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The world was embroiled in endless battles, an era of warring states.

The one-village-per country system didn't exist then. Ninja organizations were militia groups, divided by clan.

The most famous member of the Senju clan was their leader, Senju Hashirama.

Throught their history, Uchiha and Senju constantly interwined in battle.

Both clans were exhausted, having to endure endless battles, one after another.

They reached their limits.

The Senju approached the Uchiha in hopes for a truce, which the Uchiha agreed upon
In this world of constant strife, power was everything.

The Uchiha Clas was known all over the world as a warrior clan with remerkable chakra and the Sharingan.

And then.

There was the ''Senjy Clan of the Forest,'' said to rival the Uchiha Clan in strength.

Their leader, Hashirama Senju, was the most powerful ninja of his time.

Time and time again, the Uchiha and the Senju clans battled one another. However.

This endlesse fighting threatened to destroy both their clans.

Members of both sides who believet it would banded together.

And created a new organization.
It was later known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

But Uchiha and Senju were always like oil and water...

unable to work together.

To Madara this was obvious, but he was betrayed by the others, and left the village.

And then...

Madara became an avenger, and challenged the Hidden Leafe to battle.

Their wills clashed in a battle to the death, one so world shattering that it left the earth itself scarred.

And then, Madara...

I had lost to Hashirama.

Madara Uchiha had been defeated.

But the fight is far from over.
I had no choice but to spark a new battle.
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