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So the first stage.
The consumer recognizes they
have a need, and they believe
that that need can be satisfied
by making a purchase.
Sometimes there needs
to be some kind of trigger to begin the
shopping process, and this an opportunity
for a market or for a brand.
If they can help the consumer recognize
that they have a need,
then for sure their brand will
be considered once the shopping process
So this first stage, we call need
recognition stage.
And it's when the perspective customer
enters the market.
Sometimes this need is obvious.
If you're toaster breaks, you need to make
a new purchase.
When you're hungry, you know you need to
go buy food.
But other times, there isn't a natural
need, and then
the marketer, or the brand, tries to
create the need.
So that the consumer decides that they
want to make a purchase.
People will pay attention to the products
or brands that will help satisfy this
need that are related to the category of
products that can satisfy their need.
So it's very important for a marketer to
know what trigger events are natural and
to be in the process or in consideration
when those trigger events occur.
And if the trigger event doesn't occur
might want to create a new trigger event.
So a very common practice in retail and
you see it
here in this supermarket as well, is to
create shopping goals.
You know there are a lot of different
seasons people
know about, the holiday season, or maybe
Halloween or Easter.
But for a retailer
when they want the consumer or the shopper
come into their store more often, they
might create
lots of different shopping goals that will
trigger the
consumer or the shopper to consider making
a, a purchase.
So here in this supermarket, in this Whole
Foods, you will go around and you will
see different signs that remind the
consumer or
the shopper, that it's back to school
And consumers
might consider making a purchase for back
to school.
So once you see this trigger and you
recognize this goal, if you see some of
the signs around here they consider
different different
things you can make for your child's lunch
Although consider maybe when you go back
to school you should purchase cupcakes.
These are ways to trigger the purchase
occasion that the consumer
might not have thought of until the
marketer provided that impetus.
Other ways,
again in this omni-channel world to create
triggers, is to create email lists.
So many times consumers voluntarily give
email address to retailers, to marketers,
to different
brands and then those brands set out,
send out emails that trigger the purchase
Maybe there's a special sale, maybe
there's a new product, maybe there's an
event, but these emails remind the
consumer to go and make a purchase.
Sometimes the way you trigger the event
is, you create urgency.
Online, there are a lot of flash sale
like Gilt.groupe,, or Ruelala, or
things like that.
Where you have to log in, and you have to
be there at a precise time to get the
special deal.
Offline retailers, like this grocery store
sometimes have those specials also.
Here in Whole Foods they sometimes have
prices, special prices,
a very, very good price on a particular
item that
only be enforced for a couple hours or
maybe one day.
And it creates an urgency, it creates a
need for
the consumer to become a shopper and make
a purchase.
Other times retailers or brands create
reminder notices.
So sometimes if you go to get your hair
cut, or you go to the
dentist they may say you did nice, you did
fine you got your hair cut now,
you got your teeth cleaned, lets make an
appointment in a few weeks, in
a couple months to remind you to come in
and make that purchase again.
And what they essentially doing is
triggering that purchase process.
Another way to get people to come in and
start shopping, is to create a brand new
So, the best example of that most recently
is the tablet, Apple's iPad
created a brand new product no one knew
they needed before and all of
a sudden it became something everybody had
to have.
Another way to trigger events or trigger
purchasing is to create events.
So fashion does this a lot.
There's these world famous fashion shows
in New York, and Paris,
and Milan, where they come out with new
styles for the season.
And they create the need, to have the must
have the brand new item of clothing this
Traditional retailers do that.
They have events they have special tasting
they have charity events where they have
kind of
situations or events that encourage the
consumer to get involved.
And when they get involved within that
event they start the purchase process.
The other way nowadays, again in the
world, that people can create a need, is
to have a conversation or a dialogue with
consumers and shoppers in, in various
social media venues.
So there are Facebook pages,
there's Twitter, there's Instagram.
There's Vine.
All sorts of different ways for the
marketer to create
a dialog with the consumer and to trigger
the shopping process.
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