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The house was pitch black

Marshall slowly brought his golden Zippo to his lip's and lit that little crumpled Virginia Slim which hang near limply from his rough and dried lips. He flicked his Zippo closed, causing the room to fade to darkness once again and he inhaled deeply. The cherry from his cigarette was bright enough to gently light up his face and reveal the tired sleep deprived eye's of a near broken man who was on the The house was dark, nearly pitch black aside for the small amount of light which creeped in through the old boarded up windows which had their glass smashed years ago. Along with the void like darkness, the house was silent, quiet enough you could hear a pin drop from upstairs while you were on the first floor. If someone were to push open the front door and step inside, it would look and feel almost normal...until they decided to head up the steps to check out the rest of the house.

***Flick, Clink, Woosh*** A small flame lit up the area just enough to get a general idea of what the living room of the small three bedroom house looked like. Everything for the most part seemed to be in decent condition. The furniture was neatly aligned, the carpets were cleaned, the walls were stain free, the kitchen floor had a few muddy foot prints but that was not that big of a deal, a few bloody hand prints, nearly a dozen bullet holes in the wall, a flipped over table...a dead body laying right at the bottom of the steps. ...Maybe things were not in as decent condition as first thought.verge of having a mental break down. Marshall slowly brought his right hand from his lap and pinched the tiny cigarette gently before he pulled it from his lip's and blew out a gentle puff of smoke which lingered for a moment before it gently rose into the air. Marshall's hand's were more along the lines of bear paw's at this point. They were massive, as rough as tree bark and covered in scar's, obvious signs of a man who was quite hands on with his survival.

Marshall brought the cigarette back to his lips and clamped down on it gently before he let out a small sigh and leaned forward in his old worn down kitchen chair which had seen far better day's. He placed his hands on the old splintering dinning room table and slowly pushed himself up, the chair under him letting out a creak of relief as the 240lbs of weight was lifted from its weakened legs. Marshall blew out another puff of smoke from the side of his mouth and turned his attention to his stuff which he had tossed on to the dining room table after he had entered the lifeless house. He slowly reached down and picked up his decent little hunting backpack and slipped it on to his shoulder's, careful to do so as the left strap had a small tear in the stitching that he had to fix soon. As soon as he got his backpack on, he turned his attention to his sweet little 10 Gauge shotgun which was leaning on the edge of the table right where he left it. He reached down and grabbed the barrel and lifted the shotgun into his arm's. He cracked it open to check if there was a shell loaded inside and thankfully there was. He clicked it closed and slung it on his shoulder before he turned around and faced that front door which sat just a few feet away from him.

He let out a slight sigh as he stared at that door. He did not want to leave, he was quite protected here with the boarded up windows and the possibility of blocking off doors using furniture but...he just could not stay. He had a place in mind and this was certainly not it. His finished off his cigarette and spit the butt onto the carpet and crushed the cherry into smoldering ashes with the front of his boot. Rolled his shoulder's slightly and let out one last sigh right before he took a step forward and made his way to the door. He grabbed the handle and pulled it open, the bright light of mid day nearly blinding him and lighting up the house behind him completely. He closed the door and rubbed his eye's slightly to deal with the stinging pain of the sudden light before he shook his head and made his way down the street's of the town.
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