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chungusboi vs clg.main
round 1 - good trade, got stuck low hp mid site and couldn't get help to move, was dead either way
round 2 - ak/deag force w/ plant, got baited by CT jumper but you were dead to balc player 99/100
round 3 - eco mid raped
round 4 - B lurk, took super extended fight and couldn't get kill, should probably just molly site to force her out since you whiffed a fuck ton and buy your teammates positioning when they're running to B hoping you get the kill/position. just delay with ur molly
round 5 - Tqze B eco rush you got raped by jail player
round 6 - mid take A split, tqze died out ramp and you got baited into 1v2 searching for trade, you don't win that fight like 90/100 should probably just play passive/bait the shot and look for second player, no way that awper is solo
round 7 - eco mid, they gave it up pretty early, boosted into window, through to market, very good lurk to kill dedi B player and got info for team, they got raped on push.
round 8 - default mid take, went ramp with tqze, you called A ramp push after mid was taken for a contact play since no util, didn't clear ninja but awper CT probably means no site player, good setup by them
round 9 - cat split, mars just 3k's them on entry xd nice flash assist nothing else really happened for you
round 10 - A fake to B, kennan 3x entries boring round for you again
round 11 - mid -> A contact, zombie wasted util so you couldn't do right side smokes only jungle, you were pretty much blind the entire entry, zombie's flash fucked you i think
round 12 - cat split, you should not have pushed that smoke was a terrible idea, i know your teammates are out on site but 85% chance someone is in that smoke because of how weird it was and only 1 site player apart from rotate.
round 13 - eco -> window boost, jungle kill and whiffed but recovered cat kill, swung on by jungle. mars ran out of bullets
round 14 - fast mid -> con, mars got over-aggro for you and tqze not being fast and the other two were still on mid/con. had no help going deep into jungle just kinda suicided even though he had good entries
round 15 - Tqze B -> last player had bomb for whatever reason and got pushed from underpass, you got raped thru smoke. pls just don't let last person have bomb because that's happened once or twice now in scrims

Overall this half not much happened for you, you got kinda gayed a lot whether it be smoke spammed, flashed off by them/teammates, you had some really good lurk rounds/ecos

round 16 - good contact kill on the A push, you were caught off in middle of open luckily you got 1
round 17 - you heard the window boost like 3 seconds before kennan contacted with them, if you heard that you win the round and don't leave mars in 1v2/ get fucked from A site. had two site/ct players you just have to hope they can hold and you need to care for con/window boost
round 18 - fukt by mac
round 19 - called stack A, good call since you guys just got reset and fast A big popular after resets/first gun round. won eco
round 20 - missed window jump? tqze smoked ur con so you could go back up but missed free kill mid on T throwing nade. flash didn't really do much but you got killed by f1 race car awper out con
round 21 - killed by awper mid on deag eco round, should probably just jiggle for info instead of 90% chance of giving free kill.
round 22 - eco A ramp push, teammates weren't close enough to you to 2x peek for trade? or were just scared idk they should have killed that player if they 2x swung.
round 23 - got stuck with a famas as the mid player haHAA, still got one on the A exec going thru stair smoke even though full blind, got a 1 for 1 which isn't terrible since you guys are extremely low on util
round 24 - eco, they did fast cat wasn't even close
round 25 - good trade on their mid aggression, they were out A site and you pretty much positioned for a 1 for 1 without entirely knowing where they were, was pretty bad positioning on your part, just play retake at that point stair/con
round 26 - they did fast con split, you called 2x swing ramp but either your teammates whiffed or you got baited
round 27 - they went fast B you didn't really have anything to do, got an exit kill. did zombie try retaking the site solo thru a market window smoke? idk how he just randomly died.
round 28 - got cat jump the round they didn't go mid, got a kill thru bench smoke. if kennan didn't get that last kill ur flash would've fucked your other teammate, made him full blind in the middle of the open.
round 29 - made cat jump again mid clear, teammate died on B and had 3 people on B retake A. got con kill on retake but 1v2 with no kit and their postplants way better
round 30 - scrim A. good stair drop w/ flash, got 1 kill whiffed on second a little.
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