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It's been quite a while since all of use came together like this
What's the occasion this time?
The tenth and final candidate to join us has been located
There's a new religious group calling themselves the Way of Jashin
I guess you could call them a cult
I received information that recently the group succeeded in a certain experiment
Oh, and what would this experiment be?
The one hwo became immortal is called Hidan
He used to be a ninja of the Hidden Steam Village
We will bring Hidan in as our newest member
Your task is to bring him in
Beware, all of you
From what I know of him
He will not be an easy one to convince
Fire Style: Searing Migraine!
Wind Style: Great Breach!
It looks like what our leader said was true
Hey, you know? You guys are pretty good. Good to be sacrificied, that is!
Tell me, have you given any thought to the offer that we made you earlier, Hidan?
I dont't care one little bit about this Akatsuki thing of yours!
I kill as a follower of the Way of Jashin. I continue to offer sacrifices to Him
And I will forevermore continue to
I didn't come ll the way out here to some weird religious babbling
I came to see the power of an immortal
Did you just actually say ''weird''?
What's wrong with speaking the truth?
You are seriously calling the Way of Jashin ''weird'' aren't you?!
That's a very great sin. I am afraid! Can't be forgiven, no matter what
As I crush this fool in amere instant
He has a nice menacing bearing
Do you think you killed him?
No, he still seems to be alive
Okay then, you are now part of the Akatsuki
Look... I already told you. I don't give a crap about your little organization
I just wanna rip things to shreds
I am afraid that is not possible
Why not?
If you go on a rampage without any thought
You will be hunted for the Five Great Nation' bounty and lose lal chance of escape
And even if you don't die. If you are sealed away
You can't offer any more sacrificies to your dear Lord Jashin
But, if you join the Akatsuki
You can continue to act while being protected
And that means you will be able to keep right on doing your favarite thing as usual
And one of our members is something of a pioneer in immortality
I think you'd benefit a lot, don't you?
A pioneer?
And who the heck is that?
So you are immortal too, huh?
And now, I would like for you to give me your answer
So what are you going to do, Hidan?
All right, I get it! I will just join up
Well then, I guess we have got adeal. We welcome you to group, Hidan
Did not expect something lke this a happen
Welp, always expect the unexpected, I guess
The Akatsuki is now assembled
Each of you has your own agenda and your dreams
We have finnaly come this far
And now, at last, we will move into full-scale action
The opponents are strong, but we will gather all the Tailed Beasts
And bring the great ambition of Akatsuki to fruition
We ten shall accomplish this
And understand this: Failure is not an option
The curtain opens on the Akatsuki
Here I come
How's that! I have got more wins than you now
Guess I lose
IF you had not been so lost in thought, then this may have ended differently
You noticed that, huh?
Come on Itachi, how long have I known you?
I know what this is about
So I take it it didn't go well
I did everything I could, but
The only thing I could accomplish was to delay to plan
This is a coup by our entire clan. We always knew it would not be easy to dissuade them
Their will no to make this happen is much stronger than we anticipated
That said, delaying the play is still a great result
And how about you? You said you were going to try and find some allies
I am afraid it's not going well
For better or for worse, they are part of Uchiha Clan, so their bond is strong
Oh come on, don't give me that look
Remember, this is you and me that we are talking about Itachi
So don't worry. It will be fine
In any case, you keep an eye out and work from the inside
I will work on finding another way
There you are! I have been looking practically everywhere for you!
Sasuke, what are you doing out here?
What were you two talking about, anyway? C'mon, tell me, telll me, tell me!
You are still too young to know about that
What's that about? What I'm not part ofthe group now?
It's just not fair!
What a horrible broter to leave Sasuke out of everything like that
All right, Sasuke. Why don't I tell you, then.
Really?! You are the best, Shisui!
You see, We were just talking about which of us s stronger, me or your brother
I mean, I know I'm a lot stronger than he is, but he just won't accept the truth
Well, tell me, Sasuke. You know the truth, don't you?
That I'm a lot stronger than he is
I mean, sure, you are strong, but come on!
I mean, sure, you are strong but come on!
My brother is still way stronger than you!
My brother is still stronger than you!
I only think it's natural to assume that I'm
Age has nothing to do with being a ninja
Don't forget I do have the Sharingan
Well, that's
It's great to be a family
I can't help but feel that every time I see those two
I won't allow the clan's schemes to destroy things like this
No matter what I have to resort to
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