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This is more of a +1, but in case anyone looked/looks at this, I have some notes from a [similar proposal in the past](

One way to do something like this would probably be detouring the `NetLane.RenderInstance` method (`PropInstance.RenderInstance` is much more direct and avoid re-implementing the prop placement logic, but obviously you can't put down new props as easily as detouring `NetLane.RenderInstance`).

The detour could probably be either a Harmony `prefix` or a full detour/ Harmony transpiler to skip the vanilla render logic. In either case, Custom logic would probably be something like:

* Get Net Segment ID from the method arguments
* Determine if Lane prop needs to be replaced for `PropInstance`
* Prop name(motorway sign, speed limit sign, etc) is in list of replaceable/removable lane props for
* Net segment should override the vanilla props
* Probably based on some per-segment config, a lane speed limit overidden
* Grab the Prop and relevant info from the config file
* Relevant info will probably include prop model, custom texture+configurable(animated, etc) shader, and transformations (rotation, position, scale) relative to vanilla prop
* Transformations would probably need to be hand-configured(), since transformations will differ between props
* Apply transformation offset to the new prop model, and call `Graphics.DrawMesh` to render the new prop

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