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Sully, Nathan, and Sam are forced to hide in a cramped alley while trying to escape from some local militia. The Drake brothers decide to make the best of it.

In the stark darkness of the alley, combined with his failing eyesight, Victor can barely make out his own body, but he can hear and feel Nathan's breath against his neck. Sam crouches on his other side, leaning forward slightly so his arm is pressed firmly against Sully's, and Sully resists the involuntary urge to shudder and shift away. He can't afford to make any kind of sound right now.
Men rush by them, pushing through congested crowds and desperate vendors, and Sully can just about see their rifles and pistols strapped to their backs glinting slightly in the soft moonlight. Nathan coughs quite loudly, but before Sully can turn to glare at him in reprimand Nathan is suddenly moving even closer, pressing his warm body against Sully's and forcing him to lean subtly against Sam to maintain his crouch.
Another group approaches, then passes them. Nathan places an arm on Sully's toned arm and gently presses the old man back, deeper into the alley. When Sulley estimates they're far enough away from the street to not be heard whispering, he turns furiously to Nathan and asks him what the hell he thinks he's doing.
Nate only shrugs, but as his right hand lifts and brushes over Sully's muscled abdomen, it suddenly halts and presses against it insistently.
Sully turns again to ask him to knock it off, but then Sam's fingers are on his ass, softly caressing it, and Sully suddenly realizes he's been cornered.
Months had passed since the adventure for Avery's treasure, and since then Sully had begun to notice a strange trend in the Drake brothers. They were being markedly more physical with Sully - Nate had always done a bit of unnecessary touching, but nothing beyond the realm of platonic friendship. Lately, however, they'd been touching him in more inappropriate areas, and Sully always felt too embarrassed to tell them to knock it off. Initially, it had been relatively mild - a slap on the ass, a sudden grope to the chest, "accidental" slips that left either Nate or Sam clinging to Sully's muscled front and not so subtly slipping fingers underneath his shirt. In the past few weeks, however, they'd progressed to verbal flirting as well - whenever Sully was bent over for whatever reason, the Drake brothers had begun to take a liking to pressing him against the nearest surface and grinding their very visible erection against his ass, then lapping at his neck all while whispering to him about how much they'd like to tear off his clothes and fuck him right then and there. Once, when Sully had been inspecting a painting hung on the hotel wall, Sam saw fit to press the older man against said wall and thrust one hand straight into his pants, where he then took the elder's heated erection into hand and gave him half a handjob - Victor was left panting and breathless, leaning against the wall, as Sam walked out to have breakfast with Nate. Another time, just as Sully was dozing off in his bed Nate slipped in with him and wrapped his arms around Sully's chest, then started to tease and pinch his nipples through the thin cloth of his nightshirt. Alright, perhaps it had been a little more than "flirting", but Sully disliked the idea of being sexually harassed by two men he considered friends he could entrust his life to, so perhaps he'd understated their actions a little. Now, however, trapped in an alley between the two brothers with no safe way to escape, Sully begins to realize they were finally sick of waiting and eager to claim their prize.
Despite his realization, Sully still tries to fight against them, struggling against their grasp and saying, "wait, c'mon, can't this wait until after the heavily armed men are done looking for us?"
Nate chuckles darkly and, with one graceful movement, switches their positions so Sully is now pressed against the wall. "Look at that, Sam," he says, "the slut thinks he gets a say in this."
Sully freezes instinctively as Sam pushes past Nathan to block Sully's right side where the exit lays. He swats Sully's ass with one palm while his other hand goes to rest on a pectoral, gently caressing the raised muscle. "We'll just have to show him exactly how little say he has." Sam smirked and pressed his body against Victor's side - Sully could only try not to squirm uncomfortably as the two brothers essentially sandwiched him between their bodies and the brick wall at his back.
"Kid, please-" Sully turns to look at Nate with pleading eyes, but he finds no sympathy reflected back, only pure lust and desire. Nate presses his erection against Sully's, and Sully moans desperately and involuntarily thrusts back as a spot of pre-come appears through his jeans. Sully hadn't told a single soul, but in truth he is a virgin - well, he had been a virgin until the handjob, he supposes. Every single suggestive touch sends an embarassingly pleasant jolt through his body, and that sensation is only so much more intense when applied to his aching cock.
Nate laughs derisively, as if Sully's reaction is pathetic. Sully can't find a reason to disagree. "So, you pretend you don't want this, and then you rut against my leg like a desperate little whore?"
Sully flushed deep red and looked away, but Sam's hand caught his chin and forced it back up so he was looking straight at Nate's lustful, remorseless eyes. It was at that moment that Sully realized he was going to be fucked - hard - and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
Nate and Sam repositioned Sully together with surprising coordination so Sam was at his back and Nate pressed against his muscled front. Sully was utterly trapped between the two.
Sam pressed his mouth against Sully's ear and began to whisper even as Nate began to go to work on his peaked nipples. "All those slutty clothes you wore - the Hawaiian shirts, the short-sleeves, the V-neck sweaters - you honestly fucking thought no-one would claim you." Sam bit firmly into Victor's shivering neck.
"There," he murmured, "now everyone will know you're taken. If we find out," he said, his voice suddenly much more sinister, "that you let another man touch you without our consent, you'll regret it. We don't let just anyone touch or use our property." Sully shoved much more violently against Sam in an attempt to get past him to the exit, but Sam was a firm wall of muscle that barely budged against Sully's repeated attempts. Sully had, unfortunately for him, maintained an extremely fit and attractive physique, but he was still an old man, without the strength to best a much spryer, more energetic man like Sam or Nathan.
Sully trembled nervously between the two of them - for now they'd stuck to touching and caressing, but he knew they'd soon move on. Sully was shy about his body, especially as he grew older and gained more wrinkles, but he wasn't completely naive. He understood this wasn't just some "let's fondle the helpless old man" session, but rather a full-on "let's fuck the helpless old man" event. There wouldn't be a single part of his body by the end of this that they wouldn't have touched and violated, and it was for that reason that Sully dreaded what was happening.
Nate begins to unbutton Sully's shirt while Sam continues to whisper dirty things into Sully's ear - how they would tie him up in a public area and sell him out like a public whore, how they would wake him up every day with a dick in his ass and end every day splattered and covered in come, how they would make Sully walk around in their house completely naked so they could fuck him whenever they wanted without pesky clothes getting in the way. Sully felt like crying.
Then, Nate finishes taking off his shirt, and the festive apparel drops to the dirty alley floor. Suddenly, everything is so much more intense - the air against his bare skin, the press of two warm bodies against his unprotected upper body. Sully can't even bring his arms up with the two bodies pressing against him to try to cover up his chest and peaked, dusty nipples, so he is left to writhe helplessly at the involuntarily pleasurable feeling of being trapped between two horny men.
As Nate presses his mouth against a nipple and Sam slips a finger into Sully's ass without warning, Sully arches his back and howls. His cock bursts from his jeans, which Nate had begun to loosen, and then he's coming, the white fluid spurting from his dick like a cannon, spraying all over his firm chest and abdomen. Sully squeezes his eyes shut at the sensation and screams for all 33 seconds of his first orgasm, even as Sam and Nate continue to render him immobile so he can only tremble slightly through the pleasure. When he finally finishes, all strength has seemingly left his body and he is left to slump against the two men, who happily press their bodies against Sully's newly come-stained one. One of Nate's hands comes up to scoop up some come and spread it evenly across his smoothly muscled chest, rough fingers pressing against soft, unblemished skin, marked by only a few freckles.
"Oh," Nate says, sounding almost awestruck, "you helpless, useless old slut. You just fucking came, all over yourself, all over your bare chest and abs while sandwiched between two younger men. How about you stop pretending this is some kind of nightmare and accept it for the boon it is? Because we're not going to stop, Sully, no matter what. Do you understand?"
Sully moans incomprehensibly, his eyes fluttering from exhaustion and his voice belying his old age.
Nate continues as if Sully had responded, though, more likely, he simply didn't care what Sully said. "I've wanted to ruin you ever since I met you all those years ago, but back then I didn't have the strength, means, or guts. Did you know, once, a gang offered to rape you and videotape it for free? It was a very tempting offer, but I couldn't risk them becoming too attached and trying to keep you." Nate chuckles. "But I'm sick of waiting - I'm finally going to claim what's rightfully mine." He moves one hand to possessively grope a hardened pectoral, and Sully gasps desperately.
"Kid," he says, barely conscious and aware of what he's saying, "I'm sorry-" Because he had to have done something, right, to have earned this? He wanted to believe there was something to make up for, something to forgive so he could think there was a way to escape this nightmare, but Nate quickly put that hope to rest.
"You should be sorry," Nate replied lustily, licking over come-stained abs while Sam stepped back to the admire the utterly ruined, debauched elder, his well-sculpted body trembling helplessly. "All those years you paraded around your fucking body, acting like you weren't torturing me the entire fucking time. You have no-one but yourself to blame for being so goddamned sexy - I'm only giving you what you deserve, shamelessly being eye-candy for all the world."
Sully sobbed, "I'm sorry, kid, I'm so goddamned sorry-" His voice hitched, however, as Nate gripped one pectoral and squeezed it until a new spurt of pre-come bursted from his cock.
"Save your apologies, Sully," Nate said darkly, "they're pathetic. There's not a single thing you can do now to stop this, so stop it already. I just want to hear you moan like the slut I fucking know you are. I've waited decades to do this to you, and now it's time you fucking pay me back for all those years I let you go free. You're going to be our slut and you're going to let us use you and your body however we want for repent for all those years of torment you put me through. Now moan, old man."
Sully moaned, helplessly, as Sam came back to rut against his firm back.
He was utterly, completely trapped.
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