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represent; temsil etmek, vekalet etmek; (deputize, stand in / depict, portray, symbolize)
deputize; vekalet etmek; (stand in, represent) I was asked to deputize for the Head of Administrative Law in a meeting. The administration made a formal request to the Attorney General's Office to deputize an agency lawyer to handle all animal rights cases.
negate; inkar etmek; (deny, refuse, abnegate, disown)
refuse; reddetmek; (decline, deny, reject, renounce) Caesar refused the crown three times
fallacious; yanıltıcı, temelsiz; His argument is based on fallacious reasoning
reasoning; muhakeme, kanıtlar; His argument is based on fallacious reasoning
gracious; nazik, cana yakın; (extrovert, friendly)
daunting (adj);ürkütücü; (intimidating, gloomy, frightening, threatening)
gloomy; karanlık, hüzünlü, az ışıklı, loş; We waited in a gloomy waiting room.
gazelle; ceylan; The gazelle is one of the swiftest and most graceful of animals.
brittle; sert ama kolay kırılabilen, gevrek, kırılgan; (stiff but fragile) As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.
dreary; kederli, kasvetli, hüzünlü, sıkıcı, iç karartıcı; It was a gray, dreary day, with periods of rain / She had spent another dreary day in the office.
dust jacket; kitabın kağıt kapağı; The printing of the book is faultless and the binding and dust jacket are perfect.
even-numbered; çift sayı
odd number; tek sayfa
capital punishment; ölüm cezası
amendment; yasa değişikliği
left open the possibility that; olasılığı açık bıraktı
strike down sth; birşeyi iptal etmek; The court struck down the law on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.
unconstitutional; anayasaya aykırı
extrinsic; dıştan gelen; (external) Extrinsic forces were responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks
intrinsic; esas,aslı, gerçek, içten gelen
reap; biçmek, hasat etmek
sickle; orak; (reaping hook)
hook; çengel
and so on; ve buna benzer, vesaire ;(and so forth, etcetra)
appetizing; iştah açıcı
digest; sindirmek
lettuce; marul
cauliflower; karnabahar
beet; pancar
recreation; hoş vakit geçirme, eğlence
courtship (n);kur yapma; (wooing)
woo; kur yapmak, flört etmek; He wooed her for months with flowers and expensive presents.
providing sth; . . . . . . sağlayarak
underscore; vurgulamak, altını çizmek; (emphasize, underline)
deity; tanrı, ilah
denomination; mezhep, tarikat
denominate; adlandırmak, isim koymak; (call, entitle, term, give name to)
before an audience; seyirci huzurunda
reconciliation; barış, uzlaşma
reconcile; barıştırmak, uzlaştırmak, aralarını bulmak
conciliate; gönlünü almak, yatıştırmak, barıştırmak
rite; dini tören, ayin
atone for; telafi etmek, kefalet ödemek; the countrys leader has expressed a wish to atone for his actions in the past
commission; görevlendirmek / sipariş vermek
sleet; sulusepken
smokestack; baca borusu
react with; reaksiyona girmek; Potassium reacts with water.
ditch (v/n); hendek kazmak / get rid of / hendek; It’s time to ditch this old, torn sweater.
foul (adj); pis, fena, kokuşmuş; There's too much foul language on TV these days.
runoff; yağmurun emildikten sonra toprak üstünde kalan kısmı
haul; çekmek, taşımak
fume (n/v); duman, keskin kokulu gaz / duman çıkarmak
jurisdiction; yetki alanı, yargılama yetkisi
juristic; hukuki, yasal; (legal, pertaining to the law)
juridic; yasal, meşru; (juridical)
jurispuridence; science of law, hukuk
jurist; hukukçu; (legal expert, lawyer, judge)
borough; kasaba, kaza, ilçe
adjacent; bitişik, yakın komşu; (adjoining, next to, near, neighboring)
commute; değiştirmek, takas etmek / evle iş arasını gidip gelmek; (exchange, travel)
outlying; uzak, ücra, kuş uçmaz kervan geçmez
revitalize; canlandırmak, kuvvet vermek
draw back; geri çekmek, geri almak; (recoil, withdraw, retreat)
recoil (v/n); irkilmek / geri tepme, çekilme, irkilme; He leaned forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.
transcend; aşmak, üstün olmak; (outdo, excel, rise above, go beyond) The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.
transcendental; metafizik, deneyüstün; (unusual, otherwordly, preternatural)
preternatural; doğaüstü, olağanüstü; Anger gave me preternatural strength, and I managed to force the door open.
enroll; kayıt etmek; (register, sign up)
maternity; analık, annelik; (motherhood, motherliness) maternity clothes
bedridden; yatalak
outlet; pazar, dükkan / yol, çıkış; The company has more than 1200 retail outlets nationwide. The plumber tightened the outlet valve.
batik; kumaş boyama
shed; dökmek, deri değiştirmek
feed on; beslenmek; If you feed your dog on biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat.
cling; yapışmak, tutunmak
rub off; -e geçmek, dökülmek
metamorphosis; metamorfoz, başkalaşım, değişim
equilibrium; denklik, muvazene, denge; (balance, stability) Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium.
scarcity; nadirlik, az bulunurluk
call for; gerektirmek, istemek, çağırmak
household (n/adj); ev halkı / eve ait, hergün kullanılan
hoard; toplamak, istif etmek
hoarding; stok yapma, istiflemek
scratch pad; karalama bloknotu
pass on; transfer etmek
levy (v/n); zorla toplamak, haczetmek / haciz, icra; notice of levy
transaction (n); işlem, muamele
stockholder; hissedar
left over from sth; birşeyden arda kalan
fee; ücret
assent to; agree to
assess; değer biçmek, belirlemek
asseverate; beyan etmek, iddia etmek; (declare, affirm)
inflict; yüklemek, vermek (ceza, acı); Humans can inflict upon other humans
decisive; kesin, belirleyici, kararlı, azimli; pilum was the decisive weapon
conducive to; yardım eden, neden olan, destek olan; (helpfull, contributive : destek sağlayıcı) a good hunting weapon is conducive to keeping the brain going
conduce to/toward; sebep olmak, vesile olmak; (contribute, cause) the belief that technological progress conduces to human happiness
pivotal; esas, asıl, eksen; (central and important) Romans score a pivotal victory / pivotal role/figure/idea
supremacy; üstünlük; (superiority) Like many times in the history of war, discipline and technological supremacy are decisive
neat; muntazam, becerikli; Pilum is very neat weapon
transfix; delip geçmek; effortlessly pilum transfixes the shileds of enemies
fade into oblivion; unutuldu (unutulma ile yok oldu)
oblivion; unutulma, kayıtsızlık
veritable; hakiki, esaslı, sağlam; (real, actual, authentic, substantial); In order to successfully use this ranged weapon, you need a veritable arms industry
dread; ödü kopmak
bendy; eğilebilir, bükülebilir; (flexible, resilient, pliable)
pleat; pli yapmak, katlamak
insatiable; açgözlü, doymak bilmez; (extremely greedy, covetous, ) it is insatiable demand for the wood and raw material
covetous; hırslı, aç gözlü (grasping, lustful : şehvetli, unquenchable: bastırılamaz, söndürülemez-istek)
ore; maden; In the Bronze age, people mined copper ore in this region, lead ore: kurşun madeni
antiquity; eski uygarlık; Since antiquity, mining and smelting for the weapons industry have contaminated European rivers.
robust; dirençli, kuvvetli
further; yardım etmek, ilerletmek, daha ileri
lesion; doku bozluması, yara, bere; Most of the archers suffered from skeletal lesions
break through; cepheyi yarıp geçmek
trajectory; yörünge, mermi yolu; Diffirent factors affect the trajectory of the arrows
decree (n/v); emir, ferman / emretmek, hüküm vermek; King Edward issued a decree in 1369 that obliged Londoners to regularly practice archery
issue; çıkarmak, yayınlamak, sonuçlanmak
altruistic (adj); başkalarını düşünen; (generous, unselfish) Robin Hood is an almost altruistic robber leader who takes from the rich and gives to the poor
go down in history; tarihe adını yazdırmak; He went down in history as highly skilled longbow archer
dispersion; dağılma, yayılma; (scattering, dispersal, sending out)
musket; misket tüfeği
projectile; mermi, kurşun
cartridge; fişek
perforate; delmek, içine işlemek; perforating shoot
forensic; adli; forensic medicine; adli tıp
pay off; karşılığını vermek, başarılı olmak / tamamen ödemek, hesabı kapatmak
rule out; reddetmek, bertaraf etmek (eliminate, bypass)
take up; hobiye başlamak
let down; hayal kırıklığına uğratmak (disappoint, chagrin, frustrate)
splinter; kıymık / yarıp parçalamak
makeshift; geçici önlem
sanitize; sterilize etmek; (clean, disinfect, sterilize) There is a temptation to think we can sanitize warfare
solution . . . . . (prep); TO; Nuclear power is sometimes touted as a solution to looming climate catastrophe
shift away from sth to sth; birşeyden kaçıp başka bir şeye sığınma; While the world looks to shift away from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources, global demand continues to climb.
component; bileşen, parça
proponent of sth; taraftar olan kimse yanlısı, savunucusu; Proponents of nuclear
scale up; büyütmek, arttırmak; Proponents of nuclear believe it is uniquely able to be scaled up quickly and reliably enough to displace fossil fuels and meet the world’s growing energy demands.
vexing; rahatsız edici, üzücü
vex; gücendirmek, küsdürmak
as of 2018; 2018 itibariyle
leakege; sızıntı; the risk of contamination and leakage around the nation
repository; depo, ambar; (depot, store, warehouse, storage) In 1987 the federal government proposed Yucca Mountain, about 100 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada, as a permanent centralized repository for such nuclear waste
mothball; projenin iptal edilmesi; (inactivate) But sustained in-state resistance led to delays in the site’s development, and the Obama administration mothballed the project in 2009.
consolidate; sağlamlaştırmak, pekiştirmek; Holtec International, a corporation that specializes in managing spent nuclear fuel, has purchased 1,000 acres of desert in southeastern New Mexico for a “consolidated interim storage facility
interim; geçici, ara; consolidated interim storage facility
proximity; yakınlık; proximity of blood (kan bağı)
come out against project; projeye karşı çıkmak
resolution; karar; (decision, decree, award) city council passed a resolution against the project
strand; karaya oturmak, sıkışıp kalmak
cannister; teneke, metal konteyner
commitment; taahhüt; Some New Mexicans fear that a centralized site in their area could be a lasting commitment
sequester; tecrit etmek, ayrı tutmak; Environmental Protection Agency stipulates that the type of nuclear waste Holtec will house must be sequestered for 10,000 years.
overblown; abartılmış, abartılı; (exaggerated) Cobb thinks that fears the facility will become permanent are overblown
lurk; gizlenmek
simmer; içten içe kaynamak; Lurking below a heavily trafficked waterway, the discovery highlights how many mysteries still simmer under the sea.
mound; tümsek, tepecik, yığın;
stumble; tökezlemek, sendelemek; (stagger, falter)
edifice; büyük bina, yapı
ostentatious; gösterişli; (pretentious, showy) They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders
showy; gösterişli, cafcaflı; (pretentious) Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion
pretentious; iddialı, gösterişli; (showy, ostentatious) The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious.
opaque; donuk, ışıksız; opaque tights / The majority of readers found his poetry difficult, even opaque
elaborate; özenli, dikkatle hazırlanmış; detailed / They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
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