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1. IN1908081133566531601 : Status check
2. IN1908100653268100869 : Language call back
3. IN1908100656068460274 : Cancellation and return policy info
4. IN1908100708584267200 : Status check
5. IN1908082113168853788 : Design pilots
6. IN1908100717401727235 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
7. IN1908100734490746385 : Payment awaiting
8. IN1908080945544051594 : Status check
9. IN1908100747452132834 : Status check
10. IN1908100803151561171 : Customer not aware of cancellation
11. IN1908082346082807115 : Customer not received the product, but got delivery confirmation message/email
12. IN1908100839557626923 : Delay in delivery
13. IN1908100847556496812 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
14. IN1908100856498011355 : Service availability for pincodes
15. IN1908100846111483133 : Status check
16. IN1908100914551860110 : Emi details, terms and conditions
17. IN1908100916507811301 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
18. IN1908100917400417173 : Product is to not eligible for return
19. IN1908100947037423253 : Return cancellation requested
20. IN1908100807536210089 : Delay in shipping
21. IN1908101003448981568 : Service center details
22. IN1908091553195454352 : Delay in delivery
23. IN1908101006052143212 : Service availability for pincodes
24. IN1908101021469648710 : Status check
25. IN1908101023119230741 : Status check
26. IN1908101030291376533 : Fe/delivery boy/person details required
27. IN1908081124239472668 : Delay in delivery
28. IN1908101053268301079 : Service availability for pincodes
29. IN1908061433534135486 : Delay in delivery
30. IN1908101102165719087 : Delay in delivery
31. IN1908091611005537269 : Delay in delivery
32. IN1908101131411956757 : Return approval
33. IN1908091717282782054 : Status check
34. IN1908101144120030667 : Flipkart pay later - refund not adjusted to bill
35. IN1908041150256743709 : Issue with cod to prepaid conversion
36. IN1908091459192286723 : Status check
37. IN1908101224550279160 : Status check
38. IN1908101213482437156 : Delay in delivery
39. IN1908101239218464190 : Payment failed
40. IN1908101247027213563 : Eligibility and credit-limit related enquiry
41. IN1908101255319116492 : Status check
42. IN19080913083735319041 : Status check
43. IN1908062050152912501 : Delay in delivery
44. IN1908101313206394713 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
45. IN1908101330529120290 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
46. IN1908101331464943044 : Status check
47. IN1908101345369117514 : General enquiry on sale events/ offers
48. IN1908101343550604715 : Td not recieved/mapped
49. IN1908101354540380576 : Need additional information
50. IN1908101411241639060 : Cancellation and return policy info
51. IN1908101418514428610 : Incomplete/inconclusive chat
52. IN1908101432075395739 : Product is to not eligible for return
53. IN1908101433179629600 : Status check
54. IN1908101443265941147 : Delay in delivery
55. IN1908101508056272208 : Wants to know the reason of re-promise
56. IN1908101508566613015 : Status check
57. IN1908091619450936855 : Delay in delivery
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Regards; Team

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