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Tugas Pengganti Vampire lesson
25 Agustus 2019
Paul Wolf - SV1919 - PG

Bahasa Vampire: bahasa ini hanya digunakan untuk sesama Vampire.

Iouee ( aioui ) = aku
Voiee ( voui~i ) = kamu
Noivegue ( noui~veakue ) = kami
Luiee ( luai~i ) = dia
Suntegue ( sunth~teakue ) = mereka
Acesteego ( akh-chestigokh ) = ini
Illadaeego ( Ihlada~igokh ) = itu
Quam facere ( kuam faserh ) = bagaimana?
In quo ( inth kuo ) = dimana?
Qui sunt ( kui sunth ) = siapa?
Cummeris ( kumerishk ) = kapan?
Quae sunt ( kwae sunth ) = apa?
Atque ( akhkue ) = dan
Estitigo ( esthtitigoeh ) = adalah
Apudion ( akhpuhdyo ) = dengan
Vampiroeh ( vempaiow~eh ) = vampire
Lupueedo ( lupunidoh ) = serigala
Fataeego ( fanta~igokh ) = peri
Umanoeegi ( uw~makhnoige ) = manusia

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤB E N D A

LIbroeeta ( liberoui~tha ) = buku
Penhaeega ( pen-ahigah ) = pulpen
Plumbueris ( plugh-bayrishk ) = pensil
Sangueda ( zanghuedah ) = darah
Sedileveei ( zen~daileviai ) = kursi
Tavololibree ( tavo~lolaibri ) = meja
Vestitileego ( veztaytayligokh ) = baju
Apantaloni ( akhpantohlonai ) = celana
Vetroeelie ( vethroi~le ) = gelas
Placâneim ( plakhanim ) = piring

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ E L E M E N T

Elementum ( ekhlementam ) = elemen
Acquamenti ( akh-guamentay ) = air
Ignisimenti ( igh~nishmentay ) = api
Terramenti ( terakhmentay ) = tanah
Aerisementi ( erishmentay ) = udara
Magnus ( maghnos ) = besar
Exiguus ( ekhsigos ) = kecil
Longgarate ( longhgarat ) = panjang
Brevisium ( brekhvihsum ) = pendek
Weidith ( aw~edith ) = lebar
Rapidious ( rahpitios ) = cepat
Lentious ( lenthios ) = lambat
Odorei ( oh~doreai ) = bau
Santobraee ( zentohbrei ) =suci
Male ( ma~lew ) = jahat
Abuono ( akh~buownoh ) = baik
Lomore ( lou~emoure ) = cinta
Timore ( tihmorkh ) = takut
Fortisia ( forthkis ) = kuat

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ K A T A K E R J A

Exsugereon ( ekh~sugehron ) = Menghisap
Osculumeega ( os~khulum~igha ) = Mencium
Intuericous ( Inktuerikous ) = Melihat
Manca ( Manka ) = Memakan
Potumeare ( Photumerae ) = Meminum
Huntaraous ( Hantaraous ) = Berburu
Accipereus ( Akkipereuz ) = Menerima
Alergraeego ( Alergrakigokh ) = Berlari
Inviadiom ( Inviadiom ) = Berjalan

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ B I L A N G A N

1 = Uno ( Huuno )
2 = Des ( Thes )
3 = Tris ( Thrris )
4 = Quatre ( Karte )
5 = Cinquea ( Sinko )
6 = Seits ( Heits )
7 = Siente ( Hienta )
8 = Acho ( Ahho )
9 = Nueva ( Neba )
10 = Diaze ( Hias )
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Regards; Team

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