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Apex Legends New Weapon + Healing Item Type Found! (Coming Season 2?)

Apex Legends New Weapon + Ammo Type Found! (Coming Season 2?)

Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video, I hope you guys are all having a fantastic day. In this video we are going to be covering a new weapon type and a new item type that was found in the files recently.

Before I get into it, I just wanted to let you guys know I got a lot in the works and a lot planned for the future so if you haven't already go follow my twitter @Sethlyy and my instagram @SethlyYT to stay updated. With that out of the way lets get into it. As always every datamined file is from @That1MiningGuy the abosolute homie, I gotta be honest, he is a 10/10 guy and knows a TON about apex so make sure to check him out link in the description.

Alrighty, starting off with the first bit of information, as you guys know when the Legendary Hunt event and patch 1.2 were released there was a 5th equipment slot that was a mystery because it was accidentally added and everyone was guessing at what it could be. The only official statement from respawn about it was that it was a mystery slot and we would have to wait to see what they have planned for it. A lot of people guessed it was something for flyers or boots or something like that but Im pretty positive it won't be either of those things.

Here's why, so at EA Play when they showed gameplay of wattson's abilities you could actually see the image for the 5th slot and see what it would look like but it is kind of hard to see what exactly it is. When I first saw it during the livestream I thought it was a saddle for flyers but after close inspection it looks more like an ammo belt. After that, that 1 mining guy was able to find the picture of what the 5th slot would be in the files and as you guys can see it looks like they are bandoliers for each different type of ammo but there's something else. As you guys can see there are bandoliers for shotgun, light, heavy, energy ammo, and even one for ordanances but there is another one that shows an ammo type that we have never seen before. Clearly it looks like some sort of purple symbol with an explosion icon. That 1 mining guy says it is some sort of explosive ammo. I know what you guys are thinking, what would that ammo be for? Why would there be explosive ammo?

Well I thought the same thing but then I saw another piece of files that explains more about what it could be. Ill show the files on screen right now and as you guys can see it says attachmenttag and then lists down the different types of weapons including sniper, assault, pistol, lmg, shotgun, smg, and all but their is a final one that we don't have in the game yet. As you guys can see at the bottom it says attachment tag LAUNCHER. Im almost 100% positive that this new weapon type is going to use the explosive type ammo that we saw on the mystery icon.

After I saw this, I was still a bit confused because that mining guy said he thinks it confirms that we will be getting launchers at some point in the future, whether that be a grenade launcher or a rocket launcher. I was confused because the file said attachmenttag so I thought it was going to be a launcher attachement like a noob tube. So I had to clarify my thoughts with him so I hit him up and asked him if this launcher would be an attachement or a complete weapon. At this point I was just praying that they wouldn't add noob tubes. He replied and said "They are more than likely going to be primary weapons. So not likely to be like underbarrel launchers" Thankfully he confirmed my hopes that it wouldn't be noob tubes or a launcher attachement but likely a complete primary weapon instead.

After that I looked back at the files and it made much more sense because the files weren't listing off attachements like the ones we have in game right now, it actually said attachement tag and not just attachement, so instead the files were actually listing off the different types of weapons we have like shotguns, smgs, snipers ect. So clearly there is a decent chance that we might get some form of launcher in the future. I know some of you guys are probably already commenting that it easily could be something left over from titanfall 3 but here's the thing, that1mininguy spends hours and hours datamining through apex and he confirmed with me that the launcher script is 100% in a file for apex and it isn't something left over from titanfall. As of right now, I don't think he has ever been wrong so I definitely trust him on this one.

So what could this new launcher type weapon be? Well as far as I know respawn, has only reused and changed items from titanfall 1 and 2 in order to fit in apex. So it could be a charge rifle, an epg, the r 6 softball, or even the sidewinder. Here's the thing, that mining guy also found the charge rifle and volt in the 505 file next to the l - star. Again, i know what you guys are thinking, its probably just left over from titanfall, well somebody said that exact thing to him and that 1 mining guy said there is data and sound effects for both of these weapons.

But he also said there is data and sound effects for titans, which we know for a fact are coming to apex ever as confirmed by a respawn dev. But that mining guy went on to explain that the only indicator that these are for apex is that these are in the file that contains all the map icons, pings, character portraits, and weapon ping pictures for apex. Which this 505 file actually doesn't contain anything from titanfall besides 4 small icons from an earlier iteration of apex that ill show on screen besides that, its only apex stuff. so there is a good chance they are working on adding the charge rifle and or volt in to apex or at least tried it out.

Obviously its not confirmed coming soon but there is a really good chance that the charge rifle will be added as the launcher type weapon that uses the new explosive ammo that was found as a part of the 5th equipment slot. As far as I know, the charge rifle is the only thing in the files right now that could be a launcher type weapon.

There was also a new item type thats labled as item type special in the files but nobody really knows what it could be. For all I know it could be for the in game map event and pve mode for season 2 or it could be a completely new healing item or something entirely new. So far, respawn has announced a lot of the weapon updates and details that are coming in season 2. Including the new L Star, new hop ups the disruptor and hammerpoint rounds, new energy mags, new weapon buffs, and even a new set of gold weapons. So technically no mention of an entirely new weapon or item but they did say "Beyond the changes mentioned here, the weapon team still has a few tweaks up our sleeves for Season 2, so look out for our patch notes when the season starts on July 2!"

My guess is that they wouldn't announce everything coming in season 2 so there is a chance we get those things as well in season 2 or maybe throughout season 2. as they have said they will have more updates through out season 2 and I don't think they would or should drop all of the content they have ready right on july 2nd.

IM very curious to hear your guys thoughts on all of this stuff so make sure to let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below. If you guys enjoyed the video then drop a like it really does help me out a ton and if you are new to the channel make sure to hit that sub button and turn on the notification bell for daily apex videos. Its been your boy Sethly, and Im out.
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