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A tedious and long boat ride. Of course, they had to go from the farthest east side of Ula'Ula to the farthest west side of Poni Island. And of course, 000 got lost multiple times trying to steer the ship. And of course, 841T kept on nearly falling overboard. It was her first mission, so Looker didn't try to blame her too much for being so clumsy. She was probably nervous.

They had talked a bit during the beginning of the boat ride. During the beginning, when they had first set sail from Malie Port. 841T said she was originally from Sinnoh, a region Looker himeself had always liked, but moved to Hoenn later in her life. He learned a lot about 841T. She was very talkative. For example, she had a family, something which oddly surprised him. She had a husband and a daughter, who was only 6 months old. She appeared to care an extreme lot for them. "I was a bit worried last night," she had told him, "about going on this mission. About joining the International Police. My husband just thinks I'm on a work trip. I wasn't allowed to tell him. I get worried thinking about what would happen if something were to happen to me. But I'm positive it'll work out." Positive. That word quite perfectly described 841T.


They had reached Poni Island. Specifically, a hill in Poni Plains. It was nighttime, near midnight. 000, 100KR, and rookie 841T were standing around, watching, waiting for an Ultra Beast to show up.

The stars shone brightly in the Alolan sky, like silvery gems thrown across a blanket of deep blue velvet. The plains were dimly lit by the glowing moon. Everything seemed peaceful, perfect. How could this mission go wrong?

841T looked down at the three Pokéballs on her belt. Two held her Zangoose and Seviper. She loved them. They were always trying to one-up each other. Despite being natural predators, they got along quite nicely, in a love-hate relationship way. The other Pokéball held the partner she had been given by Interpol- an Abra. She was hesitant of using Abra in battle, since it was quite new and under-leveled as well.

A small rupture broke in the sky of light. The rupture continued breaking open, and in the blink of an eye, an Ultra Wormhole had formed. It was an explosion of lights- eye-hurting white, pale pink, electric blue, bright yellow, celadon, and many, many other colors. Like an opal in the sky. But not a normal opal, a deadly opal that lead to other dimensions and gave off warped sounds. It lit up the plains much brighter than before. 841T forgot that she was on a mission for a moment and got lost in the beauty of it. She had heard it would be awful and dangerous, but it was just so ethereal. The beast that came out of it snapped her back to reality. It was a contrast to its origin- pitch black and horrifying, grotesque even. It was enormous, especially in reference to its mouth.

This was UB-05 Glutton.

The following events were a confusing flash, lost memories, warped images. The beast turned to 841T. She froze in fear, still in a fighting stance. Everything she knew told her to fight, told her that she was capable of taking this creature, this THING down. She knew she could. But she was too afraid. It picked up a tree and threw it directly at 000. Just as soon as it had launched the tree, it quickly threw another one at 841T. This was where the confusion began. There was yelling. Struggling. She tried throwing one of her Pokéballs, her Abra which was closest to her and only accesible one in her state, just in hope it would open and could help. It did not open. Struggling paying off. Being free. Instant fear afterward. Someone yelling. Someone standing still, in as much fear and shock as she was. She began to lose focus, lose vision, everything became warped colors and shapes, along with flashes of sights. The beast quickly launching at her. Reaching for her. It grabbed her. She let out a loud scream.

And then Poni Island fell silent.

Dead. Silent.


"000, please, wait!" Looker yelled after his coworker who had walked off. "Don't you think we need to talk about what just happened? What needs to be done now?"

Nanu stopped walking. He turned his head slightly to look back. He huffed, faced forward, and continued walking. "What is there to talk about? We failed. You failed and she died."

Looker's heart dropped at Nanu's last sentence. He was responsible. He didn't take action. He had his Croagunk, he could've done something, anything. But he stood there and did nothing. And now it was his fault that 841T had died. A new, bright-eyed, optimistic recruit on her first mission. She was so excited to be helping. She had no clue. She... Had a family. Her husband is going to have to hear that she was killed. Her daughter would have to grow up, always asking where her mom was, about what happened to her. And it was all Looker's fault. He was drowning in guilt. He had ruined everything. "Please, can we just try to talk about this?"

"Well... Nothing to talk about. But you know what, 100KR, go ahead. Have at it."

Looker sighed. "Thank you. For starting information, it was not because I myself was afraid. Not completely. I could tell that it was scared. The.. Beast. I mean, of course it would be afraid, we are trying to capture it! Take it away from its home!"

"It's a savage beast, and you decided to let someone die because you thought it looked /scared/? 841T is dead. You have to accpt that. None of your apologis or alibis are going to magically make that better."

"I-" they heard and saw another rupture, over the ocean. Without hesitation, Looker RAN over to the beach. "000, COME ON!" He was trying to ignore the guilt. Maybe the mission would only be mostly a failure.

Nanu tried to keep up with him. As soon as they reached the shore, there was a large splash in the water near the beach. The Ultra Wormhole closed up. Looker stared at it in confusion. Had the UB fallen into the water? Could it swim? Is it going to drown?

Nanu finally caught up. "Arceus, 100KR, you can't run off like that all the time, not everyone can run like y-..... what in the name of Tapu Bulu..." Nanu mumbled, looking at the point where sand meets sea. "Well. That's a dead body if I've ever seen one."

"Wait, what?" Looker had been so focused on the Wormhole he didn't see the unconscious person who had washed up. So this is who fell in the ocean then. And she wasn't breathing. That couldn't be good.


They had pulled the mysterious unconscious woman over to the shore so that she wouldn't drown, if she hadn't already. Looker tried waking her up by moving her arm. "Miss, are you okay? Please wake up" he attempted to remain calm but he was extremely panicked. She had a pulse to that was good. It was at this point her eyes started to flutter open. "Oh thank Arceus.." Looker whispered under his breath.

"I guess this sorta balances out the fact you got someone killed today." Looker tried to ignore Nanu's comment.

"Miss? Are you okay?" she opened her eyes but immediately shut them in a squint, the moonlight directly in her eyes being quite bright since she had just awoken. She quietly muttered something in another language Looker had a difficult time recognizing. "Are you alright miss?"

"Arceus, 100KR, give her a moment to come back to reality."

"I-I um... Where exactly am I?" she said quietly with a very confused tone. Looker didn't blame her.

"Poni Island, Alola. I'm Looker and I promise you're going to be alright." he forgot that he was supposed to be using his codename for this mission.



"My name i-it's Anabel, I think, at least..."

"'I think'? What did that mean? Does she have amnesia?" Looker thought to himself. He noticed what looked like a large stab wound in her side, as well as many scratches on her arms and some on her legs. "Nanu, I need you to call an ambulance." Nanu who had stopped paying attention many paragraphs ago shrugged and took out his phone to call for some help.

"Do you remember anything from before you woke up, Miss Anabel?"

"Um... Protecting a tower... In Hoenn... Seems familiar.. But not much other than that, no" she was trying her best but it was obvious she was very tired and clearly confused.

"Alright, thank you. Now please rest. Help is coming soon."

"ありがとう....." she mumbled before closing her eyes and easily drifting off to sleep once again.

So, how was it? This is my most recent version of what happened in 2006. I also tied in a little secret... None of you are real, so I'll just tell you!

I tried thinking of something that would be shocking, heartbreaking, and so connecting for me to put intonthe story. That's when I had the thought- what if Kana's mother was THE Faller? The one that was murdered? This was an easy tie in, and I forgot how much I enjoy writing Looker. My favorite time writing Looker I think was the scene in Galar I did in the apartment before Bede was revealed... That... That whole scene was chaotic... But I love it! One of my favorite things I've ever written! More overprotective cop dad, please! With the party chaos, we didn't get the same magic we got with the Andi confrontation about Gladion. I loved the scene (ESPECIALLY Anabel's "wait... He's your boss?" line, I find it so freaking hilarious). And N would've been more of a shock too. But Greta caused the chaos at the party with the glitter jar, and we didn't get to see a scene for Kana like we had with Andi. I want something that captures the same feeling as that. I just need to figure it out. I'll be more confident in finally writing the "Sword" and Kana scenes once the manga comes out. Super excited, and I have so much in store for you guys. Love yall, thanks for reading, and I can't wait for the future!
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