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-agriculture used to be very inefficient so the majority of the people were needed to farm
-it used to be that the farming was done to feed the ppl
-how it changed
-the ppl realized that the farm/land is where the money is
-this gets rid of the open field system
-now they are exporting their crops for money
-Who is hindering commercial agriculture?
-the peasants
-How did they get rid of them?
copyhold→ leasehold
-the price of the land is too high for them to pay and so they get kicked out (the land was basically stolen from them)
-they put up a fence around the land so the peasants don't get in
-What happened to the people
-go to a life of crime bc they can't eat so they start stealing
-they get hanged
-but they're gonna die anyway so might as well steal

-Yeomans could actually make it commercials
-they realized that they can use the land all year round
-they grow wheat then move to peas and beans so that puts nitrogen into the soil and then they put cows on the land so it's fertilized
-more foodstuff so they're trading for foodstuff
-since the income is rising the ppl can actually
-higher demand for spices and stuff
-they're gonna kill the guild system
-merchant capitalists emerge
-one goal: buy for a little sell for a lot
-domestic system
-cottage industry

-classical liberalism
- (locke)
-the political philosophy that insists on the freedom of people
1. Freedom from
-unwarranted, unjustified, unnecessary, gov interference
2. Freedom for
-the pursuit of the individuals' interest
-an economic system where the economic decisions are made by the individual
Capital enterprise
Gov can't interfere with economic decisions
Free enterprise
Based on supply and demand

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