nuclear explosive
ydinräjähdelataus :: nuclear explosive charge
ydinräjähdys :: nuclear explosion
ydinräjäytys :: nuclear detonation
ydinryhmä :: core team
ydinsaaste [collectively, in plural] :: nuclear pollution
ydinsaaste :: nuclear pollutant
ydinsalaisuus :: nuclear secret
ydinsatelliitti :: nuclear satellite
ydinsähkö :: nuclear power
ydinsisällys :: alternative term for ydinsisältö
ydinsisältö :: core content (of a book, report, TV channel etc.)
ydinskandaali :: nuclear scandal
ydinsolu :: pith cell
ydinsolu :: core cell (basic unit of something)
ydinsolu :: core cell (origin of a movement or similar, from which everything propagates)
ydinsolukko :: pith tissue
ydinsopimus :: nuclear pact
ydinsota :: nuclear war
ydinsota :: nuclear warfare
ydinsukellusvene :: nuclear submarine
ydinsulkusopimus :: nuclear non-proliferation treaty
ydintaistelukärki :: nuclear warhead
ydintalvi :: nuclear winter
ydintekniikka :: nuclear technology
ydintekninen :: Of or pertaining to nuclear technology or nuclear engineering
ydinteknologia :: nuclear technology
ydinteollisuus :: nuclear industry
ydintuppi :: medullary sheath
ydinturvallisuus :: nuclear safety
ydintutkimus :: nuclear research
ydinvalta :: nuclear power (country possessing nuclear weapons)
ydinvaltio :: nuclear state, nuclear power (country possessing nuclear weapons)
ydinvaraus :: nuclear charge (electric charge of a nucleus of an atom, equal to the number of protons times the elementary charge)
ydinvarustelu :: nuclear buildup, nuclear armament (process of building nuclear arms capacity)
ydinvastainen :: antinuclear (opposed to the nuclear weapons, or opposed to the generation of electricity from nuclear power)
ydinvastuu :: nuclear liability (liability of the operator of a nuclear facility in case of an accident)
ydinvoima :: nuclear power (power obtained from nuclear energy)
ydinvoima :: nuclear force (force that binds protons and neutrons into atomic nuclei)
ydinvoimakeskustelu :: nuclear power debte
ydinvoimala :: nuclear power plant
ydinvoimalaitos :: nuclear power plant
ydinvoimalakatastrofi :: nuclear power plant catastrophe
ydinvoimalaonnettomuus :: nuclear power plant accident
ydinvoimavastainen :: antinuclear (opposed to the generation of electricity from nuclear power)
ydinyhtiö :: nuclear firm (firm whose business is nuclear power, typically as producer of electricity or as supplier of nuclear technology)
yöeläin :: nocturnal animal
yöelämä :: nightlife
yhä :: still (continuing uninterruptedly from a previous state)
yhä :: [with comparative or a comparison] more and more, ever more (progressively more)
yhde :: coupling (device, such as tube, cable, channel, rod or similar that couples two or more things together allowing a flow of material or energy between them)
yhdeksikkö :: A group of nine
yhdeksikkö :: The digit of figure 9
yhdeksäinen :: The digit nine
yhdeksisen :: about nine
yhdeksisenkymmentä :: about ninety
yhdeksän :: nine
yhdeksän hyvää ja kahdeksan kaunista :: futile promises
yhdeksänkulmio :: nonagon, enneagon
yhdeksänkymmentä :: ninety
yhdeksänkymmentäkahdeksan :: ninety-eight
yhdeksänkymmentäkaksi :: ninety-two
yhdeksänkymmentäkolme :: ninety-three
yhdeksänkymmentäkuusi :: ninety-six
yhdeksänkymmentäluku :: The nineties, 1990s
yhdeksänkymmentäneljä :: ninety-four
yhdeksänkymmentäseitsemän :: ninety-seven
yhdeksänkymmentäviisi :: ninety-five
yhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän :: ninety-nine
yhdeksänkymmentäyksi :: ninety-one
yhdeksännes :: One ninth
yhdeksänsataa :: nine hundred
yhdeksäntoista :: nineteen
yhdeksäntuhatta :: nine thousand
yhdeksänvyövyötiäinen :: nine-banded armadillo, Texas armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
yhdeksäs :: the ninth, abbreviation 9. , in the names of monarchs and popes IX
yhdeksäskymmenes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: ninetieth
yhdeksässadas [lb, fi, ordinal] :: nine-hundredth
yhdeksästi :: nine times
yhdeksästoista :: the nineteenth, abbreviation 19. , in names of monarchs and popes XIX
yhdelmä :: aggregate, combination
yhdenlainen :: only one kind of
yhdenlainen :: similar
yhdenmukaistaa :: To standardize, equalize
yhdenmukaistua :: To be standardized, equalized
yhdensuuntainen :: one-way (of a ticket)
yhdensuuntainen :: parallel
yhdensuuntaistaa :: to parallelize
yhdensuuntaistua :: To be parallelized
yhdentää :: To merge
yhdentyä :: to merge, become similar
yhdenvertainen :: equal
yhdenvertaisesti :: equally
yhdenvertaisuus :: equality
yhden yön juttu [sexuality] :: one-night stand
yhdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: eleventh (as an ones digit in the word yhdestoista - eleventh, also occurring in larger numbers; e.g. 111th, 4311th): regular form
yhdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: -first (as an ones digit, which is not eleventh; e.g. 31th, 131th): dated; ensimmäinen preferred instead
yhdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: first (as a single word): ungrammatical; corresponds "oneth"
yhdes [lb, fi, ordinal] :: one- (as a tens / hundreds / thousands / ... digit; e.g. 100th, 1000th): not used; because it can be omitted
yhdessä :: together (at the same time; in the same place; in close association):
yhdesti :: once
yhdestoista :: the eleventh, abbreviation 11. , in the names of monarchs and popes XI
yhdestoista hetki :: eleventh hour
yhdestoistaosa :: eleventh (one of eleven equal parts of a whole)
yhdistää :: To conflate
yhdistää :: To connect; to join, combine
yhdistää :: To implicate
yhdiste :: compound
yhdistellä :: To combine
yhdistelmä :: A combination
yhdistelmä [vehicles] :: A short form of ajoneuvoyhdistelmä
yhdistelmäfunktio :: A composite function
yhdistelmälukko :: combination lock (type of lock)
yhdistelmämateriaali :: A composite material, composite
yhdisteltävä :: combinable (able to be combined)
yhdistely :: combination
yhdistely :: combining
yhdistelykemia :: combinatorial chemistry
yhdistetty :: connected (phone call)
yhdistetty :: joined, combined
yhdistetty :: Nordic combined
yhdistetty luku :: composite number
yhdistäminen :: connection (act of connecting)
yhdistäminen :: unification (the act of making to become one)
yhdistyä :: To unify, (be) unite(d)
yhdistyä :: To be joined together, be combined
yhdistymä :: combination (result of combining)
yhdistyminen :: unification (the act of becoming one)
Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat :: The United Arab Emirates
Yhdistyneet kansakunnat :: The United Nations, the UN
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta :: United Kingdom
yhdistys :: association (organized group of persons associated for a common purpose)
yhdistyslaki :: Associations Act [official translation of the Finnish act], Association Law [Australia], Not-for-profit Corporations Act [Canada] (law that regulates the way the NGO associations govern themselves and interact with the society in general)
yhdistysrekisteri :: Register of Associations (government agency maintaining a register of associations that exist as legal persons separate of their members)
yhdistysrekisteri :: the register thus maintained
yhdyntä :: coupling
yhdyntä :: sexual intercourse
yhdyntäasento :: sex position
yhdyntäkumppani :: sex partner
yhdyshenkilö :: contact person
yhdyskunta :: animal colony
yhdyskunta :: community
yhdyskäytävä :: corridor
yhdyskäytävä :: gateway
yhdysmerkki :: A hyphen used in compounds with colliding vowels (e.g. linja-auto)
yhdysnomini :: nominal compound
yhdyssana :: closed compound; compound word
Yhdysvallat :: The United States (of America), the USA
Yhdysvaltain dollari :: US dollar
yhdysvaltalainen :: American (more specifically U.S. American) (of or pertaining to the United States of America, or U.S. culture)
yhdysvaltalainen :: Of United States origin
yhdysvaltalainen :: An American (person born in, or a citizen of, the United States of America)
yhdysvaltalainen :: A person from the United States
yhdysviiva :: A hyphen used in compounds with colliding vowels (e.g. linja-auto)
yhdyttää :: To meet, find someone or something
yhä enemmän :: more and more, ever more (in a manner that progressively increases)
yhä enemmän :: more and more (indicates that the statement is becoming progressively more true)
yöhoitaja :: A night nurse
yhtä :: equally, as
yhtä :: same, equal
yhtä aikaa :: at the same time, simultaneously, together
yht'aikaa :: alternative spelling of yhtaikaa
yhtaikaa :: at the same time
yhteen :: together (into one place; into one single thing):
yhteenkuuluvuus :: social cohesion (the bonds or "glue" that maintain stability in society)
yhteenlaskea :: alternative form of laskea yhteen
yhteenlaskettava :: addend
yhteenlaskettu :: combined
yhteenlasku :: addition
yhteenliittymä :: union
yhteen menoon :: without stopping, nonstop
yhteen ääneen :: together, simultaneously (of voices, uttered in the same time)
yhteenotto :: A confrontation, clash, skirmish
yhteensä :: altogether
yhteensä :: together (collectively)
yhteensattuma :: coincidence
yhteensointuva :: assonant
yhteensopimaton :: incompatible
yhteensopiva :: coincident
yhteensopiva :: compatible
yhteensopiva :: matching, mating
yhteensopivuus :: compatibility
yhteensovittaminen :: harmonization
yhteentörmäys :: A collision
yhteenveto :: summary, synopsis
yhteenveto :: wrap-up
yhteinen :: As modifier in compound terms signifies collaborative, collective, co-, co-ed
yhteinen :: common, shared, joint
yhteisö :: community (group of people sharing a common understanding)
yhteisö [law] :: organization
yhteisöasuminen :: community housing
yhteisesiintyminen :: joint performance
yhteisesti :: jointly
yhteiset varat :: public purse, public funds
yhteishenki :: community spirit, esprit de corps
yhteishuoltajuus :: joint custody, shared custody
yhteisökieli :: Community language (any of the official languages of the European Union)
yhteiskoulu :: co-ed school (school that teaches both girls and boys)
yhteiskoulutus :: coeducation (education of male and female students in the same institution)
yhteiskunnallinen :: social, societal
yhteiskunnallinen ilmoitus :: public service announcement
yhteiskunnallis-taloudellinen [social sciences] :: socio-economic
yhteiskunta :: society (meaning the social system in a country)
yhteiskuntahyönteinen :: A social insect
yhteiskuntakriitikko :: social critic
yhteiskuntakritiikki :: social criticism
yhteiskuntaluokka :: social class
yhteiskuntaoppi :: social studies
yhteiskuntasopimus :: social contract
yhteiskuntatiede :: social science
yhteiskuntavastuu :: social responsibility
yhteislaukaus :: volley, salvo
yhteisöllinen :: communal
yhteisöllisyys :: communality (condition of having certain common interests and attitudes)
yhteismaa :: common land (land free for anybody in the community to graze their animals on)
yhteismaa :: in Monopoly board game, community chest
yhteismitallinen :: commensurate
yhteistä :: in common
yhteistoiminnallinen :: cooperative, co-operative (ready to work with another person or in a team; ready to cooperate)
yhteistoiminnallinen :: cooperative, co-operative (relating to a cooperative or cooperatives that are not legally organized as osuuskunta)
yhteistoiminnallinen :: cooperative, co-operative (relating to cooperation, especially between management and employees as stipulated by law, see yhteistoiminta)
yhteistoiminta :: cooperation (act of cooperating or being cooperative)
yhteistoiminta :: cooperation (orderly sharing of space or resources)
yhteistoiminta :: co-operation, cooperation (organized co-operation between the management and the employees as regulated in a number of acts, see list under Usage notes)
yhteistoiminta-asiamies :: cooperation ombudsman (government official in charge of supervising the compliance with the laws regulating cooperation between the management and personnel in Finnish workplaces)
yhteistoimintalaki :: Act on Co-operation within Undertakings (law aiming to enhance employees’ opportunities to be heard in decision-making in workplaces and improve their position in organizational changes, especially in reduction of workforce)
yhteistoimintamenettely :: co-operation procedure (specific procedure to be followed in cooperation negotiations - see yhteistoimintaneuvottelu - concerning reduction of personnel)
yhteistoimintaneuvottelu [legal, often in plural] :: co-operation negotiation (negotiation held between the management and representatives of employees as stipulated in the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings, or yhteistoimintalaki in Finnish)
yhteistuotanto :: collaboration (production or creation made by collaborating)
yhteistyö :: cooperation
yhteistyö :: liaison
yhteistyöhalu :: willingness to cooperate
yhteistyöhaluinen :: cooperative (willing to cooperate)
yhteistyöjärjestö :: cooperation organization
yhteistyökumppani :: cooperation partner
yhteistyökyky :: ability to cooperate
yhteistyökykyinen :: cooperative (able and willing to cooperate)
yhteistyö on voimaa :: many hands make light work
yhteistyö on voimaa :: two heads are better than one
yhteistyösopimus :: cooperation agreement
yhteisvaimoisuus :: promiscuity (state of being indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
yhteisvastuu :: joint and several responsibility (state of having a shared responsibility for fulfilling an obligation so that every individual guarantees the performance of others)
yhteisvastuullinen :: joint and several
yhteisövero :: corporate tax (tax levied on profit of corporations)
yhteisymmärrys :: Mutual understanding
yhteisymmärrysmuistio :: memorandum of understanding
yhteisyritys :: joint venture (business partnership)
yhteisyys :: community (the condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common)
yhtenevä :: convergent
yhteneväinen :: identical
yhteneväinen [math, archaic] :: congruent
yhtenevyys :: congruence
yhtenäinen :: coherent
yhtenäinen :: homogeneous
yhtenäinen [mathematics, topology] :: connected
yhtenäinen :: uniform
yhtenäistää :: To standardize
yhtenäistää :: To unify
yhtenäistaideteos :: Gesamtkunstwerk (artistic creation such as an operatic performance that encompasses music, theatre and the visual arts)
yhtenäistyä :: To be harmonized
yhtenäistyttää :: alternative form of yhtenäistää
yhtenäisyys :: cohesion, unity
yhtenäisyys :: uniformity
yhtenä miehenä :: en masse
yhteydenotto :: contact (act of contacting)
yhteydenpito :: communication
yhteydenpito :: liaison
yhteys :: access, connection (connection to or communication with the Internet)
yhteys :: connection (established communications or transportation link)
yhteys :: connection (feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people)
yhteys :: connection (point at which two or more things are connected)
yhteys :: context
yhteys :: touch, contact; in expressions in contact, in touch, out of touch
yhteys [transport] :: connection (transfer from one transportation vehicle to another in scheduled transportation service)
yhteys :: contact
yhteyshenkilö :: liaison, contact person
yhteysnumero :: contact number
yhteyspäällikkö :: An account manager; in an advertising agency, consulting firm etc., a person authorized to manage the business relationship with one or several clients
yhteyspäällikkö [insurance] :: An underwriter (person working for an insurance company who arranges and authorizes an insurance policy with a broker or insured)
yhteystiedot :: contact details, contact information
yhteystieto :: contact details, contact information
yhteysvene :: A tender (boat used for transportation btw a ship and the shore)
yhteyttää :: To assimilate
yhteyttää :: To photosynthesize
yhteyttäjä :: photosynthesizing organism
yhteyttäminen :: photosynthesis
yhteytys :: photosynthesis
yhtä hyvin :: as well
yhäti :: still
yhtiö :: company, corporation
yhtiöittää :: to corporatize
yhtiöjärjestys :: articles of association (constitution of a company)
yhtiökokous :: shareholders' meeting (meeting of all shareholders of a company, usually held annually)
yhtäjaksoinen :: continuous
yhtäjaksoisesti :: continuously
yhtäjaksoisuus :: continuity
yhtä jalkaa :: at the same pace
yhtä kaikki :: all the same, anyway, nevertheless, nonetheless
yht'äkkiä :: dated form of yhtäkkiä
yhtäkkiä :: suddenly, abruptly, all of a sudden
yhtäkkinen :: sudden
yhtäkkisyys :: suddenness
yhtä kuin :: (on) yhtä kuin: equals
yhtä kuin :: yhtä ... kuin: as ... as
yhtälö :: equation
yhtä lailla :: similarly, by the same token
yhtäläinen :: equal
yhtäläinen :: identical
yhtäläisesti :: equally
yhtäläistää :: to equalize
yhtäläistyä :: To become equal
yhtäläisyys :: resemblance
yhtäläisyys :: similarity
yhtälöryhmä :: simultaneous equations, system of equations
yhtäältä :: on the one hand (from one point of view)
yhtä mieltä :: at one, of same opinion (olla yhtä mieltä = to be of same opinion = to agree)
yhtä mieltä :: agreed!
yhtä mittaa :: all the time, incessantly, continuously
yhtään :: at all
yhtään mikään :: With ei, (nothing) at all
yhtäpitämätön :: Discrepant, inconsistent
yhtäpitävä :: equivalent
yhtä soittoa :: without stopping, nonstop
yhtäsuuri :: equal
yhtyä :: To concur
yhtyä :: To unite
yhtye :: (music) ensemble (used especially of groups performing classical music)
yhtye :: group, band
yhtymä :: combine
yhtymäkohta :: confluence
yhtymävaltuusto :: The council which has the ultimate decision-making powers in a kuntayhtymä. Its members are elected by the participating municipalities
yhä useammin :: more and more (indicates that the statement is becoming progressively more true)
yhä useampi :: more and more (a growing number of)
yhä uudelleen :: over and over, again and again (repeatedly, seemingly with no end)
yöhyt [poetic, literary] :: night
yöihminen :: night person
yiquan :: yiquan (martial art style developed in China)
yöjuna :: night train
yäk :: ugh, yuck
yök :: yuck
YK :: UN (United Nations)
yökaija :: night parrot, Pezoporus occidentalis
yökerho :: night club
yökiikari :: night glass
yökissa :: kodkod (Leopardus guigna)
yökkö :: Also appears as part of the common name of many vesper bats, i.e. bats of the family Vespertilionidae
yökkö :: night nurse
yökkö :: horseshoe bat (bat of the family Rhinolophidae)
ykkönen [beverages] :: Short of ykkösolut
ykkönen :: first (the most important thing)
ykkönen :: one (digit)
yökkönen :: An owlet moth or noctuid (any moth of the family Noctuidae)
ykkös- :: priority, first class, preferred, prime, first
ykkösehdokas :: prime candidate
ykkösluokka :: First class
ykkösluokka :: Priority class in mail delivery; first class
ykkösolut :: A small beer [beer with low alcoholic content]
ykköspesä [baseball, pesäpallo] :: first base
ykkösposti :: first class mail
ykkössija :: first place, number one, first position in a race, election etc
ykköstila :: first place
ykkösvaihde :: first gear
Y-kromosomi :: Y chromosome
yks :: one
ykseys :: unity, oneness
yksi :: one
yksiö :: singleton (set with exactly one element)
yksiö :: single-room apartment; bachelor (Canada); studio
yksiatominen :: monatomic
yksiavioinen :: monogamous
yksiavioisuus :: monogamy
yksijalkainen :: one-legged
yksijumalainen :: monotheistic
yksijumalaisuus :: monotheism
yksijumalisuus :: monotheism
yksikamarijärjestelmä :: unicameralism
yksikamarinen :: unicameral (of a parliament, having one chamber)
yksi kerrallaan :: one at a time
yksikerroksinen :: one-storey
yksikerroksinen :: single-layered
yksikielinen :: monolingual
yksikielisyys :: monolingualism
yksiköittää :: to unitize
yksikkö :: A unit
yksikkö :: singular
yksikkö [rowing, canoeing] :: single
yksikköhinta :: rate (set price or fee determined in relation to a particular scale or standard)
yksikköhinta :: unit price
yksikkömatriisi :: identity matrix
yksikkömurtoluku :: A unit fraction
yksikköpallo :: unit sphere
yksikkövektori :: unit vector
yksikköympyrä :: unit circle
yksiköllinen :: singular
yksikään :: none, not one
yksikolmatta [archaic, cardinal] :: twenty-one
yksikotinen :: monoecious
yksikotisuus :: monoecism
yksikseen :: alone
yksikäsitteinen :: unambiguous, express, clear (which can be understood only in one way and is specific and precise)
yksikätinen :: one-armed
yksikuntainen :: monadelphous
yksi kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa :: a picture is worth a thousand words
yksikyttyräinen kameli :: dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
yksilö :: individual (a person considered alone)
yksilö :: individual (single object as contrasted to a class)
yksilappeinen :: single-pitch, single-slope
yksilöidä :: to personalise, individualise
yksilöinti :: individualization
yksilöllinen :: individual
yksilöllisesti :: individually
yksilöllistää :: To individualize
yksilöllistyä :: To become individualized
yksilöllisyys :: individuality
yksilömurre :: idiolect
yksilönvapaus :: individual freedom
yksilöys :: alternative form of yksilöllisyys
yksimerkityksisyys :: monosemy
yksimielinen :: unanimous
yksimielisesti :: unanimously
yksimielisyys :: unanimity
yksin :: alone
yksinapainen :: unipolar
yksineläjä :: solitaire (person who lives alone)
yksineuvoinen :: imperfect, unisexual, diclinous (having only male or female reproductive organs in one individual)
yksineuvoisuus :: unisexuality, diclinism (the property of having only male or female reproductive organs in one flower or individual)
yksinhuoltaja :: single parent, sole provider (person with offspring but without a spouse)
yksinhuoltajaäiti :: single mother
yksinhuoltajuus :: sole custody (arrangement whereby only one parent has physical and legal custody of a child)
yksinäinen :: lonely
yksinäinen :: solitaire
yksinäisesti :: In a lonely manner
yksinäistyä :: To become (more) lonely
yksinäisvokaali :: monophthong
yksinäisvokaalinen :: monophthongal
yksinäisyys :: loneliness, solitude
yksinkertainen :: absolute
yksinkertainen :: simple, basic
yksinkertainen :: simple minded
yksinkertainen :: (Unusual, the first sens though) Of one, unique, single, singular
yksinkertainen enemmistö :: absolute majority
yksinkertaisesti :: simply
yksinkertaistaa :: To simplify, to water down
yksinkertaistettu :: simplified
yksinkertaistua :: To simplify (to become simpler)
yksinkertaisuus :: simplicity
yksinlento :: solo flight
yksinään :: alone, by oneself
yksinomaan :: exclusively, solely
yksinomainen :: exclusive, sole
yksinpuhelu :: monologue (speech presented by a single character, either as to himself or clearly addressing the audience)
yksinpuhelu :: soliloquy (act of a character speaking to himself so as to reveal his thoughts to the audience)
yksinpuhelu :: monologue (long, uninterrupted utterance)
yksinvalta :: autocracy
yksinvaltainen :: autocratic
yksinvaltaisuus :: The manners of an autocrat
yksinvaltaisuus :: The quality of being autocratic
yksinvaltias :: autocrat
yksinvaltias :: despot
yksinvaltius :: autocracy
yksioikoinen :: uncomplicated, straightforward
yksioikoisuus :: uncomplicatedness
yksipersoonainen :: monopersonal (having only one grammatical person)
yksipuolinen :: one-sided
yksipuolinen :: unilateral
yksipuolistaa :: To make more one-sided
yksipuolisuus :: one-sidedness
yksipuoluejärjestelmä :: single-party system
yksisarvinen :: unicorn
Yksisarvinen :: the constellation Monoceros, the Unicorn
yksiselitteinen :: unambiguous
yksiselitteisesti :: unequivocally, unambiguously
yksiselitteisyys :: unambiguousness
yksisilmäinen :: bigoted, biased, prejudiced
yksisilmäinen [of a camera] :: single-lens
yksisilmäinen :: one-eyed
yksisirkkainen :: monocotyledonous
yksisirkkainen :: monocot
yksisoluinen :: unicellular, single celled
yksisoluinen :: unicellular organism
yksissä tuumin :: unanimously, jointly, together, in unison
yksisuuntainen :: one-way
yksisuuntainen :: unidirectional
yksisuuntaistaa :: To make one-way (as of road)
yksitaso :: monoplane (airplane that has a single pair of wings)
yksitavuinen :: monosyllabic
yksitellen :: one by one, one at a time
yksiterminen :: monomial (relative to a polynomial consisting of one term)
yksitoikkoinen :: monotonous
yksitoikkoisuus :: monotonousness
yksitoista :: eleven
yksitoistikko :: group of eleven
yksittäin :: one at a time
yksittäinen :: isolated
yksittäinen :: separate
yksittäinen :: single
yksittäinen :: sporadic
yksittäisnäytös [theater, cinema] :: one-night stand
yksittäispakattu :: single-packed
yksituumainen :: unanimous
yksityinen :: personal
yksityinen :: private
yksityis- :: private
yksityisarmeija :: private army
yksityisasia :: private matter
yksityisasiakas :: private customer
yksityisautoilu :: [UK] private motoring (use of a motor car for private transportation)
yksityiselämä :: private life
yksityisesti :: privately
yksityisetsivä :: private investigator
yksityishenkilö :: private person
yksityisklinikka :: private clinic
yksityiskohta :: detail
yksityiskohtainen :: detailed
yksityiskohtainen :: elaborate (ighly complex, detailed, or sophisticated)
yksityiskohtaisemmin :: comparative form of yksityiskohtaisesti: more in detail
yksityiskohtaisesti :: in detail, detailedly
yksityiskoulu :: Any private school. As there is no specific Finnish word for the US prep schools or the UK public schools, it is also used of them
yksityislento :: private flight
yksityisomaisuus :: private property (anything owned by individuals or private corporations)
yksityissektori :: private sector
yksityistää :: to privatize
yksityistie :: private road
yksityistäminen :: privatization
yksityistyä :: To be privatized
yksityisviesti :: private message, whisper
yksityisyrittäjä :: private entrepreneur, private enterpriser
yksityisyys :: privacy
yksiulotteinen :: one-dimensional
yksivaimoinen :: monogamous (having one wife)
yksivaimoisuus :: monogamy (having one wife)
yksivärinen :: monochromatic
ykskantaan :: curtly
yökätä :: To gag, retch
yököttää :: To feel sick (to have an urge to vomit)
yököttävä :: sickening, disgusting
yököttävämpi :: comparative form of yököttävä
yökyöpeli :: A nighthawk, night owl (person who stays up late in the night)
ylä- :: superior, high, higher
ylä- :: upper
yläaste :: junior high school (formerly the upper level of the peruskoulu consisting of grades 6 through 9)
Yle :: Yleisradio (Finnish Broadcasting Company, a national TV and radio channel)
yleensä :: May sometimes be translated with the verb "to tend" (to be likely, or probable to do something, or to have a certain characteristic)
yleensä :: usually, normally, typically, generally, on average
yleinen :: As a former part of of compound (as the stem yleis-) signifies generic, general, universal, pan, all-
yleinen :: common, widespread
yleinen :: mutual
yleinen hyvä :: common good (general interest of the population as a whole)
yleinen kiinniotto-oikeus [law] :: citizen's arrest (right of a person who is not acting as a sworn law enforcement official to detain a suspected criminal until the police can be summoned)
yleinen mielipide :: public opinion
yleinen vapaapäivä :: public holiday, national holiday, bank holiday (day declared free from work by the government)
yleisö :: audience
yleisö :: public
yleisaika :: Universal Time, UTC
yleisamerikkalainen :: Pan-American
yleisanestesia :: general anesthesia
yleisavain :: master key
yleisavain :: crowbar
yleisöesiintyminen :: public presentation
yleisesti :: commonly, generally
yleishyödyllinen [legal, taxation] :: common-good; often translated into English as nonprofit (working for the general interest of the population as a whole)
yleisistunto :: general assembly
yleiskaava [zoning] :: zoning plan, zoning scheme (a plan which outlines the land use for different purposes such as residential, industrial and agricultural, main traffic routes etc.)
yleiskatsaus :: overview
yleiskieli :: lingua franca
yleiskieli :: (linguistics) standard language (variety of a language used in public discourse)
yleiskielinen :: standard language (expressed in standard language)
yleiskirkollinen :: ecumenical
yleiskokous :: general assembly
yleiskunto :: General condition
yleislakko :: general strike
yleisöluku :: The number of spectators
yleismaailmallinen :: global
yleismaailmallinen :: universal (of or pertaining to the universe)
yleismittari :: multimeter
yleisömäärä :: audience, number of audience (the number of spectators in a cultural, sports or other similar event)
yleisnimi :: common noun
yleisnimistynyt tavaramerkki :: genericized trademark
yleisnäkymä :: panorama
yleispostimerkki :: definitive (ordinary postage stamp that is part of a series of all denominations or is reprinted as needed to meet demand)
yleispätevä :: tautological
yleispätevä :: universal (common to all members of a group or class)
yleispätevä :: universally applicable, even in concrete terms
yleisradio :: public broadcasting company
Yleisradio :: Finnish Broadcasting Company
yleissitova :: universally binding (of a collective bargaining agreement, binding all employers in a given branch of economic activity)
yleissitovuus :: Of a collective bargaining agreement, the quality of being universally binding, i.e. binding all employers in a given branch of economic activity
yleistää :: to generalise/generalize
yleistää :: to universalize (to make universal, to make consistent or common across all cases)
yleistajuinen :: popular (easy to be comprehended)
yleistajuistaa :: to popularize (to make easily understandable)
yleistieto :: general knowledge
yleistyä :: To become more common, to grow in number
yleistys :: generalisation/generalization
yleisurheilu :: athletics
yleisurheiluliitto :: An athletics governing body
yleisyys :: frequency, commonness
ylellinen :: luxury, sumptuous
ylellistyä :: To become more luxurious
ylellisyys :: luxury
ylellisyystavara :: luxury good
ylemmäs :: higher still
ylemmyys :: superiority
ylemmyys :: supremacy
ylempi :: (physically) upper, higher-up; (socially) superior
ylempiarvoinen :: superior (higher in rank)
ylempänä :: higher, up, above (located further up or above)
ylen :: antaa ~ : to vomit
ylen :: very, excessively, over-
ylenannattaa :: To feel sick (to have an urge to vomit)
ylenkatseellinen :: supercilious, scornful
ylenkatseellisuus :: contemptuousness
ylenkatsoa :: to despise, scorn, look down on, sneer at, disdain, contemn
ylenmääräinen :: excessive
ylennys :: An advancement (promotion to a higher place or dignity)
ylennys :: A promotion (advancing in rank or position)
ylenpalttinen :: lavish
ylenpalttinen :: superfluous
ylenpalttisesti :: lavishly
ylenpalttisuus :: profusion, exuberance
ylensyödä :: to overeat (to eat too much)
ylentää :: To promote someone (= genitive-accusative) to a post (= translative), give a promotion to
ylentää :: To raise, lift, elevate
ylentää :: To raise someone (= genitive-accusative) (to a higher social status)
ylentää :: To uplift, elevate (mind)
yölento :: night flight
Ylermi :: male given name
yletä :: To grow (up)
yletä :: To move up, advance, be/get promoted (in one's career)
yletä :: To rise
yletön :: excessive
ylettää :: to (be able to) reach (usually a high place)
ylettömästi :: excessively
ylettömyys :: excess
ylettyä :: To reach, to be able to reach
ylevä :: sublime
ylevöidä :: To sublimate
ylevöidä :: To ennoble (to bestow with honor or grace)
ylevöittää :: To ennoble (to bestow with honor or grace)
ylevöityä :: To sublimate
ylevämpi :: comparative form of ylevä
ylevyys :: nobility
ylevyys :: sublimity
yläfemma :: gimme a five, give me five, slap me five
yläfemma :: high five (gesture)
ylhä :: noble
ylähanka :: The weatherboard (windward side of a vessel)
ylhäinen :: noble, aristocratic
ylhäisö :: nobility
ylhäisin :: superlative form of ylhäinen
ylhäisyys :: Highness
ylhäisyys :: nobility (the quality of being noble)
ylhäällä :: Ylhäällä refers to something being in a location which is above some other location. It is normally translated into English as up
ylhäälle :: Up, to above
ylhäältä :: from above
ylähuone :: upper house, upper chamber; House of Lords [UK]
yli :: yli + number: over
yli :: yli + object in genitive form: over (when one goes through the space that is above something):
yli :: yli + object in genitive or partitive form: after, past (temporal)
yli- :: overly, excessively
yli- :: over-; super-:
yli- :: senior, chief
yli- :: trans-:
yliaika :: overtime
yliannos :: overdose
yliannostus :: overdosage
yliarvioida :: To overestimate
yliarvostaa :: To overrate, overvalue
ylidramaattinen :: overdramatic
yliedustettu :: overrepresented
ylienkeli :: archangel
ylietsivä :: detective sergeant [official translation]; a detective rank in Finnish police, equal in seniority to ylikonstaapeli
yliherkkä :: oversensitive
yliherkkyys :: oversensitivity
yliherruus :: supremacy
ylihinnoitella :: To overprice (to set a price excessively high)
ylihuolehtiva :: overcaring
ylihuomenna :: day after tomorrow
ylihuominen :: the day after tomorrow
yli-ihminen :: übermensch, superman
yli-ikäinen :: overage (too old)
yli-ikäistyä :: To become overaged
yli-inhimillinen :: divine (superhuman)
yli-inhimillinen :: superhuman
ylijäämä :: surplus
ylijäämäinen :: surplus
ylijännitesuoja :: surge protector, overvoltage protection
ylijohtaja :: deputy director-general (second-in-charge in certain branches of government in which the chief executive is titled pääjohtaja)
ylijohtaja :: director-general (title of the chief executive of certain branches of government)
ylijoukko :: superset
ylijättiläinen :: supergiant
ylijumala :: supreme god
ylikalastus :: overfishing
ylikansallinen :: supranational
ylikansoitettu :: overpopulated
ylikansoitus :: overpopulation
ylikapasiteetti :: overcapacity
ylikellotus :: overclocking
ylikersantti :: An NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation used by the army and air force is staff sergeant, and by the navy, petty officer first class
ylikiihottunut :: overexcited
ylikomisario :: A rank in the Finnish police, above komisario and below apulaispoliisipäällikkö, roughly equal to captain in the US police force and chief inspector in the UK
ylikonstaapeli :: police sergeant, sergeant (senior officer rank in the Finnish police force, above vanhempi konstaapeli and below komisario)
ylikorostaa :: to overemphasize (to place too much emphasis on; to overstate the importance of)
ylikoulutettu :: overeducated
yläikäraja :: upper age limit
ylikukkinut [of flowers] :: overblown
ylikulku :: transit
ylikuormata :: To overload (to load too much weight or too many persons in a vehicle)
ylikuormaus :: overload
ylikuormittaa :: To overload
ylikuormittua :: To be(come) overloaded
ylikuormitus :: overload
ylikuormitussuoja :: overload protection
ylikuuluminen :: crosstalk (undesirable signals from a neighbouring transmission circuit)
ylikuumeneminen :: Action noun of the verb ylikuumeta, overheating (becoming excessively hot)
ylikuumentua :: to overheat (to become excessively hot)
ylikuumeta :: to overheat (to become excessively hot)
ylikypsä :: overcooked
ylikypsä :: overripe
ylikypsentää :: to overcook (to cook for too long or at too high a temperature)
yliladata :: To overload (to provide too much power to an accumulator)
ylilento :: overflight
ylilääkäri :: medical superintendent
ylilääkäri :: senior physician
yliluonnollinen :: supernatural
yliluonnollisesti :: supernaturally
yliluonnollisuus :: supernaturalness
yliluutnantti :: An officer rank in Finnish defence forces. The official English translation used by the army and air force is senior lieutenant; and by the navy, lieutenant
ylimainostaa :: to overpraise
ylimalkainen :: approximate, rough, undetailed, sketchy
ylimalkaisuus :: generality (quality of being general)
ylimalkaisuus :: sketchiness (quality of being sketchy)
ylimatruusi :: A rank in the Finnish Navy right above seaman. The official translation into English is able seaman
ylimenokausi :: period of transition
ylimielinen :: contemptuous
ylimielisesti :: contemptuously
ylimielisyys :: arrogance, pride
yliminä :: superego
ylimmäinen :: (physically) highest, uppermost, top; (socially) supreme, highest
ylimpänä :: uppermost
ylimäärä :: excess
ylimääräinen :: supernumerary. Relating to anything that comes or exists on top of what can be considered normal, sufficient or desirable; excessive, redundant, extra, extraordinary, special, additional, accessory, surplus (as attribute)
ylimys :: aristocrat
ylimystö :: aristocracy
ylin :: maximum, ceiling, top:
ylin :: (physically) highest, uppermost, top; (socially) supreme, highest
yläindeksi :: superscript
ylinen :: above
ylinen :: attic
yliäänennopeus :: supersonic speed
yliäänikone :: supersonic aircraft
yliäänimatkustajakone :: supersonic passenger plane
yliäänipamaus :: sonic boom
ylinopeus :: speeding
ylinumeroituva :: uncountable, innumerable
yliohjautuminen :: oversteer
yliohjautuva :: oversteering
yliolanheitin :: overhead projector (projector that projects an image over the head of the user of the projector onto a screen behind him)
yliolkainen :: nonchalant, supercilious
yliolkaisuus :: nonchalance
yliopettaja :: senior teacher
yliopisto :: academia (universities collectively, the academic world)
yliopisto :: a university, a college
yliopistokaupunki :: university town
yliopistollinen :: academic
yliopisto-opiskelija :: university student
ylioppilas :: A holder of such qualification, i.e. a high school graduate who has passed ylioppilastutkinto. The individual is qualified to begin baccalaureate level studies at a university
ylioppilas :: An educational qualification awarded to a person that has successfully completed the upper secondary school final exam
ylioppilaskirjoitukset :: baccalaureate, matriculation examination (examination to enable higher education)
ylioppilaskirjoitus :: matriculation examination; usually in plural, see ylioppilaskirjoitukset
ylioppilaskoe :: baccalaureate (examination to enable higher education)
ylioppilaskokelas :: A student on the last class of high school studying for matriculation examination (ylioppilastutkinto)
ylioppilaskunta :: students' union (UK), student government (US), student union (US) (this sometimes means "student government" in US English but usually refers to a "student activity center")
ylioppilaslakki :: Finnish student cap
ylioppilastalo :: student centre (building serving as venue for students' cultural, intellectual and recreational functions)
ylioppilastodistus :: A certificate of having successfully completed a lukio; officially called lukion päättötodistus
ylioppilastodistus :: A diploma for having passed an ylioppilastutkinto; officially called ylioppilastutkintotodistus
ylioppilastutkinto :: A matriculation examination (official translation); in Finland a national examination taken after high school which serves as a necessary qualification for starting academic studies in a university
ylioppiminen :: overstudying
ylipainoinen :: overweight, obese
ylipalkattu :: overpaid
ylipappi :: high priest
ylipäällikkö :: commander in chief
ylipäänsä :: alternative form of ylipäätään
ylipääsemätön :: alternative form of ylitsepääsemätön
ylipäätään :: at all
ylipäätään :: generally, on the whole, in general
ylipäätänsä :: above all, more importantly, first and foremost
ylipukeutua :: to overdress (to wear clothing which is too elaborate or formal for a particular occasion)
ylipursuva :: overflowing
ylirasittua :: To exhaust
ylirasittunut :: exhausted
yliravitsemus :: overnutrition (the state of being overnourished)
yliravittu :: overnourished
ylireagoida :: to overreact
ylisooninen :: supersonic
ylispagaatti [gymnastics, acrobatics] :: oversplit (split in which the angle formed by the legs measures greater than 180 degrees)
ylistää :: To flatter, compliment
ylistää :: To praise; to extol; to eulogize (in a speech); to celebrate (in a patriotic context); to commend (a subordinate, employee)
ylistellä :: to praise, extol or eulogise repeatedly
ylistys :: praise, acclaim, exaltation
Ylitalo :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ylitalo :: Finnish surname
ylitarkastaja :: superintendent
ylite :: surplus
ylitse [lb, fi, with genitive] :: over (when one goes through the space that is above something):
ylitsepääsemätön :: insurmountable
ylitsevuotava :: exuberant
ylitsevuotava :: ostentatious
ylitsevuotava :: overflowing
ylitsevuotavainen :: overflowing
ylitsevuotavainen :: superfluous, supervacaneous
ylittää :: ~ aikansa: see ylittää aikansa
ylittää :: To cross
ylittää :: To exceed, surpass, go over, transcend
ylittää :: To transgress (a limit, confine or bound, as to break a taboo)
ylittää aikansa :: to overstay; often with a specifier like "my visit", "my time" (to remain present after the agreed or appropriate departure time)
ylittää itsensä :: To exceed oneself
ylittäjä :: Agent noun of the verb ylittää
ylittämätön :: excellent
ylittämätön :: insurmountable
ylittyä :: To be crossed, be surpassed, be gone over
ylitulvimissuoja :: overflow protection (e.g. on a dishwasher)
ylityö :: overtime work
ylityökielto :: overtime ban
ylityökorvaus :: overtime (pay for overtime work)
ylitys :: An act of crossing
ylitys :: An act of going over a limit, an instance of surpassing
ylitäyttää :: to overfill
ylitäyttö :: An overfill
ylivalotus :: overexposure
ylivalta :: supremacy, dominance
ylivalvoja :: overseer
ylivarovainen :: overcautious
ylivertainen :: supreme, supernal
yliviivata :: to strike through
yliviivaus :: strikethrough (line used to strike through a text)
ylivoima :: superiority (quality of being superior in competence or ability)
ylivoimainen :: overpowering, overwhelming
ylivoimaisesti :: by far (to a considerably large extent, easily)
ylivoimaisesti :: overwhelmingly
ylivoimaisuus :: insuperability (state of being insuperable)
ylivoimapeli :: power play
ylivääpeli :: Formerly an NCO rank in the Finnish army. It was between vääpeli and sotilasmestari
yliyksinkertaistettu :: simplistic
Yläjärvi :: Lake Superior
yläjuoksu :: top plate, upper wall plate (topmost wall plate on a wall)
yläjuoksu :: upriver (section of a river that is towards its source from the observer)
ylkä :: groom, bridegroom
yläkajetto :: supraglottal cavities
yläkerrassa :: upstairs
yläkerrasta :: from upstairs
yläkerta :: top floor, top store
yläkerta :: upper floor, upper store
yläkierre :: topspin, forespin
yläkonjunktio :: superior conjunction
yläkoulu :: grades 7 to 9 of the Finnish peruskoulu; upper comprehensive school
yläkäsite :: hypernym (a superordinate grouping word)
yläkulma :: top corner, upper corner
yläkyynelpiste :: superior lacrimal punctum (lacrimal punctum of the upper eyelid)
yllä :: above
yllä :: on, wearing (having clothes on)
yllä :: pitää yllä: to maintain
yllä :: yllä mainittu: above-mentioned
yöllä :: at night
ylle :: to above, over
ylleen :: To the position of being on top or above someone or something
ylleen :: With verbs pukea, laittaa, panna, to wear
yläleuanluu :: The upper jawbone. The bone consists of a right and a left part, which are separately called the maxillas
yläleuka :: maxilla
yläleukaluu [lb, fi, anatomy, skeleton] :: maxilla
yöllinen :: nocturnal, nightly
yllin kyllin :: abundantly, plentifully
ylläkkö :: sneak attack
yllä mainittu :: above-mentioned, aforesaid, above-named
ylläpitää :: maintain, uphold, keep up
ylläpitäjä :: bearer (generally)
ylläpitäjä :: administrator, admin
ylläpitäminen :: Same as ylläpito
ylläpito :: maintenance
ylläpito :: upkeep
yllättää :: To catch in the act/red-handed
yllättää :: To surprise, astonish, take unawares/by surprise
yllättäen :: abruptly, precipitously
yllättäen :: suddenly
yllättäen :: unexpectedly, out of the blue
yllättäjä :: One who surprises
yllättäjä :: sleeper (one who achieves unexpected success)
yllättävä :: surprising
yllättyä :: to be surprised
yllättynyt :: surprised
yllätyksekäs :: surprising
yllätyksellinen :: surprising
yllätyksetön :: unsurprising
yllätyksettömästi :: unsurprisingly
yllätys :: surprise
yllätyshyökkäys :: sneak attack, surprise attack
yllätysvoitto :: surprise victory
yläluokka :: The upper class (in school; in the society)
yllyke :: An incitement
yllytin :: incitement
yllyttää :: To agitate, stir up, excite
yllyttää :: To incite
yllytys :: incitement
ylämaa :: climb, ascent
ylämaa :: highland
ylämaalainen :: highlander
ylämaankarja :: Highland cattle, kyloe
ylämäki :: A hill (sloping road) with a rising slope
ylämäki :: the part of a slope which is uphill from one's current position
ylämäki :: upper part of a slope
ylämummo [ice hockey, slang] :: the uppermost part of the inside of an ice hockey goal
ylänkö :: highlands; more precisely any region more than 200 m above sea level
ylänköjuoksija :: seedsnipe (herbivorous wading birds in the family Thinocoridae, endemic to South America)
ylänköpuumuura :: upland antshrike
ylänkövyötiäinen :: Andean hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus nationi
ylänne :: An elevation
yläonttolaskimo :: A superior vena cava
yläosa :: top (uppermost part of anything)
yläosaton :: topless
yläpaine :: systolic blood pressure
ylpeä :: proud
ylpeillä :: to boast
ylpeillä :: to pride oneself on or upon something
ylpeily :: boasting
ylpeästi :: proudly
ylpeys :: pride
ylpistää :: To make somebody more proud
ylpistyä :: To become overly proud, arrogant
yläpuolella :: See: yläpuoli
yläpuolelle :: See: yläpuoli
yläpuolelta :: See: yläpuoli
yläpuoli :: Certain cases (adessive, ablative and allative) are used postpositionally to show location; above. The thing to which the comparison is made is in genitive, with a possessive suffix if required
yläpuoli :: The upper side of an object
yläpurenta :: overbite
yläraaja :: upper limb
yläraja :: upper boundary, limit
ylös :: up, upward
ylösalaisin :: upside down (in disorder)
ylösalaisin :: upside down (inverted)
yläsaranoitu :: bottom-hinged (having hinges on the top, as opposed to having them on bottom or on the side)
ylösnouseminen :: resurrection
ylösnousemus :: Resurrection
ylösnousu :: ascent
ylösotettu :: busy, reserved (e.g. phone, person)
ylöspäin :: upward, upwards
ylöstempaus :: The Rapture
yläsävel :: overtone
yläsävelsarja :: harmonic series
yltä :: From over
yltää [(+ a person in partitive) + illative] :: To be/come up to
yltää [intransitive + allative or illative] :: To (be able to) reach (usually with one's limbs)
ylätasanko :: plateau
yltiöpäinen :: fanatical, daring, reckless
yltäkylläinen :: abundant
yltäkylläisyys :: abundance
ylttää :: alternative form of ylettää
yltyä [of pain, ache, bullying; of war] :: To get worse, intensify
yltyä [of speed] :: To increase
yltyä [of war, violence] :: To escalate
yltyä [of wind] :: To rise
ylätyyli :: literary style (style of expression in speech or writing which is regarded as too pompous or sophisticated for everyday use)
ylätyylinen :: literary style
ylävä :: high-lying, high-elevation (of a land mass, having higher elevation than its surroundings)
ylävatsa [anatomy, informal] :: hypochondrium
yläviitonen :: alternative spelling of ylävitonen
ylävirta :: upstream
ylävirta :: Used postpositionally to signify "upstream of", or above
ylävitonen :: gimme a five, give me five, slap me five!
ylävitonen :: high five
Ylä-Volta :: Upper Volta (former country)
ylväs :: noble (having honorable qualities)
ylvästellä :: To swagger
ylvästely :: pride, ostentation
ylväys :: grace
ym. :: etc.
yömaja :: homeless shelter, doss-house (building set up to provide for the needs of homeless people)
ymmällään :: baffled, flabbergasted, blown away, perplexed; clueless
ymmärrettävä :: understandable (capable of being accepted or excused under the circumstances)
ymmärrettävä :: understandable, comprehensible, intelligible, perceivable, sensible (capable of being understood or comprehended)
ymmärrettävästi :: intelligibly, understandably
ymmärrettävyys :: understandability; the property of being ymmärrettävä
ymmärrys :: understanding
ymmärtää :: to identify with, relate to, understand
ymmärtää :: to understand
ymmärtäminen :: understanding
ymmärtämätön :: silly, foolish
ymmärtämättömyys :: silliness, foolishness the property of being ymmärtämätön
ymmärtämys :: sympathy
ymmärtänyt :: Used to form the equivalent of expressions according to one's understanding, by one's lights and others with similar meaning
ymmärtävä :: understanding
ymmärtäväinen :: Understanding
ymmärtäväisyys :: the quality of being understanding (ymmärtäväinen)
ymppääminen :: grafting (of shoots)
ymppäys :: grafting (of shoots)
ympäri :: around
ympäri :: over, upside down
ympäri :: around, on the perimeter
ympäri- :: circum-
ympäri :: all over
ympäriajo :: The act of driving around something, often in the form of a race
ympäröidä :: To surround, encircle, ring, wreath
ympäriinsä :: all over the place
ympärileikata :: To circumcise
ympärileikattu [of both men and women] :: circumcised
ympärileikkaus :: circumcision
ympärileikkauttaa :: To order an circumcision
ympärillä :: around, on the perimeter
ympärille :: around, to the perimeter
ympäriltä :: from around, from the perimeter
ympäripurjehdus :: circumnavigation
ympäripyöreä :: circumspect
ympäripyöreä :: vague, circumlocutionary
ympäristö :: environment
ympäristö :: environmental
ympäristöaktiivi :: environmental activist
ympäristöaktivisti :: environmental activist
ympäristöasia :: environmental issue
ympäristöjärjestö :: environmental organization
ympäristökeskus :: A regional office of the Finnish Ministry of Environment, officially translated into English as Centre for Environment
ympäristökriisi :: environmental crisis
ympäristökunta :: surrounding municipality (any of the municipalities surrounding a larger center)
ympäristölautakunta :: A municipal environmental committee
ympäristöliike :: environmental movement
ympäristöministeri :: minister of the environment
ympäristöministeriö :: ministry of environment
ympäristönsuojelija :: conservationist, environmentalist
ympäristönsuojelu :: environmental protection, conservation of the environment
ympäristöpuolue :: environmental party
ympäristötiede :: environmental science
ympäristötuki :: environmental aid
ympäristövaikutus :: environmental effect
ympäristöystävällinen :: environmentally friendly
ympäristöystävällisyys :: the state of being environmentally friendly
ympäröivä :: Surrounding
ympärivuorokautinen :: round-the-clock
ympärivuotinen :: year-round (operating or continuing throughout the year)
ympärys :: circumference
ympärys :: surrounding
ympärysmitta :: circumference, girth
ympärystä :: alternative form of ympärys (surrounding)
ympätä :: To graft (shoots)
ympyrä :: circle
ympyrä :: in plural (ympyrät) orb (sphere of action)
ympyröidä :: To circle, circumscribe
ympyriäinen :: round
ympyröinti :: circumscribing, encirclement, encircling
ympyräsegmentti :: circular sector
ympyräsektori :: circular sector
yms. :: etc.
yömyssy :: nightcap (beverage drank before going to bed)
yömyssy :: nightcap (warm cap worn at night)
-yn :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
ynähtää :: to whine (once)
yninä :: whine
ynnä :: and
ynnä :: plus
ynnä :: ynnä muuta (ym.): et cetera
ynnä :: ynnä muut: et al.
ynnälasku [arithmetic, colloquial] :: addition
ynnä muuta :: et cetera
ynnätä :: to sum
ynnäys :: summing
ynseä :: unfriendly, ill-disposed
ynseästi :: unfriendlily
ynseys :: unfriendliness
yoabu :: alternative term for waama (language spoken in Benin, ISO 639-3 code: wwa)
yo-kirjoitukset :: short for ylioppilaskirjoitukset
yo-koe :: short for ylioppilaskoe
yo-lakki :: short for ylioppilaslakki
Yoldiameri :: The Yoldia Sea, a phase of the Baltic Sea
yo-merkonomi :: short for ylioppilasmerkonomi
yorkshirenterrieri :: Yorkshire terrier, Yorkshire Terrier
yorkshiresika :: Yorkshire pig
yo-tutkinto :: short for ylioppilastutkinto
yöperhonen :: moth
ypösen :: completely; used as intensifier with the adverb yksin
ypsilon :: upsilon (Greek letter)
yöpuku :: pajamas
yöpuoli :: nightside
yöpuoli :: (dialectal) shady, northward side of a hill
yöpyä :: To stay overnight, stay the night (at sb's place = genitive + luona)
yöpyjä :: overnighter (one who stays overnight)
ypöyksin :: all alone
yöpyminen :: overnight, overnighting (overnight stay, especially in a hotel or other lodging facility)
yöpöytä :: bedside table
yrittää [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To try, attempt, endeavour/endeavor (to do something)
yritteliäisyys :: entrepreneurship (the quality of being entrepreneurial by spirit, not necessarily being an entrepreneur)
yritteliäs :: industrious
yrittäjä :: An entrepreneur
yrittäjyys :: entrepreneurship (the quality of being an entrepreneur)
yrittämä :: An attempt
yrittäminen :: endeavoring
yrittäminen :: trying
yrittänyttä ei laiteta :: nothing ventured, nothing gained
yritys :: attempt, effort
yritys :: company, firm, enterprise
yritys :: trial (test)
yritysjohtaja :: business executive
yrityskauppa :: A transaction, usually an acquisition or a merger, in which a business changes ownership
yritysketju :: corporate chain
yrityskuva :: corporate image, company image (the overall view or opinion which the customers and public have on a corporation or a company)
yrityspuisto :: business park
yritysriski :: business risk
yritystoiminta :: business (entrepreneurial activity)
yrjö :: vomit
Yrjö :: male given name
Yrjö :: The letter "Y" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Yrjölä :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Yrjölä :: Finnish surname
Yrjänä :: male given name
yrjötä [colloquial, slang] :: To puke, to vomit
yrjöttää :: To feel sick (to have an urge to vomit)
yrkä :: alternative form of ylkä ("groom")
yrkö :: male animal, especially a bear
yrkö :: man
yrmeä :: morose, sullen
yrmeys :: sullenness
yrmy :: grouch
yrtti :: herb
yrttitee :: herbal tea
ysi :: nine (digit)
yskä :: cough (condition that causes one to cough)
yskähdellä :: to cough (shortly but repeatedly)
yskähdys :: A cough (a single sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs, often involuntary)
yskähtää :: To cough (once)
yskiä :: to cough (to make a noise like a cough)
yskiä :: to cough (to push air from the lungs in a quick, noisy explosion)
yskiä :: to expectorate (to cough up fluid from the lungs)
yskiminen :: coughing
yskinä :: coughing
yskäinen :: Having cough
yskintä :: An instance (single or repeated) of a cough or coughing
yskiskellä :: To cough (repeatedly)
yskäistä :: To cough once, or in order to draw attention
yskäisy :: A single cough
yskittää :: To make to cough
yskäkohtaus :: alternative form of yskänkohtaus
yskänkohtaus :: fit of cough
yskänlääke :: cough syrup, cough mixture, cough medicine (liquid used to suppress coughing)
yskänpastilli :: cough drop
yskänpuuska :: fit of cough
yskänrokko :: cold sore, fever blister (visible symptom of herpes labialis or oral herpes, the oral form of herpes simplex)
yskänrokko :: oral herpes
yskös :: sputum
ysäri :: 1990s
ystävä :: friend
ystäväinen :: friend
ystävällinen :: friendly
ystävällisesti :: friendly
ystävällisesti :: kindly
ystävällisesti :: nicely
ystävällisin :: superlative form of ystävällinen
ystävällisin terveisin :: with kind regards, with kindest regards (used as a polite closing of a letter)
ystävällismielinen :: friendly (without hostility)
ystävällisyys :: friendliness
ystävännauha :: friendship bracelet (type of handmade bracelet given to friends)
ystävänpäivä :: Saint Valentine's Day
ystäväpiiri :: circle of friends (one's friends as a collective)
ystävätär :: A female friend
ystävykset :: friends (collective term for people who are each other's friends)
ystävystyä :: to make friends, befriend
ystävyys :: friendship
ystävyyskaupunki :: sister city
ystävyysottelu :: friendly match, exhibition match
yösydän :: dead of night
yötä :: (good) night!
yt :: yhteistoiminta
yötaivas :: night sky
ytimekkäästi :: pithily
ytimekkyys :: pithiness
ytimekäs :: Pithy
ytimellinen :: Containing a core or nucleus
ytimennävertäjä :: bark beetles of the genus Tomicus
ytimetön :: coreless (not containing a core or nucleus)
yötön :: Having no night; referring to the midnight sun
yt-neuvottelu :: Short for yhteistoimintaneuvottelu
yötön yö :: The midnight sun
yötä päivää :: day and night, night and day (all the time; round the clock; unceasingly)
ytterbium :: ytterbium
yttrium :: yttrium
yttriumoksidi :: yttrium oxide
yötyö :: night work
yty :: core
yty :: power, strength (e.g. in a speech)
yötyölisä :: night shift allowance (extra payment for working at night)
yuguuri :: Yugur (member of a minority people in China)
yuma :: Quechan, Yuma (member of a Native American people from Arizona; their language)
yumansiippa :: Yuma myotis, Myotis yumanensis (North American species of bat)
yöuni :: night's sleep
yurok :: Yurok (tribe)
yurok :: Yurok (language)
yurok :: Yurok (person)
yövahti :: night guard
yövartija :: night guard, night watchman
yövartio :: night watch, vigil
yövilkka :: creeping lady's tresses (Goodyera repens)
yövuoro :: night shift
yövuorolisä :: night shift allowance (extra payment for working a night shift)
yövyntä :: alternative form of yöpyminen “overnight, overnighting”
yxi :: obsolete spelling of yksi
yy :: Colloquial use of the number yksi (1)
Zaire :: Zaire
z-akseli :: z-axis
zambo :: Zambo (person with African and Native American/indigenous heritage; Afro-Indian)
zapoteekki :: A Zapotec
zarathustralainen :: Zoroastrian
zarathustralainen :: A Zoroastrian, adherent of Zoroastrianism
zarathustralaisuus :: Zoroastrianism
zeeta :: zeta (Greek letter)
Zefyros :: Zephyr
Zemfira :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Земфи́ра
zen :: zen
zenbuddhalainen :: Zen Buddhist (of or pertaining to Zen Buddhism or its supporters)
zenbuddhalainen :: Zen Buddhist (supporter of Zen Buddhism)
zenbuddhalaisuus :: Zen Buddhism
zenbuddhismi :: Zen Buddhism, zen (denomination of Buddhism)
zeniitti :: zenith
zeoliitti :: zeolite
zeppeliini :: zeppelin
zikkurat :: ziggurat
ziljoona :: alternative form of tsiljoona
Zimbabwe :: Zimbabwe
zimbabwelainen :: Zimbabwean, of or relating to the Zimbabwean language
zimbabwelainen :: Zimbabwean, of or relating to Zimbabwe
zimbabwelainen :: Zimbabwean, a person from Zimbabwe
Zimbabwen tasavalta :: The Republic of Zimbabwe
zip-koodi :: ZIP code (US postal code)
zirkoni :: zircon
zirkonikide :: zircon crystal
zirkonium :: zirconium
zloty :: zloty
znamenni :: znamenny
zodiakki :: zodiac
zoisiitti :: zoisite
zombi :: zombie
zombie :: alternative form of zombi
zoofiili :: zoophile
zoofilia :: zoophilia (human sexual attraction toward animals)
zoofilia :: zoophilia (human sexual interaction with animals)
zoofobia :: zoophobia
zoogeografia :: zoogeography
zookoria :: zoochory
zoolatria :: zoolatry
zoologi :: zoologist
zoologia [scientific, rare] :: zoology
zoologinen :: zoological
zoomata :: To focus (to adjust a lens)
zoomata :: To zoom (to change the focal length of a zoom lens)
zoomaus :: zooming
zoomi :: zoom (in camera)
zoom-objektiivi :: zoom lens
zooni :: zone
zoonoosi :: zoonosis
zoosporangio :: A zoosporangium
zootoksiini :: zootoxin
zootomia :: zootomy
zsaari :: tsar, czar (emperor of Russia)
zuaavi :: zouave
zulu :: A Zulu
zulu :: The Zulu language
Zulumaa :: Zululand
zulun kieli :: Zulu (language)
zulunkielinen :: Zulu-language (expressed in Zulu language)
zulunkielinen :: Zulu-speaking (using Zulu in everyday communication)
zumba :: Zumba
zumbata :: to do Zumba
zylinkultamyyrä :: Van Zyl's golden mole, Cryptochloris zyli
ä {letter} :: The second to last letter of the Finnish alphabet
å {letter} :: The third to last letter of the Finnish alphabet
-ä :: Forms the partitive case of nouns, adjectives and pronouns
-ä :: Forms the short form of the first infinitive of verbs
äes :: harrow
äestää :: to harrow
äestellä :: to harrow (to work the soil with a harrow; the use of frequentative indicates that the job was easy, or that it was done in an easy way, i.e. not properly)
äestys :: harrowing (action)
äestyttää :: to make harrow (to let someone else harrow)
ääh :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
äh :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
ähellys :: groan
äheltää :: To groan
ähinä :: grunt
ähitellä :: to utter äh-sounds or similar expressions of frustration
ähkää :: alternative form of ähkiä
ähke :: grunting, groaning
ähkiä :: to grunt, groan, moan (in a continuous manner, such as during physical effort)
ähkinä :: grunting, groaning
ähkintä :: grunting, groaning
ähkäistä :: to grunt, groan (once and shortly)
ähkäisy :: A single grunt, groan
ähäkutti :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
ähkyä :: alternative form of ähkiä
ähky [collloquial] :: colic (acute stomach pain, especially one connected with overeating)
ähky :: swell (the state of being swollen due to overeating)
ähky :: horse colic
ähkykohtaus :: A fit of horse colic
ähkyntä :: grunting, groaning
ählämi [derogatory, slang] :: A person of Middle Eastern, especially Arabic, ethnicity
ähäpiti :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
äidillinen :: motherly, maternal (warm, caring, nurturing, protective, loving)
äidillisesti :: in a motherly manner
äidillisyys :: motherliness
äidinisä :: maternal grandfather
äidinäiti :: maternal grandmother
äidinkasvot [lb, fi, poetic, idiomatic] :: pleasant, friendly or beloved appearance, used especially in the expression isänmaan äidinkasvot ("friendly landscape of the fatherland")
äidinkielenkoe :: A test or exam in one's mother tongue, a mother tongue exam
äidinkielenopettaja :: A teacher of a student's mother tongue
äidinkieli :: mother tongue, native language
äidinkielinen :: Expressed in one's mother tongue
äidinmaidonkorvike :: infant formula
äidinmaidonvastike :: infant formula
äidinmaito :: mother's milk
äidinmaitokeskus :: breastmilk center (nonprofit organization which collects, stores and distributes breastmilk)
äidinmaitovastike :: alternative form of äidinmaidonvastike (infant formula)
äidinonni :: motherly happiness
äidinperintö :: Something inherited from one's mother
äidinpuoleinen :: maternal (related through the mother, or her side of the family)
äidinrakkaus :: motherly love
äidinvaisto :: maternal instinct
äiditellä :: To call someone mother
äiditön :: motherless
äidittömyys :: motherlessness
äijä :: An old man; geezer, gaffer
äijä :: player character in videogames
äijä :: A real man, tough guy
Äijö :: A name of Ukko
Äijö :: The Devil
äiji :: grandfather
äijänkäppänä :: gaffer (old man, especially a small one)
äijänkäppyrä :: gaffer (old man, especially a small and crumpy one)
äikäjuuri :: alternative term for piparjuuri
äikkis [dialectal, Ostrobothnia] :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
äikätatti :: peppery bolete (Chalciporus piperatus or Suillus piperatus)
äimä :: A large needle shaped for working with tough materials, such as a leather needle or sailmaker's needle
äimä :: astonishment; used chiefly idiomatically in the expression [[olla äimänä]], and as root in derived terms
äimä :: needle
äimistää :: alternative form of äimistyttää
äimistellä :: to marvel
äimistyttää :: to astonish, stun, amaze, astound, impress
äimäneula :: Another name for äimä
äimänkäki :: An astonished or stunned person; used chiefly idiomatically in the expression [[olla äimänkäkenä]], and as root in derived terms
äimäruoho :: water awlwort, Subularia aquatica (aquatic plant in the mustard family)
äiskä :: mom, mother
äitelä :: cloying, syrupy, treacly, oversweet (excessively sweet)
äitelöittää [lb, fi] :: to oversweeten
äitelästi :: cloyingly, syrupily, oversweetly (in an excessively sweet manner)
äitelyys :: The condition of being overly sweet, syrupy
äiteys :: alternative form of äitiys
äiti :: Alfa Echo (the letter "Ä" in the Finnish spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet)
äiti :: As a former part of compound signifies maternal, motherly
äiti :: mother, mom
äitienpäivä :: Mother's Day
äitienpäiväkortti :: Mother's Day card
äitienpäiväruusu :: Mother's Day rose
äitihahmo :: mother figure
äitijumala :: mother goddess
äitijumalatar :: mother goddess
äitikerho :: mom club
äitikulta :: dear mother
äitiliini [lb, fi, affectionate, , used chiefly by children of their own mother] :: mommy
äitimäinen :: motherlike
äitimuori :: old lady (one's mother)
äitimyytti :: myth of good mother, good mother myth (commonly held notion of what it means to be a good mother, setting a model or an ideal which every mother is expected to follow in their motherhood)
äitipuoli :: stepmother
äitivainaja :: late mother
äitiys :: motherhood, maternity
äitiysavustus :: maternity assistance (lumpsum social benefit which a mother can choose instead of "maternity package", see äitiyspakkaus)
äitiysavustuspakkaus :: alternative term for äitiyspakkaus
äitiyshuolto :: maternity care (all care provided for mothers to support their motherhood, including obstetrics and social benefits)
äitiyshuoltotyö :: maternity care (work and services performed by maternity care system as contrasted with the system itself)
äitiysjumppa :: alternative term for äitiysvoimistelu
äitiyskuolema :: maternal death
äitiyskuolevuus :: maternal mortality rate
äitiyskuolleisuus :: maternal mortality
äitiysliivit [lb, fi, clothing] :: maternity bra
äitiysloma :: maternity leave
äitiysmekko :: maternity dress
äitiysneuvola :: maternity clinic, prenatal clinic, antenatal clinic
äitiyspakkaus :: maternity package (kit consisting of baby clothes and baby care items, granted by the Finnish social security to all expectant or adoptive parents)
äitiyspäiväraha :: alternative term for äitiysraha
äitiyspoliklinikka :: maternity polyclinic
äitiysraha :: maternity allowance
äitiysvaate [lb, fi, clothing] :: maternity garment
äitiysvaate [lb, fi, especially in plural] :: maternity wear
äitiysvapaa :: maternity leave (leave of absence from a job for a mother to care of a baby)
äitiysvoimistelu :: maternity gymnastics (prenatal and postnatal gymnastics specifically designed to maintain the physical condition of the mother)
äityä [+ negative adjective in translative] :: To become, get (sth negative)
äityä :: To get worked up/upset/excited, get a fit
äityä :: To take/fall (to some negative action = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
äkeä :: irascible, irked, irritated, sullen
Åke :: Alfa Alfa (the letter "Å" in the Finnish spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet)
äkeillä :: alternative form of äkäillä
äkein :: superlative form of äkeä
äkeissään :: in the state of being irascible, irked, irritated, sullen
äkeäluontoinen :: ill-natured, bad-tempered, irritable
äkeästi :: irascibly, irritatedly, sullenly
äkeys :: irascibleness
äkikseltään :: right away
äkäillä :: to be cranky
äkillinen :: sudden, abrupt (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
äkillisesti :: abruptly
äkillisyys :: suddenness
äkäily :: Being angry
äkäinen :: irritated, angry
äkäisesti :: irritably
äkisti :: all of a sudden, suddenly
äkäisyys :: crankiness, angriness
äkkiä :: quickly, suddenly
äkki- :: sudden
äkkijyrkkä :: precipitous, abrupt (very steep)
äkkikuolema :: sudden death (climax of a game, in which the next team to score instantly wins)
äkkikuolema :: sudden death (instantaneous, unexpected death not caused by violence)
äkkimutka :: twist (sudden bend in a road or path)
äkkinäinen :: sudden
äkkipikainen :: short-tempered, quick-tempered, explosive
äkkipikaisuus :: The property of being short-tempered
äkkiryhmä :: flash mob
äkkirynnäkkö :: sneak attack
ääkkönen [colloquial, computing] :: Any of the letters Å, å, Ä, ä, Ö, or ö, which are found in the Finnish alphabet, but not in the English one
ääkköstää [colloquial, computing] :: to alphabetize, with specific attention to the handling of letters å, ä and ö
ääkköstö [colloquial, computing] :: A set of characters which includes the letters Å, å, Ä, ä, Ö and ö
äkämä :: gall (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants)
äkämäbakteeri :: Any bacterium which produces galls on the host organism
äkämäpistiäinen :: gall wasp, gallfly (insect of the Cynipidae family, whose larvae damage trees creating galls)
äkämäpunkki :: gall mite
äkämäsääski :: gall midge (any insect of the Cecidomyiidae family, whose larvae cause galls on the stems and other fleshy plant parts)
äkämystyä :: to get cranky
äkämystyttää :: to make cranky
äkääntyä :: to get cranky
äkäpussi :: shrew (ill-tempered, nagging woman)
äksä :: The letter "X" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
äkseerata :: to drill
äkseeraus :: drilling
äksiisi :: drill
äksy :: cranky, cantankerous
äksyillä :: To snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äksyily :: snapping (to say abruptly or sharply)
äksysti :: crankily
äksyyntyä :: to get cranky
äksyys :: crankiness
äkätä :: To figure out, to realize, especially suddenly
äkätä :: To notice, especially suddenly
älä [colloquial, the speaker agreeing with the conversation partner on something considered more or less extraordinary] :: yeah (that's true):
älä [colloquial, the speaker being ironic] :: you don't say, (oh) really?
älä :: don't!, stop!
älä :: (the speaker astonished) really?
älä :: The second-person singular form of the negation verb in imperative, do not/don’t (addressing one person):
älähdys :: yelp
älähtää [figuratively, + elative] :: To make a noise about (e.g. a wrong/unjust action)
älähtää :: To cry out, shriek, yelp
ääliö :: cretin, moron
ääliömäinen :: moronic, stupid
ääliömäisemmin :: comparative form of ääliömäisesti
ääliömäisesti :: stupidly
ääliömäisimmin :: superlative form of ääliömäisesti
ääliömäisyys :: stupidity
älinä :: moan, whine
älistä :: to whine, to moan, to cry
ällä :: laudatur
ällä :: The letter L, l
älli :: wits, intelligence
ällikkä :: surprise, awe; only appears in the idiomatic expression lyödä ällikällä and its inflected forms
ällikällä :: by surprise; only in the expression lyödä ällikällä
ällistellä :: to wonder, marvel (to be affected with surprise, wonderment or admiration; to be struck with astonishment; to be amazed)
ällistely :: ogling, staring
ällistyä :: To be taken aback, be taken by surprise, be dum(b)founded
ällistynyt :: surprised, astounded, astonished, taken aback
ällistys :: amazement
ällistyttää :: To amaze, astonish, astound, stun
ällistyttää :: To intimidate (to impress, amaze, excite)
ällöttää :: To disgust
ällötys :: disgusting thing
älämölö :: vociferous protest, ado, fuss
älämölö :: sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement)
älä nylje karhua ennen kuin se on kaadettu :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched (you should not count on something before it happens)
älppäri :: LP record
älä unta nää :: in your dreams! you wish! don't even dream about it! dream on!
älä unta näe :: dream on! (used to express skepticism about the possibility of an interlocutor's statement)
älä valehtele [idiomatic, colloquial, used as interjection] :: not even (used to express strong disappointment or disapproval)
älä valehtele [unidiomatic] :: don't lie, don't tell a lie
älä välitä :: don't worry
äly [in compounds] :: smart
äly :: intelligence
älyinen [lb, fi, as headword in compound terms] :: witted (having a specified form of wit)
-älyinen :: witted
älyisyys [lb, fi, as headword in compound terms] :: wittedness (condition having a specified form of wit)
älykkö :: An intellect (intelligent person)
älykkäästi :: intelligently, smartly
älykkyys :: intelligence (mental capacity)
älykkyysikä :: mental age (the age a person appears to be based solely on mental ability and function)
älykkyysosamäärä :: intelligence quotient (IQ)
älykkyyspeli :: puzzle game, puzzle video game (video game that emphasizes puzzle solving)
älykkyystaso :: level of intelligence
älykkyystesti :: intelligence test
älykortti :: smart card
älykääpiö :: cretin
älykäs :: intelligent
älykäs suunnittelu :: intelligent design (conjecture claiming that biological life on Earth, or more broadly, the universe as a whole, was created by an unspecified intelligent agent)
älyllinen :: intelligent (characterized by thoughtful interaction )
älyllinen :: intelligent (having the same level of brain power as mankind)
älyllisempi :: comparative form of älyllinen
älyllisesti :: intellectually
älyllistää :: to rationalize (to justify an immoral act, or illogical behaviour)
älyllisyys :: intelligence; the state of being intelligent, being able to have an intelligent conversation
älyämpäri :: gravity bong, bucket bong
älymystö :: intelligentsia
älyniekka :: An intelligent person, especially one who likes to show off his wit
älypeli :: brain game (game in which thinking matters more than chance or physical power)
älypuhelin :: smartphone (mobile phone with integrated personal digital assistant or other information appliances)
älytä :: To realise/realize, become aware of, figure out
älytalo :: intelligent building
älytön :: terribly
älytön :: witless
älyttää :: To trick, fool in a clever way (to cause to believe something untrue)
älyttää :: To outwit, outsmart
älyttömästi :: idiotically
älyttömästi :: terribly, extremely
älyttömyys :: stupidity
älytys :: tricking, fooling
älyvapaa :: alternative term for älytön
älyvoimistelu :: alternative term for aivovoimistelu
ämmä :: wife, woman
ämmä :: magna cum laude approbatur
ämmä :: The letter M, m
ämmä :: bitch (contemptible woman)
ämmä [derogatory, colloquial] :: wife
ämmä :: hag (old woman)
ämmi :: grandmother
ämmäinlehti :: women's magazine
ämmämäinen :: haggish, haglike; anile, cronelike
ämmämäisesti :: haggishly
ämmämäisyys :: haggishness
ämmänlänget :: shoulder yoke
ämmänsolmu :: granny knot (knot similar to the reef knot but crossed the opposite way)
ämppäri :: MP3 audio file
ämppäri :: MP3 player
ämpäreittäin :: By the bucket
ämpäri :: bucket, pail
ämpäröidä :: to scoop using a bucket as a tool
ämpärillinen :: bucketful (amount held in a bucket)
ämyri :: loudspeaker
-än :: A suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-än :: Forms the impersonal indicative present forms of verbs that include back vowels (ä, ö or y or i or e alone or with ä, ö or y), appended to the infinitive
-än [possessive suffix] :: A variant for the third-person suffix -nsä, see the usage notes below
ääneen :: aloud
ääneenajattelu :: think aloud protocol, TAP (data-gathering method used in a variety of research areas)
ääneenajattelu :: thinking aloud
äänekkäimmin :: superlative form of äänekkäästi
äänekkäämmin :: comparative form of äänekkäästi
äänekkäämpi :: comparative form of äänekäs
äänekkäästi :: noisily
äänekkyys :: loudness, noisiness, vociferousness
äänekäs :: boisterous (full of energy; noisy)
äänekäs :: clamorous (noisy, loud)
äänekäs :: loud (of voice: of great intensity)
äänekäs :: noisy (making a noise, especially a loud sound)
äänekäs :: vociferous (making a noisy outcry)
äänellinen :: aural
äänellinen :: having sound
äänenkannattaja :: organ (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization)
äänenmurros :: voice break or voice mutation (voice change during male puberty)
äänen nopeus :: speed of sound
äänennopeus :: alternative spelling of äänen nopeus (speed of sound)
äänenpaine [acoustics] :: sound pressure
äänensävy :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
äänensävy :: tone, tone of voice
äänentallennus :: audio recording, sound recording (instance and practice of recording audio material with any technology)
äänentoisto :: sound reproduction
äänenvaimennin :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe tha dampens the noise)
äänenvaimennin :: silencer (device that dampens the noise, e.g. that of a gun)
äänenvoimakkuus :: strength of sound, volume
äänenväri :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
äänes :: pure tone
äänestää :: to vote
äänestäjä :: voter
äänestää jaloillaan :: To vote with one's feet (to express one's preferences through one's actions, by participating in or voluntarily withdrawing from an activity, group, or process)
äänestäjäkunta :: electorate (collective noun for people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote)
äänestäminen :: voting, polling, balloting (act or process of casting votes in an election)
äänestys :: voting, poll, ballot (process of voting)
äänestyskelpoinen :: eligible to vote
äänestyskone :: voting machine
äänestyskoppi :: voting booth
äänestysluettelo :: electoral roll, electoral register
äänestysoikeus :: alternative term for äänioikeus
äänestyspaikka :: polling station, polling place, voting station
äänestyspäivä :: election day, polling day (the day on which an election is held)
äänestysprosentti :: polling percentage
ääneti :: silently, soundlessly
äänetön :: quiet, soundless
äänettömästi :: silently, soundlessly
äänettömyys :: silence
ängelmä :: Any plant of the genus Thalictrum
ängetä :: To push/shove/elbow one's way (in = allative or illative); to cut/break (into a conversation = illative)
äng-äänne :: velar nasal (nasal consonant ŋ)
ångström :: angstrom
ääni :: sound
ääni :: voice
ääni :: vote (in an election)
ääniaalto :: sound wave
ääniala :: register, compass, range (range of notes of a musical instrument or voice)
äänielin [in birds] :: syrinx
äänielin :: voice organ
äänieristää :: to soundproof, deafen (to make soundproof)
äänieristetty :: soundproof
äänieristys :: sound isolation
ääniharava :: vote-puller (candidate getting most votes in an election)
äänihuulen haavauma :: ulceratio plicae vocalis (ulcer in the vocal cords)
äänihuuli :: vocal cord, plica vocalis
äänihuulikyhmy :: vocal cord nodule (symmetrical swellings on both sides of the vocal cords, caused usually by strenuous or abusive voice practices, and symptomatized by hoarseness, pain when using one's voice, vocal breaks and reduced vocal range)
äänijänne :: The sinewy edge of the äänihuuli
äänijänne :: vocal cord
äänikerta :: organ stop
äänikirja :: An audiobook (audiobook)
äänikortti :: sound card
äänilevy :: record, disk, gramophone record, phonograph record (vinyl disc on which sound is recorded)
äänilevystö :: record library
äänimäärä :: number of votes
ääninauha :: tape, audiotape, recording tape
ääninen :: -sounded
Ääninen :: Lake Onega
ääniohjattu :: voice-activated
äänioikeus :: right to vote, franchise, suffrage, voting right
äänioikeusikäraja :: voting age
äänioikeutettu :: A person entitled to vote
äänioppi :: acoustics
äänipää :: pick-up
ääniraita :: soundtrack
äänirakko :: vocal sac
äänirako :: glottis
äänirauta :: tuning fork
äänisaaste :: noise pollution
äänisyys :: -ness (in regard to a sound)
äänite :: recording (reproduction of sound)
äänitehoste :: sound effect
äänitehostin :: effects unit
äänitiivis :: absolutely soundproof, or near so
äänitorvi :: horn (in a phonograph or gramophone, the horn that amplifies the voice)
äänitorvi :: organ (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization)
äänitorvi :: (pejorative) spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people)
äänitorvi :: soapbox (media platform which gives prominence to the person using it)
äänittää :: To record (esp. music on a tape, also voice)
äänittäjä :: recorder, one who records
äänittämö :: recording studio
äänitys :: The act of recording
äänivallaton :: nonvoting (lacking the right to vote)
äänivalli :: sound barrier
äänivalta :: voice (right to vote)
änkeä :: To cram
änkätä :: To stammer
änkyrä :: heavy drunkenness
änkyrä [colloquial, politics] :: stalwart
änkyrimato :: enchytraeid (worm of the family Enchytraeidae)
änkyttää :: to stutter, stammer
änkyttäjä :: stutterer, stammerer
änkytys :: stammer, stutter, stuttering
ännä :: The letter N, n
äänne :: phone (speech segment)
äännelaki :: sound law
äännellä :: To make a sound or sounds other than speech with one's vocal cords
äänneoppi :: phonology
äännevaihtelu :: apophony
äännähdys :: sound, utterance
äännähtää :: To sound (once; to produce a momentary sound)
ääntää :: to pronounce, enunciate, articulate
ääntö :: pronunciation
äänteellinen :: phonetic (relating to the sounds of spoken language)
ääntely :: vocalization
ääntiö [dated, linguistics] :: vowel
ääntäminen :: pronunciation
ääntämys :: pronunciation
ääntyä :: To be pronounced, be enunciated, be articulated
ÄO :: initialism of älykkyysosamäärä (IQ)
ÄO-testi :: IQ test
äpüli :: Apple
äpärä :: An illegitimate child, bastard
äpärä :: A bastard, son of a bitch
äpäre :: post-harvest hay, rowen
äpärikkö :: The grass grown after haymaking
äpöstää :: to dine while intoxicated; manners and eating utensils tend to be forgotten while this is occurring
äreä :: grumpy
ärein :: superlative form of äreä
ääreishermosto :: peripheral nervous system
äärellinen :: finite
äärellisyys :: finiteness
ääressä :: at
ääretön :: boundless
ääretön :: limitless
ääretön :: infinite
ääretön :: infinity (number)
ääretön :: infinity (symbol)
ääretön-merkki :: infinity, infinity symbol
äärettömästi :: infinitely
äärettömyys :: infinity
äärevyys [lb, fi, climatology] :: The rate of occurrence of extreme climate events
ärähdellä :: To snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
ärhennellä :: To bluster (esp. of dogs)
ärhentely :: blustering (esp. of dogs)
ärhäkkä :: feisty; mischievous
ärhäkkyys :: mischievousness; meanness, roughness, gruffness
ärhäkäs :: feisty
ärhäkästi :: feistily, mischievously
ärähtää :: to snarl
ääri :: end
ääri :: verge
ääri- :: extreme
ääri- :: peripheral
ääriaines :: extremists collectively
ääriarvo :: extremum
ääriasento :: extreme position
ääriehdokas :: extremist candidate
ääriesimerkki :: extreme example
ääri-ilmiö :: extreme phenomenon
äärijärjestö :: extremist organization
äärikansallinen :: ultranationalist
äärikonservatiivinen :: ultraconservative
äärilaita :: outer boundary; extremity
äärilaji :: extreme sport
ääriliike :: An extremist movement, organization
äärimmäinen :: extreme, ultra, ultra-
äärimmäisen :: extremely, supremely
äärimmäisyys :: extreme, extreme phenomenon, extreme event etc. (occasion of something extreme taking place)
äärimmäisyys :: extremeness (property of being extreme)
äärimmäisyysaines :: alternative term for ääriaines
äärimmäisyysmies :: extremist {{gloss|male with extreme political, religious or ideological views{{
äärimmäisyysryhmä :: alternative term for ääriryhmä
äärimuslimi :: Islamic extremist
ärinä :: snarl, growl
äärioikeisto :: far right, extreme right
äärioikeistolainen :: ultraright
äärioikeistolainen :: A right-wing extremist
äärioikeistolaisuus :: far rightism, extreme rightism
äärioikeistopuolue :: far right party
ääripää :: extremity
ääripiirros :: alternative term for ääriviivapiirros
ääriraja :: extremity (most extreme or furthest point of something)
ääriryhmä :: extremist group
äristä :: To snarl
äärivasemmisto :: far left, extreme left
äärivasemmistolainen :: extreme leftist
äärivasemmistolainen :: An extreme leftist
äärivasemmistolaisuus :: far leftism, extreme leftism
ääriviiva :: outline, contour
ääriviivapiirros :: contour drawing (work of art)
ääriviivapiirustus :: contour drawing (art)
ärjähdys :: roar
ärjähtää :: to snarl, to snap
ärjäistä :: To roar
ärjyä :: To bellow, holler, roar (at the top of one's lungs)
ärjy :: thunder, roar
ärjyntä :: roar, bellow
ärrä :: The letter R, r
ärrä :: The sound representing that letter
äärrös [lb, fi, shoemaking] :: A strip of leather used to strengthen the side of the sole or heel of a shoe
ärrävika :: The inability to pronounce the alveolar trill (rolling "r" sound) correctly
ärsyke :: irritant
ärsyke :: stimulus
ärsyttää :: to stimulate
ärsyttää :: to irritate [mentally and physically]; to bother, exasperate, rub someone the wrong way [mentally]
ärsyttää :: to tease, harass, hector
ärsyttävä :: irritating
ärsyttävästi :: irritatingly
ärsyttyä :: To become irritated (of skin etc.)
ärsytys :: irritation
ärsytys :: stimulation
ärsytys :: teasing
ärsyyntyä :: To become irritated
ärsyyntynyt :: annoyed, riled
ärtyä :: to get inflamed
ärtyä :: to become irritated, ired
ärtyinen :: alternative form of ärtyisä
ärtyisä :: cranky, grumpy, snappy, grouchy
ärtyisästi :: tetchily, fretfully, irritably
ärtyisyys :: grumpiness
ärtymys :: irritation, vexation
ärtynyt :: irritated
ärtyvyys :: irritability: the property of someone being irritable
ärtyvyys :: irritability:
äs :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
äsh :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
äsähtää :: to snap (to speak abruptly or sharply)
äskeinen :: previous
äskeinen :: recent
äsken :: just now, a while/moment ago
äskenmainittu :: just mentioned
äskettäin :: recently, the other day
äskettäinen :: recent
ässä :: ace (highest-value card in an ordinary pack of playing cards)
ässä :: ace (peak performer, as in "fighter ace" etc.)
ässä :: ess (the letter "s")
ässänväärä :: A more or less elaborated S-shaped decorative pattern used e.g. in traditional knitting works of the province of Pohjanmaa
ässävika :: lisp (mispronunciation of the sound 's')
ätäkkä :: (slang) biting (causing a stinging sensation)
ätäkkä :: sharp, hot (having an intense, acrid or spicy flavour)
ätäkki :: An attack
ät-merkki :: at symbol
ätsih :: achoo (sound of a sneeze)
äveriäisyys :: richness, wealth (state or property of being rich)
äveriöityä :: to become wealthy
äveriäs :: very wealthy or rich
äveröityä :: alternative form of äveriöityä
ävertyä :: A variant of äveriöityä
ävärtyä :: alternative form of ävertyä
äyri :: eyrir (one hundreth of the Icelandic crown or króna)
äyri :: øre (one hundreth of the Danish or Norwegian crown or krone)
äyri :: öre (one hundreth of the Swedish crown or krona)
äyri :: red cent (small amount of money)
äyri [taxation] :: Short for veroäyri
äyriäinen [gastronomy] :: shellfish (these animals as food)
äyriäinen :: crustacean (any member of the subphylum Crustacea)
äyriäiseläin [zoology, dated] :: crustacean (any member of the subphylum Crustacea)
äyriäiskastike :: shellfish sauce (sauce made of shellfish and/or their shells)
äyriäiskeitto :: shellfish soup
äyriäissalaatti :: shellfish salad [exact translation], seafood salad [mroe commonly used in English]
äyrimäärä :: (literally) An amount of öre, øre or eyrir
äyrimäärä [taxation, archaic] :: In municipal taxation, the number of veroäyri's which a taxpayer must pay
äyrittää :: To determine a salary or other payment on the basis of a rating system or scale
äyrämöinen :: A member of one of the two groups of Ingrian Finns
äyrämöismurre :: Any of the dialects of Finnish which the Äyrämöinens speak
äyräs :: bank (of river etc.)
äyskähdellä :: to snap repeatedly but infrequently
äyskähtää :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äyskiä :: to be snappy
äyskäistä :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äyskäri :: bail (vessel to scoop water from a boat)
äyskäröidä :: to bail, bale (UK alt.) (to remove water from a boat by scooping)
äyskäröinti :: bailing
äyskätä :: alternative form of äyskiä
äyskyä :: alternative form of äyskiä
örähdellä :: to grunt (repeatedly)
örähdys :: grunt (sound)
örähtää :: to grunt
örähtely :: grunting
örinä :: Incoherent speech of a drunk
örisijä :: growler, snarler
öristä :: To growl, snarl
öristä :: To speak incoherently as when drunk
örkki [fantasy] :: orc
örsted :: oersted
ötökkä :: A bug
öty :: alternative form of yty
överi :: exaggeration
öykkäri :: braggart, bragger, boaster, swaggerer
öykkäri :: troublemaker, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, bully
öykkäröidä :: to make trouble
öykkärimäinen :: braggartly, boastful
öykkärimäinen :: troublesome, ruffian, rowdy, bully
öykkärimäisesti :: boastfully
öykkärimäisesti :: rowdily, noisily
öykkärimäisyys :: boastfulness
öykkärimäisyys :: rowdiness
öykätä [rare, onomatopoeic] :: to puke
öykätä :: to stone (to get severely intoxicated, especially by drugs)
öykätä [through back-formation] :: Alternative term for öykkäröidä
öylätti :: A host, wafer, the Holy Bread
öylättilautanen :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist)
öylättirasia :: pyx, ciborium
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