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Apex Legends New Characters Leaked! (Blisk + Skunner + Nomad Abilities)

Hey guys Sethly here back with another apex legends video, I hope your all having a fantastic day. In todays video I wanted to cover some more leaks that have been datamined. If you don't already know, there was a huge amount of developer data left in the files with the iron crown collection event update and That1MiningGuy was able to see a ton of new info on upcoming updates and potential new characters. As always, full credit goes to that1mininguyg for all the leaks, ill link him down in the description. Now, Obviously since this is just datamined information, anything could change before respawn makes these updates. As well as some of these leaked legends have multiple different abilities besides just a passive tactical and ultimate so its a bit hard to tell which ability is which and whether or not all of the abilities will be a feature on the legend. Before I get into the new leaks, if you enjoy the video, don't forget to hit that like button and if your new to the channel then hit that sub button, its the best way to support the channel.

On to the leaked legends abilities and all the information we know about them. Im going to be covering the remaining leaked characters that I didn't cover in my previous video so If you haven't see that, then go check it out to learn about the leaks for crypto, rose, and blackout. Ill put the timestamps of each legend that I cover, on screen right now.

Starting off, with Skunner. His nickname is the Crafty Trapper. So it looks like we might get a new trap type legend in the future. The first ability is called debris trap and it allows you to drop a pile of debris that slows and damages enemies when they move through it. Im not sure what the debris actually is but it seems to be his tactical ability. On to the next ability which is called Light Step. This ability allows skunner to not be slowed by debris traps and not leave traversal evidence for trackers. Im assuming this means that he won't leave clues for bloodhound's passive as well as he wont get slowed by his own traps and enemy skunner traps. Im pretty sure you can still get slowed by other types of traps besides debris traps and obviously this looks to be the passive. Lastly, we have what seems to be the ultimate ability. Its called Schiltrom Barrier Grenade and it instantly creates a spiked barrier. Depending on how big the barrier is and how much damage it does, as well as if it can be destroyed, this definitely has potential to be a very useful ability.

Next, we have Jericho also known as the Frontline. The first ability, i think is the tactical and its called ballistic shield. This is a full body shield that protects you from incoming fire. So a bit like gibraltars gun shield but on your whole body. Im assuming it will have a pretty long cooldown and somewhat low durability. On to the passive, called On your Six. This passive makes it so the ballistic shield protects your back when you are not actively using it. This skill makes me super excited because it could help a lot with third parties and getting shot in the back. The last ability is the ultimate, I think. Its called Shield-Breaker Javelins. When activated, you can throw two electrically charged javelins that burn through enemy body shields. Honestly sounds super cool so I really hope they don't change much about Jericho before he is released.

On to Prophet aka Seer the Scout Sniper. This set of abilities is ideal for a long range playstyle. First we have, Spotter Sight, which allows Seer to scan the environment and gather information on target found. Potentially there health and shield. The next ability is triple trap, most likely the ultimate, and if you use it then you can equip a silenced sniper with three shots. The passive gives you improved accuracy while aiming down sight as well as you start the game with a scope. Personally, I think this is one of the best leaked set of abilities but Im just curious about what gun the ultimate ability gives you, hopefully a new sniper.

Lets get into Blisk, the elite mercenary. Blisk is a bit different because we know some of his lore. So he was an IMC pilot from titnafall 1 and 2 and he acted as the ranking commander and a contracted mercenary. He is also rumored to have created the apex games. His first ability is called throwing knife and if you get an enemy it does 20 damage and marks the target so when you kill the marked target you are rewarded double credits. The next ability is called payday. It makes it so squad kills award credits and you can spend these credits on powerful supplies. The ability called bounty reward is where you spend your credits on select rewards. The last ability is called interrogation. When you execute an enemy it reveals the location of their allies for 10 seconds. This set of abilities seems fairly balanced and might be a really good character to use for high kill games, depending on what type of loot you can get with credits.

Next we have Nomad the Field Crafter. The first ability is called Loot Compass and if you follow the compass it leads you to the nearest item. Im assuming this means an item at all, including weapons, heals, and everything else. Nomads next ability is called Crafting Table and he can place a crafting table down and scrap salvageable material to purchase items. My guess is that this scrapped material is what you use to purchase items. Lastly, we have Packmule which
gives nomad and his teammates additional backpack space. Out of all Nomads abilities I think the extra backpack space is definitely my favorite.

On to Downfall the Populist Pyromaniac. Fire sale is the first ability and it drops a box of 4 molotovs that anyone in your squad can pickup and throw. I dont think these Molotovs are thermites, hopefully they explode with splash damage and not burn in a straight line like thermites. There is also an extra ability called Molotov Cocktail which is just where you throw a bomb that sets enemies on fire. Next we have Reign of Fire, when fired, a cascade of incendiary rockets are emitted. The last ability is called burning anger. Dealing damage builds rage and filling your rage makes you immune to fire for 20 seconds.

I don't want to make this video super long so Im going to save the last 4 leaked legends for another video. Make sure to comment down below, which legend you are most excited for. If you enjoyed the video then make sure to hit that like button, it really does help me out. If your new to the channel then hit that sub button and turn on the notification bell for daily apex videos. Its completely free. Before I end the video, If you are interested in finding people to play ranked with or discuss updates, leaks, concepts, and all that good stuff. Then join the Sethly Squad Discord and hang out with some people in the community! Its been your boy sethly, and im out.
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