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Apex Legends Season 2 Update Details Leaked! Extended Energy Mag + Flyers + Legendary Attachments
Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video, I hope you guys are having a great day. In this video we are going to be going over some pretty because details for the season 2 update that were leaked. But first I wanted to ask you guys if you think the leviathans outside the map are getting closer? Make sure to let me know in the comments because I think they are getting closer to the map, most likely for map changes in Season 2. Lets get right into this datamined details for season 2. Ill make sure to link the reddit post down in the description so you guys can check it out if you want. A lot of different reddit users datamined and found a bunch of cool files. Lets get right into it.
Starting off I made another video covering some small leaks about flyers and how there would be two different types of flyers a caged one and a normal one. I also mentioned in that video, two new legendary attachments. There were recently some updates to those files that dataminers found that give us more details on these season 2 features. Lets start off with flyers. Ill show a picture on screen of what flyers looked like in the trailer and a datamined render. A file was found of a pathfinder voiceline that says "Flyer here, sometimes they contain loot!" There were also datamined files that showed off the loot tables for flyers. Ill show what they are on screen, and as you guys can see. In these flyer loot tables, you can get all legendary weapons, like a sniper, mastiff, l star, and all the other legendary items. As well as other flyers that have all purple loot and some flyers with all blue loot. So clearly it looks like there will be flyers around the map that have different rarities and some of the flyers will drop loot if you kill them. this looks crazy and honestly seems like a blatant pve element that is going to be added to the game. However it might be a part of a limited time map event that they teased at EA play for season 2. Let me know what you guys think.
The next detail about season 2 that we have is about two new legendary attachements. The first datamined file says there will be alegendary sniper stock that has a passive with abilities that are "Fast handling & large aim drift reduction.nDeals up to 120% damage the further away the target is." The second attachement is a gold/level 4 shotgun bolt that has the passive ability of "Maximum upgrade to fire rate.n15% movement speed increase."
There was also a datamined file that mentions an extended mag attachement for energy weapons. The file says "Ping Attachement mag energy 1/2/3. So my guess is that they will add extended energy mags with 3 levels of rarity and then reduce enery weapon base ammo size.
Another dataminer said that the new equipment/item slot is mentioned as something called a Jumpkit in the files, the reddit user didn't proved a file picture or location so Im not sure if thats 100% accurate.
The last thing is a dataminer was able to show off what the L star will look like in the skin section of the menu and the skin in the picture looks really good in my opinion.
That is all of the new leaked details for the season 2 update and Im sure there are more files that will be revealed sooner or later. Also obviously none of this is 100% confirmed but im positive that at least 90% of what I mentioned will be added in Season 2. Based on all of these files, I think Season 2 looks insanely promising. Not to mention the announcements at EA Play, like a new ranked mode, new character, a new weapon, and a new event so If you ask me, I think we got a good Season 2 ahead of us. Let me know what you guys think about all of these Season 2 details down in the comment section below. If you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button, it really does help me out. and if you are new to the channel and like apex legends make sure to hit that sub button and turn on the notification bell because I post every single day. Its been your boy Sethly, and Im out.
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