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```Hello everybody and welcome to the Ultimate Crossover Roleplay!

This is a roleplay server specifically catering to multi fandom roleplay- meaning you can be any character from practically any series and rp in our own setting, Soliven! Though, there is some limits set to who you can roleplay and of course, rules to this server itself. Before getting involved in the roleplay, please look through these rules!```

1- Please respect everyone in the chatroom, and be literate as you can. Quality over quantity!
a:Do not call mods or admins corrupt simply because an action is taken that you disagree with or because they don’t do something you ask them to. Mods and admins are here to maintain chat order and rules, not cater to your preferences.
2-No NSFW allowed. This includes explicit smut, overly excessive amounts of gore, etc. in public chat.
3-Shitpost roleplay is fine, but only in moderation. Don’t make post after post of meme RP when others are trying to do serious roleplay.
4-God-modding is not allowed but powerplay is tolerated to an extent.
5-No spamming outside of the bot and spam channel or trolling.
6-Do not request things beyond reasoning or to become a Moderator, you will be denied.
7-AU/Genderbent/Composite characters are not allowed, period. Alternate timelines/universes are allowed if they have been officially explored. I.e. Star Wars Legends, or Dragon Ball GT.
8-To be listed as an official rper here, you must list the full name of your canon character to the fullest of your ability (or, if they do not have a distinguished name, please put the fandom they are from. If neither of these things fit in the name please DM an admin explaining what fandom they are from.)
9- OC's are allowed, but provide a reference picture or a description.
a-If you are roleplaying as an OC, PM an admin with a description of your character.
b-If this is your first time entering and you’re doing it as an OC, be sure to specify that you are an OC in your username. c-Otherwise, you will not be unsilenced. Literal self inserts are not allowed.
OC’s originating from specific fandoms should adhere to the lore and rules of the universe of said fandom.
10- You can be any character from any fandom, so no doubles are expected.
11- In order to claim a character you must RP as them, character claims expire after 2 weeks of the character going without use. If you do not list your claimed characters in the character rosters channel(a link to a list such as a Google Docs page or a Pastebin counts too) your claim on them is invalid.
a-If you have a real life conflict that is going to prevent you from being able to renew claims for a short period of time (under 7 weeks), you can speak to an admin (not mod) to work out a hold, meaning you are exempt from the two week rule for a set amount of time.
Tip: Discuss with a previous owner of a character before claiming them, especially if you see a lot of content/posts from them in-rp as a sign of common courtesy.
12- Evasion of moderatory discipline (silences, kicks, and bans) will be met with permanent bans from the server.
13-Please contact an admin if you want to partner with our server, but otherwise, advertising your server is prohibited.
14- Do not shitpost during events in which we (admins, room owner) specifically tell you not to. This encompasses all off topic discussion not related to any of the ongoing RPs.
15- Do NOT bring drama into this server, there is a venting channel on the ooc discord for that reason. Do not treat this server as your emotional punching bag. You will be warned ONE time before disciplinary action is taken against you. If you are experiencing ideation of self harm, suicide, or other self-destructive things, please call 1-800-273-8255 in the US. For international hotlines, click here.```

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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