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--------------------------------------------------Clans Application--------------------------------------------------

Synergic Is Playing:Brute

Chromuh is Playing:Assassin

You are playing:Whatever u want at the time

An enemy is raiding the base, what do you do?:
Block off the chests as much as possible and potentially if possible put it deep underground and wait where the chests are in hold pos cleave.

What If someone trash is talking shit in chat, what do you do?:
considering he's being toxic that may mean he's playing aggressive so that means you could possibly quickie him while he's typing to you if you can get the jump on him. If not play passive.

If your clanmate has a full inventory of sets and you have half an inventory of sets and there is an alone knight in the distance what would you do?:
Run, its not worth the risk of losing the inventories, too many bad outcomes if you get greedy, he could have people hiding, he could have people coming, etc.

If you and Chromuh were at -23 war points and your clan was rich(had a bunch of legends and expendable sets) and there was 4 enemy clan members waiting outside your base for you, what would u do?:
Log, it is not worth the risk, you can get the war points later when you have an acceptable plan.

What if You, Chromuh and Synergic were at a base and someone is camping their own door(their base has a moat) and they are trying to kill you while staying close to their base, what do you do?:
Lure him out of his base by acting like your running away and if it doesn't work he is too stubborn and you should just leave.

If Your the only one online, would u get on clans, and if so what would u do while on?:
I since im chromuh and i can actually hold people i would actually be able to do things but the ideal answer for everyone but me is i wouldnt get on and if i did i would only stay in the base.

If you see two knights and a sin in the distance, while your with chromuh, then what would u do:
run, hope the sin plays agro and over extends which will then allow you to quickie and potentially either fight or run.

If one Kid with legends is camping your base while your with Chromuh and Synergic what do you do(BE SPECIFIC IF YOU FIGHT):
Chromuh and Synergic goes holdpos knight, 3rd person goes ice prison mage to be able to cook up.

If Your getting angry at ppl being aids what do you do?:
log, its not worth the wasted sets.

If your getting tier 5 chased while your low and your clanmate died what do you do?
If it is a sin chasing you, hide behind cover and turn around and hit them off if they get close, if it is another kit and your not close to shops or another base another thing you could do is hop in a randys moat, so even if he follows you in to kill you he wont have enough time to get out before i come as a sin and shit on him, or he doesnt follow at all and your cooling and u can c-home, although make sure the kids moat u jump in aren't on.

If your at -24 war points and a hacker is phasing into your base what do you do?
log off even if he started hitting you, you cant lose warpoints when they are logged. Dont do this to normal people because its bannable but its fine against hackers because they are cheating

Your Knight Skill 1-10: 10

Your Assassin Skill:1-10: 10

Your Brute Skill:1-10: 8

Your Mage Skill:1-10: 9

Your Ranger Skill: 1-10: 7

1= your new to the kit 10= Best
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Regards; Team

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