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20 Questions
1. What was the last food you ate?
saltine crackers
2. Do you sleep with socks on?
3. Worst physical pain you’ve ever been in?
IUD insertion
4. Favorite place you have been to?
5. How late did you stay up last night?
Was on-call, so went to bed after midnight, then got called again around 3am :(
6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?
Boulder, CO. Or Denmark/Sweden.
7. Who is your favorite sports team?
Real Madrid
8. When was the last time you cried?
Mmm, a few months ago I think.
9. Who took your profile pic?
My mom
10. Two of your favorite movies?
Pride & Prejudice, The Departed
11. What’s your favorite season?
12. If you could have any career what would it be?
Travel blogger
13. What was the last book you read?
Some personal finance book
14. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be?
I'm gonna just list my dream dinner table: Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, the Obamas, & Amy Poehler
15. Are you a good influence on other people?
I think so? I don't know
16. Does pineapple belong on a pizza?
Abso-FRUIT-ely it does
17. You have the remote, what show is on?
The Office
18. Three people who you think will do this?
No one LOL
19. Last Concert you attended?
The Chainsmokers
20. Favorite type of food?
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Regards; Team

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