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Part 1: Identification

Your In-Game Name: Disconnected

Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:61863401
REQUIRED!: Looks like 'STEAM_0:0:123456' and can be found at

Part 2: General Information

Are you a Gold Member?
Yes i am.
When did you first join the server?
Decomber, 2013
How often do you join the server?
Everyday to Every Other day.
How long do you spend on the server at a time?
3-6 hours at a time.
How old are you?
i am 13 years old.
Do you use a microphone?
yes i do.
What makes you capable of becoming a moderator among many others?
I hop on the server alot and i know the rules of the servers
What is your biggest flaw when interacting with others?
I am very clam and nice, except when i had a bad day
Do you have Admin experience on other Gmod servers?
yes i do.
Any Additional Information:
i got kicked twice from the server but once was an accident, and another was no warning and for having a KOS

Part 3: Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Two players are heavily disputing in chat, how do you resolve the situation?
Bring them both to me and try and sort things out between the 2 players
Scenario 2: A player is ignoring NLR or FailRP, What should you tell the player?
I tell them the rules behind FailRP and NLR and warn them.
Scenario 3: A player breaks a rule and says he didn't know because he's new, how do you handle the situation?
i tell them the rule they broke then tell them to read the motd
Scenario 4: A player calls RDM, how do you handle the situation and how do you know who's telling the truth?
i bring both players and freeze the RDMer, then i find the place where he killed him in the logs and i post it in chat and ask "Why did you kill (name of player)? and if he has no reason or invalid i will warn them, and let the victum tell there story before i ask for a reason.
Scenario 5: A player kills you, and you know it was random. How do you handle the situation?
i bring him to me then i freeze him then ask why he killed me, if he has no reason or invalid reason, i warn them for RDM
By submitting this application, you agree to these conditions:
I agree that by asking any Admin or Staff Member about the application, I hereby entirely forfeit my application no questions asked.
I agree not to abuse staff power in any way and that any abuse will result in an immediate demotion.
I realize that being a staff member is a time and responsibility commitment, and that it is not just an extension of power to whenever I decide I want to play on the server.

Type "I Agree" to agree to these conditions: I Agree to these conditions.
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