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Who is not a round character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

Which thematic idea does the story “Subha” explore?
Loneliness and isolation

Why is it important to make connections to texts?
Doing so will increase your comprehension of the text

Astronomers these days... Author's main purpose?
To instruct

Steve Gadd is known as one of the most influential drummers of all time, and he toured with Eric Clapton.
The ideas are not coordinate

Arrive early to enter the Swim a Lap Day contest. Form of the verb Arrive?

Edgar Allen Poe - House of Usher vs Kate Chopin - Short Stories
Edgar Allen Poe and Kate Chopin are both authors who differ in their writing style. Edgar Allen Poe focuses on his characters point of view, in which he describes the world through their eyes and what they feel at points of the story. So Edgar uses firstperson point of views and direct statements about descriptions about other characters and objects. Kate Chopin's story is very short but does not show any signs of second or first person, and rather keeps it in third person limited/omniscient. She uses indirect actions to develop characters. Both have different language and structure styles, with Kate using short stories with less complexity and direct statements about things or events, such as when she describes the music to be "ceased" and with the "crowd filed out.", with the only metaphor being that "it was like a dream ended.". And Edgar having big paragraphs and more metaphors or descriptions than direct outright true statements, such as his description of the House of Usher, which he said to be "Melancholy" and the day to be "dark, dull, and soundless...".

Which statement best describes how Mr. Jekyll’s view of transformation changes throughout the story?
He becomes increasingly wary of his ability to scientifically defy morality.

Write two sentences using the verb "approve." In the first sentence, use the verb in its subjunctive form. In the second, use the verb in its indicative form.
The principal suggested the party plans be approved by the teacher.
The principal approved the party plans.

Which should be eliminated to create formal tone? Check all that apply.
Slang language
Opinion statements

We received many strange looks while walking around the mall with our shirts on backward.
What is the form of the underlined verb?

What best explains the connection between climax and theme in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
The theme “Evil cannot be hidden” is brought to life when the laboratory door is broken and Mr. Hyde is found.

How is the soothsayer an archetype in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?
The soothsayer is like an archetype in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar as its a universal thing that shows up in many stories, a quest giver. While it may or may not be someone who possesses actual magic or future seeing abilities, they usually give the hero of the story or the story itself a problem or plot device to move the story along, which is used daily and universally.
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:
The soothsayer is an archetype because he represents a symbolic pattern: the Wise Old Man. He shares his wisdom with Caesar, trying to warn him to “[b]eware the ides of March.” Though the soothsayer looks out for Caesar’s life, Caesar ignores his wisdom and is assassinated.

The students were interviewed by the reporter.
Rewrite the sentence using active voice.
The reporter interviewed the students.

He was losing his battle with frost... Which idea best describes what is presented in this excerpt?
This is part of the falling action, which introduces the theme that life’s hardships bring reality into clear focus.

Hansel and Gretel moral dilemma.
Father must choose between the deaths of all of them or his children.

Mr. Utterson description
Provides background information

Gothic setting
Sinister block

Write an informative essay about the Greek hero, Jason. Summarize his unhappy youth and explain how he overcame obstacles to become great.
Grant should ask, “How did Jason defeat his challenges and gain success?” using a book about Greek mythology for research.

Which phrase defines "structure" best?
Planned framework for a piece of writing

Influence of History and Culture on Laura Esquivel's essay.
History and culture influences the theme and relationship to gender roles in the essay "At the Hearth" by Laura Esquivel because of it's time of writing and author's birth date and place. Laura was born into Mexican culture, which has its official language as Spanish, its major religion Roman Catholic, its blend of ethnicities, Mayan, Aztec, and Spanish, and its culture of having family be central to social structure along with food in ceremonies. Mexico City has the most museums in the world, hosted the Olympics in 1968 and World Cup in 1970 and 1986, and had civil unrest in the 1960's and demonstrations in 1968 with growing unemployment and expanding urban poverty. The gender roles were traditionally, father is the head, mother is the secondary, with this only changing in the late 70s and early 80s. All this history and culture of Mexico affects Laura Esquivel as she directly relates to it in her essay, specifically the food and family. She talks about these events to make a point about her message, which is to change the gender roles once more, to make mothers and fathers important again, but not have it be exactly how it was.

Purpose of coordination in writing
The purpose of coordination in writing is to tell a reader that two or more ideas are equally important.

Death of Cassius and Brutus fate vs freewill
Both Cassius' and Brutus' deaths are the work of free will because of their deaths and relation to the other characters in the story. Cassius dies due to misinformation and assisted suicide, whilst Brutus dies due to witnessing his friends deaths and fall of the republic, and his own suicide. Mark Antony had great respect for Brutus even though he had helped kill Caesar, and would have most likely taken mercy and pity on him if he had been captured, resulting in Brutus living longer and his fate not necessarily sealed, with Cassius also joining him. The only fateful event was the fall of Republic due to Caesar's death, but not necessarily the lives of Cassius and Brutus.

It is important to trust one's instict
“I’m book-learned enough for that; but a man has his feelings, and I give you my bible-word it was Mr. Hyde!”

He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances. Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty odd degrees of frost. Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, and that was all. It did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold. . . . Fifty degrees below zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear-flaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks. What does the man’s reaction reveal about him?
his practical nature
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