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ok, welcome to the main audio for emotional mastery. let's talk about emotional mastery in more detail now, how can you manage your emotions, how can you control, i don't like the word control, but let's just say manage your emotions. so that you feel better and stronger while you are learning English, so it's easy to say that how feel good when you are learning english but unfortunately, a lot of people feel bad when they are lerning english a lot of people feel bored or maybe just in your life in general, you are tired you are working hard and it's difficult to learn english also and still feel energetic and happy , so we have to learn some techniques some methods to manage your emotions to make sure our emotions are felling strong while we are lernning, remember again that emotion and psychology are 80% of success and a lot of people talk about this and the academic world dr stephan krachner again is the top expert on language acquisition, language learning and language education and he talks about these ideas of no linguistic factors, basicly means psychological and emotional factors and there more important the method are you using, tony robbins the famous peak performance coach talks about this is well he says directly success comes from emotion 80% of success if emotion. and 20% is the method is how you do it so you got the master
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