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<wtf_igo> what do you think ego death is?
<wtf_igo> seems to be a common thing for people to panic when confronted with it
<wtf_igo> and the ones who accept it all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet
<wtf_igo> it was diffictul for me to let go today. i ddint expect the dose to be so strong
<wtf_igo> i would have been glad of an experienced tripsitter today
<wtf_igo> i was very glad for scritch. he guided me thorough it really well
<Dread> i guess its the forced realisation you're not seperate from the rest of the universe
<wtf_igo> right
<wtf_igo> do you think its just some sort of drug induced hallucination? or does it have any basis in reality?
<wtf_igo> cause from here
<wtf_igo> it seems to have a strong basis in reality
<Dread> idk I think it is actually like
<Dread> logically true
<wtf_igo> hm
<wtf_igo> logic is maybe a bit funny stuff
<Dread> independent self-nature is a very powerful illusion
<Dread> sometimes people have a bad time because they're not ready for that to be taken away
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> that was me
<wtf_igo> the last few trips havnt been like that
<wtf_igo> but the first few were so scary i couldnt even talk about them for years
<wtf_igo> its weird af
<wtf_igo> but
<wtf_igo> whatever it is
<wtf_igo> its waking up
<wtf_igo> slowly but surely
<wtf_igo> i had a vision last night lol
<wtf_igo> so like
<wtf_igo> i was following my timeline down and was telling myself that if what i were thinking were to hold true then i could just let go now and die, just accept it for what it is and be one with it
<wtf_igo> but there was a strong feeling that this was a bad idea
<wtf_igo> that i wasnt ready
<wtf_igo> and then i saw
<wtf_igo> what i can only describe as a singularity
<wtf_igo> and a like
<wtf_igo> man ive seen this dude a million times in trips and keep forgetting him
<wtf_igo> his name is ghepetto
<wtf_igo> like the cartoon
<wtf_igo> and he wears this stupid grey smurf hat and smokes a long pipe
<wtf_igo> anyway he was guarding the singularity
<Dread> lol
<wtf_igo> and he said to me
<Dread> that took a strange turn
<wtf_igo> "you wanna have to start this bullshit from scratch all over again"
<wtf_igo> and like
<wtf_igo> i could feel the singulartiy about to burst
<wtf_igo> such a fuckin strange thing
<Dread> maybe it's true
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> weird af
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