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Hi, I'm Jeff Lu. Over the course of this unit, I learned many key ideas about work safety. Here are five of them, demonstrated in a WorkSafe video I made.

#1: Report any work-related injuries. This will reduce the chance of them happening again. If other workers also report the same injuries, the supervisor will suspect there might be a fault in the personal protective equipment provided or in the techniques used by the workers and inform the employer about it so that the problem can be solved.
#2: Report any mental or physical conditions that may make you unable to work safely. Your supervisor might give you another task to accomodate your condition. This will reduce the risk of you injuring yourself or co-workers because of an accident due to your condition.
#3: Don't assume you can do something you've never done before. Ask your supervisor for help. They can show you how to do it, as they will have more experience than you at it. This will reduce the likelihood that you will be injured by a machine you've never used or a task you've never done before.
#4: Know how to handle hazardous chemicals and materials in the workplace. If you don't, ask your supervisor. This will reduce the chance that you will get injured due to not knowing the dangerous properties of a chemical or material used. Your supervisor can teach you how to handle the chemical or material safely and what personal protective equipment you will need.
#5: Unplug. You won't notice dangers around you if you're on your phone, which can be dangerous for both you and your co-workers. You also won't be as productive, which can lead to you being reprimanded by your supervisor.
That's it! There are still many more that I haven't covered, but these are the five I wanted to touch on specifically. Thanks for watching!
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