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record queer eyer s.4.ep.1 qe tip hheheh
record corgi part s.4.ep.3 hehehhe

sat night gleever: 8:40 suit kurt, 10 somethin, 34 the "ahhh," almost 38 the turn,
dance w/ somebody aorund 4:00, 17:40, 21:00 23:00, 30:00, 34:30, 40:37 and the scene after,
choke; 5:30, 12:30, 25:00
prom dino: 7:00, 14:00 and the song, 22:00, 26:00, 36:00, 38:00, 42:34
props: a lil before 2:00, 10:46, 24:00
goodbye: 1:00, 4:34, 10:00 (head squish), 14:55 the roll in, 21:somethin the look, 30:30 kurt,
new rachel: a lil before 19:00, 31:00
britney2.0, 14:30, 23:00 steam run, 29:00, 41:00
makeover: the song, 1:46, 2:53, 7:00 song question, almost 10:00, 12:00 or somethin, 23:00 eh, 28:35, 37:00
ep4: 5:50, 10:00, 41:00
ep.5: 2;20,
ep.6: 14:40, 20:40, 35:3, 40:34,
ep7: 8:40, 17:00, 19:20, 31:47, 35:45, 36:30
ep.8: 8:14 the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahs, 27:30, 33:24, 36:50
ep.9: 36:00 or the whole scene, 40:00
ep.10: a bit before 4:20, 12:40, 15:30 or before, 37:40, 41:20
ep.11: the beginning, 5:20, 5:52, 18:15 wait, 21:48, 26:00, 31:30
ep.12: 13:50 or before, 15:30, 28:00, 40:35
ep.13: 3:00, 6:45, 19:30, 30:15
ep.14: 12:40, 22:00, 29:20 (lil after and record the whole scene), 37:00, 41:00
ep:15: 10:45, 18:00, 19:30, 19:50, 25:25, 38:!6
ep.16: 12:00, 22:54, 26:43, 37:17
ep.17: 1:00 and the song , 8:20 and the scene after, 11:19 until copacabana, then record copacabana, 21:25, 36:54 and the scene after,
ep.18: 33:55
ep 19: 40:16
ep.21: 7:54 or a lil after that, 9:00 wait for this the next or both i fergot, 18:25 wait, 34:57 wait, 36:06, 40:40, 41:17,
ep22: 13:17, 15:33 fondue intro, 18:03, 37:03 do a lil before that though, 37:54 the stand back trophy acrobat, 43:20
ep.1s.5: 4:12, 10:40, 18:30 and the song, 31:44, 33:44, 36:50
ep.2: 32:13, 37:50, 40:08
ep.3: 0:00, 9:00 + the WHOLEE scene after that, 14:14, 23:50, 35:48
3p.4: 1:43, 4:24 + the scene after, 9:40, 14:35 wait though, 22:20, 37:49 mock until the hair flip and the look down, 40:10
ep.5: 0:00, 16:36, 23:24, 36:15,
ep.6: 4:51 wait till end of scene, 27:14, 33;18
ep.7: 0:00 whole scene, 2:52 funky, disagree, singing, or just 0:00 - 6:52, 11:26, 19:56+scene after, 27:07+scene after, 29:53elf, 31:30, 35:50, 39:36,
record the entire puppet master youtube thingy
ep.8: 2:05, 3:38, 8:20 whole scene, 16:00, 22:30, 26:11, 31:00,
ep.9: 21:50, 36:36, 37:14,
ep.10: 2:05 wait til 5:30, 9:42, 16:50 a lil before, 24:00,
ep.11: 6:46 whole scene, 19:20,
ep.12: 3:20, 15:17, 19:54, 26:33 shave, 35:35,
record toxic in s.2.ep.2
ep.13: 3:03, 11:02, 21:50, 29:26 + the song, 37:07,
ep.14: 1:45, 4:55, 11:10, 13:36, 16:48 + the scene + song after, 23:10 wait, 26:35, 32:33, 38:06,
ep.15: 4:53, 13:28, 15:40, 27:57, 36:00 + the scene after, 39:26 hug bk, 40:20 +song after,
ep.16: 0:30 + the scene after, 7:46, 18:55, 23:11, 34:23, 42:06,
ep.17: 1:00 the whole song, 10:25 record the scene after, 16:06, 30:35 and the two scenes after,
ep.18: 2:38, 14:10, 18:37, 32:07, 39:13,
record "as if we never said goodbye song"
"oh bambi i cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy" april comes
dont tell me when/that you agree with me when i saw you kickin dirt in my eye
and im gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but ive gotta get a move on with my life" big girls dont cry scene
ep.19: 2:33, 11:36, 15:44, 23:15 neverland, 32:45 the scene + song and the scene after and the song after that at 39:28,
ep.20: 4:45, 8:00, 16:46 and the two scenes or so after, 20:18, 34:05, 39:39 song too until the end of the episode,
ep.1: 7:00, 13:20, 14:50, 20:21, 29:19, 32:12, 35:06 wait, 36:51,
ep.2: 0:00, 10:46, 28:29, 37:25, 40:22,
ep.3: 0:00, 18:24,
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