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So actually my last exam was today and I must say, overall it went quite ok. I'm happy with Polish, both levels of English and math at the basic level, but i fucked up the most important one: math at the advanced level which, wasn't hard tbh, it was doable to get a good result but maybe because of stress i forgot how to solve some tasks. For now I'm happy that it's over, I will worry when i will get the score.

I'm looking for a typical summer job like picking fruits or production worker, where you don't need any requirements. Clubmed sounds cool but I believe i wouldn't fit there. A lot of energy is required for job like that, I wouldn't be able to entertain guest from dawn to dusk, I'm scared I would become grumpy XD

Yes, of course i'll send you a postcard but keep in mind that i still don't know when i'll go. Want to take like 3 weeks off to chill after this school bullshit :D
BTW. I got a few days ago your postcard :D I'm so glad of it. The view is breathtaking, so many mountains! Did you get a ride on a boat?
Also you handwriting is very clean :D I've always wondered how people can write so neatly and i came to the conclusion that it's related with art skills. My friend who has good handwriting is also good at drawing, i'm curious if you are as well?

Wow, that sounds exhausting. Your ambitions are too high, don't forget to take rest. Take it easy unless you really have to do sth. Remember, even if it does look cool, it's still job, don't forget about yourself. Hope they pay you well for your overtime hours.

My man, this little boy already knew who is the best player in the world :sunglassess: i hope he will become real madrid fan. there are high chances that it can happen after hazard will move to real in the next season. So sweet of you though, i believe this boy will remember your kind gesture for years.

Haha, i'm not gonna lie, barcelona fucked up so bad. After long domination by Real it was finalyl their turn to sit on the European throne. Winning la liga is important but let's be honest it's not the same scale. Beside real and atletico no one can get close to barca. they failed again in the most prestigious club tournament. Now we can say only what if, what if dembele scored in the first match in last minutes? I don't know if they were overconfident but i think if they would have won 1st match like 1-0 they would played much better in the second one. I wonder what will happen when messi retires, we see how losing ronaldo affected real. No one will be able to fill the gap after messi, that's obvious. The question is how much will they lose on performance?
Did you saw what happend in the ajax tottenham match? This edition is so crazy!
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