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Luc Naut v kaisa voli (Next time, take minion demat and hexflash)

Runes - Minion demat (helps clear wave / cannon faster) (hex helps jump walks / engages)

Just make sure to time sums
Flash = 5m // 300s
ignite 3m // 180

2v2 win con = PTA proc // Aftershock proc

155 - Proc ur aftershock // maybe start w in that lane. Reduce dmg trade

213 - first wave + 3 melee = level 2. Concede wave if ur minion disadV

315 - probably kill closest person / time adc F

620 - rlly good target selection and aftrshk, splitting them apart rlly good

1020 - com that ur flashing to hit kaisa (so gian can do the same).

13 - ur w is auto cancel, saves time hitting wards or minions

1530 - Ward over baron pit wouldve been super good there.

16 - Try to commit and stay w/ ur jungler (Even if mid is in trouble) *(Crossmap play)

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