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My opinion on Guns
To be one hundred percent honest, there will never be a true solution to gun control. I am undecided with that being said there are many reasons they should and shouldn't be allowed to own guns. To start, we shouldn’t take peoples rights to bear arms away. To contradict that guns are killing people nationwide. Guns is the third leading reason in children's deaths. There's no way to prevent this, no matter what you do around the campus you will still see school shootings worldwide. This analogy is very true and real, imagine if we made changes, made huge walls, made strict security right? If someone in the wrong mind really wants to shoot up something, they will go through the security or whatever they have to go through and shoot the people that get in their way. There is no way to help or fix this problem. Another idea is the background check, if we improve it won’t affect anything. People can bypass these checks like they do now. And people who are completely mentally fine when they purchase the gun, they can go insane in an instant. How do you prevent these ongoing problems? You CAN’T!! No matter what we do to prevent the mass shootings and school shootings, there will always be a way around it. And there is nothing we can do, which sucks because innocent people are dying by a mass shooting which is so terrible.
With this being said why stop and change the gun laws when we will still have the same problems.
We are going to just waste useful time and money to fix this long term problem for nothing, it is not the guns it is the people using it.
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