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You get what you pay for.
I have no experience with the general dentist so this review will be mostly focused on the orthodontics aspect. During my first consultation, The orthodontist assured me that he was gonna be able to close the gaps between my teeth. So, we decided to take him up on the offer which was around $1800 for a whole year. Things are okay. Some of the assistants which take off your wire and bands are inattentive and talk about the guys they're hitting up right in front of you. However, there are a few who just do what they're supposed to. So, the atmosphere is very gossipy at points. When I first got my braces, the wire on the bottom of my teeth was disengaged which means the wire would pop out. I didn't know about this until my next visit when one of the assistants asked what happened. I also had no records or mold which are supposed to be done on the first visit. They just began working on my teeth on the first appointment. In addition, I still had to pay the full payment for that month despite not having fully working braces. Midway thru my plan, I was told by the orthodontist that my gaps were not gonna be able to close. This is when it begins to get infuriating for me. The orthodontist began making a plan where I had to get crowns or veneers to fill in these gaps. We were not told a price or anything about this. So still trusting the orthodontist, I did not research what the price would be. Meanwhile, he puts coils in my braces which would open the gaps which he tried to close for about 6 or 7 months already. There was visible progress in closing the gaps already and my teeth were looking way better. So, we return to the next appointment and not get told the price of how much this would cost. At this point, whatever progress had been made had been reverted. I had big gaps in my teeth again already. So, next visit, We're finally told the prices of how much this would cost. He tells us $1000 a crown. And I am going to need two of them. Honestly, do not come here for braces. He told us that the gaps are impossible to close and that precise measurements are needed to be able to conclude that they are unable to be closed. To be fair, I asked one general dentist and one other orthodontist and they told me not to do it yet, they did no exams such as that. Whenever we told him that we were not gonna do that, he seemed a bit angered in his tone and face appearance. His response was "Then, we're done here. We can get the braces off." He's always in a rush to confirm treatments for other people that you never really have time to talk about your treatments one on one for a decent amount of time. So now, I'm stuck with teeth that look almost the same before I got braces since the gaps are still large. This is a long review so if there's anything you should take away from this is: DO NOT GO HERE FOR BRACES
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