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get phone minimum like 5 days before I leave to Davis. maximum depreciation and pixel 4 and iPhone 11 and LG v60 release. Perhaps consider going to davis with V20 and get s10+ or newer phone later.

Actually, I think I'll use my phone for another 6 months then get the Pixel 4 or One plus

-I do not mind waiting for Note 10 to be released so note 9 is cheaper (and depreciates further) as I'm just staying and hiding home all day now and my V20 is holding up just fine (I wasn't even going to get new phone to begin with as V20 is holding just fine but I already started the sprint activation process, want something new for college, camera broken, and its nice to have something new as I got quite a bit of money still and theres very good deals out there and phones have highly advanced in the 2 years since V20 came out.) If note 9 not much cheaper after waiting few weeks after note 10 comes out , feel free to get V40 no problem its literally 90-95% as good, It wont be waste of time to get it after waiting so long to see note 9 drop since it will be further depreciated and cheaper then if i got it before in early august and it being further cheaper would make me feel better about replacing the perfectly fine and functioning V20 as the better and cheaper the device I get the less I feel bad, and the more I wait the more the v20 is getting used up and other devices are becoming more cheaper and better, the more pricey V40 open box (fresh battery) should be better deal and value by then too.

-Considering the v20 really didn't need an upgrade as it is still good and modern and pretty fast and i dont want the $400 i spent on it to go to waste, list it on Ebay if possible.

-V40 is an amazing deal at $200 . what makes Note worth so much more? (Better colors, bigger screen even though both are 6.4 inches since it's 6.4 inches has no notch and is on a wider aspect ratio, i like the infinity look of the curved display, pen is ok for photo editing, better processor even though both are SD845 because the note 9 has water-cooled heat sink so no throttling, twice as much storage which is just a tiny bonus since i dont even use that much anyways and can get a cheap micro SD, Twice as much storage, however, gives me far more free room to keep phone fast as its recommended 33% space is free for optimum speed on phone, note 9 has the superior camera, note 9 design wise will age better as no notch and notch is really just a 2017-2018 thing, Note 9 has a bigger battery which also means I don't need a big ugly heavy battery case and can use the slim/light/pocketable daily use mophie case (But the v40 case is fine and pretty slim too and since the v40 slimmer its ok for to have a bigger battery case, but still prefer to note 9 case as its overall way more pocketable and daily average use, looks nicer, has way better grip and its Big phone battery + small case battery > Small phone battery + big case battery.) Maybe consider S10+ as its 855 is more future proof and we are approaching 2020 soon where a 2018 phone (albeit flagship) starts to age
-V40 has wide lens, higher resolution, looks like an iphone and technically it has higher charge due to much bulkier battery case and is of course (at the moment) is a far better deal at nearly half the price . and LG is easier to avoid software updates beyond two generations where slowdowns happen. And samsung phones known to slowdown and get laggy over time and dont age well . also its battery case doesnt have quick charge which is good for maintaing battery. V40 also has double tap to wake. V40 being cheap makes me feel less bad about replacing v20 since it still works perfectly fine and i dont NEED upgrade, and is still fast and i paid $400 for it. but still im floating on quite a bit of money now so it shouldnt be that big of a deal if i can get a note 9 for a good and similar price. more incentive to get the v40 is that well, my v20 could honestly go for another year or two too be honest so im already theoretically wasting money and would prefer to get the budget v40. So v40 big upside is cheap price but if note 9 gets to a good deal and price similar to the V40 after waiting for depreciation and note 10 launch (which im perfectly fine waiting) then V40 biggest upside is gone

-V40 9/10 $210 now
-V40 (open box so no degraded battery) $275 now
-Note 9 if $330 or under for 9/10. (Wait until after note 10 goes on sale and look for deals. IF no $350 or under price a week before school starts, then get V40 as I can not justify paying double the V40 for a note 9, especially considering the mophie case is expensive af too) remember the mophie case is expensive asf too
(possibly consider wireless charging pad for night stand and one for car and one for pc if it works with mophie. and keep wire charger in car when using gps and wire charger next to my charging pad for travel)
-If im ballsy enough I can reactivate my V20 and use it until the s11 comes out then go get the s10+ for the essentially 5 year future proof 855 chip. And the longer I wait then more better of a device i can get for same money or same device for cheaper or mix of both which makes me feel better about upgrading from v20 since its still working perfectly since I'll be getting a bigger upgrade (and potentially cheaper) then id be getting now.

setting up a new phone:
1. watch a video of firs things to do with new phone
2. turn on scale animation .5x and turn off automatic updates in developer options. ( .5x is so it's faster and no updates so the phone doesn't slow down and stays quick as it when it came out on launch OS. OS update is the biggest reason why phones that used to be very fast when they first came out become slow. Updating once to next version like 8.0 to 9.0 is okay but definitely, don't go beyond one generation.)
3. turn off quick charging as its degrades battery life and unnecessary since i charge when i sleep
4. make sure have sd card, It is important to have lots of free space on storage to avoid slowdowns cause storage fragmentation
5. put on anti theft stuff

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