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After all this disapointment, I couldn't think about anything else to do than to take my things, go and talk to Mona my best friend. I was on my way to her house, I was walking really fast because I needed to talk to someone about all of the stuff going on in my mind. My eyes were red, tears were running down my face. I knocked on the door, Mona opened and enterred me in.
She asked: "Oh my god Maude, what is happening ? Why are you crying ? Is everything alright ?", then took me in her arms and hugged me.
"No, I'm not fine. My parents just had a fight in the cell and wanted me to take part of it."
"What kind of fight Maude ?"
"As you already know, my mom is in prison. Dad and I decided to go and visit her, then they had a big fight about how my mom has been arrested after demonstrating for the women's vote, and how she apparently left me all alone."
"And why are you crying ? Your dad is right, how could she leave you all alone ? You're just a little girl, you can't do anything on your own."
My eyes opened widely, I was shock about Mona's sayings and any word could come out of my mouth.
"Are you serious Mona ? How can he be right ? Do you know why my mom was fighting ?"
"Yes, I couldn't be more serious. Of course he's right. And yes, I know why your mom was fighting."
"Sincerely I don't think so, you haven't understood anything. Are you conscious that nowadays women don't have the right to vote ? That only men do ? Don't you find this unfair ?"
"I clearly don't find this unfair. Women are made to cook and raise their kids. They don't deserve any rights."
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