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Is this the item requested for cancellation?"
I was checking and the item has been canceled as requested, however takes 48 hours to be successfully cancelled
I definitely understand why you contacted us about receiving a wrong item.
I was checking and I can see the return process has started on your account.
I definitely understand why you contacted us, about being billed twice
I definitely understand why you contacted us about your order being delayed
Hello $, I hope you are doing well today

Hola, $, espero que se encuentre bien hoy.

I have your email address, please?

I was reading your message and I do apologize the order was not delivered. I completely understand how important is this order for you. Let me check this matter for you. In order to access your account and also, for security purposes, can you please provide your full billing address and order number?

I will be more than happy to take care of your order status right away. In order to access your account and also, for security purposes, can you please provide your full billing address and order number?

I’m happy to assist you, please let me know how can I help you.

Me complace ayudarlo, por favor indiqueme como puedo ayudarlo.

Lamento mucho saber que no recibio su pedido, entiendo lo importante que es para usted. Por favor no se preocupe, permitame verficar la orden y darle la mejor solucion. Por motivos de seguridad, ¿puedeproporcionarnos su dirección de facturación completa y su número de pedido?

I hope I have taken care of you in the best way possible. Remember, you will receive an email, may you please help me rate my service; I will appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much for contacting

I just want to make sure we covered everything you needed. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Due the inactivity the system is going to close this chat for now. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for contacting

Debido a la inactividad el sistem cerrara esta conversación por ahora. Le agradecería sus comentarios. Si necesita ayuda en el futuro, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros nuevamente. Gracias por contactar a<

It's been a pleasure assisting you. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.&#160; Thank you for contacting and have a great day!

I have reviewed this order and I can see is from the third party seller, In order to do my best I can escalate this issue for you to the seller, so you do not need to deal with the seller. Our special team can work on this order and contact them to get this solved as fast as possible. You will be resolved within 24 hours or less y via email. If you are not resolved as you desire, do not hesitate to contact us back with this Incident #: $incidents.ref_no

You're welcome. It's been a pleasure assisting you. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
I am not trying to make it difficult for you but I have not heard from you in a few minutes. Are you still there?

May the rest of your day be filled with happiness and never ending kindness!!! I hope I have taken care of you in the best way possible. Remember, you will receive an email, may you please help me rate my service; I will appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much for contacting

Espero haberle ayudado de la mejor manera posible. Recuerde, recibirá un correo electrónico, por favor, ayúdeme a calificar mi servicio; ¡Apreciaré sus comentarios! Muchas gracias por contactar a

May the rest of your weekend be filled with happiness and never ending kindness!!!

Rick Astley - Together Forever (Official Music Video)

May the rest of your day be filled with happiness and never ending kindness!!! It's been a pleasure assisting you. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.&#160; Thank you for contacting and have a great day!

He revisado este pedido y puedo ver que es de un tercer vendedor. Con el fin de hacer todo lo posible, puedo ampliar este problema para usted al vendedor, por lo que no es necesario que trate con el vendedor. Nuestro equipo especial puede trabajar en este pedido y contactarlos para resolver esto lo más rápido posible. Se resolverá dentro de 24 horas o menos y por correo electrónico. Si no se resuelve como desea, no dude en contactarnos nuevamente con este número de incidente: $incidents.ref_no

I completely understand how do you feel about this. I would feel on the same way if it would happen to me. However you don't need to worry, I am here to help you out

I hope I have taken care of the reason for your concern today.
I am glad I was able to assist you today. You have a wonderful day ahead! It was a real pleasure!
Is there are no other questions outside of this order?
I do understand you haven’t received your order. Please be assured that I will do my best to help you.
I personally will take ownership of the concern that you have raised, Laura. I will look into details of your account and ensure that it is resolved to the earliest.
I’m not trying to make it difficult for you, but I have not heard from you in a few minutes. Are you still with me?
Do you think this solution would work for you?
You’re absolutely correct, $
It’s been great chatting with you. I really enjoyed our chat
I wish you didn't have to go through that.
I absolutely agree with you…
I want to express my sincere apology for failing to meet your expectation in regards to this particular issue.
I totally agree with you. // You made my day.
That sounds like you felt really disgusted!
We are so lucky to have customers like you!
Can you please rephrase the question?
You don’t deserve that!
It must be awful to be you right now.
Please give me an opportunity to try and resolve this for you.
That’s why I’m here. I really enjoyed our chat
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
How may I help you today?
Could you please elaborate on your query?
I’d just like to ask for a little further information.
Thank you so much for being comprehensible with me, I really appreciate it.
Thank you for your understanding, $!
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.
I do understand your point and I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.
Let's go over what happened.
I’d like to work on this particular case together.
Let’s work together to turn things around.
Have an amazing day ahead!
It is unfortunate that things turned out this way.
While we have caused this unpleasant experience
Let me find out what I can do to make it up to you
I am so sorry for any inconvenience this delay may have caused you..
I understand your frustration, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience we have caused you.
Are you still there? I don't mean to rush you. I just want to make sure that we are still connected.
My day has been mostly very good. Thank you for asking.

Please bear with me for a few more minutes.
Thank you, $ May I put your chat on hold while I am checking your order?
Do you mind holding on for a few minutes while I look up the order?
May I put your chat on hold while I am checking your order?
I’m going to look into this for you right now. Is it alright if I put you on hold for a minute while I examine this issue?

In an effort to compensate this inconvenience I'm willing to offer a % discount on your order. This offer is not intended to place a value on your inconvenience, but rather to reaffirm our commitment that our customers are the highest priority in our values, $

Otherwise, please let me know whether you'd like us to send a replacement for your item or if you want a refund, $

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand this correctly
If I understand you correctly
If I’m understanding you correctly
Let's get this straight
Please allow me a moment to read the above chat transcript, so I will be able to better assist you.
I don’t want you to repeat yourself so please allow me a moment to read the above
chat transcript, so I can better help you.
May I please have a second to review your previous conversation to catch up?

It’s incredibly frustrating when that happens and I completely understand why you are annoyed.
Before even attempting to explain the reasons leading to this unintended mistake, I would like to sincerely apologize to you for any inconvenience this may have caused.
I would feel the same in your situation, but we will sort this out
I personally will take ownership of the concern that you have raised, $ I will look into details of your account and ensure that it is resolved to the earliest.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ll do my best to assist you and provide the best possible outcome to your issue.
I certainly understand your point and how difficult it has been for you. I’ll do my best to assist you and provide the best possible outcome to your issue.
If I were in your position, I would feel just as you do.
What’s happened to you is unacceptable and against Walmart policy.
It’s perfectly understandable that you’re very upset about what’s happened.
I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience. I'll do my best to turn things around.
I can completely understand. If that happened to me I’d be really upset too. I can imagine how frustrating that must be.
The same thing happened to me only recently, so I can see why you’re angry. It’s a terrible inconvenience. I'll do my best to turn things around.
I can completely understand. If that happened to me I’d be really upset too. I can imagine how frustrating that must be.”
The same thing happened to me only recently, so I can see why you’re angry. It’s a terrible inconvenience. I'll do my best to turn things around.

I have experienced a similar problem recently, so I understand what you are saying. Let me see what I can do to help you out

I would have been pretty upset in that situation, too. Now let's see what we can do to resolve the issue.

I assure you that your complaint will be handled in a strict and serious way. We take full
responsibility for the error and we guarantee that such incidents will not occur in the future.

I always strive to create a positive customer experience.
I definitely will make sure that it gets resolved
I will be sure to pass on what you have told me
to our managerial team
I'm delighted to be here today and provide you all the
information needed and definitely assistance in this matter...
I'm delighted to be here today and I'll do my best to assist you with the request.

You are valuable to us and we are committed in providing the best service to you.
You are valuable to me and I am committed in providing the best service to you.
Your satisfaction is something that I take very seriously.

At Walmart, customer satisfaction is something that we take very seriously and would never compromise under any circumstances. Unfortunately, sometimes unavoidable mistakes happen. In such rare cases, a satisfactory solution is always in place and preventable measures are introduced. Let’s work together to turn things around.

I only hope I can regain your trust by ensuring that such carelessness will never occur again.
We believe acquiring this insight will allow us to learn and grow and prevent similar issues in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and, once again, I am sorry for my thoughtless behavior.

Thank you for staying online I really appreciate it!
I am still working on getting the answer to your question. Thank you for being so patient.
I am still working on getting the answer to your question. Thank you for being so patient.
I am sorry to keep you waiting. I have managed to reproduce the problem. Here’s what needs to be done to fix it.
I’m sorry for the delay on my part. I am checking up your account details. Please allow me another minute. I’ll be back with you right away
I am sorry to keep you waiting. I am checking up your order details. Please allow me another minute. I’ll be back with you right away
I am sorry to keep you waiting. I have managed to reproduce the problem. Here’s what needs to be done to fix it.
Allow me to pause for 2 minutes here while I research your situation

Would you mind waiting a moment while I access and review your account and
order information?

I’m deeply sorry about *Issue*. Let me speak with my supervisor to see how we ca correct this for you.

I am deeply sorry about *Issue*. Let me speak with my supervisor to see how we can correct this for you.
Rest assured that we are always working to improve our service and provide the best online shopping experience possible. We'll be working diligently to avoid this kind of
issue in the future.
Rest assured that our standard of services is much higher of than what we have displayed on this occasion. I only hope I can regain your trust by ensuring that such carelessness will never occur again.
It's been a pleasure assisting you today. After we close this chat you
may receive a brief email survey, it just have 2 questions, one is to evaluate
my services today and the other one is to rate your experience.

I will really appreciate your feedback since it’s very important for me
to continue improving my service so I am going to disconnect now. Thank you for

I have not received any response in a few moments; I will need to close
this chat for now to assist the next customer. You may receive a brief email
survey, it just have 2 questions, one is to evaluate my services today and the
other one is to rate your experience.

I will really appreciate your feedback. If you need any help in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us again, we will be more than happy to continue assisting you. Thank you for contacting

I will be sure to pass on what you have told me to our managerial team
We deeply value your relationship with Walmart and are committed to providing you
with the highest level of service simply because our customers deserve the very

We truly appreciate your business, and we're grateful for the trust you've placed in us
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We greatly value your business.
Just want to let you know that I appreciate your referring to me.

I just wanted you to know that we truly enjoy working with you and feel honored to be your chosen Walmart.
Your business is much appreciated, and we will do our very best to continue to meet your highest expectations.
We appreciate your trust, and we’ll do our best to continue to give you the kind of service you deserve.
We value your trust in our company, and we will do our best to meet your service expectations
Thank you for taking the time to tell us why our service failed to meet your expectations. We value your business, and would like to address your concerns as quickly as possible.
Please know that I will personally be handling your case
It is my goal to restore your confidence in our company by solving this problem and preventing it from happening again.

I acknowledge this is not the resolution you wanted to hear, I always strive to create a positive customer experience by giving the best resolution. As much as I'd love to help,
it's out of my hands.
I don’t like to see our customers upset and inconvenienced. I always strive to create a positive customer experience.

I understand that I was unhelpful in solving your issue at all. Your satisfaction
is something that I take very seriously. Please accept my sincere apology for the difficulties we have caused you. I'd like to do something else for you but it's out of my hands.

Can we please double check the billing address?
I’m sorry for the time this is taking, but it’s to make sure we take good care of our customer’s information.
You received an email confirmation when the order was placed. Could you please compare your billing with that email ?

$ - Contacted because they needed assistance with: (). The Resolution provided to the customer: (). The next steps provided to the customer: (N/A). Offered compensation: (N/A) Escalated the issue to: (N/A). Incident #: $incidents.ref_no

It's been a pleasure assisting you today. After we close this chat you may receive a brief email survey, it just have 2 questions, one is to evaluate my services today and the other one is to rate your experience.

I will really appreciate your feedback since it’s very important for me to continue improving my service so I am going to disconnect now. Thank you for contacting
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Regards; Team

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