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Once upon a time, there was a dog. One day, the dogs master, being a bit of a dingleberry as he was, invited some ducks in for tea. Well those ducks drank that tea, but you know what they say, you give a duck an inch, he'll rape you with his 43 centimeter long duck penis. And sure enough once the tea was gone the ducks went about covering everything in the house with duck shit, until they ran out of shits to shit, at which point they realized they still had one thing left to shit on. "Well this wont do," said duck number one. "There is a witness here, a testament to our lack of complete shit coverage." Well once again, you know ducks and their sayings. "You can't let sleeping dogs lie," and with that, they impaled Sparkles the pupper in the side of his chest with a flag they had found laying around.There are dark days, and then there are days such as these when someone brightens them with something like this. Superb. Thank you.

I work at a dog kennel and we had someone drop off a shibu one day, they left him with food and what not and came back to say goodbye so I didn’t think much. So the dog ended up abandoned at about a year old at most, the pup was with us for about 3 months before some amazing people welcomed him into their lives. He was one of the happiest little pups I’ve met in my entire life, everyday he’d be full of energy and ready to play, eat, or get attention. You’d never be able to guess this dogs past based on his sweet nature is what I’m getting at, I’m so glad he was adopted, he was abandoned about a month after I started the job, so if I had to watch that pup sit and suffer I’d probably already have quit.

The internet has tricked everyone into thinking that shibas are great dogs. They aren't and they take a very special kind of owner to create a good environment for them. That breed is one of the more difficult dog breeds to own. I've meet a lot of aggressive shibas(since the breed became internet famous) but I don't think they are aggressive by nature, I think that they aren't in environments that meet their mental and physical needs and that causes some of them to be agressive.
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