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Kush Economy and Trade
After the Kush lost control of Egypt the people of Kush devoted themselves to have a greater trade and agriculture. They did this in the hope of becoming a rich country again. After a few centuries, Kush came back being a rich and powerful kingdom again.
From the ports of the red sea, merchants traded Kush's goods for all type of luxury items like silk and glass.
Caravans from the south of Kush brought goods like leopard skins and ostrich eggs to Kush.
Because the new capitol of Kush was Meroe they had more access to iron and wood for furnaces and they developed an iron industry.
Also, in Meroe there was a large trading network so people could trade and earn money. Because the people of Kush lived close to the Nile they could put goods on ships and travel to countries to exchange their goods.
Some of Kush's export were gold, pottery, iron tools because they had an iron industry in Meroe, slaves and ivory.
Some of Kush's import were fine jewelry, luxury items from Egypt and other lands around the Mediterranean sea.
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